You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1318 lines
58 KiB

shortText: är ett spel som går ut på att automatisera skapandet av
former med ökande komplexitet inom den oändligt stora världen.
discordLinkShort: Officiell Discord
intro: >- är att avslappnat spel där man ska bygga fabriker för att
automatisera produktionen av geometriska former.
Formerna blir svårare och mer komplexa vartefter nivån ökar och du blir tvungen att sprida ut dig över den oändliga kartan.
Och som om det inte vore nog så som behöver du samtidigt producera exponentiellt mer för att mätta efterfrågan - den enda lösningar är att skala upp produktionen!
I början skapar man bara former, men senare behöver du även färga dem - för att uppnå detta behöver du samla och blanda färger!
På Steam kan du köpa den fulla versionen av spelet, men du kan även spela demot på först och bestämma dig senare!
what_others_say: Vad folk säger om
nothernlion_comment: This game is great - I'm having a wonderful time playing,
and time has flown by.
notch_comment: Oh crap. I really should sleep, but I think I just figured out
how to make a computer in
steam_review_comment: This game has stolen my life and I don't want it back.
Very chill factory game that won't let me stop making my lines more
loading: Laddar
error: Fel
thousandsDivider: " "
decimalSeparator: ","
thousands: k
millions: M
billions: B
trillions: T
infinite: inf
oneSecondAgo: för en sekund sedan
xSecondsAgo: för <x> sekunder sedan
oneMinuteAgo: för en minut sedan
xMinutesAgo: för <x> minuter sedan
oneHourAgo: för en timme sedan
xHoursAgo: för <x> timmar sedan
oneDayAgo: för en dag sedan
xDaysAgo: för <x> dagar sedan
secondsShort: <seconds>s
minutesAndSecondsShort: <minutes>m <seconds>s
hoursAndMinutesShort: <hours>t <minutes>m
xMinutes: <x> minuter
tab: TABB
control: CTRL
alt: ALT
escape: ESC
shift: SKIFT
loggingIn: Loggar in
title: Demo-version
intro: |-
Skaffa hela spelet <strong>nu</strong> för att låsa upp:<ul>
<li>Alla 26 nivåer + oändligt Freeplay</li>
<li>22 nya byggnader</li>
<li>Mörkt läge</li>
<li>... och mycket mer!</li>
playtimeDisclaimer: Den fullständiga versionen innehåller mer än <strong>20
timmars innehåll</strong>.
playerCount: <playerCount> spelare som du spelar just nu shapez på Steam
untilEndOfDemo: Till slutet av demonstrationen
play: Spela
changelog: Ändringslogg
importSavegame: Importera
openSourceHint: Detta spelet har öppen källkod!
discordLink: Officiell Discord Server
helpTranslate: Hjälp till att översätta!
browserWarning: Förlåt, men det är känt att spelet spelar långsamt i din
webbläsare! Skaffa den fristående versionen eller ladda ned Chrome för
en bättre upplevelse.
savegameLevel: Nivå <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Okänd Nivå
continue: Fortsätt
newGame: Nytt spel
madeBy: Skapad av <author-link>
subreddit: Reddit
savegameUnnamed: Namnlöst
puzzleMode: Pusselläge
back: Tillbaka
puzzleDlcText: Tycker du om att komprimera och optimera fabriker? Skaffa
pussel-DLCn nu på Steam för ännu mer kul!
puzzleDlcWishlist: Önskelista nu!
puzzleDlcViewNow: Se DLC
title: Active Mods
warningPuzzleDLC: Playing the Puzzle DLC is not possible with mods. Please
disable all mods to play the DLC.
ok: OK
delete: Radera
cancel: Avbryt
later: Senare
restart: Starta Om
reset: Återställ
getStandalone: Skaffa Fristående
deleteGame: Jag vet vad jag gör
viewUpdate: Se Uppdatering
showUpgrades: Visa Uppgraderingar
showKeybindings: Visa Tangentbindingar
retry: Försök Igen
continue: Fortsätt
playOffline: Spela Offline
title: Importfel
text: "Kunde inte importera sparfil:"
title: Sparfil importerad
text: Din sparfil har blivit importerad.
title: Spel är trasigt
text: "Kunde inte ladda sparfil:"
title: Bekräfta radering
text: Är du säker på att du vill ta bort följande spel?<br><br> '<savegameName>'
på nivå <savegameLevel><br><br> Detta kan inte ångras!
title: Kunde inte radera
text: "Kunde inte radera sparfil:"
title: Omstart krävs
text: Du behöver starta om spelet för att tillämpa inställningarna.
title: Ändra tangentbindning
desc: Tryck på tangenten eller musknappen du vill tilldela, eller escape för att
title: Återställ tangentbindningar
desc: Detta kommer att återställa alla tangentbindningar till deras
standardvärden. Vänligen bekräfta.
title: Tangentbindningarna återställts
desc: Alla tangentbindningar har återställts till sina standardvärden!
title: Demoversion
desc: Du försökte komma åt en funktion (<feature>) som inte är tillgänglig i
demoversionen. Överväg att skaffa den fristående versionen för den
fulla upplevelsen!
title: Begränsad mängd sparfiler
desc: Du kan bara ha en sparfil åt gången i demoversionen. Var snäll och ta bort
den befintliga eller skaffa den fristående versionen!
title: Ny uppdatering!
desc: "Här är ändringarna sen du senast spelade:"
title: Lås upp Uppgraderingar
desc: Alla former du producerar kan användas för att låsa upp uppgraderingar -
<strong>Förstör inte dina gamla fabriker!</strong>
Uppgraderingsmenyn finns i det övre högra hörnet av skärmen.
