(core) Converting server-side Comm.js to typescript

- Add app/common/CommTypes.ts to define types shared by client and server.
- Include @types/ws npm package

Test Plan: Intended to have no changes in behavior

Reviewers: paulfitz

Reviewed By: paulfitz

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3467
Dmitry S 2 years ago
parent 519f1be93a
commit 4f1cb53b29

@ -16,118 +16,26 @@
* Implementation
* --------------
* Messages are serialized as follows. Note that this is a matter between the client's and the
* server's communication libraries, and code outside of them should not rely on these details.
* Requests: {
* reqId: Number,
* method: String,
* args: Array
* }
* Responses: {
* reqId: Number, // distinguishes responses from async messages
* error: String // if the request failed
* data: Object // if the request succeeded, may be undefined if nothing to return
* }
* Async messages from server: {
* type: String, // 'docListAction' or 'docUserAction' or 'clientConnect'
* docFD: Number, // For 'docUserAction', the file descriptor of the open document.
* data: Object // The message data.
* // other keys may exist depending on message type.
* }
* Messages are serialized as JSON using types CommRequest, CommResponse, CommResponseError for
* method calls, and CommMessage for async messages from the server. These are all defined in
* app/common/CommTypes. Note that this is a matter between the client's and the server's
* communication libraries, and code outside of them should not rely on these details.
import {GristWSConnection} from 'app/client/components/GristWSConnection';
import * as dispose from 'app/client/lib/dispose';
import {CommMessage, CommRequest, CommResponse, CommResponseError, ValidEvent} from 'app/common/CommTypes';
import {UserAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {DocListAPI, OpenLocalDocResult} from 'app/common/DocListAPI';
import {GristServerAPI} from 'app/common/GristServerAPI';
import {StringUnion} from 'app/common/StringUnion';
import {getInitialDocAssignment} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Events as BackboneEvents} from 'backbone';
// tslint:disable:no-console
* Event for a change to the document list.
* These are sent to all connected clients, regardless of which documents they have open.
* TODO: implement and document.
* @event docListAction
* Event for a user action on a document, or part of one. Sent to all clients that have this
* document open.
* @event docUserAction
* @property {Number} docFD - The file descriptor of the open document, specific to each client.
* @property {Array} data.actionGroup - ActionGroup object containing user action, and doc actions.
* @property {Boolean} fromSelf - Flag to indicate whether the action originated from this client.
* Event for a change to document usage. Sent to all clients that have this document open.
* @event docUsage
* @property {Number} docFD - The file descriptor of the open document, specific to each client.
* @property {FilteredDocUsageSummary} data.docUsage - Document usage summary.
* @property {Product} data.product - Product that was used to compute `data.docUsage`
* Event for when a document is forcibly shutdown, and requires the client to re-open it.
* @event docShutdown
* @property {Number} docFD - The file descriptor of the open document, specific to each client.
* Event sent by server received when a client first connects.
* @event clientConnect
* @property {Number} clientId - The ID for the client, which may be reused if a client reconnects
* to reattach to its state on the server.
* @property {Number} missedMessages - Array of messages missed from the server.
* @property {Object} settings - Object containing server settings and features which
* should be used to initialize the client.
* @property {Object} profile - Object containing session profile information if the user
* is signed in, or null otherwise. See "clientLogin" message below for fields.
* Event sent by server to all clients in the session when the updated profile is retrieved.
* Does not necessarily contain all properties, may only include updated properties.
* Gets sent on login with all properties.
* @event profileFetch
* @property {String} email User email.
* @property {String} name User name,
* @property {String} imageUrl The url of the user's profile image.
* Event sent by server to all clients in the session when the user settings are updated.
* @event userSettings
* @property {Object} features - Object containing feature flags such as login, indicating
* which features are activated.
* Event sent by server to all clients in the session when a client logs out.
* @event clientLogout
* Event sent by server to all clients when an invite is received or for all invites received
* while away when a user logs in.
* @event receiveInvites
* @property {Number} data - An array of unread invites (see app/common/sharing).
const ValidEvent = StringUnion('docListAction', 'docUserAction', 'docShutdown', 'docError',
'docUsage', 'clientConnect', 'clientLogout',
'profileFetch', 'userSettings', 'receiveInvites');
type ValidEvent = typeof ValidEvent.type;
* A request that is currently being processed.
export interface CommRequestInFlight {
resolve: (result: any) => void;
resolve: (result: unknown) => void;
reject: (err: Error) => void;
// clientId is non-null for those requests which should not be re-sent on reconnect if
// the clientId has changed; it is null when it's safe to re-send.
@ -138,50 +46,10 @@ export interface CommRequestInFlight {
sent: boolean;
* A request in the appropriate form for sending to the server.
export interface CommRequest {
reqId: number;
method: string;
args: any[];
* A regular, successful response from the server.
export interface CommResponse {
reqId: number;
data: any;
error?: null; // TODO: keep until sure server never sets this on regular responses.
* An exceptional response from the server when there is an error.
export interface CommResponseError {
reqId: number;
error: string;
errorCode: string;
shouldFork?: boolean; // if set, the server suggests forking the document.
details?: any; // if set, error has extra details available. TODO - the treatment of
// details could do with some harmonisation between rest API and ws API,
// and between front-end and back-end types.
function isCommResponseError(msg: CommResponse | CommResponseError): msg is CommResponseError {
return Boolean(msg.error);
* A message pushed from the server, not in response to a request.
export interface CommMessage {
type: ValidEvent;
docFD: number;
data: any;
* Comm object provides the interfaces to communicate with the server.
* Each method that calls to the server returns a promise for the response.

@ -1,35 +1,14 @@
import {Comm, CommMessage} from 'app/client/components/Comm';
import {Comm} from 'app/client/components/Comm';
import {reportError, reportMessage} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {Notifier} from 'app/client/models/NotifyModel';
import {ActionGroup} from 'app/common/ActionGroup';
import {ActiveDocAPI, ApplyUAOptions, ApplyUAResult} from 'app/common/ActiveDocAPI';
import {DocAction, UserAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {CommMessage} from 'app/common/CommTypes';
import {UserAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {OpenLocalDocResult} from 'app/common/DocListAPI';
import {FilteredDocUsageSummary} from 'app/common/DocUsage';
import {Product} from 'app/common/Features';
import {docUrl} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Events as BackboneEvents} from 'backbone';
import {Disposable, Emitter} from 'grainjs';
// tslint:disable:no-console
export interface DocUserAction extends CommMessage {
fromSelf?: boolean;
data: {
docActions: DocAction[];
actionGroup: ActionGroup;
docUsage: FilteredDocUsageSummary;
error?: string;
export interface DocUsageMessage extends CommMessage {
data: {
docUsage: FilteredDocUsageSummary;
product?: Product;
const SLOW_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000; // applies to user actions only

