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1140 lines
58 KiB

shortText: “唯一能限制您的只有您的想象力”《异形工厂》shapez
discordLinkShort: 官方 Discord 服务器
4 years ago
intro: |-
《异形工厂》shapez是一款能让您尽情发挥创造力充分享受思维乐趣的 IO 游戏。
和最聪明的玩家一起挑战,请访问 Steam 游戏商城购买《异形工厂》shapez的完整版
what_others_say: 来看看玩家们对《异形工厂》shapez的评价
nothernlion_comment: 非常棒的游戏,我的游戏过程充满乐趣,不觉时间飞逝。
notch_comment: 哦,天哪!我真得该去睡了!但我想我刚刚搞定如何在游戏里面制造一台电脑出来。
steam_review_comment: 这是一个不知不觉偷走你时间,但你并不会想要追回的游戏。非常烧脑的挑战,让我这样的完美主义者停不下来,总是希望可以再高效一些。
loading: 加载中
error: 错误
thousandsDivider: ","
4 years ago
decimalSeparator: .
millions: 百万
billions: 亿万
infinite: 无限
oneSecondAgo: 1 秒前
xSecondsAgo: <x> 秒前
oneMinuteAgo: 1 分钟前
xMinutesAgo: <x> 分钟前
oneHourAgo: 1 小时前
xHoursAgo: <x> 小时前
oneDayAgo: 1 天前
xDaysAgo: <x> 天前
secondsShort: <seconds> 秒
minutesAndSecondsShort: <minutes> 分 <seconds> 秒
hoursAndMinutesShort: <hours> 时 <minutes> 分
xMinutes: <x> 分钟
tab: TAB 键
control: CTRL 键
alt: ALT 键
escape: ESC 键
shift: SHIFT 键
space: 空格键
loggingIn: 登录
loadingResources: 下载其他资源 (<percentage> %)
title: 试玩版
intro: |-
<li>所有 26 个关卡 + 无限可能的自由模式</li>
<li>22 个全新设施</li>
playtimeDisclaimer: 完整版包括多达 <strong>20 小时的新内容</strong>
playerCount: <playerCount> 个像你一样的玩家目前正在 Steam 上玩 shapez
untilEndOfDemo: 直到演示结束
playtimeDisclaimerDownload: 您可以在完整版中继续您的存档游戏! 点击<strong>此处</strong>下载您的存档游戏。
play: 开始游戏
changelog: 更新日志
importSavegame: 读取存档
openSourceHint: 本游戏已开源!
discordLink: 官方 Discord 服务器
helpTranslate: 帮助我们翻译!
browserWarning: 很抱歉,本游戏在当前浏览器上可能运行缓慢!使用 Chrome 或者购买完整版以得到更好的体验。
savegameLevel: 第 <x> 关
savegameLevelUnknown: 未知关卡
continue: 继续游戏
newGame: 新游戏
madeBy: 作者:<author-link>
subreddit: Reddit
savegameUnnamed: 存档未命名
puzzleMode: 谜题模式
back: 返回
puzzleDlcText: 持续优化追求极致效率。在限定空间内使用有限的设施来创造图形《异形工厂》Shapez的首个 DLC
puzzleDlcWishlist: 添加愿望单!
puzzleDlcViewNow: 查看 DLC
Mod Support - 1.5.0 Update (#1361) * initial modloader draft * modloader features * Refactor mods to use signals * Add support for modifying and registering new transltions * Minor adjustments * Support for string building ids for mods * Initial support for adding new buildings * Refactor how mods are loaded to resolve circular dependencies and prepare for future mod loading * Lazy Load mods to make sure all dependencies are loaded * Expose all exported members automatically to mods * Fix duplicate exports * Allow loading mods from standalone * update changelog * Fix mods folder incorrect path * Fix modloading in standalone * Fix sprites not getting replaced, update demo mod * Load dev mod via raw loader * Improve mod developing so mods are directly ready to be deployed, load mods from local file server * Proper mods ui * Allow mods to register game systems and draw stuff * Change mods path * Fix sprites not loading * Minor adjustments, closes #1333 * Add support for loading atlases via mods * Add support for loading mods from external sources in DEV * Add confirmation when loading mods * Fix circular dependency * Minor Keybindings refactor, add support for keybindings to mods, add support for dialogs to mods * Add some mod signals * refactor game loading states * Make shapez exports global * Start to make mods safer * Refactor file system electron event handling * Properly isolate electron renderer process * Update to latest electron * Show errors when loading mods * Update confirm dialgo * Minor restructure, start to add mod examples * Allow adding custom themesw * Add more examples and allow defining custom item processor operations * Add interface to register new buildings * Fixed typescript type errors (#1335) * Refactor building registry, make it easier for mods to add new buildings * Allow overriding existing methods * Add more examples and more features * More mod examples * Make mod loading simpler * Add example how to add custom drawings * Remove unused code * Minor modloader adjustments * Support for rotation variants in mods (was broken previously) * Allow mods to replace builtin sub shapes * Add helper methods to extend classes * Fix menu bar on mac os * Remember window state * Add support for paste signals * Add example how to add custom components and systems * Support for mod settings * Add example for adding a new item type * Update class extensions * Minor adjustments * Fix typo * Add notification blocks mod example * Add small tutorial * Update readme * Add better instructions * Update JSDoc for Replacing Methods (#1336) * upgraded types for overriding methods * updated comments Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Direction lock now indicates when there is a building inbetween * Fix mod examples * Fix linter error * Game state register (#1341) * Added a gamestate register helper Added a gamestate register helper * Update mod_interface.js * export build options * Fix runBeforeMethod and runAfterMethod * Minor game system code cleanup * Belt path drawing optimization * Fix belt path optimization * Belt drawing improvements, again * Do not render belts in statics disabled view * Allow external URL to load more than one mod (#1337) * Allow external URL to load more than one mod Instead of loading the text returned from the remote server, load a JSON object with a `mods` field, containing strings of all the mods. This lets us work on more than one mod at a time or without separate repos. This will break tooling such as `create-shapezio-mod` though. * Update modloader.js * Prettier fixes * Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page (#1339) Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page: * allow command line switch to load more than one mod (#1342) * Fixed class handle type (#1345) * Fixed class handle type * Fixed import game state * Minor adjustments * Refactor item acceptor to allow only single direction slots * Allow specifying minimumGameVersion * Add sandbox example * Replaced concatenated strings with template literals (#1347) * Mod improvements * Make wired pins component optional on the storage * Fix mod examples * Bind `this` for method overriding JSDoc (#1352) * fix entity debugger reaching HTML elements (#1353) * Store mods in savegame and show warning when it differs * Closes #1357 * Fix All Shapez Exports Being Const (#1358) * Allowed setting of variables inside webpack modules * remove console log * Fix stringification of things inside of eval Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Fix building placer intersection warning * Add example for storing data in the savegame * Fix double painter bug (#1349) * Add example on how to extend builtin buildings * update readme * Disable steam achievements when playing with mods * Update translations Co-authored-by: Thomas (DJ1TJOO) <> Co-authored-by: Bagel03 <> Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> Co-authored-by: Emerald Block <> Co-authored-by: saile515 <> Co-authored-by: Sense101 <>
3 years ago
title: 激活游戏模组Mods
warningPuzzleDLC: 无法在任何游戏模组Mods下进行“谜题挑战者” DLC请关闭所有游戏模组Mods
ok: 确认
delete: 删除
cancel: 取消
later: 以后
restart: 重新开始
reset: 重置
getStandalone: 获取完整版
deleteGame: 我没疯!我知道我在做什么!
viewUpdate: 查看更新
showUpgrades: 显示设施升级
showKeybindings: 显示按键设置
retry: 重试
continue: 继续
playOffline: 离线游戏
title: 读取错误
text: 未能读取您的存档:
title: 读取成功
text: 存档被成功读取
title: 存档损坏
text: 未能读取您的存档:
title: 确认删除
text: 您确定要删除这个游戏吗?<br><br> “<savegameName>” 等级 <savegameLevel><br><br> 该操作无法回退!
title: 删除失败
text: 未能删除您的存档
title: 需要重启游戏
text: 您需要重启游戏以应用变更的设置。
title: 更改按键设定
desc: 请按下您想要使用的按键以设定,或者按下 ESC 键来取消设定。
title: 重置按键设定
desc: 您将要重置所有按键设定,请确认。
title: 重置按键设定
desc: 成功重置所有按键设定!
title: 试玩版
desc: 您尝试使用了 “<feature>” 一项功能。该功能在试玩版中不可用。请考虑购买完整版以获得更好的体验。
title: 存档数量限制
desc: 试玩版中只能保存一份存档。请删除旧存档或者购买完整版!
title: 新内容更新啦!
