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import {Component} from '../../lib/vues6.js'
import game_service from '../services/GameState.service.js'
import {Player} from '../module/util.js'
const template = `
<div class="app-scoreboard-component">
Scoreboard Goes Here {{ player_one_score }}
export default class ScoreBoardComponent extends Component {
static get selector() { return 'app-scoreboard' }
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return [] }
player_one_score = 0
player_two_score = 0
player_one_progress = 0
player_two_progress = 0
async vue_on_create() {
game_service.on_state_change(() => {
update() {
// here is where you should fetch the data from the game service and update variables on the class
this.player_one_score = game_service.get_player_score(Player.One)
this.player_two_score = game_service.get_player_score(Player.Two)
this.player_one_progress = game_service.get_progress(Player.One)
this.player_two_progress = game_service.get_progress(Player.Two)