title: Bekräfta radering
desc: Du tar bort många byggnader (<count> för att vara exakt)! Är du säker på
att du vill göra detta?
title: Inte upplåst än
desc: Slutför nivå 12 för att låsa upp Ritningar!
title: Användbara tangentbindningar
desc: "Detta spel använder många tangentbindningar som gör det lättare att bygga
stora fabriker. Här är några, men se till att <strong>kolla in
tangentbindningarna</strong>!<br><br> <code
class='keybinding'>CTRL</code> + Dra: Välj ett område.<br> <code
class='keybinding'>SHIFT</code>: Håll ned för att placera flera av
samma byggnad.<br> <code class='keybinding'>ALT</code>: Invertera
orientationen av placerade rullband.<br>"
title: Ny Markör
desc: Ge det ett meningsfullt namn, du kan också inkludera ett
<strong>kortkommando</strong> av en form (som du kan skapa
titleEdit: Ändra Markör
desc: Du kan endast skapa två anpassade markörer i demoversionen. Skaffa den
fristående versionen för obegränsade markörer!
title: Bekräfta Klippning
desc: Du klipper många byggnader (<count> för att vara exakt)! Är du säker på
att du vill göra detta?
title: Exportera skärmdump
desc: Du begärde att exportera din fabrik som en skärmdump. Vänligen notera att
detta kan ta ett tag för en stor fabrik och kan potentiellt krascha
ditt spel!
title: Bekräfta Klippning
desc: Du har inte råd att klistra in detta område! Är du säker att du vill
klippa det?
title: Sätt Signal
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
descItems: "Välj en förvald sak:"
descShortKey: ... eller ange <strong>kortkommando</strong> för en form (Som du
kan skapa <link>här</link>)
title: Byt namn på sparfil
desc: Du kan byta namn på din sparfil här.
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
title: Handledning Tillgänglig
desc: Det finns en handledningsvideo tillgänglig för denna nivå! Vill du se den?
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
title: Handledning Tillgänglig
desc: Det finns en handledningsvideo tillgänglig för denna nivå, men bara
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
tillgänglig på engelska. Vill du se den?
title: Sätt Sak
title: Pusslen misslyckades att ladda in
desc: "Tyvärr kunde pusslen inte laddas:"
title: Skicka in Pussel
descName: "Ge ditt pussel ett namn:"
descIcon: "Ange ett unikt kortkommando, som kommer att visas som ikonen för ditt
pussel (du kan skapa dem <link>här</link>, eller välj en av de
slumpmässigt föreslagna formerna nedan):"
placeholderName: Pusseltitel
title: Det går inte att ändra storlek
desc: Du kan inte göra zonen mindre, för då skulle vissa byggnader ligga utanför
title: Dåligt pussel
desc: "Pusslet kunde inte laddas:"
title: Offlineläge
desc: Vi kunde inte nå servrarna, så spelet måste köras i offlineläge. Se till
att du har en aktiv internetanslutning.
title: Nedladdningsfel
desc: "Failed to download the puzzle:"
title: Submission Error
desc: "Det gick inte att ladda ner pusslet:"
title: Pussel publicerat
desc: Grattis! Ditt pussel har publicerats och kan nu spelas av andra. Du kan nu
hitta det i "Mina pussel" sektionen.
title: Offlineläge
desc: Eftersom du är offline kommer du inte att kunna spara och/eller publicera
ditt pussel. Skulle du fortfarande vilja fortsätta?
title: Rekommendation
desc: Jag rekommenderar <strong>starkt</strong> att spela det vanliga spelet
till nivå 12 innan du försöker med pussel-DLCn, annars kan du stöta
på mekaniker som ännu inte introducerats. Vill du fortfarande
title: Kortkommando Kopierad
desc: Korttangenten i pusslet (<key>) har kopierats till ditt urklipp! Det kan
anges i pusselmenyn för att komma åt pusslet.
title: Anmäl Pussel
profane: Vanhelga
unsolvable: Inte lösbart
trolling: Trolling
title: Tack för din feedback!
desc: Pusslet har flaggats.
title: Rapporteringen misslyckades
desc: "Din rapport kunde inte behandlas:"
title: Ange kortkommando
desc: Ange kortkommando för pusslet för att ladda det.
title: Radera Pussel?
desc: Är du säker på att du vill ta bort '<title>'? Detta kan inte ångras!
title: Mod Warning
desc: The currently installed mods differ from the mods the savegame was created
with. This might cause the savegame to break or not load at all. Are
you sure you want to continue?
missingMods: Missing Mods
newMods: Newly installed Mods
moveMap: Flytta
selectBuildings: Välj område
stopPlacement: Avsluta placering
rotateBuilding: Rotera byggnaden
placeMultiple: Placera flera
reverseOrientation: Omvänd orientering
disableAutoOrientation: Inaktivera automatisk orientering
toggleHud: Växla HUD
placeBuilding: Placera byggnad
createMarker: Skapa markör
delete: Radera
pasteLastBlueprint: Klistra in senaste ritningen
lockBeltDirection: Aktivera rullbandsplanerare
plannerSwitchSide: Vänd planerarsidan
cutSelection: Klipp
copySelection: Kopiera
clearSelection: Rensa val
pipette: Pipett
switchLayers: Byt lager
clearBelts: Rensa rullband
cycleBuildingVariants: Tryck på <key> för att växla varianter.
hotkeyLabel: "Snabbtangent: <key>"
speed: Hastighet
range: Räckvidd
storage: Kapacitet
oneItemPerSecond: 1 objekt / sekund
itemsPerSecond: <x> objekt / s
itemsPerSecondDouble: (x2)
tiles: <x> plattor
levelTitle: Nivå <level>
completed: Avklarad
unlockText: Upplåst <reward>!