desc: 以下为游戏最新更新内容:
title: 解锁升级
desc: <strong>您生产过的所有图形都能被用来解锁升级。</strong> 所以不要销毁您之前建造的工厂!注意:升级菜单在屏幕右上角。
title: 确认删除
desc: 您将要删除很多设施,准确来说有 <count> 个!您确定要这么做吗?
title: 尚未解锁
desc: 您还没有解锁蓝图功能!通过第 12 关的挑战后可解锁蓝图。
title: 实用快捷键
desc: 这个游戏有很多有用的快捷键设定。以下是其中的一些介绍,记得在<strong>按键设置</strong>中查看其他按键设定!<br><br>
<code class='keybinding'>CTRL 键</code> + 拖动:选择区域以复制或删除。<br> <code
class='keybinding'>SHIFT 键</code> 按住以放置多个同一种设施。<br> <code
class='keybinding'>ALT 键</code>:反向放置传送带。<br>
title: 创建地图标记
desc: 填写一个有意义的名称,还可以同时包含一个形状的<strong>短代码</strong>(您可以 <link>点击这里</link> 生成短代码)
titleEdit: 编辑地图标记
desc: 在试玩版中您只能创建两个地图标记。请获取完整版以创建更多标记。
title: 确认剪切
desc: 您将要剪切很多设施,准确来说有 <count> 种!您确定要这么做吗?
title: 工厂截图
desc: 您将要导出您整个工厂基地的截图。如果您已经建设了一个规模很大的基地,生成截图的过程将会很慢,且有可能导致游戏崩溃!
title: 确认剪切
desc: 您没有足够的图形来粘贴这个区域!您确定要剪切吗?
title: 设置信号
descItems: "选择一个预定义的项目:"
descShortKey: ... 或者输入图形的 <strong>短代码</strong> (您可以 <link>点击这里</link> 生成短代码)
title: 重命名游戏存档
desc: 您可以在此重命名游戏存档。
title: 教程
desc: 这个关卡有视频攻略!您想查看这个视频攻略吗?
title: 教程
desc: 这个关卡有英语版本的视频攻略!您想查看这个视频攻略吗?
title: 设置项目
title: 谜题载入失败
desc: 很遗憾,谜题未能载入:
title: 提交谜题
descName: 给您的谜题设定名称:
descIcon: 请输入唯一的短代码,它将显示为标志您的谜题的图标(<link>在此</link>生成,或者从以下随机推荐的图形中选择一个):
placeholderName: 谜题标题
title: 无法调整大小
desc: 您无法使这块区域变得更小,否则有些设施将会超出区域范围。
title: 谜题出错
desc: 谜题载入失败:
title: 离线模式
desc: 访问服务器失败,游戏只能在离线模式下进行。请确认您的网络连接正常。
title: 下载出错
desc: 无法下载谜题:
title: 提交出错
desc: 无法提交您的谜题:
title: 谜题已发布
desc: 恭喜!您所创造的谜题已成功发布,别的玩家已经可以对您的谜题发起挑战!您可以在“我的谜题”部分找到您发布的谜题。
title: 离线模式
desc: 由于您现在没有连接互联网,所以您将无法保存或发布您的谜题。是否仍要继续?
title: 游戏建议
desc: <strong>强烈</strong>建议您在至少完成本体第12关后再尝试体验“谜题挑战者”
title: 短代码已复制
desc: 此谜题的短代码(<key>)已经复制到了您的剪贴板!您可以在谜题菜单中输入短代码以快速访问对应谜题。
title: 上报谜题
profane: 污言秽语
unsolvable: 无法完成
trolling: 恶意设计
title: 感谢您的反馈!
desc: 此谜题已标记!
title: 上报失败
desc: 无法处理您的上报:
title: 输入短代码
desc: 输入此谜题的短代码以载入。
title: 删除谜题?
desc: 您是否确认删除“<title>”?删除后不可恢复!
Mod Support - 1.5.0 Update (#1361) * initial modloader draft * modloader features * Refactor mods to use signals * Add support for modifying and registering new transltions * Minor adjustments * Support for string building ids for mods * Initial support for adding new buildings * Refactor how mods are loaded to resolve circular dependencies and prepare for future mod loading * Lazy Load mods to make sure all dependencies are loaded * Expose all exported members automatically to mods * Fix duplicate exports * Allow loading mods from standalone * update changelog * Fix mods folder incorrect path * Fix modloading in standalone * Fix sprites not getting replaced, update demo mod * Load dev mod via raw loader * Improve mod developing so mods are directly ready to be deployed, load mods from local file server * Proper mods ui * Allow mods to register game systems and draw stuff * Change mods path * Fix sprites not loading * Minor adjustments, closes #1333 * Add support for loading atlases via mods * Add support for loading mods from external sources in DEV * Add confirmation when loading mods * Fix circular dependency * Minor Keybindings refactor, add support for keybindings to mods, add support for dialogs to mods * Add some mod signals * refactor game loading states * Make shapez exports global * Start to make mods safer * Refactor file system electron event handling * Properly isolate electron renderer process * Update to latest electron * Show errors when loading mods * Update confirm dialgo * Minor restructure, start to add mod examples * Allow adding custom themesw * Add more examples and allow defining custom item processor operations * Add interface to register new buildings * Fixed typescript type errors (#1335) * Refactor building registry, make it easier for mods to add new buildings * Allow overriding existing methods * Add more examples and more features * More mod examples * Make mod loading simpler * Add example how to add custom drawings * Remove unused code * Minor modloader adjustments * Support for rotation variants in mods (was broken previously) * Allow mods to replace builtin sub shapes * Add helper methods to extend classes * Fix menu bar on mac os * Remember window state * Add support for paste signals * Add example how to add custom components and systems * Support for mod settings * Add example for adding a new item type * Update class extensions * Minor adjustments * Fix typo * Add notification blocks mod example * Add small tutorial * Update readme * Add better instructions * Update JSDoc for Replacing Methods (#1336) * upgraded types for overriding methods * updated comments Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Direction lock now indicates when there is a building inbetween * Fix mod examples * Fix linter error * Game state register (#1341) * Added a gamestate register helper Added a gamestate register helper * Update mod_interface.js * export build options * Fix runBeforeMethod and runAfterMethod * Minor game system code cleanup * Belt path drawing optimization * Fix belt path optimization * Belt drawing improvements, again * Do not render belts in statics disabled view * Allow external URL to load more than one mod (#1337) * Allow external URL to load more than one mod Instead of loading the text returned from the remote server, load a JSON object with a `mods` field, containing strings of all the mods. This lets us work on more than one mod at a time or without separate repos. This will break tooling such as `create-shapezio-mod` though. * Update modloader.js * Prettier fixes * Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page (#1339) Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page: * allow command line switch to load more than one mod (#1342) * Fixed class handle type (#1345) * Fixed class handle type * Fixed import game state * Minor adjustments * Refactor item acceptor to allow only single direction slots * Allow specifying minimumGameVersion * Add sandbox example * Replaced concatenated strings with template literals (#1347) * Mod improvements * Make wired pins component optional on the storage * Fix mod examples * Bind `this` for method overriding JSDoc (#1352) * fix entity debugger reaching HTML elements (#1353) * Store mods in savegame and show warning when it differs * Closes #1357 * Fix All Shapez Exports Being Const (#1358) * Allowed setting of variables inside webpack modules * remove console log * Fix stringification of things inside of eval Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Fix building placer intersection warning * Add example for storing data in the savegame * Fix double painter bug (#1349) * Add example on how to extend builtin buildings * update readme * Disable steam achievements when playing with mods * Update translations Co-authored-by: Thomas (DJ1TJOO) <> Co-authored-by: Bagel03 <> Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> Co-authored-by: Emerald Block <> Co-authored-by: saile515 <> Co-authored-by: Sense101 <>
3 years ago
title: 模组警告
desc: 当前已安装的游戏模组Mods与该存档创建时所安装的游戏模组Mods不同这可能会导致存档损坏甚至无法加载。你确定要继续加载吗
missingMods: 缺失的游戏模组Mods
newMods: 新安装的游戏模组Mods
title: Resources failed to load
demoLinkText: shapez demo on Steam
descWeb: "One ore more resources could not be loaded. Make sure you have a
stable internet connection and try again. If this still doesn't
work, make sure to also disable any browser extensions (including
adblockers).<br><br> As an alternative, you can also play the
<demoOnSteamLinkText>. <br><br> Error Message:"
descSteamDemo: "One ore more resources could not be loaded. Try restarting the
game - If that does not help, try reinstalling and verifying the
game files via Steam. <br><br> Error Message:"
moveMap: 移动地图
selectBuildings: 选择区域
stopPlacement: 停止放置
rotateBuilding: 转动设施
placeMultiple: 放置多个
reverseOrientation: 反向放置
disableAutoOrientation: 关闭自动定向
toggleHud: 切换可视化界面HUD
placeBuilding: 放置设施
createMarker: 创建地图标记
delete: 销毁
pasteLastBlueprint: 粘贴上一个蓝图
lockBeltDirection: 启用传送带规划器
plannerSwitchSide: 规划器换边
cutSelection: 剪切
copySelection: 复制
clearSelection: 取消选择
pipette: 吸取器
switchLayers: 切换层
clearBelts: 清除传送带
cycleBuildingVariants: 按 <key> 键以选择设施的变型体。
hotkeyLabel: 快捷键:<key>
speed: 速率
range: 范围
storage: 容量
oneItemPerSecond: 1 个/秒
itemsPerSecond: <x> 个/秒
itemsPerSecondDouble: 2 倍)
tiles: <x> 格
levelTitle: 第 <level> 关
completed: 完成
unlockText: 解锁<reward>
buttonNextLevel: 下一关
newUpgrade: 有新内容更新啦!
