garrettmills 54d07754ac
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2020-10-14 23:13:09 -05:00

76476 lines
4.9 MiB
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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// monaco/editor.main.js
!function(e) {
function t(t2) {
for (var n2, o2, r2 = t2[0], s2 = t2[1], a2 = 0, c = []; a2 < r2.length; a2++)
o2 = r2[a2],, o2) && i[o2] && c.push(i[o2][0]), i[o2] = 0;
for (n2 in s2), n2) && (e[n2] = s2[n2]);
for (l && l(t2); c.length; )
var n = {}, i = {0: 0};
function o(t2) {
if (n[t2])
return n[t2].exports;
var i2 = n[t2] = {i: t2, l: false, exports: {}};
return e[t2].call(i2.exports, i2, i2.exports, o), i2.l = true, i2.exports;
o.e = function() {
return Promise.resolve();
}, o.m = e, o.c = n, o.d = function(e2, t2, n2) {
o.o(e2, t2) || Object.defineProperty(e2, t2, {enumerable: true, get: n2});
}, o.r = function(e2) {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e2, Symbol.toStringTag, {value: "Module"}), Object.defineProperty(e2, "__esModule", {value: true});
}, o.t = function(e2, t2) {
if (1 & t2 && (e2 = o(e2)), 8 & t2)
return e2;
if (4 & t2 && "object" == typeof e2 && e2 && e2.__esModule)
return e2;
var n2 = Object.create(null);
if (o.r(n2), Object.defineProperty(n2, "default", {enumerable: true, value: e2}), 2 & t2 && "string" != typeof e2)
for (var i2 in e2)
o.d(n2, i2, function(t3) {
return e2[t3];
}.bind(null, i2));
return n2;
}, o.n = function(e2) {
var t2 = e2 && e2.__esModule ? function() {
return e2.default;
} : function() {
return e2;
return o.d(t2, "a", t2), t2;
}, o.o = function(e2, t2) {
return, t2);
}, o.p = "/", o.oe = function(e2) {
throw console.error(e2), e2;
var r = self.webpackJsonp = self.webpackJsonp || [], s = r.push.bind(r);
r.push = t, r = r.slice();
for (var a = 0; a < r.length; a++)
var l = s;
o(o.s = 342);
}([function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2, t2, ...n2) {
return function(e3, t3) {
let n3;
return n3 = 0 === t3.length ? e3 : e3.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(e4, n4) {
const i2 = n4[0];
return void 0 !== t3[i2] ? t3[i2] : e4;
}), n3;
}(t2, n2);
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "s", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "S", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "N", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "I", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return y;
}), n.d(t, "Q", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "R", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "ab", function() {
return S;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return E;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return L;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return N;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return I;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return O;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return D;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return A;
}), n.d(t, "W", function() {
return R;
}), n.d(t, "Y", function() {
return M;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return B;
}), n.d(t, "z", function() {
return j;
}), n.d(t, "y", function() {
return V;
}), n.d(t, "F", function() {
return q;
}), n.d(t, "C", function() {
return $;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return K;
}), n.d(t, "H", function() {
return G;
}), n.d(t, "B", function() {
return Y;
}), n.d(t, "A", function() {
return Z;
}), n.d(t, "G", function() {
return X;
}), n.d(t, "L", function() {
return Q;
}), n.d(t, "w", function() {
return J;
}), n.d(t, "J", function() {
return ee;
}), n.d(t, "O", function() {
return ne;
}), n.d(t, "E", function() {
return ie;
}), n.d(t, "x", function() {
return oe;
}), n.d(t, "v", function() {
return re;
}), n.d(t, "u", function() {
return le;
}), n.d(t, "P", function() {
return ce;
}), n.d(t, "M", function() {
return de;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return he;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return ue;
}), n.d(t, "X", function() {
return pe;
}), n.d(t, "V", function() {
return me;
}), n.d(t, "bb", function() {
return fe;
}), n.d(t, "p", function() {
return be;
}), n.d(t, "U", function() {
return ve;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return Ce;
}), n.d(t, "Z", function() {
return xe;
}), n.d(t, "K", function() {
return Se;
}), n.d(t, "T", function() {
return ke;
}), n.d(t, "D", function() {
return Ee;
}), n.d(t, "t", function() {
return Te;
}), n.d(t, "cb", function() {
return Le;
}), n.d(t, "o", function() {
return Ne;
}), n.d(t, "r", function() {
return Ie;
}), n.d(t, "q", function() {
return Oe;
var i = n(34), o = n(44), r = n(67), s = n(69), a = n(20), l = n(13), c = n(6), d = n(2), h = n(11), u = n(15), p = n(45), m = n(138);
function g(e2) {
for (; e2.firstChild; )
function f(e2) {
e2.parentNode && e2.parentNode.removeChild(e2);
function b(e2) {
for (; e2; ) {
if (e2 === document.body)
return true;
e2 = e2.parentNode ||;
return false;
const _ = new class {
hasClass(e2, t2) {
return Boolean(t2) && e2.classList && e2.classList.contains(t2);
addClasses(e2, ...t2) {
t2.forEach((t3) => t3.split(" ").forEach((t4) => this.addClass(e2, t4)));
addClass(e2, t2) {
t2 && e2.classList && e2.classList.add(t2);
removeClass(e2, t2) {
t2 && e2.classList && e2.classList.remove(t2);
removeClasses(e2, ...t2) {
t2.forEach((t3) => t3.split(" ").forEach((t4) => this.removeClass(e2, t4)));
toggleClass(e2, t2, n2) {
e2.classList && e2.classList.toggle(t2, n2);
}(), v = _.hasClass.bind(_), w = _.addClass.bind(_), y = _.addClasses.bind(_), C = _.removeClass.bind(_), x = _.removeClasses.bind(_), S = _.toggleClass.bind(_);
class k {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._node = e2, this._type = t2, this._handler = n2, this._options = i2 || false, this._node.addEventListener(this._type, this._handler, this._options);
dispose() {
this._handler && (this._node.removeEventListener(this._type, this._handler, this._options), this._node = null, this._handler = null);
function E(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new k(e2, t2, n2, i2);
function T(e2) {
return function(t2) {
return e2(new s.a(t2));
let L = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = n2;
return "click" === t2 || "mousedown" === t2 ? o2 = T(n2) : "keydown" !== t2 && "keypress" !== t2 && "keyup" !== t2 || (o2 = function(e3) {
return function(t3) {
return e3(new r.a(t3));
}(n2)), E(e2, t2, o2, i2);
}, N = function(e2, t2, n2) {
return I(e2, T(t2), n2);
function I(e2, t2, n2) {
return E(e2, h.c && m.a.pointerEvents ? he.POINTER_DOWN : he.MOUSE_DOWN, t2, n2);
function O(e2, t2, n2) {
return E(e2, h.c && m.a.pointerEvents ? he.POINTER_UP : he.MOUSE_UP, t2, n2);
function D(e2, t2) {
return E(e2, "mouseout", (n2) => {
let i2 = n2.relatedTarget;
for (; i2 && i2 !== e2; )
i2 = i2.parentNode;
i2 !== e2 && t2(n2);
function A(e2, t2) {
return E(e2, "pointerout", (n2) => {
let i2 = n2.relatedTarget;
for (; i2 && i2 !== e2; )
i2 = i2.parentNode;
i2 !== e2 && t2(n2);
let R, M, P = null;
class F {
constructor(e2, t2 = 0) {
this._runner = e2, this.priority = t2, this._canceled = false;
dispose() {
this._canceled = true;
execute() {
if (!this._canceled)
try {
} catch (e2) {
static sort(e2, t2) {
return t2.priority - e2.priority;
!function() {
let e2 = [], t2 = null, n2 = false, i2 = false, o2 = () => {
for (n2 = false, t2 = e2, e2 = [], i2 = true; t2.length > 0; ) {
t2.sort(F.sort), t2.shift().execute();
i2 = false;
M = (t3, i3 = 0) => {
let r2 = new F(t3, i3);
return e2.push(r2), n2 || (n2 = true, function(e3) {
if (!P) {
const e4 = (e5) => setTimeout(() => e5(new Date().getTime()), 0);
P = self.requestAnimationFrame || self.msRequestAnimationFrame || self.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || self.mozRequestAnimationFrame || self.oRequestAnimationFrame || e4;
}, e3);
}(o2)), r2;
}, R = (e3, n3) => {
if (i2) {
let i3 = new F(e3, n3);
return t2.push(i3), i3;
return M(e3, n3);
const W = function(e2, t2) {
return t2;
class z extends d.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2 = W, o2 = 16) {
let r2 = null, s2 = 0, l2 = this._register(new a.e()), c2 = () => {
s2 = new Date().getTime(), n2(r2), r2 = null;
this._register(E(e2, t2, (e3) => {
r2 = i2(r2, e3);
let t3 = new Date().getTime() - s2;
t3 >= o2 ? (l2.cancel(), c2()) : l2.setIfNotSet(c2, o2 - t3);
function B(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return new z(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
function j(e2) {
return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e2, null);
function V(e2) {
if (e2 !== document.body)
return new H(e2.clientWidth, e2.clientHeight);
if (h.c && window.visualViewport) {
const e3 = window.visualViewport.width, t2 = window.visualViewport.height - (i.k ? 24 : 0);
return new H(e3, t2);
if (window.innerWidth && window.innerHeight)
return new H(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth && document.body.clientHeight)
return new H(document.body.clientWidth, document.body.clientHeight);
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth && document.documentElement.clientHeight)
return new H(document.documentElement.clientWidth, document.documentElement.clientHeight);
throw new Error("Unable to figure out browser width and height");
class U {
static convertToPixels(e2, t2) {
return parseFloat(t2) || 0;
static getDimension(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = j(e2), o2 = "0";
return i2 && (o2 = i2.getPropertyValue ? i2.getPropertyValue(t2) : i2.getAttribute(n2)), U.convertToPixels(e2, o2);
static getBorderLeftWidth(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "border-left-width", "borderLeftWidth");
static getBorderRightWidth(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "border-right-width", "borderRightWidth");
static getBorderTopWidth(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "border-top-width", "borderTopWidth");
static getBorderBottomWidth(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "border-bottom-width", "borderBottomWidth");
static getPaddingLeft(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "padding-left", "paddingLeft");
static getPaddingRight(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "padding-right", "paddingRight");
static getPaddingTop(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "padding-top", "paddingTop");
static getPaddingBottom(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "padding-bottom", "paddingBottom");
static getMarginLeft(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "margin-left", "marginLeft");
static getMarginTop(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "margin-top", "marginTop");
static getMarginRight(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "margin-right", "marginRight");
static getMarginBottom(e2) {
return U.getDimension(e2, "margin-bottom", "marginBottom");
class H {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.width = e2, this.height = t2;
function q(e2) {
let t2 = e2.offsetParent, n2 = e2.offsetTop, i2 = e2.offsetLeft;
for (; null !== (e2 = e2.parentNode) && e2 !== document.body && e2 !== document.documentElement; ) {
n2 -= e2.scrollTop;
const o2 = te(e2) ? null : j(e2);
o2 && (i2 -= "rtl" !== o2.direction ? e2.scrollLeft : -e2.scrollLeft), e2 === t2 && (i2 += U.getBorderLeftWidth(e2), n2 += U.getBorderTopWidth(e2), n2 += e2.offsetTop, i2 += e2.offsetLeft, t2 = e2.offsetParent);
return {left: i2, top: n2};
function $(e2) {
let t2 = e2.getBoundingClientRect();
return {left: t2.left + K.scrollX, top: + K.scrollY, width: t2.width, height: t2.height};
const K = new class {
get scrollX() {
return "number" == typeof window.scrollX ? window.scrollX : document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
get scrollY() {
return "number" == typeof window.scrollY ? window.scrollY : document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
function G(e2) {
let t2 = U.getMarginLeft(e2) + U.getMarginRight(e2);
return e2.offsetWidth + t2;
function Y(e2) {
let t2 = U.getBorderLeftWidth(e2) + U.getBorderRightWidth(e2), n2 = U.getPaddingLeft(e2) + U.getPaddingRight(e2);
return e2.offsetWidth - t2 - n2;
function Z(e2) {
let t2 = U.getBorderTopWidth(e2) + U.getBorderBottomWidth(e2), n2 = U.getPaddingTop(e2) + U.getPaddingBottom(e2);
return e2.offsetHeight - t2 - n2;
function X(e2) {
let t2 = U.getMarginTop(e2) + U.getMarginBottom(e2);
return e2.offsetHeight + t2;
function Q(e2, t2) {
for (; e2; ) {
if (e2 === t2)
return true;
e2 = e2.parentNode;
return false;
function J(e2, t2, n2) {
for (; e2 && e2.nodeType === e2.ELEMENT_NODE; ) {
if (v(e2, t2))
return e2;
if (n2) {
if ("string" == typeof n2) {
if (v(e2, n2))
return null;
} else if (e2 === n2)
return null;
e2 = e2.parentNode;
return null;
function ee(e2, t2, n2) {
return !!J(e2, t2, n2);
function te(e2) {
return e2 && !! && !!e2.mode;
function ne(e2) {
return !!ie(e2);
function ie(e2) {
for (; e2.parentNode; ) {
if (e2 === document.body)
return null;
e2 = e2.parentNode;
return te(e2) ? e2 : null;
function oe() {
let e2 = document.activeElement;
for (; null == e2 ? void 0 : e2.shadowRoot; )
e2 = e2.shadowRoot.activeElement;
return e2;
function re(e2 = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]) {
let t2 = document.createElement("style");
return t2.type = "text/css", = "screen", e2.appendChild(t2), t2;
let se = null;
function ae() {
return se || (se = re()), se;
function le(e2, t2, n2 = ae()) {
n2 && t2 && n2.sheet.insertRule(e2 + "{" + t2 + "}", 0);
function ce(e2, t2 = ae()) {
if (!t2)
let n2 = function(e3) {
return e3 && e3.sheet && e3.sheet.rules ? e3.sheet.rules : e3 && e3.sheet && e3.sheet.cssRules ? e3.sheet.cssRules : [];
}(t2), i2 = [];
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < n2.length; t3++) {
-1 !== n2[t3].selectorText.indexOf(e2) && i2.push(t3);
for (let e3 = i2.length - 1; e3 >= 0; e3--)
function de(e2) {
return "object" == typeof HTMLElement ? e2 instanceof HTMLElement : e2 && "object" == typeof e2 && 1 === e2.nodeType && "string" == typeof e2.nodeName;
const he = {CLICK: "click", AUXCLICK: "auxclick", DBLCLICK: "dblclick", MOUSE_UP: "mouseup", MOUSE_DOWN: "mousedown", MOUSE_OVER: "mouseover", MOUSE_MOVE: "mousemove", MOUSE_OUT: "mouseout", MOUSE_ENTER: "mouseenter", MOUSE_LEAVE: "mouseleave", MOUSE_WHEEL: i.f ? "mousewheel" : "wheel", POINTER_UP: "pointerup", POINTER_DOWN: "pointerdown", POINTER_MOVE: "pointermove", CONTEXT_MENU: "contextmenu", WHEEL: "wheel", KEY_DOWN: "keydown", KEY_PRESS: "keypress", KEY_UP: "keyup", LOAD: "load", BEFORE_UNLOAD: "beforeunload", UNLOAD: "unload", ABORT: "abort", ERROR: "error", RESIZE: "resize", SCROLL: "scroll", FULLSCREEN_CHANGE: "fullscreenchange", WK_FULLSCREEN_CHANGE: "webkitfullscreenchange", SELECT: "select", CHANGE: "change", SUBMIT: "submit", RESET: "reset", FOCUS: "focus", FOCUS_IN: "focusin", FOCUS_OUT: "focusout", BLUR: "blur", INPUT: "input", STORAGE: "storage", DRAG_START: "dragstart", DRAG: "drag", DRAG_ENTER: "dragenter", DRAG_LEAVE: "dragleave", DRAG_OVER: "dragover", DROP: "drop", DRAG_END: "dragend", ANIMATION_START: i.l ? "webkitAnimationStart" : "animationstart", ANIMATION_END: i.l ? "webkitAnimationEnd" : "animationend", ANIMATION_ITERATION: i.l ? "webkitAnimationIteration" : "animationiteration"}, ue = {stop: function(e2, t2) {
e2.preventDefault ? e2.preventDefault() : e2.returnValue = false, t2 && (e2.stopPropagation ? e2.stopPropagation() : e2.cancelBubble = true);
function pe(e2) {
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 = 0; e2 && e2.nodeType === e2.ELEMENT_NODE; n2++)
t2[n2] = e2.scrollTop, e2 = e2.parentNode;
return t2;
function me(e2, t2) {
for (let n2 = 0; e2 && e2.nodeType === e2.ELEMENT_NODE; n2++)
e2.scrollTop !== t2[n2] && (e2.scrollTop = t2[n2]), e2 = e2.parentNode;
class ge extends d.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._onDidFocus = this._register(new c.a()), this.onDidFocus = this._onDidFocus.event, this._onDidBlur = this._register(new c.a()), this.onDidBlur = this._onDidBlur.event;
let t2 = Q(document.activeElement, e2), n2 = false;
const i2 = () => {
n2 = false, t2 || (t2 = true,;
}, r2 = () => {
t2 && (n2 = true, window.setTimeout(() => {
n2 && (n2 = false, t2 = false,;
}, 0));
this._refreshStateHandler = () => {
Q(document.activeElement, e2) !== t2 && (t2 ? r2() : i2());
}, this._register(Object(o.a)(e2, he.FOCUS, true)(i2)), this._register(Object(o.a)(e2, he.BLUR, true)(r2));
function fe(e2) {
return new ge(e2);
function be(e2, ...t2) {
return t2.forEach((t3) => e2.appendChild(t3)), t2[t2.length - 1];
const _e = /([\w\-]+)?(#([\w\-]+))?((\.([\w\-]+))*)/;
function ve(e2, ...t2) {
e2.innerText = "", Object(u.d)(t2).forEach((t3) => {
t3 instanceof Node ? e2.appendChild(t3) : e2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t3));
var we;
function ye(e2, t2, n2, ...i2) {
let o2 = _e.exec(t2);
if (!o2)
throw new Error("Bad use of emmet");
n2 = Object.assign({}, n2 || {});
let r2, s2 = o2[1] || "div";
return r2 = e2 !== we.HTML ? document.createElementNS(e2, s2) : document.createElement(s2), o2[3] && ( = o2[3]), o2[4] && (r2.className = o2[4].replace(/\./g, " ").trim()), Object.keys(n2).forEach((e3) => {
const t3 = n2[e3];
void 0 !== t3 && (/^on\w+$/.test(e3) ? r2[e3] = t3 : "selected" === e3 ? t3 && r2.setAttribute(e3, "true") : r2.setAttribute(e3, t3));
}), Object(u.d)(i2).forEach((e3) => {
e3 instanceof Node ? r2.appendChild(e3) : r2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e3));
}), r2;
function Ce(e2, t2, ...n2) {
return ye(we.HTML, e2, t2, ...n2);
function xe(...e2) {
for (let t2 of e2) = "", t2.removeAttribute("aria-hidden");
function Se(...e2) {
for (let t2 of e2) = "none", t2.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
function ke(e2) {
if (e2 && e2.hasAttribute("tabIndex")) {
if (document.activeElement === e2) {
let t2 = function(e3, t3) {
for (; e3 && e3.nodeType === e3.ELEMENT_NODE; ) {
if (e3 instanceof HTMLElement && e3.hasAttribute(t3))
return e3;
e3 = e3.parentNode;
return null;
}(e2.parentElement, "tabIndex");
t2 && t2.focus();
function Ee(e2) {
return, 0);
function Te(e2) {
const t2 = window.devicePixelRatio * e2;
return Math.max(1, Math.floor(t2)) / window.devicePixelRatio;
function Le(e2) {
if (h.g || i.g);
else {
let t2 =;
t2 && (t2.opener = null, t2.location.href = e2);
function Ne(e2) {
const t2 = () => {
e2(), n2 = M(t2);
let n2 = M(t2);
return Object(d.h)(() => n2.dispose());
function Ie(e2) {
return e2 && p.b.vscodeRemote === e2.scheme ? p.a.rewrite(e2) : e2;
function Oe(e2) {
return e2 ? `url('${Ie(e2).toString(true).replace(/'/g, "%27")}')` : "url('')";
!function(e2) {
e2.HTML = "", e2.SVG = "";
}(we || (we = {})), Ce.SVG = function(e2, t2, ...n2) {
return ye(we.SVG, e2, t2, ...n2);
}, p.a.setPreferredWebSchema(/^https:/.test(window.location.href) ? "https" : "http");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "g", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return p;
var i = n(37);
function o(e2) {
class r extends Error {
constructor(e2) {
super(`Encounter errors while disposing of store. Errors: [${e2.join(", ")}]`), this.errors = e2;
function s(e2) {
return "function" == typeof e2.dispose && 0 === e2.dispose.length;
function a(e2) {
if ( {
let t2 = [];
for (const n2 of e2)
if (n2)
try {
} catch (e3) {
if (1 === t2.length)
throw t2[0];
if (t2.length > 1)
throw new r(t2);
return Array.isArray(e2) ? [] : e2;
if (e2)
return e2.dispose(), e2;
function l(...e2) {
return e2.forEach(o), {dispose: () => a(e2)};
function c(e2) {
const t2 = {dispose: () => {
return t2;
class d {
constructor() {
this._toDispose = new Set(), this._isDisposed = false;
dispose() {
this._isDisposed || (this._isDisposed = true, this.clear());
clear() {
try {
} finally {
add(e2) {
if (!e2)
return e2;
if (e2 === this)
throw new Error("Cannot register a disposable on itself!");
return this._isDisposed ? d.DISABLE_DISPOSED_WARNING || console.warn(new Error("Trying to add a disposable to a DisposableStore that has already been disposed of. The added object will be leaked!").stack) : this._toDispose.add(e2), e2;
class h {
constructor() {
this._store = new d();
dispose() {
_register(e2) {
if (e2 === this)
throw new Error("Cannot register a disposable on itself!");
return this._store.add(e2);
h.None = Object.freeze({dispose() {
class u {
constructor() {
this._isDisposed = false;
get value() {
return this._isDisposed ? void 0 : this._value;
set value(e2) {
this._isDisposed || e2 === this._value || (this._value && this._value.dispose(), this._value = e2);
clear() {
this.value = void 0;
dispose() {
this._isDisposed = true, this._value && this._value.dispose(), this._value = void 0;
class p {
constructor(e2) {
this.object = e2;
dispose() {
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(9);
class o {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
e2 > n2 || e2 === n2 && t2 > i2 ? (this.startLineNumber = n2, this.startColumn = i2, this.endLineNumber = e2, this.endColumn = t2) : (this.startLineNumber = e2, this.startColumn = t2, this.endLineNumber = n2, this.endColumn = i2);
isEmpty() {
return o.isEmpty(this);
static isEmpty(e2) {
return e2.startLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber && e2.startColumn === e2.endColumn;
containsPosition(e2) {
return o.containsPosition(this, e2);
static containsPosition(e2, t2) {
return !(t2.lineNumber < e2.startLineNumber || t2.lineNumber > e2.endLineNumber) && (!(t2.lineNumber === e2.startLineNumber && t2.column < e2.startColumn) && !(t2.lineNumber === e2.endLineNumber && t2.column > e2.endColumn));
containsRange(e2) {
return o.containsRange(this, e2);
static containsRange(e2, t2) {
return !(t2.startLineNumber < e2.startLineNumber || t2.endLineNumber < e2.startLineNumber) && (!(t2.startLineNumber > e2.endLineNumber || t2.endLineNumber > e2.endLineNumber) && (!(t2.startLineNumber === e2.startLineNumber && t2.startColumn < e2.startColumn) && !(t2.endLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber && t2.endColumn > e2.endColumn)));
strictContainsRange(e2) {
return o.strictContainsRange(this, e2);
static strictContainsRange(e2, t2) {
return !(t2.startLineNumber < e2.startLineNumber || t2.endLineNumber < e2.startLineNumber) && (!(t2.startLineNumber > e2.endLineNumber || t2.endLineNumber > e2.endLineNumber) && (!(t2.startLineNumber === e2.startLineNumber && t2.startColumn <= e2.startColumn) && !(t2.endLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber && t2.endColumn >= e2.endColumn)));
plusRange(e2) {
return o.plusRange(this, e2);
static plusRange(e2, t2) {
let n2, i2, r, s;
return t2.startLineNumber < e2.startLineNumber ? (n2 = t2.startLineNumber, i2 = t2.startColumn) : t2.startLineNumber === e2.startLineNumber ? (n2 = t2.startLineNumber, i2 = Math.min(t2.startColumn, e2.startColumn)) : (n2 = e2.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.startColumn), t2.endLineNumber > e2.endLineNumber ? (r = t2.endLineNumber, s = t2.endColumn) : t2.endLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber ? (r = t2.endLineNumber, s = Math.max(t2.endColumn, e2.endColumn)) : (r = e2.endLineNumber, s = e2.endColumn), new o(n2, i2, r, s);
intersectRanges(e2) {
return o.intersectRanges(this, e2);
static intersectRanges(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.startColumn, r = e2.endLineNumber, s = e2.endColumn, a = t2.startLineNumber, l = t2.startColumn, c = t2.endLineNumber, d = t2.endColumn;
return n2 < a ? (n2 = a, i2 = l) : n2 === a && (i2 = Math.max(i2, l)), r > c ? (r = c, s = d) : r === c && (s = Math.min(s, d)), n2 > r || n2 === r && i2 > s ? null : new o(n2, i2, r, s);
equalsRange(e2) {
return o.equalsRange(this, e2);
static equalsRange(e2, t2) {
return !!e2 && !!t2 && e2.startLineNumber === t2.startLineNumber && e2.startColumn === t2.startColumn && e2.endLineNumber === t2.endLineNumber && e2.endColumn === t2.endColumn;
getEndPosition() {
return o.getEndPosition(this);
static getEndPosition(e2) {
return new i.a(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn);
getStartPosition() {
return o.getStartPosition(this);
static getStartPosition(e2) {
return new i.a(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn);
toString() {
return "[" + this.startLineNumber + "," + this.startColumn + " -> " + this.endLineNumber + "," + this.endColumn + "]";
setEndPosition(e2, t2) {
return new o(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, e2, t2);
setStartPosition(e2, t2) {
return new o(e2, t2, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn);
collapseToStart() {
return o.collapseToStart(this);
static collapseToStart(e2) {
return new o(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn, e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn);
static fromPositions(e2, t2 = e2) {
return new o(e2.lineNumber, e2.column, t2.lineNumber, t2.column);
static lift(e2) {
return e2 ? new o(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn, e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn) : null;
static isIRange(e2) {
return e2 && "number" == typeof e2.startLineNumber && "number" == typeof e2.startColumn && "number" == typeof e2.endLineNumber && "number" == typeof e2.endColumn;
static areIntersectingOrTouching(e2, t2) {
return !(e2.endLineNumber < t2.startLineNumber || e2.endLineNumber === t2.startLineNumber && e2.endColumn < t2.startColumn) && !(t2.endLineNumber < e2.startLineNumber || t2.endLineNumber === e2.startLineNumber && t2.endColumn < e2.startColumn);
static areIntersecting(e2, t2) {
return !(e2.endLineNumber < t2.startLineNumber || e2.endLineNumber === t2.startLineNumber && e2.endColumn <= t2.startColumn) && !(t2.endLineNumber < e2.startLineNumber || t2.endLineNumber === e2.startLineNumber && t2.endColumn <= e2.startColumn);
static compareRangesUsingStarts(e2, t2) {
if (e2 && t2) {
const n2 = 0 | e2.startLineNumber, i2 = 0 | t2.startLineNumber;
if (n2 === i2) {
const n3 = 0 | e2.startColumn, i3 = 0 | t2.startColumn;
if (n3 === i3) {
const n4 = 0 | e2.endLineNumber, i4 = 0 | t2.endLineNumber;
if (n4 === i4) {
return (0 | e2.endColumn) - (0 | t2.endColumn);
return n4 - i4;
return n3 - i3;
return n2 - i2;
return (e2 ? 1 : 0) - (t2 ? 1 : 0);
static compareRangesUsingEnds(e2, t2) {
return e2.endLineNumber === t2.endLineNumber ? e2.endColumn === t2.endColumn ? e2.startLineNumber === t2.startLineNumber ? e2.startColumn - t2.startColumn : e2.startLineNumber - t2.startLineNumber : e2.endColumn - t2.endColumn : e2.endLineNumber - t2.endLineNumber;
static spansMultipleLines(e2) {
return e2.endLineNumber > e2.startLineNumber;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return y;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "o", function() {
return S;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return k;
}), n.d(t, "p", function() {
return E;
}), n.d(t, "q", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return L;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return N;
}), n.d(t, "r", function() {
return I;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return O;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return D;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return M;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return P;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return F;
var i, o = n(0), r = n(13), s = n(23), a = n(41), l = n(9), c = n(64), d = n(122), h = n(24), u = n(27), p = n(10), m = n(92), g = n(56), f = n(120), b = n(14);
class _ {
constructor(e2) { =, this.precondition = e2.precondition, this._kbOpts = e2.kbOpts, this._menuOpts = e2.menuOpts, this._description = e2.description;
register() {
if (Array.isArray(this._menuOpts) ? this._menuOpts.forEach(this._registerMenuItem, this) : this._menuOpts && this._registerMenuItem(this._menuOpts), this._kbOpts) {
let e2 = this._kbOpts.kbExpr;
this.precondition && (e2 = e2 ? p.a.and(e2, this.precondition) : this.precondition), m.a.registerCommandAndKeybindingRule({id:, handler: (e3, t2) => this.runCommand(e3, t2), weight: this._kbOpts.weight, args: this._kbOpts.args, when: e2, primary: this._kbOpts.primary, secondary: this._kbOpts.secondary, win:, linux: this._kbOpts.linux, mac: this._kbOpts.mac, description: this._description});
} else
u.a.registerCommand({id:, handler: (e2, t2) => this.runCommand(e2, t2), description: this._description});
_registerMenuItem(e2) {
h.d.appendMenuItem(e2.menuId, {group:, command: {id:, title: e2.title, icon: e2.icon}, when: e2.when, order: e2.order});
class v extends _ {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this._implementations = [];
addImplementation(e2, t2) {
return this._implementations.push([e2, t2]), this._implementations.sort((e3, t3) => t3[0] - e3[0]), {dispose: () => {
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < this._implementations.length; e3++)
if (this._implementations[e3][1] === t2)
return void this._implementations.splice(e3, 1);
runCommand(e2, t2) {
for (const n2 of this._implementations)
if (n2[1](e2, t2))
class w extends _ {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this.command = e2;
runCommand(e2, t2) {
return this.command.runCommand(e2, t2);
class y extends _ {
static bindToContribution(e2) {
return class extends y {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._callback = e3.handler;
runEditorCommand(t2, n2, i2) {
e2(n2) && this._callback(e2(n2), i2);
runCommand(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.get(a.a), i2 = n2.getFocusedCodeEditor() || n2.getActiveCodeEditor();
if (i2)
return i2.invokeWithinContext((e3) => {
if (e3.get(p.b).contextMatchesRules(Object(b.n)(this.precondition)))
return this.runEditorCommand(e3, i2, t2);
class C extends y {
constructor(e2) {
super(C.convertOptions(e2)), this.label = e2.label, this.alias = e2.alias;
static convertOptions(e2) {
let t2;
function n2(t3) {
return t3.menuId || (t3.menuId = h.b.EditorContext), t3.title || (t3.title = e2.label), t3.when = p.a.and(e2.precondition, t3.when), t3;
return t2 = Array.isArray(e2.menuOpts) ? e2.menuOpts : e2.menuOpts ? [e2.menuOpts] : [], Array.isArray(e2.contextMenuOpts) ? t2.push( : e2.contextMenuOpts && t2.push(n2(e2.contextMenuOpts)), e2.menuOpts = t2, e2;
runEditorCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
return this.reportTelemetry(e2, t2),, t2, n2 || {});
reportTelemetry(e2, t2) {
e2.get(f.a).publicLog2("editorActionInvoked", {name: this.label, id:});
class x extends C {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this._implementations = [];
runEditorCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
this.reportTelemetry(e2, t2);
for (const t3 of this._implementations)
if (t3[1](e2, n2))
return, t2, n2 || {});
function S(e2, t2) {
u.a.registerCommand(e2, (e3, n2) => t2(e3, n2 || {}));
function k(e2, t2) {
S(e2, function(e3, n2) {
const {resource: i2, position: o2} = n2;
if (!(i2 instanceof s.a))
throw Object(r.b)("resource");
if (!l.a.isIPosition(o2))
throw Object(r.b)("position");
const a2 = e3.get(c.a).getModel(i2);
if (a2) {
const e4 = l.a.lift(o2);
return t2(a2, e4, n2);
return e3.get(d.a).createModelReference(i2).then((e4) => new Promise((i3, r2) => {
try {
i3(t2(e4.object.textEditorModel, l.a.lift(o2), n2));
} catch (e5) {
}).finally(() => {
function E(e2, t2) {
u.a.registerCommand(e2, function(e3, ...n2) {
const [i2, o2] = n2;
Object(b.b)(s.a.isUri(i2)), Object(b.b)(l.a.isIPosition(o2));
const r2 = e3.get(c.a).getModel(i2);
if (r2) {
const e4 = l.a.lift(o2);
return t2(r2, e4, ...n2.slice(2));
return e3.get(d.a).createModelReference(i2).then((e4) => new Promise((i3, r3) => {
try {
i3(t2(e4.object.textEditorModel, l.a.lift(o2), n2.slice(2)));
} catch (e5) {
}).finally(() => {
function T(e2, t2) {
u.a.registerCommand(e2, function(e3, ...n2) {
const [i2] = n2;
const o2 = e3.get(c.a).getModel(i2);
return o2 ? t2(o2, ...n2.slice(1)) : e3.get(d.a).createModelReference(i2).then((e4) => new Promise((i3, o3) => {
try {
i3(t2(e4.object.textEditorModel, n2.slice(1)));
} catch (e5) {
}).finally(() => {
function L(e2) {
return A.INSTANCE.registerEditorCommand(e2), e2;
function N(e2) {
const t2 = new e2();
return A.INSTANCE.registerEditorAction(t2), t2;
function I(e2) {
return A.INSTANCE.registerEditorAction(e2), e2;
function O(e2) {
function D(e2, t2) {
A.INSTANCE.registerEditorContribution(e2, t2);
!function(e2) {
e2.getEditorCommand = function(e3) {
return A.INSTANCE.getEditorCommand(e3);
}, e2.getEditorActions = function() {
return A.INSTANCE.getEditorActions();
}, e2.getEditorContributions = function() {
return A.INSTANCE.getEditorContributions();
}, e2.getSomeEditorContributions = function(e3) {
return A.INSTANCE.getEditorContributions().filter((t2) => e3.indexOf( >= 0);
}, e2.getDiffEditorContributions = function() {
return A.INSTANCE.getDiffEditorContributions();
}(i || (i = {}));
class A {
constructor() {
this.editorContributions = [], this.diffEditorContributions = [], this.editorActions = [], this.editorCommands = Object.create(null);
registerEditorContribution(e2, t2) {
this.editorContributions.push({id: e2, ctor: t2});
getEditorContributions() {
return this.editorContributions.slice(0);
getDiffEditorContributions() {
return this.diffEditorContributions.slice(0);
registerEditorAction(e2) {
e2.register(), this.editorActions.push(e2);
getEditorActions() {
return this.editorActions.slice(0);
registerEditorCommand(e2) {
e2.register(), this.editorCommands[] = e2;
getEditorCommand(e2) {
return this.editorCommands[e2] || null;
function R(e2) {
return e2.register(), e2;
A.INSTANCE = new A(), g.a.add("editor.contributions", A.INSTANCE);
const M = R(new v({id: "undo", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, primary: 2104}, menuOpts: [{menuId: h.b.MenubarEditMenu, group: "1_do", title: o.a({key: "miUndo", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Undo"), order: 1}, {menuId: h.b.CommandPalette, group: "", title: o.a("undo", "Undo"), order: 1}]}));
R(new w(M, {id: "default:undo", precondition: void 0}));
const P = R(new v({id: "redo", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, primary: 2103, secondary: [3128], mac: {primary: 3128}}, menuOpts: [{menuId: h.b.MenubarEditMenu, group: "1_do", title: o.a({key: "miRedo", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Redo"), order: 2}, {menuId: h.b.CommandPalette, group: "", title: o.a("redo", "Redo"), order: 1}]}));
R(new w(P, {id: "default:redo", precondition: void 0}));
const F = R(new v({id: "editor.action.selectAll", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: null, primary: 2079}, menuOpts: [{menuId: h.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "1_basic", title: o.a({key: "miSelectAll", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Select All"), order: 1}, {menuId: h.b.CommandPalette, group: "", title: o.a("selectAll", "Select All"), order: 1}]}));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "gc", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "ab", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "Y", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "bb", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "Z", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "rc", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "qc", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "uc", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "fb", function() {
return y;
}), n.d(t, "hb", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "gb", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "db", function() {
return S;
}), n.d(t, "cb", function() {
return k;
}), n.d(t, "eb", function() {
return E;
}), n.d(t, "lb", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "nb", function() {
return L;
}), n.d(t, "mb", function() {
return N;
}), n.d(t, "ob", function() {
return I;
}), n.d(t, "qb", function() {
return O;
}), n.d(t, "pb", function() {
return D;
}), n.d(t, "ib", function() {
return A;
}), n.d(t, "kb", function() {
return R;
}), n.d(t, "jb", function() {
return M;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return W;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return z;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return B;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return j;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return V;
}), n.d(t, "ic", function() {
return U;
}), n.d(t, "kc", function() {
return H;
}), n.d(t, "lc", function() {
return q;
}), n.d(t, "jc", function() {
return $;
}), n.d(t, "cc", function() {
return K;
}), n.d(t, "u", function() {
return G;
}), n.d(t, "t", function() {
return Y;
}), n.d(t, "T", function() {
return Z;
}), n.d(t, "S", function() {
return X;
}), n.d(t, "L", function() {
return Q;
}), n.d(t, "K", function() {
return J;
}), n.d(t, "D", function() {
return ee;
}), n.d(t, "C", function() {
return te;
}), n.d(t, "s", function() {
return ne;
}), n.d(t, "B", function() {
return ie;
}), n.d(t, "U", function() {
return oe;
}), n.d(t, "W", function() {
return re;
}), n.d(t, "V", function() {
return se;
}), n.d(t, "X", function() {
return ae;
}), n.d(t, "dc", function() {
return le;
}), n.d(t, "ec", function() {
return ce;
}), n.d(t, "fc", function() {
return de;
}), n.d(t, "Yb", function() {
return he;
}), n.d(t, "Xb", function() {
return ue;
}), n.d(t, "O", function() {
return pe;
}), n.d(t, "P", function() {
return me;
}), n.d(t, "J", function() {
return ge;
}), n.d(t, "Q", function() {
return fe;
}), n.d(t, "R", function() {
return be;
}), n.d(t, "v", function() {
return _e;
}), n.d(t, "x", function() {
return ve;
}), n.d(t, "z", function() {
return we;
}), n.d(t, "w", function() {
return ye;
}), n.d(t, "y", function() {
return Ce;
}), n.d(t, "A", function() {
return xe;
}), n.d(t, "H", function() {
return Se;
}), n.d(t, "E", function() {
return ke;
}), n.d(t, "G", function() {
return Ee;
}), n.d(t, "F", function() {
return Te;
}), n.d(t, "I", function() {
return Le;
}), n.d(t, "r", function() {
return Ne;
}), n.d(t, "N", function() {
return Ie;
}), n.d(t, "M", function() {
return Oe;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return De;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return Ae;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return Re;
}), n.d(t, "p", function() {
return Me;
}), n.d(t, "o", function() {
return Pe;
}), n.d(t, "q", function() {
return Fe;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return We;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return ze;
}), n.d(t, "xb", function() {
return Be;
}), n.d(t, "yb", function() {
return je;
}), n.d(t, "rb", function() {
return Ve;
}), n.d(t, "sb", function() {
return Ue;
}), n.d(t, "Db", function() {
return He;
}), n.d(t, "Eb", function() {
return qe;
}), n.d(t, "Cb", function() {
return $e;
}), n.d(t, "Ab", function() {
return Ke;
}), n.d(t, "Bb", function() {
return Ge;
}), n.d(t, "tb", function() {
return Ye;
}), n.d(t, "zb", function() {
return Ze;
}), n.d(t, "ub", function() {
return Xe;
}), n.d(t, "wb", function() {
return Qe;
}), n.d(t, "vb", function() {
return Je;
}), n.d(t, "tc", function() {
return et;
}), n.d(t, "Gb", function() {
return tt;
}), n.d(t, "Hb", function() {
return nt;
}), n.d(t, "Fb", function() {
return it;
}), n.d(t, "Kb", function() {
return ot;
}), n.d(t, "Ib", function() {
return rt;
}), n.d(t, "Jb", function() {
return st;
}), n.d(t, "Lb", function() {
return at;
}), n.d(t, "oc", function() {
return lt;
}), n.d(t, "pc", function() {
return ct;
}), n.d(t, "mc", function() {
return dt;
}), n.d(t, "nc", function() {
return ht;
}), n.d(t, "Vb", function() {
return ut;
}), n.d(t, "Wb", function() {
return pt;
}), n.d(t, "Ob", function() {
return mt;
}), n.d(t, "Pb", function() {
return gt;
}), n.d(t, "Nb", function() {
return ft;
}), n.d(t, "Tb", function() {
return bt;
}), n.d(t, "Mb", function() {
return _t;
}), n.d(t, "Rb", function() {
return vt;
}), n.d(t, "Sb", function() {
return wt;
}), n.d(t, "Qb", function() {
return yt;
}), n.d(t, "Zb", function() {
return Ct;
}), n.d(t, "bc", function() {
return xt;
}), n.d(t, "ac", function() {
return St;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return kt;
}), n.d(t, "sc", function() {
return Tt;
}), n.d(t, "Ub", function() {
return Lt;
}), n.d(t, "hc", function() {
return It;
var i = n(56), o = n(16), r = n(6), s = n(0), a = n(188), l = n(20);
const c = {ColorContribution: "base.contributions.colors"};
const d = new class {
constructor() {
this._onDidChangeSchema = new r.a(), this.onDidChangeSchema = this._onDidChangeSchema.event, this.colorSchema = {type: "object", properties: {}}, this.colorReferenceSchema = {type: "string", enum: [], enumDescriptions: []}, this.colorsById = {};
registerColor(e2, t2, n2, i2 = false, o2) {
let r2 = {id: e2, description: n2, defaults: t2, needsTransparency: i2, deprecationMessage: o2};
this.colorsById[e2] = r2;
let s2 = {type: "string", description: n2, format: "color-hex", defaultSnippets: [{body: "${1:#ff0000}"}]};
return o2 && (s2.deprecationMessage = o2),[e2] = s2, this.colorReferenceSchema.enum.push(e2), this.colorReferenceSchema.enumDescriptions.push(n2),, e2;
resolveDefaultColor(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.colorsById[e2];
if (n2 && n2.defaults) {
return It(n2.defaults[t2.type], t2);
getColorSchema() {
return this.colorSchema;
toString() {
return Object.keys(this.colorsById).sort((e2, t2) => {
let n2 = -1 === e2.indexOf(".") ? 0 : 1, i2 = -1 === t2.indexOf(".") ? 0 : 1;
return n2 !== i2 ? n2 - i2 : e2.localeCompare(t2);
}).map((e2) => `- \`${e2}\`: ${this.colorsById[e2].description}`).join("\n");
function h(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return d.registerColor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
i.a.add(c.ColorContribution, d);
const u = h("foreground", {dark: "#CCCCCC", light: "#616161", hc: "#FFFFFF"}, s.a("foreground", "Overall foreground color. This color is only used if not overridden by a component.")), p = h("errorForeground", {dark: "#F48771", light: "#A1260D", hc: "#F48771"}, s.a("errorForeground", "Overall foreground color for error messages. This color is only used if not overridden by a component.")), m = h("icon.foreground", {dark: "#C5C5C5", light: "#424242", hc: "#FFFFFF"}, s.a("iconForeground", "The default color for icons in the workbench.")), g = h("focusBorder", {dark: "#007FD4", light: "#0090F1", hc: "#F38518"}, s.a("focusBorder", "Overall border color for focused elements. This color is only used if not overridden by a component.")), f = h("contrastBorder", {light: null, dark: null, hc: "#6FC3DF"}, s.a("contrastBorder", "An extra border around elements to separate them from others for greater contrast.")), b = h("contrastActiveBorder", {light: null, dark: null, hc: g}, s.a("activeContrastBorder", "An extra border around active elements to separate them from others for greater contrast.")), _ = h("textLink.foreground", {light: "#006AB1", dark: "#3794FF", hc: "#3794FF"}, s.a("textLinkForeground", "Foreground color for links in text.")), v = h("textCodeBlock.background", {light: "#dcdcdc66", dark: "#0a0a0a66", hc:}, s.a("textCodeBlockBackground", "Background color for code blocks in text.")), w = h("widget.shadow", {dark: "#000000", light: "#A8A8A8", hc: null}, s.a("widgetShadow", "Shadow color of widgets such as find/replace inside the editor.")), y = h("input.background", {dark: "#3C3C3C", light: o.a.white, hc:}, s.a("inputBoxBackground", "Input box background.")), C = h("input.foreground", {dark: u, light: u, hc: u}, s.a("inputBoxForeground", "Input box foreground.")), x = h("input.border", {dark: null, light: null, hc: f}, s.a("inputBoxBorder", "Input box border.")), S = h("inputOption.activeBorder", {dark: "#007ACC00", light: "#007ACC00", hc: f}, s.a("inputBoxActiveOptionBorder", "Border color of activated options in input fields.")), k = h("inputOption.activeBackground", {dark: Tt(g, 0.4), light: Tt(g, 0.2), hc: o.a.transparent}, s.a("inputOption.activeBackground", "Background color of activated options in input fields.")), E = h("inputOption.activeForeground", {dark: o.a.white, light:, hc: null}, s.a("inputOption.activeForeground", "Foreground color of activated options in input fields.")), T = h("inputValidation.infoBackground", {dark: "#063B49", light: "#D6ECF2", hc:}, s.a("inputValidationInfoBackground", "Input validation background color for information severity.")), L = h("inputValidation.infoForeground", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, s.a("inputValidationInfoForeground", "Input validation foreground color for information severity.")), N = h("inputValidation.infoBorder", {dark: "#007acc", light: "#007acc", hc: f}, s.a("inputValidationInfoBorder", "Input validation border color for information severity.")), I = h("inputValidation.warningBackground", {dark: "#352A05", light: "#F6F5D2", hc:}, s.a("inputValidationWarningBackground", "Input validation background color for warning severity.")), O = h("inputValidation.warningForeground", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, s.a("inputValidationWarningForeground", "Input validation foreground color for warning severity.")), D = h("inputValidation.warningBorder", {dark: "#B89500", light: "#B89500", hc: f}, s.a("inputValidationWarningBorder", "Input validation border color for warning severity.")), A = h("inputValidation.errorBackground", {dark: "#5A1D1D", light: "#F2DEDE", hc:}, s.a("inputValidationErrorBackground", "Input validation background color for error severity.")), R = h("inputValidation.errorForeground", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, s.a("inputValidationErrorForeground", "Input validation foreground color for error severity.")), M = h("inputValidation.errorBorder", {dark: "#BE1100", light: "#BE1100", hc: f}, s.a("inputValidationErrorBorder", "Input validation border color for error severity.")), P = h("dropdown.background", {dark: "#3C3C3C", light: o.a.white, hc:}, s.a("dropdownBackground", "Dropdown background.")), F = h("dropdown.foreground", {dark: "#F0F0F0", light: null, hc: o.a.white}, s.a("dropdownForeground", "Dropdown foreground.")), W = h("button.foreground", {dark: o.a.white, light: o.a.white, hc: o.a.white}, s.a("buttonForeground", "Button foreground color.")), z = h("button.background", {dark: "#0E639C", light: "#007ACC", hc: null}, s.a("buttonBackground", "Button background color.")), B = h("button.hoverBackground", {dark: Et(z, 0.2), light: kt(z, 0.2), hc: null}, s.a("buttonHoverBackground", "Button background color when hovering.")), j = h("badge.background", {dark: "#4D4D4D", light: "#C4C4C4", hc:}, s.a("badgeBackground", "Badge background color. Badges are small information labels, e.g. for search results count.")), V = h("badge.foreground", {dark: o.a.white, light: "#333", hc: o.a.white}, s.a("badgeForeground", "Badge foreground color. Badges are small information labels, e.g. for search results count.")), U = h("scrollbar.shadow", {dark: "#000000", light: "#DDDDDD", hc: null}, s.a("scrollbarShadow", "Scrollbar shadow to indicate that the view is scrolled.")), H = h("scrollbarSlider.background", {dark: o.a.fromHex("#797979").transparent(0.4), light: o.a.fromHex("#646464").transparent(0.4), hc: Tt(f, 0.6)}, s.a("scrollbarSliderBackground", "Scrollbar slider background color.")), q = h("scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground", {dark: o.a.fromHex("#646464").transparent(0.7), light: o.a.fromHex("#646464").transparent(0.7), hc: Tt(f, 0.8)}, s.a("scrollbarSliderHoverBackground", "Scrollbar slider background color when hovering.")), $ = h("scrollbarSlider.activeBackground", {dark: o.a.fromHex("#BFBFBF").transparent(0.4), light: o.a.fromHex("#000000").transparent(0.6), hc: f}, s.a("scrollbarSliderActiveBackground", "Scrollbar slider background color when clicked on.")), K = h("progressBar.background", {dark: o.a.fromHex("#0E70C0"), light: o.a.fromHex("#0E70C0"), hc: f}, s.a("progressBarBackground", "Background color of the progress bar that can show for long running operations.")), G = h("editorError.foreground", {dark: "#F48771", light: "#E51400", hc: null}, s.a("editorError.foreground", "Foreground color of error squigglies in the editor.")), Y = h("editorError.border", {dark: null, light: null, hc: o.a.fromHex("#E47777").transparent(0.8)}, s.a("errorBorder", "Border color of error boxes in the editor.")), Z = h("editorWarning.foreground", {dark: "#CCA700", light: "#E9A700", hc: null}, s.a("editorWarning.foreground", "Foreground color of warning squigglies in the editor.")), X = h("editorWarning.border", {dark: null, light: null, hc: o.a.fromHex("#FFCC00").transparent(0.8)}, s.a("warningBorder", "Border color of warning boxes in the editor.")), Q = h("editorInfo.foreground", {dark: "#75BEFF", light: "#75BEFF", hc: null}, s.a("editorInfo.foreground", "Foreground color of info squigglies in the editor.")), J = h("editorInfo.border", {dark: null, light: null, hc: o.a.fromHex("#75BEFF").transparent(0.8)}, s.a("infoBorder", "Border color of info boxes in the editor.")), ee = h("editorHint.foreground", {dark: o.a.fromHex("#eeeeee").transparent(0.7), light: "#6c6c6c", hc: null}, s.a("editorHint.foreground", "Foreground color of hint squigglies in the editor.")), te = h("editorHint.border", {dark: null, light: null, hc: o.a.fromHex("#eeeeee").transparent(0.8)}, s.a("hintBorder", "Border color of hint boxes in the editor.")), ne = h("editor.background", {light: "#fffffe", dark: "#1E1E1E", hc:}, s.a("editorBackground", "Editor background color.")), ie = h("editor.foreground", {light: "#333333", dark: "#BBBBBB", hc: o.a.white}, s.a("editorForeground", "Editor default foreground color.")), oe = h("editorWidget.background", {dark: "#252526", light: "#F3F3F3", hc: "#0C141F"}, s.a("editorWidgetBackground", "Background color of editor widgets, such as find/replace.")), re = h("editorWidget.foreground", {dark: u, light: u, hc: u}, s.a("editorWidgetForeground", "Foreground color of editor widgets, such as find/replace.")), se = h("editorWidget.border", {dark: "#454545", light: "#C8C8C8", hc: f}, s.a("editorWidgetBorder", "Border color of editor widgets. The color is only used if the widget chooses to have a border and if the color is not overridden by a widget.")), ae = h("editorWidget.resizeBorder", {light: null, dark: null, hc: null}, s.a("editorWidgetResizeBorder", "Border color of the resize bar of editor widgets. The color is only used if the widget chooses to have a resize border and if the color is not overridden by a widget.")), le = h("quickInput.background", {dark: oe, light: oe, hc: oe}, s.a("pickerBackground", "Quick picker background color. The quick picker widget is the container for pickers like the command palette.")), ce = h("quickInput.foreground", {dark: re, light: re, hc: re}, s.a("pickerForeground", "Quick picker foreground color. The quick picker widget is the container for pickers like the command palette.")), de = h("quickInputTitle.background", {dark: new o.a(new o.c(255, 255, 255, 0.105)), light: new o.a(new o.c(0, 0, 0, 0.06)), hc: "#000000"}, s.a("pickerTitleBackground", "Quick picker title background color. The quick picker widget is the container for pickers like the command palette.")), he = h("pickerGroup.foreground", {dark: "#3794FF", light: "#0066BF", hc: o.a.white}, s.a("pickerGroupForeground", "Quick picker color for grouping labels.")), ue = h("pickerGroup.border", {dark: "#3F3F46", light: "#CCCEDB", hc: o.a.white}, s.a("pickerGroupBorder", "Quick picker color for grouping borders.")), pe = h("editor.selectionBackground", {light: "#ADD6FF", dark: "#264F78", hc: "#f3f518"}, s.a("editorSelectionBackground", "Color of the editor selection.")), me = h("editor.selectionForeground", {light: null, dark: null, hc: "#000000"}, s.a("editorSelectionForeground", "Color of the selected text for high contrast.")), ge = h("editor.inactiveSelectionBackground", {light: Tt(pe, 0.5), dark: Tt(pe, 0.5), hc: Tt(pe, 0.5)}, s.a("editorInactiveSelection", "Color of the selection in an inactive editor. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), fe = h("editor.selectionHighlightBackground", {light: Nt(pe, ne, 0.3, 0.6), dark: Nt(pe, ne, 0.3, 0.6), hc: null}, s.a("editorSelectionHighlight", "Color for regions with the same content as the selection. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), be = h("editor.selectionHighlightBorder", {light: null, dark: null, hc: b}, s.a("editorSelectionHighlightBorder", "Border color for regions with the same content as the selection.")), _e = h("editor.findMatchBackground", {light: "#A8AC94", dark: "#515C6A", hc: null}, s.a("editorFindMatch", "Color of the current search match.")), ve = h("editor.findMatchHighlightBackground", {light: "#EA5C0055", dark: "#EA5C0055", hc: null}, s.a("findMatchHighlight", "Color of the other search matches. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), we = h("editor.findRangeHighlightBackground", {dark: "#3a3d4166", light: "#b4b4b44d", hc: null}, s.a("findRangeHighlight", "Color of the range limiting the search. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), ye = h("editor.findMatchBorder", {light: null, dark: null, hc: b}, s.a("editorFindMatchBorder", "Border color of the current search match.")), Ce = h("editor.findMatchHighlightBorder", {light: null, dark: null, hc: b}, s.a("findMatchHighlightBorder", "Border color of the other search matches.")), xe = h("editor.findRangeHighlightBorder", {dark: null, light: null, hc: Tt(b, 0.4)}, s.a("findRangeHighlightBorder", "Border color of the range limiting the search. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), Se = h("editor.hoverHighlightBackground", {light: "#ADD6FF26", dark: "#264f7840", hc: "#ADD6FF26"}, s.a("hoverHighlight", "Highlight below the word for which a hover is shown. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), ke = h("editorHoverWidget.background", {light: oe, dark: oe, hc: oe}, s.a("hoverBackground", "Background color of the editor hover.")), Ee = h("editorHoverWidget.foreground", {light: re, dark: re, hc: re}, s.a("hoverForeground", "Foreground color of the editor hover.")), Te = h("editorHoverWidget.border", {light: se, dark: se, hc: se}, s.a("hoverBorder", "Border color of the editor hover.")), Le = h("editorHoverWidget.statusBarBackground", {dark: Et(ke, 0.2), light: kt(ke, 0.05), hc: oe}, s.a("statusBarBackground", "Background color of the editor hover status bar.")), Ne = h("editorLink.activeForeground", {dark: "#4E94CE", light:, hc: o.a.cyan}, s.a("activeLinkForeground", "Color of active links.")), Ie = h("editorLightBulb.foreground", {dark: "#FFCC00", light: "#DDB100", hc: "#FFCC00"}, s.a("editorLightBulbForeground", "The color used for the lightbulb actions icon.")), Oe = h("editorLightBulbAutoFix.foreground", {dark: "#75BEFF", light: "#007ACC", hc: "#75BEFF"}, s.a("editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground", "The color used for the lightbulb auto fix actions icon.")), De = new o.a(new o.c(155, 185, 85, 0.2)), Ae = new o.a(new o.c(255, 0, 0, 0.2)), Re = h("diffEditor.insertedTextBackground", {dark: De, light: De, hc: null}, s.a("diffEditorInserted", "Background color for text that got inserted. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), Me = h("diffEditor.removedTextBackground", {dark: Ae, light: Ae, hc: null}, s.a("diffEditorRemoved", "Background color for text that got removed. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), Pe = h("diffEditor.insertedTextBorder", {dark: null, light: null, hc: "#33ff2eff"}, s.a("diffEditorInsertedOutline", "Outline color for the text that got inserted.")), Fe = h("diffEditor.removedTextBorder", {dark: null, light: null, hc: "#FF008F"}, s.a("diffEditorRemovedOutline", "Outline color for text that got removed.")), We = h("diffEditor.border", {dark: null, light: null, hc: f}, s.a("diffEditorBorder", "Border color between the two text editors.")), ze = h("diffEditor.diagonalFill", {dark: "#cccccc33", light: "#22222233", hc: null}, s.a("diffDiagonalFill", "Color of the diff editor's diagonal fill. The diagonal fill is used in side-by-side diff views.")), Be = h("list.focusBackground", {dark: "#062F4A", light: "#D6EBFF", hc: null}, s.a("listFocusBackground", "List/Tree background color for the focused item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")), je = h("list.focusForeground", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, s.a("listFocusForeground", "List/Tree foreground color for the focused item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")), Ve = h("list.activeSelectionBackground", {dark: "#094771", light: "#0074E8", hc: null}, s.a("listActiveSelectionBackground", "List/Tree background color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")), Ue = h("list.activeSelectionForeground", {dark: o.a.white, light: o.a.white, hc: null}, s.a("listActiveSelectionForeground", "List/Tree foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")), He = h("list.inactiveSelectionBackground", {dark: "#37373D", light: "#E4E6F1", hc: null}, s.a("listInactiveSelectionBackground", "List/Tree background color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")), qe = h("list.inactiveSelectionForeground", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, s.a("listInactiveSelectionForeground", "List/Tree foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")), $e = h("list.inactiveFocusBackground", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, s.a("listInactiveFocusBackground", "List/Tree background color for the focused item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")), Ke = h("list.hoverBackground", {dark: "#2A2D2E", light: "#F0F0F0", hc: null}, s.a("listHoverBackground", "List/Tree background when hovering over items using the mouse.")), Ge = h("list.hoverForeground", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, s.a("listHoverForeground", "List/Tree foreground when hovering over items using the mouse.")), Ye = h("list.dropBackground", {dark: Be, light: Be, hc: null}, s.a("listDropBackground", "List/Tree drag and drop background when moving items around using the mouse.")), Ze = h("list.highlightForeground", {dark: "#0097fb", light: "#0066BF", hc: g}, s.a("highlight", "List/Tree foreground color of the match highlights when searching inside the list/tree.")), Xe = h("listFilterWidget.background", {light: "#efc1ad", dark: "#653723", hc:}, s.a("listFilterWidgetBackground", "Background color of the type filter widget in lists and trees.")), Qe = h("listFilterWidget.outline", {dark: o.a.transparent, light: o.a.transparent, hc: "#f38518"}, s.a("listFilterWidgetOutline", "Outline color of the type filter widget in lists and trees.")), Je = h("listFilterWidget.noMatchesOutline", {dark: "#BE1100", light: "#BE1100", hc: f}, s.a("listFilterWidgetNoMatchesOutline", "Outline color of the type filter widget in lists and trees, when there are no matches.")), et = h("tree.indentGuidesStroke", {dark: "#585858", light: "#a9a9a9", hc: "#a9a9a9"}, s.a("treeIndentGuidesStroke", "Tree stroke color for the indentation guides.")), tt = h("menu.border", {dark: null, light: null, hc: f}, s.a("menuBorder", "Border color of menus.")), nt = h("menu.foreground", {dark: F, light: u, hc: F}, s.a("menuForeground", "Foreground color of menu items.")), it = h("menu.background", {dark: P, light: P, hc: P}, s.a("menuBackground", "Background color of menu items.")), ot = h("menu.selectionForeground", {dark: Ue, light: Ue, hc: Ue}, s.a("menuSelectionForeground", "Foreground color of the selected menu item in menus.")), rt = h("menu.selectionBackground", {dark: Ve, light: Ve, hc: Ve}, s.a("menuSelectionBackground", "Background color of the selected menu item in menus.")), st = h("menu.selectionBorder", {dark: null, light: null, hc: b}, s.a("menuSelectionBorder", "Border color of the selected menu item in menus.")), at = h("menu.separatorBackground", {dark: "#BBBBBB", light: "#888888", hc: f}, s.a("menuSeparatorBackground", "Color of a separator menu item in menus.")), lt = h("editor.snippetTabstopHighlightBackground", {dark: new o.a(new o.c(124, 124, 124, 0.3)), light: new o.a(new o.c(10, 50, 100, 0.2)), hc: new o.a(new o.c(124, 124, 124, 0.3))}, s.a("snippetTabstopHighlightBackground", "Highlight background color of a snippet tabstop.")), ct = h("editor.snippetTabstopHighlightBorder", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, s.a("snippetTabstopHighlightBorder", "Highlight border color of a snippet tabstop.")), dt = h("editor.snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBackground", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, s.a("snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBackground", "Highlight background color of the final tabstop of a snippet.")), ht = h("editor.snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBorder", {dark: "#525252", light: new o.a(new o.c(10, 50, 100, 0.5)), hc: "#525252"}, s.a("snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBorder", "Highlight border color of the final tabstop of a snippet.")), ut = h("editorOverviewRuler.findMatchForeground", {dark: "#d186167e", light: "#d186167e", hc: "#AB5A00"}, s.a("overviewRulerFindMatchForeground", "Overview ruler marker color for find matches. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), pt = h("editorOverviewRuler.selectionHighlightForeground", {dark: "#A0A0A0CC", light: "#A0A0A0CC", hc: "#A0A0A0CC"}, s.a("overviewRulerSelectionHighlightForeground", "Overview ruler marker color for selection highlights. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), mt = h("minimap.findMatchHighlight", {light: "#d18616", dark: "#d18616", hc: "#AB5A00"}, s.a("minimapFindMatchHighlight", "Minimap marker color for find matches."), true), gt = h("minimap.selectionHighlight", {light: "#ADD6FF", dark: "#264F78", hc: "#ffffff"}, s.a("minimapSelectionHighlight", "Minimap marker color for the editor selection."), true), ft = h("minimap.errorHighlight", {dark: new o.a(new o.c(255, 18, 18, 0.7)), light: new o.a(new o.c(255, 18, 18, 0.7)), hc: new o.a(new o.c(255, 50, 50, 1))}, s.a("minimapError", "Minimap marker color for errors.")), bt = h("minimap.warningHighlight", {dark: Z, light: Z, hc: X}, s.a("overviewRuleWarning", "Minimap marker color for warnings.")), _t = h("minimap.background", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, s.a("minimapBackground", "Minimap background color.")), vt = h("minimapSlider.background", {light: Tt(H, 0.5), dark: Tt(H, 0.5), hc: Tt(H, 0.5)}, s.a("minimapSliderBackground", "Minimap slider background color.")), wt = h("minimapSlider.hoverBackground", {light: Tt(q, 0.5), dark: Tt(q, 0.5), hc: Tt(q, 0.5)}, s.a("minimapSliderHoverBackground", "Minimap slider background color when hovering.")), yt = h("minimapSlider.activeBackground", {light: Tt($, 0.5), dark: Tt($, 0.5), hc: Tt($, 0.5)}, s.a("minimapSliderActiveBackground", "Minimap slider background color when clicked on.")), Ct = h("problemsErrorIcon.foreground", {dark: G, light: G, hc: G}, s.a("problemsErrorIconForeground", "The color used for the problems error icon.")), xt = h("problemsWarningIcon.foreground", {dark: Z, light: Z, hc: Z}, s.a("problemsWarningIconForeground", "The color used for the problems warning icon.")), St = h("problemsInfoIcon.foreground", {dark: Q, light: Q, hc: Q}, s.a("problemsInfoIconForeground", "The color used for the problems info icon."));
function kt(e2, t2) {
return (n2) => {
let i2 = It(e2, n2);
if (i2)
return i2.darken(t2);
function Et(e2, t2) {
return (n2) => {
let i2 = It(e2, n2);
if (i2)
return i2.lighten(t2);
function Tt(e2, t2) {
return (n2) => {
let i2 = It(e2, n2);
if (i2)
return i2.transparent(t2);
function Lt(...e2) {
return (t2) => {
for (let n2 of e2) {
let e3 = It(n2, t2);
if (e3)
return e3;
function Nt(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return (r2) => {
let s2 = It(e2, r2);
if (s2) {
let e3 = It(t2, r2);
return e3 ? s2.isDarkerThan(e3) ? o.a.getLighterColor(s2, e3, n2).transparent(i2) : o.a.getDarkerColor(s2, e3, n2).transparent(i2) : s2.transparent(n2 * i2);
function It(e2, t2) {
if (null !== e2)
return "string" == typeof e2 ? "#" === e2[0] ? o.a.fromHex(e2) : t2.getColor(e2) : e2 instanceof o.a ? e2 : "function" == typeof e2 ? e2(t2) : void 0;
let Ot =;
Ot.registerSchema("vscode://schemas/workbench-colors", d.getColorSchema());
const Dt = new l.d(() => Ot.notifySchemaChanged("vscode://schemas/workbench-colors"), 200);
d.onDidChangeSchema(() => {
Dt.isScheduled() || Dt.schedule();
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return d;
var i, o = n(13), r = n(2), s = n(53);
!function(e2) {
function t2(e3) {
return (t3, n3 = null, i3) => {
let o3, r2 = false;
return o3 = e3((e4) => {
if (!r2)
return o3 ? o3.dispose() : r2 = true,, e4);
}, null, i3), r2 && o3.dispose(), o3;
function n2(e3, t3) {
return l2((n3, i3 = null, o3) => e3((e4) =>, t3(e4)), null, o3));
function i2(e3, t3) {
return l2((n3, i3 = null, o3) => e3((e4) => {
t3(e4),, e4);
}, null, o3));
function o2(e3, t3) {
return l2((n3, i3 = null, o3) => e3((e4) => t3(e4) &&, e4), null, o3));
function s2(e3, t3, i3) {
let o3 = i3;
return n2(e3, (e4) => (o3 = t3(o3, e4), o3));
function l2(e3) {
let t3;
const n3 = new a({onFirstListenerAdd() {
t3 = e3(, n3);
}, onLastListenerRemove() {
return n3.event;
function c2(e3, t3, n3 = 100, i3 = false, o3) {
let r2, s3 = void 0, l3 = void 0, c3 = 0;
const d3 = new a({leakWarningThreshold: o3, onFirstListenerAdd() {
r2 = e3((e4) => {
c3++, s3 = t3(s3, e4), i3 && !l3 && (, s3 = void 0), clearTimeout(l3), l3 = setTimeout(() => {
const e5 = s3;
s3 = void 0, l3 = void 0, (!i3 || c3 > 1) &&, c3 = 0;
}, n3);
}, onLastListenerRemove() {
return d3.event;
function d2(e3) {
let t3, n3 = true;
return o2(e3, (e4) => {
const i3 = n3 || e4 !== t3;
return n3 = false, t3 = e4, i3;
e2.None = () => r.a.None, e2.once = t2, = n2, e2.forEach = i2, e2.filter = o2, e2.signal = function(e3) {
return e3;
}, e2.any = function(...e3) {
return (t3, n3 = null, i3) => Object(r.e)( => e4((e5) =>, e5), null, i3)));
}, e2.reduce = s2, e2.snapshot = l2, e2.debounce = c2, e2.stopwatch = function(e3) {
const i3 = new Date().getTime();
return n2(t2(e3), (e4) => new Date().getTime() - i3);
}, e2.latch = d2, e2.buffer = function(e3, t3 = false, n3 = []) {
let i3 = n3.slice(), o3 = e3((e4) => {
i3 ? i3.push(e4) :;
const r2 = () => {
i3 && i3.forEach((e4) =>, i3 = null;
}, s3 = new a({onFirstListenerAdd() {
o3 || (o3 = e3((e4) =>;
}, onFirstListenerDidAdd() {
i3 && (t3 ? setTimeout(r2) : r2());
}, onLastListenerRemove() {
o3 && o3.dispose(), o3 = null;
return s3.event;
class h {
constructor(e3) {
this.event = e3;
map(e3) {
return new h(n2(this.event, e3));
forEach(e3) {
return new h(i2(this.event, e3));
filter(e3) {
return new h(o2(this.event, e3));
reduce(e3, t3) {
return new h(s2(this.event, e3, t3));
latch() {
return new h(d2(this.event));
debounce(e3, t3 = 100, n3 = false, i3) {
return new h(c2(this.event, e3, t3, n3, i3));
on(e3, t3, n3) {
return this.event(e3, t3, n3);
once(e3, n3, i3) {
return t2(this.event)(e3, n3, i3);
e2.chain = function(e3) {
return new h(e3);
}, e2.fromNodeEventEmitter = function(e3, t3, n3 = (e4) => e4) {
const i3 = (...e4) =>, o3 = new a({onFirstListenerAdd: () => e3.on(t3, i3), onLastListenerRemove: () => e3.removeListener(t3, i3)});
return o3.event;
}, e2.fromDOMEventEmitter = function(e3, t3, n3 = (e4) => e4) {
const i3 = (...e4) =>, o3 = new a({onFirstListenerAdd: () => e3.addEventListener(t3, i3), onLastListenerRemove: () => e3.removeEventListener(t3, i3)});
return o3.event;
}, e2.fromPromise = function(e3) {
const t3 = new a();
let n3 = false;
return e3.then(void 0, () => null).then(() => {
n3 ? 0) : setTimeout(() => 0), 0);
}), n3 = true, t3.event;
}, e2.toPromise = function(e3) {
return new Promise((n3) => t2(e3)(n3));
}(i || (i = {}));
class a {
constructor(e2) {
this._disposed = false, this._options = e2, this._leakageMon = void 0;
get event() {
return this._event || (this._event = (e2, t2, n2) => {
this._listeners || (this._listeners = new s.a());
const i2 = this._listeners.isEmpty();
i2 && this._options && this._options.onFirstListenerAdd && this._options.onFirstListenerAdd(this);
const o2 = this._listeners.push(t2 ? [e2, t2] : e2);
let l2, c2;
return i2 && this._options && this._options.onFirstListenerDidAdd && this._options.onFirstListenerDidAdd(this), this._options && this._options.onListenerDidAdd && this._options.onListenerDidAdd(this, e2, t2), this._leakageMon && (l2 = this._leakageMon.check(this._listeners.size)), c2 = {dispose: () => {
if (l2 && l2(), c2.dispose = a._noop, !this._disposed && (o2(), this._options && this._options.onLastListenerRemove)) {
this._listeners && !this._listeners.isEmpty() || this._options.onLastListenerRemove(this);
}}, n2 instanceof r.b ? n2.add(c2) : Array.isArray(n2) && n2.push(c2), c2;
}), this._event;
fire(e2) {
if (this._listeners) {
this._deliveryQueue || (this._deliveryQueue = new s.a());
for (let t2 of this._listeners)
this._deliveryQueue.push([t2, e2]);
for (; this._deliveryQueue.size > 0; ) {
const [e3, t2] = this._deliveryQueue.shift();
try {
"function" == typeof e3 ? 0, t2) : e3[0].call(e3[1], t2);
} catch (e4) {
dispose() {
this._listeners && this._listeners.clear(), this._deliveryQueue && this._deliveryQueue.clear(), this._leakageMon && this._leakageMon.dispose(), this._disposed = true;
a._noop = function() {
class l extends a {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this._isPaused = 0, this._eventQueue = new s.a(), this._mergeFn = e2 && e2.merge;
pause() {
resume() {
if (0 !== this._isPaused && 0 == --this._isPaused)
if (this._mergeFn) {
const e2 = this._eventQueue.toArray();
} else
for (; !this._isPaused && 0 !== this._eventQueue.size; );
fire(e2) {
this._listeners && (0 !== this._isPaused ? this._eventQueue.push(e2) :;
class c {
constructor() {
this.buffers = [];
wrapEvent(e2) {
return (t2, n2, i2) => e2((e3) => {
const i3 = this.buffers[this.buffers.length - 1];
i3 ? i3.push(() =>, e3)) :, e3);
}, void 0, i2);
bufferEvents(e2) {
const t2 = [];
const n2 = e2();
return this.buffers.pop(), t2.forEach((e3) => e3()), n2;
class d {
constructor() {
this.listening = false, this.inputEvent = i.None, this.inputEventListener = r.a.None, this.emitter = new a({onFirstListenerDidAdd: () => {
this.listening = true, this.inputEventListener = this.inputEvent(, this.emitter);
}, onLastListenerRemove: () => {
this.listening = false, this.inputEventListener.dispose();
}}), this.event = this.emitter.event;
set input(e2) {
this.inputEvent = e2, this.listening && (this.inputEventListener.dispose(), this.inputEventListener = e2(, this.emitter));
dispose() {
this.inputEventListener.dispose(), this.emitter.dispose();
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
var i, o = n(10);
!function(e2) {
e2.editorSimpleInput = new o.c("editorSimpleInput", false), e2.editorTextFocus = new o.c("editorTextFocus", false), e2.focus = new o.c("editorFocus", false), e2.textInputFocus = new o.c("textInputFocus", false), e2.readOnly = new o.c("editorReadonly", false), e2.columnSelection = new o.c("editorColumnSelection", false), e2.writable = e2.readOnly.toNegated(), e2.hasNonEmptySelection = new o.c("editorHasSelection", false), e2.hasOnlyEmptySelection = e2.hasNonEmptySelection.toNegated(), e2.hasMultipleSelections = new o.c("editorHasMultipleSelections", false), e2.hasSingleSelection = e2.hasMultipleSelections.toNegated(), e2.tabMovesFocus = new o.c("editorTabMovesFocus", false), e2.tabDoesNotMoveFocus = e2.tabMovesFocus.toNegated(), e2.isInWalkThroughSnippet = new o.c("isInEmbeddedEditor", false), e2.canUndo = new o.c("canUndo", false), e2.canRedo = new o.c("canRedo", false), e2.hoverVisible = new o.c("editorHoverVisible", false), e2.inCompositeEditor = new o.c("inCompositeEditor", void 0), e2.notInCompositeEditor = e2.inCompositeEditor.toNegated(), e2.languageId = new o.c("editorLangId", ""), e2.hasCompletionItemProvider = new o.c("editorHasCompletionItemProvider", false), e2.hasCodeActionsProvider = new o.c("editorHasCodeActionsProvider", false), e2.hasCodeLensProvider = new o.c("editorHasCodeLensProvider", false), e2.hasDefinitionProvider = new o.c("editorHasDefinitionProvider", false), e2.hasDeclarationProvider = new o.c("editorHasDeclarationProvider", false), e2.hasImplementationProvider = new o.c("editorHasImplementationProvider", false), e2.hasTypeDefinitionProvider = new o.c("editorHasTypeDefinitionProvider", false), e2.hasHoverProvider = new o.c("editorHasHoverProvider", false), e2.hasDocumentHighlightProvider = new o.c("editorHasDocumentHighlightProvider", false), e2.hasDocumentSymbolProvider = new o.c("editorHasDocumentSymbolProvider", false), e2.hasReferenceProvider = new o.c("editorHasReferenceProvider", false), e2.hasRenameProvider = new o.c("editorHasRenameProvider", false), e2.hasSignatureHelpProvider = new o.c("editorHasSignatureHelpProvider", false), e2.hasDocumentFormattingProvider = new o.c("editorHasDocumentFormattingProvider", false), e2.hasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider = new o.c("editorHasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider", false), e2.hasMultipleDocumentFormattingProvider = new o.c("editorHasMultipleDocumentFormattingProvider", false), e2.hasMultipleDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider = new o.c("editorHasMultipleDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider", false);
}(i || (i = {}));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2) {
return !e2 || "string" != typeof e2 || 0 === e2.trim().length;
function o(e2, t2, n2 = "0") {
const i2 = "" + e2, o2 = [i2];
for (let e3 = i2.length; e3 < t2; e3++)
return o2.reverse().join("");
n.d(t, "D", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "M", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "x", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "u", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "v", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "W", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "K", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "Q", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "p", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "V", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "S", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "s", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "q", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "P", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "O", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "w", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "z", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "J", function() {
return y;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return S;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return k;
}), n.d(t, "H", function() {
return E;
}), n.d(t, "I", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "t", function() {
return N;
}), n.d(t, "T", function() {
return O;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return D;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return A;
}), n.d(t, "F", function() {
return R;
}), n.d(t, "G", function() {
return M;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return P;
}), n.d(t, "A", function() {
return F;
}), n.d(t, "L", function() {
return z;
}), n.d(t, "N", function() {
return B;
}), n.d(t, "r", function() {
return j;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return U;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return q;
}), n.d(t, "B", function() {
return K;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return G;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return Y;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return Z;
}), n.d(t, "E", function() {
return X;
}), n.d(t, "C", function() {
return Q;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return J;
}), n.d(t, "U", function() {
return ee;
}), n.d(t, "o", function() {
return te;
}), n.d(t, "R", function() {
return ne;
}), n.d(t, "y", function() {
return ie;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return oe;
const r = /{(\d+)}/g;
function s(e2, ...t2) {
return 0 === t2.length ? e2 : e2.replace(r, function(e3, n2) {
const i2 = parseInt(n2, 10);
return isNaN(i2) || i2 < 0 || i2 >= t2.length ? e3 : t2[i2];
function a(e2) {
return e2.replace(/[<>&]/g, function(e3) {
switch (e3) {
case "<":
return "&lt;";
case ">":
return "&gt;";
case "&":
return "&amp;";
return e3;
function l(e2) {
return e2.replace(/[\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\[\]\(\)]/g, "\\$&");
function c(e2, t2 = " ") {
return h(d(e2, t2), t2);
function d(e2, t2) {
if (!e2 || !t2)
return e2;
const n2 = t2.length;
if (0 === n2 || 0 === e2.length)
return e2;
let i2 = 0;
for (; e2.indexOf(t2, i2) === i2; )
i2 += n2;
return e2.substring(i2);
function h(e2, t2) {
if (!e2 || !t2)
return e2;
const n2 = t2.length, i2 = e2.length;
if (0 === n2 || 0 === i2)
return e2;
let o2 = i2, r2 = -1;
for (; r2 = e2.lastIndexOf(t2, o2 - 1), -1 !== r2 && r2 + n2 === o2; ) {
if (0 === r2)
return "";
o2 = r2;
return e2.substring(0, o2);
function u(e2) {
return e2.replace(/[\-\\\{\}\+\?\|\^\$\.\,\[\]\(\)\#\s]/g, "\\$&").replace(/[\*]/g, ".*");
function p(e2) {
return e2.replace(/\*/g, "");
function m(e2, t2) {
if (e2.length < t2.length)
return false;
if (e2 === t2)
return true;
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++)
if (e2[n2] !== t2[n2])
return false;
return true;
function g(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.length - t2.length;
return n2 > 0 ? e2.indexOf(t2, n2) === n2 : 0 === n2 && e2 === t2;
function f(e2, t2, n2 = {}) {
if (!e2)
throw new Error("Cannot create regex from empty string");
t2 || (e2 = l(e2)), n2.wholeWord && (/\B/.test(e2.charAt(0)) || (e2 = "\\b" + e2), /\B/.test(e2.charAt(e2.length - 1)) || (e2 += "\\b"));
let i2 = "";
return && (i2 += "g"), n2.matchCase || (i2 += "i"), n2.multiline && (i2 += "m"), n2.unicode && (i2 += "u"), new RegExp(e2, i2);
function b(e2) {
if ("^" === e2.source || "^$" === e2.source || "$" === e2.source || "^\\s*$" === e2.source)
return false;
return !(!e2.exec("") || 0 !== e2.lastIndex);
function _(e2) {
return ( ? "g" : "") + (e2.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (e2.multiline ? "m" : "") + (e2.unicode ? "u" : "");
function v(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = e2.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
const n3 = e2.charCodeAt(t2);
if (32 !== n3 && 9 !== n3)
return t2;
return -1;
function w(e2, t2 = 0, n2 = e2.length) {
for (let i2 = t2; i2 < n2; i2++) {
const n3 = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
if (32 !== n3 && 9 !== n3)
return e2.substring(t2, i2);
return e2.substring(t2, n2);
function y(e2, t2 = e2.length - 1) {
for (let n2 = t2; n2 >= 0; n2--) {
const t3 = e2.charCodeAt(n2);
if (32 !== t3 && 9 !== t3)
return n2;
return -1;
function C(e2, t2) {
return e2 < t2 ? -1 : e2 > t2 ? 1 : 0;
function x(e2, t2, n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length, o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length) {
for (; n2 < i2 && o2 < r2; n2++, o2++) {
let i3 = e2.charCodeAt(n2), r3 = t2.charCodeAt(o2);
if (i3 < r3)
return -1;
if (i3 > r3)
return 1;
const s2 = i2 - n2, a2 = r2 - o2;
return s2 < a2 ? -1 : s2 > a2 ? 1 : 0;
function S(e2, t2) {
return k(e2, t2, 0, e2.length, 0, t2.length);
function k(e2, t2, n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length, o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length) {
for (; n2 < i2 && o2 < r2; n2++, o2++) {
let s3 = e2.charCodeAt(n2), a3 = t2.charCodeAt(o2);
if (s3 === a3)
const l2 = s3 - a3;
if ((32 !== l2 || !T(a3)) && (-32 !== l2 || !T(s3)))
return E(s3) && E(a3) ? l2 : x(e2.toLowerCase(), t2.toLowerCase(), n2, i2, o2, r2);
const s2 = i2 - n2, a2 = r2 - o2;
return s2 < a2 ? -1 : s2 > a2 ? 1 : 0;
function E(e2) {
return e2 >= 97 && e2 <= 122;
function T(e2) {
return e2 >= 65 && e2 <= 90;
function L(e2) {
return E(e2) || T(e2);
function N(e2, t2) {
return e2.length === t2.length && I(e2, t2);
function I(e2, t2, n2 = e2.length) {
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++) {
const n3 = e2.charCodeAt(i2), o2 = t2.charCodeAt(i2);
if (n3 !== o2) {
if (L(n3) && L(o2)) {
const e3 = Math.abs(n3 - o2);
if (0 !== e3 && 32 !== e3)
return false;
} else if (String.fromCharCode(n3).toLowerCase() !== String.fromCharCode(o2).toLowerCase())
return false;
return true;
function O(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.length;
return !(t2.length > e2.length) && I(e2, t2, n2);
function D(e2, t2) {
let n2, i2 = Math.min(e2.length, t2.length);
for (n2 = 0; n2 < i2; n2++)
if (e2.charCodeAt(n2) !== t2.charCodeAt(n2))
return n2;
return i2;
function A(e2, t2) {
let n2, i2 = Math.min(e2.length, t2.length);
const o2 = e2.length - 1, r2 = t2.length - 1;
for (n2 = 0; n2 < i2; n2++)
if (e2.charCodeAt(o2 - n2) !== t2.charCodeAt(r2 - n2))
return n2;
return i2;
function R(e2) {
return 55296 <= e2 && e2 <= 56319;
function M(e2) {
return 56320 <= e2 && e2 <= 57343;
function P(e2, t2) {
return t2 - 56320 + (e2 - 55296 << 10) + 65536;
function F(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.charCodeAt(n2);
if (R(i2) && n2 + 1 < t2) {
const t3 = e2.charCodeAt(n2 + 1);
if (M(t3))
return P(i2, t3);
return i2;
function W(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.charCodeAt(t2 - 1);
if (M(n2) && t2 > 1) {
const i2 = e2.charCodeAt(t2 - 2);
if (R(i2))
return P(i2, n2);
return n2;
function z(e2, t2) {
const n2 = re.getInstance(), i2 = t2, o2 = e2.length, r2 = F(e2, o2, t2);
t2 += r2 >= 65536 ? 2 : 1;
let s2 = n2.getGraphemeBreakType(r2);
for (; t2 < o2; ) {
const i3 = F(e2, o2, t2), r3 = n2.getGraphemeBreakType(i3);
if (oe(s2, r3))
t2 += i3 >= 65536 ? 2 : 1, s2 = r3;
return t2 - i2;
function B(e2, t2) {
const n2 = re.getInstance(), i2 = t2, o2 = W(e2, t2);
t2 -= o2 >= 65536 ? 2 : 1;
let r2 = n2.getGraphemeBreakType(o2);
for (; t2 > 0; ) {
const i3 = W(e2, t2), o3 = n2.getGraphemeBreakType(i3);
if (oe(o3, r2))
t2 -= i3 >= 65536 ? 2 : 1, r2 = o3;
return i2 - t2;
function j(e2) {
const t2 = e2.byteLength, n2 = [];
let i2 = 0;
for (; i2 < t2; ) {
const o2 = e2[i2];
let r2;
if (r2 = o2 >= 240 && i2 + 3 < t2 ? (7 & e2[i2++]) << 18 >>> 0 | (63 & e2[i2++]) << 12 >>> 0 | (63 & e2[i2++]) << 6 >>> 0 | (63 & e2[i2++]) << 0 >>> 0 : o2 >= 224 && i2 + 2 < t2 ? (15 & e2[i2++]) << 12 >>> 0 | (63 & e2[i2++]) << 6 >>> 0 | (63 & e2[i2++]) << 0 >>> 0 : o2 >= 192 && i2 + 1 < t2 ? (31 & e2[i2++]) << 6 >>> 0 | (63 & e2[i2++]) << 0 >>> 0 : e2[i2++], r2 >= 0 && r2 <= 55295 || r2 >= 57344 && r2 <= 65535)
else if (r2 >= 65536 && r2 <= 1114111) {
const e3 = r2 - 65536, t3 = 55296 + ((1047552 & e3) >>> 10), i3 = 56320 + ((1023 & e3) >>> 0);
n2.push(String.fromCharCode(t3)), n2.push(String.fromCharCode(i3));
} else
return n2.join("");
const V = /(?:[\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05D0-\u05F4\u0608\u060B\u060D\u061B-\u064A\u066D-\u066F\u0671-\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0830-\u0858\u085E-\u08BD\u200F\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFDFC\uFE70-\uFEFC]|\uD802[\uDC00-\uDD1B\uDD20-\uDE00\uDE10-\uDE33\uDE40-\uDEE4\uDEEB-\uDF35\uDF40-\uDFFF]|\uD803[\uDC00-\uDCFF]|\uD83A[\uDC00-\uDCCF\uDD00-\uDD43\uDD50-\uDFFF]|\uD83B[\uDC00-\uDEBB])/;
function U(e2) {
return V.test(e2);
const H = /(?:[\u231A\u231B\u23F0\u23F3\u2600-\u27BF\u2B50\u2B55]|\uD83C[\uDDE6-\uDDFF\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDE4F\uDE80-\uDEFC\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDD00-\uDDFF\uDE70-\uDE73\uDE78-\uDE82\uDE90-\uDE95])/;
function q(e2) {
return H.test(e2);
const $ = /^[\t\n\r\x20-\x7E]*$/;
function K(e2) {
return $.test(e2);
const G = /[\u2028\u2029]/;
function Y(e2) {
return G.test(e2);
function Z(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = e2.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
if (X(e2.charCodeAt(t2)))
return true;
return false;
function X(e2) {
return (e2 = +e2) >= 11904 && e2 <= 55215 || e2 >= 63744 && e2 <= 64255 || e2 >= 65281 && e2 <= 65374;
function Q(e2) {
return e2 >= 127462 && e2 <= 127487 || e2 >= 9728 && e2 <= 10175 || e2 >= 127744 && e2 <= 128591 || e2 >= 128640 && e2 <= 128764 || e2 >= 128992 && e2 <= 129003 || e2 >= 129280 && e2 <= 129535 || e2 >= 129648 && e2 <= 129651 || e2 >= 129656 && e2 <= 129666 || e2 >= 129680 && e2 <= 129685;
const J = String.fromCharCode(65279);
function ee(e2) {
return !!(e2 && e2.length > 0 && 65279 === e2.charCodeAt(0));
function te(e2, t2 = false) {
return !!e2 && (t2 && (e2 = e2.replace(/\\./g, "")), e2.toLowerCase() !== e2);
function ne(e2) {
return (e2 %= 52) < 26 ? String.fromCharCode(97 + e2) : String.fromCharCode(65 + e2 - 26);
function ie(e2) {
return re.getInstance().getGraphemeBreakType(e2);
function oe(e2, t2) {
return 0 === e2 ? 5 !== t2 && 7 !== t2 : (2 !== e2 || 3 !== t2) && (4 === e2 || 2 === e2 || 3 === e2 || (4 === t2 || 2 === t2 || 3 === t2 || (8 !== e2 || 8 !== t2 && 9 !== t2 && 11 !== t2 && 12 !== t2) && ((11 !== e2 && 9 !== e2 || 9 !== t2 && 10 !== t2) && ((12 !== e2 && 10 !== e2 || 10 !== t2) && (5 !== t2 && 13 !== t2 && (7 !== t2 && (1 !== e2 && ((13 !== e2 || 14 !== t2) && (6 !== e2 || 6 !== t2)))))))));
class re {
constructor() {
this._data = 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static getInstance() {
return re._INSTANCE || (re._INSTANCE = new re()), re._INSTANCE;
getGraphemeBreakType(e2) {
if (e2 < 32)
return 10 === e2 ? 3 : 13 === e2 ? 2 : 4;
if (e2 < 127)
return 0;
const t2 = this._data, n2 = t2.length / 3;
let i2 = 1;
for (; i2 <= n2; )
if (e2 < t2[3 * i2])
i2 *= 2;
else {
if (!(e2 > t2[3 * i2 + 1]))
return t2[3 * i2 + 2];
i2 = 2 * i2 + 1;
return 0;
re._INSTANCE = null;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
class i {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.lineNumber = e2, this.column = t2;
with(e2 = this.lineNumber, t2 = this.column) {
return e2 === this.lineNumber && t2 === this.column ? this : new i(e2, t2);
delta(e2 = 0, t2 = 0) {
return this.with(this.lineNumber + e2, this.column + t2);
equals(e2) {
return i.equals(this, e2);
static equals(e2, t2) {
return !e2 && !t2 || !!e2 && !!t2 && e2.lineNumber === t2.lineNumber && e2.column === t2.column;
isBefore(e2) {
return i.isBefore(this, e2);
static isBefore(e2, t2) {
return e2.lineNumber < t2.lineNumber || !(t2.lineNumber < e2.lineNumber) && e2.column < t2.column;
isBeforeOrEqual(e2) {
return i.isBeforeOrEqual(this, e2);
static isBeforeOrEqual(e2, t2) {
return e2.lineNumber < t2.lineNumber || !(t2.lineNumber < e2.lineNumber) && e2.column <= t2.column;
static compare(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0 | e2.lineNumber, i2 = 0 | t2.lineNumber;
if (n2 === i2) {
return (0 | e2.column) - (0 | t2.column);
return n2 - i2;
clone() {
return new i(this.lineNumber, this.column);
toString() {
return "(" + this.lineNumber + "," + this.column + ")";
static lift(e2) {
return new i(e2.lineNumber, e2.column);
static isIPosition(e2) {
return e2 && "number" == typeof e2.lineNumber && "number" == typeof e2.column;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return S;
var i = n(8), o = n(18), r = n(11);
const s = new Map();
s.set("false", false), s.set("true", true), s.set("isMac", r.f), s.set("isLinux", r.d), s.set("isWindows", r.i), s.set("isWeb", r.h), s.set("isMacNative", r.f && !r.h);
const a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
class l {
static has(e2) {
return u.create(e2);
static equals(e2, t2) {
return p.create(e2, t2);
static regex(e2, t2) {
return _.create(e2, t2);
static not(e2) {
return b.create(e2);
static and(...e2) {
return w.create(e2);
static or(...e2) {
return y.create(e2);
static deserialize(e2, t2 = false) {
if (e2)
return this._deserializeOrExpression(e2, t2);
static _deserializeOrExpression(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.split("||");
return y.create( => this._deserializeAndExpression(e3, t2)));
static _deserializeAndExpression(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.split("&&");
return w.create( => this._deserializeOne(e3, t2)));
static _deserializeOne(e2, t2) {
if ((e2 = e2.trim()).indexOf("!=") >= 0) {
let n2 = e2.split("!=");
return f.create(n2[0].trim(), this._deserializeValue(n2[1], t2));
if (e2.indexOf("==") >= 0) {
let n2 = e2.split("==");
return p.create(n2[0].trim(), this._deserializeValue(n2[1], t2));
if (e2.indexOf("=~") >= 0) {
let n2 = e2.split("=~");
return _.create(n2[0].trim(), this._deserializeRegexValue(n2[1], t2));
if (e2.indexOf(" in ") >= 0) {
let t3 = e2.split(" in ");
return m.create(t3[0].trim(), t3[1].trim());
return /^\!\s*/.test(e2) ? b.create(e2.substr(1).trim()) : u.create(e2);
static _deserializeValue(e2, t2) {
if ("true" === (e2 = e2.trim()))
return true;
if ("false" === e2)
return false;
let n2 = /^'([^']*)'$/.exec(e2);
return n2 ? n2[1].trim() : e2;
static _deserializeRegexValue(e2, t2) {
if (Object(i.D)(e2)) {
if (t2)
throw new Error("missing regexp-value for =~-expression");
return console.warn("missing regexp-value for =~-expression"), null;
let n2 = e2.indexOf("/"), o2 = e2.lastIndexOf("/");
if (n2 === o2 || n2 < 0) {
if (t2)
throw new Error(`bad regexp-value '${e2}', missing /-enclosure`);
return console.warn(`bad regexp-value '${e2}', missing /-enclosure`), null;
let r2 = e2.slice(n2 + 1, o2), s2 = "i" === e2[o2 + 1] ? "i" : "";
try {
return new RegExp(r2, s2);
} catch (n3) {
if (t2)
throw new Error(`bad regexp-value '${e2}', parse error: ${n3}`);
return console.warn(`bad regexp-value '${e2}', parse error: ${n3}`), null;
function c(e2, t2) {
return e2.cmp(t2);
class d {
constructor() {
this.type = 0;
cmp(e2) {
return this.type - e2.type;
equals(e2) {
return e2.type === this.type;
evaluate(e2) {
return false;
serialize() {
return "false";
keys() {
return [];
negate() {
return h.INSTANCE;
d.INSTANCE = new d();
class h {
constructor() {
this.type = 1;
cmp(e2) {
return this.type - e2.type;
equals(e2) {
return e2.type === this.type;
evaluate(e2) {
return true;
serialize() {
return "true";
keys() {
return [];
negate() {
return d.INSTANCE;
h.INSTANCE = new h();
class u {
constructor(e2) {
this.key = e2, this.type = 2;
static create(e2) {
const t2 = s.get(e2);
return "boolean" == typeof t2 ? t2 ? h.INSTANCE : d.INSTANCE : new u(e2);
cmp(e2) {
return e2.type !== this.type ? this.type - e2.type : this.key < e2.key ? -1 : this.key > e2.key ? 1 : 0;
equals(e2) {
return e2.type === this.type && this.key === e2.key;
evaluate(e2) {
return !!e2.getValue(this.key);
serialize() {
return this.key;
keys() {
return [this.key];
negate() {
return b.create(this.key);
class p {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.key = e2, this.value = t2, this.type = 4;
static create(e2, t2) {
if ("boolean" == typeof t2)
return t2 ? u.create(e2) : b.create(e2);
const n2 = s.get(e2);
if ("boolean" == typeof n2) {
return t2 === (n2 ? "true" : "false") ? h.INSTANCE : d.INSTANCE;
return new p(e2, t2);
cmp(e2) {
return e2.type !== this.type ? this.type - e2.type : this.key < e2.key ? -1 : this.key > e2.key ? 1 : this.value < e2.value ? -1 : this.value > e2.value ? 1 : 0;
equals(e2) {
return e2.type === this.type && (this.key === e2.key && this.value === e2.value);
evaluate(e2) {
return e2.getValue(this.key) == this.value;
serialize() {
return this.key + " == '" + this.value + "'";
keys() {
return [this.key];
negate() {
return f.create(this.key, this.value);
class m {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.key = e2, this.valueKey = t2, this.type = 10;
static create(e2, t2) {
return new m(e2, t2);
cmp(e2) {
return e2.type !== this.type ? this.type - e2.type : this.key < e2.key ? -1 : this.key > e2.key ? 1 : this.valueKey < e2.valueKey ? -1 : this.valueKey > e2.valueKey ? 1 : 0;
equals(e2) {
return e2.type === this.type && (this.key === e2.key && this.valueKey === e2.valueKey);
evaluate(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getValue(this.valueKey), n2 = e2.getValue(this.key);
return Array.isArray(t2) ? t2.indexOf(n2) >= 0 : "string" == typeof n2 && "object" == typeof t2 && null !== t2 &&, n2);
serialize() {
return this.key + " in '" + this.valueKey + "'";
keys() {
return [this.key, this.valueKey];
negate() {
return g.create(this);
class g {
constructor(e2) {
this._actual = e2, this.type = 11;
static create(e2) {
return new g(e2);
cmp(e2) {
return e2.type !== this.type ? this.type - e2.type : this._actual.cmp(e2._actual);
equals(e2) {
return e2.type === this.type && this._actual.equals(e2._actual);
evaluate(e2) {
return !this._actual.evaluate(e2);
serialize() {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
keys() {
return this._actual.keys();
negate() {
return this._actual;
class f {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.key = e2, this.value = t2, this.type = 5;
static create(e2, t2) {
if ("boolean" == typeof t2)
return t2 ? b.create(e2) : u.create(e2);
const n2 = s.get(e2);
if ("boolean" == typeof n2) {
return t2 === (n2 ? "true" : "false") ? d.INSTANCE : h.INSTANCE;
return new f(e2, t2);
cmp(e2) {
return e2.type !== this.type ? this.type - e2.type : this.key < e2.key ? -1 : this.key > e2.key ? 1 : this.value < e2.value ? -1 : this.value > e2.value ? 1 : 0;
equals(e2) {
return e2.type === this.type && (this.key === e2.key && this.value === e2.value);
evaluate(e2) {
return e2.getValue(this.key) != this.value;
serialize() {
return this.key + " != '" + this.value + "'";
keys() {
return [this.key];
negate() {
return p.create(this.key, this.value);
class b {
constructor(e2) {
this.key = e2, this.type = 3;
static create(e2) {
const t2 = s.get(e2);
return "boolean" == typeof t2 ? t2 ? d.INSTANCE : h.INSTANCE : new b(e2);
cmp(e2) {
return e2.type !== this.type ? this.type - e2.type : this.key < e2.key ? -1 : this.key > e2.key ? 1 : 0;
equals(e2) {
return e2.type === this.type && this.key === e2.key;
evaluate(e2) {
return !e2.getValue(this.key);
serialize() {
return "!" + this.key;
keys() {
return [this.key];
negate() {
return u.create(this.key);
class _ {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.key = e2, this.regexp = t2, this.type = 7;
static create(e2, t2) {
return new _(e2, t2);
cmp(e2) {
if (e2.type !== this.type)
return this.type - e2.type;
if (this.key < e2.key)
return -1;
if (this.key > e2.key)
return 1;
const t2 = this.regexp ? this.regexp.source : "", n2 = e2.regexp ? e2.regexp.source : "";
return t2 < n2 ? -1 : t2 > n2 ? 1 : 0;
equals(e2) {
if (e2.type === this.type) {
const t2 = this.regexp ? this.regexp.source : "", n2 = e2.regexp ? e2.regexp.source : "";
return this.key === e2.key && t2 === n2;
return false;
evaluate(e2) {
let t2 = e2.getValue(this.key);
return !!this.regexp && this.regexp.test(t2);
serialize() {
const e2 = this.regexp ? `/${this.regexp.source}/${this.regexp.ignoreCase ? "i" : ""}` : "/invalid/";
return `${this.key} =~ ${e2}`;
keys() {
return [this.key];
negate() {
return v.create(this);
class v {
constructor(e2) {
this._actual = e2, this.type = 8;
static create(e2) {
return new v(e2);
cmp(e2) {
return e2.type !== this.type ? this.type - e2.type : this._actual.cmp(e2._actual);
equals(e2) {
return e2.type === this.type && this._actual.equals(e2._actual);
evaluate(e2) {
return !this._actual.evaluate(e2);
serialize() {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
keys() {
return this._actual.keys();
negate() {
return this._actual;
class w {
constructor(e2) {
this.expr = e2, this.type = 6;
static create(e2) {
return w._normalizeArr(e2);
cmp(e2) {
if (e2.type !== this.type)
return this.type - e2.type;
if (this.expr.length < e2.expr.length)
return -1;
if (this.expr.length > e2.expr.length)
return 1;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.expr.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
const n3 = c(this.expr[t2], e2.expr[t2]);
if (0 !== n3)
return n3;
return 0;
equals(e2) {
if (e2.type === this.type) {
if (this.expr.length !== e2.expr.length)
return false;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.expr.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
if (!this.expr[t2].equals(e2.expr[t2]))
return false;
return true;
return false;
evaluate(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.expr.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
if (!this.expr[t2].evaluate(e2))
return false;
return true;
static _normalizeArr(e2) {
const t2 = [];
let n2 = false;
for (const i2 of e2)
if (i2)
if (1 !== i2.type) {
if (0 === i2.type)
return d.INSTANCE;
6 !== i2.type ? t2.push(i2) : t2.push(...i2.expr);
} else
n2 = true;
if (0 === t2.length && n2)
return h.INSTANCE;
if (0 !== t2.length) {
if (1 === t2.length)
return t2[0];
for (t2.sort(c); t2.length > 1; ) {
const e3 = t2[t2.length - 1];
if (9 !== e3.type)
const n3 = t2.pop(), i2 = y.create( => w.create([e4, n3])));
i2 && (t2.push(i2), t2.sort(c));
return new w(t2);
serialize() {
return => e2.serialize()).join(" && ");
keys() {
const e2 = [];
for (let t2 of this.expr)
return e2;
negate() {
let e2 = [];
for (let t2 of this.expr)
return y.create(e2);
class y {
constructor(e2) {
this.expr = e2, this.type = 9;
static create(e2) {
const t2 = y._normalizeArr(e2);
if (0 !== t2.length)
return 1 === t2.length ? t2[0] : new y(t2);
cmp(e2) {
if (e2.type !== this.type)
return this.type - e2.type;
if (this.expr.length < e2.expr.length)
return -1;
if (this.expr.length > e2.expr.length)
return 1;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.expr.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
const n3 = c(this.expr[t2], e2.expr[t2]);
if (0 !== n3)
return n3;
return 0;
equals(e2) {
if (e2.type === this.type) {
if (this.expr.length !== e2.expr.length)
return false;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.expr.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
if (!this.expr[t2].equals(e2.expr[t2]))
return false;
return true;
return false;
evaluate(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.expr.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
if (this.expr[t2].evaluate(e2))
return true;
return false;
static _normalizeArr(e2) {
let t2 = [], n2 = false;
if (e2) {
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
const o3 = e2[i2];
if (o3)
if (0 !== o3.type) {
if (1 === o3.type)
return [h.INSTANCE];
9 !== o3.type ? t2.push(o3) : t2 = t2.concat(o3.expr);
} else
n2 = true;
if (0 === t2.length && n2)
return [d.INSTANCE];
return t2;
serialize() {
return => e2.serialize()).join(" || ");
keys() {
const e2 = [];
for (let t2 of this.expr)
return e2;
negate() {
let e2 = [];
for (let t3 of this.expr)
const t2 = (e3) => 9 === e3.type ? e3.expr : [e3];
for (; e2.length > 1; ) {
const n2 = e2.shift(), i2 = e2.shift(), o2 = [];
for (const e3 of t2(n2))
for (const n3 of t2(i2))
o2.push(l.and(e3, n3));
return e2[0];
class C extends u {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2), this._defaultValue = t2;
bindTo(e2) {
return e2.createKey(this.key, this._defaultValue);
getValue(e2) {
return e2.getContextKeyValue(this.key);
toNegated() {
return l.not(this.key);
const x = Object(o.c)("contextKeyService"), S = "setContext";
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
(function(e2, i) {
n.d(t, "i", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return y;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return S;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return T;
let o = false, r = false, s = false, a = false, l = false, c = false, d = void 0, h = "en", u = void 0, p = void 0;
const m = void 0 !== e2 && void 0 !== e2.versions && void 0 !== e2.versions.electron && "renderer" === e2.type;
if ("object" != typeof navigator || m) {
if ("object" == typeof e2) {
o = "win32" === e2.platform, r = "darwin" === e2.platform, s = "linux" === e2.platform, d = "en", h = "en";
const t2 = e2.env.VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG;
if (t2)
try {
const e3 = JSON.parse(t2), n2 = e3.availableLanguages["*"];
d = e3.locale, h = n2 || "en", u = e3._translationsConfigFile;
} catch (e3) {
a = true;
} else
p = navigator.userAgent, o = p.indexOf("Windows") >= 0, r = p.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0, c = (p.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0 || p.indexOf("iPad") >= 0 || p.indexOf("iPhone") >= 0) && !!navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0, s = p.indexOf("Linux") >= 0, l = true, d = navigator.language, h = d;
let g = 0;
r ? g = 1 : o ? g = 3 : s && (g = 2);
const f = o, b = r, _ = s, v = a, w = l, y = c, C = "object" == typeof self ? self : "object" == typeof i ? i : {}, x = function() {
if (C.setImmediate)
return C.setImmediate.bind(C);
if ("function" == typeof C.postMessage && !C.importScripts) {
let e3 = [];
C.addEventListener("message", (t4) => {
if ( &&
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e3.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = e3[n2];
if ( ===
return e3.splice(n2, 1), void i3.callback();
let t3 = 0;
return (n2) => {
const i2 = ++t3;
e3.push({id: i2, callback: n2}), C.postMessage({vscodeSetImmediateId: i2}, "*");
if (void 0 !== e2 && "function" == typeof e2.nextTick)
return e2.nextTick.bind(e2);
const t2 = Promise.resolve();
return (e3) => t2.then(e3);
}(), S = r || c ? 2 : o ? 1 : 3;
let k = true, E = false;
function T() {
if (!E) {
E = true;
const e3 = new Uint8Array(2);
e3[0] = 1, e3[1] = 2;
const t2 = new Uint16Array(e3.buffer);
k = 513 === t2[0];
return k;
}).call(this, n(86), n(137));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "r", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "B", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "F", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "E", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "z", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "G", function() {
return y;
}), n.d(t, "A", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "v", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "w", function() {
return S;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return k;
}), n.d(t, "y", function() {
return E;
}), n.d(t, "p", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return L;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return N;
}), n.d(t, "u", function() {
return I;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return O;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return D;
}), n.d(t, "q", function() {
return A;
}), n.d(t, "D", function() {
return R;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return M;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return P;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return F;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return W;
}), n.d(t, "t", function() {
return z;
}), n.d(t, "s", function() {
return B;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return j;
}), n.d(t, "x", function() {
return V;
}), n.d(t, "o", function() {
return U;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return H;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return q;
}), n.d(t, "C", function() {
return $;
var i = n(23), o = n(3), r = n(6), s = n(2), a = n(187), l = n(42);
function c(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (Array.isArray(e2)) {
let o2 = 0;
for (const r2 of e2) {
const e3 = c(r2, t2, n2, i2);
if (10 === e3)
return e3;
e3 > o2 && (o2 = e3);
return o2;
if ("string" == typeof e2)
return i2 ? "*" === e2 ? 5 : e2 === n2 ? 10 : 0 : 0;
if (e2) {
const {language: o2, pattern: r2, scheme: s2, hasAccessToAllModels: c2} = e2;
if (!i2 && !c2)
return 0;
let d2 = 0;
if (s2)
if (s2 === t2.scheme)
d2 = 10;
else {
if ("*" !== s2)
return 0;
d2 = 5;
if (o2)
if (o2 === n2)
d2 = 10;
else {
if ("*" !== o2)
return 0;
d2 = Math.max(d2, 5);
if (r2) {
let e3;
if (e3 = "string" == typeof r2 ? r2 : Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r2), {base: Object(l.d)(r2.base)}), e3 !== t2.fsPath && !Object(a.a)(e3, t2.fsPath))
return 0;
d2 = 10;
return d2;
return 0;
var d = n(64);
function h(e2) {
return "string" != typeof e2 && (Array.isArray(e2) ? e2.every(h) : !!e2.exclusive);
class u {
constructor() {
this._clock = 0, this._entries = [], this._onDidChange = new r.a();
get onDidChange() {
return this._onDidChange.event;
register(e2, t2) {
let n2 = {selector: e2, provider: t2, _score: -1, _time: this._clock++};
return this._entries.push(n2), this._lastCandidate = void 0,, Object(s.h)(() => {
if (n2) {
let e3 = this._entries.indexOf(n2);
e3 >= 0 && (this._entries.splice(e3, 1), this._lastCandidate = void 0,, n2 = void 0);
has(e2) {
return this.all(e2).length > 0;
all(e2) {
if (!e2)
return [];
const t2 = [];
for (let e3 of this._entries)
e3._score > 0 && t2.push(e3.provider);
return t2;
ordered(e2) {
const t2 = [];
return this._orderedForEach(e2, (e3) => t2.push(e3.provider)), t2;
orderedGroups(e2) {
const t2 = [];
let n2, i2;
return this._orderedForEach(e2, (e3) => {
n2 && i2 === e3._score ? n2.push(e3.provider) : (i2 = e3._score, n2 = [e3.provider], t2.push(n2));
}), t2;
_orderedForEach(e2, t2) {
if (e2) {
for (const e3 of this._entries)
e3._score > 0 && t2(e3);
_updateScores(e2) {
let t2 = {uri: e2.uri.toString(), language: e2.getLanguageIdentifier().language};
if (!this._lastCandidate || this._lastCandidate.language !== t2.language || this._lastCandidate.uri !== t2.uri) {
this._lastCandidate = t2;
for (let t3 of this._entries)
if (t3._score = c(t3.selector, e2.uri, e2.getLanguageIdentifier().language, Object(d.b)(e2)), h(t3.selector) && t3._score > 0) {
for (let e3 of this._entries)
e3._score = 0;
t3._score = 1e3;
static _compareByScoreAndTime(e2, t2) {
return e2._score < t2._score ? 1 : e2._score > t2._score ? -1 : e2._time < t2._time ? 1 : e2._time > t2._time ? -1 : 0;
var p = n(17);
class m {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.language = e2, = t2;
class g {
static getLanguageId(e2) {
return (255 & e2) >>> 0;
static getTokenType(e2) {
return (1792 & e2) >>> 8;
static getFontStyle(e2) {
return (14336 & e2) >>> 11;
static getForeground(e2) {
return (8372224 & e2) >>> 14;
static getBackground(e2) {
return (4286578688 & e2) >>> 23;
static getClassNameFromMetadata(e2) {
let t2 = "mtk" + this.getForeground(e2), n2 = this.getFontStyle(e2);
return 1 & n2 && (t2 += " mtki"), 2 & n2 && (t2 += " mtkb"), 4 & n2 && (t2 += " mtku"), t2;
static getInlineStyleFromMetadata(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.getForeground(e2), i2 = this.getFontStyle(e2);
let o2 = `color: ${t2[n2]};`;
return 1 & i2 && (o2 += "font-style: italic;"), 2 & i2 && (o2 += "font-weight: bold;"), 4 & i2 && (o2 += "text-decoration: underline;"), o2;
const f = function() {
let e2 = Object.create(null);
return e2[0] = "symbol-method", e2[1] = "symbol-function", e2[2] = "symbol-constructor", e2[3] = "symbol-field", e2[4] = "symbol-variable", e2[5] = "symbol-class", e2[6] = "symbol-struct", e2[7] = "symbol-interface", e2[8] = "symbol-module", e2[9] = "symbol-property", e2[10] = "symbol-event", e2[11] = "symbol-operator", e2[12] = "symbol-unit", e2[13] = "symbol-value", e2[14] = "symbol-constant", e2[15] = "symbol-enum", e2[16] = "symbol-enum-member", e2[17] = "symbol-keyword", e2[27] = "symbol-snippet", e2[18] = "symbol-text", e2[19] = "symbol-color", e2[20] = "symbol-file", e2[21] = "symbol-reference", e2[22] = "symbol-customcolor", e2[23] = "symbol-folder", e2[24] = "symbol-type-parameter", e2[25] = "account", e2[26] = "issues", function(t2) {
const n2 = e2[t2];
let i2 = n2 && p.c.get(n2);
return i2 || ("No codicon found for CompletionItemKind " + t2), i2 = p.a.symbolProperty), i2.classNames;
let b = function() {
let e2 = Object.create(null);
return e2.method = 0, e2.function = 1, e2.constructor = 2, e2.field = 3, e2.variable = 4, e2.class = 5, e2.struct = 6, e2.interface = 7, e2.module = 8, = 9, e2.event = 10, e2.operator = 11, e2.unit = 12, e2.value = 13, e2.constant = 14, e2.enum = 15, e2["enum-member"] = 16, e2.enumMember = 16, e2.keyword = 17, e2.snippet = 27, e2.text = 18, e2.color = 19, e2.file = 20, e2.reference = 21, e2.customcolor = 22, e2.folder = 23, e2["type-parameter"] = 24, e2.typeParameter = 24, e2.account = 25, e2.issue = 26, function(t2, n2) {
let i2 = e2[t2];
return void 0 !== i2 || n2 || (i2 = 9), i2;
var _, v, w;
function y(e2) {
return e2 && i.a.isUri(e2.uri) && o.a.isIRange(e2.range) && (o.a.isIRange(e2.originSelectionRange) || o.a.isIRange(e2.targetSelectionRange));
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Invoke = 1] = "Invoke", e2[e2.TriggerCharacter = 2] = "TriggerCharacter", e2[e2.ContentChange = 3] = "ContentChange";
}(_ || (_ = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Text = 0] = "Text", e2[e2.Read = 1] = "Read", e2[e2.Write = 2] = "Write";
}(v || (v = {})), function(e2) {
const t2 = new Map();
t2.set("file", 0), t2.set("module", 1), t2.set("namespace", 2), t2.set("package", 3), t2.set("class", 4), t2.set("method", 5), t2.set("property", 6), t2.set("field", 7), t2.set("constructor", 8), t2.set("enum", 9), t2.set("interface", 10), t2.set("function", 11), t2.set("variable", 12), t2.set("constant", 13), t2.set("string", 14), t2.set("number", 15), t2.set("boolean", 16), t2.set("array", 17), t2.set("object", 18), t2.set("key", 19), t2.set("null", 20), t2.set("enum-member", 21), t2.set("struct", 22), t2.set("event", 23), t2.set("operator", 24), t2.set("type-parameter", 25);
const n2 = new Map();
n2.set(0, "file"), n2.set(1, "module"), n2.set(2, "namespace"), n2.set(3, "package"), n2.set(4, "class"), n2.set(5, "method"), n2.set(6, "property"), n2.set(7, "field"), n2.set(8, "constructor"), n2.set(9, "enum"), n2.set(10, "interface"), n2.set(11, "function"), n2.set(12, "variable"), n2.set(13, "constant"), n2.set(14, "string"), n2.set(15, "number"), n2.set(16, "boolean"), n2.set(17, "array"), n2.set(18, "object"), n2.set(19, "key"), n2.set(20, "null"), n2.set(21, "enum-member"), n2.set(22, "struct"), n2.set(23, "event"), n2.set(24, "operator"), n2.set(25, "type-parameter"), e2.fromString = function(e3) {
return t2.get(e3);
}, e2.toString = function(e3) {
return n2.get(e3);
}, e2.toCssClassName = function(e3, t3) {
const i2 = n2.get(e3);
let o2 = i2 && p.c.get("symbol-" + i2);
return o2 || ("No codicon found for SymbolKind " + e3), o2 = p.a.symbolProperty), `${t3 ? "inline" : "block"} ${o2.classNames}`;
}(w || (w = {}));
class C {
constructor(e2) {
this.value = e2;
C.Comment = new C("comment"), C.Imports = new C("imports"), C.Region = new C("region");
const x = new u(), S = new u(), k = new u(), E = new u(), T = new u(), L = new u(), N = new u(), I = new u(), O = new u(), D = new u(), A = new u(), R = new u(), M = new u(), P = new u(), F = new u(), W = new u(), z = new u(), B = new u(), j = new u(), V = new u(), U = new u(), H = new u(), q = new u(), $ = new class {
constructor() {
this._map = new Map(), this._promises = new Map(), this._onDidChange = new r.a(), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._colorMap = null;
fire(e2) {{changedLanguages: e2, changedColorMap: false});
register(e2, t2) {
return this._map.set(e2, t2),[e2]), Object(s.h)(() => {
this._map.get(e2) === t2 && (this._map.delete(e2),[e2]));
registerPromise(e2, t2) {
let n2 = null, i2 = false;
return this._promises.set(e2, t2.then((t3) => {
this._promises.delete(e2), !i2 && t3 && (n2 = this.register(e2, t3));
})), Object(s.h)(() => {
i2 = true, n2 && n2.dispose();
getPromise(e2) {
const t2 = this.get(e2);
if (t2)
return Promise.resolve(t2);
const n2 = this._promises.get(e2);
return n2 ? n2.then((t3) => this.get(e2)) : null;
get(e2) {
return this._map.get(e2) || null;
setColorMap(e2) {
this._colorMap = e2,{changedLanguages: Array.from(this._map.keys()), changedColorMap: true});
getColorMap() {
return this._colorMap;
getDefaultBackground() {
return this._colorMap && this._colorMap.length > 2 ? this._colorMap[2] : null;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "e", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return d;
const i = new class {
constructor() {
this.listeners = [], this.unexpectedErrorHandler = function(e2) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (e2.stack)
throw new Error(e2.message + "\n\n" + e2.stack);
throw e2;
}, 0);
emit(e2) {
this.listeners.forEach((t2) => {
onUnexpectedError(e2) {
this.unexpectedErrorHandler(e2), this.emit(e2);
onUnexpectedExternalError(e2) {
function o(e2) {
a(e2) || i.onUnexpectedError(e2);
function r(e2) {
a(e2) || i.onUnexpectedExternalError(e2);
function s(e2) {
if (e2 instanceof Error) {
let {name: t2, message: n2} = e2;
return {$isError: true, name: t2, message: n2, stack: e2.stacktrace || e2.stack};
return e2;
function a(e2) {
return e2 instanceof Error && "Canceled" === && "Canceled" === e2.message;
function l() {
const e2 = new Error("Canceled");
return = e2.message, e2;
function c(e2) {
return e2 ? new Error("Illegal argument: " + e2) : new Error("Illegal argument");
function d(e2) {
return e2 ? new Error("Illegal state: " + e2) : new Error("Illegal state");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2) {
return Array.isArray(e2);
function o(e2) {
return "string" == typeof e2;
function r(e2) {
return !("object" != typeof e2 || null === e2 || Array.isArray(e2) || e2 instanceof RegExp || e2 instanceof Date);
function s(e2) {
return "number" == typeof e2 && !isNaN(e2);
function a(e2) {
return true === e2 || false === e2;
function l(e2) {
return void 0 === e2;
function c(e2) {
return l(e2) || null === e2;
function d(e2, t2) {
if (!e2)
throw new Error(t2 ? `Unexpected type, expected '${t2}'` : "Unexpected type");
function h(e2) {
if (c(e2))
throw new Error("Assertion Failed: argument is undefined or null");
return e2;
function u(e2) {
return "function" == typeof e2;
function p(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Math.min(e2.length, t2.length);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++)
m(e2[i2], t2[i2]);
function m(e2, t2) {
if (o(t2)) {
if (typeof e2 !== t2)
throw new Error("argument does not match constraint: typeof " + t2);
} else if (u(t2)) {
try {
if (e2 instanceof t2)
} catch (e3) {
if (!c(e2) && e2.constructor === t2)
if (1 === t2.length && true === 0, e2))
throw new Error("argument does not match one of these constraints: arg instanceof constraint, arg.constructor === constraint, nor constraint(arg) === true");
function g(e2) {
const t2 = [];
for (const n2 of function(e3) {
let t3 = [], n3 = Object.getPrototypeOf(e3);
for (; Object.prototype !== n3; )
t3 = t3.concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n3)), n3 = Object.getPrototypeOf(n3);
return t3;
"function" == typeof e2[n2] && t2.push(n2);
return t2;
function f(e2, t2) {
const n2 = (e3) => function() {
const n3 =, 0);
return t2(e3, n3);
let i2 = {};
for (const t3 of e2)
i2[t3] = n2(t3);
return i2;
function b(e2) {
return null === e2 ? void 0 : e2;
n.d(t, "e", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return b;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2, t2 = 0) {
return e2[e2.length - (1 + t2)];
function o(e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
throw new Error("Invalid tail call");
return [e2.slice(0, e2.length - 1), e2[e2.length - 1]];
function r(e2, t2, n2 = (e3, t3) => e3 === t3) {
if (e2 === t2)
return true;
if (!e2 || !t2)
return false;
if (e2.length !== t2.length)
return false;
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length; i2 < o2; i2++)
if (!n2(e2[i2], t2[i2]))
return false;
return true;
function s(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length - 1;
for (; i2 <= o2; ) {
const r2 = (i2 + o2) / 2 | 0, s2 = n2(e2[r2], t2);
if (s2 < 0)
i2 = r2 + 1;
else {
if (!(s2 > 0))
return r2;
o2 = r2 - 1;
return -(i2 + 1);
function a(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length;
if (0 === i2)
return 0;
for (; n2 < i2; ) {
const o2 = Math.floor((n2 + i2) / 2);
t2(e2[o2]) ? i2 = o2 : n2 = o2 + 1;
return n2;
function l(e2, t2) {
return function e3(t3, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
if (o2 <= i2)
const s2 = i2 + (o2 - i2) / 2 | 0;
if (e3(t3, n2, i2, s2, r2), e3(t3, n2, s2 + 1, o2, r2), n2(t3[s2], t3[s2 + 1]) <= 0)
!function(e4, t4, n3, i3, o3, r3) {
let s3 = n3, a2 = i3 + 1;
for (let t5 = n3; t5 <= o3; t5++)
r3[t5] = e4[t5];
for (let l2 = n3; l2 <= o3; l2++)
s3 > i3 ? e4[l2] = r3[a2++] : a2 > o3 ? e4[l2] = r3[s3++] : t4(r3[a2], r3[s3]) < 0 ? e4[l2] = r3[a2++] : e4[l2] = r3[s3++];
}(t3, n2, i2, s2, o2, r2);
}(e2, t2, 0, e2.length - 1, []), e2;
function c(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [];
let i2 = void 0;
for (const o2 of l(e2.slice(0), t2))
i2 && 0 === t2(i2[0], o2) ? i2.push(o2) : (i2 = [o2], n2.push(i2));
return n2;
function d(e2) {
return e2.filter((e3) => !!e3);
function h(e2) {
return !Array.isArray(e2) || 0 === e2.length;
function u(e2) {
return Array.isArray(e2) && e2.length > 0;
function p(e2, t2) {
if (!t2)
return e2.filter((t3, n3) => e2.indexOf(t3) === n3);
const n2 = Object.create(null);
return e2.filter((e3) => {
const i2 = t2(e3);
return !n2[i2] && (n2[i2] = true, true);
function m(e2) {
const t2 = new Set();
return e2.filter((e3) => !t2.has(e3) && (t2.add(e3), true));
function g(e2, t2) {
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < e2.length; n2++) {
if (t2(e2[n2]))
return n2;
return -1;
function f(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = g(e2, t2);
return i2 < 0 ? n2 : e2[i2];
function b(e2, t2) {
return e2.length > 0 ? e2[0] : t2;
function _(e2) {
return [].concat(...e2);
function v(e2, t2) {
let n2 = "number" == typeof t2 ? e2 : 0;
"number" == typeof t2 ? n2 = e2 : (n2 = 0, t2 = e2);
const i2 = [];
if (n2 <= t2)
for (let e3 = n2; e3 < t2; e3++)
for (let e3 = n2; e3 > t2; e3--)
return i2;
function w(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.slice(0, t2), o2 = e2.slice(t2);
return i2.concat(n2, o2);
function y(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.indexOf(t2);
n2 > -1 && (e2.splice(n2, 1), e2.unshift(t2));
function C(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.indexOf(t2);
n2 > -1 && (e2.splice(n2, 1), e2.push(t2));
function x(e2) {
return Array.isArray(e2) ? e2 : [e2];
n.d(t, "t", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "u", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "p", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "o", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "s", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "r", function() {
return y;
}), n.d(t, "q", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return x;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Math.pow(10, t2);
return Math.round(e2 * n2) / n2;
n.d(t, "c", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return a;
class o {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, o2 = 1) {
this.r = 0 | Math.min(255, Math.max(0, e2)), this.g = 0 | Math.min(255, Math.max(0, t2)), this.b = 0 | Math.min(255, Math.max(0, n2)), this.a = i(Math.max(Math.min(1, o2), 0), 3);
static equals(e2, t2) {
return e2.r === t2.r && e2.g === t2.g && e2.b === t2.b && e2.a === t2.a;
class r {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, o2) {
this.h = 0 | Math.max(Math.min(360, e2), 0), this.s = i(Math.max(Math.min(1, t2), 0), 3), this.l = i(Math.max(Math.min(1, n2), 0), 3), this.a = i(Math.max(Math.min(1, o2), 0), 3);
static equals(e2, t2) {
return e2.h === t2.h && e2.s === t2.s && e2.l === t2.l && e2.a === t2.a;
static fromRGBA(e2) {
const t2 = e2.r / 255, n2 = e2.g / 255, i2 = e2.b / 255, o2 = e2.a, s2 = Math.max(t2, n2, i2), a2 = Math.min(t2, n2, i2);
let l = 0, c = 0;
const d = (a2 + s2) / 2, h = s2 - a2;
if (h > 0) {
switch (c = Math.min(d <= 0.5 ? h / (2 * d) : h / (2 - 2 * d), 1), s2) {
case t2:
l = (n2 - i2) / h + (n2 < i2 ? 6 : 0);
case n2:
l = (i2 - t2) / h + 2;
case i2:
l = (t2 - n2) / h + 4;
l *= 60, l = Math.round(l);
return new r(l, c, d, o2);
static _hue2rgb(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 < 0 && (n2 += 1), n2 > 1 && (n2 -= 1), n2 < 1 / 6 ? e2 + 6 * (t2 - e2) * n2 : n2 < 0.5 ? t2 : n2 < 2 / 3 ? e2 + (t2 - e2) * (2 / 3 - n2) * 6 : e2;
static toRGBA(e2) {
const t2 = e2.h / 360, {s: n2, l: i2, a: s2} = e2;
let a2, l, c;
if (0 === n2)
a2 = l = c = i2;
else {
const e3 = i2 < 0.5 ? i2 * (1 + n2) : i2 + n2 - i2 * n2, o2 = 2 * i2 - e3;
a2 = r._hue2rgb(o2, e3, t2 + 1 / 3), l = r._hue2rgb(o2, e3, t2), c = r._hue2rgb(o2, e3, t2 - 1 / 3);
return new o(Math.round(255 * a2), Math.round(255 * l), Math.round(255 * c), s2);
class s {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, o2) {
this.h = 0 | Math.max(Math.min(360, e2), 0), this.s = i(Math.max(Math.min(1, t2), 0), 3), this.v = i(Math.max(Math.min(1, n2), 0), 3), this.a = i(Math.max(Math.min(1, o2), 0), 3);
static equals(e2, t2) {
return e2.h === t2.h && e2.s === t2.s && e2.v === t2.v && e2.a === t2.a;
static fromRGBA(e2) {
const t2 = e2.r / 255, n2 = e2.g / 255, i2 = e2.b / 255, o2 = Math.max(t2, n2, i2), r2 = o2 - Math.min(t2, n2, i2), a2 = 0 === o2 ? 0 : r2 / o2;
let l;
return l = 0 === r2 ? 0 : o2 === t2 ? ((n2 - i2) / r2 % 6 + 6) % 6 : o2 === n2 ? (i2 - t2) / r2 + 2 : (t2 - n2) / r2 + 4, new s(Math.round(60 * l), a2, o2, e2.a);
static toRGBA(e2) {
const {h: t2, s: n2, v: i2, a: r2} = e2, s2 = i2 * n2, a2 = s2 * (1 - Math.abs(t2 / 60 % 2 - 1)), l = i2 - s2;
let [c, d, h] = [0, 0, 0];
return t2 < 60 ? (c = s2, d = a2) : t2 < 120 ? (c = a2, d = s2) : t2 < 180 ? (d = s2, h = a2) : t2 < 240 ? (d = a2, h = s2) : t2 < 300 ? (c = a2, h = s2) : t2 < 360 && (c = s2, h = a2), c = Math.round(255 * (c + l)), d = Math.round(255 * (d + l)), h = Math.round(255 * (h + l)), new o(c, d, h, r2);
class a {
constructor(e2) {
if (!e2)
throw new Error("Color needs a value");
if (e2 instanceof o)
this.rgba = e2;
else if (e2 instanceof r)
this._hsla = e2, this.rgba = r.toRGBA(e2);
else {
if (!(e2 instanceof s))
throw new Error("Invalid color ctor argument");
this._hsva = e2, this.rgba = s.toRGBA(e2);
static fromHex(e2) {
return a.Format.CSS.parseHex(e2) ||;
get hsla() {
return this._hsla ? this._hsla : r.fromRGBA(this.rgba);
get hsva() {
return this._hsva ? this._hsva : s.fromRGBA(this.rgba);
equals(e2) {
return !!e2 && o.equals(this.rgba, e2.rgba) && r.equals(this.hsla, e2.hsla) && s.equals(this.hsva, e2.hsva);
getRelativeLuminance() {
return i(0.2126 * a._relativeLuminanceForComponent(this.rgba.r) + 0.7152 * a._relativeLuminanceForComponent(this.rgba.g) + 0.0722 * a._relativeLuminanceForComponent(this.rgba.b), 4);
static _relativeLuminanceForComponent(e2) {
const t2 = e2 / 255;
return t2 <= 0.03928 ? t2 / 12.92 : Math.pow((t2 + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
isLighter() {
return (299 * this.rgba.r + 587 * this.rgba.g + 114 * this.rgba.b) / 1e3 >= 128;
isLighterThan(e2) {
return this.getRelativeLuminance() > e2.getRelativeLuminance();
isDarkerThan(e2) {
return this.getRelativeLuminance() < e2.getRelativeLuminance();
lighten(e2) {
return new a(new r(this.hsla.h, this.hsla.s, this.hsla.l + this.hsla.l * e2, this.hsla.a));
darken(e2) {
return new a(new r(this.hsla.h, this.hsla.s, this.hsla.l - this.hsla.l * e2, this.hsla.a));
transparent(e2) {
const {r: t2, g: n2, b: i2, a: r2} = this.rgba;
return new a(new o(t2, n2, i2, r2 * e2));
isTransparent() {
return 0 === this.rgba.a;
isOpaque() {
return 1 === this.rgba.a;
opposite() {
return new a(new o(255 - this.rgba.r, 255 - this.rgba.g, 255 - this.rgba.b, this.rgba.a));
toString() {
return "" + a.Format.CSS.format(this);
static getLighterColor(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2.isLighterThan(t2))
return e2;
n2 = n2 || 0.5;
const i2 = e2.getRelativeLuminance(), o2 = t2.getRelativeLuminance();
return n2 = n2 * (o2 - i2) / o2, e2.lighten(n2);
static getDarkerColor(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2.isDarkerThan(t2))
return e2;
n2 = n2 || 0.5;
const i2 = e2.getRelativeLuminance();
return n2 = n2 * (i2 - t2.getRelativeLuminance()) / i2, e2.darken(n2);
a.white = new a(new o(255, 255, 255, 1)), = new a(new o(0, 0, 0, 1)), = new a(new o(255, 0, 0, 1)), = new a(new o(0, 0, 255, 1)), a.cyan = new a(new o(0, 255, 255, 1)), a.lightgrey = new a(new o(211, 211, 211, 1)), a.transparent = new a(new o(0, 0, 0, 0)), function(e2) {
let t2;
!function(t3) {
let n2;
!function(t4) {
function n3(e3) {
const t5 = e3.toString(16);
return 2 !== t5.length ? "0" + t5 : t5;
function i2(e3) {
switch (e3) {
case 48:
return 0;
case 49:
return 1;
case 50:
return 2;
case 51:
return 3;
case 52:
return 4;
case 53:
return 5;
case 54:
return 6;
case 55:
return 7;
case 56:
return 8;
case 57:
return 9;
case 97:
case 65:
return 10;
case 98:
case 66:
return 11;
case 99:
case 67:
return 12;
case 100:
case 68:
return 13;
case 101:
case 69:
return 14;
case 102:
case 70:
return 15;
return 0;
t4.formatRGB = function(t5) {
return 1 === t5.rgba.a ? `rgb(${t5.rgba.r}, ${t5.rgba.g}, ${t5.rgba.b})` : e2.Format.CSS.formatRGBA(t5);
}, t4.formatRGBA = function(e3) {
return `rgba(${e3.rgba.r}, ${e3.rgba.g}, ${e3.rgba.b}, ${+e3.rgba.a.toFixed(2)})`;
}, t4.formatHSL = function(t5) {
return 1 === t5.hsla.a ? `hsl(${t5.hsla.h}, ${(100 * t5.hsla.s).toFixed(2)}%, ${(100 * t5.hsla.l).toFixed(2)}%)` : e2.Format.CSS.formatHSLA(t5);
}, t4.formatHSLA = function(e3) {
return `hsla(${e3.hsla.h}, ${(100 * e3.hsla.s).toFixed(2)}%, ${(100 * e3.hsla.l).toFixed(2)}%, ${e3.hsla.a.toFixed(2)})`;
}, t4.formatHex = function(e3) {
return `#${n3(e3.rgba.r)}${n3(e3.rgba.g)}${n3(e3.rgba.b)}`;
}, t4.formatHexA = function(t5, i3 = false) {
return i3 && 1 === t5.rgba.a ? e2.Format.CSS.formatHex(t5) : `#${n3(t5.rgba.r)}${n3(t5.rgba.g)}${n3(t5.rgba.b)}${n3(Math.round(255 * t5.rgba.a))}`;
}, t4.format = function(t5) {
return t5.isOpaque() ? e2.Format.CSS.formatHex(t5) : e2.Format.CSS.formatRGBA(t5);
}, t4.parseHex = function(t5) {
const n4 = t5.length;
if (0 === n4)
return null;
if (35 !== t5.charCodeAt(0))
return null;
if (7 === n4) {
const n5 = 16 * i2(t5.charCodeAt(1)) + i2(t5.charCodeAt(2)), r2 = 16 * i2(t5.charCodeAt(3)) + i2(t5.charCodeAt(4)), s2 = 16 * i2(t5.charCodeAt(5)) + i2(t5.charCodeAt(6));
return new e2(new o(n5, r2, s2, 1));
if (9 === n4) {
const n5 = 16 * i2(t5.charCodeAt(1)) + i2(t5.charCodeAt(2)), r2 = 16 * i2(t5.charCodeAt(3)) + i2(t5.charCodeAt(4)), s2 = 16 * i2(t5.charCodeAt(5)) + i2(t5.charCodeAt(6)), a2 = 16 * i2(t5.charCodeAt(7)) + i2(t5.charCodeAt(8));
return new e2(new o(n5, r2, s2, a2 / 255));
if (4 === n4) {
const n5 = i2(t5.charCodeAt(1)), r2 = i2(t5.charCodeAt(2)), s2 = i2(t5.charCodeAt(3));
return new e2(new o(16 * n5 + n5, 16 * r2 + r2, 16 * s2 + s2));
if (5 === n4) {
const n5 = i2(t5.charCodeAt(1)), r2 = i2(t5.charCodeAt(2)), s2 = i2(t5.charCodeAt(3)), a2 = i2(t5.charCodeAt(4));
return new e2(new o(16 * n5 + n5, 16 * r2 + r2, 16 * s2 + s2, (16 * a2 + a2) / 255));
return null;
}(n2 = t3.CSS || (t3.CSS = {}));
}(t2 = e2.Format || (e2.Format = {}));
}(a || (a = {}));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return f;
var i = n(151), o = n(6);
const r = new class {
constructor() {
this._icons = new Map(), this._onDidRegister = new o.a();
add(e2) {
this._icons.has( ? console.error("Duplicate registration of codicon " + : (this._icons.set(, e2),;
get(e2) {
return this._icons.get(e2);
get all() {
return this._icons.values();
get onDidRegister() {
return this._onDidRegister.event;
}(), s = r;
function a(e2, t2, n2) {
return new l(e2, t2);
class l {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) { = e2, this.definition = t2, this.description = n2, r.add(this);
get classNames() {
return "codicon codicon-" +;
get cssSelector() {
return ".codicon.codicon-" +;
!function(e2) {
e2.add = new e2("add", {character: "\\ea60"}), = new e2("plus", {character: "\\ea60"}), e2.gistNew = new e2("gist-new", {character: "\\ea60"}), e2.repoCreate = new e2("repo-create", {character: "\\ea60"}), e2.lightbulb = new e2("lightbulb", {character: "\\ea61"}), e2.lightBulb = new e2("light-bulb", {character: "\\ea61"}), e2.repo = new e2("repo", {character: "\\ea62"}), e2.repoDelete = new e2("repo-delete", {character: "\\ea62"}), e2.gistFork = new e2("gist-fork", {character: "\\ea63"}), e2.repoForked = new e2("repo-forked", {character: "\\ea63"}), e2.gitPullRequest = new e2("git-pull-request", {character: "\\ea64"}), e2.gitPullRequestAbandoned = new e2("git-pull-request-abandoned", {character: "\\ea64"}), e2.recordKeys = new e2("record-keys", {character: "\\ea65"}), e2.keyboard = new e2("keyboard", {character: "\\ea65"}), e2.tag = new e2("tag", {character: "\\ea66"}), e2.tagAdd = new e2("tag-add", {character: "\\ea66"}), e2.tagRemove = new e2("tag-remove", {character: "\\ea66"}), e2.person = new e2("person", {character: "\\ea67"}), e2.personAdd = new e2("person-add", {character: "\\ea67"}), e2.personFollow = new e2("person-follow", {character: "\\ea67"}), e2.personOutline = new e2("person-outline", {character: "\\ea67"}), e2.personFilled = new e2("person-filled", {character: "\\ea67"}), e2.gitBranch = new e2("git-branch", {character: "\\ea68"}), e2.gitBranchCreate = new e2("git-branch-create", {character: "\\ea68"}), e2.gitBranchDelete = new e2("git-branch-delete", {character: "\\ea68"}), e2.sourceControl = new e2("source-control", {character: "\\ea68"}), e2.mirror = new e2("mirror", {character: "\\ea69"}), e2.mirrorPublic = new e2("mirror-public", {character: "\\ea69"}), = new e2("star", {character: "\\ea6a"}), e2.starAdd = new e2("star-add", {character: "\\ea6a"}), e2.starDelete = new e2("star-delete", {character: "\\ea6a"}), e2.starEmpty = new e2("star-empty", {character: "\\ea6a"}), e2.comment = new e2("comment", {character: "\\ea6b"}), e2.commentAdd = new e2("comment-add", {character: "\\ea6b"}), e2.alert = new e2("alert", {character: "\\ea6c"}), e2.warning = new e2("warning", {character: "\\ea6c"}), = new e2("search", {character: "\\ea6d"}), e2.searchSave = new e2("search-save", {character: "\\ea6d"}), e2.logOut = new e2("log-out", {character: "\\ea6e"}), e2.signOut = new e2("sign-out", {character: "\\ea6e"}), e2.logIn = new e2("log-in", {character: "\\ea6f"}), e2.signIn = new e2("sign-in", {character: "\\ea6f"}), e2.eye = new e2("eye", {character: "\\ea70"}), e2.eyeUnwatch = new e2("eye-unwatch", {character: "\\ea70"}), e2.eyeWatch = new e2("eye-watch", {character: "\\ea70"}), e2.circleFilled = new e2("circle-filled", {character: "\\ea71"}), e2.primitiveDot = new e2("primitive-dot", {character: "\\ea71"}), e2.closeDirty = new e2("close-dirty", {character: "\\ea71"}), e2.debugBreakpoint = new e2("debug-breakpoint", {character: "\\ea71"}), e2.debugBreakpointDisabled = new e2("debug-breakpoint-disabled", {character: "\\ea71"}), e2.debugHint = new e2("debug-hint", {character: "\\ea71"}), e2.primitiveSquare = new e2("primitive-square", {character: "\\ea72"}), e2.edit = new e2("edit", {character: "\\ea73"}), e2.pencil = new e2("pencil", {character: "\\ea73"}), = new e2("info", {character: "\\ea74"}), e2.issueOpened = new e2("issue-opened", {character: "\\ea74"}), e2.gistPrivate = new e2("gist-private", {character: "\\ea75"}), e2.gitForkPrivate = new e2("git-fork-private", {character: "\\ea75"}), e2.lock = new e2("lock", {character: "\\ea75"}), e2.mirrorPrivate = new e2("mirror-private", {character: "\\ea75"}), e2.close = new e2("close", {character: "\\ea76"}), e2.removeClose = new e2("remove-close", {character: "\\ea76"}), e2.x = new e2("x", {character: "\\ea76"}), e2.repoSync = new e2("repo-sync", {character: "\\ea77"}), e2.sync = new e2("sync", {character: "\\ea77"}), e2.clone = new e2("clone", {character: "\\ea78"}), e2.desktopDownload = new e2("desktop-download", {character: "\\ea78"}), e2.beaker = new e2("beaker", {character: "\\ea79"}), e2.microscope = new e2("microscope", {character: "\\ea79"}), e2.vm = new e2("vm", {character: "\\ea7a"}), e2.deviceDesktop = new e2("device-desktop", {character: "\\ea7a"}), e2.file = new e2("file", {character: "\\ea7b"}), e2.fileText = new e2("file-text", {character: "\\ea7b"}), e2.more = new e2("more", {character: "\\ea7c"}), e2.ellipsis = new e2("ellipsis", {character: "\\ea7c"}), e2.kebabHorizontal = new e2("kebab-horizontal", {character: "\\ea7c"}), e2.mailReply = new e2("mail-reply", {character: "\\ea7d"}), e2.reply = new e2("reply", {character: "\\ea7d"}), e2.organization = new e2("organization", {character: "\\ea7e"}), e2.organizationFilled = new e2("organization-filled", {character: "\\ea7e"}), e2.organizationOutline = new e2("organization-outline", {character: "\\ea7e"}), e2.newFile = new e2("new-file", {character: "\\ea7f"}), e2.fileAdd = new e2("file-add", {character: "\\ea7f"}), e2.newFolder = new e2("new-folder", {character: "\\ea80"}), e2.fileDirectoryCreate = new e2("file-directory-create", {character: "\\ea80"}), e2.trash = new e2("trash", {character: "\\ea81"}), e2.trashcan = new e2("trashcan", {character: "\\ea81"}), e2.history = new e2("history", {character: "\\ea82"}), e2.clock = new e2("clock", {character: "\\ea82"}), e2.folder = new e2("folder", {character: "\\ea83"}), e2.fileDirectory = new e2("file-directory", {character: "\\ea83"}), e2.symbolFolder = new e2("symbol-folder", {character: "\\ea83"}), e2.logoGithub = new e2("logo-github", {character: "\\ea84"}), e2.markGithub = new e2("mark-github", {character: "\\ea84"}), e2.github = new e2("github", {character: "\\ea84"}), e2.terminal = new e2("terminal", {character: "\\ea85"}), e2.console = new e2("console", {character: "\\ea85"}), e2.repl = new e2("repl", {character: "\\ea85"}), e2.zap = new e2("zap", {character: "\\ea86"}), e2.symbolEvent = new e2("symbol-event", {character: "\\ea86"}), e2.error = new e2("error", {character: "\\ea87"}), e2.stop = new e2("stop", {character: "\\ea87"}), e2.variable = new e2("variable", {character: "\\ea88"}), e2.symbolVariable = new e2("symbol-variable", {character: "\\ea88"}), e2.array = new e2("array", {character: "\\ea8a"}), e2.symbolArray = new e2("symbol-array", {character: "\\ea8a"}), e2.symbolModule = new e2("symbol-module", {character: "\\ea8b"}), e2.symbolPackage = new e2("symbol-package", {character: "\\ea8b"}), e2.symbolNamespace = new e2("symbol-namespace", {character: "\\ea8b"}), e2.symbolObject = new e2("symbol-object", {character: "\\ea8b"}), e2.symbolMethod = new e2("symbol-method", {character: "\\ea8c"}), e2.symbolFunction = new e2("symbol-function", {character: "\\ea8c"}), e2.symbolConstructor = new e2("symbol-constructor", {character: "\\ea8c"}), e2.symbolBoolean = new e2("symbol-boolean", {character: "\\ea8f"}), e2.symbolNull = new e2("symbol-null", {character: "\\ea8f"}), e2.symbolNumeric = new e2("symbol-numeric", {character: "\\ea90"}), e2.symbolNumber = new e2("symbol-number", {character: "\\ea90"}), e2.symbolStructure = new e2("symbol-structure", {character: "\\ea91"}), e2.symbolStruct = new e2("symbol-struct", {character: "\\ea91"}), e2.symbolParameter = new e2("symbol-parameter", {character: "\\ea92"}), e2.symbolTypeParameter = new e2("symbol-type-parameter", {character: "\\ea92"}), e2.symbolKey = new e2("symbol-key", {character: "\\ea93"}), e2.symbolText = new e2("symbol-text", {character: "\\ea93"}), e2.symbolReference = new e2("symbol-reference", {character: "\\ea94"}), e2.goToFile = new e2("go-to-file", {character: "\\ea94"}), e2.symbolEnum = new e2("symbol-enum", {character: "\\ea95"}), e2.symbolValue = new e2("symbol-value", {character: "\\ea95"}), e2.symbolRuler = new e2("symbol-ruler", {character: "\\ea96"}), e2.symbolUnit = new e2("symbol-unit", {character: "\\ea96"}), e2.activateBreakpoints = new e2("activate-breakpoints", {character: "\\ea97"}), e2.archive = new e2("archive", {character: "\\ea98"}), e2.arrowBoth = new e2("arrow-both", {character: "\\ea99"}), e2.arrowDown = new e2("arrow-down", {character: "\\ea9a"}), e2.arrowLeft = new e2("arrow-left", {character: "\\ea9b"}), e2.arrowRight = new e2("arrow-right", {character: "\\ea9c"}), e2.arrowSmallDown = new e2("arrow-small-down", {character: "\\ea9d"}), e2.arrowSmallLeft = new e2("arrow-small-left", {character: "\\ea9e"}), e2.arrowSmallRight = new e2("arrow-small-right", {character: "\\ea9f"}), e2.arrowSmallUp = new e2("arrow-small-up", {character: "\\eaa0"}), e2.arrowUp = new e2("arrow-up", {character: "\\eaa1"}), e2.bell = new e2("bell", {character: "\\eaa2"}), e2.bold = new e2("bold", {character: "\\eaa3"}), = new e2("book", {character: "\\eaa4"}), e2.bookmark = new e2("bookmark", {character: "\\eaa5"}), e2.debugBreakpointConditionalUnverified = new e2("debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified", {character: "\\eaa6"}), e2.debugBreakpointConditional = new e2("debug-breakpoint-conditional", {character: "\\eaa7"}), e2.debugBreakpointConditionalDisabled = new e2("debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled", {character: "\\eaa7"}), e2.debugBreakpointDataUnverified = new e2("debug-breakpoint-data-unverified", {character: "\\eaa8"}), e2.debugBreakpointData = new e2("debug-breakpoint-data", {character: "\\eaa9"}), e2.debugBreakpointDataDisabled = new e2("debug-breakpoint-data-disabled", {character: "\\eaa9"}), e2.debugBreakpointLogUnverified = new e2("debug-breakpoint-log-unverified", {character: "\\eaaa"}), e2.debugBreakpointLog = new e2("debug-breakpoint-log", {character: "\\eaab"}), e2.debugBreakpointLogDisabled = new e2("debug-breakpoint-log-disabled", {character: "\\eaab"}), e2.briefcase = new e2("briefcase", {character: "\\eaac"}), e2.broadcast = new e2("broadcast", {character: "\\eaad"}), e2.browser = new e2("browser", {character: "\\eaae"}), e2.bug = new e2("bug", {character: "\\eaaf"}), e2.calendar = new e2("calendar", {character: "\\eab0"}), e2.caseSensitive = new e2("case-sensitive", {character: "\\eab1"}), e2.check = new e2("check", {character: "\\eab2"}), e2.checklist = new e2("checklist", {character: "\\eab3"}), e2.chevronDown = new e2("chevron-down", {character: "\\eab4"}), e2.chevronLeft = new e2("chevron-left", {character: "\\eab5"}), e2.chevronRight = new e2("chevron-right", {character: "\\eab6"}), e2.chevronUp = new e2("chevron-up", {character: "\\eab7"}), e2.chromeClose = new e2("chrome-close", {character: "\\eab8"}), e2.chromeMaximize = new e2("chrome-maximize", {character: "\\eab9"}), e2.chromeMinimize = new e2("chrome-minimize", {character: "\\eaba"}), e2.chromeRestore = new e2("chrome-restore", {character: "\\eabb"}), e2.circleOutline = new e2("circle-outline", {character: "\\eabc"}), e2.debugBreakpointUnverified = new e2("debug-breakpoint-unverified", {character: "\\eabc"}), e2.circleSlash = new e2("circle-slash", {character: "\\eabd"}), e2.circuitBoard = new e2("circuit-board", {character: "\\eabe"}), e2.clearAll = new e2("clear-all", {character: "\\eabf"}), e2.clippy = new e2("clippy", {character: "\\eac0"}), e2.closeAll = new e2("close-all", {character: "\\eac1"}), e2.cloudDownload = new e2("cloud-download", {character: "\\eac2"}), e2.cloudUpload = new e2("cloud-upload", {character: "\\eac3"}), e2.code = new e2("code", {character: "\\eac4"}), e2.collapseAll = new e2("collapse-all", {character: "\\eac5"}), e2.colorMode = new e2("color-mode", {character: "\\eac6"}), e2.commentDiscussion = new e2("comment-discussion", {character: "\\eac7"}), e2.compareChanges = new e2("compare-changes", {character: "\\eafd"}), e2.creditCard = new e2("credit-card", {character: "\\eac9"}), e2.dash = new e2("dash", {character: "\\eacc"}), e2.dashboard = new e2("dashboard", {character: "\\eacd"}), e2.database = new e2("database", {character: "\\eace"}), e2.debugContinue = new e2("debug-continue", {character: "\\eacf"}), e2.debugDisconnect = new e2("debug-disconnect", {character: "\\ead0"}), e2.debugPause = new e2("debug-pause", {character: "\\ead1"}), e2.debugRestart = new e2("debug-restart", {character: "\\ead2"}), e2.debugStart = new e2("debug-start", {character: "\\ead3"}), e2.debugStepInto = new e2("debug-step-into", {character: "\\ead4"}), e2.debugStepOut = new e2("debug-step-out", {character: "\\ead5"}), e2.debugStepOver = new e2("debug-step-over", {character: "\\ead6"}), e2.debugStop = new e2("debug-stop", {character: "\\ead7"}), e2.debug = new e2("debug", {character: "\\ead8"}), e2.deviceCameraVideo = new e2("device-camera-video", {character: "\\ead9"}), e2.deviceCamera = new e2("device-camera", {character: "\\eada"}), e2.deviceMobile = new e2("device-mobile", {character: "\\eadb"}), e2.diffAdded = new e2("diff-added", {character: "\\eadc"}), e2.diffIgnored = new e2("diff-ignored", {character: "\\eadd"}), e2.diffModified = new e2("diff-modified", {character: "\\eade"}), e2.diffRemoved = new e2("diff-removed", {character: "\\eadf"}), e2.diffRenamed = new e2("diff-renamed", {character: "\\eae0"}), e2.diff = new e2("diff", {character: "\\eae1"}), e2.discard = new e2("discard", {character: "\\eae2"}), e2.editorLayout = new e2("editor-layout", {character: "\\eae3"}), e2.emptyWindow = new e2("empty-window", {character: "\\eae4"}), e2.exclude = new e2("exclude", {character: "\\eae5"}), e2.extensions = new e2("extensions", {character: "\\eae6"}), e2.eyeClosed = new e2("eye-closed", {character: "\\eae7"}), e2.fileBinary = new e2("file-binary", {character: "\\eae8"}), e2.fileCode = new e2("file-code", {character: "\\eae9"}), e2.fileMedia = new e2("file-media", {character: "\\eaea"}), e2.filePdf = new e2("file-pdf", {character: "\\eaeb"}), e2.fileSubmodule = new e2("file-submodule", {character: "\\eaec"}), e2.fileSymlinkDirectory = new e2("file-symlink-directory", {character: "\\eaed"}), e2.fileSymlinkFile = new e2("file-symlink-file", {character: "\\eaee"}), e2.fileZip = new e2("file-zip", {character: "\\eaef"}), e2.files = new e2("files", {character: "\\eaf0"}), e2.filter = new e2("filter", {character: "\\eaf1"}), e2.flame = new e2("flame", {character: "\\eaf2"}), e2.foldDown = new e2("fold-down", {character: "\\eaf3"}), e2.foldUp = new e2("fold-up", {character: "\\eaf4"}), e2.fold = new e2("fold", {character: "\\eaf5"}), e2.folderActive = new e2("folder-active", {character: "\\eaf6"}), e2.folderOpened = new e2("folder-opened", {character: "\\eaf7"}), e2.gear = new e2("gear", {character: "\\eaf8"}), = new e2("gift", {character: "\\eaf9"}), e2.gistSecret = new e2("gist-secret", {character: "\\eafa"}), e2.gist = new e2("gist", {character: "\\eafb"}), e2.gitCommit = new e2("git-commit", {character: "\\eafc"}), e2.gitCompare = new e2("git-compare", {character: "\\eafd"}), e2.gitMerge = new e2("git-merge", {character: "\\eafe"}), e2.githubAction = new e2("github-action", {character: "\\eaff"}), e2.githubAlt = new e2("github-alt", {character: "\\eb00"}), e2.globe = new e2("globe", {character: "\\eb01"}), e2.grabber = new e2("grabber", {character: "\\eb02"}), e2.graph = new e2("graph", {character: "\\eb03"}), e2.gripper = new e2("gripper", {character: "\\eb04"}), e2.heart = new e2("heart", {character: "\\eb05"}), e2.home = new e2("home", {character: "\\eb06"}), e2.horizontalRule = new e2("horizontal-rule", {character: "\\eb07"}), e2.hubot = new e2("hubot", {character: "\\eb08"}), e2.inbox = new e2("inbox", {character: "\\eb09"}), e2.issueClosed = new e2("issue-closed", {character: "\\eb0a"}), e2.issueReopened = new e2("issue-reopened", {character: "\\eb0b"}), e2.issues = new e2("issues", {character: "\\eb0c"}), e2.italic = new e2("italic", {character: "\\eb0d"}), e2.jersey = new e2("jersey", {character: "\\eb0e"}), e2.json = new e2("json", {character: "\\eb0f"}), e2.kebabVertical = new e2("kebab-vertical", {character: "\\eb10"}), e2.key = new e2("key", {character: "\\eb11"}), = new e2("law", {character: "\\eb12"}), e2.lightbulbAutofix = new e2("lightbulb-autofix", {character: "\\eb13"}), e2.linkExternal = new e2("link-external", {character: "\\eb14"}), = new e2("link", {character: "\\eb15"}), e2.listOrdered = new e2("list-ordered", {character: "\\eb16"}), e2.listUnordered = new e2("list-unordered", {character: "\\eb17"}), e2.liveShare = new e2("live-share", {character: "\\eb18"}), e2.loading = new e2("loading", {character: "\\eb19"}), e2.location = new e2("location", {character: "\\eb1a"}), e2.mailRead = new e2("mail-read", {character: "\\eb1b"}), e2.mail = new e2("mail", {character: "\\eb1c"}), e2.markdown = new e2("markdown", {character: "\\eb1d"}), e2.megaphone = new e2("megaphone", {character: "\\eb1e"}), e2.mention = new e2("mention", {character: "\\eb1f"}), e2.milestone = new e2("milestone", {character: "\\eb20"}), e2.mortarBoard = new e2("mortar-board", {character: "\\eb21"}), e2.move = new e2("move", {character: "\\eb22"}), e2.multipleWindows = new e2("multiple-windows", {character: "\\eb23"}), e2.mute = new e2("mute", {character: "\\eb24"}), e2.noNewline = new e2("no-newline", {character: "\\eb25"}), e2.note = new e2("note", {character: "\\eb26"}), e2.octoface = new e2("octoface", {character: "\\eb27"}), e2.openPreview = new e2("open-preview", {character: "\\eb28"}), e2.package_ = new e2("package", {character: "\\eb29"}), e2.paintcan = new e2("paintcan", {character: "\\eb2a"}), = new e2("pin", {character: "\\eb2b"}), = new e2("play", {character: "\\eb2c"}), = new e2("run", {character: "\\eb2c"}), e2.plug = new e2("plug", {character: "\\eb2d"}), e2.preserveCase = new e2("preserve-case", {character: "\\eb2e"}), e2.preview = new e2("preview", {character: "\\eb2f"}), e2.project = new e2("project", {character: "\\eb30"}), e2.pulse = new e2("pulse", {character: "\\eb31"}), e2.question = new e2("question", {character: "\\eb32"}), e2.quote = new e2("quote", {character: "\\eb33"}), e2.radioTower = new e2("radio-tower", {character: "\\eb34"}), e2.reactions = new e2("reactions", {character: "\\eb35"}), e2.references = new e2("references", {character: "\\eb36"}), e2.refresh = new e2("refresh", {character: "\\eb37"}), e2.regex = new e2("regex", {character: "\\eb38"}), e2.remoteExplorer = new e2("remote-explorer", {character: "\\eb39"}), e2.remote = new e2("remote", {character: "\\eb3a"}), e2.remove = new e2("remove", {character: "\\eb3b"}), e2.replaceAll = new e2("replace-all", {character: "\\eb3c"}), e2.replace = new e2("replace", {character: "\\eb3d"}), e2.repoClone = new e2("repo-clone", {character: "\\eb3e"}), e2.repoForcePush = new e2("repo-force-push", {character: "\\eb3f"}), e2.repoPull = new e2("repo-pull", {character: "\\eb40"}), e2.repoPush = new e2("repo-push", {character: "\\eb41"}), = new e2("report", {character: "\\eb42"}), e2.requestChanges = new e2("request-changes", {character: "\\eb43"}), e2.rocket = new e2("rocket", {character: "\\eb44"}), e2.rootFolderOpened = new e2("root-folder-opened", {character: "\\eb45"}), e2.rootFolder = new e2("root-folder", {character: "\\eb46"}), e2.rss = new e2("rss", {character: "\\eb47"}), e2.ruby = new e2("ruby", {character: "\\eb48"}), e2.saveAll = new e2("save-all", {character: "\\eb49"}), e2.saveAs = new e2("save-as", {character: "\\eb4a"}), = new e2("save", {character: "\\eb4b"}), e2.screenFull = new e2("screen-full", {character: "\\eb4c"}), e2.screenNormal = new e2("screen-normal", {character: "\\eb4d"}), e2.searchStop = new e2("search-stop", {character: "\\eb4e"}), e2.server = new e2("server", {character: "\\eb50"}), e2.settingsGear = new e2("settings-gear", {character: "\\eb51"}), e2.settings = new e2("settings", {character: "\\eb52"}), e2.shield = new e2("shield", {character: "\\eb53"}), e2.smiley = new e2("smiley", {character: "\\eb54"}), e2.sortPrecedence = new e2("sort-precedence", {character: "\\eb55"}), e2.splitHorizontal = new e2("split-horizontal", {character: "\\eb56"}), e2.splitVertical = new e2("split-vertical", {character: "\\eb57"}), e2.squirrel = new e2("squirrel", {character: "\\eb58"}), e2.starFull = new e2("star-full", {character: "\\eb59"}), e2.starHalf = new e2("star-half", {character: "\\eb5a"}), e2.symbolClass = new e2("symbol-class", {character: "\\eb5b"}), e2.symbolColor = new e2("symbol-color", {character: "\\eb5c"}), e2.symbolConstant = new e2("symbol-constant", {character: "\\eb5d"}), e2.symbolEnumMember = new e2("symbol-enum-member", {character: "\\eb5e"}), e2.symbolField = new e2("symbol-field", {character: "\\eb5f"}), e2.symbolFile = new e2("symbol-file", {character: "\\eb60"}), e2.symbolInterface = new e2("symbol-interface", {character: "\\eb61"}), e2.symbolKeyword = new e2("symbol-keyword", {character: "\\eb62"}), e2.symbolMisc = new e2("symbol-misc", {character: "\\eb63"}), e2.symbolOperator = new e2("symbol-operator", {character: "\\eb64"}), e2.symbolProperty = new e2("symbol-property", {character: "\\eb65"}), e2.wrench = new e2("wrench", {character: "\\eb65"}), e2.wrenchSubaction = new e2("wrench-subaction", {character: "\\eb65"}), e2.symbolSnippet = new e2("symbol-snippet", {character: "\\eb66"}), e2.tasklist = new e2("tasklist", {character: "\\eb67"}), e2.telescope = new e2("telescope", {character: "\\eb68"}), e2.textSize = new e2("text-size", {character: "\\eb69"}), e2.threeBars = new e2("three-bars", {character: "\\eb6a"}), e2.thumbsdown = new e2("thumbsdown", {character: "\\eb6b"}), e2.thumbsup = new e2("thumbsup", {character: "\\eb6c"}), = new e2("tools", {character: "\\eb6d"}), e2.triangleDown = new e2("triangle-down", {character: "\\eb6e"}), e2.triangleLeft = new e2("triangle-left", {character: "\\eb6f"}), e2.triangleRight = new e2("triangle-right", {character: "\\eb70"}), e2.triangleUp = new e2("triangle-up", {character: "\\eb71"}), e2.twitter = new e2("twitter", {character: "\\eb72"}), e2.unfold = new e2("unfold", {character: "\\eb73"}), e2.unlock = new e2("unlock", {character: "\\eb74"}), e2.unmute = new e2("unmute", {character: "\\eb75"}), e2.unverified = new e2("unverified", {character: "\\eb76"}), e2.verified = new e2("verified", {character: "\\eb77"}), e2.versions = new e2("versions", {character: "\\eb78"}), e2.vmActive = new e2("vm-active", {character: "\\eb79"}), e2.vmOutline = new e2("vm-outline", {character: "\\eb7a"}), e2.vmRunning = new e2("vm-running", {character: "\\eb7b"}), = new e2("watch", {character: "\\eb7c"}), e2.whitespace = new e2("whitespace", {character: "\\eb7d"}), e2.wholeWord = new e2("whole-word", {character: "\\eb7e"}), e2.window = new e2("window", {character: "\\eb7f"}), e2.wordWrap = new e2("word-wrap", {character: "\\eb80"}), e2.zoomIn = new e2("zoom-in", {character: "\\eb81"}), e2.zoomOut = new e2("zoom-out", {character: "\\eb82"}), e2.listFilter = new e2("list-filter", {character: "\\eb83"}), e2.listFlat = new e2("list-flat", {character: "\\eb84"}), e2.listSelection = new e2("list-selection", {character: "\\eb85"}), e2.selection = new e2("selection", {character: "\\eb85"}), e2.listTree = new e2("list-tree", {character: "\\eb86"}), e2.debugBreakpointFunctionUnverified = new e2("debug-breakpoint-function-unverified", {character: "\\eb87"}), e2.debugBreakpointFunction = new e2("debug-breakpoint-function", {character: "\\eb88"}), e2.debugBreakpointFunctionDisabled = new e2("debug-breakpoint-function-disabled", {character: "\\eb88"}), e2.debugStackframeActive = new e2("debug-stackframe-active", {character: "\\eb89"}), e2.debugStackframeDot = new e2("debug-stackframe-dot", {character: "\\eb8a"}), e2.debugStackframe = new e2("debug-stackframe", {character: "\\eb8b"}), e2.debugStackframeFocused = new e2("debug-stackframe-focused", {character: "\\eb8b"}), e2.debugBreakpointUnsupported = new e2("debug-breakpoint-unsupported", {character: "\\eb8c"}), e2.symbolString = new e2("symbol-string", {character: "\\eb8d"}), e2.debugReverseContinue = new e2("debug-reverse-continue", {character: "\\eb8e"}), e2.debugStepBack = new e2("debug-step-back", {character: "\\eb8f"}), e2.debugRestartFrame = new e2("debug-restart-frame", {character: "\\eb90"}), e2.callIncoming = new e2("call-incoming", {character: "\\eb92"}), e2.callOutgoing = new e2("call-outgoing", {character: "\\eb93"}), = new e2("menu", {character: "\\eb94"}), e2.expandAll = new e2("expand-all", {character: "\\eb95"}), = new e2("feedback", {character: "\\eb96"}), e2.groupByRefType = new e2("group-by-ref-type", {character: "\\eb97"}), e2.ungroupByRefType = new e2("ungroup-by-ref-type", {character: "\\eb98"}), e2.account = new e2("account", {character: "\\eb99"}), e2.bellDot = new e2("bell-dot", {character: "\\eb9a"}), e2.debugConsole = new e2("debug-console", {character: "\\eb9b"}), e2.library = new e2("library", {character: "\\eb9c"}), e2.output = new e2("output", {character: "\\eb9d"}), e2.runAll = new e2("run-all", {character: "\\eb9e"}), e2.syncIgnored = new e2("sync-ignored", {character: "\\eb9f"}), e2.pinned = new e2("pinned", {character: "\\eba0"}), e2.githubInverted = new e2("github-inverted", {character: "\\eba1"}), e2.debugAlt = new e2("debug-alt", {character: "\\eb91"}), e2.serverProcess = new e2("server-process", {character: "\\eba2"}), e2.serverEnvironment = new e2("server-environment", {character: "\\eba3"}), e2.pass = new e2("pass", {character: "\\eba4"}), e2.stopCircle = new e2("stop-circle", {character: "\\eba5"}), e2.playCircle = new e2("play-circle", {character: "\\eba6"}), e2.record = new e2("record", {character: "\\eba7"}), e2.debugAltSmall = new e2("debug-alt-small", {character: "\\eba8"}), e2.vmConnect = new e2("vm-connect", {character: "\\eba9"}), = new e2("cloud", {character: "\\ebaa"}), e2.merge = new e2("merge", {character: "\\ebab"});
}(l || (l = {}));
const c = /(\\)?\$\([a-z0-9\-]+?(?:~[a-z0-9\-]*?)?\)/gi;
function d(e2) {
return e2.replace(c, (e3, t2) => t2 ? e3 : "\\" + e3);
const h = /\\\$\([a-z0-9\-]+?(?:~[a-z0-9\-]*?)?\)/gi;
function u(e2) {
return e2.replace(h, (e3) => "\\" + e3);
const p = /(\\)?\$\((([a-z0-9\-]+?)(?:~([a-z0-9\-]*?))?)\)/gi;
function m(e2) {
return e2.replace(p, (e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) => t2 ? `$(${n2})` : `<span class="codicon codicon-${i2}${o2 ? " codicon-animation-" + o2 : ""}"></span>`);
const g = /(\s)?(\\)?\$\([a-z0-9\-]+?(?:~[a-z0-9\-]*?)?\)(\s)?/gi;
function f(e2) {
return -1 === e2.indexOf(i.a) ? e2 : e2.replace(g, (e3, t2, n2, i2) => n2 ? e3 : t2 || i2 || "");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i;
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return a;
}), function(e2) {
e2.serviceIds = new Map(), e2.DI_TARGET = "$di$target", e2.DI_DEPENDENCIES = "$di$dependencies", e2.getServiceDependencies = function(t2) {
return t2[e2.DI_DEPENDENCIES] || [];
}(i || (i = {}));
const o = s("instantiationService");
function r(e2, t2, n2, o2) {
t2[i.DI_TARGET] === t2 ? t2[i.DI_DEPENDENCIES].push({id: e2, index: n2, optional: o2}) : (t2[i.DI_DEPENDENCIES] = [{id: e2, index: n2, optional: o2}], t2[i.DI_TARGET] = t2);
function s(e2) {
if (i.serviceIds.has(e2))
return i.serviceIds.get(e2);
const t2 = function(e3, n2, i2) {
if (3 !== arguments.length)
throw new Error("@IServiceName-decorator can only be used to decorate a parameter");
r(t2, e3, i2, false);
return t2.toString = () => e2, i.serviceIds.set(e2, t2), t2;
function a(e2) {
return function(t2, n2, i2) {
if (3 !== arguments.length)
throw new Error("@optional-decorator can only be used to decorate a parameter");
r(e2, t2, i2, true);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return g;
var i = n(18), o = n(2), r = n(56), s = n(6);
const a = Object(i.c)("themeService");
function l(e2) {
return {id: e2};
var c;
!function(e2) {
e2.isThemeIcon = function(e3) {
return e3 && "object" == typeof e3 && "string" == typeof;
const t2 = /^\$\(([a-z.]+\/)?([a-z-~]+)\)$/i;
e2.fromString = function(e3) {
const n3 = t2.exec(e3);
if (!n3)
let [, i2, o2] = n3;
return i2 || (i2 = "codicon/"), {id: i2 + o2};
const n2 = /^(codicon\/)?([a-z-]+)(~[a-z]+)?$/i;
e2.asClassName = function(e3) {
const t3 = n2.exec(;
if (!t3)
let [, , i2, o2] = t3, r2 = "codicon codicon-" + i2;
return o2 && (r2 += " " + o2.substr(1)), r2;
}(c || (c = {}));
const d = "hc";
function h(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case "dark":
return "vs-dark";
case d:
return "hc-black";
return "vs";
const u = {ThemingContribution: "base.contributions.theming"};
let p = new class {
constructor() {
this.themingParticipants = [], this.themingParticipants = [], this.onThemingParticipantAddedEmitter = new s.a();
onColorThemeChange(e2) {
return this.themingParticipants.push(e2),, Object(o.h)(() => {
const t2 = this.themingParticipants.indexOf(e2);
this.themingParticipants.splice(t2, 1);
getThemingParticipants() {
return this.themingParticipants;
function m(e2) {
return p.onColorThemeChange(e2);
r.a.add(u.ThemingContribution, p);
class g extends o.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.themeService = e2, this.theme = e2.getColorTheme(), this._register(this.themeService.onDidColorThemeChange((e3) => this.onThemeChange(e3)));
onThemeChange(e2) {
this.theme = e2, this.updateStyles();
updateStyles() {
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "i", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return b;
var i = n(25), o = n(13), r = n(2);
function s(e2) {
return e2 && "function" == typeof e2.then;
function a(e2) {
const t2 = new i.b(), n2 = e2(t2.token), r2 = new Promise((e3, i2) => {
t2.token.onCancellationRequested(() => {
}), Promise.resolve(n2).then((n3) => {
t2.dispose(), e3(n3);
}, (e4) => {
t2.dispose(), i2(e4);
return new class {
cancel() {
then(e3, t3) {
return r2.then(e3, t3);
catch(e3) {
return this.then(void 0, e3);
finally(e3) {
return r2.finally(e3);
function l(e2, t2, n2) {
return Promise.race([e2, new Promise((e3) => t2.onCancellationRequested(() => e3(n2)))]);
class c {
constructor(e2) {
this.defaultDelay = e2, this.timeout = null, this.completionPromise = null, this.doResolve = null, this.doReject = null, this.task = null;
trigger(e2, t2 = this.defaultDelay) {
return this.task = e2, this.cancelTimeout(), this.completionPromise || (this.completionPromise = new Promise((e3, t3) => {
this.doResolve = e3, this.doReject = t3;
}).then(() => {
if (this.completionPromise = null, this.doResolve = null, this.task) {
const e3 = this.task;
return this.task = null, e3();
})), this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.timeout = null, this.doResolve && this.doResolve(null);
}, t2), this.completionPromise;
isTriggered() {
return null !== this.timeout;
cancel() {
this.cancelTimeout(), this.completionPromise && (this.doReject && this.doReject(o.a()), this.completionPromise = null);
cancelTimeout() {
null !== this.timeout && (clearTimeout(this.timeout), this.timeout = null);
dispose() {
function d(e2, t2) {
return t2 ? new Promise((n2, i2) => {
const r2 = setTimeout(n2, e2);
t2.onCancellationRequested(() => {
clearTimeout(r2), i2(o.a());
}) : a((t3) => d(e2, t3));
function h(e2, t2 = 0) {
const n2 = setTimeout(e2, t2);
return Object(r.h)(() => clearTimeout(n2));
function u(e2, t2 = (e3) => !!e3, n2 = null) {
let i2 = 0;
const o2 = e2.length, r2 = () => {
if (i2 >= o2)
return Promise.resolve(n2);
const s2 = e2[i2++];
return Promise.resolve(s2()).then((e3) => t2(e3) ? Promise.resolve(e3) : r2());
return r2();
class p {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._token = -1, "function" == typeof e2 && "number" == typeof t2 && this.setIfNotSet(e2, t2);
dispose() {
cancel() {
-1 !== this._token && (clearTimeout(this._token), this._token = -1);
cancelAndSet(e2, t2) {
this.cancel(), this._token = setTimeout(() => {
this._token = -1, e2();
}, t2);
setIfNotSet(e2, t2) {
-1 === this._token && (this._token = setTimeout(() => {
this._token = -1, e2();
}, t2));
class m {
constructor() {
this._token = -1;
dispose() {
cancel() {
-1 !== this._token && (clearInterval(this._token), this._token = -1);
cancelAndSet(e2, t2) {
this.cancel(), this._token = setInterval(() => {
}, t2);
class g {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.timeoutToken = -1, this.runner = e2, this.timeout = t2, this.timeoutHandler = this.onTimeout.bind(this);
dispose() {
this.cancel(), this.runner = null;
cancel() {
this.isScheduled() && (clearTimeout(this.timeoutToken), this.timeoutToken = -1);
schedule(e2 = this.timeout) {
this.cancel(), this.timeoutToken = setTimeout(this.timeoutHandler, e2);
isScheduled() {
return -1 !== this.timeoutToken;
onTimeout() {
this.timeoutToken = -1, this.runner && this.doRun();
doRun() {
this.runner && this.runner();
let f;
!function() {
if ("function" != typeof requestIdleCallback || "function" != typeof cancelIdleCallback) {
const e2 = Object.freeze({didTimeout: true, timeRemaining: () => 15});
f = (t2) => {
const n2 = setTimeout(() => t2(e2));
let i2 = false;
return {dispose() {
i2 || (i2 = true, clearTimeout(n2));
} else
f = (e2, t2) => {
const n2 = requestIdleCallback(e2, "number" == typeof t2 ? {timeout: t2} : void 0);
let i2 = false;
return {dispose() {
i2 || (i2 = true, cancelIdleCallback(n2));
class b {
constructor(e2) {
this._didRun = false, this._executor = () => {
try {
this._value = e2();
} catch (e3) {
this._error = e3;
} finally {
this._didRun = true;
}, this._handle = f(() => this._executor());
dispose() {
get value() {
if (this._didRun || (this._handle.dispose(), this._executor()), this._error)
throw this._error;
return this._value;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(9), o = n(3);
class r extends o.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(e2, t2, n2, i2), this.selectionStartLineNumber = e2, this.selectionStartColumn = t2, this.positionLineNumber = n2, this.positionColumn = i2;
toString() {
return "[" + this.selectionStartLineNumber + "," + this.selectionStartColumn + " -> " + this.positionLineNumber + "," + this.positionColumn + "]";
equalsSelection(e2) {
return r.selectionsEqual(this, e2);
static selectionsEqual(e2, t2) {
return e2.selectionStartLineNumber === t2.selectionStartLineNumber && e2.selectionStartColumn === t2.selectionStartColumn && e2.positionLineNumber === t2.positionLineNumber && e2.positionColumn === t2.positionColumn;
getDirection() {
return this.selectionStartLineNumber === this.startLineNumber && this.selectionStartColumn === this.startColumn ? 0 : 1;
setEndPosition(e2, t2) {
return 0 === this.getDirection() ? new r(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, e2, t2) : new r(e2, t2, this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn);
getPosition() {
return new i.a(this.positionLineNumber, this.positionColumn);
setStartPosition(e2, t2) {
return 0 === this.getDirection() ? new r(e2, t2, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn) : new r(this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn, e2, t2);
static fromPositions(e2, t2 = e2) {
return new r(e2.lineNumber, e2.column, t2.lineNumber, t2.column);
static liftSelection(e2) {
return new r(e2.selectionStartLineNumber, e2.selectionStartColumn, e2.positionLineNumber, e2.positionColumn);
static selectionsArrEqual(e2, t2) {
if (e2 && !t2 || !e2 && t2)
return false;
if (!e2 && !t2)
return true;
if (e2.length !== t2.length)
return false;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
if (!this.selectionsEqual(e2[n2], t2[n2]))
return false;
return true;
static isISelection(e2) {
return e2 && "number" == typeof e2.selectionStartLineNumber && "number" == typeof e2.selectionStartColumn && "number" == typeof e2.positionLineNumber && "number" == typeof e2.positionColumn;
static createWithDirection(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return 0 === o2 ? new r(e2, t2, n2, i2) : new r(n2, i2, e2, t2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return y;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return C;
var i = n(13), o = n(8), r = n(9), s = n(3), a = n(21), l = n(30), c = n(39);
const d = () => true, h = () => false, u = (e2) => " " === e2 || " " === e2;
function p(e2, t2, n2) {
e2.has(t2) ? e2.get(t2).push(n2) : e2.set(t2, [n2]);
class m {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._languageIdentifier = e2;
const i2 = n2.options, o2 = i2.get(117);
this.readOnly = i2.get(72), this.tabSize = t2.tabSize, this.indentSize = t2.indentSize, this.insertSpaces = t2.insertSpaces, this.lineHeight = i2.get(51), this.pageSize = Math.max(1, Math.floor(o2.height / this.lineHeight) - 2), this.useTabStops = i2.get(104), this.wordSeparators = i2.get(105), this.emptySelectionClipboard = i2.get(26), this.copyWithSyntaxHighlighting = i2.get(16), this.multiCursorMergeOverlapping = i2.get(60), this.multiCursorPaste = i2.get(62), this.autoClosingBrackets = i2.get(5), this.autoClosingQuotes = i2.get(7), this.autoClosingOvertype = i2.get(6), this.autoSurround = i2.get(10), this.autoIndent = i2.get(8), this.autoClosingPairsOpen2 = new Map(), this.autoClosingPairsClose2 = new Map(), this.surroundingPairs = {}, this._electricChars = null, this.shouldAutoCloseBefore = {quote: m._getShouldAutoClose(e2, this.autoClosingQuotes), bracket: m._getShouldAutoClose(e2, this.autoClosingBrackets)};
let r2 = m._getAutoClosingPairs(e2);
if (r2)
for (const e3 of r2)
p(this.autoClosingPairsOpen2, - 1), e3), 1 === e3.close.length && p(this.autoClosingPairsClose2, e3.close, e3);
let s2 = m._getSurroundingPairs(e2);
if (s2)
for (const e3 of s2)
this.surroundingPairs[] = e3.close;
static shouldRecreate(e2) {
return e2.hasChanged(117) || e2.hasChanged(105) || e2.hasChanged(26) || e2.hasChanged(60) || e2.hasChanged(62) || e2.hasChanged(5) || e2.hasChanged(7) || e2.hasChanged(6) || e2.hasChanged(10) || e2.hasChanged(104) || e2.hasChanged(51) || e2.hasChanged(72);
get electricChars() {
if (!this._electricChars) {
this._electricChars = {};
let e2 = m._getElectricCharacters(this._languageIdentifier);
if (e2)
for (const t2 of e2)
this._electricChars[t2] = true;
return this._electricChars;
normalizeIndentation(e2) {
return l.b.normalizeIndentation(e2, this.indentSize, this.insertSpaces);
static _getElectricCharacters(e2) {
try {
return c.a.getElectricCharacters(;
} catch (e3) {
return Object(i.e)(e3), null;
static _getAutoClosingPairs(e2) {
try {
return c.a.getAutoClosingPairs(;
} catch (e3) {
return Object(i.e)(e3), null;
static _getShouldAutoClose(e2, t2) {
switch (t2) {
case "beforeWhitespace":
return u;
case "languageDefined":
return m._getLanguageDefinedShouldAutoClose(e2);
case "always":
return d;
case "never":
return h;
static _getLanguageDefinedShouldAutoClose(e2) {
try {
const t2 = c.a.getAutoCloseBeforeSet(;
return (e3) => -1 !== t2.indexOf(e3);
} catch (e3) {
return Object(i.e)(e3), h;
static _getSurroundingPairs(e2) {
try {
return c.a.getSurroundingPairs(;
} catch (e3) {
return Object(i.e)(e3), null;
class g {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.selectionStart = e2, this.selectionStartLeftoverVisibleColumns = t2, this.position = n2, this.leftoverVisibleColumns = i2, this.selection = g._computeSelection(this.selectionStart, this.position);
equals(e2) {
return this.selectionStartLeftoverVisibleColumns === e2.selectionStartLeftoverVisibleColumns && this.leftoverVisibleColumns === e2.leftoverVisibleColumns && this.position.equals(e2.position) && this.selectionStart.equalsRange(e2.selectionStart);
hasSelection() {
return !this.selection.isEmpty() || !this.selectionStart.isEmpty();
move(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return e2 ? new g(this.selectionStart, this.selectionStartLeftoverVisibleColumns, new r.a(t2, n2), i2) : new g(new s.a(t2, n2, t2, n2), i2, new r.a(t2, n2), i2);
static _computeSelection(e2, t2) {
let n2, i2, o2, r2;
return e2.isEmpty() ? (n2 = e2.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.startColumn, o2 = t2.lineNumber, r2 = t2.column) : t2.isBeforeOrEqual(e2.getStartPosition()) ? (n2 = e2.endLineNumber, i2 = e2.endColumn, o2 = t2.lineNumber, r2 = t2.column) : (n2 = e2.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.startColumn, o2 = t2.lineNumber, r2 = t2.column), new a.a(n2, i2, o2, r2);
class f {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.model = e2, this.coordinatesConverter = t2, this.cursorConfig = n2;
class b {
constructor(e2) {
this.modelState = e2, this.viewState = null;
class _ {
constructor(e2) {
this.modelState = null, this.viewState = e2;
class v {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.modelState = e2, this.viewState = t2;
static fromModelState(e2) {
return new b(e2);
static fromViewState(e2) {
return new _(e2);
static fromModelSelection(e2) {
const t2 = e2.selectionStartLineNumber, n2 = e2.selectionStartColumn, i2 = e2.positionLineNumber, o2 = e2.positionColumn, a2 = new g(new s.a(t2, n2, t2, n2), 0, new r.a(i2, o2), 0);
return v.fromModelState(a2);
static fromModelSelections(e2) {
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
t2[n2] = this.fromModelSelection(e2[n2]);
return t2;
equals(e2) {
return this.viewState.equals(e2.viewState) && this.modelState.equals(e2.modelState);
class w {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.type = e2, this.commands = t2, this.shouldPushStackElementBefore = n2.shouldPushStackElementBefore, this.shouldPushStackElementAfter = n2.shouldPushStackElementAfter;
class y {
static visibleColumnFromColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.length, r2 = t2 - 1 < i2 ? t2 - 1 : i2;
let s2 = 0, a2 = 0;
for (; a2 < r2; ) {
const t3 = o.A(e2, r2, a2);
if (a2 += t3 >= 65536 ? 2 : 1, 9 === t3)
s2 = y.nextRenderTabStop(s2, n2);
else {
let n3 = o.y(t3);
for (; a2 < r2; ) {
const t4 = o.A(e2, r2, a2), i3 = o.y(t4);
if (o.c(n3, i3))
a2 += t4 >= 65536 ? 2 : 1, n3 = i3;
o.E(t3) || o.C(t3) ? s2 += 2 : s2 += 1;
return s2;
static visibleColumnFromColumn2(e2, t2, n2) {
return this.visibleColumnFromColumn(t2.getLineContent(n2.lineNumber), n2.column, e2.tabSize);
static columnFromVisibleColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
if (t2 <= 0)
return 1;
const i2 = e2.length;
let r2 = 0, s2 = 1, a2 = 0;
for (; a2 < i2; ) {
const l2 = o.A(e2, i2, a2);
let c2;
if (a2 += l2 >= 65536 ? 2 : 1, 9 === l2)
c2 = y.nextRenderTabStop(r2, n2);
else {
let t3 = o.y(l2);
for (; a2 < i2; ) {
const n3 = o.A(e2, i2, a2), r3 = o.y(n3);
if (o.c(t3, r3))
a2 += n3 >= 65536 ? 2 : 1, t3 = r3;
c2 = o.E(l2) || o.C(l2) ? r2 + 2 : r2 + 1;
const d2 = a2 + 1;
if (c2 >= t2) {
return c2 - t2 < t2 - r2 ? d2 : s2;
r2 = c2, s2 = d2;
return i2 + 1;
static columnFromVisibleColumn2(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = this.columnFromVisibleColumn(t2.getLineContent(n2), i2, e2.tabSize), r2 = t2.getLineMinColumn(n2);
if (o2 < r2)
return r2;
let s2 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(n2);
return o2 > s2 ? s2 : o2;
static nextRenderTabStop(e2, t2) {
return e2 + t2 - e2 % t2;
static nextIndentTabStop(e2, t2) {
return e2 + t2 - e2 % t2;
static prevRenderTabStop(e2, t2) {
return e2 - 1 - (e2 - 1) % t2;
static prevIndentTabStop(e2, t2) {
return e2 - 1 - (e2 - 1) % t2;
function C(e2) {
return "'" === e2 || '"' === e2 || "`" === e2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return f;
var i = n(11), o = n(42);
const r = /^\w[\w\d+.-]*$/, s = /^\//, a = /^\/\//;
const l = "/", c = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/;
class d {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, c2 = false) {
"object" == typeof e2 ? (this.scheme = e2.scheme || "", this.authority = e2.authority || "", this.path = e2.path || "", this.query = e2.query || "", this.fragment = e2.fragment || "") : (this.scheme = function(e3, t3) {
return e3 || t3 ? e3 : "file";
}(e2, c2), this.authority = t2 || "", this.path = function(e3, t3) {
switch (e3) {
case "https":
case "http":
case "file":
t3 ? t3[0] !== l && (t3 = l + t3) : t3 = l;
return t3;
}(this.scheme, n2 || ""), this.query = i2 || "", this.fragment = o2 || "", function(e3, t3) {
if (!e3.scheme && t3)
throw new Error(`[UriError]: Scheme is missing: {scheme: "", authority: "${e3.authority}", path: "${e3.path}", query: "${e3.query}", fragment: "${e3.fragment}"}`);
if (e3.scheme && !r.test(e3.scheme))
throw new Error("[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters.");
if (e3.path) {
if (e3.authority) {
if (!s.test(e3.path))
throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character');
} else if (a.test(e3.path))
throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")');
}(this, c2));
static isUri(e2) {
return e2 instanceof d || !!e2 && ("string" == typeof e2.authority && "string" == typeof e2.fragment && "string" == typeof e2.path && "string" == typeof e2.query && "string" == typeof e2.scheme && "function" == typeof e2.fsPath && "function" == typeof e2.with && "function" == typeof e2.toString);
get fsPath() {
return f(this, false);
with(e2) {
if (!e2)
return this;
let {scheme: t2, authority: n2, path: i2, query: o2, fragment: r2} = e2;
return void 0 === t2 ? t2 = this.scheme : null === t2 && (t2 = ""), void 0 === n2 ? n2 = this.authority : null === n2 && (n2 = ""), void 0 === i2 ? i2 = this.path : null === i2 && (i2 = ""), void 0 === o2 ? o2 = this.query : null === o2 && (o2 = ""), void 0 === r2 ? r2 = this.fragment : null === r2 && (r2 = ""), t2 === this.scheme && n2 === this.authority && i2 === this.path && o2 === this.query && r2 === this.fragment ? this : new u(t2, n2, i2, o2, r2);
static parse(e2, t2 = false) {
const n2 = c.exec(e2);
return n2 ? new u(n2[2] || "", v(n2[4] || ""), v(n2[5] || ""), v(n2[7] || ""), v(n2[9] || ""), t2) : new u("", "", "", "", "");
static file(e2) {
let t2 = "";
if (i.i && (e2 = e2.replace(/\\/g, l)), e2[0] === l && e2[1] === l) {
const n2 = e2.indexOf(l, 2);
-1 === n2 ? (t2 = e2.substring(2), e2 = l) : (t2 = e2.substring(2, n2), e2 = e2.substring(n2) || l);
return new u("file", t2, e2, "", "");
static from(e2) {
return new u(e2.scheme, e2.authority, e2.path, e2.query, e2.fragment);
static joinPath(e2, ...t2) {
if (!e2.path)
throw new Error("[UriError]: cannot call joinPaths on URI without path");
let n2;
return n2 = i.i && "file" === e2.scheme ? d.file(o.i.join(f(e2, true), ...t2)).path : o.e.join(e2.path, ...t2), e2.with({path: n2});
toString(e2 = false) {
return b(this, e2);
toJSON() {
return this;
static revive(e2) {
if (e2) {
if (e2 instanceof d)
return e2;
const t2 = new u(e2);
return t2._formatted = e2.external, t2._fsPath = e2._sep === h ? e2.fsPath : null, t2;
return e2;
const h = i.i ? 1 : void 0;
class u extends d {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this._formatted = null, this._fsPath = null;
get fsPath() {
return this._fsPath || (this._fsPath = f(this, false)), this._fsPath;
toString(e2 = false) {
return e2 ? b(this, true) : (this._formatted || (this._formatted = b(this, false)), this._formatted);
toJSON() {
const e2 = {$mid: 1};
return this._fsPath && (e2.fsPath = this._fsPath, e2._sep = h), this._formatted && (e2.external = this._formatted), this.path && (e2.path = this.path), this.scheme && (e2.scheme = this.scheme), this.authority && (e2.authority = this.authority), this.query && (e2.query = this.query), this.fragment && (e2.fragment = this.fragment), e2;
const p = {58: "%3A", 47: "%2F", 63: "%3F", 35: "%23", 91: "%5B", 93: "%5D", 64: "%40", 33: "%21", 36: "%24", 38: "%26", 39: "%27", 40: "%28", 41: "%29", 42: "%2A", 43: "%2B", 44: "%2C", 59: "%3B", 61: "%3D", 32: "%20"};
function m(e2, t2) {
let n2 = void 0, i2 = -1;
for (let o2 = 0; o2 < e2.length; o2++) {
const r2 = e2.charCodeAt(o2);
if (r2 >= 97 && r2 <= 122 || r2 >= 65 && r2 <= 90 || r2 >= 48 && r2 <= 57 || 45 === r2 || 46 === r2 || 95 === r2 || 126 === r2 || t2 && 47 === r2)
-1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e2.substring(i2, o2)), i2 = -1), void 0 !== n2 && (n2 += e2.charAt(o2));
else {
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = e2.substr(0, o2));
const t3 = p[r2];
void 0 !== t3 ? (-1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e2.substring(i2, o2)), i2 = -1), n2 += t3) : -1 === i2 && (i2 = o2);
return -1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e2.substring(i2))), void 0 !== n2 ? n2 : e2;
function g(e2) {
let t2 = void 0;
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < e2.length; n2++) {
const i2 = e2.charCodeAt(n2);
35 === i2 || 63 === i2 ? (void 0 === t2 && (t2 = e2.substr(0, n2)), t2 += p[i2]) : void 0 !== t2 && (t2 += e2[n2]);
return void 0 !== t2 ? t2 : e2;
function f(e2, t2) {
let n2;
return n2 = e2.authority && e2.path.length > 1 && "file" === e2.scheme ? `//${e2.authority}${e2.path}` : 47 === e2.path.charCodeAt(0) && (e2.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 65 && e2.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 90 || e2.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 97 && e2.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 122) && 58 === e2.path.charCodeAt(2) ? t2 ? e2.path.substr(1) : e2.path[1].toLowerCase() + e2.path.substr(2) : e2.path, i.i && (n2 = n2.replace(/\//g, "\\")), n2;
function b(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2 ? g : m;
let i2 = "", {scheme: o2, authority: r2, path: s2, query: a2, fragment: c2} = e2;
if (o2 && (i2 += o2, i2 += ":"), (r2 || "file" === o2) && (i2 += l, i2 += l), r2) {
let e3 = r2.indexOf("@");
if (-1 !== e3) {
const t3 = r2.substr(0, e3);
r2 = r2.substr(e3 + 1), e3 = t3.indexOf(":"), -1 === e3 ? i2 += n2(t3, false) : (i2 += n2(t3.substr(0, e3), false), i2 += ":", i2 += n2(t3.substr(e3 + 1), false)), i2 += "@";
r2 = r2.toLowerCase(), e3 = r2.indexOf(":"), -1 === e3 ? i2 += n2(r2, false) : (i2 += n2(r2.substr(0, e3), false), i2 += r2.substr(e3));
if (s2) {
if (s2.length >= 3 && 47 === s2.charCodeAt(0) && 58 === s2.charCodeAt(2)) {
const e3 = s2.charCodeAt(1);
e3 >= 65 && e3 <= 90 && (s2 = `/${String.fromCharCode(e3 + 32)}:${s2.substr(3)}`);
} else if (s2.length >= 2 && 58 === s2.charCodeAt(1)) {
const e3 = s2.charCodeAt(0);
e3 >= 65 && e3 <= 90 && (s2 = `${String.fromCharCode(e3 + 32)}:${s2.substr(2)}`);
i2 += n2(s2, true);
return a2 && (i2 += "?", i2 += n2(a2, false)), c2 && (i2 += "#", i2 += t2 ? c2 : m(c2, false)), i2;
const _ = /(%[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z])+/g;
function v(e2) {
return e2.match(_) ? e2.replace(_, (e3) => function e4(t2) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(t2);
} catch (n2) {
return t2.length > 3 ? t2.substr(0, 3) + e4(t2.substr(3)) : t2;
}(e3)) : e2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "f", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return v;
var i = n(60), o = n(18), r = n(10), s = n(27), a = n(2), l = n(6), c = n(37), d = n(53), h = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, u = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
function p(e2) {
return void 0 !== e2.command;
class m {
constructor(e2) { = m._idPool++, this._debugName = e2;
m._idPool = 0, m.CommandPalette = new m("CommandPalette"), m.EditorContext = new m("EditorContext"), m.EditorContextPeek = new m("EditorContextPeek"), m.MenubarEditMenu = new m("MenubarEditMenu"), m.MenubarGoMenu = new m("MenubarGoMenu"), m.MenubarSelectionMenu = new m("MenubarSelectionMenu");
const g = Object(o.c)("menuService"), f = new class {
constructor() {
this._commands = new Map(), this._menuItems = new Map(), this._onDidChangeMenu = new l.a(), this.onDidChangeMenu = this._onDidChangeMenu.event, this._commandPaletteChangeEvent = {has: (e2) => e2 === m.CommandPalette};
addCommand(e2) {
return this.addCommands(c.a.single(e2));
addCommands(e2) {
for (const t2 of e2)
this._commands.set(, t2);
return, Object(a.h)(() => {
let t2 = false;
for (const n2 of e2)
t2 = this._commands.delete( || t2;
t2 &&;
getCommand(e2) {
return this._commands.get(e2);
getCommands() {
const e2 = new Map();
return this._commands.forEach((t2, n2) => e2.set(n2, t2)), e2;
appendMenuItem(e2, t2) {
return this.appendMenuItems(c.a.single({id: e2, item: t2}));
appendMenuItems(e2) {
const t2 = new Set(), n2 = new d.a();
for (const {id: i2, item: o2} of e2) {
let e3 = this._menuItems.get(i2);
e3 || (e3 = new d.a(), this._menuItems.set(i2, e3)), n2.push(e3.push(o2)), t2.add(i2);
return, Object(a.h)(() => {
if (n2.size > 0) {
for (let e3 of n2)
e3();, n2.clear();
getMenuItems(e2) {
let t2;
return t2 = this._menuItems.has(e2) ? [...this._menuItems.get(e2)] : [], e2 === m.CommandPalette && this._appendImplicitItems(t2), t2;
_appendImplicitItems(e2) {
const t2 = new Set();
for (const n2 of e2)
p(n2) && (t2.add(, n2.alt && t2.add(;
this._commands.forEach((n2, i2) => {
t2.has(i2) || e2.push({command: n2});
let b = class extends i.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, t2), this._commandService = n2;
run(...e2) {
return this._commandService.executeCommand(, ...e2);
b = h([u(2, s.b)], b);
class _ extends i.d {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, o2) {
super("submenuitem." +, "string" == typeof e2.title ? e2.title : e2.title.value, () => {
const r2 = [], s2 = t2.createMenu(e2.submenu, n2), a2 = s2.getActions(o2);
for (let e3 of a2) {
const [, t3] = e3;
t3.length > 0 && (r2.push(...t3), r2.push(new i.c()));
return r2.length && r2.pop(), r2;
}, "submenu"), this.item = e2;
let v = class e2 extends b {
constructor(t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
if ("string" == typeof t2.title ? super(, t2.title, r2) : super(, t2.title.value, r2), this._cssClass = void 0, this._enabled = !t2.precondition || o2.contextMatchesRules(t2.precondition), this._tooltip = t2.tooltip ? "string" == typeof t2.tooltip ? t2.tooltip : t2.tooltip.value : void 0, t2.toggled) {
const e3 = t2.toggled.condition ? t2.toggled : {condition: t2.toggled};
this._checked = o2.contextMatchesRules(e3.condition), this._checked && e3.tooltip && (this._tooltip = "string" == typeof e3.tooltip ? e3.tooltip : e3.tooltip.value);
this._options = i2 || {}, this.item = t2, this.alt = n2 ? new e2(n2, void 0, this._options, o2, r2) : void 0;
dispose() {
this.alt && this.alt.dispose(), super.dispose();
run(...e3) {
let t2 = [];
return this._options.arg && (t2 = [...t2, this._options.arg]), this._options.shouldForwardArgs && (t2 = [...t2, ...e3]),;
v = h([u(3, r.b), u(4, s.b)], v);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
var i = n(6);
const o = Object.freeze(function(e2, t2) {
const n2 = setTimeout(e2.bind(t2), 0);
return {dispose() {
var r;
!function(e2) {
e2.isCancellationToken = function(t2) {
return t2 === e2.None || t2 === e2.Cancelled || (t2 instanceof s || !(!t2 || "object" != typeof t2) && ("boolean" == typeof t2.isCancellationRequested && "function" == typeof t2.onCancellationRequested));
}, e2.None = Object.freeze({isCancellationRequested: false, onCancellationRequested: i.b.None}), e2.Cancelled = Object.freeze({isCancellationRequested: true, onCancellationRequested: o});
}(r || (r = {}));
class s {
constructor() {
this._isCancelled = false, this._emitter = null;
cancel() {
this._isCancelled || (this._isCancelled = true, this._emitter && ( 0), this.dispose()));
get isCancellationRequested() {
return this._isCancelled;
get onCancellationRequested() {
return this._isCancelled ? o : (this._emitter || (this._emitter = new i.a()), this._emitter.event);
dispose() {
this._emitter && (this._emitter.dispose(), this._emitter = null);
class a {
constructor(e2) {
this._token = void 0, this._parentListener = void 0, this._parentListener = e2 && e2.onCancellationRequested(this.cancel, this);
get token() {
return this._token || (this._token = new s()), this._token;
cancel() {
this._token ? this._token instanceof s && this._token.cancel() : this._token = r.Cancelled;
dispose(e2 = false) {
e2 && this.cancel(), this._parentListener && this._parentListener.dispose(), this._token ? this._token instanceof s && this._token.dispose() : this._token = r.None;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "h", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return k;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return E;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return N;
var i = n(0), o = n(11), r = n(73);
const s = 8;
class a {
constructor(e2) {
this._values = e2;
hasChanged(e2) {
return this._values[e2];
class l {
constructor() {
this._values = [];
_read(e2) {
return this._values[e2];
get(e2) {
return this._values[e2];
_write(e2, t2) {
this._values[e2] = t2;
class c {
constructor() {
this.stableMinimapLayoutInput = null, this.stableFitMaxMinimapScale = 0, this.stableFitRemainingWidth = 0;
class d {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) { = e2, = t2, this.defaultValue = n2, this.schema = i2;
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2;
class h {
constructor(e2, t2 = null) {
this.schema = void 0, = e2, = "_never_", this.defaultValue = void 0, this.deps = t2;
validate(e2) {
return this.defaultValue;
class u {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) { = e2, = t2, this.defaultValue = n2, this.schema = i2;
validate(e2) {
return void 0 === e2 ? this.defaultValue : e2;
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2;
class p extends u {
static boolean(e2, t2) {
return void 0 === e2 ? t2 : "false" !== e2 && Boolean(e2);
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
void 0 !== i2 && (i2.type = "boolean", i2.default = n2), super(e2, t2, n2, i2);
validate(e2) {
return p.boolean(e2, this.defaultValue);
class m extends u {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
void 0 !== r2 && (r2.type = "integer", r2.default = n2, r2.minimum = i2, r2.maximum = o2), super(e2, t2, n2, r2), this.minimum = i2, this.maximum = o2;
static clampedInt(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (void 0 === e2)
return t2;
let o2 = parseInt(e2, 10);
return isNaN(o2) ? t2 : (o2 = Math.max(n2, o2), o2 = Math.min(i2, o2), 0 | o2);
validate(e2) {
return m.clampedInt(e2, this.defaultValue, this.minimum, this.maximum);
class g extends u {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
void 0 !== o2 && (o2.type = "number", o2.default = n2), super(e2, t2, n2, o2), this.validationFn = i2;
static clamp(e2, t2, n2) {
return e2 < t2 ? t2 : e2 > n2 ? n2 : e2;
static float(e2, t2) {
if ("number" == typeof e2)
return e2;
if (void 0 === e2)
return t2;
const n2 = parseFloat(e2);
return isNaN(n2) ? t2 : n2;
validate(e2) {
return this.validationFn(g.float(e2, this.defaultValue));
class f extends u {
static string(e2, t2) {
return "string" != typeof e2 ? t2 : e2;
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
void 0 !== i2 && (i2.type = "string", i2.default = n2), super(e2, t2, n2, i2);
validate(e2) {
return f.string(e2, this.defaultValue);
class b extends u {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
void 0 !== o2 && (o2.type = "string", o2.enum = i2, o2.default = n2), super(e2, t2, n2, o2), this._allowedValues = i2;
static stringSet(e2, t2, n2) {
return "string" != typeof e2 || -1 === n2.indexOf(e2) ? t2 : e2;
validate(e2) {
return b.stringSet(e2, this.defaultValue, this._allowedValues);
class _ extends d {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
void 0 !== s2 && (s2.type = "string", s2.enum = o2, s2.default = i2), super(e2, t2, n2, s2), this._allowedValues = o2, this._convert = r2;
validate(e2) {
return "string" != typeof e2 || -1 === this._allowedValues.indexOf(e2) ? this.defaultValue : this._convert(e2);
var v;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Line = 1] = "Line", e2[e2.Block = 2] = "Block", e2[e2.Underline = 3] = "Underline", e2[e2.LineThin = 4] = "LineThin", e2[e2.BlockOutline = 5] = "BlockOutline", e2[e2.UnderlineThin = 6] = "UnderlineThin";
}(v || (v = {}));
class w extends d {
constructor() {
super(37, "fontLigatures", w.OFF, {anyOf: [{type: "boolean", description: i.a("fontLigatures", "Enables/Disables font ligatures.")}, {type: "string", description: i.a("fontFeatureSettings", "Explicit font-feature-settings.")}], description: i.a("fontLigaturesGeneral", "Configures font ligatures or font features."), default: false});
validate(e2) {
return void 0 === e2 ? this.defaultValue : "string" == typeof e2 ? "false" === e2 ? w.OFF : "true" === e2 ? w.ON : e2 : Boolean(e2) ? w.ON : w.OFF;
w.OFF = '"liga" off, "calt" off', w.ON = '"liga" on, "calt" on';
class y extends d {
constructor() {
super(39, "fontWeight", k.fontWeight, {anyOf: [{type: "number", minimum: y.MINIMUM_VALUE, maximum: y.MAXIMUM_VALUE, errorMessage: i.a("fontWeightErrorMessage", 'Only "normal" and "bold" keywords or numbers between 1 and 1000 are allowed.')}, {type: "string", pattern: "^(normal|bold|1000|[1-9][0-9]{0,2})$"}, {enum: y.SUGGESTION_VALUES}], default: k.fontWeight, description: i.a("fontWeight", 'Controls the font weight. Accepts "normal" and "bold" keywords or numbers between 1 and 1000.')});
validate(e2) {
return "normal" === e2 || "bold" === e2 ? e2 : String(m.clampedInt(e2, k.fontWeight, y.MINIMUM_VALUE, y.MAXIMUM_VALUE));
y.SUGGESTION_VALUES = ["normal", "bold", "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900"], y.MINIMUM_VALUE = 1, y.MAXIMUM_VALUE = 1e3;
class C extends h {
constructor() {
super(117, [42, 50, 31, 56, 84, 52, 53, 86, 106, 109, 110, 2]);
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
return C.computeLayout(t2, {memory: e2.memory, outerWidth: e2.outerWidth, outerHeight: e2.outerHeight, isDominatedByLongLines: e2.isDominatedByLongLines, lineHeight: e2.fontInfo.lineHeight, viewLineCount: e2.viewLineCount, lineNumbersDigitCount: e2.lineNumbersDigitCount, typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth: e2.fontInfo.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, maxDigitWidth: e2.fontInfo.maxDigitWidth, pixelRatio: e2.pixelRatio});
static computeContainedMinimapLineCount(e2) {
const t2 = e2.height / e2.lineHeight, n2 = e2.scrollBeyondLastLine ? t2 - 1 : 0, i2 = (e2.viewLineCount + n2) / (e2.pixelRatio * e2.height);
return {typicalViewportLineCount: t2, extraLinesBeyondLastLine: n2, desiredRatio: i2, minimapLineCount: Math.floor(e2.viewLineCount / i2)};
static _computeMinimapLayout(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.outerWidth, i2 = e2.outerHeight, o2 = e2.pixelRatio;
if (!e2.minimap.enabled)
return {renderMinimap: 0, minimapLeft: 0, minimapWidth: 0, minimapHeightIsEditorHeight: false, minimapIsSampling: false, minimapScale: 1, minimapLineHeight: 1, minimapCanvasInnerWidth: 0, minimapCanvasInnerHeight: Math.floor(o2 * i2), minimapCanvasOuterWidth: 0, minimapCanvasOuterHeight: i2};
const r2 = t2.stableMinimapLayoutInput, a2 = r2 && e2.outerHeight === r2.outerHeight && e2.lineHeight === r2.lineHeight && e2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth === r2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth && e2.pixelRatio === r2.pixelRatio && e2.scrollBeyondLastLine === r2.scrollBeyondLastLine && e2.minimap.enabled === r2.minimap.enabled && e2.minimap.side === r2.minimap.side && e2.minimap.size === r2.minimap.size && e2.minimap.showSlider === r2.minimap.showSlider && e2.minimap.renderCharacters === r2.minimap.renderCharacters && e2.minimap.maxColumn === r2.minimap.maxColumn && e2.minimap.scale === r2.minimap.scale && e2.verticalScrollbarWidth === r2.verticalScrollbarWidth && e2.isViewportWrapping === r2.isViewportWrapping, l2 = e2.lineHeight, c2 = e2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, d2 = e2.scrollBeyondLastLine, h2 = e2.minimap.renderCharacters;
let u2 = o2 >= 2 ? Math.round(2 * e2.minimap.scale) : e2.minimap.scale;
const p2 = e2.minimap.maxColumn, m2 = e2.minimap.size, g2 = e2.minimap.side, f2 = e2.verticalScrollbarWidth, b2 = e2.viewLineCount, _2 = e2.remainingWidth, v2 = e2.isViewportWrapping, w2 = h2 ? 2 : 3;
let y2 = Math.floor(o2 * i2);
const x2 = y2 / o2;
let S2 = false, k2 = false, E2 = w2 * u2, T2 = u2 / o2, L2 = 1;
if ("fill" === m2 || "fit" === m2) {
const {typicalViewportLineCount: n3, extraLinesBeyondLastLine: r3, desiredRatio: s2, minimapLineCount: c3} = C.computeContainedMinimapLineCount({viewLineCount: b2, scrollBeyondLastLine: d2, height: i2, lineHeight: l2, pixelRatio: o2});
if (b2 / c3 > 1)
S2 = true, k2 = true, u2 = 1, E2 = 1, T2 = u2 / o2;
else {
let i3 = false, c4 = u2 + 1;
if ("fit" === m2) {
const n4 = Math.ceil((b2 + r3) * E2);
v2 && a2 && _2 <= t2.stableFitRemainingWidth ? (i3 = true, c4 = t2.stableFitMaxMinimapScale) : (i3 = n4 > y2, v2 && i3 ? (t2.stableMinimapLayoutInput = e2, t2.stableFitRemainingWidth = _2) : (t2.stableMinimapLayoutInput = null, t2.stableFitRemainingWidth = 0));
if ("fill" === m2 || i3) {
S2 = true;
const e3 = u2;
E2 = Math.min(l2 * o2, Math.max(1, Math.floor(1 / s2))), u2 = Math.min(c4, Math.max(1, Math.floor(E2 / w2))), u2 > e3 && (L2 = Math.min(2, u2 / e3)), T2 = u2 / o2 / L2, y2 = Math.ceil(Math.max(n3, b2 + r3) * E2), v2 && i3 && (t2.stableFitMaxMinimapScale = u2);
const N2 = Math.floor(p2 * T2), I = Math.min(N2, Math.max(0, Math.floor((_2 - f2 - 2) * T2 / (c2 + T2))) + s);
let O = Math.floor(o2 * I);
const D = O / o2;
O = Math.floor(O * L2);
return {renderMinimap: h2 ? 1 : 2, minimapLeft: "left" === g2 ? 0 : n2 - I - f2, minimapWidth: I, minimapHeightIsEditorHeight: S2, minimapIsSampling: k2, minimapScale: u2, minimapLineHeight: E2, minimapCanvasInnerWidth: O, minimapCanvasInnerHeight: y2, minimapCanvasOuterWidth: D, minimapCanvasOuterHeight: x2};
static computeLayout(e2, t2) {
const n2 = 0 | t2.outerWidth, i2 = 0 | t2.outerHeight, o2 = 0 | t2.lineHeight, r2 = 0 | t2.lineNumbersDigitCount, s2 = t2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, a2 = t2.maxDigitWidth, l2 = t2.pixelRatio, d2 = t2.viewLineCount, h2 = e2.get(106), u2 = e2.get(109), p2 = e2.get(110), g2 = e2.get(2), f2 = t2.isDominatedByLongLines, b2 = e2.get(42), _2 = 0 !== e2.get(52).renderType, v2 = e2.get(53), w2 = e2.get(86), y2 = e2.get(56), x2 = e2.get(84), S2 = x2.verticalScrollbarSize, k2 = x2.verticalHasArrows, E2 = x2.arrowSize, T2 = x2.horizontalScrollbarSize, L2 = e2.get(50), N2 = e2.get(31);
let I;
if ("string" == typeof L2 && /^\d+(\.\d+)?ch$/.test(L2)) {
const e3 = parseFloat(L2.substr(0, L2.length - 2));
I = m.clampedInt(e3 * s2, 0, 0, 1e3);
} else
I = m.clampedInt(L2, 0, 0, 1e3);
N2 && (I += 16);
let O = 0;
if (_2) {
const e3 = Math.max(r2, v2);
O = Math.round(e3 * a2);
let D = 0;
b2 && (D = o2);
let A = 0, R = A + D, M = R + O, P = M + I;
const F = n2 - D - O - I;
let W = false, z = false, B = -1;
2 !== g2 && (p2 && f2 ? (W = true, z = true) : "on" === h2 || "bounded" === h2 ? z = true : "wordWrapColumn" === h2 && (B = u2));
const j = C._computeMinimapLayout({outerWidth: n2, outerHeight: i2, lineHeight: o2, typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth: s2, pixelRatio: l2, scrollBeyondLastLine: w2, minimap: y2, verticalScrollbarWidth: S2, viewLineCount: d2, remainingWidth: F, isViewportWrapping: z}, t2.memory || new c());
0 !== j.renderMinimap && 0 === j.minimapLeft && (A += j.minimapWidth, R += j.minimapWidth, M += j.minimapWidth, P += j.minimapWidth);
const V = F - j.minimapWidth, U = Math.max(1, Math.floor((V - S2 - 2) / s2)), H = k2 ? E2 : 0;
return z && (B = Math.max(1, U), "bounded" === h2 && (B = Math.min(B, u2))), {width: n2, height: i2, glyphMarginLeft: A, glyphMarginWidth: D, lineNumbersLeft: R, lineNumbersWidth: O, decorationsLeft: M, decorationsWidth: I, contentLeft: P, contentWidth: V, minimap: j, viewportColumn: U, isWordWrapMinified: W, isViewportWrapping: z, wrappingColumn: B, verticalScrollbarWidth: S2, horizontalScrollbarHeight: T2, overviewRuler: {top: H, width: S2, height: i2 - 2 * H, right: 0}};
function x(e2) {
const t2 = e2.get(79);
return "editable" === t2 ? e2.get(72) : "on" !== t2;
function S(e2, t2) {
if ("string" != typeof e2)
return t2;
switch (e2) {
case "hidden":
return 2;
case "visible":
return 3;
return 1;
const k = {fontFamily: o.f ? "Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace" : o.d ? "'Droid Sans Mono', 'monospace', monospace, 'Droid Sans Fallback'" : "Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace", fontWeight: "normal", fontSize: o.f ? 12 : 14, lineHeight: 0, letterSpacing: 0}, E = {tabSize: 4, indentSize: 4, insertSpaces: true, detectIndentation: true, trimAutoWhitespace: true, largeFileOptimizations: true}, T = [];
function L(e2) {
return T[] = e2, e2;
const N = {acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter: L(new p(0, "acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter", true, {markdownDescription: i.a("acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter", "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on commit characters. For example, in JavaScript, the semi-colon (`;`) can be a commit character that accepts a suggestion and types that character.")})), acceptSuggestionOnEnter: L(new b(1, "acceptSuggestionOnEnter", "on", ["on", "smart", "off"], {markdownEnumDescriptions: ["", i.a("acceptSuggestionOnEnterSmart", "Only accept a suggestion with `Enter` when it makes a textual change."), ""], markdownDescription: i.a("acceptSuggestionOnEnter", "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on `Enter`, in addition to `Tab`. Helps to avoid ambiguity between inserting new lines or accepting suggestions.")})), accessibilitySupport: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
super(2, "accessibilitySupport", 0, {type: "string", enum: ["auto", "on", "off"], enumDescriptions: [i.a("", "The editor will use platform APIs to detect when a Screen Reader is attached."), i.a("accessibilitySupport.on", "The editor will be permanently optimized for usage with a Screen Reader."), i.a("", "The editor will never be optimized for usage with a Screen Reader.")], default: "auto", description: i.a("accessibilitySupport", "Controls whether the editor should run in a mode where it is optimized for screen readers.")});
validate(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case "auto":
return 0;
case "off":
return 1;
case "on":
return 2;
return this.defaultValue;
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
return 0 === n2 ? e2.accessibilitySupport : n2;
}()), accessibilityPageSize: L(new m(3, "accessibilityPageSize", 10, 1, 1073741824, {description: i.a("accessibilityPageSize", "Controls the number of lines in the editor that can be read out by a screen reader. Warning: this has a performance implication for numbers larger than the default.")})), ariaLabel: L(new f(4, "ariaLabel", i.a("editorViewAccessibleLabel", "Editor content"))), autoClosingBrackets: L(new b(5, "autoClosingBrackets", "languageDefined", ["always", "languageDefined", "beforeWhitespace", "never"], {enumDescriptions: ["", i.a("editor.autoClosingBrackets.languageDefined", "Use language configurations to determine when to autoclose brackets."), i.a("editor.autoClosingBrackets.beforeWhitespace", "Autoclose brackets only when the cursor is to the left of whitespace."), ""], description: i.a("autoClosingBrackets", "Controls whether the editor should automatically close brackets after the user adds an opening bracket.")})), autoClosingOvertype: L(new b(6, "autoClosingOvertype", "auto", ["always", "auto", "never"], {enumDescriptions: ["", i.a("", "Type over closing quotes or brackets only if they were automatically inserted."), ""], description: i.a("autoClosingOvertype", "Controls whether the editor should type over closing quotes or brackets.")})), autoClosingQuotes: L(new b(7, "autoClosingQuotes", "languageDefined", ["always", "languageDefined", "beforeWhitespace", "never"], {enumDescriptions: ["", i.a("editor.autoClosingQuotes.languageDefined", "Use language configurations to determine when to autoclose quotes."), i.a("editor.autoClosingQuotes.beforeWhitespace", "Autoclose quotes only when the cursor is to the left of whitespace."), ""], description: i.a("autoClosingQuotes", "Controls whether the editor should automatically close quotes after the user adds an opening quote.")})), autoIndent: L(new _(8, "autoIndent", 4, "full", ["none", "keep", "brackets", "advanced", "full"], function(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case "none":
return 0;
case "keep":
return 1;
case "brackets":
return 2;
case "advanced":
return 3;
case "full":
return 4;
}, {enumDescriptions: [i.a("editor.autoIndent.none", "The editor will not insert indentation automatically."), i.a("editor.autoIndent.keep", "The editor will keep the current line's indentation."), i.a("editor.autoIndent.brackets", "The editor will keep the current line's indentation and honor language defined brackets."), i.a("editor.autoIndent.advanced", "The editor will keep the current line's indentation, honor language defined brackets and invoke special onEnterRules defined by languages."), i.a("editor.autoIndent.full", "The editor will keep the current line's indentation, honor language defined brackets, invoke special onEnterRules defined by languages, and honor indentationRules defined by languages.")], description: i.a("autoIndent", "Controls whether the editor should automatically adjust the indentation when users type, paste, move or indent lines.")})), automaticLayout: L(new p(9, "automaticLayout", false)), autoSurround: L(new b(10, "autoSurround", "languageDefined", ["languageDefined", "quotes", "brackets", "never"], {enumDescriptions: [i.a("editor.autoSurround.languageDefined", "Use language configurations to determine when to automatically surround selections."), i.a("editor.autoSurround.quotes", "Surround with quotes but not brackets."), i.a("editor.autoSurround.brackets", "Surround with brackets but not quotes."), ""], description: i.a("autoSurround", "Controls whether the editor should automatically surround selections.")})), codeLens: L(new p(11, "codeLens", true, {description: i.a("codeLens", "Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens.")})), colorDecorators: L(new p(12, "colorDecorators", true, {description: i.a("colorDecorators", "Controls whether the editor should render the inline color decorators and color picker.")})), columnSelection: L(new p(13, "columnSelection", false, {description: i.a("columnSelection", "Enable that the selection with the mouse and keys is doing column selection.")})), comments: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
const e2 = {insertSpace: true, ignoreEmptyLines: true};
super(14, "comments", e2, {"editor.comments.insertSpace": {type: "boolean", default: e2.insertSpace, description: i.a("comments.insertSpace", "Controls whether a space character is inserted when commenting.")}, "editor.comments.ignoreEmptyLines": {type: "boolean", default: e2.ignoreEmptyLines, description: i.a("comments.ignoreEmptyLines", "Controls if empty lines should be ignored with toggle, add or remove actions for line comments.")}});
validate(e2) {
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return this.defaultValue;
const t2 = e2;
return {insertSpace: p.boolean(t2.insertSpace, this.defaultValue.insertSpace), ignoreEmptyLines: p.boolean(t2.ignoreEmptyLines, this.defaultValue.ignoreEmptyLines)};
}()), contextmenu: L(new p(15, "contextmenu", true)), copyWithSyntaxHighlighting: L(new p(16, "copyWithSyntaxHighlighting", true, {description: i.a("copyWithSyntaxHighlighting", "Controls whether syntax highlighting should be copied into the clipboard.")})), cursorBlinking: L(new _(17, "cursorBlinking", 1, "blink", ["blink", "smooth", "phase", "expand", "solid"], function(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case "blink":
return 1;
case "smooth":
return 2;
case "phase":
return 3;
case "expand":
return 4;
case "solid":
return 5;
}, {description: i.a("cursorBlinking", "Control the cursor animation style.")})), cursorSmoothCaretAnimation: L(new p(18, "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation", false, {description: i.a("cursorSmoothCaretAnimation", "Controls whether the smooth caret animation should be enabled.")})), cursorStyle: L(new _(19, "cursorStyle", v.Line, "line", ["line", "block", "underline", "line-thin", "block-outline", "underline-thin"], function(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case "line":
return v.Line;
case "block":
return v.Block;
case "underline":
return v.Underline;
case "line-thin":
return v.LineThin;
case "block-outline":
return v.BlockOutline;
case "underline-thin":
return v.UnderlineThin;
}, {description: i.a("cursorStyle", "Controls the cursor style.")})), cursorSurroundingLines: L(new m(20, "cursorSurroundingLines", 0, 0, 1073741824, {description: i.a("cursorSurroundingLines", "Controls the minimal number of visible leading and trailing lines surrounding the cursor. Known as 'scrollOff' or `scrollOffset` in some other editors.")})), cursorSurroundingLinesStyle: L(new b(21, "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle", "default", ["default", "all"], {enumDescriptions: [i.a("cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.default", "`cursorSurroundingLines` is enforced only when triggered via the keyboard or API."), i.a("cursorSurroundingLinesStyle.all", "`cursorSurroundingLines` is enforced always.")], description: i.a("cursorSurroundingLinesStyle", "Controls when `cursorSurroundingLines` should be enforced.")})), cursorWidth: L(new m(22, "cursorWidth", 0, 0, 1073741824, {markdownDescription: i.a("cursorWidth", "Controls the width of the cursor when `#editor.cursorStyle#` is set to `line`.")})), disableLayerHinting: L(new p(23, "disableLayerHinting", false)), disableMonospaceOptimizations: L(new p(24, "disableMonospaceOptimizations", false)), dragAndDrop: L(new p(25, "dragAndDrop", true, {description: i.a("dragAndDrop", "Controls whether the editor should allow moving selections via drag and drop.")})), emptySelectionClipboard: L(new class extends p {
constructor() {
super(26, "emptySelectionClipboard", true, {description: i.a("emptySelectionClipboard", "Controls whether copying without a selection copies the current line.")});
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 && e2.emptySelectionClipboard;
}()), extraEditorClassName: L(new f(27, "extraEditorClassName", "")), fastScrollSensitivity: L(new g(28, "fastScrollSensitivity", 5, (e2) => e2 <= 0 ? 5 : e2, {markdownDescription: i.a("fastScrollSensitivity", "Scrolling speed multiplier when pressing `Alt`.")})), find: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
const e2 = {cursorMoveOnType: true, seedSearchStringFromSelection: true, autoFindInSelection: "never", globalFindClipboard: false, addExtraSpaceOnTop: true, loop: true};
super(29, "find", e2, {"editor.find.cursorMoveOnType": {type: "boolean", default: e2.cursorMoveOnType, description: i.a("find.cursorMoveOnType", "Controls whether the cursor should jump to find matches while typing.")}, "editor.find.seedSearchStringFromSelection": {type: "boolean", default: e2.seedSearchStringFromSelection, description: i.a("find.seedSearchStringFromSelection", "Controls whether the search string in the Find Widget is seeded from the editor selection.")}, "editor.find.autoFindInSelection": {type: "string", enum: ["never", "always", "multiline"], default: e2.autoFindInSelection, enumDescriptions: [i.a("editor.find.autoFindInSelection.never", "Never turn on Find in selection automatically (default)"), i.a("editor.find.autoFindInSelection.always", "Always turn on Find in selection automatically"), i.a("editor.find.autoFindInSelection.multiline", "Turn on Find in selection automatically when multiple lines of content are selected.")], description: i.a("find.autoFindInSelection", "Controls the condition for turning on find in selection automatically.")}, "editor.find.globalFindClipboard": {type: "boolean", default: e2.globalFindClipboard, description: i.a("find.globalFindClipboard", "Controls whether the Find Widget should read or modify the shared find clipboard on macOS."), included: o.f}, "editor.find.addExtraSpaceOnTop": {type: "boolean", default: e2.addExtraSpaceOnTop, description: i.a("find.addExtraSpaceOnTop", "Controls whether the Find Widget should add extra lines on top of the editor. When true, you can scroll beyond the first line when the Find Widget is visible.")}, "editor.find.loop": {type: "boolean", default: e2.loop, description: i.a("find.loop", "Controls whether the search automatically restarts from the beginning (or the end) when no further matches can be found.")}});
validate(e2) {
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return this.defaultValue;
const t2 = e2;
return {cursorMoveOnType: p.boolean(t2.cursorMoveOnType, this.defaultValue.cursorMoveOnType), seedSearchStringFromSelection: p.boolean(t2.seedSearchStringFromSelection, this.defaultValue.seedSearchStringFromSelection), autoFindInSelection: "boolean" == typeof e2.autoFindInSelection ? e2.autoFindInSelection ? "always" : "never" : b.stringSet(t2.autoFindInSelection, this.defaultValue.autoFindInSelection, ["never", "always", "multiline"]), globalFindClipboard: p.boolean(t2.globalFindClipboard, this.defaultValue.globalFindClipboard), addExtraSpaceOnTop: p.boolean(t2.addExtraSpaceOnTop, this.defaultValue.addExtraSpaceOnTop), loop: p.boolean(t2.loop, this.defaultValue.loop)};
}()), fixedOverflowWidgets: L(new p(30, "fixedOverflowWidgets", false)), folding: L(new p(31, "folding", true, {description: i.a("folding", "Controls whether the editor has code folding enabled.")})), foldingStrategy: L(new b(32, "foldingStrategy", "auto", ["auto", "indentation"], {enumDescriptions: [i.a("", "Use a language-specific folding strategy if available, else the indentation-based one."), i.a("foldingStrategy.indentation", "Use the indentation-based folding strategy.")], description: i.a("foldingStrategy", "Controls the strategy for computing folding ranges.")})), foldingHighlight: L(new p(33, "foldingHighlight", true, {description: i.a("foldingHighlight", "Controls whether the editor should highlight folded ranges.")})), unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine: L(new p(34, "unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine", false, {description: i.a("unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine", "Controls whether clicking on the empty content after a folded line will unfold the line.")})), fontFamily: L(new f(35, "fontFamily", k.fontFamily, {description: i.a("fontFamily", "Controls the font family.")})), fontInfo: L(new class extends h {
constructor() {
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
return e2.fontInfo;
}()), fontLigatures2: L(new w()), fontSize: L(new class extends u {
constructor() {
super(38, "fontSize", k.fontSize, {type: "number", minimum: 6, maximum: 100, default: k.fontSize, description: i.a("fontSize", "Controls the font size in pixels.")});
validate(e2) {
let t2 = g.float(e2, this.defaultValue);
return 0 === t2 ? k.fontSize : g.clamp(t2, 6, 100);
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
return e2.fontInfo.fontSize;
}()), fontWeight: L(new y()), formatOnPaste: L(new p(40, "formatOnPaste", false, {description: i.a("formatOnPaste", "Controls whether the editor should automatically format the pasted content. A formatter must be available and the formatter should be able to format a range in a document.")})), formatOnType: L(new p(41, "formatOnType", false, {description: i.a("formatOnType", "Controls whether the editor should automatically format the line after typing.")})), glyphMargin: L(new p(42, "glyphMargin", true, {description: i.a("glyphMargin", "Controls whether the editor should render the vertical glyph margin. Glyph margin is mostly used for debugging.")})), gotoLocation: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
const e2 = {multiple: "peek", multipleDefinitions: "peek", multipleTypeDefinitions: "peek", multipleDeclarations: "peek", multipleImplementations: "peek", multipleReferences: "peek", alternativeDefinitionCommand: "editor.action.goToReferences", alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand: "editor.action.goToReferences", alternativeDeclarationCommand: "editor.action.goToReferences", alternativeImplementationCommand: "", alternativeReferenceCommand: ""}, t2 = {type: "string", enum: ["peek", "gotoAndPeek", "goto"], default: e2.multiple, enumDescriptions: [i.a("editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek", "Show peek view of the results (default)"), i.a("editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek", "Go to the primary result and show a peek view"), i.a("editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto", "Go to the primary result and enable peek-less navigation to others")]};
super(43, "gotoLocation", e2, {"editor.gotoLocation.multiple": {deprecationMessage: i.a("editor.gotoLocation.multiple.deprecated", "This setting is deprecated, please use separate settings like 'editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions' or 'editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleImplementations' instead.")}, "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions": Object.assign({description: i.a("editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions", "Controls the behavior the 'Go to Definition'-command when multiple target locations exist.")}, t2), "editor.gotoLocation.multipleTypeDefinitions": Object.assign({description: i.a("editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleTypeDefinitions", "Controls the behavior the 'Go to Type Definition'-command when multiple target locations exist.")}, t2), "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDeclarations": Object.assign({description: i.a("editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleDeclarations", "Controls the behavior the 'Go to Declaration'-command when multiple target locations exist.")}, t2), "editor.gotoLocation.multipleImplementations": Object.assign({description: i.a("editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleImplemenattions", "Controls the behavior the 'Go to Implementations'-command when multiple target locations exist.")}, t2), "editor.gotoLocation.multipleReferences": Object.assign({description: i.a("editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleReferences", "Controls the behavior the 'Go to References'-command when multiple target locations exist.")}, t2), "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeDefinitionCommand": {type: "string", default: e2.alternativeDefinitionCommand, description: i.a("alternativeDefinitionCommand", "Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Definition' is the current location.")}, "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand": {type: "string", default: e2.alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand, description: i.a("alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand", "Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Type Definition' is the current location.")}, "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeDeclarationCommand": {type: "string", default: e2.alternativeDeclarationCommand, description: i.a("alternativeDeclarationCommand", "Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Declaration' is the current location.")}, "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeImplementationCommand": {type: "string", default: e2.alternativeImplementationCommand, description: i.a("alternativeImplementationCommand", "Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Implementation' is the current location.")}, "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeReferenceCommand": {type: "string", default: e2.alternativeReferenceCommand, description: i.a("alternativeReferenceCommand", "Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Reference' is the current location.")}});
validate(e2) {
var t2, n2, i2, o2, r2;
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return this.defaultValue;
const s2 = e2;
return {multiple: b.stringSet(s2.multiple, this.defaultValue.multiple, ["peek", "gotoAndPeek", "goto"]), multipleDefinitions: null !== (t2 = s2.multipleDefinitions) && void 0 !== t2 ? t2 : b.stringSet(s2.multipleDefinitions, "peek", ["peek", "gotoAndPeek", "goto"]), multipleTypeDefinitions: null !== (n2 = s2.multipleTypeDefinitions) && void 0 !== n2 ? n2 : b.stringSet(s2.multipleTypeDefinitions, "peek", ["peek", "gotoAndPeek", "goto"]), multipleDeclarations: null !== (i2 = s2.multipleDeclarations) && void 0 !== i2 ? i2 : b.stringSet(s2.multipleDeclarations, "peek", ["peek", "gotoAndPeek", "goto"]), multipleImplementations: null !== (o2 = s2.multipleImplementations) && void 0 !== o2 ? o2 : b.stringSet(s2.multipleImplementations, "peek", ["peek", "gotoAndPeek", "goto"]), multipleReferences: null !== (r2 = s2.multipleReferences) && void 0 !== r2 ? r2 : b.stringSet(s2.multipleReferences, "peek", ["peek", "gotoAndPeek", "goto"]), alternativeDefinitionCommand: f.string(s2.alternativeDefinitionCommand, this.defaultValue.alternativeDefinitionCommand), alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand: f.string(s2.alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand, this.defaultValue.alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand), alternativeDeclarationCommand: f.string(s2.alternativeDeclarationCommand, this.defaultValue.alternativeDeclarationCommand), alternativeImplementationCommand: f.string(s2.alternativeImplementationCommand, this.defaultValue.alternativeImplementationCommand), alternativeReferenceCommand: f.string(s2.alternativeReferenceCommand, this.defaultValue.alternativeReferenceCommand)};
}()), hideCursorInOverviewRuler: L(new p(44, "hideCursorInOverviewRuler", false, {description: i.a("hideCursorInOverviewRuler", "Controls whether the cursor should be hidden in the overview ruler.")})), highlightActiveIndentGuide: L(new p(45, "highlightActiveIndentGuide", true, {description: i.a("highlightActiveIndentGuide", "Controls whether the editor should highlight the active indent guide.")})), hover: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
const e2 = {enabled: true, delay: 300, sticky: true};
super(46, "hover", e2, {"editor.hover.enabled": {type: "boolean", default: e2.enabled, description: i.a("hover.enabled", "Controls whether the hover is shown.")}, "editor.hover.delay": {type: "number", default: e2.delay, description: i.a("hover.delay", "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which the hover is shown.")}, "editor.hover.sticky": {type: "boolean", default: e2.sticky, description: i.a("hover.sticky", "Controls whether the hover should remain visible when mouse is moved over it.")}});
validate(e2) {
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return this.defaultValue;
const t2 = e2;
return {enabled: p.boolean(t2.enabled, this.defaultValue.enabled), delay: m.clampedInt(t2.delay, this.defaultValue.delay, 0, 1e4), sticky: p.boolean(t2.sticky, this.defaultValue.sticky)};
}()), inDiffEditor: L(new p(47, "inDiffEditor", false)), letterSpacing: L(new g(48, "letterSpacing", k.letterSpacing, (e2) => g.clamp(e2, -5, 20), {description: i.a("letterSpacing", "Controls the letter spacing in pixels.")})), lightbulb: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
const e2 = {enabled: true};
super(49, "lightbulb", e2, {"editor.lightbulb.enabled": {type: "boolean", default: e2.enabled, description: i.a("codeActions", "Enables the code action lightbulb in the editor.")}});
validate(e2) {
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return this.defaultValue;
const t2 = e2;
return {enabled: p.boolean(t2.enabled, this.defaultValue.enabled)};
}()), lineDecorationsWidth: L(new u(50, "lineDecorationsWidth", 10)), lineHeight: L(new class extends m {
constructor() {
super(51, "lineHeight", k.lineHeight, 0, 150, {description: i.a("lineHeight", "Controls the line height. Use 0 to compute the line height from the font size.")});
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
return e2.fontInfo.lineHeight;
}()), lineNumbers: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
super(52, "lineNumbers", {renderType: 1, renderFn: null}, {type: "string", enum: ["off", "on", "relative", "interval"], enumDescriptions: [i.a("", "Line numbers are not rendered."), i.a("lineNumbers.on", "Line numbers are rendered as absolute number."), i.a("lineNumbers.relative", "Line numbers are rendered as distance in lines to cursor position."), i.a("lineNumbers.interval", "Line numbers are rendered every 10 lines.")], default: "on", description: i.a("lineNumbers", "Controls the display of line numbers.")});
validate(e2) {
let t2 = this.defaultValue.renderType, n2 = this.defaultValue.renderFn;
return void 0 !== e2 && ("function" == typeof e2 ? (t2 = 4, n2 = e2) : t2 = "interval" === e2 ? 3 : "relative" === e2 ? 2 : "on" === e2 ? 1 : 0), {renderType: t2, renderFn: n2};
}()), lineNumbersMinChars: L(new m(53, "lineNumbersMinChars", 5, 1, 300)), links: L(new p(54, "links", true, {description: i.a("links", "Controls whether the editor should detect links and make them clickable.")})), matchBrackets: L(new b(55, "matchBrackets", "always", ["always", "near", "never"], {description: i.a("matchBrackets", "Highlight matching brackets.")})), minimap: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
const e2 = {enabled: true, size: "proportional", side: "right", showSlider: "mouseover", renderCharacters: true, maxColumn: 120, scale: 1};
super(56, "minimap", e2, {"editor.minimap.enabled": {type: "boolean", default: e2.enabled, description: i.a("minimap.enabled", "Controls whether the minimap is shown.")}, "editor.minimap.size": {type: "string", enum: ["proportional", "fill", "fit"], enumDescriptions: [i.a("minimap.size.proportional", "The minimap has the same size as the editor contents (and might scroll)."), i.a("minimap.size.fill", "The minimap will stretch or shrink as necessary to fill the height of the editor (no scrolling)."), i.a("", "The minimap will shrink as necessary to never be larger than the editor (no scrolling).")], default: e2.size, description: i.a("minimap.size", "Controls the size of the minimap.")}, "editor.minimap.side": {type: "string", enum: ["left", "right"], default: e2.side, description: i.a("minimap.side", "Controls the side where to render the minimap.")}, "editor.minimap.showSlider": {type: "string", enum: ["always", "mouseover"], default: e2.showSlider, description: i.a("minimap.showSlider", "Controls when the minimap slider is shown.")}, "editor.minimap.scale": {type: "number", default: e2.scale, minimum: 1, maximum: 3, enum: [1, 2, 3], description: i.a("minimap.scale", "Scale of content drawn in the minimap: 1, 2 or 3.")}, "editor.minimap.renderCharacters": {type: "boolean", default: e2.renderCharacters, description: i.a("minimap.renderCharacters", "Render the actual characters on a line as opposed to color blocks.")}, "editor.minimap.maxColumn": {type: "number", default: e2.maxColumn, description: i.a("minimap.maxColumn", "Limit the width of the minimap to render at most a certain number of columns.")}});
validate(e2) {
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return this.defaultValue;
const t2 = e2;
return {enabled: p.boolean(t2.enabled, this.defaultValue.enabled), size: b.stringSet(t2.size, this.defaultValue.size, ["proportional", "fill", "fit"]), side: b.stringSet(t2.side, this.defaultValue.side, ["right", "left"]), showSlider: b.stringSet(t2.showSlider, this.defaultValue.showSlider, ["always", "mouseover"]), renderCharacters: p.boolean(t2.renderCharacters, this.defaultValue.renderCharacters), scale: m.clampedInt(t2.scale, 1, 1, 3), maxColumn: m.clampedInt(t2.maxColumn, this.defaultValue.maxColumn, 1, 1e4)};
}()), mouseStyle: L(new b(57, "mouseStyle", "text", ["text", "default", "copy"])), mouseWheelScrollSensitivity: L(new g(58, "mouseWheelScrollSensitivity", 1, (e2) => 0 === e2 ? 1 : e2, {markdownDescription: i.a("mouseWheelScrollSensitivity", "A multiplier to be used on the `deltaX` and `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events.")})), mouseWheelZoom: L(new p(59, "mouseWheelZoom", false, {markdownDescription: i.a("mouseWheelZoom", "Zoom the font of the editor when using mouse wheel and holding `Ctrl`.")})), multiCursorMergeOverlapping: L(new p(60, "multiCursorMergeOverlapping", true, {description: i.a("multiCursorMergeOverlapping", "Merge multiple cursors when they are overlapping.")})), multiCursorModifier: L(new _(61, "multiCursorModifier", "altKey", "alt", ["ctrlCmd", "alt"], function(e2) {
return "ctrlCmd" === e2 ? o.f ? "metaKey" : "ctrlKey" : "altKey";
}, {markdownEnumDescriptions: [i.a("multiCursorModifier.ctrlCmd", "Maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux and to `Command` on macOS."), i.a("multiCursorModifier.alt", "Maps to `Alt` on Windows and Linux and to `Option` on macOS.")], markdownDescription: i.a({key: "multiCursorModifier", comment: ["- `ctrlCmd` refers to a value the setting can take and should not be localized.", "- `Control` and `Command` refer to the modifier keys Ctrl or Cmd on the keyboard and can be localized."]}, "The modifier to be used to add multiple cursors with the mouse. The Go To Definition and Open Link mouse gestures will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multicursor modifier. [Read more](")})), multiCursorPaste: L(new b(62, "multiCursorPaste", "spread", ["spread", "full"], {markdownEnumDescriptions: [i.a("multiCursorPaste.spread", "Each cursor pastes a single line of the text."), i.a("multiCursorPaste.full", "Each cursor pastes the full text.")], markdownDescription: i.a("multiCursorPaste", "Controls pasting when the line count of the pasted text matches the cursor count.")})), occurrencesHighlight: L(new p(63, "occurrencesHighlight", true, {description: i.a("occurrencesHighlight", "Controls whether the editor should highlight semantic symbol occurrences.")})), overviewRulerBorder: L(new p(64, "overviewRulerBorder", true, {description: i.a("overviewRulerBorder", "Controls whether a border should be drawn around the overview ruler.")})), overviewRulerLanes: L(new m(65, "overviewRulerLanes", 3, 0, 3)), padding: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
super(66, "padding", {top: 0, bottom: 0}, {"": {type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: 1e3, description: i.a("", "Controls the amount of space between the top edge of the editor and the first line.")}, "editor.padding.bottom": {type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: 1e3, description: i.a("padding.bottom", "Controls the amount of space between the bottom edge of the editor and the last line.")}});
validate(e2) {
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return this.defaultValue;
const t2 = e2;
return {top: m.clampedInt(, 0, 0, 1e3), bottom: m.clampedInt(t2.bottom, 0, 0, 1e3)};
}()), parameterHints: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
const e2 = {enabled: true, cycle: false};
super(67, "parameterHints", e2, {"editor.parameterHints.enabled": {type: "boolean", default: e2.enabled, description: i.a("parameterHints.enabled", "Enables a pop-up that shows parameter documentation and type information as you type.")}, "editor.parameterHints.cycle": {type: "boolean", default: e2.cycle, description: i.a("parameterHints.cycle", "Controls whether the parameter hints menu cycles or closes when reaching the end of the list.")}});
validate(e2) {
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return this.defaultValue;
const t2 = e2;
return {enabled: p.boolean(t2.enabled, this.defaultValue.enabled), cycle: p.boolean(t2.cycle, this.defaultValue.cycle)};
}()), peekWidgetDefaultFocus: L(new b(68, "peekWidgetDefaultFocus", "tree", ["tree", "editor"], {enumDescriptions: [i.a("peekWidgetDefaultFocus.tree", "Focus the tree when opening peek"), i.a("peekWidgetDefaultFocus.editor", "Focus the editor when opening peek")], description: i.a("peekWidgetDefaultFocus", "Controls whether to focus the inline editor or the tree in the peek widget.")})), definitionLinkOpensInPeek: L(new p(69, "definitionLinkOpensInPeek", false, {description: i.a("definitionLinkOpensInPeek", "Controls whether the Go to Definition mouse gesture always opens the peek widget.")})), quickSuggestions: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
const e2 = {other: true, comments: false, strings: false};
super(70, "quickSuggestions", e2, {anyOf: [{type: "boolean"}, {type: "object", properties: {strings: {type: "boolean", default: e2.strings, description: i.a("quickSuggestions.strings", "Enable quick suggestions inside strings.")}, comments: {type: "boolean", default: e2.comments, description: i.a("quickSuggestions.comments", "Enable quick suggestions inside comments.")}, other: {type: "boolean", default: e2.other, description: i.a("quickSuggestions.other", "Enable quick suggestions outside of strings and comments.")}}}], default: e2, description: i.a("quickSuggestions", "Controls whether suggestions should automatically show up while typing.")}), this.defaultValue = e2;
validate(e2) {
if ("boolean" == typeof e2)
return e2;
if (e2 && "object" == typeof e2) {
const t2 = e2, n2 = {other: p.boolean(t2.other, this.defaultValue.other), comments: p.boolean(t2.comments, this.defaultValue.comments), strings: p.boolean(t2.strings, this.defaultValue.strings)};
return !!(n2.other && n2.comments && n2.strings) || !!(n2.other || n2.comments || n2.strings) && n2;
return this.defaultValue;
}()), quickSuggestionsDelay: L(new m(71, "quickSuggestionsDelay", 10, 0, 1073741824, {description: i.a("quickSuggestionsDelay", "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which quick suggestions will show up.")})), readOnly: L(new p(72, "readOnly", false)), renameOnType: L(new p(73, "renameOnType", false, {description: i.a("renameOnType", "Controls whether the editor auto renames on type.")})), renderControlCharacters: L(new p(74, "renderControlCharacters", false, {description: i.a("renderControlCharacters", "Controls whether the editor should render control characters.")})), renderIndentGuides: L(new p(75, "renderIndentGuides", true, {description: i.a("renderIndentGuides", "Controls whether the editor should render indent guides.")})), renderFinalNewline: L(new p(76, "renderFinalNewline", true, {description: i.a("renderFinalNewline", "Render last line number when the file ends with a newline.")})), renderLineHighlight: L(new b(77, "renderLineHighlight", "line", ["none", "gutter", "line", "all"], {enumDescriptions: ["", "", "", i.a("renderLineHighlight.all", "Highlights both the gutter and the current line.")], description: i.a("renderLineHighlight", "Controls how the editor should render the current line highlight.")})), renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus: L(new p(78, "renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus", false, {description: i.a("renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus", "Controls if the editor should render the current line highlight only when the editor is focused")})), renderValidationDecorations: L(new b(79, "renderValidationDecorations", "editable", ["editable", "on", "off"])), renderWhitespace: L(new b(80, "renderWhitespace", "selection", ["none", "boundary", "selection", "trailing", "all"], {enumDescriptions: ["", i.a("renderWhitespace.boundary", "Render whitespace characters except for single spaces between words."), i.a("renderWhitespace.selection", "Render whitespace characters only on selected text."), i.a("renderWhitespace.trailing", "Render only trailing whitespace characters"), ""], description: i.a("renderWhitespace", "Controls how the editor should render whitespace characters.")})), revealHorizontalRightPadding: L(new m(81, "revealHorizontalRightPadding", 30, 0, 1e3)), roundedSelection: L(new p(82, "roundedSelection", true, {description: i.a("roundedSelection", "Controls whether selections should have rounded corners.")})), rulers: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
const e2 = [], t2 = {type: "number", description: i.a("rulers.size", "Number of monospace characters at which this editor ruler will render.")};
super(83, "rulers", e2, {type: "array", items: {anyOf: [t2, {type: ["object"], properties: {column: t2, color: {type: "string", description: i.a("rulers.color", "Color of this editor ruler."), format: "color-hex"}}}]}, default: e2, description: i.a("rulers", "Render vertical rulers after a certain number of monospace characters. Use multiple values for multiple rulers. No rulers are drawn if array is empty.")});
validate(e2) {
if (Array.isArray(e2)) {
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 of e2)
if ("number" == typeof n2)
t2.push({column: m.clampedInt(n2, 0, 0, 1e4), color: null});
else if (n2 && "object" == typeof n2) {
const e3 = n2;
t2.push({column: m.clampedInt(e3.column, 0, 0, 1e4), color: e3.color});
return t2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.column - t3.column), t2;
return this.defaultValue;
}()), scrollbar: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
super(84, "scrollbar", {vertical: 1, horizontal: 1, arrowSize: 11, useShadows: true, verticalHasArrows: false, horizontalHasArrows: false, horizontalScrollbarSize: 12, horizontalSliderSize: 12, verticalScrollbarSize: 14, verticalSliderSize: 14, handleMouseWheel: true, alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: true});
validate(e2) {
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return this.defaultValue;
const t2 = e2, n2 = m.clampedInt(t2.horizontalScrollbarSize, this.defaultValue.horizontalScrollbarSize, 0, 1e3), i2 = m.clampedInt(t2.verticalScrollbarSize, this.defaultValue.verticalScrollbarSize, 0, 1e3);
return {arrowSize: m.clampedInt(t2.arrowSize, this.defaultValue.arrowSize, 0, 1e3), vertical: S(t2.vertical, this.defaultValue.vertical), horizontal: S(t2.horizontal, this.defaultValue.horizontal), useShadows: p.boolean(t2.useShadows, this.defaultValue.useShadows), verticalHasArrows: p.boolean(t2.verticalHasArrows, this.defaultValue.verticalHasArrows), horizontalHasArrows: p.boolean(t2.horizontalHasArrows, this.defaultValue.horizontalHasArrows), handleMouseWheel: p.boolean(t2.handleMouseWheel, this.defaultValue.handleMouseWheel), alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: p.boolean(t2.alwaysConsumeMouseWheel, this.defaultValue.alwaysConsumeMouseWheel), horizontalScrollbarSize: n2, horizontalSliderSize: m.clampedInt(t2.horizontalSliderSize, n2, 0, 1e3), verticalScrollbarSize: i2, verticalSliderSize: m.clampedInt(t2.verticalSliderSize, i2, 0, 1e3)};
}()), scrollBeyondLastColumn: L(new m(85, "scrollBeyondLastColumn", 5, 0, 1073741824, {description: i.a("scrollBeyondLastColumn", "Controls the number of extra characters beyond which the editor will scroll horizontally.")})), scrollBeyondLastLine: L(new p(86, "scrollBeyondLastLine", true, {description: i.a("scrollBeyondLastLine", "Controls whether the editor will scroll beyond the last line.")})), scrollPredominantAxis: L(new p(87, "scrollPredominantAxis", true, {description: i.a("scrollPredominantAxis", "Scroll only along the predominant axis when scrolling both vertically and horizontally at the same time. Prevents horizontal drift when scrolling vertically on a trackpad.")})), selectionClipboard: L(new p(88, "selectionClipboard", true, {description: i.a("selectionClipboard", "Controls whether the Linux primary clipboard should be supported."), included: o.d})), selectionHighlight: L(new p(89, "selectionHighlight", true, {description: i.a("selectionHighlight", "Controls whether the editor should highlight matches similar to the selection.")})), selectOnLineNumbers: L(new p(90, "selectOnLineNumbers", true)), showFoldingControls: L(new b(91, "showFoldingControls", "mouseover", ["always", "mouseover"], {enumDescriptions: [i.a("showFoldingControls.always", "Always show the folding controls."), i.a("showFoldingControls.mouseover", "Only show the folding controls when the mouse is over the gutter.")], description: i.a("showFoldingControls", "Controls when the folding controls on the gutter are shown.")})), showUnused: L(new p(92, "showUnused", true, {description: i.a("showUnused", "Controls fading out of unused code.")})), showDeprecated: L(new p(113, "showDeprecated", true, {description: i.a("showDeprecated", "Controls strikethrough deprecated variables.")})), snippetSuggestions: L(new b(93, "snippetSuggestions", "inline", ["top", "bottom", "inline", "none"], {enumDescriptions: [i.a("", "Show snippet suggestions on top of other suggestions."), i.a("snippetSuggestions.bottom", "Show snippet suggestions below other suggestions."), i.a("snippetSuggestions.inline", "Show snippets suggestions with other suggestions."), i.a("snippetSuggestions.none", "Do not show snippet suggestions.")], description: i.a("snippetSuggestions", "Controls whether snippets are shown with other suggestions and how they are sorted.")})), smoothScrolling: L(new p(94, "smoothScrolling", false, {description: i.a("smoothScrolling", "Controls whether the editor will scroll using an animation.")})), stopRenderingLineAfter: L(new m(95, "stopRenderingLineAfter", 1e4, -1, 1073741824)), suggest: L(new class extends d {
constructor() {
const e2 = {insertMode: "insert", filterGraceful: true, snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions: true, localityBonus: false, shareSuggestSelections: false, showIcons: true, maxVisibleSuggestions: 12, showMethods: true, showFunctions: true, showConstructors: true, showFields: true, showVariables: true, showClasses: true, showStructs: true, showInterfaces: true, showModules: true, showProperties: true, showEvents: true, showOperators: true, showUnits: true, showValues: true, showConstants: true, showEnums: true, showEnumMembers: true, showKeywords: true, showWords: true, showColors: true, showFiles: true, showReferences: true, showFolders: true, showTypeParameters: true, showSnippets: true, showUsers: true, showIssues: true, statusBar: {visible: false}};
super(96, "suggest", e2, {"editor.suggest.insertMode": {type: "string", enum: ["insert", "replace"], enumDescriptions: [i.a("suggest.insertMode.insert", "Insert suggestion without overwriting text right of the cursor."), i.a("suggest.insertMode.replace", "Insert suggestion and overwrite text right of the cursor.")], default: e2.insertMode, description: i.a("suggest.insertMode", "Controls whether words are overwritten when accepting completions. Note that this depends on extensions opting into this feature.")}, "editor.suggest.filterGraceful": {type: "boolean", default: e2.filterGraceful, description: i.a("suggest.filterGraceful", "Controls whether filtering and sorting suggestions accounts for small typos.")}, "editor.suggest.localityBonus": {type: "boolean", default: e2.localityBonus, description: i.a("suggest.localityBonus", "Controls whether sorting favours words that appear close to the cursor.")}, "editor.suggest.shareSuggestSelections": {type: "boolean", default: e2.shareSuggestSelections, markdownDescription: i.a("suggest.shareSuggestSelections", "Controls whether remembered suggestion selections are shared between multiple workspaces and windows (needs `#editor.suggestSelection#`).")}, "editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": {type: "boolean", default: e2.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions, description: i.a("suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions", "Controls whether an active snippet prevents quick suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showIcons": {type: "boolean", default: e2.showIcons, description: i.a("suggest.showIcons", "Controls whether to show or hide icons in suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions": {type: "number", default: e2.maxVisibleSuggestions, minimum: 1, maximum: 15, description: i.a("suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions", "Controls how many suggestions IntelliSense will show before showing a scrollbar (maximum 15).")}, "editor.suggest.filteredTypes": {type: "object", deprecationMessage: i.a("deprecated", "This setting is deprecated, please use separate settings like 'editor.suggest.showKeywords' or 'editor.suggest.showSnippets' instead.")}, "editor.suggest.showMethods": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showMethods", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `method`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showFunctions": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showFunctions", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `function`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showConstructors": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showConstructors", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `constructor`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showFields": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showFields", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `field`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showVariables": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showVariables", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `variable`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showClasses": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showClasss", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `class`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showStructs": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showStructs", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `struct`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showInterfaces": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showInterfaces", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `interface`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showModules": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showModules", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `module`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showProperties": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showPropertys", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `property`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showEvents": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showEvents", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `event`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showOperators": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showOperators", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `operator`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showUnits": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showUnits", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `unit`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showValues": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showValues", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `value`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showConstants": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showConstants", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `constant`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showEnums": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showEnums", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `enum`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showEnumMembers": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showEnumMembers", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `enumMember`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showKeywords": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showKeywords", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `keyword`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showWords": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showTexts", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `text`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showColors": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showColors", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `color`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showFiles": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showFiles", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `file`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showReferences": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showReferences", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `reference`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showCustomcolors": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showCustomcolors", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `customcolor`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showFolders": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showFolders", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `folder`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showTypeParameters": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showTypeParameters", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `typeParameter`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showSnippets": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showSnippets", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `snippet`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showUsers": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showUsers", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `user`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.showIssues": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.showIssues", "When enabled IntelliSense shows `issues`-suggestions.")}, "editor.suggest.statusBar.visible": {type: "boolean", default: false, markdownDescription: i.a("editor.suggest.statusBar.visible", "Controls the visibility of the status bar at the bottom of the suggest widget.")}});
validate(e2) {
var t2;
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return this.defaultValue;
const n2 = e2;
return {insertMode: b.stringSet(n2.insertMode, this.defaultValue.insertMode, ["insert", "replace"]), filterGraceful: p.boolean(n2.filterGraceful, this.defaultValue.filterGraceful), snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions: p.boolean(n2.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions, this.defaultValue.filterGraceful), localityBonus: p.boolean(n2.localityBonus, this.defaultValue.localityBonus), shareSuggestSelections: p.boolean(n2.shareSuggestSelections, this.defaultValue.shareSuggestSelections), showIcons: p.boolean(n2.showIcons, this.defaultValue.showIcons), maxVisibleSuggestions: m.clampedInt(n2.maxVisibleSuggestions, this.defaultValue.maxVisibleSuggestions, 1, 15), showMethods: p.boolean(n2.showMethods, this.defaultValue.showMethods), showFunctions: p.boolean(n2.showFunctions, this.defaultValue.showFunctions), showConstructors: p.boolean(n2.showConstructors, this.defaultValue.showConstructors), showFields: p.boolean(n2.showFields, this.defaultValue.showFields), showVariables: p.boolean(n2.showVariables, this.defaultValue.showVariables), showClasses: p.boolean(n2.showClasses, this.defaultValue.showClasses), showStructs: p.boolean(n2.showStructs, this.defaultValue.showStructs), showInterfaces: p.boolean(n2.showInterfaces, this.defaultValue.showInterfaces), showModules: p.boolean(n2.showModules, this.defaultValue.showModules), showProperties: p.boolean(n2.showProperties, this.defaultValue.showProperties), showEvents: p.boolean(n2.showEvents, this.defaultValue.showEvents), showOperators: p.boolean(n2.showOperators, this.defaultValue.showOperators), showUnits: p.boolean(n2.showUnits, this.defaultValue.showUnits), showValues: p.boolean(n2.showValues, this.defaultValue.showValues), showConstants: p.boolean(n2.showConstants, this.defaultValue.showConstants), showEnums: p.boolean(n2.showEnums, this.defaultValue.showEnums), showEnumMembers: p.boolean(n2.showEnumMembers, this.defaultValue.showEnumMembers), showKeywords: p.boolean(n2.showKeywords, this.defaultValue.showKeywords), showWords: p.boolean(n2.showWords, this.defaultValue.showWords), showColors: p.boolean(n2.showColors, this.defaultValue.showColors), showFiles: p.boolean(n2.showFiles, this.defaultValue.showFiles), showReferences: p.boolean(n2.showReferences, this.defaultValue.showReferences), showFolders: p.boolean(n2.showFolders, this.defaultValue.showFolders), showTypeParameters: p.boolean(n2.showTypeParameters, this.defaultValue.showTypeParameters), showSnippets: p.boolean(n2.showSnippets, this.defaultValue.showSnippets), showUsers: p.boolean(n2.showUsers, this.defaultValue.showUsers), showIssues: p.boolean(n2.showIssues, this.defaultValue.showIssues), statusBar: {visible: p.boolean(null === (t2 = n2.statusBar) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.visible, !!this.defaultValue.statusBar.visible)}};
}()), suggestFontSize: L(new m(97, "suggestFontSize", 0, 0, 1e3, {markdownDescription: i.a("suggestFontSize", "Font size for the suggest widget. When set to `0`, the value of `#editor.fontSize#` is used.")})), suggestLineHeight: L(new m(98, "suggestLineHeight", 0, 0, 1e3, {markdownDescription: i.a("suggestLineHeight", "Line height for the suggest widget. When set to `0`, the value of `#editor.lineHeight#` is used.")})), suggestOnTriggerCharacters: L(new p(99, "suggestOnTriggerCharacters", true, {description: i.a("suggestOnTriggerCharacters", "Controls whether suggestions should automatically show up when typing trigger characters.")})), suggestSelection: L(new b(100, "suggestSelection", "recentlyUsed", ["first", "recentlyUsed", "recentlyUsedByPrefix"], {markdownEnumDescriptions: [i.a("suggestSelection.first", "Always select the first suggestion."), i.a("suggestSelection.recentlyUsed", "Select recent suggestions unless further typing selects one, e.g. `console.| -> console.log` because `log` has been completed recently."), i.a("suggestSelection.recentlyUsedByPrefix", "Select suggestions based on previous prefixes that have completed those suggestions, e.g. `co -> console` and `con -> const`.")], description: i.a("suggestSelection", "Controls how suggestions are pre-selected when showing the suggest list.")})), tabCompletion: L(new b(101, "tabCompletion", "off", ["on", "off", "onlySnippets"], {enumDescriptions: [i.a("tabCompletion.on", "Tab complete will insert the best matching suggestion when pressing tab."), i.a("", "Disable tab completions."), i.a("tabCompletion.onlySnippets", "Tab complete snippets when their prefix match. Works best when 'quickSuggestions' aren't enabled.")], description: i.a("tabCompletion", "Enables tab completions.")})), tabIndex: L(new m(102, "tabIndex", 0, -1, 1073741824)), unusualLineTerminators: L(new b(103, "unusualLineTerminators", "prompt", ["off", "prompt", "auto"], {enumDescriptions: [i.a("", "Unusual line terminators are ignored."), i.a("unusualLineTerminators.prompt", "Unusual line terminators prompt to be removed."), i.a("", "Unusual line terminators are automatically removed.")], description: i.a("unusualLineTerminators", "Remove unusual line terminators that might cause problems.")})), useTabStops: L(new p(104, "useTabStops", true, {description: i.a("useTabStops", "Inserting and deleting whitespace follows tab stops.")})), wordSeparators: L(new f(105, "wordSeparators", r.b, {description: i.a("wordSeparators", "Characters that will be used as word separators when doing word related navigations or operations.")})), wordWrap: L(new b(106, "wordWrap", "off", ["off", "on", "wordWrapColumn", "bounded"], {markdownEnumDescriptions: [i.a("", "Lines will never wrap."), i.a("wordWrap.on", "Lines will wrap at the viewport width."), i.a({key: "wordWrap.wordWrapColumn", comment: ["- `editor.wordWrapColumn` refers to a different setting and should not be localized."]}, "Lines will wrap at `#editor.wordWrapColumn#`."), i.a({key: "wordWrap.bounded", comment: ["- viewport means the edge of the visible window size.", "- `editor.wordWrapColumn` refers to a different setting and should not be localized."]}, "Lines will wrap at the minimum of viewport and `#editor.wordWrapColumn#`.")], description: i.a({key: "wordWrap", comment: ["- 'off', 'on', 'wordWrapColumn' and 'bounded' refer to values the setting can take and should not be localized.", "- `editor.wordWrapColumn` refers to a different setting and should not be localized."]}, "Controls how lines should wrap.")})), wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters: L(new f(107, "wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters", " })]?|/&.,;¢°′″‰℃、。。、¢,.:;?!%・・ゝゞヽヾーァィゥェォッャュョヮヵヶぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょゎゕゖㇰㇱㇲㇳㇴㇵㇶㇷㇸㇹㇺㇻㇼㇽㇾㇿ々〻ァィゥェォャュョッー”〉》」』】〕)]}」")), wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters: L(new f(108, "wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters", "([{‘“〈《「『【〔([{「£¥$£¥+")), wordWrapColumn: L(new m(109, "wordWrapColumn", 80, 1, 1073741824, {markdownDescription: i.a({key: "wordWrapColumn", comment: ["- `editor.wordWrap` refers to a different setting and should not be localized.", "- 'wordWrapColumn' and 'bounded' refer to values the different setting can take and should not be localized."]}, "Controls the wrapping column of the editor when `#editor.wordWrap#` is `wordWrapColumn` or `bounded`.")})), wordWrapMinified: L(new p(110, "wordWrapMinified", true)), wrappingIndent: L(new _(111, "wrappingIndent", 1, "same", ["none", "same", "indent", "deepIndent"], function(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case "none":
return 0;
case "same":
return 1;
case "indent":
return 2;
case "deepIndent":
return 3;
}, {enumDescriptions: [i.a("wrappingIndent.none", "No indentation. Wrapped lines begin at column 1."), i.a("wrappingIndent.same", "Wrapped lines get the same indentation as the parent."), i.a("wrappingIndent.indent", "Wrapped lines get +1 indentation toward the parent."), i.a("wrappingIndent.deepIndent", "Wrapped lines get +2 indentation toward the parent.")], description: i.a("wrappingIndent", "Controls the indentation of wrapped lines.")})), wrappingStrategy: L(new b(112, "wrappingStrategy", "simple", ["simple", "advanced"], {enumDescriptions: [i.a("wrappingStrategy.simple", "Assumes that all characters are of the same width. This is a fast algorithm that works correctly for monospace fonts and certain scripts (like Latin characters) where glyphs are of equal width."), i.a("wrappingStrategy.advanced", "Delegates wrapping points computation to the browser. This is a slow algorithm, that might cause freezes for large files, but it works correctly in all cases.")], description: i.a("wrappingStrategy", "Controls the algorithm that computes wrapping points.")})), editorClassName: L(new class extends h {
constructor() {
super(114, [57, 27]);
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = ["monaco-editor"];
return t2.get(27) && i2.push(t2.get(27)), e2.extraEditorClassName && i2.push(e2.extraEditorClassName), "default" === t2.get(57) ? i2.push("mouse-default") : "copy" === t2.get(57) && i2.push("mouse-copy"), t2.get(92) && i2.push("showUnused"), t2.get(113) && i2.push("showDeprecated"), i2.join(" ");
}()), pixelRatio: L(new class extends h {
constructor() {
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
return e2.pixelRatio;
}()), tabFocusMode: L(new class extends h {
constructor() {
super(116, [72]);
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
return !!t2.get(72) || e2.tabFocusMode;
}()), layoutInfo: L(new C()), wrappingInfo: L(new class extends h {
constructor() {
super(118, [117]);
compute(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.get(117);
return {isDominatedByLongLines: e2.isDominatedByLongLines, isWordWrapMinified: i2.isWordWrapMinified, isViewportWrapping: i2.isViewportWrapping, wrappingColumn: i2.wrappingColumn};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return d;
var i = n(2), o = n(14), r = n(18), s = n(6), a = n(53), l = n(37);
const c = Object(r.c)("commandService"), d = new class {
constructor() {
this._commands = new Map(), this._onDidRegisterCommand = new s.a(), this.onDidRegisterCommand = this._onDidRegisterCommand.event;
registerCommand(e2, t2) {
if (!e2)
throw new Error("invalid command");
if ("string" == typeof e2) {
if (!t2)
throw new Error("invalid command");
return this.registerCommand({id: e2, handler: t2});
if (e2.description) {
const t3 = [];
for (let n4 of e2.description.args)
const n3 = e2.handler;
e2.handler = function(e3, ...i2) {
return Object(o.m)(i2, t3), n3(e3, ...i2);
const {id: n2} = e2;
let r2 = this._commands.get(n2);
r2 || (r2 = new a.a(), this._commands.set(n2, r2));
let s2 = r2.unshift(e2), l2 = Object(i.h)(() => {
const e3 = this._commands.get(n2);
(null == e3 ? void 0 : e3.isEmpty()) && this._commands.delete(n2);
return, l2;
registerCommandAlias(e2, t2) {
return d.registerCommand(e2, (e3, ...n2) => e3.get(c).executeCommand(t2, ...n2));
getCommand(e2) {
const t2 = this._commands.get(e2);
if (t2 && !t2.isEmpty())
return l.a.first(t2);
getCommands() {
const e2 = new Map();
for (const t2 of this._commands.keys()) {
const n2 = this.getCommand(t2);
n2 && e2.set(t2, n2);
return e2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
(function(e2) {
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return a;
var i = n(11);
const o = void 0 === e2 ? {cwd: () => "/", env: Object.create(null), get platform() {
return i.i ? "win32" : i.f ? "darwin" : "linux";
}, nextTick: (e3) => Object(i.j)(e3)} : e2, r = o.cwd, s = o.env, a = o.platform;
}).call(this, n(86));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i = n(108);
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i.b;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i.e;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return i.f;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return i.h;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return i.l;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return i.m;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return i.n;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return Ve;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return Ge;
var i = n(13), o = n(6), r = n(2), s = n(8), a = n(23), l = n(26), c = n(9), d = n(3), h = n(21), u = n(58), p = n(175);
class m {
constructor() {
this.spacesDiff = 0, this.looksLikeAlignment = false;
function g(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2;
for (o2.spacesDiff = 0, o2.looksLikeAlignment = false, r2 = 0; r2 < t2 && r2 < i2; r2++) {
if (e2.charCodeAt(r2) !== n2.charCodeAt(r2))
let s2 = 0, a2 = 0;
for (let n3 = r2; n3 < t2; n3++) {
32 === e2.charCodeAt(n3) ? s2++ : a2++;
let l2 = 0, c2 = 0;
for (let e3 = r2; e3 < i2; e3++) {
32 === n2.charCodeAt(e3) ? l2++ : c2++;
if (s2 > 0 && a2 > 0)
if (l2 > 0 && c2 > 0)
let d2 = Math.abs(a2 - c2), h2 = Math.abs(s2 - l2);
if (0 === d2)
return o2.spacesDiff = h2, void (h2 > 0 && 0 <= l2 - 1 && l2 - 1 < e2.length && l2 < n2.length && 32 !== n2.charCodeAt(l2) && 32 === e2.charCodeAt(l2 - 1) && 44 === e2.charCodeAt(e2.length - 1) && (o2.looksLikeAlignment = true));
h2 % d2 != 0 || (o2.spacesDiff = h2 / d2);
function f(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = Math.min(e2.getLineCount(), 1e4);
let o2 = 0, r2 = 0, s2 = "", a2 = 0;
const l2 = [2, 4, 6, 8, 3, 5, 7];
let c2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], d2 = new m();
for (let l3 = 1; l3 <= i2; l3++) {
let i3 = e2.getLineLength(l3), h3 = e2.getLineContent(l3);
const u3 = i3 <= 65536;
let p2 = false, m2 = 0, f2 = 0, b2 = 0;
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = i3; t3 < n3; t3++) {
let n4 = u3 ? h3.charCodeAt(t3) : e2.getLineCharCode(l3, t3);
if (9 === n4)
else {
if (32 !== n4) {
p2 = true, m2 = t3;
if (!p2)
if (b2 > 0 ? o2++ : f2 > 1 && r2++, g(s2, a2, h3, m2, d2), d2.looksLikeAlignment && (!n2 || t2 !== d2.spacesDiff))
let _2 = d2.spacesDiff;
_2 <= 8 && c2[_2]++, s2 = h3, a2 = m2;
let h2 = n2;
o2 !== r2 && (h2 = o2 < r2);
let u2 = t2;
if (h2) {
let e3 = h2 ? 0 : 0.1 * i2;
l2.forEach((t3) => {
let n3 = c2[t3];
n3 > e3 && (e3 = n3, u2 = t3);
}), 4 === u2 && c2[4] > 0 && c2[2] > 0 && c2[2] >= c2[4] / 2 && (u2 = 2);
return {insertSpaces: h2, tabSize: u2};
function b(e2) {
return (1 & e2.metadata) >>> 0;
function _(e2, t2) {
e2.metadata = 254 & e2.metadata | t2 << 0;
function v(e2) {
return (2 & e2.metadata) >>> 1 == 1;
function w(e2, t2) {
e2.metadata = 253 & e2.metadata | (t2 ? 1 : 0) << 1;
function y(e2) {
return (4 & e2.metadata) >>> 2 == 1;
function C(e2, t2) {
e2.metadata = 251 & e2.metadata | (t2 ? 1 : 0) << 2;
function x(e2) {
return (8 & e2.metadata) >>> 3 == 1;
function S(e2, t2) {
e2.metadata = 247 & e2.metadata | (t2 ? 1 : 0) << 3;
function k(e2, t2) {
e2.metadata = 207 & e2.metadata | t2 << 4;
function E(e2, t2) {
e2.metadata = 191 & e2.metadata | (t2 ? 1 : 0) << 6;
class T {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.metadata = 0, this.parent = this, this.left = this, this.right = this, _(this, 1), this.start = t2, this.end = n2, = 0, this.maxEnd = n2, = e2, this.ownerId = 0, this.options = null, C(this, false), k(this, 1), S(this, false), E(this, false), this.cachedVersionId = 0, this.cachedAbsoluteStart = t2, this.cachedAbsoluteEnd = n2, this.range = null, w(this, false);
reset(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.start = t2, this.end = n2, this.maxEnd = n2, this.cachedVersionId = e2, this.cachedAbsoluteStart = t2, this.cachedAbsoluteEnd = n2, this.range = i2;
setOptions(e2) {
this.options = e2;
let t2 = this.options.className;
C(this, "squiggly-error" === t2 || "squiggly-warning" === t2 || "squiggly-info" === t2), k(this, this.options.stickiness), S(this, !(!this.options.overviewRuler || !this.options.overviewRuler.color)), E(this, this.options.collapseOnReplaceEdit);
setCachedOffsets(e2, t2, n2) {
this.cachedVersionId !== n2 && (this.range = null), this.cachedVersionId = n2, this.cachedAbsoluteStart = e2, this.cachedAbsoluteEnd = t2;
detach() {
this.parent = null, this.left = null, this.right = null;
const L = new T(null, 0, 0);
L.parent = L, L.left = L, L.right = L, _(L, 0);
class N {
constructor() {
this.root = L, this.requestNormalizeDelta = false;
intervalSearch(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return this.root === L ? [] : function(e3, t3, n3, i3, o3, r2) {
let s2 = e3.root, a2 = 0, l2 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 0, h2 = [], u2 = 0;
for (; s2 !== L; )
if (v(s2))
w(s2.left, false), w(s2.right, false), s2 === s2.parent.right && (a2 -=, s2 = s2.parent;
else {
if (!v(s2.left)) {
if (l2 = a2 + s2.maxEnd, l2 < t3) {
w(s2, true);
if (s2.left !== L) {
s2 = s2.left;
if (c2 = a2 + s2.start, c2 > n3)
w(s2, true);
else {
if (d2 = a2 + s2.end, d2 >= t3) {
s2.setCachedOffsets(c2, d2, r2);
let e4 = true;
i3 && s2.ownerId && s2.ownerId !== i3 && (e4 = false), o3 && y(s2) && (e4 = false), e4 && (h2[u2++] = s2);
w(s2, true), s2.right === L || v(s2.right) || (a2 +=, s2 = s2.right);
return w(e3.root, false), h2;
}(this, e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
search(e2, t2, n2) {
return this.root === L ? [] : function(e3, t3, n3, i2) {
let o2 = e3.root, r2 = 0, s2 = 0, a2 = 0, l2 = [], c2 = 0;
for (; o2 !== L; ) {
if (v(o2)) {
w(o2.left, false), w(o2.right, false), o2 === o2.parent.right && (r2 -=, o2 = o2.parent;
if (o2.left !== L && !v(o2.left)) {
o2 = o2.left;
s2 = r2 + o2.start, a2 = r2 + o2.end, o2.setCachedOffsets(s2, a2, i2);
let e4 = true;
t3 && o2.ownerId && o2.ownerId !== t3 && (e4 = false), n3 && y(o2) && (e4 = false), e4 && (l2[c2++] = o2), w(o2, true), o2.right === L || v(o2.right) || (r2 +=, o2 = o2.right);
return w(e3.root, false), l2;
}(this, e2, t2, n2);
collectNodesFromOwner(e2) {
return function(e3, t2) {
let n2 = e3.root, i2 = [], o2 = 0;
for (; n2 !== L; )
v(n2) ? (w(n2.left, false), w(n2.right, false), n2 = n2.parent) : n2.left === L || v(n2.left) ? (n2.ownerId === t2 && (i2[o2++] = n2), w(n2, true), n2.right === L || v(n2.right) || (n2 = n2.right)) : n2 = n2.left;
return w(e3.root, false), i2;
}(this, e2);
collectNodesPostOrder() {
return function(e2) {
let t2 = e2.root, n2 = [], i2 = 0;
for (; t2 !== L; )
v(t2) ? (w(t2.left, false), w(t2.right, false), t2 = t2.parent) : t2.left === L || v(t2.left) ? t2.right === L || v(t2.right) ? (n2[i2++] = t2, w(t2, true)) : t2 = t2.right : t2 = t2.left;
return w(e2.root, false), n2;
insert(e2) {
D(this, e2), this._normalizeDeltaIfNecessary();
delete(e2) {
A(this, e2), this._normalizeDeltaIfNecessary();
resolveNode(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2;
let i2 = 0;
for (; e2 !== this.root; )
e2 === e2.parent.right && (i2 +=, e2 = e2.parent;
const o2 = n2.start + i2, r2 = n2.end + i2;
n2.setCachedOffsets(o2, r2, t2);
acceptReplace(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = function(e3, t3, n3) {
let i3 = e3.root, o3 = 0, r2 = 0, s2 = 0, a2 = 0, l2 = [], c2 = 0;
for (; i3 !== L; )
if (v(i3))
w(i3.left, false), w(i3.right, false), i3 === i3.parent.right && (o3 -=, i3 = i3.parent;
else {
if (!v(i3.left)) {
if (r2 = o3 + i3.maxEnd, r2 < t3) {
w(i3, true);
if (i3.left !== L) {
i3 = i3.left;
s2 = o3 + i3.start, s2 > n3 ? w(i3, true) : (a2 = o3 + i3.end, a2 >= t3 && (i3.setCachedOffsets(s2, a2, 0), l2[c2++] = i3), w(i3, true), i3.right === L || v(i3.right) || (o3 +=, i3 = i3.right));
return w(e3.root, false), l2;
}(this, e2, e2 + t2);
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = o2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
A(this, o2[e3]);
this._normalizeDeltaIfNecessary(), function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
let o3 = e3.root, r2 = 0, s2 = 0, a2 = 0;
const l2 = i3 - (n3 - t3);
for (; o3 !== L; )
if (v(o3))
w(o3.left, false), w(o3.right, false), o3 === o3.parent.right && (r2 -=, W(o3), o3 = o3.parent;
else {
if (!v(o3.left)) {
if (s2 = r2 + o3.maxEnd, s2 < t3) {
w(o3, true);
if (o3.left !== L) {
o3 = o3.left;
a2 = r2 + o3.start, a2 > n3 ? (o3.start += l2, o3.end += l2, += l2, ( < -1073741824 || > 1073741824) && (e3.requestNormalizeDelta = true), w(o3, true)) : (w(o3, true), o3.right === L || v(o3.right) || (r2 +=, o3 = o3.right));
w(e3.root, false);
}(this, e2, e2 + t2, n2), this._normalizeDeltaIfNecessary();
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = o2.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
const s3 = o2[r2];
s3.start = s3.cachedAbsoluteStart, s3.end = s3.cachedAbsoluteEnd, O(s3, e2, e2 + t2, n2, i2), s3.maxEnd = s3.end, D(this, s3);
_normalizeDeltaIfNecessary() {
this.requestNormalizeDelta && (this.requestNormalizeDelta = false, function(e2) {
let t2 = e2.root, n2 = 0;
for (; t2 !== L; )
t2.left === L || v(t2.left) ? t2.right === L || v(t2.right) ? (t2.start = n2 + t2.start, t2.end = n2 + t2.end, = 0, W(t2), w(t2, true), w(t2.left, false), w(t2.right, false), t2 === t2.parent.right && (n2 -=, t2 = t2.parent) : (n2 +=, t2 = t2.right) : t2 = t2.left;
w(e2.root, false);
function I(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return e2 < n2 || !(e2 > n2) && (1 !== i2 && (2 === i2 || t2));
function O(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = function(e3) {
return (48 & e3.metadata) >>> 4;
}(e2), s2 = 0 === r2 || 2 === r2, a2 = 1 === r2 || 2 === r2, l2 = n2 - t2, c2 = i2, d2 = Math.min(l2, c2), h2 = e2.start;
let u2 = false;
const p2 = e2.end;
let m2 = false;
t2 <= h2 && p2 <= n2 && function(e3) {
return (64 & e3.metadata) >>> 6 == 1;
}(e2) && (e2.start = t2, u2 = true, e2.end = t2, m2 = true);
const e3 = o2 ? 1 : l2 > 0 ? 2 : 0;
!u2 && I(h2, s2, t2, e3) && (u2 = true), !m2 && I(p2, a2, t2, e3) && (m2 = true);
if (d2 > 0 && !o2) {
const e3 = l2 > c2 ? 2 : 0;
!u2 && I(h2, s2, t2 + d2, e3) && (u2 = true), !m2 && I(p2, a2, t2 + d2, e3) && (m2 = true);
const i3 = o2 ? 1 : 0;
!u2 && I(h2, s2, n2, i3) && (e2.start = t2 + c2, u2 = true), !m2 && I(p2, a2, n2, i3) && (e2.end = t2 + c2, m2 = true);
const g2 = c2 - l2;
u2 || (e2.start = Math.max(0, h2 + g2)), m2 || (e2.end = Math.max(0, p2 + g2)), e2.start > e2.end && (e2.end = e2.start);
function D(e2, t2) {
if (e2.root === L)
return t2.parent = L, t2.left = L, t2.right = L, _(t2, 0), e2.root = t2, e2.root;
!function(e3, t3) {
let n3 = 0, i2 = e3.root;
const o2 = t3.start, r2 = t3.end;
for (; ; ) {
if (B(o2, r2, i2.start + n3, i2.end + n3) < 0) {
if (i2.left === L) {
t3.start -= n3, t3.end -= n3, t3.maxEnd -= n3, i2.left = t3;
i2 = i2.left;
} else {
if (i2.right === L) {
t3.start -= n3 +, t3.end -= n3 +, t3.maxEnd -= n3 +, i2.right = t3;
n3 +=, i2 = i2.right;
t3.parent = i2, t3.left = L, t3.right = L, _(t3, 1);
}(e2, t2), z(t2.parent);
let n2 = t2;
for (; n2 !== e2.root && 1 === b(n2.parent); )
if (n2.parent === n2.parent.parent.left) {
const t3 = n2.parent.parent.right;
1 === b(t3) ? (_(n2.parent, 0), _(t3, 0), _(n2.parent.parent, 1), n2 = n2.parent.parent) : (n2 === n2.parent.right && (n2 = n2.parent, M(e2, n2)), _(n2.parent, 0), _(n2.parent.parent, 1), P(e2, n2.parent.parent));
} else {
const t3 = n2.parent.parent.left;
1 === b(t3) ? (_(n2.parent, 0), _(t3, 0), _(n2.parent.parent, 1), n2 = n2.parent.parent) : (n2 === n2.parent.left && (n2 = n2.parent, P(e2, n2)), _(n2.parent, 0), _(n2.parent.parent, 1), M(e2, n2.parent.parent));
return _(e2.root, 0), t2;
function A(e2, t2) {
let n2, i2;
if (t2.left === L ? (n2 = t2.right, i2 = t2, +=, ( < -1073741824 || > 1073741824) && (e2.requestNormalizeDelta = true), n2.start +=, n2.end += : t2.right === L ? (n2 = t2.left, i2 = t2) : (i2 = function(e3) {
for (; e3.left !== L; )
e3 = e3.left;
return e3;
}(t2.right), n2 = i2.right, n2.start +=, n2.end +=, +=, ( < -1073741824 || > 1073741824) && (e2.requestNormalizeDelta = true), i2.start +=, i2.end +=, =, ( < -1073741824 || > 1073741824) && (e2.requestNormalizeDelta = true)), i2 === e2.root)
return e2.root = n2, _(n2, 0), t2.detach(), R(), W(n2), void (e2.root.parent = L);
let o2, r2 = 1 === b(i2);
if (i2 === i2.parent.left ? i2.parent.left = n2 : i2.parent.right = n2, i2 === t2 ? n2.parent = i2.parent : (i2.parent === t2 ? n2.parent = i2 : n2.parent = i2.parent, i2.left = t2.left, i2.right = t2.right, i2.parent = t2.parent, _(i2, b(t2)), t2 === e2.root ? e2.root = i2 : t2 === t2.parent.left ? t2.parent.left = i2 : t2.parent.right = i2, i2.left !== L && (i2.left.parent = i2), i2.right !== L && (i2.right.parent = i2)), t2.detach(), r2)
return z(n2.parent), i2 !== t2 && (z(i2), z(i2.parent)), void R();
for (z(n2), z(n2.parent), i2 !== t2 && (z(i2), z(i2.parent)); n2 !== e2.root && 0 === b(n2); )
n2 === n2.parent.left ? (o2 = n2.parent.right, 1 === b(o2) && (_(o2, 0), _(n2.parent, 1), M(e2, n2.parent), o2 = n2.parent.right), 0 === b(o2.left) && 0 === b(o2.right) ? (_(o2, 1), n2 = n2.parent) : (0 === b(o2.right) && (_(o2.left, 0), _(o2, 1), P(e2, o2), o2 = n2.parent.right), _(o2, b(n2.parent)), _(n2.parent, 0), _(o2.right, 0), M(e2, n2.parent), n2 = e2.root)) : (o2 = n2.parent.left, 1 === b(o2) && (_(o2, 0), _(n2.parent, 1), P(e2, n2.parent), o2 = n2.parent.left), 0 === b(o2.left) && 0 === b(o2.right) ? (_(o2, 1), n2 = n2.parent) : (0 === b(o2.left) && (_(o2.right, 0), _(o2, 1), M(e2, o2), o2 = n2.parent.left), _(o2, b(n2.parent)), _(n2.parent, 0), _(o2.left, 0), P(e2, n2.parent), n2 = e2.root));
_(n2, 0), R();
function R() {
L.parent = L, = 0, L.start = 0, L.end = 0;
function M(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.right; +=, ( < -1073741824 || > 1073741824) && (e2.requestNormalizeDelta = true), n2.start +=, n2.end +=, t2.right = n2.left, n2.left !== L && (n2.left.parent = t2), n2.parent = t2.parent, t2.parent === L ? e2.root = n2 : t2 === t2.parent.left ? t2.parent.left = n2 : t2.parent.right = n2, n2.left = t2, t2.parent = n2, W(t2), W(n2);
function P(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.left; -=, ( < -1073741824 || > 1073741824) && (e2.requestNormalizeDelta = true), t2.start -=, t2.end -=, t2.left = n2.right, n2.right !== L && (n2.right.parent = t2), n2.parent = t2.parent, t2.parent === L ? e2.root = n2 : t2 === t2.parent.right ? t2.parent.right = n2 : t2.parent.left = n2, n2.right = t2, t2.parent = n2, W(t2), W(n2);
function F(e2) {
let t2 = e2.end;
if (e2.left !== L) {
const n2 = e2.left.maxEnd;
n2 > t2 && (t2 = n2);
if (e2.right !== L) {
const n2 = e2.right.maxEnd +;
n2 > t2 && (t2 = n2);
return t2;
function W(e2) {
e2.maxEnd = F(e2);
function z(e2) {
for (; e2 !== L; ) {
const t2 = F(e2);
if (e2.maxEnd === t2)
e2.maxEnd = t2, e2 = e2.parent;
function B(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return e2 === n2 ? t2 - i2 : e2 - n2;
class j {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.piece = e2, this.color = t2, this.size_left = 0, this.lf_left = 0, this.parent = this, this.left = this, this.right = this;
next() {
if (this.right !== V)
return U(this.right);
let e2 = this;
for (; e2.parent !== V && e2.parent.left !== e2; )
e2 = e2.parent;
return e2.parent === V ? V : e2.parent;
prev() {
if (this.left !== V)
return H(this.left);
let e2 = this;
for (; e2.parent !== V && e2.parent.right !== e2; )
e2 = e2.parent;
return e2.parent === V ? V : e2.parent;
detach() {
this.parent = null, this.left = null, this.right = null;
const V = new j(null, 0);
function U(e2) {
for (; e2.left !== V; )
e2 = e2.left;
return e2;
function H(e2) {
for (; e2.right !== V; )
e2 = e2.right;
return e2;
function q(e2) {
return e2 === V ? 0 : e2.size_left + e2.piece.length + q(e2.right);
function $(e2) {
return e2 === V ? 0 : e2.lf_left + e2.piece.lineFeedCnt + $(e2.right);
function K() {
V.parent = V;
function G(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.right;
n2.size_left += t2.size_left + (t2.piece ? t2.piece.length : 0), n2.lf_left += t2.lf_left + (t2.piece ? t2.piece.lineFeedCnt : 0), t2.right = n2.left, n2.left !== V && (n2.left.parent = t2), n2.parent = t2.parent, t2.parent === V ? e2.root = n2 : t2.parent.left === t2 ? t2.parent.left = n2 : t2.parent.right = n2, n2.left = t2, t2.parent = n2;
function Y(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.left;
t2.left = n2.right, n2.right !== V && (n2.right.parent = t2), n2.parent = t2.parent, t2.size_left -= n2.size_left + (n2.piece ? n2.piece.length : 0), t2.lf_left -= n2.lf_left + (n2.piece ? n2.piece.lineFeedCnt : 0), t2.parent === V ? e2.root = n2 : t2 === t2.parent.right ? t2.parent.right = n2 : t2.parent.left = n2, n2.right = t2, t2.parent = n2;
function Z(e2, t2) {
let n2, i2;
if (t2.left === V ? (i2 = t2, n2 = i2.right) : t2.right === V ? (i2 = t2, n2 = i2.left) : (i2 = U(t2.right), n2 = i2.right), i2 === e2.root)
return e2.root = n2, n2.color = 0, t2.detach(), K(), void (e2.root.parent = V);
let o2, r2 = 1 === i2.color;
if (i2 === i2.parent.left ? i2.parent.left = n2 : i2.parent.right = n2, i2 === t2 ? (n2.parent = i2.parent, J(e2, n2)) : (i2.parent === t2 ? n2.parent = i2 : n2.parent = i2.parent, J(e2, n2), i2.left = t2.left, i2.right = t2.right, i2.parent = t2.parent, i2.color = t2.color, t2 === e2.root ? e2.root = i2 : t2 === t2.parent.left ? t2.parent.left = i2 : t2.parent.right = i2, i2.left !== V && (i2.left.parent = i2), i2.right !== V && (i2.right.parent = i2), i2.size_left = t2.size_left, i2.lf_left = t2.lf_left, J(e2, i2)), t2.detach(), n2.parent.left === n2) {
let t3 = q(n2), i3 = $(n2);
if (t3 !== n2.parent.size_left || i3 !== n2.parent.lf_left) {
let o3 = t3 - n2.parent.size_left, r3 = i3 - n2.parent.lf_left;
n2.parent.size_left = t3, n2.parent.lf_left = i3, Q(e2, n2.parent, o3, r3);
if (J(e2, n2.parent), r2)
else {
for (; n2 !== e2.root && 0 === n2.color; )
n2 === n2.parent.left ? (o2 = n2.parent.right, 1 === o2.color && (o2.color = 0, n2.parent.color = 1, G(e2, n2.parent), o2 = n2.parent.right), 0 === o2.left.color && 0 === o2.right.color ? (o2.color = 1, n2 = n2.parent) : (0 === o2.right.color && (o2.left.color = 0, o2.color = 1, Y(e2, o2), o2 = n2.parent.right), o2.color = n2.parent.color, n2.parent.color = 0, o2.right.color = 0, G(e2, n2.parent), n2 = e2.root)) : (o2 = n2.parent.left, 1 === o2.color && (o2.color = 0, n2.parent.color = 1, Y(e2, n2.parent), o2 = n2.parent.left), 0 === o2.left.color && 0 === o2.right.color ? (o2.color = 1, n2 = n2.parent) : (0 === o2.left.color && (o2.right.color = 0, o2.color = 1, G(e2, o2), o2 = n2.parent.left), o2.color = n2.parent.color, n2.parent.color = 0, o2.left.color = 0, Y(e2, n2.parent), n2 = e2.root));
n2.color = 0, K();
function X(e2, t2) {
for (J(e2, t2); t2 !== e2.root && 1 === t2.parent.color; )
if (t2.parent === t2.parent.parent.left) {
const n2 = t2.parent.parent.right;
1 === n2.color ? (t2.parent.color = 0, n2.color = 0, t2.parent.parent.color = 1, t2 = t2.parent.parent) : (t2 === t2.parent.right && G(e2, t2 = t2.parent), t2.parent.color = 0, t2.parent.parent.color = 1, Y(e2, t2.parent.parent));
} else {
const n2 = t2.parent.parent.left;
1 === n2.color ? (t2.parent.color = 0, n2.color = 0, t2.parent.parent.color = 1, t2 = t2.parent.parent) : (t2 === t2.parent.left && Y(e2, t2 = t2.parent), t2.parent.color = 0, t2.parent.parent.color = 1, G(e2, t2.parent.parent));
e2.root.color = 0;
function Q(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
for (; t2 !== e2.root && t2 !== V; )
t2.parent.left === t2 && (t2.parent.size_left += n2, t2.parent.lf_left += i2), t2 = t2.parent;
function J(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0, i2 = 0;
if (t2 !== e2.root) {
if (0 === n2) {
for (; t2 !== e2.root && t2 === t2.parent.right; )
t2 = t2.parent;
if (t2 === e2.root)
n2 = q((t2 = t2.parent).left) - t2.size_left, i2 = $(t2.left) - t2.lf_left, t2.size_left += n2, t2.lf_left += i2;
for (; t2 !== e2.root && (0 !== n2 || 0 !== i2); )
t2.parent.left === t2 && (t2.parent.size_left += n2, t2.parent.lf_left += i2), t2 = t2.parent;
V.parent = V, V.left = V, V.right = V, V.color = 0;
var ee = n(106);
function te(e2) {
let t2;
return t2 = e2[e2.length - 1] < 65536 ? new Uint16Array(e2.length) : new Uint32Array(e2.length), t2.set(e2, 0), t2;
class ne {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.lineStarts = e2, = t2, this.lf = n2, this.crlf = i2, this.isBasicASCII = o2;
function ie(e2, t2 = true) {
let n2 = [0], i2 = 1;
for (let t3 = 0, o2 = e2.length; t3 < o2; t3++) {
const r2 = e2.charCodeAt(t3);
13 === r2 ? t3 + 1 < o2 && 10 === e2.charCodeAt(t3 + 1) ? (n2[i2++] = t3 + 2, t3++) : n2[i2++] = t3 + 1 : 10 === r2 && (n2[i2++] = t3 + 1);
return t2 ? te(n2) : n2;
class oe {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.bufferIndex = e2, this.start = t2, this.end = n2, this.lineFeedCnt = i2, this.length = o2;
class re {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.buffer = e2, this.lineStarts = t2;
class se {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._pieces = [], this._tree = e2, this._BOM = t2, this._index = 0, e2.root !== V && e2.iterate(e2.root, (e3) => (e3 !== V && this._pieces.push(e3.piece), true));
read() {
return 0 === this._pieces.length ? 0 === this._index ? (this._index++, this._BOM) : null : this._index > this._pieces.length - 1 ? null : 0 === this._index ? this._BOM + this._tree.getPieceContent(this._pieces[this._index++]) : this._tree.getPieceContent(this._pieces[this._index++]);
class ae {
constructor(e2) {
this._limit = e2, this._cache = [];
get(e2) {
for (let t2 = this._cache.length - 1; t2 >= 0; t2--) {
let n2 = this._cache[t2];
if (n2.nodeStartOffset <= e2 && n2.nodeStartOffset + n2.node.piece.length >= e2)
return n2;
return null;
get2(e2) {
for (let t2 = this._cache.length - 1; t2 >= 0; t2--) {
let n2 = this._cache[t2];
if (n2.nodeStartLineNumber && n2.nodeStartLineNumber < e2 && n2.nodeStartLineNumber + n2.node.piece.lineFeedCnt >= e2)
return n2;
return null;
set(e2) {
this._cache.length >= this._limit && this._cache.shift(), this._cache.push(e2);
validate(e2) {
let t2 = false, n2 = this._cache;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < n2.length; i2++) {
let o2 = n2[i2];
(null === o2.node.parent || o2.nodeStartOffset >= e2) && (n2[i2] = null, t2 = true);
if (t2) {
let e3 = [];
for (const t3 of n2)
null !== t3 && e3.push(t3);
this._cache = e3;
class le {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.create(e2, t2, n2);
create(e2, t2, n2) {
this._buffers = [new re("", [0])], this._lastChangeBufferPos = {line: 0, column: 0}, this.root = V, this._lineCnt = 1, this._length = 0, this._EOL = t2, this._EOLLength = t2.length, this._EOLNormalized = n2;
let i2 = null;
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = e2.length; t3 < n3; t3++)
if (e2[t3].buffer.length > 0) {
e2[t3].lineStarts || (e2[t3].lineStarts = ie(e2[t3].buffer));
let n4 = new oe(t3 + 1, {line: 0, column: 0}, {line: e2[t3].lineStarts.length - 1, column: e2[t3].buffer.length - e2[t3].lineStarts[e2[t3].lineStarts.length - 1]}, e2[t3].lineStarts.length - 1, e2[t3].buffer.length);
this._buffers.push(e2[t3]), i2 = this.rbInsertRight(i2, n4);
this._searchCache = new ae(1), this._lastVisitedLine = {lineNumber: 0, value: ""}, this.computeBufferMetadata();
normalizeEOL(e2) {
let t2 = 65535 - Math.floor(21845), n2 = 2 * t2, i2 = "", o2 = 0, r2 = [];
if (this.iterate(this.root, (s2) => {
let a2 = this.getNodeContent(s2), l2 = a2.length;
if (o2 <= t2 || o2 + l2 < n2)
return i2 += a2, o2 += l2, true;
let c2 = i2.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, e2);
return r2.push(new re(c2, ie(c2))), i2 = a2, o2 = l2, true;
}), o2 > 0) {
let t3 = i2.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, e2);
r2.push(new re(t3, ie(t3)));
this.create(r2, e2, true);
getEOL() {
return this._EOL;
setEOL(e2) {
this._EOL = e2, this._EOLLength = this._EOL.length, this.normalizeEOL(e2);
createSnapshot(e2) {
return new se(this, e2);
getOffsetAt(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0, i2 = this.root;
for (; i2 !== V; )
if (i2.left !== V && i2.lf_left + 1 >= e2)
i2 = i2.left;
else {
if (i2.lf_left + i2.piece.lineFeedCnt + 1 >= e2) {
return n2 += i2.size_left, n2 + (this.getAccumulatedValue(i2, e2 - i2.lf_left - 2) + t2 - 1);
e2 -= i2.lf_left + i2.piece.lineFeedCnt, n2 += i2.size_left + i2.piece.length, i2 = i2.right;
return n2;
getPositionAt(e2) {
e2 = Math.floor(e2), e2 = Math.max(0, e2);
let t2 = this.root, n2 = 0, i2 = e2;
for (; t2 !== V; )
if (0 !== t2.size_left && t2.size_left >= e2)
t2 = t2.left;
else {
if (t2.size_left + t2.piece.length >= e2) {
let o2 = this.getIndexOf(t2, e2 - t2.size_left);
if (n2 += t2.lf_left + o2.index, 0 === o2.index) {
let e3 = i2 - this.getOffsetAt(n2 + 1, 1);
return new c.a(n2 + 1, e3 + 1);
return new c.a(n2 + 1, o2.remainder + 1);
if (e2 -= t2.size_left + t2.piece.length, n2 += t2.lf_left + t2.piece.lineFeedCnt, t2.right === V) {
let t3 = i2 - e2 - this.getOffsetAt(n2 + 1, 1);
return new c.a(n2 + 1, t3 + 1);
t2 = t2.right;
return new c.a(1, 1);
getValueInRange(e2, t2) {
if (e2.startLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber && e2.startColumn === e2.endColumn)
return "";
let n2 = this.nodeAt2(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn), i2 = this.nodeAt2(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn), o2 = this.getValueInRange2(n2, i2);
return t2 ? t2 === this._EOL && this._EOLNormalized && t2 === this.getEOL() && this._EOLNormalized ? o2 : o2.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, t2) : o2;
getValueInRange2(e2, t2) {
if (e2.node === t2.node) {
let n3 = e2.node, i3 = this._buffers[n3.piece.bufferIndex].buffer, o3 = this.offsetInBuffer(n3.piece.bufferIndex, n3.piece.start);
return i3.substring(o3 + e2.remainder, o3 + t2.remainder);
let n2 = e2.node, i2 = this._buffers[n2.piece.bufferIndex].buffer, o2 = this.offsetInBuffer(n2.piece.bufferIndex, n2.piece.start), r2 = i2.substring(o2 + e2.remainder, o2 + n2.piece.length);
for (n2 =; n2 !== V; ) {
let e3 = this._buffers[n2.piece.bufferIndex].buffer, i3 = this.offsetInBuffer(n2.piece.bufferIndex, n2.piece.start);
if (n2 === t2.node) {
r2 += e3.substring(i3, i3 + t2.remainder);
r2 += e3.substr(i3, n2.piece.length), n2 =;
return r2;
getLinesContent() {
let e2 = [], t2 = 0, n2 = "", i2 = false;
return this.iterate(this.root, (o2) => {
if (o2 === V)
return true;
const r2 = o2.piece;
let s2 = r2.length;
if (0 === s2)
return true;
const a2 = this._buffers[r2.bufferIndex].buffer, l2 = this._buffers[r2.bufferIndex].lineStarts, c2 = r2.start.line, d2 = r2.end.line;
let h2 = l2[c2] + r2.start.column;
if (i2 && (10 === a2.charCodeAt(h2) && (h2++, s2--), e2[t2++] = n2, n2 = "", i2 = false, 0 === s2))
return true;
if (c2 === d2)
return this._EOLNormalized || 13 !== a2.charCodeAt(h2 + s2 - 1) ? n2 += a2.substr(h2, s2) : (i2 = true, n2 += a2.substr(h2, s2 - 1)), true;
n2 += this._EOLNormalized ? a2.substring(h2, Math.max(h2, l2[c2 + 1] - this._EOLLength)) : a2.substring(h2, l2[c2 + 1]).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)$/, ""), e2[t2++] = n2;
for (let i3 = c2 + 1; i3 < d2; i3++)
n2 = this._EOLNormalized ? a2.substring(l2[i3], l2[i3 + 1] - this._EOLLength) : a2.substring(l2[i3], l2[i3 + 1]).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)$/, ""), e2[t2++] = n2;
return this._EOLNormalized || 13 !== a2.charCodeAt(l2[d2] + r2.end.column - 1) ? n2 = a2.substr(l2[d2], r2.end.column) : (i2 = true, 0 === r2.end.column ? t2-- : n2 = a2.substr(l2[d2], r2.end.column - 1)), true;
}), i2 && (e2[t2++] = n2, n2 = ""), e2[t2++] = n2, e2;
getLength() {
return this._length;
getLineCount() {
return this._lineCnt;
getLineContent(e2) {
return this._lastVisitedLine.lineNumber === e2 || (this._lastVisitedLine.lineNumber = e2, e2 === this._lineCnt ? this._lastVisitedLine.value = this.getLineRawContent(e2) : this._EOLNormalized ? this._lastVisitedLine.value = this.getLineRawContent(e2, this._EOLLength) : this._lastVisitedLine.value = this.getLineRawContent(e2).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)$/, "")), this._lastVisitedLine.value;
_getCharCode(e2) {
if (e2.remainder === e2.node.piece.length) {
let t2 =;
if (!t2)
return 0;
let n2 = this._buffers[t2.piece.bufferIndex], i2 = this.offsetInBuffer(t2.piece.bufferIndex, t2.piece.start);
return n2.buffer.charCodeAt(i2);
let t2 = this._buffers[e2.node.piece.bufferIndex], n2 = this.offsetInBuffer(e2.node.piece.bufferIndex, e2.node.piece.start) + e2.remainder;
return t2.buffer.charCodeAt(n2);
getLineCharCode(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.nodeAt2(e2, t2 + 1);
return this._getCharCode(n2);
getLineLength(e2) {
if (e2 === this.getLineCount()) {
let t2 = this.getOffsetAt(e2, 1);
return this.getLength() - t2;
return this.getOffsetAt(e2 + 1, 1) - this.getOffsetAt(e2, 1) - this._EOLLength;
findMatchesInNode(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, h2) {
let u2, p2, m2, g2 = this._buffers[e2.piece.bufferIndex], f2 = this.offsetInBuffer(e2.piece.bufferIndex, e2.piece.start), b2 = this.offsetInBuffer(e2.piece.bufferIndex, o2), _2 = this.offsetInBuffer(e2.piece.bufferIndex, r2), v2 = {line: 0, column: 0};
t2._wordSeparators ? (p2 = g2.buffer.substring(b2, _2), m2 = (e3) => e3 + b2, t2.reset(0)) : (p2 = g2.buffer, m2 = (e3) => e3, t2.reset(b2));
do {
if (u2 =, u2) {
if (m2(u2.index) >= _2)
return c2;
this.positionInBuffer(e2, m2(u2.index) - f2, v2);
let t3 = this.getLineFeedCnt(e2.piece.bufferIndex, o2, v2), r3 = v2.line === o2.line ? v2.column - o2.column + i2 : v2.column + 1, s3 = r3 + u2[0].length;
if (h2[c2++] = Object(ee.d)(new d.a(n2 + t3, r3, n2 + t3, s3), u2, a2), m2(u2.index) + u2[0].length >= _2)
return c2;
if (c2 >= l2)
return c2;
} while (u2);
return c2;
findMatchesLineByLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = [];
let r2 = 0;
const s2 = new ee.b(t2.wordSeparators, t2.regex);
let a2 = this.nodeAt2(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn);
if (null === a2)
return [];
let l2 = this.nodeAt2(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn);
if (null === l2)
return [];
let c2 = this.positionInBuffer(a2.node, a2.remainder), d2 = this.positionInBuffer(l2.node, l2.remainder);
if (a2.node === l2.node)
return this.findMatchesInNode(a2.node, s2, e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn, c2, d2, t2, n2, i2, r2, o2), o2;
let h2 = e2.startLineNumber, u2 = a2.node;
for (; u2 !== l2.node; ) {
let l3 = this.getLineFeedCnt(u2.piece.bufferIndex, c2, u2.piece.end);
if (l3 >= 1) {
let a3 = this._buffers[u2.piece.bufferIndex].lineStarts, d4 = this.offsetInBuffer(u2.piece.bufferIndex, u2.piece.start), p3 = a3[c2.line + l3], m2 = h2 === e2.startLineNumber ? e2.startColumn : 1;
if (r2 = this.findMatchesInNode(u2, s2, h2, m2, c2, this.positionInBuffer(u2, p3 - d4), t2, n2, i2, r2, o2), r2 >= i2)
return o2;
h2 += l3;
let d3 = h2 === e2.startLineNumber ? e2.startColumn - 1 : 0;
if (h2 === e2.endLineNumber) {
const a3 = this.getLineContent(h2).substring(d3, e2.endColumn - 1);
return r2 = this._findMatchesInLine(t2, s2, a3, e2.endLineNumber, d3, r2, o2, n2, i2), o2;
if (r2 = this._findMatchesInLine(t2, s2, this.getLineContent(h2).substr(d3), h2, d3, r2, o2, n2, i2), r2 >= i2)
return o2;
h2++, a2 = this.nodeAt2(h2, 1), u2 = a2.node, c2 = this.positionInBuffer(a2.node, a2.remainder);
if (h2 === e2.endLineNumber) {
let a3 = h2 === e2.startLineNumber ? e2.startColumn - 1 : 0;
const l3 = this.getLineContent(h2).substring(a3, e2.endColumn - 1);
return r2 = this._findMatchesInLine(t2, s2, l3, e2.endLineNumber, a3, r2, o2, n2, i2), o2;
let p2 = h2 === e2.startLineNumber ? e2.startColumn : 1;
return r2 = this.findMatchesInNode(l2.node, s2, h2, p2, c2, d2, t2, n2, i2, r2, o2), o2;
_findMatchesInLine(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2) {
const c2 = e2.wordSeparators;
if (!a2 && e2.simpleSearch) {
const t3 = e2.simpleSearch, a3 = t3.length, h3 = n2.length;
let p2 = -a3;
for (; -1 !== (p2 = n2.indexOf(t3, p2 + a3)); )
if ((!c2 || Object(ee.e)(c2, n2, h3, p2, a3)) && (s2[r2++] = new u.b(new d.a(i2, p2 + 1 + o2, i2, p2 + 1 + a3 + o2), null), r2 >= l2))
return r2;
return r2;
let h2;
do {
if (h2 =, h2 && (s2[r2++] = Object(ee.d)(new d.a(i2, h2.index + 1 + o2, i2, h2.index + 1 + h2[0].length + o2), h2, a2), r2 >= l2))
return r2;
} while (h2);
return r2;
insert(e2, t2, n2 = false) {
if (this._EOLNormalized = this._EOLNormalized && n2, this._lastVisitedLine.lineNumber = 0, this._lastVisitedLine.value = "", this.root !== V) {
let {node: n3, remainder: i2, nodeStartOffset: o2} = this.nodeAt(e2), r2 = n3.piece, s2 = r2.bufferIndex, a2 = this.positionInBuffer(n3, i2);
if (0 === n3.piece.bufferIndex && r2.end.line === this._lastChangeBufferPos.line && r2.end.column === this._lastChangeBufferPos.column && o2 + r2.length === e2 && t2.length < 65535)
return this.appendToNode(n3, t2), void this.computeBufferMetadata();
if (o2 === e2)
this.insertContentToNodeLeft(t2, n3), this._searchCache.validate(e2);
else if (o2 + n3.piece.length > e2) {
let e3 = [], o3 = new oe(r2.bufferIndex, a2, r2.end, this.getLineFeedCnt(r2.bufferIndex, a2, r2.end), this.offsetInBuffer(s2, r2.end) - this.offsetInBuffer(s2, a2));
if (this.shouldCheckCRLF() && this.endWithCR(t2)) {
if (10 === this.nodeCharCodeAt(n3, i2)) {
let e4 = {line: o3.start.line + 1, column: 0};
o3 = new oe(o3.bufferIndex, e4, o3.end, this.getLineFeedCnt(o3.bufferIndex, e4, o3.end), o3.length - 1), t2 += "\n";
if (this.shouldCheckCRLF() && this.startWithLF(t2)) {
if (13 === this.nodeCharCodeAt(n3, i2 - 1)) {
let o4 = this.positionInBuffer(n3, i2 - 1);
this.deleteNodeTail(n3, o4), t2 = "\r" + t2, 0 === n3.piece.length && e3.push(n3);
} else
this.deleteNodeTail(n3, a2);
} else
this.deleteNodeTail(n3, a2);
let l2 = this.createNewPieces(t2);
o3.length > 0 && this.rbInsertRight(n3, o3);
let c2 = n3;
for (let e4 = 0; e4 < l2.length; e4++)
c2 = this.rbInsertRight(c2, l2[e4]);
} else
this.insertContentToNodeRight(t2, n3);
} else {
let e3 = this.createNewPieces(t2), n3 = this.rbInsertLeft(null, e3[0]);
for (let t3 = 1; t3 < e3.length; t3++)
n3 = this.rbInsertRight(n3, e3[t3]);
delete(e2, t2) {
if (this._lastVisitedLine.lineNumber = 0, this._lastVisitedLine.value = "", t2 <= 0 || this.root === V)
let n2 = this.nodeAt(e2), i2 = this.nodeAt(e2 + t2), o2 = n2.node, r2 = i2.node;
if (o2 === r2) {
let r3 = this.positionInBuffer(o2, n2.remainder), s3 = this.positionInBuffer(o2, i2.remainder);
if (n2.nodeStartOffset === e2) {
if (t2 === o2.piece.length) {
let e3 =;
return Z(this, o2), this.validateCRLFWithPrevNode(e3), void this.computeBufferMetadata();
return this.deleteNodeHead(o2, s3), this._searchCache.validate(e2), this.validateCRLFWithPrevNode(o2), void this.computeBufferMetadata();
return n2.nodeStartOffset + o2.piece.length === e2 + t2 ? (this.deleteNodeTail(o2, r3), this.validateCRLFWithNextNode(o2), void this.computeBufferMetadata()) : (this.shrinkNode(o2, r3, s3), void this.computeBufferMetadata());
let s2 = [], a2 = this.positionInBuffer(o2, n2.remainder);
this.deleteNodeTail(o2, a2), this._searchCache.validate(e2), 0 === o2.piece.length && s2.push(o2);
let l2 = this.positionInBuffer(r2, i2.remainder);
this.deleteNodeHead(r2, l2), 0 === r2.piece.length && s2.push(r2);
for (let e3 =; e3 !== V && e3 !== r2; e3 =
let c2 = 0 === o2.piece.length ? o2.prev() : o2;
this.deleteNodes(s2), this.validateCRLFWithNextNode(c2), this.computeBufferMetadata();
insertContentToNodeLeft(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [];
if (this.shouldCheckCRLF() && this.endWithCR(e2) && this.startWithLF(t2)) {
let i3 = t2.piece, o3 = {line: i3.start.line + 1, column: 0}, r2 = new oe(i3.bufferIndex, o3, i3.end, this.getLineFeedCnt(i3.bufferIndex, o3, i3.end), i3.length - 1);
t2.piece = r2, e2 += "\n", Q(this, t2, -1, -1), 0 === t2.piece.length && n2.push(t2);
let i2 = this.createNewPieces(e2), o2 = this.rbInsertLeft(t2, i2[i2.length - 1]);
for (let e3 = i2.length - 2; e3 >= 0; e3--)
o2 = this.rbInsertLeft(o2, i2[e3]);
this.validateCRLFWithPrevNode(o2), this.deleteNodes(n2);
insertContentToNodeRight(e2, t2) {
this.adjustCarriageReturnFromNext(e2, t2) && (e2 += "\n");
let n2 = this.createNewPieces(e2), i2 = this.rbInsertRight(t2, n2[0]), o2 = i2;
for (let e3 = 1; e3 < n2.length; e3++)
o2 = this.rbInsertRight(o2, n2[e3]);
positionInBuffer(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = e2.piece, o2 = e2.piece.bufferIndex, r2 = this._buffers[o2].lineStarts, s2 = r2[i2.start.line] + i2.start.column + t2, a2 = i2.start.line, l2 = i2.end.line, c2 = 0, d2 = 0, h2 = 0;
for (; a2 <= l2 && (c2 = a2 + (l2 - a2) / 2 | 0, h2 = r2[c2], c2 !== l2); )
if (d2 = r2[c2 + 1], s2 < h2)
l2 = c2 - 1;
else {
if (!(s2 >= d2))
a2 = c2 + 1;
return n2 ? (n2.line = c2, n2.column = s2 - h2, null) : {line: c2, column: s2 - h2};
getLineFeedCnt(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === n2.column)
return n2.line - t2.line;
let i2 = this._buffers[e2].lineStarts;
if (n2.line === i2.length - 1)
return n2.line - t2.line;
let o2 = i2[n2.line + 1], r2 = i2[n2.line] + n2.column;
if (o2 > r2 + 1)
return n2.line - t2.line;
let s2 = r2 - 1;
return 13 === this._buffers[e2].buffer.charCodeAt(s2) ? n2.line - t2.line + 1 : n2.line - t2.line;
offsetInBuffer(e2, t2) {
return this._buffers[e2].lineStarts[t2.line] + t2.column;
deleteNodes(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < e2.length; t2++)
Z(this, e2[t2]);
createNewPieces(e2) {
if (e2.length > 65535) {
let t3 = [];
for (; e2.length > 65535; ) {
const n4 = e2.charCodeAt(65534);
let i3;
13 === n4 || n4 >= 55296 && n4 <= 56319 ? (i3 = e2.substring(0, 65534), e2 = e2.substring(65534)) : (i3 = e2.substring(0, 65535), e2 = e2.substring(65535));
let o3 = ie(i3);
t3.push(new oe(this._buffers.length, {line: 0, column: 0}, {line: o3.length - 1, column: i3.length - o3[o3.length - 1]}, o3.length - 1, i3.length)), this._buffers.push(new re(i3, o3));
let n3 = ie(e2);
return t3.push(new oe(this._buffers.length, {line: 0, column: 0}, {line: n3.length - 1, column: e2.length - n3[n3.length - 1]}, n3.length - 1, e2.length)), this._buffers.push(new re(e2, n3)), t3;
let t2 = this._buffers[0].buffer.length;
const n2 = ie(e2, false);
let i2 = this._lastChangeBufferPos;
if (this._buffers[0].lineStarts[this._buffers[0].lineStarts.length - 1] === t2 && 0 !== t2 && this.startWithLF(e2) && this.endWithCR(this._buffers[0].buffer)) {
this._lastChangeBufferPos = {line: this._lastChangeBufferPos.line, column: this._lastChangeBufferPos.column + 1}, i2 = this._lastChangeBufferPos;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2.length; e3++)
n2[e3] += t2 + 1;
this._buffers[0].lineStarts = this._buffers[0].lineStarts.concat(n2.slice(1)), this._buffers[0].buffer += "_" + e2, t2 += 1;
} else {
if (0 !== t2)
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2.length; e3++)
n2[e3] += t2;
this._buffers[0].lineStarts = this._buffers[0].lineStarts.concat(n2.slice(1)), this._buffers[0].buffer += e2;
const o2 = this._buffers[0].buffer.length;
let r2 = this._buffers[0].lineStarts.length - 1, s2 = {line: r2, column: o2 - this._buffers[0].lineStarts[r2]}, a2 = new oe(0, i2, s2, this.getLineFeedCnt(0, i2, s2), o2 - t2);
return this._lastChangeBufferPos = s2, [a2];
getLineRawContent(e2, t2 = 0) {
let n2 = this.root, i2 = "", o2 = this._searchCache.get2(e2);
if (o2) {
n2 = o2.node;
let r2 = this.getAccumulatedValue(n2, e2 - o2.nodeStartLineNumber - 1), s2 = this._buffers[n2.piece.bufferIndex].buffer, a2 = this.offsetInBuffer(n2.piece.bufferIndex, n2.piece.start);
if (o2.nodeStartLineNumber + n2.piece.lineFeedCnt !== e2) {
let i3 = this.getAccumulatedValue(n2, e2 - o2.nodeStartLineNumber);
return s2.substring(a2 + r2, a2 + i3 - t2);
i2 = s2.substring(a2 + r2, a2 + n2.piece.length);
} else {
let o3 = 0;
const r2 = e2;
for (; n2 !== V; )
if (n2.left !== V && n2.lf_left >= e2 - 1)
n2 = n2.left;
else {
if (n2.lf_left + n2.piece.lineFeedCnt > e2 - 1) {
let i3 = this.getAccumulatedValue(n2, e2 - n2.lf_left - 2), s2 = this.getAccumulatedValue(n2, e2 - n2.lf_left - 1), a2 = this._buffers[n2.piece.bufferIndex].buffer, l2 = this.offsetInBuffer(n2.piece.bufferIndex, n2.piece.start);
return o3 += n2.size_left, this._searchCache.set({node: n2, nodeStartOffset: o3, nodeStartLineNumber: r2 - (e2 - 1 - n2.lf_left)}), a2.substring(l2 + i3, l2 + s2 - t2);
if (n2.lf_left + n2.piece.lineFeedCnt === e2 - 1) {
let t3 = this.getAccumulatedValue(n2, e2 - n2.lf_left - 2), o4 = this._buffers[n2.piece.bufferIndex].buffer, r3 = this.offsetInBuffer(n2.piece.bufferIndex, n2.piece.start);
i2 = o4.substring(r3 + t3, r3 + n2.piece.length);
e2 -= n2.lf_left + n2.piece.lineFeedCnt, o3 += n2.size_left + n2.piece.length, n2 = n2.right;
for (n2 =; n2 !== V; ) {
let e3 = this._buffers[n2.piece.bufferIndex].buffer;
if (n2.piece.lineFeedCnt > 0) {
let o3 = this.getAccumulatedValue(n2, 0), r2 = this.offsetInBuffer(n2.piece.bufferIndex, n2.piece.start);
return i2 += e3.substring(r2, r2 + o3 - t2), i2;
let t3 = this.offsetInBuffer(n2.piece.bufferIndex, n2.piece.start);
i2 += e3.substr(t3, n2.piece.length);
n2 =;
return i2;
computeBufferMetadata() {
let e2 = this.root, t2 = 1, n2 = 0;
for (; e2 !== V; )
t2 += e2.lf_left + e2.piece.lineFeedCnt, n2 += e2.size_left + e2.piece.length, e2 = e2.right;
this._lineCnt = t2, this._length = n2, this._searchCache.validate(this._length);
getIndexOf(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.piece, i2 = this.positionInBuffer(e2, t2), o2 = i2.line - n2.start.line;
if (this.offsetInBuffer(n2.bufferIndex, n2.end) - this.offsetInBuffer(n2.bufferIndex, n2.start) === t2) {
let t3 = this.getLineFeedCnt(e2.piece.bufferIndex, n2.start, i2);
if (t3 !== o2)
return {index: t3, remainder: 0};
return {index: o2, remainder: i2.column};
getAccumulatedValue(e2, t2) {
if (t2 < 0)
return 0;
let n2 = e2.piece, i2 = this._buffers[n2.bufferIndex].lineStarts, o2 = n2.start.line + t2 + 1;
return o2 > n2.end.line ? i2[n2.end.line] + n2.end.column - i2[n2.start.line] - n2.start.column : i2[o2] - i2[n2.start.line] - n2.start.column;
deleteNodeTail(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.piece, i2 = n2.lineFeedCnt, o2 = this.offsetInBuffer(n2.bufferIndex, n2.end), r2 = t2, s2 = this.offsetInBuffer(n2.bufferIndex, r2), a2 = this.getLineFeedCnt(n2.bufferIndex, n2.start, r2), l2 = a2 - i2, c2 = s2 - o2, d2 = n2.length + c2;
e2.piece = new oe(n2.bufferIndex, n2.start, r2, a2, d2), Q(this, e2, c2, l2);
deleteNodeHead(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.piece, i2 = n2.lineFeedCnt, o2 = this.offsetInBuffer(n2.bufferIndex, n2.start), r2 = t2, s2 = this.getLineFeedCnt(n2.bufferIndex, r2, n2.end), a2 = s2 - i2, l2 = o2 - this.offsetInBuffer(n2.bufferIndex, r2), c2 = n2.length + l2;
e2.piece = new oe(n2.bufferIndex, r2, n2.end, s2, c2), Q(this, e2, l2, a2);
shrinkNode(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.piece, o2 = i2.start, r2 = i2.end, s2 = i2.length, a2 = i2.lineFeedCnt, l2 = t2, c2 = this.getLineFeedCnt(i2.bufferIndex, i2.start, l2), d2 = this.offsetInBuffer(i2.bufferIndex, t2) - this.offsetInBuffer(i2.bufferIndex, o2);
e2.piece = new oe(i2.bufferIndex, i2.start, l2, c2, d2), Q(this, e2, d2 - s2, c2 - a2);
let h2 = new oe(i2.bufferIndex, n2, r2, this.getLineFeedCnt(i2.bufferIndex, n2, r2), this.offsetInBuffer(i2.bufferIndex, r2) - this.offsetInBuffer(i2.bufferIndex, n2)), u2 = this.rbInsertRight(e2, h2);
appendToNode(e2, t2) {
this.adjustCarriageReturnFromNext(t2, e2) && (t2 += "\n");
const n2 = this.shouldCheckCRLF() && this.startWithLF(t2) && this.endWithCR(e2), i2 = this._buffers[0].buffer.length;
this._buffers[0].buffer += t2;
const o2 = ie(t2, false);
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < o2.length; e3++)
o2[e3] += i2;
if (n2) {
let e3 = this._buffers[0].lineStarts[this._buffers[0].lineStarts.length - 2];
this._buffers[0].lineStarts.pop(), this._lastChangeBufferPos = {line: this._lastChangeBufferPos.line - 1, column: i2 - e3};
this._buffers[0].lineStarts = this._buffers[0].lineStarts.concat(o2.slice(1));
const r2 = this._buffers[0].lineStarts.length - 1, s2 = {line: r2, column: this._buffers[0].buffer.length - this._buffers[0].lineStarts[r2]}, a2 = e2.piece.length + t2.length, l2 = e2.piece.lineFeedCnt, c2 = this.getLineFeedCnt(0, e2.piece.start, s2), d2 = c2 - l2;
e2.piece = new oe(e2.piece.bufferIndex, e2.piece.start, s2, c2, a2), this._lastChangeBufferPos = s2, Q(this, e2, t2.length, d2);
nodeAt(e2) {
let t2 = this.root, n2 = this._searchCache.get(e2);
if (n2)
return {node: n2.node, nodeStartOffset: n2.nodeStartOffset, remainder: e2 - n2.nodeStartOffset};
let i2 = 0;
for (; t2 !== V; )
if (t2.size_left > e2)
t2 = t2.left;
else {
if (t2.size_left + t2.piece.length >= e2) {
i2 += t2.size_left;
let n3 = {node: t2, remainder: e2 - t2.size_left, nodeStartOffset: i2};
return this._searchCache.set(n3), n3;
e2 -= t2.size_left + t2.piece.length, i2 += t2.size_left + t2.piece.length, t2 = t2.right;
return null;
nodeAt2(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.root, i2 = 0;
for (; n2 !== V; )
if (n2.left !== V && n2.lf_left >= e2 - 1)
n2 = n2.left;
else {
if (n2.lf_left + n2.piece.lineFeedCnt > e2 - 1) {
let o2 = this.getAccumulatedValue(n2, e2 - n2.lf_left - 2), r2 = this.getAccumulatedValue(n2, e2 - n2.lf_left - 1);
return i2 += n2.size_left, {node: n2, remainder: Math.min(o2 + t2 - 1, r2), nodeStartOffset: i2};
if (n2.lf_left + n2.piece.lineFeedCnt === e2 - 1) {
let o2 = this.getAccumulatedValue(n2, e2 - n2.lf_left - 2);
if (o2 + t2 - 1 <= n2.piece.length)
return {node: n2, remainder: o2 + t2 - 1, nodeStartOffset: i2};
t2 -= n2.piece.length - o2;
e2 -= n2.lf_left + n2.piece.lineFeedCnt, i2 += n2.size_left + n2.piece.length, n2 = n2.right;
for (n2 =; n2 !== V; ) {
if (n2.piece.lineFeedCnt > 0) {
let e3 = this.getAccumulatedValue(n2, 0), i3 = this.offsetOfNode(n2);
return {node: n2, remainder: Math.min(t2 - 1, e3), nodeStartOffset: i3};
if (n2.piece.length >= t2 - 1) {
return {node: n2, remainder: t2 - 1, nodeStartOffset: this.offsetOfNode(n2)};
t2 -= n2.piece.length, n2 =;
return null;
nodeCharCodeAt(e2, t2) {
if (e2.piece.lineFeedCnt < 1)
return -1;
let n2 = this._buffers[e2.piece.bufferIndex], i2 = this.offsetInBuffer(e2.piece.bufferIndex, e2.piece.start) + t2;
return n2.buffer.charCodeAt(i2);
offsetOfNode(e2) {
if (!e2)
return 0;
let t2 = e2.size_left;
for (; e2 !== this.root; )
e2.parent.right === e2 && (t2 += e2.parent.size_left + e2.parent.piece.length), e2 = e2.parent;
return t2;
shouldCheckCRLF() {
return !(this._EOLNormalized && "\n" === this._EOL);
startWithLF(e2) {
if ("string" == typeof e2)
return 10 === e2.charCodeAt(0);
if (e2 === V || 0 === e2.piece.lineFeedCnt)
return false;
let t2 = e2.piece, n2 = this._buffers[t2.bufferIndex].lineStarts, i2 = t2.start.line, o2 = n2[i2] + t2.start.column;
return i2 !== n2.length - 1 && (!(n2[i2 + 1] > o2 + 1) && 10 === this._buffers[t2.bufferIndex].buffer.charCodeAt(o2));
endWithCR(e2) {
return "string" == typeof e2 ? 13 === e2.charCodeAt(e2.length - 1) : e2 !== V && 0 !== e2.piece.lineFeedCnt && 13 === this.nodeCharCodeAt(e2, e2.piece.length - 1);
validateCRLFWithPrevNode(e2) {
if (this.shouldCheckCRLF() && this.startWithLF(e2)) {
let t2 = e2.prev();
this.endWithCR(t2) && this.fixCRLF(t2, e2);
validateCRLFWithNextNode(e2) {
if (this.shouldCheckCRLF() && this.endWithCR(e2)) {
let t2 =;
this.startWithLF(t2) && this.fixCRLF(e2, t2);
fixCRLF(e2, t2) {
let n2, i2 = [], o2 = this._buffers[e2.piece.bufferIndex].lineStarts;
n2 = 0 === e2.piece.end.column ? {line: e2.piece.end.line - 1, column: o2[e2.piece.end.line] - o2[e2.piece.end.line - 1] - 1} : {line: e2.piece.end.line, column: e2.piece.end.column - 1};
const r2 = e2.piece.length - 1, s2 = e2.piece.lineFeedCnt - 1;
e2.piece = new oe(e2.piece.bufferIndex, e2.piece.start, n2, s2, r2), Q(this, e2, -1, -1), 0 === e2.piece.length && i2.push(e2);
let a2 = {line: t2.piece.start.line + 1, column: 0};
const l2 = t2.piece.length - 1, c2 = this.getLineFeedCnt(t2.piece.bufferIndex, a2, t2.piece.end);
t2.piece = new oe(t2.piece.bufferIndex, a2, t2.piece.end, c2, l2), Q(this, t2, -1, -1), 0 === t2.piece.length && i2.push(t2);
let d2 = this.createNewPieces("\r\n");
this.rbInsertRight(e2, d2[0]);
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < i2.length; e3++)
Z(this, i2[e3]);
adjustCarriageReturnFromNext(e2, t2) {
if (this.shouldCheckCRLF() && this.endWithCR(e2)) {
let n2 =;
if (this.startWithLF(n2)) {
if (e2 += "\n", 1 === n2.piece.length)
Z(this, n2);
else {
const e3 = n2.piece, t3 = {line: e3.start.line + 1, column: 0}, i2 = e3.length - 1, o2 = this.getLineFeedCnt(e3.bufferIndex, t3, e3.end);
n2.piece = new oe(e3.bufferIndex, t3, e3.end, o2, i2), Q(this, n2, -1, -1);
return true;
return false;
iterate(e2, t2) {
if (e2 === V)
return t2(V);
let n2 = this.iterate(e2.left, t2);
return n2 ? t2(e2) && this.iterate(e2.right, t2) : n2;
getNodeContent(e2) {
if (e2 === V)
return "";
let t2, n2 = this._buffers[e2.piece.bufferIndex], i2 = e2.piece, o2 = this.offsetInBuffer(i2.bufferIndex, i2.start), r2 = this.offsetInBuffer(i2.bufferIndex, i2.end);
return t2 = n2.buffer.substring(o2, r2), t2;
getPieceContent(e2) {
let t2 = this._buffers[e2.bufferIndex], n2 = this.offsetInBuffer(e2.bufferIndex, e2.start), i2 = this.offsetInBuffer(e2.bufferIndex, e2.end);
return t2.buffer.substring(n2, i2);
rbInsertRight(e2, t2) {
let n2 = new j(t2, 1);
if (n2.left = V, n2.right = V, n2.parent = V, n2.size_left = 0, n2.lf_left = 0, this.root === V)
this.root = n2, n2.color = 0;
else if (e2.right === V)
e2.right = n2, n2.parent = e2;
else {
let t3 = U(e2.right);
t3.left = n2, n2.parent = t3;
return X(this, n2), n2;
rbInsertLeft(e2, t2) {
let n2 = new j(t2, 1);
if (n2.left = V, n2.right = V, n2.parent = V, n2.size_left = 0, n2.lf_left = 0, this.root === V)
this.root = n2, n2.color = 0;
else if (e2.left === V)
e2.left = n2, n2.parent = e2;
else {
let t3 = H(e2.left);
t3.right = n2, n2.parent = t3;
return X(this, n2), n2;
var ce = n(124), de = n(180);
class he {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2, s2, a2) {
this._onDidChangeContent = new o.a(), this._BOM = t2, this._mightContainNonBasicASCII = !s2, this._mightContainRTL = i2, this._mightContainUnusualLineTerminators = r2, this._pieceTree = new le(e2, n2, a2);
dispose() {
mightContainRTL() {
return this._mightContainRTL;
mightContainUnusualLineTerminators() {
return this._mightContainUnusualLineTerminators;
resetMightContainUnusualLineTerminators() {
this._mightContainUnusualLineTerminators = false;
mightContainNonBasicASCII() {
return this._mightContainNonBasicASCII;
getBOM() {
return this._BOM;
getEOL() {
return this._pieceTree.getEOL();
createSnapshot(e2) {
return this._pieceTree.createSnapshot(e2 ? this._BOM : "");
getOffsetAt(e2, t2) {
return this._pieceTree.getOffsetAt(e2, t2);
getPositionAt(e2) {
return this._pieceTree.getPositionAt(e2);
getRangeAt(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2 + t2;
const i2 = this.getPositionAt(e2), o2 = this.getPositionAt(n2);
return new d.a(i2.lineNumber, i2.column, o2.lineNumber, o2.column);
getValueInRange(e2, t2 = 0) {
if (e2.isEmpty())
return "";
const n2 = this._getEndOfLine(t2);
return this._pieceTree.getValueInRange(e2, n2);
getValueLengthInRange(e2, t2 = 0) {
if (e2.isEmpty())
return 0;
if (e2.startLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber)
return e2.endColumn - e2.startColumn;
let n2 = this.getOffsetAt(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn);
return this.getOffsetAt(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn) - n2;
getCharacterCountInRange(e2, t2 = 0) {
if (this._mightContainNonBasicASCII) {
let n2 = 0;
const i2 = e2.startLineNumber, o2 = e2.endLineNumber;
for (let t3 = i2; t3 <= o2; t3++) {
const r2 = this.getLineContent(t3), a2 = t3 === i2 ? e2.startColumn - 1 : 0, l2 = t3 === o2 ? e2.endColumn - 1 : r2.length;
for (let e3 = a2; e3 < l2; e3++)
s.F(r2.charCodeAt(e3)) ? (n2 += 1, e3 += 1) : n2 += 1;
return n2 += this._getEndOfLine(t2).length * (o2 - i2), n2;
return this.getValueLengthInRange(e2, t2);
getLength() {
return this._pieceTree.getLength();
getLineCount() {
return this._pieceTree.getLineCount();
getLinesContent() {
return this._pieceTree.getLinesContent();
getLineContent(e2) {
return this._pieceTree.getLineContent(e2);
getLineCharCode(e2, t2) {
return this._pieceTree.getLineCharCode(e2, t2);
getLineLength(e2) {
return this._pieceTree.getLineLength(e2);
getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e2) {
const t2 = s.w(this.getLineContent(e2));
return -1 === t2 ? 0 : t2 + 1;
getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(e2) {
const t2 = s.J(this.getLineContent(e2));
return -1 === t2 ? 0 : t2 + 2;
_getEndOfLine(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case 1:
return "\n";
case 2:
return "\r\n";
case 0:
return this.getEOL();
throw new Error("Unknown EOL preference");
setEOL(e2) {
applyEdits(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = this._mightContainRTL, o2 = this._mightContainUnusualLineTerminators, r2 = this._mightContainNonBasicASCII, a2 = true, l2 = [];
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e2.length; t3++) {
let n3 = e2[t3];
a2 && n3._isTracked && (a2 = false);
let c3 = n3.range;
if (n3.text) {
let e3 = true;
r2 || (e3 = !s.B(n3.text), r2 = e3), !i2 && e3 && (i2 = s.m(n3.text)), !o2 && e3 && (o2 = s.n(n3.text));
let d3 = "", h3 = 0, u2 = 0, p3 = 0;
if (n3.text) {
let e3;
[h3, u2, p3, e3] = Object(ce.f)(n3.text);
const t4 = this.getEOL(), i3 = "\r\n" === t4 ? 2 : 1;
d3 = 0 === e3 || e3 === i3 ? n3.text : n3.text.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, t4);
l2[t3] = {sortIndex: t3, identifier: n3.identifier || null, range: c3, rangeOffset: this.getOffsetAt(c3.startLineNumber, c3.startColumn), rangeLength: this.getValueLengthInRange(c3), text: d3, eolCount: h3, firstLineLength: u2, lastLineLength: p3, forceMoveMarkers: Boolean(n3.forceMoveMarkers), isAutoWhitespaceEdit: n3.isAutoWhitespaceEdit || false};
let c2 = false;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = l2.length - 1; e3 < t3; e3++) {
let t4 = l2[e3].range.getEndPosition(), n3 = l2[e3 + 1].range.getStartPosition();
if (n3.isBeforeOrEqual(t4)) {
if (n3.isBefore(t4))
throw new Error("Overlapping ranges are not allowed!");
c2 = true;
a2 && (l2 = this._reduceOperations(l2));
let d2 = n2 || t2 ? he._getInverseEditRanges(l2) : [], h2 = [];
if (t2)
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < l2.length; e3++) {
let t3 = l2[e3], n3 = d2[e3];
if (t3.isAutoWhitespaceEdit && t3.range.isEmpty())
for (let e4 = n3.startLineNumber; e4 <= n3.endLineNumber; e4++) {
let i3 = "";
e4 === n3.startLineNumber && (i3 = this.getLineContent(t3.range.startLineNumber), -1 !== s.w(i3)) || h2.push({lineNumber: e4, oldContent: i3});
let p2 = null;
if (n2) {
let e3 = 0;
p2 = [];
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < l2.length; t3++) {
const n3 = l2[t3], i3 = d2[t3], o3 = this.getValueInRange(n3.range), r3 = n3.rangeOffset + e3;
e3 += n3.text.length - o3.length, p2[t3] = {sortIndex: n3.sortIndex, identifier: n3.identifier, range: i3, text: o3, textChange: new de.a(n3.rangeOffset, o3, r3, n3.text)};
c2 || p2.sort((e4, t3) => e4.sortIndex - t3.sortIndex);
this._mightContainRTL = i2, this._mightContainUnusualLineTerminators = o2, this._mightContainNonBasicASCII = r2;
const m2 = this._doApplyEdits(l2);
let g2 = null;
if (t2 && h2.length > 0) {
h2.sort((e3, t3) => t3.lineNumber - e3.lineNumber), g2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = h2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
let t4 = h2[e3].lineNumber;
if (e3 > 0 && h2[e3 - 1].lineNumber === t4)
let n3 = h2[e3].oldContent, i3 = this.getLineContent(t4);
0 !== i3.length && i3 !== n3 && -1 === s.w(i3) && g2.push(t4);
return, new u.a(p2, m2, g2);
_reduceOperations(e2) {
return e2.length < 1e3 ? e2 : [this._toSingleEditOperation(e2)];
_toSingleEditOperation(e2) {
let t2 = false;
const n2 = e2[0].range, i2 = e2[e2.length - 1].range, o2 = new d.a(n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn, i2.endLineNumber, i2.endColumn);
let r2 = n2.startLineNumber, s2 = n2.startColumn;
const a2 = [];
for (let n3 = 0, i3 = e2.length; n3 < i3; n3++) {
const i4 = e2[n3], o3 = i4.range;
t2 = t2 || i4.forceMoveMarkers, a2.push(this.getValueInRange(new d.a(r2, s2, o3.startLineNumber, o3.startColumn))), i4.text.length > 0 && a2.push(i4.text), r2 = o3.endLineNumber, s2 = o3.endColumn;
const l2 = a2.join(""), [c2, h2, u2] = Object(ce.f)(l2);
return {sortIndex: 0, identifier: e2[0].identifier, range: o2, rangeOffset: this.getOffsetAt(o2.startLineNumber, o2.startColumn), rangeLength: this.getValueLengthInRange(o2, 0), text: l2, eolCount: c2, firstLineLength: h2, lastLineLength: u2, forceMoveMarkers: t2, isAutoWhitespaceEdit: false};
_doApplyEdits(e2) {
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < e2.length; n2++) {
let i2 = e2[n2];
const o2 = i2.range.startLineNumber, r2 = i2.range.startColumn, s2 = i2.range.endLineNumber, a2 = i2.range.endColumn;
if (o2 === s2 && r2 === a2 && 0 === i2.text.length)
i2.text ? (this._pieceTree.delete(i2.rangeOffset, i2.rangeLength), this._pieceTree.insert(i2.rangeOffset, i2.text, true)) : this._pieceTree.delete(i2.rangeOffset, i2.rangeLength);
const l2 = new d.a(o2, r2, s2, a2);
t2.push({range: l2, rangeLength: i2.rangeLength, text: i2.text, rangeOffset: i2.rangeOffset, forceMoveMarkers: i2.forceMoveMarkers});
return t2;
findMatchesLineByLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return this._pieceTree.findMatchesLineByLine(e2, t2, n2, i2);
static _getInverseEditRanges(e2) {
let t2 = [], n2 = 0, i2 = 0, o2 = null;
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = e2.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
let s3, a2, l2, c2 = e2[r2];
if (o2 ? o2.range.endLineNumber === c2.range.startLineNumber ? (s3 = n2, a2 = i2 + (c2.range.startColumn - o2.range.endColumn)) : (s3 = n2 + (c2.range.startLineNumber - o2.range.endLineNumber), a2 = c2.range.startColumn) : (s3 = c2.range.startLineNumber, a2 = c2.range.startColumn), c2.text.length > 0) {
const e3 = c2.eolCount + 1;
l2 = 1 === e3 ? new d.a(s3, a2, s3, a2 + c2.firstLineLength) : new d.a(s3, a2, s3 + e3 - 1, c2.lastLineLength + 1);
} else
l2 = new d.a(s3, a2, s3, a2);
n2 = l2.endLineNumber, i2 = l2.endColumn, t2.push(l2), o2 = c2;
return t2;
static _sortOpsAscending(e2, t2) {
let n2 = d.a.compareRangesUsingEnds(e2.range, t2.range);
return 0 === n2 ? e2.sortIndex - t2.sortIndex : n2;
static _sortOpsDescending(e2, t2) {
let n2 = d.a.compareRangesUsingEnds(e2.range, t2.range);
return 0 === n2 ? t2.sortIndex - e2.sortIndex : -n2;
class ue {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2) {
this._chunks = e2, this._bom = t2, this._cr = n2, this._lf = i2, this._crlf = o2, this._containsRTL = r2, this._containsUnusualLineTerminators = s2, this._isBasicASCII = a2, this._normalizeEOL = l2;
_getEOL(e2) {
const t2 = this._cr + this._lf + this._crlf, n2 = this._cr + this._crlf;
return 0 === t2 ? 1 === e2 ? "\n" : "\r\n" : n2 > t2 / 2 ? "\r\n" : "\n";
create(e2) {
const t2 = this._getEOL(e2);
let n2 = this._chunks;
if (this._normalizeEOL && ("\r\n" === t2 && (this._cr > 0 || this._lf > 0) || "\n" === t2 && (this._cr > 0 || this._crlf > 0)))
for (let e3 = 0, i2 = n2.length; e3 < i2; e3++) {
let i3 = n2[e3].buffer.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, t2), o2 = ie(i3);
n2[e3] = new re(i3, o2);
return new he(n2, this._bom, t2, this._containsRTL, this._containsUnusualLineTerminators, this._isBasicASCII, this._normalizeEOL);
class pe {
constructor() {
this.chunks = [], this.BOM = "", this._hasPreviousChar = false, this._previousChar = 0, this._tmpLineStarts = [], = 0, this.lf = 0, this.crlf = 0, this.containsRTL = false, this.containsUnusualLineTerminators = false, this.isBasicASCII = true;
acceptChunk(e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
0 === this.chunks.length && s.U(e2) && (this.BOM = s.b, e2 = e2.substr(1));
const t2 = e2.charCodeAt(e2.length - 1);
13 === t2 || t2 >= 55296 && t2 <= 56319 ? (this._acceptChunk1(e2.substr(0, e2.length - 1), false), this._hasPreviousChar = true, this._previousChar = t2) : (this._acceptChunk1(e2, false), this._hasPreviousChar = false, this._previousChar = t2);
_acceptChunk1(e2, t2) {
(t2 || 0 !== e2.length) && (this._hasPreviousChar ? this._acceptChunk2(String.fromCharCode(this._previousChar) + e2) : this._acceptChunk2(e2));
_acceptChunk2(e2) {
const t2 = function(e3, t3) {
e3.length = 0, e3[0] = 0;
let n2 = 1, i2 = 0, o2 = 0, r2 = 0, s2 = true;
for (let a3 = 0, l2 = t3.length; a3 < l2; a3++) {
const c2 = t3.charCodeAt(a3);
13 === c2 ? a3 + 1 < l2 && 10 === t3.charCodeAt(a3 + 1) ? (r2++, e3[n2++] = a3 + 2, a3++) : (i2++, e3[n2++] = a3 + 1) : 10 === c2 ? (o2++, e3[n2++] = a3 + 1) : s2 && 9 !== c2 && (c2 < 32 || c2 > 126) && (s2 = false);
const a2 = new ne(te(e3), i2, o2, r2, s2);
return e3.length = 0, a2;
}(this._tmpLineStarts, e2);
this.chunks.push(new re(e2, t2.lineStarts)), +=, this.lf += t2.lf, this.crlf += t2.crlf, this.isBasicASCII && (this.isBasicASCII = t2.isBasicASCII), this.isBasicASCII || this.containsRTL || (this.containsRTL = s.m(e2)), this.isBasicASCII || this.containsUnusualLineTerminators || (this.containsUnusualLineTerminators = s.n(e2));
finish(e2 = true) {
return this._finish(), new ue(this.chunks, this.BOM,, this.lf, this.crlf, this.containsRTL, this.containsUnusualLineTerminators, this.isBasicASCII, e2);
_finish() {
if (0 === this.chunks.length && this._acceptChunk1("", true), this._hasPreviousChar) {
this._hasPreviousChar = false;
let e2 = this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 1];
e2.buffer += String.fromCharCode(this._previousChar);
let t2 = ie(e2.buffer);
e2.lineStarts = t2, 13 === this._previousChar &&;
class me {
constructor() {
this.changeType = 1;
class ge {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.changeType = 2, this.lineNumber = e2, this.detail = t2;
class fe {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.changeType = 3, this.fromLineNumber = e2, this.toLineNumber = t2;
class be {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.changeType = 4, this.fromLineNumber = e2, this.toLineNumber = t2, this.detail = n2;
class _e {
constructor() {
this.changeType = 5;
class ve {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.changes = e2, this.versionId = t2, this.isUndoing = n2, this.isRedoing = i2, this.resultingSelection = null;
containsEvent(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.changes.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
if (this.changes[t2].changeType === e2)
return true;
return false;
static merge(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [].concat(e2.changes).concat(t2.changes), i2 = t2.versionId, o2 = e2.isUndoing || t2.isUndoing, r2 = e2.isRedoing || t2.isRedoing;
return new ve(n2, i2, o2, r2);
class we {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.rawContentChangedEvent = e2, this.contentChangedEvent = t2;
merge(e2) {
const t2 = ve.merge(this.rawContentChangedEvent, e2.rawContentChangedEvent), n2 = we._mergeChangeEvents(this.contentChangedEvent, e2.contentChangedEvent);
return new we(t2, n2);
static _mergeChangeEvents(e2, t2) {
return {changes: [].concat(e2.changes).concat(t2.changes), eol: t2.eol, versionId: t2.versionId, isUndoing: e2.isUndoing || t2.isUndoing, isRedoing: e2.isRedoing || t2.isRedoing, isFlush: e2.isFlush || t2.isFlush};
var ye = n(15), Ce = n(111), xe = n(12), Se = n(90), ke = n(158), Ee = n(11);
class Te {
constructor() {
this._beginState = [], this._valid = [], this._len = 0, this._invalidLineStartIndex = 0;
_reset(e2) {
this._beginState = [], this._valid = [], this._len = 0, this._invalidLineStartIndex = 0, e2 && this._setBeginState(0, e2);
flush(e2) {
get invalidLineStartIndex() {
return this._invalidLineStartIndex;
_invalidateLine(e2) {
e2 < this._len && (this._valid[e2] = false), e2 < this._invalidLineStartIndex && (this._invalidLineStartIndex = e2);
_isValid(e2) {
return e2 < this._len && this._valid[e2];
getBeginState(e2) {
return e2 < this._len ? this._beginState[e2] : null;
_ensureLine(e2) {
for (; e2 >= this._len; )
this._beginState[this._len] = null, this._valid[this._len] = false, this._len++;
_deleteLines(e2, t2) {
0 !== t2 && (e2 + t2 > this._len && (t2 = this._len - e2), this._beginState.splice(e2, t2), this._valid.splice(e2, t2), this._len -= t2);
_insertLines(e2, t2) {
if (0 === t2)
let n2 = [], i2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < t2; e3++)
n2[e3] = null, i2[e3] = false;
this._beginState = ye.a(this._beginState, e2, n2), this._valid = ye.a(this._valid, e2, i2), this._len += t2;
_setValid(e2, t2) {
this._ensureLine(e2), this._valid[e2] = t2;
_setBeginState(e2, t2) {
this._ensureLine(e2), this._beginState[e2] = t2;
setEndState(e2, t2, n2) {
if (this._setValid(t2, true), this._invalidLineStartIndex = t2 + 1, t2 === e2 - 1)
const i2 = this.getBeginState(t2 + 1);
if (null === i2 || !n2.equals(i2))
return this._setBeginState(t2 + 1, n2), void this._invalidateLine(t2 + 1);
let o2 = t2 + 1;
for (; o2 < e2 && this._isValid(o2); )
this._invalidLineStartIndex = o2;
setFakeTokens(e2) {
this._setValid(e2, false);
applyEdits(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.endLineNumber - e2.startLineNumber, i2 = t2;
for (let t3 = Math.min(n2, i2); t3 >= 0; t3--)
this._invalidateLine(e2.startLineNumber + t3 - 1);
this._acceptDeleteRange(e2), this._acceptInsertText(new c.a(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn), t2);
_acceptDeleteRange(e2) {
e2.startLineNumber - 1 >= this._len || this._deleteLines(e2.startLineNumber, e2.endLineNumber - e2.startLineNumber);
_acceptInsertText(e2, t2) {
e2.lineNumber - 1 >= this._len || this._insertLines(e2.lineNumber, t2);
class Le extends r.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._isDisposed = false, this._textModel = e2, this._tokenizationStateStore = new Te(), this._tokenizationSupport = null, this._register(xe.C.onDidChange((e3) => {
const t2 = this._textModel.getLanguageIdentifier();
-1 !== e3.changedLanguages.indexOf(t2.language) && (this._resetTokenizationState(), this._textModel.clearTokens());
})), this._register(this._textModel.onDidChangeRawContentFast((e3) => {
e3.containsEvent(1) && this._resetTokenizationState();
})), this._register(this._textModel.onDidChangeContentFast((e3) => {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = e3.changes.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
const n3 = e3.changes[t2], [i2] = Object(ce.f)(n3.text);
this._tokenizationStateStore.applyEdits(n3.range, i2);
})), this._register(this._textModel.onDidChangeAttached(() => {
})), this._register(this._textModel.onDidChangeLanguage(() => {
this._resetTokenizationState(), this._textModel.clearTokens();
})), this._resetTokenizationState();
dispose() {
this._isDisposed = true, super.dispose();
_resetTokenizationState() {
const [e2, t2] = function(e3) {
const t3 = e3.getLanguageIdentifier();
let n2 = e3.isTooLargeForTokenization() ? null : xe.C.get(t3.language), o2 = null;
if (n2)
try {
o2 = n2.getInitialState();
} catch (e4) {
Object(i.e)(e4), n2 = null;
return [n2, o2];
this._tokenizationSupport = e2, this._tokenizationStateStore.flush(t2), this._beginBackgroundTokenization();
_beginBackgroundTokenization() {
this._textModel.isAttachedToEditor() && this._hasLinesToTokenize() && Ee.j(() => {
this._isDisposed || this._revalidateTokensNow();
_revalidateTokensNow(e2 = this._textModel.getLineCount()) {
const t2 = new ce.b(), n2 = ke.a.create(false);
for (; this._hasLinesToTokenize() && !(n2.elapsed() > 1); ) {
if (this._tokenizeOneInvalidLine(t2) >= e2)
this._beginBackgroundTokenization(), this._textModel.setTokens(t2.tokens);
tokenizeViewport(e2, t2) {
const n2 = new ce.b();
this._tokenizeViewport(n2, e2, t2), this._textModel.setTokens(n2.tokens);
reset() {
this._resetTokenizationState(), this._textModel.clearTokens();
forceTokenization(e2) {
const t2 = new ce.b();
this._updateTokensUntilLine(t2, e2), this._textModel.setTokens(t2.tokens);
isCheapToTokenize(e2) {
if (!this._tokenizationSupport)
return true;
const t2 = this._tokenizationStateStore.invalidLineStartIndex + 1;
return !(e2 > t2) && (e2 < t2 || this._textModel.getLineLength(e2) < 2048);
_hasLinesToTokenize() {
return !!this._tokenizationSupport && this._tokenizationStateStore.invalidLineStartIndex < this._textModel.getLineCount();
_tokenizeOneInvalidLine(e2) {
if (!this._hasLinesToTokenize())
return this._textModel.getLineCount() + 1;
const t2 = this._tokenizationStateStore.invalidLineStartIndex + 1;
return this._updateTokensUntilLine(e2, t2), t2;
_updateTokensUntilLine(e2, t2) {
if (!this._tokenizationSupport)
const n2 = this._textModel.getLanguageIdentifier(), i2 = this._textModel.getLineCount(), o2 = t2 - 1;
for (let t3 = this._tokenizationStateStore.invalidLineStartIndex; t3 <= o2; t3++) {
const o3 = this._textModel.getLineContent(t3 + 1), r2 = this._tokenizationStateStore.getBeginState(t3), s2 = Ne(n2, this._tokenizationSupport, o3, r2);
e2.add(t3 + 1, s2.tokens), this._tokenizationStateStore.setEndState(i2, t3, s2.endState), t3 = this._tokenizationStateStore.invalidLineStartIndex - 1;
_tokenizeViewport(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this._tokenizationSupport)
if (n2 <= this._tokenizationStateStore.invalidLineStartIndex)
if (t2 <= this._tokenizationStateStore.invalidLineStartIndex)
return void this._updateTokensUntilLine(e2, n2);
let i2 = this._textModel.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(t2), o2 = [], r2 = null;
for (let e3 = t2 - 1; i2 > 0 && e3 >= 1; e3--) {
let t3 = this._textModel.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e3);
if (0 !== t3 && t3 < i2) {
if (r2 = this._tokenizationStateStore.getBeginState(e3 - 1), r2)
o2.push(this._textModel.getLineContent(e3)), i2 = t3;
r2 || (r2 = this._tokenizationSupport.getInitialState());
const s2 = this._textModel.getLanguageIdentifier();
let a2 = r2;
for (let e3 = o2.length - 1; e3 >= 0; e3--) {
a2 = Ne(s2, this._tokenizationSupport, o2[e3], a2).endState;
for (let i3 = t2; i3 <= n2; i3++) {
let t3 = this._textModel.getLineContent(i3), n3 = Ne(s2, this._tokenizationSupport, t3, a2);
e2.add(i3, n3.tokens), this._tokenizationStateStore.setFakeTokens(i3 - 1), a2 = n3.endState;
function Ne(e2, t2, n2, o2) {
let r2 = null;
if (t2)
try {
r2 = t2.tokenize2(n2, o2.clone(), 0);
} catch (e3) {
return r2 || (r2 = Object(Se.e)(, n2, o2, 0)), Ce.a.convertToEndOffset(r2.tokens, n2.length), r2;
var Ie = n(73), Oe = n(39), De = n(114), Ae = n(119), Re = n(16);
function Me(e2) {
const t2 = new pe();
return t2.acceptChunk(e2), t2.finish();
function Pe(e2, t2) {
return ("string" == typeof e2 ? Me(e2) : e2).create(t2);
let Fe = 0;
class We {
constructor(e2) {
this._source = e2, this._eos = false;
read() {
if (this._eos)
return null;
let e2 = [], t2 = 0, n2 = 0;
for (; ; ) {
let i2 =;
if (null === i2)
return this._eos = true, 0 === t2 ? null : e2.join("");
if (i2.length > 0 && (e2[t2++] = i2, n2 += i2.length), n2 >= 65536)
return e2.join("");
const ze = () => {
throw new Error("Invalid change accessor");
class Be {
constructor() {
this._searchCanceledBrand = void 0;
function je(e2) {
return e2 instanceof Be ? null : e2;
Be.INSTANCE = new Be();
class Ve extends r.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2 = null, r2) {
super(), this._onWillDispose = this._register(new o.a()), this.onWillDispose = this._onWillDispose.event, this._onDidChangeDecorations = this._register(new Xe()), this.onDidChangeDecorations = this._onDidChangeDecorations.event, this._onDidChangeLanguage = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidChangeLanguage = this._onDidChangeLanguage.event, this._onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration = this._onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration.event, this._onDidChangeTokens = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidChangeTokens = this._onDidChangeTokens.event, this._onDidChangeOptions = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidChangeOptions = this._onDidChangeOptions.event, this._onDidChangeAttached = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidChangeAttached = this._onDidChangeAttached.event, this._eventEmitter = this._register(new Qe()), Fe++, = "$model" + Fe, this.isForSimpleWidget = t2.isForSimpleWidget, this._associatedResource = null == i2 ? a.a.parse("inmemory://model/" + Fe) : i2, this._undoRedoService = r2, this._attachedEditorCount = 0, this._buffer = Pe(e2, t2.defaultEOL), this._options = Ve.resolveOptions(this._buffer, t2);
const l2 = this._buffer.getLineCount(), c2 = this._buffer.getValueLengthInRange(new d.a(1, 1, l2, this._buffer.getLineLength(l2) + 1), 0);
t2.largeFileOptimizations ? this._isTooLargeForTokenization = c2 > Ve.LARGE_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD || l2 > Ve.LARGE_FILE_LINE_COUNT_THRESHOLD : this._isTooLargeForTokenization = false, this._isTooLargeForSyncing = c2 > Ve.MODEL_SYNC_LIMIT, this._versionId = 1, this._alternativeVersionId = 1, this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot = null, this._isDisposed = false, this._isDisposing = false, this._languageIdentifier = n2 || Se.a, this._languageRegistryListener = Oe.a.onDidChange((e3) => { === &&{});
}), this._instanceId = s.R(Fe), this._lastDecorationId = 0, this._decorations = Object.create(null), this._decorationsTree = new Ue(), this._commandManager = new p.a(this, r2), this._isUndoing = false, this._isRedoing = false, this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines = null, this._tokens = new ce.d(), this._tokens2 = new ce.e(), this._tokenization = new Le(this);
static resolveOptions(e2, t2) {
if (t2.detectIndentation) {
const n2 = f(e2, t2.tabSize, t2.insertSpaces);
return new u.e({tabSize: n2.tabSize, indentSize: n2.tabSize, insertSpaces: n2.insertSpaces, trimAutoWhitespace: t2.trimAutoWhitespace, defaultEOL: t2.defaultEOL});
return new u.e({tabSize: t2.tabSize, indentSize: t2.indentSize, insertSpaces: t2.insertSpaces, trimAutoWhitespace: t2.trimAutoWhitespace, defaultEOL: t2.defaultEOL});
onDidChangeRawContentFast(e2) {
return this._eventEmitter.fastEvent((t2) => e2(t2.rawContentChangedEvent));
onDidChangeContentFast(e2) {
return this._eventEmitter.fastEvent((t2) => e2(t2.contentChangedEvent));
onDidChangeContent(e2) {
return this._eventEmitter.slowEvent((t2) => e2(t2.contentChangedEvent));
dispose() {
this._isDisposing = true,, this._languageRegistryListener.dispose(), this._tokenization.dispose(), this._isDisposed = true, super.dispose(), this._isDisposing = false;
_assertNotDisposed() {
if (this._isDisposed)
throw new Error("Model is disposed!");
_emitContentChangedEvent(e2, t2) {
this._isDisposing || we(e2, t2));
setValue(e2) {
if (this._assertNotDisposed(), null === e2)
const t2 = Pe(e2, this._options.defaultEOL);
_createContentChanged2(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
return {changes: [{range: e2, rangeOffset: t2, rangeLength: n2, text: i2}], eol: this._buffer.getEOL(), versionId: this.getVersionId(), isUndoing: o2, isRedoing: r2, isFlush: s2};
setValueFromTextBuffer(e2) {
if (this._assertNotDisposed(), null === e2)
const t2 = this.getFullModelRange(), n2 = this.getValueLengthInRange(t2), i2 = this.getLineCount(), o2 = this.getLineMaxColumn(i2);
this._buffer = e2, this._increaseVersionId(), this._tokens.flush(), this._tokens2.flush(), this._decorations = Object.create(null), this._decorationsTree = new Ue(), this._commandManager.clear(), this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines = null, this._emitContentChangedEvent(new ve([new me()], this._versionId, false, false), this._createContentChanged2(new d.a(1, 1, i2, o2), 0, n2, this.getValue(), false, false, true));
setEOL(e2) {
const t2 = 1 === e2 ? "\r\n" : "\n";
if (this._buffer.getEOL() === t2)
const n2 = this.getFullModelRange(), i2 = this.getValueLengthInRange(n2), o2 = this.getLineCount(), r2 = this.getLineMaxColumn(o2);
this._onBeforeEOLChange(), this._buffer.setEOL(t2), this._increaseVersionId(), this._onAfterEOLChange(), this._emitContentChangedEvent(new ve([new _e()], this._versionId, false, false), this._createContentChanged2(new d.a(1, 1, o2, r2), 0, i2, this.getValue(), false, false, false));
_onBeforeEOLChange() {
const e2 = this.getVersionId(), t2 =, false, false, e2);
_onAfterEOLChange() {
const e2 = this.getVersionId(), t2 = this._decorationsTree.collectNodesPostOrder();
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = t2[n2], o2 = i3.cachedAbsoluteStart - i3.start, r2 = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(i3.range.startLineNumber, i3.range.startColumn), s2 = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(i3.range.endLineNumber, i3.range.endColumn);
i3.cachedAbsoluteStart = r2, i3.cachedAbsoluteEnd = s2, i3.cachedVersionId = e2, i3.start = r2 - o2, i3.end = s2 - o2, W(i3);
onBeforeAttached() {
this._attachedEditorCount++, 1 === this._attachedEditorCount && 0);
onBeforeDetached() {
this._attachedEditorCount--, 0 === this._attachedEditorCount && 0);
isAttachedToEditor() {
return this._attachedEditorCount > 0;
getAttachedEditorCount() {
return this._attachedEditorCount;
isTooLargeForSyncing() {
return this._isTooLargeForSyncing;
isTooLargeForTokenization() {
return this._isTooLargeForTokenization;
isDisposed() {
return this._isDisposed;
isDominatedByLongLines() {
if (this._assertNotDisposed(), this.isTooLargeForTokenization())
return false;
let e2 = 0, t2 = 0;
const n2 = this._buffer.getLineCount();
for (let i2 = 1; i2 <= n2; i2++) {
const n3 = this._buffer.getLineLength(i2);
n3 >= 1e4 ? t2 += n3 : e2 += n3;
return t2 > e2;
get uri() {
return this._associatedResource;
getOptions() {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), this._options;
getFormattingOptions() {
return {tabSize: this._options.indentSize, insertSpaces: this._options.insertSpaces};
updateOptions(e2) {
let t2 = void 0 !== e2.tabSize ? e2.tabSize : this._options.tabSize, n2 = void 0 !== e2.indentSize ? e2.indentSize : this._options.indentSize, i2 = void 0 !== e2.insertSpaces ? e2.insertSpaces : this._options.insertSpaces, o2 = void 0 !== e2.trimAutoWhitespace ? e2.trimAutoWhitespace : this._options.trimAutoWhitespace, r2 = new u.e({tabSize: t2, indentSize: n2, insertSpaces: i2, defaultEOL: this._options.defaultEOL, trimAutoWhitespace: o2});
if (this._options.equals(r2))
let s2 = this._options.createChangeEvent(r2);
this._options = r2,;
detectIndentation(e2, t2) {
let n2 = f(this._buffer, t2, e2);
this.updateOptions({insertSpaces: n2.insertSpaces, tabSize: n2.tabSize, indentSize: n2.tabSize});
static _normalizeIndentationFromWhitespace(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = 0;
for (let n3 = 0; n3 < e2.length; n3++)
" " === e2.charAt(n3) ? i2 += t2 : i2++;
let o2 = "";
if (!n2) {
let e3 = Math.floor(i2 / t2);
i2 %= t2;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e3; t3++)
o2 += " ";
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < i2; e3++)
o2 += " ";
return o2;
static normalizeIndentation(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = s.w(e2);
return -1 === i2 && (i2 = e2.length), Ve._normalizeIndentationFromWhitespace(e2.substring(0, i2), t2, n2) + e2.substring(i2);
normalizeIndentation(e2) {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), Ve.normalizeIndentation(e2, this._options.indentSize, this._options.insertSpaces);
getVersionId() {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), this._versionId;
mightContainRTL() {
return this._buffer.mightContainRTL();
mightContainUnusualLineTerminators() {
return this._buffer.mightContainUnusualLineTerminators();
removeUnusualLineTerminators(e2 = null) {
const t2 = this.findMatches(s.a.source, false, true, false, null, false, 1073741824);
this._buffer.resetMightContainUnusualLineTerminators(), this.pushEditOperations(e2, => ({range: e3.range, text: null})), () => null);
mightContainNonBasicASCII() {
return this._buffer.mightContainNonBasicASCII();
getAlternativeVersionId() {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), this._alternativeVersionId;
getOffsetAt(e2) {
let t2 = this._validatePosition(e2.lineNumber, e2.column, 0);
return this._buffer.getOffsetAt(t2.lineNumber, t2.column);
getPositionAt(e2) {
let t2 = Math.min(this._buffer.getLength(), Math.max(0, e2));
return this._buffer.getPositionAt(t2);
_increaseVersionId() {
this._versionId = this._versionId + 1, this._alternativeVersionId = this._versionId;
_overwriteVersionId(e2) {
this._versionId = e2;
_overwriteAlternativeVersionId(e2) {
this._alternativeVersionId = e2;
_overwriteInitialUndoRedoSnapshot(e2) {
this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot = e2;
getValue(e2, t2 = false) {
const n2 = this.getFullModelRange(), i2 = this.getValueInRange(n2, e2);
return t2 ? this._buffer.getBOM() + i2 : i2;
createSnapshot(e2 = false) {
return new We(this._buffer.createSnapshot(e2));
getValueLength(e2, t2 = false) {
const n2 = this.getFullModelRange(), i2 = this.getValueLengthInRange(n2, e2);
return t2 ? this._buffer.getBOM().length + i2 : i2;
getValueInRange(e2, t2 = 0) {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), this._buffer.getValueInRange(this.validateRange(e2), t2);
getValueLengthInRange(e2, t2 = 0) {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), this._buffer.getValueLengthInRange(this.validateRange(e2), t2);
getCharacterCountInRange(e2, t2 = 0) {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), this._buffer.getCharacterCountInRange(this.validateRange(e2), t2);
getLineCount() {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), this._buffer.getLineCount();
getLineContent(e2) {
if (this._assertNotDisposed(), e2 < 1 || e2 > this.getLineCount())
throw new Error("Illegal value for lineNumber");
return this._buffer.getLineContent(e2);
getLineLength(e2) {
if (this._assertNotDisposed(), e2 < 1 || e2 > this.getLineCount())
throw new Error("Illegal value for lineNumber");
return this._buffer.getLineLength(e2);
getLinesContent() {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), this._buffer.getLinesContent();
getEOL() {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), this._buffer.getEOL();
getLineMinColumn(e2) {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), 1;
getLineMaxColumn(e2) {
if (this._assertNotDisposed(), e2 < 1 || e2 > this.getLineCount())
throw new Error("Illegal value for lineNumber");
return this._buffer.getLineLength(e2) + 1;
getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e2) {
if (this._assertNotDisposed(), e2 < 1 || e2 > this.getLineCount())
throw new Error("Illegal value for lineNumber");
return this._buffer.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e2);
getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(e2) {