buttonNextLevel: Nästa Nivå
newUpgrade: En ny uppgradering är tillgänglig!
gameSaved: Ditt spel har sparats.
freeplayLevelComplete: Nivå <level> har blivit avklarad!
title: Upgraderingar
buttonUnlock: Upgradera
tier: Tier <x>
maximumLevel: MAXNIVÅ (Hastighet x<currentMult>)
title: Statistik
title: Lagrat
description: Alla former lagrade i hubben.
title: Producerade
description: Alla former producerade inom din fabrik, inklusive mellanprodukter.
title: Levererade
description: Former som levereras till hubben.
noShapesProduced: Inga former har producerats hittills.
second: <shapes> / s
minute: <shapes> / m
hour: <shapes> / h
playtime: Speltid
buildingsPlaced: Byggnader
beltsPlaced: Rullband
title: Behövs hjälp?
showHint: Visa ledtråd
hideHint: Stäng
cost: Kostar
waypoints: Markörer
hub: HUBB
description: Vänsterklicka på en markör för att hoppa till den, högerklicka för
att ta bort den.<br><br>Tryck på <keybinding> för att skapa en
markör från den aktuella vyn, eller <strong>högerklicka</strong> för
att skapa en markör på den valda platsen.
creationSuccessNotification: Markör har skapats.
title: Handledning
1_1_extractor: Placera en <strong>extraktor</strong> ovanpå en
<strong>cirkelform</strong> för att extrahera den!
1_2_conveyor: "Anslut extraktorn med ett<strong>rullband</strong> till din
hubb!<br><br>Tips: <strong>Klicka och dra</strong> rullbandet
med musen!"
1_3_expand: "Detta är <strong>INTE</strong> ett idle-spel! Bygg fler extraktörer
och rullband för att klara målet snabbare.<br><br>Tips: Håll ned
<strong>SKIFT</strong> för att placera flera extraktörer, och
använd <strong>R</strong> för att rotera dem."
2_1_place_cutter: "Placera nu en <strong>Fräs</strong> för att skära cirklarna i
två halvor!<br><br> PS: Fräsen skär alltid <strong>uppifrån och
ned</strong> oavsett dess orientering."
2_2_place_trash: Fräsen kan <strong>täppas till och stanna</strong>!<br><br>
Använd en <strong>soptunna</strong> för att bli av med det
avfall som för närvarande (!) inte behövs.
2_3_more_cutters: "Bra jobbat! Placera nu <strong>2 fler fräsare</strong> för
att påskynda denna långsamma process!<br><br> PS: Använd
<strong>snabbtangenterna 0-9 </strong> för att komma åt
byggnader snabbare!"
3_1_rectangles: "Låt oss nu extrahera några rektanglar! <strong>Bygg 4
extraktörer</strong> och anslut dem till hubben.<br><br> PS:
Håll ned <strong>SHIFT</strong> medan du drar ett rullband för
att aktivera rullbandsplaneraren!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Placera <strong>quad-målaren</strong> och få några
<strong>cirklar</strong>, <strong>vita</strong> och
<strong>röda</strong> färger!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Byt till trådlagret genom att trycka på
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Sedan <strong>anslut alla fyra
ingångar</strong> på målaren med kablar!
21_3_place_button: Grymt! Placera nu en <strong>Strömbrytare</strong> och anslut
den med kablar!
21_4_press_button: "Tryck på strömbrytaren för att få den att <strong>avge en
signal</strong> och på så sätt aktivera målaren.<br><br> PS: Du
behöver inte ansluta alla ingångar! Prova att bara koppla två."
red: Röd
green: Grön
blue: Blå
yellow: Gul
purple: Lila
cyan: Turkos
white: Vit
uncolored: Ofärgad
black: Black
title: Lager
empty: Tom
copyKey: Kopiera nyckel
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Extraktor
limited_items: Begränsad till <max_throughput>
title: Demoversion
desc: Klicka här för att se fördelarna med Steam-versionen!
get_on_steam: Skaffa på Steam
title: Skaffa den fulla versionen!
no_thanks: Nej tack!
title: 12 nya nivåer!
desc: Totalt 26 nivåer!
title: 22 nya byggnader!
desc: Helautomatisera din fabrik!
title: ∞ med markeringar!
desc: Tappa aldrig bort dig i din fabrik längre!
title: Kablar
desc: En helt ny dimension!
title: Mörkt läge
desc: Sluta skada dina ögon!
title: Stöd mig
desc: Jag utvecklar det på min fritid!
title: Achievements
desc: Hunt them all!
title: Modding support!
desc: Over 80 mods available!
zoneTitle: Zone
zoneWidth: Width
zoneHeight: Height
trimZone: Trim
clearItems: Clear Items
share: Share
report: Report
clearBuildings: Clear Buildings
resetPuzzle: Reset Puzzle
title: Puzzle Creator
- 1. Place <strong>Constant Producers</strong> to provide shapes and
colors to the player
- 2. Build one or more shapes you want the player to build later and
deliver it to one or more <strong>Goal Acceptors</strong>
- 3. Once a Goal Acceptor receives a shape for a certain amount of
time, it <strong>saves it as a goal</strong> that the player must
produce later (Indicated by the <strong>green badge</strong>).
- 4. Click the <strong>lock button</strong> on a building to disable
- 5. Once you click review, your puzzle will be validated and you
can publish it.
