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import Component from '../rivets/Component.js'
// The root application component
export default class App extends Component {
static selector() { return 'app-root' }
static template() { return `
<h1>Connect 4 by Garrett Mills</h1>
<p>This is a simple Connect-4 webtoy that I built as a project for EECS 368 at the University of Kansas. It's a two person game - take turns. Click the slot at the top of a column on the grid to drop the token on your turn.</p>
<app-grid parent-app="self"></app-grid>
<app-scoreboard parent-app="self"></app-scoreboard>
<p><small>&copy; { year } <a href="">Garrett Mills</a> | <a href="#">Source Code</a></small></p>
` }
// The current year for the copyright message
year = ''
constructor(el, data) {
super(el, data)
// Set the current year
this.year = (new Date).getFullYear()
// Callback for the grid creation. Gives access to the Grid class
register_grid(grid) {
this.grid = grid
// Callback for the scoreboard creation. Gives access to the Scoreboard class
register_scoreboard(scoreboard) {
this.scoreboard = scoreboard