if (this._assertNotDisposed(), e2 < 1 || e2 > this.getLineCount())
throw new Error("Illegal value for lineNumber");
return this._buffer.getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(e2);
_validateRangeRelaxedNoAllocations(e2) {
const t2 = this._buffer.getLineCount(), n2 = e2.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.startColumn;
let o2, r2;
if (n2 < 1)
o2 = 1, r2 = 1;
else if (n2 > t2)
o2 = t2, r2 = this.getLineMaxColumn(o2);
else if (o2 = 0 | n2, i2 <= 1)
r2 = 1;
else {
const e3 = this.getLineMaxColumn(o2);
r2 = i2 >= e3 ? e3 : 0 | i2;
const s2 = e2.endLineNumber, a2 = e2.endColumn;
let l2, c2;
if (s2 < 1)
l2 = 1, c2 = 1;
else if (s2 > t2)
l2 = t2, c2 = this.getLineMaxColumn(l2);
else if (l2 = 0 | s2, a2 <= 1)
c2 = 1;
else {
const e3 = this.getLineMaxColumn(l2);
c2 = a2 >= e3 ? e3 : 0 | a2;
return n2 === o2 && i2 === r2 && s2 === l2 && a2 === c2 && e2 instanceof d.a && !(e2 instanceof h.a) ? e2 : new d.a(o2, r2, l2, c2);
_isValidPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
if ("number" != typeof e2 || "number" != typeof t2)
return false;
if (isNaN(e2) || isNaN(t2))
return false;
if (e2 < 1 || t2 < 1)
return false;
if ((0 | e2) !== e2 || (0 | t2) !== t2)
return false;
if (e2 > this._buffer.getLineCount())
return false;
if (1 === t2)
return true;
if (t2 > this.getLineMaxColumn(e2))
return false;
if (1 === n2) {
const n3 = this._buffer.getLineCharCode(e2, t2 - 2);
if (s.F(n3))
return false;
return true;
_validatePosition(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = Math.floor("number" != typeof e2 || isNaN(e2) ? 1 : e2), o2 = Math.floor("number" != typeof t2 || isNaN(t2) ? 1 : t2), r2 = this._buffer.getLineCount();
if (i2 < 1)
return new c.a(1, 1);
if (i2 > r2)
return new c.a(r2, this.getLineMaxColumn(r2));
if (o2 <= 1)
return new c.a(i2, 1);
const a2 = this.getLineMaxColumn(i2);
if (o2 >= a2)
return new c.a(i2, a2);
if (1 === n2) {
const e3 = this._buffer.getLineCharCode(i2, o2 - 2);
if (s.F(e3))
return new c.a(i2, o2 - 1);
return new c.a(i2, o2);
validatePosition(e2) {
return this._assertNotDisposed(), e2 instanceof c.a && this._isValidPosition(e2.lineNumber, e2.column, 1) ? e2 : this._validatePosition(e2.lineNumber, e2.column, 1);
_isValidRange(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.startColumn, o2 = e2.endLineNumber, r2 = e2.endColumn;
if (!this._isValidPosition(n2, i2, 0))
return false;
if (!this._isValidPosition(o2, r2, 0))
return false;
if (1 === t2) {
const e3 = i2 > 1 ? this._buffer.getLineCharCode(n2, i2 - 2) : 0, t3 = r2 > 1 && r2 <= this._buffer.getLineLength(o2) ? this._buffer.getLineCharCode(o2, r2 - 2) : 0, a2 = s.F(e3), l2 = s.F(t3);
return !a2 && !l2;
return true;
validateRange(e2) {
if (this._assertNotDisposed(), e2 instanceof d.a && !(e2 instanceof h.a) && this._isValidRange(e2, 1))
return e2;
const t2 = this._validatePosition(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn, 0), n2 = this._validatePosition(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn, 0), i2 = t2.lineNumber, o2 = t2.column, r2 = n2.lineNumber, a2 = n2.column;
const e3 = o2 > 1 ? this._buffer.getLineCharCode(i2, o2 - 2) : 0, t3 = a2 > 1 && a2 <= this._buffer.getLineLength(r2) ? this._buffer.getLineCharCode(r2, a2 - 2) : 0, n3 = s.F(e3), l2 = s.F(t3);
return n3 || l2 ? i2 === r2 && o2 === a2 ? new d.a(i2, o2 - 1, r2, a2 - 1) : n3 && l2 ? new d.a(i2, o2 - 1, r2, a2 + 1) : n3 ? new d.a(i2, o2 - 1, r2, a2) : new d.a(i2, o2, r2, a2 + 1) : new d.a(i2, o2, r2, a2);
modifyPosition(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.getOffsetAt(e2) + t2;
return this.getPositionAt(Math.min(this._buffer.getLength(), Math.max(0, n2)));
getFullModelRange() {
const e2 = this.getLineCount();
return new d.a(1, 1, e2, this.getLineMaxColumn(e2));
findMatchesLineByLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return this._buffer.findMatchesLineByLine(e2, t2, n2, i2);
findMatches(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = 999) {
let a2 = null;
null !== t2 && (Array.isArray(t2) || (t2 = [t2]), t2.every((e3) => d.a.isIRange(e3)) && (a2 = => this.validateRange(e3)))), null === a2 && (a2 = [this.getFullModelRange()]), a2 = a2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.startLineNumber - t3.startLineNumber || e3.startColumn - t3.startColumn);
const l2 = [];
let c2;
if (l2.push(a2.reduce((e3, t3) => d.a.areIntersecting(e3, t3) ? e3.plusRange(t3) : (l2.push(e3), t3))), !n2 && e2.indexOf("\n") < 0) {
const t3 = new ee.a(e2, n2, i2, o2).parseSearchRequest();
if (!t3)
return [];
c2 = (e3) => this.findMatchesLineByLine(e3, t3, r2, s2);
} else
c2 = (t3) => ee.c.findMatches(this, new ee.a(e2, n2, i2, o2), t3, r2, s2);
return, t3) => e3.concat(t3), []);
findNextMatch(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
const s2 = this.validatePosition(t2);
if (!n2 && e2.indexOf("\n") < 0) {
const t3 = new ee.a(e2, n2, i2, o2).parseSearchRequest();
if (!t3)
return null;
const a2 = this.getLineCount();
let l2 = new d.a(s2.lineNumber, s2.column, a2, this.getLineMaxColumn(a2)), c2 = this.findMatchesLineByLine(l2, t3, r2, 1);
return ee.c.findNextMatch(this, new ee.a(e2, n2, i2, o2), s2, r2), c2.length > 0 ? c2[0] : (l2 = new d.a(1, 1, s2.lineNumber, this.getLineMaxColumn(s2.lineNumber)), c2 = this.findMatchesLineByLine(l2, t3, r2, 1), c2.length > 0 ? c2[0] : null);
return ee.c.findNextMatch(this, new ee.a(e2, n2, i2, o2), s2, r2);
findPreviousMatch(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
const s2 = this.validatePosition(t2);
return ee.c.findPreviousMatch(this, new ee.a(e2, n2, i2, o2), s2, r2);
pushStackElement() {
pushEOL(e2) {
if (("\n" === this.getEOL() ? 0 : 1) !== e2)
try {
this._onDidChangeDecorations.beginDeferredEmit(), this._eventEmitter.beginDeferredEmit(), null === this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot && (this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot = this._undoRedoService.createSnapshot(this.uri)), this._commandManager.pushEOL(e2);
} finally {
this._eventEmitter.endDeferredEmit(), this._onDidChangeDecorations.endDeferredEmit();
_validateEditOperation(e2) {
return e2 instanceof u.f ? e2 : new u.f(e2.identifier || null, this.validateRange(e2.range), e2.text, e2.forceMoveMarkers || false, e2.isAutoWhitespaceEdit || false, e2._isTracked || false);
_validateEditOperations(e2) {
const t2 = [];
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
t2[n2] = this._validateEditOperation(e2[n2]);
return t2;
pushEditOperations(e2, t2, n2) {
try {
return this._onDidChangeDecorations.beginDeferredEmit(), this._eventEmitter.beginDeferredEmit(), this._pushEditOperations(e2, this._validateEditOperations(t2), n2);
} finally {
this._eventEmitter.endDeferredEmit(), this._onDidChangeDecorations.endDeferredEmit();
_pushEditOperations(e2, t2, n2) {
if (this._options.trimAutoWhitespace && this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines) {
let n3 = => ({range: this.validateRange(e3.range), text: e3.text})), i2 = true;
if (e2)
for (let t3 = 0, o2 = e2.length; t3 < o2; t3++) {
let o3 = e2[t3], r2 = false;
for (let e3 = 0, t4 = n3.length; e3 < t4; e3++) {
let t5 = n3[e3].range, i3 = t5.startLineNumber > o3.endLineNumber, s2 = o3.startLineNumber > t5.endLineNumber;
if (!i3 && !s2) {
r2 = true;
if (!r2) {
i2 = false;
if (i2)
for (let e3 = 0, i3 = this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines.length; e3 < i3; e3++) {
let i4 = this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines[e3], o2 = this.getLineMaxColumn(i4), r2 = true;
for (let e4 = 0, t3 = n3.length; e4 < t3; e4++) {
let t4 = n3[e4].range, s2 = n3[e4].text;
if (!(i4 < t4.startLineNumber || i4 > t4.endLineNumber) && !(i4 === t4.startLineNumber && t4.startColumn === o2 && t4.isEmpty() && s2 && s2.length > 0 && "\n" === s2.charAt(0) || i4 === t4.startLineNumber && 1 === t4.startColumn && t4.isEmpty() && s2 && s2.length > 0 && "\n" === s2.charAt(s2.length - 1))) {
r2 = false;
if (r2) {
const e4 = new d.a(i4, 1, i4, o2);
t2.push(new u.f(null, e4, null, false, false, false));
this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines = null;
return null === this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot && (this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot = this._undoRedoService.createSnapshot(this.uri)), this._commandManager.pushEditOperation(e2, t2, n2);
_applyUndo(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = => {
const t3 = this.getPositionAt(e3.newPosition), n3 = this.getPositionAt(e3.newEnd);
return {range: new d.a(t3.lineNumber, t3.column, n3.lineNumber, n3.column), text: e3.oldText};
this._applyUndoRedoEdits(o2, t2, true, false, n2, i2);
_applyRedo(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = => {
const t3 = this.getPositionAt(e3.oldPosition), n3 = this.getPositionAt(e3.oldEnd);
return {range: new d.a(t3.lineNumber, t3.column, n3.lineNumber, n3.column), text: e3.newText};
this._applyUndoRedoEdits(o2, t2, false, true, n2, i2);
_applyUndoRedoEdits(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
try {
this._onDidChangeDecorations.beginDeferredEmit(), this._eventEmitter.beginDeferredEmit(), this._isUndoing = n2, this._isRedoing = i2, this.applyEdits(e2, false), this.setEOL(t2), this._overwriteAlternativeVersionId(o2);
} finally {
this._isUndoing = false, this._isRedoing = false, this._eventEmitter.endDeferredEmit(r2), this._onDidChangeDecorations.endDeferredEmit();
applyEdits(e2, t2 = false) {
try {
this._onDidChangeDecorations.beginDeferredEmit(), this._eventEmitter.beginDeferredEmit();
const n2 = this._validateEditOperations(e2);
return this._doApplyEdits(n2, t2);
} finally {
this._eventEmitter.endDeferredEmit(), this._onDidChangeDecorations.endDeferredEmit();
_doApplyEdits(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._buffer.getLineCount(), i2 = this._buffer.applyEdits(e2, this._options.trimAutoWhitespace, t2), o2 = this._buffer.getLineCount(), r2 = i2.changes;
if (this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines = i2.trimAutoWhitespaceLineNumbers, 0 !== r2.length) {
let e3 = [], t3 = n2;
for (let n3 = 0, i3 = r2.length; n3 < i3; n3++) {
const i4 = r2[n3], [s2, a2, l2] = Object(ce.f)(i4.text);
this._tokens.acceptEdit(i4.range, s2, a2), this._tokens2.acceptEdit(i4.range, s2, a2, l2, i4.text.length > 0 ? i4.text.charCodeAt(0) : 0),, this._decorationsTree.acceptReplace(i4.rangeOffset, i4.rangeLength, i4.text.length, i4.forceMoveMarkers);
const c2 = i4.range.startLineNumber, d2 = i4.range.endLineNumber, h2 = d2 - c2, u2 = s2, p2 = Math.min(h2, u2), m2 = u2 - h2;
for (let n4 = p2; n4 >= 0; n4--) {
const i5 = c2 + n4, r3 = o2 - t3 - m2 + i5;
e3.push(new ge(i5, this.getLineContent(r3)));
if (p2 < h2) {
const t4 = c2 + p2;
e3.push(new fe(t4 + 1, d2));
if (p2 < u2) {
const n4 = c2 + p2, i5 = u2 - p2, r3 = o2 - t3 - i5 + n4 + 1;
let s3 = [];
for (let e4 = 0; e4 < i5; e4++) {
let t4 = r3 + e4;
s3[t4 - r3] = this.getLineContent(t4);
e3.push(new be(n4 + 1, c2 + u2, s3));
t3 += m2;
this._increaseVersionId(), this._emitContentChangedEvent(new ve(e3, this.getVersionId(), this._isUndoing, this._isRedoing), {changes: r2, eol: this._buffer.getEOL(), versionId: this.getVersionId(), isUndoing: this._isUndoing, isRedoing: this._isRedoing, isFlush: false});
return null === i2.reverseEdits ? void 0 : i2.reverseEdits;
undo() {
canUndo() {
return this._undoRedoService.canUndo(this.uri);
redo() {
canRedo() {
return this._undoRedoService.canRedo(this.uri);
changeDecorations(e2, t2 = 0) {
try {
return this._onDidChangeDecorations.beginDeferredEmit(), this._changeDecorations(t2, e2);
} finally {
_changeDecorations(e2, t2) {
let n2 = {addDecoration: (t3, n3) => this._deltaDecorationsImpl(e2, [], [{range: t3, options: n3}])[0], changeDecoration: (e3, t3) => {
this._changeDecorationImpl(e3, t3);
}, changeDecorationOptions: (e3, t3) => {
this._changeDecorationOptionsImpl(e3, Ze(t3));
}, removeDecoration: (t3) => {
this._deltaDecorationsImpl(e2, [t3], []);
}, deltaDecorations: (t3, n3) => 0 === t3.length && 0 === n3.length ? [] : this._deltaDecorationsImpl(e2, t3, n3)}, o2 = null;
try {
o2 = t2(n2);
} catch (e3) {
return n2.addDecoration = ze, n2.changeDecoration = ze, n2.changeDecorationOptions = ze, n2.removeDecoration = ze, n2.deltaDecorations = ze, o2;
deltaDecorations(e2, t2, n2 = 0) {
if (this._assertNotDisposed(), e2 || (e2 = []), 0 === e2.length && 0 === t2.length)
return [];
try {
return this._onDidChangeDecorations.beginDeferredEmit(), this._deltaDecorationsImpl(n2, e2, t2);
} finally {
_getTrackedRange(e2) {
return this.getDecorationRange(e2);
_setTrackedRange(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2 ? this._decorations[e2] : null;
if (!i2)
return t2 ? this._deltaDecorationsImpl(0, [], [{range: t2, options: Ye[n2]}])[0] : null;
if (!t2)
return this._decorationsTree.delete(i2), delete this._decorations[], null;
const o2 = this._validateRangeRelaxedNoAllocations(t2), r2 = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(o2.startLineNumber, o2.startColumn), s2 = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(o2.endLineNumber, o2.endColumn);
return this._decorationsTree.delete(i2), i2.reset(this.getVersionId(), r2, s2, o2), i2.setOptions(Ye[n2]), this._decorationsTree.insert(i2),;
removeAllDecorationsWithOwnerId(e2) {
if (this._isDisposed)
const t2 = this._decorationsTree.collectNodesFromOwner(e2);
for (let e3 = 0, n2 = t2.length; e3 < n2; e3++) {
const n3 = t2[e3];
this._decorationsTree.delete(n3), delete this._decorations[];
getDecorationOptions(e2) {
const t2 = this._decorations[e2];
return t2 ? t2.options : null;
getDecorationRange(e2) {
const t2 = this._decorations[e2];
if (!t2)
return null;
const n2 = this.getVersionId();
return t2.cachedVersionId !== n2 && this._decorationsTree.resolveNode(t2, n2), null === t2.range && (t2.range = this._getRangeAt(t2.cachedAbsoluteStart, t2.cachedAbsoluteEnd)), t2.range;
getLineDecorations(e2, t2 = 0, n2 = false) {
return e2 < 1 || e2 > this.getLineCount() ? [] : this.getLinesDecorations(e2, e2, t2, n2);
getLinesDecorations(e2, t2, n2 = 0, i2 = false) {
let o2 = this.getLineCount(), r2 = Math.min(o2, Math.max(1, e2)), s2 = Math.min(o2, Math.max(1, t2)), a2 = this.getLineMaxColumn(s2);
return this._getDecorationsInRange(new d.a(r2, 1, s2, a2), n2, i2);
getDecorationsInRange(e2, t2 = 0, n2 = false) {
let i2 = this.validateRange(e2);
return this._getDecorationsInRange(i2, t2, n2);
getOverviewRulerDecorations(e2 = 0, t2 = false) {
const n2 = this.getVersionId(), i2 =, t2, true, n2);
return this._ensureNodesHaveRanges(i2);
getAllDecorations(e2 = 0, t2 = false) {
const n2 = this.getVersionId(), i2 =, t2, false, n2);
return this._ensureNodesHaveRanges(i2);
_getDecorationsInRange(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn), o2 = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn), r2 = this.getVersionId(), s2 = this._decorationsTree.intervalSearch(i2, o2, t2, n2, r2);
return this._ensureNodesHaveRanges(s2);
_ensureNodesHaveRanges(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = e2.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
const n3 = e2[t2];
null === n3.range && (n3.range = this._getRangeAt(n3.cachedAbsoluteStart, n3.cachedAbsoluteEnd));
return e2;
_getRangeAt(e2, t2) {
return this._buffer.getRangeAt(e2, t2 - e2);
_changeDecorationImpl(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._decorations[e2];
if (!n2)
const i2 = this._validateRangeRelaxedNoAllocations(t2), o2 = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(i2.startLineNumber, i2.startColumn), r2 = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(i2.endLineNumber, i2.endColumn);
this._decorationsTree.delete(n2), n2.reset(this.getVersionId(), o2, r2, i2), this._decorationsTree.insert(n2), this._onDidChangeDecorations.checkAffectedAndFire(n2.options);
_changeDecorationOptionsImpl(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._decorations[e2];
if (!n2)
const i2 = !(!n2.options.overviewRuler || !n2.options.overviewRuler.color), o2 = !(!t2.overviewRuler || !t2.overviewRuler.color);
this._onDidChangeDecorations.checkAffectedAndFire(n2.options), this._onDidChangeDecorations.checkAffectedAndFire(t2), i2 !== o2 ? (this._decorationsTree.delete(n2), n2.setOptions(t2), this._decorationsTree.insert(n2)) : n2.setOptions(t2);
_deltaDecorationsImpl(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getVersionId(), o2 = t2.length;
let r2 = 0;
const s2 = n2.length;
let a2 = 0, l2 = new Array(s2);
for (; r2 < o2 || a2 < s2; ) {
let c2 = null;
if (r2 < o2) {
do {
c2 = this._decorations[t2[r2++]];
} while (!c2 && r2 < o2);
c2 && (this._decorationsTree.delete(c2), this._onDidChangeDecorations.checkAffectedAndFire(c2.options));
if (a2 < s2) {
if (!c2) {
const e3 = ++this._lastDecorationId, t4 = `${this._instanceId};${e3}`;
c2 = new T(t4, 0, 0), this._decorations[t4] = c2;
const t3 = n2[a2], o3 = this._validateRangeRelaxedNoAllocations(t3.range), r3 = Ze(t3.options), s3 = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(o3.startLineNumber, o3.startColumn), d2 = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(o3.endLineNumber, o3.endColumn);
c2.ownerId = e2, c2.reset(i2, s3, d2, o3), c2.setOptions(r3), this._onDidChangeDecorations.checkAffectedAndFire(r3), this._decorationsTree.insert(c2), l2[a2] =, a2++;
} else
c2 && delete this._decorations[];
return l2;
setTokens(e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = e2[n2];
let o2 = 0, r2 = 0, s2 = false;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = i3.tokens.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = i3.startLineNumber + e3;
if (s2)
this._tokens.setTokens(, t4 - 1, this._buffer.getLineLength(t4), i3.tokens[e3], false), r2 = t4;
else {
this._tokens.setTokens(, t4 - 1, this._buffer.getLineLength(t4), i3.tokens[e3], true) && (s2 = true, o2 = t4, r2 = t4);
s2 && t2.push({fromLineNumber: o2, toLineNumber: r2});
t2.length > 0 && this._emitModelTokensChangedEvent({tokenizationSupportChanged: false, semanticTokensApplied: false, ranges: t2});
setSemanticTokens(e2, t2) {
this._tokens2.set(e2, t2), this._emitModelTokensChangedEvent({tokenizationSupportChanged: false, semanticTokensApplied: null !== e2, ranges: [{fromLineNumber: 1, toLineNumber: this.getLineCount()}]});
hasSemanticTokens() {
return this._tokens2.isComplete();
setPartialSemanticTokens(e2, t2) {
if (this.hasSemanticTokens())
const n2 = this._tokens2.setPartial(e2, t2);
this._emitModelTokensChangedEvent({tokenizationSupportChanged: false, semanticTokensApplied: true, ranges: [{fromLineNumber: n2.startLineNumber, toLineNumber: n2.endLineNumber}]});
tokenizeViewport(e2, t2) {
e2 = Math.max(1, e2), t2 = Math.min(this._buffer.getLineCount(), t2), this._tokenization.tokenizeViewport(e2, t2);
clearTokens() {
this._tokens.flush(), this._emitModelTokensChangedEvent({tokenizationSupportChanged: true, semanticTokensApplied: false, ranges: [{fromLineNumber: 1, toLineNumber: this._buffer.getLineCount()}]});
_emitModelTokensChangedEvent(e2) {
this._isDisposing ||;
resetTokenization() {
forceTokenization(e2) {
if (e2 < 1 || e2 > this.getLineCount())
throw new Error("Illegal value for lineNumber");
isCheapToTokenize(e2) {
return this._tokenization.isCheapToTokenize(e2);
tokenizeIfCheap(e2) {
this.isCheapToTokenize(e2) && this.forceTokenization(e2);
getLineTokens(e2) {
if (e2 < 1 || e2 > this.getLineCount())
throw new Error("Illegal value for lineNumber");
return this._getLineTokens(e2);
_getLineTokens(e2) {
const t2 = this.getLineContent(e2), n2 = this._tokens.getTokens(, e2 - 1, t2);
return this._tokens2.addSemanticTokens(e2, n2);
getLanguageIdentifier() {
return this._languageIdentifier;
getModeId() {
return this._languageIdentifier.language;
setMode(e2) {
if ( ===
let t2 = {oldLanguage: this._languageIdentifier.language, newLanguage: e2.language};
this._languageIdentifier = e2,,{});
getLanguageIdAtPosition(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.validatePosition(new c.a(e2, t2)), i2 = this.getLineTokens(n2.lineNumber);
return i2.getLanguageId(i2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(n2.column - 1));
getWordAtPosition(e2) {
const t2 = this.validatePosition(e2), n2 = this.getLineContent(t2.lineNumber), i2 = this._getLineTokens(t2.lineNumber), o2 = i2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(t2.column - 1), [r2, s2] = Ve._findLanguageBoundaries(i2, o2), a2 = Object(Ie.d)(t2.column, Oe.a.getWordDefinition(i2.getLanguageId(o2)), n2.substring(r2, s2), r2);
if (a2 && a2.startColumn <= e2.column && e2.column <= a2.endColumn)
return a2;
if (o2 > 0 && r2 === t2.column - 1) {
const [r3, s3] = Ve._findLanguageBoundaries(i2, o2 - 1), a3 = Object(Ie.d)(t2.column, Oe.a.getWordDefinition(i2.getLanguageId(o2 - 1)), n2.substring(r3, s3), r3);
if (a3 && a3.startColumn <= e2.column && e2.column <= a3.endColumn)
return a3;
return null;
static _findLanguageBoundaries(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getLanguageId(t2);
let i2 = 0;
for (let o3 = t2; o3 >= 0 && e2.getLanguageId(o3) === n2; o3--)
i2 = e2.getStartOffset(o3);
let o2 = e2.getLineContent().length;
for (let i3 = t2, r2 = e2.getCount(); i3 < r2 && e2.getLanguageId(i3) === n2; i3++)
o2 = e2.getEndOffset(i3);
return [i2, o2];
getWordUntilPosition(e2) {
const t2 = this.getWordAtPosition(e2);
return t2 ? {word: t2.word.substr(0, e2.column - t2.startColumn), startColumn: t2.startColumn, endColumn: e2.column} : {word: "", startColumn: e2.column, endColumn: e2.column};
findMatchingBracketUp(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.toLowerCase(), i2 = this.validatePosition(t2), o2 = this._getLineTokens(i2.lineNumber), r2 = o2.getLanguageId(o2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(i2.column - 1)), s2 = Oe.a.getBracketsSupport(r2);
if (!s2)
return null;
let a2 = s2.textIsBracket[n2];
return a2 ? je(this._findMatchingBracketUp(a2, i2, null)) : null;
matchBracket(e2) {
return this._matchBracket(this.validatePosition(e2));
_matchBracket(e2) {
const t2 = e2.lineNumber, n2 = this._getLineTokens(t2), i2 = n2.getCount(), o2 = this._buffer.getLineContent(t2), r2 = n2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(e2.column - 1);
if (r2 < 0)
return null;
const s2 = Oe.a.getBracketsSupport(n2.getLanguageId(r2));
if (s2 && !Object(De.b)(n2.getStandardTokenType(r2))) {
let i3 = Math.max(0, e2.column - 1 - s2.maxBracketLength);
for (let e3 = r2 - 1; e3 >= 0; e3--) {
const t3 = n2.getEndOffset(e3);
if (t3 <= i3)
Object(De.b)(n2.getStandardTokenType(e3)) && (i3 = t3);
const a2 = Math.min(o2.length, e2.column - 1 + s2.maxBracketLength);
let l2 = null;
for (; ; ) {
const n3 = Ae.a.findNextBracketInRange(s2.forwardRegex, t2, o2, i3, a2);
if (!n3)
if (n3.startColumn <= e2.column && e2.column <= n3.endColumn) {
const e3 = o2.substring(n3.startColumn - 1, n3.endColumn - 1).toLowerCase(), t3 = this._matchFoundBracket(n3, s2.textIsBracket[e3], s2.textIsOpenBracket[e3], null);
if (t3) {
if (t3 instanceof Be)
return null;
l2 = t3;
i3 = n3.endColumn - 1;
if (l2)
return l2;
if (r2 > 0 && n2.getStartOffset(r2) === e2.column - 1) {
const s3 = r2 - 1, a2 = Oe.a.getBracketsSupport(n2.getLanguageId(s3));
if (a2 && !Object(De.b)(n2.getStandardTokenType(s3))) {
const r3 = Math.max(0, e2.column - 1 - a2.maxBracketLength);
let l2 = Math.min(o2.length, e2.column - 1 + a2.maxBracketLength);
for (let e3 = s3 + 1; e3 < i2; e3++) {
const t3 = n2.getStartOffset(e3);
if (t3 >= l2)
Object(De.b)(n2.getStandardTokenType(e3)) && (l2 = t3);
const c2 = Ae.a.findPrevBracketInRange(a2.reversedRegex, t2, o2, r3, l2);
if (c2 && c2.startColumn <= e2.column && e2.column <= c2.endColumn) {
const e3 = o2.substring(c2.startColumn - 1, c2.endColumn - 1).toLowerCase(), t3 = this._matchFoundBracket(c2, a2.textIsBracket[e3], a2.textIsOpenBracket[e3], null);
if (t3)
return t3 instanceof Be ? null : t3;
return null;
_matchFoundBracket(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (!t2)
return null;
const o2 = n2 ? this._findMatchingBracketDown(t2, e2.getEndPosition(), i2) : this._findMatchingBracketUp(t2, e2.getStartPosition(), i2);
return o2 ? o2 instanceof Be ? o2 : [e2, o2] : null;
_findMatchingBracketUp(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 =, o2 = e2.reversedRegex;
let r2 = -1, s2 = 0;
const a2 = (t3, i3, a3, l2) => {
for (; ; ) {
if (n2 && ++s2 % 100 == 0 && !n2())
return Be.INSTANCE;
const c2 = Ae.a.findPrevBracketInRange(o2, t3, i3, a3, l2);
if (!c2)
const d2 = i3.substring(c2.startColumn - 1, c2.endColumn - 1).toLowerCase();
if (e2.isOpen(d2) ? r2++ : e2.isClose(d2) && r2--, 0 === r2)
return c2;
l2 = c2.startColumn - 1;
return null;
for (let e3 = t2.lineNumber; e3 >= 1; e3--) {
const n3 = this._getLineTokens(e3), o3 = n3.getCount(), r3 = this._buffer.getLineContent(e3);
let s3 = o3 - 1, l2 = r3.length, c2 = r3.length;
e3 === t2.lineNumber && (s3 = n3.findTokenIndexAtOffset(t2.column - 1), l2 = t2.column - 1, c2 = t2.column - 1);
let d2 = true;
for (; s3 >= 0; s3--) {
const t3 = n3.getLanguageId(s3) === i2 && !Object(De.b)(n3.getStandardTokenType(s3));
if (t3)
d2 ? l2 = n3.getStartOffset(s3) : (l2 = n3.getStartOffset(s3), c2 = n3.getEndOffset(s3));
else if (d2 && l2 !== c2) {
const t4 = a2(e3, r3, l2, c2);
if (t4)
return t4;
d2 = t3;
if (d2 && l2 !== c2) {
const t3 = a2(e3, r3, l2, c2);
if (t3)
return t3;
return null;
_findMatchingBracketDown(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 =, o2 = e2.forwardRegex;
let r2 = 1, s2 = 0;
const a2 = (t3, i3, a3, l3) => {
for (; ; ) {
if (n2 && ++s2 % 100 == 0 && !n2())
return Be.INSTANCE;
const c2 = Ae.a.findNextBracketInRange(o2, t3, i3, a3, l3);
if (!c2)
const d2 = i3.substring(c2.startColumn - 1, c2.endColumn - 1).toLowerCase();
if (e2.isOpen(d2) ? r2++ : e2.isClose(d2) && r2--, 0 === r2)
return c2;
a3 = c2.endColumn - 1;
return null;
}, l2 = this.getLineCount();
for (let e3 = t2.lineNumber; e3 <= l2; e3++) {
const n3 = this._getLineTokens(e3), o3 = n3.getCount(), r3 = this._buffer.getLineContent(e3);
let s3 = 0, l3 = 0, c2 = 0;
e3 === t2.lineNumber && (s3 = n3.findTokenIndexAtOffset(t2.column - 1), l3 = t2.column - 1, c2 = t2.column - 1);
let d2 = true;
for (; s3 < o3; s3++) {
const t3 = n3.getLanguageId(s3) === i2 && !Object(De.b)(n3.getStandardTokenType(s3));
if (t3)
d2 || (l3 = n3.getStartOffset(s3)), c2 = n3.getEndOffset(s3);
else if (d2 && l3 !== c2) {
const t4 = a2(e3, r3, l3, c2);
if (t4)
return t4;
d2 = t3;
if (d2 && l3 !== c2) {
const t3 = a2(e3, r3, l3, c2);
if (t3)
return t3;
return null;
findPrevBracket(e2) {
const t2 = this.validatePosition(e2);
let n2 = -1, i2 = null;
for (let e3 = t2.lineNumber; e3 >= 1; e3--) {
const o2 = this._getLineTokens(e3), r2 = o2.getCount(), s2 = this._buffer.getLineContent(e3);
let a2 = r2 - 1, l2 = s2.length, c2 = s2.length;
if (e3 === t2.lineNumber) {
a2 = o2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(t2.column - 1), l2 = t2.column - 1, c2 = t2.column - 1;
const e4 = o2.getLanguageId(a2);
n2 !== e4 && (n2 = e4, i2 = Oe.a.getBracketsSupport(n2));
let d2 = true;
for (; a2 >= 0; a2--) {
const t3 = o2.getLanguageId(a2);
if (n2 !== t3) {
if (i2 && d2 && l2 !== c2) {
const t4 = Ae.a.findPrevBracketInRange(i2.reversedRegex, e3, s2, l2, c2);
if (t4)
return this._toFoundBracket(i2, t4);
d2 = false;
n2 = t3, i2 = Oe.a.getBracketsSupport(n2);
const r3 = !!i2 && !Object(De.b)(o2.getStandardTokenType(a2));
if (r3)
d2 ? l2 = o2.getStartOffset(a2) : (l2 = o2.getStartOffset(a2), c2 = o2.getEndOffset(a2));
else if (i2 && d2 && l2 !== c2) {
const t4 = Ae.a.findPrevBracketInRange(i2.reversedRegex, e3, s2, l2, c2);
if (t4)
return this._toFoundBracket(i2, t4);
d2 = r3;
if (i2 && d2 && l2 !== c2) {
const t3 = Ae.a.findPrevBracketInRange(i2.reversedRegex, e3, s2, l2, c2);
if (t3)
return this._toFoundBracket(i2, t3);
return null;
findNextBracket(e2) {
const t2 = this.validatePosition(e2), n2 = this.getLineCount();
let i2 = -1, o2 = null;
for (let e3 = t2.lineNumber; e3 <= n2; e3++) {
const n3 = this._getLineTokens(e3), r2 = n3.getCount(), s2 = this._buffer.getLineContent(e3);
let a2 = 0, l2 = 0, c2 = 0;
if (e3 === t2.lineNumber) {
a2 = n3.findTokenIndexAtOffset(t2.column - 1), l2 = t2.column - 1, c2 = t2.column - 1;
const e4 = n3.getLanguageId(a2);
i2 !== e4 && (i2 = e4, o2 = Oe.a.getBracketsSupport(i2));
let d2 = true;
for (; a2 < r2; a2++) {
const t3 = n3.getLanguageId(a2);
if (i2 !== t3) {
if (o2 && d2 && l2 !== c2) {
const t4 = Ae.a.findNextBracketInRange(o2.forwardRegex, e3, s2, l2, c2);
if (t4)
return this._toFoundBracket(o2, t4);
d2 = false;
i2 = t3, o2 = Oe.a.getBracketsSupport(i2);
const r3 = !!o2 && !Object(De.b)(n3.getStandardTokenType(a2));
if (r3)
d2 || (l2 = n3.getStartOffset(a2)), c2 = n3.getEndOffset(a2);
else if (o2 && d2 && l2 !== c2) {
const t4 = Ae.a.findNextBracketInRange(o2.forwardRegex, e3, s2, l2, c2);
if (t4)
return this._toFoundBracket(o2, t4);
d2 = r3;
if (o2 && d2 && l2 !== c2) {
const t3 = Ae.a.findNextBracketInRange(o2.forwardRegex, e3, s2, l2, c2);
if (t3)
return this._toFoundBracket(o2, t3);
return null;
findEnclosingBrackets(e2, t2) {
let n2;
if (void 0 === t2)
n2 = null;
else {
const e3 =;
n2 = () => - e3 <= t2;
const i2 = this.validatePosition(e2), o2 = this.getLineCount(), r2 = new Map();
let s2 = [];
const a2 = (e3, t3) => {
if (!r2.has(e3)) {
let n3 = [];
for (let e4 = 0, i3 = t3 ? t3.brackets.length : 0; e4 < i3; e4++)
n3[e4] = 0;
r2.set(e3, n3);
s2 = r2.get(e3);
let l2 = 0;
const c2 = (e3, t3, i3, o3, r3) => {
for (; ; ) {
if (n2 && ++l2 % 100 == 0 && !n2())
return Be.INSTANCE;
const a3 = Ae.a.findNextBracketInRange(e3.forwardRegex, t3, i3, o3, r3);
if (!a3)
const c3 = i3.substring(a3.startColumn - 1, a3.endColumn - 1).toLowerCase(), d3 = e3.textIsBracket[c3];
if (d3 && (d3.isOpen(c3) ? s2[d3.index]++ : d3.isClose(c3) && s2[d3.index]--, -1 === s2[d3.index]))
return this._matchFoundBracket(a3, d3, false, n2);
o3 = a3.endColumn - 1;
return null;
let d2 = -1, h2 = null;
for (let e3 = i2.lineNumber; e3 <= o2; e3++) {
const t3 = this._getLineTokens(e3), n3 = t3.getCount(), o3 = this._buffer.getLineContent(e3);
let r3 = 0, s3 = 0, l3 = 0;
if (e3 === i2.lineNumber) {
r3 = t3.findTokenIndexAtOffset(i2.column - 1), s3 = i2.column - 1, l3 = i2.column - 1;
const e4 = t3.getLanguageId(r3);
d2 !== e4 && (d2 = e4, h2 = Oe.a.getBracketsSupport(d2), a2(d2, h2));
let u2 = true;
for (; r3 < n3; r3++) {
const n4 = t3.getLanguageId(r3);
if (d2 !== n4) {
if (h2 && u2 && s3 !== l3) {
const t4 = c2(h2, e3, o3, s3, l3);
if (t4)
return je(t4);
u2 = false;
d2 = n4, h2 = Oe.a.getBracketsSupport(d2), a2(d2, h2);
const i3 = !!h2 && !Object(De.b)(t3.getStandardTokenType(r3));
if (i3)
u2 || (s3 = t3.getStartOffset(r3)), l3 = t3.getEndOffset(r3);
else if (h2 && u2 && s3 !== l3) {
const t4 = c2(h2, e3, o3, s3, l3);
if (t4)
return je(t4);
u2 = i3;
if (h2 && u2 && s3 !== l3) {
const t4 = c2(h2, e3, o3, s3, l3);
if (t4)
return je(t4);
return null;
_toFoundBracket(e2, t2) {
if (!t2)
return null;
let n2 = this.getValueInRange(t2);
n2 = n2.toLowerCase();
let i2 = e2.textIsBracket[n2];
return i2 ? {range: t2, open:, close: i2.close, isOpen: e2.textIsOpenBracket[n2]} : null;
static computeIndentLevel(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0, i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length;
for (; i2 < o2; ) {
let o3 = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
if (32 === o3)
else {
if (9 !== o3)
n2 = n2 - n2 % t2 + t2;
return i2 === o2 ? -1 : n2;
_computeIndentLevel(e2) {
return Ve.computeIndentLevel(this._buffer.getLineContent(e2 + 1), this._options.tabSize);
getActiveIndentGuide(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getLineCount();
if (e2 < 1 || e2 > i2)
throw new Error("Illegal value for lineNumber");
const o2 = Oe.a.getFoldingRules(, r2 = Boolean(o2 && o2.offSide);
let s2 = -2, a2 = -1, l2 = -2, c2 = -1;
const d2 = (e3) => {
if (-1 !== s2 && (-2 === s2 || s2 > e3 - 1)) {
s2 = -1, a2 = -1;
for (let t3 = e3 - 2; t3 >= 0; t3--) {
let e4 = this._computeIndentLevel(t3);
if (e4 >= 0) {
s2 = t3, a2 = e4;
if (-2 === l2) {
l2 = -1, c2 = -1;
for (let t3 = e3; t3 < i2; t3++) {
let e4 = this._computeIndentLevel(t3);
if (e4 >= 0) {
l2 = t3, c2 = e4;
let h2 = -2, u2 = -1, p2 = -2, m2 = -1;
const g2 = (e3) => {
if (-2 === h2) {
h2 = -1, u2 = -1;
for (let t3 = e3 - 2; t3 >= 0; t3--) {
let e4 = this._computeIndentLevel(t3);
if (e4 >= 0) {
h2 = t3, u2 = e4;
if (-1 !== p2 && (-2 === p2 || p2 < e3 - 1)) {
p2 = -1, m2 = -1;
for (let t3 = e3; t3 < i2; t3++) {
let e4 = this._computeIndentLevel(t3);
if (e4 >= 0) {
p2 = t3, m2 = e4;
let f2 = 0, b2 = true, _2 = 0, v2 = true, w2 = 0, y2 = 0;
for (let o3 = 0; b2 || v2; o3++) {
const s3 = e2 - o3, p3 = e2 + o3;
o3 > 1 && (s3 < 1 || s3 < t2) && (b2 = false), o3 > 1 && (p3 > i2 || p3 > n2) && (v2 = false), o3 > 5e4 && (b2 = false, v2 = false);
let C2 = -1;
if (b2) {
const e3 = this._computeIndentLevel(s3 - 1);
e3 >= 0 ? (l2 = s3 - 1, c2 = e3, C2 = Math.ceil(e3 / this._options.indentSize)) : (d2(s3), C2 = this._getIndentLevelForWhitespaceLine(r2, a2, c2));
let x2 = -1;
if (v2) {
const e3 = this._computeIndentLevel(p3 - 1);
e3 >= 0 ? (h2 = p3 - 1, u2 = e3, x2 = Math.ceil(e3 / this._options.indentSize)) : (g2(p3), x2 = this._getIndentLevelForWhitespaceLine(r2, u2, m2));
if (0 !== o3) {
if (1 === o3) {
if (p3 <= i2 && x2 >= 0 && y2 + 1 === x2) {
b2 = false, f2 = p3, _2 = p3, w2 = x2;
if (s3 >= 1 && C2 >= 0 && C2 - 1 === y2) {
v2 = false, f2 = s3, _2 = s3, w2 = C2;
if (f2 = e2, _2 = e2, w2 = y2, 0 === w2)
return {startLineNumber: f2, endLineNumber: _2, indent: w2};
b2 && (C2 >= w2 ? f2 = s3 : b2 = false), v2 && (x2 >= w2 ? _2 = p3 : v2 = false);
} else
y2 = C2;
return {startLineNumber: f2, endLineNumber: _2, indent: w2};
getLinesIndentGuides(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.getLineCount();
if (e2 < 1 || e2 > n2)
throw new Error("Illegal value for startLineNumber");
if (t2 < 1 || t2 > n2)
throw new Error("Illegal value for endLineNumber");
const i2 = Oe.a.getFoldingRules(, o2 = Boolean(i2 && i2.offSide);
let r2 = new Array(t2 - e2 + 1), s2 = -2, a2 = -1, l2 = -2, c2 = -1;
for (let i3 = e2; i3 <= t2; i3++) {
let t3 = i3 - e2;
const d2 = this._computeIndentLevel(i3 - 1);
if (d2 >= 0)
s2 = i3 - 1, a2 = d2, r2[t3] = Math.ceil(d2 / this._options.indentSize);
else {
if (-2 === s2) {
s2 = -1, a2 = -1;
for (let e3 = i3 - 2; e3 >= 0; e3--) {
let t4 = this._computeIndentLevel(e3);
if (t4 >= 0) {
s2 = e3, a2 = t4;
if (-1 !== l2 && (-2 === l2 || l2 < i3 - 1)) {
l2 = -1, c2 = -1;
for (let e3 = i3; e3 < n2; e3++) {
let t4 = this._computeIndentLevel(e3);
if (t4 >= 0) {
l2 = e3, c2 = t4;
r2[t3] = this._getIndentLevelForWhitespaceLine(o2, a2, c2);
return r2;
_getIndentLevelForWhitespaceLine(e2, t2, n2) {
return -1 === t2 || -1 === n2 ? 0 : t2 < n2 ? 1 + Math.floor(t2 / this._options.indentSize) : t2 === n2 || e2 ? Math.ceil(n2 / this._options.indentSize) : 1 + Math.floor(n2 / this._options.indentSize);
Ve.MODEL_SYNC_LIMIT = 52428800, Ve.LARGE_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 20971520, Ve.LARGE_FILE_LINE_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 3e5, Ve.DEFAULT_CREATION_OPTIONS = {isForSimpleWidget: false, tabSize: l.d.tabSize, indentSize: l.d.indentSize, insertSpaces: l.d.insertSpaces, detectIndentation: false, defaultEOL: 1, trimAutoWhitespace: l.d.trimAutoWhitespace, largeFileOptimizations: l.d.largeFileOptimizations};
class Ue {
constructor() {
this._decorationsTree0 = new N(), this._decorationsTree1 = new N();
intervalSearch(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = this._decorationsTree0.intervalSearch(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2), s2 = this._decorationsTree1.intervalSearch(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
return r2.concat(s2);
search(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (n2)
return, t2, i2);
const n3 =, t2, i2), o2 =, t2, i2);
return n3.concat(o2);
collectNodesFromOwner(e2) {
const t2 = this._decorationsTree0.collectNodesFromOwner(e2), n2 = this._decorationsTree1.collectNodesFromOwner(e2);
return t2.concat(n2);
collectNodesPostOrder() {
const e2 = this._decorationsTree0.collectNodesPostOrder(), t2 = this._decorationsTree1.collectNodesPostOrder();
return e2.concat(t2);
insert(e2) {
x(e2) ? this._decorationsTree1.insert(e2) : this._decorationsTree0.insert(e2);
delete(e2) {
x(e2) ? this._decorationsTree1.delete(e2) : this._decorationsTree0.delete(e2);
resolveNode(e2, t2) {
x(e2) ? this._decorationsTree1.resolveNode(e2, t2) : this._decorationsTree0.resolveNode(e2, t2);
acceptReplace(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._decorationsTree0.acceptReplace(e2, t2, n2, i2), this._decorationsTree1.acceptReplace(e2, t2, n2, i2);
function He(e2) {
return e2.replace(/[^a-z0-9\-_]/gi, " ");
class qe {
constructor(e2) {
this.color = e2.color || "", this.darkColor = e2.darkColor || "";
class $e extends qe {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this._resolvedColor = null, this.position = "number" == typeof e2.position ? e2.position : u.d.Center;
getColor(e2) {
return this._resolvedColor || ("light" !== e2.type && this.darkColor ? this._resolvedColor = this._resolveColor(this.darkColor, e2) : this._resolvedColor = this._resolveColor(this.color, e2)), this._resolvedColor;
invalidateCachedColor() {
this._resolvedColor = null;
_resolveColor(e2, t2) {
if ("string" == typeof e2)
return e2;
let n2 = e2 ? t2.getColor( : null;
return n2 ? n2.toString() : "";
class Ke extends qe {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this.position = e2.position;
getColor(e2) {
return this._resolvedColor || ("light" !== e2.type && this.darkColor ? this._resolvedColor = this._resolveColor(this.darkColor, e2) : this._resolvedColor = this._resolveColor(this.color, e2)), this._resolvedColor;
invalidateCachedColor() {
this._resolvedColor = void 0;
_resolveColor(e2, t2) {
return "string" == typeof e2 ? Re.a.fromHex(e2) : t2.getColor(;
class Ge {
constructor(e2) {
this.stickiness = e2.stickiness || 0, this.zIndex = e2.zIndex || 0, this.className = e2.className ? He(e2.className) : null, this.hoverMessage = e2.hoverMessage || null, this.glyphMarginHoverMessage = e2.glyphMarginHoverMessage || null, this.isWholeLine = e2.isWholeLine || false, this.showIfCollapsed = e2.showIfCollapsed || false, this.collapseOnReplaceEdit = e2.collapseOnReplaceEdit || false, this.overviewRuler = e2.overviewRuler ? new $e(e2.overviewRuler) : null, this.minimap = e2.minimap ? new Ke(e2.minimap) : null, this.glyphMarginClassName = e2.glyphMarginClassName ? He(e2.glyphMarginClassName) : null, this.linesDecorationsClassName = e2.linesDecorationsClassName ? He(e2.linesDecorationsClassName) : null, this.firstLineDecorationClassName = e2.firstLineDecorationClassName ? He(e2.firstLineDecorationClassName) : null, this.marginClassName = e2.marginClassName ? He(e2.marginClassName) : null, this.inlineClassName = e2.inlineClassName ? He(e2.inlineClassName) : null, this.inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing = e2.inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing || false, this.beforeContentClassName = e2.beforeContentClassName ? He(e2.beforeContentClassName) : null, this.afterContentClassName = e2.afterContentClassName ? He(e2.afterContentClassName) : null;
static register(e2) {
return new Ge(e2);
static createDynamic(e2) {
return new Ge(e2);
Ge.EMPTY = Ge.register({});
const Ye = [Ge.register({stickiness: 0}), Ge.register({stickiness: 1}), Ge.register({stickiness: 2}), Ge.register({stickiness: 3})];
function Ze(e2) {
return e2 instanceof Ge ? e2 : Ge.createDynamic(e2);
class Xe extends r.a {
constructor() {
super(), this._actual = this._register(new o.a()), this.event = this._actual.event, this._deferredCnt = 0, this._shouldFire = false, this._affectsMinimap = false, this._affectsOverviewRuler = false;
beginDeferredEmit() {
endDeferredEmit() {
if (this._deferredCnt--, 0 === this._deferredCnt && this._shouldFire) {
const e2 = {affectsMinimap: this._affectsMinimap, affectsOverviewRuler: this._affectsOverviewRuler};
this._shouldFire = false, this._affectsMinimap = false, this._affectsOverviewRuler = false,;
checkAffectedAndFire(e2) {
this._affectsMinimap || (this._affectsMinimap = !(!e2.minimap || !e2.minimap.position)), this._affectsOverviewRuler || (this._affectsOverviewRuler = !(!e2.overviewRuler || !e2.overviewRuler.color)), this._shouldFire = true;
fire() {
this._affectsMinimap = true, this._affectsOverviewRuler = true, this._shouldFire = true;
class Qe extends r.a {
constructor() {
super(), this._fastEmitter = this._register(new o.a()), this.fastEvent = this._fastEmitter.event, this._slowEmitter = this._register(new o.a()), this.slowEvent = this._slowEmitter.event, this._deferredCnt = 0, this._deferredEvent = null;
beginDeferredEmit() {
endDeferredEmit(e2 = null) {
if (this._deferredCnt--, 0 === this._deferredCnt && null !== this._deferredEvent) {
this._deferredEvent.rawContentChangedEvent.resultingSelection = e2;
const t2 = this._deferredEvent;
this._deferredEvent = null,,;
fire(e2) {
this._deferredCnt > 0 ? this._deferredEvent ? this._deferredEvent = this._deferredEvent.merge(e2) : this._deferredEvent = e2 : (,;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2, t2) {
return 0 === t2.length ? e2 : e2.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(e3, n2) {
var i2 = n2[0];
return void 0 !== t2[i2] ? t2[i2] : e3;
function o(e2, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], o2 = 2; o2 < arguments.length; o2++)
n2[o2 - 2] = arguments[o2];
return i(t2, n2);
function r(e2) {
return o;
var s, a, l, c, d, h, u, p, m, g, f, b, _, v, w, y, C, x, S, k, E;
n.d(t, "g", function() {
return re;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return D;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return A;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return V;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return H;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return Mt;
}), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {line: e3, character: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.objectLiteral(t2) && ie.number(t2.line) && ie.number(t2.character);
}(s || (s = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (ie.number(e3) && ie.number(t2) && ie.number(n2) && ie.number(i2))
return {start: s.create(e3, t2), end: s.create(n2, i2)};
if ( &&
return {start: e3, end: t2};
throw new Error("Range#create called with invalid arguments[" + e3 + ", " + t2 + ", " + n2 + ", " + i2 + "]");
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.objectLiteral(t2) && &&;
}(a || (a = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {uri: e3, range: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && (ie.string(t2.uri) || ie.undefined(t2.uri));
}(l || (l = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return {targetUri: e3, targetRange: t2, targetSelectionRange: n2, originSelectionRange: i2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && ie.string(t2.targetUri) && ( || ie.undefined(t2.targetSelectionRange)) && ( || ie.undefined(t2.originSelectionRange));
}(c || (c = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return {red: e3, green: t2, blue: n2, alpha: i2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.number( && ie.number( && ie.number( && ie.number(t2.alpha);
}(d || (d = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: e3, color: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return &&;
}(h || (h = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return {label: e3, textEdit: t2, additionalTextEdits: n2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.string(t2.label) && (ie.undefined(t2.textEdit) || && (ie.undefined(t2.additionalTextEdits) || ie.typedArray(t2.additionalTextEdits,;
}(u || (u = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Comment = "comment", e2.Imports = "imports", e2.Region = "region";
}(p || (p = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
var r2 = {startLine: e3, endLine: t2};
return ie.defined(n2) && (r2.startCharacter = n2), ie.defined(i2) && (r2.endCharacter = i2), ie.defined(o2) && (r2.kind = o2), r2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.number(t2.startLine) && ie.number(t2.startLine) && (ie.undefined(t2.startCharacter) || ie.number(t2.startCharacter)) && (ie.undefined(t2.endCharacter) || ie.number(t2.endCharacter)) && (ie.undefined(t2.kind) || ie.string(t2.kind));
}(m || (m = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {location: e3, message: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && ie.string(t2.message);
}(g || (g = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Error = 1, e2.Warning = 2, e2.Information = 3, e2.Hint = 4;
}(f || (f = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Unnecessary = 1, e2.Deprecated = 2;
}(b || (b = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return null != t2 && (ie.number(t2.value) || ie.string(t2.value)) && ie.string(;
}(_ || (_ = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
var s2 = {range: e3, message: t2};
return ie.defined(n2) && (s2.severity = n2), ie.defined(i2) && (s2.code = i2), ie.defined(o2) && (s2.source = o2), ie.defined(r2) && (s2.relatedInformation = r2), s2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && ie.string(t2.message) && (ie.number(t2.severity) || ie.undefined(t2.severity)) && (ie.number(t2.code) || ie.string(t2.code) || ie.undefined(t2.code)) && (ie.string(t2.source) || ie.undefined(t2.source)) && (ie.undefined(t2.relatedInformation) || ie.typedArray(t2.relatedInformation,;
}(v || (v = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], i2 = 2; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2 - 2] = arguments[i2];
var o2 = {title: e3, command: t2};
return ie.defined(n2) && n2.length > 0 && (o2.arguments = n2), o2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.string(t2.title) && ie.string(t2.command);
}(w || (w = {})), function(e2) {
e2.replace = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: e3, newText: t2};
}, e2.insert = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: {start: e3, end: e3}, newText: t2};
}, e2.del = function(e3) {
return {range: e3, newText: ""};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.objectLiteral(t2) && ie.string(t2.newText) &&;
}(y || (y = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {textDocument: e3, edits: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && Array.isArray(t2.edits);
}(C || (C = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {kind: "create", uri: e3};
return void 0 === t2 || void 0 === t2.overwrite && void 0 === t2.ignoreIfExists || (n2.options = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && "create" === t2.kind && ie.string(t2.uri) && (void 0 === t2.options || (void 0 === t2.options.overwrite || ie.boolean(t2.options.overwrite)) && (void 0 === t2.options.ignoreIfExists || ie.boolean(t2.options.ignoreIfExists)));
}(x || (x = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = {kind: "rename", oldUri: e3, newUri: t2};
return void 0 === n2 || void 0 === n2.overwrite && void 0 === n2.ignoreIfExists || (i2.options = n2), i2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && "rename" === t2.kind && ie.string(t2.oldUri) && ie.string(t2.newUri) && (void 0 === t2.options || (void 0 === t2.options.overwrite || ie.boolean(t2.options.overwrite)) && (void 0 === t2.options.ignoreIfExists || ie.boolean(t2.options.ignoreIfExists)));
}(S || (S = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {kind: "delete", uri: e3};
return void 0 === t2 || void 0 === t2.recursive && void 0 === t2.ignoreIfNotExists || (n2.options = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && "delete" === t2.kind && ie.string(t2.uri) && (void 0 === t2.options || (void 0 === t2.options.recursive || ie.boolean(t2.options.recursive)) && (void 0 === t2.options.ignoreIfNotExists || ie.boolean(t2.options.ignoreIfNotExists)));
}(k || (k = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && (void 0 !== t2.changes || void 0 !== t2.documentChanges) && (void 0 === t2.documentChanges || t2.documentChanges.every(function(e4) {
return ie.string(e4.kind) ? || || :;
}(E || (E = {}));
var T, L, N, I, O, D, A, R, M, P, F, W, z, B, j, V, U, H, q, $, K, G, Y, Z, X, Q, J, ee, te = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.edits = e3;
return e2.prototype.insert = function(e3, t2) {
this.edits.push(y.insert(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.replace = function(e3, t2) {
this.edits.push(y.replace(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.delete = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.add = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.all = function() {
return this.edits;
}, e2.prototype.clear = function() {
this.edits.splice(0, this.edits.length);
}, e2;
!function() {
function e2(e3) {
var t2 = this;
this._textEditChanges = Object.create(null), e3 && (this._workspaceEdit = e3, e3.documentChanges ? e3.documentChanges.forEach(function(e4) {
if ( {
var n2 = new te(e4.edits);
t2._textEditChanges[e4.textDocument.uri] = n2;
}) : e3.changes && Object.keys(e3.changes).forEach(function(n2) {
var i2 = new te(e3.changes[n2]);
t2._textEditChanges[n2] = i2;
Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "edit", {get: function() {
return void 0 === this._workspaceEdit ? {documentChanges: []} : this._workspaceEdit;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getTextEditChange = function(e3) {
if ( {
if (this._workspaceEdit || (this._workspaceEdit = {documentChanges: []}), !this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges)
throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.");
var t2 = e3;
if (!(i2 = this._textEditChanges[t2.uri])) {
var n2 = {textDocument: t2, edits: o2 = []};
this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(n2), i2 = new te(o2), this._textEditChanges[t2.uri] = i2;
return i2;
if (this._workspaceEdit || (this._workspaceEdit = {changes: Object.create(null)}), !this._workspaceEdit.changes)
throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for normal text edit changes.");
var i2;
if (!(i2 = this._textEditChanges[e3])) {
var o2 = [];
this._workspaceEdit.changes[e3] = o2, i2 = new te(o2), this._textEditChanges[e3] = i2;
return i2;
}, e2.prototype.createFile = function(e3, t2) {
this.checkDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(x.create(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.renameFile = function(e3, t2, n2) {
this.checkDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(S.create(e3, t2, n2));
}, e2.prototype.deleteFile = function(e3, t2) {
this.checkDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(k.create(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.checkDocumentChanges = function() {
if (!this._workspaceEdit || !this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges)
throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.");
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3) {
return {uri: e3};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.string(t2.uri);
}(T || (T = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {uri: e3, version: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.string(t2.uri) && (null === t2.version || ie.number(t2.version));
}(L || (L = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return {uri: e3, languageId: t2, version: n2, text: i2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.string(t2.uri) && ie.string(t2.languageId) && ie.number(t2.version) && ie.string(t2.text);
}(N || (N = {})), function(e2) {
e2.PlainText = "plaintext", e2.Markdown = "markdown";
}(I || (I = {})), function(e2) { = function(t2) {
var n2 = t2;
return n2 === e2.PlainText || n2 === e2.Markdown;
}(I || (I = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.objectLiteral(e3) && && ie.string(t2.value);
}(O || (O = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Text = 1, e2.Method = 2, e2.Function = 3, e2.Constructor = 4, e2.Field = 5, e2.Variable = 6, e2.Class = 7, e2.Interface = 8, e2.Module = 9, e2.Property = 10, e2.Unit = 11, e2.Value = 12, e2.Enum = 13, e2.Keyword = 14, e2.Snippet = 15, e2.Color = 16, e2.File = 17, e2.Reference = 18, e2.Folder = 19, e2.EnumMember = 20, e2.Constant = 21, e2.Struct = 22, e2.Event = 23, e2.Operator = 24, e2.TypeParameter = 25;
}(D || (D = {})), function(e2) {
e2.PlainText = 1, e2.Snippet = 2;
}(A || (A = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Deprecated = 1;
}(R || (R = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return {newText: e3, insert: t2, replace: n2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && ie.string(t2.newText) && &&;
}(M || (M = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3) {
return {label: e3};
}(P || (P = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {items: e3 || [], isIncomplete: !!t2};
}(F || (F = {})), function(e2) {
e2.fromPlainText = function(e3) {
return e3.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, "\\$&");
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.string(t2) || ie.objectLiteral(t2) && ie.string(t2.language) && ie.string(t2.value);
}(W || (W = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return !!t2 && ie.objectLiteral(t2) && ( || || ie.typedArray(t2.contents, && (void 0 === e3.range ||;
}(z || (z = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 ? {label: e3, documentation: t2} : {label: e3};
}(B || (B = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], i2 = 2; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2 - 2] = arguments[i2];
var o2 = {label: e3};
return ie.defined(t2) && (o2.documentation = t2), ie.defined(n2) ? o2.parameters = n2 : o2.parameters = [], o2;
}(j || (j = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Text = 1, e2.Read = 2, e2.Write = 3;
}(V || (V = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {range: e3};
return ie.number(t2) && (n2.kind = t2), n2;
}(U || (U = {})), function(e2) {
e2.File = 1, e2.Module = 2, e2.Namespace = 3, e2.Package = 4, e2.Class = 5, e2.Method = 6, e2.Property = 7, e2.Field = 8, e2.Constructor = 9, e2.Enum = 10, e2.Interface = 11, e2.Function = 12, e2.Variable = 13, e2.Constant = 14, e2.String = 15, e2.Number = 16, e2.Boolean = 17, e2.Array = 18, e2.Object = 19, e2.Key = 20, e2.Null = 21, e2.EnumMember = 22, e2.Struct = 23, e2.Event = 24, e2.Operator = 25, e2.TypeParameter = 26;
}(H || (H = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Deprecated = 1;
}(q || (q = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
var r2 = {name: e3, kind: t2, location: {uri: i2, range: n2}};
return o2 && (r2.containerName = o2), r2;
}($ || ($ = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
var s2 = {name: e3, detail: t2, kind: n2, range: i2, selectionRange: o2};
return void 0 !== r2 && (s2.children = r2), s2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && ie.string( && ie.number(t2.kind) && && && (void 0 === t2.detail || ie.string(t2.detail)) && (void 0 === t2.deprecated || ie.boolean(t2.deprecated)) && (void 0 === t2.children || Array.isArray(t2.children)) && (void 0 === t2.tags || Array.isArray(t2.tags));
}(K || (K = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Empty = "", e2.QuickFix = "quickfix", e2.Refactor = "refactor", e2.RefactorExtract = "refactor.extract", e2.RefactorInline = "refactor.inline", e2.RefactorRewrite = "refactor.rewrite", e2.Source = "source", e2.SourceOrganizeImports = "source.organizeImports", e2.SourceFixAll = "source.fixAll";
}(G || (G = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {diagnostics: e3};
return null != t2 && (n2.only = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.typedArray(t2.diagnostics, && (void 0 === t2.only || ie.typedArray(t2.only, ie.string));
}(Y || (Y = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = {title: e3};
return ? i2.command = t2 : i2.edit = t2, void 0 !== n2 && (i2.kind = n2), i2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && ie.string(t2.title) && (void 0 === t2.diagnostics || ie.typedArray(t2.diagnostics, && (void 0 === t2.kind || ie.string(t2.kind)) && (void 0 !== t2.edit || void 0 !== t2.command) && (void 0 === t2.command || && (void 0 === t2.isPreferred || ie.boolean(t2.isPreferred)) && (void 0 === t2.edit ||;
}(Z || (Z = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {range: e3};
return ie.defined(t2) && ( = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && (ie.undefined(t2.command) ||;
}(X || (X = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {tabSize: e3, insertSpaces: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.number(t2.tabSize) && ie.boolean(t2.insertSpaces);
}(Q || (Q = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return {range: e3, target: t2, data: n2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && (ie.undefined( || ie.string(;
}(J || (J = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: e3, parent: t2};
}, = function(t2) {
var n2 = t2;
return void 0 !== n2 && && (void 0 === n2.parent ||;
}(ee || (ee = {}));
var ne;
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return new oe(e3, t2, n2, i2);
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return !!(ie.defined(t2) && ie.string(t2.uri) && (ie.undefined(t2.languageId) || ie.string(t2.languageId)) && ie.number(t2.lineCount) && ie.func(t2.getText) && ie.func(t2.positionAt) && ie.func(t2.offsetAt));
}, e2.applyEdits = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = e3.getText(), i2 = function e4(t3, n3) {
if (t3.length <= 1)
return t3;
var i3 = t3.length / 2 | 0, o3 = t3.slice(0, i3), r3 = t3.slice(i3);
e4(o3, n3), e4(r3, n3);
var s3 = 0, a3 = 0, l3 = 0;
for (; s3 < o3.length && a3 < r3.length; ) {
var c2 = n3(o3[s3], r3[a3]);
t3[l3++] = c2 <= 0 ? o3[s3++] : r3[a3++];
for (; s3 < o3.length; )
t3[l3++] = o3[s3++];
for (; a3 < r3.length; )
t3[l3++] = r3[a3++];
return t3;
}(t2, function(e4, t3) {
var n3 = e4.range.start.line - t3.range.start.line;
return 0 === n3 ? e4.range.start.character - t3.range.start.character : n3;
}), o2 = n2.length, r2 = i2.length - 1; r2 >= 0; r2--) {
var s2 = i2[r2], a2 = e3.offsetAt(s2.range.start), l2 = e3.offsetAt(s2.range.end);
if (!(l2 <= o2))
throw new Error("Overlapping edit");
n2 = n2.substring(0, a2) + s2.newText + n2.substring(l2, n2.length), o2 = a2;
return n2;
}(ne || (ne = {}));
var ie, oe = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this._uri = e3, this._languageId = t2, this._version = n2, this._content = i2, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "uri", {get: function() {
return this._uri;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "languageId", {get: function() {
return this._languageId;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "version", {get: function() {
return this._version;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getText = function(e3) {
if (e3) {
var t2 = this.offsetAt(e3.start), n2 = this.offsetAt(e3.end);
return this._content.substring(t2, n2);
return this._content;
}, e2.prototype.update = function(e3, t2) {
this._content = e3.text, this._version = t2, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
}, e2.prototype.getLineOffsets = function() {
if (void 0 === this._lineOffsets) {
for (var e3 = [], t2 = this._content, n2 = true, i2 = 0; i2 < t2.length; i2++) {
n2 && (e3.push(i2), n2 = false);
var o2 = t2.charAt(i2);
n2 = "\r" === o2 || "\n" === o2, "\r" === o2 && i2 + 1 < t2.length && "\n" === t2.charAt(i2 + 1) && i2++;
n2 && t2.length > 0 && e3.push(t2.length), this._lineOffsets = e3;
return this._lineOffsets;
}, e2.prototype.positionAt = function(e3) {
e3 = Math.max(Math.min(e3, this._content.length), 0);
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets(), n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length;
if (0 === i2)
return s.create(0, e3);
for (; n2 < i2; ) {
var o2 = Math.floor((n2 + i2) / 2);
t2[o2] > e3 ? i2 = o2 : n2 = o2 + 1;
var r2 = n2 - 1;
return s.create(r2, e3 - t2[r2]);
}, e2.prototype.offsetAt = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets();
if (e3.line >= t2.length)
return this._content.length;
if (e3.line < 0)
return 0;
var n2 = t2[e3.line], i2 = e3.line + 1 < t2.length ? t2[e3.line + 1] : this._content.length;
return Math.max(Math.min(n2 + e3.character, i2), n2);
}, Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "lineCount", {get: function() {
return this.getLineOffsets().length;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2;
!function(e2) {
var t2 = Object.prototype.toString;
e2.defined = function(e3) {
return void 0 !== e3;
}, e2.undefined = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3;
}, e2.boolean = function(e3) {
return true === e3 || false === e3;
}, e2.string = function(e3) {
return "[object String]" ===;
}, e2.number = function(e3) {
return "[object Number]" ===;
}, e2.func = function(e3) {
return "[object Function]" ===;
}, e2.objectLiteral = function(e3) {
return null !== e3 && "object" == typeof e3;
}, e2.typedArray = function(e3, t3) {
return Array.isArray(e3) && e3.every(t3);
}(ie || (ie = {}));
var re, se, ae, le, ce, de = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this._uri = e3, this._languageId = t2, this._version = n2, this._content = i2, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "uri", {get: function() {
return this._uri;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "languageId", {get: function() {
return this._languageId;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "version", {get: function() {
return this._version;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getText = function(e3) {
if (e3) {
var t2 = this.offsetAt(e3.start), n2 = this.offsetAt(e3.end);
return this._content.substring(t2, n2);
return this._content;
}, e2.prototype.update = function(t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = t2; i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
if (e2.isIncremental(r2)) {
var s2 = ue(r2.range), a2 = this.offsetAt(s2.start), l2 = this.offsetAt(s2.end);
this._content = this._content.substring(0, a2) + r2.text + this._content.substring(l2, this._content.length);
var c2 = Math.max(s2.start.line, 0), d2 = Math.max(s2.end.line, 0), h2 = this._lineOffsets, u2 = he(r2.text, false, a2);
if (d2 - c2 === u2.length)
for (var p2 = 0, m2 = u2.length; p2 < m2; p2++)
h2[p2 + c2 + 1] = u2[p2];
u2.length < 1e4 ? h2.splice.apply(h2, [c2 + 1, d2 - c2].concat(u2)) : this._lineOffsets = h2 = h2.slice(0, c2 + 1).concat(u2, h2.slice(d2 + 1));
var g2 = r2.text.length - (l2 - a2);
if (0 !== g2)
for (p2 = c2 + 1 + u2.length, m2 = h2.length; p2 < m2; p2++)
h2[p2] = h2[p2] + g2;
} else {
if (!e2.isFull(r2))
throw new Error("Unknown change event received");
this._content = r2.text, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
this._version = n2;
}, e2.prototype.getLineOffsets = function() {
return void 0 === this._lineOffsets && (this._lineOffsets = he(this._content, true)), this._lineOffsets;
}, e2.prototype.positionAt = function(e3) {
e3 = Math.max(Math.min(e3, this._content.length), 0);
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets(), n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length;
if (0 === i2)
return {line: 0, character: e3};
for (; n2 < i2; ) {
var o2 = Math.floor((n2 + i2) / 2);
t2[o2] > e3 ? i2 = o2 : n2 = o2 + 1;
var r2 = n2 - 1;
return {line: r2, character: e3 - t2[r2]};
}, e2.prototype.offsetAt = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets();
if (e3.line >= t2.length)
return this._content.length;
if (e3.line < 0)
return 0;
var n2 = t2[e3.line], i2 = e3.line + 1 < t2.length ? t2[e3.line + 1] : this._content.length;
return Math.max(Math.min(n2 + e3.character, i2), n2);
}, Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "lineCount", {get: function() {
return this.getLineOffsets().length;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.isIncremental = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return null != t2 && "string" == typeof t2.text && void 0 !== t2.range && (void 0 === t2.rangeLength || "number" == typeof t2.rangeLength);
}, e2.isFull = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return null != t2 && "string" == typeof t2.text && void 0 === t2.range && void 0 === t2.rangeLength;
}, e2;
function he(e2, t2, n2) {
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = 0);
for (var i2 = t2 ? [n2] : [], o2 = 0; o2 < e2.length; o2++) {
var r2 = e2.charCodeAt(o2);
13 !== r2 && 10 !== r2 || (13 === r2 && o2 + 1 < e2.length && 10 === e2.charCodeAt(o2 + 1) && o2++, i2.push(n2 + o2 + 1));
return i2;
function ue(e2) {
var t2 = e2.start, n2 = e2.end;
return t2.line > n2.line || t2.line === n2.line && t2.character > n2.character ? {start: n2, end: t2} : e2;
function pe(e2) {
var t2 = ue(e2.range);
return t2 !== e2.range ? {newText: e2.newText, range: t2} : e2;
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return new de(e3, t2, n2, i2);
}, e2.update = function(e3, t2, n2) {
if (e3 instanceof de)
return e3.update(t2, n2), e3;
throw new Error("TextDocument.update: document must be created by TextDocument.create");
}, e2.applyEdits = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = e3.getText(), i2 = 0, o2 = [], r2 = 0, s2 = function e4(t3, n3) {
if (t3.length <= 1)
return t3;
var i3 = t3.length / 2 | 0, o3 = t3.slice(0, i3), r3 = t3.slice(i3);
e4(o3, n3), e4(r3, n3);
var s3 = 0, a3 = 0, l3 = 0;
for (; s3 < o3.length && a3 < r3.length; ) {
var c2 = n3(o3[s3], r3[a3]);
t3[l3++] = c2 <= 0 ? o3[s3++] : r3[a3++];
for (; s3 < o3.length; )
t3[l3++] = o3[s3++];
for (; a3 < r3.length; )
t3[l3++] = r3[a3++];
return t3;
}(, function(e4, t3) {
var n3 = e4.range.start.line - t3.range.start.line;
return 0 === n3 ? e4.range.start.character - t3.range.start.character : n3;
}); r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2], l2 = e3.offsetAt(a2.range.start);
if (l2 < i2)
throw new Error("Overlapping edit");
l2 > i2 && o2.push(n2.substring(i2, l2)), a2.newText.length && o2.push(a2.newText), i2 = e3.offsetAt(a2.range.end);
return o2.push(n2.substr(i2)), o2.join("");
}(re || (re = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.StartCommentTag = 0] = "StartCommentTag", e2[e2.Comment = 1] = "Comment", e2[e2.EndCommentTag = 2] = "EndCommentTag", e2[e2.StartTagOpen = 3] = "StartTagOpen", e2[e2.StartTagClose = 4] = "StartTagClose", e2[e2.StartTagSelfClose = 5] = "StartTagSelfClose", e2[e2.StartTag = 6] = "StartTag", e2[e2.EndTagOpen = 7] = "EndTagOpen", e2[e2.EndTagClose = 8] = "EndTagClose", e2[e2.EndTag = 9] = "EndTag", e2[e2.DelimiterAssign = 10] = "DelimiterAssign", e2[e2.AttributeName = 11] = "AttributeName", e2[e2.AttributeValue = 12] = "AttributeValue", e2[e2.StartDoctypeTag = 13] = "StartDoctypeTag", e2[e2.Doctype = 14] = "Doctype", e2[e2.EndDoctypeTag = 15] = "EndDoctypeTag", e2[e2.Content = 16] = "Content", e2[e2.Whitespace = 17] = "Whitespace", e2[e2.Unknown = 18] = "Unknown", e2[e2.Script = 19] = "Script", e2[e2.Styles = 20] = "Styles", e2[e2.EOS = 21] = "EOS";
}(se || (se = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.WithinContent = 0] = "WithinContent", e2[e2.AfterOpeningStartTag = 1] = "AfterOpeningStartTag", e2[e2.AfterOpeningEndTag = 2] = "AfterOpeningEndTag", e2[e2.WithinDoctype = 3] = "WithinDoctype", e2[e2.WithinTag = 4] = "WithinTag", e2[e2.WithinEndTag = 5] = "WithinEndTag", e2[e2.WithinComment = 6] = "WithinComment", e2[e2.WithinScriptContent = 7] = "WithinScriptContent", e2[e2.WithinStyleContent = 8] = "WithinStyleContent", e2[e2.AfterAttributeName = 9] = "AfterAttributeName", e2[e2.BeforeAttributeValue = 10] = "BeforeAttributeValue";
}(ae || (ae = {})), (le || (le = {})).LATEST = {textDocument: {completion: {completionItem: {documentationFormat: [I.Markdown, I.PlainText]}}, hover: {contentFormat: [I.Markdown, I.PlainText]}}}, function(e2) {
e2[e2.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e2[e2.File = 1] = "File", e2[e2.Directory = 2] = "Directory", e2[e2.SymbolicLink = 64] = "SymbolicLink";
}(ce || (ce = {}));
var me = r(), ge = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
this.source = e3, this.len = e3.length, this.position = t2;
return e2.prototype.eos = function() {
return this.len <= this.position;
}, e2.prototype.getSource = function() {
return this.source;
}, e2.prototype.pos = function() {
return this.position;
}, e2.prototype.goBackTo = function(e3) {
this.position = e3;
}, e2.prototype.goBack = function(e3) {
this.position -= e3;
}, e2.prototype.advance = function(e3) {
this.position += e3;
}, e2.prototype.goToEnd = function() {
this.position = this.source.length;
}, e2.prototype.nextChar = function() {
return this.source.charCodeAt(this.position++) || 0;
}, e2.prototype.peekChar = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = 0), this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + e3) || 0;
}, e2.prototype.advanceIfChar = function(e3) {
return e3 === this.source.charCodeAt(this.position) && (this.position++, true);
}, e2.prototype.advanceIfChars = function(e3) {
var t2;
if (this.position + e3.length > this.source.length)
return false;
for (t2 = 0; t2 < e3.length; t2++)
if (this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + t2) !== e3[t2])
return false;
return this.advance(t2), true;
}, e2.prototype.advanceIfRegExp = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.source.substr(this.position).match(e3);
return t2 ? (this.position = this.position + t2.index + t2[0].length, t2[0]) : "";
}, e2.prototype.advanceUntilRegExp = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.source.substr(this.position).match(e3);
return t2 ? (this.position = this.position + t2.index, t2[0]) : (this.goToEnd(), "");
}, e2.prototype.advanceUntilChar = function(e3) {
for (; this.position < this.source.length; ) {
if (this.source.charCodeAt(this.position) === e3)
return true;
return false;
}, e2.prototype.advanceUntilChars = function(e3) {
for (; this.position + e3.length <= this.source.length; ) {
for (var t2 = 0; t2 < e3.length && this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + t2) === e3[t2]; t2++)
if (t2 === e3.length)
return true;
return this.goToEnd(), false;
}, e2.prototype.skipWhitespace = function() {
return this.advanceWhileChar(function(e3) {
return e3 === Te || e3 === Le || e3 === Se || e3 === Ee || e3 === ke;
}) > 0;
}, e2.prototype.advanceWhileChar = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = this.position; this.position < this.len && e3(this.source.charCodeAt(this.position)); )
return this.position - t2;
}, e2;
}(), fe = "!".charCodeAt(0), be = "-".charCodeAt(0), _e = "<".charCodeAt(0), ve = ">".charCodeAt(0), we = "/".charCodeAt(0), ye = "=".charCodeAt(0), Ce = '"'.charCodeAt(0), xe = "'".charCodeAt(0), Se = "\n".charCodeAt(0), ke = "\r".charCodeAt(0), Ee = "\f".charCodeAt(0), Te = " ".charCodeAt(0), Le = " ".charCodeAt(0), Ne = {"text/x-handlebars-template": true};
function Ie(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = 0), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = ae.WithinContent), void 0 === i2 && (i2 = false);
var o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2 = new ge(e2, t2), d2 = n2, h2 = 0, u2 = se.Unknown;
function p2() {
return c2.advanceIfRegExp(/^[_:\w][_:\w-.\d]*/).toLowerCase();
function m2(e3, t3, n3) {
return u2 = t3, h2 = e3, o2 = n3, t3;
return {scan: function() {
var e3 = c2.pos(), t3 = d2, n3 = function e4() {
var t4, n4 = c2.pos();
if (c2.eos())
return m2(n4, se.EOS);
switch (d2) {
case ae.WithinComment:
return c2.advanceIfChars([be, be, ve]) ? (d2 = ae.WithinContent, m2(n4, se.EndCommentTag)) : (c2.advanceUntilChars([be, be, ve]), m2(n4, se.Comment));
case ae.WithinDoctype:
return c2.advanceIfChar(ve) ? (d2 = ae.WithinContent, m2(n4, se.EndDoctypeTag)) : (c2.advanceUntilChar(ve), m2(n4, se.Doctype));
case ae.WithinContent:
if (c2.advanceIfChar(_e)) {
if (!c2.eos() && c2.peekChar() === fe) {
if (c2.advanceIfChars([fe, be, be]))
return d2 = ae.WithinComment, m2(n4, se.StartCommentTag);
if (c2.advanceIfRegExp(/^!doctype/i))
return d2 = ae.WithinDoctype, m2(n4, se.StartDoctypeTag);
return c2.advanceIfChar(we) ? (d2 = ae.AfterOpeningEndTag, m2(n4, se.EndTagOpen)) : (d2 = ae.AfterOpeningStartTag, m2(n4, se.StartTagOpen));
return c2.advanceUntilChar(_e), m2(n4, se.Content);
case ae.AfterOpeningEndTag:
return p2().length > 0 ? (d2 = ae.WithinEndTag, m2(n4, se.EndTag)) : c2.skipWhitespace() ? m2(n4, se.Whitespace, me("error.unexpectedWhitespace", "Tag name must directly follow the open bracket.")) : (d2 = ae.WithinEndTag, c2.advanceUntilChar(ve), n4 < c2.pos() ? m2(n4, se.Unknown, me("error.endTagNameExpected", "End tag name expected.")) : e4());
case ae.WithinEndTag:
if (c2.skipWhitespace())
return m2(n4, se.Whitespace);
if (c2.advanceIfChar(ve))
return d2 = ae.WithinContent, m2(n4, se.EndTagClose);
if (i2 && c2.peekChar() === _e)
return d2 = ae.WithinContent, m2(n4, se.EndTagClose, me("error.closingBracketMissing", "Closing bracket missing."));
t4 = me("error.closingBracketExpected", "Closing bracket expected.");
case ae.AfterOpeningStartTag:
return s2 = p2(), l2 = void 0, a2 = void 0, s2.length > 0 ? (r2 = false, d2 = ae.WithinTag, m2(n4, se.StartTag)) : c2.skipWhitespace() ? m2(n4, se.Whitespace, me("error.unexpectedWhitespace", "Tag name must directly follow the open bracket.")) : (d2 = ae.WithinTag, c2.advanceUntilChar(ve), n4 < c2.pos() ? m2(n4, se.Unknown, me("error.startTagNameExpected", "Start tag name expected.")) : e4());
case ae.WithinTag:
return c2.skipWhitespace() ? (r2 = true, m2(n4, se.Whitespace)) : r2 && (a2 = c2.advanceIfRegExp(/^[^\s"'></=\x00-\x0F\x7F\x80-\x9F]*/).toLowerCase()).length > 0 ? (d2 = ae.AfterAttributeName, r2 = false, m2(n4, se.AttributeName)) : c2.advanceIfChars([we, ve]) ? (d2 = ae.WithinContent, m2(n4, se.StartTagSelfClose)) : c2.advanceIfChar(ve) ? (d2 = "script" === s2 ? l2 && Ne[l2] ? ae.WithinContent : ae.WithinScriptContent : "style" === s2 ? ae.WithinStyleContent : ae.WithinContent, m2(n4, se.StartTagClose)) : i2 && c2.peekChar() === _e ? (d2 = ae.WithinContent, m2(n4, se.StartTagClose, me("error.closingBracketMissing", "Closing bracket missing."))) : (c2.advance(1), m2(n4, se.Unknown, me("error.unexpectedCharacterInTag", "Unexpected character in tag.")));
case ae.AfterAttributeName:
return c2.skipWhitespace() ? (r2 = true, m2(n4, se.Whitespace)) : c2.advanceIfChar(ye) ? (d2 = ae.BeforeAttributeValue, m2(n4, se.DelimiterAssign)) : (d2 = ae.WithinTag, e4());
case ae.BeforeAttributeValue:
if (c2.skipWhitespace())
return m2(n4, se.Whitespace);
var o3 = c2.advanceIfRegExp(/^[^\s"'`=<>]+/);
if (o3.length > 0)
return c2.peekChar() === ve && c2.peekChar(-1) === we && (c2.goBack(1), o3 = o3.substr(0, o3.length - 1)), "type" === a2 && (l2 = o3), d2 = ae.WithinTag, r2 = false, m2(n4, se.AttributeValue);
var h3 = c2.peekChar();
return h3 === xe || h3 === Ce ? (c2.advance(1), c2.advanceUntilChar(h3) && c2.advance(1), "type" === a2 && (l2 = c2.getSource().substring(n4 + 1, c2.pos() - 1)), d2 = ae.WithinTag, r2 = false, m2(n4, se.AttributeValue)) : (d2 = ae.WithinTag, r2 = false, e4());
case ae.WithinScriptContent:
for (var u3 = 1; !c2.eos(); ) {
var g2 = c2.advanceIfRegExp(/<!--|-->|<\/?script\s*\/?>?/i);
if (0 === g2.length)
return c2.goToEnd(), m2(n4, se.Script);
if ("<!--" === g2)
1 === u3 && (u3 = 2);
else if ("-->" === g2)
u3 = 1;
else if ("/" !== g2[1])
2 === u3 && (u3 = 3);
else {
if (3 !== u3) {
u3 = 2;
return d2 = ae.WithinContent, n4 < c2.pos() ? m2(n4, se.Script) : e4();
case ae.WithinStyleContent:
return c2.advanceUntilRegExp(/<\/style/i), d2 = ae.WithinContent, n4 < c2.pos() ? m2(n4, se.Styles) : e4();
return c2.advance(1), d2 = ae.WithinContent, m2(n4, se.Unknown, t4);
return n3 === se.EOS || e3 !== c2.pos() || i2 && (n3 === se.StartTagClose || n3 === se.EndTagClose) ? n3 : (console.log("Scanner.scan has not advanced at offset " + e3 + ", state before: " + t3 + " after: " + d2), c2.advance(1), m2(e3, se.Unknown));
}, getTokenType: function() {
return u2;
}, getTokenOffset: function() {
return h2;
}, getTokenLength: function() {
return c2.pos() - h2;
}, getTokenEnd: function() {
return c2.pos();
}, getTokenText: function() {
return c2.getSource().substring(h2, c2.pos());
}, getScannerState: function() {
return d2;
}, getTokenError: function() {
return o2;
function Oe(e2, t2) {
var n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length;
if (0 === i2)
return 0;
for (; n2 < i2; ) {
var o2 = Math.floor((n2 + i2) / 2);
t2(e2[o2]) ? i2 = o2 : n2 = o2 + 1;
return n2;
var De = ["area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "menuitem", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"];
function Ae(e2) {
return !!e2 && function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = e3.length - 1; i2 <= o2; ) {
var r2 = (i2 + o2) / 2 | 0, s2 = n2(e3[r2], t2);
if (s2 < 0)
i2 = r2 + 1;
else {
if (!(s2 > 0))
return r2;
o2 = r2 - 1;
return -(i2 + 1);
}(De, e2.toLowerCase(), function(e3, t2) {
return e3.localeCompare(t2);
}) >= 0;
var Re = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this.start = e3, this.end = t2, this.children = n2, this.parent = i2, this.closed = false;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "attributeNames", {get: function() {
return this.attributes ? Object.keys(this.attributes) : [];
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.isSameTag = function(e3) {
return void 0 === this.tag ? void 0 === e3 : void 0 !== e3 && this.tag.length === e3.length && this.tag.toLowerCase() === e3;
}, Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "firstChild", {get: function() {
return this.children[0];
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "lastChild", {get: function() {
return this.children.length ? this.children[this.children.length - 1] : void 0;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.findNodeBefore = function(e3) {
var t2 = Oe(this.children, function(t3) {
return e3 <= t3.start;
}) - 1;
if (t2 >= 0) {
var n2 = this.children[t2];
if (e3 > n2.start) {
if (e3 < n2.end)
return n2.findNodeBefore(e3);
var i2 = n2.lastChild;
return i2 && i2.end === n2.end ? n2.findNodeBefore(e3) : n2;
return this;
}, e2.prototype.findNodeAt = function(e3) {
var t2 = Oe(this.children, function(t3) {
return e3 <= t3.start;
}) - 1;
if (t2 >= 0) {
var n2 = this.children[t2];
if (e3 > n2.start && e3 <= n2.end)
return n2.findNodeAt(e3);
return this;
}, e2;
function Me(e2) {
for (var t2 = Ie(e2, void 0, void 0, true), n2 = new Re(0, e2.length, [], void 0), i2 = n2, o2 = -1, r2 = void 0, s2 = null, a2 = t2.scan(); a2 !== se.EOS; ) {
switch (a2) {
case se.StartTagOpen:
var l2 = new Re(t2.getTokenOffset(), e2.length, [], i2);
i2.children.push(l2), i2 = l2;
case se.StartTag:
i2.tag = t2.getTokenText();
case se.StartTagClose:
i2.parent && (i2.end = t2.getTokenEnd(), t2.getTokenLength() ? (i2.startTagEnd = t2.getTokenEnd(), i2.tag && Ae(i2.tag) && (i2.closed = true, i2 = i2.parent)) : i2 = i2.parent);
case se.StartTagSelfClose:
i2.parent && (i2.closed = true, i2.end = t2.getTokenEnd(), i2.startTagEnd = t2.getTokenEnd(), i2 = i2.parent);
case se.EndTagOpen:
o2 = t2.getTokenOffset(), r2 = void 0;
case se.EndTag:
r2 = t2.getTokenText().toLowerCase();
case se.EndTagClose:
for (var c2 = i2; !c2.isSameTag(r2) && c2.parent; )
c2 = c2.parent;
if (c2.parent) {
for (; i2 !== c2; )
i2.end = o2, i2.closed = false, i2 = i2.parent;
i2.closed = true, i2.endTagStart = o2, i2.end = t2.getTokenEnd(), i2 = i2.parent;
case se.AttributeName:
s2 = t2.getTokenText(), (d2 = i2.attributes) || (i2.attributes = d2 = {}), d2[s2] = null;
case se.AttributeValue:
var d2, h2 = t2.getTokenText();
(d2 = i2.attributes) && s2 && (d2[s2] = h2, s2 = null);
a2 = t2.scan();
for (; i2.parent; )
i2.end = e2.length, i2.closed = false, i2 = i2.parent;
return {roots: n2.children, findNodeBefore: n2.findNodeBefore.bind(n2), findNodeAt: n2.findNodeAt.bind(n2)};
var Pe = {"Aacute;": "Á", Aacute: "Á", "aacute;": "á", aacute: "á", "Abreve;": "Ă", "abreve;": "ă", "ac;": "∾", "acd;": "∿", "acE;": "∾̳", "Acirc;": "Â", Acirc: "Â", "acirc;": "â", acirc: "â", "acute;": "´", acute: "´", "Acy;": "А", "acy;": "а", "AElig;": "Æ", AElig: "Æ", "aelig;": "æ", aelig: "æ", "af;": "", "Afr;": "𝔄", "afr;": "𝔞", "Agrave;": "À", Agrave: "À", "agrave;": "à", agrave: "à", "alefsym;": "ℵ", "aleph;": "ℵ", "Alpha;": "Α", "alpha;": "α", "Amacr;": "Ā", "amacr;": "ā", "amalg;": "⨿", "AMP;": "&", AMP: "&", "amp;": "&", amp: "&", "And;": "⩓", "and;": "∧", "andand;": "⩕", "andd;": "⩜", "andslope;": "⩘", "andv;": "⩚", "ang;": "∠", "ange;": "⦤", "angle;": "∠", "angmsd;": "∡", "angmsdaa;": "⦨", "angmsdab;": "⦩", "angmsdac;": "⦪", "angmsdad;": "⦫", "angmsdae;": "⦬", "angmsdaf;": "⦭", "angmsdag;": "⦮", "angmsdah;": "⦯", "angrt;": "∟", "angrtvb;": "⊾", "angrtvbd;": "⦝", "angsph;": "∢", "angst;": "Å", "angzarr;": "⍼", "Aogon;": "Ą", "aogon;": "ą", "Aopf;": "𝔸", "aopf;": "𝕒", "ap;": 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"þ", "Tilde;": "", "tilde;": "˜", "TildeEqual;": "≃", "TildeFullEqual;": "≅", "TildeTilde;": "≈", "times;": "×", times: "×", "timesb;": "⊠", "timesbar;": "⨱", "timesd;": "⨰", "tint;": "∭", "toea;": "⤨", "top;": "", "topbot;": "⌶", "topcir;": "⫱", "Topf;": "𝕋", "topf;": "𝕥", "topfork;": "⫚", "tosa;": "⤩", "tprime;": "‴", "TRADE;": "™", "trade;": "™", "triangle;": "▵", "triangledown;": "▿", "triangleleft;": "◃", "trianglelefteq;": "⊴", "triangleq;": "≜", "triangleright;": "▹", "trianglerighteq;": "⊵", "tridot;": "◬", "trie;": "≜", "triminus;": "⨺", "TripleDot;": "⃛", "triplus;": "⨹", "trisb;": "⧍", "tritime;": "⨻", "trpezium;": "⏢", "Tscr;": "𝒯", "tscr;": "𝓉", "TScy;": "Ц", "tscy;": "ц", "TSHcy;": "Ћ", "tshcy;": "ћ", "Tstrok;": "Ŧ", "tstrok;": "ŧ", "twixt;": "≬", "twoheadleftarrow;": "↞", "twoheadrightarrow;": "↠", "Uacute;": "Ú", Uacute: "Ú", "uacute;": "ú", uacute: "ú", "Uarr;": "↟", "uArr;": "⇑", "uarr;": "↑", "Uarrocir;": "⥉", "Ubrcy;": "Ў", "ubrcy;": "ў", "Ubreve;": "Ŭ", "ubreve;": "ŭ", "Ucirc;": "Û", Ucirc: "Û", "ucirc;": "û", ucirc: "û", "Ucy;": "У", "ucy;": "у", "udarr;": "⇅", "Udblac;": "Ű", "udblac;": "ű", "udhar;": "⥮", "ufisht;": "⥾", "Ufr;": "𝔘", "ufr;": "𝔲", "Ugrave;": "Ù", Ugrave: "Ù", "ugrave;": "ù", ugrave: "ù", "uHar;": "⥣", "uharl;": "↿", "uharr;": "↾", "uhblk;": "▀", "ulcorn;": "⌜", "ulcorner;": "⌜", "ulcrop;": "⌏", "ultri;": "◸", "Umacr;": "Ū", "umacr;": "ū", "uml;": "¨", uml: "¨", "UnderBar;": "_", "UnderBrace;": "⏟", "UnderBracket;": "⎵", "UnderParenthesis;": "⏝", "Union;": "", "UnionPlus;": "⊎", "Uogon;": "Ų", "uogon;": "ų", "Uopf;": "𝕌", "uopf;": "𝕦", "UpArrow;": "↑", "Uparrow;": "⇑", "uparrow;": "↑", "UpArrowBar;": "⤒", "UpArrowDownArrow;": "⇅", "UpDownArrow;": "↕", "Updownarrow;": "⇕", "updownarrow;": "↕", "UpEquilibrium;": "⥮", "upharpoonleft;": "↿", "upharpoonright;": "↾", "uplus;": "⊎", "UpperLeftArrow;": "↖", "UpperRightArrow;": "↗", "Upsi;": "ϒ", "upsi;": "υ", "upsih;": "ϒ", "Upsilon;": "Υ", "upsilon;": "υ", "UpTee;": "⊥", "UpTeeArrow;": "↥", "upuparrows;": "⇈", "urcorn;": "⌝", "urcorner;": "⌝", "urcrop;": "⌎", "Uring;": "Ů", "uring;": "ů", "urtri;": "◹", "Uscr;": "𝒰", "uscr;": "𝓊", "utdot;": "⋰", "Utilde;": "Ũ", "utilde;": "ũ", "utri;": "▵", "utrif;": "▴", "uuarr;": "⇈", "Uuml;": "Ü", Uuml: "Ü", "uuml;": "ü", uuml: "ü", "uwangle;": "⦧", "vangrt;": "⦜", "varepsilon;": "ϵ", "varkappa;": "ϰ", "varnothing;": "∅", "varphi;": "ϕ", "varpi;": "ϖ", "varpropto;": "∝", "vArr;": "⇕", "varr;": "↕", "varrho;": "ϱ", "varsigma;": "ς", "varsubsetneq;": "⊊︀", "varsubsetneqq;": "⫋︀", "varsupsetneq;": "⊋︀", "varsupsetneqq;": "⫌︀", "vartheta;": "ϑ", "vartriangleleft;": "⊲", "vartriangleright;": "⊳", "Vbar;": "⫫", "vBar;": "⫨", "vBarv;": "⫩", "Vcy;": "В", "vcy;": "в", "VDash;": "⊫", "Vdash;": "⊩", "vDash;": "⊨", "vdash;": "⊢", "Vdashl;": "⫦", "Vee;": "", "vee;": "", "veebar;": "⊻", "veeeq;": "≚", "vellip;": "⋮", "Verbar;": "‖", "verbar;": "|", "Vert;": "‖", "vert;": "|", "VerticalBar;": "", "VerticalLine;": "|", "VerticalSeparator;": "❘", "VerticalTilde;": "≀", "VeryThinSpace;": "", "Vfr;": "𝔙", "vfr;": "𝔳", "vltri;": "⊲", "vnsub;": "⊂⃒", "vnsup;": "⊃⃒", "Vopf;": "𝕍", "vopf;": "𝕧", "vprop;": "∝", "vrtri;": "⊳", "Vscr;": "𝒱", "vscr;": "𝓋", "vsubnE;": "⫋︀", "vsubne;": "⊊︀", "vsupnE;": "⫌︀", "vsupne;": "⊋︀", "Vvdash;": "⊪", "vzigzag;": "⦚", "Wcirc;": "Ŵ", "wcirc;": "ŵ", "wedbar;": "⩟", "Wedge;": "⋀", "wedge;": "∧", "wedgeq;": "≙", "weierp;": "℘", "Wfr;": "𝔚", "wfr;": "𝔴", "Wopf;": "𝕎", "wopf;": "𝕨", "wp;": "℘", "wr;": "≀", "wreath;": "≀", "Wscr;": "𝒲", "wscr;": "𝓌", "xcap;": "⋂", "xcirc;": "◯", "xcup;": "", "xdtri;": "▽", "Xfr;": "𝔛", "xfr;": "𝔵", "xhArr;": "⟺", "xharr;": "⟷", "Xi;": "Ξ", "xi;": "ξ", "xlArr;": "⟸", "xlarr;": "⟵", "xmap;": "⟼", "xnis;": "⋻", "xodot;": "⨀", "Xopf;": "𝕏", "xopf;": "𝕩", "xoplus;": "⨁", "xotime;": "⨂", "xrArr;": "⟹", "xrarr;": "⟶", "Xscr;": "𝒳", "xscr;": "𝓍", "xsqcup;": "⨆", "xuplus;": "⨄", "xutri;": "△", "xvee;": "", "xwedge;": "⋀", "Yacute;": "Ý", Yacute: "Ý", "yacute;": "ý", yacute: "ý", "YAcy;": "Я", "yacy;": "я", "Ycirc;": "Ŷ", "ycirc;": "ŷ", "Ycy;": "Ы", "ycy;": "ы", "yen;": "¥", yen: "¥", "Yfr;": "𝔜", "yfr;": "𝔶", "YIcy;": "Ї", "yicy;": "ї", "Yopf;": "𝕐", "yopf;": "𝕪", "Yscr;": "𝒴", "yscr;": "𝓎", "YUcy;": "Ю", "yucy;": "ю", "Yuml;": "Ÿ", "yuml;": "ÿ", yuml: "ÿ", "Zacute;": "Ź", "zacute;": "ź", "Zcaron;": "Ž", "zcaron;": "ž", "Zcy;": "З", "zcy;": "з", "Zdot;": "Ż", "zdot;": "ż", "zeetrf;": "", "ZeroWidthSpace;": "", "Zeta;": "Ζ", "zeta;": "ζ", "Zfr;": "", "zfr;": "𝔷", "ZHcy;": "Ж", "zhcy;": "ж", "zigrarr;": "⇝", "Zopf;": "", "zopf;": "𝕫", "Zscr;": "𝒵", "zscr;": "𝓏", "zwj;": "", "zwnj;": ""};
function Fe(e2, t2) {
if (e2.length < t2.length)
return false;
for (var n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++)
if (e2[n2] !== t2[n2])
return false;
return true;
function We(e2, t2) {
for (var n2 = ""; t2 > 0; )
1 == (1 & t2) && (n2 += e2), e2 += e2, t2 >>>= 1;
return n2;
var ze = "a".charCodeAt(0), Be = "z".charCodeAt(0), je = "A".charCodeAt(0), Ve = "Z".charCodeAt(0), Ue = "0".charCodeAt(0), He = "9".charCodeAt(0);
function qe(e2, t2) {
var n2 = e2.charCodeAt(t2);
return ze <= n2 && n2 <= Be || je <= n2 && n2 <= Ve || Ue <= n2 && n2 <= He;
function $e(e2) {
return void 0 !== e2;
var Ke = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
var n2 = this; = e3, this._tags = [], this._tagMap = {}, this._valueSetMap = {}, this._tags = t2.tags || [], this._globalAttributes = t2.globalAttributes || [], this._tags.forEach(function(e4) {
n2._tagMap[] = e4;
}), t2.valueSets && t2.valueSets.forEach(function(e4) {
n2._valueSetMap[] = e4.values;
return e2.prototype.isApplicable = function() {
return true;
}, e2.prototype.getId = function() {
}, e2.prototype.provideTags = function() {
return this._tags;
}, e2.prototype.provideAttributes = function(e3) {
var t2 = [], n2 = function(e4) {
}, i2 = this._tagMap[e3.toLowerCase()];
return i2 && i2.attributes.forEach(n2), this._globalAttributes.forEach(n2), t2;
}, e2.prototype.provideValues = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = this, i2 = [];
t2 = t2.toLowerCase();
var o2 = function(e4) {
e4.forEach(function(e5) { === t2 && (e5.values && e5.values.forEach(function(e6) {
}), e5.valueSet && n2._valueSetMap[e5.valueSet] && n2._valueSetMap[e5.valueSet].forEach(function(e6) {
}, r2 = this._tagMap[e3.toLowerCase()];
return r2 ? (o2(r2.attributes), o2(this._globalAttributes), i2) : [];
}, e2;
function Ge(e2, t2) {
var n2 = {kind: t2 ? "markdown" : "plaintext", value: ""};
if (e2.description) {
var i2 = function(e3) {
if (e3)
return "string" == typeof e3 ? {kind: "markdown", value: e3} : {kind: "markdown", value: e3.value};
i2 && (n2.value += i2.value);
if (e2.references && e2.references.length > 0 && (n2.value += "\n\n", n2.value += t2 ? {
return "[" + + "](" + e3.url + ")";
}).join(" | ") : {
return + ": " + e3.url;
}).join("\n")), "" !== n2.value)
return n2;
var Ye = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
}, Ze = function(e2, t2) {
var n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = {label: 0, sent: function() {
if (1 & o2[0])
throw o2[1];
return o2[1];
}, trys: [], ops: []};
return r2 = {next: a2(0), throw: a2(1), return: a2(2)}, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r2[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), r2;
function a2(r3) {
return function(a3) {
return function(r4) {
if (n2)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s2; )
try {
if (n2 = 1, i2 && (o2 = 2 & r4[0] ? i2.return : r4[0] ? i2.throw || ((o2 = i2.return) &&, 0) : && !(o2 =, r4[1])).done)
return o2;
switch (i2 = 0, o2 && (r4 = [2 & r4[0], o2.value]), r4[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
o2 = r4;
case 4:
return s2.label++, {value: r4[1], done: false};
case 5:
s2.label++, i2 = r4[1], r4 = [0];
case 7:
r4 = s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
if (!(o2 = s2.trys, (o2 = o2.length > 0 && o2[o2.length - 1]) || 6 !== r4[0] && 2 !== r4[0])) {
s2 = 0;
if (3 === r4[0] && (!o2 || r4[1] > o2[0] && r4[1] < o2[3])) {
s2.label = r4[1];
if (6 === r4[0] && s2.label < o2[1]) {
s2.label = o2[1], o2 = r4;
if (o2 && s2.label < o2[2]) {
s2.label = o2[2], s2.ops.push(r4);
o2[2] && s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
r4 =, s2);
} catch (e3) {
r4 = [6, e3], i2 = 0;
} finally {
n2 = o2 = 0;
if (5 & r4[0])
throw r4[1];
return {value: r4[0] ? r4[1] : void 0, done: true};
}([r3, a3]);
}, Xe = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.readDirectory = e3, this.atributeCompletions = [];
return e2.prototype.onHtmlAttributeValue = function(e3) {
(function(e4, t2) {
var n2 = tt[e4];
if (n2)
return "string" == typeof n2 ? n2 === t2 : -1 !== n2.indexOf(t2);
return false;
})(e3.tag, e3.attribute) && this.atributeCompletions.push(e3);
}, e2.prototype.computeCompletions = function(e3, t2) {
return Ye(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2;
return Ze(this, function(p2) {
switch (p2.label) {
case 0:
n2 = {items: [], isIncomplete: false}, i2 = 0, o2 = this.atributeCompletions, p2.label = 1;
case 1:
return i2 < o2.length ? (r2 = o2[i2], function(e4) {
if (Fe(e4, "http") || Fe(e4, "https") || Fe(e4, "//"))
return false;
return true;
}(s2 = function(e4) {
return Fe(e4, "'") || Fe(e4, '"') ? e4.slice(1, -1) : e4;
}(e3.getText(r2.range))) ? "." !== s2 && ".." !== s2 ? [3, 2] : (n2.isIncomplete = true, [3, 4]) : [3, 4]) : [3, 5];
case 2:
return l2 = function(e4, t3, n3) {
var i3, o3 = e4.lastIndexOf("/");
if (-1 === o3)
i3 = function(e5, t4, n4) {
var i4 = et(e5.start, t4), o4 = et(e5.end, n4);
return a.create(i4, o4);
}(n3, 1, -1);
else {
var r3 = t3.slice(o3 + 1), s3 = et(n3.end, -1 - r3.length), l3 = r3.indexOf(" "), c3 = void 0;
c3 = -1 !== l3 ? et(s3, l3) : et(n3.end, -1), i3 = a.create(s3, c3);
return i3;
}(r2.value, s2, r2.range), [4, this.providePathSuggestions(r2.value, l2, e3, t2)];
case 3:
for (c2 = p2.sent(), d2 = 0, h2 = c2; d2 < h2.length; d2++)
u2 = h2[d2], n2.items.push(u2);
p2.label = 4;
case 4:
return i2++, [3, 1];
case 5:
return [2, n2];
}, e2.prototype.providePathSuggestions = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return Ye(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2;
return Ze(this, function(p2) {
switch (p2.label) {
case 0:
if (o2 = e3.substring(0, e3.lastIndexOf("/") + 1), !(r2 = i2.resolveReference(o2 || ".", n2.uri)))
return [3, 4];
p2.label = 1;
case 1:
return p2.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), s2 = [], [4, this.readDirectory(r2)];
case 2:
for (a2 = p2.sent(), l2 = 0, c2 = a2; l2 < c2.length; l2++)
d2 = c2[l2], h2 = d2[0], u2 = d2[1], h2.charCodeAt(0) !== Qe && s2.push(Je(h2, u2 === ce.Directory, t2));
return [2, s2];
case 3:
return p2.sent(), [3, 4];
case 4:
return [2, []];
}, e2;
}(), Qe = ".".charCodeAt(0);
function Je(e2, t2, n2) {
return t2 ? {label: e2 += "/", kind: D.Folder, textEdit: y.replace(n2, e2), command: {title: "Suggest", command: "editor.action.triggerSuggest"}} : {label: e2, kind: D.File, textEdit: y.replace(n2, e2)};
function et(e2, t2) {
return s.create(e2.line, e2.character + t2);
var tt = {a: "href", area: "href", body: "background", del: "cite", form: "action", frame: ["src", "longdesc"], img: ["src", "longdesc"], ins: "cite", link: "href", object: "data", q: "cite", script: "src", audio: "src", button: "formaction", command: "icon", embed: "src", html: "manifest", input: ["src", "formaction"], source: "src", track: "src", video: ["src", "poster"]}, nt = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
}, it = function(e2, t2) {
var n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = {label: 0, sent: function() {
if (1 & o2[0])
throw o2[1];
return o2[1];
}, trys: [], ops: []};
return r2 = {next: a2(0), throw: a2(1), return: a2(2)}, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r2[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), r2;
function a2(r3) {
return function(a3) {
return function(r4) {
if (n2)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s2; )
try {
if (n2 = 1, i2 && (o2 = 2 & r4[0] ? i2.return : r4[0] ? i2.throw || ((o2 = i2.return) &&, 0) : && !(o2 =, r4[1])).done)
return o2;
switch (i2 = 0, o2 && (r4 = [2 & r4[0], o2.value]), r4[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
o2 = r4;
case 4:
return s2.label++, {value: r4[1], done: false};
case 5:
s2.label++, i2 = r4[1], r4 = [0];
case 7:
r4 = s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
if (!(o2 = s2.trys, (o2 = o2.length > 0 && o2[o2.length - 1]) || 6 !== r4[0] && 2 !== r4[0])) {
s2 = 0;
if (3 === r4[0] && (!o2 || r4[1] > o2[0] && r4[1] < o2[3])) {
s2.label = r4[1];
if (6 === r4[0] && s2.label < o2[1]) {
s2.label = o2[1], o2 = r4;
if (o2 && s2.label < o2[2]) {
s2.label = o2[2], s2.ops.push(r4);
o2[2] && s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
r4 =, s2);
} catch (e3) {
r4 = [6, e3], i2 = 0;
} finally {
n2 = o2 = 0;
if (5 & r4[0])
throw r4[1];
return {value: r4[0] ? r4[1] : void 0, done: true};
}([r3, a3]);
}, ot = r(), rt = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
this.lsOptions = e3, this.dataManager = t2, this.completionParticipants = [];
return e2.prototype.setCompletionParticipants = function(e3) {
this.completionParticipants = e3 || [];
}, e2.prototype.doComplete2 = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return nt(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var r2, s2, a2, l2;
return it(this, function(c2) {
switch (c2.label) {
case 0:
if (!this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider || !this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider.readDirectory)
return [2, this.doComplete(e3, t2, n2, o2)];
r2 = new Xe(this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider.readDirectory), s2 = this.completionParticipants, this.completionParticipants = [r2].concat(s2), a2 = this.doComplete(e3, t2, n2, o2), c2.label = 1;
case 1:
return c2.trys.push([1, , 3, 4]), [4, r2.computeCompletions(e3, i2)];
case 2:
return l2 = c2.sent(), [2, {isIncomplete: a2.isIncomplete || l2.isIncomplete, items: l2.items.concat(a2.items)}];
case 3:
return this.completionParticipants = s2, [7];
case 4:
return [2];
}, e2.prototype.doComplete = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = this._doComplete(e3, t2, n2, i2);
return this.convertCompletionList(o2);
}, e2.prototype._doComplete = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = {isIncomplete: false, items: []}, r2 = this.completionParticipants, l2 = this.dataManager.getDataProviders().filter(function(t3) {
return t3.isApplicable(e3.languageId) && (!i2 || false !== i2[t3.getId()]);
}), c2 = this.doesSupportMarkdown(), d2 = e3.getText(), h2 = e3.offsetAt(t2), u2 = n2.findNodeBefore(h2);
if (!u2)
return o2;
var p2, m2 = Ie(d2, u2.start), g2 = "";
function f2(t3, n3) {
return void 0 === n3 && (n3 = h2), t3 > h2 && (t3 = h2), {start: e3.positionAt(t3), end: e3.positionAt(n3)};
function b2(e4, t3) {
var n3 = f2(e4, t3);
return l2.forEach(function(e5) {
e5.provideTags().forEach(function(e6) {
o2.items.push({label:, kind: D.Property, documentation: Ge(e6, c2), textEdit: y.replace(n3,, insertTextFormat: A.PlainText});
}), o2;
function _2(e4) {
for (var t3 = e4; t3 > 0; ) {
var n3 = d2.charAt(t3 - 1);
if ("\n\r".indexOf(n3) >= 0)
return d2.substring(t3, e4);
if (!st(n3))
return null;
return d2.substring(0, e4);
function v2(e4, t3, n3) {
void 0 === n3 && (n3 = h2);
var i3 = f2(e4, n3), r3 = at(d2, n3, ae.WithinEndTag, se.EndTagClose) ? "" : ">", s2 = u2;
for (t3 && (s2 = s2.parent); s2; ) {
var a2 = s2.tag;
if (a2 && (!s2.closed || s2.endTagStart && s2.endTagStart > h2)) {
var p3 = {label: "/" + a2, kind: D.Property, filterText: "/" + a2, textEdit: y.replace(i3, "/" + a2 + r3), insertTextFormat: A.PlainText}, m3 = _2(s2.start), g3 = _2(e4 - 1);
if (null !== m3 && null !== g3 && m3 !== g3) {
var b3 = m3 + "</" + a2 + r3;
p3.textEdit = y.replace(f2(e4 - 1 - g3.length), b3), p3.filterText = g3 + "</" + a2;
return o2.items.push(p3), o2;
s2 = s2.parent;
return t3 || l2.forEach(function(e5) {
e5.provideTags().forEach(function(e6) {
o2.items.push({label: "/" +, kind: D.Property, documentation: Ge(e6, c2), filterText: "/" + e6 + r3, textEdit: y.replace(i3, "/" + e6 + r3), insertTextFormat: A.PlainText});
}), o2;
function w2(t3, n3) {
if (i2 && i2.hideAutoCompleteProposals)
return o2;
if (!Ae(n3)) {
var r3 = e3.positionAt(t3);
o2.items.push({label: "</" + n3 + ">", kind: D.Property, filterText: "</" + n3 + ">", textEdit: y.insert(r3, "$0</" + n3 + ">"), insertTextFormat: A.Snippet});
return o2;
function C2(e4, t3) {
return b2(e4, t3), v2(e4, true, t3), o2;
function x2(e4, t3) {
void 0 === t3 && (t3 = h2);
for (var i3 = h2; i3 < t3 && "<" !== d2[i3]; )
var r3 = f2(e4, i3), s2 = at(d2, t3, ae.AfterAttributeName, se.DelimiterAssign) ? "" : '="$1"', a2 = Object.create(null);
return l2.forEach(function(e5) {
e5.provideAttributes(g2).forEach(function(e6) {
if (!a2[]) {
a2[] = true;
var t4, n3 =;
"v" !== e6.valueSet && s2.length && (n3 += s2, (e6.valueSet || "style" === && (t4 = {title: "Suggest", command: "editor.action.triggerSuggest"})), o2.items.push({label:, kind: "handler" === e6.valueSet ? D.Function : D.Value, documentation: Ge(e6, c2), textEdit: y.replace(r3, n3), insertTextFormat: A.Snippet, command: t4});
}), function(e5, t4) {
var i4 = {};
i4["data-"] = 'data-$1="$2"', n2 && n2.roots.forEach(function(e6) {
return function e7(n3) {
n3.attributeNames.forEach(function(e8) {
!Fe(e8, "data-") || i4[e8] || t4[e8] || (i4[e8] = e8 + '="$1"');
}), n3.children.forEach(function(t5) {
return e7(t5);
Object.keys(i4).forEach(function(t5) {
return o2.items.push({label: t5, kind: D.Value, textEdit: y.replace(e5, i4[t5]), insertTextFormat: A.Snippet});
}(r3, a2), o2;
function S2(n3, i3) {
var s2, a2, u3, m3;
if (void 0 === i3 && (i3 = h2), h2 > n3 && h2 <= i3 && (m3 = d2[n3], /^["']*$/.test(m3))) {
var b3 = n3 + 1, _3 = i3;
i3 > n3 && d2[i3 - 1] === d2[n3] && _3--;
var v3 = function(e4, t3, n4) {
for (; t3 > n4 && !st(e4[t3 - 1]); )
return t3;
}(d2, h2, b3), w3 = function(e4, t3, n4) {
for (; t3 < n4 && !st(e4[t3]); )
return t3;
}(d2, h2, _3);
s2 = f2(v3, w3), u3 = h2 >= b3 && h2 <= _3 ? d2.substring(b3, h2) : "", a2 = false;
} else
s2 = f2(n3, i3), u3 = d2.substring(n3, h2), a2 = true;
if (r2.length > 0)
for (var C3 = g2.toLowerCase(), x3 = p2.toLowerCase(), S3 = f2(n3, i3), k3 = 0, E3 = r2; k3 < E3.length; k3++) {
var L3 = E3[k3];
L3.onHtmlAttributeValue && L3.onHtmlAttributeValue({document: e3, position: t2, tag: C3, attribute: x3, value: u3, range: S3});
return l2.forEach(function(e4) {
e4.provideValues(g2, p2).forEach(function(e5) {
var t3 = a2 ? '"' + + '"' :;
o2.items.push({label:, filterText: t3, kind: D.Unit, documentation: Ge(e5, c2), textEdit: y.replace(s2, t3), insertTextFormat: A.PlainText});
}), T2(), o2;
function k2(e4) {
return h2 === m2.getTokenEnd() && (N2 = m2.scan()) === e4 && m2.getTokenOffset() === h2 ? m2.getTokenEnd() : h2;
function E2() {
for (var n3 = 0, i3 = r2; n3 < i3.length; n3++) {
var o3 = i3[n3];
o3.onHtmlContent && o3.onHtmlContent({document: e3, position: t2});
return T2();
function T2() {
for (var e4, n3, i3, r3 = h2 - 1, l3 = t2.character; r3 >= 0 && qe(d2, r3); )
r3--, l3--;
if (r3 >= 0 && "&" === d2[r3]) {
var c3 = a.create(s.create(t2.line, l3 - 1), t2);
for (var u3 in Pe)
if (n3 = ";", i3 = void 0, (i3 = (e4 = u3).length - n3.length) > 0 ? e4.lastIndexOf(n3) === i3 : 0 === i3 && e4 === n3) {
var p3 = "&" + u3;
o2.items.push({label: p3, kind: D.Keyword, documentation: ot("entity.propose", "Character entity representing '" + Pe[u3] + "'"), textEdit: y.replace(c3, p3), insertTextFormat: A.PlainText});
return o2;
for (var L2, N2 = m2.scan(); N2 !== se.EOS && m2.getTokenOffset() <= h2; ) {
switch (N2) {
case se.StartTagOpen:
if (m2.getTokenEnd() === h2) {
var I2 = k2(se.StartTag);
return 0 === t2.line && (L2 = void 0, L2 = f2(h2, I2), o2.items.push({label: "!DOCTYPE", kind: D.Property, documentation: "A preamble for an HTML document.", textEdit: y.replace(L2, "!DOCTYPE html>"), insertTextFormat: A.PlainText})), C2(h2, I2);
case se.StartTag:
if (m2.getTokenOffset() <= h2 && h2 <= m2.getTokenEnd())
return b2(m2.getTokenOffset(), m2.getTokenEnd());
g2 = m2.getTokenText();
case se.AttributeName:
if (m2.getTokenOffset() <= h2 && h2 <= m2.getTokenEnd())
return x2(m2.getTokenOffset(), m2.getTokenEnd());
p2 = m2.getTokenText();
case se.DelimiterAssign:
if (m2.getTokenEnd() === h2) {
I2 = k2(se.AttributeValue);
return S2(h2, I2);
case se.AttributeValue:
if (m2.getTokenOffset() <= h2 && h2 <= m2.getTokenEnd())
return S2(m2.getTokenOffset(), m2.getTokenEnd());
case se.Whitespace:
if (h2 <= m2.getTokenEnd())
switch (m2.getScannerState()) {
case ae.AfterOpeningStartTag:
return C2(m2.getTokenOffset(), k2(se.StartTag));
case ae.WithinTag:
case ae.AfterAttributeName:
return x2(m2.getTokenEnd());
case ae.BeforeAttributeValue:
return S2(m2.getTokenEnd());
case ae.AfterOpeningEndTag:
return v2(m2.getTokenOffset() - 1, false);
case ae.WithinContent:
return E2();
case se.EndTagOpen:
if (h2 <= m2.getTokenEnd())
return v2(m2.getTokenOffset() + 1, false, k2(se.EndTag));
case se.EndTag:
if (h2 <= m2.getTokenEnd())
for (var O2 = m2.getTokenOffset() - 1; O2 >= 0; ) {
var R2 = d2.charAt(O2);
if ("/" === R2)
return v2(O2, false, m2.getTokenEnd());
if (!st(R2))
case se.StartTagClose:
if (h2 <= m2.getTokenEnd() && g2)
return w2(m2.getTokenEnd(), g2);
case se.Content:
if (h2 <= m2.getTokenEnd())
return E2();
if (h2 <= m2.getTokenEnd())
return o2;
N2 = m2.scan();
return o2;
}, e2.prototype.doTagComplete = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.offsetAt(t2);
if (i2 <= 0)
return null;
var o2 = e3.getText().charAt(i2 - 1);
if (">" === o2) {
if ((s2 = n2.findNodeBefore(i2)) && s2.tag && !Ae(s2.tag) && s2.start < i2 && (!s2.endTagStart || s2.endTagStart > i2))
for (var r2 = (a2 = Ie(e3.getText(), s2.start)).scan(); r2 !== se.EOS && a2.getTokenEnd() <= i2; ) {
if (r2 === se.StartTagClose && a2.getTokenEnd() === i2)
return "$0</" + s2.tag + ">";
r2 = a2.scan();
} else if ("/" === o2) {
for (var s2 = n2.findNodeBefore(i2); s2 && s2.closed; )
s2 = s2.parent;
if (s2 && s2.tag) {
var a2;
for (r2 = (a2 = Ie(e3.getText(), s2.start)).scan(); r2 !== se.EOS && a2.getTokenEnd() <= i2; ) {
if (r2 === se.EndTagOpen && a2.getTokenEnd() === i2)
return s2.tag + ">";
r2 = a2.scan();
return null;
}, e2.prototype.convertCompletionList = function(e3) {
return this.doesSupportMarkdown() || e3.items.forEach(function(e4) {
e4.documentation && "string" != typeof e4.documentation && (e4.documentation = {kind: "plaintext", value: e4.documentation.value});
}), e3;
}, e2.prototype.doesSupportMarkdown = function() {
var e3, t2, n2;
if (!$e(this.supportsMarkdown)) {
if (!$e(this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities))
return this.supportsMarkdown = true, this.supportsMarkdown;
var i2 = null === (n2 = null === (t2 = null === (e3 = this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities.textDocument) || void 0 === e3 ? void 0 : e3.completion) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.completionItem) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.documentationFormat;
this.supportsMarkdown = Array.isArray(i2) && -1 !== i2.indexOf(I.Markdown);
return this.supportsMarkdown;
}, e2;
function st(e2) {
return /^\s*$/.test(e2);
function at(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
for (var o2 = Ie(e2, t2, n2), r2 = o2.scan(); r2 === se.Whitespace; )
r2 = o2.scan();
return r2 === i2;
var lt = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
this.lsOptions = e3, this.dataManager = t2;
return e2.prototype.doHover = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = this.convertContents.bind(this), o2 = this.doesSupportMarkdown(), r2 = e3.offsetAt(t2), s2 = n2.findNodeAt(r2);
if (!s2 || !s2.tag)
return null;
var a2 = this.dataManager.getDataProviders().filter(function(t3) {
return t3.isApplicable(e3.languageId);
function l2(e4, t3, n3) {
for (var r3 = function(n4) {
var r4 = null;
if (n4.provideTags().forEach(function(n5) {
if ( === e4.toLowerCase()) {
var i3 = Ge(n5, o2);
i3 || (i3 = {kind: o2 ? "markdown" : "plaintext", value: ""}), r4 = {contents: i3, range: t3};
}), r4)
return r4.contents = i2(r4.contents), {value: r4};
}, s3 = 0, l3 = a2; s3 < l3.length; s3++) {
var c3 = r3(l3[s3]);
if ("object" == typeof c3)
return c3.value;
return null;
function c2(t3, n3) {
for (var i3 = Ie(e3.getText(), n3), o3 = i3.scan(); o3 !== se.EOS && (i3.getTokenEnd() < r2 || i3.getTokenEnd() === r2 && o3 !== t3); )
o3 = i3.scan();
return o3 === t3 && r2 <= i3.getTokenEnd() ? {start: e3.positionAt(i3.getTokenOffset()), end: e3.positionAt(i3.getTokenEnd())} : null;
if (s2.endTagStart && r2 >= s2.endTagStart) {
var d2 = c2(se.EndTag, s2.endTagStart);
return d2 ? l2(s2.tag, d2) : null;
var h2 = c2(se.StartTag, s2.start);
if (h2)
return l2(s2.tag, h2);
var u2 = c2(se.AttributeName, s2.start);
if (u2)
return function(e4, t3, n3) {
for (var r3 = function(r4) {
var s4 = null;
if (r4.provideAttributes(e4).forEach(function(e5) {
if (t3 === && e5.description) {
var i3 = Ge(e5, o2);
s4 = i3 ? {contents: i3, range: n3} : null;
}), s4)
return s4.contents = i2(s4.contents), {value: s4};
}, s3 = 0, l3 = a2; s3 < l3.length; s3++) {
var c3 = r3(l3[s3]);
if ("object" == typeof c3)
return c3.value;
return null;
}(m2 = s2.tag, e3.getText(u2), u2);
var p2 = c2(se.AttributeValue, s2.start);
if (p2) {
var m2 = s2.tag, g2 = function(e4) {
if (e4.length <= 1)
return e4.replace(/['"]/, "");
"'" !== e4[0] && '"' !== e4[0] || (e4 = e4.slice(1));
"'" !== e4[e4.length - 1] && '"' !== e4[e4.length - 1] || (e4 = e4.slice(0, -1));
return e4;
}(e3.getText(p2)), f2 = function(t3, n3) {
for (var i3 = Ie(e3.getText(), t3), o3 = i3.scan(), r3 = void 0; o3 !== se.EOS && i3.getTokenEnd() <= n3; )
(o3 = i3.scan()) === se.AttributeName && (r3 = i3.getTokenText());
return r3;
}(s2.start, e3.offsetAt(p2.start));
if (f2)
return function(e4, t3, n3, r3) {
for (var s3 = function(s4) {
var a3 = null;
if (s4.provideValues(e4, t3).forEach(function(e5) {
if (n3 === && e5.description) {
var t4 = Ge(e5, o2);
a3 = t4 ? {contents: t4, range: r3} : null;
}), a3)
return a3.contents = i2(a3.contents), {value: a3};
}, l3 = 0, c3 = a2; l3 < c3.length; l3++) {
var d3 = s3(c3[l3]);
if ("object" == typeof d3)
return d3.value;
return null;
}(m2, f2, g2, p2);
return null;
}, e2.prototype.convertContents = function(e3) {
if (!this.doesSupportMarkdown()) {
if ("string" == typeof e3)
return e3;
if ("kind" in e3)
return {kind: "plaintext", value: e3.value};
if (!Array.isArray(e3))
return e3.value; {
return "string" == typeof e4 ? e4 : e4.value;
return e3;
}, e2.prototype.doesSupportMarkdown = function() {
var e3, t2, n2;
if (!$e(this.supportsMarkdown)) {
if (!$e(this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities))
return this.supportsMarkdown = true, this.supportsMarkdown;
var i2 = null === (n2 = null === (t2 = null === (e3 = this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities) || void 0 === e3 ? void 0 : e3.textDocument) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.hover) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.contentFormat;
this.supportsMarkdown = Array.isArray(i2) && -1 !== i2.indexOf(I.Markdown);
return this.supportsMarkdown;
}, e2;
function ct(e2, t2) {
return e2;
var dt = function(e2) {
var t2 = {};
function n2(i2) {
if (t2[i2])
return t2[i2].exports;
var o2 = t2[i2] = {i: i2, l: false, exports: {}};
return e2[i2].call(o2.exports, o2, o2.exports, n2), o2.l = true, o2.exports;
return n2.m = e2, n2.c = t2, n2.d = function(e3, t3, i2) {
n2.o(e3, t3) || Object.defineProperty(e3, t3, {enumerable: true, get: i2});
}, n2.r = function(e3) {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e3, Symbol.toStringTag, {value: "Module"}), Object.defineProperty(e3, "__esModule", {value: true});
}, n2.t = function(e3, t3) {
if (1 & t3 && (e3 = n2(e3)), 8 & t3)
return e3;
if (4 & t3 && "object" == typeof e3 && e3 && e3.__esModule)
return e3;
var i2 = Object.create(null);
if (n2.r(i2), Object.defineProperty(i2, "default", {enumerable: true, value: e3}), 2 & t3 && "string" != typeof e3)
for (var o2 in e3)
n2.d(i2, o2, function(t4) {
return e3[t4];
}.bind(null, o2));
return i2;
}, n2.n = function(e3) {
var t3 = e3 && e3.__esModule ? function() {
return e3.default;
} : function() {
return e3;
return n2.d(t3, "a", t3), t3;
}, n2.o = function(e3, t3) {
return, t3);
}, n2.p = "", n2(n2.s = 15);
}([, , function(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(e3) {
this.__parent = e3, this.__character_count = 0, this.__indent_count = -1, this.__alignment_count = 0, this.__wrap_point_index = 0, this.__wrap_point_character_count = 0, this.__wrap_point_indent_count = -1, this.__wrap_point_alignment_count = 0, this.__items = [];
function o2(e3, t3) {
this.__cache = [""], this.__indent_size = e3.indent_size, this.__indent_string = e3.indent_char, e3.indent_with_tabs || (this.__indent_string = new Array(e3.indent_size + 1).join(e3.indent_char)), t3 = t3 || "", e3.indent_level > 0 && (t3 = new Array(e3.indent_level + 1).join(this.__indent_string)), this.__base_string = t3, this.__base_string_length = t3.length;
function r2(e3, t3) {
this.__indent_cache = new o2(e3, t3), this.raw = false, this._end_with_newline = e3.end_with_newline, this.indent_size = e3.indent_size, this.wrap_line_length = e3.wrap_line_length, this.indent_empty_lines = e3.indent_empty_lines, this.__lines = [], this.previous_line = null, this.current_line = null, this.next_line = new i2(this), this.space_before_token = false, this.non_breaking_space = false, this.previous_token_wrapped = false, this.__add_outputline();
i2.prototype.clone_empty = function() {
var e3 = new i2(this.__parent);
return e3.set_indent(this.__indent_count, this.__alignment_count), e3;
}, i2.prototype.item = function(e3) {
return e3 < 0 ? this.__items[this.__items.length + e3] : this.__items[e3];
}, i2.prototype.has_match = function(e3) {
for (var t3 = this.__items.length - 1; t3 >= 0; t3--)
if (this.__items[t3].match(e3))
return true;
return false;
}, i2.prototype.set_indent = function(e3, t3) {
this.is_empty() && (this.__indent_count = e3 || 0, this.__alignment_count = t3 || 0, this.__character_count = this.__parent.get_indent_size(this.__indent_count, this.__alignment_count));
}, i2.prototype._set_wrap_point = function() {
this.__parent.wrap_line_length && (this.__wrap_point_index = this.__items.length, this.__wrap_point_character_count = this.__character_count, this.__wrap_point_indent_count = this.__parent.next_line.__indent_count, this.__wrap_point_alignment_count = this.__parent.next_line.__alignment_count);
}, i2.prototype._should_wrap = function() {
return this.__wrap_point_index && this.__character_count > this.__parent.wrap_line_length && this.__wrap_point_character_count > this.__parent.next_line.__character_count;
}, i2.prototype._allow_wrap = function() {
if (this._should_wrap()) {
var e3 = this.__parent.current_line;
return e3.set_indent(this.__wrap_point_indent_count, this.__wrap_point_alignment_count), e3.__items = this.__items.slice(this.__wrap_point_index), this.__items = this.__items.slice(0, this.__wrap_point_index), e3.__character_count += this.__character_count - this.__wrap_point_character_count, this.__character_count = this.__wrap_point_character_count, " " === e3.__items[0] && (e3.__items.splice(0, 1), e3.__character_count -= 1), true;
return false;
}, i2.prototype.is_empty = function() {
return 0 === this.__items.length;
}, i2.prototype.last = function() {
return this.is_empty() ? null : this.__items[this.__items.length - 1];
}, i2.prototype.push = function(e3) {
var t3 = e3.lastIndexOf("\n");
-1 !== t3 ? this.__character_count = e3.length - t3 : this.__character_count += e3.length;
}, i2.prototype.pop = function() {
var e3 = null;
return this.is_empty() || (e3 = this.__items.pop(), this.__character_count -= e3.length), e3;
}, i2.prototype._remove_indent = function() {
this.__indent_count > 0 && (this.__indent_count -= 1, this.__character_count -= this.__parent.indent_size);
}, i2.prototype._remove_wrap_indent = function() {
this.__wrap_point_indent_count > 0 && (this.__wrap_point_indent_count -= 1);
}, i2.prototype.trim = function() {
for (; " " === this.last(); )
this.__items.pop(), this.__character_count -= 1;
}, i2.prototype.toString = function() {
var e3 = "";
return this.is_empty() ? this.__parent.indent_empty_lines && (e3 = this.__parent.get_indent_string(this.__indent_count)) : (e3 = this.__parent.get_indent_string(this.__indent_count, this.__alignment_count), e3 += this.__items.join("")), e3;
}, o2.prototype.get_indent_size = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.__base_string_length;
return t3 = t3 || 0, e3 < 0 && (n3 = 0), n3 += e3 * this.__indent_size, n3 += t3;
}, o2.prototype.get_indent_string = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.__base_string;
return t3 = t3 || 0, e3 < 0 && (e3 = 0, n3 = ""), t3 += e3 * this.__indent_size, this.__ensure_cache(t3), n3 += this.__cache[t3];
}, o2.prototype.__ensure_cache = function(e3) {
for (; e3 >= this.__cache.length; )
}, o2.prototype.__add_column = function() {
var e3 = this.__cache.length, t3 = 0, n3 = "";
this.__indent_size && e3 >= this.__indent_size && (e3 -= (t3 = Math.floor(e3 / this.__indent_size)) * this.__indent_size, n3 = new Array(t3 + 1).join(this.__indent_string)), e3 && (n3 += new Array(e3 + 1).join(" ")), this.__cache.push(n3);
}, r2.prototype.__add_outputline = function() {
this.previous_line = this.current_line, this.current_line = this.next_line.clone_empty(), this.__lines.push(this.current_line);
}, r2.prototype.get_line_number = function() {
return this.__lines.length;
}, r2.prototype.get_indent_string = function(e3, t3) {
return this.__indent_cache.get_indent_string(e3, t3);
}, r2.prototype.get_indent_size = function(e3, t3) {
return this.__indent_cache.get_indent_size(e3, t3);
}, r2.prototype.is_empty = function() {
return !this.previous_line && this.current_line.is_empty();
}, r2.prototype.add_new_line = function(e3) {
return !(this.is_empty() || !e3 && this.just_added_newline()) && (this.raw || this.__add_outputline(), true);
}, r2.prototype.get_code = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.current_line.pop();
t3 && ("\n" === t3[t3.length - 1] && (t3 = t3.replace(/\n+$/g, "")), this.current_line.push(t3)), this._end_with_newline && this.__add_outputline();
var n3 = this.__lines.join("\n");
return "\n" !== e3 && (n3 = n3.replace(/[\n]/g, e3)), n3;
}, r2.prototype.set_wrap_point = function() {
}, r2.prototype.set_indent = function(e3, t3) {
return e3 = e3 || 0, t3 = t3 || 0, this.next_line.set_indent(e3, t3), this.__lines.length > 1 ? (this.current_line.set_indent(e3, t3), true) : (this.current_line.set_indent(), false);
}, r2.prototype.add_raw_token = function(e3) {
for (var t3 = 0; t3 < e3.newlines; t3++)
this.current_line.set_indent(-1), this.current_line.push(e3.whitespace_before), this.current_line.push(e3.text), this.space_before_token = false, this.non_breaking_space = false, this.previous_token_wrapped = false;
}, r2.prototype.add_token = function(e3) {
this.__add_space_before_token(), this.current_line.push(e3), this.space_before_token = false, this.non_breaking_space = false, this.previous_token_wrapped = this.current_line._allow_wrap();
}, r2.prototype.__add_space_before_token = function() {
this.space_before_token && !this.just_added_newline() && (this.non_breaking_space || this.set_wrap_point(), this.current_line.push(" "));
}, r2.prototype.remove_indent = function(e3) {
for (var t3 = this.__lines.length; e3 < t3; )
this.__lines[e3]._remove_indent(), e3++;
}, r2.prototype.trim = function(e3) {
for (e3 = void 0 !== e3 && e3, this.current_line.trim(); e3 && this.__lines.length > 1 && this.current_line.is_empty(); )
this.__lines.pop(), this.current_line = this.__lines[this.__lines.length - 1], this.current_line.trim();
this.previous_line = this.__lines.length > 1 ? this.__lines[this.__lines.length - 2] : null;
}, r2.prototype.just_added_newline = function() {
return this.current_line.is_empty();
}, r2.prototype.just_added_blankline = function() {
return this.is_empty() || this.current_line.is_empty() && this.previous_line.is_empty();
}, r2.prototype.ensure_empty_line_above = function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 = this.__lines.length - 2; n3 >= 0; ) {
var o3 = this.__lines[n3];
if (o3.is_empty())
if (0 !== o3.item(0).indexOf(e3) && o3.item(-1) !== t3) {
this.__lines.splice(n3 + 1, 0, new i2(this)), this.previous_line = this.__lines[this.__lines.length - 2];
}, e2.exports.Output = r2;
}, , , , function(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(e3, t3) {
this.raw_options = o2(e3, t3), this.disabled = this._get_boolean("disabled"), this.eol = this._get_characters("eol", "auto"), this.end_with_newline = this._get_boolean("end_with_newline"), this.indent_size = this._get_number("indent_size", 4), this.indent_char = this._get_characters("indent_char", " "), this.indent_level = this._get_number("indent_level"), this.preserve_newlines = this._get_boolean("preserve_newlines", true), this.max_preserve_newlines = this._get_number("max_preserve_newlines", 32786), this.preserve_newlines || (this.max_preserve_newlines = 0), this.indent_with_tabs = this._get_boolean("indent_with_tabs", " " === this.indent_char), this.indent_with_tabs && (this.indent_char = " ", 1 === this.indent_size && (this.indent_size = 4)), this.wrap_line_length = this._get_number("wrap_line_length", this._get_number("max_char")), this.indent_empty_lines = this._get_boolean("indent_empty_lines"), this.templating = this._get_selection_list("templating", ["auto", "none", "django", "erb", "handlebars", "php"], ["auto"]);
function o2(e3, t3) {
var n3, i3 = {};
for (n3 in e3 = r2(e3))
n3 !== t3 && (i3[n3] = e3[n3]);
if (t3 && e3[t3])
for (n3 in e3[t3])
i3[n3] = e3[t3][n3];
return i3;
function r2(e3) {
var t3, n3 = {};
for (t3 in e3) {
n3[t3.replace(/-/g, "_")] = e3[t3];
return n3;
i2.prototype._get_array = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.raw_options[e3], i3 = t3 || [];
return "object" == typeof n3 ? null !== n3 && "function" == typeof n3.concat && (i3 = n3.concat()) : "string" == typeof n3 && (i3 = n3.split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\/\-]+/)), i3;
}, i2.prototype._get_boolean = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.raw_options[e3];
return void 0 === n3 ? !!t3 : !!n3;
}, i2.prototype._get_characters = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.raw_options[e3], i3 = t3 || "";
return "string" == typeof n3 && (i3 = n3.replace(/\\r/, "\r").replace(/\\n/, "\n").replace(/\\t/, " ")), i3;
}, i2.prototype._get_number = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.raw_options[e3];
t3 = parseInt(t3, 10), isNaN(t3) && (t3 = 0);
var i3 = parseInt(n3, 10);
return isNaN(i3) && (i3 = t3), i3;
}, i2.prototype._get_selection = function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3 = this._get_selection_list(e3, t3, n3);
if (1 !== i3.length)
throw new Error("Invalid Option Value: The option '" + e3 + "' can only be one of the following values:\n" + t3 + "\nYou passed in: '" + this.raw_options[e3] + "'");
return i3[0];
}, i2.prototype._get_selection_list = function(e3, t3, n3) {
if (!t3 || 0 === t3.length)
throw new Error("Selection list cannot be empty.");
if (n3 = n3 || [t3[0]], !this._is_valid_selection(n3, t3))
throw new Error("Invalid Default Value!");
var i3 = this._get_array(e3, n3);
if (!this._is_valid_selection(i3, t3))
throw new Error("Invalid Option Value: The option '" + e3 + "' can contain only the following values:\n" + t3 + "\nYou passed in: '" + this.raw_options[e3] + "'");
return i3;
}, i2.prototype._is_valid_selection = function(e3, t3) {
return e3.length && t3.length && !e3.some(function(e4) {
return -1 === t3.indexOf(e4);
}, e2.exports.Options = i2, e2.exports.normalizeOpts = r2, e2.exports.mergeOpts = o2;
}, , function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = RegExp.prototype.hasOwnProperty("sticky");
function o2(e3) {
this.__input = e3 || "", this.__input_length = this.__input.length, this.__position = 0;
o2.prototype.restart = function() {
this.__position = 0;
}, o2.prototype.back = function() {
this.__position > 0 && (this.__position -= 1);
}, o2.prototype.hasNext = function() {
return this.__position < this.__input_length;
}, = function() {
var e3 = null;
return this.hasNext() && (e3 = this.__input.charAt(this.__position), this.__position += 1), e3;
}, o2.prototype.peek = function(e3) {
var t3 = null;
return e3 = e3 || 0, (e3 += this.__position) >= 0 && e3 < this.__input_length && (t3 = this.__input.charAt(e3)), t3;
}, o2.prototype.__match = function(e3, t3) {
e3.lastIndex = t3;
var n3 = e3.exec(this.__input);
return !n3 || i2 && e3.sticky || n3.index !== t3 && (n3 = null), n3;
}, o2.prototype.test = function(e3, t3) {
return t3 = t3 || 0, (t3 += this.__position) >= 0 && t3 < this.__input_length && !!this.__match(e3, t3);
}, o2.prototype.testChar = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.peek(t3);
return e3.lastIndex = 0, null !== n3 && e3.test(n3);
}, o2.prototype.match = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.__match(e3, this.__position);
return t3 ? this.__position += t3[0].length : t3 = null, t3;
}, = function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3, o3 = "";
return e3 && (i3 = this.match(e3)) && (o3 += i3[0]), !t3 || !i3 && e3 || (o3 += this.readUntil(t3, n3)), o3;
}, o2.prototype.readUntil = function(e3, t3) {
var n3, i3 = this.__position;
e3.lastIndex = this.__position;
var o3 = e3.exec(this.__input);
return o3 ? (i3 = o3.index, t3 && (i3 += o3[0].length)) : i3 = this.__input_length, n3 = this.__input.substring(this.__position, i3), this.__position = i3, n3;
}, o2.prototype.readUntilAfter = function(e3) {
return this.readUntil(e3, true);
}, o2.prototype.get_regexp = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = null, o3 = "g";
return t3 && i2 && (o3 = "y"), "string" == typeof e3 && "" !== e3 ? n3 = new RegExp(e3, o3) : e3 && (n3 = new RegExp(e3.source, o3)), n3;
}, o2.prototype.get_literal_regexp = function(e3) {
return RegExp(e3.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"));
}, o2.prototype.peekUntilAfter = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.__position, n3 = this.readUntilAfter(e3);
return this.__position = t3, n3;
}, o2.prototype.lookBack = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.__position - 1;
return t3 >= e3.length && this.__input.substring(t3 - e3.length, t3).toLowerCase() === e3;
}, e2.exports.InputScanner = o2;
}, , , , , function(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(e3, t3) {
e3 = "string" == typeof e3 ? e3 : e3.source, t3 = "string" == typeof t3 ? t3 : t3.source, this.__directives_block_pattern = new RegExp(e3 + / beautify( \w+[:]\w+)+ /.source + t3, "g"), this.__directive_pattern = / (\w+)[:](\w+)/g, this.__directives_end_ignore_pattern = new RegExp(e3 + /\sbeautify\signore:end\s/.source + t3, "g");
i2.prototype.get_directives = function(e3) {
if (!e3.match(this.__directives_block_pattern))
return null;
var t3 = {};
this.__directive_pattern.lastIndex = 0;
for (var n3 = this.__directive_pattern.exec(e3); n3; )
t3[n3[1]] = n3[2], n3 = this.__directive_pattern.exec(e3);
return t3;
}, i2.prototype.readIgnored = function(e3) {
return e3.readUntilAfter(this.__directives_end_ignore_pattern);
}, e2.exports.Directives = i2;
}, , function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2(16).Beautifier, o2 = n2(17).Options;
e2.exports = function(e3, t3) {
return new i2(e3, t3).beautify();
}, e2.exports.defaultOptions = function() {
return new o2();
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2(17).Options, o2 = n2(2).Output, r2 = n2(8).InputScanner, s2 = new (0, n2(13).Directives)(/\/\*/, /\*\//), a2 = /\r\n|[\r\n]/, l2 = /\r\n|[\r\n]/g, c2 = /\s/, d2 = /(?:\s|\n)+/g, h2 = /\/\*(?:[\s\S]*?)((?:\*\/)|$)/g, u2 = /\/\/(?:[^\n\r\u2028\u2029]*)/g;
function p2(e3, t3) {
this._source_text = e3 || "", this._options = new i2(t3), this._ch = null, this._input = null, this.NESTED_AT_RULE = {"@page": true, "@font-face": true, "@keyframes": true, "@media": true, "@supports": true, "@document": true}, this.CONDITIONAL_GROUP_RULE = {"@media": true, "@supports": true, "@document": true};
p2.prototype.eatString = function(e3) {
var t3 = "";
for (this._ch =; this._ch; ) {
if (t3 += this._ch, "\\" === this._ch)
t3 +=;
else if (-1 !== e3.indexOf(this._ch) || "\n" === this._ch)
this._ch =;
return t3;
}, p2.prototype.eatWhitespace = function(e3) {
for (var t3 = c2.test(this._input.peek()), n3 = true; c2.test(this._input.peek()); )
this._ch =, e3 && "\n" === this._ch && (this._options.preserve_newlines || n3) && (n3 = false, this._output.add_new_line(true));
return t3;
}, p2.prototype.foundNestedPseudoClass = function() {
for (var e3 = 0, t3 = 1, n3 = this._input.peek(t3); n3; ) {
if ("{" === n3)
return true;
if ("(" === n3)
e3 += 1;
else if (")" === n3) {
if (0 === e3)
return false;
e3 -= 1;
} else if (";" === n3 || "}" === n3)
return false;
t3++, n3 = this._input.peek(t3);
return false;
}, p2.prototype.print_string = function(e3) {
this._output.set_indent(this._indentLevel), this._output.non_breaking_space = true, this._output.add_token(e3);
}, p2.prototype.preserveSingleSpace = function(e3) {
e3 && (this._output.space_before_token = true);
}, p2.prototype.indent = function() {
}, p2.prototype.outdent = function() {
this._indentLevel > 0 && this._indentLevel--;
}, p2.prototype.beautify = function() {
if (this._options.disabled)
return this._source_text;
var e3 = this._source_text, t3 = this._options.eol;
"auto" === t3 && (t3 = "\n", e3 && a2.test(e3 || "") && (t3 = e3.match(a2)[0]));
var n3 = (e3 = e3.replace(l2, "\n")).match(/^[\t ]*/)[0];
this._output = new o2(this._options, n3), this._input = new r2(e3), this._indentLevel = 0, this._nestedLevel = 0, this._ch = null;
for (var i3, p3, m2 = 0, g2 = false, f2 = false, b2 = false, _2 = false, v2 = false, w2 = this._ch; i3 = "" !==, p3 = w2, this._ch =, "\\" === this._ch && this._input.hasNext() && (this._ch +=, w2 = this._ch, this._ch; )
if ("/" === this._ch && "*" === this._input.peek()) {
this._output.add_new_line(), this._input.back();
var y2 =, C2 = s2.get_directives(y2);
C2 && "start" === C2.ignore && (y2 += s2.readIgnored(this._input)), this.print_string(y2), this.eatWhitespace(true), this._output.add_new_line();
} else if ("/" === this._ch && "/" === this._input.peek())
this._output.space_before_token = true, this._input.back(), this.print_string(, this.eatWhitespace(true);
else if ("@" === this._ch)
if (this.preserveSingleSpace(i3), "{" === this._input.peek())
this.print_string(this._ch + this.eatString("}"));
else {
var x2 = this._input.peekUntilAfter(/[: ,;{}()[\]\/='"]/g);
x2.match(/[ :]$/) && (x2 = this.eatString(": ").replace(/\s$/, ""), this.print_string(x2), this._output.space_before_token = true), "extend" === (x2 = x2.replace(/\s$/, "")) ? _2 = true : "import" === x2 && (v2 = true), x2 in this.NESTED_AT_RULE ? (this._nestedLevel += 1, x2 in this.CONDITIONAL_GROUP_RULE && (b2 = true)) : g2 || 0 !== m2 || -1 === x2.indexOf(":") || (f2 = true, this.indent());
"#" === this._ch && "{" === this._input.peek() ? (this.preserveSingleSpace(i3), this.print_string(this._ch + this.eatString("}"))) : "{" === this._ch ? (f2 && (f2 = false, this.outdent()), this.indent(), this._output.space_before_token = true, this.print_string(this._ch), b2 ? (b2 = false, g2 = this._indentLevel > this._nestedLevel) : g2 = this._indentLevel >= this._nestedLevel, this._options.newline_between_rules && g2 && this._output.previous_line && "{" !== this._output.previous_line.item(-1) && this._output.ensure_empty_line_above("/", ","), this.eatWhitespace(true), this._output.add_new_line()) : "}" === this._ch ? (this.outdent(), this._output.add_new_line(), "{" === p3 && this._output.trim(true), v2 = false, _2 = false, f2 && (this.outdent(), f2 = false), this.print_string(this._ch), g2 = false, this._nestedLevel && this._nestedLevel--, this.eatWhitespace(true), this._output.add_new_line(), this._options.newline_between_rules && !this._output.just_added_blankline() && "}" !== this._input.peek() && this._output.add_new_line(true)) : ":" === this._ch ? !g2 && !b2 || this._input.lookBack("&") || this.foundNestedPseudoClass() || this._input.lookBack("(") || _2 || 0 !== m2 ? (this._input.lookBack(" ") && (this._output.space_before_token = true), ":" === this._input.peek() ? (this._ch =, this.print_string("::")) : this.print_string(":")) : (this.print_string(":"), f2 || (f2 = true, this._output.space_before_token = true, this.eatWhitespace(true), this.indent())) : '"' === this._ch || "'" === this._ch ? (this.preserveSingleSpace(i3), this.print_string(this._ch + this.eatString(this._ch)), this.eatWhitespace(true)) : ";" === this._ch ? 0 === m2 ? (f2 && (this.outdent(), f2 = false), _2 = false, v2 = false, this.print_string(this._ch), this.eatWhitespace(true), "/" !== this._input.peek() && this._output.add_new_line()) : (this.print_string(this._ch), this.eatWhitespace(true), this._output.space_before_token = true) : "(" === this._ch ? this._input.lookBack("url") ? (this.print_string(this._ch), this.eatWhitespace(), m2++, this.indent(), this._ch =, ")" === this._ch || '"' === this._ch || "'" === this._ch ? this._input.back() : this._ch && (this.print_string(this._ch + this.eatString(")")), m2 && (m2--, this.outdent()))) : (this.preserveSingleSpace(i3), this.print_string(this._ch), this.eatWhitespace(), m2++, this.indent()) : ")" === this._ch ? (m2 && (m2--, this.outdent()), this.print_string(this._ch)) : "," === this._ch ? (this.print_string(this._ch), this.eatWhitespace(true), !this._options.selector_separator_newline || f2 || 0 !== m2 || v2 ? this._output.space_before_token = true : this._output.add_new_line()) : ">" !== this._ch && "+" !== this._ch && "~" !== this._ch || f2 || 0 !== m2 ? "]" === this._ch ? this.print_string(this._ch) : "[" === this._ch ? (this.preserveSingleSpace(i3), this.print_string(this._ch)) : "=" === this._ch ? (this.eatWhitespace(), this.print_string("="), c2.test(this._ch) && (this._ch = "")) : "!" !== this._ch || this._input.lookBack("\\") ? (this.preserveSingleSpace(i3), this.print_string(this._ch)) : (this.print_string(" "), this.print_string(this._ch)) : this._options.space_around_combinator ? (this._output.space_before_token = true, this.print_string(this._ch), this._output.space_before_token = true) : (this.print_string(this._ch), this.eatWhitespace(), this._ch && c2.test(this._ch) && (this._ch = ""));
return this._output.get_code(t3);
}, e2.exports.Beautifier = p2;
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2(6).Options;
function o2(e3) {, e3, "css"), this.selector_separator_newline = this._get_boolean("selector_separator_newline", true), this.newline_between_rules = this._get_boolean("newline_between_rules", true);
var t3 = this._get_boolean("space_around_selector_separator");
this.space_around_combinator = this._get_boolean("space_around_combinator") || t3;
o2.prototype = new i2(), e2.exports.Options = o2;
}]), ht = function(e2) {
var t2 = {};
function n2(i2) {
if (t2[i2])
return t2[i2].exports;
var o2 = t2[i2] = {i: i2, l: false, exports: {}};
return e2[i2].call(o2.exports, o2, o2.exports, n2), o2.l = true, o2.exports;
return n2.m = e2, n2.c = t2, n2.d = function(e3, t3, i2) {
n2.o(e3, t3) || Object.defineProperty(e3, t3, {enumerable: true, get: i2});
}, n2.r = function(e3) {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e3, Symbol.toStringTag, {value: "Module"}), Object.defineProperty(e3, "__esModule", {value: true});
}, n2.t = function(e3, t3) {
if (1 & t3 && (e3 = n2(e3)), 8 & t3)
return e3;
if (4 & t3 && "object" == typeof e3 && e3 && e3.__esModule)
return e3;
var i2 = Object.create(null);
if (n2.r(i2), Object.defineProperty(i2, "default", {enumerable: true, value: e3}), 2 & t3 && "string" != typeof e3)
for (var o2 in e3)
n2.d(i2, o2, function(t4) {
return e3[t4];
}.bind(null, o2));
return i2;
}, n2.n = function(e3) {
var t3 = e3 && e3.__esModule ? function() {
return e3.default;
} : function() {
return e3;
return n2.d(t3, "a", t3), t3;
}, n2.o = function(e3, t3) {
return, t3);
}, n2.p = "", n2(n2.s = 18);
}([, , function(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(e3) {
this.__parent = e3, this.__character_count = 0, this.__indent_count = -1, this.__alignment_count = 0, this.__wrap_point_index = 0, this.__wrap_point_character_count = 0, this.__wrap_point_indent_count = -1, this.__wrap_point_alignment_count = 0, this.__items = [];
function o2(e3, t3) {
this.__cache = [""], this.__indent_size = e3.indent_size, this.__indent_string = e3.indent_char, e3.indent_with_tabs || (this.__indent_string = new Array(e3.indent_size + 1).join(e3.indent_char)), t3 = t3 || "", e3.indent_level > 0 && (t3 = new Array(e3.indent_level + 1).join(this.__indent_string)), this.__base_string = t3, this.__base_string_length = t3.length;
function r2(e3, t3) {
this.__indent_cache = new o2(e3, t3), this.raw = false, this._end_with_newline = e3.end_with_newline, this.indent_size = e3.indent_size, this.wrap_line_length = e3.wrap_line_length, this.indent_empty_lines = e3.indent_empty_lines, this.__lines = [], this.previous_line = null, this.current_line = null, this.next_line = new i2(this), this.space_before_token = false, this.non_breaking_space = false, this.previous_token_wrapped = false, this.__add_outputline();
i2.prototype.clone_empty = function() {
var e3 = new i2(this.__parent);
return e3.set_indent(this.__indent_count, this.__alignment_count), e3;
}, i2.prototype.item = function(e3) {
return e3 < 0 ? this.__items[this.__items.length + e3] : this.__items[e3];
}, i2.prototype.has_match = function(e3) {
for (var t3 = this.__items.length - 1; t3 >= 0; t3--)
if (this.__items[t3].match(e3))
return true;
return false;
}, i2.prototype.set_indent = function(e3, t3) {
this.is_empty() && (this.__indent_count = e3 || 0, this.__alignment_count = t3 || 0, this.__character_count = this.__parent.get_indent_size(this.__indent_count, this.__alignment_count));
}, i2.prototype._set_wrap_point = function() {
this.__parent.wrap_line_length && (this.__wrap_point_index = this.__items.length, this.__wrap_point_character_count = this.__character_count, this.__wrap_point_indent_count = this.__parent.next_line.__indent_count, this.__wrap_point_alignment_count = this.__parent.next_line.__alignment_count);
}, i2.prototype._should_wrap = function() {
return this.__wrap_point_index && this.__character_count > this.__parent.wrap_line_length && this.__wrap_point_character_count > this.__parent.next_line.__character_count;
}, i2.prototype._allow_wrap = function() {
if (this._should_wrap()) {
var e3 = this.__parent.current_line;
return e3.set_indent(this.__wrap_point_indent_count, this.__wrap_point_alignment_count), e3.__items = this.__items.slice(this.__wrap_point_index), this.__items = this.__items.slice(0, this.__wrap_point_index), e3.__character_count += this.__character_count - this.__wrap_point_character_count, this.__character_count = this.__wrap_point_character_count, " " === e3.__items[0] && (e3.__items.splice(0, 1), e3.__character_count -= 1), true;
return false;
}, i2.prototype.is_empty = function() {
return 0 === this.__items.length;
}, i2.prototype.last = function() {
return this.is_empty() ? null : this.__items[this.__items.length - 1];
}, i2.prototype.push = function(e3) {
var t3 = e3.lastIndexOf("\n");
-1 !== t3 ? this.__character_count = e3.length - t3 : this.__character_count += e3.length;
}, i2.prototype.pop = function() {
var e3 = null;
return this.is_empty() || (e3 = this.__items.pop(), this.__character_count -= e3.length), e3;
}, i2.prototype._remove_indent = function() {
this.__indent_count > 0 && (this.__indent_count -= 1, this.__character_count -= this.__parent.indent_size);
}, i2.prototype._remove_wrap_indent = function() {
this.__wrap_point_indent_count > 0 && (this.__wrap_point_indent_count -= 1);
}, i2.prototype.trim = function() {
for (; " " === this.last(); )
this.__items.pop(), this.__character_count -= 1;
}, i2.prototype.toString = function() {
var e3 = "";
return this.is_empty() ? this.__parent.indent_empty_lines && (e3 = this.__parent.get_indent_string(this.__indent_count)) : (e3 = this.__parent.get_indent_string(this.__indent_count, this.__alignment_count), e3 += this.__items.join("")), e3;
}, o2.prototype.get_indent_size = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.__base_string_length;
return t3 = t3 || 0, e3 < 0 && (n3 = 0), n3 += e3 * this.__indent_size, n3 += t3;
}, o2.prototype.get_indent_string = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.__base_string;
return t3 = t3 || 0, e3 < 0 && (e3 = 0, n3 = ""), t3 += e3 * this.__indent_size, this.__ensure_cache(t3), n3 += this.__cache[t3];
}, o2.prototype.__ensure_cache = function(e3) {
for (; e3 >= this.__cache.length; )
}, o2.prototype.__add_column = function() {
var e3 = this.__cache.length, t3 = 0, n3 = "";
this.__indent_size && e3 >= this.__indent_size && (e3 -= (t3 = Math.floor(e3 / this.__indent_size)) * this.__indent_size, n3 = new Array(t3 + 1).join(this.__indent_string)), e3 && (n3 += new Array(e3 + 1).join(" ")), this.__cache.push(n3);
}, r2.prototype.__add_outputline = function() {
this.previous_line = this.current_line, this.current_line = this.next_line.clone_empty(), this.__lines.push(this.current_line);
}, r2.prototype.get_line_number = function() {
return this.__lines.length;
}, r2.prototype.get_indent_string = function(e3, t3) {
return this.__indent_cache.get_indent_string(e3, t3);
}, r2.prototype.get_indent_size = function(e3, t3) {
return this.__indent_cache.get_indent_size(e3, t3);
}, r2.prototype.is_empty = function() {
return !this.previous_line && this.current_line.is_empty();
}, r2.prototype.add_new_line = function(e3) {
return !(this.is_empty() || !e3 && this.just_added_newline()) && (this.raw || this.__add_outputline(), true);
}, r2.prototype.get_code = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.current_line.pop();
t3 && ("\n" === t3[t3.length - 1] && (t3 = t3.replace(/\n+$/g, "")), this.current_line.push(t3)), this._end_with_newline && this.__add_outputline();
var n3 = this.__lines.join("\n");
return "\n" !== e3 && (n3 = n3.replace(/[\n]/g, e3)), n3;
}, r2.prototype.set_wrap_point = function() {
}, r2.prototype.set_indent = function(e3, t3) {
return e3 = e3 || 0, t3 = t3 || 0, this.next_line.set_indent(e3, t3), this.__lines.length > 1 ? (this.current_line.set_indent(e3, t3), true) : (this.current_line.set_indent(), false);
}, r2.prototype.add_raw_token = function(e3) {
for (var t3 = 0; t3 < e3.newlines; t3++)
this.current_line.set_indent(-1), this.current_line.push(e3.whitespace_before), this.current_line.push(e3.text), this.space_before_token = false, this.non_breaking_space = false, this.previous_token_wrapped = false;
}, r2.prototype.add_token = function(e3) {
this.__add_space_before_token(), this.current_line.push(e3), this.space_before_token = false, this.non_breaking_space = false, this.previous_token_wrapped = this.current_line._allow_wrap();
}, r2.prototype.__add_space_before_token = function() {
this.space_before_token && !this.just_added_newline() && (this.non_breaking_space || this.set_wrap_point(), this.current_line.push(" "));
}, r2.prototype.remove_indent = function(e3) {
for (var t3 = this.__lines.length; e3 < t3; )
this.__lines[e3]._remove_indent(), e3++;
}, r2.prototype.trim = function(e3) {
for (e3 = void 0 !== e3 && e3, this.current_line.trim(); e3 && this.__lines.length > 1 && this.current_line.is_empty(); )
this.__lines.pop(), this.current_line = this.__lines[this.__lines.length - 1], this.current_line.trim();
this.previous_line = this.__lines.length > 1 ? this.__lines[this.__lines.length - 2] : null;
}, r2.prototype.just_added_newline = function() {
return this.current_line.is_empty();
}, r2.prototype.just_added_blankline = function() {
return this.is_empty() || this.current_line.is_empty() && this.previous_line.is_empty();
}, r2.prototype.ensure_empty_line_above = function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 = this.__lines.length - 2; n3 >= 0; ) {
var o3 = this.__lines[n3];
if (o3.is_empty())
if (0 !== o3.item(0).indexOf(e3) && o3.item(-1) !== t3) {
this.__lines.splice(n3 + 1, 0, new i2(this)), this.previous_line = this.__lines[this.__lines.length - 2];
}, e2.exports.Output = r2;
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
e2.exports.Token = function(e3, t3, n3, i2) {
this.type = e3, this.text = t3, this.comments_before = null, this.newlines = n3 || 0, this.whitespace_before = i2 || "", this.parent = null, = null, this.previous = null, this.opened = null, this.closed = null, this.directives = null;
}, , , function(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(e3, t3) {
this.raw_options = o2(e3, t3), this.disabled = this._get_boolean("disabled"), this.eol = this._get_characters("eol", "auto"), this.end_with_newline = this._get_boolean("end_with_newline"), this.indent_size = this._get_number("indent_size", 4), this.indent_char = this._get_characters("indent_char", " "), this.indent_level = this._get_number("indent_level"), this.preserve_newlines = this._get_boolean("preserve_newlines", true), this.max_preserve_newlines = this._get_number("max_preserve_newlines", 32786), this.preserve_newlines || (this.max_preserve_newlines = 0), this.indent_with_tabs = this._get_boolean("indent_with_tabs", " " === this.indent_char), this.indent_with_tabs && (this.indent_char = " ", 1 === this.indent_size && (this.indent_size = 4)), this.wrap_line_length = this._get_number("wrap_line_length", this._get_number("max_char")), this.indent_empty_lines = this._get_boolean("indent_empty_lines"), this.templating = this._get_selection_list("templating", ["auto", "none", "django", "erb", "handlebars", "php"], ["auto"]);
function o2(e3, t3) {
var n3, i3 = {};
for (n3 in e3 = r2(e3))
n3 !== t3 && (i3[n3] = e3[n3]);
if (t3 && e3[t3])
for (n3 in e3[t3])
i3[n3] = e3[t3][n3];
return i3;
function r2(e3) {
var t3, n3 = {};
for (t3 in e3) {
n3[t3.replace(/-/g, "_")] = e3[t3];
return n3;
i2.prototype._get_array = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.raw_options[e3], i3 = t3 || [];
return "object" == typeof n3 ? null !== n3 && "function" == typeof n3.concat && (i3 = n3.concat()) : "string" == typeof n3 && (i3 = n3.split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\/\-]+/)), i3;
}, i2.prototype._get_boolean = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.raw_options[e3];
return void 0 === n3 ? !!t3 : !!n3;
}, i2.prototype._get_characters = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.raw_options[e3], i3 = t3 || "";
return "string" == typeof n3 && (i3 = n3.replace(/\\r/, "\r").replace(/\\n/, "\n").replace(/\\t/, " ")), i3;
}, i2.prototype._get_number = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.raw_options[e3];
t3 = parseInt(t3, 10), isNaN(t3) && (t3 = 0);
var i3 = parseInt(n3, 10);
return isNaN(i3) && (i3 = t3), i3;
}, i2.prototype._get_selection = function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3 = this._get_selection_list(e3, t3, n3);
if (1 !== i3.length)
throw new Error("Invalid Option Value: The option '" + e3 + "' can only be one of the following values:\n" + t3 + "\nYou passed in: '" + this.raw_options[e3] + "'");
return i3[0];
}, i2.prototype._get_selection_list = function(e3, t3, n3) {
if (!t3 || 0 === t3.length)
throw new Error("Selection list cannot be empty.");
if (n3 = n3 || [t3[0]], !this._is_valid_selection(n3, t3))
throw new Error("Invalid Default Value!");
var i3 = this._get_array(e3, n3);
if (!this._is_valid_selection(i3, t3))
throw new Error("Invalid Option Value: The option '" + e3 + "' can contain only the following values:\n" + t3 + "\nYou passed in: '" + this.raw_options[e3] + "'");
return i3;
}, i2.prototype._is_valid_selection = function(e3, t3) {
return e3.length && t3.length && !e3.some(function(e4) {
return -1 === t3.indexOf(e4);
}, e2.exports.Options = i2, e2.exports.normalizeOpts = r2, e2.exports.mergeOpts = o2;
}, , function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = RegExp.prototype.hasOwnProperty("sticky");
function o2(e3) {
this.__input = e3 || "", this.__input_length = this.__input.length, this.__position = 0;
o2.prototype.restart = function() {
this.__position = 0;
}, o2.prototype.back = function() {
this.__position > 0 && (this.__position -= 1);
}, o2.prototype.hasNext = function() {
return this.__position < this.__input_length;
}, = function() {
var e3 = null;
return this.hasNext() && (e3 = this.__input.charAt(this.__position), this.__position += 1), e3;
}, o2.prototype.peek = function(e3) {
var t3 = null;
return e3 = e3 || 0, (e3 += this.__position) >= 0 && e3 < this.__input_length && (t3 = this.__input.charAt(e3)), t3;
}, o2.prototype.__match = function(e3, t3) {
e3.lastIndex = t3;
var n3 = e3.exec(this.__input);
return !n3 || i2 && e3.sticky || n3.index !== t3 && (n3 = null), n3;
}, o2.prototype.test = function(e3, t3) {
return t3 = t3 || 0, (t3 += this.__position) >= 0 && t3 < this.__input_length && !!this.__match(e3, t3);
}, o2.prototype.testChar = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this.peek(t3);
return e3.lastIndex = 0, null !== n3 && e3.test(n3);
}, o2.prototype.match = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.__match(e3, this.__position);
return t3 ? this.__position += t3[0].length : t3 = null, t3;
}, = function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3, o3 = "";
return e3 && (i3 = this.match(e3)) && (o3 += i3[0]), !t3 || !i3 && e3 || (o3 += this.readUntil(t3, n3)), o3;
}, o2.prototype.readUntil = function(e3, t3) {
var n3, i3 = this.__position;
e3.lastIndex = this.__position;
var o3 = e3.exec(this.__input);
return o3 ? (i3 = o3.index, t3 && (i3 += o3[0].length)) : i3 = this.__input_length, n3 = this.__input.substring(this.__position, i3), this.__position = i3, n3;
}, o2.prototype.readUntilAfter = function(e3) {
return this.readUntil(e3, true);
}, o2.prototype.get_regexp = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = null, o3 = "g";
return t3 && i2 && (o3 = "y"), "string" == typeof e3 && "" !== e3 ? n3 = new RegExp(e3, o3) : e3 && (n3 = new RegExp(e3.source, o3)), n3;
}, o2.prototype.get_literal_regexp = function(e3) {
return RegExp(e3.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"));
}, o2.prototype.peekUntilAfter = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.__position, n3 = this.readUntilAfter(e3);
return this.__position = t3, n3;
}, o2.prototype.lookBack = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.__position - 1;
return t3 >= e3.length && this.__input.substring(t3 - e3.length, t3).toLowerCase() === e3;
}, e2.exports.InputScanner = o2;
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2(8).InputScanner, o2 = n2(3).Token, r2 = n2(10).TokenStream, s2 = n2(11).WhitespacePattern, a2 = {START: "TK_START", RAW: "TK_RAW", EOF: "TK_EOF"}, l2 = function(e3, t3) {
this._input = new i2(e3), this._options = t3 || {}, this.__tokens = null, this._patterns = {}, this._patterns.whitespace = new s2(this._input);
l2.prototype.tokenize = function() {
var e3;
this._input.restart(), this.__tokens = new r2(), this._reset();
for (var t3 = new o2(a2.START, ""), n3 = null, i3 = [], s3 = new r2(); t3.type !== a2.EOF; ) {
for (e3 = this._get_next_token(t3, n3); this._is_comment(e3); )
s3.add(e3), e3 = this._get_next_token(t3, n3);
s3.isEmpty() || (e3.comments_before = s3, s3 = new r2()), e3.parent = n3, this._is_opening(e3) ? (i3.push(n3), n3 = e3) : n3 && this._is_closing(e3, n3) && (e3.opened = n3, n3.closed = e3, n3 = i3.pop(), e3.parent = n3), e3.previous = t3, = e3, this.__tokens.add(e3), t3 = e3;
return this.__tokens;
}, l2.prototype._is_first_token = function() {
return this.__tokens.isEmpty();
}, l2.prototype._reset = function() {
}, l2.prototype._get_next_token = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 =;
return n3 ? this._create_token(a2.RAW, n3) : this._create_token(a2.EOF, "");
}, l2.prototype._is_comment = function(e3) {
return false;
}, l2.prototype._is_opening = function(e3) {
return false;
}, l2.prototype._is_closing = function(e3, t3) {
return false;
}, l2.prototype._create_token = function(e3, t3) {
return new o2(e3, t3, this._patterns.whitespace.newline_count, this._patterns.whitespace.whitespace_before_token);
}, l2.prototype._readWhitespace = function() {
}, e2.exports.Tokenizer = l2, e2.exports.TOKEN = a2;
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(e3) {
this.__tokens = [], this.__tokens_length = this.__tokens.length, this.__position = 0, this.__parent_token = e3;
i2.prototype.restart = function() {
this.__position = 0;
}, i2.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.__tokens_length;
}, i2.prototype.hasNext = function() {
return this.__position < this.__tokens_length;
}, = function() {
var e3 = null;
return this.hasNext() && (e3 = this.__tokens[this.__position], this.__position += 1), e3;
}, i2.prototype.peek = function(e3) {
var t3 = null;
return e3 = e3 || 0, (e3 += this.__position) >= 0 && e3 < this.__tokens_length && (t3 = this.__tokens[e3]), t3;
}, i2.prototype.add = function(e3) {
this.__parent_token && (e3.parent = this.__parent_token), this.__tokens.push(e3), this.__tokens_length += 1;
}, e2.exports.TokenStream = i2;
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2(12).Pattern;
function o2(e3, t3) {, e3, t3), t3 ? this._line_regexp = this._input.get_regexp(t3._line_regexp) : this.__set_whitespace_patterns("", ""), this.newline_count = 0, this.whitespace_before_token = "";
o2.prototype = new i2(), o2.prototype.__set_whitespace_patterns = function(e3, t3) {
e3 += "\\t ", t3 += "\\n\\r", this._match_pattern = this._input.get_regexp("[" + e3 + t3 + "]+", true), this._newline_regexp = this._input.get_regexp("\\r\\n|[" + t3 + "]");
}, = function() {
this.newline_count = 0, this.whitespace_before_token = "";
var e3 =;
if (" " === e3)
this.whitespace_before_token = " ";
else if (e3) {
var t3 = this.__split(this._newline_regexp, e3);
this.newline_count = t3.length - 1, this.whitespace_before_token = t3[this.newline_count];
return e3;
}, o2.prototype.matching = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this._create();
return n3.__set_whitespace_patterns(e3, t3), n3._update(), n3;
}, o2.prototype._create = function() {
return new o2(this._input, this);
}, o2.prototype.__split = function(e3, t3) {
e3.lastIndex = 0;
for (var n3 = 0, i3 = [], o3 = e3.exec(t3); o3; )
i3.push(t3.substring(n3, o3.index)), n3 = o3.index + o3[0].length, o3 = e3.exec(t3);
return n3 < t3.length ? i3.push(t3.substring(n3, t3.length)) : i3.push(""), i3;
}, e2.exports.WhitespacePattern = o2;
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(e3, t3) {
this._input = e3, this._starting_pattern = null, this._match_pattern = null, this._until_pattern = null, this._until_after = false, t3 && (this._starting_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(t3._starting_pattern, true), this._match_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(t3._match_pattern, true), this._until_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(t3._until_pattern), this._until_after = t3._until_after);
} = function() {
var e3 =;
return this._starting_pattern && !e3 || (e3 +=, this._until_pattern, this._until_after)), e3;
}, i2.prototype.read_match = function() {
return this._input.match(this._match_pattern);
}, i2.prototype.until_after = function(e3) {
var t3 = this._create();
return t3._until_after = true, t3._until_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(e3), t3._update(), t3;
}, i2.prototype.until = function(e3) {
var t3 = this._create();
return t3._until_after = false, t3._until_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(e3), t3._update(), t3;
}, i2.prototype.starting_with = function(e3) {
var t3 = this._create();
return t3._starting_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(e3, true), t3._update(), t3;
}, i2.prototype.matching = function(e3) {
var t3 = this._create();
return t3._match_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(e3, true), t3._update(), t3;
}, i2.prototype._create = function() {
return new i2(this._input, this);
}, i2.prototype._update = function() {
}, e2.exports.Pattern = i2;
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(e3, t3) {
e3 = "string" == typeof e3 ? e3 : e3.source, t3 = "string" == typeof t3 ? t3 : t3.source, this.__directives_block_pattern = new RegExp(e3 + / beautify( \w+[:]\w+)+ /.source + t3, "g"), this.__directive_pattern = / (\w+)[:](\w+)/g, this.__directives_end_ignore_pattern = new RegExp(e3 + /\sbeautify\signore:end\s/.source + t3, "g");
i2.prototype.get_directives = function(e3) {
if (!e3.match(this.__directives_block_pattern))
return null;
var t3 = {};
this.__directive_pattern.lastIndex = 0;
for (var n3 = this.__directive_pattern.exec(e3); n3; )
t3[n3[1]] = n3[2], n3 = this.__directive_pattern.exec(e3);
return t3;
}, i2.prototype.readIgnored = function(e3) {
return e3.readUntilAfter(this.__directives_end_ignore_pattern);
}, e2.exports.Directives = i2;
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2(12).Pattern, o2 = {django: false, erb: false, handlebars: false, php: false};
function r2(e3, t3) {, e3, t3), this.__template_pattern = null, this._disabled = Object.assign({}, o2), this._excluded = Object.assign({}, o2), t3 && (this.__template_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(t3.__template_pattern), this._excluded = Object.assign(this._excluded, t3._excluded), this._disabled = Object.assign(this._disabled, t3._disabled));
var n3 = new i2(e3);
this.__patterns = {handlebars_comment: n3.starting_with(/{{!--/).until_after(/--}}/), handlebars_unescaped: n3.starting_with(/{{{/).until_after(/}}}/), handlebars: n3.starting_with(/{{/).until_after(/}}/), php: n3.starting_with(/<\?(?:[=]|php)/).until_after(/\?>/), erb: n3.starting_with(/<%[^%]/).until_after(/[^%]%>/), django: n3.starting_with(/{%/).until_after(/%}/), django_value: n3.starting_with(/{{/).until_after(/}}/), django_comment: n3.starting_with(/{#/).until_after(/#}/)};
r2.prototype = new i2(), r2.prototype._create = function() {
return new r2(this._input, this);
}, r2.prototype._update = function() {
}, r2.prototype.disable = function(e3) {
var t3 = this._create();
return t3._disabled[e3] = true, t3._update(), t3;
}, r2.prototype.read_options = function(e3) {
var t3 = this._create();
for (var n3 in o2)
t3._disabled[n3] = -1 === e3.templating.indexOf(n3);
return t3._update(), t3;
}, r2.prototype.exclude = function(e3) {
var t3 = this._create();
return t3._excluded[e3] = true, t3._update(), t3;
}, = function() {
var e3 = "";
e3 = this._match_pattern ? :, this.__template_pattern);
for (var t3 = this._read_template(); t3; )
this._match_pattern ? t3 += : t3 += this._input.readUntil(this.__template_pattern), e3 += t3, t3 = this._read_template();
return this._until_after && (e3 += this._input.readUntilAfter(this._until_pattern)), e3;
}, r2.prototype.__set_templated_pattern = function() {
var e3 = [];
this._disabled.php || e3.push(this.__patterns.php._starting_pattern.source), this._disabled.handlebars || e3.push(this.__patterns.handlebars._starting_pattern.source), this._disabled.erb || e3.push(this.__patterns.erb._starting_pattern.source), this._disabled.django || (e3.push(this.__patterns.django._starting_pattern.source), e3.push(this.__patterns.django_value._starting_pattern.source), e3.push(this.__patterns.django_comment._starting_pattern.source)), this._until_pattern && e3.push(this._until_pattern.source), this.__template_pattern = this._input.get_regexp("(?:" + e3.join("|") + ")");
}, r2.prototype._read_template = function() {
var e3 = "", t3 = this._input.peek();
if ("<" === t3) {
var n3 = this._input.peek(1);
this._disabled.php || this._excluded.php || "?" !== n3 || (e3 = e3 ||, this._disabled.erb || this._excluded.erb || "%" !== n3 || (e3 = e3 ||;
} else
"{" === t3 && (this._disabled.handlebars || this._excluded.handlebars || (e3 = (e3 = (e3 = e3 || || ||, this._disabled.django || (this._excluded.django || this._excluded.handlebars || (e3 = e3 ||, this._excluded.django || (e3 = (e3 = e3 || ||;
return e3;
}, e2.exports.TemplatablePattern = r2;
}, , , , function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2(19).Beautifier, o2 = n2(20).Options;
e2.exports = function(e3, t3, n3, o3) {
return new i2(e3, t3, n3, o3).beautify();
}, e2.exports.defaultOptions = function() {
return new o2();
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2(20).Options, o2 = n2(2).Output, r2 = n2(21).Tokenizer, s2 = n2(21).TOKEN, a2 = /\r\n|[\r\n]/, l2 = /\r\n|[\r\n]/g, c2 = function(e3, t3) {
this.indent_level = 0, this.alignment_size = 0, this.max_preserve_newlines = e3.max_preserve_newlines, this.preserve_newlines = e3.preserve_newlines, this._output = new o2(e3, t3);
c2.prototype.current_line_has_match = function(e3) {
return this._output.current_line.has_match(e3);
}, c2.prototype.set_space_before_token = function(e3, t3) {
this._output.space_before_token = e3, this._output.non_breaking_space = t3;
}, c2.prototype.set_wrap_point = function() {
this._output.set_indent(this.indent_level, this.alignment_size), this._output.set_wrap_point();
}, c2.prototype.add_raw_token = function(e3) {
}, c2.prototype.print_preserved_newlines = function(e3) {
var t3 = 0;
e3.type !== s2.TEXT && e3.previous.type !== s2.TEXT && (t3 = e3.newlines ? 1 : 0), this.preserve_newlines && (t3 = e3.newlines < this.max_preserve_newlines + 1 ? e3.newlines : this.max_preserve_newlines + 1);
for (var n3 = 0; n3 < t3; n3++)
this.print_newline(n3 > 0);
return 0 !== t3;
}, c2.prototype.traverse_whitespace = function(e3) {
return !(!e3.whitespace_before && !e3.newlines) && (this.print_preserved_newlines(e3) || (this._output.space_before_token = true), true);
}, c2.prototype.previous_token_wrapped = function() {
return this._output.previous_token_wrapped;
}, c2.prototype.print_newline = function(e3) {
}, c2.prototype.print_token = function(e3) {
e3.text && (this._output.set_indent(this.indent_level, this.alignment_size), this._output.add_token(e3.text));
}, c2.prototype.indent = function() {
}, c2.prototype.get_full_indent = function(e3) {
return (e3 = this.indent_level + (e3 || 0)) < 1 ? "" : this._output.get_indent_string(e3);
var d2 = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = null, i3 = null;
return t3.closed ? ("script" === e3 ? n3 = "text/javascript" : "style" === e3 && (n3 = "text/css"), (n3 = function(e4) {
for (var t4 = null, n4 =; n4.type !== s2.EOF && e4.closed !== n4; ) {
if (n4.type === s2.ATTRIBUTE && "type" === n4.text) { && === s2.EQUALS && && === s2.VALUE && (t4 =;
n4 =;
return t4;
}(t3) || n3).search("text/css") > -1 ? i3 = "css" :|((text|application|dojo)\/(x-)?(javascript|ecmascript|jscript|livescript|(ld\+)?json|method|aspect))/) > -1 ? i3 = "javascript" :|application|dojo)\/(x-)?(html)/) > -1 ? i3 = "html" :\/null/) > -1 && (i3 = "null"), i3) : null;
function h2(e3, t3) {
return -1 !== t3.indexOf(e3);
function u2(e3, t3, n3) {
this.parent = e3 || null, this.tag = t3 ? t3.tag_name : "", this.indent_level = n3 || 0, this.parser_token = t3 || null;
function p2(e3) {
this._printer = e3, this._current_frame = null;
function m2(e3, t3, n3, o3) {
this._source_text = e3 || "", t3 = t3 || {}, this._js_beautify = n3, this._css_beautify = o3, this._tag_stack = null;
var r3 = new i2(t3, "html");
this._options = r3, this._is_wrap_attributes_force = "force" === this._options.wrap_attributes.substr(0, "force".length), this._is_wrap_attributes_force_expand_multiline = "force-expand-multiline" === this._options.wrap_attributes, this._is_wrap_attributes_force_aligned = "force-aligned" === this._options.wrap_attributes, this._is_wrap_attributes_aligned_multiple = "aligned-multiple" === this._options.wrap_attributes, this._is_wrap_attributes_preserve = "preserve" === this._options.wrap_attributes.substr(0, "preserve".length), this._is_wrap_attributes_preserve_aligned = "preserve-aligned" === this._options.wrap_attributes;
p2.prototype.get_parser_token = function() {
return this._current_frame ? this._current_frame.parser_token : null;
}, p2.prototype.record_tag = function(e3) {
var t3 = new u2(this._current_frame, e3, this._printer.indent_level);
this._current_frame = t3;
}, p2.prototype._try_pop_frame = function(e3) {
var t3 = null;
return e3 && (t3 = e3.parser_token, this._printer.indent_level = e3.indent_level, this._current_frame = e3.parent), t3;
}, p2.prototype._get_frame = function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 = this._current_frame; n3 && -1 === e3.indexOf(n3.tag); ) {
if (t3 && -1 !== t3.indexOf(n3.tag)) {
n3 = null;
n3 = n3.parent;
return n3;
}, p2.prototype.try_pop = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = this._get_frame([e3], t3);
return this._try_pop_frame(n3);
}, p2.prototype.indent_to_tag = function(e3) {
var t3 = this._get_frame(e3);
t3 && (this._printer.indent_level = t3.indent_level);
}, m2.prototype.beautify = function() {
if (this._options.disabled)
return this._source_text;
var e3 = this._source_text, t3 = this._options.eol;
"auto" === this._options.eol && (t3 = "\n", e3 && a2.test(e3) && (t3 = e3.match(a2)[0]));
var n3 = (e3 = e3.replace(l2, "\n")).match(/^[\t ]*/)[0], i3 = {text: "", type: ""}, o3 = new g2(), d3 = new c2(this._options, n3), h3 = new r2(e3, this._options).tokenize();
this._tag_stack = new p2(d3);
for (var u3 = null, m3 =; m3.type !== s2.EOF; )
m3.type === s2.TAG_OPEN || m3.type === s2.COMMENT ? o3 = u3 = this._handle_tag_open(d3, m3, o3, i3) : m3.type === s2.ATTRIBUTE || m3.type === s2.EQUALS || m3.type === s2.VALUE || m3.type === s2.TEXT && !o3.tag_complete ? u3 = this._handle_inside_tag(d3, m3, o3, h3) : m3.type === s2.TAG_CLOSE ? u3 = this._handle_tag_close(d3, m3, o3) : m3.type === s2.TEXT ? u3 = this._handle_text(d3, m3, o3) : d3.add_raw_token(m3), i3 = u3, m3 =;
return d3._output.get_code(t3);
}, m2.prototype._handle_tag_close = function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3 = {text: t3.text, type: t3.type};
return e3.alignment_size = 0, n3.tag_complete = true, e3.set_space_before_token(t3.newlines || "" !== t3.whitespace_before, true), n3.is_unformatted ? e3.add_raw_token(t3) : ("<" === n3.tag_start_char && (e3.set_space_before_token("/" === t3.text[0], true), this._is_wrap_attributes_force_expand_multiline && n3.has_wrapped_attrs && e3.print_newline(false)), e3.print_token(t3)), !n3.indent_content || n3.is_unformatted || n3.is_content_unformatted || (e3.indent(), n3.indent_content = false), n3.is_inline_element || n3.is_unformatted || n3.is_content_unformatted || e3.set_wrap_point(), i3;
}, m2.prototype._handle_inside_tag = function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
var o3 = n3.has_wrapped_attrs, r3 = {text: t3.text, type: t3.type};
if (e3.set_space_before_token(t3.newlines || "" !== t3.whitespace_before, true), n3.is_unformatted)
else if ("{" === n3.tag_start_char && t3.type === s2.TEXT)
e3.print_preserved_newlines(t3) ? (t3.newlines = 0, e3.add_raw_token(t3)) : e3.print_token(t3);
else {
if (t3.type === s2.ATTRIBUTE ? (e3.set_space_before_token(true), n3.attr_count += 1) : (t3.type === s2.EQUALS || t3.type === s2.VALUE && t3.previous.type === s2.EQUALS) && e3.set_space_before_token(false), t3.type === s2.ATTRIBUTE && "<" === n3.tag_start_char && ((this._is_wrap_attributes_preserve || this._is_wrap_attributes_preserve_aligned) && (e3.traverse_whitespace(t3), o3 = o3 || 0 !== t3.newlines), this._is_wrap_attributes_force)) {
var a3 = n3.attr_count > 1;
if (this._is_wrap_attributes_force_expand_multiline && 1 === n3.attr_count) {
var l3, c3 = true, d3 = 0;
do {
if ((l3 = i3.peek(d3)).type === s2.ATTRIBUTE) {
c3 = false;
d3 += 1;
} while (d3 < 4 && l3.type !== s2.EOF && l3.type !== s2.TAG_CLOSE);
a3 = !c3;
a3 && (e3.print_newline(false), o3 = true);
e3.print_token(t3), o3 = o3 || e3.previous_token_wrapped(), n3.has_wrapped_attrs = o3;
return r3;
}, m2.prototype._handle_text = function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3 = {text: t3.text, type: "TK_CONTENT"};
return n3.custom_beautifier_name ? this._print_custom_beatifier_text(e3, t3, n3) : n3.is_unformatted || n3.is_content_unformatted ? e3.add_raw_token(t3) : (e3.traverse_whitespace(t3), e3.print_token(t3)), i3;
}, m2.prototype._print_custom_beatifier_text = function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3 = this;
if ("" !== t3.text) {
var o3, r3 = t3.text, s3 = 1, a3 = "", l3 = "";
"javascript" === n3.custom_beautifier_name && "function" == typeof this._js_beautify ? o3 = this._js_beautify : "css" === n3.custom_beautifier_name && "function" == typeof this._css_beautify ? o3 = this._css_beautify : "html" === n3.custom_beautifier_name && (o3 = function(e4, t4) {
return new m2(e4, t4, i3._js_beautify, i3._css_beautify).beautify();
}), "keep" === this._options.indent_scripts ? s3 = 0 : "separate" === this._options.indent_scripts && (s3 = -e3.indent_level);
var c3 = e3.get_full_indent(s3);
if (r3 = r3.replace(/\n[ \t]*$/, ""), "html" !== n3.custom_beautifier_name && "<" === r3[0] && r3.match(/^(<!--|<!\[CDATA\[)/)) {
var d3 = /^(<!--[^\n]*|<!\[CDATA\[)(\n?)([ \t\n]*)([\s\S]*)(-->|]]>)$/.exec(r3);
if (!d3)
return void e3.add_raw_token(t3);
a3 = c3 + d3[1] + "\n", r3 = d3[4], d3[5] && (l3 = c3 + d3[5]), r3 = r3.replace(/\n[ \t]*$/, ""), (d3[2] || -1 !== d3[3].indexOf("\n")) && (d3 = d3[3].match(/[ \t]+$/)) && (t3.whitespace_before = d3[0]);
if (r3)
if (o3) {
var h3 = function() {
this.eol = "\n";
h3.prototype = this._options.raw_options, r3 = o3(c3 + r3, new h3());
} else {
var u3 = t3.whitespace_before;
u3 && (r3 = r3.replace(new RegExp("\n(" + u3 + ")?", "g"), "\n")), r3 = c3 + r3.replace(/\n/g, "\n" + c3);
a3 && (r3 = r3 ? a3 + r3 + "\n" + l3 : a3 + l3), e3.print_newline(false), r3 && (t3.text = r3, t3.whitespace_before = "", t3.newlines = 0, e3.add_raw_token(t3), e3.print_newline(true));
}, m2.prototype._handle_tag_open = function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
var o3 = this._get_tag_open_token(t3);
return (n3.is_unformatted || n3.is_content_unformatted) && t3.type === s2.TAG_OPEN && 0 === t3.text.indexOf("</") ? (e3.add_raw_token(t3), o3.start_tag_token = this._tag_stack.try_pop(o3.tag_name)) : (e3.traverse_whitespace(t3), this._set_tag_position(e3, t3, o3, n3, i3), o3.is_inline_element || e3.set_wrap_point(), e3.print_token(t3)), (this._is_wrap_attributes_force_aligned || this._is_wrap_attributes_aligned_multiple || this._is_wrap_attributes_preserve_aligned) && (o3.alignment_size = t3.text.length + 1), o3.tag_complete || o3.is_unformatted || (e3.alignment_size = o3.alignment_size), o3;
var g2 = function(e3, t3) {
var n3;
(this.parent = e3 || null, this.text = "", this.type = "TK_TAG_OPEN", this.tag_name = "", this.is_inline_element = false, this.is_unformatted = false, this.is_content_unformatted = false, this.is_empty_element = false, this.is_start_tag = false, this.is_end_tag = false, this.indent_content = false, this.multiline_content = false, this.custom_beautifier_name = null, this.start_tag_token = null, this.attr_count = 0, this.has_wrapped_attrs = false, this.alignment_size = 0, this.tag_complete = false, this.tag_start_char = "", this.tag_check = "", t3) ? (this.tag_start_char = t3.text[0], this.text = t3.text, "<" === this.tag_start_char ? (n3 = t3.text.match(/^<([^\s>]*)/), this.tag_check = n3 ? n3[1] : "") : (n3 = t3.text.match(/^{{(?:[\^]|#\*?)?([^\s}]+)/), this.tag_check = n3 ? n3[1] : "", "{{#>" === t3.text && ">" === this.tag_check && null !== && (this.tag_check =, this.tag_check = this.tag_check.toLowerCase(), t3.type === s2.COMMENT && (this.tag_complete = true), this.is_start_tag = "/" !== this.tag_check.charAt(0), this.tag_name = this.is_start_tag ? this.tag_check : this.tag_check.substr(1), this.is_end_tag = !this.is_start_tag || t3.closed && "/>" === t3.closed.text, this.is_end_tag = this.is_end_tag || "{" === this.tag_start_char && (this.text.length < 3 || /[^#\^]/.test(this.text.charAt(2)))) : this.tag_complete = true;
m2.prototype._get_tag_open_token = function(e3) {
var t3 = new g2(this._tag_stack.get_parser_token(), e3);
return t3.alignment_size = this._options.wrap_attributes_indent_size, t3.is_end_tag = t3.is_end_tag || h2(t3.tag_check, this._options.void_elements), t3.is_empty_element = t3.tag_complete || t3.is_start_tag && t3.is_end_tag, t3.is_unformatted = !t3.tag_complete && h2(t3.tag_check, this._options.unformatted), t3.is_content_unformatted = !t3.is_empty_element && h2(t3.tag_check, this._options.content_unformatted), t3.is_inline_element = h2(t3.tag_name, this._options.inline) || "{" === t3.tag_start_char, t3;
}, m2.prototype._set_tag_position = function(e3, t3, n3, i3, o3) {
if (n3.is_empty_element || (n3.is_end_tag ? n3.start_tag_token = this._tag_stack.try_pop(n3.tag_name) : (this._do_optional_end_element(n3) && (n3.is_inline_element || (n3.parent && (n3.parent.multiline_content = true), e3.print_newline(false))), this._tag_stack.record_tag(n3), "script" !== n3.tag_name && "style" !== n3.tag_name || n3.is_unformatted || n3.is_content_unformatted || (n3.custom_beautifier_name = d2(n3.tag_check, t3)))), h2(n3.tag_check, this._options.extra_liners) && (e3.print_newline(false), e3._output.just_added_blankline() || e3.print_newline(true)), n3.is_empty_element) {
if ("{" === n3.tag_start_char && "else" === n3.tag_check)
this._tag_stack.indent_to_tag(["if", "unless", "each"]), n3.indent_content = true, e3.current_line_has_match(/{{#if/) || e3.print_newline(false);
"!--" === n3.tag_name && o3.type === s2.TAG_CLOSE && i3.is_end_tag && -1 === n3.text.indexOf("\n") || n3.is_inline_element || n3.is_unformatted || e3.print_newline(false);
} else
n3.is_unformatted || n3.is_content_unformatted ? n3.is_inline_element || n3.is_unformatted || e3.print_newline(false) : n3.is_end_tag ? (n3.start_tag_token && n3.start_tag_token.multiline_content || !(n3.is_inline_element || i3.is_inline_element || o3.type === s2.TAG_CLOSE && n3.start_tag_token === i3 || "TK_CONTENT" === o3.type)) && e3.print_newline(false) : (n3.indent_content = !n3.custom_beautifier_name, "<" === n3.tag_start_char && ("html" === n3.tag_name ? n3.indent_content = this._options.indent_inner_html : "head" === n3.tag_name ? n3.indent_content = this._options.indent_head_inner_html : "body" === n3.tag_name && (n3.indent_content = this._options.indent_body_inner_html)), n3.is_inline_element || "TK_CONTENT" === o3.type || (n3.parent && (n3.parent.multiline_content = true), e3.print_newline(false)));
var f2 = ["address", "article", "aside", "blockquote", "details", "div", "dl", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "header", "hr", "main", "nav", "ol", "p", "pre", "section", "table", "ul"], b2 = ["a", "audio", "del", "ins", "map", "noscript", "video"];
m2.prototype._do_optional_end_element = function(e3) {
var t3 = null;
if (!e3.is_empty_element && e3.is_start_tag && e3.parent) {
if ("body" === e3.tag_name)
t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("head");
else if ("li" === e3.tag_name)
t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("li", ["ol", "ul"]);
else if ("dd" === e3.tag_name || "dt" === e3.tag_name)
t3 = (t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("dt", ["dl"])) || this._tag_stack.try_pop("dd", ["dl"]);
else if ("p" === e3.parent.tag_name && -1 !== f2.indexOf(e3.tag_name)) {
var n3 = e3.parent.parent;
n3 && -1 !== b2.indexOf(n3.tag_name) || (t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("p"));
} else
"rp" === e3.tag_name || "rt" === e3.tag_name ? t3 = (t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("rt", ["ruby", "rtc"])) || this._tag_stack.try_pop("rp", ["ruby", "rtc"]) : "optgroup" === e3.tag_name ? t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("optgroup", ["select"]) : "option" === e3.tag_name ? t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("option", ["select", "datalist", "optgroup"]) : "colgroup" === e3.tag_name ? t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("caption", ["table"]) : "thead" === e3.tag_name ? t3 = (t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("caption", ["table"])) || this._tag_stack.try_pop("colgroup", ["table"]) : "tbody" === e3.tag_name || "tfoot" === e3.tag_name ? t3 = (t3 = (t3 = (t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("caption", ["table"])) || this._tag_stack.try_pop("colgroup", ["table"])) || this._tag_stack.try_pop("thead", ["table"])) || this._tag_stack.try_pop("tbody", ["table"]) : "tr" === e3.tag_name ? t3 = (t3 = (t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("caption", ["table"])) || this._tag_stack.try_pop("colgroup", ["table"])) || this._tag_stack.try_pop("tr", ["table", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot"]) : "th" !== e3.tag_name && "td" !== e3.tag_name || (t3 = (t3 = t3 || this._tag_stack.try_pop("td", ["table", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot", "tr"])) || this._tag_stack.try_pop("th", ["table", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot", "tr"]));
return e3.parent = this._tag_stack.get_parser_token(), t3;
}, e2.exports.Beautifier = m2;
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2(6).Options;
function o2(e3) {, e3, "html"), 1 === this.templating.length && "auto" === this.templating[0] && (this.templating = ["django", "erb", "handlebars", "php"]), this.indent_inner_html = this._get_boolean("indent_inner_html"), this.indent_body_inner_html = this._get_boolean("indent_body_inner_html", true), this.indent_head_inner_html = this._get_boolean("indent_head_inner_html", true), this.indent_handlebars = this._get_boolean("indent_handlebars", true), this.wrap_attributes = this._get_selection("wrap_attributes", ["auto", "force", "force-aligned", "force-expand-multiline", "aligned-multiple", "preserve", "preserve-aligned"]), this.wrap_attributes_indent_size = this._get_number("wrap_attributes_indent_size", this.indent_size), this.extra_liners = this._get_array("extra_liners", ["head", "body", "/html"]), this.inline = this._get_array("inline", ["a", "abbr", "area", "audio", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "br", "button", "canvas", "cite", "code", "data", "datalist", "del", "dfn", "em", "embed", "i", "iframe", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "keygen", "label", "map", "mark", "math", "meter", "noscript", "object", "output", "progress", "q", "ruby", "s", "samp", "select", "small", "span", "strong", "sub", "sup", "svg", "template", "textarea", "time", "u", "var", "video", "wbr", "text", "acronym", "big", "strike", "tt"]), this.void_elements = this._get_array("void_elements", ["area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "menuitem", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr", "!doctype", "?xml", "basefont", "isindex"]), this.unformatted = this._get_array("unformatted", []), this.content_unformatted = this._get_array("content_unformatted", ["pre", "textarea"]), this.unformatted_content_delimiter = this._get_characters("unformatted_content_delimiter"), this.indent_scripts = this._get_selection("indent_scripts", ["normal", "keep", "separate"]);
o2.prototype = new i2(), e2.exports.Options = o2;
}, function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2(9).Tokenizer, o2 = n2(9).TOKEN, r2 = n2(13).Directives, s2 = n2(14).TemplatablePattern, a2 = n2(12).Pattern, l2 = {TAG_OPEN: "TK_TAG_OPEN", TAG_CLOSE: "TK_TAG_CLOSE", ATTRIBUTE: "TK_ATTRIBUTE", EQUALS: "TK_EQUALS", VALUE: "TK_VALUE", COMMENT: "TK_COMMENT", TEXT: "TK_TEXT", UNKNOWN: "TK_UNKNOWN", START: o2.START, RAW: o2.RAW, EOF: o2.EOF}, c2 = new r2(/<\!--/, /-->/), d2 = function(e3, t3) {, e3, t3), this._current_tag_name = "";
var n3 = new s2(this._input).read_options(this._options), o3 = new a2(this._input);
if (this.__patterns = {word: n3.until(/[\n\r\t <]/), single_quote: n3.until_after(/'/), double_quote: n3.until_after(/"/), attribute: n3.until(/[\n\r\t =>]|\/>/), element_name: n3.until(/[\n\r\t >\/]/), handlebars_comment: o3.starting_with(/{{!--/).until_after(/--}}/), handlebars: o3.starting_with(/{{/).until_after(/}}/), handlebars_open: o3.until(/[\n\r\t }]/), handlebars_raw_close: o3.until(/}}/), comment: o3.starting_with(/<!--/).until_after(/-->/), cdata: o3.starting_with(/<!\[CDATA\[/).until_after(/]]>/), conditional_comment: o3.starting_with(/<!\[/).until_after(/]>/), processing: o3.starting_with(/<\?/).until_after(/\?>/)}, this._options.indent_handlebars && (this.__patterns.word = this.__patterns.word.exclude("handlebars")), this._unformatted_content_delimiter = null, this._options.unformatted_content_delimiter) {
var r3 = this._input.get_literal_regexp(this._options.unformatted_content_delimiter);
this.__patterns.unformatted_content_delimiter = o3.matching(r3).until_after(r3);
(d2.prototype = new i2())._is_comment = function(e3) {
return false;
}, d2.prototype._is_opening = function(e3) {
return e3.type === l2.TAG_OPEN;
}, d2.prototype._is_closing = function(e3, t3) {
return e3.type === l2.TAG_CLOSE && t3 && ((">" === e3.text || "/>" === e3.text) && "<" === t3.text[0] || "}}" === e3.text && "{" === t3.text[0] && "{" === t3.text[1]);
}, d2.prototype._reset = function() {
this._current_tag_name = "";
}, d2.prototype._get_next_token = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = null;
var i3 = this._input.peek();
return null === i3 ? this._create_token(l2.EOF, "") : n3 = (n3 = (n3 = (n3 = (n3 = (n3 = (n3 = (n3 = (n3 = n3 || this._read_open_handlebars(i3, t3)) || this._read_attribute(i3, e3, t3)) || this._read_raw_content(i3, e3, t3)) || this._read_close(i3, t3)) || this._read_content_word(i3)) || this._read_comment_or_cdata(i3)) || this._read_processing(i3)) || this._read_open(i3, t3)) || this._create_token(l2.UNKNOWN,;
}, d2.prototype._read_comment_or_cdata = function(e3) {
var t3 = null, n3 = null, i3 = null;
"<" === e3 && ("!" === this._input.peek(1) && ((n3 = ? (i3 = c2.get_directives(n3)) && "start" === i3.ignore && (n3 += c2.readIgnored(this._input)) : n3 =, n3 && ((t3 = this._create_token(l2.COMMENT, n3)).directives = i3));
return t3;
}, d2.prototype._read_processing = function(e3) {
var t3 = null, n3 = null;
if ("<" === e3) {
var i3 = this._input.peek(1);
"!" !== i3 && "?" !== i3 || (n3 = (n3 = ||, n3 && ((t3 = this._create_token(l2.COMMENT, n3)).directives = null);
return t3;
}, d2.prototype._read_open = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = null, i3 = null;
return t3 || "<" === e3 && (n3 =, "/" === this._input.peek() && (n3 +=, n3 +=, i3 = this._create_token(l2.TAG_OPEN, n3)), i3;
}, d2.prototype._read_open_handlebars = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = null, i3 = null;
return t3 || this._options.indent_handlebars && "{" === e3 && "{" === this._input.peek(1) && ("!" === this._input.peek(2) ? (n3 = (n3 = ||, i3 = this._create_token(l2.COMMENT, n3)) : (n3 =, i3 = this._create_token(l2.TAG_OPEN, n3))), i3;
}, d2.prototype._read_close = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = null, i3 = null;
return t3 && ("<" === t3.text[0] && (">" === e3 || "/" === e3 && ">" === this._input.peek(1)) ? (n3 =, "/" === e3 && (n3 +=, i3 = this._create_token(l2.TAG_CLOSE, n3)) : "{" === t3.text[0] && "}" === e3 && "}" === this._input.peek(1) && (,, i3 = this._create_token(l2.TAG_CLOSE, "}}"))), i3;
}, d2.prototype._read_attribute = function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3 = null, o3 = "";
if (n3 && "<" === n3.text[0])
if ("=" === e3)
i3 = this._create_token(l2.EQUALS,;
else if ('"' === e3 || "'" === e3) {
var r3 =;
r3 += '"' === e3 ? :, i3 = this._create_token(l2.VALUE, r3);
} else
(o3 = && (i3 = t3.type === l2.EQUALS ? this._create_token(l2.VALUE, o3) : this._create_token(l2.ATTRIBUTE, o3));
return i3;
}, d2.prototype._is_content_unformatted = function(e3) {
return -1 === this._options.void_elements.indexOf(e3) && (-1 !== this._options.content_unformatted.indexOf(e3) || -1 !== this._options.unformatted.indexOf(e3));
}, d2.prototype._read_raw_content = function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3 = "";
if (n3 && "{" === n3.text[0])
i3 =;
else if (t3.type === l2.TAG_CLOSE && "<" === t3.opened.text[0]) {
var o3 = t3.opened.text.substr(1).toLowerCase();
if ("script" === o3 || "style" === o3) {
var r3 = this._read_comment_or_cdata(e3);
if (r3)
return r3.type = l2.TEXT, r3;
i3 = this._input.readUntil(new RegExp("</" + o3 + "[\\n\\r\\t ]*?>", "ig"));
} else
this._is_content_unformatted(o3) && (i3 = this._input.readUntil(new RegExp("</" + o3 + "[\\n\\r\\t ]*?>", "ig")));
return i3 ? this._create_token(l2.TEXT, i3) : null;
}, d2.prototype._read_content_word = function(e3) {
var t3 = "";
if (this._options.unformatted_content_delimiter && e3 === this._options.unformatted_content_delimiter[0] && (t3 =, t3 || (t3 =, t3)
return this._create_token(l2.TEXT, t3);
}, e2.exports.Tokenizer = d2, e2.exports.TOKEN = l2;
function ut(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e2.getText(), o2 = true, r2 = 0, l2 = n2.tabSize || 4;
if (t2) {
for (var c2 = e2.offsetAt(t2.start), d2 = c2; d2 > 0 && ft(i2, d2 - 1); )
0 === d2 || gt(i2, d2 - 1) ? c2 = d2 : d2 < c2 && (c2 = d2 + 1);
for (var h2 = e2.offsetAt(t2.end), u2 = h2; u2 < i2.length && ft(i2, u2); )
(u2 === i2.length || gt(i2, u2)) && (h2 = u2), t2 = a.create(e2.positionAt(c2), e2.positionAt(h2));
var p2 = i2.substring(0, c2);
if (new RegExp(/.*[<][^>]*$/).test(p2))
return [{range: t2, newText: i2 = i2.substring(c2, h2)}];
if (o2 = h2 === i2.length, i2 = i2.substring(c2, h2), 0 !== c2) {
var m2 = e2.offsetAt(s.create(t2.start.line, 0));
r2 = function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3 = t3, o3 = 0, r3 = n3.tabSize || 4;
for (; i3 < e3.length; ) {
var s2 = e3.charAt(i3);
if (" " === s2)
else {
if (" " !== s2)
o3 += r3;
return Math.floor(o3 / r3);
}(e2.getText(), m2, n2);
} else
t2 = a.create(s.create(0, 0), e2.positionAt(i2.length));
var g2 = {indent_size: l2, indent_char: n2.insertSpaces ? " " : " ", indent_empty_lines: pt(n2, "indentEmptyLines", false), wrap_line_length: pt(n2, "wrapLineLength", 120), unformatted: mt(n2, "unformatted", void 0), content_unformatted: mt(n2, "contentUnformatted", void 0), indent_inner_html: pt(n2, "indentInnerHtml", false), preserve_newlines: pt(n2, "preserveNewLines", true), max_preserve_newlines: pt(n2, "maxPreserveNewLines", 32786), indent_handlebars: pt(n2, "indentHandlebars", false), end_with_newline: o2 && pt(n2, "endWithNewline", false), extra_liners: mt(n2, "extraLiners", void 0), wrap_attributes: pt(n2, "wrapAttributes", "auto"), wrap_attributes_indent_size: pt(n2, "wrapAttributesIndentSize", void 0), eol: "\n"}, f2 = function(e3, t3) {
return ht(e3, t3, ct, dt);
}(i2.replace(/^\s+/, ""), g2);
if (r2 > 0) {
var b2 = n2.insertSpaces ? We(" ", l2 * r2) : We(" ", r2);
f2 = f2.split("\n").join("\n" + b2), 0 === t2.start.character && (f2 = b2 + f2);
return [{range: t2, newText: f2}];
function pt(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2 && e2.hasOwnProperty(t2)) {
var i2 = e2[t2];
if (null !== i2)
return i2;
return n2;
function mt(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = pt(e2, t2, null);
return "string" == typeof i2 ? i2.length > 0 ? i2.split(",").map(function(e3) {
return e3.trim().toLowerCase();
}) : [] : n2;
function gt(e2, t2) {
return -1 !== "\r\n".indexOf(e2.charAt(t2));
function ft(e2, t2) {
return -1 !== " ".indexOf(e2.charAt(t2));
var bt = n(176);
function _t(e2) {
var t2 = e2[0];
return t2 !== e2[e2.length - 1] || "'" !== t2 && '"' !== t2 || (e2 = e2.substr(1, e2.length - 2)), e2;
function vt(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
var s2 = _t(n2);
if (l2 = s2, c2 = e2.languageId, l2.length && ("handlebars" !== c2 || !/{{.*}}/.test(l2)) && /\b(w[\w\d+.-]*:\/\/)?[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|\/?))/.test(l2)) {
var l2, c2;
s2.length < n2.length && (i2++, o2--);
var d2 = function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
if (!/^\s*javascript\:/i.test(t3) && !/[\n\r]/.test(t3))
return t3 = t3.replace(/^\s*/g, ""), /^https?:\/\//i.test(t3) || /^file:\/\//i.test(t3) ? t3 : /^\#/i.test(t3) ? e3 + t3 : /^\/\//i.test(t3) ? (Fe(e3, "https://") ? "https" : "http") + ":" + t3.replace(/^\s*/g, "") : n3 ? n3.resolveReference(t3, i3 || e3) : t3;
}(e2.uri, s2, t2, r2);
if (d2 && function(e3) {
try {
return bt.a.parse(e3), true;
} catch (e4) {
return false;
return {range: a.create(e2.positionAt(i2), e2.positionAt(o2)), target: d2};
function wt(e2, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], i2 = Ie(e2.getText(), 0), o2 = i2.scan(), r2 = void 0, s2 = false, a2 = void 0, l2 = {}; o2 !== se.EOS; ) {
switch (o2) {
case se.StartTag:
if (!a2)
s2 = "base" === i2.getTokenText().toLowerCase();
case se.AttributeName:
r2 = i2.getTokenText().toLowerCase();
case se.AttributeValue:
if ("src" === r2 || "href" === r2) {
var c2 = i2.getTokenText();
if (!s2)
(u2 = vt(e2, t2, c2, i2.getTokenOffset(), i2.getTokenEnd(), a2)) && n2.push(u2);
s2 && void 0 === a2 && (a2 = _t(c2)) && t2 && (a2 = t2.resolveReference(a2, e2.uri)), s2 = false, r2 = void 0;
} else if ("id" === r2) {
l2[_t(i2.getTokenText())] = i2.getTokenOffset();
o2 = i2.scan();
for (var d2 = 0, h2 = n2; d2 < h2.length; d2++) {
var u2 = h2[d2], p2 = e2.uri + "#";
if ( && Fe(, p2)) {
var m2 = l2[];
if (void 0 !== m2) {
var g2 = e2.positionAt(m2); = "" + p2 + (g2.line + 1) + "," + (g2.character + 1);
return n2;
function yt(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e2.offsetAt(t2), o2 = n2.findNodeAt(i2);
if (!o2.tag)
return [];
var r2 = [], s2 = St(se.StartTag, e2, o2.start), a2 = "number" == typeof o2.endTagStart && St(se.EndTag, e2, o2.endTagStart);
return (s2 && xt(s2, t2) || a2 && xt(a2, t2)) && (s2 && r2.push({kind: V.Read, range: s2}), a2 && r2.push({kind: V.Read, range: a2})), r2;
function Ct(e2, t2) {
return e2.line < t2.line || e2.line === t2.line && e2.character <= t2.character;
function xt(e2, t2) {
return Ct(e2.start, t2) && Ct(t2, e2.end);
function St(e2, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = Ie(t2.getText(), n2), o2 = i2.scan(); o2 !== se.EOS && o2 !== e2; )
o2 = i2.scan();
return o2 !== se.EOS ? {start: t2.positionAt(i2.getTokenOffset()), end: t2.positionAt(i2.getTokenEnd())} : null;
function kt(e2, t2) {
var n2 = [];
return t2.roots.forEach(function(t3) {
!function e3(t4, n3, i2, o2) {
var r2 = function(e4) {
var t5 = e4.tag;
if (e4.attributes) {
var n4 =, i3 = e4.attributes.class;
n4 && (t5 += "#" + n4.replace(/[\"\']/g, "")), i3 && (t5 += i3.replace(/[\"\']/g, "").split(/\s+/).map(function(e5) {
return "." + e5;
return t5 || "?";
}(n3), s2 = l.create(t4.uri, a.create(t4.positionAt(n3.start), t4.positionAt(n3.end))), c2 = {name: r2, location: s2, containerName: i2, kind: H.Field};
o2.push(c2), n3.children.forEach(function(n4) {
e3(t4, n4, r2, o2);
}(e2, t3, "", n2);
}), n2;
function Et(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = e2.offsetAt(t2), s2 = i2.findNodeAt(r2);
if (!s2.tag)
return null;
if (!function(e3, t3, n3) {
if (e3.endTagStart && e3.endTagStart + "</".length <= t3 && t3 <= e3.endTagStart + "</".length + n3.length)
return true;
return e3.start + "<".length <= t3 && t3 <= e3.start + "<".length + n3.length;
}(s2, r2, s2.tag))
return null;
var a2 = [], l2 = {start: e2.positionAt(s2.start + "<".length), end: e2.positionAt(s2.start + "<".length + s2.tag.length)};
if (a2.push({range: l2, newText: n2}), s2.endTagStart) {
var c2 = {start: e2.positionAt(s2.endTagStart + "</".length), end: e2.positionAt(s2.endTagStart + "</".length + s2.tag.length)};
a2.push({range: c2, newText: n2});
return {changes: ((o2 = {})[e2.uri.toString()] = a2, o2)};
function Tt(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e2.offsetAt(t2), o2 = n2.findNodeAt(i2);
if (!o2.tag)
return null;
if (!o2.endTagStart)
return null;
if (o2.start + "<".length <= i2 && i2 <= o2.start + "<".length + o2.tag.length) {
var r2 = i2 - "<".length - o2.start + o2.endTagStart + "</".length;
return e2.positionAt(r2);
if (o2.endTagStart + "</".length <= i2 && i2 <= o2.endTagStart + "</".length + o2.tag.length) {
r2 = i2 - "</".length - o2.endTagStart + o2.start + "<".length;
return e2.positionAt(r2);
return null;
function Lt(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e2.offsetAt(t2), o2 = n2.findNodeAt(i2), r2 = o2.tag ? o2.tag.length : 0;
return o2.endTagStart && (o2.start + "<".length <= i2 && i2 <= o2.start + "<".length + r2 || o2.endTagStart + "</".length <= i2 && i2 <= o2.endTagStart + "</".length + r2) ? [a.create(e2.positionAt(o2.start + "<".length), e2.positionAt(o2.start + "<".length + r2)), a.create(e2.positionAt(o2.endTagStart + "</".length), e2.positionAt(o2.endTagStart + "</".length + r2))] : null;
function Nt(e2, t2) {
var n2 = Ie(e2.getText()), i2 = n2.scan(), o2 = [], r2 = [], s2 = null, a2 = -1;
function l2(e3) {
o2.push(e3), a2 = e3.startLine;
for (; i2 !== se.EOS; ) {
switch (i2) {
case se.StartTag:
var c2 = n2.getTokenText(), d2 = e2.positionAt(n2.getTokenOffset()).line;
r2.push({startLine: d2, tagName: c2}), s2 = c2;
case se.EndTag:
s2 = n2.getTokenText();
case se.StartTagClose:
if (!s2 || !Ae(s2))
case se.EndTagClose:
case se.StartTagSelfClose:
for (var h2 = r2.length - 1; h2 >= 0 && r2[h2].tagName !== s2; )
if (h2 >= 0) {
var u2 = r2[h2];
r2.length = h2, (g2 = e2.positionAt(n2.getTokenOffset()).line - 1) > (d2 = u2.startLine) && a2 !== d2 && l2({startLine: d2, endLine: g2});
case se.Comment:
d2 = e2.positionAt(n2.getTokenOffset()).line;
var m2 = n2.getTokenText().match(/^\s*#(region\b)|(endregion\b)/);
if (m2)
if (m2[1])
r2.push({startLine: d2, tagName: ""});
else {
for (h2 = r2.length - 1; h2 >= 0 && r2[h2].tagName.length; )
if (h2 >= 0) {
var g2;
u2 = r2[h2];
r2.length = h2, (g2 = d2) > (d2 = u2.startLine) && a2 !== d2 && l2({startLine: d2, endLine: g2, kind: p.Region});
d2 < (g2 = e2.positionAt(n2.getTokenOffset() + n2.getTokenLength()).line) && l2({startLine: d2, endLine: g2, kind: p.Comment});
i2 = n2.scan();
var f2 = t2 && t2.rangeLimit || Number.MAX_VALUE;
return o2.length > f2 ? function(e3, t3) {
e3 = e3.sort(function(e4, t4) {
var n4 = e4.startLine - t4.startLine;
return 0 === n4 && (n4 = e4.endLine - t4.endLine), n4;
for (var n3 = void 0, i3 = [], o3 = [], r3 = [], s3 = function(e4, t4) {
o3[e4] = t4, t4 < 30 && (r3[t4] = (r3[t4] || 0) + 1);
}, a3 = 0; a3 < e3.length; a3++) {
var l3 = e3[a3];
if (n3) {
if (l3.startLine > n3.startLine) {
if (l3.endLine <= n3.endLine)
i3.push(n3), n3 = l3, s3(a3, i3.length);
else if (l3.startLine > n3.endLine) {
do {
n3 = i3.pop();
} while (n3 && l3.startLine > n3.endLine);
n3 && i3.push(n3), n3 = l3, s3(a3, i3.length);
} else
n3 = l3, s3(a3, 0);
var c3 = 0, d3 = 0;
for (a3 = 0; a3 < r3.length; a3++) {
var h3 = r3[a3];
if (h3) {
if (h3 + c3 > t3) {
d3 = a3;
c3 += h3;
var u3 = [];
for (a3 = 0; a3 < e3.length; a3++) {
var p2 = o3[a3];
"number" == typeof p2 && (p2 < d3 || p2 === d3 && c3++ < t3) && u3.push(e3[a3]);
return u3;
}(o2, f2) : o2;
function It(e2, t2) {
return {
for (var n2 = function(e3, t4) {
var n3 = Me(e3.getText()), i3 = e3.offsetAt(t4), o3 = n3.findNodeAt(i3), r3 = function(e4) {
var t5 = e4, n4 = [];
for (; t5.parent; )
t5 = t5.parent, (i4 = t5, i4.startTagEnd && i4.endTagStart && i4.startTagEnd < i4.endTagStart ? [[i4.startTagEnd, i4.endTagStart], [i4.start, i4.end]] : [[i4.start, i4.end]]).forEach(function(e5) {
return n4.push(e5);
var i4;
return n4;
if (o3.startTagEnd && !o3.endTagStart) {
if (o3.startTagEnd !== o3.end)
return [[o3.start, o3.end]];
var s3 = a.create(e3.positionAt(o3.startTagEnd - 2), e3.positionAt(o3.startTagEnd));
"/>" === e3.getText(s3) ? r3.unshift([o3.start + 1, o3.startTagEnd - 2]) : r3.unshift([o3.start + 1, o3.startTagEnd - 1]);
var l2 = Ot(e3, o3, i3);
return r3 = l2.concat(r3);
if (!o3.startTagEnd || !o3.endTagStart)
return r3;
if (r3.unshift([o3.start, o3.end]), o3.start < i3 && i3 < o3.startTagEnd) {
r3.unshift([o3.start + 1, o3.startTagEnd - 1]);
l2 = Ot(e3, o3, i3);
return r3 = l2.concat(r3);
return o3.startTagEnd <= i3 && i3 <= o3.endTagStart ? (r3.unshift([o3.startTagEnd, o3.endTagStart]), r3) : (i3 >= o3.endTagStart + 2 && r3.unshift([o3.endTagStart + 2, o3.end - 1]), r3);
}(e2, t3), i2 = void 0, o2 = void 0, r2 = n2.length - 1; r2 >= 0; r2--) {
var s2 = n2[r2];
i2 && s2[0] === i2[0] && s2[1] === i2[1] || (o2 = ee.create(a.create(e2.positionAt(n2[r2][0]), e2.positionAt(n2[r2][1])), o2)), i2 = s2;
return o2 || (o2 = ee.create(a.create(t3, t3))), o2;
function Ot(e2, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = a.create(e2.positionAt(t2.start), e2.positionAt(t2.end)), o2 = e2.getText(i2), r2 = n2 - t2.start, s2 = Ie(o2), l2 = s2.scan(), c2 = t2.start, d2 = [], h2 = false, u2 = -1; l2 !== se.EOS; ) {
switch (l2) {
case se.AttributeName:
if (r2 < s2.getTokenOffset()) {
h2 = false;
r2 <= s2.getTokenEnd() && d2.unshift([s2.getTokenOffset(), s2.getTokenEnd()]), h2 = true, u2 = s2.getTokenOffset();
case se.AttributeValue:
if (!h2)
var p2 = s2.getTokenText();
if (r2 < s2.getTokenOffset()) {
d2.push([u2, s2.getTokenEnd()]);
r2 >= s2.getTokenOffset() && r2 <= s2.getTokenEnd() && (d2.unshift([s2.getTokenOffset(), s2.getTokenEnd()]), ('"' === p2[0] && '"' === p2[p2.length - 1] || "'" === p2[0] && "'" === p2[p2.length - 1]) && r2 >= s2.getTokenOffset() + 1 && r2 <= s2.getTokenEnd() - 1 && d2.unshift([s2.getTokenOffset() + 1, s2.getTokenEnd() - 1]), d2.push([u2, s2.getTokenEnd()]));
l2 = s2.scan();
return {
return [e3[0] + c2, e3[1] + c2];
var Dt = {version: 1.1, tags: [{name: "html", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The html element represents the root of an HTML document."}, attributes: [{name: "manifest", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Specifies the URI of a resource manifest indicating resources that should be cached locally. See [Using the application cache]( for details."}}, {name: "version", description: 'Specifies the version of the HTML [Document Type Definition]( "Document Type Definition: In HTML, the doctype is the required "<!DOCTYPE html>" preamble found at the top of all documents. Its sole purpose is to prevent a browser from switching into so-called “quirks mode” when rendering a document; that is, the "<!DOCTYPE html>" doctype ensures that the browser makes a best-effort attempt at following the relevant specifications, rather than using a different rendering mode that is incompatible with some specifications.") that governs the current document. This attribute is not needed, because it is redundant with the version information in the document type declaration.'}, {name: "xmlns", description: 'Specifies the XML Namespace of the document. Default value is `""`. This is required in documents parsed with XML parsers, and optional in text/html documents.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "head", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The head element represents a collection of metadata for the Document."}, attributes: [{name: "profile", description: "The URIs of one or more metadata profiles, separated by white space."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "title", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The title element represents the document's title or name. Authors should use titles that identify their documents even when they are used out of context, for example in a user's history or bookmarks, or in search results. The document's title is often different from its first heading, since the first heading does not have to stand alone when taken out of context."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "base", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The base element allows authors to specify the document base URL for the purposes of resolving relative URLs, and the name of the default browsing context for the purposes of following hyperlinks. The element does not represent any content beyond this information."}, attributes: [{name: "href", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The base URL to be used throughout the document for relative URL addresses. If this attribute is specified, this element must come before any other elements with attributes whose values are URLs. Absolute and relative URLs are allowed."}}, {name: "target", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A name or keyword indicating the default location to display the result when hyperlinks or forms cause navigation, for elements that do not have an explicit target reference. It is a name of, or keyword for, a _browsing context_ (for example: tab, window, or inline frame). The following keywords have special meanings:\n\n* `_self`: Load the result into the same browsing context as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified.\n* `_blank`: Load the result into a new unnamed browsing context.\n* `_parent`: Load the result into the parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as `_self`.\n* `_top`: Load the result into the top-level browsing context (that is, the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as `_self`.\n\nIf this attribute is specified, this element must come before any other elements with attributes whose values are URLs."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "link", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The link element allows authors to link their document to other resources."}, attributes: [{name: "href", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute specifies the [URL]( "URL: Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a text string specifying where a resource can be found on the Internet.") of the linked resource. A URL can be absolute or relative.'}}, {name: "crossorigin", valueSet: "xo", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This enumerated attribute indicates whether [CORS]( "CORS: CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a system, consisting of transmitting HTTP headers, that determines whether browsers block frontend JavaScript code from accessing responses for cross-origin requests.") must be used when fetching the resource. [CORS-enabled images]( can be reused in the [`<canvas>`]( "Use the HTML <canvas> element with either the canvas scripting API or the WebGL API to draw graphics and animations.") element without being _tainted_. The allowed values are:\n\n`anonymous`\n\nA cross-origin request (i.e. with an [`Origin`]( "The Origin request header indicates where a fetch originates from. It doesn\'t include any path information, but only the server name. It is sent with CORS requests, as well as with POST requests. It is similar to the Referer header, but, unlike this header, it doesn\'t disclose the whole path.") HTTP header) is performed, but no credential is sent (i.e. no cookie, X.509 certificate, or HTTP Basic authentication). If the server does not give credentials to the origin site (by not setting the [`Access-Control-Allow-Origin`]( "The Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header indicates whether the response can be shared with requesting code from the given origin.") HTTP header) the image will be tainted and its usage restricted.\n\n`use-credentials`\n\nA cross-origin request (i.e. with an `Origin` HTTP header) is performed along with a credential sent (i.e. a cookie, certificate, and/or HTTP Basic authentication is performed). If the server does not give credentials to the origin site (through [`Access-Control-Allow-Credentials`]( "The Access-Control-Allow-Credentials response header tells browsers whether to expose the response to frontend JavaScript code when the request\'s credentials mode (Request.credentials) is "include".") HTTP header), the resource will be _tainted_ and its usage restricted.\n\nIf the attribute is not present, the resource is fetched without a [CORS]( "CORS: CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a system, consisting of transmitting HTTP headers, that determines whether browsers block frontend JavaScript code from accessing responses for cross-origin requests.") request (i.e. without sending the `Origin` HTTP header), preventing its non-tainted usage. If invalid, it is handled as if the enumerated keyword **anonymous** was used. See [CORS settings attributes]( for additional information.'}}, {name: "rel", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute names a relationship of the linked document to the current document. The attribute must be a space-separated list of the [link types values]("}}, {name: "media", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute specifies the media that the linked resource applies to. Its value must be a media type / [media query]( This attribute is mainly useful when linking to external stylesheets — it allows the user agent to pick the best adapted one for the device it runs on.\n\n**Notes:**\n\n* In HTML 4, this can only be a simple white-space-separated list of media description literals, i.e., [media types and groups](, where defined and allowed as values for this attribute, such as `print`, `screen`, `aural`, `braille`. HTML5 extended this to any kind of [media queries](, which are a superset of the allowed values of HTML 4.\n* Browsers not supporting [CSS3 Media Queries]( won't necessarily recognize the adequate link; do not forget to set fallback links, the restricted set of media queries defined in HTML 4."}}, {name: "hreflang", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute indicates the language of the linked resource. It is purely advisory. Allowed values are determined by [BCP47]( Use this attribute only if the [`href`]( attribute is present."}}, {name: "type", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute is used to define the type of the content linked to. The value of the attribute should be a MIME type such as **text/html**, **text/css**, and so on. The common use of this attribute is to define the type of stylesheet being referenced (such as **text/css**), but given that CSS is the only stylesheet language used on the web, not only is it possible to omit the `type` attribute, but is actually now recommended practice. It is also used on `rel="preload"` link types, to make sure the browser only downloads file types that it supports.'}}, {name: "sizes", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute defines the sizes of the icons for visual media contained in the resource. It must be present only if the [`rel`]( contains a value of `icon` or a non-standard type such as Apple's `apple-touch-icon`. It may have the following values:\n\n* `any`, meaning that the icon can be scaled to any size as it is in a vector format, like `image/svg+xml`.\n* a white-space separated list of sizes, each in the format `_<width in pixels>_x_<height in pixels>_` or `_<width in pixels>_X_<height in pixels>_`. Each of these sizes must be contained in the resource.\n\n**Note:** Most icon formats are only able to store one single icon; therefore most of the time the [`sizes`]( contains only one entry. MS's ICO format does, as well as Apple's ICNS. ICO is more ubiquitous; you should definitely use it."}}, {name: "as", description: 'This attribute is only used when `rel="preload"` or `rel="prefetch"` has been set on the `<link>` element. It specifies the type of content being loaded by the `<link>`, which is necessary for content prioritization, request matching, application of correct [content security policy](, and setting of correct [`Accept`]( "The Accept request HTTP header advertises which content types, expressed as MIME types, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server then selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header. Browsers set adequate values for this header depending on the context where the request is done: when fetching a CSS stylesheet a different value is set for the request than when fetching an image, video or a script.") request header.'}, {name: "importance", description: "Indicates the relative importance of the resource. Priority hints are delegated using the values:"}, {name: "importance", description: '**`auto`**: Indicates **no preference**. The browser may use its own heuristics to decide the priority of the resource.\n\n**`high`**: Indicates to the browser that the resource is of **high** priority.\n\n**`low`**: Indicates to the browser that the resource is of **low** priority.\n\n**Note:** The `importance` attribute may only be used for the `<link>` element if `rel="preload"` or `rel="prefetch"` is present.'}, {name: "integrity", description: "Contains inline metadata — a base64-encoded cryptographic hash of the resource (file) youre telling the browser to fetch. The browser can use this to verify that the fetched resource has been delivered free of unexpected manipulation. See [Subresource Integrity]("}, {name: "referrerpolicy", description: 'A string indicating which referrer to use when fetching the resource:\n\n* `no-referrer` means that the [`Referer`]( "The Referer request header contains the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. The Referer header allows servers to identify where people are visiting them from and may use that data for analytics, logging, or optimized caching, for example.") header will not be sent.\n* `no-referrer-when-downgrade` means that no [`Referer`]( "The Referer request header contains the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. The Referer header allows servers to identify where people are visiting them from and may use that data for analytics, logging, or optimized caching, for example.") header will be sent when navigating to an origin without TLS (HTTPS). This is a user agents default behavior, if no policy is otherwise specified.\n* `origin` means that the referrer will be the origin of the page, which is roughly the scheme, the host, and the port.\n* `origin-when-cross-origin` means that navigating to other origins will be limited to the scheme, the host, and the port, while navigating on the same origin will include the referrer\'s path.\n* `unsafe-url` means that the referrer will include the origin and the path (but not the fragment, password, or username). This case is unsafe because it can leak origins and paths from TLS-protected resources to insecure origins.'}, {name: "title", description: 'The `title` attribute has special semantics on the `<link>` element. When used on a `<link rel="stylesheet">` it defines a [preferred or an alternate stylesheet]( Incorrectly using it may [cause the stylesheet to be ignored]('}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "meta", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The meta element represents various kinds of metadata that cannot be expressed using the title, base, link, style, and script elements."}, attributes: [{name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute defines the name of a piece of document-level metadata. It should not be set if one of the attributes [`itemprop`](, [`http-equiv`]( or [`charset`]( is also set.\n\nThis metadata name is associated with the value contained by the [`content`]( attribute. The possible values for the name attribute are:\n\n* `application-name` which defines the name of the application running in the web page.\n \n **Note:**\n \n * Browsers may use this to identify the application. It is different from the [`<title>`]( "The HTML Title element (<title>) defines the document\'s title that is shown in a browser\'s title bar or a page\'s tab.") element, which usually contain the application name, but may also contain information like the document name or a status.\n * Simple web pages shouldn\'t define an application-name.\n \n* `author` which defines the name of the document\'s author.\n* `description` which contains a short and accurate summary of the content of the page. Several browsers, like Firefox and Opera, use this as the default description of bookmarked pages.\n* `generator` which contains the identifier of the software that generated the page.\n* `keywords` which contains words relevant to the page\'s content separated by commas.\n* `referrer` which controls the [`Referer` HTTP header]( attached to requests sent from the document:\n \n Values for the `content` attribute of `<meta name="referrer">`\n \n `no-referrer`\n \n Do not send a HTTP `Referrer` header.\n \n `origin`\n \n Send the [origin]( of the document.\n \n `no-referrer-when-downgrade`\n \n Send the [origin]( as a referrer to URLs as secure as the current page, (https→https), but does not send a referrer to less secure URLs (https→http). This is the default behaviour.\n \n `origin-when-cross-origin`\n \n Send the full URL (stripped of parameters) for same-origin requests, but only send the [origin]( for other cases.\n \n `same-origin`\n \n A referrer will be sent for [same-site origins](, but cross-origin requests will contain no referrer information.\n \n `strict-origin`\n \n Only send the origin of the document as the referrer to a-priori as-much-secure destination (HTTPS->HTTPS), but don\'t send it to a less secure destination (HTTPS->HTTP).\n \n `strict-origin-when-cross-origin`\n \n Send a full URL when performing a same-origin request, only send the origin of the document to a-priori as-much-secure destination (HTTPS->HTTPS), and send no header to a less secure destination (HTTPS->HTTP).\n \n `unsafe-URL`\n \n Send the full URL (stripped of parameters) for same-origin or cross-origin requests.\n \n **Notes:**\n \n * Some browsers support the deprecated values of `always`, `default`, and `never` for referrer.\n * Dynamically inserting `<meta name="referrer">` (with [`document.write`]( or [`appendChild`]( makes the referrer behaviour unpredictable.\n * When several conflicting policies are defined, the no-referrer policy is applied.\n \n\nThis attribute may also have a value taken from the extended list defined on [WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions page]( Although none have been formally accepted yet, a few commonly used names are:\n\n* `creator` which defines the name of the creator of the document, such as an organization or institution. If there are more than one, several [`<meta>`]( "The HTML <meta> element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>.") elements should be used.\n* `googlebot`, a synonym of `robots`, is only followed by Googlebot (the indexing crawler for Google).\n* `publisher` which defines the name of the document\'s publisher.\n* `robots` which defines the behaviour that cooperative crawlers, or "robots", should use with the page. It is a comma-separated list of the values below:\n \n Values for the content of `<meta name="robots">`\n \n Value\n \n Description\n \n Used by\n \n `index`\n \n Allows the robot to index the page (default).\n \n All\n \n `noindex`\n \n Requests the robot to not index the page.\n \n All\n \n `follow`\n \n Allows the robot to follow the links on the page (default).\n \n All\n \n `nofollow`\n \n Requests the robot to not follow the links on the page.\n \n All\n \n `none`\n \n Equivalent to `noindex, nofollow`\n \n [Google](\n \n `noodp`\n \n Prevents using the [Open Directory Project]( description, if any, as the page description in search engine results.\n \n [Google](, [Yahoo](, [Bing](\n \n `noarchive`\n \n Requests the search engine not to cache the page content.\n \n [Google](, [Yahoo](, [Bing](\n \n `nosnippet`\n \n Prevents displaying any description of the page in search engine results.\n \n [Google](, [Bing](\n \n `noimageindex`\n \n Requests this page not to appear as the referring page of an indexed image.\n \n [Google](\n \n `nocache`\n \n Synonym of `noarchive`.\n \n [Bing](\n \n **Notes:**\n \n * Only cooperative robots follow these rules. Do not expect to prevent e-mail harvesters with them.\n * The robot still needs to access the page in order to read these rules. To prevent bandwidth consumption, use a _[robots.txt]( "robots.txt: Robots.txt is a file which is usually placed in the root of any website. It decides whether crawlers are permitted or forbidden access to the web site.")_ file.\n * If you want to remove a page, `noindex` will work, but only after the robot visits the page again. Ensure that the `robots.txt` file is not preventing revisits.\n * Some values are mutually exclusive, like `index` and `noindex`, or `follow` and `nofollow`. In these cases the robot\'s behaviour is undefined and may vary between them.\n * Some crawler robots, like Google, Yahoo and Bing, support the same values for the HTTP header `X-Robots-Tag`; this allows non-HTML documents like images to use these rules.\n \n* `slurp`, is a synonym of `robots`, but only for Slurp - the crawler for Yahoo Search.\n* `viewport`, which gives hints about the size of the initial size of the [viewport]( "viewport: A viewport represents a polygonal (normally rectangular) area in computer graphics that is currently being viewed. In web browser terms, it refers to the part of the document you\'re viewing which is currently visible in its window (or the screen, if the document is being viewed in full screen mode). Content outside the viewport is not visible onscreen until scrolled into view."). Used by mobile devices only.\n \n Values for the content of `<meta name="viewport">`\n \n Value\n \n Possible subvalues\n \n Description\n \n `width`\n \n A positive integer number, or the text `device-width`\n \n Defines the pixel width of the viewport that you want the web site to be rendered at.\n \n `height`\n \n A positive integer, or the text `device-height`\n \n Defines the height of the viewport. Not used by any browser.\n \n `initial-scale`\n \n A positive number between `0.0` and `10.0`\n \n Defines the ratio between the device width (`device-width` in portrait mode or `device-height` in landscape mode) and the viewport size.\n \n `maximum-scale`\n \n A positive number between `0.0` and `10.0`\n \n Defines the maximum amount to zoom in. It must be greater or equal to the `minimum-scale` or the behaviour is undefined. Browser settings can ignore this rule and iOS10+ ignores it by default.\n \n `minimum-scale`\n \n A positive number between `0.0` and `10.0`\n \n Defines the minimum zoom level. It must be smaller or equal to the `maximum-scale` or the behaviour is undefined. Browser settings can ignore this rule and iOS10+ ignores it by default.\n \n `user-scalable`\n \n `yes` or `no`\n \n If set to `no`, the user is not able to zoom in the webpage. The default is `yes`. Browser settings can ignore this rule, and iOS10+ ignores it by default.\n \n Specification\n \n Status\n \n Comment\n \n [CSS Device Adaptation \n The definition of \'<meta name="viewport">\' in that specification.](\n \n Working Draft\n \n Non-normatively describes the Viewport META element\n \n See also: [`@viewport`]( "The @viewport CSS at-rule lets you configure the viewport through which the document is viewed. It\'s primarily used for mobile devices, but is also used by desktop browsers that support features like "snap to edge" (such as Microsoft Edge).")\n \n **Notes:**\n \n * Though unstandardized, this declaration is respected by most mobile browsers due to de-facto dominance.\n * The default values may vary between devices and browsers.\n * To learn about this declaration in Firefox for Mobile, see [this article]( "Mobile/Viewport meta tag").'}}, {name: "http-equiv", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Defines a pragma directive. The attribute is named `**http-equiv**(alent)` because all the allowed values are names of particular HTTP headers:\n\n* `"content-language"` \n Defines the default language of the page. It can be overridden by the [lang]( attribute on any element.\n \n **Warning:** Do not use this value, as it is obsolete. Prefer the `lang` attribute on the [`<html>`]( "The HTML <html> element represents the root (top-level element) of an HTML document, so it is also referred to as the root element. All other elements must be descendants of this element.") element.\n \n* `"content-security-policy"` \n Allows page authors to define a [content policy]( for the current page. Content policies mostly specify allowed server origins and script endpoints which help guard against cross-site scripting attacks.\n* `"content-type"` \n Defines the [MIME type]( of the document, followed by its character encoding. It follows the same syntax as the HTTP `content-type` entity-header field, but as it is inside a HTML page, most values other than `text/html` are impossible. Therefore the valid syntax for its `content` is the string \'`text/html`\' followed by a character set with the following syntax: \'`; charset=_IANAcharset_`\', where `IANAcharset` is the _preferred MIME name_ for a character set as [defined by the IANA.](\n \n **Warning:** Do not use this value, as it is obsolete. Use the [`charset`]( attribute on the [`<meta>`]( "The HTML <meta> element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>.") element.\n \n **Note:** As [`<meta>`]( "The HTML <meta> element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>.") can\'t change documents\' types in XHTML or HTML5\'s XHTML serialization, never set the MIME type to an XHTML MIME type with `<meta>`.\n \n* `"refresh"` \n This instruction specifies:\n * The number of seconds until the page should be reloaded - only if the [`content`]( attribute contains a positive integer.\n * The number of seconds until the page should redirect to another - only if the [`content`]( attribute contains a positive integer followed by the string \'`;url=`\', and a valid URL.\n* `"set-cookie"` \n Defines a [cookie]( for the page. Its content must follow the syntax defined in the [IETF HTTP Cookie Specification](\n \n **Warning:** Do not use this instruction, as it is obsolete. Use the HTTP header [`Set-Cookie`]( instead.'}}, {name: "content", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute contains the value for the [`http-equiv`]( or [`name`]( attribute, depending on which is used."}}, {name: "charset", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute declares the page\'s character encoding. It must contain a [standard IANA MIME name for character encodings]( Although the standard doesn\'t request a specific encoding, it suggests:\n\n* Authors are encouraged to use [`UTF-8`](\n* Authors should not use ASCII-incompatible encodings to avoid security risk: browsers not supporting them may interpret harmful content as HTML. This happens with the `JIS_C6226-1983`, `JIS_X0212-1990`, `HZ-GB-2312`, `JOHAB`, the ISO-2022 family and the EBCDIC family.\n\n**Note:** ASCII-incompatible encodings are those that don\'t map the 8-bit code points `0x20` to `0x7E` to the `0x0020` to `0x007E` Unicode code points)\n\n* Authors **must not** use `CESU-8`, `UTF-7`, `BOCU-1` and/or `SCSU` as [cross-site scripting]( attacks with these encodings have been demonstrated.\n* Authors should not use `UTF-32` because not all HTML5 encoding algorithms can distinguish it from `UTF-16`.\n\n**Notes:**\n\n* The declared character encoding must match the one the page was saved with to avoid garbled characters and security holes.\n* The [`<meta>`]( "The HTML <meta> element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>.") element declaring the encoding must be inside the [`<head>`]( "The HTML <head> element provides general information (metadata) about the document, including its title and links to its scripts and style sheets.") element and **within the first 1024 bytes** of the HTML as some browsers only look at those bytes before choosing an encoding.\n* This [`<meta>`]( "The HTML <meta> element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>.") element is only one part of the [algorithm to determine a page\'s character set]( "Algorithm charset page"). The [`Content-Type` header]( and any [Byte-Order Marks]( "The definition of that term (Byte-Order Marks) has not been written yet; please consider contributing it!") override this element.\n* It is strongly recommended to define the character encoding. If a page\'s encoding is undefined, cross-scripting techniques are possible, such as the [`UTF-7` fallback cross-scripting technique](\n* The [`<meta>`]( "The HTML <meta> element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>.") element with a `charset` attribute is a synonym for the pre-HTML5 `<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=_IANAcharset_">`, where _`IANAcharset`_ contains the value of the equivalent [`charset`]( attribute. This syntax is still allowed, although no longer recommended.'}}, {name: "scheme", description: "This attribute defines the scheme in which metadata is described. A scheme is a context leading to the correct interpretations of the [`content`]( value, like a format.\n\n**Warning:** Do not use this value, as it is obsolete. There is no replacement as there was no real usage for it."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "style", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The style element allows authors to embed style information in their documents. The style element is one of several inputs to the styling processing model. The element does not represent content for the user."}, attributes: [{name: "media", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute defines which media the style should be applied to. Its value is a [media query](, which defaults to `all` if the attribute is missing."}}, {name: "nonce", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A cryptographic nonce (number used once) used to whitelist inline styles in a [style-src Content-Security-Policy]( The server must generate a unique nonce value each time it transmits a policy. It is critical to provide a nonce that cannot be guessed as bypassing a resources policy is otherwise trivial."}}, {name: "type", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute defines the styling language as a MIME type (charset should not be specified). This attribute is optional and defaults to `text/css` if it is not specified — there is very little reason to include this in modern web documents."}}, {name: "scoped", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "title", description: "This attribute specifies [alternative style sheet]( sets."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "body", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The body element represents the content of the document."}, attributes: [{name: "onafterprint", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call after the user has printed the document."}}, {name: "onbeforeprint", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call when the user requests printing of the document."}}, {name: "onbeforeunload", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call when the document is about to be unloaded."}}, {name: "onhashchange", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call when the fragment identifier part (starting with the hash (`'#'`) character) of the document's current address has changed."}}, {name: "onlanguagechange", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call when the preferred languages changed."}}, {name: "onmessage", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call when the document has received a message."}}, {name: "onoffline", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call when network communication has failed."}}, {name: "ononline", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call when network communication has been restored."}}, {name: "onpagehide"}, {name: "onpageshow"}, {name: "onpopstate", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call when the user has navigated session history."}}, {name: "onstorage", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call when the storage area has changed."}}, {name: "onunload", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Function to call when the document is going away."}}, {name: "alink", description: 'Color of text for hyperlinks when selected. _This method is non-conforming, use CSS [`color`]( "The color CSS property sets the foreground color value of an element\'s text and text decorations, and sets the currentcolor value.") property in conjunction with the [`:active`]( "The :active CSS pseudo-class represents an element (such as a button) that is being activated by the user.") pseudo-class instead._'}, {name: "background", description: 'URI of a image to use as a background. _This method is non-conforming, use CSS [`background`]( "The background shorthand CSS property sets all background style properties at once, such as color, image, origin and size, or repeat method.") property on the element instead._'}, {name: "bgcolor", description: 'Background color for the document. _This method is non-conforming, use CSS [`background-color`]( "The background-color CSS property sets the background color of an element.") property on the element instead._'}, {name: "bottommargin", description: 'The margin of the bottom of the body. _This method is non-conforming, use CSS [`margin-bottom`]( "The margin-bottom CSS property sets the margin area on the bottom of an element. A positive value places it farther from its neighbors, while a negative value places it closer.") property on the element instead._'}, {name: "leftmargin", description: 'The margin of the left of the body. _This method is non-conforming, use CSS [`margin-left`]( "The margin-left CSS property sets the margin area on the left side of an element. A positive value places it farther from its neighbors, while a negative value places it closer.") property on the element instead._'}, {name: "link", description: 'Color of text for unvisited hypertext links. _This method is non-conforming, use CSS [`color`]( "The color CSS property sets the foreground color value of an element\'s text and text decorations, and sets the currentcolor value.") property in conjunction with the [`:link`]( "The :link CSS pseudo-class represents an element that has not yet been visited. It matches every unvisited <a>, <area>, or <link> element that has an href attribute.") pseudo-class instead._'}, {name: "onblur", description: "Function to call when the document loses focus."}, {name: "onerror", description: "Function to call when the document fails to load properly."}, {name: "onfocus", description: "Function to call when the document receives focus."}, {name: "onload", description: "Function to call when the document has finished loading."}, {name: "onredo", description: "Function to call when the user has moved forward in undo transaction history."}, {name: "onresize", description: "Function to call when the document has been resized."}, {name: "onundo", description: "Function to call when the user has moved backward in undo transaction history."}, {name: "rightmargin", description: 'The margin of the right of the body. _This method is non-conforming, use CSS [`margin-right`]( "The margin-right CSS property sets the margin area on the right side of an element. A positive value places it farther from its neighbors, while a negative value places it closer.") property on the element instead._'}, {name: "text", description: 'Foreground color of text. _This method is non-conforming, use CSS [`color`]( "The color CSS property sets the foreground color value of an element\'s text and text decorations, and sets the currentcolor value.") property on the element instead._'}, {name: "topmargin", description: 'The margin of the top of the body. _This method is non-conforming, use CSS [`margin-top`]( "The margin-top CSS property sets the margin area on the top of an element. A positive value places it farther from its neighbors, while a negative value places it closer.") property on the element instead._'}, {name: "vlink", description: 'Color of text for visited hypertext links. _This method is non-conforming, use CSS [`color`]( "The color CSS property sets the foreground color value of an element\'s text and text decorations, and sets the currentcolor value.") property in conjunction with the [`:visited`]( "The :visited CSS pseudo-class represents links that the user has already visited. For privacy reasons, the styles that can be modified using this selector are very limited.") pseudo-class instead._'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "article", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The article element represents a complete, or self-contained, composition in a document, page, application, or site and that is, in principle, independently distributable or reusable, e.g. in syndication. This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, a user-submitted comment, an interactive widget or gadget, or any other independent item of content. Each article should be identified, typically by including a heading (h1h6 element) as a child of the article element."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "section", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The section element represents a generic section of a document or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic grouping of content. Each section should be identified, typically by including a heading ( h1- h6 element) as a child of the section element."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "nav", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The nav element represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "aside", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The aside element represents a section of a page that consists of content that is tangentially related to the content around the aside element, and which could be considered separate from that content. Such sections are often represented as sidebars in printed typography."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "h1", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The h1 element represents a section heading."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "h2", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The h2 element represents a section heading."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "h3", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The h3 element represents a section heading."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "h4", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The h4 element represents a section heading."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "h5", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The h5 element represents a section heading."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "h6", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The h6 element represents a section heading."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "header", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The header element represents introductory content for its nearest ancestor sectioning content or sectioning root element. A header typically contains a group of introductory or navigational aids. When the nearest ancestor sectioning content or sectioning root element is the body element, then it applies to the whole page."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "footer", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The footer element represents a footer for its nearest ancestor sectioning content or sectioning root element. A footer typically contains information about its section such as who wrote it, links to related documents, copyright data, and the like."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "address", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element ancestor. If that is the body element, then the contact information applies to the document as a whole."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "p", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The p element represents a paragraph."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "hr", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The hr element represents a paragraph-level thematic break, e.g. a scene change in a story, or a transition to another topic within a section of a reference book."}, attributes: [{name: "align", description: "Sets the alignment of the rule on the page. If no value is specified, the default value is `left`."}, {name: "color", description: "Sets the color of the rule through color name or hexadecimal value."}, {name: "noshade", description: "Sets the rule to have no shading."}, {name: "size", description: "Sets the height, in pixels, of the rule."}, {name: "width", description: "Sets the length of the rule on the page through a pixel or percentage value."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "pre", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The pre element represents a block of preformatted text, in which structure is represented by typographic conventions rather than by elements."}, attributes: [{name: "cols", description: 'Contains the _preferred_ count of characters that a line should have. It was a non-standard synonym of [`width`]( To achieve such an effect, use CSS [`width`]( "The width CSS property sets an element\'s width. By default it sets the width of the content area, but if box-sizing is set to border-box, it sets the width of the border area.") instead.'}, {name: "width", description: 'Contains the _preferred_ count of characters that a line should have. Though technically still implemented, this attribute has no visual effect; to achieve such an effect, use CSS [`width`]( "The width CSS property sets an element\'s width. By default it sets the width of the content area, but if box-sizing is set to border-box, it sets the width of the border area.") instead.'}, {name: "wrap", description: 'Is a _hint_ indicating how the overflow must happen. In modern browser this hint is ignored and no visual effect results in its present; to achieve such an effect, use CSS [`white-space`]( "The white-space CSS property sets how white space inside an element is handled.") instead.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "blockquote", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The blockquote element represents content that is quoted from another source, optionally with a citation which must be within a footer or cite element, and optionally with in-line changes such as annotations and abbreviations."}, attributes: [{name: "cite", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A URL that designates a source document or message for the information quoted. This attribute is intended to point to information explaining the context or the reference for the quote."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "ol", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The ol element represents a list of items, where the items have been intentionally ordered, such that changing the order would change the meaning of the document."}, attributes: [{name: "reversed", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This Boolean attribute specifies that the items of the list are specified in reversed order."}}, {name: "start", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This integer attribute specifies the start value for numbering the individual list items. Although the ordering type of list elements might be Roman numerals, such as XXXI, or letters, the value of start is always represented as a number. To start numbering elements from the letter "C", use `<ol start="3">`.\n\n**Note**: This attribute was deprecated in HTML4, but reintroduced in HTML5.'}}, {name: "type", valueSet: "lt", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates the numbering type:\n\n* `'a'` indicates lowercase letters,\n* `'A'` indicates uppercase letters,\n* `'i'` indicates lowercase Roman numerals,\n* `'I'` indicates uppercase Roman numerals,\n* and `'1'` indicates numbers (default).\n\nThe type set is used for the entire list unless a different [`type`]( attribute is used within an enclosed [`<li>`]( \"The HTML <li> element is used to represent an item in a list. It must be contained in a parent element: an ordered list (<ol>), an unordered list (<ul>), or a menu (<menu>). In menus and unordered lists, list items are usually displayed using bullet points. In ordered lists, they are usually displayed with an ascending counter on the left, such as a number or letter.\") element.\n\n**Note:** This attribute was deprecated in HTML4, but reintroduced in HTML5.\n\nUnless the value of the list number matters (e.g. in legal or technical documents where items are to be referenced by their number/letter), the CSS [`list-style-type`]( \"The list-style-type CSS property sets the marker (such as a disc, character, or custom counter style) of a list item element.\") property should be used instead."}}, {name: "compact", description: 'This Boolean attribute hints that the list should be rendered in a compact style. The interpretation of this attribute depends on the user agent and it doesn\'t work in all browsers.\n\n**Warning:** Do not use this attribute, as it has been deprecated: the [`<ol>`]( "The HTML <ol> element represents an ordered list of items, typically rendered as a numbered list.") element should be styled using [CSS]( To give an effect similar to the `compact` attribute, the [CSS]( property [`line-height`]( "The line-height CSS property sets the amount of space used for lines, such as in text. On block-level elements, it specifies the minimum height of line boxes within the element. On non-replaced inline elements, it specifies the height that is used to calculate line box height.") can be used with a value of `80%`.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "ul", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The ul element represents a list of items, where the order of the items is not important — that is, where changing the order would not materially change the meaning of the document."}, attributes: [{name: "compact", description: 'This Boolean attribute hints that the list should be rendered in a compact style. The interpretation of this attribute depends on the user agent and it doesn\'t work in all browsers.\n\n**Usage note: **Do not use this attribute, as it has been deprecated: the [`<ul>`]( "The HTML <ul> element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.") element should be styled using [CSS]( To give a similar effect as the `compact` attribute, the [CSS]( property [line-height]( can be used with a value of `80%`.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "li", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The li element represents a list item. If its parent element is an ol, ul, or menu element, then the element is an item of the parent element's list, as defined for those elements. Otherwise, the list item has no defined list-related relationship to any other li element."}, attributes: [{name: "value", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This integer attribute indicates the current ordinal value of the list item as defined by the [`<ol>`]( "The HTML <ol> element represents an ordered list of items, typically rendered as a numbered list.") element. The only allowed value for this attribute is a number, even if the list is displayed with Roman numerals or letters. List items that follow this one continue numbering from the value set. The **value** attribute has no meaning for unordered lists ([`<ul>`]( "The HTML <ul> element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.")) or for menus ([`<menu>`]( "The HTML <menu> element represents a group of commands that a user can perform or activate. This includes both list menus, which might appear across the top of a screen, as well as context menus, such as those that might appear underneath a button after it has been clicked.")).\n\n**Note**: This attribute was deprecated in HTML4, but reintroduced in HTML5.\n\n**Note:** Prior to Gecko 9.0, negative values were incorrectly converted to 0. Starting in Gecko 9.0 all integer values are correctly parsed.'}}, {name: "type", description: 'This character attribute indicates the numbering type:\n\n* `a`: lowercase letters\n* `A`: uppercase letters\n* `i`: lowercase Roman numerals\n* `I`: uppercase Roman numerals\n* `1`: numbers\n\nThis type overrides the one used by its parent [`<ol>`]( "The HTML <ol> element represents an ordered list of items, typically rendered as a numbered list.") element, if any.\n\n**Usage note:** This attribute has been deprecated: use the CSS [`list-style-type`]( "The list-style-type CSS property sets the marker (such as a disc, character, or custom counter style) of a list item element.") property instead.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "dl", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The dl element represents an association list consisting of zero or more name-value groups (a description list). A name-value group consists of one or more names (dt elements) followed by one or more values (dd elements), ignoring any nodes other than dt and dd elements. Within a single dl element, there should not be more than one dt element for each name."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "dt", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The dt element represents the term, or name, part of a term-description group in a description list (dl element)."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "dd", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The dd element represents the description, definition, or value, part of a term-description group in a description list (dl element)."}, attributes: [{name: "nowrap", description: "If the value of this attribute is set to `yes`, the definition text will not wrap. The default value is `no`."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "figure", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The figure element represents some flow content, optionally with a caption, that is self-contained (like a complete sentence) and is typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "figcaption", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The figcaption element represents a caption or legend for the rest of the contents of the figcaption element's parent figure element, if any."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "main", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The main element represents the main content of the body of a document or application. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to or expands upon the central topic of a document or central functionality of an application."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "div", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The div element has no special meaning at all. It represents its children. It can be used with the class, lang, and title attributes to mark up semantics common to a group of consecutive elements."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "a", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "If the a element has an href attribute, then it represents a hyperlink (a hypertext anchor) labeled by its contents."}, attributes: [{name: "href", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Contains a URL or a URL fragment that the hyperlink points to."}}, {name: "target", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Specifies where to display the linked URL. It is a name of, or keyword for, a _browsing context_: a tab, window, or `<iframe>`. The following keywords have special meanings:\n\n* `_self`: Load the URL into the same browsing context as the current one. This is the default behavior.\n* `_blank`: Load the URL into a new browsing context. This is usually a tab, but users can configure browsers to use new windows instead.\n* `_parent`: Load the URL into the parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this behaves the same way as `_self`.\n* `_top`: Load the URL into the top-level browsing context (that is, the "highest" browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this behaves the same way as `_self`.\n\n**Note:** When using `target`, consider adding `rel="noreferrer"` to avoid exploitation of the `window.opener` API.\n\n**Note:** Linking to another page using `target="_blank"` will run the new page on the same process as your page. If the new page is executing expensive JS, your page\'s performance may suffer. To avoid this use `rel="noopener"`.'}}, {name: "download", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute instructs browsers to download a URL instead of navigating to it, so the user will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, it is used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt (the user can still change the file name if they want). There are no restrictions on allowed values, though `/` and `\\` are converted to underscores. Most file systems limit some punctuation in file names, and browsers will adjust the suggested name accordingly.\n\n**Notes:**\n\n* This attribute only works for [same-origin URLs](\n* Although HTTP(s) URLs need to be in the same-origin, [`blob:` URLs]( and [`data:` URLs]( are allowed so that content generated by JavaScript, such as pictures created in an image-editor Web app, can be downloaded.\n* If the HTTP header [`Content-Disposition:`]( gives a different filename than this attribute, the HTTP header takes priority over this attribute.\n* If `Content-Disposition:` is set to `inline`, Firefox prioritizes `Content-Disposition`, like the filename case, while Chrome prioritizes the `download` attribute."}}, {name: "ping", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Contains a space-separated list of URLs to which, when the hyperlink is followed, [`POST`]( "The HTTP POST method sends data to the server. The type of the body of the request is indicated by the Content-Type header.") requests with the body `PING` will be sent by the browser (in the background). Typically used for tracking.'}}, {name: "rel", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of [link types]("}}, {name: "hreflang", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute indicates the human language of the linked resource. It is purely advisory, with no built-in functionality. Allowed values are determined by [BCP47]( "Tags for Identifying Languages").'}}, {name: "type", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Specifies the media type in the form of a [MIME type]( "MIME type: A MIME type (now properly called "media type", but also sometimes "content type") is a string sent along with a file indicating the type of the file (describing the content format, for example, a sound file might be labeled audio/ogg, or an image file image/png).") for the linked URL. It is purely advisory, with no built-in functionality.'}}, {name: "referrerpolicy", description: "Indicates which [referrer]( to send when fetching the URL:\n\n* `'no-referrer'` means the `Referer:` header will not be sent.\n* `'no-referrer-when-downgrade'` means no `Referer:` header will be sent when navigating to an origin without HTTPS. This is the default behavior.\n* `'origin'` means the referrer will be the [origin]( of the page, not including information after the domain.\n* `'origin-when-cross-origin'` meaning that navigations to other origins will be limited to the scheme, the host and the port, while navigations on the same origin will include the referrer's path.\n* `'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'`\n* `'unsafe-url'` means the referrer will include the origin and path, but not the fragment, password, or username. This is unsafe because it can leak data from secure URLs to insecure ones."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "em", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The em element represents stress emphasis of its contents."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "strong", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The strong element represents strong importance, seriousness, or urgency for its contents."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "small", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The small element represents side comments such as small print."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "s", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The s element represents contents that are no longer accurate or no longer relevant."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "cite", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The cite element represents a reference to a creative work. It must include the title of the work or the name of the author(person, people or organization) or an URL reference, or a reference in abbreviated form as per the conventions used for the addition of citation metadata."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "q", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The q element represents some phrasing content quoted from another source."}, attributes: [{name: "cite", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The value of this attribute is a URL that designates a source document or message for the information quoted. This attribute is intended to point to information explaining the context or the reference for the quote."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "dfn", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The dfn element represents the defining instance of a term. The paragraph, description list group, or section that is the nearest ancestor of the dfn element must also contain the definition(s) for the term given by the dfn element."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "abbr", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The abbr element represents an abbreviation or acronym, optionally with its expansion. The title attribute may be used to provide an expansion of the abbreviation. The attribute, if specified, must contain an expansion of the abbreviation, and nothing else."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "ruby", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The ruby element allows one or more spans of phrasing content to be marked with ruby annotations. Ruby annotations are short runs of text presented alongside base text, primarily used in East Asian typography as a guide for pronunciation or to include other annotations. In Japanese, this form of typography is also known as furigana. Ruby text can appear on either side, and sometimes both sides, of the base text, and it is possible to control its position using CSS. A more complete introduction to ruby can be found in the Use Cases & Exploratory Approaches for Ruby Markup document as well as in CSS Ruby Module Level 1. [RUBY-UC] [CSSRUBY]"}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "rb", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The rb element marks the base text component of a ruby annotation. When it is the child of a ruby element, it doesn't represent anything itself, but its parent ruby element uses it as part of determining what it represents."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "rt", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The rt element marks the ruby text component of a ruby annotation. When it is the child of a ruby element or of an rtc element that is itself the child of a ruby element, it doesn't represent anything itself, but its ancestor ruby element uses it as part of determining what it represents."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "rp", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The rp element is used to provide fallback text to be shown by user agents that don't support ruby annotations. One widespread convention is to provide parentheses around the ruby text component of a ruby annotation."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "time", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The time element represents its contents, along with a machine-readable form of those contents in the datetime attribute. The kind of content is limited to various kinds of dates, times, time-zone offsets, and durations, as described below."}, attributes: [{name: "datetime", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute indicates the time and/or date of the element and must be in one of the formats described below."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "code", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The code element represents a fragment of computer code. This could be an XML element name, a file name, a computer program, or any other string that a computer would recognize."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "var", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The var element represents a variable. This could be an actual variable in a mathematical expression or programming context, an identifier representing a constant, a symbol identifying a physical quantity, a function parameter, or just be a term used as a placeholder in prose."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "samp", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The samp element represents sample or quoted output from another program or computing system."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "kbd", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The kbd element represents user input (typically keyboard input, although it may also be used to represent other input, such as voice commands)."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "sub", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The sub element represents a subscript."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "sup", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The sup element represents a superscript."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "i", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The i element represents a span of text in an alternate voice or mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose in a manner indicating a different quality of text, such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase from another language, transliteration, a thought, or a ship name in Western texts."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "b", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The b element represents a span of text to which attention is being drawn for utilitarian purposes without conveying any extra importance and with no implication of an alternate voice or mood, such as key words in a document abstract, product names in a review, actionable words in interactive text-driven software, or an article lede."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "u", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The u element represents a span of text with an unarticulated, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation, such as labeling the text as being a proper name in Chinese text (a Chinese proper name mark), or labeling the text as being misspelt."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "mark", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The mark element represents a run of text in one document marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context. When used in a quotation or other block of text referred to from the prose, it indicates a highlight that was not originally present but which has been added to bring the reader's attention to a part of the text that might not have been considered important by the original author when the block was originally written, but which is now under previously unexpected scrutiny. When used in the main prose of a document, it indicates a part of the document that has been highlighted due to its likely relevance to the user's current activity."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "bdi", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The bdi element represents a span of text that is to be isolated from its surroundings for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting. [BIDI]"}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "bdo", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The bdo element represents explicit text directionality formatting control for its children. It allows authors to override the Unicode bidirectional algorithm by explicitly specifying a direction override. [BIDI]"}, attributes: [{name: "dir", description: "The direction in which text should be rendered in this element's contents. Possible values are:\n\n* `ltr`: Indicates that the text should go in a left-to-right direction.\n* `rtl`: Indicates that the text should go in a right-to-left direction."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "span", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The span element doesn't mean anything on its own, but can be useful when used together with the global attributes, e.g. class, lang, or dir. It represents its children."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "br", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The br element represents a line break."}, attributes: [{name: "clear", description: "Indicates where to begin the next line after the break."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "wbr", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The wbr element represents a line break opportunity."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "ins", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The ins element represents an addition to the document."}, attributes: [{name: "cite", description: "This attribute defines the URI of a resource that explains the change, such as a link to meeting minutes or a ticket in a troubleshooting system."}, {name: "datetime", description: 'This attribute indicates the time and date of the change and must be a valid date with an optional time string. If the value cannot be parsed as a date with an optional time string, the element does not have an associated time stamp. For the format of the string without a time, see [Format of a valid date string]( "Certain HTML elements use date and/or time values. The formats of the strings that specify these are described in this article.") in [Date and time formats used in HTML]( "Certain HTML elements use date and/or time values. The formats of the strings that specify these are described in this article."). The format of the string if it includes both date and time is covered in [Format of a valid local date and time string]( "Certain HTML elements use date and/or time values. The formats of the strings that specify these are described in this article.") in [Date and time formats used in HTML]( "Certain HTML elements use date and/or time values. The formats of the strings that specify these are described in this article.").'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "del", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The del element represents a removal from the document."}, attributes: [{name: "cite", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A URI for a resource that explains the change (for example, meeting minutes)."}}, {name: "datetime", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute indicates the time and date of the change and must be a valid date string with an optional time. If the value cannot be parsed as a date with an optional time string, the element does not have an associated time stamp. For the format of the string without a time, see [Format of a valid date string]( "Certain HTML elements use date and/or time values. The formats of the strings that specify these are described in this article.") in [Date and time formats used in HTML]( "Certain HTML elements use date and/or time values. The formats of the strings that specify these are described in this article."). The format of the string if it includes both date and time is covered in [Format of a valid local date and time string]( "Certain HTML elements use date and/or time values. The formats of the strings that specify these are described in this article.") in [Date and time formats used in HTML]( "Certain HTML elements use date and/or time values. The formats of the strings that specify these are described in this article.").'}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "picture", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The picture element is a container which provides multiple sources to its contained img element to allow authors to declaratively control or give hints to the user agent about which image resource to use, based on the screen pixel density, viewport size, image format, and other factors. It represents its children."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "img", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An img element represents an image."}, attributes: [{name: "alt", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute defines an alternative text description of the image.\n\n**Note:** Browsers do not always display the image referenced by the element. This is the case for non-graphical browsers (including those used by people with visual impairments), if the user chooses not to display images, or if the browser cannot display the image because it is invalid or an [unsupported type](#Supported_image_formats). In these cases, the browser may replace the image with the text defined in this element\'s `alt` attribute. You should, for these reasons and others, provide a useful value for `alt` whenever possible.\n\n**Note:** Omitting this attribute altogether indicates that the image is a key part of the content, and no textual equivalent is available. Setting this attribute to an empty string (`alt=""`) indicates that this image is _not_ a key part of the content (decorative), and that non-visual browsers may omit it from rendering.'}}, {name: "src", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The image URL. This attribute is mandatory for the `<img>` element. On browsers supporting `srcset`, `src` is treated like a candidate image with a pixel density descriptor `1x` unless an image with this pixel density descriptor is already defined in `srcset,` or unless `srcset` contains '`w`' descriptors."}}, {name: "srcset", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A list of one or more strings separated by commas indicating a set of possible image sources for the user agent to use. Each string is composed of:\n\n1. a URL to an image,\n2. optionally, whitespace followed by one of:\n * A width descriptor, or a positive integer directly followed by '`w`'. The width descriptor is divided by the source size given in the `sizes` attribute to calculate the effective pixel density.\n * A pixel density descriptor, which is a positive floating point number directly followed by '`x`'.\n\nIf no descriptor is specified, the source is assigned the default descriptor: `1x`.\n\nIt is incorrect to mix width descriptors and pixel density descriptors in the same `srcset` attribute. Duplicate descriptors (for instance, two sources in the same `srcset` which are both described with '`2x`') are also invalid.\n\nThe user agent selects any one of the available sources at its discretion. This provides them with significant leeway to tailor their selection based on things like user preferences or bandwidth conditions. See our [Responsive images]( tutorial for an example."}}, {name: "crossorigin", valueSet: "xo", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This enumerated attribute indicates if the fetching of the related image must be done using CORS or not. [CORS-enabled images]( can be reused in the [`<canvas>`]( "Use the HTML <canvas> element with either the canvas scripting API or the WebGL API to draw graphics and animations.") element without being "[tainted](" The allowed values are:'}}, {name: "usemap", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The partial URL (starting with \'#\') of an [image map]( associated with the element.\n\n**Note:** You cannot use this attribute if the `<img>` element is a descendant of an [`<a>`]( "The HTML <a> element (or anchor element) creates a hyperlink to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, email addresses, or any other URL.") or [`<button>`]( "The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.") element.'}}, {name: "ismap", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This Boolean attribute indicates that the image is part of a server-side map. If so, the precise coordinates of a click are sent to the server.\n\n**Note:** This attribute is allowed only if the `<img>` element is a descendant of an [`<a>`]( "The HTML <a> element (or anchor element) creates a hyperlink to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, email addresses, or any other URL.") element with a valid [`href`]( attribute.'}}, {name: "width", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The intrinsic width of the image in pixels."}}, {name: "height", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The intrinsic height of the image in pixels."}}, {name: "decoding", description: "Provides an image decoding hint to the browser. The allowed values are:"}, {name: "decoding", description: "`sync`\n\nDecode the image synchronously for atomic presentation with other content.\n\n`async`\n\nDecode the image asynchronously to reduce delay in presenting other content.\n\n`auto`\n\nDefault mode, which indicates no preference for the decoding mode. The browser decides what is best for the user."}, {name: "importance", description: "Indicates the relative importance of the resource. Priority hints are delegated using the values:"}, {name: "importance", description: "`auto`: Indicates **no preference**. The browser may use its own heuristics to decide the priority of the image.\n\n`high`: Indicates to the browser that the image is of **high** priority.\n\n`low`: Indicates to the browser that the image is of **low** priority."}, {name: "intrinsicsize", description: "This attribute tells the browser to ignore the actual intrinsic size of the image and pretend its the size specified in the attribute. Specifically, the image would raster at these dimensions and `naturalWidth`/`naturalHeight` on images would return the values specified in this attribute. [Explainer](, [examples]("}, {name: "referrerpolicy", description: "A string indicating which referrer to use when fetching the resource:\n\n* `no-referrer:` The [`Referer`]( \"The Referer request header contains the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. The Referer header allows servers to identify where people are visiting them from and may use that data for analytics, logging, or optimized caching, for example.\") header will not be sent.\n* `no-referrer-when-downgrade:` No `Referer` header will be sent when navigating to an origin without TLS (HTTPS). This is a user agents default behavior if no policy is otherwise specified.\n* `origin:` The `Referer` header will include the page of origin's scheme, the host, and the port.\n* `origin-when-cross-origin:` Navigating to other origins will limit the included referral data to the scheme, the host and the port, while navigating from the same origin will include the referrer's full path.\n* `unsafe-url:` The `Referer` header will include the origin and the path, but not the fragment, password, or username. This case is unsafe because it can leak origins and paths from TLS-protected resources to insecure origins."}, {name: "sizes", description: "A list of one or more strings separated by commas indicating a set of source sizes. Each source size consists of:\n\n1. a media condition. This must be omitted for the last item.\n2. a source size value.\n\nSource size values specify the intended display size of the image. User agents use the current source size to select one of the sources supplied by the `srcset` attribute, when those sources are described using width ('`w`') descriptors. The selected source size affects the intrinsic size of the image (the images display size if no CSS styling is applied). If the `srcset` attribute is absent, or contains no values with a width (`w`) descriptor, then the `sizes` attribute has no effect."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "iframe", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The iframe element represents a nested browsing context."}, attributes: [{name: "src", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The URL of the page to embed. Use a value of `about:blank` to embed an empty page that conforms to the [same-origin policy]( Also note that programatically removing an `<iframe>`\'s src attribute (e.g. via [`Element.removeAttribute()`]( "The Element method removeAttribute() removes the attribute with the specified name from the element.")) causes `about:blank` to be loaded in the frame in Firefox (from version 65), Chromium-based browsers, and Safari/iOS.'}}, {name: "srcdoc", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Inline HTML to embed, overriding the `src` attribute. If a browser does not support the `srcdoc` attribute, it will fall back to the URL in the `src` attribute."}}, {name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'A targetable name for the embedded browsing context. This can be used in the `target` attribute of the [`<a>`]( "The HTML <a> element (or anchor element) creates a hyperlink to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, email addresses, or any other URL."), [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server."), or [`<base>`]( "The HTML <base> element specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within a document. There can be only one <base> element in a document.") elements; the `formtarget` attribute of the [`<input>`]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") or [`<button>`]( "The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.") elements; or the `windowName` parameter in the [``]( "The Window interface\'s open() method loads the specified resource into the browsing context (window, <iframe> or tab) with the specified name. If the name doesn\'t exist, then a new window is opened and the specified resource is loaded into its browsing context.") method.'}}, {name: "sandbox", valueSet: "sb", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Applies extra restrictions to the content in the frame. The value of the attribute can either be empty to apply all restrictions, or space-separated tokens to lift particular restrictions:\n\n* `allow-forms`: Allows the resource to submit forms. If this keyword is not used, form submission is blocked.\n* `allow-modals`: Lets the resource [open modal windows](\n* `allow-orientation-lock`: Lets the resource [lock the screen orientation](\n* `allow-pointer-lock`: Lets the resource use the [Pointer Lock API](\n* `allow-popups`: Allows popups (such as ``, `target="_blank"`, or `showModalDialog()`). If this keyword is not used, the popup will silently fail to open.\n* `allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox`: Lets the sandboxed document open new windows without those windows inheriting the sandboxing. For example, this can safely sandbox an advertisement without forcing the same restrictions upon the page the ad links to.\n* `allow-presentation`: Lets the resource start a [presentation session](\n* `allow-same-origin`: If this token is not used, the resource is treated as being from a special origin that always fails the [same-origin policy]( "same-origin policy: The same-origin policy is a critical security mechanism that restricts how a document or script loaded from one origin can interact with a resource from another origin.").\n* `allow-scripts`: Lets the resource run scripts (but not create popup windows).\n* `allow-storage-access-by-user-activation` : Lets the resource request access to the parent\'s storage capabilities with the [Storage Access API](\n* `allow-top-navigation`: Lets the resource navigate the top-level browsing context (the one named `_top`).\n* `allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation`: Lets the resource navigate the top-level browsing context, but only if initiated by a user gesture.\n\n**Notes about sandboxing:**\n\n* When the embedded document has the same origin as the embedding page, it is **strongly discouraged** to use both `allow-scripts` and `allow-same-origin`, as that lets the embedded document remove the `sandbox` attribute — making it no more secure than not using the `sandbox` attribute at all.\n* Sandboxing is useless if the attacker can display content outside a sandboxed `iframe` — such as if the viewer opens the frame in a new tab. Such content should be also served from a _separate origin_ to limit potential damage.\n* The `sandbox` attribute is unsupported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier.'}}, {name: "seamless", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "allowfullscreen", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Set to `true` if the `<iframe>` can activate fullscreen mode by calling the [`requestFullscreen()`]( "The Element.requestFullscreen() method issues an asynchronous request to make the element be displayed in full-screen mode.") method.'}}, {name: "width", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The width of the frame in CSS pixels. Default is `300`."}}, {name: "height", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The height of the frame in CSS pixels. Default is `150`."}}, {name: "allow", description: "Specifies a [feature policy]( for the `<iframe>`."}, {name: "allowpaymentrequest", description: "Set to `true` if a cross-origin `<iframe>` should be allowed to invoke the [Payment Request API]("}, {name: "allowpaymentrequest", description: 'This attribute is considered a legacy attribute and redefined as `allow="payment"`.'}, {name: "csp", description: 'A [Content Security Policy]( enforced for the embedded resource. See [`HTMLIFrameElement.csp`]( "The csp property of the HTMLIFrameElement interface specifies the Content Security Policy that an embedded document must agree to enforce upon itself.") for details.'}, {name: "importance", description: "The download priority of the resource in the `<iframe>`'s `src` attribute. Allowed values:\n\n`auto` (default)\n\nNo preference. The browser uses its own heuristics to decide the priority of the resource.\n\n`high`\n\nThe resource should be downloaded before other lower-priority page resources.\n\n`low`\n\nThe resource should be downloaded after other higher-priority page resources."}, {name: "referrerpolicy", description: 'Indicates which [referrer]( to send when fetching the frame\'s resource:\n\n* `no-referrer`: The [`Referer`]( "The Referer request header contains the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. The Referer header allows servers to identify where people are visiting them from and may use that data for analytics, logging, or optimized caching, for example.") header will not be sent.\n* `no-referrer-when-downgrade` (default): The [`Referer`]( "The Referer request header contains the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. The Referer header allows servers to identify where people are visiting them from and may use that data for analytics, logging, or optimized caching, for example.") header will not be sent to [origin]( "origin: Web content\'s origin is defined by the scheme (protocol), host (domain), and port of the URL used to access it. Two objects have the same origin only when the scheme, host, and port all match.")s without [TLS]( "TLS: Transport Layer Security (TLS), previously known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), is a protocol used by applications to communicate securely across a network, preventing tampering with and eavesdropping on email, web browsing, messaging, and other protocols.") ([HTTPS]( "HTTPS: HTTPS (HTTP Secure) is an encrypted version of the HTTP protocol. It usually uses SSL or TLS to encrypt all communication between a client and a server. This secure connection allows clients to safely exchange sensitive data with a server, for example for banking activities or online shopping.")).\n* `origin`: The sent referrer will be limited to the origin of the referring page: its [scheme](, [host]( "host: A host is a device connected to the Internet (or a local network). Some hosts called servers offer additional services like serving webpages or storing files and emails."), and [port]( "port: For a computer connected to a network with an IP address, a port is a communication endpoint. Ports are designated by numbers, and below 1024 each port is associated by default with a specific protocol.").\n* `origin-when-cross-origin`: The referrer sent to other origins will be limited to the scheme, the host, and the port. Navigations on the same origin will still include the path.\n* `same-origin`: A referrer will be sent for [same origin]( "same origin: The same-origin policy is a critical security mechanism that restricts how a document or script loaded from one origin can interact with a resource from another origin."), but cross-origin requests will contain no referrer information.\n* `strict-origin`: Only send the origin of the document as the referrer when the protocol security level stays the same (HTTPS→HTTPS), but don\'t send it to a less secure destination (HTTPS→HTTP).\n* `strict-origin-when-cross-origin`: Send a full URL when performing a same-origin request, only send the origin when the protocol security level stays the same (HTTPS→HTTPS), and send no header to a less secure destination (HTTPS→HTTP).\n* `unsafe-url`: The referrer will include the origin _and_ the path (but not the [fragment](, [password](, or [username]( **This value is unsafe**, because it leaks origins and paths from TLS-protected resources to insecure origins.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "embed", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The embed element provides an integration point for an external (typically non-HTML) application or interactive content."}, attributes: [{name: "src", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The URL of the resource being embedded."}}, {name: "type", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The MIME type to use to select the plug-in to instantiate."}}, {name: "width", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The displayed width of the resource, in [CSS pixels]( This must be an absolute value; percentages are _not_ allowed."}}, {name: "height", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The displayed height of the resource, in [CSS pixels]( This must be an absolute value; percentages are _not_ allowed."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "object", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The object element can represent an external resource, which, depending on the type of the resource, will either be treated as an image, as a nested browsing context, or as an external resource to be processed by a plugin."}, attributes: [{name: "data", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The address of the resource as a valid URL. At least one of **data** and **type** must be defined."}}, {name: "type", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The [content type]( of the resource specified by **data**. At least one of **data** and **type** must be defined."}}, {name: "typemustmatch", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This Boolean attribute indicates if the **type** attribute and the actual [content type]( of the resource must match to be used."}}, {name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The name of valid browsing context (HTML5), or the name of the control (HTML 4)."}}, {name: "usemap", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A hash-name reference to a [`<map>`]( \"The HTML <map> element is used with <area> elements to define an image map (a clickable link area).\") element; that is a '#' followed by the value of a [`name`]( of a map element."}}, {name: "form", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The form element, if any, that the object element is associated with (its _form owner_). The value of the attribute must be an ID of a [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.") element in the same document.'}}, {name: "width", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The width of the display resource, in [CSS pixels]( -- (Absolute values only. [NO percentages]("}}, {name: "height", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The height of the displayed resource, in [CSS pixels]( -- (Absolute values only. [NO percentages]("}}, {name: "archive", description: "A space-separated list of URIs for archives of resources for the object."}, {name: "border", description: "The width of a border around the control, in pixels."}, {name: "classid", description: "The URI of the object's implementation. It can be used together with, or in place of, the **data** attribute."}, {name: "codebase", description: "The base path used to resolve relative URIs specified by **classid**, **data**, or **archive**. If not specified, the default is the base URI of the current document."}, {name: "codetype", description: "The content type of the data specified by **classid**."}, {name: "declare", description: "The presence of this Boolean attribute makes this element a declaration only. The object must be instantiated by a subsequent `<object>` element. In HTML5, repeat the <object> element completely each that that the resource is reused."}, {name: "standby", description: "A message that the browser can show while loading the object's implementation and data."}, {name: "tabindex", description: "The position of the element in the tabbing navigation order for the current document."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "param", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The param element defines parameters for plugins invoked by object elements. It does not represent anything on its own."}, attributes: [{name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Name of the parameter."}}, {name: "value", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Specifies the value of the parameter."}}, {name: "type", description: 'Only used if the `valuetype` is set to "ref". Specifies the MIME type of values found at the URI specified by value.'}, {name: "valuetype", description: 'Specifies the type of the `value` attribute. Possible values are:\n\n* data: Default value. The value is passed to the object\'s implementation as a string.\n* ref: The value is a URI to a resource where run-time values are stored.\n* object: An ID of another [`<object>`]( "The HTML <object> element represents an external resource, which can be treated as an image, a nested browsing context, or a resource to be handled by a plugin.") in the same document.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "video", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A video element is used for playing videos or movies, and audio files with captions."}, attributes: [{name: "src"}, {name: "crossorigin", valueSet: "xo"}, {name: "poster"}, {name: "preload", valueSet: "pl"}, {name: "autoplay", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A Boolean attribute; if specified, the video automatically begins to play back as soon as it can do so without stopping to finish loading the data."}}, {name: "mediagroup"}, {name: "loop", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "muted", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "controls", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "width"}, {name: "height"}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "audio", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An audio element represents a sound or audio stream."}, attributes: [{name: "src", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The URL of the audio to embed. This is subject to [HTTP access controls]( This is optional; you may instead use the [`<source>`]( "The HTML <source> element specifies multiple media resources for the <picture>, the <audio> element, or the <video> element.") element within the audio block to specify the audio to embed.'}}, {name: "crossorigin", valueSet: "xo", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This enumerated attribute indicates whether to use CORS to fetch the related image. [CORS-enabled resources]( can be reused in the [`<canvas>`]( "Use the HTML <canvas> element with either the canvas scripting API or the WebGL API to draw graphics and animations.") element without being _tainted_. The allowed values are:\n\nanonymous\n\nSends a cross-origin request without a credential. In other words, it sends the `Origin:` HTTP header without a cookie, X.509 certificate, or performing HTTP Basic authentication. If the server does not give credentials to the origin site (by not setting the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin:` HTTP header), the image will be _tainted_, and its usage restricted.\n\nuse-credentials\n\nSends a cross-origin request with a credential. In other words, it sends the `Origin:` HTTP header with a cookie, a certificate, or performing HTTP Basic authentication. If the server does not give credentials to the origin site (through `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:` HTTP header), the image will be _tainted_ and its usage restricted.\n\nWhen not present, the resource is fetched without a CORS request (i.e. without sending the `Origin:` HTTP header), preventing its non-tainted used in [`<canvas>`]( "Use the HTML <canvas> element with either the canvas scripting API or the WebGL API to draw graphics and animations.") elements. If invalid, it is handled as if the enumerated keyword **anonymous** was used. See [CORS settings attributes]( for additional information.'}}, {name: "preload", valueSet: "pl", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This enumerated attribute is intended to provide a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. It may have one of the following values:\n\n* `none`: Indicates that the audio should not be preloaded.\n* `metadata`: Indicates that only audio metadata (e.g. length) is fetched.\n* `auto`: Indicates that the whole audio file can be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.\n* _empty string_: A synonym of the `auto` value.\n\nIf not set, `preload`'s default value is browser-defined (i.e. each browser may have its own default value). The spec advises it to be set to `metadata`.\n\n**Usage notes:**\n\n* The `autoplay` attribute has precedence over `preload`. If `autoplay` is specified, the browser would obviously need to start downloading the audio for playback.\n* The browser is not forced by the specification to follow the value of this attribute; it is a mere hint."}}, {name: "autoplay", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A Boolean attribute: if specified, the audio will automatically begin playback as soon as it can do so, without waiting for the entire audio file to finish downloading.\n\n**Note**: Sites that automatically play audio (or videos with an audio track) can be an unpleasant experience for users, so should be avoided when possible. If you must offer autoplay functionality, you should make it opt-in (requiring a user to specifically enable it). However, this can be useful when creating media elements whose source will be set at a later time, under user control."}}, {name: "mediagroup"}, {name: "loop", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A Boolean attribute: if specified, the audio player will automatically seek back to the start upon reaching the end of the audio."}}, {name: "muted", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A Boolean attribute that indicates whether the audio will be initially silenced. Its default value is `false`."}}, {name: "controls", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "If this attribute is present, the browser will offer controls to allow the user to control audio playback, including volume, seeking, and pause/resume playback."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "source", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The source element allows authors to specify multiple alternative media resources for media elements. It does not represent anything on its own."}, attributes: [{name: "src", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Required for [`<audio>`]( "The HTML <audio> element is used to embed sound content in documents. It may contain one or more audio sources, represented using the src attribute or the <source> element: the browser will choose the most suitable one. It can also be the destination for streamed media, using a MediaStream.") and [`<video>`]( "The HTML Video element (<video>) embeds a media player which supports video playback into the document."), address of the media resource. The value of this attribute is ignored when the `<source>` element is placed inside a [`<picture>`]( "The HTML <picture> element contains zero or more <source> elements and one <img> element to provide versions of an image for different display/device scenarios.") element.'}}, {name: "type", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The MIME-type of the resource, optionally with a `codecs` parameter. See [RFC 4281]( for information about how to specify codecs."}}, {name: "sizes", description: 'Is a list of source sizes that describes the final rendered width of the image represented by the source. Each source size consists of a comma-separated list of media condition-length pairs. This information is used by the browser to determine, before laying the page out, which image defined in [`srcset`]( to use. \nThe `sizes` attribute has an effect only when the [`<source>`]( "The HTML <source> element specifies multiple media resources for the <picture>, the <audio> element, or the <video> element.") element is the direct child of a [`<picture>`]( "The HTML <picture> element contains zero or more <source> elements and one <img> element to provide versions of an image for different display/device scenarios.") element.'}, {name: "srcset", description: "A list of one or more strings separated by commas indicating a set of possible images represented by the source for the browser to use. Each string is composed of:\n\n1. one URL to an image,\n2. a width descriptor, that is a positive integer directly followed by `'w'`. The default value, if missing, is the infinity.\n3. a pixel density descriptor, that is a positive floating number directly followed by `'x'`. The default value, if missing, is `1x`.\n\nEach string in the list must have at least a width descriptor or a pixel density descriptor to be valid. Among the list, there must be only one string containing the same tuple of width descriptor and pixel density descriptor. \nThe browser chooses the most adequate image to display at a given point of time. \nThe `srcset` attribute has an effect only when the [`<source>`]( \"The HTML <source> element specifies multiple media resources for the <picture>, the <audio> element, or the <video> element.\") element is the direct child of a [`<picture>`]( \"The HTML <picture> element contains zero or more <source> elements and one <img> element to provide versions of an image for different display/device scenarios.\") element."}, {name: "media", description: '[Media query]( of the resource\'s intended media; this should be used only in a [`<picture>`]( "The HTML <picture> element contains zero or more <source> elements and one <img> element to provide versions of an image for different display/device scenarios.") element.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "track", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The track element allows authors to specify explicit external timed text tracks for media elements. It does not represent anything on its own."}, attributes: [{name: "default", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute indicates that the track should be enabled unless the user's preferences indicate that another track is more appropriate. This may only be used on one `track` element per media element."}}, {name: "kind", valueSet: "tk", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "How the text track is meant to be used. If omitted the default kind is `subtitles`. If the attribute is not present, it will use the `subtitles`. If the attribute contains an invalid value, it will use `metadata`. (Versions of Chrome earlier than 52 treated an invalid value as `subtitles`.) The following keywords are allowed:\n\n* `subtitles`\n * Subtitles provide translation of content that cannot be understood by the viewer. For example dialogue or text that is not English in an English language film.\n * Subtitles may contain additional content, usually extra background information. For example the text at the beginning of the Star Wars films, or the date, time, and location of a scene.\n* `captions`\n * Closed captions provide a transcription and possibly a translation of audio.\n * It may include important non-verbal information such as music cues or sound effects. It may indicate the cue's source (e.g. music, text, character).\n * Suitable for users who are deaf or when the sound is muted.\n* `descriptions`\n * Textual description of the video content.\n * Suitable for users who are blind or where the video cannot be seen.\n* `chapters`\n * Chapter titles are intended to be used when the user is navigating the media resource.\n* `metadata`\n * Tracks used by scripts. Not visible to the user."}}, {name: "label", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A user-readable title of the text track which is used by the browser when listing available text tracks."}}, {name: "src", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Address of the track (`.vtt` file). Must be a valid URL. This attribute must be specified and its URL value must have the same origin as the document — unless the [`<audio>`]( "The HTML <audio> element is used to embed sound content in documents. It may contain one or more audio sources, represented using the src attribute or the <source> element: the browser will choose the most suitable one. It can also be the destination for streamed media, using a MediaStream.") or [`<video>`]( "The HTML Video element (<video>) embeds a media player which supports video playback into the document.") parent element of the `track` element has a [`crossorigin`]( attribute.'}}, {name: "srclang", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Language of the track text data. It must be a valid [BCP 47]( language tag. If the `kind` attribute is set to `subtitles,` then `srclang` must be defined."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "map", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The map element, in conjunction with an img element and any area element descendants, defines an image map. The element represents its children."}, attributes: [{name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The name attribute gives the map a name so that it can be referenced. The attribute must be present and must have a non-empty value with no space characters. The value of the name attribute must not be a compatibility-caseless match for the value of the name attribute of another map element in the same document. If the id attribute is also specified, both attributes must have the same value."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "area", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The area element represents either a hyperlink with some text and a corresponding area on an image map, or a dead area on an image map."}, attributes: [{name: "alt"}, {name: "coords"}, {name: "shape", valueSet: "sh"}, {name: "href"}, {name: "target"}, {name: "download"}, {name: "ping"}, {name: "rel"}, {name: "hreflang"}, {name: "type"}, {name: "accesskey", description: "Specifies a keyboard navigation accelerator for the element. Pressing ALT or a similar key in association with the specified character selects the form control correlated with that key sequence. Page designers are forewarned to avoid key sequences already bound to browsers. This attribute is global since HTML5."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "table", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The table element represents data with more than one dimension, in the form of a table."}, attributes: [{name: "border"}, {name: "align", description: 'This enumerated attribute indicates how the table must be aligned inside the containing document. It may have the following values:\n\n* left: the table is displayed on the left side of the document;\n* center: the table is displayed in the center of the document;\n* right: the table is displayed on the right side of the document.\n\n**Usage Note**\n\n* **Do not use this attribute**, as it has been deprecated. The [`<table>`]( "The HTML <table> element represents tabular data — that is, information presented in a two-dimensional table comprised of rows and columns of cells containing data.") element should be styled using [CSS]( Set [`margin-left`]( "The margin-left CSS property sets the margin area on the left side of an element. A positive value places it farther from its neighbors, while a negative value places it closer.") and [`margin-right`]( "The margin-right CSS property sets the margin area on the right side of an element. A positive value places it farther from its neighbors, while a negative value places it closer.") to `auto` or [`margin`]( "The margin CSS property sets the margin area on all four sides of an element. It is a shorthand for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left.") to `0 auto` to achieve an effect that is similar to the align attribute.\n* Prior to Firefox 4, Firefox also supported the `middle`, `absmiddle`, and `abscenter` values as synonyms of `center`, in quirks mode only.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "caption", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The caption element represents the title of the table that is its parent, if it has a parent and that is a table element."}, attributes: [{name: "align", description: 'This enumerated attribute indicates how the caption must be aligned with respect to the table. It may have one of the following values:\n\n`left`\n\nThe caption is displayed to the left of the table.\n\n`top`\n\nThe caption is displayed above the table.\n\n`right`\n\nThe caption is displayed to the right of the table.\n\n`bottom`\n\nThe caption is displayed below the table.\n\n**Usage note:** Do not use this attribute, as it has been deprecated. The [`<caption>`]( "The HTML Table Caption element (<caption>) specifies the caption (or title) of a table, and if used is always the first child of a <table>.") element should be styled using the [CSS]( properties [`caption-side`]( "The caption-side CSS property puts the content of a table\'s <caption> on the specified side. The values are relative to the writing-mode of the table.") and [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.").'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "colgroup", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The colgroup element represents a group of one or more columns in the table that is its parent, if it has a parent and that is a table element."}, attributes: [{name: "span"}, {name: "align", description: 'This enumerated attribute specifies how horizontal alignment of each column cell content will be handled. Possible values are:\n\n* `left`, aligning the content to the left of the cell\n* `center`, centering the content in the cell\n* `right`, aligning the content to the right of the cell\n* `justify`, inserting spaces into the textual content so that the content is justified in the cell\n* `char`, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the [`char`]( and [`charoff`]( attributes Unimplemented (see [bug 2212]( "character alignment not implemented (align=char, charoff=, text-align:<string>)")).\n\nIf this attribute is not set, the `left` value is assumed. The descendant [`<col>`]( "The HTML <col> element defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells. It is generally found within a <colgroup> element.") elements may override this value using their own [`align`]( attribute.\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (not supported) in the latest standard.\n\n* To achieve the same effect as the `left`, `center`, `right` or `justify` values:\n * Do not try to set the [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property on a selector giving a [`<colgroup>`]( "The HTML <colgroup> element defines a group of columns within a table.") element. Because [`<td>`]( "The HTML <td> element defines a cell of a table that contains data. It participates in the table model.") elements are not descendant of the [`<colgroup>`]( "The HTML <colgroup> element defines a group of columns within a table.") element, they won\'t inherit it.\n * If the table doesn\'t use a [`colspan`]( attribute, use one `td:nth-child(an+b)` CSS selector per column, where a is the total number of the columns in the table and b is the ordinal position of this column in the table. Only after this selector the [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property can be used.\n * If the table does use a [`colspan`]( attribute, the effect can be achieved by combining adequate CSS attribute selectors like `[colspan=n]`, though this is not trivial.\n* To achieve the same effect as the `char` value, in CSS3, you can use the value of the [`char`]( as the value of the [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property Unimplemented.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "col", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "If a col element has a parent and that is a colgroup element that itself has a parent that is a table element, then the col element represents one or more columns in the column group represented by that colgroup."}, attributes: [{name: "span"}, {name: "align", description: 'This enumerated attribute specifies how horizontal alignment of each column cell content will be handled. Possible values are:\n\n* `left`, aligning the content to the left of the cell\n* `center`, centering the content in the cell\n* `right`, aligning the content to the right of the cell\n* `justify`, inserting spaces into the textual content so that the content is justified in the cell\n* `char`, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the [`char`]( and [`charoff`]( attributes Unimplemented (see [bug 2212]( "character alignment not implemented (align=char, charoff=, text-align:<string>)")).\n\nIf this attribute is not set, its value is inherited from the [`align`]( of the [`<colgroup>`]( "The HTML <colgroup> element defines a group of columns within a table.") element this `<col>` element belongs too. If there are none, the `left` value is assumed.\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (not supported) in the latest standard.\n\n* To achieve the same effect as the `left`, `center`, `right` or `justify` values:\n * Do not try to set the [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property on a selector giving a [`<col>`]( "The HTML <col> element defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells. It is generally found within a <colgroup> element.") element. Because [`<td>`]( "The HTML <td> element defines a cell of a table that contains data. It participates in the table model.") elements are not descendant of the [`<col>`]( "The HTML <col> element defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells. It is generally found within a <colgroup> element.") element, they won\'t inherit it.\n * If the table doesn\'t use a [`colspan`]( attribute, use the `td:nth-child(an+b)` CSS selector. Set `a` to zero and `b` to the position of the column in the table, e.g. `td:nth-child(2) { text-align: right; }` to right-align the second column.\n * If the table does use a [`colspan`]( attribute, the effect can be achieved by combining adequate CSS attribute selectors like `[colspan=n]`, though this is not trivial.\n* To achieve the same effect as the `char` value, in CSS3, you can use the value of the [`char`]( as the value of the [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property Unimplemented.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "tbody", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The tbody element represents a block of rows that consist of a body of data for the parent table element, if the tbody element has a parent and it is a table."}, attributes: [{name: "align", description: 'This enumerated attribute specifies how horizontal alignment of each cell content will be handled. Possible values are:\n\n* `left`, aligning the content to the left of the cell\n* `center`, centering the content in the cell\n* `right`, aligning the content to the right of the cell\n* `justify`, inserting spaces into the textual content so that the content is justified in the cell\n* `char`, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the [`char`]( and [`charoff`]( attributes.\n\nIf this attribute is not set, the `left` value is assumed.\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (not supported) in the latest standard.\n\n* To achieve the same effect as the `left`, `center`, `right` or `justify` values, use the CSS [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property on it.\n* To achieve the same effect as the `char` value, in CSS3, you can use the value of the [`char`]( as the value of the [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property Unimplemented.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "thead", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The thead element represents the block of rows that consist of the column labels (headers) for the parent table element, if the thead element has a parent and it is a table."}, attributes: [{name: "align", description: 'This enumerated attribute specifies how horizontal alignment of each cell content will be handled. Possible values are:\n\n* `left`, aligning the content to the left of the cell\n* `center`, centering the content in the cell\n* `right`, aligning the content to the right of the cell\n* `justify`, inserting spaces into the textual content so that the content is justified in the cell\n* `char`, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the [`char`]( and [`charoff`]( attributes Unimplemented (see [bug 2212]( "character alignment not implemented (align=char, charoff=, text-align:<string>)")).\n\nIf this attribute is not set, the `left` value is assumed.\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (not supported) in the latest standard.\n\n* To achieve the same effect as the `left`, `center`, `right` or `justify` values, use the CSS [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property on it.\n* To achieve the same effect as the `char` value, in CSS3, you can use the value of the [`char`]( as the value of the [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property Unimplemented.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "tfoot", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The tfoot element represents the block of rows that consist of the column summaries (footers) for the parent table element, if the tfoot element has a parent and it is a table."}, attributes: [{name: "align", description: 'This enumerated attribute specifies how horizontal alignment of each cell content will be handled. Possible values are:\n\n* `left`, aligning the content to the left of the cell\n* `center`, centering the content in the cell\n* `right`, aligning the content to the right of the cell\n* `justify`, inserting spaces into the textual content so that the content is justified in the cell\n* `char`, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the [`char`]( and [`charoff`]( attributes Unimplemented (see [bug 2212]( "character alignment not implemented (align=char, charoff=, text-align:<string>)")).\n\nIf this attribute is not set, the `left` value is assumed.\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (not supported) in the latest standard.\n\n* To achieve the same effect as the `left`, `center`, `right` or `justify` values, use the CSS [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property on it.\n* To achieve the same effect as the `char` value, in CSS3, you can use the value of the [`char`]( as the value of the [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property Unimplemented.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "tr", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The tr element represents a row of cells in a table."}, attributes: [{name: "align", description: 'A [`DOMString`]( "DOMString is a UTF-16 String. As JavaScript already uses such strings, DOMString is mapped directly to a String.") which specifies how the cell\'s context should be aligned horizontally within the cells in the row; this is shorthand for using `align` on every cell in the row individually. Possible values are:\n\n`left`\n\nAlign the content of each cell at its left edge.\n\n`center`\n\nCenter the contents of each cell between their left and right edges.\n\n`right`\n\nAlign the content of each cell at its right edge.\n\n`justify`\n\nWiden whitespaces within the text of each cell so that the text fills the full width of each cell (full justification).\n\n`char`\n\nAlign each cell in the row on a specific character (such that each row in the column that is configured this way will horizontally align its cells on that character). This uses the [`char`]( and [`charoff`]( to establish the alignment character (typically "." or "," when aligning numerical data) and the number of characters that should follow the alignment character. This alignment type was never widely supported.\n\nIf no value is expressly set for `align`, the parent node\'s value is inherited.\n\nInstead of using the obsolete `align` attribute, you should instead use the CSS [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property to establish `left`, `center`, `right`, or `justify` alignment for the row\'s cells. To apply character-based alignment, set the CSS [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property to the alignment character (such as `"."` or `","`).'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "td", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The td element represents a data cell in a table."}, attributes: [{name: "colspan"}, {name: "rowspan"}, {name: "headers"}, {name: "abbr", description: "This attribute contains a short abbreviated description of the cell's content. Some user-agents, such as speech readers, may present this description before the content itself.\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete in the latest standard. Alternatively, you can put the abbreviated description inside the cell and place the long content in the **title** attribute."}, {name: "align", description: 'This enumerated attribute specifies how the cell content\'s horizontal alignment will be handled. Possible values are:\n\n* `left`: The content is aligned to the left of the cell.\n* `center`: The content is centered in the cell.\n* `right`: The content is aligned to the right of the cell.\n* `justify` (with text only): The content is stretched out inside the cell so that it covers its entire width.\n* `char` (with text only): The content is aligned to a character inside the `<th>` element with minimal offset. This character is defined by the [`char`]( and [`charoff`]( attributes Unimplemented (see [bug 2212]( "character alignment not implemented (align=char, charoff=, text-align:<string>)")).\n\nThe default value when this attribute is not specified is `left`.\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete in the latest standard.\n\n* To achieve the same effect as the `left`, `center`, `right` or `justify` values, apply the CSS [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property to the element.\n* To achieve the same effect as the `char` value, give the [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property the same value you would use for the [`char`]( Unimplemented in CSS3.'}, {name: "axis", description: "This attribute contains a list of space-separated strings. Each string is the `id` of a group of cells that this header applies to.\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete in the latest standard."}, {name: "bgcolor", description: 'This attribute defines the background color of each cell in a column. It consists of a 6-digit hexadecimal code as defined in [sRGB]( and is prefixed by \'#\'. This attribute may be used with one of sixteen predefined color strings:\n\n \n\n`black` = "#000000"\n\n \n\n`green` = "#008000"\n\n \n\n`silver` = "#C0C0C0"\n\n \n\n`lime` = "#00FF00"\n\n \n\n`gray` = "#808080"\n\n \n\n`olive` = "#808000"\n\n \n\n`white` = "#FFFFFF"\n\n \n\n`yellow` = "#FFFF00"\n\n \n\n`maroon` = "#800000"\n\n \n\n`navy` = "#000080"\n\n \n\n`red` = "#FF0000"\n\n \n\n`blue` = "#0000FF"\n\n \n\n`purple` = "#800080"\n\n \n\n`teal` = "#008080"\n\n \n\n`fuchsia` = "#FF00FF"\n\n \n\n`aqua` = "#00FFFF"\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute, as it is non-standard and only implemented in some versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer: The [`<td>`]( "The HTML <td> element defines a cell of a table that contains data. It participates in the table model.") element should be styled using [CSS]( To create a similar effect use the [`background-color`]( "The background-color CSS property sets the background color of an element.") property in [CSS]( instead.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "th", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The th element represents a header cell in a table."}, attributes: [{name: "colspan"}, {name: "rowspan"}, {name: "headers"}, {name: "scope", valueSet: "s"}, {name: "sorted"}, {name: "abbr", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute contains a short abbreviated description of the cell's content. Some user-agents, such as speech readers, may present this description before the content itself."}}, {name: "align", description: 'This enumerated attribute specifies how the cell content\'s horizontal alignment will be handled. Possible values are:\n\n* `left`: The content is aligned to the left of the cell.\n* `center`: The content is centered in the cell.\n* `right`: The content is aligned to the right of the cell.\n* `justify` (with text only): The content is stretched out inside the cell so that it covers its entire width.\n* `char` (with text only): The content is aligned to a character inside the `<th>` element with minimal offset. This character is defined by the [`char`]( and [`charoff`]( attributes.\n\nThe default value when this attribute is not specified is `left`.\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete in the latest standard.\n\n* To achieve the same effect as the `left`, `center`, `right` or `justify` values, apply the CSS [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property to the element.\n* To achieve the same effect as the `char` value, give the [`text-align`]( "The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of an inline or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.") property the same value you would use for the [`char`]( Unimplemented in CSS3.'}, {name: "axis", description: "This attribute contains a list of space-separated strings. Each string is the `id` of a group of cells that this header applies to.\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete in the latest standard: use the [`scope`]( attribute instead."}, {name: "bgcolor", description: 'This attribute defines the background color of each cell in a column. It consists of a 6-digit hexadecimal code as defined in [sRGB]( and is prefixed by \'#\'. This attribute may be used with one of sixteen predefined color strings:\n\n \n\n`black` = "#000000"\n\n \n\n`green` = "#008000"\n\n \n\n`silver` = "#C0C0C0"\n\n \n\n`lime` = "#00FF00"\n\n \n\n`gray` = "#808080"\n\n \n\n`olive` = "#808000"\n\n \n\n`white` = "#FFFFFF"\n\n \n\n`yellow` = "#FFFF00"\n\n \n\n`maroon` = "#800000"\n\n \n\n`navy` = "#000080"\n\n \n\n`red` = "#FF0000"\n\n \n\n`blue` = "#0000FF"\n\n \n\n`purple` = "#800080"\n\n \n\n`teal` = "#008080"\n\n \n\n`fuchsia` = "#FF00FF"\n\n \n\n`aqua` = "#00FFFF"\n\n**Note:** Do not use this attribute, as it is non-standard and only implemented in some versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer: The [`<th>`]( "The HTML <th> element defines a cell as header of a group of table cells. The exact nature of this group is defined by the scope and headers attributes.") element should be styled using [CSS]( To create a similar effect use the [`background-color`]( "The background-color CSS property sets the background color of an element.") property in [CSS]( instead.'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "form", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The form element represents a collection of form-associated elements, some of which can represent editable values that can be submitted to a server for processing."}, attributes: [{name: "accept-charset", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'A space- or comma-delimited list of character encodings that the server accepts. The browser uses them in the order in which they are listed. The default value, the reserved string `"UNKNOWN"`, indicates the same encoding as that of the document containing the form element. \nIn previous versions of HTML, the different character encodings could be delimited by spaces or commas. In HTML5, only spaces are allowed as delimiters.'}}, {name: "action", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The URI of a program that processes the form information. This value can be overridden by a [`formaction`]( attribute on a [`<button>`]( "The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.") or [`<input>`]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") element.'}}, {name: "autocomplete", valueSet: "o", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates whether input elements can by default have their values automatically completed by the browser. This setting can be overridden by an `autocomplete` attribute on an element belonging to the form. Possible values are:\n\n* `off`: The user must explicitly enter a value into each field for every use, or the document provides its own auto-completion method; the browser does not automatically complete entries.\n* `on`: The browser can automatically complete values based on values that the user has previously entered in the form.\n\nFor most modern browsers (including Firefox 38+, Google Chrome 34+, IE 11+) setting the autocomplete attribute will not prevent a browser's password manager from asking the user if they want to store login fields (username and password), if the user permits the storage the browser will autofill the login the next time the user visits the page. See [The autocomplete attribute and login fields]("}}, {name: "enctype", valueSet: "et", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'When the value of the `method` attribute is `post`, enctype is the [MIME type]( of content that is used to submit the form to the server. Possible values are:\n\n* `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`: The default value if the attribute is not specified.\n* `multipart/form-data`: The value used for an [`<input>`]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") element with the `type` attribute set to "file".\n* `text/plain`: (HTML5)\n\nThis value can be overridden by a [`formenctype`]( attribute on a [`<button>`]( "The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.") or [`<input>`]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") element.'}}, {name: "method", valueSet: "m", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The [HTTP]( method that the browser uses to submit the form. Possible values are:\n\n* `post`: Corresponds to the HTTP [POST method]( ; form data are included in the body of the form and sent to the server.\n* `get`: Corresponds to the HTTP [GET method](; form data are appended to the `action` attribute URI with a \'?\' as separator, and the resulting URI is sent to the server. Use this method when the form has no side-effects and contains only ASCII characters.\n* `dialog`: Use when the form is inside a [`<dialog>`]( "The HTML <dialog> element represents a dialog box or other interactive component, such as an inspector or window.") element to close the dialog when submitted.\n\nThis value can be overridden by a [`formmethod`]( attribute on a [`<button>`]( "The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.") or [`<input>`]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") element.'}}, {name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The name of the form. In HTML 4, its use is deprecated (`id` should be used instead). It must be unique among the forms in a document and not just an empty string in HTML 5."}}, {name: "novalidate", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This Boolean attribute indicates that the form is not to be validated when submitted. If this attribute is not specified (and therefore the form is validated), this default setting can be overridden by a [`formnovalidate`]( attribute on a [`<button>`]( "The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.") or [`<input>`]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") element belonging to the form.'}}, {name: "target", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'A name or keyword indicating where to display the response that is received after submitting the form. In HTML 4, this is the name/keyword for a frame. In HTML5, it is a name/keyword for a _browsing context_ (for example, tab, window, or inline frame). The following keywords have special meanings:\n\n* `_self`: Load the response into the same HTML 4 frame (or HTML5 browsing context) as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified.\n* `_blank`: Load the response into a new unnamed HTML 4 window or HTML5 browsing context.\n* `_parent`: Load the response into the HTML 4 frameset parent of the current frame, or HTML5 parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as `_self`.\n* `_top`: HTML 4: Load the response into the full original window, and cancel all other frames. HTML5: Load the response into the top-level browsing context (i.e., the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as `_self`.\n* _iframename_: The response is displayed in a named [`<iframe>`]( "The HTML Inline Frame element (<iframe>) represents a nested browsing context, embedding another HTML page into the current one.").\n\nHTML5: This value can be overridden by a [`formtarget`]( attribute on a [`<button>`]( "The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.") or [`<input>`]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") element.'}}, {name: "accept", description: 'A comma-separated list of content types that the server accepts.\n\n**Usage note:** This attribute has been removed in HTML5 and should no longer be used. Instead, use the [`accept`]( attribute of the specific [`<input>`]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") element.'}, {name: "autocapitalize", description: "This is a nonstandard attribute used by iOS Safari Mobile which controls whether and how the text value for textual form control descendants should be automatically capitalized as it is entered/edited by the user. If the `autocapitalize` attribute is specified on an individual form control descendant, it trumps the form-wide `autocapitalize` setting. The non-deprecated values are available in iOS 5 and later. The default value is `sentences`. Possible values are:\n\n* `none`: Completely disables automatic capitalization\n* `sentences`: Automatically capitalize the first letter of sentences.\n* `words`: Automatically capitalize the first letter of words.\n* `characters`: Automatically capitalize all characters.\n* `on`: Deprecated since iOS 5.\n* `off`: Deprecated since iOS 5."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "label", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The label element represents a caption in a user interface. The caption can be associated with a specific form control, known as the label element's labeled control, either using the for attribute, or by putting the form control inside the label element itself."}, attributes: [{name: "form", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.") element with which the label is associated (its _form owner_). If specified, the value of the attribute is the `id` of a [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.") element in the same document. This lets you place label elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements.'}}, {name: "for", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The [`id`]( of a [labelable]( form-related element in the same document as the `<label>` element. The first element in the document with an `id` matching the value of the `for` attribute is the _labeled control_ for this label element, if it is a labelable element. If it is not labelable then the `for` attribute has no effect. If there are other elements which also match the `id` value, later in the document, they are not considered.\n\n**Note**: A `<label>` element can have both a `for` attribute and a contained control element, as long as the `for` attribute points to the contained control element."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "input", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The input element represents a typed data field, usually with a form control to allow the user to edit the data."}, attributes: [{name: "accept"}, {name: "alt"}, {name: "autocomplete", valueSet: "inputautocomplete"}, {name: "autofocus", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "checked", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "dirname"}, {name: "disabled", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "form"}, {name: "formaction"}, {name: "formenctype", valueSet: "et"}, {name: "formmethod", valueSet: "fm"}, {name: "formnovalidate", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "formtarget"}, {name: "height"}, {name: "inputmode", valueSet: "im"}, {name: "list"}, {name: "max"}, {name: "maxlength"}, {name: "min"}, {name: "minlength"}, {name: "multiple", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "name"}, {name: "pattern"}, {name: "placeholder"}, {name: "readonly", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "required", valueSet: "v"}, {name: "size"}, {name: "src"}, {name: "step"}, {name: "type", valueSet: "t"}, {name: "value"}, {name: "width"}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "button", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The button element represents a button labeled by its contents."}, attributes: [{name: "autofocus", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This Boolean attribute lets you specify that the button should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control. Only one form-associated element in a document can have this attribute specified."}}, {name: "disabled", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This Boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the button. If this attribute is not specified, the button inherits its setting from the containing element, for example [`<fieldset>`]( "The HTML <fieldset> element is used to group several controls as well as labels (<label>) within a web form."); if there is no containing element with the **disabled** attribute set, then the button is enabled.\n\nFirefox will, unlike other browsers, by default, [persist the dynamic disabled state]( of a [`<button>`]( "The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.") across page loads. Use the [`autocomplete`]( attribute to control this feature.'}}, {name: "form", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The form element that the button is associated with (its _form owner_). The value of the attribute must be the **id** attribute of a [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.") element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, the `<button>` element will be associated to an ancestor [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.") element, if one exists. This attribute enables you to associate `<button>` elements to [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.") elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.") elements.'}}, {name: "formaction", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The URI of a program that processes the information submitted by the button. If specified, it overrides the [`action`]( attribute of the button's form owner."}}, {name: "formenctype", valueSet: "et", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'If the button is a submit button, this attribute specifies the type of content that is used to submit the form to the server. Possible values are:\n\n* `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`: The default value if the attribute is not specified.\n* `multipart/form-data`: Use this value if you are using an [`<input>`]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") element with the [`type`]( attribute set to `file`.\n* `text/plain`\n\nIf this attribute is specified, it overrides the [`enctype`]( attribute of the button\'s form owner.'}}, {name: "formmethod", valueSet: "fm", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "If the button is a submit button, this attribute specifies the HTTP method that the browser uses to submit the form. Possible values are:\n\n* `post`: The data from the form are included in the body of the form and sent to the server.\n* `get`: The data from the form are appended to the **form** attribute URI, with a '?' as a separator, and the resulting URI is sent to the server. Use this method when the form has no side-effects and contains only ASCII characters.\n\nIf specified, this attribute overrides the [`method`]( attribute of the button's form owner."}}, {name: "formnovalidate", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "If the button is a submit button, this Boolean attribute specifies that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted. If this attribute is specified, it overrides the [`novalidate`]( attribute of the button's form owner."}}, {name: "formtarget", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "If the button is a submit button, this attribute is a name or keyword indicating where to display the response that is received after submitting the form. This is a name of, or keyword for, a _browsing context_ (for example, tab, window, or inline frame). If this attribute is specified, it overrides the [`target`]( attribute of the button's form owner. The following keywords have special meanings:\n\n* `_self`: Load the response into the same browsing context as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified.\n* `_blank`: Load the response into a new unnamed browsing context.\n* `_parent`: Load the response into the parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as `_self`.\n* `_top`: Load the response into the top-level browsing context (that is, the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as `_self`."}}, {name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The name of the button, which is submitted with the form data."}}, {name: "type", valueSet: "bt", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The type of the button. Possible values are:\n\n* `submit`: The button submits the form data to the server. This is the default if the attribute is not specified, or if the attribute is dynamically changed to an empty or invalid value.\n* `reset`: The button resets all the controls to their initial values.\n* `button`: The button has no default behavior. It can have client-side scripts associated with the element's events, which are triggered when the events occur."}}, {name: "value", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The initial value of the button. It defines the value associated with the button which is submitted with the form data. This value is passed to the server in params when the form is submitted."}}, {name: "autocomplete", description: 'The use of this attribute on a [`<button>`]( "The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.") is nonstandard and Firefox-specific. By default, unlike other browsers, [Firefox persists the dynamic disabled state]( of a [`<button>`]( "The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button, which can be used in forms or anywhere in a document that needs simple, standard button functionality.") across page loads. Setting the value of this attribute to `off` (i.e. `autocomplete="off"`) disables this feature. See [bug 654072]( "if disabled state is changed with javascript, the normal state doesn\'t return after refreshing the page").'}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "select", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The select element represents a control for selecting amongst a set of options."}, attributes: [{name: "autocomplete", valueSet: "inputautocomplete", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'A [`DOMString`]( "DOMString is a UTF-16 String. As JavaScript already uses such strings, DOMString is mapped directly to a String.") providing a hint for a [user agent\'s]( "user agent\'s: A user agent is a computer program representing a person, for example, a browser in a Web context.") autocomplete feature. See [The HTML autocomplete attribute]( for a complete list of values and details on how to use autocomplete.'}}, {name: "autofocus", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This Boolean attribute lets you specify that a form control should have input focus when the page loads. Only one form element in a document can have the `autofocus` attribute."}}, {name: "disabled", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This Boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the control. If this attribute is not specified, the control inherits its setting from the containing element, for example `fieldset`; if there is no containing element with the `disabled` attribute set, then the control is enabled."}}, {name: "form", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute lets you specify the form element to which the select element is associated (that is, its "form owner"). If this attribute is specified, its value must be the same as the `id` of a form element in the same document. This enables you to place select elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements.'}}, {name: "multiple", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This Boolean attribute indicates that multiple options can be selected in the list. If it is not specified, then only one option can be selected at a time. When `multiple` is specified, most browsers will show a scrolling list box instead of a single line dropdown."}}, {name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute is used to specify the name of the control."}}, {name: "required", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A Boolean attribute indicating that an option with a non-empty string value must be selected."}}, {name: "size", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "If the control is presented as a scrolling list box (e.g. when `multiple` is specified), this attribute represents the number of rows in the list that should be visible at one time. Browsers are not required to present a select element as a scrolled list box. The default value is 0.\n\n**Note:** According to the HTML5 specification, the default value for size should be 1; however, in practice, this has been found to break some web sites, and no other browser currently does that, so Mozilla has opted to continue to return 0 for the time being with Firefox."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "datalist", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The datalist element represents a set of option elements that represent predefined options for other controls. In the rendering, the datalist element represents nothing and it, along with its children, should be hidden."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "optgroup", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The optgroup element represents a group of option elements with a common label."}, attributes: [{name: "disabled", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "If this Boolean attribute is set, none of the items in this option group is selectable. Often browsers grey out such control and it won't receive any browsing events, like mouse clicks or focus-related ones."}}, {name: "label", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The name of the group of options, which the browser can use when labeling the options in the user interface. This attribute is mandatory if this element is used."