Update translations to latest version

tobspr 4 years ago
parent 8a4edb442c
commit 35f77416ba

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ const originalContents = fs
const original = YAML.parse(originalContents);
const placeholderRegexp = /<([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)>/gi;
const placeholderRegexp = /[[<]([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)[\]<]/gi;
function match(originalObj, translatedObj, path = "/") {
for (const key in originalObj) {

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and combination of shapes. Deliver the requested, increasingly complex shapes to progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Since the demand raises you will have to scale up your factory to fit the needs - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand in the [b]infinite map[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Since shapes can get boring soon you need to mix colors and paint your shapes with it - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Dark Mode
[*] More settings
[*] Allow me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[*] More features in the future!
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Planned features & Community suggestions[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
This game is open source - Anybody can contribute! Besides of that, I listen [b]a lot[/b] to the community! I try to read all suggestions and take as much feedback into account as possible.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Story mode where buildings cost shapes
[*] More levels & buildings (standalone exclusive)
[*] Different maps, and maybe map obstacles
[*] Configurable map creation (Edit number and size of patches, seed, and more)
[*] More types of shapes
[*] More performance improvements (Although the game already runs pretty good!)
[*] Color blind mode
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Loading
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Unknown Level
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This weeks topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and propose it to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
continue: Continue
newGame: New Game
madeBy: Made by <author-link>
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for unlimited markers!
@ -270,6 +267,10 @@ dialogs:
You requested to export your base as a screenshot. Please note that this can
be quite slow for a big base and even crash your game!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -292,6 +293,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copy
clearSelection: Clear Selection
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -407,9 +409,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: White
uncolored: No color
black: Black
title: Layers
empty: Empty
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -517,6 +521,27 @@ buildings:
name: Storage
description: Stores excess items, up to a given capacity. Can be used as an overflow gate.
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -801,6 +826,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Enable belt planner
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planner: Switch side"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: About this Game

@ -29,41 +29,61 @@ steamPage:
# - Please keep the markup (Stuff like [b], [list] etc) in the same format
longText: >-
shapez.io és un joc que té com a objectiu construir i automatitzar fàbriques per tal de produir i combinar figures. Al entregar-les, es progressa en el joc desbloquejant millores per les línies de producció.
En augmentar la demanda serà necessari redissenyar les línies de producció per tal de saciar les demandes - Sense oblidar-se dels recursos bàsics, serà necessari expandir-se en el [b]mapa infinit[/b]!
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Ja que les figures simples poden ser avorrides serà necessari mesclar colors i pintar-les - Combina roig, verd i blau per produir diferents colors i així pintar les figures per assolir el nivell de demanda adequat.
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
El joc compta amb 18 nivells (Que et mantindran ocupat durant hores!) però estic afegint constantment nou contingut - Tinc moltes coses planejades!
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
[b]Avantatges del joc complet[/b]
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Future Updates[/b]
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Balises o marcadors, punts de referència en el mapa
[*] Guardar partides de forma il·limitada
[*] Mode fosc/nocturn
[*] Més opcions
[*] Em permet seguir desenvolupant shapez.io ❤️
[*] Més característiques en el futur!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
[b]Característiques planejades i suggerències de la comunitat[/b]
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
Aquest joc és de codi obert - Qualsevol pot contribuir! A més, tinc [b]molt present[/b] a la comunitat! Intento/e llegir tots els suggeriments i proporcionar tot el feedback que m'és possible.
[*] Cables!
[*] Mode història on els edificis tenen un cost en figures
[*] Més nivells i edificis (exclusiu de la versió completa)
[*] Mapes diferents i potser obstacles dins d'aquest
[*] Configurar la generació del mapa (número i mida dels recursos, la seed i més)
[*] Més tipus de figures
[*] Millorar el rendiment (Tot i que el joc ja funciona molt bé!)
[*] I molt més!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
Assegurat de revisar el taulell de Trello per veure el full de ruta! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Carregant
error: Error
@ -131,27 +151,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Nivell <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Nivell desconegut
title: "Concurs #01"
desc: Guanya <strong>$25</strong> per la base més impresionant!
longDesc: >-
Per tal de mantenir el feedback he pensat que molaria fer concursos setmanals!
<strong>El tema d'aquesta setmana:</strong> Construeix la base més impresionant!
Aquest és el procés:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Envia una captura de pantalla de la teva/teua base <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Punts extra si ho comparteixes en xarxes socials!</li>
<li>Seleccionaré a 5 captures i les proposaré a la comunitat de <strong>discord</strong> per que votin/en.</li>
<li>El premi és <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
Estic esperant les vostres increïbles creacions!
showInfo: Veure
contestOver: Aquest concurs ha conclòs- Entra a discord per assabentar-te de nous concursos!
@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Nou Marcador
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: >-
Dona-li un nom significatiu, també pots usar <strong>claus</strong> de les figures (Pots generarles a: <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">aquí</a>)
@ -263,6 +264,9 @@ dialogs:
title: Export screenshot
desc: Has demanat exportar la teva/teua base com una captura de pantalla. Tin en conte que aquest procés pot ser molt lent i inclús crashear el teu joc!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
@ -298,6 +302,7 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cian
white: Blanc
uncolored: Sense color
black: Black
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -535,6 +540,13 @@ buildings:
name: &energy_generator Generador d'energia
description: Genera energia consumint figures. Cada generador requereix una figura diferent.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -613,10 +625,6 @@ storyRewards:
desc: >-
Aquest nivell no t'ha donat res, però el següent ho farà! <br><br> PD: És millor que no destrueixes la part de la fàbrica existent - Necessitaràs <strong>totes</strong> aquestes figures més tard per a <strong>desbloquejar millores</strong>!
title: Cables
desc: TODO
title: Següent nivell
desc: >-
@ -810,6 +818,7 @@ keybindings:
placementDisableAutoOrientation: Disable automatic orientation
placeMultiple: Stay in placement mode
placeInverse: Invert automatic belt orientation
menuClose: Close Menu
title: About this Game

@ -11,42 +11,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io je hra o stavbě továren pro automatizaci výroby a kombinování tvarů. Poskytněte vyžadované, stále složitější tvary, aby jste postoupili ve hře dále, a odemkněte vylepšení pro zrychlení vaší továrny.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Protože poptávka postupně roste, musíte svou továrnu rozšiřovat tak, aby vyhověla potřebám - Nové zdroje, najdete na [b]nekonečné mapě[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Jen tvary by byly nuda, proto máme pigmenty kterými musíte dílky obarvit - zkombinujte červené, zelené a modré barvivo pro vytvoření dalších odstínů a obarvěte s nimi tvary pro uspokojení poptávky.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Hra obsahuje 18 úrovní (což by vás mělo zaměstnat na spoustu hodin!), ale nový obsah je neustále přidáván - je toho hodně naplánováno!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Výhody plné hry[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Označování pozic na mapě
[*] Neomezený počet uložených her
[*] Tmavý motiv
[*] Více nastavení
[*] Pomůžete mi dále vyvíjet shapez.io ❤️
[*] Více funkcí v budoucnu!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Plánované funkce a komunitní návrhy[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Tato hra je open source - kdokoli může přispět! Kromě toho [b]hodně[/b] poslouchám komunitu! Snažím se přečíst si všechny návrhy a vzít v úvahu zpětnou vazbu.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Mód s příběhem, kde stavba budov stojí tvary
[*] Více úrovní a budov (exkluzivní pro plnou verzi)
[*] Různé mapy a zábrany na mapě
[*] Konfigurace generátoru map (úprava počtu a velikosti nálezišť, seed map, a další)
[*] Více tvarů
[*] Další zlepšení výkonu (I když hra již běží docela dobře!)
[*] Režim pro barvoslepé
[*] A mnohem více!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Nezapomeňte se podívat na moji Trello nástěnku pro úplný plán! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Načítám
@ -112,28 +129,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Úroveň <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Neznámá úroveň
title: "Soutěž #01"
desc: Vyhraj <strong>$25</strong> za nejvíc cool základnu!
longDesc: >-
Abych vám poděkoval, myslel jsem, že by bylo skvělé dělat týdenní soutěže!
<strong>Téma tohoto týdne:</strong> Postavte nejvíc cool základnu!
Zde je zadání:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Zašlete screenshot své základny na <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonusové body za sdílení na sociálních médiích!</li>
<li>Vyberu 5 screenshotů a <strong>Discord</strong> komunita bude hlasovat o vítězi.</li>
<li>Vítěz dostane <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Dárkový Poukaz, co preferujete)</li>
<li>Uzávěrka: 07.06.2020 12:00 CEST</li>
Těším se na vaše úžasné výtvory!
showInfo: Zobrazit
contestOver: Tato soutěž skončila - Připojte se na Discord a získejte informace o nových soutěžích!
continue: Pokračovat
newGame: Nová hra
madeBy: Vytvořil <author-link>
@ -236,6 +232,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Nová značka
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: V ukázce můžete vytvořit pouze dvě značky. Získejte plnou verzi pro neomezený počet značek!
@ -251,6 +248,10 @@ dialogs:
Zažádal jsi o exportování své základny jako obrázek. Měj prosím na paměti, že to
může zejména u větších základen dlouho trvat, nebo dokonce shodit hru!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -273,6 +274,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Kopířovat
clearSelection: Zrušit výběr
pipette: Kapátko
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -388,9 +390,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Tyrkysová
white: Bílá
uncolored: Bez barvy
black: Black
title: Vrstvy
empty: Prázdné
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -498,6 +502,27 @@ buildings:
name: Sklad
description: Skladuje věci navíc až do naplnění kapacity. Může být použit na skladování surovin navíc.
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -781,6 +806,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Zamknout směr pásu
switchDirectionLockSide: Otočit strany zámku plánovače
pipette: Kapátko
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: O hře

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and combination of shapes. Deliver the requested, increasingly complex shapes to progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Since the demand raises you will have to scale up your factory to fit the needs - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand in the [b]infinite map[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Since shapes can get boring soon you need to mix colors and paint your shapes with it - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Dark Mode
[*] More settings
[*] Allow me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[*] More features in the future!
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Planned features & Community suggestions[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
This game is open source - Anybody can contribute! Besides of that, I listen [b]a lot[/b] to the community! I try to read all suggestions and take as much feedback into account as possible.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Story mode where buildings cost shapes
[*] More levels & buildings (standalone exclusive)
[*] Different maps, and maybe map obstacles
[*] Configurable map creation (Edit number and size of patches, seed, and more)
[*] More types of shapes
[*] More performance improvements (Although the game already runs pretty good!)
[*] Color blind mode
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Loading
@ -135,28 +152,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Unknown Level
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This weeks topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and propose it to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
@ -260,6 +256,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for unlimited markers!
@ -267,6 +264,9 @@ dialogs:
title: Export screenshot
desc: You requested to export your base as a screenshot. Please note that this can be quite slow for a big base and even crash your game!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: White
uncolored: No color
black: Black
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -530,6 +531,21 @@ buildings:
name: &energy_generator Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes. Each energy generator requires a different shapes.
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -609,10 +625,6 @@ storyRewards:
desc: >-
This level gave you no reward, but the next one will! <br><br> PS: Better don't destroy your existing factory - You need <strong>all</strong> those shapes later again to <strong>unlock upgrades</strong>!
title: Wires
desc: TODO
title: Next level
desc: >-
@ -820,6 +832,9 @@ keybindings:
placementDisableAutoOrientation: Disable automatic orientation
placeMultiple: Stay in placement mode
placeInverse: Invert automatic belt orientation
menuClose: Close Menu
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
wire: Energy Wire
title: About this Game

