
628 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {BrowserSettings} from 'app/common/BrowserSettings';
import {delay} from 'app/common/delay';
import {CommClientConnect, CommMessage, CommResponse, CommResponseError} from 'app/common/CommTypes';
import {ErrorWithCode} from 'app/common/ErrorWithCode';
import {FullUser, UserProfile} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI';
import {TelemetryMetadata} from 'app/common/Telemetry';
import {ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {normalizeEmail} from 'app/common/emails';
import {User} from 'app/gen-server/entity/User';
import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/homedb/HomeDBManager';
import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc';
import {Authorizer} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {ScopedSession} from 'app/server/lib/BrowserSession';
import type {Comm} from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import {DocSession} from 'app/server/lib/DocSession';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {LogMethods} from "app/server/lib/LogMethods";
import {MemoryPool} from 'app/server/lib/MemoryPool';
import {shortDesc} from 'app/server/lib/shortDesc';
import {fromCallback} from 'app/server/lib/serverUtils';
import {i18n} from 'i18next';
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import moment from 'moment';
import {GristServerSocket} from 'app/server/lib/GristServerSocket';
// How many messages and bytes to accumulate for a disconnected client before booting it.
// The benefit is that a client who temporarily disconnects and reconnects without missing much,
// would not need to reload the document.
const clientMaxMissedMessages = 100;
const clientMaxMissedBytes = 1_000_000;
export type ClientMethod = (client: Client, ...args: any[]) => Promise<unknown>;
// How long the client state persists after a disconnect.
const clientRemovalTimeoutMs = 300 * 1000; // 300s = 5 minutes.
// How much memory to allow using for large JSON responses before waiting for some to clear.
// Max total across all clients and all JSON responses.
const jsonResponseTotalReservation = 500 * 1024 * 1024;
// Estimate of a single JSON response, used before we know how large it is. Together with the
// above, it works to limit parallelism (to 25 responses that can be started in parallel).
const jsonResponseReservation = 20 * 1024 * 1024;
export const jsonMemoryPool = new MemoryPool(jsonResponseTotalReservation);
// A hook for dependency injection.
export const Deps = {clientRemovalTimeoutMs, jsonResponseReservation};
* Generates and returns a random string to use as a clientId. This is better
* than numbering clients with consecutive integers; otherwise a reconnecting
* client presenting the previous clientId to a restarted (new) server may
* accidentally associate itself with a wrong session that happens to share the
* same clientId. In other words, we need clientIds to be unique across server
* restarts.
* @returns {String} - random string to use as a new clientId.
function generateClientId(): string {
// Non-blocking version of randomBytes may fail if insufficient entropy is available without
// blocking. If we encounter that, we could either block, or maybe use less random values.
return crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex');
* These are the types of messages that are allowed to be sent to the client even if the client is
* not authorized to use this instance (e.g. not a member of the team for this subdomain).
const MESSAGE_TYPES_NO_AUTH = new Set([
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression Silence "unused variable" warning.
* Class that encapsulates the information for a client. A Client may survive
* across multiple websocket reconnects.
* TODO: this could provide a cleaner interface.
* @param comm: parent Comm object
* @param websocket: websocket connection
* @param methods: a mapping from method names to server methods (must return promises)
export class Client {
public readonly clientId: string;
public browserSettings: BrowserSettings = {};
private _session: ScopedSession|null = null;
private _log = new LogMethods('Client ', (extra?: object|null) => this.getLogMeta(extra || {}));
// Maps docFDs to DocSession objects.
private _docFDs: Array<DocSession|null> = [];
private _missedMessages = new Map<number, string>();
private _missedMessagesTotalLength: number = 0;
private _destroyTimer: NodeJS.Timer|null = null;
private _destroyed: boolean = false;
private _websocket: GristServerSocket|null;
private _org: string|null = null;
private _profile: UserProfile|null = null;
private _user: FullUser|undefined = undefined;
private _firstLoginAt: Date|null = null;
private _nextSeqId: number = 0; // Next sequence-ID for messages sent to the client
// Identifier for the current GristWSConnection object connected to this client.