- 6. Upon release, <strong>all buildings will be removed</strong>
except for the Producers and Goal Acceptors - That's the part that
the player is supposed to figure out for themselves, after all :)
title: Puzzle Completed!
titleLike: "Click the heart if you liked the puzzle:"
titleRating: How difficult did you find the puzzle?
titleRatingDesc: Your rating will help me to make you better suggestions in the future
continueBtn: Keep Playing
menuBtn: Menu
nextPuzzle: Next Puzzle
author: Author
shortKey: Short Key
rating: Difficulty score
averageDuration: Avg. Duration
completionRate: Completion rate
name: Rullband, Distributörer & Tunnlar
description: hastighet x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
name: Extraktion
description: Hastighet x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
name: Klippning, Rotering & Stapling
description: Hastighet x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
name: Blandning & Färgning
description: hastighet x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
name: Rullband
description: Transporterar objekt, håll in och dra för att placera flera.
name: Extraktor
description: Placera över en form eller färg för att extrahera den.
name: Extraktor (kedja)
description: Placera över en form eller färg för att extrahera den. Kan kedjas.
name: Tunnel
description: Låter dig tunnla under byggnader och rullband.
name: Tunnel Tier II
description: Låter dig tunnla resurser under byggnader och rullband.
name: Klippare
description: Klipper former från topp till botten och outputtar båda
halvor.<strong>Om du endast använder en halva, se till att
förstöra den andra, annars kommer den blockera
name: Klippare (Quad)
description: Klipper former i fyra delar. <strong>Om du endast använder en del,
se till att förstöra de andra, annars kommer de blockera
name: Roterare
description: Roterar former 90 grader.
name: Roterare (CCW)
description: Roterar former 90 motsols.
name: Rotate (180)
description: Rotates shapes by 180 degrees.
name: Staplare
description: Staplar båda objekt. Om de inte kan slås ihop, placeras det högra
objektet över det vänstra.
name: Färgblandare
description: Blandar två färger genom additiv blandning.
name: Färgläggare
description: Färgar hela formen på den vänstra ingången med färgen från den
name: Färgläggare (Dubbel)
description: Färgar formerna på de vänstra ingångarna med färgen från den högra.
name: Färgläggare (Quad)
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Färgläggare
description: Färgar hela formen på den vänstra ingången med färgen från den
name: Skräphantering
description: Tar in former från alla sidor och förstör dem. För alltid.
deliver: Leverera
toUnlock: Att låsa upp
levelShortcut: LVL
endOfDemo: End of Demo
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Wire
description: Transfers signals, which can be items, colors or booleans (1 / 0).
Different colored wires do not connect.
name: Balancer
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
description: Multifunktionell - Distribuerar alla inflöden till alla utflöden.
name: Merger (kompakt)
description: Sammanfogar två rullband till ett.
name: Merger (kompakt)
description: Sammanfogar två rullband till ett.
name: Splitter (kompakt)
description: Delar upp ett rullband till två.
name: Splitter (kompakt)
description: Delar upp ett rullband till två.
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
name: Lagring
description: Lagra överflödiga saker, till en viss mängd. Prioriterar det
vänstra utflödet och kan användas som en översvämningsgrind.
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
name: Korsande sladdar
description: Tillåter två sladdar att korsa varandra utan att koppla samman.
name: Konstant signal
description: Avger en konstant signal, som kan vara en form, färg eller boolesk
(1 / 0).
name: Brytare
description: Kan ställas att ge en boolesk signal (1 / 0) på kabellagret, vilket
till exempel kan användas för att kontrollera ett sakfilter.
name: AND-grind
description: Avger en boolesk "1" om båda inflödena är positiva. (positiva menas
med former, färger eller boolesk "1")
name: NOT-grind
description: Avger en boolesk "1" om inflödet inte är positivt. (positivt menas
med former, färger eller boolesk "1")
name: XOR-grind
description: Avger en boolesk "1" om bara ett av inflödena är positivt. (med
positivt menas former, färger eller boolesk "1")
name: OR-grind
description: Avger en boolesk "1" om minst ett av inflödena är positivt. (med
positivt menas former, färger eller boolesk "1")
name: Transistor
description: Sänder vidare det undre inflödet om sido inflödet är positivt. (med
positivt menas former, färger eller boolesk "1")
name: Transistor
description: Sänder vidare det undre inflödet om sido inflödet är positivt. (med
positivt menas former, färger eller boolesk "1")
name: Filter
description: Anslut en signal för att dirigera alla matchande objekt till toppen
och resterande åt höger. Kan även styras med booleska signaler.
name: Display
description: Anslut en singal för att visa den på displayen - Det kan vara en
form, färg eller boolesk.
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
name: Rullbandsläsare
description: Mäter den genomsnittliga rullbands genomströmningen. Sänder ut den
sista lästa saken på sladdlagret (när det är upplåst).
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
name: Formanalysator
description: Analyserar den övre högra kvadranten av formens lägsta lager och
returnerar dess form och färg.
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
name: Jämför
description: Returnerar boolesk "1" om båda signalerna är exakt lika. Kan
jämföra former, saker och booleska.
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
name: Virtuell skärare
description: Skär virtuellt formen till två halvor.
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
name: Virtuell roterare
description: Roterar virtuellt formen, både medurs och moturs.