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "option", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The option element represents an option in a select element or as part of a list of suggestions in a datalist element."}, attributes: [{name: "disabled", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'If this Boolean attribute is set, this option is not checkable. Often browsers grey out such control and it won\'t receive any browsing event, like mouse clicks or focus-related ones. If this attribute is not set, the element can still be disabled if one of its ancestors is a disabled [`<optgroup>`]( "The HTML <optgroup> element creates a grouping of options within a <select> element.") element.'}}, {name: "label", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute is text for the label indicating the meaning of the option. If the `label` attribute isn't defined, its value is that of the element text content."}}, {name: "selected", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'If present, this Boolean attribute indicates that the option is initially selected. If the `<option>` element is the descendant of a [`<select>`]( "The HTML <select> element represents a control that provides a menu of options") element whose [`multiple`]( attribute is not set, only one single `<option>` of this [`<select>`]( "The HTML <select> element represents a control that provides a menu of options") element may have the `selected` attribute.'}}, {name: "value", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The content of this attribute represents the value to be submitted with the form, should this option be selected. If this attribute is omitted, the value is taken from the text content of the option element."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "textarea", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The textarea element represents a multiline plain text edit control for the element's raw value. The contents of the control represent the control's default value."}, attributes: [{name: "autocomplete", valueSet: "inputautocomplete", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser. Possible values are:\n\n* `off`: The user must explicitly enter a value into this field for every use, or the document provides its own auto-completion method; the browser does not automatically complete the entry.\n* `on`: The browser can automatically complete the value based on values that the user has entered during previous uses.\n\nIf the `autocomplete` attribute is not specified on a `<textarea>` element, then the browser uses the `autocomplete` attribute value of the `<textarea>` element\'s form owner. The form owner is either the [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.") element that this `<textarea>` element is a descendant of or the form element whose `id` is specified by the `form` attribute of the input element. For more information, see the [`autocomplete`]( attribute in [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.").'}}, {name: "autofocus", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This Boolean attribute lets you specify that a form control should have input focus when the page loads. Only one form-associated element in a document can have this attribute specified."}}, {name: "cols", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The visible width of the text control, in average character widths. If it is specified, it must be a positive integer. If it is not specified, the default value is `20`."}}, {name: "dirname"}, {name: "disabled", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This Boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the control. If this attribute is not specified, the control inherits its setting from the containing element, for example [`<fieldset>`]( "The HTML <fieldset> element is used to group several controls as well as labels (<label>) within a web form."); if there is no containing element when the `disabled` attribute is set, the control is enabled.'}}, {name: "form", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The form element that the `<textarea>` element is associated with (its "form owner"). The value of the attribute must be the `id` of a form element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, the `<textarea>` element must be a descendant of a form element. This attribute enables you to place `<textarea>` elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of form elements.'}}, {name: "inputmode", valueSet: "im"}, {name: "maxlength", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The maximum number of characters (unicode code points) that the user can enter. If this value isn't specified, the user can enter an unlimited number of characters."}}, {name: "minlength", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The minimum number of characters (unicode code points) required that the user should enter."}}, {name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The name of the control."}}, {name: "placeholder", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'A hint to the user of what can be entered in the control. Carriage returns or line-feeds within the placeholder text must be treated as line breaks when rendering the hint.\n\n**Note:** Placeholders should only be used to show an example of the type of data that should be entered into a form; they are _not_ a substitute for a proper [`<label>`]( "The HTML <label> element represents a caption for an item in a user interface.") element tied to the input. See [Labels and placeholders]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") in [<input>: The Input (Form Input) element]( "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") for a full explanation.'}}, {name: "readonly", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This Boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot modify the value of the control. Unlike the `disabled` attribute, the `readonly` attribute does not prevent the user from clicking or selecting in the control. The value of a read-only control is still submitted with the form."}}, {name: "required", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute specifies that the user must fill in a value before submitting a form."}}, {name: "rows", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The number of visible text lines for the control."}}, {name: "wrap", valueSet: "w", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates how the control wraps text. Possible values are:\n\n* `hard`: The browser automatically inserts line breaks (CR+LF) so that each line has no more than the width of the control; the `cols` attribute must also be specified for this to take effect.\n* `soft`: The browser ensures that all line breaks in the value consist of a CR+LF pair, but does not insert any additional line breaks.\n* `off` : Like `soft` but changes appearance to `white-space: pre` so line segments exceeding `cols` are not wrapped and the `<textarea>` becomes horizontally scrollable.\n\nIf this attribute is not specified, `soft` is its default value."}}, {name: "autocapitalize", description: "This is a non-standard attribute supported by WebKit on iOS (therefore nearly all browsers running on iOS, including Safari, Firefox, and Chrome), which controls whether and how the text value should be automatically capitalized as it is entered/edited by the user. The non-deprecated values are available in iOS 5 and later. Possible values are:\n\n* `none`: Completely disables automatic capitalization.\n* `sentences`: Automatically capitalize the first letter of sentences.\n* `words`: Automatically capitalize the first letter of words.\n* `characters`: Automatically capitalize all characters.\n* `on`: Deprecated since iOS 5.\n* `off`: Deprecated since iOS 5."}, {name: "spellcheck", description: "Specifies whether the `<textarea>` is subject to spell checking by the underlying browser/OS. the value can be:\n\n* `true`: Indicates that the element needs to have its spelling and grammar checked.\n* `default` : Indicates that the element is to act according to a default behavior, possibly based on the parent element's own `spellcheck` value.\n* `false` : Indicates that the element should not be spell checked."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "output", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The output element represents the result of a calculation performed by the application, or the result of a user action."}, attributes: [{name: "for", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A space-separated list of other elements [`id`](, indicating that those elements contributed input values to (or otherwise affected) the calculation."}}, {name: "form", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The [form element]( that this element is associated with (its "form owner"). The value of the attribute must be an `id` of a form element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, the output element must be a descendant of a form element. This attribute enables you to place output elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements.'}}, {name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The name of the element, exposed in the [`HTMLFormElement`]( "The HTMLFormElement interface represents a <form> element in the DOM; it allows access to and in some cases modification of aspects of the form, as well as access to its component elements.") API.'}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "progress", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The progress element represents the completion progress of a task. The progress is either indeterminate, indicating that progress is being made but that it is not clear how much more work remains to be done before the task is complete (e.g. because the task is waiting for a remote host to respond), or the progress is a number in the range zero to a maximum, giving the fraction of work that has so far been completed."}, attributes: [{name: "value", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute specifies how much of the task that has been completed. It must be a valid floating point number between 0 and `max`, or between 0 and 1 if `max` is omitted. If there is no `value` attribute, the progress bar is indeterminate; this indicates that an activity is ongoing with no indication of how long it is expected to take."}}, {name: "max", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute describes how much work the task indicated by the `progress` element requires. The `max` attribute, if present, must have a value greater than zero and be a valid floating point number. The default value is 1."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "meter", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The meter element represents a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value; for example disk usage, the relevance of a query result, or the fraction of a voting population to have selected a particular candidate."}, attributes: [{name: "value", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The current numeric value. This must be between the minimum and maximum values (`min` attribute and `max` attribute) if they are specified. If unspecified or malformed, the value is 0. If specified, but not within the range given by the `min` attribute and `max` attribute, the value is equal to the nearest end of the range.\n\n**Usage note:** Unless the `value` attribute is between `0` and `1` (inclusive), the `min` and `max` attributes should define the range so that the `value` attribute's value is within it."}}, {name: "min", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The lower numeric bound of the measured range. This must be less than the maximum value (`max` attribute), if specified. If unspecified, the minimum value is 0."}}, {name: "max", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The upper numeric bound of the measured range. This must be greater than the minimum value (`min` attribute), if specified. If unspecified, the maximum value is 1."}}, {name: "low", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The upper numeric bound of the low end of the measured range. This must be greater than the minimum value (`min` attribute), and it also must be less than the high value and maximum value (`high` attribute and `max` attribute, respectively), if any are specified. If unspecified, or if less than the minimum value, the `low` value is equal to the minimum value."}}, {name: "high", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The lower numeric bound of the high end of the measured range. This must be less than the maximum value (`max` attribute), and it also must be greater than the low value and minimum value (`low` attribute and **min** attribute, respectively), if any are specified. If unspecified, or if greater than the maximum value, the `high` value is equal to the maximum value."}}, {name: "optimum", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute indicates the optimal numeric value. It must be within the range (as defined by the `min` attribute and `max` attribute). When used with the `low` attribute and `high` attribute, it gives an indication where along the range is considered preferable. For example, if it is between the `min` attribute and the `low` attribute, then the lower range is considered preferred."}}, {name: "form", description: "This attribute associates the element with a `form` element that has ownership of the `meter` element. For example, a `meter` might be displaying a range corresponding to an `input` element of `type` _number_. This attribute is only used if the `meter` element is being used as a form-associated element; even then, it may be omitted if the element appears as a descendant of a `form` element."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "fieldset", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The fieldset element represents a set of form controls optionally grouped under a common name."}, attributes: [{name: "disabled", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "If this Boolean attribute is set, all form controls that are descendants of the `<fieldset>`, are disabled, meaning they are not editable and won't be submitted along with the `<form>`. They won't receive any browsing events, like mouse clicks or focus-related events. By default browsers display such controls grayed out. Note that form elements inside the [`<legend>`]( \"The HTML <legend> element represents a caption for the content of its parent <fieldset>.\") element won't be disabled."}}, {name: "form", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute takes the value of the `id` attribute of a [`<form>`]( "The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls for submitting information to a web server.") element you want the `<fieldset>` to be part of, even if it is not inside the form.'}}, {name: "name", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The name associated with the group.\n\n**Note**: The caption for the fieldset is given by the first [`<legend>`]( "The HTML <legend> element represents a caption for the content of its parent <fieldset>.") element nested inside it.'}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "legend", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The legend element represents a caption for the rest of the contents of the legend element's parent fieldset element, if any."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "details", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The details element represents a disclosure widget from which the user can obtain additional information or controls."}, attributes: [{name: "open", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This Boolean attribute indicates whether or not the details — that is, the contents of the `<details>` element — are currently visible. The default, `false`, means the details are not visible."}}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "summary", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The summary element represents a summary, caption, or legend for the rest of the contents of the summary element's parent details element, if any."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "dialog", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The dialog element represents a part of an application that a user interacts with to perform a task, for example a dialog box, inspector, or window."}, attributes: [{name: "open", description: "Indicates that the dialog is active and available for interaction. When the `open` attribute is not set, the dialog shouldn't be shown to the user."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "script", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The script element allows authors to include dynamic script and data blocks in their documents. The element does not represent content for the user."}, attributes: [{name: "src", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "This attribute specifies the URI of an external script; this can be used as an alternative to embedding a script directly within a document.\n\nIf a `script` element has a `src` attribute specified, it should not have a script embedded inside its tags."}}, {name: "type", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This attribute indicates the type of script represented. The value of this attribute will be in one of the following categories:\n\n* **Omitted or a JavaScript MIME type:** For HTML5-compliant browsers this indicates the script is JavaScript. HTML5 specification urges authors to omit the attribute rather than provide a redundant MIME type. In earlier browsers, this identified the scripting language of the embedded or imported (via the `src` attribute) code. JavaScript MIME types are [listed in the specification](\n* **`module`:** For HTML5-compliant browsers the code is treated as a JavaScript module. The processing of the script contents is not affected by the `charset` and `defer` attributes. For information on using `module`, see [ES6 in Depth: Modules]( Code may behave differently when the `module` keyword is used.\n* **Any other value:** The embedded content is treated as a data block which won\'t be processed by the browser. Developers must use a valid MIME type that is not a JavaScript MIME type to denote data blocks. The `src` attribute will be ignored.\n\n**Note:** in Firefox you could specify the version of JavaScript contained in a `<script>` element by including a non-standard `version` parameter inside the `type` attribute — for example `type="text/javascript;version=1.8"`. This has been removed in Firefox 59 (see [bug 1428745]( "FIXED: Remove support for version parameter from script loader")).'}}, {name: "charset"}, {name: "async", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This is a Boolean attribute indicating that the browser should, if possible, load the script asynchronously.\n\nThis attribute must not be used if the `src` attribute is absent (i.e. for inline scripts). If it is included in this case it will have no effect.\n\nBrowsers usually assume the worst case scenario and load scripts synchronously, (i.e. `async="false"`) during HTML parsing.\n\nDynamically inserted scripts (using [`document.createElement()`]( "In an HTML document, the document.createElement() method creates the HTML element specified by tagName, or an HTMLUnknownElement if tagName isn\'t recognized.")) load asynchronously by default, so to turn on synchronous loading (i.e. scripts load in the order they were inserted) set `async="false"`.\n\nSee [Browser compatibility](#Browser_compatibility) for notes on browser support. See also [Async scripts for asm.js]('}}, {name: "defer", valueSet: "v", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'This Boolean attribute is set to indicate to a browser that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed, but before firing [`DOMContentLoaded`]( "/en-US/docs/Web/Events/DOMContentLoaded").\n\nScripts with the `defer` attribute will prevent the `DOMContentLoaded` event from firing until the script has loaded and finished evaluating.\n\nThis attribute must not be used if the `src` attribute is absent (i.e. for inline scripts), in this case it would have no effect.\n\nTo achieve a similar effect for dynamically inserted scripts use `async="false"` instead. Scripts with the `defer` attribute will execute in the order in which they appear in the document.'}}, {name: "crossorigin", valueSet: "xo", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Normal `script` elements pass minimal information to the [`window.onerror`]( "The onerror property of the GlobalEventHandlers mixin is an EventHandler that processes error events.") for scripts which do not pass the standard [CORS]( "CORS: CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a system, consisting of transmitting HTTP headers, that determines whether browsers block frontend JavaScript code from accessing responses for cross-origin requests.") checks. To allow error logging for sites which use a separate domain for static media, use this attribute. See [CORS settings attributes]( for a more descriptive explanation of its valid arguments.'}}, {name: "nonce", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A cryptographic nonce (number used once) to whitelist inline scripts in a [script-src Content-Security-Policy]( The server must generate a unique nonce value each time it transmits a policy. It is critical to provide a nonce that cannot be guessed as bypassing a resource's policy is otherwise trivial."}}, {name: "integrity", description: "This attribute contains inline metadata that a user agent can use to verify that a fetched resource has been delivered free of unexpected manipulation. See [Subresource Integrity]("}, {name: "nomodule", description: "This Boolean attribute is set to indicate that the script should not be executed in browsers that support [ES2015 modules]( — in effect, this can be used to serve fallback scripts to older browsers that do not support modular JavaScript code."}, {name: "referrerpolicy", description: 'Indicates which [referrer]( to send when fetching the script, or resources fetched by the script:\n\n* `no-referrer`: The [`Referer`]( "The Referer request header contains the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. The Referer header allows servers to identify where people are visiting them from and may use that data for analytics, logging, or optimized caching, for example.") header will not be sent.\n* `no-referrer-when-downgrade` (default): The [`Referer`]( "The Referer request header contains the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. The Referer header allows servers to identify where people are visiting them from and may use that data for analytics, logging, or optimized caching, for example.") header will not be sent to [origin]( "origin: Web content\'s origin is defined by the scheme (protocol), host (domain), and port of the URL used to access it. Two objects have the same origin only when the scheme, host, and port all match.")s without [TLS]( "TLS: Transport Layer Security (TLS), previously known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), is a protocol used by applications to communicate securely across a network, preventing tampering with and eavesdropping on email, web browsing, messaging, and other protocols.") ([HTTPS]( "HTTPS: HTTPS (HTTP Secure) is an encrypted version of the HTTP protocol. It usually uses SSL or TLS to encrypt all communication between a client and a server. This secure connection allows clients to safely exchange sensitive data with a server, for example for banking activities or online shopping.")).\n* `origin`: The sent referrer will be limited to the origin of the referring page: its [scheme](, [host]( "host: A host is a device connected to the Internet (or a local network). Some hosts called servers offer additional services like serving webpages or storing files and emails."), and [port]( "port: For a computer connected to a network with an IP address, a port is a communication endpoint. Ports are designated by numbers, and below 1024 each port is associated by default with a specific protocol.").\n* `origin-when-cross-origin`: The referrer sent to other origins will be limited to the scheme, the host, and the port. Navigations on the same origin will still include the path.\n* `same-origin`: A referrer will be sent for [same origin]( "same origin: The same-origin policy is a critical security mechanism that restricts how a document or script loaded from one origin can interact with a resource from another origin."), but cross-origin requests will contain no referrer information.\n* `strict-origin`: Only send the origin of the document as the referrer when the protocol security level stays the same (e.g. HTTPS→HTTPS), but don\'t send it to a less secure destination (e.g. HTTPS→HTTP).\n* `strict-origin-when-cross-origin`: Send a full URL when performing a same-origin request, but only send the origin when the protocol security level stays the same (e.g.HTTPS→HTTPS), and send no header to a less secure destination (e.g. HTTPS→HTTP).\n* `unsafe-url`: The referrer will include the origin _and_ the path (but not the [fragment](, [password](, or [username]( **This value is unsafe**, because it leaks origins and paths from TLS-protected resources to insecure origins.\n\n**Note**: An empty string value (`""`) is both the default value, and a fallback value if `referrerpolicy` is not supported. If `referrerpolicy` is not explicitly specified on the `<script>` element, it will adopt a higher-level referrer policy, i.e. one set on the whole document or domain. If a higher-level policy is not available, the empty string is treated as being equivalent to `no-referrer-when-downgrade`.'}, {name: "text", description: "Like the `textContent` attribute, this attribute sets the text content of the element. Unlike the `textContent` attribute, however, this attribute is evaluated as executable code after the node is inserted into the DOM."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "noscript", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The noscript element represents nothing if scripting is enabled, and represents its children if scripting is disabled. It is used to present different markup to user agents that support scripting and those that don't support scripting, by affecting how the document is parsed."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "template", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The template element is used to declare fragments of HTML that can be cloned and inserted in the document by script."}, attributes: [], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "canvas", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The canvas element provides scripts with a resolution-dependent bitmap canvas, which can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, art, or other visual images on the fly."}, attributes: [{name: "width", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The width of the coordinate space in CSS pixels. Defaults to 300."}}, {name: "height", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The height of the coordinate space in CSS pixels. Defaults to 150."}}, {name: "moz-opaque", description: "Lets the canvas know whether or not translucency will be a factor. If the canvas knows there's no translucency, painting performance can be optimized. This is only supported by Mozilla-based browsers; use the standardized [`canvas.getContext('2d', { alpha: false })`]( \"The HTMLCanvasElement.getContext() method returns a drawing context on the canvas, or null if the context identifier is not supported.\") instead."}], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}], globalAttributes: [{name: "accesskey", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Provides a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. This attribute consists of a space-separated list of characters. The browser should use the first one that exists on the computer keyboard layout."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "autocapitalize", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Controls whether and how text input is automatically capitalized as it is entered/edited by the user. It can have the following values:\n\n* `off` or `none`, no autocapitalization is applied (all letters default to lowercase)\n* `on` or `sentences`, the first letter of each sentence defaults to a capital letter; all other letters default to lowercase\n* `words`, the first letter of each word defaults to a capital letter; all other letters default to lowercase\n* `characters`, all letters should default to uppercase"}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "class", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'A space-separated list of the classes of the element. Classes allows CSS and JavaScript to select and access specific elements via the [class selectors](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Class_selectors) or functions like the method [`Document.getElementsByClassName()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/getElementsByClassName "returns an array-like object of all child elements which have all of the given class names.").'}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "contenteditable", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An enumerated attribute indicating if the element should be editable by the user. If so, the browser modifies its widget to allow editing. The attribute must take one of the following values:\n\n* `true` or the _empty string_, which indicates that the element must be editable;\n* `false`, which indicates that the element must not be editable."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "contextmenu", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'The `[**id**](#attr-id)` of a [`<menu>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/menu "The HTML <menu> element represents a group of commands that a user can perform or activate. This includes both list menus, which might appear across the top of a screen, as well as context menus, such as those that might appear underneath a button after it has been clicked.") to use as the contextual menu for this element.'}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "dir", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An enumerated attribute indicating the directionality of the element's text. It can have the following values:\n\n* `ltr`, which means _left to right_ and is to be used for languages that are written from the left to the right (like English);\n* `rtl`, which means _right to left_ and is to be used for languages that are written from the right to the left (like Arabic);\n* `auto`, which lets the user agent decide. It uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then it applies that directionality to the whole element."}, valueSet: "d", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "draggable", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An enumerated attribute indicating whether the element can be dragged, using the [Drag and Drop API](/en-us/docs/DragDrop/Drag_and_Drop). It can have the following values:\n\n* `true`, which indicates that the element may be dragged\n* `false`, which indicates that the element may not be dragged."}, valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "dropzone", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An enumerated attribute indicating what types of content can be dropped on an element, using the [Drag and Drop API](/en-US/docs/DragDrop/Drag_and_Drop). It can have the following values:\n\n* `copy`, which indicates that dropping will create a copy of the element that was dragged\n* `move`, which indicates that the element that was dragged will be moved to this new location.\n* `link`, will create a link to the dragged data."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "exportparts", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Used to transitively export shadow parts from a nested shadow tree into a containing light tree."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "hidden", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A Boolean attribute indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, _relevant_. For example, it can be used to hide elements of the page that can't be used until the login process has been completed. The browser won't render such elements. This attribute must not be used to hide content that could legitimately be shown."}, valueSet: "v", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "id", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines a unique identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document. Its purpose is to identify the element when linking (using a fragment identifier), scripting, or styling (with CSS)."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "inputmode", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Provides a hint to browsers as to the type of virtual keyboard configuration to use when editing this element or its contents. Used primarily on [`<input>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input "The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent.") elements, but is usable on any element while in `[contenteditable](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes#attr-contenteditable)` mode.'}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "is", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Allows you to specify that a standard HTML element should behave like a registered custom built-in element (see [Using custom elements](/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_custom_elements) for more details)."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "itemid", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The unique, global identifier of an item."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "itemprop", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Used to add properties to an item. Every HTML element may have an `itemprop` attribute specified, where an `itemprop` consists of a name and value pair."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "itemref", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Properties that are not descendants of an element with the `itemscope` attribute can be associated with the item using an `itemref`. It provides a list of element ids (not `itemid`s) with additional properties elsewhere in the document."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "itemscope", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "`itemscope` (usually) works along with `[itemtype](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes#attr-itemtype)` to specify that the HTML contained in a block is about a particular item. `itemscope` creates the Item and defines the scope of the `itemtype` associated with it. `itemtype` is a valid URL of a vocabulary (such as []( that describes the item and its properties context."}, valueSet: "v", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "itemtype", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Specifies the URL of the vocabulary that will be used to define `itemprop`s (item properties) in the data structure. `[itemscope](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes#attr-itemscope)` is used to set the scope of where in the data structure the vocabulary set by `itemtype` will be active."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "lang", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Helps define the language of an element: the language that non-editable elements are in, or the language that editable elements should be written in by the user. The attribute contains one “language tag” (made of hyphen-separated “language subtags”) in the format defined in [_Tags for Identifying Languages (BCP47)_]( [**xml:lang**](#attr-xml:lang) has priority over it."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "part", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'A space-separated list of the part names of the element. Part names allows CSS to select and style specific elements in a shadow tree via the [`::part`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/::part "The ::part CSS pseudo-element represents any element within a shadow tree that has a matching part attribute.") pseudo-element.'}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "role", valueSet: "roles"}, {name: "slot", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Assigns a slot in a [shadow DOM](/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Shadow_DOM) shadow tree to an element: An element with a `slot` attribute is assigned to the slot created by the [`<slot>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/slot \"The HTML <slot> element—part of the Web Components technology suite—is a placeholder inside a web component that you can fill with your own markup, which lets you create separate DOM trees and present them together.\") element whose `[name](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/slot#attr-name)` attribute's value matches that `slot` attribute's value."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "spellcheck", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An enumerated attribute defines whether the element may be checked for spelling errors. It may have the following values:\n\n* `true`, which indicates that the element should be, if possible, checked for spelling errors;\n* `false`, which indicates that the element should not be checked for spelling errors."}, valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "style", description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Contains [CSS](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS) styling declarations to be applied to the element. Note that it is recommended for styles to be defined in a separate file or files. This attribute and the [`<style>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/style "The HTML <style> element contains style information for a document, or part of a document.") element have mainly the purpose of allowing for quick styling, for example for testing purposes.'}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "tabindex", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An integer attribute indicating if the element can take input focus (is _focusable_), if it should participate to sequential keyboard navigation, and if so, at what position. It can take several values:\n\n* a _negative value_ means that the element should be focusable, but should not be reachable via sequential keyboard navigation;\n* `0` means that the element should be focusable and reachable via sequential keyboard navigation, but its relative order is defined by the platform convention;\n* a _positive value_ means that the element should be focusable and reachable via sequential keyboard navigation; the order in which the elements are focused is the increasing value of the [**tabindex**](#attr-tabindex). If several elements share the same tabindex, their relative order follows their relative positions in the document."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "title", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Contains a text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to. Such information can typically, but not necessarily, be presented to the user as a tooltip."}, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "translate", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An enumerated attribute that is used to specify whether an element's attribute values and the values of its [`Text`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Text \"The Text interface represents the textual content of Element or Attr. If an element has no markup within its content, it has a single child implementing Text that contains the element's text. However, if the element contains markup, it is parsed into information items and Text nodes that form its children.\") node children are to be translated when the page is localized, or whether to leave them unchanged. It can have the following values:\n\n* empty string and `yes`, which indicates that the element will be translated.\n* `no`, which indicates that the element will not be translated."}, valueSet: "y", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "onabort", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The loading of a resource has been aborted."}}, {name: "onblur", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An element has lost focus (does not bubble)."}}, {name: "oncanplay", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The user agent can play the media, but estimates that not enough data has been loaded to play the media up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content."}}, {name: "oncanplaythrough", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The user agent can play the media up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content."}}, {name: "onchange", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The change event is fired for <input>, <select>, and <textarea> elements when a change to the element's value is committed by the user."}}, {name: "onclick", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A pointing device button has been pressed and released on an element."}}, {name: "oncontextmenu", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The right button of the mouse is clicked (before the context menu is displayed)."}}, {name: "ondblclick", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A pointing device button is clicked twice on an element."}}, {name: "ondrag", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An element or text selection is being dragged (every 350ms)."}}, {name: "ondragend", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A drag operation is being ended (by releasing a mouse button or hitting the escape key)."}}, {name: "ondragenter", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A dragged element or text selection enters a valid drop target."}}, {name: "ondragleave", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A dragged element or text selection leaves a valid drop target."}}, {name: "ondragover", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An element or text selection is being dragged over a valid drop target (every 350ms)."}}, {name: "ondragstart", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The user starts dragging an element or text selection."}}, {name: "ondrop", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An element is dropped on a valid drop target."}}, {name: "ondurationchange", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The duration attribute has been updated."}}, {name: "onemptied", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The media has become empty; for example, this event is sent if the media has already been loaded (or partially loaded), and the load() method is called to reload it."}}, {name: "onended", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Playback has stopped because the end of the media was reached."}}, {name: "onerror", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A resource failed to load."}}, {name: "onfocus", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "An element has received focus (does not bubble)."}}, {name: "onformchange"}, {name: "onforminput"}, {name: "oninput", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The value of an element changes or the content of an element with the attribute contenteditable is modified."}}, {name: "oninvalid", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A submittable element has been checked and doesn't satisfy its constraints."}}, {name: "onkeydown", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A key is pressed down."}}, {name: "onkeypress", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A key is pressed down and that key normally produces a character value (use input instead)."}}, {name: "onkeyup", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A key is released."}}, {name: "onload", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A resource and its dependent resources have finished loading."}}, {name: "onloadeddata", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The first frame of the media has finished loading."}}, {name: "onloadedmetadata", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The metadata has been loaded."}}, {name: "onloadstart", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Progress has begun."}}, {name: "onmousedown", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A pointing device button (usually a mouse) is pressed on an element."}}, {name: "onmousemove", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A pointing device is moved over an element."}}, {name: "onmouseout", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A pointing device is moved off the element that has the listener attached or off one of its children."}}, {name: "onmouseover", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A pointing device is moved onto the element that has the listener attached or onto one of its children."}}, {name: "onmouseup", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A pointing device button is released over an element."}}, {name: "onmousewheel"}, {name: "onpause", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Playback has been paused."}}, {name: "onplay", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Playback has begun."}}, {name: "onplaying", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Playback is ready to start after having been paused or delayed due to lack of data."}}, {name: "onprogress", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "In progress."}}, {name: "onratechange", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The playback rate has changed."}}, {name: "onreset", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A form is reset."}}, {name: "onresize", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The document view has been resized."}}, {name: "onreadystatechange", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The readyState attribute of a document has changed."}}, {name: "onscroll", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The document view or an element has been scrolled."}}, {name: "onseeked", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A seek operation completed."}}, {name: "onseeking", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A seek operation began."}}, {name: "onselect", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Some text is being selected."}}, {name: "onshow", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A contextmenu event was fired on/bubbled to an element that has a contextmenu attribute"}}, {name: "onstalled", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The user agent is trying to fetch media data, but data is unexpectedly not forthcoming."}}, {name: "onsubmit", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "A form is submitted."}}, {name: "onsuspend", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Media data loading has been suspended."}}, {name: "ontimeupdate", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The time indicated by the currentTime attribute has been updated."}}, {name: "onvolumechange", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "The volume has changed."}}, {name: "onwaiting", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Playback has stopped because of a temporary lack of data."}}, {name: "aria-activedescendant", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Identifies the currently active element when DOM focus is on a [`composite`]( widget, [`textbox`](, [`group`](, or [`application`]("}}, {name: "aria-atomic", valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates whether [assistive technologies]( will present all, or only parts of, the changed region based on the change notifications defined by the [`aria-relevant`]( attribute."}}, {name: "aria-autocomplete", valueSet: "autocomplete", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates whether inputting text could trigger display of one or more predictions of the user's intended value for an input and specifies how predictions would be presented if they are made."}}, {name: "aria-busy", valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates an element is being modified and that assistive technologies _MAY_ want to wait until the modifications are complete before exposing them to the user."}}, {name: "aria-checked", valueSet: "tristate", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Indicates the current "checked" [state]( of checkboxes, radio buttons, and other [widgets]( See related [`aria-pressed`]( and [`aria-selected`]('}}, {name: "aria-colcount", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines the total number of columns in a [`table`](, [`grid`](, or [`treegrid`]( See related [`aria-colindex`]("}}, {name: "aria-colindex", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines an [element's]( column index or position with respect to the total number of columns within a [`table`](, [`grid`](, or [`treegrid`]( See related [`aria-colcount`]( and [`aria-colspan`]("}}, {name: "aria-colspan", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines the number of columns spanned by a cell or gridcell within a [`table`](, [`grid`](, or [`treegrid`]( See related [`aria-colindex`]( and [`aria-rowspan`]("}}, {name: "aria-controls", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Identifies the [element]( (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element. See related [`aria-owns`]("}}, {name: "aria-current", valueSet: "current", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates the [element]( that represents the current item within a container or set of related elements."}}, {name: "aria-describedat", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "aria-describedby", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Identifies the [element]( (or elements) that describes the [object]( See related [`aria-labelledby`]("}}, {name: "aria-disabled", valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates that the [element]( is [perceivable]( but disabled, so it is not editable or otherwise [operable]( See related [`aria-hidden`]( and [`aria-readonly`]("}}, {name: "aria-dropeffect", valueSet: "dropeffect", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "\\[Deprecated in ARIA 1.1\\] Indicates what functions can be performed when a dragged object is released on the drop target."}}, {name: "aria-errormessage", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Identifies the [element]( that provides an error message for the [object]( See related [`aria-invalid`]( and [`aria-describedby`]("}}, {name: "aria-expanded", valueSet: "u", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates whether the element, or another grouping element it controls, is currently expanded or collapsed."}}, {name: "aria-flowto", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Identifies the next [element]( (or elements) in an alternate reading order of content which, at the user's discretion, allows assistive technology to override the general default of reading in document source order."}}, {name: "aria-grabbed", valueSet: "u", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: `\\[Deprecated in ARIA 1.1\\] Indicates an element's "grabbed" [state]( in a drag-and-drop operation.`}}, {name: "aria-haspopup", valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an [element]("}}, {name: "aria-hidden", valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates whether the [element]( is exposed to an accessibility API. See related [`aria-disabled`]("}}, {name: "aria-invalid", valueSet: "invalid", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates the entered value does not conform to the format expected by the application. See related [`aria-errormessage`]("}}, {name: "aria-kbdshortcuts", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "aria-label", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines a string value that labels the current element. See related [`aria-labelledby`]("}}, {name: "aria-labelledby", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Identifies the [element]( (or elements) that labels the current element. See related [`aria-describedby`]("}}, {name: "aria-level", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines the hierarchical level of an [element]( within a structure."}}, {name: "aria-live", valueSet: "live", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates that an [element]( will be updated, and describes the types of updates the [user agents](, [assistive technologies](, and user can expect from the [live region]("}}, {name: "aria-modal", valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates whether an [element]( is modal when displayed."}}, {name: "aria-multiline", valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates whether a text box accepts multiple lines of input or only a single line."}}, {name: "aria-multiselectable", valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates that the user may select more than one item from the current selectable descendants."}}, {name: "aria-orientation", valueSet: "orientation", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates whether the element's orientation is horizontal, vertical, or unknown/ambiguous."}}, {name: "aria-owns", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Identifies an [element]( (or elements) in order to define a visual, functional, or contextual parent/child [relationship]( between DOM elements where the DOM hierarchy cannot be used to represent the relationship. See related [`aria-controls`]("}}, {name: "aria-placeholder", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines a short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry when the control has no value. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format."}}, {name: "aria-posinset", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines an [element]('s number or position in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM. See related [`aria-setsize`]("}}, {name: "aria-pressed", valueSet: "tristate", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Indicates the current "pressed" [state]( of toggle buttons. See related [`aria-checked`]( and [`aria-selected`]('}}, {name: "aria-readonly", valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates that the [element]( is not editable, but is otherwise [operable]( See related [`aria-disabled`]("}}, {name: "aria-relevant", valueSet: "relevant", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates what notifications the user agent will trigger when the accessibility tree within a live region is modified. See related [`aria-atomic`]("}}, {name: "aria-required", valueSet: "b", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates that user input is required on the [element]( before a form may be submitted."}}, {name: "aria-roledescription", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines a human-readable, author-localized description for the [role]( of an [element]("}}, {name: "aria-rowcount", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines the total number of rows in a [`table`](, [`grid`](, or [`treegrid`]( See related [`aria-rowindex`]("}}, {name: "aria-rowindex", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines an [element's]( row index or position with respect to the total number of rows within a [`table`](, [`grid`](, or [`treegrid`]( See related [`aria-rowcount`]( and [`aria-rowspan`]("}}, {name: "aria-rowspan", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines the number of rows spanned by a cell or gridcell within a [`table`](, [`grid`](, or [`treegrid`]( See related [`aria-rowindex`]( and [`aria-colspan`]("}}, {name: "aria-selected", valueSet: "u", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: 'Indicates the current "selected" [state]( of various [widgets]( See related [`aria-checked`]( and [`aria-pressed`]('}}, {name: "aria-setsize", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines the number of items in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM. See related [`aria-posinset`]("}}, {name: "aria-sort", valueSet: "sort", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates if items in a table or grid are sorted in ascending or descending order."}}, {name: "aria-valuemax", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines the maximum allowed value for a range [widget]("}}, {name: "aria-valuemin", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines the minimum allowed value for a range [widget]("}}, {name: "aria-valuenow", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines the current value for a range [widget]( See related [`aria-valuetext`]("}}, {name: "aria-valuetext", references: [{name: "WAI-ARIA Reference", url: ""}], description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Defines the human readable text alternative of [`aria-valuenow`]( for a range [widget]("}}, {name: "aria-details", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Identifies the [element]( that provides a detailed, extended description for the [object]( See related [`aria-describedby`]("}}, {name: "aria-keyshortcuts", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Indicates keyboard shortcuts that an author has implemented to activate or give focus to an element."}}], valueSets: [{name: "b", values: [{name: "true"}, {name: "false"}]}, {name: "u", values: [{name: "true"}, {name: "false"}, {name: "undefined"}]}, {name: "o", values: [{name: "on"}, {name: "off"}]}, {name: "y", values: [{name: "yes"}, {name: "no"}]}, {name: "w", values: [{name: "soft"}, {name: "hard"}]}, {name: "d", values: [{name: "ltr"}, {name: "rtl"}, {name: "auto"}]}, {name: "m", values: [{name: "GET", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Corresponds to the HTTP [GET method](; form data are appended to the `action` attribute URI with a '?' as separator, and the resulting URI is sent to the server. Use this method when the form has no side-effects and contains only ASCII characters."}}, {name: "POST", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Corresponds to the HTTP [POST method](; form data are included in the body of the form and sent to the server."}}, {name: "dialog", description: {kind: "markdown", value: "Use when the form is inside a [`<dialog>`]( element to close the dialog when submitted."}}]}, {name: "fm", values: [{name: "GET"}, {name: "POST"}]}, {name: "s", values: [{name: "row"}, {name: "col"}, {name: "rowgroup"}, {name: "colgroup"}]}, {name: "t", values: [{name: "hidden"}, {name: "text"}, {name: "search"}, {name: "tel"}, {name: "url"}, {name: "email"}, {name: "password"}, {name: "datetime"}, {name: "date"}, {name: "month"}, {name: "week"}, {name: "time"}, {name: "datetime-local"}, {name: "number"}, {name: "range"}, {name: "color"}, {name: "checkbox"}, {name: "radio"}, {name: "file"}, {name: "submit"}, {name: "image"}, {name: "reset"}, {name: "button"}]}, {name: "im", values: [{name: "verbatim"}, {name: "latin"}, {name: "latin-name"}, {name: "latin-prose"}, {name: "full-width-latin"}, {name: "kana"}, {name: "kana-name"}, {name: "katakana"}, {name: "numeric"}, {name: "tel"}, {name: "email"}, {name: "url"}]}, {name: "bt", values: [{name: "button"}, {name: "submit"}, {name: "reset"}, {name: "menu"}]}, {name: "lt", values: [{name: "1"}, {name: "a"}, {name: "A"}, {name: "i"}, {name: "I"}]}, {name: "mt", values: [{name: "context"}, {name: "toolbar"}]}, {name: "mit", values: [{name: "command"}, {name: "checkbox"}, {name: "radio"}]}, {name: "et", values: [{name: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, {name: "multipart/form-data"}, {name: "text/plain"}]}, {name: "tk", values: [{name: "subtitles"}, {name: "captions"}, {name: "descriptions"}, {name: "chapters"}, {name: "metadata"}]}, {name: "pl", values: [{name: "none"}, {name: "metadata"}, {name: "auto"}]}, {name: "sh", values: [{name: "circle"}, {name: "default"}, {name: "poly"}, {name: "rect"}]}, {name: "xo", values: [{name: "anonymous"}, {name: "use-credentials"}]}, {name: "sb", values: [{name: "allow-forms"}, {name: "allow-modals"}, {name: "allow-pointer-lock"}, {name: "allow-popups"}, {name: "allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"}, {name: "allow-same-origin"}, {name: "allow-scripts"}, {name: "allow-top-navigation"}]}, {name: "tristate", values: [{name: "true"}, {name: "false"}, {name: "mixed"}, {name: "undefined"}]}, {name: "inputautocomplete", values: [{name: "additional-name"}, {name: "address-level1"}, {name: "address-level2"}, {name: "address-level3"}, {name: "address-level4"}, {name: "address-line1"}, {name: "address-line2"}, {name: "address-line3"}, {name: "bday"}, {name: "bday-year"}, {name: "bday-day"}, {name: "bday-month"}, {name: "billing"}, {name: "cc-additional-name"}, {name: "cc-csc"}, {name: "cc-exp"}, {name: "cc-exp-month"}, {name: "cc-exp-year"}, {name: "cc-family-name"}, {name: "cc-given-name"}, {name: "cc-name"}, {name: "cc-number"}, {name: "cc-type"}, {name: "country"}, {name: "country-name"}, {name: "current-password"}, {name: "email"}, {name: "family-name"}, {name: "fax"}, {name: "given-name"}, {name: "home"}, {name: "honorific-prefix"}, {name: "honorific-suffix"}, {name: "impp"}, {name: "language"}, {name: "mobile"}, {name: "name"}, {name: "new-password"}, {name: "nickname"}, {name: "organization"}, {name: "organization-title"}, {name: "pager"}, {name: "photo"}, {name: "postal-code"}, {name: "sex"}, {name: "shipping"}, {name: "street-address"}, {name: "tel-area-code"}, {name: "tel"}, {name: "tel-country-code"}, {name: "tel-extension"}, {name: "tel-local"}, {name: "tel-local-prefix"}, {name: "tel-local-suffix"}, {name: "tel-national"}, {name: "transaction-amount"}, {name: "transaction-currency"}, {name: "url"}, {name: "username"}, {name: "work"}]}, {name: "autocomplete", values: [{name: "inline"}, {name: "list"}, {name: "both"}, {name: "none"}]}, {name: "current", values: [{name: "page"}, {name: "step"}, {name: "location"}, {name: "date"}, {name: "time"}, {name: "true"}, {name: "false"}]}, {name: "dropeffect", values: [{name: "copy"}, {name: "move"}, {name: "link"}, {name: "execute"}, {name: "popup"}, {name: "none"}]}, {name: "invalid", values: [{name: "grammar"}, {name: "false"}, {name: "spelling"}, {name: "true"}]}, {name: "live", values: [{name: "off"}, {name: "polite"}, {name: "assertive"}]}, {name: "orientation", values: [{name: "vertical"}, {name: "horizontal"}, {name: "undefined"}]}, {name: "relevant", values: [{name: "additions"}, {name: "removals"}, {name: "text"}, {name: "all"}, {name: "additions text"}]}, {name: "sort", values: [{name: "ascending"}, {name: "descending"}, {name: "none"}, {name: "other"}]}, {name: "roles", values: [{name: "alert"}, {name: "alertdialog"}, {name: "button"}, {name: "checkbox"}, {name: "dialog"}, {name: "gridcell"}, {name: "link"}, {name: "log"}, {name: "marquee"}, {name: "menuitem"}, {name: "menuitemcheckbox"}, {name: "menuitemradio"}, {name: "option"}, {name: "progressbar"}, {name: "radio"}, {name: "scrollbar"}, {name: "searchbox"}, {name: "slider"}, {name: "spinbutton"}, {name: "status"}, {name: "switch"}, {name: "tab"}, {name: "tabpanel"}, {name: "textbox"}, {name: "timer"}, {name: "tooltip"}, {name: "treeitem"}, {name: "combobox"}, {name: "grid"}, {name: "listbox"}, {name: "menu"}, {name: "menubar"}, {name: "radiogroup"}, {name: "tablist"}, {name: "tree"}, {name: "treegrid"}, {name: "application"}, {name: "article"}, {name: "cell"}, {name: "columnheader"}, {name: "definition"}, {name: "directory"}, {name: "document"}, {name: "feed"}, {name: "figure"}, {name: "group"}, {name: "heading"}, {name: "img"}, {name: "list"}, {name: "listitem"}, {name: "math"}, {name: "none"}, {name: "note"}, {name: "presentation"}, {name: "region"}, {name: "row"}, {name: "rowgroup"}, {name: "rowheader"}, {name: "separator"}, {name: "table"}, {name: "term"}, {name: "text"}, {name: "toolbar"}, {name: "banner"}, {name: "complementary"}, {name: "contentinfo"}, {name: "form"}, {name: "main"}, {name: "navigation"}, {name: "region"}, {name: "search"}, {name: "doc-abstract"}, {name: "doc-acknowledgments"}, {name: "doc-afterword"}, {name: "doc-appendix"}, {name: "doc-backlink"}, {name: "doc-biblioentry"}, {name: "doc-bibliography"}, {name: "doc-biblioref"}, {name: "doc-chapter"}, {name: "doc-colophon"}, {name: "doc-conclusion"}, {name: "doc-cover"}, {name: "doc-credit"}, {name: "doc-credits"}, {name: "doc-dedication"}, {name: "doc-endnote"}, {name: "doc-endnotes"}, {name: "doc-epigraph"}, {name: "doc-epilogue"}, {name: "doc-errata"}, {name: "doc-example"}, {name: "doc-footnote"}, {name: "doc-foreword"}, {name: "doc-glossary"}, {name: "doc-glossref"}, {name: "doc-index"}, {name: "doc-introduction"}, {name: "doc-noteref"}, {name: "doc-notice"}, {name: "doc-pagebreak"}, {name: "doc-pagelist"}, {name: "doc-part"}, {name: "doc-preface"}, {name: "doc-prologue"}, {name: "doc-pullquote"}, {name: "doc-qna"}, {name: "doc-subtitle"}, {name: "doc-tip"}, {name: "doc-toc"}]}, {name: "metanames", values: [{name: "application-name"}, {name: "author"}, {name: "description"}, {name: "format-detection"}, {name: "generator"}, {name: "keywords"}, {name: "publisher"}, {name: "referrer"}, {name: "robots"}, {name: "theme-color"}, {name: "viewport"}]}]}, At = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.dataProviders = [], this.setDataProviders(false !== e3.useDefaultDataProvider, e3.customDataProviders || []);
return e2.prototype.setDataProviders = function(e3, t2) {
var n2;
this.dataProviders = [], e3 && this.dataProviders.push(new Ke("html5", Dt)), (n2 = this.dataProviders).push.apply(n2, t2);
}, e2.prototype.getDataProviders = function() {
return this.dataProviders;
}, e2;
}(), Rt = {};
function Mt(e2) {
void 0 === e2 && (e2 = Rt);
var t2 = new At(e2), n2 = new lt(e2, t2), i2 = new rt(e2, t2);
return {setDataProviders: t2.setDataProviders.bind(t2), createScanner: Ie, parseHTMLDocument: function(e3) {
return Me(e3.getText());
}, doComplete: i2.doComplete.bind(i2), doComplete2: i2.doComplete2.bind(i2), setCompletionParticipants: i2.setCompletionParticipants.bind(i2), doHover: n2.doHover.bind(n2), format: ut, findDocumentHighlights: yt, findDocumentLinks: wt, findDocumentSymbols: kt, getFoldingRanges: Nt, getSelectionRanges: It, doTagComplete: i2.doTagComplete.bind(i2), doRename: Et, findMatchingTagPosition: Tt, findOnTypeRenameRanges: Lt};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i, o = function() {
return void 0 === i && (i = Boolean(window && document && document.all && !window.atob)), i;
}, r = function() {
var e2 = {};
return function(t2) {
if (void 0 === e2[t2]) {
var n2 = document.querySelector(t2);
if (window.HTMLIFrameElement && n2 instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement)
try {
n2 = n2.contentDocument.head;
} catch (e3) {
n2 = null;
e2[t2] = n2;
return e2[t2];
}(), s = [];
function a(e2) {
for (var t2 = -1, n2 = 0; n2 < s.length; n2++)
if (s[n2].identifier === e2) {
t2 = n2;
return t2;
function l(e2, t2) {
for (var n2 = {}, i2 = [], o2 = 0; o2 < e2.length; o2++) {
var r2 = e2[o2], l2 = t2.base ? r2[0] + t2.base : r2[0], c2 = n2[l2] || 0, d2 = "".concat(l2, " ").concat(c2);
n2[l2] = c2 + 1;
var h2 = a(d2), u2 = {css: r2[1], media: r2[2], sourceMap: r2[3]};
-1 !== h2 ? (s[h2].references++, s[h2].updater(u2)) : s.push({identifier: d2, updater: f(u2, t2), references: 1}), i2.push(d2);
return i2;
function c(e2) {
var t2 = document.createElement("style"), i2 = e2.attributes || {};
if (void 0 === i2.nonce) {
var o2 =;
o2 && (i2.nonce = o2);
if (Object.keys(i2).forEach(function(e3) {
t2.setAttribute(e3, i2[e3]);
}), "function" == typeof e2.insert)
else {
var s2 = r(e2.insert || "head");
if (!s2)
throw new Error("Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insert' parameter is invalid.");
return t2;
var d, h = (d = [], function(e2, t2) {
return d[e2] = t2, d.filter(Boolean).join("\n");
function u(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = n2 ? "" : ? "@media ".concat(, " {").concat(i2.css, "}") : i2.css;
if (e2.styleSheet)
e2.styleSheet.cssText = h(t2, o2);
else {
var r2 = document.createTextNode(o2), s2 = e2.childNodes;
s2[t2] && e2.removeChild(s2[t2]), s2.length ? e2.insertBefore(r2, s2[t2]) : e2.appendChild(r2);
function p(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = n2.css, o2 =, r2 = n2.sourceMap;
if (o2 ? e2.setAttribute("media", o2) : e2.removeAttribute("media"), r2 && btoa && (i2 += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,".concat(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(r2)))), " */")), e2.styleSheet)
e2.styleSheet.cssText = i2;
else {
for (; e2.firstChild; )
var m = null, g = 0;
function f(e2, t2) {
var n2, i2, o2;
if (t2.singleton) {
var r2 = g++;
n2 = m || (m = c(t2)), i2 = u.bind(null, n2, r2, false), o2 = u.bind(null, n2, r2, true);
} else
n2 = c(t2), i2 = p.bind(null, n2, t2), o2 = function() {
!function(e3) {
if (null === e3.parentNode)
return false;
return i2(e2), function(t3) {
if (t3) {
if (t3.css === e2.css && === && t3.sourceMap === e2.sourceMap)
i2(e2 = t3);
} else
e.exports = function(e2, t2) {
(t2 = t2 || {}).singleton || "boolean" == typeof t2.singleton || (t2.singleton = o());
var n2 = l(e2 = e2 || [], t2);
return function(e3) {
if (e3 = e3 || [], "[object Array]" === {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < n2.length; i2++) {
var o2 = a(n2[i2]);
for (var r2 = l(e3, t2), c2 = 0; c2 < n2.length; c2++) {
var d2 = a(n2[c2]);
0 === s[d2].references && (s[d2].updater(), s.splice(d2, 1));
n2 = r2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
e.exports = function(e2) {
var t2 = [];
return t2.toString = function() {
return {
var n2 = function(e3, t4) {
var n3 = e3[1] || "", i = e3[3];
if (!i)
return n3;
if (t4 && "function" == typeof btoa) {
var o = (s = i, a = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(s)))), l = "sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,".concat(a), "/*# ".concat(l, " */")), r = {
return "/*# sourceURL=".concat(i.sourceRoot || "").concat(e4, " */");
return [n3].concat(r).concat([o]).join("\n");
var s, a, l;
return [n3].join("\n");
}(t3, e2);
return t3[2] ? "@media ".concat(t3[2], " {").concat(n2, "}") : n2;
}, t2.i = function(e3, n2, i) {
"string" == typeof e3 && (e3 = [[null, e3, ""]]);
var o = {};
if (i)
for (var r = 0; r < this.length; r++) {
var s = this[r][0];
null != s && (o[s] = true);
for (var a = 0; a < e3.length; a++) {
var l = [].concat(e3[a]);
i && o[l[0]] || (n2 && (l[2] ? l[2] = "".concat(n2, " and ").concat(l[2]) : l[2] = n2), t2.push(l));
}, t2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "d", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return v;
var i = n(6);
class o {
constructor() {
this._zoomLevel = 0, this._lastZoomLevelChangeTime = 0, this._onDidChangeZoomLevel = new i.a(), this.onDidChangeZoomLevel = this._onDidChangeZoomLevel.event, this._zoomFactor = 1;
getZoomLevel() {
return this._zoomLevel;
getTimeSinceLastZoomLevelChanged() {
return - this._lastZoomLevelChangeTime;
getZoomFactor() {
return this._zoomFactor;
getPixelRatio() {
let e2 = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");
return (window.devicePixelRatio || 1) / (e2.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || e2.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || e2.msBackingStorePixelRatio || e2.oBackingStorePixelRatio || e2.backingStorePixelRatio || 1);
function r() {
return o.INSTANCE.getZoomLevel();
function s() {
return o.INSTANCE.getTimeSinceLastZoomLevelChanged();
function a(e2) {
return o.INSTANCE.onDidChangeZoomLevel(e2);
function l() {
return o.INSTANCE.getZoomFactor();
function c() {
return o.INSTANCE.getPixelRatio();
o.INSTANCE = new o();
const d = navigator.userAgent, h = d.indexOf("Edge/") >= 0, u = d.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0, p = d.indexOf("AppleWebKit") >= 0, m = d.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0, g = !m && d.indexOf("Safari") >= 0, f = !m && !g && p, b = d.indexOf("iPad") >= 0 || g && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0, _ = h && d.indexOf("WebView/") >= 0, v = window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
var i = n(1);
class o {
constructor(e2) {
this.domNode = e2, this._maxWidth = -1, this._width = -1, this._height = -1, this._top = -1, this._left = -1, this._bottom = -1, this._right = -1, this._fontFamily = "", this._fontWeight = "", this._fontSize = -1, this._fontFeatureSettings = "", this._lineHeight = -1, this._letterSpacing = -100, this._className = "", this._display = "", this._position = "", this._visibility = "", this._backgroundColor = "", this._layerHint = false, this._contain = "none", this._boxShadow = "";
setMaxWidth(e2) {
this._maxWidth !== e2 && (this._maxWidth = e2, = this._maxWidth + "px");
setWidth(e2) {
this._width !== e2 && (this._width = e2, = this._width + "px");
setHeight(e2) {
this._height !== e2 && (this._height = e2, = this._height + "px");
setTop(e2) {
this._top !== e2 && (this._top = e2, = this._top + "px");
unsetTop() {
-1 !== this._top && (this._top = -1, = "");
setLeft(e2) {
this._left !== e2 && (this._left = e2, = this._left + "px");
setBottom(e2) {
this._bottom !== e2 && (this._bottom = e2, = this._bottom + "px");
setRight(e2) {
this._right !== e2 && (this._right = e2, = this._right + "px");
setFontFamily(e2) {
this._fontFamily !== e2 && (this._fontFamily = e2, = this._fontFamily);
setFontWeight(e2) {
this._fontWeight !== e2 && (this._fontWeight = e2, = this._fontWeight);
setFontSize(e2) {
this._fontSize !== e2 && (this._fontSize = e2, = this._fontSize + "px");
setFontFeatureSettings(e2) {
this._fontFeatureSettings !== e2 && (this._fontFeatureSettings = e2, = this._fontFeatureSettings);
setLineHeight(e2) {
this._lineHeight !== e2 && (this._lineHeight = e2, = this._lineHeight + "px");
setLetterSpacing(e2) {
this._letterSpacing !== e2 && (this._letterSpacing = e2, = this._letterSpacing + "px");
setClassName(e2) {
this._className !== e2 && (this._className = e2, this.domNode.className = this._className);
toggleClassName(e2, t2) {
i.ab(this.domNode, e2, t2), this._className = this.domNode.className;
setDisplay(e2) {
this._display !== e2 && (this._display = e2, = this._display);
setPosition(e2) {
this._position !== e2 && (this._position = e2, = this._position);
setVisibility(e2) {
this._visibility !== e2 && (this._visibility = e2, = this._visibility);
setBackgroundColor(e2) {
this._backgroundColor !== e2 && (this._backgroundColor = e2, = this._backgroundColor);
setLayerHinting(e2) {
this._layerHint !== e2 && (this._layerHint = e2, = this._layerHint ? "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)" : "");
setBoxShadow(e2) {
this._boxShadow !== e2 && (this._boxShadow = e2, = e2);
setContain(e2) {
this._contain !== e2 && (this._contain = e2, = this._contain);
setAttribute(e2, t2) {
this.domNode.setAttribute(e2, t2);
removeAttribute(e2) {
appendChild(e2) {
removeChild(e2) {
function r(e2) {
return new o(e2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2) {
return e2 < 0 ? 0 : e2 > 255 ? 255 : 0 | e2;
function o(e2) {
return e2 < 0 ? 0 : e2 > 4294967295 ? 4294967295 : 0 | e2;
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i;
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
return e3 && "object" == typeof e3 && "function" == typeof e3[Symbol.iterator];
const t2 = Object.freeze([]);
e2.empty = function() {
return t2;
}, e2.single = function* (e3) {
yield e3;
}, e2.from = function(e3) {
return e3 || t2;
}, e2.first = function(e3) {
return e3[Symbol.iterator]().next().value;
}, e2.some = function(e3, t3) {
for (const n2 of e3)
if (t3(n2))
return true;
return false;
}, e2.filter = function* (e3, t3) {
for (const n2 of e3)
t3(n2) && (yield n2);
}, = function* (e3, t3) {
for (const n2 of e3)
yield t3(n2);
}, e2.concat = function* (...e3) {
for (const t3 of e3)
for (const e4 of t3)
yield e4;
}, e2.consume = function(t3, n2 = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
const i2 = [];
if (0 === n2)
return [i2, t3];
const o = t3[Symbol.iterator]();
for (let t4 = 0; t4 < n2; t4++) {
const t5 =;
if (t5.done)
return [i2, e2.empty()];
return [i2, {[Symbol.iterator]: () => o}];
}(i || (i = {}));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "f", function() {
return re;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return A;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return R;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return H;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return yt;
var i, o, r, s, a, l, c, d, h, u, p, m, g, f, b, _, v, w, y, C, x = n(65);
function S(e2, t2) {
if (e2 === t2)
return true;
if (null == e2 || null == t2)
return false;
if (typeof e2 != typeof t2)
return false;
if ("object" != typeof e2)
return false;
if (Array.isArray(e2) !== Array.isArray(t2))
return false;
var n2, i2;
if (Array.isArray(e2)) {
if (e2.length !== t2.length)
return false;
for (n2 = 0; n2 < e2.length; n2++)
if (!S(e2[n2], t2[n2]))
return false;
} else {
var o2 = [];
for (i2 in e2)
var r2 = [];
for (i2 in t2)
if (r2.sort(), !S(o2, r2))
return false;
for (n2 = 0; n2 < o2.length; n2++)
if (!S(e2[o2[n2]], t2[o2[n2]]))
return false;
return true;
function k(e2) {
return "number" == typeof e2;
function E(e2) {
return void 0 !== e2;
function T(e2) {
return "boolean" == typeof e2;
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {line: e3, character: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.objectLiteral(t2) && ie.number(t2.line) && ie.number(t2.character);
}(i || (i = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, o2) {
if (ie.number(e3) && ie.number(t2) && ie.number(n2) && ie.number(o2))
return {start: i.create(e3, t2), end: i.create(n2, o2)};
if ( &&
return {start: e3, end: t2};
throw new Error("Range#create called with invalid arguments[" + e3 + ", " + t2 + ", " + n2 + ", " + o2 + "]");
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.objectLiteral(t2) && &&;
}(o || (o = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {uri: e3, range: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && (ie.string(t2.uri) || ie.undefined(t2.uri));
}(r || (r = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return {targetUri: e3, targetRange: t2, targetSelectionRange: n2, originSelectionRange: i2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && ie.string(t2.targetUri) && ( || ie.undefined(t2.targetSelectionRange)) && ( || ie.undefined(t2.originSelectionRange));
}(s || (s = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return {red: e3, green: t2, blue: n2, alpha: i2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.number( && ie.number( && ie.number( && ie.number(t2.alpha);
}(a || (a = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: e3, color: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return &&;
}(l || (l = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return {label: e3, textEdit: t2, additionalTextEdits: n2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.string(t2.label) && (ie.undefined(t2.textEdit) || && (ie.undefined(t2.additionalTextEdits) || ie.typedArray(t2.additionalTextEdits,;
}(c || (c = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Comment = "comment", e2.Imports = "imports", e2.Region = "region";
}(d || (d = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
var r2 = {startLine: e3, endLine: t2};
return ie.defined(n2) && (r2.startCharacter = n2), ie.defined(i2) && (r2.endCharacter = i2), ie.defined(o2) && (r2.kind = o2), r2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.number(t2.startLine) && ie.number(t2.startLine) && (ie.undefined(t2.startCharacter) || ie.number(t2.startCharacter)) && (ie.undefined(t2.endCharacter) || ie.number(t2.endCharacter)) && (ie.undefined(t2.kind) || ie.string(t2.kind));
}(h || (h = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {location: e3, message: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && ie.string(t2.message);
}(u || (u = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Error = 1, e2.Warning = 2, e2.Information = 3, e2.Hint = 4;
}(p || (p = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Unnecessary = 1, e2.Deprecated = 2;
}(m || (m = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
var s2 = {range: e3, message: t2};
return ie.defined(n2) && (s2.severity = n2), ie.defined(i2) && (s2.code = i2), ie.defined(o2) && (s2.source = o2), ie.defined(r2) && (s2.relatedInformation = r2), s2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && ie.string(t2.message) && (ie.number(t2.severity) || ie.undefined(t2.severity)) && (ie.number(t2.code) || ie.string(t2.code) || ie.undefined(t2.code)) && (ie.string(t2.source) || ie.undefined(t2.source)) && (ie.undefined(t2.relatedInformation) || ie.typedArray(t2.relatedInformation,;
}(g || (g = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], i2 = 2; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2 - 2] = arguments[i2];
var o2 = {title: e3, command: t2};
return ie.defined(n2) && n2.length > 0 && (o2.arguments = n2), o2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.string(t2.title) && ie.string(t2.command);
}(f || (f = {})), function(e2) {
e2.replace = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: e3, newText: t2};
}, e2.insert = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: {start: e3, end: e3}, newText: t2};
}, e2.del = function(e3) {
return {range: e3, newText: ""};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.objectLiteral(t2) && ie.string(t2.newText) &&;
}(b || (b = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {textDocument: e3, edits: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && Array.isArray(t2.edits);
}(_ || (_ = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {kind: "create", uri: e3};
return void 0 === t2 || void 0 === t2.overwrite && void 0 === t2.ignoreIfExists || (n2.options = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && "create" === t2.kind && ie.string(t2.uri) && (void 0 === t2.options || (void 0 === t2.options.overwrite || ie.boolean(t2.options.overwrite)) && (void 0 === t2.options.ignoreIfExists || ie.boolean(t2.options.ignoreIfExists)));
}(v || (v = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = {kind: "rename", oldUri: e3, newUri: t2};
return void 0 === n2 || void 0 === n2.overwrite && void 0 === n2.ignoreIfExists || (i2.options = n2), i2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && "rename" === t2.kind && ie.string(t2.oldUri) && ie.string(t2.newUri) && (void 0 === t2.options || (void 0 === t2.options.overwrite || ie.boolean(t2.options.overwrite)) && (void 0 === t2.options.ignoreIfExists || ie.boolean(t2.options.ignoreIfExists)));
}(w || (w = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {kind: "delete", uri: e3};
return void 0 === t2 || void 0 === t2.recursive && void 0 === t2.ignoreIfNotExists || (n2.options = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && "delete" === t2.kind && ie.string(t2.uri) && (void 0 === t2.options || (void 0 === t2.options.recursive || ie.boolean(t2.options.recursive)) && (void 0 === t2.options.ignoreIfNotExists || ie.boolean(t2.options.ignoreIfNotExists)));
}(y || (y = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && (void 0 !== t2.changes || void 0 !== t2.documentChanges) && (void 0 === t2.documentChanges || t2.documentChanges.every(function(e4) {
return ie.string(e4.kind) ? || || :;
}(C || (C = {}));
var L, N, I, O, D, A, R, M, P, F, W, z, B, j, V, U, H, q, $, K, G, Y, Z, X, Q, J, ee, te = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.edits = e3;
return e2.prototype.insert = function(e3, t2) {
this.edits.push(b.insert(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.replace = function(e3, t2) {
this.edits.push(b.replace(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.delete = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.add = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.all = function() {
return this.edits;
}, e2.prototype.clear = function() {
this.edits.splice(0, this.edits.length);
}, e2;
!function() {
function e2(e3) {
var t2 = this;
this._textEditChanges = Object.create(null), e3 && (this._workspaceEdit = e3, e3.documentChanges ? e3.documentChanges.forEach(function(e4) {
if ( {
var n2 = new te(e4.edits);
t2._textEditChanges[e4.textDocument.uri] = n2;
}) : e3.changes && Object.keys(e3.changes).forEach(function(n2) {
var i2 = new te(e3.changes[n2]);
t2._textEditChanges[n2] = i2;
Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "edit", {get: function() {
return this._workspaceEdit;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getTextEditChange = function(e3) {
if ( {
if (this._workspaceEdit || (this._workspaceEdit = {documentChanges: []}), !this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges)
throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.");
var t2 = e3;
if (!(i2 = this._textEditChanges[t2.uri])) {
var n2 = {textDocument: t2, edits: o2 = []};
this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(n2), i2 = new te(o2), this._textEditChanges[t2.uri] = i2;
return i2;
if (this._workspaceEdit || (this._workspaceEdit = {changes: Object.create(null)}), !this._workspaceEdit.changes)
throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for normal text edit changes.");
var i2;
if (!(i2 = this._textEditChanges[e3])) {
var o2 = [];
this._workspaceEdit.changes[e3] = o2, i2 = new te(o2), this._textEditChanges[e3] = i2;
return i2;
}, e2.prototype.createFile = function(e3, t2) {
this.checkDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(v.create(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.renameFile = function(e3, t2, n2) {
this.checkDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(w.create(e3, t2, n2));
}, e2.prototype.deleteFile = function(e3, t2) {
this.checkDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(y.create(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.checkDocumentChanges = function() {
if (!this._workspaceEdit || !this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges)
throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.");
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3) {
return {uri: e3};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.string(t2.uri);
}(L || (L = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {uri: e3, version: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.string(t2.uri) && (null === t2.version || ie.number(t2.version));
}(N || (N = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return {uri: e3, languageId: t2, version: n2, text: i2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.string(t2.uri) && ie.string(t2.languageId) && ie.number(t2.version) && ie.string(t2.text);
}(I || (I = {})), function(e2) {
e2.PlainText = "plaintext", e2.Markdown = "markdown";
}(O || (O = {})), function(e2) { = function(t2) {
var n2 = t2;
return n2 === e2.PlainText || n2 === e2.Markdown;
}(O || (O = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.objectLiteral(e3) && && ie.string(t2.value);
}(D || (D = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Text = 1, e2.Method = 2, e2.Function = 3, e2.Constructor = 4, e2.Field = 5, e2.Variable = 6, e2.Class = 7, e2.Interface = 8, e2.Module = 9, e2.Property = 10, e2.Unit = 11, e2.Value = 12, e2.Enum = 13, e2.Keyword = 14, e2.Snippet = 15, e2.Color = 16, e2.File = 17, e2.Reference = 18, e2.Folder = 19, e2.EnumMember = 20, e2.Constant = 21, e2.Struct = 22, e2.Event = 23, e2.Operator = 24, e2.TypeParameter = 25;
}(A || (A = {})), function(e2) {
e2.PlainText = 1, e2.Snippet = 2;
}(R || (R = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Deprecated = 1;
}(M || (M = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3) {
return {label: e3};
}(P || (P = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {items: e3 || [], isIncomplete: !!t2};
}(F || (F = {})), function(e2) {
e2.fromPlainText = function(e3) {
return e3.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, "\\$&");
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.string(t2) || ie.objectLiteral(t2) && ie.string(t2.language) && ie.string(t2.value);
}(W || (W = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return !!t2 && ie.objectLiteral(t2) && ( || || ie.typedArray(t2.contents, && (void 0 === e3.range ||;
}(z || (z = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 ? {label: e3, documentation: t2} : {label: e3};
}(B || (B = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], i2 = 2; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2 - 2] = arguments[i2];
var o2 = {label: e3};
return ie.defined(t2) && (o2.documentation = t2), ie.defined(n2) ? o2.parameters = n2 : o2.parameters = [], o2;
}(j || (j = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Text = 1, e2.Read = 2, e2.Write = 3;
}(V || (V = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {range: e3};
return ie.number(t2) && (n2.kind = t2), n2;
}(U || (U = {})), function(e2) {
e2.File = 1, e2.Module = 2, e2.Namespace = 3, e2.Package = 4, e2.Class = 5, e2.Method = 6, e2.Property = 7, e2.Field = 8, e2.Constructor = 9, e2.Enum = 10, e2.Interface = 11, e2.Function = 12, e2.Variable = 13, e2.Constant = 14, e2.String = 15, e2.Number = 16, e2.Boolean = 17, e2.Array = 18, e2.Object = 19, e2.Key = 20, e2.Null = 21, e2.EnumMember = 22, e2.Struct = 23, e2.Event = 24, e2.Operator = 25, e2.TypeParameter = 26;
}(H || (H = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Deprecated = 1;
}(q || (q = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
var r2 = {name: e3, kind: t2, location: {uri: i2, range: n2}};
return o2 && (r2.containerName = o2), r2;
}($ || ($ = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
var s2 = {name: e3, detail: t2, kind: n2, range: i2, selectionRange: o2};
return void 0 !== r2 && (s2.children = r2), s2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && ie.string( && ie.number(t2.kind) && && && (void 0 === t2.detail || ie.string(t2.detail)) && (void 0 === t2.deprecated || ie.boolean(t2.deprecated)) && (void 0 === t2.children || Array.isArray(t2.children));
}(K || (K = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Empty = "", e2.QuickFix = "quickfix", e2.Refactor = "refactor", e2.RefactorExtract = "refactor.extract", e2.RefactorInline = "refactor.inline", e2.RefactorRewrite = "refactor.rewrite", e2.Source = "source", e2.SourceOrganizeImports = "source.organizeImports", e2.SourceFixAll = "source.fixAll";
}(G || (G = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {diagnostics: e3};
return null != t2 && (n2.only = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.typedArray(t2.diagnostics, && (void 0 === t2.only || ie.typedArray(t2.only, ie.string));
}(Y || (Y = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = {title: e3};
return ? i2.command = t2 : i2.edit = t2, void 0 !== n2 && (i2.kind = n2), i2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && ie.string(t2.title) && (void 0 === t2.diagnostics || ie.typedArray(t2.diagnostics, && (void 0 === t2.kind || ie.string(t2.kind)) && (void 0 !== t2.edit || void 0 !== t2.command) && (void 0 === t2.command || && (void 0 === t2.isPreferred || ie.boolean(t2.isPreferred)) && (void 0 === t2.edit ||;
}(Z || (Z = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {range: e3};
return ie.defined(t2) && ( = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && (ie.undefined(t2.command) ||;
}(X || (X = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {tabSize: e3, insertSpaces: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && ie.number(t2.tabSize) && ie.boolean(t2.insertSpaces);
}(Q || (Q = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return {range: e3, target: t2, data: n2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return ie.defined(t2) && && (ie.undefined( || ie.string(;
}(J || (J = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: e3, parent: t2};
}, = function(t2) {
var n2 = t2;
return void 0 !== n2 && && (void 0 === n2.parent ||;
}(ee || (ee = {}));
var ne;
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return new oe(e3, t2, n2, i2);
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return !!(ie.defined(t2) && ie.string(t2.uri) && (ie.undefined(t2.languageId) || ie.string(t2.languageId)) && ie.number(t2.lineCount) && ie.func(t2.getText) && ie.func(t2.positionAt) && ie.func(t2.offsetAt));
}, e2.applyEdits = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = e3.getText(), i2 = function e4(t3, n3) {
if (t3.length <= 1)
return t3;
var i3 = t3.length / 2 | 0, o3 = t3.slice(0, i3), r3 = t3.slice(i3);
e4(o3, n3), e4(r3, n3);
var s3 = 0, a3 = 0, l3 = 0;
for (; s3 < o3.length && a3 < r3.length; ) {
var c2 = n3(o3[s3], r3[a3]);
t3[l3++] = c2 <= 0 ? o3[s3++] : r3[a3++];
for (; s3 < o3.length; )
t3[l3++] = o3[s3++];
for (; a3 < r3.length; )
t3[l3++] = r3[a3++];
return t3;
}(t2, function(e4, t3) {
var n3 = e4.range.start.line - t3.range.start.line;
return 0 === n3 ? e4.range.start.character - t3.range.start.character : n3;
}), o2 = n2.length, r2 = i2.length - 1; r2 >= 0; r2--) {
var s2 = i2[r2], a2 = e3.offsetAt(s2.range.start), l2 = e3.offsetAt(s2.range.end);
if (!(l2 <= o2))
throw new Error("Overlapping edit");
n2 = n2.substring(0, a2) + s2.newText + n2.substring(l2, n2.length), o2 = a2;
return n2;
}(ne || (ne = {}));
var ie, oe = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this._uri = e3, this._languageId = t2, this._version = n2, this._content = i2, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "uri", {get: function() {
return this._uri;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "languageId", {get: function() {
return this._languageId;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "version", {get: function() {
return this._version;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getText = function(e3) {
if (e3) {
var t2 = this.offsetAt(e3.start), n2 = this.offsetAt(e3.end);
return this._content.substring(t2, n2);
return this._content;
}, e2.prototype.update = function(e3, t2) {
this._content = e3.text, this._version = t2, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
}, e2.prototype.getLineOffsets = function() {
if (void 0 === this._lineOffsets) {
for (var e3 = [], t2 = this._content, n2 = true, i2 = 0; i2 < t2.length; i2++) {
n2 && (e3.push(i2), n2 = false);
var o2 = t2.charAt(i2);
n2 = "\r" === o2 || "\n" === o2, "\r" === o2 && i2 + 1 < t2.length && "\n" === t2.charAt(i2 + 1) && i2++;
n2 && t2.length > 0 && e3.push(t2.length), this._lineOffsets = e3;
return this._lineOffsets;
}, e2.prototype.positionAt = function(e3) {
e3 = Math.max(Math.min(e3, this._content.length), 0);
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets(), n2 = 0, o2 = t2.length;
if (0 === o2)
return i.create(0, e3);
for (; n2 < o2; ) {
var r2 = Math.floor((n2 + o2) / 2);
t2[r2] > e3 ? o2 = r2 : n2 = r2 + 1;
var s2 = n2 - 1;
return i.create(s2, e3 - t2[s2]);
}, e2.prototype.offsetAt = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets();
if (e3.line >= t2.length)
return this._content.length;
if (e3.line < 0)
return 0;
var n2 = t2[e3.line], i2 = e3.line + 1 < t2.length ? t2[e3.line + 1] : this._content.length;
return Math.max(Math.min(n2 + e3.character, i2), n2);
}, Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "lineCount", {get: function() {
return this.getLineOffsets().length;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2;
!function(e2) {
var t2 = Object.prototype.toString;
e2.defined = function(e3) {
return void 0 !== e3;
}, e2.undefined = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3;
}, e2.boolean = function(e3) {
return true === e3 || false === e3;
}, e2.string = function(e3) {
return "[object String]" ===;
}, e2.number = function(e3) {
return "[object Number]" ===;
}, e2.func = function(e3) {
return "[object Function]" ===;
}, e2.objectLiteral = function(e3) {
return null !== e3 && "object" == typeof e3;
}, e2.typedArray = function(e3, t3) {
return Array.isArray(e3) && e3.every(t3);
}(ie || (ie = {}));
var re, se, ae, le = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this._uri = e3, this._languageId = t2, this._version = n2, this._content = i2, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "uri", {get: function() {
return this._uri;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "languageId", {get: function() {
return this._languageId;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "version", {get: function() {
return this._version;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getText = function(e3) {
if (e3) {
var t2 = this.offsetAt(e3.start), n2 = this.offsetAt(e3.end);
return this._content.substring(t2, n2);
return this._content;
}, e2.prototype.update = function(t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = t2; i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
if (e2.isIncremental(r2)) {
var s2 = de(r2.range), a2 = this.offsetAt(s2.start), l2 = this.offsetAt(s2.end);
this._content = this._content.substring(0, a2) + r2.text + this._content.substring(l2, this._content.length);
var c2 = Math.max(s2.start.line, 0), d2 = Math.max(s2.end.line, 0), h2 = this._lineOffsets, u2 = ce(r2.text, false, a2);
if (d2 - c2 === u2.length)
for (var p2 = 0, m2 = u2.length; p2 < m2; p2++)
h2[p2 + c2 + 1] = u2[p2];
u2.length < 1e4 ? h2.splice.apply(h2, [c2 + 1, d2 - c2].concat(u2)) : this._lineOffsets = h2 = h2.slice(0, c2 + 1).concat(u2, h2.slice(d2 + 1));
var g2 = r2.text.length - (l2 - a2);
if (0 !== g2)
for (p2 = c2 + 1 + u2.length, m2 = h2.length; p2 < m2; p2++)
h2[p2] = h2[p2] + g2;
} else {
if (!e2.isFull(r2))
throw new Error("Unknown change event received");
this._content = r2.text, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
this._version = n2;
}, e2.prototype.getLineOffsets = function() {
return void 0 === this._lineOffsets && (this._lineOffsets = ce(this._content, true)), this._lineOffsets;
}, e2.prototype.positionAt = function(e3) {
e3 = Math.max(Math.min(e3, this._content.length), 0);
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets(), n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length;
if (0 === i2)
return {line: 0, character: e3};
for (; n2 < i2; ) {
var o2 = Math.floor((n2 + i2) / 2);
t2[o2] > e3 ? i2 = o2 : n2 = o2 + 1;
var r2 = n2 - 1;
return {line: r2, character: e3 - t2[r2]};
}, e2.prototype.offsetAt = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets();
if (e3.line >= t2.length)
return this._content.length;
if (e3.line < 0)
return 0;
var n2 = t2[e3.line], i2 = e3.line + 1 < t2.length ? t2[e3.line + 1] : this._content.length;
return Math.max(Math.min(n2 + e3.character, i2), n2);
}, Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "lineCount", {get: function() {
return this.getLineOffsets().length;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.isIncremental = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return null != t2 && "string" == typeof t2.text && void 0 !== t2.range && (void 0 === t2.rangeLength || "number" == typeof t2.rangeLength);
}, e2.isFull = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return null != t2 && "string" == typeof t2.text && void 0 === t2.range && void 0 === t2.rangeLength;
}, e2;
function ce(e2, t2, n2) {
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = 0);
for (var i2 = t2 ? [n2] : [], o2 = 0; o2 < e2.length; o2++) {
var r2 = e2.charCodeAt(o2);
13 !== r2 && 10 !== r2 || (13 === r2 && o2 + 1 < e2.length && 10 === e2.charCodeAt(o2 + 1) && o2++, i2.push(n2 + o2 + 1));
return i2;
function de(e2) {
var t2 = e2.start, n2 = e2.end;
return t2.line > n2.line || t2.line === n2.line && t2.character > n2.character ? {start: n2, end: t2} : e2;
function he(e2) {
var t2 = de(e2.range);
return t2 !== e2.range ? {newText: e2.newText, range: t2} : e2;
function ue(e2, t2) {
return 0 === t2.length ? e2 : e2.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(e3, n2) {
var i2 = n2[0];
return void 0 !== t2[i2] ? t2[i2] : e3;
function pe(e2, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], i2 = 2; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2 - 2] = arguments[i2];
return ue(t2, n2);
function me(e2) {
return pe;
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return new le(e3, t2, n2, i2);
}, e2.update = function(e3, t2, n2) {
if (e3 instanceof le)
return e3.update(t2, n2), e3;
throw new Error("TextDocument.update: document must be created by TextDocument.create");
}, e2.applyEdits = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = e3.getText(), i2 = 0, o2 = [], r2 = 0, s2 = function e4(t3, n3) {
if (t3.length <= 1)
return t3;
var i3 = t3.length / 2 | 0, o3 = t3.slice(0, i3), r3 = t3.slice(i3);
e4(o3, n3), e4(r3, n3);
var s3 = 0, a3 = 0, l3 = 0;
for (; s3 < o3.length && a3 < r3.length; ) {
var c2 = n3(o3[s3], r3[a3]);
t3[l3++] = c2 <= 0 ? o3[s3++] : r3[a3++];
for (; s3 < o3.length; )
t3[l3++] = o3[s3++];
for (; a3 < r3.length; )
t3[l3++] = r3[a3++];
return t3;
}(, function(e4, t3) {
var n3 = e4.range.start.line - t3.range.start.line;
return 0 === n3 ? e4.range.start.character - t3.range.start.character : n3;
}); r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2], l2 = e3.offsetAt(a2.range.start);
if (l2 < i2)
throw new Error("Overlapping edit");
l2 > i2 && o2.push(n2.substring(i2, l2)), a2.newText.length && o2.push(a2.newText), i2 = e3.offsetAt(a2.range.end);
return o2.push(n2.substr(i2)), o2.join("");
}(re || (re = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Undefined = 0] = "Undefined", e2[e2.EnumValueMismatch = 1] = "EnumValueMismatch", e2[e2.UnexpectedEndOfComment = 257] = "UnexpectedEndOfComment", e2[e2.UnexpectedEndOfString = 258] = "UnexpectedEndOfString", e2[e2.UnexpectedEndOfNumber = 259] = "UnexpectedEndOfNumber", e2[e2.InvalidUnicode = 260] = "InvalidUnicode", e2[e2.InvalidEscapeCharacter = 261] = "InvalidEscapeCharacter", e2[e2.InvalidCharacter = 262] = "InvalidCharacter", e2[e2.PropertyExpected = 513] = "PropertyExpected", e2[e2.CommaExpected = 514] = "CommaExpected", e2[e2.ColonExpected = 515] = "ColonExpected", e2[e2.ValueExpected = 516] = "ValueExpected", e2[e2.CommaOrCloseBacketExpected = 517] = "CommaOrCloseBacketExpected", e2[e2.CommaOrCloseBraceExpected = 518] = "CommaOrCloseBraceExpected", e2[e2.TrailingComma = 519] = "TrailingComma", e2[e2.DuplicateKey = 520] = "DuplicateKey", e2[e2.CommentNotPermitted = 521] = "CommentNotPermitted", e2[e2.SchemaResolveError = 768] = "SchemaResolveError";
}(se || (se = {})), (ae || (ae = {})).LATEST = {textDocument: {completion: {completionItem: {documentationFormat: [O.Markdown, O.PlainText], commitCharactersSupport: true}}}};
var ge, fe, be = (ge = function(e2, t2) {
return (ge = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n2 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n2) && (e3[n2] = t3[n2]);
})(e2, t2);
}, function(e2, t2) {
function n2() {
this.constructor = e2;
ge(e2, t2), e2.prototype = null === t2 ? Object.create(t2) : (n2.prototype = t2.prototype, new n2());
}), _e = me(), ve = {"color-hex": {errorMessage: _e("colorHexFormatWarning", "Invalid color format. Use #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA."), pattern: /^#([0-9A-Fa-f]{3,4}|([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}){3,4})$/}, "date-time": {errorMessage: _e("dateTimeFormatWarning", "String is not a RFC3339 date-time."), pattern: /^(\d{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])T([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]|60)(\.[0-9]+)?(Z|(\+|-)([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]))$/i}, date: {errorMessage: _e("dateFormatWarning", "String is not a RFC3339 date."), pattern: /^(\d{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/i}, time: {errorMessage: _e("timeFormatWarning", "String is not a RFC3339 time."), pattern: /^([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]|60)(\.[0-9]+)?(Z|(\+|-)([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]))$/i}, email: {errorMessage: _e("emailFormatWarning", "String is not an e-mail address."), pattern: /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/}}, we = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = 0), this.offset = t2, this.length = n2, this.parent = e3;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "children", {get: function() {
return [];
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.toString = function() {
return "type: " + this.type + " (" + this.offset + "/" + this.length + ")" + (this.parent ? " parent: {" + this.parent.toString() + "}" : "");
}, e2;
}(), ye = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
var i2 =, t3, n2) || this;
return i2.type = "null", i2.value = null, i2;
return be(t2, e2), t2;
}(we), Ce = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2, i2) {
var o2 =, t3, i2) || this;
return o2.type = "boolean", o2.value = n2, o2;
return be(t2, e2), t2;
}(we), xe = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
var i2 =, t3, n2) || this;
return i2.type = "array", i2.items = [], i2;
return be(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "children", {get: function() {
return this.items;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), t2;
}(we), Se = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
var i2 =, t3, n2) || this;
return i2.type = "number", i2.isInteger = true, i2.value = Number.NaN, i2;
return be(t2, e2), t2;
}(we), ke = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2, i2) {
var o2 =, t3, n2, i2) || this;
return o2.type = "string", o2.value = "", o2;
return be(t2, e2), t2;
}(we), Ee = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2, i2) {
var o2 =, t3, n2) || this;
return o2.type = "property", o2.colonOffset = -1, o2.keyNode = i2, o2;
return be(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "children", {get: function() {
return this.valueNode ? [this.keyNode, this.valueNode] : [this.keyNode];
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), t2;
}(we), Te = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
var i2 =, t3, n2) || this;
return i2.type = "object", = [], i2;
return be(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "children", {get: function() {
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), t2;
function Le(e2) {
return T(e2) ? e2 ? {} : {not: {}} : e2;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Key = 0] = "Key", e2[e2.Enum = 1] = "Enum";
}(fe || (fe = {}));
var Ne = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = -1), this.focusOffset = e3, this.exclude = t2, this.schemas = [];
return e2.prototype.add = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.merge = function(e3) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(this.schemas, e3.schemas);
}, e2.prototype.include = function(e3) {
return (-1 === this.focusOffset || Re(e3, this.focusOffset)) && e3 !== this.exclude;
}, e2.prototype.newSub = function() {
return new e2(-1, this.exclude);
}, e2;
}(), Ie = function() {
function e2() {
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "schemas", {get: function() {
return [];
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.add = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.merge = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.include = function(e3) {
return true;
}, e2.prototype.newSub = function() {
return this;
}, e2.instance = new e2(), e2;
}(), Oe = function() {
function e2() {
this.problems = [], this.propertiesMatches = 0, this.propertiesValueMatches = 0, this.primaryValueMatches = 0, this.enumValueMatch = false, this.enumValues = void 0;
return e2.prototype.hasProblems = function() {
return !!this.problems.length;
}, e2.prototype.mergeAll = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = 0, n2 = e3; t2 < n2.length; t2++) {
var i2 = n2[t2];
}, e2.prototype.merge = function(e3) {
this.problems = this.problems.concat(e3.problems);
}, e2.prototype.mergeEnumValues = function(e3) {
if (!this.enumValueMatch && !e3.enumValueMatch && this.enumValues && e3.enumValues) {
this.enumValues = this.enumValues.concat(e3.enumValues);
for (var t2 = 0, n2 = this.problems; t2 < n2.length; t2++) {
var i2 = n2[t2];
i2.code === se.EnumValueMismatch && (i2.message = _e("enumWarning", "Value is not accepted. Valid values: {0}.", {
return JSON.stringify(e4);
}).join(", ")));
}, e2.prototype.mergePropertyMatch = function(e3) {
this.merge(e3), this.propertiesMatches++, (e3.enumValueMatch || !e3.hasProblems() && e3.propertiesMatches) && this.propertiesValueMatches++, e3.enumValueMatch && e3.enumValues && 1 === e3.enumValues.length && this.primaryValueMatches++;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.hasProblems();
return t2 !== e3.hasProblems() ? t2 ? -1 : 1 : this.enumValueMatch !== e3.enumValueMatch ? e3.enumValueMatch ? -1 : 1 : this.primaryValueMatches !== e3.primaryValueMatches ? this.primaryValueMatches - e3.primaryValueMatches : this.propertiesValueMatches !== e3.propertiesValueMatches ? this.propertiesValueMatches - e3.propertiesValueMatches : this.propertiesMatches - e3.propertiesMatches;
}, e2;
function De(e2) {
return x.e(e2);
function Ae(e2) {
return x.d(e2);
function Re(e2, t2, n2) {
return void 0 === n2 && (n2 = false), t2 >= e2.offset && t2 < e2.offset + e2.length || n2 && t2 === e2.offset + e2.length;
var Me = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = []), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = []), this.root = e3, this.syntaxErrors = t2, this.comments = n2;
return e2.prototype.getNodeFromOffset = function(e3, t2) {
if (void 0 === t2 && (t2 = false), this.root)
return x.b(this.root, e3, t2);
}, e2.prototype.visit = function(e3) {
if (this.root) {
var t2 = function(n2) {
var i2 = e3(n2), o2 = n2.children;
if (Array.isArray(o2))
for (var r2 = 0; r2 < o2.length && i2; r2++)
i2 = t2(o2[r2]);
return i2;
}, e2.prototype.validate = function(e3, t2) {
if (this.root && t2) {
var n2 = new Oe();
return Pe(this.root, t2, n2, Ie.instance), {
var n3 = o.create(e3.positionAt(t3.location.offset), e3.positionAt(t3.location.offset + t3.location.length));
return g.create(n3, t3.message, t3.severity, t3.code);
}, e2.prototype.getMatchingSchemas = function(e3, t2, n2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = -1);
var i2 = new Ne(t2, n2);
return this.root && e3 && Pe(this.root, e3, new Oe(), i2), i2.schemas;
}, e2;
function Pe(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (e2 && i2.include(e2)) {
var o2 = e2;
switch (o2.type) {
case "object":
!function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
for (var o3 = Object.create(null), r2 = [], s2 = 0, a2 =; s2 < a2.length; s2++) {
var l2 = (v2 = a2[s2]).keyNode.value;
o3[l2] = v2.valueNode, r2.push(l2);
if (Array.isArray(t3.required))
for (var c2 = 0, d2 = t3.required; c2 < d2.length; c2++) {
var h2 = d2[c2];
if (!o3[h2]) {
var u2 = e3.parent && "property" === e3.parent.type && e3.parent.keyNode, m2 = u2 ? {offset: u2.offset, length: u2.length} : {offset: e3.offset, length: 1};
n3.problems.push({location: m2, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("MissingRequiredPropWarning", 'Missing property "{0}".', h2)});
var g2 = function(e4) {
for (var t4 = r2.indexOf(e4); t4 >= 0; )
r2.splice(t4, 1), t4 = r2.indexOf(e4);
if (
for (var f2 = 0, b2 = Object.keys(; f2 < b2.length; f2++) {
h2 = b2[f2];
var _2 =[h2];
if (A2 = o3[h2])
if (T(_2))
if (_2)
n3.propertiesMatches++, n3.propertiesValueMatches++;
else {
var v2 = A2.parent;
n3.problems.push({location: {offset: v2.keyNode.offset, length: v2.keyNode.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: t3.errorMessage || _e("DisallowedExtraPropWarning", "Property {0} is not allowed.", h2)});
else {
var w2 = new Oe();
Pe(A2, _2, w2, i3), n3.mergePropertyMatch(w2);
if (t3.patternProperties)
for (var y2 = 0, C2 = Object.keys(t3.patternProperties); y2 < C2.length; y2++)
for (var x2 = C2[y2], S2 = new RegExp(x2), E2 = 0, L2 = r2.slice(0); E2 < L2.length; E2++) {
h2 = L2[E2];
if (S2.test(h2)) {
if (g2(h2), A2 = o3[h2])
if (T(_2 = t3.patternProperties[x2]))
if (_2)
n3.propertiesMatches++, n3.propertiesValueMatches++;
else {
v2 = A2.parent;
n3.problems.push({location: {offset: v2.keyNode.offset, length: v2.keyNode.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: t3.errorMessage || _e("DisallowedExtraPropWarning", "Property {0} is not allowed.", h2)});
else {
w2 = new Oe();
Pe(A2, _2, w2, i3), n3.mergePropertyMatch(w2);
if ("object" == typeof t3.additionalProperties)
for (var N2 = 0, I2 = r2; N2 < I2.length; N2++) {
h2 = I2[N2];
if (A2 = o3[h2]) {
w2 = new Oe();
Pe(A2, t3.additionalProperties, w2, i3), n3.mergePropertyMatch(w2);
else if (false === t3.additionalProperties && r2.length > 0)
for (var O2 = 0, D2 = r2; O2 < D2.length; O2++) {
var A2;
h2 = D2[O2];
if (A2 = o3[h2]) {
v2 = A2.parent;
n3.problems.push({location: {offset: v2.keyNode.offset, length: v2.keyNode.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: t3.errorMessage || _e("DisallowedExtraPropWarning", "Property {0} is not allowed.", h2)});
k(t3.maxProperties) && > t3.maxProperties && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("MaxPropWarning", "Object has more properties than limit of {0}.", t3.maxProperties)});
k(t3.minProperties) && < t3.minProperties && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("MinPropWarning", "Object has fewer properties than the required number of {0}", t3.minProperties)});
if (t3.dependencies)
for (var R2 = 0, M2 = Object.keys(t3.dependencies); R2 < M2.length; R2++) {
l2 = M2[R2];
if (o3[l2]) {
var P2 = t3.dependencies[l2];
if (Array.isArray(P2))
for (var F2 = 0, W2 = P2; F2 < W2.length; F2++) {
var z2 = W2[F2];
o3[z2] ? n3.propertiesValueMatches++ : n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("RequiredDependentPropWarning", "Object is missing property {0} required by property {1}.", z2, l2)});
else if (_2 = Le(P2)) {
w2 = new Oe();
Pe(e3, _2, w2, i3), n3.mergePropertyMatch(w2);
var B2 = Le(t3.propertyNames);
if (B2)
for (var j2 = 0, V2 =; j2 < V2.length; j2++) {
var U2 = V2[j2];
(l2 = U2.keyNode) && Pe(l2, B2, n3, Ie.instance);
}(o2, t2, n2, i2);
case "array":
!function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
if (Array.isArray(t3.items)) {
for (var o3 = t3.items, r2 = 0; r2 < o3.length; r2++) {
var s2 = Le(o3[r2]), a2 = new Oe();
(u2 = e3.items[r2]) ? (Pe(u2, s2, a2, i3), n3.mergePropertyMatch(a2)) : e3.items.length >= o3.length && n3.propertiesValueMatches++;
if (e3.items.length > o3.length)
if ("object" == typeof t3.additionalItems)
for (var l2 = o3.length; l2 < e3.items.length; l2++) {
a2 = new Oe();
Pe(e3.items[l2], t3.additionalItems, a2, i3), n3.mergePropertyMatch(a2);
false === t3.additionalItems && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("additionalItemsWarning", "Array has too many items according to schema. Expected {0} or fewer.", o3.length)});
} else {
var c2 = Le(t3.items);
if (c2)
for (var d2 = 0, h2 = e3.items; d2 < h2.length; d2++) {
var u2 = h2[d2];
a2 = new Oe();
Pe(u2, c2, a2, i3), n3.mergePropertyMatch(a2);
var m2 = Le(t3.contains);
if (m2) {
e3.items.some(function(e4) {
var t4 = new Oe();
return Pe(e4, m2, t4, Ie.instance), !t4.hasProblems();
}) || n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: t3.errorMessage || _e("requiredItemMissingWarning", "Array does not contain required item.")});
k(t3.minItems) && e3.items.length < t3.minItems && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("minItemsWarning", "Array has too few items. Expected {0} or more.", t3.minItems)});
k(t3.maxItems) && e3.items.length > t3.maxItems && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("maxItemsWarning", "Array has too many items. Expected {0} or fewer.", t3.maxItems)});
if (true === t3.uniqueItems) {
var g2 = De(e3);
g2.some(function(e4, t4) {
return t4 !== g2.lastIndexOf(e4);
}) && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("uniqueItemsWarning", "Array has duplicate items.")});
}(o2, t2, n2, i2);
case "string":
!function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
k(t3.minLength) && e3.value.length < t3.minLength && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("minLengthWarning", "String is shorter than the minimum length of {0}.", t3.minLength)});
k(t3.maxLength) && e3.value.length > t3.maxLength && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("maxLengthWarning", "String is longer than the maximum length of {0}.", t3.maxLength)});
if (o3 = t3.pattern, "string" == typeof o3) {
new RegExp(t3.pattern).test(e3.value) || n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: t3.patternErrorMessage || t3.errorMessage || _e("patternWarning", 'String does not match the pattern of "{0}".', t3.pattern)});
var o3;
if (t3.format)
switch (t3.format) {
case "uri":
case "uri-reference":
var r2 = void 0;
if (e3.value) {
var s2 = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/.exec(e3.value);
s2 ? s2[2] || "uri" !== t3.format || (r2 = _e("uriSchemeMissing", "URI with a scheme is expected.")) : r2 = _e("uriMissing", "URI is expected.");
} else
r2 = _e("uriEmpty", "URI expected.");
r2 && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: t3.patternErrorMessage || t3.errorMessage || _e("uriFormatWarning", "String is not a URI: {0}", r2)});
case "color-hex":
case "date-time":
case "date":
case "time":
case "email":
var a2 = ve[t3.format];
e3.value && a2.pattern.exec(e3.value) || n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: t3.patternErrorMessage || t3.errorMessage || a2.errorMessage});
}(o2, t2, n2);
case "number":
!function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
var o3 = e3.value;
function r2(e4) {
var t4, n4 = /^(-?\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:e([-+]\d+))?$/.exec(e4.toString());
return n4 && {value: Number(n4[1] + (n4[2] || "")), multiplier: ((null === (t4 = n4[2]) || void 0 === t4 ? void 0 : t4.length) || 0) - (parseInt(n4[3]) || 0)};
if (k(t3.multipleOf)) {
var s2 = -1;
if (Number.isInteger(t3.multipleOf))
s2 = o3 % t3.multipleOf;
else {
var a2 = r2(t3.multipleOf), l2 = r2(o3);
if (a2 && l2) {
var c2 = Math.pow(10, Math.abs(l2.multiplier - a2.multiplier));
l2.multiplier < a2.multiplier ? l2.value *= c2 : a2.value *= c2, s2 = l2.value % a2.value;
0 !== s2 && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("multipleOfWarning", "Value is not divisible by {0}.", t3.multipleOf)});
function d2(e4, t4) {
return k(t4) ? t4 : T(t4) && t4 ? e4 : void 0;
function h2(e4, t4) {
if (!T(t4) || !t4)
return e4;
var u2 = d2(t3.minimum, t3.exclusiveMinimum);
k(u2) && o3 <= u2 && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("exclusiveMinimumWarning", "Value is below the exclusive minimum of {0}.", u2)});
var m2 = d2(t3.maximum, t3.exclusiveMaximum);
k(m2) && o3 >= m2 && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("exclusiveMaximumWarning", "Value is above the exclusive maximum of {0}.", m2)});
var g2 = h2(t3.minimum, t3.exclusiveMinimum);
k(g2) && o3 < g2 && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("minimumWarning", "Value is below the minimum of {0}.", g2)});
var f2 = h2(t3.maximum, t3.exclusiveMaximum);
k(f2) && o3 > f2 && n3.problems.push({location: {offset: e3.offset, length: e3.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("maximumWarning", "Value is above the maximum of {0}.", f2)});
}(o2, t2, n2);
case "property":
return Pe(o2.valueNode, t2, n2, i2);
!function() {
function e3(e4) {
return o2.type === e4 || "integer" === e4 && "number" === o2.type && o2.isInteger;
Array.isArray(t2.type) ? t2.type.some(e3) || n2.problems.push({location: {offset: o2.offset, length: o2.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: t2.errorMessage || _e("typeArrayMismatchWarning", "Incorrect type. Expected one of {0}.", t2.type.join(", "))}) : t2.type && (e3(t2.type) || n2.problems.push({location: {offset: o2.offset, length: o2.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: t2.errorMessage || _e("typeMismatchWarning", 'Incorrect type. Expected "{0}".', t2.type)}));
if (Array.isArray(t2.allOf))
for (var r2 = 0, s2 = t2.allOf; r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2];
Pe(o2, Le(a2), n2, i2);
var l2 = Le(t2.not);
if (l2) {
var c2 = new Oe(), d2 = i2.newSub();
Pe(o2, l2, c2, d2), c2.hasProblems() || n2.problems.push({location: {offset: o2.offset, length: o2.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("notSchemaWarning", "Matches a schema that is not allowed.")});
for (var h2 = 0, u2 = d2.schemas; h2 < u2.length; h2++) {
var m2 = u2[h2];
m2.inverted = !m2.inverted, i2.add(m2);
var g2 = function(e4, t3) {
for (var r3 = [], s3 = void 0, a3 = 0, l3 = e4; a3 < l3.length; a3++) {
var c3 = Le(l3[a3]), d3 = new Oe(), h3 = i2.newSub();
if (Pe(o2, c3, d3, h3), d3.hasProblems() || r3.push(c3), s3)
if (t3 || d3.hasProblems() || s3.validationResult.hasProblems()) {
var u3 =;
u3 > 0 ? s3 = {schema: c3, validationResult: d3, matchingSchemas: h3} : 0 === u3 && (s3.matchingSchemas.merge(h3), s3.validationResult.mergeEnumValues(d3));
} else
s3.matchingSchemas.merge(h3), s3.validationResult.propertiesMatches += d3.propertiesMatches, s3.validationResult.propertiesValueMatches += d3.propertiesValueMatches;
s3 = {schema: c3, validationResult: d3, matchingSchemas: h3};
return r3.length > 1 && t3 && n2.problems.push({location: {offset: o2.offset, length: 1}, severity: p.Warning, message: _e("oneOfWarning", "Matches multiple schemas when only one must validate.")}), s3 && (n2.merge(s3.validationResult), n2.propertiesMatches += s3.validationResult.propertiesMatches, n2.propertiesValueMatches += s3.validationResult.propertiesValueMatches, i2.merge(s3.matchingSchemas)), r3.length;
Array.isArray(t2.anyOf) && g2(t2.anyOf, false);
Array.isArray(t2.oneOf) && g2(t2.oneOf, true);
var f2 = function(e4) {
var t3 = new Oe(), r3 = i2.newSub();
Pe(o2, Le(e4), t3, r3), n2.merge(t3), n2.propertiesMatches += t3.propertiesMatches, n2.propertiesValueMatches += t3.propertiesValueMatches, i2.merge(r3);
}, b2 = Le(t2.if);
b2 && function(e4, t3, n3) {
var r3 = Le(e4), s3 = new Oe(), a3 = i2.newSub();
Pe(o2, r3, s3, a3), i2.merge(a3), s3.hasProblems() ? n3 && f2(n3) : t3 && f2(t3);
}(b2, Le(t2.then), Le(t2.else));
if (Array.isArray(t2.enum)) {
for (var _2 = De(o2), v2 = false, w2 = 0, y2 = t2.enum; w2 < y2.length; w2++) {
var C2 = y2[w2];
if (S(_2, C2)) {
v2 = true;
n2.enumValues = t2.enum, n2.enumValueMatch = v2, v2 || n2.problems.push({location: {offset: o2.offset, length: o2.length}, severity: p.Warning, code: se.EnumValueMismatch, message: t2.errorMessage || _e("enumWarning", "Value is not accepted. Valid values: {0}.", {
return JSON.stringify(e4);
}).join(", "))});
if (E(t2.const)) {
S(_2 = De(o2), t2.const) ? n2.enumValueMatch = true : (n2.problems.push({location: {offset: o2.offset, length: o2.length}, severity: p.Warning, code: se.EnumValueMismatch, message: t2.errorMessage || _e("constWarning", "Value must be {0}.", JSON.stringify(t2.const))}), n2.enumValueMatch = false), n2.enumValues = [t2.const];
t2.deprecationMessage && o2.parent && n2.problems.push({location: {offset: o2.parent.offset, length: o2.parent.length}, severity: p.Warning, message: t2.deprecationMessage});
}(), i2.add({node: o2, schema: t2});
function Fe(e2, t2) {
var n2 = [], i2 = -1, r2 = e2.getText(), s2 = x.a(r2, false), a2 = t2 && t2.collectComments ? [] : void 0;
function l2() {
for (; ; ) {
var t3 = s2.scan();
switch (h2(), t3) {
case 12:
case 13:
Array.isArray(a2) && a2.push(o.create(e2.positionAt(s2.getTokenOffset()), e2.positionAt(s2.getTokenOffset() + s2.getTokenLength())));
case 15:
case 14:
return t3;
function c2(t3, r3, s3, a3, l3) {
if (void 0 === l3 && (l3 = p.Error), 0 === n2.length || s3 !== i2) {
var c3 = o.create(e2.positionAt(s3), e2.positionAt(a3));
n2.push(g.create(c3, t3, l3, r3, e2.languageId)), i2 = s3;
function d2(e3, t3, n3, i3, o2) {
void 0 === n3 && (n3 = void 0), void 0 === i3 && (i3 = []), void 0 === o2 && (o2 = []);
var a3 = s2.getTokenOffset(), d3 = s2.getTokenOffset() + s2.getTokenLength();
if (a3 === d3 && a3 > 0) {
for (a3--; a3 > 0 && /\s/.test(r2.charAt(a3)); )
d3 = a3 + 1;
if (c2(e3, t3, a3, d3), n3 && u2(n3, false), i3.length + o2.length > 0)
for (var h3 = s2.getToken(); 17 !== h3; ) {
if (-1 !== i3.indexOf(h3)) {
if (-1 !== o2.indexOf(h3))
h3 = l2();
return n3;
function h2() {
switch (s2.getTokenError()) {
case 4:
return d2(_e("InvalidUnicode", "Invalid unicode sequence in string."), se.InvalidUnicode), true;
case 5:
return d2(_e("InvalidEscapeCharacter", "Invalid escape character in string."), se.InvalidEscapeCharacter), true;
case 3:
return d2(_e("UnexpectedEndOfNumber", "Unexpected end of number."), se.UnexpectedEndOfNumber), true;
case 1:
return d2(_e("UnexpectedEndOfComment", "Unexpected end of comment."), se.UnexpectedEndOfComment), true;
case 2:
return d2(_e("UnexpectedEndOfString", "Unexpected end of string."), se.UnexpectedEndOfString), true;
case 6:
return d2(_e("InvalidCharacter", "Invalid characters in string. Control characters must be escaped."), se.InvalidCharacter), true;
return false;
function u2(e3, t3) {
return e3.length = s2.getTokenOffset() + s2.getTokenLength() - e3.offset, t3 && l2(), e3;
var m2 = new ke(void 0, 0, 0);
function f2(t3, n3) {
var i3 = new Ee(t3, s2.getTokenOffset(), m2), o2 = b2(i3);
if (!o2) {
if (16 !== s2.getToken())
d2(_e("DoubleQuotesExpected", "Property keys must be doublequoted"), se.Undefined);
var r3 = new ke(i3, s2.getTokenOffset(), s2.getTokenLength());
r3.value = s2.getTokenValue(), o2 = r3, l2();
i3.keyNode = o2;
var a3 = n3[o2.value];
if (a3 ? (c2(_e("DuplicateKeyWarning", "Duplicate object key"), se.DuplicateKey, i3.keyNode.offset, i3.keyNode.offset + i3.keyNode.length, p.Warning), "object" == typeof a3 && c2(_e("DuplicateKeyWarning", "Duplicate object key"), se.DuplicateKey, a3.keyNode.offset, a3.keyNode.offset + a3.keyNode.length, p.Warning), n3[o2.value] = true) : n3[o2.value] = i3, 6 === s2.getToken())
i3.colonOffset = s2.getTokenOffset(), l2();
else if (d2(_e("ColonExpected", "Colon expected"), se.ColonExpected), 10 === s2.getToken() && e2.positionAt(o2.offset + o2.length).line < e2.positionAt(s2.getTokenOffset()).line)
return i3.length = o2.length, i3;
var h3 = _2(i3);
return h3 ? (i3.valueNode = h3, i3.length = h3.offset + h3.length - i3.offset, i3) : d2(_e("ValueExpected", "Value expected"), se.ValueExpected, i3, [], [2, 5]);
function b2(e3) {
if (10 === s2.getToken()) {
var t3 = new ke(e3, s2.getTokenOffset());
return t3.value = s2.getTokenValue(), u2(t3, true);
function _2(e3) {
return function(e4) {
if (3 === s2.getToken()) {
var t3 = new xe(e4, s2.getTokenOffset());
for (var n3 = false; 4 !== s2.getToken() && 17 !== s2.getToken(); ) {
if (5 === s2.getToken()) {
n3 || d2(_e("ValueExpected", "Value expected"), se.ValueExpected);
var i3 = s2.getTokenOffset();
if (l2(), 4 === s2.getToken()) {
n3 && c2(_e("TrailingComma", "Trailing comma"), se.TrailingComma, i3, i3 + 1);
} else
n3 && d2(_e("ExpectedComma", "Expected comma"), se.CommaExpected);
var o2 = _2(t3);
o2 ? t3.items.push(o2) : d2(_e("PropertyExpected", "Value expected"), se.ValueExpected, void 0, [], [4, 5]), n3 = true;
return 4 !== s2.getToken() ? d2(_e("ExpectedCloseBracket", "Expected comma or closing bracket"), se.CommaOrCloseBacketExpected, t3) : u2(t3, true);
}(e3) || function(e4) {
if (1 === s2.getToken()) {
var t3 = new Te(e4, s2.getTokenOffset()), n3 = Object.create(null);
for (var i3 = false; 2 !== s2.getToken() && 17 !== s2.getToken(); ) {
if (5 === s2.getToken()) {
i3 || d2(_e("PropertyExpected", "Property expected"), se.PropertyExpected);
var o2 = s2.getTokenOffset();
if (l2(), 2 === s2.getToken()) {
i3 && c2(_e("TrailingComma", "Trailing comma"), se.TrailingComma, o2, o2 + 1);
} else
i3 && d2(_e("ExpectedComma", "Expected comma"), se.CommaExpected);
var r3 = f2(t3, n3);
r3 ? : d2(_e("PropertyExpected", "Property expected"), se.PropertyExpected, void 0, [], [2, 5]), i3 = true;
return 2 !== s2.getToken() ? d2(_e("ExpectedCloseBrace", "Expected comma or closing brace"), se.CommaOrCloseBraceExpected, t3) : u2(t3, true);
}(e3) || b2(e3) || function(e4) {
if (11 === s2.getToken()) {
var t3 = new Se(e4, s2.getTokenOffset());
if (0 === s2.getTokenError()) {
var n3 = s2.getTokenValue();
try {
var i3 = JSON.parse(n3);
if (!k(i3))
return d2(_e("InvalidNumberFormat", "Invalid number format."), se.Undefined, t3);
t3.value = i3;
} catch (e5) {
return d2(_e("InvalidNumberFormat", "Invalid number format."), se.Undefined, t3);
t3.isInteger = -1 === n3.indexOf(".");
return u2(t3, true);
}(e3) || function(e4) {
switch (s2.getToken()) {
case 7:
return u2(new ye(e4, s2.getTokenOffset()), true);
case 8:
return u2(new Ce(e4, true, s2.getTokenOffset()), true);
case 9:
return u2(new Ce(e4, false, s2.getTokenOffset()), true);
var v2 = void 0;
return 17 !== l2() && ((v2 = _2(v2)) ? 17 !== s2.getToken() && d2(_e("End of file expected", "End of file expected."), se.Undefined) : d2(_e("Invalid symbol", "Expected a JSON object, array or literal."), se.Undefined)), new Me(v2, n2, a2);
function We(e2, t2) {
var n2 = e2.length - t2.length;
return n2 > 0 ? e2.lastIndexOf(t2) === n2 : 0 === n2 && e2 === t2;
function ze(e2) {
return e2.replace(/[\-\\\{\}\+\?\|\^\$\.\,\[\]\(\)\#\s]/g, "\\$&").replace(/[\*]/g, ".*");
var Be = me(), je = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = []), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = Promise), void 0 === i2 && (i2 = {}), this.schemaService = e3, this.contributions = t2, this.promiseConstructor = n2, this.clientCapabilities = i2;
return e2.prototype.doResolve = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = this.contributions.length - 1; t2 >= 0; t2--) {
var n2 = this.contributions[t2].resolveCompletion;
if (n2) {
var i2 = n2(e3);
if (i2)
return i2;
return this.promiseConstructor.resolve(e3);
}, e2.prototype.doComplete = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = this, r2 = {items: [], isIncomplete: false}, s2 = e3.getText(), a2 = e3.offsetAt(t2), l2 = n2.getNodeFromOffset(a2, true);
if (this.isInComment(e3, l2 ? l2.offset : 0, a2))
return Promise.resolve(r2);
if (l2 && a2 === l2.offset + l2.length && a2 > 0) {
var c2 = s2[a2 - 1];
("object" === l2.type && "}" === c2 || "array" === l2.type && "]" === c2) && (l2 = l2.parent);
var d2, h2 = this.getCurrentWord(e3, a2);
if (!l2 || "string" !== l2.type && "number" !== l2.type && "boolean" !== l2.type && "null" !== l2.type) {
var u2 = a2 - h2.length;
u2 > 0 && '"' === s2[u2 - 1] && u2--, d2 = o.create(e3.positionAt(u2), t2);
} else
d2 = o.create(e3.positionAt(l2.offset), e3.positionAt(l2.offset + l2.length));
var p2 = {}, m2 = {add: function(e4) {
var t3 = e4.label, n3 = p2[t3];
if (n3)
n3.documentation || (n3.documentation = e4.documentation);
else {
if ((t3 = t3.replace(/[\n]/g, "↵")).length > 60) {
var i3 = t3.substr(0, 57).trim() + "...";
p2[i3] || (t3 = i3);
d2 && void 0 !== e4.insertText && (e4.textEdit = b.replace(d2, e4.insertText)), e4.label = t3, p2[t3] = e4, r2.items.push(e4);
}, setAsIncomplete: function() {
r2.isIncomplete = true;
}, error: function(e4) {
}, log: function(e4) {
}, getNumberOfProposals: function() {
return r2.items.length;
return this.schemaService.getSchemaForResource(e3.uri, n2).then(function(t3) {
var o2 = [], c3 = true, u3 = "", g2 = void 0;
if (l2 && "string" === l2.type) {
var f2 = l2.parent;
f2 && "property" === f2.type && f2.keyNode === l2 && (c3 = !f2.valueNode, g2 = f2, u3 = s2.substr(l2.offset + 1, l2.length - 2), f2 && (l2 = f2.parent));
if (l2 && "object" === l2.type) {
if (l2.offset === a2)
return r2; {
g2 && g2 === e4 || (p2[e4.keyNode.value] = P.create("__"));
var b2 = "";
c3 && (b2 = i2.evaluateSeparatorAfter(e3, e3.offsetAt(d2.end))), t3 ? i2.getPropertyCompletions(t3, n2, l2, c3, b2, m2) : i2.getSchemaLessPropertyCompletions(n2, l2, u3, m2);
var _2 = Ae(l2);
i2.contributions.forEach(function(t4) {
var n3 = t4.collectPropertyCompletions(e3.uri, _2, h2, c3, "" === b2, m2);
n3 && o2.push(n3);
}), !t3 && h2.length > 0 && '"' !== s2.charAt(a2 - h2.length - 1) && (m2.add({kind: A.Property, label: i2.getLabelForValue(h2), insertText: i2.getInsertTextForProperty(h2, void 0, false, b2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, documentation: ""}), m2.setAsIncomplete());
var v2 = {};
return t3 ? i2.getValueCompletions(t3, n2, l2, a2, e3, m2, v2) : i2.getSchemaLessValueCompletions(n2, l2, a2, e3, m2), i2.contributions.length > 0 && i2.getContributedValueCompletions(n2, l2, a2, e3, m2, o2), i2.promiseConstructor.all(o2).then(function() {
if (0 === m2.getNumberOfProposals()) {
var t4 = a2;
!l2 || "string" !== l2.type && "number" !== l2.type && "boolean" !== l2.type && "null" !== l2.type || (t4 = l2.offset + l2.length);
var n3 = i2.evaluateSeparatorAfter(e3, t4);
i2.addFillerValueCompletions(v2, n3, m2);
return r2;
}, e2.prototype.getPropertyCompletions = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
var s2 = this;
t2.getMatchingSchemas(e3.schema, n2.offset).forEach(function(e4) {
if (e4.node === n2 && !e4.inverted) {
var t3 =;
t3 && Object.keys(t3).forEach(function(e5) {
var n3 = t3[e5];
if ("object" == typeof n3 && !n3.deprecationMessage && !n3.doNotSuggest) {
var a3 = {kind: A.Property, label: e5, insertText: s2.getInsertTextForProperty(e5, n3, i2, o2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, filterText: s2.getFilterTextForValue(e5), documentation: s2.fromMarkup(n3.markdownDescription) || n3.description || ""};
void 0 !== n3.suggestSortText && (a3.sortText = n3.suggestSortText), a3.insertText && We(a3.insertText, "$1" + o2) && (a3.command = {title: "Suggest", command: "editor.action.triggerSuggest"}), r2.add(a3);
var a2 = e4.schema.propertyNames;
if ("object" == typeof a2 && !a2.deprecationMessage && !a2.doNotSuggest) {
var l2 = function(e5, t4) {
void 0 === t4 && (t4 = void 0);
var n3 = {kind: A.Property, label: e5, insertText: s2.getInsertTextForProperty(e5, void 0, i2, o2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, filterText: s2.getFilterTextForValue(e5), documentation: t4 || s2.fromMarkup(a2.markdownDescription) || a2.description || ""};
void 0 !== a2.suggestSortText && (n3.sortText = a2.suggestSortText), n3.insertText && We(n3.insertText, "$1" + o2) && (n3.command = {title: "Suggest", command: "editor.action.triggerSuggest"}), r2.add(n3);
if (a2.enum)
for (var c2 = 0; c2 < a2.enum.length; c2++) {
var d2 = void 0;
a2.markdownEnumDescriptions && c2 < a2.markdownEnumDescriptions.length ? d2 = s2.fromMarkup(a2.markdownEnumDescriptions[c2]) : a2.enumDescriptions && c2 < a2.enumDescriptions.length && (d2 = a2.enumDescriptions[c2]), l2(a2.enum[c2], d2);
a2.const && l2(a2.const);
}, e2.prototype.getSchemaLessPropertyCompletions = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = this, r2 = function(e4) { {
var t3 = e5.keyNode.value;
i2.add({kind: A.Property, label: t3, insertText: o2.getInsertTextForValue(t3, ""), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, filterText: o2.getFilterTextForValue(t3), documentation: ""});
if (t2.parent)
if ("property" === t2.parent.type) {
var s2 = t2.parent.keyNode.value;
e3.visit(function(e4) {
return "property" === e4.type && e4 !== t2.parent && e4.keyNode.value === s2 && e4.valueNode && "object" === e4.valueNode.type && r2(e4.valueNode), true;
} else
"array" === t2.parent.type && t2.parent.items.forEach(function(e4) {
"object" === e4.type && e4 !== t2 && r2(e4);
"object" === t2.type && i2.add({kind: A.Property, label: "$schema", insertText: this.getInsertTextForProperty("$schema", void 0, true, ""), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, documentation: "", filterText: this.getFilterTextForValue("$schema")});
}, e2.prototype.getSchemaLessValueCompletions = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
var r2 = this, s2 = n2;
if (!t2 || "string" !== t2.type && "number" !== t2.type && "boolean" !== t2.type && "null" !== t2.type || (s2 = t2.offset + t2.length, t2 = t2.parent), !t2)
return o2.add({kind: this.getSuggestionKind("object"), label: "Empty object", insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue({}, ""), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, documentation: ""}), void o2.add({kind: this.getSuggestionKind("array"), label: "Empty array", insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue([], ""), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, documentation: ""});
var a2 = this.evaluateSeparatorAfter(i2, s2), l2 = function(e4) {
e4.parent && !Re(e4.parent, n2, true) && o2.add({kind: r2.getSuggestionKind(e4.type), label: r2.getLabelTextForMatchingNode(e4, i2), insertText: r2.getInsertTextForMatchingNode(e4, i2, a2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, documentation: ""}), "boolean" === e4.type && r2.addBooleanValueCompletion(!e4.value, a2, o2);
if ("property" === t2.type && n2 > (t2.colonOffset || 0)) {
var c2 = t2.valueNode;
if (c2 && (n2 > c2.offset + c2.length || "object" === c2.type || "array" === c2.type))
var d2 = t2.keyNode.value;
e3.visit(function(e4) {
return "property" === e4.type && e4.keyNode.value === d2 && e4.valueNode && l2(e4.valueNode), true;
}), "$schema" === d2 && t2.parent && !t2.parent.parent && this.addDollarSchemaCompletions(a2, o2);
if ("array" === t2.type)
if (t2.parent && "property" === t2.parent.type) {
var h2 = t2.parent.keyNode.value;
e3.visit(function(e4) {
return "property" === e4.type && e4.keyNode.value === h2 && e4.valueNode && "array" === e4.valueNode.type && e4.valueNode.items.forEach(l2), true;
} else
}, e2.prototype.getValueCompletions = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
var a2 = i2, l2 = void 0, c2 = void 0;
if (!n2 || "string" !== n2.type && "number" !== n2.type && "boolean" !== n2.type && "null" !== n2.type || (a2 = n2.offset + n2.length, c2 = n2, n2 = n2.parent), n2) {
if ("property" === n2.type && i2 > (n2.colonOffset || 0)) {
var d2 = n2.valueNode;
if (d2 && i2 > d2.offset + d2.length)
l2 = n2.keyNode.value, n2 = n2.parent;
if (n2 && (void 0 !== l2 || "array" === n2.type)) {
for (var h2 = this.evaluateSeparatorAfter(o2, a2), u2 = 0, p2 = t2.getMatchingSchemas(e3.schema, n2.offset, c2); u2 < p2.length; u2++) {
var m2 = p2[u2];
if (m2.node === n2 && !m2.inverted && m2.schema) {
if ("array" === n2.type && m2.schema.items)
if (Array.isArray(m2.schema.items)) {
var g2 = this.findItemAtOffset(n2, o2, i2);
g2 < m2.schema.items.length && this.addSchemaValueCompletions(m2.schema.items[g2], h2, r2, s2);
} else
this.addSchemaValueCompletions(m2.schema.items, h2, r2, s2);
if (void 0 !== l2) {
var f2 = false;
if (
(w2 =[l2]) && (f2 = true, this.addSchemaValueCompletions(w2, h2, r2, s2));
if (m2.schema.patternProperties && !f2)
for (var b2 = 0, _2 = Object.keys(m2.schema.patternProperties); b2 < _2.length; b2++) {
var v2 = _2[b2];
if (new RegExp(v2).test(l2)) {
f2 = true;
var w2 = m2.schema.patternProperties[v2];
this.addSchemaValueCompletions(w2, h2, r2, s2);
if (m2.schema.additionalProperties && !f2) {
w2 = m2.schema.additionalProperties;
this.addSchemaValueCompletions(w2, h2, r2, s2);
"$schema" !== l2 || n2.parent || this.addDollarSchemaCompletions(h2, r2), s2.boolean && (this.addBooleanValueCompletion(true, h2, r2), this.addBooleanValueCompletion(false, h2, r2)), s2.null && this.addNullValueCompletion(h2, r2);
} else
this.addSchemaValueCompletions(e3.schema, "", r2, s2);
}, e2.prototype.getContributedValueCompletions = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
if (t2) {
if ("string" !== t2.type && "number" !== t2.type && "boolean" !== t2.type && "null" !== t2.type || (t2 = t2.parent), t2 && "property" === t2.type && n2 > (t2.colonOffset || 0)) {
var s2 = t2.keyNode.value, a2 = t2.valueNode;
if ((!a2 || n2 <= a2.offset + a2.length) && t2.parent) {
var l2 = Ae(t2.parent);
this.contributions.forEach(function(e4) {
var t3 = e4.collectValueCompletions(i2.uri, l2, s2, o2);
t3 && r2.push(t3);
} else
this.contributions.forEach(function(e4) {
var t3 = e4.collectDefaultCompletions(i2.uri, o2);
t3 && r2.push(t3);
}, e2.prototype.addSchemaValueCompletions = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = this;
"object" == typeof e3 && (this.addEnumValueCompletions(e3, t2, n2), this.addDefaultValueCompletions(e3, t2, n2), this.collectTypes(e3, i2), Array.isArray(e3.allOf) && e3.allOf.forEach(function(e4) {
return o2.addSchemaValueCompletions(e4, t2, n2, i2);
}), Array.isArray(e3.anyOf) && e3.anyOf.forEach(function(e4) {
return o2.addSchemaValueCompletions(e4, t2, n2, i2);
}), Array.isArray(e3.oneOf) && e3.oneOf.forEach(function(e4) {
return o2.addSchemaValueCompletions(e4, t2, n2, i2);
}, e2.prototype.addDefaultValueCompletions = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = this;
void 0 === i2 && (i2 = 0);
var r2 = false;
if (E(e3.default)) {
for (var s2 = e3.type, a2 = e3.default, l2 = i2; l2 > 0; l2--)
a2 = [a2], s2 = "array";
n2.add({kind: this.getSuggestionKind(s2), label: this.getLabelForValue(a2), insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue(a2, t2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, detail: Be("json.suggest.default", "Default value")}), r2 = true;
Array.isArray(e3.examples) && e3.examples.forEach(function(s3) {
for (var a3 = e3.type, l3 = s3, c2 = i2; c2 > 0; c2--)
l3 = [l3], a3 = "array";
n2.add({kind: o2.getSuggestionKind(a3), label: o2.getLabelForValue(l3), insertText: o2.getInsertTextForValue(l3, t2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet}), r2 = true;
}), Array.isArray(e3.defaultSnippets) && e3.defaultSnippets.forEach(function(s3) {
var a3, l3, c2 = e3.type, d2 = s3.body, h2 = s3.label;
if (E(d2)) {
for (var u2 = i2; u2 > 0; u2--)
d2 = [d2], "array";
a3 = o2.getInsertTextForSnippetValue(d2, t2), l3 = o2.getFilterTextForSnippetValue(d2), h2 = h2 || o2.getLabelForSnippetValue(d2);
} else {
if ("string" != typeof s3.bodyText)
var p2 = "", m2 = "", g2 = "";
for (u2 = i2; u2 > 0; u2--)
p2 = p2 + g2 + "[\n", m2 = m2 + "\n" + g2 + "]", g2 += " ", c2 = "array";
a3 = p2 + g2 + s3.bodyText.split("\n").join("\n" + g2) + m2 + t2, h2 = h2 || a3, l3 = a3.replace(/[\n]/g, "");
n2.add({kind: o2.getSuggestionKind(c2), label: h2, documentation: o2.fromMarkup(s3.markdownDescription) || s3.description, insertText: a3, insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, filterText: l3}), r2 = true;
}), !r2 && "object" == typeof e3.items && !Array.isArray(e3.items) && i2 < 5 && this.addDefaultValueCompletions(e3.items, t2, n2, i2 + 1);
}, e2.prototype.addEnumValueCompletions = function(e3, t2, n2) {
if (E(e3.const) && n2.add({kind: this.getSuggestionKind(e3.type), label: this.getLabelForValue(e3.const), insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue(e3.const, t2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, documentation: this.fromMarkup(e3.markdownDescription) || e3.description}), Array.isArray(e3.enum))
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = e3.enum.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
var r2 = e3.enum[i2], s2 = this.fromMarkup(e3.markdownDescription) || e3.description;
e3.markdownEnumDescriptions && i2 < e3.markdownEnumDescriptions.length && this.doesSupportMarkdown() ? s2 = this.fromMarkup(e3.markdownEnumDescriptions[i2]) : e3.enumDescriptions && i2 < e3.enumDescriptions.length && (s2 = e3.enumDescriptions[i2]), n2.add({kind: this.getSuggestionKind(e3.type), label: this.getLabelForValue(r2), insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue(r2, t2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, documentation: s2});
}, e2.prototype.collectTypes = function(e3, t2) {
if (!Array.isArray(e3.enum) && !E(e3.const)) {
var n2 = e3.type;
Array.isArray(n2) ? n2.forEach(function(e4) {
return t2[e4] = true;
}) : n2 && (t2[n2] = true);
}, e2.prototype.addFillerValueCompletions = function(e3, t2, n2) {
e3.object && n2.add({kind: this.getSuggestionKind("object"), label: "{}", insertText: this.getInsertTextForGuessedValue({}, t2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, detail: Be("defaults.object", "New object"), documentation: ""}), e3.array && n2.add({kind: this.getSuggestionKind("array"), label: "[]", insertText: this.getInsertTextForGuessedValue([], t2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, detail: Be("defaults.array", "New array"), documentation: ""});
}, e2.prototype.addBooleanValueCompletion = function(e3, t2, n2) {
n2.add({kind: this.getSuggestionKind("boolean"), label: e3 ? "true" : "false", insertText: this.getInsertTextForValue(e3, t2), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, documentation: ""});
}, e2.prototype.addNullValueCompletion = function(e3, t2) {
t2.add({kind: this.getSuggestionKind("null"), label: "null", insertText: "null" + e3, insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, documentation: ""});
}, e2.prototype.addDollarSchemaCompletions = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = this;
this.schemaService.getRegisteredSchemaIds(function(e4) {
return "http" === e4 || "https" === e4;
}).forEach(function(i2) {
return t2.add({kind: A.Module, label: n2.getLabelForValue(i2), filterText: n2.getFilterTextForValue(i2), insertText: n2.getInsertTextForValue(i2, e3), insertTextFormat: R.Snippet, documentation: ""});
}, e2.prototype.getLabelForValue = function(e3) {
return JSON.stringify(e3);
}, e2.prototype.getFilterTextForValue = function(e3) {
return JSON.stringify(e3);
}, e2.prototype.getFilterTextForSnippetValue = function(e3) {
return JSON.stringify(e3).replace(/\$\{\d+:([^}]+)\}|\$\d+/g, "$1");
}, e2.prototype.getLabelForSnippetValue = function(e3) {
return JSON.stringify(e3).replace(/\$\{\d+:([^}]+)\}|\$\d+/g, "$1");
}, e2.prototype.getInsertTextForPlainText = function(e3) {
return e3.replace(/[\\\$\}]/g, "\\$&");
}, e2.prototype.getInsertTextForValue = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = JSON.stringify(e3, null, " ");
return "{}" === n2 ? "{$1}" + t2 : "[]" === n2 ? "[$1]" + t2 : this.getInsertTextForPlainText(n2 + t2);
}, e2.prototype.getInsertTextForSnippetValue = function(e3, t2) {
return function e4(t3, n2, i2) {
if (null !== t3 && "object" == typeof t3) {
var o2 = n2 + " ";
if (Array.isArray(t3)) {
if (0 === t3.length)
return "[]";
for (var r2 = "[\n", s2 = 0; s2 < t3.length; s2++)
r2 += o2 + e4(t3[s2], o2, i2), s2 < t3.length - 1 && (r2 += ","), r2 += "\n";
return r2 += n2 + "]";
var a2 = Object.keys(t3);
if (0 === a2.length)
return "{}";
for (r2 = "{\n", s2 = 0; s2 < a2.length; s2++) {
var l2 = a2[s2];
r2 += o2 + JSON.stringify(l2) + ": " + e4(t3[l2], o2, i2), s2 < a2.length - 1 && (r2 += ","), r2 += "\n";
return r2 += n2 + "}";
return i2(t3);
}(e3, "", function(e4) {
return "string" == typeof e4 && "^" === e4[0] ? e4.substr(1) : JSON.stringify(e4);
}) + t2;
}, e2.prototype.getInsertTextForGuessedValue = function(e3, t2) {
switch (typeof e3) {
case "object":
return null === e3 ? "${1:null}" + t2 : this.getInsertTextForValue(e3, t2);
case "string":
var n2 = JSON.stringify(e3);
return n2 = n2.substr(1, n2.length - 2), '"${1:' + (n2 = this.getInsertTextForPlainText(n2)) + '}"' + t2;
case "number":
case "boolean":
return "${1:" + JSON.stringify(e3) + "}" + t2;
return this.getInsertTextForValue(e3, t2);
}, e2.prototype.getSuggestionKind = function(e3) {
if (Array.isArray(e3)) {
var t2 = e3;
e3 = t2.length > 0 ? t2[0] : void 0;
if (!e3)
return A.Value;
switch (e3) {
case "string":
return A.Value;
case "object":
return A.Module;
case "property":
return A.Property;
return A.Value;
}, e2.prototype.getLabelTextForMatchingNode = function(e3, t2) {
switch (e3.type) {
case "array":
return "[]";
case "object":
return "{}";
return t2.getText().substr(e3.offset, e3.length);
}, e2.prototype.getInsertTextForMatchingNode = function(e3, t2, n2) {
switch (e3.type) {
case "array":
return this.getInsertTextForValue([], n2);
case "object":
return this.getInsertTextForValue({}, n2);
var i2 = t2.getText().substr(e3.offset, e3.length) + n2;
return this.getInsertTextForPlainText(i2);
}, e2.prototype.getInsertTextForProperty = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = this.getInsertTextForValue(e3, "");
if (!n2)
return o2;
var r2, s2 = o2 + ": ", a2 = 0;
if (t2) {
if (Array.isArray(t2.defaultSnippets)) {
if (1 === t2.defaultSnippets.length) {
var l2 = t2.defaultSnippets[0].body;
E(l2) && (r2 = this.getInsertTextForSnippetValue(l2, ""));
a2 += t2.defaultSnippets.length;
if (t2.enum && (r2 || 1 !== t2.enum.length || (r2 = this.getInsertTextForGuessedValue(t2.enum[0], "")), a2 += t2.enum.length), E(t2.default) && (r2 || (r2 = this.getInsertTextForGuessedValue(t2.default, "")), a2++), Array.isArray(t2.examples) && t2.examples.length && (r2 || (r2 = this.getInsertTextForGuessedValue(t2.examples[0], "")), a2 += t2.examples.length), 0 === a2) {
var c2 = Array.isArray(t2.type) ? t2.type[0] : t2.type;
switch (c2 || ( ? c2 = "object" : t2.items && (c2 = "array")), c2) {
case "boolean":
r2 = "$1";
case "string":
r2 = '"$1"';
case "object":
r2 = "{$1}";
case "array":
r2 = "[$1]";
case "number":
case "integer":
r2 = "${1:0}";
case "null":
r2 = "${1:null}";
return o2;
return (!r2 || a2 > 1) && (r2 = "$1"), s2 + r2 + i2;
}, e2.prototype.getCurrentWord = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = t2 - 1, i2 = e3.getText(); n2 >= 0 && -1 === ' \n\r\v":{[,]}'.indexOf(i2.charAt(n2)); )
return i2.substring(n2 + 1, t2);
}, e2.prototype.evaluateSeparatorAfter = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = x.a(e3.getText(), true);
switch (n2.setPosition(t2), n2.scan()) {
case 5:
case 2:
case 4:
case 17:
return "";
return ",";
}, e2.prototype.findItemAtOffset = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = x.a(t2.getText(), true), o2 = e3.items, r2 = o2.length - 1; r2 >= 0; r2--) {
var s2 = o2[r2];
if (n2 > s2.offset + s2.length)
return i2.setPosition(s2.offset + s2.length), 5 === i2.scan() && n2 >= i2.getTokenOffset() + i2.getTokenLength() ? r2 + 1 : r2;
if (n2 >= s2.offset)
return r2;
return 0;
}, e2.prototype.isInComment = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = x.a(e3.getText(), false);
for (var o2 = i2.scan(); 17 !== o2 && i2.getTokenOffset() + i2.getTokenLength() < n2; )
o2 = i2.scan();
return (12 === o2 || 13 === o2) && i2.getTokenOffset() <= n2;
}, e2.prototype.fromMarkup = function(e3) {
if (e3 && this.doesSupportMarkdown())
return {kind: O.Markdown, value: e3};
}, e2.prototype.doesSupportMarkdown = function() {
if (!E(this.supportsMarkdown)) {
var e3 = this.clientCapabilities.textDocument && this.clientCapabilities.textDocument.completion;
this.supportsMarkdown = e3 && e3.completionItem && Array.isArray(e3.completionItem.documentationFormat) && -1 !== e3.completionItem.documentationFormat.indexOf(O.Markdown);
return this.supportsMarkdown;
}, e2.prototype.doesSupportsCommitCharacters = function() {
if (!E(this.supportsCommitCharacters)) {
var e3 = this.clientCapabilities.textDocument && this.clientCapabilities.textDocument.completion;
this.supportsCommitCharacters = e3 && e3.completionItem && !!e3.completionItem.commitCharactersSupport;
return this.supportsCommitCharacters;
}, e2;
}(), Ve = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = []), this.schemaService = e3, this.contributions = t2, this.promise = n2 || Promise;
return e2.prototype.doHover = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.offsetAt(t2), r2 = n2.getNodeFromOffset(i2);
if (!r2 || ("object" === r2.type || "array" === r2.type) && i2 > r2.offset + 1 && i2 < r2.offset + r2.length - 1)
return this.promise.resolve(null);
var s2 = r2;
if ("string" === r2.type) {
var a2 = r2.parent;
if (a2 && "property" === a2.type && a2.keyNode === r2 && !(r2 = a2.valueNode))
return this.promise.resolve(null);
for (var l2 = o.create(e3.positionAt(s2.offset), e3.positionAt(s2.offset + s2.length)), c2 = function(e4) {
return {contents: e4, range: l2};
}, d2 = Ae(r2), h2 = this.contributions.length - 1; h2 >= 0; h2--) {
var u2 = this.contributions[h2].getInfoContribution(e3.uri, d2);
if (u2)
return u2.then(function(e4) {
return c2(e4);
return this.schemaService.getSchemaForResource(e3.uri, n2).then(function(e4) {
if (e4 && r2) {
var t3 = n2.getMatchingSchemas(e4.schema, r2.offset), i3 = void 0, o2 = void 0, s3 = void 0, a3 = void 0;
t3.every(function(e5) {
if (e5.node === r2 && !e5.inverted && e5.schema && (i3 = i3 || e5.schema.title, o2 = o2 || e5.schema.markdownDescription || Ue(e5.schema.description), e5.schema.enum)) {
var t4 = e5.schema.enum.indexOf(De(r2));
e5.schema.markdownEnumDescriptions ? s3 = e5.schema.markdownEnumDescriptions[t4] : e5.schema.enumDescriptions && (s3 = Ue(e5.schema.enumDescriptions[t4])), s3 && "string" != typeof (a3 = e5.schema.enum[t4]) && (a3 = JSON.stringify(a3));
return true;
var l3 = "";
return i3 && (l3 = Ue(i3)), o2 && (l3.length > 0 && (l3 += "\n\n"), l3 += o2), s3 && (l3.length > 0 && (l3 += "\n\n"), l3 += "`" + function(e5) {
if (-1 !== e5.indexOf("`"))
return "`` " + e5 + " ``";
return e5;
}(a3) + "`: " + s3), c2([l3]);
return null;
}, e2;
function Ue(e2) {
if (e2)
return e2.replace(/([^\n\r])(\r?\n)([^\n\r])/gm, "$1\n\n$3").replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, "\\$&");
var He = n(140), qe = me(), $e = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
this.patternRegExps = [], this.isInclude = [];
try {
for (var n2 = 0, i2 = e3; n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
var o2 = i2[n2], r2 = "!" !== o2[0];
r2 || (o2 = o2.substring(1)), this.patternRegExps.push(new RegExp(ze(o2) + "$")), this.isInclude.push(r2);
this.uris = t2;
} catch (e4) {
this.patternRegExps.length = 0, this.isInclude.length = 0, this.uris = [];
return e2.prototype.matchesPattern = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = false, n2 = 0; n2 < this.patternRegExps.length; n2++) {
this.patternRegExps[n2].test(e3) && (t2 = this.isInclude[n2]);
return t2;
}, e2.prototype.getURIs = function() {
return this.uris;
}, e2;
}(), Ke = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
this.service = e3, this.url = t2, this.dependencies = {}, n2 && (this.unresolvedSchema = this.service.promise.resolve(new Ge(n2)));
return e2.prototype.getUnresolvedSchema = function() {
return this.unresolvedSchema || (this.unresolvedSchema = this.service.loadSchema(this.url)), this.unresolvedSchema;
}, e2.prototype.getResolvedSchema = function() {
var e3 = this;
return this.resolvedSchema || (this.resolvedSchema = this.getUnresolvedSchema().then(function(t2) {
return e3.service.resolveSchemaContent(t2, e3.url, e3.dependencies);
})), this.resolvedSchema;
}, e2.prototype.clearSchema = function() {
this.resolvedSchema = void 0, this.unresolvedSchema = void 0, this.dependencies = {};
}, e2;
}(), Ge = function(e2, t2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = []), this.schema = e2, this.errors = t2;
}, Ye = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = []), this.schema = e3, this.errors = t2;
return e2.prototype.getSection = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.getSectionRecursive(e3, this.schema);
if (t2)
return Le(t2);
}, e2.prototype.getSectionRecursive = function(e3, t2) {
if (!t2 || "boolean" == typeof t2 || 0 === e3.length)
return t2;
var n2 = e3.shift();
if ( && ([n2], 1))
return this.getSectionRecursive(e3,[n2]);
if (t2.patternProperties)
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = Object.keys(t2.patternProperties); i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
if (new RegExp(r2).test(n2))
return this.getSectionRecursive(e3, t2.patternProperties[r2]);
else {
if ("object" == typeof t2.additionalProperties)
return this.getSectionRecursive(e3, t2.additionalProperties);
if (n2.match("[0-9]+")) {
if (Array.isArray(t2.items)) {
var s2 = parseInt(n2, 10);
if (!isNaN(s2) && t2.items[s2])
return this.getSectionRecursive(e3, t2.items[s2]);
} else if (t2.items)
return this.getSectionRecursive(e3, t2.items);
}, e2;
}(), Ze = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
this.contextService = t2, this.requestService = e3, this.promiseConstructor = n2 || Promise, this.callOnDispose = [], this.contributionSchemas = {}, this.contributionAssociations = [], this.schemasById = {}, this.filePatternAssociations = [], this.registeredSchemasIds = {};
return e2.prototype.getRegisteredSchemaIds = function(e3) {
return Object.keys(this.registeredSchemasIds).filter(function(t2) {
var n2 = He.a.parse(t2).scheme;
return "schemaservice" !== n2 && (!e3 || e3(n2));
}, Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "promise", {get: function() {
return this.promiseConstructor;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (; this.callOnDispose.length > 0; )
}, e2.prototype.onResourceChange = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = this, n2 = false, i2 = [e3 = Qe(e3)], o2 = Object.keys(this.schemasById).map(function(e4) {
return t2.schemasById[e4];
}); i2.length; )
for (var r2 = i2.pop(), s2 = 0; s2 < o2.length; s2++) {
var a2 = o2[s2];
a2 && (a2.url === r2 || a2.dependencies[r2]) && (a2.url !== r2 && i2.push(a2.url), a2.clearSchema(), o2[s2] = void 0, n2 = true);
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.setSchemaContributions = function(e3) {
if (e3.schemas) {
var t2 = e3.schemas;
for (var n2 in t2) {
var i2 = Qe(n2);
this.contributionSchemas[i2] = this.addSchemaHandle(i2, t2[n2]);
if (Array.isArray(e3.schemaAssociations))
for (var o2 = 0, r2 = e3.schemaAssociations; o2 < r2.length; o2++) {
var s2 = r2[o2], a2 =, l2 = this.addFilePatternAssociation(s2.pattern, a2);
}, e2.prototype.addSchemaHandle = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = new Ke(this, e3, t2);
return this.schemasById[e3] = n2, n2;
}, e2.prototype.getOrAddSchemaHandle = function(e3, t2) {
return this.schemasById[e3] || this.addSchemaHandle(e3, t2);
}, e2.prototype.addFilePatternAssociation = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = new $e(e3, t2);
return this.filePatternAssociations.push(n2), n2;
}, e2.prototype.registerExternalSchema = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = Qe(e3);
return this.registeredSchemasIds[i2] = true, this.cachedSchemaForResource = void 0, t2 && this.addFilePatternAssociation(t2, [e3]), n2 ? this.addSchemaHandle(i2, n2) : this.getOrAddSchemaHandle(i2);
}, e2.prototype.clearExternalSchemas = function() {
for (var e3 in (this.schemasById = {}, this.filePatternAssociations = [], this.registeredSchemasIds = {}, this.cachedSchemaForResource = void 0, this.contributionSchemas))
this.schemasById[e3] = this.contributionSchemas[e3], this.registeredSchemasIds[e3] = true;
for (var t2 = 0, n2 = this.contributionAssociations; t2 < n2.length; t2++) {
var i2 = n2[t2];
}, e2.prototype.getResolvedSchema = function(e3) {
var t2 = Qe(e3), n2 = this.schemasById[t2];
return n2 ? n2.getResolvedSchema() : this.promise.resolve(void 0);
}, e2.prototype.loadSchema = function(e3) {
if (!this.requestService) {
var t2 = qe("json.schema.norequestservice", "Unable to load schema from '{0}'. No schema request service available", Je(e3));
return this.promise.resolve(new Ge({}, [t2]));
return this.requestService(e3).then(function(t3) {
if (!t3) {
var n2 = qe("json.schema.nocontent", "Unable to load schema from '{0}': No content.", Je(e3));
return new Ge({}, [n2]);
var i2, o2 = [];
i2 = x.f(t3, o2);
var r2 = o2.length ? [qe("json.schema.invalidFormat", "Unable to parse content from '{0}': Parse error at offset {1}.", Je(e3), o2[0].offset)] : [];
return new Ge(i2, r2);
}, function(t3) {
var n2 = t3.toString(), i2 = t3.toString().split("Error: ");
return i2.length > 1 && (n2 = i2[1]), We(n2, ".") && (n2 = n2.substr(0, n2.length - 1)), new Ge({}, [qe("json.schema.nocontent", "Unable to load schema from '{0}': {1}.", Je(e3), n2)]);
}, e2.prototype.resolveSchemaContent = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = this, o2 = e3.errors.slice(0), r2 = e3.schema;
if (r2.$schema) {
var s2 = Qe(r2.$schema);
if ("" === s2)
return this.promise.resolve(new Ye({}, [qe("json.schema.draft03.notsupported", "Draft-03 schemas are not supported.")]));
"" === s2 && o2.push(qe("json.schema.draft201909.notsupported", "Draft 2019-09 schemas are not yet fully supported."));
var a2 = this.contextService, l2 = function(e4, t3, n3, i3) {
var r3 = i3 ? decodeURIComponent(i3) : void 0, s3 = function(e5, t4) {
if (!t4)
return e5;
var n4 = e5;
return "/" === t4[0] && (t4 = t4.substr(1)), t4.split("/").some(function(e6) {
return !(n4 = n4[e6]);
}), n4;
}(t3, r3);
if (s3)
for (var a3 in s3)
s3.hasOwnProperty(a3) && !e4.hasOwnProperty(a3) && (e4[a3] = s3[a3]);
o2.push(qe("json.schema.invalidref", "$ref '{0}' in '{1}' can not be resolved.", r3, n3));
}, c2 = function(e4, t3, n3, r3, s3) {
a2 && !/^\w+:\/\/.*/.test(t3) && (t3 = a2.resolveRelativePath(t3, r3)), t3 = Qe(t3);
var c3 = i2.getOrAddSchemaHandle(t3);
return c3.getUnresolvedSchema().then(function(i3) {
if (s3[t3] = true, i3.errors.length) {
var r4 = n3 ? t3 + "#" + n3 : t3;
o2.push(qe("json.schema.problemloadingref", "Problems loading reference '{0}': {1}", r4, i3.errors[0]));
return l2(e4, i3.schema, t3, n3), d2(e4, i3.schema, t3, c3.dependencies);
}, d2 = function(e4, t3, n3, o3) {
if (!e4 || "object" != typeof e4)
return Promise.resolve(null);
for (var r3 = [e4], s3 = [], a3 = [], d3 = function(e5) {
for (var i3 = []; e5.$ref; ) {
var s4 = e5.$ref, d4 = s4.split("#", 2);
if (delete e5.$ref, d4[0].length > 0)
return void a3.push(c2(e5, d4[0], d4[1], n3, o3));
-1 === i3.indexOf(s4) && (l2(e5, t3, n3, d4[1]), i3.push(s4));
!function() {
for (var e6 = [], t4 = 0; t4 < arguments.length; t4++)
e6[t4] = arguments[t4];
for (var n4 = 0, i4 = e6; n4 < i4.length; n4++) {
var o4 = i4[n4];
"object" == typeof o4 && r3.push(o4);
}(e5.items, e5.additionalItems, e5.additionalProperties, e5.not, e5.contains, e5.propertyNames, e5.if, e5.then, e5.else), function() {
for (var e6 = [], t4 = 0; t4 < arguments.length; t4++)
e6[t4] = arguments[t4];
for (var n4 = 0, i4 = e6; n4 < i4.length; n4++) {
var o4 = i4[n4];
if ("object" == typeof o4)
for (var s5 in o4) {
var a4 = s5, l3 = o4[a4];
"object" == typeof l3 && r3.push(l3);
}(e5.definitions,, e5.patternProperties, e5.dependencies), function() {
for (var e6 = [], t4 = 0; t4 < arguments.length; t4++)
e6[t4] = arguments[t4];
for (var n4 = 0, i4 = e6; n4 < i4.length; n4++) {
var o4 = i4[n4];
if (Array.isArray(o4))
for (var s5 = 0, a4 = o4; s5 < a4.length; s5++) {
var l3 = a4[s5];
"object" == typeof l3 && r3.push(l3);
}(e5.anyOf, e5.allOf, e5.oneOf, e5.items);
}; r3.length; ) {
var h2 = r3.pop();
s3.indexOf(h2) >= 0 || (s3.push(h2), d3(h2));
return i2.promise.all(a3);
return d2(r2, r2, t2, n2).then(function(e4) {
return new Ye(r2, o2);
}, e2.prototype.getSchemaForResource = function(e3, t2) {
if (t2 && t2.root && "object" === t2.root.type) {
var n2 = {
return "$schema" === e4.keyNode.value && e4.valueNode && "string" === e4.valueNode.type;
if (n2.length > 0) {
var i2 = n2[0].valueNode;
if (i2 && "string" === i2.type) {
var o2 = De(i2);
if (o2 && function(e4, t3) {
if (e4.length < t3.length)
return false;
for (var n3 = 0; n3 < t3.length; n3++)
if (e4[n3] !== t3[n3])
return false;
return true;
}(o2, ".") && this.contextService && (o2 = this.contextService.resolveRelativePath(o2, e3)), o2) {
var r2 = Qe(o2);
return this.getOrAddSchemaHandle(r2).getResolvedSchema();
if (this.cachedSchemaForResource && this.cachedSchemaForResource.resource === e3)
return this.cachedSchemaForResource.resolvedSchema;
for (var s2 = Object.create(null), a2 = [], l2 = 0, c2 = this.filePatternAssociations; l2 < c2.length; l2++) {
var d2 = c2[l2];
if (d2.matchesPattern(e3))
for (var h2 = 0, u2 = d2.getURIs(); h2 < u2.length; h2++) {
var p2 = u2[h2];
s2[p2] || (a2.push(p2), s2[p2] = true);
var m2 = a2.length > 0 ? this.createCombinedSchema(e3, a2).getResolvedSchema() : this.promise.resolve(void 0);
return this.cachedSchemaForResource = {resource: e3, resolvedSchema: m2}, m2;
}, e2.prototype.createCombinedSchema = function(e3, t2) {
if (1 === t2.length)
return this.getOrAddSchemaHandle(t2[0]);
var n2 = "schemaservice://combinedSchema/" + encodeURIComponent(e3), i2 = {allOf: {
return {$ref: e4};
return this.addSchemaHandle(n2, i2);
}, e2.prototype.getMatchingSchemas = function(e3, t2, n2) {
if (n2) {
var i2 = || "schemaservice://untitled/matchingSchemas/" + Xe++;
return this.resolveSchemaContent(new Ge(n2), i2, {}).then(function(e4) {
return t2.getMatchingSchemas(e4.schema).filter(function(e5) {
return !e5.inverted;
return this.getSchemaForResource(e3.uri, t2).then(function(e4) {
return e4 ? t2.getMatchingSchemas(e4.schema).filter(function(e5) {
return !e5.inverted;
}) : [];
}, e2;
}(), Xe = 0;
function Qe(e2) {
try {
return He.a.parse(e2).toString();
} catch (t2) {
return e2;
function Je(e2) {
try {
var t2 = He.a.parse(e2);
if ("file" === t2.scheme)
return t2.fsPath;
} catch (e3) {
return e2;
var et = me(), tt = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
this.jsonSchemaService = e3, this.promise = t2, this.validationEnabled = true;
return e2.prototype.configure = function(e3) {
e3 && (this.validationEnabled = e3.validate, this.commentSeverity = e3.allowComments ? void 0 : p.Error);
}, e2.prototype.doValidation = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var r2 = this;
if (!this.validationEnabled)
return this.promise.resolve([]);
var s2 = [], a2 = {}, l2 = function(e4) {
var t3 = e4.range.start.line + " " + e4.range.start.character + " " + e4.message;
a2[t3] || (a2[t3] = true, s2.push(e4));
}, c2 = function(i3) {
var a3 = n2 ? it(n2.trailingCommas) : p.Error, c3 = n2 ? it(n2.comments) : r2.commentSeverity;
if (i3) {
if (i3.errors.length && t2.root) {
var d3 = t2.root, h2 = "object" === d3.type ?[0] : void 0;
if (h2 && "$schema" === h2.keyNode.value) {
var u2 = h2.valueNode || h2, m2 = o.create(e3.positionAt(u2.offset), e3.positionAt(u2.offset + u2.length));
l2(g.create(m2, i3.errors[0], p.Warning, se.SchemaResolveError));
} else {
m2 = o.create(e3.positionAt(d3.offset), e3.positionAt(d3.offset + 1));
l2(g.create(m2, i3.errors[0], p.Warning, se.SchemaResolveError));
} else {
var f2 = t2.validate(e3, i3.schema);
f2 && f2.forEach(l2);
(function e4(t3) {
if (t3 && "object" == typeof t3) {
if (T(t3.allowComments))
return t3.allowComments;
if (t3.allOf)
for (var n3 = 0, i4 = t3.allOf; n3 < i4.length; n3++) {
var o2 = i4[n3], r3 = e4(o2);
if (T(r3))
return r3;
})(i3.schema) && (c3 = void 0), function e4(t3) {
if (t3 && "object" == typeof t3) {
if (T(t3.allowTrailingCommas))
return t3.allowTrailingCommas;
var n3 = t3;
if (T(n3.allowsTrailingCommas))
return n3.allowsTrailingCommas;
if (t3.allOf)
for (var i4 = 0, o2 = t3.allOf; i4 < o2.length; i4++) {
var r3 = o2[i4], s3 = e4(r3);
if (T(s3))
return s3;
}(i3.schema) && (a3 = void 0);
for (var b2 = 0, _2 = t2.syntaxErrors; b2 < _2.length; b2++) {
var v2 = _2[b2];
if (v2.code === se.TrailingComma) {
if ("number" != typeof a3)
v2.severity = a3;
if ("number" == typeof c3) {
var w2 = et("InvalidCommentToken", "Comments are not permitted in JSON.");
t2.comments.forEach(function(e4) {
l2(g.create(e4, w2, c3, se.CommentNotPermitted));
return s2;
if (i2) {
var d2 = || "schemaservice://untitled/" + nt++;
return this.jsonSchemaService.resolveSchemaContent(new Ge(i2), d2, {}).then(function(e4) {
return c2(e4);
return this.jsonSchemaService.getSchemaForResource(e3.uri, t2).then(function(e4) {
return c2(e4);
}, e2;
}(), nt = 0;
function it(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case "error":
return p.Error;
case "warning":
return p.Warning;
case "ignore":
function ot(e2) {
return e2 < 48 ? 0 : e2 <= 57 ? e2 - 48 : (e2 < 97 && (e2 += 32), e2 >= 97 && e2 <= 102 ? e2 - 97 + 10 : 0);
function rt(e2) {
if ("#" === e2[0])
switch (e2.length) {
case 4:
return {red: 17 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(1)) / 255, green: 17 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(2)) / 255, blue: 17 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(3)) / 255, alpha: 1};
case 5:
return {red: 17 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(1)) / 255, green: 17 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(2)) / 255, blue: 17 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(3)) / 255, alpha: 17 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(4)) / 255};
case 7:
return {red: (16 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(1)) + ot(e2.charCodeAt(2))) / 255, green: (16 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(3)) + ot(e2.charCodeAt(4))) / 255, blue: (16 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(5)) + ot(e2.charCodeAt(6))) / 255, alpha: 1};
case 9:
return {red: (16 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(1)) + ot(e2.charCodeAt(2))) / 255, green: (16 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(3)) + ot(e2.charCodeAt(4))) / 255, blue: (16 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(5)) + ot(e2.charCodeAt(6))) / 255, alpha: (16 * ot(e2.charCodeAt(7)) + ot(e2.charCodeAt(8))) / 255};
var st = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.schemaService = e3;
return e2.prototype.findDocumentSymbols = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = this;
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = {resultLimit: Number.MAX_VALUE});
var o2 = t2.root;
if (!o2)
return [];
var s2 = n2.resultLimit || Number.MAX_VALUE, a2 = e3.uri;
if (("vscode://defaultsettings/keybindings.json" === a2 || We(a2.toLowerCase(), "/user/keybindings.json")) && "array" === o2.type) {
for (var l2 = [], c2 = 0, d2 = o2.items; c2 < d2.length; c2++) {
var h2 = d2[c2];
if ("object" === h2.type)
for (var u2 = 0, p2 =; u2 < p2.length; u2++) {
var m2 = p2[u2];
if ("key" === m2.keyNode.value && m2.valueNode) {
var g2 = r.create(e3.uri, at(e3, h2));
if (l2.push({name: De(m2.valueNode), kind: H.Function, location: g2}), --s2 <= 0)
return n2 && n2.onResultLimitExceeded && n2.onResultLimitExceeded(a2), l2;
return l2;
for (var f2 = [{node: o2, containerName: ""}], b2 = 0, _2 = false, v2 = [], w2 = function(t3, n3) {
"array" === t3.type ? t3.items.forEach(function(e4) {
e4 && f2.push({node: e4, containerName: n3});
}) : "object" === t3.type && {
var o3 = t4.valueNode;
if (o3)
if (s2 > 0) {
var a3 = r.create(e3.uri, at(e3, t4)), l3 = n3 ? n3 + "." + t4.keyNode.value : t4.keyNode.value;
v2.push({name: i2.getKeyLabel(t4), kind: i2.getSymbolKind(o3.type), location: a3, containerName: n3}), f2.push({node: o3, containerName: l3});
} else
_2 = true;
}; b2 < f2.length; ) {
var y2 = f2[b2++];
w2(y2.node, y2.containerName);
return _2 && n2 && n2.onResultLimitExceeded && n2.onResultLimitExceeded(a2), v2;
}, e2.prototype.findDocumentSymbols2 = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = this;
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = {resultLimit: Number.MAX_VALUE});
var o2 = t2.root;
if (!o2)
return [];
var r2 = n2.resultLimit || Number.MAX_VALUE, s2 = e3.uri;
if (("vscode://defaultsettings/keybindings.json" === s2 || We(s2.toLowerCase(), "/user/keybindings.json")) && "array" === o2.type) {
for (var a2 = [], l2 = 0, c2 = o2.items; l2 < c2.length; l2++) {
var d2 = c2[l2];
if ("object" === d2.type)
for (var h2 = 0, u2 =; h2 < u2.length; h2++) {
var p2 = u2[h2];
if ("key" === p2.keyNode.value && p2.valueNode) {
var m2 = at(e3, d2), g2 = at(e3, p2.keyNode);
if (a2.push({name: De(p2.valueNode), kind: H.Function, range: m2, selectionRange: g2}), --r2 <= 0)
return n2 && n2.onResultLimitExceeded && n2.onResultLimitExceeded(s2), a2;
return a2;
for (var f2 = [], b2 = [{node: o2, result: f2}], _2 = 0, v2 = false, w2 = function(t3, n3) {
"array" === t3.type ? t3.items.forEach(function(t4, o3) {
if (t4)
if (r2 > 0) {
var s3 = at(e3, t4), a3 = s3, l3 = {name: String(o3), kind: i2.getSymbolKind(t4.type), range: s3, selectionRange: a3, children: []};
n3.push(l3), b2.push({result: l3.children, node: t4});
} else
v2 = true;
}) : "object" === t3.type && {
var o3 = t4.valueNode;
if (o3)
if (r2 > 0) {
var s3 = at(e3, t4), a3 = at(e3, t4.keyNode), l3 = {name: i2.getKeyLabel(t4), kind: i2.getSymbolKind(o3.type), range: s3, selectionRange: a3, children: []};
n3.push(l3), b2.push({result: l3.children, node: o3});
} else
v2 = true;
}; _2 < b2.length; ) {
var y2 = b2[_2++];
w2(y2.node, y2.result);
return v2 && n2 && n2.onResultLimitExceeded && n2.onResultLimitExceeded(s2), f2;
}, e2.prototype.getSymbolKind = function(e3) {
switch (e3) {
case "object":
return H.Module;
case "string":
return H.String;
case "number":
return H.Number;
case "array":
return H.Array;
case "boolean":
return H.Boolean;
return H.Variable;
}, e2.prototype.getKeyLabel = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.keyNode.value;
return t2 && (t2 = t2.replace(/[\n]/g, "↵")), t2 && t2.trim() ? t2 : '"' + t2 + '"';
}, e2.prototype.findDocumentColors = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return this.schemaService.getSchemaForResource(e3.uri, t2).then(function(i2) {
var o2 = [];
if (i2)
for (var r2 = n2 && "number" == typeof n2.resultLimit ? n2.resultLimit : Number.MAX_VALUE, s2 = {}, a2 = 0, l2 = t2.getMatchingSchemas(i2.schema); a2 < l2.length; a2++) {
var c2 = l2[a2];
if (!c2.inverted && c2.schema && ("color" === c2.schema.format || "color-hex" === c2.schema.format) && c2.node && "string" === c2.node.type) {
var d2 = String(c2.node.offset);
if (!s2[d2]) {
var h2 = rt(De(c2.node));
if (h2) {
var u2 = at(e3, c2.node);
o2.push({color: h2, range: u2});
if (s2[d2] = true, --r2 <= 0)
return n2 && n2.onResultLimitExceeded && n2.onResultLimitExceeded(e3.uri), o2;
return o2;
}, e2.prototype.getColorPresentations = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = [], s2 = Math.round(255 *, a2 = Math.round(255 *, l2 = Math.round(255 *;
function c2(e4) {
var t3 = e4.toString(16);
return 2 !== t3.length ? "0" + t3 : t3;
return o2 = 1 === n2.alpha ? "#" + c2(s2) + c2(a2) + c2(l2) : "#" + c2(s2) + c2(a2) + c2(l2) + c2(Math.round(255 * n2.alpha)), r2.push({label: o2, textEdit: b.replace(i2, JSON.stringify(o2))}), r2;
}, e2;
function at(e2, t2) {
return o.create(e2.positionAt(t2.offset), e2.positionAt(t2.offset + t2.length));
var lt = me(), ct = {schemaAssociations: [], schemas: {"": {$ref: ""}, "": {title: lt("schema.json", "Describes a JSON file using a schema. See for more info."), $schema: "", definitions: {schemaArray: {type: "array", minItems: 1, items: {$ref: "#"}}, positiveInteger: {type: "integer", minimum: 0}, positiveIntegerDefault0: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger"}, {default: 0}]}, simpleTypes: {type: "string", enum: ["array", "boolean", "integer", "null", "number", "object", "string"]}, stringArray: {type: "array", items: {type: "string"}, minItems: 1, uniqueItems: true}}, type: "object", properties: {id: {type: "string", format: "uri"}, $schema: {type: "string", format: "uri"}, title: {type: "string"}, description: {type: "string"}, default: {}, multipleOf: {type: "number", minimum: 0, exclusiveMinimum: true}, maximum: {type: "number"}, exclusiveMaximum: {type: "boolean", default: false}, minimum: {type: "number"}, exclusiveMinimum: {type: "boolean", default: false}, maxLength: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger"}]}, minLength: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0"}]}, pattern: {type: "string", format: "regex"}, additionalItems: {anyOf: [{type: "boolean"}, {$ref: "#"}], default: {}}, items: {anyOf: [{$ref: "#"}, {$ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray"}], default: {}}, maxItems: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger"}]}, minItems: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0"}]}, uniqueItems: {type: "boolean", default: false}, maxProperties: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger"}]}, minProperties: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0"}]}, required: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/stringArray"}]}, additionalProperties: {anyOf: [{type: "boolean"}, {$ref: "#"}], default: {}}, definitions: {type: "object", additionalProperties: {$ref: "#"}, default: {}}, properties: {type: "object", additionalProperties: {$ref: "#"}, default: {}}, patternProperties: {type: "object", additionalProperties: {$ref: "#"}, default: {}}, dependencies: {type: "object", additionalProperties: {anyOf: [{$ref: "#"}, {$ref: "#/definitions/stringArray"}]}}, enum: {type: "array", minItems: 1, uniqueItems: true}, type: {anyOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/simpleTypes"}, {type: "array", items: {$ref: "#/definitions/simpleTypes"}, minItems: 1, uniqueItems: true}]}, format: {anyOf: [{type: "string", enum: ["date-time", "uri", "email", "hostname", "ipv4", "ipv6", "regex"]}, {type: "string"}]}, allOf: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray"}]}, anyOf: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray"}]}, oneOf: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray"}]}, not: {allOf: [{$ref: "#"}]}}, dependencies: {exclusiveMaximum: ["maximum"], exclusiveMinimum: ["minimum"]}, default: {}}, "": {title: lt("schema.json", "Describes a JSON file using a schema. See for more info."), definitions: {schemaArray: {type: "array", minItems: 1, items: {$ref: "#"}}, nonNegativeInteger: {type: "integer", minimum: 0}, nonNegativeIntegerDefault0: {allOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger"}, {default: 0}]}, simpleTypes: {enum: ["array", "boolean", "integer", "null", "number", "object", "string"]}, stringArray: {type: "array", items: {type: "string"}, uniqueItems: true, default: []}}, type: ["object", "boolean"], properties: {$id: {type: "string", format: "uri-reference"}, $schema: {type: "string", format: "uri"}, $ref: {type: "string", format: "uri-reference"}, $comment: {type: "string"}, title: {type: "string"}, description: {type: "string"}, default: true, readOnly: {type: "boolean", default: false}, examples: {type: "array", items: true}, multipleOf: {type: "number", exclusiveMinimum: 0}, maximum: {type: "number"}, exclusiveMaximum: {type: "number"}, minimum: {type: "number"}, exclusiveMinimum: {type: "number"}, maxLength: {$ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger"}, minLength: {$ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0"}, pattern: {type: "string", format: "regex"}, additionalItems: {$ref: "#"}, items: {anyOf: [{$ref: "#"}, {$ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray"}], default: true}, maxItems: {$ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger"}, minItems: {$ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0"}, uniqueItems: {type: "boolean", default: false}, contains: {$ref: "#"}, maxProperties: {$ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger"}, minProperties: {$ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0"}, required: {$ref: "#/definitions/stringArray"}, additionalProperties: {$ref: "#"}, definitions: {type: "object", additionalProperties: {$ref: "#"}, default: {}}, properties: {type: "object", additionalProperties: {$ref: "#"}, default: {}}, patternProperties: {type: "object", additionalProperties: {$ref: "#"}, propertyNames: {format: "regex"}, default: {}}, dependencies: {type: "object", additionalProperties: {anyOf: [{$ref: "#"}, {$ref: "#/definitions/stringArray"}]}}, propertyNames: {$ref: "#"}, const: true, enum: {type: "array", items: true, minItems: 1, uniqueItems: true}, type: {anyOf: [{$ref: "#/definitions/simpleTypes"}, {type: "array", items: {$ref: "#/definitions/simpleTypes"}, minItems: 1, uniqueItems: true}]}, format: {type: "string"}, contentMediaType: {type: "string"}, contentEncoding: {type: "string"}, if: {$ref: "#"}, then: {$ref: "#"}, else: {$ref: "#"}, allOf: {$ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray"}, anyOf: {$ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray"}, oneOf: {$ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray"}, not: {$ref: "#"}}, default: true}}}, dt = {id: lt("", "A unique identifier for the schema."), $schema: lt("schema.json.$schema", "The schema to verify this document against."), title: lt("schema.json.title", "A descriptive title of the element."), description: lt("schema.json.description", "A long description of the element. Used in hover menus and suggestions."), default: lt("schema.json.default", "A default value. Used by suggestions."), multipleOf: lt("schema.json.multipleOf", "A number that should cleanly divide the current value (i.e. have no remainder)."), maximum: lt("schema.json.maximum", "The maximum numerical value, inclusive by default."), exclusiveMaximum: lt("schema.json.exclusiveMaximum", "Makes the maximum property exclusive."), minimum: lt("schema.json.minimum", "The minimum numerical value, inclusive by default."), exclusiveMinimum: lt("schema.json.exclusiveMininum", "Makes the minimum property exclusive."), maxLength: lt("schema.json.maxLength", "The maximum length of a string."), minLength: lt("schema.json.minLength", "The minimum length of a string."), pattern: lt("schema.json.pattern", "A regular expression to match the string against. It is not implicitly anchored."), additionalItems: lt("schema.json.additionalItems", "For arrays, only when items is set as an array. If it is a schema, then this schema validates items after the ones specified by the items array. If it is false, then additional items will cause validation to fail."), items: lt("schema.json.items", "For arrays. Can either be a schema to validate every element against or an array of schemas to validate each item against in order (the first schema will validate the first element, the second schema will validate the second element, and so on."), maxItems: lt("schema.json.maxItems", "The maximum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive."), minItems: lt("schema.json.minItems", "The minimum number of items that can be inside an array. Inclusive."), uniqueItems: lt("schema.json.uniqueItems", "If all of the items in the array must be unique. Defaults to false."), maxProperties: lt("schema.json.maxProperties", "The maximum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive."), minProperties: lt("schema.json.minProperties", "The minimum number of properties an object can have. Inclusive."), required: lt("schema.json.required", "An array of strings that lists the names of all properties required on this object."), additionalProperties: lt("schema.json.additionalProperties", "Either a schema or a boolean. If a schema, then used to validate all properties not matched by 'properties' or 'patternProperties'. If false, then any properties not matched by either will cause this schema to fail."), definitions: lt("schema.json.definitions", "Not used for validation. Place subschemas here that you wish to reference inline with $ref."), properties: lt("", "A map of property names to schemas for each property."), patternProperties: lt("schema.json.patternProperties", "A map of regular expressions on property names to schemas for matching properties."), dependencies: lt("schema.json.dependencies", "A map of property names to either an array of property names or a schema. An array of property names means the property named in the key depends on the properties in the array being present in the object in order to be valid. If the value is a schema, then the schema is only applied to the object if the property in the key exists on the object."), enum: lt("schema.json.enum", "The set of literal values that are valid."), type: lt("schema.json.type", "Either a string of one of the basic schema types (number, integer, null, array, object, boolean, string) or an array of strings specifying a subset of those types."), format: lt("schema.json.format", "Describes the format expected for the value."), allOf: lt("schema.json.allOf", "An array of schemas, all of which must match."), anyOf: lt("schema.json.anyOf", "An array of schemas, where at least one must match."), oneOf: lt("schema.json.oneOf", "An array of schemas, exactly one of which must match."), not: lt("schema.json.not", "A schema which must not match."), $id: lt("schema.json.$id", "A unique identifier for the schema."), $ref: lt("schema.json.$ref", "Reference a definition hosted on any location."), $comment: lt("schema.json.$comment", "Comments from schema authors to readers or maintainers of the schema."), readOnly: lt("schema.json.readOnly", "Indicates that the value of the instance is managed exclusively by the owning authority."), examples: lt("schema.json.examples", "Sample JSON values associated with a particular schema, for the purpose of illustrating usage."), contains: lt("schema.json.contains", 'An array instance is valid against "contains" if at least one of its elements is valid against the given schema.'), propertyNames: lt("schema.json.propertyNames", "If the instance is an object, this keyword validates if every property name in the instance validates against the provided schema."), const: lt("schema.json.const", "An instance validates successfully against this keyword if its value is equal to the value of the keyword."), contentMediaType: lt("schema.json.contentMediaType", "Describes the media type of a string property."), contentEncoding: lt("schema.json.contentEncoding", "Describes the content encoding of a string property."), if: lt("schema.json.if", 'The validation outcome of the "if" subschema controls which of the "then" or "else" keywords are evaluated.'), then: lt("schema.json.then", 'The "if" subschema is used for validation when the "if" subschema succeeds.'), else: lt("schema.json.else", 'The "else" subschema is used for validation when the "if" subschema fails.')};
for (var ht in ct.schemas) {
var ut = ct.schemas[ht];
for (var pt in {
var mt =[pt];
"boolean" == typeof mt && (mt =[pt] = {});
var gt = dt[pt];
gt ? mt.description = gt : console.log(pt + ": localize('schema.json." + pt + `', "")`);
function ft(e2, t2) {
var n2 = [], o2 = [], r2 = [], s2 = -1, a2 = Object(x.a)(e2.getText(), false), l2 = a2.scan();
function c2(e3) {
n2.push(e3), o2.push(r2.length);
for (; 17 !== l2; ) {
switch (l2) {
case 1:
case 3:
var h2 = {startLine: m2 = e2.positionAt(a2.getTokenOffset()).line, endLine: m2, kind: 1 === l2 ? "object" : "array"};
case 2:
case 4:
var u2 = 2 === l2 ? "object" : "array";
if (r2.length > 0 && r2[r2.length - 1].kind === u2) {
h2 = r2.pop();
var p2 = e2.positionAt(a2.getTokenOffset()).line;
h2 && p2 > h2.startLine + 1 && s2 !== h2.startLine && (h2.endLine = p2 - 1, c2(h2), s2 = h2.startLine);
case 13:
var m2 = e2.positionAt(a2.getTokenOffset()).line, g2 = e2.positionAt(a2.getTokenOffset() + a2.getTokenLength()).line;
1 === a2.getTokenError() && m2 + 1 < e2.lineCount ? a2.setPosition(e2.offsetAt(i.create(m2 + 1, 0))) : m2 < g2 && (c2({startLine: m2, endLine: g2, kind: d.Comment}), s2 = m2);
case 12:
var f2 = e2.getText().substr(a2.getTokenOffset(), a2.getTokenLength()).match(/^\/\/\s*#(region\b)|(endregion\b)/);
if (f2) {
p2 = e2.positionAt(a2.getTokenOffset()).line;
if (f2[1]) {
h2 = {startLine: p2, endLine: p2, kind: d.Region};
} else {
for (var b2 = r2.length - 1; b2 >= 0 && r2[b2].kind !== d.Region; )
if (b2 >= 0) {
h2 = r2[b2];
r2.length = b2, p2 > h2.startLine && s2 !== h2.startLine && (h2.endLine = p2, c2(h2), s2 = h2.startLine);
l2 = a2.scan();
var _2 = t2 && t2.rangeLimit;
if ("number" != typeof _2 || n2.length <= _2)
return n2;
t2 && t2.onRangeLimitExceeded && t2.onRangeLimitExceeded(e2.uri);
for (var v2 = [], w2 = 0, y2 = o2; w2 < y2.length; w2++) {
(T2 = y2[w2]) < 30 && (v2[T2] = (v2[T2] || 0) + 1);
var C2 = 0, S2 = 0;
for (b2 = 0; b2 < v2.length; b2++) {
var k2 = v2[b2];
if (k2) {
if (k2 + C2 > _2) {
S2 = b2;
C2 += k2;
var E2 = [];
for (b2 = 0; b2 < n2.length; b2++) {
var T2;
"number" == typeof (T2 = o2[b2]) && (T2 < S2 || T2 === S2 && C2++ < _2) && E2.push(n2[b2]);
return E2;
function bt(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(t3, n3) {
return o.create(e2.positionAt(t3), e2.positionAt(n3));
var r2 = Object(x.a)(e2.getText(), true);
function s2(e3, t3) {
return r2.setPosition(e3), r2.scan() === t3 ? r2.getTokenOffset() + r2.getTokenLength() : -1;
return {
for (var r3 = e2.offsetAt(t3), a2 = n2.getNodeFromOffset(r3, true), l2 = []; a2; ) {
switch (a2.type) {
case "string":
case "object":
case "array":
var c2 = a2.offset + 1, d2 = a2.offset + a2.length - 1;
c2 < d2 && r3 >= c2 && r3 <= d2 && l2.push(i2(c2, d2)), l2.push(i2(a2.offset, a2.offset + a2.length));
case "number":
case "boolean":
case "null":
case "property":
l2.push(i2(a2.offset, a2.offset + a2.length));
if ("property" === a2.type || a2.parent && "array" === a2.parent.type) {
var h2 = s2(a2.offset + a2.length, 5);
-1 !== h2 && l2.push(i2(a2.offset, h2));
a2 = a2.parent;
for (var u2 = void 0, p2 = l2.length - 1; p2 >= 0; p2--)
u2 = ee.create(l2[p2], u2);
return u2 || (u2 = ee.create(o.create(t3, t3))), u2;
function _t(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e2.offsetAt(t2), o2 = n2.getNodeFromOffset(i2, true);
if (!o2 || !function(e3) {
return "string" === e3.type && e3.parent && "property" === e3.parent.type && e3.parent.valueNode === e3 && "$ref" === e3.parent.keyNode.value || false;
return Promise.resolve([]);
var r2 = o2.parent.valueNode, s2 = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = function(e4) {
if ("#" === e4)
return [];
if ("#" !== e4[0] || "/" !== e4[1])
return null;
return e4.substring(2).split(/\//).map(wt);
if (!n3)
return null;
return function e4(t4, n4) {
if (!n4)
return null;
if (0 === t4.length)
return n4;
var i3 = t4.shift();
if (n4 && "object" === n4.type) {
var o3 = {
return e5.keyNode.value === i3;
return o3 ? e4(t4, o3.valueNode) : null;
if (n4 && "array" === n4.type && i3.match(/^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/)) {
var r3 = Number.parseInt(i3), s3 = n4.items[r3];
return s3 ? e4(t4, s3) : null;
return null;
}(n3, e3.root);
}(n2, r2.value);
if (!s2)
return Promise.resolve([]);
var a2 = {targetUri: e2.uri, originSelectionRange: vt(e2, r2), targetRange: vt(e2, s2), targetSelectionRange: vt(e2, s2)};
return Promise.resolve([a2]);
function vt(e2, t2) {
return o.create(e2.positionAt(t2.offset), e2.positionAt(t2.offset + t2.length));
function wt(e2) {
return e2.replace(/~1/g, "/").replace(/~0/g, "~");
function yt(e2) {
var t2 = e2.promiseConstructor || Promise, n2 = new Ze(e2.schemaRequestService, e2.workspaceContext, t2);
var i2 = new je(n2, e2.contributions, t2, e2.clientCapabilities), r2 = new Ve(n2, e2.contributions, t2), s2 = new st(n2), a2 = new tt(n2, t2);
return {configure: function(e3) {
n2.clearExternalSchemas(), e3.schemas && e3.schemas.forEach(function(e4) {
n2.registerExternalSchema(e4.uri, e4.fileMatch, e4.schema);
}), a2.configure(e3);
}, resetSchema: function(e3) {
return n2.onResourceChange(e3);
}, doValidation: a2.doValidation.bind(a2), parseJSONDocument: function(e3) {
return Fe(e3, {collectComments: true});
}, newJSONDocument: function(e3, t3) {
return function(e4, t4) {
return void 0 === t4 && (t4 = []), new Me(e4, t4, []);
}(e3, t3);
}, getMatchingSchemas: n2.getMatchingSchemas.bind(n2), doResolve: i2.doResolve.bind(i2), doComplete: i2.doComplete.bind(i2), findDocumentSymbols: s2.findDocumentSymbols.bind(s2), findDocumentSymbols2: s2.findDocumentSymbols2.bind(s2), findColorSymbols: function(e3, t3) {
return s2.findDocumentColors(e3, t3).then(function(e4) {
return {
return e5.range;
}, findDocumentColors: s2.findDocumentColors.bind(s2), getColorPresentations: s2.getColorPresentations.bind(s2), doHover: r2.doHover.bind(r2), getFoldingRanges: ft, getSelectionRanges: bt, findDefinition: _t, format: function(e3, t3, n3) {
var i3 = void 0;
if (t3) {
var r3 = e3.offsetAt(t3.start);
i3 = {offset: r3, length: e3.offsetAt(t3.end) - r3};
var s3 = {tabSize: n3 ? n3.tabSize : 4, insertSpaces: !n3 || n3.insertSpaces, eol: "\n"};
return Object(x.c)(e3.getText(), i3, s3).map(function(t4) {
return b.replace(o.create(e3.positionAt(t4.offset), e3.positionAt(t4.offset + t4.length)), t4.content);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return b;
var i = n(6), o = n(2), r = n(8), s = n(73), a = n(75), l = n(114);
class c {
constructor(e2) {
if (e2.autoClosingPairs ? this._autoClosingPairs = => new a.b(e3)) : e2.brackets ? this._autoClosingPairs = => new a.b({open: e3[0], close: e3[1]})) : this._autoClosingPairs = [], e2.__electricCharacterSupport && e2.__electricCharacterSupport.docComment) {
const t2 = e2.__electricCharacterSupport.docComment;
this._autoClosingPairs.push(new a.b({open:, close: t2.close || ""}));
this._autoCloseBefore = "string" == typeof e2.autoCloseBefore ? e2.autoCloseBefore : c.DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_BEFORE_LANGUAGE_DEFINED, this._surroundingPairs = e2.surroundingPairs || this._autoClosingPairs;
getAutoClosingPairs() {
return this._autoClosingPairs;
getAutoCloseBeforeSet() {
return this._autoCloseBefore;
static shouldAutoClosePair(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === t2.getTokenCount())
return true;
const i2 = t2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(n2 - 2), o2 = t2.getStandardTokenType(i2);
return e2.isOK(o2);
getSurroundingPairs() {
return this._surroundingPairs;
var d = n(119);
class h {
constructor(e2) {
this._richEditBrackets = e2;
getElectricCharacters() {
let e2 = [];
if (this._richEditBrackets)
for (const t2 of this._richEditBrackets.brackets)
for (const n2 of t2.close) {
const t3 = n2.charAt(n2.length - 1);
return e2 = e2.filter((e3, t2, n2) => n2.indexOf(e3) === t2), e2;
onElectricCharacter(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this._richEditBrackets || 0 === this._richEditBrackets.brackets.length)
return null;
const i2 = t2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(n2 - 1);
if (Object(l.b)(t2.getStandardTokenType(i2)))
return null;
const o2 = this._richEditBrackets.reversedRegex, r2 = t2.getLineContent().substring(0, n2 - 1) + e2, s2 = d.a.findPrevBracketInRange(o2, 1, r2, 0, r2.length);
if (!s2)
return null;
const a2 = r2.substring(s2.startColumn - 1, s2.endColumn - 1).toLowerCase();
if (this._richEditBrackets.textIsOpenBracket[a2])
return null;
const c2 = t2.getActualLineContentBefore(s2.startColumn - 1);
return /^\s*$/.test(c2) ? {matchOpenBracket: a2} : null;
class u {
constructor(e2) {
this._indentationRules = e2;
shouldIncrease(e2) {
return !!(this._indentationRules && this._indentationRules.increaseIndentPattern && this._indentationRules.increaseIndentPattern.test(e2));
shouldDecrease(e2) {
return !!(this._indentationRules && this._indentationRules.decreaseIndentPattern && this._indentationRules.decreaseIndentPattern.test(e2));
shouldIndentNextLine(e2) {
return !!(this._indentationRules && this._indentationRules.indentNextLinePattern && this._indentationRules.indentNextLinePattern.test(e2));
shouldIgnore(e2) {
return !!(this._indentationRules && this._indentationRules.unIndentedLinePattern && this._indentationRules.unIndentedLinePattern.test(e2));
getIndentMetadata(e2) {
let t2 = 0;
return this.shouldIncrease(e2) && (t2 += 1), this.shouldDecrease(e2) && (t2 += 2), this.shouldIndentNextLine(e2) && (t2 += 4), this.shouldIgnore(e2) && (t2 += 8), t2;
var p = n(13);
class m {
constructor(e2) {
(e2 = e2 || {}).brackets = e2.brackets || [["(", ")"], ["{", "}"], ["[", "]"]], this._brackets = [], e2.brackets.forEach((e3) => {
const t2 = m._createOpenBracketRegExp(e3[0]), n2 = m._createCloseBracketRegExp(e3[1]);
t2 && n2 && this._brackets.push({open: e3[0], openRegExp: t2, close: e3[1], closeRegExp: n2});
}), this._regExpRules = e2.onEnterRules || [];
onEnter(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (e2 >= 3)
for (let e3 = 0, o2 = this._regExpRules.length; e3 < o2; e3++) {
let o3 = this._regExpRules[e3];
if ([{reg: o3.beforeText, text: n2}, {reg: o3.afterText, text: i2}, {reg: o3.oneLineAboveText, text: t2}].every((e4) => !e4.reg || e4.reg.test(e4.text)))
return o3.action;
if (e2 >= 2 && n2.length > 0 && i2.length > 0)
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = this._brackets.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
let t4 = this._brackets[e3];
if (t4.openRegExp.test(n2) && t4.closeRegExp.test(i2))
return {indentAction: a.a.IndentOutdent};
if (e2 >= 2 && n2.length > 0)
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = this._brackets.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
if (this._brackets[e3].openRegExp.test(n2))
return {indentAction: a.a.Indent};
return null;
static _createOpenBracketRegExp(e2) {
let t2 = r.v(e2);
return /\B/.test(t2.charAt(0)) || (t2 = "\\b" + t2), t2 += "\\s*$", m._safeRegExp(t2);
static _createCloseBracketRegExp(e2) {
let t2 = r.v(e2);
return /\B/.test(t2.charAt(t2.length - 1)) || (t2 += "\\b"), t2 = "^\\s*" + t2, m._safeRegExp(t2);
static _safeRegExp(e2) {
try {
return new RegExp(e2);
} catch (e3) {
return Object(p.e)(e3), null;
class g {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._languageIdentifier = e2, this._brackets = null, this._electricCharacter = null;
let i2 = null;
t2 && (i2 = t2._conf), this._conf = g._mergeConf(i2, n2), this._onEnterSupport = this._conf.brackets || this._conf.indentationRules || this._conf.onEnterRules ? new m(this._conf) : null, this.comments = g._handleComments(this._conf), this.characterPair = new c(this._conf), this.wordDefinition = this._conf.wordPattern || s.a, this.indentationRules = this._conf.indentationRules, this._conf.indentationRules ? this.indentRulesSupport = new u(this._conf.indentationRules) : this.indentRulesSupport = null, this.foldingRules = this._conf.folding || {};
get brackets() {
return !this._brackets && this._conf.brackets && (this._brackets = new d.b(this._languageIdentifier, this._conf.brackets)), this._brackets;
get electricCharacter() {
return this._electricCharacter || (this._electricCharacter = new h(this.brackets)), this._electricCharacter;
onEnter(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return this._onEnterSupport ? this._onEnterSupport.onEnter(e2, t2, n2, i2) : null;
static _mergeConf(e2, t2) {
return {comments: e2 ? t2.comments || e2.comments : t2.comments, brackets: e2 ? t2.brackets || e2.brackets : t2.brackets, wordPattern: e2 ? t2.wordPattern || e2.wordPattern : t2.wordPattern, indentationRules: e2 ? t2.indentationRules || e2.indentationRules : t2.indentationRules, onEnterRules: e2 ? t2.onEnterRules || e2.onEnterRules : t2.onEnterRules, autoClosingPairs: e2 ? t2.autoClosingPairs || e2.autoClosingPairs : t2.autoClosingPairs, surroundingPairs: e2 ? t2.surroundingPairs || e2.surroundingPairs : t2.surroundingPairs, autoCloseBefore: e2 ? t2.autoCloseBefore || e2.autoCloseBefore : t2.autoCloseBefore, folding: e2 ? t2.folding || e2.folding : t2.folding, __electricCharacterSupport: e2 ? t2.__electricCharacterSupport || e2.__electricCharacterSupport : t2.__electricCharacterSupport};
static _handleComments(e2) {
let t2 = e2.comments;
if (!t2)
return null;
let n2 = {};
if (t2.lineComment && (n2.lineCommentToken = t2.lineComment), t2.blockComment) {
let [e3, i2] = t2.blockComment;
n2.blockCommentStartToken = e3, n2.blockCommentEndToken = i2;
return n2;
class f {
constructor(e2) {
this.languageIdentifier = e2;
const b = new class {
constructor() {
this._entries = new Map(), this._onDidChange = new i.a(), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;
register(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._getRichEditSupport(, i2 = new g(e2, n2, t2);
return this._entries.set(, i2), f(e2)), Object(o.h)(() => {
this._entries.get( === i2 && (this._entries.set(, n2), f(e2)));
_getRichEditSupport(e2) {
return this._entries.get(e2);
getIndentationRules(e2) {
const t2 = this._entries.get(e2);
return t2 && t2.indentationRules || null;
_getElectricCharacterSupport(e2) {
let t2 = this._getRichEditSupport(e2);
return t2 && t2.electricCharacter || null;
getElectricCharacters(e2) {
let t2 = this._getElectricCharacterSupport(e2);
return t2 ? t2.getElectricCharacters() : [];
onElectricCharacter(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = Object(l.a)(t2, n2 - 1), o2 = this._getElectricCharacterSupport(i2.languageId);
return o2 ? o2.onElectricCharacter(e2, i2, n2 - i2.firstCharOffset) : null;
getComments(e2) {
let t2 = this._getRichEditSupport(e2);
return t2 && t2.comments || null;
_getCharacterPairSupport(e2) {
let t2 = this._getRichEditSupport(e2);
return t2 && t2.characterPair || null;
getAutoClosingPairs(e2) {
let t2 = this._getCharacterPairSupport(e2);
return t2 ? t2.getAutoClosingPairs() : [];
getAutoCloseBeforeSet(e2) {
let t2 = this._getCharacterPairSupport(e2);
return t2 ? t2.getAutoCloseBeforeSet() : c.DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_BEFORE_LANGUAGE_DEFINED;
getSurroundingPairs(e2) {
let t2 = this._getCharacterPairSupport(e2);
return t2 ? t2.getSurroundingPairs() : [];
shouldAutoClosePair(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = Object(l.a)(t2, n2 - 1);
return c.shouldAutoClosePair(e2, i2, n2 - i2.firstCharOffset);
getWordDefinition(e2) {
let t2 = this._getRichEditSupport(e2);
return t2 ? Object(s.c)(t2.wordDefinition || null) : Object(s.c)(null);
getFoldingRules(e2) {
let t2 = this._getRichEditSupport(e2);
return t2 ? t2.foldingRules : {};
getIndentRulesSupport(e2) {
let t2 = this._getRichEditSupport(e2);
return t2 && t2.indentRulesSupport || null;
getPrecedingValidLine(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(t2, 0);
if (t2 > 1) {
let o2, r2 = -1;
for (o2 = t2 - 1; o2 >= 1; o2--) {
if (e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(o2, 0) !== i2)
return r2;
let t3 = e2.getLineContent(o2);
if (!n2.shouldIgnore(t3) && !/^\s+$/.test(t3) && "" !== t3)
return o2;
r2 = o2;
return -1;
getInheritIndentForLine(e2, t2, n2, i2 = true) {
if (e2 < 4)
return null;
const o2 = this.getIndentRulesSupport(t2.getLanguageIdentifier().id);
if (!o2)
return null;
if (n2 <= 1)
return {indentation: "", action: null};
const s2 = this.getPrecedingValidLine(t2, n2, o2);
if (s2 < 0)
return null;
if (s2 < 1)
return {indentation: "", action: null};
const l2 = t2.getLineContent(s2);
if (o2.shouldIncrease(l2) || o2.shouldIndentNextLine(l2))
return {indentation: r.z(l2), action: a.a.Indent, line: s2};
if (o2.shouldDecrease(l2))
return {indentation: r.z(l2), action: null, line: s2};
if (1 === s2)
return {indentation: r.z(t2.getLineContent(s2)), action: null, line: s2};
const e3 = s2 - 1, n3 = o2.getIndentMetadata(t2.getLineContent(e3));
if (!(3 & n3) && 4 & n3) {
let n4 = 0;
for (let i3 = e3 - 1; i3 > 0; i3--)
if (!o2.shouldIndentNextLine(t2.getLineContent(i3))) {
n4 = i3;
return {indentation: r.z(t2.getLineContent(n4 + 1)), action: null, line: n4 + 1};
if (i2)
return {indentation: r.z(t2.getLineContent(s2)), action: null, line: s2};
for (let e4 = s2; e4 > 0; e4--) {
const n4 = t2.getLineContent(e4);
if (o2.shouldIncrease(n4))
return {indentation: r.z(n4), action: a.a.Indent, line: e4};
if (o2.shouldIndentNextLine(n4)) {
let n5 = 0;
for (let i3 = e4 - 1; i3 > 0; i3--)
if (!o2.shouldIndentNextLine(t2.getLineContent(e4))) {
n5 = i3;
return {indentation: r.z(t2.getLineContent(n5 + 1)), action: null, line: n5 + 1};
if (o2.shouldDecrease(n4))
return {indentation: r.z(n4), action: null, line: e4};
return {indentation: r.z(t2.getLineContent(1)), action: null, line: 1};
getGoodIndentForLine(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (e2 < 4)
return null;
const s2 = this._getRichEditSupport(n2);
if (!s2)
return null;
const l2 = this.getIndentRulesSupport(n2);
if (!l2)
return null;
const c2 = this.getInheritIndentForLine(e2, t2, i2), d2 = t2.getLineContent(i2);
if (c2) {
const n3 = c2.line;
if (void 0 !== n3) {
const i3 = s2.onEnter(e2, "", t2.getLineContent(n3), "");
if (i3) {
let e3 = r.z(t2.getLineContent(n3));
return i3.removeText && (e3 = e3.substring(0, e3.length - i3.removeText)), i3.indentAction === a.a.Indent || i3.indentAction === a.a.IndentOutdent ? e3 = o2.shiftIndent(e3) : i3.indentAction === a.a.Outdent && (e3 = o2.unshiftIndent(e3)), l2.shouldDecrease(d2) && (e3 = o2.unshiftIndent(e3)), i3.appendText && (e3 += i3.appendText), r.z(e3);
return l2.shouldDecrease(d2) ? c2.action === a.a.Indent ? c2.indentation : o2.unshiftIndent(c2.indentation) : c2.action === a.a.Indent ? o2.shiftIndent(c2.indentation) : c2.indentation;
return null;
getIndentForEnter(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (e2 < 4)
return null;
const o2 = t2.getLineTokens(n2.startLineNumber), s2 = Object(l.a)(o2, n2.startColumn - 1), c2 = s2.getLineContent();
let d2, h2, u2 = false;
if (s2.firstCharOffset > 0 && o2.getLanguageId(0) !== s2.languageId ? (u2 = true, d2 = c2.substr(0, n2.startColumn - 1 - s2.firstCharOffset)) : d2 = o2.getLineContent().substring(0, n2.startColumn - 1), n2.isEmpty())
h2 = c2.substr(n2.startColumn - 1 - s2.firstCharOffset);
else {
h2 = this.getScopedLineTokens(t2, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn).getLineContent().substr(n2.endColumn - 1 - s2.firstCharOffset);
const p2 = this.getIndentRulesSupport(s2.languageId);
if (!p2)
return null;
const m2 = d2, g2 = r.z(d2), f2 = {getLineTokens: (e3) => t2.getLineTokens(e3), getLanguageIdentifier: () => t2.getLanguageIdentifier(), getLanguageIdAtPosition: (e3, n3) => t2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(e3, n3), getLineContent: (e3) => e3 === n2.startLineNumber ? m2 : t2.getLineContent(e3)}, b2 = r.z(o2.getLineContent()), _ = this.getInheritIndentForLine(e2, f2, n2.startLineNumber + 1);
if (!_) {
const e3 = u2 ? b2 : g2;
return {beforeEnter: e3, afterEnter: e3};
let v = u2 ? b2 : _.indentation;
return _.action === a.a.Indent && (v = i2.shiftIndent(v)), p2.shouldDecrease(h2) && (v = i2.unshiftIndent(v)), {beforeEnter: u2 ? b2 : g2, afterEnter: v};
getIndentActionForType(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (e2 < 4)
return null;
const r2 = this.getScopedLineTokens(t2, n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn), s2 = this.getIndentRulesSupport(r2.languageId);
if (!s2)
return null;
const l2 = r2.getLineContent(), c2 = l2.substr(0, n2.startColumn - 1 - r2.firstCharOffset);
let d2;
if (n2.isEmpty())
d2 = l2.substr(n2.startColumn - 1 - r2.firstCharOffset);
else {
d2 = this.getScopedLineTokens(t2, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn).getLineContent().substr(n2.endColumn - 1 - r2.firstCharOffset);
if (!s2.shouldDecrease(c2 + d2) && s2.shouldDecrease(c2 + i2 + d2)) {
const i3 = this.getInheritIndentForLine(e2, t2, n2.startLineNumber, false);
if (!i3)
return null;
let r3 = i3.indentation;
return i3.action !== a.a.Indent && (r3 = o2.unshiftIndent(r3)), r3;
return null;
getIndentMetadata(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.getIndentRulesSupport(e2.getLanguageIdentifier().id);
return n2 ? t2 < 1 || t2 > e2.getLineCount() ? null : n2.getIndentMetadata(e2.getLineContent(t2)) : null;
getEnterAction(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getScopedLineTokens(t2, n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn), o2 = this._getRichEditSupport(i2.languageId);
if (!o2)
return null;
const r2 = i2.getLineContent(), s2 = r2.substr(0, n2.startColumn - 1 - i2.firstCharOffset);
let l2;
if (n2.isEmpty())
l2 = r2.substr(n2.startColumn - 1 - i2.firstCharOffset);
else {
l2 = this.getScopedLineTokens(t2, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn).getLineContent().substr(n2.endColumn - 1 - i2.firstCharOffset);
let c2 = "";
if (n2.startLineNumber > 1 && 0 === i2.firstCharOffset) {
const e3 = this.getScopedLineTokens(t2, n2.startLineNumber - 1);
e3.languageId === i2.languageId && (c2 = e3.getLineContent());
const d2 = o2.onEnter(e2, c2, s2, l2);
if (!d2)
return null;
const h2 = d2.indentAction;
let u2 = d2.appendText;
const p2 = d2.removeText || 0;
u2 || (u2 = h2 === a.a.Indent || h2 === a.a.IndentOutdent ? " " : "");
let m2 = this.getIndentationAtPosition(t2, n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn);
return p2 && (m2 = m2.substring(0, m2.length - p2)), {indentAction: h2, appendText: u2, removeText: p2, indentation: m2};
getIndentationAtPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.getLineContent(t2);
let o2 = r.z(i2);
return o2.length > n2 - 1 && (o2 = o2.substring(0, n2 - 1)), o2;
getScopedLineTokens(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.getLineTokens(t2), o2 = void 0 === n2 ? e2.getLineMaxColumn(t2) - 1 : n2 - 1;
return Object(l.a)(i2, o2);
getBracketsSupport(e2) {
const t2 = this._getRichEditSupport(e2);
return t2 && t2.brackets || null;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i, o, r, s, a, l, c, d, h, u, p, m, g, f, b, _, v, w, y, C, x, S, k, E, T, L, N, I, O, D, A, R, M;
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "o", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "p", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "q", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "r", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "s", function() {
return y;
}), n.d(t, "t", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "u", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "v", function() {
return S;
}), n.d(t, "w", function() {
return k;
}), n.d(t, "x", function() {
return E;
}), n.d(t, "y", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "z", function() {
return L;
}), n.d(t, "A", function() {
return N;
}), n.d(t, "B", function() {
return I;
}), n.d(t, "C", function() {
return O;
}), n.d(t, "D", function() {
return D;
}), n.d(t, "E", function() {
return A;
}), n.d(t, "F", function() {
return R;
}), n.d(t, "G", function() {
return M;
}), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e2[e2.Disabled = 1] = "Disabled", e2[e2.Enabled = 2] = "Enabled";
}(i || (i = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.KeepWhitespace = 1] = "KeepWhitespace", e2[e2.InsertAsSnippet = 4] = "InsertAsSnippet";
}(o || (o = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Method = 0] = "Method", e2[e2.Function = 1] = "Function", e2[e2.Constructor = 2] = "Constructor", e2[e2.Field = 3] = "Field", e2[e2.Variable = 4] = "Variable", e2[e2.Class = 5] = "Class", e2[e2.Struct = 6] = "Struct", e2[e2.Interface = 7] = "Interface", e2[e2.Module = 8] = "Module", e2[e2.Property = 9] = "Property", e2[e2.Event = 10] = "Event", e2[e2.Operator = 11] = "Operator", e2[e2.Unit = 12] = "Unit", e2[e2.Value = 13] = "Value", e2[e2.Constant = 14] = "Constant", e2[e2.Enum = 15] = "Enum", e2[e2.EnumMember = 16] = "EnumMember", e2[e2.Keyword = 17] = "Keyword", e2[e2.Text = 18] = "Text", e2[e2.Color = 19] = "Color", e2[e2.File = 20] = "File", e2[e2.Reference = 21] = "Reference", e2[e2.Customcolor = 22] = "Customcolor", e2[e2.Folder = 23] = "Folder", e2[e2.TypeParameter = 24] = "TypeParameter", e2[e2.User = 25] = "User", e2[e2.Issue = 26] = "Issue", e2[e2.Snippet = 27] = "Snippet";
}(r || (r = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Deprecated = 1] = "Deprecated";
}(s || (s = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Invoke = 0] = "Invoke", e2[e2.TriggerCharacter = 1] = "TriggerCharacter", e2[e2.TriggerForIncompleteCompletions = 2] = "TriggerForIncompleteCompletions";
}(a || (a = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.EXACT = 0] = "EXACT", e2[e2.ABOVE = 1] = "ABOVE", e2[e2.BELOW = 2] = "BELOW";
}(l || (l = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.NotSet = 0] = "NotSet", e2[e2.ContentFlush = 1] = "ContentFlush", e2[e2.RecoverFromMarkers = 2] = "RecoverFromMarkers", e2[e2.Explicit = 3] = "Explicit", e2[e2.Paste = 4] = "Paste", e2[e2.Undo = 5] = "Undo", e2[e2.Redo = 6] = "Redo";
}(c || (c = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.LF = 1] = "LF", e2[e2.CRLF = 2] = "CRLF";
}(d || (d = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Text = 0] = "Text", e2[e2.Read = 1] = "Read", e2[e2.Write = 2] = "Write";
}(h || (h = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.None = 0] = "None", e2[e2.Keep = 1] = "Keep", e2[e2.Brackets = 2] = "Brackets", e2[e2.Advanced = 3] = "Advanced", e2[e2.Full = 4] = "Full";
}(u || (u = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter = 0] = "acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter", e2[e2.acceptSuggestionOnEnter = 1] = "acceptSuggestionOnEnter", e2[e2.accessibilitySupport = 2] = "accessibilitySupport", e2[e2.accessibilityPageSize = 3] = "accessibilityPageSize", e2[e2.ariaLabel = 4] = "ariaLabel", e2[e2.autoClosingBrackets = 5] = "autoClosingBrackets", e2[e2.autoClosingOvertype = 6] = "autoClosingOvertype", e2[e2.autoClosingQuotes = 7] = "autoClosingQuotes", e2[e2.autoIndent = 8] = "autoIndent", e2[e2.automaticLayout = 9] = "automaticLayout", e2[e2.autoSurround = 10] = "autoSurround", e2[e2.codeLens = 11] = "codeLens", e2[e2.colorDecorators = 12] = "colorDecorators", e2[e2.columnSelection = 13] = "columnSelection", e2[e2.comments = 14] = "comments", e2[e2.contextmenu = 15] = "contextmenu", e2[e2.copyWithSyntaxHighlighting = 16] = "copyWithSyntaxHighlighting", e2[e2.cursorBlinking = 17] = "cursorBlinking", e2[e2.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation = 18] = "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation", e2[e2.cursorStyle = 19] = "cursorStyle", e2[e2.cursorSurroundingLines = 20] = "cursorSurroundingLines", e2[e2.cursorSurroundingLinesStyle = 21] = "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle", e2[e2.cursorWidth = 22] = "cursorWidth", e2[e2.disableLayerHinting = 23] = "disableLayerHinting", e2[e2.disableMonospaceOptimizations = 24] = "disableMonospaceOptimizations", e2[e2.dragAndDrop = 25] = "dragAndDrop", e2[e2.emptySelectionClipboard = 26] = "emptySelectionClipboard", e2[e2.extraEditorClassName = 27] = "extraEditorClassName", e2[e2.fastScrollSensitivity = 28] = "fastScrollSensitivity", e2[e2.find = 29] = "find", e2[e2.fixedOverflowWidgets = 30] = "fixedOverflowWidgets", e2[e2.folding = 31] = "folding", e2[e2.foldingStrategy = 32] = "foldingStrategy", e2[e2.foldingHighlight = 33] = "foldingHighlight", e2[e2.unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine = 34] = "unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine", e2[e2.fontFamily = 35] = "fontFamily", e2[e2.fontInfo = 36] = "fontInfo", e2[e2.fontLigatures = 37] = "fontLigatures", e2[e2.fontSize = 38] = "fontSize", e2[e2.fontWeight = 39] = "fontWeight", e2[e2.formatOnPaste = 40] = "formatOnPaste", e2[e2.formatOnType = 41] = "formatOnType", e2[e2.glyphMargin = 42] = "glyphMargin", e2[e2.gotoLocation = 43] = "gotoLocation", e2[e2.hideCursorInOverviewRuler = 44] = "hideCursorInOverviewRuler", e2[e2.highlightActiveIndentGuide = 45] = "highlightActiveIndentGuide", e2[e2.hover = 46] = "hover", e2[e2.inDiffEditor = 47] = "inDiffEditor", e2[e2.letterSpacing = 48] = "letterSpacing", e2[e2.lightbulb = 49] = "lightbulb", e2[e2.lineDecorationsWidth = 50] = "lineDecorationsWidth", e2[e2.lineHeight = 51] = "lineHeight", e2[e2.lineNumbers = 52] = "lineNumbers", e2[e2.lineNumbersMinChars = 53] = "lineNumbersMinChars", e2[e2.links = 54] = "links", e2[e2.matchBrackets = 55] = "matchBrackets", e2[e2.minimap = 56] = "minimap", e2[e2.mouseStyle = 57] = "mouseStyle", e2[e2.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity = 58] = "mouseWheelScrollSensitivity", e2[e2.mouseWheelZoom = 59] = "mouseWheelZoom", e2[e2.multiCursorMergeOverlapping = 60] = "multiCursorMergeOverlapping", e2[e2.multiCursorModifier = 61] = "multiCursorModifier", e2[e2.multiCursorPaste = 62] = "multiCursorPaste", e2[e2.occurrencesHighlight = 63] = "occurrencesHighlight", e2[e2.overviewRulerBorder = 64] = "overviewRulerBorder", e2[e2.overviewRulerLanes = 65] = "overviewRulerLanes", e2[e2.padding = 66] = "padding", e2[e2.parameterHints = 67] = "parameterHints", e2[e2.peekWidgetDefaultFocus = 68] = "peekWidgetDefaultFocus", e2[e2.definitionLinkOpensInPeek = 69] = "definitionLinkOpensInPeek", e2[e2.quickSuggestions = 70] = "quickSuggestions", e2[e2.quickSuggestionsDelay = 71] = "quickSuggestionsDelay", e2[e2.readOnly = 72] = "readOnly", e2[e2.renameOnType = 73] = "renameOnType", e2[e2.renderControlCharacters = 74] = "renderControlCharacters", e2[e2.renderIndentGuides = 75] = "renderIndentGuides", e2[e2.renderFinalNewline = 76] = "renderFinalNewline", e2[e2.renderLineHighlight = 77] = "renderLineHighlight", e2[e2.renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus = 78] = "renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus", e2[e2.renderValidationDecorations = 79] = "renderValidationDecorations", e2[e2.renderWhitespace = 80] = "renderWhitespace", e2[e2.revealHorizontalRightPadding = 81] = "revealHorizontalRightPadding", e2[e2.roundedSelection = 82] = "roundedSelection", e2[e2.rulers = 83] = "rulers", e2[e2.scrollbar = 84] = "scrollbar", e2[e2.scrollBeyondLastColumn = 85] = "scrollBeyondLastColumn", e2[e2.scrollBeyondLastLine = 86] = "scrollBeyondLastLine", e2[e2.scrollPredominantAxis = 87] = "scrollPredominantAxis", e2[e2.selectionClipboard = 88] = "selectionClipboard", e2[e2.selectionHighlight = 89] = "selectionHighlight", e2[e2.selectOnLineNumbers = 90] = "selectOnLineNumbers", e2[e2.showFoldingControls = 91] = "showFoldingControls", e2[e2.showUnused = 92] = "showUnused", e2[e2.snippetSuggestions = 93] = "snippetSuggestions", e2[e2.smoothScrolling = 94] = "smoothScrolling", e2[e2.stopRenderingLineAfter = 95] = "stopRenderingLineAfter", e2[e2.suggest = 96] = "suggest", e2[e2.suggestFontSize = 97] = "suggestFontSize", e2[e2.suggestLineHeight = 98] = "suggestLineHeight", e2[e2.suggestOnTriggerCharacters = 99] = "suggestOnTriggerCharacters", e2[e2.suggestSelection = 100] = "suggestSelection", e2[e2.tabCompletion = 101] = "tabCompletion", e2[e2.tabIndex = 102] = "tabIndex", e2[e2.unusualLineTerminators = 103] = "unusualLineTerminators", e2[e2.useTabStops = 104] = "useTabStops", e2[e2.wordSeparators = 105] = "wordSeparators", e2[e2.wordWrap = 106] = "wordWrap", e2[e2.wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters = 107] = "wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters", e2[e2.wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters = 108] = "wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters", e2[e2.wordWrapColumn = 109] = "wordWrapColumn", e2[e2.wordWrapMinified = 110] = "wordWrapMinified", e2[e2.wrappingIndent = 111] = "wrappingIndent", e2[e2.wrappingStrategy = 112] = "wrappingStrategy", e2[e2.showDeprecated = 113] = "showDeprecated", e2[e2.editorClassName = 114] = "editorClassName", e2[e2.pixelRatio = 115] = "pixelRatio", e2[e2.tabFocusMode = 116] = "tabFocusMode", e2[e2.layoutInfo = 117] = "layoutInfo", e2[e2.wrappingInfo = 118] = "wrappingInfo";
}(p || (p = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.TextDefined = 0] = "TextDefined", e2[e2.LF = 1] = "LF", e2[e2.CRLF = 2] = "CRLF";
}(m || (m = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.LF = 0] = "LF", e2[e2.CRLF = 1] = "CRLF";
}(g || (g = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.None = 0] = "None", e2[e2.Indent = 1] = "Indent", e2[e2.IndentOutdent = 2] = "IndentOutdent", e2[e2.Outdent = 3] = "Outdent";
}(f || (f = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e2[e2.Backspace = 1] = "Backspace", e2[e2.Tab = 2] = "Tab", e2[e2.Enter = 3] = "Enter", e2[e2.Shift = 4] = "Shift", e2[e2.Ctrl = 5] = "Ctrl", e2[e2.Alt = 6] = "Alt", e2[e2.PauseBreak = 7] = "PauseBreak", e2[e2.CapsLock = 8] = "CapsLock", e2[e2.Escape = 9] = "Escape", e2[e2.Space = 10] = "Space", e2[e2.PageUp = 11] = "PageUp", e2[e2.PageDown = 12] = "PageDown", e2[e2.End = 13] = "End", e2[e2.Home = 14] = "Home", e2[e2.LeftArrow = 15] = "LeftArrow", e2[e2.UpArrow = 16] = "UpArrow", e2[e2.RightArrow = 17] = "RightArrow", e2[e2.DownArrow = 18] = "DownArrow", e2[e2.Insert = 19] = "Insert", e2[e2.Delete = 20] = "Delete", e2[e2.KEY_0 = 21] = "KEY_0", e2[e2.KEY_1 = 22] = "KEY_1", e2[e2.KEY_2 = 23] = "KEY_2", e2[e2.KEY_3 = 24] = "KEY_3", e2[e2.KEY_4 = 25] = "KEY_4", e2[e2.KEY_5 = 26] = "KEY_5", e2[e2.KEY_6 = 27] = "KEY_6", e2[e2.KEY_7 = 28] = "KEY_7", e2[e2.KEY_8 = 29] = "KEY_8", e2[e2.KEY_9 = 30] = "KEY_9", e2[e2.KEY_A = 31] = "KEY_A", e2[e2.KEY_B = 32] = "KEY_B", e2[e2.KEY_C = 33] = "KEY_C", e2[e2.KEY_D = 34] = "KEY_D", e2[e2.KEY_E = 35] = "KEY_E", e2[e2.KEY_F = 36] = "KEY_F", e2[e2.KEY_G = 37] = "KEY_G", e2[e2.KEY_H = 38] = "KEY_H", e2[e2.KEY_I = 39] = "KEY_I", e2[e2.KEY_J = 40] = "KEY_J", e2[e2.KEY_K = 41] = "KEY_K", e2[e2.KEY_L = 42] = "KEY_L", e2[e2.KEY_M = 43] = "KEY_M", e2[e2.KEY_N = 44] = "KEY_N", e2[e2.KEY_O = 45] = "KEY_O", e2[e2.KEY_P = 46] = "KEY_P", e2[e2.KEY_Q = 47] = "KEY_Q", e2[e2.KEY_R = 48] = "KEY_R", e2[e2.KEY_S = 49] = "KEY_S", e2[e2.KEY_T = 50] = "KEY_T", e2[e2.KEY_U = 51] = "KEY_U", e2[e2.KEY_V = 52] = "KEY_V", e2[e2.KEY_W = 53] = "KEY_W", e2[e2.KEY_X = 54] = "KEY_X", e2[e2.KEY_Y = 55] = "KEY_Y", e2[e2.KEY_Z = 56] = "KEY_Z", e2[e2.Meta = 57] = "Meta", e2[e2.ContextMenu = 58] = "ContextMenu", e2[e2.F1 = 59] = "F1", e2[e2.F2 = 60] = "F2", e2[e2.F3 = 61] = "F3", e2[e2.F4 = 62] = "F4", e2[e2.F5 = 63] = "F5", e2[e2.F6 = 64] = "F6", e2[e2.F7 = 65] = "F7", e2[e2.F8 = 66] = "F8", e2[e2.F9 = 67] = "F9", e2[e2.F10 = 68] = "F10", e2[e2.F11 = 69] = "F11", e2[e2.F12 = 70] = "F12", e2[e2.F13 = 71] = "F13", e2[e2.F14 = 72] = "F14", e2[e2.F15 = 73] = "F15", e2[e2.F16 = 74] = "F16", e2[e2.F17 = 75] = "F17", e2[e2.F18 = 76] = "F18", e2[e2.F19 = 77] = "F19", e2[e2.NumLock = 78] = "NumLock", e2[e2.ScrollLock = 79] = "ScrollLock", e2[e2.US_SEMICOLON = 80] = "US_SEMICOLON", e2[e2.US_EQUAL = 81] = "US_EQUAL", e2[e2.US_COMMA = 82] = "US_COMMA", e2[e2.US_MINUS = 83] = "US_MINUS", e2[e2.US_DOT = 84] = "US_DOT", e2[e2.US_SLASH = 85] = "US_SLASH", e2[e2.US_BACKTICK = 86] = "US_BACKTICK", e2[e2.US_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET = 87] = "US_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET", e2[e2.US_BACKSLASH = 88] = "US_BACKSLASH", e2[e2.US_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET = 89] = "US_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET", e2[e2.US_QUOTE = 90] = "US_QUOTE", e2[e2.OEM_8 = 91] = "OEM_8", e2[e2.OEM_102 = 92] = "OEM_102", e2[e2.NUMPAD_0 = 93] = "NUMPAD_0", e2[e2.NUMPAD_1 = 94] = "NUMPAD_1", e2[e2.NUMPAD_2 = 95] = "NUMPAD_2", e2[e2.NUMPAD_3 = 96] = "NUMPAD_3", e2[e2.NUMPAD_4 = 97] = "NUMPAD_4", e2[e2.NUMPAD_5 = 98] = "NUMPAD_5", e2[e2.NUMPAD_6 = 99] = "NUMPAD_6", e2[e2.NUMPAD_7 = 100] = "NUMPAD_7", e2[e2.NUMPAD_8 = 101] = "NUMPAD_8", e2[e2.NUMPAD_9 = 102] = "NUMPAD_9", e2[e2.NUMPAD_MULTIPLY = 103] = "NUMPAD_MULTIPLY", e2[e2.NUMPAD_ADD = 104] = "NUMPAD_ADD", e2[e2.NUMPAD_SEPARATOR = 105] = "NUMPAD_SEPARATOR", e2[e2.NUMPAD_SUBTRACT = 106] = "NUMPAD_SUBTRACT", e2[e2.NUMPAD_DECIMAL = 107] = "NUMPAD_DECIMAL", e2[e2.NUMPAD_DIVIDE = 108] = "NUMPAD_DIVIDE", e2[e2.KEY_IN_COMPOSITION = 109] = "KEY_IN_COMPOSITION", e2[e2.ABNT_C1 = 110] = "ABNT_C1", e2[e2.ABNT_C2 = 111] = "ABNT_C2", e2[e2.MAX_VALUE = 112] = "MAX_VALUE";
}(b || (b = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Hint = 1] = "Hint", e2[e2.Info = 2] = "Info", e2[e2.Warning = 4] = "Warning", e2[e2.Error = 8] = "Error";
}(_ || (_ = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Unnecessary = 1] = "Unnecessary", e2[e2.Deprecated = 2] = "Deprecated";
}(v || (v = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Inline = 1] = "Inline", e2[e2.Gutter = 2] = "Gutter";
}(w || (w = {})), function(e2) {
}(y || (y = {})), function(e2) {
}(C || (C = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Left = 1] = "Left", e2[e2.Center = 2] = "Center", e2[e2.Right = 4] = "Right", e2[e2.Full = 7] = "Full";
}(x || (x = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Off = 0] = "Off", e2[e2.On = 1] = "On", e2[e2.Relative = 2] = "Relative", e2[e2.Interval = 3] = "Interval", e2[e2.Custom = 4] = "Custom";
}(S || (S = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.None = 0] = "None", e2[e2.Text = 1] = "Text", e2[e2.Blocks = 2] = "Blocks";
}(k || (k = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Smooth = 0] = "Smooth", e2[e2.Immediate = 1] = "Immediate";
}(E || (E = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Auto = 1] = "Auto", e2[e2.Hidden = 2] = "Hidden", e2[e2.Visible = 3] = "Visible";
}(T || (T = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.LTR = 0] = "LTR", e2[e2.RTL = 1] = "RTL";
}(L || (L = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Invoke = 1] = "Invoke", e2[e2.TriggerCharacter = 2] = "TriggerCharacter", e2[e2.ContentChange = 3] = "ContentChange";
}(N || (N = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.File = 0] = "File", e2[e2.Module = 1] = "Module", e2[e2.Namespace = 2] = "Namespace", e2[e2.Package = 3] = "Package", e2[e2.Class = 4] = "Class", e2[e2.Method = 5] = "Method", e2[e2.Property = 6] = "Property", e2[e2.Field = 7] = "Field", e2[e2.Constructor = 8] = "Constructor", e2[e2.Enum = 9] = "Enum", e2[e2.Interface = 10] = "Interface", e2[e2.Function = 11] = "Function", e2[e2.Variable = 12] = "Variable", e2[e2.Constant = 13] = "Constant", e2[e2.String = 14] = "String", e2[e2.Number = 15] = "Number", e2[e2.Boolean = 16] = "Boolean", e2[e2.Array = 17] = "Array", e2[e2.Object = 18] = "Object", e2[e2.Key = 19] = "Key", e2[e2.Null = 20] = "Null", e2[e2.EnumMember = 21] = "EnumMember", e2[e2.Struct = 22] = "Struct", e2[e2.Event = 23] = "Event", e2[e2.Operator = 24] = "Operator", e2[e2.TypeParameter = 25] = "TypeParameter";
}(I || (I = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Deprecated = 1] = "Deprecated";
}(O || (O = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Hidden = 0] = "Hidden", e2[e2.Blink = 1] = "Blink", e2[e2.Smooth = 2] = "Smooth", e2[e2.Phase = 3] = "Phase", e2[e2.Expand = 4] = "Expand", e2[e2.Solid = 5] = "Solid";
}(D || (D = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Line = 1] = "Line", e2[e2.Block = 2] = "Block", e2[e2.Underline = 3] = "Underline", e2[e2.LineThin = 4] = "LineThin", e2[e2.BlockOutline = 5] = "BlockOutline", e2[e2.UnderlineThin = 6] = "UnderlineThin";
}(A || (A = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges = 0] = "AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges", e2[e2.NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges = 1] = "NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges", e2[e2.GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore = 2] = "GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore", e2[e2.GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter = 3] = "GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter";
}(R || (R = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.None = 0] = "None", e2[e2.Same = 1] = "Same", e2[e2.Indent = 2] = "Indent", e2[e2.DeepIndent = 3] = "DeepIndent";
}(M || (M = {}));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("codeEditorService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "i", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return v;
var i = n(28);
class o extends Error {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2;
"string" == typeof t2 && 0 === t2.indexOf("not ") ? (i2 = "must not be", t2 = t2.replace(/^not /, "")) : i2 = "must be";
const o2 = -1 !== e2.indexOf(".") ? "property" : "argument";
let r2 = `The "${e2}" ${o2} ${i2} of type ${t2}`;
r2 += ". Received type " + typeof n2, super(r2), this.code = "ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE";
function r(e2, t2) {
if ("string" != typeof e2)
throw new o(t2, "string", e2);
function s(e2) {
return 47 === e2 || 92 === e2;
function a(e2) {
return 47 === e2;
function l(e2) {
return e2 >= 65 && e2 <= 90 || e2 >= 97 && e2 <= 122;
function c(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = "", r2 = 0, s2 = -1, a2 = 0, l2 = 0;
for (let c2 = 0; c2 <= e2.length; ++c2) {
if (c2 < e2.length)
l2 = e2.charCodeAt(c2);
else {
if (i2(l2))
l2 = 47;
if (i2(l2)) {
if (s2 === c2 - 1 || 1 === a2)
else if (2 === a2) {
if (o2.length < 2 || 2 !== r2 || 46 !== o2.charCodeAt(o2.length - 1) || 46 !== o2.charCodeAt(o2.length - 2)) {
if (o2.length > 2) {
const e3 = o2.lastIndexOf(n2);
-1 === e3 ? (o2 = "", r2 = 0) : (o2 = o2.slice(0, e3), r2 = o2.length - 1 - o2.lastIndexOf(n2)), s2 = c2, a2 = 0;
if (0 !== o2.length) {
o2 = "", r2 = 0, s2 = c2, a2 = 0;
t2 && (o2 += o2.length > 0 ? n2 + ".." : "..", r2 = 2);
} else
o2.length > 0 ? o2 += `${n2}${e2.slice(s2 + 1, c2)}` : o2 = e2.slice(s2 + 1, c2), r2 = c2 - s2 - 1;
s2 = c2, a2 = 0;
} else
46 === l2 && -1 !== a2 ? ++a2 : a2 = -1;
return o2;
function d(e2, t2) {
if (null === t2 || "object" != typeof t2)
throw new o("pathObject", "Object", t2);
const n2 = t2.dir || t2.root, i2 = t2.base || `${ || ""}${t2.ext || ""}`;
return n2 ? n2 === t2.root ? `${n2}${i2}` : `${n2}${e2}${i2}` : i2;
const h = {resolve(...e2) {
let t2 = "", n2 = "", o2 = false;
for (let a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= -1; a2--) {
let c2;
if (a2 >= 0) {
if (c2 = e2[a2], r(c2, "path"), 0 === c2.length)
} else
0 === t2.length ? c2 = i.a() : (c2 = i.b["=" + t2] || i.a(), (void 0 === c2 || c2.slice(0, 2).toLowerCase() !== t2.toLowerCase() && 92 === c2.charCodeAt(2)) && (c2 = t2 + "\\"));
const d2 = c2.length;
let h2 = 0, u2 = "", p2 = false;
const m2 = c2.charCodeAt(0);
if (1 === d2)
s(m2) && (h2 = 1, p2 = true);
else if (s(m2))
if (p2 = true, s(c2.charCodeAt(1))) {
let e3 = 2, t3 = e3;
for (; e3 < d2 && !s(c2.charCodeAt(e3)); )
if (e3 < d2 && e3 !== t3) {
const n3 = c2.slice(t3, e3);
for (t3 = e3; e3 < d2 && s(c2.charCodeAt(e3)); )
if (e3 < d2 && e3 !== t3) {
for (t3 = e3; e3 < d2 && !s(c2.charCodeAt(e3)); )
e3 !== d2 && e3 === t3 || (u2 = `\\\\${n3}\\${c2.slice(t3, e3)}`, h2 = e3);
} else
h2 = 1;
l(m2) && 58 === c2.charCodeAt(1) && (u2 = c2.slice(0, 2), h2 = 2, d2 > 2 && s(c2.charCodeAt(2)) && (p2 = true, h2 = 3));
if (u2.length > 0)
if (t2.length > 0) {
if (u2.toLowerCase() !== t2.toLowerCase())
} else
t2 = u2;
if (o2) {
if (t2.length > 0)
} else if (n2 = `${c2.slice(h2)}\\${n2}`, o2 = p2, p2 && t2.length > 0)
return n2 = c(n2, !o2, "\\", s), o2 ? `${t2}\\${n2}` : `${t2}${n2}` || ".";
}, normalize(e2) {
r(e2, "path");
const t2 = e2.length;
if (0 === t2)
return ".";
let n2, i2 = 0, o2 = false;
const d2 = e2.charCodeAt(0);
if (1 === t2)
return a(d2) ? "\\" : e2;
if (s(d2))
if (o2 = true, s(e2.charCodeAt(1))) {
let o3 = 2, r2 = o3;
for (; o3 < t2 && !s(e2.charCodeAt(o3)); )
if (o3 < t2 && o3 !== r2) {
const a2 = e2.slice(r2, o3);
for (r2 = o3; o3 < t2 && s(e2.charCodeAt(o3)); )
if (o3 < t2 && o3 !== r2) {
for (r2 = o3; o3 < t2 && !s(e2.charCodeAt(o3)); )
if (o3 === t2)
return `\\\\${a2}\\${e2.slice(r2)}\\`;
o3 !== r2 && (n2 = `\\\\${a2}\\${e2.slice(r2, o3)}`, i2 = o3);
} else
i2 = 1;
l(d2) && 58 === e2.charCodeAt(1) && (n2 = e2.slice(0, 2), i2 = 2, t2 > 2 && s(e2.charCodeAt(2)) && (o2 = true, i2 = 3));
let h2 = i2 < t2 ? c(e2.slice(i2), !o2, "\\", s) : "";
return 0 !== h2.length || o2 || (h2 = "."), h2.length > 0 && s(e2.charCodeAt(t2 - 1)) && (h2 += "\\"), void 0 === n2 ? o2 ? "\\" + h2 : h2 : o2 ? `${n2}\\${h2}` : `${n2}${h2}`;
}, isAbsolute(e2) {
r(e2, "path");
const t2 = e2.length;
if (0 === t2)
return false;
const n2 = e2.charCodeAt(0);
return s(n2) || t2 > 2 && l(n2) && 58 === e2.charCodeAt(1) && s(e2.charCodeAt(2));
}, join(...e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
return ".";
let t2, n2;
for (let i3 = 0; i3 < e2.length; ++i3) {
const o3 = e2[i3];
r(o3, "path"), o3.length > 0 && (void 0 === t2 ? t2 = n2 = o3 : t2 += "\\" + o3);
if (void 0 === t2)
return ".";
let i2 = true, o2 = 0;
if ("string" == typeof n2 && s(n2.charCodeAt(0))) {
const e3 = n2.length;
e3 > 1 && s(n2.charCodeAt(1)) && (++o2, e3 > 2 && (s(n2.charCodeAt(2)) ? ++o2 : i2 = false));
if (i2) {
for (; o2 < t2.length && s(t2.charCodeAt(o2)); )
o2 >= 2 && (t2 = "\\" + t2.slice(o2));
return h.normalize(t2);
}, relative(e2, t2) {
if (r(e2, "from"), r(t2, "to"), e2 === t2)
return "";
const n2 = h.resolve(e2), i2 = h.resolve(t2);
if (n2 === i2)
return "";
if ((e2 = n2.toLowerCase()) === (t2 = i2.toLowerCase()))
return "";
let o2 = 0;
for (; o2 < e2.length && 92 === e2.charCodeAt(o2); )
let s2 = e2.length;
for (; s2 - 1 > o2 && 92 === e2.charCodeAt(s2 - 1); )
const a2 = s2 - o2;
let l2 = 0;
for (; l2 < t2.length && 92 === t2.charCodeAt(l2); )
let c2 = t2.length;
for (; c2 - 1 > l2 && 92 === t2.charCodeAt(c2 - 1); )
const d2 = c2 - l2, u2 = a2 < d2 ? a2 : d2;
let p2 = -1, m2 = 0;
for (; m2 < u2; m2++) {
const n3 = e2.charCodeAt(o2 + m2);
if (n3 !== t2.charCodeAt(l2 + m2))
92 === n3 && (p2 = m2);
if (m2 !== u2) {
if (-1 === p2)
return i2;
} else {
if (d2 > u2) {
if (92 === t2.charCodeAt(l2 + m2))
return i2.slice(l2 + m2 + 1);
if (2 === m2)
return i2.slice(l2 + m2);
a2 > u2 && (92 === e2.charCodeAt(o2 + m2) ? p2 = m2 : 2 === m2 && (p2 = 3)), -1 === p2 && (p2 = 0);
let g2 = "";
for (m2 = o2 + p2 + 1; m2 <= s2; ++m2)
m2 !== s2 && 92 !== e2.charCodeAt(m2) || (g2 += 0 === g2.length ? ".." : "\\..");
return l2 += p2, g2.length > 0 ? `${g2}${i2.slice(l2, c2)}` : (92 === i2.charCodeAt(l2) && ++l2, i2.slice(l2, c2));
}, toNamespacedPath(e2) {
if ("string" != typeof e2)
return e2;
if (0 === e2.length)
return "";
const t2 = h.resolve(e2);
if (t2.length <= 2)
return e2;
if (92 === t2.charCodeAt(0)) {
if (92 === t2.charCodeAt(1)) {
const e3 = t2.charCodeAt(2);
if (63 !== e3 && 46 !== e3)
return "\\\\?\\UNC\\" + t2.slice(2);
} else if (l(t2.charCodeAt(0)) && 58 === t2.charCodeAt(1) && 92 === t2.charCodeAt(2))
return "\\\\?\\" + t2;
return e2;
}, dirname(e2) {
r(e2, "path");
const t2 = e2.length;
if (0 === t2)
return ".";
let n2 = -1, i2 = 0;
const o2 = e2.charCodeAt(0);
if (1 === t2)
return s(o2) ? e2 : ".";
if (s(o2)) {
if (n2 = i2 = 1, s(e2.charCodeAt(1))) {
let o3 = 2, r2 = o3;
for (; o3 < t2 && !s(e2.charCodeAt(o3)); )
if (o3 < t2 && o3 !== r2) {
for (r2 = o3; o3 < t2 && s(e2.charCodeAt(o3)); )
if (o3 < t2 && o3 !== r2) {
for (r2 = o3; o3 < t2 && !s(e2.charCodeAt(o3)); )
if (o3 === t2)
return e2;
o3 !== r2 && (n2 = i2 = o3 + 1);
} else
l(o2) && 58 === e2.charCodeAt(1) && (n2 = t2 > 2 && s(e2.charCodeAt(2)) ? 3 : 2, i2 = n2);
let a2 = -1, c2 = true;
for (let n3 = t2 - 1; n3 >= i2; --n3)
if (s(e2.charCodeAt(n3))) {
if (!c2) {
a2 = n3;
} else
c2 = false;
if (-1 === a2) {
if (-1 === n2)
return ".";
a2 = n2;
return e2.slice(0, a2);
}, basename(e2, t2) {
void 0 !== t2 && r(t2, "ext"), r(e2, "path");
let n2, i2 = 0, o2 = -1, a2 = true;
if (e2.length >= 2 && l(e2.charCodeAt(0)) && 58 === e2.charCodeAt(1) && (i2 = 2), void 0 !== t2 && t2.length > 0 && t2.length <= e2.length) {
if (t2 === e2)
return "";
let r2 = t2.length - 1, l2 = -1;
for (n2 = e2.length - 1; n2 >= i2; --n2) {
const c2 = e2.charCodeAt(n2);
if (s(c2)) {
if (!a2) {
i2 = n2 + 1;
} else
-1 === l2 && (a2 = false, l2 = n2 + 1), r2 >= 0 && (c2 === t2.charCodeAt(r2) ? -1 == --r2 && (o2 = n2) : (r2 = -1, o2 = l2));
return i2 === o2 ? o2 = l2 : -1 === o2 && (o2 = e2.length), e2.slice(i2, o2);
for (n2 = e2.length - 1; n2 >= i2; --n2)
if (s(e2.charCodeAt(n2))) {
if (!a2) {
i2 = n2 + 1;
} else
-1 === o2 && (a2 = false, o2 = n2 + 1);
return -1 === o2 ? "" : e2.slice(i2, o2);
}, extname(e2) {
r(e2, "path");
let t2 = 0, n2 = -1, i2 = 0, o2 = -1, a2 = true, c2 = 0;
e2.length >= 2 && 58 === e2.charCodeAt(1) && l(e2.charCodeAt(0)) && (t2 = i2 = 2);
for (let r2 = e2.length - 1; r2 >= t2; --r2) {
const t3 = e2.charCodeAt(r2);
if (s(t3)) {
if (!a2) {
i2 = r2 + 1;
} else
-1 === o2 && (a2 = false, o2 = r2 + 1), 46 === t3 ? -1 === n2 ? n2 = r2 : 1 !== c2 && (c2 = 1) : -1 !== n2 && (c2 = -1);
return -1 === n2 || -1 === o2 || 0 === c2 || 1 === c2 && n2 === o2 - 1 && n2 === i2 + 1 ? "" : e2.slice(n2, o2);
}, format: d.bind(null, "\\"), parse(e2) {
r(e2, "path");
const t2 = {root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: ""};
if (0 === e2.length)
return t2;
const n2 = e2.length;
let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.charCodeAt(0);
if (1 === n2)
return s(o2) ? (t2.root = t2.dir = e2, t2) : (t2.base = = e2, t2);
if (s(o2)) {
if (i2 = 1, s(e2.charCodeAt(1))) {
let t3 = 2, o3 = t3;
for (; t3 < n2 && !s(e2.charCodeAt(t3)); )
if (t3 < n2 && t3 !== o3) {
for (o3 = t3; t3 < n2 && s(e2.charCodeAt(t3)); )
if (t3 < n2 && t3 !== o3) {
for (o3 = t3; t3 < n2 && !s(e2.charCodeAt(t3)); )
t3 === n2 ? i2 = t3 : t3 !== o3 && (i2 = t3 + 1);
} else if (l(o2) && 58 === e2.charCodeAt(1)) {
if (n2 <= 2)
return t2.root = t2.dir = e2, t2;
if (i2 = 2, s(e2.charCodeAt(2))) {
if (3 === n2)
return t2.root = t2.dir = e2, t2;
i2 = 3;
i2 > 0 && (t2.root = e2.slice(0, i2));
let a2 = -1, c2 = i2, d2 = -1, h2 = true, u2 = e2.length - 1, p2 = 0;
for (; u2 >= i2; --u2)
if (o2 = e2.charCodeAt(u2), s(o2)) {
if (!h2) {
c2 = u2 + 1;
} else
-1 === d2 && (h2 = false, d2 = u2 + 1), 46 === o2 ? -1 === a2 ? a2 = u2 : 1 !== p2 && (p2 = 1) : -1 !== a2 && (p2 = -1);
return -1 !== d2 && (-1 === a2 || 0 === p2 || 1 === p2 && a2 === d2 - 1 && a2 === c2 + 1 ? t2.base = = e2.slice(c2, d2) : ( = e2.slice(c2, a2), t2.base = e2.slice(c2, d2), t2.ext = e2.slice(a2, d2))), t2.dir = c2 > 0 && c2 !== i2 ? e2.slice(0, c2 - 1) : t2.root, t2;
}, sep: "\\", delimiter: ";", win32: null, posix: null}, u = {resolve(...e2) {
let t2 = "", n2 = false;
for (let o2 = e2.length - 1; o2 >= -1 && !n2; o2--) {
const s2 = o2 >= 0 ? e2[o2] : i.a();
r(s2, "path"), 0 !== s2.length && (t2 = `${s2}/${t2}`, n2 = 47 === s2.charCodeAt(0));
return t2 = c(t2, !n2, "/", a), n2 ? "/" + t2 : t2.length > 0 ? t2 : ".";
}, normalize(e2) {
if (r(e2, "path"), 0 === e2.length)
return ".";
const t2 = 47 === e2.charCodeAt(0), n2 = 47 === e2.charCodeAt(e2.length - 1);
return 0 === (e2 = c(e2, !t2, "/", a)).length ? t2 ? "/" : n2 ? "./" : "." : (n2 && (e2 += "/"), t2 ? "/" + e2 : e2);
}, isAbsolute: (e2) => (r(e2, "path"), e2.length > 0 && 47 === e2.charCodeAt(0)), join(...e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
return ".";
let t2;
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < e2.length; ++n2) {
const i2 = e2[n2];
r(i2, "path"), i2.length > 0 && (void 0 === t2 ? t2 = i2 : t2 += "/" + i2);
return void 0 === t2 ? "." : u.normalize(t2);
}, relative(e2, t2) {
if (r(e2, "from"), r(t2, "to"), e2 === t2)
return "";
if ((e2 = u.resolve(e2)) === (t2 = u.resolve(t2)))
return "";
const n2 = e2.length, i2 = n2 - 1, o2 = t2.length - 1, s2 = i2 < o2 ? i2 : o2;
let a2 = -1, l2 = 0;
for (; l2 < s2; l2++) {
const n3 = e2.charCodeAt(1 + l2);
if (n3 !== t2.charCodeAt(1 + l2))
47 === n3 && (a2 = l2);
if (l2 === s2)
if (o2 > s2) {
if (47 === t2.charCodeAt(1 + l2))
return t2.slice(1 + l2 + 1);
if (0 === l2)
return t2.slice(1 + l2);
} else
i2 > s2 && (47 === e2.charCodeAt(1 + l2) ? a2 = l2 : 0 === l2 && (a2 = 0));
let c2 = "";
for (l2 = 1 + a2 + 1; l2 <= n2; ++l2)
l2 !== n2 && 47 !== e2.charCodeAt(l2) || (c2 += 0 === c2.length ? ".." : "/..");
return `${c2}${t2.slice(1 + a2)}`;
}, toNamespacedPath: (e2) => e2, dirname(e2) {
if (r(e2, "path"), 0 === e2.length)
return ".";
const t2 = 47 === e2.charCodeAt(0);
let n2 = -1, i2 = true;
for (let t3 = e2.length - 1; t3 >= 1; --t3)
if (47 === e2.charCodeAt(t3)) {
if (!i2) {
n2 = t3;
} else
i2 = false;
return -1 === n2 ? t2 ? "/" : "." : t2 && 1 === n2 ? "//" : e2.slice(0, n2);
}, basename(e2, t2) {
void 0 !== t2 && r(t2, "ext"), r(e2, "path");
let n2, i2 = 0, o2 = -1, s2 = true;
if (void 0 !== t2 && t2.length > 0 && t2.length <= e2.length) {
if (t2 === e2)
return "";
let r2 = t2.length - 1, a2 = -1;
for (n2 = e2.length - 1; n2 >= 0; --n2) {
const l2 = e2.charCodeAt(n2);
if (47 === l2) {
if (!s2) {
i2 = n2 + 1;
} else
-1 === a2 && (s2 = false, a2 = n2 + 1), r2 >= 0 && (l2 === t2.charCodeAt(r2) ? -1 == --r2 && (o2 = n2) : (r2 = -1, o2 = a2));
return i2 === o2 ? o2 = a2 : -1 === o2 && (o2 = e2.length), e2.slice(i2, o2);
for (n2 = e2.length - 1; n2 >= 0; --n2)
if (47 === e2.charCodeAt(n2)) {
if (!s2) {
i2 = n2 + 1;
} else
-1 === o2 && (s2 = false, o2 = n2 + 1);
return -1 === o2 ? "" : e2.slice(i2, o2);
}, extname(e2) {
r(e2, "path");
let t2 = -1, n2 = 0, i2 = -1, o2 = true, s2 = 0;
for (let r2 = e2.length - 1; r2 >= 0; --r2) {
const a2 = e2.charCodeAt(r2);
if (47 !== a2)
-1 === i2 && (o2 = false, i2 = r2 + 1), 46 === a2 ? -1 === t2 ? t2 = r2 : 1 !== s2 && (s2 = 1) : -1 !== t2 && (s2 = -1);
else if (!o2) {
n2 = r2 + 1;
return -1 === t2 || -1 === i2 || 0 === s2 || 1 === s2 && t2 === i2 - 1 && t2 === n2 + 1 ? "" : e2.slice(t2, i2);
}, format: d.bind(null, "/"), parse(e2) {
r(e2, "path");
const t2 = {root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: ""};
if (0 === e2.length)
return t2;
const n2 = 47 === e2.charCodeAt(0);
let i2;
n2 ? (t2.root = "/", i2 = 1) : i2 = 0;
let o2 = -1, s2 = 0, a2 = -1, l2 = true, c2 = e2.length - 1, d2 = 0;
for (; c2 >= i2; --c2) {
const t3 = e2.charCodeAt(c2);
if (47 !== t3)
-1 === a2 && (l2 = false, a2 = c2 + 1), 46 === t3 ? -1 === o2 ? o2 = c2 : 1 !== d2 && (d2 = 1) : -1 !== o2 && (d2 = -1);
else if (!l2) {
s2 = c2 + 1;
if (-1 !== a2) {
const i3 = 0 === s2 && n2 ? 1 : s2;
-1 === o2 || 0 === d2 || 1 === d2 && o2 === a2 - 1 && o2 === s2 + 1 ? t2.base = = e2.slice(i3, a2) : ( = e2.slice(i3, o2), t2.base = e2.slice(i3, a2), t2.ext = e2.slice(o2, a2));
return s2 > 0 ? t2.dir = e2.slice(0, s2 - 1) : n2 && (t2.dir = "/"), t2;
}, sep: "/", delimiter: ":", win32: null, posix: null};
u.win32 = h.win32 = h, u.posix = h.posix = u;
const p = "win32" === i.c ? h.normalize : u.normalize, m = "win32" === i.c ? h.resolve : u.resolve, g = "win32" === i.c ? h.relative : u.relative, f = "win32" === i.c ? h.dirname : u.dirname, b = "win32" === i.c ? h.basename : u.basename, _ = "win32" === i.c ? h.extname : u.extname, v = "win32" === i.c ? h.sep : u.sep;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return g;
var i = n(13);
class o {
constructor() {
this._keyCodeToStr = [], this._strToKeyCode = Object.create(null);
define(e2, t2) {
this._keyCodeToStr[e2] = t2, this._strToKeyCode[t2.toLowerCase()] = e2;
keyCodeToStr(e2) {
return this._keyCodeToStr[e2];
strToKeyCode(e2) {
return this._strToKeyCode[e2.toLowerCase()] || 0;
const r = new o(), s = new o(), a = new o();
var l;
function c(e2, t2) {
return (e2 | (65535 & t2) << 16 >>> 0) >>> 0;
function d(e2, t2) {
if (0 === e2)
return null;
const n2 = (65535 & e2) >>> 0, i2 = (4294901760 & e2) >>> 16;
return new p(0 !== i2 ? [h(n2, t2), h(i2, t2)] : [h(n2, t2)]);
function h(e2, t2) {
const n2 = !!(2048 & e2), i2 = !!(256 & e2);
return new u(2 === t2 ? i2 : n2, !!(1024 & e2), !!(512 & e2), 2 === t2 ? n2 : i2, 255 & e2);
!function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2 = t2, i2 = n2) {
r.define(e3, t2), s.define(e3, n2), a.define(e3, i2);
e2(0, "unknown"), e2(1, "Backspace"), e2(2, "Tab"), e2(3, "Enter"), e2(4, "Shift"), e2(5, "Ctrl"), e2(6, "Alt"), e2(7, "PauseBreak"), e2(8, "CapsLock"), e2(9, "Escape"), e2(10, "Space"), e2(11, "PageUp"), e2(12, "PageDown"), e2(13, "End"), e2(14, "Home"), e2(15, "LeftArrow", "Left"), e2(16, "UpArrow", "Up"), e2(17, "RightArrow", "Right"), e2(18, "DownArrow", "Down"), e2(19, "Insert"), e2(20, "Delete"), e2(21, "0"), e2(22, "1"), e2(23, "2"), e2(24, "3"), e2(25, "4"), e2(26, "5"), e2(27, "6"), e2(28, "7"), e2(29, "8"), e2(30, "9"), e2(31, "A"), e2(32, "B"), e2(33, "C"), e2(34, "D"), e2(35, "E"), e2(36, "F"), e2(37, "G"), e2(38, "H"), e2(39, "I"), e2(40, "J"), e2(41, "K"), e2(42, "L"), e2(43, "M"), e2(44, "N"), e2(45, "O"), e2(46, "P"), e2(47, "Q"), e2(48, "R"), e2(49, "S"), e2(50, "T"), e2(51, "U"), e2(52, "V"), e2(53, "W"), e2(54, "X"), e2(55, "Y"), e2(56, "Z"), e2(57, "Meta"), e2(58, "ContextMenu"), e2(59, "F1"), e2(60, "F2"), e2(61, "F3"), e2(62, "F4"), e2(63, "F5"), e2(64, "F6"), e2(65, "F7"), e2(66, "F8"), e2(67, "F9"), e2(68, "F10"), e2(69, "F11"), e2(70, "F12"), e2(71, "F13"), e2(72, "F14"), e2(73, "F15"), e2(74, "F16"), e2(75, "F17"), e2(76, "F18"), e2(77, "F19"), e2(78, "NumLock"), e2(79, "ScrollLock"), e2(80, ";", ";", "OEM_1"), e2(81, "=", "=", "OEM_PLUS"), e2(82, ",", ",", "OEM_COMMA"), e2(83, "-", "-", "OEM_MINUS"), e2(84, ".", ".", "OEM_PERIOD"), e2(85, "/", "/", "OEM_2"), e2(86, "`", "`", "OEM_3"), e2(110, "ABNT_C1"), e2(111, "ABNT_C2"), e2(87, "[", "[", "OEM_4"), e2(88, "\\", "\\", "OEM_5"), e2(89, "]", "]", "OEM_6"), e2(90, "'", "'", "OEM_7"), e2(91, "OEM_8"), e2(92, "OEM_102"), e2(93, "NumPad0"), e2(94, "NumPad1"), e2(95, "NumPad2"), e2(96, "NumPad3"), e2(97, "NumPad4"), e2(98, "NumPad5"), e2(99, "NumPad6"), e2(100, "NumPad7"), e2(101, "NumPad8"), e2(102, "NumPad9"), e2(103, "NumPad_Multiply"), e2(104, "NumPad_Add"), e2(105, "NumPad_Separator"), e2(106, "NumPad_Subtract"), e2(107, "NumPad_Decimal"), e2(108, "NumPad_Divide");
}(), function(e2) {
e2.toString = function(e3) {
return r.keyCodeToStr(e3);
}, e2.fromString = function(e3) {
return r.strToKeyCode(e3);
}, e2.toUserSettingsUS = function(e3) {
return s.keyCodeToStr(e3);
}, e2.toUserSettingsGeneral = function(e3) {
return a.keyCodeToStr(e3);
}, e2.fromUserSettings = function(e3) {
return s.strToKeyCode(e3) || a.strToKeyCode(e3);
}(l || (l = {}));
class u {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.ctrlKey = e2, this.shiftKey = t2, this.altKey = n2, this.metaKey = i2, this.keyCode = o2;
equals(e2) {
return this.ctrlKey === e2.ctrlKey && this.shiftKey === e2.shiftKey && this.altKey === e2.altKey && this.metaKey === e2.metaKey && this.keyCode === e2.keyCode;
isModifierKey() {
return 0 === this.keyCode || 5 === this.keyCode || 57 === this.keyCode || 6 === this.keyCode || 4 === this.keyCode;
toChord() {
return new p([this]);
isDuplicateModifierCase() {
return this.ctrlKey && 5 === this.keyCode || this.shiftKey && 4 === this.keyCode || this.altKey && 6 === this.keyCode || this.metaKey && 57 === this.keyCode;
class p {
constructor(e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
throw Object(i.b)("parts"); = e2;
class m {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this.ctrlKey = e2, this.shiftKey = t2, this.altKey = n2, this.metaKey = i2, this.keyLabel = o2, this.keyAriaLabel = r2;
class g {
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
var i = n(6);
const o = (e2, t2, n2) => {
const o2 = (e3) =>, r2 = new i.a({onFirstListenerAdd: () => {
e2.addEventListener(t2, o2, n2);
}, onLastListenerRemove: () => {
e2.removeEventListener(t2, o2, n2);
return r2.event;
function r(e2) {
return, (e3) => (e3.preventDefault(), e3.stopPropagation(), e3));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
var i, o = n(23), r = n(11);
!function(e2) {
e2.inMemory = "inmemory", e2.vscode = "vscode", e2.internal = "private", e2.walkThrough = "walkThrough", e2.walkThroughSnippet = "walkThroughSnippet", e2.http = "http", e2.https = "https", e2.file = "file", e2.mailto = "mailto", e2.untitled = "untitled", = "data", e2.command = "command", e2.vscodeRemote = "vscode-remote", e2.vscodeRemoteResource = "vscode-remote-resource", e2.userData = "vscode-userdata", e2.vscodeCustomEditor = "vscode-custom-editor", e2.vscodeNotebook = "vscode-notebook", e2.vscodeNotebookCell = "vscode-notebook-cell", e2.vscodeSettings = "vscode-settings", e2.webviewPanel = "webview-panel", e2.vscodeWebview = "vscode-webview", e2.vscodeWebviewResource = "vscode-webview-resource", e2.extension = "extension";
}(i || (i = {}));
const s = new class {
constructor() {
this._hosts = Object.create(null), this._ports = Object.create(null), this._connectionTokens = Object.create(null), this._preferredWebSchema = "http", this._delegate = null;
setPreferredWebSchema(e2) {
this._preferredWebSchema = e2;
rewrite(e2) {
if (this._delegate)
return this._delegate(e2);
const t2 = e2.authority;
let n2 = this._hosts[t2];
n2 && -1 !== n2.indexOf(":") && (n2 = `[${n2}]`);
const s2 = this._ports[t2], a = this._connectionTokens[t2];
let l = "path=" + encodeURIComponent(e2.path);
return "string" == typeof a && (l += "&tkn=" + encodeURIComponent(a)), o.a.from({scheme: r.h ? this._preferredWebSchema : i.vscodeRemoteResource, authority: `${n2}:${s2}`, path: "/vscode-remote-resource", query: l});
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return h;
var i = n(14);
function o(e2) {
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return e2;
if (e2 instanceof RegExp)
return e2;
const t2 = Array.isArray(e2) ? [] : {};
return Object.keys(e2).forEach((n2) => {
e2[n2] && "object" == typeof e2[n2] ? t2[n2] = o(e2[n2]) : t2[n2] = e2[n2];
}), t2;
function r(e2) {
if (!e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
return e2;
const t2 = [e2];
for (; t2.length > 0; ) {
const e3 = t2.shift();
for (const n2 in e3)
if (, n2)) {
const i2 = e3[n2];
"object" != typeof i2 || Object.isFrozen(i2) || t2.push(i2);
return e2;
const s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function a(e2, t2) {
return function e3(t3, n2, o2) {
if (Object(i.l)(t3))
return t3;
const r2 = n2(t3);
if (void 0 !== r2)
return r2;
if (Object(i.e)(t3)) {
const i2 = [];
for (const r3 of t3)
i2.push(e3(r3, n2, o2));
return i2;
if (Object(i.i)(t3)) {
if (o2.has(t3))
throw new Error("Cannot clone recursive data-structure");
const i2 = {};
for (let r3 in t3), r3) && (i2[r3] = e3(t3[r3], n2, o2));
return o2.delete(t3), i2;
return t3;
}(e2, t2, new Set());
function l(e2, t2, n2 = true) {
return Object(i.i)(e2) ? (Object(i.i)(t2) && Object.keys(t2).forEach((o2) => {
o2 in e2 ? n2 && (Object(i.i)(e2[o2]) && Object(i.i)(t2[o2]) ? l(e2[o2], t2[o2], n2) : e2[o2] = t2[o2]) : e2[o2] = t2[o2];
}), e2) : t2;
function c(e2, ...t2) {
return t2.forEach((t3) => Object.keys(t3).forEach((n2) => e2[n2] = t3[n2])), e2;
function d(e2, t2) {
if (e2 === t2)
return true;
if (null == e2 || null == t2)
return false;
if (typeof e2 != typeof t2)
return false;
if ("object" != typeof e2)
return false;
if (Array.isArray(e2) !== Array.isArray(t2))
return false;
let n2, i2;
if (Array.isArray(e2)) {
if (e2.length !== t2.length)
return false;
for (n2 = 0; n2 < e2.length; n2++)
if (!d(e2[n2], t2[n2]))
return false;
} else {
const o2 = [];
for (i2 in e2)
const r2 = [];
for (i2 in t2)
if (r2.sort(), !d(o2, r2))
return false;
for (n2 = 0; n2 < o2.length; n2++)
if (!d(e2[o2[n2]], t2[o2[n2]]))
return false;
return true;
function h(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2(e2);
return void 0 === i2 ? n2 : i2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i = n(108);
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i.b;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i.e;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return i.h;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return i.l;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return i.m;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return i.n;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i;
n.d(t, "g", function() {
return ui;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return mn;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return bn;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return zn;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return Bn;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return Yn;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return Xn;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return Hr;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return qr;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return $r;
}), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Ident = 0] = "Ident", e2[e2.AtKeyword = 1] = "AtKeyword", e2[e2.String = 2] = "String", e2[e2.BadString = 3] = "BadString", e2[e2.UnquotedString = 4] = "UnquotedString", e2[e2.Hash = 5] = "Hash", e2[e2.Num = 6] = "Num", e2[e2.Percentage = 7] = "Percentage", e2[e2.Dimension = 8] = "Dimension", e2[e2.UnicodeRange = 9] = "UnicodeRange", e2[e2.CDO = 10] = "CDO", e2[e2.CDC = 11] = "CDC", e2[e2.Colon = 12] = "Colon", e2[e2.SemiColon = 13] = "SemiColon", e2[e2.CurlyL = 14] = "CurlyL", e2[e2.CurlyR = 15] = "CurlyR", e2[e2.ParenthesisL = 16] = "ParenthesisL", e2[e2.ParenthesisR = 17] = "ParenthesisR", e2[e2.BracketL = 18] = "BracketL", e2[e2.BracketR = 19] = "BracketR", e2[e2.Whitespace = 20] = "Whitespace", e2[e2.Includes = 21] = "Includes", e2[e2.Dashmatch = 22] = "Dashmatch", e2[e2.SubstringOperator = 23] = "SubstringOperator", e2[e2.PrefixOperator = 24] = "PrefixOperator", e2[e2.SuffixOperator = 25] = "SuffixOperator", e2[e2.Delim = 26] = "Delim", e2[e2.EMS = 27] = "EMS", e2[e2.EXS = 28] = "EXS", e2[e2.Length = 29] = "Length", e2[e2.Angle = 30] = "Angle", e2[e2.Time = 31] = "Time", e2[e2.Freq = 32] = "Freq", e2[e2.Exclamation = 33] = "Exclamation", e2[e2.Resolution = 34] = "Resolution", e2[e2.Comma = 35] = "Comma", e2[e2.Charset = 36] = "Charset", e2[e2.EscapedJavaScript = 37] = "EscapedJavaScript", e2[e2.BadEscapedJavaScript = 38] = "BadEscapedJavaScript", e2[e2.Comment = 39] = "Comment", e2[e2.SingleLineComment = 40] = "SingleLineComment", e2[e2.EOF = 41] = "EOF", e2[e2.CustomToken = 42] = "CustomToken";
}(i || (i = {}));
var o = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.source = e3, this.len = e3.length, this.position = 0;
return e2.prototype.substring = function(e3, t2) {
return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = this.position), this.source.substring(e3, t2);
}, e2.prototype.eos = function() {
return this.len <= this.position;
}, e2.prototype.pos = function() {
return this.position;
}, e2.prototype.goBackTo = function(e3) {
this.position = e3;
}, e2.prototype.goBack = function(e3) {
this.position -= e3;
}, e2.prototype.advance = function(e3) {
this.position += e3;
}, e2.prototype.nextChar = function() {
return this.source.charCodeAt(this.position++) || 0;
}, e2.prototype.peekChar = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = 0), this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + e3) || 0;
}, e2.prototype.lookbackChar = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = 0), this.source.charCodeAt(this.position - e3) || 0;
}, e2.prototype.advanceIfChar = function(e3) {
return e3 === this.source.charCodeAt(this.position) && (this.position++, true);
}, e2.prototype.advanceIfChars = function(e3) {
if (this.position + e3.length > this.source.length)
return false;
for (var t2 = 0; t2 < e3.length; t2++)
if (this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + t2) !== e3[t2])
return false;
return this.advance(t2), true;
}, e2.prototype.advanceWhileChar = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = this.position; this.position < this.len && e3(this.source.charCodeAt(this.position)); )
return this.position - t2;
}, e2;
}(), r = "a".charCodeAt(0), s = "f".charCodeAt(0), a = "z".charCodeAt(0), l = "A".charCodeAt(0), c = "F".charCodeAt(0), d = "Z".charCodeAt(0), h = "0".charCodeAt(0), u = "9".charCodeAt(0), p = "~".charCodeAt(0), m = "^".charCodeAt(0), g = "=".charCodeAt(0), f = "|".charCodeAt(0), b = "-".charCodeAt(0), _ = "_".charCodeAt(0), v = "%".charCodeAt(0), w = "*".charCodeAt(0), y = "(".charCodeAt(0), C = ")".charCodeAt(0), x = "<".charCodeAt(0), S = ">".charCodeAt(0), k = "@".charCodeAt(0), E = "#".charCodeAt(0), T = "$".charCodeAt(0), L = "\\".charCodeAt(0), N = "/".charCodeAt(0), I = "\n".charCodeAt(0), O = "\r".charCodeAt(0), D = "\f".charCodeAt(0), A = '"'.charCodeAt(0), R = "'".charCodeAt(0), M = " ".charCodeAt(0), P = " ".charCodeAt(0), F = ";".charCodeAt(0), W = ":".charCodeAt(0), z = "{".charCodeAt(0), B = "}".charCodeAt(0), j = "[".charCodeAt(0), V = "]".charCodeAt(0), U = ",".charCodeAt(0), H = ".".charCodeAt(0), q = "!".charCodeAt(0), $ = {};
$[F] = i.SemiColon, $[W] = i.Colon, $[z] = i.CurlyL, $[B] = i.CurlyR, $[V] = i.BracketR, $[j] = i.BracketL, $[y] = i.ParenthesisL, $[C] = i.ParenthesisR, $[U] = i.Comma;
var K = {};
K.em = i.EMS, K.ex = i.EXS, K.px = i.Length, = i.Length, = i.Length, = i.Length, = i.Length, K.pc = i.Length, K.deg = i.Angle, K.rad = i.Angle, K.grad = i.Angle, = i.Time, K.s = i.Time, K.hz = i.Freq, K.khz = i.Freq, K["%"] = i.Percentage, = i.Percentage, K.dpi = i.Resolution, K.dpcm = i.Resolution;
var G = function() {
function e2() { = new o(""), this.ignoreComment = true, this.ignoreWhitespace = true, this.inURL = false;
return e2.prototype.setSource = function(e3) { = new o(e3);
}, e2.prototype.finishToken = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return {offset: e3, len: - e3, type: t2, text: n2 ||};
}, e2.prototype.substring = function(e3, t2) {
return, e3 + t2);
}, e2.prototype.pos = function() {
}, e2.prototype.goBackTo = function(e3) {;
}, e2.prototype.scanUnquotedString = function() {
var e3 =, t2 = [];
return this._unquotedString(t2) ? this.finishToken(e3, i.UnquotedString, t2.join("")) : null;
}, e2.prototype.scan = function() {
var e3 = this.trivia();
if (null !== e3)
return e3;
var t2 =;
return ? this.finishToken(t2, i.EOF) : this.scanNext(t2);
}, e2.prototype.scanNext = function(e3) {
if ([x, q, b, b]))
return this.finishToken(e3, i.CDO);
if ([b, b, S]))
return this.finishToken(e3, i.CDC);
var t2 = [];
if (this.ident(t2))
return this.finishToken(e3, i.Ident, t2.join(""));
if ( {
if (t2 = ["@"], this._name(t2)) {
var n2 = t2.join("");
return "@charset" === n2 ? this.finishToken(e3, i.Charset, n2) : this.finishToken(e3, i.AtKeyword, n2);
return this.finishToken(e3, i.Delim);
if (
return t2 = ["#"], this._name(t2) ? this.finishToken(e3, i.Hash, t2.join("")) : this.finishToken(e3, i.Delim);
if (
return this.finishToken(e3, i.Exclamation);
if (this._number()) {
var o2 =;
if (t2 = [, o2)],
return this.finishToken(e3, i.Percentage);
if (this.ident(t2)) {
var r2 =, s2 = K[r2];
return void 0 !== s2 ? this.finishToken(e3, s2, t2.join("")) : this.finishToken(e3, i.Dimension, t2.join(""));
return this.finishToken(e3, i.Num);
t2 = [];
var a2 = this._string(t2);
return null !== a2 ? this.finishToken(e3, a2, t2.join("")) : void 0 !== (a2 = $[]) ? (, this.finishToken(e3, a2)) : === p && === g ? (, this.finishToken(e3, i.Includes)) : === f && === g ? (, this.finishToken(e3, i.Dashmatch)) : === w && === g ? (, this.finishToken(e3, i.SubstringOperator)) : === m && === g ? (, this.finishToken(e3, i.PrefixOperator)) : === T && === g ? (, this.finishToken(e3, i.SuffixOperator)) : (, this.finishToken(e3, i.Delim));
}, e2.prototype.trivia = function() {
for (; ; ) {
var e3 =;
if (this._whitespace()) {
if (!this.ignoreWhitespace)
return this.finishToken(e3, i.Whitespace);
} else {
if (!this.comment())
return null;
if (!this.ignoreComment)
return this.finishToken(e3, i.Comment);
}, e2.prototype.comment = function() {
if ([N, w])) {
var e3 = false, t2 = false;
return {
return t2 && n2 === N ? (e3 = true, false) : (t2 = n2 === w, true);
}), e3 &&, true;
return false;
}, e2.prototype._number = function() {
var e3, t2 = 0;
return === H && (t2 = 1), (e3 = >= h && e3 <= u && ( + 1), {
return e4 >= h && e4 <= u || 0 === t2 && e4 === H;
}), true);
}, e2.prototype._newline = function(e3) {
var t2 =;
switch (t2) {
case O:
case D:
case I:
return, e3.push(String.fromCharCode(t2)), t2 === O && && e3.push("\n"), true;
return false;
}, e2.prototype._escape = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 =;
if (n2 === L) {, n2 =;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < 6 && (n2 >= h && n2 <= u || n2 >= r && n2 <= s || n2 >= l && n2 <= c); ), n2 =, i2++;
if (i2 > 0) {
try {
var o2 = parseInt( - i2), 16);
o2 && e3.push(String.fromCharCode(o2));
} catch (e4) {
return n2 === M || n2 === P ? : this._newline([]), true;
if (n2 !== O && n2 !== D && n2 !== I)
return, e3.push(String.fromCharCode(n2)), true;
if (t2)
return this._newline(e3);
return false;
}, e2.prototype._stringChar = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 =;
return 0 !== n2 && n2 !== e3 && n2 !== L && n2 !== O && n2 !== D && n2 !== I && (, t2.push(String.fromCharCode(n2)), true);
}, e2.prototype._string = function(e3) {
if ( === R || === A) {
var t2 =;
for (e3.push(String.fromCharCode(t2)); this._stringChar(t2, e3) || this._escape(e3, true); )
return === t2 ? (, e3.push(String.fromCharCode(t2)), i.String) : i.BadString;
return null;
}, e2.prototype._unquotedChar = function(e3) {
var t2 =;
return 0 !== t2 && t2 !== L && t2 !== R && t2 !== A && t2 !== y && t2 !== C && t2 !== M && t2 !== P && t2 !== I && t2 !== D && t2 !== O && (, e3.push(String.fromCharCode(t2)), true);
}, e2.prototype._unquotedString = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = false; this._unquotedChar(e3) || this._escape(e3); )
t2 = true;
return t2;
}, e2.prototype._whitespace = function() {
return {
return e3 === M || e3 === P || e3 === I || e3 === D || e3 === O;
}) > 0;
}, e2.prototype._name = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = false; this._identChar(e3) || this._escape(e3); )
t2 = true;
return t2;
}, e2.prototype.ident = function(e3) {
var t2 =;
if (this._minus(e3) && this._minus(e3)) {
if (this._identFirstChar(e3) || this._escape(e3)) {
for (; this._identChar(e3) || this._escape(e3); )
return true;
} else if (this._identFirstChar(e3) || this._escape(e3)) {
for (; this._identChar(e3) || this._escape(e3); )
return true;
return, false;
}, e2.prototype._identFirstChar = function(e3) {
var t2 =;
return (t2 === _ || t2 >= r && t2 <= a || t2 >= l && t2 <= d || t2 >= 128 && t2 <= 65535) && (, e3.push(String.fromCharCode(t2)), true);
}, e2.prototype._minus = function(e3) {
var t2 =;
return t2 === b && (, e3.push(String.fromCharCode(t2)), true);
}, e2.prototype._identChar = function(e3) {
var t2 =;
return (t2 === _ || t2 === b || t2 >= r && t2 <= a || t2 >= l && t2 <= d || t2 >= h && t2 <= u || t2 >= 128 && t2 <= 65535) && (, e3.push(String.fromCharCode(t2)), true);
}, e2;
function Y(e2, t2) {
if (e2.length < t2.length)
return false;
for (var n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++)
if (e2[n2] !== t2[n2])
return false;
return true;
function Z(e2, t2) {
var n2 = e2.length - t2.length;
return n2 > 0 ? e2.lastIndexOf(t2) === n2 : 0 === n2 && e2 === t2;
function X(e2, t2) {
return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = true), e2 ? e2.length < 140 ? e2 : e2.slice(0, 140) + (t2 ? "…" : "") : "";
var Q, J, ee, te = (Q = function(e2, t2) {
return (Q = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n2 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n2) && (e3[n2] = t3[n2]);
})(e2, t2);
}, function(e2, t2) {
function n2() {
this.constructor = e2;
Q(e2, t2), e2.prototype = null === t2 ? Object.create(t2) : (n2.prototype = t2.prototype, new n2());
function ne(e2, t2) {
var n2 = null;
return !e2 || t2 < e2.offset || t2 > e2.end ? null : (e2.accept(function(e3) {
return -1 === e3.offset && -1 === e3.length || e3.offset <= t2 && e3.end >= t2 && (n2 ? e3.length <= n2.length && (n2 = e3) : n2 = e3, true);
}), n2);
function ie(e2, t2) {
for (var n2 = ne(e2, t2), i2 = []; n2; )
i2.unshift(n2), n2 = n2.parent;
return i2;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Undefined = 0] = "Undefined", e2[e2.Identifier = 1] = "Identifier", e2[e2.Stylesheet = 2] = "Stylesheet", e2[e2.Ruleset = 3] = "Ruleset", e2[e2.Selector = 4] = "Selector", e2[e2.SimpleSelector = 5] = "SimpleSelector", e2[e2.SelectorInterpolation = 6] = "SelectorInterpolation", e2[e2.SelectorCombinator = 7] = "SelectorCombinator", e2[e2.SelectorCombinatorParent = 8] = "SelectorCombinatorParent", e2[e2.SelectorCombinatorSibling = 9] = "SelectorCombinatorSibling", e2[e2.SelectorCombinatorAllSiblings = 10] = "SelectorCombinatorAllSiblings", e2[e2.SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant = 11] = "SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant", e2[e2.Page = 12] = "Page", e2[e2.PageBoxMarginBox = 13] = "PageBoxMarginBox", e2[e2.ClassSelector = 14] = "ClassSelector", e2[e2.IdentifierSelector = 15] = "IdentifierSelector", e2[e2.ElementNameSelector = 16] = "ElementNameSelector", e2[e2.PseudoSelector = 17] = "PseudoSelector", e2[e2.AttributeSelector = 18] = "AttributeSelector", e2[e2.Declaration = 19] = "Declaration", e2[e2.Declarations = 20] = "Declarations", e2[e2.Property = 21] = "Property", e2[e2.Expression = 22] = "Expression", e2[e2.BinaryExpression = 23] = "BinaryExpression", e2[e2.Term = 24] = "Term", e2[e2.Operator = 25] = "Operator", e2[e2.Value = 26] = "Value", e2[e2.StringLiteral = 27] = "StringLiteral", e2[e2.URILiteral = 28] = "URILiteral", e2[e2.EscapedValue = 29] = "EscapedValue", e2[e2.Function = 30] = "Function", e2[e2.NumericValue = 31] = "NumericValue", e2[e2.HexColorValue = 32] = "HexColorValue", e2[e2.MixinDeclaration = 33] = "MixinDeclaration", e2[e2.MixinReference = 34] = "MixinReference", e2[e2.VariableName = 35] = "VariableName", e2[e2.VariableDeclaration = 36] = "VariableDeclaration", e2[e2.Prio = 37] = "Prio", e2[e2.Interpolation = 38] = "Interpolation", e2[e2.NestedProperties = 39] = "NestedProperties", e2[e2.ExtendsReference = 40] = "ExtendsReference", e2[e2.SelectorPlaceholder = 41] = "SelectorPlaceholder", e2[e2.Debug = 42] = "Debug", e2[e2.If = 43] = "If", e2[e2.Else = 44] = "Else", e2[e2.For = 45] = "For", e2[e2.Each = 46] = "Each", e2[e2.While = 47] = "While", e2[e2.MixinContentReference = 48] = "MixinContentReference", e2[e2.MixinContentDeclaration = 49] = "MixinContentDeclaration", e2[e2.Media = 50] = "Media", e2[e2.Keyframe = 51] = "Keyframe", e2[e2.FontFace = 52] = "FontFace", e2[e2.Import = 53] = "Import", e2[e2.Namespace = 54] = "Namespace", e2[e2.Invocation = 55] = "Invocation", e2[e2.FunctionDeclaration = 56] = "FunctionDeclaration", e2[e2.ReturnStatement = 57] = "ReturnStatement", e2[e2.MediaQuery = 58] = "MediaQuery", e2[e2.FunctionParameter = 59] = "FunctionParameter", e2[e2.FunctionArgument = 60] = "FunctionArgument", e2[e2.KeyframeSelector = 61] = "KeyframeSelector", e2[e2.ViewPort = 62] = "ViewPort", e2[e2.Document = 63] = "Document", e2[e2.AtApplyRule = 64] = "AtApplyRule", e2[e2.CustomPropertyDeclaration = 65] = "CustomPropertyDeclaration", e2[e2.CustomPropertySet = 66] = "CustomPropertySet", e2[e2.ListEntry = 67] = "ListEntry", e2[e2.Supports = 68] = "Supports", e2[e2.SupportsCondition = 69] = "SupportsCondition", e2[e2.NamespacePrefix = 70] = "NamespacePrefix", e2[e2.GridLine = 71] = "GridLine", e2[e2.Plugin = 72] = "Plugin", e2[e2.UnknownAtRule = 73] = "UnknownAtRule", e2[e2.Use = 74] = "Use", e2[e2.ModuleConfiguration = 75] = "ModuleConfiguration", e2[e2.Forward = 76] = "Forward", e2[e2.ForwardVisibility = 77] = "ForwardVisibility", e2[e2.Module = 78] = "Module";
}(J || (J = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Mixin = 0] = "Mixin", e2[e2.Rule = 1] = "Rule", e2[e2.Variable = 2] = "Variable", e2[e2.Function = 3] = "Function", e2[e2.Keyframe = 4] = "Keyframe", e2[e2.Unknown = 5] = "Unknown", e2[e2.Module = 6] = "Module", e2[e2.Forward = 7] = "Forward", e2[e2.ForwardVisibility = 8] = "ForwardVisibility";
}(ee || (ee = {}));
var oe, re = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = -1), void 0 === t2 && (t2 = -1), this.parent = null, this.offset = e3, this.length = t2, n2 && (this.nodeType = n2);
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "end", {get: function() {
return this.offset + this.length;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return this.nodeType || J.Undefined;
}, set: function(e3) {
this.nodeType = e3;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getTextProvider = function() {
for (var e3 = this; e3 && !e3.textProvider; )
e3 = e3.parent;
return e3 ? e3.textProvider : function() {
return "unknown";
}, e2.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.getTextProvider()(this.offset, this.length);
}, e2.prototype.matches = function(e3) {
return this.length === e3.length && this.getTextProvider()(this.offset, this.length) === e3;
}, e2.prototype.startsWith = function(e3) {
return this.length >= e3.length && this.getTextProvider()(this.offset, e3.length) === e3;
}, e2.prototype.endsWith = function(e3) {
return this.length >= e3.length && this.getTextProvider()(this.end - e3.length, e3.length) === e3;
}, e2.prototype.accept = function(e3) {
if (e3(this) && this.children)
for (var t2 = 0, n2 = this.children; t2 < n2.length; t2++) {
}, e2.prototype.acceptVisitor = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.adoptChild = function(e3, t2) {
if (void 0 === t2 && (t2 = -1), e3.parent && e3.parent.children) {
var n2 = e3.parent.children.indexOf(e3);
n2 >= 0 && e3.parent.children.splice(n2, 1);
e3.parent = this;
var i2 = this.children;
return i2 || (i2 = this.children = []), -1 !== t2 ? i2.splice(t2, 0, e3) : i2.push(e3), e3;
}, e2.prototype.attachTo = function(e3, t2) {
return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = -1), e3 && e3.adoptChild(this, t2), this;
}, e2.prototype.collectIssues = function(e3) {
this.issues && e3.push.apply(e3, this.issues);
}, e2.prototype.addIssue = function(e3) {
this.issues || (this.issues = []), this.issues.push(e3);
}, e2.prototype.hasIssue = function(e3) {
return Array.isArray(this.issues) && this.issues.some(function(t2) {
return t2.getRule() === e3;
}, e2.prototype.isErroneous = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false), !!(this.issues && this.issues.length > 0) || e3 && Array.isArray(this.children) && this.children.some(function(e4) {
return e4.isErroneous(true);
}, e2.prototype.setNode = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return void 0 === n2 && (n2 = -1), !!t2 && (t2.attachTo(this, n2), this[e3] = t2, true);
}, e2.prototype.addChild = function(e3) {
return !!e3 && (this.children || (this.children = []), e3.attachTo(this), this.updateOffsetAndLength(e3), true);
}, e2.prototype.updateOffsetAndLength = function(e3) {
(e3.offset < this.offset || -1 === this.offset) && (this.offset = e3.offset);
var t2 = e3.end;
(t2 > this.end || -1 === this.length) && (this.length = t2 - this.offset);
}, e2.prototype.hasChildren = function() {
return !!this.children && this.children.length > 0;
}, e2.prototype.getChildren = function() {
return this.children ? this.children.slice(0) : [];
}, e2.prototype.getChild = function(e3) {
return this.children && e3 < this.children.length ? this.children[e3] : null;
}, e2.prototype.addChildren = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = 0, n2 = e3; t2 < n2.length; t2++) {
var i2 = n2[t2];
}, e2.prototype.findFirstChildBeforeOffset = function(e3) {
if (this.children) {
for (var t2 = null, n2 = this.children.length - 1; n2 >= 0; n2--)
if ((t2 = this.children[n2]).offset <= e3)
return t2;
return null;
}, e2.prototype.findChildAtOffset = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = this.findFirstChildBeforeOffset(e3);
return n2 && n2.end >= e3 ? t2 && n2.findChildAtOffset(e3, true) || n2 : null;
}, e2.prototype.encloses = function(e3) {
return this.offset <= e3.offset && this.offset + this.length >= e3.offset + e3.length;
}, e2.prototype.getParent = function() {
for (var e3 = this.parent; e3 instanceof se; )
e3 = e3.parent;
return e3;
}, e2.prototype.findParent = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = this; t2 && t2.type !== e3; )
t2 = t2.parent;
return t2;
}, e2.prototype.findAParent = function() {
for (var e3 = [], t2 = 0; t2 < arguments.length; t2++)
e3[t2] = arguments[t2];
for (var n2 = this; n2 && !e3.some(function(e4) {
return n2.type === e4;
}); )
n2 = n2.parent;
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.setData = function(e3, t2) {
this.options || (this.options = {}), this.options[e3] = t2;
}, e2.prototype.getData = function(e3) {
return this.options && this.options.hasOwnProperty(e3) ? this.options[e3] : null;
}, e2;
}(), se = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = -1);
var i2 =, -1, -1) || this;
return i2.attachTo(t3, n2), i2.offset = -1, i2.length = -1, i2;
return te(t2, e2), t2;
}(re), ae = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
var i2 =, t3, n2) || this;
return i2.isCustomProperty = false, i2;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Identifier;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.containsInterpolation = function() {
return this.hasChildren();
}, t2;
}(re), le = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Stylesheet;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(re), ce = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Declarations;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(re), de = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), t2.prototype.getDeclarations = function() {
return this.declarations;
}, t2.prototype.setDeclarations = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("declarations", e3);
}, t2;
}(re), he = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Ruleset;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.getSelectors = function() {
return this.selectors || (this.selectors = new se(this)), this.selectors;
}, t2.prototype.isNested = function() {
return !!this.parent && null !== this.parent.findParent(J.Declarations);
}, t2;
}(de), ue = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Selector;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(re), pe = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.SimpleSelector;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(re), me = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.AtApplyRule;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";
}, t2;
}(re), ge = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), t2;
}(re), fe = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.CustomPropertyDeclaration;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setProperty = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("property", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getProperty = function() {
}, t2.prototype.setValue = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("value", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getValue = function() {
return this.value;
}, t2.prototype.setPropertySet = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("propertySet", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getPropertySet = function() {
return this.propertySet;
}, t2;
}(ge), be = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.CustomPropertySet;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), _e = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
var i2 =, t3, n2) || this;
return = null, i2;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Declaration;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setProperty = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("property", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getProperty = function() {
}, t2.prototype.getFullPropertyName = function() {
var e3 = ? : "unknown";
if (this.parent instanceof ce && this.parent.getParent() instanceof Oe) {
var n2 = this.parent.getParent().getParent();
if (n2 instanceof t2)
return n2.getFullPropertyName() + e3;
return e3;
}, t2.prototype.getNonPrefixedPropertyName = function() {
var e3 = this.getFullPropertyName();
if (e3 && "-" === e3.charAt(0)) {
var t3 = e3.indexOf("-", 1);
if (-1 !== t3)
return e3.substring(t3 + 1);
return e3;
}, t2.prototype.setValue = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("value", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getValue = function() {
return this.value;
}, t2.prototype.setNestedProperties = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("nestedProperties", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getNestedProperties = function() {
return this.nestedProperties;
}, t2;
}(ge), ve = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Property;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return e3 = this.getText(), (t3 = /[_\+]+$/.exec(e3)) && t3[0].length ? e3.substr(0, e3.length - t3[0].length) : e3;
var e3, t3;
}, t2.prototype.isCustomProperty = function() {
return !!this.identifier && this.identifier.isCustomProperty;
}, t2;
}(re), we = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Function;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";
}, t2;
}(function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Invocation;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.getArguments = function() {
return this.arguments || (this.arguments = new se(this)), this.arguments;
}, t2;
}(re)), ye = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.FunctionParameter;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";
}, t2.prototype.setDefaultValue = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("defaultValue", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getDefaultValue = function() {
return this.defaultValue;
}, t2;
}(re), Ce = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.FunctionArgument;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";
}, t2.prototype.setValue = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("value", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getValue = function() {
return this.value;
}, t2;
}(re), xe = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.If;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setExpression = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("expression", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.setElseClause = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("elseClause", e3);
}, t2;
}(de), Se = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.For;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setVariable = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("variable", e3, 0);
}, t2;
}(de), ke = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Each;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.getVariables = function() {
return this.variables || (this.variables = new se(this)), this.variables;
}, t2;
}(de), Ee = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.While;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), Te = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Else;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), Le = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.FunctionDeclaration;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";
}, t2.prototype.getParameters = function() {
return this.parameters || (this.parameters = new se(this)), this.parameters;
}, t2;
}(de), Ne = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.ViewPort;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), Ie = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.FontFace;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), Oe = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.NestedProperties;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), De = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Keyframe;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setKeyword = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("keyword", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getKeyword = function() {
return this.keyword;
}, t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";
}, t2;
}(de), Ae = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.KeyframeSelector;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), Re = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Import;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setMedialist = function(e3) {
return !!e3 && (e3.attachTo(this), true);
}, t2;
}(re), Me = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Use;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.getParameters = function() {
return this.parameters || (this.parameters = new se(this)), this.parameters;
}, t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2;
}(re), Pe = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.ModuleConfiguration;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";
}, t2.prototype.setValue = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("value", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getValue = function() {
return this.value;
}, t2;
}(re), Fe = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Forward;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2;
}(re), We = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.ForwardVisibility;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2;
}(re), ze = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Namespace;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(re), Be = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Media;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), je = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Supports;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), Ve = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Document;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), Ue = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), t2.prototype.getMediums = function() {
return this.mediums || (this.mediums = new se(this)), this.mediums;
}, t2;
}(re), He = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.MediaQuery;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(re), qe = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.SupportsCondition;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(re), $e = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Page;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), Ke = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.PageBoxMarginBox;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(de), Ge = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Expression;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(re), Ye = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.BinaryExpression;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setLeft = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("left", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getLeft = function() {
return this.left;
}, t2.prototype.setRight = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("right", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getRight = function() {
return this.right;
}, t2.prototype.setOperator = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("operator", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getOperator = function() {
return this.operator;
}, t2;
}(re), Ze = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Term;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setOperator = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("operator", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getOperator = function() {
return this.operator;
}, t2.prototype.setExpression = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("expression", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getExpression = function() {
return this.expression;
}, t2;
}(re), Xe = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.AttributeSelector;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setNamespacePrefix = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("namespacePrefix", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getNamespacePrefix = function() {
return this.namespacePrefix;
}, t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.setOperator = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("operator", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getOperator = function() {
return this.operator;
}, t2.prototype.setValue = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("value", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getValue = function() {
return this.value;
}, t2;
}(re), Qe = (function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Operator;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true});
}(re), function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.HexColorValue;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(re)), Je = ".".charCodeAt(0), et = "0".charCodeAt(0), tt = "9".charCodeAt(0), nt = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.NumericValue;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.getValue = function() {
for (var e3, t3 = this.getText(), n2 = 0, i2 = 0, o2 = t3.length; i2 < o2 && (e3 = t3.charCodeAt(i2), et <= e3 && e3 <= tt || e3 === Je); i2++)
n2 += 1;
return {value: t3.substring(0, n2), unit: n2 < t3.length ? t3.substring(n2) : void 0};
}, t2;
}(re), it = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
var i2 =, t3, n2) || this;
return i2.variable = null, i2.value = null, i2.needsSemicolon = true, i2;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.VariableDeclaration;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setVariable = function(e3) {
return !!e3 && (e3.attachTo(this), this.variable = e3, true);
}, t2.prototype.getVariable = function() {
return this.variable;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.variable ? this.variable.getName() : "";
}, t2.prototype.setValue = function(e3) {
return !!e3 && (e3.attachTo(this), this.value = e3, true);
}, t2.prototype.getValue = function() {
return this.value;
}, t2;
}(ge), ot = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Interpolation;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2;
}(re), rt = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.VariableName;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.getText();
}, t2;
}(re), st = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.ExtendsReference;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.getSelectors = function() {
return this.selectors || (this.selectors = new se(this)), this.selectors;
}, t2;
}(re), at = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.MixinContentReference;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.getArguments = function() {
return this.arguments || (this.arguments = new se(this)), this.arguments;
}, t2;
}(re), lt = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.MixinContentReference;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.getParameters = function() {
return this.parameters || (this.parameters = new se(this)), this.parameters;
}, t2;
}(de), ct = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.MixinReference;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.getNamespaces = function() {
return this.namespaces || (this.namespaces = new se(this)), this.namespaces;
}, t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";
}, t2.prototype.getArguments = function() {
return this.arguments || (this.arguments = new se(this)), this.arguments;
}, t2.prototype.setContent = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("content", e3);
}, t2.prototype.getContent = function() {
return this.content;
}, t2;
}(re), dt = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.MixinDeclaration;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";
}, t2.prototype.getParameters = function() {
return this.parameters || (this.parameters = new se(this)), this.parameters;
}, t2.prototype.setGuard = function(e3) {
return e3 && (e3.attachTo(this), this.guard = e3), false;
}, t2;
}(de), ht = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, t3, n2) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.UnknownAtRule;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setAtRuleName = function(e3) {
this.atRuleName = e3;
}, t2.prototype.getAtRuleName = function() {
return this.atRuleName;
}, t2;
}(de), ut = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.ListEntry;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setKey = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("key", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.setValue = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("value", e3, 1);
}, t2;
}(re), pt = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return te(t2, e2), t2.prototype.getConditions = function() {
return this.conditions || (this.conditions = new se(this)), this.conditions;
}, t2;
}(re), mt = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return te(t2, e2), t2.prototype.setVariable = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("variable", e3);
}, t2;
}(re), gt = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return te(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "type", {get: function() {
return J.Module;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(e3) {
return this.setNode("identifier", e3, 0);
}, t2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return this.identifier;
}, t2;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Ignore = 1] = "Ignore", e2[e2.Warning = 2] = "Warning", e2[e2.Error = 4] = "Error";
}(oe || (oe = {}));
var ft = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
void 0 === o2 && (o2 = e3.offset), void 0 === r2 && (r2 = e3.length), this.node = e3, this.rule = t2, this.level = n2, this.message = i2 || t2.message, this.offset = o2, this.length = r2;
return e2.prototype.getRule = function() {
return this.rule;
}, e2.prototype.getLevel = function() {
return this.level;
}, e2.prototype.getOffset = function() {
return this.offset;
}, e2.prototype.getLength = function() {
return this.length;
}, e2.prototype.getNode = function() {
return this.node;
}, e2.prototype.getMessage = function() {
return this.message;
}, e2;
}(), bt = function() {
function e2() {
this.entries = [];
return e2.entries = function(t2) {
var n2 = new e2();
return t2.acceptVisitor(n2), n2.entries;
}, e2.prototype.visitNode = function(e3) {
return e3.isErroneous() && e3.collectIssues(this.entries), true;
}, e2;
function _t(e2, t2) {
return 0 === t2.length ? e2 : e2.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(e3, n2) {
var i2 = n2[0];
return void 0 !== t2[i2] ? t2[i2] : e3;
function vt(e2, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], i2 = 2; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2 - 2] = arguments[i2];
return _t(t2, n2);
function wt(e2) {
return vt;
var yt = wt(), Ct = function(e2, t2) { = e2, this.message = t2;
}, xt = {NumberExpected: new Ct("css-numberexpected", yt("expected.number", "number expected")), ConditionExpected: new Ct("css-conditionexpected", yt("expected.condt", "condition expected")), RuleOrSelectorExpected: new Ct("css-ruleorselectorexpected", yt("expected.ruleorselector", "at-rule or selector expected")), DotExpected: new Ct("css-dotexpected", yt("", "dot expected")), ColonExpected: new Ct("css-colonexpected", yt("expected.colon", "colon expected")), SemiColonExpected: new Ct("css-semicolonexpected", yt("expected.semicolon", "semi-colon expected")), TermExpected: new Ct("css-termexpected", yt("expected.term", "term expected")), ExpressionExpected: new Ct("css-expressionexpected", yt("expected.expression", "expression expected")), OperatorExpected: new Ct("css-operatorexpected", yt("expected.operator", "operator expected")), IdentifierExpected: new Ct("css-identifierexpected", yt("expected.ident", "identifier expected")), PercentageExpected: new Ct("css-percentageexpected", yt("expected.percentage", "percentage expected")), URIOrStringExpected: new Ct("css-uriorstringexpected", yt("expected.uriorstring", "uri or string expected")), URIExpected: new Ct("css-uriexpected", yt("expected.uri", "URI expected")), VariableNameExpected: new Ct("css-varnameexpected", yt("expected.varname", "variable name expected")), VariableValueExpected: new Ct("css-varvalueexpected", yt("expected.varvalue", "variable value expected")), PropertyValueExpected: new Ct("css-propertyvalueexpected", yt("expected.propvalue", "property value expected")), LeftCurlyExpected: new Ct("css-lcurlyexpected", yt("expected.lcurly", "{ expected")), RightCurlyExpected: new Ct("css-rcurlyexpected", yt("expected.rcurly", "} expected")), LeftSquareBracketExpected: new Ct("css-rbracketexpected", yt("expected.lsquare", "[ expected")), RightSquareBracketExpected: new Ct("css-lbracketexpected", yt("expected.rsquare", "] expected")), LeftParenthesisExpected: new Ct("css-lparentexpected", yt("expected.lparen", "( expected")), RightParenthesisExpected: new Ct("css-rparentexpected", yt("expected.rparent", ") expected")), CommaExpected: new Ct("css-commaexpected", yt("expected.comma", "comma expected")), PageDirectiveOrDeclarationExpected: new Ct("css-pagedirordeclexpected", yt("expected.pagedirordecl", "page directive or declaraton expected")), UnknownAtRule: new Ct("css-unknownatrule", yt("unknown.atrule", "at-rule unknown")), UnknownKeyword: new Ct("css-unknownkeyword", yt("unknown.keyword", "unknown keyword")), SelectorExpected: new Ct("css-selectorexpected", yt("expected.selector", "selector expected")), StringLiteralExpected: new Ct("css-stringliteralexpected", yt("expected.stringliteral", "string literal expected")), WhitespaceExpected: new Ct("css-whitespaceexpected", yt("expected.whitespace", "whitespace expected")), MediaQueryExpected: new Ct("css-mediaqueryexpected", yt("expected.mediaquery", "media query expected")), IdentifierOrWildcardExpected: new Ct("css-idorwildcardexpected", yt("expected.idorwildcard", "identifier or wildcard expected")), WildcardExpected: new Ct("css-wildcardexpected", yt("expected.wildcard", "wildcard expected")), IdentifierOrVariableExpected: new Ct("css-idorvarexpected", yt("expected.idorvar", "identifier or variable expected"))}, St = {E: "Edge", FF: "Firefox", S: "Safari", C: "Chrome", IE: "IE", O: "Opera"};
function kt(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case "experimental":
return "⚠️ Property is experimental. Be cautious when using it.\n\n";
case "nonstandard":
return "🚨️ Property is nonstandard. Avoid using it.\n\n";
case "obsolete":
return "🚨️️️ Property is obsolete. Avoid using it.\n\n";
return "";
function Et(e2, t2) {
var n2;
if ("" !== (n2 = t2 ? {kind: "markdown", value: Nt(e2)} : {kind: "plaintext", value: Lt(e2)}).value)
return n2;
function Tt(e2) {
return (e2 = e2.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, "\\$&")).replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
function Lt(e2) {
if (!e2.description || "" === e2.description)
return "";
if ("string" != typeof e2.description)
return e2.description.value;
var t2 = "";
e2.status && (t2 += kt(e2.status)), t2 += e2.description;
var n2 = It(e2.browsers);
return n2 && (t2 += "\n(" + n2 + ")"), "syntax" in e2 && (t2 += "\n\nSyntax: " + e2.syntax), e2.references && e2.references.length > 0 && (t2 += "\n\n", t2 += {
return + ": " + e3.url;
}).join(" | ")), t2;
function Nt(e2) {
if (!e2.description || "" === e2.description)
return "";
var t2 = "";
e2.status && (t2 += kt(e2.status)), t2 += Tt("string" == typeof e2.description ? e2.description : e2.description.value);
var n2 = It(e2.browsers);
return n2 && (t2 += "\n\n(" + Tt(n2) + ")"), "syntax" in e2 && e2.syntax && (t2 += "\n\nSyntax: " + Tt(e2.syntax)), e2.references && e2.references.length > 0 && (t2 += "\n\n", t2 += {
return "[" + + "](" + e3.url + ")";
}).join(" | ")), t2;
function It(e2) {
return void 0 === e2 && (e2 = []), 0 === e2.length ? null : {
var t2 = "", n2 = e3.match(/([A-Z]+)(\d+)?/), i2 = n2[1], o2 = n2[2];
return i2 in St && (t2 += St[i2]), o2 && (t2 += " " + o2), t2;
}).join(", ");
var Ot = wt(), Dt = [{func: "rgb($red, $green, $blue)", desc: Ot("css.builtin.rgb", "Creates a Color from red, green, and blue values.")}, {func: "rgba($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)", desc: Ot("css.builtin.rgba", "Creates a Color from red, green, blue, and alpha values.")}, {func: "hsl($hue, $saturation, $lightness)", desc: Ot("css.builtin.hsl", "Creates a Color from hue, saturation, and lightness values.")}, {func: "hsla($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha)", desc: Ot("css.builtin.hsla", "Creates a Color from hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha values.")}], At = {aliceblue: "#f0f8ff", antiquewhite: "#faebd7", aqua: "#00ffff", aquamarine: "#7fffd4", azure: "#f0ffff", beige: "#f5f5dc", bisque: "#ffe4c4", black: "#000000", blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd", blue: "#0000ff", blueviolet: "#8a2be2", brown: "#a52a2a", burlywood: "#deb887", cadetblue: "#5f9ea0", chartreuse: "#7fff00", chocolate: "#d2691e", coral: "#ff7f50", cornflowerblue: "#6495ed", cornsilk: "#fff8dc", crimson: "#dc143c", cyan: "#00ffff", darkblue: "#00008b", darkcyan: "#008b8b", darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b", darkgray: "#a9a9a9", darkgrey: "#a9a9a9", darkgreen: "#006400", darkkhaki: "#bdb76b", darkmagenta: "#8b008b", darkolivegreen: "#556b2f", darkorange: "#ff8c00", darkorchid: "#9932cc", darkred: "#8b0000", darksalmon: "#e9967a", darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f", darkslateblue: "#483d8b", darkslategray: "#2f4f4f", darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f", darkturquoise: "#00ced1", darkviolet: "#9400d3", deeppink: "#ff1493", deepskyblue: "#00bfff", dimgray: "#696969", dimgrey: "#696969", dodgerblue: "#1e90ff", firebrick: "#b22222", floralwhite: "#fffaf0", forestgreen: "#228b22", fuchsia: "#ff00ff", gainsboro: "#dcdcdc", ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff", gold: "#ffd700", goldenrod: "#daa520", gray: "#808080", grey: "#808080", green: "#008000", greenyellow: "#adff2f", honeydew: "#f0fff0", hotpink: "#ff69b4", indianred: "#cd5c5c", indigo: "#4b0082", ivory: "#fffff0", khaki: "#f0e68c", lavender: "#e6e6fa", lavenderblush: "#fff0f5", lawngreen: "#7cfc00", lemonchiffon: "#fffacd", lightblue: "#add8e6", lightcoral: "#f08080", lightcyan: "#e0ffff", lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2", lightgray: "#d3d3d3", lightgrey: "#d3d3d3", lightgreen: "#90ee90", lightpink: "#ffb6c1", lightsalmon: "#ffa07a", lightseagreen: "#20b2aa", lightskyblue: "#87cefa", lightslategray: "#778899", lightslategrey: "#778899", lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de", lightyellow: "#ffffe0", lime: "#00ff00", limegreen: "#32cd32", linen: "#faf0e6", magenta: "#ff00ff", maroon: "#800000", mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa", mediumblue: "#0000cd", mediumorchid: "#ba55d3", mediumpurple: "#9370d8", mediumseagreen: "#3cb371", mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee", mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a", mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc", mediumvioletred: "#c71585", midnightblue: "#191970", mintcream: "#f5fffa", mistyrose: "#ffe4e1", moccasin: "#ffe4b5", navajowhite: "#ffdead", navy: "#000080", oldlace: "#fdf5e6", olive: "#808000", olivedrab: "#6b8e23", orange: "#ffa500", orangered: "#ff4500", orchid: "#da70d6", palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa", palegreen: "#98fb98", paleturquoise: "#afeeee", palevioletred: "#d87093", papayawhip: "#ffefd5", peachpuff: "#ffdab9", peru: "#cd853f", pink: "#ffc0cb", plum: "#dda0dd", powderblue: "#b0e0e6", purple: "#800080", red: "#ff0000", rebeccapurple: "#663399", rosybrown: "#bc8f8f", royalblue: "#4169e1", saddlebrown: "#8b4513", salmon: "#fa8072", sandybrown: "#f4a460", seagreen: "#2e8b57", seashell: "#fff5ee", sienna: "#a0522d", silver: "#c0c0c0", skyblue: "#87ceeb", slateblue: "#6a5acd", slategray: "#708090", slategrey: "#708090", snow: "#fffafa", springgreen: "#00ff7f", steelblue: "#4682b4", tan: "#d2b48c", teal: "#008080", thistle: "#d8bfd8", tomato: "#ff6347", turquoise: "#40e0d0", violet: "#ee82ee", wheat: "#f5deb3", white: "#ffffff", whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5", yellow: "#ffff00", yellowgreen: "#9acd32"}, Rt = {currentColor: "The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time.", transparent: "Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value."};
function Mt(e2, t2) {
var n2 = e2.getText().match(/^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)(%?)$/);
if (n2) {
n2[2] && (t2 = 100);
var i2 = parseFloat(n2[1]) / t2;
if (i2 >= 0 && i2 <= 1)
return i2;
throw new Error();
function Pt(e2) {
var t2 = e2.getName();
return !!t2 && /^(rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)$/gi.test(t2);
function Ft(e2) {
return e2 < 48 ? 0 : e2 <= 57 ? e2 - 48 : (e2 < 97 && (e2 += 32), e2 >= 97 && e2 <= 102 ? e2 - 97 + 10 : 0);
function Wt(e2) {
if ("#" !== e2[0])
return null;
switch (e2.length) {
case 4:
return {red: 17 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(1)) / 255, green: 17 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(2)) / 255, blue: 17 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(3)) / 255, alpha: 1};
case 5:
return {red: 17 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(1)) / 255, green: 17 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(2)) / 255, blue: 17 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(3)) / 255, alpha: 17 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(4)) / 255};
case 7:
return {red: (16 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(1)) + Ft(e2.charCodeAt(2))) / 255, green: (16 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(3)) + Ft(e2.charCodeAt(4))) / 255, blue: (16 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(5)) + Ft(e2.charCodeAt(6))) / 255, alpha: 1};
case 9:
return {red: (16 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(1)) + Ft(e2.charCodeAt(2))) / 255, green: (16 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(3)) + Ft(e2.charCodeAt(4))) / 255, blue: (16 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(5)) + Ft(e2.charCodeAt(6))) / 255, alpha: (16 * Ft(e2.charCodeAt(7)) + Ft(e2.charCodeAt(8))) / 255};
return null;
function zt(e2) {
if (e2.type === J.HexColorValue)
return Wt(e2.getText());
if (e2.type === J.Function) {
var t2 = e2, n2 = t2.getName(), i2 = t2.getArguments().getChildren();
if (!n2 || i2.length < 3 || i2.length > 4)
return null;
try {
var o2 = 4 === i2.length ? Mt(i2[3], 1) : 1;
if ("rgb" === n2 || "rgba" === n2)
return {red: Mt(i2[0], 255), green: Mt(i2[1], 255), blue: Mt(i2[2], 255), alpha: o2};
if ("hsl" === n2 || "hsla" === n2)
return function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
if (void 0 === i3 && (i3 = 1), 0 === t3)
return {red: n3, green: n3, blue: n3, alpha: i3};
var o3 = function(e4, t4, n4) {
for (; n4 < 0; )
n4 += 6;
for (; n4 >= 6; )
n4 -= 6;
return n4 < 1 ? (t4 - e4) * n4 + e4 : n4 < 3 ? t4 : n4 < 4 ? (t4 - e4) * (4 - n4) + e4 : e4;
}, r3 = n3 <= 0.5 ? n3 * (t3 + 1) : n3 + t3 - n3 * t3, s3 = 2 * n3 - r3;
return {red: o3(s3, r3, (e3 /= 60) + 2), green: o3(s3, r3, e3), blue: o3(s3, r3, e3 - 2), alpha: i3};
}(function(e3) {
var t3 = e3.getText();
if (t3.match(/^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)(deg)?$/))
return parseFloat(t3) % 360;
throw new Error();
}(i2[0]), Mt(i2[1], 100), Mt(i2[2], 100), o2);
} catch (e3) {
return null;
} else if (e2.type === J.Identifier) {
if (e2.parent && e2.parent.type !== J.Term)
return null;
var r2 = e2.parent;
if (r2 && r2.parent && r2.parent.type === J.BinaryExpression) {
var s2 = r2.parent;
if (s2.parent && s2.parent.type === J.ListEntry && s2.parent.key === s2)
return null;
var a2 = e2.getText().toLowerCase();
if ("none" === a2)
return null;
var l2 = At[a2];
if (l2)
return Wt(l2);
return null;
var Bt = {bottom: "Computes to 100% for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the bottom edge as the origin for the next offset.", center: "Computes to 50% (left 50%) for the horizontal position if the horizontal position is not otherwise specified, or 50% (top 50%) for the vertical position if it is.", left: "Computes to 0% for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the left edge as the origin for the next offset.", right: "Computes to 100% for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the right edge as the origin for the next offset.", top: "Computes to 0% for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the top edge as the origin for the next offset."}, jt = {"no-repeat": "Placed once and not repeated in this direction.", repeat: "Repeated in this direction as often as needed to cover the background painting area.", "repeat-x": "Computes to repeat no-repeat.", "repeat-y": "Computes to no-repeat repeat.", round: "Repeated as often as will fit within the background positioning area. If it doesnt fit a whole number of times, it is rescaled so that it does.", space: "Repeated as often as will fit within the background positioning area without being clipped and then the images are spaced out to fill the area."}, Vt = {dashed: "A series of square-ended dashes.", dotted: "A series of round dots.", double: "Two parallel solid lines with some space between them.", groove: "Looks as if it were carved in the canvas.", hidden: "Same as none, but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables.", inset: "Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas.", none: "No border. Color and width are ignored.", outset: "Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas.", ridge: "Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas.", solid: "A single line segment."}, Ut = ["medium", "thick", "thin"], Ht = {"border-box": "The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box.", "content-box": "The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box.", "padding-box": "The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box."}, qt = {"margin-box": "Uses the margin box as reference box.", "fill-box": "Uses the object bounding box as reference box.", "stroke-box": "Uses the stroke bounding box as reference box.", "view-box": "Uses the nearest SVG viewport as reference box."}, $t = {initial: "Represents the value specified as the propertys initial value.", inherit: "Represents the computed value of the property on the elements parent.", unset: "Acts as either `inherit` or `initial`, depending on whether the property is inherited or not."}, Kt = {"url()": "Reference an image file by URL", "image()": "Provide image fallbacks and annotations.", "-webkit-image-set()": "Provide multiple resolutions. Remember to use unprefixed image-set() in addition.", "image-set()": "Provide multiple resolutions of an image and const the UA decide which is most appropriate in a given situation.", "-moz-element()": "Use an element in the document as an image. Remember to use unprefixed element() in addition.", "element()": "Use an element in the document as an image.", "cross-fade()": "Indicates the two images to be combined and how far along in the transition the combination is.", "-webkit-gradient()": "Deprecated. Use modern linear-gradient() or radial-gradient() instead.", "-webkit-linear-gradient()": "Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.", "-moz-linear-gradient()": "Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.", "-o-linear-gradient()": "Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.", "linear-gradient()": "A linear gradient is created by specifying a straight gradient line, and then several colors placed along that line.", "-webkit-repeating-linear-gradient()": "Repeating Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient()": "Repeating Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.", "-o-repeating-linear-gradient()": "Repeating Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.", "repeating-linear-gradient()": "Same as linear-gradient, except the color-stops are repeated infinitely in both directions, with their positions shifted by multiples of the difference between the last specified color-stops position and the first specified color-stops position.", "-webkit-radial-gradient()": "Radial gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.", "-moz-radial-gradient()": "Radial gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.", "radial-gradient()": "Colors emerge from a single point and smoothly spread outward in a circular or elliptical shape.", "-webkit-repeating-radial-gradient()": "Repeating radial gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.", "-moz-repeating-radial-gradient()": "Repeating radial gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.", "repeating-radial-gradient()": "Same as radial-gradient, except the color-stops are repeated infinitely in both directions, with their positions shifted by multiples of the difference between the last specified color-stops position and the first specified color-stops position."}, Gt = {ease: "Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0).", "ease-in": "Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0).", "ease-in-out": "Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0).", "ease-out": "Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0).", linear: "Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0).", "step-end": "Equivalent to steps(1, end).", "step-start": "Equivalent to steps(1, start).", "steps()": "The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value “start” or “end”.", "cubic-bezier()": "Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2).", "cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045)": "Ease-in Back. Overshoots.", "cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)": "Ease-in-out Back. Overshoots.", "cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275)": "Ease-out Back. Overshoots.", "cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.335)": "Ease-in Circular. Based on half circle.", "cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86)": "Ease-in-out Circular. Based on half circle.", "cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1)": "Ease-out Circular. Based on half circle.", "cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)": "Ease-in Cubic. Based on power of three.", "cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1)": "Ease-in-out Cubic. Based on power of three.", "cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1)": "Ease-out Cubic. Based on power of three.", "cubic-bezier(0.95, 0.05, 0.795, 0.035)": "Ease-in Exponential. Based on two to the power ten.", "cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1)": "Ease-in-out Exponential. Based on two to the power ten.", "cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1)": "Ease-out Exponential. Based on two to the power ten.", "cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715)": "Ease-in Sine.", "cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95)": "Ease-in-out Sine.", "cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1)": "Ease-out Sine.", "cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53)": "Ease-in Quadratic. Based on power of two.", "cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955)": "Ease-in-out Quadratic. Based on power of two.", "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)": "Ease-out Quadratic. Based on power of two.", "cubic-bezier(0.895, 0.03, 0.685, 0.22)": "Ease-in Quartic. Based on power of four.", "cubic-bezier(0.77, 0, 0.175, 1)": "Ease-in-out Quartic. Based on power of four.", "cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)": "Ease-out Quartic. Based on power of four.", "cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06)": "Ease-in Quintic. Based on power of five.", "cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1)": "Ease-in-out Quintic. Based on power of five.", "cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.320, 1)": "Ease-out Quintic. Based on power of five."}, Yt = {"circle()": "Defines a circle.", "ellipse()": "Defines an ellipse.", "inset()": "Defines an inset rectangle.", "polygon()": "Defines a polygon."}, Zt = {length: ["em", "rem", "ex", "px", "cm", "mm", "in", "pt", "pc", "ch", "vw", "vh", "vmin", "vmax"], angle: ["deg", "rad", "grad", "turn"], time: ["ms", "s"], frequency: ["Hz", "kHz"], resolution: ["dpi", "dpcm", "dppx"], percentage: ["%", "fr"]}, Xt = ["a", "abbr", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "base", "bdi", "bdo", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "data", "datalist", "dd", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "div", "dl", "dt", "em", "embed", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "iframe", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "keygen", "label", "legend", "li", "link", "main", "map", "mark", "menu", "menuitem", "meta", "meter", "nav", "noscript", "object", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "param", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rb", "rp", "rt", "rtc", "ruby", "s", "samp", "script", "section", "select", "small", "source", "span", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "template", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "title", "tr", "track", "u", "ul", "const", "video", "wbr"], Qt = ["circle", "clipPath", "cursor", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "feBlend", "feColorMatrix", "feComponentTransfer", "feComposite", "feConvolveMatrix", "feDiffuseLighting", "feDisplacementMap", "feDistantLight", "feDropShadow", "feFlood", "feFuncA", "feFuncB", "feFuncG", "feFuncR", "feGaussianBlur", "feImage", "feMerge", "feMergeNode", "feMorphology", "feOffset", "fePointLight", "feSpecularLighting", "feSpotLight", "feTile", "feTurbulence", "filter", "foreignObject", "g", "hatch", "hatchpath", "image", "line", "linearGradient", "marker", "mask", "mesh", "meshpatch", "meshrow", "metadata", "mpath", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "radialGradient", "rect", "set", "solidcolor", "stop", "svg", "switch", "symbol", "text", "textPath", "tspan", "use", "view"], Jt = ["@bottom-center", "@bottom-left", "@bottom-left-corner", "@bottom-right", "@bottom-right-corner", "@left-bottom", "@left-middle", "@left-top", "@right-bottom", "@right-middle", "@right-top", "@top-center", "@top-left", "@top-left-corner", "@top-right", "@top-right-corner"];
function en(e2) {
return Object.keys(e2).map(function(t2) {
return e2[t2];
function tn(e2) {
return void 0 !== e2;
var nn = function() {
for (var e2 = 0, t2 = 0, n2 = arguments.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
e2 += arguments[t2].length;
var i2 = Array(e2), o2 = 0;
for (t2 = 0; t2 < n2; t2++)
for (var r2 = arguments[t2], s2 = 0, a2 = r2.length; s2 < a2; s2++, o2++)
i2[o2] = r2[s2];
return i2;
}, on = function() {
function e2(e3) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = new G()), this.keyframeRegex = /^@(\-(webkit|ms|moz|o)\-)?keyframes$/i, this.scanner = e3, this.token = {type: i.EOF, offset: -1, len: 0, text: ""}, this.prevToken = void 0;
return e2.prototype.peekIdent = function(e3) {
return i.Ident === this.token.type && e3.length === this.token.text.length && e3 === this.token.text.toLowerCase();
}, e2.prototype.peekKeyword = function(e3) {
return i.AtKeyword === this.token.type && e3.length === this.token.text.length && e3 === this.token.text.toLowerCase();
}, e2.prototype.peekDelim = function(e3) {
return i.Delim === this.token.type && e3 === this.token.text;
}, e2.prototype.peek = function(e3) {
return e3 === this.token.type;
}, e2.prototype.peekRegExp = function(e3, t2) {
return e3 === this.token.type && t2.test(this.token.text);
}, e2.prototype.hasWhitespace = function() {
return !!this.prevToken && this.prevToken.offset + this.prevToken.len !== this.token.offset;
}, e2.prototype.consumeToken = function() {
this.prevToken = this.token, this.token = this.scanner.scan();
}, e2.prototype.mark = function() {
return {prev: this.prevToken, curr: this.token, pos: this.scanner.pos()};
}, e2.prototype.restoreAtMark = function(e3) {
this.prevToken = e3.prev, this.token = e3.curr, this.scanner.goBackTo(e3.pos);
}, e2.prototype.try = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.mark(), n2 = e3();
return n2 || (this.restoreAtMark(t2), null);
}, e2.prototype.acceptOneKeyword = function(e3) {
if (i.AtKeyword === this.token.type)
for (var t2 = 0, n2 = e3; t2 < n2.length; t2++) {
var o2 = n2[t2];
if (o2.length === this.token.text.length && o2 === this.token.text.toLowerCase())
return this.consumeToken(), true;
return false;
}, e2.prototype.accept = function(e3) {
return e3 === this.token.type && (this.consumeToken(), true);
}, e2.prototype.acceptIdent = function(e3) {
return !!this.peekIdent(e3) && (this.consumeToken(), true);
}, e2.prototype.acceptKeyword = function(e3) {
return !!this.peekKeyword(e3) && (this.consumeToken(), true);
}, e2.prototype.acceptDelim = function(e3) {
return !!this.peekDelim(e3) && (this.consumeToken(), true);
}, e2.prototype.acceptRegexp = function(e3) {
return !!e3.test(this.token.text) && (this.consumeToken(), true);
}, e2.prototype._parseRegexp = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.createNode(J.Identifier);
do {
} while (this.acceptRegexp(e3));
return this.finish(t2);
}, e2.prototype.acceptUnquotedString = function() {
var e3 = this.scanner.pos();
var t2 = this.scanner.scanUnquotedString();
return t2 ? (this.token = t2, this.consumeToken(), true) : (this.scanner.goBackTo(e3), false);
}, e2.prototype.resync = function(e3, t2) {
for (; ; ) {
if (e3 && -1 !== e3.indexOf(this.token.type))
return this.consumeToken(), true;
if (t2 && -1 !== t2.indexOf(this.token.type))
return true;
if (this.token.type === i.EOF)
return false;
this.token = this.scanner.scan();
}, e2.prototype.createNode = function(e3) {
return new re(this.token.offset, this.token.len, e3);
}, e2.prototype.create = function(e3) {
return new e3(this.token.offset, this.token.len);
}, e2.prototype.finish = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (!(e3 instanceof se) && (t2 && this.markError(e3, t2, n2, i2), this.prevToken)) {
var o2 = this.prevToken.offset + this.prevToken.len;
e3.length = o2 > e3.offset ? o2 - e3.offset : 0;
return e3;
}, e2.prototype.markError = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this.token !== this.lastErrorToken && (e3.addIssue(new ft(e3, t2, oe.Error, void 0, this.token.offset, this.token.len)), this.lastErrorToken = this.token), (n2 || i2) && this.resync(n2, i2);
}, e2.prototype.parseStylesheet = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.version, n2 = e3.getText();
return this.internalParse(n2, this._parseStylesheet, function(i2, o2) {
if (e3.version !== t2)
throw new Error("Underlying model has changed, AST is no longer valid");
return n2.substr(i2, o2);
}, e2.prototype.internalParse = function(e3, t2, n2) {
this.scanner.setSource(e3), this.token = this.scanner.scan();
var i2 = t2.bind(this)();
return i2 && (i2.textProvider = n2 || function(t3, n3) {
return e3.substr(t3, n3);
}), i2;
}, e2.prototype._parseStylesheet = function() {
for (var e3 = this.create(le); e3.addChild(this._parseStylesheetStart()); )
var t2 = false;
do {
var n2 = false;
do {
n2 = false;
var o2 = this._parseStylesheetStatement();
for (o2 && (e3.addChild(o2), n2 = true, t2 = false, this.peek(i.EOF) || !this._needsSemicolonAfter(o2) || this.accept(i.SemiColon) || this.markError(e3, xt.SemiColonExpected)); this.accept(i.SemiColon) || this.accept(i.CDO) || this.accept(i.CDC); )
n2 = true, t2 = false;
} while (n2);
if (this.peek(i.EOF))
t2 || (this.peek(i.AtKeyword) ? this.markError(e3, xt.UnknownAtRule) : this.markError(e3, xt.RuleOrSelectorExpected), t2 = true), this.consumeToken();
} while (!this.peek(i.EOF));
return this.finish(e3);
}, e2.prototype._parseStylesheetStart = function() {
return this._parseCharset();
}, e2.prototype._parseStylesheetStatement = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false), this.peek(i.AtKeyword) ? this._parseStylesheetAtStatement(e3) : this._parseRuleset(e3);
}, e2.prototype._parseStylesheetAtStatement = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false), this._parseImport() || this._parseMedia(e3) || this._parsePage() || this._parseFontFace() || this._parseKeyframe() || this._parseSupports(e3) || this._parseViewPort() || this._parseNamespace() || this._parseDocument() || this._parseUnknownAtRule();
}, e2.prototype._tryParseRuleset = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.mark();
if (this._parseSelector(e3)) {
for (; this.accept(i.Comma) && this._parseSelector(e3); )
if (this.accept(i.CurlyL))
return this.restoreAtMark(t2), this._parseRuleset(e3);
return this.restoreAtMark(t2), null;
}, e2.prototype._parseRuleset = function(e3) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false);
var t2 = this.create(he), n2 = t2.getSelectors();
if (!n2.addChild(this._parseSelector(e3)))
return null;
for (; this.accept(i.Comma); )
if (!n2.addChild(this._parseSelector(e3)))
return this.finish(t2, xt.SelectorExpected);
return this._parseBody(t2, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));
}, e2.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclarationAtStatement = function() {
return this._parseAtApply() || this._parseUnknownAtRule();
}, e2.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclaration = function() {
return this.peek(i.AtKeyword) ? this._parseRuleSetDeclarationAtStatement() : this._tryParseCustomPropertyDeclaration() || this._parseDeclaration();
}, e2.prototype._parseAtApply = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@apply"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(me);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent([ee.Variable])) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected);
}, e2.prototype._needsSemicolonAfter = function(e3) {
switch (e3.type) {
case J.Keyframe:
case J.ViewPort:
case J.Media:
case J.Ruleset:
case J.Namespace:
case J.If:
case J.For:
case J.Each:
case J.While:
case J.MixinDeclaration:
case J.FunctionDeclaration:
case J.MixinContentDeclaration:
return false;
case J.ExtendsReference:
case J.MixinContentReference:
case J.ReturnStatement:
case J.MediaQuery:
case J.Debug:
case J.Import:
case J.AtApplyRule:
case J.CustomPropertyDeclaration:
return true;
case J.VariableDeclaration:
return e3.needsSemicolon;
case J.MixinReference:
return !e3.getContent();
case J.Declaration:
return !e3.getNestedProperties();
return false;
}, e2.prototype._parseDeclarations = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.create(ce);
if (!this.accept(i.CurlyL))
return null;
for (var n2 = e3(); t2.addChild(n2) && !this.peek(i.CurlyR); ) {
if (this._needsSemicolonAfter(n2) && !this.accept(i.SemiColon))
return this.finish(t2, xt.SemiColonExpected, [i.SemiColon, i.CurlyR]);
for (n2 && this.prevToken && this.prevToken.type === i.SemiColon && (n2.semicolonPosition = this.prevToken.offset); this.accept(i.SemiColon); )
n2 = e3();
return this.accept(i.CurlyR) ? this.finish(t2) : this.finish(t2, xt.RightCurlyExpected, [i.CurlyR, i.SemiColon]);
}, e2.prototype._parseBody = function(e3, t2) {
return e3.setDeclarations(this._parseDeclarations(t2)) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.LeftCurlyExpected, [i.CurlyR, i.SemiColon]);
}, e2.prototype._parseSelector = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.create(ue), n2 = false;
for (e3 && (n2 = t2.addChild(this._parseCombinator())); t2.addChild(this._parseSimpleSelector()); )
n2 = true, t2.addChild(this._parseCombinator());
return n2 ? this.finish(t2) : null;
}, e2.prototype._parseDeclaration = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.create(_e);
if (!t2.setProperty(this._parseProperty()))
return null;
if (!this.accept(i.Colon)) {
var n2 = e3 ? nn(e3, [i.SemiColon]) : [i.SemiColon];
return this.finish(t2, xt.ColonExpected, [i.Colon], n2);
return this.prevToken && (t2.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset), t2.setValue(this._parseExpr()) ? (t2.addChild(this._parsePrio()), this.peek(i.SemiColon) && (t2.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset), this.finish(t2)) : this.finish(t2, xt.PropertyValueExpected);
}, e2.prototype._tryParseCustomPropertyDeclaration = function() {
if (!this.peekRegExp(i.Ident, /^--/))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(fe);
if (!e3.setProperty(this._parseProperty()))
return null;
if (!this.accept(i.Colon))
return this.finish(e3, xt.ColonExpected, [i.Colon]);
this.prevToken && (e3.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset);
var t2 = this.mark();
if (this.peek(i.CurlyL)) {
var n2 = this.create(be), o2 = this._parseDeclarations(this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));
if (n2.setDeclarations(o2) && !o2.isErroneous(true) && (n2.addChild(this._parsePrio()), this.peek(i.SemiColon)))
return this.finish(n2), e3.setPropertySet(n2), e3.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset, this.finish(e3);
var r2 = this._parseExpr();
return r2 && !r2.isErroneous(true) && (this._parsePrio(), this.peek(i.SemiColon)) ? (e3.setValue(r2), e3.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset, this.finish(e3)) : (this.restoreAtMark(t2), e3.addChild(this._parseCustomPropertyValue()), e3.addChild(this._parsePrio()), tn(e3.colonPosition) && this.token.offset === e3.colonPosition + 1 ? this.finish(e3, xt.PropertyValueExpected) : this.finish(e3));
}, e2.prototype._parseCustomPropertyValue = function() {
var e3 = this.create(re), t2 = function() {
return 0 === n2 && 0 === o2 && 0 === r2;
}, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, r2 = 0;
for (; ; ) {
switch (this.token.type) {
case i.SemiColon:
case i.Exclamation:
if (t2())
break e;
case i.CurlyL:
case i.CurlyR:
if (--n2 < 0) {
if (0 === o2 && 0 === r2)
break e;
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftCurlyExpected);
case i.ParenthesisL:
case i.ParenthesisR:
if (--o2 < 0)
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftParenthesisExpected);
case i.BracketL:
case i.BracketR:
if (--r2 < 0)
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftSquareBracketExpected);
case i.BadString:
break e;
case i.EOF:
var s2 = xt.RightCurlyExpected;
return r2 > 0 ? s2 = xt.RightSquareBracketExpected : o2 > 0 && (s2 = xt.RightParenthesisExpected), this.finish(e3, s2);
return this.finish(e3);
}, e2.prototype._tryToParseDeclaration = function() {
var e3 = this.mark();
return this._parseProperty() && this.accept(i.Colon) ? (this.restoreAtMark(e3), this._parseDeclaration()) : (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null);
}, e2.prototype._parseProperty = function() {
var e3 = this.create(ve), t2 = this.mark();
return (this.acceptDelim("*") || this.acceptDelim("_")) && this.hasWhitespace() ? (this.restoreAtMark(t2), null) : e3.setIdentifier(this._parsePropertyIdentifier()) ? this.finish(e3) : null;
}, e2.prototype._parsePropertyIdentifier = function() {
return this._parseIdent();
}, e2.prototype._parseCharset = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.Charset))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(re);
return this.consumeToken(), this.accept(i.String) ? this.accept(i.SemiColon) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.SemiColonExpected) : this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected);
}, e2.prototype._parseImport = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@import"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Re);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) || e3.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral()) ? (this.peek(i.SemiColon) || this.peek(i.EOF) || e3.setMedialist(this._parseMediaQueryList()), this.finish(e3)) : this.finish(e3, xt.URIOrStringExpected);
}, e2.prototype._parseNamespace = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@namespace"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(ze);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) || (e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()), e3.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) || e3.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) ? this.accept(i.SemiColon) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.SemiColonExpected) : this.finish(e3, xt.URIExpected, [i.SemiColon]);
}, e2.prototype._parseFontFace = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@font-face"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Ie);
return this.consumeToken(), this._parseBody(e3, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));
}, e2.prototype._parseViewPort = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@-ms-viewport") && !this.peekKeyword("@-o-viewport") && !this.peekKeyword("@viewport"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Ne);
return this.consumeToken(), this._parseBody(e3, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));
}, e2.prototype._parseKeyframe = function() {
if (!this.peekRegExp(i.AtKeyword, this.keyframeRegex))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(De), t2 = this.create(re);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.setKeyword(this.finish(t2)), t2.matches("@-ms-keyframes") && this.markError(t2, xt.UnknownKeyword), e3.setIdentifier(this._parseKeyframeIdent()) ? this._parseBody(e3, this._parseKeyframeSelector.bind(this)) : this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
}, e2.prototype._parseKeyframeIdent = function() {
return this._parseIdent([ee.Keyframe]);
}, e2.prototype._parseKeyframeSelector = function() {
var e3 = this.create(Ae);
if (!e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(i.Percentage))
return null;
for (; this.accept(i.Comma); )
if (!e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(i.Percentage))
return this.finish(e3, xt.PercentageExpected);
return this._parseBody(e3, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));
}, e2.prototype._tryParseKeyframeSelector = function() {
var e3 = this.create(Ae), t2 = this.mark();
if (!e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(i.Percentage))
return null;
for (; this.accept(i.Comma); )
if (!e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(i.Percentage))
return this.restoreAtMark(t2), null;
return this.peek(i.CurlyL) ? this._parseBody(e3, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this)) : (this.restoreAtMark(t2), null);
}, e2.prototype._parseSupports = function(e3) {
if (void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false), !this.peekKeyword("@supports"))
return null;
var t2 = this.create(je);
return this.consumeToken(), t2.addChild(this._parseSupportsCondition()), this._parseBody(t2, this._parseSupportsDeclaration.bind(this, e3));
}, e2.prototype._parseSupportsDeclaration = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false), e3 ? this._tryParseRuleset(true) || this._tryToParseDeclaration() || this._parseStylesheetStatement(true) : this._parseStylesheetStatement(false);
}, e2.prototype._parseSupportsCondition = function() {
var e3 = this.create(qe);
if (this.acceptIdent("not"))
else if (e3.addChild(this._parseSupportsConditionInParens()), this.peekRegExp(i.Ident, /^(and|or)$/i))
for (var t2 = this.token.text.toLowerCase(); this.acceptIdent(t2); )
return this.finish(e3);
}, e2.prototype._parseSupportsConditionInParens = function() {
var e3 = this.create(qe);
if (this.accept(i.ParenthesisL))
return this.prevToken && (e3.lParent = this.prevToken.offset), e3.addChild(this._tryToParseDeclaration()) || this._parseSupportsCondition() ? this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? (this.prevToken && (e3.rParent = this.prevToken.offset), this.finish(e3)) : this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected, [i.ParenthesisR], []) : this.finish(e3, xt.ConditionExpected);
if (this.peek(i.Ident)) {
var t2 = this.mark();
if (this.consumeToken(), !this.hasWhitespace() && this.accept(i.ParenthesisL)) {
for (var n2 = 1; this.token.type !== i.EOF && 0 !== n2; )
this.token.type === i.ParenthesisL ? n2++ : this.token.type === i.ParenthesisR && n2--, this.consumeToken();
return this.finish(e3);
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftParenthesisExpected, [], [i.ParenthesisL]);
}, e2.prototype._parseMediaDeclaration = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false), e3 ? this._tryParseRuleset(true) || this._tryToParseDeclaration() || this._parseStylesheetStatement(true) : this._parseStylesheetStatement(false);
}, e2.prototype._parseMedia = function(e3) {
if (void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false), !this.peekKeyword("@media"))
return null;
var t2 = this.create(Be);
return this.consumeToken(), t2.addChild(this._parseMediaQueryList()) ? this._parseBody(t2, this._parseMediaDeclaration.bind(this, e3)) : this.finish(t2, xt.MediaQueryExpected);
}, e2.prototype._parseMediaQueryList = function() {
var e3 = this.create(Ue);
if (!e3.addChild(this._parseMediaQuery([i.CurlyL])))
return this.finish(e3, xt.MediaQueryExpected);
for (; this.accept(i.Comma); )
if (!e3.addChild(this._parseMediaQuery([i.CurlyL])))
return this.finish(e3, xt.MediaQueryExpected);
return this.finish(e3);
}, e2.prototype._parseMediaQuery = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.create(He), n2 = true, o2 = false;
if (!this.peek(i.ParenthesisL)) {
if (this.acceptIdent("only") || this.acceptIdent("not"), !t2.addChild(this._parseIdent()))
return null;
o2 = true, n2 = this.acceptIdent("and");
for (; n2; )
if (t2.addChild(this._parseMediaContentStart()))
n2 = this.acceptIdent("and");
else {
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisL))
return o2 ? this.finish(t2, xt.LeftParenthesisExpected, [], e3) : null;
if (!t2.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureName()))
return this.finish(t2, xt.IdentifierExpected, [], e3);
if (this.accept(i.Colon) && !t2.addChild(this._parseExpr()))
return this.finish(t2, xt.TermExpected, [], e3);
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisR))
return this.finish(t2, xt.RightParenthesisExpected, [], e3);
n2 = this.acceptIdent("and");
return this.finish(t2);
}, e2.prototype._parseMediaContentStart = function() {
return null;
}, e2.prototype._parseMediaFeatureName = function() {
return this._parseIdent();
}, e2.prototype._parseMedium = function() {
var e3 = this.create(re);
return e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()) ? this.finish(e3) : null;
}, e2.prototype._parsePageDeclaration = function() {
return this._parsePageMarginBox() || this._parseRuleSetDeclaration();
}, e2.prototype._parsePage = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@page"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create($e);
if (this.consumeToken(), e3.addChild(this._parsePageSelector())) {
for (; this.accept(i.Comma); )
if (!e3.addChild(this._parsePageSelector()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected);
return this._parseBody(e3, this._parsePageDeclaration.bind(this));
}, e2.prototype._parsePageMarginBox = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.AtKeyword))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Ke);
return this.acceptOneKeyword(Jt) || this.markError(e3, xt.UnknownAtRule, [], [i.CurlyL]), this._parseBody(e3, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));
}, e2.prototype._parsePageSelector = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.Ident) && !this.peek(i.Colon))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(re);
return e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()), this.accept(i.Colon) && !e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()) ? this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected) : this.finish(e3);
}, e2.prototype._parseDocument = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@-moz-document"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Ve);
return this.consumeToken(), this.resync([], [i.CurlyL]), this._parseBody(e3, this._parseStylesheetStatement.bind(this));
}, e2.prototype._parseUnknownAtRule = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.AtKeyword))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(ht);
var t2 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, r2 = 0;
for (; ; ) {
switch (this.token.type) {
case i.SemiColon:
if (0 === n2 && 0 === o2 && 0 === r2)
break e;
case i.EOF:
return n2 > 0 ? this.finish(e3, xt.RightCurlyExpected) : r2 > 0 ? this.finish(e3, xt.RightSquareBracketExpected) : o2 > 0 ? this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected) : this.finish(e3);
case i.CurlyL:
t2++, n2++;
case i.CurlyR:
if (n2--, t2 > 0 && 0 === n2) {
if (this.consumeToken(), r2 > 0)
return this.finish(e3, xt.RightSquareBracketExpected);
if (o2 > 0)
return this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
break e;
if (n2 < 0) {
if (0 === o2 && 0 === r2)
break e;
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftCurlyExpected);
case i.ParenthesisL:
case i.ParenthesisR:
if (--o2 < 0)
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftParenthesisExpected);
case i.BracketL:
case i.BracketR:
if (--r2 < 0)
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftSquareBracketExpected);
return e3;
}, e2.prototype._parseUnknownAtRuleName = function() {
var e3 = this.create(re);
return this.accept(i.AtKeyword) ? this.finish(e3) : e3;
}, e2.prototype._parseOperator = function() {
if (this.peekDelim("/") || this.peekDelim("*") || this.peekDelim("+") || this.peekDelim("-") || this.peek(i.Dashmatch) || this.peek(i.Includes) || this.peek(i.SubstringOperator) || this.peek(i.PrefixOperator) || this.peek(i.SuffixOperator) || this.peekDelim("=")) {
var e3 = this.createNode(J.Operator);
return this.consumeToken(), this.finish(e3);
return null;
}, e2.prototype._parseUnaryOperator = function() {
if (!this.peekDelim("+") && !this.peekDelim("-"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(re);
return this.consumeToken(), this.finish(e3);
}, e2.prototype._parseCombinator = function() {
if (this.peekDelim(">")) {
var e3 = this.create(re);
var t2 = this.mark();
if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim(">")) {
if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim(">"))
return e3.type = J.SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant, this.finish(e3);
return e3.type = J.SelectorCombinatorParent, this.finish(e3);
if (this.peekDelim("+")) {
e3 = this.create(re);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.type = J.SelectorCombinatorSibling, this.finish(e3);
if (this.peekDelim("~")) {
e3 = this.create(re);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.type = J.SelectorCombinatorAllSiblings, this.finish(e3);
if (this.peekDelim("/")) {
e3 = this.create(re);
t2 = this.mark();
if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptIdent("deep") && !this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim("/"))
return e3.type = J.SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant, this.finish(e3);
return null;
}, e2.prototype._parseSimpleSelector = function() {
var e3 = this.create(pe), t2 = 0;
for (e3.addChild(this._parseElementName()) && t2++; (0 === t2 || !this.hasWhitespace()) && e3.addChild(this._parseSimpleSelectorBody()); )
return t2 > 0 ? this.finish(e3) : null;
}, e2.prototype._parseSimpleSelectorBody = function() {
return this._parsePseudo() || this._parseHash() || this._parseClass() || this._parseAttrib();
}, e2.prototype._parseSelectorIdent = function() {
return this._parseIdent();
}, e2.prototype._parseHash = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.Hash) && !this.peekDelim("#"))
return null;
var e3 = this.createNode(J.IdentifierSelector);
if (this.acceptDelim("#")) {
if (this.hasWhitespace() || !e3.addChild(this._parseSelectorIdent()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected);
} else
return this.finish(e3);
}, e2.prototype._parseClass = function() {
if (!this.peekDelim("."))