private _counter: string|null = null;
private _i18Instance?: i18n;
private _comm: Comm,
private _methods: Map<string, ClientMethod>,
private _locale: string,
i18Instance?: i18n,
) {
this.clientId = generateClientId();
this._i18Instance = i18Instance?.cloneInstance({
lng: this._locale,
public toString() { return `Client ${this.clientId} #${this._counter}`; }
public t(key: string, args?: any): string {
return this._i18Instance?.t(key, args) ?? key;
public get locale(): string|undefined {
return this._locale;
public setConnection(websocket: GristServerSocket, counter: string|null, browserSettings: BrowserSettings) {
this._websocket = websocket;
this._counter = counter;
this.browserSettings = browserSettings;
websocket.onerror = (err: Error) => this._onError(err);
websocket.onclose = () => this._onClose();
websocket.onmessage = (msg: string) => this._onMessage(msg);
* Returns DocSession for the given docFD, or throws an exception if this doc is not open.
public getDocSession(fd: number): DocSession {
const docSession = this._docFDs[fd];
if (!docSession) {
throw new Error(`Invalid docFD ${fd}`);
return docSession;
// Adds a new DocSession to this Client, and returns the new FD for it.
public addDocSession(activeDoc: ActiveDoc, authorizer: Authorizer): DocSession {
const fd = this._getNextDocFD();
const docSession = new DocSession(activeDoc, this, fd, authorizer);
this._docFDs[fd] = docSession;
return docSession;
// Removes a DocSession from this Client, called when a doc is closed.
public removeDocSession(fd: number): void {
this._docFDs[fd] = null;
* Closes all docs. Returns the number of documents closed.
public closeAllDocs(): number {
let count = 0;
for (let fd = 0; fd < this._docFDs.length; fd++) {
const docSession = this._docFDs[fd];
if (docSession && docSession.activeDoc) {
// Note that this indirectly calls to removeDocSession(docSession.fd)
.catch((e) => { this._log.warn(null, "error closing docFD %d", fd); });
this._docFDs[fd] = null;
return count;
public interruptConnection() {
if (this._websocket) {
this._websocket.terminate(); // close() is inadequate when ws routed via loadbalancer
this._websocket = null;
* Sends a message to the client. If the send fails in a way that the message can't get queued
* (e.g. due to an unexpected exception in code), logs an error and interrupts the connection.
public async sendMessageOrInterrupt(messageObj: CommMessage|CommResponse|CommResponseError): Promise<void> {
try {
await this.sendMessage(messageObj);
} catch (e) {
this._log.error(null, 'sendMessage error', e);
* Sends a message to the client, queuing it up on failure or if the client is disconnected.
public async sendMessage(messageObj: CommMessage|CommResponse|CommResponseError): Promise<void> {
if (this._destroyed) {
// Large responses require memory; with many connected clients this can crash the server. We
// manage it using a MemoryPool, waiting for free space to appear. This only controls the
// memory used to hold the JSON.stringify result. Once sent, the reservation is released.
// Actual process memory will go up also as the outgoing data is sitting in socket buffers,
// but this isn't part of Node's heap. If an outgoing buffer is full, websocket.send may
// block, and MemoryPool will delay other responses. There is a risk here of unresponsive
// clients exhausing the MemoryPool, perhaps intentionally. To mitigate, we could destroy
// clients that are too slow in reading. This isn't currently done.
// Also, we do not manage memory of responses moved to a client's _missedMessages queue. But
// we do limit those in size.
