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83 lines
5.3 KiB

extends template_raj
block content
h1 garrettmills
p Hi, there. My name is Garrett, and I'm a self-taught software-developer and speaker.
h2 about me
img(src="/assets/img/profile.jpg" width=300 height=300)
p Hi! My name is Garrett. Welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a self-taught developer and maker. I like to build software to improve the developer/user experience. I created the <a href="" target="_blank">Extollo</a> framework, <a href="" target="_blank">Noded</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">CoreID</a> authentication server, and a couple other projects. I love to communicate my work, and help others pursue their projects. I write blog posts, create video tutorials, hold talks, and publish code from my projects in the hope that others will find it useful.
p A bit more background: I grew up in the rural mid-west, and I got started by teaching myself everything I know. I'm a big fan of learning to code this way. I'm currently studying computer science at the University of Kansas.
if workItemYears && workItemYears.length
h2 what I'm working on
each year in workItemYears
.work-container(class=(workItemHiddenYears.includes(year) ? 'timeline-item theme-hide' : 'timeline-item'))
.timeline-year #{year}
each item in workItemGroups[year]
.work-container(class=(item.endDate ? 'timeline-item theme-hide' : 'timeline-item'))
.range-small #{item.rangeDisplay()}
h3 !{}
p !{item.description}
button#timeline-view-all show past work
h2 get in touch
p I'd love to hear from you if you have questions or inquiries related to me or my projects. You can get in touch by text, e-mail, or using this form. I also occasionally share thoughts on my <a href="/blog">blog</a>.
p <b>E-mail:</b> <a href=""></a>
input#contactEmail.form-control(type='email' name='email' placeholder='E-Mail Address' required)
input#contactFirst.form-control(name='first' placeholder='First Name' required)
input#contactLast.form-control(name='last' placeholder='Last Name' required)
textarea.form-control#contactMessage(name='message' placeholder='Message' required rows=6)
button Send
h2 latest updates
each item in feedPosts
.feed-category(id='feedPostTag_' + item.feedPostId)
.tag #{item.tag}
if !item.visible
p.text (draft)
p.text !{item.body}
.stamp <a href="#{named('feed')}##{item.feedPostId}" class="feed-edit-button">permalink</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;#{item.postedAt.toLocaleString()}
// each item in feed_items
// .feed-item
// div.feed-category(id='feedPostTag_' +
// .tag #{item.tag}
// span
// if item.draft
// p.text (draft)
// p.text !{item.text}
// .bottom
// if user && can_access.feed_delete && can_access.feed_edit
// .stamp <a href="/dash/c/form/FeedPost?id=#{}" class="feed-edit-button" target="_blank">edit</a> | <a href="#recent" class="feed-delete-button" postid="#{}">delete</a>
// .stamp <a href="#{app.url}feed##{}" class="feed-edit-button">permalink</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;#{}
if feed_overflow
a.button(href="/feed") view more