gameSaved: 游戏已保存。
freeplayLevelComplete: 第 <level> 关 完成了!
title: 升级
buttonUnlock: 升级
tier: <x>级
maximumLevel: 最高级(<currentMult> 倍速率)
title: 统计信息
title: 仓库
description: 所有存储在中心基地的图形。
title: 生产
description: 所有在工厂内生产的图形,包括中间产物。
title: 交付
description: 交付到中心基地的图形。
noShapesProduced: 您还没有生产任何图形。
second: <shapes> / 秒
minute: <shapes> / 分
hour: <shapes> / 小时
playtime: 游戏时间
buildingsPlaced: 设施数量
beltsPlaced: 传送带数量
title: 需要帮助?
showHint: 显示帮助
hideHint: 关闭
cost: 成本
waypoints: 地图标记
hub: 中心
description: 左键点击地图标记以跳转到该处,右键点击可删除地图标记。<br><br>按 <keybinding>
creationSuccessNotification: 成功创建地图标记。
title: 新手教程
1_1_extractor: 在<strong>圆形</strong>上放置一个<strong>开采器</strong>来获取圆形!<br><br>提示:<strong>按下鼠标左键</strong>选中<strong>开采器</strong>
1_2_conveyor: 用<strong>传送带</strong>将您的开采器连接到中心基地上!<br><br>提示:选中<strong>传送带</strong>后<strong>按下鼠标左键可拖动</strong>布置传送带!
1_3_expand: 您可以放置更多的<strong>开采器</strong>和<strong>传送带</strong>来更有效率地完成关卡目标。<br><br>
提示:按住 <strong>SHIFT</strong> 键可放置多个<strong>开采器</strong>,注意用
<strong>R</strong> 键可旋转<strong>开采器</strong>的出口方向,确保开采的图形可以顺利传送。
2_1_place_cutter: 现在放置一个<strong>切割器</strong>,这个设施可把<strong>圆形</strong>切成两半!<br><br>注意:无论如何放置,切割机总是<strong>从上到下</strong>切割。
2_2_place_trash: 使用切割机后产生的废弃图形会导致<strong>堵塞</strong>。<br><br>注意使用<strong>垃圾桶</strong>清除当前
(!) 不需要的废物。
2_3_more_cutters: 干的好!现在放置 <strong>2
个以上的切割机</strong>来加快当前缓慢的过程!<br><br>提示:用<strong>快捷键 0 - 9
3_1_rectangles: 现在让我们开采一些矩形!找到<strong>矩形地带</strong>并<strong>放置 4
提示:选中<strong>传送带</strong>后按住 <strong>SHIFT
21_1_place_quad_painter: 放置<strong>四口上色器</strong>并且获取一些<strong>圆形</strong><strong>白色</strong>和<strong>红色</strong>
21_2_switch_to_wires: 按 <strong>E</strong> 键选择<strong>电线层</strong><br><br>
21_3_place_button: 很好!现在放置一个<strong>开关</strong>并连接导线!
21_4_press_button: 按下<strong>开关</strong>来<strong>产生正信号</strong>以激活<strong>上色器</strong>。<br><br>注:您不用连上所有的输入口!试着只接两个。
red: 红色
green: 绿色
blue: 蓝色
yellow: 黄色
purple: 紫色
cyan: 青色
white: 白色
uncolored: 无色
black: 黑色
copyKey: 复制短代码
one_miner: 1 个开采器
n_miners: <amount> 个开采器
limited_items: 限制在 <max_throughput>
title: 试玩版
desc: 点击这里了解完整版内容
get_on_steam: 在 Steam 商城购买
no_thanks: 不需要,谢谢
title: 19 个全新关卡!
desc: 总共 26 个不同关卡!
title: 22 个全新设施!
desc: 呈现完全体的全自动工厂!
title: 支持游戏模组Mods
desc: 超过 80 个游戏模组可供下载!
title: 无限数量地图标记
desc: 地图再大,不会迷路!
title: 电线更新包
desc: 发挥创造力的全新维度!
title: 暗色模式
desc: 优雅且护眼的配色!
title: 支持作者
desc: 我使用闲暇时间开发游戏!
title: 成就
desc: 挑战全成就解锁!
titleV2: "Get the full version now on Steam to unlock:"
titleExpiredV2: Demo completed!
titleEnjoyingDemo: Enjoy the demo?
zoneTitle: 区域
zoneWidth: 宽度
zoneHeight: 高度
trimZone: 整理
clearItems: 清除项目
share: 共享
report: 上报
clearBuildings: 清除设施
resetPuzzle: 重设谜题
title: 谜题编辑器
- 1. 放置<strong>常量生成器</strong>,为玩家提供此谜题的初始图形和颜色。
- 2. 建造您希望玩家稍后建造的一个或多个图形,并将其交付给一个或多个<strong>目标接收器</strong>。
- 3.
- 4. 单击设施上的<strong>锁定按钮</strong>即可将其禁用。
- 5. 单击审阅后,您的谜题将通过验证,您可以正式发布它。
- 6.
title: 谜题挑战成功!
titleLike: 喜欢此谜题的话,请为它点赞:
titleRating: 您觉得此谜题难度如何?
titleRatingDesc: 您的评分将帮助作者在未来创作出更好的谜题!
continueBtn: 继续游戏
menuBtn: 菜单
nextPuzzle: 下一个谜题
author: 作者
shortKey: 短代码
rating: 难度评分
averageDuration: 平均挑战时间
completionRate: 挑战完成率
name: 传送、分发、隧道
description: 效率 <currentMult> 倍 → <newMult> 倍
name: 开采
description: 效率 <currentMult> 倍 → <newMult> 倍
name: 切割、旋转、堆叠
description: 效率 <currentMult> 倍 → <newMult> 倍
name: 混色、上色
description: 效率 <currentMult> 倍 → <newMult> 倍
name: 传送带
description: 运送物品,选中后<strong>按住鼠标并拖动</strong>可一次性放置多个传送带。
name: 开采器
description: 放置在<strong>图形</strong>或者<strong>颜色</strong>上进行开采。
name: 开采器(链式)
description: 放置在<strong>图形</strong>或者<strong>颜色</strong>上进行开采。它们可以被链接在一起。
name: 隧道
description: 可放置在<strong>传送带</strong>或<strong>设施</strong>下方以运送物品。
name: 二级隧道
description: 可放置在<strong>传送带</strong>或<strong>设施</strong>下方以运送物品。
name: 切割机
description: 始终将<strong>图形</strong>从上到下切开并分别输出。<strong>如果您只需要其中一半的图形,使用<strong>垃圾桶</strong>清除另一半图形,否则切割机会停止工作!</strong>
name: 切割机(四向)
description: 将输入的图形切成四块。<strong>如果您只需要其中一块图形,使用<strong>垃圾桶</strong>清除其他图形,否则切割机会停止工作!</strong>
name: 旋转机
description: 将<strong>图形</strong>顺时针旋转 90 度。
name: 旋转机(逆时针)
description: 将<strong>图形</strong>逆时针旋转 90 度。
name: 旋转机180 度)
description: 将<strong>图形</strong>旋转 180 度。
name: 堆叠机
description: 将输入的<strong>图形</strong>在同一层内组合在一起。如果不能被直接组合,则右边输入<strong>图形</strong>会堆叠在左边输入<strong>图形</strong>上面。
name: 混色器
description: 用叠加混色法将两个<strong>颜色</strong>混合。
name: 上色器
description: 将整个<strong>图形</strong>涂上输入的<strong>颜色</strong>。
name: 上色器(双面)
description: 使用顶部输入的<strong>颜色</strong>为左侧输入的<strong>图形</strong>上色。
name: 上色器(四口)
description: 能够为<strong>图形</strong>的四个象限单独上色。记住只有通过电线层上带有<strong>正信号</strong>的插槽才可以上色!