// Overall, a better solution would be to stream large responses, or to have the client
// request data piecemeal (as we'd have to for handling large data).
await jsonMemoryPool.withReserved(Deps.jsonResponseReservation, async (updateReservation) => {
if (this._destroyed) {
// If this Client got destroyed while waiting, stop here and release the reservation.
const seqId = this._nextSeqId++;
const message: string = JSON.stringify({...messageObj, seqId});
const size = Buffer.byteLength(message, 'utf8');
// Log something useful about the message being sent.
if ('error' in messageObj && messageObj.error) {
this._log.warn(null, "responding to #%d ERROR %s", messageObj.reqId, messageObj.error);
if (this._websocket) {
// If we have a websocket, send the message.
try {
await this._sendToWebsocket(message);
// NOTE: A successful send does NOT mean the message was received. For a better system, see
// (keeping a copy of messages until acked). With our system, we are more likely to be
// lacking the needed messages on reconnect, and having to reset the client.
} catch (err) {
// Sending failed. Add the message to missedMessages.
this._log.warn(null, "sendMessage: queuing after send error:", err.toString());
if (this._missedMessages.size < clientMaxMissedMessages &&
this._missedMessagesTotalLength + message.length <= clientMaxMissedBytes) {
// Queue up the message.
// TODO: this keeps the memory but releases jsonMemoryPool reservation, which is wrong --
// it may allow too much memory to be used. This situation is rare, however, so maybe OK
// as is. Ideally, the queued messages could reserve memory in a "nice to have" mode, and
// if memory is needed for something more important, the queue would get dropped.
// (Holding on to the memory reservation here would creates a risk of freezing future
// responses, which seems *more* dangerous than a crash because a crash would at least
// lead to an eventual recovery.)
this._missedMessages.set(seqId, message);
this._missedMessagesTotalLength += message.length;
} else {
// Too many messages queued. Boot the client now, to make it reset when/if it reconnects.
this._log.warn(null, "sendMessage: too many messages queued; booting client");
* Called from Comm.ts to decide whether this Client is available to accept a new connection
* that requests the same clientId.
public canAcceptConnection(): boolean {
// Refuse reconnect if another websocket is currently active. It may be a new browser tab
// (which may reuse clientId from a copy of sessinStorage). It will need its own Client object.
return !this._websocket;
* Complete initialization of a new connection, and send the initial 'clientConnect' message.
* See comments at the top of app/server/lib/Comm.ts for some relevant notes.
public async sendConnectMessage(
newClient: boolean, reuseClient: boolean, lastSeqId: number|null, parts: Partial<CommClientConnect>
): Promise<void> {
if (this._destroyTimer) {
this._destroyTimer = null;
let missedMessages: string[]|undefined = undefined;
let seamlessReconnect = false;
if (!newClient && reuseClient && await this._isAuthorized()) {
// Websocket-level reconnect: existing browser tab reconnected to an existing Client object.
// We also check that the Client is still authorized to access all open docs. If not, we'll
// close the docs and tell the Client to reload the app.
missedMessages = this.getMissedMessages(lastSeqId);
if (missedMessages) {
// We have all the needed messages (possibly an empty array); can do a seamless reconnect.
seamlessReconnect = true;
// We collected any missed messages we need; clear the stored map of them.
this._missedMessagesTotalLength = 0;
let docsClosed: number|null = null;
if (!seamlessReconnect) {
// The browser client can't recover from missed messages and will need to reopen docs. Close
// all docs we kept open. If it's a new Client object, this is a no-op.
docsClosed = this.closeAllDocs();
// An existing browser client that can't recover, or that connected to a new Client object,
// will need to reopen docs. Tell it to reload.
const needReload = !newClient && !seamlessReconnect;
this._log.debug({newClient, needReload, docsClosed, missedMessages: missedMessages?.length},
'sending clientConnect');
// Don't use sendMessage here, since we don't want to queue up this message on failure.
const clientConnectMsg: CommClientConnect = {,
type: 'clientConnect',
clientId: this.clientId,
profile: this._profile,
try {
await this._sendToWebsocket(JSON.stringify(clientConnectMsg));
if (needReload) {
// If the client should reload, close the socket without waiting. This connection should
// not be used anyway, and we want it released by the time the new connection comes in.