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import {CodeEditorPanel} from 'app/client/components/CodeEditorPanel';
import * as commands from 'app/client/components/commands';
import {CursorPos} from 'app/client/components/Cursor';
import {CursorMonitor, ViewCursorPos} from "app/client/components/CursorMonitor";
import {DocComm, DocUsageMessage, DocUserAction} from 'app/client/components/DocComm';
import {DocComm} from 'app/client/components/DocComm';
import * as DocConfigTab from 'app/client/components/DocConfigTab';
import {Drafts} from "app/client/components/Drafts";
import {EditorMonitor} from "app/client/components/EditorMonitor";
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import {FieldEditor} from "app/client/widgets/FieldEditor";
import {MinimalActionGroup} from 'app/common/ActionGroup';
import {ClientQuery} from "app/common/ActiveDocAPI";
import {delay} from 'app/common/delay';
import {CommDocUsage, CommDocUserAction} from 'app/common/CommTypes';
import {DisposableWithEvents} from 'app/common/DisposableWithEvents';
import {isSchemaAction, UserAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {OpenLocalDocResult} from 'app/common/DocListAPI';
@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ export class GristDoc extends DisposableWithEvents {
* Process actions received from the server by forwarding them to `docData.receiveAction()` and
* pushing them to actionLog.
public onDocUserAction(message: DocUserAction) {
public onDocUserAction(message: CommDocUserAction) {
console.log("GristDoc.onDocUserAction", message);
let schemaUpdated = false;
@ -489,7 +490,7 @@ export class GristDoc extends DisposableWithEvents {
* Process usage and product received from the server by updating their respective
* observables.
public onDocUsageMessage(message: DocUsageMessage) {
public onDocUsageMessage(message: CommDocUsage) {
if (!this.docComm.isActionFromThisDoc(message)) { return; }
bundleChanges(() => {

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {createAppUI} from 'app/client/ui/AppUI';
import {addViewportTag} from 'app/client/ui/viewport';
import {attachCssRootVars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {BaseAPI} from 'app/common/BaseAPI';
import {CommDocError} from 'app/common/CommTypes';
import {DisposableWithEvents} from 'app/common/DisposableWithEvents';
import {fetchFromHome} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {ISupportedFeatures} from 'app/common/UserConfig';
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ export class App extends DisposableWithEvents {
setTimeout(() => this.reloadPane(), 0);
this.listenTo(this.comm, 'docError', (msg) => {
this.listenTo(this.comm, 'docError', (msg: CommDocError) => {
this._checkError(new Error(msg.data.message));

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
import {ActionGroup} from 'app/common/ActionGroup';
import {DocAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {FilteredDocUsageSummary} from 'app/common/DocUsage';
import {Product} from 'app/common/Features';
import {StringUnion} from 'app/common/StringUnion';
import {UserProfile} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI';
export const ValidEvent = StringUnion('docListAction', 'docUserAction', 'docShutdown', 'docError',
'docUsage', 'clientConnect');
export type ValidEvent = typeof ValidEvent.type;
* A request in the appropriate form for sending to the server.
export interface CommRequest {
reqId: number;
method: string;
args: any[];
* A regular, successful response from the server.
export interface CommResponse {
reqId: number;
data: any;
error?: null; // TODO: keep until sure server never sets this on regular responses.
* An exceptional response from the server when there is an error.
export interface CommResponseError {
reqId: number;
error: string;
errorCode?: string;
shouldFork?: boolean; // if set, the server suggests forking the document.
details?: any; // if set, error has extra details available. TODO - the treatment of
// details could do with some harmonisation between rest API and ws API,
// and between front-end and back-end types.
* A message pushed from the server, not in response to a request.
export interface CommMessageBase {
type: ValidEvent;
docFD?: number;
data?: unknown;
export type CommDocMessage = CommDocUserAction | CommDocUsage | CommDocShutdown | CommDocError;
export type CommMessage = CommDocMessage | CommDocListAction | CommClientConnect;
export type CommDocEventType = CommDocMessage['type']
* Event for a change to the document list.
* These are sent to all connected clients, regardless of which documents they have open.
* TODO: This is entirely unused at the moment.
export interface CommDocListAction extends CommMessageBase {
type: 'docListAction';
addDocs?: string[]; // names of documents to add to the docList.
removeDocs?: string[]; // names of documents that got removed.
renameDocs?: string[]; // [oldName, newName] pairs for renamed docs.
addInvites?: string[]; // document invite names to add.
removeInvites?: string[]; // documents invite names to remove.
* Event for a user action on a document, or part of one. Sent to all clients that have this
* document open.
export interface CommDocUserAction extends CommMessageBase {
type: 'docUserAction';
docFD: number; // The file descriptor of the open document, specific to each client.
fromSelf?: boolean; // Flag to indicate whether the action originated from this client.
// ActionGroup object containing user action, and doc actions.
data: {
docActions: DocAction[];
actionGroup: ActionGroup;
docUsage: FilteredDocUsageSummary;
error?: string;
* Event for a change to document usage. Sent to all clients that have this document open.
export interface CommDocUsage extends CommMessageBase {
type: 'docUsage';
docFD: number; // The file descriptor of the open document, specific to each client.
data: {
docUsage: FilteredDocUsageSummary; // Document usage summary.
product?: Product; //Product that was used to compute `data.docUsage`
* Event for when a document is forcibly shutdown, and requires the client to re-open it.
export interface CommDocShutdown extends CommMessageBase {
type: 'docShutdown';
docFD: number;
data: null;
* Event that signals an error while opening a doc.
export interface CommDocError extends CommMessageBase {
type: 'docError';
docFD: number;
data: {
when: string;
message: string;
* Event sent by server received when a client first connects.
export interface CommClientConnect extends CommMessageBase {
type: 'clientConnect';
// ID for the client, which may be reused if a client reconnects to reattach to its state on
// the server.
clientId: string;
// Array of serialized messages missed from the server while disconnected.
missedMessages: string[];
// Which version the server reports for itself.
serverVersion?: string;
// Object containing server settings and features which should be used to initialize the client.
settings?: {[key: string]: unknown};
// Object containing session profile information if the user is signed in, or null otherwise.
profile: UserProfile|null;
dup?: boolean; // Flag that's set to true when it's a duplicate clientConnect message.

