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# noded/backend
## Requirements to develop
- Node.js 14.x
- MongoDB 4.x
## Setting up develop
- Clone this repo
- Copy `example.env` to `.env`
- Edit `.env`
- Change `LOGGING_LEVEL` to `7`
- Change database information, if necessary
- Change `ENVIRONMENT` to `development`
- Change `UPLOAD_DEFAULT_STORE` to `flitter`
- You can leave this as `s3` if you specify an S3-compatible API and credentials.
- Make sure Flitter can start using `./flitter test`
## Basics
- Run `node index.js` to start the main server.
- I like to use `nodemon` to auto-reload when files change.
- To access the shell for debugging & testing, run:
- `node --experimental-repl-await flitter shell`