Merge base-*.yaml & fix YAML lint errors and warnings. (#918) * Update base-en.yaml Updated spelling, grammar, and to a lesser extent the information of some tips. * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Applied most of EmeraldBlock's suggestions * Update base-ind.yaml Update on tips, matching it with the new improved version, and corrected some things. - PresS#9257 * Update base-cz.yaml Corrected one of the tips. * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-en.yaml Issue #849 * Few more spelling mistakes. * Update base-en.yaml Fixed inconsistencies and mispellations of Rotator (previously was Rotater, which is wrong) * Update base-en.yaml * Improving existing CZ translations and yaml check * Update base-en.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-ind.yaml * Update base-cz.yaml * Completed translation * Update base-en.yaml Changed "20 Upgrade Tiers" to "Unlimited" * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Updated some polish translations. * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-pl.yaml Fix linter * Update base-uk.yaml * Update base-fi.yaml Full translation. Fixed some bad grammar. Anything you need here? * Update base-zh-TW.yaml Finish translating. Still need to review it all over again. * fixing errors * fixed errors. found few paragraphs not translated * changed settings * edits * more edits * quote marks 129 * fixed last errors. should work now * ready now? * colon error fix, hopefully * 2 * new try. still error with colon * Fixed idents * fixed some syntax errors * fixed more idents * Fixed missing lines and stuff * update translation ja-jp * Update base-en.yaml Upgrade text should say ∞ instead of 20 upgrade tiers, for real this time * Update base-en.yaml Changed "it" to "the game" because there wasn't enough context to know what "it" means * Update base-ind.yaml Fixed some things * Update base-kor.yaml * Update base-zh-TW.yaml * A little more Polish * Update base-it.yaml Uploaded the new text relative to the wire layer and other small corrections, it's 100% done * Update base-sv.yaml Advantages, title_future, planned, title_open_source and title_links text translated * Update base-sv.yaml Trailing space fixed * Update base-sv.yaml * Update base-sv.yaml Fix trailing spaces and wierd syntax error * Update base-en.yaml Removed changes present in a future pr * Update for base-ro.yaml I found some words like Roadmap and Standalone to be better suited when they're in English, I think some neologisms are better kept in their language. * Update base-it.yaml * Fix YAML Lint errors and warnings Co-authored-by: Hyperion-21 <> Co-authored-by: presdm <> Co-authored-by: RevosCZ <> Co-authored-by: Colleabois <> Co-authored-by: ZrubekLukas <> Co-authored-by: VL4DL3N <> Co-authored-by: Jędrzej Stolarz <> Co-authored-by: Hermanni Saresma <> Co-authored-by: Nucleareal <> Co-authored-by: sindaehyeon <> Co-authored-by: BananoGamer <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Bäck <> Co-authored-by: Memel <> Co-authored-by: tobspr <>
4 years ago
name: Virtuell stapelupplösare
description: Lösgör virtuellt det översta lagret och sänder ut åt höger medan
resten sänds åt till vänster.
name: Virtuell staplare
description: Staplar virtuellt den högra formen ovanpå den vänstra.
name: Virtuell målare
description: Målar virtuellt formen underifrån med formen från höger.
name: Item Producer
description: Endast tillgänglig i sandlådeläge, avger en given signal från
kabellagret till det vanliga lagret.
name: Constant Producer
description: Constantly outputs a specified shape or color.
name: Goal Acceptor
description: Deliver shapes to the goal acceptor to set them as a goal.
name: Block
description: Allows you to block a tile.
title: Att klippa former
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotation
desc: <strong>Roteraren</strong> har blivit upplåst! Den roterar former 90
grader medsols.
title: Måleri
desc: "<strong>Målaren</strong> har låsts upp - Extrahera färger (precis som du
gör med formerna) och kombinera med en form i målaren för att måla
formen!<br><br>PS: Om du är färgblind finns det ett <strong>färblint
läge</strong> bland inställningarna!"
title: Färgblandning
desc: <strong>Färgblandaren</strong> har blivit upplåst - Kombinera två färger
genom <strong>additiv färgblandning</strong> med denna byggnad!
title: Kombinera
desc: Du kan nu kombinera former med<strong>staplaren</strong>! Båda inputs blir
kombinerade och om de kan sättas brevid varandra kommer de att
<strong>sättas ihop</strong>. Om inte kommer den högra
<strong>staplas över</strong> den vänstra!
title: Delning/Sammanslagning
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: <strong>Tunneln</strong> blivit upplåst- Du kan nu transportera saker
under rullband och byggnader med den!
title: Motsols rotation
desc: Du har låst upp en variant av <strong>roteraren</strong> - Den låter dig
rotera saker motsols! För att bygga den, välj roteraren och
<strong>tryck ned 'T' för att bläddra genom dess varianter</strong>!
title: Kedjeextraktor
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Tier II
desc: Du har låst upp en ny variant av <strong>tunneln</strong> - Den har en
<strong>större räckvidd</strong>, och du kan också mix-matcha
tunnlarna nu!
title: Quad Klippning
desc: Du har låst upp en ny variant av <strong>klipparen</strong> - Den låter
dig klippa former i <strong>fyra delar</strong> istället för bara
title: Dubbelfärgläggning
desc: Du har låst upp en ny variant av <strong>Färgläggaren</strong> - Den
fungerar som en vanlig färgläggare fast den färglägger <strong>två
former åt gången</strong> och använder bara en färg istället för
title: Förvaringsbuffert
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Friläge
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Ritningar
desc: Du kan nu <strong>kopiera och klistra in</strong> delar av din fabrik!
Välj ett område (håll in CTRL, dra sedan med musen), och tryck 'C'
för att kopiera det. <br><br>Att klistra in är <strong>inte
gratis</strong>, du behöver producera
<strong>ritningsformer</strong> för att ha råd med det! (De du just
title: Nästa nivå
desc: "Denna nivå har ingen belöning, men nästa har!<br><br> PS: Se till att
inte förstöra din redan existerande fabrik - Du behöver
<strong>alla</strong> de där formerna igen för att <strong>låsa upp
title: Nästa nivå
desc: Grattis! Förresten, mer spelinnehåll är planerat för den fristående
title: Balancer
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
items</strong> onto multiple belts!
title: Compact Merger
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>merger</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts two inputs and merges them
into one belt!
title: Belt reader
desc: You have now unlocked the <strong>belt reader</strong>! It allows you to
measure the throughput of a belt.<br><br>And wait until you unlock
wires - then it gets really useful!