@ -2,31 +2,6 @@ declare module "app/server/lib/ActionLog";
declare module "app/server/lib/sandboxUtil";
declare module "app/server/lib/User";
declare module "app/server/lib/Comm" {
import {Client, ClientMethod} from "app/server/lib/Client";
import {ScopedSession} from "app/server/lib/BrowserSession";
import * as http from "http";
class Comm {
constructor(server: http.Server, options: any);
public broadcastMessage(type: string, messageData: any): void;
public destroyAllClients(): void;
public setServerVersion(serverVersion: string|null): void;
public setServerActivation(active: boolean): void;
public getSessionIdFromCookie(gristSidCookie: string): string;
public getOrCreateSession(sessionId: string, req: any): ScopedSession;
public registerMethods(methods: {[name: string]: ClientMethod}): void;
public getClient(clientId: string): Client;
public testServerShutdown(): Promise<void>;
public testServerRestart(): Promise<void>;
public testSetClientPersistence(ttlMs: number): void;
namespace Comm {
function sendDocMessage(client: Client, docFD: number, type: string, mesageData: any, fromSelf: boolean): void;
export = Comm;
declare module "app/server/lib/shutdown" {
export function addCleanupHandler<T>(context: T, method: (this: T) => void, timeout?: number, name?: string): void;
export function removeCleanupHandlers<T>(context: T): void;
@ -91,9 +66,6 @@ declare module "app-module-path" {
export function addPath(path: string): void;
// Used in tests
declare module "ws";
// version of pidusage that has correct ctime on linux
declare module '@gristlabs/pidusage' {
import * as pidusage from 'pidusage';

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {BrowserSettings} from 'app/common/BrowserSettings';
import {delay} from 'app/common/delay';
import {CommClientConnect, CommMessage, CommResponse, CommResponseError} from 'app/common/CommTypes';
import {ErrorWithCode} from 'app/common/ErrorWithCode';
import {UserProfile} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI';
import {ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
@ -8,17 +10,26 @@ import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc';
import {Authorizer} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {ScopedSession} from 'app/server/lib/BrowserSession';
import type {Comm} from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import {DocSession} from 'app/server/lib/DocSession';
import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {LogMethods} from "app/server/lib/LogMethods";
import {shortDesc} from 'app/server/lib/shortDesc';
import {fromCallback} from 'app/server/lib/serverUtils';
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import * as WebSocket from 'ws';
/// How many messages to accumulate for a disconnected client before booting it.
const clientMaxMissedMessages = 100;
export type ClientMethod = (client: Client, ...args: any[]) => Promise<any>;
export type ClientMethod = (client: Client, ...args: any[]) => Promise<unknown>;
// How long the client state persists after a disconnect.
const clientRemovalTimeoutMs = 300 * 1000; // 300s = 5 minutes.
// A hook for dependency injection.
export const Deps = {clientRemovalTimeoutMs};
* Generates and returns a random string to use as a clientId. This is better
@ -41,9 +52,6 @@ function generateClientId(): string {
const MESSAGE_TYPES_NO_AUTH = new Set([
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression Silence "unused variable" warning.
@ -55,7 +63,7 @@ void(MESSAGE_TYPES_NO_AUTH);
* TODO: this could provide a cleaner interface.
* @param comm: parent Comm object
* @param websocket: websocket connection, promisified to have a sendAsync method
* @param websocket: websocket connection
* @param methods: a mapping from method names to server methods (must return promises)
export class Client {
@ -70,45 +78,40 @@ export class Client {
// Maps docFDs to DocSession objects.
private _docFDs: Array<DocSession|null> = [];
private _missedMessages: any = [];
private _missedMessages: string[] = [];
private _destroyTimer: NodeJS.Timer|null = null;
private _destroyed: boolean = false;
private _websocket: any;
private _websocket: WebSocket|null;
private _org: string|null = null;
private _profile: UserProfile|null = null;
private _userId: number|null = null;
private _userName: string|null = null;
private _firstLoginAt: Date|null = null;
private _isAnonymous: boolean = false;
// Identifier for the current GristWSConnection object connected to this client.
private _counter: string|null = null;
private _comm: any,
private _methods: any,
private _host: string,
private _locale?: string,
private _comm: Comm,
private _methods: Map<string, ClientMethod>,
private _locale: string,
// Identifier for the current GristWSConnection object connected to this client.
private _counter: string|null,
) {
this.clientId = generateClientId();
public toString() { return `Client ${this.clientId} #${this._counter}`; }
public setCounter(counter: string) {
this._counter = counter;
public get host(): string {
return this._host;
public get locale(): string|undefined {
return this._locale;
public setConnection(websocket: any, reqHost: string, browserSettings: BrowserSettings) {
public setConnection(websocket: WebSocket, browserSettings: BrowserSettings) {
this._websocket = websocket;
this.browserSettings = browserSettings;
websocket.on('error', this._onError.bind(this));
websocket.on('close', this._onClose.bind(this));
websocket.on('message', this._onMessage.bind(this));
@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ export class Client {
* Sends a message to the client, queuing it up on failure or if the client is disconnected.
public async sendMessage(messageObj: any): Promise<void> {
public async sendMessage(messageObj: CommMessage|CommResponse|CommResponseError): Promise<void> {
if (this._destroyed) {
@ -187,14 +190,14 @@ export class Client {
const message: string = JSON.stringify(messageObj);
// Log something useful about the message being sent.
if (messageObj.error) {
if ('error' in messageObj && messageObj.error) {
this._log.warn(null, "responding to #%d ERROR %s", messageObj.reqId, messageObj.error);
if (this._websocket) {
// If we have a websocket, send the message.
try {
await this._websocket.sendAsync(message);
await this._sendToWebsocket(message);
} catch (err) {
// Sending failed. Presumably we should be getting onClose around now too.
// NOTE: if this handler is run after onClose, we could have messages end up out of order.
@ -215,7 +218,69 @@ export class Client {
this._destroyTimer = null;
* Called from Comm.ts to prepare this Client object to accept a new connection that requests
* the same clientId. Returns whether this Client is available and ready for this connection.
public async reconnect(counter: string|null, newClient: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
// Refuse reconnect if another websocket is currently active. It may be a new browser tab,
// and will need its own Client object.
if (this._websocket) { return false; }
// Don't reuse this Client object if it's no longer authorized to access the open documents.