@ -33,59 +33,57 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
In shapez.io musst du Maschinen geschickt verbinden, damit Formen automatisiert erstellt, bearbeitet und kombiniert werden. Liefere die gewünschten, stetig komplexer werdenden Formen an dein Hauptgebäude, um im Spiel voranzukommen. Schalte mit ihnen außerdem Upgrades frei, die deine Maschinen und somit auch deine Fabriken beschleunigen!
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Da die Nachfrage sowohl in der Komplexität, als auch der Menge steigt, wirst du deine Fabriken erweitern müssen. Vergiss nicht, dass du die dafür benötigten Ressourcen beschaffen musst und expandiere auf der [b]unendlichen Karte[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Bald wirst du Farben mischen und deine Formen damit bemalen lassen. Staple dann deine fertigen Formen aufeinander und lasse so die wildesten Kreationen entstehen.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Nutze dein gesammeltes Wissen über die Maschinen und lasse deine Fabriken die gewünschten Formen der 18 verschiedenen Level abliefern. Schalte mit jedem Level neue Arbeitsschritte oder Gebäude frei. Das sollte dich schon für Stunden beschäftigt halten! Danach werden im Freispielmodus zufällige Formen generiert, die du ebenfalls abliefern kannst. Ich füge regelmäßig neue Funktionen hinzu und davon sind eine ganze Menge geplant!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Wenn du das Spiel erwirbst, erhälst du Zugriff auf die zusätzlichen Features der Standalone-Version. Das bedeutet, du kannst unter anderem die neuesten Updates zuerst spielen!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Dark-Mode
[*] So viele Wegpunkte wie du willst
[*] Unbegrenzte Anzahl von Spielständen
[*] Weitere Einstellungen
[*] Kommende Updates:
[*] Mehr Levels
[*] Kabel & Energie! Voraussichtlich gegen Ende Juli 2020.
[*] Unterstütze die Entwicklung von shapez.io ❤️
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Ich bin aktiv mit der Entwicklung beschäftigt und versuche jede Woche ein Update oder den aktuellen Stand der Entwicklung zu veröffentlichen.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Verschiedene Karten und Herausforderungen (z.B. Karten mit Hindernissen)
[*] Puzzle (Liefere die gewünschten Formen mit begrenztem Platz / limitierten Gebäuden)
[*] Story-Modus mit Gebäudekosten
[*] Einstellbare Kartengenerierung (Ändere die Grösse/Anzahl/Dichte der Ressourcenflecken, den Seed und mehr)
[*] Mehr Formentypen
[*] Performanceverbesserungen (Das Spiel läuft bereits ganz gut!)
[*] Und vieles mehr!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
[h1] Dieses Spiel ist Open Source[/h1]
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
Jeder kann dazu beitragen! Ich bin aktiv in die Community involviert, versuche alle Vorschläge zu lesen und beziehe so viel Feedback wie möglich mit in die Entwicklung ein.
Die komplette Roadmap gibt es auf dem Trello-Board zum Nachlesen!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Offizieller Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Quelltext (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Hilf beim Übersetzen[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
loading: Laden
error: Fehler
@ -149,28 +147,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Unbekanntes Level
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Gewinne <strong>$25</strong> für die beste Basis!
longDesc: >-
Um euch etwas zurückzugeben dachte ich, dass es eine coole Idee ist, wöchentliche Wettbewerbe durchzuführen!
<strong>Thema dieser Woche:</strong> Baue die coolste Basis!
Hier ist der Deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Sende einen Screenshot deiner Basis an <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonuspunkte, wenn du die Basis auf sozialen Medien teilst!</li>
<li>Ich wähle 5 Screenshots aus und schlage dieser der Community auf <strong>Discord</strong> zur Abstimmung vor.</li>
<li>Der Gewinner bekommt <strong>$25</strong> (PayPal, Amazon Gift Card, was du willst)</li>
<li>Einsendeschluss: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
Ich freue mich auf eure tollen Kreationen!
showInfo: Anschauen
contestOver: Dieser Wettbewerb ist vorbei! Tritt dem Discord Server bei, um über neue Wettbewerbe informiert zu werden!
helpTranslate: Hilf beim Übersetzen!
continue: Fortsetzen
newGame: Neues Spiel
@ -274,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Neuer Marker
desc: Gib ihm einen griffigen Namen. Du kannst sogar die <strong>Abkürzung</strong> einer Form eingeben (Diese kann <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">hier</a> generiert werden).
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Du kannst nur 2 benutzerdefinierte Marker in der Demo benutzen. Hol dir die Standalone, um unendlich viele Marker zu erstellen!
@ -287,6 +265,10 @@ dialogs:
desc: >-
Hier kannst du ein Bildschirmfoto von deiner ganzen Fabrik erstellen. Für extrem große Fabriken kann das jedoch sehr lange dauern und ggf. zum Spielabsturz führen!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -309,6 +291,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Kopieren
clearSelection: Auswahl aufheben
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -424,9 +407,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: Weiß
uncolored: Farblos
black: Black
title: Ebenen
empty: Leer
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -538,6 +523,27 @@ buildings:
toUnlock: >-
Für folgende Belohnung:
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -821,6 +827,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Bandplaner aktivieren
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planer: Seite wechseln"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: Über dieses Spiel

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and combination of shapes. Deliver the requested, increasingly complex shapes to progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Since the demand raises you will have to scale up your factory to fit the needs - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand in the [b]infinite map[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Since shapes can get boring soon you need to mix colors and paint your shapes with it - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Dark Mode
[*] More settings
[*] Allow me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[*] More features in the future!
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Planned features & Community suggestions[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
This game is open source - Anybody can contribute! Besides of that, I listen [b]a lot[/b] to the community! I try to read all suggestions and take as much feedback into account as possible.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Story mode where buildings cost shapes
[*] More levels & buildings (standalone exclusive)
[*] Different maps, and maybe map obstacles
[*] Configurable map creation (Edit number and size of patches, seed, and more)
[*] More types of shapes
[*] More performance improvements (Although the game already runs pretty good!)
[*] Color blind mode
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Loading
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Unknown Level
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This weeks topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and propose it to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
continue: Continue
newGame: New Game
madeBy: Made by <author-link>
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for unlimited markers!
@ -270,6 +267,10 @@ dialogs:
You requested to export your base as a screenshot. Please note that this can
be quite slow for a big base and even crash your game!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -292,6 +293,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copy
clearSelection: Clear Selection
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -407,9 +409,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: White
uncolored: No color
black: Black
title: Layers
empty: Empty
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -517,6 +521,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Deliver
toUnlock: to unlock
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -802,6 +827,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Enable belt planner
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planner: Switch side"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: About this Game

@ -153,29 +153,6 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Unknown Level
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This week's topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and showcase them to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
ok: OK

@ -30,41 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io es un juego sobre construir fábricas para automatizar la creación y combinación de figuras. Entrega las cada vez más complejas figuras requeridas para progresar y desbloquea mejoras para aumentar la velocidad de tu fábrica.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Al aumentar la demanda, necesitarás escalar tu fábrica para ajustarte a las necesidades - ¡No te olvides de los recursos, necesitarás expandirte en el [b]mapa infinito[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Ya que las figuras pueden ser aburridas, necesitarás mezclar colores para pintar las figuras - Combina recursos de colores rojo, verde y azul para producir diferentes colores y pintar figuras para satisfacer la demanda.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Este juego cuenta con 18 niveles (¡Que te mantendrán ocupado durante horas!) pero estoy constantemente añadiendo nuevo contenido - ¡Hay mucho planeado!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Ventajas del juego completo[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Puntos de referencia en el mapa
[*] Partidas guardadas ilimitadas
[*] Modo nocturno
[*] Más opciones
[*] Permitirme seguir desarrollando shapez.io ❤️
[*] Más características en el futuro!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Características planeadas y sugerencias de la comunidad[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
Este juego es de código abierto - Cualquiera puede contribuir! A parte de eso, escucho [b]mucho[/b] a la comunidad! Intento leer todas las sugerencias e intento tener en cuenta todo el feedback posible.
[*] Modo historia en el que los edificios cuesten figuras
[*] Más niveles y edificios (exclusivos del juego completo)
[*] Mapas diferentes y tal vez obstáculos en el mapa
[*] Configuración en la creación del mapa (Editar el número y tamaño de los recursos, la semilla, y más)
[*] Más tipos de formas
[*] Mejoras de rendimiento (Aunque el juego ya funciona muy bien!)
[*] Modo para daltónicos
[*] Y mucho más!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
Además asegúrate de comprobar el tablero de Trello para ver todo lo planificado! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Cargando
@ -133,28 +151,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Nivel <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Nivel desconocido
title: "Concurso #01"
desc: ¡Gana <strong>25$</strong> por la base más impresionante!
longDesc: >-
¡Para devolveros algo a vosotros he pensado que molaría hacer consursos semanales!
<strong>¡El tema de esta semana:</strong> Construye la base más chula!
Este es el trato:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Envía una captura de pantalla de tu base a <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Puntos extra si lo subes a redes sociales!</li>
<li>Elegiré 5 capturas de pantalla y las propondré a la comunidad de <strong>discord</strong> para que vote.</li>
<li>El ganador obtendrá <strong>25$</strong> (Paypal, tarjeta de regalo de Amazon, lo que prefieras)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
Estoy esperando para ver vuestras increíbles creaciones!
showInfo: Ver
contestOver: El concurso ha terminado - Únete al discord para enterarte sobre nuevos concursos!
subreddit: Reddit
@ -258,6 +255,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Nuevo marcador
desc: Dale un nombre significativo, tambien puedes agregarle la <strong>clave</strong> de una forma (La cual puedes generar <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">aquí</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Sólo puedes crear dos marcadores en la versión de prueba. ¡Obtén el juego completo para marcas ilimitadas!
@ -268,6 +266,10 @@ dialogs:
Has pedido una captura de pantalla. Por favor ten en cuenta que
puede tardar bastante en las bases grandes ¡He incluso crashear tu juego!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -290,6 +292,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copiar
clearSelection: Limpiar Selección
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -404,9 +407,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cian
white: Blanco
uncolored: Sin color
black: Black
title: Capas
empty: Vacio
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -514,6 +519,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Envía
toUnlock: para desbloquear
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -593,10 +619,9 @@ storyRewards:
desc: >-
Este nivel no da recompensa, ¡pero el siguiente si! <br><br> PS: Mejor no destruyas la fábrica que tienes - ¡Necesitarás <strong>todas</strong> esas figuras más adelante para <strong>desbloquear mejoras</strong>!
title: Siguiente Nivel
desc: >-
¡Felicidades! ¡Por cierto, hay más contenido planeado para el juego completo!
title: Next level
desc: Congratulations! By the way, more content is planned for the standalone!
title: Opciones
@ -792,6 +817,11 @@ keybindings:
mapMoveFaster: Mover más rápido
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planner: Switch side"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: Sobre el Juego