return null;
var e3 = this.createNode(J.ClassSelector);
return this.consumeToken(), this.hasWhitespace() || !e3.addChild(this._parseSelectorIdent()) ? this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected) : this.finish(e3);
}, e2.prototype._parseElementName = function() {
var e3 = this.mark(), t2 = this.createNode(J.ElementNameSelector);
return t2.addChild(this._parseNamespacePrefix()), t2.addChild(this._parseSelectorIdent()) || this.acceptDelim("*") ? this.finish(t2) : (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null);
}, e2.prototype._parseNamespacePrefix = function() {
var e3 = this.mark(), t2 = this.createNode(J.NamespacePrefix);
return !t2.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && this.acceptDelim("*"), this.acceptDelim("|") ? this.finish(t2) : (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null);
}, e2.prototype._parseAttrib = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.BracketL))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Xe);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.setNamespacePrefix(this._parseNamespacePrefix()), e3.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent()) ? (e3.setOperator(this._parseOperator()) && (e3.setValue(this._parseBinaryExpr()), this.acceptIdent("i")), this.accept(i.BracketR) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.RightSquareBracketExpected)) : this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected);
}, e2.prototype._parsePseudo = function() {
var e3 = this, t2 = this._tryParsePseudoIdentifier();
if (t2) {
if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.accept(i.ParenthesisL)) {
if (t2.addChild(this.try(function() {
var t3 = e3.create(re);
if (!t3.addChild(e3._parseSelector(false)))
return null;
for (; e3.accept(i.Comma) && t3.addChild(e3._parseSelector(false)); )
return e3.peek(i.ParenthesisR) ? e3.finish(t3) : null;
}) || this._parseBinaryExpr()), !this.accept(i.ParenthesisR))
return this.finish(t2, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
return this.finish(t2);
return null;
}, e2.prototype._tryParsePseudoIdentifier = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.Colon))
return null;
var e3 = this.mark(), t2 = this.createNode(J.PseudoSelector);
return this.consumeToken(), this.hasWhitespace() ? (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null) : (this.accept(i.Colon) && this.hasWhitespace() && this.markError(t2, xt.IdentifierExpected), t2.addChild(this._parseIdent()) || this.markError(t2, xt.IdentifierExpected), t2);
}, e2.prototype._tryParsePrio = function() {
var e3 = this.mark(), t2 = this._parsePrio();
return t2 || (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null);
}, e2.prototype._parsePrio = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.Exclamation))
return null;
var e3 = this.createNode(J.Prio);
return this.accept(i.Exclamation) && this.acceptIdent("important") ? this.finish(e3) : null;
}, e2.prototype._parseExpr = function(e3) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false);
var t2 = this.create(Ge);
if (!t2.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr()))
return null;
for (; ; ) {
if (this.peek(i.Comma)) {
if (e3)
return this.finish(t2);
if (!t2.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr()))
return this.finish(t2);
}, e2.prototype._parseNamedLine = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.BracketL))
return null;
var e3 = this.createNode(J.GridLine);
for (this.consumeToken(); e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()); )
return this.accept(i.BracketR) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.RightSquareBracketExpected);
}, e2.prototype._parseBinaryExpr = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = this.create(Ye);
if (!n2.setLeft(e3 || this._parseTerm()))
return null;
if (!n2.setOperator(t2 || this._parseOperator()))
return this.finish(n2);
if (!n2.setRight(this._parseTerm()))
return this.finish(n2, xt.TermExpected);
n2 = this.finish(n2);
var i2 = this._parseOperator();
return i2 && (n2 = this._parseBinaryExpr(n2, i2)), this.finish(n2);
}, e2.prototype._parseTerm = function() {
var e3 = this.create(Ze);
return e3.setOperator(this._parseUnaryOperator()), e3.setExpression(this._parseTermExpression()) ? this.finish(e3) : null;
}, e2.prototype._parseTermExpression = function() {
return this._parseURILiteral() || this._parseFunction() || this._parseIdent() || this._parseStringLiteral() || this._parseNumeric() || this._parseHexColor() || this._parseOperation() || this._parseNamedLine();
}, e2.prototype._parseOperation = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.ParenthesisL))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(re);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.addChild(this._parseExpr()), this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
}, e2.prototype._parseNumeric = function() {
if (this.peek(i.Num) || this.peek(i.Percentage) || this.peek(i.Resolution) || this.peek(i.Length) || this.peek(i.EMS) || this.peek(i.EXS) || this.peek(i.Angle) || this.peek(i.Time) || this.peek(i.Dimension) || this.peek(i.Freq)) {
var e3 = this.create(nt);
return this.consumeToken(), this.finish(e3);
return null;
}, e2.prototype._parseStringLiteral = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.String) && !this.peek(i.BadString))
return null;
var e3 = this.createNode(J.StringLiteral);
return this.consumeToken(), this.finish(e3);
}, e2.prototype._parseURILiteral = function() {
if (!this.peekRegExp(i.Ident, /^url(-prefix)?$/i))
return null;
var e3 = this.mark(), t2 = this.createNode(J.URILiteral);
return this.accept(i.Ident), this.hasWhitespace() || !this.peek(i.ParenthesisL) ? (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null) : (this.scanner.inURL = true, this.consumeToken(), t2.addChild(this._parseURLArgument()), this.scanner.inURL = false, this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? this.finish(t2) : this.finish(t2, xt.RightParenthesisExpected));
}, e2.prototype._parseURLArgument = function() {
var e3 = this.create(re);
return this.accept(i.String) || this.accept(i.BadString) || this.acceptUnquotedString() ? this.finish(e3) : null;
}, e2.prototype._parseIdent = function(e3) {
if (!this.peek(i.Ident))
return null;
var t2 = this.create(ae);
return e3 && (t2.referenceTypes = e3), t2.isCustomProperty = this.peekRegExp(i.Ident, /^--/), this.consumeToken(), this.finish(t2);
}, e2.prototype._parseFunction = function() {
var e3 = this.mark(), t2 = this.create(we);
if (!t2.setIdentifier(this._parseFunctionIdentifier()))
return null;
if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.accept(i.ParenthesisL))
return this.restoreAtMark(e3), null;
if (t2.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument()))
for (; this.accept(i.Comma) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
t2.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument()) || this.markError(t2, xt.ExpressionExpected);
return this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? this.finish(t2) : this.finish(t2, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
}, e2.prototype._parseFunctionIdentifier = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.Ident))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(ae);
if (e3.referenceTypes = [ee.Function], this.acceptIdent("progid")) {
if (this.accept(i.Colon))
for (; this.accept(i.Ident) && this.acceptDelim("."); )
return this.finish(e3);
return this.consumeToken(), this.finish(e3);
}, e2.prototype._parseFunctionArgument = function() {
var e3 = this.create(Ce);
return e3.setValue(this._parseExpr(true)) ? this.finish(e3) : null;
}, e2.prototype._parseHexColor = function() {
if (this.peekRegExp(i.Hash, /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{8})$/g)) {
var e3 = this.create(Qe);
return this.consumeToken(), this.finish(e3);
return null;
}, e2;
function rn(e2, t2) {
return -1 !== e2.indexOf(t2);
function sn() {
for (var e2 = [], t2 = 0; t2 < arguments.length; t2++)
e2[t2] = arguments[t2];
for (var n2 = [], i2 = 0, o2 = e2; i2 < o2.length; i2++)
for (var r2 = o2[i2], s2 = 0, a2 = r2; s2 < a2.length; s2++) {
var l2 = a2[s2];
rn(n2, l2) || n2.push(l2);
return n2;
var an, ln, cn, dn, hn, un, pn, mn, gn, fn, bn, _n, vn, wn, yn, Cn, xn, Sn, kn, En, Tn, Ln = function() {
var e2 = function(t2, n2) {
return (e2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n3) && (e3[n3] = t3[n3]);
})(t2, n2);
return function(t2, n2) {
function i2() {
this.constructor = t2;
e2(t2, n2), t2.prototype = null === n2 ? Object.create(n2) : (i2.prototype = n2.prototype, new i2());
}(), Nn = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
this.offset = e3, this.length = t2, this.symbols = [], this.parent = null, this.children = [];
return e2.prototype.addChild = function(e3) {
this.children.push(e3), e3.setParent(this);
}, e2.prototype.setParent = function(e3) {
this.parent = e3;
}, e2.prototype.findScope = function(e3, t2) {
return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = 0), this.offset <= e3 && this.offset + this.length > e3 + t2 || this.offset === e3 && this.length === t2 ? this.findInScope(e3, t2) : null;
}, e2.prototype.findInScope = function(e3, t2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = 0);
var n2 = e3 + t2, i2 = function(e4, t3) {
var n3 = 0, i3 = e4.length;
if (0 === i3)
return 0;
for (; n3 < i3; ) {
var o3 = Math.floor((n3 + i3) / 2);
t3(e4[o3]) ? i3 = o3 : n3 = o3 + 1;
return n3;
}(this.children, function(e4) {
return e4.offset > n2;
if (0 === i2)
return this;
var o2 = this.children[i2 - 1];
return o2.offset <= e3 && o2.offset + o2.length >= e3 + t2 ? o2.findInScope(e3, t2) : this;
}, e2.prototype.addSymbol = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.getSymbol = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = 0; n2 < this.symbols.length; n2++) {
var i2 = this.symbols[n2];
if ( === e3 && i2.type === t2)
return i2;
return null;
}, e2.prototype.getSymbols = function() {
return this.symbols;
}, e2;
}(), In = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE) || this;
return Ln(t2, e2), t2;
}(Nn), On = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) { = e2, this.value = t2, this.node = n2, this.type = i2;
}, Dn = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.scope = e3;
return e2.prototype.addSymbol = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (-1 !== e3.offset) {
var o2 = this.scope.findScope(e3.offset, e3.length);
o2 && o2.addSymbol(new On(t2, n2, e3, i2));
}, e2.prototype.addScope = function(e3) {
if (-1 !== e3.offset) {
var t2 = this.scope.findScope(e3.offset, e3.length);
if (t2 && (t2.offset !== e3.offset || t2.length !== e3.length)) {
var n2 = new Nn(e3.offset, e3.length);
return t2.addChild(n2), n2;
return t2;
return null;
}, e2.prototype.addSymbolToChildScope = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (e3 && -1 !== e3.offset) {
var r2 = this.addScope(e3);
r2 && r2.addSymbol(new On(n2, i2, t2, o2));
}, e2.prototype.visitNode = function(e3) {
switch (e3.type) {
case J.Keyframe:
return this.addSymbol(e3, e3.getName(), void 0, ee.Keyframe), true;
case J.CustomPropertyDeclaration:
return this.visitCustomPropertyDeclarationNode(e3);
case J.VariableDeclaration:
return this.visitVariableDeclarationNode(e3);
case J.Ruleset:
return this.visitRuleSet(e3);
case J.MixinDeclaration:
return this.addSymbol(e3, e3.getName(), void 0, ee.Mixin), true;
case J.FunctionDeclaration:
return this.addSymbol(e3, e3.getName(), void 0, ee.Function), true;
case J.FunctionParameter:
return this.visitFunctionParameterNode(e3);
case J.Declarations:
return this.addScope(e3), true;
case J.For:
var t2 = e3, n2 = t2.getDeclarations();
return n2 && t2.variable && this.addSymbolToChildScope(n2, t2.variable, t2.variable.getName(), void 0, ee.Variable), true;
case J.Each:
var i2 = e3, o2 = i2.getDeclarations();
if (o2)
for (var r2 = 0, s2 = i2.getVariables().getChildren(); r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2];
this.addSymbolToChildScope(o2, a2, a2.getName(), void 0, ee.Variable);
return true;
return true;
}, e2.prototype.visitRuleSet = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.scope.findScope(e3.offset, e3.length);
if (t2)
for (var n2 = 0, i2 = e3.getSelectors().getChildren(); n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
var o2 = i2[n2];
o2 instanceof ue && 1 === o2.getChildren().length && t2.addSymbol(new On(o2.getChild(0).getText(), void 0, o2, ee.Rule));
return true;
}, e2.prototype.visitVariableDeclarationNode = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.getValue() ? e3.getValue().getText() : void 0;
return this.addSymbol(e3, e3.getName(), t2, ee.Variable), true;
}, e2.prototype.visitFunctionParameterNode = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.getParent().getDeclarations();
if (t2) {
var n2 = e3.getDefaultValue(), i2 = n2 ? n2.getText() : void 0;
this.addSymbolToChildScope(t2, e3, e3.getName(), i2, ee.Variable);
return true;
}, e2.prototype.visitCustomPropertyDeclarationNode = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.getValue() ? e3.getValue().getText() : "";
return this.addCSSVariable(e3.getProperty(), e3.getProperty().getName(), t2, ee.Variable), true;
}, e2.prototype.addCSSVariable = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
-1 !== e3.offset && this.scope.addSymbol(new On(t2, n2, e3, i2));
}, e2;
}(), An = function() {
function e2(e3) { = new In(), e3.acceptVisitor(new Dn(;
return e2.prototype.findSymbolsAtOffset = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 =, 0), i2 = [], o2 = {}; n2; ) {
for (var r2 = n2.getSymbols(), s2 = 0; s2 < r2.length; s2++) {
var a2 = r2[s2];
a2.type !== t2 || o2[] || (i2.push(a2), o2[] = true);
n2 = n2.parent;
return i2;
}, e2.prototype.internalFindSymbol = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3;
if (e3.parent instanceof ye && e3.parent.getParent() instanceof de && (n2 = e3.parent.getParent().getDeclarations()), e3.parent instanceof Ce && e3.parent.getParent() instanceof we) {
var i2 = e3.parent.getParent().getIdentifier();
if (i2) {
var o2 = this.internalFindSymbol(i2, [ee.Function]);
o2 && (n2 = o2.node.getDeclarations());
if (!n2)
return null;
for (var r2 = e3.getText(), s2 =, n2.length); s2; ) {
for (var a2 = 0; a2 < t2.length; a2++) {
var l2 = t2[a2], c2 = s2.getSymbol(r2, l2);
if (c2)
return c2;
s2 = s2.parent;
return null;
}, e2.prototype.evaluateReferenceTypes = function(e3) {
if (e3 instanceof ae) {
var t2 = e3.referenceTypes;
if (t2)
return t2;
if (e3.isCustomProperty)
return [ee.Variable];
var n2 = function(e4) {
var t3 = e4.findParent(J.Declaration), n3 = t3 && t3.getValue();
return n3 && n3.encloses(e4) ? t3 : null;
if (n2) {
var i2 = n2.getNonPrefixedPropertyName();
if (("animation" === i2 || "animation-name" === i2) && n2.getValue() && n2.getValue().offset === e3.offset)
return [ee.Keyframe];
} else if (e3 instanceof rt)
return [ee.Variable];
return e3.findAParent(J.Selector, J.ExtendsReference) ? [ee.Rule] : null;
}, e2.prototype.findSymbolFromNode = function(e3) {
if (!e3)
return null;
for (; e3.type === J.Interpolation; )
e3 = e3.getParent();
var t2 = this.evaluateReferenceTypes(e3);
return t2 ? this.internalFindSymbol(e3, t2) : null;
}, e2.prototype.matchesSymbol = function(e3, t2) {
if (!e3)
return false;
for (; e3.type === J.Interpolation; )
e3 = e3.getParent();
if (!e3.matches(
return false;
var n2 = this.evaluateReferenceTypes(e3);
return !(!n2 || -1 === n2.indexOf(t2.type)) && this.internalFindSymbol(e3, n2) === t2;
}, e2.prototype.findSymbol = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 =; i2; ) {
var o2 = i2.getSymbol(e3, t2);
if (o2)
return o2;
i2 = i2.parent;
return null;
}, e2;
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {line: e3, character: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.objectLiteral(t2) && di.number(t2.line) && di.number(t2.character);
}(an || (an = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (di.number(e3) && di.number(t2) && di.number(n2) && di.number(i2))
return {start: an.create(e3, t2), end: an.create(n2, i2)};
if ( &&
return {start: e3, end: t2};
throw new Error("Range#create called with invalid arguments[" + e3 + ", " + t2 + ", " + n2 + ", " + i2 + "]");
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.objectLiteral(t2) && &&;
}(ln || (ln = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {uri: e3, range: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && && (di.string(t2.uri) || di.undefined(t2.uri));
}(cn || (cn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return {targetUri: e3, targetRange: t2, targetSelectionRange: n2, originSelectionRange: i2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && && di.string(t2.targetUri) && ( || di.undefined(t2.targetSelectionRange)) && ( || di.undefined(t2.originSelectionRange));
}(dn || (dn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return {red: e3, green: t2, blue: n2, alpha: i2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.number( && di.number( && di.number( && di.number(t2.alpha);
}(hn || (hn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: e3, color: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return &&;
}(un || (un = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return {label: e3, textEdit: t2, additionalTextEdits: n2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.string(t2.label) && (di.undefined(t2.textEdit) || && (di.undefined(t2.additionalTextEdits) || di.typedArray(t2.additionalTextEdits,;
}(pn || (pn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Comment = "comment", e2.Imports = "imports", e2.Region = "region";
}(mn || (mn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
var r2 = {startLine: e3, endLine: t2};
return di.defined(n2) && (r2.startCharacter = n2), di.defined(i2) && (r2.endCharacter = i2), di.defined(o2) && (r2.kind = o2), r2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.number(t2.startLine) && di.number(t2.startLine) && (di.undefined(t2.startCharacter) || di.number(t2.startCharacter)) && (di.undefined(t2.endCharacter) || di.number(t2.endCharacter)) && (di.undefined(t2.kind) || di.string(t2.kind));
}(gn || (gn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {location: e3, message: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && && di.string(t2.message);
}(fn || (fn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Error = 1, e2.Warning = 2, e2.Information = 3, e2.Hint = 4;
}(bn || (bn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Unnecessary = 1, e2.Deprecated = 2;
}(_n || (_n = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return null != t2 && (di.number(t2.value) || di.string(t2.value)) && di.string(;
}(vn || (vn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
var s2 = {range: e3, message: t2};
return di.defined(n2) && (s2.severity = n2), di.defined(i2) && (s2.code = i2), di.defined(o2) && (s2.source = o2), di.defined(r2) && (s2.relatedInformation = r2), s2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && && di.string(t2.message) && (di.number(t2.severity) || di.undefined(t2.severity)) && (di.number(t2.code) || di.string(t2.code) || di.undefined(t2.code)) && (di.string(t2.source) || di.undefined(t2.source)) && (di.undefined(t2.relatedInformation) || di.typedArray(t2.relatedInformation,;
}(wn || (wn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], i2 = 2; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2 - 2] = arguments[i2];
var o2 = {title: e3, command: t2};
return di.defined(n2) && n2.length > 0 && (o2.arguments = n2), o2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && di.string(t2.title) && di.string(t2.command);
}(yn || (yn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.replace = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: e3, newText: t2};
}, e2.insert = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: {start: e3, end: e3}, newText: t2};
}, e2.del = function(e3) {
return {range: e3, newText: ""};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.objectLiteral(t2) && di.string(t2.newText) &&;
}(Cn || (Cn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {textDocument: e3, edits: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && && Array.isArray(t2.edits);
}(xn || (xn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {kind: "create", uri: e3};
return void 0 === t2 || void 0 === t2.overwrite && void 0 === t2.ignoreIfExists || (n2.options = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && "create" === t2.kind && di.string(t2.uri) && (void 0 === t2.options || (void 0 === t2.options.overwrite || di.boolean(t2.options.overwrite)) && (void 0 === t2.options.ignoreIfExists || di.boolean(t2.options.ignoreIfExists)));
}(Sn || (Sn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = {kind: "rename", oldUri: e3, newUri: t2};
return void 0 === n2 || void 0 === n2.overwrite && void 0 === n2.ignoreIfExists || (i2.options = n2), i2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && "rename" === t2.kind && di.string(t2.oldUri) && di.string(t2.newUri) && (void 0 === t2.options || (void 0 === t2.options.overwrite || di.boolean(t2.options.overwrite)) && (void 0 === t2.options.ignoreIfExists || di.boolean(t2.options.ignoreIfExists)));
}(kn || (kn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {kind: "delete", uri: e3};
return void 0 === t2 || void 0 === t2.recursive && void 0 === t2.ignoreIfNotExists || (n2.options = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && "delete" === t2.kind && di.string(t2.uri) && (void 0 === t2.options || (void 0 === t2.options.recursive || di.boolean(t2.options.recursive)) && (void 0 === t2.options.ignoreIfNotExists || di.boolean(t2.options.ignoreIfNotExists)));
}(En || (En = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && (void 0 !== t2.changes || void 0 !== t2.documentChanges) && (void 0 === t2.documentChanges || t2.documentChanges.every(function(e4) {
return di.string(e4.kind) ? || || :;
}(Tn || (Tn = {}));
var Rn, Mn, Pn, Fn, Wn, zn, Bn, jn, Vn, Un, Hn, qn, $n, Kn, Gn, Yn, Zn, Xn, Qn, Jn, ei, ti, ni, ii, oi, ri, si, ai, li = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.edits = e3;
return e2.prototype.insert = function(e3, t2) {
this.edits.push(Cn.insert(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.replace = function(e3, t2) {
this.edits.push(Cn.replace(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.delete = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.add = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.all = function() {
return this.edits;
}, e2.prototype.clear = function() {
this.edits.splice(0, this.edits.length);
}, e2;
!function() {
function e2(e3) {
var t2 = this;
this._textEditChanges = Object.create(null), e3 && (this._workspaceEdit = e3, e3.documentChanges ? e3.documentChanges.forEach(function(e4) {
if ( {
var n2 = new li(e4.edits);
t2._textEditChanges[e4.textDocument.uri] = n2;
}) : e3.changes && Object.keys(e3.changes).forEach(function(n2) {
var i2 = new li(e3.changes[n2]);
t2._textEditChanges[n2] = i2;
Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "edit", {get: function() {
return void 0 === this._workspaceEdit ? {documentChanges: []} : this._workspaceEdit;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getTextEditChange = function(e3) {
if ( {
if (this._workspaceEdit || (this._workspaceEdit = {documentChanges: []}), !this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges)
throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.");
var t2 = e3;
if (!(i2 = this._textEditChanges[t2.uri])) {
var n2 = {textDocument: t2, edits: o2 = []};
this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(n2), i2 = new li(o2), this._textEditChanges[t2.uri] = i2;
return i2;
if (this._workspaceEdit || (this._workspaceEdit = {changes: Object.create(null)}), !this._workspaceEdit.changes)
throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for normal text edit changes.");
var i2;
if (!(i2 = this._textEditChanges[e3])) {
var o2 = [];
this._workspaceEdit.changes[e3] = o2, i2 = new li(o2), this._textEditChanges[e3] = i2;
return i2;
}, e2.prototype.createFile = function(e3, t2) {
this.checkDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(Sn.create(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.renameFile = function(e3, t2, n2) {
this.checkDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(kn.create(e3, t2, n2));
}, e2.prototype.deleteFile = function(e3, t2) {
this.checkDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(En.create(e3, t2));
}, e2.prototype.checkDocumentChanges = function() {
if (!this._workspaceEdit || !this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges)
throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.");
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3) {
return {uri: e3};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && di.string(t2.uri);
}(Rn || (Rn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {uri: e3, version: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && di.string(t2.uri) && (null === t2.version || di.number(t2.version));
}(Mn || (Mn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return {uri: e3, languageId: t2, version: n2, text: i2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && di.string(t2.uri) && di.string(t2.languageId) && di.number(t2.version) && di.string(t2.text);
}(Pn || (Pn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.PlainText = "plaintext", e2.Markdown = "markdown";
}(Fn || (Fn = {})), function(e2) { = function(t2) {
var n2 = t2;
return n2 === e2.PlainText || n2 === e2.Markdown;
}(Fn || (Fn = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.objectLiteral(e3) && && di.string(t2.value);
}(Wn || (Wn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Text = 1, e2.Method = 2, e2.Function = 3, e2.Constructor = 4, e2.Field = 5, e2.Variable = 6, e2.Class = 7, e2.Interface = 8, e2.Module = 9, e2.Property = 10, e2.Unit = 11, e2.Value = 12, e2.Enum = 13, e2.Keyword = 14, e2.Snippet = 15, e2.Color = 16, e2.File = 17, e2.Reference = 18, e2.Folder = 19, e2.EnumMember = 20, e2.Constant = 21, e2.Struct = 22, e2.Event = 23, e2.Operator = 24, e2.TypeParameter = 25;
}(zn || (zn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.PlainText = 1, e2.Snippet = 2;
}(Bn || (Bn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Deprecated = 1;
}(jn || (jn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return {newText: e3, insert: t2, replace: n2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && di.string(t2.newText) && &&;
}(Vn || (Vn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3) {
return {label: e3};
}(Un || (Un = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {items: e3 || [], isIncomplete: !!t2};
}(Hn || (Hn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.fromPlainText = function(e3) {
return e3.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, "\\$&");
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.string(t2) || di.objectLiteral(t2) && di.string(t2.language) && di.string(t2.value);
}(qn || (qn = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return !!t2 && di.objectLiteral(t2) && ( || || di.typedArray(t2.contents, && (void 0 === e3.range ||;
}($n || ($n = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 ? {label: e3, documentation: t2} : {label: e3};
}(Kn || (Kn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], i2 = 2; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2 - 2] = arguments[i2];
var o2 = {label: e3};
return di.defined(t2) && (o2.documentation = t2), di.defined(n2) ? o2.parameters = n2 : o2.parameters = [], o2;
}(Gn || (Gn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Text = 1, e2.Read = 2, e2.Write = 3;
}(Yn || (Yn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {range: e3};
return di.number(t2) && (n2.kind = t2), n2;
}(Zn || (Zn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.File = 1, e2.Module = 2, e2.Namespace = 3, e2.Package = 4, e2.Class = 5, e2.Method = 6, e2.Property = 7, e2.Field = 8, e2.Constructor = 9, e2.Enum = 10, e2.Interface = 11, e2.Function = 12, e2.Variable = 13, e2.Constant = 14, e2.String = 15, e2.Number = 16, e2.Boolean = 17, e2.Array = 18, e2.Object = 19, e2.Key = 20, e2.Null = 21, e2.EnumMember = 22, e2.Struct = 23, e2.Event = 24, e2.Operator = 25, e2.TypeParameter = 26;
}(Xn || (Xn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Deprecated = 1;
}(Qn || (Qn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
var r2 = {name: e3, kind: t2, location: {uri: i2, range: n2}};
return o2 && (r2.containerName = o2), r2;
}(Jn || (Jn = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
var s2 = {name: e3, detail: t2, kind: n2, range: i2, selectionRange: o2};
return void 0 !== r2 && (s2.children = r2), s2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && di.string( && di.number(t2.kind) && && && (void 0 === t2.detail || di.string(t2.detail)) && (void 0 === t2.deprecated || di.boolean(t2.deprecated)) && (void 0 === t2.children || Array.isArray(t2.children)) && (void 0 === t2.tags || Array.isArray(t2.tags));
}(ei || (ei = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Empty = "", e2.QuickFix = "quickfix", e2.Refactor = "refactor", e2.RefactorExtract = "refactor.extract", e2.RefactorInline = "refactor.inline", e2.RefactorRewrite = "refactor.rewrite", e2.Source = "source", e2.SourceOrganizeImports = "source.organizeImports", e2.SourceFixAll = "source.fixAll";
}(ti || (ti = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {diagnostics: e3};
return null != t2 && (n2.only = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && di.typedArray(t2.diagnostics, && (void 0 === t2.only || di.typedArray(t2.only, di.string));
}(ni || (ni = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = {title: e3};
return ? i2.command = t2 : i2.edit = t2, void 0 !== n2 && (i2.kind = n2), i2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return t2 && di.string(t2.title) && (void 0 === t2.diagnostics || di.typedArray(t2.diagnostics, && (void 0 === t2.kind || di.string(t2.kind)) && (void 0 !== t2.edit || void 0 !== t2.command) && (void 0 === t2.command || && (void 0 === t2.isPreferred || di.boolean(t2.isPreferred)) && (void 0 === t2.edit ||;
}(ii || (ii = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = {range: e3};
return di.defined(t2) && ( = t2), n2;
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && && (di.undefined(t2.command) ||;
}(oi || (oi = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {tabSize: e3, insertSpaces: t2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && di.number(t2.tabSize) && di.boolean(t2.insertSpaces);
}(ri || (ri = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return {range: e3, target: t2, data: n2};
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return di.defined(t2) && && (di.undefined( || di.string(;
}(si || (si = {})), function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2) {
return {range: e3, parent: t2};
}, = function(t2) {
var n2 = t2;
return void 0 !== n2 && && (void 0 === n2.parent ||;
}(ai || (ai = {}));
var ci;
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return new hi(e3, t2, n2, i2);
}, = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return !!(di.defined(t2) && di.string(t2.uri) && (di.undefined(t2.languageId) || di.string(t2.languageId)) && di.number(t2.lineCount) && di.func(t2.getText) && di.func(t2.positionAt) && di.func(t2.offsetAt));
}, e2.applyEdits = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = e3.getText(), i2 = function e4(t3, n3) {
if (t3.length <= 1)
return t3;
var i3 = t3.length / 2 | 0, o3 = t3.slice(0, i3), r3 = t3.slice(i3);
e4(o3, n3), e4(r3, n3);
var s3 = 0, a3 = 0, l3 = 0;
for (; s3 < o3.length && a3 < r3.length; ) {
var c2 = n3(o3[s3], r3[a3]);
t3[l3++] = c2 <= 0 ? o3[s3++] : r3[a3++];
for (; s3 < o3.length; )
t3[l3++] = o3[s3++];
for (; a3 < r3.length; )
t3[l3++] = r3[a3++];
return t3;
}(t2, function(e4, t3) {
var n3 = e4.range.start.line - t3.range.start.line;
return 0 === n3 ? e4.range.start.character - t3.range.start.character : n3;
}), o2 = n2.length, r2 = i2.length - 1; r2 >= 0; r2--) {
var s2 = i2[r2], a2 = e3.offsetAt(s2.range.start), l2 = e3.offsetAt(s2.range.end);
if (!(l2 <= o2))
throw new Error("Overlapping edit");
n2 = n2.substring(0, a2) + s2.newText + n2.substring(l2, n2.length), o2 = a2;
return n2;
}(ci || (ci = {}));
var di, hi = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this._uri = e3, this._languageId = t2, this._version = n2, this._content = i2, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "uri", {get: function() {
return this._uri;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "languageId", {get: function() {
return this._languageId;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "version", {get: function() {
return this._version;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getText = function(e3) {
if (e3) {
var t2 = this.offsetAt(e3.start), n2 = this.offsetAt(e3.end);
return this._content.substring(t2, n2);
return this._content;
}, e2.prototype.update = function(e3, t2) {
this._content = e3.text, this._version = t2, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
}, e2.prototype.getLineOffsets = function() {
if (void 0 === this._lineOffsets) {
for (var e3 = [], t2 = this._content, n2 = true, i2 = 0; i2 < t2.length; i2++) {
n2 && (e3.push(i2), n2 = false);
var o2 = t2.charAt(i2);
n2 = "\r" === o2 || "\n" === o2, "\r" === o2 && i2 + 1 < t2.length && "\n" === t2.charAt(i2 + 1) && i2++;
n2 && t2.length > 0 && e3.push(t2.length), this._lineOffsets = e3;
return this._lineOffsets;
}, e2.prototype.positionAt = function(e3) {
e3 = Math.max(Math.min(e3, this._content.length), 0);
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets(), n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length;
if (0 === i2)
return an.create(0, e3);
for (; n2 < i2; ) {
var o2 = Math.floor((n2 + i2) / 2);
t2[o2] > e3 ? i2 = o2 : n2 = o2 + 1;
var r2 = n2 - 1;
return an.create(r2, e3 - t2[r2]);
}, e2.prototype.offsetAt = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets();
if (e3.line >= t2.length)
return this._content.length;
if (e3.line < 0)
return 0;
var n2 = t2[e3.line], i2 = e3.line + 1 < t2.length ? t2[e3.line + 1] : this._content.length;
return Math.max(Math.min(n2 + e3.character, i2), n2);
}, Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "lineCount", {get: function() {
return this.getLineOffsets().length;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2;
!function(e2) {
var t2 = Object.prototype.toString;
e2.defined = function(e3) {
return void 0 !== e3;
}, e2.undefined = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3;
}, e2.boolean = function(e3) {
return true === e3 || false === e3;
}, e2.string = function(e3) {
return "[object String]" ===;
}, e2.number = function(e3) {
return "[object Number]" ===;
}, e2.func = function(e3) {
return "[object Function]" ===;
}, e2.objectLiteral = function(e3) {
return null !== e3 && "object" == typeof e3;
}, e2.typedArray = function(e3, t3) {
return Array.isArray(e3) && e3.every(t3);
}(di || (di = {}));
var ui, pi, mi, gi = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this._uri = e3, this._languageId = t2, this._version = n2, this._content = i2, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "uri", {get: function() {
return this._uri;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "languageId", {get: function() {
return this._languageId;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "version", {get: function() {
return this._version;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getText = function(e3) {
if (e3) {
var t2 = this.offsetAt(e3.start), n2 = this.offsetAt(e3.end);
return this._content.substring(t2, n2);
return this._content;
}, e2.prototype.update = function(t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = t2; i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
if (e2.isIncremental(r2)) {
var s2 = bi(r2.range), a2 = this.offsetAt(s2.start), l2 = this.offsetAt(s2.end);
this._content = this._content.substring(0, a2) + r2.text + this._content.substring(l2, this._content.length);
var c2 = Math.max(s2.start.line, 0), d2 = Math.max(s2.end.line, 0), h2 = this._lineOffsets, u2 = fi(r2.text, false, a2);
if (d2 - c2 === u2.length)
for (var p2 = 0, m2 = u2.length; p2 < m2; p2++)
h2[p2 + c2 + 1] = u2[p2];
u2.length < 1e4 ? h2.splice.apply(h2, [c2 + 1, d2 - c2].concat(u2)) : this._lineOffsets = h2 = h2.slice(0, c2 + 1).concat(u2, h2.slice(d2 + 1));
var g2 = r2.text.length - (l2 - a2);
if (0 !== g2)
for (p2 = c2 + 1 + u2.length, m2 = h2.length; p2 < m2; p2++)
h2[p2] = h2[p2] + g2;
} else {
if (!e2.isFull(r2))
throw new Error("Unknown change event received");
this._content = r2.text, this._lineOffsets = void 0;
this._version = n2;
}, e2.prototype.getLineOffsets = function() {
return void 0 === this._lineOffsets && (this._lineOffsets = fi(this._content, true)), this._lineOffsets;
}, e2.prototype.positionAt = function(e3) {
e3 = Math.max(Math.min(e3, this._content.length), 0);
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets(), n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length;
if (0 === i2)
return {line: 0, character: e3};
for (; n2 < i2; ) {
var o2 = Math.floor((n2 + i2) / 2);
t2[o2] > e3 ? i2 = o2 : n2 = o2 + 1;
var r2 = n2 - 1;
return {line: r2, character: e3 - t2[r2]};
}, e2.prototype.offsetAt = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.getLineOffsets();
if (e3.line >= t2.length)
return this._content.length;
if (e3.line < 0)
return 0;
var n2 = t2[e3.line], i2 = e3.line + 1 < t2.length ? t2[e3.line + 1] : this._content.length;
return Math.max(Math.min(n2 + e3.character, i2), n2);
}, Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "lineCount", {get: function() {
return this.getLineOffsets().length;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.isIncremental = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return null != t2 && "string" == typeof t2.text && void 0 !== t2.range && (void 0 === t2.rangeLength || "number" == typeof t2.rangeLength);
}, e2.isFull = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3;
return null != t2 && "string" == typeof t2.text && void 0 === t2.range && void 0 === t2.rangeLength;
}, e2;
function fi(e2, t2, n2) {
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = 0);
for (var i2 = t2 ? [n2] : [], o2 = 0; o2 < e2.length; o2++) {
var r2 = e2.charCodeAt(o2);
13 !== r2 && 10 !== r2 || (13 === r2 && o2 + 1 < e2.length && 10 === e2.charCodeAt(o2 + 1) && o2++, i2.push(n2 + o2 + 1));
return i2;
function bi(e2) {
var t2 = e2.start, n2 = e2.end;
return t2.line > n2.line || t2.line === n2.line && t2.character > n2.character ? {start: n2, end: t2} : e2;
function _i(e2) {
var t2 = bi(e2.range);
return t2 !== e2.range ? {newText: e2.newText, range: t2} : e2;
!function(e2) {
e2.create = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return new gi(e3, t2, n2, i2);
}, e2.update = function(e3, t2, n2) {
if (e3 instanceof gi)
return e3.update(t2, n2), e3;
throw new Error("TextDocument.update: document must be created by TextDocument.create");
}, e2.applyEdits = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = e3.getText(), i2 = 0, o2 = [], r2 = 0, s2 = function e4(t3, n3) {
if (t3.length <= 1)
return t3;
var i3 = t3.length / 2 | 0, o3 = t3.slice(0, i3), r3 = t3.slice(i3);
e4(o3, n3), e4(r3, n3);
var s3 = 0, a3 = 0, l3 = 0;
for (; s3 < o3.length && a3 < r3.length; ) {
var c2 = n3(o3[s3], r3[a3]);
t3[l3++] = c2 <= 0 ? o3[s3++] : r3[a3++];
for (; s3 < o3.length; )
t3[l3++] = o3[s3++];
for (; a3 < r3.length; )
t3[l3++] = r3[a3++];
return t3;
}(, function(e4, t3) {
var n3 = e4.range.start.line - t3.range.start.line;
return 0 === n3 ? e4.range.start.character - t3.range.start.character : n3;
}); r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2], l2 = e3.offsetAt(a2.range.start);
if (l2 < i2)
throw new Error("Overlapping edit");
l2 > i2 && o2.push(n2.substring(i2, l2)), a2.newText.length && o2.push(a2.newText), i2 = e3.offsetAt(a2.range.end);
return o2.push(n2.substr(i2)), o2.join("");
}(ui || (ui = {})), (pi || (pi = {})).LATEST = {textDocument: {completion: {completionItem: {documentationFormat: [Fn.Markdown, Fn.PlainText]}}, hover: {contentFormat: [Fn.Markdown, Fn.PlainText]}}}, function(e2) {
e2[e2.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e2[e2.File = 1] = "File", e2[e2.Directory = 2] = "Directory", e2[e2.SymbolicLink = 64] = "SymbolicLink";
}(mi || (mi = {}));
var vi = n(144), wi = "/".charCodeAt(0), yi = ".".charCodeAt(0);
function Ci(e2) {
var t2 = e2.lastIndexOf("/");
return -1 !== t2 ? e2.substr(0, t2) : "";
function xi(e2) {
for (var t2 = [], n2 = 0, i2 = e2; n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
var o2 = i2[n2];
0 === o2.length || 1 === o2.length && o2.charCodeAt(0) === yi || (2 === o2.length && o2.charCodeAt(0) === yi && o2.charCodeAt(1) === yi ? t2.pop() : t2.push(o2));
e2.length > 1 && 0 === e2[e2.length - 1].length && t2.push("");
var r2 = t2.join("/");
return 0 === e2[0].length && (r2 = "/" + r2), r2;
function Si(e2) {
for (var t2 = [], n2 = 1; n2 < arguments.length; n2++)
t2[n2 - 1] = arguments[n2];
for (var i2 = vi.a.parse(e2), o2 = i2.path.split("/"), r2 = 0, s2 = t2; r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2];
o2.push.apply(o2, a2.split("/"));
return i2.with({path: xi(o2)}).toString();
var ki = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
}, Ei = function(e2, t2) {
var n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = {label: 0, sent: function() {
if (1 & o2[0])
throw o2[1];
return o2[1];
}, trys: [], ops: []};
return r2 = {next: a2(0), throw: a2(1), return: a2(2)}, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r2[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), r2;
function a2(r3) {
return function(a3) {
return function(r4) {
if (n2)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s2; )
try {
if (n2 = 1, i2 && (o2 = 2 & r4[0] ? i2.return : r4[0] ? i2.throw || ((o2 = i2.return) &&, 0) : && !(o2 =, r4[1])).done)
return o2;
switch (i2 = 0, o2 && (r4 = [2 & r4[0], o2.value]), r4[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
o2 = r4;
case 4:
return s2.label++, {value: r4[1], done: false};
case 5:
s2.label++, i2 = r4[1], r4 = [0];
case 7:
r4 = s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
if (!(o2 = s2.trys, (o2 = o2.length > 0 && o2[o2.length - 1]) || 6 !== r4[0] && 2 !== r4[0])) {
s2 = 0;
if (3 === r4[0] && (!o2 || r4[1] > o2[0] && r4[1] < o2[3])) {
s2.label = r4[1];
if (6 === r4[0] && s2.label < o2[1]) {
s2.label = o2[1], o2 = r4;
if (o2 && s2.label < o2[2]) {
s2.label = o2[2], s2.ops.push(r4);
o2[2] && s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
r4 =, s2);
} catch (e3) {
r4 = [6, e3], i2 = 0;
} finally {
n2 = o2 = 0;
if (5 & r4[0])
throw r4[1];
return {value: r4[0] ? r4[1] : void 0, done: true};
}([r3, a3]);
}, Ti = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.readDirectory = e3, this.literalCompletions = [], this.importCompletions = [];
return e2.prototype.onCssURILiteralValue = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.onCssImportPath = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.computeCompletions = function(e3, t2) {
return ki(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2, p2, m2, g2, f2, b2, _2;
return Ei(this, function(v2) {
switch (v2.label) {
case 0:
n2 = {items: [], isIncomplete: false}, i2 = 0, o2 = this.literalCompletions, v2.label = 1;
case 1:
return i2 < o2.length ? (r2 = o2[i2], s2 = r2.uriValue, "." !== (m2 = Ni(s2)) && ".." !== m2 ? [3, 2] : (n2.isIncomplete = true, [3, 4])) : [3, 5];
case 2:
return [4, this.providePathSuggestions(s2, r2.position, r2.range, e3, t2)];
case 3:
for (a2 = v2.sent(), l2 = 0, c2 = a2; l2 < c2.length; l2++)
_2 = c2[l2], n2.items.push(_2);
v2.label = 4;
case 4:
return i2++, [3, 1];
case 5:
d2 = 0, h2 = this.importCompletions, v2.label = 6;
case 6:
return d2 < h2.length ? (u2 = h2[d2], p2 = u2.pathValue, "." !== (m2 = Ni(p2)) && ".." !== m2 ? [3, 7] : (n2.isIncomplete = true, [3, 9])) : [3, 10];
case 7:
return [4, this.providePathSuggestions(p2, u2.position, u2.range, e3, t2)];
case 8:
for (g2 = v2.sent(), "scss" === e3.languageId && g2.forEach(function(e4) {
Y(e4.label, "_") && Z(e4.label, ".scss") && (e4.textEdit ? e4.textEdit.newText = e4.label.slice(1, -5) : e4.label = e4.label.slice(1, -5));
}), f2 = 0, b2 = g2; f2 < b2.length; f2++)
_2 = b2[f2], n2.items.push(_2);
v2.label = 9;
case 9:
return d2++, [3, 6];
case 10:
return [2, n2];
}, e2.prototype.providePathSuggestions = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return ki(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2, p2, m2, g2, f2, b2, _2, v2;
return Ei(this, function(w2) {
switch (w2.label) {
case 0:
if (r2 = Ni(e3), s2 = Y(e3, "'") || Y(e3, '"'), a2 = s2 ? r2.slice(0, t2.character - (n2.start.character + 1)) : r2.slice(0, t2.character - n2.start.character), l2 = i2.uri, c2 = s2 ? function(e4, t3, n3) {
var i3 = Di(e4.start, t3), o3 = Di(e4.end, n3);
return ln.create(i3, o3);
}(n2, 1, -1) : n2, d2 = function(e4, t3, n3) {
var i3, o3 = e4.lastIndexOf("/");
if (-1 === o3)
i3 = n3;
else {
var r3 = t3.slice(o3 + 1), s3 = Di(n3.end, -r3.length), a3 = r3.indexOf(" "), l3 = void 0;
l3 = -1 !== a3 ? Di(s3, a3) : n3.end, i3 = ln.create(s3, l3);
return i3;
}(a2, r2, c2), h2 = a2.substring(0, a2.lastIndexOf("/") + 1), !(u2 = o2.resolveReference(h2 || ".", l2)))
return [3, 4];
w2.label = 1;
case 1:
return w2.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), p2 = [], [4, this.readDirectory(u2)];
case 2:
for (m2 = w2.sent(), g2 = 0, f2 = m2; g2 < f2.length; g2++)
b2 = f2[g2], _2 = b2[0], v2 = b2[1], _2.charCodeAt(0) === Li || v2 !== mi.Directory && Si(u2, _2) === l2 || p2.push(Ii(_2, v2 === mi.Directory, d2));
return [2, p2];
case 3:
return w2.sent(), [3, 4];
case 4:
return [2, []];
}, e2;
}(), Li = ".".charCodeAt(0);
function Ni(e2) {
return Y(e2, "'") || Y(e2, '"') ? e2.slice(1, -1) : e2;
function Ii(e2, t2, n2) {
return t2 ? {label: Oi(e2 += "/"), kind: zn.Folder, textEdit: Cn.replace(n2, Oi(e2)), command: {title: "Suggest", command: "editor.action.triggerSuggest"}} : {label: Oi(e2), kind: zn.File, textEdit: Cn.replace(n2, Oi(e2))};
function Oi(e2) {
return e2.replace(/(\s|\(|\)|,|"|')/g, "\\$1");
function Di(e2, t2) {
return an.create(e2.line, e2.character + t2);
var Ai, Ri = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
}, Mi = function(e2, t2) {
var n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = {label: 0, sent: function() {
if (1 & o2[0])
throw o2[1];
return o2[1];
}, trys: [], ops: []};
return r2 = {next: a2(0), throw: a2(1), return: a2(2)}, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r2[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), r2;
function a2(r3) {
return function(a3) {
return function(r4) {
if (n2)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s2; )
try {
if (n2 = 1, i2 && (o2 = 2 & r4[0] ? i2.return : r4[0] ? i2.throw || ((o2 = i2.return) &&, 0) : && !(o2 =, r4[1])).done)
return o2;
switch (i2 = 0, o2 && (r4 = [2 & r4[0], o2.value]), r4[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
o2 = r4;
case 4:
return s2.label++, {value: r4[1], done: false};
case 5:
s2.label++, i2 = r4[1], r4 = [0];
case 7:
r4 = s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
if (!(o2 = s2.trys, (o2 = o2.length > 0 && o2[o2.length - 1]) || 6 !== r4[0] && 2 !== r4[0])) {
s2 = 0;
if (3 === r4[0] && (!o2 || r4[1] > o2[0] && r4[1] < o2[3])) {
s2.label = r4[1];
if (6 === r4[0] && s2.label < o2[1]) {
s2.label = o2[1], o2 = r4;
if (o2 && s2.label < o2[2]) {
s2.label = o2[2], s2.ops.push(r4);
o2[2] && s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
r4 =, s2);
} catch (e3) {
r4 = [6, e3], i2 = 0;
} finally {
n2 = o2 = 0;
if (5 & r4[0])
throw r4[1];
return {value: r4[0] ? r4[1] : void 0, done: true};
}([r3, a3]);
}, Pi = wt(), Fi = Bn.Snippet;
!function(e2) {
e2.Enums = " ", e2.Normal = "d", e2.VendorPrefixed = "x", e2.Term = "y", e2.Variable = "z";
}(Ai || (Ai = {}));
var Wi = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = null), this.variablePrefix = e3, this.lsOptions = t2, this.cssDataManager = n2, this.completionParticipants = [];
return e2.prototype.configure = function(e3) {
this.settings = e3;
}, e2.prototype.getSymbolContext = function() {
return this.symbolContext || (this.symbolContext = new An(this.styleSheet)), this.symbolContext;
}, e2.prototype.setCompletionParticipants = function(e3) {
this.completionParticipants = e3 || [];
}, e2.prototype.doComplete2 = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return Ri(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var o2, r2, s2, a2;
return Mi(this, function(l2) {
switch (l2.label) {
case 0:
if (!this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider || !this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider.readDirectory)
return [2, this.doComplete(e3, t2, n2)];
o2 = new Ti(this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider.readDirectory), r2 = this.completionParticipants, this.completionParticipants = [o2].concat(r2), s2 = this.doComplete(e3, t2, n2), l2.label = 1;
case 1:
return l2.trys.push([1, , 3, 4]), [4, o2.computeCompletions(e3, i2)];
case 2:
return a2 = l2.sent(), [2, {isIncomplete: s2.isIncomplete || a2.isIncomplete, items: a2.items.concat(s2.items)}];
case 3:
return this.completionParticipants = r2, [7];
case 4:
return [2];
}, e2.prototype.doComplete = function(e3, t2, n2) {
this.offset = e3.offsetAt(t2), this.position = t2, this.currentWord = function(e4, t3) {
var n3 = t3 - 1, i3 = e4.getText();
for (; n3 >= 0 && -1 === ' \n\r":{[()]},*>+'.indexOf(i3.charAt(n3)); )
return i3.substring(n3 + 1, t3);
}(e3, this.offset), this.defaultReplaceRange = ln.create(an.create(this.position.line, this.position.character - this.currentWord.length), this.position), this.textDocument = e3, this.styleSheet = n2;
try {
var i2 = {isIncomplete: false, items: []};
this.nodePath = ie(this.styleSheet, this.offset);
for (var o2 = this.nodePath.length - 1; o2 >= 0; o2--) {
var r2 = this.nodePath[o2];
if (r2 instanceof ve)
this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(r2.getParent(), i2);
else if (r2 instanceof Ge)
r2.parent instanceof ot ? this.getVariableProposals(null, i2) : this.getCompletionsForExpression(r2, i2);
else if (r2 instanceof pe) {
var s2 = r2.findAParent(J.ExtendsReference, J.Ruleset);
if (s2)
if (s2.type === J.ExtendsReference)
this.getCompletionsForExtendsReference(s2, r2, i2);
else {
var a2 = s2;
this.getCompletionsForSelector(a2, a2 && a2.isNested(), i2);
} else if (r2 instanceof Ce)
this.getCompletionsForFunctionArgument(r2, r2.getParent(), i2);
else if (r2 instanceof ce)
this.getCompletionsForDeclarations(r2, i2);
else if (r2 instanceof it)
this.getCompletionsForVariableDeclaration(r2, i2);
else if (r2 instanceof he)
this.getCompletionsForRuleSet(r2, i2);
else if (r2 instanceof ot)
this.getCompletionsForInterpolation(r2, i2);
else if (r2 instanceof Le)
this.getCompletionsForFunctionDeclaration(r2, i2);
else if (r2 instanceof ct)
this.getCompletionsForMixinReference(r2, i2);
else if (r2 instanceof we)
this.getCompletionsForFunctionArgument(null, r2, i2);
else if (r2 instanceof je)
this.getCompletionsForSupports(r2, i2);
else if (r2 instanceof qe)
this.getCompletionsForSupportsCondition(r2, i2);
else if (r2 instanceof st)
this.getCompletionsForExtendsReference(r2, null, i2);
else if (r2.type === J.URILiteral)
this.getCompletionForUriLiteralValue(r2, i2);
else if (null === r2.parent)
else {
if (r2.type !== J.StringLiteral || !this.isImportPathParent(r2.parent.type))
this.getCompletionForImportPath(r2, i2);
if (i2.items.length > 0 || this.offset > r2.offset)
return this.finalize(i2);
return this.getCompletionsForStylesheet(i2), 0 === i2.items.length && this.variablePrefix && 0 === this.currentWord.indexOf(this.variablePrefix) && this.getVariableProposals(null, i2), this.finalize(i2);
} finally {
this.position = null, this.currentWord = null, this.textDocument = null, this.styleSheet = null, this.symbolContext = null, this.defaultReplaceRange = null, this.nodePath = null;
}, e2.prototype.isImportPathParent = function(e3) {
return e3 === J.Import;
}, e2.prototype.finalize = function(e3) {
return e3;
}, e2.prototype.findInNodePath = function() {
for (var e3 = [], t2 = 0; t2 < arguments.length; t2++)
e3[t2] = arguments[t2];
for (var n2 = this.nodePath.length - 1; n2 >= 0; n2--) {
var i2 = this.nodePath[n2];
if (-1 !== e3.indexOf(i2.type))
return i2;
return null;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty = function(e3, t2) {
return this.getPropertyProposals(e3, t2);
}, e2.prototype.getPropertyProposals = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = this, i2 = this.isTriggerPropertyValueCompletionEnabled, o2 = this.isCompletePropertyWithSemicolonEnabled;
return this.cssDataManager.getProperties().forEach(function(r2) {
var s2, a2, l2 = false;
e3 ? (s2 = n2.getCompletionRange(e3.getProperty()), a2 =, tn(e3.colonPosition) || (a2 += ": ", l2 = true)) : (s2 = n2.getCompletionRange(null), a2 = + ": ", l2 = true), !e3 && o2 && (a2 += "$0;"), e3 && !e3.semicolonPosition && o2 && n2.offset >= n2.textDocument.offsetAt(s2.end) && (a2 += "$0;");
var c2 = {label:, documentation: Et(r2, n2.doesSupportMarkdown()), tags: zi(r2) ? [jn.Deprecated] : [], textEdit: Cn.replace(s2, a2), insertTextFormat: Bn.Snippet, kind: zn.Property};
r2.restrictions || (l2 = false), i2 && l2 && (c2.command = {title: "Suggest", command: "editor.action.triggerSuggest"});
var d2 = (255 - ("number" == typeof r2.relevance ? Math.min(Math.max(r2.relevance, 0), 99) : 50)).toString(16), h2 = Y(, "-") ? Ai.VendorPrefixed : Ai.Normal;
c2.sortText = h2 + "_" + d2, t2.items.push(c2);
}), this.completionParticipants.forEach(function(e4) {
e4.onCssProperty && e4.onCssProperty({propertyName: n2.currentWord, range: n2.defaultReplaceRange});
}), t2;
}, Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "isTriggerPropertyValueCompletionEnabled", {get: function() {
return !this.settings || !this.settings.completion || void 0 === this.settings.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion || this.settings.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "isCompletePropertyWithSemicolonEnabled", {get: function() {
return !this.settings || !this.settings.completion || void 0 === this.settings.completion.completePropertyWithSemicolon || this.settings.completion.completePropertyWithSemicolon;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarationValue = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = this, i2 = e3.getFullPropertyName(), o2 = this.cssDataManager.getProperty(i2), r2 = e3.getValue() || null; r2 && r2.hasChildren(); )
r2 = r2.findChildAtOffset(this.offset, false);
if (this.completionParticipants.forEach(function(e4) {
e4.onCssPropertyValue && e4.onCssPropertyValue({propertyName: i2, propertyValue: n2.currentWord, range: n2.getCompletionRange(r2)});
}), o2) {
if (o2.restrictions)
for (var s2 = 0, a2 = o2.restrictions; s2 < a2.length; s2++) {
switch (a2[s2]) {
case "color":
this.getColorProposals(o2, r2, t2);
case "position":
this.getPositionProposals(o2, r2, t2);
case "repeat":
this.getRepeatStyleProposals(o2, r2, t2);
case "line-style":
this.getLineStyleProposals(o2, r2, t2);
case "line-width":
this.getLineWidthProposals(o2, r2, t2);
case "geometry-box":
this.getGeometryBoxProposals(o2, r2, t2);
case "box":
this.getBoxProposals(o2, r2, t2);
case "image":
this.getImageProposals(o2, r2, t2);
case "timing-function":
this.getTimingFunctionProposals(o2, r2, t2);
case "shape":
this.getBasicShapeProposals(o2, r2, t2);
this.getValueEnumProposals(o2, r2, t2), this.getCSSWideKeywordProposals(o2, r2, t2), this.getUnitProposals(o2, r2, t2);
} else
for (var l2 = 0, c2 = function(e4, t3) {
var n3 = t3.getFullPropertyName(), i3 = new Bi();
function o3(e5) {
return (e5 instanceof ae || e5 instanceof nt || e5 instanceof Qe) && i3.add(e5.getText()), true;
return e4.accept(function(e5) {
if (e5 instanceof _e && e5 !== t3 && function(e6) {
var t4 = e6.getFullPropertyName();
return n3 === t4;
}(e5)) {
var i4 = e5.getValue();
i4 && i4.accept(o3);
return true;
}), i3;
}(this.styleSheet, e3).getEntries(); l2 < c2.length; l2++) {
var d2 = c2[l2];
t2.items.push({label: d2, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(r2), d2), kind: zn.Value});
return this.getVariableProposals(r2, t2), this.getTermProposals(o2, r2, t2), t2;
}, e2.prototype.getValueEnumProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
if (e3.values)
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = e3.values; i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2], s2 =, a2 = void 0;
if (Z(s2, ")")) {
var l2 = s2.lastIndexOf("(");
-1 !== l2 && (s2 = s2.substr(0, l2) + "($1)", a2 = Fi);
var c2 = Ai.Enums;
Y(, "-") && (c2 += Ai.VendorPrefixed);
var d2 = {label:, documentation: Et(r2, this.doesSupportMarkdown()), tags: zi(e3) ? [jn.Deprecated] : [], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), s2), sortText: c2, kind: zn.Value, insertTextFormat: a2};
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getCSSWideKeywordProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 in $t)
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: $t[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), i2), kind: zn.Value});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForInterpolation = function(e3, t2) {
return this.offset >= e3.offset + 2 && this.getVariableProposals(null, t2), t2;
}, e2.prototype.getVariableProposals = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = 0, i2 = this.getSymbolContext().findSymbolsAtOffset(this.offset, ee.Variable); n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
var o2 = i2[n2], r2 = Y(, "--") ? "var(" + + ")" :, s2 = {label:, documentation: o2.value ? X(o2.value) : o2.value, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(e3), r2), kind: zn.Variable, sortText: Ai.Variable};
if ("string" == typeof s2.documentation && Ui(s2.documentation) && (s2.kind = zn.Color), o2.node.type === J.FunctionParameter) {
var a2 = o2.node.getParent();
a2.type === J.MixinDeclaration && (s2.detail = Pi("completion.argument", "argument from '{0}'", a2.getName()));
return t2;
}, e2.prototype.getVariableProposalsForCSSVarFunction = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = this.getSymbolContext().findSymbolsAtOffset(this.offset, ee.Variable), n2 = 0, i2 = t2 = t2.filter(function(e4) {
return Y(, "--");
}); n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
var o2 = i2[n2], r2 = {label:, documentation: o2.value ? X(o2.value) : o2.value, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(null),, kind: zn.Variable};
"string" == typeof r2.documentation && Ui(r2.documentation) && (r2.kind = zn.Color), e3.items.push(r2);
return e3;
}, e2.prototype.getUnitProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = "0";
if (this.currentWord.length > 0) {
var o2 = this.currentWord.match(/^-?\d[\.\d+]*/);
o2 && (i2 = o2[0], n2.isIncomplete = i2.length === this.currentWord.length);
} else
0 === this.currentWord.length && (n2.isIncomplete = true);
if (t2 && t2.parent && t2.parent.type === J.Term && (t2 = t2.getParent()), e3.restrictions)
for (var r2 = 0, s2 = e3.restrictions; r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2], l2 = Zt[a2];
if (l2)
for (var c2 = 0, d2 = l2; c2 < d2.length; c2++) {
var h2 = i2 + d2[c2];
n2.items.push({label: h2, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), h2), kind: zn.Unit});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionRange = function(e3) {
if (e3 && e3.offset <= this.offset && this.offset <= e3.end) {
var t2 = -1 !== e3.end ? this.textDocument.positionAt(e3.end) : this.position, n2 = this.textDocument.positionAt(e3.offset);
if (n2.line === t2.line)
return ln.create(n2, t2);
return this.defaultReplaceRange;
}, e2.prototype.getColorProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 in At)
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: At[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), i2), kind: zn.Color});
for (var i2 in Rt)
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: Rt[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), i2), kind: zn.Value});
var o2 = new Bi();
this.styleSheet.acceptVisitor(new Vi(o2, this.offset));
for (var r2 = 0, s2 = o2.getEntries(); r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
i2 = s2[r2];
n2.items.push({label: i2, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), i2), kind: zn.Color});
for (var a2 = function(e4) {
var i3 = 1, o3 = e4.func.replace(/\[?\$(\w+)\]?/g, function(e5, t3) {
return "${" + i3++ + ":" + t3 + "}";
n2.items.push({label: e4.func.substr(0, e4.func.indexOf("(")), detail: e4.func, documentation: e4.desc, textEdit: Cn.replace(l2.getCompletionRange(t2), o3), insertTextFormat: Fi, kind: zn.Function});
}, l2 = this, c2 = 0, d2 = Dt; c2 < d2.length; c2++) {
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getPositionProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 in Bt)
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: Bt[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), i2), kind: zn.Value});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getRepeatStyleProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 in jt)
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: jt[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), i2), kind: zn.Value});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getLineStyleProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 in Vt)
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: Vt[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), i2), kind: zn.Value});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getLineWidthProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = Ut; i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
n2.items.push({label: r2, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), r2), kind: zn.Value});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getGeometryBoxProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 in qt)
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: qt[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), i2), kind: zn.Value});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getBoxProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 in Ht)
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: Ht[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), i2), kind: zn.Value});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getImageProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 in Kt) {
var o2 = ji(i2);
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: Kt[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), o2), kind: zn.Function, insertTextFormat: i2 !== o2 ? Fi : void 0});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getTimingFunctionProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 in Gt) {
var o2 = ji(i2);
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: Gt[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), o2), kind: zn.Function, insertTextFormat: i2 !== o2 ? Fi : void 0});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getBasicShapeProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 in Yt) {
var o2 = ji(i2);
n2.items.push({label: i2, documentation: Yt[i2], textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t2), o2), kind: zn.Function, insertTextFormat: i2 !== o2 ? Fi : void 0});
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForStylesheet = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.styleSheet.findFirstChildBeforeOffset(this.offset);
return t2 ? t2 instanceof he ? this.getCompletionsForRuleSet(t2, e3) : t2 instanceof je ? this.getCompletionsForSupports(t2, e3) : e3 : this.getCompletionForTopLevel(e3);
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionForTopLevel = function(e3) {
var t2 = this;
return this.cssDataManager.getAtDirectives().forEach(function(n2) {
e3.items.push({label:, textEdit: Cn.replace(t2.getCompletionRange(null),, documentation: Et(n2, t2.doesSupportMarkdown()), tags: zi(n2) ? [jn.Deprecated] : [], kind: zn.Keyword});
}), this.getCompletionsForSelector(null, false, e3), e3;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForRuleSet = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.getDeclarations();
return n2 && n2.endsWith("}") && this.offset >= n2.end ? this.getCompletionForTopLevel(t2) : !n2 || this.offset <= n2.offset ? this.getCompletionsForSelector(e3, e3.isNested(), t2) : this.getCompletionsForDeclarations(e3.getDeclarations(), t2);
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForSelector = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = this, o2 = this.findInNodePath(J.PseudoSelector, J.IdentifierSelector, J.ClassSelector, J.ElementNameSelector);
if (!o2 && this.offset - this.currentWord.length > 0 && ":" === this.textDocument.getText()[this.offset - this.currentWord.length - 1] && (this.currentWord = ":" + this.currentWord, this.defaultReplaceRange = ln.create(an.create(this.position.line, this.position.character - this.currentWord.length), this.position)), this.cssDataManager.getPseudoClasses().forEach(function(e4) {
var t3 = ji(, r3 = {label:, textEdit: Cn.replace(i2.getCompletionRange(o2), t3), documentation: Et(e4, i2.doesSupportMarkdown()), tags: zi(e4) ? [jn.Deprecated] : [], kind: zn.Function, insertTextFormat: !== t3 ? Fi : void 0};
Y(, ":-") && (r3.sortText = Ai.VendorPrefixed), n2.items.push(r3);
}), this.cssDataManager.getPseudoElements().forEach(function(e4) {
var t3 = ji(, r3 = {label:, textEdit: Cn.replace(i2.getCompletionRange(o2), t3), documentation: Et(e4, i2.doesSupportMarkdown()), tags: zi(e4) ? [jn.Deprecated] : [], kind: zn.Function, insertTextFormat: !== t3 ? Fi : void 0};
Y(, "::-") && (r3.sortText = Ai.VendorPrefixed), n2.items.push(r3);
}), !t2) {
for (var r2 = 0, s2 = Xt; r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2];
n2.items.push({label: a2, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(o2), a2), kind: zn.Keyword});
for (var l2 = 0, c2 = Qt; l2 < c2.length; l2++) {
a2 = c2[l2];
n2.items.push({label: a2, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(o2), a2), kind: zn.Keyword});
var d2 = {};
d2[this.currentWord] = true;
var h2 = this.textDocument.getText();
if (this.styleSheet.accept(function(e4) {
if (e4.type === J.SimpleSelector && e4.length > 0) {
var t3 = h2.substr(e4.offset, e4.length);
return "." !== t3.charAt(0) || d2[t3] || (d2[t3] = true, n2.items.push({label: t3, textEdit: Cn.replace(i2.getCompletionRange(o2), t3), kind: zn.Keyword})), false;
return true;
}), e3 && e3.isNested()) {
var u2 = e3.getSelectors().findFirstChildBeforeOffset(this.offset);
u2 && 0 === e3.getSelectors().getChildren().indexOf(u2) && this.getPropertyProposals(null, n2);
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarations = function(e3, t2) {
if (!e3 || this.offset === e3.offset)
return t2;
var n2 = e3.findFirstChildBeforeOffset(this.offset);
if (!n2)
return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(null, t2);
if (n2 instanceof ge) {
var i2 = n2;
if (!tn(i2.colonPosition) || this.offset <= i2.colonPosition)
return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(i2, t2);
if (tn(i2.semicolonPosition) && i2.semicolonPosition < this.offset)
return this.offset === i2.semicolonPosition + 1 ? t2 : this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(null, t2);
if (i2 instanceof _e)
return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationValue(i2, t2);
} else
n2 instanceof st ? this.getCompletionsForExtendsReference(n2, null, t2) : (this.currentWord && "@" === this.currentWord[0] || n2 instanceof he) && this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(null, t2);
return t2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForVariableDeclaration = function(e3, t2) {
return this.offset && tn(e3.colonPosition) && this.offset > e3.colonPosition && this.getVariableProposals(e3.getValue(), t2), t2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForExpression = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.getParent();
if (n2 instanceof Ce)
return this.getCompletionsForFunctionArgument(n2, n2.getParent(), t2), t2;
var i2 = e3.findParent(J.Declaration);
if (!i2)
return this.getTermProposals(void 0, null, t2), t2;
var o2 = e3.findChildAtOffset(this.offset, true);
return o2 ? o2 instanceof nt || o2 instanceof ae ? this.getCompletionsForDeclarationValue(i2, t2) : t2 : this.getCompletionsForDeclarationValue(i2, t2);
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForFunctionArgument = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = t2.getIdentifier();
return i2 && i2.matches("var") && (t2.getArguments().hasChildren() && t2.getArguments().getChild(0) !== e3 || this.getVariableProposalsForCSSVarFunction(n2)), n2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForFunctionDeclaration = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.getDeclarations();
return n2 && this.offset > n2.offset && this.offset < n2.end && this.getTermProposals(void 0, null, t2), t2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForMixinReference = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = this, i2 = 0, o2 = this.getSymbolContext().findSymbolsAtOffset(this.offset, ee.Mixin); i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
r2.node instanceof dt && t2.items.push(this.makeTermProposal(r2, r2.node.getParameters(), null));
var s2 = e3.getIdentifier() || null;
return this.completionParticipants.forEach(function(e4) {
e4.onCssMixinReference && e4.onCssMixinReference({mixinName: n2.currentWord, range: n2.getCompletionRange(s2)});
}), t2;
}, e2.prototype.getTermProposals = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = this.getSymbolContext().findSymbolsAtOffset(this.offset, ee.Function); i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
r2.node instanceof Le && n2.items.push(this.makeTermProposal(r2, r2.node.getParameters(), t2));
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.makeTermProposal = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = t2.getChildren().map(function(e4) {
return e4 instanceof ye ? e4.getName() : e4.getText();
}), o2 = + "(" +, t3) {
return "${" + (t3 + 1) + ":" + e4 + "}";
}).join(", ") + ")";
return {label:, detail: + "(" + i2.join(", ") + ")", textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(n2), o2), insertTextFormat: Fi, kind: zn.Function, sortText: Ai.Term};
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForSupportsCondition = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.findFirstChildBeforeOffset(this.offset);
if (n2) {
if (n2 instanceof _e)
return !tn(n2.colonPosition) || this.offset <= n2.colonPosition ? this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(n2, t2) : this.getCompletionsForDeclarationValue(n2, t2);
if (n2 instanceof qe)
return this.getCompletionsForSupportsCondition(n2, t2);
return tn(e3.lParent) && this.offset > e3.lParent && (!tn(e3.rParent) || this.offset <= e3.rParent) ? this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(null, t2) : t2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForSupports = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.getDeclarations();
if (!n2 || this.offset <= n2.offset) {
var i2 = e3.findFirstChildBeforeOffset(this.offset);
return i2 instanceof qe ? this.getCompletionsForSupportsCondition(i2, t2) : t2;
return this.getCompletionForTopLevel(t2);
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionsForExtendsReference = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionForUriLiteralValue = function(e3, t2) {
var n2, i2, o2;
if (e3.hasChildren()) {
var r2 = e3.getChild(0);
n2 = r2.getText(), i2 = this.position, o2 = this.getCompletionRange(r2);
} else {
n2 = "", i2 = this.position;
var s2 = this.textDocument.positionAt(e3.offset + "url(".length);
o2 = ln.create(s2, s2);
return this.completionParticipants.forEach(function(e4) {
e4.onCssURILiteralValue && e4.onCssURILiteralValue({uriValue: n2, position: i2, range: o2});
}), t2;
}, e2.prototype.getCompletionForImportPath = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = this;
return this.completionParticipants.forEach(function(t3) {
t3.onCssImportPath && t3.onCssImportPath({pathValue: e3.getText(), position: n2.position, range: n2.getCompletionRange(e3)});
}), t2;
}, e2.prototype.doesSupportMarkdown = function() {
var e3, t2, n2;
if (!tn(this.supportsMarkdown)) {
if (!tn(this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities))
return this.supportsMarkdown = true, this.supportsMarkdown;
var i2 = null === (n2 = null === (t2 = null === (e3 = this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities.textDocument) || void 0 === e3 ? void 0 : e3.completion) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.completionItem) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.documentationFormat;
this.supportsMarkdown = Array.isArray(i2) && -1 !== i2.indexOf(Fn.Markdown);
return this.supportsMarkdown;
}, e2;
function zi(e2) {
return !(!e2.status || "nonstandard" !== e2.status && "obsolete" !== e2.status);
var Bi = function() {
function e2() {
this.entries = {};
return e2.prototype.add = function(e3) {
this.entries[e3] = true;
}, e2.prototype.getEntries = function() {
return Object.keys(this.entries);
}, e2;
function ji(e2) {
return e2.replace(/\(\)$/, "($1)");
var Vi = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
this.entries = e3, this.currentOffset = t2;
return e2.prototype.visitNode = function(e3) {
return (e3 instanceof Qe || e3 instanceof we && Pt(e3)) && (this.currentOffset < e3.offset || e3.end < this.currentOffset) && this.entries.add(e3.getText()), true;
}, e2;
function Ui(e2) {
return e2.toLowerCase() in At || /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(e2);
var Hi, qi = function() {
var e2 = function(t2, n2) {
return (e2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n3) && (e3[n3] = t3[n3]);
})(t2, n2);
return function(t2, n2) {
function i2() {
this.constructor = t2;
e2(t2, n2), t2.prototype = null === n2 ? Object.create(n2) : (i2.prototype = n2.prototype, new i2());
}(), $i = wt(), Ki = function() {
function e2() {
this.parent = null, this.children = null, this.attributes = null;
return e2.prototype.findAttribute = function(e3) {
if (this.attributes)
for (var t2 = 0, n2 = this.attributes; t2 < n2.length; t2++) {
var i2 = n2[t2];
if ( === e3)
return i2.value;
return null;
}, e2.prototype.addChild = function(t2) {
t2 instanceof e2 && (t2.parent = this), this.children || (this.children = []), this.children.push(t2);
}, e2.prototype.append = function(e3) {
if (this.attributes) {
var t2 = this.attributes[this.attributes.length - 1];
t2.value = t2.value + e3;
}, e2.prototype.prepend = function(e3) {
if (this.attributes) {
var t2 = this.attributes[0];
t2.value = e3 + t2.value;
}, e2.prototype.findRoot = function() {
for (var e3 = this; e3.parent && !(e3.parent instanceof Gi); )
e3 = e3.parent;
return e3;
}, e2.prototype.removeChild = function(e3) {
if (this.children) {
var t2 = this.children.indexOf(e3);
if (-1 !== t2)
return this.children.splice(t2, 1), true;
return false;
}, e2.prototype.addAttr = function(e3, t2) {
this.attributes || (this.attributes = []);
for (var n2 = 0, i2 = this.attributes; n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
var o2 = i2[n2];
if ( === e3)
return void (o2.value += " " + t2);
this.attributes.push({name: e3, value: t2});
}, e2.prototype.clone = function(t2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = true);
var n2 = new e2();
if (this.attributes) {
n2.attributes = [];
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = this.attributes; i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
n2.addAttr(, r2.value);
if (t2 && this.children) {
n2.children = [];
for (var s2 = 0; s2 < this.children.length; s2++)
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.cloneWithParent = function() {
var e3 = this.clone(false);
!this.parent || this.parent instanceof Gi || this.parent.cloneWithParent().addChild(e3);
return e3;
}, e2;
}(), Gi = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return qi(t2, e2), t2;
}(Ki), Yi = function(e2) {
function t2(t3) {
var n2 = || this;
return n2.addAttr("name", t3), n2;
return qi(t2, e2), t2;
}(Ki), Zi = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.quote = e3, this.result = [];
return e2.prototype.print = function(e3) {
return this.result = [], e3 instanceof Gi ? e3.children && this.doPrint(e3.children, 0) : this.doPrint([e3], 0), [{language: "html", value: this.result.join("\n")}];
}, e2.prototype.doPrint = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = 0, i2 = e3; n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
var o2 = i2[n2];
this.doPrintElement(o2, t2), o2.children && this.doPrint(o2.children, t2 + 1);
}, e2.prototype.writeLine = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = new Array(e3 + 1).join(" ");
this.result.push(n2 + t2);
}, e2.prototype.doPrintElement = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.findAttribute("name");
if (e3 instanceof Yi || "…" === n2)
this.writeLine(t2, n2);
else {
var i2 = ["<"];
if (n2 ? i2.push(n2) : i2.push("element"), e3.attributes)
for (var o2 = 0, r2 = e3.attributes; o2 < r2.length; o2++) {
var s2 = r2[o2];
if ("name" !== {
i2.push(" "), i2.push(;
var a2 = s2.value;
a2 && (i2.push("="), i2.push(Hi.ensure(a2, this.quote)));
i2.push(">"), this.writeLine(t2, i2.join(""));
}, e2;
!function(e2) {
function t2(e3) {
var t3 = e3.match(/^['"](.*)["']$/);
return t3 ? t3[1] : e3;
e2.ensure = function(e3, n2) {
return n2 + t2(e3) + n2;
}, e2.remove = t2;
}(Hi || (Hi = {}));
var Xi = function() { = 0, this.attr = 0, this.tag = 0;
function Qi(e2, t2) {
for (var n2 = new Ki(), i2 = 0, o2 = e2.getChildren(); i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
switch (r2.type) {
case J.SelectorCombinator:
if (t2) {
var s2 = r2.getText().split("&");
if (1 === s2.length) {
n2.addAttr("name", s2[0]);
if (n2 = t2.cloneWithParent(), s2[0])
for (var a2 = 1; a2 < s2.length; a2++) {
if (a2 > 1) {
var l2 = t2.cloneWithParent();
n2.addChild(l2.findRoot()), n2 = l2;
case J.SelectorPlaceholder:
if (r2.matches("@at-root"))
return n2;
case J.ElementNameSelector:
var c2 = r2.getText();
n2.addAttr("name", "*" === c2 ? "element" : Ji(c2));
case J.ClassSelector:
n2.addAttr("class", Ji(r2.getText().substring(1)));
case J.IdentifierSelector:
n2.addAttr("id", Ji(r2.getText().substring(1)));
case J.MixinDeclaration:
n2.addAttr("class", r2.getName());
case J.PseudoSelector:
n2.addAttr(Ji(r2.getText()), "");
case J.AttributeSelector:
var d2 = r2, h2 = d2.getIdentifier();
if (h2) {
var u2 = d2.getValue(), p2 = d2.getOperator(), m2 = void 0;
if (u2 && p2)
switch (Ji(p2.getText())) {
case "|=":
m2 = Hi.remove(Ji(u2.getText())) + "-…";
case "^=":
m2 = Hi.remove(Ji(u2.getText())) + "…";
case "$=":
m2 = "…" + Hi.remove(Ji(u2.getText()));
case "~=":
m2 = " … " + Hi.remove(Ji(u2.getText())) + " … ";
case "*=":
m2 = "…" + Hi.remove(Ji(u2.getText())) + "…";
m2 = Hi.remove(Ji(u2.getText()));
n2.addAttr(Ji(h2.getText()), m2);
return n2;
function Ji(e2) {
var t2 = new G();
var n2 = t2.scanUnquotedString();
return n2 ? n2.text : e2;
var eo = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.cssDataManager = e3;
return e2.prototype.selectorToMarkedString = function(e3) {
var t2 = function(e4) {
if (e4.matches("@at-root"))
return null;
var t3 = new Gi(), n3 = [], i2 = e4.getParent();
if (i2 instanceof he)
for (var o2 = i2.getParent(); o2 && !no(o2); ) {
if (o2 instanceof he) {
if (o2.getSelectors().matches("@at-root"))
o2 = o2.getParent();
for (var r2 = new to(t3), s2 = n3.length - 1; s2 >= 0; s2--) {
var a2 = n3[s2].getSelectors().getChild(0);
a2 && r2.processSelector(a2);
return r2.processSelector(e4), t3;
if (t2) {
var n2 = new Zi('"').print(t2);
return n2.push(this.selectorToSpecificityMarkedString(e3)), n2;
return [];
}, e2.prototype.simpleSelectorToMarkedString = function(e3) {
var t2 = Qi(e3), n2 = new Zi('"').print(t2);
return n2.push(this.selectorToSpecificityMarkedString(e3)), n2;
}, e2.prototype.isPseudoElementIdentifier = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.match(/^::?([\w-]+)/);
return !!t2 && !!this.cssDataManager.getPseudoElement("::" + t2[1]);
}, e2.prototype.selectorToSpecificityMarkedString = function(e3) {
var t2 = this, n2 = function(e4) {
for (var o2 = 0, r2 = e4.getChildren(); o2 < r2.length; o2++) {
var s2 = r2[o2];
switch (s2.type) {
case J.IdentifierSelector:;
case J.ClassSelector:
case J.AttributeSelector:
case J.ElementNameSelector:
if (s2.matches("*"))
case J.PseudoSelector:
var a2 = s2.getText();
if (t2.isPseudoElementIdentifier(a2))
else {
if (a2.match(/^:not/i))
s2.getChildren().length > 0 && n2(s2);
}, i2 = new Xi();
return n2(e3), $i("specificity", "[Selector Specificity]( ({0}, {1}, {2})",, i2.attr, i2.tag);
}, e2;
}(), to = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.prev = null, this.element = e3;
return e2.prototype.processSelector = function(e3) {
var t2 = null;
if (!(this.element instanceof Gi) && e3.getChildren().some(function(e4) {
return e4.hasChildren() && e4.getChild(0).type === J.SelectorCombinator;
})) {
var n2 = this.element.findRoot();
n2.parent instanceof Gi && (t2 = this.element, this.element = n2.parent, this.element.removeChild(n2), this.prev = null);
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = e3.getChildren(); i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
if (r2 instanceof pe) {
if (this.prev instanceof pe) {
var s2 = new Yi("…");
this.element.addChild(s2), this.element = s2;
} else
this.prev && (this.prev.matches("+") || this.prev.matches("~")) && this.element.parent && (this.element = this.element.parent);
this.prev && this.prev.matches("~") && (this.element.addChild(Qi(r2)), this.element.addChild(new Yi("⋮")));
var a2 = Qi(r2, t2), l2 = a2.findRoot();
this.element.addChild(l2), this.element = a2;
(r2 instanceof pe || r2.type === J.SelectorCombinatorParent || r2.type === J.SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant || r2.type === J.SelectorCombinatorSibling || r2.type === J.SelectorCombinatorAllSiblings) && (this.prev = r2);
}, e2;
function no(e2) {
switch (e2.type) {
case J.MixinDeclaration:
case J.Stylesheet:
return true;
return false;
var io = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
this.clientCapabilities = e3, this.cssDataManager = t2, this.selectorPrinting = new eo(t2);
return e2.prototype.doHover = function(e3, t2, n2) {
function i2(t3) {
return ln.create(e3.positionAt(t3.offset), e3.positionAt(t3.end));
for (var o2 = ie(n2, e3.offsetAt(t2)), r2 = null, s2 = 0; s2 < o2.length; s2++) {
var a2 = o2[s2];
if (a2 instanceof ue) {
r2 = {contents: this.selectorPrinting.selectorToMarkedString(a2), range: i2(a2)};
if (a2 instanceof pe) {
Y(a2.getText(), "@") || (r2 = {contents: this.selectorPrinting.simpleSelectorToMarkedString(a2), range: i2(a2)});
if (a2 instanceof _e) {
var l2 = a2.getFullPropertyName();
(d2 = this.cssDataManager.getProperty(l2)) && (r2 = (h2 = Et(d2, this.doesSupportMarkdown())) ? {contents: h2, range: i2(a2)} : null);
} else if (a2 instanceof ht) {
var c2 = a2.getText();
(d2 = this.cssDataManager.getAtDirective(c2)) && (r2 = (h2 = Et(d2, this.doesSupportMarkdown())) ? {contents: h2, range: i2(a2)} : null);
} else if (a2 instanceof re && a2.type === J.PseudoSelector) {
var d2, h2, u2 = a2.getText();
(d2 = "::" === u2.slice(0, 2) ? this.cssDataManager.getPseudoElement(u2) : this.cssDataManager.getPseudoClass(u2)) && (r2 = (h2 = Et(d2, this.doesSupportMarkdown())) ? {contents: h2, range: i2(a2)} : null);
} else
return r2 && (r2.contents = this.convertContents(r2.contents)), r2;
}, e2.prototype.convertContents = function(e3) {
return this.doesSupportMarkdown() || "string" == typeof e3 ? e3 : "kind" in e3 ? {kind: "plaintext", value: e3.value} : Array.isArray(e3) ? {
return "string" == typeof e4 ? e4 : e4.value;
}) : e3.value;
}, e2.prototype.doesSupportMarkdown = function() {
if (!tn(this.supportsMarkdown)) {
if (!tn(this.clientCapabilities))
return this.supportsMarkdown = true, this.supportsMarkdown;
var e3 = this.clientCapabilities.textDocument && this.clientCapabilities.textDocument.hover;
this.supportsMarkdown = e3 && e3.contentFormat && Array.isArray(e3.contentFormat) && -1 !== e3.contentFormat.indexOf(Fn.Markdown);
return this.supportsMarkdown;
}, e2;
}(), oo = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
}, ro = function(e2, t2) {
var n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = {label: 0, sent: function() {
if (1 & o2[0])
throw o2[1];
return o2[1];
}, trys: [], ops: []};
return r2 = {next: a2(0), throw: a2(1), return: a2(2)}, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r2[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), r2;
function a2(r3) {
return function(a3) {
return function(r4) {
if (n2)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s2; )
try {
if (n2 = 1, i2 && (o2 = 2 & r4[0] ? i2.return : r4[0] ? i2.throw || ((o2 = i2.return) &&, 0) : && !(o2 =, r4[1])).done)
return o2;
switch (i2 = 0, o2 && (r4 = [2 & r4[0], o2.value]), r4[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
o2 = r4;
case 4:
return s2.label++, {value: r4[1], done: false};
case 5:
s2.label++, i2 = r4[1], r4 = [0];
case 7:
r4 = s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
if (!(o2 = s2.trys, (o2 = o2.length > 0 && o2[o2.length - 1]) || 6 !== r4[0] && 2 !== r4[0])) {
s2 = 0;
if (3 === r4[0] && (!o2 || r4[1] > o2[0] && r4[1] < o2[3])) {
s2.label = r4[1];
if (6 === r4[0] && s2.label < o2[1]) {
s2.label = o2[1], o2 = r4;
if (o2 && s2.label < o2[2]) {
s2.label = o2[2], s2.ops.push(r4);
o2[2] && s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
r4 =, s2);
} catch (e3) {
r4 = [6, e3], i2 = 0;
} finally {
n2 = o2 = 0;
if (5 & r4[0])
throw r4[1];
return {value: r4[0] ? r4[1] : void 0, done: true};
}([r3, a3]);
}, so = wt(), ao = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.fileSystemProvider = e3;
return e2.prototype.findDefinition = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = new An(n2), o2 = ne(n2, e3.offsetAt(t2));
if (!o2)
return null;
var r2 = i2.findSymbolFromNode(o2);
return r2 ? {uri: e3.uri, range: lo(r2.node, e3)} : null;
}, e2.prototype.findReferences = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return this.findDocumentHighlights(e3, t2, n2).map(function(t3) {
return {uri: e3.uri, range: t3.range};
}, e2.prototype.findDocumentHighlights = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = [], o2 = ne(n2, e3.offsetAt(t2));
if (!o2 || o2.type === J.Stylesheet || o2.type === J.Declarations)
return i2;
o2.type === J.Identifier && o2.parent && o2.parent.type === J.ClassSelector && (o2 = o2.parent);
var r2 = new An(n2), s2 = r2.findSymbolFromNode(o2), a2 = o2.getText();
return n2.accept(function(t3) {
if (s2) {
if (r2.matchesSymbol(t3, s2))
return i2.push({kind: co(t3), range: lo(t3, e3)}), false;
} else
o2 && o2.type === t3.type && t3.matches(a2) && i2.push({kind: co(t3), range: lo(t3, e3)});
return true;
}), i2;
}, e2.prototype.isRawStringDocumentLinkNode = function(e3) {
return e3.type === J.Import;
}, e2.prototype.findDocumentLinks = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = this.findUnresolvedLinks(e3, t2), o2 = 0; o2 < i2.length; o2++) {
var r2 = i2[o2].target;
if (r2 && !/^\w+:\/\//g.test(r2)) {
var s2 = n2.resolveReference(r2, e3.uri);
s2 && (i2[o2].target = s2);
return i2;
}, e2.prototype.findDocumentLinks2 = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return oo(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2;
return ro(this, function(d2) {
switch (d2.label) {
case 0:
i2 = this.findUnresolvedLinks(e3, t2), o2 = [], r2 = 0, s2 = i2, d2.label = 1;
case 1:
return r2 < s2.length ? (a2 = s2[r2], !(l2 = || /^\w+:\/\//g.test(l2) ? [3, 3] : [4, this.resolveRelativeReference(l2, e3.uri, n2)]) : [3, 5];
case 2:
return void 0 !== (c2 = d2.sent()) && ( = c2, o2.push(a2)), [3, 4];
case 3:
o2.push(a2), d2.label = 4;
case 4:
return r2++, [3, 1];
case 5:
return [2, o2];
}, e2.prototype.findUnresolvedLinks = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = this, i2 = [], o2 = function(t3) {
var n3 = t3.getText(), o3 = lo(t3, e3);
o3.start.line === o3.end.line && o3.start.character === o3.end.character || ((Y(n3, "'") || Y(n3, '"')) && (n3 = n3.slice(1, -1)), i2.push({target: n3, range: o3}));
return t2.accept(function(e4) {
if (e4.type === J.URILiteral) {
var t3 = e4.getChild(0);
return t3 && o2(t3), false;
if (e4.parent && n2.isRawStringDocumentLinkNode(e4.parent)) {
var i3 = e4.getText();
return (Y(i3, "'") || Y(i3, '"')) && o2(e4), false;
return true;
}), i2;
}, e2.prototype.findDocumentSymbols = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = [];
return t2.accept(function(t3) {
var i2 = {name: null, kind: Xn.Class, location: null}, o2 = t3;
if (t3 instanceof ue)
return = t3.getText(), (o2 = t3.findAParent(J.Ruleset, J.ExtendsReference)) && (i2.location = cn.create(e3.uri, lo(o2, e3)), n2.push(i2)), false;
if (t3 instanceof it) = t3.getName(), i2.kind = Xn.Variable;
else if (t3 instanceof dt) = t3.getName(), i2.kind = Xn.Method;
else if (t3 instanceof Le) = t3.getName(), i2.kind = Xn.Function;
else if (t3 instanceof De) = so("literal.keyframes", "@keyframes {0}", t3.getName());
else if (t3 instanceof Ie) = so("literal.fontface", "@font-face");
else if (t3 instanceof Be) {
var r2 = t3.getChild(0);
r2 instanceof Ue && ( = "@media " + r2.getText(), i2.kind = Xn.Module);
return && (i2.location = cn.create(e3.uri, lo(o2, e3)), n2.push(i2)), true;
}), n2;
}, e2.prototype.findDocumentColors = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = [];
return t2.accept(function(t3) {
var i2 = function(e4, t4) {
var n3 = zt(e4);
if (n3) {
var i3 = lo(e4, t4);
return {color: n3, range: i3};
return null;
}(t3, e3);
return i2 && n2.push(i2), true;
}), n2;
}, e2.prototype.getColorPresentations = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = [], s2 = Math.round(255 *, a2 = Math.round(255 *, l2 = Math.round(255 *;
o2 = 1 === n2.alpha ? "rgb(" + s2 + ", " + a2 + ", " + l2 + ")" : "rgba(" + s2 + ", " + a2 + ", " + l2 + ", " + n2.alpha + ")", r2.push({label: o2, textEdit: Cn.replace(i2, o2)}), o2 = 1 === n2.alpha ? "#" + ho(s2) + ho(a2) + ho(l2) : "#" + ho(s2) + ho(a2) + ho(l2) + ho(Math.round(255 * n2.alpha)), r2.push({label: o2, textEdit: Cn.replace(i2, o2)});
var c2 = function(e4) {
var t3 =, n3 =, i3 =, o3 = e4.alpha, r3 = Math.max(t3, n3, i3), s3 = Math.min(t3, n3, i3), a3 = 0, l3 = 0, c3 = (s3 + r3) / 2, d2 = r3 - s3;
if (d2 > 0) {
switch (l3 = Math.min(c3 <= 0.5 ? d2 / (2 * c3) : d2 / (2 - 2 * c3), 1), r3) {
case t3:
a3 = (n3 - i3) / d2 + (n3 < i3 ? 6 : 0);
case n3:
a3 = (i3 - t3) / d2 + 2;
case i3:
a3 = (t3 - n3) / d2 + 4;
a3 *= 60, a3 = Math.round(a3);
return {h: a3, s: l3, l: c3, a: o3};
return o2 = 1 === c2.a ? "hsl(" + c2.h + ", " + Math.round(100 * c2.s) + "%, " + Math.round(100 * c2.l) + "%)" : "hsla(" + c2.h + ", " + Math.round(100 * c2.s) + "%, " + Math.round(100 * c2.l) + "%, " + c2.a + ")", r2.push({label: o2, textEdit: Cn.replace(i2, o2)}), r2;
}, e2.prototype.doRename = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = this.findDocumentHighlights(e3, t2, i2).map(function(e4) {
return Cn.replace(e4.range, n2);
return {changes: (o2 = {}, o2[e3.uri] = r2, o2)};
}, e2.prototype.resolveRelativeReference = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return oo(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var i2, o2, r2, s2, a2;
return ro(this, function(l2) {
switch (l2.label) {
case 0:
return "~" === e3[0] && "/" !== e3[1] && this.fileSystemProvider ? (e3 = e3.substring(1), Y(t2, "file://") ? (i2 = function(e4) {
if ("@" === e4[0])
return e4.substring(0, e4.indexOf("/", e4.indexOf("/") + 1));
return e4.substring(0, e4.indexOf("/"));
}(e3), o2 = n2.resolveReference("/", t2), r2 = Ci(t2), [4, this.resolvePathToModule(i2, r2, o2)]) : [3, 2]) : [3, 3];
case 1:
if (s2 = l2.sent())
return a2 = e3.substring(i2.length + 1), [2, Si(s2, a2)];
l2.label = 2;
case 2:
case 3:
return [2, n2.resolveReference(e3, t2)];
}, e2.prototype.resolvePathToModule = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return oo(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var i2;
return ro(this, function(o2) {
switch (o2.label) {
case 0:
return i2 = Si(t2, "node_modules", e3, "package.json"), [4, this.fileExists(i2)];
case 1:
return o2.sent() ? [2, Ci(i2)] : n2 && t2.startsWith(n2) && t2.length !== n2.length ? [2, this.resolvePathToModule(e3, Ci(t2), n2)] : [2, void 0];
}, e2.prototype.fileExists = function(e3) {
return oo(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var t2;
return ro(this, function(n2) {
switch (n2.label) {
case 0:
if (!this.fileSystemProvider)
return [2, false];
n2.label = 1;
case 1:
return n2.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, this.fileSystemProvider.stat(e3)];
case 2:
return (t2 = n2.sent()).type === mi.Unknown && -1 === t2.size ? [2, false] : [2, true];
case 3:
return n2.sent(), [2, false];
case 4:
return [2];
}, e2;
function lo(e2, t2) {
return ln.create(t2.positionAt(e2.offset), t2.positionAt(e2.end));
function co(e2) {
if (e2.type === J.Selector)
return Yn.Write;
if (e2 instanceof ae && e2.parent && e2.parent instanceof ve && e2.isCustomProperty)
return Yn.Write;
if (e2.parent)
switch (e2.parent.type) {
case J.FunctionDeclaration:
case J.MixinDeclaration:
case J.Keyframe:
case J.VariableDeclaration:
case J.FunctionParameter:
return Yn.Write;
return Yn.Read;
function ho(e2) {
var t2 = e2.toString(16);
return 2 !== t2.length ? "0" + t2 : t2;
var uo = wt(), po = oe.Warning, mo = oe.Error, go = oe.Ignore, fo = function(e2, t2, n2) { = e2, this.message = t2, this.defaultValue = n2;
}, bo = function(e2, t2, n2) { = e2, this.message = t2, this.defaultValue = n2;
}, _o = {AllVendorPrefixes: new fo("compatibleVendorPrefixes", uo("rule.vendorprefixes.all", "When using a vendor-specific prefix make sure to also include all other vendor-specific properties"), go), IncludeStandardPropertyWhenUsingVendorPrefix: new fo("vendorPrefix", uo("rule.standardvendorprefix.all", "When using a vendor-specific prefix also include the standard property"), po), DuplicateDeclarations: new fo("duplicateProperties", uo("rule.duplicateDeclarations", "Do not use duplicate style definitions"), go), EmptyRuleSet: new fo("emptyRules", uo("rule.emptyRuleSets", "Do not use empty rulesets"), po), ImportStatemement: new fo("importStatement", uo("rule.importDirective", "Import statements do not load in parallel"), go), BewareOfBoxModelSize: new fo("boxModel", uo("rule.bewareOfBoxModelSize", "Do not use width or height when using padding or border"), go), UniversalSelector: new fo("universalSelector", uo("rule.universalSelector", "The universal selector (*) is known to be slow"), go), ZeroWithUnit: new fo("zeroUnits", uo("rule.zeroWidthUnit", "No unit for zero needed"), go), RequiredPropertiesForFontFace: new fo("fontFaceProperties", uo("rule.fontFaceProperties", "@font-face rule must define 'src' and 'font-family' properties"), po), HexColorLength: new fo("hexColorLength", uo("rule.hexColor", "Hex colors must consist of three, four, six or eight hex numbers"), mo), ArgsInColorFunction: new fo("argumentsInColorFunction", uo("rule.colorFunction", "Invalid number of parameters"), mo), UnknownProperty: new fo("unknownProperties", uo("rule.unknownProperty", "Unknown property."), po), UnknownAtRules: new fo("unknownAtRules", uo("rule.unknownAtRules", "Unknown at-rule."), po), IEStarHack: new fo("ieHack", uo("rule.ieHack", "IE hacks are only necessary when supporting IE7 and older"), go), UnknownVendorSpecificProperty: new fo("unknownVendorSpecificProperties", uo("rule.unknownVendorSpecificProperty", "Unknown vendor specific property."), go), PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay: new fo("propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay", uo("rule.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay", "Property is ignored due to the display."), po), AvoidImportant: new fo("important", uo("rule.avoidImportant", "Avoid using !important. It is an indication that the specificity of the entire CSS has gotten out of control and needs to be refactored."), go), AvoidFloat: new fo("float", uo("rule.avoidFloat", "Avoid using 'float'. Floats lead to fragile CSS that is easy to break if one aspect of the layout changes."), go), AvoidIdSelector: new fo("idSelector", uo("rule.avoidIdSelector", "Selectors should not contain IDs because these rules are too tightly coupled with the HTML."), go)}, vo = {ValidProperties: new bo("validProperties", uo("rule.validProperties", "A list of properties that are not validated against the `unknownProperties` rule."), [])}, wo = function() {
function e2(e3) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = {}), this.conf = e3;
return e2.prototype.getRule = function(e3) {
if (this.conf.hasOwnProperty( {
var t2 = function(e4) {
switch (e4) {
case "ignore":
return oe.Ignore;
case "warning":
return oe.Warning;
case "error":
return oe.Error;
return null;
if (t2)
return t2;
return e3.defaultValue;
}, e2.prototype.getSetting = function(e3) {
return this.conf[];
}, e2;
var yo = wt(), Co = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.cssDataManager = e3;
return e2.prototype.doCodeActions = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return this.doCodeActions2(e3, t2, n2, i2).map(function(t3) {
var n3 = t3.edit && t3.edit.documentChanges && t3.edit.documentChanges[0];
return yn.create(t3.title, "_css.applyCodeAction", e3.uri, e3.version, n3 && n3.edits);
}, e2.prototype.doCodeActions2 = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = [];
if (n2.diagnostics)
for (var r2 = 0, s2 = n2.diagnostics; r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2];
this.appendFixesForMarker(e3, i2, a2, o2);
return o2;
}, e2.prototype.getFixesForUnknownProperty = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = t2.getName(), r2 = [];
this.cssDataManager.getProperties().forEach(function(e4) {
var t3 = function(e5, t4, n3) {
void 0 === n3 && (n3 = 4);
var i3 = Math.abs(e5.length - t4.length);
if (i3 > n3)
return 0;
var o3, r3, s3 = [], a3 = [];
for (o3 = 0; o3 < t4.length + 1; ++o3)
for (o3 = 0; o3 < e5.length + 1; ++o3)
for (o3 = 1; o3 < e5.length + 1; ++o3)
for (r3 = 1; r3 < t4.length + 1; ++r3)
e5[o3 - 1] === t4[r3 - 1] ? s3[o3][r3] = s3[o3 - 1][r3 - 1] + 1 : s3[o3][r3] = Math.max(s3[o3 - 1][r3], s3[o3][r3 - 1]);
return s3[e5.length][t4.length] - Math.sqrt(i3);
t3 >= o2.length / 2 && r2.push({property:, score: t3});
}), r2.sort(function(e4, t3) {
return t3.score - e4.score ||;
for (var s2 = 3, a2 = 0, l2 = r2; a2 < l2.length; a2++) {
var c2 = l2[a2].property, d2 = yo("css.codeaction.rename", "Rename to '{0}'", c2), h2 = Cn.replace(n2.range, c2), u2 = Mn.create(e3.uri, e3.version), p2 = {documentChanges: [xn.create(u2, [h2])]}, m2 = ii.create(d2, p2, ti.QuickFix);
if (m2.diagnostics = [n2], i2.push(m2), --s2 <= 0)
}, e2.prototype.appendFixesForMarker = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (n2.code ===
for (var o2 = e3.offsetAt(n2.range.start), r2 = e3.offsetAt(n2.range.end), s2 = ie(t2, o2), a2 = s2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--) {
var l2 = s2[a2];
if (l2 instanceof _e) {
var c2 = l2.getProperty();
if (c2 && c2.offset === o2 && c2.end === r2)
return void this.getFixesForUnknownProperty(e3, c2, n2, i2);
}, e2;
}(), xo = function(e2) {
this.fullPropertyName = e2.getFullPropertyName().toLowerCase(), this.node = e2;
function So(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = e2[t2];
o2.value = n2, n2 && (rn(, i2) ||;
function ko(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
"top" === t2 || "right" === t2 || "bottom" === t2 || "left" === t2 ? So(e2, t2, n2, i2) : function(e3, t3, n3) {
So(e3, "top", t3, n3), So(e3, "right", t3, n3), So(e3, "bottom", t3, n3), So(e3, "left", t3, n3);
}(e2, n2, i2);
function Eo(e2, t2, n2) {
switch (t2.length) {
case 1:
ko(e2, void 0, t2[0], n2);
case 2:
ko(e2, "top", t2[0], n2), ko(e2, "bottom", t2[0], n2), ko(e2, "right", t2[1], n2), ko(e2, "left", t2[1], n2);
case 3:
ko(e2, "top", t2[0], n2), ko(e2, "right", t2[1], n2), ko(e2, "left", t2[1], n2), ko(e2, "bottom", t2[2], n2);
case 4:
ko(e2, "top", t2[0], n2), ko(e2, "right", t2[1], n2), ko(e2, "bottom", t2[2], n2), ko(e2, "left", t2[3], n2);
function To(e2, t2) {
for (var n2 = 0, i2 = t2; n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
var o2 = i2[n2];
if (e2.matches(o2))
return true;
return false;
function Lo(e2, t2) {
return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = true), (!t2 || !To(e2, ["initial", "unset"])) && 0 !== parseFloat(e2.getText());
function No(e2, t2) {
return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = true), {
return Lo(e3, t2);
function Io(e2, t2) {
return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = true), !To(e2, ["none", "hidden"]) && (!t2 || !To(e2, ["initial", "unset"]));
function Oo(e2, t2) {
return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = true), {
return Io(e3, t2);
function Do(e2) {
var t2 = e2.getChildren();
if (1 === t2.length)
return Lo(o2 = t2[0]) && Io(o2);
for (var n2 = 0, i2 = t2; n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
var o2;
if (!Lo(o2 = i2[n2], false) || !Io(o2, false))
return false;
return true;
var Ao = wt(), Ro = function() {
function e2() { = {};
return e2.prototype.add = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 =[e3];
i2 || (i2 = {nodes: [], names: []},[e3] = i2), i2.names.push(t2), n2 && i2.nodes.push(n2);
}, e2;
}(), Mo = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = this;
this.cssDataManager = n2, this.warnings = [], this.settings = t2, this.documentText = e3.getText(), this.keyframes = new Ro(), this.validProperties = {};
var o2 = t2.getSetting(vo.ValidProperties);
Array.isArray(o2) && o2.forEach(function(e4) {
if ("string" == typeof e4) {
var t3 = e4.trim().toLowerCase();
t3.length && (i2.validProperties[t3] = true);
return e2.entries = function(t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
var s2 = new e2(n2, i2, o2);
return t2.acceptVisitor(s2), s2.completeValidations(), s2.getEntries(r2);
}, e2.prototype.isValidPropertyDeclaration = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.fullPropertyName;
return this.validProperties[t2];
}, e2.prototype.fetch = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = [], i2 = 0, o2 = e3; i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2];
r2.fullPropertyName === t2 && n2.push(r2);
return n2;
}, e2.prototype.fetchWithValue = function(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = [], o2 = 0, r2 = e3; o2 < r2.length; o2++) {
var s2 = r2[o2];
if (s2.fullPropertyName === t2) {
var a2 = s2.node.getValue();
a2 && this.findValueInExpression(a2, n2) && i2.push(s2);
return i2;
}, e2.prototype.findValueInExpression = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = false;
return e3.accept(function(e4) {
return e4.type === J.Identifier && e4.matches(t2) && (n2 = true), !n2;
}), n2;
}, e2.prototype.getEntries = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = oe.Warning | oe.Error), this.warnings.filter(function(t2) {
return 0 != (t2.getLevel() & e3);
}, e2.prototype.addEntry = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = new ft(e3, t2, this.settings.getRule(t2), n2);
}, e2.prototype.getMissingNames = function(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = e3.slice(0), i2 = 0; i2 < t2.length; i2++) {
var o2 = n2.indexOf(t2[i2]);
-1 !== o2 && (n2[o2] = null);
var r2 = null;
for (i2 = 0; i2 < n2.length; i2++) {
var s2 = n2[i2];
s2 && (r2 = null === r2 ? Ao("namelist.single", "'{0}'", s2) : Ao("namelist.concatenated", "{0}, '{1}'", r2, s2));
return r2;
}, e2.prototype.visitNode = function(e3) {
switch (e3.type) {
case J.UnknownAtRule:
return this.visitUnknownAtRule(e3);
case J.Keyframe:
return this.visitKeyframe(e3);
case J.FontFace:
return this.visitFontFace(e3);
case J.Ruleset:
return this.visitRuleSet(e3);
case J.SimpleSelector:
return this.visitSimpleSelector(e3);
case J.Function:
return this.visitFunction(e3);
case J.NumericValue:
return this.visitNumericValue(e3);
case J.Import:
return this.visitImport(e3);
case J.HexColorValue:
return this.visitHexColorValue(e3);
case J.Prio:
return this.visitPrio(e3);
return true;
}, e2.prototype.completeValidations = function() {
}, e2.prototype.visitUnknownAtRule = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.getChild(0);
return !!t2 && (!this.cssDataManager.getAtDirective(t2.getText()) && (this.addEntry(t2, _o.UnknownAtRules, "Unknown at rule " + t2.getText()), true));
}, e2.prototype.visitKeyframe = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.getKeyword();
if (!t2)
return false;
var n2 = t2.getText();
return this.keyframes.add(e3.getName(), n2, "@keyframes" !== n2 ? t2 : null), true;
}, e2.prototype.validateKeyframes = function() {
var e3 = ["@-webkit-keyframes", "@-moz-keyframes", "@-o-keyframes"];
for (var t2 in {
var n2 =[t2].names, i2 = -1 === n2.indexOf("@keyframes");
if (i2 || 1 !== n2.length) {
var o2 = this.getMissingNames(e3, n2);
if (o2 || i2)
for (var r2 = 0, s2 =[t2].nodes; r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2];
if (i2) {
var l2 = Ao("keyframes.standardrule.missing", "Always define standard rule '@keyframes' when defining keyframes.");
this.addEntry(a2, _o.IncludeStandardPropertyWhenUsingVendorPrefix, l2);
if (o2) {
l2 = Ao("keyframes.vendorspecific.missing", "Always include all vendor specific rules: Missing: {0}", o2);
this.addEntry(a2, _o.AllVendorPrefixes, l2);
return true;
}, e2.prototype.visitSimpleSelector = function(e3) {
var t2 = this.documentText.charAt(e3.offset);
return 1 === e3.length && "*" === t2 && this.addEntry(e3, _o.UniversalSelector), "#" === t2 && this.addEntry(e3, _o.AvoidIdSelector), true;
}, e2.prototype.visitImport = function(e3) {
return this.addEntry(e3, _o.ImportStatemement), true;
}, e2.prototype.visitRuleSet = function(t2) {
var n2 = t2.getDeclarations();
if (!n2)
return false;
n2.hasChildren() || this.addEntry(t2.getSelectors(), _o.EmptyRuleSet);
for (var i2 = [], o2 = 0, r2 = n2.getChildren(); o2 < r2.length; o2++) {
(x2 = r2[o2]) instanceof _e && i2.push(new xo(x2));
var s2 = function(e3) {
for (var t3 = {top: {value: false, properties: []}, right: {value: false, properties: []}, bottom: {value: false, properties: []}, left: {value: false, properties: []}}, n3 = 0, i3 = e3; n3 < i3.length; n3++) {
var o3 = i3[n3], r3 = o3.node.value;
if (void 0 !== r3)
switch (o3.fullPropertyName) {
case "box-sizing":
return {top: {value: false, properties: []}, right: {value: false, properties: []}, bottom: {value: false, properties: []}, left: {value: false, properties: []}};
case "width":
t3.width = o3;
case "height":
t3.height = o3;
var s3 = o3.fullPropertyName.split("-");
switch (s3[0]) {
case "border":
switch (s3[1]) {
case void 0:
case "top":
case "right":
case "bottom":
case "left":
switch (s3[2]) {
case void 0:
ko(t3, s3[1], Do(r3), o3);
case "width":
ko(t3, s3[1], Lo(r3, false), o3);
case "style":
ko(t3, s3[1], Io(r3, true), o3);
case "width":
Eo(t3, No(r3.getChildren(), false), o3);
case "style":
Eo(t3, Oo(r3.getChildren(), true), o3);
case "padding":
1 === s3.length ? Eo(t3, No(r3.getChildren(), true), o3) : ko(t3, s3[1], Lo(r3, true), o3);
return t3;
if (s2.width) {
var a2 = [];
if (s2.right.value && (a2 = sn(a2,, s2.left.value && (a2 = sn(a2,, 0 !== a2.length) {
for (var l2 = 0, c2 = a2; l2 < c2.length; l2++) {
var d2 = c2[l2];
this.addEntry(d2.node, _o.BewareOfBoxModelSize);
this.addEntry(s2.width.node, _o.BewareOfBoxModelSize);
if (s2.height) {
a2 = [];
if ( && (a2 = sn(a2,, s2.bottom.value && (a2 = sn(a2,, 0 !== a2.length) {
for (var h2 = 0, u2 = a2; h2 < u2.length; h2++) {
d2 = u2[h2];
this.addEntry(d2.node, _o.BewareOfBoxModelSize);
this.addEntry(s2.height.node, _o.BewareOfBoxModelSize);
var p2 = this.fetchWithValue(i2, "display", "inline");
if (p2.length > 0)
for (var m2 = 0, g2 = ["width", "height", "margin-top", "margin-bottom", "float"]; m2 < g2.length; m2++)
for (var f2 = g2[m2], b2 = this.fetch(i2, f2), _2 = 0; _2 < b2.length; _2++) {
var v2 = b2[_2].node, w2 = v2.getValue();
("float" !== f2 || w2 && !w2.matches("none")) && this.addEntry(v2, _o.PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay, Ao("rule.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplayInline", "Property is ignored due to the display. With 'display: inline', the width, height, margin-top, margin-bottom, and float properties have no effect."));
if ((p2 = this.fetchWithValue(i2, "display", "inline-block")).length > 0)
for (b2 = this.fetch(i2, "float"), _2 = 0; _2 < b2.length; _2++) {
var y2 = b2[_2].node;
(w2 = y2.getValue()) && !w2.matches("none") && this.addEntry(y2, _o.PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay, Ao("rule.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplayInlineBlock", "inline-block is ignored due to the float. If 'float' has a value other than 'none', the box is floated and 'display' is treated as 'block'"));
if ((p2 = this.fetchWithValue(i2, "display", "block")).length > 0)
for (b2 = this.fetch(i2, "vertical-align"), _2 = 0; _2 < b2.length; _2++)
this.addEntry(b2[_2].node, _o.PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay, Ao("rule.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplayBlock", "Property is ignored due to the display. With 'display: block', vertical-align should not be used."));
var C2 = this.fetch(i2, "float");
for (_2 = 0; _2 < C2.length; _2++) {
var x2 = C2[_2];
this.isValidPropertyDeclaration(x2) || this.addEntry(x2.node, _o.AvoidFloat);
for (var S2 = 0; S2 < i2.length; S2++) {
if ("background" !== (x2 = i2[S2]).fullPropertyName && !this.validProperties[x2.fullPropertyName]) {
if ((w2 = x2.node.getValue()) && "-" !== this.documentText.charAt(w2.offset)) {
var k2 = this.fetch(i2, x2.fullPropertyName);
if (k2.length > 1)
for (var E2 = 0; E2 < k2.length; E2++) {
var T2 = k2[E2].node.getValue();
T2 && "-" !== this.documentText.charAt(T2.offset) && k2[E2] !== x2 && this.addEntry(x2.node, _o.DuplicateDeclarations);
if (!t2.getSelectors().matches(":export")) {
for (var L2 = new Ro(), N2 = false, I2 = 0, O2 = i2; I2 < O2.length; I2++) {
var D2 = (x2 = O2[I2]).node;
if (this.isCSSDeclaration(D2)) {
var A2 = x2.fullPropertyName, R2 = A2.charAt(0);
if ("-" === R2) {
if ("-" !== A2.charAt(1)) {
this.cssDataManager.isKnownProperty(A2) || this.validProperties[A2] || this.addEntry(D2.getProperty(), _o.UnknownVendorSpecificProperty);
var M2 = D2.getNonPrefixedPropertyName();
L2.add(M2, A2, D2.getProperty());
} else {
var P2 = A2;
"*" !== R2 && "_" !== R2 || (this.addEntry(D2.getProperty(), _o.IEStarHack), A2 = A2.substr(1)), this.cssDataManager.isKnownProperty(P2) || this.cssDataManager.isKnownProperty(A2) || this.validProperties[A2] || this.addEntry(D2.getProperty(), _o.UnknownProperty, Ao("property.unknownproperty.detailed", "Unknown property: '{0}'", D2.getFullPropertyName())), L2.add(A2, A2, null);
} else
N2 = true;
if (!N2)
for (var F2 in {
var W2 =[F2], z2 = W2.names, B2 = this.cssDataManager.isStandardProperty(F2) && -1 === z2.indexOf(F2);
if (B2 || 1 !== z2.length) {
for (var j2 = [], V2 = (S2 = 0, e2.prefixes.length); S2 < V2; S2++) {
var U2 = e2.prefixes[S2];
this.cssDataManager.isStandardProperty(U2 + F2) && j2.push(U2 + F2);
var H2 = this.getMissingNames(j2, z2);
if (H2 || B2)
for (var q2 = 0, $2 = W2.nodes; q2 < $2.length; q2++) {
var K2 = $2[q2];
if (B2) {
var G2 = Ao("property.standard.missing", "Also define the standard property '{0}' for compatibility", F2);
this.addEntry(K2, _o.IncludeStandardPropertyWhenUsingVendorPrefix, G2);
if (H2) {
G2 = Ao("property.vendorspecific.missing", "Always include all vendor specific properties: Missing: {0}", H2);
this.addEntry(K2, _o.AllVendorPrefixes, G2);
return true;
}, e2.prototype.visitPrio = function(e3) {
return this.addEntry(e3, _o.AvoidImportant), true;
}, e2.prototype.visitNumericValue = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.findParent(J.Function);
if (t2 && "calc" === t2.getName())
return true;
var n2 = e3.findParent(J.Declaration);
if (n2 && n2.getValue()) {
var i2 = e3.getValue();
if (!i2.unit || -1 === Zt.length.indexOf(i2.unit.toLowerCase()))
return true;
0 === parseFloat(i2.value) && i2.unit && !this.validProperties[n2.getFullPropertyName()] && this.addEntry(e3, _o.ZeroWithUnit);
return true;
}, e2.prototype.visitFontFace = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.getDeclarations();
if (!t2)
return false;
for (var n2 = false, i2 = false, o2 = false, r2 = 0, s2 = t2.getChildren(); r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2];
if (this.isCSSDeclaration(a2)) {
var l2 = a2.getProperty().getName().toLowerCase();
"src" === l2 && (n2 = true), "font-family" === l2 && (i2 = true);
} else
o2 = true;
return o2 || n2 && i2 || this.addEntry(e3, _o.RequiredPropertiesForFontFace), true;
}, e2.prototype.isCSSDeclaration = function(e3) {
if (e3 instanceof _e) {
if (!e3.getValue())
return false;
var t2 = e3.getProperty();
if (!t2)
return false;
var n2 = t2.getIdentifier();
return !(!n2 || n2.containsInterpolation());
return false;
}, e2.prototype.visitHexColorValue = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.length;
return 9 !== t2 && 7 !== t2 && 5 !== t2 && 4 !== t2 && this.addEntry(e3, _o.HexColorLength), false;
}, e2.prototype.visitFunction = function(e3) {
var t2 = e3.getName().toLowerCase(), n2 = -1, i2 = 0;
switch (t2) {
case "rgb(":
case "hsl(":
n2 = 3;
case "rgba(":
case "hsla(":
n2 = 4;
return -1 !== n2 && (e3.getArguments().accept(function(e4) {
return !(e4 instanceof Ye) || (i2 += 1, false);
}), i2 !== n2 && this.addEntry(e3, _o.ArgsInColorFunction)), true;
}, e2.prefixes = ["-ms-", "-moz-", "-o-", "-webkit-"], e2;
}(), Po = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.cssDataManager = e3;
return e2.prototype.configure = function(e3) {
this.settings = e3;
}, e2.prototype.doValidation = function(e3, t2, n2) {
if (void 0 === n2 && (n2 = this.settings), n2 && false === n2.validate)
return [];
var i2 = [];
i2.push.apply(i2, bt.entries(t2)), i2.push.apply(i2, Mo.entries(t2, e3, new wo(n2 && n2.lint), this.cssDataManager));
var o2 = [];
for (var r2 in _o)
return i2.filter(function(e4) {
return e4.getLevel() !== oe.Ignore;
}).map(function(t3) {
var n3 = ln.create(e3.positionAt(t3.getOffset()), e3.positionAt(t3.getOffset() + t3.getLength())), i3 = e3.languageId;
return {code: t3.getRule().id, source: i3, message: t3.getMessage(), severity: t3.getLevel() === oe.Warning ? bn.Warning : bn.Error, range: n3};
}, e2;
}(), Fo = function() {
var e2 = function(t2, n2) {
return (e2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n3) && (e3[n3] = t3[n3]);
})(t2, n2);
return function(t2, n2) {
function i2() {
this.constructor = t2;
e2(t2, n2), t2.prototype = null === n2 ? Object.create(n2) : (i2.prototype = n2.prototype, new i2());
}(), Wo = "/".charCodeAt(0), zo = "\n".charCodeAt(0), Bo = "\r".charCodeAt(0), jo = "\f".charCodeAt(0), Vo = "$".charCodeAt(0), Uo = "#".charCodeAt(0), Ho = "{".charCodeAt(0), qo = "=".charCodeAt(0), $o = "!".charCodeAt(0), Ko = "<".charCodeAt(0), Go = ">".charCodeAt(0), Yo = ".".charCodeAt(0), Zo = ("@".charCodeAt(0), i.CustomToken), Xo = Zo++, Qo = Zo++, Jo = (Zo++, Zo++), er = Zo++, tr = Zo++, nr = Zo++, ir = Zo++, or = (Zo++, function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Fo(t2, e2), t2.prototype.scanNext = function(t3) {
if ( {
var n2 = ["$"];
if (this.ident(n2))
return this.finishToken(t3, Xo, n2.join(""));;
return[Uo, Ho]) ? this.finishToken(t3, Qo) :[qo, qo]) ? this.finishToken(t3, Jo) :[$o, qo]) ? this.finishToken(t3, er) : ? ? this.finishToken(t3, nr) : this.finishToken(t3, i.Delim) : ? ? this.finishToken(t3, tr) : this.finishToken(t3, i.Delim) :[Yo, Yo, Yo]) ? this.finishToken(t3, ir) :, t3);
}, t2.prototype.comment = function() {
return !! || !(this.inURL || ![Wo, Wo])) && ( {
switch (e3) {
case zo:
case Bo:
case jo:
return false;
return true;
}), true);
}, t2;
}(G)), rr = wt(), sr = function(e2, t2) { = e2, this.message = t2;
}, ar = {FromExpected: new sr("scss-fromexpected", rr("expected.from", "'from' expected")), ThroughOrToExpected: new sr("scss-throughexpected", rr("expected.through", "'through' or 'to' expected")), InExpected: new sr("scss-fromexpected", rr("", "'in' expected"))}, lr = function() {
var e2 = function(t2, n2) {
return (e2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n3) && (e3[n3] = t3[n3]);
})(t2, n2);
return function(t2, n2) {
function i2() {
this.constructor = t2;
e2(t2, n2), t2.prototype = null === n2 ? Object.create(n2) : (i2.prototype = n2.prototype, new i2());
}(), cr = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return, new or()) || this;
return lr(t2, e2), t2.prototype._parseStylesheetStatement = function(t3) {
return void 0 === t3 && (t3 = false), this.peek(i.AtKeyword) ? this._parseWarnAndDebug() || this._parseControlStatement() || this._parseMixinDeclaration() || this._parseMixinContent() || this._parseMixinReference() || this._parseFunctionDeclaration() || this._parseForward() || this._parseUse() || this._parseRuleset(t3) ||, t3) : this._parseRuleset(true) || this._parseVariableDeclaration();
}, t2.prototype._parseImport = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@import"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Re);
if (this.consumeToken(), !e3.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) && !e3.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.URIOrStringExpected);
for (; this.accept(i.Comma); )
if (!e3.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) && !e3.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.URIOrStringExpected);
return this.peek(i.SemiColon) || this.peek(i.EOF) || e3.setMedialist(this._parseMediaQueryList()), this.finish(e3);
}, t2.prototype._parseVariableDeclaration = function(e3) {
if (void 0 === e3 && (e3 = []), !this.peek(Xo))
return null;
var t3 = this.create(it);
if (!t3.setVariable(this._parseVariable()))
return null;
if (!this.accept(i.Colon))
return this.finish(t3, xt.ColonExpected);
if (this.prevToken && (t3.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset), !t3.setValue(this._parseExpr()))
return this.finish(t3, xt.VariableValueExpected, [], e3);
for (; this.peek(i.Exclamation); )
if (t3.addChild(this._tryParsePrio()))
else {
if (this.consumeToken(), !this.peekRegExp(i.Ident, /^(default|global)$/))
return this.finish(t3, xt.UnknownKeyword);
return this.peek(i.SemiColon) && (t3.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset), this.finish(t3);
}, t2.prototype._parseMediaContentStart = function() {
return this._parseInterpolation();
}, t2.prototype._parseMediaFeatureName = function() {
return this._parseModuleMember() || this._parseFunction() || this._parseIdent() || this._parseVariable();
}, t2.prototype._parseKeyframeSelector = function() {
return this._tryParseKeyframeSelector() || this._parseControlStatement(this._parseKeyframeSelector.bind(this)) || this._parseVariableDeclaration() || this._parseMixinContent();
}, t2.prototype._parseVariable = function() {
if (!this.peek(Xo))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(rt);
return this.consumeToken(), e3;
}, t2.prototype._parseModuleMember = function() {
var e3 = this.mark(), t3 = this.create(gt);
return t3.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent([ee.Module])) ? this.hasWhitespace() || !this.acceptDelim(".") || this.hasWhitespace() ? (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null) : t3.addChild(this._parseVariable() || this._parseFunction()) ? t3 : this.finish(t3, xt.IdentifierOrVariableExpected) : null;
}, t2.prototype._parseIdent = function(e3) {
var t3 = this;
if (!this.peek(i.Ident) && !this.peek(Qo) && !this.peekDelim("-"))
return null;
var n2 = this.create(ae);
n2.referenceTypes = e3, n2.isCustomProperty = this.peekRegExp(i.Ident, /^--/);
for (var o2, r2 = false; (this.accept(i.Ident) || n2.addChild((o2 = void 0, o2 = t3.mark(), t3.acceptDelim("-") && (t3.hasWhitespace() || t3.acceptDelim("-"), t3.hasWhitespace()) ? (t3.restoreAtMark(o2), null) : t3._parseInterpolation())) || r2 && this.acceptRegexp(/[\w-]/)) && (r2 = true, !this.hasWhitespace()); )
return r2 ? this.finish(n2) : null;
}, t2.prototype._parseTermExpression = function() {
return this._parseModuleMember() || this._parseVariable() || this._parseSelectorCombinator() ||;
}, t2.prototype._parseInterpolation = function() {
if (this.peek(Qo)) {
var e3 = this.create(ot);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.addChild(this._parseExpr()) || this._parseSelectorCombinator() ? this.accept(i.CurlyR) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.RightCurlyExpected) : this.accept(i.CurlyR) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.ExpressionExpected);
return null;
}, t2.prototype._parseOperator = function() {
if (this.peek(Jo) || this.peek(er) || this.peek(tr) || this.peek(nr) || this.peekDelim(">") || this.peekDelim("<") || this.peekIdent("and") || this.peekIdent("or") || this.peekDelim("%")) {
var t3 = this.createNode(J.Operator);
return this.consumeToken(), this.finish(t3);
}, t2.prototype._parseUnaryOperator = function() {
if (this.peekIdent("not")) {
var t3 = this.create(re);
return this.consumeToken(), this.finish(t3);
}, t2.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclaration = function() {
return this.peek(i.AtKeyword) ? this._parseKeyframe() || this._parseImport() || this._parseMedia(true) || this._parseFontFace() || this._parseWarnAndDebug() || this._parseControlStatement() || this._parseFunctionDeclaration() || this._parseExtends() || this._parseMixinReference() || this._parseMixinContent() || this._parseMixinDeclaration() || this._parseRuleset(true) || this._parseSupports(true) || : this._parseVariableDeclaration() || this._tryParseRuleset(true) ||;
}, t2.prototype._parseDeclaration = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.create(_e);
if (!t3.setProperty(this._parseProperty()))
return null;
if (!this.accept(i.Colon))
return this.finish(t3, xt.ColonExpected, [i.Colon], e3);
this.prevToken && (t3.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset);
var n2 = false;
if (t3.setValue(this._parseExpr()) && (n2 = true, t3.addChild(this._parsePrio())), this.peek(i.CurlyL))
else if (!n2)
return this.finish(t3, xt.PropertyValueExpected);
return this.peek(i.SemiColon) && (t3.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset), this.finish(t3);
}, t2.prototype._parseNestedProperties = function() {
var e3 = this.create(Oe);
return this._parseBody(e3, this._parseDeclaration.bind(this));
}, t2.prototype._parseExtends = function() {
if (this.peekKeyword("@extend")) {
var e3 = this.create(st);
if (this.consumeToken(), !e3.getSelectors().addChild(this._parseSimpleSelector()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.SelectorExpected);
for (; this.accept(i.Comma); )
return this.accept(i.Exclamation) && !this.acceptIdent("optional") ? this.finish(e3, xt.UnknownKeyword) : this.finish(e3);
return null;
}, t2.prototype._parseSimpleSelectorBody = function() {
return this._parseSelectorCombinator() || this._parseSelectorPlaceholder() ||;
}, t2.prototype._parseSelectorCombinator = function() {
if (this.peekDelim("&")) {
var e3 = this.createNode(J.SelectorCombinator);
for (this.consumeToken(); !this.hasWhitespace() && (this.acceptDelim("-") || this.accept(i.Num) || this.accept(i.Dimension) || e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()) || this.acceptDelim("&")); )
return this.finish(e3);
return null;
}, t2.prototype._parseSelectorPlaceholder = function() {
if (this.peekDelim("%")) {
var e3 = this.createNode(J.SelectorPlaceholder);
return this.consumeToken(), this._parseIdent(), this.finish(e3);
if (this.peekKeyword("@at-root")) {
e3 = this.createNode(J.SelectorPlaceholder);
return this.consumeToken(), this.finish(e3);
return null;
}, t2.prototype._parseElementName = function() {
var t3 = this.mark(), n2 =;
return n2 && !this.hasWhitespace() && this.peek(i.ParenthesisL) ? (this.restoreAtMark(t3), null) : n2;
}, t2.prototype._tryParsePseudoIdentifier = function() {
return this._parseInterpolation() ||;
}, t2.prototype._parseWarnAndDebug = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@debug") && !this.peekKeyword("@warn") && !this.peekKeyword("@error"))
return null;
var e3 = this.createNode(J.Debug);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.addChild(this._parseExpr()), this.finish(e3);
}, t2.prototype._parseControlStatement = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this)), this.peek(i.AtKeyword) ? this._parseIfStatement(e3) || this._parseForStatement(e3) || this._parseEachStatement(e3) || this._parseWhileStatement(e3) : null;
}, t2.prototype._parseIfStatement = function(e3) {
return this.peekKeyword("@if") ? this._internalParseIfStatement(e3) : null;
}, t2.prototype._internalParseIfStatement = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.create(xe);
if (this.consumeToken(), !t3.setExpression(this._parseExpr(true)))
return this.finish(t3, xt.ExpressionExpected);
if (this._parseBody(t3, e3), this.acceptKeyword("@else")) {
if (this.peekIdent("if"))
else if (this.peek(i.CurlyL)) {
var n2 = this.create(Te);
this._parseBody(n2, e3), t3.setElseClause(n2);
return this.finish(t3);
}, t2.prototype._parseForStatement = function(e3) {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@for"))
return null;
var t3 = this.create(Se);
return this.consumeToken(), t3.setVariable(this._parseVariable()) ? this.acceptIdent("from") ? t3.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr()) ? this.acceptIdent("to") || this.acceptIdent("through") ? t3.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr()) ? this._parseBody(t3, e3) : this.finish(t3, xt.ExpressionExpected, [i.CurlyR]) : this.finish(t3, ar.ThroughOrToExpected, [i.CurlyR]) : this.finish(t3, xt.ExpressionExpected, [i.CurlyR]) : this.finish(t3, ar.FromExpected, [i.CurlyR]) : this.finish(t3, xt.VariableNameExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
}, t2.prototype._parseEachStatement = function(e3) {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@each"))
return null;
var t3 = this.create(ke);
var n2 = t3.getVariables();
if (!n2.addChild(this._parseVariable()))
return this.finish(t3, xt.VariableNameExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
for (; this.accept(i.Comma); )
if (!n2.addChild(this._parseVariable()))
return this.finish(t3, xt.VariableNameExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
return this.finish(n2), this.acceptIdent("in") ? t3.addChild(this._parseExpr()) ? this._parseBody(t3, e3) : this.finish(t3, xt.ExpressionExpected, [i.CurlyR]) : this.finish(t3, ar.InExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
}, t2.prototype._parseWhileStatement = function(e3) {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@while"))
return null;
var t3 = this.create(Ee);
return this.consumeToken(), t3.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr()) ? this._parseBody(t3, e3) : this.finish(t3, xt.ExpressionExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
}, t2.prototype._parseFunctionBodyDeclaration = function() {
return this._parseVariableDeclaration() || this._parseReturnStatement() || this._parseWarnAndDebug() || this._parseControlStatement(this._parseFunctionBodyDeclaration.bind(this));
}, t2.prototype._parseFunctionDeclaration = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@function"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Le);
if (this.consumeToken(), !e3.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent([ee.Function])))
return this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisL))
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftParenthesisExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
if (e3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration())) {
for (; this.accept(i.Comma) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
if (!e3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.VariableNameExpected);
return this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? this._parseBody(e3, this._parseFunctionBodyDeclaration.bind(this)) : this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
}, t2.prototype._parseReturnStatement = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@return"))
return null;
var e3 = this.createNode(J.ReturnStatement);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.addChild(this._parseExpr()) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.ExpressionExpected);
}, t2.prototype._parseMixinDeclaration = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@mixin"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(dt);
if (this.consumeToken(), !e3.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent([ee.Mixin])))
return this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
if (this.accept(i.ParenthesisL)) {
if (e3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration())) {
for (; this.accept(i.Comma) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
if (!e3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.VariableNameExpected);
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisR))
return this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
return this._parseBody(e3, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));
}, t2.prototype._parseParameterDeclaration = function() {
var e3 = this.create(ye);
return e3.setIdentifier(this._parseVariable()) ? (this.accept(ir), this.accept(i.Colon) && !e3.setDefaultValue(this._parseExpr(true)) ? this.finish(e3, xt.VariableValueExpected, [], [i.Comma, i.ParenthesisR]) : this.finish(e3)) : null;
}, t2.prototype._parseMixinContent = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@content"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(at);
if (this.consumeToken(), this.accept(i.ParenthesisL)) {
if (e3.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument())) {
for (; this.accept(i.Comma) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
if (!e3.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.ExpressionExpected);
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisR))
return this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
return this.finish(e3);
}, t2.prototype._parseMixinReference = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@include"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(ct);
var t3 = this._parseIdent([ee.Mixin]);
if (!e3.setIdentifier(t3))
return this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim(".") && !this.hasWhitespace()) {
var n2 = this._parseIdent([ee.Mixin]);
if (!n2)
return this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected, [i.CurlyR]);
var o2 = this.create(gt);
t3.referenceTypes = [ee.Module], o2.setIdentifier(t3), e3.setIdentifier(n2), e3.addChild(o2);
if (this.accept(i.ParenthesisL)) {
if (e3.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument())) {
for (; this.accept(i.Comma) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
if (!e3.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.ExpressionExpected);
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisR))
return this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
return (this.peekIdent("using") || this.peek(i.CurlyL)) && e3.setContent(this._parseMixinContentDeclaration()), this.finish(e3);
}, t2.prototype._parseMixinContentDeclaration = function() {
var e3 = this.create(lt);
if (this.acceptIdent("using")) {
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisL))
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftParenthesisExpected, [i.CurlyL]);
if (e3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration())) {
for (; this.accept(i.Comma) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
if (!e3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.VariableNameExpected);
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisR))
return this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected, [i.CurlyL]);
return this.peek(i.CurlyL) && this._parseBody(e3, this._parseMixinReferenceBodyStatement.bind(this)), this.finish(e3);
}, t2.prototype._parseMixinReferenceBodyStatement = function() {
return this._tryParseKeyframeSelector() || this._parseRuleSetDeclaration();
}, t2.prototype._parseFunctionArgument = function() {
var e3 = this.create(Ce), t3 = this.mark(), n2 = this._parseVariable();
if (n2)
if (this.accept(i.Colon))
else {
if (this.accept(ir))
return e3.setValue(n2), this.finish(e3);
return e3.setValue(this._parseExpr(true)) ? (this.accept(ir), e3.addChild(this._parsePrio()), this.finish(e3)) : e3.setValue(this._tryParsePrio()) ? this.finish(e3) : null;
}, t2.prototype._parseURLArgument = function() {
var t3 = this.mark(), n2 =;
if (!n2 || !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR)) {
var o2 = this.create(re);
return o2.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr()), this.finish(o2);
return n2;
}, t2.prototype._parseOperation = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.ParenthesisL))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(re);
for (this.consumeToken(); e3.addChild(this._parseListElement()); )
return this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
}, t2.prototype._parseListElement = function() {
var e3 = this.create(ut), t3 = this._parseBinaryExpr();
if (!t3)
return null;
if (this.accept(i.Colon)) {
if (e3.setKey(t3), !e3.setValue(this._parseBinaryExpr()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.ExpressionExpected);
} else
return this.finish(e3);
}, t2.prototype._parseUse = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@use"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Me);
if (this.consumeToken(), !e3.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.StringLiteralExpected);
if (!this.peek(i.SemiColon) && !this.peek(i.EOF)) {
if (!this.peekRegExp(i.Ident, /as|with/))
return this.finish(e3, xt.UnknownKeyword);
if (this.acceptIdent("as") && !e3.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent([ee.Module])) && !this.acceptDelim("*"))
return this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierOrWildcardExpected);
if (this.acceptIdent("with")) {
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisL))
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftParenthesisExpected, [i.ParenthesisR]);
if (!e3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseModuleConfigDeclaration()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.VariableNameExpected);
for (; this.accept(i.Comma) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
if (!e3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseModuleConfigDeclaration()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.VariableNameExpected);
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisR))
return this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
return this.accept(i.SemiColon) || this.accept(i.EOF) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.SemiColonExpected);
}, t2.prototype._parseModuleConfigDeclaration = function() {
var e3 = this.create(Pe);
return e3.setIdentifier(this._parseVariable()) ? this.accept(i.Colon) && e3.setValue(this._parseExpr(true)) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.VariableValueExpected, [], [i.Comma, i.ParenthesisR]) : null;
}, t2.prototype._parseForward = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@forward"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Fe);
if (this.consumeToken(), !e3.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.StringLiteralExpected);
if (!this.peek(i.SemiColon) && !this.peek(i.EOF)) {
if (!this.peekRegExp(i.Ident, /as|hide|show/))
return this.finish(e3, xt.UnknownKeyword);
if (this.acceptIdent("as")) {
var t3 = this._parseIdent([ee.Forward]);
if (!e3.setIdentifier(t3))
return this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected);
if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.acceptDelim("*"))
return this.finish(e3, xt.WildcardExpected);
if ((this.peekIdent("hide") || this.peekIdent("show")) && !e3.addChild(this._parseForwardVisibility()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierOrVariableExpected);
return this.accept(i.SemiColon) || this.accept(i.EOF) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.SemiColonExpected);
}, t2.prototype._parseForwardVisibility = function() {
var e3 = this.create(We);
for (e3.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent()); e3.addChild(this._parseVariable() || this._parseIdent()); )
return e3.getChildren().length > 1 ? e3 : null;
}, t2.prototype._parseSupportsCondition = function() {
return this._parseInterpolation() ||;
}, t2;
}(on), dr = function() {
var e2 = function(t2, n2) {
return (e2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n3) && (e3[n3] = t3[n3]);
})(t2, n2);
return function(t2, n2) {
function i2() {
this.constructor = t2;
e2(t2, n2), t2.prototype = null === n2 ? Object.create(n2) : (i2.prototype = n2.prototype, new i2());
}(), hr = wt(), ur = function(e2) {
function t2(n2, i2) {
var o2 =, "$", n2, i2) || this;
return pr(t2.scssModuleLoaders), pr(t2.scssModuleBuiltIns), o2;
return dr(t2, e2), t2.prototype.isImportPathParent = function(t3) {
return t3 === J.Forward || t3 === J.Use ||, t3);
}, t2.prototype.getCompletionForImportPath = function(n2, i2) {
var o2 = n2.getParent().type;
if (o2 === J.Forward || o2 === J.Use)
for (var r2 = 0, s2 = t2.scssModuleBuiltIns; r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
var a2 = s2[r2], l2 = {label: a2.label, documentation: a2.documentation, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(n2), "'" + a2.label + "'"), kind: zn.Module};
return, n2, i2);
}, t2.prototype.createReplaceFunction = function() {
var e3 = 1;
return function(n2, i2) {
return "\\" + i2 + ": ${" + e3++ + ":" + (t2.variableDefaults[i2] || "") + "}";
}, t2.prototype.createFunctionProposals = function(e3, t3, n2, i2) {
for (var o2 = 0, r2 = e3; o2 < r2.length; o2++) {
var s2 = r2[o2], a2 = s2.func.replace(/\[?(\$\w+)\]?/g, this.createReplaceFunction()), l2 = {label: s2.func.substr(0, s2.func.indexOf("(")), detail: s2.func, documentation: s2.desc, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t3), a2), insertTextFormat: Bn.Snippet, kind: zn.Function};
n2 && (l2.sortText = "z"), i2.items.push(l2);
return i2;
}, t2.prototype.getCompletionsForSelector = function(n2, i2, o2) {
return this.createFunctionProposals(t2.selectorFuncs, null, true, o2),, n2, i2, o2);
}, t2.prototype.getTermProposals = function(n2, i2, o2) {
var r2 = t2.builtInFuncs;
return n2 && (r2 = r2.filter(function(e3) {
return !e3.type || !n2.restrictions || -1 !== n2.restrictions.indexOf(e3.type);
})), this.createFunctionProposals(r2, i2, true, o2),, n2, i2, o2);
}, t2.prototype.getColorProposals = function(n2, i2, o2) {
return this.createFunctionProposals(t2.colorProposals, i2, false, o2),, n2, i2, o2);
}, t2.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty = function(t3, n2) {
return this.getCompletionForAtDirectives(n2), this.getCompletionsForSelector(null, true, n2),, t3, n2);
}, t2.prototype.getCompletionsForExtendsReference = function(e3, t3, n2) {
for (var i2 = 0, o2 = this.getSymbolContext().findSymbolsAtOffset(this.offset, ee.Rule); i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2], s2 = {label:, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t3),, kind: zn.Function};
return n2;
}, t2.prototype.getCompletionForAtDirectives = function(e3) {
var n2;
return (n2 = e3.items).push.apply(n2, t2.scssAtDirectives), e3;
}, t2.prototype.getCompletionForTopLevel = function(t3) {
return this.getCompletionForAtDirectives(t3), this.getCompletionForModuleLoaders(t3),, t3), t3;
}, t2.prototype.getCompletionForModuleLoaders = function(e3) {
var n2;
return (n2 = e3.items).push.apply(n2, t2.scssModuleLoaders), e3;
}, t2.variableDefaults = {$red: "1", $green: "2", $blue: "3", $alpha: "1.0", $color: "#000000", $weight: "0.5", $hue: "0", $saturation: "0%", $lightness: "0%", $degrees: "0", $amount: "0", $string: '""', $substring: '"s"', $number: "0", $limit: "1"}, t2.colorProposals = [{func: "red($color)", desc: hr("", "Gets the red component of a color.")}, {func: "green($color)", desc: hr("", "Gets the green component of a color.")}, {func: "blue($color)", desc: hr("", "Gets the blue component of a color.")}, {func: "mix($color, $color, [$weight])", desc: hr("scss.builtin.mix", "Mixes two colors together.")}, {func: "hue($color)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.hue", "Gets the hue component of a color.")}, {func: "saturation($color)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.saturation", "Gets the saturation component of a color.")}, {func: "lightness($color)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.lightness", "Gets the lightness component of a color.")}, {func: "adjust-hue($color, $degrees)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.adjust-hue", "Changes the hue of a color.")}, {func: "lighten($color, $amount)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.lighten", "Makes a color lighter.")}, {func: "darken($color, $amount)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.darken", "Makes a color darker.")}, {func: "saturate($color, $amount)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.saturate", "Makes a color more saturated.")}, {func: "desaturate($color, $amount)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.desaturate", "Makes a color less saturated.")}, {func: "grayscale($color)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.grayscale", "Converts a color to grayscale.")}, {func: "complement($color)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.complement", "Returns the complement of a color.")}, {func: "invert($color)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.invert", "Returns the inverse of a color.")}, {func: "alpha($color)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.alpha", "Gets the opacity component of a color.")}, {func: "opacity($color)", desc: "Gets the alpha component (opacity) of a color."}, {func: "rgba($color, $alpha)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.rgba", "Changes the alpha component for a color.")}, {func: "opacify($color, $amount)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.opacify", "Makes a color more opaque.")}, {func: "fade-in($color, $amount)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.fade-in", "Makes a color more opaque.")}, {func: "transparentize($color, $amount)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.transparentize", "Makes a color more transparent.")}, {func: "fade-out($color, $amount)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.fade-out", "Makes a color more transparent.")}, {func: "adjust-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$hue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])", desc: hr("scss.builtin.adjust-color", "Increases or decreases one or more components of a color.")}, {func: "scale-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])", desc: hr("scss.builtin.scale-color", "Fluidly scales one or more properties of a color.")}, {func: "change-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$hue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])", desc: hr("scss.builtin.change-color", "Changes one or more properties of a color.")}, {func: "ie-hex-str($color)", desc: hr("", "Converts a color into the format understood by IE filters.")}], t2.selectorFuncs = [{func: "selector-nest($selectors…)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.selector-nest", "Nests selector beneath one another like they would be nested in the stylesheet.")}, {func: "selector-append($selectors…)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.selector-append", "Appends selectors to one another without spaces in between.")}, {func: "selector-extend($selector, $extendee, $extender)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.selector-extend", "Extends $extendee with $extender within $selector.")}, {func: "selector-replace($selector, $original, $replacement)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.selector-replace", "Replaces $original with $replacement within $selector.")}, {func: "selector-unify($selector1, $selector2)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.selector-unify", "Unifies two selectors to produce a selector that matches elements matched by both.")}, {func: "is-superselector($super, $sub)", desc: hr("", "Returns whether $super matches all the elements $sub does, and possibly more.")}, {func: "simple-selectors($selector)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.simple-selectors", "Returns the simple selectors that comprise a compound selector.")}, {func: "selector-parse($selector)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.selector-parse", "Parses a selector into the format returned by &.")}], t2.builtInFuncs = [{func: "unquote($string)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.unquote", "Removes quotes from a string.")}, {func: "quote($string)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.quote", "Adds quotes to a string.")}, {func: "str-length($string)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.str-length", "Returns the number of characters in a string.")}, {func: "str-insert($string, $insert, $index)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.str-insert", "Inserts $insert into $string at $index.")}, {func: "str-index($string, $substring)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.str-index", "Returns the index of the first occurance of $substring in $string.")}, {func: "str-slice($string, $start-at, [$end-at])", desc: hr("scss.builtin.str-slice", "Extracts a substring from $string.")}, {func: "to-upper-case($string)", desc: hr("", "Converts a string to upper case.")}, {func: "to-lower-case($string)", desc: hr("", "Converts a string to lower case.")}, {func: "percentage($number)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.percentage", "Converts a unitless number to a percentage."), type: "percentage"}, {func: "round($number)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.round", "Rounds a number to the nearest whole number.")}, {func: "ceil($number)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.ceil", "Rounds a number up to the next whole number.")}, {func: "floor($number)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.floor", "Rounds a number down to the previous whole number.")}, {func: "abs($number)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.abs", "Returns the absolute value of a number.")}, {func: "min($numbers)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.min", "Finds the minimum of several numbers.")}, {func: "max($numbers)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.max", "Finds the maximum of several numbers.")}, {func: "random([$limit])", desc: hr("scss.builtin.random", "Returns a random number.")}, {func: "length($list)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.length", "Returns the length of a list.")}, {func: "nth($list, $n)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.nth", "Returns a specific item in a list.")}, {func: "set-nth($list, $n, $value)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.set-nth", "Replaces the nth item in a list.")}, {func: "join($list1, $list2, [$separator])", desc: hr("scss.builtin.join", "Joins together two lists into one.")}, {func: "append($list1, $val, [$separator])", desc: hr("scss.builtin.append", "Appends a single value onto the end of a list.")}, {func: "zip($lists)", desc: hr("", "Combines several lists into a single multidimensional list.")}, {func: "index($list, $value)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.index", "Returns the position of a value within a list.")}, {func: "list-separator(#list)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.list-separator", "Returns the separator of a list.")}, {func: "map-get($map, $key)", desc: hr("", "Returns the value in a map associated with a given key.")}, {func: "map-merge($map1, $map2)", desc: hr("", "Merges two maps together into a new map.")}, {func: "map-remove($map, $keys)", desc: hr("", "Returns a new map with keys removed.")}, {func: "map-keys($map)", desc: hr("", "Returns a list of all keys in a map.")}, {func: "map-values($map)", desc: hr("", "Returns a list of all values in a map.")}, {func: "map-has-key($map, $key)", desc: hr("", "Returns whether a map has a value associated with a given key.")}, {func: "keywords($args)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.keywords", "Returns the keywords passed to a function that takes variable arguments.")}, {func: "feature-exists($feature)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.feature-exists", "Returns whether a feature exists in the current Sass runtime.")}, {func: "variable-exists($name)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.variable-exists", "Returns whether a variable with the given name exists in the current scope.")}, {func: "global-variable-exists($name)", desc: hr("", "Returns whether a variable with the given name exists in the global scope.")}, {func: "function-exists($name)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.function-exists", "Returns whether a function with the given name exists.")}, {func: "mixin-exists($name)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.mixin-exists", "Returns whether a mixin with the given name exists.")}, {func: "inspect($value)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.inspect", "Returns the string representation of a value as it would be represented in Sass.")}, {func: "type-of($value)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.type-of", "Returns the type of a value.")}, {func: "unit($number)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.unit", "Returns the unit(s) associated with a number.")}, {func: "unitless($number)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.unitless", "Returns whether a number has units.")}, {func: "comparable($number1, $number2)", desc: hr("scss.builtin.comparable", "Returns whether two numbers can be added, subtracted, or compared.")}, {func: "call($name, $args…)", desc: hr("", "Dynamically calls a Sass function.")}], t2.scssAtDirectives = [{label: "@extend", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@extend", "Inherits the styles of another selector."), kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@at-root", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@at-root", "Causes one or more rules to be emitted at the root of the document."), kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@debug", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@debug", "Prints the value of an expression to the standard error output stream. Useful for debugging complicated Sass files."), kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@warn", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@warn", "Prints the value of an expression to the standard error output stream. Useful for libraries that need to warn users of deprecations or recovering from minor mixin usage mistakes. Warnings can be turned off with the `--quiet` command-line option or the `:quiet` Sass option."), kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@error", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@error", "Throws the value of an expression as a fatal error with stack trace. Useful for validating arguments to mixins and functions."), kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@if", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@if", "Includes the body if the expression does not evaluate to `false` or `null`."), insertText: "@if ${1:expr} {\n $0\n}", insertTextFormat: Bn.Snippet, kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@for", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@for", "For loop that repeatedly outputs a set of styles for each `$var` in the `from/through` or `from/to` clause."), insertText: "@for \\$${1:var} from ${2:start} ${3|to,through|} ${4:end} {\n $0\n}", insertTextFormat: Bn.Snippet, kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@each", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@each", "Each loop that sets `$var` to each item in the list or map, then outputs the styles it contains using that value of `$var`."), insertText: "@each \\$${1:var} in ${2:list} {\n $0\n}", insertTextFormat: Bn.Snippet, kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@while", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@while", "While loop that takes an expression and repeatedly outputs the nested styles until the statement evaluates to `false`."), insertText: "@while ${1:condition} {\n $0\n}", insertTextFormat: Bn.Snippet, kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@mixin", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@mixin", "Defines styles that can be re-used throughout the stylesheet with `@include`."), insertText: "@mixin ${1:name} {\n $0\n}", insertTextFormat: Bn.Snippet, kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@include", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@include", "Includes the styles defined by another mixin into the current rule."), kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@function", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@function", "Defines complex operations that can be re-used throughout stylesheets."), kind: zn.Keyword}], t2.scssModuleLoaders = [{label: "@use", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@use", "Loads mixins, functions, and variables from other Sass stylesheets as 'modules', and combines CSS from multiple stylesheets together."), references: [{name: "Sass documentation", url: ""}], insertText: "@use '$0';", insertTextFormat: Bn.Snippet, kind: zn.Keyword}, {label: "@forward", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.@forward", "Loads a Sass stylesheet and makes its mixins, functions, and variables available when this stylesheet is loaded with the @use rule."), references: [{name: "Sass documentation", url: ""}], insertText: "@forward '$0';", insertTextFormat: Bn.Snippet, kind: zn.Keyword}], t2.scssModuleBuiltIns = [{label: "sass:math", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.sass:math", "Provides functions that operate on numbers."), references: [{name: "Sass documentation", url: ""}]}, {label: "sass:string", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.sass:string", "Makes it easy to combine, search, or split apart strings."), references: [{name: "Sass documentation", url: ""}]}, {label: "sass:color", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.sass:color", "Generates new colors based on existing ones, making it easy to build color themes."), references: [{name: "Sass documentation", url: ""}]}, {label: "sass:list", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.sass:list", "Lets you access and modify values in lists."), references: [{name: "Sass documentation", url: ""}]}, {label: "sass:map", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.sass:map", "Makes it possible to look up the value associated with a key in a map, and much more."), references: [{name: "Sass documentation", url: ""}]}, {label: "sass:selector", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.sass:selector", "Provides access to Sasss powerful selector engine."), references: [{name: "Sass documentation", url: ""}]}, {label: "sass:meta", documentation: hr("scss.builtin.sass:meta", "Exposes the details of Sasss inner workings."), references: [{name: "Sass documentation", url: ""}]}], t2;
function pr(e2) {
e2.forEach(function(e3) {
if (e3.documentation && e3.references && e3.references.length > 0) {
var t2 = "string" == typeof e3.documentation ? {kind: "markdown", value: e3.documentation} : {kind: "markdown", value: e3.documentation.value};
t2.value += "\n\n", t2.value += {
return "[" + + "](" + e4.url + ")";
}).join(" | "), e3.documentation = t2;
var mr = function() {
var e2 = function(t2, n2) {
return (e2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n3) && (e3[n3] = t3[n3]);
})(t2, n2);
return function(t2, n2) {
function i2() {
this.constructor = t2;
e2(t2, n2), t2.prototype = null === n2 ? Object.create(n2) : (i2.prototype = n2.prototype, new i2());
}(), gr = "/".charCodeAt(0), fr = "\n".charCodeAt(0), br = "\r".charCodeAt(0), _r = "\f".charCodeAt(0), vr = "`".charCodeAt(0), wr = ".".charCodeAt(0), yr = i.CustomToken, Cr = yr++, xr = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return mr(t2, e2), t2.prototype.scanNext = function(t3) {
var n2 = this.escapedJavaScript();
return null !== n2 ? this.finishToken(t3, n2) :[wr, wr, wr]) ? this.finishToken(t3, Cr) :, t3);
}, t2.prototype.comment = function() {
return !! || !(this.inURL || ![gr, gr])) && ( {
switch (e3) {
case fr:
case br:
case _r:
return false;
return true;
}), true);
}, t2.prototype.escapedJavaScript = function() {
return === vr ? (, {
return e3 !== vr;
}), ? i.EscapedJavaScript : i.BadEscapedJavaScript) : null;
}, t2;
}(G), Sr = function() {
var e2 = function(t2, n2) {
return (e2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n3) && (e3[n3] = t3[n3]);
})(t2, n2);
return function(t2, n2) {
function i2() {
this.constructor = t2;
e2(t2, n2), t2.prototype = null === n2 ? Object.create(n2) : (i2.prototype = n2.prototype, new i2());
}(), kr = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return, new xr()) || this;
return Sr(t2, e2), t2.prototype._parseStylesheetStatement = function(t3) {
return void 0 === t3 && (t3 = false), this.peek(i.AtKeyword) ? this._parseVariableDeclaration() || this._parsePlugin() ||, t3) : this._tryParseMixinDeclaration() || this._tryParseMixinReference() || this._parseFunction() || this._parseRuleset(true);
}, t2.prototype._parseImport = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@import") && !this.peekKeyword("@import-once"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(Re);
if (this.consumeToken(), this.accept(i.ParenthesisL)) {
if (!this.accept(i.Ident))
return this.finish(e3, xt.IdentifierExpected, [i.SemiColon]);
do {
if (!this.accept(i.Comma))
} while (this.accept(i.Ident));
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisR))
return this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected, [i.SemiColon]);
return e3.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) || e3.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral()) ? (this.peek(i.SemiColon) || this.peek(i.EOF) || e3.setMedialist(this._parseMediaQueryList()), this.finish(e3)) : this.finish(e3, xt.URIOrStringExpected, [i.SemiColon]);
}, t2.prototype._parsePlugin = function() {
if (!this.peekKeyword("@plugin"))
return null;
var e3 = this.createNode(J.Plugin);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral()) ? this.accept(i.SemiColon) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.SemiColonExpected) : this.finish(e3, xt.StringLiteralExpected);
}, t2.prototype._parseMediaQuery = function(t3) {
var n2 =, t3);
if (!n2) {
var i2 = this.create(He);
return i2.addChild(this._parseVariable()) ? this.finish(i2) : null;
return n2;
}, t2.prototype._parseMediaDeclaration = function(e3) {
return void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false), this._tryParseRuleset(e3) || this._tryToParseDeclaration() || this._tryParseMixinDeclaration() || this._tryParseMixinReference() || this._parseDetachedRuleSetMixin() || this._parseStylesheetStatement(e3);
}, t2.prototype._parseMediaFeatureName = function() {
return this._parseIdent() || this._parseVariable();
}, t2.prototype._parseVariableDeclaration = function(e3) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = []);
var t3 = this.create(it), n2 = this.mark();
if (!t3.setVariable(this._parseVariable(true)))
return null;
if (!this.accept(i.Colon))
return this.restoreAtMark(n2), null;
if (this.prevToken && (t3.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset), t3.setValue(this._parseDetachedRuleSet()))
t3.needsSemicolon = false;
else if (!t3.setValue(this._parseExpr()))
return this.finish(t3, xt.VariableValueExpected, [], e3);
return t3.addChild(this._parsePrio()), this.peek(i.SemiColon) && (t3.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset), this.finish(t3);
}, t2.prototype._parseDetachedRuleSet = function() {
var e3 = this.mark();
if (this.peekDelim("#") || this.peekDelim(".")) {
if (this.consumeToken(), this.hasWhitespace() || !this.accept(i.ParenthesisL))
return this.restoreAtMark(e3), null;
var t3 = this.create(dt);
if (t3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseMixinParameter()))
for (; (this.accept(i.Comma) || this.accept(i.SemiColon)) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
t3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseMixinParameter()) || this.markError(t3, xt.IdentifierExpected, [], [i.ParenthesisR]);
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisR))
return this.restoreAtMark(e3), null;
if (!this.peek(i.CurlyL))
return null;
var n2 = this.create(de);
return this._parseBody(n2, this._parseDetachedRuleSetBody.bind(this)), this.finish(n2);
}, t2.prototype._parseDetachedRuleSetBody = function() {
return this._tryParseKeyframeSelector() || this._parseRuleSetDeclaration();
}, t2.prototype._addLookupChildren = function(e3) {
if (!e3.addChild(this._parseLookupValue()))
return false;
for (var t3 = false; this.peek(i.BracketL) && (t3 = true), e3.addChild(this._parseLookupValue()); )
t3 = false;
return !t3;
}, t2.prototype._parseLookupValue = function() {
var e3 = this.create(re), t3 = this.mark();
return this.accept(i.BracketL) && ((e3.addChild(this._parseVariable(false, true)) || e3.addChild(this._parsePropertyIdentifier())) && this.accept(i.BracketR) || this.accept(i.BracketR)) ? e3 : (this.restoreAtMark(t3), null);
}, t2.prototype._parseVariable = function(e3, t3) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false), void 0 === t3 && (t3 = false);
var n2 = !e3 && this.peekDelim("$");
if (!this.peekDelim("@") && !n2 && !this.peek(i.AtKeyword))
return null;
for (var o2 = this.create(rt), r2 = this.mark(); this.acceptDelim("@") || !e3 && this.acceptDelim("$"); )
if (this.hasWhitespace())
return this.restoreAtMark(r2), null;
return (this.accept(i.AtKeyword) || this.accept(i.Ident)) && (t3 || !this.peek(i.BracketL) || this._addLookupChildren(o2)) ? o2 : (this.restoreAtMark(r2), null);
}, t2.prototype._parseTermExpression = function() {
return this._parseVariable() || this._parseEscaped() || || this._tryParseMixinReference(false);
}, t2.prototype._parseEscaped = function() {
if (this.peek(i.EscapedJavaScript) || this.peek(i.BadEscapedJavaScript)) {
var e3 = this.createNode(J.EscapedValue);
return this.consumeToken(), this.finish(e3);
if (this.peekDelim("~")) {
e3 = this.createNode(J.EscapedValue);
return this.consumeToken(), this.accept(i.String) || this.accept(i.EscapedJavaScript) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.TermExpected);
return null;
}, t2.prototype._parseOperator = function() {
var t3 = this._parseGuardOperator();
return t3 ||;
}, t2.prototype._parseGuardOperator = function() {
if (this.peekDelim(">")) {
var e3 = this.createNode(J.Operator);
return this.consumeToken(), this.acceptDelim("="), e3;
if (this.peekDelim("=")) {
e3 = this.createNode(J.Operator);
return this.consumeToken(), this.acceptDelim("<"), e3;
if (this.peekDelim("<")) {
e3 = this.createNode(J.Operator);
return this.consumeToken(), this.acceptDelim("="), e3;
return null;
}, t2.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclaration = function() {
return this.peek(i.AtKeyword) ? this._parseKeyframe() || this._parseMedia(true) || this._parseImport() || this._parseSupports(true) || this._parseDetachedRuleSetMixin() || this._parseVariableDeclaration() || : this._tryParseMixinDeclaration() || this._tryParseRuleset(true) || this._tryParseMixinReference() || this._parseFunction() || this._parseExtend() ||;
}, t2.prototype._parseKeyframeIdent = function() {
return this._parseIdent([ee.Keyframe]) || this._parseVariable();
}, t2.prototype._parseKeyframeSelector = function() {
return this._parseDetachedRuleSetMixin() ||;
}, t2.prototype._parseSimpleSelectorBody = function() {
return this._parseSelectorCombinator() ||;
}, t2.prototype._parseSelector = function(e3) {
var t3 = this.create(ue), n2 = false;
for (e3 && (n2 = t3.addChild(this._parseCombinator())); t3.addChild(this._parseSimpleSelector()); ) {
n2 = true;
var o2 = this.mark();
if (t3.addChild(this._parseGuard()) && this.peek(i.CurlyL))
this.restoreAtMark(o2), t3.addChild(this._parseCombinator());
return n2 ? this.finish(t3) : null;
}, t2.prototype._parseSelectorCombinator = function() {
if (this.peekDelim("&")) {
var e3 = this.createNode(J.SelectorCombinator);
for (this.consumeToken(); !this.hasWhitespace() && (this.acceptDelim("-") || this.accept(i.Num) || this.accept(i.Dimension) || e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()) || this.acceptDelim("&")); )
return this.finish(e3);
return null;
}, t2.prototype._parseSelectorIdent = function() {
if (!this.peekInterpolatedIdent())
return null;
var e3 = this.createNode(J.SelectorInterpolation);
return this._acceptInterpolatedIdent(e3) ? this.finish(e3) : null;
}, t2.prototype._parsePropertyIdentifier = function(e3) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false);
var t3 = /^[\w-]+/;
if (!this.peekInterpolatedIdent() && !this.peekRegExp(this.token.type, t3))
return null;
var n2 = this.mark(), i2 = this.create(ae);
i2.isCustomProperty = this.acceptDelim("-") && this.acceptDelim("-");
return (e3 ? i2.isCustomProperty ? i2.addChild(this._parseIdent()) : i2.addChild(this._parseRegexp(t3)) : i2.isCustomProperty ? this._acceptInterpolatedIdent(i2) : this._acceptInterpolatedIdent(i2, t3)) ? (e3 || this.hasWhitespace() || (this.acceptDelim("+"), this.hasWhitespace() || this.acceptIdent("_")), this.finish(i2)) : (this.restoreAtMark(n2), null);
}, t2.prototype.peekInterpolatedIdent = function() {
return this.peek(i.Ident) || this.peekDelim("@") || this.peekDelim("$") || this.peekDelim("-");
}, t2.prototype._acceptInterpolatedIdent = function(e3, t3) {
for (var n2 = this, o2 = false, r2 = function() {
var e4 = n2.mark();
return n2.acceptDelim("-") && (n2.hasWhitespace() || n2.acceptDelim("-"), n2.hasWhitespace()) ? (n2.restoreAtMark(e4), null) : n2._parseInterpolation();
}, s2 = t3 ? function() {
return n2.acceptRegexp(t3);
} : function() {
return n2.accept(i.Ident);
}; (s2() || e3.addChild(this._parseInterpolation() || this.try(r2))) && (o2 = true, !this.hasWhitespace()); )
return o2;
}, t2.prototype._parseInterpolation = function() {
var e3 = this.mark();
if (this.peekDelim("@") || this.peekDelim("$")) {
var t3 = this.createNode(J.Interpolation);
return this.consumeToken(), this.hasWhitespace() || !this.accept(i.CurlyL) ? (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null) : t3.addChild(this._parseIdent()) ? this.accept(i.CurlyR) ? this.finish(t3) : this.finish(t3, xt.RightCurlyExpected) : this.finish(t3, xt.IdentifierExpected);
return null;
}, t2.prototype._tryParseMixinDeclaration = function() {
var e3 = this.mark(), t3 = this.create(dt);
if (!t3.setIdentifier(this._parseMixinDeclarationIdentifier()) || !this.accept(i.ParenthesisL))
return this.restoreAtMark(e3), null;
if (t3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseMixinParameter()))
for (; (this.accept(i.Comma) || this.accept(i.SemiColon)) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
t3.getParameters().addChild(this._parseMixinParameter()) || this.markError(t3, xt.IdentifierExpected, [], [i.ParenthesisR]);
return this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? (t3.setGuard(this._parseGuard()), this.peek(i.CurlyL) ? this._parseBody(t3, this._parseMixInBodyDeclaration.bind(this)) : (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null)) : (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null);
}, t2.prototype._parseMixInBodyDeclaration = function() {
return this._parseFontFace() || this._parseRuleSetDeclaration();
}, t2.prototype._parseMixinDeclarationIdentifier = function() {
var e3;
if (this.peekDelim("#") || this.peekDelim(".")) {
if (e3 = this.create(ae), this.consumeToken(), this.hasWhitespace() || !e3.addChild(this._parseIdent()))
return null;
} else {
if (!this.peek(i.Hash))
return null;
e3 = this.create(ae), this.consumeToken();
return e3.referenceTypes = [ee.Mixin], this.finish(e3);
}, t2.prototype._parsePseudo = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.Colon))
return null;
var t3 = this.mark(), n2 = this.create(st);
return this.consumeToken(), this.acceptIdent("extend") ? this._completeExtends(n2) : (this.restoreAtMark(t3),;
}, t2.prototype._parseExtend = function() {
if (!this.peekDelim("&"))
return null;
var e3 = this.mark(), t3 = this.create(st);
return this.consumeToken(), !this.hasWhitespace() && this.accept(i.Colon) && this.acceptIdent("extend") ? this._completeExtends(t3) : (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null);
}, t2.prototype._completeExtends = function(e3) {
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisL))
return this.finish(e3, xt.LeftParenthesisExpected);
var t3 = e3.getSelectors();
if (!t3.addChild(this._parseSelector(true)))
return this.finish(e3, xt.SelectorExpected);
for (; this.accept(i.Comma); )
if (!t3.addChild(this._parseSelector(true)))
return this.finish(e3, xt.SelectorExpected);
return this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
}, t2.prototype._parseDetachedRuleSetMixin = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.AtKeyword))
return null;
var e3 = this.mark(), t3 = this.create(ct);
return !t3.addChild(this._parseVariable(true)) || !this.hasWhitespace() && this.accept(i.ParenthesisL) ? this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? this.finish(t3) : this.finish(t3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected) : (this.restoreAtMark(e3), null);
}, t2.prototype._tryParseMixinReference = function(e3) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = true);
for (var t3 = this.mark(), n2 = this.create(ct), o2 = this._parseMixinDeclarationIdentifier(); o2; ) {
var r2 = this._parseMixinDeclarationIdentifier();
if (!r2)
n2.getNamespaces().addChild(o2), o2 = r2;
if (!n2.setIdentifier(o2))
return this.restoreAtMark(t3), null;
var s2 = false;
if (this.accept(i.ParenthesisL)) {
if (s2 = true, n2.getArguments().addChild(this._parseMixinArgument())) {
for (; (this.accept(i.Comma) || this.accept(i.SemiColon)) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
if (!n2.getArguments().addChild(this._parseMixinArgument()))
return this.finish(n2, xt.ExpressionExpected);
if (!this.accept(i.ParenthesisR))
return this.finish(n2, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
o2.referenceTypes = [ee.Mixin];
} else
o2.referenceTypes = [ee.Mixin, ee.Rule];
return this.peek(i.BracketL) ? e3 || this._addLookupChildren(n2) : n2.addChild(this._parsePrio()), s2 || this.peek(i.SemiColon) || this.peek(i.CurlyR) || this.peek(i.EOF) ? this.finish(n2) : (this.restoreAtMark(t3), null);
}, t2.prototype._parseMixinArgument = function() {
var e3 = this.create(Ce), t3 = this.mark(), n2 = this._parseVariable();
return n2 && (this.accept(i.Colon) ? e3.setIdentifier(n2) : this.restoreAtMark(t3)), e3.setValue(this._parseDetachedRuleSet() || this._parseExpr(true)) ? this.finish(e3) : (this.restoreAtMark(t3), null);
}, t2.prototype._parseMixinParameter = function() {
var e3 = this.create(ye);
if (this.peekKeyword("@rest")) {
var t3 = this.create(re);
return this.consumeToken(), this.accept(Cr) ? (e3.setIdentifier(this.finish(t3)), this.finish(e3)) : this.finish(e3, xt.DotExpected, [], [i.Comma, i.ParenthesisR]);
if (this.peek(Cr)) {
var n2 = this.create(re);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.setIdentifier(this.finish(n2)), this.finish(e3);
var o2 = false;
return e3.setIdentifier(this._parseVariable()) && (this.accept(i.Colon), o2 = true), e3.setDefaultValue(this._parseDetachedRuleSet() || this._parseExpr(true)) || o2 ? this.finish(e3) : null;
}, t2.prototype._parseGuard = function() {
if (!this.peekIdent("when"))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(pt);
if (this.consumeToken(), e3.isNegated = this.acceptIdent("not"), !e3.getConditions().addChild(this._parseGuardCondition()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.ConditionExpected);
for (; this.acceptIdent("and") || this.accept(i.Comma); )
if (!e3.getConditions().addChild(this._parseGuardCondition()))
return this.finish(e3, xt.ConditionExpected);
return this.finish(e3);
}, t2.prototype._parseGuardCondition = function() {
if (!this.peek(i.ParenthesisL))
return null;
var e3 = this.create(mt);
return this.consumeToken(), e3.addChild(this._parseExpr()), this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? this.finish(e3) : this.finish(e3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
}, t2.prototype._parseFunction = function() {
var e3 = this.mark(), t3 = this.create(we);
if (!t3.setIdentifier(this._parseFunctionIdentifier()))
return null;
if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.accept(i.ParenthesisL))
return this.restoreAtMark(e3), null;
if (t3.getArguments().addChild(this._parseMixinArgument())) {
for (; (this.accept(i.Comma) || this.accept(i.SemiColon)) && !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR); )
if (!t3.getArguments().addChild(this._parseMixinArgument()))
return this.finish(t3, xt.ExpressionExpected);
return this.accept(i.ParenthesisR) ? this.finish(t3) : this.finish(t3, xt.RightParenthesisExpected);
}, t2.prototype._parseFunctionIdentifier = function() {
if (this.peekDelim("%")) {
var t3 = this.create(ae);
return t3.referenceTypes = [ee.Function], this.consumeToken(), this.finish(t3);
}, t2.prototype._parseURLArgument = function() {
var t3 = this.mark(), n2 =;
if (!n2 || !this.peek(i.ParenthesisR)) {
var o2 = this.create(re);
return o2.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr()), this.finish(o2);
return n2;
}, t2;
}(on), Er = function() {
var e2 = function(t2, n2) {
return (e2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n3) && (e3[n3] = t3[n3]);
})(t2, n2);
return function(t2, n2) {
function i2() {
this.constructor = t2;
e2(t2, n2), t2.prototype = null === n2 ? Object.create(n2) : (i2.prototype = n2.prototype, new i2());
}(), Tr = wt(), Lr = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
return, "@", t3, n2) || this;
return Er(t2, e2), t2.prototype.createFunctionProposals = function(e3, t3, n2, i2) {
for (var o2 = 0, r2 = e3; o2 < r2.length; o2++) {
var s2 = r2[o2], a2 = {label:, detail: s2.example, documentation: s2.description, textEdit: Cn.replace(this.getCompletionRange(t3), + "($0)"), insertTextFormat: Bn.Snippet, kind: zn.Function};
n2 && (a2.sortText = "z"), i2.items.push(a2);
return i2;
}, t2.prototype.getTermProposals = function(n2, i2, o2) {
var r2 = t2.builtInProposals;
return n2 && (r2 = r2.filter(function(e3) {
return !e3.type || !n2.restrictions || -1 !== n2.restrictions.indexOf(e3.type);
})), this.createFunctionProposals(r2, i2, true, o2),, n2, i2, o2);
}, t2.prototype.getColorProposals = function(n2, i2, o2) {
return this.createFunctionProposals(t2.colorProposals, i2, false, o2),, n2, i2, o2);
}, t2.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty = function(t3, n2) {
return this.getCompletionsForSelector(null, true, n2),, t3, n2);
}, t2.builtInProposals = [{name: "if", example: "if(condition, trueValue [, falseValue]);", description: Tr("less.builtin.if", "returns one of two values depending on a condition.")}, {name: "boolean", example: "boolean(condition);", description: Tr("less.builtin.boolean", '"store" a boolean test for later evaluation in a guard or if().')}, {name: "length", example: "length(@list);", description: Tr("less.builtin.length", "returns the number of elements in a value list")}, {name: "extract", example: "extract(@list, index);", description: Tr("less.builtin.extract", "returns a value at the specified position in the list")}, {name: "range", example: "range([start, ] end [, step]);", description: Tr("less.builtin.range", "generate a list spanning a range of values")}, {name: "each", example: "each(@list, ruleset);", description: Tr("less.builtin.each", "bind the evaluation of a ruleset to each member of a list.")}, {name: "escape", example: "escape(@string);", description: Tr("less.builtin.escape", "URL encodes a string")}, {name: "e", example: "e(@string);", description: Tr("less.builtin.e", "escape string content")}, {name: "replace", example: "replace(@string, @pattern, @replacement[, @flags]);", description: Tr("less.builtin.replace", "string replace")}, {name: "unit", example: "unit(@dimension, [@unit: '']);", description: Tr("less.builtin.unit", "remove or change the unit of a dimension")}, {name: "color", example: "color(@string);", description: Tr("less.builtin.color", "parses a string to a color"), type: "color"}, {name: "convert", example: "convert(@value, unit);", description: Tr("less.builtin.convert", "converts numbers from one type into another")}, {name: "data-uri", example: "data-uri([mimetype,] url);", description: Tr("", "inlines a resource and falls back to `url()`"), type: "url"}, {name: "abs", description: Tr("less.builtin.abs", "absolute value of a number"), example: "abs(number);"}, {name: "acos", description: Tr("less.builtin.acos", "arccosine - inverse of cosine function"), example: "acos(number);"}, {name: "asin", description: Tr("less.builtin.asin", "arcsine - inverse of sine function"), example: "asin(number);"}, {name: "ceil", example: "ceil(@number);", description: Tr("less.builtin.ceil", "rounds up to an integer")}, {name: "cos", description: Tr("less.builtin.cos", "cosine function"), example: "cos(number);"}, {name: "floor", description: Tr("less.builtin.floor", "rounds down to an integer"), example: "floor(@number);"}, {name: "percentage", description: Tr("less.builtin.percentage", "converts to a %, e.g. 0.5 > 50%"), example: "percentage(@number);", type: "percentage"}, {name: "round", description: Tr("less.builtin.round", "rounds a number to a number of places"), example: "round(number, [places: 0]);"}, {name: "sqrt", description: Tr("less.builtin.sqrt", "calculates square root of a number"), example: "sqrt(number);"}, {name: "sin", description: Tr("less.builtin.sin", "sine function"), example: "sin(number);"}, {name: "tan", description: Tr("less.builtin.tan", "tangent function"), example: "tan(number);"}, {name: "atan", description: Tr("less.builtin.atan", "arctangent - inverse of tangent function"), example: "atan(number);"}, {name: "pi", description: Tr("less.builtin.pi", "returns pi"), example: "pi();"}, {name: "pow", description: Tr("less.builtin.pow", "first argument raised to the power of the second argument"), example: "pow(@base, @exponent);"}, {name: "mod", description: Tr("less.builtin.mod", "first argument modulus second argument"), example: "mod(number, number);"}, {name: "min", description: Tr("less.builtin.min", "returns the lowest of one or more values"), example: "min(@x, @y);"}, {name: "max", description: Tr("less.builtin.max", "returns the lowest of one or more values"), example: "max(@x, @y);"}], t2.colorProposals = [{name: "argb", example: "argb(@color);", description: Tr("less.builtin.argb", "creates a #AARRGGBB")}, {name: "hsl", example: "hsl(@hue, @saturation, @lightness);", description: Tr("less.builtin.hsl", "creates a color")}, {name: "hsla", example: "hsla(@hue, @saturation, @lightness, @alpha);", description: Tr("less.builtin.hsla", "creates a color")}, {name: "hsv", example: "hsv(@hue, @saturation, @value);", description: Tr("less.builtin.hsv", "creates a color")}, {name: "hsva", example: "hsva(@hue, @saturation, @value, @alpha);", description: Tr("less.builtin.hsva", "creates a color")}, {name: "hue", example: "hue(@color);", description: Tr("less.builtin.hue", "returns the `hue` channel of `@color` in the HSL space")}, {name: "saturation", example: "saturation(@color);", description: Tr("less.builtin.saturation", "returns the `saturation` channel of `@color` in the HSL space")}, {name: "lightness", example: "lightness(@color);", description: Tr("less.builtin.lightness", "returns the `lightness` channel of `@color` in the HSL space")}, {name: "hsvhue", example: "hsvhue(@color);", description: Tr("less.builtin.hsvhue", "returns the `hue` channel of `@color` in the HSV space")}, {name: "hsvsaturation", example: "hsvsaturation(@color);", description: Tr("less.builtin.hsvsaturation", "returns the `saturation` channel of `@color` in the HSV space")}, {name: "hsvvalue", example: "hsvvalue(@color);", description: Tr("less.builtin.hsvvalue", "returns the `value` channel of `@color` in the HSV space")}, {name: "red", example: "red(@color);", description: Tr("", "returns the `red` channel of `@color`")}, {name: "green", example: "green(@color);", description: Tr("", "returns the `green` channel of `@color`")}, {name: "blue", example: "blue(@color);", description: Tr("", "returns the `blue` channel of `@color`")}, {name: "alpha", example: "alpha(@color);", description: Tr("less.builtin.alpha", "returns the `alpha` channel of `@color`")}, {name: "luma", example: "luma(@color);", description: Tr("less.builtin.luma", "returns the `luma` value (perceptual brightness) of `@color`")}, {name: "saturate", example: "saturate(@color, 10%);", description: Tr("less.builtin.saturate", "return `@color` 10% points more saturated")}, {name: "desaturate", example: "desaturate(@color, 10%);", description: Tr("less.builtin.desaturate", "return `@color` 10% points less saturated")}, {name: "lighten", example: "lighten(@color, 10%);", description: Tr("less.builtin.lighten", "return `@color` 10% points lighter")}, {name: "darken", example: "darken(@color, 10%);", description: Tr("less.builtin.darken", "return `@color` 10% points darker")}, {name: "fadein", example: "fadein(@color, 10%);", description: Tr("less.builtin.fadein", "return `@color` 10% points less transparent")}, {name: "fadeout", example: "fadeout(@color, 10%);", description: Tr("less.builtin.fadeout", "return `@color` 10% points more transparent")}, {name: "fade", example: "fade(@color, 50%);", description: Tr("less.builtin.fade", "return `@color` with 50% transparency")}, {name: "spin", example: "spin(@color, 10);", description: Tr("less.builtin.spin", "return `@color` with a 10 degree larger in hue")}, {name: "mix", example: "mix(@color1, @color2, [@weight: 50%]);", description: Tr("less.builtin.mix", "return a mix of `@color1` and `@color2`")}, {name: "greyscale", example: "greyscale(@color);", description: Tr("less.builtin.greyscale", "returns a grey, 100% desaturated color")}, {name: "contrast", example: "contrast(@color1, [@darkcolor: black], [@lightcolor: white], [@threshold: 43%]);", description: Tr("less.builtin.contrast", "return `@darkcolor` if `@color1 is> 43% luma` otherwise return `@lightcolor`, see notes")}, {name: "multiply", example: "multiply(@color1, @color2);"}, {name: "screen", example: "screen(@color1, @color2);"}, {name: "overlay", example: "overlay(@color1, @color2);"}, {name: "softlight", example: "softlight(@color1, @color2);"}, {name: "hardlight", example: "hardlight(@color1, @color2);"}, {name: "difference", example: "difference(@color1, @color2);"}, {name: "exclusion", example: "exclusion(@color1, @color2);"}, {name: "average", example: "average(@color1, @color2);"}, {name: "negation", example: "negation(@color1, @color2);"}], t2;
function Nr(e2, t2) {
return function(e3, t3) {
var n2 = t3 && t3.rangeLimit || Number.MAX_VALUE, i2 = e3.sort(function(e4, t4) {
var n3 = e4.startLine - t4.startLine;
return 0 === n3 && (n3 = e4.endLine - t4.endLine), n3;
}), o2 = [], r2 = -1;
return i2.forEach(function(e4) {
e4.startLine < r2 && r2 < e4.endLine || (o2.push(e4), r2 = e4.endLine);
}), o2.length < n2 ? o2 : o2.slice(0, n2);
}(function(e3) {
function t3(t4) {
return e3.positionAt(t4.offset).line;
function n2(t4) {
return e3.positionAt(t4.offset + t4.len).line;
var o2 = [], r2 = [], s2 = function() {
switch (e3.languageId) {
case "scss":
return new or();
case "less":
return new xr();
return new G();
s2.ignoreComment = false, s2.setSource(e3.getText());
var a2 = s2.scan(), l2 = null, c2 = function() {
switch (a2.type) {
case i.CurlyL:
case Qo:
r2.push({line: t3(a2), type: "brace", isStart: true});
case i.CurlyR:
if (0 !== r2.length) {
if (!(u2 = Ir(r2, "brace")))
var c3 = n2(a2);
"brace" === u2.type && (l2 && n2(l2) !== c3 && c3--, u2.line !== c3 && o2.push({startLine: u2.line, endLine: c3, kind: void 0}));
case i.Comment:
var d2 = function(e4) {
return "#region" === e4 ? {line: t3(a2), type: "comment", isStart: true} : {line: n2(a2), type: "comment", isStart: false};
}, h2 = function(t4) {
var n3 = t4.text.match(/^\s*\/\*\s*(#region|#endregion)\b\s*(.*?)\s*\*\//);
if (n3)
return d2(n3[1]);
if ("scss" === e3.languageId || "less" === e3.languageId) {
var i2 = t4.text.match(/^\s*\/\/\s*(#region|#endregion)\b\s*(.*?)\s*/);
if (i2)
return d2(i2[1]);
return null;
if (h2)
if (h2.isStart)
else {
var u2;
if (!(u2 = Ir(r2, "comment")))
"comment" === u2.type && u2.line !== h2.line && o2.push({startLine: u2.line, endLine: h2.line, kind: "region"});
else {
var p2 = function(e4, i2) {
var o3 = t3(e4), r3 = n2(e4);
return o3 !== r3 ? {startLine: o3, endLine: r3, kind: i2} : null;
}(a2, "comment");
p2 && o2.push(p2);
l2 = a2, a2 = s2.scan();
for (; a2.type !== i.EOF; )
return o2;
}(e2), t2);
function Ir(e2, t2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
return null;
for (var n2 = e2.length - 1; n2 >= 0; n2--)
if (e2[n2].type === t2 && e2[n2].isStart)
return e2.splice(n2, 1)[0];
return null;
var Or = {version: 1.1, properties: [{name: "additive-symbols", browsers: ["FF33"], syntax: "[ <integer> && <symbol> ]#", relevance: 50, description: "@counter-style descriptor. Specifies the symbols used by the marker-construction algorithm specified by the system descriptor. Needs to be specified if the counter system is 'additive'.", restrictions: ["integer", "string", "image", "identifier"]}, {name: "align-content", values: [{name: "center", description: "Lines are packed toward the center of the flex container."}, {name: "flex-end", description: "Lines are packed toward the end of the flex container."}, {name: "flex-start", description: "Lines are packed toward the start of the flex container."}, {name: "space-around", description: "Lines are evenly distributed in the flex container, with half-size spaces on either end."}, {name: "space-between", description: "Lines are evenly distributed in the flex container."}, {name: "stretch", description: "Lines stretch to take up the remaining space."}], syntax: "normal | <baseline-position> | <content-distribution> | <overflow-position>? <content-position>", relevance: 59, description: "Aligns a flex containers lines within the flex container when there is extra space in the cross-axis, similar to how 'justify-content' aligns individual items within the main-axis.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "align-items", values: [{name: "baseline", description: "If the flex items inline axis is the same as the cross axis, this value is identical to 'flex-start'. Otherwise, it participates in baseline alignment."}, {name: "center", description: "The flex items margin box is centered in the cross axis within the line."}, {name: "flex-end", description: "The cross-end margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-end edge of the line."}, {name: "flex-start", description: "The cross-start margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-start edge of the line."}, {name: "stretch", description: "If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto, and neither of the cross-axis margins are auto, the flex item is stretched."}], syntax: "normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | [ <overflow-position>? <self-position> ]", relevance: 81, description: "Aligns flex items along the cross axis of the current line of the flex container.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "justify-items", values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "normal"}, {name: "end"}, {name: "start"}, {name: "flex-end", description: '"Flex items are packed toward the end of the line."'}, {name: "flex-start", description: '"Flex items are packed toward the start of the line."'}, {name: "self-end", description: "The item is packed flush to the edge of the alignment container of the end side of the item, in the appropriate axis."}, {name: "self-start", description: "The item is packed flush to the edge of the alignment container of the start side of the item, in the appropriate axis.."}, {name: "center", description: "The items are packed flush to each other toward the center of the of the alignment container."}, {name: "left"}, {name: "right"}, {name: "baseline"}, {name: "first baseline"}, {name: "last baseline"}, {name: "stretch", description: "If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto, and neither of the cross-axis margins are auto, the flex item is stretched."}, {name: "save"}, {name: "unsave"}, {name: "legacy"}], syntax: "normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | <overflow-position>? [ <self-position> | left | right ] | legacy | legacy && [ left | right | center ]", relevance: 50, description: "Defines the default justify-self for all items of the box, giving them the default way of justifying each box along the appropriate axis", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "justify-self", browsers: ["E16", "FF45", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "normal"}, {name: "end"}, {name: "start"}, {name: "flex-end", description: '"Flex items are packed toward the end of the line."'}, {name: "flex-start", description: '"Flex items are packed toward the start of the line."'}, {name: "self-end", description: "The item is packed flush to the edge of the alignment container of the end side of the item, in the appropriate axis."}, {name: "self-start", description: "The item is packed flush to the edge of the alignment container of the start side of the item, in the appropriate axis.."}, {name: "center", description: "The items are packed flush to each other toward the center of the of the alignment container."}, {name: "left"}, {name: "right"}, {name: "baseline"}, {name: "first baseline"}, {name: "last baseline"}, {name: "stretch", description: "If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto, and neither of the cross-axis margins are auto, the flex item is stretched."}, {name: "save"}, {name: "unsave"}], syntax: "auto | normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | <overflow-position>? [ <self-position> | left | right ]", relevance: 52, description: "Defines the way of justifying a box inside its container along the appropriate axis.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "align-self", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Computes to the value of 'align-items' on the elements parent, or 'stretch' if the element has no parent. On absolutely positioned elements, it computes to itself."}, {name: "baseline", description: "If the flex items inline axis is the same as the cross axis, this value is identical to 'flex-start'. Otherwise, it participates in baseline alignment."}, {name: "center", description: "The flex items margin box is centered in the cross axis within the line."}, {name: "flex-end", description: "The cross-end margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-end edge of the line."}, {name: "flex-start", description: "The cross-start margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-start edge of the line."}, {name: "stretch", description: "If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto, and neither of the cross-axis margins are auto, the flex item is stretched."}], syntax: "auto | normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | <overflow-position>? <self-position>", relevance: 69, description: "Allows the default alignment along the cross axis to be overridden for individual flex items.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "all", browsers: ["E79", "FF27", "S9.1", "C37", "O24"], values: [], syntax: "initial | inherit | unset | revert", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand that resets all properties except 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi'.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "alt", browsers: ["S9"], values: [], relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Provides alternative text for assistive technology to replace the generated content of a ::before or ::after element.", restrictions: ["string", "enum"]}, {name: "animation", values: [{name: "alternate", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction."}, {name: "alternate-reverse", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction."}, {name: "backwards", description: "The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'."}, {name: "both", description: "Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied."}, {name: "forwards", description: "The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes."}, {name: "infinite", description: "Causes the animation to repeat forever."}, {name: "none", description: "No animation is performed"}, {name: "normal", description: "Normal playback."}, {name: "reverse", description: "All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified."}], syntax: "<single-animation>#", relevance: 79, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property combines six of the animation properties into a single property.", restrictions: ["time", "timing-function", "enum", "identifier", "number"]}, {name: "animation-delay", syntax: "<time>#", relevance: 62, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines when the animation will start.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "animation-direction", values: [{name: "alternate", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction."}, {name: "alternate-reverse", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction."}, {name: "normal", description: "Normal playback."}, {name: "reverse", description: "All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified."}], syntax: "<single-animation-direction>#", relevance: 55, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "animation-duration", syntax: "<time>#", relevance: 64, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "animation-fill-mode", values: [{name: "backwards", description: "The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'."}, {name: "both", description: "Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied."}, {name: "forwards", description: "The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes."}, {name: "none", description: "There is no change to the property value between the time the animation is applied and the time the animation begins playing or after the animation completes."}], syntax: "<single-animation-fill-mode>#", relevance: 61, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines what values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "animation-iteration-count", values: [{name: "infinite", description: "Causes the animation to repeat forever."}], syntax: "<single-animation-iteration-count>#", relevance: 59, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the number of times an animation cycle is played. The default value is one, meaning the animation will play from beginning to end once.", restrictions: ["number", "enum"]}, {name: "animation-name", values: [{name: "none", description: "No animation is performed"}], syntax: "[ none | <keyframes-name> ]#", relevance: 64, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines a list of animations that apply. Each name is used to select the keyframe at-rule that provides the property values for the animation.", restrictions: ["identifier", "enum"]}, {name: "animation-play-state", values: [{name: "paused", description: "A running animation will be paused."}, {name: "running", description: "Resume playback of a paused animation."}], syntax: "<single-animation-play-state>#", relevance: 53, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines whether the animation is running or paused.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "animation-timing-function", syntax: "<timing-function>#", relevance: 68, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Describes how the animation will progress over one cycle of its duration.", restrictions: ["timing-function"]}, {name: "backface-visibility", values: [{name: "hidden", description: "Back side is hidden."}, {name: "visible", description: "Back side is visible."}], syntax: "visible | hidden", relevance: 59, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines whether or not the 'back' side of a transformed element is visible when facing the viewer. With an identity transform, the front side of an element faces the viewer.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "background", values: [{name: "fixed", description: "The background is fixed with regard to the viewport. In paged media where there is no viewport, a 'fixed' background is fixed with respect to the page box and therefore replicated on every page."}, {name: "local", description: "The background is fixed with regard to the element's contents: if the element has a scrolling mechanism, the background scrolls with the element's contents."}, {name: "none", description: "A value of 'none' counts as an image layer but draws nothing."}, {name: "scroll", description: "The background is fixed with regard to the element itself and does not scroll with its contents. (It is effectively attached to the element's border.)"}], syntax: "[ <bg-layer> , ]* <final-bg-layer>", relevance: 93, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property for setting most background properties at the same place in the style sheet.", restrictions: ["enum", "image", "color", "position", "length", "repeat", "percentage", "box"]}, {name: "background-attachment", values: [{name: "fixed", description: "The background is fixed with regard to the viewport. In paged media where there is no viewport, a 'fixed' background is fixed with respect to the page box and therefore replicated on every page."}, {name: "local", description: "The background is fixed with regard to the elements contents: if the element has a scrolling mechanism, the background scrolls with the elements contents."}, {name: "scroll", description: "The background is fixed with regard to the element itself and does not scroll with its contents. (It is effectively attached to the elements border.)"}], syntax: "<attachment>#", relevance: 53, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies whether the background images are fixed with regard to the viewport ('fixed') or scroll along with the element ('scroll') or its contents ('local').", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "background-blend-mode", browsers: ["E79", "FF30", "S8", "C35", "O22"], values: [{name: "normal", description: "Default attribute which specifies no blending"}, {name: "multiply", description: "The source color is multiplied by the destination color and replaces the destination."}, {name: "screen", description: "Multiplies the complements of the backdrop and source color values, then complements the result."}, {name: "overlay", description: "Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the backdrop color value."}, {name: "darken", description: "Selects the darker of the backdrop and source colors."}, {name: "lighten", description: "Selects the lighter of the backdrop and source colors."}, {name: "color-dodge", description: "Brightens the backdrop color to reflect the source color."}, {name: "color-burn", description: "Darkens the backdrop color to reflect the source color."}, {name: "hard-light", description: "Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the source color value."}, {name: "soft-light", description: "Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the source color value."}, {name: "difference", description: "Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter color.."}, {name: "exclusion", description: "Produces an effect similar to that of the Difference mode but lower in contrast."}, {name: "hue", browsers: ["E79", "FF30", "S8", "C35", "O22"], description: "Creates a color with the hue of the source color and the saturation and luminosity of the backdrop color."}, {name: "saturation", browsers: ["E79", "FF30", "S8", "C35", "O22"], description: "Creates a color with the saturation of the source color and the hue and luminosity of the backdrop color."}, {name: "color", browsers: ["E79", "FF30", "S8", "C35", "O22"], description: "Creates a color with the hue and saturation of the source color and the luminosity of the backdrop color."}, {name: "luminosity", browsers: ["E79", "FF30", "S8", "C35", "O22"], description: "Creates a color with the luminosity of the source color and the hue and saturation of the backdrop color."}], syntax: "<blend-mode>#", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the blending mode of each background layer.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "background-clip", syntax: "<box>#", relevance: 67, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the background painting area.", restrictions: ["box"]}, {name: "background-color", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 94, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the background color of an element.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "background-image", values: [{name: "none", description: "Counts as an image layer but draws nothing."}], syntax: "<bg-image>#", relevance: 88, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the background image(s) of an element.", restrictions: ["image", "enum"]}, {name: "background-origin", syntax: "<box>#", relevance: 53, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "For elements rendered as a single box, specifies the background positioning area. For elements rendered as multiple boxes (e.g., inline boxes on several lines, boxes on several pages) specifies which boxes 'box-decoration-break' operates on to determine the background positioning area(s).", restrictions: ["box"]}, {name: "background-position", syntax: "<bg-position>#", relevance: 87, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the initial position of the background image(s) (after any resizing) within their corresponding background positioning area.", restrictions: ["position", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "background-position-x", values: [{name: "center", description: "Equivalent to '50%' ('left 50%') for the horizontal position if the horizontal position is not otherwise specified, or '50%' ('top 50%') for the vertical position if it is."}, {name: "left", description: "Equivalent to '0%' for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the left edge as the origin for the next offset."}, {name: "right", description: "Equivalent to '100%' for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the right edge as the origin for the next offset."}], status: "experimental", syntax: "[ center | [ [ left | right | x-start | x-end ]? <length-percentage>? ]! ]#", relevance: 54, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "If background images have been specified, this property specifies their initial position (after any resizing) within their corresponding background positioning area.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "background-position-y", values: [{name: "bottom", description: "Equivalent to '100%' for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the bottom edge as the origin for the next offset."}, {name: "center", description: "Equivalent to '50%' ('left 50%') for the horizontal position if the horizontal position is not otherwise specified, or '50%' ('top 50%') for the vertical position if it is."}, {name: "top", description: "Equivalent to '0%' for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the top edge as the origin for the next offset."}], status: "experimental", syntax: "[ center | [ [ top | bottom | y-start | y-end ]? <length-percentage>? ]! ]#", relevance: 53, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "If background images have been specified, this property specifies their initial position (after any resizing) within their corresponding background positioning area.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "background-repeat", values: [], syntax: "<repeat-style>#", relevance: 85, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how background images are tiled after they have been sized and positioned.", restrictions: ["repeat"]}, {name: "background-size", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Resolved by using the images intrinsic ratio and the size of the other dimension, or failing that, using the images intrinsic size, or failing that, treating it as 100%."}, {name: "contain", description: "Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area."}, {name: "cover", description: "Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area."}], syntax: "<bg-size>#", relevance: 85, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the size of the background images.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "behavior", browsers: ["IE6"], relevance: 50, description: "IE only. Used to extend behaviors of the browser.", restrictions: ["url"]}, {name: "block-size", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Depends on the values of other properties."}], syntax: "<'width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'width'. Mapping depends on the elements 'writing-mode'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "border", syntax: "<line-width> || <line-style> || <color>", relevance: 95, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property for setting border width, style, and color.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "border-block-end", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-width'> || <'border-top-style'> || <'color'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-bottom'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "border-block-start", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-width'> || <'border-top-style'> || <'color'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-top'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "border-block-end-color", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-color'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-bottom-color'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "border-block-start-color", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-color'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-top-color'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "border-block-end-style", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-style'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-bottom-style'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "border-block-start-style", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-style'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-top-style'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "border-block-end-width", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-bottom-width'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "border-block-start-width", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-top-width'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "border-bottom", syntax: "<line-width> || <line-style> || <color>", relevance: 88, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property for setting border width, style and color.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "border-bottom-color", syntax: "<'border-top-color'>", relevance: 71, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the color of the bottom border.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "border-bottom-left-radius", syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}", relevance: 74, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the radii of the bottom left outer border edge.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "border-bottom-right-radius", syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}", relevance: 73, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the radii of the bottom right outer border edge.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "border-bottom-style", syntax: "<line-style>", relevance: 57, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the style of the bottom border.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "border-bottom-width", syntax: "<line-width>", relevance: 62, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the thickness of the bottom border.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "border-collapse", values: [{name: "collapse", description: "Selects the collapsing borders model."}, {name: "separate", description: "Selects the separated borders border model."}], syntax: "collapse | separate", relevance: 75, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Selects a table's border model.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "border-color", values: [], syntax: "<color>{1,4}", relevance: 86, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The color of the border around all four edges of an element.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "border-image", values: [{name: "auto", description: "If 'auto' is specified then the border image width is the intrinsic width or height (whichever is applicable) of the corresponding image slice. If the image does not have the required intrinsic dimension then the corresponding border-width is used instead."}, {name: "fill", description: "Causes the middle part of the border-image to be preserved."}, {name: "none", description: "Use the border styles."}, {name: "repeat", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area."}, {name: "round", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the image is rescaled so that it does."}, {name: "space", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the extra space is distributed around the tiles."}, {name: "stretch", description: "The image is stretched to fill the area."}, {name: "url()"}], syntax: "<'border-image-source'> || <'border-image-slice'> [ / <'border-image-width'> | / <'border-image-width'>? / <'border-image-outset'> ]? || <'border-image-repeat'>", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property for setting 'border-image-source', 'border-image-slice', 'border-image-width', 'border-image-outset' and 'border-image-repeat'. Omitted values are set to their initial values.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage", "number", "url", "enum"]}, {name: "border-image-outset", syntax: "[ <length> | <number> ]{1,4}", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The values specify the amount by which the border image area extends beyond the border box on the top, right, bottom, and left sides respectively. If the fourth value is absent, it is the same as the second. If the third one is also absent, it is the same as the first. If the second one is also absent, it is the same as the first. Numbers represent multiples of the corresponding border-width.", restrictions: ["length", "number"]}, {name: "border-image-repeat", values: [{name: "repeat", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area."}, {name: "round", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the image is rescaled so that it does."}, {name: "space", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the extra space is distributed around the tiles."}, {name: "stretch", description: "The image is stretched to fill the area."}], syntax: "[ stretch | repeat | round | space ]{1,2}", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how the images for the sides and the middle part of the border image are scaled and tiled. If the second keyword is absent, it is assumed to be the same as the first.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "border-image-slice", values: [{name: "fill", description: "Causes the middle part of the border-image to be preserved."}], syntax: "<number-percentage>{1,4} && fill?", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies inward offsets from the top, right, bottom, and left edges of the image, dividing it into nine regions: four corners, four edges and a middle.", restrictions: ["number", "percentage"]}, {name: "border-image-source", values: [{name: "none", description: "Use the border styles."}], syntax: "none | <image>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies an image to use instead of the border styles given by the 'border-style' properties and as an additional background layer for the element. If the value is 'none' or if the image cannot be displayed, the border styles will be used.", restrictions: ["image"]}, {name: "border-image-width", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The border image width is the intrinsic width or height (whichever is applicable) of the corresponding image slice. If the image does not have the required intrinsic dimension then the corresponding border-width is used instead."}], syntax: "[ <length-percentage> | <number> | auto ]{1,4}", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The four values of 'border-image-width' specify offsets that are used to divide the border image area into nine parts. They represent inward distances from the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the area, respectively.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage", "number"]}, {name: "border-inline-end", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-width'> || <'border-top-style'> || <'color'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-right'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "border-inline-start", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-width'> || <'border-top-style'> || <'color'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-left'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "border-inline-end-color", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-color'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-right-color'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "border-inline-start-color", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-color'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-left-color'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "border-inline-end-style", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-style'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-right-style'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "border-inline-start-style", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-style'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-left-style'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "border-inline-end-width", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-right-width'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "border-inline-start-width", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'border-top-width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'border-left-width'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "border-left", syntax: "<line-width> || <line-style> || <color>", relevance: 82, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property for setting border width, style and color", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "border-left-color", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 65, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the color of the left border.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "border-left-style", syntax: "<line-style>", relevance: 54, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the style of the left border.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "border-left-width", syntax: "<line-width>", relevance: 58, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the thickness of the left border.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "border-radius", syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,4} [ / <length-percentage>{1,4} ]?", relevance: 91, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the radii of the outer border edge.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "border-right", syntax: "<line-width> || <line-style> || <color>", relevance: 81, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property for setting border width, style and color", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "border-right-color", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 64, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the color of the right border.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "border-right-style", syntax: "<line-style>", relevance: 54, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the style of the right border.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "border-right-width", syntax: "<line-width>", relevance: 60, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the thickness of the right border.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "border-spacing", syntax: "<length> <length>?", relevance: 68, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The lengths specify the distance that separates adjoining cell borders. If one length is specified, it gives both the horizontal and vertical spacing. If two are specified, the first gives the horizontal spacing and the second the vertical spacing. Lengths may not be negative.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "border-style", values: [], syntax: "<line-style>{1,4}", relevance: 79, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The style of the border around edges of an element.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "border-top", syntax: "<line-width> || <line-style> || <color>", relevance: 87, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property for setting border width, style and color", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "border-top-color", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 71, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the color of the top border.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "border-top-left-radius", syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}", relevance: 74, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the radii of the top left outer border edge.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "border-top-right-radius", syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}", relevance: 72, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the radii of the top right outer border edge.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "border-top-style", syntax: "<line-style>", relevance: 57, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the style of the top border.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "border-top-width", syntax: "<line-width>", relevance: 61, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the thickness of the top border.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "border-width", values: [], syntax: "<line-width>{1,4}", relevance: 81, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand that sets the four 'border-*-width' properties. If it has four values, they set top, right, bottom and left in that order. If left is missing, it is the same as right; if bottom is missing, it is the same as top; if right is missing, it is the same as top.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "bottom", values: [{name: "auto", description: "For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well"}], syntax: "<length> | <percentage> | auto", relevance: 89, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how far an absolutely positioned box's bottom margin edge is offset above the bottom edge of the box's 'containing block'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "box-decoration-break", browsers: ["E79", "FF32", "S6.1", "C22", "O15"], values: [{name: "clone", description: "Each box is independently wrapped with the border and padding."}, {name: "slice", description: "The effect is as though the element were rendered with no breaks present, and then sliced by the breaks afterward."}], syntax: "slice | clone", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies whether individual boxes are treated as broken pieces of one continuous box, or whether each box is individually wrapped with the border and padding.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "box-shadow", values: [{name: "inset", description: "Changes the drop shadow from an outer shadow (one that shadows the box onto the canvas, as if it were lifted above the canvas) to an inner shadow (one that shadows the canvas onto the box, as if the box were cut out of the canvas and shifted behind it)."}, {name: "none", description: "No shadow."}], syntax: "none | <shadow>#", relevance: 89, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box. The property is a comma-separated list of shadows, each specified by 2-4 length values, an optional color, and an optional 'inset' keyword. Omitted lengths are 0; omitted colors are a user agent chosen color.", restrictions: ["length", "color", "enum"]}, {name: "box-sizing", values: [{name: "border-box", description: "The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) on this element determine the border box of the element."}, {name: "content-box", description: "Behavior of width and height as specified by CSS2.1. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) apply to the width and height respectively of the content box of the element."}], syntax: "content-box | border-box", relevance: 92, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the behavior of the 'width' and 'height' properties.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "break-after", values: [{name: "always", description: "Always force a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "avoid-column", description: "Avoid a column break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "avoid-page", description: "Avoid a page break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "column", description: "Always force a column break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "left", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page."}, {name: "page", description: "Always force a page break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "right", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page."}], syntax: "auto | avoid | always | all | avoid-page | page | left | right | recto | verso | avoid-column | column | avoid-region | region", relevance: 50, description: "Describes the page/column/region break behavior after the generated box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "break-before", values: [{name: "always", description: "Always force a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "avoid-column", description: "Avoid a column break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "avoid-page", description: "Avoid a page break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "column", description: "Always force a column break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "left", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page."}, {name: "page", description: "Always force a page break before/after the principal box."}, {name: "right", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page."}], syntax: "auto | avoid | always | all | avoid-page | page | left | right | recto | verso | avoid-column | column | avoid-region | region", relevance: 50, description: "Describes the page/column/region break behavior before the generated box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "break-inside", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Impose no additional breaking constraints within the box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid breaks within the box."}, {name: "avoid-column", description: "Avoid a column break within the box."}, {name: "avoid-page", description: "Avoid a page break within the box."}], syntax: "auto | avoid | avoid-page | avoid-column | avoid-region", relevance: 50, description: "Describes the page/column/region break behavior inside the principal box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "caption-side", values: [{name: "bottom", description: "Positions the caption box below the table box."}, {name: "top", description: "Positions the caption box above the table box."}], syntax: "top | bottom | block-start | block-end | inline-start | inline-end", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the position of the caption box with respect to the table box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "caret-color", browsers: ["E79", "FF53", "S11.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The user agent selects an appropriate color for the caret. This is generally currentcolor, but the user agent may choose a different color to ensure good visibility and contrast with the surrounding content, taking into account the value of currentcolor, the background, shadows, and other factors."}], syntax: "auto | <color>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls the color of the text insertion indicator.", restrictions: ["color", "enum"]}, {name: "clear", values: [{name: "both", description: "The clearance of the generated box is set to the amount necessary to place the top border edge below the bottom outer edge of any right-floating and left-floating boxes that resulted from elements earlier in the source document."}, {name: "left", description: "The clearance of the generated box is set to the amount necessary to place the top border edge below the bottom outer edge of any left-floating boxes that resulted from elements earlier in the source document."}, {name: "none", description: "No constraint on the box's position with respect to floats."}, {name: "right", description: "The clearance of the generated box is set to the amount necessary to place the top border edge below the bottom outer edge of any right-floating boxes that resulted from elements earlier in the source document."}], syntax: "none | left | right | both | inline-start | inline-end", relevance: 84, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Indicates which sides of an element's box(es) may not be adjacent to an earlier floating box. The 'clear' property does not consider floats inside the element itself or in other block formatting contexts.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "clip", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The element does not clip."}, {name: "rect()", description: "Specifies offsets from the edges of the border box."}], syntax: "<shape> | auto", relevance: 73, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Deprecated. Use the 'clip-path' property when support allows. Defines the visible portion of an elements box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "clip-path", values: [{name: "none", description: "No clipping path gets created."}, {name: "url()", description: "References a <clipPath> element to create a clipping path."}], syntax: "<clip-source> | [ <basic-shape> || <geometry-box> ] | none", relevance: 55, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies a clipping path where everything inside the path is visible and everything outside is clipped out.", restrictions: ["url", "shape", "geometry-box", "enum"]}, {name: "clip-rule", browsers: ["E", "C5", "FF3", "IE10", "O9", "S6"], values: [{name: "evenodd", description: "Determines the insideness of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses."}, {name: "nonzero", description: "Determines the insideness of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray."}], relevance: 50, description: "Indicates the algorithm which is to be used to determine what parts of the canvas are included inside the shape.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "color", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 94, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the color of an element's text", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "color-interpolation-filters", browsers: ["E", "C5", "FF3", "IE10", "O9", "S6"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Color operations are not required to occur in a particular color space."}, {name: "linearRGB", description: "Color operations should occur in the linearized RGB color space."}, {name: "sRGB", description: "Color operations should occur in the sRGB color space."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the color space for imaging operations performed via filter effects.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "column-count", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Determines the number of columns by the 'column-width' property and the element width."}], syntax: "<integer> | auto", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Describes the optimal number of columns into which the content of the element will be flowed.", restrictions: ["integer", "enum"]}, {name: "column-fill", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Fills columns sequentially."}, {name: "balance", description: "Balance content equally between columns, if possible."}], syntax: "auto | balance | balance-all", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In continuous media, this property will only be consulted if the length of columns has been constrained. Otherwise, columns will automatically be balanced.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "column-gap", values: [{name: "normal", description: "User agent specific and typically equivalent to 1em."}], syntax: "normal | <length-percentage>", relevance: 52, description: "Sets the gap between columns. If there is a column rule between columns, it will appear in the middle of the gap.", restrictions: ["length", "enum"]}, {name: "column-rule", syntax: "<'column-rule-width'> || <'column-rule-style'> || <'column-rule-color'>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand for setting 'column-rule-width', 'column-rule-style', and 'column-rule-color' at the same place in the style sheet. Omitted values are set to their initial values.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "column-rule-color", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the color of the column rule", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "column-rule-style", syntax: "<'border-style'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the style of the rule between columns of an element.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "column-rule-width", syntax: "<'border-width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the width of the rule between columns. Negative values are not allowed.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "columns", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The width depends on the values of other properties."}], syntax: "<'column-width'> || <'column-count'>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "A shorthand property which sets both 'column-width' and 'column-count'.", restrictions: ["length", "integer", "enum"]}, {name: "column-span", values: [{name: "all", description: "The element spans across all columns. Content in the normal flow that appears before the element is automatically balanced across all columns before the element appear."}, {name: "none", description: "The element does not span multiple columns."}], syntax: "none | all", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Describes the page/column break behavior after the generated box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "column-width", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The width depends on the values of other properties."}], syntax: "<length> | auto", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Describes the width of columns in multicol elements.", restrictions: ["length", "enum"]}, {name: "contain", browsers: ["E79", "FF69", "C52", "O40"], values: [{name: "none", description: "Indicates that the property has no effect."}, {name: "strict", description: "Turns on all forms of containment for the element."}, {name: "content", description: "All containment rules except size are applied to the element."}, {name: "size", description: "For properties that can have effects on more than just an element and its descendants, those effects don't escape the containing element."}, {name: "layout", description: "Turns on layout containment for the element."}, {name: "style", description: "Turns on style containment for the element."}, {name: "paint", description: "Turns on paint containment for the element."}], syntax: "none | strict | content | [ size || layout || style || paint ]", relevance: 55, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Indicates that an element and its contents are, as much as possible, independent of the rest of the document tree.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "content", values: [{name: "attr()", description: "The attr(n) function returns as a string the value of attribute n for the subject of the selector."}, {name: "counter(name)", description: "Counters are denoted by identifiers (see the 'counter-increment' and 'counter-reset' properties)."}, {name: "icon", description: "The (pseudo-)element is replaced in its entirety by the resource referenced by its 'icon' property, and treated as a replaced element."}, {name: "none", description: "On elements, this inhibits the children of the element from being rendered as children of this element, as if the element was empty. On pseudo-elements it causes the pseudo-element to have no content."}, {name: "normal", description: "See for computation rules."}, {name: "url()"}], syntax: "normal | none | [ <content-replacement> | <content-list> ] [/ <string> ]?", relevance: 89, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines which page-based occurrence of a given element is applied to a counter or string value.", restrictions: ["string", "url"]}, {name: "counter-increment", values: [{name: "none", description: "This element does not alter the value of any counters."}], syntax: "[ <custom-ident> <integer>? ]+ | none", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Manipulate the value of existing counters.", restrictions: ["identifier", "integer"]}, {name: "counter-reset", values: [{name: "none", description: "The counter is not modified."}], syntax: "[ <custom-ident> <integer>? ]+ | none", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Property accepts one or more names of counters (identifiers), each one optionally followed by an integer. The integer gives the value that the counter is set to on each occurrence of the element.", restrictions: ["identifier", "integer"]}, {name: "cursor", values: [{name: "alias", description: "Indicates an alias of/shortcut to something is to be created. Often rendered as an arrow with a small curved arrow next to it."}, {name: "all-scroll", description: "Indicates that the something can be scrolled in any direction. Often rendered as arrows pointing up, down, left, and right with a dot in the middle."}, {name: "auto", description: "The UA determines the cursor to display based on the current context."}, {name: "cell", description: "Indicates that a cell or set of cells may be selected. Often rendered as a thick plus-sign with a dot in the middle."}, {name: "col-resize", description: "Indicates that the item/column can be resized horizontally. Often rendered as arrows pointing left and right with a vertical bar separating them."}, {name: "context-menu", description: "A context menu is available for the object under the cursor. Often rendered as an arrow with a small menu-like graphic next to it."}, {name: "copy", description: "Indicates something is to be copied. Often rendered as an arrow with a small plus sign next to it."}, {name: "crosshair", description: "A simple crosshair (e.g., short line segments resembling a '+' sign). Often used to indicate a two dimensional bitmap selection mode."}, {name: "default", description: "The platform-dependent default cursor. Often rendered as an arrow."}, {name: "e-resize", description: "Indicates that east edge is to be moved."}, {name: "ew-resize", description: "Indicates a bidirectional east-west resize cursor."}, {name: "grab", description: "Indicates that something can be grabbed."}, {name: "grabbing", description: "Indicates that something is being grabbed."}, {name: "help", description: "Help is available for the object under the cursor. Often rendered as a question mark or a balloon."}, {name: "move", description: "Indicates something is to be moved."}, {name: "-moz-grab", description: "Indicates that something can be grabbed."}, {name: "-moz-grabbing", description: "Indicates that something is being grabbed."}, {name: "-moz-zoom-in", description: "Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) in."}, {name: "-moz-zoom-out", description: "Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) out."}, {name: "ne-resize", description: "Indicates that movement starts from north-east corner."}, {name: "nesw-resize", description: "Indicates a bidirectional north-east/south-west cursor."}, {name: "no-drop", description: "Indicates that the dragged item cannot be dropped at the current cursor location. Often rendered as a hand or pointer with a small circle with a line through it."}, {name: "none", description: "No cursor is rendered for the element."}, {name: "not-allowed", description: "Indicates that the requested action will not be carried out. Often rendered as a circle with a line through it."}, {name: "n-resize", description: "Indicates that north edge is to be moved."}, {name: "ns-resize", description: "Indicates a bidirectional north-south cursor."}, {name: "nw-resize", description: "Indicates that movement starts from north-west corner."}, {name: "nwse-resize", description: "Indicates a bidirectional north-west/south-east cursor."}, {name: "pointer", description: "The cursor is a pointer that indicates a link."}, {name: "progress", description: "A progress indicator. The program is performing some processing, but is different from 'wait' in that the user may still interact with the program. Often rendered as a spinning beach ball, or an arrow with a watch or hourglass."}, {name: "row-resize", description: "Indicates that the item/row can be resized vertically. Often rendered as arrows pointing up and down with a horizontal bar separating them."}, {name: "se-resize", description: "Indicates that movement starts from south-east corner."}, {name: "s-resize", description: "Indicates that south edge is to be moved."}, {name: "sw-resize", description: "Indicates that movement starts from south-west corner."}, {name: "text", description: "Indicates text that may be selected. Often rendered as a vertical I-beam."}, {name: "vertical-text", description: "Indicates vertical-text that may be selected. Often rendered as a horizontal I-beam."}, {name: "wait", description: "Indicates that the program is busy and the user should wait. Often rendered as a watch or hourglass."}, {name: "-webkit-grab", description: "Indicates that something can be grabbed."}, {name: "-webkit-grabbing", description: "Indicates that something is being grabbed."}, {name: "-webkit-zoom-in", description: "Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) in."}, {name: "-webkit-zoom-out", description: "Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) out."}, {name: "w-resize", description: "Indicates that west edge is to be moved."}, {name: "zoom-in", description: "Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) in."}, {name: "zoom-out", description: "Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) out."}], syntax: "[ [ <url> [ <x> <y> ]? , ]* [ auto | default | none | context-menu | help | pointer | progress | wait | cell | crosshair | text | vertical-text | alias | copy | move | no-drop | not-allowed | e-resize | n-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize | s-resize | se-resize | sw-resize | w-resize | ew-resize | ns-resize | nesw-resize | nwse-resize | col-resize | row-resize | all-scroll | zoom-in | zoom-out | grab | grabbing ] ]", relevance: 91, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Allows control over cursor appearance in an element", restrictions: ["url", "number", "enum"]}, {name: "direction", values: [{name: "ltr", description: "Left-to-right direction."}, {name: "rtl", description: "Right-to-left direction."}], syntax: "ltr | rtl", relevance: 68, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the inline base direction or directionality of any bidi paragraph, embedding, isolate, or override established by the box. Note: for HTML content use the 'dir' attribute and 'bdo' element rather than this property.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "display", values: [{name: "block", description: "The element generates a block-level box"}, {name: "contents", description: "The element itself does not generate any boxes, but its children and pseudo-elements still generate boxes as normal."}, {name: "flex", description: "The element generates a principal flex container box and establishes a flex formatting context."}, {name: "flexbox", description: "The element lays out its contents using flow layout (block-and-inline layout). Standardized as 'flex'."}, {name: "flow-root", description: "The element generates a block container box, and lays out its contents using flow layout."}, {name: "grid", description: "The element generates a principal grid container box, and establishes a grid formatting context."}, {name: "inline", description: "The element generates an inline-level box."}, {name: "inline-block", description: "A block box, which itself is flowed as a single inline box, similar to a replaced element. The inside of an inline-block is formatted as a block box, and the box itself is formatted as an inline box."}, {name: "inline-flex", description: "Inline-level flex container."}, {name: "inline-flexbox", description: "Inline-level flex container. Standardized as 'inline-flex'"}, {name: "inline-table", description: "Inline-level table wrapper box containing table box."}, {name: "list-item", description: "One or more block boxes and one marker box."}, {name: "-moz-box", description: "The element lays out its contents using flow layout (block-and-inline layout). Standardized as 'flex'."}, {name: "-moz-deck"}, {name: "-moz-grid"}, {name: "-moz-grid-group"}, {name: "-moz-grid-line"}, {name: "-moz-groupbox"}, {name: "-moz-inline-box", description: "Inline-level flex container. Standardized as 'inline-flex'"}, {name: "-moz-inline-grid"}, {name: "-moz-inline-stack"}, {name: "-moz-marker"}, {name: "-moz-popup"}, {name: "-moz-stack"}, {name: "-ms-flexbox", description: "The element lays out its contents using flow layout (block-and-inline layout). Standardized as 'flex'."}, {name: "-ms-grid", description: "The element generates a principal grid container box, and establishes a grid formatting context."}, {name: "-ms-inline-flexbox", description: "Inline-level flex container. Standardized as 'inline-flex'"}, {name: "-ms-inline-grid", description: "Inline-level grid container."}, {name: "none", description: "The element and its descendants generates no boxes."}, {name: "ruby", description: "The element generates a principal ruby container box, and establishes a ruby formatting context."}, {name: "ruby-base"}, {name: "ruby-base-container"}, {name: "ruby-text"}, {name: "ruby-text-container"}, {name: "run-in", description: "The element generates a run-in box. Run-in elements act like inlines or blocks, depending on the surrounding elements."}, {name: "table", description: "The element generates a principal table wrapper box containing an additionally-generated table box, and establishes a table formatting context."}, {name: "table-caption"}, {name: "table-cell"}, {name: "table-column"}, {name: "table-column-group"}, {name: "table-footer-group"}, {name: "table-header-group"}, {name: "table-row"}, {name: "table-row-group"}, {name: "-webkit-box", description: "The element lays out its contents using flow layout (block-and-inline layout). Standardized as 'flex'."}, {name: "-webkit-flex", description: "The element lays out its contents using flow layout (block-and-inline layout)."}, {name: "-webkit-inline-box", description: "Inline-level flex container. Standardized as 'inline-flex'"}, {name: "-webkit-inline-flex", description: "Inline-level flex container."}], syntax: "[ <display-outside> || <display-inside> ] | <display-listitem> | <display-internal> | <display-box> | <display-legacy>", relevance: 96, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In combination with 'float' and 'position', determines the type of box or boxes that are generated for an element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "empty-cells", values: [{name: "hide", description: "No borders or backgrounds are drawn around/behind empty cells."}, {name: "-moz-show-background"}, {name: "show", description: "Borders and backgrounds are drawn around/behind empty cells (like normal cells)."}], syntax: "show | hide", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In the separated borders model, this property controls the rendering of borders and backgrounds around cells that have no visible content.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "enable-background", values: [{name: "accumulate", description: "If the ancestor container element has a property of new, then all graphics elements within the current container are rendered both on the parent's background image and onto the target."}, {name: "new", description: "Create a new background image canvas. All children of the current container element can access the background, and they will be rendered onto both the parent's background image canvas in addition to the target device."}], relevance: 50, description: "Deprecated. Use 'isolation' property instead when support allows. Specifies how the accumulation of the background image is managed.", restrictions: ["integer", "length", "percentage", "enum"]}, {name: "fallback", browsers: ["FF33"], syntax: "<counter-style-name>", relevance: 50, description: "@counter-style descriptor. Specifies a fallback counter style to be used when the current counter style cant create a representation for a given counter value.", restrictions: ["identifier"]}, {name: "fill", values: [{name: "url()", description: "A URL reference to a paint server element, which is an element that defines a paint server: hatch, linearGradient, mesh, pattern, radialGradient and solidcolor."}, {name: "none", description: "No paint is applied in this layer."}], relevance: 74, description: "Paints the interior of the given graphical element.", restrictions: ["color", "enum", "url"]}, {name: "fill-opacity", relevance: 52, description: "Specifies the opacity of the painting operation used to paint the interior the current object.", restrictions: ["number(0-1)"]}, {name: "fill-rule", values: [{name: "evenodd", description: "Determines the insideness of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses."}, {name: "nonzero", description: "Determines the insideness of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray."}], relevance: 50, description: "Indicates the algorithm (or winding rule) which is to be used to determine what parts of the canvas are included inside the shape.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "filter", browsers: ["E12", "FF35", "S9.1", "C53", "O40"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No filter effects are applied."}, {name: "blur()", description: "Applies a Gaussian blur to the input image."}, {name: "brightness()", description: "Applies a linear multiplier to input image, making it appear more or less bright."}, {name: "contrast()", description: "Adjusts the contrast of the input."}, {name: "drop-shadow()", description: "Applies a drop shadow effect to the input image."}, {name: "grayscale()", description: "Converts the input image to grayscale."}, {name: "hue-rotate()", description: "Applies a hue rotation on the input image. "}, {name: "invert()", description: "Inverts the samples in the input image."}, {name: "opacity()", description: "Applies transparency to the samples in the input image."}, {name: "saturate()", description: "Saturates the input image."}, {name: "sepia()", description: "Converts the input image to sepia."}, {name: "url()", browsers: ["E12", "FF35", "S9.1", "C53", "O40"], description: "A filter reference to a <filter> element."}], syntax: "none | <filter-function-list>", relevance: 64, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Processes an elements rendering before it is displayed in the document, by applying one or more filter effects.", restrictions: ["enum", "url"]}, {name: "flex", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Retrieves the value of the main size property as the used 'flex-basis'."}, {name: "content", description: "Indicates automatic sizing, based on the flex items content."}, {name: "none", description: "Expands to '0 0 auto'."}], syntax: "none | [ <'flex-grow'> <'flex-shrink'>? || <'flex-basis'> ]", relevance: 77, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the components of a flexible length: the flex grow factor and flex shrink factor, and the flex basis.", restrictions: ["length", "number", "percentage"]}, {name: "flex-basis", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Retrieves the value of the main size property as the used 'flex-basis'."}, {name: "content", description: "Indicates automatic sizing, based on the flex items content."}], syntax: "content | <'width'>", relevance: 62, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the flex basis.", restrictions: ["length", "number", "percentage"]}, {name: "flex-direction", values: [{name: "column", description: "The flex containers main axis has the same orientation as the block axis of the current writing mode."}, {name: "column-reverse", description: "Same as 'column', except the main-start and main-end directions are swapped."}, {name: "row", description: "The flex containers main axis has the same orientation as the inline axis of the current writing mode."}, {name: "row-reverse", description: "Same as 'row', except the main-start and main-end directions are swapped."}], syntax: "row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse", relevance: 78, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how flex items are placed in the flex container, by setting the direction of the flex containers main axis.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "flex-flow", values: [{name: "column", description: "The flex containers main axis has the same orientation as the block axis of the current writing mode."}, {name: "column-reverse", description: "Same as 'column', except the main-start and main-end directions are swapped."}, {name: "nowrap", description: "The flex container is single-line."}, {name: "row", description: "The flex containers main axis has the same orientation as the inline axis of the current writing mode."}, {name: "row-reverse", description: "Same as 'row', except the main-start and main-end directions are swapped."}, {name: "wrap", description: "The flexbox is multi-line."}, {name: "wrap-reverse", description: "Same as 'wrap', except the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped."}], syntax: "<'flex-direction'> || <'flex-wrap'>", relevance: 58, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how flexbox items are placed in the flexbox.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "flex-grow", syntax: "<number>", relevance: 71, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the flex grow factor. Negative numbers are invalid.", restrictions: ["number"]}, {name: "flex-shrink", syntax: "<number>", relevance: 69, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the flex shrink factor. Negative numbers are invalid.", restrictions: ["number"]}, {name: "flex-wrap", values: [{name: "nowrap", description: "The flex container is single-line."}, {name: "wrap", description: "The flexbox is multi-line."}, {name: "wrap-reverse", description: "Same as 'wrap', except the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped."}], syntax: "nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse", relevance: 74, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls whether the flex container is single-line or multi-line, and the direction of the cross-axis, which determines the direction new lines are stacked in.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "float", values: [{name: "inline-end", description: "A keyword indicating that the element must float on the end side of its containing block. That is the right side with ltr scripts, and the left side with rtl scripts."}, {name: "inline-start", description: "A keyword indicating that the element must float on the start side of its containing block. That is the left side with ltr scripts, and the right side with rtl scripts."}, {name: "left", description: "The element generates a block box that is floated to the left. Content flows on the right side of the box, starting at the top (subject to the 'clear' property)."}, {name: "none", description: "The box is not floated."}, {name: "right", description: "Similar to 'left', except the box is floated to the right, and content flows on the left side of the box, starting at the top."}], syntax: "left | right | none | inline-start | inline-end", relevance: 92, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how a box should be floated. It may be set for any element, but only applies to elements that generate boxes that are not absolutely positioned.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "flood-color", browsers: ["E", "C5", "FF3", "IE10", "O9", "S6"], relevance: 50, description: "Indicates what color to use to flood the current filter primitive subregion.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "flood-opacity", browsers: ["E", "C5", "FF3", "IE10", "O9", "S6"], relevance: 50, description: "Indicates what opacity to use to flood the current filter primitive subregion.", restrictions: ["number(0-1)", "percentage"]}, {name: "font", values: [{name: "100", description: "Thin"}, {name: "200", description: "Extra Light (Ultra Light)"}, {name: "300", description: "Light"}, {name: "400", description: "Normal"}, {name: "500", description: "Medium"}, {name: "600", description: "Semi Bold (Demi Bold)"}, {name: "700", description: "Bold"}, {name: "800", description: "Extra Bold (Ultra Bold)"}, {name: "900", description: "Black (Heavy)"}, {name: "bold", description: "Same as 700"}, {name: "bolder", description: "Specifies the weight of the face bolder than the inherited value."}, {name: "caption", description: "The font used for captioned controls (e.g., buttons, drop-downs, etc.)."}, {name: "icon", description: "The font used to label icons."}, {name: "italic", description: "Selects a font that is labeled 'italic', or, if that is not available, one labeled 'oblique'."}, {name: "large"}, {name: "larger"}, {name: "lighter", description: "Specifies the weight of the face lighter than the inherited value."}, {name: "medium"}, {name: "menu", description: "The font used in menus (e.g., dropdown menus and menu lists)."}, {name: "message-box", description: "The font used in dialog boxes."}, {name: "normal", description: "Specifies a face that is not labeled as a small-caps font."}, {name: "oblique", description: "Selects a font that is labeled 'oblique'."}, {name: "small"}, {name: "small-caps", description: "Specifies a font that is labeled as a small-caps font. If a genuine small-caps font is not available, user agents should simulate a small-caps font."}, {name: "small-caption", description: "The font used for labeling small controls."}, {name: "smaller"}, {name: "status-bar", description: "The font used in window status bars."}, {name: "x-large"}, {name: "x-small"}, {name: "xx-large"}, {name: "xx-small"}], syntax: "[ [ <'font-style'> || <font-variant-css21> || <'font-weight'> || <'font-stretch'> ]? <'font-size'> [ / <'line-height'> ]? <'font-family'> ] | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar", relevance: 82, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property for setting 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'font-size', 'line-height', and 'font-family', at the same place in the style sheet. The syntax of this property is based on a traditional typographical shorthand notation to set multiple properties related to fonts.", restrictions: ["font"]}, {name: "font-family", values: [{name: "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif"}, {name: "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"}, {name: "Cambria, Cochin, Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif"}, {name: "'Courier New', Courier, monospace"}, {name: "cursive"}, {name: "fantasy"}, {name: "'Franklin Gothic Medium', 'Arial Narrow', Arial, sans-serif"}, {name: "Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif"}, {name: "'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT', Calibri, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif"}, {name: "Impact, Haettenschweiler, 'Arial Narrow Bold', sans-serif"}, {name: "'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Regular', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif"}, {name: "monospace"}, {name: "sans-serif"}, {name: "'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif"}, {name: "serif"}, {name: "'Times New Roman', Times, serif"}, {name: "'Trebuchet MS', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', Arial, sans-serif"}, {name: "Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif"}], syntax: "<family-name>", relevance: 92, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies a prioritized list of font family names or generic family names. A user agent iterates through the list of family names until it matches an available font that contains a glyph for the character to be rendered.", restrictions: ["font"]}, {name: "font-feature-settings", values: [{name: '"aalt"', description: "Access All Alternates."}, {name: '"abvf"', description: "Above-base Forms. Required in Khmer script."}, {name: '"abvm"', description: "Above-base Mark Positioning. Required in Indic scripts."}, {name: '"abvs"', description: "Above-base Substitutions. Required in Indic scripts."}, {name: '"afrc"', description: "Alternative Fractions."}, {name: '"akhn"', description: "Akhand. Required in most Indic scripts."}, {name: '"blwf"', description: "Below-base Form. Required in a number of Indic scripts."}, {name: '"blwm"', description: "Below-base Mark Positioning. Required in Indic scripts."}, {name: '"blws"', description: "Below-base Substitutions. Required in Indic scripts."}, {name: '"calt"', description: "Contextual Alternates."}, {name: '"case"', description: "Case-Sensitive Forms. Applies only to European scripts; particularly prominent in Spanish-language setting."}, {name: '"ccmp"', description: "Glyph Composition/Decomposition."}, {name: '"cfar"', description: "Conjunct Form After Ro. Required in Khmer scripts."}, {name: '"cjct"', description: "Conjunct Forms. Required in Indic scripts that show similarity to Devanagari."}, {name: '"clig"', description: "Contextual Ligatures."}, {name: '"cpct"', description: "Centered CJK Punctuation. Used primarily in Chinese fonts."}, {name: '"cpsp"', description: "Capital Spacing. Should not be used in connecting scripts (e.g. most Arabic)."}, {name: '"cswh"', description: "Contextual Swash."}, {name: '"curs"', description: "Cursive Positioning. Can be used in any cursive script."}, {name: '"c2pc"', description: "Petite Capitals From Capitals. Applies only to bicameral scripts."}, {name: '"c2sc"', description: "Small Capitals From Capitals. Applies only to bicameral scripts."}, {name: '"dist"', description: "Distances. Required in Indic scripts."}, {name: '"dlig"', description: "Discretionary ligatures."}, {name: '"dnom"', description: "Denominators."}, {name: '"dtls"', description: "Dotless Forms. Applied to math formula layout."}, {name: '"expt"', description: "Expert Forms. Applies only to Japanese."}, {name: '"falt"', description: "Final Glyph on Line Alternates. Can be used in any cursive script."}, {name: '"fin2"', description: "Terminal Form #2. Used only with the Syriac script."}, {name: '"fin3"', description: "Terminal Form #3. Used only with the Syriac script."}, {name: '"fina"', description: "Terminal Forms. Can be used in any alphabetic script."}, {name: '"flac"', description: "Flattened ascent forms. Applied to math formula layout."}, {name: '"frac"', description: "Fractions."}, {name: '"fwid"', description: "Full Widths. Applies to any script which can use monospaced forms."}, {name: '"half"', description: "Half Forms. Required in Indic scripts that show similarity to Devanagari."}, {name: '"haln"', description: "Halant Forms. Required in Indic scripts."}, {name: '"halt"', description: "Alternate Half Widths. Used only in CJKV fonts."}, {name: '"hist"', description: "Historical Forms."}, {name: '"hkna"', description: "Horizontal Kana Alternates. Applies only to fonts that support kana (hiragana and katakana)."}, {name: '"hlig"', description: "Historical Ligatures."}, {name: '"hngl"', description: "Hangul. Korean only."}, {name: '"hojo"', description: "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms). Used only with Kanji script."}, {name: '"hwid"', description: "Half Widths. Generally used only in CJKV fonts."}, {name: '"init"', description: "Initial Forms. Can be used in any alphabetic script."}, {name: '"isol"', description: "Isolated Forms. Can be used in any cursive script."}, {name: '"ital"', description: "Italics. Applies mostly to Latin; note that many non-Latin fonts contain Latin as well."}, {name: '"jalt"', description: "Justification Alternates. Can be used in any cursive script."}, {name: '"jp78"', description: "JIS78 Forms. Applies only to Japanese."}, {name: '"jp83"', description: "JIS83 Forms. Applies only to Japanese."}, {name: '"jp90"', description: "JIS90 Forms. Applies only to Japanese."}, {name: '"jp04"', description: "JIS2004 Forms. Applies only to Japanese."}, {name: '"kern"', description: "Kerning."}, {name: '"lfbd"', description: "Left Bounds."}, {name: '"liga"', description: "Standard Ligatures."}, {name: '"ljmo"', description: "Leading Jamo Forms. Required for Hangul script when Ancient Hangul writing system is supported."}, {name: '"lnum"', description: "Lining Figures."}, {name: '"locl"', description: "Localized Forms."}, {name: '"ltra"', description: "Left-to-right glyph alternates."}, {name: '"ltrm"', description: "Left-to-right mirrored forms."}, {name: '"mark"', description: "Mark Positioning."}, {name: '"med2"', description: "Medial Form #2. Used only with the Syriac script."}, {name: '"medi"', description: "Medial Forms."}, {name: '"mgrk"', description: "Mathematical Greek."}, {name: '"mkmk"', description: "Mark to Mark Positioning."}, {name: '"nalt"', description: "Alternate Annotation Forms."}, {name: '"nlck"', description: "NLC Kanji Forms. Used only with Kanji script."}, {name: '"nukt"', description: "Nukta Forms. Required in Indic scripts.."}, {name: '"numr"', description: "Numerators."}, {name: '"onum"', description: "Oldstyle Figures."}, {name: '"opbd"', description: "Optical Bounds."}, {name: '"ordn"', description: "Ordinals. Applies mostly to Latin script."}, {name: '"ornm"', description: "Ornaments."}, {name: '"palt"', description: "Proportional Alternate Widths. Used mostly in CJKV fonts."}, {name: '"pcap"', description: "Petite Capitals."}, {name: '"pkna"', description: "Proportional Kana. Generally used only in Japanese fonts."}, {name: '"pnum"', description: "Proportional Figures."}, {name: '"pref"', description: "Pre-base Forms. Required in Khmer and Myanmar (Burmese) scripts and southern Indic scripts that may display a pre-base form of Ra."}, {name: '"pres"', description: "Pre-base Substitutions. Required in Indic scripts."}, {name: '"pstf"', description: "Post-base Forms. Required in scripts of south and southeast Asia that have post-base forms for consonants eg: Gurmukhi, Malayalam, Khmer."}, {name: '"psts"', description: "Post-base Substitutions."}, {name: '"pwid"', description: "Proportional Widths."}, {name: '"qwid"', description: "Quarter Widths. Generally used only in CJKV fonts."}, {name: '"rand"', description: "Randomize."}, {name: '"rclt"', description: "Required Contextual Alternates. May apply to any script, but is especially important for many styles of Arabic."}, {name: '"rlig"', description: "Required Ligatures. Applies to Arabic and Syriac. May apply to some other scripts."}, {name: '"rkrf"', description: "Rakar Forms. Required in Devanagari and Gujarati scripts."}, {name: '"rphf"', description: "Reph Form. Required in Indic scripts. E.g. Devanagari, Kannada."}, {name: '"rtbd"', description: "Right Bounds."}, {name: '"rtla"', description: "Right-to-left alternates."}, {name: '"rtlm"', description: "Right-to-left mirrored forms."}, {name: '"ruby"', description: "Ruby Notation Forms. Applies only to Japanese."}, {name: '"salt"', description: "Stylistic Alternates."}, {name: '"sinf"', description: "Scientific Inferiors."}, {name: '"size"', description: "Optical size."}, {name: '"smcp"', description: "Small Capitals. Applies only to bicameral scripts."}, {name: '"smpl"', description: "Simplified Forms. Applies only to Chinese and Japanese."}, {name: '"ssty"', description: "Math script style alternates."}, {name: '"stch"', description: "Stretching Glyph Decomposition."}, {name: '"subs"', description: "Subscript."}, {name: '"sups"', description: "Superscript."}, {name: '"swsh"', description: "Swash. Does not apply to ideographic scripts."}, {name: '"titl"', description: "Titling."}, {name: '"tjmo"', description: "Trailing Jamo Forms. Required for Hangul script when Ancient Hangul writing system is supported."}, {name: '"tnam"', description: "Traditional Name Forms. Applies only to Japanese."}, {name: '"tnum"', description: "Tabular Figures."}, {name: '"trad"', description: "Traditional Forms. Applies only to Chinese and Japanese."}, {name: '"twid"', description: "Third Widths. Generally used only in CJKV fonts."}, {name: '"unic"', description: "Unicase."}, {name: '"valt"', description: "Alternate Vertical Metrics. Applies only to scripts with vertical writing modes."}, {name: '"vatu"', description: "Vattu Variants. Used for Indic scripts. E.g. Devanagari."}, {name: '"vert"', description: "Vertical Alternates. Applies only to scripts with vertical writing modes."}, {name: '"vhal"', description: "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics. Used only in CJKV fonts."}, {name: '"vjmo"', description: "Vowel Jamo Forms. Required for Hangul script when Ancient Hangul writing system is supported."}, {name: '"vkna"', description: "Vertical Kana Alternates. Applies only to fonts that support kana (hiragana and katakana)."}, {name: '"vkrn"', description: "Vertical Kerning."}, {name: '"vpal"', description: "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics. Used mostly in CJKV fonts."}, {name: '"vrt2"', description: "Vertical Alternates and Rotation. Applies only to scripts with vertical writing modes."}, {name: '"zero"', description: "Slashed Zero."}, {name: "normal", description: "No change in glyph substitution or positioning occurs."}, {name: "off", description: "Disable feature."}, {name: "on", description: "Enable feature."}], syntax: "normal | <feature-tag-value>#", relevance: 55, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Provides low-level control over OpenType font features. It is intended as a way of providing access to font features that are not widely used but are needed for a particular use case.", restrictions: ["string", "integer"]}, {name: "font-kerning", browsers: ["E79", "FF32", "S9", "C33", "O20"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Specifies that kerning is applied at the discretion of the user agent."}, {name: "none", description: "Specifies that kerning is not applied."}, {name: "normal", description: "Specifies that kerning is applied."}], syntax: "auto | normal | none", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Kerning is the contextual adjustment of inter-glyph spacing. This property controls metric kerning, kerning that utilizes adjustment data contained in the font.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-language-override", browsers: ["FF34"], values: [{name: "normal", description: "Implies that when rendering with OpenType fonts the language of the document is used to infer the OpenType language system, used to select language specific features when rendering."}], syntax: "normal | <string>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The value of 'normal' implies that when rendering with OpenType fonts the language of the document is used to infer the OpenType language system, used to select language specific features when rendering.", restrictions: ["string"]}, {name: "font-size", values: [{name: "large"}, {name: "larger"}, {name: "medium"}, {name: "small"}, {name: "smaller"}, {name: "x-large"}, {name: "x-small"}, {name: "xx-large"}, {name: "xx-small"}], syntax: "<absolute-size> | <relative-size> | <length-percentage>", relevance: 94, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Indicates the desired height of glyphs from the font. For scalable fonts, the font-size is a scale factor applied to the EM unit of the font. (Note that certain glyphs may bleed outside their EM box.) For non-scalable fonts, the font-size is converted into absolute units and matched against the declared font-size of the font, using the same absolute coordinate space for both of the matched values.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "font-size-adjust", browsers: ["E79", "FF40", "C43", "O30"], values: [{name: "none", description: "Do not preserve the fonts x-height."}], syntax: "none | <number>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Preserves the readability of text when font fallback occurs by adjusting the font-size so that the x-height is the same regardless of the font used.", restrictions: ["number"]}, {name: "font-stretch", values: [{name: "condensed"}, {name: "expanded"}, {name: "extra-condensed"}, {name: "extra-expanded"}, {name: "narrower", description: "Indicates a narrower value relative to the width of the parent element."}, {name: "normal"}, {name: "semi-condensed"}, {name: "semi-expanded"}, {name: "ultra-condensed"}, {name: "ultra-expanded"}, {name: "wider", description: "Indicates a wider value relative to the width of the parent element."}], syntax: "<font-stretch-absolute>{1,2}", relevance: 53, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Selects a normal, condensed, or expanded face from a font family.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-style", values: [{name: "italic", description: "Selects a font that is labeled as an 'italic' face, or an 'oblique' face if one is not"}, {name: "normal", description: "Selects a face that is classified as 'normal'."}, {name: "oblique", description: "Selects a font that is labeled as an 'oblique' face, or an 'italic' face if one is not."}], syntax: "normal | italic | oblique <angle>{0,2}", relevance: 83, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Allows italic or oblique faces to be selected. Italic forms are generally cursive in nature while oblique faces are typically sloped versions of the regular face.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-synthesis", browsers: ["FF34", "S9"], values: [{name: "none", description: "Disallow all synthetic faces."}, {name: "style", description: "Allow synthetic italic faces."}, {name: "weight", description: "Allow synthetic bold faces."}], syntax: "none | [ weight || style ]", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls whether user agents are allowed to synthesize bold or oblique font faces when a font family lacks bold or italic faces.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-variant", values: [{name: "normal", description: "Specifies a face that is not labeled as a small-caps font."}, {name: "small-caps", description: "Specifies a font that is labeled as a small-caps font. If a genuine small-caps font is not available, user agents should simulate a small-caps font."}], syntax: "normal | none | [ <common-lig-values> || <discretionary-lig-values> || <historical-lig-values> || <contextual-alt-values> || stylistic(<feature-value-name>) || historical-forms || styleset(<feature-value-name>#) || character-variant(<feature-value-name>#) || swash(<feature-value-name>) || ornaments(<feature-value-name>) || annotation(<feature-value-name>) || [ small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps ] || <numeric-figure-values> || <numeric-spacing-values> || <numeric-fraction-values> || ordinal || slashed-zero || <east-asian-variant-values> || <east-asian-width-values> || ruby ]", relevance: 63, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies variant representations of the font", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-variant-alternates", browsers: ["FF34"], values: [{name: "annotation()", description: "Enables display of alternate annotation forms."}, {name: "character-variant()", description: "Enables display of specific character variants."}, {name: "historical-forms", description: "Enables display of historical forms."}, {name: "normal", description: "None of the features are enabled."}, {name: "ornaments()", description: "Enables replacement of default glyphs with ornaments, if provided in the font."}, {name: "styleset()", description: "Enables display with stylistic sets."}, {name: "stylistic()", description: "Enables display of stylistic alternates."}, {name: "swash()", description: "Enables display of swash glyphs."}], syntax: "normal | [ stylistic( <feature-value-name> ) || historical-forms || styleset( <feature-value-name># ) || character-variant( <feature-value-name># ) || swash( <feature-value-name> ) || ornaments( <feature-value-name> ) || annotation( <feature-value-name> ) ]", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "For any given character, fonts can provide a variety of alternate glyphs in addition to the default glyph for that character. This property provides control over the selection of these alternate glyphs.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-variant-caps", browsers: ["E79", "FF34", "C52", "O39"], values: [{name: "all-petite-caps", description: "Enables display of petite capitals for both upper and lowercase letters."}, {name: "all-small-caps", description: "Enables display of small capitals for both upper and lowercase letters."}, {name: "normal", description: "None of the features are enabled."}, {name: "petite-caps", description: "Enables display of petite capitals."}, {name: "small-caps", description: "Enables display of small capitals. Small-caps glyphs typically use the form of uppercase letters but are reduced to the size of lowercase letters."}, {name: "titling-caps", description: "Enables display of titling capitals."}, {name: "unicase", description: "Enables display of mixture of small capitals for uppercase letters with normal lowercase letters."}], syntax: "normal | small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies control over capitalized forms.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-variant-east-asian", browsers: ["E79", "FF34", "C63", "O50"], values: [{name: "full-width", description: "Enables rendering of full-width variants."}, {name: "jis04", description: "Enables rendering of JIS04 forms."}, {name: "jis78", description: "Enables rendering of JIS78 forms."}, {name: "jis83", description: "Enables rendering of JIS83 forms."}, {name: "jis90", description: "Enables rendering of JIS90 forms."}, {name: "normal", description: "None of the features are enabled."}, {name: "proportional-width", description: "Enables rendering of proportionally-spaced variants."}, {name: "ruby", description: "Enables display of ruby variant glyphs."}, {name: "simplified", description: "Enables rendering of simplified forms."}, {name: "traditional", description: "Enables rendering of traditional forms."}], syntax: "normal | [ <east-asian-variant-values> || <east-asian-width-values> || ruby ]", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Allows control of glyph substitute and positioning in East Asian text.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-variant-ligatures", browsers: ["E79", "FF34", "S9.1", "C34", "O21"], values: [{name: "additional-ligatures", description: "Enables display of additional ligatures."}, {name: "common-ligatures", description: "Enables display of common ligatures."}, {name: "contextual", browsers: ["E79", "FF34", "S9.1", "C34", "O21"], description: "Enables display of contextual alternates."}, {name: "discretionary-ligatures", description: "Enables display of discretionary ligatures."}, {name: "historical-ligatures", description: "Enables display of historical ligatures."}, {name: "no-additional-ligatures", description: "Disables display of additional ligatures."}, {name: "no-common-ligatures", description: "Disables display of common ligatures."}, {name: "no-contextual", browsers: ["E79", "FF34", "S9.1", "C34", "O21"], description: "Disables display of contextual alternates."}, {name: "no-discretionary-ligatures", description: "Disables display of discretionary ligatures."}, {name: "no-historical-ligatures", description: "Disables display of historical ligatures."}, {name: "none", browsers: ["E79", "FF34", "S9.1", "C34", "O21"], description: "Disables all ligatures."}, {name: "normal", description: "Implies that the defaults set by the font are used."}], syntax: "normal | none | [ <common-lig-values> || <discretionary-lig-values> || <historical-lig-values> || <contextual-alt-values> ]", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies control over which ligatures are enabled or disabled. A value of normal implies that the defaults set by the font are used.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-variant-numeric", browsers: ["E79", "FF34", "S9.1", "C52", "O39"], values: [{name: "diagonal-fractions", description: "Enables display of lining diagonal fractions."}, {name: "lining-nums", description: "Enables display of lining numerals."}, {name: "normal", description: "None of the features are enabled."}, {name: "oldstyle-nums", description: "Enables display of old-style numerals."}, {name: "ordinal", description: "Enables display of letter forms used with ordinal numbers."}, {name: "proportional-nums", description: "Enables display of proportional numerals."}, {name: "slashed-zero", description: "Enables display of slashed zeros."}, {name: "stacked-fractions", description: "Enables display of lining stacked fractions."}, {name: "tabular-nums", description: "Enables display of tabular numerals."}], syntax: "normal | [ <numeric-figure-values> || <numeric-spacing-values> || <numeric-fraction-values> || ordinal || slashed-zero ]", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies control over numerical forms.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-variant-position", browsers: ["FF34"], values: [{name: "normal", description: "None of the features are enabled."}, {name: "sub", description: "Enables display of subscript variants (OpenType feature: subs)."}, {name: "super", description: "Enables display of superscript variants (OpenType feature: sups)."}], syntax: "normal | sub | super", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the vertical position", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "font-weight", values: [{name: "100", description: "Thin"}, {name: "200", description: "Extra Light (Ultra Light)"}, {name: "300", description: "Light"}, {name: "400", description: "Normal"}, {name: "500", description: "Medium"}, {name: "600", description: "Semi Bold (Demi Bold)"}, {name: "700", description: "Bold"}, {name: "800", description: "Extra Bold (Ultra Bold)"}, {name: "900", description: "Black (Heavy)"}, {name: "bold", description: "Same as 700"}, {name: "bolder", description: "Specifies the weight of the face bolder than the inherited value."}, {name: "lighter", description: "Specifies the weight of the face lighter than the inherited value."}, {name: "normal", description: "Same as 400"}], syntax: "<font-weight-absolute>{1,2}", relevance: 93, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies weight of glyphs in the font, their degree of blackness or stroke thickness.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "glyph-orientation-horizontal", relevance: 50, description: "Controls glyph orientation when the inline-progression-direction is horizontal.", restrictions: ["angle", "number"]}, {name: "glyph-orientation-vertical", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Sets the orientation based on the fullwidth or non-fullwidth characters and the most common orientation."}], relevance: 50, description: "Controls glyph orientation when the inline-progression-direction is vertical.", restrictions: ["angle", "number", "enum"]}, {name: "grid-area", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The property contributes nothing to the grid items placement, indicating auto-placement, an automatic span, or a default span of one."}, {name: "span", description: "Contributes a grid span to the grid items placement such that the corresponding edge of the grid items grid area is N lines from its opposite edge."}], syntax: "<grid-line> [ / <grid-line> ]{0,3}", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determine a grid items size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement. Shorthand for 'grid-row-start', 'grid-column-start', 'grid-row-end', and 'grid-column-end'.", restrictions: ["identifier", "integer"]}, {name: "grid", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], syntax: "<'grid-template'> | <'grid-template-rows'> / [ auto-flow && dense? ] <'grid-auto-columns'>? | [ auto-flow && dense? ] <'grid-auto-rows'>? / <'grid-template-columns'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The grid CSS property is a shorthand property that sets all of the explicit grid properties ('grid-template-rows', 'grid-template-columns', and 'grid-template-areas'), and all the implicit grid properties ('grid-auto-rows', 'grid-auto-columns', and 'grid-auto-flow'), in a single declaration.", restrictions: ["identifier", "length", "percentage", "string", "enum"]}, {name: "grid-auto-columns", values: [{name: "min-content", description: "Represents the largest min-content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Represents the largest max-content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "auto", description: "As a maximum, identical to 'max-content'. As a minimum, represents the largest minimum size (as specified by min-width/min-height) of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "minmax()", description: "Defines a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max."}], syntax: "<track-size>+", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the size of implicitly created columns.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "grid-auto-flow", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "row", description: "The auto-placement algorithm places items by filling each row in turn, adding new rows as necessary."}, {name: "column", description: "The auto-placement algorithm places items by filling each column in turn, adding new columns as necessary."}, {name: "dense", description: "If specified, the auto-placement algorithm uses a “dense” packing algorithm, which attempts to fill in holes earlier in the grid if smaller items come up later."}], syntax: "[ row | column ] || dense", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls how the auto-placement algorithm works, specifying exactly how auto-placed items get flowed into the grid.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "grid-auto-rows", values: [{name: "min-content", description: "Represents the largest min-content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Represents the largest max-content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "auto", description: "As a maximum, identical to 'max-content'. As a minimum, represents the largest minimum size (as specified by min-width/min-height) of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "minmax()", description: "Defines a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max."}], syntax: "<track-size>+", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the size of implicitly created rows.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "grid-column", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The property contributes nothing to the grid items placement, indicating auto-placement, an automatic span, or a default span of one."}, {name: "span", description: "Contributes a grid span to the grid items placement such that the corresponding edge of the grid items grid area is N lines from its opposite edge."}], syntax: "<grid-line> [ / <grid-line> ]?", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand for 'grid-column-start' and 'grid-column-end'.", restrictions: ["identifier", "integer", "enum"]}, {name: "grid-column-end", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The property contributes nothing to the grid items placement, indicating auto-placement, an automatic span, or a default span of one."}, {name: "span", description: "Contributes a grid span to the grid items placement such that the corresponding edge of the grid items grid area is N lines from its opposite edge."}], syntax: "<grid-line>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determine a grid items size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement.", restrictions: ["identifier", "integer", "enum"]}, {name: "grid-column-gap", browsers: ["FF52", "C57", "S10.1", "O44"], status: "obsolete", syntax: "<length-percentage>", relevance: 1, description: "Specifies the gutters between grid columns. Replaced by 'column-gap' property.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "grid-column-start", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The property contributes nothing to the grid items placement, indicating auto-placement, an automatic span, or a default span of one."}, {name: "span", description: "Contributes a grid span to the grid items placement such that the corresponding edge of the grid items grid area is N lines from its opposite edge."}], syntax: "<grid-line>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determine a grid items size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement.", restrictions: ["identifier", "integer", "enum"]}, {name: "grid-gap", browsers: ["FF52", "C57", "S10.1", "O44"], status: "obsolete", syntax: "<'grid-row-gap'> <'grid-column-gap'>?", relevance: 1, description: "Shorthand that specifies the gutters between grid columns and grid rows in one declaration. Replaced by 'gap' property.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "grid-row", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The property contributes nothing to the grid items placement, indicating auto-placement, an automatic span, or a default span of one."}, {name: "span", description: "Contributes a grid span to the grid items placement such that the corresponding edge of the grid items grid area is N lines from its opposite edge."}], syntax: "<grid-line> [ / <grid-line> ]?", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand for 'grid-row-start' and 'grid-row-end'.", restrictions: ["identifier", "integer", "enum"]}, {name: "grid-row-end", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The property contributes nothing to the grid items placement, indicating auto-placement, an automatic span, or a default span of one."}, {name: "span", description: "Contributes a grid span to the grid items placement such that the corresponding edge of the grid items grid area is N lines from its opposite edge."}], syntax: "<grid-line>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determine a grid items size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement.", restrictions: ["identifier", "integer", "enum"]}, {name: "grid-row-gap", browsers: ["FF52", "C57", "S10.1", "O44"], status: "obsolete", syntax: "<length-percentage>", relevance: 1, description: "Specifies the gutters between grid rows. Replaced by 'row-gap' property.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "grid-row-start", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The property contributes nothing to the grid items placement, indicating auto-placement, an automatic span, or a default span of one."}, {name: "span", description: "Contributes a grid span to the grid items placement such that the corresponding edge of the grid items grid area is N lines from its opposite edge."}], syntax: "<grid-line>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determine a grid items size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement.", restrictions: ["identifier", "integer", "enum"]}, {name: "grid-template", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "none", description: "Sets all three properties to their initial values."}, {name: "min-content", description: "Represents the largest min-content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Represents the largest max-content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "auto", description: "As a maximum, identical to 'max-content'. As a minimum, represents the largest minimum size (as specified by min-width/min-height) of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "subgrid", description: "Sets 'grid-template-rows' and 'grid-template-columns' to 'subgrid', and 'grid-template-areas' to its initial value."}, {name: "minmax()", description: "Defines a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max."}, {name: "repeat()", description: "Represents a repeated fragment of the track list, allowing a large number of columns or rows that exhibit a recurring pattern to be written in a more compact form."}], syntax: "none | [ <'grid-template-rows'> / <'grid-template-columns'> ] | [ <line-names>? <string> <track-size>? <line-names>? ]+ [ / <explicit-track-list> ]?", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand for setting grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, and grid-template-areas in a single declaration.", restrictions: ["identifier", "length", "percentage", "string", "enum"]}, {name: "grid-template-areas", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "none", description: "The grid container doesnt define any named grid areas."}], syntax: "none | <string>+", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies named grid areas, which are not associated with any particular grid item, but can be referenced from the grid-placement properties.", restrictions: ["string"]}, {name: "grid-template-columns", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "none", description: "There is no explicit grid; any rows/columns will be implicitly generated."}, {name: "min-content", description: "Represents the largest min-content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Represents the largest max-content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "auto", description: "As a maximum, identical to 'max-content'. As a minimum, represents the largest minimum size (as specified by min-width/min-height) of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "subgrid", description: "Indicates that the grid will align to its parent grid in that axis."}, {name: "minmax()", description: "Defines a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max."}, {name: "repeat()", description: "Represents a repeated fragment of the track list, allowing a large number of columns or rows that exhibit a recurring pattern to be written in a more compact form."}], syntax: "none | <track-list> | <auto-track-list> | subgrid <line-name-list>?", relevance: 55, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "specifies, as a space-separated track list, the line names and track sizing functions of the grid.", restrictions: ["identifier", "length", "percentage", "enum"]}, {name: "grid-template-rows", browsers: ["E16", "FF52", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "none", description: "There is no explicit grid; any rows/columns will be implicitly generated."}, {name: "min-content", description: "Represents the largest min-content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Represents the largest max-content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "auto", description: "As a maximum, identical to 'max-content'. As a minimum, represents the largest minimum size (as specified by min-width/min-height) of the grid items occupying the grid track."}, {name: "subgrid", description: "Indicates that the grid will align to its parent grid in that axis."}, {name: "minmax()", description: "Defines a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max."}, {name: "repeat()", description: "Represents a repeated fragment of the track list, allowing a large number of columns or rows that exhibit a recurring pattern to be written in a more compact form."}], syntax: "none | <track-list> | <auto-track-list> | subgrid <line-name-list>?", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "specifies, as a space-separated track list, the line names and track sizing functions of the grid.", restrictions: ["identifier", "length", "percentage", "string", "enum"]}, {name: "height", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The height depends on the values of other properties."}, {name: "fit-content", description: "Use the fit-content inline size or fit-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Use the max-content inline size or max-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "min-content", description: "Use the min-content inline size or min-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}], syntax: "<viewport-length>{1,2}", relevance: 96, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the height of the content area, padding area or border area (depending on 'box-sizing') of certain boxes.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "hyphens", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Conditional hyphenation characters inside a word, if present, take priority over automatic resources when determining hyphenation points within the word."}, {name: "manual", description: "Words are only broken at line breaks where there are characters inside the word that suggest line break opportunities"}, {name: "none", description: "Words are not broken at line breaks, even if characters inside the word suggest line break points."}], syntax: "none | manual | auto", relevance: 53, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls whether hyphenation is allowed to create more break opportunities within a line of text.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "image-orientation", browsers: ["E81", "FF26", "S13.1", "C81", "O67"], values: [{name: "flip", description: "After rotating by the precededing angle, the image is flipped horizontally. Defaults to 0deg if the angle is ommitted."}, {name: "from-image", description: "If the image has an orientation specified in its metadata, such as EXIF, this value computes to the angle that the metadata specifies is necessary to correctly orient the image."}], syntax: "from-image | <angle> | [ <angle>? flip ]", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies an orthogonal rotation to be applied to an image before it is laid out.", restrictions: ["angle"]}, {name: "image-rendering", browsers: ["E79", "FF3.6", "S6", "C13", "O15"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The image should be scaled with an algorithm that maximizes the appearance of the image."}, {name: "crisp-edges", description: "The image must be scaled with an algorithm that preserves contrast and edges in the image, and which does not smooth colors or introduce blur to the image in the process."}, {name: "-moz-crisp-edges", browsers: ["E79", "FF3.6", "S6", "C13", "O15"]}, {name: "optimizeQuality", description: "Deprecated."}, {name: "optimizeSpeed", description: "Deprecated."}, {name: "pixelated", description: "When scaling the image up, the 'nearest neighbor' or similar algorithm must be used, so that the image appears to be simply composed of very large pixels."}], syntax: "auto | crisp-edges | pixelated", relevance: 55, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Provides a hint to the user-agent about what aspects of an image are most important to preserve when the image is scaled, to aid the user-agent in the choice of an appropriate scaling algorithm.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "ime-mode", browsers: ["E12", "FF3", "IE5"], values: [{name: "active", description: "The input method editor is initially active; text entry is performed using it unless the user specifically dismisses it."}, {name: "auto", description: "No change is made to the current input method editor state. This is the default."}, {name: "disabled", description: "The input method editor is disabled and may not be activated by the user."}, {name: "inactive", description: "The input method editor is initially inactive, but the user may activate it if they wish."}, {name: "normal", description: "The IME state should be normal; this value can be used in a user style sheet to override the page setting."}], status: "obsolete", syntax: "auto | normal | active | inactive | disabled", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls the state of the input method editor for text fields.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "inline-size", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Depends on the values of other properties."}], syntax: "<'width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'height'. Mapping depends on the elements 'writing-mode'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "isolation", browsers: ["E79", "FF36", "S8", "C41", "O30"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Elements are not isolated unless an operation is applied that causes the creation of a stacking context."}, {name: "isolate", description: "In CSS will turn the element into a stacking context."}], syntax: "auto | isolate", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In CSS setting to 'isolate' will turn the element into a stacking context. In SVG, it defines whether an element is isolated or not.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "justify-content", values: [{name: "center", description: "Flex items are packed toward the center of the line."}, {name: "start", description: "The items are packed flush to each other toward the start edge of the alignment container in the main axis."}, {name: "end", description: "The items are packed flush to each other toward the end edge of the alignment container in the main axis."}, {name: "left", description: "The items are packed flush to each other toward the left edge of the alignment container in the main axis."}, {name: "right", description: "The items are packed flush to each other toward the right edge of the alignment container in the main axis."}, {name: "safe", description: "If the size of the item overflows the alignment container, the item is instead aligned as if the alignment mode were start."}, {name: "unsafe", description: "Regardless of the relative sizes of the item and alignment container, the given alignment value is honored."}, {name: "stretch", description: "If the combined size of the alignment subjects is less than the size of the alignment container, any auto-sized alignment subjects have their size increased equally (not proportionally), while still respecting the constraints imposed by max-height/max-width (or equivalent functionality), so that the combined size exactly fills the alignment container."}, {name: "space-evenly", description: "The items are evenly distributed within the alignment container along the main axis."}, {name: "flex-end", description: "Flex items are packed toward the end of the line."}, {name: "flex-start", description: "Flex items are packed toward the start of the line."}, {name: "space-around", description: "Flex items are evenly distributed in the line, with half-size spaces on either end."}, {name: "space-between", description: "Flex items are evenly distributed in the line."}, {name: "baseline", description: "Specifies participation in first-baseline alignment."}, {name: "first baseline", description: "Specifies participation in first-baseline alignment."}, {name: "last baseline", description: "Specifies participation in last-baseline alignment."}], syntax: "normal | <content-distribution> | <overflow-position>? [ <content-position> | left | right ]", relevance: 82, description: "Aligns flex items along the main axis of the current line of the flex container.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "kerning", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Indicates that the user agent should adjust inter-glyph spacing based on kerning tables that are included in the font that will be used."}], relevance: 50, description: "Indicates whether the user agent should adjust inter-glyph spacing based on kerning tables that are included in the relevant font or instead disable auto-kerning and set inter-character spacing to a specific length.", restrictions: ["length", "enum"]}, {name: "left", values: [{name: "auto", description: "For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well"}], syntax: "<length> | <percentage> | auto", relevance: 95, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how far an absolutely positioned box's left margin edge is offset to the right of the left edge of the box's 'containing block'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "letter-spacing", values: [{name: "normal", description: "The spacing is the normal spacing for the current font. It is typically zero-length."}], syntax: "normal | <length>", relevance: 79, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the minimum, maximum, and optimal spacing between grapheme clusters.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "lighting-color", browsers: ["E", "C5", "FF3", "IE10", "O9", "S6"], relevance: 50, description: "Defines the color of the light source for filter primitives 'feDiffuseLighting' and 'feSpecularLighting'.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "line-break", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The UA determines the set of line-breaking restrictions to use for CJK scripts, and it may vary the restrictions based on the length of the line; e.g., use a less restrictive set of line-break rules for short lines."}, {name: "loose", description: "Breaks text using the least restrictive set of line-breaking rules. Typically used for short lines, such as in newspapers."}, {name: "normal", description: "Breaks text using the most common set of line-breaking rules."}, {name: "strict", description: "Breaks CJK scripts using a more restrictive set of line-breaking rules than 'normal'."}], syntax: "auto | loose | normal | strict | anywhere", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies what set of line breaking restrictions are in effect within the element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "line-height", values: [{name: "normal", description: "Tells user agents to set the computed value to a 'reasonable' value based on the font size of the element."}], syntax: "normal | <number> | <length> | <percentage>", relevance: 92, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the block-progression dimension of the text content area of an inline box.", restrictions: ["number", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "list-style", values: [{name: "armenian"}, {name: "circle", description: "A hollow circle."}, {name: "decimal"}, {name: "decimal-leading-zero"}, {name: "disc", description: "A filled circle."}, {name: "georgian"}, {name: "inside", description: "The marker box is outside the principal block box, as described in the section on the ::marker pseudo-element below."}, {name: "lower-alpha"}, {name: "lower-greek"}, {name: "lower-latin"}, {name: "lower-roman"}, {name: "none"}, {name: "outside", description: "The ::marker pseudo-element is an inline element placed immediately before all ::before pseudo-elements in the principal block box, after which the element's content flows."}, {name: "square", description: "A filled square."}, {name: "symbols()", description: "Allows a counter style to be defined inline."}, {name: "upper-alpha"}, {name: "upper-latin"}, {name: "upper-roman"}, {name: "url()"}], syntax: "<'list-style-type'> || <'list-style-position'> || <'list-style-image'>", relevance: 84, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand for setting 'list-style-type', 'list-style-position' and 'list-style-image'", restrictions: ["image", "enum", "url"]}, {name: "list-style-image", values: [{name: "none", description: "The default contents of the of the list items marker are given by 'list-style-type' instead."}], syntax: "<url> | none", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the image that will be used as the list item marker. When the image is available, it will replace the marker set with the 'list-style-type' marker.", restrictions: ["image"]}, {name: "list-style-position", values: [{name: "inside", description: "The marker box is outside the principal block box, as described in the section on the ::marker pseudo-element below."}, {name: "outside", description: "The ::marker pseudo-element is an inline element placed immediately before all ::before pseudo-elements in the principal block box, after which the element's content flows."}], syntax: "inside | outside", relevance: 55, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the position of the '::marker' pseudo-element's box in the list item.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "list-style-type", values: [{name: "armenian", description: "Traditional uppercase Armenian numbering."}, {name: "circle", description: "A hollow circle."}, {name: "decimal", description: "Western decimal numbers."}, {name: "decimal-leading-zero", description: "Decimal numbers padded by initial zeros."}, {name: "disc", description: "A filled circle."}, {name: "georgian", description: "Traditional Georgian numbering."}, {name: "lower-alpha", description: "Lowercase ASCII letters."}, {name: "lower-greek", description: "Lowercase classical Greek."}, {name: "lower-latin", description: "Lowercase ASCII letters."}, {name: "lower-roman", description: "Lowercase ASCII Roman numerals."}, {name: "none", description: "No marker"}, {name: "square", description: "A filled square."}, {name: "symbols()", description: "Allows a counter style to be defined inline."}, {name: "upper-alpha", description: "Uppercase ASCII letters."}, {name: "upper-latin", description: "Uppercase ASCII letters."}, {name: "upper-roman", description: "Uppercase ASCII Roman numerals."}], syntax: "<counter-style> | <string> | none", relevance: 74, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Used to construct the default contents of a list items marker", restrictions: ["enum", "string"]}, {name: "margin", values: [{name: "auto"}], syntax: "[ <length> | <percentage> | auto ]{1,4}", relevance: 95, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the margin area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. Negative values for margin properties are allowed, but there may be implementation-specific limits.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "margin-block-end", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], values: [{name: "auto"}], syntax: "<'margin-left'>", relevance: 53, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'margin-bottom'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "margin-block-start", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], values: [{name: "auto"}], syntax: "<'margin-left'>", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'margin-top'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "margin-bottom", values: [{name: "auto"}], syntax: "<length> | <percentage> | auto", relevance: 91, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the margin area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. Negative values for margin properties are allowed, but there may be implementation-specific limits..", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "margin-inline-end", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], values: [{name: "auto"}], syntax: "<'margin-left'>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'margin-right'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "margin-inline-start", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], values: [{name: "auto"}], syntax: "<'margin-left'>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'margin-left'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "margin-left", values: [{name: "auto"}], syntax: "<length> | <percentage> | auto", relevance: 91, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the margin area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. Negative values for margin properties are allowed, but there may be implementation-specific limits..", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "margin-right", values: [{name: "auto"}], syntax: "<length> | <percentage> | auto", relevance: 90, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the margin area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. Negative values for margin properties are allowed, but there may be implementation-specific limits..", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "margin-top", values: [{name: "auto"}], syntax: "<length> | <percentage> | auto", relevance: 95, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the margin area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. Negative values for margin properties are allowed, but there may be implementation-specific limits..", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "marker", values: [{name: "none", description: "Indicates that no marker symbol will be drawn at the given vertex or vertices."}, {name: "url()", description: "Indicates that the <marker> element referenced will be used."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the marker symbol that shall be used for all points on the sets the value for all vertices on the given path element or basic shape.", restrictions: ["url"]}, {name: "marker-end", values: [{name: "none", description: "Indicates that no marker symbol will be drawn at the given vertex or vertices."}, {name: "url()", description: "Indicates that the <marker> element referenced will be used."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the marker that will be drawn at the last vertices of the given markable element.", restrictions: ["url"]}, {name: "marker-mid", values: [{name: "none", description: "Indicates that no marker symbol will be drawn at the given vertex or vertices."}, {name: "url()", description: "Indicates that the <marker> element referenced will be used."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the marker that will be drawn at all vertices except the first and last.", restrictions: ["url"]}, {name: "marker-start", values: [{name: "none", description: "Indicates that no marker symbol will be drawn at the given vertex or vertices."}, {name: "url()", description: "Indicates that the <marker> element referenced will be used."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the marker that will be drawn at the first vertices of the given markable element.", restrictions: ["url"]}, {name: "mask-image", browsers: ["E16", "FF53", "S4", "C1", "O15"], values: [{name: "none", description: "Counts as a transparent black image layer."}, {name: "url()", description: "Reference to a <mask element or to a CSS image."}], syntax: "<mask-reference>#", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the mask layer image of an element.", restrictions: ["url", "image", "enum"]}, {name: "mask-mode", browsers: ["FF53"], values: [{name: "alpha", description: "Alpha values of the mask layer image should be used as the mask values."}, {name: "auto", description: "Use alpha values if 'mask-image' is an image, luminance if a <mask> element or a CSS image."}, {name: "luminance", description: "Luminance values of the mask layer image should be used as the mask values."}], syntax: "<masking-mode>#", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Indicates whether the mask layer image is treated as luminance mask or alpha mask.", restrictions: ["url", "image", "enum"]}, {name: "mask-origin", browsers: ["E79", "FF53", "S4", "C1", "O15"], syntax: "<geometry-box>#", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the mask positioning area.", restrictions: ["geometry-box", "enum"]}, {name: "mask-position", browsers: ["E18", "FF53", "S3.2", "C1", "O15"], syntax: "<position>#", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how mask layer images are positioned.", restrictions: ["position", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "mask-repeat", browsers: ["E18", "FF53", "S3.2", "C1", "O15"], syntax: "<repeat-style>#", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how mask layer images are tiled after they have been sized and positioned.", restrictions: ["repeat"]}, {name: "mask-size", browsers: ["E18", "FF53", "S4", "C4", "O15"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Resolved by using the images intrinsic ratio and the size of the other dimension, or failing that, using the images intrinsic size, or failing that, treating it as 100%."}, {name: "contain", description: "Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area."}, {name: "cover", description: "Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area."}], syntax: "<bg-size>#", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the size of the mask layer images.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage", "enum"]}, {name: "mask-type", browsers: ["E79", "FF35", "S6.1", "C24", "O15"], values: [{name: "alpha", description: "Indicates that the alpha values of the mask should be used."}, {name: "luminance", description: "Indicates that the luminance values of the mask should be used."}], syntax: "luminance | alpha", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines whether the content of the <mask> element is treated as as luminance mask or alpha mask.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "max-block-size", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No limit on the width of the box."}], syntax: "<'max-width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'max-width'. Mapping depends on the elements 'writing-mode'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "max-height", values: [{name: "none", description: "No limit on the height of the box."}, {name: "fit-content", description: "Use the fit-content inline size or fit-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Use the max-content inline size or max-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "min-content", description: "Use the min-content inline size or min-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}], syntax: "<viewport-length>", relevance: 84, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Allows authors to constrain content height to a certain range.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "max-inline-size", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No limit on the height of the box."}], syntax: "<'max-width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'max-height'. Mapping depends on the elements 'writing-mode'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "max-width", values: [{name: "none", description: "No limit on the width of the box."}, {name: "fit-content", description: "Use the fit-content inline size or fit-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Use the max-content inline size or max-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "min-content", description: "Use the min-content inline size or min-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}], syntax: "<viewport-length>", relevance: 89, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Allows authors to constrain content width to a certain range.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "min-block-size", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C57", "O44"], syntax: "<'min-width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'min-width'. Mapping depends on the elements 'writing-mode'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "min-height", values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "fit-content", description: "Use the fit-content inline size or fit-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Use the max-content inline size or max-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "min-content", description: "Use the min-content inline size or min-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}], syntax: "<viewport-length>", relevance: 88, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Allows authors to constrain content height to a certain range.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "min-inline-size", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C57", "O44"], syntax: "<'min-width'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'min-height'. Mapping depends on the elements 'writing-mode'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "min-width", values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "fit-content", description: "Use the fit-content inline size or fit-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Use the max-content inline size or max-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "min-content", description: "Use the min-content inline size or min-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}], syntax: "<viewport-length>", relevance: 87, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Allows authors to constrain content width to a certain range.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "mix-blend-mode", browsers: ["E79", "FF32", "S8", "C41", "O28"], values: [{name: "normal", description: "Default attribute which specifies no blending"}, {name: "multiply", description: "The source color is multiplied by the destination color and replaces the destination."}, {name: "screen", description: "Multiplies the complements of the backdrop and source color values, then complements the result."}, {name: "overlay", description: "Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the backdrop color value."}, {name: "darken", description: "Selects the darker of the backdrop and source colors."}, {name: "lighten", description: "Selects the lighter of the backdrop and source colors."}, {name: "color-dodge", description: "Brightens the backdrop color to reflect the source color."}, {name: "color-burn", description: "Darkens the backdrop color to reflect the source color."}, {name: "hard-light", description: "Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the source color value."}, {name: "soft-light", description: "Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the source color value."}, {name: "difference", description: "Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter color.."}, {name: "exclusion", description: "Produces an effect similar to that of the Difference mode but lower in contrast."}, {name: "hue", browsers: ["E79", "FF32", "S8", "C41", "O28"], description: "Creates a color with the hue of the source color and the saturation and luminosity of the backdrop color."}, {name: "saturation", browsers: ["E79", "FF32", "S8", "C41", "O28"], description: "Creates a color with the saturation of the source color and the hue and luminosity of the backdrop color."}, {name: "color", browsers: ["E79", "FF32", "S8", "C41", "O28"], description: "Creates a color with the hue and saturation of the source color and the luminosity of the backdrop color."}, {name: "luminosity", browsers: ["E79", "FF32", "S8", "C41", "O28"], description: "Creates a color with the luminosity of the source color and the hue and saturation of the backdrop color."}], syntax: "<blend-mode>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the formula that must be used to mix the colors with the backdrop.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "motion", browsers: ["C46", "O33"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No motion path gets created."}, {name: "path()", description: "Defines an SVG path as a string, with optional 'fill-rule' as the first argument."}, {name: "auto", description: "Indicates that the object is rotated by the angle of the direction of the motion path."}, {name: "reverse", description: "Indicates that the object is rotated by the angle of the direction of the motion path plus 180 degrees."}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property for setting 'motion-path', 'motion-offset' and 'motion-rotation'.", restrictions: ["url", "length", "percentage", "angle", "shape", "geometry-box", "enum"]}, {name: "motion-offset", browsers: ["C46", "O33"], relevance: 50, description: "A distance that describes the position along the specified motion path.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "motion-path", browsers: ["C46", "O33"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No motion path gets created."}, {name: "path()", description: "Defines an SVG path as a string, with optional 'fill-rule' as the first argument."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the motion path the element gets positioned at.", restrictions: ["url", "shape", "geometry-box", "enum"]}, {name: "motion-rotation", browsers: ["C46", "O33"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Indicates that the object is rotated by the angle of the direction of the motion path."}, {name: "reverse", description: "Indicates that the object is rotated by the angle of the direction of the motion path plus 180 degrees."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines the direction of the element while positioning along the motion path.", restrictions: ["angle"]}, {name: "-moz-animation", browsers: ["FF9"], values: [{name: "alternate", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction."}, {name: "alternate-reverse", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction."}, {name: "backwards", description: "The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'."}, {name: "both", description: "Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied."}, {name: "forwards", description: "The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes."}, {name: "infinite", description: "Causes the animation to repeat forever."}, {name: "none", description: "No animation is performed"}, {name: "normal", description: "Normal playback."}, {name: "reverse", description: "All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified."}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property combines six of the animation properties into a single property.", restrictions: ["time", "enum", "timing-function", "identifier", "number"]}, {name: "-moz-animation-delay", browsers: ["FF9"], relevance: 50, description: "Defines when the animation will start.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-moz-animation-direction", browsers: ["FF9"], values: [{name: "alternate", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction."}, {name: "alternate-reverse", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction."}, {name: "normal", description: "Normal playback."}, {name: "reverse", description: "All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-animation-duration", browsers: ["FF9"], relevance: 50, description: "Defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-moz-animation-iteration-count", browsers: ["FF9"], values: [{name: "infinite", description: "Causes the animation to repeat forever."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines the number of times an animation cycle is played. The default value is one, meaning the animation will play from beginning to end once.", restrictions: ["number", "enum"]}, {name: "-moz-animation-name", browsers: ["FF9"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No animation is performed"}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines a list of animations that apply. Each name is used to select the keyframe at-rule that provides the property values for the animation.", restrictions: ["identifier", "enum"]}, {name: "-moz-animation-play-state", browsers: ["FF9"], values: [{name: "paused", description: "A running animation will be paused."}, {name: "running", description: "Resume playback of a paused animation."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines whether the animation is running or paused.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-animation-timing-function", browsers: ["FF9"], relevance: 50, description: "Describes how the animation will progress over one cycle of its duration. See the 'transition-timing-function'.", restrictions: ["timing-function"]}, {name: "-moz-appearance", browsers: ["FF1"], values: [{name: "button"}, {name: "button-arrow-down"}, {name: "button-arrow-next"}, {name: "button-arrow-previous"}, {name: "button-arrow-up"}, {name: "button-bevel"}, {name: "checkbox"}, {name: "checkbox-container"}, {name: "checkbox-label"}, {name: "dialog"}, {name: "groupbox"}, {name: "listbox"}, {name: "menuarrow"}, {name: "menuimage"}, {name: "menuitem"}, {name: "menuitemtext"}, {name: "menulist"}, {name: "menulist-button"}, {name: "menulist-text"}, {name: "menulist-textfield"}, {name: "menupopup"}, {name: "menuradio"}, {name: "menuseparator"}, {name: "-moz-mac-unified-toolbar"}, {name: "-moz-win-borderless-glass"}, {name: "-moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox"}, {name: "-moz-win-communications-toolbox"}, {name: "-moz-win-glass"}, {name: "-moz-win-media-toolbox"}, {name: "none"}, {name: "progressbar"}, {name: "progresschunk"}, {name: "radio"}, {name: "radio-container"}, {name: "radio-label"}, {name: "radiomenuitem"}, {name: "resizer"}, {name: "resizerpanel"}, {name: "scrollbarbutton-down"}, {name: "scrollbarbutton-left"}, {name: "scrollbarbutton-right"}, {name: "scrollbarbutton-up"}, {name: "scrollbar-small"}, {name: "scrollbartrack-horizontal"}, {name: "scrollbartrack-vertical"}, {name: "separator"}, {name: "spinner"}, {name: "spinner-downbutton"}, {name: "spinner-textfield"}, {name: "spinner-upbutton"}, {name: "statusbar"}, {name: "statusbarpanel"}, {name: "tab"}, {name: "tabpanels"}, {name: "tab-scroll-arrow-back"}, {name: "tab-scroll-arrow-forward"}, {name: "textfield"}, {name: "textfield-multiline"}, {name: "toolbar"}, {name: "toolbox"}, {name: "tooltip"}, {name: "treeheadercell"}, {name: "treeheadersortarrow"}, {name: "treeitem"}, {name: "treetwistyopen"}, {name: "treeview"}, {name: "treewisty"}, {name: "window"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | button | button-arrow-down | button-arrow-next | button-arrow-previous | button-arrow-up | button-bevel | button-focus | caret | checkbox | checkbox-container | checkbox-label | checkmenuitem | dualbutton | groupbox | listbox | listitem | menuarrow | menubar | menucheckbox | menuimage | menuitem | menuitemtext | menulist | menulist-button | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | menupopup | menuradio | menuseparator | meterbar | meterchunk | progressbar | progressbar-vertical | progresschunk | progresschunk-vertical | radio | radio-container | radio-label | radiomenuitem | range | range-thumb | resizer | resizerpanel | scale-horizontal | scalethumbend | scalethumb-horizontal | scalethumbstart | scalethumbtick | scalethumb-vertical | scale-vertical | scrollbarbutton-down | scrollbarbutton-left | scrollbarbutton-right | scrollbarbutton-up | scrollbarthumb-horizontal | scrollbarthumb-vertical | scrollbartrack-horizontal | scrollbartrack-vertical | searchfield | separator | sheet | spinner | spinner-downbutton | spinner-textfield | spinner-upbutton | splitter | statusbar | statusbarpanel | tab | tabpanel | tabpanels | tab-scroll-arrow-back | tab-scroll-arrow-forward | textfield | textfield-multiline | toolbar | toolbarbutton | toolbarbutton-dropdown | toolbargripper | toolbox | tooltip | treeheader | treeheadercell | treeheadersortarrow | treeitem | treeline | treetwisty | treetwistyopen | treeview | -moz-mac-unified-toolbar | -moz-win-borderless-glass | -moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox | -moz-win-communicationstext | -moz-win-communications-toolbox | -moz-win-exclude-glass | -moz-win-glass | -moz-win-mediatext | -moz-win-media-toolbox | -moz-window-button-box | -moz-window-button-box-maximized | -moz-window-button-close | -moz-window-button-maximize | -moz-window-button-minimize | -moz-window-button-restore | -moz-window-frame-bottom | -moz-window-frame-left | -moz-window-frame-right | -moz-window-titlebar | -moz-window-titlebar-maximized", relevance: 0, description: "Used in Gecko (Firefox) to display an element using a platform-native styling based on the operating system's theme.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-backface-visibility", browsers: ["FF10"], values: [{name: "hidden"}, {name: "visible"}], relevance: 50, description: "Determines whether or not the 'back' side of a transformed element is visible when facing the viewer. With an identity transform, the front side of an element faces the viewer.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-background-clip", browsers: ["FF1-3.6"], values: [{name: "padding"}], relevance: 50, description: "Determines the background painting area.", restrictions: ["box", "enum"]}, {name: "-moz-background-inline-policy", browsers: ["FF1"], values: [{name: "bounding-box"}, {name: "continuous"}, {name: "each-box"}], relevance: 50, description: "In Gecko-based applications like Firefox, the -moz-background-inline-policy CSS property specifies how the background image of an inline element is determined when the content of the inline element wraps onto multiple lines. The choice of position has significant effects on repetition.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-background-origin", browsers: ["FF1"], relevance: 50, description: "For elements rendered as a single box, specifies the background positioning area. For elements rendered as multiple boxes (e.g., inline boxes on several lines, boxes on several pages) specifies which boxes 'box-decoration-break' operates on to determine the background positioning area(s).", restrictions: ["box"]}, {name: "-moz-border-bottom-colors", browsers: ["FF1"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>+ | none", relevance: 0, description: "Sets a list of colors for the bottom border.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-moz-border-image", browsers: ["FF3.6"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "If 'auto' is specified then the border image width is the intrinsic width or height (whichever is applicable) of the corresponding image slice. If the image does not have the required intrinsic dimension then the corresponding border-width is used instead."}, {name: "fill", description: "Causes the middle part of the border-image to be preserved."}, {name: "none"}, {name: "repeat", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area."}, {name: "round", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the image is rescaled so that it does."}, {name: "space", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the extra space is distributed around the tiles."}, {name: "stretch", description: "The image is stretched to fill the area."}, {name: "url()"}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property for setting 'border-image-source', 'border-image-slice', 'border-image-width', 'border-image-outset' and 'border-image-repeat'. Omitted values are set to their initial values.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage", "number", "url", "enum"]}, {name: "-moz-border-left-colors", browsers: ["FF1"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>+ | none", relevance: 0, description: "Sets a list of colors for the bottom border.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-moz-border-right-colors", browsers: ["FF1"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>+ | none", relevance: 0, description: "Sets a list of colors for the bottom border.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-moz-border-top-colors", browsers: ["FF1"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>+ | none", relevance: 0, description: "Ske Firefox, -moz-border-bottom-colors sets a list of colors for the bottom border.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-moz-box-align", browsers: ["FF1"], values: [{name: "baseline", description: "If this box orientation is inline-axis or horizontal, all children are placed with their baselines aligned, and extra space placed before or after as necessary. For block flows, the baseline of the first non-empty line box located within the element is used. For tables, the baseline of the first cell is used."}, {name: "center", description: "Any extra space is divided evenly, with half placed above the child and the other half placed after the child."}, {name: "end", description: "For normal direction boxes, the bottom edge of each child is placed along the bottom of the box. Extra space is placed above the element. For reverse direction boxes, the top edge of each child is placed along the top of the box. Extra space is placed below the element."}, {name: "start", description: "For normal direction boxes, the top edge of each child is placed along the top of the box. Extra space is placed below the element. For reverse direction boxes, the bottom edge of each child is placed along the bottom of the box. Extra space is placed above the element."}, {name: "stretch", description: "The height of each child is adjusted to that of the containing block."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies how a XUL box aligns its contents across (perpendicular to) the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-box-direction", browsers: ["FF1"], values: [{name: "normal", description: "A box with a computed value of horizontal for box-orient displays its children from left to right. A box with a computed value of vertical displays its children from top to bottom."}, {name: "reverse", description: "A box with a computed value of horizontal for box-orient displays its children from right to left. A box with a computed value of vertical displays its children from bottom to top."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge).", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-box-flex", browsers: ["FF1"], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies how a box grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout.", restrictions: ["number"]}, {name: "-moz-box-flexgroup", browsers: ["FF1"], relevance: 50, description: "Flexible elements can be assigned to flex groups using the 'box-flex-group' property.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-moz-box-ordinal-group", browsers: ["FF1"], relevance: 50, description: "Indicates the ordinal group the element belongs to. Elements with a lower ordinal group are displayed before those with a higher ordinal group.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-moz-box-orient", browsers: ["FF1"], values: [{name: "block-axis", description: "Elements are oriented along the box's axis."}, {name: "horizontal", description: "The box displays its children from left to right in a horizontal line."}, {name: "inline-axis", description: "Elements are oriented vertically."}, {name: "vertical", description: "The box displays its children from stacked from top to bottom vertically."}], relevance: 50, description: "In Mozilla applications, -moz-box-orient specifies whether a box lays out its contents horizontally or vertically.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-box-pack", browsers: ["FF1"], values: [{name: "center", description: "The extra space is divided evenly, with half placed before the first child and the other half placed after the last child."}, {name: "end", description: "For normal direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child. For reverse direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child."}, {name: "justify", description: "The space is divided evenly in-between each child, with none of the extra space placed before the first child or after the last child. If there is only one child, treat the pack value as if it were start."}, {name: "start", description: "For normal direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child. For reverse direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies how a box packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-box-sizing", browsers: ["FF1"], values: [{name: "border-box", description: "The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) on this element determine the border box of the element."}, {name: "content-box", description: "Behavior of width and height as specified by CSS2.1. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) apply to the width and height respectively of the content box of the element."}, {name: "padding-box", description: "The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) on this element determine the padding box of the element."}], relevance: 50, description: "Box Model addition in CSS3.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-column-count", browsers: ["FF3.5"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Determines the number of columns by the 'column-width' property and the element width."}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes the optimal number of columns into which the content of the element will be flowed.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-moz-column-gap", browsers: ["FF3.5"], values: [{name: "normal", description: "User agent specific and typically equivalent to 1em."}], relevance: 50, description: "Sets the gap between columns. If there is a column rule between columns, it will appear in the middle of the gap.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-moz-column-rule", browsers: ["FF3.5"], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand for setting 'column-rule-width', 'column-rule-style', and 'column-rule-color' at the same place in the style sheet. Omitted values are set to their initial values.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "-moz-column-rule-color", browsers: ["FF3.5"], relevance: 50, description: "Sets the color of the column rule", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-moz-column-rule-style", browsers: ["FF3.5"], relevance: 50, description: "Sets the style of the rule between columns of an element.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "-moz-column-rule-width", browsers: ["FF3.5"], relevance: 50, description: "Sets the width of the rule between columns. Negative values are not allowed.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "-moz-columns", browsers: ["FF9"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The width depends on the values of other properties."}], relevance: 50, description: "A shorthand property which sets both 'column-width' and 'column-count'.", restrictions: ["length", "integer"]}, {name: "-moz-column-width", browsers: ["FF3.5"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The width depends on the values of other properties."}], relevance: 50, description: "This property describes the width of columns in multicol elements.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-moz-font-feature-settings", browsers: ["FF4"], values: [{name: '"c2cs"'}, {name: '"dlig"'}, {name: '"kern"'}, {name: '"liga"'}, {name: '"lnum"'}, {name: '"onum"'}, {name: '"smcp"'}, {name: '"swsh"'}, {name: '"tnum"'}, {name: "normal", description: "No change in glyph substitution or positioning occurs."}, {name: "off", browsers: ["FF4"]}, {name: "on", browsers: ["FF4"]}], relevance: 50, description: "Provides low-level control over OpenType font features. It is intended as a way of providing access to font features that are not widely used but are needed for a particular use case.", restrictions: ["string", "integer"]}, {name: "-moz-hyphens", browsers: ["FF9"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Conditional hyphenation characters inside a word, if present, take priority over automatic resources when determining hyphenation points within the word."}, {name: "manual", description: "Words are only broken at line breaks where there are characters inside the word that suggest line break opportunities"}, {name: "none", description: "Words are not broken at line breaks, even if characters inside the word suggest line break points."}], relevance: 50, description: "Controls whether hyphenation is allowed to create more break opportunities within a line of text.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-perspective", browsers: ["FF10"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No perspective transform is applied."}], relevance: 50, description: "Applies the same transform as the perspective(<number>) transform function, except that it applies only to the positioned or transformed children of the element, not to the transform on the element itself.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-moz-perspective-origin", browsers: ["FF10"], relevance: 50, description: "Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X and Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element.", restrictions: ["position", "percentage", "length"]}, {name: "-moz-text-align-last", browsers: ["FF12"], values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "center", description: "The inline contents are centered within the line box."}, {name: "justify", description: "The text is justified according to the method specified by the 'text-justify' property."}, {name: "left", description: "The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'left' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the start edge for left-to-right text."}, {name: "right", description: "The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'right' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the end edge for left-to-right text."}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-text-decoration-color", browsers: ["FF6"], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the color of text decoration (underlines overlines, and line-throughs) set on the element with text-decoration-line.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-moz-text-decoration-line", browsers: ["FF6"], values: [{name: "line-through", description: "Each line of text has a line through the middle."}, {name: "none", description: "Neither produces nor inhibits text decoration."}, {name: "overline", description: "Each line of text has a line above it."}, {name: "underline", description: "Each line of text is underlined."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies what line decorations, if any, are added to the element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-text-decoration-style", browsers: ["FF6"], values: [{name: "dashed", description: "Produces a dashed line style."}, {name: "dotted", description: "Produces a dotted line."}, {name: "double", description: "Produces a double line."}, {name: "none", description: "Produces no line."}, {name: "solid", description: "Produces a solid line."}, {name: "wavy", description: "Produces a wavy line."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the line style for underline, line-through and overline text decoration.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-text-size-adjust", browsers: ["FF"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Renderers must use the default size adjustment when displaying on a small device."}, {name: "none", description: "Renderers must not do size adjustment when displaying on a small device."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in mobile browsers.", restrictions: ["enum", "percentage"]}, {name: "-moz-transform", browsers: ["FF3.5"], values: [{name: "matrix()", description: "Specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f]"}, {name: "matrix3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D transformation as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of 16 values in column-major order."}, {name: "none"}, {name: "perspective", description: "Specifies a perspective projection matrix."}, {name: "rotate()", description: "Specifies a 2D rotation by the angle specified in the parameter about the origin of the element, as defined by the transform-origin property."}, {name: "rotate3d()", description: "Specifies a clockwise 3D rotation by the angle specified in last parameter about the [x,y,z] direction vector described by the first 3 parameters."}, {name: "rotateX('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the X axis."}, {name: "rotateY('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Y axis."}, {name: "rotateZ('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Z axis."}, {name: "scale()", description: "Specifies a 2D scale operation by the [sx,sy] scaling vector described by the 2 parameters. If the second parameter is not provided, it is takes a value equal to the first."}, {name: "scale3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D scale operation by the [sx,sy,sz] scaling vector described by the 3 parameters."}, {name: "scaleX()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter."}, {name: "scaleY()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [sy,1] scaling vector, where sy is given as the parameter."}, {name: "scaleZ()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [1,1,sz] scaling vector, where sz is given as the parameter."}, {name: "skew()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the X and Y axes. The first angle parameter specifies the skew on the X axis. The second angle parameter specifies the skew on the Y axis. If the second parameter is not given then a value of 0 is used for the Y angle (ie: no skew on the Y axis)."}, {name: "skewX()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the X axis by the given angle."}, {name: "skewY()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle."}, {name: "translate()", description: "Specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter."}, {name: "translate3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D translation by the vector [tx,ty,tz], with tx, ty and tz being the first, second and third translation-value parameters respectively."}, {name: "translateX()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the X direction."}, {name: "translateY()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction."}, {name: "translateZ()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Z direction. Note that percentage values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present are evaluated as 0."}], relevance: 50, description: "A two-dimensional transformation is applied to an element through the 'transform' property. This property contains a list of transform functions similar to those allowed by SVG.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-moz-transform-origin", browsers: ["FF3.5"], relevance: 50, description: "Establishes the origin of transformation for an element.", restrictions: ["position", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-moz-transition", browsers: ["FF4"], values: [{name: "all", description: "Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so."}, {name: "none", description: "No property will transition."}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property combines four of the transition properties into a single property.", restrictions: ["time", "property", "timing-function", "enum"]}, {name: "-moz-transition-delay", browsers: ["FF4"], relevance: 50, description: "Defines when the transition will start. It allows a transition to begin execution some period of time from when it is applied.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-moz-transition-duration", browsers: ["FF4"], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-moz-transition-property", browsers: ["FF4"], values: [{name: "all", description: "Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so."}, {name: "none", description: "No property will transition."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied.", restrictions: ["property"]}, {name: "-moz-transition-timing-function", browsers: ["FF4"], relevance: 50, description: "Describes how the intermediate values used during a transition will be calculated.", restrictions: ["timing-function"]}, {name: "-moz-user-focus", browsers: ["FF1"], values: [{name: "ignore"}, {name: "normal"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "ignore | normal | select-after | select-before | select-menu | select-same | select-all | none", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Used to indicate whether the element can have focus."}, {name: "-moz-user-select", browsers: ["FF1.5"], values: [{name: "all"}, {name: "element"}, {name: "elements"}, {name: "-moz-all"}, {name: "-moz-none"}, {name: "none"}, {name: "text"}, {name: "toggle"}], relevance: 50, description: "Controls the appearance of selection.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-accelerator", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "false", description: "The element does not contain an accelerator key sequence."}, {name: "true", description: "The element contains an accelerator key sequence."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "false | true", relevance: 0, description: "IE only. Has the ability to turn off its system underlines for accelerator keys until the ALT key is pressed", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-behavior", browsers: ["IE8"], relevance: 50, description: "IE only. Used to extend behaviors of the browser", restrictions: ["url"]}, {name: "-ms-block-progression", browsers: ["IE8"], values: [{name: "bt", description: "Bottom-to-top block flow. Layout is horizontal."}, {name: "lr", description: "Left-to-right direction. The flow orientation is vertical."}, {name: "rl", description: "Right-to-left direction. The flow orientation is vertical."}, {name: "tb", description: "Top-to-bottom direction. The flow orientation is horizontal."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "tb | rl | bt | lr", relevance: 0, description: "Sets the block-progression value and the flow orientation", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-content-zoom-chaining", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "chained", description: "The nearest zoomable parent element begins zooming when the user hits a zoom limit during a manipulation. No bounce effect is shown."}, {name: "none", description: "A bounce effect is shown when the user hits a zoom limit during a manipulation."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | chained", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies the zoom behavior that occurs when a user hits the zoom limit during a manipulation."}, {name: "-ms-content-zooming", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "none", description: "The element is not zoomable."}, {name: "zoom", description: "The element is zoomable."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | zoom", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies whether zooming is enabled.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-content-zoom-limit", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<'-ms-content-zoom-limit-min'> <'-ms-content-zoom-limit-max'>", relevance: 0, description: "Shorthand property for the -ms-content-zoom-limit-min and -ms-content-zoom-limit-max properties.", restrictions: ["percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-content-zoom-limit-max", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<percentage>", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies the maximum zoom factor.", restrictions: ["percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-content-zoom-limit-min", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<percentage>", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies the minimum zoom factor.", restrictions: ["percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-content-zoom-snap", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "mandatory", description: "Indicates that the motion of the content after the contact is picked up is always adjusted so that it lands on a snap-point."}, {name: "none", description: "Indicates that zooming is unaffected by any defined snap-points."}, {name: "proximity", description: 'Indicates that the motion of the content after the contact is picked up may be adjusted if the content would normally stop "close enough" to a snap-point.'}, {name: "snapInterval(100%, 100%)", description: "Specifies where the snap-points will be placed."}, {name: "snapList()", description: "Specifies the position of individual snap-points as a comma-separated list of zoom factors."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<'-ms-content-zoom-snap-type'> || <'-ms-content-zoom-snap-points'>", relevance: 0, description: "Shorthand property for the -ms-content-zoom-snap-type and -ms-content-zoom-snap-points properties."}, {name: "-ms-content-zoom-snap-points", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "snapInterval(100%, 100%)", description: "Specifies where the snap-points will be placed."}, {name: "snapList()", description: "Specifies the position of individual snap-points as a comma-separated list of zoom factors."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "snapInterval( <percentage>, <percentage> ) | snapList( <percentage># )", relevance: 0, description: "Defines where zoom snap-points are located."}, {name: "-ms-content-zoom-snap-type", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "mandatory", description: "Indicates that the motion of the content after the contact is picked up is always adjusted so that it lands on a snap-point."}, {name: "none", description: "Indicates that zooming is unaffected by any defined snap-points."}, {name: "proximity", description: 'Indicates that the motion of the content after the contact is picked up may be adjusted if the content would normally stop "close enough" to a snap-point.'}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | proximity | mandatory", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies how zooming is affected by defined snap-points.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-filter", browsers: ["IE8-9"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<string>", relevance: 0, description: "IE only. Used to produce visual effects.", restrictions: ["string"]}, {name: "-ms-flex", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Retrieves the value of the main size property as the used 'flex-basis'."}, {name: "none", description: "Expands to '0 0 auto'."}], relevance: 50, description: "specifies the parameters of a flexible length: the positive and negative flexibility, and the preferred size.", restrictions: ["length", "number", "percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-flex-align", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "baseline", description: "If the flex items inline axis is the same as the cross axis, this value is identical to 'flex-start'. Otherwise, it participates in baseline alignment."}, {name: "center", description: "The flex items margin box is centered in the cross axis within the line."}, {name: "end", description: "The cross-end margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-end edge of the line."}, {name: "start", description: "The cross-start margin edge of the flexbox item is placed flush with the cross-start edge of the line."}, {name: "stretch", description: "If the cross size property of the flexbox item is anything other than 'auto', this value is identical to 'start'."}], relevance: 50, description: "Aligns flex items along the cross axis of the current line of the flex container.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-flex-direction", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "column", description: "The flex containers main axis has the same orientation as the block axis of the current writing mode."}, {name: "column-reverse", description: "Same as 'column', except the main-start and main-end directions are swapped."}, {name: "row", description: "The flex containers main axis has the same orientation as the inline axis of the current writing mode."}, {name: "row-reverse", description: "Same as 'row', except the main-start and main-end directions are swapped."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies how flex items are placed in the flex container, by setting the direction of the flex containers main axis.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-flex-flow", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "column", description: "The flex containers main axis has the same orientation as the block axis of the current writing mode."}, {name: "column-reverse", description: "Same as 'column', except the main-start and main-end directions are swapped."}, {name: "nowrap", description: "The flex container is single-line."}, {name: "row", description: "The flex containers main axis has the same orientation as the inline axis of the current writing mode."}, {name: "wrap", description: "The flexbox is multi-line."}, {name: "wrap-reverse", description: "Same as 'wrap', except the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies how flexbox items are placed in the flexbox.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-flex-item-align", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Computes to the value of 'align-items' on the elements parent, or 'stretch' if the element has no parent. On absolutely positioned elements, it computes to itself."}, {name: "baseline", description: "If the flex items inline axis is the same as the cross axis, this value is identical to 'flex-start'. Otherwise, it participates in baseline alignment."}, {name: "center", description: "The flex items margin box is centered in the cross axis within the line."}, {name: "end", description: "The cross-end margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-end edge of the line."}, {name: "start", description: "The cross-start margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-start edge of the line."}, {name: "stretch", description: "If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto, and neither of the cross-axis margins are auto, the flex item is stretched."}], relevance: 50, description: "Allows the default alignment along the cross axis to be overridden for individual flex items.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-flex-line-pack", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "center", description: "Lines are packed toward the center of the flex container."}, {name: "distribute", description: "Lines are evenly distributed in the flex container, with half-size spaces on either end."}, {name: "end", description: "Lines are packed toward the end of the flex container."}, {name: "justify", description: "Lines are evenly distributed in the flex container."}, {name: "start", description: "Lines are packed toward the start of the flex container."}, {name: "stretch", description: "Lines stretch to take up the remaining space."}], relevance: 50, description: "Aligns a flex containers lines within the flex container when there is extra space in the cross-axis, similar to how 'justify-content' aligns individual items within the main-axis.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-flex-order", browsers: ["IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "Controls the order in which children of a flex container appear within the flex container, by assigning them to ordinal groups.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-ms-flex-pack", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "center", description: "Flex items are packed toward the center of the line."}, {name: "distribute", description: "Flex items are evenly distributed in the line, with half-size spaces on either end."}, {name: "end", description: "Flex items are packed toward the end of the line."}, {name: "justify", description: "Flex items are evenly distributed in the line."}, {name: "start", description: "Flex items are packed toward the start of the line."}], relevance: 50, description: "Aligns flex items along the main axis of the current line of the flex container.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-flex-wrap", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "nowrap", description: "The flex container is single-line."}, {name: "wrap", description: "The flexbox is multi-line."}, {name: "wrap-reverse", description: "Same as 'wrap', except the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped."}], relevance: 50, description: "Controls whether the flex container is single-line or multi-line, and the direction of the cross-axis, which determines the direction new lines are stacked in.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-flow-from", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "none", description: "The block container is not a CSS Region."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "[ none | <custom-ident> ]#", relevance: 0, description: "Makes a block container a region and associates it with a named flow.", restrictions: ["identifier"]}, {name: "-ms-flow-into", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "none", description: "The element is not moved to a named flow and normal CSS processing takes place."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "[ none | <custom-ident> ]#", relevance: 0, description: "Places an element or its contents into a named flow.", restrictions: ["identifier"]}, {name: "-ms-grid-column", browsers: ["E12", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "end"}, {name: "start"}], relevance: 50, description: "Used to place grid items and explicitly defined grid cells in the Grid.", restrictions: ["integer", "string", "enum"]}, {name: "-ms-grid-column-align", browsers: ["E12", "IE10"], values: [{name: "center", description: "Places the center of the Grid Item's margin box at the center of the Grid Item's column."}, {name: "end", description: "Aligns the end edge of the Grid Item's margin box to the end edge of the Grid Item's column."}, {name: "start", description: "Aligns the starting edge of the Grid Item's margin box to the starting edge of the Grid Item's column."}, {name: "stretch", description: "Ensures that the Grid Item's margin box is equal to the size of the Grid Item's column."}], relevance: 50, description: "Aligns the columns in a grid.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-grid-columns", browsers: ["E12", "IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "Lays out the columns of the grid."}, {name: "-ms-grid-column-span", browsers: ["E12", "IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the number of columns to span.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-ms-grid-layer", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "Grid-layer is similar in concept to z-index, but avoids overloading the meaning of the z-index property, which is applicable only to positioned elements.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-ms-grid-row", browsers: ["E12", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "end"}, {name: "start"}], relevance: 50, description: "grid-row is used to place grid items and explicitly defined grid cells in the Grid.", restrictions: ["integer", "string", "enum"]}, {name: "-ms-grid-row-align", browsers: ["E12", "IE10"], values: [{name: "center", description: "Places the center of the Grid Item's margin box at the center of the Grid Item's row."}, {name: "end", description: "Aligns the end edge of the Grid Item's margin box to the end edge of the Grid Item's row."}, {name: "start", description: "Aligns the starting edge of the Grid Item's margin box to the starting edge of the Grid Item's row."}, {name: "stretch", description: "Ensures that the Grid Item's margin box is equal to the size of the Grid Item's row."}], relevance: 50, description: "Aligns the rows in a grid.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-grid-rows", browsers: ["E12", "IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "Lays out the columns of the grid."}, {name: "-ms-grid-row-span", browsers: ["E12", "IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the number of rows to span.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-ms-high-contrast-adjust", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Properties will be adjusted as applicable."}, {name: "none", description: "No adjustments will be applied."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | none", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies if properties should be adjusted in high contrast mode.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-hyphenate-limit-chars", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The user agent chooses a value that adapts to the current layout."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | <integer>{1,3}", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-ms-hyphenate-limit-lines", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "no-limit", description: "There is no limit."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "no-limit | <integer>", relevance: 0, description: "Indicates the maximum number of successive hyphenated lines in an element.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-ms-hyphenate-limit-zone", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<percentage> | <length>", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies the maximum amount of unfilled space (before justification) that may be left in the line box before hyphenation is triggered to pull part of a word from the next line back up into the current line.", restrictions: ["percentage", "length"]}, {name: "-ms-hyphens", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Conditional hyphenation characters inside a word, if present, take priority over automatic resources when determining hyphenation points within the word."}, {name: "manual", description: "Words are only broken at line breaks where there are characters inside the word that suggest line break opportunities"}, {name: "none", description: "Words are not broken at line breaks, even if characters inside the word suggest line break points."}], relevance: 50, description: "Controls whether hyphenation is allowed to create more break opportunities within a line of text.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-ime-mode", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "active", description: "The input method editor is initially active; text entry is performed using it unless the user specifically dismisses it."}, {name: "auto", description: "No change is made to the current input method editor state. This is the default."}, {name: "disabled", description: "The input method editor is disabled and may not be activated by the user."}, {name: "inactive", description: "The input method editor is initially inactive, but the user may activate it if they wish."}, {name: "normal", description: "The IME state should be normal; this value can be used in a user style sheet to override the page setting."}], relevance: 50, description: "Controls the state of the input method editor for text fields.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-interpolation-mode", browsers: ["IE7"], values: [{name: "bicubic"}, {name: "nearest-neighbor"}], relevance: 50, description: "Gets or sets the interpolation (resampling) method used to stretch images.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-layout-grid", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "char", description: "Any of the range of character values available to the -ms-layout-grid-char property."}, {name: "line", description: "Any of the range of line values available to the -ms-layout-grid-line property."}, {name: "mode", description: "Any of the range of mode values available to the -ms-layout-grid-mode property."}, {name: "type", description: "Any of the range of type values available to the -ms-layout-grid-type property."}], relevance: 50, description: "Sets or retrieves the composite document grid properties that specify the layout of text characters."}, {name: "-ms-layout-grid-char", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Largest character in the font of the element is used to set the character grid."}, {name: "none", description: "Default. No character grid is set."}], relevance: 50, description: "Sets or retrieves the size of the character grid used for rendering the text content of an element.", restrictions: ["enum", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-layout-grid-line", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Largest character in the font of the element is used to set the character grid."}, {name: "none", description: "Default. No grid line is set."}], relevance: 50, description: "Sets or retrieves the gridline value used for rendering the text content of an element.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-ms-layout-grid-mode", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "both", description: "Default. Both the char and line grid modes are enabled. This setting is necessary to fully enable the layout grid on an element."}, {name: "char", description: "Only a character grid is used. This is recommended for use with block-level elements, such as a blockquote, where the line grid is intended to be disabled."}, {name: "line", description: "Only a line grid is used. This is recommended for use with inline elements, such as a span, to disable the horizontal grid on runs of text that act as a single entity in the grid layout."}, {name: "none", description: "No grid is used."}], relevance: 50, description: "Gets or sets whether the text layout grid uses two dimensions.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-layout-grid-type", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "fixed", description: "Grid used for monospaced layout. All noncursive characters are treated as equal; every character is centered within a single grid space by default."}, {name: "loose", description: "Default. Grid used for Japanese and Korean characters."}, {name: "strict", description: "Grid used for Chinese, as well as Japanese (Genko) and Korean characters. Only the ideographs, kanas, and wide characters are snapped to the grid."}], relevance: 50, description: "Sets or retrieves the type of grid used for rendering the text content of an element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-line-break", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The UA determines the set of line-breaking restrictions to use for CJK scripts, and it may vary the restrictions based on the length of the line; e.g., use a less restrictive set of line-break rules for short lines."}, {name: "keep-all", description: "Sequences of CJK characters can no longer break on implied break points. This option should only be used where the presence of word separator characters still creates line-breaking opportunities, as in Korean."}, {name: "newspaper", description: "Breaks CJK scripts using the least restrictive set of line-breaking rules. Typically used for short lines, such as in newspapers."}, {name: "normal", description: "Breaks CJK scripts using a normal set of line-breaking rules."}, {name: "strict", description: "Breaks CJK scripts using a more restrictive set of line-breaking rules than 'normal'."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies what set of line breaking restrictions are in effect within the element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-overflow-style", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "No preference, UA should use the first scrolling method in the list that it supports."}, {name: "-ms-autohiding-scrollbar", description: "Indicates the element displays auto-hiding scrollbars during mouse interactions and panning indicators during touch and keyboard interactions."}, {name: "none", description: "Indicates the element does not display scrollbars or panning indicators, even when its content overflows."}, {name: "scrollbar", description: 'Scrollbars are typically narrow strips inserted on one or two edges of an element and which often have arrows to click on and a "thumb" to drag up and down (or left and right) to move the contents of the element.'}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | none | scrollbar | -ms-autohiding-scrollbar", relevance: 0, description: "Specify whether content is clipped when it overflows the element's content area.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-perspective", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No perspective transform is applied."}], relevance: 50, description: "Applies the same transform as the perspective(<number>) transform function, except that it applies only to the positioned or transformed children of the element, not to the transform on the element itself.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-ms-perspective-origin", browsers: ["IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X and Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element.", restrictions: ["position", "percentage", "length"]}, {name: "-ms-perspective-origin-x", browsers: ["IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element.", restrictions: ["position", "percentage", "length"]}, {name: "-ms-perspective-origin-y", browsers: ["IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element.", restrictions: ["position", "percentage", "length"]}, {name: "-ms-progress-appearance", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "bar"}, {name: "ring"}], relevance: 50, description: "Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a progress control displays as a bar or a ring.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-scrollbar-3dlight-color", browsers: ["IE8"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, description: "Determines the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-ms-scrollbar-arrow-color", browsers: ["IE8"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, description: "Determines the color of the arrow elements of a scroll arrow.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-ms-scrollbar-base-color", browsers: ["IE8"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, description: "Determines the color of the main elements of a scroll bar, which include the scroll box, track, and scroll arrows.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-ms-scrollbar-darkshadow-color", browsers: ["IE8"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, description: "Determines the color of the gutter of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-ms-scrollbar-face-color", browsers: ["IE8"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, description: "Determines the color of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-ms-scrollbar-highlight-color", browsers: ["IE8"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, description: "Determines the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-ms-scrollbar-shadow-color", browsers: ["IE8"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, description: "Determines the color of the bottom and right edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-ms-scrollbar-track-color", browsers: ["IE5"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the color of the track element of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-chaining", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "chained"}, {name: "none"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "chained | none", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that indicates the scrolling behavior that occurs when a user hits the content boundary during a manipulation.", restrictions: ["enum", "length"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-limit", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<'-ms-scroll-limit-x-min'> <'-ms-scroll-limit-y-min'> <'-ms-scroll-limit-x-max'> <'-ms-scroll-limit-y-max'>", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a shorthand value that sets values for the -ms-scroll-limit-x-min, -ms-scroll-limit-y-min, -ms-scroll-limit-x-max, and -ms-scroll-limit-y-max properties.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-limit-x-max", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | <length>", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that specifies the maximum value for the scrollLeft property.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-limit-x-min", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that specifies the minimum value for the scrollLeft property.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-limit-y-max", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | <length>", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that specifies the maximum value for the scrollTop property.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-limit-y-min", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that specifies the minimum value for the scrollTop property.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-rails", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "none"}, {name: "railed"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | railed", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not small motions perpendicular to the primary axis of motion will result in either changes to both the scrollTop and scrollLeft properties or a change to the primary axis (for instance, either the scrollTop or scrollLeft properties will change, but not both).", restrictions: ["enum", "length"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-snap-points-x", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "snapInterval(100%, 100%)"}, {name: "snapList()"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "snapInterval( <length-percentage>, <length-percentage> ) | snapList( <length-percentage># )", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that defines where snap-points will be located along the x-axis.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-snap-points-y", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "snapInterval(100%, 100%)"}, {name: "snapList()"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "snapInterval( <length-percentage>, <length-percentage> ) | snapList( <length-percentage># )", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that defines where snap-points will be located along the y-axis.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-snap-type", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "none", description: "The visual viewport of this scroll container must ignore snap points, if any, when scrolled."}, {name: "mandatory", description: "The visual viewport of this scroll container is guaranteed to rest on a snap point when there are no active scrolling operations."}, {name: "proximity", description: "The visual viewport of this scroll container may come to rest on a snap point at the termination of a scroll at the discretion of the UA given the parameters of the scroll."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | proximity | mandatory", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that defines what type of snap-point should be used for the current element. There are two type of snap-points, with the primary difference being whether or not the user is guaranteed to always stop on a snap-point.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-snap-x", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "mandatory"}, {name: "none"}, {name: "proximity"}, {name: "snapInterval(100%, 100%)"}, {name: "snapList()"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<'-ms-scroll-snap-type'> <'-ms-scroll-snap-points-x'>", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a shorthand value that sets values for the -ms-scroll-snap-type and -ms-scroll-snap-points-x properties.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-snap-y", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "mandatory"}, {name: "none"}, {name: "proximity"}, {name: "snapInterval(100%, 100%)"}, {name: "snapList()"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<'-ms-scroll-snap-type'> <'-ms-scroll-snap-points-y'>", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a shorthand value that sets values for the -ms-scroll-snap-type and -ms-scroll-snap-points-y properties.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-scroll-translation", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "none"}, {name: "vertical-to-horizontal"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | vertical-to-horizontal", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that specifies whether vertical-to-horizontal scroll wheel translation occurs on the specified element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-text-align-last", browsers: ["E", "IE8"], values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "center", description: "The inline contents are centered within the line box."}, {name: "justify", description: "The text is justified according to the method specified by the 'text-justify' property."}, {name: "left", description: "The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'left' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the start edge for left-to-right text."}, {name: "right", description: "The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'right' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the end edge for left-to-right text."}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-text-autospace", browsers: ["E", "IE8"], values: [{name: "ideograph-alpha", description: "Creates 1/4em extra spacing between runs of ideographic letters and non-ideographic letters, such as Latin-based, Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic or Hebrew."}, {name: "ideograph-numeric", description: "Creates 1/4em extra spacing between runs of ideographic letters and numeric glyphs."}, {name: "ideograph-parenthesis", description: "Creates extra spacing between normal (non wide) parenthesis and ideographs."}, {name: "ideograph-space", description: "Extends the width of the space character while surrounded by ideographs."}, {name: "none", description: "No extra space is created."}, {name: "punctuation", description: "Creates extra non-breaking spacing around punctuation as required by language-specific typographic conventions."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | ideograph-alpha | ideograph-numeric | ideograph-parenthesis | ideograph-space", relevance: 0, description: "Determines whether or not a full-width punctuation mark character should be trimmed if it appears at the beginning of a line, so that its 'ink' lines up with the first glyph in the line above and below.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-text-combine-horizontal", browsers: ["E", "IE11"], values: [{name: "all", description: "Attempt to typeset horizontally all consecutive characters within the box such that they take up the space of a single character within the vertical line box."}, {name: "digits", description: "Attempt to typeset horizontally each maximal sequence of consecutive ASCII digits (U+0030U+0039) that has as many or fewer characters than the specified integer such that it takes up the space of a single character within the vertical line box."}, {name: "none", description: "No special processing."}], relevance: 50, description: "This property specifies the combination of multiple characters into the space of a single character.", restrictions: ["enum", "integer"]}, {name: "-ms-text-justify", browsers: ["E", "IE8"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The UA determines the justification algorithm to follow, based on a balance between performance and adequate presentation quality."}, {name: "distribute", description: "Justification primarily changes spacing both at word separators and at grapheme cluster boundaries in all scripts except those in the connected and cursive groups. This value is sometimes used in e.g. Japanese, often with the 'text-align-last' property."}, {name: "inter-cluster", description: "Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators and at grapheme cluster boundaries in clustered scripts. This value is typically used for Southeast Asian scripts such as Thai."}, {name: "inter-ideograph", description: "Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators and at inter-graphemic boundaries in scripts that use no word spaces. This value is typically used for CJK languages."}, {name: "inter-word", description: "Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators. This value is typically used for languages that separate words using spaces, like English or (sometimes) Korean."}, {name: "kashida", description: "Justification primarily stretches Arabic and related scripts through the use of kashida or other calligraphic elongation."}], relevance: 50, description: "Selects the justification algorithm used when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'. The property applies to block containers, but the UA may (but is not required to) also support it on inline elements.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-text-kashida-space", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "Sets or retrieves the ratio of kashida expansion to white space expansion when justifying lines of text in the object.", restrictions: ["percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-text-overflow", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "clip", description: "Clip inline content that overflows. Characters may be only partially rendered."}, {name: "ellipsis", description: "Render an ellipsis character (U+2026) to represent clipped inline content."}], relevance: 50, description: "Text can overflow for example when it is prevented from wrapping", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-text-size-adjust", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Renderers must use the default size adjustment when displaying on a small device."}, {name: "none", description: "Renderers must not do size adjustment when displaying on a small device."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in mobile browsers.", restrictions: ["enum", "percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-text-underline-position", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "alphabetic", description: "The underline is aligned with the alphabetic baseline. In this case the underline is likely to cross some descenders."}, {name: "auto", description: "The user agent may use any algorithm to determine the underline's position. In horizontal line layout, the underline should be aligned as for alphabetic. In vertical line layout, if the language is set to Japanese or Korean, the underline should be aligned as for over."}, {name: "over", description: "The underline is aligned with the 'top' (right in vertical writing) edge of the element's em-box. In this mode, an overline also switches sides."}, {name: "under", description: "The underline is aligned with the 'bottom' (left in vertical writing) edge of the element's em-box. In this case the underline usually does not cross the descenders. This is sometimes called 'accounting' underline."}], relevance: 50, description: "Sets the position of an underline specified on the same element: it does not affect underlines specified by ancestor elements.This property is typically used in vertical writing contexts such as in Japanese documents where it often desired to have the underline appear 'over' (to the right of) the affected run of text", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-touch-action", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The element is a passive element, with several exceptions."}, {name: "double-tap-zoom", description: "The element will zoom on double-tap."}, {name: "manipulation", description: "The element is a manipulation-causing element."}, {name: "none", description: "The element is a manipulation-blocking element."}, {name: "pan-x", description: "The element permits touch-driven panning on the horizontal axis. The touch pan is performed on the nearest ancestor with horizontally scrollable content."}, {name: "pan-y", description: "The element permits touch-driven panning on the vertical axis. The touch pan is performed on the nearest ancestor with vertically scrollable content."}, {name: "pinch-zoom", description: "The element permits pinch-zooming. The pinch-zoom is performed on the nearest ancestor with zoomable content."}], relevance: 50, description: "Gets or sets a value that indicates whether and how a given region can be manipulated by the user.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-touch-select", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "grippers", description: "Grippers are always on."}, {name: "none", description: "Grippers are always off."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "grippers | none", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that toggles the 'gripper' visual elements that enable touch text selection.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-transform", browsers: ["IE9-9"], values: [{name: "matrix()", description: "Specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f]"}, {name: "matrix3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D transformation as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of 16 values in column-major order."}, {name: "none"}, {name: "rotate()", description: "Specifies a 2D rotation by the angle specified in the parameter about the origin of the element, as defined by the transform-origin property."}, {name: "rotate3d()", description: "Specifies a clockwise 3D rotation by the angle specified in last parameter about the [x,y,z] direction vector described by the first 3 parameters."}, {name: "rotateX('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the X axis."}, {name: "rotateY('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Y axis."}, {name: "rotateZ('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Z axis."}, {name: "scale()", description: "Specifies a 2D scale operation by the [sx,sy] scaling vector described by the 2 parameters. If the second parameter is not provided, it is takes a value equal to the first."}, {name: "scale3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D scale operation by the [sx,sy,sz] scaling vector described by the 3 parameters."}, {name: "scaleX()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter."}, {name: "scaleY()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [sy,1] scaling vector, where sy is given as the parameter."}, {name: "scaleZ()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [1,1,sz] scaling vector, where sz is given as the parameter."}, {name: "skew()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the X and Y axes. The first angle parameter specifies the skew on the X axis. The second angle parameter specifies the skew on the Y axis. If the second parameter is not given then a value of 0 is used for the Y angle (ie: no skew on the Y axis)."}, {name: "skewX()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the X axis by the given angle."}, {name: "skewY()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle."}, {name: "translate()", description: "Specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter."}, {name: "translate3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D translation by the vector [tx,ty,tz], with tx, ty and tz being the first, second and third translation-value parameters respectively."}, {name: "translateX()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the X direction."}, {name: "translateY()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction."}, {name: "translateZ()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Z direction. Note that percentage values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present are evaluated as 0."}], relevance: 50, description: "A two-dimensional transformation is applied to an element through the 'transform' property. This property contains a list of transform functions similar to those allowed by SVG.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-transform-origin", browsers: ["IE9-9"], relevance: 50, description: "Establishes the origin of transformation for an element.", restrictions: ["position", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-transform-origin-x", browsers: ["IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "The x coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-transform-origin-y", browsers: ["IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "The y coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-transform-origin-z", browsers: ["IE10"], relevance: 50, description: "The z coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-user-select", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "element"}, {name: "none"}, {name: "text"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | element | text", relevance: 0, description: "Controls the appearance of selection.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-word-break", browsers: ["IE8"], values: [{name: "break-all", description: "Lines may break between any two grapheme clusters for non-CJK scripts."}, {name: "keep-all", description: "Block characters can no longer create implied break points."}, {name: "normal", description: "Breaks non-CJK scripts according to their own rules."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies line break opportunities for non-CJK scripts.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-word-wrap", browsers: ["IE8"], values: [{name: "break-word", description: "An unbreakable 'word' may be broken at an arbitrary point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line."}, {name: "normal", description: "Lines may break only at allowed break points."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies whether the UA may break within a word to prevent overflow when an otherwise-unbreakable string is too long to fit.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-wrap-flow", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "For floats an exclusion is created, for all other elements an exclusion is not created."}, {name: "both", description: "Inline flow content can flow on all sides of the exclusion."}, {name: "clear", description: "Inline flow content can only wrap on top and bottom of the exclusion and must leave the areas to the start and end edges of the exclusion box empty."}, {name: "end", description: "Inline flow content can wrap on the end side of the exclusion area but must leave the area to the start edge of the exclusion area empty."}, {name: "maximum", description: "Inline flow content can wrap on the side of the exclusion with the largest available space for the given line, and must leave the other side of the exclusion empty."}, {name: "minimum", description: "Inline flow content can flow around the edge of the exclusion with the smallest available space within the flow contents containing block, and must leave the other edge of the exclusion empty."}, {name: "start", description: "Inline flow content can wrap on the start edge of the exclusion area but must leave the area to end edge of the exclusion area empty."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | both | start | end | maximum | clear", relevance: 0, description: "An element becomes an exclusion when its 'wrap-flow' property has a computed value other than 'auto'.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-wrap-margin", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 0, description: "Gets or sets a value that is used to offset the inner wrap shape from other shapes.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-wrap-through", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], values: [{name: "none", description: "The exclusion element does not inherit its parent node's wrapping context. Its descendants are only subject to exclusion shapes defined inside the element."}, {name: "wrap", description: "The exclusion element inherits its parent node's wrapping context. Its descendant inline content wraps around exclusions defined outside the element."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "wrap | none", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies if an element inherits its parent wrapping context. In other words if it is subject to the exclusions defined outside the element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-writing-mode", browsers: ["IE8"], values: [{name: "bt-lr"}, {name: "bt-rl"}, {name: "lr-bt"}, {name: "lr-tb"}, {name: "rl-bt"}, {name: "rl-tb"}, {name: "tb-lr"}, {name: "tb-rl"}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property for both 'direction' and 'block-progression'.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-ms-zoom", browsers: ["IE8"], values: [{name: "normal"}], relevance: 50, description: "Sets or retrieves the magnification scale of the object.", restrictions: ["enum", "integer", "number", "percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-zoom-animation", browsers: ["IE10"], values: [{name: "default"}, {name: "none"}], relevance: 50, description: "Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an animation is used when zooming.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "nav-down", browsers: ["O9.5"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The user agent automatically determines which element to navigate the focus to in response to directional navigational input."}, {name: "current", description: "Indicates that the user agent should target the frame that the element is in."}, {name: "root", description: "Indicates that the user agent should target the full window."}], relevance: 50, description: "Provides an way to control directional focus navigation.", restrictions: ["enum", "identifier", "string"]}, {name: "nav-index", browsers: ["O9.5"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The element's sequential navigation order is assigned automatically by the user agent."}], relevance: 50, description: "Provides an input-method-neutral way of specifying the sequential navigation order (also known as 'tabbing order').", restrictions: ["number"]}, {name: "nav-left", browsers: ["O9.5"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The user agent automatically determines which element to navigate the focus to in response to directional navigational input."}, {name: "current", description: "Indicates that the user agent should target the frame that the element is in."}, {name: "root", description: "Indicates that the user agent should target the full window."}], relevance: 50, description: "Provides an way to control directional focus navigation.", restrictions: ["enum", "identifier", "string"]}, {name: "nav-right", browsers: ["O9.5"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The user agent automatically determines which element to navigate the focus to in response to directional navigational input."}, {name: "current", description: "Indicates that the user agent should target the frame that the element is in."}, {name: "root", description: "Indicates that the user agent should target the full window."}], relevance: 50, description: "Provides an way to control directional focus navigation.", restrictions: ["enum", "identifier", "string"]}, {name: "nav-up", browsers: ["O9.5"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The user agent automatically determines which element to navigate the focus to in response to directional navigational input."}, {name: "current", description: "Indicates that the user agent should target the frame that the element is in."}, {name: "root", description: "Indicates that the user agent should target the full window."}], relevance: 50, description: "Provides an way to control directional focus navigation.", restrictions: ["enum", "identifier", "string"]}, {name: "negative", browsers: ["FF33"], syntax: "<symbol> <symbol>?", relevance: 50, description: "@counter-style descriptor. Defines how to alter the representation when the counter value is negative.", restrictions: ["image", "identifier", "string"]}, {name: "-o-animation", browsers: ["O12"], values: [{name: "alternate", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction."}, {name: "alternate-reverse", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction."}, {name: "backwards", description: "The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'."}, {name: "both", description: "Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied."}, {name: "forwards", description: "The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes."}, {name: "infinite", description: "Causes the animation to repeat forever."}, {name: "none", description: "No animation is performed"}, {name: "normal", description: "Normal playback."}, {name: "reverse", description: "All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified."}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property combines six of the animation properties into a single property.", restrictions: ["time", "enum", "timing-function", "identifier", "number"]}, {name: "-o-animation-delay", browsers: ["O12"], relevance: 50, description: "Defines when the animation will start.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-o-animation-direction", browsers: ["O12"], values: [{name: "alternate", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction."}, {name: "alternate-reverse", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction."}, {name: "normal", description: "Normal playback."}, {name: "reverse", description: "All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-o-animation-duration", browsers: ["O12"], relevance: 50, description: "Defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-o-animation-fill-mode", browsers: ["O12"], values: [{name: "backwards", description: "The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'."}, {name: "both", description: "Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied."}, {name: "forwards", description: "The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes."}, {name: "none", description: "There is no change to the property value between the time the animation is applied and the time the animation begins playing or after the animation completes."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines what values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-o-animation-iteration-count", browsers: ["O12"], values: [{name: "infinite", description: "Causes the animation to repeat forever."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines the number of times an animation cycle is played. The default value is one, meaning the animation will play from beginning to end once.", restrictions: ["number", "enum"]}, {name: "-o-animation-name", browsers: ["O12"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No animation is performed"}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines a list of animations that apply. Each name is used to select the keyframe at-rule that provides the property values for the animation.", restrictions: ["identifier", "enum"]}, {name: "-o-animation-play-state", browsers: ["O12"], values: [{name: "paused", description: "A running animation will be paused."}, {name: "running", description: "Resume playback of a paused animation."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines whether the animation is running or paused.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-o-animation-timing-function", browsers: ["O12"], relevance: 50, description: "Describes how the animation will progress over one cycle of its duration. See the 'transition-timing-function'.", restrictions: ["timing-function"]}, {name: "object-fit", browsers: ["E16", "FF36", "S10", "C31", "O19"], values: [{name: "contain", description: "The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the elements content box: its concrete object size is resolved as a contain constraint against the element's used width and height."}, {name: "cover", description: "The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio while filling the element's entire content box: its concrete object size is resolved as a cover constraint against the elements used width and height."}, {name: "fill", description: "The replaced content is sized to fill the elements content box: the object's concrete object size is the element's used width and height."}, {name: "none", description: "The replaced content is not resized to fit inside the element's content box"}, {name: "scale-down", description: "Size the content as if none or contain were specified, whichever would result in a smaller concrete object size."}], syntax: "fill | contain | cover | none | scale-down", relevance: 61, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how the contents of a replaced element should be scaled relative to the box established by its used height and width.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "object-position", browsers: ["E16", "FF36", "S10", "C31", "O19"], syntax: "<position>", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the alignment of the replaced element inside its box.", restrictions: ["position", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-o-border-image", browsers: ["O11.6"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "If 'auto' is specified then the border image width is the intrinsic width or height (whichever is applicable) of the corresponding image slice. If the image does not have the required intrinsic dimension then the corresponding border-width is used instead."}, {name: "fill", description: "Causes the middle part of the border-image to be preserved."}, {name: "none"}, {name: "repeat", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area."}, {name: "round", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the image is rescaled so that it does."}, {name: "space", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the extra space is distributed around the tiles."}, {name: "stretch", description: "The image is stretched to fill the area."}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property for setting 'border-image-source', 'border-image-slice', 'border-image-width', 'border-image-outset' and 'border-image-repeat'. Omitted values are set to their initial values.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage", "number", "image", "enum"]}, {name: "-o-object-fit", browsers: ["O10.6"], values: [{name: "contain", description: "The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the elements content box: its concrete object size is resolved as a contain constraint against the element's used width and height."}, {name: "cover", description: "The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio while filling the element's entire content box: its concrete object size is resolved as a cover constraint against the elements used width and height."}, {name: "fill", description: "The replaced content is sized to fill the elements content box: the object's concrete object size is the element's used width and height."}, {name: "none", description: "The replaced content is not resized to fit inside the element's content box"}, {name: "scale-down", description: "Size the content as if none or contain were specified, whichever would result in a smaller concrete object size."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies how the contents of a replaced element should be scaled relative to the box established by its used height and width.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-o-object-position", browsers: ["O10.6"], relevance: 50, description: "Determines the alignment of the replaced element inside its box.", restrictions: ["position", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "opacity", syntax: "<alpha-value>", relevance: 93, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Opacity of an element's text, where 1 is opaque and 0 is entirely transparent.", restrictions: ["number(0-1)"]}, {name: "order", syntax: "<integer>", relevance: 61, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls the order in which children of a flex container appear within the flex container, by assigning them to ordinal groups.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "orphans", browsers: ["E12", "S1.3", "C25", "IE8", "O9.2"], syntax: "<integer>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the minimum number of line boxes in a block container that must be left in a fragment before a fragmentation break.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-o-table-baseline", browsers: ["O9.6"], relevance: 50, description: "Determines which row of a inline-table should be used as baseline of inline-table.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-o-tab-size", browsers: ["O10.6"], relevance: 50, description: "This property determines the width of the tab character (U+0009), in space characters (U+0020), when rendered.", restrictions: ["integer", "length"]}, {name: "-o-text-overflow", browsers: ["O10"], values: [{name: "clip", description: "Clip inline content that overflows. Characters may be only partially rendered."}, {name: "ellipsis", description: "Render an ellipsis character (U+2026) to represent clipped inline content."}], relevance: 50, description: "Text can overflow for example when it is prevented from wrapping", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-o-transform", browsers: ["O10.5"], values: [{name: "matrix()", description: "Specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f]"}, {name: "matrix3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D transformation as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of 16 values in column-major order."}, {name: "none"}, {name: "rotate()", description: "Specifies a 2D rotation by the angle specified in the parameter about the origin of the element, as defined by the transform-origin property."}, {name: "rotate3d()", description: "Specifies a clockwise 3D rotation by the angle specified in last parameter about the [x,y,z] direction vector described by the first 3 parameters."}, {name: "rotateX('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the X axis."}, {name: "rotateY('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Y axis."}, {name: "rotateZ('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Z axis."}, {name: "scale()", description: "Specifies a 2D scale operation by the [sx,sy] scaling vector described by the 2 parameters. If the second parameter is not provided, it is takes a value equal to the first."}, {name: "scale3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D scale operation by the [sx,sy,sz] scaling vector described by the 3 parameters."}, {name: "scaleX()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter."}, {name: "scaleY()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [sy,1] scaling vector, where sy is given as the parameter."}, {name: "scaleZ()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [1,1,sz] scaling vector, where sz is given as the parameter."}, {name: "skew()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the X and Y axes. The first angle parameter specifies the skew on the X axis. The second angle parameter specifies the skew on the Y axis. If the second parameter is not given then a value of 0 is used for the Y angle (ie: no skew on the Y axis)."}, {name: "skewX()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the X axis by the given angle."}, {name: "skewY()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle."}, {name: "translate()", description: "Specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter."}, {name: "translate3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D translation by the vector [tx,ty,tz], with tx, ty and tz being the first, second and third translation-value parameters respectively."}, {name: "translateX()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the X direction."}, {name: "translateY()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction."}, {name: "translateZ()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Z direction. Note that percentage values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present are evaluated as 0."}], relevance: 50, description: "A two-dimensional transformation is applied to an element through the 'transform' property. This property contains a list of transform functions similar to those allowed by SVG.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-o-transform-origin", browsers: ["O10.5"], relevance: 50, description: "Establishes the origin of transformation for an element.", restrictions: ["positon", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-o-transition", browsers: ["O11.5"], values: [{name: "all", description: "Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so."}, {name: "none", description: "No property will transition."}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property combines four of the transition properties into a single property.", restrictions: ["time", "property", "timing-function", "enum"]}, {name: "-o-transition-delay", browsers: ["O11.5"], relevance: 50, description: "Defines when the transition will start. It allows a transition to begin execution some period of time from when it is applied.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-o-transition-duration", browsers: ["O11.5"], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-o-transition-property", browsers: ["O11.5"], values: [{name: "all", description: "Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so."}, {name: "none", description: "No property will transition."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied.", restrictions: ["property"]}, {name: "-o-transition-timing-function", browsers: ["O11.5"], relevance: 50, description: "Describes how the intermediate values used during a transition will be calculated.", restrictions: ["timing-function"]}, {name: "offset-block-end", browsers: ["FF41"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well."}], relevance: 50, description: "Logical 'bottom'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "offset-block-start", browsers: ["FF41"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well."}], relevance: 50, description: "Logical 'top'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "offset-inline-end", browsers: ["FF41"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well."}], relevance: 50, description: "Logical 'right'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "offset-inline-start", browsers: ["FF41"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well."}], relevance: 50, description: "Logical 'left'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "outline", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Permits the user agent to render a custom outline style, typically the default platform style."}, {name: "invert", description: "Performs a color inversion on the pixels on the screen."}], syntax: "[ <'outline-color'> || <'outline-style'> || <'outline-width'> ]", relevance: 87, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property for 'outline-style', 'outline-width', and 'outline-color'.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color", "enum"]}, {name: "outline-color", values: [{name: "invert", description: "Performs a color inversion on the pixels on the screen."}], syntax: "<color> | invert", relevance: 53, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The color of the outline.", restrictions: ["enum", "color"]}, {name: "outline-offset", browsers: ["E15", "FF1.5", "S1.2", "C1", "O9.5"], syntax: "<length>", relevance: 59, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Offset the outline and draw it beyond the border edge.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "outline-style", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Permits the user agent to render a custom outline style, typically the default platform style."}], syntax: "auto | <'border-style'>", relevance: 60, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Style of the outline.", restrictions: ["line-style", "enum"]}, {name: "outline-width", syntax: "<line-width>", relevance: 60, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Width of the outline.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "overflow", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The behavior of the 'auto' value is UA-dependent, but should cause a scrolling mechanism to be provided for overflowing boxes."}, {name: "hidden", description: "Content is clipped and no scrolling mechanism should be provided to view the content outside the clipping region."}, {name: "-moz-hidden-unscrollable", description: "Same as the standardized 'clip', except doesnt establish a block formatting context."}, {name: "scroll", description: "Content is clipped and if the user agent uses a scrolling mechanism that is visible on the screen (such as a scroll bar or a panner), that mechanism should be displayed for a box whether or not any of its content is clipped."}, {name: "visible", description: "Content is not clipped, i.e., it may be rendered outside the content box."