name: 上色器(镜像)
description: 将整个<strong>图形</strong>涂上输入的颜色。
name: 垃圾桶
description: 可以从所有四个方向上输入物品并永久清除它们。
deliver: 交付
toUnlock: 解锁
levelShortcut: 关卡
endOfDemo: 试玩版结束
name: 电线
description: 可用来传输<strong>信号<strong>信号可以是物品颜色或者开关值0 或 1
name: 电线
description: 可用来传输<strong>信号<strong>信号可以是物品颜色或者开关值0 或 1
name: 平衡器
description: 多功能的设施:可将所有输入均匀地分配到所有输出上。
name: 合并器(小型)
description: 可将两条传送带合并为一条。
name: 合并器(小型)
description: 可将两条传送带合并为一条。
name: 分离器(小型)
description: 可将一条传送带分成为两条。
name: 分离器(小型)
description: 可将一条传送带分成为两条。
name: 存储器
description: 储存多余的物品,直到储满。优先处理左边的输出,并可以用作溢出门。
name: 交叉电线
description: 使两根<strong>电线</strong>交叉而不会连接起来。
name: 恒定信号
description: 发出固定信号,可以是<strong>图形</strong>、<strong>颜色</strong>、<strong>开关值1 /
name: 开关
description: 可以在电线层上发出<strong>开关值1 / 0</strong>信号,以达到控制部件的作用,比如可以用来控制物品过滤器。
name: 与门
description: 如果输入<strong>都是</strong>正信号,则发出<strong>开1</strong>信号。正信号图形颜色1信号
name: 非门
description: 如果输入<strong>不是</strong>正信号,则发出<strong>开1</strong>信号。正信号图形颜色1信号
name: 异或门
description: 如果输入<strong>只有一个</strong>正信号,则发出<strong>开1</strong>信号。正信号图形颜色1信号
name: 或门
description: 如果输入<strong>有一个</strong>是正信号,则发出<strong>开1</strong>信号。正信号图形颜色1信号
name: 晶体管
description: 如果侧边输入正信号输入可以通过并转发。正信号图形颜色1信号
name: 晶体管
description: 如果侧边输入正信号输入可以通过并转发。正信号图形颜色1信号
name: 过滤器
description: 在顶侧输出和<strong>信号</strong>匹配的内容在右侧输出不匹配的内容。如果是开关量的话1信号从顶侧输出0信号从右侧输出。
name: 显示器
description: 在显示器上显示连接的<strong>信号</strong>(信号可以是:图形、颜色、开关值)。
name: 传送带读取器
description: 可以读取<strong>传送带</strong>平均<strong>吞吐量</strong>。输出最后在<strong>电线层</strong>上读取的物品(一旦解锁。)
name: 图形分析器
description: 分析<strong>图形</strong>最底层的右上象限并返回其<strong>图形</strong>和<strong>颜色</strong>。
name: 比较器
description: 如果输入的两个<strong>信号</strong>一样将输出开1信号可以比较图形颜色和开关值。
name: 模拟切割机
description: 模拟将<strong>图形</strong>切割成两半。
name: 模拟旋转机
description: 模拟顺时针旋转<strong>图形</strong>。
name: 模拟拆分器
description: 模拟提取最上层<strong>图形</strong>从右侧输出,提取其余的<strong>图形</strong>从左侧输出。
name: 模拟堆叠机
description: 模拟将右侧<strong>图形</strong>叠在左侧<strong>图形</strong>上。
name: 模拟上色器
description: 模拟使用右侧输入的<strong>颜色</strong>给底部输入的<strong>图形</strong>上色
name: 物品生成器
description: 仅在沙盒模式下可用,在常规层上输出<strong>电线层</strong>给定的<strong>信号</strong>。
name: 常量生成器
description: 不断输出指定的图形或颜色。
name: 目标接收器
description: 将图状传递给目标接收器,以将它们设置为谜题挑战目标。
name: 方块
description: 放置了方块的格子将无法再进行其他放置。
title: 切割图形
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>切割机</strong>,不管如何放置,它只会从上到下切开<strong>图形</strong>
title: 旋转
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>旋转机</strong>。它会顺时针将输入的<strong>图形旋转90度</strong>。
title: 上色
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>上色器</strong>。开采一些颜色(就像您开采图形一样),将其在上色器中与图形结合来将图形上色!
title: 混合颜色
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>混色器</strong>。它使用<strong>叠加混色法</strong>将两种颜色混合起来。
title: 堆叠
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>堆叠机</strong>。它会将将输入的<strong>图形</strong>在同一层内组合在一起。
title: 分离器(小型)
desc: 您已经解锁了<strong>平衡器</strong>的变体<strong>分离器</strong>,它会把输入的东西一分为二!
title: 隧道
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>隧道</strong>。它可放置在<strong>传送带</strong>或<strong>设施</strong>下方以运送物品。
title: 逆时针旋转
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>旋转机</strong>的<strong>逆时针</strong>变体。它可以逆时针旋转<strong>图形</strong>。
<br>选择<strong>旋转机</strong>然后按 "T" 键来选取这个变体。
title: 链式开采器
desc: 您已经解锁了<strong>链式开采器</strong>!它能<strong>转发资源</strong>给其他的开采器,这样您就能更有效率的开采各类资源了!<br><br>
title: 二级隧道
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>二级隧道</strong>。这是隧道的一个变体。二级隧道有<strong>更长的传输距离</strong>。您还可以混用不同的隧道变体!
title: 四向切割机
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>切割机</strong>的<strong>四向</strong>变体。它可以将输入的<strong>图形</strong>切成四块而不只是左右两块!
title: 双面上色器
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>上色器</strong>的<strong>双面</strong>变体。它可以同时为两个图形上色,但每次只消耗一份颜色!
title: 存储器
desc: 您已经解锁了<strong>存储器</strong>,它能存满指定容量的物品!
title: 自由模式
desc: 成功了!您解锁了<strong>自由模式</strong>!挑战升级!这意味着现在将<strong>随机</strong>生成图形!
title: 蓝图
desc: 您现在可以<strong>复制粘贴</strong>您的工厂的一部分了!按住 CTRL 键并拖动鼠标来选择一块区域,然后按 C 键复制。
title: 下一关
desc: 这一关没有奖励,但是下一关有!<br><br>
title: 下一关
desc: 恭喜您!
title: 平衡器
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了多功能<strong>平衡器</strong>,它能够<strong>分割和合并</strong>多个传送带的资源,可以用来建造更大的工厂!
title: 合并器(小型)
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>平衡器</strong>的变体<strong>合并器</strong>,它能合并两个输入到同一个传送带上!
title: 传送带读取器
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>传送带读取器</strong>!它能够测量传送带上的生产率。
title: 旋转机180度
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>旋转器180度</strong>!它能帮您把一个图形旋转 180 度(惊不惊喜!:D
title: 显示器
desc: 恭喜!您已经解锁了<strong>显示器</strong>,它可以显示一个在<strong>电线层上连接的信号</strong>
title: 恒定信号
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了生成于电线层之上的<strong>恒定信号</strong>,把它连接到<strong>过滤器</strong>时非常有用。
<br>比如它能发出图形、颜色、开关值1 / 0的固定信号。
title: 逻辑门
desc: 您解锁了<strong>逻辑门</strong>!它们是个好东西!<br>
title: 模拟处理器
desc: 我刚刚给了一大堆新设施,让您可以<strong>模拟形状的处理过程</strong><br>
您现在可以在电线层上模拟切割机,旋转机,堆叠机和其他机器!<br> 有了这些,您可以选择下面三个方向来继续游戏:<br>
-用<strong>电线层</strong>做些酷炫的东西。<br> -继续正常游戏。<br> 放飞想象,尽情创造!
title: 电线 & 四口上色器
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>电线层</strong>:它是正常层之上的一个层,它将带来了许多新的机制!<br><br>
title: 物品过滤器
desc: 恭喜!您解锁了<strong>物品过滤器</strong>!它会根据在电线层上输入的信号决定是从上面还是右边输出物品。<br><br>
您也可以输入开关值1 / 0信号来激活或者禁用它。
title: 试玩结束
desc: 恭喜!您已经通关了试玩版本!<br>更多挑战,请至 Steam 商城购买完整版!谢谢支持!
title: 设置
general: 通用
userInterface: 用户界面
advanced: 高级
performance: 性能
dev: 开发版本
staging: 预览版本
prod: 正式版本
buildDate: 于 <at-date> 编译
title: 用户界面大小
description: 改变用户界面大小。用户界面会随着屏幕分辨率缩放,这个设置决定缩放比例。
super_small: 最小
small: 较小
regular: 正常
large: 较大
huge: 最大
title: 缩放灵敏度
description: 改变屏幕缩放灵敏度(用鼠标滚轮或者触控板控制缩放)。
super_slow: 最低
slow: 较低
regular: 正常
fast: 较高
super_fast: 最高
title: 语言
description: 更改语言。所有的翻译都由社区提供,欢迎玩家继续提供意见!