@ -30,41 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io on peli tehtaiden rakentamisesta, joiden avulla automatisoidaan yhä monimutkaisempien muotojen luonti and yhdisteleminen. Toimita yhä monimutkaisemmat pyydetyt muodot edistyäksesi pelissä ja avataksesi päivityksiä kasvattamaan tehtaasi nopeutta.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Kun kysyntä kasvaa, sinun täytyy kasvattaa tehdastasi täyttämään uudet vaatimukset. - Joskin älä unohda resursseja, sinun täytyy laajentua [b]loputtomassa maailmassa[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Koska muodot voivat käydä pian tylsiksi, sinun täytyy sekoittaa värejä keskenään ja värjätä muotoja niillä - Sekoita punaista, vihreää ja sinista väriresurssia tehdäksesi erilaisia värejä ja värjätäksesi muotoja sillä tyydyttääksesi kysynnän.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Tämä peli tarjoaa 18 tasoa (Joiden pitäisi pitää sinut kiireisenä jo monia tunteja!) mutta lisään jatkuvasti lisää sisältöä peliin. - Paljon sisältöä on suunniteltu!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Itsenäisen pelin edut[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Reittipisteet
[*] Loputon määrä tallennuksia
[*] Tumma tila
[*] Lisää asetuksia
[*] Antakaa minun kehittää shapez.io:ta pidemmälle❤
[*] Lisää ominaisuuksia tulossa!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Suunnitellut ominaisuudet & Yhteisön ehdotukset[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
Tässä pelissä on avoin lähdekoodi - Kuka tahansa voi osallistua! Sen lisäksi kuuntelen [b]paljon[/b] Yhteisöä! Yritän lukea kaikki ehdotukset ja ottaa mahdollisimman paljon palautetta huomioon.
[*] Johtoja!
[*] Tarinatila, jossa rakennukset maksavat muotoja
[*] Lisää tasoja ja rakennuksia (pelkästään itsenäisessä pelissä)
[*] Erilaisia karttoja sekä ehkä esteitä kartoissa
[*] Säädettävä kartan luonti (Säädä alueiden lukumäärää ja kokoa, kartan siementä ja muuta)
[*] Lisää muototyyppejä
[*] Lisää suorituskyvyn parannuksia (Huolimatta siitä että peli jo nyt toimii meko hyvin!)
[*] Ja paljon muuta!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
Muista tarkistaa trello taulusta koko etenemissuunnitelma! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Ladataan
@ -134,28 +152,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Taso <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Tuntematon Taso
title: "Kilpailu #01"
desc: Palkinto <strong>17,78€</strong> hienoimmalle päämajalle!
longDesc: >-
Jotta voin antaa takaisin jotain, ajattelin että olisi hienoa pitää viikottaisia kilpailuja!
<strong>Tämän viikon aihe:</strong> Rakenna hienoin päämaja!
Tässä on ehdot:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Lähetä kuvakaappaus tukikohdastasi osoitteeseen <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Saat bonuspisteita jos jaat sen sosiaalisessa mediassa!</li>
<li>Valitsen viisi kuvakaappausta ja lähetän ne <strong>discord</strong> yhteisölle äänestettäväksi.</li>
<li>Voittaja saa <strong>22,23€</strong> (Paypal, Amazon lahjakortti tai mitä vain haluat)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
Odotan innolla mahtavia luomuksiasi!
showInfo: Näytä
contestOver: Tämä kilpailu on päättynyt - Liity discord yhteisöön saadaksesi huomautuksia uusista kilpailuista!
@ -259,6 +256,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Uusi Merkki
desc: Anna merkille kuvaava nimi, voit myös sisällyttää muodon <strong>lyhyen avaimen</strong> siihen. (Lyhyen avaimen voit luoda <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">täällä</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Voit tehdä vain kaksi mukautettua merkkiä demoversiossa. Hanki itsenäinen versio saadaksesi loputtoman määrän merkkejä!
@ -266,6 +264,9 @@ dialogs:
title: Vie kuvakaappaus
desc: Pyysit tukikohtasi viemistä kuvakaappauksena. Huomaa, että tämä voi olla melko hidasta isolla tukikohdalla ja voi jopa kaataa pelisi!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
@ -301,6 +302,7 @@ ingame:
cyan: Syaani
white: Valkoinen
uncolored: Ei Väriä
black: Black
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -541,6 +543,13 @@ buildings:
name: &energy_generator Sähkögeneraattori
description: Tuottaa sähköä kuluttamalla muotoja. Jokainen sähkögeneraattori vaatii eri muotoja.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -620,10 +629,6 @@ storyRewards:
desc: >-
This level gave you no reward, but the next one will! <br><br> PS: Better don't destroy your existing factory - You need <strong>all</strong> those shapes later again to <strong>unlock upgrades</strong>!
title: Johdot
desc: TODO
title: Seuraava taso
desc: >-
@ -833,6 +838,7 @@ keybindings:
placementDisableAutoOrientation: Poista automaattinen suunta käytöstä
placeMultiple: Pysy sijoittamistilassa
placeInverse: Käännä automaattinen hihnan suunta
menuClose: Close Menu
title: Tietoja tästä pelistä

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io est un jeu ayant pour objectif d'automatiser la création et la fusion de formes à l'aide d'une usine. Livrez des formes de plus en plus complexes requises pour progresser dans le jeu et débloquez des améliorations qui accéléreront votre chaîne de production.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
La demande allant croissant, vous aurez à adapter l'échelle de votre usine afin de suivre la demande - Ne négligez pas les resources cependant, vous aurez à vous étendre sur une [b]carte infinie[/b] !
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Traiter seulement des formes pouvant devenir monotone à la longue, vous aurez aussi à mélanger des couleurs et à les utiliser pour peindre vos formes - Combinez des pigments rouges, verts ou bleus pour produire différentes couleurs et enduisez-en vos formes afin de satisfaire les demandes.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Ce jeu propose 18 niveaux (qui devraient d'ores et déjà vous occuper pour de nombreuses heures !) mais j'ajoute régulièrement de nouveaux contenus - Beaucoup de nouveautés sont prévues !
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Avantage de la version complète[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Balises
[*] Nombre illimité de sauvegardes
[*] Thème sombre
[*] Plus de paramètres de configuration
[*] Acheter la version complète m'aide à poursuivre le développement de shapez.io ❤️
[*] Encore plus de fonctionnalités à l'avenir !
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Fonctionnalités planifiées & suggestions de la communauté[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Ce jeu est open source - N'importe qui peut contribuer ! En outre, Je suis [b]très attentif[/b] à ce que dit la communauté ! J'essaie de lire toutes les suggestions et de tenir compte des retours autant que possible.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Mode Histoire où les batiments ont un coût en formes
[*] Plus de niveaux et de batiments (en exclusivité dans la version complète)
[*] Différentes cartes, contenant éventuellement des obstacles
[*] Création configurable de carte (éditer le nombre et la taille des gisements de resources, édition de la graine générant la carte, et plus encore)
[*] Davantage de types de formes
[*] Performance améliorée (bien que le jeu tourne déjà de manière tout à fait décente !)
[*] Adaptation de l'affichage des couleurs à différentes formes de daltonisme
[*] Et bien plus encore !
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
N'hésitez pas à consulter mon tableau trello pour avoir une vue d'ensemble de ce qui est prévu ! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Chargement
@ -132,28 +149,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Niveau <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Niveau inconnu
title: "Concours #01"
desc: Gagnez <strong>$25</strong> pour l'usine la plus cool !
longDesc: >-
Pour vous remercier, j'ai pensé qu'il serait bien de faire un concours hebdomadaire !
<strong>Le sujet de cette semaine:</strong> Construire l'usine la plus cool !
Voici comment faire:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Envoyez une capture d'écran de votre usine à <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Vous aurez des points bonus si vous la partagez sur les réseaux sociaux !</li>
<li>Je choisirai 5 images et les soumettrai au vote à la communauté <strong>discord</strong>.</li>
<li>Le gagnant empoche <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, carte cadeau Amazon, ce que vous préférez)</li>
<li>Limite: 07.06.2020 AM 12:00 CEST</li>
J'attends avec impatience de voir vos superbes créations !
showInfo: Voir
contestOver: Ce concours est terminé - Rejoignez le serveur discord pour être tenu au courant des prochains concours !
continue: Continuer
newGame: Nouvelle partie
madeBy: Créé par <author-link>
@ -262,6 +258,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Nouvelle balise
desc: Donnez-lui un nom, vous pouvez aussi inclure <strong>le raccourci </strong> d'une forme (Que vous pouvez générer <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">ici</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Vous ne pouvez créer que deux balises dans la démo. Achetez la version complète pour en faire autant que vous voulez !
@ -271,6 +268,10 @@ dialogs:
desc: >-
Vous avez demandé à exporter votre base sous la forme d'une capture d'écran. Soyez conscient que cela peut s'avérer passablement lent pour une grande base, voire même planter votre jeu !
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -293,6 +294,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copier
clearSelection: Effacer la sélection
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -407,9 +409,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: Blanc
uncolored: Non coloré
black: Black
title: Calques
empty: Vide
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -519,6 +523,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Délivrez
toUnlock: pour débloquer
levelShortcut: NV
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -799,6 +824,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Utiliser le plannificateur de convoyeurs
switchDirectionLockSide: "Plannificateur: changer de côté"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: À propos de ce jeu