if (!await this.isAuthorized()) { return false; }
this._counter = counter;
this._log.info(null, "existing client reconnected (%d missed messages)", this._missedMessages.length);
if (this._destroyTimer) {
this._log.warn(null, "clearing scheduled destruction");
this._destroyTimer = null;
if (newClient) {
// If newClient is set, then we assume that the browser client lost its state (e.g.
// reloaded the page), so we treat it as a disconnect followed by a new connection to the
// same state. At the moment, this only means that we close all docs.
if (this._missedMessages.length) {
this._log.warn(null, "clearing missed messages for new client");
this._missedMessages.length = 0;
return true;
* Send the initial 'clientConnect' message after receiving a connection.
public async sendConnectMessage(parts: Partial<CommClientConnect>): Promise<void> {
this._log.debug(null, `sending clientConnect with ${this._missedMessages.length} missed messages`);
// Don't use sendMessage here, since we don't want to queue up this message on failure.
const clientConnectMsg: CommClientConnect = {
type: 'clientConnect',
clientId: this.clientId,
missedMessages: this._missedMessages.slice(0),
profile: this._profile,
// If reconnecting a client with missed messages, clear them now.
this._missedMessages.length = 0;
await this._sendToWebsocket(JSON.stringify(clientConnectMsg));
// A heavy-handed fix to T396, since 'clientConnect' is sometimes not seen in the browser,
// (seemingly when the 'message' event is triggered before 'open' on the native WebSocket.)
// See also my report at https://stackoverflow.com/a/48411315/328565
await delay(250);
if (this._destroyed || this._websocket?.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) {
this._log.debug(null, `websocket closed right after clientConnect`);
} else {
await this._sendToWebsocket(JSON.stringify({...clientConnectMsg, dup: true}));
@ -232,59 +297,18 @@ export class Client {
return this._session?.getAltSessionId();
public destroy() {
this._destroyed = true;
* Processes a request from a client. All requests from a client get a response, at least to
* indicate success or failure.
* Destroys a client. If the same browser window reconnects later, it will get a new Client
* object and clientId.
public async onMessage(message: string): Promise<void> {
const request = JSON.parse(message);
if (request.beat) {
// this is a heart beat, to keep the websocket alive. No need to reply.
log.rawInfo('heartbeat', {
url: request.url,
docId: request.docId, // caution: trusting client for docId for this purpose.
} else {
this._log.info(null, "onMessage", shortDesc(message));
const response: any = {reqId: request.reqId};
const method = this._methods[request.method];
if (!method) {
response.error = `Unknown method ${request.method}`;
} else {
try {
response.data = await method(this, ...request.args);
} catch (error) {
const err: ErrorWithCode = error;
// Print the error stack, except for SandboxErrors, for which the JS stack isn't that useful.
// Also not helpful is the stack of AUTH_NO_VIEW|EDIT errors produced by the Authorizer.
const code: unknown = err.code;
const skipStack = (
!err.stack ||
err.stack.match(/^SandboxError:/) ||
(typeof code === 'string' && code.startsWith('AUTH_NO'))
this._log.warn(null, "Error %s %s", skipStack ? err : err.stack, code || '');
response.error = err.message;
if (err.code) {
response.errorCode = err.code;
if (err.details) {
response.details = err.details;
if (typeof code === 'string' && code === 'AUTH_NO_EDIT' && err.accessMode === 'fork') {
response.shouldFork = true;
public destroy() {
this._log.info(null, "client gone");
if (this._destroyTimer) {
await this.sendMessage(response);
this._destroyed = true;
public setOrg(org: string): void {
@ -325,22 +349,10 @@ export class Client {
} : null;
public async getSessionProfile(): Promise<UserProfile|null|undefined> {
return this._session?.getSessionProfile();
public async getSessionEmail(): Promise<string|null> {
return (await this.getSessionProfile())?.email || null;
public getCachedUserId(): number|null {
return this._userId;
public isAnonymous(): boolean {
return this._isAnonymous;
// Returns the userId for profile.email, or null when profile is not set; with caching.
public async getUserId(dbManager: HomeDBManager): Promise<number|null> {
if (!this._userId) {
@ -385,6 +397,57 @@ export class Client {
return meta;
* Processes a request from a client. All requests from a client get a response, at least to
* indicate success or failure.
private async _onMessage(message: string): Promise<void> {
const request = JSON.parse(message);
if (request.beat) {
// this is a heart beat, to keep the websocket alive. No need to reply.
log.rawInfo('heartbeat', {
url: request.url,
docId: request.docId, // caution: trusting client for docId for this purpose.
} else {
this._log.info(null, "onMessage", shortDesc(message));
let response: CommResponse|CommResponseError;
const method = this._methods.get(request.method);
if (!method) {
response = {reqId: request.reqId, error: `Unknown method ${request.method}`};
} else {
try {
response = {reqId: request.reqId, data: await method(this, ...request.args)};
} catch (error) {
const err: ErrorWithCode = error;
// Print the error stack, except for SandboxErrors, for which the JS stack isn't that useful.
// Also not helpful is the stack of AUTH_NO_VIEW|EDIT errors produced by the Authorizer.
const code: unknown = err.code;
const skipStack = (
!err.stack ||
err.stack.match(/^SandboxError:/) ||
(typeof code === 'string' && code.startsWith('AUTH_NO'))
this._log.warn(null, "Error %s %s", skipStack ? err : err.stack, code || '');
response = {reqId: request.reqId, error: err.message};
if (err.code) {
response.errorCode = err.code;
if (err.details) {
response.details = err.details;
if (typeof code === 'string' && code === 'AUTH_NO_EDIT' && err.accessMode === 'fork') {
response.shouldFork = true;
await this.sendMessage(response);
// Fetch the user database record from profile.email, or null when profile is not set.
private async _fetchUser(dbManager: HomeDBManager): Promise<User|undefined> {
return this._profile && this._profile.email ?
@ -398,4 +461,36 @@ export class Client {
while (this._docFDs[fd]) { fd++; }
return fd;
private _sendToWebsocket(message: string): Promise<void> {
return fromCallback(cb => this._websocket!.send(message, cb));
* Processes an error on the websocket.
private _onError(err: unknown) {
this._log.warn(null, "onError", err);
// TODO Make sure that this is followed by onClose when the connection is lost.
* Processes the closing of a websocket.
private _onClose() {
this._log.info(null, "onClose");
// Remove all references to the websocket.
this._websocket = null;
// Schedule the client to be destroyed after a timeout. The timer gets cleared if the same
// client reconnects in the interim.
if (this._destroyTimer) {
this._log.warn(null, "clearing previously scheduled destruction");
this._log.warn(null, "will discard client in %s sec", Deps.clientRemovalTimeoutMs / 1000);
this._destroyTimer = setTimeout(() => this.destroy(), Deps.clientRemovalTimeoutMs);

