You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

388 lines
12 KiB

/* eslint-disable */
const gulp = require("gulp");
const browserSync = require("browser-sync").create({});
const path = require("path");
const deleteEmpty = require("delete-empty");
const execSync = require("child_process").execSync;
// Load other plugins dynamically
const $ = require("gulp-load-plugins")({
scope: ["devDependencies"],
pattern: "*",
// Check environment variables
const envVars = [
for (let i = 0; i < envVars.length; ++i) {
if (!process.env[envVars[i]]) {
console.warn("Please set", envVars[i]);
// process.exit(1);
const baseDir = path.join(__dirname, "..");
const buildFolder = path.join(baseDir, "build");
const imgres = require("./image-resources");
imgres.gulptasksImageResources($, gulp, buildFolder);
const css = require("./css");
css.gulptasksCSS($, gulp, buildFolder, browserSync);
const sounds = require("./sounds");
sounds.gulptasksSounds($, gulp, buildFolder);
Achievements (#1087) * [WIP] Add boilerplate for achievement implementation * Add config.local.template.js and rm cached copy of config.local.js * [WIP] Implement painting, cutting, rotating achievements (to log only) * [WIP] Refactor achievements, jsdoc fixes, add npm script - Refactor achievements to make use of Signals - Move implemented achievement interfaces to appropriate platform folders (SteamAchievements in currently in use in browser wrapper for testing) - Fix invalid jsdocs - Add dev-standalone script to package.json scripts * Add steam/greenworks IPC calls and optional private-artifact dependency * Include private artifacts in standalone builds * Uncomment appid include * [WIP] Add steam overlay fix, add hash to artifact dependency * Update electron, greenworks. Add task to add local config if not present * Add more achievements, refactor achievement code * Add receiver flexibility and more achievements - Add check to see if necessary to create achievement and add receiver - Add remove receiver functionality when achievement is unlocked * Add achievements and accommodations for switching states - Fix startup code to avoid clobbering achievements on state switch - Add a few more achievements * Add achievements, ids. Update names, keys for consistency * Add play time achievements * [WIP] Add more achievements * Add more achievements. Add bulk achievement check signal * [WIP] Add achievements. Start savefile migration * Add achievements. Add savefile migration * Remove superfluous achievement stat * Update lock files, fix merge conflict
4 years ago
const localConfig = require("./local-config");
localConfig.gulptasksLocalConfig($, gulp);
const js = require("./js");
js.gulptasksJS($, gulp, buildFolder, browserSync);
const html = require("./html");
html.gulptasksHTML($, gulp, buildFolder, browserSync);
const ftp = require("./ftp");
ftp.gulptasksFTP($, gulp, buildFolder);
const docs = require("./docs");
docs.gulptasksDocs($, gulp, buildFolder);
const standalone = require("./standalone");
standalone.gulptasksStandalone($, gulp, buildFolder);
const releaseUploader = require("./release-uploader");
releaseUploader.gulptasksReleaseUploader($, gulp, buildFolder);
const translations = require("./translations");
translations.gulptasksTranslations($, gulp, buildFolder);
///////////////////// BUILD TASKS /////////////////////
// Cleans up everything
gulp.task("utils.cleanBuildFolder", () => {
return gulp.src(buildFolder, { read: false, allowEmpty: true }).pipe($.clean({ force: true }));
gulp.task("utils.cleanBuildTempFolder", () => {
return gulp
.src(path.join(__dirname, "..", "src", "js", "built-temp"), { read: false, allowEmpty: true })
.pipe($.clean({ force: true }));
4 years ago
gulp.task("utils.cleanImageBuildFolder", () => {
return gulp
.src(path.join(__dirname, "res_built"), { read: false, allowEmpty: true })
.pipe($.clean({ force: true }));
4 years ago
gulp.series("utils.cleanBuildFolder", "utils.cleanImageBuildFolder", "utils.cleanBuildTempFolder")
// Requires no uncomitted files
gulp.task("utils.requireCleanWorkingTree", cb => {
let output = $.trim(execSync("git status -su").toString("ascii")).replace(/\r/gi, "").split("\n");
// Filter files which are OK to be untracked
output = output
.map(x => x.replace(/[\r\n]+/gi, ""))
.filter(x => x.indexOf(".local.js") < 0)
.filter(x => x.length > 0);
if (output.length > 0) {
console.error("\n\nYou have unstaged changes, please commit everything first!");