title: Roterare (180 grader)
desc: Du låste precis upp <strong>roteraren</strong>! - Den låter dig rotera
former med 180 grader (Vilken överraskning! :D)
title: Display
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires
layer! This is useful to connect it to <strong>item filters</strong>
for example.<br><br> The constant signal can emit a
<strong>shape</strong>, <strong>color</strong> or
<strong>boolean</strong> (1 / 0).
title: Logic Gates
desc: You unlocked <strong>logic gates</strong>! You don't have to be excited
about this, but it's actually super cool!<br><br> With those gates
you can now compute AND, OR, XOR and NOT operations.<br><br> As a
bonus on top I also just gave you a <strong>transistor</strong>!
title: Virtual Processing
desc: I just gave a whole bunch of new buildings which allow you to
<strong>simulate the processing of shapes</strong>!<br><br> You can
now simulate a cutter, rotater, stacker and more on the wires layer!
With this you now have three options to continue the game:<br><br> -
Build an <strong>automated machine</strong> to create any possible
shape requested by the HUB (I recommend to try it!).<br><br> - Build
something cool with wires.<br><br> - Continue to play
regulary.<br><br> Whatever you choose, remember to have fun!
title: Wires & Quad Painter
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either
to the top or the right output depending on whether they match the
signal from the wires layer or not.<br><br> You can also pass in a
boolean signal (1 / 0) to entirely activate or disable it.
title: Slutet av demo-versionen
desc: Du har nått slutet av demo-versionen!
title: Inställningar
general: General
userInterface: User Interface
advanced: Advanced
performance: Performance
dev: Utveckling
staging: Iscensättning
prod: Produktion
buildDate: Skapad <at-date>
title: Gränssnittsskala
description: Ändrar storleken på gränssnittet. gränssnittet kommer fortfarande
baseras på skärmupplösning, men denna inställning kontrollerar
super_small: Superliten
small: Liten
regular: Normal
large: Stor
huge: Enorm
title: Zoomkänslighet
description: Ändrar hur känslig zoomen är (Mushjul eller styrplatta).
super_slow: Superlångsam
slow: Långsam
regular: Normal
fast: Snabb
super_fast: Supersnabb
title: Språk
description: Ändra språk. Alla språk är användarbidragna och kan vara
title: Fullskärm
description: Det är rekommenderat att spela i fullskärm för bästa upplevelse.
Endast tillgängligt i den fristående versionen.
title: Dämpa Ljud
description: Om på, stänger av alla ljud.
title: Dämpa Musik
description: Om på, stänger av all musik.
title: Spelutseende
description: Välj spelutseende (ljust / mörkt).
dark: Mörkt
light: Ljust
title: Simulationsmål
description: Om du har en 144hz skärm, ändra uppdateringshastigheten här så
kommer spelet simulera vid en högre uppdateringshastighet. Detta
kan dock sänka FPS om din dator är långsam.
title: Flerplacering
description: Om på, alla byggnader kommer fortsätta vara valda efter placering.
Att ha detta på är som att konstant hålla ned SKIFT.
title: Tips & Tutorials
description: Om tips och tutorials ska synas under spelets gång. Gömmer också
vissa delar av UI tills senare i spelet för att göra det lättare
att komma in i spelet.
title: Rörelsehastighet
description: Ändrar hur snabbt kameran förflyttar sig när du använder
tangentbordet för att flytta kameran.
super_slow: Superlångsamt
slow: Långsamt
regular: Normal
fast: Snabbt
super_fast: Supersnabbt
extremely_fast: Extremt snabbt
title: Smarta Tunnlar
description: När på, att placera ut tunnlar kommer automatiskt ta bort onödiga
rullband. Detta låter dig också dra för att sätta ut tunnlar och
onödiga tunnlar kommer att tas bort.
title: Vinjett
description: Sätter på vinjetten vilket gör skärmen mörkare i hörnen och gör
text lättare att läsa
title: Intervall för automatisk sparning
description: Kontrollerar hur ofta spelet sparas atomatiskt. Du kan också stäng
av det helt.
one_minute: 1 Minut
two_minutes: 2 Minuter
five_minutes: 5 Minuter
ten_minutes: 10 Minuter
twenty_minutes: 20 Minuter
disabled: Avstängd
title: Kompakt byggnadsinfo
description: Kortar ned infotexter för byggnader genom att endast visa dess
storlek. Annars visas en beskrivning och bild.
title: Stäng av klipp/raderingsvarningar
description: Stänger av varningsdialogen som kommer upp då fler än 100 saker ska
tas bort
title: Färgblint läge
description: Aktiverar olika verktyg som låter dig spela spelet om du är
title: Rotering per byggnadstyp
description: Varje byggnadstyp kommer ihåg rotationen du senast var på
individuellt. Detta kan vara mer bekvämt om du ofta bytar
byggnader som du placerar.
title: Ljudvolym
description: Ställ in volymen för ljudeffekter
title: Musikvolym
description: Ställ in volymen för musiken
title: Low Quality Map Resources
description: Simplifies the rendering of resources on the map when zoomed in to
improve performance. It even looks cleaner, so be sure to try it
title: Disable Grid
description: Disabling the tile grid can help with the performance. This also
makes the game look cleaner!
title: Clear Cursor on Right Click
description: Enabled by default, clears the cursor whenever you right click
while you have a building selected for placement. If disabled,
you can delete buildings by right-clicking while placing a
title: Low quality textures (Ugly)
description: Uses low quality textures to save performance. This will make the
game look very ugly!
title: Display Chunk Borders
description: The game is divided into chunks of 16x16 tiles, if this setting is
enabled the borders of each chunk are displayed.