@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
* The server's Comm object implements communication with the client.
* The server receives requests, to which it sends a response (or an error). The server can
* also send asynchronous messages to the client. Available methods should be provided via
* comm.registerMethods().
* To send async messages, you may call broadcastMessage() or sendDocMessage().
* In practice, requests which modify the document are done via UserActions.js, and result in an
* asynchronous message updating the document (which is sent to all clients who have the document
* open), and the response could return some useful value, but does not have to.
* See app/client/components/Comm.js for other details of the communication protocol.
* Currently, this module also implements the concept of a "Client". A Client corresponds to a
* browser window, and should persist across brief disconnects. A Client has a 'clientId'
* property, which uniquely identifies a client within the currently running server. Method
* registered with Comm always receive a Client object as the first argument.
* In the future, we may want to have a separate Client.js file with documentation of the various
* properties that may be associated with a client.
* Note that users of this module should never use the websocket of a Client, since that's an
* implementation detail of Comm.js.
* Event for DocList changes.
* @event docListAction Emitted when the document list changes in any way.
* @property {Array[String]} [addDocs] Array of names of documents to add to the docList.
* @property {Array[String]} [removeDocs] Array of names of documents that got removed.
* @property {Array[String]} [renameDocs] Array of [oldName, newName] pairs for renamed docs.
* @property {Array[String]} [addInvites] Array of document invite names to add.
* @property {Array[String]} [removeInvites] Array of documents invite names to remove.
var events = require('events');
var url = require('url');
var util = require('util');
var ws = require('ws');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var log = require('./log');
var gutil = require('app/common/gutil');
const {parseFirstUrlPart} = require('app/common/gristUrls');
const version = require('app/common/version');
const {Client} = require('./Client');
const {localeFromRequest} = require('app/server/lib/ServerLocale');
const {getRequestProfile} = require('app/server/lib/Authorizer');
// Bluebird promisification, to be able to use e.g. websocket.sendAsync method.
/// How long the client state persists after a disconnect.
var clientRemovalTimeoutMsDefault = 300 * 1000; // 300s = 5 minutes.
var clientRemovalTimeoutMs = clientRemovalTimeoutMsDefault;
* Constructs a Comm object.
* @param {Object} server - The HTTP server.
* @param {Object} options.sessions - A collection of sessions
* @param {Object} options.settings - The config object containing instance settings
* including features.
* @param {Object} options.instanceManager - Instance manager, giving access to InstanceStore
* and per-instance objects. If null, HubUserClient will not be created.
* @param {Object} options.hosts - Hosts object from extractOrg.ts. if set, we use
* hosts.getOrgInfo(req) to extract an organization from a (possibly versioned) url.
function Comm(server, options) {
this._server = server;
this._httpsServer = options.httpsServer;
this.wss = this._startServer();
// Maps client IDs to websocket objects.
this._clients = {}; // Maps clientIds to Client objects.
this.clientList = []; // List of all active Clients, ordered by clientId.
// Maps sessionIds to ScopedSession objects.
this.sessions = options.sessions;
this._settings = options.settings;
this._hosts = options.hosts;
// This maps method names to their implementation.
this.methods = {};
// For testing, we need a way to override the server version reported.
// For upgrading, we use this to set the server version for a defunct server
// to "dead" so that a client will know that it needs to periodically recheck
// for a valid server.
this._serverVersion = null;
util.inherits(Comm, events.EventEmitter);
* Registers server methods.
* @param {Object[String:Function]} Mapping of method name to their implementations. All methods
* receive the client as the first argument, and the arguments from the request.
Comm.prototype.registerMethods = function(serverMethods) {
// Wrap methods to translate return values and exceptions to promises.
for (var methodName in serverMethods) {
this.methods[methodName] = Promise.method(serverMethods[methodName]);
* Returns the Client object associated with the given clientId, or throws an Error if not found.
Comm.prototype.getClient = function(clientId) {
const client = this._clients[clientId];
if (!client) { throw new Error('Unrecognized clientId'); }
return client;
* Returns a ScopedSession object with the given session id from the list of sessions,
* or adds a new one and returns that.
Comm.prototype.getOrCreateSession = function(sid, req, userSelector) {
// ScopedSessions are specific to a session id / org combination.
const org = req.org || "";
return this.sessions.getOrCreateSession(sid, org, userSelector);
* Returns the sessionId from the signed grist cookie.
Comm.prototype.getSessionIdFromCookie = function(gristCookie) {
return this.sessions.getSessionIdFromCookie(gristCookie);
* Broadcasts an app-level message to all clients.
* @param {String} type - Type of message, e.g. 'docListAction'.
* @param {Object} messageData - The data for this type of message.
Comm.prototype.broadcastMessage = function(type, messageData) {
return this._broadcastMessage(type, messageData, this.clientList);
Comm.prototype._broadcastMessage = function(type, data, clients) {
clients.forEach(client => client.sendMessage({type, data}));
* Returns a profile based on the request or session.
Comm.prototype._getSessionProfile = function(scopedSession, req) {
const profile = getRequestProfile(req);
if (profile) {
return Promise.resolve(profile);
} else {
return scopedSession.getSessionProfile();
* Sends a per-doc message to the given client.
* @param {Object} client - The client object, as passed to all per-doc methods.
* @param {Number} docFD - The document's file descriptor in the given client.
* @param {String} type - The type of the message, e.g. 'docUserAction'.
* @param {Object} messageData - The data for this type of message.
* @param {Boolean} fromSelf - Whether `client` is the originator of this message.
Comm.sendDocMessage = function(client, docFD, type, data, fromSelf = undefined) {
client.sendMessage({type, docFD, data, fromSelf});
* Processes a new websocket connection.
* TODO: Currently it always creates a new client, but in the future the creation of a client
* should possibly be delayed until some hello message, so that a previous client may reconnect
* without losing state.
Comm.prototype._onWebSocketConnection = async function(websocket, req) {
log.info("Comm: Got WebSocket connection: %s", req.url);
if (this._hosts) {
// DocWorker ID (/dw/) and version tag (/v/) may be present in this request but are not
// needed. addOrgInfo assumes req.url starts with /o/ if present.
req.url = parseFirstUrlPart('dw', req.url).path;
req.url = parseFirstUrlPart('v', req.url).path;
await this._hosts.addOrgInfo(req);
websocket.on('error', this.onError.bind(this, websocket));
websocket.on('close', this.onClose.bind(this, websocket));
// message handler is added later, after we create a Client but before any async operations
// Parse the cookie in the request to get the sessionId.
var sessionId = this.sessions.getSessionIdFromRequest(req);
var urlObj = url.parse(req.url, true);
var existingClientId = urlObj.query.clientId;
var browserSettings = urlObj.query.browserSettings ? JSON.parse(urlObj.query.browserSettings) : {};
var newClient = (parseInt(urlObj.query.newClient, 10) === 1);
const counter = urlObj.query.counter;
const userSelector = urlObj.query.user || '';
// Associate an ID with each websocket, reusing the supplied one if it's valid.
var client;
if (existingClientId && this._clients.hasOwnProperty(existingClientId) &&
!this._clients[existingClientId]._websocket &&
await this._clients[existingClientId].isAuthorized()) {
client = this._clients[existingClientId];
log.info("Comm %s: existing client reconnected (%d missed messages)", client,
if (client._destroyTimer) {
log.warn("Comm %s: clearing scheduled destruction", client);
client._destroyTimer = null;
if (newClient) {
// If this isn't a reconnect, then we assume that the browser client lost its state (e.g.
// reloaded the page), so we treat it as a disconnect followed by a new connection to the
// same state. At the moment, this only means that we close all docs.
if (client._missedMessages.length) {
log.warn("Comm %s: clearing missed messages for new client", client);
client._missedMessages.length = 0;
client.setConnection(websocket, req.headers.host, browserSettings);
} else {
client = new Client(this, this.methods, req.headers.host, localeFromRequest(req));
client.setConnection(websocket, req.headers.host, browserSettings);
this._clients[client.clientId] = client;
log.info("Comm %s: new client", client);
websocket._commClient = client;
websocket.clientId = client.clientId;
// Add a Session object to the client.
log.info(`Comm ${client}: using session ${sessionId}`);
const scopedSession = this.getOrCreateSession(sessionId, req, userSelector);
// Delegate message handling to the client
websocket.on('message', client.onMessage.bind(client));
this._getSessionProfile(scopedSession, req)
.then((profile) => {
log.debug(`Comm ${client}: sending clientConnect with ` +
`${client._missedMessages.length} missed messages`);
// Don't use sendMessage here, since we don't want to queue up this message on failure.
client.setOrg(req.org || "");
const clientConnectMsg = {
type: 'clientConnect',
clientId: client.clientId,
serverVersion: this._serverVersion || version.gitcommit,
missedMessages: client._missedMessages.slice(0),
settings: this._settings,
// If reconnecting a client with missed messages, clear them now.
client._missedMessages.length = 0;
return websocket.sendAsync(JSON.stringify(clientConnectMsg))
// A heavy-handed fix to T396, since 'clientConnect' is sometimes not seen in the browser,
// (seemingly when the 'message' event is triggered before 'open' on the native WebSocket.)
// See also my report at https://stackoverflow.com/a/48411315/328565
.delay(250).then(() => {
if (client._destroyed) { return; } // object is already closed - don't show messages
if (websocket.readyState === websocket.OPEN) {
return websocket.sendAsync(JSON.stringify(Object.assign(clientConnectMsg, {dup: true})));
} else {
log.debug(`Comm ${client}: websocket closed right after clientConnect`);
.then(() => {
if (!client._destroyed) { log.debug(`Comm ${client}: clientConnect sent successfully`); }
.catch(err => {
log.error(`Comm ${client}: failed to prepare or send clientConnect:`, err);
* Processes an error on the websocket.
Comm.prototype.onError = function(websocket, err) {
log.warn("Comm cid %s: onError", websocket.clientId, err);
// TODO Make sure that this is followed by onClose when the connection is lost.
* Processes the closing of a websocket.
Comm.prototype.onClose = function(websocket) {
log.info("Comm cid %s: onClose", websocket.clientId);
var client = websocket._commClient;
if (client) {
// Remove all references to the websocket.
client._websocket = null;
// Schedule the client to be destroyed after a timeout. The timer gets cleared if the same
// client reconnects in the interim.
if (client._destroyTimer) {
log.warn("Comm cid %s: clearing previously scheduled destruction", websocket.clientId);
log.warn("Comm cid %s: will discard client in %s sec",
websocket.clientId, clientRemovalTimeoutMs / 1000);
client._destroyTimer = setTimeout(this._destroyClient.bind(this, client),
Comm.prototype._startServer = function() {
const servers = [this._server];
if (this._httpsServer) { servers.push(this._httpsServer); }
const wss = [];
for (const server of servers) {
const wssi = new ws.Server({server});
wssi.on('connection', async (websocket, req) => {
try {
await this._onWebSocketConnection(websocket, req);
} catch (e) {
log.error("Comm connection for %s threw exception: %s", req.url, e.message);
websocket.terminate(); // close() is inadequate when ws routed via loadbalancer
return wss;
Comm.prototype.testServerShutdown = async function() {
if (this.wss) {
for (const wssi of this.wss) {
await Promise.fromCallback((cb) => wssi.close(cb));
this.wss = null;
Comm.prototype.testServerRestart = async function() {
await this.testServerShutdown();
this.wss = this._startServer();
* Destroy all clients, forcing reconnections.
Comm.prototype.destroyAllClients = function() {
// Iterate over all clients. Take a copy of the list of clients since it will be changing
// during the loop as we remove them one by one.
for (const client of this.clientList.slice()) {
* Destroys a client. If the same browser window reconnects later, it will get a new Client
* object and clientId.
Comm.prototype._destroyClient = function(client) {
log.info("Comm %s: client gone", client);
if (client._destroyTimer) {
delete this._clients[client.clientId];
gutil.arrayRemove(this.clientList, client);
* Override the version string Comm will report to clients.
* Call with null to reset the override.
Comm.prototype.setServerVersion = function (serverVersion) {
this._serverVersion = serverVersion;
* Mark the server as active or inactive. If inactive, any client that manages to
* connect to it will read a server version of "dead".
Comm.prototype.setServerActivation = function (active) {
this._serverVersion = active ? null : 'dead';
* Set how long clients persist on the server after disconnection. Call with
* 0 to return to the default.
Comm.prototype.testSetClientPersistence = function (ttlMs) {
clientRemovalTimeoutMs = ttlMs || clientRemovalTimeoutMsDefault;
module.exports = Comm;