}], syntax: "[ visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto ]{1,2}", relevance: 92, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand for setting 'overflow-x' and 'overflow-y'.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "overflow-wrap", values: [{name: "break-word", description: "An otherwise unbreakable sequence of characters may be broken at an arbitrary point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line."}, {name: "normal", description: "Lines may break only at allowed break points."}], syntax: "normal | break-word | anywhere", relevance: 63, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies whether the UA may break within a word to prevent overflow when an otherwise-unbreakable string is too long to fit within the line box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "overflow-x", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The behavior of the 'auto' value is UA-dependent, but should cause a scrolling mechanism to be provided for overflowing boxes."}, {name: "hidden", description: "Content is clipped and no scrolling mechanism should be provided to view the content outside the clipping region."}, {name: "scroll", description: "Content is clipped and if the user agent uses a scrolling mechanism that is visible on the screen (such as a scroll bar or a panner), that mechanism should be displayed for a box whether or not any of its content is clipped."}, {name: "visible", description: "Content is not clipped, i.e., it may be rendered outside the content box."}], syntax: "visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto", relevance: 79, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the handling of overflow in the horizontal direction.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "overflow-y", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The behavior of the 'auto' value is UA-dependent, but should cause a scrolling mechanism to be provided for overflowing boxes."}, {name: "hidden", description: "Content is clipped and no scrolling mechanism should be provided to view the content outside the clipping region."}, {name: "scroll", description: "Content is clipped and if the user agent uses a scrolling mechanism that is visible on the screen (such as a scroll bar or a panner), that mechanism should be displayed for a box whether or not any of its content is clipped."}, {name: "visible", description: "Content is not clipped, i.e., it may be rendered outside the content box."}], syntax: "visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto", relevance: 81, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the handling of overflow in the vertical direction.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "pad", browsers: ["FF33"], syntax: "<integer> && <symbol>", relevance: 50, description: "@counter-style descriptor. Specifies a “fixed-width” counter style, where representations shorter than the pad value are padded with a particular <symbol>", restrictions: ["integer", "image", "string", "identifier"]}, {name: "padding", values: [], syntax: "[ <length> | <percentage> ]{1,4}", relevance: 96, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the padding area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "padding-bottom", syntax: "<length> | <percentage>", relevance: 88, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the padding area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "padding-block-end", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'padding-left'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'padding-bottom'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "padding-block-start", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'padding-left'>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'padding-top'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "padding-inline-end", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'padding-left'>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'padding-right'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "padding-inline-start", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S12.1", "C69", "O56"], syntax: "<'padding-left'>", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Logical 'padding-left'. Mapping depends on the parent elements 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "padding-left", syntax: "<length> | <percentage>", relevance: 90, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the padding area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "padding-right", syntax: "<length> | <percentage>", relevance: 88, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the padding area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "padding-top", syntax: "<length> | <percentage>", relevance: 90, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the padding area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "page-break-after", values: [{name: "always", description: "Always force a page break after the generated box."}, {name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page break after generated box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a page break after the generated box."}, {name: "left", description: "Force one or two page breaks after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page."}, {name: "right", description: "Force one or two page breaks after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page."}], syntax: "auto | always | avoid | left | right | recto | verso", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines rules for page breaks after an element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "page-break-before", values: [{name: "always", description: "Always force a page break before the generated box."}, {name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page break before the generated box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a page break before the generated box."}, {name: "left", description: "Force one or two page breaks before the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page."}, {name: "right", description: "Force one or two page breaks before the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page."}], syntax: "auto | always | avoid | left | right | recto | verso", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines rules for page breaks before an element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "page-break-inside", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page break inside the generated box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a page break inside the generated box."}], syntax: "auto | avoid", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines rules for page breaks inside an element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "paint-order", browsers: ["E17", "FF60", "S8", "C35", "O22"], values: [{name: "fill"}, {name: "markers"}, {name: "normal", description: "The element is painted with the standard order of painting operations: the 'fill' is painted first, then its 'stroke' and finally its markers."}, {name: "stroke"}], syntax: "normal | [ fill || stroke || markers ]", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls the order that the three paint operations that shapes and text are rendered with: their fill, their stroke and any markers they might have.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "perspective", values: [{name: "none", description: "No perspective transform is applied."}], syntax: "none | <length>", relevance: 55, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Applies the same transform as the perspective(<number>) transform function, except that it applies only to the positioned or transformed children of the element, not to the transform on the element itself.", restrictions: ["length", "enum"]}, {name: "perspective-origin", syntax: "<position>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X and Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element.", restrictions: ["position", "percentage", "length"]}, {name: "pointer-events", values: [{name: "all", description: "The given element can be the target element for pointer events whenever the pointer is over either the interior or the perimeter of the element."}, {name: "fill", description: "The given element can be the target element for pointer events whenever the pointer is over the interior of the element."}, {name: "none", description: "The given element does not receive pointer events."}, {name: "painted", description: 'The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the pointer is over a "painted" area. '}, {name: "stroke", description: "The given element can be the target element for pointer events whenever the pointer is over the perimeter of the element."}, {name: "visible", description: "The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the visibility property is set to visible and the pointer is over either the interior or the perimete of the element."}, {name: "visibleFill", description: "The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the visibility property is set to visible and when the pointer is over the interior of the element."}, {name: "visiblePainted", description: "The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the visibility property is set to visible and when the pointer is over a painted area."}, {name: "visibleStroke", description: "The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the visibility property is set to visible and when the pointer is over the perimeter of the element."}], syntax: "auto | none | visiblePainted | visibleFill | visibleStroke | visible | painted | fill | stroke | all | inherit", relevance: 80, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies under what circumstances a given element can be the target element for a pointer event.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "position", values: [{name: "absolute", description: "The box's position (and possibly size) is specified with the 'top', 'right', 'bottom', and 'left' properties. These properties specify offsets with respect to the box's 'containing block'."}, {name: "fixed", description: "The box's position is calculated according to the 'absolute' model, but in addition, the box is fixed with respect to some reference. As with the 'absolute' model, the box's margins do not collapse with any other margins."}, {name: "-ms-page", description: "The box's position is calculated according to the 'absolute' model."}, {name: "relative", description: "The box's position is calculated according to the normal flow (this is called the position in normal flow). Then the box is offset relative to its normal position."}, {name: "static", description: "The box is a normal box, laid out according to the normal flow. The 'top', 'right', 'bottom', and 'left' properties do not apply."}, {name: "sticky", description: "The box's position is calculated according to the normal flow. Then the box is offset relative to its flow root and containing block and in all cases, including table elements, does not affect the position of any following boxes."}, {name: "-webkit-sticky", description: "The box's position is calculated according to the normal flow. Then the box is offset relative to its flow root and containing block and in all cases, including table elements, does not affect the position of any following boxes."}], syntax: "static | relative | absolute | sticky | fixed", relevance: 96, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The position CSS property sets how an element is positioned in a document. The top, right, bottom, and left properties determine the final location of positioned elements.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "prefix", browsers: ["FF33"], syntax: "<symbol>", relevance: 50, description: "@counter-style descriptor. Specifies a <symbol> that is prepended to the marker representation.", restrictions: ["image", "string", "identifier"]}, {name: "quotes", values: [{name: "none", description: "The 'open-quote' and 'close-quote' values of the 'content' property produce no quotations marks, as if they were 'no-open-quote' and 'no-close-quote' respectively."}], syntax: "none | auto | [ <string> <string> ]+", relevance: 53, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies quotation marks for any number of embedded quotations.", restrictions: ["string"]}, {name: "range", browsers: ["FF33"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The range depends on the counter system."}, {name: "infinite", description: "If used as the first value in a range, it represents negative infinity; if used as the second value, it represents positive infinity."}], syntax: "[ [ <integer> | infinite ]{2} ]# | auto", relevance: 50, description: "@counter-style descriptor. Defines the ranges over which the counter style is defined.", restrictions: ["integer", "enum"]}, {name: "resize", browsers: ["E79", "FF4", "S3", "C1", "O12.1"], values: [{name: "both", description: "The UA presents a bidirectional resizing mechanism to allow the user to adjust both the height and the width of the element."}, {name: "horizontal", description: "The UA presents a unidirectional horizontal resizing mechanism to allow the user to adjust only the width of the element."}, {name: "none", description: "The UA does not present a resizing mechanism on the element, and the user is given no direct manipulation mechanism to resize the element."}, {name: "vertical", description: "The UA presents a unidirectional vertical resizing mechanism to allow the user to adjust only the height of the element."}], syntax: "none | both | horizontal | vertical | block | inline", relevance: 60, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies whether or not an element is resizable by the user, and if so, along which axis/axes.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "right", values: [{name: "auto", description: "For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well"}], syntax: "<length> | <percentage> | auto", relevance: 90, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how far an absolutely positioned box's right margin edge is offset to the left of the right edge of the box's 'containing block'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "ruby-align", browsers: ["FF38"], values: [{name: "auto", browsers: ["FF38"], description: "The user agent determines how the ruby contents are aligned. This is the initial value."}, {name: "center", description: "The ruby content is centered within its box."}, {name: "distribute-letter", browsers: ["FF38"], description: "If the width of the ruby text is smaller than that of the base, then the ruby text contents are evenly distributed across the width of the base, with the first and last ruby text glyphs lining up with the corresponding first and last base glyphs. If the width of the ruby text is at least the width of the base, then the letters of the base are evenly distributed across the width of the ruby text."}, {name: "distribute-space", browsers: ["FF38"], description: "If the width of the ruby text is smaller than that of the base, then the ruby text contents are evenly distributed across the width of the base, with a certain amount of white space preceding the first and following the last character in the ruby text. That amount of white space is normally equal to half the amount of inter-character space of the ruby text."}, {name: "left", description: "The ruby text content is aligned with the start edge of the base."}, {name: "line-edge", browsers: ["FF38"], description: "If the ruby text is not adjacent to a line edge, it is aligned as in 'auto'. If it is adjacent to a line edge, then it is still aligned as in auto, but the side of the ruby text that touches the end of the line is lined up with the corresponding edge of the base."}, {name: "right", browsers: ["FF38"], description: "The ruby text content is aligned with the end edge of the base."}, {name: "start", browsers: ["FF38"], description: "The ruby text content is aligned with the start edge of the base."}, {name: "space-between", browsers: ["FF38"], description: "The ruby content expands as defined for normal text justification (as defined by 'text-justify'),"}, {name: "space-around", browsers: ["FF38"], description: "As for 'space-between' except that there exists an extra justification opportunities whose space is distributed half before and half after the ruby content."}], status: "experimental", syntax: "start | center | space-between | space-around", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how text is distributed within the various ruby boxes when their contents do not exactly fill their respective boxes.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "ruby-overhang", browsers: ["FF10", "IE5"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The ruby text can overhang text adjacent to the base on either side. This is the initial value."}, {name: "end", description: "The ruby text can overhang the text that follows it."}, {name: "none", description: "The ruby text cannot overhang any text adjacent to its base, only its own base."}, {name: "start", description: "The ruby text can overhang the text that precedes it."}], relevance: 50, description: "Determines whether, and on which side, ruby text is allowed to partially overhang any adjacent text in addition to its own base, when the ruby text is wider than the ruby base.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "ruby-position", browsers: ["E12", "FF38"], values: [{name: "after", description: "The ruby text appears after the base. This is a relatively rare setting used in ideographic East Asian writing systems, most easily found in educational text."}, {name: "before", description: "The ruby text appears before the base. This is the most common setting used in ideographic East Asian writing systems."}, {name: "inline"}, {name: "right", description: "The ruby text appears on the right of the base. Unlike 'before' and 'after', this value is not relative to the text flow direction."}], status: "experimental", syntax: "over | under | inter-character", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Used by the parent of elements with display: ruby-text to control the position of the ruby text with respect to its base.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "ruby-span", browsers: ["FF10"], values: [{name: "attr(x)", description: "The value of attribute 'x' is a string value. The string value is evaluated as a <number> to determine the number of ruby base elements to be spanned by the annotation element."}, {name: "none", description: "No spanning. The computed value is '1'."}], relevance: 50, description: "Determines whether, and on which side, ruby text is allowed to partially overhang any adjacent text in addition to its own base, when the ruby text is wider than the ruby base.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "scrollbar-3dlight-color", browsers: ["IE5"], relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "scrollbar-arrow-color", browsers: ["IE5"], relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the color of the arrow elements of a scroll arrow.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "scrollbar-base-color", browsers: ["IE5"], relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the color of the main elements of a scroll bar, which include the scroll box, track, and scroll arrows.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "scrollbar-darkshadow-color", browsers: ["IE5"], relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the color of the gutter of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "scrollbar-face-color", browsers: ["IE5"], relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the color of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "scrollbar-highlight-color", browsers: ["IE5"], relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "scrollbar-shadow-color", browsers: ["IE5"], relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the color of the bottom and right edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "scrollbar-track-color", browsers: ["IE6"], relevance: 50, description: "Determines the color of the track element of a scroll bar.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "scroll-behavior", browsers: ["E79", "FF36", "C61", "O48"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Scrolls in an instant fashion."}, {name: "smooth", description: "Scrolls in a smooth fashion using a user-agent-defined timing function and time period."}], syntax: "auto | smooth", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the scrolling behavior for a scrolling box, when scrolling happens due to navigation or CSSOM scrolling APIs.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "scroll-snap-coordinate", browsers: ["FF39"], values: [{name: "none", description: "Specifies that this element does not contribute a snap point."}], status: "obsolete", syntax: "none | <position>#", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the x and y coordinate within the element which will align with the nearest ancestor scroll containers snap-destination for the respective axis.", restrictions: ["position", "length", "percentage", "enum"]}, {name: "scroll-snap-destination", browsers: ["FF39"], status: "obsolete", syntax: "<position>", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Define the x and y coordinate within the scroll containers visual viewport which element snap points will align with.", restrictions: ["position", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "scroll-snap-points-x", browsers: ["FF39", "S9"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No snap points are defined by this scroll container."}, {name: "repeat()", description: "Defines an interval at which snap points are defined, starting from the containers relevant start edge."}], status: "obsolete", syntax: "none | repeat( <length-percentage> )", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the positioning of snap points along the x axis of the scroll container it is applied to.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "scroll-snap-points-y", browsers: ["FF39", "S9"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No snap points are defined by this scroll container."}, {name: "repeat()", description: "Defines an interval at which snap points are defined, starting from the containers relevant start edge."}], status: "obsolete", syntax: "none | repeat( <length-percentage> )", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the positioning of snap points along the y axis of the scroll container it is applied to.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "scroll-snap-type", values: [{name: "none", description: "The visual viewport of this scroll container must ignore snap points, if any, when scrolled."}, {name: "mandatory", description: "The visual viewport of this scroll container is guaranteed to rest on a snap point when there are no active scrolling operations."}, {name: "proximity", description: "The visual viewport of this scroll container may come to rest on a snap point at the termination of a scroll at the discretion of the UA given the parameters of the scroll."}], syntax: "none | [ x | y | block | inline | both ] [ mandatory | proximity ]?", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines how strictly snap points are enforced on the scroll container.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "shape-image-threshold", browsers: ["E79", "FF62", "S10.1", "C37", "O24"], syntax: "<alpha-value>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines the alpha channel threshold used to extract the shape using an image. A value of 0.5 means that the shape will enclose all the pixels that are more than 50% opaque.", restrictions: ["number"]}, {name: "shape-margin", browsers: ["E79", "FF62", "S10.1", "C37", "O24"], syntax: "<length-percentage>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Adds a margin to a 'shape-outside'. This defines a new shape that is the smallest contour that includes all the points that are the 'shape-margin' distance outward in the perpendicular direction from a point on the underlying shape.", restrictions: ["url", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "shape-outside", browsers: ["E79", "FF62", "S10.1", "C37", "O24"], values: [{name: "margin-box", description: "The background is painted within (clipped to) the margin box."}, {name: "none", description: "The float area is unaffected."}], syntax: "none | <shape-box> || <basic-shape> | <image>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies an orthogonal rotation to be applied to an image before it is laid out.", restrictions: ["image", "box", "shape", "enum"]}, {name: "shape-rendering", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Suppresses aural rendering."}, {name: "crispEdges", description: "Emphasize the contrast between clean edges of artwork over rendering speed and geometric precision."}, {name: "geometricPrecision", description: "Emphasize geometric precision over speed and crisp edges."}, {name: "optimizeSpeed", description: "Emphasize rendering speed over geometric precision and crisp edges."}], relevance: 50, description: "Provides hints about what tradeoffs to make as it renders vector graphics elements such as <path> elements and basic shapes such as circles and rectangles.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "size", browsers: ["C", "O8"], syntax: "<length>{1,2} | auto | [ <page-size> || [ portrait | landscape ] ]", relevance: 52, description: "The size CSS at-rule descriptor, used with the @page at-rule, defines the size and orientation of the box which is used to represent a page. Most of the time, this size corresponds to the target size of the printed page if applicable.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "src", values: [{name: "url()", description: "Reference font by URL"}, {name: "format()", description: "Optional hint describing the format of the font resource."}, {name: "local()", description: "Format-specific string that identifies a locally available copy of a given font."}], syntax: "[ <url> [ format( <string># ) ]? | local( <family-name> ) ]#", relevance: 67, description: "@font-face descriptor. Specifies the resource containing font data. It is required, whether the font is downloadable or locally installed.", restrictions: ["enum", "url", "identifier"]}, {name: "stop-color", relevance: 51, description: "Indicates what color to use at that gradient stop.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "stop-opacity", relevance: 50, description: "Defines the opacity of a given gradient stop.", restrictions: ["number(0-1)"]}, {name: "stroke", values: [{name: "url()", description: "A URL reference to a paint server element, which is an element that defines a paint server: hatch, linearGradient, mesh, pattern, radialGradient and solidcolor."}, {name: "none", description: "No paint is applied in this layer."}], relevance: 63, description: "Paints along the outline of the given graphical element.", restrictions: ["color", "enum", "url"]}, {name: "stroke-dasharray", values: [{name: "none", description: "Indicates that no dashing is used."}], relevance: 58, description: "Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage", "number", "enum"]}, {name: "stroke-dashoffset", relevance: 58, description: "Specifies the distance into the dash pattern to start the dash.", restrictions: ["percentage", "length"]}, {name: "stroke-linecap", values: [{name: "butt", description: "Indicates that the stroke for each subpath does not extend beyond its two endpoints."}, {name: "round", description: "Indicates that at each end of each subpath, the shape representing the stroke will be extended by a half circle with a radius equal to the stroke width."}, {name: "square", description: "Indicates that at the end of each subpath, the shape representing the stroke will be extended by a rectangle with the same width as the stroke width and whose length is half of the stroke width."}], relevance: 53, description: "Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "stroke-linejoin", values: [{name: "bevel", description: "Indicates that a bevelled corner is to be used to join path segments."}, {name: "miter", description: "Indicates that a sharp corner is to be used to join path segments."}, {name: "round", description: "Indicates that a round corner is to be used to join path segments."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "stroke-miterlimit", relevance: 50, description: "When two line segments meet at a sharp angle and miter joins have been specified for 'stroke-linejoin', it is possible for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of the line stroking the path.", restrictions: ["number"]}, {name: "stroke-opacity", relevance: 51, description: "Specifies the opacity of the painting operation used to stroke the current object.", restrictions: ["number(0-1)"]}, {name: "stroke-width", relevance: 60, description: "Specifies the width of the stroke on the current object.", restrictions: ["percentage", "length"]}, {name: "suffix", browsers: ["FF33"], syntax: "<symbol>", relevance: 50, description: "@counter-style descriptor. Specifies a <symbol> that is appended to the marker representation.", restrictions: ["image", "string", "identifier"]}, {name: "system", browsers: ["FF33"], values: [{name: "additive", description: "Represents “sign-value” numbering systems, which, rather than using reusing digits in different positions to change their value, define additional digits with much larger values, so that the value of the number can be obtained by adding all the digits together."}, {name: "alphabetic", description: 'Interprets the list of counter symbols as digits to an alphabetic numbering system, similar to the default lower-alpha counter style, which wraps from "a", "b", "c", to "aa", "ab", "ac".'}, {name: "cyclic", description: "Cycles repeatedly through its provided symbols, looping back to the beginning when it reaches the end of the list."}, {name: "extends", description: "Use the algorithm of another counter style, but alter other aspects."}, {name: "fixed", description: "Runs through its list of counter symbols once, then falls back."}, {name: "numeric", description: `interprets the list of counter symbols as digits to a "place-value" numbering system, similar to the default 'decimal' counter style.`}, {name: "symbolic", description: "Cycles repeatedly through its provided symbols, doubling, tripling, etc. the symbols on each successive pass through the list."}], syntax: "cyclic | numeric | alphabetic | symbolic | additive | [ fixed <integer>? ] | [ extends <counter-style-name> ]", relevance: 50, description: "@counter-style descriptor. Specifies which algorithm will be used to construct the counters representation based on the counter value.", restrictions: ["enum", "integer"]}, {name: "symbols", browsers: ["FF33"], syntax: "<symbol>+", relevance: 50, description: "@counter-style descriptor. Specifies the symbols used by the marker-construction algorithm specified by the system descriptor.", restrictions: ["image", "string", "identifier"]}, {name: "table-layout", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Use any automatic table layout algorithm."}, {name: "fixed", description: "Use the fixed table layout algorithm."}], syntax: "auto | fixed", relevance: 61, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls the algorithm used to lay out the table cells, rows, and columns.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "tab-size", browsers: ["E79", "FF4", "S6.1", "C21", "O15"], syntax: "<integer> | <length>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines the width of the tab character (U+0009), in space characters (U+0020), when rendered.", restrictions: ["integer", "length"]}, {name: "text-align", values: [{name: "center", description: "The inline contents are centered within the line box."}, {name: "end", description: "The inline contents are aligned to the end edge of the line box."}, {name: "justify", description: "The text is justified according to the method specified by the 'text-justify' property."}, {name: "left", description: "The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'left' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the start edge for left-to-right text."}, {name: "right", description: "The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'right' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the end edge for left-to-right text."}, {name: "start", description: "The inline contents are aligned to the start edge of the line box."}], syntax: "start | end | left | right | center | justify | match-parent", relevance: 93, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Describes how inline contents of a block are horizontally aligned if the contents do not completely fill the line box.", restrictions: ["string"]}, {name: "text-align-last", browsers: ["E12", "FF49", "C47", "IE5.5", "O34"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Content on the affected line is aligned per 'text-align' unless 'text-align' is set to 'justify', in which case it is 'start-aligned'."}, {name: "center", description: "The inline contents are centered within the line box."}, {name: "justify", description: "The text is justified according to the method specified by the 'text-justify' property."}, {name: "left", description: "The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'left' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the start edge for left-to-right text."}, {name: "right", description: "The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'right' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the end edge for left-to-right text."}], syntax: "auto | start | end | left | right | center | justify", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Describes how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "text-anchor", values: [{name: "end", description: "The rendered characters are aligned such that the end of the resulting rendered text is at the initial current text position."}, {name: "middle", description: "The rendered characters are aligned such that the geometric middle of the resulting rendered text is at the initial current text position."}, {name: "start", description: "The rendered characters are aligned such that the start of the resulting rendered text is at the initial current text position."}], relevance: 50, description: "Used to align (start-, middle- or end-alignment) a string of text relative to a given point.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "text-decoration", values: [{name: "dashed", description: "Produces a dashed line style."}, {name: "dotted", description: "Produces a dotted line."}, {name: "double", description: "Produces a double line."}, {name: "line-through", description: "Each line of text has a line through the middle."}, {name: "none", description: "Produces no line."}, {name: "overline", description: "Each line of text has a line above it."}, {name: "solid", description: "Produces a solid line."}, {name: "underline", description: "Each line of text is underlined."}, {name: "wavy", description: "Produces a wavy line."}], syntax: "<'text-decoration-line'> || <'text-decoration-style'> || <'text-decoration-color'> || <'text-decoration-thickness'>", relevance: 91, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Decorations applied to font used for an element's text.", restrictions: ["enum", "color"]}, {name: "text-decoration-color", browsers: ["E79", "FF36", "S12.1", "C57", "O44"], syntax: "<color>", relevance: 52, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the color of text decoration (underlines overlines, and line-throughs) set on the element with text-decoration-line.", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "text-decoration-line", browsers: ["E79", "FF36", "S12.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "line-through", description: "Each line of text has a line through the middle."}, {name: "none", description: "Neither produces nor inhibits text decoration."}, {name: "overline", description: "Each line of text has a line above it."}, {name: "underline", description: "Each line of text is underlined."}], syntax: "none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] | spelling-error | grammar-error", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies what line decorations, if any, are added to the element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "text-decoration-style", browsers: ["E79", "FF36", "S12.1", "C57", "O44"], values: [{name: "dashed", description: "Produces a dashed line style."}, {name: "dotted", description: "Produces a dotted line."}, {name: "double", description: "Produces a double line."}, {name: "none", description: "Produces no line."}, {name: "solid", description: "Produces a solid line."}, {name: "wavy", description: "Produces a wavy line."}], syntax: "solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the line style for underline, line-through and overline text decoration.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "text-indent", values: [], syntax: "<length-percentage> && hanging? && each-line?", relevance: 68, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the indentation applied to lines of inline content in a block. The indentation only affects the first line of inline content in the block unless the 'hanging' keyword is specified, in which case it affects all lines except the first.", restrictions: ["percentage", "length"]}, {name: "text-justify", browsers: ["E12", "FF55", "C32", "IE11", "O19"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The UA determines the justification algorithm to follow, based on a balance between performance and adequate presentation quality."}, {name: "distribute", description: "Justification primarily changes spacing both at word separators and at grapheme cluster boundaries in all scripts except those in the connected and cursive groups. This value is sometimes used in e.g. Japanese, often with the 'text-align-last' property."}, {name: "distribute-all-lines"}, {name: "inter-cluster", description: "Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators and at grapheme cluster boundaries in clustered scripts. This value is typically used for Southeast Asian scripts such as Thai."}, {name: "inter-ideograph", description: "Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators and at inter-graphemic boundaries in scripts that use no word spaces. This value is typically used for CJK languages."}, {name: "inter-word", description: "Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators. This value is typically used for languages that separate words using spaces, like English or (sometimes) Korean."}, {name: "kashida", description: "Justification primarily stretches Arabic and related scripts through the use of kashida or other calligraphic elongation."}, {name: "newspaper"}], syntax: "auto | inter-character | inter-word | none", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Selects the justification algorithm used when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'. The property applies to block containers, but the UA may (but is not required to) also support it on inline elements.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "text-orientation", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S5.1", "C48", "O15"], values: [{name: "sideways", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S5.1", "C48", "O15"], description: "This value is equivalent to 'sideways-right' in 'vertical-rl' writing mode and equivalent to 'sideways-left' in 'vertical-lr' writing mode."}, {name: "sideways-right", browsers: ["E79", "FF41", "S5.1", "C48", "O15"], description: "In vertical writing modes, this causes text to be set as if in a horizontal layout, but rotated 90° clockwise."}, {name: "upright", description: "In vertical writing modes, characters from horizontal-only scripts are rendered upright, i.e. in their standard horizontal orientation."}], syntax: "mixed | upright | sideways", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the orientation of text within a line.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "text-overflow", values: [{name: "clip", description: "Clip inline content that overflows. Characters may be only partially rendered."}, {name: "ellipsis", description: "Render an ellipsis character (U+2026) to represent clipped inline content."}], syntax: "[ clip | ellipsis | <string> ]{1,2}", relevance: 81, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Text can overflow for example when it is prevented from wrapping.", restrictions: ["enum", "string"]}, {name: "text-rendering", browsers: ["E79", "FF1", "S5", "C4", "O15"], values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "geometricPrecision", description: "Indicates that the user agent shall emphasize geometric precision over legibility and rendering speed."}, {name: "optimizeLegibility", description: "Indicates that the user agent shall emphasize legibility over rendering speed and geometric precision."}, {name: "optimizeSpeed", description: "Indicates that the user agent shall emphasize rendering speed over legibility and geometric precision."}], syntax: "auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision", relevance: 68, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The creator of SVG content might want to provide a hint to the implementation about what tradeoffs to make as it renders text. The text-rendering property provides these hints.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "text-shadow", values: [{name: "none", description: "No shadow."}], syntax: "none | <shadow-t>#", relevance: 74, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Enables shadow effects to be applied to the text of the element.", restrictions: ["length", "color"]}, {name: "text-transform", values: [{name: "capitalize", description: "Puts the first typographic letter unit of each word in titlecase."}, {name: "lowercase", description: "Puts all letters in lowercase."}, {name: "none", description: "No effects."}, {name: "uppercase", description: "Puts all letters in uppercase."}], syntax: "none | capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | full-width | full-size-kana", relevance: 84, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls capitalization effects of an elements text.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "text-underline-position", values: [{name: "above"}, {name: "auto", description: "The user agent may use any algorithm to determine the underlines position. In horizontal line layout, the underline should be aligned as for alphabetic. In vertical line layout, if the language is set to Japanese or Korean, the underline should be aligned as for over."}, {name: "below", description: "The underline is aligned with the under edge of the elements content box."}], syntax: "auto | from-font | [ under || [ left | right ] ]", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Sets the position of an underline specified on the same element: it does not affect underlines specified by ancestor elements. This property is typically used in vertical writing contexts such as in Japanese documents where it often desired to have the underline appear 'over' (to the right of) the affected run of text", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "top", values: [{name: "auto", description: "For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well"}], syntax: "<length> | <percentage> | auto", relevance: 95, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how far an absolutely positioned box's top margin edge is offset below the top edge of the box's 'containing block'.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "touch-action", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The user agent may determine any permitted touch behaviors for touches that begin on the element."}, {name: "cross-slide-x"}, {name: "cross-slide-y"}, {name: "double-tap-zoom"}, {name: "manipulation", description: "The user agent may consider touches that begin on the element only for the purposes of scrolling and continuous zooming."}, {name: "none", description: "Touches that begin on the element must not trigger default touch behaviors."}, {name: "pan-x", description: "The user agent may consider touches that begin on the element only for the purposes of horizontally scrolling the elements nearest ancestor with horizontally scrollable content."}, {name: "pan-y", description: "The user agent may consider touches that begin on the element only for the purposes of vertically scrolling the elements nearest ancestor with vertically scrollable content."}, {name: "pinch-zoom"}], syntax: "auto | none | [ [ pan-x | pan-left | pan-right ] || [ pan-y | pan-up | pan-down ] || pinch-zoom ] | manipulation", relevance: 65, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Determines whether touch input may trigger default behavior supplied by user agent.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "transform", values: [{name: "matrix()", description: "Specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f]"}, {name: "matrix3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D transformation as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of 16 values in column-major order."}, {name: "none"}, {name: "perspective()", description: "Specifies a perspective projection matrix."}, {name: "rotate()", description: "Specifies a 2D rotation by the angle specified in the parameter about the origin of the element, as defined by the transform-origin property."}, {name: "rotate3d()", description: "Specifies a clockwise 3D rotation by the angle specified in last parameter about the [x,y,z] direction vector described by the first 3 parameters."}, {name: "rotateX('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the X axis."}, {name: "rotateY('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Y axis."}, {name: "rotateZ('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Z axis."}, {name: "scale()", description: "Specifies a 2D scale operation by the [sx,sy] scaling vector described by the 2 parameters. If the second parameter is not provided, it is takes a value equal to the first."}, {name: "scale3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D scale operation by the [sx,sy,sz] scaling vector described by the 3 parameters."}, {name: "scaleX()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter."}, {name: "scaleY()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [sy,1] scaling vector, where sy is given as the parameter."}, {name: "scaleZ()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [1,1,sz] scaling vector, where sz is given as the parameter."}, {name: "skew()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the X and Y axes. The first angle parameter specifies the skew on the X axis. The second angle parameter specifies the skew on the Y axis. If the second parameter is not given then a value of 0 is used for the Y angle (ie: no skew on the Y axis)."}, {name: "skewX()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the X axis by the given angle."}, {name: "skewY()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle."}, {name: "translate()", description: "Specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter."}, {name: "translate3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D translation by the vector [tx,ty,tz], with tx, ty and tz being the first, second and third translation-value parameters respectively."}, {name: "translateX()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the X direction."}, {name: "translateY()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction."}, {name: "translateZ()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Z direction. Note that percentage values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present are evaluated as 0."}], syntax: "none | <transform-list>", relevance: 88, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "A two-dimensional transformation is applied to an element through the 'transform' property. This property contains a list of transform functions similar to those allowed by SVG.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "transform-origin", syntax: "[ <length-percentage> | left | center | right | top | bottom ] | [ [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] && [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ] ] <length>?", relevance: 74, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Establishes the origin of transformation for an element.", restrictions: ["position", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "transform-style", browsers: ["E12", "FF16", "S9", "C36", "O23"], values: [{name: "flat", description: "All children of this element are rendered flattened into the 2D plane of the element."}, {name: "preserve-3d", browsers: ["E12", "FF16", "S9", "C36", "O23"], description: "Flattening is not performed, so children maintain their position in 3D space."}], syntax: "flat | preserve-3d", relevance: 54, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines how nested elements are rendered in 3D space.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "transition", values: [{name: "all", description: "Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so."}, {name: "none", description: "No property will transition."}], syntax: "<single-transition>#", relevance: 87, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property combines four of the transition properties into a single property.", restrictions: ["time", "property", "timing-function", "enum"]}, {name: "transition-delay", syntax: "<time>#", relevance: 62, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines when the transition will start. It allows a transition to begin execution some period of time from when it is applied.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "transition-duration", syntax: "<time>#", relevance: 62, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "transition-property", values: [{name: "all", description: "Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so."}, {name: "none", description: "No property will transition."}], syntax: "none | <single-transition-property>#", relevance: 64, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied.", restrictions: ["property"]}, {name: "transition-timing-function", syntax: "<timing-function>#", relevance: 60, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Describes how the intermediate values used during a transition will be calculated.", restrictions: ["timing-function"]}, {name: "unicode-bidi", values: [{name: "bidi-override", description: "Inside the element, reordering is strictly in sequence according to the 'direction' property; the implicit part of the bidirectional algorithm is ignored."}, {name: "embed", description: "If the element is inline-level, this value opens an additional level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm. The direction of this embedding level is given by the 'direction' property."}, {name: "isolate", description: "The contents of the element are considered to be inside a separate, independent paragraph."}, {name: "isolate-override", description: "This combines the isolation behavior of 'isolate' with the directional override behavior of 'bidi-override'"}, {name: "normal", description: "The element does not open an additional level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm. For inline-level elements, implicit reordering works across element boundaries."}, {name: "plaintext", description: "For the purposes of the Unicode bidirectional algorithm, the base directionality of each bidi paragraph for which the element forms the containing block is determined not by the element's computed 'direction'."}], syntax: "normal | embed | isolate | bidi-override | isolate-override | plaintext", relevance: 57, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "unicode-range", values: [{name: "U+26", description: "Ampersand."}, {name: "U+20-24F, U+2B0-2FF, U+370-4FF, U+1E00-1EFF, U+2000-20CF, U+2100-23FF, U+2500-26FF, U+E000-F8FF, U+FB00FB4F", description: "WGL4 character set (Pan-European)."}, {name: "U+20-17F, U+2B0-2FF, U+2000-206F, U+20A0-20CF, U+2100-21FF, U+2600-26FF", description: "The Multilingual European Subset No. 1. Latin. Covers ~44 languages."}, {name: "U+20-2FF, U+370-4FF, U+1E00-20CF, U+2100-23FF, U+2500-26FF, U+FB00-FB4F, U+FFF0-FFFD", description: "The Multilingual European Subset No. 2. Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic. Covers ~128 language."}, {name: "U+20-4FF, U+530-58F, U+10D0-10FF, U+1E00-23FF, U+2440-245F, U+2500-26FF, U+FB00-FB4F, U+FE20-FE2F, U+FFF0-FFFD", description: "The Multilingual European Subset No. 3. Covers all characters belonging to European scripts."}, {name: "U+00-7F", description: "Basic Latin (ASCII)."}, {name: "U+80-FF", description: "Latin-1 Supplement. Accented characters for Western European languages, common punctuation characters, multiplication and division signs."}, {name: "U+100-17F", description: "Latin Extended-A. Accented characters for for Czech, Dutch, Polish, and Turkish."}, {name: "U+180-24F", description: "Latin Extended-B. Croatian, Slovenian, Romanian, Non-European and historic latin, Khoisan, Pinyin, Livonian, Sinology."}, {name: "U+1E00-1EFF", description: "Latin Extended Additional. Vietnamese, German captial sharp s, Medievalist, Latin general use."}, {name: "U+250-2AF", description: "International Phonetic Alphabet Extensions."}, {name: "U+370-3FF", description: "Greek and Coptic."}, {name: "U+1F00-1FFF", description: "Greek Extended. Accented characters for polytonic Greek."}, {name: "U+400-4FF", description: "Cyrillic."}, {name: "U+500-52F", description: "Cyrillic Supplement. Extra letters for Komi, Khanty, Chukchi, Mordvin, Kurdish, Aleut, Chuvash, Abkhaz, Azerbaijani, and Orok."}, {name: "U+00-52F, U+1E00-1FFF, U+220022FF", description: "Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, some punctuation and symbols."}, {name: "U+53058F", description: "Armenian."}, {name: "U+5905FF", description: "Hebrew."}, {name: "U+6006FF", description: "Arabic."}, {name: "U+75077F", description: "Arabic Supplement. Additional letters for African languages, Khowar, Torwali, Burushaski, and early Persian."}, {name: "U+8A08FF", description: "Arabic Extended-A. Additional letters for African languages, European and Central Asian languages, Rohingya, Tamazight, Arwi, and Koranic annotation signs."}, {name: "U+70074F", description: "Syriac."}, {name: "U+90097F", description: "Devanagari."}, {name: "U+9809FF", description: "Bengali."}, {name: "U+A00A7F", description: "Gurmukhi."}, {name: "U+A80AFF", description: "Gujarati."}, {name: "U+B00B7F", description: "Oriya."}, {name: "U+B80BFF", description: "Tamil."}, {name: "U+C00C7F", description: "Telugu."}, {name: "U+C80CFF", description: "Kannada."}, {name: "U+D00D7F", description: "Malayalam."}, {name: "U+D80DFF", description: "Sinhala."}, {name: "U+118A0118FF", description: "Warang Citi."}, {name: "U+E00E7F", description: "Thai."}, {name: "U+1A201AAF", description: "Tai Tham."}, {name: "U+AA80AADF", description: "Tai Viet."}, {name: "U+E80EFF", description: "Lao."}, {name: "U+F00FFF", description: "Tibetan."}, {name: "U+1000109F", description: "Myanmar (Burmese)."}, {name: "U+10A010FF", description: "Georgian."}, {name: "U+1200137F", description: "Ethiopic."}, {name: "U+1380139F", description: "Ethiopic Supplement. Extra Syllables for Sebatbeit, and Tonal marks"}, {name: "U+2D802DDF", description: "Ethiopic Extended. Extra Syllables for Me'en, Blin, and Sebatbeit."}, {name: "U+AB00AB2F", description: "Ethiopic Extended-A. Extra characters for Gamo-Gofa-Dawro, Basketo, and Gumuz."}, {name: "U+178017FF", description: "Khmer."}, {name: "U+180018AF", description: "Mongolian."}, {name: "U+1B801BBF", description: "Sundanese."}, {name: "U+1CC01CCF", description: "Sundanese Supplement. Punctuation."}, {name: "U+4E009FD5", description: "CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) Unified Ideographs. Most common ideographs for modern Chinese and Japanese."}, {name: "U+34004DB5", description: "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A. Rare ideographs."}, {name: "U+2F002FDF", description: "Kangxi Radicals."}, {name: "U+2E802EFF", description: "CJK Radicals Supplement. Alternative forms of Kangxi Radicals."}, {name: "U+110011FF", description: "Hangul Jamo."}, {name: "U+AC00D7AF", description: "Hangul Syllables."}, {name: "U+3040309F", description: "Hiragana."}, {name: "U+30A030FF", description: "Katakana."}, {name: "U+A5, U+4E00-9FFF, U+30??, U+FF00-FF9F", description: "Japanese Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana characters plus Yen/Yuan symbol."}, {name: "U+A4D0A4FF", description: "Lisu."}, {name: "U+A000A48F", description: "Yi Syllables."}, {name: "U+A490A4CF", description: "Yi Radicals."}, {name: "U+2000-206F", description: "General Punctuation."}, {name: "U+3000303F", description: "CJK Symbols and Punctuation."}, {name: "U+2070209F", description: "Superscripts and Subscripts."}, {name: "U+20A020CF", description: "Currency Symbols."}, {name: "U+2100214F", description: "Letterlike Symbols."}, {name: "U+2150218F", description: "Number Forms."}, {name: "U+219021FF", description: "Arrows."}, {name: "U+220022FF", description: "Mathematical Operators."}, {name: "U+230023FF", description: "Miscellaneous Technical."}, {name: "U+E000-F8FF", description: "Private Use Area."}, {name: "U+FB00FB4F", description: "Alphabetic Presentation Forms. Ligatures for latin, Armenian, and Hebrew."}, {name: "U+FB50FDFF", description: "Arabic Presentation Forms-A. Contextual forms / ligatures for Persian, Urdu, Sindhi, Central Asian languages, etc, Arabic pedagogical symbols, word ligatures."}, {name: "U+1F6001F64F", description: "Emoji: Emoticons."}, {name: "U+260026FF", description: "Emoji: Miscellaneous Symbols."}, {name: "U+1F3001F5FF", description: "Emoji: Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs."}, {name: "U+1F9001F9FF", description: "Emoji: Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs."}, {name: "U+1F6801F6FF", description: "Emoji: Transport and Map Symbols."}], syntax: "<unicode-range>#", relevance: 58, description: "@font-face descriptor. Defines the set of Unicode codepoints that may be supported by the font face for which it is declared.", restrictions: ["unicode-range"]}, {name: "user-select", values: [{name: "all", description: "The content of the element must be selected atomically"}, {name: "auto"}, {name: "contain", description: "UAs must not allow a selection which is started in this element to be extended outside of this element."}, {name: "none", description: "The UA must not allow selections to be started in this element."}, {name: "text", description: "The element imposes no constraint on the selection."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | text | none | contain | all", relevance: 24, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Controls the appearance of selection.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "vertical-align", values: [{name: "auto", description: "Align the dominant baseline of the parent box with the equivalent, or heuristically reconstructed, baseline of the element inline box."}, {name: "baseline", description: "Align the 'alphabetic' baseline of the element with the 'alphabetic' baseline of the parent element."}, {name: "bottom", description: "Align the after edge of the extended inline box with the after-edge of the line box."}, {name: "middle", description: "Align the 'middle' baseline of the inline element with the middle baseline of the parent."}, {name: "sub", description: "Lower the baseline of the box to the proper position for subscripts of the parent's box. (This value has no effect on the font size of the element's text.)"}, {name: "super", description: "Raise the baseline of the box to the proper position for superscripts of the parent's box. (This value has no effect on the font size of the element's text.)"}, {name: "text-bottom", description: "Align the bottom of the box with the after-edge of the parent element's font."}, {name: "text-top", description: "Align the top of the box with the before-edge of the parent element's font."}, {name: "top", description: "Align the before edge of the extended inline box with the before-edge of the line box."}, {name: "-webkit-baseline-middle"}], syntax: "baseline | sub | super | text-top | text-bottom | middle | top | bottom | <percentage> | <length>", relevance: 91, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Affects the vertical positioning of the inline boxes generated by an inline-level element inside a line box.", restrictions: ["percentage", "length"]}, {name: "visibility", values: [{name: "collapse", description: "Table-specific. If used on elements other than rows, row groups, columns, or column groups, 'collapse' has the same meaning as 'hidden'."}, {name: "hidden", description: "The generated box is invisible (fully transparent, nothing is drawn), but still affects layout."}, {name: "visible", description: "The generated box is visible."}], syntax: "visible | hidden | collapse", relevance: 88, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies whether the boxes generated by an element are rendered. Invisible boxes still affect layout (set the display property to none to suppress box generation altogether).", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-animation", browsers: ["C", "S5"], values: [{name: "alternate", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction."}, {name: "alternate-reverse", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction."}, {name: "backwards", description: "The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'."}, {name: "both", description: "Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied."}, {name: "forwards", description: "The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes."}, {name: "infinite", description: "Causes the animation to repeat forever."}, {name: "none", description: "No animation is performed"}, {name: "normal", description: "Normal playback."}, {name: "reverse", description: "All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified."}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property combines six of the animation properties into a single property.", restrictions: ["time", "enum", "timing-function", "identifier", "number"]}, {name: "-webkit-animation-delay", browsers: ["C", "S5"], relevance: 50, description: "Defines when the animation will start.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-webkit-animation-direction", browsers: ["C", "S5"], values: [{name: "alternate", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction."}, {name: "alternate-reverse", description: "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction."}, {name: "normal", description: "Normal playback."}, {name: "reverse", description: "All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-animation-duration", browsers: ["C", "S5"], relevance: 50, description: "Defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-webkit-animation-fill-mode", browsers: ["C", "S5"], values: [{name: "backwards", description: "The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'."}, {name: "both", description: "Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied."}, {name: "forwards", description: "The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes."}, {name: "none", description: "There is no change to the property value between the time the animation is applied and the time the animation begins playing or after the animation completes."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines what values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-animation-iteration-count", browsers: ["C", "S5"], values: [{name: "infinite", description: "Causes the animation to repeat forever."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines the number of times an animation cycle is played. The default value is one, meaning the animation will play from beginning to end once.", restrictions: ["number", "enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-animation-name", browsers: ["C", "S5"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No animation is performed"}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines a list of animations that apply. Each name is used to select the keyframe at-rule that provides the property values for the animation.", restrictions: ["identifier", "enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-animation-play-state", browsers: ["C", "S5"], values: [{name: "paused", description: "A running animation will be paused."}, {name: "running", description: "Resume playback of a paused animation."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines whether the animation is running or paused.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-animation-timing-function", browsers: ["C", "S5"], relevance: 50, description: "Describes how the animation will progress over one cycle of its duration. See the 'transition-timing-function'.", restrictions: ["timing-function"]}, {name: "-webkit-appearance", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "button"}, {name: "button-bevel"}, {name: "caps-lock-indicator"}, {name: "caret"}, {name: "checkbox"}, {name: "default-button"}, {name: "listbox"}, {name: "listitem"}, {name: "media-fullscreen-button"}, {name: "media-mute-button"}, {name: "media-play-button"}, {name: "media-seek-back-button"}, {name: "media-seek-forward-button"}, {name: "media-slider"}, {name: "media-sliderthumb"}, {name: "menulist"}, {name: "menulist-button"}, {name: "menulist-text"}, {name: "menulist-textfield"}, {name: "none"}, {name: "push-button"}, {name: "radio"}, {name: "scrollbarbutton-down"}, {name: "scrollbarbutton-left"}, {name: "scrollbarbutton-right"}, {name: "scrollbarbutton-up"}, {name: "scrollbargripper-horizontal"}, {name: "scrollbargripper-vertical"}, {name: "scrollbarthumb-horizontal"}, {name: "scrollbarthumb-vertical"}, {name: "scrollbartrack-horizontal"}, {name: "scrollbartrack-vertical"}, {name: "searchfield"}, {name: "searchfield-cancel-button"}, {name: "searchfield-decoration"}, {name: "searchfield-results-button"}, {name: "searchfield-results-decoration"}, {name: "slider-horizontal"}, {name: "sliderthumb-horizontal"}, {name: "sliderthumb-vertical"}, {name: "slider-vertical"}, {name: "square-button"}, {name: "textarea"}, {name: "textfield"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | button | button-bevel | caret | checkbox | default-button | inner-spin-button | listbox | listitem | media-controls-background | media-controls-fullscreen-background | media-current-time-display | media-enter-fullscreen-button | media-exit-fullscreen-button | media-fullscreen-button | media-mute-button | media-overlay-play-button | media-play-button | media-seek-back-button | media-seek-forward-button | media-slider | media-sliderthumb | media-time-remaining-display | media-toggle-closed-captions-button | media-volume-slider | media-volume-slider-container | media-volume-sliderthumb | menulist | menulist-button | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | meter | progress-bar | progress-bar-value | push-button | radio | searchfield | searchfield-cancel-button | searchfield-decoration | searchfield-results-button | searchfield-results-decoration | slider-horizontal | slider-vertical | sliderthumb-horizontal | sliderthumb-vertical | square-button | textarea | textfield", relevance: 0, description: "Changes the appearance of buttons and other controls to resemble native controls.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-backdrop-filter", browsers: ["S9"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No filter effects are applied."}, {name: "blur()", description: "Applies a Gaussian blur to the input image."}, {name: "brightness()", description: "Applies a linear multiplier to input image, making it appear more or less bright."}, {name: "contrast()", description: "Adjusts the contrast of the input."}, {name: "drop-shadow()", description: "Applies a drop shadow effect to the input image."}, {name: "grayscale()", description: "Converts the input image to grayscale."}, {name: "hue-rotate()", description: "Applies a hue rotation on the input image. "}, {name: "invert()", description: "Inverts the samples in the input image."}, {name: "opacity()", description: "Applies transparency to the samples in the input image."}, {name: "saturate()", description: "Saturates the input image."}, {name: "sepia()", description: "Converts the input image to sepia."}, {name: "url()", description: "A filter reference to a <filter> element."}], relevance: 50, description: "Applies a filter effect where the first filter in the list takes the element's background image as the input image.", restrictions: ["enum", "url"]}, {name: "-webkit-backface-visibility", browsers: ["C", "S5"], values: [{name: "hidden"}, {name: "visible"}], relevance: 50, description: "Determines whether or not the 'back' side of a transformed element is visible when facing the viewer. With an identity transform, the front side of an element faces the viewer.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-background-clip", browsers: ["C", "S3"], relevance: 50, description: "Determines the background painting area.", restrictions: ["box"]}, {name: "-webkit-background-composite", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "border"}, {name: "padding"}], relevance: 50, restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-background-origin", browsers: ["C", "S3"], relevance: 50, description: "For elements rendered as a single box, specifies the background positioning area. For elements rendered as multiple boxes (e.g., inline boxes on several lines, boxes on several pages) specifies which boxes 'box-decoration-break' operates on to determine the background positioning area(s).", restrictions: ["box"]}, {name: "-webkit-border-image", browsers: ["C", "S5"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "If 'auto' is specified then the border image width is the intrinsic width or height (whichever is applicable) of the corresponding image slice. If the image does not have the required intrinsic dimension then the corresponding border-width is used instead."}, {name: "fill", description: "Causes the middle part of the border-image to be preserved."}, {name: "none"}, {name: "repeat", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area."}, {name: "round", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the image is rescaled so that it does."}, {name: "space", description: "The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the extra space is distributed around the tiles."}, {name: "stretch", description: "The image is stretched to fill the area."}, {name: "url()"}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property for setting 'border-image-source', 'border-image-slice', 'border-image-width', 'border-image-outset' and 'border-image-repeat'. Omitted values are set to their initial values.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage", "number", "url", "enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-box-align", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "baseline", description: "If this box orientation is inline-axis or horizontal, all children are placed with their baselines aligned, and extra space placed before or after as necessary. For block flows, the baseline of the first non-empty line box located within the element is used. For tables, the baseline of the first cell is used."}, {name: "center", description: "Any extra space is divided evenly, with half placed above the child and the other half placed after the child."}, {name: "end", description: "For normal direction boxes, the bottom edge of each child is placed along the bottom of the box. Extra space is placed above the element. For reverse direction boxes, the top edge of each child is placed along the top of the box. Extra space is placed below the element."}, {name: "start", description: "For normal direction boxes, the top edge of each child is placed along the top of the box. Extra space is placed below the element. For reverse direction boxes, the bottom edge of each child is placed along the bottom of the box. Extra space is placed above the element."}, {name: "stretch", description: "The height of each child is adjusted to that of the containing block."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the alignment of nested elements within an outer flexible box element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-box-direction", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "normal", description: "A box with a computed value of horizontal for box-orient displays its children from left to right. A box with a computed value of vertical displays its children from top to bottom."}, {name: "reverse", description: "A box with a computed value of horizontal for box-orient displays its children from right to left. A box with a computed value of vertical displays its children from bottom to top."}], relevance: 50, description: "In webkit applications, -webkit-box-direction specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge).", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-box-flex", browsers: ["C", "S3"], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies an element's flexibility.", restrictions: ["number"]}, {name: "-webkit-box-flex-group", browsers: ["C", "S3"], relevance: 50, description: "Flexible elements can be assigned to flex groups using the 'box-flex-group' property.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-webkit-box-ordinal-group", browsers: ["C", "S3"], relevance: 50, description: "Indicates the ordinal group the element belongs to. Elements with a lower ordinal group are displayed before those with a higher ordinal group.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-webkit-box-orient", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "block-axis", description: "Elements are oriented along the box's axis."}, {name: "horizontal", description: "The box displays its children from left to right in a horizontal line."}, {name: "inline-axis", description: "Elements are oriented vertically."}, {name: "vertical", description: "The box displays its children from stacked from top to bottom vertically."}], relevance: 50, description: "In webkit applications, -webkit-box-orient specifies whether a box lays out its contents horizontally or vertically.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-box-pack", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "center", description: "The extra space is divided evenly, with half placed before the first child and the other half placed after the last child."}, {name: "end", description: "For normal direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child. For reverse direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child."}, {name: "justify", description: "The space is divided evenly in-between each child, with none of the extra space placed before the first child or after the last child. If there is only one child, treat the pack value as if it were start."}, {name: "start", description: "For normal direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child. For reverse direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies alignment of child elements within the current element in the direction of orientation.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-box-reflect", browsers: ["E79", "S4", "C4", "O15"], values: [{name: "above", description: "The reflection appears above the border box."}, {name: "below", description: "The reflection appears below the border box."}, {name: "left", description: "The reflection appears to the left of the border box."}, {name: "right", description: "The reflection appears to the right of the border box."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "[ above | below | right | left ]? <length>? <image>?", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines a reflection of a border box."}, {name: "-webkit-box-sizing", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "border-box", description: "The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) on this element determine the border box of the element."}, {name: "content-box", description: "Behavior of width and height as specified by CSS2.1. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) apply to the width and height respectively of the content box of the element."}], relevance: 50, description: "Box Model addition in CSS3.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-break-after", browsers: ["S7"], values: [{name: "always", description: "Always force a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a page/column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-column", description: "Avoid a column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-page", description: "Avoid a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-region"}, {name: "column", description: "Always force a column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "left", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page."}, {name: "page", description: "Always force a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "region"}, {name: "right", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page."}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes the page/column break behavior before the generated box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-break-before", browsers: ["S7"], values: [{name: "always", description: "Always force a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a page/column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-column", description: "Avoid a column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-page", description: "Avoid a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-region"}, {name: "column", description: "Always force a column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "left", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page."}, {name: "page", description: "Always force a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "region"}, {name: "right", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page."}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes the page/column break behavior before the generated box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-break-inside", browsers: ["S7"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page/column break inside the generated box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a page/column break inside the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-column", description: "Avoid a column break inside the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-page", description: "Avoid a page break inside the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-region"}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes the page/column break behavior inside the generated box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-break-after", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "always", description: "Always force a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a page/column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-column", description: "Avoid a column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-page", description: "Avoid a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-region"}, {name: "column", description: "Always force a column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "left", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page."}, {name: "page", description: "Always force a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "region"}, {name: "right", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page."}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes the page/column break behavior before the generated box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-break-before", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "always", description: "Always force a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a page/column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-column", description: "Avoid a column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-page", description: "Avoid a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-region"}, {name: "column", description: "Always force a column break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "left", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page."}, {name: "page", description: "Always force a page break before/after the generated box."}, {name: "region"}, {name: "right", description: "Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page."}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes the page/column break behavior before the generated box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-break-inside", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Neither force nor forbid a page/column break inside the generated box."}, {name: "avoid", description: "Avoid a page/column break inside the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-column", description: "Avoid a column break inside the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-page", description: "Avoid a page break inside the generated box."}, {name: "avoid-region"}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes the page/column break behavior inside the generated box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-count", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Determines the number of columns by the 'column-width' property and the element width."}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes the optimal number of columns into which the content of the element will be flowed.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-gap", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "normal", description: "User agent specific and typically equivalent to 1em."}], relevance: 50, description: "Sets the gap between columns. If there is a column rule between columns, it will appear in the middle of the gap.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-rule", browsers: ["C", "S3"], relevance: 50, description: "This property is a shorthand for setting 'column-rule-width', 'column-rule-style', and 'column-rule-color' at the same place in the style sheet. Omitted values are set to their initial values.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "line-style", "color"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-rule-color", browsers: ["C", "S3"], relevance: 50, description: "Sets the color of the column rule", restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-rule-style", browsers: ["C", "S3"], relevance: 50, description: "Sets the style of the rule between columns of an element.", restrictions: ["line-style"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-rule-width", browsers: ["C", "S3"], relevance: 50, description: "Sets the width of the rule between columns. Negative values are not allowed.", restrictions: ["length", "line-width"]}, {name: "-webkit-columns", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The width depends on the values of other properties."}], relevance: 50, description: "A shorthand property which sets both 'column-width' and 'column-count'.", restrictions: ["length", "integer"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-span", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "all", description: "The element spans across all columns. Content in the normal flow that appears before the element is automatically balanced across all columns before the element appear."}, {name: "none", description: "The element does not span multiple columns."}], relevance: 50, description: "Describes the page/column break behavior after the generated box.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-column-width", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "The width depends on the values of other properties."}], relevance: 50, description: "This property describes the width of columns in multicol elements.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-webkit-filter", browsers: ["C18", "O15", "S6"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No filter effects are applied."}, {name: "blur()", description: "Applies a Gaussian blur to the input image."}, {name: "brightness()", description: "Applies a linear multiplier to input image, making it appear more or less bright."}, {name: "contrast()", description: "Adjusts the contrast of the input."}, {name: "drop-shadow()", description: "Applies a drop shadow effect to the input image."}, {name: "grayscale()", description: "Converts the input image to grayscale."}, {name: "hue-rotate()", description: "Applies a hue rotation on the input image. "}, {name: "invert()", description: "Inverts the samples in the input image."}, {name: "opacity()", description: "Applies transparency to the samples in the input image."}, {name: "saturate()", description: "Saturates the input image."}, {name: "sepia()", description: "Converts the input image to sepia."}, {name: "url()", description: "A filter reference to a <filter> element."}], relevance: 50, description: "Processes an elements rendering before it is displayed in the document, by applying one or more filter effects.", restrictions: ["enum", "url"]}, {name: "-webkit-flow-from", browsers: ["S6.1"], values: [{name: "none", description: "The block container is not a CSS Region."}], relevance: 50, description: "Makes a block container a region and associates it with a named flow.", restrictions: ["identifier"]}, {name: "-webkit-flow-into", browsers: ["S6.1"], values: [{name: "none", description: "The element is not moved to a named flow and normal CSS processing takes place."}], relevance: 50, description: "Places an element or its contents into a named flow.", restrictions: ["identifier"]}, {name: "-webkit-font-feature-settings", browsers: ["C16"], values: [{name: '"c2cs"'}, {name: '"dlig"'}, {name: '"kern"'}, {name: '"liga"'}, {name: '"lnum"'}, {name: '"onum"'}, {name: '"smcp"'}, {name: '"swsh"'}, {name: '"tnum"'}, {name: "normal", description: "No change in glyph substitution or positioning occurs."}, {name: "off"}, {name: "on"}], relevance: 50, description: "This property provides low-level control over OpenType font features. It is intended as a way of providing access to font features that are not widely used but are needed for a particular use case.", restrictions: ["string", "integer"]}, {name: "-webkit-hyphens", browsers: ["S5.1"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Conditional hyphenation characters inside a word, if present, take priority over automatic resources when determining hyphenation points within the word."}, {name: "manual", description: "Words are only broken at line breaks where there are characters inside the word that suggest line break opportunities"}, {name: "none", description: "Words are not broken at line breaks, even if characters inside the word suggest line break points."}], relevance: 50, description: "Controls whether hyphenation is allowed to create more break opportunities within a line of text.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-line-break", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "after-white-space"}, {name: "normal"}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies line-breaking rules for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) text."}, {name: "-webkit-margin-bottom-collapse", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "collapse"}, {name: "discard"}, {name: "separate"}], relevance: 50, restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-margin-collapse", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "collapse"}, {name: "discard"}, {name: "separate"}], relevance: 50, restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-margin-start", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "auto"}], relevance: 50, restrictions: ["percentage", "length"]}, {name: "-webkit-margin-top-collapse", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "collapse"}, {name: "discard"}, {name: "separate"}], relevance: 50, restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-mask-clip", browsers: ["C", "O15", "S4"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "[ <box> | border | padding | content | text ]#", relevance: 0, description: "Determines the mask painting area, which determines the area that is affected by the mask.", restrictions: ["box"]}, {name: "-webkit-mask-image", browsers: ["C", "O15", "S4"], values: [{name: "none", description: "Counts as a transparent black image layer."}, {name: "url()", description: "Reference to a <mask element or to a CSS image."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<mask-reference>#", relevance: 0, description: "Sets the mask layer image of an element.", restrictions: ["url", "image", "enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-mask-origin", browsers: ["C", "O15", "S4"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "[ <box> | border | padding | content ]#", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies the mask positioning area.", restrictions: ["box"]}, {name: "-webkit-mask-repeat", browsers: ["C", "O15", "S4"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<repeat-style>#", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies how mask layer images are tiled after they have been sized and positioned.", restrictions: ["repeat"]}, {name: "-webkit-mask-size", browsers: ["C", "O15", "S4"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Resolved by using the images intrinsic ratio and the size of the other dimension, or failing that, using the images intrinsic size, or failing that, treating it as 100%."}, {name: "contain", description: "Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area."}, {name: "cover", description: "Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area."}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<bg-size>#", relevance: 0, description: "Specifies the size of the mask layer images.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage", "enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-nbsp-mode", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "normal"}, {name: "space"}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines the behavior of nonbreaking spaces within text."}, {name: "-webkit-overflow-scrolling", browsers: ["C", "S5"], values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "touch"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | touch", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies whether to use native-style scrolling in an overflow:scroll element."}, {name: "-webkit-padding-start", browsers: ["C", "S3"], relevance: 50, restrictions: ["percentage", "length"]}, {name: "-webkit-perspective", browsers: ["C", "S4"], values: [{name: "none", description: "No perspective transform is applied."}], relevance: 50, description: "Applies the same transform as the perspective(<number>) transform function, except that it applies only to the positioned or transformed children of the element, not to the transform on the element itself.", restrictions: ["length"]}, {name: "-webkit-perspective-origin", browsers: ["C", "S4"], relevance: 50, description: "Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X and Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element.", restrictions: ["position", "percentage", "length"]}, {name: "-webkit-region-fragment", browsers: ["S7"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Content flows as it would in a regular content box."}, {name: "break", description: "If the content fits within the CSS Region, then this property has no effect."}], relevance: 50, description: "The 'region-fragment' property controls the behavior of the last region associated with a named flow.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-tap-highlight-color", browsers: ["E12", "C16", "O≤15"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-webkit-text-fill-color", browsers: ["E12", "FF49", "S3", "C1", "O15"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-webkit-text-size-adjust", browsers: ["E", "C", "S3"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Renderers must use the default size adjustment when displaying on a small device."}, {name: "none", description: "Renderers must not do size adjustment when displaying on a small device."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in mobile browsers.", restrictions: ["percentage"]}, {name: "-webkit-text-stroke", browsers: ["E15", "FF49", "S3", "C4", "O15"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<length> || <color>", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "color", "percentage"]}, {name: "-webkit-text-stroke-color", browsers: ["E15", "FF49", "S3", "C1", "O15"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], restrictions: ["color"]}, {name: "-webkit-text-stroke-width", browsers: ["E15", "FF49", "S3", "C1", "O15"], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], restrictions: ["length", "line-width", "percentage"]}, {name: "-webkit-touch-callout", browsers: ["S3"], values: [{name: "none"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "default | none", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-transform", browsers: ["C", "O12", "S3.1"], values: [{name: "matrix()", description: "Specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f]"}, {name: "matrix3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D transformation as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of 16 values in column-major order."}, {name: "none"}, {name: "perspective()", description: "Specifies a perspective projection matrix."}, {name: "rotate()", description: "Specifies a 2D rotation by the angle specified in the parameter about the origin of the element, as defined by the transform-origin property."}, {name: "rotate3d()", description: "Specifies a clockwise 3D rotation by the angle specified in last parameter about the [x,y,z] direction vector described by the first 3 parameters."}, {name: "rotateX('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the X axis."}, {name: "rotateY('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Y axis."}, {name: "rotateZ('angle')", description: "Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Z axis."}, {name: "scale()", description: "Specifies a 2D scale operation by the [sx,sy] scaling vector described by the 2 parameters. If the second parameter is not provided, it is takes a value equal to the first."}, {name: "scale3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D scale operation by the [sx,sy,sz] scaling vector described by the 3 parameters."}, {name: "scaleX()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter."}, {name: "scaleY()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [sy,1] scaling vector, where sy is given as the parameter."}, {name: "scaleZ()", description: "Specifies a scale operation using the [1,1,sz] scaling vector, where sz is given as the parameter."}, {name: "skew()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the X and Y axes. The first angle parameter specifies the skew on the X axis. The second angle parameter specifies the skew on the Y axis. If the second parameter is not given then a value of 0 is used for the Y angle (ie: no skew on the Y axis)."}, {name: "skewX()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the X axis by the given angle."}, {name: "skewY()", description: "Specifies a skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle."}, {name: "translate()", description: "Specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter."}, {name: "translate3d()", description: "Specifies a 3D translation by the vector [tx,ty,tz], with tx, ty and tz being the first, second and third translation-value parameters respectively."}, {name: "translateX()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the X direction."}, {name: "translateY()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction."}, {name: "translateZ()", description: "Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Z direction. Note that percentage values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present are evaluated as 0."}], relevance: 50, description: "A two-dimensional transformation is applied to an element through the 'transform' property. This property contains a list of transform functions similar to those allowed by SVG.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-transform-origin", browsers: ["C", "O15", "S3.1"], relevance: 50, description: "Establishes the origin of transformation for an element.", restrictions: ["position", "length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-webkit-transform-origin-x", browsers: ["C", "S3.1"], relevance: 50, description: "The x coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-webkit-transform-origin-y", browsers: ["C", "S3.1"], relevance: 50, description: "The y coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-webkit-transform-origin-z", browsers: ["C", "S4"], relevance: 50, description: "The z coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "-webkit-transform-style", browsers: ["C", "S4"], values: [{name: "flat", description: "All children of this element are rendered flattened into the 2D plane of the element."}], relevance: 50, description: "Defines how nested elements are rendered in 3D space.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-transition", browsers: ["C", "O12", "S5"], values: [{name: "all", description: "Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so."}, {name: "none", description: "No property will transition."}], relevance: 50, description: "Shorthand property combines four of the transition properties into a single property.", restrictions: ["time", "property", "timing-function", "enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-transition-delay", browsers: ["C", "O12", "S5"], relevance: 50, description: "Defines when the transition will start. It allows a transition to begin execution some period of time from when it is applied.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-webkit-transition-duration", browsers: ["C", "O12", "S5"], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take.", restrictions: ["time"]}, {name: "-webkit-transition-property", browsers: ["C", "O12", "S5"], values: [{name: "all", description: "Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so."}, {name: "none", description: "No property will transition."}], relevance: 50, description: "Specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied.", restrictions: ["property"]}, {name: "-webkit-transition-timing-function", browsers: ["C", "O12", "S5"], relevance: 50, description: "Describes how the intermediate values used during a transition will be calculated.", restrictions: ["timing-function"]}, {name: "-webkit-user-drag", browsers: ["S3"], values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "element"}, {name: "none"}], relevance: 50, restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-user-modify", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "read-only"}, {name: "read-write"}, {name: "read-write-plaintext-only"}], status: "nonstandard", syntax: "read-only | read-write | read-write-plaintext-only", relevance: 0, description: "Determines whether a user can edit the content of an element.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "-webkit-user-select", browsers: ["C", "S3"], values: [{name: "auto"}, {name: "none"}, {name: "text"}], relevance: 50, description: "Controls the appearance of selection.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "white-space", values: [{name: "normal", description: "Sets 'white-space-collapsing' to 'collapse' and 'text-wrap' to 'normal'."}, {name: "nowrap", description: "Sets 'white-space-collapsing' to 'collapse' and 'text-wrap' to 'none'."}, {name: "pre", description: "Sets 'white-space-collapsing' to 'preserve' and 'text-wrap' to 'none'."}, {name: "pre-line", description: "Sets 'white-space-collapsing' to 'preserve-breaks' and 'text-wrap' to 'normal'."}, {name: "pre-wrap", description: "Sets 'white-space-collapsing' to 'preserve' and 'text-wrap' to 'normal'."}], syntax: "normal | pre | nowrap | pre-wrap | pre-line | break-spaces", relevance: 88, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Shorthand property for the 'white-space-collapsing' and 'text-wrap' properties.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "widows", browsers: ["E12", "S1.3", "C25", "IE8", "O9.2"], syntax: "<integer>", relevance: 51, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the minimum number of line boxes of a block container that must be left in a fragment after a break.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "width", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The width depends on the values of other properties."}, {name: "fit-content", description: "Use the fit-content inline size or fit-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "max-content", description: "Use the max-content inline size or max-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}, {name: "min-content", description: "Use the min-content inline size or min-content block size, as appropriate to the writing mode."}], syntax: "<viewport-length>{1,2}", relevance: 96, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the width of the content area, padding area or border area (depending on 'box-sizing') of certain boxes.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "will-change", browsers: ["E79", "FF36", "S9.1", "C36", "O24"], values: [{name: "auto", description: "Expresses no particular intent."}, {name: "contents", description: "Indicates that the author expects to animate or change something about the elements contents in the near future."}, {name: "scroll-position", description: "Indicates that the author expects to animate or change the scroll position of the element in the near future."}], syntax: "auto | <animateable-feature>#", relevance: 62, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Provides a rendering hint to the user agent, stating what kinds of changes the author expects to perform on the element.", restrictions: ["enum", "identifier"]}, {name: "word-break", values: [{name: "break-all", description: "Lines may break between any two grapheme clusters for non-CJK scripts."}, {name: "keep-all", description: "Block characters can no longer create implied break points."}, {name: "normal", description: "Breaks non-CJK scripts according to their own rules."}], syntax: "normal | break-all | keep-all | break-word", relevance: 72, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies line break opportunities for non-CJK scripts.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "word-spacing", values: [{name: "normal", description: "No additional spacing is applied. Computes to zero."}], syntax: "normal | <length-percentage>", relevance: 57, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies additional spacing between “words”.", restrictions: ["length", "percentage"]}, {name: "word-wrap", values: [{name: "break-word", description: "An otherwise unbreakable sequence of characters may be broken at an arbitrary point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line."}, {name: "normal", description: "Lines may break only at allowed break points."}], syntax: "normal | break-word", relevance: 77, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies whether the UA may break within a word to prevent overflow when an otherwise-unbreakable string is too long to fit.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "writing-mode", values: [{name: "horizontal-tb", description: "Top-to-bottom block flow direction. The writing mode is horizontal."}, {name: "sideways-lr", description: "Left-to-right block flow direction. The writing mode is vertical, while the typographic mode is horizontal."}, {name: "sideways-rl", description: "Right-to-left block flow direction. The writing mode is vertical, while the typographic mode is horizontal."}, {name: "vertical-lr", description: "Left-to-right block flow direction. The writing mode is vertical."}, {name: "vertical-rl", description: "Right-to-left block flow direction. The writing mode is vertical."}], syntax: "horizontal-tb | vertical-rl | vertical-lr | sideways-rl | sideways-lr", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "This is a shorthand property for both 'direction' and 'block-progression'.", restrictions: ["enum"]}, {name: "z-index", values: [{name: "auto", description: "The stack level of the generated box in the current stacking context is 0. The box does not establish a new stacking context unless it is the root element."}], syntax: "auto | <integer>", relevance: 91, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "For a positioned box, the 'z-index' property specifies the stack level of the box in the current stacking context and whether the box establishes a local stacking context.", restrictions: ["integer"]}, {name: "zoom", browsers: ["E12", "S3.1", "C1", "IE5.5", "O15"], values: [{name: "normal"}], syntax: "auto | <number> | <percentage>", relevance: 74, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Non-standard. Specifies the magnification scale of the object. See 'transform: scale()' for a standards-based alternative.", restrictions: ["enum", "integer", "number", "percentage"]}, {name: "-ms-ime-align", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | after", relevance: 0, description: "Aligns the Input Method Editor (IME) candidate window box relative to the element on which the IME composition is active."}, {name: "-moz-binding", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<url> | none", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -moz-binding CSS property is used by Mozilla-based applications to attach an XBL binding to a DOM element."}, {name: "-moz-context-properties", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | [ fill | fill-opacity | stroke | stroke-opacity ]#", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF55"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "If you reference an SVG image in a webpage (such as with the <img> element or as a background image), the SVG image can coordinate with the embedding element (its context) to have the image adopt property values set on the embedding element. To do this the embedding element needs to list the properties that are to be made available to the image by listing them as values of the -moz-context-properties property, and the image needs to opt in to using those properties by using values such as the context-fill value.\n\nThis feature is available since Firefox 55, but is only currently supported with SVG images loaded via chrome:// or resource:// URLs. To experiment with the feature in SVG on the Web it is necessary to set the svg.context-properties.content.enabled pref to true."}, {name: "-moz-float-edge", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "border-box | content-box | margin-box | padding-box", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The non-standard -moz-float-edge CSS property specifies whether the height and width properties of the element include the margin, border, or padding thickness."}, {name: "-moz-force-broken-image-icon", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<integer>", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -moz-force-broken-image-icon extended CSS property can be used to force the broken image icon to be shown even when a broken image has an alt attribute."}, {name: "-moz-image-region", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<shape> | auto", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "For certain XUL elements and pseudo-elements that use an image from the list-style-image property, this property specifies a region of the image that is used in place of the whole image. This allows elements to use different pieces of the same image to improve performance."}, {name: "-moz-orient", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "inline | block | horizontal | vertical", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF6"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -moz-orient CSS property specifies the orientation of the element to which it's applied."}, {name: "-moz-outline-radius", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<outline-radius>{1,4} [ / <outline-radius>{1,4} ]?", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-outline-radius CSS property can be used to give an element's outline rounded corners."}, {name: "-moz-outline-radius-bottomleft", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<outline-radius>", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-bottomleft CSS property can be used to round the bottom-left corner of an element's outline."}, {name: "-moz-outline-radius-bottomright", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<outline-radius>", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-bottomright CSS property can be used to round the bottom-right corner of an element's outline."}, {name: "-moz-outline-radius-topleft", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<outline-radius>", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-topleft CSS property can be used to round the top-left corner of an element's outline."}, {name: "-moz-outline-radius-topright", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<outline-radius>", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-topright CSS property can be used to round the top-right corner of an element's outline."}, {name: "-moz-stack-sizing", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "ignore | stretch-to-fit", relevance: 0, description: "-moz-stack-sizing is an extended CSS property. Normally, a stack will change its size so that all of its child elements are completely visible. For example, moving a child of the stack far to the right will widen the stack so the child remains visible."}, {name: "-moz-text-blink", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "none | blink", relevance: 0, description: "The -moz-text-blink non-standard Mozilla CSS extension specifies the blink mode."}, {name: "-moz-user-input", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | none | enabled | disabled", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In Mozilla applications, -moz-user-input determines if an element will accept user input."}, {name: "-moz-user-modify", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "read-only | read-write | write-only", relevance: 0, description: "The -moz-user-modify property has no effect. It was originally planned to determine whether or not the content of an element can be edited by a user."}, {name: "-moz-window-dragging", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "drag | no-drag", relevance: 0, description: "The -moz-window-dragging CSS property specifies whether a window is draggable or not. It only works in Chrome code, and only on Mac OS X."}, {name: "-moz-window-shadow", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "default | menu | tooltip | sheet | none", relevance: 0, description: "The -moz-window-shadow CSS property specifies whether a window will have a shadow. It only works on Mac OS X."}, {name: "-webkit-border-before", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<'border-width'> || <'border-style'> || <'color'>", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E79", "S5.1", "C8", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -webkit-border-before CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical block start border property values in a single place in the style sheet."}, {name: "-webkit-border-before-color", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<'color'>", relevance: 0, description: "The -webkit-border-before-color CSS property sets the color of the individual logical block start border in a single place in the style sheet."}, {name: "-webkit-border-before-style", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<'border-style'>", relevance: 0, description: "The -webkit-border-before-style CSS property sets the style of the individual logical block start border in a single place in the style sheet."}, {name: "-webkit-border-before-width", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<'border-width'>", relevance: 0, description: "The -webkit-border-before-width CSS property sets the width of the individual logical block start border in a single place in the style sheet."}, {name: "-webkit-line-clamp", syntax: "none | <integer>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E17", "FF68", "S5", "C6", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -webkit-line-clamp CSS property allows limiting of the contents of a block container to the specified number of lines."}, {name: "-webkit-mask", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "[ <mask-reference> || <position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || [ <box> | border | padding | content | text ] || [ <box> | border | padding | content ] ]#", relevance: 0, description: "The mask CSS property alters the visibility of an element by either partially or fully hiding it. This is accomplished by either masking or clipping the image at specific points."}, {name: "-webkit-mask-attachment", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<attachment>#", relevance: 0, browsers: ["S4", "C1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "If a -webkit-mask-image is specified, -webkit-mask-attachment determines whether the mask image's position is fixed within the viewport, or scrolls along with its containing block."}, {name: "-webkit-mask-composite", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<composite-style>#", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E18", "FF53", "S3.2", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -webkit-mask-composite property specifies the manner in which multiple mask images applied to the same element are composited with one another. Mask images are composited in the opposite order that they are declared with the -webkit-mask-image property."}, {name: "-webkit-mask-position", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<position>#", relevance: 0, description: "The mask-position CSS property sets the initial position, relative to the mask position layer defined by mask-origin, for each defined mask image."}, {name: "-webkit-mask-position-x", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "[ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ]#", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E18", "FF49", "S3.2", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -webkit-mask-position-x CSS property sets the initial horizontal position of a mask image."}, {name: "-webkit-mask-position-y", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "[ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ]#", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E18", "FF49", "S3.2", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -webkit-mask-position-y CSS property sets the initial vertical position of a mask image."}, {name: "-webkit-mask-repeat-x", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "repeat | no-repeat | space | round", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E18", "S5", "C3", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -webkit-mask-repeat-x property specifies whether and how a mask image is repeated (tiled) horizontally."}, {name: "-webkit-mask-repeat-y", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "repeat | no-repeat | space | round", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E18", "S5", "C3", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -webkit-mask-repeat-y property specifies whether and how a mask image is repeated (tiled) vertically."}, {name: "appearance", status: "experimental", syntax: "none | auto | button | textfield | menulist-button | <compat-auto>", relevance: 60, browsers: ["E84", "FF1", "S3", "C84", "O70"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Changes the appearance of buttons and other controls to resemble native controls."}, {name: "aspect-ratio", status: "experimental", syntax: "auto | <ratio>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF71", "C79"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The aspect-ratio CSS property sets a preferred aspect ratio for the box, which will be used in the calculation of auto sizes and some other layout functions."}, {name: "azimuth", status: "obsolete", syntax: "<angle> | [ [ left-side | far-left | left | center-left | center | center-right | right | far-right | right-side ] || behind ] | leftwards | rightwards", relevance: 0, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "In combination with elevation, the azimuth CSS property enables different audio sources to be positioned spatially for aural presentation. This is important in that it provides a natural way to tell several voices apart, as each can be positioned to originate at a different location on the sound stage. Stereo output produce a lateral sound stage, while binaural headphones and multi-speaker setups allow for a fully three-dimensional stage."}, {name: "backdrop-filter", syntax: "none | <filter-function-list>", relevance: 51, browsers: ["E17", "FF70", "S9", "C76", "O34"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The backdrop-filter CSS property lets you apply graphical effects such as blurring or color shifting to the area behind an element. Because it applies to everything behind the element, to see the effect you must make the element or its background at least partially transparent."}, {name: "border-block", syntax: "<'border-top-width'> || <'border-top-style'> || <'color'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-block CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical block border property values in a single place in the style sheet."}, {name: "border-block-color", syntax: "<'border-top-color'>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-block-color CSS property defines the color of the logical block borders of an element, which maps to a physical border color depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-color and border-bottom-color, or border-right-color and border-left-color property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "border-block-style", syntax: "<'border-top-style'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-block-style CSS property defines the style of the logical block borders of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style and border-bottom-style, or border-left-style and border-right-style properties depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "border-block-width", syntax: "<'border-top-width'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-block-width CSS property defines the width of the logical block borders of an element, which maps to a physical border width depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-width and border-bottom-width, or border-left-width, and border-right-width property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "border-end-end-radius", syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF66"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-end-end-radius CSS property defines a logical border radius on an element, which maps to a physical border radius that depends on on the element's writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "border-end-start-radius", syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF66"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-end-start-radius CSS property defines a logical border radius on an element, which maps to a physical border radius depending on the element's writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "border-inline", syntax: "<'border-top-width'> || <'border-top-style'> || <'color'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-inline CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical inline border property values in a single place in the style sheet."}, {name: "border-inline-color", syntax: "<'border-top-color'>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-inline-color CSS property defines the color of the logical inline borders of an element, which maps to a physical border color depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-color and border-bottom-color, or border-right-color and border-left-color property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "border-inline-style", syntax: "<'border-top-style'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-inline-style CSS property defines the style of the logical inline borders of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style and border-bottom-style, or border-left-style and border-right-style properties depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "border-inline-width", syntax: "<'border-top-width'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-inline-width CSS property defines the width of the logical inline borders of an element, which maps to a physical border width depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-width and border-bottom-width, or border-left-width, and border-right-width property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "border-start-end-radius", syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF66"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-start-end-radius CSS property defines a logical border radius on an element, which maps to a physical border radius depending on the element's writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "border-start-start-radius", syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF66"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The border-start-start-radius CSS property defines a logical border radius on an element, which maps to a physical border radius that depends on the element's writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "box-align", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "start | center | end | baseline | stretch", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E12", "FF1", "S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The box-align CSS property specifies how an element aligns its contents across its layout in a perpendicular direction. The effect of the property is only visible if there is extra space in the box."}, {name: "box-direction", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "normal | reverse | inherit", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E12", "FF1", "S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The box-direction CSS property specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge)."}, {name: "box-flex", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<number>", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E12", "FF1", "S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -moz-box-flex and -webkit-box-flex CSS properties specify how a -moz-box or -webkit-box grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout."}, {name: "box-flex-group", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<integer>", relevance: 0, browsers: ["S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The box-flex-group CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to a flex group."}, {name: "box-lines", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "single | multiple", relevance: 0, browsers: ["S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The box-lines CSS property determines whether the box may have a single or multiple lines (rows for horizontally oriented boxes, columns for vertically oriented boxes)."}, {name: "box-ordinal-group", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "<integer>", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E12", "FF1", "S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The box-ordinal-group CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to an ordinal group."}, {name: "box-orient", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E12", "FF1", "S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The box-orient CSS property specifies whether an element lays out its contents horizontally or vertically."}, {name: "box-pack", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "start | center | end | justify", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E12", "FF1", "S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The -moz-box-pack and -webkit-box-pack CSS properties specify how a -moz-box or -webkit-box packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box."}, {name: "color-adjust", syntax: "economy | exact", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF48", "S6", "C49", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The color-adjust property is a non-standard CSS extension that can be used to force printing of background colors and images in browsers based on the WebKit engine."}, {name: "counter-set", syntax: "[ <custom-ident> <integer>? ]+ | none", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF68"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The counter-set CSS property sets a CSS counter to a given value. It manipulates the value of existing counters, and will only create new counters if there isn't already a counter of the given name on the element."}, {name: "font-optical-sizing", syntax: "auto | none", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E17", "FF62", "S11", "C79", "O66"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The font-optical-sizing CSS property allows developers to control whether browsers render text with slightly differing visual representations to optimize viewing at different sizes, or not. This only works for fonts that have an optical size variation axis."}, {name: "font-variation-settings", syntax: "normal | [ <string> <number> ]#", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E17", "FF62", "S11", "C62", "O49"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The font-variation-settings CSS property provides low-level control over OpenType or TrueType font variations, by specifying the four letter axis names of the features you want to vary, along with their variation values."}, {name: "font-smooth", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "auto | never | always | <absolute-size> | <length>", relevance: 0, browsers: ["E79", "FF25", "S4", "C5", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: ""}, {name: "gap", syntax: "<'row-gap'> <'column-gap'>?", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E84", "FF63", "S10.1", "C84", "O70"], description: "The gap CSS property is a shorthand property for row-gap and column-gap specifying the gutters between grid rows and columns."}, {name: "hanging-punctuation", syntax: "none | [ first || [ force-end | allow-end ] || last ]", relevance: 50, browsers: ["S10"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The hanging-punctuation CSS property specifies whether a punctuation mark should hang at the start or end of a line of text. Hanging punctuation may be placed outside the line box."}, {name: "image-resolution", status: "experimental", syntax: "[ from-image || <resolution> ] && snap?", relevance: 50, description: "The image-resolution property specifies the intrinsic resolution of all raster images used in or on the element. It affects both content images (e.g. replaced elements and generated content) and decorative images (such as background-image). The intrinsic resolution of an image is used to determine the images intrinsic dimensions."}, {name: "initial-letter", status: "experimental", syntax: "normal | [ <number> <integer>? ]", relevance: 50, browsers: ["S9"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The initial-letter CSS property specifies styling for dropped, raised, and sunken initial letters."}, {name: "initial-letter-align", status: "experimental", syntax: "[ auto | alphabetic | hanging | ideographic ]", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The initial-letter-align CSS property specifies the alignment of initial letters within a paragraph."}, {name: "inset", syntax: "<'top'>{1,4}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF66"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The inset CSS property defines the logical block and inline start and end offsets of an element, which map to physical offsets depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top and bottom, or right and left properties depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "inset-block", syntax: "<'top'>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF63", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The inset-block CSS property defines the logical block start and end offsets of an element, which maps to physical offsets depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top and bottom, or right and left properties depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "inset-block-end", syntax: "<'top'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF63", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The inset-block-end CSS property defines the logical block end offset of an element, which maps to a physical offset depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top, right, bottom, or left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "inset-block-start", syntax: "<'top'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF63", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The inset-block-start CSS property defines the logical block start offset of an element, which maps to a physical offset depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top, right, bottom, or left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "inset-inline", syntax: "<'top'>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF63", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The inset-inline CSS property defines the logical block start and end offsets of an element, which maps to physical offsets depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top and bottom, or right and left properties depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "inset-inline-end", syntax: "<'top'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF63", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The inset-inline-end CSS property defines the logical inline end inset of an element, which maps to a physical inset depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top, right, bottom, or left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "inset-inline-start", syntax: "<'top'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF63", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The inset-inline-start CSS property defines the logical inline start inset of an element, which maps to a physical offset depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top, right, bottom, or left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation."}, {name: "line-clamp", status: "experimental", syntax: "none | <integer>", relevance: 50, description: "The line-clamp property allows limiting the contents of a block container to the specified number of lines; remaining content is fragmented away and neither rendered nor measured. Optionally, it also allows inserting content into the last line box to indicate the continuity of truncated/interrupted content."}, {name: "line-height-step", status: "experimental", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "C60", "O47"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The line-height-step CSS property defines the step units for line box heights. When the step unit is positive, line box heights are rounded up to the closest multiple of the unit. Negative values are invalid."}, {name: "margin-block", syntax: "<'margin-left'>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The margin-block CSS property defines the logical block start and end margins of an element, which maps to physical margins depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation."}, {name: "margin-inline", syntax: "<'margin-left'>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The margin-inline CSS property defines the logical inline start and end margins of an element, which maps to physical margins depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation."}, {name: "margin-trim", status: "experimental", syntax: "none | in-flow | all", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The margin-trim property allows the container to trim the margins of its children where they adjoin the containers edges."}, {name: "mask", syntax: "<mask-layer>#", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E12", "FF2", "S3.2", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The mask CSS property alters the visibility of an element by either partially or fully hiding it. This is accomplished by either masking or clipping the image at specific points."}, {name: "mask-border", syntax: "<'mask-border-source'> || <'mask-border-slice'> [ / <'mask-border-width'>? [ / <'mask-border-outset'> ]? ]? || <'mask-border-repeat'> || <'mask-border-mode'>", relevance: 50, description: "The mask-border CSS property lets you create a mask along the edge of an element's border.\n\nThis property is a shorthand for mask-border-source, mask-border-slice, mask-border-width, mask-border-outset, mask-border-repeat, and mask-border-mode. As with all shorthand properties, any omitted sub-values will be set to their initial value."}, {name: "mask-border-mode", syntax: "luminance | alpha", relevance: 50, description: "The mask-border-mode CSS property specifies the blending mode used in a mask border."}, {name: "mask-border-outset", syntax: "[ <length> | <number> ]{1,4}", relevance: 50, description: "The mask-border-outset CSS property specifies the distance by which an element's mask border is set out from its border box."}, {name: "mask-border-repeat", syntax: "[ stretch | repeat | round | space ]{1,2}", relevance: 50, description: "The mask-border-repeat CSS property defines how the edge regions of a source image are adjusted to fit the dimensions of an element's mask border."}, {name: "mask-border-slice", syntax: "<number-percentage>{1,4} fill?", relevance: 50, description: "The mask-border-slice CSS property divides the image specified by mask-border-source into regions. These regions are used to form the components of an element's mask border."}, {name: "mask-border-source", syntax: "none | <image>", relevance: 50, description: "The mask-border-source CSS property specifies the source image used to create an element's mask border.\n\nThe mask-border-slice property is used to divide the source image into regions, which are then dynamically applied to the final mask border."}, {name: "mask-border-width", syntax: "[ <length-percentage> | <number> | auto ]{1,4}", relevance: 50, description: "The mask-border-width CSS property specifies the width of an element's mask border."}, {name: "mask-clip", syntax: "[ <geometry-box> | no-clip ]#", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF53", "S4", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The mask-clip CSS property determines the area, which is affected by a mask. The painted content of an element must be restricted to this area."}, {name: "mask-composite", syntax: "<compositing-operator>#", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E18", "FF53"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The mask-composite CSS property represents a compositing operation used on the current mask layer with the mask layers below it."}, {name: "max-lines", status: "experimental", syntax: "none | <integer>", relevance: 50, description: "The max-liens property forces a break after a set number of lines"}, {name: "offset", syntax: "[ <'offset-position'>? [ <'offset-path'> [ <'offset-distance'> || <'offset-rotate'> ]? ]? ]! [ / <'offset-anchor'> ]?", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF72", "C55", "O42"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The offset CSS property is a shorthand property for animating an element along a defined path."}, {name: "offset-anchor", syntax: "auto | <position>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF72", "C79"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines an anchor point of the box positioned along the path. The anchor point specifies the point of the box which is to be considered as the point that is moved along the path."}, {name: "offset-distance", syntax: "<length-percentage>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF72", "C55", "O42"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The offset-distance CSS property specifies a position along an offset-path."}, {name: "offset-path", syntax: "none | ray( [ <angle> && <size>? && contain? ] ) | <path()> | <url> | [ <basic-shape> || <geometry-box> ]", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF72", "C55", "O45"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: 'The offset-path CSS property specifies the offset path where the element gets positioned. The exact elements position on the offset path is determined by the offset-distance property. An offset path is either a specified path with one or multiple sub-paths or the geometry of a not-styled basic shape. Each shape or path must define an initial position for the computed value of "0" for offset-distance and an initial direction which specifies the rotation of the object to the initial position.\n\nIn this specification, a direction (or rotation) of 0 degrees is equivalent to the direction of the positive x-axis in the objects local coordinate system. In other words, a rotation of 0 degree points to the right side of the UA if the object and its ancestors have no transformation applied.'}, {name: "offset-position", status: "experimental", syntax: "auto | <position>", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Specifies the initial position of the offset path. If position is specified with static, offset-position would be ignored."}, {name: "offset-rotate", syntax: "[ auto | reverse ] || <angle>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF72", "C56", "O43"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The offset-rotate CSS property defines the direction of the element while positioning along the offset path."}, {name: "overflow-anchor", syntax: "auto | none", relevance: 51, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C56", "O43"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The overflow-anchor CSS property provides a way to opt out browser scroll anchoring behavior which adjusts scroll position to minimize content shifts."}, {name: "overflow-block", syntax: "visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF69"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The overflow-block CSS media feature can be used to test how the output device handles content that overflows the initial containing block along the block axis."}, {name: "overflow-clip-box", status: "nonstandard", syntax: "padding-box | content-box", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF29"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The overflow-clip-box CSS property specifies relative to which box the clipping happens when there is an overflow. It is short hand for the overflow-clip-box-inline and overflow-clip-box-block properties."}, {name: "overflow-inline", syntax: "visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF69"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The overflow-inline CSS media feature can be used to test how the output device handles content that overflows the initial containing block along the inline axis."}, {name: "overscroll-behavior", syntax: "[ contain | none | auto ]{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E18", "FF59", "C63", "O50"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The overscroll-behavior CSS property is shorthand for the overscroll-behavior-x and overscroll-behavior-y properties, which allow you to control the browser's scroll overflow behavior — what happens when the boundary of a scrolling area is reached."}, {name: "overscroll-behavior-block", syntax: "contain | none | auto", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF73", "C77", "O64"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The overscroll-behavior-block CSS property sets the browser's behavior when the block direction boundary of a scrolling area is reached."}, {name: "overscroll-behavior-inline", syntax: "contain | none | auto", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF73", "C77", "O64"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The overscroll-behavior-inline CSS property sets the browser's behavior when the inline direction boundary of a scrolling area is reached."}, {name: "overscroll-behavior-x", syntax: "contain | none | auto", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E18", "FF59", "C63", "O50"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The overscroll-behavior-x CSS property is allows you to control the browser's scroll overflow behavior — what happens when the boundary of a scrolling area is reached — in the x axis direction."}, {name: "overscroll-behavior-y", syntax: "contain | none | auto", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E18", "FF59", "C63", "O50"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The overscroll-behavior-y CSS property is allows you to control the browser's scroll overflow behavior — what happens when the boundary of a scrolling area is reached — in the y axis direction."}, {name: "padding-block", syntax: "<'padding-left'>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The padding-block CSS property defines the logical block start and end padding of an element, which maps to physical padding properties depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation."}, {name: "padding-inline", syntax: "<'padding-left'>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF66", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The padding-inline CSS property defines the logical inline start and end padding of an element, which maps to physical padding properties depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation."}, {name: "place-content", syntax: "<'align-content'> <'justify-content'>?", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF53", "S9", "C59", "O46"], description: "The place-content CSS shorthand property sets both the align-content and justify-content properties."}, {name: "place-items", syntax: "<'align-items'> <'justify-items'>?", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF45", "S11", "C59", "O46"], description: "The CSS place-items shorthand property sets both the align-items and justify-items properties. The first value is the align-items property value, the second the justify-items one. If the second value is not present, the first value is also used for it."}, {name: "place-self", syntax: "<'align-self'> <'justify-self'>?", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF45", "C59", "O46"], description: "The place-self CSS property is a shorthand property sets both the align-self and justify-self properties. The first value is the align-self property value, the second the justify-self one. If the second value is not present, the first value is also used for it."}, {name: "rotate", syntax: "none | <angle> | [ x | y | z | <number>{3} ] && <angle>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF72"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The rotate CSS property allows you to specify rotation transforms individually and independently of the transform property. This maps better to typical user interface usage, and saves having to remember the exact order of transform functions to specify in the transform value."}, {name: "row-gap", syntax: "normal | <length-percentage>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E84", "FF63", "S10.1", "C84", "O70"], description: "The row-gap CSS property specifies the gutter between grid rows."}, {name: "ruby-merge", status: "experimental", syntax: "separate | collapse | auto", relevance: 50, description: "This property controls how ruby annotation boxes should be rendered when there are more than one in a ruby container box: whether each pair should be kept separate, the annotations should be collapsed and rendered as a group, or the separation should be determined based on the space available."}, {name: "scale", syntax: "none | <number>{1,3}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF72"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scale CSS property allows you to specify scale transforms individually and independently of the transform property. This maps better to typical user interface usage, and saves having to remember the exact order of transform functions to specify in the transform value."}, {name: "scrollbar-color", syntax: "auto | dark | light | <color>{2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF64"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scrollbar-color CSS property sets the color of the scrollbar track and thumb."}, {name: "scrollbar-width", syntax: "auto | thin | none", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF64"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scrollbar-width property allows the author to set the maximum thickness of an elements scrollbars when they are shown. "}, {name: "scroll-margin", syntax: "<length>{1,4}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin property is a shorthand property which sets all of the scroll-margin longhands, assigning values much like the margin property does for the margin-* longhands."}, {name: "scroll-margin-block", syntax: "<length>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin-block property is a shorthand property which sets the scroll-margin longhands in the block dimension."}, {name: "scroll-margin-block-start", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin-block-start property defines the margin of the scroll snap area at the start of the block dimension that is used for snapping this box to the snapport. The scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll containers coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets."}, {name: "scroll-margin-block-end", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin-block-end property defines the margin of the scroll snap area at the end of the block dimension that is used for snapping this box to the snapport. The scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll containers coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets."}, {name: "scroll-margin-bottom", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin-bottom property defines the bottom margin of the scroll snap area that is used for snapping this box to the snapport. The scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll containers coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets."}, {name: "scroll-margin-inline", syntax: "<length>{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF68"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin-inline property is a shorthand property which sets the scroll-margin longhands in the inline dimension."}, {name: "scroll-margin-inline-start", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin-inline-start property defines the margin of the scroll snap area at the start of the inline dimension that is used for snapping this box to the snapport. The scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll containers coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets."}, {name: "scroll-margin-inline-end", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin-inline-end property defines the margin of the scroll snap area at the end of the inline dimension that is used for snapping this box to the snapport. The scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll containers coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets."}, {name: "scroll-margin-left", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin-left property defines the left margin of the scroll snap area that is used for snapping this box to the snapport. The scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll containers coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets."}, {name: "scroll-margin-right", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin-right property defines the right margin of the scroll snap area that is used for snapping this box to the snapport. The scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll containers coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets."}, {name: "scroll-margin-top", syntax: "<length>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-margin-top property defines the top margin of the scroll snap area that is used for snapping this box to the snapport. The scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll containers coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets."}, {name: "scroll-padding", syntax: "[ auto | <length-percentage> ]{1,4}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding property is a shorthand property which sets all of the scroll-padding longhands, assigning values much like the padding property does for the padding-* longhands."}, {name: "scroll-padding-block", syntax: "[ auto | <length-percentage> ]{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding-block property is a shorthand property which sets the scroll-padding longhands for the block dimension."}, {name: "scroll-padding-block-start", syntax: "auto | <length-percentage>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding-block-start property defines offsets for the start edge in the block dimension of the optimal viewing region of the scrollport: the region used as the target region for placing things in view of the user. This allows the author to exclude regions of the scrollport that are obscured by other content (such as fixed-positioned toolbars or sidebars) or simply to put more breathing room between a targeted element and the edges of the scrollport."}, {name: "scroll-padding-block-end", syntax: "auto | <length-percentage>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding-block-end property defines offsets for the end edge in the block dimension of the optimal viewing region of the scrollport: the region used as the target region for placing things in view of the user. This allows the author to exclude regions of the scrollport that are obscured by other content (such as fixed-positioned toolbars or sidebars) or simply to put more breathing room between a targeted element and the edges of the scrollport."}, {name: "scroll-padding-bottom", syntax: "auto | <length-percentage>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding-bottom property defines offsets for the bottom of the optimal viewing region of the scrollport: the region used as the target region for placing things in view of the user. This allows the author to exclude regions of the scrollport that are obscured by other content (such as fixed-positioned toolbars or sidebars) or simply to put more breathing room between a targeted element and the edges of the scrollport."}, {name: "scroll-padding-inline", syntax: "[ auto | <length-percentage> ]{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding-inline property is a shorthand property which sets the scroll-padding longhands for the inline dimension."}, {name: "scroll-padding-inline-start", syntax: "auto | <length-percentage>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding-inline-start property defines offsets for the start edge in the inline dimension of the optimal viewing region of the scrollport: the region used as the target region for placing things in view of the user. This allows the author to exclude regions of the scrollport that are obscured by other content (such as fixed-positioned toolbars or sidebars) or simply to put more breathing room between a targeted element and the edges of the scrollport."}, {name: "scroll-padding-inline-end", syntax: "auto | <length-percentage>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding-inline-end property defines offsets for the end edge in the inline dimension of the optimal viewing region of the scrollport: the region used as the target region for placing things in view of the user. This allows the author to exclude regions of the scrollport that are obscured by other content (such as fixed-positioned toolbars or sidebars) or simply to put more breathing room between a targeted element and the edges of the scrollport."}, {name: "scroll-padding-left", syntax: "auto | <length-percentage>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding-left property defines offsets for the left of the optimal viewing region of the scrollport: the region used as the target region for placing things in view of the user. This allows the author to exclude regions of the scrollport that are obscured by other content (such as fixed-positioned toolbars or sidebars) or simply to put more breathing room between a targeted element and the edges of the scrollport."}, {name: "scroll-padding-right", syntax: "auto | <length-percentage>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding-right property defines offsets for the right of the optimal viewing region of the scrollport: the region used as the target region for placing things in view of the user. This allows the author to exclude regions of the scrollport that are obscured by other content (such as fixed-positioned toolbars or sidebars) or simply to put more breathing room between a targeted element and the edges of the scrollport."}, {name: "scroll-padding-top", syntax: "auto | <length-percentage>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-padding-top property defines offsets for the top of the optimal viewing region of the scrollport: the region used as the target region for placing things in view of the user. This allows the author to exclude regions of the scrollport that are obscured by other content (such as fixed-positioned toolbars or sidebars) or simply to put more breathing room between a targeted element and the edges of the scrollport."}, {name: "scroll-snap-align", syntax: "[ none | start | end | center ]{1,2}", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF68", "S11", "C69", "O56"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-snap-align property specifies the boxs snap position as an alignment of its snap area (as the alignment subject) within its snap containers snapport (as the alignment container). The two values specify the snapping alignment in the block axis and inline axis, respectively. If only one value is specified, the second value defaults to the same value."}, {name: "scroll-snap-stop", syntax: "normal | always", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "C75", "O62"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: 'The scroll-snap-stop CSS property defines whether the scroll container is allowed to "pass over" possible snap positions.'}, {name: "scroll-snap-type-x", status: "obsolete", syntax: "none | mandatory | proximity", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF39", "S9"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-snap-type-x CSS property defines how strictly snap points are enforced on the horizontal axis of the scroll container in case there is one.\n\nSpecifying any precise animations or physics used to enforce those snap points is not covered by this property but instead left up to the user agent."}, {name: "scroll-snap-type-y", status: "obsolete", syntax: "none | mandatory | proximity", relevance: 0, browsers: ["FF39"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The scroll-snap-type-y CSS property defines how strictly snap points are enforced on the vertical axis of the scroll container in case there is one.\n\nSpecifying any precise animations or physics used to enforce those snap points is not covered by this property but instead left up to the user agent."}, {name: "text-combine-upright", syntax: "none | all | [ digits <integer>? ]", relevance: 50, references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The text-combine-upright CSS property specifies the combination of multiple characters into the space of a single character. If the combined text is wider than 1em, the user agent must fit the contents within 1em. The resulting composition is treated as a single upright glyph for layout and decoration. This property only has an effect in vertical writing modes.\n\nThis is used to produce an effect that is known as tate-chū-yoko (縦中横) in Japanese, or as 直書橫向 in Chinese."}, {name: "text-decoration-skip", status: "experimental", syntax: "none | [ objects || [ spaces | [ leading-spaces || trailing-spaces ] ] || edges || box-decoration ]", relevance: 52, browsers: ["S12.1", "C57", "O44"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The text-decoration-skip CSS property specifies what parts of the elements content any text decoration affecting the element must skip over. It controls all text decoration lines drawn by the element and also any text decoration lines drawn by its ancestors."}, {name: "text-decoration-skip-ink", syntax: "auto | all | none", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF70", "C64", "O50"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The text-decoration-skip-ink CSS property specifies how overlines and underlines are drawn when they pass over glyph ascenders and descenders."}, {name: "text-decoration-thickness", syntax: "auto | from-font | <length> | <percentage> ", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF70", "S12.1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The text-decoration-thickness CSS property sets the thickness, or width, of the decoration line that is used on text in an element, such as a line-through, underline, or overline."}, {name: "text-emphasis", syntax: "<'text-emphasis-style'> || <'text-emphasis-color'>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF46", "S6.1", "C25", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The text-emphasis CSS property is a shorthand property for setting text-emphasis-style and text-emphasis-color in one declaration. This property will apply the specified emphasis mark to each character of the element's text, except separator characters, like spaces, and control characters."}, {name: "text-emphasis-color", syntax: "<color>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF46", "S6.1", "C25", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The text-emphasis-color CSS property defines the color used to draw emphasis marks on text being rendered in the HTML document. This value can also be set and reset using the text-emphasis shorthand."}, {name: "text-emphasis-position", syntax: "[ over | under ] && [ right | left ]", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF46", "S6.1", "C25", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The text-emphasis-position CSS property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at. The effect of emphasis marks on the line height is the same as for ruby text: if there isn't enough place, the line height is increased."}, {name: "text-emphasis-style", syntax: "none | [ [ filled | open ] || [ dot | circle | double-circle | triangle | sesame ] ] | <string>", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF46", "S6.1", "C25", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The text-emphasis-style CSS property defines the type of emphasis used. It can also be set, and reset, using the text-emphasis shorthand."}, {name: "text-size-adjust", status: "experimental", syntax: "none | auto | <percentage>", relevance: 56, browsers: ["E79", "C54", "O41"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The text-size-adjust CSS property controls the text inflation algorithm used on some smartphones and tablets. Other browsers will ignore this property."}, {name: "text-underline-offset", syntax: "auto | <length> | <percentage> ", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF70", "S12.1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The text-underline-offset CSS property sets the offset distance of an underline text decoration line (applied using text-decoration) from its original position."}, {name: "transform-box", syntax: "content-box | border-box | fill-box | stroke-box | view-box", relevance: 50, browsers: ["E79", "FF55", "S11", "C64", "O51"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The transform-box CSS property defines the layout box to which the transform and transform-origin properties relate."}, {name: "translate", syntax: "none | <length-percentage> [ <length-percentage> <length>? ]?", relevance: 50, browsers: ["FF72"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The translate CSS property allows you to specify translation transforms individually and independently of the transform property. This maps better to typical user interface usage, and saves having to remember the exact order of transform functions to specify in the transform value."}, {name: "speak-as", syntax: "auto | bullets | numbers | words | spell-out | <counter-style-name>", relevance: 50, description: "The speak-as descriptor specifies how a counter symbol constructed with a given @counter-style will be represented in the spoken form. For example, an author can specify a counter symbol to be either spoken as its numerical value or just represented with an audio cue."}, {name: "font-display", status: "experimental", syntax: "[ auto | block | swap | fallback | optional ]", relevance: 54, description: "The font-display descriptor determines how a font face is displayed based on whether and when it is downloaded and ready to use."}, {name: "bleed", syntax: "auto | <length>", relevance: 50, description: "The bleed CSS at-rule descriptor, used with the @page at-rule, specifies the extent of the page bleed area outside the page box. This property only has effect if crop marks are enabled using the marks property."}, {name: "marks", syntax: "none | [ crop || cross ]", relevance: 50, description: "The marks CSS at-rule descriptor, used with the @page at-rule, adds crop and/or cross marks to the presentation of the document. Crop marks indicate where the page should be cut. Cross marks are used to align sheets."}, {name: "max-zoom", syntax: "auto | <number> | <percentage>", relevance: 50, description: "The max-zoom CSS descriptor sets the maximum zoom factor of a document defined by the @viewport at-rule. The browser will not zoom in any further than this, whether automatically or at the user's request.\n\nA zoom factor of 1.0 or 100% corresponds to no zooming. Larger values are zoomed in. Smaller values are zoomed out."}, {name: "min-zoom", syntax: "auto | <number> | <percentage>", relevance: 50, description: "The min-zoom CSS descriptor sets the minimum zoom factor of a document defined by the @viewport at-rule. The browser will not zoom out any further than this, whether automatically or at the user's request.\n\nA zoom factor of 1.0 or 100% corresponds to no zooming. Larger values are zoomed in. Smaller values are zoomed out."}, {name: "orientation", syntax: "auto | portrait | landscape", relevance: 50, description: "The orientation CSS @media media feature can be used to apply styles based on the orientation of the viewport (or the page box, for paged media)."}, {name: "user-zoom", syntax: "zoom | fixed", relevance: 50, description: "The user-zoom CSS descriptor controls whether or not the user can change the zoom factor of a document defined by @viewport."}, {name: "viewport-fit", syntax: "auto | contain | cover", relevance: 50, description: "The border-block-style CSS property defines the style of the logical block borders of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation."}], atDirectives: [{name: "@charset", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines character set of the document."}, {name: "@counter-style", browsers: ["FF33"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines a custom counter style."}, {name: "@font-face", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Allows for linking to fonts that are automatically activated when needed. This permits authors to work around the limitation of 'web-safe' fonts, allowing for consistent rendering independent of the fonts available in a given user's environment."}, {name: "@font-feature-values", browsers: ["FF34", "S9.1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines named values for the indices used to select alternate glyphs for a given font family."}, {name: "@import", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Includes content of another file."}, {name: "@keyframes", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines set of animation key frames."}, {name: "@media", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Defines a stylesheet for a particular media type."}, {name: "@-moz-document", browsers: ["FF1.8"], description: "Gecko-specific at-rule that restricts the style rules contained within it based on the URL of the document."}, {name: "@-moz-keyframes", browsers: ["FF5"], description: "Defines set of animation key frames."}, {name: "@-ms-viewport", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Specifies the size, zoom factor, and orientation of the viewport."}, {name: "@namespace", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Declares a prefix and associates it with a namespace name."}, {name: "@-o-keyframes", browsers: ["O12"], description: "Defines set of animation key frames."}, {name: "@-o-viewport", browsers: ["O11"], description: "Specifies the size, zoom factor, and orientation of the viewport."}, {name: "@page", browsers: ["E12", "FF19", "C2", "IE8", "O6"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Directive defines various page parameters."}, {name: "@supports", browsers: ["E12", "FF22", "S9", "C28", "O12.1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "A conditional group rule whose condition tests whether the user agent supports CSS property:value pairs."}, {name: "@-webkit-keyframes", browsers: ["C", "S4"], description: "Defines set of animation key frames."}], pseudoClasses: [{name: ":active", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Applies while an element is being activated by the user. For example, between the times the user presses the mouse button and releases it."}, {name: ":any-link", browsers: ["E79", "FF50", "S9", "C65", "O52"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents an element that acts as the source anchor of a hyperlink. Applies to both visited and unvisited links."}, {name: ":checked", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Radio and checkbox elements can be toggled by the user. Some menu items are 'checked' when the user selects them. When such elements are toggled 'on' the :checked pseudo-class applies."}, {name: ":corner-present", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Non-standard. Indicates whether or not a scrollbar corner is present."}, {name: ":decrement", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Non-standard. Applies to buttons and track pieces. Indicates whether or not the button or track piece will decrement the views position when used."}, {name: ":default", browsers: ["E79", "FF4", "S5", "C10", "O10"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Applies to the one or more UI elements that are the default among a set of similar elements. Typically applies to context menu items, buttons, and select lists/menus."}, {name: ":disabled", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents user interface elements that are in a disabled state; such elements have a corresponding enabled state."}, {name: ":double-button", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Non-standard. Applies to buttons and track pieces. Applies when both buttons are displayed together at the same end of the scrollbar."}, {name: ":empty", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents an element that has no children at all."}, {name: ":enabled", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents user interface elements that are in an enabled state; such elements have a corresponding disabled state."}, {name: ":end", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Non-standard. Applies to buttons and track pieces. Indicates whether the object is placed after the thumb."}, {name: ":first", browsers: ["E12", "S6", "C18", "IE8", "O9.2"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "When printing double-sided documents, the page boxes on left and right pages may be different. This can be expressed through CSS pseudo-classes defined in the page context."}, {name: ":first-child", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Same as :nth-child(1). Represents an element that is the first child of some other element."}, {name: ":first-of-type", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Same as :nth-of-type(1). Represents an element that is the first sibling of its type in the list of children of its parent element."}, {name: ":focus", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Applies while an element has the focus (accepts keyboard or mouse events, or other forms of input)."}, {name: ":fullscreen", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Matches any element that has its fullscreen flag set."}, {name: ":future", browsers: ["C", "O16", "S6"], description: "Represents any element that is defined to occur entirely after a :current element."}, {name: ":horizontal", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Non-standard. Applies to any scrollbar pieces that have a horizontal orientation."}, {name: ":host", browsers: ["E79", "FF63", "S10", "C54", "O41"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "When evaluated in the context of a shadow tree, matches the shadow trees host element."}, {name: ":host()", browsers: ["C35", "O22"], description: "When evaluated in the context of a shadow tree, it matches the shadow trees host element if the host element, in its normal context, matches the selector argument."}, {name: ":host-context()", browsers: ["C35", "O22"], description: "Tests whether there is an ancestor, outside the shadow tree, which matches a particular selector."}, {name: ":hover", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Applies while the user designates an element with a pointing device, but does not necessarily activate it. For example, a visual user agent could apply this pseudo-class when the cursor (mouse pointer) hovers over a box generated by the element."}, {name: ":increment", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Non-standard. Applies to buttons and track pieces. Indicates whether or not the button or track piece will increment the views position when used."}, {name: ":indeterminate", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Applies to UI elements whose value is in an indeterminate state."}, {name: ":in-range", browsers: ["E13", "FF29", "S5.1", "C10", "O11"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Used in conjunction with the min and max attributes, whether on a range input, a number field, or any other types that accept those attributes."}, {name: ":invalid", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "An element is :valid or :invalid when it is, respectively, valid or invalid with respect to data validity semantics defined by a different specification."}, {name: ":lang()", browsers: ["E", "C", "FF1", "IE8", "O8", "S3"], description: "Represents an element that is in language specified."}, {name: ":last-child", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Same as :nth-last-child(1). Represents an element that is the last child of some other element."}, {name: ":last-of-type", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Same as :nth-last-of-type(1). Represents an element that is the last sibling of its type in the list of children of its parent element."}, {name: ":left", browsers: ["E12", "S5.1", "C6", "IE8", "O9.2"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "When printing double-sided documents, the page boxes on left and right pages may be different. This can be expressed through CSS pseudo-classes defined in the page context."}, {name: ":link", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Applies to links that have not yet been visited."}, {name: ":matches()", browsers: ["S9"], description: "Takes a selector list as its argument. It represents an element that is represented by its argument."}, {name: ":-moz-any()", browsers: ["FF4"], description: "Represents an element that is represented by the selector list passed as its argument. Standardized as :matches()."}, {name: ":-moz-any-link", browsers: ["FF1"], description: "Represents an element that acts as the source anchor of a hyperlink. Applies to both visited and unvisited links."}, {name: ":-moz-broken", browsers: ["FF3"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Non-standard. Matches elements representing broken images."}, {name: ":-moz-drag-over", browsers: ["FF1"], description: "Non-standard. Matches elements when a drag-over event applies to it."}, {name: ":-moz-first-node", browsers: ["FF1"], description: "Non-standard. Represents an element that is the first child node of some other element."}, {name: ":-moz-focusring", browsers: ["FF4"], description: "Non-standard. Matches an element that has focus and focus ring drawing is enabled in the browser."}, {name: ":-moz-full-screen", browsers: ["FF9"], description: "Matches any element that has its fullscreen flag set. Standardized as :fullscreen."}, {name: ":-moz-last-node", browsers: ["FF1"], description: "Non-standard. Represents an element that is the last child node of some other element."}, {name: ":-moz-loading", browsers: ["FF3"], description: "Non-standard. Matches elements, such as images, that havent started loading yet."}, {name: ":-moz-only-whitespace", browsers: ["FF1"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The same as :empty, except that it additionally matches elements that only contain code points affected by whitespace processing. Standardized as :blank."}, {name: ":-moz-placeholder", browsers: ["FF4"], description: "Deprecated. Represents placeholder text in an input field. Use ::-moz-placeholder for Firefox 19+."}, {name: ":-moz-submit-invalid", browsers: ["FF4"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Non-standard. Represents any submit button when the contents of the associated form are not valid."}, {name: ":-moz-suppressed", browsers: ["FF3"], description: "Non-standard. Matches elements representing images that have been blocked from loading."}, {name: ":-moz-ui-invalid", browsers: ["FF4"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Non-standard. Represents any validated form element whose value isn't valid "}, {name: ":-moz-ui-valid", browsers: ["FF4"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Non-standard. Represents any validated form element whose value is valid "}, {name: ":-moz-user-disabled", browsers: ["FF3"], description: "Non-standard. Matches elements representing images that have been disabled due to the users preferences."}, {name: ":-moz-window-inactive", browsers: ["FF4"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Non-standard. Matches elements in an inactive window."}, {name: ":-ms-fullscreen", browsers: ["IE11"], description: "Matches any element that has its fullscreen flag set."}, {name: ":-ms-input-placeholder", browsers: ["IE10"], description: "Represents placeholder text in an input field. Note: for Edge use the pseudo-element ::-ms-input-placeholder. Standardized as ::placeholder."}, {name: ":-ms-keyboard-active", browsers: ["IE10"], description: "Windows Store apps only. Applies one or more styles to an element when it has focus and the user presses the space bar."}, {name: ":-ms-lang()", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents an element that is in the language specified. Accepts a comma separated list of language tokens."}, {name: ":no-button", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Non-standard. Applies to track pieces. Applies when there is no button at that end of the track."}, {name: ":not()", browsers: ["E", "C", "FF1", "IE9", "O9.5", "S2"], description: "The negation pseudo-class, :not(X), is a functional notation taking a simple selector (excluding the negation pseudo-class itself) as an argument. It represents an element that is not represented by its argument."}, {name: ":nth-child()", browsers: ["E", "C", "FF3.5", "IE9", "O9.5", "S3.1"], description: "Represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings before it in the document tree, for any positive integer or zero value of n, and has a parent element."}, {name: ":nth-last-child()", browsers: ["E", "C", "FF3.5", "IE9", "O9.5", "S3.1"], description: "Represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings after it in the document tree, for any positive integer or zero value of n, and has a parent element."}, {name: ":nth-last-of-type()", browsers: ["E", "C", "FF3.5", "IE9", "O9.5", "S3.1"], description: "Represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name after it in the document tree, for any zero or positive integer value of n, and has a parent element."}, {name: ":nth-of-type()", browsers: ["E", "C", "FF3.5", "IE9", "O9.5", "S3.1"], description: "Represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name before it in the document tree, for any zero or positive integer value of n, and has a parent element."}, {name: ":only-child", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents an element that has a parent element and whose parent element has no other element children. Same as :first-child:last-child or :nth-child(1):nth-last-child(1), but with a lower specificity."}, {name: ":only-of-type", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Matches every element that is the only child of its type, of its parent. Same as :first-of-type:last-of-type or :nth-of-type(1):nth-last-of-type(1), but with a lower specificity."}, {name: ":optional", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "A form element is :required or :optional if a value for it is, respectively, required or optional before the form it belongs to is submitted. Elements that are not form elements are neither required nor optional."}, {name: ":out-of-range", browsers: ["E13", "FF29", "S5.1", "C10", "O11"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Used in conjunction with the min and max attributes, whether on a range input, a number field, or any other types that accept those attributes."}, {name: ":past", browsers: ["C", "O16", "S6"], description: "Represents any element that is defined to occur entirely prior to a :current element."}, {name: ":read-only", browsers: ["E13", "FF78", "S4", "C1", "O9"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "An element whose contents are not user-alterable is :read-only. However, elements whose contents are user-alterable (such as text input fields) are considered to be in a :read-write state. In typical documents, most elements are :read-only."}, {name: ":read-write", browsers: ["E13", "FF78", "S4", "C1", "O9"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "An element whose contents are not user-alterable is :read-only. However, elements whose contents are user-alterable (such as text input fields) are considered to be in a :read-write state. In typical documents, most elements are :read-only."}, {name: ":required", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "A form element is :required or :optional if a value for it is, respectively, required or optional before the form it belongs to is submitted. Elements that are not form elements are neither required nor optional."}, {name: ":right", browsers: ["E12", "S5.1", "C6", "IE8", "O9.2"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "When printing double-sided documents, the page boxes on left and right pages may be different. This can be expressed through CSS pseudo-classes defined in the page context."}, {name: ":root", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents an element that is the root of the document. In HTML 4, this is always the HTML element."}, {name: ":scope", browsers: ["E79", "FF32", "S7", "C27", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents any element that is in the contextual reference element set."}, {name: ":single-button", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Non-standard. Applies to buttons and track pieces. Applies when both buttons are displayed separately at either end of the scrollbar."}, {name: ":start", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Non-standard. Applies to buttons and track pieces. Indicates whether the object is placed before the thumb."}, {name: ":target", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Some URIs refer to a location within a resource. This kind of URI ends with a 'number sign' (#) followed by an anchor identifier (called the fragment identifier)."}, {name: ":valid", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "An element is :valid or :invalid when it is, respectively, valid or invalid with respect to data validity semantics defined by a different specification."}, {name: ":vertical", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Non-standard. Applies to any scrollbar pieces that have a vertical orientation."}, {name: ":visited", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Applies once the link has been visited by the user."}, {name: ":-webkit-any()", browsers: ["C", "S5"], description: "Represents an element that is represented by the selector list passed as its argument. Standardized as :matches()."}, {name: ":-webkit-full-screen", browsers: ["C", "S6"], description: "Matches any element that has its fullscreen flag set. Standardized as :fullscreen."}, {name: ":window-inactive", browsers: ["C", "S3"], description: "Non-standard. Applies to all scrollbar pieces. Indicates whether or not the window containing the scrollbar is currently active."}, {name: ":blank", status: "experimental", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The :blank CSS pseudo-class selects empty user input elements (eg. <input> or <textarea>)."}, {name: ":defined", status: "experimental", browsers: ["E79", "FF63", "S10", "C54", "O41"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The :defined CSS pseudo-class represents any element that has been defined. This includes any standard element built in to the browser, and custom elements that have been successfully defined (i.e. with the CustomElementRegistry.define() method)."}, {name: ":dir", browsers: ["FF49"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The :dir() CSS pseudo-class matches elements based on the directionality of the text contained in them."}, {name: ":focus-visible", status: "experimental", browsers: ["E79", "FF4", "C67", "O54"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The :focus-visible pseudo-class applies while an element matches the :focus pseudo-class and the UA determines via heuristics that the focus should be made evident on the element."}, {name: ":focus-within", status: "experimental", browsers: ["E79", "FF52", "S10.1", "C60", "O47"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The :focus-within pseudo-class applies to any element for which the :focus pseudo class applies as well as to an element whose descendant in the flat tree (including non-element nodes, such as text nodes) matches the conditions for matching :focus."}, {name: ":has", status: "experimental", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: ":The :has() CSS pseudo-class represents an element if any of the selectors passed as parameters (relative to the :scope of the given element), match at least one element."}, {name: ":is", status: "experimental", browsers: ["E79", "FF78", "S9", "C68", "O55"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The :is() CSS pseudo-class function takes a selector list as its argument, and selects any element that can be selected by one of the selectors in that list. This is useful for writing large selectors in a more compact form."}, {name: ":placeholder-shown", status: "experimental", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The :placeholder-shown CSS pseudo-class represents any <input> or <textarea> element that is currently displaying placeholder text."}, {name: ":where", status: "experimental", browsers: ["FF78", "C72"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The :where() CSS pseudo-class function takes a selector list as its argument, and selects any element that can be selected by one of the selectors in that list."}], pseudoElements: [{name: "::after", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents a styleable child pseudo-element immediately after the originating elements actual content."}, {name: "::backdrop", browsers: ["E12", "FF47", "C37", "IE11", "O24"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Used to create a backdrop that hides the underlying document for an element in a top layer (such as an element that is displayed fullscreen)."}, {name: "::before", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents a styleable child pseudo-element immediately before the originating elements actual content."}, {name: "::content", browsers: ["C35", "O22"], description: "Deprecated. Matches the distribution list itself, on elements that have one. Use ::slotted for forward compatibility."}, {name: "::cue", browsers: ["E79", "FF55", "S6.1", "C26", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::cue()", browsers: ["C", "O16", "S6"]}, {name: "::cue-region", browsers: ["C", "O16", "S6"]}, {name: "::cue-region()", browsers: ["C", "O16", "S6"]}, {name: "::first-letter", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents the first letter of an element, if it is not preceded by any other content (such as images or inline tables) on its line."}, {name: "::first-line", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Describes the contents of the first formatted line of its originating element."}, {name: "::-moz-focus-inner", browsers: ["FF4"]}, {name: "::-moz-focus-outer", browsers: ["FF4"]}, {name: "::-moz-list-bullet", browsers: ["FF1"], description: "Used to style the bullet of a list element. Similar to the standardized ::marker."}, {name: "::-moz-list-number", browsers: ["FF1"], description: "Used to style the numbers of a list element. Similar to the standardized ::marker."}, {name: "::-moz-placeholder", browsers: ["FF19"], description: "Represents placeholder text in an input field"}, {name: "::-moz-progress-bar", browsers: ["FF9"], description: "Represents the bar portion of a progress bar."}, {name: "::-moz-selection", browsers: ["FF1"], description: "Represents the portion of a document that has been highlighted by the user."}, {name: "::-ms-backdrop", browsers: ["IE11"], description: "Used to create a backdrop that hides the underlying document for an element in a top layer (such as an element that is displayed fullscreen)."}, {name: "::-ms-browse", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the browse button of an input type=file control."}, {name: "::-ms-check", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the check of a checkbox or radio button input control."}, {name: "::-ms-clear", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the clear button of a text input control"}, {name: "::-ms-expand", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the drop-down button of a select control."}, {name: "::-ms-fill", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the bar portion of a progress bar."}, {name: "::-ms-fill-lower", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the portion of the slider track from its smallest value up to the value currently selected by the thumb. In a left-to-right layout, this is the portion of the slider track to the left of the thumb."}, {name: "::-ms-fill-upper", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the portion of the slider track from the value currently selected by the thumb up to the slider's largest value. In a left-to-right layout, this is the portion of the slider track to the right of the thumb."}, {name: "::-ms-reveal", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the password reveal button of an input type=password control."}, {name: "::-ms-thumb", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the portion of range input control (also known as a slider control) that the user drags."}, {name: "::-ms-ticks-after", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the tick marks of a slider that begin just after the thumb and continue up to the slider's largest value. In a left-to-right layout, these are the ticks to the right of the thumb."}, {name: "::-ms-ticks-before", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the tick marks of a slider that represent its smallest values up to the value currently selected by the thumb. In a left-to-right layout, these are the ticks to the left of the thumb."}, {name: "::-ms-tooltip", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the tooltip of a slider (input type=range)."}, {name: "::-ms-track", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the track of a slider."}, {name: "::-ms-value", browsers: ["E", "IE10"], description: "Represents the content of a text or password input control, or a select control."}, {name: "::selection", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "Represents the portion of a document that has been highlighted by the user."}, {name: "::shadow", browsers: ["C35", "O22"], description: "Matches the shadow root if an element has a shadow tree."}, {name: "::-webkit-file-upload-button", browsers: ["E79", "S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-inner-spin-button", browsers: ["E79", "S5", "C6", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-input-placeholder", browsers: ["C", "S4"]}, {name: "::-webkit-keygen-select", browsers: ["C", "O", "S6"]}, {name: "::-webkit-meter-bar", browsers: ["E79", "S5.1", "C12", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value", browsers: ["E79", "S5.1", "C12", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-meter-optimum-value", browsers: ["E79", "S5.1", "C12", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value", browsers: ["E79", "S5.1", "C12", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-outer-spin-button", browsers: ["S5", "C6"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-progress-bar", browsers: ["E79", "S6.1", "C25", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-progress-inner-element", browsers: ["E79", "S6.1", "C23", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-progress-value", browsers: ["E79", "S6.1", "C25", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-resizer", browsers: ["E79", "S4", "C2", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-scrollbar", browsers: ["E79", "S4", "C2", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-scrollbar-button", browsers: ["E79", "S4", "C2", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-scrollbar-corner", browsers: ["E79", "S4", "C2", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb", browsers: ["E79", "S4", "C2", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-scrollbar-track", browsers: ["E79", "S4", "C2", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece", browsers: ["E79", "S4", "C2", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-search-cancel-button", browsers: ["E79", "S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-search-decoration", browsers: ["C", "S4"]}, {name: "::-webkit-search-results-button", browsers: ["E79", "S3", "C1", "O15"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}]}, {name: "::-webkit-search-results-decoration", browsers: ["C", "S4"]}, {name: "::-webkit-slider-runnable-track", browsers: ["C", "O", "S6"]}, {name: "::-webkit-slider-thumb", browsers: ["C", "O", "S6"]}, {name: "::-webkit-textfield-decoration-container", browsers: ["C", "O", "S6"]}, {name: "::-webkit-validation-bubble", browsers: ["C", "O", "S6"]}, {name: "::-webkit-validation-bubble-arrow", browsers: ["C", "O", "S6"]}, {name: "::-webkit-validation-bubble-arrow-clipper", browsers: ["C", "O", "S6"]}, {name: "::-webkit-validation-bubble-heading", browsers: ["C", "O", "S6"]}, {name: "::-webkit-validation-bubble-message", browsers: ["C", "O", "S6"]}, {name: "::-webkit-validation-bubble-text-block", browsers: ["C", "O", "S6"]}, {name: "::-moz-range-progress", status: "nonstandard", browsers: ["FF22"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: 'The ::-moz-range-progress CSS pseudo-element is a Mozilla extension that represents the lower portion of the track (i.e., groove) in which the indicator slides in an <input> of type="range". This portion corresponds to values lower than the value currently selected by the thumb (i.e., virtual knob).'}, {name: "::-moz-range-thumb", status: "nonstandard", browsers: ["FF21"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: `The ::-moz-range-thumb CSS pseudo-element is a Mozilla extension that represents the thumb (i.e., virtual knob) of an <input> of type="range". The user can move the thumb along the input's track to alter its numerical value.`}, {name: "::-moz-range-track", status: "nonstandard", browsers: ["FF21"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: 'The ::-moz-range-track CSS pseudo-element is a Mozilla extension that represents the track (i.e., groove) in which the indicator slides in an <input> of type="range".'}, {name: "::-webkit-progress-inner-value", status: "nonstandard", description: "The ::-webkit-progress-value CSS pseudo-element represents the filled-in portion of the bar of a <progress> element. It is a child of the ::-webkit-progress-bar pseudo-element.\n\nIn order to let ::-webkit-progress-value take effect, -webkit-appearance needs to be set to none on the <progress> element."}, {name: "::grammar-error", status: "experimental", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The ::grammar-error CSS pseudo-element represents a text segment which the user agent has flagged as grammatically incorrect."}, {name: "::marker", browsers: ["E80", "FF68", "S11.1", "C80"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The ::marker CSS pseudo-element selects the marker box of a list item, which typically contains a bullet or number. It works on any element or pseudo-element set to display: list-item, such as the <li> and <summary> elements."}, {name: "::part", status: "experimental", browsers: ["E79", "FF72", "S13.1", "C73", "O60"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The ::part CSS pseudo-element represents any element within a shadow tree that has a matching part attribute."}, {name: "::placeholder", browsers: ["E12", "FF51", "S10.1", "C57", "O44"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The ::placeholder CSS pseudo-element represents the placeholder text of a form element."}, {name: "::slotted", browsers: ["E79", "FF63", "S10", "C50", "O37"], references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The :slotted() CSS pseudo-element represents any element that has been placed into a slot inside an HTML template."}, {name: "::spelling-error", status: "experimental", references: [{name: "MDN Reference", url: ""}], description: "The ::spelling-error CSS pseudo-element represents a text segment which the user agent has flagged as incorrectly spelled."}]}, Dr = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._properties = [], this._atDirectives = [], this._pseudoClasses = [], this._pseudoElements = [], this.addData(e3);
return e2.prototype.provideProperties = function() {
return this._properties;
}, e2.prototype.provideAtDirectives = function() {
return this._atDirectives;
}, e2.prototype.providePseudoClasses = function() {
return this._pseudoClasses;
}, e2.prototype.providePseudoElements = function() {
return this._pseudoElements;
}, e2.prototype.addData = function(e3) {
if (Array.isArray(
for (var t2 = 0, n2 =; t2 < n2.length; t2++) {
var i2 = n2[t2];
"string" == typeof && this._properties.push(i2);
if (Array.isArray(e3.atDirectives))
for (var o2 = 0, r2 = e3.atDirectives; o2 < r2.length; o2++) {
Ar(i2 = r2[o2]) && this._atDirectives.push(i2);
if (Array.isArray(e3.pseudoClasses))
for (var s2 = 0, a2 = e3.pseudoClasses; s2 < a2.length; s2++) {
Rr(i2 = a2[s2]) && this._pseudoClasses.push(i2);
if (Array.isArray(e3.pseudoElements))
for (var l2 = 0, c2 = e3.pseudoElements; l2 < c2.length; l2++) {
Mr(i2 = c2[l2]) && this._pseudoElements.push(i2);
}, e2;
function Ar(e2) {
return "string" == typeof;
function Rr(e2) {
return "string" == typeof;
function Mr(e2) {
return "string" == typeof;
var Pr = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this.dataProviders = [], this._propertySet = {}, this._atDirectiveSet = {}, this._pseudoClassSet = {}, this._pseudoElementSet = {}, this._properties = [], this._atDirectives = [], this._pseudoClasses = [], this._pseudoElements = [], this.setDataProviders(false !== (null == e3 ? void 0 : e3.useDefaultDataProvider), (null == e3 ? void 0 : e3.customDataProviders) || []);
return e2.prototype.setDataProviders = function(e3, t2) {
var n2;
this.dataProviders = [], e3 && this.dataProviders.push(new Dr(Or)), (n2 = this.dataProviders).push.apply(n2, t2), this.collectData();
}, e2.prototype.collectData = function() {
var e3 = this;
this._propertySet = {}, this._atDirectiveSet = {}, this._pseudoClassSet = {}, this._pseudoElementSet = {}, this.dataProviders.forEach(function(t2) {
t2.provideProperties().forEach(function(t3) {
e3._propertySet[] || (e3._propertySet[] = t3);
}), t2.provideAtDirectives().forEach(function(t3) {
e3._atDirectiveSet[] || (e3._atDirectiveSet[] = t3);
}), t2.providePseudoClasses().forEach(function(t3) {
e3._pseudoClassSet[] || (e3._pseudoClassSet[] = t3);
}), t2.providePseudoElements().forEach(function(t3) {
e3._pseudoElementSet[] || (e3._pseudoElementSet[] = t3);
}), this._properties = en(this._propertySet), this._atDirectives = en(this._atDirectiveSet), this._pseudoClasses = en(this._pseudoClassSet), this._pseudoElements = en(this._pseudoElementSet);
}, e2.prototype.getProperty = function(e3) {
return this._propertySet[e3];
}, e2.prototype.getAtDirective = function(e3) {
return this._atDirectiveSet[e3];
}, e2.prototype.getPseudoClass = function(e3) {
return this._pseudoClassSet[e3];
}, e2.prototype.getPseudoElement = function(e3) {
return this._pseudoElementSet[e3];
}, e2.prototype.getProperties = function() {
return this._properties;
}, e2.prototype.getAtDirectives = function() {
return this._atDirectives;
}, e2.prototype.getPseudoClasses = function() {
return this._pseudoClasses;
}, e2.prototype.getPseudoElements = function() {
return this._pseudoElements;
}, e2.prototype.isKnownProperty = function(e3) {
return e3.toLowerCase() in this._propertySet;
}, e2.prototype.isStandardProperty = function(e3) {
return this.isKnownProperty(e3) && (!this._propertySet[e3.toLowerCase()].status || "standard" === this._propertySet[e3.toLowerCase()].status);
}, e2;
function Fr(e2, t2, n2) {
return {
for (var i2 = function(t4) {
var i3 = e2.offsetAt(t4), o3 = n2.findChildAtOffset(i3, true);
if (!o3)
return [];
var r3 = [];
for (; o3; )
o3.parent && o3.offset === o3.parent.offset && o3.end === o3.parent.end || (o3.type === J.Declarations && i3 > o3.offset && i3 < o3.end && r3.push([o3.offset + 1, o3.end - 1]), r3.push([o3.offset, o3.end])), o3 = o3.parent;
return r3;
}(t3), o2 = void 0, r2 = i2.length - 1; r2 >= 0; r2--)
o2 = ai.create(ln.create(e2.positionAt(i2[r2][0]), e2.positionAt(i2[r2][1])), o2);
return o2 || (o2 = ai.create(ln.create(t3, t3))), o2;
var Wr = function() {
var e2 = function(t2, n2) {
return (e2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n3) && (e3[n3] = t3[n3]);
})(t2, n2);
return function(t2, n2) {
function i2() {
this.constructor = t2;
e2(t2, n2), t2.prototype = null === n2 ? Object.create(n2) : (i2.prototype = n2.prototype, new i2());
}(), zr = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
}, Br = function(e2, t2) {
var n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = {label: 0, sent: function() {
if (1 & o2[0])
throw o2[1];
return o2[1];
}, trys: [], ops: []};
return r2 = {next: a2(0), throw: a2(1), return: a2(2)}, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r2[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), r2;
function a2(r3) {
return function(a3) {
return function(r4) {
if (n2)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s2; )
try {
if (n2 = 1, i2 && (o2 = 2 & r4[0] ? i2.return : r4[0] ? i2.throw || ((o2 = i2.return) &&, 0) : && !(o2 =, r4[1])).done)
return o2;
switch (i2 = 0, o2 && (r4 = [2 & r4[0], o2.value]), r4[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
o2 = r4;
case 4:
return s2.label++, {value: r4[1], done: false};
case 5:
s2.label++, i2 = r4[1], r4 = [0];
case 7:
r4 = s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
if (!(o2 = s2.trys, (o2 = o2.length > 0 && o2[o2.length - 1]) || 6 !== r4[0] && 2 !== r4[0])) {
s2 = 0;
if (3 === r4[0] && (!o2 || r4[1] > o2[0] && r4[1] < o2[3])) {
s2.label = r4[1];
if (6 === r4[0] && s2.label < o2[1]) {
s2.label = o2[1], o2 = r4;
if (o2 && s2.label < o2[2]) {
s2.label = o2[2], s2.ops.push(r4);
o2[2] && s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
r4 =, s2);
} catch (e3) {
r4 = [6, e3], i2 = 0;
} finally {
n2 = o2 = 0;
if (5 & r4[0])
throw r4[1];
return {value: r4[0] ? r4[1] : void 0, done: true};
}([r3, a3]);
}, jr = function(e2) {
function t2(t3) {
return, t3) || this;
return Wr(t2, e2), t2.prototype.isRawStringDocumentLinkNode = function(t3) {
return, t3) || t3.type === J.Use || t3.type === J.Forward;
}, t2.prototype.resolveRelativeReference = function(t3, n2, i2) {
return zr(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var o2, r2, s2, a2;
return Br(this, function(l2) {
switch (l2.label) {
case 0:
return Y(t3, "sass:") ? [2, void 0] : [4,, t3, n2, i2)];
case 1:
if (o2 = l2.sent(), !this.fileSystemProvider || !o2 || 0 !== function(e3) {
for (var t4 = e3.length - 1; t4 >= 0; t4--) {
var n3 = e3.charCodeAt(t4);
if (n3 === yi) {
if (t4 > 0 && e3.charCodeAt(t4 - 1) !== wi)
return e3.substr(t4);
if (n3 === wi)
return "";
return [3, 8];
l2.label = 2;
case 2:
if (l2.trys.push([2, 7, , 8]), r2 = vi.a.parse(o2), !(s2 = function(e3) {
if ("" !== e3.path && !e3.path.endsWith(".scss") && !e3.path.endsWith(".css")) {
if (e3.path.endsWith("/"))
return [e3.with({path: e3.path + "index.scss"}).toString(), e3.with({path: e3.path + "_index.scss"}).toString()];
var t4 = e3.path.split("/"), n3 = t4[t4.length - 1], i3 = e3.path.slice(0, -n3.length);
if (n3.startsWith("_"))
return e3.path.endsWith(".scss") ? void 0 : [e3.with({path: e3.path + ".scss"}).toString()];
var o3 = n3 + ".scss", r3 = function(t5) {
return e3.with({path: i3 + t5}).toString();
return [r3(o3), r3("_" + o3), r3(o3.slice(0, -5) + "/index.scss"), r3(o3.slice(0, -5) + "/_index.scss"), r3(o3.slice(0, -5) + ".css")];
return [3, 6];
a2 = 0, l2.label = 3;
case 3:
return a2 < s2.length ? [4, this.fileExists(s2[a2])] : [3, 6];
case 4:
if (l2.sent())
return [2, s2[a2]];
l2.label = 5;
case 5:
return a2++, [3, 3];
case 6:
return [2, void 0];
case 7:
return l2.sent(), [3, 8];
case 8:
return [2, o2];
}, t2;
function Vr(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
return {configure: function(e3) {
r2.configure(e3), t2.configure(e3);
}, setDataProviders: s2.setDataProviders.bind(s2), doValidation: r2.doValidation.bind(r2), parseStylesheet: e2.parseStylesheet.bind(e2), doComplete: t2.doComplete.bind(t2), doComplete2: t2.doComplete2.bind(t2), setCompletionParticipants: t2.setCompletionParticipants.bind(t2), doHover: n2.doHover.bind(n2), findDefinition: i2.findDefinition.bind(i2), findReferences: i2.findReferences.bind(i2), findDocumentHighlights: i2.findDocumentHighlights.bind(i2), findDocumentLinks: i2.findDocumentLinks.bind(i2), findDocumentLinks2: i2.findDocumentLinks2.bind(i2), findDocumentSymbols: i2.findDocumentSymbols.bind(i2), doCodeActions: o2.doCodeActions.bind(o2), doCodeActions2: o2.doCodeActions2.bind(o2), findColorSymbols: function(e3, t3) {
return i2.findDocumentColors(e3, t3).map(function(e4) {
return e4.range;
}, findDocumentColors: i2.findDocumentColors.bind(i2), getColorPresentations: i2.getColorPresentations.bind(i2), doRename: i2.doRename.bind(i2), getFoldingRanges: Nr, getSelectionRanges: Fr};
var Ur = {};
function Hr(e2) {
void 0 === e2 && (e2 = Ur);
var t2 = new Pr(e2);
return Vr(new on(), new Wi(null, e2, t2), new io(e2 && e2.clientCapabilities, t2), new ao(e2 && e2.fileSystemProvider), new Co(t2), new Po(t2), t2);
function qr(e2) {
void 0 === e2 && (e2 = Ur);
var t2 = new Pr(e2);
return Vr(new cr(), new ur(e2, t2), new io(e2 && e2.clientCapabilities, t2), new jr(e2 && e2.fileSystemProvider), new Co(t2), new Po(t2), t2);
function $r(e2) {
void 0 === e2 && (e2 = Ur);
var t2 = new Pr(e2);
return Vr(new kr(), new Lr(e2, t2), new io(e2 && e2.clientCapabilities, t2), new ao(e2 && e2.fileSystemProvider), new Co(t2), new Po(t2), t2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return s;
var i = n(68), o = n(18);
const r = Object(o.c)("notificationService");
class s {
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("keybindingService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "i", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return w;
var i = n(179), o = n(42), r = n(23), s = n(8), a = n(45), l = n(11);
function c(e2) {
return Object(r.b)(e2, true);
const d = new class {
constructor(e2) {
this._ignorePathCasing = e2;
compare(e2, t2, n2 = false) {
return e2 === t2 ? 0 : Object(s.f)(this.getComparisonKey(e2, n2), this.getComparisonKey(t2, n2));
isEqual(e2, t2, n2 = false) {
return e2 === t2 || !(!e2 || !t2) && this.getComparisonKey(e2, n2) === this.getComparisonKey(t2, n2);
getComparisonKey(e2, t2 = false) {
return e2.with({path: this._ignorePathCasing(e2) ? e2.path.toLowerCase() : void 0, fragment: t2 ? null : void 0}).toString();
joinPath(e2, ...t2) {
return r.a.joinPath(e2, ...t2);
basenameOrAuthority(e2) {
return p(e2) || e2.authority;
basename(e2) {
return o.e.basename(e2.path);
dirname(e2) {
if (0 === e2.path.length)
return e2;
let t2;
return e2.scheme === a.b.file ? t2 = r.a.file(o.b(c(e2))).path : (t2 = o.e.dirname(e2.path), e2.authority && t2.length && 47 !== t2.charCodeAt(0) && (console.error(`dirname("${e2.toString})) resulted in a relative path`), t2 = "/")), e2.with({path: t2});
normalizePath(e2) {
if (!e2.path.length)
return e2;
let t2;
return t2 = e2.scheme === a.b.file ? r.a.file(o.d(c(e2))).path : o.e.normalize(e2.path), e2.with({path: t2});
relativePath(e2, t2) {
if (e2.scheme !== t2.scheme || !v(e2.authority, t2.authority))
if (e2.scheme === a.b.file) {
const n3 = o.f(c(e2), c(t2));
return l.i ? i.b(n3) : n3;
let n2 = e2.path || "/", r2 = t2.path || "/";
if (this._ignorePathCasing(e2)) {
let e3 = 0;
for (const t3 = Math.min(n2.length, r2.length); e3 < t3 && (n2.charCodeAt(e3) === r2.charCodeAt(e3) || n2.charAt(e3).toLowerCase() === r2.charAt(e3).toLowerCase()); e3++)
n2 = r2.substr(0, e3) + n2.substr(e3);
return o.e.relative(n2, r2);
resolvePath(e2, t2) {
if (e2.scheme === a.b.file) {
const n2 = r.a.file(o.g(c(e2), t2));
return e2.with({authority: n2.authority, path: n2.path});
return -1 === t2.indexOf("/") && (t2 = i.b(t2), /^[a-zA-Z]:(\/|$)/.test(t2) && (t2 = "/" + t2)), e2.with({path: o.e.resolve(e2.path, t2)});
isEqualAuthority(e2, t2) {
return e2 === t2 || Object(s.t)(e2, t2);
}(() => false), h = d.isEqual.bind(d), u = d.basenameOrAuthority.bind(d), p = d.basename.bind(d), m = d.dirname.bind(d), g = d.joinPath.bind(d), f = d.normalizePath.bind(d), b = d.relativePath.bind(d), _ = d.resolvePath.bind(d), v = d.isEqualAuthority.bind(d);
var w;
!function(e2) {
e2.META_DATA_LABEL = "label", e2.META_DATA_DESCRIPTION = "description", e2.META_DATA_SIZE = "size", e2.META_DATA_MIME = "mime", e2.parseMetaData = function(t2) {
const n2 = new Map();
t2.path.substring(t2.path.indexOf(";") + 1, t2.path.lastIndexOf(";")).split(";").forEach((e3) => {
const [t3, i3] = e3.split(":");
t3 && i3 && n2.set(t3, i3);
const i2 = t2.path.substring(0, t2.path.indexOf(";"));
return i2 && n2.set(e2.META_DATA_MIME, i2), n2;
}(w || (w = {}));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i = n(108);
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i.b;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i.e;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return i.h;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return i.l;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return i.m;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return i.n;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
class i {
constructor(e2) {
this.element = e2, = i.Undefined, this.prev = i.Undefined;
i.Undefined = new i(void 0);
class o {
constructor() {
this._first = i.Undefined, this._last = i.Undefined, this._size = 0;
get size() {
return this._size;
isEmpty() {
return this._first === i.Undefined;
clear() {
this._first = i.Undefined, this._last = i.Undefined, this._size = 0;
unshift(e2) {
return this._insert(e2, false);
push(e2) {
return this._insert(e2, true);
_insert(e2, t2) {
const n2 = new i(e2);
if (this._first === i.Undefined)
this._first = n2, this._last = n2;
else if (t2) {
const e3 = this._last;
this._last = n2, n2.prev = e3, = n2;
} else {
const e3 = this._first;
this._first = n2, = e3, e3.prev = n2;
this._size += 1;
let o2 = false;
return () => {
o2 || (o2 = true, this._remove(n2));
shift() {
if (this._first !== i.Undefined) {
const e2 = this._first.element;
return this._remove(this._first), e2;
pop() {
if (this._last !== i.Undefined) {
const e2 = this._last.element;
return this._remove(this._last), e2;
_remove(e2) {
if (e2.prev !== i.Undefined && !== i.Undefined) {
const t2 = e2.prev; =, = t2;
} else
e2.prev === i.Undefined && === i.Undefined ? (this._first = i.Undefined, this._last = i.Undefined) : === i.Undefined ? (this._last = this._last.prev, = i.Undefined) : e2.prev === i.Undefined && (this._first =, this._first.prev = i.Undefined);
this._size -= 1;
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
let e2 = this._first;
for (; e2 !== i.Undefined; )
yield e2.element, e2 =;
toArray() {
const e2 = [];
for (let t2 = this._first; t2 !== i.Undefined; t2 =
return e2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return u;
var i = n(56), o = n(18), r = n(128);
const s = Object(o.c)("configurationService");
function a(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Object.create(null);
for (let i2 in e2)
l(n2, i2, e2[i2], t2);
return n2;
function l(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = t2.split("."), r2 = o2.pop();
let s2 = e2;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < o2.length; e3++) {
let n3 = o2[e3], r3 = s2[n3];
switch (typeof r3) {
case "undefined":
r3 = s2[n3] = Object.create(null);
case "object":
return void i2(`Ignoring ${t2} as ${o2.slice(0, e3 + 1).join(".")} is ${JSON.stringify(r3)}`);
s2 = r3;
if ("object" == typeof s2 && null !== s2)
try {
s2[r2] = n2;
} catch (e3) {
i2(`Ignoring ${t2} as ${o2.join(".")} is ${JSON.stringify(s2)}`);
i2(`Ignoring ${t2} as ${o2.join(".")} is ${JSON.stringify(s2)}`);
function c(e2, t2) {
!function e3(t3, n2) {
const i2 = n2.shift();
if (0 === n2.length)
return void delete t3[i2];
if (-1 !== Object.keys(t3).indexOf(i2)) {
const o2 = t3[i2];
"object" != typeof o2 || Array.isArray(o2) || (e3(o2, n2), 0 === Object.keys(o2).length && delete t3[i2]);
}(e2, t2.split("."));
function d(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = function(e3, t3) {
let n3 = e3;
for (const e4 of t3) {
if ("object" != typeof n3 || null === n3)
n3 = n3[e4];
return n3;
}(e2, t2.split("."));
return void 0 === i2 ? n2 : i2;
function h() {
const e2 =;
return Object.keys(e2);
function u() {
const e2 = Object.create(null), t2 =;
for (let n2 in t2) {
l(e2, n2, t2[n2].default, (e3) => console.error("Conflict in default settings: " + e3));
return e2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return h;
var i, o, r, s, a, l, c, d, h, u = n(0);
!function(e2) {
e2.noSelection = u.a("noSelection", "No selection"), e2.singleSelectionRange = u.a("singleSelectionRange", "Line {0}, Column {1} ({2} selected)"), e2.singleSelection = u.a("singleSelection", "Line {0}, Column {1}"), e2.multiSelectionRange = u.a("multiSelectionRange", "{0} selections ({1} characters selected)"), e2.multiSelection = u.a("multiSelection", "{0} selections"), e2.emergencyConfOn = u.a("emergencyConfOn", "Now changing the setting `accessibilitySupport` to 'on'."), e2.openingDocs = u.a("openingDocs", "Now opening the Editor Accessibility documentation page."), e2.readonlyDiffEditor = u.a("readonlyDiffEditor", " in a read-only pane of a diff editor."), e2.editableDiffEditor = u.a("editableDiffEditor", " in a pane of a diff editor."), e2.readonlyEditor = u.a("readonlyEditor", " in a read-only code editor"), e2.editableEditor = u.a("editableEditor", " in a code editor"), e2.changeConfigToOnMac = u.a("changeConfigToOnMac", "To configure the editor to be optimized for usage with a Screen Reader press Command+E now."), e2.changeConfigToOnWinLinux = u.a("changeConfigToOnWinLinux", "To configure the editor to be optimized for usage with a Screen Reader press Control+E now."), e2.auto_on = u.a("auto_on", "The editor is configured to be optimized for usage with a Screen Reader."), e2.auto_off = u.a("auto_off", "The editor is configured to never be optimized for usage with a Screen Reader, which is not the case at this time."), e2.tabFocusModeOnMsg = u.a("tabFocusModeOnMsg", "Pressing Tab in the current editor will move focus to the next focusable element. Toggle this behavior by pressing {0}."), e2.tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb = u.a("tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb", "Pressing Tab in the current editor will move focus to the next focusable element. The command {0} is currently not triggerable by a keybinding."), e2.tabFocusModeOffMsg = u.a("tabFocusModeOffMsg", "Pressing Tab in the current editor will insert the tab character. Toggle this behavior by pressing {0}."), e2.tabFocusModeOffMsgNoKb = u.a("tabFocusModeOffMsgNoKb", "Pressing Tab in the current editor will insert the tab character. The command {0} is currently not triggerable by a keybinding."), e2.openDocMac = u.a("openDocMac", "Press Command+H now to open a browser window with more information related to editor accessibility."), e2.openDocWinLinux = u.a("openDocWinLinux", "Press Control+H now to open a browser window with more information related to editor accessibility."), e2.outroMsg = u.a("outroMsg", "You can dismiss this tooltip and return to the editor by pressing Escape or Shift+Escape."), e2.showAccessibilityHelpAction = u.a("showAccessibilityHelpAction", "Show Accessibility Help");
}(i || (i = {})), function(e2) {
e2.inspectTokensAction = u.a("inspectTokens", "Developer: Inspect Tokens");
}(o || (o = {})), function(e2) {
e2.gotoLineActionLabel = u.a("gotoLineActionLabel", "Go to Line/Column...");
}(r || (r = {})), function(e2) {
e2.helpQuickAccessActionLabel = u.a("helpQuickAccess", "Show all Quick Access Providers");
}(s || (s = {})), function(e2) {
e2.quickCommandActionLabel = u.a("quickCommandActionLabel", "Command Palette"), e2.quickCommandHelp = u.a("quickCommandActionHelp", "Show And Run Commands");
}(a || (a = {})), function(e2) {
e2.quickOutlineActionLabel = u.a("quickOutlineActionLabel", "Go to Symbol..."), e2.quickOutlineByCategoryActionLabel = u.a("quickOutlineByCategoryActionLabel", "Go to Symbol by Category...");
}(l || (l = {})), function(e2) {
e2.editorViewAccessibleLabel = u.a("editorViewAccessibleLabel", "Editor content"), e2.accessibilityHelpMessage = u.a("accessibilityHelpMessage", "Press Alt+F1 for Accessibility Options.");
}(c || (c = {})), function(e2) {
e2.toggleHighContrast = u.a("toggleHighContrast", "Toggle High Contrast Theme");
}(d || (d = {})), function(e2) {
e2.bulkEditServiceSummary = u.a("bulkEditServiceSummary", "Made {0} edits in {1} files");
}(h || (h = {}));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(14), o = n(174);
const r = new class {
constructor() { = new Map();
add(e2, t2) {
o.a(i.j(e2)), o.a(i.i(t2)), o.a(!, "There is already an extension with this id"),, t2);
as(e2) {
return || null;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "i", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return y;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return S;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return k;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return E;
}), n.d(t, "o", function() {
return L;
}), n.d(t, "p", function() {
return N;
}), n.d(t, "s", function() {
return O;
}), n.d(t, "q", function() {
return D;
}), n.d(t, "t", function() {
return A;
}), n.d(t, "r", function() {
return R;
var i = n(0), o = n(16), r = n(5), s = n(19);
const a = Object(r.gc)("editor.lineHighlightBackground", {dark: null, light: null, hc: null}, i.a("lineHighlight", "Background color for the highlight of line at the cursor position.")), l = Object(r.gc)("editor.lineHighlightBorder", {dark: "#282828", light: "#eeeeee", hc: "#f38518"}, i.a("lineHighlightBorderBox", "Background color for the border around the line at the cursor position.")), c = Object(r.gc)("editor.rangeHighlightBackground", {dark: "#ffffff0b", light: "#fdff0033", hc: null}, i.a("rangeHighlight", "Background color of highlighted ranges, like by quick open and find features. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), d = Object(r.gc)("editor.rangeHighlightBorder", {dark: null, light: null, hc: r.b}, i.a("rangeHighlightBorder", "Background color of the border around highlighted ranges."), true), h = Object(r.gc)("editor.symbolHighlightBackground", {dark: r.x, light: r.x, hc: null}, i.a("symbolHighlight", "Background color of highlighted symbol, like for go to definition or go next/previous symbol. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), u = Object(r.gc)("editor.symbolHighlightBorder", {dark: null, light: null, hc: r.b}, i.a("symbolHighlightBorder", "Background color of the border around highlighted symbols."), true), p = Object(r.gc)("editorCursor.foreground", {dark: "#AEAFAD", light:, hc: o.a.white}, i.a("caret", "Color of the editor cursor.")), m = Object(r.gc)("editorCursor.background", null, i.a("editorCursorBackground", "The background color of the editor cursor. Allows customizing the color of a character overlapped by a block cursor.")), g = Object(r.gc)("editorWhitespace.foreground", {dark: "#e3e4e229", light: "#33333333", hc: "#e3e4e229"}, i.a("editorWhitespaces", "Color of whitespace characters in the editor.")), f = Object(r.gc)("editorIndentGuide.background", {dark: g, light: g, hc: g}, i.a("editorIndentGuides", "Color of the editor indentation guides.")), b = Object(r.gc)("editorIndentGuide.activeBackground", {dark: g, light: g, hc: g}, i.a("editorActiveIndentGuide", "Color of the active editor indentation guides.")), _ = Object(r.gc)("editorLineNumber.foreground", {dark: "#858585", light: "#237893", hc: o.a.white}, i.a("editorLineNumbers", "Color of editor line numbers.")), v = Object(r.gc)("editorActiveLineNumber.foreground", {dark: "#c6c6c6", light: "#0B216F", hc: r.b}, i.a("editorActiveLineNumber", "Color of editor active line number"), false, i.a("deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber", "Id is deprecated. Use 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground' instead.")), w = Object(r.gc)("editorLineNumber.activeForeground", {dark: v, light: v, hc: v}, i.a("editorActiveLineNumber", "Color of editor active line number")), y = Object(r.gc)("editorRuler.foreground", {dark: "#5A5A5A", light: o.a.lightgrey, hc: o.a.white}, i.a("editorRuler", "Color of the editor rulers.")), C = Object(r.gc)("editorCodeLens.foreground", {dark: "#999999", light: "#999999", hc: "#999999"}, i.a("editorCodeLensForeground", "Foreground color of editor CodeLens")), x = Object(r.gc)("editorBracketMatch.background", {dark: "#0064001a", light: "#0064001a", hc: "#0064001a"}, i.a("editorBracketMatchBackground", "Background color behind matching brackets")), S = Object(r.gc)("editorBracketMatch.border", {dark: "#888", light: "#B9B9B9", hc: r.h}, i.a("editorBracketMatchBorder", "Color for matching brackets boxes")), k = Object(r.gc)("editorOverviewRuler.border", {dark: "#7f7f7f4d", light: "#7f7f7f4d", hc: "#7f7f7f4d"}, i.a("editorOverviewRulerBorder", "Color of the overview ruler border.")), E = Object(r.gc)("editorOverviewRuler.background", null, i.a("editorOverviewRulerBackground", "Background color of the editor overview ruler. Only used when the minimap is enabled and placed on the right side of the editor.")), T = Object(r.gc)("editorGutter.background", {dark: r.s, light: r.s, hc: r.s}, i.a("editorGutter", "Background color of the editor gutter. The gutter contains the glyph margins and the line numbers.")), L = Object(r.gc)("editorUnnecessaryCode.border", {dark: null, light: null, hc: o.a.fromHex("#fff").transparent(0.8)}, i.a("unnecessaryCodeBorder", "Border color of unnecessary (unused) source code in the editor.")), N = Object(r.gc)("editorUnnecessaryCode.opacity", {dark: o.a.fromHex("#000a"), light: o.a.fromHex("#0007"), hc: null}, i.a("unnecessaryCodeOpacity", `Opacity of unnecessary (unused) source code in the editor. For example, "#000000c0" will render the code with 75% opacity. For high contrast themes, use the 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' theme color to underline unnecessary code instead of fading it out.`)), I = new o.a(new o.c(0, 122, 204, 0.6)), O = Object(r.gc)("editorOverviewRuler.rangeHighlightForeground", {dark: I, light: I, hc: I}, i.a("overviewRulerRangeHighlight", "Overview ruler marker color for range highlights. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), D = Object(r.gc)("editorOverviewRuler.errorForeground", {dark: new o.a(new o.c(255, 18, 18, 0.7)), light: new o.a(new o.c(255, 18, 18, 0.7)), hc: new o.a(new o.c(255, 50, 50, 1))}, i.a("overviewRuleError", "Overview ruler marker color for errors.")), A = Object(r.gc)("editorOverviewRuler.warningForeground", {dark: r.T, light: r.T, hc: r.S}, i.a("overviewRuleWarning", "Overview ruler marker color for warnings.")), R = Object(r.gc)("editorOverviewRuler.infoForeground", {dark: r.L, light: r.L, hc: r.K}, i.a("overviewRuleInfo", "Overview ruler marker color for infos."));
Object(s.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(r.s);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor, .monaco-editor-background, .monaco-editor .inputarea.ime-input { background-color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(r.B);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor, .monaco-editor .inputarea.ime-input { color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(T);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .margin { background-color: ${o2}; }`);
const s2 = e2.getColor(c);
s2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .rangeHighlight { background-color: ${s2}; }`);
const a2 = e2.getColor(d);
a2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .rangeHighlight { border: 1px ${"hc" === e2.type ? "dotted" : "solid"} ${a2}; }`);
const l2 = e2.getColor(h);
l2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .symbolHighlight { background-color: ${l2}; }`);
const p2 = e2.getColor(u);
p2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .symbolHighlight { border: 1px ${"hc" === e2.type ? "dotted" : "solid"} ${p2}; }`);
const m2 = e2.getColor(g);
m2 && (t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .mtkw { color: ${m2} !important; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .mtkz { color: ${m2} !important; }`));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i, o;
n.d(t, "d", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
}), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Left = 1] = "Left", e2[e2.Center = 2] = "Center", e2[e2.Right = 4] = "Right", e2[e2.Full = 7] = "Full";
}(i || (i = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Inline = 1] = "Inline", e2[e2.Gutter = 2] = "Gutter";
}(o || (o = {}));
class r {
constructor(e2) {
this.tabSize = Math.max(1, 0 | e2.tabSize), this.indentSize = 0 | e2.tabSize, this.insertSpaces = Boolean(e2.insertSpaces), this.defaultEOL = 0 | e2.defaultEOL, this.trimAutoWhitespace = Boolean(e2.trimAutoWhitespace);
equals(e2) {
return this.tabSize === e2.tabSize && this.indentSize === e2.indentSize && this.insertSpaces === e2.insertSpaces && this.defaultEOL === e2.defaultEOL && this.trimAutoWhitespace === e2.trimAutoWhitespace;
createChangeEvent(e2) {
return {tabSize: this.tabSize !== e2.tabSize, indentSize: this.indentSize !== e2.indentSize, insertSpaces: this.insertSpaces !== e2.insertSpaces, trimAutoWhitespace: this.trimAutoWhitespace !== e2.trimAutoWhitespace};
class s {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.range = e2, this.matches = t2;
class a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this.identifier = e2, this.range = t2, this.text = n2, this.forceMoveMarkers = i2, this.isAutoWhitespaceEdit = o2, this._isTracked = r2;
class l {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.reverseEdits = e2, this.changes = t2, this.trimAutoWhitespaceLineNumbers = n2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i = n(108);
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i.b;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i.e;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return i.h;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return i.l;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return i.m;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return i.n;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return c;
var i = n(2), o = n(6), r = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class s extends i.a {
constructor(e2, t2 = "", n2 = "", i2 = true, r2) {
super(), this._onDidChange = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._enabled = true, this._checked = false, this._id = e2, this._label = t2, this._cssClass = n2, this._enabled = i2, this._actionCallback = r2;
get id() {
return this._id;
get label() {
return this._label;
set label(e2) {
_setLabel(e2) {
this._label !== e2 && (this._label = e2,{label: e2}));
get tooltip() {
return this._tooltip || "";
set tooltip(e2) {
_setTooltip(e2) {
this._tooltip !== e2 && (this._tooltip = e2,{tooltip: e2}));
get class() {
return this._cssClass;
set class(e2) {
_setClass(e2) {
this._cssClass !== e2 && (this._cssClass = e2,{class: e2}));
get enabled() {
return this._enabled;
set enabled(e2) {
_setEnabled(e2) {
this._enabled !== e2 && (this._enabled = e2,{enabled: e2}));
get checked() {
return this._checked;
set checked(e2) {
_setChecked(e2) {
this._checked !== e2 && (this._checked = e2,{checked: e2}));
run(e2, t2) {
return this._actionCallback ? this._actionCallback(e2) : Promise.resolve(true);
class a extends i.a {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this._onDidBeforeRun = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidBeforeRun = this._onDidBeforeRun.event, this._onDidRun = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidRun = this._onDidRun.event;
run(e2, t2) {
return r(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!e2.enabled)
return Promise.resolve(null);{action: e2});
try {
const n2 = yield this.runAction(e2, t2);{action: e2, result: n2});
} catch (t3) {{action: e2, error: t3});
runAction(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2 ? :;
return Promise.resolve(n2);
class l extends s {
constructor(e2) {
super(l.ID, e2, e2 ? "separator text" : "separator"), this.checked = false, this.enabled = false;
l.ID = "vs.actions.separator";
class c extends s {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(e2, t2, i2, true), this._actions = n2;
get actions() {
return Array.isArray(this._actions) ? this._actions : this._actions();
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return c;
var i, o = n(15), r = n(2), s = n(1), a = n(98), l = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
!function(e2) {
e2.Tap = "-monaco-gesturetap", e2.Change = "-monaco-gesturechange", e2.Start = "-monaco-gesturestart", e2.End = "-monaco-gesturesend", e2.Contextmenu = "-monaco-gesturecontextmenu";
}(i || (i = {}));
class c extends r.a {
constructor() {
super(), this.dispatched = false, this.activeTouches = {}, this.handle = null, this.targets = [], this.ignoreTargets = [], this._lastSetTapCountTime = 0, this._register(s.i(document, "touchstart", (e2) => this.onTouchStart(e2), {passive: false})), this._register(s.i(document, "touchend", (e2) => this.onTouchEnd(e2))), this._register(s.i(document, "touchmove", (e2) => this.onTouchMove(e2), {passive: false}));
static addTarget(e2) {
return c.isTouchDevice() ? (c.INSTANCE || (c.INSTANCE = new c()), c.INSTANCE.targets.push(e2), {dispose: () => {
c.INSTANCE.targets = c.INSTANCE.targets.filter((t2) => t2 !== e2);
}}) : r.a.None;
static ignoreTarget(e2) {
return c.isTouchDevice() ? (c.INSTANCE || (c.INSTANCE = new c()), c.INSTANCE.ignoreTargets.push(e2), {dispose: () => {
c.INSTANCE.ignoreTargets = c.INSTANCE.ignoreTargets.filter((t2) => t2 !== e2);
}}) : r.a.None;
static isTouchDevice() {
return "ontouchstart" in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0;
dispose() {
this.handle && (this.handle.dispose(), this.handle = null), super.dispose();
onTouchStart(e2) {
let t2 =;
this.handle && (this.handle.dispose(), this.handle = null);
for (let n2 = 0, o2 = e2.targetTouches.length; n2 < o2; n2++) {
let o3 = e2.targetTouches.item(n2);
this.activeTouches[o3.identifier] = {id: o3.identifier, initialTarget:, initialTimeStamp: t2, initialPageX: o3.pageX, initialPageY: o3.pageY, rollingTimestamps: [t2], rollingPageX: [o3.pageX], rollingPageY: [o3.pageY]};
let r2 = this.newGestureEvent(i.Start,;
r2.pageX = o3.pageX, r2.pageY = o3.pageY, this.dispatchEvent(r2);
this.dispatched && (e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.dispatched = false);
onTouchEnd(e2) {
let t2 =, n2 = Object.keys(this.activeTouches).length;
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = e2.changedTouches.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
let s3 = e2.changedTouches.item(r2);
if (!this.activeTouches.hasOwnProperty(String(s3.identifier))) {
console.warn("move of an UNKNOWN touch", s3);
let a2 = this.activeTouches[s3.identifier], l2 = - a2.initialTimeStamp;
if (l2 < c.HOLD_DELAY && Math.abs(a2.initialPageX - o.t(a2.rollingPageX)) < 30 && Math.abs(a2.initialPageY - o.t(a2.rollingPageY)) < 30) {
let e3 = this.newGestureEvent(i.Tap, a2.initialTarget);
e3.pageX = o.t(a2.rollingPageX), e3.pageY = o.t(a2.rollingPageY), this.dispatchEvent(e3);
} else if (l2 >= c.HOLD_DELAY && Math.abs(a2.initialPageX - o.t(a2.rollingPageX)) < 30 && Math.abs(a2.initialPageY - o.t(a2.rollingPageY)) < 30) {
let e3 = this.newGestureEvent(i.Contextmenu, a2.initialTarget);
e3.pageX = o.t(a2.rollingPageX), e3.pageY = o.t(a2.rollingPageY), this.dispatchEvent(e3);
} else if (1 === n2) {
let e3 = o.t(a2.rollingPageX), n3 = o.t(a2.rollingPageY), i2 = o.t(a2.rollingTimestamps) - a2.rollingTimestamps[0], r3 = e3 - a2.rollingPageX[0], s4 = n3 - a2.rollingPageY[0];
const l3 = this.targets.filter((e4) => a2.initialTarget instanceof Node && e4.contains(a2.initialTarget));
this.inertia(l3, t2, Math.abs(r3) / i2, r3 > 0 ? 1 : -1, e3, Math.abs(s4) / i2, s4 > 0 ? 1 : -1, n3);
this.dispatchEvent(this.newGestureEvent(i.End, a2.initialTarget)), delete this.activeTouches[s3.identifier];
this.dispatched && (e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.dispatched = false);
newGestureEvent(e2, t2) {
let n2 = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
return n2.initEvent(e2, false, true), n2.initialTarget = t2, n2.tapCount = 0, n2;
dispatchEvent(e2) {
if (e2.type === i.Tap) {
const t2 = new Date().getTime();
let n2 = 0;
n2 = t2 - this._lastSetTapCountTime > c.CLEAR_TAP_COUNT_TIME ? 1 : 2, this._lastSetTapCountTime = t2, e2.tapCount = n2;
} else
e2.type !== i.Change && e2.type !== i.Contextmenu || (this._lastSetTapCountTime = 0);
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this.ignoreTargets.length; t2++)
if (e2.initialTarget instanceof Node && this.ignoreTargets[t2].contains(e2.initialTarget))
this.targets.forEach((t2) => {
e2.initialTarget instanceof Node && t2.contains(e2.initialTarget) && (t2.dispatchEvent(e2), this.dispatched = true);
inertia(e2, t2, n2, o2, r2, a2, l2, d) {
this.handle = s.Y(() => {
let s2 =, h = s2 - t2, u = 0, p = 0, m = true;
n2 += c.SCROLL_FRICTION * h, a2 += c.SCROLL_FRICTION * h, n2 > 0 && (m = false, u = o2 * n2 * h), a2 > 0 && (m = false, p = l2 * a2 * h);
let g = this.newGestureEvent(i.Change);
g.translationX = u, g.translationY = p, e2.forEach((e3) => e3.dispatchEvent(g)), m || this.inertia(e2, s2, n2, o2, r2 + u, a2, l2, d + p);
onTouchMove(e2) {
let t2 =;
for (let n2 = 0, r2 = e2.changedTouches.length; n2 < r2; n2++) {
let r3 = e2.changedTouches.item(n2);
if (!this.activeTouches.hasOwnProperty(String(r3.identifier))) {
console.warn("end of an UNKNOWN touch", r3);
let s2 = this.activeTouches[r3.identifier], a2 = this.newGestureEvent(i.Change, s2.initialTarget);
a2.translationX = r3.pageX - o.t(s2.rollingPageX), a2.translationY = r3.pageY - o.t(s2.rollingPageY), a2.pageX = r3.pageX, a2.pageY = r3.pageY, this.dispatchEvent(a2), s2.rollingPageX.length > 3 && (s2.rollingPageX.shift(), s2.rollingPageY.shift(), s2.rollingTimestamps.shift()), s2.rollingPageX.push(r3.pageX), s2.rollingPageY.push(r3.pageY), s2.rollingTimestamps.push(t2);
this.dispatched && (e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.dispatched = false);
c.SCROLL_FRICTION = -5e-3, c.HOLD_DELAY = 700, c.CLEAR_TAP_COUNT_TIME = 400, l([a.a], c, "isTouchDevice", null);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return l;
var i = n(21);
class o {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = false) {
this._range = e2, this._text = t2, this.insertsAutoWhitespace = n2;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
t2.addTrackedEditOperation(this._range, this._text);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getInverseEditOperations()[0].range;
return new i.a(n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn);
class r {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._range = e2, this._text = t2;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
t2.addTrackedEditOperation(this._range, this._text);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.getInverseEditOperations()[0].range;
return new i.a(n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn);
class s {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = false) {
this._range = e2, this._text = t2, this.insertsAutoWhitespace = n2;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
t2.addTrackedEditOperation(this._range, this._text);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getInverseEditOperations()[0].range;
return new i.a(n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn, n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn);
class a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2 = false) {
this._range = e2, this._text = t2, this._columnDeltaOffset = i2, this._lineNumberDeltaOffset = n2, this.insertsAutoWhitespace = o2;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
t2.addTrackedEditOperation(this._range, this._text);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getInverseEditOperations()[0].range;
return new i.a(n2.endLineNumber + this._lineNumberDeltaOffset, n2.endColumn + this._columnDeltaOffset, n2.endLineNumber + this._lineNumberDeltaOffset, n2.endColumn + this._columnDeltaOffset);
class l {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2 = false) {
this._range = e2, this._text = t2, this._initialSelection = n2, this._forceMoveMarkers = i2, this._selectionId = null;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
t2.addTrackedEditOperation(this._range, this._text, this._forceMoveMarkers), this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this._initialSelection);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
return t2.getTrackedSelection(this._selectionId);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return l;
var i, o, r = n(18), s = n(0), a = n(68);
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Hint = 1] = "Hint", e2[e2.Info = 2] = "Info", e2[e2.Warning = 4] = "Warning", e2[e2.Error = 8] = "Error";
}(i || (i = {})), function(e2) { = function(e3, t3) {
return t3 - e3;
const t2 = Object.create(null);
t2[e2.Error] = Object(s.a)("sev.error", "Error"), t2[e2.Warning] = Object(s.a)("sev.warning", "Warning"), t2[e2.Info] = Object(s.a)("", "Info"), e2.toString = function(e3) {
return t2[e3] || "";
}, e2.fromSeverity = function(t3) {
switch (t3) {
case a.a.Error:
return e2.Error;
case a.a.Warning:
return e2.Warning;
case a.a.Info:
return e2.Info;
case a.a.Ignore:
return e2.Hint;
}, e2.toSeverity = function(t3) {
switch (t3) {
case e2.Error:
return a.a.Error;
case e2.Warning:
return a.a.Warning;
case e2.Info:
return a.a.Info;
case e2.Hint:
return a.a.Ignore;
}(i || (i = {})), function(e2) {
function t2(e3, t3) {
let n2 = [""];
return e3.source ? n2.push(e3.source.replace("¦", "\\¦")) : n2.push(""), e3.code ? "string" == typeof e3.code ? n2.push(e3.code.replace("¦", "\\¦")) : n2.push(e3.code.value.replace("¦", "\\¦")) : n2.push(""), void 0 !== e3.severity && null !== e3.severity ? n2.push(i.toString(e3.severity)) : n2.push(""), e3.message && t3 ? n2.push(e3.message.replace("¦", "\\¦")) : n2.push(""), void 0 !== e3.startLineNumber && null !== e3.startLineNumber ? n2.push(e3.startLineNumber.toString()) : n2.push(""), void 0 !== e3.startColumn && null !== e3.startColumn ? n2.push(e3.startColumn.toString()) : n2.push(""), void 0 !== e3.endLineNumber && null !== e3.endLineNumber ? n2.push(e3.endLineNumber.toString()) : n2.push(""), void 0 !== e3.endColumn && null !== e3.endColumn ? n2.push(e3.endColumn.toString()) : n2.push(""), n2.push(""), n2.join("¦");
e2.makeKey = function(e3) {
return t2(e3, true);
}, e2.makeKeyOptionalMessage = t2;
}(o || (o = {}));
const l = Object(r.c)("markerService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("modelService");
function r(e2) {
return !e2.isTooLargeForSyncing() && !e2.isForSimpleWidget;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2, t2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = false);
var n2 = e2.length, i2 = 0, a2 = "", l2 = 0, c2 = 16, d2 = 0, h2 = 0, u2 = 0, p2 = 0, m2 = 0;
function g2(t3, n3) {
for (var o2 = 0, r2 = 0; o2 < t3 || !n3; ) {
var s2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
if (s2 >= 48 && s2 <= 57)
r2 = 16 * r2 + s2 - 48;
else if (s2 >= 65 && s2 <= 70)
r2 = 16 * r2 + s2 - 65 + 10;
else {
if (!(s2 >= 97 && s2 <= 102))
r2 = 16 * r2 + s2 - 97 + 10;
i2++, o2++;
return o2 < t3 && (r2 = -1), r2;
function f2() {
if (a2 = "", m2 = 0, l2 = i2, h2 = d2, p2 = u2, i2 >= n2)
return l2 = n2, c2 = 17;
var t3 = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
if (o(t3)) {
do {
i2++, a2 += String.fromCharCode(t3), t3 = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
} while (o(t3));
return c2 = 15;
if (r(t3))
return i2++, a2 += String.fromCharCode(t3), 13 === t3 && 10 === e2.charCodeAt(i2) && (i2++, a2 += "\n"), d2++, u2 = i2, c2 = 14;
switch (t3) {
case 123:
return i2++, c2 = 1;
case 125:
return i2++, c2 = 2;
case 91:
return i2++, c2 = 3;
case 93:
return i2++, c2 = 4;
case 58:
return i2++, c2 = 6;
case 44:
return i2++, c2 = 5;
case 34:
return i2++, a2 = function() {
for (var t4 = "", o2 = i2; ; ) {
if (i2 >= n2) {
t4 += e2.substring(o2, i2), m2 = 2;
var s2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
if (34 === s2) {
t4 += e2.substring(o2, i2), i2++;
if (92 !== s2) {
if (s2 >= 0 && s2 <= 31) {
if (r(s2)) {
t4 += e2.substring(o2, i2), m2 = 2;
m2 = 6;
} else {
if (t4 += e2.substring(o2, i2), ++i2 >= n2) {
m2 = 2;
switch (e2.charCodeAt(i2++)) {
case 34:
t4 += '"';
case 92:
t4 += "\\";
case 47:
t4 += "/";
case 98:
t4 += "\b";
case 102:
t4 += "\f";
case 110:
t4 += "\n";
case 114:
t4 += "\r";
case 116:
t4 += " ";
case 117:
var a3 = g2(4, true);
a3 >= 0 ? t4 += String.fromCharCode(a3) : m2 = 4;
m2 = 5;
o2 = i2;
return t4;
}(), c2 = 10;
case 47:
var f3 = i2 - 1;
if (47 === e2.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)) {
for (i2 += 2; i2 < n2 && !r(e2.charCodeAt(i2)); )
return a2 = e2.substring(f3, i2), c2 = 12;
if (42 === e2.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)) {
i2 += 2;
for (var _ = n2 - 1, v = false; i2 < _; ) {
var w = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
if (42 === w && 47 === e2.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)) {
i2 += 2, v = true;
i2++, r(w) && (13 === w && 10 === e2.charCodeAt(i2) && i2++, d2++, u2 = i2);
return v || (i2++, m2 = 1), a2 = e2.substring(f3, i2), c2 = 13;
return a2 += String.fromCharCode(t3), i2++, c2 = 16;
case 45:
if (a2 += String.fromCharCode(t3), ++i2 === n2 || !s(e2.charCodeAt(i2)))
return c2 = 16;
case 48:
case 49:
case 50:
case 51:
case 52:
case 53:
case 54:
case 55:
case 56:
case 57:
return a2 += function() {
var t4 = i2;
if (48 === e2.charCodeAt(i2))
for (i2++; i2 < e2.length && s(e2.charCodeAt(i2)); )
if (i2 < e2.length && 46 === e2.charCodeAt(i2)) {
if (!(++i2 < e2.length && s(e2.charCodeAt(i2))))
return m2 = 3, e2.substring(t4, i2);
for (i2++; i2 < e2.length && s(e2.charCodeAt(i2)); )
var n3 = i2;
if (i2 < e2.length && (69 === e2.charCodeAt(i2) || 101 === e2.charCodeAt(i2)))
if ((++i2 < e2.length && 43 === e2.charCodeAt(i2) || 45 === e2.charCodeAt(i2)) && i2++, i2 < e2.length && s(e2.charCodeAt(i2))) {
for (i2++; i2 < e2.length && s(e2.charCodeAt(i2)); )
n3 = i2;
} else
m2 = 3;
return e2.substring(t4, n3);
}(), c2 = 11;
for (; i2 < n2 && b2(t3); )
i2++, t3 = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
if (l2 !== i2) {
switch (a2 = e2.substring(l2, i2)) {
case "true":
return c2 = 8;
case "false":
return c2 = 9;
case "null":
return c2 = 7;
return c2 = 16;
return a2 += String.fromCharCode(t3), i2++, c2 = 16;
function b2(e3) {
if (o(e3) || r(e3))
return false;
switch (e3) {
case 125:
case 93:
case 123:
case 91:
case 34:
case 58:
case 44:
case 47:
return false;
return true;
return {setPosition: function(e3) {
i2 = e3, a2 = "", l2 = 0, c2 = 16, m2 = 0;
}, getPosition: function() {
return i2;
}, scan: t2 ? function() {
var e3;
do {
e3 = f2();
} while (e3 >= 12 && e3 <= 15);
return e3;
} : f2, getToken: function() {
return c2;
}, getTokenValue: function() {
return a2;
}, getTokenOffset: function() {
return l2;
}, getTokenLength: function() {
return i2 - l2;
}, getTokenStartLine: function() {
return h2;
}, getTokenStartCharacter: function() {
return l2 - p2;
}, getTokenError: function() {
return m2;
function o(e2) {
return 32 === e2 || 9 === e2 || 11 === e2 || 12 === e2 || 160 === e2 || 5760 === e2 || e2 >= 8192 && e2 <= 8203 || 8239 === e2 || 8287 === e2 || 12288 === e2 || 65279 === e2;
function r(e2) {
return 10 === e2 || 13 === e2 || 8232 === e2 || 8233 === e2;
function s(e2) {
return e2 >= 48 && e2 <= 57;
function a(e2, t2, n2) {
var o2, r2, s2, a2, d2;
if (t2) {
for (a2 = t2.offset, d2 = a2 + t2.length, s2 = a2; s2 > 0 && !c(e2, s2 - 1); )
for (var h2 = d2; h2 < e2.length && !c(e2, h2); )
r2 = e2.substring(s2, h2), o2 = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = 0, i2 = 0, o3 = t3.tabSize || 4;
for (; n3 < e3.length; ) {
var r3 = e3.charAt(n3);
if (" " === r3)
else {
if (" " !== r3)
i2 += o3;
return Math.floor(i2 / o3);
}(r2, n2);
} else
r2 = e2, o2 = 0, s2 = 0, a2 = 0, d2 = e2.length;
var u2, p2 = function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 = 0; n3 < t3.length; n3++) {
var i2 = t3.charAt(n3);
if ("\r" === i2)
return n3 + 1 < t3.length && "\n" === t3.charAt(n3 + 1) ? "\r\n" : "\r";
if ("\n" === i2)
return "\n";
return e3 && e3.eol || "\n";
}(n2, e2), m2 = false, g2 = 0;
u2 = n2.insertSpaces ? l(" ", n2.tabSize || 4) : " ";
var f2 = i(r2, false), b2 = false;
function _() {
return p2 + l(u2, o2 + g2);
function v() {
var e3 = f2.scan();
for (m2 = false; 15 === e3 || 14 === e3; )
m2 = m2 || 14 === e3, e3 = f2.scan();
return b2 = 16 === e3 || 0 !== f2.getTokenError(), e3;
var w = [];
function y(t3, n3, i2) {
!b2 && n3 < d2 && i2 > a2 && e2.substring(n3, i2) !== t3 && w.push({offset: n3, length: i2 - n3, content: t3});
var C = v();
if (17 !== C) {
var x = f2.getTokenOffset() + s2;
y(l(u2, o2), s2, x);
for (; 17 !== C; ) {
for (var S = f2.getTokenOffset() + f2.getTokenLength() + s2, k = v(), E = ""; !m2 && (12 === k || 13 === k); ) {
y(" ", S, f2.getTokenOffset() + s2), S = f2.getTokenOffset() + f2.getTokenLength() + s2, E = 12 === k ? _() : "", k = v();
if (2 === k)
1 !== C && (g2--, E = _());
else if (4 === k)
3 !== C && (g2--, E = _());
else {
switch (C) {
case 3:
case 1:
g2++, E = _();
case 5:
case 12:
E = _();
case 13:
E = m2 ? _() : " ";
case 6:
E = " ";
case 10:
if (6 === k) {
E = "";
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 11:
case 2:
case 4:
12 === k || 13 === k ? E = " " : 5 !== k && 17 !== k && (b2 = true);
case 16:
b2 = true;
!m2 || 12 !== k && 13 !== k || (E = _());
y(E, S, f2.getTokenOffset() + s2), C = k;
return w;
function l(e2, t2) {
for (var n2 = "", i2 = 0; i2 < t2; i2++)
n2 += e2;
return n2;
function c(e2, t2) {
return -1 !== "\r\n".indexOf(e2.charAt(t2));
var d;
function h(e2, t2, n2) {
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = d.DEFAULT);
var o2 = i(e2, false);
function r2(e3) {
return e3 ? function() {
return e3(o2.getTokenOffset(), o2.getTokenLength(), o2.getTokenStartLine(), o2.getTokenStartCharacter());
} : function() {
return true;
function s2(e3) {
return e3 ? function(t3) {
return e3(t3, o2.getTokenOffset(), o2.getTokenLength(), o2.getTokenStartLine(), o2.getTokenStartCharacter());
} : function() {
return true;
var a2 = r2(t2.onObjectBegin), l2 = s2(t2.onObjectProperty), c2 = r2(t2.onObjectEnd), h2 = r2(t2.onArrayBegin), u2 = r2(t2.onArrayEnd), p2 = s2(t2.onLiteralValue), m2 = s2(t2.onSeparator), g2 = r2(t2.onComment), f2 = s2(t2.onError), b2 = n2 && n2.disallowComments, _ = n2 && n2.allowTrailingComma;
function v() {
for (; ; ) {
var e3 = o2.scan();
switch (o2.getTokenError()) {
case 4:
case 5:
case 3:
case 1:
b2 || w(11);
case 2:
case 6:
switch (e3) {
case 12:
case 13:
b2 ? w(10) : g2();
case 16:
case 15:
case 14:
return e3;
function w(e3, t3, n3) {
if (void 0 === t3 && (t3 = []), void 0 === n3 && (n3 = []), f2(e3), t3.length + n3.length > 0)
for (var i2 = o2.getToken(); 17 !== i2; ) {
if (-1 !== t3.indexOf(i2)) {
if (-1 !== n3.indexOf(i2))
i2 = v();
function y(e3) {
var t3 = o2.getTokenValue();
return e3 ? p2(t3) : l2(t3), v(), true;
function C() {
switch (o2.getToken()) {
case 3:
return function() {
h2(), v();
for (var e3 = false; 4 !== o2.getToken() && 17 !== o2.getToken(); ) {
if (5 === o2.getToken()) {
if (e3 || w(4, [], []), m2(","), v(), 4 === o2.getToken() && _)
} else
e3 && w(6, [], []);
C() || w(4, [], [4, 5]), e3 = true;
return u2(), 4 !== o2.getToken() ? w(8, [4], []) : v(), true;
case 1:
return function() {
a2(), v();
for (var e3 = false; 2 !== o2.getToken() && 17 !== o2.getToken(); ) {
if (5 === o2.getToken()) {
if (e3 || w(4, [], []), m2(","), v(), 2 === o2.getToken() && _)
} else
e3 && w(6, [], []);
(10 !== o2.getToken() ? (w(3, [], [2, 5]), 0) : (y(false), 6 === o2.getToken() ? (m2(":"), v(), C() || w(4, [], [2, 5])) : w(5, [], [2, 5]), 1)) || w(4, [], [2, 5]), e3 = true;
return c2(), 2 !== o2.getToken() ? w(7, [2], []) : v(), true;
case 10:
return y(true);
return function() {
switch (o2.getToken()) {
case 11:
var e3 = 0;
try {
"number" != typeof (e3 = JSON.parse(o2.getTokenValue())) && (w(2), e3 = 0);
} catch (e4) {
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
return false;
return v(), true;
return v(), 17 === o2.getToken() ? !!n2.allowEmptyContent || (w(4, [], []), false) : C() ? (17 !== o2.getToken() && w(9, [], []), true) : (w(4, [], []), false);
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return b;
}), function(e2) {
e2.DEFAULT = {allowTrailingComma: false};
}(d || (d = {}));
var u = i, p = function(e2, t2, n2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = []), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = d.DEFAULT);
var i2 = null, o2 = [], r2 = [];
function s2(e3) {
Array.isArray(o2) ? o2.push(e3) : null !== i2 && (o2[i2] = e3);
return h(e2, {onObjectBegin: function() {
var e3 = {};
s2(e3), r2.push(o2), o2 = e3, i2 = null;
}, onObjectProperty: function(e3) {
i2 = e3;
}, onObjectEnd: function() {
o2 = r2.pop();
}, onArrayBegin: function() {
var e3 = [];
s2(e3), r2.push(o2), o2 = e3, i2 = null;
}, onArrayEnd: function() {
o2 = r2.pop();
}, onLiteralValue: s2, onError: function(e3, n3, i3) {
t2.push({error: e3, offset: n3, length: i3});
}}, n2), o2[0];
}, m = function e2(t2, n2, i2) {
if (void 0 === i2 && (i2 = false), function(e3, t3, n3) {
return void 0 === n3 && (n3 = false), t3 >= e3.offset && t3 < e3.offset + e3.length || n3 && t3 === e3.offset + e3.length;
}(t2, n2, i2)) {
var o2 = t2.children;
if (Array.isArray(o2))
for (var r2 = 0; r2 < o2.length && o2[r2].offset <= n2; r2++) {
var s2 = e2(o2[r2], n2, i2);
if (s2)
return s2;
return t2;
}, g = function e2(t2) {
if (!t2.parent || !t2.parent.children)
return [];
var n2 = e2(t2.parent);
if ("property" === t2.parent.type) {
var i2 = t2.parent.children[0].value;
} else if ("array" === t2.parent.type) {
var o2 = t2.parent.children.indexOf(t2);
-1 !== o2 && n2.push(o2);
return n2;
}, f = function e2(t2) {
switch (t2.type) {
case "array":
case "object":
for (var n2 = Object.create(null), i2 = 0, o2 = t2.children; i2 < o2.length; i2++) {
var r2 = o2[i2], s2 = r2.children[1];
s2 && (n2[r2.children[0].value] = e2(s2));
return n2;
case "null":
case "string":
case "number":
case "boolean":
return t2.value;
function b(e2, t2, n2) {
return a(e2, t2, n2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return u;
var i = n(11), o = n(1);
let r, s, a, l, c;
function d(e2) {
r = document.createElement("div"), r.className = "monaco-aria-container";
const t2 = () => {
const e3 = document.createElement("div");
return e3.className = "monaco-alert", e3.setAttribute("role", "alert"), e3.setAttribute("aria-atomic", "true"), r.appendChild(e3), e3;
s = t2(), a = t2();
const n2 = () => {
const e3 = document.createElement("div");
return e3.className = "monaco-status", e3.setAttribute("role", "complementary"), e3.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"), e3.setAttribute("aria-atomic", "true"), r.appendChild(e3), e3;
l = n2(), c = n2(), e2.appendChild(r);
function h(e2) {
r && (s.textContent !== e2 ? (o.s(a), p(s, e2)) : (o.s(s), p(a, e2)));
function u(e2) {
r && (i.f ? h(e2) : l.textContent !== e2 ? (o.s(c), p(l, e2)) : (o.s(l), p(c, e2)));
function p(e2, t2) {
o.s(e2), t2.length > 2e4 && (t2 = t2.substr(0, 2e4)), e2.textContent = t2, = "hidden", = "visible";
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return d;
var i = n(34), o = n(43), r = n(11);
let s = new Array(230), a = new Array(112);
!function() {
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < a.length; e3++)
a[e3] = -1;
function e2(e3, t2) {
s[e3] = t2, a[t2] = e3;
e2(3, 7), e2(8, 1), e2(9, 2), e2(13, 3), e2(16, 4), e2(17, 5), e2(18, 6), e2(19, 7), e2(20, 8), e2(27, 9), e2(32, 10), e2(33, 11), e2(34, 12), e2(35, 13), e2(36, 14), e2(37, 15), e2(38, 16), e2(39, 17), e2(40, 18), e2(45, 19), e2(46, 20), e2(48, 21), e2(49, 22), e2(50, 23), e2(51, 24), e2(52, 25), e2(53, 26), e2(54, 27), e2(55, 28), e2(56, 29), e2(57, 30), e2(65, 31), e2(66, 32), e2(67, 33), e2(68, 34), e2(69, 35), e2(70, 36), e2(71, 37), e2(72, 38), e2(73, 39), e2(74, 40), e2(75, 41), e2(76, 42), e2(77, 43), e2(78, 44), e2(79, 45), e2(80, 46), e2(81, 47), e2(82, 48), e2(83, 49), e2(84, 50), e2(85, 51), e2(86, 52), e2(87, 53), e2(88, 54), e2(89, 55), e2(90, 56), e2(93, 58), e2(96, 93), e2(97, 94), e2(98, 95), e2(99, 96), e2(100, 97), e2(101, 98), e2(102, 99), e2(103, 100), e2(104, 101), e2(105, 102), e2(106, 103), e2(107, 104), e2(108, 105), e2(109, 106), e2(110, 107), e2(111, 108), e2(112, 59), e2(113, 60), e2(114, 61), e2(115, 62), e2(116, 63), e2(117, 64), e2(118, 65), e2(119, 66), e2(120, 67), e2(121, 68), e2(122, 69), e2(123, 70), e2(124, 71), e2(125, 72), e2(126, 73), e2(127, 74), e2(128, 75), e2(129, 76), e2(130, 77), e2(144, 78), e2(145, 79), e2(186, 80), e2(187, 81), e2(188, 82), e2(189, 83), e2(190, 84), e2(191, 85), e2(192, 86), e2(193, 110), e2(194, 111), e2(219, 87), e2(220, 88), e2(221, 89), e2(222, 90), e2(223, 91), e2(226, 92), e2(229, 109), i.h ? (e2(59, 80), e2(107, 81), e2(109, 83), r.f && e2(224, 57)) : i.l && (e2(91, 57), r.f ? e2(93, 57) : e2(92, 57));
const l = r.f ? 256 : 2048, c = r.f ? 2048 : 256;
class d {
constructor(e2) {
this._standardKeyboardEventBrand = true;
let t2 = e2;
this.browserEvent = t2, =, this.ctrlKey = t2.ctrlKey, this.shiftKey = t2.shiftKey, this.altKey = t2.altKey, this.metaKey = t2.metaKey, this.keyCode = function(e3) {
if (e3.charCode) {
let t3 = String.fromCharCode(e3.charCode).toUpperCase();
return o.b.fromString(t3);
return s[e3.keyCode] || 0;
}(t2), this.code = t2.code, this.ctrlKey = this.ctrlKey || 5 === this.keyCode, this.altKey = this.altKey || 6 === this.keyCode, this.shiftKey = this.shiftKey || 4 === this.keyCode, this.metaKey = this.metaKey || 57 === this.keyCode, this._asKeybinding = this._computeKeybinding(), this._asRuntimeKeybinding = this._computeRuntimeKeybinding();
preventDefault() {
this.browserEvent && this.browserEvent.preventDefault && this.browserEvent.preventDefault();
stopPropagation() {
this.browserEvent && this.browserEvent.stopPropagation && this.browserEvent.stopPropagation();
toKeybinding() {
return this._asRuntimeKeybinding;
equals(e2) {
return this._asKeybinding === e2;
_computeKeybinding() {
let e2 = 0;
5 !== this.keyCode && 4 !== this.keyCode && 6 !== this.keyCode && 57 !== this.keyCode && (e2 = this.keyCode);
let t2 = 0;
return this.ctrlKey && (t2 |= l), this.altKey && (t2 |= 512), this.shiftKey && (t2 |= 1024), this.metaKey && (t2 |= c), t2 |= e2, t2;
_computeRuntimeKeybinding() {
let e2 = 0;
return 5 !== this.keyCode && 4 !== this.keyCode && 6 !== this.keyCode && 57 !== this.keyCode && (e2 = this.keyCode), new o.e(this.ctrlKey, this.shiftKey, this.altKey, this.metaKey, e2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i, o = n(8);
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Ignore = 0] = "Ignore", e2[e2.Info = 1] = "Info", e2[e2.Warning = 2] = "Warning", e2[e2.Error = 3] = "Error";
}(i || (i = {})), function(e2) {
e2.fromValue = function(t2) {
return t2 ? o.t("error", t2) ? e2.Error : o.t("warning", t2) || o.t("warn", t2) ? e2.Warning : o.t("info", t2) ? e2.Info : e2.Ignore : e2.Ignore;
}(i || (i = {})), t.a = i;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
var i = n(34), o = n(177), r = n(11);
class s {
constructor(e2) {
this.timestamp =, this.browserEvent = e2, this.leftButton = 0 === e2.button, this.middleButton = 1 === e2.button, this.rightButton = 2 === e2.button, this.buttons = e2.buttons, =, this.detail = e2.detail || 1, "dblclick" === e2.type && (this.detail = 2), this.ctrlKey = e2.ctrlKey, this.shiftKey = e2.shiftKey, this.altKey = e2.altKey, this.metaKey = e2.metaKey, "number" == typeof e2.pageX ? (this.posx = e2.pageX, this.posy = e2.pageY) : (this.posx = e2.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft, this.posy = e2.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop);
let t2 = o.a.getPositionOfChildWindowRelativeToAncestorWindow(self, e2.view);
this.posx -= t2.left, this.posy -=;
preventDefault() {
stopPropagation() {
class a {
constructor(e2, t2 = 0, n2 = 0) {
if (this.browserEvent = e2 || null, = e2 ? || e2.targetNode || e2.srcElement : null, this.deltaY = n2, this.deltaX = t2, e2) {
let t3 = e2, n3 = e2;
if (void 0 !== t3.wheelDeltaY)
this.deltaY = t3.wheelDeltaY / 120;
else if (void 0 !== n3.VERTICAL_AXIS && n3.axis === n3.VERTICAL_AXIS)
this.deltaY = -n3.detail / 3;
else if ("wheel" === e2.type) {
const t4 = e2;
t4.deltaMode === t4.DOM_DELTA_LINE ? i.h && !r.f ? this.deltaY = -e2.deltaY / 3 : this.deltaY = -e2.deltaY : this.deltaY = -e2.deltaY / 40;
if (void 0 !== t3.wheelDeltaX)
i.j && r.i ? this.deltaX = -t3.wheelDeltaX / 120 : this.deltaX = t3.wheelDeltaX / 120;
else if (void 0 !== n3.HORIZONTAL_AXIS && n3.axis === n3.HORIZONTAL_AXIS)
this.deltaX = -e2.detail / 3;
else if ("wheel" === e2.type) {
const t4 = e2;
t4.deltaMode === t4.DOM_DELTA_LINE ? i.h && !r.f ? this.deltaX = -e2.deltaX / 3 : this.deltaX = -e2.deltaX : this.deltaX = -e2.deltaX / 40;
0 === this.deltaY && 0 === this.deltaX && e2.wheelDelta && (this.deltaY = e2.wheelDelta / 120);
preventDefault() {
this.browserEvent && this.browserEvent.preventDefault();
stopPropagation() {
this.browserEvent && this.browserEvent.stopPropagation();
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(3);
class o {
static insert(e2, t2) {
return {range: new i.a(e2.lineNumber, e2.column, e2.lineNumber, e2.column), text: t2, forceMoveMarkers: true};
static delete(e2) {
return {range: e2, text: null};
static replace(e2, t2) {
return {range: e2, text: t2};
static replaceMove(e2, t2) {
return {range: e2, text: t2, forceMoveMarkers: true};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "j", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return v;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return k;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return E;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return M;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return P;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return U;
var i = n(78), o = n(8);
function r(...e2) {
return function(t2, n2) {
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
const o3 = e2[i2](t2, n2);
if (o3)
return o3;
return null;
const s = function(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!n2 || n2.length < t2.length)
return null;
let i2;
i2 = e2 ? o.T(n2, t2) : 0 === n2.indexOf(t2);
if (!i2)
return null;
return t2.length > 0 ? [{start: 0, end: t2.length}] : [];
}.bind(void 0, true);
function a(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.toLowerCase().indexOf(e2.toLowerCase());
return -1 === n2 ? null : [{start: n2, end: n2 + e2.length}];
function l(e2) {
return 97 <= e2 && e2 <= 122;
function c(e2) {
return 65 <= e2 && e2 <= 90;
function d(e2) {
return 48 <= e2 && e2 <= 57;
function h(e2) {
return 32 === e2 || 9 === e2 || 10 === e2 || 13 === e2;
const u = new Set();
function p(e2) {
return h(e2) || u.has(e2);
function m(e2) {
return l(e2) || c(e2) || d(e2);
function g(e2, t2) {
return 0 === t2.length ? t2 = [e2] : e2.end === t2[0].start ? t2[0].start = e2.start : t2.unshift(e2), t2;
function f(e2, t2) {
for (let n2 = t2; n2 < e2.length; n2++) {
const t3 = e2.charCodeAt(n2);
if (c(t3) || d(t3) || n2 > 0 && !m(e2.charCodeAt(n2 - 1)))
return n2;
return e2.length;
function b(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (n2 === e2.length)
return [];
if (i2 === t2.length)
return null;
if (e2[n2] !== t2[i2].toLowerCase())
return null;
let o2 = null, r2 = i2 + 1;
for (o2 = b(e2, t2, n2 + 1, i2 + 1); !o2 && (r2 = f(t2, r2)) < t2.length; )
o2 = b(e2, t2, n2 + 1, r2), r2++;
return null === o2 ? null : g({start: i2, end: i2 + 1}, o2);
function _(e2, t2) {
if (!t2)
return null;
if (0 === (t2 = t2.trim()).length)
return null;
if (!function(e3) {
let t3 = 0, n3 = 0, i3 = 0, o3 = 0;
for (let r2 = 0; r2 < e3.length; r2++)
i3 = e3.charCodeAt(r2), c(i3) && t3++, l(i3) && n3++, h(i3) && o3++;
return 0 !== t3 && 0 !== n3 || 0 !== o3 ? t3 <= 5 : e3.length <= 30;
return null;
if (t2.length > 60)
return null;
const n2 = function(e3) {
let t3 = 0, n3 = 0, i3 = 0, o3 = 0, r2 = 0;
for (let s2 = 0; s2 < e3.length; s2++)
r2 = e3.charCodeAt(s2), c(r2) && t3++, l(r2) && n3++, m(r2) && i3++, d(r2) && o3++;
return {upperPercent: t3 / e3.length, lowerPercent: n3 / e3.length, alphaPercent: i3 / e3.length, numericPercent: o3 / e3.length};
if (!function(e3) {
const {upperPercent: t3, lowerPercent: n3, alphaPercent: i3, numericPercent: o3} = e3;
return n3 > 0.2 && t3 < 0.8 && i3 > 0.6 && o3 < 0.2;
}(n2)) {
if (!function(e3) {
const {upperPercent: t3, lowerPercent: n3} = e3;
return 0 === n3 && t3 > 0.6;
return null;
t2 = t2.toLowerCase();
let i2 = null, o2 = 0;
for (e2 = e2.toLowerCase(); o2 < t2.length && null === (i2 = b(e2, t2, 0, o2)); )
o2 = f(t2, o2 + 1);
return i2;
function v(e2, t2, n2 = false) {
if (!t2 || 0 === t2.length)
return null;
let i2 = null, o2 = 0;
for (e2 = e2.toLowerCase(), t2 = t2.toLowerCase(); o2 < t2.length && null === (i2 = w(e2, t2, 0, o2, n2)); )
o2 = y(t2, o2 + 1);
return i2;
function w(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (n2 === e2.length)
return [];
if (i2 === t2.length)
return null;
if (r2 = e2.charCodeAt(n2), s2 = t2.charCodeAt(i2), r2 === s2 || p(r2) && p(s2)) {
let r3 = null, s3 = i2 + 1;
if (r3 = w(e2, t2, n2 + 1, i2 + 1, o2), !o2)
for (; !r3 && (s3 = y(t2, s3)) < t2.length; )
r3 = w(e2, t2, n2 + 1, s3, o2), s3++;
return null === r3 ? null : g({start: i2, end: i2 + 1}, r3);
return null;
var r2, s2;
function y(e2, t2) {
for (let n2 = t2; n2 < e2.length; n2++)
if (p(e2.charCodeAt(n2)) || n2 > 0 && p(e2.charCodeAt(n2 - 1)))
return n2;
return e2.length;
"`~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?".split("").forEach((e2) => u.add(e2.charCodeAt(0)));
const C = r(s, _, a), x = r(s, _, function(e2, t2) {
return function e3(t3, n2, i2, o2) {
if (i2 === t3.length)
return [];
if (o2 === n2.length)
return null;
if (t3[i2] === n2[o2]) {
let r2 = null;
return (r2 = e3(t3, n2, i2 + 1, o2 + 1)) ? g({start: o2, end: o2 + 1}, r2) : null;
return e3(t3, n2, i2, o2 + 1);
}(e2.toLowerCase(), t2.toLowerCase(), 0, 0);
}), S = new i.a(1e4);
function k(e2, t2, n2 = false) {
if ("string" != typeof e2 || "string" != typeof t2)
return null;
let i2 = S.get(e2);
i2 || (i2 = new RegExp(o.p(e2), "i"), S.set(e2, i2));
const r2 = i2.exec(t2);
return r2 ? [{start: r2.index, end: r2.index + r2[0].length}] : n2 ? x(e2, t2) : C(e2, t2);
function E(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
const s2 = P(e2, t2, 0, i2, o2, 0, true);
if (s2)
return s2;
let a2 = 0, l2 = 0, c2 = r2;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < t2.length && e3 < L; ++e3) {
const n3 = o2.indexOf(t2.charAt(e3), c2);
if (n3 >= 0)
l2 += 1, a2 += Math.pow(2, n3), c2 = n3 + 1;
else if (0 !== a2)
return [l2, a2, r2];
function T(e2) {
if (void 0 === e2)
return [];
const t2 = e2[1].toString(2), n2 = [];
for (let i2 = e2[2]; i2 < L; i2++)
if ("1" === t2[t2.length - (i2 + 1)]) {
const e3 = n2[n2.length - 1];
e3 && e3.end === i2 ? e3.end = i2 + 1 : n2.push({start: i2, end: i2 + 1});
return n2;
const L = 128;
function N() {
const e2 = [], t2 = [0];
for (let e3 = 1; e3 <= L; e3++)
for (let n2 = 0; n2 <= L; n2++) {
const i2 = t2.slice(0);
i2[0] = -n2, e2.push(i2);
return e2;
const I = N(), O = N(), D = N();
function A(e2, t2) {
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= e2.length)
return false;
switch (e2.charCodeAt(t2)) {
case 95:
case 45:
case 46:
case 32:
case 47:
case 92:
case 39:
case 34:
case 58:
case 36:
return true;
return false;
function R(e2, t2, n2) {
return t2[e2] !== n2[e2];
var M;
function P(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
const a2 = e2.length > L ? L : e2.length, l2 = i2.length > L ? L : i2.length;
if (n2 >= a2 || r2 >= l2 || a2 - n2 > l2 - r2)
if (!function(e3, t3, n3, i3, o3, r3) {
for (; t3 < n3 && o3 < r3; )
e3[t3] === i3[o3] && (t3 += 1), o3 += 1;
return t3 === n3;
}(t2, n2, a2, o2, r2, l2))
let c2 = 1, d2 = 1, h2 = n2, u2 = r2, p2 = false;
for (c2 = 1, h2 = n2; h2 < a2; c2++, h2++)
for (d2 = 1, u2 = r2; u2 < l2; d2++, u2++) {
const r3 = F(e2, t2, h2, n2, i2, o2, u2);
h2 === n2 && r3 > 1 && (p2 = true), O[c2][d2] = r3;
const s3 = I[c2 - 1][d2 - 1] + (r3 > 1 ? 1 : r3), a3 = I[c2 - 1][d2] + -1, l3 = I[c2][d2 - 1] + -1;
l3 >= a3 ? l3 > s3 ? (I[c2][d2] = l3, D[c2][d2] = 4) : l3 === s3 ? (I[c2][d2] = l3, D[c2][d2] = 6) : (I[c2][d2] = s3, D[c2][d2] = 2) : a3 > s3 ? (I[c2][d2] = a3, D[c2][d2] = 1) : a3 === s3 ? (I[c2][d2] = a3, D[c2][d2] = 3) : (I[c2][d2] = s3, D[c2][d2] = 2);
return (p2 || s2) && (W = 0, B = -100, j = r2, V = s2, function e3(t3, n3, i3, o3, r3) {
if (W >= 10 || i3 < -25)
let s3 = 0;
for (; t3 > 0 && n3 > 0; ) {
const a3 = O[t3][n3], l3 = D[t3][n3];
if (4 === l3)
n3 -= 1, r3 ? i3 -= 5 : 0 !== o3 && (i3 -= 1), r3 = false, s3 = 0;
else {
if (!(2 & l3))
if (4 & l3 && e3(t3, n3 - 1, 0 !== o3 ? i3 - 1 : i3, o3, r3), i3 += a3, t3 -= 1, n3 -= 1, r3 = true, o3 += Math.pow(2, n3 + j), 1 === a3) {
if (s3 += 1, 0 === t3 && !V)
} else
i3 += 1 + s3 * (a3 - 1), s3 = 0;
W += 1, (i3 -= n3 >= 3 ? 9 : 3 * n3) > B && (B = i3, z = o3);
}(c2 - 1, d2 - 1, a2 === l2 ? 1 : 0, 0, false), 0 !== W) ? [B, z, r2] : void 0;
function F(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
return t2[n2] !== r2[s2] ? -1 : s2 === n2 - i2 ? e2[n2] === o2[s2] ? 7 : 5 : !R(s2, o2, r2) || 0 !== s2 && R(s2 - 1, o2, r2) ? !A(r2, s2) || 0 !== s2 && A(r2, s2 - 1) ? A(r2, s2 - 1) || function(e3, t3) {
if (t3 < 0 || t3 >= e3.length)
return false;
switch (e3.charCodeAt(t3)) {
case 32:
case 9:
return true;
return false;
}(r2, s2 - 1) ? 5 : 1 : 5 : e2[n2] === o2[s2] ? 7 : 5;
!function(e2) {
e2.Default = Object.freeze([-100, 0, 0]), e2.isDefault = function(e3) {
return !e3 || -100 === e3[0] && 0 === e3[1] && 0 === e3[2];
}(M || (M = {}));
let W = 0, z = 0, B = 0, j = 0, V = false;
function U(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
return function(e3, t3, n3, i3, o3, r3, s3, a2) {
let l2 = P(e3, t3, n3, i3, o3, r3, a2);
if (l2 && !s3)
return l2;
if (e3.length >= 3) {
const t4 = Math.min(7, e3.length - 1);
for (let s4 = n3 + 1; s4 < t4; s4++) {
const t5 = H(e3, s4);
if (t5) {
const e4 = P(t5, t5.toLowerCase(), n3, i3, o3, r3, a2);
e4 && (e4[0] -= 3, (!l2 || e4[0] > l2[0]) && (l2 = e4));
return l2;
}(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, true, s2);
function H(e2, t2) {
if (t2 + 1 >= e2.length)
const n2 = e2[t2], i2 = e2[t2 + 1];
return n2 !== i2 ? e2.slice(0, t2) + i2 + n2 + e2.slice(t2 + 2) : void 0;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
(function(e2) {
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return p;
var i = n(8);
const o = void 0 !== e2, r = "undefined" != typeof TextDecoder;
let s;
class a {
constructor(e3) {
this.buffer = e3, this.byteLength = this.buffer.byteLength;
toString() {
return o ? this.buffer.toString() : r ? (s || (s = new TextDecoder()), s.decode(this.buffer)) : i.r(this.buffer);
function l(e3, t2) {
return e3[t2 + 0] << 0 >>> 0 | e3[t2 + 1] << 8 >>> 0;
function c(e3, t2, n2) {
e3[n2 + 0] = 255 & t2, t2 >>>= 8, e3[n2 + 1] = 255 & t2;
function d(e3, t2) {
return e3[t2] * Math.pow(2, 24) + e3[t2 + 1] * Math.pow(2, 16) + e3[t2 + 2] * Math.pow(2, 8) + e3[t2 + 3];
function h(e3, t2, n2) {
e3[n2 + 3] = t2, t2 >>>= 8, e3[n2 + 2] = t2, t2 >>>= 8, e3[n2 + 1] = t2, t2 >>>= 8, e3[n2] = t2;
function u(e3, t2) {
return e3[t2];
function p(e3, t2, n2) {
e3[n2] = t2;
}).call(this, n(202).Buffer);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return a;
const i = "`~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?";
const o = function(e2 = "") {
let t2 = "(-?\\d*\\.\\d\\w*)|([^";
for (const n2 of i)
e2.indexOf(n2) >= 0 || (t2 += "\\" + n2);
return t2 += "\\s]+)", new RegExp(t2, "g");
function r(e2) {
let t2 = o;
if (e2 && e2 instanceof RegExp)
if (
t2 = e2;
else {
let n2 = "g";
e2.ignoreCase && (n2 += "i"), e2.multiline && (n2 += "m"), e2.unicode && (n2 += "u"), t2 = new RegExp(e2.source, n2);
return t2.lastIndex = 0, t2;
const s = {maxLen: 1e3, windowSize: 15, timeBudget: 150};
function a(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2 = s) {
if (n2.length > o2.maxLen) {
let r3 = e2 - o2.maxLen / 2;
return r3 < 0 ? (i2 += e2, r3 = 0) : i2 += r3, a(e2, t2, n2 = n2.substring(r3, e2 + o2.maxLen / 2), i2, o2);
const r2 = e2 - 1 - i2;
let c = -1, d = null;
for (let e3 = 1; ; e3++) {, o2.timeBudget;
const i3 = r2 - o2.windowSize * e3;
t2.lastIndex = Math.max(0, i3);
const s2 = l(t2, n2, r2, c);
if (!s2 && d)
if (d = s2, i3 <= 0)
c = i3;
if (d) {
let e3 = {word: d[0], startColumn: i2 + 1 + d.index, endColumn: i2 + 1 + d.index + d[0].length};
return t2.lastIndex = 0, e3;
return null;
function l(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2;
for (; o2 = e2.exec(t2); ) {
const t3 = o2.index || 0;
if (t3 <= n2 && e2.lastIndex >= n2)
return o2;
if (i2 > 0 && t3 > i2)
return null;
return null;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "f", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return c;
var i = n(8);
class o {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) { = 0 | e2, this.left = 0 | t2, this.width = 0 | n2, this.height = 0 | i2;
class r {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.tabSize = e2, = t2;
class s {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this.content = e2, this.continuesWithWrappedLine = t2, this.minColumn = n2, this.maxColumn = i2, this.startVisibleColumn = o2, this.tokens = r2;
class a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, l2, c2, d) {
this.minColumn = e2, this.maxColumn = t2, this.content = n2, this.continuesWithWrappedLine = i2, this.isBasicASCII = a.isBasicASCII(n2, r2), this.containsRTL = a.containsRTL(n2, this.isBasicASCII, o2), this.tokens = s2, this.inlineDecorations = l2, this.tabSize = c2, this.startVisibleColumn = d;
static isBasicASCII(e2, t2) {
return !t2 || i.B(e2);
static containsRTL(e2, t2, n2) {
return !(t2 || !n2) && i.m(e2);
class l {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.range = e2, this.inlineClassName = t2, this.type = n2;
class c {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.range = e2, this.options = t2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i;
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
}), function(e2) {
e2[e2.None = 0] = "None", e2[e2.Indent = 1] = "Indent", e2[e2.IndentOutdent = 2] = "IndentOutdent", e2[e2.Outdent = 3] = "Outdent";
}(i || (i = {}));
class o {
constructor(e2) {
if ( =, this.close = e2.close, this._standardTokenMask = 0, Array.isArray(e2.notIn))
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = e2.notIn.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
switch (e2.notIn[t2]) {
case "string":
this._standardTokenMask |= 2;
case "comment":
this._standardTokenMask |= 1;
case "regex":
this._standardTokenMask |= 4;
isOK(e2) {
return 0 == (this._standardTokenMask & e2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
var i = n(36);
class o {
constructor(e2) {
let t2 = Object(i.b)(e2);
this._defaultValue = t2, this._asciiMap = o._createAsciiMap(t2), this._map = new Map();
static _createAsciiMap(e2) {
let t2 = new Uint8Array(256);
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < 256; n2++)
t2[n2] = e2;
return t2;
set(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Object(i.b)(t2);
e2 >= 0 && e2 < 256 ? this._asciiMap[e2] = n2 : this._map.set(e2, n2);
get(e2) {
return e2 >= 0 && e2 < 256 ? this._asciiMap[e2] : this._map.get(e2) || this._defaultValue;
class r {
constructor() {
this._actual = new o(0);
add(e2) {
this._actual.set(e2, 1);
has(e2) {
return 1 === this._actual.get(e2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return r;
class i {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.offset = 0 | e2, this.type = t2, this.language = n2;
toString() {
return "(" + this.offset + ", " + this.type + ")";
class o {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.tokens = e2, this.endState = t2;
class r {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.tokens = e2, this.endState = t2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return m;
var i = n(23), o = n(8), r = n(45), s = n(11);
class a {
constructor() {
this._value = "", this._pos = 0;
reset(e2) {
return this._value = e2, this._pos = 0, this;
next() {
return this._pos += 1, this;
hasNext() {
return this._pos < this._value.length - 1;
cmp(e2) {
return e2.charCodeAt(0) - this._value.charCodeAt(this._pos);
value() {
return this._value[this._pos];
class l {
constructor(e2 = true, t2 = true) {
this._splitOnBackslash = e2, this._caseSensitive = t2;
reset(e2) {
return this._value = e2.replace(/\\$|\/$/, ""), this._from = 0, this._to = 0,;
hasNext() {
return this._to < this._value.length;
next() {
this._from = this._to;
let e2 = true;
for (; this._to < this._value.length; this._to++) {
const t2 = this._value.charCodeAt(this._to);
if (47 === t2 || this._splitOnBackslash && 92 === t2) {
if (!e2)
} else
e2 = false;
return this;
cmp(e2) {
return this._caseSensitive ? Object(o.h)(e2, this._value, 0, e2.length, this._from, this._to) : Object(o.i)(e2, this._value, 0, e2.length, this._from, this._to);
value() {
return this._value.substring(this._from, this._to);
class c {
constructor() {
this._states = [], this._stateIdx = 0;
reset(e2) {
if (this._value = e2, this._states = [], this._value.scheme && this._states.push(1), this._value.authority && this._states.push(2), this._value.path) {
const t2 = e2.scheme === r.b.file && s.d;
this._pathIterator = new l(false, t2), this._pathIterator.reset(e2.path), this._pathIterator.value() && this._states.push(3);
return this._value.query && this._states.push(4), this._value.fragment && this._states.push(5), this._stateIdx = 0, this;
next() {
return 3 === this._states[this._stateIdx] && this._pathIterator.hasNext() ? : this._stateIdx += 1, this;
hasNext() {
return 3 === this._states[this._stateIdx] && this._pathIterator.hasNext() || this._stateIdx < this._states.length - 1;
cmp(e2) {
if (1 === this._states[this._stateIdx])
return Object(o.f)(e2, this._value.scheme);
if (2 === this._states[this._stateIdx])
return Object(o.i)(e2, this._value.authority);
if (3 === this._states[this._stateIdx])
return this._pathIterator.cmp(e2);
if (4 === this._states[this._stateIdx])
return Object(o.f)(e2, this._value.query);
if (5 === this._states[this._stateIdx])
return Object(o.f)(e2, this._value.fragment);
throw new Error();
value() {
if (1 === this._states[this._stateIdx])
return this._value.scheme;
if (2 === this._states[this._stateIdx])
return this._value.authority;
if (3 === this._states[this._stateIdx])
return this._pathIterator.value();
if (4 === this._states[this._stateIdx])
return this._value.query;
if (5 === this._states[this._stateIdx])
return this._value.fragment;
throw new Error();
class d {
class h {
constructor(e2) {
this._iter = e2;
static forUris() {
return new h(new c());
static forStrings() {
return new h(new a());
clear() {
this._root = void 0;
set(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._iter.reset(e2);
let i2;
for (this._root || (this._root = new d(), this._root.segment = n2.value()), i2 = this._root; ; ) {
const e3 = n2.cmp(i2.segment);
if (e3 > 0)
i2.left || (i2.left = new d(), i2.left.segment = n2.value()), i2 = i2.left;
else if (e3 < 0)
i2.right || (i2.right = new d(), i2.right.segment = n2.value()), i2 = i2.right;
else {
if (!n2.hasNext())
break;, i2.mid || (i2.mid = new d(), i2.mid.segment = n2.value()), i2 = i2.mid;
const o2 = i2.value;
return i2.value = t2, i2.key = e2, o2;
get(e2) {
const t2 = this._iter.reset(e2);
let n2 = this._root;
for (; n2; ) {
const e3 = t2.cmp(n2.segment);
if (e3 > 0)
n2 = n2.left;
else if (e3 < 0)
n2 = n2.right;
else {
if (!t2.hasNext())
break;, n2 = n2.mid;
return n2 ? n2.value : void 0;
findSubstr(e2) {
const t2 = this._iter.reset(e2);
let n2 = this._root, i2 = void 0;
for (; n2; ) {
const e3 = t2.cmp(n2.segment);
if (e3 > 0)
n2 = n2.left;
else if (e3 < 0)
n2 = n2.right;
else {
if (!t2.hasNext())
break;, i2 = n2.value || i2, n2 = n2.mid;
return n2 && n2.value || i2;
forEach(e2) {
this._forEach(this._root, e2);
_forEach(e2, t2) {
e2 && (this._forEach(e2.left, t2), e2.value && t2(e2.value, e2.key), this._forEach(e2.mid, t2), this._forEach(e2.right, t2));
class u {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this[Symbol.toStringTag] = "ResourceMap", e2 instanceof u ? ( = new Map(, this.toKey = null != t2 ? t2 : u.defaultToKey) : ( = new Map(), this.toKey = null != e2 ? e2 : u.defaultToKey);
set(e2, t2) {
return, t2), this;
get(e2) {
has(e2) {
get size() {
clear() {;
delete(e2) {
forEach(e2, t2) {
void 0 !== t2 && (e2 = e2.bind(t2));
for (let [t3, n2] of
e2(n2, i.a.parse(t3), this);
values() {
*keys() {
for (let e2 of
yield i.a.parse(e2);
*entries() {
for (let e2 of
yield [i.a.parse(e2[0]), e2[1]];
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (let e2 of
yield [i.a.parse(e2[0]), e2[1]];
u.defaultToKey = (e2) => e2.toString();
class p {
constructor() {
this[Symbol.toStringTag] = "LinkedMap", this._map = new Map(), this._head = void 0, this._tail = void 0, this._size = 0, this._state = 0;
clear() {
this._map.clear(), this._head = void 0, this._tail = void 0, this._size = 0, this._state++;
isEmpty() {
return !this._head && !this._tail;
get size() {
return this._size;
get first() {
var e2;
return null === (e2 = this._head) || void 0 === e2 ? void 0 : e2.value;
get last() {
var e2;
return null === (e2 = this._tail) || void 0 === e2 ? void 0 : e2.value;
has(e2) {
return this._map.has(e2);
get(e2, t2 = 0) {
const n2 = this._map.get(e2);
if (n2)
return 0 !== t2 && this.touch(n2, t2), n2.value;
set(e2, t2, n2 = 0) {
let i2 = this._map.get(e2);
if (i2)
i2.value = t2, 0 !== n2 && this.touch(i2, n2);
else {
switch (i2 = {key: e2, value: t2, next: void 0, previous: void 0}, n2) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
this._map.set(e2, i2), this._size++;
return this;
delete(e2) {
return !!this.remove(e2);
remove(e2) {
const t2 = this._map.get(e2);
if (t2)
return this._map.delete(e2), this.removeItem(t2), this._size--, t2.value;
shift() {
if (!this._head && !this._tail)
if (!this._head || !this._tail)
throw new Error("Invalid list");
const e2 = this._head;
return this._map.delete(e2.key), this.removeItem(e2), this._size--, e2.value;
forEach(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._state;
let i2 = this._head;
for (; i2; ) {
if (t2 ? e2.bind(t2)(i2.value, i2.key, this) : e2(i2.value, i2.key, this), this._state !== n2)
throw new Error("LinkedMap got modified during iteration.");
i2 =;
keys() {
const e2 = this, t2 = this._state;
let n2 = this._head;
const i2 = {[Symbol.iterator]: () => i2, next() {
if (e2._state !== t2)
throw new Error("LinkedMap got modified during iteration.");
if (n2) {
const e3 = {value: n2.key, done: false};
return n2 =, e3;
return {value: void 0, done: true};
return i2;
values() {
const e2 = this, t2 = this._state;
let n2 = this._head;
const i2 = {[Symbol.iterator]: () => i2, next() {
if (e2._state !== t2)
throw new Error("LinkedMap got modified during iteration.");
if (n2) {
const e3 = {value: n2.value, done: false};
return n2 =, e3;
return {value: void 0, done: true};
return i2;
entries() {
const e2 = this, t2 = this._state;
let n2 = this._head;
const i2 = {[Symbol.iterator]: () => i2, next() {
if (e2._state !== t2)
throw new Error("LinkedMap got modified during iteration.");
if (n2) {
const e3 = {value: [n2.key, n2.value], done: false};
return n2 =, e3;
return {value: void 0, done: true};
return i2;
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.entries();
trimOld(e2) {
if (e2 >= this.size)
if (0 === e2)
return void this.clear();
let t2 = this._head, n2 = this.size;
for (; t2 && n2 > e2; )
this._map.delete(t2.key), t2 =, n2--;
this._head = t2, this._size = n2, t2 && (t2.previous = void 0), this._state++;
addItemFirst(e2) {
if (this._head || this._tail) {
if (!this._head)
throw new Error("Invalid list"); = this._head, this._head.previous = e2;
} else
this._tail = e2;
this._head = e2, this._state++;
addItemLast(e2) {
if (this._head || this._tail) {
if (!this._tail)
throw new Error("Invalid list");
e2.previous = this._tail, = e2;
} else
this._head = e2;
this._tail = e2, this._state++;
removeItem(e2) {
if (e2 === this._head && e2 === this._tail)
this._head = void 0, this._tail = void 0;
else if (e2 === this._head) {
if (!
throw new Error("Invalid list"); = void 0, this._head =;
} else if (e2 === this._tail) {
if (!e2.previous)
throw new Error("Invalid list"); = void 0, this._tail = e2.previous;
} else {
const t2 =, n2 = e2.previous;
if (!t2 || !n2)
throw new Error("Invalid list");
t2.previous = n2, = t2;
} = void 0, e2.previous = void 0, this._state++;
touch(e2, t2) {
if (!this._head || !this._tail)
throw new Error("Invalid list");
if (1 === t2 || 2 === t2) {
if (1 === t2) {
if (e2 === this._head)
const t3 =, n2 = e2.previous;
e2 === this._tail ? ( = void 0, this._tail = n2) : (t3.previous = n2, = t3), e2.previous = void 0, = this._head, this._head.previous = e2, this._head = e2, this._state++;
} else if (2 === t2) {
if (e2 === this._tail)
const t3 =, n2 = e2.previous;
e2 === this._head ? (t3.previous = void 0, this._head = t3) : (t3.previous = n2, = t3), = void 0, e2.previous = this._tail, = e2, this._tail = e2, this._state++;
toJSON() {
const e2 = [];
return this.forEach((t2, n2) => {
e2.push([n2, t2]);
}), e2;
fromJSON(e2) {
for (const [t2, n2] of e2)
this.set(t2, n2);
class m extends p {
constructor(e2, t2 = 1) {
super(), this._limit = e2, this._ratio = Math.min(Math.max(0, t2), 1);
get limit() {
return this._limit;
set limit(e2) {
this._limit = e2, this.checkTrim();
get(e2, t2 = 2) {
return super.get(e2, t2);
peek(e2) {
return super.get(e2, 0);
set(e2, t2) {
return super.set(e2, t2, 2), this.checkTrim(), this;
checkTrim() {
this.size > this._limit && this.trimOld(Math.round(this._limit * this._ratio));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return d;
var i = n(23), o = n(18), r = n(2), s = n(8), a = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const l = Object(o.c)("openerService"), c = Object.freeze({_serviceBrand: void 0, registerOpener: () => r.a.None, registerValidator: () => r.a.None, registerExternalUriResolver: () => r.a.None, setExternalOpener() {
}, open() {
return a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return false;
}, resolveExternalUri(e2) {
return a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return {resolved: e2, dispose() {
function d(e2, t2) {
return i.a.isUri(e2) ? Object(s.t)(e2.scheme, t2) : Object(s.T)(e2, t2 + ":");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
var i = n(18), o = n(10);
const r = Object(i.c)("accessibilityService"), s = new o.c("accessibilityModeEnabled", false);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
var i = n(22), o = n(9), r = n(3), s = n(8);
class a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.lineNumber = e2, this.column = t2, this.leftoverVisibleColumns = n2;
class l {
static leftPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 > e2.getLineMinColumn(t2) ? n2 -= s.N(e2.getLineContent(t2), n2 - 1) : t2 > 1 && (t2 -= 1, n2 = e2.getLineMaxColumn(t2)), new o.a(t2, n2);
static left(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = l.leftPosition(t2, n2, i2);
return new a(o2.lineNumber, o2.column, 0);
static moveLeft(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2, s2;
if (n2.hasSelection() && !i2)
r2 = n2.selection.startLineNumber, s2 = n2.selection.startColumn;
else {
let i3 = l.left(e2, t2, n2.position.lineNumber, n2.position.column - (o2 - 1));
r2 = i3.lineNumber, s2 = i3.column;
return n2.move(i2, r2, s2, 0);
static rightPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 < e2.getLineMaxColumn(t2) ? n2 += s.L(e2.getLineContent(t2), n2 - 1) : t2 < e2.getLineCount() && (t2 += 1, n2 = e2.getLineMinColumn(t2)), new o.a(t2, n2);
static right(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = l.rightPosition(t2, n2, i2);
return new a(o2.lineNumber, o2.column, 0);
static moveRight(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2, s2;
if (n2.hasSelection() && !i2)
r2 = n2.selection.endLineNumber, s2 = n2.selection.endColumn;
else {
let i3 = l.right(e2, t2, n2.position.lineNumber, n2.position.column + (o2 - 1));
r2 = i3.lineNumber, s2 = i3.column;
return n2.move(i2, r2, s2, 0);
static down(e2, t2, n2, o2, r2, s2, l2) {
const c = i.a.visibleColumnFromColumn(t2.getLineContent(n2), o2, e2.tabSize) + r2, d = t2.getLineCount(), h = n2 === d && o2 === t2.getLineMaxColumn(n2);
return (n2 += s2) > d ? (n2 = d, o2 = l2 ? t2.getLineMaxColumn(n2) : Math.min(t2.getLineMaxColumn(n2), o2)) : o2 = i.a.columnFromVisibleColumn2(e2, t2, n2, c), r2 = h ? 0 : c - i.a.visibleColumnFromColumn(t2.getLineContent(n2), o2, e2.tabSize), new a(n2, o2, r2);
static moveDown(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2, s2;
n2.hasSelection() && !i2 ? (r2 = n2.selection.endLineNumber, s2 = n2.selection.endColumn) : (r2 = n2.position.lineNumber, s2 = n2.position.column);
let a2 = l.down(e2, t2, r2, s2, n2.leftoverVisibleColumns, o2, true);
return n2.move(i2, a2.lineNumber, a2.column, a2.leftoverVisibleColumns);
static translateDown(e2, t2, n2) {
let s2 = n2.selection, a2 = l.down(e2, t2, s2.selectionStartLineNumber, s2.selectionStartColumn, n2.selectionStartLeftoverVisibleColumns, 1, false), c = l.down(e2, t2, s2.positionLineNumber, s2.positionColumn, n2.leftoverVisibleColumns, 1, false);
return new i.f(new r.a(a2.lineNumber, a2.column, a2.lineNumber, a2.column), a2.leftoverVisibleColumns, new o.a(c.lineNumber, c.column), c.leftoverVisibleColumns);
static up(e2, t2, n2, o2, r2, s2, l2) {
const c = i.a.visibleColumnFromColumn(t2.getLineContent(n2), o2, e2.tabSize) + r2, d = 1 === n2 && 1 === o2;
return (n2 -= s2) < 1 ? (n2 = 1, o2 = l2 ? t2.getLineMinColumn(n2) : Math.min(t2.getLineMaxColumn(n2), o2)) : o2 = i.a.columnFromVisibleColumn2(e2, t2, n2, c), r2 = d ? 0 : c - i.a.visibleColumnFromColumn(t2.getLineContent(n2), o2, e2.tabSize), new a(n2, o2, r2);
static moveUp(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2, s2;
n2.hasSelection() && !i2 ? (r2 = n2.selection.startLineNumber, s2 = n2.selection.startColumn) : (r2 = n2.position.lineNumber, s2 = n2.position.column);
let a2 = l.up(e2, t2, r2, s2, n2.leftoverVisibleColumns, o2, true);
return n2.move(i2, a2.lineNumber, a2.column, a2.leftoverVisibleColumns);
static translateUp(e2, t2, n2) {
let s2 = n2.selection, a2 = l.up(e2, t2, s2.selectionStartLineNumber, s2.selectionStartColumn, n2.selectionStartLeftoverVisibleColumns, 1, false), c = l.up(e2, t2, s2.positionLineNumber, s2.positionColumn, n2.leftoverVisibleColumns, 1, false);
return new i.f(new r.a(a2.lineNumber, a2.column, a2.lineNumber, a2.column), a2.leftoverVisibleColumns, new o.a(c.lineNumber, c.column), c.leftoverVisibleColumns);
static moveToBeginningOfLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2, r2 = n2.position.lineNumber, s2 = t2.getLineMinColumn(r2), a2 = t2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(r2) || s2;
return o2 = n2.position.column === a2 ? s2 : a2, n2.move(i2, r2, o2, 0);
static moveToEndOfLine(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2 = n2.position.lineNumber, s2 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(r2);
return n2.move(i2, r2, s2, o2 ? 1073741824 - s2 : 0);
static moveToBeginningOfBuffer(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return n2.move(i2, 1, 1, 0);
static moveToEndOfBuffer(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = t2.getLineCount(), r2 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(o2);
return n2.move(i2, o2, r2, 0);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
var i = n(1), o = n(67), r = n(69), s = n(2), a = n(61);
class l extends s.a {
onclick(e2, t2) {
this._register(i.i(e2, i.c.CLICK, (e3) => t2(new r.a(e3))));
onmousedown(e2, t2) {
this._register(i.i(e2, i.c.MOUSE_DOWN, (e3) => t2(new r.a(e3))));
onmouseover(e2, t2) {
this._register(i.i(e2, i.c.MOUSE_OVER, (e3) => t2(new r.a(e3))));
onnonbubblingmouseout(e2, t2) {
this._register(i.j(e2, (e3) => t2(new r.a(e3))));
onkeydown(e2, t2) {
this._register(i.i(e2, i.c.KEY_DOWN, (e3) => t2(new o.a(e3))));
onkeyup(e2, t2) {
this._register(i.i(e2, i.c.KEY_UP, (e3) => t2(new o.a(e3))));
oninput(e2, t2) {
this._register(i.i(e2, i.c.INPUT, t2));
onblur(e2, t2) {
this._register(i.i(e2, i.c.BLUR, t2));
onfocus(e2, t2) {
this._register(i.i(e2, i.c.FOCUS, t2));
ignoreGesture(e2) {
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(18);
class o {
constructor(e2) {
this.callback = e2;
report(e2) {
this._value = e2, this.callback(this._value);
o.None = Object.freeze({report() {
const r = Object(i.c)("editorProgressService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("contextViewService"), r = Object(i.c)("contextMenuService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
var i, o = n(14), r = n(22), s = n(81), a = n(129), l = n(9), c = n(3);
class d {
static addCursorDown(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [], o2 = 0;
for (let a2 = 0, l2 = t2.length; a2 < l2; a2++) {
const l3 = t2[a2];
i2[o2++] = new r.d(l3.modelState, l3.viewState), i2[o2++] = n2 ? r.d.fromModelState(s.a.translateDown(e2.cursorConfig, e2.model, l3.modelState)) : r.d.fromViewState(s.a.translateDown(e2.cursorConfig, e2, l3.viewState));
return i2;
static addCursorUp(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [], o2 = 0;
for (let a2 = 0, l2 = t2.length; a2 < l2; a2++) {
const l3 = t2[a2];
i2[o2++] = new r.d(l3.modelState, l3.viewState), i2[o2++] = n2 ? r.d.fromModelState(s.a.translateUp(e2.cursorConfig, e2.model, l3.modelState)) : r.d.fromViewState(s.a.translateUp(e2.cursorConfig, e2, l3.viewState));
return i2;
static moveToBeginningOfLine(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = t2[o2];
i2[o2] = this._moveToLineStart(e2, r3, n2);
return i2;
static _moveToLineStart(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.viewState.position.column, o2 = i2 === t2.modelState.position.column, r2 = t2.viewState.position.lineNumber, s2 = e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(r2);
return o2 || i2 === s2 ? this._moveToLineStartByModel(e2, t2, n2) : this._moveToLineStartByView(e2, t2, n2);
static _moveToLineStartByView(e2, t2, n2) {
return r.d.fromViewState(s.a.moveToBeginningOfLine(e2.cursorConfig, e2, t2.viewState, n2));
static _moveToLineStartByModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return r.d.fromModelState(s.a.moveToBeginningOfLine(e2.cursorConfig, e2.model, t2.modelState, n2));
static moveToEndOfLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = [];
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = t2.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
const s3 = t2[r2];
o2[r2] = this._moveToLineEnd(e2, s3, n2, i2);
return o2;
static _moveToLineEnd(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = t2.viewState.position, r2 = e2.getLineMaxColumn(o2.lineNumber), s2 = o2.column === r2, a2 = t2.modelState.position, l2 = e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(a2.lineNumber), c2 = r2 - o2.column == l2 - a2.column;
return s2 || c2 ? this._moveToLineEndByModel(e2, t2, n2, i2) : this._moveToLineEndByView(e2, t2, n2, i2);
static _moveToLineEndByView(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return r.d.fromViewState(s.a.moveToEndOfLine(e2.cursorConfig, e2, t2.viewState, n2, i2));
static _moveToLineEndByModel(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return r.d.fromModelState(s.a.moveToEndOfLine(e2.cursorConfig, e2.model, t2.modelState, n2, i2));
static expandLineSelection(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [];
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = t2.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
const o3 = t2[i2], s2 = o3.modelState.selection.startLineNumber, a2 = e2.model.getLineCount();
let d2, h = o3.modelState.selection.endLineNumber;
h === a2 ? d2 = e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(a2) : (h++, d2 = 1), n2[i2] = r.d.fromModelState(new r.f(new c.a(s2, 1, s2, 1), 0, new l.a(h, d2), 0));
return n2;
static moveToBeginningOfBuffer(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, a2 = t2.length; o2 < a2; o2++) {
const a3 = t2[o2];
i2[o2] = r.d.fromModelState(s.a.moveToBeginningOfBuffer(e2.cursorConfig, e2.model, a3.modelState, n2));
return i2;
static moveToEndOfBuffer(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, a2 = t2.length; o2 < a2; o2++) {
const a3 = t2[o2];
i2[o2] = r.d.fromModelState(s.a.moveToEndOfBuffer(e2.cursorConfig, e2.model, a3.modelState, n2));
return i2;
static selectAll(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.model.getLineCount(), i2 = e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(n2);
return r.d.fromModelState(new r.f(new c.a(1, 1, 1, 1), 0, new l.a(n2, i2), 0));
static line(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const s2 = e2.model.validatePosition(i2), a2 = o2 ? e2.coordinatesConverter.validateViewPosition(new l.a(o2.lineNumber, o2.column), s2) : e2.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(s2);
if (!n2 || !t2.modelState.hasSelection()) {
const t3 = e2.model.getLineCount();
let n3 = s2.lineNumber + 1, i3 = 1;
return n3 > t3 && (n3 = t3, i3 = e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(n3)), r.d.fromModelState(new r.f(new c.a(s2.lineNumber, 1, n3, i3), 0, new l.a(n3, i3), 0));
const d2 = t2.modelState.selectionStart.getStartPosition().lineNumber;
if (s2.lineNumber < d2)
return r.d.fromViewState(t2.viewState.move(t2.modelState.hasSelection(), a2.lineNumber, 1, 0));
if (s2.lineNumber > d2) {
const n3 = e2.getLineCount();
let i3 = a2.lineNumber + 1, o3 = 1;
return i3 > n3 && (i3 = n3, o3 = e2.getLineMaxColumn(i3)), r.d.fromViewState(t2.viewState.move(t2.modelState.hasSelection(), i3, o3, 0));
const e3 = t2.modelState.selectionStart.getEndPosition();
return r.d.fromModelState(t2.modelState.move(t2.modelState.hasSelection(), e3.lineNumber, e3.column, 0));
static word(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = e2.model.validatePosition(i2);
return r.d.fromModelState(a.a.word(e2.cursorConfig, e2.model, t2.modelState, n2, o2));
static cancelSelection(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.modelState.hasSelection())
return new r.d(t2.modelState, t2.viewState);
const n2 = t2.viewState.position.lineNumber, i2 = t2.viewState.position.column;
return r.d.fromViewState(new r.f(new c.a(n2, i2, n2, i2), 0, new l.a(n2, i2), 0));
static moveTo(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const s2 = e2.model.validatePosition(i2), a2 = o2 ? e2.coordinatesConverter.validateViewPosition(new l.a(o2.lineNumber, o2.column), s2) : e2.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(s2);
return r.d.fromViewState(t2.viewState.move(n2, a2.lineNumber, a2.column, 0));
static simpleMove(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
switch (n2) {
case 0:
return 4 === r2 ? this._moveHalfLineLeft(e2, t2, i2) : this._moveLeft(e2, t2, i2, o2);
case 1:
return 4 === r2 ? this._moveHalfLineRight(e2, t2, i2) : this._moveRight(e2, t2, i2, o2);
case 2:
return 2 === r2 ? this._moveUpByViewLines(e2, t2, i2, o2) : this._moveUpByModelLines(e2, t2, i2, o2);
case 3:
return 2 === r2 ? this._moveDownByViewLines(e2, t2, i2, o2) : this._moveDownByModelLines(e2, t2, i2, o2);
case 4:
return this._moveToViewMinColumn(e2, t2, i2);
case 5:
return this._moveToViewFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e2, t2, i2);
case 6:
return this._moveToViewCenterColumn(e2, t2, i2);
case 7:
return this._moveToViewMaxColumn(e2, t2, i2);
case 8:
return this._moveToViewLastNonWhitespaceColumn(e2, t2, i2);
return null;
static viewportMove(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = e2.getCompletelyVisibleViewRange(), s2 = e2.coordinatesConverter.convertViewRangeToModelRange(r2);
switch (n2) {
case 9: {
const n3 = this._firstLineNumberInRange(e2.model, s2, o2), r3 = e2.model.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(n3);
return [this._moveToModelPosition(e2, t2[0], i2, n3, r3)];
case 11: {
const n3 = this._lastLineNumberInRange(e2.model, s2, o2), r3 = e2.model.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(n3);
return [this._moveToModelPosition(e2, t2[0], i2, n3, r3)];
case 10: {
const n3 = Math.round((s2.startLineNumber + s2.endLineNumber) / 2), o3 = e2.model.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(n3);
return [this._moveToModelPosition(e2, t2[0], i2, n3, o3)];
case 12: {
let n3 = [];
for (let o3 = 0, s3 = t2.length; o3 < s3; o3++) {
const s4 = t2[o3];
n3[o3] = this.findPositionInViewportIfOutside(e2, s4, r2, i2);
return n3;
return null;
static findPositionInViewportIfOutside(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = t2.viewState.position.lineNumber;
if (n2.startLineNumber <= o2 && o2 <= n2.endLineNumber - 1)
return new r.d(t2.modelState, t2.viewState);
o2 > n2.endLineNumber - 1 && (o2 = n2.endLineNumber - 1), o2 < n2.startLineNumber && (o2 = n2.startLineNumber);
const r2 = e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(o2);
return this._moveToViewPosition(e2, t2, i2, o2, r2);
static _firstLineNumberInRange(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = t2.startLineNumber;
return t2.startColumn !== e2.getLineMinColumn(i2) && i2++, Math.min(t2.endLineNumber, i2 + n2 - 1);
static _lastLineNumberInRange(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = t2.startLineNumber;
return t2.startColumn !== e2.getLineMinColumn(i2) && i2++, Math.max(i2, t2.endLineNumber - n2 + 1);
static _moveLeft(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = t2.length > 1;
let a2 = [];
for (let l2 = 0, c2 = t2.length; l2 < c2; l2++) {
const c3 = t2[l2], d2 = o2 || !c3.viewState.hasSelection();
let h = s.a.moveLeft(e2.cursorConfig, e2, c3.viewState, n2, i2);
if (d2 && 1 === i2 && h.position.lineNumber !== c3.viewState.position.lineNumber) {
e2.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(h.position).lineNumber === c3.modelState.position.lineNumber && (h = s.a.moveLeft(e2.cursorConfig, e2, h, n2, 1));
a2[l2] = r.d.fromViewState(h);
return a2;
static _moveHalfLineLeft(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, a2 = t2.length; o2 < a2; o2++) {
const a3 = t2[o2], l2 = a3.viewState.position.lineNumber, c2 = Math.round(e2.getLineContent(l2).length / 2);
i2[o2] = r.d.fromViewState(s.a.moveLeft(e2.cursorConfig, e2, a3.viewState, n2, c2));
return i2;
static _moveRight(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = t2.length > 1;
let a2 = [];
for (let l2 = 0, c2 = t2.length; l2 < c2; l2++) {
const c3 = t2[l2], d2 = o2 || !c3.viewState.hasSelection();
let h = s.a.moveRight(e2.cursorConfig, e2, c3.viewState, n2, i2);
if (d2 && 1 === i2 && h.position.lineNumber !== c3.viewState.position.lineNumber) {
e2.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(h.position).lineNumber === c3.modelState.position.lineNumber && (h = s.a.moveRight(e2.cursorConfig, e2, h, n2, 1));
a2[l2] = r.d.fromViewState(h);
return a2;
static _moveHalfLineRight(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, a2 = t2.length; o2 < a2; o2++) {
const a3 = t2[o2], l2 = a3.viewState.position.lineNumber, c2 = Math.round(e2.getLineContent(l2).length / 2);
i2[o2] = r.d.fromViewState(s.a.moveRight(e2.cursorConfig, e2, a3.viewState, n2, c2));
return i2;
static _moveDownByViewLines(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = [];
for (let a2 = 0, l2 = t2.length; a2 < l2; a2++) {
const l3 = t2[a2];
o2[a2] = r.d.fromViewState(s.a.moveDown(e2.cursorConfig, e2, l3.viewState, n2, i2));
return o2;
static _moveDownByModelLines(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = [];
for (let a2 = 0, l2 = t2.length; a2 < l2; a2++) {
const l3 = t2[a2];
o2[a2] = r.d.fromModelState(s.a.moveDown(e2.cursorConfig, e2.model, l3.modelState, n2, i2));
return o2;
static _moveUpByViewLines(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = [];
for (let a2 = 0, l2 = t2.length; a2 < l2; a2++) {
const l3 = t2[a2];
o2[a2] = r.d.fromViewState(s.a.moveUp(e2.cursorConfig, e2, l3.viewState, n2, i2));
return o2;
static _moveUpByModelLines(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = [];
for (let a2 = 0, l2 = t2.length; a2 < l2; a2++) {
const l3 = t2[a2];
o2[a2] = r.d.fromModelState(s.a.moveUp(e2.cursorConfig, e2.model, l3.modelState, n2, i2));
return o2;
static _moveToViewPosition(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return r.d.fromViewState(t2.viewState.move(n2, i2, o2, 0));
static _moveToModelPosition(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return r.d.fromModelState(t2.modelState.move(n2, i2, o2, 0));
static _moveToViewMinColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = t2[o2], s2 = r3.viewState.position.lineNumber, a2 = e2.getLineMinColumn(s2);
i2[o2] = this._moveToViewPosition(e2, r3, n2, s2, a2);
return i2;
static _moveToViewFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = t2[o2], s2 = r3.viewState.position.lineNumber, a2 = e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(s2);
i2[o2] = this._moveToViewPosition(e2, r3, n2, s2, a2);
return i2;
static _moveToViewCenterColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = t2[o2], s2 = r3.viewState.position.lineNumber, a2 = Math.round((e2.getLineMaxColumn(s2) + e2.getLineMinColumn(s2)) / 2);
i2[o2] = this._moveToViewPosition(e2, r3, n2, s2, a2);
return i2;
static _moveToViewMaxColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = t2[o2], s2 = r3.viewState.position.lineNumber, a2 = e2.getLineMaxColumn(s2);
i2[o2] = this._moveToViewPosition(e2, r3, n2, s2, a2);
return i2;
static _moveToViewLastNonWhitespaceColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = t2[o2], s2 = r3.viewState.position.lineNumber, a2 = e2.getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(s2);
i2[o2] = this._moveToViewPosition(e2, r3, n2, s2, a2);
return i2;
!function(e2) {
e2.description = {description: "Move cursor to a logical position in the view", args: [{name: "Cursor move argument object", description: "Property-value pairs that can be passed through this argument:\n * 'to': A mandatory logical position value providing where to move the cursor.\n ```\n 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down'\n 'wrappedLineStart', 'wrappedLineEnd', 'wrappedLineColumnCenter'\n 'wrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter', 'wrappedLineLastNonWhitespaceCharacter'\n 'viewPortTop', 'viewPortCenter', 'viewPortBottom', 'viewPortIfOutside'\n ```\n * 'by': Unit to move. Default is computed based on 'to' value.\n ```\n 'line', 'wrappedLine', 'character', 'halfLine'\n ```\n * 'value': Number of units to move. Default is '1'.\n * 'select': If 'true' makes the selection. Default is 'false'.\n ", constraint: function(e3) {
if (!o.i(e3))
return false;
let t2 = e3;
return !!o.j( && (!(!o.k( && !o.f( && (!(!o.k( && !o.j( && !(!o.k(t2.value) && !o.h(t2.value))));
}, schema: {type: "object", required: ["to"], properties: {to: {type: "string", enum: ["left", "right", "up", "down", "wrappedLineStart", "wrappedLineEnd", "wrappedLineColumnCenter", "wrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter", "wrappedLineLastNonWhitespaceCharacter", "viewPortTop", "viewPortCenter", "viewPortBottom", "viewPortIfOutside"]}, by: {type: "string", enum: ["line", "wrappedLine", "character", "halfLine"]}, value: {type: "number", default: 1}, select: {type: "boolean", default: false}}}}]}, e2.RawDirection = {Left: "left", Right: "right", Up: "up", Down: "down", WrappedLineStart: "wrappedLineStart", WrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter: "wrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter", WrappedLineColumnCenter: "wrappedLineColumnCenter", WrappedLineEnd: "wrappedLineEnd", WrappedLineLastNonWhitespaceCharacter: "wrappedLineLastNonWhitespaceCharacter", ViewPortTop: "viewPortTop", ViewPortCenter: "viewPortCenter", ViewPortBottom: "viewPortBottom", ViewPortIfOutside: "viewPortIfOutside"}, e2.RawUnit = {Line: "line", WrappedLine: "wrappedLine", Character: "character", HalfLine: "halfLine"}, e2.parse = function(t2) {
if (!
return null;
let n2;
switch ( {
case e2.RawDirection.Left:
n2 = 0;
case e2.RawDirection.Right:
n2 = 1;
case e2.RawDirection.Up:
n2 = 2;
case e2.RawDirection.Down:
n2 = 3;
case e2.RawDirection.WrappedLineStart:
n2 = 4;
case e2.RawDirection.WrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter:
n2 = 5;
case e2.RawDirection.WrappedLineColumnCenter:
n2 = 6;
case e2.RawDirection.WrappedLineEnd:
n2 = 7;
case e2.RawDirection.WrappedLineLastNonWhitespaceCharacter:
n2 = 8;
case e2.RawDirection.ViewPortTop:
n2 = 9;
case e2.RawDirection.ViewPortBottom:
n2 = 11;
case e2.RawDirection.ViewPortCenter:
n2 = 10;
case e2.RawDirection.ViewPortIfOutside:
n2 = 12;
return null;
let i2 = 0;
switch ( {
case e2.RawUnit.Line:
i2 = 1;
case e2.RawUnit.WrappedLine:
i2 = 2;
case e2.RawUnit.Character:
i2 = 3;
case e2.RawUnit.HalfLine:
i2 = 4;
return {direction: n2, unit: i2, select: !!, value: t2.value || 1};
}(i || (i = {}));
}, function(e, t) {
var n, i, o = e.exports = {};
function r() {
throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
function s() {
throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
function a(e2) {
if (n === setTimeout)
return setTimeout(e2, 0);
if ((n === r || !n) && setTimeout)
return n = setTimeout, setTimeout(e2, 0);
try {
return n(e2, 0);
} catch (t2) {
try {
return, e2, 0);
} catch (t3) {
return, e2, 0);
!function() {
try {
n = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : r;
} catch (e2) {
n = r;
try {
i = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : s;
} catch (e2) {
i = s;
var l, c = [], d = false, h = -1;
function u() {
d && l && (d = false, l.length ? c = l.concat(c) : h = -1, c.length && p());
function p() {
if (!d) {
var e2 = a(u);
d = true;
for (var t2 = c.length; t2; ) {
for (l = c, c = []; ++h < t2; )
l && l[h].run();
h = -1, t2 = c.length;
l = null, d = false, function(e3) {
if (i === clearTimeout)
return clearTimeout(e3);
if ((i === s || !i) && clearTimeout)
return i = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(e3);
try {
} catch (t3) {
try {
return, e3);
} catch (t4) {
return, e3);
function m(e2, t2) { = e2, this.array = t2;
function g() {
o.nextTick = function(e2) {
var t2 = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1)
for (var n2 = 1; n2 < arguments.length; n2++)
t2[n2 - 1] = arguments[n2];
c.push(new m(e2, t2)), 1 !== c.length || d || a(p);
}, = function() {, this.array);
}, o.title = "browser", o.browser = true, o.env = {}, o.argv = [], o.version = "", o.versions = {}, o.on = g, o.addListener = g, o.once = g, = g, o.removeListener = g, o.removeAllListeners = g, o.emit = g, o.prependListener = g, o.prependOnceListener = g, o.listeners = function(e2) {
return [];
}, o.binding = function(e2) {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported");
}, o.cwd = function() {
return "/";
}, o.chdir = function(e2) {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
}, o.umask = function() {
return 0;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return f;
var i = n(34), o = n(6), r = n(2), s = n(11);
class a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.chr = e2, this.type = t2, this.width = 0;
fulfill(e2) {
this.width = e2;
class l {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._bareFontInfo = e2, this._requests = t2, this._container = null, this._testElements = null;
read() {
this._createDomElements(), document.body.appendChild(this._container), this._readFromDomElements(), document.body.removeChild(this._container), this._container = null, this._testElements = null;
_createDomElements() {
const e2 = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute", = "-50000px", = "50000px";
const t2 = document.createElement("div"); = this._bareFontInfo.getMassagedFontFamily(), = this._bareFontInfo.fontWeight, = this._bareFontInfo.fontSize + "px", = this._bareFontInfo.fontFeatureSettings, = this._bareFontInfo.lineHeight + "px", = this._bareFontInfo.letterSpacing + "px", e2.appendChild(t2);
const n2 = document.createElement("div"); = this._bareFontInfo.getMassagedFontFamily(), = "bold", = this._bareFontInfo.fontSize + "px", = this._bareFontInfo.fontFeatureSettings, = this._bareFontInfo.lineHeight + "px", = this._bareFontInfo.letterSpacing + "px", e2.appendChild(n2);
const i2 = document.createElement("div"); = this._bareFontInfo.getMassagedFontFamily(), = this._bareFontInfo.fontWeight, = this._bareFontInfo.fontSize + "px", = this._bareFontInfo.fontFeatureSettings, = this._bareFontInfo.lineHeight + "px", = this._bareFontInfo.letterSpacing + "px", = "italic", e2.appendChild(i2);
const o2 = [];
for (const e3 of this._requests) {
let r2;
0 === e3.type && (r2 = t2), 2 === e3.type && (r2 = n2), 1 === e3.type && (r2 = i2), r2.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
const s2 = document.createElement("span");
l._render(s2, e3), r2.appendChild(s2), o2.push(s2);
this._container = e2, this._testElements = o2;
static _render(e2, t2) {
if (" " === t2.chr) {
let t3 = " ";
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < 8; e3++)
t3 += t3;
e2.innerText = t3;
} else {
let n2 = t2.chr;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < 8; e3++)
n2 += n2;
e2.textContent = n2;
_readFromDomElements() {
for (let e2 = 0, t2 = this._requests.length; e2 < t2; e2++) {
const t3 = this._requests[e2], n2 = this._testElements[e2];
t3.fulfill(n2.offsetWidth / 256);
var c = n(190), d = n(161), h = n(26), u = n(160);
class p {
constructor() {
this._keys = Object.create(null), this._values = Object.create(null);
has(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getId();
return !!this._values[t2];
get(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getId();
return this._values[t2];
put(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getId();
this._keys[n2] = e2, this._values[n2] = t2;
remove(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getId();
delete this._keys[t2], delete this._values[t2];
getValues() {
return Object.keys(this._keys).map((e2) => this._values[e2]);
function m() {
class g extends r.a {
constructor() {
super(), this._onDidChange = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._cache = new p(), this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout = -1;
dispose() {
-1 !== this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout), this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout = -1), super.dispose();
clearCache() {
this._cache = new p(),;
_writeToCache(e2, t2) {
this._cache.put(e2, t2), t2.isTrusted || -1 !== this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout || (this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout = -1, this._evictUntrustedReadings();
}, 5e3));
_evictUntrustedReadings() {
const e2 = this._cache.getValues();
let t2 = false;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = e2[n2];
i3.isTrusted || (t2 = true, this._cache.remove(i3));
t2 &&;
readConfiguration(e2) {
if (!this._cache.has(e2)) {
let t2 = g._actualReadConfiguration(e2);
(t2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth <= 2 || t2.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth <= 2 || t2.spaceWidth <= 2 || t2.maxDigitWidth <= 2) && (t2 = new u.b({zoomLevel: i.d(), fontFamily: t2.fontFamily, fontWeight: t2.fontWeight, fontSize: t2.fontSize, fontFeatureSettings: t2.fontFeatureSettings, lineHeight: t2.lineHeight, letterSpacing: t2.letterSpacing, isMonospace: t2.isMonospace, typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth: Math.max(t2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, 5), typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth: Math.max(t2.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth, 5), canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow: t2.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow, spaceWidth: Math.max(t2.spaceWidth, 5), middotWidth: Math.max(t2.middotWidth, 5), wsmiddotWidth: Math.max(t2.wsmiddotWidth, 5), maxDigitWidth: Math.max(t2.maxDigitWidth, 5)}, false)), this._writeToCache(e2, t2);
return this._cache.get(e2);
static createRequest(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = new a(e2, t2);
return n2.push(o2), i2 && i2.push(o2), o2;
static _actualReadConfiguration(e2) {
const t2 = [], n2 = [], o2 = this.createRequest("n", 0, t2, n2), r2 = this.createRequest("", 0, t2, null), s2 = this.createRequest(" ", 0, t2, n2), a2 = this.createRequest("0", 0, t2, n2), c2 = this.createRequest("1", 0, t2, n2), d2 = this.createRequest("2", 0, t2, n2), p2 = this.createRequest("3", 0, t2, n2), m2 = this.createRequest("4", 0, t2, n2), g2 = this.createRequest("5", 0, t2, n2), f2 = this.createRequest("6", 0, t2, n2), b = this.createRequest("7", 0, t2, n2), _ = this.createRequest("8", 0, t2, n2), v = this.createRequest("9", 0, t2, n2), w = this.createRequest("→", 0, t2, n2), y = this.createRequest("→", 0, t2, null), C = this.createRequest("·", 0, t2, n2), x = this.createRequest(String.fromCharCode(11825), 0, t2, null);
this.createRequest("|", 0, t2, n2), this.createRequest("/", 0, t2, n2), this.createRequest("-", 0, t2, n2), this.createRequest("_", 0, t2, n2), this.createRequest("i", 0, t2, n2), this.createRequest("l", 0, t2, n2), this.createRequest("m", 0, t2, n2), this.createRequest("|", 1, t2, n2), this.createRequest("_", 1, t2, n2), this.createRequest("i", 1, t2, n2), this.createRequest("l", 1, t2, n2), this.createRequest("m", 1, t2, n2), this.createRequest("n", 1, t2, n2), this.createRequest("|", 2, t2, n2), this.createRequest("_", 2, t2, n2), this.createRequest("i", 2, t2, n2), this.createRequest("l", 2, t2, n2), this.createRequest("m", 2, t2, n2), this.createRequest("n", 2, t2, n2), function(e3, t3) {
new l(e3, t3).read();
}(e2, t2);
const S = Math.max(a2.width, c2.width, d2.width, p2.width, m2.width, g2.width, f2.width, b.width, _.width, v.width);
let k = e2.fontFeatureSettings === h.e.OFF;
const E = n2[0].width;
for (let e3 = 1, t3 = n2.length; k && e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = E - n2[e3].width;
if (t4 < -1e-3 || t4 > 1e-3) {
k = false;
let T = true;
k && y.width !== E && (T = false), y.width > w.width && (T = false);
const L = i.b() > 2e3;
return new u.b({zoomLevel: i.d(), fontFamily: e2.fontFamily, fontWeight: e2.fontWeight, fontSize: e2.fontSize, fontFeatureSettings: e2.fontFeatureSettings, lineHeight: e2.lineHeight, letterSpacing: e2.letterSpacing, isMonospace: k, typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth: o2.width, typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth: r2.width, canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow: T, spaceWidth: s2.width, middotWidth: C.width, wsmiddotWidth: x.width, maxDigitWidth: S}, L);
g.INSTANCE = new g();
class f extends d.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = null, o2) {
super(e2, t2), this.accessibilityService = o2, this._elementSizeObserver = this._register(new c.a(n2, t2.dimension, () => this._onReferenceDomElementSizeChanged())), this._register(g.INSTANCE.onDidChange(() => this._onCSSBasedConfigurationChanged())), this._validatedOptions.get(9) && this._elementSizeObserver.startObserving(), this._register(i.n((e3) => this._recomputeOptions())), this._register(this.accessibilityService.onDidChangeScreenReaderOptimized(() => this._recomputeOptions())), this._recomputeOptions();
static applyFontInfoSlow(e2, t2) { = t2.getMassagedFontFamily(), = t2.fontWeight, = t2.fontSize + "px", = t2.fontFeatureSettings, = t2.lineHeight + "px", = t2.letterSpacing + "px";
static applyFontInfo(e2, t2) {
e2.setFontFamily(t2.getMassagedFontFamily()), e2.setFontWeight(t2.fontWeight), e2.setFontSize(t2.fontSize), e2.setFontFeatureSettings(t2.fontFeatureSettings), e2.setLineHeight(t2.lineHeight), e2.setLetterSpacing(t2.letterSpacing);
_onReferenceDomElementSizeChanged() {
_onCSSBasedConfigurationChanged() {
observeReferenceElement(e2) {
dispose() {
_getExtraEditorClassName() {
let e2 = "";
return i.j || i.m || (e2 += "no-user-select "), s.f && (e2 += "mac "), e2;
_getEnvConfiguration() {
return {extraEditorClassName: this._getExtraEditorClassName(), outerWidth: this._elementSizeObserver.getWidth(), outerHeight: this._elementSizeObserver.getHeight(), emptySelectionClipboard: i.l || i.h, pixelRatio: i.a(), zoomLevel: i.d(), accessibilitySupport: this.accessibilityService.isScreenReaderOptimized() ? 2 : this.accessibilityService.getAccessibilitySupport()};
readConfiguration(e2) {
return g.INSTANCE.readConfiguration(e2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return _;
var i = n(8), o = n(3), r = n(25), s = n(2), a = n(4), l = n(10), c = n(53), d = n(18), h = n(115);
const u = Object(d.c)("IEditorCancelService"), p = new l.c("cancellableOperation", false);
Object(h.b)(u, class {
constructor() {
this._tokens = new WeakMap();
add(e2, t2) {
let n2, i2 = this._tokens.get(e2);
return i2 || (i2 = e2.invokeWithinContext((e3) => ({key: p.bindTo(e3.get(l.b)), tokens: new c.a()})), this._tokens.set(e2, i2)), i2.key.set(true), n2 = i2.tokens.push(t2), () => {
n2 && (n2(), i2.key.set(!i2.tokens.isEmpty()), n2 = void 0);
cancel(e2) {
const t2 = this._tokens.get(e2);
if (!t2)
const n2 = t2.tokens.pop();
n2 && (n2.cancel(), t2.key.set(!t2.tokens.isEmpty()));
}, true);
class m extends r.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this.editor = e2, this._unregister = e2.invokeWithinContext((t3) => t3.get(u).add(e2, this));
dispose() {
this._unregister(), super.dispose();
Object(a.l)(new class extends a.c {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.cancelOperation", kbOpts: {weight: 100, primary: 9}, precondition: p});
runEditorCommand(e2, t2) {
class g {
constructor(e2, t2) {
if (this.flags = t2, 0 != (1 & this.flags)) {
const t3 = e2.getModel();
this.modelVersionId = t3 ? i.x("{0}#{1}", t3.uri.toString(), t3.getVersionId()) : null;
} else
this.modelVersionId = null;
0 != (4 & this.flags) ? this.position = e2.getPosition() : this.position = null, 0 != (2 & this.flags) ? this.selection = e2.getSelection() : this.selection = null, 0 != (8 & this.flags) ? (this.scrollLeft = e2.getScrollLeft(), this.scrollTop = e2.getScrollTop()) : (this.scrollLeft = -1, this.scrollTop = -1);
_equals(e2) {
if (!(e2 instanceof g))
return false;
const t2 = e2;
return this.modelVersionId === t2.modelVersionId && (this.scrollLeft === t2.scrollLeft && this.scrollTop === t2.scrollTop && (!(!this.position && t2.position || this.position && !t2.position || this.position && t2.position && !this.position.equals(t2.position)) && !(!this.selection && t2.selection || this.selection && !t2.selection || this.selection && t2.selection && !this.selection.equalsRange(t2.selection))));
validate(e2) {
return this._equals(new g(e2, this.flags));
class f extends m {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(e2, i2), this.editor = e2, this._listener = new s.b(), 4 & t2 && this._listener.add(e2.onDidChangeCursorPosition((e3) => {
n2 && o.a.containsPosition(n2, e3.position) || this.cancel();
})), 2 & t2 && this._listener.add(e2.onDidChangeCursorSelection((e3) => {
n2 && o.a.containsRange(n2, e3.selection) || this.cancel();
})), 8 & t2 && this._listener.add(e2.onDidScrollChange((e3) => this.cancel())), 1 & t2 && (this._listener.add(e2.onDidChangeModel((e3) => this.cancel())), this._listener.add(e2.onDidChangeModelContent((e3) => this.cancel())));
dispose() {
this._listener.dispose(), super.dispose();
class b extends r.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this._listener = e2.onDidChangeContent(() => this.cancel());
dispose() {
this._listener.dispose(), super.dispose();
class _ {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._visiblePosition = e2, this._visiblePositionScrollDelta = t2, this._cursorPosition = n2;
static capture(e2) {
let t2 = null, n2 = 0;
if (0 !== e2.getScrollTop()) {
const i2 = e2.getVisibleRanges();
if (i2.length > 0) {
t2 = i2[0].getStartPosition();
const o2 = e2.getTopForPosition(t2.lineNumber, t2.column);
n2 = e2.getScrollTop() - o2;
return new _(t2, n2, e2.getPosition());
restore(e2) {
if (this._visiblePosition) {
const t2 = e2.getTopForPosition(this._visiblePosition.lineNumber, this._visiblePosition.column);
e2.setScrollTop(t2 + this._visiblePositionScrollDelta);
restoreRelativeVerticalPositionOfCursor(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getPosition();
if (!this._cursorPosition || !t2)
const n2 = e2.getTopForLineNumber(t2.lineNumber) - e2.getTopForLineNumber(this._cursorPosition.lineNumber);
e2.setScrollTop(e2.getScrollTop() + n2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return h;
var i = n(8);
function o(e2) {
return r(e2, 0);
function r(e2, t2) {
switch (typeof e2) {
case "object":
return null === e2 ? s(349, t2) : Array.isArray(e2) ? (n2 = e2, i2 = s(104579, i2 = t2), n2.reduce((e3, t3) => r(t3, e3), i2)) : function(e3, t3) {
return t3 = s(181387, t3), Object.keys(e3).sort().reduce((t4, n3) => (t4 = a(n3, t4), r(e3[n3], t4)), t3);
}(e2, t2);
case "string":
return a(e2, t2);
case "boolean":
return function(e3, t3) {
return s(e3 ? 433 : 863, t3);
}(e2, t2);
case "number":
return s(e2, t2);
case "undefined":
return s(937, t2);
return s(617, t2);
var n2, i2;
function s(e2, t2) {
return (t2 << 5) - t2 + e2 | 0;
function a(e2, t2) {
t2 = s(149417, t2);
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
t2 = s(e2.charCodeAt(n2), t2);
return t2;
function l(e2, t2, n2 = 32) {
const i2 = n2 - t2;
return (e2 << t2 | (~((1 << i2) - 1) & e2) >>> i2) >>> 0;
function c(e2, t2 = 0, n2 = e2.byteLength, i2 = 0) {
for (let o2 = 0; o2 < n2; o2++)
e2[t2 + o2] = i2;
function d(e2, t2 = 32) {
return function(e3, t3, n2 = "0") {
for (; e3.length < t3; )
e3 = n2 + e3;
return e3;
}((e2 >>> 0).toString(16), t2 / 4);
class h {
constructor() {
this._h0 = 1732584193, this._h1 = 4023233417, this._h2 = 2562383102, this._h3 = 271733878, this._h4 = 3285377520, this._buff = new Uint8Array(67), this._buffDV = new DataView(this._buff.buffer), this._buffLen = 0, this._totalLen = 0, this._leftoverHighSurrogate = 0, this._finished = false;
update(e2) {
const t2 = e2.length;
if (0 === t2)
const n2 = this._buff;
let o2, r2, s2 = this._buffLen, a2 = this._leftoverHighSurrogate;
for (0 !== a2 ? (o2 = a2, r2 = -1, a2 = 0) : (o2 = e2.charCodeAt(0), r2 = 0); ; ) {
let l2 = o2;
if (i.F(o2)) {
if (!(r2 + 1 < t2)) {
a2 = o2;
const t3 = e2.charCodeAt(r2 + 1);
i.G(t3) ? (r2++, l2 = i.j(o2, t3)) : l2 = 65533;
} else
i.G(o2) && (l2 = 65533);
if (s2 = this._push(n2, s2, l2), r2++, !(r2 < t2))
o2 = e2.charCodeAt(r2);
this._buffLen = s2, this._leftoverHighSurrogate = a2;
_push(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 < 128 ? e2[t2++] = n2 : n2 < 2048 ? (e2[t2++] = 192 | (1984 & n2) >>> 6, e2[t2++] = 128 | (63 & n2) >>> 0) : n2 < 65536 ? (e2[t2++] = 224 | (61440 & n2) >>> 12, e2[t2++] = 128 | (4032 & n2) >>> 6, e2[t2++] = 128 | (63 & n2) >>> 0) : (e2[t2++] = 240 | (1835008 & n2) >>> 18, e2[t2++] = 128 | (258048 & n2) >>> 12, e2[t2++] = 128 | (4032 & n2) >>> 6, e2[t2++] = 128 | (63 & n2) >>> 0), t2 >= 64 && (this._step(), t2 -= 64, this._totalLen += 64, e2[0] = e2[64], e2[1] = e2[65], e2[2] = e2[66]), t2;
digest() {
return this._finished || (this._finished = true, this._leftoverHighSurrogate && (this._leftoverHighSurrogate = 0, this._buffLen = this._push(this._buff, this._buffLen, 65533)), this._totalLen += this._buffLen, this._wrapUp()), d(this._h0) + d(this._h1) + d(this._h2) + d(this._h3) + d(this._h4);
_wrapUp() {
this._buff[this._buffLen++] = 128, c(this._buff, this._buffLen), this._buffLen > 56 && (this._step(), c(this._buff));
const e2 = 8 * this._totalLen;
this._buffDV.setUint32(56, Math.floor(e2 / 4294967296), false), this._buffDV.setUint32(60, e2 % 4294967296, false), this._step();
_step() {
const e2 = h._bigBlock32, t2 = this._buffDV;
for (let n3 = 0; n3 < 64; n3 += 4)
e2.setUint32(n3, t2.getUint32(n3, false), false);
for (let t3 = 64; t3 < 320; t3 += 4)
e2.setUint32(t3, l(e2.getUint32(t3 - 12, false) ^ e2.getUint32(t3 - 32, false) ^ e2.getUint32(t3 - 56, false) ^ e2.getUint32(t3 - 64, false), 1), false);
let n2, i2, o2, r2 = this._h0, s2 = this._h1, a2 = this._h2, c2 = this._h3, d2 = this._h4;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < 80; t3++)
t3 < 20 ? (n2 = s2 & a2 | ~s2 & c2, i2 = 1518500249) : t3 < 40 ? (n2 = s2 ^ a2 ^ c2, i2 = 1859775393) : t3 < 60 ? (n2 = s2 & a2 | s2 & c2 | a2 & c2, i2 = 2400959708) : (n2 = s2 ^ a2 ^ c2, i2 = 3395469782), o2 = l(r2, 5) + n2 + d2 + i2 + e2.getUint32(4 * t3, false) & 4294967295, d2 = c2, c2 = a2, a2 = l(s2, 30), s2 = r2, r2 = o2;
this._h0 = this._h0 + r2 & 4294967295, this._h1 = this._h1 + s2 & 4294967295, this._h2 = this._h2 + a2 & 4294967295, this._h3 = this._h3 + c2 & 4294967295, this._h4 = this._h4 + d2 & 4294967295;
h._bigBlock32 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(320));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return c;
var i = n(77), o = n(12);
const r = new class {
clone() {
return this;
equals(e2) {
return this === e2;
}(), s = "vs.editor.nullMode", a = new o.r(s, 0);
function l(e2, t2, n2, o2) {
return new i.b([new i.a(o2, "", e2)], n2);
function c(e2, t2, n2, o2) {
let s2 = new Uint32Array(2);
return s2[0] = o2, s2[1] = (16384 | e2 << 0 | 2 << 23) >>> 0, new i.c(s2, null === n2 ? r : n2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return p;
var i = n(8), o = n(132), r = n(155);
class s {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.endIndex = e2, this.type = t2, this.metadata = n2;
isWhitespace() {
return !!(1 & this.metadata);
class a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.startOffset = e2, this.endOffset = t2;
equals(e2) {
return this.startOffset === e2.startOffset && this.endOffset === e2.endOffset;
class l {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2, p2, m2, g, f, b, _) {
this.useMonospaceOptimizations = e2, this.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow = t2, this.lineContent = n2, this.continuesWithWrappedLine = i2, this.isBasicASCII = o2, this.containsRTL = r2, this.fauxIndentLength = s2, this.lineTokens = a2, this.lineDecorations = l2, this.tabSize = c2, this.startVisibleColumn = d2, this.spaceWidth = h2, this.stopRenderingLineAfter = m2, this.renderWhitespace = "all" === g ? 4 : "boundary" === g ? 1 : "selection" === g ? 2 : "trailing" === g ? 3 : 0, this.renderControlCharacters = f, this.fontLigatures = b, this.selectionsOnLine = _ && _.sort((e3, t3) => e3.startOffset < t3.startOffset ? -1 : 1);
Math.abs(p2 - h2) < Math.abs(u2 - h2) ? (this.renderSpaceWidth = p2, this.renderSpaceCharCode = 11825) : (this.renderSpaceWidth = u2, this.renderSpaceCharCode = 183);
sameSelection(e2) {
if (null === this.selectionsOnLine)
return null === e2;
if (null === e2)
return false;
if (e2.length !== this.selectionsOnLine.length)
return false;
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this.selectionsOnLine.length; t2++)
if (!this.selectionsOnLine[t2].equals(e2[t2]))
return false;
return true;
equals(e2) {
return this.useMonospaceOptimizations === e2.useMonospaceOptimizations && this.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow === e2.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow && this.lineContent === e2.lineContent && this.continuesWithWrappedLine === e2.continuesWithWrappedLine && this.isBasicASCII === e2.isBasicASCII && this.containsRTL === e2.containsRTL && this.fauxIndentLength === e2.fauxIndentLength && this.tabSize === e2.tabSize && this.startVisibleColumn === e2.startVisibleColumn && this.spaceWidth === e2.spaceWidth && this.renderSpaceWidth === e2.renderSpaceWidth && this.renderSpaceCharCode === e2.renderSpaceCharCode && this.stopRenderingLineAfter === e2.stopRenderingLineAfter && this.renderWhitespace === e2.renderWhitespace && this.renderControlCharacters === e2.renderControlCharacters && this.fontLigatures === e2.fontLigatures && r.a.equalsArr(this.lineDecorations, e2.lineDecorations) && this.lineTokens.equals(e2.lineTokens) && this.sameSelection(e2.selectionsOnLine);
class c {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.length = e2, this._data = new Uint32Array(this.length), this._absoluteOffsets = new Uint32Array(this.length);
static getPartIndex(e2) {
return (4294901760 & e2) >>> 16;
static getCharIndex(e2) {
return (65535 & e2) >>> 0;
setPartData(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = (t2 << 16 | n2 << 0) >>> 0;
this._data[e2] = o2, this._absoluteOffsets[e2] = i2 + n2;
getAbsoluteOffsets() {
return this._absoluteOffsets;
charOffsetToPartData(e2) {
return 0 === this.length ? 0 : e2 < 0 ? this._data[0] : e2 >= this.length ? this._data[this.length - 1] : this._data[e2];
partDataToCharOffset(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === this.length)
return 0;
let i2 = (e2 << 16 | n2 << 0) >>> 0, o2 = 0, r2 = this.length - 1;
for (; o2 + 1 < r2; ) {
let e3 = o2 + r2 >>> 1, t3 = this._data[e3];
if (t3 === i2)
return e3;
t3 > i2 ? r2 = e3 : o2 = e3;
if (o2 === r2)
return o2;
let s2 = this._data[o2], a2 = this._data[r2];
if (s2 === i2)
return o2;
if (a2 === i2)
return r2;
let l2, d2 = c.getPartIndex(s2), h2 = c.getCharIndex(s2);
return l2 = d2 !== c.getPartIndex(a2) ? t2 : c.getCharIndex(a2), n2 - h2 <= l2 - n2 ? o2 : r2;
class d {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.characterMapping = e2, this.containsRTL = t2, this.containsForeignElements = n2;
function h(e2, t2) {
if (0 === e2.lineContent.length) {
let n2 = 0, i2 = "<span><span></span></span>";
if (e2.lineDecorations.length > 0) {
const t3 = [], o2 = [];
for (let i3 = 0, r2 = e2.lineDecorations.length; i3 < r2; i3++) {
const r3 = e2.lineDecorations[i3];
1 === r3.type && (t3.push(e2.lineDecorations[i3].className), n2 |= 1), 2 === r3.type && (o2.push(e2.lineDecorations[i3].className), n2 |= 2);
if (0 !== n2) {
i2 = `<span>${t3.length > 0 ? `<span class="${t3.join(" ")}"></span>` : ""}${o2.length > 0 ? `<span class="${o2.join(" ")}"></span>` : ""}</span>`;
return t2.appendASCIIString(i2), new d(new c(0, 0), false, n2);
return function(e3, t3) {
const n2 = e3.fontIsMonospace, o2 = e3.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow, r2 = e3.containsForeignElements, s2 = e3.lineContent, a2 = e3.len, l2 = e3.isOverflowing, h2 =, u2 = e3.fauxIndentLength, p2 = e3.tabSize, m2 = e3.startVisibleColumn, g = e3.containsRTL, f = e3.spaceWidth, b = e3.renderSpaceCharCode, _ = e3.renderWhitespace, v = e3.renderControlCharacters, w = new c(a2 + 1, h2.length);
let y = 0, C = m2, x = 0, S = 0, k = 0, E = 0;
g ? t3.appendASCIIString('<span dir="ltr">') : t3.appendASCIIString("<span>");
for (let e4 = 0, a3 = h2.length; e4 < a3; e4++) {
E += k;
const a4 = h2[e4], l3 = a4.endIndex, c2 = a4.type, d2 = 0 !== _ && a4.isWhitespace(), m3 = d2 && !n2 && ("mtkw" === c2 || !r2), g2 = y === l3 && 4 === a4.metadata;
if (x = 0, t3.appendASCIIString('<span class="'), t3.appendASCIIString(m3 ? "mtkz" : c2), t3.appendASCII(34), d2) {
let n3 = 0;
let e5 = y, t4 = C;
for (; e5 < l3; e5++) {
const i2 = 0 | (9 === s2.charCodeAt(e5) ? p2 - t4 % p2 : 1);
n3 += i2, e5 >= u2 && (t4 += i2);
for (m3 && (t3.appendASCIIString(' style="width:'), t3.appendASCIIString(String(f * n3)), t3.appendASCIIString('px"')), t3.appendASCII(62); y < l3; y++) {
w.setPartData(y, e4 - S, x, E), S = 0;
let n4;
if (9 === s2.charCodeAt(y)) {
n4 = p2 - C % p2 | 0, !o2 || n4 > 1 ? t3.write1(8594) : t3.write1(65515);
for (let e5 = 2; e5 <= n4; e5++)
} else
n4 = 1, t3.write1(b);
x += n4, y >= u2 && (C += n4);
k = n3;
} else {
let n3 = 0;
for (t3.appendASCII(62); y < l3; y++) {
w.setPartData(y, e4 - S, x, E), S = 0;
const o3 = s2.charCodeAt(y);
let r3 = 1, a5 = 1;
switch (o3) {
case 9:
r3 = p2 - C % p2, a5 = r3;
for (let e5 = 1; e5 <= r3; e5++)
case 32:
case 60:
case 62:
case 38:
case 0:
case 65279:
case 8232:
case 8233:
case 133:
i.E(o3) && a5++, v && o3 < 32 ? t3.write1(9216 + o3) : t3.write1(o3);
x += r3, n3 += r3, y >= u2 && (C += a5);
k = n3;
g2 ? S++ : S = 0, t3.appendASCIIString("</span>");
w.setPartData(a2, h2.length - 1, x, E), l2 && t3.appendASCIIString("<span>&hellip;</span>");
return t3.appendASCIIString("</span>"), new d(w, g, r2);
}(function(e3) {
const t3 = e3.lineContent;
let n2, o2;
-1 !== e3.stopRenderingLineAfter && e3.stopRenderingLineAfter < t3.length ? (n2 = true, o2 = e3.stopRenderingLineAfter) : (n2 = false, o2 = t3.length);
let a2 = function(e4, t4, n3) {
let i2 = [], o3 = 0;
t4 > 0 && (i2[o3++] = new s(t4, "", 0));
for (let r2 = 0, a3 = e4.getCount(); r2 < a3; r2++) {
const a4 = e4.getEndOffset(r2);
if (a4 <= t4)
const l3 = e4.getClassName(r2);
if (a4 >= n3) {
i2[o3++] = new s(n3, l3, 0);
i2[o3++] = new s(a4, l3, 0);
return i2;
}(e3.lineTokens, e3.fauxIndentLength, o2);
(4 === e3.renderWhitespace || 1 === e3.renderWhitespace || 2 === e3.renderWhitespace && e3.selectionsOnLine || 3 === e3.renderWhitespace) && (a2 = function(e4, t4, n3, o3) {
const r2 = e4.continuesWithWrappedLine, a3 = e4.fauxIndentLength, l3 = e4.tabSize, c2 = e4.startVisibleColumn, d2 = e4.useMonospaceOptimizations, h2 = e4.selectionsOnLine, u2 = 1 === e4.renderWhitespace, p2 = 3 === e4.renderWhitespace, m2 = e4.renderSpaceWidth !== e4.spaceWidth;
let g = [], f = 0, b = 0, _ = o3[b].type, v = o3[b].endIndex;
const w = o3.length;
let y, C = false, x = i.w(t4);
-1 === x ? (C = true, x = n3, y = n3) : y = i.J(t4);
let S = false, k = 0, E = h2 && h2[k], T = c2 % l3;
for (let e5 = a3; e5 < n3; e5++) {
const r3 = t4.charCodeAt(e5);
let c3;
if (E && e5 >= E.endOffset && (k++, E = h2 && h2[k]), e5 < x || e5 > y)
c3 = true;
else if (9 === r3)
c3 = true;
else if (32 === r3)
if (u2)
if (S)
c3 = true;
else {
const i2 = e5 + 1 < n3 ? t4.charCodeAt(e5 + 1) : 0;
c3 = 32 === i2 || 9 === i2;
c3 = true;
c3 = false;
if (c3 && h2 && (c3 = !!E && E.startOffset <= e5 && E.endOffset > e5), c3 && p2 && (c3 = C || e5 > y), S) {
if (!c3 || !d2 && T >= l3) {
if (m2) {
for (let t5 = (f > 0 ? g[f - 1].endIndex : a3) + 1; t5 <= e5; t5++)
g[f++] = new s(t5, "mtkw", 1);
} else
g[f++] = new s(e5, "mtkw", 1);
T %= l3;
} else
(e5 === v || c3 && e5 > a3) && (g[f++] = new s(e5, _, 0), T %= l3);
for (9 === r3 ? T = l3 : i.E(r3) ? T += 2 : T++, S = c3; e5 === v; )
b++, b < w && (_ = o3[b].type, v = o3[b].endIndex);
let L = false;
if (S)
if (r2 && u2) {
let e5 = n3 > 0 ? t4.charCodeAt(n3 - 1) : 0, i2 = n3 > 1 ? t4.charCodeAt(n3 - 2) : 0;
32 === e5 && 32 !== i2 && 9 !== i2 || (L = true);
} else
L = true;
if (L)
if (m2) {
for (let e5 = (f > 0 ? g[f - 1].endIndex : a3) + 1; e5 <= n3; e5++)
g[f++] = new s(e5, "mtkw", 1);
} else
g[f++] = new s(n3, "mtkw", 1);
g[f++] = new s(n3, _, 0);
return g;
}(e3, t3, o2, a2));
let l2 = 0;
if (e3.lineDecorations.length > 0) {
for (let t4 = 0, n3 = e3.lineDecorations.length; t4 < n3; t4++) {
const n4 = e3.lineDecorations[t4];
3 === n4.type || 1 === n4.type ? l2 |= 1 : 2 === n4.type && (l2 |= 2);
a2 = function(e4, t4, n3, i2) {
const o3 = r.b.normalize(e4, i2), a3 = o3.length;
let l3 = 0, c2 = [], d2 = 0, h2 = 0;
for (let e5 = 0, t5 = n3.length; e5 < t5; e5++) {
const t6 = n3[e5], i3 = t6.endIndex, r2 = t6.type, u3 = t6.metadata;
for (; l3 < a3 && o3[l3].startOffset < i3; ) {
const e6 = o3[l3];
if (e6.startOffset > h2 && (h2 = e6.startOffset, c2[d2++] = new s(h2, r2, u3)), !(e6.endOffset + 1 <= i3)) {
h2 = i3, c2[d2++] = new s(h2, r2 + " " + e6.className, u3 | e6.metadata);
h2 = e6.endOffset + 1, c2[d2++] = new s(h2, r2 + " " + e6.className, u3 | e6.metadata), l3++;
i3 > h2 && (h2 = i3, c2[d2++] = new s(h2, r2, u3));
const u2 = n3[n3.length - 1].endIndex;
if (l3 < a3 && o3[l3].startOffset === u2) {
let e5 = [], t5 = 0;
for (; l3 < a3 && o3[l3].startOffset === u2; )
e5.push(o3[l3].className), t5 |= o3[l3].metadata, l3++;
c2[d2++] = new s(h2, e5.join(" "), t5);
return c2;
}(t3, 0, a2, e3.lineDecorations);
e3.containsRTL || (a2 = function(e4, t4, n3) {
let i2 = 0, o3 = [], r2 = 0;
if (n3)
for (let n4 = 0, a3 = t4.length; n4 < a3; n4++) {
const a4 = t4[n4], l3 = a4.endIndex;
if (i2 + 50 < l3) {
const t5 = a4.type, n5 = a4.metadata;
let c2 = -1, d2 = i2;
for (let a5 = i2; a5 < l3; a5++)
32 === e4.charCodeAt(a5) && (c2 = a5), -1 !== c2 && a5 - d2 >= 50 && (o3[r2++] = new s(c2 + 1, t5, n5), d2 = c2 + 1, c2 = -1);
d2 !== l3 && (o3[r2++] = new s(l3, t5, n5));
} else
o3[r2++] = a4;
i2 = l3;
for (let e5 = 0, n4 = t4.length; e5 < n4; e5++) {
const n5 = t4[e5], a3 = n5.endIndex;
let l3 = a3 - i2;
if (l3 > 50) {
const e6 = n5.type, t5 = n5.metadata, c2 = Math.ceil(l3 / 50);
for (let n6 = 1; n6 < c2; n6++) {
let a4 = i2 + 50 * n6;
o3[r2++] = new s(a4, e6, t5);
o3[r2++] = new s(a3, e6, t5);
} else
o3[r2++] = n5;
i2 = a3;
return o3;
}(t3, a2, !e3.isBasicASCII || e3.fontLigatures));
return new m(e3.useMonospaceOptimizations, e3.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow, t3, o2, n2, a2, l2, e3.fauxIndentLength, e3.tabSize, e3.startVisibleColumn, e3.containsRTL, e3.spaceWidth, e3.renderSpaceCharCode, e3.renderWhitespace, e3.renderControlCharacters);
}(e2), t2);
class u {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.characterMapping = e2, this.html = t2, this.containsRTL = n2, this.containsForeignElements = i2;
function p(e2) {
let t2 = Object(o.a)(1e4), n2 = h(e2, t2);
return new u(n2.characterMapping,, n2.containsRTL, n2.containsForeignElements);
class m {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2, p2, m2) {
this.fontIsMonospace = e2, this.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow = t2, this.lineContent = n2, this.len = i2, this.isOverflowing = o2, = r2, this.containsForeignElements = s2, this.fauxIndentLength = a2, this.tabSize = l2, this.startVisibleColumn = c2, this.containsRTL = d2, this.spaceWidth = h2, this.renderSpaceCharCode = u2, this.renderWhitespace = p2, this.renderControlCharacters = m2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
var i = n(43), o = n(11), r = n(27), s = n(56);
class a {
constructor() {
this._coreKeybindings = [], this._extensionKeybindings = [], this._cachedMergedKeybindings = null;
static bindToCurrentPlatform(e2) {
if (1 === o.a) {
if (e2 &&
} else if (2 === o.a) {
if (e2 && e2.mac)
return e2.mac;
} else if (e2 && e2.linux)
return e2.linux;
return e2;
registerKeybindingRule(e2) {
const t2 = a.bindToCurrentPlatform(e2);
if (t2 && t2.primary) {
const n2 = Object(i.f)(t2.primary, o.a);
n2 && this._registerDefaultKeybinding(n2,, e2.args, e2.weight, 0, e2.when);
if (t2 && Array.isArray(t2.secondary))
for (let n2 = 0, r2 = t2.secondary.length; n2 < r2; n2++) {
const r3 = t2.secondary[n2], s2 = Object(i.f)(r3, o.a);
s2 && this._registerDefaultKeybinding(s2,, e2.args, e2.weight, -n2 - 1, e2.when);
registerCommandAndKeybindingRule(e2) {
this.registerKeybindingRule(e2), r.a.registerCommand(e2);
static _mightProduceChar(e2) {
return e2 >= 21 && e2 <= 30 || (e2 >= 31 && e2 <= 56 || (80 === e2 || 81 === e2 || 82 === e2 || 83 === e2 || 84 === e2 || 85 === e2 || 86 === e2 || 110 === e2 || 111 === e2 || 87 === e2 || 88 === e2 || 89 === e2 || 90 === e2 || 91 === e2 || 92 === e2));
_assertNoCtrlAlt(e2, t2) {
e2.ctrlKey && e2.altKey && !e2.metaKey && a._mightProduceChar(e2.keyCode) && console.warn("Ctrl+Alt+ keybindings should not be used by default under Windows. Offender: ", e2, " for ", t2);
_registerDefaultKeybinding(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2, s2) {
1 === o.a && this._assertNoCtrlAlt([0], t2), this._coreKeybindings.push({keybinding: e2, command: t2, commandArgs: n2, when: s2, weight1: i2, weight2: r2, extensionId: null}), this._cachedMergedKeybindings = null;
getDefaultKeybindings() {
return this._cachedMergedKeybindings || (this._cachedMergedKeybindings = [].concat(this._coreKeybindings).concat(this._extensionKeybindings), this._cachedMergedKeybindings.sort(c)), this._cachedMergedKeybindings.slice(0);
const l = new a();
function c(e2, t2) {
return e2.weight1 !== t2.weight1 ? e2.weight1 - t2.weight1 : e2.command < t2.command ? -1 : e2.command > t2.command ? 1 : e2.weight2 - t2.weight2;
s.a.add("platform.keybindingsRegistry", l);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "d", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return d;
var i = n(5);
function o(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Object.create(null);
for (let o2 in t2) {
const r2 = t2[o2];
r2 && (n2[o2] = Object(i.hc)(r2, e2));
return n2;
function r(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(i3) {
const r2 = o(e2.getColorTheme(), t2);
"function" == typeof n2 ? n2(r2) :;
return i2(e2.getColorTheme()), e2.onDidColorThemeChange(i2);
function s(e2, t2, n2) {
return r(t2, {badgeBackground: n2 && n2.badgeBackground || i.c, badgeForeground: n2 && n2.badgeForeground || i.d, badgeBorder: i.h}, e2);
function a(e2, t2, n2) {
return r(t2, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, l), n2 || {}), e2);
const l = {listFocusBackground: i.xb, listFocusForeground: i.yb, listActiveSelectionBackground: Object(i.i)(i.rb, 0.1), listActiveSelectionForeground:, listFocusAndSelectionBackground: i.rb, listFocusAndSelectionForeground:, listInactiveSelectionBackground: i.Db, listInactiveSelectionForeground: i.Eb, listInactiveFocusBackground: i.Cb, listHoverBackground: i.Ab, listHoverForeground: i.Bb, listDropBackground: i.tb, listFocusOutline: i.b, listSelectionOutline: i.b, listHoverOutline: i.b, listFilterWidgetBackground: i.ub, listFilterWidgetOutline: i.wb, listFilterWidgetNoMatchesOutline: i.vb, listMatchesShadow: i.uc, treeIndentGuidesStroke:}, c = {shadowColor: i.uc, borderColor: i.Gb, foregroundColor: i.Hb, backgroundColor: i.Fb, selectionForegroundColor: i.Kb, selectionBackgroundColor: i.Ib, selectionBorderColor: i.Jb, separatorColor: i.Lb};
function d(e2, t2, n2) {
return r(t2, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, c), n2), e2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return h;
var i = n(13), o = n(2), r = n(11), s = n(14);
let a = false;
function l(e2) {
r.h && (a || (a = true, console.warn("Could not create web worker(s). Falling back to loading web worker code in main thread, which might cause UI freezes. Please see")), console.warn(e2.message));
class c {
constructor(e2) {
this._workerId = -1, this._handler = e2, this._lastSentReq = 0, this._pendingReplies = Object.create(null);
setWorkerId(e2) {
this._workerId = e2;
sendMessage(e2, t2) {
let n2 = String(++this._lastSentReq);
return new Promise((i2, o2) => {
this._pendingReplies[n2] = {resolve: i2, reject: o2}, this._send({vsWorker: this._workerId, req: n2, method: e2, args: t2});
handleMessage(e2) {
e2 && e2.vsWorker && (-1 !== this._workerId && e2.vsWorker !== this._workerId || this._handleMessage(e2));
_handleMessage(e2) {
if (e2.seq) {
let t3 = e2;
if (!this._pendingReplies[t3.seq])
return void console.warn("Got reply to unknown seq");
let n3 = this._pendingReplies[t3.seq];
if (delete this._pendingReplies[t3.seq], t3.err) {
let e3 = t3.err;
return t3.err.$isError && (e3 = new Error(), =, e3.message = t3.err.message, e3.stack = t3.err.stack), void n3.reject(e3);
return void n3.resolve(t3.res);
let t2 = e2, n2 = t2.req;
this._handler.handleMessage(t2.method, t2.args).then((e3) => {
this._send({vsWorker: this._workerId, seq: n2, res: e3, err: void 0});
}, (e3) => {
e3.detail instanceof Error && (e3.detail = Object(i.g)(e3.detail)), this._send({vsWorker: this._workerId, seq: n2, res: void 0, err: Object(i.g)(e3)});
_send(e2) {
let t2 = [];
if (e2.req) {
const n2 = e2;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2.args.length; e3++)
n2.args[e3] instanceof ArrayBuffer && t2.push(n2.args[e3]);
} else {
const n2 = e2;
n2.res instanceof ArrayBuffer && t2.push(n2.res);
this._handler.sendMessage(e2, t2);
class d extends o.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = null;
this._worker = this._register(e2.create("vs/base/common/worker/simpleWorker", (e3) => {
}, (e3) => {
i2 && i2(e3);
})), this._protocol = new c({sendMessage: (e3, t3) => {
this._worker.postMessage(e3, t3);
}, handleMessage: (e3, t3) => {
if ("function" != typeof n2[e3])
return Promise.reject(new Error("Missing method " + e3 + " on main thread host."));
try {
return Promise.resolve(n2[e3].apply(n2, t3));
} catch (e4) {
return Promise.reject(e4);
}}), this._protocol.setWorkerId(this._worker.getId());
let o2 = null;
void 0 !== self.require && "function" == typeof self.require.getConfig ? o2 = self.require.getConfig() : void 0 !== self.requirejs && (o2 = self.requirejs.s.contexts._.config);
const r2 = s.d(n2);
this._onModuleLoaded = this._protocol.sendMessage("$initialize", [this._worker.getId(), JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o2)), t2, r2]);
const a2 = (e3, t3) => this._request(e3, t3);
this._lazyProxy = new Promise((e3, n3) => {
i2 = n3, this._onModuleLoaded.then((t3) => {
e3(s.c(t3, a2));
}, (e4) => {
n3(e4), this._onError("Worker failed to load " + t2, e4);
getProxyObject() {
return this._lazyProxy;
_request(e2, t2) {
return new Promise((n2, i2) => {
this._onModuleLoaded.then(() => {
this._protocol.sendMessage(e2, t2).then(n2, i2);
}, i2);
_onError(e2, t2) {
class h {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._requestHandlerFactory = t2, this._requestHandler = null, this._protocol = new c({sendMessage: (t3, n2) => {
e2(t3, n2);
}, handleMessage: (e3, t3) => this._handleMessage(e3, t3)});
onmessage(e2) {
_handleMessage(e2, t2) {
if ("$initialize" === e2)
return this.initialize(t2[0], t2[1], t2[2], t2[3]);
if (!this._requestHandler || "function" != typeof this._requestHandler[e2])
return Promise.reject(new Error("Missing requestHandler or method: " + e2));
try {
return Promise.resolve(this._requestHandler[e2].apply(this._requestHandler, t2));
} catch (e3) {
return Promise.reject(e3);
initialize(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = s.c(i2, (e3, t3) => this._protocol.sendMessage(e3, t3));
return this._requestHandlerFactory ? (this._requestHandler = this._requestHandlerFactory(o2), Promise.resolve(s.d(this._requestHandler))) : (t2 && (void 0 !== t2.baseUrl && delete t2.baseUrl, void 0 !== t2.paths && void 0 !== t2.paths.vs && delete t2.paths.vs, t2.catchError = true, self.require.config(t2)), new Promise((e3, t3) => {
self.require([n2], (n3) => {
this._requestHandler = n3.create(o2), this._requestHandler ? e3(s.d(this._requestHandler)) : t3(new Error("No RequestHandler!"));
}, t3);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i = n(108);
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i.n;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("editorWorkerService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return c;
var i = n(18), o = n(6), r = n(2), s = n(14);
const a = Object(i.c)("storageService");
var l;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.NONE = 0] = "NONE", e2[e2.SHUTDOWN = 1] = "SHUTDOWN";
}(l || (l = {}));
class c extends r.a {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this._onDidChangeStorage = this._register(new o.a()), this._onWillSaveState = this._register(new o.a()), this.onWillSaveState = this._onWillSaveState.event, this.globalCache = new Map(), this.workspaceCache = new Map();
getCache(e2) {
return 0 === e2 ? this.globalCache : this.workspaceCache;
get(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getCache(t2).get(e2);
return Object(s.l)(i2) ? n2 : i2;
getBoolean(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getCache(t2).get(e2);
return Object(s.l)(i2) ? n2 : "true" === i2;
getNumber(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getCache(t2).get(e2);
return Object(s.l)(i2) ? n2 : parseInt(i2, 10);
store(e2, t2, n2) {
if (Object(s.l)(t2))
return this.remove(e2, n2);
const i2 = String(t2);
return this.getCache(n2).get(e2) === i2 || (this.getCache(n2).set(e2, i2),{scope: n2, key: e2})), Promise.resolve();
remove(e2, t2) {
return this.getCache(t2).delete(e2) ? ({scope: t2, key: e2}), Promise.resolve()) : Promise.resolve();
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
let i = 0;
function o(e2, t2, n2) {
return function() {
const e3 = "$memoize" + i++;
let t3 = void 0;
const n3 = function(n4, i2, o2) {
let r = null, s = null;
if ("function" == typeof o2.value ? (r = "value", s = o2.value, 0 !== s.length && console.warn("Memoize should only be used in functions with zero parameters")) : "function" == typeof o2.get && (r = "get", s = o2.get), !s)
throw new Error("not supported");
const a = `${e3}:${i2}`;
o2[r] = function(...e4) {
return t3 = this, this.hasOwnProperty(a) || Object.defineProperty(this, a, {configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true, value: s.apply(this, e4)}), this[a];
return n3.clear = () => {
void 0 !== t3 && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t3).forEach((n4) => {
0 === n4.indexOf(e3) && delete t3[n4];
}, n3;
}()(e2, t2, n2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var i;
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), function(e2) {
function t2(e3, t3) {
if (e3.start >= t3.end || t3.start >= e3.end)
return {start: 0, end: 0};
const n3 = Math.max(e3.start, t3.start), i2 = Math.min(e3.end, t3.end);
return i2 - n3 <= 0 ? {start: 0, end: 0} : {start: n3, end: i2};
function n2(e3) {
return e3.end - e3.start <= 0;
e2.intersect = t2, e2.isEmpty = n2, e2.intersects = function(e3, i2) {
return !n2(t2(e3, i2));
}, e2.relativeComplement = function(e3, t3) {
const i2 = [], o = {start: e3.start, end: Math.min(t3.start, e3.end)}, r = {start: Math.max(t3.end, e3.start), end: e3.end};
return n2(o) || i2.push(o), n2(r) || i2.push(r), i2;
}(i || (i = {}));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return p;
var i = n(25), o = n(6), r = n(43), s = n(23), a = n(9), l = n(3), c = n(21), d = n(77), h = n(40);
class u {
static chord(e2, t2) {
return Object(r.a)(e2, t2);
function p() {
return {editor: void 0, languages: void 0, CancellationTokenSource: i.b, Emitter: o.a, KeyCode: h.o, KeyMod: u, Position: a.a, Range: l.a, Selection: c.a, SelectionDirection: h.z, MarkerSeverity: h.p, MarkerTag: h.q, Uri: s.a, Token: d.a};
u.CtrlCmd = 2048, u.Shift = 1024, u.Alt = 512, u.WinCtrl = 256;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(36);
class o {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.index = e2, this.remainder = t2;
class r {
constructor(e2) {
this.values = e2, this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(e2.length), this.prefixSumValidIndex = new Int32Array(1), this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = -1;
insertValues(e2, t2) {
e2 = Object(i.a)(e2);
const n2 = this.values, o2 = this.prefixSum, r2 = t2.length;
return 0 !== r2 && (this.values = new Uint32Array(n2.length + r2), this.values.set(n2.subarray(0, e2), 0), this.values.set(n2.subarray(e2), e2 + r2), this.values.set(t2, e2), e2 - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] && (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = e2 - 1), this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(this.values.length), this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] >= 0 && this.prefixSum.set(o2.subarray(0, this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1)), true);
changeValue(e2, t2) {
return e2 = Object(i.a)(e2), t2 = Object(i.a)(t2), this.values[e2] !== t2 && (this.values[e2] = t2, e2 - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] && (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = e2 - 1), true);
removeValues(e2, t2) {
e2 = Object(i.a)(e2), t2 = Object(i.a)(t2);
const n2 = this.values, o2 = this.prefixSum;
if (e2 >= n2.length)
return false;
let r2 = n2.length - e2;
return t2 >= r2 && (t2 = r2), 0 !== t2 && (this.values = new Uint32Array(n2.length - t2), this.values.set(n2.subarray(0, e2), 0), this.values.set(n2.subarray(e2 + t2), e2), this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(this.values.length), e2 - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] && (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = e2 - 1), this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] >= 0 && this.prefixSum.set(o2.subarray(0, this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1)), true);
getTotalValue() {
return 0 === this.values.length ? 0 : this._getAccumulatedValue(this.values.length - 1);
getAccumulatedValue(e2) {
return e2 < 0 ? 0 : (e2 = Object(i.a)(e2), this._getAccumulatedValue(e2));
_getAccumulatedValue(e2) {
if (e2 <= this.prefixSumValidIndex[0])
return this.prefixSum[e2];
let t2 = this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1;
0 === t2 && (this.prefixSum[0] = this.values[0], t2++), e2 >= this.values.length && (e2 = this.values.length - 1);
for (let n2 = t2; n2 <= e2; n2++)
this.prefixSum[n2] = this.prefixSum[n2 - 1] + this.values[n2];
return this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = Math.max(this.prefixSumValidIndex[0], e2), this.prefixSum[e2];
getIndexOf(e2) {
e2 = Math.floor(e2), this.getTotalValue();
let t2 = 0, n2 = this.values.length - 1, i2 = 0, r2 = 0, s = 0;
for (; t2 <= n2; )
if (i2 = t2 + (n2 - t2) / 2 | 0, r2 = this.prefixSum[i2], s = r2 - this.values[i2], e2 < s)
n2 = i2 - 1;
else {
if (!(e2 >= r2))
t2 = i2 + 1;
return new o(i2, e2 - s);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return d;
var i = n(18), o = n(2), r = n(6);
const s = Object(i.c)("logService");
var a;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Trace = 0] = "Trace", e2[e2.Debug = 1] = "Debug", e2[e2.Info = 2] = "Info", e2[e2.Warning = 3] = "Warning", e2[e2.Error = 4] = "Error", e2[e2.Critical = 5] = "Critical", e2[e2.Off = 6] = "Off";
}(a || (a = {}));
const l = a.Info;
class c extends o.a {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.level = l, this._onDidChangeLogLevel = this._register(new r.a());
setLevel(e2) {
this.level !== e2 && (this.level = e2,;
getLevel() {
return this.level;
class d extends c {
constructor(e2 = l) {
super(), this.setLevel(e2);
trace(e2, ...t2) {
this.getLevel() <= a.Trace && console.log("%cTRACE", "color: #888", e2, ...t2);
info(e2, ...t2) {
this.getLevel() <= a.Info && console.log("%c INFO", "color: #33f", e2, ...t2);
error(e2, ...t2) {
this.getLevel() <= a.Error && console.log("%c ERR", "color: #f33", e2, ...t2);
dispose() {
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return d;
var i = n(1), o = n(11), r = n(177), s = n(69), a = n(2), l = n(138);
function c(e2, t2) {
let n2 = new s.a(t2);
return n2.preventDefault(), {leftButton: n2.leftButton, buttons: n2.buttons, posx: n2.posx, posy: n2.posy};
class d {
constructor() {
this._hooks = new a.b(), this._mouseMoveEventMerger = null, this._mouseMoveCallback = null, this._onStopCallback = null;
dispose() {
this.stopMonitoring(false), this._hooks.dispose();
stopMonitoring(e2) {
if (!this.isMonitoring())
this._hooks.clear(), this._mouseMoveEventMerger = null, this._mouseMoveCallback = null;
const t2 = this._onStopCallback;
this._onStopCallback = null, e2 && t2 && t2();
isMonitoring() {
return !!this._mouseMoveEventMerger;
startMonitoring(e2, t2, n2, a2, c2) {
if (this.isMonitoring())
this._mouseMoveEventMerger = n2, this._mouseMoveCallback = a2, this._onStopCallback = c2;
const d2 = r.a.getSameOriginWindowChain(), h = o.c && l.a.pointerEvents ? "pointermove" : "mousemove", u = o.c && l.a.pointerEvents ? "pointerup" : "mouseup", p = => e3.window.document), m = i.E(e2);
m && p.unshift(m);
for (const e3 of p)
this._hooks.add(i.l(e3, h, (e4) => {
e4.buttons === t2 ? this._mouseMoveCallback(e4) : this.stopMonitoring(true);
}, (e4, t3) => this._mouseMoveEventMerger(e4, t3))), this._hooks.add(i.i(e3, u, (e4) => this.stopMonitoring(true)));
if (r.a.hasDifferentOriginAncestor()) {
let e3 = d2[d2.length - 1];
this._hooks.add(i.i(e3.window.document, "mouseout", (e4) => {
"html" === new s.a(e4).target.tagName.toLowerCase() && this.stopMonitoring(true);
})), this._hooks.add(i.i(e3.window.document, "mouseover", (e4) => {
"html" === new s.a(e4).target.tagName.toLowerCase() && this.stopMonitoring(true);
})), this._hooks.add(i.i(e3.window.document.body, "mouseleave", (e4) => {
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return z;
var i = n(15);
class o {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.originalStart = e2, this.originalLength = t2, this.modifiedStart = n2, this.modifiedLength = i2;
getOriginalEnd() {
return this.originalStart + this.originalLength;
getModifiedEnd() {
return this.modifiedStart + this.modifiedLength;
var r = n(89);
class s {
constructor(e2) {
this.source = e2;
getElements() {
const e2 = this.source, t2 = new Int32Array(e2.length);
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
t2[n2] = e2.charCodeAt(n2);
return t2;
function a(e2, t2, n2) {
return new h(new s(e2), new s(t2)).ComputeDiff(n2).changes;
class l {
static Assert(e2, t2) {
if (!e2)
throw new Error(t2);
class c {
static Copy(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
for (let r2 = 0; r2 < o2; r2++)
n2[i2 + r2] = e2[t2 + r2];
static Copy2(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
for (let r2 = 0; r2 < o2; r2++)
n2[i2 + r2] = e2[t2 + r2];
class d {
constructor() {
this.m_changes = [], this.m_originalStart = 1073741824, this.m_modifiedStart = 1073741824, this.m_originalCount = 0, this.m_modifiedCount = 0;
MarkNextChange() {
(this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) && this.m_changes.push(new o(this.m_originalStart, this.m_originalCount, this.m_modifiedStart, this.m_modifiedCount)), this.m_originalCount = 0, this.m_modifiedCount = 0, this.m_originalStart = 1073741824, this.m_modifiedStart = 1073741824;
AddOriginalElement(e2, t2) {
this.m_originalStart = Math.min(this.m_originalStart, e2), this.m_modifiedStart = Math.min(this.m_modifiedStart, t2), this.m_originalCount++;
AddModifiedElement(e2, t2) {
this.m_originalStart = Math.min(this.m_originalStart, e2), this.m_modifiedStart = Math.min(this.m_modifiedStart, t2), this.m_modifiedCount++;
getChanges() {
return (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) && this.MarkNextChange(), this.m_changes;
getReverseChanges() {
return (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) && this.MarkNextChange(), this.m_changes.reverse(), this.m_changes;
class h {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = null) {
this.ContinueProcessingPredicate = n2;
const [i2, o2, r2] = h._getElements(e2), [s2, a2, l2] = h._getElements(t2);
this._hasStrings = r2 && l2, this._originalStringElements = i2, this._originalElementsOrHash = o2, this._modifiedStringElements = s2, this._modifiedElementsOrHash = a2, this.m_forwardHistory = [], this.m_reverseHistory = [];
static _isStringArray(e2) {
return e2.length > 0 && "string" == typeof e2[0];
static _getElements(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getElements();
if (h._isStringArray(t2)) {
const e3 = new Int32Array(t2.length);
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
e3[n2] = Object(r.c)(t2[n2], 0);
return [t2, e3, true];
return t2 instanceof Int32Array ? [[], t2, false] : [[], new Int32Array(t2), false];
ElementsAreEqual(e2, t2) {
return this._originalElementsOrHash[e2] === this._modifiedElementsOrHash[t2] && (!this._hasStrings || this._originalStringElements[e2] === this._modifiedStringElements[t2]);
OriginalElementsAreEqual(e2, t2) {
return this._originalElementsOrHash[e2] === this._originalElementsOrHash[t2] && (!this._hasStrings || this._originalStringElements[e2] === this._originalStringElements[t2]);
ModifiedElementsAreEqual(e2, t2) {
return this._modifiedElementsOrHash[e2] === this._modifiedElementsOrHash[t2] && (!this._hasStrings || this._modifiedStringElements[e2] === this._modifiedStringElements[t2]);
ComputeDiff(e2) {
return this._ComputeDiff(0, this._originalElementsOrHash.length - 1, 0, this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length - 1, e2);
_ComputeDiff(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = [false];
let s2 = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2);
return o2 && (s2 = this.PrettifyChanges(s2)), {quitEarly: r2[0], changes: s2};
ComputeDiffRecursive(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2) {
for (r2[0] = false; e2 <= t2 && n2 <= i2 && this.ElementsAreEqual(e2, n2); )
e2++, n2++;
for (; t2 >= e2 && i2 >= n2 && this.ElementsAreEqual(t2, i2); )
t2--, i2--;
if (e2 > t2 || n2 > i2) {
let r3;
return n2 <= i2 ? (l.Assert(e2 === t2 + 1, "originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd"), r3 = [new o(e2, 0, n2, i2 - n2 + 1)]) : e2 <= t2 ? (l.Assert(n2 === i2 + 1, "modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd"), r3 = [new o(e2, t2 - e2 + 1, n2, 0)]) : (l.Assert(e2 === t2 + 1, "originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd"), l.Assert(n2 === i2 + 1, "modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd"), r3 = []), r3;
const s2 = [0], a2 = [0], c2 = this.ComputeRecursionPoint(e2, t2, n2, i2, s2, a2, r2), d2 = s2[0], h2 = a2[0];
if (null !== c2)
return c2;
if (!r2[0]) {
const s3 = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(e2, d2, n2, h2, r2);
let a3 = [];
return a3 = r2[0] ? [new o(d2 + 1, t2 - (d2 + 1) + 1, h2 + 1, i2 - (h2 + 1) + 1)] : this.ComputeDiffRecursive(d2 + 1, t2, h2 + 1, i2, r2), this.ConcatenateChanges(s3, a3);
return [new o(e2, t2 - e2 + 1, n2, i2 - n2 + 1)];
WALKTRACE(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, h2, u2, p2, m2, g2, f2, b2, _2, v2) {
let w2 = null, y2 = null, C2 = new d(), x2 = t2, S2 = n2, k2 = m2[0] - b2[0] - i2, E2 = -1073741824, T2 = this.m_forwardHistory.length - 1;
do {
const t3 = k2 + e2;
t3 === x2 || t3 < S2 && c2[t3 - 1] < c2[t3 + 1] ? (g2 = (u2 = c2[t3 + 1]) - k2 - i2, u2 < E2 && C2.MarkNextChange(), E2 = u2, C2.AddModifiedElement(u2 + 1, g2), k2 = t3 + 1 - e2) : (g2 = (u2 = c2[t3 - 1] + 1) - k2 - i2, u2 < E2 && C2.MarkNextChange(), E2 = u2 - 1, C2.AddOriginalElement(u2, g2 + 1), k2 = t3 - 1 - e2), T2 >= 0 && (e2 = (c2 = this.m_forwardHistory[T2])[0], x2 = 1, S2 = c2.length - 1);
} while (--T2 >= -1);
if (w2 = C2.getReverseChanges(), v2[0]) {
let e3 = m2[0] + 1, t3 = b2[0] + 1;
if (null !== w2 && w2.length > 0) {
const n3 = w2[w2.length - 1];
e3 = Math.max(e3, n3.getOriginalEnd()), t3 = Math.max(t3, n3.getModifiedEnd());
y2 = [new o(e3, p2 - e3 + 1, t3, f2 - t3 + 1)];
} else {
C2 = new d(), x2 = s2, S2 = a2, k2 = m2[0] - b2[0] - l2, E2 = 1073741824, T2 = _2 ? this.m_reverseHistory.length - 1 : this.m_reverseHistory.length - 2;
do {
const e3 = k2 + r2;
e3 === x2 || e3 < S2 && h2[e3 - 1] >= h2[e3 + 1] ? (g2 = (u2 = h2[e3 + 1] - 1) - k2 - l2, u2 > E2 && C2.MarkNextChange(), E2 = u2 + 1, C2.AddOriginalElement(u2 + 1, g2 + 1), k2 = e3 + 1 - r2) : (g2 = (u2 = h2[e3 - 1]) - k2 - l2, u2 > E2 && C2.MarkNextChange(), E2 = u2, C2.AddModifiedElement(u2 + 1, g2 + 1), k2 = e3 - 1 - r2), T2 >= 0 && (r2 = (h2 = this.m_reverseHistory[T2])[0], x2 = 1, S2 = h2.length - 1);
} while (--T2 >= -1);
y2 = C2.getChanges();
return this.ConcatenateChanges(w2, y2);
ComputeRecursionPoint(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2, s2, a2) {
let l2 = 0, d2 = 0, h2 = 0, u2 = 0, p2 = 0, m2 = 0;
e2--, n2--, r2[0] = 0, s2[0] = 0, this.m_forwardHistory = [], this.m_reverseHistory = [];
const g2 = t2 - e2 + (i2 - n2), f2 = g2 + 1, b2 = new Int32Array(f2), _2 = new Int32Array(f2), v2 = i2 - n2, w2 = t2 - e2, y2 = e2 - n2, C2 = t2 - i2, x2 = (w2 - v2) % 2 == 0;
b2[v2] = e2, _2[w2] = t2, a2[0] = false;
for (let S2 = 1; S2 <= g2 / 2 + 1; S2++) {
let g3 = 0, k2 = 0;
h2 = this.ClipDiagonalBound(v2 - S2, S2, v2, f2), u2 = this.ClipDiagonalBound(v2 + S2, S2, v2, f2);
for (let e3 = h2; e3 <= u2; e3 += 2) {
l2 = e3 === h2 || e3 < u2 && b2[e3 - 1] < b2[e3 + 1] ? b2[e3 + 1] : b2[e3 - 1] + 1, d2 = l2 - (e3 - v2) - y2;
const n3 = l2;
for (; l2 < t2 && d2 < i2 && this.ElementsAreEqual(l2 + 1, d2 + 1); )
l2++, d2++;
if (b2[e3] = l2, l2 + d2 > g3 + k2 && (g3 = l2, k2 = d2), !x2 && Math.abs(e3 - w2) <= S2 - 1 && l2 >= _2[e3])
return r2[0] = l2, s2[0] = d2, n3 <= _2[e3] && S2 <= 1448 ? this.WALKTRACE(v2, h2, u2, y2, w2, p2, m2, C2, b2, _2, l2, t2, r2, d2, i2, s2, x2, a2) : null;
const E2 = (g3 - e2 + (k2 - n2) - S2) / 2;
if (null !== this.ContinueProcessingPredicate && !this.ContinueProcessingPredicate(g3, E2))
return a2[0] = true, r2[0] = g3, s2[0] = k2, E2 > 0 && S2 <= 1448 ? this.WALKTRACE(v2, h2, u2, y2, w2, p2, m2, C2, b2, _2, l2, t2, r2, d2, i2, s2, x2, a2) : (e2++, n2++, [new o(e2, t2 - e2 + 1, n2, i2 - n2 + 1)]);
p2 = this.ClipDiagonalBound(w2 - S2, S2, w2, f2), m2 = this.ClipDiagonalBound(w2 + S2, S2, w2, f2);
for (let o2 = p2; o2 <= m2; o2 += 2) {
l2 = o2 === p2 || o2 < m2 && _2[o2 - 1] >= _2[o2 + 1] ? _2[o2 + 1] - 1 : _2[o2 - 1], d2 = l2 - (o2 - w2) - C2;
const c2 = l2;
for (; l2 > e2 && d2 > n2 && this.ElementsAreEqual(l2, d2); )
l2--, d2--;
if (_2[o2] = l2, x2 && Math.abs(o2 - v2) <= S2 && l2 <= b2[o2])
return r2[0] = l2, s2[0] = d2, c2 >= b2[o2] && S2 <= 1448 ? this.WALKTRACE(v2, h2, u2, y2, w2, p2, m2, C2, b2, _2, l2, t2, r2, d2, i2, s2, x2, a2) : null;
if (S2 <= 1447) {
let e3 = new Int32Array(u2 - h2 + 2);
e3[0] = v2 - h2 + 1, c.Copy2(b2, h2, e3, 1, u2 - h2 + 1), this.m_forwardHistory.push(e3), e3 = new Int32Array(m2 - p2 + 2), e3[0] = w2 - p2 + 1, c.Copy2(_2, p2, e3, 1, m2 - p2 + 1), this.m_reverseHistory.push(e3);
return this.WALKTRACE(v2, h2, u2, y2, w2, p2, m2, C2, b2, _2, l2, t2, r2, d2, i2, s2, x2, a2);
PrettifyChanges(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < e2.length; t2++) {
const n2 = e2[t2], i2 = t2 < e2.length - 1 ? e2[t2 + 1].originalStart : this._originalElementsOrHash.length, o2 = t2 < e2.length - 1 ? e2[t2 + 1].modifiedStart : this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length, r2 = n2.originalLength > 0, s2 = n2.modifiedLength > 0;
for (; n2.originalStart + n2.originalLength < i2 && n2.modifiedStart + n2.modifiedLength < o2 && (!r2 || this.OriginalElementsAreEqual(n2.originalStart, n2.originalStart + n2.originalLength)) && (!s2 || this.ModifiedElementsAreEqual(n2.modifiedStart, n2.modifiedStart + n2.modifiedLength)); )
n2.originalStart++, n2.modifiedStart++;
let a2 = [null];
t2 < e2.length - 1 && this.ChangesOverlap(e2[t2], e2[t2 + 1], a2) && (e2[t2] = a2[0], e2.splice(t2 + 1, 1), t2--);
for (let t2 = e2.length - 1; t2 >= 0; t2--) {
const n2 = e2[t2];
let i2 = 0, o2 = 0;
if (t2 > 0) {
const n3 = e2[t2 - 1];
n3.originalLength > 0 && (i2 = n3.originalStart + n3.originalLength), n3.modifiedLength > 0 && (o2 = n3.modifiedStart + n3.modifiedLength);
const r2 = n2.originalLength > 0, s2 = n2.modifiedLength > 0;
let a2 = 0, l2 = this._boundaryScore(n2.originalStart, n2.originalLength, n2.modifiedStart, n2.modifiedLength);
for (let e3 = 1; ; e3++) {
const t3 = n2.originalStart - e3, c2 = n2.modifiedStart - e3;
if (t3 < i2 || c2 < o2)
if (r2 && !this.OriginalElementsAreEqual(t3, t3 + n2.originalLength))
if (s2 && !this.ModifiedElementsAreEqual(c2, c2 + n2.modifiedLength))
const d2 = this._boundaryScore(t3, n2.originalLength, c2, n2.modifiedLength);
d2 > l2 && (l2 = d2, a2 = e3);
n2.originalStart -= a2, n2.modifiedStart -= a2;
return e2;
_OriginalIsBoundary(e2) {
return e2 <= 0 || e2 >= this._originalElementsOrHash.length - 1 || this._hasStrings && /^\s*$/.test(this._originalStringElements[e2]);
_OriginalRegionIsBoundary(e2, t2) {
if (this._OriginalIsBoundary(e2) || this._OriginalIsBoundary(e2 - 1))
return true;
if (t2 > 0) {
const n2 = e2 + t2;
if (this._OriginalIsBoundary(n2 - 1) || this._OriginalIsBoundary(n2))
return true;
return false;
_ModifiedIsBoundary(e2) {
return e2 <= 0 || e2 >= this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length - 1 || this._hasStrings && /^\s*$/.test(this._modifiedStringElements[e2]);
_ModifiedRegionIsBoundary(e2, t2) {
if (this._ModifiedIsBoundary(e2) || this._ModifiedIsBoundary(e2 - 1))
return true;
if (t2 > 0) {
const n2 = e2 + t2;
if (this._ModifiedIsBoundary(n2 - 1) || this._ModifiedIsBoundary(n2))
return true;
return false;
_boundaryScore(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return (this._OriginalRegionIsBoundary(e2, t2) ? 1 : 0) + (this._ModifiedRegionIsBoundary(n2, i2) ? 1 : 0);
ConcatenateChanges(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [];
if (0 === e2.length || 0 === t2.length)
return t2.length > 0 ? t2 : e2;
if (this.ChangesOverlap(e2[e2.length - 1], t2[0], n2)) {
const i2 = new Array(e2.length + t2.length - 1);
return c.Copy(e2, 0, i2, 0, e2.length - 1), i2[e2.length - 1] = n2[0], c.Copy(t2, 1, i2, e2.length, t2.length - 1), i2;
const n3 = new Array(e2.length + t2.length);
return c.Copy(e2, 0, n3, 0, e2.length), c.Copy(t2, 0, n3, e2.length, t2.length), n3;
ChangesOverlap(e2, t2, n2) {
if (l.Assert(e2.originalStart <= t2.originalStart, "Left change is not less than or equal to right change"), l.Assert(e2.modifiedStart <= t2.modifiedStart, "Left change is not less than or equal to right change"), e2.originalStart + e2.originalLength >= t2.originalStart || e2.modifiedStart + e2.modifiedLength >= t2.modifiedStart) {
const i2 = e2.originalStart;
let r2 = e2.originalLength;
const s2 = e2.modifiedStart;
let a2 = e2.modifiedLength;
return e2.originalStart + e2.originalLength >= t2.originalStart && (r2 = t2.originalStart + t2.originalLength - e2.originalStart), e2.modifiedStart + e2.modifiedLength >= t2.modifiedStart && (a2 = t2.modifiedStart + t2.modifiedLength - e2.modifiedStart), n2[0] = new o(i2, r2, s2, a2), true;
return n2[0] = null, false;
ClipDiagonalBound(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (e2 >= 0 && e2 < i2)
return e2;
const o2 = t2 % 2 == 0;
if (e2 < 0) {
return o2 === (n2 % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 1;
return o2 === ((i2 - n2 - 1) % 2 == 0) ? i2 - 1 : i2 - 2;
var u = n(11), p = n(23), m = n(9), g = n(3), f = n(8);
function b(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new h(e2, t2, n2).ComputeDiff(i2);
class _ {
constructor(e2) {
const t2 = [], n2 = [];
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length; i2 < o2; i2++)
t2[i2] = x(e2[i2], 1), n2[i2] = S(e2[i2], 1);
this.lines = e2, this._startColumns = t2, this._endColumns = n2;
getElements() {
const e2 = [];
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.lines.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
e2[t2] = this.lines[t2].substring(this._startColumns[t2] - 1, this._endColumns[t2] - 1);
return e2;
getStartLineNumber(e2) {
return e2 + 1;
getEndLineNumber(e2) {
return e2 + 1;
createCharSequence(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = [], o2 = [], r2 = [];
let s2 = 0;
for (let a2 = t2; a2 <= n2; a2++) {
const t3 = this.lines[a2], n3 = e2 ? this._startColumns[a2] : 1, l2 = e2 ? this._endColumns[a2] : t3.length + 1;
for (let e3 = n3; e3 < l2; e3++)
i2[s2] = t3.charCodeAt(e3 - 1), o2[s2] = a2 + 1, r2[s2] = e3, s2++;
return new v(i2, o2, r2);
class v {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._charCodes = e2, this._lineNumbers = t2, this._columns = n2;
getElements() {
return this._charCodes;
getStartLineNumber(e2) {
return this._lineNumbers[e2];
getStartColumn(e2) {
return this._columns[e2];
getEndLineNumber(e2) {
return this._lineNumbers[e2];
getEndColumn(e2) {
return this._columns[e2] + 1;
class w {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2) {
this.originalStartLineNumber = e2, this.originalStartColumn = t2, this.originalEndLineNumber = n2, this.originalEndColumn = i2, this.modifiedStartLineNumber = o2, this.modifiedStartColumn = r2, this.modifiedEndLineNumber = s2, this.modifiedEndColumn = a2;
static createFromDiffChange(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2;
return 0 === e2.originalLength ? (i2 = 0, o2 = 0, r2 = 0, s2 = 0) : (i2 = t2.getStartLineNumber(e2.originalStart), o2 = t2.getStartColumn(e2.originalStart), r2 = t2.getEndLineNumber(e2.originalStart + e2.originalLength - 1), s2 = t2.getEndColumn(e2.originalStart + e2.originalLength - 1)), 0 === e2.modifiedLength ? (a2 = 0, l2 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 0) : (a2 = n2.getStartLineNumber(e2.modifiedStart), l2 = n2.getStartColumn(e2.modifiedStart), c2 = n2.getEndLineNumber(e2.modifiedStart + e2.modifiedLength - 1), d2 = n2.getEndColumn(e2.modifiedStart + e2.modifiedLength - 1)), new w(i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2);
class y {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.originalStartLineNumber = e2, this.originalEndLineNumber = t2, this.modifiedStartLineNumber = n2, this.modifiedEndLineNumber = i2, this.charChanges = o2;
static createFromDiffResult(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
let a2, l2, c2, d2, h2 = void 0;
if (0 === t2.originalLength ? (a2 = n2.getStartLineNumber(t2.originalStart) - 1, l2 = 0) : (a2 = n2.getStartLineNumber(t2.originalStart), l2 = n2.getEndLineNumber(t2.originalStart + t2.originalLength - 1)), 0 === t2.modifiedLength ? (c2 = i2.getStartLineNumber(t2.modifiedStart) - 1, d2 = 0) : (c2 = i2.getStartLineNumber(t2.modifiedStart), d2 = i2.getEndLineNumber(t2.modifiedStart + t2.modifiedLength - 1)), r2 && t2.originalLength > 0 && t2.originalLength < 20 && t2.modifiedLength > 0 && t2.modifiedLength < 20 && o2()) {
const r3 = n2.createCharSequence(e2, t2.originalStart, t2.originalStart + t2.originalLength - 1), a3 = i2.createCharSequence(e2, t2.modifiedStart, t2.modifiedStart + t2.modifiedLength - 1);
let l3 = b(r3, a3, o2, true).changes;
s2 && (l3 = function(e3) {
if (e3.length <= 1)
return e3;
const t3 = [e3[0]];
let n3 = t3[0];
for (let i3 = 1, o3 = e3.length; i3 < o3; i3++) {
const o4 = e3[i3], r4 = o4.originalStart - (n3.originalStart + n3.originalLength), s3 = o4.modifiedStart - (n3.modifiedStart + n3.modifiedLength);
Math.min(r4, s3) < 3 ? (n3.originalLength = o4.originalStart + o4.originalLength - n3.originalStart, n3.modifiedLength = o4.modifiedStart + o4.modifiedLength - n3.modifiedStart) : (t3.push(o4), n3 = o4);
return t3;
}(l3)), h2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = l3.length; e3 < t3; e3++)
h2.push(w.createFromDiffChange(l3[e3], r3, a3));
return new y(a2, l2, c2, d2, h2);
class C {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.shouldComputeCharChanges = n2.shouldComputeCharChanges, this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges = n2.shouldPostProcessCharChanges, this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace = n2.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, this.shouldMakePrettyDiff = n2.shouldMakePrettyDiff, this.originalLines = e2, this.modifiedLines = t2, this.original = new _(e2), this.modified = new _(t2), this.continueLineDiff = k(n2.maxComputationTime), this.continueCharDiff = k(0 === n2.maxComputationTime ? 0 : Math.min(n2.maxComputationTime, 5e3));
computeDiff() {
if (1 === this.original.lines.length && 0 === this.original.lines[0].length)
return {quitEarly: false, changes: [{originalStartLineNumber: 1, originalEndLineNumber: 1, modifiedStartLineNumber: 1, modifiedEndLineNumber: this.modified.lines.length, charChanges: [{modifiedEndColumn: 0, modifiedEndLineNumber: 0, modifiedStartColumn: 0, modifiedStartLineNumber: 0, originalEndColumn: 0, originalEndLineNumber: 0, originalStartColumn: 0, originalStartLineNumber: 0}]}]};
if (1 === this.modified.lines.length && 0 === this.modified.lines[0].length)
return {quitEarly: false, changes: [{originalStartLineNumber: 1, originalEndLineNumber: this.original.lines.length, modifiedStartLineNumber: 1, modifiedEndLineNumber: 1, charChanges: [{modifiedEndColumn: 0, modifiedEndLineNumber: 0, modifiedStartColumn: 0, modifiedStartLineNumber: 0, originalEndColumn: 0, originalEndLineNumber: 0, originalStartColumn: 0, originalStartLineNumber: 0}]}]};
const e2 = b(this.original, this.modified, this.continueLineDiff, this.shouldMakePrettyDiff), t2 = e2.changes, n2 = e2.quitEarly;
if (this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace) {
const e3 = [];
for (let n3 = 0, i3 = t2.length; n3 < i3; n3++)
e3.push(y.createFromDiffResult(this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, t2[n3], this.original, this.modified, this.continueCharDiff, this.shouldComputeCharChanges, this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges));
return {quitEarly: n2, changes: e3};
const i2 = [];
let o2 = 0, r2 = 0;
for (let e3 = -1, n3 = t2.length; e3 < n3; e3++) {
const s2 = e3 + 1 < n3 ? t2[e3 + 1] : null, a2 = s2 ? s2.originalStart : this.originalLines.length, l2 = s2 ? s2.modifiedStart : this.modifiedLines.length;
for (; o2 < a2 && r2 < l2; ) {
const e4 = this.originalLines[o2], t3 = this.modifiedLines[r2];
if (e4 !== t3) {
let n4 = x(e4, 1), s3 = x(t3, 1);
for (; n4 > 1 && s3 > 1; ) {
if (e4.charCodeAt(n4 - 2) !== t3.charCodeAt(s3 - 2))
n4--, s3--;
(n4 > 1 || s3 > 1) && this._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(i2, o2 + 1, 1, n4, r2 + 1, 1, s3);
let n4 = S(e4, 1), s3 = S(t3, 1);
const a3 = e4.length + 1, l3 = t3.length + 1;
for (; n4 < a3 && s3 < l3; ) {
if (e4.charCodeAt(n4 - 1) !== e4.charCodeAt(s3 - 1))
n4++, s3++;
(n4 < a3 || s3 < l3) && this._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(i2, o2 + 1, n4, a3, r2 + 1, s3, l3);
o2++, r2++;
s2 && (i2.push(y.createFromDiffResult(this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, s2, this.original, this.modified, this.continueCharDiff, this.shouldComputeCharChanges, this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges)), o2 += s2.originalLength, r2 += s2.modifiedLength);
return {quitEarly: n2, changes: i2};
_pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
if (this._mergeTrimWhitespaceCharChange(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2))
let a2 = void 0;
this.shouldComputeCharChanges && (a2 = [new w(t2, n2, t2, i2, o2, r2, o2, s2)]), e2.push(new y(t2, t2, o2, o2, a2));
_mergeTrimWhitespaceCharChange(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
const a2 = e2.length;
if (0 === a2)
return false;
const l2 = e2[a2 - 1];
return 0 !== l2.originalEndLineNumber && 0 !== l2.modifiedEndLineNumber && (l2.originalEndLineNumber + 1 === t2 && l2.modifiedEndLineNumber + 1 === o2 && (l2.originalEndLineNumber = t2, l2.modifiedEndLineNumber = o2, this.shouldComputeCharChanges && l2.charChanges && l2.charChanges.push(new w(t2, n2, t2, i2, o2, r2, o2, s2)), true));
function x(e2, t2) {
const n2 = f.w(e2);
return -1 === n2 ? t2 : n2 + 1;
function S(e2, t2) {
const n2 = f.J(e2);
return -1 === n2 ? t2 : n2 + 2;
function k(e2) {
if (0 === e2)
return () => true;
const t2 =;
return () => - t2 < e2;
var E = n(101);
var T = n(73), L = n(76);
class N {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = new Uint8Array(e2 * t2);
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = e2 * t2; o2 < r2; o2++)
i2[o2] = n2;
this._data = i2, this.rows = e2, this.cols = t2;
get(e2, t2) {
return this._data[e2 * this.cols + t2];
set(e2, t2, n2) {
this._data[e2 * this.cols + t2] = n2;
class I {
constructor(e2) {
let t2 = 0, n2 = 0;
for (let i3 = 0, o2 = e2.length; i3 < o2; i3++) {
let [o3, r2, s2] = e2[i3];
r2 > t2 && (t2 = r2), o3 > n2 && (n2 = o3), s2 > n2 && (n2 = s2);
t2++, n2++;
let i2 = new N(n2, t2, 0);
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = e2.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
let [n4, o2, r2] = e2[t3];
i2.set(n4, o2, r2);
this._states = i2, this._maxCharCode = t2;
nextState(e2, t2) {
return t2 < 0 || t2 >= this._maxCharCode ? 0 : this._states.get(e2, t2);
let O = null;
let D = null;
class A {
static _createLink(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2 = o2 - 1;
do {
const n3 = t2.charCodeAt(r2);
if (2 !== e2.get(n3))
} while (r2 > i2);
if (i2 > 0) {
const e3 = t2.charCodeAt(i2 - 1), n3 = t2.charCodeAt(r2);
(40 === e3 && 41 === n3 || 91 === e3 && 93 === n3 || 123 === e3 && 125 === n3) && r2--;
return {range: {startLineNumber: n2, startColumn: i2 + 1, endLineNumber: n2, endColumn: r2 + 2}, url: t2.substring(i2, r2 + 1)};
static computeLinks(e2, t2 = function() {
return null === O && (O = new I([[1, 104, 2], [1, 72, 2], [1, 102, 6], [1, 70, 6], [2, 116, 3], [2, 84, 3], [3, 116, 4], [3, 84, 4], [4, 112, 5], [4, 80, 5], [5, 115, 9], [5, 83, 9], [5, 58, 10], [6, 105, 7], [6, 73, 7], [7, 108, 8], [7, 76, 8], [8, 101, 9], [8, 69, 9], [9, 58, 10], [10, 47, 11], [11, 47, 12]])), O;
}()) {
const n2 = function() {
if (null === D) {
D = new L.a(0);
const e3 = ` <>'"、。。、,.:;‘“〈《「『【〔([{「」}])〕】』」》〉”’`~…`;
for (let t4 = 0; t4 < e3.length; t4++)
D.set(e3.charCodeAt(t4), 1);
const t3 = ".,;";
for (let e4 = 0; e4 < t3.length; e4++)
D.set(t3.charCodeAt(e4), 2);
return D;
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 1, r2 = e2.getLineCount(); o2 <= r2; o2++) {
const r3 = e2.getLineContent(o2), s2 = r3.length;
let a2 = 0, l2 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 1, h2 = false, u2 = false, p2 = false, m2 = false;
for (; a2 < s2; ) {
let e3 = false;
const s3 = r3.charCodeAt(a2);
if (13 === d2) {
let t3;
switch (s3) {
case 40:
h2 = true, t3 = 0;
case 41:
t3 = h2 ? 0 : 1;
case 91:
p2 = true, u2 = true, t3 = 0;
case 93:
p2 = false, t3 = u2 ? 0 : 1;
case 123:
m2 = true, t3 = 0;
case 125:
t3 = m2 ? 0 : 1;
case 39:
t3 = 34 === c2 || 96 === c2 ? 0 : 1;
case 34:
t3 = 39 === c2 || 96 === c2 ? 0 : 1;
case 96:
t3 = 39 === c2 || 34 === c2 ? 0 : 1;
case 42:
t3 = 42 === c2 ? 1 : 0;
case 124:
t3 = 124 === c2 ? 1 : 0;
case 32:
t3 = p2 ? 0 : 1;
t3 = n2.get(s3);
1 === t3 && (i2.push(A._createLink(n2, r3, o2, l2, a2)), e3 = true);
} else if (12 === d2) {
let t3;
91 === s3 ? (u2 = true, t3 = 0) : t3 = n2.get(s3), 1 === t3 ? e3 = true : d2 = 13;
} else
d2 = t2.nextState(d2, s3), 0 === d2 && (e3 = true);
e3 && (d2 = 1, h2 = false, u2 = false, m2 = false, l2 = a2 + 1, c2 = s3), a2++;
13 === d2 && i2.push(A._createLink(n2, r3, o2, l2, s2));
return i2;
class R {
constructor() {
this._defaultValueSet = [["true", "false"], ["True", "False"], ["Private", "Public", "Friend", "ReadOnly", "Partial", "Protected", "WriteOnly"], ["public", "protected", "private"]];
navigateValueSet(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (e2 && t2) {
let n3 = this.doNavigateValueSet(t2, o2);
if (n3)
return {range: e2, value: n3};
if (n2 && i2) {
let e3 = this.doNavigateValueSet(i2, o2);
if (e3)
return {range: n2, value: e3};
return null;
doNavigateValueSet(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.numberReplace(e2, t2);
return null !== n2 ? n2 : this.textReplace(e2, t2);
numberReplace(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Math.pow(10, e2.length - (e2.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)), i2 = Number(e2), o2 = parseFloat(e2);
return isNaN(i2) || isNaN(o2) || i2 !== o2 ? null : 0 !== i2 || t2 ? (i2 = Math.floor(i2 * n2), i2 += t2 ? n2 : -n2, String(i2 / n2)) : null;
textReplace(e2, t2) {
return this.valueSetsReplace(this._defaultValueSet, e2, t2);
valueSetsReplace(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = null;
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = e2.length; null === i2 && o2 < r2; o2++)
i2 = this.valueSetReplace(e2[o2], t2, n2);
return i2;
valueSetReplace(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = e2.indexOf(t2);
return i2 >= 0 ? (i2 += n2 ? 1 : -1, i2 < 0 ? i2 = e2.length - 1 : i2 %= e2.length, e2[i2]) : null;
R.INSTANCE = new R();
var M = n(100), P = n(14), F = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class W extends class {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._uri = e2, this._lines = t2, this._eol = n2, this._versionId = i2, this._lineStarts = null, this._cachedTextValue = null;
dispose() {
this._lines.length = 0;
getText() {
return null === this._cachedTextValue && (this._cachedTextValue = this._lines.join(this._eol)), this._cachedTextValue;
onEvents(e2) {
e2.eol && e2.eol !== this._eol && (this._eol = e2.eol, this._lineStarts = null);
const t2 = e2.changes;
for (const e3 of t2)
this._acceptDeleteRange(e3.range), this._acceptInsertText(new m.a(e3.range.startLineNumber, e3.range.startColumn), e3.text);
this._versionId = e2.versionId, this._cachedTextValue = null;
_ensureLineStarts() {
if (!this._lineStarts) {
const e2 = this._eol.length, t2 = this._lines.length, n2 = new Uint32Array(t2);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < t2; i2++)
n2[i2] = this._lines[i2].length + e2;
this._lineStarts = new E.a(n2);
_setLineText(e2, t2) {
this._lines[e2] = t2, this._lineStarts && this._lineStarts.changeValue(e2, this._lines[e2].length + this._eol.length);
_acceptDeleteRange(e2) {
if (e2.startLineNumber !== e2.endLineNumber)
this._setLineText(e2.startLineNumber - 1, this._lines[e2.startLineNumber - 1].substring(0, e2.startColumn - 1) + this._lines[e2.endLineNumber - 1].substring(e2.endColumn - 1)), this._lines.splice(e2.startLineNumber, e2.endLineNumber - e2.startLineNumber), this._lineStarts && this._lineStarts.removeValues(e2.startLineNumber, e2.endLineNumber - e2.startLineNumber);
else {
if (e2.startColumn === e2.endColumn)
this._setLineText(e2.startLineNumber - 1, this._lines[e2.startLineNumber - 1].substring(0, e2.startColumn - 1) + this._lines[e2.startLineNumber - 1].substring(e2.endColumn - 1));
_acceptInsertText(e2, t2) {
if (0 === t2.length)
let n2 = t2.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/);
if (1 === n2.length)
return void this._setLineText(e2.lineNumber - 1, this._lines[e2.lineNumber - 1].substring(0, e2.column - 1) + n2[0] + this._lines[e2.lineNumber - 1].substring(e2.column - 1));
n2[n2.length - 1] += this._lines[e2.lineNumber - 1].substring(e2.column - 1), this._setLineText(e2.lineNumber - 1, this._lines[e2.lineNumber - 1].substring(0, e2.column - 1) + n2[0]);
let i2 = new Uint32Array(n2.length - 1);
for (let t3 = 1; t3 < n2.length; t3++)
this._lines.splice(e2.lineNumber + t3 - 1, 0, n2[t3]), i2[t3 - 1] = n2[t3].length + this._eol.length;
this._lineStarts && this._lineStarts.insertValues(e2.lineNumber, i2);
} {
get uri() {
return this._uri;
get version() {
return this._versionId;
get eol() {
return this._eol;
getValue() {
return this.getText();
getLinesContent() {
return this._lines.slice(0);
getLineCount() {
return this._lines.length;
getLineContent(e2) {
return this._lines[e2 - 1];
getWordAtPosition(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Object(T.d)(e2.column, Object(T.c)(t2), this._lines[e2.lineNumber - 1], 0);
return n2 ? new g.a(e2.lineNumber, n2.startColumn, e2.lineNumber, n2.endColumn) : null;
words(e2) {
const t2 = this._lines, n2 = this._wordenize.bind(this);
let i2 = 0, o2 = "", r2 = 0, s2 = [];
return {*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (; ; )
if (r2 < s2.length) {
const e3 = o2.substring(s2[r2].start, s2[r2].end);
r2 += 1, yield e3;
} else {
if (!(i2 < t2.length))
o2 = t2[i2], s2 = n2(o2, e2), r2 = 0, i2 += 1;
getLineWords(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._lines[e2 - 1], i2 = this._wordenize(n2, t2), o2 = [];
for (const e3 of i2)
o2.push({word: n2.substring(e3.start, e3.end), startColumn: e3.start + 1, endColumn: e3.end + 1});
return o2;
_wordenize(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [];
let i2;
for (t2.lastIndex = 0; (i2 = t2.exec(e2)) && 0 !== i2[0].length; )
n2.push({start: i2.index, end: i2.index + i2[0].length});
return n2;
getValueInRange(e2) {
if ((e2 = this._validateRange(e2)).startLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber)
return this._lines[e2.startLineNumber - 1].substring(e2.startColumn - 1, e2.endColumn - 1);
let t2 = this._eol, n2 = e2.startLineNumber - 1, i2 = e2.endLineNumber - 1, o2 = [];
o2.push(this._lines[n2].substring(e2.startColumn - 1));
for (let e3 = n2 + 1; e3 < i2; e3++)
return o2.push(this._lines[i2].substring(0, e2.endColumn - 1)), o2.join(t2);
offsetAt(e2) {
return e2 = this._validatePosition(e2), this._ensureLineStarts(), this._lineStarts.getAccumulatedValue(e2.lineNumber - 2) + (e2.column - 1);
positionAt(e2) {
e2 = Math.floor(e2), e2 = Math.max(0, e2), this._ensureLineStarts();
let t2 = this._lineStarts.getIndexOf(e2), n2 = this._lines[t2.index].length;
return {lineNumber: 1 + t2.index, column: 1 + Math.min(t2.remainder, n2)};
_validateRange(e2) {
const t2 = this._validatePosition({lineNumber: e2.startLineNumber, column: e2.startColumn}), n2 = this._validatePosition({lineNumber: e2.endLineNumber, column: e2.endColumn});
return t2.lineNumber !== e2.startLineNumber || t2.column !== e2.startColumn || n2.lineNumber !== e2.endLineNumber || n2.column !== e2.endColumn ? {startLineNumber: t2.lineNumber, startColumn: t2.column, endLineNumber: n2.lineNumber, endColumn: n2.column} : e2;
_validatePosition(e2) {
if (!m.a.isIPosition(e2))
throw new Error("bad position");
let {lineNumber: t2, column: n2} = e2, i2 = false;
if (t2 < 1)
t2 = 1, n2 = 1, i2 = true;
else if (t2 > this._lines.length)
t2 = this._lines.length, n2 = this._lines[t2 - 1].length + 1, i2 = true;
else {
let e3 = this._lines[t2 - 1].length + 1;
n2 < 1 ? (n2 = 1, i2 = true) : n2 > e3 && (n2 = e3, i2 = true);
return i2 ? {lineNumber: t2, column: n2} : e2;
class z {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._host = e2, this._models = Object.create(null), this._foreignModuleFactory = t2, this._foreignModule = null;
dispose() {
this._models = Object.create(null);
_getModel(e2) {
return this._models[e2];
_getModels() {
let e2 = [];
return Object.keys(this._models).forEach((t2) => e2.push(this._models[t2])), e2;
acceptNewModel(e2) {
this._models[e2.url] = new W(p.a.parse(e2.url), e2.lines, e2.EOL, e2.versionId);
acceptModelChanged(e2, t2) {
if (!this._models[e2])
acceptRemovedModel(e2) {
this._models[e2] && delete this._models[e2];
computeDiff(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return F(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const o2 = this._getModel(e2), r2 = this._getModel(t2);
if (!o2 || !r2)
return null;
const s2 = o2.getLinesContent(), a2 = r2.getLinesContent(), l2 = new C(s2, a2, {shouldComputeCharChanges: true, shouldPostProcessCharChanges: true, shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace: n2, shouldMakePrettyDiff: true, maxComputationTime: i2}).computeDiff(), c2 = !(l2.changes.length > 0) && this._modelsAreIdentical(o2, r2);
return {quitEarly: l2.quitEarly, identical: c2, changes: l2.changes};
_modelsAreIdentical(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getLineCount();
if (n2 !== t2.getLineCount())
return false;
for (let i2 = 1; i2 <= n2; i2++) {
if (e2.getLineContent(i2) !== t2.getLineContent(i2))
return false;
return true;
computeMoreMinimalEdits(e2, t2) {
return F(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const n2 = this._getModel(e2);
if (!n2)
return t2;
const o2 = [];
let r2 = void 0;
t2 = Object(i.p)(t2, (e3, t3) => {
if (e3.range && t3.range)
return g.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e3.range, t3.range);
return (e3.range ? 0 : 1) - (t3.range ? 0 : 1);
for (let {range: e3, text: i2, eol: s2} of t2) {
if ("number" == typeof s2 && (r2 = s2), g.a.isEmpty(e3) && !i2)
const t3 = n2.getValueInRange(e3);
if (i2 = i2.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g, n2.eol), t3 === i2)
if (Math.max(i2.length, t3.length) > z._diffLimit) {
o2.push({range: e3, text: i2});
const l2 = a(t3, i2, false), c2 = n2.offsetAt(g.a.lift(e3).getStartPosition());
for (const e4 of l2) {
const t4 = n2.positionAt(c2 + e4.originalStart), r3 = n2.positionAt(c2 + e4.originalStart + e4.originalLength), s3 = {text: i2.substr(e4.modifiedStart, e4.modifiedLength), range: {startLineNumber: t4.lineNumber, startColumn: t4.column, endLineNumber: r3.lineNumber, endColumn: r3.column}};
n2.getValueInRange(s3.range) !== s3.text && o2.push(s3);
return "number" == typeof r2 && o2.push({eol: r2, text: "", range: {startLineNumber: 0, startColumn: 0, endLineNumber: 0, endColumn: 0}}), o2;
computeLinks(e2) {
return F(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let t2 = this._getModel(e2);
return t2 ? function(e3) {
return e3 && "function" == typeof e3.getLineCount && "function" == typeof e3.getLineContent ? A.computeLinks(e3) : [];
}(t2) : null;
textualSuggest(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return F(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const o2 = this._getModel(e2);
if (!o2)
return null;
const r2 = [], s2 = new Set(), a2 = new RegExp(n2, i2), l2 = o2.getWordAtPosition(t2, a2);
l2 && s2.add(o2.getValueInRange(l2));
for (let e3 of o2.words(a2))
if (!s2.has(e3) && (s2.add(e3), isNaN(Number(e3)) && (r2.push(e3), s2.size > z._suggestionsLimit)))
return r2;
computeWordRanges(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return F(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let o2 = this._getModel(e2);
if (!o2)
return Object.create(null);
const r2 = new RegExp(n2, i2), s2 = Object.create(null);
for (let e3 = t2.startLineNumber; e3 < t2.endLineNumber; e3++) {
let t3 = o2.getLineWords(e3, r2);
for (const n3 of t3) {
if (!isNaN(Number(n3.word)))
let t4 = s2[n3.word];
t4 || (t4 = [], s2[n3.word] = t4), t4.push({startLineNumber: e3, startColumn: n3.startColumn, endLineNumber: e3, endColumn: n3.endColumn});
return s2;
navigateValueSet(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return F(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let r2 = this._getModel(e2);
if (!r2)
return null;
let s2 = new RegExp(i2, o2);
t2.startColumn === t2.endColumn && (t2 = {startLineNumber: t2.startLineNumber, startColumn: t2.startColumn, endLineNumber: t2.endLineNumber, endColumn: t2.endColumn + 1});
let a2 = r2.getValueInRange(t2), l2 = r2.getWordAtPosition({lineNumber: t2.startLineNumber, column: t2.startColumn}, s2);
if (!l2)
return null;
let c2 = r2.getValueInRange(l2);
return R.INSTANCE.navigateValueSet(t2, a2, l2, c2, n2);
loadForeignModule(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = {host: P.c(n2, (e3, t3) => this._host.fhr(e3, t3)), getMirrorModels: () => this._getModels()};
return this._foreignModuleFactory ? (this._foreignModule = this._foreignModuleFactory(i2, t2), Promise.resolve(P.d(this._foreignModule))) : Promise.reject(new Error("Unexpected usage"));
fmr(e2, t2) {
if (!this._foreignModule || "function" != typeof this._foreignModule[e2])
return Promise.reject(new Error("Missing requestHandler or method: " + e2));
try {
return Promise.resolve(this._foreignModule[e2].apply(this._foreignModule, t2));
} catch (e3) {
return Promise.reject(e3);
z._diffLimit = 1e5, z._suggestionsLimit = 1e4, "function" == typeof importScripts && (u.b.monaco = Object(M.a)());
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return L;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return N;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return I;
var i = n(1), o = n(35), r = n(69), s = n(103), a = n(82), l = n(20);
class c extends a.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._onActivate = e2.onActivate, this.bgDomNode = document.createElement("div"), this.bgDomNode.className = "arrow-background", = "absolute", = e2.bgWidth + "px", = e2.bgHeight + "px", void 0 !== && ( = "0px"), void 0 !== e2.left && ( = "0px"), void 0 !== e2.bottom && ( = "0px"), void 0 !== e2.right && ( = "0px"), this.domNode = document.createElement("div"), this.domNode.className = e2.className, Object(i.f)(this.domNode, e2.icon.classNames), = "absolute", = "11px", = "11px", void 0 !== && ( = + "px"), void 0 !== e2.left && ( = e2.left + "px"), void 0 !== e2.bottom && ( = e2.bottom + "px"), void 0 !== e2.right && ( = e2.right + "px"), this._mouseMoveMonitor = this._register(new s.a()), this.onmousedown(this.bgDomNode, (e3) => this._arrowMouseDown(e3)), this.onmousedown(this.domNode, (e3) => this._arrowMouseDown(e3)), this._mousedownRepeatTimer = this._register(new l.c()), this._mousedownScheduleRepeatTimer = this._register(new l.e());
_arrowMouseDown(e2) {
this._onActivate(), this._mousedownRepeatTimer.cancel(), this._mousedownScheduleRepeatTimer.cancelAndSet(() => {
this._mousedownRepeatTimer.cancelAndSet(() => this._onActivate(), 1e3 / 24);
}, 200), this._mouseMoveMonitor.startMonitoring(, e2.buttons, s.b, (e3) => {
}, () => {
this._mousedownRepeatTimer.cancel(), this._mousedownScheduleRepeatTimer.cancel();
}), e2.preventDefault();
var d = n(2);
class h extends d.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this._visibility = e2, this._visibleClassName = t2, this._invisibleClassName = n2, this._domNode = null, this._isVisible = false, this._isNeeded = false, this._shouldBeVisible = false, this._revealTimer = this._register(new l.e());
applyVisibilitySetting(e2) {
return 2 !== this._visibility && (3 === this._visibility || e2);
setShouldBeVisible(e2) {
let t2 = this.applyVisibilitySetting(e2);
this._shouldBeVisible !== t2 && (this._shouldBeVisible = t2, this.ensureVisibility());
setIsNeeded(e2) {
this._isNeeded !== e2 && (this._isNeeded = e2, this.ensureVisibility());
setDomNode(e2) {
this._domNode = e2, this._domNode.setClassName(this._invisibleClassName), this.setShouldBeVisible(false);
ensureVisibility() {
this._isNeeded ? this._shouldBeVisible ? this._reveal() : this._hide(true) : this._hide(false);
_reveal() {
this._isVisible || (this._isVisible = true, this._revealTimer.setIfNotSet(() => {
this._domNode && this._domNode.setClassName(this._visibleClassName);
}, 0));
_hide(e2) {
this._revealTimer.cancel(), this._isVisible && (this._isVisible = false, this._domNode && this._domNode.setClassName(this._invisibleClassName + (e2 ? " fade" : "")));
var u = n(11);
class p extends a.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._lazyRender = e2.lazyRender, this._host =, this._scrollable = e2.scrollable, this._scrollbarState = e2.scrollbarState, this._visibilityController = this._register(new h(e2.visibility, "visible scrollbar " + e2.extraScrollbarClassName, "invisible scrollbar " + e2.extraScrollbarClassName)), this._visibilityController.setIsNeeded(this._scrollbarState.isNeeded()), this._mouseMoveMonitor = this._register(new s.a()), this._shouldRender = true, this.domNode = Object(o.b)(document.createElement("div")), this.domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this._visibilityController.setDomNode(this.domNode), this.domNode.setPosition("absolute"), this.onmousedown(this.domNode.domNode, (e3) => this._domNodeMouseDown(e3));
_createArrow(e2) {
let t2 = this._register(new c(e2));
this.domNode.domNode.appendChild(t2.bgDomNode), this.domNode.domNode.appendChild(t2.domNode);
_createSlider(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.slider = Object(o.b)(document.createElement("div")), this.slider.setClassName("slider"), this.slider.setPosition("absolute"), this.slider.setTop(e2), this.slider.setLeft(t2), "number" == typeof n2 && this.slider.setWidth(n2), "number" == typeof i2 && this.slider.setHeight(i2), this.slider.setLayerHinting(true), this.slider.setContain("strict"), this.domNode.domNode.appendChild(this.slider.domNode), this.onmousedown(this.slider.domNode, (e3) => {
e3.leftButton && (e3.preventDefault(), this._sliderMouseDown(e3, () => {
}), this.onclick(this.slider.domNode, (e3) => {
e3.leftButton && e3.stopPropagation();
_onElementSize(e2) {
return this._scrollbarState.setVisibleSize(e2) && (this._visibilityController.setIsNeeded(this._scrollbarState.isNeeded()), this._shouldRender = true, this._lazyRender || this.render()), this._shouldRender;
_onElementScrollSize(e2) {
return this._scrollbarState.setScrollSize(e2) && (this._visibilityController.setIsNeeded(this._scrollbarState.isNeeded()), this._shouldRender = true, this._lazyRender || this.render()), this._shouldRender;
_onElementScrollPosition(e2) {
return this._scrollbarState.setScrollPosition(e2) && (this._visibilityController.setIsNeeded(this._scrollbarState.isNeeded()), this._shouldRender = true, this._lazyRender || this.render()), this._shouldRender;
beginReveal() {
beginHide() {
render() {
this._shouldRender && (this._shouldRender = false, this._renderDomNode(this._scrollbarState.getRectangleLargeSize(), this._scrollbarState.getRectangleSmallSize()), this._updateSlider(this._scrollbarState.getSliderSize(), this._scrollbarState.getArrowSize() + this._scrollbarState.getSliderPosition()));
_domNodeMouseDown(e2) { === this.domNode.domNode && this._onMouseDown(e2);
delegateMouseDown(e2) {
let t2 = this.domNode.domNode.getClientRects()[0].top, n2 = t2 + this._scrollbarState.getSliderPosition(), i2 = t2 + this._scrollbarState.getSliderPosition() + this._scrollbarState.getSliderSize(), o2 = this._sliderMousePosition(e2);
n2 <= o2 && o2 <= i2 ? e2.leftButton && (e2.preventDefault(), this._sliderMouseDown(e2, () => {
})) : this._onMouseDown(e2);
_onMouseDown(e2) {
let t2, n2;
if ( === this.domNode.domNode && "number" == typeof e2.browserEvent.offsetX && "number" == typeof e2.browserEvent.offsetY)
t2 = e2.browserEvent.offsetX, n2 = e2.browserEvent.offsetY;
else {
const o2 = i.C(this.domNode.domNode);
t2 = e2.posx - o2.left, n2 = e2.posy -;
this._setDesiredScrollPositionNow(this._scrollbarState.getDesiredScrollPositionFromOffset(this._mouseDownRelativePosition(t2, n2))), e2.leftButton && (e2.preventDefault(), this._sliderMouseDown(e2, () => {
_sliderMouseDown(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._sliderMousePosition(e2), i2 = this._sliderOrthogonalMousePosition(e2), o2 = this._scrollbarState.clone();
this.slider.toggleClassName("active", true), this._mouseMoveMonitor.startMonitoring(, e2.buttons, s.b, (e3) => {
const t3 = this._sliderOrthogonalMousePosition(e3), r2 = Math.abs(t3 - i2);
if (u.i && r2 > 140)
return void this._setDesiredScrollPositionNow(o2.getScrollPosition());
const s2 = this._sliderMousePosition(e3) - n2;
}, () => {
this.slider.toggleClassName("active", false), this._host.onDragEnd(), t2();
}), this._host.onDragStart();
_setDesiredScrollPositionNow(e2) {
let t2 = {};
this.writeScrollPosition(t2, e2), this._scrollable.setScrollPositionNow(t2);
updateScrollbarSize(e2) {
this._updateScrollbarSize(e2), this._scrollbarState.setScrollbarSize(e2), this._shouldRender = true, this._lazyRender || this.render();
class m {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this._scrollbarSize = Math.round(t2), this._oppositeScrollbarSize = Math.round(n2), this._arrowSize = Math.round(e2), this._visibleSize = i2, this._scrollSize = o2, this._scrollPosition = r2, this._computedAvailableSize = 0, this._computedIsNeeded = false, this._computedSliderSize = 0, this._computedSliderRatio = 0, this._computedSliderPosition = 0, this._refreshComputedValues();
clone() {
return new m(this._arrowSize, this._scrollbarSize, this._oppositeScrollbarSize, this._visibleSize, this._scrollSize, this._scrollPosition);
setVisibleSize(e2) {
let t2 = Math.round(e2);
return this._visibleSize !== t2 && (this._visibleSize = t2, this._refreshComputedValues(), true);
setScrollSize(e2) {
let t2 = Math.round(e2);
return this._scrollSize !== t2 && (this._scrollSize = t2, this._refreshComputedValues(), true);
setScrollPosition(e2) {
let t2 = Math.round(e2);
return this._scrollPosition !== t2 && (this._scrollPosition = t2, this._refreshComputedValues(), true);
setScrollbarSize(e2) {
this._scrollbarSize = e2;
static _computeValues(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = Math.max(0, n2 - e2), s2 = Math.max(0, r2 - 2 * t2), a2 = i2 > 0 && i2 > n2;
if (!a2)
return {computedAvailableSize: Math.round(r2), computedIsNeeded: a2, computedSliderSize: Math.round(s2), computedSliderRatio: 0, computedSliderPosition: 0};
const l2 = Math.round(Math.max(20, Math.floor(n2 * s2 / i2))), c2 = (s2 - l2) / (i2 - n2), d2 = o2 * c2;
return {computedAvailableSize: Math.round(r2), computedIsNeeded: a2, computedSliderSize: Math.round(l2), computedSliderRatio: c2, computedSliderPosition: Math.round(d2)};
_refreshComputedValues() {
const e2 = m._computeValues(this._oppositeScrollbarSize, this._arrowSize, this._visibleSize, this._scrollSize, this._scrollPosition);
this._computedAvailableSize = e2.computedAvailableSize, this._computedIsNeeded = e2.computedIsNeeded, this._computedSliderSize = e2.computedSliderSize, this._computedSliderRatio = e2.computedSliderRatio, this._computedSliderPosition = e2.computedSliderPosition;
getArrowSize() {
return this._arrowSize;
getScrollPosition() {
return this._scrollPosition;
getRectangleLargeSize() {
return this._computedAvailableSize;
getRectangleSmallSize() {
return this._scrollbarSize;
isNeeded() {
return this._computedIsNeeded;
getSliderSize() {
return this._computedSliderSize;
getSliderPosition() {
return this._computedSliderPosition;
getDesiredScrollPositionFromOffset(e2) {
if (!this._computedIsNeeded)
return 0;
let t2 = e2 - this._arrowSize - this._computedSliderSize / 2;
return Math.round(t2 / this._computedSliderRatio);
getDesiredScrollPositionFromDelta(e2) {
if (!this._computedIsNeeded)
return 0;
let t2 = this._computedSliderPosition + e2;
return Math.round(t2 / this._computedSliderRatio);
var g = n(17);
const f = Object(g.e)("scrollbar-button-left", g.a.triangleLeft), b = Object(g.e)("scrollbar-button-right", g.a.triangleRight);
class _ extends p {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.getScrollDimensions(), o2 = e2.getCurrentScrollPosition();
if (super({lazyRender: t2.lazyRender, host: n2, scrollbarState: new m(t2.horizontalHasArrows ? t2.arrowSize : 0, 2 === t2.horizontal ? 0 : t2.horizontalScrollbarSize, 2 === t2.vertical ? 0 : t2.verticalScrollbarSize, i2.width, i2.scrollWidth, o2.scrollLeft), visibility: t2.horizontal, extraScrollbarClassName: "horizontal", scrollable: e2}), t2.horizontalHasArrows) {
let e3 = (t2.arrowSize - 11) / 2, n3 = (t2.horizontalScrollbarSize - 11) / 2;
this._createArrow({className: "scra", icon: f, top: n3, left: e3, bottom: void 0, right: void 0, bgWidth: t2.arrowSize, bgHeight: t2.horizontalScrollbarSize, onActivate: () => this._host.onMouseWheel(new r.b(null, 1, 0))}), this._createArrow({className: "scra", icon: b, top: n3, left: void 0, bottom: void 0, right: e3, bgWidth: t2.arrowSize, bgHeight: t2.horizontalScrollbarSize, onActivate: () => this._host.onMouseWheel(new r.b(null, -1, 0))});
this._createSlider(Math.floor((t2.horizontalScrollbarSize - t2.horizontalSliderSize) / 2), 0, void 0, t2.horizontalSliderSize);
_updateSlider(e2, t2) {
this.slider.setWidth(e2), this.slider.setLeft(t2);
_renderDomNode(e2, t2) {
this.domNode.setWidth(e2), this.domNode.setHeight(t2), this.domNode.setLeft(0), this.domNode.setBottom(0);
onDidScroll(e2) {
return this._shouldRender = this._onElementScrollSize(e2.scrollWidth) || this._shouldRender, this._shouldRender = this._onElementScrollPosition(e2.scrollLeft) || this._shouldRender, this._shouldRender = this._onElementSize(e2.width) || this._shouldRender, this._shouldRender;
_mouseDownRelativePosition(e2, t2) {
return e2;
_sliderMousePosition(e2) {
return e2.posx;
_sliderOrthogonalMousePosition(e2) {
return e2.posy;
_updateScrollbarSize(e2) {
writeScrollPosition(e2, t2) {
e2.scrollLeft = t2;
const v = Object(g.e)("scrollbar-button-up", g.a.triangleUp), w = Object(g.e)("scrollbar-button-down", g.a.triangleDown);
class y extends p {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.getScrollDimensions(), o2 = e2.getCurrentScrollPosition();
if (super({lazyRender: t2.lazyRender, host: n2, scrollbarState: new m(t2.verticalHasArrows ? t2.arrowSize : 0, 2 === t2.vertical ? 0 : t2.verticalScrollbarSize, 0, i2.height, i2.scrollHeight, o2.scrollTop), visibility: t2.vertical, extraScrollbarClassName: "vertical", scrollable: e2}), t2.verticalHasArrows) {
let e3 = (t2.arrowSize - 11) / 2, n3 = (t2.verticalScrollbarSize - 11) / 2;
this._createArrow({className: "scra", icon: v, top: e3, left: n3, bottom: void 0, right: void 0, bgWidth: t2.verticalScrollbarSize, bgHeight: t2.arrowSize, onActivate: () => this._host.onMouseWheel(new r.b(null, 0, 1))}), this._createArrow({className: "scra", icon: w, top: void 0, left: n3, bottom: e3, right: void 0, bgWidth: t2.verticalScrollbarSize, bgHeight: t2.arrowSize, onActivate: () => this._host.onMouseWheel(new r.b(null, 0, -1))});
this._createSlider(0, Math.floor((t2.verticalScrollbarSize - t2.verticalSliderSize) / 2), t2.verticalSliderSize, void 0);
_updateSlider(e2, t2) {
this.slider.setHeight(e2), this.slider.setTop(t2);
_renderDomNode(e2, t2) {
this.domNode.setWidth(t2), this.domNode.setHeight(e2), this.domNode.setRight(0), this.domNode.setTop(0);
onDidScroll(e2) {
return this._shouldRender = this._onElementScrollSize(e2.scrollHeight) || this._shouldRender, this._shouldRender = this._onElementScrollPosition(e2.scrollTop) || this._shouldRender, this._shouldRender = this._onElementSize(e2.height) || this._shouldRender, this._shouldRender;
_mouseDownRelativePosition(e2, t2) {
return t2;
_sliderMousePosition(e2) {
return e2.posy;
_sliderOrthogonalMousePosition(e2) {
return e2.posx;
_updateScrollbarSize(e2) {
writeScrollPosition(e2, t2) {
e2.scrollTop = t2;
var C = n(6), x = n(170), S = n(34);
class k {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.timestamp = e2, this.deltaX = t2, this.deltaY = n2, this.score = 0;
class E {
constructor() {
this._capacity = 5, this._memory = [], this._front = -1, this._rear = -1;
isPhysicalMouseWheel() {
if (-1 === this._front && -1 === this._rear)
return false;
let e2 = 1, t2 = 0, n2 = 1, i2 = this._rear;
for (; ; ) {
const o2 = i2 === this._front ? e2 : Math.pow(2, -n2);
if (e2 -= o2, t2 += this._memory[i2].score * o2, i2 === this._front)
i2 = (this._capacity + i2 - 1) % this._capacity, n2++;
return t2 <= 0.5;
accept(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = new k(e2, t2, n2);
i2.score = this._computeScore(i2), -1 === this._front && -1 === this._rear ? (this._memory[0] = i2, this._front = 0, this._rear = 0) : (this._rear = (this._rear + 1) % this._capacity, this._rear === this._front && (this._front = (this._front + 1) % this._capacity), this._memory[this._rear] = i2);
_computeScore(e2) {
if (Math.abs(e2.deltaX) > 0 && Math.abs(e2.deltaY) > 0)
return 1;
let t2 = 0.5;
-1 === this._front && -1 === this._rear || this._memory[this._rear];
return this._isAlmostInt(e2.deltaX) && this._isAlmostInt(e2.deltaY) || (t2 += 0.25), Math.min(Math.max(t2, 0), 1);
_isAlmostInt(e2) {
return Math.abs(Math.round(e2) - e2) < 0.01;
E.INSTANCE = new E();
class T extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this._onScroll = this._register(new C.a()), this.onScroll = this._onScroll.event, this._onWillScroll = this._register(new C.a()), = "hidden", this._options = function(e3) {
let t3 = {lazyRender: void 0 !== e3.lazyRender && e3.lazyRender, className: void 0 !== e3.className ? e3.className : "", useShadows: void 0 === e3.useShadows || e3.useShadows, handleMouseWheel: void 0 === e3.handleMouseWheel || e3.handleMouseWheel, flipAxes: void 0 !== e3.flipAxes && e3.flipAxes, alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: void 0 !== e3.alwaysConsumeMouseWheel && e3.alwaysConsumeMouseWheel, scrollYToX: void 0 !== e3.scrollYToX && e3.scrollYToX, mouseWheelScrollSensitivity: void 0 !== e3.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity ? e3.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity : 1, fastScrollSensitivity: void 0 !== e3.fastScrollSensitivity ? e3.fastScrollSensitivity : 5, scrollPredominantAxis: void 0 === e3.scrollPredominantAxis || e3.scrollPredominantAxis, mouseWheelSmoothScroll: void 0 === e3.mouseWheelSmoothScroll || e3.mouseWheelSmoothScroll, arrowSize: void 0 !== e3.arrowSize ? e3.arrowSize : 11, listenOnDomNode: void 0 !== e3.listenOnDomNode ? e3.listenOnDomNode : null, horizontal: void 0 !== e3.horizontal ? e3.horizontal : 1, horizontalScrollbarSize: void 0 !== e3.horizontalScrollbarSize ? e3.horizontalScrollbarSize : 10, horizontalSliderSize: void 0 !== e3.horizontalSliderSize ? e3.horizontalSliderSize : 0, horizontalHasArrows: void 0 !== e3.horizontalHasArrows && e3.horizontalHasArrows, vertical: void 0 !== e3.vertical ? e3.vertical : 1, verticalScrollbarSize: void 0 !== e3.verticalScrollbarSize ? e3.verticalScrollbarSize : 10, verticalHasArrows: void 0 !== e3.verticalHasArrows && e3.verticalHasArrows, verticalSliderSize: void 0 !== e3.verticalSliderSize ? e3.verticalSliderSize : 0};
t3.horizontalSliderSize = void 0 !== e3.horizontalSliderSize ? e3.horizontalSliderSize : t3.horizontalScrollbarSize, t3.verticalSliderSize = void 0 !== e3.verticalSliderSize ? e3.verticalSliderSize : t3.verticalScrollbarSize, u.f && (t3.className += " mac");
return t3;
}(t2), this._scrollable = n2, this._register(this._scrollable.onScroll((e3) => {, this._onDidScroll(e3),;
let i2 = {onMouseWheel: (e3) => this._onMouseWheel(e3), onDragStart: () => this._onDragStart(), onDragEnd: () => this._onDragEnd()};
this._verticalScrollbar = this._register(new y(this._scrollable, this._options, i2)), this._horizontalScrollbar = this._register(new _(this._scrollable, this._options, i2)), this._domNode = document.createElement("div"), this._domNode.className = "monaco-scrollable-element " + this._options.className, this._domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), = "relative", = "hidden", this._domNode.appendChild(e2), this._domNode.appendChild(this._horizontalScrollbar.domNode.domNode), this._domNode.appendChild(this._verticalScrollbar.domNode.domNode), this._options.useShadows ? (this._leftShadowDomNode = Object(o.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._leftShadowDomNode.setClassName("shadow"), this._domNode.appendChild(this._leftShadowDomNode.domNode), this._topShadowDomNode = Object(o.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._topShadowDomNode.setClassName("shadow"), this._domNode.appendChild(this._topShadowDomNode.domNode), this._topLeftShadowDomNode = Object(o.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._topLeftShadowDomNode.setClassName("shadow top-left-corner"), this._domNode.appendChild(this._topLeftShadowDomNode.domNode)) : (this._leftShadowDomNode = null, this._topShadowDomNode = null, this._topLeftShadowDomNode = null), this._listenOnDomNode = this._options.listenOnDomNode || this._domNode, this._mouseWheelToDispose = [], this._setListeningToMouseWheel(this._options.handleMouseWheel), this.onmouseover(this._listenOnDomNode, (e3) => this._onMouseOver(e3)), this.onnonbubblingmouseout(this._listenOnDomNode, (e3) => this._onMouseOut(e3)), this._hideTimeout = this._register(new l.e()), this._isDragging = false, this._mouseIsOver = false, this._shouldRender = true, this._revealOnScroll = true;
dispose() {
this._mouseWheelToDispose = Object(d.f)(this._mouseWheelToDispose), super.dispose();
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
getOverviewRulerLayoutInfo() {
return {parent: this._domNode, insertBefore: this._verticalScrollbar.domNode.domNode};
delegateVerticalScrollbarMouseDown(e2) {
getScrollDimensions() {
return this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions();
setScrollDimensions(e2) {
this._scrollable.setScrollDimensions(e2, false);
updateClassName(e2) {
this._options.className = e2, u.f && (this._options.className += " mac"), this._domNode.className = "monaco-scrollable-element " + this._options.className;
updateOptions(e2) {
void 0 !== e2.handleMouseWheel && (this._options.handleMouseWheel = e2.handleMouseWheel, this._setListeningToMouseWheel(this._options.handleMouseWheel)), void 0 !== e2.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity && (this._options.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity = e2.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity), void 0 !== e2.fastScrollSensitivity && (this._options.fastScrollSensitivity = e2.fastScrollSensitivity), void 0 !== e2.scrollPredominantAxis && (this._options.scrollPredominantAxis = e2.scrollPredominantAxis), void 0 !== e2.horizontalScrollbarSize && this._horizontalScrollbar.updateScrollbarSize(e2.horizontalScrollbarSize), this._options.lazyRender || this._render();
_setListeningToMouseWheel(e2) {
if (this._mouseWheelToDispose.length > 0 !== e2 && (this._mouseWheelToDispose = Object(d.f)(this._mouseWheelToDispose), e2)) {
let e3 = (e4) => {
this._onMouseWheel(new r.b(e4));
this._mouseWheelToDispose.push(i.i(this._listenOnDomNode, i.c.MOUSE_WHEEL, e3, {passive: false}));
_onMouseWheel(e2) {
const t2 = E.INSTANCE;
const n2 = window.devicePixelRatio / Object(S.c)();
u.i || u.d ? t2.accept(, e2.deltaX / n2, e2.deltaY / n2) : t2.accept(, e2.deltaX, e2.deltaY);
if (e2.deltaY || e2.deltaX) {
let n2 = e2.deltaY * this._options.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity, i2 = e2.deltaX * this._options.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity;
this._options.scrollPredominantAxis && (Math.abs(n2) >= Math.abs(i2) ? i2 = 0 : n2 = 0), this._options.flipAxes && ([n2, i2] = [i2, n2]);
const o2 = !u.f && e2.browserEvent && e2.browserEvent.shiftKey;
!this._options.scrollYToX && !o2 || i2 || (i2 = n2, n2 = 0), e2.browserEvent && e2.browserEvent.altKey && (i2 *= this._options.fastScrollSensitivity, n2 *= this._options.fastScrollSensitivity);
const r2 = this._scrollable.getFutureScrollPosition();
let s2 = {};
if (n2) {
const e3 = r2.scrollTop - 50 * n2;
this._verticalScrollbar.writeScrollPosition(s2, e3);
if (i2) {
const e3 = r2.scrollLeft - 50 * i2;
this._horizontalScrollbar.writeScrollPosition(s2, e3);
if (s2 = this._scrollable.validateScrollPosition(s2), r2.scrollLeft !== s2.scrollLeft || r2.scrollTop !== s2.scrollTop) {
this._options.mouseWheelSmoothScroll && t2.isPhysicalMouseWheel() ? this._scrollable.setScrollPositionSmooth(s2) : this._scrollable.setScrollPositionNow(s2), this._shouldRender = true;
(this._options.alwaysConsumeMouseWheel || this._shouldRender) && (e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation());
_onDidScroll(e2) {
this._shouldRender = this._horizontalScrollbar.onDidScroll(e2) || this._shouldRender, this._shouldRender = this._verticalScrollbar.onDidScroll(e2) || this._shouldRender, this._options.useShadows && (this._shouldRender = true), this._revealOnScroll && this._reveal(), this._options.lazyRender || this._render();
renderNow() {
if (!this._options.lazyRender)
throw new Error("Please use `lazyRender` together with `renderNow`!");
_render() {
if (this._shouldRender && (this._shouldRender = false, this._horizontalScrollbar.render(), this._verticalScrollbar.render(), this._options.useShadows)) {
const e2 = this._scrollable.getCurrentScrollPosition();
let t2 = e2.scrollTop > 0, n2 = e2.scrollLeft > 0;
this._leftShadowDomNode.setClassName("shadow" + (n2 ? " left" : "")), this._topShadowDomNode.setClassName("shadow" + (t2 ? " top" : "")), this._topLeftShadowDomNode.setClassName("shadow top-left-corner" + (t2 ? " top" : "") + (n2 ? " left" : ""));
_onDragStart() {
this._isDragging = true, this._reveal();
_onDragEnd() {
this._isDragging = false, this._hide();
_onMouseOut(e2) {
this._mouseIsOver = false, this._hide();
_onMouseOver(e2) {
this._mouseIsOver = true, this._reveal();
_reveal() {
this._verticalScrollbar.beginReveal(), this._horizontalScrollbar.beginReveal(), this._scheduleHide();
_hide() {
this._mouseIsOver || this._isDragging || (this._verticalScrollbar.beginHide(), this._horizontalScrollbar.beginHide());
_scheduleHide() {