@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
# This is the short text appearing on the steam page
shortText: shapez.io je igra o izradi tvornica za automatizaciju stvaranja i spajanja sve složenijih oblika unutar beskonačno velike mape.
# shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and combination of increasingly complex shapes within an infinite map.
# This is the long description for the steam page - It is contained here so you can help to translate it, and I will regulary update the store page.
@ -60,42 +59,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and combination of shapes. Deliver the requested, increasingly complex shapes to progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Since the demand raises you will have to scale up your factory to fit the needs - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand in the [b]infinite map[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Since shapes can get boring soon you need to mix colors and paint your shapes with it - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Dark Mode
[*] More settings
[*] Allow me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[*] More features in the future!
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Planned features & Community suggestions[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
This game is open source - Anybody can contribute! Besides of that, I listen [b]a lot[/b] to the community! I try to read all suggestions and take as much feedback into account as possible.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Žice!
[*] Story mode where buildings cost shapes
[*] More levels & buildings (standalone exclusive)
[*] Different maps, and maybe map obstacles
[*] Configurable map creation (Edit number and size of patches, seed, and more)
[*] More types of shapes
[*] More performance improvements (Although the game already runs pretty good!)
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Učitavanje
@ -168,29 +184,8 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Nivo <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Nepoznati Nivo
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This weeks topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and propose it to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
@ -261,7 +256,7 @@ dialogs:
desc: >-
Evo sve promjene od zadnjeg igranja:
title: Otključaj Nadogradnje
desc: >-
@ -295,6 +290,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Novi Putokaz
desc: Daj mu smisleno ime. Može se uključiti i <strong>kratki kod</strong> oblika. (Koju možeš generirati <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">ovdje</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: U demo verziji se mogu stvoriti samo dva putokaza istovremeno. Nabavi samostalnu igru za beskonačno mnogo putokaza!
@ -302,6 +298,9 @@ dialogs:
title: Izvezi sliku zaslona
desc: Zatražen je izvoz cijele baze u obliku slike zaslone. Ovo može biti jako sporo za velike tvornice, a može i srušiti igru!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
@ -577,6 +576,13 @@ buildings:
name: &energy_generator Generator
description: Proizvodi energiju iz oblika. Svaki generator zahtijeva različiti oblik.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -656,10 +662,6 @@ storyRewards:
desc: >-
This level gave you no reward, but the next one will! <br><br> PS: Better don't destroy your existing factory - You need <strong>all</strong> those shapes later again to <strong>unlock upgrades</strong>!
title: Žice
desc: TODO
title: Next level
desc: >-
@ -814,7 +816,7 @@ keybindings:
buildings: Kratice Građevina
placementModifiers: Modifikatori Smještanja
confirm: Potvrdi
back: Nazad
@ -870,6 +872,7 @@ keybindings:
placementDisableAutoOrientation: Onemogući automatsku orijentaciju
placeMultiple: Ostani u modusu za smještanje
placeInverse: Obrni automatsku orijentaciju pokretnih traka
menuClose: Close Menu
title: O Igri

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and combination of shapes. Deliver the requested, increasingly complex shapes to progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Since the demand raises you will have to scale up your factory to fit the needs - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand in the [b]infinite map[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Since shapes can get boring soon you need to mix colors and paint your shapes with it - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Waypoints
[*] Végtelen mentések
[*] Sötét Mód
[*] Több beállítás
[*] Lehetővé teszed, hogy tovább fejlesszem a shapez.io-t ❤️
[*] More features in the future!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Planned features & Community suggestions[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Ez a játék nyílt forráskódú - Anybody can contribute! Besides of that, I listen [b]a lot[/b] to the community! I try to read all suggestions and take as much feedback into account as possible.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Sztori mód, ahol az épületek alakzatokba kerülnek
[*] Több szint és épület (standalone exclusive)
[*] Különböző térképek, és talán akadályok
[*] Configurable map creation (Edit number and size of patches, seed, and more)
[*] Sokkal több alakzat
[*] More performance improvements (Bár a játék így is elég jól fut!)
[*] Színvak mód
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Betöltés
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: <x>. szint
savegameLevelUnknown: Ismeretlen szint
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This weeks topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and propose it to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
continue: Continue
newGame: New Game
madeBy: Made by <author-link>
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for unlimited markers!
@ -270,6 +267,10 @@ dialogs:
You requested to export your base as a screenshot. Please note that this can
be quite slow for a big base and even crash your game!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -292,6 +293,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copy
clearSelection: Clear Selection
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -407,9 +409,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: White
uncolored: No color
black: Black
title: Layers
empty: Empty
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -516,6 +520,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Deliver
toUnlock: to unlock
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -799,6 +824,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Enable belt planner
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planner: Switch side"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: A játékról

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and combination of shapes. Deliver the requested, increasingly complex shapes to progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Since the demand raises you will have to scale up your factory to fit the needs - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand in the [b]infinite map[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Since shapes can get boring soon you need to mix colors and paint your shapes with it - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Dark Mode
[*] More settings
[*] Allow me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[*] More features in the future!
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Planned features & Community suggestions[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
This game is open source - Anybody can contribute! Besides of that, I listen [b]a lot[/b] to the community! I try to read all suggestions and take as much feedback into account as possible.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Story mode where buildings cost shapes
[*] More levels & buildings (standalone exclusive)
[*] Different maps, and maybe map obstacles
[*] Configurable map creation (Edit number and size of patches, seed, and more)
[*] More types of shapes
[*] More performance improvements (Although the game already runs pretty good!)
[*] Color blind mode
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Caricamento
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Livello <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Livello sconosciuto
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This weeks topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and propose it to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: Mostra
contestOver: Questa competizione è conclusa - Unisciti su Discord per ricevere notizie sulle prossime competizioni!
continue: Continua
newGame: Nuova partita
madeBy: Creato da <author-link>
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Nuovo Marker
desc: Dagli un magnifico nome, puoi anche includere <strong>short key</strong> di una figura (Che puoi generare <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Puoi creare solo due Marker personalizzati nella Demo. Prendi la versione standalone per Marker personalizzati illimitati!
@ -270,6 +267,10 @@ dialogs:
Hai richiesto di esportare la tua base come screenshot. Perfavore tieni conto che potrebbe
essere lento per una grossa base e che potrebbe crushare il gioco!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -292,6 +293,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copia
clearSelection: Annulla selezione
pipette: Contagocce
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -407,9 +409,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Azzurro
white: Bianco
uncolored: No colore
black: Black
title: Livelli
empty: Vuoto
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -517,6 +521,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Consegna
toUnlock: per sbloccare
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -800,6 +825,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Enable belt planner
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planner: Switch side"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: Riguardo questo gioco

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
このゲームは現在18レベルまでが実装されていますがこれだけでもかなりのボリュームです、今後も継続的に新しい要素が追加で実装されていく予定です。 - すでに沢山計画されています!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] マップのマーク設置とマークへの移動
[*] 無制限のセーブデータ
[*] ダークモード
[*] 多彩な設定
[*] shapez.ioのさらなる開発ができます ❤️
[*] 将来の追加内容実装
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Future Updates[/b]
このゲームはオープンソースです。誰でも開発に参加できます! それ以外にも、私はコミュニティの意見を[b]とても[/b]よく聞いており、なるべくすべての提案を読み、できるだけ多くのフィードバックを考慮に入れるようにしています。
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] 建造物にコストがかかるストーリーモード
[*] 追加のレベル、及び建造物(スタンドアローン版限定)
[*] 別マップ、もしかすると障害物
[*] 設定可能なマップ生成(数やサイズの設定、ランダム生成シード値、その他)
[*] 追加の形
[*] パフォーマンス向上(このゲームは現状でもかなり軽いです)
[*] 色覚異常モード
[*] 他にも沢山!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
完全なロードマップは私のTrelloボードをチェックしてみてください https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: ロード中
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: レベル <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: 不明なレベル
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This weeks topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and propose it to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
continue: 続きから
newGame: 新規ゲーム
madeBy: Made by <author-link>
@ -297,6 +293,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: コピー
clearSelection: 選択範囲をクリア
pipette: ピペット
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -412,9 +409,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: シアン
uncolored: 無色
black: Black
title: レイヤー
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -522,6 +521,27 @@ buildings:
name: 格納庫
description: 余ったアイテムを指定の上限まで格納します。余剰の受け口としても使用可能です。
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -802,6 +822,10 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: ベルトプランナーを有効化
switchDirectionLockSide: "プランナー: 通る側を切り替え"
pipette: ピペット
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: このゲームについて

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io는 다양한 도형의 생산과 조합을 자동화하는 공장들을 짓는 게임입니다. 점점 복잡해지는 요구사항을 충족하고 업그레이드를 잠금 해제해서 공장의 성능을 높일 수 있습니다.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
점점 증가하는 수요를 충족하기 위해 공장의 규모를 키워야 합니다. [b]무한한 공간[/b]으로 확장하여 도형 재료를 구하는 것도 잊지 마세요.
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
단순한 도형은 금방 싫증이 나므로, 색을 조합하여 도형을 색칠하세요. 빨강, 초록, 파랑을 조합하여 다양한 색을 만들고 도형을 색칠하여 요구사항을 충족하세요.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
이 게임에는 18개의 레벨이 있습니다. (이것만으로도 이미 몇시간이 걸렸을 거예요!) 하지만 저는 항상 새로운 컨텐츠를 추가하고 있습니다. 계획해 놓은 것들도 많구요!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]유료 버전의 장점[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] 마커
[*] 제한 없는 저장
[*] 다크 모드
[*] 더 다양한 설정
[*] 제가 shapez.io를 개발하는 데 도움이 됨 ❤️
[*] 향후 더 많은 컨텐츠
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b] 예정된 컨탠츠 및 커뮤니티 제안[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
이 게임은 오픈 소스입니다. 따라서 누구나 기여할 수 있습니다! 또한, 커뮤니티의 제안을 [b]많이[/b] 듣고 있습니다! 가능한 많이 읽고 많이 반영하도록 노력하겠습니다.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] 건물을 도형으로 구매해야 돼는 스토리 모드
[*] 더 많은 레벨과 건물 (유료 버전 한정)
[*] 다양한 월드와 맵 장애물
[*] 당신만의 맵 제작
[*] 더 많은 종류의 도형
[*] 성능 향상 (지금도 게임이 잘 되긴 합니다!)
[*] 색맹자용 모드
[*] 그 외 다수!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
저의 트렐로 보드를 확인해서 로드맵을 확인해보세요! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: 로딩중
@ -130,29 +147,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: 레벨 <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: 레벨 모름
title: "콘테스트 #01"
desc: 가장 멋진 공장을 지으신 분에게 <strong>$25</strong>를 !
longDesc: >-
여러분들에게 무언가를 나눠드리고 싶어서 주간 콘테스트를 개최합니다!
<strong>이번주 토픽:</strong> 가장 멋있는 공장을 만드세요!
참여하는 법:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>여러분 공장의 스크린샷을 여기로 보내세요: <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>소셜 미디어에 공유하면 보너스 포인트!</li>
<li>스크린샷 5개를 골라 <strong>디스코드 </strong> 커뮤니티에서 투표를 진행할 예정입니다.</li>
<li>우승자는 <strong>$25</strong>를 받습니다! (PayPal이나 아마존 기프트 카드 중 원하는 것으로)</li>
<li>기한: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
당신들의 멋진 공장을 보고 싶습니다!
showInfo: 보기
contestOver: 이 콘테스트는 끝났습니다. 디스코드에서 새로운 콘테스트 관련 알림을 받으세요!
continue: 계속하기
newGame: 새 게임
madeBy: 제작 <author-link>
@ -260,6 +255,7 @@ dialogs:
title: 새로운 마커
desc: 이 장소에 이름을 지어주세요, 당신은 원하는 모양으로 <strong>단축키</strong>를 생성할 수 있습니다. (<a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">여기</a>에서 만들 수 있습니다.)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: 데모 버전에서는 마커를 2개 까지만 놓을 수 있습니다. 유료 버전을 구입하면 마커를 무제한으로 놓을 수 있습니다!
@ -270,6 +266,10 @@ dialogs:
당신은 당신의 공장을 스크린샷으로 내보내려 하고있습니다. 공장이 너무 큰 경우에는
시간이 오래 걸리거나 게임이 꺼질 수도 있음을 알려드립니다!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: 선택된 부분 복사하기
clearSelection: 선택된 부분 지우기
pipette: 스포이드
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -407,9 +408,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: 청록
white: 하양
black: Black
empty: 비었음
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -517,6 +520,27 @@ buildings:
name: 저장소
description: 할당된 용량만큼 초과되는 도형을 저장한다.
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -798,6 +822,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: 벨트 플래너 활성화
switchDirectionLockSide: "플래너: 방향 바꾸기"
pipette: 피펫
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: 이 게임의 정보

