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import {Component} from '../../lib/vues6.js'
import {GridCellState} from '../module/util.js'
* This is the HTML/JavaScript for the game board component.
* The "template" variable at the top defines the HTML for this component. It can contain references
* to methods and properties on the "GameBoardComponent" class shown below.
* For example, the "greeting" property is referenced in the template as "{{ greeting }}". When
* the page loads, this will be replaced by the value of the "greeting" property.
* The class below manages the logic referenced by the template. Then, we can use the component
* in the application by creating an HTML tag with the value of the "selector()" getter.
* In this case, that's the <app-game-board></app-game-board> tag in index.html.
* We can also use components w/in components, to keep code clean. For example, we could have
* a battleship component that we reference inside this game board component.
* Battleship grid is 14x14.
const template = `
<div class="game-board-component" v-if="ready">
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-row" v-for="row of rows">
v-for="cell of row"
export default class GameBoardComponent extends Component {
static get selector() { return 'app-game-board' }
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return [] }
* If true, the grid is ready to be rendered. If false,
* the grid will be hidden.
* @type {boolean}
ready = false
* Array of grid rows. Each element in this array is itself
* an array of grid cell values.
* @type {Array<Array<*>>}
rows = []
* The number of rows in the grid.
* @type {number}
n_rows = 14
* The number of columns in a row.
* @type {number}
n_cols = 14
async vue_on_create() {
// Generate the data structure for the grid
this.rows = Array(this.n_rows).fill('').map(_ => {
return Array(this.n_cols).fill('').map(_ => {
return {
render: GridCellState.Available,
this.ready = true