Add helper methods to game service for firing on opponent (#2)

Garrett Mills 4 years ago
parent a4f13f0d17
commit aaadd82d31
Signed by: garrettmills
GPG Key ID: D2BF5FBA8298F246

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { Player, GridCellState, GameState, clone, ShipType, isShipType, isShipCell } from '../module/util.js'
import { InvalidShipPlacementError, InvalidAdvanceStateError } from '../module/errors.js'
import { Player, GridCellState, GameState, clone, ShipType, isShipType, isShipCell, isValidTargetCell } from '../module/util.js'
import { InvalidShipPlacementError, InvalidAdvanceStateError, InvalidMissileFireAttemptError } from '../module/errors.js'
* Singleton service for managing the state of the game.
@ -261,6 +261,60 @@ export class GameStateService {
* Attempt to fire a missile at the current opponent at the given coordinates.
* The coordinates should be an array of [row_index, column_index] where the missile should fire.
* Returns true if the missile hit an undamaged cell of a ship.
* @example
* If I want to fire a missile at row 5 column 7, then:
* game_service.attempt_missile_fire([5, 7])
* @param {[number, number]} coords
* @return {boolean}
attempt_missile_fire([target_row_i, target_col_i]) {
const target_cell = this._get_cell_state(this.current_opponent, target_row_i, target_col_i)
if ( !isValidTargetCell(target_cell.render) )
throw new InvalidMissileFireAttemptError('Cannot fire on cell with state: ' + target_cell.render)
if ( target_cell.render === GridCellState.Ship ) {
// We hit an un-hit ship cell!
this._set_cell_state(this.current_opponent, target_row_i, target_col_i, GridCellState.Damaged)
// set ships to sunk where appropriate
return true
} else if ( target_cell.render === GridCellState.Available ) {
// We missed...
this._set_cell_state(this.current_opponent, target_row_i, target_col_i, GridCellState.Missed)
return false
* Checks the player's ships. If any are fully damaged, it flags that ship's cells
* as "sunk" rather than damaged.
* @param {Player} player
* @private
_sink_damaged_ships(player) {
this.get_ship_entities(player).some(ship => {
const covered_cells = this.get_covered_cells(ship.coords_one, ship.coords_two)
const all_damaged = covered_cells.every(([cell_row, cell_col]) => {
return this._get_cell_state(player, cell_row, cell_col).render === GridCellState.Damaged
if ( all_damaged ) {
// The entire boat was damaged, so sink it
covered_cells.some(([cell_row, cell_col]) => {
this._set_cell_state(player, cell_row, cell_col, GridCellState.Sunk)
* Attempt to place a ship of the given type at the given coordinates.
* Throws an InvalidShipPlacementError if the coordinates are invalid.
@ -454,6 +508,18 @@ export class GameStateService {
_set_cell_state(player, row_i, col_i, state) {
this.player_x_game_board[player][row_i][col_i].render = state
* Get the state of the cell at the given coordinates on the player's board.
* @param {Player} player
* @param {number} row_i
* @param {number} col_i
* @return {object}
* @private
_get_cell_state(player, row_i, col_i) {
return this.player_x_game_board[player][row_i][col_i]
// Export a single instance, so it can be shared by all files