title: 全屏
description: 全屏可获得更好的游戏体验。仅在完整版中可用。
title: 关闭音效
description: 关闭所有音效。
title: 关闭音乐
description: 关闭所有音乐。
title: 界面主题
description: 选择界面主题(深色或浅色)。
dark: 深色
light: 浅色
title: 模拟频率、刷新频率
description: 在这里更改刷新频率这样游戏可以正确地根据您的屏幕进行模拟。但是如果您的电脑性能不佳提高刷新频率可能降低帧数。注意60Hz
title: 多重放置
description: 开启这个选项之后放下设施将不会取消设施选择。等同于一直按下 SHIFT 键。
title: 提示与教程
description: 是否显示提示、教程以及一些其他的帮助理解游戏的 UI 元素。建议新手玩家开启。
title: 移动速度
description: 改变摄像头的移动速度。
super_slow: 最慢
slow: 较慢
regular: 正常
fast: 较快
super_fast: 非常快
extremely_fast: 最快
title: 智能隧道放置
description: 启用后,放置隧道时会将多余的传送带移除。此外,拖动隧道可以快速铺设隧道,以及移除不必要的隧道。
title: 晕映
description: 启用晕映功能,可将屏幕角落里的颜色变深,更容易阅读文本。
title: 自动存档间隔
description: 在这里控制您的游戏多长时间自动存档一次,你也可以完全关闭这个功能。建议打开。
one_minute: 1 分钟
two_minutes: 2 分钟
five_minutes: 5 分钟
ten_minutes: 10 分钟
twenty_minutes: 20 分钟
disabled: 关闭
title: 精简设施信息
description: 缩小设施信息展示框。如果打开,放置设施时将不再显示说明和图片,只显示建造速度或其他数据。
title: 关闭剪切/删除警告
description: 如果打开,将不再在剪切或者删除 100+ 实体时显示警告信息。
title: 色盲模式
description: 提供多种工具,帮助色盲玩家可正常进行游戏。
title: 记忆设施方向
description: 每一类设施都会记住各自上一次的旋转方向。如果您经常在不同设施类型之间切换,这个设置会让游戏操控更加便捷。
title: 音效音量
description: 设置音效的音量
title: 音乐音量
description: 设置音乐的音量
title: 低质量地图资源
description: 放大时简化地图上资源的渲染以提高性能。开启甚至会让画面看起来更干净,低配置电脑玩家建议开启!
title: 禁用网格
description: 禁用平铺网格有助于提高性能。这也让游戏画面看起来更干净!
title: 右键取消
description: 默认启用。在选择要放置的设施时,单击鼠标右键即可取消。如果禁用,则可以通过在放置设施时单击鼠标右键来删除设施。
title: 低质量纹理(丑陋)
description: 使用低质量纹理提高游戏性能。但是这样游戏会看起来很丑!
title: 显示大块的边框
description: 游戏将每一个大块分成 16*16 的小块,如果启用将会显示每个大块的边框。
title: 在资源块上选择开采器
description: 默认开启,当在资源块上使用选取器时会选择开采器。
title: 简单的传送带(简陋)
description: 除非鼠标放在传送带上,不然不会渲染传送带上的物品。启用可提升游戏性能。但除非特别需要性能,否则不推荐启用。
title: 鼠标平移屏幕
description: 在鼠标滑到屏幕边缘时可以移动地图。移动速度取决于移动速度设置。
title: 鼠标位置缩放
description: 启用后在鼠标所在位置进行屏幕缩放,否则在屏幕中间进行缩放。
title: 地图资源图形尺寸
description: 控制地图总览时图形的尺寸(指缩小视野时)。
title: 图形工具提示-始终显示
description: 在设施上悬停时是否始终显示图形工具提示, 而不是必须按住 “Alt” 键。
rangeSliderPercentage: <amount>%
tickrateHz: <amount> 赫兹
Mod Support - 1.5.0 Update (#1361) * initial modloader draft * modloader features * Refactor mods to use signals * Add support for modifying and registering new transltions * Minor adjustments * Support for string building ids for mods * Initial support for adding new buildings * Refactor how mods are loaded to resolve circular dependencies and prepare for future mod loading * Lazy Load mods to make sure all dependencies are loaded * Expose all exported members automatically to mods * Fix duplicate exports * Allow loading mods from standalone * update changelog * Fix mods folder incorrect path * Fix modloading in standalone * Fix sprites not getting replaced, update demo mod * Load dev mod via raw loader * Improve mod developing so mods are directly ready to be deployed, load mods from local file server * Proper mods ui * Allow mods to register game systems and draw stuff * Change mods path * Fix sprites not loading * Minor adjustments, closes #1333 * Add support for loading atlases via mods * Add support for loading mods from external sources in DEV * Add confirmation when loading mods * Fix circular dependency * Minor Keybindings refactor, add support for keybindings to mods, add support for dialogs to mods * Add some mod signals * refactor game loading states * Make shapez exports global * Start to make mods safer * Refactor file system electron event handling * Properly isolate electron renderer process * Update to latest electron * Show errors when loading mods * Update confirm dialgo * Minor restructure, start to add mod examples * Allow adding custom themesw * Add more examples and allow defining custom item processor operations * Add interface to register new buildings * Fixed typescript type errors (#1335) * Refactor building registry, make it easier for mods to add new buildings * Allow overriding existing methods * Add more examples and more features * More mod examples * Make mod loading simpler * Add example how to add custom drawings * Remove unused code * Minor modloader adjustments * Support for rotation variants in mods (was broken previously) * Allow mods to replace builtin sub shapes * Add helper methods to extend classes * Fix menu bar on mac os * Remember window state * Add support for paste signals * Add example how to add custom components and systems * Support for mod settings * Add example for adding a new item type * Update class extensions * Minor adjustments * Fix typo * Add notification blocks mod example * Add small tutorial * Update readme * Add better instructions * Update JSDoc for Replacing Methods (#1336) * upgraded types for overriding methods * updated comments Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Direction lock now indicates when there is a building inbetween * Fix mod examples * Fix linter error * Game state register (#1341) * Added a gamestate register helper Added a gamestate register helper * Update mod_interface.js * export build options * Fix runBeforeMethod and runAfterMethod * Minor game system code cleanup * Belt path drawing optimization * Fix belt path optimization * Belt drawing improvements, again * Do not render belts in statics disabled view * Allow external URL to load more than one mod (#1337) * Allow external URL to load more than one mod Instead of loading the text returned from the remote server, load a JSON object with a `mods` field, containing strings of all the mods. This lets us work on more than one mod at a time or without separate repos. This will break tooling such as `create-shapezio-mod` though. * Update modloader.js * Prettier fixes * Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page (#1339) Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page: * allow command line switch to load more than one mod (#1342) * Fixed class handle type (#1345) * Fixed class handle type * Fixed import game state * Minor adjustments * Refactor item acceptor to allow only single direction slots * Allow specifying minimumGameVersion * Add sandbox example * Replaced concatenated strings with template literals (#1347) * Mod improvements * Make wired pins component optional on the storage * Fix mod examples * Bind `this` for method overriding JSDoc (#1352) * fix entity debugger reaching HTML elements (#1353) * Store mods in savegame and show warning when it differs * Closes #1357 * Fix All Shapez Exports Being Const (#1358) * Allowed setting of variables inside webpack modules * remove console log * Fix stringification of things inside of eval Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Fix building placer intersection warning * Add example for storing data in the savegame * Fix double painter bug (#1349) * Add example on how to extend builtin buildings * update readme * Disable steam achievements when playing with mods * Update translations Co-authored-by: Thomas (DJ1TJOO) <> Co-authored-by: Bagel03 <> Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> Co-authored-by: Emerald Block <> Co-authored-by: saile515 <> Co-authored-by: Sense101 <>
3 years ago
newBadge: 新的!