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and combination of shapes. Deliver the requested, increasingly complex shapes to progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Since the demand raises you will have to scale up your factory to fit the needs - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand in the [b]infinite map[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Since shapes can get boring soon you need to mix colors and paint your shapes with it - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Dark Mode
[*] More settings
[*] Allow me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[*] More features in the future!
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Planned features & Community suggestions[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
This game is open source - Anybody can contribute! Besides of that, I listen [b]a lot[/b] to the community! I try to read all suggestions and take as much feedback into account as possible.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Story mode where buildings cost shapes
[*] More levels & buildings (standalone exclusive)
[*] Different maps, and maybe map obstacles
[*] Configurable map creation (Edit number and size of patches, seed, and more)
[*] More types of shapes
[*] More performance improvements (Although the game already runs pretty good!)
[*] Color blind mode
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Loading
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Unknown Level
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This weeks topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and propose it to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
continue: Continue
newGame: New Game
madeBy: Made by <author-link>
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for unlimited markers!
@ -270,6 +267,10 @@ dialogs:
You requested to export your base as a screenshot. Please note that this can
be quite slow for a big base and even crash your game!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -292,6 +293,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copy
clearSelection: Clear Selection
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -407,9 +409,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: White
uncolored: No color
black: Black
title: Layers
empty: Empty
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -517,6 +521,27 @@ buildings:
name: Storage
description: Stores excess items, up to a given capacity. Can be used as an overflow gate.
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -799,6 +824,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Enable belt planner
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planner: Switch side"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: About this Game

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io is een spel dat draait om het bouwen van fabrieken om steeds complexere vormen te produceren en deze productie te automatiseren. Lever de gevraagde, steeds complexere vormen, om verder te komen in het spel en om upgrades voor je fabrieken te ontgrendelen.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
De vraag naar vormen wordt steeds groter, wat betekent dat je fabriek moet blijven uitbreiden om dit tegemoet te komen. Om de juiste grondstoffen te delven zul je steeds verder in het [b]oneindig grote speelveld[/b] moeten gaan werken!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Omdat simpele vormen snel saai worden, moet je kleuren mengen om de vormen te verven - combineer rode, groene en blauwe grondstoffen om verschillende kleuren te produceren en gebruik deze om de vormen te verven, zodat je de vraag hiernaar tegemoet kan komen.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Dit spel bevat 18 levels (Waar je al uren mee bezig zal zijn!), maar ik ben continu bezig om het spel uit te breiden - er staat veel in de planning!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone voordelen[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Markeringen
[*] Oneindig veel Savegames
[*] Donkere modus
[*] Meer opties
[*] Met jouw steun kan ik shapez.io verder ontwikkelen ❤️
[*] Meer functies in de toekomst!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Geplande functies & suggesties van de community[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Dit spel is open source - Iedereen kan bijdragen! Daarnaast luister ik [b]erg veel[/b] naar de community! Ik probeer alle suggesties te lezen en gebruik feedback zo veel als mogelijk.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Verhaalmodus, waar gebouwen specifieke vormen kosten om te bouwen
[*] Meer levels & gebouwen (exclusief in de standalone)
[*] Verschillende mappen en misschien obstakels in mappen
[*] Aangepaste mappen aanmaken (Het kiezen van de hoeveelheid en de grootte van de grondstofbronnen, seeds, en meer)
[*] Meer soorten vormen
[*] Meer prestatieverbeteringen (Hoewel het spel al vrij goed loopt!)
[*] Kleurenblindmodus
[*] En nog veel meer!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Bekijk mijn trello-bord voor het volledige stappenplan! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Laden
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Onbekend Level
title: "Competitie #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> voor de meest coole basis!
longDesc: >-
Om wat aan jullie terug te geven leek het me leuk om wekelijkse competities te houden!
<strong>Het onderwerp van deze week:</strong> Bouw de meest coole basis!
Dit is hoe het zit:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Stuur een screenshot van jouw basis naar <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonuspunten als je het deelt op social media!</li>
<li>Ik kies 5 screenshots en presenteer deze aan de <strong>discord</strong> community om te stemmen.</li>
<li>De winnaar krijgt <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, wat jij het liefste hebt)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
Ik kijk er naar uit om jullie geweldige creaties te zien!
showInfo: Laat zien
contestOver: Deze competitie is voorbij - word lid van de discord (engelstalig) om berichten te krijgen van nieuwe competities!
continue: Verder
newGame: Nieuw Spel
madeBy: Gemaakt door <author-link>
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Nieuwe markering
desc: Geef het een betekenisvolle naam. Je kunt ook een <strong>icoontje</strong> van een vorm toevoegen (die je <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">hier</a> kunt maken)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Je kunt maar twee markeringen plaatsen in de demo. Koop de standalone voor een ongelimiteerde hoeveelheid markeringen!
@ -268,6 +265,10 @@ dialogs:
desc: >-
Je hebt aangegeven dat je jouw basis wil exporteren als screenshot. Als je een grote basis hebt kan dit proces langzaam zijn en er zelfs voor zorgen dat je spel crasht!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -290,6 +291,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Kopieer
clearSelection: Cancel selectie
pipette: Pipet
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -405,9 +407,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyaan
white: Wit
uncolored: Geen kleur
black: Black
title: Lagen
empty: Leeg
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -515,6 +519,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Lever
toUnlock: om te ontgrendelen
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -797,6 +822,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Schakel lopende band-planner in
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planner: Wissel van richting"
pipette: Pipet
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: Over dit spel

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io er et spill som handler om å bygge fabrikker for å automatisere byggeprosessen og kombinere forskjellige former og fasonger. Lever objektene som øker i kompleskitet og fasonger for å progressere i spillet og åpne opp nye oppgraderinger til din fabrikk.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Siden forespørselen øker, må du skalere opp fabrikken din for å tilpasse deg til behovet - Men ikke glem tilgangen du har til ressurser, du må utvide på det [b]uendelige brettet[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Siden figurer i seg selv kan bli kjedelig, må du snart mikse farger og fargelegge dine figurer - Kombiner rød, grønn og blå farge-ressurser for å produsere forskjellige farger, og fargelegg figurene for å tilfredsstille behovet.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Spillet har 18 nivåer (Som bør holde deg opptatt i mange timer!) men jeg legger konstant til nytt innhold - Det er mye som er planlagt!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Frittstående Fordeler[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Kartmarkering
[*] Uendelige lagringsfiler
[*] Mørk Modus
[*] Flere instillinger
[*] Tillater meg å videreutvikle shapez.io ❤️
[*] Flere funksjoner i fremtiden!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Planlagte funksjoner & Forslag fra samfunnet[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Spillet er åpen kildekode - Alle kan bidra! Utenom det, så lytter jeg [b]veldig[/b] til samfunnet! Jeg prøver å lese alle forslag og ta imot så mye tilbakemeldinger som mulig.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Kampanje
[*] Flere nivåer & bygninger (Frittstående eksklusivt)
[*] Forskjellige brett, og kanskje hinder på brettet
[*] Konfigurerbart brett-generasjon (Endre antall og størrelse på ressursfelt, seed, med mer)
[*] Flere forskjellige type former
[*] Mer forbedring av ytelse (Selv om spillet allerede kjører ganske bra!)
[*] Fargeblind modus
[*] Og mye mer!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Sjekk ut min trello tavle for hele planen! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Laster
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Nivå <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Ukjent Nivå
title: "Konkurranse #01"
desc: Vinn <strong>$25</strong> for den kuleste basen!
longDesc: >-
For å gi noe tilbake til deg, tenkte jeg det ville vært kult med ukentlige konkurranser!
<strong>Denne ukens tema:</strong> Bygg den kuleste basen!
Her er tingen:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Send et skjermbilde av basen din til <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus poeng om du deler på sosiale medier!</li>
<li>Jeg velger 5 skjermbilder og foreslår de på <strong>discord</strong> for samfunnet til å stemme.</li>
<li>Vinneren får <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, eller hva du foretrekker)</li>
<li>Frist: 07.06.2020 00:00 Sentraleuropeisk sommertid</li>
Jeg ser fram til å se dine kule skapninger!
showInfo: Vis
contestOver: Denne konkurransen er ferdig - Bli med på discord for å få varsel om nye konkurranser!
continue: Fortsett
newGame: Nytt Spill
madeBy: Laget av <author-link>
@ -260,6 +256,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Ny Markør
desc: Gi markøren et meningsfullt navn, du kan også inkludere <strong>"short key"</strong> av et objekt (Som du kan generere <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">her</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Du kan kun ha to markører i demo verjsonen. Skaff deg frittstående versjon for ubegrensede markører!
@ -267,6 +264,9 @@ dialogs:
title: Eksporter skjermbilde
desc: Du forespurte å eksportere bilde av basen din som et skjermbilde. Vær obs på at dette kan ta lang tid for en stor base, og i verste fall kræsje spillet ditt (Husk å lagre først)!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Kopier
clearSelection: Fjern Valgte
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -405,9 +406,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: Hvit
uncolored: Ingen farge
black: Black
title: Lag
empty: Tom
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -515,6 +518,27 @@ buildings:
name: Lagringsboks
description: Lagrer overflødige objekter, opp til en viss kapasitet. Kan bli brukt som mellomlagring for overflyt.
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -799,6 +823,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Enable belt planner
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planlegger: Bytt side"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: Om dette spillet