title: Pick miner on resource patch
description: Enabled by default, selects the miner if you use the pipette when
hovering a resource patch.
title: Simplified Belts (Ugly)
description: Does not render belt items except when hovering the belt to save
performance. I do not recommend to play with this setting if you
do not absolutely need the performance.
title: Enable Mouse Pan
description: Allows to move the map by moving the cursor to the edges of the
screen. The speed depends on the Movement Speed setting.
title: Zoom towards Cursor
description: If activated the zoom will happen in the direction of your mouse
position, otherwise in the middle of the screen.
title: Map Resources Size
description: Controls the size of the shapes on the map overview (when zooming
title: Shape Tooltip - Show Always
description: Whether to always show the shape tooltip when hovering buildings,
instead of having to hold 'ALT'.
rangeSliderPercentage: <amount> %
tickrateHz: <amount> Hz
newBadge: New!
title: Snabbtangenter
hint: "Tips: Se till att använda CTRL, SKIFT, och ALT! De låter dig använda
olika placeringslägen."
resetKeybindings: Återställ Snabbtangenter
general: Applikation
ingame: Spelinställningar
navigation: Navigation
placement: Placering
massSelect: Massval
buildings: Snabbtangenter
placementModifiers: Placeringsmodifierare
mods: Provided by Mods
confirm: Godkänn
back: Tillbaka
mapMoveUp: Gå Upp
mapMoveRight: Gå Höger
mapMoveDown: Gå Nedåt
mapMoveLeft: Gå Vänster
centerMap: Till mitten av världen
mapZoomIn: Zooma in
mapZoomOut: Zooma ut
createMarker: Skapa Markör
menuOpenShop: Uppgraderingar
menuOpenStats: Statistik
toggleHud: Toggle HUD
toggleFPSInfo: Toggle FPS och Debug info
belt: Rullband
underground_belt: Tunnel
miner: Extraktor
cutter: Klippare
rotater: Roterare
stacker: Staplare
mixer: Färgblandare
painter: Färgläggare
trash: Skräphantering
rotateWhilePlacing: Rotera
rotateInverseModifier: "Modifiering: Rotera motsols istället"
cycleBuildingVariants: Cykla varianter
confirmMassDelete: Godkänn massborttagning
cycleBuildings: Cykla byggnader
massSelectStart: Håll in och dra för att starta
massSelectSelectMultiple: Välj flera ytor
massSelectCopy: Kopiera yta
placementDisableAutoOrientation: Stäng av automatisk orientering
placeMultiple: Stanna kvar i placeringsläge
placeInverse: Invertera automatisk rullbandsorientering
pasteLastBlueprint: Klistra in ritning
massSelectCut: Klipp yta
exportScreenshot: Exportera hela fabriken som bild
mapMoveFaster: Flytta dig snabbare
lockBeltDirection: Sätt på rullbandsplanerare
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planerare: Byt sida"
pipette: Pipett
menuClose: Stäng meny
switchLayers: Byt lager
wire: Elkabel
balancer: Balancer
storage: Lagring
constant_signal: Konstant signal
logic_gate: Logic Gate
lever: Switch (regular)
filter: Filter
wire_tunnel: Wire Crossing
display: Display
reader: Belt Reader
virtual_processor: Virtual Cutter
transistor: Transistor
analyzer: Shape Analyzer
comparator: Compare
item_producer: Item Producer (Sandbox)
copyWireValue: "Wires: Copy value below cursor"
rotateToUp: "Rotate: Point Up"
rotateToDown: "Rotate: Point Down"
rotateToRight: "Rotate: Point Right"
rotateToLeft: "Rotate: Point Left"
constant_producer: Constant Producer
goal_acceptor: Goal Acceptor
block: Block
massSelectClear: Clear belts
showShapeTooltip: Show shape output tooltip
title: Om detta spel
body: >-
Detta spel är open source och utvecklas av <a
href="" target="_blank">Tobias Springer</a>
(Det är jag).<br><br>
Om du vill hjälpa, kolla in <a href="<githublink>" target="_blank"> på github</a>.<br><br>
Spelet hade inte varit möjligt utan den fantastiska discordgemenskapen runt mina spel - Du borde gå med i den <a href="<discordlink>" target="_blank">Discord server</a>!<br><br>
Musiken skapades av <a href="" target="_blank">Peppsen</a> - Han är grym!<br><br>
Och sist men inte minst, tack till min bästa vän <a href="" target="_blank">Niklas</a> - Utan våra factoriosessioner hade detta spel aldrig funnits.
title: Changelog
restoringGames: Återställer sparfiler
importingGames: Importerar sparfiler
oneGameLimit: Limiterad till endast en sparfil
customizeKeybindings: Finjustera snabbtangenter
exportingBase: Exportera hela fabriken som en bild
settingNotAvailable: Inte tillgänglig i demoversionen.
- Hubben accepterar alla sorters former, inte bara den nuvarande formen!
- Se till så dina fabriker är flexibla - det lönar sig!
- Bygg inte för nära hubben, det blir kaos!
- Om staplingen inte fungerar som förväntat kan du prova byta om dess inputs.
- Du kan ändra på bältplanneranens riktning genom att trycka <b>R</b>.
- Genom att hålla nere <b>CTRL</b> kan du dra belt utan auto-orientering.
- Ratios stay the same, as long as all upgrades are on the same Tier.
- Serial execution is more efficient than parallel.
- You will unlock more variants of buildings later in the game!
- You can use <b>T</b> to switch between different variants.
- Symmetry is key!
- You can weave different tiers of tunnels.
- Try to build compact factories - it will pay out!
- The painter has a mirrored variant which you can select with <b>T</b>
- Having the right building ratios will maximize efficiency.