title: 按键设定
hint: 提示:使用 CTRL、SHIFT、ALT这些键在放置设施时有不同的效果。
resetKeybindings: 重置按键设定
general: 通用
ingame: 游戏
navigation: 视角
placement: 放置
massSelect: 批量选择
buildings: 设施快捷键
placementModifiers: 放置设施修饰键
Mod Support - 1.5.0 Update (#1361) * initial modloader draft * modloader features * Refactor mods to use signals * Add support for modifying and registering new transltions * Minor adjustments * Support for string building ids for mods * Initial support for adding new buildings * Refactor how mods are loaded to resolve circular dependencies and prepare for future mod loading * Lazy Load mods to make sure all dependencies are loaded * Expose all exported members automatically to mods * Fix duplicate exports * Allow loading mods from standalone * update changelog * Fix mods folder incorrect path * Fix modloading in standalone * Fix sprites not getting replaced, update demo mod * Load dev mod via raw loader * Improve mod developing so mods are directly ready to be deployed, load mods from local file server * Proper mods ui * Allow mods to register game systems and draw stuff * Change mods path * Fix sprites not loading * Minor adjustments, closes #1333 * Add support for loading atlases via mods * Add support for loading mods from external sources in DEV * Add confirmation when loading mods * Fix circular dependency * Minor Keybindings refactor, add support for keybindings to mods, add support for dialogs to mods * Add some mod signals * refactor game loading states * Make shapez exports global * Start to make mods safer * Refactor file system electron event handling * Properly isolate electron renderer process * Update to latest electron * Show errors when loading mods * Update confirm dialgo * Minor restructure, start to add mod examples * Allow adding custom themesw * Add more examples and allow defining custom item processor operations * Add interface to register new buildings * Fixed typescript type errors (#1335) * Refactor building registry, make it easier for mods to add new buildings * Allow overriding existing methods * Add more examples and more features * More mod examples * Make mod loading simpler * Add example how to add custom drawings * Remove unused code * Minor modloader adjustments * Support for rotation variants in mods (was broken previously) * Allow mods to replace builtin sub shapes * Add helper methods to extend classes * Fix menu bar on mac os * Remember window state * Add support for paste signals * Add example how to add custom components and systems * Support for mod settings * Add example for adding a new item type * Update class extensions * Minor adjustments * Fix typo * Add notification blocks mod example * Add small tutorial * Update readme * Add better instructions * Update JSDoc for Replacing Methods (#1336) * upgraded types for overriding methods * updated comments Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Direction lock now indicates when there is a building inbetween * Fix mod examples * Fix linter error * Game state register (#1341) * Added a gamestate register helper Added a gamestate register helper * Update mod_interface.js * export build options * Fix runBeforeMethod and runAfterMethod * Minor game system code cleanup * Belt path drawing optimization * Fix belt path optimization * Belt drawing improvements, again * Do not render belts in statics disabled view * Allow external URL to load more than one mod (#1337) * Allow external URL to load more than one mod Instead of loading the text returned from the remote server, load a JSON object with a `mods` field, containing strings of all the mods. This lets us work on more than one mod at a time or without separate repos. This will break tooling such as `create-shapezio-mod` though. * Update modloader.js * Prettier fixes * Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page (#1339) Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page: * allow command line switch to load more than one mod (#1342) * Fixed class handle type (#1345) * Fixed class handle type * Fixed import game state * Minor adjustments * Refactor item acceptor to allow only single direction slots * Allow specifying minimumGameVersion * Add sandbox example * Replaced concatenated strings with template literals (#1347) * Mod improvements * Make wired pins component optional on the storage * Fix mod examples * Bind `this` for method overriding JSDoc (#1352) * fix entity debugger reaching HTML elements (#1353) * Store mods in savegame and show warning when it differs * Closes #1357 * Fix All Shapez Exports Being Const (#1358) * Allowed setting of variables inside webpack modules * remove console log * Fix stringification of things inside of eval Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Fix building placer intersection warning * Add example for storing data in the savegame * Fix double painter bug (#1349) * Add example on how to extend builtin buildings * update readme * Disable steam achievements when playing with mods * Update translations Co-authored-by: Thomas (DJ1TJOO) <> Co-authored-by: Bagel03 <> Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> Co-authored-by: Emerald Block <> Co-authored-by: saile515 <> Co-authored-by: Sense101 <>
3 years ago
mods: 由游戏模组Mods提供
confirm: 确认
back: 返回
centerMap: 回到中心基地
mapZoomIn: 放大
mapZoomOut: 缩小
createMarker: 创建地图标记
menuOpenShop: 升级菜单
menuOpenStats: 统计菜单
toggleHud: 开关 HUD
toggleFPSInfo: 开关帧数与调试信息
belt: 传送带
underground_belt: 隧道
miner: 开采器
cutter: 切割机
rotater: 旋转机
stacker: 堆叠机
mixer: 混色器
painter: 上色器
trash: 垃圾桶
rotateWhilePlacing: 顺时针旋转
rotateInverseModifier: "修饰键: 改为逆时针旋转"
cycleBuildingVariants: 切换所选择设施变体
confirmMassDelete: 确认批量删除
cycleBuildings: 切换所选择设施
massSelectStart: 开始批量选择
massSelectSelectMultiple: 选择多个区域
massSelectCopy: 复制区域
placementDisableAutoOrientation: 取消自动定向
placeMultiple: 继续放置
placeInverse: 反向自动传送带方向
pasteLastBlueprint: 粘贴上一张蓝图
massSelectCut: 剪切区域
exportScreenshot: 导出截图
mapMoveFaster: 快速移动
lockBeltDirection: 启用传送带规划
switchDirectionLockSide: 规划器:换边
pipette: 吸取器
menuClose: 关闭菜单
switchLayers: 切换层
wire: 电线
balancer: 平衡器
storage: 存储器
constant_signal: 恒定信号
logic_gate: 逻辑门
lever: 控制杆
filter: 过滤器
wire_tunnel: 电线隧道
display: 显示器
reader: 传送带读取器
virtual_processor: 模拟处理器
transistor: 晶体管
analyzer: 图形分析器
comparator: 比较器
item_producer: 物品生产器(沙盒模式)
copyWireValue: 电线:复制指定电线上的值
rotateToUp: 向上旋转
rotateToDown: 向下旋转
rotateToRight: 向右旋转
rotateToLeft: 向左旋转
constant_producer: 常量生成器
goal_acceptor: 目标接收器
block: 方块
massSelectClear: 清除传送带
showShapeTooltip: 显示图形输出提示
title: 关于游戏
body: >-
本游戏由 <a href="" target="_blank">Tobias
如果您想参与开发,请查看 <a href="<githublink>" target="_blank">GitHub 上的 shapez</a>。<br><br>
这个游戏的开发获得了 Discord 社区内热情玩家的巨大支持。诚挚邀请您加入我们的 <a href="<discordlink>" target="_blank">Discord 服务器</a><br><br>
本游戏的音乐由 <a href="" target="_blank">Peppsen</a> 制作——他是个很棒的伙伴。<br><br>
最后,我想感谢我最好的朋友 <a href="" target="_blank">Niklas</a> ——如果没有他的《异星工厂》factorio带给我的体验和启发《异形工厂》shapez将不会存在。
title: 更新日志
restoringGames: 恢复存档
importingGames: 导入存档
oneGameLimit: 最多一个存档
customizeKeybindings: 按键设定
exportingBase: 导出工厂截图
settingNotAvailable: 在试玩版中不可用。
- 基地接受所有创造后输入的图形!并不限于现有的图形!
- 让你的工厂尽量模块化,不然后期你会面对大麻烦!
- 不要让设施太过靠近基地,不然可能会乱成一锅粥!
- 如果堆叠不起作用,尝试切换输入的图形来重新组合。
- 您可以通过 <b>R</b> 键切换传送带规化方向。
- 按住 <b>CTRL</b> 键拖动传送带将始终保持它现有的传送方向。
- 只要所有设施等级一致,效率也将一致。
- 串行执行比并行执行更有效。
- 在后面的游戏中您会解锁更多设施的变种!
- 您可以使用 <b>T</b> 键切换不同的设施变种。
- 对称是关键!
- 您可以使用隧道构建不同层次的通道。
- 试着建造紧凑型工厂,它会给您带来好处的!
- 您可以按 <b>T</b> 来切换上色器的镜像变体。
- 正确的设施比例将使效率最大化。
- 在传送带和开采器等级一致时5 个开采器就可以占满一条传送带的运量。
- 别忘了隧道!
- 您不必为了充分发挥效率而平均分配物品。
- 按住 <b>SHIFT</b> 键将激活传送带路线规划,这样可以更有效地规划如何放置长距离的传送带。
- 切割机总是垂直切割图形,而不管图形方向如何。
- 还记得吗?混合三原色能够获得白色。
- 存储缓冲区优先处理左侧的输出。
- 您值得花时间来构建可重复的设计!
- 按住 <b>CTRL</b> 键能够放置多个设施。
- 您可以按住 <b>ALT</b> 来反向放置传送带的方向。
- 效率是关键!
- 离基地越远图形越复杂。
- 机器的速度是有限的,把它们分开可以获得最高的效率。
- 使用平衡器最大化您的效率。
- 有条不紊!尽量不要过多地穿过传送带。
- 凡事预则立!不预则废!
