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import Component from '../rivets/Component.js'
import { PLAYER, COLORS } from './grid/grid.component.js'
import { wait } from '../rivets/helpers.js'
// The scoreboard for the Connect-4 games
export default class Scoreboard extends Component {
static selector() { return 'app-scoreboard' }
static template() { return `
<div class="scoreboard-container">
<div class="player" rv-background="player_one_bkg">
<p class="score">{ player_one }</p>
<p class="name">Player One</p>
<div class="player" rv-background="player_two_bkg">
<p class="score">{ player_two }</p>
<p class="name">Player Two</p>
<div class="buttons">
<button rv-on-click="bind.on_board_reset_click">Reset Board</button>
<button rv-on-click="bind.on_score_reset_click">Reset Score</button>
` }
// The players' scores
player_one = 0
player_two = 0
// The players' background colors
player_one_bkg = COLORS.dark
player_two_bkg = COLORS.dark
constructor(el, data) {
super(el, data) = data.parentApp
// Increment the specified player's score, animating the background for a few seconds
async increment(player) {
if ( player === ) {
this.player_one_bkg = COLORS.victory
this.player_one += 1
await wait(3000)
this.player_one_bkg = COLORS.dark
} else if ( player === PLAYER.two ) {
this.player_two_bkg = COLORS.victory
this.player_two += 1
await wait(3000)
this.player_two_bkg = COLORS.dark
// Reset the score
reset() {
this.player_one = 0
this.player_two = 0
// Called when the "Reset Board" button is clicked
on_board_reset_click() {
// Called when the "Reset Score" button is clicked
on_score_reset_click() {