console.error("Unstaged files:");
console.error( => "'" + x + "'").join("\n"));
gulp.task("utils.copyAdditionalBuildFiles", cb => {
const additionalFolder = path.join("additional_build_files");
const additionalSrcGlobs = [
path.join(additionalFolder, "**/*.*"),
path.join(additionalFolder, "**/.*"),
path.join(additionalFolder, "**/*"),
return gulp.src(additionalSrcGlobs).pipe(gulp.dest(buildFolder));
// Starts a webserver on the built directory (useful for testing prod build)
gulp.task("main.webserver", () => {
return gulp.src(buildFolder).pipe(
livereload: {
enable: true,
directoryListing: false,
open: true,
port: 3005,
* @param {object} param0
* @param {"web"|"standalone"|"china"|"wegame"} param0.version
function serve({ version = "web" }) {
server: buildFolder,
port: 3005,
ghostMode: {
clicks: false,
scroll: false,
location: false,
forms: false,
logLevel: "info",
logPrefix: "BS",
online: false,
xip: false,
notify: false,
reloadDebounce: 100,
reloadOnRestart: true,
watchEvents: ["add", "change"],
// Watch .scss files, those trigger a css rebuild["../src/**/*.scss"], gulp.series(""));
// Watch .html files, those trigger a html rebuild"../src/**/*.html", gulp.series(version === "web" ? "" : "html.standalone-dev"));
// Watch sound files
//["../res_raw/sounds/**/*.mp3", "../res_raw/sounds/**/*.wav"], gulp.series(""));
// Watch translations"../translations/**/*.yaml", gulp.series("translations.convertToJson"));
["../res_raw/sounds/sfx/*.mp3", "../res_raw/sounds/sfx/*.wav"],
gulp.series("sounds.sfx", "sounds.copy")
["../res_raw/sounds/music/*.mp3", "../res_raw/sounds/music/*.wav"],
gulp.series("", "sounds.copy")
// Watch resource files and copy them on change, gulp.series("imgres.buildAtlas"));, gulp.series("imgres.copyNonImageResources"));, gulp.series("imgres.copyImageResources"));
// Watch .atlas files and recompile the atlas on change"../res_built/atlas/*.atlas", gulp.series("imgres.atlasToJson"));"../res_built/atlas/*.json", gulp.series("imgres.atlas"));
// Watch the build folder and reload when anything changed
const extensions = ["html", "js", "png", "gif", "jpg", "svg", "mp3", "ico", "woff2", "json"]; => path.join(buildFolder, "**", "*." + ext))).on("change", function (path) {
return gulp.src(path).pipe(browserSync.reload({ stream: true }));
});"../src/js/built-temp/*.json").on("change", function (path) {
return gulp.src(path).pipe(browserSync.reload({ stream: true }));
switch (version) {
case "web": {
gulp.series("")(() => true);
case "standalone": {
gulp.series("")(() => true);
case "china": {
gulp.series("")(() => true);
case "wegame": {
gulp.series("")(() => true);
default: {
throw new Error("Unknown version " + version);
///////////////////// RUNNABLE TASKS /////////////////////
// Pre and postbuild
gulp.task("step.baseResources", gulp.series("imgres.allOptimized"));
gulp.task("step.deleteEmpty", cb => {
gulp.task("step.postbuild", gulp.series("imgres.cleanupUnusedCssInlineImages", "step.deleteEmpty"));
// Builds everything (dev)
Achievements (#1087) * [WIP] Add boilerplate for achievement implementation * Add config.local.template.js and rm cached copy of config.local.js * [WIP] Implement painting, cutting, rotating achievements (to log only) * [WIP] Refactor achievements, jsdoc fixes, add npm script - Refactor achievements to make use of Signals - Move implemented achievement interfaces to appropriate platform folders (SteamAchievements in currently in use in browser wrapper for testing) - Fix invalid jsdocs - Add dev-standalone script to package.json scripts * Add steam/greenworks IPC calls and optional private-artifact dependency * Include private artifacts in standalone builds * Uncomment appid include * [WIP] Add steam overlay fix, add hash to artifact dependency * Update electron, greenworks. Add task to add local config if not present * Add more achievements, refactor achievement code * Add receiver flexibility and more achievements - Add check to see if necessary to create achievement and add receiver - Add remove receiver functionality when achievement is unlocked * Add achievements and accommodations for switching states - Fix startup code to avoid clobbering achievements on state switch - Add a few more achievements * Add achievements, ids. Update names, keys for consistency * Add play time achievements * [WIP] Add more achievements * Add more achievements. Add bulk achievement check signal * [WIP] Add achievements. Start savefile migration * Add achievements. Add savefile migration * Remove superfluous achievement stat * Update lock files, fix merge conflict