- 尽量不要删除旧的设施和生产线,您会需要他们生产的东西来升级设施并提高效率。
- 先给自己定一个小目标:自己完成 20 级!不去看别人的攻略!
- 不要把问题复杂化,试着保持简单,您会成功的。
- 您可能需要在游戏的后期重复使用工厂。把您的工厂规划成可重复使用的。
- 有时,您可以在地图上直接找到您需要的图形,并不需要使用堆叠机去合成它。
- 风车图形不会自动产生
- 在切割前,给您的图形上色可以获得最高的效率。
- 模块化,可以使您提高效率。
- 记得做一个单独的蓝图工厂。
- 仔细看看调色器,您就会调色了。
- <b>CTRL + 点击</b>能够选择一块区域。
- 设施建得离基地太近很可能会妨碍以后的工作。
- 使用升级列表中每个形状旁边的固定图标将其固定到屏幕上。
- 地图无限,放飞想象,尽情创造。
- 向您推荐 Factorio这是我最喜欢的游戏。向神作致敬
- 四向切割机从右上开始进行顺时针切割!
- 在主界面您可以下载您的游戏存档文件!
- 这个游戏有很多有用的快捷键!一定要到快捷键页面看看。
- 这个游戏有很多设置可以提高游戏效率,请一定要了解一下!
- 中心基地有个指向它所在方向的小指南指针!
- 想清理传送带,可剪切那块区域然后将其在相同位置粘贴。
- 按 F4 显示 FPS。
- 按两次 F4 显示您鼠标和镜头所在的块。
- 您可以点击被固定在屏幕左侧的图形来解除固定。
- 您可以单击左侧的固定形状将其取消固定。
play: 游戏
edit: 编辑
title: 谜题模式
createPuzzle: 创建谜题
loadPuzzle: 载入
reviewPuzzle: 审阅 & 发布
validatingPuzzle: 验证谜题
submittingPuzzle: 提交谜题
noPuzzles: 暂无满足此部分条件的谜题。
levels: 关卡
new: 最新
top-rated: 最受好评
mine: 我的谜题
easy: 简单
hard: 困难
completed: 完成
medium: 普通
official: 官方
trending: 本日趋势
trending-weekly: 本周趋势
categories: 分类
difficulties: 根据难度
account: 我的谜题
search: 查找
title: 无效谜题
noProducers: 请放置<strong>常量生成器</strong>
noGoalAcceptors: 请放置<strong>目标接收器</strong>
goalAcceptorNoItem: 一个或多个目标接收器尚未被分配图形目标。请向它们传递图形以设置目标。
goalAcceptorRateNotMet: 一个或多个目标接收器没有获得足够数量的图形。请确保所有接收器的充能条指示器均为绿色。
buildingOutOfBounds: 一个或多个设施位于可建造区域之外。请增加区域面积,或将超出区域的设施移除。
autoComplete: 请确保您的常量生成器不会直接向目标接收器传递目标图形。否则您的谜题会自动完成。
easy: 简单
medium: 普通
hard: 困难
unknown: 未定级
dlcHint: 如尚未购买 DLC请在您的 Steam 库中右键点击异形工厂DLCs。然后选择属性 - DLC。
action: 搜索
placeholder: 输入谜题或作者名称
includeCompleted: 包括已完成
any: 任何难度
easy: 简单
medium: 普通
hard: 困难
any: 任何挑战时间
short: 快速(< 2 分钟)
medium: 正常
long: 较长(> 10 分钟)
ratelimit: 你的操作太频繁了。请稍等。
invalid-api-key: 与后台通信失败请尝试更新或重新启动游戏无效的Api密钥
unauthorized: 与后台通信失败,请尝试更新或重新启动游戏(未经授权)。
bad-token: 与后台通信失败,请尝试更新或重新启动游戏(令牌错误)。
bad-id: 谜题标识符无效。
not-found: 找不到给定的谜题。
bad-category: 找不到给定的类别。
bad-short-key: 给定的短代码错误。
profane-title: 您的谜题标题包含污言秽语。
bad-title-too-many-spaces: 您的谜题标题过短。
bad-shape-key-in-emitter: 常量生成器包含无效项目。
bad-shape-key-in-goal: 目标接收器包含无效项目。
no-emitters: 您的谜题没有任何常量生成器。
no-goals: 您的谜题没有任何目标接收器。
short-key-already-taken: 此短代码已被使用,请使用其他短代码。
can-not-report-your-own-puzzle: 您无法上报您自己的谜题问题。
bad-payload: 此请求包含无效数据。
bad-building-placement: 您的谜题包含放置错误的设施。
timeout: 请求超时。
too-many-likes-already: 您的谜题已经得到了许多玩家的赞赏。如果您仍然希望删除它,请联系
no-permission: 您没有执行此操作的权限。
Mod Support - 1.5.0 Update (#1361) * initial modloader draft * modloader features * Refactor mods to use signals * Add support for modifying and registering new transltions * Minor adjustments * Support for string building ids for mods * Initial support for adding new buildings * Refactor how mods are loaded to resolve circular dependencies and prepare for future mod loading * Lazy Load mods to make sure all dependencies are loaded * Expose all exported members automatically to mods * Fix duplicate exports * Allow loading mods from standalone * update changelog * Fix mods folder incorrect path * Fix modloading in standalone * Fix sprites not getting replaced, update demo mod * Load dev mod via raw loader * Improve mod developing so mods are directly ready to be deployed, load mods from local file server * Proper mods ui * Allow mods to register game systems and draw stuff * Change mods path * Fix sprites not loading * Minor adjustments, closes #1333 * Add support for loading atlases via mods * Add support for loading mods from external sources in DEV * Add confirmation when loading mods * Fix circular dependency * Minor Keybindings refactor, add support for keybindings to mods, add support for dialogs to mods * Add some mod signals * refactor game loading states * Make shapez exports global * Start to make mods safer * Refactor file system electron event handling * Properly isolate electron renderer process * Update to latest electron * Show errors when loading mods * Update confirm dialgo * Minor restructure, start to add mod examples * Allow adding custom themesw * Add more examples and allow defining custom item processor operations * Add interface to register new buildings * Fixed typescript type errors (#1335) * Refactor building registry, make it easier for mods to add new buildings * Allow overriding existing methods * Add more examples and more features * More mod examples * Make mod loading simpler * Add example how to add custom drawings * Remove unused code * Minor modloader adjustments * Support for rotation variants in mods (was broken previously) * Allow mods to replace builtin sub shapes * Add helper methods to extend classes * Fix menu bar on mac os * Remember window state * Add support for paste signals * Add example how to add custom components and systems * Support for mod settings * Add example for adding a new item type * Update class extensions * Minor adjustments * Fix typo * Add notification blocks mod example * Add small tutorial * Update readme * Add better instructions * Update JSDoc for Replacing Methods (#1336) * upgraded types for overriding methods * updated comments Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Direction lock now indicates when there is a building inbetween * Fix mod examples * Fix linter error * Game state register (#1341) * Added a gamestate register helper Added a gamestate register helper * Update mod_interface.js * export build options * Fix runBeforeMethod and runAfterMethod * Minor game system code cleanup * Belt path drawing optimization * Fix belt path optimization * Belt drawing improvements, again * Do not render belts in statics disabled view * Allow external URL to load more than one mod (#1337) * Allow external URL to load more than one mod Instead of loading the text returned from the remote server, load a JSON object with a `mods` field, containing strings of all the mods. This lets us work on more than one mod at a time or without separate repos. This will break tooling such as `create-shapezio-mod` though. * Update modloader.js * Prettier fixes * Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page (#1339) Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page: * allow command line switch to load more than one mod (#1342) * Fixed class handle type (#1345) * Fixed class handle type * Fixed import game state * Minor adjustments * Refactor item acceptor to allow only single direction slots * Allow specifying minimumGameVersion * Add sandbox example * Replaced concatenated strings with template literals (#1347) * Mod improvements * Make wired pins component optional on the storage * Fix mod examples * Bind `this` for method overriding JSDoc (#1352) * fix entity debugger reaching HTML elements (#1353) * Store mods in savegame and show warning when it differs * Closes #1357 * Fix All Shapez Exports Being Const (#1358) * Allowed setting of variables inside webpack modules * remove console log * Fix stringification of things inside of eval Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Fix building placer intersection warning * Add example for storing data in the savegame * Fix double painter bug (#1349) * Add example on how to extend builtin buildings * update readme * Disable steam achievements when playing with mods * Update translations Co-authored-by: Thomas (DJ1TJOO) <> Co-authored-by: Bagel03 <> Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> Co-authored-by: Emerald Block <> Co-authored-by: saile515 <> Co-authored-by: Sense101 <>
3 years ago
title: 游戏模组Mods
author: 作者
version: 版本
openFolder: 打开游戏模组Mods文件夹
folderOnlyStandalone: 只有完整版才可以打开游戏模组Mods文件夹。
browseMods: 浏览游戏模组Mods
modsInfo: 要安装和管理游戏模组Mods请将它们复制到游戏模组文件夹使用右上角的“打开游戏模组Mods文件夹”按钮。记住在管理完游戏模组Mods请务必重启游戏否则游戏模组Mods是不会出现的。
noModSupport: 您需要在 Steam 平台获得完整版才可以安装游戏模组Mods