- At maximum level, 5 extractors will fill a single belt.
- Don't forget about tunnels!
- You don't need to divide up items evenly for full efficiency.
- Holding <b>SHIFT</b> will activate the belt planner, letting you place
long lines of belts easily.
- Cutters always cut vertically, regardless of their orientation.
- To get white mix all three colors.
- The storage buffer priorities the first output.
- Invest time to build repeatable designs - it's worth it!
- Holding <b>CTRL</b> allows to place multiple buildings.
- You can hold <b>ALT</b> to invert the direction of placed belts.
- Efficiency is key!
- Shape patches that are further away from the hub are more complex.
- Machines have a limited speed, divide them up for maximum efficiency.
- Use balancers to maximize your efficiency.
- Organization is important. Try not to cross conveyors too much.
- Plan in advance, or it will be a huge chaos!
- Don't remove your old factories! You'll need them to unlock upgrades.
- Try beating level 20 on your own before seeking for help!
- Don't complicate things, try to stay simple and you'll go far.
- You may need to re-use factories later in the game. Plan your factories to
be re-usable.
- Sometimes, you can find a needed shape in the map without creating it with
- Full windmills / pinwheels can never spawn naturally.
- Color your shapes before cutting for maximum efficiency.
- With modules, space is merely a perception; a concern for mortal men.
- Make a separate blueprint factory. They're important for modules.
- Have a closer look on the color mixer, and your questions will be answered.
- Use <b>CTRL</b> + Click to select an area.
- Building too close to the hub can get in the way of later projects.
- The pin icon next to each shape in the upgrade list pins it to the screen.
- Mix all primary colors together to make white!
- You have an infinite map, don't cramp your factory, expand!
- Also try Factorio! It's my favorite game.
- The quad cutter cuts clockwise starting from the top right!
- You can download your savegames in the main menu!
- This game has a lot of useful keybindings! Be sure to check out the
settings page.
- This game has a lot of settings, be sure to check them out!
- The marker to your hub has a small compass to indicate its direction!
- To clear belts, cut the area and then paste it at the same location.
- Press F4 to show your FPS and Tick Rate.
- Press F4 twice to show the tile of your mouse and camera.
- You can click a pinned shape on the left side to unpin it.
play: Play
edit: Edit
title: Puzzle Mode
createPuzzle: Create Puzzle
loadPuzzle: Load
reviewPuzzle: Review & Publish
validatingPuzzle: Validating Puzzle
submittingPuzzle: Submitting Puzzle
noPuzzles: There are currently no puzzles in this section.
levels: Levels
new: New
top-rated: Top Rated
mine: My Puzzles
easy: Easy
hard: Hard
completed: Completed
medium: Medium
official: Official
trending: Trending today
trending-weekly: Trending weekly
categories: Categories
difficulties: By Difficulty
account: My Puzzles
search: Search
title: Invalid Puzzle
noProducers: Please place a Constant Producer!
noGoalAcceptors: Please place a Goal Acceptor!
goalAcceptorNoItem: One or more Goal Acceptors have not yet assigned an item.
Deliver a shape to them to set a goal.
goalAcceptorRateNotMet: One or more Goal Acceptors are not getting enough items.
Make sure that the indicators are green for all acceptors.
buildingOutOfBounds: One or more buildings are outside of the buildable area.
Either increase the area or remove them.
autoComplete: Your puzzle autocompletes itself! Please make sure your constant
producers are not directly delivering to your goal acceptors.
easy: Easy
medium: Medium
hard: Hard
unknown: Unrated
dlcHint: Purchased the DLC already? Make sure it is activated by right clicking in your library, selecting Properties > DLCs.
action: Search
placeholder: Enter a puzzle or author name
includeCompleted: Include Completed
any: Any Difficulty
easy: Easy
medium: Medium
hard: Hard
any: Any Duration
short: Short (< 2 min)
medium: Normal
long: Long (> 10 min)
ratelimit: You are performing your actions too frequent. Please wait a bit.
invalid-api-key: Failed to communicate with the backend, please try to
update/restart the game (Invalid Api Key).
unauthorized: Failed to communicate with the backend, please try to
update/restart the game (Unauthorized).
bad-token: Failed to communicate with the backend, please try to update/restart
the game (Bad Token).
bad-id: Invalid puzzle identifier.
not-found: The given puzzle could not be found.
bad-category: The given category could not be found.
bad-short-key: The given short key is invalid.
profane-title: Your puzzle title contains profane words.
bad-title-too-many-spaces: Your puzzle title is too short.
bad-shape-key-in-emitter: A constant producer has an invalid item.
bad-shape-key-in-goal: A goal acceptor has an invalid item.
no-emitters: Your puzzle does not contain any constant producers.
no-goals: Your puzzle does not contain any goal acceptors.
short-key-already-taken: This short key is already taken, please use another one.
can-not-report-your-own-puzzle: You can not report your own puzzle.
bad-payload: The request contains invalid data.
bad-building-placement: Your puzzle contains invalid placed buildings.
timeout: The request timed out.
too-many-likes-already: The puzzle alreay got too many likes. If you still want
to remove it, please contact!
no-permission: You do not have the permission to perform this action.
title: Mods
author: Author
version: Version
modWebsite: Website
openFolder: Open Mods Folder
folderOnlyStandalone: Opening the mod folder is only possible when running the standalone.
browseMods: Browse Mods
modsInfo: To install and manage mods, copy them to the mods folder within the
game directory. You can also use the 'Open Mods Folder' button on the
top right.
noModSupport: You need the standalone version on Steam to install mods.
title: Coming Soon
description: Enabling or disabling mods is currently only possible by copying
the mod file from or to the mods/ folder. However, being able to
toggle them here is planned for a future update!