this._mouseIsOver || this._isDragging || this._hideTimeout.cancelAndSet(() => this._hide(), 500);
class L extends T {
constructor(e2, t2) {
(t2 = t2 || {}).mouseWheelSmoothScroll = false;
const n2 = new x.a(0, (e3) => i.Y(e3));
super(e2, t2, n2), this._register(n2);
setScrollPosition(e2) {
class N extends T {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, t2, n2);
setScrollPosition(e2) {
getScrollPosition() {
return this._scrollable.getCurrentScrollPosition();
class I extends L {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2, t2), this._element = e2, this.onScroll((e3) => {
e3.scrollTopChanged && (this._element.scrollTop = e3.scrollTop), e3.scrollLeftChanged && (this._element.scrollLeft = e3.scrollLeft);
}), this.scanDomNode();
scanDomNode() {
this.setScrollDimensions({width: this._element.clientWidth, scrollWidth: this._element.scrollWidth, height: this._element.clientHeight, scrollHeight: this._element.scrollHeight}), this.setScrollPosition({scrollLeft: this._element.scrollLeft, scrollTop: this._element.scrollTop});
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return d;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return m;
var i = n(8), o = n(117), r = n(9), s = n(3), a = n(58);
class l {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.searchString = e2, this.isRegex = t2, this.matchCase = n2, this.wordSeparators = i2;
parseSearchRequest() {
if ("" === this.searchString)
return null;
let e2;
e2 = this.isRegex ? function(e3) {
if (!e3 || 0 === e3.length)
return false;
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = e3.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
if (92 === e3.charCodeAt(t3)) {
if (t3++, t3 >= n3)
const i2 = e3.charCodeAt(t3);
if (110 === i2 || 114 === i2 || 87 === i2 || 119 === i2)
return true;
return false;
}(this.searchString) : this.searchString.indexOf("\n") >= 0;
let t2 = null;
try {
t2 = i.q(this.searchString, this.isRegex, {matchCase: this.matchCase, wholeWord: false, multiline: e2, global: true, unicode: true});
} catch (e3) {
return null;
if (!t2)
return null;
let n2 = !this.isRegex && !e2;
return n2 && this.searchString.toLowerCase() !== this.searchString.toUpperCase() && (n2 = this.matchCase), new c(t2, this.wordSeparators ? Object(o.a)(this.wordSeparators) : null, n2 ? this.searchString : null);
class c {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.regex = e2, this.wordSeparators = t2, this.simpleSearch = n2;
function d(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!n2)
return new a.b(e2, null);
let i2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = t2.length; e3 < n3; e3++)
i2[e3] = t2[e3];
return new a.b(e2, i2);
class h {
constructor(e2) {
let t2 = [], n2 = 0;
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length; i2 < o2; i2++)
10 === e2.charCodeAt(i2) && (t2[n2++] = i2);
this._lineFeedsOffsets = t2;
findLineFeedCountBeforeOffset(e2) {
const t2 = this._lineFeedsOffsets;
let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length - 1;
if (-1 === i2)
return 0;
if (e2 <= t2[0])
return 0;
for (; n2 < i2; ) {
const o2 = n2 + ((i2 - n2) / 2 >> 0);
t2[o2] >= e2 ? i2 = o2 - 1 : t2[o2 + 1] >= e2 ? (n2 = o2, i2 = o2) : n2 = o2 + 1;
return n2 + 1;
class u {
static findMatches(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = t2.parseSearchRequest();
return r2 ? r2.regex.multiline ? this._doFindMatchesMultiline(e2, n2, new m(r2.wordSeparators, r2.regex), i2, o2) : this._doFindMatchesLineByLine(e2, n2, r2, i2, o2) : [];
static _getMultilineMatchRange(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
let a2, l2, c2 = 0;
if (i2 ? (c2 = i2.findLineFeedCountBeforeOffset(o2), a2 = t2 + o2 + c2) : a2 = t2 + o2, i2) {
let e3 = i2.findLineFeedCountBeforeOffset(o2 + r2.length) - c2;
l2 = a2 + r2.length + e3;
} else
l2 = a2 + r2.length;
const d2 = e2.getPositionAt(a2), h2 = e2.getPositionAt(l2);
return new s.a(d2.lineNumber, d2.column, h2.lineNumber, h2.column);
static _doFindMatchesMultiline(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = e2.getOffsetAt(t2.getStartPosition()), s2 = e2.getValueInRange(t2, 1), a2 = "\r\n" === e2.getEOL() ? new h(s2) : null, l2 = [];
let c2, u2 = 0;
for (n2.reset(0); c2 =; )
if (l2[u2++] = d(this._getMultilineMatchRange(e2, r2, s2, a2, c2.index, c2[0]), c2, i2), u2 >= o2)
return l2;
return l2;
static _doFindMatchesLineByLine(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = [];
let s2 = 0;
if (t2.startLineNumber === t2.endLineNumber) {
const a3 = e2.getLineContent(t2.startLineNumber).substring(t2.startColumn - 1, t2.endColumn - 1);
return s2 = this._findMatchesInLine(n2, a3, t2.startLineNumber, t2.startColumn - 1, s2, r2, i2, o2), r2;
const a2 = e2.getLineContent(t2.startLineNumber).substring(t2.startColumn - 1);
s2 = this._findMatchesInLine(n2, a2, t2.startLineNumber, t2.startColumn - 1, s2, r2, i2, o2);
for (let a3 = t2.startLineNumber + 1; a3 < t2.endLineNumber && s2 < o2; a3++)
s2 = this._findMatchesInLine(n2, e2.getLineContent(a3), a3, 0, s2, r2, i2, o2);
if (s2 < o2) {
const a3 = e2.getLineContent(t2.endLineNumber).substring(0, t2.endColumn - 1);
s2 = this._findMatchesInLine(n2, a3, t2.endLineNumber, 0, s2, r2, i2, o2);
return r2;
static _findMatchesInLine(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, l2, c2) {
const h2 = e2.wordSeparators;
if (!l2 && e2.simpleSearch) {
const l3 = e2.simpleSearch, d2 = l3.length, u3 = t2.length;
let m2 = -d2;
for (; -1 !== (m2 = t2.indexOf(l3, m2 + d2)); )
if ((!h2 || p(h2, t2, u3, m2, d2)) && (r2[o2++] = new a.b(new s.a(n2, m2 + 1 + i2, n2, m2 + 1 + d2 + i2), null), o2 >= c2))
return o2;
return o2;
const u2 = new m(e2.wordSeparators, e2.regex);
let g;
do {
if (g =, g && (r2[o2++] = d(new s.a(n2, g.index + 1 + i2, n2, g.index + 1 + g[0].length + i2), g, l2), o2 >= c2))
return o2;
} while (g);
return o2;
static findNextMatch(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = t2.parseSearchRequest();
if (!o2)
return null;
const r2 = new m(o2.wordSeparators, o2.regex);
return o2.regex.multiline ? this._doFindNextMatchMultiline(e2, n2, r2, i2) : this._doFindNextMatchLineByLine(e2, n2, r2, i2);
static _doFindNextMatchMultiline(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = new r.a(t2.lineNumber, 1), a2 = e2.getOffsetAt(o2), l2 = e2.getLineCount(), c2 = e2.getValueInRange(new s.a(o2.lineNumber, o2.column, l2, e2.getLineMaxColumn(l2)), 1), u2 = "\r\n" === e2.getEOL() ? new h(c2) : null;
n2.reset(t2.column - 1);
let p2 =;
return p2 ? d(this._getMultilineMatchRange(e2, a2, c2, u2, p2.index, p2[0]), p2, i2) : 1 !== t2.lineNumber || 1 !== t2.column ? this._doFindNextMatchMultiline(e2, new r.a(1, 1), n2, i2) : null;
static _doFindNextMatchLineByLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = e2.getLineCount(), r2 = t2.lineNumber, s2 = e2.getLineContent(r2), a2 = this._findFirstMatchInLine(n2, s2, r2, t2.column, i2);
if (a2)
return a2;
for (let t3 = 1; t3 <= o2; t3++) {
const s3 = (r2 + t3 - 1) % o2, a3 = e2.getLineContent(s3 + 1), l2 = this._findFirstMatchInLine(n2, a3, s3 + 1, 1, i2);
if (l2)
return l2;
return null;
static _findFirstMatchInLine(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
e2.reset(i2 - 1);
const r2 =;
return r2 ? d(new s.a(n2, r2.index + 1, n2, r2.index + 1 + r2[0].length), r2, o2) : null;
static findPreviousMatch(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = t2.parseSearchRequest();
if (!o2)
return null;
const r2 = new m(o2.wordSeparators, o2.regex);
return o2.regex.multiline ? this._doFindPreviousMatchMultiline(e2, n2, r2, i2) : this._doFindPreviousMatchLineByLine(e2, n2, r2, i2);
static _doFindPreviousMatchMultiline(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this._doFindMatchesMultiline(e2, new s.a(1, 1, t2.lineNumber, t2.column), n2, i2, 9990);
if (o2.length > 0)
return o2[o2.length - 1];
const a2 = e2.getLineCount();
return t2.lineNumber !== a2 || t2.column !== e2.getLineMaxColumn(a2) ? this._doFindPreviousMatchMultiline(e2, new r.a(a2, e2.getLineMaxColumn(a2)), n2, i2) : null;
static _doFindPreviousMatchLineByLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = e2.getLineCount(), r2 = t2.lineNumber, s2 = e2.getLineContent(r2).substring(0, t2.column - 1), a2 = this._findLastMatchInLine(n2, s2, r2, i2);
if (a2)
return a2;
for (let t3 = 1; t3 <= o2; t3++) {
const s3 = (o2 + r2 - t3 - 1) % o2, a3 = e2.getLineContent(s3 + 1), l2 = this._findLastMatchInLine(n2, a3, s3 + 1, i2);
if (l2)
return l2;
return null;
static _findLastMatchInLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2, r2 = null;
for (e2.reset(0); o2 =; )
r2 = d(new s.a(n2, o2.index + 1, n2, o2.index + 1 + o2[0].length), o2, i2);
return r2;
function p(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return function(e3, t3, n3, i3, o3) {
if (0 === i3)
return true;
const r2 = t3.charCodeAt(i3 - 1);
if (0 !== e3.get(r2))
return true;
if (13 === r2 || 10 === r2)
return true;
if (o3 > 0) {
const n4 = t3.charCodeAt(i3);
if (0 !== e3.get(n4))
return true;
return false;
}(e2, t2, 0, i2, o2) && function(e3, t3, n3, i3, o3) {
if (i3 + o3 === n3)
return true;
const r2 = t3.charCodeAt(i3 + o3);
if (0 !== e3.get(r2))
return true;
if (13 === r2 || 10 === r2)
return true;
if (o3 > 0) {
const n4 = t3.charCodeAt(i3 + o3 - 1);
if (0 !== e3.get(n4))
return true;
return false;
}(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
class m {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._wordSeparators = e2, this._searchRegex = t2, this._prevMatchStartIndex = -1, this._prevMatchLength = 0;
reset(e2) {
this._searchRegex.lastIndex = e2, this._prevMatchStartIndex = -1, this._prevMatchLength = 0;
next(e2) {
const t2 = e2.length;
let n2;
do {
if (this._prevMatchStartIndex + this._prevMatchLength === t2)
return null;
if (n2 = this._searchRegex.exec(e2), !n2)
return null;
const o2 = n2.index, r2 = n2[0].length;
if (o2 === this._prevMatchStartIndex && r2 === this._prevMatchLength) {
if (0 === r2) {
i.A(e2, t2, this._searchRegex.lastIndex) > 65535 ? this._searchRegex.lastIndex += 2 : this._searchRegex.lastIndex += 1;
return null;
if (this._prevMatchStartIndex = o2, this._prevMatchLength = r2, !this._wordSeparators || p(this._wordSeparators, e2, t2, o2, r2))
return n2;
} while (n2);
return null;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return C;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return T;
var i = n(0), o = n(14), r = n(4), s = n(41), a = n(22), l = n(9), c = n(3);
class d {
static columnSelect(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
let s2 = Math.abs(o2 - n2) + 1, d2 = n2 > o2, h2 = i2 > r2, u2 = i2 < r2, p2 = [];
for (let o3 = 0; o3 < s2; o3++) {
let s3 = n2 + (d2 ? -o3 : o3), m2 = a.a.columnFromVisibleColumn2(e2, t2, s3, i2), g2 = a.a.columnFromVisibleColumn2(e2, t2, s3, r2), f2 = a.a.visibleColumnFromColumn2(e2, t2, new l.a(s3, m2)), b2 = a.a.visibleColumnFromColumn2(e2, t2, new l.a(s3, g2));
if (u2) {
if (f2 > r2)
if (b2 < i2)
if (h2) {
if (b2 > i2)
if (f2 < r2)
p2.push(new a.f(new c.a(s3, m2, s3, m2), 0, new l.a(s3, g2), 0));
if (0 === p2.length)
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < s2; e3++) {
const i3 = n2 + (d2 ? -e3 : e3), o3 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(i3);
p2.push(new a.f(new c.a(i3, o3, i3, o3), 0, new l.a(i3, o3), 0));
return {viewStates: p2, reversed: d2, fromLineNumber: n2, fromVisualColumn: i2, toLineNumber: o2, toVisualColumn: r2};
static columnSelectLeft(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = n2.toViewVisualColumn;
return i2 > 1 && i2--, d.columnSelect(e2, t2, n2.fromViewLineNumber, n2.fromViewVisualColumn, n2.toViewLineNumber, i2);
static columnSelectRight(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = 0;
const o2 = Math.min(n2.fromViewLineNumber, n2.toViewLineNumber), r2 = Math.max(n2.fromViewLineNumber, n2.toViewLineNumber);
for (let n3 = o2; n3 <= r2; n3++) {
const o3 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(n3), r3 = a.a.visibleColumnFromColumn2(e2, t2, new l.a(n3, o3));
i2 = Math.max(i2, r3);
let s2 = n2.toViewVisualColumn;
return s2 < i2 && s2++, this.columnSelect(e2, t2, n2.fromViewLineNumber, n2.fromViewVisualColumn, n2.toViewLineNumber, s2);
static columnSelectUp(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = i2 ? e2.pageSize : 1, r2 = Math.max(1, n2.toViewLineNumber - o2);
return this.columnSelect(e2, t2, n2.fromViewLineNumber, n2.fromViewVisualColumn, r2, n2.toViewVisualColumn);
static columnSelectDown(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = i2 ? e2.pageSize : 1, r2 = Math.min(t2.getLineCount(), n2.toViewLineNumber + o2);
return this.columnSelect(e2, t2, n2.fromViewLineNumber, n2.fromViewVisualColumn, r2, n2.toViewVisualColumn);
var h = n(181), u = n(85), p = n(126), m = n(7), g = n(10), f = n(92);
class b extends r.c {
runEditorCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2._getViewModel();
i2 && this.runCoreEditorCommand(i2, n2 || {});
var _, v, w, y, C;
(v = _ || (_ = {})).description = {description: "Scroll editor in the given direction", args: [{name: "Editor scroll argument object", description: "Property-value pairs that can be passed through this argument:\n * 'to': A mandatory direction value.\n ```\n 'up', 'down'\n ```\n * 'by': Unit to move. Default is computed based on 'to' value.\n ```\n 'line', 'wrappedLine', 'page', 'halfPage'\n ```\n * 'value': Number of units to move. Default is '1'.\n * 'revealCursor': If 'true' reveals the cursor if it is outside view port.\n ", constraint: function(e2) {
if (!o.i(e2))
return false;
const t2 = e2;
return !(!o.j( || !o.k( && !o.j( || !o.k(t2.value) && !o.h(t2.value) || !o.k(t2.revealCursor) && !o.f(t2.revealCursor));
}, schema: {type: "object", required: ["to"], properties: {to: {type: "string", enum: ["up", "down"]}, by: {type: "string", enum: ["line", "wrappedLine", "page", "halfPage"]}, value: {type: "number", default: 1}, revealCursor: {type: "boolean"}}}}]}, v.RawDirection = {Up: "up", Down: "down"}, v.RawUnit = {Line: "line", WrappedLine: "wrappedLine", Page: "page", HalfPage: "halfPage"}, v.parse = function(e2) {
let t2, n2;
switch ( {
case v.RawDirection.Up:
t2 = 1;
case v.RawDirection.Down:
t2 = 2;
return null;
switch ( {
case v.RawUnit.Line:
n2 = 1;
case v.RawUnit.WrappedLine:
n2 = 2;
case v.RawUnit.Page:
n2 = 3;
case v.RawUnit.HalfPage:
n2 = 4;
n2 = 2;
return {direction: t2, unit: n2, value: Math.floor(e2.value || 1), revealCursor: !!e2.revealCursor, select: !!};
}, (y = w || (w = {})).description = {description: "Reveal the given line at the given logical position", args: [{name: "Reveal line argument object", description: "Property-value pairs that can be passed through this argument:\n * 'lineNumber': A mandatory line number value.\n * 'at': Logical position at which line has to be revealed .\n ```\n 'top', 'center', 'bottom'\n ```\n ", constraint: function(e2) {
if (!o.i(e2))
return false;
const t2 = e2;
return !(!o.h(t2.lineNumber) || !o.k( && !o.j(;
}, schema: {type: "object", required: ["lineNumber"], properties: {lineNumber: {type: "number"}, at: {type: "string", enum: ["top", "center", "bottom"]}}}}]}, y.RawAtArgument = {Top: "top", Center: "center", Bottom: "bottom"};
class x {
constructor(e2) {
e2.addImplementation(1e4, (e3, t2) => {
const n2 = e3.get(s.a).getFocusedCodeEditor();
return !(!n2 || !n2.hasTextFocus()) && (this.runEditorCommand(e3, n2, t2), true);
}), e2.addImplementation(1e3, (e3, t2) => {
const n2 = document.activeElement;
return !!(n2 && ["input", "textarea"].indexOf(n2.tagName.toLowerCase()) >= 0) && (this.runDOMCommand(), true);
}), e2.addImplementation(0, (e3, t2) => {
const n2 = e3.get(s.a).getActiveCodeEditor();
return !!n2 && (n2.focus(), this.runEditorCommand(e3, n2, t2), true);
!function(e2) {
class t2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._inSelectionMode = e3.inSelectionMode;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, [u.b.moveTo(e3, e3.getPrimaryCursorState(), this._inSelectionMode, t3.position, t3.viewPosition)]), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
e2.MoveTo = Object(r.l)(new t2({id: "_moveTo", inSelectionMode: false, precondition: void 0})), e2.MoveToSelect = Object(r.l)(new t2({id: "_moveToSelect", inSelectionMode: true, precondition: void 0}));
class n2 extends b {
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
const n3 = this._getColumnSelectResult(e3, e3.getPrimaryCursorState(), e3.getCursorColumnSelectData(), t3);
e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, => a.d.fromViewState(e4))), e3.setCursorColumnSelectData({isReal: true, fromViewLineNumber: n3.fromLineNumber, fromViewVisualColumn: n3.fromVisualColumn, toViewLineNumber: n3.toLineNumber, toViewVisualColumn: n3.toVisualColumn}), n3.reversed ? e3.revealTopMostCursor(t3.source) : e3.revealBottomMostCursor(t3.source);
e2.ColumnSelect = Object(r.l)(new class extends n2 {
constructor() {
super({id: "columnSelect", precondition: void 0});
_getColumnSelectResult(e3, t3, n3, i2) {
const o3 = e3.model.validatePosition(i2.position), r2 = e3.coordinatesConverter.validateViewPosition(new l.a(i2.viewPosition.lineNumber, i2.viewPosition.column), o3);
let s3 = i2.doColumnSelect ? n3.fromViewLineNumber : r2.lineNumber, a2 = i2.doColumnSelect ? n3.fromViewVisualColumn : i2.mouseColumn - 1;
return d.columnSelect(e3.cursorConfig, e3, s3, a2, r2.lineNumber, i2.mouseColumn - 1);
}()), e2.CursorColumnSelectLeft = Object(r.l)(new class extends n2 {
constructor() {
super({id: "cursorColumnSelectLeft", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3599, linux: {primary: 0}}});
_getColumnSelectResult(e3, t3, n3, i2) {
return d.columnSelectLeft(e3.cursorConfig, e3, n3);
}()), e2.CursorColumnSelectRight = Object(r.l)(new class extends n2 {
constructor() {
super({id: "cursorColumnSelectRight", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3601, linux: {primary: 0}}});
_getColumnSelectResult(e3, t3, n3, i2) {
return d.columnSelectRight(e3.cursorConfig, e3, n3);
class o2 extends n2 {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._isPaged = e3.isPaged;
_getColumnSelectResult(e3, t3, n3, i2) {
return d.columnSelectUp(e3.cursorConfig, e3, n3, this._isPaged);
e2.CursorColumnSelectUp = Object(r.l)(new o2({isPaged: false, id: "cursorColumnSelectUp", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3600, linux: {primary: 0}}})), e2.CursorColumnSelectPageUp = Object(r.l)(new o2({isPaged: true, id: "cursorColumnSelectPageUp", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3595, linux: {primary: 0}}}));
class s2 extends n2 {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._isPaged = e3.isPaged;
_getColumnSelectResult(e3, t3, n3, i2) {
return d.columnSelectDown(e3.cursorConfig, e3, n3, this._isPaged);
e2.CursorColumnSelectDown = Object(r.l)(new s2({isPaged: false, id: "cursorColumnSelectDown", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3602, linux: {primary: 0}}})), e2.CursorColumnSelectPageDown = Object(r.l)(new s2({isPaged: true, id: "cursorColumnSelectPageDown", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3596, linux: {primary: 0}}}));
class h2 extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "cursorMove", precondition: void 0, description: u.a.description});
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
const n3 = u.a.parse(t3);
n3 && this._runCursorMove(e3, t3.source, n3);
_runCursorMove(e3, t3, n3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3, 3, h2._move(e3, e3.getCursorStates(), n3)), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3, true);
static _move(e3, t3, n3) {
const i2 =, o3 = n3.value;
switch (n3.direction) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
return u.b.simpleMove(e3, t3, n3.direction, i2, o3, n3.unit);
case 9:
case 11:
case 10:
case 12:
return u.b.viewportMove(e3, t3, n3.direction, i2, o3);
return null;
e2.CursorMoveImpl = h2, e2.CursorMove = Object(r.l)(new h2());
class p2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._staticArgs = e3.args;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
let n3 = this._staticArgs;
-1 === this._staticArgs.value && (n3 = {direction: this._staticArgs.direction, unit: this._staticArgs.unit, select:, value: e3.cursorConfig.pageSize}), e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, u.b.simpleMove(e3, e3.getCursorStates(), n3.direction,, n3.value, n3.unit)), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
e2.CursorLeft = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 0, unit: 0, select: false, value: 1}, id: "cursorLeft", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 15, mac: {primary: 15, secondary: [288]}}})), e2.CursorLeftSelect = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 0, unit: 0, select: true, value: 1}, id: "cursorLeftSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1039}})), e2.CursorRight = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 1, unit: 0, select: false, value: 1}, id: "cursorRight", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 17, mac: {primary: 17, secondary: [292]}}})), e2.CursorRightSelect = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 1, unit: 0, select: true, value: 1}, id: "cursorRightSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1041}})), e2.CursorUp = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 2, unit: 2, select: false, value: 1}, id: "cursorUp", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 16, mac: {primary: 16, secondary: [302]}}})), e2.CursorUpSelect = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 2, unit: 2, select: true, value: 1}, id: "cursorUpSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1040, secondary: [3088], mac: {primary: 1040}, linux: {primary: 1040}}})), e2.CursorPageUp = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 2, unit: 2, select: false, value: -1}, id: "cursorPageUp", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 11}})), e2.CursorPageUpSelect = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 2, unit: 2, select: true, value: -1}, id: "cursorPageUpSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1035}})), e2.CursorDown = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 3, unit: 2, select: false, value: 1}, id: "cursorDown", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 18, mac: {primary: 18, secondary: [300]}}})), e2.CursorDownSelect = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 3, unit: 2, select: true, value: 1}, id: "cursorDownSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1042, secondary: [3090], mac: {primary: 1042}, linux: {primary: 1042}}})), e2.CursorPageDown = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 3, unit: 2, select: false, value: -1}, id: "cursorPageDown", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 12}})), e2.CursorPageDownSelect = Object(r.l)(new p2({args: {direction: 3, unit: 2, select: true, value: -1}, id: "cursorPageDownSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1036}})), e2.CreateCursor = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "createCursor", precondition: void 0});
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
let n3;
n3 = t3.wholeLine ? u.b.line(e3, e3.getPrimaryCursorState(), false, t3.position, t3.viewPosition) : u.b.moveTo(e3, e3.getPrimaryCursorState(), false, t3.position, t3.viewPosition);
const i2 = e3.getCursorStates();
if (i2.length > 1) {
const o3 = n3.modelState ? n3.modelState.position : null, r2 = n3.viewState ? n3.viewState.position : null;
for (let n4 = 0, s3 = i2.length; n4 < s3; n4++) {
const s4 = i2[n4];
if ((!o3 || s4.modelState.selection.containsPosition(o3)) && (!r2 || s4.viewState.selection.containsPosition(r2)))
return i2.splice(n4, 1), e3.model.pushStackElement(), void e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, i2);
i2.push(n3), e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, i2);
}()), e2.LastCursorMoveToSelect = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "_lastCursorMoveToSelect", precondition: void 0});
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
const n3 = e3.getLastAddedCursorIndex(), i2 = e3.getCursorStates(), o3 = i2.slice(0);
o3[n3] = u.b.moveTo(e3, i2[n3], true, t3.position, t3.viewPosition), e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, o3);
class g2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._inSelectionMode = e3.inSelectionMode;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, u.b.moveToBeginningOfLine(e3, e3.getCursorStates(), this._inSelectionMode)), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
e2.CursorHome = Object(r.l)(new g2({inSelectionMode: false, id: "cursorHome", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 14, mac: {primary: 14, secondary: [2063]}}})), e2.CursorHomeSelect = Object(r.l)(new g2({inSelectionMode: true, id: "cursorHomeSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1038, mac: {primary: 1038, secondary: [3087]}}}));
class f2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._inSelectionMode = e3.inSelectionMode;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, this._exec(e3.getCursorStates())), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
_exec(e3) {
const t3 = [];
for (let n3 = 0, i2 = e3.length; n3 < i2; n3++) {
const i3 = e3[n3], o3 = i3.modelState.position.lineNumber;
t3[n3] = a.d.fromModelState(i3.modelState.move(this._inSelectionMode, o3, 1, 0));
return t3;
e2.CursorLineStart = Object(r.l)(new f2({inSelectionMode: false, id: "cursorLineStart", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 287}}})), e2.CursorLineStartSelect = Object(r.l)(new f2({inSelectionMode: true, id: "cursorLineStartSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 1311}}}));
class v2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._inSelectionMode = e3.inSelectionMode;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, u.b.moveToEndOfLine(e3, e3.getCursorStates(), this._inSelectionMode, t3.sticky || false)), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
e2.CursorEnd = Object(r.l)(new v2({inSelectionMode: false, id: "cursorEnd", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {args: {sticky: false}, weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 13, mac: {primary: 13, secondary: [2065]}}, description: {description: "Go to End", args: [{name: "args", schema: {type: "object", properties: {sticky: {description: i.a("stickydesc", "Stick to the end even when going to longer lines"), type: "boolean", default: false}}}}]}})), e2.CursorEndSelect = Object(r.l)(new v2({inSelectionMode: true, id: "cursorEndSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {args: {sticky: false}, weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1037, mac: {primary: 1037, secondary: [3089]}}, description: {description: "Select to End", args: [{name: "args", schema: {type: "object", properties: {sticky: {description: i.a("stickydesc", "Stick to the end even when going to longer lines"), type: "boolean", default: false}}}}]}}));
class y2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._inSelectionMode = e3.inSelectionMode;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, this._exec(e3, e3.getCursorStates())), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
_exec(e3, t3) {
const n3 = [];
for (let i2 = 0, o3 = t3.length; i2 < o3; i2++) {
const o4 = t3[i2], r2 = o4.modelState.position.lineNumber, s3 = e3.model.getLineMaxColumn(r2);
n3[i2] = a.d.fromModelState(o4.modelState.move(this._inSelectionMode, r2, s3, 0));
return n3;
e2.CursorLineEnd = Object(r.l)(new y2({inSelectionMode: false, id: "cursorLineEnd", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 291}}})), e2.CursorLineEndSelect = Object(r.l)(new y2({inSelectionMode: true, id: "cursorLineEndSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 1315}}}));
class C2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._inSelectionMode = e3.inSelectionMode;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, u.b.moveToBeginningOfBuffer(e3, e3.getCursorStates(), this._inSelectionMode)), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
e2.CursorTop = Object(r.l)(new C2({inSelectionMode: false, id: "cursorTop", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2062, mac: {primary: 2064}}})), e2.CursorTopSelect = Object(r.l)(new C2({inSelectionMode: true, id: "cursorTopSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3086, mac: {primary: 3088}}}));
class S2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._inSelectionMode = e3.inSelectionMode;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, u.b.moveToEndOfBuffer(e3, e3.getCursorStates(), this._inSelectionMode)), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
e2.CursorBottom = Object(r.l)(new S2({inSelectionMode: false, id: "cursorBottom", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2061, mac: {primary: 2066}}})), e2.CursorBottomSelect = Object(r.l)(new S2({inSelectionMode: true, id: "cursorBottomSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3085, mac: {primary: 3090}}}));
class k2 extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editorScroll", precondition: void 0, description: _.description});
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
const n3 = _.parse(t3);
n3 && this._runEditorScroll(e3, t3.source, n3);
_runEditorScroll(e3, t3, n3) {
const i2 = this._computeDesiredScrollTop(e3, n3);
if (n3.revealCursor) {
const o3 = e3.getCompletelyVisibleViewRangeAtScrollTop(i2);
e3.setCursorStates(t3, 3, [u.b.findPositionInViewportIfOutside(e3, e3.getPrimaryCursorState(), o3,]);
e3.setScrollTop(i2, 0);
_computeDesiredScrollTop(e3, t3) {
if (1 === t3.unit) {
const n4 = e3.getCompletelyVisibleViewRange(), i3 = e3.coordinatesConverter.convertViewRangeToModelRange(n4);
let o3;
o3 = 1 === t3.direction ? Math.max(1, i3.startLineNumber - t3.value) : Math.min(e3.model.getLineCount(), i3.startLineNumber + t3.value);
const r2 = e3.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(new l.a(o3, 1));
return e3.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(r2.lineNumber);
let n3;
n3 = 3 === t3.unit ? e3.cursorConfig.pageSize * t3.value : 4 === t3.unit ? Math.round(e3.cursorConfig.pageSize / 2) * t3.value : t3.value;
const i2 = (1 === t3.direction ? -1 : 1) * n3;
return e3.getScrollTop() + i2 * e3.cursorConfig.lineHeight;
e2.EditorScrollImpl = k2, e2.EditorScroll = Object(r.l)(new k2()), e2.ScrollLineUp = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "scrollLineUp", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2064, mac: {primary: 267}}});
runCoreEditorCommand(t3, n3) {
e2.EditorScroll._runEditorScroll(t3, n3.source, {direction: 1, unit: 2, value: 1, revealCursor: false, select: false});
}()), e2.ScrollPageUp = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "scrollPageUp", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2059, win: {primary: 523}, linux: {primary: 523}}});
runCoreEditorCommand(t3, n3) {
e2.EditorScroll._runEditorScroll(t3, n3.source, {direction: 1, unit: 3, value: 1, revealCursor: false, select: false});
}()), e2.ScrollLineDown = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "scrollLineDown", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2066, mac: {primary: 268}}});
runCoreEditorCommand(t3, n3) {
e2.EditorScroll._runEditorScroll(t3, n3.source, {direction: 2, unit: 2, value: 1, revealCursor: false, select: false});
}()), e2.ScrollPageDown = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "scrollPageDown", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2060, win: {primary: 524}, linux: {primary: 524}}});
runCoreEditorCommand(t3, n3) {
e2.EditorScroll._runEditorScroll(t3, n3.source, {direction: 2, unit: 3, value: 1, revealCursor: false, select: false});
class E2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._inSelectionMode = e3.inSelectionMode;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, [u.b.word(e3, e3.getPrimaryCursorState(), this._inSelectionMode, t3.position)]), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
e2.WordSelect = Object(r.l)(new E2({inSelectionMode: false, id: "_wordSelect", precondition: void 0})), e2.WordSelectDrag = Object(r.l)(new E2({inSelectionMode: true, id: "_wordSelectDrag", precondition: void 0})), e2.LastCursorWordSelect = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "lastCursorWordSelect", precondition: void 0});
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
const n3 = e3.getLastAddedCursorIndex(), i2 = e3.getCursorStates(), o3 = i2.slice(0), r2 = i2[n3];
o3[n3] = u.b.word(e3, r2, r2.modelState.hasSelection(), t3.position), e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, o3);
class T2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._inSelectionMode = e3.inSelectionMode;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, [u.b.line(e3, e3.getPrimaryCursorState(), this._inSelectionMode, t3.position, t3.viewPosition)]), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, false);
e2.LineSelect = Object(r.l)(new T2({inSelectionMode: false, id: "_lineSelect", precondition: void 0})), e2.LineSelectDrag = Object(r.l)(new T2({inSelectionMode: true, id: "_lineSelectDrag", precondition: void 0}));
class L2 extends b {
constructor(e3) {
super(e3), this._inSelectionMode = e3.inSelectionMode;
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
const n3 = e3.getLastAddedCursorIndex(), i2 = e3.getCursorStates(), o3 = i2.slice(0);
o3[n3] = u.b.line(e3, i2[n3], this._inSelectionMode, t3.position, t3.viewPosition), e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, o3);
e2.LastCursorLineSelect = Object(r.l)(new L2({inSelectionMode: false, id: "lastCursorLineSelect", precondition: void 0})), e2.LastCursorLineSelectDrag = Object(r.l)(new L2({inSelectionMode: true, id: "lastCursorLineSelectDrag", precondition: void 0})), e2.ExpandLineSelection = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "expandLineSelection", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2090}});
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, u.b.expandLineSelection(e3, e3.getCursorStates())), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
}()), e2.CancelSelection = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "cancelSelection", precondition: m.a.hasNonEmptySelection, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 9, secondary: [1033]}});
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, [u.b.cancelSelection(e3, e3.getPrimaryCursorState())]), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
}()), e2.RemoveSecondaryCursors = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "removeSecondaryCursors", precondition: m.a.hasMultipleSelections, kbOpts: {weight: 1, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 9, secondary: [1033]}});
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, [e3.getPrimaryCursorState()]), e3.revealPrimaryCursor(t3.source, true);
}()), e2.RevealLine = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "revealLine", precondition: void 0, description: w.description});
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
const n3 = t3;
let i2 = (n3.lineNumber || 0) + 1;
i2 < 1 && (i2 = 1);
const o3 = e3.model.getLineCount();
i2 > o3 && (i2 = o3);
const r2 = new c.a(i2, 1, i2, e3.model.getLineMaxColumn(i2));
let s3 = 0;
if (
switch ( {
case w.RawAtArgument.Top:
s3 = 3;
case w.RawAtArgument.Center:
s3 = 1;
case w.RawAtArgument.Bottom:
s3 = 4;
const a2 = e3.coordinatesConverter.convertModelRangeToViewRange(r2);
e3.revealRange(t3.source, false, a2, s3, 0);
}()), e2.SelectAll = new class extends x {
constructor() {
runDOMCommand() {
runEditorCommand(e3, t3, n3) {
const i2 = t3._getViewModel();
i2 && this.runCoreEditorCommand(i2, n3);
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates("keyboard", 3, [u.b.selectAll(e3, e3.getPrimaryCursorState())]);
}(), e2.SetSelection = Object(r.l)(new class extends b {
constructor() {
super({id: "setSelection", precondition: void 0});
runCoreEditorCommand(e3, t3) {
e3.model.pushStackElement(), e3.setCursorStates(t3.source, 3, [a.d.fromModelSelection(t3.selection)]);
}(C || (C = {}));
const S = g.a.and(m.a.textInputFocus, m.a.columnSelection);
function k(e2, t2) {
f.a.registerKeybindingRule({id: e2, primary: t2, when: S, weight: 1});
function E(e2) {
return e2.register(), e2;
var T;
k(, 1039), k(, 1041), k(, 1040), k(, 1035), k(, 1042), k(, 1036), function(e2) {
class t2 extends r.c {
runEditorCommand(e3, t3, n2) {
const i2 = t3._getViewModel();
i2 && this.runCoreEditingCommand(t3, i2, n2 || {});
e2.CoreEditingCommand = t2, e2.LineBreakInsert = Object(r.l)(new class extends t2 {
constructor() {
super({id: "lineBreakInsert", precondition: m.a.writable, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 301}}});
runCoreEditingCommand(e3, t3, n2) {
e3.pushUndoStop(), e3.executeCommands(, p.a.lineBreakInsert(t3.cursorConfig, t3.model, t3.getCursorStates().map((e4) => e4.modelState.selection)));
}()), e2.Outdent = Object(r.l)(new class extends t2 {
constructor() {
super({id: "outdent", precondition: m.a.writable, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: g.a.and(m.a.editorTextFocus, m.a.tabDoesNotMoveFocus), primary: 1026}});
runCoreEditingCommand(e3, t3, n2) {
e3.pushUndoStop(), e3.executeCommands(, p.a.outdent(t3.cursorConfig, t3.model, t3.getCursorStates().map((e4) => e4.modelState.selection))), e3.pushUndoStop();
}()), e2.Tab = Object(r.l)(new class extends t2 {
constructor() {
super({id: "tab", precondition: m.a.writable, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: g.a.and(m.a.editorTextFocus, m.a.tabDoesNotMoveFocus), primary: 2}});
runCoreEditingCommand(e3, t3, n2) {
e3.pushUndoStop(), e3.executeCommands(,, t3.model, t3.getCursorStates().map((e4) => e4.modelState.selection))), e3.pushUndoStop();
}()), e2.DeleteLeft = Object(r.l)(new class extends t2 {
constructor() {
super({id: "deleteLeft", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1, secondary: [1025], mac: {primary: 1, secondary: [1025, 294, 257]}}});
runCoreEditingCommand(e3, t3, n2) {
const [i2, o2] = h.a.deleteLeft(t3.getPrevEditOperationType(), t3.cursorConfig, t3.model, t3.getCursorStates().map((e4) => e4.modelState.selection));
i2 && e3.pushUndoStop(), e3.executeCommands(, o2), t3.setPrevEditOperationType(2);
}()), e2.DeleteRight = Object(r.l)(new class extends t2 {
constructor() {
super({id: "deleteRight", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {weight: 0, kbExpr: m.a.textInputFocus, primary: 20, mac: {primary: 20, secondary: [290, 276]}}});
runCoreEditingCommand(e3, t3, n2) {
const [i2, o2] = h.a.deleteRight(t3.getPrevEditOperationType(), t3.cursorConfig, t3.model, t3.getCursorStates().map((e4) => e4.modelState.selection));
i2 && e3.pushUndoStop(), e3.executeCommands(, o2), t3.setPrevEditOperationType(3);
}()), e2.Undo = new class extends x {
constructor() {
runDOMCommand() {
runEditorCommand(e3, t3, n2) {
t3.hasModel() && true !== t3.getOption(72) && t3.getModel().undo();
}(), e2.Redo = new class extends x {
constructor() {
runDOMCommand() {
runEditorCommand(e3, t3, n2) {
t3.hasModel() && true !== t3.getOption(72) && t3.getModel().redo();
}(T || (T = {}));
class L extends r.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super({id: e2, precondition: void 0, description: n2}), this._handlerId = t2;
runCommand(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.get(s.a).getFocusedCodeEditor();
n2 && n2.trigger("keyboard", this._handlerId, t2);
function N(e2, t2) {
E(new L("default:" + e2, e2)), E(new L(e2, e2, t2));
N("type", {description: "Type", args: [{name: "args", schema: {type: "object", required: ["text"], properties: {text: {type: "string"}}}}]}), N("replacePreviousChar"), N("compositionStart"), N("compositionEnd"), N("paste"), N("cut");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return qs;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return $s;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return Ks;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return Gs;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return Ys;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return Zs;
}), n.d(t, "i", function() {
return Xs;
}), n.d(t, "j", function() {
return Qs;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return Js;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return ea;
}), n.d(t, "l", function() {
return ta;
}), n.d(t, "k", function() {
return na;
}), n.d(t, "m", function() {
return ia;
}), n.d(t, "n", function() {
return oa;
var i, o = n(26), r = n(100), s = (n(200), n(41)), a = n(1), l = n(53), c = n(178), d = n(45), h = n(51), u = n(23), p = n(27), m = n(79);
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.API = 0] = "API", e2[e2.USER = 1] = "USER";
}(i || (i = {}));
var g = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, f = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, b = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
let _ = class {
constructor(e2) {
this._commandService = e2;
open(e2) {
return b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!Object(m.c)(e2, d.b.command))
return false;
"string" == typeof e2 && (e2 = u.a.parse(e2));
let t2 = [];
try {
t2 = Object(c.a)(decodeURIComponent(e2.query));
} catch (n2) {
try {
t2 = Object(c.a)(e2.query);
} catch (e3) {
return Array.isArray(t2) || (t2 = [t2]), yield this._commandService.executeCommand(e2.path, ...t2), true;
_ = g([f(0, p.b)], _);
let v = class {
constructor(e2) {
this._editorService = e2;
open(e2, t2) {
return b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
"string" == typeof e2 && (e2 = u.a.parse(e2));
let n2 = void 0;
const o2 = /^L?(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?/.exec(e2.fragment);
return o2 && (n2 = {startLineNumber: parseInt(o2[1]), startColumn: o2[2] ? parseInt(o2[2]) : 1}, e2 = e2.with({fragment: ""})), e2.scheme === d.b.file && (e2 = Object(h.h)(e2)), yield this._editorService.openCodeEditor({resource: e2, options: {selection: n2, context: (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.fromUserGesture) ? i.USER : i.API}}, this._editorService.getFocusedCodeEditor(), null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.openToSide), true;
v = g([f(0, s.a)], v);
let w = class {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._openers = new l.a(), this._validators = new l.a(), this._resolvers = new l.a(), this._externalOpener = {openExternal: (e3) => (Object(m.c)(e3, d.b.http) || Object(m.c)(e3, d.b.https) ? a.cb(e3) : window.location.href = e3, Promise.resolve(true))}, this._openers.push({open: (e3, t3) => b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return !!((null == t3 ? void 0 : t3.openExternal) || Object(m.c)(e3, d.b.mailto) || Object(m.c)(e3, d.b.http) || Object(m.c)(e3, d.b.https)) && (yield this._doOpenExternal(e3, t3), true);
})}), this._openers.push(new _(t2)), this._openers.push(new v(e2));
open(e2, t2) {
return b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
for (const t3 of this._validators.toArray())
if (!(yield t3.shouldOpen(e2)))
return false;
for (const n2 of this._openers.toArray()) {
if (yield, t2))
return true;
return false;
resolveExternalUri(e2, t2) {
return b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
for (const n2 of this._resolvers.toArray()) {
const i2 = yield n2.resolveExternalUri(e2, t2);
if (i2)
return i2;
return {resolved: e2, dispose: () => {
_doOpenExternal(e2, t2) {
return b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const n2 = "string" == typeof e2 ? u.a.parse(e2) : e2, {resolved: i2} = yield this.resolveExternalUri(n2, t2);
return "string" == typeof e2 && n2.toString() === i2.toString() ? this._externalOpener.openExternal(e2) : this._externalOpener.openExternal(encodeURI(i2.toString(true)));
dispose() {
w = g([f(0, s.a), f(1, p.b)], w);
var y = n(193), C = n(160), x = n(143), S = n(58), k = n(12), E = n(90), T = n(96), L = n(122), N = n(20), I = n(2), O = n(94), D = n(11);
class A {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) { = t2;
const r2 = function(e3, t3) {
if (D.b.MonacoEnvironment) {
if ("function" == typeof D.b.MonacoEnvironment.getWorker)
return D.b.MonacoEnvironment.getWorker(e3, t3);
if ("function" == typeof D.b.MonacoEnvironment.getWorkerUrl)
return new Worker(D.b.MonacoEnvironment.getWorkerUrl(e3, t3));
throw new Error("You must define a function MonacoEnvironment.getWorkerUrl or MonacoEnvironment.getWorker");
}("workerMain.js", n2);
"function" == typeof r2.then ? this.worker = r2 : this.worker = Promise.resolve(r2), this.postMessage(e2, []), this.worker.then((e3) => {
e3.onmessage = function(e4) {
}, e3.onmessageerror = o2, "function" == typeof e3.addEventListener && e3.addEventListener("error", o2);
getId() {
postMessage(e2, t2) {
this.worker && this.worker.then((n2) => n2.postMessage(e2, t2));
dispose() {
this.worker && this.worker.then((e2) => e2.terminate()), this.worker = null;
class R {
constructor(e2) {
this._label = e2, this._webWorkerFailedBeforeError = false;
create(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = ++R.LAST_WORKER_ID;
if (this._webWorkerFailedBeforeError)
throw this._webWorkerFailedBeforeError;
return new A(e2, i2, this._label || "anonymous" + i2, t2, (e3) => {
Object(O.c)(e3), this._webWorkerFailedBeforeError = e3, n2(e3);
var M = n(3), P = n(39), F = n(104), W = n(64), z = n(152), B = n(8), j = n(15), V = n(102), U = n(158), H = n(13), q = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, $ = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, K = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
function G(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.getModel(t2);
return !!n2 && !n2.isTooLargeForSyncing();
let Y = class extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this._modelService = e2, this._workerManager = this._register(new X(this._modelService)), this._logService = n2, this._register(k.s.register("*", {provideLinks: (e3, t3) => G(this._modelService, e3.uri) ? this._workerManager.withWorker().then((t4) => t4.computeLinks(e3.uri)).then((e4) => e4 && {links: e4}) : Promise.resolve({links: []})})), this._register(k.d.register("*", new Z(this._workerManager, t2, this._modelService)));
dispose() {
canComputeDiff(e2, t2) {
return G(this._modelService, e2) && G(this._modelService, t2);
computeDiff(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return this._workerManager.withWorker().then((o2) => o2.computeDiff(e2, t2, n2, i2));
computeMoreMinimalEdits(e2, t2) {
if (Object(j.o)(t2)) {
if (!G(this._modelService, e2))
return Promise.resolve(t2);
const n2 = U.a.create(true), i2 = this._workerManager.withWorker().then((n3) => n3.computeMoreMinimalEdits(e2, t2));
return i2.finally(() => this._logService.trace("FORMAT#computeMoreMinimalEdits", e2.toString(true), n2.elapsed())), i2;
return Promise.resolve(void 0);
canNavigateValueSet(e2) {
return G(this._modelService, e2);
navigateValueSet(e2, t2, n2) {
return this._workerManager.withWorker().then((i2) => i2.navigateValueSet(e2, t2, n2));
canComputeWordRanges(e2) {
return G(this._modelService, e2);
computeWordRanges(e2, t2) {
return this._workerManager.withWorker().then((n2) => n2.computeWordRanges(e2, t2));
Y = q([$(0, W.a), $(1, z.a), $(2, V.b)], Y);
class Z {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._debugDisplayName = "wordbasedCompletions", this._workerManager = e2, this._configurationService = t2, this._modelService = n2;
provideCompletionItems(e2, t2) {
return K(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const {wordBasedSuggestions: n2} = this._configurationService.getValue(e2.uri, t2, "editor");
if (!n2)
if (!G(this._modelService, e2.uri))
const i2 = e2.getWordAtPosition(t2), o2 = i2 ? new M.a(t2.lineNumber, i2.startColumn, t2.lineNumber, i2.endColumn) : M.a.fromPositions(t2), r2 = o2.setEndPosition(t2.lineNumber, t2.column), s2 = yield this._workerManager.withWorker(), a2 = yield s2.textualSuggest(e2.uri, t2);
return a2 ? {suggestions: => ({kind: 18, label: e3, insertText: e3, range: {insert: r2, replace: o2}}))} : void 0;
class X extends I.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._modelService = e2, this._editorWorkerClient = null, this._lastWorkerUsedTime = new Date().getTime(), this._register(new N.c()).cancelAndSet(() => this._checkStopIdleWorker(), Math.round(15e4)), this._register(this._modelService.onModelRemoved((e3) => this._checkStopEmptyWorker()));
dispose() {
this._editorWorkerClient && (this._editorWorkerClient.dispose(), this._editorWorkerClient = null), super.dispose();
_checkStopEmptyWorker() {
if (!this._editorWorkerClient)
0 === this._modelService.getModels().length && (this._editorWorkerClient.dispose(), this._editorWorkerClient = null);
_checkStopIdleWorker() {
if (!this._editorWorkerClient)
new Date().getTime() - this._lastWorkerUsedTime > 3e5 && (this._editorWorkerClient.dispose(), this._editorWorkerClient = null);
withWorker() {
return this._lastWorkerUsedTime = new Date().getTime(), this._editorWorkerClient || (this._editorWorkerClient = new te(this._modelService, false, "editorWorkerService")), Promise.resolve(this._editorWorkerClient);
class Q extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
if (super(), this._syncedModels = Object.create(null), this._syncedModelsLastUsedTime = Object.create(null), this._proxy = e2, this._modelService = t2, !n2) {
let e3 = new N.c();
e3.cancelAndSet(() => this._checkStopModelSync(), Math.round(3e4)), this._register(e3);
dispose() {
for (let e2 in this._syncedModels)
this._syncedModels = Object.create(null), this._syncedModelsLastUsedTime = Object.create(null), super.dispose();
ensureSyncedResources(e2) {
for (const t2 of e2) {
let e3 = t2.toString();
this._syncedModels[e3] || this._beginModelSync(t2), this._syncedModels[e3] && (this._syncedModelsLastUsedTime[e3] = new Date().getTime());
_checkStopModelSync() {
let e2 = new Date().getTime(), t2 = [];
for (let n2 in this._syncedModelsLastUsedTime) {
e2 - this._syncedModelsLastUsedTime[n2] > 6e4 && t2.push(n2);
for (const e3 of t2)
_beginModelSync(e2) {
let t2 = this._modelService.getModel(e2);
if (!t2)
if (t2.isTooLargeForSyncing())
let n2 = e2.toString();
this._proxy.acceptNewModel({url: t2.uri.toString(), lines: t2.getLinesContent(), EOL: t2.getEOL(), versionId: t2.getVersionId()});
const i2 = new I.b();
i2.add(t2.onDidChangeContent((e3) => {
this._proxy.acceptModelChanged(n2.toString(), e3);
})), i2.add(t2.onWillDispose(() => {
})), i2.add(Object(I.h)(() => {
})), this._syncedModels[n2] = i2;
_stopModelSync(e2) {
let t2 = this._syncedModels[e2];
delete this._syncedModels[e2], delete this._syncedModelsLastUsedTime[e2], Object(I.f)(t2);
class J {
constructor(e2) {
this._instance = e2, this._proxyObj = Promise.resolve(this._instance);
dispose() {
getProxyObject() {
return this._proxyObj;
class ee {
constructor(e2) {
this._workerClient = e2;
fhr(e2, t2) {
return this._workerClient.fhr(e2, t2);
class te extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this._disposed = false, this._modelService = e2, this._keepIdleModels = t2, this._workerFactory = new R(n2), this._worker = null, this._modelManager = null;
fhr(e2, t2) {
throw new Error("Not implemented!");
_getOrCreateWorker() {
if (!this._worker)
try {
this._worker = this._register(new O.a(this._workerFactory, "vs/editor/common/services/editorSimpleWorker", new ee(this)));
} catch (e2) {
Object(O.c)(e2), this._worker = new J(new F.a(new ee(this), null));
return this._worker;
_getProxy() {
return this._getOrCreateWorker().getProxyObject().then(void 0, (e2) => (Object(O.c)(e2), this._worker = new J(new F.a(new ee(this), null)), this._getOrCreateWorker().getProxyObject()));
_getOrCreateModelManager(e2) {
return this._modelManager || (this._modelManager = this._register(new Q(e2, this._modelService, this._keepIdleModels))), this._modelManager;
_withSyncedResources(e2) {
return this._disposed ? Promise.reject(Object(H.a)()) : this._getProxy().then((t2) => (this._getOrCreateModelManager(t2).ensureSyncedResources(e2), t2));
computeDiff(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return this._withSyncedResources([e2, t2]).then((o2) => o2.computeDiff(e2.toString(), t2.toString(), n2, i2));
computeMoreMinimalEdits(e2, t2) {
return this._withSyncedResources([e2]).then((n2) => n2.computeMoreMinimalEdits(e2.toString(), t2));
computeLinks(e2) {
return this._withSyncedResources([e2]).then((t2) => t2.computeLinks(e2.toString()));
textualSuggest(e2, t2) {
return this._withSyncedResources([e2]).then((n2) => {
let i2 = this._modelService.getModel(e2);
if (!i2)
return null;
let o2 = P.a.getWordDefinition(i2.getLanguageIdentifier().id), r2 = o2.source, s2 = Object(B.O)(o2);
return n2.textualSuggest(e2.toString(), t2, r2, s2);
computeWordRanges(e2, t2) {
return this._withSyncedResources([e2]).then((n2) => {
let i2 = this._modelService.getModel(e2);
if (!i2)
return Promise.resolve(null);
let o2 = P.a.getWordDefinition(i2.getLanguageIdentifier().id), r2 = o2.source, s2 = Object(B.O)(o2);
return n2.computeWordRanges(e2.toString(), t2, r2, s2);
navigateValueSet(e2, t2, n2) {
return this._withSyncedResources([e2]).then((i2) => {
let o2 = this._modelService.getModel(e2);
if (!o2)
return null;
let r2 = P.a.getWordDefinition(o2.getLanguageIdentifier().id), s2 = r2.source, a2 = Object(B.O)(r2);
return i2.navigateValueSet(e2.toString(), t2, n2, s2, a2);
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._disposed = true;
var ne = n(14);
class ie extends te {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2, t2.keepIdleModels || false, t2.label), this._foreignModuleId = t2.moduleId, this._foreignModuleCreateData = t2.createData || null, this._foreignModuleHost = || null, this._foreignProxy = null;
fhr(e2, t2) {
if (!this._foreignModuleHost || "function" != typeof this._foreignModuleHost[e2])
return Promise.reject(new Error("Missing method " + e2 + " or missing main thread foreign host."));
try {
return Promise.resolve(this._foreignModuleHost[e2].apply(this._foreignModuleHost, t2));
} catch (e3) {
return Promise.reject(e3);
_getForeignProxy() {
return this._foreignProxy || (this._foreignProxy = this._getProxy().then((e2) => {
const t2 = this._foreignModuleHost ? ne.d(this._foreignModuleHost) : [];
return e2.loadForeignModule(this._foreignModuleId, this._foreignModuleCreateData, t2).then((t3) => {
this._foreignModuleCreateData = null;
const n2 = (t4, n3) => e2.fmr(t4, n3), i2 = (e3, t4) => function() {
const n3 =, 0);
return t4(e3, n3);
let o2 = {};
for (const e3 of t3)
o2[e3] = i2(e3, n2);
return o2;
})), this._foreignProxy;
getProxy() {
return this._getForeignProxy();
withSyncedResources(e2) {
return this._withSyncedResources(e2).then((e3) => this.getProxy());
var oe = n(40), re = n(111), se = n(91), ae = n(74), le = n(77);
function ce(e2) {
return !function(e3) {
return Array.isArray(e3);
function de(e2) {
return "string" == typeof e2;
function he(e2) {
return !de(e2);
function ue(e2) {
return !e2;
function pe(e2, t2) {
return e2.ignoreCase && t2 ? t2.toLowerCase() : t2;
function me(e2) {
return e2.replace(/[&<>'"_]/g, "-");
function ge(e2, t2) {
return new Error(`${e2.languageId}: ${t2}`);
function fe(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2 = null;
return t2.replace(/\$((\$)|(#)|(\d\d?)|[sS](\d\d?)|@(\w+))/g, function(t3, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2, p2) {
return ue(a2) ? ue(l2) ? !ue(c2) && c2 < i2.length ? pe(e2, i2[c2]) : !ue(h2) && e2 && "string" == typeof e2[h2] ? e2[h2] : (null === r2 && (r2 = o2.split("."), r2.unshift(o2)), !ue(d2) && d2 < r2.length ? pe(e2, r2[d2]) : "") : pe(e2, n2) : "$";
function be(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2;
for (; n2 && n2.length > 0; ) {
const t3 = e2.tokenizer[n2];
if (t3)
return t3;
const i2 = n2.lastIndexOf(".");
n2 = i2 < 0 ? null : n2.substr(0, i2);
return null;
class _e {
constructor(e2) {
this._maxCacheDepth = e2, this._entries = Object.create(null);
static create(e2, t2) {
return this._INSTANCE.create(e2, t2);
create(e2, t2) {
if (null !== e2 && e2.depth >= this._maxCacheDepth)
return new ve(e2, t2);
let n2 = ve.getStackElementId(e2);
n2.length > 0 && (n2 += "|"), n2 += t2;
let i2 = this._entries[n2];
return i2 || (i2 = new ve(e2, t2), this._entries[n2] = i2, i2);
_e._INSTANCE = new _e(5);
class ve {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.parent = e2, this.state = t2, this.depth = (this.parent ? this.parent.depth : 0) + 1;
static getStackElementId(e2) {
let t2 = "";
for (; null !== e2; )
t2.length > 0 && (t2 += "|"), t2 += e2.state, e2 = e2.parent;
return t2;
static _equals(e2, t2) {
for (; null !== e2 && null !== t2; ) {
if (e2 === t2)
return true;
if (e2.state !== t2.state)
return false;
e2 = e2.parent, t2 = t2.parent;
return null === e2 && null === t2;
equals(e2) {
return ve._equals(this, e2);
push(e2) {
return _e.create(this, e2);
pop() {
return this.parent;
popall() {
let e2 = this;
for (; e2.parent; )
e2 = e2.parent;
return e2;
switchTo(e2) {
return _e.create(this.parent, e2);
class we {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.modeId = e2, this.state = t2;
equals(e2) {
return this.modeId === e2.modeId && this.state.equals(e2.state);
clone() {
return this.state.clone() === this.state ? this : new we(this.modeId, this.state);
class ye {
constructor(e2) {
this._maxCacheDepth = e2, this._entries = Object.create(null);
static create(e2, t2) {
return this._INSTANCE.create(e2, t2);
create(e2, t2) {
if (null !== t2)
return new Ce(e2, t2);
if (null !== e2 && e2.depth >= this._maxCacheDepth)
return new Ce(e2, t2);
let n2 = ve.getStackElementId(e2), i2 = this._entries[n2];
return i2 || (i2 = new Ce(e2, null), this._entries[n2] = i2, i2);
ye._INSTANCE = new ye(5);
class Ce {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.stack = e2, this.embeddedModeData = t2;
clone() {
return (this.embeddedModeData ? this.embeddedModeData.clone() : null) === this.embeddedModeData ? this : ye.create(this.stack, this.embeddedModeData);
equals(e2) {
return e2 instanceof Ce && (!!this.stack.equals(e2.stack) && (null === this.embeddedModeData && null === e2.embeddedModeData || null !== this.embeddedModeData && null !== e2.embeddedModeData && this.embeddedModeData.equals(e2.embeddedModeData)));
class xe {
constructor() {
this._tokens = [], this._language = null, this._lastTokenType = null, this._lastTokenLanguage = null;
enterMode(e2, t2) {
this._language = t2;
emit(e2, t2) {
this._lastTokenType === t2 && this._lastTokenLanguage === this._language || (this._lastTokenType = t2, this._lastTokenLanguage = this._language, this._tokens.push(new le.a(e2, t2, this._language)));
nestedModeTokenize(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.modeId, o2 = t2.state, r2 = k.C.get(i2);
if (!r2)
return this.enterMode(n2, i2), this.emit(n2, ""), o2;
let s2 = r2.tokenize(e2, o2, n2);
return this._tokens = this._tokens.concat(s2.tokens), this._lastTokenType = null, this._lastTokenLanguage = null, this._language = null, s2.endState;
finalize(e2) {
return new le.b(this._tokens, e2);
class Se {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._modeService = e2, this._theme = t2, this._prependTokens = null, this._tokens = [], this._currentLanguageId = 0, this._lastTokenMetadata = 0;
enterMode(e2, t2) {
this._currentLanguageId = this._modeService.getLanguageIdentifier(t2).id;
emit(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._theme.match(this._currentLanguageId, t2);
this._lastTokenMetadata !== n2 && (this._lastTokenMetadata = n2, this._tokens.push(e2), this._tokens.push(n2));
static _merge(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = null !== e2 ? e2.length : 0, o2 = t2.length, r2 = null !== n2 ? n2.length : 0;
if (0 === i2 && 0 === o2 && 0 === r2)
return new Uint32Array(0);
if (0 === i2 && 0 === o2)
return n2;
if (0 === o2 && 0 === r2)
return e2;
let s2 = new Uint32Array(i2 + o2 + r2);
null !== e2 && s2.set(e2);
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < o2; e3++)
s2[i2 + e3] = t2[e3];
return null !== n2 && s2.set(n2, i2 + o2), s2;
nestedModeTokenize(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.modeId, o2 = t2.state, r2 = k.C.get(i2);
if (!r2)
return this.enterMode(n2, i2), this.emit(n2, ""), o2;
let s2 = r2.tokenize2(e2, o2, n2);
return this._prependTokens = Se._merge(this._prependTokens, this._tokens, s2.tokens), this._tokens = [], this._currentLanguageId = 0, this._lastTokenMetadata = 0, s2.endState;
finalize(e2) {
return new le.c(Se._merge(this._prependTokens, this._tokens, null), e2);
class ke {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._modeService = e2, this._standaloneThemeService = t2, this._modeId = n2, this._lexer = i2, this._embeddedModes = Object.create(null), this.embeddedLoaded = Promise.resolve(void 0);
let o2 = false;
this._tokenizationRegistryListener = k.C.onDidChange((e3) => {
if (o2)
let t3 = false;
for (let n3 = 0, i3 = e3.changedLanguages.length; n3 < i3; n3++) {
let i4 = e3.changedLanguages[n3];
if (this._embeddedModes[i4]) {
t3 = true;
t3 && (o2 = true,[this._modeId]), o2 = false);
dispose() {
getLoadStatus() {
let e2 = [];
for (let t2 in this._embeddedModes) {
const n2 = k.C.get(t2);
if (n2) {
if (n2 instanceof ke) {
const t3 = n2.getLoadStatus();
false === t3.loaded && e2.push(t3.promise);
const i2 = k.C.getPromise(t2);
i2 && e2.push(i2);
return 0 === e2.length ? {loaded: true} : {loaded: false, promise: Promise.all(e2).then((e3) => {
getInitialState() {
let e2 = _e.create(null, this._lexer.start);
return ye.create(e2, null);
tokenize(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = new xe(), o2 = this._tokenize(e2, t2, n2, i2);
return i2.finalize(o2);
tokenize2(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = new Se(this._modeService, this._standaloneThemeService.getColorTheme().tokenTheme), o2 = this._tokenize(e2, t2, n2, i2);
return i2.finalize(o2);
_tokenize(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return t2.embeddedModeData ? this._nestedTokenize(e2, t2, n2, i2) : this._myTokenize(e2, t2, n2, i2);
_findLeavingNestedModeOffset(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._lexer.tokenizer[t2.stack.state];
if (!n2 && (n2 = be(this._lexer, t2.stack.state), !n2))
throw ge(this._lexer, "tokenizer state is not defined: " + t2.stack.state);
let i2 = -1, o2 = false;
for (const t3 of n2) {
if (!he(t3.action) || "@pop" !== t3.action.nextEmbedded)
o2 = true;
let n3 = t3.regex, r2 = t3.regex.source;
if ("^(?:" === r2.substr(0, 4) && ")" === r2.substr(r2.length - 1, 1)) {
let e3 = (n3.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (n3.unicode ? "u" : "");
n3 = new RegExp(r2.substr(4, r2.length - 5), e3);
let s2 =;
-1 === s2 || 0 !== s2 && t3.matchOnlyAtLineStart || (-1 === i2 || s2 < i2) && (i2 = s2);
if (!o2)
throw ge(this._lexer, 'no rule containing nextEmbedded: "@pop" in tokenizer embedded state: ' + t2.stack.state);
return i2;
_nestedTokenize(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = this._findLeavingNestedModeOffset(e2, t2);
if (-1 === o2) {
let o3 = i2.nestedModeTokenize(e2, t2.embeddedModeData, n2);
return ye.create(t2.stack, new we(t2.embeddedModeData.modeId, o3));
let r2 = e2.substring(0, o2);
r2.length > 0 && i2.nestedModeTokenize(r2, t2.embeddedModeData, n2);
let s2 = e2.substring(o2);
return this._myTokenize(s2, t2, n2 + o2, i2);
_safeRuleName(e2) {
return e2 ? : "(unknown)";
_myTokenize(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
i2.enterMode(n2, this._modeId);
const o2 = e2.length;
let r2 = t2.embeddedModeData, s2 = t2.stack, a2 = 0, l2 = null, c2 = true;
for (; c2 || a2 < o2; ) {
const t3 = a2, u2 = s2.depth, p2 = l2 ? l2.groups.length : 0, m2 = s2.state;
let g2 = null, f2 = null, b2 = null, _2 = null, v2 = null;
if (l2) {
g2 = l2.matches;
const e3 = l2.groups.shift();
f2 = e3.matched, b2 = e3.action, _2 = l2.rule, 0 === l2.groups.length && (l2 = null);
} else {
if (!c2 && a2 >= o2)
c2 = false;
let t4 = this._lexer.tokenizer[m2];
if (!t4 && (t4 = be(this._lexer, m2), !t4))
throw ge(this._lexer, "tokenizer state is not defined: " + m2);
let n3 = e2.substr(a2);
for (const e3 of t4)
if ((0 === a2 || !e3.matchOnlyAtLineStart) && (g2 = n3.match(e3.regex), g2)) {
f2 = g2[0], b2 = e3.action;
if (g2 || (g2 = [""], f2 = ""), b2 || (a2 < o2 && (g2 = [e2.charAt(a2)], f2 = g2[0]), b2 = this._lexer.defaultToken), null === f2)
for (a2 += f2.length; ce(b2) && he(b2) && b2.test; )
b2 = b2.test(f2, g2, m2, a2 === o2);
let w2 = null;
if ("string" == typeof b2 || Array.isArray(b2))
w2 = b2;
else if (
w2 =;
else if (null !== b2.token && void 0 !== b2.token) {
if (w2 = b2.tokenSubst ? fe(this._lexer, b2.token, f2, g2, m2) : b2.token, b2.nextEmbedded)
if ("@pop" === b2.nextEmbedded) {
if (!r2)
throw ge(this._lexer, "cannot pop embedded mode if not inside one");
r2 = null;
} else {
if (r2)
throw ge(this._lexer, "cannot enter embedded mode from within an embedded mode");
v2 = fe(this._lexer, b2.nextEmbedded, f2, g2, m2);
if (b2.goBack && (a2 = Math.max(0, a2 - b2.goBack)), b2.switchTo && "string" == typeof b2.switchTo) {
let e3 = fe(this._lexer, b2.switchTo, f2, g2, m2);
if ("@" === e3[0] && (e3 = e3.substr(1)), !be(this._lexer, e3))
throw ge(this._lexer, "trying to switch to a state '" + e3 + "' that is undefined in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(_2));
s2 = s2.switchTo(e3);
} else {
if (b2.transform && "function" == typeof b2.transform)
throw ge(this._lexer, "action.transform not supported");
if (
if ("@push" === {
if (s2.depth >= this._lexer.maxStack)
throw ge(this._lexer, "maximum tokenizer stack size reached: [" + s2.state + "," + s2.parent.state + ",...]");
s2 = s2.push(m2);
} else if ("@pop" === {
if (s2.depth <= 1)
throw ge(this._lexer, "trying to pop an empty stack in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(_2));
s2 = s2.pop();
} else if ("@popall" ===
s2 = s2.popall();
else {
let e3 = fe(this._lexer,, f2, g2, m2);
if ("@" === e3[0] && (e3 = e3.substr(1)), !be(this._lexer, e3))
throw ge(this._lexer, "trying to set a next state '" + e3 + "' that is undefined in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(_2));
s2 = s2.push(e3);
b2.log && "string" == typeof b2.log && (d2 = this._lexer, h2 = this._lexer.languageId + ": " + fe(this._lexer, b2.log, f2, g2, m2), console.log(`${d2.languageId}: ${h2}`));
if (null === w2)
throw ge(this._lexer, "lexer rule has no well-defined action in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(_2));
const y2 = (t4) => {
let r3 = this._modeService.getModeIdForLanguageName(t4);
r3 && (t4 = r3);
const l3 = this._getNestedEmbeddedModeData(t4);
if (a2 < o2) {
const t5 = e2.substr(a2);
return this._nestedTokenize(t5, ye.create(s2, l3), n2 + a2, i2);
return ye.create(s2, l3);
if (Array.isArray(w2)) {
if (l2 && l2.groups.length > 0)
throw ge(this._lexer, "groups cannot be nested: " + this._safeRuleName(_2));
if (g2.length !== w2.length + 1)
throw ge(this._lexer, "matched number of groups does not match the number of actions in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(_2));
let e3 = 0;
for (let t4 = 1; t4 < g2.length; t4++)
e3 += g2[t4].length;
if (e3 !== f2.length)
throw ge(this._lexer, "with groups, all characters should be matched in consecutive groups in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(_2));
l2 = {rule: _2, matches: g2, groups: []};
for (let e4 = 0; e4 < w2.length; e4++)
l2.groups[e4] = {action: w2[e4], matched: g2[e4 + 1]};
a2 -= f2.length;
} else {
if ("@rematch" === w2 && (a2 -= f2.length, f2 = "", g2 = null, w2 = "", null !== v2))
return y2(v2);
if (0 === f2.length) {
if (0 === o2 || u2 !== s2.depth || m2 !== s2.state || (l2 ? l2.groups.length : 0) !== p2)
throw ge(this._lexer, "no progress in tokenizer in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(_2));
let e3 = null;
if (de(w2) && 0 === w2.indexOf("@brackets")) {
let t4 = w2.substr("@brackets".length), n3 = Ee(this._lexer, f2);
if (!n3)
throw ge(this._lexer, "@brackets token returned but no bracket defined as: " + f2);
e3 = me(n3.token + t4);
} else {
e3 = me("" === w2 ? "" : w2 + this._lexer.tokenPostfix);
i2.emit(t3 + n2, e3);
if (null !== v2)
return y2(v2);
var d2, h2;
return ye.create(s2, r2);
_getNestedEmbeddedModeData(e2) {
let t2 = this._locateMode(e2);
if (t2) {
let e3 = k.C.get(t2);
if (e3)
return new we(t2, e3.getInitialState());
return new we(t2 || E.b, E.c);
_locateMode(e2) {
if (!e2 || !this._modeService.isRegisteredMode(e2))
return null;
if (e2 === this._modeId)
return e2;
let t2 = this._modeService.getModeId(e2);
return t2 && (this._modeService.triggerMode(t2), this._embeddedModes[t2] = true), t2;
function Ee(e2, t2) {
if (!t2)
return null;
t2 = pe(e2, t2);
let n2 = e2.brackets;
for (const e3 of n2) {
if ( === t2)
return {token: e3.token, bracketType: 1};
if (e3.close === t2)
return {token: e3.token, bracketType: -1};
return null;
class Te {
static colorizeElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = (i2 = i2 || {}).theme || "vs", r2 = i2.mimeType || n2.getAttribute("lang") || n2.getAttribute("data-lang");
if (!r2)
return console.error("Mode not detected"), Promise.resolve();
let s2 = n2.firstChild ? n2.firstChild.nodeValue : "";
n2.className += " " + o2;
return this.colorize(t2, s2 || "", r2, i2).then((e3) => {
n2.innerHTML = e3;
}, (e3) => console.error(e3));
static colorize(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = 4;
i2 && "number" == typeof i2.tabSize && (o2 = i2.tabSize), B.U(t2) && (t2 = t2.substr(1));
let r2 = t2.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/), s2 = e2.getModeId(n2);
if (!s2)
return Promise.resolve(Ne(r2, o2));
const a2 = k.C.get(s2);
if (a2)
return Le(r2, o2, a2);
const l2 = k.C.getPromise(s2);
return new Promise(l2 ? (e3, t3) => {
l2.then((n3) => {
Le(r2, o2, n3).then(e3, t3);
}, t3);
} : (e3, t3) => {
let n3 = null, i3 = null;
const a3 = () => {
n3 && (n3.dispose(), n3 = null), i3 && (i3.dispose(), i3 = null);
const a4 = k.C.get(s2);
a4 ? Le(r2, o2, a4).then(e3, t3) : e3(Ne(r2, o2));
i3 = new N.e(), i3.cancelAndSet(a3, 500), n3 = k.C.onDidChange((e4) => {
e4.changedLanguages.indexOf(s2) >= 0 && a3();
static colorizeLine(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2 = 4) {
const r2 = ae.d.isBasicASCII(e2, t2), s2 = ae.d.containsRTL(e2, r2, n2);
return Object(se.e)(new se.c(false, true, e2, false, r2, s2, 0, i2, [], o2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, "none", false, false, null)).html;
static colorizeModelLine(e2, t2, n2 = 4) {
let i2 = e2.getLineContent(t2);
let o2 = e2.getLineTokens(t2).inflate();
return this.colorizeLine(i2, e2.mightContainNonBasicASCII(), e2.mightContainRTL(), o2, n2);
function Le(e2, t2, n2) {
return new Promise((i2, o2) => {
const r2 = () => {
const s2 = function(e3, t3, n3) {
let i3 = [], o3 = n3.getInitialState();
for (let r3 = 0, s3 = e3.length; r3 < s3; r3++) {
let s4 = e3[r3], a2 = n3.tokenize2(s4, o3, 0);
re.a.convertToEndOffset(a2.tokens, s4.length);
let l2 = new re.a(a2.tokens, s4);
const c2 = ae.d.isBasicASCII(s4, true), d2 = ae.d.containsRTL(s4, c2, true);
let h2 = Object(se.e)(new se.c(false, true, s4, false, c2, d2, 0, l2.inflate(), [], t3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, "none", false, false, null));
i3 = i3.concat(h2.html), i3.push("<br/>"), o3 = a2.endState;
return i3.join("");
}(e2, t2, n2);
if (n2 instanceof ke) {
const e3 = n2.getLoadStatus();
if (false === e3.loaded)
return void e3.promise.then(r2, o2);
function Ne(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [];
const i2 = new Uint32Array(2);
i2[0] = 0, i2[1] = 16793600;
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = e2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
let r3 = e2[o2];
i2[0] = r3.length;
const s2 = new re.a(i2, r3), a2 = ae.d.isBasicASCII(r3, true), l2 = ae.d.containsRTL(r3, a2, true);
let c2 = Object(se.e)(new se.c(false, true, r3, false, a2, l2, 0, s2, [], t2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, "none", false, false, null));
n2 = n2.concat(c2.html), n2.push("<br/>");
return n2.join("");
var Ie = n(67), Oe = n(6), De = n(43), Ae = n(68), Re = n(112), Me = n(148), Pe = n(161), Fe = n(70), We = n(9), ze = n(54), Be = n(78), je = n(46), Ve = n(128);
class Ue {
constructor(e2 = {}, t2 = [], n2 = []) {
this._contents = e2, this._keys = t2, this._overrides = n2, this.isFrozen = false;
get contents() {
return this.checkAndFreeze(this._contents);
get overrides() {
return this.checkAndFreeze(this._overrides);
get keys() {
return this.checkAndFreeze(this._keys);
isEmpty() {
return 0 === this._keys.length && 0 === Object.keys(this._contents).length && 0 === this._overrides.length;
getValue(e2) {
return e2 ? Object(ze.d)(this.contents, e2) : this.contents;
override(e2) {
const t2 = this.getContentsForOverrideIdentifer(e2);
if (!t2 || "object" != typeof t2 || !Object.keys(t2).length)
return this;
let n2 = {};
for (const e3 of j.e([...Object.keys(this.contents), ...Object.keys(t2)])) {
let i2 = this.contents[e3], o2 = t2[e3];
o2 && ("object" == typeof i2 && "object" == typeof o2 ? (i2 = je.c(i2), this.mergeContents(i2, o2)) : i2 = o2), n2[e3] = i2;
return new Ue(n2, this.keys, this.overrides);
merge(...e2) {
const t2 = je.c(this.contents), n2 = je.c(this.overrides), i2 = [...this.keys];
for (const o2 of e2) {
this.mergeContents(t2, o2.contents);
for (const e3 of o2.overrides) {
const [t3] = n2.filter((t4) => j.g(t4.identifiers, e3.identifiers));
t3 ? this.mergeContents(t3.contents, e3.contents) : n2.push(je.c(e3));
for (const e3 of o2.keys)
-1 === i2.indexOf(e3) && i2.push(e3);
return new Ue(t2, i2, n2);
freeze() {
return this.isFrozen = true, this;
mergeContents(e2, t2) {
for (const n2 of Object.keys(t2))
n2 in e2 && ne.i(e2[n2]) && ne.i(t2[n2]) ? this.mergeContents(e2[n2], t2[n2]) : e2[n2] = je.c(t2[n2]);
checkAndFreeze(e2) {
return this.isFrozen && !Object.isFrozen(e2) ? je.d(e2) : e2;
getContentsForOverrideIdentifer(e2) {
for (const t2 of this.overrides)
if (-1 !== t2.identifiers.indexOf(e2))
return t2.contents;
return null;
toJSON() {
return {contents: this.contents, overrides: this.overrides, keys: this.keys};
setValue(e2, t2) {
this.addKey(e2), Object(ze.b)(this.contents, e2, t2, (e3) => {
throw new Error(e3);
removeValue(e2) {
this.removeKey(e2) && Object(ze.f)(this.contents, e2);
addKey(e2) {
let t2 = this.keys.length;
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < t2; n2++)
0 === e2.indexOf(this.keys[n2]) && (t2 = n2);
this.keys.splice(t2, 1, e2);
removeKey(e2) {
let t2 = this.keys.indexOf(e2);
return -1 !== t2 && (this.keys.splice(t2, 1), true);
class He extends Ue {
constructor() {
const e2 = Object(ze.e)(), t2 = Object(ze.c)(), n2 = [];
for (const t3 of Object.keys(e2))
Ve.b.test(t3) && n2.push({identifiers: [Object(Ve.c)(t3).trim()], keys: Object.keys(e2[t3]), contents: Object(ze.g)(e2[t3], (e3) => console.error("Conflict in default settings file: " + e3))});
super(e2, t2, n2);
class qe {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = new Ue(), i2 = new Ue(), o2 = new Be.b(), r2 = new Ue(), s2 = new Be.b(), a2 = true) {
this._defaultConfiguration = e2, this._localUserConfiguration = t2, this._remoteUserConfiguration = n2, this._workspaceConfiguration = i2, this._folderConfigurations = o2, this._memoryConfiguration = r2, this._memoryConfigurationByResource = s2, this._freeze = a2, this._workspaceConsolidatedConfiguration = null, this._foldersConsolidatedConfigurations = new Be.b(), this._userConfiguration = null;
getValue(e2, t2, n2) {
return this.getConsolidateConfigurationModel(t2, n2).getValue(e2);
updateValue(e2, t2, n2 = {}) {
let i2;
n2.resource ? (i2 = this._memoryConfigurationByResource.get(n2.resource), i2 || (i2 = new Ue(), this._memoryConfigurationByResource.set(n2.resource, i2))) : i2 = this._memoryConfiguration, void 0 === t2 ? i2.removeValue(e2) : i2.setValue(e2, t2), n2.resource || (this._workspaceConsolidatedConfiguration = null);
get userConfiguration() {
return this._userConfiguration || (this._userConfiguration = this._remoteUserConfiguration.isEmpty() ? this._localUserConfiguration : this._localUserConfiguration.merge(this._remoteUserConfiguration), this._freeze && this._userConfiguration.freeze()), this._userConfiguration;
getConsolidateConfigurationModel(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.getConsolidatedConfigurationModelForResource(e2, t2);
return e2.overrideIdentifier ? n2.override(e2.overrideIdentifier) : n2;
getConsolidatedConfigurationModelForResource({resource: e2}, t2) {
let n2 = this.getWorkspaceConsolidatedConfiguration();
if (t2 && e2) {
const i2 = t2.getFolder(e2);
i2 && (n2 = this.getFolderConsolidatedConfiguration(i2.uri) || n2);
const o2 = this._memoryConfigurationByResource.get(e2);
o2 && (n2 = n2.merge(o2));
return n2;
getWorkspaceConsolidatedConfiguration() {
return this._workspaceConsolidatedConfiguration || (this._workspaceConsolidatedConfiguration = this._defaultConfiguration.merge(this.userConfiguration, this._workspaceConfiguration, this._memoryConfiguration), this._freeze && (this._workspaceConfiguration = this._workspaceConfiguration.freeze())), this._workspaceConsolidatedConfiguration;
getFolderConsolidatedConfiguration(e2) {
let t2 = this._foldersConsolidatedConfigurations.get(e2);
if (!t2) {
const n2 = this.getWorkspaceConsolidatedConfiguration(), i2 = this._folderConfigurations.get(e2);
i2 ? (t2 = n2.merge(i2), this._freeze && (t2 = t2.freeze()), this._foldersConsolidatedConfigurations.set(e2, t2)) : t2 = n2;
return t2;
toData() {
return {defaults: {contents: this._defaultConfiguration.contents, overrides: this._defaultConfiguration.overrides, keys: this._defaultConfiguration.keys}, user: {contents: this.userConfiguration.contents, overrides: this.userConfiguration.overrides, keys: this.userConfiguration.keys}, workspace: {contents: this._workspaceConfiguration.contents, overrides: this._workspaceConfiguration.overrides, keys: this._workspaceConfiguration.keys}, folders: [...this._folderConfigurations.keys()].reduce((e2, t2) => {
const {contents: n2, overrides: i2, keys: o2} = this._folderConfigurations.get(t2);
return e2.push([t2, {contents: n2, overrides: i2, keys: o2}]), e2;
}, [])};
static parse(e2) {
const t2 = this.parseConfigurationModel(e2.defaults), n2 = this.parseConfigurationModel(e2.user), i2 = this.parseConfigurationModel(e2.workspace), o2 = e2.folders.reduce((e3, t3) => (e3.set(u.a.revive(t3[0]), this.parseConfigurationModel(t3[1])), e3), new Be.b());
return new qe(t2, n2, new Ue(), i2, o2, new Ue(), new Be.b(), false);
static parseConfigurationModel(e2) {
return new Ue(e2.contents, e2.keys, e2.overrides).freeze();
class $e {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.change = e2, this.previous = t2, this.currentConfiguraiton = n2, this.currentWorkspace = i2, this._previousConfiguration = void 0;
const o2 = new Set();
e2.keys.forEach((e3) => o2.add(e3)), e2.overrides.forEach(([, e3]) => e3.forEach((e4) => o2.add(e4))), this.affectedKeys = [...o2.values()];
const r2 = new Ue();
this.affectedKeys.forEach((e3) => r2.setValue(e3, {})), this.affectedKeysTree = r2.contents;
get previousConfiguration() {
return !this._previousConfiguration && this.previous && (this._previousConfiguration = qe.parse(, this._previousConfiguration;
affectsConfiguration(e2, t2) {
var n2;
if (this.doesAffectedKeysTreeContains(this.affectedKeysTree, e2)) {
if (t2) {
const i2 = this.previousConfiguration ? this.previousConfiguration.getValue(e2, t2, null === (n2 = this.previous) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.workspace) : void 0, o2 = this.currentConfiguraiton.getValue(e2, t2, this.currentWorkspace);
return !je.e(i2, o2);
return true;
return false;
doesAffectedKeysTreeContains(e2, t2) {
let n2, i2 = Object(ze.g)({[t2]: true}, () => {
for (; "object" == typeof i2 && (n2 = Object.keys(i2)[0]); ) {
if (!(e2 = e2[n2]))
return false;
i2 = i2[n2];
return true;
var Ke = n(0);
class Ge extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
super(), this._contextKeyService = e2, this._commandService = t2, this._telemetryService = n2, this._notificationService = i2, this._logService = o2, this._onDidUpdateKeybindings = this._register(new Oe.a()), this._currentChord = null, this._currentChordChecker = new N.c(), this._currentChordStatusMessage = null, this._logging = false;
get onDidUpdateKeybindings() {
return this._onDidUpdateKeybindings ? this._onDidUpdateKeybindings.event : Oe.b.None;
dispose() {
_log(e2) {
this._logging &&"[KeybindingService]: " + e2);
getKeybindings() {
return this._getResolver().getKeybindings();
lookupKeybindings(e2) {
return j.d(this._getResolver().lookupKeybindings(e2).map((e3) => e3.resolvedKeybinding));
lookupKeybinding(e2) {
const t2 = this._getResolver().lookupPrimaryKeybinding(e2);
if (t2)
return t2.resolvedKeybinding;
dispatchEvent(e2, t2) {
return this._dispatch(e2, t2);
softDispatch(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.resolveKeyboardEvent(e2);
if (n2.isChord())
return console.warn("Unexpected keyboard event mapped to a chord"), null;
const [i2] = n2.getDispatchParts();
if (null === i2)
return null;
const o2 = this._contextKeyService.getContext(t2), r2 = this._currentChord ? this._currentChord.keypress : null;
return this._getResolver().resolve(o2, r2, i2);
_enterChordMode(e2, t2) {
this._currentChord = {keypress: e2, label: t2}, this._currentChordStatusMessage = this._notificationService.status(Ke.a("first.chord", "({0}) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord...", t2));
const n2 =;
this._currentChordChecker.cancelAndSet(() => {
this._documentHasFocus() ? - n2 > 5e3 && this._leaveChordMode() : this._leaveChordMode();
}, 500);
_leaveChordMode() {
this._currentChordStatusMessage && (this._currentChordStatusMessage.dispose(), this._currentChordStatusMessage = null), this._currentChordChecker.cancel(), this._currentChord = null;
_dispatch(e2, t2) {
return this._doDispatch(this.resolveKeyboardEvent(e2), t2);
_doDispatch(e2, t2) {
let n2 = false;
if (e2.isChord())
return console.warn("Unexpected keyboard event mapped to a chord"), false;
const [i2] = e2.getDispatchParts();
if (null === i2)
return this._log("\\ Keyboard event cannot be dispatched."), n2;
const o2 = this._contextKeyService.getContext(t2), r2 = this._currentChord ? this._currentChord.keypress : null, s2 = e2.getLabel(), a2 = this._getResolver().resolve(o2, r2, i2);
return this._logService.trace("KeybindingService#dispatch", s2, null == a2 ? void 0 : a2.commandId), a2 && a2.enterChord ? (n2 = true, this._enterChordMode(i2, s2), n2) : (this._currentChord && (a2 && a2.commandId || (this._notificationService.status(Ke.a("missing.chord", "The key combination ({0}, {1}) is not a command.", this._currentChord.label, s2), {hideAfter: 1e4}), n2 = true)), this._leaveChordMode(), a2 && a2.commandId && (a2.bubble || (n2 = true), void 0 === a2.commandArgs ? this._commandService.executeCommand(a2.commandId).then(void 0, (e3) => this._notificationService.warn(e3)) : this._commandService.executeCommand(a2.commandId, a2.commandArgs).then(void 0, (e3) => this._notificationService.warn(e3)), this._telemetryService.publicLog2("workbenchActionExecuted", {id: a2.commandId, from: "keybinding"})), n2);
mightProducePrintableCharacter(e2) {
return !e2.ctrlKey && !e2.metaKey && (e2.keyCode >= 31 && e2.keyCode <= 56 || e2.keyCode >= 21 && e2.keyCode <= 30);
class Ye {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._log = n2, this._defaultKeybindings = e2, this._defaultBoundCommands = new Map();
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = e2.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
const n4 = e2[t3].command;
n4 && this._defaultBoundCommands.set(n4, true);
this._map = new Map(), this._lookupMap = new Map(), this._keybindings = Ye.combine(e2, t2);
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = this._keybindings.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
let t4 = this._keybindings[e3];
0 !== t4.keypressParts.length && (t4.when && 0 === t4.when.type || this._addKeyPress(t4.keypressParts[0], t4));
static _isTargetedForRemoval(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (e2.command !== i2)
return false;
if (t2 && e2.keypressParts[0] !== t2)
return false;
if (n2 && e2.keypressParts[1] !== n2)
return false;
if (o2) {
if (!e2.when)
return false;
if (!o2.equals(e2.when))
return false;
return true;
static combine(e2, t2) {
e2 = e2.slice(0);
let n2 = [];
for (const i2 of t2) {
if (!i2.command || 0 === i2.command.length || "-" !== i2.command.charAt(0)) {
const t3 = i2.command.substr(1), o2 = i2.keypressParts[0], r2 = i2.keypressParts[1], s2 = i2.when;
for (let n3 = e2.length - 1; n3 >= 0; n3--)
this._isTargetedForRemoval(e2[n3], o2, r2, t3, s2) && e2.splice(n3, 1);
return e2.concat(n2);
_addKeyPress(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._map.get(e2);
if (void 0 === n2)
return this._map.set(e2, [t2]), void this._addToLookupMap(t2);
for (let e3 = n2.length - 1; e3 >= 0; e3--) {
let i2 = n2[e3];
if (i2.command === t2.command)
const o2 = i2.keypressParts.length > 1, r2 = t2.keypressParts.length > 1;
o2 && r2 && i2.keypressParts[1] !== t2.keypressParts[1] || Ye.whenIsEntirelyIncluded(i2.when, t2.when) && this._removeFromLookupMap(i2);
n2.push(t2), this._addToLookupMap(t2);
_addToLookupMap(e2) {
if (!e2.command)
let t2 = this._lookupMap.get(e2.command);
void 0 === t2 ? (t2 = [e2], this._lookupMap.set(e2.command, t2)) : t2.push(e2);
_removeFromLookupMap(e2) {
if (!e2.command)
let t2 = this._lookupMap.get(e2.command);
if (void 0 !== t2) {
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
if (t2[n2] === e2)
return void t2.splice(n2, 1);
static whenIsEntirelyIncluded(e2, t2) {
return !t2 || !!e2 && this._implies(e2, t2);
static _implies(e2, t2) {
const n2 = (e3) => 9 === e3.type ? e3.expr : [e3];
let i2 = n2(e2.negate()).concat(n2(t2));
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < i2.length; e3++) {
const t3 = i2[e3].negate();
for (let n3 = e3 + 1; n3 < i2.length; n3++) {
const e4 = i2[n3];
if (t3.equals(e4))
return true;
return false;
getKeybindings() {
return this._keybindings;
lookupKeybindings(e2) {
let t2 = this._lookupMap.get(e2);
if (void 0 === t2 || 0 === t2.length)
return [];
let n2 = [], i2 = 0;
for (let e3 = t2.length - 1; e3 >= 0; e3--)
n2[i2++] = t2[e3];
return n2;
lookupPrimaryKeybinding(e2) {
let t2 = this._lookupMap.get(e2);
return void 0 === t2 || 0 === t2.length ? null : t2[t2.length - 1];
resolve(e2, t2, n2) {
this._log(`| Resolving ${n2}${t2 ? " chorded from " + t2 : ""}`);
let i2 = null;
if (null !== t2) {
const e3 = this._map.get(t2);
if (void 0 === e3)
return this._log("\\ No keybinding entries."), null;
i2 = [];
for (let t3 = 0, o3 = e3.length; t3 < o3; t3++) {
let o4 = e3[t3];
o4.keypressParts[1] === n2 && i2.push(o4);
} else {
const e3 = this._map.get(n2);
if (void 0 === e3)
return this._log("\\ No keybinding entries."), null;
i2 = e3;
let o2 = this._findCommand(e2, i2);
return o2 ? null === t2 && o2.keypressParts.length > 1 && null !== o2.keypressParts[1] ? (this._log(`\\ From ${i2.length} keybinding entries, matched chord, when: ${Ze(o2.when)}, source: ${Xe(o2)}.`), {enterChord: true, leaveChord: false, commandId: null, commandArgs: null, bubble: false}) : (this._log(`\\ From ${i2.length} keybinding entries, matched ${o2.command}, when: ${Ze(o2.when)}, source: ${Xe(o2)}.`), {enterChord: false, leaveChord: o2.keypressParts.length > 1, commandId: o2.command, commandArgs: o2.commandArgs, bubble: o2.bubble}) : (this._log(`\\ From ${i2.length} keybinding entries, no when clauses matched the context.`), null);
_findCommand(e2, t2) {
for (let n2 = t2.length - 1; n2 >= 0; n2--) {
let i2 = t2[n2];
if (Ye.contextMatchesRules(e2, i2.when))
return i2;
return null;
static contextMatchesRules(e2, t2) {
return !t2 || t2.evaluate(e2);
function Ze(e2) {
return e2 ? "" + e2.serialize() : "no when condition";
function Xe(e2) {
return e2.isDefault ? e2.extensionId ? "built-in extension " + e2.extensionId : "built-in" : e2.extensionId ? "user extension " + e2.extensionId : "user";
var Qe = n(92);
class Je {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this.resolvedKeybinding = e2, this.keypressParts = e2 ? function(e3) {
let t3 = [];
for (let n3 = 0, i3 = e3.length; n3 < i3; n3++) {
const i4 = e3[n3];
if (!i4)
return t3;
return t3;
}(e2.getDispatchParts()) : [], this.bubble = !!t2 && 94 === t2.charCodeAt(0), this.command = this.bubble ? t2.substr(1) : t2, this.commandArgs = n2, this.when = i2, this.isDefault = o2, this.extensionId = r2;
class et {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = t2) {
this.modifierLabels = [null], this.modifierLabels[2] = e2, this.modifierLabels[1] = t2, this.modifierLabels[3] = n2;
toLabel(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === t2.length)
return null;
const i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = t2[o2], s2 = n2(r3);
if (null === s2)
return null;
i2[o2] = it(r3, s2, this.modifierLabels[e2]);
return i2.join(" ");
const tt = new et({ctrlKey: "⌃", shiftKey: "⇧", altKey: "⌥", metaKey: "⌘", separator: ""}, {ctrlKey: Ke.a({key: "ctrlKey", comment: ["This is the short form for the Control key on the keyboard"]}, "Ctrl"), shiftKey: Ke.a({key: "shiftKey", comment: ["This is the short form for the Shift key on the keyboard"]}, "Shift"), altKey: Ke.a({key: "altKey", comment: ["This is the short form for the Alt key on the keyboard"]}, "Alt"), metaKey: Ke.a({key: "windowsKey", comment: ["This is the short form for the Windows key on the keyboard"]}, "Windows"), separator: "+"}, {ctrlKey: Ke.a({key: "ctrlKey", comment: ["This is the short form for the Control key on the keyboard"]}, "Ctrl"), shiftKey: Ke.a({key: "shiftKey", comment: ["This is the short form for the Shift key on the keyboard"]}, "Shift"), altKey: Ke.a({key: "altKey", comment: ["This is the short form for the Alt key on the keyboard"]}, "Alt"), metaKey: Ke.a({key: "superKey", comment: ["This is the short form for the Super key on the keyboard"]}, "Super"), separator: "+"}), nt = new et({ctrlKey: Ke.a({key: "ctrlKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Control key on the keyboard"]}, "Control"), shiftKey: Ke.a({key: "shiftKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Shift key on the keyboard"]}, "Shift"), altKey: Ke.a({key: "altKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Alt key on the keyboard"]}, "Alt"), metaKey: Ke.a({key: "cmdKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Command key on the keyboard"]}, "Command"), separator: "+"}, {ctrlKey: Ke.a({key: "ctrlKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Control key on the keyboard"]}, "Control"), shiftKey: Ke.a({key: "shiftKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Shift key on the keyboard"]}, "Shift"), altKey: Ke.a({key: "altKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Alt key on the keyboard"]}, "Alt"), metaKey: Ke.a({key: "windowsKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Windows key on the keyboard"]}, "Windows"), separator: "+"}, {ctrlKey: Ke.a({key: "ctrlKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Control key on the keyboard"]}, "Control"), shiftKey: Ke.a({key: "shiftKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Shift key on the keyboard"]}, "Shift"), altKey: Ke.a({key: "altKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Alt key on the keyboard"]}, "Alt"), metaKey: Ke.a({key: "superKey.long", comment: ["This is the long form for the Super key on the keyboard"]}, "Super"), separator: "+"});
function it(e2, t2, n2) {
if (null === t2)
return "";
const i2 = [];
return e2.ctrlKey && i2.push(n2.ctrlKey), e2.shiftKey && i2.push(n2.shiftKey), e2.altKey && i2.push(n2.altKey), e2.metaKey && i2.push(n2.metaKey), "" !== t2 && i2.push(t2), i2.join(n2.separator);
class ot extends De.c {
constructor(e2, t2) {
if (super(), 0 === t2.length)
throw Object(H.b)("parts");
this._os = e2, this._parts = t2;
getLabel() {
return tt.toLabel(this._os, this._parts, (e2) => this._getLabel(e2));
getAriaLabel() {
return nt.toLabel(this._os, this._parts, (e2) => this._getAriaLabel(e2));
isChord() {
return this._parts.length > 1;
getParts() {
return => this._getPart(e2));
_getPart(e2) {
return new De.d(e2.ctrlKey, e2.shiftKey, e2.altKey, e2.metaKey, this._getLabel(e2), this._getAriaLabel(e2));
getDispatchParts() {
return => this._getDispatchPart(e2));
class rt extends ot {
constructor(e2, t2) {
_keyCodeToUILabel(e2) {
if (2 === this._os)
switch (e2) {
case 15:
return "←";
case 16:
return "↑";
case 17:
return "→";
case 18:
return "↓";
return De.b.toString(e2);
_getLabel(e2) {
return e2.isDuplicateModifierCase() ? "" : this._keyCodeToUILabel(e2.keyCode);
_getAriaLabel(e2) {
return e2.isDuplicateModifierCase() ? "" : De.b.toString(e2.keyCode);
_getDispatchPart(e2) {
return rt.getDispatchStr(e2);
static getDispatchStr(e2) {
if (e2.isModifierKey())
return null;
let t2 = "";
return e2.ctrlKey && (t2 += "ctrl+"), e2.shiftKey && (t2 += "shift+"), e2.altKey && (t2 += "alt+"), e2.metaKey && (t2 += "meta+"), t2 += De.b.toString(e2.keyCode), t2;
var st = n(49), at = n(169), lt = n(55), ct = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, dt = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, ht = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class ut {
constructor(e2) {
this.disposed = false, this.model = e2, this._onDispose = new Oe.a();
get textEditorModel() {
return this.model;
dispose() {
this.disposed = true,;
let pt = class {
constructor(e2) {
this.modelService = e2;
setEditor(e2) {
this.editor = e2;
createModelReference(e2) {
let t2 = null;
var n2, i2, o2;
return this.editor && (n2 = this.editor, i2 = (t3) => this.findModel(t3, e2), o2 = (t3) => this.findModel(t3.getOriginalEditor(), e2) || this.findModel(t3.getModifiedEditor(), e2), t2 = Object(Re.b)(n2) ? i2(n2) : o2(n2)), t2 ? Promise.resolve(new I.c(new ut(t2))) : Promise.reject(new Error("Model not found"));
findModel(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.modelService.getModel(t2);
return n2 && n2.uri.toString() !== t2.toString() ? null : n2;
pt = ct([dt(0, W.a)], pt);
class mt {
show() {
showWhile(e2, t2) {
return Promise.resolve(void 0);
mt.NULL_PROGRESS_RUNNER = {done: () => {
}, total: () => {
}, worked: () => {
class gt {
confirm(e2) {
return this.doConfirm(e2).then((e3) => ({confirmed: e3, checkboxChecked: false}));
doConfirm(e2) {
let t2 = e2.message;
return e2.detail && (t2 = t2 + "\n\n" + e2.detail), Promise.resolve(window.confirm(t2));
show(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return Promise.resolve({choice: 0});
class ft {
info(e2) {
return this.notify({severity: Ae.a.Info, message: e2});
warn(e2) {
return this.notify({severity: Ae.a.Warning, message: e2});
error(e2) {
return this.notify({severity: Ae.a.Error, message: e2});
notify(e2) {
switch (e2.severity) {
case Ae.a.Error:
case Ae.a.Warning:
return ft.NO_OP;
status(e2, t2) {
return I.a.None;
ft.NO_OP = new st.b();
class bt {
constructor(e2) {
this._onWillExecuteCommand = new Oe.a(), this._onDidExecuteCommand = new Oe.a(), this._instantiationService = e2;
executeCommand(e2, ...t2) {
const n2 = p.a.getCommand(e2);
if (!n2)
return Promise.reject(new Error(`command '${e2}' not found`));
try {{commandId: e2, args: t2});
const i2 = this._instantiationService.invokeFunction.apply(this._instantiationService, [n2.handler, ...t2]);
return{commandId: e2, args: t2}), Promise.resolve(i2);
} catch (e3) {
return Promise.reject(e3);
class _t extends Ge {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2), this._cachedResolver = null, this._dynamicKeybindings = [], this._register(a.i(r2, a.c.KEY_DOWN, (e3) => {
let t3 = new Ie.a(e3);
this._dispatch(t3, && (t3.preventDefault(), t3.stopPropagation());
addDynamicKeybinding(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = Object(De.f)(t2, D.a), r2 = new I.b();
return o2 && (this._dynamicKeybindings.push({keybinding: o2, command: e2, when: i2, weight1: 1e3, weight2: 0, extensionId: null}), r2.add(Object(I.h)(() => {
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < this._dynamicKeybindings.length; t3++) {
if (this._dynamicKeybindings[t3].command === e2)
return this._dynamicKeybindings.splice(t3, 1), void this.updateResolver({source: 1});
}))), r2.add(p.a.registerCommand(e2, n2)), this.updateResolver({source: 1}), r2;
updateResolver(e2) {
this._cachedResolver = null,;
_getResolver() {
if (!this._cachedResolver) {
const e2 = this._toNormalizedKeybindingItems(Qe.a.getDefaultKeybindings(), true), t2 = this._toNormalizedKeybindingItems(this._dynamicKeybindings, false);
this._cachedResolver = new Ye(e2, t2, (e3) => this._log(e3));
return this._cachedResolver;
_documentHasFocus() {
return document.hasFocus();
_toNormalizedKeybindingItems(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [], i2 = 0;
for (const o2 of e2) {
const e3 = o2.when || void 0, r2 = o2.keybinding;
if (r2) {
const s2 = this.resolveKeybinding(r2);
for (const r3 of s2)
n2[i2++] = new Je(r3, o2.command, o2.commandArgs, e3, t2, null);
} else
n2[i2++] = new Je(void 0, o2.command, o2.commandArgs, e3, t2, null);
return n2;
resolveKeybinding(e2) {
return [new rt(e2, D.a)];
resolveKeyboardEvent(e2) {
let t2 = new De.e(e2.ctrlKey, e2.shiftKey, e2.altKey, e2.metaKey, e2.keyCode).toChord();
return new rt(t2, D.a);
function vt(e2) {
return e2 && "object" == typeof e2 && (!e2.overrideIdentifier || "string" == typeof e2.overrideIdentifier) && (!e2.resource || e2.resource instanceof u.a);
class wt {
constructor() {
this._onDidChangeConfiguration = new Oe.a(), this.onDidChangeConfiguration = this._onDidChangeConfiguration.event, this._configuration = new qe(new He(), new Ue());
getValue(e2, t2) {
const n2 = "string" == typeof e2 ? e2 : void 0, i2 = vt(e2) ? e2 : vt(t2) ? t2 : {};
return this._configuration.getValue(n2, i2, void 0);
updateValues(e2) {
const t2 = {data: this._configuration.toData()};
let n2 = [];
for (const t3 of e2) {
const [e3, i2] = t3;
this.getValue(e3) !== i2 && (this._configuration.updateValue(e3, i2), n2.push(e3));
if (n2.length > 0) {
const e3 = new $e({keys: n2, overrides: []}, t2, this._configuration);
e3.source = 7, e3.sourceConfig = null,;
return Promise.resolve();
class yt {
constructor(e2) {
this.configurationService = e2, this._onDidChangeConfiguration = new Oe.a(), this.configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {{affectedKeys: e3.affectedKeys, affectsConfiguration: (t2, n2) => e3.affectsConfiguration(n2)});
getValue(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = (We.a.isIPosition(t2) ? t2 : null) ? "string" == typeof n2 ? n2 : void 0 : "string" == typeof t2 ? t2 : void 0;
return void 0 === i2 ? this.configurationService.getValue() : this.configurationService.getValue(i2);
let Ct = class {
constructor(e2) {
this.configurationService = e2;
getEOL(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.configurationService.getValue("files.eol", {overrideIdentifier: t2, resource: e2});
return n2 && "auto" !== n2 ? n2 : D.d || D.f ? "\n" : "\r\n";
Ct = ct([dt(0, ze.a)], Ct);
class xt {
publicLog(e2, t2) {
return Promise.resolve(void 0);
publicLog2(e2, t2) {
return this.publicLog(e2, t2);
class St {
constructor() {
const e2 = u.a.from({scheme: St.SCHEME, authority: "model", path: "/"});
this.workspace = {id: "4064f6ec-cb38-4ad0-af64-ee6467e63c82", folders: [new at.b({uri: e2, name: "", index: 0})]};
getWorkspace() {
return this.workspace;
getWorkspaceFolder(e2) {
return e2 && e2.scheme === St.SCHEME ? this.workspace.folders[0] : null;
function kt(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!t2)
if (!(e2 instanceof wt))
let i2 = [];
Object.keys(t2).forEach((e3) => {
Object(Pe.d)(e3) && i2.push(["editor." + e3, t2[e3]]), n2 && Object(Pe.c)(e3) && i2.push(["diffEditor." + e3, t2[e3]]);
}), i2.length > 0 && e2.updateValues(i2);
St.SCHEME = "inmemory";
class Et {
constructor(e2) {
this._modelService = e2;
hasPreviewHandler() {
return false;
apply(e2, t2) {
return ht(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const t3 = new Map();
for (let n3 of e2) {
if (!(n3 instanceof Me.c))
throw new Error("bad edit - only text edits are supported");
const e3 = this._modelService.getModel(n3.resource);
if (!e3)
throw new Error("bad edit - model not found");
if ("number" == typeof n3.versionId && e3.getVersionId() !== n3.versionId)
throw new Error("bad state - model changed in the meantime");
let i3 = t3.get(e3);
i3 || (i3 = [], t3.set(e3, i3)), i3.push(Fe.a.replaceMove(M.a.lift(n3.textEdit.range), n3.textEdit.text));
let n2 = 0, i2 = 0;
for (const [e3, o2] of t3)
e3.pushStackElement(), e3.pushEditOperations([], o2, () => []), e3.pushStackElement(), i2 += 1, n2 += o2.length;
return {ariaSummary: B.x(lt.g.bulkEditServiceSummary, n2, i2)};
class Tt {
getUriLabel(e2, t2) {
return "file" === e2.scheme ? e2.fsPath : e2.path;
class Lt {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._codeEditorService = e2, this._container = t2, this.onLayout = Oe.b.None;
get dimension() {
return this._dimension || (this._dimension = a.y(window.document.body)), this._dimension;
get container() {
return this._container;
focus() {
var e2;
null === (e2 = this._codeEditorService.getFocusedCodeEditor()) || void 0 === e2 || e2.focus();
var Nt = n(66), It = n(164), Ot = n(194), Dt = n(191), At = n(139), Rt = n(24), Mt = n(10), Pt = n(84), Ft = n(18), Wt = n(50), zt = n(19), Bt = n(80), jt = n(121), Vt = n(83), Ut = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Ht = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let qt = 0, $t = false;
let Kt = class extends It.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2) {
(t2 = t2 || {}).ariaLabel = t2.ariaLabel || lt.h.editorViewAccessibleLabel, t2.ariaLabel = t2.ariaLabel + ";" + lt.h.accessibilityHelpMessage, super(e2, t2, {}, n2, i2, o2, r2, a2, l2, c2), this._standaloneKeybindingService = s2 instanceof _t ? s2 : null, $t || ($t = true, Nt.b(document.body));
addCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this._standaloneKeybindingService)
return console.warn("Cannot add command because the editor is configured with an unrecognized KeybindingService"), null;
let i2 = "DYNAMIC_" + ++qt, o2 = Mt.a.deserialize(n2);
return this._standaloneKeybindingService.addDynamicKeybinding(i2, e2, t2, o2), i2;
createContextKey(e2, t2) {
return this._contextKeyService.createKey(e2, t2);
addAction(e2) {
if ("string" != typeof || "string" != typeof e2.label || "function" != typeof
throw new Error("Invalid action descriptor, `id`, `label` and `run` are required properties!");
if (!this._standaloneKeybindingService)
return console.warn("Cannot add keybinding because the editor is configured with an unrecognized KeybindingService"), I.a.None;
const t2 =, n2 = e2.label, i2 = Mt.a.and(Mt.a.equals("editorId", this.getId()), Mt.a.deserialize(e2.precondition)), o2 = e2.keybindings, r2 = Mt.a.and(i2, Mt.a.deserialize(e2.keybindingContext)), s2 = e2.contextMenuGroupId || null, a2 = e2.contextMenuOrder || 0, l2 = (t3, ...n3) => Promise.resolve(, ...n3)), c2 = new I.b(), d2 = this.getId() + ":" + t2;
if (c2.add(p.a.registerCommand(d2, l2)), s2) {
let e3 = {command: {id: d2, title: n2}, when: i2, group: s2, order: a2};
c2.add(Rt.d.appendMenuItem(Rt.b.EditorContext, e3));
if (Array.isArray(o2))
for (const e3 of o2)
c2.add(this._standaloneKeybindingService.addDynamicKeybinding(d2, e3, l2, r2));
let h2 = new Dt.a(d2, n2, n2, i2, l2, this._contextKeyService);
return this._actions[t2] = h2, c2.add(Object(I.h)(() => {
delete this._actions[t2];
})), c2;
Kt = Ut([Ht(2, Ft.a), Ht(3, s.a), Ht(4, p.b), Ht(5, Mt.b), Ht(6, Wt.a), Ht(7, zt.c), Ht(8, st.a), Ht(9, Bt.b)], Kt);
let Gt = class extends Kt {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2) {
kt(h2, t2, false);
const p2 = c2.registerEditorContainer(e2);
"string" == typeof (t2 = t2 || {}).theme && c2.setTheme(t2.theme);
let m2, g2 = t2.model;
if (delete t2.model, super(e2, t2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, c2, d2, u2), this._contextViewService = l2, this._configurationService = h2, this._standaloneThemeService = c2, this._register(n2), this._register(p2), void 0 === g2 ? (m2 = self.monaco.editor.createModel(t2.value || "", t2.language || "text/plain"), this._ownsModel = true) : (m2 = g2, this._ownsModel = false), this._attachModel(m2), m2) {
let e3 = {oldModelUrl: null, newModelUrl: m2.uri};;
dispose() {
updateOptions(e2) {
kt(this._configurationService, e2, false), "string" == typeof e2.theme && this._standaloneThemeService.setTheme(e2.theme), super.updateOptions(e2);
_attachModel(e2) {
super._attachModel(e2), this._modelData && this._contextViewService.setContainer(this._modelData.view.domNode.domNode);
_postDetachModelCleanup(e2) {
super._postDetachModelCleanup(e2), e2 && this._ownsModel && (e2.dispose(), this._ownsModel = false);
Gt = Ut([Ht(3, Ft.a), Ht(4, s.a), Ht(5, p.b), Ht(6, Mt.b), Ht(7, Wt.a), Ht(8, Pt.b), Ht(9, At.a), Ht(10, st.a), Ht(11, ze.a), Ht(12, Bt.b)], Gt);
let Yt = class extends Ot.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2, p2, m2) {
kt(h2, t2, true);
const g2 = c2.registerEditorContainer(e2);
"string" == typeof (t2 = t2 || {}).theme && (t2.theme = c2.setTheme(t2.theme)), super(e2, t2, m2, a2, o2, i2, l2, c2, d2, u2, p2), this._contextViewService = s2, this._configurationService = h2, this._standaloneThemeService = c2, this._register(n2), this._register(g2), this._contextViewService.setContainer(this._containerDomElement);
dispose() {
updateOptions(e2) {
kt(this._configurationService, e2, true), "string" == typeof e2.theme && this._standaloneThemeService.setTheme(e2.theme), super.updateOptions(e2);
_createInnerEditor(e2, t2, n2) {
return e2.createInstance(Kt, t2, n2);
getOriginalEditor() {
return super.getOriginalEditor();
getModifiedEditor() {
return super.getModifiedEditor();
addCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
return this.getModifiedEditor().addCommand(e2, t2, n2);
createContextKey(e2, t2) {
return this.getModifiedEditor().createContextKey(e2, t2);
addAction(e2) {
return this.getModifiedEditor().addAction(e2);
Yt = Ut([Ht(3, Ft.a), Ht(4, Mt.b), Ht(5, Wt.a), Ht(6, Pt.b), Ht(7, T.a), Ht(8, s.a), Ht(9, At.a), Ht(10, st.a), Ht(11, ze.a), Ht(12, Pt.a), Ht(13, Vt.a), Ht(14, jt.a)], Yt);
var Zt = n(109);
class Xt {
constructor(e2) {
this._languageIdentifier = e2;
getId() {
return this._languageIdentifier.language;
var Qt = n(42), Jt = n(187);
let en = [], tn = [], nn = [];
function on(e2, t2 = false) {
const n2 = function(e3) {
return {id:, mime: e3.mime, filename: e3.filename, extension: e3.extension, filepattern: e3.filepattern, firstline: e3.firstline, userConfigured: e3.userConfigured, filenameLowercase: e3.filename ? e3.filename.toLowerCase() : void 0, extensionLowercase: e3.extension ? e3.extension.toLowerCase() : void 0, filepatternLowercase: e3.filepattern ? e3.filepattern.toLowerCase() : void 0, filepatternOnPath: !!e3.filepattern && e3.filepattern.indexOf(Qt.e.sep) >= 0};
en.push(n2), n2.userConfigured ? nn.push(n2) : tn.push(n2), t2 && !n2.userConfigured && en.forEach((e3) => {
e3.mime === n2.mime || e3.userConfigured || (n2.extension && e3.extension === n2.extension && console.warn(`Overwriting extension <<${n2.extension}>> to now point to mime <<${n2.mime}>>`), n2.filename && e3.filename === n2.filename && console.warn(`Overwriting filename <<${n2.filename}>> to now point to mime <<${n2.mime}>>`), n2.filepattern && e3.filepattern === n2.filepattern && console.warn(`Overwriting filepattern <<${n2.filepattern}>> to now point to mime <<${n2.mime}>>`), n2.firstline && e3.firstline === n2.firstline && console.warn(`Overwriting firstline <<${n2.firstline}>> to now point to mime <<${n2.mime}>>`));
function rn(e2, t2) {
let n2;
if (e2)
switch (e2.scheme) {
case d.b.file:
n2 = e2.fsPath;
n2 = h.a.parseMetaData(e2).get(h.a.META_DATA_LABEL);
n2 = e2.path;
if (!n2)
return ["application/unknown"];
n2 = n2.toLowerCase();
const i2 = Object(Qt.a)(n2), o2 = sn(n2, i2, nn);
if (o2)
return [o2, "text/plain"];
const r2 = sn(n2, i2, tn);
if (r2)
return [r2, "text/plain"];
if (t2) {
const e3 = function(e4) {
Object(B.U)(e4) && (e4 = e4.substr(1));
if (e4.length > 0)
for (let t3 = en.length - 1; t3 >= 0; t3--) {
const n3 = en[t3];
if (!n3.firstline)
const i3 = e4.match(n3.firstline);
if (i3 && i3.length > 0)
return n3.mime;
return null;
if (e3)
return [e3, "text/plain"];
return ["application/unknown"];
function sn(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = null, o2 = null, r2 = null;
for (let s2 = n2.length - 1; s2 >= 0; s2--) {
const a2 = n2[s2];
if (t2 === a2.filenameLowercase) {
i2 = a2;
if (a2.filepattern && (!o2 || a2.filepattern.length > o2.filepattern.length)) {
const n3 = a2.filepatternOnPath ? e2 : t2;
Object(Jt.a)(a2.filepatternLowercase, n3) && (o2 = a2);
a2.extension && (!r2 || a2.extension.length > r2.extension.length) && t2.endsWith(a2.extensionLowercase) && (r2 = a2);
return i2 ? i2.mime : o2 ? o2.mime : r2 ? r2.mime : null;
var an = n(146), ln = n(56);
const cn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
class dn extends I.a {
constructor(e2 = true, t2 = false) {
super(), this._onDidChange = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._warnOnOverwrite = t2, this._nextLanguageId2 = 1, this._languageIdToLanguage = [], this._languageToLanguageId = Object.create(null), this._languages = {}, this._mimeTypesMap = {}, this._nameMap = {}, this._lowercaseNameMap = {}, e2 && (this._initializeFromRegistry(), this._register(an.a.onDidChangeLanguages((e3) => this._initializeFromRegistry())));
_initializeFromRegistry() {
this._languages = {}, this._mimeTypesMap = {}, this._nameMap = {}, this._lowercaseNameMap = {};
const e2 = an.a.getLanguages();
_registerLanguages(e2) {
for (const t2 of e2)
this._mimeTypesMap = {}, this._nameMap = {}, this._lowercaseNameMap = {}, Object.keys(this._languages).forEach((e3) => {
let t2 = this._languages[e3]; && (this._nameMap[] = t2.identifier), t2.aliases.forEach((e4) => {
this._lowercaseNameMap[e4.toLowerCase()] = t2.identifier;
}), t2.mimetypes.forEach((e4) => {
this._mimeTypesMap[e4] = t2.identifier;
}), =>,;
_getLanguageId(e2) {
if (this._languageToLanguageId[e2])
return this._languageToLanguageId[e2];
const t2 = this._nextLanguageId2++;
return this._languageIdToLanguage[t2] = e2, this._languageToLanguageId[e2] = t2, t2;
_registerLanguage(e2) {
const t2 =;
let n2;
if (, t2))
n2 = this._languages[t2];
else {
const e3 = this._getLanguageId(t2);
n2 = {identifier: new k.r(t2, e3), name: null, mimetypes: [], aliases: [], extensions: [], filenames: [], configurationFiles: []}, this._languages[t2] = n2;
this._mergeLanguage(n2, e2);
_mergeLanguage(e2, t2) {
const n2 =;
let i2 = null;
if (Array.isArray(t2.mimetypes) && t2.mimetypes.length > 0 && (e2.mimetypes.push(...t2.mimetypes), i2 = t2.mimetypes[0]), i2 || (i2 = "text/x-" + n2, e2.mimetypes.push(i2)), Array.isArray(t2.extensions)) {
t2.configuration ? e2.extensions = t2.extensions.concat(e2.extensions) : e2.extensions = e2.extensions.concat(t2.extensions);
for (let e3 of t2.extensions)
on({id: n2, mime: i2, extension: e3}, this._warnOnOverwrite);
if (Array.isArray(t2.filenames))
for (let o3 of t2.filenames)
on({id: n2, mime: i2, filename: o3}, this._warnOnOverwrite), e2.filenames.push(o3);
if (Array.isArray(t2.filenamePatterns))
for (let e3 of t2.filenamePatterns)
on({id: n2, mime: i2, filepattern: e3}, this._warnOnOverwrite);
if ("string" == typeof t2.firstLine && t2.firstLine.length > 0) {
let e3 = t2.firstLine;
"^" !== e3.charAt(0) && (e3 = "^" + e3);
try {
let t3 = new RegExp(e3);
B.P(t3) || on({id: n2, mime: i2, firstline: t3}, this._warnOnOverwrite);
} catch (e4) {
let o2 = null;
if (void 0 !== t2.aliases && Array.isArray(t2.aliases) && (o2 = 0 === t2.aliases.length ? [null] : t2.aliases), null !== o2)
for (const t3 of o2)
t3 && 0 !== t3.length && e2.aliases.push(t3);
let r2 = null !== o2 && o2.length > 0;
if (r2 && null === o2[0])
else {
let t3 = (r2 ? o2[0] : null) || n2;
!r2 && || ( = t3);
t2.configuration && e2.configurationFiles.push(t2.configuration);
isRegisteredMode(e2) {
return !!, e2) ||, e2);
getModeIdForLanguageNameLowercase(e2) {
return, e2) ? this._lowercaseNameMap[e2].language : null;
extractModeIds(e2) {
return e2 ? e2.split(",").map((e3) => e3.trim()).map((e3) =>, e3) ? this._mimeTypesMap[e3].language : e3).filter((e3) =>, e3)) : [];
getLanguageIdentifier(e2) {
if (e2 === E.b || 0 === e2)
return E.a;
let t2;
if ("string" == typeof e2)
t2 = e2;
else if (t2 = this._languageIdToLanguage[e2], !t2)
return null;
return, t2) ? this._languages[t2].identifier : null;
getModeIdsFromFilepathOrFirstLine(e2, t2) {
if (!e2 && !t2)
return [];
let n2 = rn(e2, t2);
return this.extractModeIds(n2.join(","));
class hn extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._onDidChange = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._selector = t2, this.languageIdentifier = this._selector(), this._register(e2(() => this._evaluate()));
_evaluate() {
let e2 = this._selector(); !== && (this.languageIdentifier = e2,;
class un {
constructor(e2 = false) {
this._onDidCreateMode = new Oe.a(), this.onDidCreateMode = this._onDidCreateMode.event, this._onLanguagesMaybeChanged = new Oe.a(), this.onLanguagesMaybeChanged = this._onLanguagesMaybeChanged.event, this._instantiatedModes = {}, this._registry = new dn(true, e2), this._registry.onDidChange(() =>;
isRegisteredMode(e2) {
return this._registry.isRegisteredMode(e2);
getModeIdForLanguageName(e2) {
return this._registry.getModeIdForLanguageNameLowercase(e2);
getModeIdByFilepathOrFirstLine(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._registry.getModeIdsFromFilepathOrFirstLine(e2, t2);
return Object(j.k)(n2, null);
getModeId(e2) {
const t2 = this._registry.extractModeIds(e2);
return Object(j.k)(t2, null);
getLanguageIdentifier(e2) {
return this._registry.getLanguageIdentifier(e2);
create(e2) {
return new hn(this.onLanguagesMaybeChanged, () => {
const t2 = this.getModeId(e2);
return this._createModeAndGetLanguageIdentifier(t2);
createByFilepathOrFirstLine(e2, t2) {
return new hn(this.onLanguagesMaybeChanged, () => {
const n2 = this.getModeIdByFilepathOrFirstLine(e2, t2);
return this._createModeAndGetLanguageIdentifier(n2);
_createModeAndGetLanguageIdentifier(e2) {
const t2 = this.getLanguageIdentifier(e2 || "plaintext") || E.a;
return this._getOrCreateMode(t2.language), t2;
triggerMode(e2) {
const t2 = this.getModeId(e2);
this._getOrCreateMode(t2 || "plaintext");
_getOrCreateMode(e2) {
if (!this._instantiatedModes.hasOwnProperty(e2)) {
let t2 = this.getLanguageIdentifier(e2) || E.a;
this._instantiatedModes[e2] = new Xt(t2),[e2]);
return this._instantiatedModes[e2];
var pn = n(183);
class mn extends I.a {
constructor() {
super(), this._onCodeEditorAdd = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onCodeEditorAdd = this._onCodeEditorAdd.event, this._onCodeEditorRemove = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onCodeEditorRemove = this._onCodeEditorRemove.event, this._onDiffEditorAdd = this._register(new Oe.a()), this._onDiffEditorRemove = this._register(new Oe.a()), this._modelProperties = new Map(), this._codeEditors = Object.create(null), this._diffEditors = Object.create(null);
addCodeEditor(e2) {
this._codeEditors[e2.getId()] = e2,;
removeCodeEditor(e2) {
delete this._codeEditors[e2.getId()] &&;
listCodeEditors() {
return Object.keys(this._codeEditors).map((e2) => this._codeEditors[e2]);
addDiffEditor(e2) {
this._diffEditors[e2.getId()] = e2,;
removeDiffEditor(e2) {
delete this._diffEditors[e2.getId()] &&;
listDiffEditors() {
return Object.keys(this._diffEditors).map((e2) => this._diffEditors[e2]);
getFocusedCodeEditor() {
let e2 = null;
const t2 = this.listCodeEditors();
for (const n2 of t2) {
if (n2.hasTextFocus())
return n2;
n2.hasWidgetFocus() && (e2 = n2);
return e2;
setModelProperty(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.toString();
let o2;
this._modelProperties.has(i2) ? o2 = this._modelProperties.get(i2) : (o2 = new Map(), this._modelProperties.set(i2, o2)), o2.set(t2, n2);
getModelProperty(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.toString();
if (this._modelProperties.has(n2)) {
return this._modelProperties.get(n2).get(t2);
var gn = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, fn = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
class bn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._parent = e2, this._editorId = t2, this._styleSheet = n2, this._refCount = 0;
ref() {
unref() {
var e2;
this._refCount--, 0 === this._refCount && (null === (e2 = this._styleSheet.parentNode) || void 0 === e2 || e2.removeChild(this._styleSheet), this._parent._removeEditorStyleSheets(this._editorId));
insertRule(e2, t2) {
this._styleSheet.sheet.insertRule(e2, t2);
removeRulesContainingSelector(e2) {
a.P(e2, this._styleSheet);
class _n {
constructor(e2) {
this._styleSheet = e2;
ref() {
unref() {
insertRule(e2, t2) {
this._styleSheet.sheet.insertRule(e2, t2);
removeRulesContainingSelector(e2) {
a.P(e2, this._styleSheet);
let vn = class extends mn {
constructor(e2, t2 = null) {
super(), this._decorationOptionProviders = new Map(), this._editorStyleSheets = new Map(), this._globalStyleSheet = t2 || null, this._themeService = e2;
_getOrCreateGlobalStyleSheet() {
return this._globalStyleSheet || (this._globalStyleSheet = new _n(a.v())), this._globalStyleSheet;
_getOrCreateStyleSheet(e2) {
if (!e2)
return this._getOrCreateGlobalStyleSheet();
const t2 = e2.getContainerDomNode();
if (!a.O(t2))
return this._getOrCreateGlobalStyleSheet();
const n2 = e2.getId();
if (!this._editorStyleSheets.has(n2)) {
const e3 = new bn(this, n2, a.v(t2));
this._editorStyleSheets.set(n2, e3);
return this._editorStyleSheets.get(n2);
_removeEditorStyleSheets(e2) {
registerDecorationType(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = this._decorationOptionProviders.get(e2);
if (!o2) {
const r2 = this._getOrCreateStyleSheet(i2), s2 = {styleSheet: r2, key: e2, parentTypeKey: n2, options: t2 || Object.create(null)};
o2 = n2 ? new wn(this._themeService, r2, s2) : new yn(this._themeService, r2, s2), this._decorationOptionProviders.set(e2, o2);
removeDecorationType(e2) {
const t2 = this._decorationOptionProviders.get(e2);
t2 && (t2.refCount--, t2.refCount <= 0 && (this._decorationOptionProviders.delete(e2), t2.dispose(), this.listCodeEditors().forEach((t3) => t3.removeDecorations(e2))));
resolveDecorationOptions(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._decorationOptionProviders.get(e2);
if (!n2)
throw new Error("Unknown decoration type key: " + e2);
return n2.getOptions(this, t2);
vn = gn([fn(0, zt.c)], vn);
class wn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._styleSheet = t2, this._styleSheet.ref(), this._parentTypeKey = n2.parentTypeKey, this.refCount = 0, this._beforeContentRules = new xn(3, n2, e2), this._afterContentRules = new xn(4, n2, e2);
getOptions(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.resolveDecorationOptions(this._parentTypeKey, true);
return this._beforeContentRules && (n2.beforeContentClassName = this._beforeContentRules.className), this._afterContentRules && (n2.afterContentClassName = this._afterContentRules.className), n2;
dispose() {
this._beforeContentRules && (this._beforeContentRules.dispose(), this._beforeContentRules = null), this._afterContentRules && (this._afterContentRules.dispose(), this._afterContentRules = null), this._styleSheet.unref();
class yn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._disposables = new I.b(), this._styleSheet = t2, this._styleSheet.ref(), this.refCount = 0;
const i2 = (t3) => {
const i3 = new xn(t3, n2, e2);
if (this._disposables.add(i3), i3.hasContent)
return i3.className;
this.className = i2(0);
const o2 = ((t3) => {
const i3 = new xn(t3, n2, e2);
return this._disposables.add(i3), i3.hasContent ? {className: i3.className, hasLetterSpacing: i3.hasLetterSpacing} : null;
o2 && (this.inlineClassName = o2.className, this.inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing = o2.hasLetterSpacing), this.beforeContentClassName = i2(3), this.afterContentClassName = i2(4), this.glyphMarginClassName = i2(2);
const r2 = n2.options;
this.isWholeLine = Boolean(r2.isWholeLine), this.stickiness = r2.rangeBehavior;
const s2 = r2.light && r2.light.overviewRulerColor || r2.overviewRulerColor, a2 = r2.dark && r2.dark.overviewRulerColor || r2.overviewRulerColor;
void 0 === s2 && void 0 === a2 || (this.overviewRuler = {color: s2 || a2, darkColor: a2 || s2, position: r2.overviewRulerLane || S.d.Center});
getOptions(e2, t2) {
return t2 ? {inlineClassName: this.inlineClassName, beforeContentClassName: this.beforeContentClassName, afterContentClassName: this.afterContentClassName, className: this.className, glyphMarginClassName: this.glyphMarginClassName, isWholeLine: this.isWholeLine, overviewRuler: this.overviewRuler, stickiness: this.stickiness} : this;
dispose() {
this._disposables.dispose(), this._styleSheet.unref();
const Cn = {color: "color:{0} !important;", opacity: "opacity:{0};", backgroundColor: "background-color:{0};", outline: "outline:{0};", outlineColor: "outline-color:{0};", outlineStyle: "outline-style:{0};", outlineWidth: "outline-width:{0};", border: "border:{0};", borderColor: "border-color:{0};", borderRadius: "border-radius:{0};", borderSpacing: "border-spacing:{0};", borderStyle: "border-style:{0};", borderWidth: "border-width:{0};", fontStyle: "font-style:{0};", fontWeight: "font-weight:{0};", textDecoration: "text-decoration:{0};", cursor: "cursor:{0};", letterSpacing: "letter-spacing:{0};", gutterIconPath: "background:{0} center center no-repeat;", gutterIconSize: "background-size:{0};", contentText: "content:'{0}';", contentIconPath: "content:{0};", margin: "margin:{0};", width: "width:{0};", height: "height:{0};"};
class xn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._theme = n2.getColorTheme(), this._ruleType = e2, this._providerArgs = t2, this._usesThemeColors = false, this._hasContent = false, this._hasLetterSpacing = false;
let i2 = Sn.getClassName(this._providerArgs.key, e2);
this._providerArgs.parentTypeKey && (i2 = i2 + " " + Sn.getClassName(this._providerArgs.parentTypeKey, e2)), this._className = i2, this._unThemedSelector = Sn.getSelector(this._providerArgs.key, this._providerArgs.parentTypeKey, e2), this._buildCSS(), this._usesThemeColors ? this._themeListener = n2.onDidColorThemeChange((e3) => {
this._theme = n2.getColorTheme(), this._removeCSS(), this._buildCSS();
}) : this._themeListener = null;
dispose() {
this._hasContent && (this._removeCSS(), this._hasContent = false), this._themeListener && (this._themeListener.dispose(), this._themeListener = null);
get hasContent() {
return this._hasContent;
get hasLetterSpacing() {
return this._hasLetterSpacing;
get className() {
return this._className;
_buildCSS() {
const e2 = this._providerArgs.options;
let t2, n2, i2;
switch (this._ruleType) {
case 0:
t2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationClassName(e2), n2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationClassName(e2.light), i2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationClassName(e2.dark);
case 1:
t2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationInlineClassName(e2), n2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationInlineClassName(e2.light), i2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationInlineClassName(e2.dark);
case 2:
t2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationGlyphMarginClassName(e2), n2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationGlyphMarginClassName(e2.light), i2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationGlyphMarginClassName(e2.dark);
case 3:
t2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationContentClassName(e2.before), n2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationContentClassName(e2.light && e2.light.before), i2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationContentClassName(e2.dark && e2.dark.before);
case 4:
t2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationContentClassName(e2.after), n2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationContentClassName(e2.light && e2.light.after), i2 = this.getCSSTextForModelDecorationContentClassName(e2.dark && e2.dark.after);
throw new Error("Unknown rule type: " + this._ruleType);
const o2 = this._providerArgs.styleSheet;
let r2 = false;
t2.length > 0 && (o2.insertRule(`${this._unThemedSelector} {${t2}}`, 0), r2 = true), n2.length > 0 && (o2.insertRule(`.vs${this._unThemedSelector} {${n2}}`, 0), r2 = true), i2.length > 0 && (o2.insertRule(`.vs-dark${this._unThemedSelector}, .hc-black${this._unThemedSelector} {${i2}}`, 0), r2 = true), this._hasContent = r2;
_removeCSS() {
getCSSTextForModelDecorationClassName(e2) {
if (!e2)
return "";
const t2 = [];
return this.collectCSSText(e2, ["backgroundColor"], t2), this.collectCSSText(e2, ["outline", "outlineColor", "outlineStyle", "outlineWidth"], t2), this.collectBorderSettingsCSSText(e2, t2), t2.join("");
getCSSTextForModelDecorationInlineClassName(e2) {
if (!e2)
return "";
const t2 = [];
return this.collectCSSText(e2, ["fontStyle", "fontWeight", "textDecoration", "cursor", "color", "opacity", "letterSpacing"], t2), e2.letterSpacing && (this._hasLetterSpacing = true), t2.join("");
getCSSTextForModelDecorationContentClassName(e2) {
if (!e2)
return "";
const t2 = [];
if (void 0 !== e2) {
if (this.collectBorderSettingsCSSText(e2, t2), void 0 !== e2.contentIconPath && t2.push(B.x(Cn.contentIconPath, a.q(u.a.revive(e2.contentIconPath)))), "string" == typeof e2.contentText) {
const n2 = e2.contentText.match(/^.*$/m)[0].replace(/['\\]/g, "\\$&");
t2.push(B.x(Cn.contentText, n2));
this.collectCSSText(e2, ["fontStyle", "fontWeight", "textDecoration", "color", "opacity", "backgroundColor", "margin"], t2), this.collectCSSText(e2, ["width", "height"], t2) && t2.push("display:inline-block;");
return t2.join("");
getCSSTextForModelDecorationGlyphMarginClassName(e2) {
if (!e2)
return "";
const t2 = [];
return void 0 !== e2.gutterIconPath && (t2.push(B.x(Cn.gutterIconPath, a.q(u.a.revive(e2.gutterIconPath)))), void 0 !== e2.gutterIconSize && t2.push(B.x(Cn.gutterIconSize, e2.gutterIconSize))), t2.join("");
collectBorderSettingsCSSText(e2, t2) {
return !!this.collectCSSText(e2, ["border", "borderColor", "borderRadius", "borderSpacing", "borderStyle", "borderWidth"], t2) && (t2.push(B.x("box-sizing: border-box;")), true);
collectCSSText(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = n2.length;
for (let i3 of t2) {
const t3 = this.resolveValue(e2[i3]);
"string" == typeof t3 && n2.push(B.x(Cn[i3], t3));
return n2.length !== i2;
resolveValue(e2) {
if (Object(x.b)(e2)) {
this._usesThemeColors = true;
const t2 = this._theme.getColor(;
return t2 ? t2.toString() : "transparent";
return e2;
class Sn {
static getClassName(e2, t2) {
return "ced-" + e2 + "-" + t2;
static getSelector(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = ".monaco-editor ." + this.getClassName(e2, n2);
return t2 && (i2 = i2 + "." + this.getClassName(t2, n2)), 3 === n2 ? i2 += "::before" : 4 === n2 && (i2 += "::after"), i2;
class kn extends vn {
getActiveCodeEditor() {
return null;
openCodeEditor(e2, t2, n2) {
return t2 ? Promise.resolve(this.doOpenEditor(t2, e2)) : Promise.resolve(null);
doOpenEditor(e2, t2) {
if (!this.findModel(e2, t2.resource)) {
if (t2.resource) {
const n3 = t2.resource.scheme;
if (n3 === d.b.http || n3 === d.b.https)
return Object(a.cb)(t2.resource.toString()), e2;
return null;
const n2 = t2.options ? t2.options.selection : null;
if (n2)
if ("number" == typeof n2.endLineNumber && "number" == typeof n2.endColumn)
e2.setSelection(n2), e2.revealRangeInCenter(n2, 1);
else {
const t3 = {lineNumber: n2.startLineNumber, column: n2.startColumn};
e2.setPosition(t3), e2.revealPositionInCenter(t3, 1);
return e2;
findModel(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getModel();
return n2 && n2.uri.toString() !== t2.toString() ? null : n2;
var En = n(16);
class Tn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.token = e2, this.index = t2, this.fontStyle = n2, this.foreground = i2, this.background = o2;
const Ln = /^#?([0-9A-Fa-f]{6})([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})?$/;
class Nn {
constructor() {
this._lastColorId = 0, this._id2color = [], this._color2id = new Map();
getId(e2) {
if (null === e2)
return 0;
const t2 = e2.match(Ln);
if (!t2)
throw new Error("Illegal value for token color: " + e2);
e2 = t2[1].toUpperCase();
let n2 = this._color2id.get(e2);
return n2 || (n2 = ++this._lastColorId, this._color2id.set(e2, n2), this._id2color[n2] = En.a.fromHex("#" + e2), n2);
getColorMap() {
return this._id2color.slice(0);
class In {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._colorMap = e2, this._root = t2, this._cache = new Map();
static createFromRawTokenTheme(e2, t2) {
return this.createFromParsedTokenTheme(function(e3) {
if (!e3 || !Array.isArray(e3))
return [];
let t3 = [], n2 = 0;
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = e3.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
let o3 = e3[i2], r2 = -1;
if ("string" == typeof o3.fontStyle) {
r2 = 0;
let e4 = o3.fontStyle.split(" ");
for (let t4 = 0, n3 = e4.length; t4 < n3; t4++) {
switch (e4[t4]) {
case "italic":
r2 |= 1;
case "bold":
r2 |= 2;
case "underline":
r2 |= 4;
let s2 = null;
"string" == typeof o3.foreground && (s2 = o3.foreground);
let a2 = null;
"string" == typeof o3.background && (a2 = o3.background), t3[n2++] = new Tn(o3.token || "", i2, r2, s2, a2);
return t3;
}(e2), t2);
static createFromParsedTokenTheme(e2, t2) {
return function(e3, t3) {
e3.sort((e4, t4) => {
let n3 = function(e5, t5) {
if (e5 < t5)
return -1;
if (e5 > t5)
return 1;
return 0;
}(e4.token, t4.token);
return 0 !== n3 ? n3 : e4.index - t4.index;
let n2 = 0, i2 = "000000", o2 = "ffffff";
for (; e3.length >= 1 && "" === e3[0].token; ) {
let t4 = e3.shift();
-1 !== t4.fontStyle && (n2 = t4.fontStyle), null !== t4.foreground && (i2 = t4.foreground), null !== t4.background && (o2 = t4.background);
let r2 = new Nn();
for (let e4 of t3)
let s2 = r2.getId(i2), a2 = r2.getId(o2), l2 = new Dn(n2, s2, a2), c2 = new An(l2);
for (let t4 = 0, n3 = e3.length; t4 < n3; t4++) {
let n4 = e3[t4];
c2.insert(n4.token, n4.fontStyle, r2.getId(n4.foreground), r2.getId(n4.background));
return new In(r2, c2);
}(e2, t2);
getColorMap() {
return this._colorMap.getColorMap();
_match(e2) {
return this._root.match(e2);
match(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._cache.get(t2);
if (void 0 === n2) {
let e3 = this._match(t2), i2 = function(e4) {
let t3 = e4.match(On);
if (!t3)
return 0;
switch (t3[1]) {
case "comment":
return 1;
case "string":
return 2;
case "regex":
case "regexp":
return 4;
throw new Error("Unexpected match for standard token type!");
n2 = (e3.metadata | i2 << 8) >>> 0, this._cache.set(t2, n2);
return (n2 | e2 << 0) >>> 0;
const On = /\b(comment|string|regex|regexp)\b/;
class Dn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._fontStyle = e2, this._foreground = t2, this._background = n2, this.metadata = (this._fontStyle << 11 | this._foreground << 14 | this._background << 23) >>> 0;
clone() {
return new Dn(this._fontStyle, this._foreground, this._background);
acceptOverwrite(e2, t2, n2) {
-1 !== e2 && (this._fontStyle = e2), 0 !== t2 && (this._foreground = t2), 0 !== n2 && (this._background = n2), this.metadata = (this._fontStyle << 11 | this._foreground << 14 | this._background << 23) >>> 0;
class An {
constructor(e2) {
this._mainRule = e2, this._children = new Map();
match(e2) {
if ("" === e2)
return this._mainRule;
let t2, n2, i2 = e2.indexOf(".");
-1 === i2 ? (t2 = e2, n2 = "") : (t2 = e2.substring(0, i2), n2 = e2.substring(i2 + 1));
let o2 = this._children.get(t2);
return void 0 !== o2 ? o2.match(n2) : this._mainRule;
insert(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if ("" === e2)
return void this._mainRule.acceptOverwrite(t2, n2, i2);
let o2, r2, s2 = e2.indexOf(".");
-1 === s2 ? (o2 = e2, r2 = "") : (o2 = e2.substring(0, s2), r2 = e2.substring(s2 + 1));
let a2 = this._children.get(o2);
void 0 === a2 && (a2 = new An(this._mainRule.clone()), this._children.set(o2, a2)), a2.insert(r2, t2, n2, i2);
var Rn = n(57), Mn = n(5);
const Pn = {base: "vs", inherit: false, rules: [{token: "", foreground: "000000", background: "fffffe"}, {token: "invalid", foreground: "cd3131"}, {token: "emphasis", fontStyle: "italic"}, {token: "strong", fontStyle: "bold"}, {token: "variable", foreground: "001188"}, {token: "variable.predefined", foreground: "4864AA"}, {token: "constant", foreground: "dd0000"}, {token: "comment", foreground: "008000"}, {token: "number", foreground: "098658"}, {token: "number.hex", foreground: "3030c0"}, {token: "regexp", foreground: "800000"}, {token: "annotation", foreground: "808080"}, {token: "type", foreground: "008080"}, {token: "delimiter", foreground: "000000"}, {token: "delimiter.html", foreground: "383838"}, {token: "delimiter.xml", foreground: "0000FF"}, {token: "tag", foreground: "800000"}, {token: "", foreground: "4F76AC"}, {token: "tag.class.pug", foreground: "4F76AC"}, {token: "meta.scss", foreground: "800000"}, {token: "metatag", foreground: "e00000"}, {token: "metatag.content.html", foreground: "FF0000"}, {token: "metatag.html", foreground: "808080"}, {token: "metatag.xml", foreground: "808080"}, {token: "metatag.php", fontStyle: "bold"}, {token: "key", foreground: "863B00"}, {token: "string.key.json", foreground: "A31515"}, {token: "string.value.json", foreground: "0451A5"}, {token: "", foreground: "FF0000"}, {token: "attribute.value", foreground: "0451A5"}, {token: "attribute.value.number", foreground: "098658"}, {token: "attribute.value.unit", foreground: "098658"}, {token: "attribute.value.html", foreground: "0000FF"}, {token: "attribute.value.xml", foreground: "0000FF"}, {token: "string", foreground: "A31515"}, {token: "string.html", foreground: "0000FF"}, {token: "string.sql", foreground: "FF0000"}, {token: "string.yaml", foreground: "0451A5"}, {token: "keyword", foreground: "0000FF"}, {token: "keyword.json", foreground: "0451A5"}, {token: "keyword.flow", foreground: "AF00DB"}, {token: "keyword.flow.scss", foreground: "0000FF"}, {token: "operator.scss", foreground: "666666"}, {token: "operator.sql", foreground: "778899"}, {token: "operator.swift", foreground: "666666"}, {token: "predefined.sql", foreground: "FF00FF"}], colors: {[Mn.s]: "#FFFFFE", [Mn.B]: "#000000", [Mn.J]: "#E5EBF1", [Rn.h]: "#D3D3D3", [Rn.a]: "#939393", [Mn.Q]: "#ADD6FF4D"}}, Fn = {base: "vs-dark", inherit: false, rules: [{token: "", foreground: "D4D4D4", background: "1E1E1E"}, {token: "invalid", foreground: "f44747"}, {token: "emphasis", fontStyle: "italic"}, {token: "strong", fontStyle: "bold"}, {token: "variable", foreground: "74B0DF"}, {token: "variable.predefined", foreground: "4864AA"}, {token: "variable.parameter", foreground: "9CDCFE"}, {token: "constant", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "comment", foreground: "608B4E"}, {token: "number", foreground: "B5CEA8"}, {token: "number.hex", foreground: "5BB498"}, {token: "regexp", foreground: "B46695"}, {token: "annotation", foreground: "cc6666"}, {token: "type", foreground: "3DC9B0"}, {token: "delimiter", foreground: "DCDCDC"}, {token: "delimiter.html", foreground: "808080"}, {token: "delimiter.xml", foreground: "808080"}, {token: "tag", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "", foreground: "4F76AC"}, {token: "tag.class.pug", foreground: "4F76AC"}, {token: "meta.scss", foreground: "A79873"}, {token: "meta.tag", foreground: "CE9178"}, {token: "metatag", foreground: "DD6A6F"}, {token: "metatag.content.html", foreground: "9CDCFE"}, {token: "metatag.html", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "metatag.xml", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "metatag.php", fontStyle: "bold"}, {token: "key", foreground: "9CDCFE"}, {token: "string.key.json", foreground: "9CDCFE"}, {token: "string.value.json", foreground: "CE9178"}, {token: "", foreground: "9CDCFE"}, {token: "attribute.value", foreground: "CE9178"}, {token: "attribute.value.number.css", foreground: "B5CEA8"}, {token: "attribute.value.unit.css", foreground: "B5CEA8"}, {token: "attribute.value.hex.css", foreground: "D4D4D4"}, {token: "string", foreground: "CE9178"}, {token: "string.sql", foreground: "FF0000"}, {token: "keyword", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "keyword.flow", foreground: "C586C0"}, {token: "keyword.json", foreground: "CE9178"}, {token: "keyword.flow.scss", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "operator.scss", foreground: "909090"}, {token: "operator.sql", foreground: "778899"}, {token: "operator.swift", foreground: "909090"}, {token: "predefined.sql", foreground: "FF00FF"}], colors: {[Mn.s]: "#1E1E1E", [Mn.B]: "#D4D4D4", [Mn.J]: "#3A3D41", [Rn.h]: "#404040", [Rn.a]: "#707070", [Mn.Q]: "#ADD6FF26"}}, Wn = {base: "hc-black", inherit: false, rules: [{token: "", foreground: "FFFFFF", background: "000000"}, {token: "invalid", foreground: "f44747"}, {token: "emphasis", fontStyle: "italic"}, {token: "strong", fontStyle: "bold"}, {token: "variable", foreground: "1AEBFF"}, {token: "variable.parameter", foreground: "9CDCFE"}, {token: "constant", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "comment", foreground: "608B4E"}, {token: "number", foreground: "FFFFFF"}, {token: "regexp", foreground: "C0C0C0"}, {token: "annotation", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "type", foreground: "3DC9B0"}, {token: "delimiter", foreground: "FFFF00"}, {token: "delimiter.html", foreground: "FFFF00"}, {token: "tag", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "", foreground: "4F76AC"}, {token: "tag.class.pug", foreground: "4F76AC"}, {token: "meta", foreground: "D4D4D4"}, {token: "meta.tag", foreground: "CE9178"}, {token: "metatag", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "metatag.content.html", foreground: "1AEBFF"}, {token: "metatag.html", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "metatag.xml", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "metatag.php", fontStyle: "bold"}, {token: "key", foreground: "9CDCFE"}, {token: "string.key", foreground: "9CDCFE"}, {token: "string.value", foreground: "CE9178"}, {token: "", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "attribute.value", foreground: "3FF23F"}, {token: "string", foreground: "CE9178"}, {token: "string.sql", foreground: "FF0000"}, {token: "keyword", foreground: "569CD6"}, {token: "keyword.flow", foreground: "C586C0"}, {token: "operator.sql", foreground: "778899"}, {token: "operator.swift", foreground: "909090"}, {token: "predefined.sql", foreground: "FF00FF"}], colors: {[Mn.s]: "#000000", [Mn.B]: "#FFFFFF", [Rn.h]: "#FFFFFF", [Rn.a]: "#FFFFFF"}};
var zn = n(154);
const Bn =, jn =;
class Vn {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.semanticHighlighting = false, this.themeData = t2;
let n2 = t2.base;
e2.length > 0 ? ( = n2 + " " + e2, this.themeName = e2) : ( = n2, this.themeName = n2), this.colors = null, this.defaultColors = Object.create(null), this._tokenTheme = null;
get base() {
return this.themeData.base;
notifyBaseUpdated() {
this.themeData.inherit && (this.colors = null, this._tokenTheme = null);
getColors() {
if (!this.colors) {
const e2 = new Map();
for (let t2 in this.themeData.colors)
e2.set(t2, En.a.fromHex(this.themeData.colors[t2]));
if (this.themeData.inherit) {
let t2 = Hn(this.themeData.base);
for (let n2 in t2.colors)
e2.has(n2) || e2.set(n2, En.a.fromHex(t2.colors[n2]));
this.colors = e2;
return this.colors;
getColor(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.getColors().get(e2);
return n2 || (false !== t2 ? this.getDefault(e2) : void 0);
getDefault(e2) {
let t2 = this.defaultColors[e2];
return t2 || (t2 = Bn.resolveDefaultColor(e2, this), this.defaultColors[e2] = t2, t2);
defines(e2) {
return, e2);
get type() {
switch (this.base) {
case "vs":
return "light";
case "hc-black":
return "hc";
return "dark";
get tokenTheme() {
if (!this._tokenTheme) {
let e2 = [], t2 = [];
if (this.themeData.inherit) {
let n2 = Hn(this.themeData.base);
e2 = n2.rules, n2.encodedTokensColors && (t2 = n2.encodedTokensColors);
e2 = e2.concat(this.themeData.rules), this.themeData.encodedTokensColors && (t2 = this.themeData.encodedTokensColors), this._tokenTheme = In.createFromRawTokenTheme(e2, t2);
return this._tokenTheme;
getTokenStyleMetadata(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.tokenTheme._match([e2].concat(t2).join(".")).metadata, o2 = k.B.getForeground(i2), r2 = k.B.getFontStyle(i2);
return {foreground: o2, italic: Boolean(1 & r2), bold: Boolean(2 & r2), underline: Boolean(4 & r2)};
function Un(e2) {
return "vs" === e2 || "vs-dark" === e2 || "hc-black" === e2;
function Hn(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case "vs":
return Pn;
case "vs-dark":
return Fn;
case "hc-black":
return Wn;
function qn(e2) {
let t2 = Hn(e2);
return new Vn(e2, t2);
class $n extends I.a {
constructor() {
super(), this._onColorThemeChange = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDidColorThemeChange = this._onColorThemeChange.event, this._environment = Object.create(null), this._knownThemes = new Map(), this._knownThemes.set("vs", qn("vs")), this._knownThemes.set("vs-dark", qn("vs-dark")), this._knownThemes.set("hc-black", qn("hc-black")), this._codiconCSS = zn.a.getCSS(), this._themeCSS = "", this._allCSS = `${this._codiconCSS}
${this._themeCSS}`, this._globalStyleElement = null, this._styleElements = [], this.setTheme("vs"), zn.a.onDidChange(() => {
this._codiconCSS = zn.a.getCSS(), this._updateCSS();
registerEditorContainer(e2) {
return a.O(e2) ? this._registerShadowDomContainer(e2) : this._registerRegularEditorContainer();
_registerRegularEditorContainer() {
return this._globalStyleElement || (this._globalStyleElement = a.v(), this._globalStyleElement.className = "monaco-colors", this._globalStyleElement.innerHTML = this._allCSS, this._styleElements.push(this._globalStyleElement)), I.a.None;
_registerShadowDomContainer(e2) {
const t2 = a.v(e2);
return t2.className = "monaco-colors", t2.innerHTML = this._allCSS, this._styleElements.push(t2), {dispose: () => {
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < this._styleElements.length; e3++)
if (this._styleElements[e3] === t2)
return void this._styleElements.splice(e3, 1);
defineTheme(e2, t2) {
if (!/^[a-z0-9\-]+$/i.test(e2))
throw new Error("Illegal theme name!");
if (!Un(t2.base) && !Un(e2))
throw new Error("Illegal theme base!");
this._knownThemes.set(e2, new Vn(e2, t2)), Un(e2) && this._knownThemes.forEach((t3) => {
t3.base === e2 && t3.notifyBaseUpdated();
}), this._theme && this._theme.themeName === e2 && this.setTheme(e2);
getColorTheme() {
return this._theme;
setTheme(e2) {
let t2;
if (t2 = this._knownThemes.has(e2) ? this._knownThemes.get(e2) : this._knownThemes.get("vs"), this._theme === t2)
this._theme = t2;
let n2 = [], i2 = {}, o2 = {addRule: (e3) => {
i2[e3] || (n2.push(e3), i2[e3] = true);
jn.getThemingParticipants().forEach((e3) => e3(t2, o2, this._environment));
let r2 = t2.tokenTheme.getColorMap();
return o2.addRule(function(e3) {
let t3 = [];
for (let n3 = 1, i3 = e3.length; n3 < i3; n3++) {
let i4 = e3[n3];
t3[n3] = `.mtk${n3} { color: ${i4}; }`;
return t3.push(".mtki { font-style: italic; }"), t3.push(".mtkb { font-weight: bold; }"), t3.push(".mtku { text-decoration: underline; text-underline-position: under; }"), t3.join("\n");
}(r2)), this._themeCSS = n2.join("\n"), this._updateCSS(), k.C.setColorMap(r2),,;
_updateCSS() {
this._allCSS = `${this._codiconCSS}
${this._themeCSS}`, this._styleElements.forEach((e2) => e2.innerHTML = this._allCSS);
getFileIconTheme() {
return {hasFileIcons: false, hasFolderIcons: false, hidesExplorerArrows: false};
var Kn = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Gn = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
class Yn {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._id = e2, this._parent = t2, this._value = Object.create(null), this._value._contextId = e2;
setValue(e2, t2) {
return this._value[e2] !== t2 && (this._value[e2] = t2, true);
removeValue(e2) {
return e2 in this._value && (delete this._value[e2], true);
getValue(e2) {
const t2 = this._value[e2];
return void 0 === t2 && this._parent ? this._parent.getValue(e2) : t2;
class Zn extends Yn {
constructor() {
super(-1, null);
setValue(e2, t2) {
return false;
removeValue(e2) {
return false;
getValue(e2) {
Zn.INSTANCE = new Zn();
class Xn extends Yn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, null), this._configurationService = t2, this._values = new Map(), this._listener = this._configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
if (6 === e3.source) {
const e4 = Array.from(this._values.keys());
this._values.clear(), ei(e4));
} else {
const t3 = [];
for (const n3 of e3.affectedKeys) {
const e4 = "config." + n3;
this._values.has(e4) && (this._values.delete(e4), t3.push(e4));
} ei(t3));
dispose() {
getValue(e2) {
if (0 !== e2.indexOf(Xn._keyPrefix))
return super.getValue(e2);
if (this._values.has(e2))
return this._values.get(e2);
const t2 = e2.substr(Xn._keyPrefix.length), n2 = this._configurationService.getValue(t2);
let i2 = void 0;
switch (typeof n2) {
case "number":
case "boolean":
case "string":
i2 = n2;
Array.isArray(n2) && (i2 = JSON.stringify(n2));
return this._values.set(e2, i2), i2;
setValue(e2, t2) {
return super.setValue(e2, t2);
removeValue(e2) {
return super.removeValue(e2);
Xn._keyPrefix = "config.";
class Qn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._service = e2, this._key = t2, this._defaultValue = n2, this.reset();
set(e2) {
this._service.setContext(this._key, e2);
reset() {
void 0 === this._defaultValue ? this._service.removeContext(this._key) : this._service.setContext(this._key, this._defaultValue);
get() {
return this._service.getContextKeyValue(this._key);
class Jn {
constructor(e2) {
this.key = e2;
affectsSome(e2) {
return e2.has(this.key);
class ei {
constructor(e2) {
this.keys = e2;
affectsSome(e2) {
for (const t2 of this.keys)
if (e2.has(t2))
return true;
return false;
class ti {
constructor(e2) { = e2;
affectsSome(e2) {
for (const t2 of
if (t2.affectsSome(e2))
return true;
return false;
class ni {
constructor(e2) {
this._onDidChangeContext = new Oe.d({merge: (e3) => new ti(e3)}), this._isDisposed = false, this._myContextId = e2;
createKey(e2, t2) {
if (this._isDisposed)
throw new Error("AbstractContextKeyService has been disposed");
return new Qn(this, e2, t2);
get onDidChangeContext() {
return this._onDidChangeContext.event;
bufferChangeEvents(e2) {
try {
} finally {
createScoped(e2) {
if (this._isDisposed)
throw new Error("AbstractContextKeyService has been disposed");
return new oi(this, e2);
contextMatchesRules(e2) {
if (this._isDisposed)
throw new Error("AbstractContextKeyService has been disposed");
const t2 = this.getContextValuesContainer(this._myContextId);
return Ye.contextMatchesRules(t2, e2);
getContextKeyValue(e2) {
if (!this._isDisposed)
return this.getContextValuesContainer(this._myContextId).getValue(e2);
setContext(e2, t2) {
if (this._isDisposed)
const n2 = this.getContextValuesContainer(this._myContextId);
n2 && n2.setValue(e2, t2) && Jn(e2));
removeContext(e2) {
this._isDisposed || this.getContextValuesContainer(this._myContextId).removeValue(e2) && Jn(e2));
getContext(e2) {
return this._isDisposed ? Zn.INSTANCE : this.getContextValuesContainer(function(e3) {
for (; e3; ) {
if (e3.hasAttribute("data-keybinding-context")) {
const t2 = e3.getAttribute("data-keybinding-context");
return t2 ? parseInt(t2, 10) : NaN;
e3 = e3.parentElement;
return 0;
let ii = class extends ni {
constructor(e2) {
super(0), this._contexts = new Map(), this._toDispose = new I.b(), this._lastContextId = 0;
const t2 = new Xn(this._myContextId, e2, this._onDidChangeContext);
this._contexts.set(this._myContextId, t2), this._toDispose.add(t2);
dispose() {
this._isDisposed = true, this._toDispose.dispose();
getContextValuesContainer(e2) {
return this._isDisposed ? Zn.INSTANCE : this._contexts.get(e2) || Zn.INSTANCE;
createChildContext(e2 = this._myContextId) {
if (this._isDisposed)
throw new Error("ContextKeyService has been disposed");
let t2 = ++this._lastContextId;
return this._contexts.set(t2, new Yn(t2, this.getContextValuesContainer(e2))), t2;
disposeContext(e2) {
this._isDisposed || this._contexts.delete(e2);
ii = Kn([Gn(0, ze.a)], ii);
class oi extends ni {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2.createChildContext()), this._parent = e2, t2 && (this._domNode = t2, this._domNode.setAttribute("data-keybinding-context", String(this._myContextId)));
dispose() {
this._isDisposed = true, this._parent.disposeContext(this._myContextId), this._domNode && (this._domNode.removeAttribute("data-keybinding-context"), this._domNode = void 0);
get onDidChangeContext() {
return Oe.b.any(this._parent.onDidChangeContext, this._onDidChangeContext.event);
getContextValuesContainer(e2) {
return this._isDisposed ? Zn.INSTANCE : this._parent.getContextValuesContainer(e2);
createChildContext(e2 = this._myContextId) {
if (this._isDisposed)
throw new Error("ScopedContextKeyService has been disposed");
return this._parent.createChildContext(e2);
disposeContext(e2) {
this._isDisposed || this._parent.disposeContext(e2);
p.a.registerCommand(Mt.d, function(e2, t2, n2) {
e2.get(Mt.b).createKey(String(t2), n2);
var ri = n(60), si = n(116), ai = n(105), li = (n(261), n(99)), ci = n(138);
function di(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = n2.offset + n2.size;
return 0 === n2.position ? t2 <= e2 - i2 ? i2 : t2 <= n2.offset ? n2.offset - t2 : Math.max(e2 - t2, 0) : t2 <= n2.offset ? n2.offset - t2 : t2 <= e2 - i2 ? i2 : 0;
class hi extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this.container = null, this.delegate = null, this.toDisposeOnClean = I.a.None, this.toDisposeOnSetContainer = I.a.None, this.shadowRoot = null, this.shadowRootHostElement = null, this.view = a.a(".context-view"), this.useFixedPosition = false, this.useShadowDOM = false, a.K(this.view), this.setContainer(e2, t2), this._register(Object(I.h)(() => this.setContainer(null, 1)));
setContainer(e2, t2) {
if (this.container && (this.toDisposeOnSetContainer.dispose(), this.shadowRoot ? (this.shadowRoot.removeChild(this.view), this.shadowRoot = null, a.S(this.shadowRootHostElement), this.shadowRootHostElement = null) : this.container.removeChild(this.view), this.container = null), e2) {
this.container = e2, this.useFixedPosition = 1 !== t2, this.useShadowDOM = 3 === t2, this.useShadowDOM ? (this.shadowRootHostElement = a.a(".shadow-root-host"), this.container.appendChild(this.shadowRootHostElement), this.shadowRoot = this.shadowRootHostElement.attachShadow({mode: "open"}), this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
`, this.shadowRoot.appendChild(this.view), this.shadowRoot.appendChild(a.a("slot"))) : this.container.appendChild(this.view);
const n2 = new I.b();
hi.BUBBLE_UP_EVENTS.forEach((e3) => {
n2.add(a.n(this.container, e3, (e4) => {
this.onDOMEvent(e4, false);
}), hi.BUBBLE_DOWN_EVENTS.forEach((e3) => {
n2.add(a.n(this.container, e3, (e4) => {
this.onDOMEvent(e4, true);
}, true));
}), this.toDisposeOnSetContainer = n2;
show(e2) {
this.isVisible() && this.hide(), a.s(this.view), this.view.className = "context-view", = "0px", = "0px", = "2500", = this.useFixedPosition ? "fixed" : "absolute", a.Z(this.view), this.toDisposeOnClean = e2.render(this.view) || I.a.None, this.delegate = e2, this.doLayout(), this.delegate.focus && this.delegate.focus();
getViewElement() {
return this.view;
layout() {
this.isVisible() && (false !== this.delegate.canRelayout || D.c && ci.a.pointerEvents ? (this.delegate.layout && this.delegate.layout(), this.doLayout()) : this.hide());
doLayout() {
if (!this.isVisible())
let e2, t2 = this.delegate.getAnchor();
if (a.M(t2)) {
let n3 = a.C(t2);
e2 = {top:, left: n3.left, width: n3.width, height: n3.height};
} else
e2 = {top: t2.y, left: t2.x, width: t2.width || 1, height: t2.height || 2};
const n2 = a.H(this.view), i2 = a.G(this.view), o2 = this.delegate.anchorPosition || 0, r2 = this.delegate.anchorAlignment || 0, s2 = {offset: - window.pageYOffset, size: e2.height, position: 0 === o2 ? 0 : 1};
let l2;
l2 = 0 === r2 ? {offset: e2.left, size: 0, position: 0} : {offset: e2.left + e2.width, size: 0, position: 1};
const c2 = di(window.innerHeight, i2, s2) + window.pageYOffset;
li.a.intersects({start: c2, end: c2 + i2}, {start: s2.offset, end: s2.offset + s2.size}) && (l2.size = e2.width, 1 === r2 && (l2.offset = e2.left));
const d2 = di(window.innerWidth, n2, l2);
a.R(this.view, "top", "bottom", "left", "right"), a.e(this.view, 0 === o2 ? "bottom" : "top"), a.e(this.view, 0 === r2 ? "left" : "right"), a.ab(this.view, "fixed", this.useFixedPosition);
const h2 = a.C(this.container); = c2 - (this.useFixedPosition ? a.C(this.view).top : + "px", = d2 - (this.useFixedPosition ? a.C(this.view).left : h2.left) + "px", = "initial";
hide(e2) {
const t2 = this.delegate;
this.delegate = null, (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.onHide) && t2.onHide(e2), this.toDisposeOnClean.dispose(), a.K(this.view);
isVisible() {
return !!this.delegate;
onDOMEvent(e2, t2) {
this.delegate && (this.delegate.onDOMEvent ? this.delegate.onDOMEvent(e2, document.activeElement) : t2 && !a.L(, this.container) && this.hide());
dispose() {
this.hide(), super.dispose();
hi.BUBBLE_UP_EVENTS = ["click", "keydown", "focus", "blur"], hi.BUBBLE_DOWN_EVENTS = ["click"];
let ui = `
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var pi = n(17), mi = n(123), gi = n(34), fi = n(69);
const bi = /\(&([^\s&])\)|(^|[^&])&([^\s&])/, _i = /(&amp;)?(&amp;)([^\s&])/g, vi = Object(pi.e)("menu-selection", pi.a.check), wi = Object(pi.e)("menu-submenu", pi.a.chevronRight);
var yi;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Right = 0] = "Right", e2[e2.Left = 1] = "Left";
}(yi || (yi = {}));
class Ci extends si.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = {}) {
Object(a.e)(e2, "monaco-menu-container"), e2.setAttribute("role", "presentation");
const i2 = document.createElement("div");
Object(a.e)(i2, "monaco-menu"), i2.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), super(i2, {orientation: 2, actionViewItemProvider: (e3) => this.doGetActionViewItem(e3, n2, o2), context: n2.context, actionRunner: n2.actionRunner, ariaLabel: n2.ariaLabel, triggerKeys: {keys: [3, ...D.f || D.d ? [10] : []], keyDown: true}}), this.menuElement = i2, this.actionsList.setAttribute("role", "menu"), this.actionsList.tabIndex = 0, this.menuDisposables = this._register(new I.b()), this.initializeStyleSheet(e2), Object(a.i)(i2, a.c.KEY_DOWN, (e3) => {
new Ie.a(e3).equals(2) && e3.preventDefault();
}), n2.enableMnemonics && this.menuDisposables.add(Object(a.i)(i2, a.c.KEY_DOWN, (e3) => {
const t3 = e3.key.toLocaleLowerCase();
if (this.mnemonics.has(t3)) {
a.b.stop(e3, true);
const n3 = this.mnemonics.get(t3);
if (1 === n3.length && (n3[0] instanceof Si && n3[0].container && this.focusItemByElement(n3[0].container), n3[0].onClick(e3)), n3.length > 1) {
const e4 = n3.shift();
e4 && e4.container && (this.focusItemByElement(e4.container), n3.push(e4)), this.mnemonics.set(t3, n3);
})), D.d && this._register(Object(a.i)(i2, a.c.KEY_DOWN, (e3) => {
const t3 = new Ie.a(e3);
t3.equals(14) || t3.equals(11) ? (this.focusedItem = this.viewItems.length - 1, this.focusNext(), a.b.stop(e3, true)) : (t3.equals(13) || t3.equals(12)) && (this.focusedItem = 0, this.focusPrevious(), a.b.stop(e3, true));
})), this._register(Object(a.i)(this.domNode, a.c.MOUSE_OUT, (e3) => {
let t3 = e3.relatedTarget;
Object(a.L)(t3, this.domNode) || (this.focusedItem = void 0, this.updateFocus(), e3.stopPropagation());
})), this._register(Object(a.i)(this.actionsList, a.c.MOUSE_OVER, (e3) => {
let t3 =;
if (t3 && Object(a.L)(t3, this.actionsList) && t3 !== this.actionsList) {
for (; t3.parentElement !== this.actionsList && null !== t3.parentElement; )
t3 = t3.parentElement;
if (Object(a.I)(t3, "action-item")) {
const e4 = this.focusedItem;
this.setFocusedItem(t3), e4 !== this.focusedItem && this.updateFocus();
let o2 = {parent: this};
this.mnemonics = new Map(), this.scrollableElement = this._register(new ai.a(i2, {alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: true, horizontal: 2, vertical: 3, verticalScrollbarSize: 7, handleMouseWheel: true, useShadows: true}));
const r2 = this.scrollableElement.getDomNode(); = "", this._register(Object(a.i)(r2, a.c.MOUSE_UP, (e3) => {
})), = Math.max(10, window.innerHeight - e2.getBoundingClientRect().top - 35) + "px", t2 = t2.filter((e3) => {
var t3;
return !(null === (t3 = n2.submenuIds) || void 0 === t3 ? void 0 : t3.has( || (console.warn("Found submenu cycle: " +, false);
}), this.push(t2, {icon: true, label: true, isMenu: true}), e2.appendChild(this.scrollableElement.getDomNode()), this.scrollableElement.scanDomNode(), this.viewItems.filter((e3) => !(e3 instanceof ki)).forEach((e3, t3, n3) => {
e3.updatePositionInSet(t3 + 1, n3.length);
initializeStyleSheet(e2) {
Object(a.O)(e2) ? (this.styleSheet = Object(a.v)(e2), this.styleSheet.innerHTML = Ei) : (Ci.globalStyleSheet || (Ci.globalStyleSheet = Object(a.v)(), Ci.globalStyleSheet.innerHTML = Ei), this.styleSheet = Ci.globalStyleSheet);
style(e2) {
const t2 = this.getContainer(), n2 = e2.foregroundColor ? "" + e2.foregroundColor : "", i2 = e2.backgroundColor ? "" + e2.backgroundColor : "", o2 = e2.borderColor ? "1px solid " + e2.borderColor : "", r2 = e2.shadowColor ? "0 2px 4px " + e2.shadowColor : ""; = o2, = n2, = i2, = r2, this.viewItems && this.viewItems.forEach((t3) => {
(t3 instanceof xi || t3 instanceof ki) &&;
getContainer() {
return this.scrollableElement.getDomNode();
get onScroll() {
return this.scrollableElement.onScroll;
focusItemByElement(e2) {
const t2 = this.focusedItem;
this.setFocusedItem(e2), t2 !== this.focusedItem && this.updateFocus();
setFocusedItem(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this.actionsList.children.length; t2++) {
if (e2 === this.actionsList.children[t2]) {
this.focusedItem = t2;
updateFocus(e2) {
super.updateFocus(e2, true), void 0 !== this.focusedItem && this.scrollableElement.setScrollPosition({scrollTop: Math.round(this.menuElement.scrollTop)});
doGetActionViewItem(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2 instanceof ri.c)
return new ki(t2.context, e2, {icon: true});
if (e2 instanceof ri.d) {
const i2 = new Si(e2, e2.actions, n2, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t2), {submenuIds: new Set([...t2.submenuIds || [],])}));
if (t2.enableMnemonics) {
const e3 = i2.getMnemonic();
if (e3 && i2.isEnabled()) {
let t3 = [];
this.mnemonics.has(e3) && (t3 = this.mnemonics.get(e3)), t3.push(i2), this.mnemonics.set(e3, t3);
return i2;
const n3 = {enableMnemonics: t2.enableMnemonics, useEventAsContext: t2.useEventAsContext};
if (t2.getKeyBinding) {
const i3 = t2.getKeyBinding(e2);
if (i3) {
const e3 = i3.getLabel();
e3 && (n3.keybinding = e3);
const i2 = new xi(t2.context, e2, n3);
if (t2.enableMnemonics) {
const e3 = i2.getMnemonic();
if (e3 && i2.isEnabled()) {
let t3 = [];
this.mnemonics.has(e3) && (t3 = this.mnemonics.get(e3)), t3.push(i2), this.mnemonics.set(e3, t3);
return i2;
class xi extends mi.b {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = {}) {
if (n2.isMenu = true, super(t2, t2, n2), this.options = n2, this.options.icon = void 0 !== n2.icon && n2.icon, this.options.label = void 0 === n2.label || n2.label, this.cssClass = "", this.options.label && n2.enableMnemonics) {
let e3 = this.getAction().label;
if (e3) {
let t3 = bi.exec(e3);
t3 && (this.mnemonic = (t3[1] ? t3[1] : t3[3]).toLocaleLowerCase());
this.runOnceToEnableMouseUp = new N.d(() => {
this.element && (this._register(Object(a.i)(this.element, a.c.MOUSE_UP, (e3) => {
if (a.b.stop(e3, true), gi.h) {
if (new fi.a(e3).rightButton)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
})), this._register(Object(a.i)(this.element, a.c.CONTEXT_MENU, (e3) => {
a.b.stop(e3, true);
}, 100), this._register(this.runOnceToEnableMouseUp);
render(e2) {
super.render(e2), this.element && (this.container = e2, this.item = Object(a.p)(this.element, Object(a.a)("a.action-menu-item")), === ri.c.ID ? this.item.setAttribute("role", "presentation") : (this.item.setAttribute("role", "menuitem"), this.mnemonic && this.item.setAttribute("aria-keyshortcuts", "" + this.mnemonic)), this.check = Object(a.p)(this.item, Object(a.a)("" + vi.cssSelector)), this.check.setAttribute("role", "none"), this.label = Object(a.p)(this.item, Object(a.a)("span.action-label")), this.options.label && this.options.keybinding && (Object(a.p)(this.item, Object(a.a)("span.keybinding")).textContent = this.options.keybinding), this.runOnceToEnableMouseUp.schedule(), this.updateClass(), this.updateLabel(), this.updateTooltip(), this.updateEnabled(), this.updateChecked());
blur() {
super.blur(), this.applyStyle();
focus() {
super.focus(), this.item && this.item.focus(), this.applyStyle();
updatePositionInSet(e2, t2) {
this.item && (this.item.setAttribute("aria-posinset", "" + e2), this.item.setAttribute("aria-setsize", "" + t2));
updateLabel() {
if (this.label && this.options.label) {
let e2 = Object(pi.h)(this.getAction().label);
if (e2) {
const t2 = function(e3) {
const t3 = bi, n3 = t3.exec(e3);
if (!n3)
return e3;
const i2 = !n3[1];
return e3.replace(t3, i2 ? "$2$3" : "").trim();
this.options.enableMnemonics || (e2 = t2), this.label.setAttribute("aria-label", t2.replace(/&&/g, "&"));
const n2 = bi.exec(e2);
if (n2) {
e2 = B.u(e2), _i.lastIndex = 0;
let t3 = _i.exec(e2);
for (; t3 && t3[1]; )
t3 = _i.exec(e2);
const i2 = (e3) => e3.replace(/&amp;&amp;/g, "&amp;");
t3 ? this.label.append(B.K(i2(e2.substr(0, t3.index)), " "), Object(a.a)("u", {"aria-hidden": "true"}, t3[3]), B.Q(i2(e2.substr(t3.index + t3[0].length)), " ")) : this.label.innerText = i2(e2).trim(), this.item && this.item.setAttribute("aria-keyshortcuts", (n2[1] ? n2[1] : n2[3]).toLocaleLowerCase());
} else
this.label.innerText = e2.replace(/&&/g, "&").trim();
updateTooltip() {
let e2 = null;
this.getAction().tooltip ? e2 = this.getAction().tooltip : !this.options.label && this.getAction().label && this.options.icon && (e2 = this.getAction().label, this.options.keybinding && (e2 = Ke.a({key: "titleLabel", comment: ["action title", "action keybinding"]}, "{0} ({1})", e2, this.options.keybinding))), e2 && this.item && (this.item.title = e2);
updateClass() {
this.cssClass && this.item && Object(a.R)(this.item, this.cssClass), this.options.icon && this.label ? (this.cssClass = this.getAction().class || "", Object(a.e)(this.label, "icon"), this.cssClass && Object(a.f)(this.label, this.cssClass), this.updateEnabled()) : this.label && Object(a.Q)(this.label, "icon");
updateEnabled() {
this.getAction().enabled ? (this.element && Object(a.Q)(this.element, "disabled"), this.item && (Object(a.Q)(this.item, "disabled"), this.item.tabIndex = 0)) : (this.element && Object(a.e)(this.element, "disabled"), this.item && (Object(a.e)(this.item, "disabled"), Object(a.T)(this.item)));
updateChecked() {
this.item && (this.getAction().checked ? (Object(a.e)(this.item, "checked"), this.item.setAttribute("role", "menuitemcheckbox"), this.item.setAttribute("aria-checked", "true")) : (Object(a.Q)(this.item, "checked"), this.item.setAttribute("role", "menuitem"), this.item.setAttribute("aria-checked", "false")));
getMnemonic() {
return this.mnemonic;
applyStyle() {
if (!this.menuStyle)
const e2 = this.element && Object(a.I)(this.element, "focused"), t2 = e2 && this.menuStyle.selectionForegroundColor ? this.menuStyle.selectionForegroundColor : this.menuStyle.foregroundColor, n2 = e2 && this.menuStyle.selectionBackgroundColor ? this.menuStyle.selectionBackgroundColor : void 0, i2 = e2 && this.menuStyle.selectionBorderColor ? "thin solid " + this.menuStyle.selectionBorderColor : "";
this.item && ( = t2 ? t2.toString() : "", = n2 ? n2.toString() : ""), this.check && ( = t2 ? t2.toString() : ""), this.container && ( = i2);
style(e2) {
this.menuStyle = e2, this.applyStyle();
class Si extends xi {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(e2, e2, i2), this.submenuActions = t2, this.parentData = n2, this.submenuOptions = i2, this.mysubmenu = null, this.submenuDisposables = this._register(new I.b()), this.mouseOver = false, this.expandDirection = i2 && void 0 !== i2.expandDirection ? i2.expandDirection : yi.Right, this.showScheduler = new N.d(() => {
this.mouseOver && (this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(false), this.createSubmenu(false));
}, 250), this.hideScheduler = new N.d(() => {
this.element && !Object(a.L)(Object(a.x)(), this.element) && this.parentData.submenu === this.mysubmenu && (this.parentData.parent.focus(false), this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(true));
}, 750);
render(e2) {
super.render(e2), this.element && (this.item && (Object(a.e)(this.item, "monaco-submenu-item"), this.item.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "true"), this.updateAriaExpanded("false"), this.submenuIndicator = Object(a.p)(this.item, Object(a.a)("span.submenu-indicator" + wi.cssSelector)), this.submenuIndicator.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true")), this._register(Object(a.i)(this.element, a.c.KEY_UP, (e3) => {
let t2 = new Ie.a(e3);
(t2.equals(17) || t2.equals(3)) && (a.b.stop(e3, true), this.createSubmenu(true));
})), this._register(Object(a.i)(this.element, a.c.KEY_DOWN, (e3) => {
let t2 = new Ie.a(e3);
Object(a.x)() === this.item && (t2.equals(17) || t2.equals(3)) && a.b.stop(e3, true);
})), this._register(Object(a.i)(this.element, a.c.MOUSE_OVER, (e3) => {
this.mouseOver || (this.mouseOver = true, this.showScheduler.schedule());
})), this._register(Object(a.i)(this.element, a.c.MOUSE_LEAVE, (e3) => {
this.mouseOver = false;
})), this._register(Object(a.i)(this.element, a.c.FOCUS_OUT, (e3) => {
this.element && !Object(a.L)(Object(a.x)(), this.element) && this.hideScheduler.schedule();
})), this._register(this.parentData.parent.onScroll(() => {
this.parentData.parent.focus(false), this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(false);
onClick(e2) {
a.b.stop(e2, true), this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(false), this.createSubmenu(true);
cleanupExistingSubmenu(e2) {
if (this.parentData.submenu && (e2 || this.parentData.submenu !== this.mysubmenu)) {
try {
} catch (e3) {
this.parentData.submenu = void 0, this.updateAriaExpanded("false"), this.submenuContainer && (this.submenuDisposables.clear(), this.submenuContainer = void 0);
calculateSubmenuMenuLayout(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = {top: 0, left: 0};
return o2.left = di(e2.width, t2.width, {position: i2 === yi.Right ? 0 : 1, offset: n2.left, size: n2.width}), o2.left >= n2.left && o2.left < n2.left + n2.width && (n2.left + 10 + t2.width <= e2.width && (o2.left = n2.left + 10), += 10, n2.height = 0), = di(e2.height, t2.height, {position: 0, offset:, size: 0}), + t2.height === && + n2.height + t2.height <= e2.height && ( += n2.height), o2;
createSubmenu(e2 = true) {
if (this.element)
if (this.parentData.submenu)
else {
this.updateAriaExpanded("true"), this.submenuContainer = Object(a.p)(this.element, Object(a.a)("div.monaco-submenu")), Object(a.f)(this.submenuContainer, "menubar-menu-items-holder", "context-view");
const t2 = getComputedStyle(this.parentData.parent.domNode), n2 = parseFloat(t2.paddingTop || "0") || 0; = "1", = "fixed", = "0", = "0", this.parentData.submenu = new Ci(this.submenuContainer, this.submenuActions, this.submenuOptions), this.menuStyle &&;
const i2 = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(), o2 = {top: - n2, left: i2.left, height: i2.height + 2 * n2, width: i2.width}, r2 = this.submenuContainer.getBoundingClientRect(), {top: s2, left: l2} = this.calculateSubmenuMenuLayout({height: window.innerHeight, width: window.innerWidth}, r2, o2, this.expandDirection); = l2 + "px", = s2 + "px", this.submenuDisposables.add(Object(a.i)(this.submenuContainer, a.c.KEY_UP, (e3) => {
new Ie.a(e3).equals(15) && (a.b.stop(e3, true), this.parentData.parent.focus(), this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(true));
})), this.submenuDisposables.add(Object(a.i)(this.submenuContainer, a.c.KEY_DOWN, (e3) => {
new Ie.a(e3).equals(15) && a.b.stop(e3, true);
})), this.submenuDisposables.add(this.parentData.submenu.onDidCancel(() => {
this.parentData.parent.focus(), this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(true);
})), this.parentData.submenu.focus(e2), this.mysubmenu = this.parentData.submenu;
updateAriaExpanded(e2) {
var t2;
this.item && (null === (t2 = this.item) || void 0 === t2 || t2.setAttribute("aria-expanded", e2));
applyStyle() {
if (super.applyStyle(), !this.menuStyle)
const e2 = this.element && Object(a.I)(this.element, "focused") && this.menuStyle.selectionForegroundColor ? this.menuStyle.selectionForegroundColor : this.menuStyle.foregroundColor;
this.submenuIndicator && ( = e2 ? "" + e2 : ""), this.parentData.submenu &&;
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this.hideScheduler.dispose(), this.mysubmenu && (this.mysubmenu.dispose(), this.mysubmenu = null), this.submenuContainer && (this.submenuContainer = void 0);
class ki extends mi.a {
style(e2) {
this.label && ( = e2.separatorColor ? "" + e2.separatorColor : "");
let Ei = `
.monaco-menu {
font-size: 13px;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar {
text-align: right;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar .actions-container {
display: flex;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
justify-content: flex-end;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .actions-container {
display: inline-block;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.reverse .actions-container {
flex-direction: row-reverse;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar .action-item {
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
transition: transform 50ms ease;
position: relative; /* DO NOT REMOVE - this is the key to preventing the ghosting icon bug in Chrome 42 */
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar .action-item.disabled {
cursor: default;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.animated {
transform: scale(1.272019649, 1.272019649); /* 1.272019649 = √φ */
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar .action-item .icon,
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar .action-item .codicon {
display: inline-block;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar .action-item .codicon {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar .action-label {
font-size: 11px;
margin-right: 4px;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar .action-item.disabled .action-label,
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar .action-item.disabled .action-label:hover {
opacity: 0.4;
/* Vertical actions */
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical {
text-align: left;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-item {
display: block;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-label.separator {
display: block;
border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb;
padding-top: 1px;
margin-left: .8em;
margin-right: .8em;
.monaco-menu .secondary-actions .monaco-action-bar .action-label {
margin-left: 6px;
/* Action Items */
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar {
overflow: hidden; /* somehow the dropdown overflows its container, we prevent it here to not push */
flex: 1;
max-width: 170px;
min-width: 60px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-right: 10px;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical {
margin-left: 0;
overflow: visible;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .actions-container {
display: block;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-item {
padding: 0;
transform: none;
display: flex;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical {
transform: none;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-menu-item {
flex: 1 1 auto;
display: flex;
height: 2em;
align-items: center;
position: relative;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-label {
flex: 1 1 auto;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 0 1em;
background: none;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 1;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .keybinding,
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .submenu-indicator {
display: inline-block;
flex: 2 1 auto;
padding: 0 1em;
text-align: right;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 1;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .submenu-indicator {
height: 100%;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .submenu-indicator.codicon {
font-size: 16px !important;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .submenu-indicator.codicon::before {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: -20px;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-item.disabled .keybinding,
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-item.disabled .submenu-indicator {
opacity: 0.4;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-label:not(.separator) {
display: inline-block;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-item {
position: static;
overflow: visible;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-item .monaco-submenu {
position: absolute;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-label.separator {
padding: 0.5em 0 0 0;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
width: 100%;
height: 0px !important;
margin-left: .8em !important;
margin-right: .8em !important;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-label.separator.text {
padding: 0.7em 1em 0.1em 1em;
font-weight: bold;
opacity: 1;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-label:hover {
color: inherit;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .menu-item-check {
position: absolute;
visibility: hidden;
width: 1em;
height: 100%;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-menu-item.checked .menu-item-check {
visibility: visible;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
/* Context Menu */
.context-view.monaco-menu-container {
outline: 0;
border: none;
animation: fadeIn 0.083s linear;
.context-view.monaco-menu-container :focus,
.context-view.monaco-menu-container .monaco-action-bar.vertical:focus,
.context-view.monaco-menu-container .monaco-action-bar.vertical :focus {
outline: 0;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-item {
border: thin solid transparent; /* prevents jumping behaviour on hover or focus */
/* High Contrast Theming */
:host-context(.hc-black) .context-view.monaco-menu-container {
box-shadow: none;
:host-context(.hc-black) .monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-item.focused {
background: none;
/* Vertical Action Bar Styles */
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical {
padding: .5em 0;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-menu-item {
height: 1.8em;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-label:not(.separator),
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .keybinding {
font-size: inherit;
padding: 0 2em;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .menu-item-check {
font-size: inherit;
width: 2em;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-label.separator {
font-size: inherit;
padding: 0.2em 0 0 0;
margin-bottom: 0.2em;
:host-context(.linux) .monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-label.separator {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .submenu-indicator {
font-size: 60%;
padding: 0 1.8em;
:host-context(.linux) .monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .submenu-indicator {
height: 100%;
mask-size: 10px 10px;
-webkit-mask-size: 10px 10px;
.monaco-menu .action-item {
cursor: default;
/* Arrows */
.monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .scra {
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 11px !important;
.monaco-scrollable-element > .visible {
opacity: 1;
/* Background rule added for IE9 - to allow clicks on dom node */
transition: opacity 100ms linear;
.monaco-scrollable-element > .invisible {
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
.monaco-scrollable-element > .invisible.fade {
transition: opacity 800ms linear;
/* Scrollable Content Inset Shadow */
.monaco-scrollable-element > .shadow {
position: absolute;
display: none;
.monaco-scrollable-element > {
display: block;
top: 0;
left: 3px;
height: 3px;
width: 100%;
box-shadow: #DDD 0 6px 6px -6px inset;
.monaco-scrollable-element > .shadow.left {
display: block;
top: 3px;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 3px;
box-shadow: #DDD 6px 0 6px -6px inset;
.monaco-scrollable-element > {
display: block;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 3px;
width: 3px;
.monaco-scrollable-element > {
box-shadow: #DDD 6px 6px 6px -6px inset;
/* ---------- Default Style ---------- */
:host-context(.vs) .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider {
background: rgba(100, 100, 100, .4);
:host-context(.vs-dark) .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider {
background: rgba(121, 121, 121, .4);
:host-context(.hc-black) .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider {
background: rgba(111, 195, 223, .6);
.monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider:hover {
background: rgba(100, 100, 100, .7);
:host-context(.hc-black) .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider:hover {
background: rgba(111, 195, 223, .8);
.monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .6);
:host-context(.vs-dark) .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > {
background: rgba(191, 191, 191, .4);
:host-context(.hc-black) .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > {
background: rgba(111, 195, 223, 1);
:host-context(.vs-dark) .monaco-scrollable-element {
box-shadow: none;
:host-context(.vs-dark) .monaco-scrollable-element .shadow.left {
box-shadow: #000 6px 0 6px -6px inset;
:host-context(.vs-dark) .monaco-scrollable-element {
box-shadow: #000 6px 6px 6px -6px inset;
:host-context(.hc-black) .monaco-scrollable-element {
box-shadow: none;
:host-context(.hc-black) .monaco-scrollable-element .shadow.left {
box-shadow: none;
:host-context(.hc-black) .monaco-scrollable-element {
box-shadow: none;
var Ti = n(93), Li = n(44);
class Ni {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.contextViewService = e2, this.telemetryService = t2, this.notificationService = n2, this.keybindingService = i2, this.themeService = o2, this.focusToReturn = null, this.block = null, this.options = {blockMouse: true};
configure(e2) {
this.options = e2;
showContextMenu(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getActions();
if (!t2.length)
let n2;
this.focusToReturn = document.activeElement;
let i2 = Object(a.M)(e2.domForShadowRoot) ? e2.domForShadowRoot : void 0;
this.contextViewService.showContextView({getAnchor: () => e2.getAnchor(), canRelayout: false, anchorAlignment: e2.anchorAlignment, render: (i3) => {
let o2 = e2.getMenuClassName ? e2.getMenuClassName() : "";
o2 && (i3.className += " " + o2), this.options.blockMouse && (this.block = i3.appendChild(Object(a.a)(".context-view-block")), = "fixed", = "initial", = "0", = "0", = "100%", = "100%", = "-1", Object(Li.a)(this.block, a.c.MOUSE_DOWN)((e3) => e3.stopPropagation()));
const r2 = new I.b(), s2 = e2.actionRunner || new ri.b();
return s2.onDidBeforeRun(this.onActionRun, this, r2), s2.onDidRun(this.onDidActionRun, this, r2), n2 = new Ci(i3, t2, {actionViewItemProvider: e2.getActionViewItem, context: e2.getActionsContext ? e2.getActionsContext() : null, actionRunner: s2, getKeyBinding: e2.getKeyBinding ? e2.getKeyBinding : (e3) => this.keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(}), r2.add(Object(Ti.c)(n2, this.themeService)), n2.onDidCancel(() => this.contextViewService.hideContextView(true), null, r2), n2.onDidBlur(() => this.contextViewService.hideContextView(true), null, r2), Object(Li.a)(window, a.c.BLUR)(() => {
}, null, r2), Object(Li.a)(window, a.c.MOUSE_DOWN)((e3) => {
if (e3.defaultPrevented)
let t3 = new fi.a(e3), n3 =;
if (!t3.rightButton) {
for (; n3; ) {
if (n3 === i3)
n3 = n3.parentElement;
}, null, r2), Object(I.e)(r2, n2);
}, focus: () => {
n2 && n2.focus(!!e2.autoSelectFirstItem);
}, onHide: (t3) => {
e2.onHide && e2.onHide(!!t3), this.block && (Object(a.S)(this.block), this.block = null), this.focusToReturn && this.focusToReturn.focus();
}}, i2, !!i2);
onActionRun(e2) {
this.telemetryService && this.telemetryService.publicLog2("workbenchActionExecuted", {id:, from: "contextMenu"}), this.contextViewService.hideContextView(false), this.focusToReturn && this.focusToReturn.focus();
onDidActionRun(e2) {
e2.error && this.notificationService && this.notificationService.error(e2.error);
var Ii = n(120), Oi = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Di = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Ai = class extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
super(), this._onDidContextMenu = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDidContextMenu = this._onDidContextMenu.event, this.contextMenuHandler = new Ni(n2, e2, t2, i2, o2);
configure(e2) {
showContextMenu(e2) {
Ai = Oi([Di(0, Ii.a), Di(1, st.a), Di(2, Pt.b), Di(3, Wt.a), Di(4, zt.c)], Ai);
const Ri = Object(Ft.c)("layoutService");
var Mi = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Pi = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Fi = class extends I.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.layoutService = e2, this.currentViewDisposable = I.a.None, this.container = e2.container, this.contextView = this._register(new hi(this.container, 1)), this.layout(), this._register(e2.onLayout(() => this.layout()));
setContainer(e2, t2) {
this.contextView.setContainer(e2, t2 || 1);
showContextView(e2, t2, n2) {
t2 ? t2 !== this.container && (this.container = t2, this.setContainer(t2, n2 ? 3 : 2)) : this.container !== this.layoutService.container && (this.container = this.layoutService.container, this.setContainer(this.container, 1)),;
const i2 = Object(I.h)(() => {
this.currentViewDisposable === i2 && this.hideContextView();
return this.currentViewDisposable = i2, i2;
getContextViewElement() {
return this.contextView.getViewElement();
layout() {
hideContextView(e2) {
Fi = Mi([Pi(0, Ri)], Fi);
var Wi = n(171);
class zi {
constructor(e2) {
this.incoming = new Map(), this.outgoing = new Map(), = e2;
class Bi {
constructor(e2) {
this._hashFn = e2, this._nodes = new Map();
roots() {
const e2 = [];
for (let t2 of this._nodes.values())
0 === t2.outgoing.size && e2.push(t2);
return e2;
insertEdge(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.lookupOrInsertNode(e2), i2 = this.lookupOrInsertNode(t2);
n2.outgoing.set(this._hashFn(t2), i2), i2.incoming.set(this._hashFn(e2), n2);
removeNode(e2) {
const t2 = this._hashFn(e2);
for (let e3 of this._nodes.values())
e3.outgoing.delete(t2), e3.incoming.delete(t2);
lookupOrInsertNode(e2) {
const t2 = this._hashFn(e2);
let n2 = this._nodes.get(t2);
return n2 || (n2 = new zi(e2), this._nodes.set(t2, n2)), n2;
isEmpty() {
return 0 === this._nodes.size;
toString() {
let e2 = [];
for (let [t2, n2] of this._nodes)
e2.push(`${t2}, (incoming)[${[...n2.incoming.keys()].join(", ")}], (outgoing)[${[...n2.outgoing.keys()].join(",")}]`);
return e2.join("\n");
var ji = n(163), Vi = n(149);
class Ui extends Error {
constructor(e2) {
super("cyclic dependency between services"), this.message = e2.toString();
class Hi {
constructor(e2 = new Vi.a(), t2 = false, n2) {
this._services = e2, this._strict = t2, this._parent = n2, this._services.set(Ft.a, this);
createChild(e2) {
return new Hi(e2, this._strict, this);
invokeFunction(e2, ...t2) {
let n2 = qi.traceInvocation(e2), i2 = false;
try {
return e2({get: (e3, t3) => {
if (i2)
throw Object(H.c)("service accessor is only valid during the invocation of its target method");
const o2 = this._getOrCreateServiceInstance(e3, n2);
if (!o2 && t3 !== Ft.d)
throw new Error(`[invokeFunction] unknown service '${e3}'`);
return o2;
}}, ...t2);
} finally {
i2 = true, n2.stop();
createInstance(e2, ...t2) {
let n2, i2;
return e2 instanceof ji.a ? (n2 = qi.traceCreation(e2.ctor), i2 = this._createInstance(e2.ctor, e2.staticArguments.concat(t2), n2)) : (n2 = qi.traceCreation(e2), i2 = this._createInstance(e2, t2, n2)), n2.stop(), i2;
_createInstance(e2, t2 = [], n2) {
let i2 = Ft.b.getServiceDependencies(e2).sort((e3, t3) => e3.index - t3.index), o2 = [];
for (const t3 of i2) {
let i3 = this._getOrCreateServiceInstance(, n2);
if (!i3 && this._strict && !t3.optional)
throw new Error(`[createInstance] ${} depends on UNKNOWN service ${}.`);
let r2 = i2.length > 0 ? i2[0].index : t2.length;
if (t2.length !== r2) {
console.warn(`[createInstance] First service dependency of ${} at position ${r2 + 1} conflicts with ${t2.length} static arguments`);
let n3 = r2 - t2.length;
t2 = n3 > 0 ? t2.concat(new Array(n3)) : t2.slice(0, r2);
return new e2(...[...t2, ...o2]);
_setServiceInstance(e2, t2) {
if (this._services.get(e2) instanceof ji.a)
this._services.set(e2, t2);
else {
if (!this._parent)
throw new Error("illegalState - setting UNKNOWN service instance");
this._parent._setServiceInstance(e2, t2);
_getServiceInstanceOrDescriptor(e2) {
let t2 = this._services.get(e2);
return !t2 && this._parent ? this._parent._getServiceInstanceOrDescriptor(e2) : t2;
_getOrCreateServiceInstance(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._getServiceInstanceOrDescriptor(e2);
return n2 instanceof ji.a ? this._createAndCacheServiceInstance(e2, n2, t2.branch(e2, true)) : (t2.branch(e2, false), n2);
_createAndCacheServiceInstance(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = new Bi((e3) =>;
let o2 = 0;
const r2 = [{id: e2, desc: t2, _trace: n2}];
for (; r2.length; ) {
const t3 = r2.pop();
if (i2.lookupOrInsertNode(t3), o2++ > 1e3)
throw new Ui(i2);
for (let n3 of Ft.b.getServiceDependencies(t3.desc.ctor)) {
let o3 = this._getServiceInstanceOrDescriptor(;
if (o3 || n3.optional || console.warn(`[createInstance] ${e2} depends on ${} which is NOT registered.`), o3 instanceof ji.a) {
const e3 = {id:, desc: o3, _trace: t3._trace.branch(, true)};
i2.insertEdge(t3, e3), r2.push(e3);
for (; ; ) {
const e3 = i2.roots();
if (0 === e3.length) {
if (!i2.isEmpty())
throw new Ui(i2);
for (const {data: t3} of e3) {
const e4 = this._createServiceInstanceWithOwner(, t3.desc.ctor, t3.desc.staticArguments, t3.desc.supportsDelayedInstantiation, t3._trace);
this._setServiceInstance(, e4), i2.removeNode(t3);
return this._getServiceInstanceOrDescriptor(e2);
_createServiceInstanceWithOwner(e2, t2, n2 = [], i2, o2) {
if (this._services.get(e2) instanceof ji.a)
return this._createServiceInstance(t2, n2, i2, o2);
if (this._parent)
return this._parent._createServiceInstanceWithOwner(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
throw new Error("illegalState - creating UNKNOWN service instance " +;
_createServiceInstance(e2, t2 = [], n2, i2) {
if (n2) {
const n3 = new N.b(() => this._createInstance(e2, t2, i2));
return new Proxy(Object.create(null), {get(e3, t3) {
if (t3 in e3)
return e3[t3];
let i3 = n3.value, o2 = i3[t3];
return "function" != typeof o2 || (o2 = o2.bind(i3), e3[t3] = o2), o2;
}, set: (e3, t3, i3) => (n3.value[t3] = i3, true)});
return this._createInstance(e2, t2, i2);
class qi {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.type = e2, = t2, this._start =, this._dep = [];
static traceInvocation(e2) {
return qi._None;
static traceCreation(e2) {
return qi._None;
branch(e2, t2) {
let n2 = new qi(2, e2.toString());
return this._dep.push([e2, t2, n2]), n2;
stop() {
let e2 = - this._start;
qi._totals += e2;
let t2 = false;
let n2 = [`${0 === this.type ? "CREATE" : "CALL"} ${}`, "" + function e3(n3, i2) {
let o2 = [], r2 = new Array(n3 + 1).join(" ");
for (const [s2, a2, l2] of i2._dep)
if (a2 && l2) {
t2 = true, o2.push(`${r2}CREATES -> ${s2}`);
let i3 = e3(n3 + 1, l2);
i3 && o2.push(i3);
} else
o2.push(`${r2}uses -> ${s2}`);
return o2.join("\n");
}(1, this), `DONE, took ${e2.toFixed(2)}ms (grand total ${qi._totals.toFixed(2)}ms)`];
(e2 > 2 || t2) && console.log(n2.join("\n"));
qi._None = new class extends qi {
constructor() {
super(-1, null);
stop() {
branch() {
return this;
}(), qi._totals = 0;
var $i = n(159), Ki = n(136), Gi = n(63), Yi = n(37);
class Zi {
constructor() {
this._byResource = new Be.b(), this._byOwner = new Map();
set(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = this._byResource.get(e2);
i2 || (i2 = new Map(), this._byResource.set(e2, i2)), i2.set(t2, n2);
let o2 = this._byOwner.get(t2);
o2 || (o2 = new Be.b(), this._byOwner.set(t2, o2)), o2.set(e2, n2);
get(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._byResource.get(e2);
return null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.get(t2);
delete(e2, t2) {
let n2 = false, i2 = false, o2 = this._byResource.get(e2);
o2 && (n2 = o2.delete(t2));
let r2 = this._byOwner.get(t2);
if (r2 && (i2 = r2.delete(e2)), n2 !== i2)
throw new Error("illegal state");
return n2 && i2;
values(e2) {
var t2, n2, i2, o2;
return "string" == typeof e2 ? null !== (n2 = null === (t2 = this._byOwner.get(e2)) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.values()) && void 0 !== n2 ? n2 : Yi.a.empty() : u.a.isUri(e2) ? null !== (o2 = null === (i2 = this._byResource.get(e2)) || void 0 === i2 ? void 0 : i2.values()) && void 0 !== o2 ? o2 : Yi.a.empty() :, (e3) => e3[1]);
class Xi {
constructor(e2) {
this.errors = 0, this.infos = 0, this.warnings = 0, this.unknowns = 0, this._data = new Be.b(), this._service = e2, this._subscription = e2.onMarkerChanged(this._update, this);
dispose() {
_update(e2) {
for (const t2 of e2) {
const e3 = this._data.get(t2);
e3 && this._substract(e3);
const n2 = this._resourceStats(t2);
this._add(n2), this._data.set(t2, n2);
_resourceStats(e2) {
const t2 = {errors: 0, warnings: 0, infos: 0, unknowns: 0};
if (e2.scheme === d.b.inMemory || e2.scheme === d.b.walkThrough || e2.scheme === d.b.walkThroughSnippet)
return t2;
for (const {severity: n2} of{resource: e2}))
n2 === Gi.c.Error ? t2.errors += 1 : n2 === Gi.c.Warning ? t2.warnings += 1 : n2 === Gi.c.Info ? t2.infos += 1 : t2.unknowns += 1;
return t2;
_substract(e2) {
this.errors -= e2.errors, this.warnings -= e2.warnings, this.infos -= e2.infos, this.unknowns -= e2.unknowns;
_add(e2) {
this.errors += e2.errors, this.warnings += e2.warnings, this.infos += e2.infos, this.unknowns += e2.unknowns;
class Qi {
constructor() {
this._onMarkerChanged = new Oe.a(), this.onMarkerChanged = Oe.b.debounce(this._onMarkerChanged.event, Qi._debouncer, 0), this._data = new Zi(), this._stats = new Xi(this);
dispose() {
remove(e2, t2) {
for (const n2 of t2 || [])
this.changeOne(e2, n2, []);
changeOne(e2, t2, n2) {
if (Object(j.n)(n2)) {
this._data.delete(t2, e2) &&[t2]);
} else {
const i2 = [];
for (const o2 of n2) {
const n3 = Qi._toMarker(e2, t2, o2);
n3 && i2.push(n3);
this._data.set(t2, e2, i2),[t2]);
static _toMarker(e2, t2, n2) {
let {code: i2, severity: o2, message: r2, source: s2, startLineNumber: a2, startColumn: l2, endLineNumber: c2, endColumn: d2, relatedInformation: h2, tags: u2} = n2;
if (r2)
return a2 = a2 > 0 ? a2 : 1, l2 = l2 > 0 ? l2 : 1, c2 = c2 >= a2 ? c2 : a2, d2 = d2 > 0 ? d2 : l2, {resource: t2, owner: e2, code: i2, severity: o2, message: r2, source: s2, startLineNumber: a2, startColumn: l2, endLineNumber: c2, endColumn: d2, relatedInformation: h2, tags: u2};
read(e2 = Object.create(null)) {
let {owner: t2, resource: n2, severities: i2, take: o2} = e2;
if ((!o2 || o2 < 0) && (o2 = -1), t2 && n2) {
const e3 = this._data.get(n2, t2);
if (e3) {
const t3 = [];
for (const n3 of e3)
if (Qi._accept(n3, i2)) {
const e4 = t3.push(n3);
if (o2 > 0 && e4 === o2)
return t3;
return [];
if (t2 || n2) {
const e3 = this._data.values(null != n2 ? n2 : t2), r2 = [];
for (const t3 of e3)
for (const e4 of t3)
if (Qi._accept(e4, i2)) {
const t4 = r2.push(e4);
if (o2 > 0 && t4 === o2)
return r2;
return r2;
const e3 = [];
for (let t3 of this._data.values())
for (let n3 of t3)
if (Qi._accept(n3, i2)) {
const t4 = e3.push(n3);
if (o2 > 0 && t4 === o2)
return e3;
return e3;
static _accept(e2, t2) {
return void 0 === t2 || (t2 & e2.severity) === e2.severity;
static _debouncer(e2, t2) {
e2 || (Qi._dedupeMap = new Be.b(), e2 = []);
for (const n2 of t2)
Qi._dedupeMap.has(n2) || (Qi._dedupeMap.set(n2, true), e2.push(n2));
return e2;
var Ji = n(97), eo = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, to = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let no = class {
constructor(e2) {
this._commandService = e2;
createMenu(e2, t2) {
return new io(e2, this._commandService, t2, this);
no = eo([to(0, p.b)], no);
let io = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this._id = e3, this._commandService = t2, this._contextKeyService = n2, this._menuService = i2, this._onDidChange = new Oe.a(), this._dispoables = new I.b(), this._menuGroups = [], this._contextKeys = new Set(), this._build(), this._dispoables.add(Oe.b.debounce(Oe.b.filter(Rt.d.onDidChangeMenu, (e4) => e4.has(this._id)), () => {
}, 50)(this._build, this)), this._dispoables.add(Oe.b.debounce(this._contextKeyService.onDidChangeContext, (e4, t3) => e4 || t3.affectsSome(this._contextKeys), 50)((e4) => e4 && 0), this));
dispose() {
this._dispoables.dispose(), this._onDidChange.dispose();
_build() {
this._menuGroups.length = 0, this._contextKeys.clear();
const t2 = Rt.d.getMenuItems(this._id);
let n2;
for (let i2 of t2) {
const t3 = || "";
if (n2 && n2[0] === t3 || (n2 = [t3, []], this._menuGroups.push(n2)), n2[1].push(i2), e2._fillInKbExprKeys(i2.when, this._contextKeys), Object(Rt.f)(i2) && i2.command.precondition && e2._fillInKbExprKeys(i2.command.precondition, this._contextKeys), Object(Rt.f)(i2) && i2.command.toggled) {
const t4 = i2.command.toggled.condition || i2.command.toggled;
e2._fillInKbExprKeys(t4, this._contextKeys);
get onDidChange() {
return this._onDidChange.event;
getActions(e3) {
const t2 = [];
for (let n2 of this._menuGroups) {
const [i2, o2] = n2, r2 = [];
for (const t3 of o2)
if (this._contextKeyService.contextMatchesRules(t3.when)) {
const n3 = Object(Rt.f)(t3) ? new Rt.c(t3.command, t3.alt, e3, this._contextKeyService, this._commandService) : new Rt.e(t3, this._menuService, this._contextKeyService, e3);
r2.length > 0 && t2.push([i2, r2]);
return t2;
static _fillInKbExprKeys(e3, t2) {
if (e3)
for (let n2 of e3.keys())
static _compareMenuItems(t2, n2) {
let i2 =, o2 =;
if (i2 !== o2) {
if (!i2)
return 1;
if (!o2)
return -1;
if ("navigation" === i2)
return -1;
if ("navigation" === o2)
return 1;
let e3 = i2.localeCompare(o2);
if (0 !== e3)
return e3;
let r2 = t2.order || 0, s2 = n2.order || 0;
return r2 < s2 ? -1 : r2 > s2 ? 1 : e2._compareTitles(Object(Rt.f)(t2) ? t2.command.title : t2.title, Object(Rt.f)(n2) ? n2.command.title : n2.title);
static _compareTitles(e3, t2) {
const n2 = "string" == typeof e3 ? e3 : e3.value, i2 = "string" == typeof t2 ? t2 : t2.value;
return n2.localeCompare(i2);
io = eo([to(1, p.b), to(2, Mt.b), to(3, Rt.a)], io);
var oo = n(192), ro = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, so = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
function ao(e2) {
return e2.toString();
class lo extends I.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.model = e2, this._markersData = new Map(), this._register(Object(I.h)(() => {
this.model.deltaDecorations([...this._markersData.keys()], []), this._markersData.clear();
update(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [...this._markersData.keys()];
const i2 = this.model.deltaDecorations(n2, t2);
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < i2.length; t3++)
this._markersData.set(i2[t3], e2[t3]);
return 0 !== n2.length || 0 !== i2.length;
getMarker(e2) {
return this._markersData.get(;
let co = class extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._markerService = t2, this._onDidChangeMarker = this._register(new Oe.a()), this._markerDecorations = new Map(), e2.getModels().forEach((e3) => this._onModelAdded(e3)), this._register(e2.onModelAdded(this._onModelAdded, this)), this._register(e2.onModelRemoved(this._onModelRemoved, this)), this._register(this._markerService.onMarkerChanged(this._handleMarkerChange, this));
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._markerDecorations.forEach((e2) => e2.dispose()), this._markerDecorations.clear();
getMarker(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._markerDecorations.get(ao(e2.uri));
return n2 && n2.getMarker(t2) || null;
_handleMarkerChange(e2) {
e2.forEach((e3) => {
const t2 = this._markerDecorations.get(ao(e3));
t2 && this._updateDecorations(t2);
_onModelAdded(e2) {
const t2 = new lo(e2);
this._markerDecorations.set(ao(e2.uri), t2), this._updateDecorations(t2);
_onModelRemoved(e2) {
const t2 = this._markerDecorations.get(ao(e2.uri));
t2 && (t2.dispose(), this._markerDecorations.delete(ao(e2.uri))), e2.uri.scheme !== d.b.inMemory && e2.uri.scheme !== d.b.internal && e2.uri.scheme !== d.b.vscode || this._markerService &&{resource: e2.uri}).map((e3) => e3.owner).forEach((t3) => this._markerService.remove(t3, [e2.uri]));
_updateDecorations(e2) {
const t2 ={resource: e2.model.uri, take: 500});
let n2 = => ({range: this._createDecorationRange(e2.model, t3), options: this._createDecorationOption(t3)}));
e2.update(t2, n2) &&;
_createDecorationRange(e2, t2) {
let n2 = M.a.lift(t2);
if (t2.severity !== Gi.c.Hint || this._hasMarkerTag(t2, 1) || this._hasMarkerTag(t2, 2) || (n2 = n2.setEndPosition(n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn + 2)), n2 = e2.validateRange(n2), n2.isEmpty()) {
let t3 = e2.getWordAtPosition(n2.getStartPosition());
if (t3)
n2 = new M.a(n2.startLineNumber, t3.startColumn, n2.endLineNumber, t3.endColumn);
else {
let t4 = e2.getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(n2.startLineNumber) || e2.getLineMaxColumn(n2.startLineNumber);
1 === t4 || (n2 = n2.endColumn >= t4 ? new M.a(n2.startLineNumber, t4 - 1, n2.endLineNumber, t4) : new M.a(n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn + 1));
} else if (t2.endColumn === Number.MAX_VALUE && 1 === t2.startColumn && n2.startLineNumber === n2.endLineNumber) {
let i2 = e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(t2.startLineNumber);
i2 < n2.endColumn && (n2 = new M.a(n2.startLineNumber, i2, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn), t2.startColumn = i2);
return n2;
_createDecorationOption(e2) {
let t2, n2, i2, o2 = void 0, r2 = void 0;
switch (e2.severity) {
case Gi.c.Hint:
t2 = this._hasMarkerTag(e2, 2) ? void 0 : this._hasMarkerTag(e2, 1) ? "squiggly-unnecessary" : "squiggly-hint", n2 = 0;
case Gi.c.Warning:
t2 = "squiggly-warning", o2 = Object(zt.h)(Rn.t), n2 = 20, i2 = {color: Object(zt.h)(Mn.Tb), position: S.c.Inline};
case Gi.c.Info:
t2 = "squiggly-info", o2 = Object(zt.h)(Rn.r), n2 = 10;
case Gi.c.Error:
t2 = "squiggly-error", o2 = Object(zt.h)(Rn.q), n2 = 30, i2 = {color: Object(zt.h)(Mn.Nb), position: S.c.Inline};
return e2.tags && (-1 !== e2.tags.indexOf(1) && (r2 = "squiggly-inline-unnecessary"), -1 !== e2.tags.indexOf(2) && (r2 = "squiggly-inline-deprecated")), {stickiness: 1, className: t2, showIfCollapsed: true, overviewRuler: {color: o2, position: S.d.Right}, minimap: i2, zIndex: n2, inlineClassName: r2};
_hasMarkerTag(e2, t2) {
return !!e2.tags && e2.tags.indexOf(t2) >= 0;
co = ro([so(0, W.a), so(1, Gi.b)], co);
var ho = n(115), uo = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, po = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let mo = class extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._contextKeyService = e2, this._configurationService = t2, this._accessibilitySupport = 0, this._onDidChangeScreenReaderOptimized = new Oe.a(), this._accessibilityModeEnabledContext = Bt.a.bindTo(this._contextKeyService);
const n2 = () => this._accessibilityModeEnabledContext.set(this.isScreenReaderOptimized());
this._register(this._configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.affectsConfiguration("editor.accessibilitySupport") && (n2(),;
})), n2(), this.onDidChangeScreenReaderOptimized(() => n2());
get onDidChangeScreenReaderOptimized() {
return this._onDidChangeScreenReaderOptimized.event;
isScreenReaderOptimized() {
const e2 = this._configurationService.getValue("editor.accessibilitySupport");
return "on" === e2 || "auto" === e2 && 2 === this._accessibilitySupport;
getAccessibilitySupport() {
return this._accessibilitySupport;
mo = uo([po(0, Mt.b), po(1, ze.a)], mo);
var go = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class fo {
constructor() {
this.mapTextToType = new Map(), this.findText = "";
writeText(e2, t2) {
return go(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (t2)
return void this.mapTextToType.set(t2, e2);
try {
return yield navigator.clipboard.writeText(e2);
} catch (e3) {
const n2 = document.activeElement, i2 = document.body.appendChild(Object(a.a)("textarea", {"aria-hidden": true})); = "1px", = "1px", = "absolute", i2.value = e2, i2.focus(),, document.execCommand("copy"), n2 instanceof HTMLElement && n2.focus(), document.body.removeChild(i2);
readText(e2) {
return go(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (e2)
return this.mapTextToType.get(e2) || "";
try {
return yield navigator.clipboard.readText();
} catch (e3) {
return console.error(e3), "";
readFindText() {
return go(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return this.findText;
writeFindText(e2) {
return go(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
this.findText = e2;
var bo = n(150), _o = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, vo = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, wo = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
function yo(e2) {
return e2.scheme === d.b.file ? e2.fsPath : e2.path;
let Co = 0;
class xo {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) { = ++Co, this.type = 0, this.actual = e2, this.label = e2.label, this.resourceLabel = t2, this.strResource = n2, this.resourceLabels = [this.resourceLabel], this.strResources = [this.strResource], this.isValid = true;
setValid(e2) {
this.isValid = e2;
toString() {
return `[${}] [${this.isValid ? "VALID" : "INVALID"}] ${this.actual}`;
class So {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.resourceLabel = e2, this.reason = t2;
class ko {
constructor() {
this.elements = new Map();
createMessage() {
const e2 = [], t2 = [];
for (const [, n3] of this.elements) {
(0 === n3.reason ? e2 : t2).push(n3.resourceLabel);
let n2 = [];
return e2.length > 0 && n2.push(Ke.a({key: "externalRemoval", comment: ["{0} is a list of filenames"]}, "The following files have been closed and modified on disk: {0}.", e2.join(", "))), t2.length > 0 && n2.push(Ke.a({key: "noParallelUniverses", comment: ["{0} is a list of filenames"]}, "The following files have been modified in an incompatible way: {0}.", t2.join(", "))), n2.join("\n");
get size() {
return this.elements.size;
has(e2) {
return this.elements.has(e2);
set(e2, t2) {
this.elements.set(e2, t2);
delete(e2) {
return this.elements.delete(e2);
class Eo {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) { = ++Co, this.type = 1, this.actual = e2, this.label = e2.label, this.resourceLabels = t2, this.strResources = n2, this.removedResources = null, this.invalidatedResources = null;
canSplit() {
return "function" == typeof this.actual.split;
removeResource(e2, t2, n2) {
this.removedResources || (this.removedResources = new ko()), this.removedResources.has(t2) || this.removedResources.set(t2, new So(e2, n2));
setValid(e2, t2, n2) {
n2 ? this.invalidatedResources && (this.invalidatedResources.delete(t2), 0 === this.invalidatedResources.size && (this.invalidatedResources = null)) : (this.invalidatedResources || (this.invalidatedResources = new ko()), this.invalidatedResources.has(t2) || this.invalidatedResources.set(t2, new So(e2, 0)));
toString() {
return `[${}] [${this.invalidatedResources ? "INVALID" : "VALID"}] ${this.actual}`;
class To {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.resourceLabel = e2, this.strResource = t2, this._past = [], this._future = [], this.locked = false, this.versionId = 1;
dispose() {
for (const e2 of this._past)
1 === e2.type && e2.removeResource(this.resourceLabel, this.strResource, 0);
for (const e2 of this._future)
1 === e2.type && e2.removeResource(this.resourceLabel, this.strResource, 0);
toString() {
let e2 = [];
e2.push(`* ${this.strResource}:`);
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this._past.length; t2++)
e2.push(" * [UNDO] " + this._past[t2]);
for (let t2 = this._future.length - 1; t2 >= 0; t2--)
e2.push(" * [REDO] " + this._future[t2]);
return e2.join("\n");
flushAllElements() {
this._past = [], this._future = [], this.versionId++;
_setElementValidFlag(e2, t2) {
1 === e2.type ? e2.setValid(this.resourceLabel, this.strResource, t2) : e2.setValid(t2);
setElementsValidFlag(e2, t2) {
for (const n2 of this._past)
t2(n2.actual) && this._setElementValidFlag(n2, e2);
for (const n2 of this._future)
t2(n2.actual) && this._setElementValidFlag(n2, e2);
pushElement(e2) {
for (const e3 of this._future)
1 === e3.type && e3.removeResource(this.resourceLabel, this.strResource, 1);
if (this._future = [], this._past.length > 0) {
const e3 = this._past[this._past.length - 1];
0 !== e3.type || e3.isValid || (this._past = []);
this._past.push(e2), this.versionId++;
createSnapshot(e2) {
const t2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, n2 = this._past.length; e3 < n2; e3++)
for (let e3 = this._future.length - 1; e3 >= 0; e3--)
return new bo.b(e2, t2);
restoreSnapshot(e2) {
const t2 = e2.elements.length;
let n2 = true, i2 = 0, o2 = -1;
for (let r3 = 0, s2 = this._past.length; r3 < s2; r3++, i2++) {
const s3 = this._past[r3];
n2 && (i2 >= t2 || !== e2.elements[i2]) && (n2 = false, o2 = 0), n2 || 1 !== s3.type || s3.removeResource(this.resourceLabel, this.strResource, 0);
let r2 = -1;
for (let o3 = this._future.length - 1; o3 >= 0; o3--, i2++) {
const s2 = this._future[o3];
n2 && (i2 >= t2 || !== e2.elements[i2]) && (n2 = false, r2 = o3), n2 || 1 !== s2.type || s2.removeResource(this.resourceLabel, this.strResource, 0);
-1 !== o2 && (this._past = this._past.slice(0, o2)), -1 !== r2 && (this._future = this._future.slice(r2 + 1)), this.versionId++;
getElements() {
const e2 = [], t2 = [];
for (const t3 of this._past)
for (const e3 of this._future)
return {past: e2, future: t2};
getClosestPastElement() {
return 0 === this._past.length ? null : this._past[this._past.length - 1];
getClosestFutureElement() {
return 0 === this._future.length ? null : this._future[this._future.length - 1];
hasPastElements() {
return this._past.length > 0;
hasFutureElements() {
return this._future.length > 0;
splitPastWorkspaceElement(e2, t2) {
for (let n2 = this._past.length - 1; n2 >= 0; n2--)
if (this._past[n2] === e2) {
t2.has(this.strResource) ? this._past[n2] = t2.get(this.strResource) : this._past.splice(n2, 1);
splitFutureWorkspaceElement(e2, t2) {
for (let n2 = this._future.length - 1; n2 >= 0; n2--)
if (this._future[n2] === e2) {
t2.has(this.strResource) ? this._future[n2] = t2.get(this.strResource) : this._future.splice(n2, 1);
moveBackward(e2) {
this._past.pop(), this._future.push(e2), this.versionId++;
moveForward(e2) {
this._future.pop(), this._past.push(e2), this.versionId++;
class Lo {
constructor(e2) {
this.editStacks = e2, this._versionIds = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t2 = this.editStacks.length; e3 < t2; e3++)
this._versionIds[e3] = this.editStacks[e3].versionId;
isValid() {
for (let e2 = 0, t2 = this.editStacks.length; e2 < t2; e2++)
if (this._versionIds[e2] !== this.editStacks[e2].versionId)
return false;
return true;
const No = new To("", "");
No.locked = true;
let Io = class {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._dialogService = e2, this._notificationService = t2, this._editStacks = new Map(), this._uriComparisonKeyComputers = [];
getUriComparisonKey(e2) {
for (const t2 of this._uriComparisonKeyComputers)
if (t2[0] === e2.scheme)
return t2[1].getComparisonKey(e2);
return e2.toString();
_print(e2) {
console.log("------------------------------------"), console.log(`AFTER ${e2}: `);
let t2 = [];
for (const e3 of this._editStacks)
pushElement(e2) {
if (0 === e2.type) {
const t2 = yo(e2.resource), n2 = this.getUriComparisonKey(e2.resource);
this._pushElement(new xo(e2, t2, n2));
} else {
const t2 = new Set(), n2 = [], i2 = [];
for (const o2 of e2.resources) {
const e3 = yo(o2), r2 = this.getUriComparisonKey(o2);
t2.has(r2) || (t2.add(r2), n2.push(e3), i2.push(r2));
1 === n2.length ? this._pushElement(new xo(e2, n2[0], i2[0])) : this._pushElement(new Eo(e2, n2, i2));
_pushElement(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = e2.strResources.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
const n3 = e2.resourceLabels[t2], i2 = e2.strResources[t2];
let o2;
this._editStacks.has(i2) ? o2 = this._editStacks.get(i2) : (o2 = new To(n3, i2), this._editStacks.set(i2, o2)), o2.pushElement(e2);
getLastElement(e2) {
const t2 = this.getUriComparisonKey(e2);
if (this._editStacks.has(t2)) {
const e3 = this._editStacks.get(t2);
if (e3.hasFutureElements())
return null;
const n2 = e3.getClosestPastElement();
return n2 ? n2.actual : null;
return null;
_splitPastWorkspaceElement(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.actual.split(), i2 = new Map();
for (const e3 of n2) {
const t3 = yo(e3.resource), n3 = this.getUriComparisonKey(e3.resource), o2 = new xo(e3, t3, n3);
i2.set(o2.strResource, o2);
for (const n3 of e2.strResources) {
if (t2 && t2.has(n3))
this._editStacks.get(n3).splitPastWorkspaceElement(e2, i2);
_splitFutureWorkspaceElement(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.actual.split(), i2 = new Map();
for (const e3 of n2) {
const t3 = yo(e3.resource), n3 = this.getUriComparisonKey(e3.resource), o2 = new xo(e3, t3, n3);
i2.set(o2.strResource, o2);
for (const n3 of e2.strResources) {
if (t2 && t2.has(n3))
this._editStacks.get(n3).splitFutureWorkspaceElement(e2, i2);
removeElements(e2) {
const t2 = "string" == typeof e2 ? e2 : this.getUriComparisonKey(e2);
if (this._editStacks.has(t2)) {
this._editStacks.get(t2).dispose(), this._editStacks.delete(t2);
setElementsValidFlag(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getUriComparisonKey(e2);
if (this._editStacks.has(i2)) {
this._editStacks.get(i2).setElementsValidFlag(t2, n2);
createSnapshot(e2) {
const t2 = this.getUriComparisonKey(e2);
if (this._editStacks.has(t2)) {
return this._editStacks.get(t2).createSnapshot(e2);
return new bo.b(e2, []);
restoreSnapshot(e2) {
const t2 = this.getUriComparisonKey(e2.resource);
if (this._editStacks.has(t2)) {
const n2 = this._editStacks.get(t2);
n2.restoreSnapshot(e2), n2.hasPastElements() || n2.hasFutureElements() || (n2.dispose(), this._editStacks.delete(t2));
getElements(e2) {
const t2 = this.getUriComparisonKey(e2);
if (this._editStacks.has(t2)) {
return this._editStacks.get(t2).getElements();
return {past: [], future: []};
canUndo(e2) {
const t2 = this.getUriComparisonKey(e2);
if (this._editStacks.has(t2)) {
return this._editStacks.get(t2).hasPastElements();
return false;
_onError(e2, t2) {
for (const e3 of t2.strResources)
_acquireLocks(e2) {
for (const t2 of e2.editStacks)
if (t2.locked)
throw new Error("Cannot acquire edit stack lock");
for (const t2 of e2.editStacks)
t2.locked = true;
return () => {
for (const t2 of e2.editStacks)
t2.locked = false;
_safeInvokeWithLocks(e2, t2, n2, i2 = I.a.None) {
const o2 = this._acquireLocks(n2);
let r2;
try {
r2 = t2();
} catch (t3) {
return o2(), i2.dispose(), this._onError(t3, e2);
if (r2)
return r2.then(() => {
o2(), i2.dispose();
}, (t3) => (o2(), i2.dispose(), this._onError(t3, e2)));
o2(), i2.dispose();
_invokeWorkspacePrepare(e2) {
return wo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (void 0 === e2.actual.prepareUndoRedo)
return I.a.None;
const t2 = e2.actual.prepareUndoRedo();
return void 0 === t2 ? I.a.None : t2;
_invokeResourcePrepare(e2, t2) {
if (1 !== e2.actual.type || void 0 === e2.actual.prepareUndoRedo)
return void t2(I.a.None);
const n2 = e2.actual.prepareUndoRedo();
if (n2) {
if (!Object(I.g)(n2))
return n2.then((e3) => {
} else
_getAffectedEditStacks(e2) {
const t2 = [];
for (const n2 of e2.strResources)
t2.push(this._editStacks.get(n2) || No);
return new Lo(t2);
_tryToSplitAndUndo(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (t2.canSplit())
return this._splitPastWorkspaceElement(t2, n2),, new Oo(this.undo(e2));
for (const e3 of t2.strResources)
return, new Oo();
_checkWorkspaceUndo(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (t2.removedResources)
return this._tryToSplitAndUndo(e2, t2, t2.removedResources, Ke.a({key: "cannotWorkspaceUndo", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation. {1} is another message."]}, "Could not undo '{0}' across all files. {1}", t2.label, t2.removedResources.createMessage()));
if (i2 && t2.invalidatedResources)
return this._tryToSplitAndUndo(e2, t2, t2.invalidatedResources, Ke.a({key: "cannotWorkspaceUndo", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation. {1} is another message."]}, "Could not undo '{0}' across all files. {1}", t2.label, t2.invalidatedResources.createMessage()));
const o2 = [];
for (const e3 of n2.editStacks)
e3.getClosestPastElement() !== t2 && o2.push(e3.resourceLabel);
if (o2.length > 0)
return this._tryToSplitAndUndo(e2, t2, null, Ke.a({key: "cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToChanges", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation. {1} is a list of filenames."]}, "Could not undo '{0}' across all files because changes were made to {1}", t2.label, o2.join(", ")));
const r2 = [];
for (const e3 of n2.editStacks)
e3.locked && r2.push(e3.resourceLabel);
return r2.length > 0 ? this._tryToSplitAndUndo(e2, t2, null, Ke.a({key: "cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation. {1} is a list of filenames."]}, "Could not undo '{0}' across all files because there is already an undo or redo operation running on {1}", t2.label, r2.join(", "))) : n2.isValid() ? null : this._tryToSplitAndUndo(e2, t2, null, Ke.a({key: "cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation. {1} is a list of filenames."]}, "Could not undo '{0}' across all files because an undo or redo operation occurred in the meantime", t2.label));
_workspaceUndo(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._getAffectedEditStacks(t2), i2 = this._checkWorkspaceUndo(e2, t2, n2, false);
return i2 ? i2.returnValue : this._confirmAndExecuteWorkspaceUndo(e2, t2, n2);
_confirmAndExecuteWorkspaceUndo(e2, t2, n2) {
return wo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (t2.canSplit()) {
const i3 = yield, Ke.a("confirmWorkspace", "Would you like to undo '{0}' across all files?", t2.label), [Ke.a({key: "ok", comment: ["{0} denotes a number that is > 1"]}, "Undo in {0} Files", n2.editStacks.length), Ke.a("nok", "Undo this File"), Ke.a("cancel", "Cancel")], {cancelId: 2});
if (2 === i3.choice)
if (1 === i3.choice)
return this._splitPastWorkspaceElement(t2, null), this.undo(e2);
const o3 = this._checkWorkspaceUndo(e2, t2, n2, false);
if (o3)
return o3.returnValue;
let i2;
try {
i2 = yield this._invokeWorkspacePrepare(t2);
} catch (e3) {
return this._onError(e3, t2);
const o2 = this._checkWorkspaceUndo(e2, t2, n2, true);
if (o2)
return i2.dispose(), o2.returnValue;
for (const e3 of n2.editStacks)
return this._safeInvokeWithLocks(t2, () => t2.actual.undo(), n2, i2);
_resourceUndo(e2, t2) {
if (t2.isValid) {
if (!e2.locked)
return this._invokeResourcePrepare(t2, (n2) => (e2.moveBackward(t2), this._safeInvokeWithLocks(t2, () => t2.actual.undo(), new Lo([e2]), n2)));
const e3 = Ke.a({key: "cannotResourceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation."]}, "Could not undo '{0}' because there is already an undo or redo operation running.", t2.label);;
} else
undo(e2) {
const t2 = "string" == typeof e2 ? e2 : this.getUriComparisonKey(e2);
if (!this._editStacks.has(t2))
const n2 = this._editStacks.get(t2), i2 = n2.getClosestPastElement();
if (i2)
try {
return 1 === i2.type ? this._workspaceUndo(t2, i2) : this._resourceUndo(n2, i2);
} finally {
canRedo(e2) {
const t2 = this.getUriComparisonKey(e2);
if (this._editStacks.has(t2)) {
return this._editStacks.get(t2).hasFutureElements();
return false;
_tryToSplitAndRedo(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (t2.canSplit())
return this._splitFutureWorkspaceElement(t2, n2),, new Oo(this.redo(e2));
for (const e3 of t2.strResources)
return, new Oo();
_checkWorkspaceRedo(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (t2.removedResources)
return this._tryToSplitAndRedo(e2, t2, t2.removedResources, Ke.a({key: "cannotWorkspaceRedo", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation. {1} is another message."]}, "Could not redo '{0}' across all files. {1}", t2.label, t2.removedResources.createMessage()));
if (i2 && t2.invalidatedResources)
return this._tryToSplitAndRedo(e2, t2, t2.invalidatedResources, Ke.a({key: "cannotWorkspaceRedo", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation. {1} is another message."]}, "Could not redo '{0}' across all files. {1}", t2.label, t2.invalidatedResources.createMessage()));
const o2 = [];
for (const e3 of n2.editStacks)
e3.getClosestFutureElement() !== t2 && o2.push(e3.resourceLabel);
if (o2.length > 0)
return this._tryToSplitAndRedo(e2, t2, null, Ke.a({key: "cannotWorkspaceRedoDueToChanges", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation. {1} is a list of filenames."]}, "Could not redo '{0}' across all files because changes were made to {1}", t2.label, o2.join(", ")));
const r2 = [];
for (const e3 of n2.editStacks)
e3.locked && r2.push(e3.resourceLabel);
return r2.length > 0 ? this._tryToSplitAndRedo(e2, t2, null, Ke.a({key: "cannotWorkspaceRedoDueToInProgressUndoRedo", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation. {1} is a list of filenames."]}, "Could not redo '{0}' across all files because there is already an undo or redo operation running on {1}", t2.label, r2.join(", "))) : n2.isValid() ? null : this._tryToSplitAndRedo(e2, t2, null, Ke.a({key: "cannotWorkspaceRedoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation. {1} is a list of filenames."]}, "Could not redo '{0}' across all files because an undo or redo operation occurred in the meantime", t2.label));
_workspaceRedo(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._getAffectedEditStacks(t2), i2 = this._checkWorkspaceRedo(e2, t2, n2, false);
return i2 ? i2.returnValue : this._executeWorkspaceRedo(e2, t2, n2);
_executeWorkspaceRedo(e2, t2, n2) {
return wo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let i2;
try {
i2 = yield this._invokeWorkspacePrepare(t2);
} catch (e3) {
return this._onError(e3, t2);
const o2 = this._checkWorkspaceRedo(e2, t2, n2, true);
if (o2)
return i2.dispose(), o2.returnValue;
for (const e3 of n2.editStacks)
return this._safeInvokeWithLocks(t2, () => t2.actual.redo(), n2, i2);
_resourceRedo(e2, t2) {
if (t2.isValid) {
if (!e2.locked)
return this._invokeResourcePrepare(t2, (n2) => (e2.moveForward(t2), this._safeInvokeWithLocks(t2, () => t2.actual.redo(), new Lo([e2]), n2)));
const e3 = Ke.a({key: "cannotResourceRedoDueToInProgressUndoRedo", comment: ["{0} is a label for an operation."]}, "Could not redo '{0}' because there is already an undo or redo operation running.", t2.label);;
} else
redo(e2) {
const t2 = "string" == typeof e2 ? e2 : this.getUriComparisonKey(e2);
if (!this._editStacks.has(t2))
const n2 = this._editStacks.get(t2), i2 = n2.getClosestFutureElement();
if (i2)
try {
return 1 === i2.type ? this._workspaceRedo(t2, i2) : this._resourceRedo(n2, i2);
} finally {
Io = _o([vo(0, Wi.a), vo(1, st.a)], Io);
class Oo {
constructor(e2) {
this.returnValue = e2;
Object(ho.b)(bo.a, Io);
var Do = n(4), Ao = n(25), Ro = (n(186), n(141)), Mo = n(151);
const Po = new N.b(() => {
const e2 = new Intl.Collator(void 0, {numeric: true, sensitivity: "base"});
return {collator: e2, collatorIsNumeric: e2.resolvedOptions().numeric};
function Fo(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.toLowerCase(), o2 = t2.toLowerCase(), r2 = function(e3, t3, n3) {
const i3 = e3.toLowerCase(), o3 = t3.toLowerCase(), r3 = i3.startsWith(n3), s3 = o3.startsWith(n3);
if (r3 !== s3)
return r3 ? -1 : 1;
if (r3 && s3) {
if (i3.length < o3.length)
return -1;
if (i3.length > o3.length)
return 1;
return 0;
}(e2, t2, n2);
if (r2)
return r2;
const s2 = i2.endsWith(n2);
if (s2 !== o2.endsWith(n2))
return s2 ? -1 : 1;
const a2 = function(e3, t3, n3 = false) {
const i3 = e3 || "", o3 = t3 || "", r3 =, o3);
return Po.value.collatorIsNumeric && 0 === r3 && i3 !== o3 ? i3 < o3 ? -1 : 1 : r3;
}(i2, o2);
return 0 !== a2 ? a2 : i2.localeCompare(o2);
var Wo = n(172), zo = n(156), Bo = n(98), jo = n(147);
const Vo = {}, Uo = new jo.a("quick-input-button-icon-");
function Ho(e2) {
if (!e2)
let t2;
const n2 = e2.dark.toString();
return Vo[n2] ? t2 = Vo[n2] : (t2 = Uo.nextId(), a.u("." + t2, "background-image: " + a.q(e2.light || e2.dark)), a.u(`.vs-dark .${t2}, .hc-black .${t2}`, "background-image: " + a.q(e2.dark)), Vo[n2] = t2), t2;
const qo = a.a;
class $o {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.os = t2, this.options = n2, this.domNode = a.p(e2, qo(".monaco-keybinding")), this.didEverRender = false, e2.appendChild(this.domNode);
set(e2, t2) {
this.didEverRender && this.keybinding === e2 && $o.areSame(this.matches, t2) || (this.keybinding = e2, this.matches = t2, this.render());
render() {
if (a.s(this.domNode), this.keybinding) {
let [e2, t2] = this.keybinding.getParts();
e2 && this.renderPart(this.domNode, e2, this.matches ? this.matches.firstPart : null), t2 && (a.p(this.domNode, qo("span.monaco-keybinding-key-chord-separator", void 0, " ")), this.renderPart(this.domNode, t2, this.matches ? this.matches.chordPart : null)), this.domNode.title = this.keybinding.getAriaLabel() || "";
} else
this.options && this.options.renderUnboundKeybindings && this.renderUnbound(this.domNode);
this.didEverRender = true;
renderPart(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = tt.modifierLabels[this.os];
t2.ctrlKey && this.renderKey(e2, i2.ctrlKey, Boolean(null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.ctrlKey), i2.separator), t2.shiftKey && this.renderKey(e2, i2.shiftKey, Boolean(null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.shiftKey), i2.separator), t2.altKey && this.renderKey(e2, i2.altKey, Boolean(null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.altKey), i2.separator), t2.metaKey && this.renderKey(e2, i2.metaKey, Boolean(null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.metaKey), i2.separator);
const o2 = t2.keyLabel;
o2 && this.renderKey(e2, o2, Boolean(null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.keyCode), "");
renderKey(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
a.p(e2, qo("span.monaco-keybinding-key" + (n2 ? ".highlight" : ""), void 0, t2)), i2 && a.p(e2, qo("span.monaco-keybinding-key-separator", void 0, i2));
renderUnbound(e2) {
a.p(e2, qo("span.monaco-keybinding-key", void 0, Object(Ke.a)("unbound", "Unbound")));
static areSame(e2, t2) {
return e2 === t2 || !e2 && !t2 || !!e2 && !!t2 && Object(je.e)(e2.firstPart, t2.firstPart) && Object(je.e)(e2.chordPart, t2.chordPart);
var Ko = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
const Go = a.a;
class Yo {
constructor(e2) {
this.hidden = false, this._onChecked = new Oe.a(), this.onChecked = this._onChecked.event, Object(je.a)(this, e2);
get checked() {
return !!this._checked;
set checked(e2) {
e2 !== this._checked && (this._checked = e2,;
dispose() {
class Zo {
get templateId() {
return Zo.ID;
renderTemplate(e2) {
const t2 = Object.create(null);
t2.toDisposeElement = [], t2.toDisposeTemplate = [], t2.entry = a.p(e2, Go(".quick-input-list-entry"));
const n2 = a.p(t2.entry, Go("label.quick-input-list-label"));
t2.toDisposeTemplate.push(a.n(n2, a.c.CLICK, (e3) => {
t2.checkbox.offsetParent || e3.preventDefault();
})), t2.checkbox = a.p(n2, Go("input.quick-input-list-checkbox")), t2.checkbox.type = "checkbox", t2.toDisposeTemplate.push(a.n(t2.checkbox, a.c.CHANGE, (e3) => {
t2.element.checked = t2.checkbox.checked;
const i2 = a.p(n2, Go(".quick-input-list-rows")), o2 = a.p(i2, Go(".quick-input-list-row")), r2 = a.p(i2, Go(".quick-input-list-row"));
t2.label = new Wo.a(o2, {supportHighlights: true, supportDescriptionHighlights: true, supportCodicons: true});
const s2 = a.p(o2, Go(".quick-input-list-entry-keybinding"));
t2.keybinding = new $o(s2, D.a);
const l2 = a.p(r2, Go(".quick-input-list-label-meta"));
return t2.detail = new zo.a(l2, true), t2.separator = a.p(t2.entry, Go(".quick-input-list-separator")), t2.actionBar = new si.a(t2.entry), t2.actionBar.domNode.classList.add("quick-input-list-entry-action-bar"), t2.toDisposeTemplate.push(t2.actionBar), t2;
renderElement(e2, t2, n2) {
n2.toDisposeElement = Object(I.f)(n2.toDisposeElement), n2.element = e2, n2.checkbox.checked = e2.checked, n2.toDisposeElement.push(e2.onChecked((e3) => n2.checkbox.checked = e3));
const {labelHighlights: i2, descriptionHighlights: o2, detailHighlights: r2} = e2, s2 = Object.create(null);
s2.matches = i2 || [], s2.descriptionTitle = e2.saneDescription, s2.descriptionMatches = o2 || [], s2.extraClasses = e2.item.iconClasses, s2.italic = e2.item.italic, s2.strikethrough = e2.item.strikethrough, n2.label.setLabel(e2.saneLabel, e2.saneDescription, s2), n2.keybinding.set(e2.item.keybinding), n2.detail.set(e2.saneDetail, r2), e2.separator && e2.separator.label ? (n2.separator.textContent = e2.separator.label, = "") : = "none", e2.separator ? a.e(n2.entry, "quick-input-list-separator-border") : a.Q(n2.entry, "quick-input-list-separator-border"), n2.actionBar.clear();
const l2 = e2.item.buttons;
l2 && l2.length ? (n2.actionBar.push(, n3) => {
let i3 = t3.iconClass || (t3.iconPath ? Ho(t3.iconPath) : void 0);
t3.alwaysVisible && (i3 = i3 ? i3 + " always-visible" : "always-visible");
const o3 = new ri.a("id-" + n3, "", i3, true, () => (e2.fireButtonTriggered({button: t3, item: e2.item}), Promise.resolve()));
return o3.tooltip = t3.tooltip || "", o3;
}), {icon: true, label: false}), a.e(n2.entry, "has-actions")) : a.Q(n2.entry, "has-actions");
disposeElement(e2, t2, n2) {
n2.toDisposeElement = Object(I.f)(n2.toDisposeElement);
disposeTemplate(e2) {
e2.toDisposeElement = Object(I.f)(e2.toDisposeElement), e2.toDisposeTemplate = Object(I.f)(e2.toDisposeTemplate);
Zo.ID = "listelement";
class Xo {
getHeight(e2) {
return e2.saneDetail ? 44 : 22;
getTemplateId(e2) {
return Zo.ID;
var Qo;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.First = 1] = "First", e2[e2.Second = 2] = "Second", e2[e2.Last = 3] = "Last", e2[e2.Next = 4] = "Next", e2[e2.Previous = 5] = "Previous", e2[e2.NextPage = 6] = "NextPage", e2[e2.PreviousPage = 7] = "PreviousPage";
}(Qo || (Qo = {}));
class Jo {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.parent = e2, this.inputElements = [], this.elements = [], this.elementsToIndexes = new Map(), this.matchOnDescription = false, this.matchOnDetail = false, this.matchOnLabel = true, this.sortByLabel = true, this._onChangedAllVisibleChecked = new Oe.a(), this.onChangedAllVisibleChecked = this._onChangedAllVisibleChecked.event, this._onChangedCheckedCount = new Oe.a(), this.onChangedCheckedCount = this._onChangedCheckedCount.event, this._onChangedVisibleCount = new Oe.a(), this.onChangedVisibleCount = this._onChangedVisibleCount.event, this._onChangedCheckedElements = new Oe.a(), this.onChangedCheckedElements = this._onChangedCheckedElements.event, this._onButtonTriggered = new Oe.a(), this.onButtonTriggered = this._onButtonTriggered.event, this._onKeyDown = new Oe.a(), this.onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.event, this._onLeave = new Oe.a(), this.onLeave = this._onLeave.event, this._fireCheckedEvents = true, this.elementDisposables = [], this.disposables = [], = t2, this.container = a.p(this.parent, Go(".quick-input-list"));
const i2 = new Xo(), o2 = new er();
this.list = n2.createList("QuickInput", this.container, i2, [new Zo()], {identityProvider: {getId: (e3) => e3.saneLabel}, setRowLineHeight: false, multipleSelectionSupport: false, horizontalScrolling: false, accessibilityProvider: o2}), this.list.getHTMLElement().id = t2, this.disposables.push(this.list), this.disposables.push(this.list.onKeyDown((e3) => {
const t3 = new Ie.a(e3);
switch (t3.keyCode) {
case 10:
case 31:
(D.f ? e3.metaKey : e3.ctrlKey) && this.list.setFocus(Object(j.s)(this.list.length));
case 16:
const t4 = this.list.getFocus();
1 === t4.length && 0 === t4[0] &&;
case 18:
const n3 = this.list.getFocus();
1 === n3.length && n3[0] === this.list.length - 1 &&;
})), this.disposables.push(this.list.onMouseDown((e3) => {
2 !== e3.browserEvent.button && e3.browserEvent.preventDefault();
})), this.disposables.push(a.i(this.container, a.c.CLICK, (e3) => {
(e3.x || e3.y) &&;
})), this.disposables.push(this.list.onMouseMiddleClick((e3) => {;
})), this.disposables.push(this.list.onContextMenu((e3) => {
"number" == typeof e3.index && (e3.browserEvent.preventDefault(), this.list.setSelection([e3.index]));
})), this.disposables.push(this._onChangedAllVisibleChecked, this._onChangedCheckedCount, this._onChangedVisibleCount, this._onChangedCheckedElements, this._onButtonTriggered, this._onLeave, this._onKeyDown);
get onDidChangeFocus() {
return, (e2) => => e3.item));
get onDidChangeSelection() {
return, (e2) => ({items: => e3.item), event: e2.browserEvent}));
getAllVisibleChecked() {
return this.allVisibleChecked(this.elements, false);
allVisibleChecked(e2, t2 = true) {
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = e2[n2];
if (!i3.hidden) {
if (!i3.checked)
return false;
t2 = true;
return t2;
getCheckedCount() {
let e2 = 0;
const t2 = this.elements;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
t2[n2].checked && e2++;
return e2;
getVisibleCount() {
let e2 = 0;
const t2 = this.elements;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
t2[n2].hidden || e2++;
return e2;
setAllVisibleChecked(e2) {
try {
this._fireCheckedEvents = false, this.elements.forEach((t2) => {
t2.hidden || (t2.checked = e2);
} finally {
this._fireCheckedEvents = true, this.fireCheckedEvents();
setElements(e2) {
this.elementDisposables = Object(I.f)(this.elementDisposables);
const t2 = (e3) => this.fireButtonTriggered(e3);
this.inputElements = e2, this.elements = e2.reduce((n2, i2, o2) => {
var r2, s2, a2;
if ("separator" !== i2.type) {
const l2 = o2 && e2[o2 - 1], c2 = i2.label && i2.label.replace(/\r?\n/g, " "), d2 = i2.description && i2.description.replace(/\r?\n/g, " "), h2 = i2.detail && i2.detail.replace(/\r?\n/g, " "), u2 = i2.ariaLabel || [c2, d2, h2].map((e3) => e3 && Object(Mo.c)(e3).text).filter((e3) => !!e3).join(", ");
n2.push(new Yo({index: o2, item: i2, saneLabel: c2, saneAriaLabel: u2, saneDescription: d2, saneDetail: h2, labelHighlights: null === (r2 = i2.highlights) || void 0 === r2 ? void 0 : r2.label, descriptionHighlights: null === (s2 = i2.highlights) || void 0 === s2 ? void 0 : s2.description, detailHighlights: null === (a2 = i2.highlights) || void 0 === a2 ? void 0 : a2.detail, checked: false, separator: l2 && "separator" === l2.type ? l2 : void 0, fireButtonTriggered: t2}));
return n2;
}, []), this.elementDisposables.push(...this.elements), this.elementDisposables.push( => e3.onChecked(() => this.fireCheckedEvents()))), this.elementsToIndexes = this.elements.reduce((e3, t3, n2) => (e3.set(t3.item, n2), e3), new Map()), this.list.splice(0, this.list.length), this.list.splice(0, this.list.length, this.elements),;
getFocusedElements() {
return this.list.getFocusedElements().map((e2) => e2.item);
setFocusedElements(e2) {
if (this.list.setFocus(e2.filter((e3) => this.elementsToIndexes.has(e3)).map((e3) => this.elementsToIndexes.get(e3))), e2.length > 0) {
const e3 = this.list.getFocus()[0];
"number" == typeof e3 && this.list.reveal(e3);
getActiveDescendant() {
return this.list.getHTMLElement().getAttribute("aria-activedescendant");
setSelectedElements(e2) {
this.list.setSelection(e2.filter((e3) => this.elementsToIndexes.has(e3)).map((e3) => this.elementsToIndexes.get(e3)));
getCheckedElements() {
return this.elements.filter((e2) => e2.checked).map((e2) => e2.item);
setCheckedElements(e2) {
try {
this._fireCheckedEvents = false;
const t2 = new Set();
for (const n2 of e2)
for (const e3 of this.elements)
e3.checked = t2.has(e3.item);
} finally {
this._fireCheckedEvents = true, this.fireCheckedEvents();
set enabled(e2) {
this.list.getHTMLElement().style.pointerEvents = e2 ? "" : "none";
focus(e2) {
if (!this.list.length)
switch (e2 === Qo.Next && this.list.getFocus()[0] === this.list.length - 1 && (e2 = Qo.First), e2 === Qo.Previous && 0 === this.list.getFocus()[0] && (e2 = Qo.Last), e2 === Qo.Second && this.list.length < 2 && (e2 = Qo.First), e2) {
case Qo.First:
case Qo.Second:
case Qo.Last:
case Qo.Next:
case Qo.Previous:
case Qo.NextPage:
case Qo.PreviousPage:
const t2 = this.list.getFocus()[0];
"number" == typeof t2 && this.list.reveal(t2);
clearFocus() {
domFocus() {
layout(e2) {
this.list.getHTMLElement().style.maxHeight = e2 ? `calc(${44 * Math.floor(e2 / 44)}px)` : "", this.list.layout();
filter(e2) {
if (!(this.sortByLabel || this.matchOnLabel || this.matchOnDescription || this.matchOnDetail))
return this.list.layout(), false;
(e2 = e2.trim()) && (this.matchOnLabel || this.matchOnDescription || this.matchOnDetail) ? this.elements.forEach((t3) => {
const n2 = this.matchOnLabel ? Object(ne.n)(Object(Mo.b)(e2, Object(Mo.c)(t3.saneLabel))) : void 0, i2 = this.matchOnDescription ? Object(ne.n)(Object(Mo.b)(e2, Object(Mo.c)(t3.saneDescription || ""))) : void 0, o2 = this.matchOnDetail ? Object(ne.n)(Object(Mo.b)(e2, Object(Mo.c)(t3.saneDetail || ""))) : void 0;
n2 || i2 || o2 ? (t3.labelHighlights = n2, t3.descriptionHighlights = i2, t3.detailHighlights = o2, t3.hidden = false) : (t3.labelHighlights = void 0, t3.descriptionHighlights = void 0, t3.detailHighlights = void 0, t3.hidden = !t3.item.alwaysShow), t3.separator = void 0;
}) : this.elements.forEach((e3) => {
e3.labelHighlights = void 0, e3.descriptionHighlights = void 0, e3.detailHighlights = void 0, e3.hidden = false;
const t3 = e3.index && this.inputElements[e3.index - 1];
e3.separator = t3 && "separator" === t3.type ? t3 : void 0;
const t2 = this.elements.filter((e3) => !e3.hidden);
if (this.sortByLabel && e2) {
const n2 = e2.toLowerCase();
t2.sort((e3, t3) => function(e4, t4, n3) {
const i2 = e4.labelHighlights || [], o2 = t4.labelHighlights || [];
if (i2.length && !o2.length)
return -1;
if (!i2.length && o2.length)
return 1;
if (0 === i2.length && 0 === o2.length)
return 0;
return Fo(e4.saneLabel, t4.saneLabel, n3);
}(e3, t3, n2));
return this.elementsToIndexes = t2.reduce((e3, t3, n2) => (e3.set(t3.item, n2), e3), new Map()), this.list.splice(0, this.list.length, t2), this.list.setFocus([]), this.list.layout(),,, true;
toggleCheckbox() {
try {
this._fireCheckedEvents = false;
const e2 = this.list.getFocusedElements(), t2 = this.allVisibleChecked(e2);
for (const n2 of e2)
n2.checked = !t2;
} finally {
this._fireCheckedEvents = true, this.fireCheckedEvents();
display(e2) { = e2 ? "" : "none";
isDisplayed() {
return "none" !==;
dispose() {
this.elementDisposables = Object(I.f)(this.elementDisposables), this.disposables = Object(I.f)(this.disposables);
fireCheckedEvents() {
this._fireCheckedEvents && (,,;
fireButtonTriggered(e2) {;
style(e2) {;
Ko([Bo.a], Jo.prototype, "onDidChangeFocus", null), Ko([Bo.a], Jo.prototype, "onDidChangeSelection", null);
class er {
getWidgetAriaLabel() {
return Object(Ke.a)("quickInput", "Quick Input");
getAriaLabel(e2) {
return e2.saneAriaLabel;
getWidgetRole() {
return "listbox";
getRole() {
return "option";
var tr = n(173);
const nr = a.a;
class ir extends I.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.parent = e2, this.onKeyDown = (e3) => a.i(this.inputBox.inputElement, a.c.KEY_DOWN, (t2) => {
e3(new Ie.a(t2));
}), this.onMouseDown = (e3) => a.i(this.inputBox.inputElement, a.c.MOUSE_DOWN, (t2) => {
e3(new fi.a(t2));
}), this.onDidChange = (e3) => this.inputBox.onDidChange(e3), this.container = a.p(this.parent, nr(".quick-input-box")), this.inputBox = this._register(new tr.b(this.container, void 0));
get value() {
return this.inputBox.value;
set value(e2) {
this.inputBox.value = e2;
select(e2 = null) {;
isSelectionAtEnd() {
return this.inputBox.isSelectionAtEnd();
get placeholder() {
return this.inputBox.inputElement.getAttribute("placeholder") || "";
set placeholder(e2) {
get ariaLabel() {
return this.inputBox.getAriaLabel();
set ariaLabel(e2) {
get password() {
return "password" === this.inputBox.inputElement.type;
set password(e2) {
this.inputBox.inputElement.type = e2 ? "password" : "text";
setAttribute(e2, t2) {
this.inputBox.inputElement.setAttribute(e2, t2);
removeAttribute(e2) {
showDecoration(e2) {
e2 === Ae.a.Ignore ? this.inputBox.hideMessage() : this.inputBox.showMessage({type: e2 === Ae.a.Info ? 1 : e2 === Ae.a.Warning ? 2 : 3, content: ""});
stylesForType(e2) {
return this.inputBox.stylesForType(e2 === Ae.a.Info ? 1 : e2 === Ae.a.Warning ? 2 : 3);
setFocus() {
layout() {
style(e2) {;
var or = n(185);
const rr = {progressBarBackground: En.a.fromHex("#0E70C0")};
class sr extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this.options = t2 || Object.create(null), Object(je.g)(this.options, rr, false), this.workedVal = 0, this.progressBarBackground = this.options.progressBarBackground, this._register(this.showDelayedScheduler = new N.d(() => Object(a.Z)(this.element), 0)), this.create(e2);
create(e2) {
this.element = document.createElement("div"), Object(a.e)(this.element, "monaco-progress-container"), e2.appendChild(this.element), this.bit = document.createElement("div"), Object(a.e)(this.bit, "progress-bit"), this.element.appendChild(this.bit), this.applyStyles();
off() { = "inherit", = "1", Object(a.R)(this.element, "active", "infinite", "discrete"), this.workedVal = 0, this.totalWork = void 0;
stop() {
return this.doDone(false);
doDone(e2) {
return Object(a.e)(this.element, "done"), Object(a.I)(this.element, "infinite") ? ( = "0", e2 ? setTimeout(() =>, 200) : : ( = "inherit", e2 ? setTimeout(() =>, 200) :, this;
infinite() {
return = "2%", = "1", Object(a.R)(this.element, "discrete", "done"), Object(a.f)(this.element, "active", "infinite"), this;
getContainer() {
return this.element;
style(e2) {
this.progressBarBackground = e2.progressBarBackground, this.applyStyles();
applyStyles() {
if (this.bit) {
const e2 = this.progressBarBackground ? this.progressBarBackground.toString() : ""; = e2;
var ar = n(61);
const lr = {buttonBackground: En.a.fromHex("#0E639C"), buttonHoverBackground: En.a.fromHex("#006BB3"), buttonForeground: En.a.white};
class cr extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._onDidClick = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.options = t2 || Object.create(null), Object(je.g)(this.options, lr, false), this.buttonForeground = this.options.buttonForeground, this.buttonBackground = this.options.buttonBackground, this.buttonHoverBackground = this.options.buttonHoverBackground, this.buttonSecondaryForeground = this.options.buttonSecondaryForeground, this.buttonSecondaryBackground = this.options.buttonSecondaryBackground, this.buttonSecondaryHoverBackground = this.options.buttonSecondaryHoverBackground, this.buttonBorder = this.options.buttonBorder, this._element = document.createElement("a"), a.e(this._element, "monaco-button"), this._element.tabIndex = 0, this._element.setAttribute("role", "button"), e2.appendChild(this._element), this._register(ar.b.addTarget(this._element)), [a.c.CLICK, ar.a.Tap].forEach((e3) => {
this._register(a.i(this._element, e3, (e4) => {
this.enabled ? : a.b.stop(e4);
}), this._register(a.i(this._element, a.c.KEY_DOWN, (e3) => {
const t3 = new Ie.a(e3);
let n2 = false;
this.enabled && (t3.equals(3) || t3.equals(10)) ? (, n2 = true) : t3.equals(9) && (this._element.blur(), n2 = true), n2 && a.b.stop(t3, true);
})), this._register(a.i(this._element, a.c.MOUSE_OVER, (e3) => {
a.I(this._element, "disabled") || this.setHoverBackground();
})), this._register(a.i(this._element, a.c.MOUSE_OUT, (e3) => {
})), this.focusTracker = this._register(, this._register(this.focusTracker.onDidFocus(() => this.setHoverBackground())), this._register(this.focusTracker.onDidBlur(() => this.applyStyles())), this.applyStyles();
get onDidClick() {
return this._onDidClick.event;
setHoverBackground() {
let e2;
e2 = this.options.secondary ? this.buttonSecondaryHoverBackground ? this.buttonSecondaryHoverBackground.toString() : null : this.buttonHoverBackground ? this.buttonHoverBackground.toString() : null, e2 && ( = e2);
style(e2) {
this.buttonForeground = e2.buttonForeground, this.buttonBackground = e2.buttonBackground, this.buttonHoverBackground = e2.buttonHoverBackground, this.buttonSecondaryForeground = e2.buttonSecondaryForeground, this.buttonSecondaryBackground = e2.buttonSecondaryBackground, this.buttonSecondaryHoverBackground = e2.buttonSecondaryHoverBackground, this.buttonBorder = e2.buttonBorder, this.applyStyles();
applyStyles() {
if (this._element) {
let e2, t2;
this.options.secondary ? (t2 = this.buttonSecondaryForeground ? this.buttonSecondaryForeground.toString() : "", e2 = this.buttonSecondaryBackground ? this.buttonSecondaryBackground.toString() : "") : (t2 = this.buttonForeground ? this.buttonForeground.toString() : "", e2 = this.buttonBackground ? this.buttonBackground.toString() : "");
const n2 = this.buttonBorder ? this.buttonBorder.toString() : ""; = t2, = e2, = n2 ? "1px" : "", = n2 ? "solid" : "", = n2;
get element() {
return this._element;
set label(e2) {
a.I(this._element, "monaco-text-button") || a.e(this._element, "monaco-text-button"), this.options.supportCodicons ? a.U(this._element, ...function(e3) {
const t2 = new Array();
let n2, i2 = 0, o2 = 0;
for (; null !== (n2 = pi.g.exec(e3)); ) {
o2 = n2.index || 0, t2.push(e3.substring(i2, o2)), i2 = (n2.index || 0) + n2[0].length;
const [, r2, s2, l2, c2] = n2;
t2.push(r2 ? `$(${s2})` : a.a(`span.codicon.codicon-${l2}${c2 ? ".codicon-animation-" + c2 : ""}`));
return i2 < e3.length && t2.push(e3.substring(i2)), t2;
}(e2)) : this._element.textContent = e2, "string" == typeof this.options.title ? this._element.title = this.options.title : this.options.title && (this._element.title = e2);
set enabled(e2) {
e2 ? (a.Q(this._element, "disabled"), this._element.setAttribute("aria-disabled", String(false)), this._element.tabIndex = 0) : (a.e(this._element, "disabled"), this._element.setAttribute("aria-disabled", String(true)), a.T(this._element));
get enabled() {
return !a.I(this._element, "disabled");
var dr = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const hr = a.a, ur = {iconClass: Object(pi.e)("quick-input-back", pi.a.arrowLeft).classNames, tooltip: Object(Ke.a)("quickInput.back", "Back"), handle: -1};
class pr extends I.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.ui = e2, this.visible = false, this._enabled = true, this._busy = false, this._ignoreFocusOut = false, this._buttons = [], this.buttonsUpdated = false, this.onDidTriggerButtonEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDidHideEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDisposeEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.visibleDisposables = this._register(new I.b()), this.onDidHide = this.onDidHideEmitter.event;
get title() {
return this._title;
set title(e2) {
this._title = e2, this.update();
get description() {
return this._description;
set description(e2) {
this._description = e2, this.update();
get step() {
return this._steps;
set step(e2) {
this._steps = e2, this.update();
get totalSteps() {
return this._totalSteps;
set totalSteps(e2) {
this._totalSteps = e2, this.update();
get enabled() {
return this._enabled;
set enabled(e2) {
this._enabled = e2, this.update();
get contextKey() {
return this._contextKey;
set contextKey(e2) {
this._contextKey = e2, this.update();
get busy() {
return this._busy;
set busy(e2) {
this._busy = e2, this.update();
get ignoreFocusOut() {
return this._ignoreFocusOut;
set ignoreFocusOut(e2) {
this._ignoreFocusOut = e2, this.update();
get buttons() {
return this._buttons;
set buttons(e2) {
this._buttons = e2, this.buttonsUpdated = true, this.update();
show() {
this.visible || (this.visibleDisposables.add(this.ui.onDidTriggerButton((e2) => {
-1 !== this.buttons.indexOf(e2) &&;
})),, this.visible = true, this.update());
hide() {
this.visible && this.ui.hide();
didHide() {
this.visible = false, this.visibleDisposables.clear(),;
update() {
if (!this.visible)
const e2 = this.getTitle();
e2 && this.ui.title.textContent !== e2 ? this.ui.title.textContent = e2 : e2 || "&nbsp;" === this.ui.title.innerHTML || (this.ui.title.innerText = " ;");
const t2 = this.getDescription();
if (this.ui.description.textContent !== t2 && (this.ui.description.textContent = t2), this.busy && !this.busyDelay && (this.busyDelay = new N.e(), this.busyDelay.setIfNotSet(() => {
this.visible && this.ui.progressBar.infinite();
}, 800)), !this.busy && this.busyDelay && (this.ui.progressBar.stop(), this.busyDelay.cancel(), this.busyDelay = void 0), this.buttonsUpdated) {
this.buttonsUpdated = false, this.ui.leftActionBar.clear();
const e3 = this.buttons.filter((e4) => e4 === ur);
this.ui.leftActionBar.push(, t4) => {
const n2 = new ri.a("id-" + t4, "", e4.iconClass || Ho(e4.iconPath), true, () => dr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {;
return n2.tooltip = e4.tooltip || "", n2;
}), {icon: true, label: false}), this.ui.rightActionBar.clear();
const t3 = this.buttons.filter((e4) => e4 !== ur);
this.ui.rightActionBar.push(, t4) => {
const n2 = new ri.a("id-" + t4, "", e4.iconClass || Ho(e4.iconPath), true, () => dr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {;
return n2.tooltip = e4.tooltip || "", n2;
}), {icon: true, label: false});
this.ui.ignoreFocusOut = this.ignoreFocusOut, this.ui.setEnabled(this.enabled), this.ui.setContextKey(this.contextKey);
getTitle() {
return this.title && this.step ? `${this.title} (${this.getSteps()})` : this.title ? this.title : this.step ? this.getSteps() : "";
getDescription() {
return this.description || "";
getSteps() {
return this.step && this.totalSteps ? Object(Ke.a)("quickInput.steps", "{0}/{1}", this.step, this.totalSteps) : this.step ? String(this.step) : "";
showMessageDecoration(e2) {
if (this.ui.inputBox.showDecoration(e2), e2 === Ae.a.Error) {
const t2 = this.ui.inputBox.stylesForType(e2); = t2.foreground ? "" + t2.foreground : "", = t2.background ? "" + t2.background : "", = t2.border ? "1px solid " + t2.border : "", = "4px";
} else = "", = "", = "", = "";
dispose() {
this.hide(),, super.dispose();
class mr extends pr {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this._value = "", this.onDidChangeValueEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDidAcceptEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDidCustomEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this._items = [], this.itemsUpdated = false, this._canSelectMany = false, this._canAcceptInBackground = false, this._matchOnDescription = false, this._matchOnDetail = false, this._matchOnLabel = true, this._sortByLabel = true, this._autoFocusOnList = true, this._itemActivation = this.ui.isScreenReaderOptimized() ? Ro.a.NONE : Ro.a.FIRST, this._activeItems = [], this.activeItemsUpdated = false, this.activeItemsToConfirm = [], this.onDidChangeActiveEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this._selectedItems = [], this.selectedItemsUpdated = false, this.selectedItemsToConfirm = [], this.onDidChangeSelectionEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDidTriggerItemButtonEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.valueSelectionUpdated = true, this._ok = "default", this._customButton = false, this.filterValue = (e2) => e2, this.onDidChangeValue = this.onDidChangeValueEmitter.event, this.onDidAccept = this.onDidAcceptEmitter.event, this.onDidChangeActive = this.onDidChangeActiveEmitter.event, this.onDidChangeSelection = this.onDidChangeSelectionEmitter.event, this.onDidTriggerItemButton = this.onDidTriggerItemButtonEmitter.event;
get quickNavigate() {
return this._quickNavigate;
set quickNavigate(e2) {
this._quickNavigate = e2, this.update();
get value() {
return this._value;
set value(e2) {
this._value = e2 || "", this.update();
set ariaLabel(e2) {
this._ariaLabel = e2, this.update();
get ariaLabel() {
return this._ariaLabel;
get placeholder() {
return this._placeholder;
set placeholder(e2) {
this._placeholder = e2, this.update();
get items() {
return this._items;
set items(e2) {
this._items = e2, this.itemsUpdated = true, this.update();
get canSelectMany() {
return this._canSelectMany;
set canSelectMany(e2) {
this._canSelectMany = e2, this.update();
get canAcceptInBackground() {
return this._canAcceptInBackground;
set canAcceptInBackground(e2) {
this._canAcceptInBackground = e2;
get matchOnDescription() {
return this._matchOnDescription;
set matchOnDescription(e2) {
this._matchOnDescription = e2, this.update();
get matchOnDetail() {
return this._matchOnDetail;
set matchOnDetail(e2) {
this._matchOnDetail = e2, this.update();
get matchOnLabel() {
return this._matchOnLabel;
set matchOnLabel(e2) {
this._matchOnLabel = e2, this.update();
get sortByLabel() {
return this._sortByLabel;
set sortByLabel(e2) {
this._sortByLabel = e2, this.update();
get autoFocusOnList() {
return this._autoFocusOnList;
set autoFocusOnList(e2) {
this._autoFocusOnList = e2, this.update();
get itemActivation() {
return this._itemActivation;
set itemActivation(e2) {
this._itemActivation = e2;
get activeItems() {
return this._activeItems;
set activeItems(e2) {
this._activeItems = e2, this.activeItemsUpdated = true, this.update();
get selectedItems() {
return this._selectedItems;
set selectedItems(e2) {
this._selectedItems = e2, this.selectedItemsUpdated = true, this.update();
get keyMods() {
return this._quickNavigate ? Ro.b : this.ui.keyMods;
set valueSelection(e2) {
this._valueSelection = e2, this.valueSelectionUpdated = true, this.update();
get validationMessage() {
return this._validationMessage;
set validationMessage(e2) {
this._validationMessage = e2, this.update();
get customButton() {
return this._customButton;
set customButton(e2) {
this._customButton = e2, this.update();
get customLabel() {
return this._customButtonLabel;
set customLabel(e2) {
this._customButtonLabel = e2, this.update();
get customHover() {
return this._customButtonHover;
set customHover(e2) {
this._customButtonHover = e2, this.update();
get ok() {
return this._ok;
set ok(e2) {
this._ok = e2, this.update();
get hideInput() {
return !!this._hideInput;
set hideInput(e2) {
this._hideInput = e2, this.update();
trySelectFirst() {
this.autoFocusOnList && (this.canSelectMany || this.ui.list.focus(Qo.First));
show() {
this.visible || (this.visibleDisposables.add(this.ui.inputBox.onDidChange((e2) => {
if (e2 === this.value)
this._value = e2;
this.ui.list.filter(this.filterValue(this.ui.inputBox.value)) && this.trySelectFirst(),;
})), this.visibleDisposables.add(this.ui.inputBox.onMouseDown((e2) => {
this.autoFocusOnList || this.ui.list.clearFocus();
})), this.visibleDisposables.add((this._hideInput ? this.ui.list : this.ui.inputBox).onKeyDown((e2) => {
switch (e2.keyCode) {
case 18:
this.ui.list.focus(Qo.Next), this.canSelectMany && this.ui.list.domFocus(), a.b.stop(e2, true);
case 16:
this.ui.list.getFocusedElements().length ? this.ui.list.focus(Qo.Previous) : this.ui.list.focus(Qo.Last), this.canSelectMany && this.ui.list.domFocus(), a.b.stop(e2, true);
case 12:
this.ui.list.focus(Qo.NextPage), this.canSelectMany && this.ui.list.domFocus(), a.b.stop(e2, true);
case 11:
this.ui.list.focus(Qo.PreviousPage), this.canSelectMany && this.ui.list.domFocus(), a.b.stop(e2, true);
case 17:
if (!this._canAcceptInBackground)
if (!this.ui.inputBox.isSelectionAtEnd())
this.activeItems[0] && (this._selectedItems = [this.activeItems[0]],,{inBackground: true}));
case 14:
!e2.ctrlKey && !e2.metaKey || e2.shiftKey || e2.altKey || (this.ui.list.focus(Qo.First), a.b.stop(e2, true));
case 13:
!e2.ctrlKey && !e2.metaKey || e2.shiftKey || e2.altKey || (this.ui.list.focus(Qo.Last), a.b.stop(e2, true));
})), this.visibleDisposables.add(this.ui.onDidAccept(() => {
!this.canSelectMany && this.activeItems[0] && (this._selectedItems = [this.activeItems[0]],,{inBackground: false});
})), this.visibleDisposables.add(this.ui.onDidCustom(() => {;
})), this.visibleDisposables.add(this.ui.list.onDidChangeFocus((e2) => {
this.activeItemsUpdated || this.activeItemsToConfirm !== this._activeItems && Object(j.g)(e2, this._activeItems, (e3, t2) => e3 === t2) || (this._activeItems = e2,;
})), this.visibleDisposables.add(this.ui.list.onDidChangeSelection(({items: e2, event: t2}) => {
this.canSelectMany ? e2.length && this.ui.list.setSelectedElements([]) : this.selectedItemsToConfirm !== this._selectedItems && Object(j.g)(e2, this._selectedItems, (e3, t3) => e3 === t3) || (this._selectedItems = e2,, e2.length &&{inBackground: t2 instanceof MouseEvent && 1 === t2.button}));
})), this.visibleDisposables.add(this.ui.list.onChangedCheckedElements((e2) => {
this.canSelectMany && (this.selectedItemsToConfirm !== this._selectedItems && Object(j.g)(e2, this._selectedItems, (e3, t2) => e3 === t2) || (this._selectedItems = e2,;
})), this.visibleDisposables.add(this.ui.list.onButtonTriggered((e2) =>, this.visibleDisposables.add(this.registerQuickNavigation()), this.valueSelectionUpdated = true),;
registerQuickNavigation() {
return a.i(this.ui.container, a.c.KEY_UP, (e2) => {
if (this.canSelectMany || !this._quickNavigate)
const t2 = new Ie.a(e2), n2 = t2.keyCode;
this._quickNavigate.keybindings.some((e3) => {
const [i2, o2] = e3.getParts();
return !o2 && (i2.shiftKey && 4 === n2 ? !(t2.ctrlKey || t2.altKey || t2.metaKey) : !(!i2.altKey || 6 !== n2) || (!(!i2.ctrlKey || 5 !== n2) || !(!i2.metaKey || 57 !== n2)));
}) && (this.activeItems[0] && (this._selectedItems = [this.activeItems[0]],,{inBackground: false})), this._quickNavigate = void 0);
update() {
if (!this.visible)
let e2 = false, t2 = false;
this._hideInput && this._items.length > 0 && (this.ui.isScreenReaderOptimized() ? t2 = true : e2 = true), a.ab(this.ui.container, "hidden-input", e2);
const n2 = {title: !!this.title || !!this.step || !!this.buttons.length, description: !!this.description, checkAll: this.canSelectMany, inputBox: !e2, progressBar: !e2, visibleCount: true, count: this.canSelectMany, ok: "default" === this.ok ? this.canSelectMany : this.ok, list: true, message: !!this.validationMessage, customButton: this.customButton};
if (this.ui.setVisibilities(n2), super.update(), this.ui.inputBox.value !== this.value && (this.ui.inputBox.value = this.value), this.valueSelectionUpdated && (this.valueSelectionUpdated = false, && {start: this._valueSelection[0], end: this._valueSelection[1]})), this.ui.inputBox.placeholder !== (this.placeholder || "") && (this.ui.inputBox.placeholder = this.placeholder || ""), t2)
this.ui.inputBox.ariaLabel = "";
else {
const e3 = this.ariaLabel || this.placeholder || mr.DEFAULT_ARIA_LABEL;
this.ui.inputBox.ariaLabel !== e3 && (this.ui.inputBox.ariaLabel = e3);
if (this.ui.list.matchOnDescription = this.matchOnDescription, this.ui.list.matchOnDetail = this.matchOnDetail, this.ui.list.matchOnLabel = this.matchOnLabel, this.ui.list.sortByLabel = this.sortByLabel, this.itemsUpdated)
switch (this.itemsUpdated = false, this.ui.list.setElements(this.items), this.ui.list.filter(this.filterValue(this.ui.inputBox.value)), this.ui.checkAll.checked = this.ui.list.getAllVisibleChecked(), this.ui.visibleCount.setCount(this.ui.list.getVisibleCount()), this.ui.count.setCount(this.ui.list.getCheckedCount()), this._itemActivation) {
case Ro.a.NONE:
this._itemActivation = Ro.a.FIRST;
case Ro.a.SECOND:
this.ui.list.focus(Qo.Second), this._itemActivation = Ro.a.FIRST;
case Ro.a.LAST:
this.ui.list.focus(Qo.Last), this._itemActivation = Ro.a.FIRST;
this.ui.container.classList.contains("show-checkboxes") !== !!this.canSelectMany && (this.canSelectMany ? this.ui.list.clearFocus() : this.trySelectFirst()), this.activeItemsUpdated && (this.activeItemsUpdated = false, this.activeItemsToConfirm = this._activeItems, this.ui.list.setFocusedElements(this.activeItems), this.activeItemsToConfirm === this._activeItems && (this.activeItemsToConfirm = null)), this.selectedItemsUpdated && (this.selectedItemsUpdated = false, this.selectedItemsToConfirm = this._selectedItems, this.canSelectMany ? this.ui.list.setCheckedElements(this.selectedItems) : this.ui.list.setSelectedElements(this.selectedItems), this.selectedItemsToConfirm === this._selectedItems && (this.selectedItemsToConfirm = null)), this.validationMessage ? (this.ui.message.textContent = this.validationMessage, this.showMessageDecoration(Ae.a.Error)) : (this.ui.message.textContent = null, this.showMessageDecoration(Ae.a.Ignore)), this.ui.customButton.label = this.customLabel || "", this.ui.customButton.element.title = this.customHover || "", this.ui.setComboboxAccessibility(true), n2.inputBox || this.ui.list.domFocus();
mr.DEFAULT_ARIA_LABEL = Object(Ke.a)("quickInputBox.ariaLabel", "Type to narrow down results.");
class gr extends I.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.options = e2, this.comboboxAccessibility = false, this.enabled = true, this.onDidAcceptEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDidCustomEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onDidTriggerButtonEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.keyMods = {ctrlCmd: false, alt: false}, this.controller = null, this.onShowEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onShow = this.onShowEmitter.event, this.onHideEmitter = this._register(new Oe.a()), this.onHide = this.onHideEmitter.event, this.idPrefix = e2.idPrefix, this.parentElement = e2.container, this.styles = e2.styles, this.registerKeyModsListeners();
registerKeyModsListeners() {
const e2 = (e3) => {
this.keyMods.ctrlCmd = e3.ctrlKey || e3.metaKey, this.keyMods.alt = e3.altKey;
this._register(a.i(window, a.c.KEY_DOWN, e2, true)), this._register(a.i(window, a.c.KEY_UP, e2, true)), this._register(a.i(window, a.c.MOUSE_DOWN, e2, true));
getUI() {
if (this.ui)
return this.ui;
const e2 = a.p(this.parentElement, hr(""));
e2.tabIndex = -1, = "none";
const t2 = a.v(e2), n2 = a.p(e2, hr(".quick-input-titlebar")), i2 = this._register(new si.a(n2));
const o2 = a.p(n2, hr(".quick-input-title")), r2 = this._register(new si.a(n2));
const s2 = a.p(e2, hr(".quick-input-description")), l2 = a.p(e2, hr(".quick-input-header")), c2 = a.p(l2, hr("input.quick-input-check-all"));
c2.type = "checkbox", this._register(a.n(c2, a.c.CHANGE, (e3) => {
const t3 = c2.checked;
})), this._register(a.i(c2, a.c.CLICK, (e3) => {
(e3.x || e3.y) && u2.setFocus();
const d2 = a.p(l2, hr(".quick-input-and-message")), h2 = a.p(d2, hr(".quick-input-filter")), u2 = this._register(new ir(h2));
u2.setAttribute("aria-describedby", this.idPrefix + "message");
const p2 = a.p(h2, hr(".quick-input-visible-count"));
p2.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"), p2.setAttribute("aria-atomic", "true");
const m2 = new or.a(p2, {countFormat: Object(Ke.a)({key: "quickInput.visibleCount", comment: ["This tells the user how many items are shown in a list of items to select from. The items can be anything. Currently not visible, but read by screen readers."]}, "{0} Results")}), g2 = a.p(h2, hr(".quick-input-count"));
g2.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite");
const f2 = new or.a(g2, {countFormat: Object(Ke.a)({key: "quickInput.countSelected", comment: ["This tells the user how many items are selected in a list of items to select from. The items can be anything."]}, "{0} Selected")}), b2 = a.p(l2, hr(".quick-input-action")), _2 = new cr(b2);
_2.label = Object(Ke.a)("ok", "OK"), this._register(_2.onDidClick((e3) => {;
const v2 = a.p(l2, hr(".quick-input-action")), w2 = new cr(v2);
w2.label = Object(Ke.a)("custom", "Custom"), this._register(w2.onDidClick((e3) => {;
const y2 = a.p(d2, hr(`#${this.idPrefix}message.quick-input-message`)), C2 = new sr(e2);
a.e(C2.getContainer(), "quick-input-progress");
const x2 = this._register(new Jo(e2, this.idPrefix + "list", this.options));
this._register(x2.onChangedAllVisibleChecked((e3) => {
c2.checked = e3;
})), this._register(x2.onChangedVisibleCount((e3) => {
})), this._register(x2.onChangedCheckedCount((e3) => {
})), this._register(x2.onLeave(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
u2.setFocus(), this.controller instanceof mr && this.controller.canSelectMany && x2.clearFocus();
}, 0);
})), this._register(x2.onDidChangeFocus(() => {
this.comboboxAccessibility && this.getUI().inputBox.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", this.getUI().list.getActiveDescendant() || "");
const S2 =;
return this._register(S2), this._register(a.i(e2, a.c.FOCUS, (e3) => {
this.previousFocusElement = e3.relatedTarget instanceof HTMLElement ? e3.relatedTarget : void 0;
}, true)), this._register(S2.onDidBlur(() => {
this.getUI().ignoreFocusOut || this.options.ignoreFocusOut() || this.hide(), this.previousFocusElement = void 0;
})), this._register(a.i(e2, a.c.FOCUS, (e3) => {
})), this._register(a.i(e2, a.c.KEY_DOWN, (t3) => {
const n3 = new Ie.a(t3);
switch (n3.keyCode) {
case 3:
a.b.stop(t3, true),;
case 9:
a.b.stop(t3, true), this.hide();
case 2:
if (!n3.altKey && !n3.ctrlKey && !n3.metaKey) {
const i3 = [".action-label.codicon"];
e2.classList.contains("show-checkboxes") ? i3.push("input") : i3.push("input[type=text]"), this.getUI().list.isDisplayed() && i3.push(".monaco-list");
const o3 = e2.querySelectorAll(i3.join(", "));
n3.shiftKey && === o3[0] ? (a.b.stop(t3, true), o3[o3.length - 1].focus()) : n3.shiftKey || !== o3[o3.length - 1] || (a.b.stop(t3, true), o3[0].focus());
})), this.ui = {container: e2, styleSheet: t2, leftActionBar: i2, titleBar: n2, title: o2, description: s2, rightActionBar: r2, checkAll: c2, filterContainer: h2, inputBox: u2, visibleCountContainer: p2, visibleCount: m2, countContainer: g2, count: f2, okContainer: b2, ok: _2, message: y2, customButtonContainer: v2, customButton: w2, progressBar: C2, list: x2, onDidAccept: this.onDidAcceptEmitter.event, onDidCustom: this.onDidCustomEmitter.event, onDidTriggerButton: this.onDidTriggerButtonEmitter.event, ignoreFocusOut: false, keyMods: this.keyMods, isScreenReaderOptimized: () => this.options.isScreenReaderOptimized(), show: (e3) =>, hide: () => this.hide(), setVisibilities: (e3) => this.setVisibilities(e3), setComboboxAccessibility: (e3) => this.setComboboxAccessibility(e3), setEnabled: (e3) => this.setEnabled(e3), setContextKey: (e3) => this.options.setContextKey(e3)}, this.updateStyles(), this.ui;
pick(e2, t2 = {}, n2 = Ao.a.None) {
return new Promise((i2, o2) => {
let r2 = (e3) => {
r2 = i2, t2.onKeyMods && t2.onKeyMods(s2.keyMods), i2(e3);
if (n2.isCancellationRequested)
return void r2(void 0);
const s2 = this.createQuickPick();
let a2;
const l2 = [s2, s2.onDidAccept(() => {
if (s2.canSelectMany)
r2(s2.selectedItems.slice()), s2.hide();
else {
const e3 = s2.activeItems[0];
e3 && (r2(e3), s2.hide());
}), s2.onDidChangeActive((e3) => {
const n3 = e3[0];
n3 && t2.onDidFocus && t2.onDidFocus(n3);
}), s2.onDidChangeSelection((e3) => {
if (!s2.canSelectMany) {
const t3 = e3[0];
t3 && (r2(t3), s2.hide());
}), s2.onDidTriggerItemButton((e3) => t2.onDidTriggerItemButton && t2.onDidTriggerItemButton(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e3), {removeItem: () => {
const t3 = s2.items.indexOf(e3.item);
if (-1 !== t3) {
const e4 = s2.items.slice();
e4.splice(t3, 1), s2.items = e4;
}}))), s2.onDidChangeValue((e3) => {
!a2 || e3 || 1 === s2.activeItems.length && s2.activeItems[0] === a2 || (s2.activeItems = [a2]);
}), n2.onCancellationRequested(() => {
}), s2.onDidHide(() => {
Object(I.f)(l2), r2(void 0);
s2.canSelectMany = !!t2.canPickMany, s2.placeholder = t2.placeHolder, s2.ignoreFocusOut = !!t2.ignoreFocusLost, s2.matchOnDescription = !!t2.matchOnDescription, s2.matchOnDetail = !!t2.matchOnDetail, s2.matchOnLabel = void 0 === t2.matchOnLabel || t2.matchOnLabel, s2.autoFocusOnList = void 0 === t2.autoFocusOnList || t2.autoFocusOnList, s2.quickNavigate = t2.quickNavigate, s2.contextKey = t2.contextKey, s2.busy = true, Promise.all([e2, t2.activeItem]).then(([e3, t3]) => {
a2 = t3, s2.busy = false, s2.items = e3, s2.canSelectMany && (s2.selectedItems = e3.filter((e4) => "separator" !== e4.type && e4.picked)), a2 && (s2.activeItems = [a2]);
}),, Promise.resolve(e2).then(void 0, (e3) => {
o2(e3), s2.hide();
createQuickPick() {
const e2 = this.getUI();
return new mr(e2);
show(e2) {
const t2 = this.getUI();;
const n2 = this.controller;
this.controller = e2, n2 && n2.didHide(), this.setEnabled(true), t2.leftActionBar.clear(), t2.title.textContent = "", t2.description.textContent = "", t2.rightActionBar.clear(), t2.checkAll.checked = false, t2.inputBox.placeholder = "", t2.inputBox.password = false, t2.inputBox.showDecoration(Ae.a.Ignore), t2.visibleCount.setCount(0), t2.count.setCount(0), t2.message.textContent = "", t2.progressBar.stop(), t2.list.setElements([]), t2.list.matchOnDescription = false, t2.list.matchOnDetail = false, t2.list.matchOnLabel = true, t2.list.sortByLabel = true, t2.ignoreFocusOut = false, this.setComboboxAccessibility(false), t2.inputBox.ariaLabel = "";
const i2 = this.options.backKeybindingLabel();
ur.tooltip = i2 ? Object(Ke.a)("quickInput.backWithKeybinding", "Back ({0})", i2) : Object(Ke.a)("quickInput.back", "Back"), = "", this.updateLayout(), t2.inputBox.setFocus();
setVisibilities(e2) {
const t2 = this.getUI(); = e2.title ? "" : "none", = e2.description ? "" : "none", = e2.checkAll ? "" : "none", = e2.inputBox ? "" : "none", = e2.visibleCount ? "" : "none", = e2.count ? "" : "none", = e2.ok ? "" : "none", = e2.customButton ? "" : "none", = e2.message ? "" : "none", t2.progressBar.getContainer().style.display = e2.progressBar ? "" : "none", t2.list.display(!!e2.list), t2.container.classList[e2.checkAll ? "add" : "remove"]("show-checkboxes"), this.updateLayout();
setComboboxAccessibility(e2) {
if (e2 !== this.comboboxAccessibility) {
const t2 = this.getUI();
this.comboboxAccessibility = e2, this.comboboxAccessibility ? (t2.inputBox.setAttribute("role", "combobox"), t2.inputBox.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "true"), t2.inputBox.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "list"), t2.inputBox.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", t2.list.getActiveDescendant() || "")) : (t2.inputBox.removeAttribute("role"), t2.inputBox.removeAttribute("aria-haspopup"), t2.inputBox.removeAttribute("aria-autocomplete"), t2.inputBox.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant"));
setEnabled(e2) {
if (e2 !== this.enabled) {
this.enabled = e2;
for (const t2 of this.getUI().leftActionBar.viewItems)
t2.getAction().enabled = e2;
for (const t2 of this.getUI().rightActionBar.viewItems)
t2.getAction().enabled = e2;
this.getUI().checkAll.disabled = !e2, this.getUI().ok.enabled = e2, this.getUI().list.enabled = e2;
hide() {
var e2;
const t2 = this.controller;
if (t2) {
const n2 = !(null === (e2 = this.ui) || void 0 === e2 ? void 0 : e2.container.contains(document.activeElement));
this.controller = null,, this.getUI() = "none", n2 || (this.previousFocusElement && this.previousFocusElement.offsetParent ? (this.previousFocusElement.focus(), this.previousFocusElement = void 0) : this.options.returnFocus()), t2.didHide();
layout(e2, t2) {
this.dimension = e2, this.titleBarOffset = t2, this.updateLayout();
updateLayout() {
if (this.ui) { = this.titleBarOffset + "px";
const e2 =, t2 = Math.min(0.62 * this.dimension.width, gr.MAX_WIDTH);
e2.width = t2 + "px", e2.marginLeft = "-" + t2 / 2 + "px", this.ui.inputBox.layout(), this.ui.list.layout(this.dimension && 0.4 * this.dimension.height);
applyStyles(e2) {
this.styles = e2, this.updateStyles();
updateStyles() {
if (this.ui) {
const {quickInputTitleBackground: e2, quickInputBackground: t2, quickInputForeground: n2, contrastBorder: i2, widgetShadow: o2} = this.styles.widget; = e2 ? e2.toString() : "", = t2 ? t2.toString() : "", = n2 ? n2.toString() : "", = i2 ? "1px solid " + i2 : "", = o2 ? "0 5px 8px " + o2 : "",,,,,,;
const r2 = [];
this.styles.list.listInactiveFocusForeground && (r2.push(`.monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused { color: ${this.styles.list.listInactiveFocusForeground}; }`), r2.push(`.monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused:hover { color: ${this.styles.list.listInactiveFocusForeground}; }`)), this.styles.list.pickerGroupBorder && r2.push(`.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry { border-top-color: ${this.styles.list.pickerGroupBorder}; }`), this.styles.list.pickerGroupForeground && r2.push(`.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-separator { color: ${this.styles.list.pickerGroupForeground}; }`);
const s2 = r2.join("\n");
s2 !== this.ui.styleSheet.innerHTML && (this.ui.styleSheet.innerHTML = s2);
gr.MAX_WIDTH = 600;
var fr = n(110), br = n(134), _r = n(133), vr = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, wr = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let yr = class extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this.quickInputService = e2, this.instantiationService = t2, this.registry =, this.mapProviderToDescriptor = new Map(), this.lastAcceptedPickerValues = new Map(), this.visibleQuickAccess = void 0;
show(e2 = "", t2) {
var n2;
const [i2, o2] = this.getOrInstantiateProvider(e2), r2 = this.visibleQuickAccess, s2 = null == r2 ? void 0 : r2.descriptor;
if (r2 && o2 && s2 === o2)
return e2 === o2.prefix || (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.preserveValue) || (r2.picker.value = e2), void this.adjustValueSelection(r2.picker, o2, t2);
if (o2 && !(null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.preserveValue)) {
let t3 = void 0;
if (r2 && s2 && s2 !== o2) {
const e3 = r2.value.substr(s2.prefix.length);
e3 && (t3 = `${o2.prefix}${e3}`);
if (!t3) {
const e3 = null == i2 ? void 0 : i2.defaultFilterValue;
e3 === br.a.LAST ? t3 = this.lastAcceptedPickerValues.get(o2) : "string" == typeof e3 && (t3 = `${o2.prefix}${e3}`);
"string" == typeof t3 && (e2 = t3);
const a2 = new I.b(), l2 = a2.add(this.quickInputService.createQuickPick());
l2.value = e2, this.adjustValueSelection(l2, o2, t2), l2.placeholder = null == o2 ? void 0 : o2.placeholder, l2.quickNavigate = null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.quickNavigateConfiguration, l2.hideInput = !!l2.quickNavigate && !r2, ("number" == typeof (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.itemActivation) || (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.quickNavigateConfiguration)) && (l2.itemActivation = null !== (n2 = null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.itemActivation) && void 0 !== n2 ? n2 : fr.b.SECOND), l2.contextKey = null == o2 ? void 0 : o2.contextKey, l2.filterValue = (e3) => e3.substring(o2 ? o2.prefix.length : 0), (null == o2 ? void 0 : o2.placeholder) && (l2.ariaLabel = null == o2 ? void 0 : o2.placeholder);
const c2 = this.registerPickerListeners(l2, i2, o2, e2, a2);
i2 && a2.add(i2.provide(l2, c2)),;
adjustValueSelection(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2;
let o2;
o2 = (null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.preserveValue) ? [e2.value.length, e2.value.length] : [null !== (i2 = null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.prefix.length) && void 0 !== i2 ? i2 : 0, e2.value.length], e2.valueSelection = o2;
registerPickerListeners(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = this.visibleQuickAccess = {picker: e2, descriptor: n2, value: i2};
o2.add(Object(I.h)(() => {
r2 === this.visibleQuickAccess && (this.visibleQuickAccess = void 0);
})), o2.add(e2.onDidChangeValue((e3) => {
const [n3] = this.getOrInstantiateProvider(e3);
n3 !== t2 ?, {preserveValue: true}) : r2.value = e3;
})), n2 && o2.add(e2.onDidAccept(() => {
this.lastAcceptedPickerValues.set(n2, e2.value);
const s2 = o2.add(new Ao.b());
return Object(_r.a)(e2.onDidHide)(() => {
0 === e2.selectedItems.length && s2.cancel(), o2.dispose();
}), s2.token;
getOrInstantiateProvider(e2) {
const t2 = this.registry.getQuickAccessProvider(e2);
if (!t2)
return [void 0, void 0];
let n2 = this.mapProviderToDescriptor.get(t2);
return n2 || (n2 = this.instantiationService.createInstance(t2.ctor), this.mapProviderToDescriptor.set(t2, n2)), [n2, t2];
yr = vr([wr(0, fr.a), wr(1, Ft.a)], yr);
var Cr = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, xr = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Sr = class extends zt.d {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
super(n2), this.instantiationService = e2, this.contextKeyService = t2, this.accessibilityService = i2, this.layoutService = o2, this.contexts = new Map();
get controller() {
return this._controller || (this._controller = this._register(this.createController())), this._controller;
get quickAccess() {
return this._quickAccess || (this._quickAccess = this._register(this.instantiationService.createInstance(yr))), this._quickAccess;
createController(e2 = this.layoutService, t2) {
var n2, i2;
const o2 = {idPrefix: "quickInput_", container: e2.container, ignoreFocusOut: () => false, isScreenReaderOptimized: () => this.accessibilityService.isScreenReaderOptimized(), backKeybindingLabel: () => {
}, setContextKey: (e3) => this.setContextKey(e3), returnFocus: () => e2.focus(), createList: (e3, t3, n3, i3, o3) => this.instantiationService.createInstance(Ki.d, e3, t3, n3, i3, o3), styles: this.computeStyles()}, r2 = this._register(new gr(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, o2), t2)));
return r2.layout(e2.dimension, null !== (i2 = null === (n2 = e2.offset) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : && void 0 !== i2 ? i2 : 0), this._register(e2.onLayout((t3) => {
var n3, i3;
return r2.layout(t3, null !== (i3 = null === (n3 = e2.offset) || void 0 === n3 ? void 0 : && void 0 !== i3 ? i3 : 0);
})), this._register(r2.onShow(() => this.resetContextKeys())), this._register(r2.onHide(() => this.resetContextKeys())), r2;
setContextKey(e2) {
let t2;
e2 && (t2 = this.contexts.get(e2), t2 || (t2 = new Mt.c(e2, false).bindTo(this.contextKeyService), this.contexts.set(e2, t2))), t2 && t2.get() || (this.resetContextKeys(), t2 && t2.set(true));
resetContextKeys() {
this.contexts.forEach((e2) => {
e2.get() && e2.reset();
pick(e2, t2 = {}, n2 = Ao.a.None) {
return this.controller.pick(e2, t2, n2);
createQuickPick() {
return this.controller.createQuickPick();
updateStyles() {
computeStyles() {
return {widget: Object.assign({}, Object(Ti.d)(this.theme, {quickInputBackground: Mn.dc, quickInputForeground:, quickInputTitleBackground: Mn.fc, contrastBorder: Mn.h, widgetShadow: Mn.uc})), inputBox: Object(Ti.d)(this.theme, {inputForeground: Mn.hb, inputBackground: Mn.fb, inputBorder:, inputValidationInfoBackground:, inputValidationInfoForeground: Mn.nb, inputValidationInfoBorder: Mn.mb, inputValidationWarningBackground: Mn.ob, inputValidationWarningForeground: Mn.qb, inputValidationWarningBorder: Mn.pb, inputValidationErrorBackground: Mn.ib, inputValidationErrorForeground: Mn.kb, inputValidationErrorBorder: Mn.jb}), countBadge: Object(Ti.d)(this.theme, {badgeBackground: Mn.c, badgeForeground: Mn.d, badgeBorder: Mn.h}), button: Object(Ti.d)(this.theme, {buttonForeground: Mn.f, buttonBackground: Mn.e, buttonHoverBackground: Mn.g, buttonBorder: Mn.h}), progressBar: Object(Ti.d)(this.theme, {progressBarBackground:}), list: Object(Ti.d)(this.theme, {listBackground: Mn.dc, listInactiveFocusForeground: Mn.yb, listInactiveFocusBackground: Mn.xb, listFocusOutline: Mn.b, listInactiveFocusOutline: Mn.b, pickerGroupBorder: Mn.Xb, pickerGroupForeground: Mn.Yb})};
Sr = Cr([xr(0, Ft.a), xr(1, Mt.b), xr(2, zt.c), xr(3, Bt.b), xr(4, Ri)], Sr);
var kr = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Er = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Tr = class extends Sr {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
super(t2, n2, i2, o2, r2), = void 0;
const s2 = Nr.get(e2); = {_serviceBrand: void 0, get container() {
return s2.widget.getDomNode();
}, get dimension() {
return e2.getLayoutInfo();
}, get onLayout() {
return e2.onDidLayoutChange;
}, focus: () => e2.focus()};
createController() {
return super.createController(;
Tr = kr([Er(1, Ft.a), Er(2, Mt.b), Er(3, zt.c), Er(4, Bt.b), Er(5, Ri)], Tr);
let Lr = class {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.instantiationService = e2, this.codeEditorService = t2, this.mapEditorToService = new Map();
get activeService() {
const e2 = this.codeEditorService.getFocusedCodeEditor();
if (!e2)
throw new Error("Quick input service needs a focused editor to work.");
let t2 = this.mapEditorToService.get(e2);
if (!t2) {
const n2 = t2 = this.instantiationService.createInstance(Tr, e2);
this.mapEditorToService.set(e2, t2), Object(_r.a)(e2.onDidDispose)(() => {
n2.dispose(), this.mapEditorToService.delete(e2);
return t2;
get quickAccess() {
return this.activeService.quickAccess;
pick(e2, t2 = {}, n2 = Ao.a.None) {
return this.activeService.pick(e2, t2, n2);
createQuickPick() {
return this.activeService.createQuickPick();
Lr = kr([Er(0, Ft.a), Er(1, s.a)], Lr);
class Nr {
constructor(e2) {
this.editor = e2, this.widget = new Ir(this.editor);
static get(e2) {
return e2.getContribution(Nr.ID);
dispose() {
Nr.ID = "editor.controller.quickInput";
class Ir {
constructor(e2) {
this.codeEditor = e2, this.domNode = document.createElement("div"), this.codeEditor.addOverlayWidget(this);
getId() {
return Ir.ID;
getDomNode() {
return this.domNode;
getPosition() {
return {preference: 2};
dispose() {
Ir.ID = "editor.contrib.quickInputWidget", Object(Do.m)(Nr.ID, Nr);
var Or, Dr = n(166);
!function(e2) {
const t2 = new Vi.a();
class n2 {
constructor(e3, t3) {
this._serviceId = e3, this._factory = t3, this._value = null;
get id() {
return this._serviceId;
get(e3) {
if (!this._value) {
if (e3 && (this._value = e3[this._serviceId.toString()]), this._value || (this._value = this._factory(e3)), !this._value)
throw new Error("Service " + this._serviceId + " is missing!");
t2.set(this._serviceId, this._value);
return this._value;
e2.LazyStaticService = n2;
let i2 = [];
function o2(e3, t3) {
let o3 = new n2(e3, t3);
return i2.push(o3), o3;
e2.init = function(e3) {
let t3 = new Vi.a();
for (const [e4, n4] of Object(ho.a)())
t3.set(e4, n4);
for (let n4 in e3)
e3.hasOwnProperty(n4) && t3.set(Object(Ft.c)(n4), e3[n4]);
i2.forEach((n4) => t3.set(, n4.get(e3)));
let n3 = new Hi(t3, true);
return t3.set(Ft.a, n3), [t3, n3];
}, e2.instantiationService = o2(Ft.a, () => new Hi(t2, true));
const r2 = new wt();
e2.configurationService = o2(ze.a, () => r2), e2.resourceConfigurationService = o2(z.a, () => new yt(r2)), e2.resourcePropertiesService = o2(z.b, () => new Ct(r2)), e2.contextService = o2(at.a, () => new St()), e2.labelService = o2($i.a, () => new Tt()), e2.telemetryService = o2(Ii.a, () => new xt()), e2.dialogService = o2(Wi.a, () => new gt()), e2.notificationService = o2(st.a, () => new ft()), e2.markerService = o2(Gi.b, () => new Qi()), e2.modeService = o2(Zt.a, (e3) => new un()), e2.standaloneThemeService = o2(At.a, () => new $n()), e2.logService = o2(V.b, () => new V.a()), e2.undoRedoService = o2(bo.a, (t3) => new Io(e2.dialogService.get(t3), e2.notificationService.get(t3))), e2.modelService = o2(W.a, (t3) => new pn.a(e2.configurationService.get(t3), e2.resourcePropertiesService.get(t3), e2.standaloneThemeService.get(t3), e2.logService.get(t3), e2.undoRedoService.get(t3))), e2.markerDecorationsService = o2(oo.a, (t3) => new co(e2.modelService.get(t3), e2.markerService.get(t3))), e2.codeEditorService = o2(s.a, (t3) => new kn(e2.standaloneThemeService.get(t3))), e2.editorProgressService = o2(Vt.a, () => new mt()), e2.storageService = o2(Ji.a, () => new Ji.b()), e2.storageSyncService = o2(Dr.a, () => new Dr.b()), e2.editorWorkerService = o2(T.a, (t3) => new Y(e2.modelService.get(t3), e2.resourceConfigurationService.get(t3), e2.logService.get(t3)));
}(Or || (Or = {}));
class Ar extends I.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
const [n2, i2] = Or.init(t2);
this._serviceCollection = n2, this._instantiationService = i2;
const o2 = this.get(ze.a), r2 = this.get(st.a), a2 = this.get(Ii.a), l2 = this.get(zt.c), c2 = this.get(V.b);
let d2 = (e3, n3) => {
let i3 = null;
return t2 && (i3 = t2[e3.toString()]), i3 || (i3 = n3()), this._serviceCollection.set(e3, i3), i3;
}, h2 = d2(Mt.b, () => this._register(new ii(o2)));
d2(Bt.b, () => new mo(h2, o2)), d2(Ki.a, () => new Ki.b(l2));
let u2 = d2(p.b, () => new bt(this._instantiationService)), m2 = d2(Wt.a, () => this._register(new _t(h2, u2, a2, r2, c2, e2))), g2 = d2(Ri, () => new Lt(Or.codeEditorService.get(s.a), e2));
d2(fr.a, () => new Lr(i2, Or.codeEditorService.get(s.a)));
let f2 = d2(Pt.b, () => this._register(new Fi(g2)));
d2(jt.a, () => new fo()), d2(Pt.a, () => {
const e3 = new Ai(a2, r2, f2, m2, l2);
return e3.configure({blockMouse: false}), this._register(e3);
}), d2(Rt.a, () => new no(u2)), d2(Me.a, () => new Et(Or.modelService.get(W.a)));
get(e2) {
let t2 = this._serviceCollection.get(e2);
if (!t2)
throw new Error("Missing service " + e2);
return t2;
set(e2, t2) {
this._serviceCollection.set(e2, t2);
has(e2) {
return this._serviceCollection.has(e2);
var Rr = n(87);
function Mr(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = new Ar(e2, t2), o2 = null;
i2.has(L.a) || (o2 = new pt(Or.modelService.get()), i2.set(L.a, o2)), i2.has(m.a) || i2.set(m.a, new w(i2.get(s.a), i2.get(p.b)));
let r2 = n2(i2);
return o2 && o2.setEditor(r2), r2;
function Pr(e2, t2, n2) {
return Mr(e2, n2 || {}, (n3) => new Gt(e2, t2, n3, n3.get(Ft.a), n3.get(s.a), n3.get(p.b), n3.get(Mt.b), n3.get(Wt.a), n3.get(Pt.b), n3.get(At.a), n3.get(st.a), n3.get(ze.a), n3.get(Bt.b)));
function Fr(e2) {
return Or.codeEditorService.get().onCodeEditorAdd((t2) => {
function Wr(e2, t2, n2) {
return Mr(e2, n2 || {}, (n3) => new Yt(e2, t2, n3, n3.get(Ft.a), n3.get(Mt.b), n3.get(Wt.a), n3.get(Pt.b), n3.get(T.a), n3.get(s.a), n3.get(At.a), n3.get(st.a), n3.get(ze.a), n3.get(Pt.a), n3.get(Vt.a), n3.get(jt.a)));
function zr(e2, t2) {
return new y.a(e2, t2);
function Br(e2, t2, n2) {
return Or.modelService.get().createModel(e2, t2, n2);
function jr(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2 = e2 || "", !t2) {
let t3 = e2.indexOf("\n"), i2 = e2;
return -1 !== t3 && (i2 = e2.substring(0, t3)), Br(e2, Or.modeService.get().createByFilepathOrFirstLine(n2 || null, i2), n2);
return Br(e2, Or.modeService.get().create(t2), n2);
function Vr(e2, t2) {
Or.modelService.get().setMode(e2, Or.modeService.get().create(t2));
function Ur(e2, t2, n2) {
e2 && Or.markerService.get().changeOne(t2, e2.uri, n2);
function Hr(e2) {
return Or.markerService.get().read(e2);
function qr(e2) {
return Or.modelService.get().getModel(e2);
function $r() {
return Or.modelService.get().getModels();
function Kr(e2) {
return Or.modelService.get().onModelAdded(e2);
function Gr(e2) {
return Or.modelService.get().onModelRemoved(e2);
function Yr(e2) {
return Or.modelService.get().onModelModeChanged((t2) => {
e2({model: t2.model, oldLanguage: t2.oldModeId});
function Zr(e2) {
return function(e3, t2) {
return new ie(e3, t2);
}(Or.modelService.get(), e2);
function Xr(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Or.standaloneThemeService.get();
return n2.registerEditorContainer(e2), Te.colorizeElement(n2, Or.modeService.get(), e2, t2);
function Qr(e2, t2, n2) {
return Or.standaloneThemeService.get().registerEditorContainer(document.body), Te.colorize(Or.modeService.get(), e2, t2, n2);
function Jr(e2, t2, n2 = 4) {
return Or.standaloneThemeService.get().registerEditorContainer(document.body), Te.colorizeModelLine(e2, t2, n2);
function es(e2, t2) {
let n2 = function(e3) {
let t3 = k.C.get(e3);
return t3 || {getInitialState: () => E.c, tokenize: (t4, n3, i3) => Object(E.d)(e3, t4, n3, i3)};
}(t2), i2 = e2.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/), o2 = [], r2 = n2.getInitialState();
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = i2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
let t4 = i2[e3], s2 = n2.tokenize(t4, r2, 0);
o2[e3] = s2.tokens, r2 = s2.endState;
return o2;
function ts(e2, t2) {
Or.standaloneThemeService.get().defineTheme(e2, t2);
function ns(e2) {
function is() {
function os(e2, t2) {
return "boolean" == typeof e2 ? e2 : t2;
function rs(e2, t2) {
return "string" == typeof e2 ? e2 : t2;
function ss(e2, t2 = false) {
t2 && (e2 = {
return e3.toLowerCase();
const n2 = function(e3) {
const t3 = {};
for (const n3 of e3)
t3[n3] = true;
return t3;
return t2 ? function(e3) {
return void 0 !== n2[e3.toLowerCase()] && n2.hasOwnProperty(e3.toLowerCase());
} : function(e3) {
return void 0 !== n2[e3] && n2.hasOwnProperty(e3);
function as(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0;
for (; t2.indexOf("@") >= 0 && n2 < 5; )
n2++, t2 = t2.replace(/@(\w+)/g, function(n3, i3) {
let o2 = "";
if ("string" == typeof e2[i3])
o2 = e2[i3];
else {
if (!(e2[i3] && e2[i3] instanceof RegExp))
throw void 0 === e2[i3] ? ge(e2, "language definition does not contain attribute '" + i3 + "', used at: " + t2) : ge(e2, "attribute reference '" + i3 + "' must be a string, used at: " + t2);
o2 = e2[i3].source;
return ue(o2) ? "" : "(?:" + o2 + ")";
let i2 = (e2.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (e2.unicode ? "u" : "");
return new RegExp(t2, i2);
function ls(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = -1, r2 = n2, s2 = n2.match(/^\$(([sS]?)(\d\d?)|#)(.*)$/);
s2 && (s2[3] && (o2 = parseInt(s2[3]), s2[2] && (o2 += 100)), r2 = s2[4]);
let a2, l2 = "~", c2 = r2;
if (r2 && 0 !== r2.length ? /^\w*$/.test(c2) ? l2 = "==" : (s2 = r2.match(/^(@|!@|~|!~|==|!=)(.*)$/), s2 && (l2 = s2[1], c2 = s2[2])) : (l2 = "!=", c2 = ""), "~" !== l2 && "!~" !== l2 || !/^(\w|\|)*$/.test(c2))
if ("@" === l2 || "!@" === l2) {
let n3 = e2[c2];
if (!n3)
throw ge(e2, "the @ match target '" + c2 + "' is not defined, in rule: " + t2);
if (!function(e3, t3) {
if (!t3)
return false;
if (!Array.isArray(t3))
return false;
for (const n4 of t3)
if (!e3(n4))
return false;
return true;
}(function(e3) {
return "string" == typeof e3;
}, n3))
throw ge(e2, "the @ match target '" + c2 + "' must be an array of strings, in rule: " + t2);
let i3 = ss(n3, e2.ignoreCase);
a2 = function(e3) {
return "@" === l2 ? i3(e3) : !i3(e3);
} else if ("~" === l2 || "!~" === l2)
if (c2.indexOf("$") < 0) {
let t3 = as(e2, "^" + c2 + "$");
a2 = function(e3) {
return "~" === l2 ? t3.test(e3) : !t3.test(e3);
} else
a2 = function(t3, n3, i3, o3) {
return as(e2, "^" + fe(e2, c2, n3, i3, o3) + "$").test(t3);
else if (c2.indexOf("$") < 0) {
let t3 = pe(e2, c2);
a2 = function(e3) {
return "==" === l2 ? e3 === t3 : e3 !== t3;
} else {
let t3 = pe(e2, c2);
a2 = function(n3, i3, o3, r3, s3) {
let a3 = fe(e2, t3, i3, o3, r3);
return "==" === l2 ? n3 === a3 : n3 !== a3;
else {
let t3 = ss(c2.split("|"), e2.ignoreCase);
a2 = function(e3) {
return "~" === l2 ? t3(e3) : !t3(e3);
return -1 === o2 ? {name: n2, value: i2, test: function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
return a2(e3, e3, t3, n3, i3);
}} : {name: n2, value: i2, test: function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
let r3 = function(e4, t4, n4, i4) {
if (i4 < 0)
return e4;
if (i4 < t4.length)
return t4[i4];
if (i4 >= 100) {
i4 -= 100;
let e5 = n4.split(".");
if (e5.unshift(n4), i4 < e5.length)
return e5[i4];
return null;
}(e3, t3, n3, o2);
return a2(r3 || "", e3, t3, n3, i3);
class cs {
constructor(e2) {
this.regex = new RegExp(""), this.action = {token: ""}, this.matchOnlyAtLineStart = false, = "", = e2;
setRegex(e2, t2) {
let n2;
if ("string" == typeof t2)
n2 = t2;
else {
if (!(t2 instanceof RegExp))
throw ge(e2, "rules must start with a match string or regular expression: " +;
n2 = t2.source;
this.matchOnlyAtLineStart = n2.length > 0 && "^" === n2[0], = + ": " + n2, this.regex = as(e2, "^(?:" + (this.matchOnlyAtLineStart ? n2.substr(1) : n2) + ")");
setAction(e2, t2) {
this.action = function e3(t3, n2, i2) {
if (i2) {
if ("string" == typeof i2)
return i2;
if (i2.token || "" === i2.token) {
if ("string" != typeof i2.token)
throw ge(t3, "a 'token' attribute must be of type string, in rule: " + n2);
let e4 = {token: i2.token};
if (i2.token.indexOf("$") >= 0 && (e4.tokenSubst = true), "string" == typeof i2.bracket)
if ("@open" === i2.bracket)
e4.bracket = 1;
else {
if ("@close" !== i2.bracket)
throw ge(t3, "a 'bracket' attribute must be either '@open' or '@close', in rule: " + n2);
e4.bracket = -1;
if ( {
if ("string" != typeof
throw ge(t3, "the next state must be a string value in rule: " + n2);
let o2 =;
if (!/^(@pop|@push|@popall)$/.test(o2) && ("@" === o2[0] && (o2 = o2.substr(1)), o2.indexOf("$") < 0 && !function(e5, t4) {
let n3 = t4;
for (; n3 && n3.length > 0; ) {
if (e5.stateNames[n3])
return true;
const t5 = n3.lastIndexOf(".");
n3 = t5 < 0 ? null : n3.substr(0, t5);
return false;
}(t3, fe(t3, o2, "", [], ""))))
throw ge(t3, "the next state '" + + "' is not defined in rule: " + n2); = o2;
return "number" == typeof i2.goBack && (e4.goBack = i2.goBack), "string" == typeof i2.switchTo && (e4.switchTo = i2.switchTo), "string" == typeof i2.log && (e4.log = i2.log), "string" == typeof i2.nextEmbedded && (e4.nextEmbedded = i2.nextEmbedded, t3.usesEmbedded = true), e4;
if (Array.isArray(i2)) {
let o2 = [];
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = i2.length; r2 < s2; r2++)
o2[r2] = e3(t3, n2, i2[r2]);
return {group: o2};
if (i2.cases) {
let o2 = [];
for (let r3 in i2.cases)
if (i2.cases.hasOwnProperty(r3)) {
const s2 = e3(t3, n2, i2.cases[r3]);
"@default" === r3 || "@" === r3 || "" === r3 ? o2.push({test: void 0, value: s2, name: r3}) : "@eos" === r3 ? o2.push({test: function(e4, t4, n3, i3) {
return i3;
}, value: s2, name: r3}) : o2.push(ls(t3, n2, r3, s2));
const r2 = t3.defaultToken;
return {test: function(e4, t4, n3, i3) {
for (const r3 of o2) {
if (!r3.test || r3.test(e4, t4, n3, i3))
return r3.value;
return r2;
throw ge(t3, "an action must be a string, an object with a 'token' or 'cases' attribute, or an array of actions; in rule: " + n2);
return {token: ""};
}(e2,, t2);
function ds(e2) {
function hs() {
let e2 = [];
return e2 = e2.concat(an.a.getLanguages()), e2;
function us(e2) {
let t2 = Or.modeService.get().getLanguageIdentifier(e2);
return t2 ? : 0;
function ps(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Or.modeService.get().onDidCreateMode((i2) => {
i2.getId() === e2 && (n2.dispose(), t2());
return n2;
function ms(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Or.modeService.get().getLanguageIdentifier(e2);
if (!n2)
throw new Error("Cannot set configuration for unknown language " + e2);
return P.a.register(n2, t2);
class gs {
constructor(e2) {
this._actual = e2;
getInitialState() {
return this._actual.getInitialState();
tokenize(e2, t2, n2) {
throw new Error("Not supported!");
tokenize2(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._actual.tokenizeEncoded(e2, t2);
return new le.c(n2.tokens, n2.endState);
class fs {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._standaloneThemeService = e2, this._languageIdentifier = t2, this._actual = n2;
getInitialState() {
return this._actual.getInitialState();
_toClassicTokens(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [], o2 = 0;
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = e2.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
const s3 = e2[r2];
let a2 = s3.startIndex;
0 === r2 ? a2 = 0 : a2 < o2 && (a2 = o2), i2[r2] = new le.a(a2 + n2, s3.scopes, t2), o2 = a2;
return i2;
tokenize(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2, o2 = this._actual.tokenize(e2, t2), r2 = this._toClassicTokens(o2.tokens, this._languageIdentifier.language, n2);
return i2 = o2.endState.equals(t2) ? t2 : o2.endState, new le.b(r2, i2);
_toBinaryTokens(e2, t2) {
const n2 =, i2 = this._standaloneThemeService.getColorTheme().tokenTheme;
let o2 = [], r2 = 0, s2 = 0;
for (let a3 = 0, l2 = e2.length; a3 < l2; a3++) {
const l3 = e2[a3], c2 = i2.match(n2, l3.scopes);
if (r2 > 0 && o2[r2 - 1] === c2)
let d2 = l3.startIndex;
0 === a3 ? d2 = 0 : d2 < s2 && (d2 = s2), o2[r2++] = d2 + t2, o2[r2++] = c2, s2 = d2;
let a2 = new Uint32Array(r2);
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < r2; e3++)
a2[e3] = o2[e3];
return a2;
tokenize2(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2, o2 = this._actual.tokenize(e2, t2), r2 = this._toBinaryTokens(o2.tokens, n2);
return i2 = o2.endState.equals(t2) ? t2 : o2.endState, new le.c(r2, i2);
function bs(e2) {
return e2 && "function" == typeof e2.then;
function _s(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Or.modeService.get().getLanguageIdentifier(e2);
if (!n2)
throw new Error("Cannot set tokens provider for unknown language " + e2);
const i2 = (e3) => function(e4) {
return "tokenizeEncoded" in e4;
}(e3) ? new gs(e3) : new fs(Or.standaloneThemeService.get(), n2, e3);
return bs(t2) ? k.C.registerPromise(e2, t2.then((e3) => i2(e3))) : k.C.register(e2, i2(t2));
function vs(e2, t2) {
const n2 = (t3) => function(e3, t4, n3, i2) {
return new ke(e3, t4, n3, i2);
}(Or.modeService.get(), Or.standaloneThemeService.get(), e2, function(e3, t4) {
if (!t4 || "object" != typeof t4)
throw new Error("Monarch: expecting a language definition object");
let n3 = {};
n3.languageId = e3, n3.noThrow = false, n3.maxStack = 100, n3.start = "string" == typeof t4.start ? t4.start : null, n3.ignoreCase = os(t4.ignoreCase, false), n3.unicode = os(t4.unicode, false), n3.tokenPostfix = rs(t4.tokenPostfix, "." + n3.languageId), n3.defaultToken = rs(t4.defaultToken, "source"), n3.usesEmbedded = false;
let i2 = t4;
function o2(e4, r3, s2) {
for (const a2 of s2) {
let s3 = a2.include;
if (s3) {
if ("string" != typeof s3)
throw ge(n3, "an 'include' attribute must be a string at: " + e4);
if ("@" === s3[0] && (s3 = s3.substr(1)), !t4.tokenizer[s3])
throw ge(n3, "include target '" + s3 + "' is not defined at: " + e4);
o2(e4 + "." + s3, r3, t4.tokenizer[s3]);
} else {
const t5 = new cs(e4);
if (Array.isArray(a2) && a2.length >= 1 && a2.length <= 3)
if (t5.setRegex(i2, a2[0]), a2.length >= 3)
if ("string" == typeof a2[1])
t5.setAction(i2, {token: a2[1], next: a2[2]});
else {
if ("object" != typeof a2[1])
throw ge(n3, "a next state as the last element of a rule can only be given if the action is either an object or a string, at: " + e4);
const e5 = a2[1]; = a2[2], t5.setAction(i2, e5);
t5.setAction(i2, a2[1]);
else {
if (!a2.regex)
throw ge(n3, "a rule must either be an array, or an object with a 'regex' or 'include' field at: " + e4); && "string" == typeof && ( =, a2.matchOnlyAtStart && (t5.matchOnlyAtLineStart = os(a2.matchOnlyAtLineStart, false)), t5.setRegex(i2, a2.regex), t5.setAction(i2, a2.action);
if (i2.languageId = e3, i2.ignoreCase = n3.ignoreCase, i2.unicode = n3.unicode, i2.noThrow = n3.noThrow, i2.usesEmbedded = n3.usesEmbedded, i2.stateNames = t4.tokenizer, i2.defaultToken = n3.defaultToken, !t4.tokenizer || "object" != typeof t4.tokenizer)
throw ge(n3, "a language definition must define the 'tokenizer' attribute as an object");
n3.tokenizer = [];
for (let e4 in t4.tokenizer)
if (t4.tokenizer.hasOwnProperty(e4)) {
n3.start || (n3.start = e4);
const i3 = t4.tokenizer[e4];
n3.tokenizer[e4] = new Array(), o2("tokenizer." + e4, n3.tokenizer[e4], i3);
if (n3.usesEmbedded = i2.usesEmbedded, t4.brackets) {
if (!Array.isArray(t4.brackets))
throw ge(n3, "the 'brackets' attribute must be defined as an array");
} else
t4.brackets = [{open: "{", close: "}", token: "delimiter.curly"}, {open: "[", close: "]", token: "delimiter.square"}, {open: "(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis"}, {open: "<", close: ">", token: "delimiter.angle"}];
let r2 = [];
for (let e4 of t4.brackets) {
let t5 = e4;
if (t5 && Array.isArray(t5) && 3 === t5.length && (t5 = {token: t5[2], open: t5[0], close: t5[1]}), === t5.close)
throw ge(n3, "open and close brackets in a 'brackets' attribute must be different: " + + "\n hint: use the 'bracket' attribute if matching on equal brackets is required.");
if ("string" != typeof || "string" != typeof t5.token || "string" != typeof t5.close)
throw ge(n3, "every element in the 'brackets' array must be a '{open,close,token}' object or array");
r2.push({token: t5.token + n3.tokenPostfix, open: pe(n3,, close: pe(n3, t5.close)});
return n3.brackets = r2, n3.noThrow = true, n3;
}(e2, t3));
return bs(t2) ? k.C.registerPromise(e2, t2.then((e3) => n2(e3))) : k.C.register(e2, n2(t2));
function ws(e2, t2) {
return k.v.register(e2, t2);
function ys(e2, t2) {
return k.w.register(e2, t2);
function Cs(e2, t2) {
return k.y.register(e2, t2);
function xs(e2, t2) {
return k.p.register(e2, {provideHover: (e3, n2, i2) => {
let o2 = e3.getWordAtPosition(n2);
return Promise.resolve(t2.provideHover(e3, n2, i2)).then((e4) => {
if (e4)
return !e4.range && o2 && (e4.range = new M.a(n2.lineNumber, o2.startColumn, n2.lineNumber, o2.endColumn)), e4.range || (e4.range = new M.a(n2.lineNumber, n2.column, n2.lineNumber, n2.column)), e4;
function Ss(e2, t2) {
return k.m.register(e2, t2);
function ks(e2, t2) {
return k.i.register(e2, t2);
function Es(e2, t2) {
return k.u.register(e2, t2);
function Ts(e2, t2) {
return k.f.register(e2, t2);
function Ls(e2, t2) {
return k.q.register(e2, t2);
function Ns(e2, t2) {
return k.D.register(e2, t2);
function Is(e2, t2) {
return k.b.register(e2, t2);
function Os(e2, t2) {
return k.a.register(e2, {provideCodeActions: (e3, n2, i2, o2) => {
let r2 = Or.markerService.get().read({resource: e3.uri}).filter((e4) => M.a.areIntersectingOrTouching(e4, n2));
return t2.provideCodeActions(e3, n2, {markers: r2, only: i2.only}, o2);
function Ds(e2, t2) {
return k.g.register(e2, t2);
function As(e2, t2) {
return k.j.register(e2, t2);
function Rs(e2, t2) {
return k.t.register(e2, t2);
function Ms(e2, t2) {
return k.s.register(e2, t2);
function Ps(e2, t2) {
return k.d.register(e2, t2);
function Fs(e2, t2) {
return k.c.register(e2, t2);
function Ws(e2, t2) {
return k.o.register(e2, t2);
function zs(e2, t2) {
return k.e.register(e2, t2);
function Bs(e2, t2) {
return k.x.register(e2, t2);
function js(e2, t2) {
return k.l.register(e2, t2);
function Vs(e2, t2) {
return k.k.register(e2, t2);
const Us = self;
o.g.wrappingIndent.defaultValue = 0, o.g.glyphMargin.defaultValue = false, o.g.autoIndent.defaultValue = 3, o.g.overviewRulerLanes.defaultValue = 2;
const Hs = Object(r.a)();
Hs.editor = {create: Pr, onDidCreateEditor: Fr, createDiffEditor: Wr, createDiffNavigator: zr, createModel: jr, setModelLanguage: Vr, setModelMarkers: Ur, getModelMarkers: Hr, getModels: $r, getModel: qr, onDidCreateModel: Kr, onWillDisposeModel: Gr, onDidChangeModelLanguage: Yr, createWebWorker: Zr, colorizeElement: Xr, colorize: Qr, colorizeModelLine: Jr, tokenize: es, defineTheme: ts, setTheme: ns, remeasureFonts: is, AccessibilitySupport: oe.a, ContentWidgetPositionPreference: oe.f, CursorChangeReason: oe.g, DefaultEndOfLine: oe.h, EditorAutoIndentStrategy: oe.j, EditorOption: oe.k, EndOfLinePreference: oe.l, EndOfLineSequence: oe.m, MinimapPosition: oe.r, MouseTargetType: oe.s, OverlayWidgetPositionPreference: oe.t, OverviewRulerLane: oe.u, RenderLineNumbersType: oe.v, RenderMinimap: oe.w, ScrollbarVisibility: oe.y, ScrollType: oe.x, TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle: oe.D, TextEditorCursorStyle: oe.E, TrackedRangeStickiness: oe.F, WrappingIndent: oe.G, ConfigurationChangedEvent: o.b, BareFontInfo: C.a, FontInfo: C.b, TextModelResolvedOptions: S.e, FindMatch: S.b, EditorType: x.a, EditorOptions: o.g}, Hs.languages = {register: ds, getLanguages: hs, onLanguage: ps, getEncodedLanguageId: us, setLanguageConfiguration: ms, setTokensProvider: _s, setMonarchTokensProvider: vs, registerReferenceProvider: ws, registerRenameProvider: ys, registerCompletionItemProvider: Ps, registerSignatureHelpProvider: Cs, registerHoverProvider: xs, registerDocumentSymbolProvider: Ss, registerDocumentHighlightProvider: ks, registerOnTypeRenameProvider: Es, registerDefinitionProvider: Ts, registerImplementationProvider: Ls, registerTypeDefinitionProvider: Ns, registerCodeLensProvider: Is, registerCodeActionProvider: Os, registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider: Ds, registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider: As, registerOnTypeFormattingEditProvider: Rs, registerLinkProvider: Ms, registerColorProvider: Fs, registerFoldingRangeProvider: Ws, registerDeclarationProvider: zs, registerSelectionRangeProvider: Bs, registerDocumentSemanticTokensProvider: js, registerDocumentRangeSemanticTokensProvider: Vs, DocumentHighlightKind: oe.i, CompletionItemKind: oe.c, CompletionItemTag: oe.d, CompletionItemInsertTextRule: oe.b, SymbolKind: oe.B, SymbolTag: oe.C, IndentAction: oe.n, CompletionTriggerKind: oe.e, SignatureHelpTriggerKind: oe.A, FoldingRangeKind: k.n};
const qs = Hs.CancellationTokenSource, $s = Hs.Emitter, Ks = Hs.KeyCode, Gs = Hs.KeyMod, Ys = Hs.Position, Zs = Hs.Range, Xs = Hs.Selection, Qs = Hs.SelectionDirection, Js = Hs.MarkerSeverity, ea = Hs.MarkerTag, ta = Hs.Uri, na = Hs.Token, ia = Hs.editor, oa = Hs.languages;
Us.monaco = Hs, void 0 !== Us.require && "function" == typeof Us.require.config && Us.require.config({ignoreDuplicateModules: ["vscode-languageserver-types", "vscode-languageserver-types/main", "vscode-languageserver-textdocument", "vscode-languageserver-textdocument/main", "vscode-nls", "vscode-nls/vscode-nls", "jsonc-parser", "jsonc-parser/main", "vscode-uri", "vscode-uri/index", "vs/basic-languages/typescript/typescript"]});
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("modeService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(18), o = n(141);
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o.a;
const r = Object(i.c)("quickInputService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(12);
class o {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._tokens = e2, this._tokensCount = this._tokens.length >>> 1, this._text = t2;
equals(e2) {
return e2 instanceof o && this.slicedEquals(e2, 0, this._tokensCount);
slicedEquals(e2, t2, n2) {
if (this._text !== e2._text)
return false;
if (this._tokensCount !== e2._tokensCount)
return false;
const i2 = t2 << 1, o2 = i2 + (n2 << 1);
for (let t3 = i2; t3 < o2; t3++)
if (this._tokens[t3] !== e2._tokens[t3])
return false;
return true;
getLineContent() {
return this._text;
getCount() {
return this._tokensCount;
getStartOffset(e2) {
return e2 > 0 ? this._tokens[e2 - 1 << 1] : 0;
getMetadata(e2) {
return this._tokens[1 + (e2 << 1)];
getLanguageId(e2) {
const t2 = this._tokens[1 + (e2 << 1)];
return i.B.getLanguageId(t2);
getStandardTokenType(e2) {
const t2 = this._tokens[1 + (e2 << 1)];
return i.B.getTokenType(t2);
getForeground(e2) {
const t2 = this._tokens[1 + (e2 << 1)];
return i.B.getForeground(t2);
getClassName(e2) {
const t2 = this._tokens[1 + (e2 << 1)];
return i.B.getClassNameFromMetadata(t2);
getInlineStyle(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._tokens[1 + (e2 << 1)];
return i.B.getInlineStyleFromMetadata(n2, t2);
getEndOffset(e2) {
return this._tokens[e2 << 1];
findTokenIndexAtOffset(e2) {
return o.findIndexInTokensArray(this._tokens, e2);
inflate() {
return this;
sliceAndInflate(e2, t2, n2) {
return new r(this, e2, t2, n2);
static convertToEndOffset(e2, t2) {
const n2 = (e2.length >>> 1) - 1;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < n2; t3++)
e2[t3 << 1] = e2[t3 + 1 << 1];
e2[n2 << 1] = t2;
static findIndexInTokensArray(e2, t2) {
if (e2.length <= 2)
return 0;
let n2 = 0, i2 = (e2.length >>> 1) - 1;
for (; n2 < i2; ) {
const o2 = n2 + Math.floor((i2 - n2) / 2), r2 = e2[o2 << 1];
if (r2 === t2)
return o2 + 1;
r2 < t2 ? n2 = o2 + 1 : r2 > t2 && (i2 = o2);
return n2;
class r {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._source = e2, this._startOffset = t2, this._endOffset = n2, this._deltaOffset = i2, this._firstTokenIndex = e2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(t2), this._tokensCount = 0;
for (let t3 = this._firstTokenIndex, i3 = e2.getCount(); t3 < i3; t3++) {
if (e2.getStartOffset(t3) >= n2)
equals(e2) {
return e2 instanceof r && (this._startOffset === e2._startOffset && this._endOffset === e2._endOffset && this._deltaOffset === e2._deltaOffset && this._source.slicedEquals(e2._source, this._firstTokenIndex, this._tokensCount));
getCount() {
return this._tokensCount;
getForeground(e2) {
return this._source.getForeground(this._firstTokenIndex + e2);
getEndOffset(e2) {
const t2 = this._source.getEndOffset(this._firstTokenIndex + e2);
return Math.min(this._endOffset, t2) - this._startOffset + this._deltaOffset;
getClassName(e2) {
return this._source.getClassName(this._firstTokenIndex + e2);
getInlineStyle(e2, t2) {
return this._source.getInlineStyle(this._firstTokenIndex + e2, t2);
findTokenIndexAtOffset(e2) {
return this._source.findTokenIndexAtOffset(e2 + this._startOffset - this._deltaOffset) - this._firstTokenIndex;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
var i = n(143);
function o(e2) {
return !(!e2 || "function" != typeof e2.getEditorType) && e2.getEditorType() === i.a.ICodeEditor;
function r(e2) {
return !(!e2 || "function" != typeof e2.getEditorType) && e2.getEditorType() === i.a.IDiffEditor;
function s(e2) {
return o(e2) ? e2 : r(e2) ? e2.getModifiedEditor() : null;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "e", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "f", function() {
return L;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return I;
}), n.d(t, "h", function() {
return A;
}), n.d(t, "g", function() {
return R;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return P;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return F;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return q;
var i = n(2), o = n(14), r = n(15), s = n(98), a = n(1), l = n(11), c = n(61), d = n(67), h = n(6), u = n(44);
class p extends Error {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(`ListError [${e2}] ${t2}`);
var m = n(162), g = n(16), f = n(46);
class b {
constructor(e2) {
this.spliceables = e2;
splice(e2, t2, n2) {
this.spliceables.forEach((i2) => i2.splice(e2, t2, n2));
var _, v = n(118), w = n(71), y = n(66), C = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
class x {
constructor(e2) {
this.trait = e2, this.renderedElements = [];
get templateId() {
return "template:" + this.trait.trait;
renderTemplate(e2) {
return e2;
renderElement(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = Object(r.j)(this.renderedElements, (e3) => e3.templateData === n2);
if (i2 >= 0) {
const e3 = this.renderedElements[i2];
this.trait.unrender(n2), e3.index = t2;
} else {
const e3 = {index: t2, templateData: n2};
this.trait.renderIndex(t2, n2);
splice(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = [];
for (const o2 of this.renderedElements)
o2.index < e2 ? i2.push(o2) : o2.index >= e2 + t2 && i2.push({index: o2.index + n2 - t2, templateData: o2.templateData});
this.renderedElements = i2;
renderIndexes(e2) {
for (const {index: t2, templateData: n2} of this.renderedElements)
e2.indexOf(t2) > -1 && this.trait.renderIndex(t2, n2);
disposeTemplate(e2) {
const t2 = Object(r.j)(this.renderedElements, (t3) => t3.templateData === e2);
t2 < 0 || this.renderedElements.splice(t2, 1);
class S {
constructor(e2) {
this._trait = e2, this.indexes = [], this.sortedIndexes = [], this._onChange = new h.a(), this.onChange = this._onChange.event;
get trait() {
return this._trait;
get renderer() {
return new x(this);
splice(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = n2.length - t2, o2 = e2 + t2, r2 = [...this.sortedIndexes.filter((t3) => t3 < e2),, n3) => t3 ? n3 + e2 : -1).filter((e3) => -1 !== e3), ...this.sortedIndexes.filter((e3) => e3 >= o2).map((e3) => e3 + i2)];
this.renderer.splice(e2, t2, n2.length), this._set(r2, r2);
renderIndex(e2, t2) {
a.ab(t2, this._trait, this.contains(e2));
unrender(e2) {
a.Q(e2, this._trait);
set(e2, t2) {
return this._set(e2, [...e2].sort(j), t2);
_set(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.indexes, o2 = this.sortedIndexes;
this.indexes = e2, this.sortedIndexes = t2;
const r2 = B(o2, e2);
return this.renderer.renderIndexes(r2),{indexes: e2, browserEvent: n2}), i2;
get() {
return this.indexes;
contains(e2) {
return Object(r.c)(this.sortedIndexes, e2, j) >= 0;
dispose() {
C([s.a], S.prototype, "renderer", null);
class k extends S {
constructor(e2) {
super("selected"), this.setAriaSelected = e2;
renderIndex(e2, t2) {
super.renderIndex(e2, t2), this.setAriaSelected && (this.contains(e2) ? t2.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true") : t2.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false"));
class E {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.trait = e2, this.view = t2, this.identityProvider = n2;
splice(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this.identityProvider)
return this.trait.splice(e2, t2, => false));
const i2 = this.trait.get().map((e3) => this.identityProvider.getId(this.view.element(e3)).toString()), o2 = => i2.indexOf(this.identityProvider.getId(e3).toString()) > -1);
this.trait.splice(e2, t2, o2);
function T(e2) {
return "INPUT" === e2.tagName || "TEXTAREA" === e2.tagName;
function L(e2) {
return !!a.I(e2, "monaco-editor") || !a.I(e2, "monaco-list") && (!!e2.parentElement && L(e2.parentElement));
class N {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.list = e2, this.view = t2, this.disposables = new i.b();
const o2 = false !== n2.multipleSelectionSupport, r2 = h.b.chain(Object(u.a)(t2.domNode, "keydown")).filter((e3) => !T( => new d.a(e3));
r2.filter((e3) => 3 === e3.keyCode).on(this.onEnter, this, this.disposables), r2.filter((e3) => 16 === e3.keyCode).on(this.onUpArrow, this, this.disposables), r2.filter((e3) => 18 === e3.keyCode).on(this.onDownArrow, this, this.disposables), r2.filter((e3) => 11 === e3.keyCode).on(this.onPageUpArrow, this, this.disposables), r2.filter((e3) => 12 === e3.keyCode).on(this.onPageDownArrow, this, this.disposables), r2.filter((e3) => 9 === e3.keyCode).on(this.onEscape, this, this.disposables), o2 && r2.filter((e3) => (l.f ? e3.metaKey : e3.ctrlKey) && 31 === e3.keyCode).on(this.onCtrlA, this, this.disposables);
onEnter(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.list.setSelection(this.list.getFocus(), e2.browserEvent);
onUpArrow(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.list.focusPrevious(1, false, e2.browserEvent), this.list.reveal(this.list.getFocus()[0]), this.view.domNode.focus();
onDownArrow(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.list.focusNext(1, false, e2.browserEvent), this.list.reveal(this.list.getFocus()[0]), this.view.domNode.focus();
onPageUpArrow(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.list.focusPreviousPage(e2.browserEvent), this.list.reveal(this.list.getFocus()[0]), this.view.domNode.focus();
onPageDownArrow(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.list.focusNextPage(e2.browserEvent), this.list.reveal(this.list.getFocus()[0]), this.view.domNode.focus();
onCtrlA(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.list.setSelection(Object(r.s)(this.list.length), e2.browserEvent), this.view.domNode.focus();
onEscape(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.list.setSelection([], e2.browserEvent), this.view.domNode.focus();
dispose() {
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Idle = 0] = "Idle", e2[e2.Typing = 1] = "Typing";
}(_ || (_ = {}));
const I = new class {
mightProducePrintableCharacter(e2) {
return !(e2.ctrlKey || e2.metaKey || e2.altKey) && (e2.keyCode >= 31 && e2.keyCode <= 56 || e2.keyCode >= 21 && e2.keyCode <= 30 || e2.keyCode >= 93 && e2.keyCode <= 102 || e2.keyCode >= 80 && e2.keyCode <= 90);
class O {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, o2) {
this.list = e2, this.view = t2, this.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider = n2, this.delegate = o2, this.enabled = false, this.state = _.Idle, this.automaticKeyboardNavigation = true, this.triggered = false, this.previouslyFocused = -1, this.enabledDisposables = new i.b(), this.disposables = new i.b(), this.updateOptions(e2.options);
updateOptions(e2) {
void 0 === e2.enableKeyboardNavigation || !!e2.enableKeyboardNavigation ? this.enable() : this.disable(), void 0 !== e2.automaticKeyboardNavigation && (this.automaticKeyboardNavigation = e2.automaticKeyboardNavigation);
enable() {
if (this.enabled)
const e2 = h.b.chain(Object(u.a)(this.view.domNode, "keydown")).filter((e3) => !T( => this.automaticKeyboardNavigation || this.triggered).map((e3) => new d.a(e3)).filter((e3) => this.delegate.mightProducePrintableCharacter(e3)).forEach((e3) => {
e3.stopPropagation(), e3.preventDefault();
}).map((e3) => e3.browserEvent.key).event, t2 = h.b.debounce(e2, () => null, 800);
h.b.reduce(h.b.any(e2, t2), (e3, t3) => null === t3 ? null : (e3 || "") + t3)(this.onInput, this, this.enabledDisposables), t2(this.onClear, this, this.enabledDisposables), this.enabled = true, this.triggered = false;
disable() {
this.enabled && (this.enabledDisposables.clear(), this.enabled = false, this.triggered = false);
onClear() {
var e2;
const t2 = this.list.getFocus();
if (t2.length > 0 && t2[0] === this.previouslyFocused) {
const n2 = null === (e2 = this.list.options.accessibilityProvider) || void 0 === e2 ? void 0 : e2.getAriaLabel(this.list.element(t2[0]));
n2 && Object(y.a)(n2);
this.previouslyFocused = -1;
onInput(e2) {
if (!e2)
return this.state = _.Idle, void (this.triggered = false);
const t2 = this.list.getFocus(), n2 = t2.length > 0 ? t2[0] : 0, i2 = this.state === _.Idle ? 1 : 0;
this.state = _.Typing;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < this.list.length; t3++) {
const o2 = (n2 + t3 + i2) % this.list.length, r2 = this.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider.getKeyboardNavigationLabel(this.view.element(o2)), s2 = r2 && r2.toString();
if (void 0 === s2 || Object(w.h)(e2, s2))
return this.previouslyFocused = n2, this.list.setFocus([o2]), void this.list.reveal(o2);
dispose() {
this.disable(), this.enabledDisposables.dispose(), this.disposables.dispose();
class D {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.list = e2, this.view = t2, this.disposables = new i.b();
h.b.chain(Object(u.a)(t2.domNode, "keydown")).filter((e3) => !T( => new d.a(e3)).filter((e3) => !(2 !== e3.keyCode || e3.ctrlKey || e3.metaKey || e3.shiftKey || e3.altKey)).on(this.onTab, this, this.disposables);
onTab(e2) {
if ( !== this.view.domNode)
const t2 = this.list.getFocus();
if (0 === t2.length)
const n2 = this.view.domElement(t2[0]);
if (!n2)
const i2 = n2.querySelector("[tabIndex]");
if (!(i2 && i2 instanceof HTMLElement && -1 !== i2.tabIndex))
const o2 = window.getComputedStyle(i2);
"hidden" !== o2.visibility && "none" !== o2.display && (e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), i2.focus());
dispose() {
function A(e2) {
return l.f ? e2.browserEvent.metaKey : e2.browserEvent.ctrlKey;
function R(e2) {
return e2.browserEvent.shiftKey;
const M = {isSelectionSingleChangeEvent: A, isSelectionRangeChangeEvent: R};
class P {
constructor(e2) {
this.list = e2, this.disposables = new i.b(), this._onPointer = new h.a(), this.onPointer = this._onPointer.event, this.multipleSelectionSupport = !(false === e2.options.multipleSelectionSupport), this.multipleSelectionSupport && (this.multipleSelectionController = e2.options.multipleSelectionController || M), this.mouseSupport = void 0 === e2.options.mouseSupport || !!e2.options.mouseSupport, this.mouseSupport && (e2.onMouseDown(this.onMouseDown, this, this.disposables), e2.onContextMenu(this.onContextMenu, this, this.disposables), e2.onMouseDblClick(this.onDoubleClick, this, this.disposables), e2.onTouchStart(this.onMouseDown, this, this.disposables), this.disposables.add(c.b.addTarget(e2.getHTMLElement()))), h.b.any(e2.onMouseClick, e2.onMouseMiddleClick, e2.onTap)(this.onViewPointer, this, this.disposables);
isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(e2) {
return this.multipleSelectionController ? this.multipleSelectionController.isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(e2) : l.f ? e2.browserEvent.metaKey : e2.browserEvent.ctrlKey;
isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(e2) {
return this.multipleSelectionController ? this.multipleSelectionController.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(e2) : e2.browserEvent.shiftKey;
isSelectionChangeEvent(e2) {
return this.isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(e2) || this.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(e2);
onMouseDown(e2) {
L( || document.activeElement !== && this.list.domFocus();
onContextMenu(e2) {
if (L(
const t2 = void 0 === e2.index ? [] : [e2.index];
this.list.setFocus(t2, e2.browserEvent);
onViewPointer(e2) {
if (!this.mouseSupport)
if (T( || L(
let t2 = this.list.getFocus()[0];
const n2 = this.list.getSelection();
t2 = void 0 === t2 ? n2[0] : t2;
const i2 = e2.index;
return void 0 === i2 ? (this.list.setFocus([], e2.browserEvent), void this.list.setSelection([], e2.browserEvent)) : this.multipleSelectionSupport && this.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(e2) || this.multipleSelectionSupport && this.isSelectionChangeEvent(e2) ? this.changeSelection(e2, t2) : (this.list.setFocus([i2], e2.browserEvent), (o2 = e2.browserEvent) instanceof MouseEvent && 2 === o2.button || this.list.setSelection([i2], e2.browserEvent), void;
var o2;
onDoubleClick(e2) {
if (T( || L(
if (this.multipleSelectionSupport && this.isSelectionChangeEvent(e2))
const t2 = this.list.getFocus();
this.list.setSelection(t2, e2.browserEvent);
changeSelection(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.index;
if (this.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(e2) && void 0 !== t2) {
const i2 = Math.min(t2, n2), o2 = Math.max(t2, n2), s2 = Object(r.s)(i2, o2 + 1), a2 = this.list.getSelection(), l2 = function(e3, t3) {
const n3 = e3.indexOf(t3);
if (-1 === n3)
return [];
const i3 = [];
let o3 = n3 - 1;
for (; o3 >= 0 && e3[o3] === t3 - (n3 - o3); )
i3.reverse(), o3 = n3;
for (; o3 < e3.length && e3[o3] === t3 + (o3 - n3); )
return i3;
}(B(a2, [t2]), t2);
if (0 === l2.length)
const c2 = B(s2, function(e3, t3) {
const n3 = [];
let i3 = 0, o3 = 0;
for (; i3 < e3.length || o3 < t3.length; )
if (i3 >= e3.length)
else if (o3 >= t3.length)
else {
if (e3[i3] === t3[o3]) {
i3++, o3++;
e3[i3] < t3[o3] ? n3.push(e3[i3++]) : o3++;
return n3;
}(a2, l2));
this.list.setSelection(c2, e2.browserEvent);
} else if (this.isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(e2)) {
const t3 = this.list.getSelection(), i2 = t3.filter((e3) => e3 !== n2);
this.list.setFocus([n2]), t3.length === i2.length ? this.list.setSelection([...i2, n2], e2.browserEvent) : this.list.setSelection(i2, e2.browserEvent);
dispose() {
class F {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.styleElement = e2, this.selectorSuffix = t2;
style(e2) {
const t2 = this.selectorSuffix && "." + this.selectorSuffix, n2 = [];
e2.listBackground && (e2.listBackground.isOpaque() ? n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-rows { background: ${e2.listBackground}; }`) : l.f || console.warn(`List with id '${this.selectorSuffix}' was styled with a non-opaque background color. This will break sub-pixel antialiasing.`)), e2.listFocusBackground && (n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2}:focus .monaco-list-row.focused { background-color: ${e2.listFocusBackground}; }`), n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2}:focus .monaco-list-row.focused:hover { background-color: ${e2.listFocusBackground}; }`)), e2.listFocusForeground && n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2}:focus .monaco-list-row.focused { color: ${e2.listFocusForeground}; }`), e2.listActiveSelectionBackground && (n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2}:focus .monaco-list-row.selected { background-color: ${e2.listActiveSelectionBackground}; }`), n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2}:focus .monaco-list-row.selected:hover { background-color: ${e2.listActiveSelectionBackground}; }`)), e2.listActiveSelectionForeground && n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2}:focus .monaco-list-row.selected { color: ${e2.listActiveSelectionForeground}; }`), e2.listFocusAndSelectionBackground && n2.push(`
.monaco-list${t2}:focus .monaco-list-row.selected.focused { background-color: ${e2.listFocusAndSelectionBackground}; }
`), e2.listFocusAndSelectionForeground && n2.push(`
.monaco-list${t2}:focus .monaco-list-row.selected.focused { color: ${e2.listFocusAndSelectionForeground}; }
`), e2.listInactiveFocusBackground && (n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-row.focused { background-color: ${e2.listInactiveFocusBackground}; }`), n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-row.focused:hover { background-color: ${e2.listInactiveFocusBackground}; }`)), e2.listInactiveSelectionBackground && (n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-row.selected { background-color: ${e2.listInactiveSelectionBackground}; }`), n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-row.selected:hover { background-color: ${e2.listInactiveSelectionBackground}; }`)), e2.listInactiveSelectionForeground && n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-row.selected { color: ${e2.listInactiveSelectionForeground}; }`), e2.listHoverBackground && n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2}:not(.drop-target) .monaco-list-row:hover:not(.selected):not(.focused) { background-color: ${e2.listHoverBackground}; }`), e2.listHoverForeground && n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-row:hover:not(.selected):not(.focused) { color: ${e2.listHoverForeground}; }`), e2.listSelectionOutline && n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-row.selected { outline: 1px dotted ${e2.listSelectionOutline}; outline-offset: -1px; }`), e2.listFocusOutline && n2.push(`
.monaco-list${t2}:focus .monaco-list-row.focused { outline: 1px solid ${e2.listFocusOutline}; outline-offset: -1px; }
`), e2.listInactiveFocusOutline && n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-row.focused { outline: 1px dotted ${e2.listInactiveFocusOutline}; outline-offset: -1px; }`), e2.listHoverOutline && n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-row:hover { outline: 1px dashed ${e2.listHoverOutline}; outline-offset: -1px; }`), e2.listDropBackground && n2.push(`
.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-rows.drop-target,
.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-list-row.drop-target { background-color: ${e2.listDropBackground} !important; color: inherit !important; }
`), e2.listFilterWidgetBackground && n2.push(`.monaco-list-type-filter { background-color: ${e2.listFilterWidgetBackground} }`), e2.listFilterWidgetOutline && n2.push(`.monaco-list-type-filter { border: 1px solid ${e2.listFilterWidgetOutline}; }`), e2.listFilterWidgetNoMatchesOutline && n2.push(` { border: 1px solid ${e2.listFilterWidgetNoMatchesOutline}; }`), e2.listMatchesShadow && n2.push(`.monaco-list-type-filter { box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px ${e2.listMatchesShadow}; }`);
const i2 = n2.join("\n");
i2 !== this.styleElement.innerHTML && (this.styleElement.innerHTML = i2);
const W = {listFocusBackground: g.a.fromHex("#7FB0D0"), listActiveSelectionBackground: g.a.fromHex("#0E639C"), listActiveSelectionForeground: g.a.fromHex("#FFFFFF"), listFocusAndSelectionBackground: g.a.fromHex("#094771"), listFocusAndSelectionForeground: g.a.fromHex("#FFFFFF"), listInactiveSelectionBackground: g.a.fromHex("#3F3F46"), listHoverBackground: g.a.fromHex("#2A2D2E"), listDropBackground: g.a.fromHex("#383B3D"), treeIndentGuidesStroke: g.a.fromHex("#a9a9a9")}, z = {keyboardSupport: true, mouseSupport: true, multipleSelectionSupport: true, dnd: {getDragURI: () => null, onDragStart() {
}, onDragOver: () => false, drop() {
function B(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [];
let i2 = 0, o2 = 0;
for (; i2 < e2.length || o2 < t2.length; )
if (i2 >= e2.length)
else if (o2 >= t2.length)
else {
if (e2[i2] === t2[o2]) {
n2.push(e2[i2]), i2++, o2++;
e2[i2] < t2[o2] ? n2.push(e2[i2++]) : n2.push(t2[o2++]);
return n2;
const j = (e2, t2) => e2 - t2;
class V {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._templateId = e2, this.renderers = t2;
get templateId() {
return this._templateId;
renderTemplate(e2) {
return => t2.renderTemplate(e2));
renderElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = 0;
for (const r2 of this.renderers)
r2.renderElement(e2, t2, n2[o2++], i2);
disposeElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = 0;
for (const r2 of this.renderers)
r2.disposeElement && r2.disposeElement(e2, t2, n2[o2], i2), o2 += 1;
disposeTemplate(e2) {
let t2 = 0;
for (const n2 of this.renderers)
class U {
constructor(e2) {
this.accessibilityProvider = e2, this.templateId = "a18n";
renderTemplate(e2) {
return e2;
renderElement(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLabel(e2);
i2 ? n2.setAttribute("aria-label", i2) : n2.removeAttribute("aria-label");
const o2 = this.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLevel && this.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLevel(e2);
"number" == typeof o2 ? n2.setAttribute("aria-level", "" + o2) : n2.removeAttribute("aria-level");
disposeTemplate(e2) {
class H {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.list = e2, this.dnd = t2;
getDragElements(e2) {
const t2 = this.list.getSelectedElements();
return t2.indexOf(e2) > -1 ? t2 : [e2];
getDragURI(e2) {
return this.dnd.getDragURI(e2);
getDragLabel(e2, t2) {
if (this.dnd.getDragLabel)
return this.dnd.getDragLabel(e2, t2);
onDragStart(e2, t2) {
this.dnd.onDragStart && this.dnd.onDragStart(e2, t2);
onDragOver(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return this.dnd.onDragOver(e2, t2, n2, i2);
onDragEnd(e2) {
this.dnd.onDragEnd && this.dnd.onDragEnd(e2);
drop(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.dnd.drop(e2, t2, n2, i2);
class q {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, o2, r2 = z) {
var s2;
this.user = e2, this._options = r2, this.eventBufferer = new h.c(), this._ariaLabel = "", this.disposables = new i.b(), this.didJustPressContextMenuKey = false, this._onDidDispose = new h.a(), this.onDidDispose = this._onDidDispose.event;
const l2 = this._options.accessibilityProvider && this._options.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetRole ? null === (s2 = this._options.accessibilityProvider) || void 0 === s2 ? void 0 : s2.getWidgetRole() : "list";
this.selection = new k("listbox" !== l2), this.focus = new S("focused"), Object(f.g)(r2, W, false);
const c2 = [this.focus.renderer, this.selection.renderer];
this.accessibilityProvider = r2.accessibilityProvider, this.accessibilityProvider && (c2.push(new U(this.accessibilityProvider)), this.accessibilityProvider.onDidChangeActiveDescendant && this.accessibilityProvider.onDidChangeActiveDescendant(this.onDidChangeActiveDescendant, this, this.disposables)), o2 = => new V(e3.templateId, [...c2, e3]));
const d2 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r2), {dnd: r2.dnd && new H(this, r2.dnd)});
if (this.view = new m.b(t2, n2, o2, d2), this.view.domNode.setAttribute("role", l2), r2.styleController)
this.styleController = r2.styleController(this.view.domId);
else {
const e3 = a.v(this.view.domNode);
this.styleController = new F(e3, this.view.domId);
if (this.spliceable = new b([new E(this.focus, this.view, r2.identityProvider), new E(this.selection, this.view, r2.identityProvider), this.view]), this.disposables.add(this.focus), this.disposables.add(this.selection), this.disposables.add(this.view), this.disposables.add(this._onDidDispose), this.onDidFocus =, "focus", true), () => null), this.onDidBlur =, "blur", true), () => null), this.disposables.add(new D(this, this.view)), "boolean" != typeof r2.keyboardSupport || r2.keyboardSupport) {
const e3 = new N(this, this.view, r2);
if (r2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider) {
const e3 = r2.keyboardNavigationDelegate || I;
this.typeLabelController = new O(this, this.view, r2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider, e3), this.disposables.add(this.typeLabelController);
this.mouseController = this.createMouseController(r2), this.disposables.add(this.mouseController), this.onDidChangeFocus(this._onFocusChange, this, this.disposables), this.onDidChangeSelection(this._onSelectionChange, this, this.disposables), this.accessibilityProvider && (this.ariaLabel = this.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetAriaLabel()), r2.multipleSelectionSupport && this.view.domNode.setAttribute("aria-multiselectable", "true");
get onDidChangeFocus() {
return, (e2) => this.toListEvent(e2));
get onDidChangeSelection() {
return, (e2) => this.toListEvent(e2));
get domId() {
return this.view.domId;
get onMouseClick() {
return this.view.onMouseClick;
get onMouseDblClick() {
return this.view.onMouseDblClick;
get onMouseMiddleClick() {
return this.view.onMouseMiddleClick;
get onPointer() {
return this.mouseController.onPointer;
get onMouseDown() {
return this.view.onMouseDown;
get onTouchStart() {
return this.view.onTouchStart;
get onTap() {
return this.view.onTap;
get onContextMenu() {
const e2 = h.b.chain(Object(u.a)(this.view.domNode, "keydown")).map((e3) => new d.a(e3)).filter((e3) => this.didJustPressContextMenuKey = 58 === e3.keyCode || e3.shiftKey && 68 === e3.keyCode).filter((e3) => (e3.preventDefault(), e3.stopPropagation(), false)).event, t2 = h.b.chain(Object(u.a)(this.view.domNode, "keyup")).filter(() => {
const e3 = this.didJustPressContextMenuKey;
return this.didJustPressContextMenuKey = false, e3;
}).filter(() => this.getFocus().length > 0 && !!this.view.domElement(this.getFocus()[0])).map((e3) => {
const t3 = this.getFocus()[0];
return {index: t3, element: this.view.element(t3), anchor: this.view.domElement(t3), browserEvent: e3};
}).event, n2 = h.b.chain(this.view.onContextMenu).filter(() => !this.didJustPressContextMenuKey).map(({element: e3, index: t3, browserEvent: n3}) => ({element: e3, index: t3, anchor: {x: n3.clientX + 1, y: n3.clientY}, browserEvent: n3})).event;
return h.b.any(e2, t2, n2);
get onKeyDown() {
return Object(u.a)(this.view.domNode, "keydown");
createMouseController(e2) {
return new P(this);
updateOptions(e2 = {}) {
this._options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._options), e2), this.typeLabelController && this.typeLabelController.updateOptions(this._options), this.view.updateOptions(e2);
get options() {
return this._options;
splice(e2, t2, n2 = []) {
if (e2 < 0 || e2 > this.view.length)
throw new p(this.user, "Invalid start index: " + e2);
if (t2 < 0)
throw new p(this.user, "Invalid delete count: " + t2);
0 === t2 && 0 === n2.length || this.eventBufferer.bufferEvents(() => this.spliceable.splice(e2, t2, n2));
rerender() {
element(e2) {
return this.view.element(e2);
get length() {
return this.view.length;
get contentHeight() {
return this.view.contentHeight;
get scrollTop() {
return this.view.getScrollTop();
set scrollTop(e2) {
get ariaLabel() {
return this._ariaLabel;
set ariaLabel(e2) {
this._ariaLabel = e2, this.view.domNode.setAttribute("aria-label", e2);
domFocus() {
layout(e2, t2) {
this.view.layout(e2, t2);
setSelection(e2, t2) {
for (const t3 of e2)
if (t3 < 0 || t3 >= this.length)
throw new p(this.user, "Invalid index " + t3);
this.selection.set(e2, t2);
getSelection() {
return this.selection.get();
getSelectedElements() {
return this.getSelection().map((e2) => this.view.element(e2));
setFocus(e2, t2) {
for (const t3 of e2)
if (t3 < 0 || t3 >= this.length)
throw new p(this.user, "Invalid index " + t3);
this.focus.set(e2, t2);
focusNext(e2 = 1, t2 = false, n2, i2) {
if (0 === this.length)
const o2 = this.focus.get(), r2 = this.findNextIndex(o2.length > 0 ? o2[0] + e2 : 0, t2, i2);
r2 > -1 && this.setFocus([r2], n2);
focusPrevious(e2 = 1, t2 = false, n2, i2) {
if (0 === this.length)
const o2 = this.focus.get(), r2 = this.findPreviousIndex(o2.length > 0 ? o2[0] - e2 : 0, t2, i2);
r2 > -1 && this.setFocus([r2], n2);
focusNextPage(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.view.indexAt(this.view.getScrollTop() + this.view.renderHeight);
n2 = 0 === n2 ? 0 : n2 - 1;
const i2 = this.view.element(n2), o2 = this.getFocusedElements()[0];
if (o2 !== i2) {
const i3 = this.findPreviousIndex(n2, false, t2);
i3 > -1 && o2 !== this.view.element(i3) ? this.setFocus([i3], e2) : this.setFocus([n2], e2);
} else {
const i3 = this.view.getScrollTop();
this.view.setScrollTop(i3 + this.view.renderHeight - this.view.elementHeight(n2)), this.view.getScrollTop() !== i3 && setTimeout(() => this.focusNextPage(e2, t2), 0);
focusPreviousPage(e2, t2) {
let n2;
const i2 = this.view.getScrollTop();
n2 = 0 === i2 ? this.view.indexAt(i2) : this.view.indexAfter(i2 - 1);
const o2 = this.view.element(n2), r2 = this.getFocusedElements()[0];
if (r2 !== o2) {
const i3 = this.findNextIndex(n2, false, t2);
i3 > -1 && r2 !== this.view.element(i3) ? this.setFocus([i3], e2) : this.setFocus([n2], e2);
} else {
const n3 = i2;
this.view.setScrollTop(i2 - this.view.renderHeight), this.view.getScrollTop() !== n3 && setTimeout(() => this.focusPreviousPage(e2, t2), 0);
focusLast(e2, t2) {
if (0 === this.length)
const n2 = this.findPreviousIndex(this.length - 1, false, t2);
n2 > -1 && this.setFocus([n2], e2);
focusFirst(e2, t2) {
this.focusNth(0, e2, t2);
focusNth(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === this.length)
const i2 = this.findNextIndex(e2, false, n2);
i2 > -1 && this.setFocus([i2], t2);
findNextIndex(e2, t2 = false, n2) {
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
if (e2 >= this.length && !t2)
return -1;
if (e2 %= this.length, !n2 || n2(this.element(e2)))
return e2;
return -1;
findPreviousIndex(e2, t2 = false, n2) {
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++) {
if (e2 < 0 && !t2)
return -1;
if (e2 = (this.length + e2 % this.length) % this.length, !n2 || n2(this.element(e2)))
return e2;
return -1;
getFocus() {
return this.focus.get();
getFocusedElements() {
return this.getFocus().map((e2) => this.view.element(e2));
reveal(e2, t2) {
if (e2 < 0 || e2 >= this.length)
throw new p(this.user, "Invalid index " + e2);
const n2 = this.view.getScrollTop(), i2 = this.view.elementTop(e2), r2 = this.view.elementHeight(e2);
if (Object(o.h)(t2)) {
const e3 = r2 - this.view.renderHeight;
this.view.setScrollTop(e3 * Object(v.b)(t2, 0, 1) + i2);
} else {
const e3 = i2 + r2, t3 = n2 + this.view.renderHeight;
i2 < n2 && e3 >= t3 || (i2 < n2 ? this.view.setScrollTop(i2) : e3 >= t3 && this.view.setScrollTop(e3 - this.view.renderHeight));
getRelativeTop(e2) {
if (e2 < 0 || e2 >= this.length)
throw new p(this.user, "Invalid index " + e2);
const t2 = this.view.getScrollTop(), n2 = this.view.elementTop(e2), i2 = this.view.elementHeight(e2);
if (n2 < t2 || n2 + i2 > t2 + this.view.renderHeight)
return null;
const o2 = i2 - this.view.renderHeight;
return Math.abs((t2 - n2) / o2);
getHTMLElement() {
return this.view.domNode;
style(e2) {;
toListEvent({indexes: e2, browserEvent: t2}) {
return {indexes: e2, elements: => this.view.element(e3)), browserEvent: t2};
_onFocusChange() {
const e2 = this.focus.get();
a.ab(this.view.domNode, "element-focused", e2.length > 0), this.onDidChangeActiveDescendant();
onDidChangeActiveDescendant() {
var e2;
const t2 = this.focus.get();
if (t2.length > 0) {
let n2;
(null === (e2 = this.accessibilityProvider) || void 0 === e2 ? void 0 : e2.getActiveDescendantId) && (n2 = this.accessibilityProvider.getActiveDescendantId(this.view.element(t2[0]))), this.view.domNode.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", n2 || this.view.getElementDomId(t2[0]));
} else
_onSelectionChange() {
const e2 = this.selection.get();
a.ab(this.view.domNode, "selection-none", 0 === e2.length), a.ab(this.view.domNode, "selection-single", 1 === e2.length), a.ab(this.view.domNode, "selection-multiple", e2.length > 1);
dispose() {, this.disposables.dispose(), this._onDidDispose.dispose();
C([s.a], q.prototype, "onDidChangeFocus", null), C([s.a], q.prototype, "onDidChangeSelection", null), C([s.a], q.prototype, "onContextMenu", null);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.getCount(), i2 = e2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(t2), r2 = e2.getLanguageId(i2), s = i2;
for (; s + 1 < n2 && e2.getLanguageId(s + 1) === r2; )
let a = i2;
for (; a > 0 && e2.getLanguageId(a - 1) === r2; )
return new o(e2, r2, a, s + 1, e2.getStartOffset(a), e2.getEndOffset(s));
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
class o {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this._actual = e2, this.languageId = t2, this._firstTokenIndex = n2, this._lastTokenIndex = i2, this.firstCharOffset = o2, this._lastCharOffset = r2;
getLineContent() {
return this._actual.getLineContent().substring(this.firstCharOffset, this._lastCharOffset);
getActualLineContentBefore(e2) {
return this._actual.getLineContent().substring(0, this.firstCharOffset + e2);
getTokenCount() {
return this._lastTokenIndex - this._firstTokenIndex;
findTokenIndexAtOffset(e2) {
return this._actual.findTokenIndexAtOffset(e2 + this.firstCharOffset) - this._firstTokenIndex;
getStandardTokenType(e2) {
return this._actual.getStandardTokenType(e2 + this._firstTokenIndex);
function r(e2) {
return 0 != (7 & e2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
var i = n(163);
const o = [];
function r(e2, t2, n2) {
o.push([e2, new i.a(t2, [], n2)]);
function s() {
return o;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return d;
var i = n(2), o = n(60), r = n(1), s = n(14), a = n(67), l = n(6), c = n(123);
class d extends i.a {
constructor(e2, t2 = {}) {
var n2, i2, s2;
let c2, d2;
switch (super(), this._onDidBlur = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidBlur = this._onDidBlur.event, this._onDidCancel = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidCancel = this._onDidCancel.event, this._onDidRun = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidRun = this._onDidRun.event, this._onDidBeforeRun = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidBeforeRun = this._onDidBeforeRun.event, this.options = t2, this._context = null !== (n2 = t2.context) && void 0 !== n2 ? n2 : null, this._orientation = null !== (i2 = this.options.orientation) && void 0 !== i2 ? i2 : 0, this._triggerKeys = null !== (s2 = this.options.triggerKeys) && void 0 !== s2 ? s2 : {keys: [3, 10], keyDown: false}, this.options.actionRunner ? this._actionRunner = this.options.actionRunner : (this._actionRunner = new o.b(), this._register(this._actionRunner)), this._register(this._actionRunner.onDidRun((e3) =>, this._register(this._actionRunner.onDidBeforeRun((e3) =>, this.viewItems = [], this.focusedItem = void 0, this.domNode = document.createElement("div"), this.domNode.className = "monaco-action-bar", false !== t2.animated && r.e(this.domNode, "animated"), this._orientation) {
case 0:
c2 = 15, d2 = 17;
case 1:
c2 = 17, d2 = 15, this.domNode.className += " reverse";
case 2:
c2 = 16, d2 = 18, this.domNode.className += " vertical";
case 3:
c2 = 18, d2 = 16, this.domNode.className += " vertical reverse";
this._register(r.i(this.domNode, r.c.KEY_DOWN, (e3) => {
const t3 = new a.a(e3);
let n3 = true;
t3.equals(c2) ? n3 = this.focusPrevious() : t3.equals(d2) ? n3 = this.focusNext() : t3.equals(9) ? : this.isTriggerKeyEvent(t3) ? this._triggerKeys.keyDown && this.doTrigger(t3) : n3 = false, n3 && (t3.preventDefault(), t3.stopPropagation());
})), this._register(r.i(this.domNode, r.c.KEY_UP, (e3) => {
const t3 = new a.a(e3);
this.isTriggerKeyEvent(t3) ? (this._triggerKeys.keyDown || this.doTrigger(t3), t3.preventDefault(), t3.stopPropagation()) : (t3.equals(2) || t3.equals(1026)) && this.updateFocusedItem();
})), this.focusTracker = this._register(, this._register(this.focusTracker.onDidBlur(() => {
r.x() !== this.domNode && r.L(r.x(), this.domNode) || (, this.focusedItem = void 0);
})), this._register(this.focusTracker.onDidFocus(() => this.updateFocusedItem())), this.actionsList = document.createElement("ul"), this.actionsList.className = "actions-container", this.actionsList.setAttribute("role", "toolbar"), this.options.ariaLabel && this.actionsList.setAttribute("aria-label", this.options.ariaLabel), this.domNode.appendChild(this.actionsList), e2.appendChild(this.domNode);
isTriggerKeyEvent(e2) {
let t2 = false;
return this._triggerKeys.keys.forEach((n2) => {
t2 = t2 || e2.equals(n2);
}), t2;
updateFocusedItem() {
for (let e2 = 0; e2 < this.actionsList.children.length; e2++) {
const t2 = this.actionsList.children[e2];
if (r.L(r.x(), t2)) {
this.focusedItem = e2;
get context() {
return this._context;
set context(e2) {
this._context = e2, this.viewItems.forEach((t2) => t2.setActionContext(e2));
get actionRunner() {
return this._actionRunner;
set actionRunner(e2) {
e2 && (this._actionRunner = e2, this.viewItems.forEach((t2) => t2.actionRunner = e2));
getContainer() {
return this.domNode;
push(e2, t2 = {}) {
const n2 = Array.isArray(e2) ? e2 : [e2];
let i2 = s.h(t2.index) ? t2.index : null;
n2.forEach((e3) => {
const n3 = document.createElement("li");
let o2;
n3.className = "action-item", n3.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this.options.allowContextMenu || this._register(r.i(n3, r.c.CONTEXT_MENU, (e4) => {
r.b.stop(e4, true);
})), this.options.actionViewItemProvider && (o2 = this.options.actionViewItemProvider(e3)), o2 || (o2 = new c.a(this.context, e3, t2)), o2.actionRunner = this._actionRunner, o2.setActionContext(this.context), o2.render(n3), null === i2 || i2 < 0 || i2 >= this.actionsList.children.length ? (this.actionsList.appendChild(n3), this.viewItems.push(o2)) : (this.actionsList.insertBefore(n3, this.actionsList.children[i2]), this.viewItems.splice(i2, 0, o2), i2++);
}), this.focusedItem && this.focus(this.focusedItem);
clear() {
Object(i.f)(this.viewItems), this.viewItems = [], r.s(this.actionsList);
focus(e2) {
let t2 = false, n2 = void 0;
void 0 === e2 ? t2 = true : "number" == typeof e2 ? n2 = e2 : "boolean" == typeof e2 && (t2 = e2), t2 && void 0 === this.focusedItem ? (this.focusedItem = -1, this.focusNext()) : (void 0 !== n2 && (this.focusedItem = n2), this.updateFocus());
focusNext() {
void 0 === this.focusedItem && (this.focusedItem = this.viewItems.length - 1);
const e2 = this.focusedItem;
let t2;
do {
if (this.options.preventLoopNavigation && this.focusedItem + 1 >= this.viewItems.length)
return this.focusedItem = e2, false;
this.focusedItem = (this.focusedItem + 1) % this.viewItems.length, t2 = this.viewItems[this.focusedItem];
} while (this.focusedItem !== e2 && !t2.isEnabled());
return this.focusedItem !== e2 || t2.isEnabled() || (this.focusedItem = void 0), this.updateFocus(), true;
focusPrevious() {
void 0 === this.focusedItem && (this.focusedItem = 0);
const e2 = this.focusedItem;
let t2;
do {
if (this.focusedItem = this.focusedItem - 1, this.focusedItem < 0) {
if (this.options.preventLoopNavigation)
return this.focusedItem = e2, false;
this.focusedItem = this.viewItems.length - 1;
t2 = this.viewItems[this.focusedItem];
} while (this.focusedItem !== e2 && !t2.isEnabled());
return this.focusedItem !== e2 || t2.isEnabled() || (this.focusedItem = void 0), this.updateFocus(true), true;
updateFocus(e2, t2) {
void 0 === this.focusedItem && this.actionsList.focus({preventScroll: t2});
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < this.viewItems.length; n2++) {
const i2 = this.viewItems[n2];
n2 === this.focusedItem ? s.g(i2.isEnabled) && (i2.isEnabled() && s.g(i2.focus) ? i2.focus(e2) : this.actionsList.focus({preventScroll: t2})) : s.g(i2.blur) && i2.blur();
doTrigger(e2) {
if (void 0 === this.focusedItem)
const t2 = this.viewItems[this.focusedItem];
if (t2 instanceof c.b) {
const n2 = null === t2._context || void 0 === t2._context ? e2 : t2._context;, n2);
run(e2, t2) {
return, t2);
dispose() {
Object(i.f)(this.viewItems), this.viewItems = [], r.S(this.getContainer()), super.dispose();
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(76);
class o extends i.a {
constructor(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = e2.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
this.set(e2.charCodeAt(t2), 2);
this.set(32, 1), this.set(9, 1);
const r = function(e2) {
let t2 = {};
return (n2) => (t2.hasOwnProperty(n2) || (t2[n2] = e2(n2)), t2[n2]);
}((e2) => new o(e2));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2, t2, n2) {
return Math.min(Math.max(e2, t2), n2);
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
class o {
constructor() {
this._n = 1, this._val = 0;
update(e2) {
return this._val = this._val + (e2 - this._val) / this._n, this._n += 1, this;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return m;
var i = n(8), o = n(132), r = n(3);
class s {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this.languageIdentifier = e2, this.index = t2, = n2, this.close = i2, this.forwardRegex = o2, this.reversedRegex = r2, this._openSet = s._toSet(, this._closeSet = s._toSet(this.close);
isOpen(e2) {
return this._openSet.has(e2);
isClose(e2) {
return this._closeSet.has(e2);
static _toSet(e2) {
const t2 = new Set();
for (const n2 of e2)
return t2;
class a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
const n2 = function(e3) {
const t3 = e3.length;
e3 = => [e4[0].toLowerCase(), e4[1].toLowerCase()]);
const n3 = [];
for (let e4 = 0; e4 < t3; e4++)
n3[e4] = e4;
const i2 = (e4, t4) => {
const [n4, i3] = e4, [o3, r3] = t4;
return n4 === o3 || n4 === r3 || i3 === o3 || i3 === r3;
}, o2 = (e4, i3) => {
const o3 = Math.min(e4, i3), r3 = Math.max(e4, i3);
for (let e5 = 0; e5 < t3; e5++)
n3[e5] === r3 && (n3[e5] = o3);
for (let r3 = 0; r3 < t3; r3++) {
const s2 = e3[r3];
for (let a2 = r3 + 1; a2 < t3; a2++) {
i2(s2, e3[a2]) && o2(n3[r3], n3[a2]);
const r2 = [];
for (let i3 = 0; i3 < t3; i3++) {
let o3 = [], s2 = [];
for (let r3 = 0; r3 < t3; r3++)
if (n3[r3] === i3) {
const [t4, n4] = e3[r3];
o3.push(t4), s2.push(n4);
o3.length > 0 && r2.push({open: o3, close: s2});
return r2;
this.brackets =, i2) => new s(e2, i2,, t3.close, function(e3, t4, n3, i3) {
let o2 = [];
o2 = o2.concat(e3), o2 = o2.concat(t4);
for (let e4 = 0, t5 = o2.length; e4 < t5; e4++)
l(o2[e4], n3, i3, o2);
return o2 = d(o2), o2.sort(c), o2.reverse(), u(o2);
}(, t3.close, n2, i2), function(e3, t4, n3, i3) {
let o2 = [];
o2 = o2.concat(e3), o2 = o2.concat(t4);
for (let e4 = 0, t5 = o2.length; e4 < t5; e4++)
l(o2[e4], n3, i3, o2);
return o2 = d(o2), o2.sort(c), o2.reverse(), u(;
}(, t3.close, n2, i2))), this.forwardRegex = function(e3) {
let t3 = [];
for (const n3 of e3) {
for (const e4 of
for (const e4 of n3.close)
return t3 = d(t3), u(t3);
}(this.brackets), this.reversedRegex = function(e3) {
let t3 = [];
for (const n3 of e3) {
for (const e4 of
for (const e4 of n3.close)
return t3 = d(t3), u(;
}(this.brackets), this.textIsBracket = {}, this.textIsOpenBracket = {}, this.maxBracketLength = 0;
for (const e3 of this.brackets) {
for (const t3 of
this.textIsBracket[t3] = e3, this.textIsOpenBracket[t3] = true, this.maxBracketLength = Math.max(this.maxBracketLength, t3.length);
for (const t3 of e3.close)
this.textIsBracket[t3] = e3, this.textIsOpenBracket[t3] = false, this.maxBracketLength = Math.max(this.maxBracketLength, t3.length);
function l(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
if (o2 === n2)
const r3 = t2[o2];
for (const t3 of
t3.indexOf(e2) >= 0 && i2.push(t3);
for (const t3 of r3.close)
t3.indexOf(e2) >= 0 && i2.push(t3);
function c(e2, t2) {
return e2.length - t2.length;
function d(e2) {
if (e2.length <= 1)
return e2;
const t2 = [], n2 = new Set();
for (const i2 of e2)
n2.has(i2) || (t2.push(i2), n2.add(i2));
return t2;
function h(e2) {
const t2 = /^[\w ]+$/.test(e2);
return e2 = i.v(e2), t2 ? `\\b${e2}\\b` : e2;
function u(e2) {
let t2 = `(${")|(")})`;
return i.q(t2, true);
const p = function() {
let e2 = null, t2 = null;
return function(n2) {
return e2 !== n2 && (e2 = n2, t2 = function(e3) {
if (o.d) {
const t3 = new Uint16Array(e3.length);
let n3 = 0;
for (let i2 = e3.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
t3[n3++] = e3.charCodeAt(i2);
return o.c().decode(t3);
let t3 = [], n3 = 0;
for (let i2 = e3.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
t3[n3++] = e3.charAt(i2);
return t3.join("");
}(e2)), t2;
class m {
static _findPrevBracketInText(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = n2.match(e2);
if (!o2)
return null;
let s2 = n2.length - (o2.index || 0), a2 = o2[0].length, l2 = i2 + s2;
return new r.a(t2, l2 - a2 + 1, t2, l2 + 1);
static findPrevBracketInRange(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = p(n2).substring(n2.length - o2, n2.length - i2);
return this._findPrevBracketInText(e2, t2, r2, i2);
static findNextBracketInText(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = n2.match(e2);
if (!o2)
return null;
let s2 = o2.index || 0, a2 = o2[0].length;
if (0 === a2)
return null;
let l2 = i2 + s2;
return new r.a(t2, l2 + 1, t2, l2 + 1 + a2);
static findNextBracketInRange(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = n2.substring(i2, o2);
return this.findNextBracketInText(e2, t2, r2, i2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("telemetryService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("clipboardService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("textModelService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return p;
var i = n(11), o = n(0), r = n(2), s = n(60), a = n(1), l = n(14), c = n(61), d = n(125), h = n(34);
class u extends r.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = {}) {
super(), this.options = n2, this._context = e2 || this, this._action = t2, t2 instanceof s.a && this._register(t2.onDidChange((e3) => {
this.element && this.handleActionChangeEvent(e3);
handleActionChangeEvent(e2) {
void 0 !== e2.enabled && this.updateEnabled(), void 0 !== e2.checked && this.updateChecked(), void 0 !== e2.class && this.updateClass(), void 0 !== e2.label && (this.updateLabel(), this.updateTooltip()), void 0 !== e2.tooltip && this.updateTooltip();
get actionRunner() {
return this._actionRunner || (this._actionRunner = this._register(new s.b())), this._actionRunner;
set actionRunner(e2) {
this._actionRunner = e2;
getAction() {
return this._action;
isEnabled() {
return this._action.enabled;
setActionContext(e2) {
this._context = e2;
render(e2) {
const t2 = this.element = e2;
const n2 = this.options && this.options.draggable;
n2 && (e2.draggable = true, h.h && this._register(a.i(e2, a.c.DRAG_START, (e3) => {
var t3;
return null === (t3 = e3.dataTransfer) || void 0 === t3 ? void 0 : t3.setData(d.a.TEXT, this._action.label);
}))), this._register(a.i(t2, c.a.Tap, (e3) => this.onClick(e3))), this._register(a.i(t2, a.c.MOUSE_DOWN, (e3) => {
n2 || a.b.stop(e3, true), this._action.enabled && 0 === e3.button && a.e(t2, "active");
})), i.f && this._register(a.i(t2, a.c.CONTEXT_MENU, (e3) => {
0 === e3.button && true === e3.ctrlKey && this.onClick(e3);
})), this._register(a.i(t2, a.c.CLICK, (e3) => {
a.b.stop(e3, true), this.options && this.options.isMenu || i.j(() => this.onClick(e3));
})), this._register(a.i(t2, a.c.DBLCLICK, (e3) => {
a.b.stop(e3, true);
})), [a.c.MOUSE_UP, a.c.MOUSE_OUT].forEach((e3) => {
this._register(a.i(t2, e3, (e4) => {
a.b.stop(e4), a.Q(t2, "active");
onClick(e2) {
var t2;
a.b.stop(e2, true);
const n2 = l.l(this._context) ? (null === (t2 = this.options) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.useEventAsContext) ? e2 : void 0 : this._context;, n2);
focus() {
this.element && (this.element.focus(), a.e(this.element, "focused"));
blur() {
this.element && (this.element.blur(), a.Q(this.element, "focused"));
updateEnabled() {
updateLabel() {
updateTooltip() {
updateClass() {
updateChecked() {
dispose() {
this.element && (a.S(this.element), this.element = void 0), super.dispose();
class p extends u {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = {}) {
super(e2, t2, n2), this.options = n2, this.options.icon = void 0 !== n2.icon && n2.icon, this.options.label = void 0 === n2.label || n2.label, this.cssClass = "";
render(e2) {
super.render(e2), this.element && (this.label = a.p(this.element, a.a("a.action-label"))), this.label && ( === s.c.ID ? this.label.setAttribute("role", "presentation") : this.options.isMenu ? this.label.setAttribute("role", "menuitem") : this.label.setAttribute("role", "button")), this.options.label && this.options.keybinding && this.element && (a.p(this.element, a.a("span.keybinding")).textContent = this.options.keybinding), this.updateClass(), this.updateLabel(), this.updateTooltip(), this.updateEnabled(), this.updateChecked();
focus() {
super.focus(), this.label && this.label.focus();
updateLabel() {
this.options.label && this.label && (this.label.textContent = this.getAction().label);
updateTooltip() {
let e2 = null;
this.getAction().tooltip ? e2 = this.getAction().tooltip : !this.options.label && this.getAction().label && this.options.icon && (e2 = this.getAction().label, this.options.keybinding && (e2 = o.a({key: "titleLabel", comment: ["action title", "action keybinding"]}, "{0} ({1})", e2, this.options.keybinding))), e2 && this.label && (this.label.title = e2);
updateClass() {
this.cssClass && this.label && a.R(this.label, this.cssClass), this.options.icon ? (this.cssClass = this.getAction().class, this.label && (a.e(this.label, "codicon"), this.cssClass && a.f(this.label, this.cssClass)), this.updateEnabled()) : this.label && a.Q(this.label, "codicon");
updateEnabled() {
this.getAction().enabled ? (this.label && (this.label.removeAttribute("aria-disabled"), a.Q(this.label, "disabled"), this.label.tabIndex = 0), this.element && a.Q(this.element, "disabled")) : (this.label && (this.label.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"), a.e(this.label, "disabled"), a.T(this.label)), this.element && a.e(this.element, "disabled"));
updateChecked() {
this.label && (this.getAction().checked ? a.e(this.label, "checked") : a.Q(this.label, "checked"));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "f", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return h;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return u;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return b;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return _;
var i = n(15), o = n(111), r = n(9), s = n(3), a = n(12);
function l(e2) {
let t2 = 0, n2 = 0, i2 = 0, o2 = 0;
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = e2.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
const a2 = e2.charCodeAt(r2);
13 === a2 ? (0 === t2 && (n2 = r2), t2++, r2 + 1 < s2 && 10 === e2.charCodeAt(r2 + 1) ? (o2 |= 2, r2++) : o2 |= 3, i2 = r2 + 1) : 10 === a2 && (o2 |= 1, 0 === t2 && (n2 = r2), t2++, i2 = r2 + 1);
return 0 === t2 && (n2 = e2.length), [t2, n2, e2.length - i2, o2];
function c(e2) {
return (16384 | e2 << 0 | 2 << 23) >>> 0;
const d = new Uint32Array(0).buffer;
class h {
constructor() {
this.tokens = [];
add(e2, t2) {
if (this.tokens.length > 0) {
const n2 = this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1];
if (n2.startLineNumber + n2.tokens.length - 1 + 1 === e2)
return void n2.tokens.push(t2);
this.tokens.push(new g(e2, [t2]));
class u {
constructor(e2) {
this._tokens = e2, this._tokenCount = e2.length / 4;
toString(e2) {
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < this._tokenCount; n2++)
t2.push(`(${this._getDeltaLine(n2) + e2},${this._getStartCharacter(n2)}-${this._getEndCharacter(n2)})`);
return `[${t2.join(",")}]`;
getMaxDeltaLine() {
const e2 = this._getTokenCount();
return 0 === e2 ? -1 : this._getDeltaLine(e2 - 1);
getRange() {
const e2 = this._getTokenCount();
if (0 === e2)
return null;
const t2 = this._getStartCharacter(0), n2 = this._getDeltaLine(e2 - 1), i2 = this._getEndCharacter(e2 - 1);
return new s.a(0, t2 + 1, n2, i2 + 1);
_getTokenCount() {
return this._tokenCount;
_getDeltaLine(e2) {
return this._tokens[4 * e2];
_getStartCharacter(e2) {
return this._tokens[4 * e2 + 1];
_getEndCharacter(e2) {
return this._tokens[4 * e2 + 2];
isEmpty() {
return 0 === this._getTokenCount();
getLineTokens(e2) {
let t2 = 0, n2 = this._getTokenCount() - 1;
for (; t2 < n2; ) {
const i2 = t2 + Math.floor((n2 - t2) / 2), o2 = this._getDeltaLine(i2);
if (o2 < e2)
t2 = i2 + 1;
else {
if (!(o2 > e2)) {
let o3 = i2;
for (; o3 > t2 && this._getDeltaLine(o3 - 1) === e2; )
let r2 = i2;
for (; r2 < n2 && this._getDeltaLine(r2 + 1) === e2; )
return new p(this._tokens.subarray(4 * o3, 4 * r2 + 4));
n2 = i2 - 1;
return this._getDeltaLine(t2) === e2 ? new p(this._tokens.subarray(4 * t2, 4 * t2 + 4)) : null;
clear() {
this._tokenCount = 0;
removeTokens(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this._tokens, r2 = this._tokenCount;
let s2 = 0, a2 = false, l2 = 0;
for (let c2 = 0; c2 < r2; c2++) {
const r3 = 4 * c2, d2 = o2[r3], h2 = o2[r3 + 1], u2 = o2[r3 + 2], p2 = o2[r3 + 3];
if ((d2 > e2 || d2 === e2 && u2 >= t2) && (d2 < n2 || d2 === n2 && h2 <= i2))
a2 = true;
else {
if (0 === s2 && (l2 = d2), a2) {
const e3 = 4 * s2;
o2[e3] = d2 - l2, o2[e3 + 1] = h2, o2[e3 + 2] = u2, o2[e3 + 3] = p2;
return this._tokenCount = s2, l2;
split(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this._tokens, r2 = this._tokenCount;
let s2 = [], a2 = [], l2 = s2, c2 = 0, d2 = 0;
for (let s3 = 0; s3 < r2; s3++) {
const r3 = 4 * s3, h2 = o2[r3], u2 = o2[r3 + 1], p2 = o2[r3 + 2], m2 = o2[r3 + 3];
if (h2 > e2 || h2 === e2 && p2 >= t2) {
if (h2 < n2 || h2 === n2 && u2 <= i2)
l2 !== a2 && (l2 = a2, c2 = 0, d2 = h2);
l2[c2++] = h2 - d2, l2[c2++] = u2, l2[c2++] = p2, l2[c2++] = m2;
return [new u(new Uint32Array(s2)), new u(new Uint32Array(a2)), d2];
acceptDeleteRange(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = this._tokens, s2 = this._tokenCount, a2 = i2 - t2;
let l2 = 0, c2 = false;
for (let d2 = 0; d2 < s2; d2++) {
const h2 = 4 * d2;
let u2 = r2[h2], p2 = r2[h2 + 1], m2 = r2[h2 + 2];
const g2 = r2[h2 + 3];
if (u2 < t2 || u2 === t2 && m2 <= n2) {
if (u2 === t2 && p2 < n2)
u2 === i2 && m2 > o2 ? m2 -= o2 - n2 : m2 = n2;
else if (u2 === t2 && p2 === n2) {
if (!(u2 === i2 && m2 > o2)) {
c2 = true;
m2 -= o2 - n2;
} else if (u2 < i2 || u2 === i2 && p2 < o2) {
if (!(u2 === i2 && m2 > o2)) {
c2 = true;
u2 === t2 ? (p2 = n2, m2 = p2 + (m2 - o2)) : (p2 = 0, m2 = p2 + (m2 - o2));
} else if (u2 > i2) {
if (0 === a2 && !c2) {
l2 = s2;
u2 -= a2;
} else {
if (!(u2 === i2 && p2 >= o2))
throw new Error("Not possible!");
e2 && 0 === u2 && (p2 += e2, m2 += e2), u2 -= a2, p2 -= o2 - n2, m2 -= o2 - n2;
const f2 = 4 * l2;
r2[f2] = u2, r2[f2 + 1] = p2, r2[f2 + 2] = m2, r2[f2 + 3] = g2, l2++;
this._tokenCount = l2;
acceptInsertText(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
const s2 = 0 === n2 && 1 === i2 && (r2 >= 48 && r2 <= 57 || r2 >= 65 && r2 <= 90 || r2 >= 97 && r2 <= 122), a2 = this._tokens, l2 = this._tokenCount;
for (let r3 = 0; r3 < l2; r3++) {
const l3 = 4 * r3;
let c2 = a2[l3], d2 = a2[l3 + 1], h2 = a2[l3 + 2];
if (!(c2 < e2 || c2 === e2 && h2 < t2)) {
if (c2 === e2 && h2 === t2) {
if (!s2)
h2 += 1;
} else if (c2 === e2 && d2 < t2 && t2 < h2)
0 === n2 ? h2 += i2 : h2 = t2;
else {
if (c2 === e2 && d2 === t2 && s2)
if (c2 === e2)
if (c2 += n2, 0 === n2)
d2 += i2, h2 += i2;
else {
const e3 = h2 - d2;
d2 = o2 + (d2 - t2), h2 = d2 + e3;
c2 += n2;
a2[l3] = c2, a2[l3 + 1] = d2, a2[l3 + 2] = h2;
class p {
constructor(e2) {
this._tokens = e2;
getCount() {
return this._tokens.length / 4;
getStartCharacter(e2) {
return this._tokens[4 * e2 + 1];
getEndCharacter(e2) {
return this._tokens[4 * e2 + 2];
getMetadata(e2) {
return this._tokens[4 * e2 + 3];
class m {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.startLineNumber = e2, this.tokens = t2, this.endLineNumber = this.startLineNumber + this.tokens.getMaxDeltaLine();
toString() {
return this.tokens.toString(this.startLineNumber);
_updateEndLineNumber() {
this.endLineNumber = this.startLineNumber + this.tokens.getMaxDeltaLine();
isEmpty() {
return this.tokens.isEmpty();
getLineTokens(e2) {
return this.startLineNumber <= e2 && e2 <= this.endLineNumber ? this.tokens.getLineTokens(e2 - this.startLineNumber) : null;
getRange() {
const e2 = this.tokens.getRange();
return e2 ? new s.a(this.startLineNumber + e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn, this.startLineNumber + e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn) : e2;
removeTokens(e2) {
const t2 = e2.startLineNumber - this.startLineNumber, n2 = e2.endLineNumber - this.startLineNumber;
this.startLineNumber += this.tokens.removeTokens(t2, e2.startColumn - 1, n2, e2.endColumn - 1), this._updateEndLineNumber();
split(e2) {
const t2 = e2.startLineNumber - this.startLineNumber, n2 = e2.endLineNumber - this.startLineNumber, [i2, o2, r2] = this.tokens.split(t2, e2.startColumn - 1, n2, e2.endColumn - 1);
return [new m(this.startLineNumber, i2), new m(this.startLineNumber + r2, o2)];
applyEdit(e2, t2) {
const [n2, i2, o2] = l(t2);
this.acceptEdit(e2, n2, i2, o2, t2.length > 0 ? t2.charCodeAt(0) : 0);
acceptEdit(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this._acceptDeleteRange(e2), this._acceptInsertText(new r.a(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn), t2, n2, i2, o2), this._updateEndLineNumber();
_acceptDeleteRange(e2) {
if (e2.startLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber && e2.startColumn === e2.endColumn)
const t2 = e2.startLineNumber - this.startLineNumber, n2 = e2.endLineNumber - this.startLineNumber;
if (n2 < 0) {
const e3 = n2 - t2;
return void (this.startLineNumber -= e3);
const i2 = this.tokens.getMaxDeltaLine();
if (!(t2 >= i2 + 1)) {
if (t2 < 0 && n2 >= i2 + 1)
return this.startLineNumber = 0, void this.tokens.clear();
if (t2 < 0) {
const i3 = -t2;
this.startLineNumber -= i3, this.tokens.acceptDeleteRange(e2.startColumn - 1, 0, 0, n2, e2.endColumn - 1);
} else
this.tokens.acceptDeleteRange(0, t2, e2.startColumn - 1, n2, e2.endColumn - 1);
_acceptInsertText(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (0 === t2 && 0 === n2)
const r2 = e2.lineNumber - this.startLineNumber;
if (r2 < 0)
return void (this.startLineNumber += t2);
r2 >= this.tokens.getMaxDeltaLine() + 1 || this.tokens.acceptInsertText(r2, e2.column - 1, t2, n2, i2, o2);
class g {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.startLineNumber = e2, this.tokens = t2;
function f(e2) {
return e2 instanceof Uint32Array ? e2 : new Uint32Array(e2);
class b {
constructor() {
this._pieces = [], this._isComplete = false;
flush() {
this._pieces = [], this._isComplete = false;
set(e2, t2) {
this._pieces = e2 || [], this._isComplete = t2;
setPartial(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2;
if (t2.length > 0) {
const i2 = t2[0].getRange(), o3 = t2[t2.length - 1].getRange();
if (!i2 || !o3)
return e2;
n2 = e2.plusRange(i2).plusRange(o3);
let o2 = null;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = this._pieces.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const i2 = this._pieces[e3];
if (i2.endLineNumber < n2.startLineNumber)
if (i2.startLineNumber > n2.endLineNumber) {
o2 = o2 || {index: e3};
if (i2.removeTokens(n2), i2.isEmpty()) {
this._pieces.splice(e3, 1), e3--, t3--;
if (i2.endLineNumber < n2.startLineNumber)
if (i2.startLineNumber > n2.endLineNumber) {
o2 = o2 || {index: e3};
const [r2, s2] = i2.split(n2);
r2.isEmpty() ? o2 = o2 || {index: e3} : s2.isEmpty() || (this._pieces.splice(e3, 1, r2, s2), e3++, t3++, o2 = o2 || {index: e3});
return o2 = o2 || {index: this._pieces.length}, t2.length > 0 && (this._pieces = i.a(this._pieces, o2.index, t2)), n2;
isComplete() {
return this._isComplete;
addSemanticTokens(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._pieces;
if (0 === n2.length)
return t2;
const i2 = n2[b._findFirstPieceWithLine(n2, e2)].getLineTokens(e2);
if (!i2)
return t2;
const r2 = t2.getCount(), s2 = i2.getCount();
let a2 = 0, l2 = [], c2 = 0, d2 = 0;
const h2 = (e3, t3) => {
e3 !== d2 && (d2 = e3, l2[c2++] = e3, l2[c2++] = t3);
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < s2; e3++) {
const n3 = i2.getStartCharacter(e3), o2 = i2.getEndCharacter(e3), s3 = i2.getMetadata(e3), l3 = ((1 & s3 ? 2048 : 0) | (2 & s3 ? 4096 : 0) | (4 & s3 ? 8192 : 0) | (8 & s3 ? 8372224 : 0) | (16 & s3 ? 4286578688 : 0)) >>> 0, c3 = ~l3 >>> 0;
for (; a2 < r2 && t2.getEndOffset(a2) <= n3; )
h2(t2.getEndOffset(a2), t2.getMetadata(a2)), a2++;
for (a2 < r2 && t2.getStartOffset(a2) < n3 && h2(n3, t2.getMetadata(a2)); a2 < r2 && t2.getEndOffset(a2) < o2; )
h2(t2.getEndOffset(a2), t2.getMetadata(a2) & c3 | s3 & l3), a2++;
if (a2 < r2)
h2(o2, t2.getMetadata(a2) & c3 | s3 & l3), t2.getEndOffset(a2) === o2 && a2++;
else {
const e4 = Math.min(Math.max(0, a2 - 1), r2 - 1);
h2(o2, t2.getMetadata(e4) & c3 | s3 & l3);
for (; a2 < r2; )
h2(t2.getEndOffset(a2), t2.getMetadata(a2)), a2++;
return new o.a(new Uint32Array(l2), t2.getLineContent());
static _findFirstPieceWithLine(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length - 1;
for (; n2 < i2; ) {
let o2 = n2 + Math.floor((i2 - n2) / 2);
if (e2[o2].endLineNumber < t2)
n2 = o2 + 1;
else {
if (!(e2[o2].startLineNumber > t2)) {
for (; o2 > n2 && e2[o2 - 1].startLineNumber <= t2 && t2 <= e2[o2 - 1].endLineNumber; )
return o2;
i2 = o2 - 1;
return n2;
acceptEdit(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
for (const r2 of this._pieces)
r2.acceptEdit(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
class _ {
constructor() {
this._lineTokens = [], this._len = 0;
flush() {
this._lineTokens = [], this._len = 0;
getTokens(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = null;
if (t2 < this._len && (i2 = this._lineTokens[t2]), null !== i2 && i2 !== d)
return new o.a(f(i2), n2);
let r2 = new Uint32Array(2);
return r2[0] = n2.length, r2[1] = c(e2), new o.a(r2, n2);
static _massageTokens(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = n2 ? f(n2) : null;
if (0 === t2) {
let t3 = false;
if (i2 && i2.length > 1 && (t3 = a.B.getLanguageId(i2[1]) !== e2), !t3)
return d;
if (!i2 || 0 === i2.length) {
const n3 = new Uint32Array(2);
return n3[0] = t2, n3[1] = c(e2), n3.buffer;
return i2[i2.length - 2] = t2, 0 === i2.byteOffset && i2.byteLength === i2.buffer.byteLength ? i2.buffer : i2;
_ensureLine(e2) {
for (; e2 >= this._len; )
this._lineTokens[this._len] = null, this._len++;
_deleteLines(e2, t2) {
0 !== t2 && (e2 + t2 > this._len && (t2 = this._len - e2), this._lineTokens.splice(e2, t2), this._len -= t2);
_insertLines(e2, t2) {
if (0 === t2)
let n2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < t2; e3++)
n2[e3] = null;
this._lineTokens = i.a(this._lineTokens, e2, n2), this._len += t2;
setTokens(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = _._massageTokens(e2, n2, i2);
const s2 = this._lineTokens[t2];
return this._lineTokens[t2] = r2, !!o2 && !_._equals(s2, r2);
static _equals(e2, t2) {
if (!e2 || !t2)
return !e2 && !t2;
const n2 = f(e2), i2 = f(t2);
if (n2.length !== i2.length)
return false;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = n2.length; e3 < t3; e3++)
if (n2[e3] !== i2[e3])
return false;
return true;
acceptEdit(e2, t2, n2) {
this._acceptDeleteRange(e2), this._acceptInsertText(new r.a(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn), t2, n2);
_acceptDeleteRange(e2) {
const t2 = e2.startLineNumber - 1;
if (t2 >= this._len)
if (e2.startLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber) {
if (e2.startColumn === e2.endColumn)
return void (this._lineTokens[t2] = _._delete(this._lineTokens[t2], e2.startColumn - 1, e2.endColumn - 1));
this._lineTokens[t2] = _._deleteEnding(this._lineTokens[t2], e2.startColumn - 1);
const n2 = e2.endLineNumber - 1;
let i2 = null;
n2 < this._len && (i2 = _._deleteBeginning(this._lineTokens[n2], e2.endColumn - 1)), this._lineTokens[t2] = _._append(this._lineTokens[t2], i2), this._deleteLines(e2.startLineNumber, e2.endLineNumber - e2.startLineNumber);
_acceptInsertText(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === t2 && 0 === n2)
const i2 = e2.lineNumber - 1;
i2 >= this._len || (0 !== t2 ? (this._lineTokens[i2] = _._deleteEnding(this._lineTokens[i2], e2.column - 1), this._lineTokens[i2] = _._insert(this._lineTokens[i2], e2.column - 1, n2), this._insertLines(e2.lineNumber, t2)) : this._lineTokens[i2] = _._insert(this._lineTokens[i2], e2.column - 1, n2));
static _deleteBeginning(e2, t2) {
return null === e2 || e2 === d ? e2 : _._delete(e2, 0, t2);
static _deleteEnding(e2, t2) {
if (null === e2 || e2 === d)
return e2;
const n2 = f(e2), i2 = n2[n2.length - 2];
return _._delete(e2, t2, i2);
static _delete(e2, t2, n2) {
if (null === e2 || e2 === d || t2 === n2)
return e2;
const i2 = f(e2), r2 = i2.length >>> 1;
if (0 === t2 && i2[i2.length - 2] === n2)
return d;
const s2 = o.a.findIndexInTokensArray(i2, t2), a2 = s2 > 0 ? i2[s2 - 1 << 1] : 0;
if (n2 < i2[s2 << 1]) {
const o2 = n2 - t2;
for (let e3 = s2; e3 < r2; e3++)
i2[e3 << 1] -= o2;
return e2;
let l2, c2;
a2 !== t2 ? (i2[s2 << 1] = t2, l2 = s2 + 1 << 1, c2 = t2) : (l2 = s2 << 1, c2 = a2);
const h2 = n2 - t2;
for (let e3 = s2 + 1; e3 < r2; e3++) {
const t3 = i2[e3 << 1] - h2;
t3 > c2 && (i2[l2++] = t3, i2[l2++] = i2[1 + (e3 << 1)], c2 = t3);
if (l2 === i2.length)
return e2;
let u2 = new Uint32Array(l2);
return u2.set(i2.subarray(0, l2), 0), u2.buffer;
static _append(e2, t2) {
if (t2 === d)
return e2;
if (e2 === d)
return t2;
if (null === e2)
return e2;
if (null === t2)
return null;
const n2 = f(e2), i2 = f(t2), o2 = i2.length >>> 1;
let r2 = new Uint32Array(n2.length + i2.length);
r2.set(n2, 0);
let s2 = n2.length;
const a2 = n2[n2.length - 2];
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < o2; e3++)
r2[s2++] = i2[e3 << 1] + a2, r2[s2++] = i2[1 + (e3 << 1)];
return r2.buffer;
static _insert(e2, t2, n2) {
if (null === e2 || e2 === d)
return e2;
const i2 = f(e2), r2 = i2.length >>> 1;
let s2 = o.a.findIndexInTokensArray(i2, t2);
if (s2 > 0) {
i2[s2 - 1 << 1] === t2 && s2--;
for (let e3 = s2; e3 < r2; e3++)
i2[e3 << 1] += n2;
return e2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return r;
const i = {RESOURCES: "ResourceURLs", DOWNLOAD_URL: "DownloadURL", FILES: "Files", TEXT: "text/plain"};
class o {
constructor(e2) { = e2;
update() {
getData() {
const r = {CurrentDragAndDropData: void 0};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return g;
var i = n(13), o = n(8), r = n(62), s = n(130), a = n(3), l = n(21);
class c {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._range = e2, this._charBeforeSelection = t2, this._charAfterSelection = n2;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
t2.addTrackedEditOperation(new a.a(this._range.startLineNumber, this._range.startColumn, this._range.startLineNumber, this._range.startColumn), this._charBeforeSelection), t2.addTrackedEditOperation(new a.a(this._range.endLineNumber, this._range.endColumn, this._range.endLineNumber, this._range.endColumn), this._charAfterSelection);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getInverseEditOperations(), i2 = n2[0].range, o2 = n2[1].range;
return new l.a(i2.endLineNumber, i2.endColumn, o2.endLineNumber, o2.endColumn - this._charAfterSelection.length);
var d = n(22), h = n(117), u = n(75), p = n(39);
class m {
static indent(e2, t2, n2) {
if (null === t2 || null === n2)
return [];
let i2 = [];
for (let t3 = 0, o2 = n2.length; t3 < o2; t3++)
i2[t3] = new s.a(n2[t3], {isUnshift: false, tabSize: e2.tabSize, indentSize: e2.indentSize, insertSpaces: e2.insertSpaces, useTabStops: e2.useTabStops, autoIndent: e2.autoIndent});
return i2;
static outdent(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let t3 = 0, o2 = n2.length; t3 < o2; t3++)
i2[t3] = new s.a(n2[t3], {isUnshift: true, tabSize: e2.tabSize, indentSize: e2.indentSize, insertSpaces: e2.insertSpaces, useTabStops: e2.useTabStops, autoIndent: e2.autoIndent});
return i2;
static shiftIndent(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 = n2 || 1, s.a.shiftIndent(t2, t2.length + n2, e2.tabSize, e2.indentSize, e2.insertSpaces);
static unshiftIndent(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 = n2 || 1, s.a.unshiftIndent(t2, t2.length + n2, e2.tabSize, e2.indentSize, e2.insertSpaces);
static _distributedPaste(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = n2.length; e3 < t3; e3++)
o2[e3] = new r.a(n2[e3], i2[e3]);
return new d.e(0, o2, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: true, shouldPushStackElementAfter: true});
static _simplePaste(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let s2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = n2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = n2[e3];
let l2 = t4.getPosition();
if (o2 && !t4.isEmpty() && (o2 = false), o2 && i2.indexOf("\n") !== i2.length - 1 && (o2 = false), o2) {
let n3 = new a.a(l2.lineNumber, 1, l2.lineNumber, 1);
s2[e3] = new r.b(n3, i2, t4, true);
} else
s2[e3] = new r.a(t4, i2);
return new d.e(0, s2, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: true, shouldPushStackElementAfter: true});
static _distributePasteToCursors(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (i2)
return null;
if (1 === t2.length)
return null;
if (o2 && o2.length === t2.length)
return o2;
if ("spread" === e2.multiCursorPaste) {
10 === n2.charCodeAt(n2.length - 1) && (n2 = n2.substr(0, n2.length - 1)), 13 === n2.charCodeAt(n2.length - 1) && (n2 = n2.substr(0, n2.length - 1));
let e3 = n2.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/);
if (e3.length === t2.length)
return e3;
return null;
static paste(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
const s2 = this._distributePasteToCursors(e2, n2, i2, o2, r2);
return s2 ? (n2 = n2.sort(a.a.compareRangesUsingStarts), this._distributedPaste(e2, t2, n2, s2)) : this._simplePaste(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
static _goodIndentForLine(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = null, r2 = "";
const s2 = p.a.getInheritIndentForLine(e2.autoIndent, t2, n2, false);
if (s2)
i2 = s2.action, r2 = s2.indentation;
else if (n2 > 1) {
let i3;
for (i3 = n2 - 1; i3 >= 1; i3--) {
const e3 = t2.getLineContent(i3);
if (o.J(e3) >= 0)
if (i3 < 1)
return null;
const s3 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(i3), l2 = p.a.getEnterAction(e2.autoIndent, t2, new a.a(i3, s3, i3, s3));
l2 && (r2 = l2.indentation + l2.appendText);
return i2 && (i2 === u.a.Indent && (r2 = m.shiftIndent(e2, r2)), i2 === u.a.Outdent && (r2 = m.unshiftIndent(e2, r2)), r2 = e2.normalizeIndentation(r2)), r2 || null;
static _replaceJumpToNextIndent(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = "", s2 = n2.getStartPosition();
if (e2.insertSpaces) {
let n3 = d.a.visibleColumnFromColumn2(e2, t2, s2), i3 = e2.indentSize, r2 = i3 - n3 % i3;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < r2; e3++)
o2 += " ";
} else
o2 = " ";
return new r.a(n2, o2, i2);
static tab(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let l2 = 0, c2 = n2.length; l2 < c2; l2++) {
const c3 = n2[l2];
if (c3.isEmpty()) {
let n3 = t2.getLineContent(c3.startLineNumber);
if (/^\s*$/.test(n3) && t2.isCheapToTokenize(c3.startLineNumber)) {
let s2 = this._goodIndentForLine(e2, t2, c3.startLineNumber);
s2 = s2 || " ";
let d2 = e2.normalizeIndentation(s2);
if (!o.S(n3, d2)) {
i2[l2] = new r.a(new a.a(c3.startLineNumber, 1, c3.startLineNumber, n3.length + 1), d2, true);
i2[l2] = this._replaceJumpToNextIndent(e2, t2, c3, true);
} else {
if (c3.startLineNumber === c3.endLineNumber) {
let n3 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(c3.startLineNumber);
if (1 !== c3.startColumn || c3.endColumn !== n3) {
i2[l2] = this._replaceJumpToNextIndent(e2, t2, c3, false);
i2[l2] = new s.a(c3, {isUnshift: false, tabSize: e2.tabSize, indentSize: e2.indentSize, insertSpaces: e2.insertSpaces, useTabStops: e2.useTabStops, autoIndent: e2.autoIndent});
return i2;
static replacePreviousChar(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, s2) {
let l2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = i2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = i2[e3];
if (!t4.isEmpty()) {
l2[e3] = null;
const c2 = t4.getPosition(), d2 = Math.max(1, c2.column - s2), h2 = new a.a(c2.lineNumber, d2, c2.lineNumber, c2.column);
n2.getValueInRange(h2) !== o2 ? l2[e3] = new r.a(h2, o2) : l2[e3] = null;
return new d.e(1, l2, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: 1 !== e2, shouldPushStackElementAfter: false});
static _typeCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 ? new r.e(e2, t2, true) : new r.a(e2, t2, true);
static _enter(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (0 === e2.autoIndent)
return m._typeCommand(i2, "\n", n2);
if (!t2.isCheapToTokenize(i2.getStartPosition().lineNumber) || 1 === e2.autoIndent) {
let r2 = t2.getLineContent(i2.startLineNumber), s3 = o.z(r2).substring(0, i2.startColumn - 1);
return m._typeCommand(i2, "\n" + e2.normalizeIndentation(s3), n2);
const s2 = p.a.getEnterAction(e2.autoIndent, t2, i2);
if (s2) {
if (s2.indentAction === u.a.None)
return m._typeCommand(i2, "\n" + e2.normalizeIndentation(s2.indentation + s2.appendText), n2);
if (s2.indentAction === u.a.Indent)
return m._typeCommand(i2, "\n" + e2.normalizeIndentation(s2.indentation + s2.appendText), n2);
if (s2.indentAction === u.a.IndentOutdent) {
const t3 = e2.normalizeIndentation(s2.indentation), o2 = e2.normalizeIndentation(s2.indentation + s2.appendText), a2 = "\n" + o2 + "\n" + t3;
return n2 ? new r.e(i2, a2, true) : new r.d(i2, a2, -1, o2.length - t3.length, true);
if (s2.indentAction === u.a.Outdent) {
const t3 = m.unshiftIndent(e2, s2.indentation);
return m._typeCommand(i2, "\n" + e2.normalizeIndentation(t3 + s2.appendText), n2);
const l2 = t2.getLineContent(i2.startLineNumber), c2 = o.z(l2).substring(0, i2.startColumn - 1);
if (e2.autoIndent >= 4) {
const s3 = p.a.getIndentForEnter(e2.autoIndent, t2, i2, {unshiftIndent: (t3) => m.unshiftIndent(e2, t3), shiftIndent: (t3) => m.shiftIndent(e2, t3), normalizeIndentation: (t3) => e2.normalizeIndentation(t3)});
if (s3) {
let h2 = d.a.visibleColumnFromColumn2(e2, t2, i2.getEndPosition());
const u2 = i2.endColumn;
let p2 = "\n";
c2 !== e2.normalizeIndentation(s3.beforeEnter) && (p2 = e2.normalizeIndentation(s3.beforeEnter) + l2.substring(c2.length, i2.startColumn - 1) + "\n", i2 = new a.a(i2.startLineNumber, 1, i2.endLineNumber, i2.endColumn));
const m2 = t2.getLineContent(i2.endLineNumber), g2 = o.w(m2);
if (i2 = g2 >= 0 ? i2.setEndPosition(i2.endLineNumber, Math.max(i2.endColumn, g2 + 1)) : i2.setEndPosition(i2.endLineNumber, t2.getLineMaxColumn(i2.endLineNumber)), n2)
return new r.e(i2, p2 + e2.normalizeIndentation(s3.afterEnter), true);
let t3 = 0;
return u2 <= g2 + 1 && (e2.insertSpaces || (h2 = Math.ceil(h2 / e2.indentSize)), t3 = Math.min(h2 + 1 - e2.normalizeIndentation(s3.afterEnter).length - 1, 0)), new r.d(i2, p2 + e2.normalizeIndentation(s3.afterEnter), 0, t3, true);
return m._typeCommand(i2, "\n" + e2.normalizeIndentation(c2), n2);
static _isAutoIndentType(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2.autoIndent < 4)
return false;
for (let e3 = 0, i2 = n2.length; e3 < i2; e3++)
if (!t2.isCheapToTokenize(n2[e3].getEndPosition().lineNumber))
return false;
return true;
static _runAutoIndentType(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = p.a.getIndentationAtPosition(t2, n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn), r2 = p.a.getIndentActionForType(e2.autoIndent, t2, n2, i2, {shiftIndent: (t3) => m.shiftIndent(e2, t3), unshiftIndent: (t3) => m.unshiftIndent(e2, t3)});
if (null === r2)
return null;
if (r2 !== e2.normalizeIndentation(o2)) {
const o3 = t2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(n2.startLineNumber);
return 0 === o3 ? m._typeCommand(new a.a(n2.startLineNumber, 0, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn), e2.normalizeIndentation(r2) + i2, false) : m._typeCommand(new a.a(n2.startLineNumber, 0, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn), e2.normalizeIndentation(r2) + t2.getLineContent(n2.startLineNumber).substring(o3 - 1, n2.startColumn - 1) + i2, false);
return null;
static _isAutoClosingOvertype(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if ("never" === e2.autoClosingOvertype)
return false;
if (!e2.autoClosingPairsClose2.has(o2))
return false;
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = n2.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
const s3 = n2[r2];
if (!s3.isEmpty())
return false;
const a2 = s3.getPosition(), l2 = t2.getLineContent(a2.lineNumber);
if (l2.charAt(a2.column - 1) !== o2)
return false;
const c2 = Object(d.g)(o2);
if (92 === (a2.column > 2 ? l2.charCodeAt(a2.column - 2) : 0) && c2)
return false;
if ("auto" === e2.autoClosingOvertype) {
let e3 = false;
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = i2.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
const n4 = i2[t3];
if (a2.lineNumber === n4.startLineNumber && a2.column === n4.startColumn) {
e3 = true;
if (!e3)
return false;
return true;
static _runAutoClosingOvertype(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let s2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = i2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = i2[e3].getPosition(), n3 = new a.a(t4.lineNumber, t4.column, t4.lineNumber, t4.column + 1);
s2[e3] = new r.a(n3, o2);
return new d.e(1, s2, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: 1 !== e2, shouldPushStackElementAfter: false});
static _autoClosingPairIsSymmetric(e2) {
const {open: t2, close: n2} = e2;
return t2.indexOf(n2) >= 0 || n2.indexOf(t2) >= 0;
static _isBeforeClosingBrace(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.autoClosingPairsClose2.get(n2);
if (!i2)
return false;
const o2 = m._autoClosingPairIsSymmetric(t2);
for (const e3 of i2) {
const t3 = m._autoClosingPairIsSymmetric(e3);
if (o2 || !t3)
return true;
return false;
static _findAutoClosingPairOpen(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = e2.autoClosingPairsOpen2.get(i2);
if (!o2)
return null;
let r2 = null;
for (const e3 of o2)
if (null === r2 || > {
let o3 = true;
for (const r3 of n2) {
if (t2.getValueInRange(new a.a(r3.lineNumber, r3.column - + 1, r3.lineNumber, r3.column)) + i2 !== {
o3 = false;
o3 && (r2 = e3);
return r2;
static _isAutoClosingOpenCharType(e2, t2, n2, o2, r2) {
const s2 = Object(d.g)(o2), a2 = s2 ? e2.autoClosingQuotes : e2.autoClosingBrackets;
if ("never" === a2)
return null;
const l2 = this._findAutoClosingPairOpen(e2, t2, => e3.getPosition()), o2);
if (!l2)
return null;
const c2 = s2 ? e2.shouldAutoCloseBefore.quote : e2.shouldAutoCloseBefore.bracket;
for (let o3 = 0, d2 = n2.length; o3 < d2; o3++) {
const d3 = n2[o3];
if (!d3.isEmpty())
return null;
const u2 = d3.getPosition(), g2 = t2.getLineContent(u2.lineNumber);
if (g2.length > u2.column - 1) {
const t3 = g2.charAt(u2.column - 1);
if (!m._isBeforeClosingBrace(e2, l2, t3) && !c2(t3))
return null;
if (!t2.isCheapToTokenize(u2.lineNumber))
return null;
if (1 === && s2 && "always" !== a2) {
const t3 = Object(h.a)(e2.wordSeparators);
if (r2 && u2.column > 1 && 0 === t3.get(g2.charCodeAt(u2.column - 2)))
return null;
if (!r2 && u2.column > 2 && 0 === t3.get(g2.charCodeAt(u2.column - 3)))
return null;
const f = t2.getLineTokens(u2.lineNumber);
let b = false;
try {
b = p.a.shouldAutoClosePair(l2, f, r2 ? u2.column : u2.column - 1);
} catch (e3) {
if (!b)
return null;
return l2;
static _runAutoClosingOpenCharType(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
let a2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = i2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = i2[e3];
a2[e3] = new g(t4, o2, r2, s2.close);
return new d.e(1, a2, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: true, shouldPushStackElementAfter: false});
static _shouldSurroundChar(e2, t2) {
return Object(d.g)(t2) ? "quotes" === e2.autoSurround || "languageDefined" === e2.autoSurround : "brackets" === e2.autoSurround || "languageDefined" === e2.autoSurround;
static _isSurroundSelectionType(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (!m._shouldSurroundChar(e2, i2) || !e2.surroundingPairs.hasOwnProperty(i2))
return false;
const o2 = Object(d.g)(i2);
for (let e3 = 0, i3 = n2.length; e3 < i3; e3++) {
const i4 = n2[e3];
if (i4.isEmpty())
return false;
let r2 = true;
for (let e4 = i4.startLineNumber; e4 <= i4.endLineNumber; e4++) {
const n3 = t2.getLineContent(e4), o3 = e4 === i4.startLineNumber ? i4.startColumn - 1 : 0, s2 = e4 === i4.endLineNumber ? i4.endColumn - 1 : n3.length, a2 = n3.substring(o3, s2);
if (/[^ \t]/.test(a2)) {
r2 = false;
if (r2)
return false;
if (o2 && i4.startLineNumber === i4.endLineNumber && i4.startColumn + 1 === i4.endColumn) {
const e4 = t2.getValueInRange(i4);
if (Object(d.g)(e4))
return false;
return true;
static _runSurroundSelectionType(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = i2.length; e3 < n3; e3++) {
const n4 = i2[e3], s2 = t2.surroundingPairs[o2];
r2[e3] = new c(n4, o2, s2);
return new d.e(0, r2, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: true, shouldPushStackElementAfter: true});
static _isTypeInterceptorElectricChar(e2, t2, n2) {
return !(1 !== n2.length || !t2.isCheapToTokenize(n2[0].getEndPosition().lineNumber));
static _typeInterceptorElectricChar(e2, t2, n2, s2, l2) {
if (!t2.electricChars.hasOwnProperty(l2) || !s2.isEmpty())
return null;
let c2 = s2.getPosition();
let h2, u2 = n2.getLineTokens(c2.lineNumber);
try {
h2 = p.a.onElectricCharacter(l2, u2, c2.column);
} catch (e3) {
return Object(i.e)(e3), null;
if (!h2)
return null;
if (h2.matchOpenBracket) {
let e3 = (u2.getLineContent() + l2).lastIndexOf(h2.matchOpenBracket) + 1, i2 = n2.findMatchingBracketUp(h2.matchOpenBracket, {lineNumber: c2.lineNumber, column: e3});
if (i2) {
if (i2.startLineNumber === c2.lineNumber)
return null;
let e4 = n2.getLineContent(i2.startLineNumber), s3 = o.z(e4), h3 = t2.normalizeIndentation(s3), u3 = n2.getLineContent(c2.lineNumber), p2 = n2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(c2.lineNumber) || c2.column, m2 = h3 + u3.substring(p2 - 1, c2.column - 1) + l2, g2 = new a.a(c2.lineNumber, 1, c2.lineNumber, c2.column);
const f = new r.a(g2, m2);
return new d.e(1, [f], {shouldPushStackElementBefore: false, shouldPushStackElementAfter: true});
return null;
static compositionEndWithInterceptors(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, s2) {
if (!i2 || l.a.selectionsArrEqual(i2, o2))
return null;
let c2 = null;
for (const e3 of o2) {
if (!e3.isEmpty())
return null;
const t3 = e3.getPosition(), i3 = n2.getValueInRange(new a.a(t3.lineNumber, t3.column - 1, t3.lineNumber, t3.column));
if (null === c2)
c2 = i3;
else if (c2 !== i3)
return null;
if (!c2)
return null;
if (this._isAutoClosingOvertype(t2, n2, o2, s2, c2)) {
const e3 = => new r.a(new a.a(e4.positionLineNumber, e4.positionColumn, e4.positionLineNumber, e4.positionColumn + 1), "", false));
return new d.e(1, e3, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: true, shouldPushStackElementAfter: false});
const h2 = this._isAutoClosingOpenCharType(t2, n2, o2, c2, false);
return h2 ? this._runAutoClosingOpenCharType(e2, t2, n2, o2, c2, false, h2) : null;
static typeWithInterceptors(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, s2, a2) {
if (!e2 && "\n" === a2) {
let e3 = [];
for (let t3 = 0, r2 = o2.length; t3 < r2; t3++)
e3[t3] = m._enter(n2, i2, false, o2[t3]);
return new d.e(1, e3, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: true, shouldPushStackElementAfter: false});
if (!e2 && this._isAutoIndentType(n2, i2, o2)) {
let e3 = [], t3 = false;
for (let r2 = 0, s3 = o2.length; r2 < s3; r2++)
if (e3[r2] = this._runAutoIndentType(n2, i2, o2[r2], a2), !e3[r2]) {
t3 = true;
if (!t3)
return new d.e(1, e3, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: true, shouldPushStackElementAfter: false});
if (!e2 && this._isAutoClosingOvertype(n2, i2, o2, s2, a2))
return this._runAutoClosingOvertype(t2, n2, i2, o2, a2);
if (!e2) {
const e3 = this._isAutoClosingOpenCharType(n2, i2, o2, a2, true);
if (e3)
return this._runAutoClosingOpenCharType(t2, n2, i2, o2, a2, true, e3);
if (this._isSurroundSelectionType(n2, i2, o2, a2))
return this._runSurroundSelectionType(t2, n2, i2, o2, a2);
if (!e2 && this._isTypeInterceptorElectricChar(n2, i2, o2)) {
const e3 = this._typeInterceptorElectricChar(t2, n2, i2, o2[0], a2);
if (e3)
return e3;
let l2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = o2.length; e3 < t3; e3++)
l2[e3] = new r.a(o2[e3], a2);
let c2 = 1 !== t2;
return " " === a2 && (c2 = true), new d.e(1, l2, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: c2, shouldPushStackElementAfter: false});
static typeWithoutInterceptors(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let s2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = i2.length; e3 < t3; e3++)
s2[e3] = new r.a(i2[e3], o2);
return new d.e(1, s2, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: 1 !== e2, shouldPushStackElementAfter: false});
static lineInsertBefore(e2, t2, n2) {
if (null === t2 || null === n2)
return [];
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, s2 = n2.length; o2 < s2; o2++) {
let s3 = n2[o2].positionLineNumber;
if (1 === s3)
i2[o2] = new r.e(new a.a(1, 1, 1, 1), "\n");
else {
let n3 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(s3);
i2[o2] = this._enter(e2, t2, false, new a.a(s3, n3, s3, n3));
return i2;
static lineInsertAfter(e2, t2, n2) {
if (null === t2 || null === n2)
return [];
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = n2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = n2[o2].positionLineNumber;
let s2 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(r3);
i2[o2] = this._enter(e2, t2, false, new a.a(r3, s2, r3, s2));
return i2;
static lineBreakInsert(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = n2.length; o2 < r2; o2++)
i2[o2] = this._enter(e2, t2, true, n2[o2]);
return i2;
class g extends r.d {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(e2, (n2 ? t2 : "") + i2, 0, -i2.length), this._openCharacter = t2, this._closeCharacter = i2, this.closeCharacterRange = null, this.enclosingRange = null;
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getInverseEditOperations()[0].range;
return this.closeCharacterRange = new a.a(n2.startLineNumber, n2.endColumn - this._closeCharacter.length, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn), this.enclosingRange = new a.a(n2.startLineNumber, n2.endColumn - this._openCharacter.length - this._closeCharacter.length, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn), super.computeCursorState(e2, t2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return a;
var i = n(8), o = n(9), r = n(3);
class s {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.value = e2, this.selectionStart = t2, this.selectionEnd = n2, this.selectionStartPosition = i2, this.selectionEndPosition = o2;
toString() {
return "[ <" + this.value + ">, selectionStart: " + this.selectionStart + ", selectionEnd: " + this.selectionEnd + "]";
static readFromTextArea(e2) {
return new s(e2.getValue(), e2.getSelectionStart(), e2.getSelectionEnd(), null, null);
collapseSelection() {
return new s(this.value, this.value.length, this.value.length, null, null);
writeToTextArea(e2, t2, n2) {
t2.setValue(e2, this.value), n2 && t2.setSelectionRange(e2, this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd);
deduceEditorPosition(e2) {
if (e2 <= this.selectionStart) {
const t3 = this.value.substring(e2, this.selectionStart);
return this._finishDeduceEditorPosition(this.selectionStartPosition, t3, -1);
if (e2 >= this.selectionEnd) {
const t3 = this.value.substring(this.selectionEnd, e2);
return this._finishDeduceEditorPosition(this.selectionEndPosition, t3, 1);
const t2 = this.value.substring(this.selectionStart, e2);
if (-1 === t2.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(8230)))
return this._finishDeduceEditorPosition(this.selectionStartPosition, t2, 1);
const n2 = this.value.substring(e2, this.selectionEnd);
return this._finishDeduceEditorPosition(this.selectionEndPosition, n2, -1);
_finishDeduceEditorPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = 0, o2 = -1;
for (; -1 !== (o2 = t2.indexOf("\n", o2 + 1)); )
return [e2, n2 * t2.length, i2];
static selectedText(e2) {
return new s(e2, 0, e2.length, null, null);
static deduceInput(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!e2)
return {text: "", replaceCharCnt: 0};
let o2 = e2.value, r2 = e2.selectionStart, s2 = e2.selectionEnd, a2 = t2.value, l = t2.selectionStart, c = t2.selectionEnd;
const d = o2.substring(s2), h = a2.substring(c), u = i.e(d, h);
a2 = a2.substring(0, a2.length - u), o2 = o2.substring(0, o2.length - u);
const p = o2.substring(0, r2), m = a2.substring(0, l), g = i.d(p, m);
if (a2 = a2.substring(g), o2 = o2.substring(g), l -= g, r2 -= g, c -= g, s2 -= g, n2 && l === c && o2.length > 0) {
let e3 = null;
if (l === a2.length ? i.S(a2, o2) && (e3 = a2.substring(o2.length)) : i.s(a2, o2) && (e3 = a2.substring(0, a2.length - o2.length)), null !== e3 && e3.length > 0 && (/\uFE0F/.test(e3) || i.k(e3)))
return {text: e3, replaceCharCnt: 0};
if (l === c) {
if (o2 === a2 && 0 === r2 && s2 === o2.length && l === a2.length && -1 === a2.indexOf("\n") && i.l(a2))
return {text: "", replaceCharCnt: 0};
return {text: a2, replaceCharCnt: p.length - g};
return {text: a2, replaceCharCnt: s2 - r2};
s.EMPTY = new s("", 0, 0, null, null);
class a {
static _getPageOfLine(e2, t2) {
return Math.floor((e2 - 1) / t2);
static _getRangeForPage(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2 * t2, i2 = n2 + 1, o2 = n2 + t2;
return new r.a(i2, 1, o2 + 1, 1);
static fromEditorSelection(e2, t2, n2, i2, l) {
const c = a._getPageOfLine(n2.startLineNumber, i2), d = a._getRangeForPage(c, i2), h = a._getPageOfLine(n2.endLineNumber, i2), u = a._getRangeForPage(h, i2), p = d.intersectRanges(new r.a(1, 1, n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn));
let m = t2.getValueInRange(p, 1);
const g = t2.getLineCount(), f = t2.getLineMaxColumn(g), b = u.intersectRanges(new r.a(n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn, g, f));
let _, v = t2.getValueInRange(b, 1);
if (c === h || c + 1 === h)
_ = t2.getValueInRange(n2, 1);
else {
const e3 = d.intersectRanges(n2), i3 = u.intersectRanges(n2);
_ = t2.getValueInRange(e3, 1) + String.fromCharCode(8230) + t2.getValueInRange(i3, 1);
if (l) {
const e3 = 500;
m.length > e3 && (m = m.substring(m.length - e3, m.length)), v.length > e3 && (v = v.substring(0, e3)), _.length > 2 * e3 && (_ = _.substring(0, e3) + String.fromCharCode(8230) + _.substring(_.length - e3, _.length));
return new s(m + _ + v, m.length, m.length + _.length, new o.a(n2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn), new o.a(n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return f;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return b;
var i = n(0), o = n(6), r = n(56), s = n(14), a = n(188);
const l = {Configuration: "base.contributions.configuration"}, c = {properties: {}, patternProperties: {}}, d = {properties: {}, patternProperties: {}}, h = {properties: {}, patternProperties: {}}, u = {properties: {}, patternProperties: {}}, p = {properties: {}, patternProperties: {}}, m = {properties: {}, patternProperties: {}}, g =;
const f = new RegExp("\\[.*\\]$");
function b(e2) {
return e2.substring(1, e2.length - 1);
const _ = new class {
constructor() {
this.overrideIdentifiers = new Set(), this._onDidSchemaChange = new o.a(), this._onDidUpdateConfiguration = new o.a(), this.defaultValues = {}, this.defaultLanguageConfigurationOverridesNode = {id: "defaultOverrides", title: i.a("defaultLanguageConfigurationOverrides.title", "Default Language Configuration Overrides"), properties: {}}, this.configurationContributors = [this.defaultLanguageConfigurationOverridesNode], this.resourceLanguageSettingsSchema = {properties: {}, patternProperties: {}, additionalProperties: false, errorMessage: "Unknown editor configuration setting", allowTrailingCommas: true, allowComments: true}, this.configurationProperties = {}, this.excludedConfigurationProperties = {}, g.registerSchema("vscode://schemas/settings/resourceLanguage", this.resourceLanguageSettingsSchema);
registerConfiguration(e2, t2 = true) {
this.registerConfigurations([e2], t2);
registerConfigurations(e2, t2 = true) {
const n2 = [];
e2.forEach((e3) => {
n2.push(...this.validateAndRegisterProperties(e3, t2)), this.configurationContributors.push(e3), this.registerJSONConfiguration(e3);
}), g.registerSchema("vscode://schemas/settings/resourceLanguage", this.resourceLanguageSettingsSchema),,;
registerOverrideIdentifiers(e2) {
for (const t2 of e2)
validateAndRegisterProperties(e2, t2 = true, n2 = 3) {
n2 = s.l(e2.scope) ? n2 : e2.scope;
let i2 = [], o2 =;
if (o2)
for (let e3 in o2) {
if (t2 && v(e3)) {
delete o2[e3];
const r3 = o2[e3];
this.updatePropertyDefaultValue(e3, r3), f.test(e3) ? r3.scope = void 0 : r3.scope = s.l(r3.scope) ? n2 : r3.scope, !o2[e3].hasOwnProperty("included") || o2[e3].included ? (this.configurationProperties[e3] = o2[e3], !o2[e3].deprecationMessage && o2[e3].markdownDeprecationMessage && (o2[e3].deprecationMessage = o2[e3].markdownDeprecationMessage), i2.push(e3)) : (this.excludedConfigurationProperties[e3] = o2[e3], delete o2[e3]);
let r2 = e2.allOf;
if (r2)
for (let e3 of r2)
i2.push(...this.validateAndRegisterProperties(e3, t2, n2));
return i2;
getConfigurationProperties() {
return this.configurationProperties;
registerJSONConfiguration(e2) {
const t2 = (e3) => {
let n2 =;
if (n2)
for (const e4 in n2)
this.updateSchema(e4, n2[e4]);
let i2 = e3.allOf;
i2 && i2.forEach(t2);
updateSchema(e2, t2) {
switch ([e2] = t2, t2.scope) {
case 1:[e2] = t2;
case 2:[e2] = t2;
case 6:[e2] = t2;
case 3:[e2] = t2;
case 4:[e2] = t2;
case 5:[e2] = t2,[e2] = t2;
updateOverridePropertyPatternKey() {
for (const e2 of this.overrideIdentifiers.values()) {
const t2 = `[${e2}]`, n2 = {type: "object", description: i.a("overrideSettings.defaultDescription", "Configure editor settings to be overridden for a language."), errorMessage: i.a("overrideSettings.errorMessage", "This setting does not support per-language configuration."), $ref: "vscode://schemas/settings/resourceLanguage"};
this.updatePropertyDefaultValue(t2, n2),[t2] = n2,[t2] = n2,[t2] = n2,[t2] = n2,[t2] = n2,[t2] = n2;
updatePropertyDefaultValue(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.defaultValues[e2];
s.k(n2) && (n2 = t2.default), s.k(n2) && (n2 = function(e3) {
switch (Array.isArray(e3) ? e3[0] : e3) {
case "boolean":
return false;
case "integer":
case "number":
return 0;
case "string":
return "";
case "array":
return [];
case "object":
return {};
return null;
}(t2.type)), t2.default = n2;
function v(e2) {
return f.test(e2) ? i.a("", "Cannot register '{0}'. This matches property pattern '\\\\[.*\\\\]$' for describing language specific editor settings. Use 'configurationDefaults' contribution.", e2) : void 0 !== _.getConfigurationProperties()[e2] ? i.a("", "Cannot register '{0}'. This property is already registered.", e2) : null;
r.a.add(l.Configuration, _);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return c;
var i = n(8), o = n(22), r = n(117), s = n(9), a = n(3);
class l {
static _createWord(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return {start: i2, end: o2, wordType: t2, nextCharClass: n2};
static _findPreviousWordOnLine(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = t2.getLineContent(n2.lineNumber);
return this._doFindPreviousWordOnLine(i2, e2, n2);
static _doFindPreviousWordOnLine(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = 0;
for (let o2 = n2.column - 2; o2 >= 0; o2--) {
let n3 = e2.charCodeAt(o2), r2 = t2.get(n3);
if (0 === r2) {
if (2 === i2)
return this._createWord(e2, i2, r2, o2 + 1, this._findEndOfWord(e2, t2, i2, o2 + 1));
i2 = 1;
} else if (2 === r2) {
if (1 === i2)
return this._createWord(e2, i2, r2, o2 + 1, this._findEndOfWord(e2, t2, i2, o2 + 1));
i2 = 2;
} else if (1 === r2 && 0 !== i2)
return this._createWord(e2, i2, r2, o2 + 1, this._findEndOfWord(e2, t2, i2, o2 + 1));
return 0 !== i2 ? this._createWord(e2, i2, 1, 0, this._findEndOfWord(e2, t2, i2, 0)) : null;
static _findEndOfWord(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = e2.length;
for (let r2 = i2; r2 < o2; r2++) {
let i3 = e2.charCodeAt(r2), o3 = t2.get(i3);
if (1 === o3)
return r2;
if (1 === n2 && 2 === o3)
return r2;
if (2 === n2 && 0 === o3)
return r2;
return o2;
static _findNextWordOnLine(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = t2.getLineContent(n2.lineNumber);
return this._doFindNextWordOnLine(i2, e2, n2);
static _doFindNextWordOnLine(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length;
for (let r2 = n2.column - 1; r2 < o2; r2++) {
let n3 = e2.charCodeAt(r2), o3 = t2.get(n3);
if (0 === o3) {
if (2 === i2)
return this._createWord(e2, i2, o3, this._findStartOfWord(e2, t2, i2, r2 - 1), r2);
i2 = 1;
} else if (2 === o3) {
if (1 === i2)
return this._createWord(e2, i2, o3, this._findStartOfWord(e2, t2, i2, r2 - 1), r2);
i2 = 2;
} else if (1 === o3 && 0 !== i2)
return this._createWord(e2, i2, o3, this._findStartOfWord(e2, t2, i2, r2 - 1), r2);
return 0 !== i2 ? this._createWord(e2, i2, 1, this._findStartOfWord(e2, t2, i2, o2 - 1), o2) : null;
static _findStartOfWord(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
for (let o2 = i2; o2 >= 0; o2--) {
let i3 = e2.charCodeAt(o2), r2 = t2.get(i3);
if (1 === r2)
return o2 + 1;
if (1 === n2 && 2 === r2)
return o2 + 1;
if (2 === n2 && 0 === r2)
return o2 + 1;
return 0;
static moveWordLeft(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = n2.lineNumber, r2 = n2.column;
1 === r2 && o2 > 1 && (o2 -= 1, r2 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(o2));
let a2 = l._findPreviousWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(o2, r2));
if (0 === i2)
return new s.a(o2, a2 ? a2.start + 1 : 1);
if (1 === i2)
return a2 && 2 === a2.wordType && a2.end - a2.start == 1 && 0 === a2.nextCharClass && (a2 = l._findPreviousWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(o2, a2.start + 1))), new s.a(o2, a2 ? a2.start + 1 : 1);
if (3 === i2) {
for (; a2 && 2 === a2.wordType; )
a2 = l._findPreviousWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(o2, a2.start + 1));
return new s.a(o2, a2 ? a2.start + 1 : 1);
return a2 && r2 <= a2.end + 1 && (a2 = l._findPreviousWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(o2, a2.start + 1))), new s.a(o2, a2 ? a2.end + 1 : 1);
static _moveWordPartLeft(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.lineNumber, o2 = e2.getLineMaxColumn(n2);
if (1 === t2.column)
return n2 > 1 ? new s.a(n2 - 1, e2.getLineMaxColumn(n2 - 1)) : t2;
const r2 = e2.getLineContent(n2);
for (let e3 = t2.column - 1; e3 > 1; e3--) {
const t3 = r2.charCodeAt(e3 - 2), a2 = r2.charCodeAt(e3 - 1);
if (95 === t3 && 95 !== a2)
return new s.a(n2, e3);
if (i.H(t3) && i.I(a2))
return new s.a(n2, e3);
if (i.I(t3) && i.I(a2) && e3 + 1 < o2) {
const t4 = r2.charCodeAt(e3);
if (i.H(t4))
return new s.a(n2, e3);
return new s.a(n2, 1);
static moveWordRight(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = n2.lineNumber, r2 = n2.column, a2 = false;
r2 === t2.getLineMaxColumn(o2) && o2 < t2.getLineCount() && (a2 = true, o2 += 1, r2 = 1);
let c2 = l._findNextWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(o2, r2));
if (2 === i2)
c2 && 2 === c2.wordType && c2.end - c2.start == 1 && 0 === c2.nextCharClass && (c2 = l._findNextWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(o2, c2.end + 1))), r2 = c2 ? c2.end + 1 : t2.getLineMaxColumn(o2);
else if (3 === i2) {
for (a2 && (r2 = 0); c2 && (2 === c2.wordType || c2.start + 1 <= r2); )
c2 = l._findNextWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(o2, c2.end + 1));
r2 = c2 ? c2.start + 1 : t2.getLineMaxColumn(o2);
} else
c2 && !a2 && r2 >= c2.start + 1 && (c2 = l._findNextWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(o2, c2.end + 1))), r2 = c2 ? c2.start + 1 : t2.getLineMaxColumn(o2);
return new s.a(o2, r2);
static _moveWordPartRight(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.lineNumber, o2 = e2.getLineMaxColumn(n2);
if (t2.column === o2)
return n2 < e2.getLineCount() ? new s.a(n2 + 1, 1) : t2;
const r2 = e2.getLineContent(n2);
for (let e3 = t2.column + 1; e3 < o2; e3++) {
const t3 = r2.charCodeAt(e3 - 2), a2 = r2.charCodeAt(e3 - 1);
if (95 !== t3 && 95 === a2)
return new s.a(n2, e3);
if (i.H(t3) && i.I(a2))
return new s.a(n2, e3);
if (i.I(t3) && i.I(a2) && e3 + 1 < o2) {
const t4 = r2.charCodeAt(e3);
if (i.H(t4))
return new s.a(n2, e3);
return new s.a(n2, o2);
static _deleteWordLeftWhitespace(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getLineContent(t2.lineNumber), o2 = t2.column - 2, r2 = i.J(n2, o2);
return r2 + 1 < o2 ? new a.a(t2.lineNumber, r2 + 2, t2.lineNumber, t2.column) : null;
static deleteWordLeft(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (!n2.isEmpty())
return n2;
const r2 = new s.a(n2.positionLineNumber, n2.positionColumn);
let c2 = r2.lineNumber, d2 = r2.column;
if (1 === c2 && 1 === d2)
return null;
if (i2) {
let e3 = this._deleteWordLeftWhitespace(t2, r2);
if (e3)
return e3;
let h = l._findPreviousWordOnLine(e2, t2, r2);
return 0 === o2 ? h ? d2 = h.start + 1 : d2 > 1 ? d2 = 1 : (c2--, d2 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(c2)) : (h && d2 <= h.end + 1 && (h = l._findPreviousWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(c2, h.start + 1))), h ? d2 = h.end + 1 : d2 > 1 ? d2 = 1 : (c2--, d2 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(c2))), new a.a(c2, d2, r2.lineNumber, r2.column);
static _deleteWordPartLeft(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.isEmpty())
return t2;
const n2 = t2.getPosition(), i2 = l._moveWordPartLeft(e2, n2);
return new a.a(n2.lineNumber, n2.column, i2.lineNumber, i2.column);
static _findFirstNonWhitespaceChar(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.length;
for (let i2 = t2; i2 < n2; i2++) {
let t3 = e2.charAt(i2);
if (" " !== t3 && " " !== t3)
return i2;
return n2;
static _deleteWordRightWhitespace(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getLineContent(t2.lineNumber), i2 = t2.column - 1, o2 = this._findFirstNonWhitespaceChar(n2, i2);
return i2 + 1 < o2 ? new a.a(t2.lineNumber, t2.column, t2.lineNumber, o2 + 1) : null;
static deleteWordRight(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (!n2.isEmpty())
return n2;
const r2 = new s.a(n2.positionLineNumber, n2.positionColumn);
let c2 = r2.lineNumber, d2 = r2.column;
const h = t2.getLineCount(), u = t2.getLineMaxColumn(c2);
if (c2 === h && d2 === u)
return null;
if (i2) {
let e3 = this._deleteWordRightWhitespace(t2, r2);
if (e3)
return e3;
let p = l._findNextWordOnLine(e2, t2, r2);
return 2 === o2 ? p ? d2 = p.end + 1 : d2 < u || c2 === h ? d2 = u : (c2++, p = l._findNextWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(c2, 1)), d2 = p ? p.start + 1 : t2.getLineMaxColumn(c2)) : (p && d2 >= p.start + 1 && (p = l._findNextWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(c2, p.end + 1))), p ? d2 = p.start + 1 : d2 < u || c2 === h ? d2 = u : (c2++, p = l._findNextWordOnLine(e2, t2, new s.a(c2, 1)), d2 = p ? p.start + 1 : t2.getLineMaxColumn(c2))), new a.a(c2, d2, r2.lineNumber, r2.column);
static _deleteWordPartRight(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.isEmpty())
return t2;
const n2 = t2.getPosition(), i2 = l._moveWordPartRight(e2, n2);
return new a.a(n2.lineNumber, n2.column, i2.lineNumber, i2.column);
static _createWordAtPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = new a.a(t2, n2.start + 1, t2, n2.end + 1);
return {word: e2.getValueInRange(i2), startColumn: i2.startColumn, endColumn: i2.endColumn};
static getWordAtPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = Object(r.a)(t2), o2 = l._findPreviousWordOnLine(i2, e2, n2);
if (o2 && 1 === o2.wordType && o2.start <= n2.column - 1 && n2.column - 1 <= o2.end)
return l._createWordAtPosition(e2, n2.lineNumber, o2);
const s2 = l._findNextWordOnLine(i2, e2, n2);
return s2 && 1 === s2.wordType && s2.start <= n2.column - 1 && n2.column - 1 <= s2.end ? l._createWordAtPosition(e2, n2.lineNumber, s2) : null;
static word(e2, t2, n2, i2, c2) {
const d2 = Object(r.a)(e2.wordSeparators);
let h, u, p = l._findPreviousWordOnLine(d2, t2, c2), m = l._findNextWordOnLine(d2, t2, c2);
if (!i2) {
let e3, n3;
return p && 1 === p.wordType && p.start <= c2.column - 1 && c2.column - 1 <= p.end ? (e3 = p.start + 1, n3 = p.end + 1) : m && 1 === m.wordType && m.start <= c2.column - 1 && c2.column - 1 <= m.end ? (e3 = m.start + 1, n3 = m.end + 1) : (e3 = p ? p.end + 1 : 1, n3 = m ? m.start + 1 : t2.getLineMaxColumn(c2.lineNumber)), new o.f(new a.a(c2.lineNumber, e3, c2.lineNumber, n3), 0, new s.a(c2.lineNumber, n3), 0);
p && 1 === p.wordType && p.start < c2.column - 1 && c2.column - 1 < p.end ? (h = p.start + 1, u = p.end + 1) : m && 1 === m.wordType && m.start < c2.column - 1 && c2.column - 1 < m.end ? (h = m.start + 1, u = m.end + 1) : (h = c2.column, u = c2.column);
let g, f = c2.lineNumber;
if (n2.selectionStart.containsPosition(c2))
g = n2.selectionStart.endColumn;
else if (c2.isBeforeOrEqual(n2.selectionStart.getStartPosition())) {
g = h;
let e3 = new s.a(f, g);
n2.selectionStart.containsPosition(e3) && (g = n2.selectionStart.endColumn);
} else {
g = u;
let e3 = new s.a(f, g);
n2.selectionStart.containsPosition(e3) && (g = n2.selectionStart.startColumn);
return n2.move(true, f, g, 0);
class c extends l {
static deleteWordPartLeft(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = d([l.deleteWordLeft(e2, t2, n2, i2, 0), l.deleteWordLeft(e2, t2, n2, i2, 2), l._deleteWordPartLeft(t2, n2)]);
return o2.sort(a.a.compareRangesUsingEnds), o2[2];
static deleteWordPartRight(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = d([l.deleteWordRight(e2, t2, n2, i2, 0), l.deleteWordRight(e2, t2, n2, i2, 2), l._deleteWordPartRight(t2, n2)]);
return o2.sort(a.a.compareRangesUsingStarts), o2[0];
static moveWordPartLeft(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = d([l.moveWordLeft(e2, t2, n2, 0), l.moveWordLeft(e2, t2, n2, 2), l._moveWordPartLeft(t2, n2)]);
return i2.sort(, i2[2];
static moveWordPartRight(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = d([l.moveWordRight(e2, t2, n2, 0), l.moveWordRight(e2, t2, n2, 2), l._moveWordPartRight(t2, n2)]);
return i2.sort(, i2[0];
function d(e2) {
return e2.filter((e3) => Boolean(e3));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return d;
var i = n(8), o = n(22), r = n(3), s = n(21), a = n(39);
const l = Object.create(null);
function c(e2, t2) {
l[e2] || (l[e2] = ["", e2]);
const n2 = l[e2];
for (let i2 = n2.length; i2 <= t2; i2++)
n2[i2] = n2[i2 - 1] + e2;
return n2[t2];
class d {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._opts = t2, this._selection = e2, this._selectionId = null, this._useLastEditRangeForCursorEndPosition = false, this._selectionStartColumnStaysPut = false;
static unshiftIndent(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2) {
const s2 = o.a.visibleColumnFromColumn(e2, t2, n2);
if (r2) {
const e3 = c(" ", i2);
return c(e3, o.a.prevIndentTabStop(s2, i2) / i2);
return c(" ", o.a.prevRenderTabStop(s2, n2) / n2);
static shiftIndent(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2) {
const s2 = o.a.visibleColumnFromColumn(e2, t2, n2);
if (r2) {
const e3 = c(" ", i2);
return c(e3, o.a.nextIndentTabStop(s2, i2) / i2);
return c(" ", o.a.nextRenderTabStop(s2, n2) / n2);
_addEditOperation(e2, t2, n2) {
this._useLastEditRangeForCursorEndPosition ? e2.addTrackedEditOperation(t2, n2) : e2.addEditOperation(t2, n2);
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._selection.startLineNumber;
let s2 = this._selection.endLineNumber;
1 === this._selection.endColumn && n2 !== s2 && (s2 -= 1);
const {tabSize: l2, indentSize: h, insertSpaces: u} = this._opts, p = n2 === s2;
if (this._opts.useTabStops) {
this._selection.isEmpty() && /^\s*$/.test(e2.getLineContent(n2)) && (this._useLastEditRangeForCursorEndPosition = true);
let c2 = 0, m = 0;
for (let g = n2; g <= s2; g++, c2 = m) {
m = 0;
let s3, f = e2.getLineContent(g), b = i.w(f);
if ((!this._opts.isUnshift || 0 !== f.length && 0 !== b) && (p || this._opts.isUnshift || 0 !== f.length)) {
if (-1 === b && (b = f.length), g > 1) {
if (o.a.visibleColumnFromColumn(f, b + 1, l2) % h != 0 && e2.isCheapToTokenize(g - 1)) {
let t3 = a.a.getEnterAction(this._opts.autoIndent, e2, new r.a(g - 1, e2.getLineMaxColumn(g - 1), g - 1, e2.getLineMaxColumn(g - 1)));
if (t3) {
if (m = c2, t3.appendText)
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = t3.appendText.length; e3 < n3 && m < h && 32 === t3.appendText.charCodeAt(e3); e3++)
t3.removeText && (m = Math.max(0, m - t3.removeText));
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < m && (0 !== b && 32 === f.charCodeAt(b - 1)); e3++)
this._opts.isUnshift && 0 === b || (s3 = this._opts.isUnshift ? d.unshiftIndent(f, b + 1, l2, h, u) : d.shiftIndent(f, b + 1, l2, h, u), this._addEditOperation(t2, new r.a(g, 1, g, b + 1), s3), g !== n2 || this._selection.isEmpty() || (this._selectionStartColumnStaysPut = this._selection.startColumn <= b + 1));
} else {
!this._opts.isUnshift && this._selection.isEmpty() && 0 === e2.getLineLength(n2) && (this._useLastEditRangeForCursorEndPosition = true);
const o2 = u ? c(" ", h) : " ";
for (let a2 = n2; a2 <= s2; a2++) {
const s3 = e2.getLineContent(a2);
let l3 = i.w(s3);
if ((!this._opts.isUnshift || 0 !== s3.length && 0 !== l3) && ((p || this._opts.isUnshift || 0 !== s3.length) && (-1 === l3 && (l3 = s3.length), !this._opts.isUnshift || 0 !== l3)))
if (this._opts.isUnshift) {
l3 = Math.min(l3, h);
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < l3; e3++) {
if (9 === s3.charCodeAt(e3)) {
l3 = e3 + 1;
this._addEditOperation(t2, new r.a(a2, 1, a2, l3 + 1), "");
} else
this._addEditOperation(t2, new r.a(a2, 1, a2, 1), o2), a2 !== n2 || this._selection.isEmpty() || (this._selectionStartColumnStaysPut = 1 === this._selection.startColumn);
this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this._selection);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
if (this._useLastEditRangeForCursorEndPosition) {
let e3 = t2.getInverseEditOperations()[0];
return new s.a(e3.range.endLineNumber, e3.range.endColumn, e3.range.endLineNumber, e3.range.endColumn);
const n2 = t2.getTrackedSelection(this._selectionId);
if (this._selectionStartColumnStaysPut) {
let e3 = this._selection.startColumn;
return n2.startColumn <= e3 ? n2 : 0 === n2.getDirection() ? new s.a(n2.startLineNumber, e3, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn) : new s.a(n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn, n2.startLineNumber, e3);
return n2;
}, , function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return d;
var i = n(8), o = n(11), r = n(72);
let s;
function a() {
return s || (s = new TextDecoder(o.e() ? "UTF-16LE" : "UTF-16BE")), s;
const l = "undefined" != typeof TextDecoder;
let c, d;
l ? (c = (e2) => new h(e2), d = function(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = new Uint16Array(e2.buffer, t2, n2);
return a().decode(i2);
}) : (c = (e2) => new u(), d = function(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [], o2 = 0;
for (let s2 = 0; s2 < n2; s2++) {
const n3 = r.b(e2, t2);
t2 += 2, i2[o2++] = String.fromCharCode(n3);
return i2.join("");
class h {
constructor(e2) {
this._capacity = 0 | e2, this._buffer = new Uint16Array(this._capacity), this._completedStrings = null, this._bufferLength = 0;
reset() {
this._completedStrings = null, this._bufferLength = 0;
build() {
return null !== this._completedStrings ? (this._flushBuffer(), this._completedStrings.join("")) : this._buildBuffer();
_buildBuffer() {
if (0 === this._bufferLength)
return "";
const e2 = new Uint16Array(this._buffer.buffer, 0, this._bufferLength);
return a().decode(e2);
_flushBuffer() {
const e2 = this._buildBuffer();
this._bufferLength = 0, null === this._completedStrings ? this._completedStrings = [e2] : this._completedStrings[this._completedStrings.length] = e2;
write1(e2) {
const t2 = this._capacity - this._bufferLength;
t2 <= 1 && (0 === t2 || i.F(e2)) && this._flushBuffer(), this._buffer[this._bufferLength++] = e2;
appendASCII(e2) {
this._bufferLength === this._capacity && this._flushBuffer(), this._buffer[this._bufferLength++] = e2;
appendASCIIString(e2) {
const t2 = e2.length;
if (this._bufferLength + t2 >= this._capacity)
return this._flushBuffer(), void (this._completedStrings[this._completedStrings.length] = e2);
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < t2; n2++)
this._buffer[this._bufferLength++] = e2.charCodeAt(n2);
class u {
constructor() {
this._pieces = [], this._piecesLen = 0;
reset() {
this._pieces = [], this._piecesLen = 0;
build() {
return this._pieces.join("");
write1(e2) {
this._pieces[this._piecesLen++] = String.fromCharCode(e2);
appendASCII(e2) {
this._pieces[this._piecesLen++] = String.fromCharCode(e2);
appendASCIIString(e2) {
this._pieces[this._piecesLen++] = e2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2) {
const t2 = this;
let n2, i2 = false;
return function() {
return i2 || (i2 = true, n2 = e2.apply(t2, arguments)), n2;
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
var i, o = n(56), r = n(15), s = n(2);
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.PRESERVE = 0] = "PRESERVE", e2[e2.LAST = 1] = "LAST";
}(i || (i = {}));
const a = {Quickaccess: "workbench.contributions.quickaccess"};
o.a.add(a.Quickaccess, new class {
constructor() {
this.providers = [], this.defaultProvider = void 0;
registerQuickAccessProvider(e2) {
return 0 === e2.prefix.length ? this.defaultProvider = e2 : this.providers.push(e2), this.providers.sort((e3, t2) => t2.prefix.length - e3.prefix.length), Object(s.h)(() => {
this.providers.splice(this.providers.indexOf(e2), 1), this.defaultProvider === e2 && (this.defaultProvider = void 0);
getQuickAccessProviders() {
return Object(r.d)([this.defaultProvider, ...this.providers]);
getQuickAccessProvider(e2) {
return e2 && this.providers.find((t2) => e2.startsWith(t2.prefix)) || void 0 || this.defaultProvider;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(6);
const o = new class {
constructor() {
this._zoomLevel = 0, this._onDidChangeZoomLevel = new i.a(), this.onDidChangeZoomLevel = this._onDidChangeZoomLevel.event;
getZoomLevel() {
return this._zoomLevel;
setZoomLevel(e2) {
e2 = Math.min(Math.max(-5, e2), 20), this._zoomLevel !== e2 && (this._zoomLevel = e2,;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return We;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return ze;
}), n.d(t, "e", function() {
return Ve;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return nt;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return dt;
var i = n(1), o = (n(197), n(2)), r = n(15), s = n(113), a = n(6), l = n(25);
class c {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.renderer = e2, this.modelProvider = t2;
get templateId() {
return this.renderer.templateId;
renderTemplate(e2) {
return {data: this.renderer.renderTemplate(e2), disposable: o.a.None};
renderElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (n2.disposable && n2.disposable.dispose(), !
