javier-barea 4 years ago
commit bd44b25faa

@ -89,6 +89,18 @@ export class GameStateService {
current_opponent = Player.Two
* True if, during the current turn, the user has tried to fire a missile.
* @type {boolean}
current_turn_had_missile_attempt = false
* Array of functions that are called when the game state changes.
* @type {function[]}
game_state_change_listeners = []
* Construct a new game service. Initialize any internal states.
@ -218,6 +230,13 @@ export class GameStateService {
return(this.get_player_score() / this.get_progress() )
* Get the current game state.
* @return {GameState}
get_game_state() {
return clone(this.current_state)
* responsible for advancing the game state
@ -237,7 +256,6 @@ export class GameStateService {
* 8) player win
if (this.current_state === GameState.ChoosingNumberOfShips) {
if (this.n_boats >= 1 && this.n_boats <= 5) {
this.current_state = GameState.PlayerSetup;
@ -246,19 +264,56 @@ export class GameStateService {
} else {
throw new InvalidAdvanceStateError("Invalid Number of Boats");
if (this.current_state === GameState.PlayerSetup) {
if (this.current_player === Player.One) {
// because the place_ship handles all the validation
// all you need to do is make sure they have placed all the appropriate ships
// e.g. if ( this.get_ship_entities(this.current_player).length === this.n_boats ) { ... }
if ( this.get_ship_entities(this.current_player).length === this.n_boats ) {
this.current_player = Player.Two;
this.current_opponent = Player.One;
throw new InvalidAdvanceStateError("Player One has a problem with the number of boats selected");
if (this.current_player === Player.Two) {
//wait for now
if ( this.get_ship_entities(this.current_player).length === this.n_boats ) {
this.current_state = GameState.PlayerTurn;
this.current_player = Player.One;
this.current_opponent = Player.Two;
throw new InvalidAdvanceStateError("Player Two has a problem with the number of boats selected");
if (this.current_state === GameState.PlayerTurn && this.current_player === Player.One) {
if (this.current_turn_had_missile_attempt === true) {
this.current_player = Player.Two;
this.current_opponent = Player.One;
else {
throw new InvalidAdvanceStateError("the player has not fired a missle");
if (this.current_state === GameState.PlayerTurn && this.current_player === Player.Two) {
if (this.current_turn_had_missile_attempt === true) {
this.current_player = Player.One;
this.current_opponent = Player.Two;
else {
throw new InvalidAdvanceStateError("the player has not fired a missle");
let winner = this.get_winner();
if(winner) {
this.current_state = GameState.PlayerVictory;
this.current_player = winner;
this.game_state_change_listeners.forEach(fn => fn(this.current_state))
@ -274,6 +329,12 @@ export class GameStateService {
* @return {boolean}
attempt_missile_fire([target_row_i, target_col_i]) {
if ( this.current_turn_had_missile_attempt ) {
throw new InvalidMissileFireAttemptError('Cannot fire more than once per turn.')
} else {
this.current_turn_had_missile_attempt = true
const target_cell = this._get_cell_state(this.current_opponent, target_row_i, target_col_i)
if ( !isValidTargetCell(target_cell.render) )
throw new InvalidMissileFireAttemptError('Cannot fire on cell with state: ' + target_cell.render)
@ -472,6 +533,35 @@ export class GameStateService {
return cells
* If there is a winner, this will return the Player that won.
* If no winner has been decided yet, will return undefined.
* @return {Player|undefined}
get_winner() {
const [player_1, player_2] = this.players
// Make sure to sink any fully-damaged ships
const player_1_loses = this.get_ship_cells(player_1).every(cell => cell.render === GridCellState.Sunk)
if ( player_1_loses ) return player_2
// Make sure to sink any fully-damaged ships
const player_2_loses = this.get_ship_cells(player_2).every(cell => cell.render === GridCellState.Sunk)
if ( player_2_loses ) return player_2
* Returns the other player.
* @param {Player} player
* @return {Player}
get_other_player(player) {
if ( player === Player.One ) return Player.Two
else if ( player === Player.Two ) return Player.One
* Get an array of ship entities for the given player.
* @param {Player} player