@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
* The server's Comm object implements communication with the client.
* The server receives requests, to which it sends a response (or an error). The server can
* also send asynchronous messages to the client. Available methods should be provided via
* comm.registerMethods().
* To send async messages, you may call broadcastMessage() or sendDocMessage().
* See app/client/components/Comm.ts for other details of the communication protocol.
* This module relies on the concept of a "Client" (see Client.ts). A Client corresponds to a
* browser window, and should persist across brief disconnects. A Client has a 'clientId'
* property, which uniquely identifies a client within the currently running server. Method
* registered with Comm always receive a Client object as the first argument.
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
import * as http from 'http';
import * as https from 'https';
import * as WebSocket from 'ws';
import {CommDocEventType, CommMessage} from 'app/common/CommTypes';
import {parseFirstUrlPart} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {safeJsonParse} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {UserProfile} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI';
import * as version from 'app/common/version';
import {getRequestProfile} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {ScopedSession} from "app/server/lib/BrowserSession";
import {Client, ClientMethod} from "app/server/lib/Client";
import {Hosts, RequestWithOrg} from 'app/server/lib/extractOrg';
import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {localeFromRequest} from 'app/server/lib/ServerLocale';
import {fromCallback} from 'app/server/lib/serverUtils';
import {Sessions} from 'app/server/lib/Sessions';
export interface CommOptions {
sessions: Sessions; // A collection of all sessions for this instance of Grist
settings?: {[key: string]: unknown}; // The config object containing instance settings including features.
hosts?: Hosts; // If set, we use hosts.getOrgInfo(req) to extract an organization from a (possibly versioned) url.
httpsServer?: https.Server; // An optional HTTPS server to listen on too.
* Constructs a Comm object.
* @param {Object} server - The HTTP server.
* @param {Object} options.sessions - A collection of sessions
* @param {Object} options.settings - The config object containing instance settings
* including features.
* @param {Object} options.instanceManager - Instance manager, giving access to InstanceStore
* and per-instance objects. If null, HubUserClient will not be created.
* @param {Object} options.hosts - Hosts object from extractOrg.ts. if set, we use
* hosts.getOrgInfo(req) to extract an organization from a (possibly versioned) url.
export class Comm extends EventEmitter {
// Collection of all sessions; maps sessionIds to ScopedSession objects.
public readonly sessions: Sessions;
private _wss: WebSocket.Server[]|null = null;
// The config object containing instance settings including features.
private _settings?: {[key: string]: unknown};
// If set, we use hosts.getOrgInfo(req) to extract an organization from a (possibly versioned) url.
private _hosts?: Hosts;
// An optional HTTPS server to listen on too.
private _httpsServer?: https.Server;
private _clients = new Map<string, Client>(); // Maps clientIds to Client objects.
private _methods = new Map<string, ClientMethod>(); // Maps method names to their implementation.
// For testing, we need a way to override the server version reported.
// For upgrading, we use this to set the server version for a defunct server
// to "dead" so that a client will know that it needs to periodically recheck
// for a valid server.
private _serverVersion: string|null = null;
constructor(private _server: http.Server, options: CommOptions) {
this._httpsServer = options.httpsServer;
this._wss = this._startServer();
this.sessions = options.sessions;
this._settings = options.settings;
this._hosts = options.hosts;
* Registers server methods.
* @param {Object[String:Function]} Mapping of method name to their implementations. All methods
* receive the client as the first argument, and the arguments from the request.
public registerMethods(serverMethods: {[name: string]: ClientMethod}): void {
// Wrap methods to translate return values and exceptions to promises.
for (const methodName in serverMethods) {
this._methods.set(methodName, serverMethods[methodName]);
* Returns the Client object associated with the given clientId, or throws an Error if not found.
public getClient(clientId: string): Client {
const client = this._clients.get(clientId);
if (!client) { throw new Error('Unrecognized clientId'); }
return client;
* Returns a ScopedSession object with the given session id from the list of sessions,
* or adds a new one and returns that.
public getOrCreateSession(sessionId: string, req: {org?: string}, userSelector: string = ''): ScopedSession {
// ScopedSessions are specific to a session id / org combination.
const org = req.org || "";
return this.sessions.getOrCreateSession(sessionId, org, userSelector);
* Returns the sessionId from the signed grist cookie.
public getSessionIdFromCookie(gristCookie: string): string|null {
return this.sessions.getSessionIdFromCookie(gristCookie) || null;
* Broadcasts an app-level message to all clients. Only suitable for non-doc-specific messages.
public broadcastMessage(type: 'docListAction', data: unknown) {
for (const client of this._clients.values()) {
client.sendMessage({type, data}).catch(() => {});
public removeClient(client: Client) {
public async testServerShutdown() {
if (this._wss) {
for (const wssi of this._wss) {
await fromCallback((cb) => wssi.close(cb));
this._wss = null;
public async testServerRestart() {
await this.testServerShutdown();
this._wss = this._startServer();
* Destroy all clients, forcing reconnections.
public destroyAllClients() {
// Iterate over all clients. Take a copy of the list of clients since it will be changing
// during the loop as we remove them one by one.
for (const client of Array.from(this._clients.values())) {
* Override the version string Comm will report to clients.
* Call with null to reset the override.
public setServerVersion(serverVersion: string|null) {
this._serverVersion = serverVersion;
* Mark the server as active or inactive. If inactive, any client that manages to
* connect to it will read a server version of "dead".
public setServerActivation(active: boolean) {
this._serverVersion = active ? null : 'dead';
* Returns a profile based on the request or session.
private async _getSessionProfile(scopedSession: ScopedSession, req: http.IncomingMessage): Promise<UserProfile|null> {
return getRequestProfile(req) || scopedSession.getSessionProfile();
* Processes a new websocket connection, and associates the websocket and a Client object.
private async _onWebSocketConnection(websocket: WebSocket, req: http.IncomingMessage) {
log.info("Comm: Got WebSocket connection: %s", req.url);
if (this._hosts) {
// DocWorker ID (/dw/) and version tag (/v/) may be present in this request but are not
// needed. addOrgInfo assumes req.url starts with /o/ if present.
req.url = parseFirstUrlPart('dw', req.url!).path;
req.url = parseFirstUrlPart('v', req.url).path;
await this._hosts.addOrgInfo(req);
// Parse the cookie in the request to get the sessionId.
const sessionId = this.sessions.getSessionIdFromRequest(req);
const params = new URL(req.url!, `http://${req.headers.host}`).searchParams;
const existingClientId = params.get('clientId');
const browserSettings = safeJsonParse(params.get('browserSettings') || '', {});
const newClient = (params.get('newClient') === '1');
const counter = params.get('counter');
const userSelector = params.get('user') || '';
// Associate an ID with each websocket, reusing the supplied one if it's valid.
let client: Client|undefined = this._clients.get(existingClientId!);
if (!client || !await client.reconnect(counter, newClient)) {
client = new Client(this, this._methods, localeFromRequest(req), counter);
this._clients.set(client.clientId, client);
// Add a Session object to the client.
log.info(`Comm ${client}: using session ${sessionId}`);
const scopedSession = this.getOrCreateSession(sessionId!, req as RequestWithOrg, userSelector);
// Associate the client with this websocket.
client.setConnection(websocket, browserSettings);
const profile = await this._getSessionProfile(scopedSession, req);
client.setOrg((req as RequestWithOrg).org || "");
serverVersion: this._serverVersion || version.gitcommit,
settings: this._settings,
.catch(err => {
log.error(`Comm ${client}: failed to prepare or send clientConnect:`, err);
private _startServer() {
const servers = [this._server];
if (this._httpsServer) { servers.push(this._httpsServer); }
const wss = [];
for (const server of servers) {
const wssi = new WebSocket.Server({server});
wssi.on('connection', async (websocket: WebSocket, req) => {
try {
await this._onWebSocketConnection(websocket, req);
} catch (e) {
log.error("Comm connection for %s threw exception: %s", req.url, e.message);
websocket.terminate(); // close() is inadequate when ws routed via loadbalancer
return wss;
* Sends a per-doc message to the given client.
* @param {Object} client - The client object, as passed to all per-doc methods.
* @param {Number} docFD - The document's file descriptor in the given client.
* @param {String} type - The type of the message, e.g. 'docUserAction'.
* @param {Object} messageData - The data for this type of message.
* @param {Boolean} fromSelf - Whether `client` is the originator of this message.
export function sendDocMessage(
client: Client, docFD: number, type: CommDocEventType, data: unknown, fromSelf?: boolean
) {
// TODO Warning disabled to preserve past behavior, but perhaps better to return the Promise?
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
client.sendMessage({type, docFD, data, fromSelf} as CommMessage);