const o2 = this.modelProvider();
if (o2.isResolved(e2))
return this.renderer.renderElement(o2.get(e2), e2,, i2);
const r2 = new l.b(), s2 = o2.resolve(e2, r2.token);
n2.disposable = {dispose: () => r2.cancel()}, this.renderer.renderPlaceholder(e2,, s2.then((t3) => this.renderer.renderElement(t3, e2,, i2));
disposeTemplate(e2) {
e2.disposable && (e2.disposable.dispose(), e2.disposable = void 0), && (this.renderer.disposeTemplate(, = void 0);
class d {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.modelProvider = e2, this.accessibilityProvider = t2;
getWidgetAriaLabel() {
return this.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetAriaLabel();
getAriaLabel(e2) {
const t2 = this.modelProvider();
return t2.isResolved(e2) ? this.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLabel(t2.get(e2)) : null;
var h = n(0), u = n(54), p = n(128), m = n(10), g = n(18), f = n(50), b = n(56), _ = n(93), v = n(19);
var w, y = n(37), C = (n(264), n(67));
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e2[e2.Twistie = 1] = "Twistie", e2[e2.Element = 2] = "Element";
}(w || (w = {}));
class x extends Error {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(`TreeError [${e2}] ${t2}`);
class S {
constructor(e2) {
this.fn = e2, this._map = new WeakMap();
map(e2) {
let t2 = this._map.get(e2);
return t2 || (t2 = this.fn(e2), this._map.set(e2, t2)), t2;
var k = n(125), E = n(162), T = n(44), L = n(71);
function N(e2) {
return "object" == typeof e2 && "visibility" in e2 && "data" in e2;
function I(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case true:
return 1;
case false:
return 0;
return e2;
function O(e2) {
return "boolean" == typeof e2.collapsible;
class D {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2 = {}) {
this.user = e2, this.list = t2, this.rootRef = [], this.eventBufferer = new a.c(), this._onDidChangeCollapseState = new a.a(), this.onDidChangeCollapseState = this.eventBufferer.wrapEvent(this._onDidChangeCollapseState.event), this._onDidChangeRenderNodeCount = new a.a(), this.onDidChangeRenderNodeCount = this.eventBufferer.wrapEvent(this._onDidChangeRenderNodeCount.event), this._onDidSplice = new a.a(), this.onDidSplice = this._onDidSplice.event, this.collapseByDefault = void 0 !== i2.collapseByDefault && i2.collapseByDefault, this.filter = i2.filter, this.autoExpandSingleChildren = void 0 !== i2.autoExpandSingleChildren && i2.autoExpandSingleChildren, this.root = {parent: void 0, element: n2, children: [], depth: 0, visibleChildrenCount: 0, visibleChildIndex: -1, collapsible: false, collapsed: false, renderNodeCount: 0, visibility: 1, visible: true, filterData: void 0};
splice(e2, t2, n2 = y.a.empty(), i2, o2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
throw new x(this.user, "Invalid tree location");
const {parentNode: r2, listIndex: s2, revealed: a2, visible: l2} = this.getParentNodeWithListIndex(e2), c2 = [], d2 =, (e3) => this.createTreeNode(e3, r2, r2.visible ? 1 : 0, a2, c2, i2)), h2 = e2[e2.length - 1];
let u2 = 0;
for (let e3 = h2; e3 >= 0 && e3 < r2.children.length; e3--) {
const t3 = r2.children[e3];
if (t3.visible) {
u2 = t3.visibleChildIndex;
const p2 = [];
let m2 = 0, g2 = 0;
for (const e3 of d2)
p2.push(e3), g2 += e3.renderNodeCount, e3.visible && (e3.visibleChildIndex = u2 + m2++);
const f2 = r2.children.splice(h2, t2, ...p2);
let b2 = 0;
for (const e3 of f2)
e3.visible && b2++;
if (0 !== b2)
for (let e3 = h2 + p2.length; e3 < r2.children.length; e3++) {
const t3 = r2.children[e3];
t3.visible && (t3.visibleChildIndex -= b2);
if (r2.visibleChildrenCount += m2 - b2, a2 && l2) {
const e3 = f2.reduce((e4, t3) => e4 + (t3.visible ? t3.renderNodeCount : 0), 0);
this._updateAncestorsRenderNodeCount(r2, g2 - e3), this.list.splice(s2, e3, c2);
if (f2.length > 0 && o2) {
const e3 = (t3) => {
o2(t3), t3.children.forEach(e3);
}{insertedNodes: p2, deletedNodes: f2});
let _2 = r2;
for (; _2; ) {
if (2 === _2.visibility) {
_2 = _2.parent;
rerender(e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
throw new x(this.user, "Invalid tree location");
const {node: t2, listIndex: n2, revealed: i2} = this.getTreeNodeWithListIndex(e2);
t2.visible && i2 && this.list.splice(n2, 1, [t2]);
has(e2) {
return this.hasTreeNode(e2);
getListIndex(e2) {
const {listIndex: t2, visible: n2, revealed: i2} = this.getTreeNodeWithListIndex(e2);
return n2 && i2 ? t2 : -1;
getListRenderCount(e2) {
return this.getTreeNode(e2).renderNodeCount;
isCollapsible(e2) {
return this.getTreeNode(e2).collapsible;
setCollapsible(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.getTreeNode(e2);
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = !n2.collapsible);
const i2 = {collapsible: t2};
return this.eventBufferer.bufferEvents(() => this._setCollapseState(e2, i2));
isCollapsed(e2) {
return this.getTreeNode(e2).collapsed;
setCollapsed(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getTreeNode(e2);
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = !i2.collapsed);
const o2 = {collapsed: t2, recursive: n2 || false};
return this.eventBufferer.bufferEvents(() => this._setCollapseState(e2, o2));
_setCollapseState(e2, t2) {
const {node: n2, listIndex: i2, revealed: o2} = this.getTreeNodeWithListIndex(e2), r2 = this._setListNodeCollapseState(n2, i2, o2, t2);
if (n2 !== this.root && this.autoExpandSingleChildren && r2 && !O(t2) && n2.collapsible && !n2.collapsed && !t2.recursive) {
let i3 = -1;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2.children.length; e3++) {
if (n2.children[e3].visible) {
if (i3 > -1) {
i3 = -1;
i3 = e3;
i3 > -1 && this._setCollapseState([...e2, i3], t2);
return r2;
_setListNodeCollapseState(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this._setNodeCollapseState(e2, i2, false);
if (!n2 || !e2.visible || !o2)
return o2;
const r2 = e2.renderNodeCount, s2 = this.updateNodeAfterCollapseChange(e2), a2 = r2 - (-1 === t2 ? 0 : 1);
return this.list.splice(t2 + 1, a2, s2.slice(1)), o2;
_setNodeCollapseState(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2;
if (e2 === this.root ? i2 = false : (O(t2) ? (i2 = e2.collapsible !== t2.collapsible, e2.collapsible = t2.collapsible) : e2.collapsible ? (i2 = e2.collapsed !== t2.collapsed, e2.collapsed = t2.collapsed) : i2 = false, i2 &&{node: e2, deep: n2})), !O(t2) && t2.recursive)
for (const n3 of e2.children)
i2 = this._setNodeCollapseState(n3, t2, true) || i2;
return i2;
expandTo(e2) {
this.eventBufferer.bufferEvents(() => {
let t2 = this.getTreeNode(e2);
for (; t2.parent; )
t2 = t2.parent, e2 = e2.slice(0, e2.length - 1), t2.collapsed && this._setCollapseState(e2, {collapsed: false, recursive: false});
refilter() {
const e2 = this.root.renderNodeCount, t2 = this.updateNodeAfterFilterChange(this.root);
this.list.splice(0, e2, t2);
createTreeNode(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
const s2 = {parent: t2, element: e2.element, children: [], depth: t2.depth + 1, visibleChildrenCount: 0, visibleChildIndex: -1, collapsible: "boolean" == typeof e2.collapsible ? e2.collapsible : void 0 !== e2.collapsed, collapsed: void 0 === e2.collapsed ? this.collapseByDefault : e2.collapsed, renderNodeCount: 1, visibility: 1, visible: true, filterData: void 0}, a2 = this._filterNode(s2, n2);
s2.visibility = a2, i2 && o2.push(s2);
const l2 = e2.children || y.a.empty(), c2 = i2 && 0 !== a2 && !s2.collapsed, d2 =, (e3) => this.createTreeNode(e3, s2, a2, c2, o2, r2));
let h2 = 0, u2 = 1;
for (const e3 of d2)
s2.children.push(e3), u2 += e3.renderNodeCount, e3.visible && (e3.visibleChildIndex = h2++);
return s2.collapsible = s2.collapsible || s2.children.length > 0, s2.visibleChildrenCount = h2, s2.visible = 2 === a2 ? h2 > 0 : 1 === a2, s2.visible ? s2.collapsed || (s2.renderNodeCount = u2) : (s2.renderNodeCount = 0, i2 && o2.pop()), r2 && r2(s2), s2;
updateNodeAfterCollapseChange(e2) {
const t2 = e2.renderNodeCount, n2 = [];
return this._updateNodeAfterCollapseChange(e2, n2), this._updateAncestorsRenderNodeCount(e2.parent, n2.length - t2), n2;
_updateNodeAfterCollapseChange(e2, t2) {
if (false === e2.visible)
return 0;
if (t2.push(e2), e2.renderNodeCount = 1, !e2.collapsed)
for (const n2 of e2.children)
e2.renderNodeCount += this._updateNodeAfterCollapseChange(n2, t2);
return, e2.renderNodeCount;
updateNodeAfterFilterChange(e2) {
const t2 = e2.renderNodeCount, n2 = [];
return this._updateNodeAfterFilterChange(e2, e2.visible ? 1 : 0, n2), this._updateAncestorsRenderNodeCount(e2.parent, n2.length - t2), n2;
_updateNodeAfterFilterChange(e2, t2, n2, i2 = true) {
let o2;
if (e2 !== this.root) {
if (o2 = this._filterNode(e2, t2), 0 === o2)
return e2.visible = false, e2.renderNodeCount = 0, false;
i2 && n2.push(e2);
const r2 = n2.length;
e2.renderNodeCount = e2 === this.root ? 0 : 1;
let s2 = false;
if (e2.collapsed && 0 === o2)
e2.visibleChildrenCount = 0;
else {
let t3 = 0;
for (const r3 of e2.children)
s2 = this._updateNodeAfterFilterChange(r3, o2, n2, i2 && !e2.collapsed) || s2, r3.visible && (r3.visibleChildIndex = t3++);
e2.visibleChildrenCount = t3;
return e2 !== this.root && (e2.visible = 2 === o2 ? s2 : 1 === o2), e2.visible ? e2.collapsed || (e2.renderNodeCount += n2.length - r2) : (e2.renderNodeCount = 0, i2 && n2.pop()),, e2.visible;
_updateAncestorsRenderNodeCount(e2, t2) {
if (0 !== t2)
for (; e2; )
e2.renderNodeCount += t2,, e2 = e2.parent;
_filterNode(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.filter ? this.filter.filter(e2.element, t2) : 1;
return "boolean" == typeof n2 ? (e2.filterData = void 0, n2 ? 1 : 0) : N(n2) ? (e2.filterData =, I(n2.visibility)) : (e2.filterData = void 0, I(n2));
hasTreeNode(e2, t2 = this.root) {
if (!e2 || 0 === e2.length)
return true;
const [n2, ...i2] = e2;
return !(n2 < 0 || n2 > t2.children.length) && this.hasTreeNode(i2, t2.children[n2]);
getTreeNode(e2, t2 = this.root) {
if (!e2 || 0 === e2.length)
return t2;
const [n2, ...i2] = e2;
if (n2 < 0 || n2 > t2.children.length)
throw new x(this.user, "Invalid tree location");
return this.getTreeNode(i2, t2.children[n2]);
getTreeNodeWithListIndex(e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
return {node: this.root, listIndex: -1, revealed: true, visible: false};
const {parentNode: t2, listIndex: n2, revealed: i2, visible: o2} = this.getParentNodeWithListIndex(e2), r2 = e2[e2.length - 1];
if (r2 < 0 || r2 > t2.children.length)
throw new x(this.user, "Invalid tree location");
const s2 = t2.children[r2];
return {node: s2, listIndex: n2, revealed: i2, visible: o2 && s2.visible};
getParentNodeWithListIndex(e2, t2 = this.root, n2 = 0, i2 = true, o2 = true) {
const [r2, ...s2] = e2;
if (r2 < 0 || r2 > t2.children.length)
throw new x(this.user, "Invalid tree location");
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < r2; e3++)
n2 += t2.children[e3].renderNodeCount;
return i2 = i2 && !t2.collapsed, o2 = o2 && t2.visible, 0 === s2.length ? {parentNode: t2, listIndex: n2, revealed: i2, visible: o2} : this.getParentNodeWithListIndex(s2, t2.children[r2], n2 + 1, i2, o2);
getNode(e2 = []) {
return this.getTreeNode(e2);
getNodeLocation(e2) {
const t2 = [];
let n2 = e2;
for (; n2.parent; )
t2.push(n2.parent.children.indexOf(n2)), n2 = n2.parent;
return t2.reverse();
getParentNodeLocation(e2) {
return 0 === e2.length ? void 0 : 1 === e2.length ? [] : Object(r.u)(e2)[0];
var A = n(20), R = n(11), M = n(118), P = n(189), F = n(17);
const W = Object(F.e)("tree-item-expanded", F.a.chevronDown), z = Object(F.e)("tree-filter-on-type-on", F.a.listFilter), B = Object(F.e)("tree-filter-on-type-off", F.a.listSelection), j = Object(F.e)("tree-filter-clear", F.a.close), V = Object(F.e)("tree-item-loading", F.a.loading);
class U extends E.a {
constructor(e2) {
super( => e3.element)), = e2;
function H(e2) {
return e2 instanceof E.a ? new U(e2) : e2;
class q {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.modelProvider = e2, this.dnd = t2, this.autoExpandDisposable = o.a.None;
getDragURI(e2) {
return this.dnd.getDragURI(e2.element);
getDragLabel(e2, t2) {
if (this.dnd.getDragLabel)
return this.dnd.getDragLabel( => e3.element), t2);
onDragStart(e2, t2) {
this.dnd.onDragStart && this.dnd.onDragStart(H(e2), t2);
onDragOver(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2 = true) {
const s2 = this.dnd.onDragOver(H(e2), t2 && t2.element, n2, i2), a2 = this.autoExpandNode !== t2;
if (a2 && (this.autoExpandDisposable.dispose(), this.autoExpandNode = t2), void 0 === t2)
return s2;
if (a2 && "boolean" != typeof s2 && s2.autoExpand && (this.autoExpandDisposable = Object(A.g)(() => {
const e3 = this.modelProvider(), n3 = e3.getNodeLocation(t2);
e3.isCollapsed(n3) && e3.setCollapsed(n3, false), this.autoExpandNode = void 0;
}, 500)), "boolean" == typeof s2 || !s2.accept || void 0 === s2.bubble || {
if (!o2) {
return {accept: "boolean" == typeof s2 ? s2 : s2.accept, effect: "boolean" == typeof s2 ? void 0 : s2.effect, feedback: [n2]};
return s2;
if (1 === s2.bubble) {
const n3 = this.modelProvider(), o3 = n3.getNodeLocation(t2), r2 = n3.getParentNodeLocation(o3), s3 = n3.getNode(r2), a3 = r2 && n3.getListIndex(r2);
return this.onDragOver(e2, s3, a3, i2, false);
const l2 = this.modelProvider(), c2 = l2.getNodeLocation(t2), d2 = l2.getListIndex(c2), h2 = l2.getListRenderCount(c2);
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, s2), {feedback: Object(r.s)(d2, d2 + h2)});
drop(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.autoExpandDisposable.dispose(), this.autoExpandNode = void 0, this.dnd.drop(H(e2), t2 && t2.element, n2, i2);
onDragEnd(e2) {
this.dnd.onDragEnd && this.dnd.onDragEnd(e2);
class $ {
constructor(e2) {
this.delegate = e2;
getHeight(e2) {
return this.delegate.getHeight(e2.element);
getTemplateId(e2) {
return this.delegate.getTemplateId(e2.element);
hasDynamicHeight(e2) {
return !!this.delegate.hasDynamicHeight && this.delegate.hasDynamicHeight(e2.element);
setDynamicHeight(e2, t2) {
this.delegate.setDynamicHeight && this.delegate.setDynamicHeight(e2.element, t2);
var K;
!function(e2) {
e2.None = "none", e2.OnHover = "onHover", e2.Always = "always";
}(K || (K = {}));
class G {
constructor(e2, t2 = []) {
this._elements = t2, this.onDidChange = a.b.forEach(e2, (e3) => this._elements = e3);
get elements() {
return this._elements;
class Y {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2 = {}) {
this.renderer = e2, this.modelProvider = t2, this.activeNodes = i2, this.renderedElements = new Map(), this.renderedNodes = new Map(), this.indent = Y.DefaultIndent, this.hideTwistiesOfChildlessElements = false, this.shouldRenderIndentGuides = false, this.renderedIndentGuides = new P.a(), this.activeIndentNodes = new Set(), this.indentGuidesDisposable = o.a.None, this.disposables = new o.b(), this.templateId = e2.templateId, this.updateOptions(r2),, (e3) => e3.node)(this.onDidChangeNodeTwistieState, this, this.disposables), e2.onDidChangeTwistieState && e2.onDidChangeTwistieState(this.onDidChangeTwistieState, this, this.disposables);
updateOptions(e2 = {}) {
if (void 0 !== e2.indent && (this.indent = Object(M.b)(e2.indent, 0, 40)), void 0 !== e2.renderIndentGuides) {
const t2 = e2.renderIndentGuides !== K.None;
if (t2 !== this.shouldRenderIndentGuides && (this.shouldRenderIndentGuides = t2, this.indentGuidesDisposable.dispose(), t2)) {
const e3 = new o.b();
this.activeNodes.onDidChange(this._onDidChangeActiveNodes, this, e3), this.indentGuidesDisposable = e3, this._onDidChangeActiveNodes(this.activeNodes.elements);
void 0 !== e2.hideTwistiesOfChildlessElements && (this.hideTwistiesOfChildlessElements = e2.hideTwistiesOfChildlessElements);
renderTemplate(e2) {
const t2 = Object(i.p)(e2, Object(i.a)(".monaco-tl-row")), n2 = Object(i.p)(t2, Object(i.a)(".monaco-tl-indent")), r2 = Object(i.p)(t2, Object(i.a)(".monaco-tl-twistie")), s2 = Object(i.p)(t2, Object(i.a)(".monaco-tl-contents")), a2 = this.renderer.renderTemplate(s2);
return {container: e2, indent: n2, twistie: r2, indentGuidesDisposable: o.a.None, templateData: a2};
renderElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
"number" == typeof i2 && (this.renderedNodes.set(e2, {templateData: n2, height: i2}), this.renderedElements.set(e2.element, e2));
const o2 = Y.DefaultIndent + (e2.depth - 1) * this.indent; = o2 + "px", = o2 + this.indent - 16 + "px", this.renderTwistie(e2, n2), "number" == typeof i2 && this.renderIndentGuides(e2, n2), this.renderer.renderElement(e2, t2, n2.templateData, i2);
disposeElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
n2.indentGuidesDisposable.dispose(), this.renderer.disposeElement && this.renderer.disposeElement(e2, t2, n2.templateData, i2), "number" == typeof i2 && (this.renderedNodes.delete(e2), this.renderedElements.delete(e2.element));
disposeTemplate(e2) {
onDidChangeTwistieState(e2) {
const t2 = this.renderedElements.get(e2);
t2 && this.onDidChangeNodeTwistieState(t2);
onDidChangeNodeTwistieState(e2) {
const t2 = this.renderedNodes.get(e2);
t2 && (this.renderTwistie(e2, t2.templateData), this._onDidChangeActiveNodes(this.activeNodes.elements), this.renderIndentGuides(e2, t2.templateData));
renderTwistie(e2, t2) {
this.renderer.renderTwistie && this.renderer.renderTwistie(e2.element, t2.twistie), e2.collapsible && (!this.hideTwistiesOfChildlessElements || e2.visibleChildrenCount > 0) ? (Object(i.f)(t2.twistie, W.classNames, "collapsible"), Object(i.ab)(t2.twistie, "collapsed", e2.collapsed)) : Object(i.R)(t2.twistie, W.classNames, "collapsible", "collapsed"), e2.collapsible ? t2.container.setAttribute("aria-expanded", String(!e2.collapsed)) : t2.container.removeAttribute("aria-expanded");
renderIndentGuides(e2, t2) {
if (Object(i.s)(t2.indent), t2.indentGuidesDisposable.dispose(), !this.shouldRenderIndentGuides)
const n2 = new o.b(), r2 = this.modelProvider();
let s2 = e2;
for (; ; ) {
const e3 = r2.getNodeLocation(s2), a2 = r2.getParentNodeLocation(e3);
if (!a2)
const l2 = r2.getNode(a2), c2 = Object(i.a)(".indent-guide", {style: `width: ${this.indent}px`});
this.activeIndentNodes.has(l2) && Object(i.e)(c2, "active"), 0 === t2.indent.childElementCount ? t2.indent.appendChild(c2) : t2.indent.insertBefore(c2, t2.indent.firstElementChild), this.renderedIndentGuides.add(l2, c2), n2.add(Object(o.h)(() => this.renderedIndentGuides.delete(l2, c2))), s2 = l2;
t2.indentGuidesDisposable = n2;
_onDidChangeActiveNodes(e2) {
if (!this.shouldRenderIndentGuides)
const t2 = new Set(), n2 = this.modelProvider();
e2.forEach((e3) => {
const i2 = n2.getNodeLocation(e3);
try {
const o2 = n2.getParentNodeLocation(i2);
e3.collapsible && e3.children.length > 0 && !e3.collapsed ? t2.add(e3) : o2 && t2.add(n2.getNode(o2));
} catch (e4) {
}), this.activeIndentNodes.forEach((e3) => {
t2.has(e3) || this.renderedIndentGuides.forEach(e3, (e4) => Object(i.Q)(e4, "active"));
}), t2.forEach((e3) => {
this.activeIndentNodes.has(e3) || this.renderedIndentGuides.forEach(e3, (e4) => Object(i.e)(e4, "active"));
}), this.activeIndentNodes = t2;
dispose() {
this.renderedNodes.clear(), this.renderedElements.clear(), this.indentGuidesDisposable.dispose(), Object(o.f)(this.disposables);
Y.DefaultIndent = 8;
class Z {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.tree = e2, this.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider = t2, this._filter = n2, this._totalCount = 0, this._matchCount = 0, this._pattern = "", this._lowercasePattern = "", this.disposables = new o.b(), e2.onWillRefilter(this.reset, this, this.disposables);
get totalCount() {
return this._totalCount;
get matchCount() {
return this._matchCount;
set pattern(e2) {
this._pattern = e2, this._lowercasePattern = e2.toLowerCase();
filter(e2, t2) {
if (this._filter) {
const n3 = this._filter.filter(e2, t2);
if (this.tree.options.simpleKeyboardNavigation)
return n3;
let i3;
if (i3 = "boolean" == typeof n3 ? n3 ? 1 : 0 : N(n3) ? I(n3.visibility) : n3, 0 === i3)
return false;
if (this._totalCount++, this.tree.options.simpleKeyboardNavigation || !this._pattern)
return this._matchCount++, {data: L.a.Default, visibility: true};
const n2 = this.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider.getKeyboardNavigationLabel(e2), i2 = n2 && n2.toString();
if (void 0 === i2)
return {data: L.a.Default, visibility: true};
const o2 = Object(L.d)(this._pattern, this._lowercasePattern, 0, i2, i2.toLowerCase(), 0, true);
return o2 ? (this._matchCount++, {data: o2, visibility: true}) : this.tree.options.filterOnType ? 2 : {data: L.a.Default, visibility: true};
reset() {
this._totalCount = 0, this._matchCount = 0;
dispose() {
class X {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, r2, s2) {
this.tree = e2, this.view = n2, this.filter = r2, this.keyboardNavigationDelegate = s2, this._enabled = false, this._pattern = "", this._empty = false, this._onDidChangeEmptyState = new a.a(), this.positionClassName = "ne", this.automaticKeyboardNavigation = true, this.triggered = false, this._onDidChangePattern = new a.a(), this.enabledDisposables = new o.b(), this.disposables = new o.b(), this.domNode = Object(i.a)(".monaco-list-type-filter." + this.positionClassName), this.domNode.draggable = true, Object(T.a)(this.domNode, "dragstart")(this.onDragStart, this, this.disposables), this.messageDomNode = Object(i.p)(n2.getHTMLElement(), Object(i.a)(".monaco-list-type-filter-message")), this.labelDomNode = Object(i.p)(this.domNode, Object(i.a)("span.label"));
const l2 = Object(i.p)(this.domNode, Object(i.a)(".controls"));
this._filterOnType = !!e2.options.filterOnType, this.filterOnTypeDomNode = Object(i.p)(l2, Object(i.a)("input.filter")), this.filterOnTypeDomNode.type = "checkbox", this.filterOnTypeDomNode.checked = this._filterOnType, this.filterOnTypeDomNode.tabIndex = -1, this.updateFilterOnTypeTitleAndIcon(), Object(T.a)(this.filterOnTypeDomNode, "input")(this.onDidChangeFilterOnType, this, this.disposables), this.clearDomNode = Object(i.p)(l2, Object(i.a)("button.clear" + j.cssSelector)), this.clearDomNode.tabIndex = -1, this.clearDomNode.title = Object(h.a)("clear", "Clear"), this.keyboardNavigationEventFilter = e2.options.keyboardNavigationEventFilter, t2.onDidSplice(this.onDidSpliceModel, this, this.disposables), this.updateOptions(e2.options);
get enabled() {
return this._enabled;
get pattern() {
return this._pattern;
get filterOnType() {
return this._filterOnType;
updateOptions(e2) {
e2.simpleKeyboardNavigation ? this.disable() : this.enable(), void 0 !== e2.filterOnType && (this._filterOnType = !!e2.filterOnType, this.filterOnTypeDomNode.checked = this._filterOnType), void 0 !== e2.automaticKeyboardNavigation && (this.automaticKeyboardNavigation = e2.automaticKeyboardNavigation), this.tree.refilter(), this.render(), this.automaticKeyboardNavigation || this.onEventOrInput("");
enable() {
if (this._enabled)
const e2 = a.b.chain(Object(T.a)(this.view.getHTMLElement(), "keydown")).filter((e3) => !Object(s.e)( || === this.filterOnTypeDomNode).filter((e3) => "Dead" !== e3.key && !/^Media/.test(e3.key)).map((e3) => new C.a(e3)).filter(this.keyboardNavigationEventFilter || (() => true)).filter(() => this.automaticKeyboardNavigation || this.triggered).filter((e3) => this.keyboardNavigationDelegate.mightProducePrintableCharacter(e3) && !(18 === e3.keyCode || 16 === e3.keyCode || 15 === e3.keyCode || 17 === e3.keyCode) || (this.pattern.length > 0 || this.triggered) && (9 === e3.keyCode || 1 === e3.keyCode) && !e3.altKey && !e3.ctrlKey && !e3.metaKey || 1 === e3.keyCode && (R.f ? e3.altKey && !e3.metaKey : e3.ctrlKey) && !e3.shiftKey).forEach((e3) => {
e3.stopPropagation(), e3.preventDefault();
}).event, t2 = Object(T.a)(this.clearDomNode, "click");
a.b.chain(a.b.any(e2, t2)).event(this.onEventOrInput, this, this.enabledDisposables), this.filter.pattern = "", this.tree.refilter(), this.render(), this._enabled = true, this.triggered = false;
disable() {
this._enabled && (this.domNode.remove(), this.enabledDisposables.clear(), this.tree.refilter(), this.render(), this._enabled = false, this.triggered = false);
onEventOrInput(e2) {
"string" == typeof e2 ? this.onInput(e2) : e2 instanceof MouseEvent || 9 === e2.keyCode || 1 === e2.keyCode && (R.f ? e2.altKey : e2.ctrlKey) ? this.onInput("") : 1 === e2.keyCode ? this.onInput(0 === this.pattern.length ? "" : this.pattern.substr(0, this.pattern.length - 1)) : this.onInput(this.pattern + e2.browserEvent.key);
onInput(e2) {
const t2 = this.view.getHTMLElement();
e2 && !this.domNode.parentElement ? t2.append(this.domNode) : !e2 && this.domNode.parentElement && (this.domNode.remove(), this.tree.domFocus()), this._pattern = e2,, this.filter.pattern = e2, this.tree.refilter(), e2 && this.tree.focusNext(0, true, void 0, (e3) => !L.a.isDefault(e3.filterData));
const n2 = this.tree.getFocus();
if (n2.length > 0) {
const e3 = n2[0];
null === this.tree.getRelativeTop(e3) && this.tree.reveal(e3, 0.5);
this.render(), e2 || (this.triggered = false);
onDragStart() {
const e2 = this.view.getHTMLElement(), {left: t2} = Object(i.C)(e2), n2 = e2.clientWidth, r2 = n2 / 2, s2 = this.domNode.clientWidth, a2 = new o.b();
let l2 = this.positionClassName;
const c2 = () => {
switch (l2) {
case "nw": = "4px", = "4px";
case "ne": = "4px", = n2 - s2 - 6 + "px";
c2(), Object(i.Q)(this.domNode, l2), Object(i.e)(this.domNode, "dragging"), a2.add(Object(o.h)(() => Object(i.Q)(this.domNode, "dragging"))), Object(T.a)(document, "dragover")((e3) => {
const n3 = e3.screenX - t2;
e3.dataTransfer && (e3.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none"), l2 = n3 < r2 ? "nw" : "ne", c2();
}, null, a2), Object(T.a)(this.domNode, "dragend")(() => {
this.positionClassName = l2, this.domNode.className = "monaco-list-type-filter " + this.positionClassName, = "", = "", Object(o.f)(a2);
}, null, a2), k.c.CurrentDragAndDropData = new k.b("vscode-ui"), a2.add(Object(o.h)(() => k.c.CurrentDragAndDropData = void 0));
onDidSpliceModel() {
this._enabled && 0 !== this.pattern.length && (this.tree.refilter(), this.render());
onDidChangeFilterOnType() {
this.tree.updateOptions({filterOnType: this.filterOnTypeDomNode.checked}), this.tree.refilter(), this.tree.domFocus(), this.render(), this.updateFilterOnTypeTitleAndIcon();
updateFilterOnTypeTitleAndIcon() {
this.filterOnType ? (Object(i.R)(this.filterOnTypeDomNode, B.classNames), Object(i.f)(this.filterOnTypeDomNode, z.classNames), this.filterOnTypeDomNode.title = Object(h.a)("disable filter on type", "Disable Filter on Type")) : (Object(i.R)(this.filterOnTypeDomNode, z.classNames), Object(i.f)(this.filterOnTypeDomNode, B.classNames), this.filterOnTypeDomNode.title = Object(h.a)("enable filter on type", "Enable Filter on Type"));
render() {
const e2 = this.filter.totalCount > 0 && 0 === this.filter.matchCount;
this.pattern && this.tree.options.filterOnType && e2 ? (this.messageDomNode.textContent = Object(h.a)("empty", "No elements found"), this._empty = true) : (this.messageDomNode.innerText = "", this._empty = false), Object(i.ab)(this.domNode, "no-matches", e2), this.domNode.title = Object(h.a)("found", "Matched {0} out of {1} elements", this.filter.matchCount, this.filter.totalCount), this.labelDomNode.textContent = this.pattern.length > 16 ? "…" + this.pattern.substr(this.pattern.length - 16) : this.pattern,;
shouldAllowFocus(e2) {
return !(this.enabled && this.pattern && !this.filterOnType) || (this.filter.totalCount > 0 && this.filter.matchCount <= 1 || !L.a.isDefault(e2.filterData));
dispose() {
this._enabled && (this.domNode.remove(), this.enabledDisposables.dispose(), this._enabled = false, this.triggered = false), this._onDidChangePattern.dispose(), Object(o.f)(this.disposables);
function Q(e2) {
let t2 = w.Unknown;
return Object(i.J)(, "monaco-tl-twistie", "monaco-tl-row") ? t2 = w.Twistie : Object(i.J)(, "monaco-tl-contents", "monaco-tl-row") && (t2 = w.Element), {browserEvent: e2.browserEvent, element: e2.element ? e2.element.element : null, target: t2};
function J(e2, t2) {
t2(e2), e2.children.forEach((e3) => J(e3, t2));
class ee {
constructor(e2) {
this.identityProvider = e2, this.nodes = [], this._onDidChange = new a.a(), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;
get nodeSet() {
return this._nodeSet || (this._nodeSet = this.createNodeSet()), this._nodeSet;
set(e2, t2) {
Object(r.g)(this.nodes, e2) || this._set(e2, false, t2);
_set(e2, t2, n2) {
if (this.nodes = [...e2], this.elements = void 0, this._nodeSet = void 0, !t2) {
const e3 = this;{get elements() {
return e3.get();
}, browserEvent: n2});
get() {
return this.elements || (this.elements = => e2.element)), [...this.elements];
getNodes() {
return this.nodes;
has(e2) {
return this.nodeSet.has(e2);
onDidModelSplice({insertedNodes: e2, deletedNodes: t2}) {
if (!this.identityProvider) {
const e3 = this.createNodeSet(), n3 = (t3) => e3.delete(t3);
return t2.forEach((e4) => J(e4, n3)), void this.set([...e3.values()]);
const n2 = new Set(), i2 = (e3) => n2.add(this.identityProvider.getId(e3.element).toString());
t2.forEach((e3) => J(e3, i2));
const o2 = new Map(), r2 = (e3) => o2.set(this.identityProvider.getId(e3.element).toString(), e3);
e2.forEach((e3) => J(e3, r2));
const s2 = [];
for (const e3 of this.nodes) {
const t3 = this.identityProvider.getId(e3.element).toString();
if (n2.has(t3)) {
const e4 = o2.get(t3);
e4 && s2.push(e4);
} else
this._set(s2, true);
createNodeSet() {
const e2 = new Set();
for (const t2 of this.nodes)
return e2;
class te extends s.d {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2), this.tree = t2;
onViewPointer(e2) {
if (Object(s.e)( || Object(s.f)(
const t2 = e2.element;
if (!t2)
return super.onViewPointer(e2);
if (this.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(e2) || this.isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(e2))
return super.onViewPointer(e2);
const n2 =, o2 = Object(i.I)(n2, "monaco-tl-twistie") || Object(i.I)(n2, "monaco-icon-label") && Object(i.I)(n2, "folder-icon") && e2.browserEvent.offsetX < 16;
let r2 = false;
if (r2 = "function" == typeof this.tree.expandOnlyOnTwistieClick ? this.tree.expandOnlyOnTwistieClick(t2.element) : !!this.tree.expandOnlyOnTwistieClick, r2 && !o2)
return super.onViewPointer(e2);
if (this.tree.expandOnlyOnDoubleClick && 2 !== e2.browserEvent.detail && !o2)
return super.onViewPointer(e2);
if (t2.collapsible) {
const n3 = this.tree.model, i2 = n3.getNodeLocation(t2), s2 = e2.browserEvent.altKey;
if (n3.setCollapsed(i2, void 0, s2), r2 && o2)
onDoubleClick(e2) {
Object(i.I)(, "monaco-tl-twistie") || super.onDoubleClick(e2);
class ne extends s.c {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, s2), this.focusTrait = o2, this.selectionTrait = r2;
createMouseController(e2) {
return new te(this, e2.tree);
splice(e2, t2, n2 = []) {
if (super.splice(e2, t2, n2), 0 === n2.length)
const i2 = [], o2 = [];
n2.forEach((t3, n3) => {
this.focusTrait.has(t3) && i2.push(e2 + n3), this.selectionTrait.has(t3) && o2.push(e2 + n3);
}), i2.length > 0 && super.setFocus(Object(r.f)([...super.getFocus(), ...i2])), o2.length > 0 && super.setSelection(Object(r.f)([...super.getSelection(), ...o2]));
setFocus(e2, t2, n2 = false) {
super.setFocus(e2, t2), n2 || this.focusTrait.set( => this.element(e3)), t2);
setSelection(e2, t2, n2 = false) {
super.setSelection(e2, t2), n2 || this.selectionTrait.set( => this.element(e3)), t2);
class ie {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, r2, l2 = {}) {
this._options = l2, this.eventBufferer = new a.c(), this.disposables = new o.b(), this._onWillRefilter = new a.a(), this.onWillRefilter = this._onWillRefilter.event, this._onDidUpdateOptions = new a.a();
const c2 = new $(n2), d2 = new a.e(), h2 = new a.e(), u2 = new G(h2.event);
this.renderers = => new Y(e3, () => this.model, d2.event, u2, l2));
for (let e3 of this.renderers)
let p2;
var m2, g2;
l2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider && (p2 = new Z(this, l2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider, l2.filter), l2 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, l2), {filter: p2}), this.disposables.add(p2)), this.focus = new ee(l2.identityProvider), this.selection = new ee(l2.identityProvider), this.view = new ne(e2, t2, c2, this.renderers, this.focus, this.selection, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (m2 = () => this.model, (g2 = l2) && Object.assign(Object.assign({}, g2), {identityProvider: g2.identityProvider && {getId: (e3) => g2.identityProvider.getId(e3.element)}, dnd: g2.dnd && new q(m2, g2.dnd), multipleSelectionController: g2.multipleSelectionController && {isSelectionSingleChangeEvent: (e3) => g2.multipleSelectionController.isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e3), {element: e3.element})), isSelectionRangeChangeEvent: (e3) => g2.multipleSelectionController.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e3), {element: e3.element}))}, accessibilityProvider: g2.accessibilityProvider && Object.assign(Object.assign({}, g2.accessibilityProvider), {getSetSize(e3) {
const t3 = m2(), n3 = t3.getNodeLocation(e3), i2 = t3.getParentNodeLocation(n3);
return t3.getNode(i2).visibleChildrenCount;
}, getPosInSet: (e3) => e3.visibleChildIndex + 1, isChecked: g2.accessibilityProvider && g2.accessibilityProvider.isChecked ? (e3) => g2.accessibilityProvider.isChecked(e3.element) : void 0, getRole: g2.accessibilityProvider && g2.accessibilityProvider.getRole ? (e3) => g2.accessibilityProvider.getRole(e3.element) : () => "treeitem", getAriaLabel: (e3) => g2.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLabel(e3.element), getWidgetAriaLabel: () => g2.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetAriaLabel(), getWidgetRole: g2.accessibilityProvider && g2.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetRole ? () => g2.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetRole() : () => "tree", getAriaLevel: (e3) => e3.depth, getActiveDescendantId: g2.accessibilityProvider.getActiveDescendantId && ((e3) => g2.accessibilityProvider.getActiveDescendantId(e3.element))}), keyboardNavigationLabelProvider: g2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider && Object.assign(Object.assign({}, g2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider), {getKeyboardNavigationLabel: (e3) => g2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider.getKeyboardNavigationLabel(e3.element)}), enableKeyboardNavigation: g2.simpleKeyboardNavigation}))), {tree: this})), this.model = this.createModel(e2, this.view, l2), d2.input = this.model.onDidChangeCollapseState;
const f2 = a.b.forEach(this.model.onDidSplice, (e3) => {
this.eventBufferer.bufferEvents(() => {
this.focus.onDidModelSplice(e3), this.selection.onDidModelSplice(e3);
if (f2(() => null, null, this.disposables), h2.input = a.b.chain(a.b.any(f2, this.focus.onDidChange, this.selection.onDidChange)).debounce(() => null, 0).map(() => {
const e3 = new Set();
for (const t3 of this.focus.getNodes())
for (const t3 of this.selection.getNodes())
return [...e3.values()];
}).event, false !== l2.keyboardSupport) {
const e3 = a.b.chain(this.view.onKeyDown).filter((e4) => !Object(s.e)( => new C.a(e4));
e3.filter((e4) => 15 === e4.keyCode).on(this.onLeftArrow, this, this.disposables), e3.filter((e4) => 17 === e4.keyCode).on(this.onRightArrow, this, this.disposables), e3.filter((e4) => 10 === e4.keyCode).on(this.onSpace, this, this.disposables);
if (l2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider) {
const e3 = l2.keyboardNavigationDelegate || s.a;
this.typeFilterController = new X(this, this.model, this.view, p2, e3), this.focusNavigationFilter = (e4) => this.typeFilterController.shouldAllowFocus(e4), this.disposables.add(this.typeFilterController);
this.styleElement = Object(i.v)(this.view.getHTMLElement()), Object(i.ab)(this.getHTMLElement(), "always", this._options.renderIndentGuides === K.Always);
get onDidChangeFocus() {
return this.eventBufferer.wrapEvent(this.focus.onDidChange);
get onDidChangeSelection() {
return this.eventBufferer.wrapEvent(this.selection.onDidChange);
get onMouseDblClick() {
return, Q);
get onPointer() {
return, Q);
get onDidFocus() {
return this.view.onDidFocus;
get onDidChangeCollapseState() {
return this.model.onDidChangeCollapseState;
get expandOnlyOnDoubleClick() {
var e2;
return null !== (e2 = this._options.expandOnlyOnDoubleClick) && void 0 !== e2 && e2;
get expandOnlyOnTwistieClick() {
return void 0 !== this._options.expandOnlyOnTwistieClick && this._options.expandOnlyOnTwistieClick;
get onDidDispose() {
return this.view.onDidDispose;
updateOptions(e2 = {}) {
this._options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._options), e2);
for (const t2 of this.renderers)
this.view.updateOptions({enableKeyboardNavigation: this._options.simpleKeyboardNavigation, automaticKeyboardNavigation: this._options.automaticKeyboardNavigation, smoothScrolling: this._options.smoothScrolling, horizontalScrolling: this._options.horizontalScrolling}), this.typeFilterController && this.typeFilterController.updateOptions(this._options),, Object(i.ab)(this.getHTMLElement(), "always", this._options.renderIndentGuides === K.Always);
get options() {
return this._options;
getHTMLElement() {
return this.view.getHTMLElement();
get scrollTop() {
return this.view.scrollTop;
set scrollTop(e2) {
this.view.scrollTop = e2;
domFocus() {
layout(e2, t2) {
this.view.layout(e2, t2);
style(e2) {
const t2 = "." + this.view.domId, n2 = [];
e2.treeIndentGuidesStroke && (n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2}:hover .monaco-tl-indent > .indent-guide, .monaco-list${t2}.always .monaco-tl-indent > .indent-guide { border-color: ${e2.treeIndentGuidesStroke.transparent(0.4)}; }`), n2.push(`.monaco-list${t2} .monaco-tl-indent > { border-color: ${e2.treeIndentGuidesStroke}; }`));
const i2 = n2.join("\n");
i2 !== this.styleElement.innerHTML && (this.styleElement.innerHTML = i2),;
collapse(e2, t2 = false) {
return this.model.setCollapsed(e2, true, t2);
expand(e2, t2 = false) {
return this.model.setCollapsed(e2, false, t2);
isCollapsible(e2) {
return this.model.isCollapsible(e2);
setCollapsible(e2, t2) {
return this.model.setCollapsible(e2, t2);
isCollapsed(e2) {
return this.model.isCollapsed(e2);
refilter() { 0), this.model.refilter();
setSelection(e2, t2) {
const n2 = => this.model.getNode(e3));
this.selection.set(n2, t2);
const i2 = => this.model.getListIndex(e3)).filter((e3) => e3 > -1);
this.view.setSelection(i2, t2, true);
getSelection() {
return this.selection.get();
setFocus(e2, t2) {
const n2 = => this.model.getNode(e3));
this.focus.set(n2, t2);
const i2 = => this.model.getListIndex(e3)).filter((e3) => e3 > -1);
this.view.setFocus(i2, t2, true);
focusNext(e2 = 1, t2 = false, n2, i2 = this.focusNavigationFilter) {
this.view.focusNext(e2, t2, n2, i2);
getFocus() {
return this.focus.get();
reveal(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.model.getListIndex(e2);
-1 !== n2 && this.view.reveal(n2, t2);
getRelativeTop(e2) {
const t2 = this.model.getListIndex(e2);
return -1 === t2 ? null : this.view.getRelativeTop(t2);
onLeftArrow(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation();
const t2 = this.view.getFocusedElements();
if (0 === t2.length)
const n2 = t2[0], i2 = this.model.getNodeLocation(n2);
if (!this.model.setCollapsed(i2, true)) {
const e3 = this.model.getParentNodeLocation(i2);
if (!e3)
const t3 = this.model.getListIndex(e3);
this.view.reveal(t3), this.view.setFocus([t3]);
onRightArrow(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation();
const t2 = this.view.getFocusedElements();
if (0 === t2.length)
const n2 = t2[0], i2 = this.model.getNodeLocation(n2);
if (!this.model.setCollapsed(i2, false)) {
if (!n2.children.some((e4) => e4.visible))
const [e3] = this.view.getFocus(), t3 = e3 + 1;
this.view.reveal(t3), this.view.setFocus([t3]);
onSpace(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation();
const t2 = this.view.getFocusedElements();
if (0 === t2.length)
const n2 = t2[0], i2 = this.model.getNodeLocation(n2), o2 = e2.browserEvent.altKey;
this.model.setCollapsed(i2, void 0, o2);
dispose() {
Object(o.f)(this.disposables), this.view.dispose();
class oe {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = {}) {
this.user = e2, this.rootRef = null, this.nodes = new Map(), this.nodesByIdentity = new Map(), this.model = new D(e2, t2, null, n2), this.onDidSplice = this.model.onDidSplice, this.onDidChangeCollapseState = this.model.onDidChangeCollapseState, this.onDidChangeRenderNodeCount = this.model.onDidChangeRenderNodeCount, n2.sorter && (this.sorter = {compare: (e3, t3) =>, t3.element)}), this.identityProvider = n2.identityProvider;
setChildren(e2, t2 = y.a.empty(), n2, i2) {
const o2 = this.getElementLocation(e2);
this._setChildren(o2, this.preserveCollapseState(t2), n2, i2);
_setChildren(e2, t2 = y.a.empty(), n2, i2) {
const o2 = new Set(), r2 = new Set();
this.model.splice([...e2, 0], Number.MAX_VALUE, t2, (e3) => {
if (null === e3.element)
const t3 = e3;
if (o2.add(t3.element), this.nodes.set(t3.element, t3), this.identityProvider) {
const e4 = this.identityProvider.getId(t3.element).toString();
r2.add(e4), this.nodesByIdentity.set(e4, t3);
n2 && n2(t3);
}, (e3) => {
if (null === e3.element)
const t3 = e3;
if (o2.has(t3.element) || this.nodes.delete(t3.element), this.identityProvider) {
const e4 = this.identityProvider.getId(t3.element).toString();
r2.has(e4) || this.nodesByIdentity.delete(e4);
i2 && i2(t3);
preserveCollapseState(e2 = y.a.empty()) {
return this.sorter && (e2 = Object(r.p)([...e2],,, (e3) => {
let t2 = this.nodes.get(e3.element);
if (!t2 && this.identityProvider) {
const n3 = this.identityProvider.getId(e3.element).toString();
t2 = this.nodesByIdentity.get(n3);
if (!t2)
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e3), {children: this.preserveCollapseState(e3.children)});
const n2 = "boolean" == typeof e3.collapsible ? e3.collapsible : t2.collapsible, i2 = void 0 !== e3.collapsed ? e3.collapsed : t2.collapsed;
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e3), {collapsible: n2, collapsed: i2, children: this.preserveCollapseState(e3.children)});
rerender(e2) {
const t2 = this.getElementLocation(e2);
has(e2) {
return this.nodes.has(e2);
getListIndex(e2) {
const t2 = this.getElementLocation(e2);
return this.model.getListIndex(t2);
getListRenderCount(e2) {
const t2 = this.getElementLocation(e2);
return this.model.getListRenderCount(t2);
isCollapsible(e2) {
const t2 = this.getElementLocation(e2);
return this.model.isCollapsible(t2);
setCollapsible(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.getElementLocation(e2);
return this.model.setCollapsible(n2, t2);
isCollapsed(e2) {
const t2 = this.getElementLocation(e2);
return this.model.isCollapsed(t2);
setCollapsed(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getElementLocation(e2);
return this.model.setCollapsed(i2, t2, n2);
expandTo(e2) {
const t2 = this.getElementLocation(e2);
refilter() {
getNode(e2 = null) {
if (null === e2)
return this.model.getNode(this.model.rootRef);
const t2 = this.nodes.get(e2);
if (!t2)
throw new x(this.user, "Tree element not found: " + e2);
return t2;
getNodeLocation(e2) {
return e2.element;
getParentNodeLocation(e2) {
if (null === e2)
throw new x(this.user, "Invalid getParentNodeLocation call");
const t2 = this.nodes.get(e2);
if (!t2)
throw new x(this.user, "Tree element not found: " + e2);
const n2 = this.model.getNodeLocation(t2), i2 = this.model.getParentNodeLocation(n2);
return this.model.getNode(i2).element;
getElementLocation(e2) {
if (null === e2)
return [];
const t2 = this.nodes.get(e2);
if (!t2)
throw new x(this.user, "Tree element not found: " + e2);
return this.model.getNodeLocation(t2);
function re(e2) {
return {element: {elements: [e2.element], incompressible: e2.incompressible || false}, children:, re), collapsible: e2.collapsible, collapsed: e2.collapsed};
function se(e2) {
const t2 = [e2.element], n2 = e2.incompressible || false;
let i2, o2;
for (; [o2, i2] = y.a.consume(y.a.from(e2.children), 2), 1 === o2.length && !(e2 = o2[0]).incompressible; )
return {element: {elements: t2, incompressible: n2}, children:, i2), se), collapsible: e2.collapsible, collapsed: e2.collapsed};
function ae(e2) {
return function e3(t2, n2 = 0) {
let i2;
return i2 = n2 < t2.element.elements.length - 1 ? [e3(t2, n2 + 1)] :, (t3) => e3(t3, 0)), 0 === n2 && t2.element.incompressible ? {element: t2.element.elements[n2], children: i2, incompressible: true, collapsible: t2.collapsible, collapsed: t2.collapsed} : {element: t2.element.elements[n2], children: i2, collapsible: t2.collapsible, collapsed: t2.collapsed};
}(e2, 0);
class le {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = {}) {
this.user = e2, this.rootRef = null, this.nodes = new Map(), this.model = new oe(e2, t2, n2), this.enabled = void 0 === n2.compressionEnabled || n2.compressionEnabled;
get onDidSplice() {
return this.model.onDidSplice;
get onDidChangeCollapseState() {
return this.model.onDidChangeCollapseState;
get onDidChangeRenderNodeCount() {
return this.model.onDidChangeRenderNodeCount;
setChildren(e2, t2 = y.a.empty()) {
if (null === e2) {
const e3 =, this.enabled ? se : re);
return void this._setChildren(null, e3);
const n2 = this.nodes.get(e2);
if (!n2)
throw new Error("Unknown compressed tree node");
const i2 = this.model.getNode(n2), o2 = this.model.getParentNodeLocation(n2), r2 = this.model.getNode(o2), s2 = function e3(t3, n3, i3) {
return t3.element === n3 ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {children: i3}) : Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {children:, (t4) => e3(t4, n3, i3))});
}(ae(i2), e2, t2), a2 = (this.enabled ? se : re)(s2), l2 = => e3 === i2 ? a2 : e3);
this._setChildren(r2.element, l2);
setCompressionEnabled(e2) {
if (e2 === this.enabled)
this.enabled = e2;
const t2 = this.model.getNode().children, n2 =, ae), i2 =, e2 ? se : re);
this._setChildren(null, i2);
_setChildren(e2, t2) {
const n2 = new Set();
this.model.setChildren(e2, t2, (e3) => {
for (const t3 of e3.element.elements)
n2.add(t3), this.nodes.set(t3, e3.element);
}, (e3) => {
for (const t3 of e3.element.elements)
n2.has(t3) || this.nodes.delete(t3);
has(e2) {
return this.nodes.has(e2);
getListIndex(e2) {
const t2 = this.getCompressedNode(e2);
return this.model.getListIndex(t2);
getListRenderCount(e2) {
const t2 = this.getCompressedNode(e2);
return this.model.getListRenderCount(t2);
getNode(e2) {
if (void 0 === e2)
return this.model.getNode();
const t2 = this.getCompressedNode(e2);
return this.model.getNode(t2);
getNodeLocation(e2) {
const t2 = this.model.getNodeLocation(e2);
return null === t2 ? null : t2.elements[t2.elements.length - 1];
getParentNodeLocation(e2) {
const t2 = this.getCompressedNode(e2), n2 = this.model.getParentNodeLocation(t2);
return null === n2 ? null : n2.elements[n2.elements.length - 1];
isCollapsible(e2) {
const t2 = this.getCompressedNode(e2);
return this.model.isCollapsible(t2);
setCollapsible(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.getCompressedNode(e2);
return this.model.setCollapsible(n2, t2);
isCollapsed(e2) {
const t2 = this.getCompressedNode(e2);
return this.model.isCollapsed(t2);
setCollapsed(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getCompressedNode(e2);
return this.model.setCollapsed(i2, t2, n2);
expandTo(e2) {
const t2 = this.getCompressedNode(e2);
rerender(e2) {
const t2 = this.getCompressedNode(e2);
refilter() {
getCompressedNode(e2) {
if (null === e2)
return null;
const t2 = this.nodes.get(e2);
if (!t2)
throw new x(this.user, "Tree element not found: " + e2);
return t2;
const ce = (e2) => e2[e2.length - 1];
class de {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.unwrapper = e2, this.node = t2;
get element() {
return null === this.node.element ? null : this.unwrapper(this.node.element);
get children() {
return => new de(this.unwrapper, e2));
get depth() {
return this.node.depth;
get visibleChildrenCount() {
return this.node.visibleChildrenCount;
get visibleChildIndex() {
return this.node.visibleChildIndex;
get collapsible() {
return this.node.collapsible;
get collapsed() {
return this.node.collapsed;
get visible() {
return this.node.visible;
get filterData() {
return this.node.filterData;
class he {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = {}) {
this.rootRef = null, this.elementMapper = n2.elementMapper || ce;
const i2 = (e3) => this.elementMapper(e3.elements);
this.nodeMapper = new S((e3) => new de(i2, e3)), this.model = new le(e2, function(e3, t3) {
return {splice(n3, i3, o2) {
t3.splice(n3, i3, =>;
}, updateElementHeight(e4, n3) {
t3.updateElementHeight(e4, n3);
}(this.nodeMapper, t2), function(e3, t3) {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {sorter: t3.sorter && {compare: (e4, n3) =>[0], n3.elements[0])}, identityProvider: t3.identityProvider && {getId: (n3) => t3.identityProvider.getId(e3(n3))}, filter: t3.filter && {filter: (n3, i3) => t3.filter.filter(e3(n3), i3)}});
}(i2, n2));
get onDidSplice() {
return, ({insertedNodes: e2, deletedNodes: t2}) => ({insertedNodes: =>, deletedNodes: =>}));
get onDidChangeCollapseState() {
return, ({node: e2, deep: t2}) => ({node:, deep: t2}));
get onDidChangeRenderNodeCount() {
return, (e2) =>;
setChildren(e2, t2 = y.a.empty()) {
this.model.setChildren(e2, t2);
setCompressionEnabled(e2) {
has(e2) {
return this.model.has(e2);
getListIndex(e2) {
return this.model.getListIndex(e2);
getListRenderCount(e2) {
return this.model.getListRenderCount(e2);
getNode(e2) {
getNodeLocation(e2) {
return e2.element;
getParentNodeLocation(e2) {
return this.model.getParentNodeLocation(e2);
isCollapsible(e2) {
return this.model.isCollapsible(e2);
setCollapsible(e2, t2) {
return this.model.setCollapsible(e2, t2);
isCollapsed(e2) {
return this.model.isCollapsed(e2);
setCollapsed(e2, t2, n2) {
return this.model.setCollapsed(e2, t2, n2);
expandTo(e2) {
return this.model.expandTo(e2);
rerender(e2) {
return this.model.rerender(e2);
refilter() {
return this.model.refilter();
getCompressedTreeNode(e2 = null) {
return this.model.getNode(e2);
var ue = n(98), pe = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
class me extends ie {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2 = {}) {
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
get onDidChangeCollapseState() {
return this.model.onDidChangeCollapseState;
setChildren(e2, t2 = y.a.empty()) {
this.model.setChildren(e2, t2);
rerender(e2) {
void 0 !== e2 ? this.model.rerender(e2) : this.view.rerender();
hasElement(e2) {
return this.model.has(e2);
createModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return new oe(e2, t2, n2);
class ge {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._compressedTreeNodeProvider = e2, this.renderer = t2, this.templateId = t2.templateId, t2.onDidChangeTwistieState && (this.onDidChangeTwistieState = t2.onDidChangeTwistieState);
get compressedTreeNodeProvider() {
return this._compressedTreeNodeProvider();
renderTemplate(e2) {
return {compressedTreeNode: void 0, data: this.renderer.renderTemplate(e2)};
renderElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this.compressedTreeNodeProvider.getCompressedTreeNode(e2.element);
1 === o2.element.elements.length ? (n2.compressedTreeNode = void 0, this.renderer.renderElement(e2, t2,, i2)) : (n2.compressedTreeNode = o2, this.renderer.renderCompressedElements(o2, t2,, i2));
disposeElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
n2.compressedTreeNode ? this.renderer.disposeCompressedElements && this.renderer.disposeCompressedElements(n2.compressedTreeNode, t2,, i2) : this.renderer.disposeElement && this.renderer.disposeElement(e2, t2,, i2);
disposeTemplate(e2) {
renderTwistie(e2, t2) {
this.renderer.renderTwistie && this.renderer.renderTwistie(e2, t2);
pe([ue.a], ge.prototype, "compressedTreeNodeProvider", null);
class fe extends me {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2 = {}) {
const r2 = () => this;
super(e2, t2, n2, => new ge(r2, e3)), function(e3, t3) {
return t3 && Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {keyboardNavigationLabelProvider: t3.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider && {getKeyboardNavigationLabel(n3) {
let i3;
try {
i3 = e3().getCompressedTreeNode(n3);
} catch (e4) {
return t3.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider.getKeyboardNavigationLabel(n3);
return 1 === i3.element.elements.length ? t3.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider.getKeyboardNavigationLabel(n3) : t3.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider.getCompressedNodeKeyboardNavigationLabel(i3.element.elements);
}(r2, o2));
setChildren(e2, t2 = y.a.empty()) {
this.model.setChildren(e2, t2);
createModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return new he(e2, t2, n2);
updateOptions(e2 = {}) {
super.updateOptions(e2), void 0 !== e2.compressionEnabled && this.model.setCompressionEnabled(e2.compressionEnabled);
getCompressedTreeNode(e2 = null) {
return this.model.getCompressedTreeNode(e2);
var be = n(13), _e = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
function ve(e2) {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e2), {children: [], refreshPromise: void 0, stale: true, slow: false, collapsedByDefault: void 0});
function we(e2, t2) {
return !!t2.parent && (t2.parent === e2 || we(e2, t2.parent));
class ye {
constructor(e2) {
this.node = e2;
get element() {
return this.node.element.element;
get children() {
return => new ye(e2));
get depth() {
return this.node.depth;
get visibleChildrenCount() {
return this.node.visibleChildrenCount;
get visibleChildIndex() {
return this.node.visibleChildIndex;
get collapsible() {
return this.node.collapsible;
get collapsed() {
return this.node.collapsed;
get visible() {
return this.node.visible;
get filterData() {
return this.node.filterData;
class Ce {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.renderer = e2, this.nodeMapper = t2, this.onDidChangeTwistieState = n2, this.renderedNodes = new Map(), this.templateId = e2.templateId;
renderTemplate(e2) {
return {templateData: this.renderer.renderTemplate(e2)};
renderElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.renderer.renderElement(, t2, n2.templateData, i2);
renderTwistie(e2, t2) {
return e2.slow ? Object(i.f)(t2, V.classNames) : Object(i.R)(t2, V.classNames), false;
disposeElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.renderer.disposeElement && this.renderer.disposeElement(, t2, n2.templateData, i2);
disposeTemplate(e2) {
dispose() {
function xe(e2) {
return {browserEvent: e2.browserEvent, elements: => e3.element)};
function Se(e2) {
return {browserEvent: e2.browserEvent, element: e2.element && e2.element.element, target:};
class ke extends E.a {
constructor(e2) {
super( => e3.element)), = e2;
function Ee(e2) {
return e2 instanceof E.a ? new ke(e2) : e2;
class Te {
constructor(e2) {
this.dnd = e2;
getDragURI(e2) {
return this.dnd.getDragURI(e2.element);
getDragLabel(e2, t2) {
if (this.dnd.getDragLabel)
return this.dnd.getDragLabel( => e3.element), t2);
onDragStart(e2, t2) {
this.dnd.onDragStart && this.dnd.onDragStart(Ee(e2), t2);
onDragOver(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2 = true) {
return this.dnd.onDragOver(Ee(e2), t2 && t2.element, n2, i2);
drop(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.dnd.drop(Ee(e2), t2 && t2.element, n2, i2);
onDragEnd(e2) {
this.dnd.onDragEnd && this.dnd.onDragEnd(e2);
function Le(e2) {
return e2 && Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e2), {collapseByDefault: true, identityProvider: e2.identityProvider && {getId: (t2) => e2.identityProvider.getId(t2.element)}, dnd: e2.dnd && new Te(e2.dnd), multipleSelectionController: e2.multipleSelectionController && {isSelectionSingleChangeEvent: (t2) => e2.multipleSelectionController.isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t2), {element: t2.element})), isSelectionRangeChangeEvent: (t2) => e2.multipleSelectionController.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t2), {element: t2.element}))}, accessibilityProvider: e2.accessibilityProvider && Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e2.accessibilityProvider), {getPosInSet: void 0, getSetSize: void 0, getRole: e2.accessibilityProvider.getRole ? (t2) => e2.accessibilityProvider.getRole(t2.element) : () => "treeitem", isChecked: e2.accessibilityProvider.isChecked ? (t2) => {
var n2;
return !!(null === (n2 = e2.accessibilityProvider) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.isChecked(t2.element));
} : void 0, getAriaLabel: (t2) => e2.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLabel(t2.element), getWidgetAriaLabel: () => e2.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetAriaLabel(), getWidgetRole: e2.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetRole ? () => e2.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetRole() : () => "tree", getAriaLevel: e2.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLevel && ((t2) => e2.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLevel(t2.element)), getActiveDescendantId: e2.accessibilityProvider.getActiveDescendantId && ((t2) => e2.accessibilityProvider.getActiveDescendantId(t2.element))}), filter: e2.filter && {filter: (t2, n2) => e2.filter.filter(t2.element, n2)}, keyboardNavigationLabelProvider: e2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider && Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider), {getKeyboardNavigationLabel: (t2) => e2.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider.getKeyboardNavigationLabel(t2.element)}), sorter: void 0, expandOnlyOnTwistieClick: void 0 === e2.expandOnlyOnTwistieClick ? void 0 : "function" != typeof e2.expandOnlyOnTwistieClick ? e2.expandOnlyOnTwistieClick : (t2) => e2.expandOnlyOnTwistieClick(t2.element), additionalScrollHeight: e2.additionalScrollHeight});
function Ne(e2, t2) {
t2(e2), e2.children.forEach((e3) => Ne(e3, t2));
class Ie {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2, s2 = {}) {
this.user = e2, this.dataSource = r2, this.nodes = new Map(), this.subTreeRefreshPromises = new Map(), this.refreshPromises = new Map(), this._onDidRender = new a.a(), this._onDidChangeNodeSlowState = new a.a(), this.nodeMapper = new S((e3) => new ye(e3)), this.disposables = new o.b(), this.identityProvider = s2.identityProvider, this.autoExpandSingleChildren = void 0 !== s2.autoExpandSingleChildren && s2.autoExpandSingleChildren, this.sorter = s2.sorter, this.collapseByDefault = s2.collapseByDefault, this.tree = this.createTree(e2, t2, n2, i2, s2), this.root = ve({element: void 0, parent: null, hasChildren: true}), this.identityProvider && (this.root = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.root), {id: null})), this.nodes.set(null, this.root), this.tree.onDidChangeCollapseState(this._onDidChangeCollapseState, this, this.disposables);
get onDidChangeFocus() {
return, xe);
get onDidChangeSelection() {
return, xe);
get onMouseDblClick() {
return, Se);
get onPointer() {
return, Se);
get onDidFocus() {
return this.tree.onDidFocus;
get onDidDispose() {
return this.tree.onDidDispose;
createTree(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = new $(n2), s2 = => new Ce(e3, this.nodeMapper, this._onDidChangeNodeSlowState.event)), a2 = Le(o2) || {};
return new me(e2, t2, r2, s2, a2);
updateOptions(e2 = {}) {
getHTMLElement() {
return this.tree.getHTMLElement();
get scrollTop() {
return this.tree.scrollTop;
set scrollTop(e2) {
this.tree.scrollTop = e2;
domFocus() {
layout(e2, t2) {
this.tree.layout(e2, t2);
style(e2) {;
getInput() {
return this.root.element;
setInput(e2, t2) {
return _e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
this.refreshPromises.forEach((e3) => e3.cancel()), this.refreshPromises.clear(), this.root.element = e2;
const n2 = t2 && {viewState: t2, focus: [], selection: []};
yield this._updateChildren(e2, true, false, n2), n2 && (this.tree.setFocus(n2.focus), this.tree.setSelection(n2.selection)), t2 && "number" == typeof t2.scrollTop && (this.scrollTop = t2.scrollTop);
_updateChildren(e2 = this.root.element, t2 = true, n2 = false, i2) {
return _e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (void 0 === this.root.element)
throw new x(this.user, "Tree input not set");
this.root.refreshPromise && (yield this.root.refreshPromise, yield a.b.toPromise(this._onDidRender.event));
const o2 = this.getDataNode(e2);
if (yield this.refreshAndRenderNode(o2, t2, i2), n2)
try {
} catch (e3) {
rerender(e2) {
if (void 0 === e2 || e2 === this.root.element)
return void this.tree.rerender();
const t2 = this.getDataNode(e2);
collapse(e2, t2 = false) {
const n2 = this.getDataNode(e2);
return this.tree.collapse(n2 === this.root ? null : n2, t2);
expand(e2, t2 = false) {
return _e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (void 0 === this.root.element)
throw new x(this.user, "Tree input not set");
this.root.refreshPromise && (yield this.root.refreshPromise, yield a.b.toPromise(this._onDidRender.event));
const n2 = this.getDataNode(e2);
if (this.tree.hasElement(n2) && !this.tree.isCollapsible(n2))
return false;
if (n2.refreshPromise && (yield this.root.refreshPromise, yield a.b.toPromise(this._onDidRender.event)), n2 !== this.root && !n2.refreshPromise && !this.tree.isCollapsed(n2))
return false;
const i2 = this.tree.expand(n2 === this.root ? null : n2, t2);
return n2.refreshPromise && (yield this.root.refreshPromise, yield a.b.toPromise(this._onDidRender.event)), i2;
setSelection(e2, t2) {
const n2 = => this.getDataNode(e3));
this.tree.setSelection(n2, t2);
getSelection() {
return this.tree.getSelection().map((e2) => e2.element);
setFocus(e2, t2) {
const n2 = => this.getDataNode(e3));
this.tree.setFocus(n2, t2);
getFocus() {
return this.tree.getFocus().map((e2) => e2.element);
reveal(e2, t2) {
this.tree.reveal(this.getDataNode(e2), t2);
getDataNode(e2) {
const t2 = this.nodes.get(e2 === this.root.element ? null : e2);
if (!t2)
throw new x(this.user, "Data tree node not found: " + e2);
return t2;
refreshAndRenderNode(e2, t2, n2) {
return _e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield this.refreshNode(e2, t2, n2), this.render(e2, n2);
refreshNode(e2, t2, n2) {
return _e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let i2;
return this.subTreeRefreshPromises.forEach((o2, r2) => {
!i2 && function(e3, t3) {
return e3 === t3 || we(e3, t3) || we(t3, e3);
}(r2, e2) && (i2 = o2.then(() => this.refreshNode(e2, t2, n2)));
}), i2 || this.doRefreshSubTree(e2, t2, n2);
doRefreshSubTree(e2, t2, n2) {
return _e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let i2;
e2.refreshPromise = new Promise((e3) => i2 = e3), this.subTreeRefreshPromises.set(e2, e2.refreshPromise), e2.refreshPromise.finally(() => {
e2.refreshPromise = void 0, this.subTreeRefreshPromises.delete(e2);
try {
const o2 = yield this.doRefreshNode(e2, t2, n2);
e2.stale = false, yield Promise.all( => this.doRefreshSubTree(e3, t2, n2)));
} finally {
doRefreshNode(e2, t2, n2) {
return _e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let i2;
if (e2.hasChildren = !!this.dataSource.hasChildren(e2.element), e2.hasChildren) {
const t3 = Object(A.l)(800);
t3.then(() => {
e2.slow = true,;
}, (e3) => null), i2 = this.doGetChildren(e2).finally(() => t3.cancel());
} else
i2 = Promise.resolve(y.a.empty());
try {
const o2 = yield i2;
return this.setChildren(e2, o2, t2, n2);
} catch (t3) {
if (e2 !== this.root && this.tree.collapse(e2 === this.root ? null : e2), Object(be.d)(t3))
return [];
throw t3;
} finally {
e2.slow && (e2.slow = false,;
doGetChildren(e2) {
let t2 = this.refreshPromises.get(e2);
return t2 || (t2 = Object(A.f)(() => _e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const t3 = yield this.dataSource.getChildren(e2.element);
return this.processChildren(t3);
})), this.refreshPromises.set(e2, t2), t2.finally(() => {
_onDidChangeCollapseState({node: e2, deep: t2}) {
null !== e2.element && !e2.collapsed && e2.element.stale && (t2 ? this.collapse(e2.element.element) : this.refreshAndRenderNode(e2.element, false).catch(be.e));
setChildren(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = [...t2];
if (0 === e2.children.length && 0 === o2.length)
return [];
const r2 = new Map(), s2 = new Map();
for (const t3 of e2.children)
if (r2.set(t3.element, t3), this.identityProvider) {
const e3 = this.tree.isCollapsed(t3);
s2.set(, {node: t3, collapsed: e3});
const a2 = [], l2 = => {
const o3 = !!this.dataSource.hasChildren(t3);
if (!this.identityProvider) {
const n3 = ve({element: t3, parent: e2, hasChildren: o3});
return o3 && this.collapseByDefault && !this.collapseByDefault(t3) && (n3.collapsedByDefault = false, a2.push(n3)), n3;
const l3 = this.identityProvider.getId(t3).toString(), c2 = s2.get(l3);
if (c2) {
const e3 = c2.node;
return r2.delete(e3.element), this.nodes.delete(e3.element), this.nodes.set(t3, e3), e3.element = t3, e3.hasChildren = o3, n2 ? c2.collapsed ? (e3.children.forEach((e4) => Ne(e4, (e5) => this.nodes.delete(e5.element))), e3.children.splice(0, e3.children.length), e3.stale = true) : a2.push(e3) : o3 && this.collapseByDefault && !this.collapseByDefault(t3) && (e3.collapsedByDefault = false, a2.push(e3)), e3;
const d2 = ve({element: t3, parent: e2, id: l3, hasChildren: o3});
return i2 && i2.viewState.focus && i2.viewState.focus.indexOf(l3) > -1 && i2.focus.push(d2), i2 && i2.viewState.selection && i2.viewState.selection.indexOf(l3) > -1 && i2.selection.push(d2), i2 && i2.viewState.expanded && i2.viewState.expanded.indexOf(l3) > -1 ? a2.push(d2) : o3 && this.collapseByDefault && !this.collapseByDefault(t3) && (d2.collapsedByDefault = false, a2.push(d2)), d2;
for (const e3 of r2.values())
Ne(e3, (e4) => this.nodes.delete(e4.element));
for (const e3 of l2)
this.nodes.set(e3.element, e3);
return e2.children.splice(0, e2.children.length, ...l2), e2 !== this.root && this.autoExpandSingleChildren && 1 === l2.length && 0 === a2.length && (l2[0].collapsedByDefault = false, a2.push(l2[0])), a2;
render(e2, t2) {
const n2 = => this.asTreeElement(e3, t2));
this.tree.setChildren(e2 === this.root ? null : e2, n2), e2 !== this.root && this.tree.setCollapsible(e2, e2.hasChildren),;
asTreeElement(e2, t2) {
if (e2.stale)
return {element: e2, collapsible: e2.hasChildren, collapsed: true};
let n2;
return n2 = !(t2 && t2.viewState.expanded && && t2.viewState.expanded.indexOf( > -1) && e2.collapsedByDefault, e2.collapsedByDefault = void 0, {element: e2, children: e2.hasChildren ?, (e3) => this.asTreeElement(e3, t2)) : [], collapsible: e2.hasChildren, collapsed: n2};
processChildren(e2) {
return this.sorter && (e2 = [...e2].sort(, e2;
dispose() {
class Oe {
constructor(e2) {
this.node = e2;
get element() {
return {elements: => e2.element), incompressible: this.node.element.incompressible};
get children() {
return => new Oe(e2));
get depth() {
return this.node.depth;
get visibleChildrenCount() {
return this.node.visibleChildrenCount;
get visibleChildIndex() {
return this.node.visibleChildIndex;
get collapsible() {
return this.node.collapsible;
get collapsed() {
return this.node.collapsed;
get visible() {
return this.node.visible;
get filterData() {
return this.node.filterData;
class De {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.renderer = e2, this.nodeMapper = t2, this.compressibleNodeMapperProvider = n2, this.onDidChangeTwistieState = i2, this.renderedNodes = new Map(), this.disposables = [], this.templateId = e2.templateId;
renderTemplate(e2) {
return {templateData: this.renderer.renderTemplate(e2)};
renderElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.renderer.renderElement(, t2, n2.templateData, i2);
renderCompressedElements(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.renderer.renderCompressedElements(this.compressibleNodeMapperProvider().map(e2), t2, n2.templateData, i2);
renderTwistie(e2, t2) {
return e2.slow ? Object(i.f)(t2, V.classNames) : Object(i.R)(t2, V.classNames), false;
disposeElement(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.renderer.disposeElement && this.renderer.disposeElement(, t2, n2.templateData, i2);
disposeCompressedElements(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.renderer.disposeCompressedElements && this.renderer.disposeCompressedElements(this.compressibleNodeMapperProvider().map(e2), t2, n2.templateData, i2);
disposeTemplate(e2) {
dispose() {
this.renderedNodes.clear(), this.disposables = Object(o.f)(this.disposables);
class Ae extends Ie {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = {}) {
super(e2, t2, n2, o2, r2, s2), this.compressionDelegate = i2, this.compressibleNodeMapper = new S((e3) => new Oe(e3)), this.filter = s2.filter;
createTree(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = new $(n2), s2 = => new De(e3, this.nodeMapper, () => this.compressibleNodeMapper, this._onDidChangeNodeSlowState.event)), a2 = function(e3) {
const t3 = e3 && Le(e3);
return t3 && Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {keyboardNavigationLabelProvider: t3.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider && Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider), {getCompressedNodeKeyboardNavigationLabel: (t4) => e3.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider.getCompressedNodeKeyboardNavigationLabel( => e4.element))})});
}(o2) || {};
return new fe(e2, t2, r2, s2, a2);
asTreeElement(e2, t2) {
return Object.assign({incompressible: this.compressionDelegate.isIncompressible(e2.element)}, super.asTreeElement(e2, t2));
updateOptions(e2 = {}) {
render(e2, t2) {
if (!this.identityProvider)
return super.render(e2, t2);
const n2 = (e3) => this.identityProvider.getId(e3).toString(), i2 = (e3) => {
const t3 = new Set();
for (const i3 of e3) {
const e4 = this.tree.getCompressedTreeNode(i3 === this.root ? null : i3);
if (e4.element)
for (const i4 of e4.element.elements)
return t3;
}, o2 = i2(this.tree.getSelection()), r2 = i2(this.tree.getFocus());
super.render(e2, t2);
const s2 = this.getSelection();
let a2 = false;
const l2 = this.getFocus();
let c2 = false;
const d2 = (e3) => {
const t3 = e3.element;
if (t3)
for (let e4 = 0; e4 < t3.elements.length; e4++) {
const i3 = n2(t3.elements[e4].element), d3 = t3.elements[t3.elements.length - 1].element;
o2.has(i3) && -1 === s2.indexOf(d3) && (s2.push(d3), a2 = true), r2.has(i3) && -1 === l2.indexOf(d3) && (l2.push(d3), c2 = true);
d2(this.tree.getCompressedTreeNode(e2 === this.root ? null : e2)), a2 && this.setSelection(s2), c2 && this.setFocus(l2);
processChildren(e2) {
return this.filter && (e2 = y.a.filter(e2, (e3) => {
const t2 = this.filter.filter(e3, 1), n2 = "boolean" == typeof (i2 = t2) ? i2 ? 1 : 0 : N(i2) ? I(i2.visibility) : I(i2);
var i2;
if (2 === n2)
throw new Error("Recursive tree visibility not supported in async data compressed trees");
return 1 === n2;
})), super.processChildren(e2);
class Re extends ie {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2 = {}) {
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2), this.user = e2, this.dataSource = o2, this.identityProvider = r2.identityProvider;
createModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return new oe(e2, t2, n2);
var Me = n(80), Pe = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Fe = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
const We = Object(g.c)("listService");
let ze = class {
constructor(e2) {
this._themeService = e2, this.disposables = new o.b(), this.lists = [], this._lastFocusedWidget = void 0, this._hasCreatedStyleController = false;
get lastFocusedList() {
return this._lastFocusedWidget;
register(e2, t2) {
if (!this._hasCreatedStyleController) {
this._hasCreatedStyleController = true;
const e3 = new s.b(Object(i.v)(), "");
this.disposables.add(Object(_.b)(e3, this._themeService));
if (this.lists.some((t3) => t3.widget === e2))
throw new Error("Cannot register the same widget multiple times");
const n2 = {widget: e2, extraContextKeys: t2};
return this.lists.push(n2), e2.getHTMLElement() === document.activeElement && (this._lastFocusedWidget = e2), Object(o.e)(e2.onDidFocus(() => this._lastFocusedWidget = e2), Object(o.h)(() => this.lists.splice(this.lists.indexOf(n2), 1)), e2.onDidDispose(() => {
this.lists = this.lists.filter((e3) => e3 !== n2), this._lastFocusedWidget === e2 && (this._lastFocusedWidget = void 0);
dispose() {
ze = Pe([Fe(0, v.c)], ze);
const Be = new m.c("listFocus", true), je = new m.c("listSupportsMultiselect", true), Ve = m.a.and(Be, m.a.not("inputFocus")), Ue = new m.c("listHasSelectionOrFocus", false), He = new m.c("listDoubleSelection", false), qe = new m.c("listMultiSelection", false), $e = new m.c("listSupportsKeyboardNavigation", true), Ke = new m.c("listAutomaticKeyboardNavigation", true);
let Ge = false;
function Ye(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.createScoped(t2.getHTMLElement());
return Be.bindTo(n2), n2;
const Ze = "workbench.list.horizontalScrolling", Xe = "workbench.tree.indent", Qe = "workbench.list.smoothScrolling";
function Je(e2) {
return "alt" === e2.getValue("workbench.list.multiSelectModifier");
class et extends o.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.configurationService = e2, this.useAltAsMultipleSelectionModifier = Je(e2), this.registerListeners();
registerListeners() {
this._register(this.configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration((e2) => {
e2.affectsConfiguration("workbench.list.multiSelectModifier") && (this.useAltAsMultipleSelectionModifier = Je(this.configurationService));
isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(e2) {
return this.useAltAsMultipleSelectionModifier ? e2.browserEvent.altKey : Object(s.h)(e2);
isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(e2) {
return Object(s.g)(e2);
function tt(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = new o.b(), r2 = Object.assign({}, e2);
if (false !== e2.multipleSelectionSupport && !e2.multipleSelectionController) {
const e3 = new et(t2);
r2.multipleSelectionController = e3, i2.add(e3);
return r2.keyboardNavigationDelegate = {mightProducePrintableCharacter: (e3) => n2.mightProducePrintableCharacter(e3)}, r2.smoothScrolling = t2.getValue(Qe), [r2, i2];
let nt = class extends s.c {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2) {
const d2 = void 0 !== o2.horizontalScrolling ? o2.horizontalScrolling : l2.getValue(Ze), [h2, u2] = tt(o2, l2, c2);
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({keyboardSupport: false}, Object(_.d)(a2.getColorTheme(), _.e)), h2), {horizontalScrolling: d2})), this.disposables.add(u2), this.contextKeyService = Ye(r2, this), this.themeService = a2;
je.bindTo(this.contextKeyService).set(!(false === o2.multipleSelectionSupport)), this.listHasSelectionOrFocus = Ue.bindTo(this.contextKeyService), this.listDoubleSelection = He.bindTo(this.contextKeyService), this.listMultiSelection = qe.bindTo(this.contextKeyService), this.horizontalScrolling = o2.horizontalScrolling, this._useAltAsMultipleSelectionModifier = Je(l2), this.disposables.add(this.contextKeyService), this.disposables.add(s2.register(this)), o2.overrideStyles && this.updateStyles(o2.overrideStyles), this.disposables.add(this.onDidChangeSelection(() => {
const e3 = this.getSelection(), t3 = this.getFocus();
this.contextKeyService.bufferChangeEvents(() => {
this.listHasSelectionOrFocus.set(e3.length > 0 || t3.length > 0), this.listMultiSelection.set(e3.length > 1), this.listDoubleSelection.set(2 === e3.length);
})), this.disposables.add(this.onDidChangeFocus(() => {
const e3 = this.getSelection(), t3 = this.getFocus();
this.listHasSelectionOrFocus.set(e3.length > 0 || t3.length > 0);
})), this.disposables.add(l2.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.affectsConfiguration("workbench.list.multiSelectModifier") && (this._useAltAsMultipleSelectionModifier = Je(l2));
let t3 = {};
if (e3.affectsConfiguration(Ze) && void 0 === this.horizontalScrolling) {
const e4 = l2.getValue(Ze);
t3 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {horizontalScrolling: e4});
if (e3.affectsConfiguration(Qe)) {
const e4 = l2.getValue(Qe);
t3 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {smoothScrolling: e4});
Object.keys(t3).length > 0 && this.updateOptions(t3);
updateOptions(e2) {
super.updateOptions(e2), e2.overrideStyles && this.updateStyles(e2.overrideStyles);
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._styler && this._styler.dispose();
updateStyles(e2) {
this._styler && this._styler.dispose(), this._styler = Object(_.b)(this, this.themeService, e2);
nt = Pe([Fe(5, m.b), Fe(6, We), Fe(7, v.c), Fe(8, u.a), Fe(9, f.a)], nt);
let it = class extends class {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2 = {}) {
const r2 = () => this.model, a2 = => new c(e3, r2));
this.list = new s.c(e2, t2, n2, a2, function(e3, t3) {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {accessibilityProvider: t3.accessibilityProvider && new d(e3, t3.accessibilityProvider)});
}(r2, o2));
updateOptions(e2) {
getHTMLElement() {
return this.list.getHTMLElement();
get onDidFocus() {
return this.list.onDidFocus;
get onDidDispose() {
return this.list.onDidDispose;
get onMouseDblClick() {
return, ({element: e2, index: t2, browserEvent: n2}) => ({element: void 0 === e2 ? void 0 : this._model.get(e2), index: t2, browserEvent: n2}));
get onPointer() {
return, ({element: e2, index: t2, browserEvent: n2}) => ({element: void 0 === e2 ? void 0 : this._model.get(e2), index: t2, browserEvent: n2}));
get onDidChangeFocus() {
return, ({elements: e2, indexes: t2, browserEvent: n2}) => ({elements: => this._model.get(e3)), indexes: t2, browserEvent: n2}));
get onDidChangeSelection() {
return, ({elements: e2, indexes: t2, browserEvent: n2}) => ({elements: => this._model.get(e3)), indexes: t2, browserEvent: n2}));
get model() {
return this._model;
set model(e2) {
this._model = e2, this.list.splice(0, this.list.length, Object(r.s)(e2.length));
getFocus() {
return this.list.getFocus();
setSelection(e2, t2) {
this.list.setSelection(e2, t2);
getSelection() {
return this.list.getSelection();
style(e2) {;
dispose() {
} {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2) {
const h2 = void 0 !== r2.horizontalScrolling ? r2.horizontalScrolling : c2.getValue(Ze), [u2, p2] = tt(r2, c2, d2);
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({keyboardSupport: false}, Object(_.d)(l2.getColorTheme(), _.e)), u2), {horizontalScrolling: h2})), this.disposables = new o.b(), this.disposables.add(p2), this.contextKeyService = Ye(s2, this), this.horizontalScrolling = r2.horizontalScrolling;
je.bindTo(this.contextKeyService).set(!(false === r2.multipleSelectionSupport)), this._useAltAsMultipleSelectionModifier = Je(c2), this.disposables.add(this.contextKeyService), this.disposables.add(a2.register(this)), r2.overrideStyles && this.disposables.add(Object(_.b)(this, l2, r2.overrideStyles)), this.disposables.add(c2.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.affectsConfiguration("workbench.list.multiSelectModifier") && (this._useAltAsMultipleSelectionModifier = Je(c2));
let t3 = {};
if (e3.affectsConfiguration(Ze) && void 0 === this.horizontalScrolling) {
const e4 = c2.getValue(Ze);
t3 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {horizontalScrolling: e4});
if (e3.affectsConfiguration(Qe)) {
const e4 = c2.getValue(Qe);
t3 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {smoothScrolling: e4});
Object.keys(t3).length > 0 && this.updateOptions(t3);
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this.disposables.dispose();
it = Pe([Fe(5, m.b), Fe(6, We), Fe(7, v.c), Fe(8, u.a), Fe(9, f.a)], it);
class ot extends o.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
var n2, i2;
super(), this.widget = e2, this._onDidOpen = new a.a(), this.onDidOpen = this._onDidOpen.event, this.openOnFocus = null !== (n2 = null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.openOnFocus) && void 0 !== n2 && n2, this._register(a.b.filter(this.widget.onDidChangeSelection, (e3) => e3.browserEvent instanceof KeyboardEvent)((e3) => this.onSelectionFromKeyboard(e3))), this._register(this.widget.onPointer((e3) => this.onPointer(e3.browserEvent))), this._register(this.widget.onMouseDblClick((e3) => this.onMouseDblClick(e3.browserEvent))), this.openOnFocus && this._register(a.b.filter(this.widget.onDidChangeFocus, (e3) => e3.browserEvent instanceof KeyboardEvent)((e3) => this.onFocusFromKeyboard(e3))), "boolean" != typeof (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.openOnSingleClick) && (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.configurationService) ? (this.openOnSingleClick = "doubleClick" !== (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.configurationService.getValue("workbench.list.openMode")), this._register(null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => {
this.openOnSingleClick = "doubleClick" !== (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.configurationService.getValue("workbench.list.openMode"));
}))) : this.openOnSingleClick = null === (i2 = null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.openOnSingleClick) || void 0 === i2 || i2;
onFocusFromKeyboard(e2) {
const t2 = this.widget.getFocus();
this.widget.setSelection(t2, e2.browserEvent);
const n2 = "boolean" != typeof e2.browserEvent.preserveFocus || e2.browserEvent.preserveFocus;
this._open(n2, false, false, e2.browserEvent);
onSelectionFromKeyboard(e2) {
if (1 !== e2.elements.length)
const t2 = "boolean" != typeof e2.browserEvent.preserveFocus || e2.browserEvent.preserveFocus;
this._open(t2, false, false, e2.browserEvent);
onPointer(e2) {
if (!this.openOnSingleClick)
if (2 === e2.detail)
const t2 = 1 === e2.button, n2 = e2.ctrlKey || e2.metaKey || e2.altKey;
this._open(true, t2, n2, e2);
onMouseDblClick(e2) {
if (!e2)
const t2 = e2.ctrlKey || e2.metaKey || e2.altKey;
this._open(false, true, t2, e2);
_open(e2, t2, n2, i2) {{editorOptions: {preserveFocus: e2, pinned: t2, revealIfVisible: true}, sideBySide: n2, element: this.widget.getSelection()[0], browserEvent: i2});
class rt extends ot {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2, t2);
function st(e2, t2) {
let n2 = false;
return (i2) => {
if (n2)
return n2 = false, false;
const o2 = t2.softDispatch(i2, e2);
return o2 && o2.enterChord ? (n2 = true, false) : (n2 = false, true);
let at = class extends me {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2) {
const {options: h2, getAutomaticKeyboardNavigation: u2, disposable: p2} = ut(t2, o2, r2, l2, c2, d2);
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, h2), this.disposables.add(p2), this.internals = new pt(this, o2, u2, o2.overrideStyles, r2, s2, a2, l2, d2), this.disposables.add(this.internals);
at = Pe([Fe(5, m.b), Fe(6, We), Fe(7, v.c), Fe(8, u.a), Fe(9, f.a), Fe(10, Me.b)], at);
let lt = class extends fe {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2) {
const {options: h2, getAutomaticKeyboardNavigation: u2, disposable: p2} = ut(t2, o2, r2, l2, c2, d2);
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, h2), this.disposables.add(p2), this.internals = new pt(this, o2, u2, o2.overrideStyles, r2, s2, a2, l2, d2), this.disposables.add(this.internals);
updateOptions(e2 = {}) {
super.updateOptions(e2), e2.overrideStyles && this.internals.updateStyleOverrides(e2.overrideStyles);
lt = Pe([Fe(5, m.b), Fe(6, We), Fe(7, v.c), Fe(8, u.a), Fe(9, f.a), Fe(10, Me.b)], lt);
let ct = class extends Re {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2) {
const {options: u2, getAutomaticKeyboardNavigation: p2, disposable: m2} = ut(t2, r2, s2, c2, d2, h2);
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, u2), this.disposables.add(m2), this.internals = new pt(this, r2, p2, r2.overrideStyles, s2, a2, l2, c2, h2), this.disposables.add(this.internals);
updateOptions(e2 = {}) {
super.updateOptions(e2), e2.overrideStyles && this.internals.updateStyleOverrides(e2.overrideStyles);
ct = Pe([Fe(6, m.b), Fe(7, We), Fe(8, v.c), Fe(9, u.a), Fe(10, f.a), Fe(11, Me.b)], ct);
let dt = class extends Ie {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2) {
const {options: u2, getAutomaticKeyboardNavigation: p2, disposable: m2} = ut(t2, r2, s2, c2, d2, h2);
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, u2), this.disposables.add(m2), this.internals = new pt(this, r2, p2, r2.overrideStyles, s2, a2, l2, c2, h2), this.disposables.add(this.internals);
get onDidOpen() {
return this.internals.onDidOpen;
updateOptions(e2 = {}) {
super.updateOptions(e2), e2.overrideStyles && this.internals.updateStyleOverrides(e2.overrideStyles);
dt = Pe([Fe(6, m.b), Fe(7, We), Fe(8, v.c), Fe(9, u.a), Fe(10, f.a), Fe(11, Me.b)], dt);
let ht = class extends Ae {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2) {
const {options: p2, getAutomaticKeyboardNavigation: m2, disposable: g2} = ut(t2, s2, a2, d2, h2, u2);
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, p2), this.disposables.add(g2), this.internals = new pt(this, s2, m2, s2.overrideStyles, a2, l2, c2, d2, u2), this.disposables.add(this.internals);
function ut(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
$e.bindTo(n2), Ge || (Ke.bindTo(n2), Ge = true);
const s2 = () => {
let e3 = n2.getContextKeyValue("listAutomaticKeyboardNavigation");
return e3 && (e3 = i2.getValue("workbench.list.automaticKeyboardNavigation")), e3;
}, a2 = r2.isScreenReaderOptimized() ? "simple" : i2.getValue("workbench.list.keyboardNavigation"), l2 = void 0 !== t2.horizontalScrolling ? t2.horizontalScrolling : i2.getValue(Ze), [c2, d2] = tt(t2, i2, o2), h2 = t2.additionalScrollHeight;
return {getAutomaticKeyboardNavigation: s2, disposable: d2, options: Object.assign(Object.assign({keyboardSupport: false}, c2), {indent: i2.getValue(Xe), renderIndentGuides: i2.getValue("workbench.tree.renderIndentGuides"), smoothScrolling: i2.getValue(Qe), automaticKeyboardNavigation: s2(), simpleKeyboardNavigation: "simple" === a2, filterOnType: "filter" === a2, horizontalScrolling: l2, keyboardNavigationEventFilter: st(e2, o2), additionalScrollHeight: h2, hideTwistiesOfChildlessElements: t2.hideTwistiesOfChildlessElements, expandOnlyOnDoubleClick: "doubleClick" === i2.getValue("workbench.list.openMode")})};
ht = Pe([Fe(7, m.b), Fe(8, We), Fe(9, v.c), Fe(10, u.a), Fe(11, f.a), Fe(12, Me.b)], ht);
let pt = class {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2) {
this.tree = e2, this.themeService = s2, this.disposables = [], this.contextKeyService = Ye(o2, e2);
je.bindTo(this.contextKeyService).set(!(false === t2.multipleSelectionSupport)), this.hasSelectionOrFocus = Ue.bindTo(this.contextKeyService), this.hasDoubleSelection = He.bindTo(this.contextKeyService), this.hasMultiSelection = qe.bindTo(this.contextKeyService), this._useAltAsMultipleSelectionModifier = Je(a2);
const c2 = new Set();
const d2 = () => {
const t3 = l2.isScreenReaderOptimized() ? "simple" : a2.getValue("workbench.list.keyboardNavigation");
e2.updateOptions({simpleKeyboardNavigation: "simple" === t3, filterOnType: "filter" === t3});
this.updateStyleOverrides(i2), this.disposables.push(this.contextKeyService, r2.register(e2), e2.onDidChangeSelection(() => {
const t3 = e2.getSelection(), n3 = e2.getFocus();
this.contextKeyService.bufferChangeEvents(() => {
this.hasSelectionOrFocus.set(t3.length > 0 || n3.length > 0), this.hasMultiSelection.set(t3.length > 1), this.hasDoubleSelection.set(2 === t3.length);
}), e2.onDidChangeFocus(() => {
const t3 = e2.getSelection(), n3 = e2.getFocus();
this.hasSelectionOrFocus.set(t3.length > 0 || n3.length > 0);
}), a2.onDidChangeConfiguration((i3) => {
let o3 = {};
if (i3.affectsConfiguration("workbench.list.multiSelectModifier") && (this._useAltAsMultipleSelectionModifier = Je(a2)), i3.affectsConfiguration(Xe)) {
const e3 = a2.getValue(Xe);
o3 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, o3), {indent: e3});
if (i3.affectsConfiguration("workbench.tree.renderIndentGuides")) {
const e3 = a2.getValue("workbench.tree.renderIndentGuides");
o3 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, o3), {renderIndentGuides: e3});
if (i3.affectsConfiguration(Qe)) {
const e3 = a2.getValue(Qe);
o3 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, o3), {smoothScrolling: e3});
if (i3.affectsConfiguration("workbench.list.keyboardNavigation") && d2(), i3.affectsConfiguration("workbench.list.automaticKeyboardNavigation") && (o3 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, o3), {automaticKeyboardNavigation: n2()})), i3.affectsConfiguration(Ze) && void 0 === t2.horizontalScrolling) {
const e3 = a2.getValue(Ze);
o3 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, o3), {horizontalScrolling: e3});
i3.affectsConfiguration("workbench.list.openMode") && (o3 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, o3), {expandOnlyOnDoubleClick: "doubleClick" === a2.getValue("workbench.list.openMode")})), Object.keys(o3).length > 0 && e2.updateOptions(o3);
}), this.contextKeyService.onDidChangeContext((t3) => {
t3.affectsSome(c2) && e2.updateOptions({automaticKeyboardNavigation: n2()});
}), l2.onDidChangeScreenReaderOptimized(() => d2())), this.navigator = new rt(e2, Object.assign({configurationService: a2}, t2)), this.disposables.push(this.navigator);
get onDidOpen() {
return this.navigator.onDidOpen;
updateStyleOverrides(e2) {
Object(o.f)(this.styler), this.styler = e2 ? Object(_.b)(this.tree, this.themeService, e2) : o.a.None;
dispose() {
this.disposables = Object(o.f)(this.disposables), Object(o.f)(this.styler), this.styler = void 0;
pt = Pe([Fe(4, m.b), Fe(5, We), Fe(6, v.c), Fe(7, u.a), Fe(8, Me.b)], pt);{id: "workbench", order: 7, title: Object(h.a)("workbenchConfigurationTitle", "Workbench"), type: "object", properties: {"workbench.list.multiSelectModifier": {type: "string", enum: ["ctrlCmd", "alt"], enumDescriptions: [Object(h.a)("multiSelectModifier.ctrlCmd", "Maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux and to `Command` on macOS."), Object(h.a)("multiSelectModifier.alt", "Maps to `Alt` on Windows and Linux and to `Option` on macOS.")], default: "ctrlCmd", description: Object(h.a)({key: "multiSelectModifier", comment: ["- `ctrlCmd` refers to a value the setting can take and should not be localized.", "- `Control` and `Command` refer to the modifier keys Ctrl or Cmd on the keyboard and can be localized."]}, "The modifier to be used to add an item in trees and lists to a multi-selection with the mouse (for example in the explorer, open editors and scm view). The 'Open to Side' mouse gestures - if supported - will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multiselect modifier.")}, "workbench.list.openMode": {type: "string", enum: ["singleClick", "doubleClick"], default: "singleClick", description: Object(h.a)({key: "openModeModifier", comment: ["`singleClick` and `doubleClick` refers to a value the setting can take and should not be localized."]}, "Controls how to open items in trees and lists using the mouse (if supported). For parents with children in trees, this setting will control if a single click expands the parent or a double click. Note that some trees and lists might choose to ignore this setting if it is not applicable. ")}, [Ze]: {type: "boolean", default: false, description: Object(h.a)("horizontalScrolling setting", "Controls whether lists and trees support horizontal scrolling in the workbench. Warning: turning on this setting has a performance implication.")}, [Xe]: {type: "number", default: 8, minimum: 0, maximum: 40, description: Object(h.a)("tree indent setting", "Controls tree indentation in pixels.")}, "workbench.tree.renderIndentGuides": {type: "string", enum: ["none", "onHover", "always"], default: "onHover", description: Object(h.a)("render tree indent guides", "Controls whether the tree should render indent guides.")}, [Qe]: {type: "boolean", default: false, description: Object(h.a)("list smoothScrolling setting", "Controls whether lists and trees have smooth scrolling.")}, "workbench.list.keyboardNavigation": {type: "string", enum: ["simple", "highlight", "filter"], enumDescriptions: [Object(h.a)("keyboardNavigationSettingKey.simple", "Simple keyboard navigation focuses elements which match the keyboard input. Matching is done only on prefixes."), Object(h.a)("keyboardNavigationSettingKey.highlight", "Highlight keyboard navigation highlights elements which match the keyboard input. Further up and down navigation will traverse only the highlighted elements."), Object(h.a)("keyboardNavigationSettingKey.filter", "Filter keyboard navigation will filter out and hide all the elements which do not match the keyboard input.")], default: "highlight", description: Object(h.a)("keyboardNavigationSettingKey", "Controls the keyboard navigation style for lists and trees in the workbench. Can be simple, highlight and filter.")}, "workbench.list.automaticKeyboardNavigation": {type: "boolean", default: true, markdownDescription: Object(h.a)("automatic keyboard navigation setting", "Controls whether keyboard navigation in lists and trees is automatically triggered simply by typing. If set to `false`, keyboard navigation is only triggered when executing the `list.toggleKeyboardNavigation` command, for which you can assign a keyboard shortcut.")}}});
}, function(e, t) {
var n;
n = function() {
return this;
try {
n = n || new Function("return this")();
} catch (e2) {
"object" == typeof window && (n = window);
e.exports = n;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(34), o = n(11);
const r = {clipboard: {writeText: o.g || document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported("copy") || !!(navigator && navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.writeText), readText: o.g || !!(navigator && navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.readText), richText: (() => {
if (i.f) {
let e2 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge/"), t2 = parseInt(navigator.userAgent.substring(e2 + 5, navigator.userAgent.indexOf(".", e2)), 10);
if (!t2 || t2 >= 12 && t2 <= 16)
return false;
return true;
})()}, keyboard: o.g || i.k ? 0 : navigator.keyboard || i.j ? 1 : 2, touch: "ontouchstart" in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0, pointerEvents: window.PointerEvent && ("ontouchstart" in window || window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0)};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("themeService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
(function(e2) {
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return p;
var i, o, r, s = (i = function(e3, t2) {
return (i = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e4, t3) {
e4.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e4, t3) {
for (var n2 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n2) && (e4[n2] = t3[n2]);
})(e3, t2);
}, function(e3, t2) {
function n2() {
this.constructor = e3;
i(e3, t2), e3.prototype = null === t2 ? Object.create(t2) : (n2.prototype = t2.prototype, new n2());
if ("object" == typeof e2)
r = "win32" === e2.platform;
else if ("object" == typeof navigator) {
var a = navigator.userAgent;
r = a.indexOf("Windows") >= 0;
var l = /^\w[\w\d+.-]*$/, c = /^\//, d = /^\/\//;
var h = "/", u = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/, p = function() {
function e3(e4, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
void 0 === r2 && (r2 = false), "object" == typeof e4 ? (this.scheme = e4.scheme || "", this.authority = e4.authority || "", this.path = e4.path || "", this.query = e4.query || "", this.fragment = e4.fragment || "") : (this.scheme = function(e5, t3) {
return e5 || t3 ? e5 : "file";
}(e4, r2), this.authority = t2 || "", this.path = function(e5, t3) {
switch (e5) {
case "https":
case "http":
case "file":
t3 ? t3[0] !== h && (t3 = h + t3) : t3 = h;
return t3;
}(this.scheme, n2 || ""), this.query = i2 || "", this.fragment = o2 || "", function(e5, t3) {
if (!e5.scheme && t3)
throw new Error('[UriError]: Scheme is missing: {scheme: "", authority: "' + e5.authority + '", path: "' + e5.path + '", query: "' + e5.query + '", fragment: "' + e5.fragment + '"}');
if (e5.scheme && !l.test(e5.scheme))
throw new Error("[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters.");
if (e5.path) {
if (e5.authority) {
if (!c.test(e5.path))
throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character');
} else if (d.test(e5.path))
throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")');
}(this, r2));
return e3.isUri = function(t2) {
return t2 instanceof e3 || !!t2 && ("string" == typeof t2.authority && "string" == typeof t2.fragment && "string" == typeof t2.path && "string" == typeof t2.query && "string" == typeof t2.scheme && "function" == typeof t2.fsPath && "function" == typeof t2.with && "function" == typeof t2.toString);
}, Object.defineProperty(e3.prototype, "fsPath", {get: function() {
return v(this, false);
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e3.prototype.with = function(e4) {
if (!e4)
return this;
var t2 = e4.scheme, n2 = e4.authority, i2 = e4.path, o2 = e4.query, r2 = e4.fragment;
return void 0 === t2 ? t2 = this.scheme : null === t2 && (t2 = ""), void 0 === n2 ? n2 = this.authority : null === n2 && (n2 = ""), void 0 === i2 ? i2 = this.path : null === i2 && (i2 = ""), void 0 === o2 ? o2 = this.query : null === o2 && (o2 = ""), void 0 === r2 ? r2 = this.fragment : null === r2 && (r2 = ""), t2 === this.scheme && n2 === this.authority && i2 === this.path && o2 === this.query && r2 === this.fragment ? this : new g(t2, n2, i2, o2, r2);
}, e3.parse = function(e4, t2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = false);
var n2 = u.exec(e4);
return n2 ? new g(n2[2] || "", C(n2[4] || ""), C(n2[5] || ""), C(n2[7] || ""), C(n2[9] || ""), t2) : new g("", "", "", "", "");
}, e3.file = function(e4) {
var t2 = "";
if (r && (e4 = e4.replace(/\\/g, h)), e4[0] === h && e4[1] === h) {
var n2 = e4.indexOf(h, 2);
-1 === n2 ? (t2 = e4.substring(2), e4 = h) : (t2 = e4.substring(2, n2), e4 = e4.substring(n2) || h);
return new g("file", t2, e4, "", "");
}, e3.from = function(e4) {
return new g(e4.scheme, e4.authority, e4.path, e4.query, e4.fragment);
}, e3.prototype.toString = function(e4) {
return void 0 === e4 && (e4 = false), w(this, e4);
}, e3.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this;
}, e3.revive = function(t2) {
if (t2) {
if (t2 instanceof e3)
return t2;
var n2 = new g(t2);
return n2._formatted = t2.external, n2._fsPath = t2._sep === m ? t2.fsPath : null, n2;
return t2;
}, e3;
}(), m = r ? 1 : void 0, g = function(e3) {
function t2() {
var t3 = null !== e3 && e3.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return t3._formatted = null, t3._fsPath = null, t3;
return s(t2, e3), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "fsPath", {get: function() {
return this._fsPath || (this._fsPath = v(this, false)), this._fsPath;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.toString = function(e4) {
return void 0 === e4 && (e4 = false), e4 ? w(this, true) : (this._formatted || (this._formatted = w(this, false)), this._formatted);
}, t2.prototype.toJSON = function() {
var e4 = {$mid: 1};
return this._fsPath && (e4.fsPath = this._fsPath, e4._sep = m), this._formatted && (e4.external = this._formatted), this.path && (e4.path = this.path), this.scheme && (e4.scheme = this.scheme), this.authority && (e4.authority = this.authority), this.query && (e4.query = this.query), this.fragment && (e4.fragment = this.fragment), e4;
}, t2;
}(p), f = ((o = {})[58] = "%3A", o[47] = "%2F", o[63] = "%3F", o[35] = "%23", o[91] = "%5B", o[93] = "%5D", o[64] = "%40", o[33] = "%21", o[36] = "%24", o[38] = "%26", o[39] = "%27", o[40] = "%28", o[41] = "%29", o[42] = "%2A", o[43] = "%2B", o[44] = "%2C", o[59] = "%3B", o[61] = "%3D", o[32] = "%20", o);
function b(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = void 0, i2 = -1, o2 = 0; o2 < e3.length; o2++) {
var r2 = e3.charCodeAt(o2);
if (r2 >= 97 && r2 <= 122 || r2 >= 65 && r2 <= 90 || r2 >= 48 && r2 <= 57 || 45 === r2 || 46 === r2 || 95 === r2 || 126 === r2 || t2 && 47 === r2)
-1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e3.substring(i2, o2)), i2 = -1), void 0 !== n2 && (n2 += e3.charAt(o2));
else {
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = e3.substr(0, o2));
var s2 = f[r2];
void 0 !== s2 ? (-1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e3.substring(i2, o2)), i2 = -1), n2 += s2) : -1 === i2 && (i2 = o2);
return -1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e3.substring(i2))), void 0 !== n2 ? n2 : e3;
function _(e3) {
for (var t2 = void 0, n2 = 0; n2 < e3.length; n2++) {
var i2 = e3.charCodeAt(n2);
35 === i2 || 63 === i2 ? (void 0 === t2 && (t2 = e3.substr(0, n2)), t2 += f[i2]) : void 0 !== t2 && (t2 += e3[n2]);
return void 0 !== t2 ? t2 : e3;
function v(e3, t2) {
var n2;
return n2 = e3.authority && e3.path.length > 1 && "file" === e3.scheme ? "//" + e3.authority + e3.path : 47 === e3.path.charCodeAt(0) && (e3.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 65 && e3.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 90 || e3.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 97 && e3.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 122) && 58 === e3.path.charCodeAt(2) ? t2 ? e3.path.substr(1) : e3.path[1].toLowerCase() + e3.path.substr(2) : e3.path, r && (n2 = n2.replace(/\//g, "\\")), n2;
function w(e3, t2) {
var n2 = t2 ? _ : b, i2 = "", o2 = e3.scheme, r2 = e3.authority, s2 = e3.path, a2 = e3.query, l2 = e3.fragment;
if (o2 && (i2 += o2, i2 += ":"), (r2 || "file" === o2) && (i2 += h, i2 += h), r2) {
var c2 = r2.indexOf("@");
if (-1 !== c2) {
var d2 = r2.substr(0, c2);
r2 = r2.substr(c2 + 1), -1 === (c2 = d2.indexOf(":")) ? i2 += n2(d2, false) : (i2 += n2(d2.substr(0, c2), false), i2 += ":", i2 += n2(d2.substr(c2 + 1), false)), i2 += "@";
-1 === (c2 = (r2 = r2.toLowerCase()).indexOf(":")) ? i2 += n2(r2, false) : (i2 += n2(r2.substr(0, c2), false), i2 += r2.substr(c2));
if (s2) {
if (s2.length >= 3 && 47 === s2.charCodeAt(0) && 58 === s2.charCodeAt(2))
(u2 = s2.charCodeAt(1)) >= 65 && u2 <= 90 && (s2 = "/" + String.fromCharCode(u2 + 32) + ":" + s2.substr(3));
else if (s2.length >= 2 && 58 === s2.charCodeAt(1)) {
var u2;
(u2 = s2.charCodeAt(0)) >= 65 && u2 <= 90 && (s2 = String.fromCharCode(u2 + 32) + ":" + s2.substr(2));
i2 += n2(s2, true);
return a2 && (i2 += "?", i2 += n2(a2, false)), l2 && (i2 += "#", i2 += t2 ? l2 : b(l2, false)), i2;
var y = /(%[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z])+/g;
function C(e3) {
return e3.match(y) ? e3.replace(y, function(e4) {
return function e5(t2) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(t2);
} catch (n2) {
return t2.length > 3 ? t2.substr(0, 3) + e5(t2.substr(3)) : t2;
}) : e3;
}).call(this, n(86));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
const i = {ctrlCmd: false, alt: false};
var o;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.NONE = 0] = "NONE", e2[e2.FIRST = 1] = "FIRST", e2[e2.SECOND = 2] = "SECOND", e2[e2.LAST = 3] = "LAST";
}(o || (o = {}));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.r(t), n.d(t, "conf", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "language", function() {
return r;
var i = n(95), o = {wordPattern: /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\#\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\?\s]+)/g, comments: {lineComment: "//", blockComment: ["/*", "*/"]}, brackets: [["{", "}"], ["[", "]"], ["(", ")"]], onEnterRules: [{beforeText: /^\s*\/\*\*(?!\/)([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*$/, afterText: /^\s*\*\/$/, action: {indentAction: i.a.IndentAction.IndentOutdent, appendText: " * "}}, {beforeText: /^\s*\/\*\*(?!\/)([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*$/, action: {indentAction: i.a.IndentAction.None, appendText: " * "}}, {beforeText: /^(\t|(\ \ ))*\ \*(\ ([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*)?$/, action: {indentAction: i.a.IndentAction.None, appendText: "* "}}, {beforeText: /^(\t|(\ \ ))*\ \*\/\s*$/, action: {indentAction: i.a.IndentAction.None, removeText: 1}}], autoClosingPairs: [{open: "{", close: "}"}, {open: "[", close: "]"}, {open: "(", close: ")"}, {open: '"', close: '"', notIn: ["string"]}, {open: "'", close: "'", notIn: ["string", "comment"]}, {open: "`", close: "`", notIn: ["string", "comment"]}, {open: "/**", close: " */", notIn: ["string"]}], folding: {markers: {start: new RegExp("^\\s*//\\s*#?region\\b"), end: new RegExp("^\\s*//\\s*#?endregion\\b")}}}, r = {defaultToken: "invalid", tokenPostfix: ".ts", keywords: ["abstract", "any", "as", "asserts", "bigint", "boolean", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "continue", "const", "constructor", "debugger", "declare", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "false", "finally", "for", "from", "function", "get", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "infer", "instanceof", "interface", "is", "keyof", "let", "module", "namespace", "never", "new", "null", "number", "object", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "readonly", "require", "global", "return", "set", "static", "string", "super", "switch", "symbol", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "type", "typeof", "undefined", "unique", "unknown", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", "async", "await", "of"], operators: ["<=", ">=", "==", "!=", "===", "!==", "=>", "+", "-", "**", "*", "/", "%", "++", "--", "<<", "</", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^", "!", "~", "&&", "||", "??", "?", ":", "=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "**=", "/=", "%=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "&=", "|=", "^=", "@"], symbols: /[=><!~?:&|+\-*\/\^%]+/, escapes: /\\(?:[abfnrtv\\"']|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})/, digits: /\d+(_+\d+)*/, octaldigits: /[0-7]+(_+[0-7]+)*/, binarydigits: /[0-1]+(_+[0-1]+)*/, hexdigits: /[[0-9a-fA-F]+(_+[0-9a-fA-F]+)*/, regexpctl: /[(){}\[\]\$\^|\-*+?\.]/, regexpesc: /\\(?:[bBdDfnrstvwWn0\\\/]|@regexpctl|c[A-Z]|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/, tokenizer: {root: [[/[{}]/, "delimiter.bracket"], {include: "common"}], common: [[/[a-z_$][\w$]*/, {cases: {"@keywords": "keyword", "@default": "identifier"}}], [/[A-Z][\w\$]*/, "type.identifier"], {include: "@whitespace"}, [/\/(?=([^\\\/]|\\.)+\/([gimsuy]*)(\s*)(\.|;|,|\)|\]|\}|$))/, {token: "regexp", bracket: "@open", next: "@regexp"}], [/[()\[\]]/, "@brackets"], [/[<>](?!@symbols)/, "@brackets"], [/!(?=([^=]|$))/, "delimiter"], [/@symbols/, {cases: {"@operators": "delimiter", "@default": ""}}], [/(@digits)[eE]([\-+]?(@digits))?/, "number.float"], [/(@digits)\.(@digits)([eE][\-+]?(@digits))?/, "number.float"], [/0[xX](@hexdigits)n?/, "number.hex"], [/0[oO]?(@octaldigits)n?/, "number.octal"], [/0[bB](@binarydigits)n?/, "number.binary"], [/(@digits)n?/, "number"], [/[;,.]/, "delimiter"], [/"([^"\\]|\\.)*$/, "string.invalid"], [/'([^'\\]|\\.)*$/, "string.invalid"], [/"/, "string", "@string_double"], [/'/, "string", "@string_single"], [/`/, "string", "@string_backtick"]], whitespace: [[/[ \t\r\n]+/, ""], [/\/\*\*(?!\/)/, "comment.doc", "@jsdoc"], [/\/\*/, "comment", "@comment"], [/\/\/.*$/, "comment"]], comment: [[/[^\/*]+/, "comment"], [/\*\//, "comment", "@pop"], [/[\/*]/, "comment"]], jsdoc: [[/[^\/*]+/, "comment.doc"], [/\*\//, "comment.doc", "@pop"], [/[\/*]/, "comment.doc"]], regexp: [[/(\{)(\d+(?:,\d*)?)(\})/, ["regexp.escape.control", "regexp.escape.control", "regexp.escape.control"]], [/(\[)(\^?)(?=(?:[^\]\\\/]|\\.)+)/, ["regexp.escape.control", {token: "regexp.escape.control", next: "@regexrange"}]], [/(\()(\?:|\?=|\?!)/, ["regexp.escape.control", "regexp.escape.control"]], [/[()]/, "regexp.escape.control"], [/@regexpctl/, "regexp.escape.control"], [/[^\\\/]/, "regexp"], [/@regexpesc/, "regexp.escape"], [/\\\./, "regexp.invalid"], [/(\/)([gimsuy]*)/, [{token: "regexp", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop"}, "keyword.other"]]], regexrange: [[/-/, "regexp.escape.control"], [/\^/, "regexp.invalid"], [/@regexpesc/, "regexp.escape"], [/[^\]]/, "regexp"], [/\]/, {token: "regexp.escape.control", next: "@pop", bracket: "@close"}]], string_double: [[/[^\\"]+/, "string"], [/@escapes/, "string.escape"], [/\\./, "string.escape.invalid"], [/"/, "string", "@pop"]], string_single: [[/[^\\']+/, "string"], [/@escapes/, "string.escape"], [/\\./, "string.escape.invalid"], [/'/, "string", "@pop"]], string_backtick: [[/\$\{/, {token: "delimiter.bracket", next: "@bracketCounting"}], [/[^\\`$]+/, "string"], [/@escapes/, "string.escape"], [/\\./, "string.escape.invalid"], [/`/, "string", "@pop"]], bracketCounting: [[/\{/, "delimiter.bracket", "@bracketCounting"], [/\}/, "delimiter.bracket", "@pop"], {include: "common"}]}};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2) {
return e2 && "string" == typeof;
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
const o = {ICodeEditor: "vs.editor.ICodeEditor", IDiffEditor: "vs.editor.IDiffEditor"};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
(function(e2) {
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return p;
var i, o, r, s = (i = function(e3, t2) {
return (i = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e4, t3) {
e4.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e4, t3) {
for (var n2 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n2) && (e4[n2] = t3[n2]);
})(e3, t2);
}, function(e3, t2) {
function n2() {
this.constructor = e3;
i(e3, t2), e3.prototype = null === t2 ? Object.create(t2) : (n2.prototype = t2.prototype, new n2());
if ("object" == typeof e2)
r = "win32" === e2.platform;
else if ("object" == typeof navigator) {
var a = navigator.userAgent;
r = a.indexOf("Windows") >= 0;
var l = /^\w[\w\d+.-]*$/, c = /^\//, d = /^\/\//;
var h = "/", u = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/, p = function() {
function e3(e4, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
void 0 === r2 && (r2 = false), "object" == typeof e4 ? (this.scheme = e4.scheme || "", this.authority = e4.authority || "", this.path = e4.path || "", this.query = e4.query || "", this.fragment = e4.fragment || "") : (this.scheme = function(e5, t3) {
return e5 || t3 ? e5 : "file";
}(e4, r2), this.authority = t2 || "", this.path = function(e5, t3) {
switch (e5) {
case "https":
case "http":
case "file":
t3 ? t3[0] !== h && (t3 = h + t3) : t3 = h;
return t3;
}(this.scheme, n2 || ""), this.query = i2 || "", this.fragment = o2 || "", function(e5, t3) {
if (!e5.scheme && t3)
throw new Error('[UriError]: Scheme is missing: {scheme: "", authority: "' + e5.authority + '", path: "' + e5.path + '", query: "' + e5.query + '", fragment: "' + e5.fragment + '"}');
if (e5.scheme && !l.test(e5.scheme))
throw new Error("[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters.");
if (e5.path) {
if (e5.authority) {
if (!c.test(e5.path))
throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character');
} else if (d.test(e5.path))
throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")');
}(this, r2));
return e3.isUri = function(t2) {
return t2 instanceof e3 || !!t2 && ("string" == typeof t2.authority && "string" == typeof t2.fragment && "string" == typeof t2.path && "string" == typeof t2.query && "string" == typeof t2.scheme && "function" == typeof t2.fsPath && "function" == typeof t2.with && "function" == typeof t2.toString);
}, Object.defineProperty(e3.prototype, "fsPath", {get: function() {
return v(this, false);
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e3.prototype.with = function(e4) {
if (!e4)
return this;
var t2 = e4.scheme, n2 = e4.authority, i2 = e4.path, o2 = e4.query, r2 = e4.fragment;
return void 0 === t2 ? t2 = this.scheme : null === t2 && (t2 = ""), void 0 === n2 ? n2 = this.authority : null === n2 && (n2 = ""), void 0 === i2 ? i2 = this.path : null === i2 && (i2 = ""), void 0 === o2 ? o2 = this.query : null === o2 && (o2 = ""), void 0 === r2 ? r2 = this.fragment : null === r2 && (r2 = ""), t2 === this.scheme && n2 === this.authority && i2 === this.path && o2 === this.query && r2 === this.fragment ? this : new g(t2, n2, i2, o2, r2);
}, e3.parse = function(e4, t2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = false);
var n2 = u.exec(e4);
return n2 ? new g(n2[2] || "", C(n2[4] || ""), C(n2[5] || ""), C(n2[7] || ""), C(n2[9] || ""), t2) : new g("", "", "", "", "");
}, e3.file = function(e4) {
var t2 = "";
if (r && (e4 = e4.replace(/\\/g, h)), e4[0] === h && e4[1] === h) {
var n2 = e4.indexOf(h, 2);
-1 === n2 ? (t2 = e4.substring(2), e4 = h) : (t2 = e4.substring(2, n2), e4 = e4.substring(n2) || h);
return new g("file", t2, e4, "", "");
}, e3.from = function(e4) {
return new g(e4.scheme, e4.authority, e4.path, e4.query, e4.fragment);
}, e3.prototype.toString = function(e4) {
return void 0 === e4 && (e4 = false), w(this, e4);
}, e3.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this;
}, e3.revive = function(t2) {
if (t2) {
if (t2 instanceof e3)
return t2;
var n2 = new g(t2);
return n2._formatted = t2.external, n2._fsPath = t2._sep === m ? t2.fsPath : null, n2;
return t2;
}, e3;
}(), m = r ? 1 : void 0, g = function(e3) {
function t2() {
var t3 = null !== e3 && e3.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return t3._formatted = null, t3._fsPath = null, t3;
return s(t2, e3), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "fsPath", {get: function() {
return this._fsPath || (this._fsPath = v(this, false)), this._fsPath;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.toString = function(e4) {
return void 0 === e4 && (e4 = false), e4 ? w(this, true) : (this._formatted || (this._formatted = w(this, false)), this._formatted);
}, t2.prototype.toJSON = function() {
var e4 = {$mid: 1};
return this._fsPath && (e4.fsPath = this._fsPath, e4._sep = m), this._formatted && (e4.external = this._formatted), this.path && (e4.path = this.path), this.scheme && (e4.scheme = this.scheme), this.authority && (e4.authority = this.authority), this.query && (e4.query = this.query), this.fragment && (e4.fragment = this.fragment), e4;
}, t2;
}(p), f = ((o = {})[58] = "%3A", o[47] = "%2F", o[63] = "%3F", o[35] = "%23", o[91] = "%5B", o[93] = "%5D", o[64] = "%40", o[33] = "%21", o[36] = "%24", o[38] = "%26", o[39] = "%27", o[40] = "%28", o[41] = "%29", o[42] = "%2A", o[43] = "%2B", o[44] = "%2C", o[59] = "%3B", o[61] = "%3D", o[32] = "%20", o);
function b(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = void 0, i2 = -1, o2 = 0; o2 < e3.length; o2++) {
var r2 = e3.charCodeAt(o2);
if (r2 >= 97 && r2 <= 122 || r2 >= 65 && r2 <= 90 || r2 >= 48 && r2 <= 57 || 45 === r2 || 46 === r2 || 95 === r2 || 126 === r2 || t2 && 47 === r2)
-1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e3.substring(i2, o2)), i2 = -1), void 0 !== n2 && (n2 += e3.charAt(o2));
else {
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = e3.substr(0, o2));
var s2 = f[r2];
void 0 !== s2 ? (-1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e3.substring(i2, o2)), i2 = -1), n2 += s2) : -1 === i2 && (i2 = o2);
return -1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e3.substring(i2))), void 0 !== n2 ? n2 : e3;
function _(e3) {
for (var t2 = void 0, n2 = 0; n2 < e3.length; n2++) {
var i2 = e3.charCodeAt(n2);
35 === i2 || 63 === i2 ? (void 0 === t2 && (t2 = e3.substr(0, n2)), t2 += f[i2]) : void 0 !== t2 && (t2 += e3[n2]);
return void 0 !== t2 ? t2 : e3;
function v(e3, t2) {
var n2;
return n2 = e3.authority && e3.path.length > 1 && "file" === e3.scheme ? "//" + e3.authority + e3.path : 47 === e3.path.charCodeAt(0) && (e3.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 65 && e3.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 90 || e3.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 97 && e3.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 122) && 58 === e3.path.charCodeAt(2) ? t2 ? e3.path.substr(1) : e3.path[1].toLowerCase() + e3.path.substr(2) : e3.path, r && (n2 = n2.replace(/\//g, "\\")), n2;
function w(e3, t2) {
var n2 = t2 ? _ : b, i2 = "", o2 = e3.scheme, r2 = e3.authority, s2 = e3.path, a2 = e3.query, l2 = e3.fragment;
if (o2 && (i2 += o2, i2 += ":"), (r2 || "file" === o2) && (i2 += h, i2 += h), r2) {
var c2 = r2.indexOf("@");
if (-1 !== c2) {
var d2 = r2.substr(0, c2);
r2 = r2.substr(c2 + 1), -1 === (c2 = d2.indexOf(":")) ? i2 += n2(d2, false) : (i2 += n2(d2.substr(0, c2), false), i2 += ":", i2 += n2(d2.substr(c2 + 1), false)), i2 += "@";
-1 === (c2 = (r2 = r2.toLowerCase()).indexOf(":")) ? i2 += n2(r2, false) : (i2 += n2(r2.substr(0, c2), false), i2 += r2.substr(c2));
if (s2) {
if (s2.length >= 3 && 47 === s2.charCodeAt(0) && 58 === s2.charCodeAt(2))
(u2 = s2.charCodeAt(1)) >= 65 && u2 <= 90 && (s2 = "/" + String.fromCharCode(u2 + 32) + ":" + s2.substr(3));
else if (s2.length >= 2 && 58 === s2.charCodeAt(1)) {
var u2;
(u2 = s2.charCodeAt(0)) >= 65 && u2 <= 90 && (s2 = String.fromCharCode(u2 + 32) + ":" + s2.substr(2));
i2 += n2(s2, true);
return a2 && (i2 += "?", i2 += n2(a2, false)), l2 && (i2 += "#", i2 += t2 ? l2 : b(l2, false)), i2;
var y = /(%[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z])+/g;
function C(e3) {
return e3.match(y) ? e3.replace(y, function(e4) {
return function e5(t2) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(t2);
} catch (n2) {
return t2.length > 3 ? t2.substr(0, 3) + e5(t2.substr(3)) : t2;
}) : e3;
}).call(this, n(86));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
const i = "monaco-mouse-cursor-text";
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return c;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return d;
var i = n(0), o = n(6), r = n(12), s = n(39), a = n(56);
const l = new class {
constructor() {
this._onDidChangeLanguages = new o.a(), this.onDidChangeLanguages = this._onDidChangeLanguages.event, this._languages = [], this._dynamicLanguages = [];
registerLanguage(e2) {
return this._languages.push(e2), 0), {dispose: () => {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this._languages.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
if (this._languages[t2] === e2)
return void this._languages.splice(t2, 1);
getLanguages() {
return [].concat(this._languages).concat(this._dynamicLanguages);
a.a.add("editor.modesRegistry", l);
const c = "plaintext", d = new r.r(c, 1);
l.registerLanguage({id: c, extensions: [".txt"], aliases: [i.a("plainText.alias", "Plain Text"), "text"], mimetypes: ["text/plain"]}), s.a.register(d, {brackets: [["(", ")"], ["[", "]"], ["{", "}"]], surroundingPairs: [{open: "{", close: "}"}, {open: "[", close: "]"}, {open: "(", close: ")"}, {open: "<", close: ">"}, {open: '"', close: '"'}, {open: "'", close: "'"}, {open: "`", close: "`"}], folding: {offSide: true}});
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
class i {
constructor(e2) {
this._prefix = e2, this._lastId = 0;
nextId() {
return this._prefix + ++this._lastId;
const o = new i("id#");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return l;
var i = n(18), o = n(23), r = n(14);
const s = Object(i.c)("IWorkspaceEditService");
class a {
constructor(e2) {
this.metadata = e2;
static convert(e2) {
return => {
if (t2 = e3, Object(r.i)(t2) && o.a.isUri(t2.resource) && Object(r.i)(t2.edit))
return new l(e3.resource, e3.edit, e3.modelVersionId, e3.metadata);
var t2;
if (function(e4) {
return Object(r.i)(e4) && (Boolean(e4.newUri) || Boolean(e4.oldUri));
return new c(e3.oldUri, e3.newUri, e3.options, e3.metadata);
throw new Error("Unsupported edit");
class l extends a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(i2), this.resource = e2, this.textEdit = t2, this.versionId = n2, this.metadata = i2;
class c extends a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(i2), this.oldResource = e2, this.newResource = t2, this.options = n2, this.metadata = i2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
class i {
constructor(...e2) {
this._entries = new Map();
for (let [t2, n2] of e2)
this.set(t2, n2);
set(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._entries.get(e2);
return this._entries.set(e2, t2), n2;
has(e2) {
return this._entries.has(e2);
get(e2) {
return this._entries.get(e2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("undoRedoService");
class r {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.resource = e2, this.elements = t2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
var i = n(71), o = n(8);
const r = "$(";
function s(e2) {
const t2 = e2.indexOf(r);
return -1 === t2 ? {text: e2} : function(e3, t3) {
const n2 = [];
let i2 = "";
function o2(e4) {
if (e4) {
i2 += e4;
for (const t4 of e4)
let s2, a2, l = -1, c = "", d = 0, h = t3;
const u = e3.length;
o2(e3.substr(0, t3));
for (; h < u; ) {
if (s2 = e3[h], a2 = e3[h + 1], s2 === r[0] && a2 === r[1])
l = h, o2(c), c = r, h++;
else if (")" === s2 && -1 !== l) {
d += h - l + 1, l = -1, c = "";
} else
-1 !== l ? /^[a-z0-9\-]$/i.test(s2) ? c += s2 : (o2(c), l = -1, c = "") : o2(s2);
return o2(c), {text: i2, codiconOffsets: n2};
}(e2, t2);
function a(e2, t2, n2 = false) {
const {text: r2, codiconOffsets: s2} = t2;
if (!s2 || 0 === s2.length)
return Object(i.g)(e2, r2, n2);
const a2 = Object(o.K)(r2, " "), l = r2.length - a2.length, c = Object(i.g)(e2, a2, n2);
if (c)
for (const e3 of c) {
const t3 = s2[e3.start + l] + l;
e3.start += t3, e3.end += t3;
return c;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("textResourceConfigurationService"), r = Object(i.c)("textResourcePropertiesService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return u;
var i = n(2), o = n(11), r = n(14), s = n(61), a = n(69), l = n(6), c = n(1), d = n(44);
const h = new l.a();
class u extends i.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this._state = 3, this._onDidEnablementChange = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidEnablementChange = this._onDidEnablementChange.event, this._onDidStart = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidStart = this._onDidStart.event, this._onDidChange = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._onDidReset = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidReset = this._onDidReset.event, this._onDidEnd = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidEnd = this._onDidEnd.event, this.linkedSash = void 0, this.orthogonalStartSashDisposables = this._register(new i.b()), this.orthogonalEndSashDisposables = this._register(new i.b()), this.el = Object(c.p)(e2, Object(c.a)(".monaco-sash")), o.f && Object(c.e)(this.el, "mac"), this._register(Object(d.a)(this.el, "mousedown")(this.onMouseDown, this)), this._register(Object(d.a)(this.el, "dblclick")(this.onMouseDoubleClick, this)), this._register(s.b.addTarget(this.el)), this._register(Object(d.a)(this.el, s.a.Start)(this.onTouchStart, this)), "number" == typeof n2.size ? (this.size = n2.size, 0 === n2.orientation ? = this.size + "px" : = this.size + "px") : (this.size = 4, this._register(h.event((e3) => {
this.size = e3, this.layout();
}))), this.hidden = false, this.layoutProvider = t2, this.orthogonalStartSash = n2.orthogonalStartSash, this.orthogonalEndSash = n2.orthogonalEndSash, this.orientation = n2.orientation || 0, 1 === this.orientation ? (Object(c.e)(this.el, "horizontal"), Object(c.Q)(this.el, "vertical")) : (Object(c.Q)(this.el, "horizontal"), Object(c.e)(this.el, "vertical")), Object(c.ab)(this.el, "debug", false), this.layout();
get state() {
return this._state;
set state(e2) {
this._state !== e2 && (Object(c.ab)(this.el, "disabled", 0 === e2), Object(c.ab)(this.el, "minimum", 1 === e2), Object(c.ab)(this.el, "maximum", 2 === e2), this._state = e2,;
get orthogonalStartSash() {
return this._orthogonalStartSash;
set orthogonalStartSash(e2) {
this.orthogonalStartSashDisposables.clear(), e2 ? (this.orthogonalStartSashDisposables.add(e2.onDidEnablementChange(this.onOrthogonalStartSashEnablementChange, this)), this.onOrthogonalStartSashEnablementChange(e2.state)) : this.onOrthogonalStartSashEnablementChange(0), this._orthogonalStartSash = e2;
get orthogonalEndSash() {
return this._orthogonalEndSash;
set orthogonalEndSash(e2) {
this.orthogonalEndSashDisposables.clear(), e2 ? (this.orthogonalEndSashDisposables.add(e2.onDidEnablementChange(this.onOrthogonalEndSashEnablementChange, this)), this.onOrthogonalEndSashEnablementChange(e2.state)) : this.onOrthogonalEndSashEnablementChange(0), this._orthogonalEndSash = e2;
onMouseDown(e2) {
c.b.stop(e2, false);
let t2 = false;
if (!e2.__orthogonalSashEvent) {
const n3 = this.getOrthogonalSash(e2);
n3 && (t2 = true, e2.__orthogonalSashEvent = true, n3.onMouseDown(e2));
if (this.linkedSash && !e2.__linkedSashEvent && (e2.__linkedSashEvent = true, this.linkedSash.onMouseDown(e2)), !this.state)
const n2 = [...Object(c.D)("iframe"), ...Object(c.D)("webview")];
for (const e3 of n2) = "none";
const r2 = new a.a(e2), s2 = r2.posx, l2 = r2.posy, h2 = r2.altKey, u2 = {startX: s2, currentX: s2, startY: l2, currentY: l2, altKey: h2};
Object(c.e)(this.el, "active"),;
const p = Object(c.v)(this.el), m = () => {
let e3 = "";
e3 = t2 ? "all-scroll" : 1 === this.orientation ? 1 === this.state ? "s-resize" : 2 === this.state ? "n-resize" : o.f ? "row-resize" : "ns-resize" : 1 === this.state ? "e-resize" : 2 === this.state ? "w-resize" : o.f ? "col-resize" : "ew-resize", p.innerHTML = `* { cursor: ${e3} !important; }`;
}, g = new i.b();
m(), t2 || this.onDidEnablementChange(m, null, g);
Object(d.a)(window, "mousemove")((e3) => {
c.b.stop(e3, false);
const t3 = new a.a(e3), n3 = {startX: s2, currentX: t3.posx, startY: l2, currentY: t3.posy, altKey: h2};;
}, null, g), Object(d.a)(window, "mouseup")((e3) => {
c.b.stop(e3, false), this.el.removeChild(p), Object(c.Q)(this.el, "active"),, g.dispose();
for (const e4 of n2) = "auto";
}, null, g);
onMouseDoubleClick(e2) {
const t2 = this.getOrthogonalSash(e2);
t2 &&, this.linkedSash &&,;
onTouchStart(e2) {
const t2 = [], n2 = e2.pageX, o2 = e2.pageY, a2 = e2.altKey;{startX: n2, currentX: n2, startY: o2, currentY: o2, altKey: a2}), t2.push(Object(c.i)(this.el, s.a.Change, (e3) => {
r.h(e3.pageX) && r.h(e3.pageY) &&{startX: n2, currentX: e3.pageX, startY: o2, currentY: e3.pageY, altKey: a2});
})), t2.push(Object(c.i)(this.el, s.a.End, (e3) => {, Object(i.f)(t2);
layout() {
if (0 === this.orientation) {
const e2 = this.layoutProvider; = e2.getVerticalSashLeft(this) - this.size / 2 + "px", e2.getVerticalSashTop && ( = e2.getVerticalSashTop(this) + "px"), e2.getVerticalSashHeight && ( = e2.getVerticalSashHeight(this) + "px");
} else {
const e2 = this.layoutProvider; = e2.getHorizontalSashTop(this) - this.size / 2 + "px", e2.getHorizontalSashLeft && ( = e2.getHorizontalSashLeft(this) + "px"), e2.getHorizontalSashWidth && ( = e2.getHorizontalSashWidth(this) + "px");
hide() {
this.hidden = true, = "none", this.el.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
onOrthogonalStartSashEnablementChange(e2) {
Object(c.ab)(this.el, "orthogonal-start", 0 !== e2);
onOrthogonalEndSashEnablementChange(e2) {
Object(c.ab)(this.el, "orthogonal-end", 0 !== e2);
getOrthogonalSash(e2) {
if (0 === this.orientation) {
if (e2.offsetY <= this.size)
return this.orthogonalStartSash;
if (e2.offsetY >= this.el.clientHeight - this.size)
return this.orthogonalEndSash;
} else {
if (e2.offsetX <= this.size)
return this.orthogonalStartSash;
if (e2.offsetX >= this.el.clientWidth - this.size)
return this.orthogonalEndSash;
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this.el.remove();
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
n(251), n(255), n(257);
var i = n(17);
const o = new class {
constructor() {
this.onDidChange = i.c.onDidRegister;
getCSS() {
const e2 = [];
for (let t2 of i.c.all)
return e2.join("\n");
function r(e2) {
let t2 = e2.definition;
for (; t2 instanceof i.a; )
t2 = t2.definition;
return `.codicon-${}:before { content: '${t2.character}'; }`;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
var i = n(8);
class o {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.startColumn = e2, this.endColumn = t2, this.className = n2, this.type = i2;
static _equals(e2, t2) {
return e2.startColumn === t2.startColumn && e2.endColumn === t2.endColumn && e2.className === t2.className && e2.type === t2.type;
static equalsArr(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.length;
if (n2 !== t2.length)
return false;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++)
if (!o._equals(e2[i2], t2[i2]))
return false;
return true;
static filter(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
return [];
let r2 = [], s2 = 0;
for (let a2 = 0, l = e2.length; a2 < l; a2++) {
const l2 = e2[a2], c = l2.range;
if (c.endLineNumber < t2 || c.startLineNumber > t2)
if (c.isEmpty() && (0 === l2.type || 3 === l2.type))
const d = c.startLineNumber === t2 ? c.startColumn : n2, h = c.endLineNumber === t2 ? c.endColumn : i2;
r2[s2++] = new o(d, h, l2.inlineClassName, l2.type);
return r2;
static _typeCompare(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [2, 0, 1, 3];
return n2[e2] - n2[t2];
static compare(e2, t2) {
if (e2.startColumn === t2.startColumn) {
if (e2.endColumn === t2.endColumn) {
const n2 = o._typeCompare(e2.type, t2.type);
return 0 === n2 ? e2.className < t2.className ? -1 : e2.className > t2.className ? 1 : 0 : n2;
return e2.endColumn - t2.endColumn;
return e2.startColumn - t2.startColumn;
class r {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.startOffset = e2, this.endOffset = t2, this.className = n2, this.metadata = i2;
class s {
constructor() {
this.stopOffsets = [], this.classNames = [], this.metadata = [], this.count = 0;
static _metadata(e2) {
let t2 = 0;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
t2 |= e2[n2];
return t2;
consumeLowerThan(e2, t2, n2) {
for (; this.count > 0 && this.stopOffsets[0] < e2; ) {
let e3 = 0;
for (; e3 + 1 < this.count && this.stopOffsets[e3] === this.stopOffsets[e3 + 1]; )
n2.push(new r(t2, this.stopOffsets[e3], this.classNames.join(" "), s._metadata(this.metadata))), t2 = this.stopOffsets[e3] + 1, this.stopOffsets.splice(0, e3 + 1), this.classNames.splice(0, e3 + 1), this.metadata.splice(0, e3 + 1), this.count -= e3 + 1;
return this.count > 0 && t2 < e2 && (n2.push(new r(t2, e2 - 1, this.classNames.join(" "), s._metadata(this.metadata))), t2 = e2), t2;
insert(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === this.count || this.stopOffsets[this.count - 1] <= e2)
this.stopOffsets.push(e2), this.classNames.push(t2), this.metadata.push(n2);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < this.count; i2++)
if (this.stopOffsets[i2] >= e2) {
this.stopOffsets.splice(i2, 0, e2), this.classNames.splice(i2, 0, t2), this.metadata.splice(i2, 0, n2);
class a {
static normalize(e2, t2) {
if (0 === t2.length)
return [];
let n2 = [];
const o2 = new s();
let r2 = 0;
for (let s2 = 0, a2 = t2.length; s2 < a2; s2++) {
const a3 = t2[s2];
let l = a3.startColumn, c = a3.endColumn;
const d = a3.className, h = 1 === a3.type ? 2 : 2 === a3.type ? 4 : 0;
if (l > 1) {
const t3 = e2.charCodeAt(l - 2);
i.F(t3) && l--;
if (c > 1) {
const t3 = e2.charCodeAt(c - 2);
i.F(t3) && c--;
const u = l - 1, p = c - 2;
r2 = o2.consumeLowerThan(u, r2, n2), 0 === o2.count && (r2 = u), o2.insert(p, d, h);
return o2.consumeLowerThan(1073741824, r2, n2), n2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
var i = n(46), o = n(17), r = n(8);
class s {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.supportCodicons = t2, this.text = "", this.title = "", this.highlights = [], this.didEverRender = false, this.domNode = document.createElement("span"), this.domNode.className = "monaco-highlighted-label", e2.appendChild(this.domNode);
get element() {
return this.domNode;
set(e2, t2 = [], n2 = "", o2) {
e2 || (e2 = ""), o2 && (e2 = s.escapeNewLines(e2, t2)), this.didEverRender && this.text === e2 && this.title === n2 && i.e(this.highlights, t2) || (Array.isArray(t2) || (t2 = []), this.text = e2, this.title = n2, this.highlights = t2, this.render());
render() {
let e2 = "", t2 = 0;
for (const n2 of this.highlights) {
if (n2.end === n2.start)
if (t2 < n2.start) {
e2 += "<span>";
const i3 = this.text.substring(t2, n2.start);
e2 += this.supportCodicons ? Object(o.f)(Object(r.u)(i3)) : Object(r.u)(i3), e2 += "</span>", t2 = n2.end;
n2.extraClasses ? e2 += `<span class="highlight ${n2.extraClasses}">` : e2 += '<span class="highlight">';
const i2 = this.text.substring(n2.start, n2.end);
e2 += this.supportCodicons ? Object(o.f)(Object(r.u)(i2)) : Object(r.u)(i2), e2 += "</span>", t2 = n2.end;
if (t2 < this.text.length) {
e2 += "<span>";
const n2 = this.text.substring(t2);
e2 += this.supportCodicons ? Object(o.f)(Object(r.u)(n2)) : Object(r.u)(n2), e2 += "</span>";
this.domNode.innerHTML = e2, this.title ? this.domNode.title = this.title : this.domNode.removeAttribute("title"), this.didEverRender = true;
static escapeNewLines(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0, i2 = 0;
return e2.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, (e3, o2) => {
i2 = "\r\n" === e3 ? -1 : 0, o2 += n2;
for (const e4 of t2)
e4.end <= o2 || (e4.start >= o2 && (e4.start += i2), e4.end >= o2 && (e4.end += i2));
return n2 += i2, "⏎";
}, , function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(11);
const o = i.b.performance && "function" == typeof;
class r {
constructor(e2) {
this._highResolution = o && e2, this._startTime = this._now(), this._stopTime = -1;
static create(e2 = true) {
return new r(e2);
stop() {
this._stopTime = this._now();
elapsed() {
return -1 !== this._stopTime ? this._stopTime - this._startTime : this._now() - this._startTime;
_now() {
return this._highResolution ? : new Date().getTime();
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("labelService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
var i = n(11), o = n(135);
const r = i.f ? 1.5 : 1.35;
class s {
constructor(e2) {
this.zoomLevel = e2.zoomLevel, this.fontFamily = String(e2.fontFamily), this.fontWeight = String(e2.fontWeight), this.fontSize = e2.fontSize, this.fontFeatureSettings = e2.fontFeatureSettings, this.lineHeight = 0 | e2.lineHeight, this.letterSpacing = e2.letterSpacing;
static createFromValidatedSettings(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.get(35), o2 = e2.get(39), r2 = e2.get(38), a2 = e2.get(37), l = e2.get(51), c = e2.get(48);
return s._create(i2, o2, r2, a2, l, c, t2, n2);
static _create(e2, t2, n2, i2, a2, l, c, d) {
0 === a2 ? a2 = Math.round(r * n2) : a2 < 8 && (a2 = 8);
const h = 1 + (d ? 0 : 0.1 * o.a.getZoomLevel());
return new s({zoomLevel: c, fontFamily: e2, fontWeight: t2, fontSize: n2 *= h, fontFeatureSettings: i2, lineHeight: a2 *= h, letterSpacing: l});
getId() {
return this.zoomLevel + "-" + this.fontFamily + "-" + this.fontWeight + "-" + this.fontSize + "-" + this.fontFeatureSettings + "-" + this.lineHeight + "-" + this.letterSpacing;
getMassagedFontFamily() {
return /[,"']/.test(this.fontFamily) ? this.fontFamily : /[+ ]/.test(this.fontFamily) ? `"${this.fontFamily}"` : this.fontFamily;
class a extends s {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2), this.isTrusted = t2, this.isMonospace = e2.isMonospace, this.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = e2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, this.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth = e2.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth, this.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow = e2.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow, this.spaceWidth = e2.spaceWidth, this.middotWidth = e2.middotWidth, this.wsmiddotWidth = e2.wsmiddotWidth, this.maxDigitWidth = e2.maxDigitWidth;
equals(e2) {
return this.fontFamily === e2.fontFamily && this.fontWeight === e2.fontWeight && this.fontSize === e2.fontSize && this.fontFeatureSettings === e2.fontFeatureSettings && this.lineHeight === e2.lineHeight && this.letterSpacing === e2.letterSpacing && this.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth === e2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth && this.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth === e2.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth && this.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow === e2.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow && this.spaceWidth === e2.spaceWidth && this.middotWidth === e2.middotWidth && this.wsmiddotWidth === e2.wsmiddotWidth && this.maxDigitWidth === e2.maxDigitWidth;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return w;
}), n.d(t, "d", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return L;
var i = n(0), o = n(6), r = n(2), s = n(46), a = n(15), l = n(26), c = n(135), d = n(160), h = n(128), u = n(56), p = n(189);
const m = new class {
constructor() {
this._tabFocus = false, this._onDidChangeTabFocus = new o.a(), this.onDidChangeTabFocus = this._onDidChangeTabFocus.event;
getTabFocusMode() {
return this._tabFocus;
setTabFocusMode(e2) {
this._tabFocus !== e2 && (this._tabFocus = e2,;
}(), g = Object.hasOwnProperty;
class f {
constructor() {
this._values = [];
_read(e2) {
return this._values[e2];
get(e2) {
return this._values[e2];
_write(e2, t2) {
this._values[e2] = t2;
class b {
constructor() {
this._values = [];
_read(e2) {
return this._values[e2];
_write(e2, t2) {
this._values[e2] = t2;
class _ {
static readOptions(e2) {
const t2 = e2, n2 = new b();
for (const e3 of l.k) {
const i2 = "_never_" === ? void 0 : t2[];
n2._write(, i2);
return n2;
static validateOptions(e2) {
const t2 = new l.j();
for (const n2 of l.k)
t2._write(, n2.validate(e2._read(;
return t2;
static computeOptions(e2, t2) {
const n2 = new f();
for (const i2 of l.k)
n2._write(, i2.compute(t2, n2, e2._read(;
return n2;
static _deepEquals(e2, t2) {
if ("object" != typeof e2 || "object" != typeof t2)
return e2 === t2;
if (Array.isArray(e2) || Array.isArray(t2))
return !(!Array.isArray(e2) || !Array.isArray(t2)) && a.g(e2, t2);
for (let n2 in e2)
if (!_._deepEquals(e2[n2], t2[n2]))
return false;
return true;
static checkEquals(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [];
let i2 = false;
for (const o2 of l.k) {
const r2 = !_._deepEquals(e2._read(, t2._read(;
n2[] = r2, r2 && (i2 = true);
return i2 ? new l.b(n2) : null;
function v(e2) {
const t2 = s.c(e2);
return function(e3) {
const t3 = e3.wordWrap;
true === t3 ? e3.wordWrap = "on" : false === t3 && (e3.wordWrap = "off");
const n2 = e3.lineNumbers;
true === n2 ? e3.lineNumbers = "on" : false === n2 && (e3.lineNumbers = "off"), false === e3.autoClosingBrackets && (e3.autoClosingBrackets = "never", e3.autoClosingQuotes = "never", e3.autoSurround = "never"), "visible" === e3.cursorBlinking && (e3.cursorBlinking = "solid");
const i2 = e3.renderWhitespace;
true === i2 ? e3.renderWhitespace = "boundary" : false === i2 && (e3.renderWhitespace = "none");
const o2 = e3.renderLineHighlight;
true === o2 ? e3.renderLineHighlight = "line" : false === o2 && (e3.renderLineHighlight = "none");
const r2 = e3.acceptSuggestionOnEnter;
true === r2 ? e3.acceptSuggestionOnEnter = "on" : false === r2 && (e3.acceptSuggestionOnEnter = "off");
const s2 = e3.tabCompletion;
false === s2 ? e3.tabCompletion = "off" : true === s2 && (e3.tabCompletion = "onlySnippets");
const a2 = e3.suggest;
if (a2 && "object" == typeof a2.filteredTypes && a2.filteredTypes) {
const e4 = {method: "showMethods", function: "showFunctions", constructor: "showConstructors", field: "showFields", variable: "showVariables", class: "showClasses", struct: "showStructs", interface: "showInterfaces", module: "showModules", property: "showProperties", event: "showEvents", operator: "showOperators", unit: "showUnits", value: "showValues", constant: "showConstants", enum: "showEnums", enumMember: "showEnumMembers", keyword: "showKeywords", text: "showWords", color: "showColors", file: "showFiles", reference: "showReferences", folder: "showFolders", typeParameter: "showTypeParameters", snippet: "showSnippets"};
Object(p.b)(e4, (e5) => {
const t4 = a2.filteredTypes[e5.key];
false === t4 && (a2[e5.value] = t4);
const l2 = e3.hover;
true === l2 ? e3.hover = {enabled: true} : false === l2 && (e3.hover = {enabled: false});
const c2 = e3.parameterHints;
true === c2 ? e3.parameterHints = {enabled: true} : false === c2 && (e3.parameterHints = {enabled: false});
const d2 = e3.autoIndent;
true === d2 ? e3.autoIndent = "full" : false === d2 && (e3.autoIndent = "advanced");
const h2 = e3.matchBrackets;
true === h2 ? e3.matchBrackets = "always" : false === h2 && (e3.matchBrackets = "never");
}(t2), t2;
class w extends r.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._onDidChange = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._onDidChangeFast = this._register(new o.a()), this.onDidChangeFast = this._onDidChangeFast.event, this.isSimpleWidget = e2, this._isDominatedByLongLines = false, this._computeOptionsMemory = new l.a(), this._viewLineCount = 1, this._lineNumbersDigitCount = 1, this._rawOptions = v(t2), this._readOptions = _.readOptions(this._rawOptions), this._validatedOptions = _.validateOptions(this._readOptions), this._register(c.a.onDidChangeZoomLevel((e3) => this._recomputeOptions())), this._register(m.onDidChangeTabFocus((e3) => this._recomputeOptions()));
observeReferenceElement(e2) {
dispose() {
_recomputeOptions() {
const e2 = this.options, t2 = this._computeInternalOptions();
if (e2) {
const n2 = _.checkEquals(e2, t2);
if (null === n2)
this.options = t2,,;
} else
this.options = t2;
getRawOptions() {
return this._rawOptions;
_computeInternalOptions() {
const e2 = this._getEnvConfiguration(), t2 = d.a.createFromValidatedSettings(this._validatedOptions, e2.zoomLevel, this.isSimpleWidget), n2 = {memory: this._computeOptionsMemory, outerWidth: e2.outerWidth, outerHeight: e2.outerHeight, fontInfo: this.readConfiguration(t2), extraEditorClassName: e2.extraEditorClassName, isDominatedByLongLines: this._isDominatedByLongLines, viewLineCount: this._viewLineCount, lineNumbersDigitCount: this._lineNumbersDigitCount, emptySelectionClipboard: e2.emptySelectionClipboard, pixelRatio: e2.pixelRatio, tabFocusMode: m.getTabFocusMode(), accessibilitySupport: e2.accessibilitySupport};
return _.computeOptions(this._validatedOptions, n2);
static _subsetEquals(e2, t2) {
for (const n2 in t2)
if (, n2)) {
const i2 = t2[n2], o2 = e2[n2];
if (o2 === i2)
if (Array.isArray(o2) && Array.isArray(i2)) {
if (!a.g(o2, i2))
return false;
if (o2 && "object" == typeof o2 && i2 && "object" == typeof i2) {
if (!this._subsetEquals(o2, i2))
return false;
return false;
return true;
updateOptions(e2) {
if (void 0 === e2)
const t2 = v(e2);
w._subsetEquals(this._rawOptions, t2) || (this._rawOptions = s.g(this._rawOptions, t2 || {}), this._readOptions = _.readOptions(this._rawOptions), this._validatedOptions = _.validateOptions(this._readOptions), this._recomputeOptions());
setIsDominatedByLongLines(e2) {
this._isDominatedByLongLines = e2, this._recomputeOptions();
setMaxLineNumber(e2) {
const t2 = w._digitCount(e2);
this._lineNumbersDigitCount !== t2 && (this._lineNumbersDigitCount = t2, this._recomputeOptions());
setViewLineCount(e2) {
this._viewLineCount !== e2 && (this._viewLineCount = e2, this._recomputeOptions());
static _digitCount(e2) {
let t2 = 0;
for (; e2; )
e2 = Math.floor(e2 / 10), t2++;
return t2 || 1;
const y = Object.freeze({id: "editor", order: 5, type: "object", title: i.a("editorConfigurationTitle", "Editor"), scope: 5}), C =, x = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, y), {properties: {"editor.tabSize": {type: "number", default: l.d.tabSize, minimum: 1, markdownDescription: i.a("tabSize", "The number of spaces a tab is equal to. This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `#editor.detectIndentation#` is on.")}, "editor.insertSpaces": {type: "boolean", default: l.d.insertSpaces, markdownDescription: i.a("insertSpaces", "Insert spaces when pressing `Tab`. This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `#editor.detectIndentation#` is on.")}, "editor.detectIndentation": {type: "boolean", default: l.d.detectIndentation, markdownDescription: i.a("detectIndentation", "Controls whether `#editor.tabSize#` and `#editor.insertSpaces#` will be automatically detected when a file is opened based on the file contents.")}, "editor.trimAutoWhitespace": {type: "boolean", default: l.d.trimAutoWhitespace, description: i.a("trimAutoWhitespace", "Remove trailing auto inserted whitespace.")}, "editor.largeFileOptimizations": {type: "boolean", default: l.d.largeFileOptimizations, description: i.a("largeFileOptimizations", "Special handling for large files to disable certain memory intensive features.")}, "editor.wordBasedSuggestions": {type: "boolean", default: true, description: i.a("wordBasedSuggestions", "Controls whether completions should be computed based on words in the document.")}, "editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": {enum: [true, false, "configuredByTheme"], enumDescriptions: [i.a("semanticHighlighting.true", "Semantic highlighting enabled for all color themes."), i.a("semanticHighlighting.false", "Semantic highlighting disabled for all color themes."), i.a("semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme", "Semantic highlighting is configured by the current color theme's `semanticHighlighting` setting.")], default: "configuredByTheme", description: i.a("semanticHighlighting.enabled", "Controls whether the semanticHighlighting is shown for the languages that support it.")}, "editor.stablePeek": {type: "boolean", default: false, markdownDescription: i.a("stablePeek", "Keep peek editors open even when double clicking their content or when hitting `Escape`.")}, "editor.maxTokenizationLineLength": {type: "integer", default: 2e4, description: i.a("maxTokenizationLineLength", "Lines above this length will not be tokenized for performance reasons")}, "diffEditor.maxComputationTime": {type: "number", default: 5e3, description: i.a("maxComputationTime", "Timeout in milliseconds after which diff computation is cancelled. Use 0 for no timeout.")}, "diffEditor.renderSideBySide": {type: "boolean", default: true, description: i.a("sideBySide", "Controls whether the diff editor shows the diff side by side or inline.")}, "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": {type: "boolean", default: true, description: i.a("ignoreTrimWhitespace", "When enabled, the diff editor ignores changes in leading or trailing whitespace.")}, "diffEditor.renderIndicators": {type: "boolean", default: true, description: i.a("renderIndicators", "Controls whether the diff editor shows +/- indicators for added/removed changes.")}, "diffEditor.codeLens": {type: "boolean", default: false, description: i.a("codeLens", "Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens.")}}});
for (const e2 of l.k) {
const t2 = e2.schema;
if (void 0 !== t2)
if (void 0 !== (S = t2).type || void 0 !== S.anyOf)["editor." +] = t2;
for (let e3 in t2), e3) && ([e3] = t2[e3]);
var S;
let k = null;
function E() {
return null === k && (k = Object.create(null), Object.keys( => {
k[e2] = true;
})), k;
function T(e2) {
return E()["editor." + e2] || false;
function L(e2) {
return E()["diffEditor." + e2] || false;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return x;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return T;
var i = n(46), o = n(2), r = n(61), s = n(1), a = n(6), l = n(44), c = n(105), d = n(170), h = n(99);
function u(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [];
for (let i2 of t2) {
if (e2.start >= i2.range.end)
if (e2.end < i2.range.start)
const t3 = h.a.intersect(e2, i2.range);
h.a.isEmpty(t3) || n2.push({range: t3, size: i2.size});
return n2;
function p({start: e2, end: t2}, n2) {
return {start: e2 + n2, end: t2 + n2};
class m {
constructor() {
this.groups = [], this._size = 0;
splice(e2, t2, n2 = []) {
const i2 = n2.length - t2, o2 = u({start: 0, end: e2}, this.groups), r2 = u({start: e2 + t2, end: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY}, this.groups).map((e3) => ({range: p(e3.range, i2), size: e3.size})), s2 =, n3) => ({range: {start: e2 + n3, end: e2 + n3 + 1}, size: t3.size}));
this.groups = function(...e3) {
return function(e4) {
const t3 = [];
let n3 = null;
for (let i3 of e4) {
const e5 = i3.range.start, o3 = i3.range.end, r3 = i3.size;
n3 && r3 === n3.size ? n3.range.end = o3 : (n3 = {range: {start: e5, end: o3}, size: r3}, t3.push(n3));
return t3;
}(e3.reduce((e4, t3) => e4.concat(t3), []));
}(o2, s2, r2), this._size = this.groups.reduce((e3, t3) => e3 + t3.size * (t3.range.end - t3.range.start), 0);
get count() {
const e2 = this.groups.length;
return e2 ? this.groups[e2 - 1].range.end : 0;
get size() {
return this._size;
indexAt(e2) {
if (e2 < 0)
return -1;
let t2 = 0, n2 = 0;
for (let i2 of this.groups) {
const o2 = i2.range.end - i2.range.start, r2 = n2 + o2 * i2.size;
if (e2 < r2)
return t2 + Math.floor((e2 - n2) / i2.size);
t2 += o2, n2 = r2;
return t2;
indexAfter(e2) {
return Math.min(this.indexAt(e2) + 1, this.count);
positionAt(e2) {
if (e2 < 0)
return -1;
let t2 = 0, n2 = 0;
for (let i2 of this.groups) {
const o2 = i2.range.end - i2.range.start, r2 = n2 + o2;
if (e2 < r2)
return t2 + (e2 - n2) * i2.size;
t2 += o2 * i2.size, n2 = r2;
return -1;
class g {
constructor(e2) {
this.renderers = e2, this.cache = new Map();
alloc(e2) {
let t2 = this.getTemplateCache(e2).pop();
if (!t2) {
const n2 = Object(s.a)(".monaco-list-row");
t2 = {domNode: n2, templateId: e2, templateData: this.getRenderer(e2).renderTemplate(n2)};
return t2;
release(e2) {
e2 && this.releaseRow(e2);
releaseRow(e2) {
const {domNode: t2, templateId: n2} = e2;
t2 && (Object(s.Q)(t2, "scrolling"), function(e3) {
try {
e3.parentElement && e3.parentElement.removeChild(e3);
} catch (e4) {
getTemplateCache(e2) {
let t2 = this.cache.get(e2);
return t2 || (t2 = [], this.cache.set(e2, t2)), t2;
dispose() {
this.cache.forEach((e2, t2) => {
for (const n2 of e2) {
this.getRenderer(t2).disposeTemplate(n2.templateData), n2.domNode = null, n2.templateData = null;
}), this.cache.clear();
getRenderer(e2) {
const t2 = this.renderers.get(e2);
if (!t2)
throw new Error("No renderer found for " + e2);
return t2;
var f = n(98), b = n(15), _ = n(125), v = n(20), w = n(34), y = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
const C = {useShadows: true, verticalScrollMode: 1, setRowLineHeight: true, setRowHeight: true, supportDynamicHeights: false, dnd: {getDragElements: (e2) => [e2], getDragURI: () => null, onDragStart() {
}, onDragOver: () => false, drop() {
}}, horizontalScrolling: false, transformOptimization: true};
class x {
constructor(e2) {
this.elements = e2;
update() {
getData() {
return this.elements;
class S {
constructor(e2) {
this.elements = e2;
update() {
getData() {
return this.elements;
class k {
constructor() {
this.types = [], this.files = [];
update(e2) {
if (e2.types && this.types.splice(0, this.types.length, ...e2.types), e2.files) {
this.files.splice(0, this.files.length);
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < e2.files.length; t2++) {
const n2 = e2.files.item(t2);
n2 && (n2.size || n2.type) && this.files.push(n2);
getData() {
return {types: this.types, files: this.files};
class E {
constructor(e2) {
(null == e2 ? void 0 : e2.getSetSize) ? this.getSetSize = e2.getSetSize.bind(e2) : this.getSetSize = (e3, t2, n2) => n2, (null == e2 ? void 0 : e2.getPosInSet) ? this.getPosInSet = e2.getPosInSet.bind(e2) : this.getPosInSet = (e3, t2) => t2 + 1, (null == e2 ? void 0 : e2.getRole) ? this.getRole = e2.getRole.bind(e2) : this.getRole = (e3) => "listitem", (null == e2 ? void 0 : e2.isChecked) ? this.isChecked = e2.isChecked.bind(e2) : this.isChecked = (e3) => {
class T {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, h2 = C) {
if (this.virtualDelegate = t2, this.domId = "list_id_" + ++T.InstanceCount, this.renderers = new Map(), this.renderWidth = 0, this._scrollHeight = 0, this.scrollableElementUpdateDisposable = null, this.scrollableElementWidthDelayer = new v.a(50), this.splicing = false, this.dragOverAnimationStopDisposable = o.a.None, this.dragOverMouseY = 0, this.canDrop = false, this.currentDragFeedbackDisposable = o.a.None, this.onDragLeaveTimeout = o.a.None, this.disposables = new o.b(), this._onDidChangeContentHeight = new a.a(), this._horizontalScrolling = false, h2.horizontalScrolling && h2.supportDynamicHeights)
throw new Error("Horizontal scrolling and dynamic heights not supported simultaneously");
this.items = [], this.itemId = 0, this.rangeMap = new m();
for (const e3 of n2)
this.renderers.set(e3.templateId, e3);
this.cache = this.disposables.add(new g(this.renderers)), this.lastRenderTop = 0, this.lastRenderHeight = 0, this.domNode = document.createElement("div"), this.domNode.className = "monaco-list", s.e(this.domNode, this.domId), this.domNode.tabIndex = 0, s.ab(this.domNode, "mouse-support", "boolean" != typeof h2.mouseSupport || h2.mouseSupport), this._horizontalScrolling = Object(i.f)(h2, (e3) => e3.horizontalScrolling, C.horizontalScrolling), s.ab(this.domNode, "horizontal-scrolling", this._horizontalScrolling), this.additionalScrollHeight = void 0 === h2.additionalScrollHeight ? 0 : h2.additionalScrollHeight, this.accessibilityProvider = new E(h2.accessibilityProvider), this.rowsContainer = document.createElement("div"), this.rowsContainer.className = "monaco-list-rows";
Object(i.f)(h2, (e3) => e3.transformOptimization, C.transformOptimization) && ( = "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)"), this.disposables.add(r.b.addTarget(this.rowsContainer)), this.scrollable = new d.a(Object(i.f)(h2, (e3) => e3.smoothScrolling, false) ? 125 : 0, (e3) => s.Y(e3)), this.scrollableElement = this.disposables.add(new c.c(this.rowsContainer, {alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: true, horizontal: 1, vertical: Object(i.f)(h2, (e3) => e3.verticalScrollMode, C.verticalScrollMode), useShadows: Object(i.f)(h2, (e3) => e3.useShadows, C.useShadows)}, this.scrollable)), this.domNode.appendChild(this.scrollableElement.getDomNode()), e2.appendChild(this.domNode), this.scrollableElement.onScroll(this.onScroll, this, this.disposables), Object(l.a)(this.rowsContainer, r.a.Change)(this.onTouchChange, this, this.disposables), Object(l.a)(this.scrollableElement.getDomNode(), "scroll")((e3) => = 0, null, this.disposables),, "dragover"), (e3) => this.toDragEvent(e3))(this.onDragOver, this, this.disposables),, "drop"), (e3) => this.toDragEvent(e3))(this.onDrop, this, this.disposables), Object(l.a)(this.domNode, "dragleave")(this.onDragLeave, this, this.disposables), Object(l.a)(window, "dragend")(this.onDragEnd, this, this.disposables), this.setRowLineHeight = Object(i.f)(h2, (e3) => e3.setRowLineHeight, C.setRowLineHeight), this.setRowHeight = Object(i.f)(h2, (e3) => e3.setRowHeight, C.setRowHeight), this.supportDynamicHeights = Object(i.f)(h2, (e3) => e3.supportDynamicHeights, C.supportDynamicHeights), this.dnd = Object(i.f)(h2, (e3) => e3.dnd, C.dnd), this.layout();
get contentHeight() {
return this.rangeMap.size;
get horizontalScrolling() {
return this._horizontalScrolling;
set horizontalScrolling(e2) {
if (e2 !== this._horizontalScrolling) {
if (e2 && this.supportDynamicHeights)
throw new Error("Horizontal scrolling and dynamic heights not supported simultaneously");
if (this._horizontalScrolling = e2, s.ab(this.domNode, "horizontal-scrolling", this._horizontalScrolling), this._horizontalScrolling) {
for (const e3 of this.items)
this.updateScrollWidth(), this.scrollableElement.setScrollDimensions({width: s.B(this.domNode)}), = Math.max(this.scrollWidth || 0, this.renderWidth) + "px";
} else
this.scrollableElementWidthDelayer.cancel(), this.scrollableElement.setScrollDimensions({width: this.renderWidth, scrollWidth: this.renderWidth}), = "";
updateOptions(e2) {
void 0 !== e2.additionalScrollHeight && (this.additionalScrollHeight = e2.additionalScrollHeight), void 0 !== e2.smoothScrolling && this.scrollable.setSmoothScrollDuration(e2.smoothScrolling ? 125 : 0), void 0 !== e2.horizontalScrolling && (this.horizontalScrolling = e2.horizontalScrolling);
splice(e2, t2, n2 = []) {
if (this.splicing)
throw new Error("Can't run recursive splices.");
this.splicing = true;
try {
return this._splice(e2, t2, n2);
} finally {
this.splicing = false,;
_splice(e2, t2, n2 = []) {
const i2 = this.getRenderRange(this.lastRenderTop, this.lastRenderHeight), r2 = {start: e2, end: e2 + t2}, s2 = h.a.intersect(i2, r2);
for (let e3 = s2.start; e3 < s2.end; e3++)
const a2 = {start: e2 + t2, end: this.items.length}, l2 = h.a.intersect(a2, i2), c2 = h.a.relativeComplement(a2, i2), d2 = => ({id: String(this.itemId++), element: e3, templateId: this.virtualDelegate.getTemplateId(e3), size: this.virtualDelegate.getHeight(e3), width: void 0, hasDynamicHeight: !!this.virtualDelegate.hasDynamicHeight && this.virtualDelegate.hasDynamicHeight(e3), lastDynamicHeightWidth: void 0, row: null, uri: void 0, dropTarget: false, dragStartDisposable: o.a.None}));
let u2;
0 === e2 && t2 >= this.items.length ? (this.rangeMap = new m(), this.rangeMap.splice(0, 0, d2), this.items = d2, u2 = []) : (this.rangeMap.splice(e2, t2, d2), u2 = this.items.splice(e2, t2, ...d2));
const g2 = n2.length - t2, f2 = this.getRenderRange(this.lastRenderTop, this.lastRenderHeight), b2 = p(l2, g2), _2 = h.a.intersect(f2, b2);
for (let e3 = _2.start; e3 < _2.end; e3++)
this.updateItemInDOM(this.items[e3], e3);
const v2 = h.a.relativeComplement(b2, f2);
for (const e3 of v2)
for (let t3 = e3.start; t3 < e3.end; t3++)
const w2 = => p(e3, g2)), y2 = [{start: e2, end: e2 + n2.length}, ...w2].map((e3) => h.a.intersect(f2, e3)), C2 = this.getNextToLastElement(y2);
for (const e3 of y2)
for (let t3 = e3.start; t3 < e3.end; t3++)
this.insertItemInDOM(t3, C2);
return this.eventuallyUpdateScrollDimensions(), this.supportDynamicHeights && this._rerender(this.scrollTop, this.renderHeight), => e3.element);
eventuallyUpdateScrollDimensions() {
this._scrollHeight = this.contentHeight, = this._scrollHeight + "px", this.scrollableElementUpdateDisposable || (this.scrollableElementUpdateDisposable = s.Y(() => {
this.scrollableElement.setScrollDimensions({scrollHeight: this.scrollHeight}), this.updateScrollWidth(), this.scrollableElementUpdateDisposable = null;
eventuallyUpdateScrollWidth() {
this.horizontalScrolling ? this.scrollableElementWidthDelayer.trigger(() => this.updateScrollWidth()) : this.scrollableElementWidthDelayer.cancel();
updateScrollWidth() {
if (!this.horizontalScrolling)
let e2 = 0;
for (const t2 of this.items)
void 0 !== t2.width && (e2 = Math.max(e2, t2.width));
this.scrollWidth = e2, this.scrollableElement.setScrollDimensions({scrollWidth: 0 === e2 ? 0 : e2 + 10});
rerender() {
if (this.supportDynamicHeights) {
for (const e2 of this.items)
e2.lastDynamicHeightWidth = void 0;
this._rerender(this.lastRenderTop, this.lastRenderHeight);
get length() {
return this.items.length;
get renderHeight() {
return this.scrollableElement.getScrollDimensions().height;
element(e2) {
return this.items[e2].element;
domElement(e2) {
const t2 = this.items[e2].row;
return t2 && t2.domNode;
elementHeight(e2) {
return this.items[e2].size;
elementTop(e2) {
return this.rangeMap.positionAt(e2);
indexAt(e2) {
return this.rangeMap.indexAt(e2);
indexAfter(e2) {
return this.rangeMap.indexAfter(e2);
layout(e2, t2) {
let n2 = {height: "number" == typeof e2 ? e2 : s.A(this.domNode)};
this.scrollableElementUpdateDisposable && (this.scrollableElementUpdateDisposable.dispose(), this.scrollableElementUpdateDisposable = null, n2.scrollHeight = this.scrollHeight), this.scrollableElement.setScrollDimensions(n2), void 0 !== t2 && (this.renderWidth = t2, this.supportDynamicHeights && this._rerender(this.scrollTop, this.renderHeight), this.horizontalScrolling && this.scrollableElement.setScrollDimensions({width: "number" == typeof t2 ? t2 : s.B(this.domNode)}));
render(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2 = false) {
const s2 = this.getRenderRange(t2, n2), a2 = h.a.relativeComplement(s2, e2), l2 = h.a.relativeComplement(e2, s2), c2 = this.getNextToLastElement(a2);
if (r2) {
const t3 = h.a.intersect(e2, s2);
for (let e3 = t3.start; e3 < t3.end; e3++)
this.updateItemInDOM(this.items[e3], e3);
for (const e3 of a2)
for (let t3 = e3.start; t3 < e3.end; t3++)
this.insertItemInDOM(t3, c2);
for (const e3 of l2)
for (let t3 = e3.start; t3 < e3.end; t3++)
void 0 !== i2 && ( = `-${i2}px`), = `-${t2}px`, this.horizontalScrolling && void 0 !== o2 && ( = Math.max(o2, this.renderWidth) + "px"), this.lastRenderTop = t2, this.lastRenderHeight = n2;
insertItemInDOM(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.items[e2];
if (!n2.row) {
n2.row = this.cache.alloc(n2.templateId);
const e3 = this.accessibilityProvider.getRole(n2.element) || "listitem";
n2.row.domNode.setAttribute("role", e3);
const t3 = this.accessibilityProvider.isChecked(n2.element);
void 0 !== t3 && n2.row.domNode.setAttribute("aria-checked", String(!!t3));
n2.row.domNode.parentElement || (t2 ? this.rowsContainer.insertBefore(n2.row.domNode, t2) : this.rowsContainer.appendChild(n2.row.domNode)), this.updateItemInDOM(n2, e2);
const i2 = this.renderers.get(n2.templateId);
if (!i2)
throw new Error("No renderer found for template id " + n2.templateId);
i2 && i2.renderElement(n2.element, e2, n2.row.templateData, n2.size);
const o2 = this.dnd.getDragURI(n2.element);
if (n2.dragStartDisposable.dispose(), n2.row.domNode.draggable = !!o2, o2) {
const e3 = Object(l.a)(n2.row.domNode, "dragstart");
n2.dragStartDisposable = e3((e4) => this.onDragStart(n2.element, o2, e4));
this.horizontalScrolling && (this.measureItemWidth(n2), this.eventuallyUpdateScrollWidth());
measureItemWidth(e2) {
if (!e2.row || !e2.row.domNode)
return; = w.h ? "-moz-fit-content" : "fit-content", e2.width = s.B(e2.row.domNode);
const t2 = window.getComputedStyle(e2.row.domNode);
t2.paddingLeft && (e2.width += parseFloat(t2.paddingLeft)), t2.paddingRight && (e2.width += parseFloat(t2.paddingRight)), = "";
updateItemInDOM(e2, t2) { = this.elementTop(t2) + "px", this.setRowHeight && ( = e2.size + "px"), this.setRowLineHeight && ( = e2.size + "px"), e2.row.domNode.setAttribute("data-index", "" + t2), e2.row.domNode.setAttribute("data-last-element", t2 === this.length - 1 ? "true" : "false"), e2.row.domNode.setAttribute("aria-setsize", String(this.accessibilityProvider.getSetSize(e2.element, t2, this.length))), e2.row.domNode.setAttribute("aria-posinset", String(this.accessibilityProvider.getPosInSet(e2.element, t2))), e2.row.domNode.setAttribute("id", this.getElementDomId(t2)), s.ab(e2.row.domNode, "drop-target", e2.dropTarget);
removeItemFromDOM(e2) {
const t2 = this.items[e2];
const n2 = this.renderers.get(t2.templateId);
t2.row && n2 && n2.disposeElement && n2.disposeElement(t2.element, e2, t2.row.templateData, t2.size), this.cache.release(t2.row), t2.row = null, this.horizontalScrolling && this.eventuallyUpdateScrollWidth();
getScrollTop() {
return this.scrollableElement.getScrollPosition().scrollTop;
setScrollTop(e2) {
this.scrollableElementUpdateDisposable && (this.scrollableElementUpdateDisposable.dispose(), this.scrollableElementUpdateDisposable = null, this.scrollableElement.setScrollDimensions({scrollHeight: this.scrollHeight})), this.scrollableElement.setScrollPosition({scrollTop: e2});
get scrollTop() {
return this.getScrollTop();
set scrollTop(e2) {
get scrollHeight() {
return this._scrollHeight + (this.horizontalScrolling ? 10 : 0) + this.additionalScrollHeight;
get onMouseClick() {
return, "click"), (e2) => this.toMouseEvent(e2));
get onMouseDblClick() {
return, "dblclick"), (e2) => this.toMouseEvent(e2));
get onMouseMiddleClick() {
return a.b.filter(, "auxclick"), (e2) => this.toMouseEvent(e2)), (e2) => 1 === e2.browserEvent.button);
get onMouseDown() {
return, "mousedown"), (e2) => this.toMouseEvent(e2));
get onContextMenu() {
return, "contextmenu"), (e2) => this.toMouseEvent(e2));
get onTouchStart() {
return, "touchstart"), (e2) => this.toTouchEvent(e2));
get onTap() {
return, r.a.Tap), (e2) => this.toGestureEvent(e2));
toMouseEvent(e2) {
const t2 = this.getItemIndexFromEventTarget( || null), n2 = void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : this.items[t2];
return {browserEvent: e2, index: t2, element: n2 && n2.element};
toTouchEvent(e2) {
const t2 = this.getItemIndexFromEventTarget( || null), n2 = void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : this.items[t2];
return {browserEvent: e2, index: t2, element: n2 && n2.element};
toGestureEvent(e2) {
const t2 = this.getItemIndexFromEventTarget(e2.initialTarget || null), n2 = void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : this.items[t2];
return {browserEvent: e2, index: t2, element: n2 && n2.element};
toDragEvent(e2) {
const t2 = this.getItemIndexFromEventTarget( || null), n2 = void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : this.items[t2];
return {browserEvent: e2, index: t2, element: n2 && n2.element};
onScroll(e2) {
try {
const t2 = this.getRenderRange(this.lastRenderTop, this.lastRenderHeight);
this.render(t2, e2.scrollTop, e2.height, e2.scrollLeft, e2.scrollWidth), this.supportDynamicHeights && this._rerender(e2.scrollTop, e2.height);
} catch (t2) {
throw console.error("Got bad scroll event:", e2), t2;
onTouchChange(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this.scrollTop -= e2.translationY;
onDragStart(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!n2.dataTransfer)
const i2 = this.dnd.getDragElements(e2);
if (n2.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "copyMove", n2.dataTransfer.setData(_.a.RESOURCES, JSON.stringify([t2])), n2.dataTransfer.setDragImage) {
let e3;
this.dnd.getDragLabel && (e3 = this.dnd.getDragLabel(i2, n2)), void 0 === e3 && (e3 = String(i2.length));
const t3 = s.a(".monaco-drag-image");
t3.textContent = e3, document.body.appendChild(t3), n2.dataTransfer.setDragImage(t3, -10, -10), setTimeout(() => document.body.removeChild(t3), 0);
this.currentDragData = new x(i2), _.c.CurrentDragAndDropData = new S(i2), this.dnd.onDragStart && this.dnd.onDragStart(this.currentDragData, n2);
onDragOver(e2) {
if (e2.browserEvent.preventDefault(), this.onDragLeaveTimeout.dispose(), _.c.CurrentDragAndDropData && "vscode-ui" === _.c.CurrentDragAndDropData.getData())
return false;
if (this.setupDragAndDropScrollTopAnimation(e2.browserEvent), !e2.browserEvent.dataTransfer)
return false;
if (!this.currentDragData)
if (_.c.CurrentDragAndDropData)
this.currentDragData = _.c.CurrentDragAndDropData;
else {
if (!e2.browserEvent.dataTransfer.types)
return false;
this.currentDragData = new k();
const t2 = this.dnd.onDragOver(this.currentDragData, e2.element, e2.index, e2.browserEvent);
if (this.canDrop = "boolean" == typeof t2 ? t2 : t2.accept, !this.canDrop)
return this.currentDragFeedback = void 0, this.currentDragFeedbackDisposable.dispose(), false;
let n2;
if (e2.browserEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "boolean" != typeof t2 && 0 === t2.effect ? "copy" : "move", n2 = "boolean" != typeof t2 && ? : void 0 === e2.index ? [-1] : [e2.index], n2 = Object(b.e)(n2).filter((e3) => e3 >= -1 && e3 < this.length).sort((e3, t3) => e3 - t3), n2 = -1 === n2[0] ? [-1] : n2, i2 = this.currentDragFeedback, r2 = n2, Array.isArray(i2) && Array.isArray(r2) ? Object(b.g)(i2, r2) : i2 === r2)
return true;
var i2, r2;
if (this.currentDragFeedback = n2, this.currentDragFeedbackDisposable.dispose(), -1 === n2[0])
s.e(this.domNode, "drop-target"), s.e(this.rowsContainer, "drop-target"), this.currentDragFeedbackDisposable = Object(o.h)(() => {
s.Q(this.domNode, "drop-target"), s.Q(this.rowsContainer, "drop-target");
else {
for (const e3 of n2) {
const t3 = this.items[e3];
t3.dropTarget = true, t3.row && t3.row.domNode && s.e(t3.row.domNode, "drop-target");
this.currentDragFeedbackDisposable = Object(o.h)(() => {
for (const e3 of n2) {
const t3 = this.items[e3];
t3.dropTarget = false, t3.row && t3.row.domNode && s.Q(t3.row.domNode, "drop-target");
return true;
onDragLeave() {
this.onDragLeaveTimeout.dispose(), this.onDragLeaveTimeout = Object(v.g)(() => this.clearDragOverFeedback(), 100);
onDrop(e2) {
if (!this.canDrop)
const t2 = this.currentDragData;
this.teardownDragAndDropScrollTopAnimation(), this.clearDragOverFeedback(), this.currentDragData = void 0, _.c.CurrentDragAndDropData = void 0, t2 && e2.browserEvent.dataTransfer && (e2.browserEvent.preventDefault(), t2.update(e2.browserEvent.dataTransfer), this.dnd.drop(t2, e2.element, e2.index, e2.browserEvent));
onDragEnd(e2) {
this.canDrop = false, this.teardownDragAndDropScrollTopAnimation(), this.clearDragOverFeedback(), this.currentDragData = void 0, _.c.CurrentDragAndDropData = void 0, this.dnd.onDragEnd && this.dnd.onDragEnd(e2);
clearDragOverFeedback() {
this.currentDragFeedback = void 0, this.currentDragFeedbackDisposable.dispose(), this.currentDragFeedbackDisposable = o.a.None;
setupDragAndDropScrollTopAnimation(e2) {
if (!this.dragOverAnimationDisposable) {
const e3 = s.F(this.domNode).top;
this.dragOverAnimationDisposable = s.o(this.animateDragAndDropScrollTop.bind(this, e3));
this.dragOverAnimationStopDisposable.dispose(), this.dragOverAnimationStopDisposable = Object(v.g)(() => {
this.dragOverAnimationDisposable && (this.dragOverAnimationDisposable.dispose(), this.dragOverAnimationDisposable = void 0);
}, 1e3), this.dragOverMouseY = e2.pageY;
animateDragAndDropScrollTop(e2) {
if (void 0 === this.dragOverMouseY)
const t2 = this.dragOverMouseY - e2, n2 = this.renderHeight - 35;
t2 < 35 ? this.scrollTop += Math.max(-14, Math.floor(0.3 * (t2 - 35))) : t2 > n2 && (this.scrollTop += Math.min(14, Math.floor(0.3 * (t2 - n2))));
teardownDragAndDropScrollTopAnimation() {
this.dragOverAnimationStopDisposable.dispose(), this.dragOverAnimationDisposable && (this.dragOverAnimationDisposable.dispose(), this.dragOverAnimationDisposable = void 0);
getItemIndexFromEventTarget(e2) {
const t2 = this.scrollableElement.getDomNode();
let n2 = e2;
for (; n2 instanceof HTMLElement && n2 !== this.rowsContainer && t2.contains(n2); ) {
const e3 = n2.getAttribute("data-index");
if (e3) {
const t3 = Number(e3);
if (!isNaN(t3))
return t3;
n2 = n2.parentElement;
getRenderRange(e2, t2) {
return {start: this.rangeMap.indexAt(e2), end: this.rangeMap.indexAfter(e2 + t2 - 1)};
_rerender(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.getRenderRange(e2, t2);
let i2, o2;
e2 === this.elementTop(n2.start) ? (i2 = n2.start, o2 = 0) : n2.end - n2.start > 1 && (i2 = n2.start + 1, o2 = this.elementTop(i2) - e2);
let r2 = 0;
for (; ; ) {
const s2 = this.getRenderRange(e2, t2);
let a2 = false;
for (let e3 = s2.start; e3 < s2.end; e3++) {
const t3 = this.probeDynamicHeight(e3);
0 !== t3 && this.rangeMap.splice(e3, 1, [this.items[e3]]), r2 += t3, a2 = a2 || 0 !== t3;
if (!a2) {
0 !== r2 && this.eventuallyUpdateScrollDimensions();
const e3 = h.a.relativeComplement(n2, s2);
for (const t4 of e3)
for (let e4 = t4.start; e4 < t4.end; e4++)
this.items[e4].row && this.removeItemFromDOM(e4);
const t3 = h.a.relativeComplement(s2, n2);
for (const e4 of t3)
for (let t4 = e4.start; t4 < e4.end; t4++) {
const e5 = t4 + 1, n3 = e5 < this.items.length ? this.items[e5].row : null, i3 = n3 ? n3.domNode : null;
this.insertItemInDOM(t4, i3);
for (let e4 = s2.start; e4 < s2.end; e4++)
this.items[e4].row && this.updateItemInDOM(this.items[e4], e4);
return "number" == typeof i2 && (this.scrollTop = this.elementTop(i2) - o2), void;
probeDynamicHeight(e2) {
const t2 = this.items[e2];
if (!t2.hasDynamicHeight || t2.lastDynamicHeightWidth === this.renderWidth)
return 0;
if (this.virtualDelegate.hasDynamicHeight && !this.virtualDelegate.hasDynamicHeight(t2.element))
return 0;
const n2 = t2.size;
if (!this.setRowHeight && t2.row && t2.row.domNode) {
let e3 = t2.row.domNode.offsetHeight;
return t2.size = e3, t2.lastDynamicHeightWidth = this.renderWidth, e3 - n2;
const i2 = this.cache.alloc(t2.templateId); = "", this.rowsContainer.appendChild(i2.domNode);
const o2 = this.renderers.get(t2.templateId);
return o2 && (o2.renderElement(t2.element, e2, i2.templateData, void 0), o2.disposeElement && o2.disposeElement(t2.element, e2, i2.templateData, void 0)), t2.size = i2.domNode.offsetHeight, this.virtualDelegate.setDynamicHeight && this.virtualDelegate.setDynamicHeight(t2.element, t2.size), t2.lastDynamicHeightWidth = this.renderWidth, this.rowsContainer.removeChild(i2.domNode), this.cache.release(i2), t2.size - n2;
getNextToLastElement(e2) {
const t2 = e2[e2.length - 1];
if (!t2)
return null;
const n2 = this.items[t2.end];
return n2 && n2.row ? n2.row.domNode : null;
getElementDomId(e2) {
return `${this.domId}_${e2}`;
dispose() {
if (this.items) {
for (const e2 of this.items)
if (e2.row) {
const t2 = this.renderers.get(e2.row.templateId);
t2 && t2.disposeTemplate(e2.row.templateData);
this.items = [];
this.domNode && this.domNode.parentNode && this.domNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.domNode), Object(o.f)(this.disposables);
T.InstanceCount = 0, y([f.a], T.prototype, "onMouseClick", null), y([f.a], T.prototype, "onMouseDblClick", null), y([f.a], T.prototype, "onMouseMiddleClick", null), y([f.a], T.prototype, "onMouseDown", null), y([f.a], T.prototype, "onContextMenu", null), y([f.a], T.prototype, "onTouchStart", null), y([f.a], T.prototype, "onTap", null);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
class i {
constructor(e2, t2 = [], n2 = false) {
this.ctor = e2, this.staticArguments = t2, this.supportsDelayedInstantiation = n2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return ji;
var i = n(0), o = n(1), r = n(13), s = n(6), a = n(2), l = n(45), c = n(87), d = n(4), h = n(41), u = n(21), p = n(35), m = n(11), g = n(61), f = n(69), b = n(20), _ = n(34), v = n(103);
class w {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.x = e2, this.y = t2;
toClientCoordinates() {
return new y(this.x - o.d.scrollX, this.y - o.d.scrollY);
class y {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.clientX = e2, this.clientY = t2;
toPageCoordinates() {
return new w(this.clientX + o.d.scrollX, this.clientY + o.d.scrollY);
class C {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.x = e2, this.y = t2, this.width = n2, this.height = i2;
function x(e2) {
const t2 = o.C(e2);
return new C(t2.left,, t2.width, t2.height);
class S extends f.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2), this.pos = new w(this.posx, this.posy), this.editorPos = x(t2);
class k {
constructor(e2) {
this._editorViewDomNode = e2;
_create(e2) {
return new S(e2, this._editorViewDomNode);
onContextMenu(e2, t2) {
return o.i(e2, "contextmenu", (e3) => {
onMouseUp(e2, t2) {
return o.i(e2, "mouseup", (e3) => {
onMouseDown(e2, t2) {
return o.i(e2, "mousedown", (e3) => {
onMouseLeave(e2, t2) {
return o.j(e2, (e3) => {
onMouseMoveThrottled(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return o.l(e2, "mousemove", t2, (e3, t3) => n2(e3, this._create(t3)), i2);
class E {
constructor(e2) {
this._editorViewDomNode = e2;
_create(e2) {
return new S(e2, this._editorViewDomNode);
onPointerUp(e2, t2) {
return o.i(e2, "pointerup", (e3) => {
onPointerDown(e2, t2) {
return o.i(e2, "pointerdown", (e3) => {
onPointerLeave(e2, t2) {
return o.k(e2, (e3) => {
onPointerMoveThrottled(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return o.l(e2, "pointermove", t2, (e3, t3) => n2(e3, this._create(t3)), i2);
class T extends a.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._editorViewDomNode = e2, this._globalMouseMoveMonitor = this._register(new v.a()), this._keydownListener = null;
startMonitoring(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2) {
this._keydownListener = o.n(document, "keydown", (e3) => {
e3.toKeybinding().isModifierKey() || this._globalMouseMoveMonitor.stopMonitoring(true);
}, true);
this._globalMouseMoveMonitor.startMonitoring(e2, t2, (e3, t3) => n2(e3, new S(t3, this._editorViewDomNode)), i2, () => {
this._keydownListener.dispose(), r2();
class L extends a.a {
constructor() {
super(), this._shouldRender = true;
shouldRender() {
return this._shouldRender;
forceShouldRender() {
this._shouldRender = true;
setShouldRender() {
this._shouldRender = true;
onDidRender() {
this._shouldRender = false;
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
return false;
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
return false;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return false;
onFlushed(e2) {
return false;
onFocusChanged(e2) {
return false;
onLanguageConfigurationChanged(e2) {
return false;
onLineMappingChanged(e2) {
return false;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return false;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return false;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return false;
onRevealRangeRequest(e2) {
return false;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return false;
onThemeChanged(e2) {
return false;
onTokensChanged(e2) {
return false;
onTokensColorsChanged(e2) {
return false;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return false;
handleEvents(e2) {
let t2 = false;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
let i3 = e2[n2];
switch (i3.type) {
case 0:
this.onConfigurationChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 1:
this.onCursorStateChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 2:
this.onDecorationsChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 3:
this.onFlushed(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 4:
this.onFocusChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 5:
this.onLanguageConfigurationChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 6:
this.onLineMappingChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 7:
this.onLinesChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 8:
this.onLinesDeleted(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 9:
this.onLinesInserted(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 10:
this.onRevealRangeRequest(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 11:
this.onScrollChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 13:
this.onTokensChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 12:
this.onThemeChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 14:
this.onTokensColorsChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
case 15:
this.onZonesChanged(i3) && (t2 = true);
default:"View received unknown event: "),;
t2 && (this._shouldRender = true);
class N extends L {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._context = e2, this._context.addEventHandler(this);
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), super.dispose();
class I {
static write(e2, t2) {
p.a, e2.setAttribute("data-mprt", String(t2));
static read(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getAttribute("data-mprt");
return null === t2 ? 0 : parseInt(t2, 10);
static collect(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [], i2 = 0;
for (; e2 && e2 !== document.body && e2 !== t2; )
e2.nodeType === e2.ELEMENT_NODE && (n2[i2++] =, e2 = e2.parentElement;
const o2 = new Uint8Array(i2);
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < i2; e3++)
o2[e3] = n2[i2 - e3 - 1];
return o2;
class O extends class {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._viewLayout = e2, this.viewportData = t2, this.scrollWidth = this._viewLayout.getScrollWidth(), this.scrollHeight = this._viewLayout.getScrollHeight(), this.visibleRange = this.viewportData.visibleRange, this.bigNumbersDelta = this.viewportData.bigNumbersDelta;
const n2 = this._viewLayout.getCurrentViewport();
this.scrollTop =, this.scrollLeft = n2.left, this.viewportWidth = n2.width, this.viewportHeight = n2.height;
getScrolledTopFromAbsoluteTop(e2) {
return e2 - this.scrollTop;
getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e2) {
return this._viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e2);
getDecorationsInViewport() {
return this.viewportData.getDecorationsInViewport();
} {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, t2), this._viewLines = n2;
linesVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2) {
return this._viewLines.linesVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2);
visibleRangeForPosition(e2) {
return this._viewLines.visibleRangeForPosition(e2);
class D {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.outsideRenderedLine = e2, this.lineNumber = t2, this.ranges = n2;
class A {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.left = Math.round(e2), this.width = Math.round(t2);
toString() {
return `[${this.left},${this.width}]`;
class R {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.outsideRenderedLine = e2, this.left = Math.round(t2);
class M {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.outsideRenderedLine = e2, this.ranges = t2;
class P {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.left = e2, this.width = t2;
toString() {
return `[${this.left},${this.width}]`;
static compare(e2, t2) {
return e2.left - t2.left;
class F {
static _createRange() {
return this._handyReadyRange || (this._handyReadyRange = document.createRange()), this._handyReadyRange;
static _detachRange(e2, t2) {
static _readClientRects(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = this._createRange();
try {
return r2.setStart(e2, t2), r2.setEnd(n2, i2), r2.getClientRects();
} catch (e3) {
return null;
} finally {
this._detachRange(r2, o2);
static _mergeAdjacentRanges(e2) {
if (1 === e2.length)
return [new A(e2[0].left, e2[0].width)];
let t2 = [], n2 = 0, i2 = e2[0].left, o2 = e2[0].width;
for (let r2 = 1, s2 = e2.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
const s3 = e2[r2], a2 = s3.left, l2 = s3.width;
i2 + o2 + 0.9 >= a2 ? o2 = Math.max(o2, a2 + l2 - i2) : (t2[n2++] = new A(i2, o2), i2 = a2, o2 = l2);
return t2[n2++] = new A(i2, o2), t2;
static _createHorizontalRangesFromClientRects(e2, t2) {
if (!e2 || 0 === e2.length)
return null;
const n2 = [];
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
const o3 = e2[i2];
n2[i2] = new P(Math.max(0, o3.left - t2), o3.width);
return this._mergeAdjacentRanges(n2);
static readHorizontalRanges(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
const a2 = e2.children.length - 1;
if (0 > a2)
return null;
if ((t2 = Math.min(a2, Math.max(0, t2))) === (i2 = Math.min(a2, Math.max(0, i2))) && n2 === o2 && 0 === n2) {
const n3 = e2.children[t2].getClientRects();
return this._createHorizontalRangesFromClientRects(n3, r2);
t2 !== i2 && i2 > 0 && 0 === o2 && (i2--, o2 = 1073741824);
let l2 = e2.children[t2].firstChild, c2 = e2.children[i2].firstChild;
if (l2 && c2 || (!l2 && 0 === n2 && t2 > 0 && (l2 = e2.children[t2 - 1].firstChild, n2 = 1073741824), !c2 && 0 === o2 && i2 > 0 && (c2 = e2.children[i2 - 1].firstChild, o2 = 1073741824)), !l2 || !c2)
return null;
n2 = Math.min(l2.textContent.length, Math.max(0, n2)), o2 = Math.min(c2.textContent.length, Math.max(0, o2));
const d2 = this._readClientRects(l2, n2, c2, o2, s2);
return this._createHorizontalRangesFromClientRects(d2, r2);
var W = n(155), z = n(91), B = n(19), j = n(26);
const V = !!m.g || !(m.d || _.h || _.j);
let U = true;
const H = _.f;
class q {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._domNode = e2, this._clientRectDeltaLeft = 0, this._clientRectDeltaLeftRead = false, this.endNode = t2;
get clientRectDeltaLeft() {
return this._clientRectDeltaLeftRead || (this._clientRectDeltaLeftRead = true, this._clientRectDeltaLeft = this._domNode.getBoundingClientRect().left), this._clientRectDeltaLeft;
class $ {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.themeType = t2;
const n2 = e2.options, i2 = n2.get(36);
this.renderWhitespace = n2.get(80), this.renderControlCharacters = n2.get(74), this.spaceWidth = i2.spaceWidth, this.middotWidth = i2.middotWidth, this.wsmiddotWidth = i2.wsmiddotWidth, this.useMonospaceOptimizations = i2.isMonospace && !n2.get(24), this.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow = i2.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow, this.lineHeight = n2.get(51), this.stopRenderingLineAfter = n2.get(95), this.fontLigatures = n2.get(37);
equals(e2) {
return this.themeType === e2.themeType && this.renderWhitespace === e2.renderWhitespace && this.renderControlCharacters === e2.renderControlCharacters && this.spaceWidth === e2.spaceWidth && this.middotWidth === e2.middotWidth && this.wsmiddotWidth === e2.wsmiddotWidth && this.useMonospaceOptimizations === e2.useMonospaceOptimizations && this.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow === e2.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow && this.lineHeight === e2.lineHeight && this.stopRenderingLineAfter === e2.stopRenderingLineAfter && this.fontLigatures === e2.fontLigatures;
class K {
constructor(e2) {
this._options = e2, this._isMaybeInvalid = true, this._renderedViewLine = null;
getDomNode() {
return this._renderedViewLine && this._renderedViewLine.domNode ? this._renderedViewLine.domNode.domNode : null;
setDomNode(e2) {
if (!this._renderedViewLine)
throw new Error("I have no rendered view line to set the dom node to...");
this._renderedViewLine.domNode = Object(p.b)(e2);
onContentChanged() {
this._isMaybeInvalid = true;
onTokensChanged() {
this._isMaybeInvalid = true;
onDecorationsChanged() {
this._isMaybeInvalid = true;
onOptionsChanged(e2) {
this._isMaybeInvalid = true, this._options = e2;
onSelectionChanged() {
return !(!H && this._options.themeType !== B.b && "selection" !== this._options.renderWhitespace) && (this._isMaybeInvalid = true, true);
renderLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (false === this._isMaybeInvalid)
return false;
this._isMaybeInvalid = false;
const o2 = n2.getViewLineRenderingData(e2), r2 = this._options, s2 = W.a.filter(o2.inlineDecorations, e2, o2.minColumn, o2.maxColumn);
let a2 = null;
if (H || r2.themeType === B.b || "selection" === this._options.renderWhitespace) {
const t3 = n2.selections;
for (const n3 of t3) {
if (n3.endLineNumber < e2 || n3.startLineNumber > e2)
const t4 = n3.startLineNumber === e2 ? n3.startColumn : o2.minColumn, i3 = n3.endLineNumber === e2 ? n3.endColumn : o2.maxColumn;
t4 < i3 && (r2.themeType === B.b || "selection" !== this._options.renderWhitespace ? s2.push(new W.a(t4, i3, "inline-selected-text", 0)) : (a2 || (a2 = []), a2.push(new z.b(t4 - 1, i3 - 1))));
const l2 = new z.c(r2.useMonospaceOptimizations, r2.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow, o2.content, o2.continuesWithWrappedLine, o2.isBasicASCII, o2.containsRTL, o2.minColumn - 1, o2.tokens, s2, o2.tabSize, o2.startVisibleColumn, r2.spaceWidth, r2.middotWidth, r2.wsmiddotWidth, r2.stopRenderingLineAfter, r2.renderWhitespace, r2.renderControlCharacters, r2.fontLigatures !== j.e.OFF, a2);
if (this._renderedViewLine && this._renderedViewLine.input.equals(l2))
return false;
i2.appendASCIIString('<div style="top:'), i2.appendASCIIString(String(t2)), i2.appendASCIIString("px;height:"), i2.appendASCIIString(String(this._options.lineHeight)), i2.appendASCIIString('px;" class="'), i2.appendASCIIString(K.CLASS_NAME), i2.appendASCIIString('">');
const c2 = Object(z.d)(l2, i2);
let d2 = null;
return U && V && o2.isBasicASCII && r2.useMonospaceOptimizations && 0 === c2.containsForeignElements && o2.content.length < 300 && l2.lineTokens.getCount() < 100 && (d2 = new G(this._renderedViewLine ? this._renderedViewLine.domNode : null, l2, c2.characterMapping)), d2 || (d2 = X(this._renderedViewLine ? this._renderedViewLine.domNode : null, l2, c2.characterMapping, c2.containsRTL, c2.containsForeignElements)), this._renderedViewLine = d2, true;
layoutLine(e2, t2) {
this._renderedViewLine && this._renderedViewLine.domNode && (this._renderedViewLine.domNode.setTop(t2), this._renderedViewLine.domNode.setHeight(this._options.lineHeight));
getWidth() {
return this._renderedViewLine ? this._renderedViewLine.getWidth() : 0;
getWidthIsFast() {
return !this._renderedViewLine || this._renderedViewLine.getWidthIsFast();
needsMonospaceFontCheck() {
return !!this._renderedViewLine && this._renderedViewLine instanceof G;
monospaceAssumptionsAreValid() {
return this._renderedViewLine && this._renderedViewLine instanceof G ? this._renderedViewLine.monospaceAssumptionsAreValid() : U;
onMonospaceAssumptionsInvalidated() {
this._renderedViewLine && this._renderedViewLine instanceof G && (this._renderedViewLine = this._renderedViewLine.toSlowRenderedLine());
getVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this._renderedViewLine)
return null;
e2 |= 0, t2 |= 0, e2 = Math.min(this._renderedViewLine.input.lineContent.length + 1, Math.max(1, e2)), t2 = Math.min(this._renderedViewLine.input.lineContent.length + 1, Math.max(1, t2));
const i2 = 0 | this._renderedViewLine.input.stopRenderingLineAfter;
let o2 = false;
-1 !== i2 && e2 > i2 + 1 && t2 > i2 + 1 && (o2 = true), -1 !== i2 && e2 > i2 + 1 && (e2 = i2 + 1), -1 !== i2 && t2 > i2 + 1 && (t2 = i2 + 1);
const r2 = this._renderedViewLine.getVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2, n2);
return r2 && r2.length > 0 ? new M(o2, r2) : null;
getColumnOfNodeOffset(e2, t2, n2) {
return this._renderedViewLine ? this._renderedViewLine.getColumnOfNodeOffset(e2, t2, n2) : 1;
K.CLASS_NAME = "view-line";
class G {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.domNode = e2, this.input = t2, this._characterMapping = n2, this._charWidth = t2.spaceWidth;
getWidth() {
return this._getCharPosition(this._characterMapping.length);
getWidthIsFast() {
return true;
monospaceAssumptionsAreValid() {
if (!this.domNode)
return U;
const e2 = this.getWidth(), t2 = this.domNode.domNode.firstChild.offsetWidth;
return Math.abs(e2 - t2) >= 2 && (console.warn("monospace assumptions have been violated, therefore disabling monospace optimizations!"), U = false), U;
toSlowRenderedLine() {
return X(this.domNode, this.input, this._characterMapping, false, 0);
getVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this._getCharPosition(e2), o2 = this._getCharPosition(t2);
return [new A(i2, o2 - i2)];
_getCharPosition(e2) {
const t2 = this._characterMapping.getAbsoluteOffsets();
return 0 === t2.length ? 0 : Math.round(this._charWidth * t2[e2 - 1]);
getColumnOfNodeOffset(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.textContent.length;
let o2 = -1;
for (; t2; )
t2 = t2.previousSibling, o2++;
return this._characterMapping.partDataToCharOffset(o2, i2, n2) + 1;
class Y {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (this.domNode = e2, this.input = t2, this._characterMapping = n2, this._isWhitespaceOnly = /^\s*$/.test(t2.lineContent), this._containsForeignElements = o2, this._cachedWidth = -1, this._pixelOffsetCache = null, !i2 || 0 === this._characterMapping.length) {
this._pixelOffsetCache = new Int32Array(Math.max(2, this._characterMapping.length + 1));
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = this._characterMapping.length; e3 <= t3; e3++)
this._pixelOffsetCache[e3] = -1;
_getReadingTarget(e2) {
return e2.domNode.firstChild;
getWidth() {
return this.domNode ? (-1 === this._cachedWidth && (this._cachedWidth = this._getReadingTarget(this.domNode).offsetWidth), this._cachedWidth) : 0;
getWidthIsFast() {
return -1 !== this._cachedWidth;
getVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this.domNode)
return null;
if (null !== this._pixelOffsetCache) {
const i2 = this._readPixelOffset(this.domNode, e2, n2);
if (-1 === i2)
return null;
const o2 = this._readPixelOffset(this.domNode, t2, n2);
return -1 === o2 ? null : [new A(i2, o2 - i2)];
return this._readVisibleRangesForRange(this.domNode, e2, t2, n2);
_readVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (t2 === n2) {
const n3 = this._readPixelOffset(e2, t2, i2);
return -1 === n3 ? null : [new A(n3, 0)];
return this._readRawVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2, n2, i2);
_readPixelOffset(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === this._characterMapping.length) {
if (0 === this._containsForeignElements)
return 0;
if (2 === this._containsForeignElements)
return 0;
if (1 === this._containsForeignElements)
return this.getWidth();
const t3 = this._getReadingTarget(e2);
return t3.firstChild ? t3.firstChild.offsetWidth : 0;
if (null !== this._pixelOffsetCache) {
const i2 = this._pixelOffsetCache[t2];
if (-1 !== i2)
return i2;
const o2 = this._actualReadPixelOffset(e2, t2, n2);
return this._pixelOffsetCache[t2] = o2, o2;
return this._actualReadPixelOffset(e2, t2, n2);
_actualReadPixelOffset(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === this._characterMapping.length) {
const t3 = F.readHorizontalRanges(this._getReadingTarget(e2), 0, 0, 0, 0, n2.clientRectDeltaLeft, n2.endNode);
return t3 && 0 !== t3.length ? t3[0].left : -1;
if (t2 === this._characterMapping.length && this._isWhitespaceOnly && 0 === this._containsForeignElements)
return this.getWidth();
const i2 = this._characterMapping.charOffsetToPartData(t2 - 1), o2 = z.a.getPartIndex(i2), r2 = z.a.getCharIndex(i2), s2 = F.readHorizontalRanges(this._getReadingTarget(e2), o2, r2, o2, r2, n2.clientRectDeltaLeft, n2.endNode);
if (!s2 || 0 === s2.length)
return -1;
const a2 = s2[0].left;
if (this.input.isBasicASCII) {
const e3 = this._characterMapping.getAbsoluteOffsets(), n3 = Math.round(this.input.spaceWidth * e3[t2 - 1]);
if (Math.abs(n3 - a2) <= 1)
return n3;
return a2;
_readRawVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (1 === t2 && n2 === this._characterMapping.length)
return [new A(0, this.getWidth())];
const o2 = this._characterMapping.charOffsetToPartData(t2 - 1), r2 = z.a.getPartIndex(o2), s2 = z.a.getCharIndex(o2), a2 = this._characterMapping.charOffsetToPartData(n2 - 1), l2 = z.a.getPartIndex(a2), c2 = z.a.getCharIndex(a2);
return F.readHorizontalRanges(this._getReadingTarget(e2), r2, s2, l2, c2, i2.clientRectDeltaLeft, i2.endNode);
getColumnOfNodeOffset(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.textContent.length;
let o2 = -1;
for (; t2; )
t2 = t2.previousSibling, o2++;
return this._characterMapping.partDataToCharOffset(o2, i2, n2) + 1;
class Z extends Y {
_readVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = super._readVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2, n2, i2);
if (!o2 || 0 === o2.length || t2 === n2 || 1 === t2 && n2 === this._characterMapping.length)
return o2;
if (!this.input.containsRTL) {
const t3 = this._readPixelOffset(e2, n2, i2);
if (-1 !== t3) {
const e3 = o2[o2.length - 1];
e3.left < t3 && (e3.width = t3 - e3.left);
return o2;
const X = _.l ? Q : J;
function Q(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return new Z(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
function J(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return new Y(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
var ee = n(9), te = n(3), ne = n(22);
class ie {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.lastViewCursorsRenderData = e2, this.lastTextareaPosition = t2;
class oe {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = 0, i2 = null, o2 = null, r2 = null) {
this.element = e2, this.type = t2, this.mouseColumn = n2, this.position = i2, !o2 && i2 && (o2 = new te.a(i2.lineNumber, i2.column, i2.lineNumber, i2.column)), this.range = o2, this.detail = r2;
static _typeToString(e2) {
return 1 === e2 ? "TEXTAREA" : 2 === e2 ? "GUTTER_GLYPH_MARGIN" : 3 === e2 ? "GUTTER_LINE_NUMBERS" : 4 === e2 ? "GUTTER_LINE_DECORATIONS" : 5 === e2 ? "GUTTER_VIEW_ZONE" : 6 === e2 ? "CONTENT_TEXT" : 7 === e2 ? "CONTENT_EMPTY" : 8 === e2 ? "CONTENT_VIEW_ZONE" : 9 === e2 ? "CONTENT_WIDGET" : 10 === e2 ? "OVERVIEW_RULER" : 11 === e2 ? "SCROLLBAR" : 12 === e2 ? "OVERLAY_WIDGET" : "UNKNOWN";
static toString(e2) {
return this._typeToString(e2.type) + ": " + e2.position + " - " + e2.range + " - " + e2.detail;
toString() {
return oe.toString(this);
class re {
static isTextArea(e2) {
return 2 === e2.length && 3 === e2[0] && 6 === e2[1];
static isChildOfViewLines(e2) {
return e2.length >= 4 && 3 === e2[0] && 7 === e2[3];
static isStrictChildOfViewLines(e2) {
return e2.length > 4 && 3 === e2[0] && 7 === e2[3];
static isChildOfScrollableElement(e2) {
return e2.length >= 2 && 3 === e2[0] && 5 === e2[1];
static isChildOfMinimap(e2) {
return e2.length >= 2 && 3 === e2[0] && 8 === e2[1];
static isChildOfContentWidgets(e2) {
return e2.length >= 4 && 3 === e2[0] && 1 === e2[3];
static isChildOfOverflowingContentWidgets(e2) {
return e2.length >= 1 && 2 === e2[0];
static isChildOfOverlayWidgets(e2) {
return e2.length >= 2 && 3 === e2[0] && 4 === e2[1];
class se {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.model = e2.model;
const i2 = e2.configuration.options;
this.layoutInfo = i2.get(117), this.viewDomNode = t2.viewDomNode, this.lineHeight = i2.get(51), this.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = i2.get(36).typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, this.lastRenderData = n2, this._context = e2, this._viewHelper = t2;
getZoneAtCoord(e2) {
return se.getZoneAtCoord(this._context, e2);
static getZoneAtCoord(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.viewLayout.getWhitespaceAtVerticalOffset(t2);
if (n2) {
let i2, o2 = n2.verticalOffset + n2.height / 2, r2 = e2.model.getLineCount(), s2 = null, a2 = null;
return n2.afterLineNumber !== r2 && (a2 = new ee.a(n2.afterLineNumber + 1, 1)), n2.afterLineNumber > 0 && (s2 = new ee.a(n2.afterLineNumber, e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(n2.afterLineNumber))), i2 = null === a2 ? s2 : null === s2 ? a2 : t2 < o2 ? s2 : a2, {viewZoneId:, afterLineNumber: n2.afterLineNumber, positionBefore: s2, positionAfter: a2, position: i2};
return null;
getFullLineRangeAtCoord(e2) {
if (this._context.viewLayout.isAfterLines(e2)) {
const e3 = this._context.model.getLineCount(), t3 = this._context.model.getLineMaxColumn(e3);
return {range: new te.a(e3, t3, e3, t3), isAfterLines: true};
const t2 = this._context.viewLayout.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(e2), n2 = this._context.model.getLineMaxColumn(t2);
return {range: new te.a(t2, 1, t2, n2), isAfterLines: false};
getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(e2) {
return this._context.viewLayout.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(e2);
isAfterLines(e2) {
return this._context.viewLayout.isAfterLines(e2);
getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e2) {
return this._context.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e2);
findAttribute(e2, t2) {
return se._findAttribute(e2, t2, this._viewHelper.viewDomNode);
static _findAttribute(e2, t2, n2) {
for (; e2 && e2 !== document.body; ) {
if (e2.hasAttribute && e2.hasAttribute(t2))
return e2.getAttribute(t2);
if (e2 === n2)
return null;
e2 = e2.parentNode;
return null;
getLineWidth(e2) {
return this._viewHelper.getLineWidth(e2);
visibleRangeForPosition(e2, t2) {
return this._viewHelper.visibleRangeForPosition(e2, t2);
getPositionFromDOMInfo(e2, t2) {
return this._viewHelper.getPositionFromDOMInfo(e2, t2);
getCurrentScrollTop() {
return this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollTop();
getCurrentScrollLeft() {
return this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollLeft();
class ae extends class {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.editorPos = t2, this.pos = n2, this.mouseVerticalOffset = Math.max(0, e2.getCurrentScrollTop() + n2.y - t2.y), this.mouseContentHorizontalOffset = e2.getCurrentScrollLeft() + n2.x - t2.x - e2.layoutInfo.contentLeft, this.isInMarginArea = n2.x - t2.x < e2.layoutInfo.contentLeft && n2.x - t2.x >= e2.layoutInfo.glyphMarginLeft, this.isInContentArea = !this.isInMarginArea, this.mouseColumn = Math.max(0, de._getMouseColumn(this.mouseContentHorizontalOffset, e2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth));
} {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(e2, t2, n2), this._ctx = e2, i2 ? ( = i2, this.targetPath = I.collect(i2, e2.viewDomNode)) : ( = null, this.targetPath = new Uint8Array(0));
toString() {
return `pos(${this.pos.x},${this.pos.y}), editorPos(${this.editorPos.x},${this.editorPos.y}), mouseVerticalOffset: ${this.mouseVerticalOffset}, mouseContentHorizontalOffset: ${this.mouseContentHorizontalOffset}
target: ${ ? : null}`;
fulfill(e2, t2 = null, n2 = null, i2 = null) {
let o2 = this.mouseColumn;
return t2 && t2.column < this._ctx.model.getLineMaxColumn(t2.lineNumber) && (o2 = ne.a.visibleColumnFromColumn(this._ctx.model.getLineContent(t2.lineNumber), t2.column, this._ctx.model.getTextModelOptions().tabSize) + 1), new oe(, e2, o2, t2, n2, i2);
withTarget(e2) {
return new ae(this._ctx, this.editorPos, this.pos, e2);
const le = {isAfterLines: true};
function ce(e2) {
return {isAfterLines: false, horizontalDistanceToText: e2};
class de {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._context = e2, this._viewHelper = t2;
mouseTargetIsWidget(e2) {
const t2 =, n2 = I.collect(t2, this._viewHelper.viewDomNode);
return !(!re.isChildOfContentWidgets(n2) && !re.isChildOfOverflowingContentWidgets(n2)) || !!re.isChildOfOverlayWidgets(n2);
createMouseTarget(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = new se(this._context, this._viewHelper, e2), r2 = new ae(o2, t2, n2, i2);
try {
return de._createMouseTarget(o2, r2, false);
} catch (e3) {
return r2.fulfill(0);
static _createMouseTarget(e2, t2, n2) {
if (null === {
if (n2)
return t2.fulfill(0);
const i3 = de._doHitTest(e2, t2);
return i3.position ? de.createMouseTargetFromHitTestPosition(e2, t2, i3.position.lineNumber, i3.position.column) : this._createMouseTarget(e2, t2.withTarget(i3.hitTarget), true);
const i2 = t2;
let o2 = null;
return o2 = o2 || de._hitTestContentWidget(e2, i2), o2 = o2 || de._hitTestOverlayWidget(e2, i2), o2 = o2 || de._hitTestMinimap(e2, i2), o2 = o2 || de._hitTestScrollbarSlider(e2, i2), o2 = o2 || de._hitTestViewZone(e2, i2), o2 = o2 || de._hitTestMargin(e2, i2), o2 = o2 || de._hitTestViewCursor(e2, i2), o2 = o2 || de._hitTestTextArea(e2, i2), o2 = o2 || de._hitTestViewLines(e2, i2, n2), o2 = o2 || de._hitTestScrollbar(e2, i2), o2 || t2.fulfill(0);
static _hitTestContentWidget(e2, t2) {
if (re.isChildOfContentWidgets(t2.targetPath) || re.isChildOfOverflowingContentWidgets(t2.targetPath)) {
const n2 = e2.findAttribute(, "widgetId");
return n2 ? t2.fulfill(9, null, null, n2) : t2.fulfill(0);
return null;
static _hitTestOverlayWidget(e2, t2) {
if (re.isChildOfOverlayWidgets(t2.targetPath)) {
const n2 = e2.findAttribute(, "widgetId");
return n2 ? t2.fulfill(12, null, null, n2) : t2.fulfill(0);
return null;
static _hitTestViewCursor(e2, t2) {
if ( {
const n2 = e2.lastRenderData.lastViewCursorsRenderData;
for (const e3 of n2)
if ( === e3.domNode)
return t2.fulfill(6, e3.position);
if (t2.isInContentArea) {
const n2 = e2.lastRenderData.lastViewCursorsRenderData, i2 = t2.mouseContentHorizontalOffset, o2 = t2.mouseVerticalOffset;
for (const r2 of n2) {
if (i2 < r2.contentLeft)
if (i2 > r2.contentLeft + r2.width)
const n3 = e2.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(r2.position.lineNumber);
if (n3 <= o2 && o2 <= n3 + r2.height)
return t2.fulfill(6, r2.position);
return null;
static _hitTestViewZone(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getZoneAtCoord(t2.mouseVerticalOffset);
if (n2) {
const e3 = t2.isInContentArea ? 8 : 5;
return t2.fulfill(e3, n2.position, null, n2);
return null;
static _hitTestTextArea(e2, t2) {
return re.isTextArea(t2.targetPath) ? e2.lastRenderData.lastTextareaPosition ? t2.fulfill(6, e2.lastRenderData.lastTextareaPosition) : t2.fulfill(1, e2.lastRenderData.lastTextareaPosition) : null;
static _hitTestMargin(e2, t2) {
if (t2.isInMarginArea) {
const n2 = e2.getFullLineRangeAtCoord(t2.mouseVerticalOffset), i2 = n2.range.getStartPosition();
let o2 = Math.abs(t2.pos.x - t2.editorPos.x);
const r2 = {isAfterLines: n2.isAfterLines, glyphMarginLeft: e2.layoutInfo.glyphMarginLeft, glyphMarginWidth: e2.layoutInfo.glyphMarginWidth, lineNumbersWidth: e2.layoutInfo.lineNumbersWidth, offsetX: o2};
return o2 -= e2.layoutInfo.glyphMarginLeft, o2 <= e2.layoutInfo.glyphMarginWidth ? t2.fulfill(2, i2, n2.range, r2) : (o2 -= e2.layoutInfo.glyphMarginWidth, o2 <= e2.layoutInfo.lineNumbersWidth ? t2.fulfill(3, i2, n2.range, r2) : (o2 -= e2.layoutInfo.lineNumbersWidth, t2.fulfill(4, i2, n2.range, r2)));
return null;
static _hitTestViewLines(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!re.isChildOfViewLines(t2.targetPath))
return null;
if (e2.isAfterLines(t2.mouseVerticalOffset)) {
const n3 = e2.model.getLineCount(), i3 = e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(n3);
return t2.fulfill(7, new ee.a(n3, i3), void 0, le);
if (n2) {
if (re.isStrictChildOfViewLines(t2.targetPath)) {
const n3 = e2.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(t2.mouseVerticalOffset);
if (0 === e2.model.getLineLength(n3)) {
const i4 = e2.getLineWidth(n3), o2 = ce(t2.mouseContentHorizontalOffset - i4);
return t2.fulfill(7, new ee.a(n3, 1), void 0, o2);
const i3 = e2.getLineWidth(n3);
if (t2.mouseContentHorizontalOffset >= i3) {
const o2 = ce(t2.mouseContentHorizontalOffset - i3), r2 = new ee.a(n3, e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(n3));
return t2.fulfill(7, r2, void 0, o2);
return t2.fulfill(0);
const i2 = de._doHitTest(e2, t2);
return i2.position ? de.createMouseTargetFromHitTestPosition(e2, t2, i2.position.lineNumber, i2.position.column) : this._createMouseTarget(e2, t2.withTarget(i2.hitTarget), true);
static _hitTestMinimap(e2, t2) {
if (re.isChildOfMinimap(t2.targetPath)) {
const n2 = e2.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(t2.mouseVerticalOffset), i2 = e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(n2);
return t2.fulfill(11, new ee.a(n2, i2));
return null;
static _hitTestScrollbarSlider(e2, t2) {
if (re.isChildOfScrollableElement(t2.targetPath) && && 1 === {
const n2 =;
if (n2 && /\b(slider|scrollbar)\b/.test(n2)) {
const n3 = e2.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(t2.mouseVerticalOffset), i2 = e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(n3);
return t2.fulfill(11, new ee.a(n3, i2));
return null;
static _hitTestScrollbar(e2, t2) {
if (re.isChildOfScrollableElement(t2.targetPath)) {
const n2 = e2.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(t2.mouseVerticalOffset), i2 = e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(n2);
return t2.fulfill(11, new ee.a(n2, i2));
return null;
getMouseColumn(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._context.configuration.options, i2 = n2.get(117), o2 = this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollLeft() + t2.x - e2.x - i2.contentLeft;
return de._getMouseColumn(o2, n2.get(36).typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth);
static _getMouseColumn(e2, t2) {
if (e2 < 0)
return 1;
return Math.round(e2 / t2) + 1;
static createMouseTargetFromHitTestPosition(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = new ee.a(n2, i2), r2 = e2.getLineWidth(n2);
if (t2.mouseContentHorizontalOffset > r2) {
if (_.f && 1 === o2.column) {
const i4 = ce(t2.mouseContentHorizontalOffset - r2);
return t2.fulfill(7, new ee.a(n2, e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(n2)), void 0, i4);
const i3 = ce(t2.mouseContentHorizontalOffset - r2);
return t2.fulfill(7, o2, void 0, i3);
const s2 = e2.visibleRangeForPosition(n2, i2);
if (!s2)
return t2.fulfill(0, o2);
const a2 = s2.left;
if (t2.mouseContentHorizontalOffset === a2)
return t2.fulfill(6, o2);
const l2 = [];
if (l2.push({offset: s2.left, column: i2}), i2 > 1) {
const t3 = e2.visibleRangeForPosition(n2, i2 - 1);
t3 && l2.push({offset: t3.left, column: i2 - 1});
if (i2 < e2.model.getLineMaxColumn(n2)) {
const t3 = e2.visibleRangeForPosition(n2, i2 + 1);
t3 && l2.push({offset: t3.left, column: i2 + 1});
l2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.offset - t3.offset);
for (let e3 = 1; e3 < l2.length; e3++) {
const i3 = l2[e3 - 1], r3 = l2[e3];
if (i3.offset <= t2.mouseContentHorizontalOffset && t2.mouseContentHorizontalOffset <= r3.offset) {
const e4 = new te.a(n2, i3.column, n2, r3.column);
return t2.fulfill(6, o2, e4);
return t2.fulfill(6, o2);
static _doHitTestWithCaretRangeFromPoint(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(t2.mouseVerticalOffset), i2 = e2.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(n2) + Math.floor(e2.lineHeight / 2);
let o2 = t2.pos.y + (i2 - t2.mouseVerticalOffset);
o2 <= t2.editorPos.y && (o2 = t2.editorPos.y + 1), o2 >= t2.editorPos.y + e2.layoutInfo.height && (o2 = t2.editorPos.y + e2.layoutInfo.height - 1);
const r2 = new w(t2.pos.x, o2), s2 = this._actualDoHitTestWithCaretRangeFromPoint(e2, r2.toClientCoordinates());
return s2.position ? s2 : this._actualDoHitTestWithCaretRangeFromPoint(e2, t2.pos.toClientCoordinates());
static _actualDoHitTestWithCaretRangeFromPoint(e2, t2) {
const n2 = o.E(e2.viewDomNode);
let i2;
if (i2 = n2 ? void 0 === n2.caretRangeFromPoint ? function(e3, t3, n3) {
const i3 = document.createRange();
let o2 = e3.elementFromPoint(t3, n3);
if (null !== o2) {
for (; o2 && o2.firstChild && o2.firstChild.nodeType !== o2.firstChild.TEXT_NODE; )
o2 = o2.lastChild;
const e4 = o2.getBoundingClientRect(), n4 = window.getComputedStyle(o2, null).getPropertyValue("font"), r3 = o2.innerText;
let s3, a2 = e4.left, l2 = 0;
if (t3 > e4.left + e4.width)
l2 = r3.length;
else {
const e5 = he.getInstance();
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < r3.length + 1; i4++) {
if (s3 = e5.getCharWidth(r3.charAt(i4), n4) / 2, a2 += s3, t3 < a2) {
l2 = i4;
a2 += s3;
i3.setStart(o2.firstChild, l2), i3.setEnd(o2.firstChild, l2);
return i3;
}(n2, t2.clientX, t2.clientY) : n2.caretRangeFromPoint(t2.clientX, t2.clientY) : document.caretRangeFromPoint(t2.clientX, t2.clientY), !i2 || !i2.startContainer)
return {position: null, hitTarget: null};
const r2 = i2.startContainer;
let s2 = null;
if (r2.nodeType === r2.TEXT_NODE) {
const t3 = r2.parentNode, n3 = t3 ? t3.parentNode : null, o2 = n3 ? n3.parentNode : null;
if ((o2 && o2.nodeType === o2.ELEMENT_NODE ? o2.className : null) === K.CLASS_NAME) {
return {position: e2.getPositionFromDOMInfo(t3, i2.startOffset), hitTarget: null};
s2 = r2.parentNode;
} else if (r2.nodeType === r2.ELEMENT_NODE) {
const t3 = r2.parentNode, n3 = t3 ? t3.parentNode : null;
if ((n3 && n3.nodeType === n3.ELEMENT_NODE ? n3.className : null) === K.CLASS_NAME) {
return {position: e2.getPositionFromDOMInfo(r2, r2.textContent.length), hitTarget: null};
s2 = r2;
return {position: null, hitTarget: s2};
static _doHitTestWithCaretPositionFromPoint(e2, t2) {
const n2 = document.caretPositionFromPoint(t2.clientX, t2.clientY);
if (n2.offsetNode.nodeType === n2.offsetNode.TEXT_NODE) {
const t3 = n2.offsetNode.parentNode, i2 = t3 ? t3.parentNode : null, o2 = i2 ? i2.parentNode : null;
if ((o2 && o2.nodeType === o2.ELEMENT_NODE ? o2.className : null) === K.CLASS_NAME) {
return {position: e2.getPositionFromDOMInfo(n2.offsetNode.parentNode, n2.offset), hitTarget: null};
return {position: null, hitTarget: n2.offsetNode.parentNode};
if (n2.offsetNode.nodeType === n2.offsetNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
const t3 = n2.offsetNode.parentNode;
if ((t3 && t3.nodeType === t3.ELEMENT_NODE ? t3.className : null) === K.CLASS_NAME) {
const t4 = n2.offsetNode.childNodes[Math.min(n2.offset, n2.offsetNode.childNodes.length - 1)];
if (t4) {
return {position: e2.getPositionFromDOMInfo(t4, 0), hitTarget: null};
return {position: null, hitTarget: n2.offsetNode};
static _doHitTestWithMoveToPoint(e2, t2) {
let n2 = null, i2 = null;
const o2 = document.body.createTextRange();
try {
o2.moveToPoint(t2.clientX, t2.clientY);
} catch (e3) {
return {position: null, hitTarget: null};
const r2 = o2 ? o2.parentElement() : null, s2 = r2 ? r2.parentNode : null, a2 = s2 ? s2.parentNode : null;
if ((a2 && a2.nodeType === a2.ELEMENT_NODE ? a2.className : "") === K.CLASS_NAME) {
const t3 = o2.duplicate();
t3.moveToElementText(r2), t3.setEndPoint("EndToStart", o2), n2 = e2.getPositionFromDOMInfo(r2, t3.text.length), t3.moveToElementText(e2.viewDomNode);
} else
i2 = r2;
return o2.moveToElementText(e2.viewDomNode), {position: n2, hitTarget: i2};
static _doHitTest(e2, t2) {
return "function" == typeof document.caretRangeFromPoint ? this._doHitTestWithCaretRangeFromPoint(e2, t2) : document.caretPositionFromPoint ? this._doHitTestWithCaretPositionFromPoint(e2, t2.pos.toClientCoordinates()) : document.body.createTextRange ? this._doHitTestWithMoveToPoint(e2, t2.pos.toClientCoordinates()) : {position: null, hitTarget: null};
class he {
constructor() {
this._cache = {}, this._canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
static getInstance() {
return he._INSTANCE || (he._INSTANCE = new he()), he._INSTANCE;
getCharWidth(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2 + t2;
if (this._cache[n2])
return this._cache[n2];
const i2 = this._canvas.getContext("2d");
i2.font = t2;
const o2 = i2.measureText(e2).width;
return this._cache[n2] = o2, o2;
he._INSTANCE = null;
var ue = n(135);
function pe(e2) {
return function(t2, n2) {
let i2 = false;
return e2 && (i2 = e2.mouseTargetIsWidget(n2)), i2 || n2.preventDefault(), n2;
class me extends L {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this._context = e2, this.viewController = t2, this.viewHelper = n2, this.mouseTargetFactory = new de(this._context, n2), this._mouseDownOperation = this._register(new ge(this._context, this.viewController, this.viewHelper, (e3, t3) => this._createMouseTarget(e3, t3), (e3) => this._getMouseColumn(e3))), this.lastMouseLeaveTime = -1;
const i2 = new k(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode);
this._register(i2.onContextMenu(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode, (e3) => this._onContextMenu(e3, true))), this._register(i2.onMouseMoveThrottled(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode, (e3) => this._onMouseMove(e3), pe(this.mouseTargetFactory), me.MOUSE_MOVE_MINIMUM_TIME)), this._register(i2.onMouseUp(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode, (e3) => this._onMouseUp(e3))), this._register(i2.onMouseLeave(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode, (e3) => this._onMouseLeave(e3))), this._register(i2.onMouseDown(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode, (e3) => this._onMouseDown(e3)));
this._register(o.i(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode, o.c.MOUSE_WHEEL, (e3) => {
if (this.viewController.emitMouseWheel(e3), !this._context.configuration.options.get(59))
const t3 = new f.b(e3);
if (t3.browserEvent.ctrlKey || t3.browserEvent.metaKey) {
const e4 = ue.a.getZoomLevel(), n3 = t3.deltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1;
ue.a.setZoomLevel(e4 + n3), t3.preventDefault(), t3.stopPropagation();
}, {capture: true, passive: false})), this._context.addEventHandler(this);
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), super.dispose();
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
return this._mouseDownOperation.onCursorStateChanged(e2), false;
onFocusChanged(e2) {
return false;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return this._mouseDownOperation.onScrollChanged(), false;
getTargetAtClientPoint(e2, t2) {
const n2 = new y(e2, t2).toPageCoordinates(), i2 = x(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode);
return n2.y < i2.y || n2.y > i2.y + i2.height || n2.x < i2.x || n2.x > i2.x + i2.width ? null : this.mouseTargetFactory.createMouseTarget(this.viewHelper.getLastRenderData(), i2, n2, null);
_createMouseTarget(e2, t2) {
return this.mouseTargetFactory.createMouseTarget(this.viewHelper.getLastRenderData(), e2.editorPos, e2.pos, t2 ? : null);
_getMouseColumn(e2) {
return this.mouseTargetFactory.getMouseColumn(e2.editorPos, e2.pos);
_onContextMenu(e2, t2) {
this.viewController.emitContextMenu({event: e2, target: this._createMouseTarget(e2, t2)});
_onMouseMove(e2) {
if (this._mouseDownOperation.isActive())
e2.timestamp < this.lastMouseLeaveTime || this.viewController.emitMouseMove({event: e2, target: this._createMouseTarget(e2, true)});
_onMouseLeave(e2) {
this.lastMouseLeaveTime = new Date().getTime(), this.viewController.emitMouseLeave({event: e2, target: null});
_onMouseUp(e2) {
this.viewController.emitMouseUp({event: e2, target: this._createMouseTarget(e2, true)});
_onMouseDown(e2) {
const t2 = this._createMouseTarget(e2, true), n2 = 6 === t2.type || 7 === t2.type, i2 = 2 === t2.type || 3 === t2.type || 4 === t2.type, o2 = 3 === t2.type, r2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(90), s2 = 8 === t2.type || 5 === t2.type, a2 = 9 === t2.type;
let l2 = e2.leftButton || e2.middleButton;
m.f && e2.leftButton && e2.ctrlKey && (l2 = false);
const c2 = () => {
e2.preventDefault(), this.viewHelper.focusTextArea();
if (l2 && (n2 || o2 && r2))
c2(), this._mouseDownOperation.start(t2.type, e2);
else if (i2)
else if (s2) {
const n3 = t2.detail;
this.viewHelper.shouldSuppressMouseDownOnViewZone(n3.viewZoneId) && (c2(), this._mouseDownOperation.start(t2.type, e2), e2.preventDefault());
} else
a2 && this.viewHelper.shouldSuppressMouseDownOnWidget(t2.detail) && (c2(), e2.preventDefault());
this.viewController.emitMouseDown({event: e2, target: t2});
class ge extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
super(), this._context = e2, this._viewController = t2, this._viewHelper = n2, this._createMouseTarget = i2, this._getMouseColumn = o2, this._mouseMoveMonitor = this._register(new T(this._viewHelper.viewDomNode)), this._onScrollTimeout = this._register(new b.e()), this._mouseState = new fe(), this._currentSelection = new u.a(1, 1, 1, 1), this._isActive = false, this._lastMouseEvent = null;
dispose() {
isActive() {
return this._isActive;
_onMouseDownThenMove(e2) {
this._lastMouseEvent = e2, this._mouseState.setModifiers(e2);
const t2 = this._findMousePosition(e2, true);
t2 && (this._mouseState.isDragAndDrop ? this._viewController.emitMouseDrag({event: e2, target: t2}) : this._dispatchMouse(t2, true));
start(e2, t2) {
this._lastMouseEvent = t2, this._mouseState.setStartedOnLineNumbers(3 === e2), this._mouseState.setStartButtons(t2), this._mouseState.setModifiers(t2);
const n2 = this._findMousePosition(t2, true);
if (!n2 || !n2.position)
this._mouseState.trySetCount(t2.detail, n2.position), t2.detail = this._mouseState.count;
const i2 = this._context.configuration.options;
if (!i2.get(72) && i2.get(25) && !i2.get(13) && !this._mouseState.altKey && t2.detail < 2 && !this._isActive && !this._currentSelection.isEmpty() && 6 === n2.type && n2.position && this._currentSelection.containsPosition(n2.position))
return this._mouseState.isDragAndDrop = true, this._isActive = true, void this._mouseMoveMonitor.startMonitoring(, t2.buttons, pe(null), (e3) => this._onMouseDownThenMove(e3), () => {
const e3 = this._findMousePosition(this._lastMouseEvent, true);
this._viewController.emitMouseDrop({event: this._lastMouseEvent, target: e3 ? this._createMouseTarget(this._lastMouseEvent, true) : null}), this._stop();
this._mouseState.isDragAndDrop = false, this._dispatchMouse(n2, t2.shiftKey), this._isActive || (this._isActive = true, this._mouseMoveMonitor.startMonitoring(, t2.buttons, pe(null), (e3) => this._onMouseDownThenMove(e3), () => this._stop()));
_stop() {
this._isActive = false, this._onScrollTimeout.cancel();
onScrollChanged() {
this._isActive && this._onScrollTimeout.setIfNotSet(() => {
if (!this._lastMouseEvent)
const e2 = this._findMousePosition(this._lastMouseEvent, false);
e2 && (this._mouseState.isDragAndDrop || this._dispatchMouse(e2, true));
}, 10);
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
this._currentSelection = e2.selections[0];
_getPositionOutsideEditor(e2) {
const t2 = e2.editorPos, n2 = this._context.model, i2 = this._context.viewLayout, o2 = this._getMouseColumn(e2);
if (e2.posy < t2.y) {
const n3 = Math.max(i2.getCurrentScrollTop() - (t2.y - e2.posy), 0), r3 = se.getZoneAtCoord(this._context, n3);
if (r3) {
const e3 = this._helpPositionJumpOverViewZone(r3);
if (e3)
return new oe(null, 13, o2, e3);
const s2 = i2.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(n3);
return new oe(null, 13, o2, new ee.a(s2, 1));
if (e2.posy > t2.y + t2.height) {
const r3 = i2.getCurrentScrollTop() + (e2.posy - t2.y), s2 = se.getZoneAtCoord(this._context, r3);
if (s2) {
const e3 = this._helpPositionJumpOverViewZone(s2);
if (e3)
return new oe(null, 13, o2, e3);
const a2 = i2.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(r3);
return new oe(null, 13, o2, new ee.a(a2, n2.getLineMaxColumn(a2)));
const r2 = i2.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(i2.getCurrentScrollTop() + (e2.posy - t2.y));
return e2.posx < t2.x ? new oe(null, 13, o2, new ee.a(r2, 1)) : e2.posx > t2.x + t2.width ? new oe(null, 13, o2, new ee.a(r2, n2.getLineMaxColumn(r2))) : null;
_findMousePosition(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._getPositionOutsideEditor(e2);
if (n2)
return n2;
const i2 = this._createMouseTarget(e2, t2);
if (!i2.position)
return null;
if (8 === i2.type || 5 === i2.type) {
const e3 = this._helpPositionJumpOverViewZone(i2.detail);
if (e3)
return new oe(i2.element, i2.type, i2.mouseColumn, e3, null, i2.detail);
return i2;
_helpPositionJumpOverViewZone(e2) {
const t2 = new ee.a(this._currentSelection.selectionStartLineNumber, this._currentSelection.selectionStartColumn), n2 = e2.positionBefore, i2 = e2.positionAfter;
return n2 && i2 ? n2.isBefore(t2) ? n2 : i2 : null;
_dispatchMouse(e2, t2) {
e2.position && this._viewController.dispatchMouse({position: e2.position, mouseColumn: e2.mouseColumn, startedOnLineNumbers: this._mouseState.startedOnLineNumbers, inSelectionMode: t2, mouseDownCount: this._mouseState.count, altKey: this._mouseState.altKey, ctrlKey: this._mouseState.ctrlKey, metaKey: this._mouseState.metaKey, shiftKey: this._mouseState.shiftKey, leftButton: this._mouseState.leftButton, middleButton: this._mouseState.middleButton});
class fe {
constructor() {
this._altKey = false, this._ctrlKey = false, this._metaKey = false, this._shiftKey = false, this._leftButton = false, this._middleButton = false, this._startedOnLineNumbers = false, this._lastMouseDownPosition = null, this._lastMouseDownPositionEqualCount = 0, this._lastMouseDownCount = 0, this._lastSetMouseDownCountTime = 0, this.isDragAndDrop = false;
get altKey() {
return this._altKey;
get ctrlKey() {
return this._ctrlKey;
get metaKey() {
return this._metaKey;
get shiftKey() {
return this._shiftKey;
get leftButton() {
return this._leftButton;
get middleButton() {
return this._middleButton;
get startedOnLineNumbers() {
return this._startedOnLineNumbers;
get count() {
return this._lastMouseDownCount;
setModifiers(e2) {
this._altKey = e2.altKey, this._ctrlKey = e2.ctrlKey, this._metaKey = e2.metaKey, this._shiftKey = e2.shiftKey;
setStartButtons(e2) {
this._leftButton = e2.leftButton, this._middleButton = e2.middleButton;
setStartedOnLineNumbers(e2) {
this._startedOnLineNumbers = e2;
trySetCount(e2, t2) {
const n2 = new Date().getTime();
n2 - this._lastSetMouseDownCountTime > fe.CLEAR_MOUSE_DOWN_COUNT_TIME && (e2 = 1), this._lastSetMouseDownCountTime = n2, e2 > this._lastMouseDownCount + 1 && (e2 = this._lastMouseDownCount + 1), this._lastMouseDownPosition && this._lastMouseDownPosition.equals(t2) ? this._lastMouseDownPositionEqualCount++ : this._lastMouseDownPositionEqualCount = 1, this._lastMouseDownPosition = t2, this._lastMouseDownCount = Math.min(e2, this._lastMouseDownPositionEqualCount);
var be = n(138);
function _e(e2, t2) {
const n2 = {translationY: t2.translationY, translationX: t2.translationX};
return e2 && (n2.translationY += e2.translationY, n2.translationX += e2.translationX), n2;
class ve extends me {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, t2, n2), = "none", this._installGestureHandlerTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
if (this._installGestureHandlerTimeout = -1, window.MSGesture) {
const e3 = new MSGesture(), t3 = new MSGesture(); = this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, = this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode.addEventListener("pointerdown", (n3) => {
const i2 = n3.pointerType;
"mouse" !== i2 ? "touch" === i2 ? (this._lastPointerType = "touch", e3.addPointer(n3.pointerId)) : (this._lastPointerType = "pen", t3.addPointer(n3.pointerId)) : this._lastPointerType = "mouse";
}), this._register(o.l(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, "MSGestureChange", (e4) => this._onGestureChange(e4), _e)), this._register(o.i(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, "MSGestureTap", (e4) => this._onCaptureGestureTap(e4), true));
}, 100), this._lastPointerType = "mouse";
_onMouseDown(e2) {
"mouse" === this._lastPointerType && super._onMouseDown(e2);
_onCaptureGestureTap(e2) {
const t2 = new S(e2, this.viewHelper.viewDomNode), n2 = this._createMouseTarget(t2, false);
n2.position && this.viewController.moveTo(n2.position), t2.browserEvent.fromElement ? (t2.preventDefault(), this.viewHelper.focusTextArea()) : setTimeout(() => {
_onGestureChange(e2) {
this._context.model.deltaScrollNow(-e2.translationX, -e2.translationY);
dispose() {
window.clearTimeout(this._installGestureHandlerTimeout), super.dispose();
class we extends me {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, t2, n2), this._register(g.b.addTarget(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode)), this._register(o.i(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, g.a.Tap, (e3) => this.onTap(e3))), this._register(o.i(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, g.a.Change, (e3) => this.onChange(e3))), this._register(o.i(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, g.a.Contextmenu, (e3) => this._onContextMenu(new S(e3, this.viewHelper.viewDomNode), false))), this._lastPointerType = "mouse", this._register(o.i(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, "pointerdown", (e3) => {
const t3 = e3.pointerType;
this._lastPointerType = "mouse" !== t3 ? "touch" === t3 ? "touch" : "pen" : "mouse";
const i2 = new E(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode);
this._register(i2.onPointerMoveThrottled(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode, (e3) => this._onMouseMove(e3), pe(this.mouseTargetFactory), me.MOUSE_MOVE_MINIMUM_TIME)), this._register(i2.onPointerUp(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode, (e3) => this._onMouseUp(e3))), this._register(i2.onPointerLeave(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode, (e3) => this._onMouseLeave(e3))), this._register(i2.onPointerDown(this.viewHelper.viewDomNode, (e3) => this._onMouseDown(e3)));
onTap(e2) {
if (!e2.initialTarget || !this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode.contains(e2.initialTarget))
e2.preventDefault(), this.viewHelper.focusTextArea();
const t2 = this._createMouseTarget(new S(e2, this.viewHelper.viewDomNode), false);
t2.position && this.viewController.dispatchMouse({position: t2.position, mouseColumn: t2.position.column, startedOnLineNumbers: false, mouseDownCount: e2.tapCount, inSelectionMode: false, altKey: false, ctrlKey: false, metaKey: false, shiftKey: false, leftButton: false, middleButton: false});
onChange(e2) {
"touch" === this._lastPointerType && this._context.model.deltaScrollNow(-e2.translationX, -e2.translationY);
_onMouseDown(e2) { && this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode.contains( && "touch" === this._lastPointerType || super._onMouseDown(e2);
class ye extends me {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, t2, n2), this._register(g.b.addTarget(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode)), this._register(o.i(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, g.a.Tap, (e3) => this.onTap(e3))), this._register(o.i(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, g.a.Change, (e3) => this.onChange(e3))), this._register(o.i(this.viewHelper.linesContentDomNode, g.a.Contextmenu, (e3) => this._onContextMenu(new S(e3, this.viewHelper.viewDomNode), false)));
onTap(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), this.viewHelper.focusTextArea();
const t2 = this._createMouseTarget(new S(e2, this.viewHelper.viewDomNode), false);
t2.position && this.viewController.moveTo(t2.position);
onChange(e2) {
this._context.model.deltaScrollNow(-e2.translationX, -e2.translationY);
class Ce extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), m.c && be.a.pointerEvents ? this.handler = this._register(new we(e2, t2, n2)) : window.TouchEvent ? this.handler = this._register(new ye(e2, t2, n2)) : window.navigator.pointerEnabled || window.PointerEvent ? this.handler = this._register(new ve(e2, t2, n2)) : this.handler = this._register(new me(e2, t2, n2));
getTargetAtClientPoint(e2, t2) {
return this.handler.getTargetAtClientPoint(e2, t2);
var xe = n(8), Se = n(167), ke = n(127);
class Ee extends L {
var Te = n(57);
class Le extends Ee {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._context = e2, this._readConfig(), this._lastCursorModelPosition = new ee.a(1, 1), this._renderResult = null, this._context.addEventHandler(this);
_readConfig() {
const e2 = this._context.configuration.options;
this._lineHeight = e2.get(51);
const t2 = e2.get(52);
this._renderLineNumbers = t2.renderType, this._renderCustomLineNumbers = t2.renderFn, this._renderFinalNewline = e2.get(76);
const n2 = e2.get(117);
this._lineNumbersLeft = n2.lineNumbersLeft, this._lineNumbersWidth = n2.lineNumbersWidth;
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), this._renderResult = null, super.dispose();
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
return this._readConfig(), true;
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
const t2 = e2.selections[0].getPosition();
return this._lastCursorModelPosition = this._context.model.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(t2), 2 === this._renderLineNumbers || 3 === this._renderLineNumbers;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollTopChanged;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
_getLineRenderLineNumber(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.model.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(new ee.a(e2, 1));
if (1 !== t2.column)
return "";
const n2 = t2.lineNumber;
if (this._renderCustomLineNumbers)
return this._renderCustomLineNumbers(n2);
if (2 === this._renderLineNumbers) {
const e3 = Math.abs(this._lastCursorModelPosition.lineNumber - n2);
return 0 === e3 ? '<span class="relative-current-line-number">' + n2 + "</span>" : String(e3);
return 3 === this._renderLineNumbers ? this._lastCursorModelPosition.lineNumber === n2 || n2 % 10 == 0 ? String(n2) : "" : String(n2);
prepareRender(e2) {
if (0 === this._renderLineNumbers)
return void (this._renderResult = null);
const t2 = m.d ? this._lineHeight % 2 == 0 ? " lh-even" : " lh-odd" : "", n2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.visibleRange.endLineNumber, o2 = '<div class="' + Le.CLASS_NAME + t2 + '" style="left:' + this._lineNumbersLeft.toString() + "px;width:" + this._lineNumbersWidth.toString() + 'px;">', r2 = this._context.model.getLineCount(), s2 = [];
for (let e3 = n2; e3 <= i2; e3++) {
const t3 = e3 - n2;
if (!this._renderFinalNewline && e3 === r2 && 0 === this._context.model.getLineLength(e3)) {
s2[t3] = "";
const i3 = this._getLineRenderLineNumber(e3);
s2[t3] = i3 ? o2 + i3 + "</div>" : "";
this._renderResult = s2;
render(e2, t2) {
if (!this._renderResult)
return "";
const n2 = t2 - e2;
return n2 < 0 || n2 >= this._renderResult.length ? "" : this._renderResult[n2];
Le.CLASS_NAME = "line-numbers", Object(B.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(Te.k);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .line-numbers { color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(Te.b);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .current-line ~ .line-numbers { color: ${i2}; }`);
class Ne extends N {
constructor(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(117);
this._canUseLayerHinting = !t2.get(23), this._contentLeft = n2.contentLeft, this._glyphMarginLeft = n2.glyphMarginLeft, this._glyphMarginWidth = n2.glyphMarginWidth, this._domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._domNode.setClassName(Ne.OUTER_CLASS_NAME), this._domNode.setPosition("absolute"), this._domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this._glyphMarginBackgroundDomNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._glyphMarginBackgroundDomNode.setClassName(Ne.CLASS_NAME), this._domNode.appendChild(this._glyphMarginBackgroundDomNode);
dispose() {
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(117);
return this._canUseLayerHinting = !t2.get(23), this._contentLeft = n2.contentLeft, this._glyphMarginLeft = n2.glyphMarginLeft, this._glyphMarginWidth = n2.glyphMarginWidth, true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return super.onScrollChanged(e2) || e2.scrollTopChanged;
prepareRender(e2) {
render(e2) {
this._domNode.setLayerHinting(this._canUseLayerHinting), this._domNode.setContain("strict");
const t2 = e2.scrollTop - e2.bigNumbersDelta;
const n2 = Math.min(e2.scrollHeight, 1e6);
this._domNode.setHeight(n2), this._domNode.setWidth(this._contentLeft), this._glyphMarginBackgroundDomNode.setLeft(this._glyphMarginLeft), this._glyphMarginBackgroundDomNode.setWidth(this._glyphMarginWidth), this._glyphMarginBackgroundDomNode.setHeight(n2);
Ne.CLASS_NAME = "glyph-margin", Ne.OUTER_CLASS_NAME = "margin";
var Ie = n(117), Oe = n(145);
class De {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) { = e2, this.left = t2, this.width = n2;
setWidth(e2) {
return new De(, this.left, e2);
const Ae = _.f || _.h;
class Re extends N {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2), this._primaryCursorPosition = new ee.a(1, 1), this._primaryCursorVisibleRange = null, this._viewController = t2, this._viewHelper = n2, this._scrollLeft = 0, this._scrollTop = 0;
const o2 = this._context.configuration.options, r2 = o2.get(117);
this._setAccessibilityOptions(o2), this._contentLeft = r2.contentLeft, this._contentWidth = r2.contentWidth, this._contentHeight = r2.height, this._fontInfo = o2.get(36), this._lineHeight = o2.get(51), this._emptySelectionClipboard = o2.get(26), this._copyWithSyntaxHighlighting = o2.get(16), this._visibleTextArea = null, this._selections = [new u.a(1, 1, 1, 1)], this._modelSelections = [new u.a(1, 1, 1, 1)], this._lastRenderPosition = null, this.textArea = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("textarea")), I.write(this.textArea, 6), this.textArea.setClassName("inputarea " + Oe.a), this.textArea.setAttribute("wrap", "off"), this.textArea.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off"), this.textArea.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off"), this.textArea.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"), this.textArea.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false"), this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-label", this._getAriaLabel(o2)), this.textArea.setAttribute("tabindex", String(o2.get(102))), this.textArea.setAttribute("role", "textbox"), this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-roledescription", i.a("editor", "editor")), this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-multiline", "true"), this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "false"), this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "both"), m.h && o2.get(72) && this.textArea.setAttribute("readonly", "true"), this.textAreaCover = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this.textAreaCover.setPosition("absolute");
const s2 = {getLineCount: () => this._context.model.getLineCount(), getLineMaxColumn: (e3) => this._context.model.getLineMaxColumn(e3), getValueInRange: (e3, t3) => this._context.model.getValueInRange(e3, t3)}, a2 = {getDataToCopy: (e3) => {
const t3 = this._context.model.getPlainTextToCopy(this._modelSelections, this._emptySelectionClipboard, m.i), n3 = this._context.model.getEOL(), i2 = this._emptySelectionClipboard && 1 === this._modelSelections.length && this._modelSelections[0].isEmpty(), o3 = Array.isArray(t3) ? t3 : null, r3 = Array.isArray(t3) ? t3.join(n3) : t3;
let s3 = void 0, a3 = null;
if (e3 && (Se.a.forceCopyWithSyntaxHighlighting || this._copyWithSyntaxHighlighting && r3.length < 65536)) {
const e4 = this._context.model.getRichTextToCopy(this._modelSelections, this._emptySelectionClipboard);
e4 && (s3 = e4.html, a3 = e4.mode);
return {isFromEmptySelection: i2, multicursorText: o3, text: r3, html: s3, mode: a3};
}, getScreenReaderContent: (e3) => {
if (1 === this._accessibilitySupport) {
if (m.f) {
const e4 = this._selections[0];
if (e4.isEmpty()) {
const t3 = e4.getStartPosition();
let n3 = this._getWordBeforePosition(t3);
if (0 === n3.length && (n3 = this._getCharacterBeforePosition(t3)), n3.length > 0)
return new ke.b(n3, n3.length, n3.length, t3, t3);
return ke.b.EMPTY;
return ke.a.fromEditorSelection(e3, s2, this._selections[0], this._accessibilityPageSize, 0 === this._accessibilitySupport);
}, deduceModelPosition: (e3, t3, n3) => this._context.model.deduceModelPositionRelativeToViewPosition(e3, t3, n3)};
this._textAreaInput = this._register(new Se.c(a2, this.textArea)), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onKeyDown((e3) => {
})), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onKeyUp((e3) => {
})), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onPaste((e3) => {
let t3 = false, n3 = null, i2 = null;
e3.metadata && (t3 = this._emptySelectionClipboard && !!e3.metadata.isFromEmptySelection, n3 = void 0 !== e3.metadata.multicursorText ? e3.metadata.multicursorText : null, i2 = e3.metadata.mode), this._viewController.paste(e3.text, t3, n3, i2);
})), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onCut(() => {
})), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onType((e3) => {
e3.replaceCharCnt ? this._viewController.replacePreviousChar(e3.text, e3.replaceCharCnt) : this._viewController.type(e3.text);
})), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onSelectionChangeRequest((e3) => {
})), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onCompositionStart((e3) => {
const t3 = this._selections[0].startLineNumber, n3 = this._selections[0].startColumn - (e3.moveOneCharacterLeft ? 1 : 0);
this._context.model.revealRange("keyboard", true, new te.a(t3, n3, t3, n3), 0, 1);
const i2 = this._viewHelper.visibleRangeForPositionRelativeToEditor(t3, n3);
i2 && (this._visibleTextArea = new De(this._context.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(t3), i2.left, Ae ? 0 : 1), this._render()), this.textArea.setClassName(`inputarea ${Oe.a} ime-input`), this._viewController.compositionStart();
})), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onCompositionUpdate((e3) => {
_.f ? this._visibleTextArea = this._visibleTextArea.setWidth(0) : this._visibleTextArea = this._visibleTextArea.setWidth(function(e4, t3) {
const n3 = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");
n3.font = (i2 = t3, o3 = "normal", r3 = i2.fontWeight, s3 = i2.fontSize, a3 = i2.lineHeight, l2 = i2.fontFamily, `${o3} normal ${r3} ${s3}px / ${a3}px ${l2}`);
var i2, o3, r3, s3, a3, l2;
const c2 = n3.measureText(e4);
return _.h ? c2.width + 2 : c2.width;
}(, this._fontInfo)), this._render();
})), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onCompositionEnd(() => {
this._visibleTextArea = null, this._render(), this.textArea.setClassName("inputarea " + Oe.a), this._viewController.compositionEnd();
})), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onFocus(() => {
})), this._register(this._textAreaInput.onBlur(() => {
dispose() {
_getWordBeforePosition(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.model.getLineContent(e2.lineNumber), n2 = Object(Ie.a)(this._context.configuration.options.get(105));
let i2 = e2.column, o2 = 0;
for (; i2 > 1; ) {
const r2 = t2.charCodeAt(i2 - 2);
if (0 !== n2.get(r2) || o2 > 50)
return t2.substring(i2 - 1, e2.column - 1);
o2++, i2--;
return t2.substring(0, e2.column - 1);
_getCharacterBeforePosition(e2) {
if (e2.column > 1) {
const t2 = this._context.model.getLineContent(e2.lineNumber).charAt(e2.column - 2);
if (!xe.F(t2.charCodeAt(0)))
return t2;
return "";
_getAriaLabel(e2) {
return 1 === e2.get(2) ? i.a("accessibilityOffAriaLabel", "The editor is not accessible at this time. Press {0} for options.", m.d ? "Shift+Alt+F1" : "Alt+F1") : e2.get(4);
_setAccessibilityOptions(e2) {
this._accessibilitySupport = e2.get(2);
const t2 = e2.get(3);
2 === this._accessibilitySupport && t2 === j.g.accessibilityPageSize.defaultValue ? this._accessibilityPageSize = 100 : this._accessibilityPageSize = t2;
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(117);
return this._setAccessibilityOptions(t2), this._contentLeft = n2.contentLeft, this._contentWidth = n2.contentWidth, this._contentHeight = n2.height, this._fontInfo = t2.get(36), this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._emptySelectionClipboard = t2.get(26), this._copyWithSyntaxHighlighting = t2.get(16), this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-label", this._getAriaLabel(t2)), this.textArea.setAttribute("tabindex", String(t2.get(102))), m.h && e2.hasChanged(72) && (t2.get(72) ? this.textArea.setAttribute("readonly", "true") : this.textArea.removeAttribute("readonly")), e2.hasChanged(2) && this._textAreaInput.writeScreenReaderContent("strategy changed"), true;
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
return this._selections = e2.selections.slice(0), this._modelSelections = e2.modelSelections.slice(0), this._textAreaInput.writeScreenReaderContent("selection changed"), true;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return this._scrollLeft = e2.scrollLeft, this._scrollTop = e2.scrollTop, true;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
isFocused() {
return this._textAreaInput.isFocused();
focusTextArea() {
getLastRenderData() {
return this._lastRenderPosition;
setAriaOptions(e2) {
e2.activeDescendant ? (this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "true"), this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "list"), this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", e2.activeDescendant)) : (this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "false"), this.textArea.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "both"), this.textArea.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant")), e2.role && this.textArea.setAttribute("role", e2.role);
prepareRender(e2) {
this._primaryCursorPosition = new ee.a(this._selections[0].positionLineNumber, this._selections[0].positionColumn), this._primaryCursorVisibleRange = e2.visibleRangeForPosition(this._primaryCursorPosition);
render(e2) {
this._textAreaInput.writeScreenReaderContent("render"), this._render();
_render() {
if (this._visibleTextArea)
return void this._renderInsideEditor(null, - this._scrollTop, this._contentLeft + this._visibleTextArea.left - this._scrollLeft, this._visibleTextArea.width, this._lineHeight);
if (!this._primaryCursorVisibleRange)
return void this._renderAtTopLeft();
const e2 = this._contentLeft + this._primaryCursorVisibleRange.left - this._scrollLeft;
if (e2 < this._contentLeft || e2 > this._contentLeft + this._contentWidth)
return void this._renderAtTopLeft();
const t2 = this._context.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(this._selections[0].positionLineNumber) - this._scrollTop;
t2 < 0 || t2 > this._contentHeight ? this._renderAtTopLeft() : m.f ? this._renderInsideEditor(this._primaryCursorPosition, t2, e2, Ae ? 0 : 1, this._lineHeight) : this._renderInsideEditor(this._primaryCursorPosition, t2, e2, Ae ? 0 : 1, Ae ? 0 : 1);
_renderInsideEditor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this._lastRenderPosition = e2;
const r2 = this.textArea, s2 = this.textAreaCover;
c.a.applyFontInfo(r2, this._fontInfo), r2.setTop(t2), r2.setLeft(n2), r2.setWidth(i2), r2.setHeight(o2), s2.setTop(0), s2.setLeft(0), s2.setWidth(0), s2.setHeight(0);
_renderAtTopLeft() {
this._lastRenderPosition = null;
const e2 = this.textArea, t2 = this.textAreaCover;
if (c.a.applyFontInfo(e2, this._fontInfo), e2.setTop(0), e2.setLeft(0), t2.setTop(0), t2.setLeft(0), Ae)
return e2.setWidth(0), e2.setHeight(0), t2.setWidth(0), void t2.setHeight(0);
e2.setWidth(1), e2.setHeight(1), t2.setWidth(1), t2.setHeight(1);
const n2 = this._context.configuration.options;
n2.get(42) ? t2.setClassName("monaco-editor-background textAreaCover " + Ne.OUTER_CLASS_NAME) : 0 !== n2.get(52).renderType ? t2.setClassName("monaco-editor-background textAreaCover " + Le.CLASS_NAME) : t2.setClassName("monaco-editor-background textAreaCover");
var Me = n(107);
class Pe {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.configuration = e2, this.viewModel = t2, this.userInputEvents = n2, this.commandDelegate = i2;
paste(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.commandDelegate.paste(e2, t2, n2, i2);
type(e2) {
replacePreviousChar(e2, t2) {
this.commandDelegate.replacePreviousChar(e2, t2);
compositionStart() {
compositionEnd() {
cut() {
setSelection(e2) {
Me.b.SetSelection.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, {source: "keyboard", selection: e2});
_validateViewColumn(e2) {
const t2 = this.viewModel.getLineMinColumn(e2.lineNumber);
return e2.column < t2 ? new ee.a(e2.lineNumber, t2) : e2;
_hasMulticursorModifier(e2) {
switch (this.configuration.options.get(61)) {
case "altKey":
return e2.altKey;
case "ctrlKey":
return e2.ctrlKey;
case "metaKey":
return e2.metaKey;
return false;
_hasNonMulticursorModifier(e2) {
switch (this.configuration.options.get(61)) {
case "altKey":
return e2.ctrlKey || e2.metaKey;
case "ctrlKey":
return e2.altKey || e2.metaKey;
case "metaKey":
return e2.ctrlKey || e2.altKey;
return false;
dispatchMouse(e2) {
const t2 = this.configuration.options, n2 = m.d && t2.get(88), i2 = t2.get(13);
e2.middleButton && !n2 ? this._columnSelect(e2.position, e2.mouseColumn, e2.inSelectionMode) : e2.startedOnLineNumbers ? this._hasMulticursorModifier(e2) ? e2.inSelectionMode ? this._lastCursorLineSelect(e2.position) : this._createCursor(e2.position, true) : e2.inSelectionMode ? this._lineSelectDrag(e2.position) : this._lineSelect(e2.position) : e2.mouseDownCount >= 4 ? this._selectAll() : 3 === e2.mouseDownCount ? this._hasMulticursorModifier(e2) ? e2.inSelectionMode ? this._lastCursorLineSelectDrag(e2.position) : this._lastCursorLineSelect(e2.position) : e2.inSelectionMode ? this._lineSelectDrag(e2.position) : this._lineSelect(e2.position) : 2 === e2.mouseDownCount ? this._hasMulticursorModifier(e2) ? this._lastCursorWordSelect(e2.position) : e2.inSelectionMode ? this._wordSelectDrag(e2.position) : this._wordSelect(e2.position) : this._hasMulticursorModifier(e2) ? this._hasNonMulticursorModifier(e2) || (e2.shiftKey ? this._columnSelect(e2.position, e2.mouseColumn, true) : e2.inSelectionMode ? this._lastCursorMoveToSelect(e2.position) : this._createCursor(e2.position, false)) : e2.inSelectionMode ? e2.altKey || i2 ? this._columnSelect(e2.position, e2.mouseColumn, true) : this._moveToSelect(e2.position) : this.moveTo(e2.position);
_usualArgs(e2) {
return e2 = this._validateViewColumn(e2), {source: "mouse", position: this._convertViewToModelPosition(e2), viewPosition: e2};
moveTo(e2) {
Me.b.MoveTo.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, this._usualArgs(e2));
_moveToSelect(e2) {
Me.b.MoveToSelect.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, this._usualArgs(e2));
_columnSelect(e2, t2, n2) {
e2 = this._validateViewColumn(e2), Me.b.ColumnSelect.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, {source: "mouse", position: this._convertViewToModelPosition(e2), viewPosition: e2, mouseColumn: t2, doColumnSelect: n2});
_createCursor(e2, t2) {
e2 = this._validateViewColumn(e2), Me.b.CreateCursor.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, {source: "mouse", position: this._convertViewToModelPosition(e2), viewPosition: e2, wholeLine: t2});
_lastCursorMoveToSelect(e2) {
Me.b.LastCursorMoveToSelect.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, this._usualArgs(e2));
_wordSelect(e2) {
Me.b.WordSelect.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, this._usualArgs(e2));
_wordSelectDrag(e2) {
Me.b.WordSelectDrag.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, this._usualArgs(e2));
_lastCursorWordSelect(e2) {
Me.b.LastCursorWordSelect.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, this._usualArgs(e2));
_lineSelect(e2) {
Me.b.LineSelect.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, this._usualArgs(e2));
_lineSelectDrag(e2) {
Me.b.LineSelectDrag.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, this._usualArgs(e2));
_lastCursorLineSelect(e2) {
Me.b.LastCursorLineSelect.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, this._usualArgs(e2));
_lastCursorLineSelectDrag(e2) {
Me.b.LastCursorLineSelectDrag.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, this._usualArgs(e2));
_selectAll() {
Me.b.SelectAll.runCoreEditorCommand(this.viewModel, {source: "mouse"});
_convertViewToModelPosition(e2) {
return this.viewModel.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2);
emitKeyDown(e2) {
emitKeyUp(e2) {
emitContextMenu(e2) {
emitMouseMove(e2) {
emitMouseLeave(e2) {
emitMouseUp(e2) {
emitMouseDown(e2) {
emitMouseDrag(e2) {
emitMouseDrop(e2) {
emitMouseWheel(e2) {
class Fe {
constructor(e2) {
this.onKeyDown = null, this.onKeyUp = null, this.onContextMenu = null, this.onMouseMove = null, this.onMouseLeave = null, this.onMouseDown = null, this.onMouseUp = null, this.onMouseDrag = null, this.onMouseDrop = null, this.onMouseWheel = null, this._coordinatesConverter = e2;
emitKeyDown(e2) {
this.onKeyDown && this.onKeyDown(e2);
emitKeyUp(e2) {
this.onKeyUp && this.onKeyUp(e2);
emitContextMenu(e2) {
this.onContextMenu && this.onContextMenu(this._convertViewToModelMouseEvent(e2));
emitMouseMove(e2) {
this.onMouseMove && this.onMouseMove(this._convertViewToModelMouseEvent(e2));
emitMouseLeave(e2) {
this.onMouseLeave && this.onMouseLeave(this._convertViewToModelMouseEvent(e2));
emitMouseDown(e2) {
this.onMouseDown && this.onMouseDown(this._convertViewToModelMouseEvent(e2));
emitMouseUp(e2) {
this.onMouseUp && this.onMouseUp(this._convertViewToModelMouseEvent(e2));
emitMouseDrag(e2) {
this.onMouseDrag && this.onMouseDrag(this._convertViewToModelMouseEvent(e2));
emitMouseDrop(e2) {
this.onMouseDrop && this.onMouseDrop(this._convertViewToModelMouseEvent(e2));
emitMouseWheel(e2) {
this.onMouseWheel && this.onMouseWheel(e2);
_convertViewToModelMouseEvent(e2) {
return ? {event: e2.event, target: this._convertViewToModelMouseTarget(} : e2;
_convertViewToModelMouseTarget(e2) {
return Fe.convertViewToModelMouseTarget(e2, this._coordinatesConverter);
static convertViewToModelMouseTarget(e2, t2) {
return new We(e2.element, e2.type, e2.mouseColumn, e2.position ? t2.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2.position) : null, e2.range ? t2.convertViewRangeToModelRange(e2.range) : null, e2.detail);
class We {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this.element = e2, this.type = t2, this.mouseColumn = n2, this.position = i2, this.range = o2, this.detail = r2;
toString() {
return oe.toString(this);
var ze = n(132);
class Be {
constructor(e2) {
this._createLine = e2, this._set(1, []);
flush() {
this._set(1, []);
_set(e2, t2) {
this._lines = t2, this._rendLineNumberStart = e2;
_get() {
return {rendLineNumberStart: this._rendLineNumberStart, lines: this._lines};
getStartLineNumber() {
return this._rendLineNumberStart;
getEndLineNumber() {
return this._rendLineNumberStart + this._lines.length - 1;
getCount() {
return this._lines.length;
getLine(e2) {
const t2 = e2 - this._rendLineNumberStart;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= this._lines.length)
throw new Error("Illegal value for lineNumber");
return this._lines[t2];
onLinesDeleted(e2, t2) {
if (0 === this.getCount())
return null;
const n2 = this.getStartLineNumber(), i2 = this.getEndLineNumber();
if (t2 < n2) {
const n3 = t2 - e2 + 1;
return this._rendLineNumberStart -= n3, null;
if (e2 > i2)
return null;
let o2 = 0, r2 = 0;
for (let s2 = n2; s2 <= i2; s2++) {
const n3 = s2 - this._rendLineNumberStart;
e2 <= s2 && s2 <= t2 && (0 === r2 ? (o2 = n3, r2 = 1) : r2++);
if (e2 < n2) {
let i3 = 0;
i3 = t2 < n2 ? t2 - e2 + 1 : n2 - e2, this._rendLineNumberStart -= i3;
return this._lines.splice(o2, r2);
onLinesChanged(e2, t2) {
if (0 === this.getCount())
return false;
const n2 = this.getStartLineNumber(), i2 = this.getEndLineNumber();
let o2 = false;
for (let r2 = e2; r2 <= t2; r2++)
r2 >= n2 && r2 <= i2 && (this._lines[r2 - this._rendLineNumberStart].onContentChanged(), o2 = true);
return o2;
onLinesInserted(e2, t2) {
if (0 === this.getCount())
return null;
const n2 = t2 - e2 + 1, i2 = this.getStartLineNumber(), o2 = this.getEndLineNumber();
if (e2 <= i2)
return this._rendLineNumberStart += n2, null;
if (e2 > o2)
return null;
if (n2 + e2 > o2) {
return this._lines.splice(e2 - this._rendLineNumberStart, o2 - e2 + 1);
const r2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2; e3++)
r2[e3] = this._createLine();
const s2 = e2 - this._rendLineNumberStart, a2 = this._lines.slice(0, s2), l2 = this._lines.slice(s2, this._lines.length - n2), c2 = this._lines.slice(this._lines.length - n2, this._lines.length);
return this._lines = a2.concat(r2).concat(l2), c2;
onTokensChanged(e2) {
if (0 === this.getCount())
return false;
const t2 = this.getStartLineNumber(), n2 = this.getEndLineNumber();
let i2 = false;
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = e2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = e2[o2];
if (r3.toLineNumber < t2 || r3.fromLineNumber > n2)
const s2 = Math.max(t2, r3.fromLineNumber), a2 = Math.min(n2, r3.toLineNumber);
for (let e3 = s2; e3 <= a2; e3++) {
const t3 = e3 - this._rendLineNumberStart;
this._lines[t3].onTokensChanged(), i2 = true;
return i2;
class je {
constructor(e2) {
this._host = e2, this.domNode = this._createDomNode(), this._linesCollection = new Be(() => this._host.createVisibleLine());
_createDomNode() {
const e2 = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div"));
return e2.setClassName("view-layer"), e2.setPosition("absolute"), e2.domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), e2.domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), e2;
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
return !!e2.hasChanged(117);
onFlushed(e2) {
return this._linesCollection.flush(), true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return this._linesCollection.onLinesChanged(e2.fromLineNumber, e2.toLineNumber);
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
const t2 = this._linesCollection.onLinesDeleted(e2.fromLineNumber, e2.toLineNumber);
if (t2)
for (let e3 = 0, n2 = t2.length; e3 < n2; e3++) {
const n3 = t2[e3].getDomNode();
n3 && this.domNode.domNode.removeChild(n3);
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
const t2 = this._linesCollection.onLinesInserted(e2.fromLineNumber, e2.toLineNumber);
if (t2)
for (let e3 = 0, n2 = t2.length; e3 < n2; e3++) {
const n3 = t2[e3].getDomNode();
n3 && this.domNode.domNode.removeChild(n3);
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollTopChanged;
onTokensChanged(e2) {
return this._linesCollection.onTokensChanged(e2.ranges);
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
getStartLineNumber() {
return this._linesCollection.getStartLineNumber();
getEndLineNumber() {
return this._linesCollection.getEndLineNumber();
getVisibleLine(e2) {
return this._linesCollection.getLine(e2);
renderLines(e2) {
const t2 = this._linesCollection._get(), n2 = new Ve(this.domNode.domNode, this._host, e2), i2 = {rendLineNumberStart: t2.rendLineNumberStart, lines: t2.lines, linesLength: t2.lines.length}, o2 = n2.render(i2, e2.startLineNumber, e2.endLineNumber, e2.relativeVerticalOffset);
this._linesCollection._set(o2.rendLineNumberStart, o2.lines);
class Ve {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.domNode = e2, = t2, this.viewportData = n2;
render(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = {rendLineNumberStart: e2.rendLineNumberStart, lines: e2.lines.slice(0), linesLength: e2.linesLength};
if (o2.rendLineNumberStart + o2.linesLength - 1 < t2 || n2 < o2.rendLineNumberStart) {
o2.rendLineNumberStart = t2, o2.linesLength = n2 - t2 + 1, o2.lines = [];
for (let e3 = t2; e3 <= n2; e3++)
o2.lines[e3 - t2] =;
return this._finishRendering(o2, true, i2), o2;
if (this._renderUntouchedLines(o2, Math.max(t2 - o2.rendLineNumberStart, 0), Math.min(n2 - o2.rendLineNumberStart, o2.linesLength - 1), i2, t2), o2.rendLineNumberStart > t2) {
const e3 = t2, r2 = Math.min(n2, o2.rendLineNumberStart - 1);
e3 <= r2 && (this._insertLinesBefore(o2, e3, r2, i2, t2), o2.linesLength += r2 - e3 + 1);
} else if (o2.rendLineNumberStart < t2) {
const e3 = Math.min(o2.linesLength, t2 - o2.rendLineNumberStart);
e3 > 0 && (this._removeLinesBefore(o2, e3), o2.linesLength -= e3);
if (o2.rendLineNumberStart = t2, o2.rendLineNumberStart + o2.linesLength - 1 < n2) {
const e3 = o2.rendLineNumberStart + o2.linesLength, r2 = n2;
e3 <= r2 && (this._insertLinesAfter(o2, e3, r2, i2, t2), o2.linesLength += r2 - e3 + 1);
} else if (o2.rendLineNumberStart + o2.linesLength - 1 > n2) {
const e3 = Math.max(0, n2 - o2.rendLineNumberStart + 1), t3 = o2.linesLength - 1 - e3 + 1;
t3 > 0 && (this._removeLinesAfter(o2, t3), o2.linesLength -= t3);
return this._finishRendering(o2, false, i2), o2;
_renderUntouchedLines(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = e2.rendLineNumberStart, s2 = e2.lines;
for (let e3 = t2; e3 <= n2; e3++) {
const t3 = r2 + e3;
s2[e3].layoutLine(t3, i2[t3 - o2]);
_insertLinesBefore(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = [];
let s2 = 0;
for (let e3 = t2; e3 <= n2; e3++)
r2[s2++] =;
e2.lines = r2.concat(e2.lines);
_removeLinesBefore(e2, t2) {
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < t2; n2++) {
const t3 = e2.lines[n2].getDomNode();
t3 && this.domNode.removeChild(t3);
e2.lines.splice(0, t2);
_insertLinesAfter(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = [];
let s2 = 0;
for (let e3 = t2; e3 <= n2; e3++)
r2[s2++] =;
e2.lines = e2.lines.concat(r2);
_removeLinesAfter(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.linesLength - t2;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < t2; i2++) {
const t3 = e2.lines[n2 + i2].getDomNode();
t3 && this.domNode.removeChild(t3);
e2.lines.splice(n2, t2);
_finishRenderingNewLines(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this.domNode.lastChild;
t2 || !o2 ? this.domNode.innerHTML = n2 : o2.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", n2);
let r2 = this.domNode.lastChild;
for (let t3 = e2.linesLength - 1; t3 >= 0; t3--) {
const n3 = e2.lines[t3];
i2[t3] && (n3.setDomNode(r2), r2 = r2.previousSibling);
_finishRenderingInvalidLines(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = document.createElement("div");
i2.innerHTML = t2;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e2.linesLength; t3++) {
const o2 = e2.lines[t3];
if (n2[t3]) {
const e3 = i2.firstChild, t4 = o2.getDomNode();
t4.parentNode.replaceChild(e3, t4), o2.setDomNode(e3);
_finishRendering(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = Ve._sb, o2 = e2.linesLength, r2 = e2.lines, s2 = e2.rendLineNumberStart, a2 = [];
let l2 = false;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < o2; e3++) {
const t3 = r2[e3];
a2[e3] = false;
if (t3.getDomNode())
t3.renderLine(e3 + s2, n2[e3], this.viewportData, i2) && (a2[e3] = true, l2 = true);
l2 && this._finishRenderingNewLines(e2, t2,, a2);
let t3 = false;
const l2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < o2; e3++) {
const o3 = r2[e3];
if (l2[e3] = false, a2[e3])
o3.renderLine(e3 + s2, n2[e3], this.viewportData, i2) && (l2[e3] = true, t3 = true);
t3 && this._finishRenderingInvalidLines(e2,, l2);
Ve._sb = Object(ze.a)(1e5);
class Ue extends N {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this._visibleLines = new je(this), this.domNode = this._visibleLines.domNode, this._dynamicOverlays = [], this._isFocused = false, this.domNode.setClassName("view-overlays");
shouldRender() {
if (super.shouldRender())
return true;
for (let e2 = 0, t2 = this._dynamicOverlays.length; e2 < t2; e2++) {
if (this._dynamicOverlays[e2].shouldRender())
return true;
return false;
dispose() {
for (let e2 = 0, t2 = this._dynamicOverlays.length; e2 < t2; e2++) {
this._dynamicOverlays = [];
getDomNode() {
return this.domNode;
createVisibleLine() {
return new He(this._context.configuration, this._dynamicOverlays);
addDynamicOverlay(e2) {
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), n2 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
for (let i2 = t2; i2 <= n2; i2++) {
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onFlushed(e2);
onFocusChanged(e2) {
return this._isFocused = e2.isFocused, true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onLinesChanged(e2);
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onLinesDeleted(e2);
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onLinesInserted(e2);
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onScrollChanged(e2) || true;
onTokensChanged(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onTokensChanged(e2);
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onZonesChanged(e2);
prepareRender(e2) {
const t2 = this._dynamicOverlays.filter((e3) => e3.shouldRender());
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = t2[n2];
i3.prepareRender(e2), i3.onDidRender();
render(e2) {
this._viewOverlaysRender(e2), this.domNode.toggleClassName("focused", this._isFocused);
_viewOverlaysRender(e2) {
class He {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._configuration = e2, this._lineHeight = this._configuration.options.get(51), this._dynamicOverlays = t2, this._domNode = null, this._renderedContent = null;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode ? this._domNode.domNode : null;
setDomNode(e2) {
this._domNode = Object(p.b)(e2);
onContentChanged() {
onTokensChanged() {
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
this._lineHeight = this._configuration.options.get(51);
renderLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = "";
for (let t3 = 0, i3 = this._dynamicOverlays.length; t3 < i3; t3++) {
o2 += this._dynamicOverlays[t3].render(n2.startLineNumber, e2);
return this._renderedContent !== o2 && (this._renderedContent = o2, i2.appendASCIIString('<div style="position:absolute;top:'), i2.appendASCIIString(String(t2)), i2.appendASCIIString("px;width:100%;height:"), i2.appendASCIIString(String(this._lineHeight)), i2.appendASCIIString('px;">'), i2.appendASCIIString(o2), i2.appendASCIIString("</div>"), true);
layoutLine(e2, t2) {
this._domNode && (this._domNode.setTop(t2), this._domNode.setHeight(this._lineHeight));
class qe extends Ue {
constructor(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(117);
this._contentWidth = t2.contentWidth, this.domNode.setHeight(0);
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(117);
return this._contentWidth = t2.contentWidth, super.onConfigurationChanged(e2) || true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return super.onScrollChanged(e2) || e2.scrollWidthChanged;
_viewOverlaysRender(e2) {
super._viewOverlaysRender(e2), this.domNode.setWidth(Math.max(e2.scrollWidth, this._contentWidth));
class $e extends Ue {
constructor(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(117);
this._contentLeft = n2.contentLeft, this.domNode.setClassName("margin-view-overlays"), this.domNode.setWidth(1), c.a.applyFontInfo(this.domNode, t2.get(36));
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
c.a.applyFontInfo(this.domNode, t2.get(36));
const n2 = t2.get(117);
return this._contentLeft = n2.contentLeft, super.onConfigurationChanged(e2) || true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return super.onScrollChanged(e2) || e2.scrollHeightChanged;
_viewOverlaysRender(e2) {
const t2 = Math.min(e2.scrollHeight, 1e6);
this.domNode.setHeight(t2), this.domNode.setWidth(this._contentLeft);
class Ke {
constructor(e2, t2) { = e2, this.left = t2;
class Ge extends N {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2), this._viewDomNode = t2, this._widgets = {}, this.domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), I.write(this.domNode, 1), this.domNode.setClassName("contentWidgets"), this.domNode.setPosition("absolute"), this.domNode.setTop(0), this.overflowingContentWidgetsDomNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), I.write(this.overflowingContentWidgetsDomNode, 2), this.overflowingContentWidgetsDomNode.setClassName("overflowingContentWidgets");
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._widgets = {};
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = Object.keys(this._widgets);
for (const n2 of t2)
return true;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onLineMappingChanged(e2) {
const t2 = Object.keys(this._widgets);
for (const n2 of t2)
return true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return true;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
addWidget(e2) {
const t2 = new Ye(this._context, this._viewDomNode, e2);
this._widgets[] = t2, t2.allowEditorOverflow ? this.overflowingContentWidgetsDomNode.appendChild(t2.domNode) : this.domNode.appendChild(t2.domNode), this.setShouldRender();
setWidgetPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
this._widgets[e2.getId()].setPosition(t2, n2), this.setShouldRender();
removeWidget(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getId();
if (this._widgets.hasOwnProperty(t2)) {
const e3 = this._widgets[t2];
delete this._widgets[t2];
const n2 = e3.domNode.domNode;
n2.parentNode.removeChild(n2), n2.removeAttribute("monaco-visible-content-widget"), this.setShouldRender();
shouldSuppressMouseDownOnWidget(e2) {
return !!this._widgets.hasOwnProperty(e2) && this._widgets[e2].suppressMouseDown;
onBeforeRender(e2) {
const t2 = Object.keys(this._widgets);
for (const n2 of t2)
prepareRender(e2) {
const t2 = Object.keys(this._widgets);
for (const n2 of t2)
render(e2) {
const t2 = Object.keys(this._widgets);
for (const n2 of t2)
class Ye {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._context = e2, this._viewDomNode = t2, this._actual = n2, this.domNode = Object(p.b)(this._actual.getDomNode()), = this._actual.getId(), this.allowEditorOverflow = this._actual.allowEditorOverflow || false, this.suppressMouseDown = this._actual.suppressMouseDown || false;
const i2 = this._context.configuration.options, o2 = i2.get(117);
this._fixedOverflowWidgets = i2.get(30), this._contentWidth = o2.contentWidth, this._contentLeft = o2.contentLeft, this._lineHeight = i2.get(51), this._range = null, this._viewRange = null, this._preference = [], this._cachedDomNodeClientWidth = -1, this._cachedDomNodeClientHeight = -1, this._maxWidth = this._getMaxWidth(), this._isVisible = false, this._renderData = null, this.domNode.setPosition(this._fixedOverflowWidgets && this.allowEditorOverflow ? "fixed" : "absolute"), this.domNode.setVisibility("hidden"), this.domNode.setAttribute("widgetId",, this.domNode.setMaxWidth(this._maxWidth);
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
if (this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), e2.hasChanged(117)) {
const e3 = t2.get(117);
this._contentLeft = e3.contentLeft, this._contentWidth = e3.contentWidth, this._maxWidth = this._getMaxWidth();
onLineMappingChanged(e2) {
_setPosition(e2) {
if (this._range = e2, this._viewRange = null, this._range) {
const e3 = this._context.model.validateModelRange(this._range);
(this._context.model.coordinatesConverter.modelPositionIsVisible(e3.getStartPosition()) || this._context.model.coordinatesConverter.modelPositionIsVisible(e3.getEndPosition())) && (this._viewRange = this._context.model.coordinatesConverter.convertModelRangeToViewRange(e3));
_getMaxWidth() {
return this.allowEditorOverflow ? window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth : this._contentWidth;
setPosition(e2, t2) {
this._setPosition(e2), this._preference = t2, this._cachedDomNodeClientWidth = -1, this._cachedDomNodeClientHeight = -1;
_layoutBoxInViewport(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 =, s2 = r2, a2 = + this._lineHeight, l2 = r2 - i2, c2 = s2 >= i2, d2 = a2, h2 = o2.viewportHeight - a2 >= i2;
let u2 = e2.left, p2 = t2.left;
return u2 + n2 > o2.scrollLeft + o2.viewportWidth && (u2 = o2.scrollLeft + o2.viewportWidth - n2), p2 + n2 > o2.scrollLeft + o2.viewportWidth && (p2 = o2.scrollLeft + o2.viewportWidth - n2), u2 < o2.scrollLeft && (u2 = o2.scrollLeft), p2 < o2.scrollLeft && (p2 = o2.scrollLeft), {fitsAbove: c2, aboveTop: l2, aboveLeft: u2, fitsBelow: h2, belowTop: d2, belowLeft: p2};
_layoutHorizontalSegmentInPage(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const r2 = Math.max(0, t2.left - i2), s2 = Math.min(t2.left + t2.width + i2, e2.width);
let a2 = t2.left + n2 - o.d.scrollX;
if (a2 + i2 > s2) {
const e3 = a2 - (s2 - i2);
a2 -= e3, n2 -= e3;
if (a2 < r2) {
const e3 = a2 - r2;
a2 -= e3, n2 -= e3;
return [n2, a2];
_layoutBoxInPage(e2, t2, n2, i2, r2) {
const s2 = - i2, a2 = + this._lineHeight, l2 = o.C(this._viewDomNode.domNode), c2 = + s2 - o.d.scrollY, d2 = + a2 - o.d.scrollY, h2 = o.y(document.body), [u2, p2] = this._layoutHorizontalSegmentInPage(h2, l2, e2.left - r2.scrollLeft + this._contentLeft, n2), [m2, g2] = this._layoutHorizontalSegmentInPage(h2, l2, t2.left - r2.scrollLeft + this._contentLeft, n2), f2 = c2 >= 22, b2 = d2 + i2 <= h2.height - 22;
return this._fixedOverflowWidgets ? {fitsAbove: f2, aboveTop: Math.max(c2, 22), aboveLeft: p2, fitsBelow: b2, belowTop: d2, belowLeft: g2} : {fitsAbove: f2, aboveTop: s2, aboveLeft: u2, fitsBelow: b2, belowTop: a2, belowLeft: m2};
_prepareRenderWidgetAtExactPositionOverflowing(e2) {
return new Ke(, e2.left + this._contentLeft);
_getTopAndBottomLeft(e2) {
if (!this._viewRange)
return [null, null];
const t2 = e2.linesVisibleRangesForRange(this._viewRange, false);
if (!t2 || 0 === t2.length)
return [null, null];
let n2 = t2[0], i2 = t2[0];
for (const e3 of t2)
e3.lineNumber < n2.lineNumber && (n2 = e3), e3.lineNumber > i2.lineNumber && (i2 = e3);
let o2 = 1073741824;
for (const e3 of n2.ranges)
e3.left < o2 && (o2 = e3.left);
let r2 = 1073741824;
for (const e3 of i2.ranges)
e3.left < r2 && (r2 = e3.left);
const s2 = e2.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(n2.lineNumber) - e2.scrollTop, a2 = new Ke(s2, o2), l2 = e2.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(i2.lineNumber) - e2.scrollTop;
return [a2, new Ke(l2, r2)];
_prepareRenderWidget(e2) {
const [t2, n2] = this._getTopAndBottomLeft(e2);
if (!t2 || !n2)
return null;
if (-1 === this._cachedDomNodeClientWidth || -1 === this._cachedDomNodeClientHeight) {
const e3 = this.domNode.domNode;
this._cachedDomNodeClientWidth = e3.clientWidth, this._cachedDomNodeClientHeight = e3.clientHeight;
let i2;
if (i2 = this.allowEditorOverflow ? this._layoutBoxInPage(t2, n2, this._cachedDomNodeClientWidth, this._cachedDomNodeClientHeight, e2) : this._layoutBoxInViewport(t2, n2, this._cachedDomNodeClientWidth, this._cachedDomNodeClientHeight, e2), this._preference)
for (let e3 = 1; e3 <= 2; e3++)
for (const n3 of this._preference)
if (1 === n3) {
if (!i2)
return null;
if (2 === e3 || i2.fitsAbove)
return new Ke(i2.aboveTop, i2.aboveLeft);
} else {
if (2 !== n3)
return this.allowEditorOverflow ? this._prepareRenderWidgetAtExactPositionOverflowing(t2) : t2;
if (!i2)
return null;
if (2 === e3 || i2.fitsBelow)
return new Ke(i2.belowTop, i2.belowLeft);
return null;
onBeforeRender(e2) {
this._viewRange && this._preference && (this._viewRange.endLineNumber < e2.startLineNumber || this._viewRange.startLineNumber > e2.endLineNumber || this.domNode.setMaxWidth(this._maxWidth));
prepareRender(e2) {
this._renderData = this._prepareRenderWidget(e2);
render(e2) {
this._renderData ? (this.allowEditorOverflow ? (this.domNode.setTop(, this.domNode.setLeft(this._renderData.left)) : (this.domNode.setTop( + e2.scrollTop - e2.bigNumbersDelta), this.domNode.setLeft(this._renderData.left)), this._isVisible || (this.domNode.setVisibility("inherit"), this.domNode.setAttribute("monaco-visible-content-widget", "true"), this._isVisible = true)) : this._isVisible && (this.domNode.removeAttribute("monaco-visible-content-widget"), this._isVisible = false, this.domNode.setVisibility("hidden"));
var Ze = n(15);
let Xe = true;
class Qe extends Ee {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._context = e2;
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(117);
this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._renderLineHighlight = t2.get(77), this._renderLineHightlightOnlyWhenFocus = t2.get(78), this._contentLeft = n2.contentLeft, this._contentWidth = n2.contentWidth, this._selectionIsEmpty = true, this._focused = false, this._cursorLineNumbers = [], this._selections = [], this._renderData = null, this._context.addEventHandler(this);
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), super.dispose();
_readFromSelections() {
let e2 = false;
const t2 = Xe ? this._selections.slice(0, 1) : this._selections, n2 = => e3.positionLineNumber);
n2.sort((e3, t3) => e3 - t3), Ze.g(this._cursorLineNumbers, n2) || (this._cursorLineNumbers = n2, e2 = true);
const i2 = t2.every((e3) => e3.isEmpty());
return this._selectionIsEmpty !== i2 && (this._selectionIsEmpty = i2, e2 = true), e2;
onThemeChanged(e2) {
return this._readFromSelections();
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(117);
return this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._renderLineHighlight = t2.get(77), this._renderLineHightlightOnlyWhenFocus = t2.get(78), this._contentLeft = n2.contentLeft, this._contentWidth = n2.contentWidth, true;
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
return this._selections = e2.selections, this._readFromSelections();
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollWidthChanged || e2.scrollTopChanged;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onFocusChanged(e2) {
return !!this._renderLineHightlightOnlyWhenFocus && (this._focused = e2.isFocused, true);
prepareRender(e2) {
if (!this._shouldRenderThis())
return void (this._renderData = null);
const t2 = this._renderOne(e2), n2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.visibleRange.endLineNumber, o2 = this._cursorLineNumbers.length;
let r2 = 0;
const s2 = [];
for (let e3 = n2; e3 <= i2; e3++) {
const i3 = e3 - n2;
for (; r2 < o2 && this._cursorLineNumbers[r2] < e3; )
r2 < o2 && this._cursorLineNumbers[r2] === e3 ? s2[i3] = t2 : s2[i3] = "";
this._renderData = s2;
render(e2, t2) {
if (!this._renderData)
return "";
const n2 = t2 - e2;
return n2 >= this._renderData.length ? "" : this._renderData[n2];
class Je extends Qe {
_renderOne(e2) {
return `<div class="${"current-line" + (this._shouldRenderOther() ? " current-line-both" : "")}" style="width:${Math.max(e2.scrollWidth, this._contentWidth)}px; height:${this._lineHeight}px;"></div>`;
_shouldRenderThis() {
return ("line" === this._renderLineHighlight || "all" === this._renderLineHighlight) && this._selectionIsEmpty && (!this._renderLineHightlightOnlyWhenFocus || this._focused);
_shouldRenderOther() {
return ("gutter" === this._renderLineHighlight || "all" === this._renderLineHighlight) && (!this._renderLineHightlightOnlyWhenFocus || this._focused);
class et extends Qe {
_renderOne(e2) {
return `<div class="${"current-line current-line-margin" + (this._shouldRenderOther() ? " current-line-margin-both" : "")}" style="width:${this._contentLeft}px; height:${this._lineHeight}px;"></div>`;
_shouldRenderThis() {
return ("gutter" === this._renderLineHighlight || "all" === this._renderLineHighlight) && (!this._renderLineHightlightOnlyWhenFocus || this._focused);
_shouldRenderOther() {
return ("line" === this._renderLineHighlight || "all" === this._renderLineHighlight) && this._selectionIsEmpty && (!this._renderLineHightlightOnlyWhenFocus || this._focused);
Object(B.g)((e2, t2) => {
Xe = false;
const n2 = e2.getColor(Te.i);
if (n2 && (t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .view-overlays .current-line { background-color: ${n2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .current-line-margin { background-color: ${n2}; border: none; }`)), !n2 || n2.isTransparent() || e2.defines(Te.j)) {
const n3 = e2.getColor(Te.j);
n3 && (Xe = true, t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .view-overlays .current-line { border: 2px solid ${n3}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .current-line-margin { border: 2px solid ${n3}; }`), "hc" === e2.type && (t2.addRule(".monaco-editor .view-overlays .current-line { border-width: 1px; }"), t2.addRule(".monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .current-line-margin { border-width: 1px; }")));
class tt extends Ee {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._context = e2;
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = t2.get(36).typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, this._renderResult = null, this._context.addEventHandler(this);
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), this._renderResult = null, super.dispose();
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
return this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = t2.get(36).typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, true;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollTopChanged || e2.scrollWidthChanged;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
prepareRender(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getDecorationsInViewport();
let n2 = [], i2 = 0;
for (let e3 = 0, o3 = t2.length; e3 < o3; e3++) {
const o4 = t2[e3];
o4.options.className && (n2[i2++] = o4);
n2 = n2.sort((e3, t3) => {
if (e3.options.zIndex < t3.options.zIndex)
return -1;
if (e3.options.zIndex > t3.options.zIndex)
return 1;
const n3 = e3.options.className, i3 = t3.options.className;
return n3 < i3 ? -1 : n3 > i3 ? 1 : te.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e3.range, t3.range);
const o2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber, r2 = e2.visibleRange.endLineNumber, s2 = [];
for (let e3 = o2; e3 <= r2; e3++) {
s2[e3 - o2] = "";
this._renderWholeLineDecorations(e2, n2, s2), this._renderNormalDecorations(e2, n2, s2), this._renderResult = s2;
_renderWholeLineDecorations(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = String(this._lineHeight), o2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber, r2 = e2.visibleRange.endLineNumber;
for (let e3 = 0, s2 = t2.length; e3 < s2; e3++) {
const s3 = t2[e3];
if (!s3.options.isWholeLine)
const a2 = '<div class="cdr ' + s3.options.className + '" style="left:0;width:100%;height:' + i2 + 'px;"></div>', l2 = Math.max(s3.range.startLineNumber, o2), c2 = Math.min(s3.range.endLineNumber, r2);
for (let e4 = l2; e4 <= c2; e4++) {
n2[e4 - o2] += a2;
_renderNormalDecorations(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = String(this._lineHeight), o2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber;
let r2 = null, s2 = false, a2 = null;
for (let l2 = 0, c2 = t2.length; l2 < c2; l2++) {
const c3 = t2[l2];
if (c3.options.isWholeLine)
const d2 = c3.options.className, h2 = Boolean(c3.options.showIfCollapsed);
let u2 = c3.range;
h2 && 1 === u2.endColumn && u2.endLineNumber !== u2.startLineNumber && (u2 = new te.a(u2.startLineNumber, u2.startColumn, u2.endLineNumber - 1, this._context.model.getLineMaxColumn(u2.endLineNumber - 1))), r2 === d2 && s2 === h2 && te.a.areIntersectingOrTouching(a2, u2) ? a2 = te.a.plusRange(a2, u2) : (null !== r2 && this._renderNormalDecoration(e2, a2, r2, s2, i2, o2, n2), r2 = d2, s2 = h2, a2 = u2);
null !== r2 && this._renderNormalDecoration(e2, a2, r2, s2, i2, o2, n2);
_renderNormalDecoration(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
const a2 = e2.linesVisibleRangesForRange(t2, "findMatch" === n2);
if (a2)
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = a2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = a2[e3];
if (t4.outsideRenderedLine)
const l2 = t4.lineNumber - r2;
if (i2 && 1 === t4.ranges.length) {
const e4 = t4.ranges[0];
0 === e4.width && (t4.ranges[0] = new A(e4.left, this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth));
for (let e4 = 0, i3 = t4.ranges.length; e4 < i3; e4++) {
const i4 = t4.ranges[e4], r3 = '<div class="cdr ' + n2 + '" style="left:' + String(i4.left) + "px;width:" + String(i4.width) + "px;height:" + o2 + 'px;"></div>';
s2[l2] += r3;
render(e2, t2) {
if (!this._renderResult)
return "";
const n2 = t2 - e2;
return n2 < 0 || n2 >= this._renderResult.length ? "" : this._renderResult[n2];
var nt = n(105);
class it extends N {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const r2 = this._context.configuration.options, s2 = r2.get(84), a2 = r2.get(58), l2 = r2.get(28), c2 = r2.get(87), d2 = {listenOnDomNode: n2.domNode, className: "editor-scrollable " + Object(B.f)(e2.theme.type), useShadows: false, lazyRender: true, vertical: s2.vertical, horizontal: s2.horizontal, verticalHasArrows: s2.verticalHasArrows, horizontalHasArrows: s2.horizontalHasArrows, verticalScrollbarSize: s2.verticalScrollbarSize, verticalSliderSize: s2.verticalSliderSize, horizontalScrollbarSize: s2.horizontalScrollbarSize, horizontalSliderSize: s2.horizontalSliderSize, handleMouseWheel: s2.handleMouseWheel, alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: s2.alwaysConsumeMouseWheel, arrowSize: s2.arrowSize, mouseWheelScrollSensitivity: a2, fastScrollSensitivity: l2, scrollPredominantAxis: c2};
this.scrollbar = this._register(new nt.c(t2.domNode, d2, this._context.viewLayout.getScrollable())), I.write(this.scrollbar.getDomNode(), 5), this.scrollbarDomNode = Object(p.b)(this.scrollbar.getDomNode()), this.scrollbarDomNode.setPosition("absolute"), this._setLayout();
const h2 = (e3, t3, n3) => {
const i3 = {};
if (t3) {
const t4 = e3.scrollTop;
t4 && (i3.scrollTop = this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollTop() + t4, e3.scrollTop = 0);
if (n3) {
const t4 = e3.scrollLeft;
t4 && (i3.scrollLeft = this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollLeft() + t4, e3.scrollLeft = 0);
this._context.model.setScrollPosition(i3, 1);
this._register(o.i(n2.domNode, "scroll", (e3) => h2(n2.domNode, true, true))), this._register(o.i(t2.domNode, "scroll", (e3) => h2(t2.domNode, true, false))), this._register(o.i(i2.domNode, "scroll", (e3) => h2(i2.domNode, true, false))), this._register(o.i(this.scrollbarDomNode.domNode, "scroll", (e3) => h2(this.scrollbarDomNode.domNode, true, false)));
dispose() {
_setLayout() {
const e2 = this._context.configuration.options, t2 = e2.get(117);
"right" === e2.get(56).side ? this.scrollbarDomNode.setWidth(t2.contentWidth + t2.minimap.minimapWidth) : this.scrollbarDomNode.setWidth(t2.contentWidth), this.scrollbarDomNode.setHeight(t2.height);
getOverviewRulerLayoutInfo() {
return this.scrollbar.getOverviewRulerLayoutInfo();
getDomNode() {
return this.scrollbarDomNode;
delegateVerticalScrollbarMouseDown(e2) {
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
if (e2.hasChanged(84) || e2.hasChanged(58) || e2.hasChanged(28)) {
const e3 = this._context.configuration.options, t2 = e3.get(84), n2 = e3.get(58), i2 = e3.get(28), o2 = e3.get(87), r2 = {handleMouseWheel: t2.handleMouseWheel, mouseWheelScrollSensitivity: n2, fastScrollSensitivity: i2, scrollPredominantAxis: o2};
return e2.hasChanged(117) && this._setLayout(), true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return true;
onThemeChanged(e2) {
return this.scrollbar.updateClassName("editor-scrollable " + Object(B.f)(this._context.theme.type)), true;
prepareRender(e2) {
render(e2) {
class ot {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.startLineNumber = +e2, this.endLineNumber = +t2, this.className = String(n2);
class rt extends Ee {
_render(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = [];
for (let n3 = e2; n3 <= t2; n3++) {
i2[n3 - e2] = [];
if (0 === n2.length)
return i2;
n2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.className === t3.className ? e3.startLineNumber === t3.startLineNumber ? e3.endLineNumber - t3.endLineNumber : e3.startLineNumber - t3.startLineNumber : e3.className < t3.className ? -1 : 1);
let o2 = null, r2 = 0;
for (let s2 = 0, a2 = n2.length; s2 < a2; s2++) {
const a3 = n2[s2], l2 = a3.className;
let c2 = Math.max(a3.startLineNumber, e2) - e2;
const d2 = Math.min(a3.endLineNumber, t2) - e2;
o2 === l2 ? (c2 = Math.max(r2 + 1, c2), r2 = Math.max(r2, d2)) : (o2 = l2, r2 = d2);
for (let e3 = c2; e3 <= r2; e3++)
return i2;
class st extends rt {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._context = e2;
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(117);
this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._glyphMargin = t2.get(42), this._glyphMarginLeft = n2.glyphMarginLeft, this._glyphMarginWidth = n2.glyphMarginWidth, this._renderResult = null, this._context.addEventHandler(this);
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), this._renderResult = null, super.dispose();
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(117);
return this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._glyphMargin = t2.get(42), this._glyphMarginLeft = n2.glyphMarginLeft, this._glyphMarginWidth = n2.glyphMarginWidth, true;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollTopChanged;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
_getDecorations(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getDecorationsInViewport();
let n2 = [], i2 = 0;
for (let e3 = 0, o2 = t2.length; e3 < o2; e3++) {
const o3 = t2[e3], r2 = o3.options.glyphMarginClassName;
r2 && (n2[i2++] = new ot(o3.range.startLineNumber, o3.range.endLineNumber, r2));
return n2;
prepareRender(e2) {
if (!this._glyphMargin)
return void (this._renderResult = null);
const t2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber, n2 = e2.visibleRange.endLineNumber, i2 = this._render(t2, n2, this._getDecorations(e2)), o2 = this._lineHeight.toString(), r2 = '" style="left:' + this._glyphMarginLeft.toString() + "px;width:" + this._glyphMarginWidth.toString() + "px;height:" + o2 + 'px;"></div>', s2 = [];
for (let e3 = t2; e3 <= n2; e3++) {
const n3 = e3 - t2, o3 = i2[n3];
0 === o3.length ? s2[n3] = "" : s2[n3] = '<div class="cgmr codicon ' + o3.join(" ") + r2;
this._renderResult = s2;
render(e2, t2) {
if (!this._renderResult)
return "";
const n2 = t2 - e2;
return n2 < 0 || n2 >= this._renderResult.length ? "" : this._renderResult[n2];
class at extends Ee {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._context = e2, this._primaryLineNumber = 0;
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(118), i2 = t2.get(36);
this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._spaceWidth = i2.spaceWidth, this._enabled = t2.get(75), this._activeIndentEnabled = t2.get(45), this._maxIndentLeft = -1 === n2.wrappingColumn ? -1 : n2.wrappingColumn * i2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, this._renderResult = null, this._context.addEventHandler(this);
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), this._renderResult = null, super.dispose();
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(118), i2 = t2.get(36);
return this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._spaceWidth = i2.spaceWidth, this._enabled = t2.get(75), this._activeIndentEnabled = t2.get(45), this._maxIndentLeft = -1 === n2.wrappingColumn ? -1 : n2.wrappingColumn * i2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, true;
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
const t2 = e2.selections[0], n2 = t2.isEmpty() ? t2.positionLineNumber : 0;
return this._primaryLineNumber !== n2 && (this._primaryLineNumber = n2, true);
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollTopChanged;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLanguageConfigurationChanged(e2) {
return true;
prepareRender(e2) {
if (!this._enabled)
return void (this._renderResult = null);
const t2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber, n2 = e2.visibleRange.endLineNumber, {indentSize: i2} = this._context.model.getTextModelOptions(), o2 = i2 * this._spaceWidth, r2 = e2.scrollWidth, s2 = this._lineHeight, a2 = this._context.model.getLinesIndentGuides(t2, n2);
let l2 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 0;
if (this._activeIndentEnabled && this._primaryLineNumber) {
const e3 = this._context.model.getActiveIndentGuide(this._primaryLineNumber, t2, n2);
l2 = e3.startLineNumber, c2 = e3.endLineNumber, d2 = e3.indent;
const h2 = [];
for (let i3 = t2; i3 <= n2; i3++) {
const n3 = l2 <= i3 && i3 <= c2, u2 = i3 - t2, p2 = a2[u2];
let m2 = "";
if (p2 >= 1) {
const t3 = e2.visibleRangeForPosition(new ee.a(i3, 1));
let a3 = t3 ? t3.left : 0;
for (let e3 = 1; e3 <= p2; e3++) {
if (m2 += `<div class="${n3 && e3 === d2 ? "cigra" : "cigr"}" style="left:${a3}px;height:${s2}px;width:${o2}px"></div>`, a3 += o2, a3 > r2 || this._maxIndentLeft > 0 && a3 > this._maxIndentLeft)
h2[u2] = m2;
this._renderResult = h2;
render(e2, t2) {
if (!this._renderResult)
return "";
const n2 = t2 - e2;
return n2 < 0 || n2 >= this._renderResult.length ? "" : this._renderResult[n2];
Object(B.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(Te.h);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .lines-content .cigr { box-shadow: 1px 0 0 0 ${n2} inset; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(Te.a) || n2;
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .lines-content .cigra { box-shadow: 1px 0 0 0 ${i2} inset; }`);
class lt {
constructor() {
this._currentVisibleRange = new te.a(1, 1, 1, 1);
getCurrentVisibleRange() {
return this._currentVisibleRange;
setCurrentVisibleRange(e2) {
this._currentVisibleRange = e2;
class ct {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this.lineNumber = e2, this.startColumn = t2, this.endColumn = n2, this.startScrollTop = i2, this.stopScrollTop = o2, this.scrollType = r2, this.type = "range", this.minLineNumber = e2, this.maxLineNumber = e2;
class dt {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.selections = e2, this.startScrollTop = t2, this.stopScrollTop = n2, this.scrollType = i2, this.type = "selections";
let o2 = e2[0].startLineNumber, r2 = e2[0].endLineNumber;
for (let t3 = 1, n3 = e2.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
const n4 = e2[t3];
o2 = Math.min(o2, n4.startLineNumber), r2 = Math.max(r2, n4.endLineNumber);
this.minLineNumber = o2, this.maxLineNumber = r2;
class ht extends N {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2), this._linesContent = t2, this._textRangeRestingSpot = document.createElement("div"), this._visibleLines = new je(this), this.domNode = this._visibleLines.domNode;
const n2 = this._context.configuration, i2 = this._context.configuration.options, o2 = i2.get(36), r2 = i2.get(118);
this._lineHeight = i2.get(51), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = o2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, this._isViewportWrapping = r2.isViewportWrapping, this._revealHorizontalRightPadding = i2.get(81), this._cursorSurroundingLines = i2.get(20), this._cursorSurroundingLinesStyle = i2.get(21), this._canUseLayerHinting = !i2.get(23), this._viewLineOptions = new $(n2, this._context.theme.type), I.write(this.domNode, 7), this.domNode.setClassName("view-lines " + Oe.a), c.a.applyFontInfo(this.domNode, o2), this._maxLineWidth = 0, this._asyncUpdateLineWidths = new b.d(() => {
}, 200), this._asyncCheckMonospaceFontAssumptions = new b.d(() => {
}, 2e3), this._lastRenderedData = new lt(), this._horizontalRevealRequest = null;
dispose() {
this._asyncUpdateLineWidths.dispose(), this._asyncCheckMonospaceFontAssumptions.dispose(), super.dispose();
getDomNode() {
return this.domNode;
createVisibleLine() {
return new K(this._viewLineOptions);
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
this._visibleLines.onConfigurationChanged(e2), e2.hasChanged(118) && (this._maxLineWidth = 0);
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(36), i2 = t2.get(118);
return this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = n2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, this._isViewportWrapping = i2.isViewportWrapping, this._revealHorizontalRightPadding = t2.get(81), this._cursorSurroundingLines = t2.get(20), this._cursorSurroundingLinesStyle = t2.get(21), this._canUseLayerHinting = !t2.get(23), c.a.applyFontInfo(this.domNode, n2), this._onOptionsMaybeChanged(), e2.hasChanged(117) && (this._maxLineWidth = 0), true;
_onOptionsMaybeChanged() {
const e2 = this._context.configuration, t2 = new $(e2, this._context.theme.type);
if (!this._viewLineOptions.equals(t2)) {
this._viewLineOptions = t2;
const e3 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), n2 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
for (let t3 = e3; t3 <= n2; t3++) {
return true;
return false;
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), n2 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
let i2 = false;
for (let e3 = t2; e3 <= n2; e3++)
i2 = this._visibleLines.getVisibleLine(e3).onSelectionChanged() || i2;
return i2;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
const e3 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), t2 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
for (let n2 = e3; n2 <= t2; n2++)
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
const t2 = this._visibleLines.onFlushed(e2);
return this._maxLineWidth = 0, t2;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onLinesChanged(e2);
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onLinesDeleted(e2);
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onLinesInserted(e2);
onRevealRangeRequest(e2) {
const t2 = this._computeScrollTopToRevealRange(this._context.viewLayout.getFutureViewport(), e2.source, e2.range, e2.selections, e2.verticalType);
if (-1 === t2)
return false;
let n2 = this._context.viewLayout.validateScrollPosition({scrollTop: t2});
e2.revealHorizontal ? e2.range && e2.range.startLineNumber !== e2.range.endLineNumber ? n2 = {scrollTop: n2.scrollTop, scrollLeft: 0} : e2.range ? this._horizontalRevealRequest = new ct(e2.range.startLineNumber, e2.range.startColumn, e2.range.endColumn, this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollTop(), n2.scrollTop, e2.scrollType) : e2.selections && e2.selections.length > 0 && (this._horizontalRevealRequest = new dt(e2.selections, this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollTop(), n2.scrollTop, e2.scrollType)) : this._horizontalRevealRequest = null;
const i2 = Math.abs(this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollTop() - n2.scrollTop) <= this._lineHeight ? 1 : e2.scrollType;
return this._context.model.setScrollPosition(n2, i2), true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
if (this._horizontalRevealRequest && e2.scrollLeftChanged && (this._horizontalRevealRequest = null), this._horizontalRevealRequest && e2.scrollTopChanged) {
const t2 = Math.min(this._horizontalRevealRequest.startScrollTop, this._horizontalRevealRequest.stopScrollTop), n2 = Math.max(this._horizontalRevealRequest.startScrollTop, this._horizontalRevealRequest.stopScrollTop);
(e2.scrollTop < t2 || e2.scrollTop > n2) && (this._horizontalRevealRequest = null);
return this.domNode.setWidth(e2.scrollWidth), this._visibleLines.onScrollChanged(e2) || true;
onTokensChanged(e2) {
return this._visibleLines.onTokensChanged(e2);
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return this._context.model.setMaxLineWidth(this._maxLineWidth), this._visibleLines.onZonesChanged(e2);
onThemeChanged(e2) {
return this._onOptionsMaybeChanged();
getPositionFromDOMInfo(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._getViewLineDomNode(e2);
if (null === n2)
return null;
const i2 = this._getLineNumberFor(n2);
if (-1 === i2)
return null;
if (i2 < 1 || i2 > this._context.model.getLineCount())
return null;
if (1 === this._context.model.getLineMaxColumn(i2))
return new ee.a(i2, 1);
const o2 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), r2 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
if (i2 < o2 || i2 > r2)
return null;
let s2 = this._visibleLines.getVisibleLine(i2).getColumnOfNodeOffset(i2, e2, t2);
const a2 = this._context.model.getLineMinColumn(i2);
return s2 < a2 && (s2 = a2), new ee.a(i2, s2);
_getViewLineDomNode(e2) {
for (; e2 && 1 === e2.nodeType; ) {
if (e2.className === K.CLASS_NAME)
return e2;
e2 = e2.parentElement;
return null;
_getLineNumberFor(e2) {
const t2 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), n2 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
for (let i2 = t2; i2 <= n2; i2++) {
if (e2 === this._visibleLines.getVisibleLine(i2).getDomNode())
return i2;
return -1;
getLineWidth(e2) {
const t2 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), n2 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
return e2 < t2 || e2 > n2 ? -1 : this._visibleLines.getVisibleLine(e2).getWidth();
linesVisibleRangesForRange(e2, t2) {
if (this.shouldRender())
return null;
const n2 = e2.endLineNumber, i2 = te.a.intersectRanges(e2, this._lastRenderedData.getCurrentVisibleRange());
if (!i2)
return null;
let o2 = [], r2 = 0;
const s2 = new q(this.domNode.domNode, this._textRangeRestingSpot);
let a2 = 0;
t2 && (a2 = this._context.model.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(new ee.a(i2.startLineNumber, 1)).lineNumber);
const l2 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), c2 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
for (let e3 = i2.startLineNumber; e3 <= i2.endLineNumber; e3++) {
if (e3 < l2 || e3 > c2)
const d2 = e3 === i2.startLineNumber ? i2.startColumn : 1, h2 = e3 === i2.endLineNumber ? i2.endColumn : this._context.model.getLineMaxColumn(e3), u2 = this._visibleLines.getVisibleLine(e3).getVisibleRangesForRange(d2, h2, s2);
if (u2) {
if (t2 && e3 < n2) {
const t3 = a2;
a2 = this._context.model.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(new ee.a(e3 + 1, 1)).lineNumber, t3 !== a2 && (u2.ranges[u2.ranges.length - 1].width += this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth);
o2[r2++] = new D(u2.outsideRenderedLine, e3, u2.ranges);
return 0 === r2 ? null : o2;
_visibleRangesForLineRange(e2, t2, n2) {
return this.shouldRender() || e2 < this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber() || e2 > this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber() ? null : this._visibleLines.getVisibleLine(e2).getVisibleRangesForRange(t2, n2, new q(this.domNode.domNode, this._textRangeRestingSpot));
visibleRangeForPosition(e2) {
const t2 = this._visibleRangesForLineRange(e2.lineNumber, e2.column, e2.column);
return t2 ? new R(t2.outsideRenderedLine, t2.ranges[0].left) : null;
updateLineWidths() {
_updateLineWidthsFast() {
return this._updateLineWidths(true);
_updateLineWidthsSlow() {
_updateLineWidths(e2) {
const t2 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), n2 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
let i2 = 1, o2 = true;
for (let r2 = t2; r2 <= n2; r2++) {
const t3 = this._visibleLines.getVisibleLine(r2);
!e2 || t3.getWidthIsFast() ? i2 = Math.max(i2, t3.getWidth()) : o2 = false;
return o2 && 1 === t2 && n2 === this._context.model.getLineCount() && (this._maxLineWidth = 0), this._ensureMaxLineWidth(i2), o2;
_checkMonospaceFontAssumptions() {
let e2 = -1, t2 = -1;
const n2 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), i2 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
for (let o2 = n2; o2 <= i2; o2++) {
const n3 = this._visibleLines.getVisibleLine(o2);
if (n3.needsMonospaceFontCheck()) {
const i3 = n3.getWidth();
i3 > t2 && (t2 = i3, e2 = o2);
if (-1 !== e2 && !this._visibleLines.getVisibleLine(e2).monospaceAssumptionsAreValid())
for (let e3 = n2; e3 <= i2; e3++) {
prepareRender() {
throw new Error("Not supported");
render() {
throw new Error("Not supported");
renderText(e2) {
if (this._visibleLines.renderLines(e2), this._lastRenderedData.setCurrentVisibleRange(e2.visibleRange), this.domNode.setWidth(this._context.viewLayout.getScrollWidth()), this.domNode.setHeight(Math.min(this._context.viewLayout.getScrollHeight(), 1e6)), this._horizontalRevealRequest) {
const t3 = this._horizontalRevealRequest;
if (e2.startLineNumber <= t3.minLineNumber && t3.maxLineNumber <= e2.endLineNumber) {
this._horizontalRevealRequest = null, this.onDidRender();
const e3 = this._computeScrollLeftToReveal(t3);
e3 && (this._isViewportWrapping || this._ensureMaxLineWidth(e3.maxHorizontalOffset), this._context.model.setScrollPosition({scrollLeft: e3.scrollLeft}, t3.scrollType));
if (this._updateLineWidthsFast() || this._asyncUpdateLineWidths.schedule(), m.d && !this._asyncCheckMonospaceFontAssumptions.isScheduled()) {
const e3 = this._visibleLines.getStartLineNumber(), t3 = this._visibleLines.getEndLineNumber();
for (let n2 = e3; n2 <= t3; n2++) {
if (this._visibleLines.getVisibleLine(n2).needsMonospaceFontCheck()) {
this._linesContent.setLayerHinting(this._canUseLayerHinting), this._linesContent.setContain("strict");
const t2 = this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollTop() - e2.bigNumbersDelta;
this._linesContent.setTop(-t2), this._linesContent.setLeft(-this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollLeft());
_ensureMaxLineWidth(e2) {
const t2 = Math.ceil(e2);
this._maxLineWidth < t2 && (this._maxLineWidth = t2, this._context.model.setMaxLineWidth(this._maxLineWidth));
_computeScrollTopToRevealRange(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 =, s2 = e2.height, a2 = r2 + s2;
let l2, c2, d2;
if (i2 && i2.length > 0) {
let e3 = i2[0].startLineNumber, t3 = i2[0].endLineNumber;
for (let n3 = 1, o3 = i2.length; n3 < o3; n3++) {
const o4 = i2[n3];
e3 = Math.min(e3, o4.startLineNumber), t3 = Math.max(t3, o4.endLineNumber);
l2 = false, c2 = this._context.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e3), d2 = this._context.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(t3) + this._lineHeight;
} else {
if (!n2)
return -1;
l2 = true, c2 = this._context.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(n2.startLineNumber), d2 = this._context.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(n2.endLineNumber) + this._lineHeight;
if (!("mouse" === t2 && "default" === this._cursorSurroundingLinesStyle)) {
const e3 = Math.min(s2 / this._lineHeight / 2, this._cursorSurroundingLines);
c2 -= e3 * this._lineHeight, d2 += Math.max(0, e3 - 1) * this._lineHeight;
let h2;
if (0 !== o2 && 4 !== o2 || (d2 += this._lineHeight), d2 - c2 > s2) {
if (!l2)
return -1;
h2 = c2;
} else if (5 === o2 || 6 === o2)
if (6 === o2 && r2 <= c2 && d2 <= a2)
h2 = r2;
else {
const e3 = c2 - Math.max(5 * this._lineHeight, 0.2 * s2), t3 = d2 - s2;
h2 = Math.max(t3, e3);
else if (1 === o2 || 2 === o2)
if (2 === o2 && r2 <= c2 && d2 <= a2)
h2 = r2;
else {
const e3 = (c2 + d2) / 2;
h2 = Math.max(0, e3 - s2 / 2);
h2 = this._computeMinimumScrolling(r2, a2, c2, d2, 3 === o2, 4 === o2);
return h2;
_computeScrollLeftToReveal(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.viewLayout.getCurrentViewport(), n2 = t2.left, i2 = n2 + t2.width;
let o2 = 1073741824, r2 = 0;
if ("range" === e2.type) {
const t3 = this._visibleRangesForLineRange(e2.lineNumber, e2.startColumn, e2.endColumn);
if (!t3)
return null;
for (const e3 of t3.ranges)
o2 = Math.min(o2, e3.left), r2 = Math.max(r2, e3.left + e3.width);
} else
for (const t3 of e2.selections) {
if (t3.startLineNumber !== t3.endLineNumber)
return null;
const e3 = this._visibleRangesForLineRange(t3.startLineNumber, t3.startColumn, t3.endColumn);
if (!e3)
return null;
for (const t4 of e3.ranges)
o2 = Math.min(o2, t4.left), r2 = Math.max(r2, t4.left + t4.width);
if (o2 = Math.max(0, o2 - ht.HORIZONTAL_EXTRA_PX), r2 += this._revealHorizontalRightPadding, "selections" === e2.type && r2 - o2 > t2.width)
return null;
return {scrollLeft: this._computeMinimumScrolling(n2, i2, o2, r2), maxHorizontalOffset: r2};
_computeMinimumScrolling(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
o2 = !!o2, r2 = !!r2;
const s2 = (t2 |= 0) - (e2 |= 0);
return (i2 |= 0) - (n2 |= 0) < s2 ? o2 ? n2 : r2 ? Math.max(0, i2 - s2) : n2 < e2 ? n2 : i2 > t2 ? Math.max(0, i2 - s2) : e2 : n2;
class ut extends rt {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._context = e2;
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(117);
this._decorationsLeft = t2.decorationsLeft, this._decorationsWidth = t2.decorationsWidth, this._renderResult = null, this._context.addEventHandler(this);
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), this._renderResult = null, super.dispose();
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(117);
return this._decorationsLeft = t2.decorationsLeft, this._decorationsWidth = t2.decorationsWidth, true;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollTopChanged;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
_getDecorations(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getDecorationsInViewport();
let n2 = [], i2 = 0;
for (let e3 = 0, o2 = t2.length; e3 < o2; e3++) {
const o3 = t2[e3], r2 = o3.options.linesDecorationsClassName;
r2 && (n2[i2++] = new ot(o3.range.startLineNumber, o3.range.endLineNumber, r2));
const s2 = o3.options.firstLineDecorationClassName;
s2 && (n2[i2++] = new ot(o3.range.startLineNumber, o3.range.startLineNumber, s2));
return n2;
prepareRender(e2) {
const t2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber, n2 = e2.visibleRange.endLineNumber, i2 = this._render(t2, n2, this._getDecorations(e2)), o2 = '" style="left:' + this._decorationsLeft.toString() + "px;width:" + this._decorationsWidth.toString() + 'px;"></div>', r2 = [];
for (let e3 = t2; e3 <= n2; e3++) {
const n3 = e3 - t2, s2 = i2[n3];
let a2 = "";
for (let e4 = 0, t3 = s2.length; e4 < t3; e4++)
a2 += '<div class="cldr ' + s2[e4] + o2;
r2[n3] = a2;
this._renderResult = r2;
render(e2, t2) {
return this._renderResult ? this._renderResult[t2 - e2] : "";
class pt extends rt {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._context = e2, this._renderResult = null, this._context.addEventHandler(this);
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), this._renderResult = null, super.dispose();
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
return true;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollTopChanged;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
_getDecorations(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getDecorationsInViewport();
let n2 = [], i2 = 0;
for (let e3 = 0, o2 = t2.length; e3 < o2; e3++) {
const o3 = t2[e3], r2 = o3.options.marginClassName;
r2 && (n2[i2++] = new ot(o3.range.startLineNumber, o3.range.endLineNumber, r2));
return n2;
prepareRender(e2) {
const t2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber, n2 = e2.visibleRange.endLineNumber, i2 = this._render(t2, n2, this._getDecorations(e2)), o2 = [];
for (let e3 = t2; e3 <= n2; e3++) {
const n3 = e3 - t2, r2 = i2[n3];
let s2 = "";
for (let e4 = 0, t3 = r2.length; e4 < t3; e4++)
s2 += '<div class="cmdr ' + r2[e4] + '" style=""></div>';
o2[n3] = s2;
this._renderResult = o2;
render(e2, t2) {
return this._renderResult ? this._renderResult[t2 - e2] : "";
class mt {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.r = mt._clamp(e2), this.g = mt._clamp(t2), this.b = mt._clamp(n2), this.a = mt._clamp(i2);
equals(e2) {
return this.r === e2.r && this.g === e2.g && this.b === e2.b && this.a === e2.a;
static _clamp(e2) {
return e2 < 0 ? 0 : e2 > 255 ? 255 : 0 | e2;
mt.Empty = new mt(0, 0, 0, 0);
var gt = n(12);
class ft {
constructor() {
this._onDidChange = new s.a(), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._updateColorMap(), gt.C.onDidChange((e2) => {
e2.changedColorMap && this._updateColorMap();
static getInstance() {
return this._INSTANCE || (this._INSTANCE = new ft()), this._INSTANCE;
_updateColorMap() {
const e2 = gt.C.getColorMap();
if (!e2)
return this._colors = [mt.Empty], void (this._backgroundIsLight = true);
this._colors = [mt.Empty];
for (let t3 = 1; t3 < e2.length; t3++) {
const n2 = e2[t3].rgba;
this._colors[t3] = new mt(n2.r, n2.g, n2.b, Math.round(255 * n2.a));
let t2 = e2[2].getRelativeLuminance();
this._backgroundIsLight = t2 >= 0.5, 0);
getColor(e2) {
return (e2 < 1 || e2 >= this._colors.length) && (e2 = 2), this._colors[e2];
backgroundIsLight() {
return this._backgroundIsLight;
ft._INSTANCE = null;
var bt = n(74), _t = n(5);
const vt = (() => {
const e2 = [];
for (let t2 = 32; t2 <= 126; t2++)
return e2.push(65533), e2;
var wt = n(36);
