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<h1 class="page-title">Source: module/util.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>/** @module util */
* Enum of all possible states of a grid cell.
* @type {object}
export const GridCellState = {
// Empty cell, default state
Available: 'available',
// Disabled. Ship cannot be placed here.
Disabled: 'disabled',
// There is a ship in this cell.
Ship: 'ship',
// This cell contains part of a ship which was damaged but not sunk
Damaged: 'damaged',
// This cell contains part of a ship which was sunk
Sunk: 'sunk',
// This cell was targeted, but nothing was hit
Missed: 'missed',
* Returns true if the given grid cell state represents a ship in some way.
* @param {GridCellState} grid_cell_state
* @return {boolean}
export function isShipCell(grid_cell_state) {
return [
* Returns true if the given grid cell state can be fired upon.
* @param {GridCellState} grid_cell_state
* @return {boolean}
export function isValidTargetCell(grid_cell_state) {
return [
* Enum of all possible players.
* @type {object}
export const Player = {
One: 'player_one',
Two: 'player_two',
* Enum of all possible game states. These are player-agnostic.
* @type {object}
export const GameState = {
// Both players are choosing the number of ships to play with (1-5)
ChoosingNumberOfShips: 'choosing_number_of_ships',
// A player is placing their ships
PlayerSetup: 'player_setup',
// We are prompting to change to the other player
PromptPlayerChange: 'prompt_player_change',
// It is the player's turn to fire a missle at their opponent
PlayerTurn: 'player_turn',
// A player has won
PlayerVictory: 'player_victory',
* The various supported ship types, by dimension.
* @type {object}
export const ShipType = {
x1: '1x1',
x2: '1x2',
x3: '1x3',
x4: '1x4',
x5: '1x5',
export function isShipType(type) {
return ['1x1', '1x2', '1x3', '1x4', '1x5'].includes(type)
* Makes a deep copy of the value passed in.
* @param {*} obj
* @return {*}
export function clone(obj) {
// If it's just a value, return it.
if ( typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null ) return obj
// If it's an array, copy its values.
if ( Array.isArray(obj) ) return => clone(x))
// If it's an object, copy its properties.
const copy = {}
for ( const prop in obj ) {
copy[prop] = clone(obj[prop])
return copy
* Generate an absolute URL to a file w/in the project directory.
* @param {string} path
* @return {string}
export function appUrl(path) {
if ( path.startsWith('/') ) path = path.slice(1)
return `${APP_BASE_PATH}${path}`
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