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io jest grą o budowaniu i automatyzacji fabryki różnych kształtów. Dostarczaj coraz bardziej skomplikowane kształty, żeby odblokować nowe ulepszenia i przyspieszyć produkcję w twojej fabryce.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Będziesz potrzebował coraz więcej elementów, więc również sporo miejsca na powiększanie fabryki. [b]Nieskończona mapa[/b] to coś co ułatwi Ci ten proces!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Same kształty mogą z czasem być nudne, dlatego gra będzie wymagała od Ciebie malowania ich różnymi kolorami - połącz czerwoną, zieloną i niebieską farbę, a powstanie nowa o innym kolorze. Korzystaj z farb, by móc ukończyć kolejne poziomy.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Na tę chwilę gra oferuje 18 poziomów (które powinny zagwarantować rozrywkę na co najmniej kilka godzin!), ale bez przerwy dodaję nowe - jest naprawdę wiele do dodania!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Zalety pełnej wersji[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Znaczniki
[*] Nielimitowana ilość zapisanych gier
[*] Ciemny motyw gry
[*] Więcej ustawień
[*] Pomożesz mi w dalszym rozwijaniu shapez.io ❤️
[*] Więcej zawartości niedługo!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Zaplanowana zawartość & Sugestie społeczności[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Ta gra jest open-source - Każdy może pomóc w rozwoju! Poza tym słucham tego, co społeczność ma do powiedzenia w kwestii gry! Staram się czytać wszystkie sugestie i odbierać jak najwięcej informacji zwrotnych na temat gry.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Kampania, gdzie do budowy potrzeba kształtów
[*] Więcej poziomów i budynków (tylko w pełnej wersji)
[*] Inne mapy, może z przeszkodami
[*] Możliwość modyfikowania parametrów generowanej mapy (ilość i rozmiar surowców, ziarno świata, itd.)
[*] Więcej rodzajów kształtów
[*] Optymalizacja (mimo wszystko gra już działa dość płynnie!)
[*] Tryb dla ślepoty barw
[*] I wiele więcej!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Sprawdź tablicę trello i zobacz nad czym teraz pracuję! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Ładowanie
@ -136,29 +153,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Poziom <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Nieznany poziom
title: "Konkurs #01"
desc: Wygraj <strong>25$</strong> za najciekawszą bazę!
#Translator note: We don't use AM/PM, we mainly use 24 hour clock system, older generations use 12h
longDesc: >-
Żeby dać wam coś od siebie, pomyślałem, że było by fajnie robić tygodniowe konkursy!
<strong>Temat tego tygodnia:</strong> Zbuduj najciekawszą fabrykę!
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Wyślij zrzut ekranu fabryki na adres <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Dodatkowe punkty za udostępnianie na mediach społecznościowych!</li>
<li>Wybiorę 5 najlepszych moim zdaniem projektów i pozwolę społeczności <strong>discord</strong> głosować.</li>
<li>Wygrany dostaje <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, którekolwiek wolisz).</li>
<li>Termin: 07.06.2020 12:00 CEST</li>
Nie mogę się doczekać, by zobaczyć Wasze fabryki!
showInfo: Wyświetl
contestOver: Ten konkurs już się skończył - Dołącz do serwera Discord by nie przegapić kolejnych!
madeBy: Gra wykonana przez <author-link>
subreddit: Reddit
@ -259,6 +254,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Nowy Znacznik
desc: Podaj nazwę znacznika. Możesz w niej zawrzeć <strong>kod kształtu</strong>, który możesz wygenerować <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">tutaj</a>.
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Możesz stworzyć tylko dwa własne znaczniki w wersji demo. Zakup pełną wersję gry dla nielimitowanych znaczników!
@ -275,6 +271,10 @@ dialogs:
fabryki ta akcja może być bardzo wolna, a nawet może spowodować zawieszenie się lub awarię gry!
Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować?
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Skopiuj
clearSelection: Wyczyść zaznaczenie
pipette: Wybierz obiekt z mapy
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Names of the colors, used for the color blind mode
@ -308,6 +309,7 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyjanowy
white: Biały
uncolored: Brak koloru
black: Black
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -410,6 +412,7 @@ ingame:
title: Poziomy
empty: Puste
copyKey: Copy Key
# Interactive tutorial
@ -529,6 +532,27 @@ buildings:
name: Magazyn
description: Magazynuje obiekty, do określonego limitu. Może zostać użyty jako bramka przepełnienia.
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -825,6 +849,11 @@ keybindings:
switchDirectionLockSide: >-
Planowanie taśmociągu: Zmień stronę
pipette: Wybieranie obiektów z mapy
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: O Grze

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io é um jogo sobre construir fábricas para automatizar a criação e combinação de formas. Entregue formas cada vez mais complexas pedidas pelo jogo para progredir e desbloquear melhorias que aceleram sua fábrica.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Como a demanda é crescente, será necessário dimensionar uma fábrica que atenda a necessidade - Não se esqueça dos recursos à sua disposição, você poderá expandir em um [b]mapa infinito[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Formas podem ficar entediantes por si só, logo você terá que misturar cores e pintá-las - Combine os recursos vermelho, verde e azul para produzir cores diferentes e pintar as formas com elas pra atender a demanda.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Esse jogo apresenta 18 níveis (que já devem mantê-lo ocupado por horas!) mas estou constantemente adicionado conteúdo novo - Muito já está planejado!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Vantagens da Versão Standalone[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Marcações no mapa
[*] Jogos salvos ilimitados
[*] Modo escuro
[*] Mais opções no menu
[*] Me ajuda a desenvolver mais o shapez.io ❤️
[*] Ainda mais recursos no futuro!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Melhoras Planejadas & Sugestões da Comunidade[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Esse jogo tem código aberto - Qualquer um pode contribuir! Além disso, eu ouço [b]muito[/a] a comunidade! Tento ler todas as sugestões e levar o máximo possível de comentários sobre o jogo em consideração.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Modo história, onde construir custará formas
[*] Mais níves & construções (exclusivo da versão standalone)
[*] Mapas diferentes, e talvez obstáculos no mapa
[*] Criação de mapa configurável (Número e tamanho de recursos, seed, e mais)
[*] Mais tipos de formas
[*] Mais melhoras no desempenho (Mesmo que o jogo já esteja rodando bem rápido!)
[*] Acessibilidade para daltonismo
[*] E muito mais!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Não deixe de conferir na minha página no trello o planejamento completo! (em inglês) https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Carregando
@ -130,28 +147,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Nível <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Nível desconhecido
title: "Concurso #01"
desc: Ganhe <strong>$25</strong> pela melhor base!
longDesc: >-
Para retribuir, pensei que seria legal fazer concursos semanais!
<strong> Tópico dessa semana:</strong> Construa a base mais legal!
Esse é o plano:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Envie uma captura de tela da sua base para <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Pontos bônus se você o compartilhar nas mídias sociais!</li>
<li>Vou escolher 5 capturas de tela e propor à votação a comunidade <strong>discord</strong>.</li>
<li>o vencedor recebe <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, o que você preferir)</li>
<li>Até 07.06.2020 12:00 CEST</li>
Estou ansioso para ver suas criações incríveis!
showInfo: Participar
contestOver: Esse concurso está encerrado - Entre no discord para ser informado sobre novos concursos!
helpTranslate: Ajude a traduzir!
continue: Continuar
newGame: Novo jogo
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Nova Marcação
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: >-
Você só pode criar dois marcadores na versão demo. Adquira a versão completa para marcadores ilimitados!
@ -269,6 +266,10 @@ dialogs:
desc: >-
Você está prestes a exportar uma captura de tela da sua base. Note que isso pode ser bastante lento para uma base grande, e até mesmo pode travar o jogo!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -292,6 +293,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copy
clearSelection: Clear Selection
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -406,9 +408,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: White
uncolored: No color
black: Black
title: Layers
empty: Empty
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -518,6 +522,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Entregue
toUnlock: para desbloquear
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -799,6 +824,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Ativar planejador de correia
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planejador: Mudar de lado"
pipette: Pipeta
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: Sobre o jogo

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io é um jogo cujo objetivo é construir fábricas para automatizar a criação e fusão de formas geométricas. Entrega as formas pedidas, que são cada vez mais complexas, de modo a progredir no jogo e desbloquear melhorias para acelerar a produção da tua fábrica
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Uma vez que a procura aumenta a cada nível, terás de aumentar a tua fábrica para fazer face às necessidades - Para isso, terás de te expandir no [b]mapa infinito[/b] para explorar todos os recursos!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Como produzir formas se tornará aborrecido rapidamente, não tardará até precisares de misturar cores e pintá-las com elas - Combina os recursos de cores vermelha, verde e azul para produzir diferentes cores e usá-las para pintar as formas geométricas com o intuito de satisfazer a procura.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Este jogo conta com 18 níveis (Que deverão manter-te ocupado durante horas!) mas estou constantemente a adicionar novos conteúdos - Há muitas coisas planedas!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Vantagens do jogo completo[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Marcos
[*] Savegames infinitos
[*] Modo escuro
[*] Mais definições
[*] Possibilita-me desenvolver ainda mais o shapez.io ❤️
[*] Mais conteúdo no futuro!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Conteúdo planeado & Sugestões da comunidade[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Este jogo é open source (código aberto) - Qualquer pessoa pode contribuir! Adicionalmente, Eu ouço [b]muito[/b] a comunidade! Eu tento ler todas as sugestões e retirar delas tanto feedback quanto possível.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Modo história onde as construções custam formas geométricas
[*] Mais níveis & construções (exclusivo do jogo completo)
[*] Mapas diferentes, e talvez com obstáculos
[*] Criação de mapas configuráveis (Editar o número e tamanho das minas, semente, e mais)
[*] Mais tipos de formas geométricas
[*] Mais melhorias de performance (Apesar do jogo já correr bastante bem!)
[*] Modo daltónico
[*] E muito mais!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Segue o meu trello board para veres todo o roteiro de desenvolvimento! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: A carregar
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Nível <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Nível desconhecido
title: "Concurso #01"
desc: Ganha <strong>$25</strong> para a base mais cool!
longDesc: >-
Para retribuir o teu apoio, pensei que seria bom fazer concursos semanais!
<strong>O tópico desta semana:</strong> Construir a base mais cool!
Como fazer:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Envia uma captura de ecrã da tua base para <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bónus se o partilhares nas redes sociais!</li>
<li>Eu irei escolher 5 capturas de ecrã e propô-las-ei à comunidade do <strong>discord</strong> para votar.</li>
<li>O vencedor ganha <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, ou o que preferires)</li>
<li>Prazo: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
Estou ansioso por ver as vossas fantásticas criações!
showInfo: Ver
contestOver: Este concurso terminou - Entra no discord para seres notificado quando abrirem novos concursos!
continue: Continuar
newGame: Novo Jogo
madeBy: Criado por <author-link>
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Novo marco
desc: Dá-lhe um nome com significado, também poderás adicionar <strong>um pequeno código</strong> de uma forma. (Pode ser gerado <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">aqui</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Apenas podes criar dois marcos na versão Demo. Adquire o jogo completo para colocar marcos infinitos!
@ -269,6 +266,10 @@ dialogs:
Tu estás a pedir pra exportar a tua base como uma captura de ecrã. Por favor tem em atenção que isto pode
ser um pouco lento para uma base muito grande até mesmo bloquear o teu jogo!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -291,6 +292,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copiar
clearSelection: Cancelar
pipette: Pipeta
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -406,9 +408,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Ciano
white: Branco
uncolored: Sem cor
black: Black
title: Camadas
empty: Vazio
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -515,6 +519,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Entrega
toUnlock: para desbloquear
levelShortcut: NVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -798,6 +823,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Ativa o planeamento de tapetes
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planeador: Troca o lado"
pipette: Pipeta
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: Sobre o jogo
body: >-