// A heavy-handed fix to T396, since 'clientConnect' is sometimes not seen in the browser,
// (seemingly when the 'message' event is triggered before 'open' on the native WebSocket.)
// See also my report at
await delay(250);
if (!this._destroyed && this._websocket?.isOpen) {
await this._sendToWebsocket(JSON.stringify({...clientConnectMsg, dup: true}));
} catch (err) {
// It's possible that the connection was closed while we were preparing this response.
// We just warn, and let _onClose() take care of cleanup.
this._log.warn(null, "failed to prepare or send clientConnect:", err.toString());
// Get messages in order of their key in the _missedMessages map.
public getMissedMessages(lastSeqId: number|null): string[]|undefined {
const result: string[] = [];
if (lastSeqId !== null) {
for (let i = lastSeqId + 1; i < this._nextSeqId; i++) {
const m = this._missedMessages.get(i);
if (m === undefined) { return; }
return result;
// Assigns the given ScopedSession to the client.
public setSession(session: ScopedSession): void {
this._session = session;
public getSession(): ScopedSession|null {
return this._session;
public getAltSessionId(): string|undefined {
return this._session?.getAltSessionId();
* Destroys a client. If the same browser window reconnects later, it will get a new Client
* object and clientId.
public destroy() {
const docsClosed = this.closeAllDocs();{docsClosed}, "client gone");
if (this._destroyTimer) {
this._destroyTimer = null;
this._missedMessagesTotalLength = 0;
this._destroyed = true;
public setOrg(org: string): void {
this._org = org;
public getOrg(): string {
return this._org!;
public setProfile(profile: UserProfile|null): void {
this._profile = profile;
// Unset user, so that we look it up again on demand.
this._user = undefined;
this._firstLoginAt = null;
public getProfile(): UserProfile|null {
if (!this._profile) {
return {
name: 'Anonymous',
anonymous: true,
// If we have a database, the user id and name will have been
// fetched before we start using the Client, so we take this
// opportunity to update the user name to use the latest user name
// in the database (important since user name is now exposed via
// user.Name in granular access support). TODO: might want to
// subscribe to changes in user name while the document is open.
return {...this._profile, ...this._user};
public getCachedUserId(): number|null {
return this._user?.id ?? null;
public getCachedUserRef(): string|null {
return this._user?.ref ?? null;
// Returns the userId for, or null when profile is not set; with caching.
public async getUserId(dbManager: HomeDBManager): Promise<number|null> {
if (!this._user) {
await this._refreshUser(dbManager);
return this._user?.id ?? null;
// Returns the userRef for, or null when profile is not set; with caching.
public async getUserRef(dbManager: HomeDBManager): Promise<string|null> {
if (!this._user) {
await this._refreshUser(dbManager);
return this._user?.ref ?? null;
// Returns the userId for, or throws 403 error when profile is not set.
public async requireUserId(dbManager: HomeDBManager): Promise<number> {
const userId = await this.getUserId(dbManager);
if (userId) { return userId; }
throw new ApiError(this._profile ? `user not known: ${}` : 'user not set', 403);
public getLogMeta(meta: {[key: string]: any} = {}) {
if (this._profile) { = this._user?.loginEmail || normalizeEmail(; }
// We assume the _user has already been cached, which will be true always (for all practical
// purposes) because it's set when the Authorizer checks this client.
if (this._user) { meta.userId =; }
// Likewise for _firstLoginAt, which we learn along with _userId.
if (this._firstLoginAt) {
meta.age = Math.floor(moment.duration(moment().diff(this._firstLoginAt)).asDays());
if (this._org) { = this._org; }
const altSessionId = this.getAltSessionId();
if (altSessionId) { meta.altSessionId = altSessionId; }
meta.clientId = this.clientId; // identifies a client connection, essentially a websocket
meta.counter = this._counter; // identifies a GristWSConnection in the connected browser tab
return meta;
public getFullTelemetryMeta(): TelemetryMetadata {
const meta: TelemetryMetadata = {};
// We assume the _userId has already been cached, which will be true always (for all practical
// purposes) because it's set when the Authorizer checks this client.