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* open, and what FD they are using.
import {CommDocEventType} from 'app/common/CommTypes';
import {arrayRemove} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc';
import {Authorizer} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ export class DocClients {
* @param {Object} messageData: The data for this type of message.
* @param {Object} filterMessage: Optional callback to filter message per client.
public async broadcastDocMessage(client: Client|null, type: string, messageData: any,
public async broadcastDocMessage(client: Client|null, type: CommDocEventType, messageData: any,
filterMessage?: (docSession: OptDocSession,
messageData: any) => Promise<any>): Promise<void> {
const send = (curr: DocSession) => this._send(curr, client, type, messageData, filterMessage);
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ export class DocClients {
* Send a message to a single client. See broadcastDocMessage for parameters.
private async _send(target: DocSession, client: Client|null, type: string, messageData: any,
private async _send(target: DocSession, client: Client|null, type: CommDocEventType, messageData: any,
filterMessage?: (docSession: OptDocSession,
messageData: any) => Promise<any>): Promise<void> {
const fromSelf = (target.client === client);

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import {DocEntry, DocEntryTag} from 'app/common/DocListAPI';
import {DocSnapshots} from 'app/common/DocSnapshot';
import {DocumentUsage} from 'app/common/DocUsage';
import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil';
import * as Comm from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import {Comm} from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import * as docUtils from 'app/server/lib/docUtils';
import {GristServer} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer';
import {IDocStorageManager} from 'app/server/lib/IDocStorageManager';