4 years ago
// Builds everything (standalone -dev)
Achievements (#1087) * [WIP] Add boilerplate for achievement implementation * Add config.local.template.js and rm cached copy of config.local.js * [WIP] Implement painting, cutting, rotating achievements (to log only) * [WIP] Refactor achievements, jsdoc fixes, add npm script - Refactor achievements to make use of Signals - Move implemented achievement interfaces to appropriate platform folders (SteamAchievements in currently in use in browser wrapper for testing) - Fix invalid jsdocs - Add dev-standalone script to package.json scripts * Add steam/greenworks IPC calls and optional private-artifact dependency * Include private artifacts in standalone builds * Uncomment appid include * [WIP] Add steam overlay fix, add hash to artifact dependency * Update electron, greenworks. Add task to add local config if not present * Add more achievements, refactor achievement code * Add receiver flexibility and more achievements - Add check to see if necessary to create achievement and add receiver - Add remove receiver functionality when achievement is unlocked * Add achievements and accommodations for switching states - Fix startup code to avoid clobbering achievements on state switch - Add a few more achievements * Add achievements, ids. Update names, keys for consistency * Add play time achievements * [WIP] Add more achievements * Add more achievements. Add bulk achievement check signal * [WIP] Add achievements. Start savefile migration * Add achievements. Add savefile migration * Remove superfluous achievement stat * Update lock files, fix merge conflict
4 years ago
4 years ago
// Builds everything (staging)
gulp.task("step.staging.code", gulp.series("sounds.fullbuild", "translations.fullBuild", "js.staging"));
gulp.parallel("utils.copyAdditionalBuildFiles", "step.baseResources", "step.staging.code")
gulp.task("step.staging.all", gulp.series("step.staging.mainbuild", "", "html.staging"));
gulp.task("build.staging", gulp.series("utils.cleanup", "step.staging.all", "step.postbuild"));
// Builds everything (prod)
gulp.task("", gulp.series("sounds.fullbuild", "translations.fullBuild", ""));
gulp.parallel("utils.copyAdditionalBuildFiles", "step.baseResources", "")
gulp.task("", gulp.series("", "", ""));
gulp.task("", gulp.series("utils.cleanup", "", "step.postbuild"));
// Builds everything (standalone-beta)
gulp.series("sounds.fullbuildHQ", "translations.fullBuild", "js.standalone-beta")
gulp.task("step.standalone-beta.mainbuild", gulp.parallel("step.baseResources", "step.standalone-beta.code"));
gulp.series("step.standalone-beta.mainbuild", "", "html.standalone-beta")
gulp.series("utils.cleanup", "step.standalone-beta.all", "step.postbuild")
// Builds everything (standalone-prod)
for (const prefix of ["", "china.", "wegame."]) {
prefix + "step.standalone-prod.code",
gulp.series("sounds.fullbuildHQ", "translations.fullBuild", prefix + "js.standalone-prod")
prefix + "step.standalone-prod.mainbuild",
gulp.parallel("step.baseResources", prefix + "step.standalone-prod.code")
prefix + "step.standalone-prod.all",
gulp.series(prefix + "step.standalone-prod.mainbuild", "", "html.standalone-prod")
prefix + "build.standalone-prod",
gulp.series("utils.cleanup", prefix + "step.standalone-prod.all", "step.postbuild")
// Deploying!
gulp.series("utils.requireCleanWorkingTree", "build.staging", "ftp.upload.alpha")
gulp.series("utils.requireCleanWorkingTree", "build.staging", "ftp.upload.staging")
gulp.task("", gulp.series("utils.requireCleanWorkingTree", "", ""));
gulp.task("main.deploy.all", gulp.series("main.deploy.staging", ""));
// steam
gulp.task("regular.main.standalone", gulp.series("build.standalone-prod", ""));
// china
gulp.series("", "")
// wegame
gulp.series("", "")
// all (except wegame)
gulp.task("standalone.steam", gulp.series("regular.main.standalone", "china.main.standalone"));
gulp.series("regular.main.standalone", "china.main.standalone", "wegame.main.standalone")
// Live-development
gulp.series("", () => serve({ version: "web" }))
gulp.series("", () => serve({ version: "standalone" }))
gulp.series("", () => serve({ version: "china" }))
gulp.series("", () => serve({ version: "wegame" }))
gulp.task("default", gulp.series("main.serveDev"));