if (this._user) { meta.userId =; }
const altSessionId = this.getAltSessionId();
if (altSessionId) { meta.altSessionId = altSessionId; }
return meta;
private async _refreshUser(dbManager: HomeDBManager) {
const user = this._profile ? await this._fetchUser(dbManager) : dbManager.getAnonymousUser();
this._user = user ? dbManager.makeFullUser(user) : undefined;
this._firstLoginAt = user?.firstLoginAt || null;
private async _onMessage(message: string): Promise<void> {
try {
await this._onMessageImpl(message);
} catch (err) {
this._log.warn(null, 'onMessage error received for message "%s": %s', shortDesc(message), err.stack);
* Processes a request from a client. All requests from a client get a response, at least to
* indicate success or failure.
private async _onMessageImpl(message: string): Promise<void> {
const request = JSON.parse(message);
if (request.beat) {
// this is a heart beat, to keep the websocket alive. No need to reply.
log.rawInfo('heartbeat', {
url: request.url,
docId: request.docId, // caution: trusting client for docId for this purpose.
} else {, "onMessage", shortDesc(message));
let response: CommResponse|CommResponseError;
const method = this._methods.get(request.method);
if (!method) {
response = {reqId: request.reqId, error: `Unknown method ${request.method}`};
} else {
try {
response = {reqId: request.reqId, data: await method(this, ...request.args)};
} catch (error) {
const err: ErrorWithCode = error;
// Print the error stack, except for SandboxErrors, for which the JS stack isn't that useful.
// Also not helpful is the stack of AUTH_NO_VIEW|EDIT errors produced by the Authorizer.
const code: unknown = err.code;
const skipStack = (
!err.stack ||
err.stack.match(/^SandboxError:/) ||
(typeof code === 'string' && code.startsWith('AUTH_NO'))
this._log.warn(null, "Responding to method %s with error: %s %s",
request.method, skipStack ? err : err.stack, code || '');
response = {reqId: request.reqId, error: err.message};
if (err.code) {
response.errorCode = err.code;
if (err.details) {
response.details = err.details;
if (typeof code === 'string' && code === 'AUTH_NO_EDIT' && err.accessMode === 'fork') {
response.shouldFork = true;
await this.sendMessageOrInterrupt(response);
// Fetch the user database record from, or null when profile is not set.
private async _fetchUser(dbManager: HomeDBManager): Promise<User|undefined> {
return this._profile && ?
await dbManager.getUserByLogin( :
// Check that client still has access to all documents. Used to determine whether
// a Comm client can be safely reused after a reconnect. Without this check, the client
// would be reused even if access to a document has been lost (although an error would be
// issued later, on first use of the document).
private async _isAuthorized(): Promise<boolean> {
for (const docFD of this._docFDs) {
try {
if (docFD !== null) { await docFD.authorizer.assertAccess('viewers'); }
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
// Returns the next unused docFD number.
private _getNextDocFD(): number {
let fd = 0;
while (this._docFDs[fd]) { fd++; }
return fd;
private _sendToWebsocket(message: string): Promise<void> {
return fromCallback(cb => this._websocket!.send(message, cb));
* Processes an error on the websocket.
private _onError(err: Error) {
this._log.warn(null, "onError", err);
// TODO Make sure that this is followed by onClose when the connection is lost.
* Processes the closing of a websocket.
private _onClose() {
// Remove all references to the websocket.
this._websocket = null;
if (!this._destroyed) {
// Schedule the client to be destroyed after a timeout. The timer gets cleared if the same
// client reconnects in the interim.
if (this._destroyTimer) {
this._log.warn(null, "clearing previously scheduled destruction");
}, "websocket closed; will discard client in %s sec", Deps.clientRemovalTimeoutMs / 1000);
this._destroyTimer = setTimeout(() => this.destroy(), Deps.clientRemovalTimeoutMs);