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# Developer Setup
To get this up and running, you need the following tools installed on your machine:
- Node.js **v14 or later**
- The Yarn package manager
Once you've done that, open a shell to this repo and run the following:
```shell script
yarn install
This will install all the 3rd-party libraries needed for the app to start.
Next, copy the `example.env` file to `.env` and edit the `.env` file we just created.
Around line 20, modify the `DATABASE_PASSWORD=` to include the development database password, which you can find from the link shared on Discord.
For example:
```shell script
Once you've done that, you should be able to start the application and it will connect to the shared database. To run the application, run:
```shell script
node index.js
Note that, if you make any backend changes, you'll need to restart the server in order for them to take effect.
Once you've started the server, you should see a line:
[SUCCESS] [Server] Flitter running on port 8000! Press ^C to exit cleanly.
Then, open your web browser to http://localhost:8000 to see the site.