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io este un joc despre construirea fabricilor pentru a automatiza crearea și combinarea de forme. Livrează cerutele, din ce in ce mai complexe forme pentru a progresa în joc și a debloca upgrade-uri pentru a îți accelera fabrica.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Când cererea crește tu va trebui să îți mărești fabrica pentru a se potrivi cererilor - Nu uita de resurse totuși, tu va trebui să te extinzi în [b]harta infinită[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Când formele pot deveni plictisitoare curând tu trebuie să amesteci culori și să îți pictezi formele cu ea - Amestecă culorile roșu, verde și albastru pentru a produce diferite culori și a picta forme cu ele pentru a satisface cererile.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Acest joc cuprinde 18 nivele (Care are trebui să te păstreze ocupat pentru ore deja!) dar, eu adaug constant conținut nou - Sunt multe planificate!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Avantajele Standalone-ului[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Waypointuri
[*] Savegame-uri nelimitate
[*] Modul Întunecat
[*] Mai multe setări
[*] Îmi permiți să dezvolt mai departe shapez.io ❤️
[*] Mai multe funcții în viitor!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Funcții planificate & Sugestiile comunității[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Acest joc este open source - Toată lumea poate contribui! Pe lângă asta, eu ascult [b]mult[/b] de comunitate! Încerc să citesc toate sugestiile și să iau cât mai mule opinii în considerare pe cât posibil.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Story mode unde construcțiile costă forme
[*] Mai multe nivele & construcții (exclusiv standalone-ului)
[*] Diferite hărți, și poate obstacole ale hărții
[*] Creare de hartă configurabilă (Editează numărul și mărimea zonelor, seed-ul, și multe altele)
[*] Mai multe forme
[*] Mai multe îmbunătățiri de performanță (Totuși jocul deja rulează destul de bine!)
[*] Mod pentru orbii de culoare
[*] Și multe altele!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Asigurați-vă ca îmi verificați trello board-ul pentru întregul progres! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Se Încarcă
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Nivelul <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Nivel necunoscut
title: "Concursul #01"
desc: Câștigă <strong>$25</strong> pentru cea mai tare bază!
longDesc: >-
Pentru a vă da ceva înapoi, M-am gândit că ar fi tare să fac concursuri săptămânale!
<strong>Subiectul acestei săptămâni:</strong> Construiește cea mai tare bază!
Treaba stă așa:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Trimite o poză cu baza ta la <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Puncte bonus dacă o trimiți și pe rețelele de socializare!</li>
<li>Eu voi alege 5 poze și le voi propune comunității pe <strong>discord</strong> pentru a vota.</li>
<li>Câștigătorul primește <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, orice preferi)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
Abia aștept să văd creațiile voastre minunate!
showInfo: Vezi
contestOver: Acest concurs s-a terminat - Alătură-te server-ului de discord pentru a primi notificări despre noi concursuri!
continue: Continuă
newGame: Joc nou
madeBy: Făcut de <author-link>
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Nou waypoint
desc: Dă-i un nume plin de înțeles, de asemenea poți include a <strong>codul scurt</strong> al unei forme (Pe care îl poți genera <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Poți crea decât două waypoint-uri personalizate în demo. Ia standalone-ul pentru Waypoint-uri nelimitate!
@ -267,6 +264,11 @@ dialogs:
title: Exportează captură de ecran
desc: >-
Ai solicitat să exportezi baza ta ca o captură de ecran. Vă rugăm să rețineți că asta poate fi destul de lent pentru o bază mare și poate chiar să blocheze jocul!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -289,6 +291,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copiază
clearSelection: Golește Secțiunea
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -404,9 +407,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: Alb
uncolored: Necolorat
black: Black
title: Start
empty: Gol
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -513,6 +518,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Deliver
toUnlock: pentru a debloca
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -790,6 +816,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Activează planificator de benzi
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planificator: Schimbă direcția"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: Despre acest joc

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io — это игра о строительстве фабрик для автоматизации создания и объединения фигур. Доставляйте запрошенные, все более сложные фигуры, чтобы развиваться в игре и разблокировать улучшения, чтобы ускорить работу вашей фабрики.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Поскольку спрос растет, вам придется увеличивать свою фабрику, чтобы соответствовать потребностям. Однако, не забывайте о ресурсах, несмотря на то что вы будете расширятся на [b]бесконечной карте[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Поскольку фигуры вскоре могут наскучить, вам потребуется смешивать цвета и раскрашивать свои фигуры ими. Комбинируйте красный, зеленый и синий красители для получения разных цветов и красте ими фигуры, чтобы удовлетворить спрос.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Эта игра имеет 18 уровней (но и они займут вас на часы!). Я постоянно добавляю новый контент - там много чего запланировано!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Преимущества полной версии[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Метки
[*] Неограниченное количество сохранений
[*] Темный режим
[*] Больше настроек
[*] Позволит мне быстрее разрабатывать shapez.io ❤️
[*] Больше возможностей в будущем!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Планируемые функции & Предложения сообщества[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Это игра с открытым исходным кодом - любой может внести свой вклад! Кроме того, я во [b]многом[/b] прислушиваюсь к сообществу! Я стараюсь прочитать все предложения и учту как можно больше отзывов.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Режим истории, где здания стоят фигур
[*] Больше уровней & зданий (эксклюзивно для полной версии)
[*] Различные карты и, возможно, карта препятствий
[*] Настраиваемое создание карт (редактирование количества и размера участков, семя и т. д.)
[*] Больше видов фигур
[*] Больше улучшений производительности (хотя игра уже работает довольно хорошо!)
[*] Режим дальтоника
[*] И многое другое!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Не забудьте проверить мою доску trello со всеми планами! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Загрузка
@ -132,28 +149,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Уровень <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Неизвестный уровень
title: "Конкурс №01"
desc: Выиграй <strong>$25</strong> за лучшую базу!
longDesc: >-
Чтобы вернуть вам что-то, я подумал, что было бы здорово проводить еженедельные конкурсы!
<strong>Тема этой недели:</strong> Постройка самой классной базы!
Вот что нужно сделать:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Отправить скриншот вашей базы сюда: <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Бонусные баллы, если вы поделитесь этим в социальных сетях!</li>
<li>Я выберу 5 скриншотов и предложу сообществу в <strong>дискорде</strong> проголосовать.</li>
<li>Победитель получит <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, что вы предпочитаете)</li>
<li>Крайний срок: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
Я с нетерпением жду, чтобы увидеть ваши удивительные творения!
showInfo: Посмотреть
contestOver: Этот конкурс закончился - присоединяйтесь в дискорде, чтобы получать уведомления о новых конкурсах!
continue: Продолжить
newGame: Новая Игра
madeBy: Создал <author-link>
@ -256,6 +252,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Новый маркер
desc: Дайте ему содержательное имя, также можно добавить <strong>сокращение</strong> в виде фигуры (Которое можно сгенерировать <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">здесь</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Вы можете создать только 2 своих маркера в демо-версии. Приобретите полную версию для безлимитных маркеров.
@ -272,6 +269,10 @@ dialogs:
что это может быть довольно медленным процессом для большой базы
и даже привести к аварийному завершению игры!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -294,6 +295,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Копировать
clearSelection: Отменить
pipette: Пипетка
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -409,9 +411,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Бирюзовый
white: Белый
uncolored: Бесцветный
black: Black
title: Слои
empty: Пусто
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -518,6 +522,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Доставить
toUnlock: чтобы открыть
levelShortcut: Ур.
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -800,6 +825,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Включает конвейерный планировщик
switchDirectionLockSide: "Планировщик: Переключение сторон"
pipette: Пипетка
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: Об игре

@ -153,28 +153,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Unknown Level
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This week's topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and showcase them to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
@ -283,6 +262,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for unlimited markers!
@ -566,6 +546,13 @@ buildings:
name: &energy_generator Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes. Each energy generator requires a different shape.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -645,9 +632,7 @@ storyRewards:
desc: >-
This level gave you no reward, but the next one will! <br><br> PS: Better don't destroy your existing factory - You need <strong>all</strong> those shapes later again to <strong>unlock upgrades</strong>!
title: Wires
desc: TODO
title: Next level