Mod Support - 1.5.0 Update (#1361) * initial modloader draft * modloader features * Refactor mods to use signals * Add support for modifying and registering new transltions * Minor adjustments * Support for string building ids for mods * Initial support for adding new buildings * Refactor how mods are loaded to resolve circular dependencies and prepare for future mod loading * Lazy Load mods to make sure all dependencies are loaded * Expose all exported members automatically to mods * Fix duplicate exports * Allow loading mods from standalone * update changelog * Fix mods folder incorrect path * Fix modloading in standalone * Fix sprites not getting replaced, update demo mod * Load dev mod via raw loader * Improve mod developing so mods are directly ready to be deployed, load mods from local file server * Proper mods ui * Allow mods to register game systems and draw stuff * Change mods path * Fix sprites not loading * Minor adjustments, closes #1333 * Add support for loading atlases via mods * Add support for loading mods from external sources in DEV * Add confirmation when loading mods * Fix circular dependency * Minor Keybindings refactor, add support for keybindings to mods, add support for dialogs to mods * Add some mod signals * refactor game loading states * Make shapez exports global * Start to make mods safer * Refactor file system electron event handling * Properly isolate electron renderer process * Update to latest electron * Show errors when loading mods * Update confirm dialgo * Minor restructure, start to add mod examples * Allow adding custom themesw * Add more examples and allow defining custom item processor operations * Add interface to register new buildings * Fixed typescript type errors (#1335) * Refactor building registry, make it easier for mods to add new buildings * Allow overriding existing methods * Add more examples and more features * More mod examples * Make mod loading simpler * Add example how to add custom drawings * Remove unused code * Minor modloader adjustments * Support for rotation variants in mods (was broken previously) * Allow mods to replace builtin sub shapes * Add helper methods to extend classes * Fix menu bar on mac os * Remember window state * Add support for paste signals * Add example how to add custom components and systems * Support for mod settings * Add example for adding a new item type * Update class extensions * Minor adjustments * Fix typo * Add notification blocks mod example * Add small tutorial * Update readme * Add better instructions * Update JSDoc for Replacing Methods (#1336) * upgraded types for overriding methods * updated comments Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Direction lock now indicates when there is a building inbetween * Fix mod examples * Fix linter error * Game state register (#1341) * Added a gamestate register helper Added a gamestate register helper * Update mod_interface.js * export build options * Fix runBeforeMethod and runAfterMethod * Minor game system code cleanup * Belt path drawing optimization * Fix belt path optimization * Belt drawing improvements, again * Do not render belts in statics disabled view * Allow external URL to load more than one mod (#1337) * Allow external URL to load more than one mod Instead of loading the text returned from the remote server, load a JSON object with a `mods` field, containing strings of all the mods. This lets us work on more than one mod at a time or without separate repos. This will break tooling such as `create-shapezio-mod` though. * Update modloader.js * Prettier fixes * Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page (#1339) Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page: * allow command line switch to load more than one mod (#1342) * Fixed class handle type (#1345) * Fixed class handle type * Fixed import game state * Minor adjustments * Refactor item acceptor to allow only single direction slots * Allow specifying minimumGameVersion * Add sandbox example * Replaced concatenated strings with template literals (#1347) * Mod improvements * Make wired pins component optional on the storage * Fix mod examples * Bind `this` for method overriding JSDoc (#1352) * fix entity debugger reaching HTML elements (#1353) * Store mods in savegame and show warning when it differs * Closes #1357 * Fix All Shapez Exports Being Const (#1358) * Allowed setting of variables inside webpack modules * remove console log * Fix stringification of things inside of eval Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Fix building placer intersection warning * Add example for storing data in the savegame * Fix double painter bug (#1349) * Add example on how to extend builtin buildings * update readme * Disable steam achievements when playing with mods * Update translations Co-authored-by: Thomas (DJ1TJOO) <> Co-authored-by: Bagel03 <> Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> Co-authored-by: Emerald Block <> Co-authored-by: saile515 <> Co-authored-by: Sense101 <>
3 years ago
title: 即将开放
description: 当前只能通过将游戏模组Mods文件复制到 mods 文件夹或从 mods 文件夹移除来启用或禁用游戏模组Mods
Mod Support - 1.5.0 Update (#1361) * initial modloader draft * modloader features * Refactor mods to use signals * Add support for modifying and registering new transltions * Minor adjustments * Support for string building ids for mods * Initial support for adding new buildings * Refactor how mods are loaded to resolve circular dependencies and prepare for future mod loading * Lazy Load mods to make sure all dependencies are loaded * Expose all exported members automatically to mods * Fix duplicate exports * Allow loading mods from standalone * update changelog * Fix mods folder incorrect path * Fix modloading in standalone * Fix sprites not getting replaced, update demo mod * Load dev mod via raw loader * Improve mod developing so mods are directly ready to be deployed, load mods from local file server * Proper mods ui * Allow mods to register game systems and draw stuff * Change mods path * Fix sprites not loading * Minor adjustments, closes #1333 * Add support for loading atlases via mods * Add support for loading mods from external sources in DEV * Add confirmation when loading mods * Fix circular dependency * Minor Keybindings refactor, add support for keybindings to mods, add support for dialogs to mods * Add some mod signals * refactor game loading states * Make shapez exports global * Start to make mods safer * Refactor file system electron event handling * Properly isolate electron renderer process * Update to latest electron * Show errors when loading mods * Update confirm dialgo * Minor restructure, start to add mod examples * Allow adding custom themesw * Add more examples and allow defining custom item processor operations * Add interface to register new buildings * Fixed typescript type errors (#1335) * Refactor building registry, make it easier for mods to add new buildings * Allow overriding existing methods * Add more examples and more features * More mod examples * Make mod loading simpler * Add example how to add custom drawings * Remove unused code * Minor modloader adjustments * Support for rotation variants in mods (was broken previously) * Allow mods to replace builtin sub shapes * Add helper methods to extend classes * Fix menu bar on mac os * Remember window state * Add support for paste signals * Add example how to add custom components and systems * Support for mod settings * Add example for adding a new item type * Update class extensions * Minor adjustments * Fix typo * Add notification blocks mod example * Add small tutorial * Update readme * Add better instructions * Update JSDoc for Replacing Methods (#1336) * upgraded types for overriding methods * updated comments Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Direction lock now indicates when there is a building inbetween * Fix mod examples * Fix linter error * Game state register (#1341) * Added a gamestate register helper Added a gamestate register helper * Update mod_interface.js * export build options * Fix runBeforeMethod and runAfterMethod * Minor game system code cleanup * Belt path drawing optimization * Fix belt path optimization * Belt drawing improvements, again * Do not render belts in statics disabled view * Allow external URL to load more than one mod (#1337) * Allow external URL to load more than one mod Instead of loading the text returned from the remote server, load a JSON object with a `mods` field, containing strings of all the mods. This lets us work on more than one mod at a time or without separate repos. This will break tooling such as `create-shapezio-mod` though. * Update modloader.js * Prettier fixes * Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page (#1339) Added link to create-shapezio-mod npm page: * allow command line switch to load more than one mod (#1342) * Fixed class handle type (#1345) * Fixed class handle type * Fixed import game state * Minor adjustments * Refactor item acceptor to allow only single direction slots * Allow specifying minimumGameVersion * Add sandbox example * Replaced concatenated strings with template literals (#1347) * Mod improvements * Make wired pins component optional on the storage * Fix mod examples * Bind `this` for method overriding JSDoc (#1352) * fix entity debugger reaching HTML elements (#1353) * Store mods in savegame and show warning when it differs * Closes #1357 * Fix All Shapez Exports Being Const (#1358) * Allowed setting of variables inside webpack modules * remove console log * Fix stringification of things inside of eval Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> * Fix building placer intersection warning * Add example for storing data in the savegame * Fix double painter bug (#1349) * Add example on how to extend builtin buildings * update readme * Disable steam achievements when playing with mods * Update translations Co-authored-by: Thomas (DJ1TJOO) <> Co-authored-by: Bagel03 <> Co-authored-by: Edward Badel <> Co-authored-by: Emerald Block <> Co-authored-by: saile515 <> Co-authored-by: Sense101 <>
3 years ago
modWebsite: 模组网站