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import {ActionHistoryImpl} from 'app/server/lib/ActionHistoryImpl';
import {assertAccess, getOrSetDocAuth, RequestWithLogin} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {Client} from 'app/server/lib/Client';
import * as Comm from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import {Comm} from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import {DocSession, docSessionFromRequest} from 'app/server/lib/DocSession';
import {filterDocumentInPlace} from 'app/server/lib/filterUtils';
import {IDocStorageManager} from 'app/server/lib/IDocStorageManager';

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import {addRequestUser, getUser, getUserId, isSingleUserMode,
redirectToLoginUnconditionally} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {redirectToLogin, RequestWithLogin, signInStatusMiddleware} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {forceSessionChange} from 'app/server/lib/BrowserSession';
import * as Comm from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import {Comm} from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import {create} from 'app/server/lib/create';
import {addDiscourseConnectEndpoints} from 'app/server/lib/DiscourseConnect';
import {addDocApiRoutes} from 'app/server/lib/DocApi';

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { Organization } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Organization';
import { Workspace } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Workspace';
import { HomeDBManager } from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import { RequestWithLogin } from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import * as Comm from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import { Comm } from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import { Hosts } from 'app/server/lib/extractOrg';
import { ICreate } from 'app/server/lib/ICreate';
import { IDocStorageManager } from 'app/server/lib/IDocStorageManager';

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export const ITestingHooks = t.iface([], {
"disconnectClients": t.func("void"),
"commShutdown": t.func("void"),
"commRestart": t.func("void"),
"commSetClientPersistence": t.func("void", t.param("ttlMs", "number")),
"commSetClientPersistence": t.func("number", t.param("ttlMs", "number")),
"closeDocs": t.func("void"),
"setDocWorkerActivation": t.func("void", t.param("workerId", "string"), t.param("active", t.union(t.lit('active'), t.lit('inactive'), t.lit('crash')))),
"flushAuthorizerCache": t.func("void"),

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export interface ITestingHooks {
disconnectClients(): Promise<void>;
commShutdown(): Promise<void>;
commRestart(): Promise<void>;
commSetClientPersistence(ttlMs: number): Promise<void>;
commSetClientPersistence(ttlMs: number): Promise<number>;
closeDocs(): Promise<void>;
setDocWorkerActivation(workerId: string, active: 'active'|'inactive'|'crash'): Promise<void>;
flushAuthorizerCache(): Promise<void>;

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import {parse as languageParser} from "accept-language-parser";
import {Request} from 'express';
import {IncomingMessage} from 'http';
import {locales} from 'app/common/Locales';
* Returns the locale from a request, falling back to `defaultLocale`
* if unable to determine the locale.
export function localeFromRequest(req: Request, defaultLocale: string = 'en-US') {
export function localeFromRequest(req: IncomingMessage, defaultLocale: string = 'en-US') {
const language = languageParser(req.headers["accept-language"] as string)[0];
if (!language) { return defaultLocale; }

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import {cookieName, SessionStore} from 'app/server/lib/gristSessions';
import * as cookie from 'cookie';
import * as cookieParser from 'cookie-parser';
import {Request} from 'express';
import {IncomingMessage} from 'http';
@ -74,14 +75,14 @@ export class Sessions {
* Returns the sessionId from the signed grist cookie.
public getSessionIdFromCookie(gristCookie: string) {
public getSessionIdFromCookie(gristCookie: string): string|false {
return cookieParser.signedCookie(gristCookie, this._sessionSecret);
* Get the session id from the grist cookie. Returns null if no cookie found.
public getSessionIdFromRequest(req: Request): string|null {
public getSessionIdFromRequest(req: Request|IncomingMessage): string|null {
if (req.headers.cookie) {
const cookies = cookie.parse(req.headers.cookie);
const sessionId = this.getSessionIdFromCookie(cookies[cookieName]);

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ import * as net from 'net';
import {UserProfile} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI';
import {Deps as ActiveDocDeps} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc';
import {Deps as DiscourseConnectDeps} from 'app/server/lib/DiscourseConnect';
import * as Comm from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import {Deps as CommClientDeps} from 'app/server/lib/Client';
import {Comm} from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {IMessage, Rpc} from 'grain-rpc';
import {Request} from 'express';
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ export class TestingHooks implements ITestingHooks {
public async setLoginSessionProfile(gristSidCookie: string, profile: UserProfile|null, org?: string): Promise<void> {
log.info("TestingHooks.setLoginSessionProfile called with", gristSidCookie, profile, org);
const sessionId = this._comm.getSessionIdFromCookie(gristSidCookie);
const scopedSession = this._comm.getOrCreateSession(sessionId, {org});
const scopedSession = this._comm.getOrCreateSession(sessionId as string, {org});
const req = {} as Request;
await scopedSession.updateUserProfile(req, profile);
this._server.getSessions().clearCacheIfNeeded({email: profile?.email, org});
@ -115,13 +116,12 @@ export class TestingHooks implements ITestingHooks {
// Set how long new clients will persist after disconnection.
// Call with 0 to return to default duration.
public async commSetClientPersistence(ttlMs: number) {
// Returns the previous value.
public async commSetClientPersistence(ttlMs: number): Promise<number> {
log.info("TestingHooks.setClientPersistence called with", ttlMs);
for (const server of this._workerServers) {
const prev = CommClientDeps.clientRemovalTimeoutMs;
CommClientDeps.clientRemovalTimeoutMs = ttlMs;
return prev;
public async closeDocs(): Promise<void> {

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ export class Hosts {
public async addOrgInfo(req: Request): Promise<RequestWithOrg> {
public async addOrgInfo<T extends IncomingMessage>(req: T): Promise<T & RequestOrgInfo> {
return Object.assign(req, await this.getOrgInfo(req));

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
"@types/tmp": "0.0.33",
"@types/uuid": "3.4.4",
"@types/which": "2.0.1",
"@types/ws": "^6",
"app-module-path": "2.2.0",
"catw": "1.0.1",
"chai": "4.2.0",

@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ export async function openClient(server: FlexServer, email: string, org: string,
if (email !== 'anon@getgrist.com') {
const cid = decodeURIComponent(cookie.split('=')[1].split(';')[0]);
const comm = server.getComm();
const sessionId = comm.getSessionIdFromCookie(cid);
const sessionId = comm.getSessionIdFromCookie(cid)!;
const scopedSession = comm.getOrCreateSession(sessionId, {org});
const profile = { email, email_verified: true, name: "Someone" };
await scopedSession.updateUserProfile({} as any, profile);
@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ export async function openClient(server: FlexServer, email: string, org: string,
const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:' + server.getOwnPort() + `/o/${org}`, {
const client = new GristClient(ws);
await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
ws.on('open', function() {
@ -163,5 +164,5 @@ export async function openClient(server: FlexServer, email: string, org: string,
return new GristClient(ws);
return client;

@ -473,6 +473,13 @@
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