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io är ett spel som går ut på att automatisera skapandet av former. Leverera de efterfrågade, alltmer komplexa formerna för att utvecklas genom spelet och skaffa uppgraderingar för att öka hastigheten i fabriken.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Eftersom efterfrågan ökar behöver du bygga ut fabriken för att möta behoven - Glöm bara inte bort resurserna, du kommer behöva expadera fabriken över den [b]oändligt stora världen[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Eftersom former kan bli tråkiga kommer du behöva blanda färger och måla dina former med dem - Kombinera röd, grön, och blå för att producera olika färger och måla former med dem för att tillfredställa efterfrågan.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Detta spel innehåller just nu 18 nivåer (Vilket borde hålla dig upptagen i några timmar!) men jag lägger konstant till fler saker - Det finns mycket planerat!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Fristående Fördelar[/b]
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Waypoints
[*] Oändligt antal sparfiler
[*] Mörkt tema
[*] Fler inställningar
[*] Tillåter mig att vidare utveckla shapez.io ❤️
[*] Fler funktioner i framtiden!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Planerade tillägg & Gruppförslag[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
Detta spel är open source - Vem som helst kan hjälpa! Förutom det lyssnar jag [b]ofta[/b] på min community! Jag försöker läsa alla förslag och ta till mig så mycket feedback som möjligt.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Story mode däri byggnader kostar former
[*] Fler nivåer & och byggnader (exklusivt för den fristående versionen)
[*] Olika världar, och kanske världshinder
[*] Konfigurerbar världskapande (Ändra antal och storlek på resursfläckar, seed, med mera)
[*] Fler sorters former
[*] Fler prestandaförbättringar (Även om spelet redan spelar ganska väl!)
[*] Färgblint läge
[*] Och mycket mer!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Se till att kolla min trello för en full framtidskarta! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: Laddar
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Nivå <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Okänd Nivå
title: "Tävling #01"
desc: Vinn <strong>$25</strong> för den coolaste fabriken!
longDesc: >-
För att ge något åter till dig, tänkte jag att det skulle vara coolt att skapa veckovisa tävlingar!
<strong>Denna veckas tema:</strong> Bygg den coolaste fabriken!
Så här går det till:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Skicka in en skärmdump av din fabrik till <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonuspoäng om du delar den på sociala medier!</li>
<li>Jag kommer välja 5 skärmdumpar och framföra dem till<strong>discord</strong>gruppen och låta dem rösta.</li>
<li>Vinnaren får <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, Vilket du än föredrar)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
Jag ser fram emot att se era grymma skapelser!
showInfo: Se
contestOver: Tävlingen är avslutad - Gå med i discordservern för att bli notifierad kring nya tävlingar!
continue: Fortsätt
newGame: Nytt spel
madeBy: Skapad av <author-link>
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: Ny Markör
desc: Ge den ett meningsfullt namn, du kan också inkludera en <strong>kort kod</strong> av en form (Vilket du kan generera här <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank"></a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Du kan endast skapa två markörer i demoversionen. Skaffa den fristående versionen för ett oändligt antal!
@ -270,6 +267,10 @@ dialogs:
Du efterfrågade att exportera din fabrik som en skärmdump.
Vänligen notera att detta kan ta ett tag för en stor bas och i vissa fall till och med krascha ditt spel
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -292,6 +293,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Kopiera
clearSelection: Rensa vald
pipette: Pipett
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -407,9 +409,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Turkos
white: Vit
uncolored: Ofärgad
black: Black
title: Lager
empty: Tom
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -516,6 +520,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: Leverera
toUnlock: Att låsa upp
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -798,6 +823,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Sätt på rullbandsplanerare
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planerare: Byt sida"
pipette: Pipett
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: Om detta spel

@ -30,42 +30,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and combination of shapes. Deliver the requested, increasingly complex shapes to progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
Since the demand raises you will have to scale up your factory to fit the needs - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand in the [b]infinite map[/b]!
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Since shapes can get boring soon you need to mix colors and paint your shapes with it - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Dark Mode
[*] More settings
[*] Allow me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[*] More features in the future!
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Planned features & Community suggestions[/b]
[b]Future Updates[/b]
This game is open source - Anybody can contribute! Besides of that, I listen [b]a lot[/b] to the community! I try to read all suggestions and take as much feedback into account as possible.
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Story mode where buildings cost shapes
[*] More levels & buildings (standalone exclusive)
[*] Different maps, and maybe map obstacles
[*] Configurable map creation (Edit number and size of patches, seed, and more)
[*] More types of shapes
[*] More performance improvements (Although the game already runs pretty good!)
[*] Color blind mode
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap! https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: yükleniyor
@ -131,28 +148,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Seviye <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Bilinmeyen seviye
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This weeks topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and propose it to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
continue: Devam et
newGame: Yeni Oyun
madeBy: Made by <author-link>
@ -255,6 +251,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for unlimited markers!
@ -270,6 +267,10 @@ dialogs:
You requested to export your base as a screenshot. Please note that this can
be quite slow for a big base and even crash your game!
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -292,6 +293,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: Copy
clearSelection: Clear Selection
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -407,9 +409,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: Cyan
white: Beyaz
uncolored: Renksiz
black: Black
title: Layers
empty: Bos
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -517,6 +521,27 @@ buildings:
name: Storage
description: Stores excess items, up to a given capacity. Can be used as an overflow gate.
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -800,6 +825,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: Enable belt planner
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planner: Switch side"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: About this Game

@ -153,28 +153,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Unknown Level
title: "Contest #01"
desc: Win <strong>$25</strong> for the coolest base!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This week's topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and showcase them to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: View
contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
@ -283,6 +262,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">here</a>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for unlimited markers!
@ -654,9 +634,7 @@ storyRewards:
desc: >-
This level gave you no reward, but the next one will! <br><br> PS: Better don't destroy your existing factory - You need <strong>all</strong> those shapes later again to <strong>unlock upgrades</strong>!
title: Wires
desc: TODO
title: Next level

@ -57,43 +57,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io 是一款在无边际的地图上建造工厂、自动化生产与组合愈加复杂的图形的游戏。提交任务,制造更复杂的流水线,解锁升级来提升您工厂的运作速度。
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] 地图标记
[*] 无限存档
[*] 深色模式
[*] 更多设置
[*] 支持作者继续开发shapez.io❤
[*] 在以后还有更多特性!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Future Updates[/b]
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] 要消耗图形来造建筑的的故事模式
[*] 更多关卡&建筑(单机版独有)
[*] 更多地图,也许会有障碍物
[*] 可配置的地图生成(矿脉密度与大小、 随机种子以及其他地图设置)
[*] 更多图形
[*] 更多的性能改进(当然,现在游戏已经非常流畅了!)
[*] 色盲模式
[*] 以及更多其他的功能!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: 加载中
@ -161,28 +177,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: 第<x>关
savegameLevelUnknown: 未知关卡
title: "竞赛 #01"
desc: 最6的工厂将能赢得<strong>25</strong>美元的奖金!
longDesc: >-
To give something back to you, I thought it would be cool to make weekly contests!
<strong>This weeks topic:</strong> Build the coolest base!
Here's the deal:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Submit a screenshot of your base to <strong>contest@shapez.io</strong></li>
<li>Bonus points if you share it on social media!</li>
<li>I will choose 5 screenshots and propose it to the <strong>discord</strong> community to vote.</li>
<li>The winner gets <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome creations!
showInfo: 详细信息
contestOver: 本次竞赛已结束。加入官方Discord以收到关于新竞赛的提醒
# contestOver: This contest has ended - Join the discord to get noticed about new contests!
continue: 继续游戏
newGame: 新游戏
@ -288,6 +283,7 @@ dialogs:
title: 创建地图标记
desc: 给地图标记起一个的名字。你可以在名字中加入一个<strong>短代码</strong>以加入图形。(你可以在<a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">这里</a>生成短代码。)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: 在演示版中你只能创建两个地图标记。请获取独立版以创建更多标记。
@ -301,6 +297,10 @@ dialogs:
desc: >-
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: 复制
clearSelection: 取消选择
pipette: 选取器
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -440,9 +441,11 @@ ingame:
cyan: 青色
white: 白色
uncolored: 无色
black: Black
title: 层 # TODO: find better translation
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -549,6 +552,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: 交付
toUnlock: 来解锁
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -843,6 +867,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: 启用传送带规划
switchDirectionLockSide: "规划器:换边"
pipette: 选取器
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: 关于游戏

@ -57,43 +57,59 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
shapez.io 是一款在無邊際的地圖上建造工廠、自動化生產與組合愈加複雜的圖形的遊戲。提交任務,製造更複雜的流水線,解鎖升級來提升您工廠的運作速度。
shapez.io is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory.
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
[b]Standalone Advantages[/b]
[*] 地圖標記
[*] 無限存檔
[*] 深色模式
[*] 更多設置
[*] 支持作者繼續開發shapez.io❤
[*] 在以後還有更多特性!
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop shapez.io ❤️
[b]Future Updates[/b]
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
[b]This game is open source![/b]
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
[*] 要消耗圖形來造建築的的故事模式
[*] 更多關卡&建築(獨立版獨有)
[*] 更多地圖,也許會有障礙物
[*] 可配置的地圖生成(礦脈密度與大小、 隨機種子以及其他地圖設置)
[*] 更多圖形
[*] 更多的性能改進(當然,現在遊戲已經非常流暢了!)
[*] 色盲模式
[*] 以及更多其他的功能!
[*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/HN7EVzV]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/shapezio]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=https://github.com/tobspr/shapez.io/blob/master/translations/README.md]Help translate[/url]
記得查看我的Trello計劃板那裡有所有的開發計劃 https://trello.com/b/ISQncpJP/shapezio
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
loading: 加載中
@ -159,28 +175,7 @@ mainMenu:
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: 未知關卡
title: "比賽 #01"
desc: 最屌的工廠將能贏得<strong>25</strong>美元的獎金!
longDesc: >-
<br> <br>
<strong>本週主題:</ strong>建立最酷的基地!
<br> <br>
<ul class =“ bucketList”>
<li>將您的基地的螢幕截圖提交到<strong> contest@shapez.io </ strong> </ li>
<li>如果您在社交媒體上分享會有額外獎勵積分!</ li>
<li>我將選擇5張螢幕截圖並將其提交給<strong> discord </ strong>社區進行投票。</ li>
<li>獲勝者將獲得<strong> $ 25 </ strong>PayPal亞馬遜禮品卡隨您喜歡</ li>
<li>截止日期CEST 07.06.2020 12:00 AM </ li>
</ ul>
showInfo: 詳細信息
contestOver: 本次競賽已結束。加入官方Discord以收到關於新競賽的提醒
continue: 繼續
newGame: 新遊戲
madeBy: 作者:<author-link>
@ -283,6 +278,7 @@ dialogs:
title: 創建標記
desc: 給地圖標記起一個的名字。你可以在名字中加入一個<strong>短代碼</strong>以加入圖形。 (你可以在<a href="https://viewer.shapez.io" target="_blank">這裡</a>生成短代碼。)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: 在演示版中你只能創建兩個地圖標記。請獲取獨立版以創建更多標記。
@ -296,6 +292,10 @@ dialogs:
desc: >-
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ ingame:
copySelection: 複製選取
clearSelection: 清空選取
pipette: 吸附
switchLayers: Switch layers
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
@ -435,9 +436,11 @@ ingame:
uncolored: 無顏色
black: Black
copyKey: Copy Key
# All shop upgrades
@ -544,6 +547,27 @@ buildings:
deliver: 交付
toUnlock: 來解鎖
levelShortcut: LVL
name: Energy Wire
description: Allows you to transport energy.
name: Color Inverter
description: Accepts a color or shape and inverts it.
deliver: Deliver
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes.
name: Wire Splitter
description: Splits a energy wire into two.
name: Wire Merger
description: Merges two energy wires into one.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
@ -831,6 +855,11 @@ keybindings:
lockBeltDirection: 啟用傳送帶規劃
switchDirectionLockSide: "規劃器:換邊"
pipette: Pipette
menuClose: Close Menu
switchLayers: Switch layers
advanced_processor: Color Inverter
energy_generator: Energy Generator
wire: Energy Wire
title: 關於遊戲