class yt {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.scale = t2, this.charDataNormal = yt.soften(e2, 0.8), this.charDataLight = yt.soften(e2, 50 / 60);
static soften(e2, t2) {
let n2 = new Uint8ClampedArray(e2.length);
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length; i2 < o2; i2++)
n2[i2] = Object(wt.b)(e2[i2] * t2);
return n2;
renderChar(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2) {
const c2 = 1 * this.scale, d2 = 2 * this.scale, h2 = l2 ? 1 : d2;
if (t2 + c2 > e2.width || n2 + h2 > e2.height)
return void console.warn("bad render request outside image data");
const u2 = a2 ? this.charDataLight : this.charDataNormal, p2 = ((e3, t3) => (e3 -= 32) < 0 || e3 > 96 ? t3 <= 2 ? (e3 + 96) % 96 : 95 : e3)(i2, s2), m2 = 4 * e2.width, g2 = r2.r, f2 = r2.g, b2 = r2.b, _2 = o2.r - g2, v2 = o2.g - f2, w2 = o2.b - b2, y2 =;
let C2 = p2 * c2 * d2, x2 = n2 * m2 + 4 * t2;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < h2; e3++) {
let e4 = x2;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < c2; t3++) {
const t4 = u2[C2++] / 255;
y2[e4++] = g2 + _2 * t4, y2[e4++] = f2 + v2 * t4, y2[e4++] = b2 + w2 * t4, e4++;
x2 += m2;
blockRenderChar(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
const a2 = 1 * this.scale, l2 = 2 * this.scale, c2 = s2 ? 1 : l2;
if (t2 + a2 > e2.width || n2 + c2 > e2.height)
return void console.warn("bad render request outside image data");
const d2 = 4 * e2.width, h2 = o2.r, u2 = o2.g, p2 = o2.b, m2 = h2 + 0.5 * (i2.r - h2), g2 = u2 + 0.5 * (i2.g - u2), f2 = p2 + 0.5 * (i2.b - p2), b2 =;
let _2 = n2 * d2 + 4 * t2;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < c2; e3++) {
let e4 = _2;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < a2; t3++)
b2[e4++] = m2, b2[e4++] = g2, b2[e4++] = f2, e4++;
_2 += d2;
var Ct = n(133);
const xt = {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, A: 10, B: 11, C: 12, D: 13, E: 14, F: 15}, St = (e2) => {
const t2 = new Uint8ClampedArray(e2.length / 2);
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < e2.length; n2 += 2)
t2[n2 >> 1] = xt[e2[n2]] << 4 | 15 & xt[e2[n2 + 1]];
return t2;
}, kt = {1: Object(Ct.a)(() => St("0000511D6300CF609C709645A78432005642574171487021003C451900274D35D762755E8B629C5BA856AF57BA649530C167D1512A272A3F6038604460398526BCA2A968DB6F8957C768BE5FBE2FB467CF5D8D5B795DC7625B5DFF50DE64C466DB2FC47CD860A65E9A2EB96CB54CE06DA763AB2EA26860524D3763536601005116008177A8705E53AB738E6A982F88BAA35B5F5B626D9C636B449B737E5B7B678598869A662F6B5B8542706C704C80736A607578685B70594A49715A4522E792")), 2: Object(Ct.a)(() => St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};
class Et {
static create(e2, t2) {
if (this.lastCreated && e2 === this.lastCreated.scale && t2 === this.lastFontFamily)
return this.lastCreated;
let n2;
return n2 = kt[e2] ? new yt(kt[e2](), e2) : Et.createFromSampleData(Et.createSampleData(t2).data, e2), this.lastFontFamily = t2, this.lastCreated = n2, n2;
static createSampleData(e2) {
const t2 = document.createElement("canvas"), n2 = t2.getContext("2d"); = "16px", t2.height = 16, t2.width = 960, = "960px", n2.fillStyle = "#ffffff", n2.font = "bold 16px " + e2, n2.textBaseline = "middle";
let i2 = 0;
for (const e3 of vt)
n2.fillText(String.fromCharCode(e3), i2, 8), i2 += 10;
return n2.getImageData(0, 0, 960, 16);
static createFromSampleData(e2, t2) {
if (61440 !== e2.length)
throw new Error("Unexpected source in MinimapCharRenderer");
let n2 = Et._downsample(e2, t2);
return new yt(n2, t2);
static _downsampleChar(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = 1 * o2, s2 = 2 * o2;
let a2 = i2, l2 = 0;
for (let i3 = 0; i3 < s2; i3++) {
const o3 = i3 / s2 * 16, c2 = (i3 + 1) / s2 * 16;
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < r2; i4++) {
const s3 = i4 / r2 * 10, d2 = (i4 + 1) / r2 * 10;
let h2 = 0, u2 = 0;
for (let n3 = o3; n3 < c2; n3++) {
const i5 = t2 + 3840 * Math.floor(n3), o4 = 1 - (n3 - Math.floor(n3));
for (let t3 = s3; t3 < d2; t3++) {
const n4 = 1 - (t3 - Math.floor(t3)), r3 = i5 + 4 * Math.floor(t3), s4 = n4 * o4;
u2 += s4, h2 += e2[r3] * e2[r3 + 3] / 255 * s4;
const p2 = h2 / u2;
l2 = Math.max(l2, p2), n2[a2++] = Object(wt.b)(p2);
return l2;
static _downsample(e2, t2) {
const n2 = 2 * t2 * 1 * t2, i2 = 96 * n2, o2 = new Uint8ClampedArray(i2);
let r2 = 0, s2 = 0, a2 = 0;
for (let i3 = 0; i3 < 96; i3++)
a2 = Math.max(a2, this._downsampleChar(e2, s2, o2, r2, t2)), r2 += n2, s2 += 40;
if (a2 > 0) {
const e3 = 255 / a2;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < i2; t3++)
o2[t3] *= e3;
return o2;
var Tt = n(58);
class Lt {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.options, o2 = i2.get(115), r2 = i2.get(117), s2 = r2.minimap, a2 = i2.get(36), l2 = i2.get(56);
this.renderMinimap = s2.renderMinimap, this.size = l2.size, this.minimapHeightIsEditorHeight = s2.minimapHeightIsEditorHeight, this.scrollBeyondLastLine = i2.get(86), this.showSlider = l2.showSlider, this.pixelRatio = o2, this.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = a2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, this.lineHeight = i2.get(51), this.minimapLeft = s2.minimapLeft, this.minimapWidth = s2.minimapWidth, this.minimapHeight = r2.height, this.canvasInnerWidth = s2.minimapCanvasInnerWidth, this.canvasInnerHeight = s2.minimapCanvasInnerHeight, this.canvasOuterWidth = s2.minimapCanvasOuterWidth, this.canvasOuterHeight = s2.minimapCanvasOuterHeight, this.isSampling = s2.minimapIsSampling, this.editorHeight = r2.height, this.fontScale = s2.minimapScale, this.minimapLineHeight = s2.minimapLineHeight, this.minimapCharWidth = 1 * this.fontScale, this.charRenderer = Object(Ct.a)(() => Et.create(this.fontScale, a2.fontFamily)), this.backgroundColor = Lt._getMinimapBackground(t2, n2);
static _getMinimapBackground(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getColor(_t.Mb);
return n2 ? new mt(n2.rgba.r, n2.rgba.g, n2.rgba.b, n2.rgba.a) : t2.getColor(2);
equals(e2) {
return this.renderMinimap === e2.renderMinimap && this.size === e2.size && this.minimapHeightIsEditorHeight === e2.minimapHeightIsEditorHeight && this.scrollBeyondLastLine === e2.scrollBeyondLastLine && this.showSlider === e2.showSlider && this.pixelRatio === e2.pixelRatio && this.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth === e2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth && this.lineHeight === e2.lineHeight && this.minimapLeft === e2.minimapLeft && this.minimapWidth === e2.minimapWidth && this.minimapHeight === e2.minimapHeight && this.canvasInnerWidth === e2.canvasInnerWidth && this.canvasInnerHeight === e2.canvasInnerHeight && this.canvasOuterWidth === e2.canvasOuterWidth && this.canvasOuterHeight === e2.canvasOuterHeight && this.isSampling === e2.isSampling && this.editorHeight === e2.editorHeight && this.fontScale === e2.fontScale && this.minimapLineHeight === e2.minimapLineHeight && this.minimapCharWidth === e2.minimapCharWidth && this.backgroundColor && this.backgroundColor.equals(e2.backgroundColor);
class Nt {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2) {
this.scrollTop = e2, this.scrollHeight = t2, this.sliderNeeded = n2, this._computedSliderRatio = i2, this.sliderTop = o2, this.sliderHeight = r2, this.startLineNumber = s2, this.endLineNumber = a2;
getDesiredScrollTopFromDelta(e2) {
const t2 = this.sliderTop + e2;
return Math.round(t2 / this._computedSliderRatio);
getDesiredScrollTopFromTouchLocation(e2) {
return Math.round((e2 - this.sliderHeight / 2) / this._computedSliderRatio);
static create(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2) {
const d2 = e2.pixelRatio, h2 = e2.minimapLineHeight, u2 = Math.floor(e2.canvasInnerHeight / h2), p2 = e2.lineHeight;
if (e2.minimapHeightIsEditorHeight) {
const t3 = s2 * e2.lineHeight + (e2.scrollBeyondLastLine ? i2 - e2.lineHeight : 0), n3 = Math.max(1, Math.floor(i2 * i2 / t3)), o3 = Math.max(0, e2.minimapHeight - n3), c3 = o3 / (l2 - i2), d3 = a2 * c3, h3 = o3 > 0, u3 = Math.floor(e2.canvasInnerHeight / e2.minimapLineHeight);
return new Nt(a2, l2, h3, c3, d3, n3, 1, Math.min(r2, u3));
let m2, g2;
if (o2 && n2 !== r2) {
const e3 = n2 - t2 + 1;
m2 = Math.floor(e3 * h2 / d2);
} else {
const e3 = i2 / p2;
m2 = Math.floor(e3 * h2 / d2);
g2 = e2.scrollBeyondLastLine ? (r2 - 1) * h2 / d2 : Math.max(0, r2 * h2 / d2 - m2), g2 = Math.min(e2.minimapHeight - m2, g2);
const f2 = g2 / (l2 - i2), b2 = a2 * f2;
let _2 = 0;
if (e2.scrollBeyondLastLine) {
_2 = i2 / p2 - 1;
if (u2 >= r2 + _2) {
return new Nt(a2, l2, g2 > 0, f2, b2, m2, 1, r2);
let e3 = Math.max(1, Math.floor(t2 - b2 * d2 / h2));
c2 && c2.scrollHeight === l2 && (c2.scrollTop > a2 && (e3 = Math.min(e3, c2.startLineNumber)), c2.scrollTop < a2 && (e3 = Math.max(e3, c2.startLineNumber)));
const n3 = Math.min(r2, e3 + u2 - 1);
return new Nt(a2, l2, true, f2, b2, m2, e3, n3);
class It {
constructor(e2) {
this.dy = e2;
onContentChanged() {
this.dy = -1;
onTokensChanged() {
this.dy = -1;
It.INVALID = new It(-1);
class Ot {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.renderedLayout = e2, this._imageData = t2, this._renderedLines = new Be(() => It.INVALID), this._renderedLines._set(e2.startLineNumber, n2);
linesEquals(e2) {
if (!this.scrollEquals(e2))
return false;
const t2 = this._renderedLines._get().lines;
for (let e3 = 0, n2 = t2.length; e3 < n2; e3++)
if (-1 === t2[e3].dy)
return false;
return true;
scrollEquals(e2) {
return this.renderedLayout.startLineNumber === e2.startLineNumber && this.renderedLayout.endLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber;
_get() {
const e2 = this._renderedLines._get();
return {imageData: this._imageData, rendLineNumberStart: e2.rendLineNumberStart, lines: e2.lines};
onLinesChanged(e2, t2) {
return this._renderedLines.onLinesChanged(e2, t2);
onLinesDeleted(e2, t2) {
this._renderedLines.onLinesDeleted(e2, t2);
onLinesInserted(e2, t2) {
this._renderedLines.onLinesInserted(e2, t2);
onTokensChanged(e2) {
return this._renderedLines.onTokensChanged(e2);
class Dt {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._backgroundFillData = Dt._createBackgroundFillData(t2, n2, i2), this._buffers = [e2.createImageData(t2, n2), e2.createImageData(t2, n2)], this._lastUsedBuffer = 0;
getBuffer() {
this._lastUsedBuffer = 1 - this._lastUsedBuffer;
const e2 = this._buffers[this._lastUsedBuffer];
return, e2;
static _createBackgroundFillData(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = n2.r, o2 = n2.g, r2 = n2.b, s2 = new Uint8ClampedArray(e2 * t2 * 4);
let a2 = 0;
for (let n3 = 0; n3 < t2; n3++)
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e2; t3++)
s2[a2] = i2, s2[a2 + 1] = o2, s2[a2 + 2] = r2, s2[a2 + 3] = 255, a2 += 4;
return s2;
class At {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.samplingRatio = e2, this.minimapLines = t2;
static compute(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === e2.renderMinimap || !e2.isSampling)
return [null, []];
const i2 = e2.pixelRatio, o2 = e2.lineHeight, r2 = e2.scrollBeyondLastLine, {minimapLineCount: s2} = j.f.computeContainedMinimapLineCount({viewLineCount: t2, scrollBeyondLastLine: r2, height: e2.editorHeight, lineHeight: o2, pixelRatio: i2}), a2 = t2 / s2, l2 = a2 / 2;
if (!n2 || 0 === n2.minimapLines.length) {
let e3 = [];
if (e3[0] = 1, s2 > 1) {
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = s2 - 1; t3 < n3; t3++)
e3[t3] = Math.round(t3 * a2 + l2);
e3[s2 - 1] = t2;
return [new At(a2, e3), []];
const c2 = n2.minimapLines, d2 = c2.length;
let h2 = [], u2 = 0, p2 = 0, m2 = 1;
let g2 = [], f2 = null;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < s2; e3++) {
const n3 = Math.max(m2, Math.round(e3 * a2)), i3 = Math.max(n3, Math.round((e3 + 1) * a2));
for (; u2 < d2 && c2[u2] < n3; ) {
if (g2.length < 10) {
const e4 = u2 + 1 + p2;
f2 && "deleted" === f2.type && f2._oldIndex === u2 - 1 ? f2.deleteToLineNumber++ : (f2 = {type: "deleted", _oldIndex: u2, deleteFromLineNumber: e4, deleteToLineNumber: e4}, g2.push(f2)), p2--;
let o3;
if (u2 < d2 && c2[u2] <= i3)
o3 = c2[u2], u2++;
else if (o3 = 0 === e3 ? 1 : e3 + 1 === s2 ? t2 : Math.round(e3 * a2 + l2), g2.length < 10) {
const t3 = u2 + 1 + p2;
f2 && "inserted" === f2.type && f2._i === e3 - 1 ? f2.insertToLineNumber++ : (f2 = {type: "inserted", _i: e3, insertFromLineNumber: t3, insertToLineNumber: t3}, g2.push(f2)), p2++;
h2[e3] = o3, m2 = o3;
if (g2.length < 10)
for (; u2 < d2; ) {
const e3 = u2 + 1 + p2;
f2 && "deleted" === f2.type && f2._oldIndex === u2 - 1 ? f2.deleteToLineNumber++ : (f2 = {type: "deleted", _oldIndex: u2, deleteFromLineNumber: e3, deleteToLineNumber: e3}, g2.push(f2)), p2--, u2++;
g2 = [{type: "flush"}];
return [new At(a2, h2), g2];
modelLineToMinimapLine(e2) {
return Math.min(this.minimapLines.length, Math.max(1, Math.round(e2 / this.samplingRatio)));
modelLineRangeToMinimapLineRange(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.modelLineToMinimapLine(e2) - 1;
for (; n2 > 0 && this.minimapLines[n2 - 1] >= e2; )
let i2 = this.modelLineToMinimapLine(t2) - 1;
for (; i2 + 1 < this.minimapLines.length && this.minimapLines[i2 + 1] <= t2; )
if (n2 === i2) {
const i3 = this.minimapLines[n2];
if (i3 < e2 || i3 > t2)
return null;
return [n2 + 1, i2 + 1];
decorationLineRangeToMinimapLineRange(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.modelLineToMinimapLine(e2), i2 = this.modelLineToMinimapLine(t2);
return e2 !== t2 && i2 === n2 && (i2 === this.minimapLines.length ? n2 > 1 && n2-- : i2++), [n2, i2];
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
const t2 = e2.toLineNumber - e2.fromLineNumber + 1;
let n2 = this.minimapLines.length, i2 = 0;
for (let o2 = this.minimapLines.length - 1; o2 >= 0 && !(this.minimapLines[o2] < e2.fromLineNumber); o2--)
this.minimapLines[o2] <= e2.toLineNumber ? (this.minimapLines[o2] = Math.max(1, e2.fromLineNumber - 1), n2 = Math.min(n2, o2), i2 = Math.max(i2, o2)) : this.minimapLines[o2] -= t2;
return [n2, i2];
onLinesInserted(e2) {
const t2 = e2.toLineNumber - e2.fromLineNumber + 1;
for (let n2 = this.minimapLines.length - 1; n2 >= 0 && !(this.minimapLines[n2] < e2.fromLineNumber); n2--)
this.minimapLines[n2] += t2;
class Rt extends N {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this.tokensColorTracker = ft.getInstance(), this._selections = [], this._minimapSelections = null, this.options = new Lt(this._context.configuration, this._context.theme, this.tokensColorTracker);
const [t2] = At.compute(this.options, this._context.model.getLineCount(), null);
this._samplingState = t2, this._shouldCheckSampling = false, this._actual = new Mt(e2.theme, this);
dispose() {
this._actual.dispose(), super.dispose();
getDomNode() {
return this._actual.getDomNode();
_onOptionsMaybeChanged() {
const e2 = new Lt(this._context.configuration, this._context.theme, this.tokensColorTracker);
return !this.options.equals(e2) && (this.options = e2, this._recreateLineSampling(), this._actual.onDidChangeOptions(), true);
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
return this._onOptionsMaybeChanged();
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
return this._selections = e2.selections, this._minimapSelections = null, this._actual.onSelectionChanged();
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return !!e2.affectsMinimap && this._actual.onDecorationsChanged();
onFlushed(e2) {
return this._samplingState && (this._shouldCheckSampling = true), this._actual.onFlushed();
onLinesChanged(e2) {
if (this._samplingState) {
const t2 = this._samplingState.modelLineRangeToMinimapLineRange(e2.fromLineNumber, e2.toLineNumber);
return !!t2 && this._actual.onLinesChanged(t2[0], t2[1]);
return this._actual.onLinesChanged(e2.fromLineNumber, e2.toLineNumber);
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
if (this._samplingState) {
const [t2, n2] = this._samplingState.onLinesDeleted(e2);
return t2 <= n2 && this._actual.onLinesChanged(t2 + 1, n2 + 1), this._shouldCheckSampling = true, true;
return this._actual.onLinesDeleted(e2.fromLineNumber, e2.toLineNumber);
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return this._samplingState ? (this._samplingState.onLinesInserted(e2), this._shouldCheckSampling = true, true) : this._actual.onLinesInserted(e2.fromLineNumber, e2.toLineNumber);
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return this._actual.onScrollChanged();
onThemeChanged(e2) {
return this._context.model.invalidateMinimapColorCache(), this._actual.onThemeChanged(), this._onOptionsMaybeChanged(), true;
onTokensChanged(e2) {
if (this._samplingState) {
let t2 = [];
for (const n2 of e2.ranges) {
const e3 = this._samplingState.modelLineRangeToMinimapLineRange(n2.fromLineNumber, n2.toLineNumber);
e3 && t2.push({fromLineNumber: e3[0], toLineNumber: e3[1]});
return !!t2.length && this._actual.onTokensChanged(t2);
return this._actual.onTokensChanged(e2.ranges);
onTokensColorsChanged(e2) {
return this._actual.onTokensColorsChanged();
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return this._actual.onZonesChanged();
prepareRender(e2) {
this._shouldCheckSampling && (this._shouldCheckSampling = false, this._recreateLineSampling());
render(e2) {
let t2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber, n2 = e2.visibleRange.endLineNumber;
this._samplingState && (t2 = this._samplingState.modelLineToMinimapLine(t2), n2 = this._samplingState.modelLineToMinimapLine(n2));
const i2 = {viewportContainsWhitespaceGaps: e2.viewportData.whitespaceViewportData.length > 0, scrollWidth: e2.scrollWidth, scrollHeight: e2.scrollHeight, viewportStartLineNumber: t2, viewportEndLineNumber: n2, scrollTop: e2.scrollTop, scrollLeft: e2.scrollLeft, viewportWidth: e2.viewportWidth, viewportHeight: e2.viewportHeight};
_recreateLineSampling() {
this._minimapSelections = null;
const e2 = Boolean(this._samplingState), [t2, n2] = At.compute(this.options, this._context.model.getLineCount(), this._samplingState);
if (this._samplingState = t2, e2 && this._samplingState)
for (const e3 of n2)
switch (e3.type) {
case "deleted":
this._actual.onLinesDeleted(e3.deleteFromLineNumber, e3.deleteToLineNumber);
case "inserted":
this._actual.onLinesInserted(e3.insertFromLineNumber, e3.insertToLineNumber);
case "flush":
getLineCount() {
return this._samplingState ? this._samplingState.minimapLines.length : this._context.model.getLineCount();
getRealLineCount() {
return this._context.model.getLineCount();
getLineContent(e2) {
return this._samplingState ? this._context.model.getLineContent(this._samplingState.minimapLines[e2 - 1]) : this._context.model.getLineContent(e2);
getMinimapLinesRenderingData(e2, t2, n2) {
if (this._samplingState) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t2 - e2 + 1; o2 < r2; o2++)
n2[o2] ? i2[o2] = this._context.model.getViewLineData(this._samplingState.minimapLines[e2 + o2 - 1]) : i2[o2] = null;
return i2;
return this._context.model.getMinimapLinesRenderingData(e2, t2, n2).data;
getSelections() {
if (null === this._minimapSelections)
if (this._samplingState) {
this._minimapSelections = [];
for (const e2 of this._selections) {
const [t2, n2] = this._samplingState.decorationLineRangeToMinimapLineRange(e2.startLineNumber, e2.endLineNumber);
this._minimapSelections.push(new u.a(t2, e2.startColumn, n2, e2.endColumn));
} else
this._minimapSelections = this._selections;
return this._minimapSelections;
getMinimapDecorationsInViewport(e2, t2) {
let n2;
if (this._samplingState) {
const i3 = this._samplingState.minimapLines[e2 - 1], o2 = this._samplingState.minimapLines[t2 - 1];
n2 = new te.a(i3, 1, o2, this._context.model.getLineMaxColumn(o2));
} else
n2 = new te.a(e2, 1, t2, this._context.model.getLineMaxColumn(t2));
const i2 = this._context.model.getDecorationsInViewport(n2);
if (this._samplingState) {
let e3 = [];
for (const t3 of i2) {
if (!t3.options.minimap)
const n3 = t3.range, i3 = this._samplingState.modelLineToMinimapLine(n3.startLineNumber), o2 = this._samplingState.modelLineToMinimapLine(n3.endLineNumber);
e3.push(new bt.e(new te.a(i3, n3.startColumn, o2, n3.endColumn), t3.options));
return e3;
return i2;
getOptions() {
return this._context.model.getTextModelOptions();
revealLineNumber(e2) {
this._samplingState && (e2 = this._samplingState.minimapLines[e2 - 1]), this._context.model.revealRange("mouse", false, new te.a(e2, 1, e2, 1), 1, 0);
setScrollTop(e2) {
this._context.model.setScrollPosition({scrollTop: e2}, 1);
class Mt extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._renderDecorations = false, this._gestureInProgress = false, this._theme = e2, this._model = t2, this._lastRenderData = null, this._buffers = null, this._selectionColor = this._theme.getColor(_t.Pb), this._domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), I.write(this._domNode, 8), this._domNode.setClassName(this._getMinimapDomNodeClassName()), this._domNode.setPosition("absolute"), this._domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this._shadow = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._shadow.setClassName("minimap-shadow-hidden"), this._domNode.appendChild(this._shadow), this._canvas = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("canvas")), this._canvas.setPosition("absolute"), this._canvas.setLeft(0), this._domNode.appendChild(this._canvas), this._decorationsCanvas = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("canvas")), this._decorationsCanvas.setPosition("absolute"), this._decorationsCanvas.setClassName("minimap-decorations-layer"), this._decorationsCanvas.setLeft(0), this._domNode.appendChild(this._decorationsCanvas), this._slider = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._slider.setPosition("absolute"), this._slider.setClassName("minimap-slider"), this._slider.setLayerHinting(true), this._slider.setContain("strict"), this._domNode.appendChild(this._slider), this._sliderHorizontal = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._sliderHorizontal.setPosition("absolute"), this._sliderHorizontal.setClassName("minimap-slider-horizontal"), this._slider.appendChild(this._sliderHorizontal), this._applyLayout(), this._mouseDownListener = o.n(this._domNode.domNode, "mousedown", (e3) => {
if (0 === this._model.options.renderMinimap)
if (!this._lastRenderData)
if ("proportional" !== this._model.options.size) {
if (e3.leftButton && this._lastRenderData) {
const t4 = o.C(this._slider.domNode), n3 = + t4.height / 2;
this._startSliderDragging(e3.buttons, e3.posx, n3, e3.posy, this._lastRenderData.renderedLayout);
const t3 = this._model.options.minimapLineHeight, n2 = this._model.options.canvasInnerHeight / this._model.options.canvasOuterHeight * e3.browserEvent.offsetY;
let i2 = Math.floor(n2 / t3) + this._lastRenderData.renderedLayout.startLineNumber;
i2 = Math.min(i2, this._model.getLineCount()), this._model.revealLineNumber(i2);
}), this._sliderMouseMoveMonitor = new v.a(), this._sliderMouseDownListener = o.n(this._slider.domNode, "mousedown", (e3) => {
e3.preventDefault(), e3.stopPropagation(), e3.leftButton && this._lastRenderData && this._startSliderDragging(e3.buttons, e3.posx, e3.posy, e3.posy, this._lastRenderData.renderedLayout);
}), this._gestureDisposable = g.b.addTarget(this._domNode.domNode), this._sliderTouchStartListener = o.i(this._domNode.domNode, g.a.Start, (e3) => {
e3.preventDefault(), e3.stopPropagation(), this._lastRenderData && (this._slider.toggleClassName("active", true), this._gestureInProgress = true, this.scrollDueToTouchEvent(e3));
}, {passive: false}), this._sliderTouchMoveListener = o.i(this._domNode.domNode, g.a.Change, (e3) => {
e3.preventDefault(), e3.stopPropagation(), this._lastRenderData && this._gestureInProgress && this.scrollDueToTouchEvent(e3);
}, {passive: false}), this._sliderTouchEndListener = o.n(this._domNode.domNode, g.a.End, (e3) => {
e3.preventDefault(), e3.stopPropagation(), this._gestureInProgress = false, this._slider.toggleClassName("active", false);
_startSliderDragging(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this._slider.toggleClassName("active", true);
const r2 = (e3, i3) => {
const r3 = Math.abs(i3 - t2);
if (m.i && r3 > 140)
return void this._model.setScrollTop(o2.scrollTop);
const s2 = e3 - n2;
i2 !== n2 && r2(i2, t2), this._sliderMouseMoveMonitor.startMonitoring(this._slider.domNode, e2, v.b, (e3) => r2(e3.posy, e3.posx), () => {
this._slider.toggleClassName("active", false);
scrollDueToTouchEvent(e2) {
const t2 = this._domNode.domNode.getBoundingClientRect().top, n2 = this._lastRenderData.renderedLayout.getDesiredScrollTopFromTouchLocation(e2.pageY - t2);
dispose() {
this._mouseDownListener.dispose(), this._sliderMouseMoveMonitor.dispose(), this._sliderMouseDownListener.dispose(), this._gestureDisposable.dispose(), this._sliderTouchStartListener.dispose(), this._sliderTouchMoveListener.dispose(), this._sliderTouchEndListener.dispose(), super.dispose();
_getMinimapDomNodeClassName() {
return "always" === this._model.options.showSlider ? "minimap slider-always" : "minimap slider-mouseover";
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
_applyLayout() {
this._domNode.setLeft(this._model.options.minimapLeft), this._domNode.setWidth(this._model.options.minimapWidth), this._domNode.setHeight(this._model.options.minimapHeight), this._shadow.setHeight(this._model.options.minimapHeight), this._canvas.setWidth(this._model.options.canvasOuterWidth), this._canvas.setHeight(this._model.options.canvasOuterHeight), this._canvas.domNode.width = this._model.options.canvasInnerWidth, this._canvas.domNode.height = this._model.options.canvasInnerHeight, this._decorationsCanvas.setWidth(this._model.options.canvasOuterWidth), this._decorationsCanvas.setHeight(this._model.options.canvasOuterHeight), this._decorationsCanvas.domNode.width = this._model.options.canvasInnerWidth, this._decorationsCanvas.domNode.height = this._model.options.canvasInnerHeight, this._slider.setWidth(this._model.options.minimapWidth);
_getBuffer() {
return this._buffers || this._model.options.canvasInnerWidth > 0 && this._model.options.canvasInnerHeight > 0 && (this._buffers = new Dt(this._canvas.domNode.getContext("2d"), this._model.options.canvasInnerWidth, this._model.options.canvasInnerHeight, this._model.options.backgroundColor)), this._buffers ? this._buffers.getBuffer() : null;
onDidChangeOptions() {
this._lastRenderData = null, this._buffers = null, this._applyLayout(), this._domNode.setClassName(this._getMinimapDomNodeClassName());
onSelectionChanged() {
return this._renderDecorations = true, true;
onDecorationsChanged() {
return this._renderDecorations = true, true;
onFlushed() {
return this._lastRenderData = null, true;
onLinesChanged(e2, t2) {
return !!this._lastRenderData && this._lastRenderData.onLinesChanged(e2, t2);
onLinesDeleted(e2, t2) {
return this._lastRenderData && this._lastRenderData.onLinesDeleted(e2, t2), true;
onLinesInserted(e2, t2) {
return this._lastRenderData && this._lastRenderData.onLinesInserted(e2, t2), true;
onScrollChanged() {
return this._renderDecorations = true, true;
onThemeChanged() {
return this._selectionColor = this._theme.getColor(_t.Pb), this._renderDecorations = true, true;
onTokensChanged(e2) {
return !!this._lastRenderData && this._lastRenderData.onTokensChanged(e2);
onTokensColorsChanged() {
return this._lastRenderData = null, this._buffers = null, true;
onZonesChanged() {
return this._lastRenderData = null, true;
render(e2) {
if (0 === this._model.options.renderMinimap)
return this._shadow.setClassName("minimap-shadow-hidden"), this._sliderHorizontal.setWidth(0), void this._sliderHorizontal.setHeight(0);
e2.scrollLeft + e2.viewportWidth >= e2.scrollWidth ? this._shadow.setClassName("minimap-shadow-hidden") : this._shadow.setClassName("minimap-shadow-visible");
const t2 = Nt.create(this._model.options, e2.viewportStartLineNumber, e2.viewportEndLineNumber, e2.viewportHeight, e2.viewportContainsWhitespaceGaps, this._model.getLineCount(), this._model.getRealLineCount(), e2.scrollTop, e2.scrollHeight, this._lastRenderData ? this._lastRenderData.renderedLayout : null);
this._slider.setDisplay(t2.sliderNeeded ? "block" : "none"), this._slider.setTop(t2.sliderTop), this._slider.setHeight(t2.sliderHeight);
const n2 = e2.scrollLeft / this._model.options.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, i2 = Math.min(this._model.options.minimapWidth, Math.round(n2 * this._model.options.minimapCharWidth / this._model.options.pixelRatio));
this._sliderHorizontal.setLeft(i2), this._sliderHorizontal.setWidth(this._model.options.minimapWidth - i2), this._sliderHorizontal.setTop(0), this._sliderHorizontal.setHeight(t2.sliderHeight), this.renderDecorations(t2), this._lastRenderData = this.renderLines(t2);
renderDecorations(e2) {
if (this._renderDecorations) {
this._renderDecorations = false;
const t2 = this._model.getSelections(), n2 = this._model.getMinimapDecorationsInViewport(e2.startLineNumber, e2.endLineNumber), {canvasInnerWidth: i2, canvasInnerHeight: o2} = this._model.options, r2 = this._model.options.minimapLineHeight, s2 = this._model.options.minimapCharWidth, a2 = this._model.getOptions().tabSize, l2 = this._decorationsCanvas.domNode.getContext("2d");
l2.clearRect(0, 0, i2, o2);
const c2 = new Map();
for (let n3 = 0; n3 < t2.length; n3++) {
const i3 = t2[n3];
for (let t3 = i3.startLineNumber; t3 <= i3.endLineNumber; t3++)
this.renderDecorationOnLine(l2, c2, i3, this._selectionColor, e2, t3, r2, r2, a2, s2);
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < n2.length; t3++) {
const i3 = n2[t3];
if (!i3.options.minimap)
const o3 = i3.options.minimap.getColor(this._theme);
for (let t4 = i3.range.startLineNumber; t4 <= i3.range.endLineNumber; t4++)
switch (i3.options.minimap.position) {
case Tt.c.Inline:
this.renderDecorationOnLine(l2, c2, i3.range, o3, e2, t4, r2, r2, a2, s2);
case Tt.c.Gutter:
const n3 = (t4 - e2.startLineNumber) * r2, d2 = 2;
this.renderDecoration(l2, o3, d2, n3, 2, r2);
renderDecorationOnLine(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2) {
const d2 = (r2 - o2.startLineNumber) * a2;
if (d2 + s2 < 0 || d2 > this._model.options.canvasInnerHeight)
let h2 = t2.get(r2);
const u2 = !h2;
if (!h2) {
const e3 = this._model.getLineContent(r2);
h2 = [j.h];
for (let t3 = 1; t3 < e3.length + 1; t3++) {
const n3 = e3.charCodeAt(t3 - 1), i3 = 9 === n3 ? l2 * c2 : xe.E(n3) ? 2 * c2 : c2;
h2[t3] = h2[t3 - 1] + i3;
t2.set(r2, h2);
const {startColumn: p2, endColumn: m2, startLineNumber: g2, endLineNumber: f2} = n2, b2 = g2 === r2 ? h2[p2 - 1] : j.h, _2 = f2 > r2 ? h2.length - 1 : m2 - 1;
if (_2 > 0) {
const t3 = h2[_2] - b2 || 2;
this.renderDecoration(e2, i2, b2, d2, t3, s2);
u2 && this.renderLineHighlight(e2, i2, d2, s2);
renderLineHighlight(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
e2.fillStyle = t2 && t2.transparent(0.5).toString() || "", e2.fillRect(j.h, n2, e2.canvas.width, i2);
renderDecoration(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
e2.fillStyle = t2 && t2.toString() || "", e2.fillRect(n2, i2, o2, r2);
renderLines(e2) {
const t2 = e2.startLineNumber, n2 = e2.endLineNumber, i2 = this._model.options.minimapLineHeight;
if (this._lastRenderData && this._lastRenderData.linesEquals(e2)) {
const t3 = this._lastRenderData._get();
return new Ot(e2, t3.imageData, t3.lines);
const o2 = this._getBuffer();
if (!o2)
return null;
let [r2, s2, a2] = Mt._renderUntouchedLines(o2, t2, n2, i2, this._lastRenderData);
const l2 = this._model.getMinimapLinesRenderingData(t2, n2, a2), c2 = this._model.getOptions().tabSize, d2 = this._model.options.backgroundColor, h2 = this._model.tokensColorTracker, u2 = h2.backgroundIsLight(), p2 = this._model.options.renderMinimap, m2 = this._model.options.charRenderer(), g2 = this._model.options.fontScale, f2 = this._model.options.minimapCharWidth, b2 = (1 === p2 ? 2 : 3) * g2, _2 = i2 > b2 ? Math.floor((i2 - b2) / 2) : 0;
let v2 = 0;
const w2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, r3 = n2 - t2 + 1; e3 < r3; e3++)
a2[e3] && Mt._renderLine(o2, d2, u2, p2, f2, h2, m2, v2, _2, c2, l2[e3], g2, i2), w2[e3] = new It(v2), v2 += i2;
const y2 = -1 === r2 ? 0 : r2, C2 = (-1 === s2 ? o2.height : s2) - y2;
return this._canvas.domNode.getContext("2d").putImageData(o2, 0, 0, 0, y2, o2.width, C2), new Ot(e2, o2, w2);
static _renderUntouchedLines(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = [];
if (!o2) {
for (let e3 = 0, i3 = n2 - t2 + 1; e3 < i3; e3++)
r2[e3] = true;
return [-1, -1, r2];
const s2 = o2._get(), a2 =, l2 = s2.rendLineNumberStart, c2 = s2.lines, d2 = c2.length, h2 = e2.width, u2 =, p2 = (n2 - t2 + 1) * i2 * h2 * 4;
let m2 = -1, g2 = -1, f2 = -1, b2 = -1, _2 = -1, v2 = -1, w2 = 0;
for (let e3 = t2; e3 <= n2; e3++) {
const n3 = e3 - t2, o3 = e3 - l2, s3 = o3 >= 0 && o3 < d2 ? c2[o3].dy : -1;
if (-1 === s3) {
r2[n3] = true, w2 += i2;
const y2 = s3 * h2 * 4, C2 = (s3 + i2) * h2 * 4, x2 = w2 * h2 * 4, S2 = (w2 + i2) * h2 * 4;
b2 === y2 && v2 === x2 ? (b2 = C2, v2 = S2) : (-1 !== f2 && (u2.set(a2.subarray(f2, b2), _2), -1 === m2 && 0 === f2 && f2 === _2 && (m2 = b2), -1 === g2 && b2 === p2 && f2 === _2 && (g2 = f2)), f2 = y2, b2 = C2, _2 = x2, v2 = S2), r2[n3] = false, w2 += i2;
-1 !== f2 && (u2.set(a2.subarray(f2, b2), _2), -1 === m2 && 0 === f2 && f2 === _2 && (m2 = b2), -1 === g2 && b2 === p2 && f2 === _2 && (g2 = f2));
return [-1 === m2 ? -1 : m2 / (4 * h2), -1 === g2 ? -1 : g2 / (4 * h2), r2];
static _renderLine(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2) {
const p2 = d2.content, m2 = d2.tokens, g2 = e2.width - o2, f2 = 1 === u2;
let b2 = j.h, _2 = 0, v2 = 0;
for (let d3 = 0, u3 = m2.getCount(); d3 < u3; d3++) {
const u4 = m2.getEndOffset(d3), w2 = m2.getForeground(d3), y2 = r2.getColor(w2);
for (; _2 < u4; _2++) {
if (b2 > g2)
const r3 = p2.charCodeAt(_2);
if (9 === r3) {
const e3 = c2 - (_2 + v2) % c2;
v2 += e3 - 1, b2 += e3 * o2;
} else if (32 === r3)
b2 += o2;
else {
const c3 = xe.E(r3) ? 2 : 1;
for (let d4 = 0; d4 < c3; d4++)
if (2 === i2 ? s2.blockRenderChar(e2, b2, a2 + l2, y2, t2, n2, f2) : s2.renderChar(e2, b2, a2 + l2, r3, y2, t2, h2, n2, f2), b2 += o2, b2 > g2)
Object(B.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(_t.Mb);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .minimap > canvas { opacity: ${n2.rgba.a}; will-change: opacity; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(_t.Rb);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .minimap-slider .minimap-slider-horizontal { background: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(_t.Sb);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .minimap-slider:hover .minimap-slider-horizontal { background: ${o2}; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(_t.Qb);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .minimap-slider-horizontal { background: ${r2}; }`);
const s2 = e2.getColor(_t.ic);
s2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .minimap-shadow-visible { box-shadow: ${s2} -6px 0 6px -6px inset; }`);
class Pt extends N {
constructor(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(117);
this._widgets = {}, this._verticalScrollbarWidth = t2.verticalScrollbarWidth, this._minimapWidth = t2.minimap.minimapWidth, this._horizontalScrollbarHeight = t2.horizontalScrollbarHeight, this._editorHeight = t2.height, this._editorWidth = t2.width, this._domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), I.write(this._domNode, 4), this._domNode.setClassName("overlayWidgets");
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._widgets = {};
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(117);
return this._verticalScrollbarWidth = t2.verticalScrollbarWidth, this._minimapWidth = t2.minimap.minimapWidth, this._horizontalScrollbarHeight = t2.horizontalScrollbarHeight, this._editorHeight = t2.height, this._editorWidth = t2.width, true;
addWidget(e2) {
const t2 = Object(p.b)(e2.getDomNode());
this._widgets[e2.getId()] = {widget: e2, preference: null, domNode: t2}, t2.setPosition("absolute"), t2.setAttribute("widgetId", e2.getId()), this._domNode.appendChild(t2), this.setShouldRender();
setWidgetPosition(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._widgets[e2.getId()];
return n2.preference !== t2 && (n2.preference = t2, this.setShouldRender(), true);
removeWidget(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getId();
if (this._widgets.hasOwnProperty(t2)) {
const e3 = this._widgets[t2].domNode.domNode;
delete this._widgets[t2], e3.parentNode.removeChild(e3), this.setShouldRender();
_renderWidget(e2) {
const t2 = e2.domNode;
if (null !== e2.preference)
if (0 === e2.preference)
t2.setTop(0), t2.setRight(2 * this._verticalScrollbarWidth + this._minimapWidth);
else if (1 === e2.preference) {
const e3 = t2.domNode.clientHeight;
t2.setTop(this._editorHeight - e3 - 2 * this._horizontalScrollbarHeight), t2.setRight(2 * this._verticalScrollbarWidth + this._minimapWidth);
} else
2 === e2.preference && (t2.setTop(0), = "50%");
prepareRender(e2) {
render(e2) {
const t2 = Object.keys(this._widgets);
for (let e3 = 0, n2 = t2.length; e3 < n2; e3++) {
const n3 = t2[e3];
var Ft = n(16);
class Wt {
constructor(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.options;
this.lineHeight = n2.get(51), this.pixelRatio = n2.get(115), this.overviewRulerLanes = n2.get(65), this.renderBorder = n2.get(64);
const i2 = t2.getColor(Te.m);
this.borderColor = i2 ? i2.toString() : null, this.hideCursor = n2.get(44);
const o2 = t2.getColor(Te.g);
this.cursorColor = o2 ? o2.transparent(0.7).toString() : null, this.themeType = t2.type;
const r2 = n2.get(56), s2 = r2.enabled, a2 = r2.side, l2 = s2 ? t2.getColor(Te.l) || gt.C.getDefaultBackground() : null;
this.backgroundColor = null === l2 || "left" === a2 ? null : Ft.a.Format.CSS.formatHex(l2);
const c2 = n2.get(117).overviewRuler; =, this.right = c2.right, this.domWidth = c2.width, this.domHeight = c2.height, 0 === this.overviewRulerLanes ? (this.canvasWidth = 0, this.canvasHeight = 0) : (this.canvasWidth = this.domWidth * this.pixelRatio | 0, this.canvasHeight = this.domHeight * this.pixelRatio | 0);
const [d2, h2] = this._initLanes(1, this.canvasWidth, this.overviewRulerLanes);
this.x = d2, this.w = h2;
_initLanes(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2 - e2;
if (n2 >= 3) {
const t3 = Math.floor(i2 / 3), n3 = Math.floor(i2 / 3), o2 = i2 - t3 - n3, r2 = e2 + t3;
return [[0, e2, r2, e2, e2 + t3 + o2, e2, r2, e2], [0, t3, o2, t3 + o2, n3, t3 + o2 + n3, o2 + n3, t3 + o2 + n3]];
if (2 === n2) {
const t3 = Math.floor(i2 / 2), n3 = i2 - t3;
return [[0, e2, e2, e2, e2 + t3, e2, e2, e2], [0, t3, t3, t3, n3, t3 + n3, t3 + n3, t3 + n3]];
return [[0, e2, e2, e2, e2, e2, e2, e2], [0, i2, i2, i2, i2, i2, i2, i2]];
equals(e2) {
return this.lineHeight === e2.lineHeight && this.pixelRatio === e2.pixelRatio && this.overviewRulerLanes === e2.overviewRulerLanes && this.renderBorder === e2.renderBorder && this.borderColor === e2.borderColor && this.hideCursor === e2.hideCursor && this.cursorColor === e2.cursorColor && this.themeType === e2.themeType && this.backgroundColor === e2.backgroundColor && === && this.right === e2.right && this.domWidth === e2.domWidth && this.domHeight === e2.domHeight && this.canvasWidth === e2.canvasWidth && this.canvasHeight === e2.canvasHeight;
class zt extends N {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this._domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("canvas")), this._domNode.setClassName("decorationsOverviewRuler"), this._domNode.setPosition("absolute"), this._domNode.setLayerHinting(true), this._domNode.setContain("strict"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this._updateSettings(false), this._tokensColorTrackerListener = gt.C.onDidChange((e3) => {
e3.changedColorMap && this._updateSettings(true);
}), this._cursorPositions = [];
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._tokensColorTrackerListener.dispose();
_updateSettings(e2) {
const t2 = new Wt(this._context.configuration, this._context.theme);
return (!this._settings || !this._settings.equals(t2)) && (this._settings = t2, this._domNode.setTop(, this._domNode.setRight(this._settings.right), this._domNode.setWidth(this._settings.domWidth), this._domNode.setHeight(this._settings.domHeight), this._domNode.domNode.width = this._settings.canvasWidth, this._domNode.domNode.height = this._settings.canvasHeight, e2 && this._render(), true);
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
return this._updateSettings(false);
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
this._cursorPositions = [];
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = e2.selections.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
this._cursorPositions[t2] = e2.selections[t2].getPosition();
return this._cursorPositions.sort(, true;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return !!e2.affectsOverviewRuler;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollHeightChanged;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onThemeChanged(e2) {
return this._context.model.invalidateOverviewRulerColorCache(), this._updateSettings(false);
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode.domNode;
prepareRender(e2) {
render(e2) {
_render() {
if (0 === this._settings.overviewRulerLanes)
return void this._domNode.setBackgroundColor(this._settings.backgroundColor ? this._settings.backgroundColor : "");
const e2 = this._settings.canvasWidth, t2 = this._settings.canvasHeight, n2 = this._settings.lineHeight, i2 = this._context.viewLayout, o2 = t2 / this._context.viewLayout.getScrollHeight(), r2 = this._context.model.getAllOverviewRulerDecorations(this._context.theme), s2 = 6 * this._settings.pixelRatio | 0, a2 = s2 / 2 | 0, l2 = this._domNode.domNode.getContext("2d");
null === this._settings.backgroundColor ? l2.clearRect(0, 0, e2, t2) : (l2.fillStyle = this._settings.backgroundColor, l2.fillRect(0, 0, e2, t2));
const c2 = this._settings.x, d2 = this._settings.w, h2 = Object.keys(r2);
for (let e3 = 0, u2 = h2.length; e3 < u2; e3++) {
const u3 = h2[e3], p2 = r2[u3];
l2.fillStyle = u3;
let m2 = 0, g2 = 0, f2 = 0;
for (let e4 = 0, r3 = p2.length; e4 < r3; e4++) {
const r4 = p2[3 * e4], h3 = p2[3 * e4 + 1], u4 = p2[3 * e4 + 2];
let b2 = i2.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(h3) * o2 | 0, _2 = (i2.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(u4) + n2) * o2 | 0;
if (_2 - b2 < s2) {
let e5 = (b2 + _2) / 2 | 0;
e5 < a2 ? e5 = a2 : e5 + a2 > t2 && (e5 = t2 - a2), b2 = e5 - a2, _2 = e5 + a2;
b2 > f2 + 1 || r4 !== m2 ? (0 !== e4 && l2.fillRect(c2[m2], g2, d2[m2], f2 - g2), m2 = r4, g2 = b2, f2 = _2) : _2 > f2 && (f2 = _2);
l2.fillRect(c2[m2], g2, d2[m2], f2 - g2);
if (!this._settings.hideCursor && this._settings.cursorColor) {
const e3 = 2 * this._settings.pixelRatio | 0, n3 = e3 / 2 | 0, r3 = this._settings.x[7], s3 = this._settings.w[7];
l2.fillStyle = this._settings.cursorColor;
let a3 = -100, c3 = -100;
for (let d3 = 0, h3 = this._cursorPositions.length; d3 < h3; d3++) {
const h4 = this._cursorPositions[d3];
let u2 = i2.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(h4.lineNumber) * o2 | 0;
u2 < n3 ? u2 = n3 : u2 + n3 > t2 && (u2 = t2 - n3);
const p2 = u2 - n3, m2 = p2 + e3;
p2 > c3 + 1 ? (0 !== d3 && l2.fillRect(r3, a3, s3, c3 - a3), a3 = p2, c3 = m2) : m2 > c3 && (c3 = m2);
l2.fillRect(r3, a3, s3, c3 - a3);
this._settings.renderBorder && this._settings.borderColor && this._settings.overviewRulerLanes > 0 && (l2.beginPath(), l2.lineWidth = 1, l2.strokeStyle = this._settings.borderColor, l2.moveTo(0, 0), l2.lineTo(0, t2), l2.stroke(), l2.moveTo(0, 0), l2.lineTo(e2, 0), l2.stroke());
var Bt = n(168);
class jt extends L {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._context = e2;
const n2 = this._context.configuration.options;
this._domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("canvas")), this._domNode.setClassName(t2), this._domNode.setPosition("absolute"), this._domNode.setLayerHinting(true), this._domNode.setContain("strict"), this._zoneManager = new Bt.b((e3) => this._context.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e3)), this._zoneManager.setDOMWidth(0), this._zoneManager.setDOMHeight(0), this._zoneManager.setOuterHeight(this._context.viewLayout.getScrollHeight()), this._zoneManager.setLineHeight(n2.get(51)), this._zoneManager.setPixelRatio(n2.get(115)), this._context.addEventHandler(this);
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), super.dispose();
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
return e2.hasChanged(51) && (this._zoneManager.setLineHeight(t2.get(51)), this._render()), e2.hasChanged(115) && (this._zoneManager.setPixelRatio(t2.get(115)), this._domNode.setWidth(this._zoneManager.getDOMWidth()), this._domNode.setHeight(this._zoneManager.getDOMHeight()), this._domNode.domNode.width = this._zoneManager.getCanvasWidth(), this._domNode.domNode.height = this._zoneManager.getCanvasHeight(), this._render()), true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return this._render(), true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollHeightChanged && (this._zoneManager.setOuterHeight(e2.scrollHeight), this._render()), true;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return this._render(), true;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode.domNode;
setLayout(e2) {
this._domNode.setTop(, this._domNode.setRight(e2.right);
let t2 = false;
t2 = this._zoneManager.setDOMWidth(e2.width) || t2, t2 = this._zoneManager.setDOMHeight(e2.height) || t2, t2 && (this._domNode.setWidth(this._zoneManager.getDOMWidth()), this._domNode.setHeight(this._zoneManager.getDOMHeight()), this._domNode.domNode.width = this._zoneManager.getCanvasWidth(), this._domNode.domNode.height = this._zoneManager.getCanvasHeight(), this._render());
setZones(e2) {
this._zoneManager.setZones(e2), this._render();
_render() {
if (0 === this._zoneManager.getOuterHeight())
return false;
const e2 = this._zoneManager.getCanvasWidth(), t2 = this._zoneManager.getCanvasHeight(), n2 = this._zoneManager.resolveColorZones(), i2 = this._zoneManager.getId2Color(), o2 = this._domNode.domNode.getContext("2d");
return o2.clearRect(0, 0, e2, t2), n2.length > 0 && this._renderOneLane(o2, n2, i2, e2), true;
_renderOneLane(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = 0, r2 = 0, s2 = 0;
for (const a2 of t2) {
const t3 = a2.colorId, l2 = a2.from, c2 =;
t3 !== o2 ? (e2.fillRect(0, r2, i2, s2 - r2), o2 = t3, e2.fillStyle = n2[o2], r2 = l2, s2 = c2) : s2 >= l2 ? s2 = Math.max(s2, c2) : (e2.fillRect(0, r2, i2, s2 - r2), r2 = l2, s2 = c2);
e2.fillRect(0, r2, i2, s2 - r2);
class Vt extends N {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this.domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this.domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this.domNode.setClassName("view-rulers"), this._renderedRulers = [];
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
this._rulers = t2.get(83), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = t2.get(36).typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth;
dispose() {
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
return this._rulers = t2.get(83), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = t2.get(36).typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollHeightChanged;
prepareRender(e2) {
_ensureRulersCount() {
const e2 = this._renderedRulers.length, t2 = this._rulers.length;
if (e2 === t2)
if (e2 < t2) {
const {tabSize: n3} = this._context.model.getTextModelOptions(), i2 = n3;
let o2 = t2 - e2;
for (; o2 > 0; ) {
const e3 = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div"));
e3.setClassName("view-ruler"), e3.setWidth(i2), this.domNode.appendChild(e3), this._renderedRulers.push(e3), o2--;
let n2 = e2 - t2;
for (; n2 > 0; ) {
const e3 = this._renderedRulers.pop();
this.domNode.removeChild(e3), n2--;
render(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this._rulers.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
const n3 = this._renderedRulers[t2], i2 = this._rulers[t2];
n3.setBoxShadow(i2.color ? `1px 0 0 0 ${i2.color} inset` : ""), n3.setHeight(Math.min(e2.scrollHeight, 1e6)), n3.setLeft(i2.column * this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth);
Object(B.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(Te.n);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .view-ruler { box-shadow: 1px 0 0 0 ${n2} inset; }`);
class Ut extends N {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this._scrollTop = 0, this._width = 0, this._updateWidth(), this._shouldShow = false;
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(84);
this._useShadows = t2.useShadows, this._domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
dispose() {
_updateShouldShow() {
const e2 = this._useShadows && this._scrollTop > 0;
return this._shouldShow !== e2 && (this._shouldShow = e2, true);
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
_updateWidth() {
const e2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(117);
0 === e2.minimap.renderMinimap || e2.minimap.minimapWidth > 0 && 0 === e2.minimap.minimapLeft ? this._width = e2.width : this._width = e2.width - e2.minimap.minimapWidth - e2.verticalScrollbarWidth;
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(84);
return this._useShadows = t2.useShadows, this._updateWidth(), this._updateShouldShow(), true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return this._scrollTop = e2.scrollTop, this._updateShouldShow();
prepareRender(e2) {
render(e2) {
this._domNode.setWidth(this._width), this._domNode.setClassName(this._shouldShow ? "scroll-decoration" : "");
Object(B.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(_t.ic);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .scroll-decoration { box-shadow: ${n2} 0 6px 6px -6px inset; }`);
class Ht {
constructor(e2) {
this.left = e2.left, this.width = e2.width, this.startStyle = null, this.endStyle = null;
class qt {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.lineNumber = e2, this.ranges = t2;
function $t(e2) {
return new Ht(e2);
function Kt(e2) {
return new qt(e2.lineNumber,$t));
const Gt = _.f;
class Yt extends Ee {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._previousFrameVisibleRangesWithStyle = [], this._context = e2;
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._roundedSelection = t2.get(82), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = t2.get(36).typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, this._selections = [], this._renderResult = null, this._context.addEventHandler(this);
dispose() {
this._context.removeEventHandler(this), this._renderResult = null, super.dispose();
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
return this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._roundedSelection = t2.get(82), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = t2.get(36).typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, true;
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
return this._selections = e2.selections.slice(0), true;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollTopChanged;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
_visibleRangesHaveGaps(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = e2.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
if (e2[t2].ranges.length > 1)
return true;
return false;
_enrichVisibleRangesWithStyle(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth / 4;
let o2 = null, r2 = null;
if (n2 && n2.length > 0 && t2.length > 0) {
const i3 = t2[0].lineNumber;
if (i3 === e2.startLineNumber)
for (let e3 = 0; !o2 && e3 < n2.length; e3++)
n2[e3].lineNumber === i3 && (o2 = n2[e3].ranges[0]);
const s2 = t2[t2.length - 1].lineNumber;
if (s2 === e2.endLineNumber)
for (let e3 = n2.length - 1; !r2 && e3 >= 0; e3--)
n2[e3].lineNumber === s2 && (r2 = n2[e3].ranges[0]);
o2 && !o2.startStyle && (o2 = null), r2 && !r2.startStyle && (r2 = null);
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = t2.length; e3 < n3; e3++) {
const s2 = t2[e3].ranges[0], a2 = s2.left, l2 = s2.left + s2.width, c2 = {top: 0, bottom: 0}, d2 = {top: 0, bottom: 0};
if (e3 > 0) {
const n4 = t2[e3 - 1].ranges[0].left, o3 = t2[e3 - 1].ranges[0].left + t2[e3 - 1].ranges[0].width;
Zt(a2 - n4) < i2 ? = 2 : a2 > n4 && ( = 1), Zt(l2 - o3) < i2 ? = 2 : n4 < l2 && l2 < o3 && ( = 1);
} else
o2 && ( =, =;
if (e3 + 1 < n3) {
const n4 = t2[e3 + 1].ranges[0].left, o3 = t2[e3 + 1].ranges[0].left + t2[e3 + 1].ranges[0].width;
Zt(a2 - n4) < i2 ? c2.bottom = 2 : n4 < a2 && a2 < o3 && (c2.bottom = 1), Zt(l2 - o3) < i2 ? d2.bottom = 2 : l2 < o3 && (d2.bottom = 1);
} else
r2 && (c2.bottom = r2.startStyle.bottom, d2.bottom = r2.endStyle.bottom);
s2.startStyle = c2, s2.endStyle = d2;
_getVisibleRangesWithStyle(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = (t2.linesVisibleRangesForRange(e2, true) || []).map(Kt), o2 = this._visibleRangesHaveGaps(i2);
return Gt || o2 || !this._roundedSelection || this._enrichVisibleRangesWithStyle(t2.visibleRange, i2, n2), i2;
_createSelectionPiece(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return '<div class="cslr ' + n2 + '" style="top:' + e2.toString() + "px;left:" + i2.toString() + "px;width:" + o2.toString() + "px;height:" + t2 + 'px;"></div>';
_actualRenderOneSelection(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (0 === i2.length)
const o2 = !!i2[0].ranges[0].startStyle, r2 = this._lineHeight.toString(), s2 = (this._lineHeight - 1).toString(), a2 = i2[0].lineNumber, l2 = i2[i2.length - 1].lineNumber;
for (let c2 = 0, d2 = i2.length; c2 < d2; c2++) {
const d3 = i2[c2], h2 = d3.lineNumber, u2 = h2 - t2, p2 = n2 && (h2 === l2 || h2 === a2) ? s2 : r2, m2 = n2 && h2 === a2 ? 1 : 0;
let g2 = "", f2 = "";
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = d3.ranges.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = d3.ranges[e3];
if (o2) {
const e4 = t4.startStyle, n4 = t4.endStyle;
if (1 === || 1 === e4.bottom) {
g2 += this._createSelectionPiece(m2, p2, Yt.SELECTION_CLASS_NAME, t4.left - Yt.ROUNDED_PIECE_WIDTH, Yt.ROUNDED_PIECE_WIDTH);
1 === && (n5 += " " + Yt.SELECTION_TOP_RIGHT), 1 === e4.bottom && (n5 += " " + Yt.SELECTION_BOTTOM_RIGHT), g2 += this._createSelectionPiece(m2, p2, n5, t4.left - Yt.ROUNDED_PIECE_WIDTH, Yt.ROUNDED_PIECE_WIDTH);
if (1 === || 1 === n4.bottom) {
g2 += this._createSelectionPiece(m2, p2, Yt.SELECTION_CLASS_NAME, t4.left + t4.width, Yt.ROUNDED_PIECE_WIDTH);
1 === && (e5 += " " + Yt.SELECTION_TOP_LEFT), 1 === n4.bottom && (e5 += " " + Yt.SELECTION_BOTTOM_LEFT), g2 += this._createSelectionPiece(m2, p2, e5, t4.left + t4.width, Yt.ROUNDED_PIECE_WIDTH);
if (o2) {
const e4 = t4.startStyle, i3 = t4.endStyle;
0 === && (n3 += " " + Yt.SELECTION_TOP_LEFT), 0 === e4.bottom && (n3 += " " + Yt.SELECTION_BOTTOM_LEFT), 0 === && (n3 += " " + Yt.SELECTION_TOP_RIGHT), 0 === i3.bottom && (n3 += " " + Yt.SELECTION_BOTTOM_RIGHT);
f2 += this._createSelectionPiece(m2, p2, n3, t4.left, t4.width);
e2[u2][0] += g2, e2[u2][1] += f2;
prepareRender(e2) {
const t2 = [], n2 = e2.visibleRange.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.visibleRange.endLineNumber;
for (let e3 = n2; e3 <= i2; e3++) {
t2[e3 - n2] = ["", ""];
const o2 = [];
for (let i3 = 0, r2 = this._selections.length; i3 < r2; i3++) {
const r3 = this._selections[i3];
if (r3.isEmpty()) {
o2[i3] = null;
const s2 = this._getVisibleRangesWithStyle(r3, e2, this._previousFrameVisibleRangesWithStyle[i3]);
o2[i3] = s2, this._actualRenderOneSelection(t2, n2, this._selections.length > 1, s2);
this._previousFrameVisibleRangesWithStyle = o2, this._renderResult =[e3, t3]) => e3 + t3);
render(e2, t2) {
if (!this._renderResult)
return "";
const n2 = t2 - e2;
return n2 < 0 || n2 >= this._renderResult.length ? "" : this._renderResult[n2];
function Zt(e2) {
return e2 < 0 ? -e2 : e2;
Yt.SELECTION_CLASS_NAME = "selected-text", Yt.SELECTION_TOP_LEFT = "top-left-radius", Yt.SELECTION_BOTTOM_LEFT = "bottom-left-radius", Yt.SELECTION_TOP_RIGHT = "top-right-radius", Yt.SELECTION_BOTTOM_RIGHT = "bottom-right-radius", Yt.EDITOR_BACKGROUND_CLASS_NAME = "monaco-editor-background", Yt.ROUNDED_PIECE_WIDTH = 10, Object(B.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(_t.O);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .focused .selected-text { background-color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(_t.J);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .selected-text { background-color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(_t.P);
o2 && !o2.isTransparent() && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .view-line span.inline-selected-text { color: ${o2}; }`);
class Xt {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) { = e2, this.left = t2, this.width = n2, this.height = i2, this.textContent = o2, this.textContentClassName = r2;
class Qt {
constructor(e2) {
this._context = e2;
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(36);
this._cursorStyle = t2.get(19), this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = n2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, this._lineCursorWidth = Math.min(t2.get(22), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth), this._isVisible = true, this._domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._domNode.setClassName("cursor " + Oe.a), this._domNode.setHeight(this._lineHeight), this._domNode.setTop(0), this._domNode.setLeft(0), c.a.applyFontInfo(this._domNode, n2), this._domNode.setDisplay("none"), this._position = new ee.a(1, 1), this._lastRenderedContent = "", this._renderData = null;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
getPosition() {
return this._position;
show() {
this._isVisible || (this._domNode.setVisibility("inherit"), this._isVisible = true);
hide() {
this._isVisible && (this._domNode.setVisibility("hidden"), this._isVisible = false);
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(36);
return this._cursorStyle = t2.get(19), this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth = n2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, this._lineCursorWidth = Math.min(t2.get(22), this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth), c.a.applyFontInfo(this._domNode, n2), true;
onCursorPositionChanged(e2) {
return this._position = e2, true;
_prepareRender(e2) {
let t2 = "";
if (this._cursorStyle === j.i.Line || this._cursorStyle === j.i.LineThin) {
const n3 = e2.visibleRangeForPosition(this._position);
if (!n3 || n3.outsideRenderedLine)
return null;
let i3;
if (this._cursorStyle === j.i.Line) {
if (i3 = o.t(this._lineCursorWidth > 0 ? this._lineCursorWidth : 2), i3 > 2) {
const e3 = this._context.model.getLineContent(this._position.lineNumber), n4 = xe.L(e3, this._position.column - 1);
t2 = e3.substr(this._position.column - 1, n4);
} else
i3 = o.t(1);
let r3 = n3.left;
i3 >= 2 && r3 >= 1 && (r3 -= 1);
const s3 = e2.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(this._position.lineNumber) - e2.bigNumbersDelta;
return new Xt(s3, r3, i3, this._lineHeight, t2, "");
const n2 = this._context.model.getLineContent(this._position.lineNumber), i2 = xe.L(n2, this._position.column - 1), r2 = e2.linesVisibleRangesForRange(new te.a(this._position.lineNumber, this._position.column, this._position.lineNumber, this._position.column + i2), false);
if (!r2 || 0 === r2.length)
return null;
const s2 = r2[0];
if (s2.outsideRenderedLine || 0 === s2.ranges.length)
return null;
const a2 = s2.ranges[0], l2 = a2.width < 1 ? this._typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth : a2.width;
let c2 = "";
if (this._cursorStyle === j.i.Block) {
const e3 = this._context.model.getViewLineData(this._position.lineNumber);
t2 = n2.substr(this._position.column - 1, i2);
const o2 = e3.tokens.findTokenIndexAtOffset(this._position.column - 1);
c2 = e3.tokens.getClassName(o2);
let d2 = e2.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(this._position.lineNumber) - e2.bigNumbersDelta, h2 = this._lineHeight;
return this._cursorStyle !== j.i.Underline && this._cursorStyle !== j.i.UnderlineThin || (d2 += this._lineHeight - 2, h2 = 2), new Xt(d2, a2.left, l2, h2, t2, c2);
prepareRender(e2) {
this._renderData = this._prepareRender(e2);
render(e2) {
return this._renderData ? (this._lastRenderedContent !== this._renderData.textContent && (this._lastRenderedContent = this._renderData.textContent, this._domNode.domNode.textContent = this._lastRenderedContent), this._domNode.setClassName(`cursor ${Oe.a} ${this._renderData.textContentClassName}`), this._domNode.setDisplay("block"), this._domNode.setTop(, this._domNode.setLeft(this._renderData.left), this._domNode.setWidth(this._renderData.width), this._domNode.setLineHeight(this._renderData.height), this._domNode.setHeight(this._renderData.height), {domNode: this._domNode.domNode, position: this._position, contentLeft: this._renderData.left, height: this._renderData.height, width: 2}) : (this._domNode.setDisplay("none"), null);
class Jt extends N {
constructor(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
this._readOnly = t2.get(72), this._cursorBlinking = t2.get(17), this._cursorStyle = t2.get(19), this._cursorSmoothCaretAnimation = t2.get(18), this._selectionIsEmpty = true, this._isVisible = false, this._primaryCursor = new Qt(this._context), this._secondaryCursors = [], this._renderData = [], this._domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this._updateDomClassName(), this._domNode.appendChild(this._primaryCursor.getDomNode()), this._startCursorBlinkAnimation = new b.e(), this._cursorFlatBlinkInterval = new b.c(), this._blinkingEnabled = false, this._editorHasFocus = false, this._updateBlinking();
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._startCursorBlinkAnimation.dispose(), this._cursorFlatBlinkInterval.dispose();
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options;
this._readOnly = t2.get(72), this._cursorBlinking = t2.get(17), this._cursorStyle = t2.get(19), this._cursorSmoothCaretAnimation = t2.get(18), this._updateBlinking(), this._updateDomClassName(), this._primaryCursor.onConfigurationChanged(e2);
for (let t3 = 0, n2 = this._secondaryCursors.length; t3 < n2; t3++)
return true;
_onCursorPositionChanged(e2, t2) {
if (this._primaryCursor.onCursorPositionChanged(e2), this._updateBlinking(), this._secondaryCursors.length < t2.length) {
const e3 = t2.length - this._secondaryCursors.length;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e3; t3++) {
const e4 = new Qt(this._context);
this._domNode.domNode.insertBefore(e4.getDomNode().domNode, this._primaryCursor.getDomNode().domNode.nextSibling), this._secondaryCursors.push(e4);
} else if (this._secondaryCursors.length > t2.length) {
const e3 = this._secondaryCursors.length - t2.length;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e3; t3++)
this._domNode.removeChild(this._secondaryCursors[0].getDomNode()), this._secondaryCursors.splice(0, 1);
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < t2.length; e3++)
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
const t2 = [];
for (let n3 = 0, i2 = e2.selections.length; n3 < i2; n3++)
t2[n3] = e2.selections[n3].getPosition();
this._onCursorPositionChanged(t2[0], t2.slice(1));
const n2 = e2.selections[0].isEmpty();
return this._selectionIsEmpty !== n2 && (this._selectionIsEmpty = n2, this._updateDomClassName()), true;
onDecorationsChanged(e2) {
return true;
onFlushed(e2) {
return true;
onFocusChanged(e2) {
return this._editorHasFocus = e2.isFocused, this._updateBlinking(), false;
onLinesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return true;
onTokensChanged(e2) {
const t2 = (t3) => {
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.ranges.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
if (e2.ranges[n2].fromLineNumber <= t3.lineNumber && t3.lineNumber <= e2.ranges[n2].toLineNumber)
return true;
return false;
if (t2(this._primaryCursor.getPosition()))
return true;
for (const e3 of this._secondaryCursors)
if (t2(e3.getPosition()))
return true;
return false;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
_getCursorBlinking() {
return this._editorHasFocus ? this._readOnly ? 5 : this._cursorBlinking : 0;
_updateBlinking() {
this._startCursorBlinkAnimation.cancel(), this._cursorFlatBlinkInterval.cancel();
const e2 = this._getCursorBlinking(), t2 = 0 === e2, n2 = 5 === e2;
t2 ? this._hide() : this._show(), this._blinkingEnabled = false, this._updateDomClassName(), t2 || n2 || (1 === e2 ? this._cursorFlatBlinkInterval.cancelAndSet(() => {
this._isVisible ? this._hide() : this._show();
}, Jt.BLINK_INTERVAL) : this._startCursorBlinkAnimation.setIfNotSet(() => {
this._blinkingEnabled = true, this._updateDomClassName();
_updateDomClassName() {
_getClassName() {
let e2 = "cursors-layer";
switch (this._selectionIsEmpty || (e2 += " has-selection"), this._cursorStyle) {
case j.i.Line:
e2 += " cursor-line-style";
case j.i.Block:
e2 += " cursor-block-style";
case j.i.Underline:
e2 += " cursor-underline-style";
case j.i.LineThin:
e2 += " cursor-line-thin-style";
case j.i.BlockOutline:
e2 += " cursor-block-outline-style";
case j.i.UnderlineThin:
e2 += " cursor-underline-thin-style";
e2 += " cursor-line-style";
if (this._blinkingEnabled)
switch (this._getCursorBlinking()) {
case 1:
e2 += " cursor-blink";
case 2:
e2 += " cursor-smooth";
case 3:
e2 += " cursor-phase";
case 4:
e2 += " cursor-expand";
case 5:
e2 += " cursor-solid";
e2 += " cursor-solid";
e2 += " cursor-solid";
return this._cursorSmoothCaretAnimation && (e2 += " cursor-smooth-caret-animation"), e2;
_show() {;
for (let e2 = 0, t2 = this._secondaryCursors.length; e2 < t2; e2++)
this._isVisible = true;
_hide() {
for (let e2 = 0, t2 = this._secondaryCursors.length; e2 < t2; e2++)
this._isVisible = false;
prepareRender(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this._secondaryCursors.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
render(e2) {
let t2 = [], n2 = 0;
const i2 = this._primaryCursor.render(e2);
i2 && (t2[n2++] = i2);
for (let i3 = 0, o2 = this._secondaryCursors.length; i3 < o2; i3++) {
const o3 = this._secondaryCursors[i3].render(e2);
o3 && (t2[n2++] = o3);
this._renderData = t2;
getLastRenderData() {
return this._renderData;
Jt.BLINK_INTERVAL = 500, Object(B.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(Te.g);
if (n2) {
let i2 = e2.getColor(Te.f);
i2 || (i2 = n2.opposite()), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .cursors-layer .cursor { background-color: ${n2}; border-color: ${n2}; color: ${i2}; }`), "hc" === e2.type && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .cursors-layer.has-selection .cursor { border-left: 1px solid ${i2}; border-right: 1px solid ${i2}; }`);
const en = () => {
throw new Error("Invalid change accessor");
class tn extends N {
constructor(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(117);
this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._contentWidth = n2.contentWidth, this._contentLeft = n2.contentLeft, this.domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this.domNode.setClassName("view-zones"), this.domNode.setPosition("absolute"), this.domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this.marginDomNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this.marginDomNode.setClassName("margin-view-zones"), this.marginDomNode.setPosition("absolute"), this.marginDomNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this.marginDomNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this._zones = {};
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._zones = {};
_recomputeWhitespacesProps() {
const e2 = this._context.viewLayout.getWhitespaces(), t2 = new Map();
for (const n3 of e2)
t2.set(, n3);
let n2 = false;
return this._context.model.changeWhitespace((e3) => {
const i2 = Object.keys(this._zones);
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = i2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = i2[o2], s2 = this._zones[r3], a2 = this._computeWhitespaceProps(s2.delegate), l2 = t2.get(r3);
!l2 || l2.afterLineNumber === a2.afterViewLineNumber && l2.height === a2.heightInPx || (e3.changeOneWhitespace(r3, a2.afterViewLineNumber, a2.heightInPx), this._safeCallOnComputedHeight(s2.delegate, a2.heightInPx), n2 = true);
}), n2;
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._context.configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(117);
return this._lineHeight = t2.get(51), this._contentWidth = n2.contentWidth, this._contentLeft = n2.contentLeft, e2.hasChanged(51) && this._recomputeWhitespacesProps(), true;
onLineMappingChanged(e2) {
return this._recomputeWhitespacesProps();
onLinesDeleted(e2) {
return true;
onScrollChanged(e2) {
return e2.scrollTopChanged || e2.scrollWidthChanged;
onZonesChanged(e2) {
return true;
onLinesInserted(e2) {
return true;
_getZoneOrdinal(e2) {
return void 0 !== e2.afterColumn ? e2.afterColumn : 1e4;
_computeWhitespaceProps(e2) {
if (0 === e2.afterLineNumber)
return {afterViewLineNumber: 0, heightInPx: this._heightInPixels(e2), minWidthInPx: this._minWidthInPixels(e2)};
let t2, n2;
if (void 0 !== e2.afterColumn)
t2 = this._context.model.validateModelPosition({lineNumber: e2.afterLineNumber, column: e2.afterColumn});
else {
const n3 = this._context.model.validateModelPosition({lineNumber: e2.afterLineNumber, column: 1}).lineNumber;
t2 = new ee.a(n3, this._context.model.getModelLineMaxColumn(n3));
n2 = t2.column === this._context.model.getModelLineMaxColumn(t2.lineNumber) ? this._context.model.validateModelPosition({lineNumber: t2.lineNumber + 1, column: 1}) : this._context.model.validateModelPosition({lineNumber: t2.lineNumber, column: t2.column + 1});
const i2 = this._context.model.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(t2), o2 = this._context.model.coordinatesConverter.modelPositionIsVisible(n2);
return {afterViewLineNumber: i2.lineNumber, heightInPx: o2 ? this._heightInPixels(e2) : 0, minWidthInPx: this._minWidthInPixels(e2)};
changeViewZones(e2) {
let t2 = false;
return this._context.model.changeWhitespace((n2) => {
const i2 = {addZone: (e3) => (t2 = true, this._addZone(n2, e3)), removeZone: (e3) => {
e3 && (t2 = this._removeZone(n2, e3) || t2);
}, layoutZone: (e3) => {
e3 && (t2 = this._layoutZone(n2, e3) || t2);
!function(e3, t3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
}(e2, i2), i2.addZone = en, i2.removeZone = en, i2.layoutZone = en;
}), t2;
_addZone(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._computeWhitespaceProps(t2), i2 = {whitespaceId: e2.insertWhitespace(n2.afterViewLineNumber, this._getZoneOrdinal(t2), n2.heightInPx, n2.minWidthInPx), delegate: t2, isVisible: false, domNode: Object(p.b)(t2.domNode), marginDomNode: t2.marginDomNode ? Object(p.b)(t2.marginDomNode) : null};
return this._safeCallOnComputedHeight(i2.delegate, n2.heightInPx), i2.domNode.setPosition("absolute"), = "100%", i2.domNode.setDisplay("none"), i2.domNode.setAttribute("monaco-view-zone", i2.whitespaceId), this.domNode.appendChild(i2.domNode), i2.marginDomNode && (i2.marginDomNode.setPosition("absolute"), = "100%", i2.marginDomNode.setDisplay("none"), i2.marginDomNode.setAttribute("monaco-view-zone", i2.whitespaceId), this.marginDomNode.appendChild(i2.marginDomNode)), this._zones[i2.whitespaceId] = i2, this.setShouldRender(), i2.whitespaceId;
_removeZone(e2, t2) {
if (this._zones.hasOwnProperty(t2)) {
const n2 = this._zones[t2];
return delete this._zones[t2], e2.removeWhitespace(n2.whitespaceId), n2.domNode.removeAttribute("monaco-visible-view-zone"), n2.domNode.removeAttribute("monaco-view-zone"), n2.domNode.domNode.parentNode.removeChild(n2.domNode.domNode), n2.marginDomNode && (n2.marginDomNode.removeAttribute("monaco-visible-view-zone"), n2.marginDomNode.removeAttribute("monaco-view-zone"), n2.marginDomNode.domNode.parentNode.removeChild(n2.marginDomNode.domNode)), this.setShouldRender(), true;
return false;
_layoutZone(e2, t2) {
if (this._zones.hasOwnProperty(t2)) {
const n2 = this._zones[t2], i2 = this._computeWhitespaceProps(n2.delegate);
return e2.changeOneWhitespace(n2.whitespaceId, i2.afterViewLineNumber, i2.heightInPx), this._safeCallOnComputedHeight(n2.delegate, i2.heightInPx), this.setShouldRender(), true;
return false;
shouldSuppressMouseDownOnViewZone(e2) {
if (this._zones.hasOwnProperty(e2)) {
const t2 = this._zones[e2];
return Boolean(t2.delegate.suppressMouseDown);
return false;
_heightInPixels(e2) {
return "number" == typeof e2.heightInPx ? e2.heightInPx : "number" == typeof e2.heightInLines ? this._lineHeight * e2.heightInLines : this._lineHeight;
_minWidthInPixels(e2) {
return "number" == typeof e2.minWidthInPx ? e2.minWidthInPx : 0;
_safeCallOnComputedHeight(e2, t2) {
if ("function" == typeof e2.onComputedHeight)
try {
} catch (e3) {
_safeCallOnDomNodeTop(e2, t2) {
if ("function" == typeof e2.onDomNodeTop)
try {
} catch (e3) {
prepareRender(e2) {
render(e2) {
const t2 = e2.viewportData.whitespaceViewportData, n2 = {};
let i2 = false;
for (let e3 = 0, o3 = t2.length; e3 < o3; e3++)
n2[t2[e3].id] = t2[e3], i2 = true;
const o2 = Object.keys(this._zones);
for (let t3 = 0, i3 = o2.length; t3 < i3; t3++) {
const i4 = o2[t3], r2 = this._zones[i4];
let s2 = 0, a2 = 0, l2 = "none";
n2.hasOwnProperty(i4) ? (s2 = n2[i4].verticalOffset - e2.bigNumbersDelta, a2 = n2[i4].height, l2 = "block", r2.isVisible || (r2.domNode.setAttribute("monaco-visible-view-zone", "true"), r2.isVisible = true), this._safeCallOnDomNodeTop(r2.delegate, e2.getScrolledTopFromAbsoluteTop(n2[i4].verticalOffset))) : (r2.isVisible && (r2.domNode.removeAttribute("monaco-visible-view-zone"), r2.isVisible = false), this._safeCallOnDomNodeTop(r2.delegate, e2.getScrolledTopFromAbsoluteTop(-1e6))), r2.domNode.setTop(s2), r2.domNode.setHeight(a2), r2.domNode.setDisplay(l2), r2.marginDomNode && (r2.marginDomNode.setTop(s2), r2.marginDomNode.setHeight(a2), r2.marginDomNode.setDisplay(l2));
i2 && (this.domNode.setWidth(Math.max(e2.scrollWidth, this._contentWidth)), this.marginDomNode.setWidth(this._contentLeft));
class nn {
constructor(e2) {
this._theme = e2;
get type() {
return this._theme.type;
update(e2) {
this._theme = e2;
getColor(e2) {
return this._theme.getColor(e2);
class on {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.configuration = e2, this.theme = new nn(t2), this.model = n2, this.viewLayout = n2.viewLayout;
addEventHandler(e2) {
removeEventHandler(e2) {
class rn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.selections = e2, this.startLineNumber = 0 | t2.startLineNumber, this.endLineNumber = 0 | t2.endLineNumber, this.relativeVerticalOffset = t2.relativeVerticalOffset, this.bigNumbersDelta = 0 | t2.bigNumbersDelta, this.whitespaceViewportData = n2, this._model = i2, this.visibleRange = new te.a(t2.startLineNumber, this._model.getLineMinColumn(t2.startLineNumber), t2.endLineNumber, this._model.getLineMaxColumn(t2.endLineNumber));
getViewLineRenderingData(e2) {
return this._model.getViewLineRenderingData(this.visibleRange, e2);
getDecorationsInViewport() {
return this._model.getDecorationsInViewport(this.visibleRange);
class sn extends L {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
super(), this._selections = [new u.a(1, 1, 1, 1)], this._renderAnimationFrame = null;
const s2 = new Pe(t2, i2, o2, e2);
this._context = new on(t2, n2.getColorTheme(), i2), this._context.addEventHandler(this), this._register(n2.onDidColorThemeChange((e3) => {
this._context.theme.update(e3), this._context.model.onDidColorThemeChange(), this.render(true, false);
})), this._viewParts = [], this._textAreaHandler = new Re(this._context, s2, this._createTextAreaHandlerHelper()), this._viewParts.push(this._textAreaHandler), this._linesContent = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._linesContent.setClassName("lines-content monaco-editor-background"), this._linesContent.setPosition("absolute"), this.domNode = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), this.domNode.setClassName(this._getEditorClassName()), this.domNode.setAttribute("role", "code"), this._overflowGuardContainer = Object(p.b)(document.createElement("div")), I.write(this._overflowGuardContainer, 3), this._overflowGuardContainer.setClassName("overflow-guard"), this._scrollbar = new it(this._context, this._linesContent, this.domNode, this._overflowGuardContainer), this._viewParts.push(this._scrollbar), this._viewLines = new ht(this._context, this._linesContent), this._viewZones = new tn(this._context), this._viewParts.push(this._viewZones);
const a2 = new zt(this._context);
const l2 = new Ut(this._context);
const c2 = new qe(this._context);
this._viewParts.push(c2), c2.addDynamicOverlay(new Je(this._context)), c2.addDynamicOverlay(new Yt(this._context)), c2.addDynamicOverlay(new at(this._context)), c2.addDynamicOverlay(new tt(this._context));
const d2 = new $e(this._context);
this._viewParts.push(d2), d2.addDynamicOverlay(new et(this._context)), d2.addDynamicOverlay(new st(this._context)), d2.addDynamicOverlay(new pt(this._context)), d2.addDynamicOverlay(new ut(this._context)), d2.addDynamicOverlay(new Le(this._context));
const h2 = new Ne(this._context);
h2.getDomNode().appendChild(this._viewZones.marginDomNode), h2.getDomNode().appendChild(d2.getDomNode()), this._viewParts.push(h2), this._contentWidgets = new Ge(this._context, this.domNode), this._viewParts.push(this._contentWidgets), this._viewCursors = new Jt(this._context), this._viewParts.push(this._viewCursors), this._overlayWidgets = new Pt(this._context), this._viewParts.push(this._overlayWidgets);
const m2 = new Vt(this._context);
const g2 = new Rt(this._context);
if (this._viewParts.push(g2), a2) {
const e3 = this._scrollbar.getOverviewRulerLayoutInfo();
e3.parent.insertBefore(a2.getDomNode(), e3.insertBefore);
this._linesContent.appendChild(c2.getDomNode()), this._linesContent.appendChild(m2.domNode), this._linesContent.appendChild(this._viewZones.domNode), this._linesContent.appendChild(this._viewLines.getDomNode()), this._linesContent.appendChild(this._contentWidgets.domNode), this._linesContent.appendChild(this._viewCursors.getDomNode()), this._overflowGuardContainer.appendChild(h2.getDomNode()), this._overflowGuardContainer.appendChild(this._scrollbar.getDomNode()), this._overflowGuardContainer.appendChild(l2.getDomNode()), this._overflowGuardContainer.appendChild(this._textAreaHandler.textArea), this._overflowGuardContainer.appendChild(this._textAreaHandler.textAreaCover), this._overflowGuardContainer.appendChild(this._overlayWidgets.getDomNode()), this._overflowGuardContainer.appendChild(g2.getDomNode()), this.domNode.appendChild(this._overflowGuardContainer), r2 ? r2.appendChild(this._contentWidgets.overflowingContentWidgetsDomNode.domNode) : this.domNode.appendChild(this._contentWidgets.overflowingContentWidgetsDomNode), this._applyLayout(), this._pointerHandler = this._register(new Ce(this._context, s2, this._createPointerHandlerHelper()));
_flushAccumulatedAndRenderNow() {
_createPointerHandlerHelper() {
return {viewDomNode: this.domNode.domNode, linesContentDomNode: this._linesContent.domNode, focusTextArea: () => {
}, getLastRenderData: () => {
const e2 = this._viewCursors.getLastRenderData() || [], t2 = this._textAreaHandler.getLastRenderData();
return new ie(e2, t2);
}, shouldSuppressMouseDownOnViewZone: (e2) => this._viewZones.shouldSuppressMouseDownOnViewZone(e2), shouldSuppressMouseDownOnWidget: (e2) => this._contentWidgets.shouldSuppressMouseDownOnWidget(e2), getPositionFromDOMInfo: (e2, t2) => (this._flushAccumulatedAndRenderNow(), this._viewLines.getPositionFromDOMInfo(e2, t2)), visibleRangeForPosition: (e2, t2) => (this._flushAccumulatedAndRenderNow(), this._viewLines.visibleRangeForPosition(new ee.a(e2, t2))), getLineWidth: (e2) => (this._flushAccumulatedAndRenderNow(), this._viewLines.getLineWidth(e2))};
_createTextAreaHandlerHelper() {
return {visibleRangeForPositionRelativeToEditor: (e2, t2) => (this._flushAccumulatedAndRenderNow(), this._viewLines.visibleRangeForPosition(new ee.a(e2, t2)))};
_applyLayout() {
const e2 = this._context.configuration.options.get(117);
this.domNode.setWidth(e2.width), this.domNode.setHeight(e2.height), this._overflowGuardContainer.setWidth(e2.width), this._overflowGuardContainer.setHeight(e2.height), this._linesContent.setWidth(1e6), this._linesContent.setHeight(1e6);
_getEditorClassName() {
const e2 = this._textAreaHandler.isFocused() ? " focused" : "";
return this._context.configuration.options.get(114) + " " + Object(B.f)(this._context.theme.type) + e2;
handleEvents(e2) {
super.handleEvents(e2), this._scheduleRender();
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
return this.domNode.setClassName(this._getEditorClassName()), this._applyLayout(), false;
onCursorStateChanged(e2) {
return this._selections = e2.selections, false;
onFocusChanged(e2) {
return this.domNode.setClassName(this._getEditorClassName()), false;
onThemeChanged(e2) {
return this.domNode.setClassName(this._getEditorClassName()), false;
dispose() {
null !== this._renderAnimationFrame && (this._renderAnimationFrame.dispose(), this._renderAnimationFrame = null), this._contentWidgets.overflowingContentWidgetsDomNode.domNode.remove(), this._context.removeEventHandler(this), this._viewLines.dispose();
for (let e2 = 0, t2 = this._viewParts.length; e2 < t2; e2++)
_scheduleRender() {
null === this._renderAnimationFrame && (this._renderAnimationFrame = o.W(this._onRenderScheduled.bind(this), 100));
_onRenderScheduled() {
this._renderAnimationFrame = null, this._flushAccumulatedAndRenderNow();
_renderNow() {
!function(e2) {
try {
} catch (e3) {
}(() => this._actualRender());
_getViewPartsToRender() {
let e2 = [], t2 = 0;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = this._viewParts.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = this._viewParts[n2];
i3.shouldRender() && (e2[t2++] = i3);
return e2;
_actualRender() {
if (!o.N(this.domNode.domNode))
let e2 = this._getViewPartsToRender();
if (!this._viewLines.shouldRender() && 0 === e2.length)
const t2 = this._context.viewLayout.getLinesViewportData();
this._context.model.setViewport(t2.startLineNumber, t2.endLineNumber, t2.centeredLineNumber);
const n2 = new rn(this._selections, t2, this._context.viewLayout.getWhitespaceViewportData(), this._context.model);
this._contentWidgets.shouldRender() && this._contentWidgets.onBeforeRender(n2), this._viewLines.shouldRender() && (this._viewLines.renderText(n2), this._viewLines.onDidRender(), e2 = this._getViewPartsToRender());
const i2 = new O(this._context.viewLayout, n2, this._viewLines);
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = e2.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = e2.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
const n4 = e2[t3];
n4.render(i2), n4.onDidRender();
delegateVerticalScrollbarMouseDown(e2) {
restoreState(e2) {
this._context.model.setScrollPosition({scrollTop: e2.scrollTop}, 1), this._context.model.tokenizeViewport(), this._renderNow(), this._viewLines.updateLineWidths(), this._context.model.setScrollPosition({scrollLeft: e2.scrollLeft}, 1);
getOffsetForColumn(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._context.model.validateModelPosition({lineNumber: e2, column: t2}), i2 = this._context.model.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(n2);
const o2 = this._viewLines.visibleRangeForPosition(new ee.a(i2.lineNumber, i2.column));
return o2 ? o2.left : -1;
getTargetAtClientPoint(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._pointerHandler.getTargetAtClientPoint(e2, t2);
return n2 ? Fe.convertViewToModelMouseTarget(n2, this._context.model.coordinatesConverter) : null;
createOverviewRuler(e2) {
return new jt(this._context, e2);
change(e2) {
this._viewZones.changeViewZones(e2), this._scheduleRender();
render(e2, t2) {
if (t2) {
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = this._viewParts.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
e2 ? this._flushAccumulatedAndRenderNow() : this._scheduleRender();
focus() {
isFocused() {
return this._textAreaHandler.isFocused();
setAriaOptions(e2) {
addContentWidget(e2) {
this._contentWidgets.addWidget(e2.widget), this.layoutContentWidget(e2), this._scheduleRender();
layoutContentWidget(e2) {
let t2 = e2.position && e2.position.range || null;
if (null === t2) {
const n3 = e2.position ? e2.position.position : null;
null !== n3 && (t2 = new te.a(n3.lineNumber, n3.column, n3.lineNumber, n3.column));
const n2 = e2.position ? e2.position.preference : null;
this._contentWidgets.setWidgetPosition(e2.widget, t2, n2), this._scheduleRender();
removeContentWidget(e2) {
this._contentWidgets.removeWidget(e2.widget), this._scheduleRender();
addOverlayWidget(e2) {
this._overlayWidgets.addWidget(e2.widget), this.layoutOverlayWidget(e2), this._scheduleRender();
layoutOverlayWidget(e2) {
const t2 = e2.position ? e2.position.preference : null;
this._overlayWidgets.setWidgetPosition(e2.widget, t2) && this._scheduleRender();
removeOverlayWidget(e2) {
this._overlayWidgets.removeWidget(e2.widget), this._scheduleRender();
class an {
constructor(e2) {
this._selTrackedRange = null, this._trackSelection = true, this._setState(e2, new ne.f(new te.a(1, 1, 1, 1), 0, new ee.a(1, 1), 0), new ne.f(new te.a(1, 1, 1, 1), 0, new ee.a(1, 1), 0));
dispose(e2) {
startTrackingSelection(e2) {
this._trackSelection = true, this._updateTrackedRange(e2);
stopTrackingSelection(e2) {
this._trackSelection = false, this._removeTrackedRange(e2);
_updateTrackedRange(e2) {
this._trackSelection && (this._selTrackedRange = e2.model._setTrackedRange(this._selTrackedRange, this.modelState.selection, 0));
_removeTrackedRange(e2) {
this._selTrackedRange = e2.model._setTrackedRange(this._selTrackedRange, null, 0);
asCursorState() {
return new ne.d(this.modelState, this.viewState);
readSelectionFromMarkers(e2) {
const t2 = e2.model._getTrackedRange(this._selTrackedRange);
return 0 === this.modelState.selection.getDirection() ? new u.a(t2.startLineNumber, t2.startColumn, t2.endLineNumber, t2.endColumn) : new u.a(t2.endLineNumber, t2.endColumn, t2.startLineNumber, t2.startColumn);
ensureValidState(e2) {
this._setState(e2, this.modelState, this.viewState);
setState(e2, t2, n2) {
this._setState(e2, t2, n2);
_setState(e2, t2, n2) {
if (t2) {
const n3 = e2.model.validateRange(t2.selectionStart), i2 = t2.selectionStart.equalsRange(n3) ? t2.selectionStartLeftoverVisibleColumns : 0, o2 = e2.model.validatePosition(t2.position), r2 = t2.position.equals(o2) ? t2.leftoverVisibleColumns : 0;
t2 = new ne.f(n3, i2, o2, r2);
} else {
if (!n2)
const i2 = e2.model.validateRange(e2.coordinatesConverter.convertViewRangeToModelRange(n2.selectionStart)), o2 = e2.model.validatePosition(e2.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(n2.position));
t2 = new ne.f(i2, n2.selectionStartLeftoverVisibleColumns, o2, n2.leftoverVisibleColumns);
if (n2) {
const i2 = e2.coordinatesConverter.validateViewRange(n2.selectionStart, t2.selectionStart), o2 = e2.coordinatesConverter.validateViewPosition(n2.position, t2.position);
n2 = new ne.f(i2, t2.selectionStartLeftoverVisibleColumns, o2, t2.leftoverVisibleColumns);
} else {
const i2 = e2.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(new ee.a(t2.selectionStart.startLineNumber, t2.selectionStart.startColumn)), o2 = e2.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(new ee.a(t2.selectionStart.endLineNumber, t2.selectionStart.endColumn)), r2 = new te.a(i2.lineNumber, i2.column, o2.lineNumber, o2.column), s2 = e2.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(t2.position);
n2 = new ne.f(r2, t2.selectionStartLeftoverVisibleColumns, s2, t2.leftoverVisibleColumns);
this.modelState = t2, this.viewState = n2, this._updateTrackedRange(e2);
class ln {
constructor(e2) {
this.context = e2, this.primaryCursor = new an(e2), this.secondaryCursors = [], this.lastAddedCursorIndex = 0;
dispose() {
this.primaryCursor.dispose(this.context), this.killSecondaryCursors();
startTrackingSelections() {
for (let e2 = 0, t2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; e2 < t2; e2++)
stopTrackingSelections() {
for (let e2 = 0, t2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; e2 < t2; e2++)
updateContext(e2) {
this.context = e2;
ensureValidState() {
for (let e2 = 0, t2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; e2 < t2; e2++)
readSelectionFromMarkers() {
let e2 = [];
e2[0] = this.primaryCursor.readSelectionFromMarkers(this.context);
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
e2[t2 + 1] = this.secondaryCursors[t2].readSelectionFromMarkers(this.context);
return e2;
getAll() {
let e2 = [];
e2[0] = this.primaryCursor.asCursorState();
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
e2[t2 + 1] = this.secondaryCursors[t2].asCursorState();
return e2;
getViewPositions() {
let e2 = [];
e2[0] = this.primaryCursor.viewState.position;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
e2[t2 + 1] = this.secondaryCursors[t2].viewState.position;
return e2;
getTopMostViewPosition() {
let e2 = this.primaryCursor.viewState.position;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
const n3 = this.secondaryCursors[t2].viewState.position;
n3.isBefore(e2) && (e2 = n3);
return e2;
getBottomMostViewPosition() {
let e2 = this.primaryCursor.viewState.position;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
const n3 = this.secondaryCursors[t2].viewState.position;
e2.isBeforeOrEqual(n3) && (e2 = n3);
return e2;
getSelections() {
let e2 = [];
e2[0] = this.primaryCursor.modelState.selection;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
e2[t2 + 1] = this.secondaryCursors[t2].modelState.selection;
return e2;
getViewSelections() {
let e2 = [];
e2[0] = this.primaryCursor.viewState.selection;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
e2[t2 + 1] = this.secondaryCursors[t2].viewState.selection;
return e2;
setSelections(e2) {
getPrimaryCursor() {
return this.primaryCursor.asCursorState();
setStates(e2) {
null !== e2 && (this.primaryCursor.setState(this.context, e2[0].modelState, e2[0].viewState), this._setSecondaryStates(e2.slice(1)));
_setSecondaryStates(e2) {
const t2 = this.secondaryCursors.length, n2 = e2.length;
if (t2 < n2) {
let e3 = n2 - t2;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e3; t3++)
} else if (t2 > n2) {
let e3 = t2 - n2;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e3; t3++)
this._removeSecondaryCursor(this.secondaryCursors.length - 1);
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < n2; t3++)
this.secondaryCursors[t3].setState(this.context, e2[t3].modelState, e2[t3].viewState);
killSecondaryCursors() {
_addSecondaryCursor() {
this.secondaryCursors.push(new an(this.context)), this.lastAddedCursorIndex = this.secondaryCursors.length;
getLastAddedCursorIndex() {
return 0 === this.secondaryCursors.length || 0 === this.lastAddedCursorIndex ? 0 : this.lastAddedCursorIndex;
_removeSecondaryCursor(e2) {
this.lastAddedCursorIndex >= e2 + 1 && this.lastAddedCursorIndex--, this.secondaryCursors[e2].dispose(this.context), this.secondaryCursors.splice(e2, 1);
_getAll() {
let e2 = [];
e2[0] = this.primaryCursor;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.secondaryCursors.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
e2[t2 + 1] = this.secondaryCursors[t2];
return e2;
normalize() {
if (0 === this.secondaryCursors.length)
let e2 = this._getAll(), t2 = [];
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
t2.push({index: n2, selection: e2[n2].modelState.selection});
t2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.selection.startLineNumber === t3.selection.startLineNumber ? e3.selection.startColumn - t3.selection.startColumn : e3.selection.startLineNumber - t3.selection.startLineNumber);
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length - 1; n2++) {
const i2 = t2[n2], o2 = t2[n2 + 1], r2 = i2.selection, s2 = o2.selection;
if (!this.context.cursorConfig.multiCursorMergeOverlapping)
let a2;
if (a2 = s2.isEmpty() || r2.isEmpty() ? s2.getStartPosition().isBeforeOrEqual(r2.getEndPosition()) : s2.getStartPosition().isBefore(r2.getEndPosition()), a2) {
const r3 = i2.index < o2.index ? n2 : n2 + 1, s3 = i2.index < o2.index ? n2 + 1 : n2, a3 = t2[s3].index, l2 = t2[r3].index, c2 = t2[s3].selection, d2 = t2[r3].selection;
if (!c2.equalsSelection(d2)) {
const n3 = c2.plusRange(d2), i3 = c2.selectionStartLineNumber === c2.startLineNumber && c2.selectionStartColumn === c2.startColumn, o3 = d2.selectionStartLineNumber === d2.startLineNumber && d2.selectionStartColumn === d2.startColumn;
let s4, h2;
a3 === this.lastAddedCursorIndex ? (s4 = i3, this.lastAddedCursorIndex = l2) : s4 = o3, h2 = s4 ? new u.a(n3.startLineNumber, n3.startColumn, n3.endLineNumber, n3.endColumn) : new u.a(n3.endLineNumber, n3.endColumn, n3.startLineNumber, n3.startColumn), t2[r3].selection = h2;
const p2 = ne.d.fromModelSelection(h2);
e2[l2].setState(this.context, p2.modelState, p2.viewState);
for (const e3 of t2)
e3.index > a3 && e3.index--;
e2.splice(a3, 1), t2.splice(s3, 1), this._removeSecondaryCursor(a3 - 1), n2--;
var cn = n(181), dn = n(126);
class hn {
constructor(e2) {
this.type = 0, this._source = e2;
hasChanged(e2) {
return this._source.hasChanged(e2);
class un {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.type = 1, this.selections = e2, this.modelSelections = t2;
class pn {
constructor(e2) {
this.type = 2, e2 ? (this.affectsMinimap = e2.affectsMinimap, this.affectsOverviewRuler = e2.affectsOverviewRuler) : (this.affectsMinimap = true, this.affectsOverviewRuler = true);
class mn {
constructor() {
this.type = 3;
class gn {
constructor(e2) {
this.type = 4, this.isFocused = e2;
class fn {
constructor() {
this.type = 5;
class bn {
constructor() {
this.type = 6;
class _n {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.type = 7, this.fromLineNumber = e2, this.toLineNumber = t2;
class vn {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.type = 8, this.fromLineNumber = e2, this.toLineNumber = t2;
class wn {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.type = 9, this.fromLineNumber = e2, this.toLineNumber = t2;
class yn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this.type = 10, this.source = e2, this.range = t2, this.selections = n2, this.verticalType = i2, this.revealHorizontal = o2, this.scrollType = r2;
class Cn {
constructor(e2) {
this.type = 11, this.scrollWidth = e2.scrollWidth, this.scrollLeft = e2.scrollLeft, this.scrollHeight = e2.scrollHeight, this.scrollTop = e2.scrollTop, this.scrollWidthChanged = e2.scrollWidthChanged, this.scrollLeftChanged = e2.scrollLeftChanged, this.scrollHeightChanged = e2.scrollHeightChanged, this.scrollTopChanged = e2.scrollTopChanged;
class xn {
constructor() {
this.type = 12;
class Sn {
constructor(e2) {
this.type = 13, this.ranges = e2;
class kn {
constructor() {
this.type = 14;
class En {
constructor() {
this.type = 15;
class Tn extends a.a {
constructor() {
super(), this._onEvent = this._register(new s.a()), this.onEvent = this._onEvent.event, this._eventHandlers = [], this._viewEventQueue = null, this._isConsumingViewEventQueue = false, this._collector = null, this._collectorCnt = 0, this._outgoingEvents = [];
emitOutgoingEvent(e2) {
this._addOutgoingEvent(e2), this._emitOugoingEvents();
_addOutgoingEvent(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this._outgoingEvents.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
if (this._outgoingEvents[t2].kind === e2.kind)
return void (this._outgoingEvents[t2] = this._outgoingEvents[t2].merge(e2));
_emitOugoingEvents() {
for (; this._outgoingEvents.length > 0; ) {
if (this._collector || this._isConsumingViewEventQueue)
const e2 = this._outgoingEvents.shift();
e2.isNoOp() ||;
addViewEventHandler(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this._eventHandlers.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
this._eventHandlers[t2] === e2 && console.warn("Detected duplicate listener in ViewEventDispatcher", e2);
removeViewEventHandler(e2) {
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this._eventHandlers.length; t2++)
if (this._eventHandlers[t2] === e2) {
this._eventHandlers.splice(t2, 1);
beginEmitViewEvents() {
return this._collectorCnt++, 1 === this._collectorCnt && (this._collector = new Ln()), this._collector;
endEmitViewEvents() {
if (this._collectorCnt--, 0 === this._collectorCnt) {
const e2 = this._collector.outgoingEvents, t2 = this._collector.viewEvents;
this._collector = null;
for (const t3 of e2)
t2.length > 0 && this._emitMany(t2);
emitSingleViewEvent(e2) {
try {
} finally {
_emitMany(e2) {
this._viewEventQueue ? this._viewEventQueue = this._viewEventQueue.concat(e2) : this._viewEventQueue = e2, this._isConsumingViewEventQueue || this._consumeViewEventQueue();
_consumeViewEventQueue() {
try {
this._isConsumingViewEventQueue = true, this._doConsumeQueue();
} finally {
this._isConsumingViewEventQueue = false;
_doConsumeQueue() {
for (; this._viewEventQueue; ) {
const e2 = this._viewEventQueue;
this._viewEventQueue = null;
const t2 = this._eventHandlers.slice(0);
for (const n2 of t2)
class Ln {
constructor() {
this.viewEvents = [], this.outgoingEvents = [];
emitViewEvent(e2) {
emitOutgoingEvent(e2) {
class Nn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.kind = 0, this._oldContentWidth = e2, this._oldContentHeight = t2, this.contentWidth = n2, this.contentHeight = i2, this.contentWidthChanged = this._oldContentWidth !== this.contentWidth, this.contentHeightChanged = this._oldContentHeight !== this.contentHeight;
isNoOp() {
return !this.contentWidthChanged && !this.contentHeightChanged;
merge(e2) {
return 0 !== e2.kind ? this : new Nn(this._oldContentWidth, this._oldContentHeight, e2.contentWidth, e2.contentHeight);
class In {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.kind = 1, this.oldHasFocus = e2, this.hasFocus = t2;
isNoOp() {
return this.oldHasFocus === this.hasFocus;
merge(e2) {
return 1 !== e2.kind ? this : new In(this.oldHasFocus, e2.hasFocus);
class On {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2) {
this.kind = 2, this._oldScrollWidth = e2, this._oldScrollLeft = t2, this._oldScrollHeight = n2, this._oldScrollTop = i2, this.scrollWidth = o2, this.scrollLeft = r2, this.scrollHeight = s2, this.scrollTop = a2, this.scrollWidthChanged = this._oldScrollWidth !== this.scrollWidth, this.scrollLeftChanged = this._oldScrollLeft !== this.scrollLeft, this.scrollHeightChanged = this._oldScrollHeight !== this.scrollHeight, this.scrollTopChanged = this._oldScrollTop !== this.scrollTop;
isNoOp() {
return !(this.scrollWidthChanged || this.scrollLeftChanged || this.scrollHeightChanged || this.scrollTopChanged);
merge(e2) {
return 2 !== e2.kind ? this : new On(this._oldScrollWidth, this._oldScrollLeft, this._oldScrollHeight, this._oldScrollTop, e2.scrollWidth, e2.scrollLeft, e2.scrollHeight, e2.scrollTop);
class Dn {
constructor() {
this.kind = 3;
isNoOp() {
return false;
merge(e2) {
return this;
class An {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
this.kind = 5, this.oldSelections = e2, this.selections = t2, this.oldModelVersionId = n2, this.modelVersionId = i2, this.source = o2, this.reason = r2, this.reachedMaxCursorCount = s2;
static _selectionsAreEqual(e2, t2) {
if (!e2 && !t2)
return true;
if (!e2 || !t2)
return false;
const n2 = e2.length;
if (n2 !== t2.length)
return false;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++)
if (!e2[i2].equalsSelection(t2[i2]))
return false;
return true;
isNoOp() {
return An._selectionsAreEqual(this.oldSelections, this.selections) && this.oldModelVersionId === this.modelVersionId;
merge(e2) {
return 5 !== e2.kind ? this : new An(this.oldSelections, e2.selections, this.oldModelVersionId, e2.modelVersionId, e2.source, e2.reason, this.reachedMaxCursorCount || e2.reachedMaxCursorCount);
class Rn {
constructor() {
this.kind = 4;
isNoOp() {
return false;
merge(e2) {
return this;
class Mn {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.modelVersionId = e2.getVersionId(), this.cursorState = t2.getCursorStates();
equals(e2) {
if (!e2)
return false;
if (this.modelVersionId !== e2.modelVersionId)
return false;
if (this.cursorState.length !== e2.cursorState.length)
return false;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this.cursorState.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
if (!this.cursorState[t2].equals(e2.cursorState[t2]))
return false;
return true;
class Pn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._model = e2, this._autoClosedCharactersDecorations = t2, this._autoClosedEnclosingDecorations = n2;
static getAllAutoClosedCharacters(e2) {
let t2 = [];
for (const n2 of e2)
t2 = t2.concat(n2.getAutoClosedCharactersRanges());
return t2;
dispose() {
this._autoClosedCharactersDecorations = this._model.deltaDecorations(this._autoClosedCharactersDecorations, []), this._autoClosedEnclosingDecorations = this._model.deltaDecorations(this._autoClosedEnclosingDecorations, []);
getAutoClosedCharactersRanges() {
let e2 = [];
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this._autoClosedCharactersDecorations.length; t2++) {
const n2 = this._model.getDecorationRange(this._autoClosedCharactersDecorations[t2]);
n2 && e2.push(n2);
return e2;
isValid(e2) {
let t2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < this._autoClosedEnclosingDecorations.length; e3++) {
const n2 = this._model.getDecorationRange(this._autoClosedEnclosingDecorations[e3]);
if (n2 && (t2.push(n2), n2.startLineNumber !== n2.endLineNumber))
return false;
t2.sort(te.a.compareRangesUsingStarts), e2.sort(te.a.compareRangesUsingStarts);
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < e2.length; n2++) {
if (n2 >= t2.length)
return false;
if (!t2[n2].strictContainsRange(e2[n2]))
return false;
return true;
class Fn extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._model = e2, this._knownModelVersionId = this._model.getVersionId(), this._viewModel = t2, this._coordinatesConverter = n2, this.context = new ne.c(this._model, this._coordinatesConverter, i2), this._cursors = new ln(this.context), this._hasFocus = false, this._isHandling = false, this._isDoingComposition = false, this._selectionsWhenCompositionStarted = null, this._columnSelectData = null, this._autoClosedActions = [], this._prevEditOperationType = 0;
dispose() {
this._cursors.dispose(), this._autoClosedActions = Object(a.f)(this._autoClosedActions), super.dispose();
updateConfiguration(e2) {
this.context = new ne.c(this._model, this._coordinatesConverter, e2), this._cursors.updateContext(this.context);
onLineMappingChanged(e2) {
this._knownModelVersionId === this._model.getVersionId() && this.setStates(e2, "viewModel", 0, this.getCursorStates());
setHasFocus(e2) {
this._hasFocus = e2;
_validateAutoClosedActions() {
if (this._autoClosedActions.length > 0) {
let e2 = this._cursors.getSelections();
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this._autoClosedActions.length; t2++) {
const n2 = this._autoClosedActions[t2];
n2.isValid(e2) || (n2.dispose(), this._autoClosedActions.splice(t2, 1), t2--);
getPrimaryCursorState() {
return this._cursors.getPrimaryCursor();
getLastAddedCursorIndex() {
return this._cursors.getLastAddedCursorIndex();
getCursorStates() {
return this._cursors.getAll();
setStates(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = false;
null !== i2 && i2.length > Fn.MAX_CURSOR_COUNT && (i2 = i2.slice(0, Fn.MAX_CURSOR_COUNT), o2 = true);
const r2 = new Mn(this._model, this);
return this._cursors.setStates(i2), this._cursors.normalize(), this._columnSelectData = null, this._validateAutoClosedActions(), this._emitStateChangedIfNecessary(e2, t2, n2, r2, o2);
setCursorColumnSelectData(e2) {
this._columnSelectData = e2;
revealPrimary(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this._cursors.getViewPositions();
if (o2.length > 1)
this._emitCursorRevealRange(e2, t2, null, this._cursors.getViewSelections(), 0, n2, i2);
else {
const r2 = o2[0], s2 = new te.a(r2.lineNumber, r2.column, r2.lineNumber, r2.column);
this._emitCursorRevealRange(e2, t2, s2, null, 0, n2, i2);
_revealPrimaryCursor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = this._cursors.getViewPositions();
if (r2.length > 1)
this._emitCursorRevealRange(e2, t2, null, this._cursors.getViewSelections(), n2, i2, o2);
else {
const s2 = r2[0], a2 = new te.a(s2.lineNumber, s2.column, s2.lineNumber, s2.column);
this._emitCursorRevealRange(e2, t2, a2, null, n2, i2, o2);
_emitCursorRevealRange(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
e2.emitViewEvent(new yn(t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2));
saveState() {
let e2 = [];
const t2 = this._cursors.getSelections();
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = t2[n2];
e2.push({inSelectionMode: !i3.isEmpty(), selectionStart: {lineNumber: i3.selectionStartLineNumber, column: i3.selectionStartColumn}, position: {lineNumber: i3.positionLineNumber, column: i3.positionColumn}});
return e2;
restoreState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, i2 = t2.length; e3 < i2; e3++) {
const i3 = t2[e3];
let o2 = 1, r2 = 1;
i3.position && i3.position.lineNumber && (o2 = i3.position.lineNumber), i3.position && i3.position.column && (r2 = i3.position.column);
let s2 = o2, a2 = r2;
i3.selectionStart && i3.selectionStart.lineNumber && (s2 = i3.selectionStart.lineNumber), i3.selectionStart && i3.selectionStart.column && (a2 = i3.selectionStart.column), n2.push({selectionStartLineNumber: s2, selectionStartColumn: a2, positionLineNumber: o2, positionColumn: r2});
this.setStates(e2, "restoreState", 0, ne.d.fromModelSelections(n2)), this.revealPrimary(e2, "restoreState", true, 1);
onModelContentChanged(e2, t2) {
if (this._knownModelVersionId = t2.versionId, this._isHandling)
const n2 = t2.containsEvent(1);
if (this._prevEditOperationType = 0, n2)
this._cursors.dispose(), this._cursors = new ln(this.context), this._validateAutoClosedActions(), this._emitStateChangedIfNecessary(e2, "model", 1, null, false);
else if (this._hasFocus && t2.resultingSelection && t2.resultingSelection.length > 0) {
const n3 = ne.d.fromModelSelections(t2.resultingSelection);
this.setStates(e2, "modelChange", t2.isUndoing ? 5 : t2.isRedoing ? 6 : 2, n3) && this._revealPrimaryCursor(e2, "modelChange", 0, true, 0);
} else {
const t3 = this._cursors.readSelectionFromMarkers();
this.setStates(e2, "modelChange", 2, ne.d.fromModelSelections(t3));
getSelection() {
return this._cursors.getPrimaryCursor().modelState.selection;
getTopMostViewPosition() {
return this._cursors.getTopMostViewPosition();
getBottomMostViewPosition() {
return this._cursors.getBottomMostViewPosition();
getCursorColumnSelectData() {
if (this._columnSelectData)
return this._columnSelectData;
const e2 = this._cursors.getPrimaryCursor(), t2 = e2.viewState.selectionStart.getStartPosition(), n2 = e2.viewState.position;
return {isReal: false, fromViewLineNumber: t2.lineNumber, fromViewVisualColumn: ne.a.visibleColumnFromColumn2(this.context.cursorConfig, this._viewModel, t2), toViewLineNumber: n2.lineNumber, toViewVisualColumn: ne.a.visibleColumnFromColumn2(this.context.cursorConfig, this._viewModel, n2)};
getSelections() {
return this._cursors.getSelections();
setSelections(e2, t2, n2) {
this.setStates(e2, t2, 0, ne.d.fromModelSelections(n2));
getPrevEditOperationType() {
return this._prevEditOperationType;
setPrevEditOperationType(e2) {
this._prevEditOperationType = e2;
_pushAutoClosedAction(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [], i2 = [];
for (let o3 = 0, r3 = e2.length; o3 < r3; o3++)
n2.push({range: e2[o3], options: {inlineClassName: "auto-closed-character", stickiness: 1}}), i2.push({range: t2[o3], options: {stickiness: 1}});
const o2 = this._model.deltaDecorations([], n2), r2 = this._model.deltaDecorations([], i2);
this._autoClosedActions.push(new Pn(this._model, o2, r2));
_executeEditOperation(e2) {
if (!e2)
e2.shouldPushStackElementBefore && this._model.pushStackElement();
const t2 = class {
static executeCommands(e3, t3, n2) {
const i2 = {model: e3, selectionsBefore: t3, trackedRanges: [], trackedRangesDirection: []}, o2 = this._innerExecuteCommands(i2, n2);
for (let e4 = 0, t4 = i2.trackedRanges.length; e4 < t4; e4++)
i2.model._setTrackedRange(i2.trackedRanges[e4], null, 0);
return o2;
static _innerExecuteCommands(e3, t3) {
if (this._arrayIsEmpty(t3))
return null;
const n2 = this._getEditOperations(e3, t3);
if (0 === n2.operations.length)
return null;
const i2 = n2.operations, o2 = this._getLoserCursorMap(i2);
if (o2.hasOwnProperty("0"))
return console.warn("Ignoring commands"), null;
let r2 = [];
for (let e4 = 0, t4 = i2.length; e4 < t4; e4++)
o2.hasOwnProperty(i2[e4].identifier.major.toString()) || r2.push(i2[e4]);
n2.hadTrackedEditOperation && r2.length > 0 && (r2[0]._isTracked = true);
let s2 = e3.model.pushEditOperations(e3.selectionsBefore, r2, (n3) => {
let i3 = [];
for (let t4 = 0; t4 < e3.selectionsBefore.length; t4++)
i3[t4] = [];
for (const e4 of n3)
e4.identifier && i3[e4.identifier.major].push(e4);
const o3 = (e4, t4) => e4.identifier.minor - t4.identifier.minor;
let r3 = [];
for (let n4 = 0; n4 < e3.selectionsBefore.length; n4++)
i3[n4].length > 0 ? (i3[n4].sort(o3), r3[n4] = t3[n4].computeCursorState(e3.model, {getInverseEditOperations: () => i3[n4], getTrackedSelection: (t4) => {
const n5 = parseInt(t4, 10), i4 = e3.model._getTrackedRange(e3.trackedRanges[n5]);
return 0 === e3.trackedRangesDirection[n5] ? new u.a(i4.startLineNumber, i4.startColumn, i4.endLineNumber, i4.endColumn) : new u.a(i4.endLineNumber, i4.endColumn, i4.startLineNumber, i4.startColumn);
}})) : r3[n4] = e3.selectionsBefore[n4];
return r3;
s2 || (s2 = e3.selectionsBefore);
let a2 = [];
for (let e4 in o2)
o2.hasOwnProperty(e4) && a2.push(parseInt(e4, 10));
a2.sort((e4, t4) => t4 - e4);
for (const e4 of a2)
s2.splice(e4, 1);
return s2;
static _arrayIsEmpty(e3) {
for (let t3 = 0, n2 = e3.length; t3 < n2; t3++)
if (e3[t3])
return false;
return true;
static _getEditOperations(e3, t3) {
let n2 = [], i2 = false;
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t3.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = t3[o2];
if (r3) {
const t4 = this._getEditOperationsFromCommand(e3, o2, r3);
n2 = n2.concat(t4.operations), i2 = i2 || t4.hadTrackedEditOperation;
return {operations: n2, hadTrackedEditOperation: i2};
static _getEditOperationsFromCommand(e3, t3, n2) {
let i2 = [], o2 = 0;
const s2 = (e4, r2, s3 = false) => {
te.a.isEmpty(e4) && "" === r2 || i2.push({identifier: {major: t3, minor: o2++}, range: e4, text: r2, forceMoveMarkers: s3, isAutoWhitespaceEdit: n2.insertsAutoWhitespace});
let a2 = false;
const l2 = {addEditOperation: s2, addTrackedEditOperation: (e4, t4, n3) => {
a2 = true, s2(e4, t4, n3);
}, trackSelection: (t4, n3) => {
const i3 = u.a.liftSelection(t4);
let o3;
if (i3.isEmpty())
if ("boolean" == typeof n3)
o3 = n3 ? 2 : 3;
else {
const t5 = e3.model.getLineMaxColumn(i3.startLineNumber);
o3 = i3.startColumn === t5 ? 2 : 3;
o3 = 1;
const r2 = e3.trackedRanges.length, s3 = e3.model._setTrackedRange(null, i3, o3);
return e3.trackedRanges[r2] = s3, e3.trackedRangesDirection[r2] = i3.getDirection(), r2.toString();
try {
n2.getEditOperations(e3.model, l2);
} catch (e4) {
return Object(r.e)(e4), {operations: [], hadTrackedEditOperation: false};
return {operations: i2, hadTrackedEditOperation: a2};
static _getLoserCursorMap(e3) {
(e3 = e3.slice(0)).sort((e4, t4) => -te.a.compareRangesUsingEnds(e4.range, t4.range));
let t3 = {};
for (let n2 = 1; n2 < e3.length; n2++) {
const i2 = e3[n2 - 1], o2 = e3[n2];
if (te.a.getStartPosition(i2.range).isBefore(te.a.getEndPosition(o2.range))) {
let r2;
r2 = i2.identifier.major > o2.identifier.major ? i2.identifier.major : o2.identifier.major, t3[r2.toString()] = true;
for (let t4 = 0; t4 < e3.length; t4++)
e3[t4].identifier.major === r2 && (e3.splice(t4, 1), t4 < n2 && n2--, t4--);
n2 > 0 && n2--;
return t3;
}.executeCommands(this._model, this._cursors.getSelections(), e2.commands);
if (t2) {
let n2 = [], i2 = [];
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e2.commands.length; t3++) {
const o2 = e2.commands[t3];
o2 instanceof dn.b && o2.enclosingRange && o2.closeCharacterRange && (n2.push(o2.closeCharacterRange), i2.push(o2.enclosingRange));
n2.length > 0 && this._pushAutoClosedAction(n2, i2), this._prevEditOperationType = e2.type;
e2.shouldPushStackElementAfter && this._model.pushStackElement();
_interpretCommandResult(e2) {
e2 && 0 !== e2.length || (e2 = this._cursors.readSelectionFromMarkers()), this._columnSelectData = null, this._cursors.setSelections(e2), this._cursors.normalize();
_emitStateChangedIfNecessary(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = new Mn(this._model, this);
if (r2.equals(i2))
return false;
const s2 = this._cursors.getSelections(), a2 = this._cursors.getViewSelections();
if (e2.emitViewEvent(new un(a2, s2)), !i2 || i2.cursorState.length !== r2.cursorState.length || r2.cursorState.some((e3, t3) => !e3.modelState.equals(i2.cursorState[t3].modelState))) {
const a3 = i2 ? => e3.modelState.selection) : null, l2 = i2 ? i2.modelVersionId : 0;
e2.emitOutgoingEvent(new An(a3, s2, l2, r2.modelVersionId, t2 || "keyboard", n2, o2));
return true;
_findAutoClosingPairs(e2) {
if (!e2.length)
return null;
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = e2[n2];
if (!i3.text || i3.text.indexOf("\n") >= 0)
return null;
const o2 = i3.text.match(/([)\]}>'"`])([^)\]}>'"`]*)$/);
if (!o2)
return null;
const r2 = o2[1], s2 = this.context.cursorConfig.autoClosingPairsClose2.get(r2);
if (!s2 || 1 !== s2.length)
return null;
const a2 = s2[0].open, l2 = i3.text.length - o2[2].length - 1, c2 = i3.text.lastIndexOf(a2, l2 - 1);
if (-1 === c2)
return null;
t2.push([c2, l2]);
return t2;
executeEdits(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = null;
"snippet" === t2 && (o2 = this._findAutoClosingPairs(n2)), o2 && (n2[0]._isTracked = true);
let r2 = [], s2 = [];
const a2 = this._model.pushEditOperations(this.getSelections(), n2, (e3) => {
if (o2)
for (let t4 = 0, n3 = o2.length; t4 < n3; t4++) {
const [n4, i3] = o2[t4], a3 = e3[t4], l2 = a3.range.startLineNumber, c2 = a3.range.startColumn - 1 + n4, d2 = a3.range.startColumn - 1 + i3;
r2.push(new te.a(l2, d2 + 1, l2, d2 + 2)), s2.push(new te.a(l2, c2 + 1, l2, d2 + 2));
const t3 = i2(e3);
return t3 && (this._isHandling = true), t3;
a2 && (this._isHandling = false, this.setSelections(e2, t2, a2)), r2.length > 0 && this._pushAutoClosedAction(r2, s2);
_executeEdit(e2, t2, n2, i2 = 0) {
if (this.context.cursorConfig.readOnly)
const o2 = new Mn(this._model, this);
this._cursors.stopTrackingSelections(), this._isHandling = true;
try {
this._cursors.ensureValidState(), e2();
} catch (e3) {
this._isHandling = false, this._cursors.startTrackingSelections(), this._validateAutoClosedActions(), this._emitStateChangedIfNecessary(t2, n2, i2, o2, false) && this._revealPrimaryCursor(t2, n2, 0, true, 0);
setIsDoingComposition(e2) {
this._isDoingComposition = e2;
startComposition(e2) {
this._selectionsWhenCompositionStarted = this.getSelections().slice(0);
endComposition(e2, t2) {
this._executeEdit(() => {
if ("keyboard" === t2) {
const e3 = Pn.getAllAutoClosedCharacters(this._autoClosedActions);
this._executeEditOperation(dn.a.compositionEndWithInterceptors(this._prevEditOperationType, this.context.cursorConfig, this._model, this._selectionsWhenCompositionStarted, this.getSelections(), e3)), this._selectionsWhenCompositionStarted = null;
}, e2, t2);
type(e2, t2, n2) {
this._executeEdit(() => {
if ("keyboard" === n2) {
const e3 = t2.length;
let n3 = 0;
for (; n3 < e3; ) {
const e4 = xe.L(t2, n3), i2 = t2.substr(n3, e4), o2 = Pn.getAllAutoClosedCharacters(this._autoClosedActions);
this._executeEditOperation(dn.a.typeWithInterceptors(this._isDoingComposition, this._prevEditOperationType, this.context.cursorConfig, this._model, this.getSelections(), o2, i2)), n3 += e4;
} else
this._executeEditOperation(dn.a.typeWithoutInterceptors(this._prevEditOperationType, this.context.cursorConfig, this._model, this.getSelections(), t2));
}, e2, n2);
replacePreviousChar(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._executeEdit(() => {
this._executeEditOperation(dn.a.replacePreviousChar(this._prevEditOperationType, this.context.cursorConfig, this._model, this.getSelections(), t2, n2));
}, e2, i2);
paste(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this._executeEdit(() => {
this._executeEditOperation(dn.a.paste(this.context.cursorConfig, this._model, this.getSelections(), t2, n2, i2 || []));
}, e2, o2, 4);
cut(e2, t2) {
this._executeEdit(() => {
this._executeEditOperation(cn.a.cut(this.context.cursorConfig, this._model, this.getSelections()));
}, e2, t2);
executeCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
this._executeEdit(() => {
this._cursors.killSecondaryCursors(), this._executeEditOperation(new ne.e(0, [t2], {shouldPushStackElementBefore: false, shouldPushStackElementAfter: false}));
}, e2, n2);
executeCommands(e2, t2, n2) {
this._executeEdit(() => {
this._executeEditOperation(new ne.e(0, t2, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: false, shouldPushStackElementAfter: false}));
}, e2, n2);
var Wn = n(191), zn = n(143), Bn = n(7), jn = n(182), Vn = n(170);
class Un {
constructor() {
this._hasPending = false, this._inserts = [], this._changes = [], this._removes = [];
insert(e2) {
this._hasPending = true, this._inserts.push(e2);
change(e2) {
this._hasPending = true, this._changes.push(e2);
remove(e2) {
this._hasPending = true, this._removes.push(e2);
mustCommit() {
return this._hasPending;
commit(e2) {
if (!this._hasPending)
const t2 = this._inserts, n2 = this._changes, i2 = this._removes;
this._hasPending = false, this._inserts = [], this._changes = [], this._removes = [], e2._commitPendingChanges(t2, n2, i2);
class Hn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) { = e2, this.afterLineNumber = t2, this.ordinal = n2, this.height = i2, this.minWidth = o2, this.prefixSum = 0;
class qn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._instanceId = xe.R(++qn.INSTANCE_COUNT), this._pendingChanges = new Un(), this._lastWhitespaceId = 0, this._arr = [], this._prefixSumValidIndex = -1, this._minWidth = -1, this._lineCount = e2, this._lineHeight = t2, this._paddingTop = n2, this._paddingBottom = i2;
static findInsertionIndex(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length;
for (; i2 < o2; ) {
const r2 = i2 + o2 >>> 1;
t2 === e2[r2].afterLineNumber ? n2 < e2[r2].ordinal ? o2 = r2 : i2 = r2 + 1 : t2 < e2[r2].afterLineNumber ? o2 = r2 : i2 = r2 + 1;
return i2;
setLineHeight(e2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), this._lineHeight = e2;
setPadding(e2, t2) {
this._paddingTop = e2, this._paddingBottom = t2;
onFlushed(e2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), this._lineCount = e2;
changeWhitespace(e2) {
let t2 = false;
try {
e2({insertWhitespace: (e3, n2, i2, o2) => {
t2 = true, e3 |= 0, n2 |= 0, i2 |= 0, o2 |= 0;
const r2 = this._instanceId + ++this._lastWhitespaceId;
return this._pendingChanges.insert(new Hn(r2, e3, n2, i2, o2)), r2;
}, changeOneWhitespace: (e3, n2, i2) => {
t2 = true, n2 |= 0, i2 |= 0, this._pendingChanges.change({id: e3, newAfterLineNumber: n2, newHeight: i2});
}, removeWhitespace: (e3) => {
t2 = true, this._pendingChanges.remove({id: e3});
} finally {
return t2;
_commitPendingChanges(e2, t2, n2) {
if ((e2.length > 0 || n2.length > 0) && (this._minWidth = -1), e2.length + t2.length + n2.length <= 1) {
for (const t3 of e2)
for (const e3 of t2)
this._changeOneWhitespace(, e3.newAfterLineNumber, e3.newHeight);
for (const e3 of n2) {
const t3 = this._findWhitespaceIndex(;
-1 !== t3 && this._removeWhitespace(t3);
const i2 = new Set();
for (const e3 of n2)
const o2 = new Map();
for (const e3 of t2)
o2.set(, e3);
const r2 = (e3) => {
let t3 = [];
for (const n3 of e3)
if (!i2.has( {
if (o2.has( {
const e4 = o2.get(;
n3.afterLineNumber = e4.newAfterLineNumber, n3.height = e4.newHeight;
return t3;
}, s2 = r2(this._arr).concat(r2(e2));
s2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.afterLineNumber === t3.afterLineNumber ? e3.ordinal - t3.ordinal : e3.afterLineNumber - t3.afterLineNumber), this._arr = s2, this._prefixSumValidIndex = -1;
_checkPendingChanges() {
this._pendingChanges.mustCommit() && this._pendingChanges.commit(this);
_insertWhitespace(e2) {
const t2 = qn.findInsertionIndex(this._arr, e2.afterLineNumber, e2.ordinal);
this._arr.splice(t2, 0, e2), this._prefixSumValidIndex = Math.min(this._prefixSumValidIndex, t2 - 1);
_findWhitespaceIndex(e2) {
const t2 = this._arr;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
if (t2[n2].id === e2)
return n2;
return -1;
_changeOneWhitespace(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this._findWhitespaceIndex(e2);
if (-1 !== i2 && (this._arr[i2].height !== n2 && (this._arr[i2].height = n2, this._prefixSumValidIndex = Math.min(this._prefixSumValidIndex, i2 - 1)), this._arr[i2].afterLineNumber !== t2)) {
const e3 = this._arr[i2];
this._removeWhitespace(i2), e3.afterLineNumber = t2, this._insertWhitespace(e3);
_removeWhitespace(e2) {
this._arr.splice(e2, 1), this._prefixSumValidIndex = Math.min(this._prefixSumValidIndex, e2 - 1);
onLinesDeleted(e2, t2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0, t2 |= 0, this._lineCount -= t2 - e2 + 1;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = this._arr.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = this._arr[n2].afterLineNumber;
e2 <= i3 && i3 <= t2 ? this._arr[n2].afterLineNumber = e2 - 1 : i3 > t2 && (this._arr[n2].afterLineNumber -= t2 - e2 + 1);
onLinesInserted(e2, t2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0, t2 |= 0, this._lineCount += t2 - e2 + 1;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = this._arr.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
e2 <= this._arr[n2].afterLineNumber && (this._arr[n2].afterLineNumber += t2 - e2 + 1);
getWhitespacesTotalHeight() {
return this._checkPendingChanges(), 0 === this._arr.length ? 0 : this.getWhitespacesAccumulatedHeight(this._arr.length - 1);
getWhitespacesAccumulatedHeight(e2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0;
let t2 = Math.max(0, this._prefixSumValidIndex + 1);
0 === t2 && (this._arr[0].prefixSum = this._arr[0].height, t2++);
for (let n2 = t2; n2 <= e2; n2++)
this._arr[n2].prefixSum = this._arr[n2 - 1].prefixSum + this._arr[n2].height;
return this._prefixSumValidIndex = Math.max(this._prefixSumValidIndex, e2), this._arr[e2].prefixSum;
getLinesTotalHeight() {
return this._lineHeight * this._lineCount + this.getWhitespacesTotalHeight() + this._paddingTop + this._paddingBottom;
getWhitespaceAccumulatedHeightBeforeLineNumber(e2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0;
const t2 = this._findLastWhitespaceBeforeLineNumber(e2);
return -1 === t2 ? 0 : this.getWhitespacesAccumulatedHeight(t2);
_findLastWhitespaceBeforeLineNumber(e2) {
e2 |= 0;
const t2 = this._arr;
let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length - 1;
for (; n2 <= i2; ) {
const o2 = n2 + ((i2 - n2 | 0) / 2 | 0) | 0;
if (t2[o2].afterLineNumber < e2) {
if (o2 + 1 >= t2.length || t2[o2 + 1].afterLineNumber >= e2)
return o2;
n2 = o2 + 1 | 0;
} else
i2 = o2 - 1 | 0;
return -1;
_findFirstWhitespaceAfterLineNumber(e2) {
e2 |= 0;
const t2 = this._findLastWhitespaceBeforeLineNumber(e2) + 1;
return t2 < this._arr.length ? t2 : -1;
getFirstWhitespaceIndexAfterLineNumber(e2) {
return this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0, this._findFirstWhitespaceAfterLineNumber(e2);
getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e2) {
let t2;
this._checkPendingChanges(), t2 = (e2 |= 0) > 1 ? this._lineHeight * (e2 - 1) : 0;
return t2 + this.getWhitespaceAccumulatedHeightBeforeLineNumber(e2) + this._paddingTop;
getWhitespaceMinWidth() {
if (this._checkPendingChanges(), -1 === this._minWidth) {
let e2 = 0;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this._arr.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
e2 = Math.max(e2, this._arr[t2].minWidth);
this._minWidth = e2;
return this._minWidth;
isAfterLines(e2) {
return e2 > this.getLinesTotalHeight();
getLineNumberAtOrAfterVerticalOffset(e2) {
if (this._checkPendingChanges(), (e2 |= 0) < 0)
return 1;
const t2 = 0 | this._lineCount, n2 = this._lineHeight;
let i2 = 1, o2 = t2;
for (; i2 < o2; ) {
const t3 = (i2 + o2) / 2 | 0, r2 = 0 | this.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(t3);
if (e2 >= r2 + n2)
i2 = t3 + 1;
else {
if (e2 >= r2)
return t3;
o2 = t3;
return i2 > t2 ? t2 : i2;
getLinesViewportData(e2, t2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0, t2 |= 0;
const n2 = this._lineHeight, i2 = 0 | this.getLineNumberAtOrAfterVerticalOffset(e2), o2 = 0 | this.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(i2);
let r2 = 0 | this._lineCount, s2 = 0 | this.getFirstWhitespaceIndexAfterLineNumber(i2);
const a2 = 0 | this.getWhitespacesCount();
let l2, c2;
-1 === s2 ? (s2 = a2, c2 = r2 + 1, l2 = 0) : (c2 = 0 | this.getAfterLineNumberForWhitespaceIndex(s2), l2 = 0 | this.getHeightForWhitespaceIndex(s2));
let d2 = o2, h2 = d2;
let u2 = 0;
o2 >= 5e5 && (u2 = 5e5 * Math.floor(o2 / 5e5), u2 = Math.floor(u2 / n2) * n2, h2 -= u2);
const p2 = [], m2 = e2 + (t2 - e2) / 2;
let g2 = -1;
for (let e3 = i2; e3 <= r2; e3++) {
if (-1 === g2) {
const t3 = d2, i3 = d2 + n2;
(t3 <= m2 && m2 < i3 || t3 > m2) && (g2 = e3);
for (d2 += n2, p2[e3 - i2] = h2, h2 += n2; c2 === e3; )
h2 += l2, d2 += l2, s2++, s2 >= a2 ? c2 = r2 + 1 : (c2 = 0 | this.getAfterLineNumberForWhitespaceIndex(s2), l2 = 0 | this.getHeightForWhitespaceIndex(s2));
if (d2 >= t2) {
r2 = e3;
-1 === g2 && (g2 = r2);
const f2 = 0 | this.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(r2);
let b2 = i2, _2 = r2;
return b2 < _2 && o2 < e2 && b2++, b2 < _2 && f2 + n2 > t2 && _2--, {bigNumbersDelta: u2, startLineNumber: i2, endLineNumber: r2, relativeVerticalOffset: p2, centeredLineNumber: g2, completelyVisibleStartLineNumber: b2, completelyVisibleEndLineNumber: _2};
getVerticalOffsetForWhitespaceIndex(e2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0;
const t2 = this.getAfterLineNumberForWhitespaceIndex(e2);
let n2, i2;
return n2 = t2 >= 1 ? this._lineHeight * t2 : 0, i2 = e2 > 0 ? this.getWhitespacesAccumulatedHeight(e2 - 1) : 0, n2 + i2 + this._paddingTop;
getWhitespaceIndexAtOrAfterVerticallOffset(e2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0;
let t2 = 0, n2 = this.getWhitespacesCount() - 1;
if (n2 < 0)
return -1;
if (e2 >= this.getVerticalOffsetForWhitespaceIndex(n2) + this.getHeightForWhitespaceIndex(n2))
return -1;
for (; t2 < n2; ) {
const i2 = Math.floor((t2 + n2) / 2), o2 = this.getVerticalOffsetForWhitespaceIndex(i2);
if (e2 >= o2 + this.getHeightForWhitespaceIndex(i2))
t2 = i2 + 1;
else {
if (e2 >= o2)
return i2;
n2 = i2;
return t2;
getWhitespaceAtVerticalOffset(e2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0;
const t2 = this.getWhitespaceIndexAtOrAfterVerticallOffset(e2);
if (t2 < 0)
return null;
if (t2 >= this.getWhitespacesCount())
return null;
const n2 = this.getVerticalOffsetForWhitespaceIndex(t2);
if (n2 > e2)
return null;
const i2 = this.getHeightForWhitespaceIndex(t2);
return {id: this.getIdForWhitespaceIndex(t2), afterLineNumber: this.getAfterLineNumberForWhitespaceIndex(t2), verticalOffset: n2, height: i2};
getWhitespaceViewportData(e2, t2) {
this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0, t2 |= 0;
const n2 = this.getWhitespaceIndexAtOrAfterVerticallOffset(e2), i2 = this.getWhitespacesCount() - 1;
if (n2 < 0)
return [];
let o2 = [];
for (let e3 = n2; e3 <= i2; e3++) {
const n3 = this.getVerticalOffsetForWhitespaceIndex(e3), i3 = this.getHeightForWhitespaceIndex(e3);
if (n3 >= t2)
o2.push({id: this.getIdForWhitespaceIndex(e3), afterLineNumber: this.getAfterLineNumberForWhitespaceIndex(e3), verticalOffset: n3, height: i3});
return o2;
getWhitespaces() {
return this._checkPendingChanges(), this._arr.slice(0);
getWhitespacesCount() {
return this._checkPendingChanges(), this._arr.length;
getIdForWhitespaceIndex(e2) {
return this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0, this._arr[e2].id;
getAfterLineNumberForWhitespaceIndex(e2) {
return this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0, this._arr[e2].afterLineNumber;
getHeightForWhitespaceIndex(e2) {
return this._checkPendingChanges(), e2 |= 0, this._arr[e2].height;
class $n {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
(e2 |= 0) < 0 && (e2 = 0), (t2 |= 0) < 0 && (t2 = 0), (n2 |= 0) < 0 && (n2 = 0), (i2 |= 0) < 0 && (i2 = 0), this.width = e2, this.contentWidth = t2, this.scrollWidth = Math.max(e2, t2), this.height = n2, this.contentHeight = i2, this.scrollHeight = Math.max(n2, i2);
equals(e2) {
return this.width === e2.width && this.contentWidth === e2.contentWidth && this.height === e2.height && this.contentHeight === e2.contentHeight;
class Kn extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._onDidContentSizeChange = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidContentSizeChange = this._onDidContentSizeChange.event, this._dimensions = new $n(0, 0, 0, 0), this._scrollable = this._register(new Vn.a(e2, t2)), this.onDidScroll = this._scrollable.onScroll;
getScrollable() {
return this._scrollable;
setSmoothScrollDuration(e2) {
validateScrollPosition(e2) {
return this._scrollable.validateScrollPosition(e2);
getScrollDimensions() {
return this._dimensions;
setScrollDimensions(e2) {
if (this._dimensions.equals(e2))
const t2 = this._dimensions;
this._dimensions = e2, this._scrollable.setScrollDimensions({width: e2.width, scrollWidth: e2.scrollWidth, height: e2.height, scrollHeight: e2.scrollHeight}, true);
const n2 = t2.contentWidth !== e2.contentWidth, i2 = t2.contentHeight !== e2.contentHeight;
(n2 || i2) && Nn(t2.contentWidth, t2.contentHeight, e2.contentWidth, e2.contentHeight));
getFutureScrollPosition() {
return this._scrollable.getFutureScrollPosition();
getCurrentScrollPosition() {
return this._scrollable.getCurrentScrollPosition();
setScrollPositionNow(e2) {
setScrollPositionSmooth(e2) {
class Gn extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this._configuration = e2;
const i2 = this._configuration.options, o2 = i2.get(117), r2 = i2.get(66);
this._linesLayout = new qn(t2, i2.get(51),, r2.bottom), this._scrollable = this._register(new Kn(0, n2)), this._configureSmoothScrollDuration(), this._scrollable.setScrollDimensions(new $n(o2.contentWidth, 0, o2.height, 0)), this.onDidScroll = this._scrollable.onDidScroll, this.onDidContentSizeChange = this._scrollable.onDidContentSizeChange, this._updateHeight();
dispose() {
getScrollable() {
return this._scrollable.getScrollable();
onHeightMaybeChanged() {
_configureSmoothScrollDuration() {
this._scrollable.setSmoothScrollDuration(this._configuration.options.get(94) ? 125 : 0);
onConfigurationChanged(e2) {
const t2 = this._configuration.options;
if (e2.hasChanged(51) && this._linesLayout.setLineHeight(t2.get(51)), e2.hasChanged(66)) {
const e3 = t2.get(66);
this._linesLayout.setPadding(, e3.bottom);
if (e2.hasChanged(117)) {
const e3 = t2.get(117), n2 = e3.contentWidth, i2 = e3.height, o2 = this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions(), r2 = o2.contentWidth;
this._scrollable.setScrollDimensions(new $n(n2, o2.contentWidth, i2, this._getContentHeight(n2, i2, r2)));
} else
e2.hasChanged(94) && this._configureSmoothScrollDuration();
onFlushed(e2) {
onLinesDeleted(e2, t2) {
this._linesLayout.onLinesDeleted(e2, t2);
onLinesInserted(e2, t2) {
this._linesLayout.onLinesInserted(e2, t2);
_getHorizontalScrollbarHeight(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._configuration.options.get(84);
return 2 === n2.horizontal || e2 >= t2 ? 0 : n2.horizontalScrollbarSize;
_getContentHeight(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this._configuration.options;
let o2 = this._linesLayout.getLinesTotalHeight();
return i2.get(86) ? o2 += t2 - i2.get(51) : o2 += this._getHorizontalScrollbarHeight(e2, n2), o2;
_updateHeight() {
const e2 = this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions(), t2 = e2.width, n2 = e2.height, i2 = e2.contentWidth;
this._scrollable.setScrollDimensions(new $n(t2, e2.contentWidth, n2, this._getContentHeight(t2, n2, i2)));
getCurrentViewport() {
const e2 = this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions(), t2 = this._scrollable.getCurrentScrollPosition();
return new bt.f(t2.scrollTop, t2.scrollLeft, e2.width, e2.height);
getFutureViewport() {
const e2 = this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions(), t2 = this._scrollable.getFutureScrollPosition();
return new bt.f(t2.scrollTop, t2.scrollLeft, e2.width, e2.height);
_computeContentWidth(e2) {
const t2 = this._configuration.options, n2 = t2.get(118), i2 = t2.get(36);
if (n2.isViewportWrapping) {
const n3 = t2.get(117), o2 = t2.get(56);
return e2 > n3.contentWidth + i2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth && o2.enabled && "right" === o2.side ? e2 + n3.verticalScrollbarWidth : e2;
const n3 = t2.get(85) * i2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, o2 = this._linesLayout.getWhitespaceMinWidth();
return Math.max(e2 + n3, o2);
setMaxLineWidth(e2) {
const t2 = this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions();
this._scrollable.setScrollDimensions(new $n(t2.width, this._computeContentWidth(e2), t2.height, t2.contentHeight)), this._updateHeight();
saveState() {
const e2 = this._scrollable.getFutureScrollPosition();
let t2 = e2.scrollTop, n2 = this._linesLayout.getLineNumberAtOrAfterVerticalOffset(t2);
return {scrollTop: t2, scrollTopWithoutViewZones: t2 - this._linesLayout.getWhitespaceAccumulatedHeightBeforeLineNumber(n2), scrollLeft: e2.scrollLeft};
changeWhitespace(e2) {
const t2 = this._linesLayout.changeWhitespace(e2);
return t2 && this.onHeightMaybeChanged(), t2;
getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e2) {
return this._linesLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e2);
isAfterLines(e2) {
return this._linesLayout.isAfterLines(e2);
getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(e2) {
return this._linesLayout.getLineNumberAtOrAfterVerticalOffset(e2);
getWhitespaceAtVerticalOffset(e2) {
return this._linesLayout.getWhitespaceAtVerticalOffset(e2);
getLinesViewportData() {
const e2 = this.getCurrentViewport();
return this._linesLayout.getLinesViewportData(, + e2.height);
getLinesViewportDataAtScrollTop(e2) {
const t2 = this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions();
return e2 + t2.height > t2.scrollHeight && (e2 = t2.scrollHeight - t2.height), e2 < 0 && (e2 = 0), this._linesLayout.getLinesViewportData(e2, e2 + t2.height);
getWhitespaceViewportData() {
const e2 = this.getCurrentViewport();
return this._linesLayout.getWhitespaceViewportData(, + e2.height);
getWhitespaces() {
return this._linesLayout.getWhitespaces();
getContentWidth() {
return this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions().contentWidth;
getScrollWidth() {
return this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions().scrollWidth;
getContentHeight() {
return this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions().contentHeight;
getScrollHeight() {
return this._scrollable.getScrollDimensions().scrollHeight;
getCurrentScrollLeft() {
return this._scrollable.getCurrentScrollPosition().scrollLeft;
getCurrentScrollTop() {
return this._scrollable.getCurrentScrollPosition().scrollTop;
validateScrollPosition(e2) {
return this._scrollable.validateScrollPosition(e2);
setScrollPosition(e2, t2) {
1 === t2 ? this._scrollable.setScrollPositionNow(e2) : this._scrollable.setScrollPositionSmooth(e2);
deltaScrollNow(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._scrollable.getCurrentScrollPosition();
this._scrollable.setScrollPositionNow({scrollLeft: n2.scrollLeft + e2, scrollTop: n2.scrollTop + t2});
var Yn = n(30), Zn = n(101);
class Xn {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.outputLineIndex = e2, this.outputOffset = t2;
class Qn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.breakOffsets = e2, this.breakOffsetsVisibleColumn = t2, this.wrappedTextIndentLength = n2;
static getInputOffsetOfOutputPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
return 0 === t2 ? n2 : e2[t2 - 1] + n2;
static getOutputPositionOfInputOffset(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length - 1, o2 = 0, r2 = 0;
for (; n2 <= i2; ) {
o2 = n2 + (i2 - n2) / 2 | 0;
const s2 = e2[o2];
if (r2 = o2 > 0 ? e2[o2 - 1] : 0, t2 < r2)
i2 = o2 - 1;
else {
if (!(t2 >= s2))
n2 = o2 + 1;
return new Xn(o2, t2 - r2);
class Jn {
constructor(e2) {
this._lines = e2;
convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2) {
return this._lines.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2.lineNumber, e2.column);
convertViewRangeToModelRange(e2) {
return this._lines.convertViewRangeToModelRange(e2);
validateViewPosition(e2, t2) {
return this._lines.validateViewPosition(e2.lineNumber, e2.column, t2);
validateViewRange(e2, t2) {
return this._lines.validateViewRange(e2, t2);
convertModelPositionToViewPosition(e2) {
return this._lines.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(e2.lineNumber, e2.column);
convertModelRangeToViewRange(e2) {
return this._lines.convertModelRangeToViewRange(e2);
modelPositionIsVisible(e2) {
return this._lines.modelPositionIsVisible(e2.lineNumber, e2.column);
class ei {
constructor(e2) {
this._counts = e2, this._isValid = false, this._validEndIndex = -1, this._modelToView = [], this._viewToModel = [];
_invalidate(e2) {
this._isValid = false, this._validEndIndex = Math.min(this._validEndIndex, e2 - 1);
_ensureValid() {
if (!this._isValid) {
for (let e2 = this._validEndIndex + 1, t2 = this._counts.length; e2 < t2; e2++) {
const t3 = this._counts[e2], n2 = e2 > 0 ? this._modelToView[e2 - 1] : 0;
this._modelToView[e2] = n2 + t3;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < t3; i2++)
this._viewToModel[n2 + i2] = e2;
this._modelToView.length = this._counts.length, this._viewToModel.length = this._modelToView[this._modelToView.length - 1], this._isValid = true, this._validEndIndex = this._counts.length - 1;
changeValue(e2, t2) {
this._counts[e2] !== t2 && (this._counts[e2] = t2, this._invalidate(e2));
removeValues(e2, t2) {
this._counts.splice(e2, t2), this._invalidate(e2);
insertValues(e2, t2) {
this._counts = Ze.a(this._counts, e2, t2), this._invalidate(e2);
getTotalValue() {
return this._ensureValid(), this._viewToModel.length;
getAccumulatedValue(e2) {
return this._ensureValid(), this._modelToView[e2];
getIndexOf(e2) {
const t2 = this._viewToModel[e2], n2 = t2 > 0 ? this._modelToView[t2 - 1] : 0;
return new Zn.b(t2, e2 - n2);
class ti {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2) {
this.model = e2, this._validModelVersionId = -1, this._domLineBreaksComputerFactory = t2, this._monospaceLineBreaksComputerFactory = n2, this.fontInfo = i2, this.tabSize = o2, this.wrappingStrategy = r2, this.wrappingColumn = s2, this.wrappingIndent = a2, this._constructLines(true, null);
dispose() {
this.hiddenAreasIds = this.model.deltaDecorations(this.hiddenAreasIds, []);
createCoordinatesConverter() {
return new Jn(this);
_constructLines(e2, t2) {
this.lines = [], e2 && (this.hiddenAreasIds = []);
let n2 = this.model.getLinesContent();
const i2 = n2.length, o2 = this.createLineBreaksComputer();
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < i2; e3++)
o2.addRequest(n2[e3], t2 ? t2[e3] : null);
const r2 = o2.finalize();
let s2 = [], a2 = => this.model.getDecorationRange(e3)).sort(te.a.compareRangesUsingStarts), l2 = 1, c2 = 0, d2 = -1, h2 = d2 + 1 < a2.length ? c2 + 1 : i2 + 2;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < i2; e3++) {
let t3 = e3 + 1;
t3 === h2 && (d2++, l2 = a2[d2].startLineNumber, c2 = a2[d2].endLineNumber, h2 = d2 + 1 < a2.length ? c2 + 1 : i2 + 2);
let n3 = t3 >= l2 && t3 <= c2, o3 = li(r2[e3], !n3);
s2[e3] = o3.getViewLineCount(), this.lines[e3] = o3;
this._validModelVersionId = this.model.getVersionId(), this.prefixSumComputer = new ei(s2);
getHiddenAreas() {
return => this.model.getDecorationRange(e2));
_reduceRanges(e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
return [];
let t2 = => this.model.validateRange(e3)).sort(te.a.compareRangesUsingStarts), n2 = [], i2 = t2[0].startLineNumber, o2 = t2[0].endLineNumber;
for (let e3 = 1, r2 = t2.length; e3 < r2; e3++) {
let r3 = t2[e3];
r3.startLineNumber > o2 + 1 ? (n2.push(new te.a(i2, 1, o2, 1)), i2 = r3.startLineNumber, o2 = r3.endLineNumber) : r3.endLineNumber > o2 && (o2 = r3.endLineNumber);
return n2.push(new te.a(i2, 1, o2, 1)), n2;
setHiddenAreas(e2) {
let t2 = this._reduceRanges(e2), n2 = => this.model.getDecorationRange(e3)).sort(te.a.compareRangesUsingStarts);
if (t2.length === n2.length) {
let e3 = false;
for (let i3 = 0; i3 < t2.length; i3++)
if (!t2[i3].equalsRange(n2[i3])) {
e3 = true;
if (!e3)
return false;
let i2 = [];
for (const e3 of t2)
i2.push({range: e3, options: Yn.a.EMPTY});
this.hiddenAreasIds = this.model.deltaDecorations(this.hiddenAreasIds, i2);
let o2 = t2, r2 = 1, s2 = 0, a2 = -1, l2 = a2 + 1 < o2.length ? s2 + 1 : this.lines.length + 2, c2 = false;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < this.lines.length; e3++) {
let t3 = e3 + 1;
t3 === l2 && (a2++, r2 = o2[a2].startLineNumber, s2 = o2[a2].endLineNumber, l2 = a2 + 1 < o2.length ? s2 + 1 : this.lines.length + 2);
let n3 = false;
if (t3 >= r2 && t3 <= s2 ? this.lines[e3].isVisible() && (this.lines[e3] = this.lines[e3].setVisible(false), n3 = true) : (c2 = true, this.lines[e3].isVisible() || (this.lines[e3] = this.lines[e3].setVisible(true), n3 = true)), n3) {
let t4 = this.lines[e3].getViewLineCount();
this.prefixSumComputer.changeValue(e3, t4);
return c2 || this.setHiddenAreas([]), true;
modelPositionIsVisible(e2, t2) {
return !(e2 < 1 || e2 > this.lines.length) && this.lines[e2 - 1].isVisible();
setTabSize(e2) {
return this.tabSize !== e2 && (this.tabSize = e2, this._constructLines(false, null), true);
setWrappingSettings(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this.fontInfo.equals(e2), r2 = this.wrappingStrategy === t2, s2 = this.wrappingColumn === n2, a2 = this.wrappingIndent === i2;
if (o2 && r2 && s2 && a2)
return false;
const l2 = o2 && r2 && !s2 && a2;
this.fontInfo = e2, this.wrappingStrategy = t2, this.wrappingColumn = n2, this.wrappingIndent = i2;
let c2 = null;
if (l2) {
c2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = this.lines.length; e3 < t3; e3++)
c2[e3] = this.lines[e3].getLineBreakData();
return this._constructLines(false, c2), true;
createLineBreaksComputer() {
return ("advanced" === this.wrappingStrategy ? this._domLineBreaksComputerFactory : this._monospaceLineBreaksComputerFactory).createLineBreaksComputer(this.fontInfo, this.tabSize, this.wrappingColumn, this.wrappingIndent);
onModelFlushed() {
this._constructLines(true, null);
onModelLinesDeleted(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2 <= this._validModelVersionId)
return null;
let i2 = 1 === t2 ? 1 : this.prefixSumComputer.getAccumulatedValue(t2 - 2) + 1, o2 = this.prefixSumComputer.getAccumulatedValue(n2 - 1);
return this.lines.splice(t2 - 1, n2 - t2 + 1), this.prefixSumComputer.removeValues(t2 - 1, n2 - t2 + 1), new vn(i2, o2);
onModelLinesInserted(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (e2 <= this._validModelVersionId)
return null;
let o2 = this.getHiddenAreas(), r2 = false, s2 = new ee.a(t2, 1);
for (const e3 of o2)
if (e3.containsPosition(s2)) {
r2 = true;
let a2 = 1 === t2 ? 1 : this.prefixSumComputer.getAccumulatedValue(t2 - 2) + 1, l2 = 0, c2 = [], d2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = i2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
let t4 = li(i2[e3], !r2);
let n3 = t4.getViewLineCount();
l2 += n3, d2[e3] = n3;
return this.lines = this.lines.slice(0, t2 - 1).concat(c2).concat(this.lines.slice(t2 - 1)), this.prefixSumComputer.insertValues(t2 - 1, d2), new wn(a2, a2 + l2 - 1);
onModelLineChanged(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2 <= this._validModelVersionId)
return [false, null, null, null];
let i2 = t2 - 1, o2 = this.lines[i2].getViewLineCount(), r2 = li(n2, this.lines[i2].isVisible());
this.lines[i2] = r2;
let s2 = this.lines[i2].getViewLineCount(), a2 = false, l2 = 0, c2 = -1, d2 = 0, h2 = -1, u2 = 0, p2 = -1;
o2 > s2 ? (l2 = 1 === t2 ? 1 : this.prefixSumComputer.getAccumulatedValue(t2 - 2) + 1, c2 = l2 + s2 - 1, u2 = c2 + 1, p2 = u2 + (o2 - s2) - 1, a2 = true) : o2 < s2 ? (l2 = 1 === t2 ? 1 : this.prefixSumComputer.getAccumulatedValue(t2 - 2) + 1, c2 = l2 + o2 - 1, d2 = c2 + 1, h2 = d2 + (s2 - o2) - 1, a2 = true) : (l2 = 1 === t2 ? 1 : this.prefixSumComputer.getAccumulatedValue(t2 - 2) + 1, c2 = l2 + s2 - 1), this.prefixSumComputer.changeValue(i2, s2);
return [a2, l2 <= c2 ? new _n(l2, c2) : null, d2 <= h2 ? new wn(d2, h2) : null, u2 <= p2 ? new vn(u2, p2) : null];
acceptVersionId(e2) {
this._validModelVersionId = e2, 1 !== this.lines.length || this.lines[0].isVisible() || this.setHiddenAreas([]);
getViewLineCount() {
return this.prefixSumComputer.getTotalValue();
_toValidViewLineNumber(e2) {
if (e2 < 1)
return 1;
const t2 = this.getViewLineCount();
return e2 > t2 ? t2 : 0 | e2;
getActiveIndentGuide(e2, t2, n2) {
e2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(e2), t2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(t2), n2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(n2);
const i2 = this.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2, this.getViewLineMinColumn(e2)), o2 = this.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(t2, this.getViewLineMinColumn(t2)), r2 = this.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(n2, this.getViewLineMinColumn(n2)), s2 = this.model.getActiveIndentGuide(i2.lineNumber, o2.lineNumber, r2.lineNumber), a2 = this.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(s2.startLineNumber, 1), l2 = this.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(s2.endLineNumber, this.model.getLineMaxColumn(s2.endLineNumber));
return {startLineNumber: a2.lineNumber, endLineNumber: l2.lineNumber, indent: s2.indent};
getViewLinesIndentGuides(e2, t2) {
e2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(e2), t2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(t2);
const n2 = this.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2, this.getViewLineMinColumn(e2)), i2 = this.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(t2, this.getViewLineMaxColumn(t2));
let o2 = [], r2 = [], s2 = [];
const a2 = n2.lineNumber - 1, l2 = i2.lineNumber - 1;
let c2 = null;
for (let e3 = a2; e3 <= l2; e3++) {
const t3 = this.lines[e3];
if (t3.isVisible()) {
let i3 = t3.getViewLineNumberOfModelPosition(0, e3 === a2 ? n2.column : 1), o3 = t3.getViewLineNumberOfModelPosition(0, this.model.getLineMaxColumn(e3 + 1)), l3 = o3 - i3 + 1, d3 = 0;
l3 > 1 && 1 === t3.getViewLineMinColumn(this.model, e3 + 1, o3) && (d3 = 0 === i3 ? 1 : 2), r2.push(l3), s2.push(d3), null === c2 && (c2 = new ee.a(e3 + 1, 0));
} else
null !== c2 && (o2 = o2.concat(this.model.getLinesIndentGuides(c2.lineNumber, e3)), c2 = null);
null !== c2 && (o2 = o2.concat(this.model.getLinesIndentGuides(c2.lineNumber, i2.lineNumber)), c2 = null);
const d2 = t2 - e2 + 1;
let h2 = new Array(d2), u2 = 0;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = o2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
let t4, n3 = o2[e3], i3 = Math.min(d2 - u2, r2[e3]), a3 = s2[e3];
t4 = 2 === a3 ? 0 : 1 === a3 ? 1 : i3;
for (let e4 = 0; e4 < i3; e4++)
e4 === t4 && (n3 = 0), h2[u2++] = n3;
return h2;
getViewLineContent(e2) {
e2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(e2);
let t2 = this.prefixSumComputer.getIndexOf(e2 - 1), n2 = t2.index, i2 = t2.remainder;
return this.lines[n2].getViewLineContent(this.model, n2 + 1, i2);
getViewLineLength(e2) {
e2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(e2);
let t2 = this.prefixSumComputer.getIndexOf(e2 - 1), n2 = t2.index, i2 = t2.remainder;
return this.lines[n2].getViewLineLength(this.model, n2 + 1, i2);
getViewLineMinColumn(e2) {
e2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(e2);
let t2 = this.prefixSumComputer.getIndexOf(e2 - 1), n2 = t2.index, i2 = t2.remainder;
return this.lines[n2].getViewLineMinColumn(this.model, n2 + 1, i2);
getViewLineMaxColumn(e2) {
e2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(e2);
let t2 = this.prefixSumComputer.getIndexOf(e2 - 1), n2 = t2.index, i2 = t2.remainder;
return this.lines[n2].getViewLineMaxColumn(this.model, n2 + 1, i2);
getViewLineData(e2) {
e2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(e2);
let t2 = this.prefixSumComputer.getIndexOf(e2 - 1), n2 = t2.index, i2 = t2.remainder;
return this.lines[n2].getViewLineData(this.model, n2 + 1, i2);
getViewLinesData(e2, t2, n2) {
e2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(e2), t2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(t2);
let i2 = this.prefixSumComputer.getIndexOf(e2 - 1), o2 = e2, r2 = i2.index, s2 = i2.remainder, a2 = [];
for (let i3 = r2, l2 = this.model.getLineCount(); i3 < l2; i3++) {
let l3 = this.lines[i3];
if (!l3.isVisible())
let c2 = i3 === r2 ? s2 : 0, d2 = l3.getViewLineCount() - c2, h2 = false;
o2 + d2 > t2 && (h2 = true, d2 = t2 - o2 + 1);
let u2 = c2 + d2;
if (l3.getViewLinesData(this.model, i3 + 1, c2, u2, o2 - e2, n2, a2), o2 += d2, h2)
return a2;
validateViewPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
e2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(e2);
let i2 = this.prefixSumComputer.getIndexOf(e2 - 1), o2 = i2.index, r2 = i2.remainder, s2 = this.lines[o2], a2 = s2.getViewLineMinColumn(this.model, o2 + 1, r2), l2 = s2.getViewLineMaxColumn(this.model, o2 + 1, r2);
t2 < a2 && (t2 = a2), t2 > l2 && (t2 = l2);
let c2 = s2.getModelColumnOfViewPosition(r2, t2);
return this.model.validatePosition(new ee.a(o2 + 1, c2)).equals(n2) ? new ee.a(e2, t2) : this.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(n2.lineNumber, n2.column);
validateViewRange(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.validateViewPosition(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn, t2.getStartPosition()), i2 = this.validateViewPosition(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn, t2.getEndPosition());
return new te.a(n2.lineNumber, n2.column, i2.lineNumber, i2.column);
convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2, t2) {
e2 = this._toValidViewLineNumber(e2);
let n2 = this.prefixSumComputer.getIndexOf(e2 - 1), i2 = n2.index, o2 = n2.remainder, r2 = this.lines[i2].getModelColumnOfViewPosition(o2, t2);
return this.model.validatePosition(new ee.a(i2 + 1, r2));
convertViewRangeToModelRange(e2) {
const t2 = this.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn), n2 = this.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn);
return new te.a(t2.lineNumber, t2.column, n2.lineNumber, n2.column);
convertModelPositionToViewPosition(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.model.validatePosition(new ee.a(e2, t2)), i2 = n2.lineNumber, o2 = n2.column;
let r2 = i2 - 1, s2 = false;
for (; r2 > 0 && !this.lines[r2].isVisible(); )
r2--, s2 = true;
if (0 === r2 && !this.lines[r2].isVisible())
return new ee.a(1, 1);
const a2 = 1 + (0 === r2 ? 0 : this.prefixSumComputer.getAccumulatedValue(r2 - 1));
let l2;
return l2 = s2 ? this.lines[r2].getViewPositionOfModelPosition(a2, this.model.getLineMaxColumn(r2 + 1)) : this.lines[i2 - 1].getViewPositionOfModelPosition(a2, o2), l2;
convertModelRangeToViewRange(e2) {
let t2 = this.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn), n2 = this.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn);
return e2.startLineNumber === e2.endLineNumber && t2.lineNumber !== n2.lineNumber && n2.column === this.getViewLineMinColumn(n2.lineNumber) ? new te.a(t2.lineNumber, t2.column, n2.lineNumber - 1, this.getViewLineMaxColumn(n2.lineNumber - 1)) : new te.a(t2.lineNumber, t2.column, n2.lineNumber, n2.column);
_getViewLineNumberForModelPosition(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2 - 1;
if (this.lines[n2].isVisible()) {
const e3 = 1 + (0 === n2 ? 0 : this.prefixSumComputer.getAccumulatedValue(n2 - 1));
return this.lines[n2].getViewLineNumberOfModelPosition(e3, t2);
for (; n2 > 0 && !this.lines[n2].isVisible(); )
if (0 === n2 && !this.lines[n2].isVisible())
return 1;
const i2 = 1 + (0 === n2 ? 0 : this.prefixSumComputer.getAccumulatedValue(n2 - 1));
return this.lines[n2].getViewLineNumberOfModelPosition(i2, this.model.getLineMaxColumn(n2 + 1));
getAllOverviewRulerDecorations(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.model.getOverviewRulerDecorations(e2, t2), o2 = new hi();
for (const e3 of i2) {
const t3 = e3.options.overviewRuler, i3 = t3 ? t3.position : 0;
if (0 === i3)
const r2 = t3.getColor(n2), s2 = this._getViewLineNumberForModelPosition(e3.range.startLineNumber, e3.range.startColumn), a2 = this._getViewLineNumberForModelPosition(e3.range.endLineNumber, e3.range.endColumn);
o2.accept(r2, s2, a2, i3);
return o2.result;
getDecorationsInRange(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn), o2 = this.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn);
if (o2.lineNumber - i2.lineNumber <= e2.endLineNumber - e2.startLineNumber)
return this.model.getDecorationsInRange(new te.a(i2.lineNumber, 1, o2.lineNumber, o2.column), t2, n2);
let r2 = [];
const s2 = i2.lineNumber - 1, a2 = o2.lineNumber - 1;
let l2 = null;
for (let e3 = s2; e3 <= a2; e3++) {
if (this.lines[e3].isVisible())
null === l2 && (l2 = new ee.a(e3 + 1, e3 === s2 ? i2.column : 1));
else if (null !== l2) {
const i3 = this.model.getLineMaxColumn(e3);
r2 = r2.concat(this.model.getDecorationsInRange(new te.a(l2.lineNumber, l2.column, e3, i3), t2, n2)), l2 = null;
null !== l2 && (r2 = r2.concat(this.model.getDecorationsInRange(new te.a(l2.lineNumber, l2.column, o2.lineNumber, o2.column), t2, n2)), l2 = null), r2.sort((e3, t3) => {
const n3 = te.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e3.range, t3.range);
return 0 === n3 ? < ? -1 : > ? 1 : 0 : n3;
let c2 = [], d2 = 0, h2 = null;
for (const e3 of r2) {
const t3 =;
h2 !== t3 && (h2 = t3, c2[d2++] = e3);
return c2;
class ni {
constructor() {
isVisible() {
return true;
setVisible(e2) {
return e2 ? this : ii.INSTANCE;
getLineBreakData() {
return null;
getViewLineCount() {
return 1;
getViewLineContent(e2, t2, n2) {
return e2.getLineContent(t2);
getViewLineLength(e2, t2, n2) {
return e2.getLineLength(t2);
getViewLineMinColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
return e2.getLineMinColumn(t2);
getViewLineMaxColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
return e2.getLineMaxColumn(t2);
getViewLineData(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = e2.getLineTokens(t2), o2 = i2.getLineContent();
return new bt.c(o2, false, 1, o2.length + 1, 0, i2.inflate());
getViewLinesData(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
r2[o2] ? s2[o2] = this.getViewLineData(e2, t2, 0) : s2[o2] = null;
getModelColumnOfViewPosition(e2, t2) {
return t2;
getViewPositionOfModelPosition(e2, t2) {
return new ee.a(e2, t2);
getViewLineNumberOfModelPosition(e2, t2) {
return e2;
ni.INSTANCE = new ni();
class ii {
constructor() {
isVisible() {
return false;
setVisible(e2) {
return e2 ? ni.INSTANCE : this;
getLineBreakData() {
return null;
getViewLineCount() {
return 0;
getViewLineContent(e2, t2, n2) {
throw new Error("Not supported");
getViewLineLength(e2, t2, n2) {
throw new Error("Not supported");
getViewLineMinColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
throw new Error("Not supported");
getViewLineMaxColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
throw new Error("Not supported");
getViewLineData(e2, t2, n2) {
throw new Error("Not supported");
getViewLinesData(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
throw new Error("Not supported");
getModelColumnOfViewPosition(e2, t2) {
throw new Error("Not supported");
getViewPositionOfModelPosition(e2, t2) {
throw new Error("Not supported");
getViewLineNumberOfModelPosition(e2, t2) {
throw new Error("Not supported");
ii.INSTANCE = new ii();
class oi {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._lineBreakData = e2, this._isVisible = t2;
isVisible() {
return this._isVisible;
setVisible(e2) {
return this._isVisible = e2, this;
getLineBreakData() {
return this._lineBreakData;
getViewLineCount() {
return this._isVisible ? this._lineBreakData.breakOffsets.length : 0;
getInputStartOffsetOfOutputLineIndex(e2) {
return Qn.getInputOffsetOfOutputPosition(this._lineBreakData.breakOffsets, e2, 0);
getInputEndOffsetOfOutputLineIndex(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 + 1 === this._lineBreakData.breakOffsets.length ? e2.getLineMaxColumn(t2) - 1 : Qn.getInputOffsetOfOutputPosition(this._lineBreakData.breakOffsets, n2 + 1, 0);
getViewLineContent(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this._isVisible)
throw new Error("Not supported");
let i2 = this.getInputStartOffsetOfOutputLineIndex(n2), o2 = this.getInputEndOffsetOfOutputLineIndex(e2, t2, n2), r2 = e2.getValueInRange({startLineNumber: t2, startColumn: i2 + 1, endLineNumber: t2, endColumn: o2 + 1});
return n2 > 0 && (r2 = si(this._lineBreakData.wrappedTextIndentLength) + r2), r2;
getViewLineLength(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this._isVisible)
throw new Error("Not supported");
let i2 = this.getInputStartOffsetOfOutputLineIndex(n2), o2 = this.getInputEndOffsetOfOutputLineIndex(e2, t2, n2) - i2;
return n2 > 0 && (o2 = this._lineBreakData.wrappedTextIndentLength + o2), o2;
getViewLineMinColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this._isVisible)
throw new Error("Not supported");
return n2 > 0 ? this._lineBreakData.wrappedTextIndentLength + 1 : 1;
getViewLineMaxColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this._isVisible)
throw new Error("Not supported");
return this.getViewLineContent(e2, t2, n2).length + 1;
getViewLineData(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this._isVisible)
throw new Error("Not supported");
let i2 = this.getInputStartOffsetOfOutputLineIndex(n2), o2 = this.getInputEndOffsetOfOutputLineIndex(e2, t2, n2), r2 = e2.getValueInRange({startLineNumber: t2, startColumn: i2 + 1, endLineNumber: t2, endColumn: o2 + 1});
n2 > 0 && (r2 = si(this._lineBreakData.wrappedTextIndentLength) + r2);
let s2 = n2 > 0 ? this._lineBreakData.wrappedTextIndentLength + 1 : 1, a2 = r2.length + 1, l2 = n2 + 1 < this.getViewLineCount(), c2 = 0;
n2 > 0 && (c2 = this._lineBreakData.wrappedTextIndentLength);
let d2 = e2.getLineTokens(t2);
const h2 = 0 === n2 ? 0 : this._lineBreakData.breakOffsetsVisibleColumn[n2 - 1];
return new bt.c(r2, l2, s2, a2, h2, d2.sliceAndInflate(i2, o2, c2));
getViewLinesData(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
if (!this._isVisible)
throw new Error("Not supported");
for (let a2 = n2; a2 < i2; a2++) {
let i3 = o2 + a2 - n2;
r2[i3] ? s2[i3] = this.getViewLineData(e2, t2, a2) : s2[i3] = null;
getModelColumnOfViewPosition(e2, t2) {
if (!this._isVisible)
throw new Error("Not supported");
let n2 = t2 - 1;
return e2 > 0 && (n2 < this._lineBreakData.wrappedTextIndentLength ? n2 = 0 : n2 -= this._lineBreakData.wrappedTextIndentLength), Qn.getInputOffsetOfOutputPosition(this._lineBreakData.breakOffsets, e2, n2) + 1;
getViewPositionOfModelPosition(e2, t2) {
if (!this._isVisible)
throw new Error("Not supported");
let n2 = Qn.getOutputPositionOfInputOffset(this._lineBreakData.breakOffsets, t2 - 1), i2 = n2.outputLineIndex, o2 = n2.outputOffset + 1;
return i2 > 0 && (o2 += this._lineBreakData.wrappedTextIndentLength), new ee.a(e2 + i2, o2);
getViewLineNumberOfModelPosition(e2, t2) {
if (!this._isVisible)
throw new Error("Not supported");
return e2 + Qn.getOutputPositionOfInputOffset(this._lineBreakData.breakOffsets, t2 - 1).outputLineIndex;
let ri = [""];
function si(e2) {
if (e2 >= ri.length)
for (let t2 = 1; t2 <= e2; t2++)
ri[t2] = ai(t2);
return ri[e2];
function ai(e2) {
return new Array(e2 + 1).join(" ");
function li(e2, t2) {
return null === e2 ? t2 ? ni.INSTANCE : ii.INSTANCE : new oi(e2, t2);
class ci {
constructor(e2) {
this._lines = e2;
_validPosition(e2) {
return this._lines.model.validatePosition(e2);
_validRange(e2) {
return this._lines.model.validateRange(e2);
convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2) {
return this._validPosition(e2);
convertViewRangeToModelRange(e2) {
return this._validRange(e2);
validateViewPosition(e2, t2) {
return this._validPosition(t2);
validateViewRange(e2, t2) {
return this._validRange(t2);
convertModelPositionToViewPosition(e2) {
return this._validPosition(e2);
convertModelRangeToViewRange(e2) {
return this._validRange(e2);
modelPositionIsVisible(e2) {
const t2 = this._lines.model.getLineCount();
return !(e2.lineNumber < 1 || e2.lineNumber > t2);
class di {
constructor(e2) {
this.model = e2;
dispose() {
createCoordinatesConverter() {
return new ci(this);
getHiddenAreas() {
return [];
setHiddenAreas(e2) {
return false;
setTabSize(e2) {
return false;
setWrappingSettings(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return false;
createLineBreaksComputer() {
let e2 = [];
return {addRequest: (t2, n2) => {
}, finalize: () => e2};
onModelFlushed() {
onModelLinesDeleted(e2, t2, n2) {
return new vn(t2, n2);
onModelLinesInserted(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new wn(t2, n2);
onModelLineChanged(e2, t2, n2) {
return [false, new _n(t2, t2), null, null];
acceptVersionId(e2) {
getViewLineCount() {
return this.model.getLineCount();
getActiveIndentGuide(e2, t2, n2) {
return {startLineNumber: e2, endLineNumber: e2, indent: 0};
getViewLinesIndentGuides(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2 - e2 + 1;
let i2 = new Array(n2);
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2; e3++)
i2[e3] = 0;
return i2;
getViewLineContent(e2) {
return this.model.getLineContent(e2);
getViewLineLength(e2) {
return this.model.getLineLength(e2);
getViewLineMinColumn(e2) {
return this.model.getLineMinColumn(e2);
getViewLineMaxColumn(e2) {
return this.model.getLineMaxColumn(e2);
getViewLineData(e2) {
let t2 = this.model.getLineTokens(e2), n2 = t2.getLineContent();
return new bt.c(n2, false, 1, n2.length + 1, 0, t2.inflate());
getViewLinesData(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.model.getLineCount();
e2 = Math.min(Math.max(1, e2), i2), t2 = Math.min(Math.max(1, t2), i2);
let o2 = [];
for (let i3 = e2; i3 <= t2; i3++) {
let t3 = i3 - e2;
n2[t3] || (o2[t3] = null), o2[t3] = this.getViewLineData(i3);
return o2;
getAllOverviewRulerDecorations(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.model.getOverviewRulerDecorations(e2, t2), o2 = new hi();
for (const e3 of i2) {
const t3 = e3.options.overviewRuler, i3 = t3 ? t3.position : 0;
if (0 === i3)
const r2 = t3.getColor(n2), s2 = e3.range.startLineNumber, a2 = e3.range.endLineNumber;
o2.accept(r2, s2, a2, i3);
return o2.result;
getDecorationsInRange(e2, t2, n2) {
return this.model.getDecorationsInRange(e2, t2, n2);
class hi {
constructor() {
this.result = Object.create(null);
accept(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = this.result[e2];
if (o2) {
const e3 = o2[o2.length - 3], r2 = o2[o2.length - 1];
if (e3 === i2 && r2 + 1 >= t2)
return void (n2 > r2 && (o2[o2.length - 1] = n2));
o2.push(i2, t2, n2);
} else
this.result[e2] = [i2, t2, n2];
class ui {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.editorId = e2, this.model = t2, this.configuration = n2, this._linesCollection = i2, this._coordinatesConverter = o2, this._decorationsCache = Object.create(null), this._cachedModelDecorationsResolver = null, this._cachedModelDecorationsResolverViewRange = null;
_clearCachedModelDecorationsResolver() {
this._cachedModelDecorationsResolver = null, this._cachedModelDecorationsResolverViewRange = null;
dispose() {
this._decorationsCache = Object.create(null), this._clearCachedModelDecorationsResolver();
reset() {
this._decorationsCache = Object.create(null), this._clearCachedModelDecorationsResolver();
onModelDecorationsChanged() {
this._decorationsCache = Object.create(null), this._clearCachedModelDecorationsResolver();
onLineMappingChanged() {
this._decorationsCache = Object.create(null), this._clearCachedModelDecorationsResolver();
_getOrCreateViewModelDecoration(e2) {
const t2 =;
let n2 = this._decorationsCache[t2];
if (!n2) {
const i2 = e2.range, o2 = e2.options;
let r2;
if (o2.isWholeLine) {
const e3 = this._coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(new ee.a(i2.startLineNumber, 1)), t3 = this._coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(new ee.a(i2.endLineNumber, this.model.getLineMaxColumn(i2.endLineNumber)));
r2 = new te.a(e3.lineNumber, e3.column, t3.lineNumber, t3.column);
} else
r2 = this._coordinatesConverter.convertModelRangeToViewRange(i2);
n2 = new bt.e(r2, o2), this._decorationsCache[t2] = n2;
return n2;
getDecorationsViewportData(e2) {
let t2 = null !== this._cachedModelDecorationsResolver;
return t2 = t2 && e2.equalsRange(this._cachedModelDecorationsResolverViewRange), t2 || (this._cachedModelDecorationsResolver = this._getDecorationsViewportData(e2), this._cachedModelDecorationsResolverViewRange = e2), this._cachedModelDecorationsResolver;
_getDecorationsViewportData(e2) {
const t2 = this._linesCollection.getDecorationsInRange(e2, this.editorId, Object(j.l)(this.configuration.options)), n2 = e2.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.endLineNumber;
let o2 = [], r2 = 0, s2 = [];
for (let e3 = n2; e3 <= i2; e3++)
s2[e3 - n2] = [];
for (let e3 = 0, a2 = t2.length; e3 < a2; e3++) {
let a3 = t2[e3], l2 = a3.options, c2 = this._getOrCreateViewModelDecoration(a3), d2 = c2.range;
if (o2[r2++] = c2, l2.inlineClassName) {
let e4 = new bt.a(d2, l2.inlineClassName, l2.inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing ? 3 : 0), t3 = Math.max(n2, d2.startLineNumber), o3 = Math.min(i2, d2.endLineNumber);
for (let i3 = t3; i3 <= o3; i3++)
s2[i3 - n2].push(e4);
if (l2.beforeContentClassName && n2 <= d2.startLineNumber && d2.startLineNumber <= i2) {
let e4 = new bt.a(new te.a(d2.startLineNumber, d2.startColumn, d2.startLineNumber, d2.startColumn), l2.beforeContentClassName, 1);
s2[d2.startLineNumber - n2].push(e4);
if (l2.afterContentClassName && n2 <= d2.endLineNumber && d2.endLineNumber <= i2) {
let e4 = new bt.a(new te.a(d2.endLineNumber, d2.endColumn, d2.endLineNumber, d2.endColumn), l2.afterContentClassName, 2);
s2[d2.endLineNumber - n2].push(e4);
return {decorations: o2, inlineDecorations: s2};
class pi extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
if (super(), this._editorId = e2, this._configuration = t2, this.model = n2, this._eventDispatcher = new Tn(), this.onEvent = this._eventDispatcher.onEvent, this.cursorConfig = new ne.b(this.model.getLanguageIdentifier(), this.model.getOptions(), this._configuration), this._tokenizeViewportSoon = this._register(new b.d(() => this.tokenizeViewport(), 50)), this._updateConfigurationViewLineCount = this._register(new b.d(() => this._updateConfigurationViewLineCountNow(), 0)), this._hasFocus = false, this._viewportStartLine = -1, this._viewportStartLineTrackedRange = null, this._viewportStartLineDelta = 0, this.model.isTooLargeForTokenization())
this._lines = new di(this.model);
else {
const e3 = this._configuration.options, t3 = e3.get(36), n3 = e3.get(112), r3 = e3.get(118), s2 = e3.get(111);
this._lines = new ti(this.model, i2, o2, t3, this.model.getOptions().tabSize, n3, r3.wrappingColumn, s2);
this.coordinatesConverter = this._lines.createCoordinatesConverter(), this._cursor = this._register(new Fn(n2, this, this.coordinatesConverter, this.cursorConfig)), this.viewLayout = this._register(new Gn(this._configuration, this.getLineCount(), r2)), this._register(this.viewLayout.onDidScroll((e3) => {
e3.scrollTopChanged && this._tokenizeViewportSoon.schedule(), this._eventDispatcher.emitSingleViewEvent(new Cn(e3)), this._eventDispatcher.emitOutgoingEvent(new On(e3.oldScrollWidth, e3.oldScrollLeft, e3.oldScrollHeight, e3.oldScrollTop, e3.scrollWidth, e3.scrollLeft, e3.scrollHeight, e3.scrollTop));
})), this._register(this.viewLayout.onDidContentSizeChange((e3) => {
})), this._decorations = new ui(this._editorId, this.model, this._configuration, this._lines, this.coordinatesConverter), this._registerModelEvents(), this._register(this._configuration.onDidChangeFast((e3) => {
try {
const t3 = this._eventDispatcher.beginEmitViewEvents();
this._onConfigurationChanged(t3, e3);
} finally {
})), this._register(ft.getInstance().onDidChange(() => {
this._eventDispatcher.emitSingleViewEvent(new kn());
})), this._updateConfigurationViewLineCountNow();
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._decorations.dispose(), this._lines.dispose(), this.invalidateMinimapColorCache(), this._viewportStartLineTrackedRange = this.model._setTrackedRange(this._viewportStartLineTrackedRange, null, 1), this._eventDispatcher.dispose();
addViewEventHandler(e2) {
removeViewEventHandler(e2) {
_updateConfigurationViewLineCountNow() {
tokenizeViewport() {
const e2 = this.viewLayout.getLinesViewportData(), t2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(new ee.a(e2.startLineNumber, 1)), n2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(new ee.a(e2.endLineNumber, 1));
this.model.tokenizeViewport(t2.lineNumber, n2.lineNumber);
setHasFocus(e2) {
this._hasFocus = e2, this._cursor.setHasFocus(e2), this._eventDispatcher.emitSingleViewEvent(new gn(e2)), this._eventDispatcher.emitOutgoingEvent(new In(!e2, e2));
onDidColorThemeChange() {
this._eventDispatcher.emitSingleViewEvent(new xn());
_onConfigurationChanged(e2, t2) {
let n2 = null;
if (-1 !== this._viewportStartLine) {
let e3 = new ee.a(this._viewportStartLine, this.getLineMinColumn(this._viewportStartLine));
n2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e3);
let i2 = false;
const o2 = this._configuration.options, r2 = o2.get(36), s2 = o2.get(112), a2 = o2.get(118), l2 = o2.get(111);
if (this._lines.setWrappingSettings(r2, s2, a2.wrappingColumn, l2) && (e2.emitViewEvent(new mn()), e2.emitViewEvent(new bn()), e2.emitViewEvent(new pn(null)), this._cursor.onLineMappingChanged(e2), this._decorations.onLineMappingChanged(), this.viewLayout.onFlushed(this.getLineCount()), 0 !== this.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollTop() && (i2 = true), this._updateConfigurationViewLineCount.schedule()), t2.hasChanged(72) && (this._decorations.reset(), e2.emitViewEvent(new pn(null))), e2.emitViewEvent(new hn(t2)), this.viewLayout.onConfigurationChanged(t2), i2 && n2) {
const e3 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(n2), t3 = this.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e3.lineNumber);
this.viewLayout.setScrollPosition({scrollTop: t3 + this._viewportStartLineDelta}, 1);
ne.b.shouldRecreate(t2) && (this.cursorConfig = new ne.b(this.model.getLanguageIdentifier(), this.model.getOptions(), this._configuration), this._cursor.updateConfiguration(this.cursorConfig));
_registerModelEvents() {
this._register(this.model.onDidChangeRawContentFast((e2) => {
try {
const t2 = this._eventDispatcher.beginEmitViewEvents();
let n2 = false, i2 = false;
const o2 = e2.changes, r2 = e2.versionId, s2 = this._lines.createLineBreaksComputer();
for (const e3 of o2)
switch (e3.changeType) {
case 4:
for (const t3 of e3.detail)
s2.addRequest(t3, null);
case 2:
s2.addRequest(e3.detail, null);
const a2 = s2.finalize();
let l2 = 0;
for (const e3 of o2)
switch (e3.changeType) {
case 1:
this._lines.onModelFlushed(), t2.emitViewEvent(new mn()), this._decorations.reset(), this.viewLayout.onFlushed(this.getLineCount()), n2 = true;
case 3: {
const i3 = this._lines.onModelLinesDeleted(r2, e3.fromLineNumber, e3.toLineNumber);
null !== i3 && (t2.emitViewEvent(i3), this.viewLayout.onLinesDeleted(i3.fromLineNumber, i3.toLineNumber)), n2 = true;
case 4: {
const i3 = a2.slice(l2, l2 + e3.detail.length);
l2 += e3.detail.length;
const o3 = this._lines.onModelLinesInserted(r2, e3.fromLineNumber, e3.toLineNumber, i3);
null !== o3 && (t2.emitViewEvent(o3), this.viewLayout.onLinesInserted(o3.fromLineNumber, o3.toLineNumber)), n2 = true;
case 2: {
const n3 = a2[l2];
const [o3, s3, c2, d2] = this._lines.onModelLineChanged(r2, e3.lineNumber, n3);
i2 = o3, s3 && t2.emitViewEvent(s3), c2 && (t2.emitViewEvent(c2), this.viewLayout.onLinesInserted(c2.fromLineNumber, c2.toLineNumber)), d2 && (t2.emitViewEvent(d2), this.viewLayout.onLinesDeleted(d2.fromLineNumber, d2.toLineNumber));
this._lines.acceptVersionId(r2), this.viewLayout.onHeightMaybeChanged(), !n2 && i2 && (t2.emitViewEvent(new bn()), t2.emitViewEvent(new pn(null)), this._cursor.onLineMappingChanged(t2), this._decorations.onLineMappingChanged());
} finally {
if (this._viewportStartLine = -1, this._configuration.setMaxLineNumber(this.model.getLineCount()), this._updateConfigurationViewLineCountNow(), !this._hasFocus && this.model.getAttachedEditorCount() >= 2 && this._viewportStartLineTrackedRange) {
const e3 = this.model._getTrackedRange(this._viewportStartLineTrackedRange);
if (e3) {
const t2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(e3.getStartPosition()), n2 = this.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(t2.lineNumber);
this.viewLayout.setScrollPosition({scrollTop: n2 + this._viewportStartLineDelta}, 1);
try {
const t2 = this._eventDispatcher.beginEmitViewEvents();
this._cursor.onModelContentChanged(t2, e2);
} finally {
})), this._register(this.model.onDidChangeTokens((e2) => {
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = e2.ranges.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = e2.ranges[n2], o2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(new ee.a(i3.fromLineNumber, 1)).lineNumber, r2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(new ee.a(i3.toLineNumber, this.model.getLineMaxColumn(i3.toLineNumber))).lineNumber;
t2[n2] = {fromLineNumber: o2, toLineNumber: r2};
this._eventDispatcher.emitSingleViewEvent(new Sn(t2)), e2.tokenizationSupportChanged && this._tokenizeViewportSoon.schedule();
})), this._register(this.model.onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration((e2) => {
this._eventDispatcher.emitSingleViewEvent(new fn()), this.cursorConfig = new ne.b(this.model.getLanguageIdentifier(), this.model.getOptions(), this._configuration), this._cursor.updateConfiguration(this.cursorConfig);
})), this._register(this.model.onDidChangeLanguage((e2) => {
this.cursorConfig = new ne.b(this.model.getLanguageIdentifier(), this.model.getOptions(), this._configuration), this._cursor.updateConfiguration(this.cursorConfig);
})), this._register(this.model.onDidChangeOptions((e2) => {
if (this._lines.setTabSize(this.model.getOptions().tabSize)) {
try {
const e3 = this._eventDispatcher.beginEmitViewEvents();
e3.emitViewEvent(new mn()), e3.emitViewEvent(new bn()), e3.emitViewEvent(new pn(null)), this._cursor.onLineMappingChanged(e3), this._decorations.onLineMappingChanged(), this.viewLayout.onFlushed(this.getLineCount());
} finally {
this.cursorConfig = new ne.b(this.model.getLanguageIdentifier(), this.model.getOptions(), this._configuration), this._cursor.updateConfiguration(this.cursorConfig);
})), this._register(this.model.onDidChangeDecorations((e2) => {
this._decorations.onModelDecorationsChanged(), this._eventDispatcher.emitSingleViewEvent(new pn(e2));
setHiddenAreas(e2) {
try {
const t2 = this._eventDispatcher.beginEmitViewEvents();
this._lines.setHiddenAreas(e2) && (t2.emitViewEvent(new mn()), t2.emitViewEvent(new bn()), t2.emitViewEvent(new pn(null)), this._cursor.onLineMappingChanged(t2), this._decorations.onLineMappingChanged(), this.viewLayout.onFlushed(this.getLineCount()), this.viewLayout.onHeightMaybeChanged());
} finally {
getVisibleRangesPlusViewportAboveBelow() {
const e2 = this._configuration.options.get(117), t2 = this._configuration.options.get(51), n2 = Math.max(20, Math.round(e2.height / t2)), i2 = this.viewLayout.getLinesViewportData(), o2 = Math.max(1, i2.completelyVisibleStartLineNumber - n2), r2 = Math.min(this.getLineCount(), i2.completelyVisibleEndLineNumber + n2);
return this._toModelVisibleRanges(new te.a(o2, this.getLineMinColumn(o2), r2, this.getLineMaxColumn(r2)));
getVisibleRanges() {
const e2 = this.getCompletelyVisibleViewRange();
return this._toModelVisibleRanges(e2);
_toModelVisibleRanges(e2) {
const t2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertViewRangeToModelRange(e2), n2 = this._lines.getHiddenAreas();
if (0 === n2.length)
return [t2];
let i2 = [], o2 = 0, r2 = t2.startLineNumber, s2 = t2.startColumn, a2 = t2.endLineNumber, l2 = t2.endColumn;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = n2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = n2[e3].startLineNumber, l3 = n2[e3].endLineNumber;
l3 < r2 || (t4 > a2 || (r2 < t4 && (i2[o2++] = new te.a(r2, s2, t4 - 1, this.model.getLineMaxColumn(t4 - 1))), r2 = l3 + 1, s2 = 1));
return (r2 < a2 || r2 === a2 && s2 < l2) && (i2[o2++] = new te.a(r2, s2, a2, l2)), i2;
getCompletelyVisibleViewRange() {
const e2 = this.viewLayout.getLinesViewportData(), t2 = e2.completelyVisibleStartLineNumber, n2 = e2.completelyVisibleEndLineNumber;
return new te.a(t2, this.getLineMinColumn(t2), n2, this.getLineMaxColumn(n2));
getCompletelyVisibleViewRangeAtScrollTop(e2) {
const t2 = this.viewLayout.getLinesViewportDataAtScrollTop(e2), n2 = t2.completelyVisibleStartLineNumber, i2 = t2.completelyVisibleEndLineNumber;
return new te.a(n2, this.getLineMinColumn(n2), i2, this.getLineMaxColumn(i2));
saveState() {
const e2 = this.viewLayout.saveState(), t2 = e2.scrollTop, n2 = this.viewLayout.getLineNumberAtVerticalOffset(t2), i2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(new ee.a(n2, this.getLineMinColumn(n2))), o2 = this.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(n2) - t2;
return {scrollLeft: e2.scrollLeft, firstPosition: i2, firstPositionDeltaTop: o2};
reduceRestoreState(e2) {
if (void 0 === e2.firstPosition)
return this._reduceRestoreStateCompatibility(e2);
const t2 = this.model.validatePosition(e2.firstPosition), n2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(t2), i2 = this.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(n2.lineNumber) - e2.firstPositionDeltaTop;
return {scrollLeft: e2.scrollLeft, scrollTop: i2};
_reduceRestoreStateCompatibility(e2) {
return {scrollLeft: e2.scrollLeft, scrollTop: e2.scrollTopWithoutViewZones};
getTabSize() {
return this.model.getOptions().tabSize;
getTextModelOptions() {
return this.model.getOptions();
getLineCount() {
return this._lines.getViewLineCount();
setViewport(e2, t2, n2) {
this._viewportStartLine = e2;
let i2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(new ee.a(e2, this.getLineMinColumn(e2)));
this._viewportStartLineTrackedRange = this.model._setTrackedRange(this._viewportStartLineTrackedRange, new te.a(i2.lineNumber, i2.column, i2.lineNumber, i2.column), 1);
const o2 = this.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e2), r2 = this.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollTop();
this._viewportStartLineDelta = r2 - o2;
getActiveIndentGuide(e2, t2, n2) {
return this._lines.getActiveIndentGuide(e2, t2, n2);
getLinesIndentGuides(e2, t2) {
return this._lines.getViewLinesIndentGuides(e2, t2);
getLineContent(e2) {
return this._lines.getViewLineContent(e2);
getLineLength(e2) {
return this._lines.getViewLineLength(e2);
getLineMinColumn(e2) {
return this._lines.getViewLineMinColumn(e2);
getLineMaxColumn(e2) {
return this._lines.getViewLineMaxColumn(e2);
getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e2) {
const t2 = xe.w(this.getLineContent(e2));
return -1 === t2 ? 0 : t2 + 1;
getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(e2) {
const t2 = xe.J(this.getLineContent(e2));
return -1 === t2 ? 0 : t2 + 2;
getDecorationsInViewport(e2) {
return this._decorations.getDecorationsViewportData(e2).decorations;
getViewLineRenderingData(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this.model.mightContainRTL(), i2 = this.model.mightContainNonBasicASCII(), o2 = this.getTabSize(), r2 = this._lines.getViewLineData(t2), s2 = this._decorations.getDecorationsViewportData(e2).inlineDecorations[t2 - e2.startLineNumber];
return new bt.d(r2.minColumn, r2.maxColumn, r2.content, r2.continuesWithWrappedLine, n2, i2, r2.tokens, s2, o2, r2.startVisibleColumn);
getViewLineData(e2) {
return this._lines.getViewLineData(e2);
getMinimapLinesRenderingData(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = this._lines.getViewLinesData(e2, t2, n2);
return new bt.b(this.getTabSize(), i2);
getAllOverviewRulerDecorations(e2) {
return this._lines.getAllOverviewRulerDecorations(this._editorId, Object(j.l)(this._configuration.options), e2);
invalidateOverviewRulerColorCache() {
const e2 = this.model.getOverviewRulerDecorations();
for (const t2 of e2) {
const e3 = t2.options.overviewRuler;
e3 && e3.invalidateCachedColor();
invalidateMinimapColorCache() {
const e2 = this.model.getAllDecorations();
for (const t2 of e2) {
const e3 = t2.options.minimap;
e3 && e3.invalidateCachedColor();
getValueInRange(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertViewRangeToModelRange(e2);
return this.model.getValueInRange(n2, t2);
getModelLineMaxColumn(e2) {
return this.model.getLineMaxColumn(e2);
validateModelPosition(e2) {
return this.model.validatePosition(e2);
validateModelRange(e2) {
return this.model.validateRange(e2);
deduceModelPositionRelativeToViewPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.coordinatesConverter.convertViewPositionToModelPosition(e2);
2 === this.model.getEOL().length && (t2 < 0 ? t2 -= n2 : t2 += n2);
const o2 = this.model.getOffsetAt(i2) + t2;
return this.model.getPositionAt(o2);
getEOL() {
return this.model.getEOL();
getPlainTextToCopy(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = n2 ? "\r\n" : this.model.getEOL();
(e2 = e2.slice(0)).sort(te.a.compareRangesUsingStarts);
let o2 = false, r2 = false;
for (const t3 of e2)
t3.isEmpty() ? o2 = true : r2 = true;
if (!r2) {
if (!t2)
return "";
const n3 = => e3.startLineNumber);
let o3 = "";
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n3.length; e3++)
e3 > 0 && n3[e3 - 1] === n3[e3] || (o3 += this.model.getLineContent(n3[e3]) + i2);
return o3;
if (o2 && t2) {
let t3 = [], i3 = 0;
for (const o3 of e2) {
const e3 = o3.startLineNumber;
o3.isEmpty() ? e3 !== i3 && t3.push(this.model.getLineContent(e3)) : t3.push(this.model.getValueInRange(o3, n2 ? 2 : 0)), i3 = e3;
return 1 === t3.length ? t3[0] : t3;
let s2 = [];
for (const t3 of e2)
t3.isEmpty() || s2.push(this.model.getValueInRange(t3, n2 ? 2 : 0));
return 1 === s2.length ? s2[0] : s2;
getRichTextToCopy(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.model.getLanguageIdentifier();
if (1 ===
return null;
if (1 !== e2.length)
return null;
let i2 = e2[0];
if (i2.isEmpty()) {
if (!t2)
return null;
const e3 = i2.startLineNumber;
i2 = new te.a(e3, this.model.getLineMinColumn(e3), e3, this.model.getLineMaxColumn(e3));
const o2 = this._configuration.options.get(36), r2 = this._getColorMap(), s2 = o2.fontFamily === j.c.fontFamily ? o2.fontFamily : `'${o2.fontFamily}', ${j.c.fontFamily}`;
return {mode: n2.language, html: `<div style="color: ${r2[1]};background-color: ${r2[2]};font-family: ${s2};font-weight: ${o2.fontWeight};font-size: ${o2.fontSize}px;line-height: ${o2.lineHeight}px;white-space: pre;">` + this._getHTMLToCopy(i2, r2) + "</div>"};
_getHTMLToCopy(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.startLineNumber, i2 = e2.startColumn, o2 = e2.endLineNumber, r2 = e2.endColumn, s2 = this.getTabSize();
let a2 = "";
for (let e3 = n2; e3 <= o2; e3++) {
const l2 = this.model.getLineTokens(e3), c2 = l2.getLineContent(), d2 = e3 === n2 ? i2 - 1 : 0, h2 = e3 === o2 ? r2 - 1 : c2.length;
a2 += "" === c2 ? "<br>" : Object(jn.a)(c2, l2.inflate(), t2, d2, h2, s2, m.i);
return a2;
_getColorMap() {
let e2 = gt.C.getColorMap(), t2 = ["#000000"];
if (e2)
for (let n2 = 1, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; n2++)
t2[n2] = Ft.a.Format.CSS.formatHex(e2[n2]);
return t2;
pushStackElement() {
getPrimaryCursorState() {
return this._cursor.getPrimaryCursorState();
getLastAddedCursorIndex() {
return this._cursor.getLastAddedCursorIndex();
getCursorStates() {
return this._cursor.getCursorStates();
setCursorStates(e2, t2, n2) {
this._withViewEventsCollector((i2) => this._cursor.setStates(i2, e2, t2, n2));
getCursorColumnSelectData() {
return this._cursor.getCursorColumnSelectData();
setCursorColumnSelectData(e2) {
getPrevEditOperationType() {
return this._cursor.getPrevEditOperationType();
setPrevEditOperationType(e2) {
getSelection() {
return this._cursor.getSelection();
getSelections() {
return this._cursor.getSelections();
getPosition() {
return this._cursor.getPrimaryCursorState().modelState.position;
setSelections(e2, t2) {
this._withViewEventsCollector((n2) => this._cursor.setSelections(n2, e2, t2));
saveCursorState() {
return this._cursor.saveState();
restoreCursorState(e2) {
this._withViewEventsCollector((t2) => this._cursor.restoreState(t2, e2));
_executeCursorEdit(e2) {
this._cursor.context.cursorConfig.readOnly ? this._eventDispatcher.emitOutgoingEvent(new Rn()) : this._withViewEventsCollector(e2);
executeEdits(e2, t2, n2) {
this._executeCursorEdit((i2) => this._cursor.executeEdits(i2, e2, t2, n2));
startComposition() {
this._cursor.setIsDoingComposition(true), this._executeCursorEdit((e2) => this._cursor.startComposition(e2));
endComposition(e2) {
this._cursor.setIsDoingComposition(false), this._executeCursorEdit((t2) => this._cursor.endComposition(t2, e2));
type(e2, t2) {
this._executeCursorEdit((n2) => this._cursor.type(n2, e2, t2));
replacePreviousChar(e2, t2, n2) {
this._executeCursorEdit((i2) => this._cursor.replacePreviousChar(i2, e2, t2, n2));
paste(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._executeCursorEdit((o2) => this._cursor.paste(o2, e2, t2, n2, i2));
cut(e2) {
this._executeCursorEdit((t2) => this._cursor.cut(t2, e2));
executeCommand(e2, t2) {
this._executeCursorEdit((n2) => this._cursor.executeCommand(n2, e2, t2));
executeCommands(e2, t2) {
this._executeCursorEdit((n2) => this._cursor.executeCommands(n2, e2, t2));
revealPrimaryCursor(e2, t2) {
this._withViewEventsCollector((n2) => this._cursor.revealPrimary(n2, e2, t2, 0));
revealTopMostCursor(e2) {
const t2 = this._cursor.getTopMostViewPosition(), n2 = new te.a(t2.lineNumber, t2.column, t2.lineNumber, t2.column);
this._withViewEventsCollector((t3) => t3.emitViewEvent(new yn(e2, n2, null, 0, true, 0)));
revealBottomMostCursor(e2) {
const t2 = this._cursor.getBottomMostViewPosition(), n2 = new te.a(t2.lineNumber, t2.column, t2.lineNumber, t2.column);
this._withViewEventsCollector((t3) => t3.emitViewEvent(new yn(e2, n2, null, 0, true, 0)));
revealRange(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this._withViewEventsCollector((r2) => r2.emitViewEvent(new yn(e2, n2, null, i2, t2, o2)));
getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e2) {
return this.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(e2);
getScrollTop() {
return this.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollTop();
setScrollTop(e2, t2) {
this.viewLayout.setScrollPosition({scrollTop: e2}, t2);
setScrollPosition(e2, t2) {
this.viewLayout.setScrollPosition(e2, t2);
deltaScrollNow(e2, t2) {
this.viewLayout.deltaScrollNow(e2, t2);
changeWhitespace(e2) {
this.viewLayout.changeWhitespace(e2) && (this._eventDispatcher.emitSingleViewEvent(new En()), this._eventDispatcher.emitOutgoingEvent(new Dn()));
setMaxLineWidth(e2) {
_withViewEventsCollector(e2) {
try {
} finally {
var mi = n(27), gi = n(10), fi = n(18), bi = n(149), _i = n(49), vi = n(80), wi = n(14), yi = n(76);
class Ci extends yi.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e2.length; t3++)
this.set(e2.charCodeAt(t3), 1);
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < t2.length; e3++)
this.set(t2.charCodeAt(e3), 2);
get(e2) {
return e2 >= 0 && e2 < 256 ? this._asciiMap[e2] : e2 >= 12352 && e2 <= 12543 || e2 >= 13312 && e2 <= 19903 || e2 >= 19968 && e2 <= 40959 ? 3 : this._map.get(e2) || this._defaultValue;
let xi = [], Si = [];
class ki {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.classifier = new Ci(e2, t2);
static create(e2) {
return new ki(e2.get(108), e2.get(107));
createLineBreaksComputer(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
t2 |= 0, n2 = +n2;
let o2 = [], r2 = [];
return {addRequest: (e3, t3) => {
o2.push(e3), r2.push(t3);
}, finalize: () => {
const s2 = e2.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth / e2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth;
let a2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, l2 = o2.length; e3 < l2; e3++) {
const l3 = r2[e3];
a2[e3] = l3 ? Ei(this.classifier, l3, o2[e3], t2, n2, s2, i2) : Ti(this.classifier, o2[e3], t2, n2, s2, i2);
return xi.length = 0, Si.length = 0, a2;
function Ei(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
if (-1 === o2)
return null;
const a2 = n2.length;
if (a2 <= 1)
return null;
const l2 = t2.breakOffsets, c2 = t2.breakOffsetsVisibleColumn, d2 = Oi(n2, i2, o2, r2, s2), h2 = o2 - d2;
let u2 = xi, p2 = Si, m2 = 0, g2 = 0, f2 = 0, b2 = o2;
const _2 = l2.length;
let v2 = 0;
if (v2 >= 0) {
let e3 = Math.abs(c2[v2] - b2);
for (; v2 + 1 < _2; ) {
const t3 = Math.abs(c2[v2 + 1] - b2);
if (t3 >= e3)
e3 = t3, v2++;
for (; v2 < _2; ) {
let t3 = v2 < 0 ? 0 : l2[v2], o3 = v2 < 0 ? 0 : c2[v2];
g2 > t3 && (t3 = g2, o3 = f2);
let s3 = 0, d3 = 0, w2 = 0, y2 = 0;
if (o3 <= b2) {
let f3 = o3, _3 = 0 === t3 ? 0 : n2.charCodeAt(t3 - 1), v3 = 0 === t3 ? 0 : e2.get(_3), C3 = true;
for (let o4 = t3; o4 < a2; o4++) {
const t4 = o4, a3 = n2.charCodeAt(o4);
let l3, c3;
if (xe.F(a3) ? (o4++, l3 = 0, c3 = 2) : (l3 = e2.get(a3), c3 = Li(a3, f3, i2, r2)), t4 > g2 && Ii(_3, v3, a3, l3) && (s3 = t4, d3 = f3), f3 += c3, f3 > b2) {
t4 > g2 ? (w2 = t4, y2 = f3 - c3) : (w2 = o4 + 1, y2 = f3), f3 - d3 > h2 && (s3 = 0), C3 = false;
_3 = a3, v3 = l3;
if (C3) {
m2 > 0 && (u2[m2] = l2[l2.length - 1], p2[m2] = c2[l2.length - 1], m2++);
if (0 === s3) {
let a3 = o3, l3 = n2.charCodeAt(t3), c3 = e2.get(l3), u3 = false;
for (let i3 = t3 - 1; i3 >= g2; i3--) {
const t4 = i3 + 1, o4 = n2.charCodeAt(i3);
if (9 === o4) {
u3 = true;
let p3, m3;
if (xe.G(o4) ? (i3--, p3 = 0, m3 = 2) : (p3 = e2.get(o4), m3 = xe.E(o4) ? r2 : 1), a3 <= b2) {
if (0 === w2 && (w2 = t4, y2 = a3), a3 <= b2 - h2)
if (Ii(o4, p3, l3, c3)) {
s3 = t4, d3 = a3;
a3 -= m3, l3 = o4, c3 = p3;
if (0 !== s3) {
const e3 = h2 - (y2 - d3);
if (e3 <= i2) {
const t4 = n2.charCodeAt(w2);
let o4;
o4 = xe.F(t4) ? 2 : Li(t4, y2, i2, r2), e3 - o4 < 0 && (s3 = 0);
if (u3) {
for (0 === s3 && (s3 = w2, d3 = y2), g2 = s3, u2[m2] = s3, f2 = d3, p2[m2] = d3, m2++, b2 = d3 + h2; v2 < 0 || v2 < _2 && c2[v2] < d3; )
let C2 = Math.abs(c2[v2] - b2);
for (; v2 + 1 < _2; ) {
const e3 = Math.abs(c2[v2 + 1] - b2);
if (e3 >= C2)
C2 = e3, v2++;
return 0 === m2 ? null : (u2.length = m2, p2.length = m2, xi = t2.breakOffsets, Si = t2.breakOffsetsVisibleColumn, t2.breakOffsets = u2, t2.breakOffsetsVisibleColumn = p2, t2.wrappedTextIndentLength = d2, t2);
function Ti(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
if (-1 === i2)
return null;
const s2 = t2.length;
if (s2 <= 1)
return null;
const a2 = Oi(t2, n2, i2, o2, r2), l2 = i2 - a2;
let c2 = [], d2 = [], h2 = 0, u2 = 0, p2 = 0, m2 = i2, g2 = t2.charCodeAt(0), f2 = e2.get(g2), b2 = Li(g2, 0, n2, o2), _2 = 1;
xe.F(g2) && (b2 += 1, g2 = t2.charCodeAt(1), f2 = e2.get(g2), _2++);
for (let i3 = _2; i3 < s2; i3++) {
const r3 = i3, s3 = t2.charCodeAt(i3);
let a3, _3;
xe.F(s3) ? (i3++, a3 = 0, _3 = 2) : (a3 = e2.get(s3), _3 = Li(s3, b2, n2, o2)), Ii(g2, f2, s3, a3) && (u2 = r3, p2 = b2), b2 += _3, b2 > m2 && ((0 === u2 || b2 - p2 > l2) && (u2 = r3, p2 = b2 - _3), c2[h2] = u2, d2[h2] = p2, h2++, m2 = p2 + l2, u2 = 0), g2 = s3, f2 = a3;
return 0 === h2 ? null : (c2[h2] = s2, d2[h2] = b2, new Qn(c2, d2, a2));
function Li(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return 9 === e2 ? n2 - t2 % n2 : xe.E(e2) ? i2 : 1;
function Ni(e2, t2) {
return t2 - e2 % t2;
function Ii(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return 32 !== n2 && (2 === t2 || 3 === t2 && 2 !== i2 || 1 === i2 || 3 === i2 && 1 !== t2);
function Oi(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2 = 0;
if (0 !== o2) {
const s2 = xe.w(e2);
if (-1 !== s2) {
for (let n3 = 0; n3 < s2; n3++) {
r2 += 9 === e2.charCodeAt(n3) ? Ni(r2, t2) : 1;
const a2 = 3 === o2 ? 2 : 2 === o2 ? 1 : 0;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < a2; e3++) {
r2 += Ni(r2, t2);
r2 + i2 > n2 && (r2 = 0);
return r2;
class Di {
static create() {
return new Di();
constructor() {
createLineBreaksComputer(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
t2 |= 0, n2 = +n2;
let o2 = [];
return {addRequest: (e3, t3) => {
}, finalize: () => function(e3, t3, n3, i3, o3) {
if (-1 === i3) {
const t4 = [];
for (let n4 = 0, i4 = e3.length; n4 < i4; n4++)
t4[n4] = null;
return t4;
const r2 = Math.round(i3 * t3.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth);
2 !== o3 && 3 !== o3 || (o3 = 1);
const s2 = document.createElement("div");
c.a.applyFontInfoSlow(s2, t3);
const a2 = Object(ze.a)(1e4), l2 = [], d2 = [], h2 = [], u2 = [], p2 = [];
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < e3.length; i4++) {
const s3 = e3[i4];
let c2 = 0, m3 = 0, g3 = r2;
if (0 !== o3)
if (c2 = xe.w(s3), -1 === c2)
c2 = 0;
else {
for (let e5 = 0; e5 < c2; e5++) {
const t4 = 9 === s3.charCodeAt(e5) ? n3 - m3 % n3 : 1;
m3 += t4;
const e4 = Math.ceil(t3.spaceWidth * m3);
e4 + t3.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth > r2 ? (c2 = 0, m3 = 0) : g3 = r2 - e4;
const f3 = s3.substr(c2), b2 = Ai(f3, m3, n3, g3, a2);
l2[i4] = c2, d2[i4] = m3, h2[i4] = f3, u2[i4] = b2[0], p2[i4] = b2[1];
s2.innerHTML =, = "absolute", = "10000", = "break-word", document.body.appendChild(s2);
let m2 = document.createRange();
const g2 =, 0);
let f2 = [];
for (let t4 = 0; t4 < e3.length; t4++) {
const e4 = g2[t4], n4 = Ri(m2, e4, h2[t4], u2[t4]);
if (null === n4) {
f2[t4] = null;
const i4 = l2[t4], o4 = d2[t4], r3 = p2[t4], s3 = [];
for (let e5 = 0, t5 = n4.length; e5 < t5; e5++)
s3[e5] = r3[n4[e5]];
if (0 !== i4)
for (let e5 = 0, t5 = n4.length; e5 < t5; e5++)
n4[e5] += i4;
f2[t4] = new Qn(n4, s3, o4);
return document.body.removeChild(s2), f2;
}(o2, e2, t2, n2, i2)};
function Ai(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
o2.appendASCIIString('<div style="width:'), o2.appendASCIIString(String(i2)), o2.appendASCIIString('px;">');
const r2 = e2.length;
let s2 = t2, a2 = 0, l2 = [], c2 = [], d2 = 0 < r2 ? e2.charCodeAt(0) : 0;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < r2; t3++) {
0 !== t3 && t3 % 16384 == 0 && o2.appendASCIIString("</span><span>"), l2[t3] = a2, c2[t3] = s2;
const i3 = d2;
d2 = t3 + 1 < r2 ? e2.charCodeAt(t3 + 1) : 0;
let h2 = 1, u2 = 1;
switch (i3) {
case 9:
h2 = n2 - s2 % n2, u2 = h2;
for (let e3 = 1; e3 <= h2; e3++)
e3 < h2 ? o2.write1(160) : o2.appendASCII(32);
case 32:
32 === d2 ? o2.write1(160) : o2.appendASCII(32);
case 60:
case 62:
case 38:
case 0:
case 65279:
case 8232:
case 8233:
case 133:
xe.E(i3) && u2++, o2.write1(i3);
a2 += h2, s2 += u2;
return o2.appendASCIIString("</span>"), l2[e2.length] = a2, c2[e2.length] = s2, o2.appendASCIIString("</div>"), [l2, c2];
function Ri(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (n2.length <= 1)
return null;
const o2 =, 0), r2 = [];
try {
!function e3(t3, n3, i3, o3, r3, s2, a2, l2) {
if (o3 === s2)
if (r3 = r3 || Mi(t3, n3, i3[o3], i3[o3 + 1]), a2 = a2 || Mi(t3, n3, i3[s2], i3[s2 + 1]), Math.abs(r3[0].top - a2[0].top) <= 0.1)
if (o3 + 1 === s2)
return void l2.push(s2);
const c2 = o3 + (s2 - o3) / 2 | 0, d2 = Mi(t3, n3, i3[c2], i3[c2 + 1]);
e3(t3, n3, i3, o3, r3, c2, d2, l2), e3(t3, n3, i3, c2, d2, s2, a2, l2);
}(e2, o2, i2, 0, null, n2.length - 1, null, r2);
} catch (e3) {
return console.log(e3), null;
return 0 === r2.length ? null : (r2.push(n2.length), r2);
function Mi(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return e2.setStart(t2[n2 / 16384 | 0].firstChild, n2 % 16384), e2.setEnd(t2[i2 / 16384 | 0].firstChild, i2 % 16384), e2.getClientRects();
var Pi = n(129), Fi = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Wi = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let zi = 0;
class Bi {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.model = e2, this.viewModel = t2, this.view = n2, this.hasRealView = i2, this.listenersToRemove = o2;
dispose() {
Object(a.f)(this.listenersToRemove), this.model.onBeforeDetached(), this.hasRealView && this.view.dispose(), this.viewModel.dispose();
let ji = class e2 extends a.a {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, a2, l2, c2, h2, u2) {
let p2;
super(), this._onDidDispose = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidDispose = this._onDidDispose.event, this._onDidChangeModelContent = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeModelContent = this._onDidChangeModelContent.event, this._onDidChangeModelLanguage = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeModelLanguage = this._onDidChangeModelLanguage.event, this._onDidChangeModelLanguageConfiguration = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeModelLanguageConfiguration = this._onDidChangeModelLanguageConfiguration.event, this._onDidChangeModelOptions = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeModelOptions = this._onDidChangeModelOptions.event, this._onDidChangeModelDecorations = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeModelDecorations = this._onDidChangeModelDecorations.event, this._onDidChangeConfiguration = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeConfiguration = this._onDidChangeConfiguration.event, this._onDidChangeModel = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeModel = this._onDidChangeModel.event, this._onDidChangeCursorPosition = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeCursorPosition = this._onDidChangeCursorPosition.event, this._onDidChangeCursorSelection = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeCursorSelection = this._onDidChangeCursorSelection.event, this._onDidAttemptReadOnlyEdit = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidAttemptReadOnlyEdit = this._onDidAttemptReadOnlyEdit.event, this._onDidLayoutChange = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidLayoutChange = this._onDidLayoutChange.event, this._editorTextFocus = this._register(new Vi()), this.onDidFocusEditorText = this._editorTextFocus.onDidChangeToTrue, this.onDidBlurEditorText = this._editorTextFocus.onDidChangeToFalse, this._editorWidgetFocus = this._register(new Vi()), this.onDidFocusEditorWidget = this._editorWidgetFocus.onDidChangeToTrue, this.onDidBlurEditorWidget = this._editorWidgetFocus.onDidChangeToFalse, this._onWillType = this._register(new s.a()), this.onWillType = this._onWillType.event, this._onDidType = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidType = this._onDidType.event, this._onDidCompositionStart = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidCompositionStart = this._onDidCompositionStart.event, this._onDidCompositionEnd = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidCompositionEnd = this._onDidCompositionEnd.event, this._onDidPaste = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidPaste = this._onDidPaste.event, this._onMouseUp = this._register(new s.a()), this.onMouseUp = this._onMouseUp.event, this._onMouseDown = this._register(new s.a()), this.onMouseDown = this._onMouseDown.event, this._onMouseDrag = this._register(new s.a()), this.onMouseDrag = this._onMouseDrag.event, this._onMouseDrop = this._register(new s.a()), this.onMouseDrop = this._onMouseDrop.event, this._onContextMenu = this._register(new s.a()), this.onContextMenu = this._onContextMenu.event, this._onMouseMove = this._register(new s.a()), this.onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.event, this._onMouseLeave = this._register(new s.a()), this.onMouseLeave = this._onMouseLeave.event, this._onMouseWheel = this._register(new s.a()), this.onMouseWheel = this._onMouseWheel.event, this._onKeyUp = this._register(new s.a()), this.onKeyUp = this._onKeyUp.event, this._onKeyDown = this._register(new s.a()), this.onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.event, this._onDidContentSizeChange = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidContentSizeChange = this._onDidContentSizeChange.event, this._onDidScrollChange = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidScrollChange = this._onDidScrollChange.event, this._onDidChangeViewZones = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeViewZones = this._onDidChangeViewZones.event, t2 = t2 || {}, this._domElement = e3, this._overflowWidgetsDomNode = t2.overflowWidgetsDomNode, this._id = ++zi, this._decorationTypeKeysToIds = {}, this._decorationTypeSubtypes = {}, this.isSimpleWidget = n2.isSimpleWidget || false, this._telemetryData = n2.telemetryData, this._configuration = this._register(this._createConfiguration(t2, u2)), this._register(this._configuration.onDidChange((e4) => {;
const t3 = this._configuration.options;
if (e4.hasChanged(117)) {
const e5 = t3.get(117);;
})), this._contextKeyService = this._register(l2.createScoped(this._domElement)), this._notificationService = h2, this._codeEditorService = o2, this._commandService = a2, this._themeService = c2, this._register(new Ui(this, this._contextKeyService)), this._register(new Hi(this, this._contextKeyService)), this._instantiationService = i2.createChild(new bi.a([gi.b, this._contextKeyService])), this._modelData = null, this._contributions = {}, this._actions = {}, this._focusTracker = new qi(e3), this._focusTracker.onChange(() => {
}), this._contentWidgets = {}, this._overlayWidgets = {}, p2 = Array.isArray(n2.contributions) ? n2.contributions : d.d.getEditorContributions();
for (const e4 of p2)
try {
const t3 = this._instantiationService.createInstance(e4.ctor, this);
this._contributions[] = t3;
} catch (e5) {
d.d.getEditorActions().forEach((e4) => {
const t3 = new Wn.a(, e4.label, e4.alias, Object(wi.n)(e4.precondition), () => this._instantiationService.invokeFunction((t4) => Promise.resolve(e4.runEditorCommand(t4, this, null))), this._contextKeyService);
this._actions[] = t3;
}), this._codeEditorService.addCodeEditor(this);
_createConfiguration(e3, t2) {
return new c.a(this.isSimpleWidget, e3, this._domElement, t2);
getId() {
return this.getEditorType() + ":" + this._id;
getEditorType() {
return zn.a.ICodeEditor;
dispose() {
this._codeEditorService.removeCodeEditor(this), this._focusTracker.dispose();
const e3 = Object.keys(this._contributions);
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = e3.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
const n3 = e3[t2];
this._removeDecorationTypes(), this._postDetachModelCleanup(this._detachModel()),, super.dispose();
invokeWithinContext(e3) {
return this._instantiationService.invokeFunction(e3);
updateOptions(e3) {
getOptions() {
return this._configuration.options;
getOption(e3) {
return this._configuration.options.get(e3);
getRawOptions() {
return this._configuration.getRawOptions();
getOverflowWidgetsDomNode() {
return this._overflowWidgetsDomNode;
getConfiguredWordAtPosition(e3) {
return this._modelData ? Pi.a.getWordAtPosition(this._modelData.model, this._configuration.options.get(105), e3) : null;
getValue(e3 = null) {
if (!this._modelData)
return "";
const t2 = !(!e3 || !e3.preserveBOM);
let n2 = 0;
return e3 && e3.lineEnding && "\n" === e3.lineEnding ? n2 = 1 : e3 && e3.lineEnding && "\r\n" === e3.lineEnding && (n2 = 2), this._modelData.model.getValue(n2, t2);
setValue(e3) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.model.setValue(e3);
getModel() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.model : null;
setModel(e3 = null) {
const t2 = e3;
if (null === this._modelData && null === t2)
if (this._modelData && this._modelData.model === t2)
const n2 = this.hasTextFocus(), i2 = this._detachModel();
this._attachModel(t2), n2 && this.hasModel() && this.focus();
const o2 = {oldModelUrl: i2 ? i2.uri : null, newModelUrl: t2 ? t2.uri : null};
this._removeDecorationTypes(),, this._postDetachModelCleanup(i2);
_removeDecorationTypes() {
if (this._decorationTypeKeysToIds = {}, this._decorationTypeSubtypes) {
for (let e3 in this._decorationTypeSubtypes) {
const t2 = this._decorationTypeSubtypes[e3];
for (let n2 in t2)
this._removeDecorationType(e3 + "-" + n2);
this._decorationTypeSubtypes = {};
getVisibleRanges() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.getVisibleRanges() : [];
getVisibleRangesPlusViewportAboveBelow() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.getVisibleRangesPlusViewportAboveBelow() : [];
getWhitespaces() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.viewLayout.getWhitespaces() : [];
static _getVerticalOffsetForPosition(e3, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e3.model.validatePosition({lineNumber: t2, column: n2}), o2 = e3.viewModel.coordinatesConverter.convertModelPositionToViewPosition(i2);
return e3.viewModel.viewLayout.getVerticalOffsetForLineNumber(o2.lineNumber);
getTopForLineNumber(t2) {
return this._modelData ? e2._getVerticalOffsetForPosition(this._modelData, t2, 1) : -1;
getTopForPosition(t2, n2) {
return this._modelData ? e2._getVerticalOffsetForPosition(this._modelData, t2, n2) : -1;
setHiddenAreas(e3) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.viewModel.setHiddenAreas( => te.a.lift(e4)));
getVisibleColumnFromPosition(e3) {
if (!this._modelData)
return e3.column;
const t2 = this._modelData.model.validatePosition(e3), n2 = this._modelData.model.getOptions().tabSize;
return ne.a.visibleColumnFromColumn(this._modelData.model.getLineContent(t2.lineNumber), t2.column, n2) + 1;
getPosition() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.getPosition() : null;
setPosition(e3) {
if (this._modelData) {
if (!ee.a.isIPosition(e3))
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
this._modelData.viewModel.setSelections("api", [{selectionStartLineNumber: e3.lineNumber, selectionStartColumn: e3.column, positionLineNumber: e3.lineNumber, positionColumn: e3.column}]);
_sendRevealRange(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (!this._modelData)
if (!te.a.isIRange(e3))
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
const o2 = this._modelData.model.validateRange(e3), r2 = this._modelData.viewModel.coordinatesConverter.convertModelRangeToViewRange(o2);
this._modelData.viewModel.revealRange("api", n2, r2, t2, i2);
revealLine(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealLine(e3, 0, t2);
revealLineInCenter(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealLine(e3, 1, t2);
revealLineInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealLine(e3, 2, t2);
revealLineNearTop(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealLine(e3, 5, t2);
_revealLine(e3, t2, n2) {
if ("number" != typeof e3)
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
this._sendRevealRange(new te.a(e3, 1, e3, 1), t2, false, n2);
revealPosition(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealPosition(e3, 0, true, t2);
revealPositionInCenter(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealPosition(e3, 1, true, t2);
revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealPosition(e3, 2, true, t2);
revealPositionNearTop(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealPosition(e3, 5, true, t2);
_revealPosition(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (!ee.a.isIPosition(e3))
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
this._sendRevealRange(new te.a(e3.lineNumber, e3.column, e3.lineNumber, e3.column), t2, n2, i2);
getSelection() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.getSelection() : null;
getSelections() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.getSelections() : null;
setSelection(e3) {
const t2 = u.a.isISelection(e3), n2 = te.a.isIRange(e3);
if (!t2 && !n2)
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
if (t2)
else if (n2) {
const t3 = {selectionStartLineNumber: e3.startLineNumber, selectionStartColumn: e3.startColumn, positionLineNumber: e3.endLineNumber, positionColumn: e3.endColumn};
_setSelectionImpl(e3) {
if (!this._modelData)
const t2 = new u.a(e3.selectionStartLineNumber, e3.selectionStartColumn, e3.positionLineNumber, e3.positionColumn);
this._modelData.viewModel.setSelections("api", [t2]);
revealLines(e3, t2, n2 = 0) {
this._revealLines(e3, t2, 0, n2);
revealLinesInCenter(e3, t2, n2 = 0) {
this._revealLines(e3, t2, 1, n2);
revealLinesInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2, n2 = 0) {
this._revealLines(e3, t2, 2, n2);
revealLinesNearTop(e3, t2, n2 = 0) {
this._revealLines(e3, t2, 5, n2);
_revealLines(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if ("number" != typeof e3 || "number" != typeof t2)
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
this._sendRevealRange(new te.a(e3, 1, t2, 1), n2, false, i2);
revealRange(e3, t2 = 0, n2 = false, i2 = true) {
this._revealRange(e3, n2 ? 1 : 0, i2, t2);
revealRangeInCenter(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealRange(e3, 1, true, t2);
revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealRange(e3, 2, true, t2);
revealRangeNearTop(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealRange(e3, 5, true, t2);
revealRangeNearTopIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealRange(e3, 6, true, t2);
revealRangeAtTop(e3, t2 = 0) {
this._revealRange(e3, 3, true, t2);
_revealRange(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (!te.a.isIRange(e3))
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
this._sendRevealRange(te.a.lift(e3), t2, n2, i2);
setSelections(e3, t2 = "api") {
if (this._modelData) {
if (!e3 || 0 === e3.length)
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
for (let t3 = 0, n2 = e3.length; t3 < n2; t3++)
if (!u.a.isISelection(e3[t3]))
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
this._modelData.viewModel.setSelections(t2, e3);
getContentWidth() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.viewLayout.getContentWidth() : -1;
getScrollWidth() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.viewLayout.getScrollWidth() : -1;
getScrollLeft() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollLeft() : -1;
getContentHeight() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.viewLayout.getContentHeight() : -1;
getScrollHeight() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.viewLayout.getScrollHeight() : -1;
getScrollTop() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel.viewLayout.getCurrentScrollTop() : -1;
setScrollLeft(e3, t2 = 1) {
if (this._modelData) {
if ("number" != typeof e3)
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
this._modelData.viewModel.setScrollPosition({scrollLeft: e3}, t2);
setScrollTop(e3, t2 = 1) {
if (this._modelData) {
if ("number" != typeof e3)
throw new Error("Invalid arguments");
this._modelData.viewModel.setScrollPosition({scrollTop: e3}, t2);
setScrollPosition(e3, t2 = 1) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.viewModel.setScrollPosition(e3, t2);
saveViewState() {
if (!this._modelData)
return null;
const e3 = {}, t2 = Object.keys(this._contributions);
for (const n2 of t2) {
const t3 = this._contributions[n2];
"function" == typeof t3.saveViewState && (e3[n2] = t3.saveViewState());
return {cursorState: this._modelData.viewModel.saveCursorState(), viewState: this._modelData.viewModel.saveState(), contributionsState: e3};
restoreViewState(e3) {
if (!this._modelData || !this._modelData.hasRealView)
const t2 = e3;
if (t2 && t2.cursorState && t2.viewState) {
const e4 = t2.cursorState;
Array.isArray(e4) ? this._modelData.viewModel.restoreCursorState(e4) : this._modelData.viewModel.restoreCursorState([e4]);
const n2 = t2.contributionsState || {}, i2 = Object.keys(this._contributions);
for (let e5 = 0, t3 = i2.length; e5 < t3; e5++) {
const t4 = i2[e5], o3 = this._contributions[t4];
"function" == typeof o3.restoreViewState && o3.restoreViewState(n2[t4]);
const o2 = this._modelData.viewModel.reduceRestoreState(t2.viewState);
getContribution(e3) {
return this._contributions[e3] || null;
getActions() {
const e3 = [], t2 = Object.keys(this._actions);
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = t2[n2];
return e3;
getSupportedActions() {
let e3 = this.getActions();
return e3 = e3.filter((e4) => e4.isSupported()), e3;
getAction(e3) {
return this._actions[e3] || null;
trigger(e3, t2, n2) {
switch (n2 = n2 || {}, t2) {
case "compositionStart":
return void this._startComposition();
case "compositionEnd":
return void this._endComposition(e3);
case "type": {
const t3 = n2;
return void this._type(e3, t3.text || "");
case "replacePreviousChar": {
const t3 = n2;
return void this._replacePreviousChar(e3, t3.text || "", t3.replaceCharCnt || 0);
case "paste": {
const t3 = n2;
return void this._paste(e3, t3.text || "", t3.pasteOnNewLine || false, t3.multicursorText || null, t3.mode || null);
case "cut":
return void this._cut(e3);
const i2 = this.getAction(t2);
i2 ? Promise.resolve( 0, r.e) : this._modelData && this._triggerEditorCommand(e3, t2, n2);
_startComposition() {
this._modelData && (this._modelData.viewModel.startComposition(),;
_endComposition(e3) {
this._modelData && (this._modelData.viewModel.endComposition(e3),;
_type(e3, t2) {
this._modelData && 0 !== t2.length && ("keyboard" === e3 &&, this._modelData.viewModel.type(t2, e3), "keyboard" === e3 &&;
_replacePreviousChar(e3, t2, n2) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.viewModel.replacePreviousChar(t2, n2, e3);
_paste(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (!this._modelData || 0 === t2.length)
const r2 = this._modelData.viewModel.getSelection().getStartPosition();
this._modelData.viewModel.paste(t2, n2, i2, e3);
const s2 = this._modelData.viewModel.getSelection().getStartPosition();
"keyboard" === e3 &&{range: new te.a(r2.lineNumber, r2.column, s2.lineNumber, s2.column), mode: o2});
_cut(e3) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.viewModel.cut(e3);
_triggerEditorCommand(e3, t2, n2) {
const i2 = d.d.getEditorCommand(t2);
return !!i2 && ((n2 = n2 || {}).source = e3, this._instantiationService.invokeFunction((e4) => {
Promise.resolve(i2.runEditorCommand(e4, this, n2)).then(void 0, r.e);
}), true);
_getViewModel() {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.viewModel : null;
pushUndoStop() {
return !!this._modelData && (!this._configuration.options.get(72) && (this._modelData.model.pushStackElement(), true));
executeEdits(e3, t2, n2) {
if (!this._modelData)
return false;
if (this._configuration.options.get(72))
return false;
let i2;
return i2 = n2 ? Array.isArray(n2) ? () => n2 : n2 : () => null, this._modelData.viewModel.executeEdits(e3, t2, i2), true;
executeCommand(e3, t2) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.viewModel.executeCommand(t2, e3);
executeCommands(e3, t2) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.viewModel.executeCommands(t2, e3);
changeDecorations(e3) {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.model.changeDecorations(e3, this._id) : null;
getLineDecorations(e3) {
return this._modelData ? this._modelData.model.getLineDecorations(e3, this._id, Object(j.l)(this._configuration.options)) : null;
deltaDecorations(e3, t2) {
return this._modelData ? 0 === e3.length && 0 === t2.length ? e3 : this._modelData.model.deltaDecorations(e3, t2, this._id) : [];
removeDecorations(e3) {
const t2 = this._decorationTypeKeysToIds[e3];
t2 && this.deltaDecorations(t2, []), this._decorationTypeKeysToIds.hasOwnProperty(e3) && delete this._decorationTypeKeysToIds[e3], this._decorationTypeSubtypes.hasOwnProperty(e3) && delete this._decorationTypeSubtypes[e3];
getLayoutInfo() {
return this._configuration.options.get(117);
createOverviewRuler(e3) {
return this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView ? this._modelData.view.createOverviewRuler(e3) : null;
getContainerDomNode() {
return this._domElement;
getDomNode() {
return this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView ? this._modelData.view.domNode.domNode : null;
delegateVerticalScrollbarMouseDown(e3) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.delegateVerticalScrollbarMouseDown(e3);
layout(e3) {
this._configuration.observeReferenceElement(e3), this.render();
focus() {
this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.focus();
hasTextFocus() {
return !(!this._modelData || !this._modelData.hasRealView) && this._modelData.view.isFocused();
hasWidgetFocus() {
return this._focusTracker && this._focusTracker.hasFocus();
addContentWidget(e3) {
const t2 = {widget: e3, position: e3.getPosition()};
this._contentWidgets.hasOwnProperty(e3.getId()) && console.warn("Overwriting a content widget with the same id."), this._contentWidgets[e3.getId()] = t2, this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.addContentWidget(t2);
layoutContentWidget(e3) {
const t2 = e3.getId();
if (this._contentWidgets.hasOwnProperty(t2)) {
const n2 = this._contentWidgets[t2];
n2.position = e3.getPosition(), this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.layoutContentWidget(n2);
removeContentWidget(e3) {
const t2 = e3.getId();
if (this._contentWidgets.hasOwnProperty(t2)) {
const e4 = this._contentWidgets[t2];
delete this._contentWidgets[t2], this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.removeContentWidget(e4);
addOverlayWidget(e3) {
const t2 = {widget: e3, position: e3.getPosition()};
this._overlayWidgets.hasOwnProperty(e3.getId()) && console.warn("Overwriting an overlay widget with the same id."), this._overlayWidgets[e3.getId()] = t2, this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.addOverlayWidget(t2);
layoutOverlayWidget(e3) {
const t2 = e3.getId();
if (this._overlayWidgets.hasOwnProperty(t2)) {
const n2 = this._overlayWidgets[t2];
n2.position = e3.getPosition(), this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.layoutOverlayWidget(n2);
removeOverlayWidget(e3) {
const t2 = e3.getId();
if (this._overlayWidgets.hasOwnProperty(t2)) {
const e4 = this._overlayWidgets[t2];
delete this._overlayWidgets[t2], this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.removeOverlayWidget(e4);
changeViewZones(e3) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.change(e3);
getTargetAtClientPoint(e3, t2) {
return this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView ? this._modelData.view.getTargetAtClientPoint(e3, t2) : null;
getScrolledVisiblePosition(t2) {
if (!this._modelData || !this._modelData.hasRealView)
return null;
const n2 = this._modelData.model.validatePosition(t2), i2 = this._configuration.options, o2 = i2.get(117);
return {top: e2._getVerticalOffsetForPosition(this._modelData, n2.lineNumber, n2.column) - this.getScrollTop(), left: this._modelData.view.getOffsetForColumn(n2.lineNumber, n2.column) + o2.glyphMarginWidth + o2.lineNumbersWidth + o2.decorationsWidth - this.getScrollLeft(), height: i2.get(51)};
getOffsetForColumn(e3, t2) {
return this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView ? this._modelData.view.getOffsetForColumn(e3, t2) : -1;
render(e3 = false) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.render(true, e3);
setAriaOptions(e3) {
this._modelData && this._modelData.hasRealView && this._modelData.view.setAriaOptions(e3);
applyFontInfo(e3) {
c.a.applyFontInfoSlow(e3, this._configuration.options.get(36));
_attachModel(e3) {
if (!e3)
return void (this._modelData = null);
const t2 = [];
this._domElement.setAttribute("data-mode-id", e3.getLanguageIdentifier().language), this._configuration.setIsDominatedByLongLines(e3.isDominatedByLongLines()), this._configuration.setMaxLineNumber(e3.getLineCount()), e3.onBeforeAttached();
const n2 = new pi(this._id, this._configuration, e3, Di.create(), ki.create(this._configuration.options), (e4) => o.Y(e4));
t2.push(e3.onDidChangeDecorations((e4) =>, t2.push(e3.onDidChangeLanguage((t3) => {
this._domElement.setAttribute("data-mode-id", e3.getLanguageIdentifier().language),;
})), t2.push(e3.onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration((e4) =>, t2.push(e3.onDidChangeContent((e4) =>, t2.push(e3.onDidChangeOptions((e4) =>, t2.push(e3.onWillDispose(() => this.setModel(null))), t2.push(n2.onEvent((e4) => {
switch (e4.kind) {
case 0:;
case 1:
case 2:;
case 3:;
case 4:;
case 5: {
e4.reachedMaxCursorCount && this._notificationService.warn(i.a("cursors.maximum", "The number of cursors has been limited to {0}.", Fn.MAX_CURSOR_COUNT));
const t3 = [];
for (let n4 = 0, i2 = e4.selections.length; n4 < i2; n4++)
t3[n4] = e4.selections[n4].getPosition();
const n3 = {position: t3[0], secondaryPositions: t3.slice(1), reason: e4.reason, source: e4.source};;
const o2 = {selection: e4.selections[0], secondarySelections: e4.selections.slice(1), modelVersionId: e4.modelVersionId, oldSelections: e4.oldSelections, oldModelVersionId: e4.oldModelVersionId, source: e4.source, reason: e4.reason};;
const [r2, s2] = this._createView(n2);
if (s2) {
let t3 = Object.keys(this._contentWidgets);
for (let e4 = 0, n3 = t3.length; e4 < n3; e4++) {
const n4 = t3[e4];
t3 = Object.keys(this._overlayWidgets);
for (let e4 = 0, n3 = t3.length; e4 < n3; e4++) {
const n4 = t3[e4];
r2.render(false, true), r2.domNode.domNode.setAttribute("data-uri", e3.uri.toString());
this._modelData = new Bi(e3, n2, r2, s2, t2);
_createView(e3) {
let t2;
t2 = this.isSimpleWidget ? {paste: (e4, t3, n3, i2) => {
this._paste("keyboard", e4, t3, n3, i2);
}, type: (e4) => {
this._type("keyboard", e4);
}, replacePreviousChar: (e4, t3) => {
this._replacePreviousChar("keyboard", e4, t3);
}, startComposition: () => {
}, endComposition: () => {
}, cut: () => {
}} : {paste: (e4, t3, n3, i2) => {
const o2 = {text: e4, pasteOnNewLine: t3, multicursorText: n3, mode: i2};
this._commandService.executeCommand("paste", o2);
}, type: (e4) => {
const t3 = {text: e4};
this._commandService.executeCommand("type", t3);
}, replacePreviousChar: (e4, t3) => {
const n3 = {text: e4, replaceCharCnt: t3};
this._commandService.executeCommand("replacePreviousChar", n3);
}, startComposition: () => {
this._commandService.executeCommand("compositionStart", {});
}, endComposition: () => {
this._commandService.executeCommand("compositionEnd", {});
}, cut: () => {
this._commandService.executeCommand("cut", {});
const n2 = new Fe(e3.coordinatesConverter);
n2.onKeyDown = (e4) =>, n2.onKeyUp = (e4) =>, n2.onContextMenu = (e4) =>, n2.onMouseMove = (e4) =>, n2.onMouseLeave = (e4) =>, n2.onMouseDown = (e4) =>, n2.onMouseUp = (e4) =>, n2.onMouseDrag = (e4) =>, n2.onMouseDrop = (e4) =>, n2.onMouseWheel = (e4) =>;
return [new sn(t2, this._configuration, this._themeService, e3, n2, this._overflowWidgetsDomNode), true];
_postDetachModelCleanup(e3) {
e3 && e3.removeAllDecorationsWithOwnerId(this._id);
_detachModel() {
if (!this._modelData)
return null;
const e3 = this._modelData.model, t2 = this._modelData.hasRealView ? this._modelData.view.domNode.domNode : null;
return this._modelData.dispose(), this._modelData = null, this._domElement.removeAttribute("data-mode-id"), t2 && this._domElement.contains(t2) && this._domElement.removeChild(t2), e3;
_removeDecorationType(e3) {
hasModel() {
return null !== this._modelData;
ji = Fi([Wi(3, fi.a), Wi(4, h.a), Wi(5, mi.b), Wi(6, gi.b), Wi(7, B.c), Wi(8, _i.a), Wi(9, vi.b)], ji);
class Vi extends a.a {
constructor() {
super(), this._onDidChangeToTrue = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeToTrue = this._onDidChangeToTrue.event, this._onDidChangeToFalse = this._register(new s.a()), this.onDidChangeToFalse = this._onDidChangeToFalse.event, this._value = 0;
setValue(e2) {
const t2 = e2 ? 2 : 1;
this._value !== t2 && (this._value = t2, 2 === this._value ? : 1 === this._value &&;
class Ui extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._editor = e2, t2.createKey("editorId", e2.getId()), this._editorSimpleInput = Bn.a.editorSimpleInput.bindTo(t2), this._editorFocus = Bn.a.focus.bindTo(t2), this._textInputFocus = Bn.a.textInputFocus.bindTo(t2), this._editorTextFocus = Bn.a.editorTextFocus.bindTo(t2), this._editorTabMovesFocus = Bn.a.tabMovesFocus.bindTo(t2), this._editorReadonly = Bn.a.readOnly.bindTo(t2), this._editorColumnSelection = Bn.a.columnSelection.bindTo(t2), this._hasMultipleSelections = Bn.a.hasMultipleSelections.bindTo(t2), this._hasNonEmptySelection = Bn.a.hasNonEmptySelection.bindTo(t2), this._canUndo = Bn.a.canUndo.bindTo(t2), this._canRedo = Bn.a.canRedo.bindTo(t2), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => this._updateFromConfig())), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection(() => this._updateFromSelection())), this._register(this._editor.onDidFocusEditorWidget(() => this._updateFromFocus())), this._register(this._editor.onDidBlurEditorWidget(() => this._updateFromFocus())), this._register(this._editor.onDidFocusEditorText(() => this._updateFromFocus())), this._register(this._editor.onDidBlurEditorText(() => this._updateFromFocus())), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => this._updateFromModel())), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => this._updateFromModel())), this._updateFromConfig(), this._updateFromSelection(), this._updateFromFocus(), this._updateFromModel(), this._editorSimpleInput.set(this._editor.isSimpleWidget);
_updateFromConfig() {
const e2 = this._editor.getOptions();
this._editorTabMovesFocus.set(e2.get(116)), this._editorReadonly.set(e2.get(72)), this._editorColumnSelection.set(e2.get(13));
_updateFromSelection() {
const e2 = this._editor.getSelections();
e2 ? (this._hasMultipleSelections.set(e2.length > 1), this._hasNonEmptySelection.set(e2.some((e3) => !e3.isEmpty()))) : (this._hasMultipleSelections.reset(), this._hasNonEmptySelection.reset());
_updateFromFocus() {
this._editorFocus.set(this._editor.hasWidgetFocus() && !this._editor.isSimpleWidget), this._editorTextFocus.set(this._editor.hasTextFocus() && !this._editor.isSimpleWidget), this._textInputFocus.set(this._editor.hasTextFocus());
_updateFromModel() {
const e2 = this._editor.getModel();
this._canUndo.set(Boolean(e2 && e2.canUndo())), this._canRedo.set(Boolean(e2 && e2.canRedo()));
class Hi extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._editor = e2, this._contextKeyService = t2, this._langId = Bn.a.languageId.bindTo(t2), this._hasCompletionItemProvider = Bn.a.hasCompletionItemProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasCodeActionsProvider = Bn.a.hasCodeActionsProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasCodeLensProvider = Bn.a.hasCodeLensProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasDefinitionProvider = Bn.a.hasDefinitionProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasDeclarationProvider = Bn.a.hasDeclarationProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasImplementationProvider = Bn.a.hasImplementationProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasTypeDefinitionProvider = Bn.a.hasTypeDefinitionProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasHoverProvider = Bn.a.hasHoverProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasDocumentHighlightProvider = Bn.a.hasDocumentHighlightProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasDocumentSymbolProvider = Bn.a.hasDocumentSymbolProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasReferenceProvider = Bn.a.hasReferenceProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasRenameProvider = Bn.a.hasRenameProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasSignatureHelpProvider = Bn.a.hasSignatureHelpProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasDocumentFormattingProvider = Bn.a.hasDocumentFormattingProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider = Bn.a.hasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasMultipleDocumentFormattingProvider = Bn.a.hasMultipleDocumentFormattingProvider.bindTo(t2), this._hasMultipleDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider = Bn.a.hasMultipleDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider.bindTo(t2), this._isInWalkThrough = Bn.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.bindTo(t2);
const n2 = () => this._update();
this._register(e2.onDidChangeModel(n2)), this._register(e2.onDidChangeModelLanguage(n2)), this._register(gt.d.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.a.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.b.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.f.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.e.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.q.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.D.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.p.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.i.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.m.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.v.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.w.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.g.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.j.onDidChange(n2)), this._register(gt.y.onDidChange(n2)), n2();
dispose() {
reset() {
this._contextKeyService.bufferChangeEvents(() => {
this._langId.reset(), this._hasCompletionItemProvider.reset(), this._hasCodeActionsProvider.reset(), this._hasCodeLensProvider.reset(), this._hasDefinitionProvider.reset(), this._hasDeclarationProvider.reset(), this._hasImplementationProvider.reset(), this._hasTypeDefinitionProvider.reset(), this._hasHoverProvider.reset(), this._hasDocumentHighlightProvider.reset(), this._hasDocumentSymbolProvider.reset(), this._hasReferenceProvider.reset(), this._hasRenameProvider.reset(), this._hasDocumentFormattingProvider.reset(), this._hasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider.reset(), this._hasSignatureHelpProvider.reset(), this._isInWalkThrough.reset();
_update() {
const e2 = this._editor.getModel();
e2 ? this._contextKeyService.bufferChangeEvents(() => {
this._langId.set(e2.getLanguageIdentifier().language), this._hasCompletionItemProvider.set(gt.d.has(e2)), this._hasCodeActionsProvider.set(gt.a.has(e2)), this._hasCodeLensProvider.set(gt.b.has(e2)), this._hasDefinitionProvider.set(gt.f.has(e2)), this._hasDeclarationProvider.set(gt.e.has(e2)), this._hasImplementationProvider.set(gt.q.has(e2)), this._hasTypeDefinitionProvider.set(gt.D.has(e2)), this._hasHoverProvider.set(gt.p.has(e2)), this._hasDocumentHighlightProvider.set(gt.i.has(e2)), this._hasDocumentSymbolProvider.set(gt.m.has(e2)), this._hasReferenceProvider.set(gt.v.has(e2)), this._hasRenameProvider.set(gt.w.has(e2)), this._hasSignatureHelpProvider.set(gt.y.has(e2)), this._hasDocumentFormattingProvider.set(gt.g.has(e2) || gt.j.has(e2)), this._hasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider.set(gt.j.has(e2)), this._hasMultipleDocumentFormattingProvider.set(gt.g.all(e2).length + gt.j.all(e2).length > 1), this._hasMultipleDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider.set(gt.j.all(e2).length > 1), this._isInWalkThrough.set(e2.uri.scheme === l.b.walkThroughSnippet);
}) : this.reset();
class qi extends a.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._onChange = this._register(new s.a()), this.onChange = this._onChange.event, this._hasFocus = false, this._domFocusTracker = this._register(, this._register(this._domFocusTracker.onDidFocus(() => {
this._hasFocus = true, 0);
})), this._register(this._domFocusTracker.onDidBlur(() => {
this._hasFocus = false, 0);
hasFocus() {
return this._hasFocus;
const $i = encodeURIComponent("<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 6 3' enable-background='new 0 0 6 3' height='3' width='6'><g fill='"), Ki = encodeURIComponent("'><polygon points='5.5,0 2.5,3 1.1,3 4.1,0'/><polygon points='4,0 6,2 6,0.6 5.4,0'/><polygon points='0,2 1,3 2.4,3 0,0.6'/></g></svg>");
function Gi(e2) {
return $i + encodeURIComponent(e2.toString()) + Ki;
const Yi = encodeURIComponent('<svg xmlns="" height="3" width="12"><g fill="'), Zi = encodeURIComponent('"><circle cx="1" cy="1" r="1"/><circle cx="5" cy="1" r="1"/><circle cx="9" cy="1" r="1"/></g></svg>');
Object(B.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(_t.t);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .squiggly-error { border-bottom: 4px double ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(_t.u);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .squiggly-error { background: url("data:image/svg+xml,${Gi(i2)}") repeat-x bottom left; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(_t.S);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .squiggly-warning { border-bottom: 4px double ${o2}; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(_t.T);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .squiggly-warning { background: url("data:image/svg+xml,${Gi(r2)}") repeat-x bottom left; }`);
const s2 = e2.getColor(_t.K);
s2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .squiggly-info { border-bottom: 4px double ${s2}; }`);
const a2 = e2.getColor(_t.L);
a2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .squiggly-info { background: url("data:image/svg+xml,${Gi(a2)}") repeat-x bottom left; }`);
const l2 = e2.getColor(_t.C);
l2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .squiggly-hint { border-bottom: 2px dotted ${l2}; }`);
const c2 = e2.getColor(_t.D);
var d2;
c2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .squiggly-hint { background: url("data:image/svg+xml,${d2 = c2, Yi + encodeURIComponent(d2.toString()) + Zi}") no-repeat bottom left; }`);
const h2 = e2.getColor(Te.p);
h2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor.showUnused .squiggly-inline-unnecessary { opacity: ${h2.rgba.a}; }`);
const u2 = e2.getColor(Te.o);
u2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor.showUnused .squiggly-unnecessary { border-bottom: 2px dashed ${u2}; }`);
const p2 = e2.getColor(_t.B) || "inherit";
t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor.showDeprecated .squiggly-inline-deprecated { text-decoration: line-through; text-decoration-color: ${p2}}`);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
var i = n(1);
function o(e2, t2 = {}) {
const n2 = s(t2);
return n2.textContent = e2, n2;
function r(e2, t2 = {}) {
const n2 = s(t2);
return function e3(t3, n3, o2) {
let r2;
if (2 === n3.type)
r2 = document.createTextNode(n3.content || "");
else if (3 === n3.type)
r2 = document.createElement("b");
else if (4 === n3.type)
r2 = document.createElement("i");
else if (5 === n3.type && o2) {
const e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.href = "#", o2.disposeables.add(i.n(e4, "click", (e5) => {
o2.callback(String(n3.index), e5);
})), r2 = e4;
} else
7 === n3.type ? r2 = document.createElement("br") : 1 === n3.type && (r2 = t3);
r2 && t3 !== r2 && t3.appendChild(r2);
r2 && Array.isArray(n3.children) && n3.children.forEach((t4) => {
e3(r2, t4, o2);
}(n2, function(e3) {
const t3 = {type: 1, children: []};
let n3 = 0, i2 = t3;
const o2 = [], r2 = new a(e3);
for (; !r2.eos(); ) {
let e4 =;
const t4 = "\\" === e4 && 0 !== l(r2.peek());
if (t4 && (e4 =, t4 || 0 === l(e4) || e4 !== r2.peek())
if ("\n" === e4)
2 === i2.type && (i2 = o2.pop()), i2.children.push({type: 7});
else if (2 !== i2.type) {
const t5 = {type: 2, content: e4};
i2.children.push(t5), o2.push(i2), i2 = t5;
} else
i2.content += e4;
else {
r2.advance(), 2 === i2.type && (i2 = o2.pop());
const t5 = l(e4);
if (i2.type === t5 || 5 === i2.type && 6 === t5)
i2 = o2.pop();
else {
const e5 = {type: t5, children: []};
5 === t5 && (e5.index = n3, n3++), i2.children.push(e5), o2.push(i2), i2 = e5;
2 === i2.type && (i2 = o2.pop());
return t3;
}(e2), t2.actionHandler), n2;
function s(e2) {
const t2 = e2.inline ? "span" : "div", n2 = document.createElement(t2);
return e2.className && (n2.className = e2.className), n2;
class a {
constructor(e2) {
this.source = e2, this.index = 0;
eos() {
return this.index >= this.source.length;
next() {
const e2 = this.peek();
return this.advance(), e2;
peek() {
return this.source[this.index];
advance() {
function l(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case "*":
return 3;
case "_":
return 4;
case "[":
return 5;
case "]":
return 6;
return 0;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
var i = n(6), o = n(2), r = n(18);
const s = Object(r.c)("IStorageKeysSyncRegistryService");
class a extends o.a {
constructor() {
super(), this._storageKeys = new Map(), this._onDidChangeStorageKeys = this._register(new i.a()), this._register(Object(o.h)(() => this._storageKeys.clear()));
get storageKeys() {
return [...this._storageKeys.values()];
registerStorageKey(e2) {
this._storageKeys.has(e2.key) || (this._storageKeys.set(e2.key, e2),;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return m;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return g;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return f;
var i = n(34), o = n(1), r = n(20), s = n(6), a = n(2), l = n(11), c = n(8), d = n(127), h = n(9), u = n(21), p = n(138);
const m = {forceCopyWithSyntaxHighlighting: false};
class g {
constructor() {
this._lastState = null;
set(e2, t2) {
this._lastState = {lastCopiedValue: e2, data: t2};
get(e2) {
return this._lastState && this._lastState.lastCopiedValue === e2 ? : (this._lastState = null, null);
g.INSTANCE = new g();
class f extends a.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this.textArea = t2, this._onFocus = this._register(new s.a()), this.onFocus = this._onFocus.event, this._onBlur = this._register(new s.a()), this.onBlur = this._onBlur.event, this._onKeyDown = this._register(new s.a()), this.onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.event, this._onKeyUp = this._register(new s.a()), this.onKeyUp = this._onKeyUp.event, this._onCut = this._register(new s.a()), this.onCut = this._onCut.event, this._onPaste = this._register(new s.a()), this.onPaste = this._onPaste.event, this._onType = this._register(new s.a()), this.onType = this._onType.event, this._onCompositionStart = this._register(new s.a()), this.onCompositionStart = this._onCompositionStart.event, this._onCompositionUpdate = this._register(new s.a()), this.onCompositionUpdate = this._onCompositionUpdate.event, this._onCompositionEnd = this._register(new s.a()), this.onCompositionEnd = this._onCompositionEnd.event, this._onSelectionChangeRequest = this._register(new s.a()), this.onSelectionChangeRequest = this._onSelectionChangeRequest.event, this._host = e2, this._textArea = this._register(new _(t2)), this._asyncTriggerCut = this._register(new r.d(() =>, 0)), this._textAreaState = d.b.EMPTY, this._selectionChangeListener = null, this.writeScreenReaderContent("ctor"), this._hasFocus = false, this._isDoingComposition = false, this._nextCommand = 0;
let n2 = null;
this._register(o.n(t2.domNode, "keydown", (e3) => {
(109 === e3.keyCode || this._isDoingComposition && 1 === e3.keyCode) && e3.stopPropagation(), e3.equals(9) && e3.preventDefault(), n2 = e3,;
})), this._register(o.n(t2.domNode, "keyup", (e3) => {;
})), this._register(o.i(t2.domNode, "compositionstart", (e3) => {
if (this._isDoingComposition)
this._isDoingComposition = true;
let t3 = false;
l.f && n2 && n2.equals(109) && this._textAreaState.selectionStart === this._textAreaState.selectionEnd && this._textAreaState.selectionStart > 0 && this._textAreaState.value.substr(this._textAreaState.selectionStart - 1, 1) === && ("ArrowRight" !== n2.code && "ArrowLeft" !== n2.code || (t3 = true)), t3 ? this._textAreaState = new d.b(this._textAreaState.value, this._textAreaState.selectionStart - 1, this._textAreaState.selectionEnd, this._textAreaState.selectionStartPosition ? new h.a(this._textAreaState.selectionStartPosition.lineNumber, this._textAreaState.selectionStartPosition.column - 1) : null, this._textAreaState.selectionEndPosition) : i.f || this._setAndWriteTextAreaState("compositionstart", d.b.EMPTY),{moveOneCharacterLeft: t3});
const a2 = (e3) => {
const t3 = this._textAreaState, n3 = d.b.readFromTextArea(this._textArea);
return [n3, d.b.deduceInput(t3, n3, e3)];
}, u2 = (e3) => {
const t3 = this._textAreaState, n3 = d.b.selectedText(e3);
return [n3, {text: n3.value, replaceCharCnt: t3.selectionEnd - t3.selectionStart}];
}, p2 = (e3) => !(!i.f || "ja" !== e3);
this._register(o.i(t2.domNode, "compositionupdate", (e3) => {
if (p2(e3.locale)) {
const [t4, n4] = a2(false);
return this._textAreaState = t4,, void;
const [t3, n3] = u2( || "");
this._textAreaState = t3,,;
})), this._register(o.i(t2.domNode, "compositionend", (e3) => {
if (this._isDoingComposition) {
if (p2(e3.locale)) {
const [e4, t3] = a2(false);
this._textAreaState = e4,;
} else {
const [t3, n3] = u2( || "");
this._textAreaState = t3,;
(i.f || i.e) && (this._textAreaState = d.b.readFromTextArea(this._textArea)), this._isDoingComposition && (this._isDoingComposition = false,;
})), this._register(o.i(t2.domNode, "input", () => {
if (this._textArea.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime("received input event"), this._isDoingComposition)
const [e3, t3] = a2(l.f);
0 === t3.replaceCharCnt && 1 === t3.text.length && c.F(t3.text.charCodeAt(0)) || (this._textAreaState = e3, 0 === this._nextCommand ? "" !== t3.text && : ("" === t3.text && 0 === t3.replaceCharCnt || this._firePaste(t3.text, null), this._nextCommand = 0));
})), this._register(o.i(t2.domNode, "cut", (e3) => {
this._textArea.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime("received cut event"), this._ensureClipboardGetsEditorSelection(e3), this._asyncTriggerCut.schedule();
})), this._register(o.i(t2.domNode, "copy", (e3) => {
})), this._register(o.i(t2.domNode, "paste", (e3) => {
if (this._textArea.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime("received paste event"), b.canUseTextData(e3)) {
const [t3, n3] = b.getTextData(e3);
"" !== t3 && this._firePaste(t3, n3);
} else
this._textArea.getSelectionStart() !== this._textArea.getSelectionEnd() && this._setAndWriteTextAreaState("paste", d.b.EMPTY), this._nextCommand = 1;
})), this._register(o.i(t2.domNode, "focus", () => {
})), this._register(o.i(t2.domNode, "blur", () => {
_installSelectionChangeListener() {
let e2 = 0;
return o.i(document, "selectionchange", (t2) => {
if (!this._hasFocus)
if (this._isDoingComposition)
if (!i.e)
const n2 =, o2 = n2 - e2;
if (e2 = n2, o2 < 5)
const r2 = n2 - this._textArea.getIgnoreSelectionChangeTime();
if (this._textArea.resetSelectionChangeTime(), r2 < 100)
if (!this._textAreaState.selectionStartPosition || !this._textAreaState.selectionEndPosition)
const s2 = this._textArea.getValue();
if (this._textAreaState.value !== s2)
const a2 = this._textArea.getSelectionStart(), l2 = this._textArea.getSelectionEnd();
if (this._textAreaState.selectionStart === a2 && this._textAreaState.selectionEnd === l2)
const c2 = this._textAreaState.deduceEditorPosition(a2), d2 = this._host.deduceModelPosition(c2[0], c2[1], c2[2]), h2 = this._textAreaState.deduceEditorPosition(l2), p2 = this._host.deduceModelPosition(h2[0], h2[1], h2[2]), m2 = new u.a(d2.lineNumber, d2.column, p2.lineNumber, p2.column);;
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._selectionChangeListener && (this._selectionChangeListener.dispose(), this._selectionChangeListener = null);
focusTextArea() {
this._setHasFocus(true), this.refreshFocusState();
isFocused() {
return this._hasFocus;
refreshFocusState() {
const e2 = o.E(this.textArea.domNode);
e2 ? this._setHasFocus(e2.activeElement === this.textArea.domNode) : o.N(this.textArea.domNode) ? this._setHasFocus(document.activeElement === this.textArea.domNode) : this._setHasFocus(false);
_setHasFocus(e2) {
this._hasFocus !== e2 && (this._hasFocus = e2, this._selectionChangeListener && (this._selectionChangeListener.dispose(), this._selectionChangeListener = null), this._hasFocus && (this._selectionChangeListener = this._installSelectionChangeListener()), this._hasFocus && (i.f ? this._setAndWriteTextAreaState("focusgain", d.b.EMPTY) : this.writeScreenReaderContent("focusgain")), this._hasFocus ? :;
_setAndWriteTextAreaState(e2, t2) {
this._hasFocus || (t2 = t2.collapseSelection()), t2.writeToTextArea(e2, this._textArea, this._hasFocus), this._textAreaState = t2;
writeScreenReaderContent(e2) {
this._isDoingComposition || this._setAndWriteTextAreaState(e2, this._host.getScreenReaderContent(this._textAreaState));
_ensureClipboardGetsEditorSelection(e2) {
const t2 = this._host.getDataToCopy(b.canUseTextData(e2) && p.a.clipboard.richText), n2 = {version: 1, isFromEmptySelection: t2.isFromEmptySelection, multicursorText: t2.multicursorText, mode: t2.mode};
g.INSTANCE.set(i.h ? t2.text.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n") : t2.text, n2), b.canUseTextData(e2) ? b.setTextData(e2, t2.text, t2.html, n2) : this._setAndWriteTextAreaState("copy or cut", d.b.selectedText(t2.text));
_firePaste(e2, t2) {
t2 || (t2 = g.INSTANCE.get(e2)),{text: e2, metadata: t2});
class b {
static canUseTextData(e2) {
return !!e2.clipboardData || !!window.clipboardData;
static getTextData(e2) {
if (e2.clipboardData) {
const t2 = e2.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
let n2 = null;
const i2 = e2.clipboardData.getData("vscode-editor-data");
if ("string" == typeof i2)
try {
n2 = JSON.parse(i2), 1 !== n2.version && (n2 = null);
} catch (e3) {
return [t2, n2];
if (window.clipboardData) {
return [window.clipboardData.getData("Text"), null];
throw new Error("ClipboardEventUtils.getTextData: Cannot use text data!");
static setTextData(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (e2.clipboardData)
return e2.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", t2), "string" == typeof n2 && e2.clipboardData.setData("text/html", n2), e2.clipboardData.setData("vscode-editor-data", JSON.stringify(i2)), void e2.preventDefault();
if (window.clipboardData)
return window.clipboardData.setData("Text", t2), void e2.preventDefault();
throw new Error("ClipboardEventUtils.setTextData: Cannot use text data!");
class _ extends a.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._actual = e2, this._ignoreSelectionChangeTime = 0;
setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime(e2) {
this._ignoreSelectionChangeTime =;
getIgnoreSelectionChangeTime() {
return this._ignoreSelectionChangeTime;
resetSelectionChangeTime() {
this._ignoreSelectionChangeTime = 0;
getValue() {
return this._actual.domNode.value;
setValue(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._actual.domNode;
n2.value !== t2 && (this.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime("setValue"), n2.value = t2);
getSelectionStart() {
return this._actual.domNode.selectionStart;
getSelectionEnd() {
return this._actual.domNode.selectionEnd;
setSelectionRange(e2, t2, n2) {
const r2 = this._actual.domNode;
let s2 = null;
const a2 = o.E(r2);
s2 = a2 ? a2.activeElement : document.activeElement;
const l2 = s2 === r2, c2 = r2.selectionStart, d2 = r2.selectionEnd;
if (l2 && c2 === t2 && d2 === n2)
i.h && window.parent !== window && r2.focus();
else {
if (l2)
return this.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime("setSelectionRange"), r2.setSelectionRange(t2, n2), void (i.h && window.parent !== window && r2.focus());
try {
const e3 = o.X(r2);
this.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime("setSelectionRange"), r2.focus(), r2.setSelectionRange(t2, n2), o.V(r2, e3);
} catch (e3) {
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
class i {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.from = 0 | e2, = 0 | t2, this.colorId = 0 | n2;
static compare(e2, t2) {
return e2.colorId === t2.colorId ? e2.from === t2.from ? - : e2.from - t2.from : e2.colorId - t2.colorId;
class o {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.startLineNumber = e2, this.endLineNumber = t2, this.color = n2, this._colorZone = null;
static compare(e2, t2) {
return e2.color === t2.color ? e2.startLineNumber === t2.startLineNumber ? e2.endLineNumber - t2.endLineNumber : e2.startLineNumber - t2.startLineNumber : e2.color < t2.color ? -1 : 1;
setColorZone(e2) {
this._colorZone = e2;
getColorZones() {
return this._colorZone;
class r {
constructor(e2) {
this._getVerticalOffsetForLine = e2, this._zones = [], this._colorZonesInvalid = false, this._lineHeight = 0, this._domWidth = 0, this._domHeight = 0, this._outerHeight = 0, this._pixelRatio = 1, this._lastAssignedId = 0, this._color2Id = Object.create(null), this._id2Color = [];
getId2Color() {
return this._id2Color;
setZones(e2) {
this._zones = e2, this._zones.sort(;
setLineHeight(e2) {
return this._lineHeight !== e2 && (this._lineHeight = e2, this._colorZonesInvalid = true, true);
setPixelRatio(e2) {
this._pixelRatio = e2, this._colorZonesInvalid = true;
getDOMWidth() {
return this._domWidth;
getCanvasWidth() {
return this._domWidth * this._pixelRatio;
setDOMWidth(e2) {
return this._domWidth !== e2 && (this._domWidth = e2, this._colorZonesInvalid = true, true);
getDOMHeight() {
return this._domHeight;
getCanvasHeight() {
return this._domHeight * this._pixelRatio;
setDOMHeight(e2) {
return this._domHeight !== e2 && (this._domHeight = e2, this._colorZonesInvalid = true, true);
getOuterHeight() {
return this._outerHeight;
setOuterHeight(e2) {
return this._outerHeight !== e2 && (this._outerHeight = e2, this._colorZonesInvalid = true, true);
resolveColorZones() {
const e2 = this._colorZonesInvalid, t2 = Math.floor(this._lineHeight), n2 = Math.floor(this.getCanvasHeight()), o2 = n2 / Math.floor(this._outerHeight), r2 = Math.floor(4 * this._pixelRatio / 2);
let s = [];
for (let a = 0, l = this._zones.length; a < l; a++) {
const l2 = this._zones[a];
if (!e2) {
const e3 = l2.getColorZones();
if (e3) {
const c = Math.floor(o2 * this._getVerticalOffsetForLine(l2.startLineNumber)), d = Math.floor(o2 * (this._getVerticalOffsetForLine(l2.endLineNumber) + t2));
let h = Math.floor((c + d) / 2), u = d - h;
u < r2 && (u = r2), h - u < 0 && (h = u), h + u > n2 && (h = n2 - u);
const p = l2.color;
let m = this._color2Id[p];
m || (m = ++this._lastAssignedId, this._color2Id[p] = m, this._id2Color[m] = p);
const g = new i(h - u, h + u, m);
l2.setColorZone(g), s.push(g);
return this._colorZonesInvalid = false, s.sort(, s;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return c;
var i = n(23), o = n(51), r = n(18);
const s = Object(r.c)("contextService");
var a, l;
!function(e2) {
e2.isIWorkspace = function(e3) {
return !(!e3 || "object" != typeof e3 || "string" != typeof || !Array.isArray(e3.folders));
}(a || (a = {})), function(e2) {
e2.isIWorkspaceFolder = function(e3) {
return !(!e3 || "object" != typeof e3 || !i.a.isUri(e3.uri) || "string" != typeof || "function" != typeof e3.toResource);
}(l || (l = {}));
class c {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.raw = t2, this.uri = e2.uri, this.index = e2.index, =;
toResource(e2) {
return o.g(this.uri, e2);
toJSON() {
return {uri: this.uri, name:, index: this.index};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
var i = n(6), o = n(2);
class r {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
e2 |= 0, t2 |= 0, n2 |= 0, i2 |= 0, o2 |= 0, r2 |= 0, this.rawScrollLeft = n2, this.rawScrollTop = r2, e2 < 0 && (e2 = 0), n2 + e2 > t2 && (n2 = t2 - e2), n2 < 0 && (n2 = 0), i2 < 0 && (i2 = 0), r2 + i2 > o2 && (r2 = o2 - i2), r2 < 0 && (r2 = 0), this.width = e2, this.scrollWidth = t2, this.scrollLeft = n2, this.height = i2, this.scrollHeight = o2, this.scrollTop = r2;
equals(e2) {
return this.rawScrollLeft === e2.rawScrollLeft && this.rawScrollTop === e2.rawScrollTop && this.width === e2.width && this.scrollWidth === e2.scrollWidth && this.scrollLeft === e2.scrollLeft && this.height === e2.height && this.scrollHeight === e2.scrollHeight && this.scrollTop === e2.scrollTop;
withScrollDimensions(e2, t2) {
return new r(void 0 !== e2.width ? e2.width : this.width, void 0 !== e2.scrollWidth ? e2.scrollWidth : this.scrollWidth, t2 ? this.rawScrollLeft : this.scrollLeft, void 0 !== e2.height ? e2.height : this.height, void 0 !== e2.scrollHeight ? e2.scrollHeight : this.scrollHeight, t2 ? this.rawScrollTop : this.scrollTop);
withScrollPosition(e2) {
return new r(this.width, this.scrollWidth, void 0 !== e2.scrollLeft ? e2.scrollLeft : this.rawScrollLeft, this.height, this.scrollHeight, void 0 !== e2.scrollTop ? e2.scrollTop : this.rawScrollTop);
createScrollEvent(e2) {
const t2 = this.width !== e2.width, n2 = this.scrollWidth !== e2.scrollWidth, i2 = this.scrollLeft !== e2.scrollLeft, o2 = this.height !== e2.height, r2 = this.scrollHeight !== e2.scrollHeight, s2 = this.scrollTop !== e2.scrollTop;
return {oldWidth: e2.width, oldScrollWidth: e2.scrollWidth, oldScrollLeft: e2.scrollLeft, width: this.width, scrollWidth: this.scrollWidth, scrollLeft: this.scrollLeft, oldHeight: e2.height, oldScrollHeight: e2.scrollHeight, oldScrollTop: e2.scrollTop, height: this.height, scrollHeight: this.scrollHeight, scrollTop: this.scrollTop, widthChanged: t2, scrollWidthChanged: n2, scrollLeftChanged: i2, heightChanged: o2, scrollHeightChanged: r2, scrollTopChanged: s2};
class s extends o.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._onScroll = this._register(new i.a()), this.onScroll = this._onScroll.event, this._smoothScrollDuration = e2, this._scheduleAtNextAnimationFrame = t2, this._state = new r(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), this._smoothScrolling = null;
dispose() {
this._smoothScrolling && (this._smoothScrolling.dispose(), this._smoothScrolling = null), super.dispose();
setSmoothScrollDuration(e2) {
this._smoothScrollDuration = e2;
validateScrollPosition(e2) {
return this._state.withScrollPosition(e2);
getScrollDimensions() {
return this._state;
setScrollDimensions(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._state.withScrollDimensions(e2, t2);
this._setState(n2), this._smoothScrolling && this._smoothScrolling.acceptScrollDimensions(this._state);
getFutureScrollPosition() {
return this._smoothScrolling ? : this._state;
getCurrentScrollPosition() {
return this._state;
setScrollPositionNow(e2) {
const t2 = this._state.withScrollPosition(e2);
this._smoothScrolling && (this._smoothScrolling.dispose(), this._smoothScrolling = null), this._setState(t2);
setScrollPositionSmooth(e2) {
if (0 === this._smoothScrollDuration)
return this.setScrollPositionNow(e2);
if (this._smoothScrolling) {
e2 = {scrollLeft: void 0 === e2.scrollLeft ? : e2.scrollLeft, scrollTop: void 0 === e2.scrollTop ? : e2.scrollTop};
const t2 = this._state.withScrollPosition(e2);
if ( === t2.scrollLeft && === t2.scrollTop)
const n2 = this._smoothScrolling.combine(this._state, t2, this._smoothScrollDuration);
this._smoothScrolling.dispose(), this._smoothScrolling = n2;
} else {
const t2 = this._state.withScrollPosition(e2);
this._smoothScrolling = c.start(this._state, t2, this._smoothScrollDuration);
this._smoothScrolling.animationFrameDisposable = this._scheduleAtNextAnimationFrame(() => {
this._smoothScrolling && (this._smoothScrolling.animationFrameDisposable = null, this._performSmoothScrolling());
_performSmoothScrolling() {
if (!this._smoothScrolling)
const e2 = this._smoothScrolling.tick(), t2 = this._state.withScrollPosition(e2);
return this._setState(t2), this._smoothScrolling ? e2.isDone ? (this._smoothScrolling.dispose(), void (this._smoothScrolling = null)) : void (this._smoothScrolling.animationFrameDisposable = this._scheduleAtNextAnimationFrame(() => {
this._smoothScrolling && (this._smoothScrolling.animationFrameDisposable = null, this._performSmoothScrolling());
})) : void 0;
_setState(e2) {
const t2 = this._state;
t2.equals(e2) || (this._state = e2,;
class a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.scrollLeft = e2, this.scrollTop = t2, this.isDone = n2;
function l(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2 - e2;
return function(t3) {
return e2 + n2 * (1 - function(e3) {
return Math.pow(e3, 3);
}(1 - t3));
class c {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.from = e2, = t2, this.duration = i2, this._startTime = n2, this.animationFrameDisposable = null, this._initAnimations();
_initAnimations() {
this.scrollLeft = this._initAnimation(this.from.scrollLeft,,, this.scrollTop = this._initAnimation(this.from.scrollTop,,;
_initAnimation(e2, t2, n2) {
if (Math.abs(e2 - t2) > 2.5 * n2) {
let s2, a2;
return e2 < t2 ? (s2 = e2 + 0.75 * n2, a2 = t2 - 0.75 * n2) : (s2 = e2 - 0.75 * n2, a2 = t2 + 0.75 * n2), i2 = l(e2, s2), o2 = l(a2, t2), r2 = 0.33, function(e3) {
return e3 < r2 ? i2(e3 / r2) : o2((e3 - r2) / (1 - r2));
var i2, o2, r2;
return l(e2, t2);
dispose() {
null !== this.animationFrameDisposable && (this.animationFrameDisposable.dispose(), this.animationFrameDisposable = null);
acceptScrollDimensions(e2) { = e2.withScrollPosition(, this._initAnimations();
tick() {
return this._tick(;
_tick(e2) {
const t2 = (e2 - this._startTime) / this.duration;
if (t2 < 1) {
const e3 = this.scrollLeft(t2), n2 = this.scrollTop(t2);
return new a(e3, n2, false);
return new a(,, true);
combine(e2, t2, n2) {
return c.start(e2, t2, n2);
static start(e2, t2, n2) {
n2 += 10;
const i2 = - 10;
return new c(e2, t2, i2, n2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("dialogService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return c;
var i = n(1), o = n(156), r = n(2), s = n(99), a = n(46);
class l {
constructor(e2) {
this._element = e2;
get element() {
return this._element;
set textContent(e2) {
this.disposed || e2 === this._textContent || (this._textContent = e2, this._element.textContent = e2);
set className(e2) {
this.disposed || e2 === this._className || (this._className = e2, this._element.className = e2);
set title(e2) {
this.disposed || e2 === this._title || (this._title = e2, this._title ? this._element.title = e2 : this._element.removeAttribute("title"));
set empty(e2) {
this.disposed || e2 === this._empty || (this._empty = e2, = e2 ? "0" : "");
dispose() {
this.disposed = true;
class c extends r.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this.domNode = this._register(new l(i.p(e2, i.a(".monaco-icon-label"))));
const n2 = i.p(this.domNode.element, i.a(".monaco-icon-label-container")), r2 = i.p(n2, i.a("span.monaco-icon-name-container"));
this.descriptionContainer = this._register(new l(i.p(n2, i.a("span.monaco-icon-description-container")))), (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.supportHighlights) ? this.nameNode = new h(r2, !!t2.supportCodicons) : this.nameNode = new d(r2), (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.supportDescriptionHighlights) ? this.descriptionNodeFactory = () => new o.a(i.p(this.descriptionContainer.element, i.a("span.label-description")), !!t2.supportCodicons) : this.descriptionNodeFactory = () => this._register(new l(i.p(this.descriptionContainer.element, i.a("span.label-description"))));
setLabel(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = ["monaco-icon-label"];
n2 && (n2.extraClasses && i2.push(...n2.extraClasses), n2.italic && i2.push("italic"), n2.strikethrough && i2.push("strikethrough")), this.domNode.className = i2.join(" "), this.domNode.title = (null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.title) || "", this.nameNode.setLabel(e2, n2), (t2 || this.descriptionNode) && (this.descriptionNode || (this.descriptionNode = this.descriptionNodeFactory()), this.descriptionNode instanceof o.a ? (this.descriptionNode.set(t2 || "", n2 ? n2.descriptionMatches : void 0), (null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.descriptionTitle) ? this.descriptionNode.element.title = n2.descriptionTitle : this.descriptionNode.element.removeAttribute("title")) : (this.descriptionNode.textContent = t2 || "", this.descriptionNode.title = (null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.descriptionTitle) || "", this.descriptionNode.empty = !t2));
class d {
constructor(e2) {
this.container = e2, this.label = void 0, this.singleLabel = void 0;
setLabel(e2, t2) {
if (this.label !== e2 || !Object(a.e)(this.options, t2))
if (this.label = e2, this.options = t2, "string" == typeof e2)
this.singleLabel || (this.container.innerText = "", i.Q(this.container, "multiple"), this.singleLabel = i.p(this.container, i.a("a.label-name", {id: null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.domId}))), this.singleLabel.textContent = e2;
else {
this.container.innerText = "", i.e(this.container, "multiple"), this.singleLabel = void 0;
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < e2.length; n2++) {
const o2 = e2[n2], r2 = (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.domId) && `${null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.domId}_${n2}`;
i.p(this.container, i.a("a.label-name", {id: r2, "data-icon-label-count": e2.length, "data-icon-label-index": n2, role: "treeitem"}, o2)), n2 < e2.length - 1 && i.p(this.container, i.a("span.label-separator", void 0, (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.separator) || "/"));
class h {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.container = e2, this.supportCodicons = t2, this.label = void 0, this.singleLabel = void 0;
setLabel(e2, t2) {
if (this.label !== e2 || !Object(a.e)(this.options, t2))
if (this.label = e2, this.options = t2, "string" == typeof e2)
this.singleLabel || (this.container.innerText = "", i.Q(this.container, "multiple"), this.singleLabel = new o.a(i.p(this.container, i.a("a.label-name", {id: null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.domId})), this.supportCodicons)), this.singleLabel.set(e2, null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.matches, null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.title, null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.labelEscapeNewLines);
else {
this.container.innerText = "", i.e(this.container, "multiple"), this.singleLabel = void 0;
const n2 = (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.separator) || "/", r2 = function(e3, t3, n3) {
if (!n3)
let i2 = 0;
return => {
const o2 = {start: i2, end: i2 + e4.length}, r3 = => s.a.intersect(o2, e5)).filter((e5) => !s.a.isEmpty(e5)).map(({start: e5, end: t4}) => ({start: e5 - i2, end: t4 - i2}));
return i2 = o2.end + t3.length, r3;
}(e2, n2, null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.matches);
for (let s2 = 0; s2 < e2.length; s2++) {
const a2 = e2[s2], l2 = r2 ? r2[s2] : void 0, c2 = (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.domId) && `${null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.domId}_${s2}`, d2 = i.a("a.label-name", {id: c2, "data-icon-label-count": e2.length, "data-icon-label-index": s2, role: "treeitem"});
new o.a(i.p(this.container, d2), this.supportCodicons).set(a2, l2, null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.title, null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.labelEscapeNewLines), s2 < e2.length - 1 && i.p(d2, i.a("span.label-separator", void 0, n2));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return _;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return v;
var i = n(0), o = n(1), r = n(165), s = n(66), a = n(116), l = n(6), c = n(82), d = n(16), h = n(46);
class u {
constructor(e2, t2 = 0, n2 = e2.length, i2 = t2 - 1) {
this.items = e2, this.start = t2, this.end = n2, this.index = i2;
current() {
return this.index === this.start - 1 || this.index === this.end ? null : this.items[this.index];
next() {
return this.index = Math.min(this.index + 1, this.end), this.current();
previous() {
return this.index = Math.max(this.index - 1, this.start - 1), this.current();
first() {
return this.index = this.start, this.current();
last() {
return this.index = this.end - 1, this.current();
class p {
constructor(e2 = [], t2 = 10) {
this._initialize(e2), this._limit = t2, this._onChange();
add(e2) {
this._history.delete(e2), this._history.add(e2), this._onChange();
next() {
return this._currentPosition() !== this._elements.length - 1 ? : null;
previous() {
return 0 !== this._currentPosition() ? this._navigator.previous() : null;
current() {
return this._navigator.current();
first() {
return this._navigator.first();
last() {
return this._navigator.last();
has(e2) {
return this._history.has(e2);
_onChange() {
const e2 = this._elements;
this._navigator = new u(e2, 0, e2.length, e2.length);
_reduceToLimit() {
const e2 = this._elements;
e2.length > this._limit && this._initialize(e2.slice(e2.length - this._limit));
_currentPosition() {
const e2 = this._navigator.current();
return e2 ? this._elements.indexOf(e2) : -1;
_initialize(e2) {
this._history = new Set();
for (const t2 of e2)
get _elements() {
const e2 = [];
return this._history.forEach((t2) => e2.push(t2)), e2;
var m = n(105), g = n(44);
const f = o.a, b = {inputBackground: d.a.fromHex("#3C3C3C"), inputForeground: d.a.fromHex("#CCCCCC"), inputValidationInfoBorder: d.a.fromHex("#55AAFF"), inputValidationInfoBackground: d.a.fromHex("#063B49"), inputValidationWarningBorder: d.a.fromHex("#B89500"), inputValidationWarningBackground: d.a.fromHex("#352A05"), inputValidationErrorBorder: d.a.fromHex("#BE1100"), inputValidationErrorBackground: d.a.fromHex("#5A1D1D")};
class _ extends c.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this.state = "idle", this.maxHeight = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, this._onDidChange = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._onDidHeightChange = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidHeightChange = this._onDidHeightChange.event, this.contextViewProvider = t2, this.options = n2 || Object.create(null), Object(h.g)(this.options, b, false), this.message = null, this.placeholder = this.options.placeholder || "", this.ariaLabel = this.options.ariaLabel || "", this.inputBackground = this.options.inputBackground, this.inputForeground = this.options.inputForeground, this.inputBorder = this.options.inputBorder, this.inputValidationInfoBorder = this.options.inputValidationInfoBorder, this.inputValidationInfoBackground = this.options.inputValidationInfoBackground, this.inputValidationInfoForeground = this.options.inputValidationInfoForeground, this.inputValidationWarningBorder = this.options.inputValidationWarningBorder, this.inputValidationWarningBackground = this.options.inputValidationWarningBackground, this.inputValidationWarningForeground = this.options.inputValidationWarningForeground, this.inputValidationErrorBorder = this.options.inputValidationErrorBorder, this.inputValidationErrorBackground = this.options.inputValidationErrorBackground, this.inputValidationErrorForeground = this.options.inputValidationErrorForeground, this.options.validationOptions && (this.validation = this.options.validationOptions.validation), this.element = o.p(e2, f(".monaco-inputbox.idle"));
let i2 = this.options.flexibleHeight ? "textarea" : "input", r2 = o.p(this.element, f(".wrapper"));
if (this.input = o.p(r2, f(i2 + ".input.empty")), this.input.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off"), this.input.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off"), this.input.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false"), this.onfocus(this.input, () => this.element.classList.add("synthetic-focus")), this.onblur(this.input, () => this.element.classList.remove("synthetic-focus")), this.options.flexibleHeight) {
this.maxHeight = "number" == typeof this.options.flexibleMaxHeight ? this.options.flexibleMaxHeight : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, this.mirror = o.p(r2, f("div.mirror")), this.mirror.innerText = " ", this.scrollableElement = new m.b(this.element, {vertical: 1}), this.options.flexibleWidth && (this.input.setAttribute("wrap", "off"), = "pre", = "initial"), o.p(e2, this.scrollableElement.getDomNode()), this._register(this.scrollableElement), this._register(this.scrollableElement.onScroll((e3) => this.input.scrollTop = e3.scrollTop));
const t3 = l.b.filter(Object(g.a)(document, "selectionchange"), () => {
const e3 = document.getSelection();
return (null == e3 ? void 0 : e3.anchorNode) === r2;
this._register(t3(this.updateScrollDimensions, this)), this._register(this.onDidHeightChange(this.updateScrollDimensions, this));
} else
this.input.type = this.options.type || "text", this.input.setAttribute("wrap", "off");
this.ariaLabel && this.input.setAttribute("aria-label", this.ariaLabel), this.placeholder && this.setPlaceHolder(this.placeholder), this.oninput(this.input, () => this.onValueChange()), this.onblur(this.input, () => this.onBlur()), this.onfocus(this.input, () => this.onFocus()), this.ignoreGesture(this.input), setTimeout(() => this.updateMirror(), 0), this.options.actions && (this.actionbar = this._register(new a.a(this.element)), this.actionbar.push(this.options.actions, {icon: true, label: false})), this.applyStyles();
onBlur() {
onFocus() {
setPlaceHolder(e2) {
this.placeholder = e2, this.input.setAttribute("placeholder", e2), this.input.title = e2;
setAriaLabel(e2) {
this.ariaLabel = e2, e2 ? this.input.setAttribute("aria-label", this.ariaLabel) : this.input.removeAttribute("aria-label");
getAriaLabel() {
return this.ariaLabel;
get inputElement() {
return this.input;
get value() {
return this.input.value;
set value(e2) {
this.input.value !== e2 && (this.input.value = e2, this.onValueChange());
get height() {
return "number" == typeof this.cachedHeight ? this.cachedHeight : o.G(this.element);
focus() {
blur() {
hasFocus() {
return document.activeElement === this.input;
select(e2 = null) {, e2 && this.input.setSelectionRange(e2.start, e2.end);
isSelectionAtEnd() {
return this.input.selectionEnd === this.input.value.length && this.input.selectionStart === this.input.selectionEnd;
enable() {
disable() {
this.blur(), this.input.disabled = true, this._hideMessage();
get width() {
return o.H(this.input);
set width(e2) {
if (this.options.flexibleHeight && this.options.flexibleWidth) {
let t2 = 0;
if (this.mirror) {
t2 = (parseFloat( || "") || 0) + (parseFloat( || "") || 0);
} = e2 - t2 + "px";
} else = e2 + "px";
this.mirror && ( = e2 + "px");
set paddingRight(e2) {
this.options.flexibleHeight && this.options.flexibleWidth ? = `calc(100% - ${e2}px)` : = e2 + "px", this.mirror && ( = e2 + "px");
updateScrollDimensions() {
if ("number" != typeof this.cachedContentHeight || "number" != typeof this.cachedHeight || !this.scrollableElement)
const e2 = this.cachedContentHeight, t2 = this.cachedHeight, n2 = this.input.scrollTop;
this.scrollableElement.setScrollDimensions({scrollHeight: e2, height: t2}), this.scrollableElement.setScrollPosition({scrollTop: n2});
showMessage(e2, t2) {
this.message = e2, this.element.classList.remove("idle"), this.element.classList.remove("info"), this.element.classList.remove("warning"), this.element.classList.remove("error"), this.element.classList.add(this.classForType(e2.type));
const n2 = this.stylesForType(this.message.type); = n2.border ? "1px solid " + n2.border : "", (this.hasFocus() || t2) && this._showMessage();
hideMessage() {
this.message = null, this.element.classList.remove("info"), this.element.classList.remove("warning"), this.element.classList.remove("error"), this.element.classList.add("idle"), this._hideMessage(), this.applyStyles();
validate() {
let e2 = null;
return this.validation && (e2 = this.validation(this.value), e2 ? (this.inputElement.setAttribute("aria-invalid", "true"), this.showMessage(e2)) : this.inputElement.hasAttribute("aria-invalid") && (this.inputElement.removeAttribute("aria-invalid"), this.hideMessage())), !e2;
stylesForType(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case 1:
return {border: this.inputValidationInfoBorder, background: this.inputValidationInfoBackground, foreground: this.inputValidationInfoForeground};
case 2:
return {border: this.inputValidationWarningBorder, background: this.inputValidationWarningBackground, foreground: this.inputValidationWarningForeground};
return {border: this.inputValidationErrorBorder, background: this.inputValidationErrorBackground, foreground: this.inputValidationErrorForeground};
classForType(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case 1:
return "info";
case 2:
return "warning";
return "error";
_showMessage() {
if (!this.contextViewProvider || !this.message)
let e2, t2, n2 = () => = o.H(this.element) + "px";
this.contextViewProvider.showContextView({getAnchor: () => this.element, anchorAlignment: 1, render: (t3) => {
if (!this.message)
return null;
e2 = o.p(t3, f(".monaco-inputbox-container")), n2();
const i2 = {inline: true, className: "monaco-inputbox-message"}, s2 = this.message.formatContent ? Object(r.b)(this.message.content, i2) : Object(r.c)(this.message.content, i2);
const a2 = this.stylesForType(this.message.type);
return = a2.background ? a2.background.toString() : "", = a2.foreground ? a2.foreground.toString() : "", = a2.border ? "1px solid " + a2.border : "", o.p(e2, s2), null;
}, onHide: () => {
this.state = "closed";
}, layout: n2}), t2 = 3 === this.message.type ? i.a("alertErrorMessage", "Error: {0}", this.message.content) : 2 === this.message.type ? i.a("alertWarningMessage", "Warning: {0}", this.message.content) : i.a("alertInfoMessage", "Info: {0}", this.message.content), s.a(t2), this.state = "open";
_hideMessage() {
this.contextViewProvider && ("open" === this.state && this.contextViewProvider.hideContextView(), this.state = "idle");
onValueChange() {, this.validate(), this.updateMirror(), this.input.classList.toggle("empty", !this.value), "open" === this.state && this.contextViewProvider && this.contextViewProvider.layout();
updateMirror() {
if (!this.mirror)
const e2 = this.value, t2 = 10 === e2.charCodeAt(e2.length - 1) ? " " : "";
e2 + t2 ? this.mirror.textContent = e2 + t2 : this.mirror.innerText = " ", this.layout();
style(e2) {
this.inputBackground = e2.inputBackground, this.inputForeground = e2.inputForeground, this.inputBorder = e2.inputBorder, this.inputValidationInfoBackground = e2.inputValidationInfoBackground, this.inputValidationInfoForeground = e2.inputValidationInfoForeground, this.inputValidationInfoBorder = e2.inputValidationInfoBorder, this.inputValidationWarningBackground = e2.inputValidationWarningBackground, this.inputValidationWarningForeground = e2.inputValidationWarningForeground, this.inputValidationWarningBorder = e2.inputValidationWarningBorder, this.inputValidationErrorBackground = e2.inputValidationErrorBackground, this.inputValidationErrorForeground = e2.inputValidationErrorForeground, this.inputValidationErrorBorder = e2.inputValidationErrorBorder, this.applyStyles();
applyStyles() {
const e2 = this.inputBackground ? this.inputBackground.toString() : "", t2 = this.inputForeground ? this.inputForeground.toString() : "", n2 = this.inputBorder ? this.inputBorder.toString() : ""; = e2, = t2, = "inherit", = t2, = n2 ? "1px" : "", = n2 ? "solid" : "", = n2;
layout() {
if (!this.mirror)
const e2 = this.cachedContentHeight;
this.cachedContentHeight = o.G(this.mirror), e2 !== this.cachedContentHeight && (this.cachedHeight = Math.min(this.cachedContentHeight, this.maxHeight), = this.cachedHeight + "px",;
insertAtCursor(e2) {
const t2 = this.inputElement, n2 = t2.selectionStart, i2 = t2.selectionEnd, o2 = t2.value;
null !== n2 && null !== i2 && (this.value = o2.substr(0, n2) + e2 + o2.substr(i2), t2.setSelectionRange(n2 + 1, n2 + 1), this.layout());
dispose() {
this._hideMessage(), this.message = null, this.actionbar && this.actionbar.dispose(), super.dispose();
class v extends _ {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, t2, n2), this.history = new p(n2.history, 100);
addToHistory() {
this.value && this.value !== this.getCurrentValue() && this.history.add(this.value);
showNextValue() {
this.history.has(this.value) || this.addToHistory();
let e2 = this.getNextValue();
e2 && (e2 = e2 === this.value ? this.getNextValue() : e2), e2 && (this.value = e2, s.c(this.value));
showPreviousValue() {
this.history.has(this.value) || this.addToHistory();
let e2 = this.getPreviousValue();
e2 && (e2 = e2 === this.value ? this.getPreviousValue() : e2), e2 && (this.value = e2, s.c(this.value));
getCurrentValue() {
let e2 = this.history.current();
return e2 || (e2 = this.history.last(),, e2;
getPreviousValue() {
return this.history.previous() || this.history.first();
getNextValue() {
return || this.history.last();
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function i(e2, t2) {
if (!e2)
throw new Error(t2 ? `Assertion failed (${t2})` : "Assertion Failed");
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return p;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return m;
var i = n(0), o = n(13), r = n(21), s = n(23), a = n(180), l = n(72);
function c(e2) {
return e2.toString();
class d {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
this.beforeVersionId = e2, this.afterVersionId = t2, this.beforeEOL = n2, this.afterEOL = i2, this.beforeCursorState = o2, this.afterCursorState = r2, this.changes = s2;
static create(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getAlternativeVersionId(), i2 = u(e2);
return new d(n2, n2, i2, i2, t2, t2, []);
append(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
t2.length > 0 && (this.changes = Object(a.b)(this.changes, t2)), this.afterEOL = n2, this.afterVersionId = i2, this.afterCursorState = o2;
static _writeSelectionsSize(e2) {
return 4 + 16 * (e2 ? e2.length : 0);
static _writeSelections(e2, t2, n2) {
if (l.f(e2, t2 ? t2.length : 0, n2), n2 += 4, t2)
for (const i2 of t2)
l.f(e2, i2.selectionStartLineNumber, n2), n2 += 4, l.f(e2, i2.selectionStartColumn, n2), n2 += 4, l.f(e2, i2.positionLineNumber, n2), n2 += 4, l.f(e2, i2.positionColumn, n2), n2 += 4;
return n2;
static _readSelections(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = l.c(e2, t2);
t2 += 4;
for (let o2 = 0; o2 < i2; o2++) {
const i3 = l.c(e2, t2);
t2 += 4;
const o3 = l.c(e2, t2);
t2 += 4;
const s2 = l.c(e2, t2);
t2 += 4;
const a2 = l.c(e2, t2);
t2 += 4, n2.push(new r.a(i3, o3, s2, a2));
return t2;
serialize() {
let e2 = 10 + d._writeSelectionsSize(this.beforeCursorState) + d._writeSelectionsSize(this.afterCursorState) + 4;
for (const t3 of this.changes)
e2 += t3.writeSize();
const t2 = new Uint8Array(e2);
let n2 = 0;
l.f(t2, this.beforeVersionId, n2), n2 += 4, l.f(t2, this.afterVersionId, n2), n2 += 4, l.g(t2, this.beforeEOL, n2), n2 += 1, l.g(t2, this.afterEOL, n2), n2 += 1, n2 = d._writeSelections(t2, this.beforeCursorState, n2), n2 = d._writeSelections(t2, this.afterCursorState, n2), l.f(t2, this.changes.length, n2), n2 += 4;
for (const e3 of this.changes)
n2 = e3.write(t2, n2);
return t2.buffer;
static deserialize(e2) {
const t2 = new Uint8Array(e2);
let n2 = 0;
const i2 = l.c(t2, n2);
n2 += 4;
const o2 = l.c(t2, n2);
n2 += 4;
const r2 = l.d(t2, n2);
n2 += 1;
const s2 = l.d(t2, n2);
n2 += 1;
const c2 = [];
n2 = d._readSelections(t2, n2, c2);
const h2 = [];
n2 = d._readSelections(t2, n2, h2);
const u2 = l.c(t2, n2);
n2 += 4;
const p2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < u2; e3++)
n2 =, n2, p2);
return new d(i2, o2, r2, s2, c2, h2, p2);
class h {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.model = e2, this._data = d.create(e2, t2);
get type() {
return 0;
get resource() {
return s.a.isUri(this.model) ? this.model : this.model.uri;
get label() {
return i.a("edit", "Typing");
toString() {
return (this._data instanceof d ? this._data : d.deserialize(this._data)) => e2.toString()).join(", ");
matchesResource(e2) {
return (s.a.isUri(this.model) ? this.model : this.model.uri).toString() === e2.toString();
setModel(e2) {
this.model = e2;
canAppend(e2) {
return this.model === e2 && this._data instanceof d;
append(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this._data instanceof d && this._data.append(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
close() {
this._data instanceof d && (this._data = this._data.serialize());
undo() {
if (s.a.isUri(this.model))
throw new Error("Invalid SingleModelEditStackElement");
this._data instanceof d && (this._data = this._data.serialize());
const e2 = d.deserialize(this._data);
this.model._applyUndo(e2.changes, e2.beforeEOL, e2.beforeVersionId, e2.beforeCursorState);
redo() {
if (s.a.isUri(this.model))
throw new Error("Invalid SingleModelEditStackElement");
this._data instanceof d && (this._data = this._data.serialize());
const e2 = d.deserialize(this._data);
this.model._applyRedo(e2.changes, e2.afterEOL, e2.afterVersionId, e2.afterCursorState);
function u(e2) {
return "\n" === e2.getEOL() ? 0 : 1;
function p(e2) {
return !!e2 && (e2 instanceof h || e2 instanceof class {
constructor(e3, t2) {
this.type = 1, this.label = e3, this._isOpen = true, this._editStackElementsArr = t2.slice(0), this._editStackElementsMap = new Map();
for (const e4 of this._editStackElementsArr) {
const t3 = c(e4.resource);
this._editStackElementsMap.set(t3, e4);
this._delegate = null;
get resources() {
return => e3.resource);
prepareUndoRedo() {
if (this._delegate)
return this._delegate.prepareUndoRedo(this);
matchesResource(e3) {
const t2 = c(e3);
return this._editStackElementsMap.has(t2);
setModel(e3) {
const t2 = c(s.a.isUri(e3) ? e3 : e3.uri);
this._editStackElementsMap.has(t2) && this._editStackElementsMap.get(t2).setModel(e3);
canAppend(e3) {
if (!this._isOpen)
return false;
const t2 = c(e3.uri);
if (this._editStackElementsMap.has(t2)) {
return this._editStackElementsMap.get(t2).canAppend(e3);
return false;
append(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = c(e3.uri);
this._editStackElementsMap.get(r2).append(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2);
close() {
this._isOpen = false;
undo() {
this._isOpen = false;
for (const e3 of this._editStackElementsArr)
redo() {
for (const e3 of this._editStackElementsArr)
split() {
return this._editStackElementsArr;
class m {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._model = e2, this._undoRedoService = t2;
pushStackElement() {
const e2 = this._undoRedoService.getLastElement(this._model.uri);
p(e2) && e2.close();
clear() {
_getOrCreateEditStackElement(e2) {
const t2 = this._undoRedoService.getLastElement(this._model.uri);
if (p(t2) && t2.canAppend(this._model))
return t2;
const n2 = new h(this._model, e2);
return this._undoRedoService.pushElement(n2), n2;
pushEOL(e2) {
const t2 = this._getOrCreateEditStackElement(null);
this._model.setEOL(e2), t2.append(this._model, [], u(this._model), this._model.getAlternativeVersionId(), null);
pushEditOperation(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this._getOrCreateEditStackElement(e2), o2 = this._model.applyEdits(t2, true), r2 = m._computeCursorState(n2, o2), s2 =, t3) => ({index: t3, textChange: e3.textChange}));
return s2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.textChange.oldPosition === t3.textChange.oldPosition ? e3.index - t3.index : e3.textChange.oldPosition - t3.textChange.oldPosition), i2.append(this._model, => e3.textChange), u(this._model), this._model.getAlternativeVersionId(), r2), r2;
static _computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
try {
return e2 ? e2(t2) : null;
} catch (e3) {
return Object(o.e)(e3), null;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
(function(e2) {
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return p;
var i, o, r, s = (i = function(e3, t2) {
return (i = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e4, t3) {
e4.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e4, t3) {
for (var n2 in t3)
t3.hasOwnProperty(n2) && (e4[n2] = t3[n2]);
})(e3, t2);
}, function(e3, t2) {
function n2() {
this.constructor = e3;
i(e3, t2), e3.prototype = null === t2 ? Object.create(t2) : (n2.prototype = t2.prototype, new n2());
if ("object" == typeof e2)
r = "win32" === e2.platform;
else if ("object" == typeof navigator) {
var a = navigator.userAgent;
r = a.indexOf("Windows") >= 0;
var l = /^\w[\w\d+.-]*$/, c = /^\//, d = /^\/\//;
var h = "/", u = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/, p = function() {
function e3(e4, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
void 0 === r2 && (r2 = false), "object" == typeof e4 ? (this.scheme = e4.scheme || "", this.authority = e4.authority || "", this.path = e4.path || "", this.query = e4.query || "", this.fragment = e4.fragment || "") : (this.scheme = function(e5, t3) {
return e5 || t3 ? e5 : "file";
}(e4, r2), this.authority = t2 || "", this.path = function(e5, t3) {
switch (e5) {
case "https":
case "http":
case "file":
t3 ? t3[0] !== h && (t3 = h + t3) : t3 = h;
return t3;
}(this.scheme, n2 || ""), this.query = i2 || "", this.fragment = o2 || "", function(e5, t3) {
if (!e5.scheme && t3)
throw new Error('[UriError]: Scheme is missing: {scheme: "", authority: "' + e5.authority + '", path: "' + e5.path + '", query: "' + e5.query + '", fragment: "' + e5.fragment + '"}');
if (e5.scheme && !l.test(e5.scheme))
throw new Error("[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters.");
if (e5.path) {
if (e5.authority) {
if (!c.test(e5.path))
throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character');
} else if (d.test(e5.path))
throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")');
}(this, r2));
return e3.isUri = function(t2) {
return t2 instanceof e3 || !!t2 && ("string" == typeof t2.authority && "string" == typeof t2.fragment && "string" == typeof t2.path && "string" == typeof t2.query && "string" == typeof t2.scheme && "function" == typeof t2.fsPath && "function" == typeof t2.with && "function" == typeof t2.toString);
}, Object.defineProperty(e3.prototype, "fsPath", {get: function() {
return v(this, false);
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), e3.prototype.with = function(e4) {
if (!e4)
return this;
var t2 = e4.scheme, n2 = e4.authority, i2 = e4.path, o2 = e4.query, r2 = e4.fragment;
return void 0 === t2 ? t2 = this.scheme : null === t2 && (t2 = ""), void 0 === n2 ? n2 = this.authority : null === n2 && (n2 = ""), void 0 === i2 ? i2 = this.path : null === i2 && (i2 = ""), void 0 === o2 ? o2 = this.query : null === o2 && (o2 = ""), void 0 === r2 ? r2 = this.fragment : null === r2 && (r2 = ""), t2 === this.scheme && n2 === this.authority && i2 === this.path && o2 === this.query && r2 === this.fragment ? this : new g(t2, n2, i2, o2, r2);
}, e3.parse = function(e4, t2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = false);
var n2 = u.exec(e4);
return n2 ? new g(n2[2] || "", C(n2[4] || ""), C(n2[5] || ""), C(n2[7] || ""), C(n2[9] || ""), t2) : new g("", "", "", "", "");
}, e3.file = function(e4) {
var t2 = "";
if (r && (e4 = e4.replace(/\\/g, h)), e4[0] === h && e4[1] === h) {
var n2 = e4.indexOf(h, 2);
-1 === n2 ? (t2 = e4.substring(2), e4 = h) : (t2 = e4.substring(2, n2), e4 = e4.substring(n2) || h);
return new g("file", t2, e4, "", "");
}, e3.from = function(e4) {
return new g(e4.scheme, e4.authority, e4.path, e4.query, e4.fragment);
}, e3.prototype.toString = function(e4) {
return void 0 === e4 && (e4 = false), w(this, e4);
}, e3.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this;
}, e3.revive = function(t2) {
if (t2) {
if (t2 instanceof e3)
return t2;
var n2 = new g(t2);
return n2._formatted = t2.external, n2._fsPath = t2._sep === m ? t2.fsPath : null, n2;
return t2;
}, e3;
}(), m = r ? 1 : void 0, g = function(e3) {
function t2() {
var t3 = null !== e3 && e3.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return t3._formatted = null, t3._fsPath = null, t3;
return s(t2, e3), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "fsPath", {get: function() {
return this._fsPath || (this._fsPath = v(this, false)), this._fsPath;
}, enumerable: true, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.toString = function(e4) {
return void 0 === e4 && (e4 = false), e4 ? w(this, true) : (this._formatted || (this._formatted = w(this, false)), this._formatted);
}, t2.prototype.toJSON = function() {
var e4 = {$mid: 1};
return this._fsPath && (e4.fsPath = this._fsPath, e4._sep = m), this._formatted && (e4.external = this._formatted), this.path && (e4.path = this.path), this.scheme && (e4.scheme = this.scheme), this.authority && (e4.authority = this.authority), this.query && (e4.query = this.query), this.fragment && (e4.fragment = this.fragment), e4;
}, t2;
}(p), f = ((o = {})[58] = "%3A", o[47] = "%2F", o[63] = "%3F", o[35] = "%23", o[91] = "%5B", o[93] = "%5D", o[64] = "%40", o[33] = "%21", o[36] = "%24", o[38] = "%26", o[39] = "%27", o[40] = "%28", o[41] = "%29", o[42] = "%2A", o[43] = "%2B", o[44] = "%2C", o[59] = "%3B", o[61] = "%3D", o[32] = "%20", o);
function b(e3, t2) {
for (var n2 = void 0, i2 = -1, o2 = 0; o2 < e3.length; o2++) {
var r2 = e3.charCodeAt(o2);
if (r2 >= 97 && r2 <= 122 || r2 >= 65 && r2 <= 90 || r2 >= 48 && r2 <= 57 || 45 === r2 || 46 === r2 || 95 === r2 || 126 === r2 || t2 && 47 === r2)
-1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e3.substring(i2, o2)), i2 = -1), void 0 !== n2 && (n2 += e3.charAt(o2));
else {
void 0 === n2 && (n2 = e3.substr(0, o2));
var s2 = f[r2];
void 0 !== s2 ? (-1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e3.substring(i2, o2)), i2 = -1), n2 += s2) : -1 === i2 && (i2 = o2);
return -1 !== i2 && (n2 += encodeURIComponent(e3.substring(i2))), void 0 !== n2 ? n2 : e3;
function _(e3) {
for (var t2 = void 0, n2 = 0; n2 < e3.length; n2++) {
var i2 = e3.charCodeAt(n2);
35 === i2 || 63 === i2 ? (void 0 === t2 && (t2 = e3.substr(0, n2)), t2 += f[i2]) : void 0 !== t2 && (t2 += e3[n2]);
return void 0 !== t2 ? t2 : e3;
function v(e3, t2) {
var n2;
return n2 = e3.authority && e3.path.length > 1 && "file" === e3.scheme ? "//" + e3.authority + e3.path : 47 === e3.path.charCodeAt(0) && (e3.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 65 && e3.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 90 || e3.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 97 && e3.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 122) && 58 === e3.path.charCodeAt(2) ? t2 ? e3.path.substr(1) : e3.path[1].toLowerCase() + e3.path.substr(2) : e3.path, r && (n2 = n2.replace(/\//g, "\\")), n2;
function w(e3, t2) {
var n2 = t2 ? _ : b, i2 = "", o2 = e3.scheme, r2 = e3.authority, s2 = e3.path, a2 = e3.query, l2 = e3.fragment;
if (o2 && (i2 += o2, i2 += ":"), (r2 || "file" === o2) && (i2 += h, i2 += h), r2) {
var c2 = r2.indexOf("@");
if (-1 !== c2) {
var d2 = r2.substr(0, c2);
r2 = r2.substr(c2 + 1), -1 === (c2 = d2.indexOf(":")) ? i2 += n2(d2, false) : (i2 += n2(d2.substr(0, c2), false), i2 += ":", i2 += n2(d2.substr(c2 + 1), false)), i2 += "@";
-1 === (c2 = (r2 = r2.toLowerCase()).indexOf(":")) ? i2 += n2(r2, false) : (i2 += n2(r2.substr(0, c2), false), i2 += r2.substr(c2));
if (s2) {
if (s2.length >= 3 && 47 === s2.charCodeAt(0) && 58 === s2.charCodeAt(2))
(u2 = s2.charCodeAt(1)) >= 65 && u2 <= 90 && (s2 = "/" + String.fromCharCode(u2 + 32) + ":" + s2.substr(3));
else if (s2.length >= 2 && 58 === s2.charCodeAt(1)) {
var u2;
(u2 = s2.charCodeAt(0)) >= 65 && u2 <= 90 && (s2 = String.fromCharCode(u2 + 32) + ":" + s2.substr(2));
i2 += n2(s2, true);
return a2 && (i2 += "?", i2 += n2(a2, false)), l2 && (i2 += "#", i2 += t2 ? l2 : b(l2, false)), i2;
var y = /(%[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z])+/g;
function C(e3) {
return e3.match(y) ? e3.replace(y, function(e4) {
return function e5(t2) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(t2);
} catch (n2) {
return t2.length > 3 ? t2.substr(0, 3) + e5(t2.substr(3)) : t2;
}) : e3;
}).call(this, n(86));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
let i = false, o = null;
function r(e2) {
if (!e2.parent || e2.parent === e2)
return null;
try {
let t2 = e2.location, n2 = e2.parent.location;
if ("null" !== t2.origin && "null" !== n2.origin && (t2.protocol !== n2.protocol || t2.hostname !== n2.hostname || t2.port !== n2.port))
return i = true, null;
} catch (e3) {
return i = true, null;
return e2.parent;
class s {
static getSameOriginWindowChain() {
if (!o) {
o = [];
let e2, t2 = window;
do {
e2 = r(t2), e2 ? o.push({window: t2, iframeElement: t2.frameElement || null}) : o.push({window: t2, iframeElement: null}), t2 = e2;
} while (t2);
return o.slice(0);
static hasDifferentOriginAncestor() {
return o || this.getSameOriginWindowChain(), i;
static getPositionOfChildWindowRelativeToAncestorWindow(e2, t2) {
if (!t2 || e2 === t2)
return {top: 0, left: 0};
let n2 = 0, i2 = 0, o2 = this.getSameOriginWindowChain();
for (const e3 of o2) {
if (n2 += e3.window.scrollY, i2 += e3.window.scrollX, e3.window === t2)
if (!e3.iframeElement)
let o3 = e3.iframeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
n2 +=, i2 += o3.left;
return {top: n2, left: i2};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(72), o = n(23);
function r(e2) {
let t2 = JSON.parse(e2);
return t2 = function e3(t3, n2 = 0) {
if (!t3 || n2 > 200)
return t3;
if ("object" == typeof t3) {
switch (t3.$mid) {
case 1:
return o.a.revive(t3);
case 2:
return new RegExp(t3.source, t3.flags);
if (t3 instanceof i.a || t3 instanceof Uint8Array)
return t3;
if (Array.isArray(t3))
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < t3.length; ++i2)
t3[i2] = e3(t3[i2], n2 + 1);
for (const i2 in t3), i2) && (t3[i2] = e3(t3[i2], n2 + 1));
return t3;
}(t2), t2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
var i = n(8), o = n(42);
function r(e2) {
return e2.replace(/[\\/]/g, o.e.sep);
function s(e2, t2, n2, r2 = o.h) {
if (e2 === t2)
return true;
if (!e2 || !t2)
return false;
if (t2.length > e2.length)
return false;
if (n2) {
if (!Object(i.T)(e2, t2))
return false;
if (t2.length === e2.length)
return true;
let n3 = t2.length;
return t2.charAt(t2.length - 1) === r2 && n3--, e2.charAt(n3) === r2;
return t2.charAt(t2.length - 1) !== r2 && (t2 += r2), 0 === e2.indexOf(t2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return s;
var i = n(72), o = n(132);
class r {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.oldPosition = e2, this.oldText = t2, this.newPosition = n2, this.newText = i2;
get oldLength() {
return this.oldText.length;
get oldEnd() {
return this.oldPosition + this.oldText.length;
get newLength() {
return this.newText.length;
get newEnd() {
return this.newPosition + this.newText.length;
toString() {
return 0 === this.oldText.length ? `(insert@${this.oldPosition} "${this.newText}")` : 0 === this.newText.length ? `(delete@${this.oldPosition} "${this.oldText}")` : `(replace@${this.oldPosition} "${this.oldText}" with "${this.newText}")`;
static _writeStringSize(e2) {
return 4 + 2 * e2.length;
static _writeString(e2, t2, n2) {
const o2 = t2.length;
i.f(e2, o2, n2), n2 += 4;
for (let r2 = 0; r2 < o2; r2++)
i.e(e2, t2.charCodeAt(r2), n2), n2 += 2;
return n2;
static _readString(e2, t2) {
const n2 = i.c(e2, t2);
return t2 += 4, Object(o.b)(e2, t2, n2);
writeSize() {
return 8 + r._writeStringSize(this.oldText) + r._writeStringSize(this.newText);
write(e2, t2) {
return i.f(e2, this.oldPosition, t2), t2 += 4, i.f(e2, this.newPosition, t2), t2 += 4, t2 = r._writeString(e2, this.oldText, t2), t2 = r._writeString(e2, this.newText, t2);
static read(e2, t2, n2) {
const o2 = i.c(e2, t2);
t2 += 4;
const s2 = i.c(e2, t2);
t2 += 4;
const a2 = r._readString(e2, t2);
t2 += r._writeStringSize(a2);
const l = r._readString(e2, t2);
return t2 += r._writeStringSize(l), n2.push(new r(o2, a2, s2, l)), t2;
function s(e2, t2) {
if (null === e2 || 0 === e2.length)
return t2;
return new a(e2, t2).compress();
class a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._prevEdits = e2, this._currEdits = t2, this._result = [], this._resultLen = 0, this._prevLen = this._prevEdits.length, this._prevDeltaOffset = 0, this._currLen = this._currEdits.length, this._currDeltaOffset = 0;
compress() {
let e2 = 0, t2 = 0, n2 = this._getPrev(e2), i2 = this._getCurr(t2);
for (; e2 < this._prevLen || t2 < this._currLen; ) {
if (null === n2) {
this._acceptCurr(i2), i2 = this._getCurr(++t2);
if (null === i2) {
this._acceptPrev(n2), n2 = this._getPrev(++e2);
if (i2.oldEnd <= n2.newPosition) {
this._acceptCurr(i2), i2 = this._getCurr(++t2);
if (n2.newEnd <= i2.oldPosition) {
this._acceptPrev(n2), n2 = this._getPrev(++e2);
if (i2.oldPosition < n2.newPosition) {
const [e3, t3] = a._splitCurr(i2, n2.newPosition - i2.oldPosition);
this._acceptCurr(e3), i2 = t3;
if (n2.newPosition < i2.oldPosition) {
const [e3, t3] = a._splitPrev(n2, i2.oldPosition - n2.newPosition);
this._acceptPrev(e3), n2 = t3;
let o3, s2;
if (i2.oldEnd === n2.newEnd)
o3 = n2, s2 = i2, n2 = this._getPrev(++e2), i2 = this._getCurr(++t2);
else if (i2.oldEnd < n2.newEnd) {
const [e3, r2] = a._splitPrev(n2, i2.oldLength);
o3 = e3, s2 = i2, n2 = r2, i2 = this._getCurr(++t2);
} else {
const [t3, r2] = a._splitCurr(i2, n2.newLength);
o3 = n2, s2 = t3, n2 = this._getPrev(++e2), i2 = r2;
this._result[this._resultLen++] = new r(o3.oldPosition, o3.oldText, s2.newPosition, s2.newText), this._prevDeltaOffset += o3.newLength - o3.oldLength, this._currDeltaOffset += s2.newLength - s2.oldLength;
const o2 = a._merge(this._result);
return a._removeNoOps(o2);
_acceptCurr(e2) {
this._result[this._resultLen++] = a._rebaseCurr(this._prevDeltaOffset, e2), this._currDeltaOffset += e2.newLength - e2.oldLength;
_getCurr(e2) {
return e2 < this._currLen ? this._currEdits[e2] : null;
_acceptPrev(e2) {
this._result[this._resultLen++] = a._rebasePrev(this._currDeltaOffset, e2), this._prevDeltaOffset += e2.newLength - e2.oldLength;
_getPrev(e2) {
return e2 < this._prevLen ? this._prevEdits[e2] : null;
static _rebaseCurr(e2, t2) {
return new r(t2.oldPosition - e2, t2.oldText, t2.newPosition, t2.newText);
static _rebasePrev(e2, t2) {
return new r(t2.oldPosition, t2.oldText, t2.newPosition + e2, t2.newText);
static _splitPrev(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.newText.substr(0, t2), i2 = e2.newText.substr(t2);
return [new r(e2.oldPosition, e2.oldText, e2.newPosition, n2), new r(e2.oldEnd, "", e2.newPosition + t2, i2)];
static _splitCurr(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.oldText.substr(0, t2), i2 = e2.oldText.substr(t2);
return [new r(e2.oldPosition, n2, e2.newPosition, e2.newText), new r(e2.oldPosition + t2, i2, e2.newEnd, "")];
static _merge(e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
return e2;
let t2 = [], n2 = 0, i2 = e2[0];
for (let o2 = 1; o2 < e2.length; o2++) {
const s2 = e2[o2];
i2.oldEnd === s2.oldPosition ? i2 = new r(i2.oldPosition, i2.oldText + s2.oldText, i2.newPosition, i2.newText + s2.newText) : (t2[n2++] = i2, i2 = s2);
return t2[n2++] = i2, t2;
static _removeNoOps(e2) {
if (0 === e2.length)
return e2;
let t2 = [], n2 = 0;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < e2.length; i2++) {
const o2 = e2[i2];
o2.oldText !== o2.newText && (t2[n2++] = o2);
return t2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
var i = n(8), o = n(62), r = n(22), s = n(81), a = n(3);
class l {
static deleteRight(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let r2 = [], l2 = 3 !== e2;
for (let e3 = 0, c = i2.length; e3 < c; e3++) {
const c2 = i2[e3];
let d = c2;
if (d.isEmpty()) {
let e4 = c2.getPosition(), i3 = s.a.right(t2, n2, e4.lineNumber, e4.column);
d = new a.a(i3.lineNumber, i3.column, e4.lineNumber, e4.column);
d.isEmpty() ? r2[e3] = null : (d.startLineNumber !== d.endLineNumber && (l2 = true), r2[e3] = new o.a(d, ""));
return [l2, r2];
static _isAutoClosingPairDelete(e2, t2, n2) {
if ("never" === e2.autoClosingBrackets && "never" === e2.autoClosingQuotes)
return false;
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = n2.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
const o3 = n2[i2], s2 = o3.getPosition();
if (!o3.isEmpty())
return false;
const a2 = t2.getLineContent(s2.lineNumber), l2 = a2[s2.column - 2], c = e2.autoClosingPairsOpen2.get(l2);
if (!c)
return false;
if (Object(r.g)(l2)) {
if ("never" === e2.autoClosingQuotes)
return false;
} else if ("never" === e2.autoClosingBrackets)
return false;
const d = a2[s2.column - 1];
let h = false;
for (const e3 of c) === l2 && e3.close === d && (h = true);
if (!h)
return false;
return true;
static _runAutoClosingPairDelete(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = n2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = n2[e3].getPosition(), r2 = new a.a(t4.lineNumber, t4.column - 1, t4.lineNumber, t4.column + 1);
i2[e3] = new o.a(r2, "");
return [true, i2];
static deleteLeft(e2, t2, n2, l2) {
if (this._isAutoClosingPairDelete(t2, n2, l2))
return this._runAutoClosingPairDelete(t2, n2, l2);
let c = [], d = 2 !== e2;
for (let e3 = 0, h = l2.length; e3 < h; e3++) {
const h2 = l2[e3];
let u = h2;
if (u.isEmpty()) {
let e4 = h2.getPosition();
if (t2.useTabStops && e4.column > 1) {
let o2 = n2.getLineContent(e4.lineNumber), s2 = i.w(o2), l3 = -1 === s2 ? o2.length + 1 : s2 + 1;
if (e4.column <= l3) {
let i2 = r.a.visibleColumnFromColumn2(t2, n2, e4), o3 = r.a.prevIndentTabStop(i2, t2.indentSize), s3 = r.a.columnFromVisibleColumn2(t2, n2, e4.lineNumber, o3);
u = new a.a(e4.lineNumber, s3, e4.lineNumber, e4.column);
} else
u = new a.a(e4.lineNumber, e4.column - 1, e4.lineNumber, e4.column);
} else {
let i2 = s.a.left(t2, n2, e4.lineNumber, e4.column);
u = new a.a(i2.lineNumber, i2.column, e4.lineNumber, e4.column);
u.isEmpty() ? c[e3] = null : (u.startLineNumber !== u.endLineNumber && (d = true), c[e3] = new o.a(u, ""));
return [d, c];
static cut(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = n2.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
const s3 = n2[r2];
if (s3.isEmpty())
if (e2.emptySelectionClipboard) {
let e3, n3, l2, c, d = s3.getPosition();
d.lineNumber < t2.getLineCount() ? (e3 = d.lineNumber, n3 = 1, l2 = d.lineNumber + 1, c = 1) : d.lineNumber > 1 ? (e3 = d.lineNumber - 1, n3 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(d.lineNumber - 1), l2 = d.lineNumber, c = t2.getLineMaxColumn(d.lineNumber)) : (e3 = d.lineNumber, n3 = 1, l2 = d.lineNumber, c = t2.getLineMaxColumn(d.lineNumber));
let h = new a.a(e3, n3, l2, c);
h.isEmpty() ? i2[r2] = null : i2[r2] = new o.a(h, "");
} else
i2[r2] = null;
i2[r2] = new o.a(s3, "");
return new r.e(0, i2, {shouldPushStackElementBefore: true, shouldPushStackElementAfter: true});
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
var i = n(8), o = n(111), r = n(90);
const s = {getInitialState: () => r.c, tokenize2: (e2, t2, n2) => Object(r.e)(0, e2, t2, n2)};
function a(e2, t2 = s) {
return function(e3, t3) {
let n2 = '<div class="monaco-tokenized-source">', r2 = e3.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/), s2 = t3.getInitialState();
for (let e4 = 0, a2 = r2.length; e4 < a2; e4++) {
let a3 = r2[e4];
e4 > 0 && (n2 += "<br/>");
let l2 = t3.tokenize2(a3, s2, 0);
o.a.convertToEndOffset(l2.tokens, a3.length);
let c = new o.a(l2.tokens, a3).inflate(), d = 0;
for (let e5 = 0, t4 = c.getCount(); e5 < t4; e5++) {
const t5 = c.getClassName(e5), o2 = c.getEndOffset(e5);
n2 += `<span class="${t5}">${i.u(a3.substring(d, o2))}</span>`, d = o2;
s2 = l2.endState;
return n2 += "</div>", n2;
}(e2, t2 || s);
function l(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
let a2 = "<div>", l2 = i2, c = 0;
for (let d = 0, h = t2.getCount(); d < h; d++) {
const h2 = t2.getEndOffset(d);
if (h2 <= i2)
let u = "";
for (; l2 < h2 && l2 < o2; l2++) {
const t3 = e2.charCodeAt(l2);
switch (t3) {
case 9:
let e3 = r2 - (l2 + c) % r2;
for (c += e3 - 1; e3 > 0; )
u += s2 ? "&#160;" : " ", e3--;
case 60:
u += "&lt;";
case 62:
u += "&gt;";
case 38:
u += "&amp;";
case 0:
u += "&#00;";
case 65279:
case 8232:
case 8233:
case 133:
u += "<22>";
case 13:
u += "&#8203";
case 32:
u += s2 ? "&#160;" : " ";
u += String.fromCharCode(t3);
if (a2 += `<span style="${t2.getInlineStyle(d, n2)}">${u}</span>`, h2 > o2 || l2 >= o2)
return a2 += "</div>", a2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return E;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "c", function() {
return L;
var i = n(6), o = n(2), r = n(11), s = n(13), a = n(26), l = n(30), c = n(12), d = n(146), h = n(152), u = n(54), p = n(20), m = n(25), g = n(19), f = n(102), b = n(150), _ = n(89), v = n(175), w = n(184), y = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, C = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
function x(e2) {
return e2.toString();
class S {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._modelEventListeners = new o.b(), this.model = e2, this._languageSelection = null, this._languageSelectionListener = null, this._modelEventListeners.add(e2.onWillDispose(() => t2(e2))), this._modelEventListeners.add(e2.onDidChangeLanguage((t3) => n2(e2, t3)));
_disposeLanguageSelection() {
this._languageSelectionListener && (this._languageSelectionListener.dispose(), this._languageSelectionListener = null), this._languageSelection && (this._languageSelection.dispose(), this._languageSelection = null);
dispose() {
this._modelEventListeners.dispose(), this._disposeLanguageSelection();
setLanguage(e2) {
this._disposeLanguageSelection(), this._languageSelection = e2, this._languageSelectionListener = this._languageSelection.onDidChange(() => this.model.setMode(e2.languageIdentifier)), this.model.setMode(e2.languageIdentifier);
const k = r.d || r.f ? 1 : 2;
let E = class e2 extends o.a {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, o2, r2) {
super(), this._configurationService = e3, this._resourcePropertiesService = t2, this._themeService = n2, this._logService = o2, this._undoRedoService = r2, this._onModelAdded = this._register(new i.a()), this.onModelAdded = this._onModelAdded.event, this._onModelRemoved = this._register(new i.a()), this.onModelRemoved = this._onModelRemoved.event, this._onModelModeChanged = this._register(new i.a()), this.onModelModeChanged = this._onModelModeChanged.event, this._modelCreationOptionsByLanguageAndResource = Object.create(null), this._models = {}, this._disposedModels = new Map(), this._disposedModelsHeapSize = 0, this._semanticStyling = this._register(new I(this._themeService, this._logService)), this._register(this._configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => this._updateModelOptions())), this._updateModelOptions(), this._register(new N(this, this._themeService, this._configurationService, this._semanticStyling));
static _readModelOptions(e3, t2) {
let n2 = a.d.tabSize;
if (e3.editor && void 0 !== e3.editor.tabSize) {
const t3 = parseInt(e3.editor.tabSize, 10);
isNaN(t3) || (n2 = t3), n2 < 1 && (n2 = 1);
let i2 = n2;
if (e3.editor && void 0 !== e3.editor.indentSize && "tabSize" !== e3.editor.indentSize) {
const t3 = parseInt(e3.editor.indentSize, 10);
isNaN(t3) || (i2 = t3), i2 < 1 && (i2 = 1);
let o2 = a.d.insertSpaces;
e3.editor && void 0 !== e3.editor.insertSpaces && (o2 = "false" !== e3.editor.insertSpaces && Boolean(e3.editor.insertSpaces));
let r2 = k;
const s2 = e3.eol;
"\r\n" === s2 ? r2 = 2 : "\n" === s2 && (r2 = 1);
let l2 = a.d.trimAutoWhitespace;
e3.editor && void 0 !== e3.editor.trimAutoWhitespace && (l2 = "false" !== e3.editor.trimAutoWhitespace && Boolean(e3.editor.trimAutoWhitespace));
let c2 = a.d.detectIndentation;
e3.editor && void 0 !== e3.editor.detectIndentation && (c2 = "false" !== e3.editor.detectIndentation && Boolean(e3.editor.detectIndentation));
let d2 = a.d.largeFileOptimizations;
return e3.editor && void 0 !== e3.editor.largeFileOptimizations && (d2 = "false" !== e3.editor.largeFileOptimizations && Boolean(e3.editor.largeFileOptimizations)), {isForSimpleWidget: t2, tabSize: n2, indentSize: i2, insertSpaces: o2, detectIndentation: c2, defaultEOL: r2, trimAutoWhitespace: l2, largeFileOptimizations: d2};
_getEOL(e3, t2) {
if (e3)
return this._resourcePropertiesService.getEOL(e3, t2);
const n2 = this._configurationService.getValue("files.eol", {overrideIdentifier: t2});
return n2 && "auto" !== n2 ? n2 : 3 === r.a || 2 === r.a ? "\n" : "\r\n";
getCreationOptions(t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = this._modelCreationOptionsByLanguageAndResource[t2 + n2];
if (!o2) {
const r2 = this._configurationService.getValue("editor", {overrideIdentifier: t2, resource: n2}), s2 = this._getEOL(n2, t2);
o2 = e2._readModelOptions({editor: r2, eol: s2}, i2), this._modelCreationOptionsByLanguageAndResource[t2 + n2] = o2;
return o2;
_updateModelOptions() {
const t2 = this._modelCreationOptionsByLanguageAndResource;
this._modelCreationOptionsByLanguageAndResource = Object.create(null);
const n2 = Object.keys(this._models);
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = n2.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
const o3 = n2[i2], r2 = this._models[o3], s2 = r2.model.getLanguageIdentifier().language, a2 = r2.model.uri, l2 = t2[s2 + a2], c2 = this.getCreationOptions(s2, a2, r2.model.isForSimpleWidget);
e2._setModelOptionsForModel(r2.model, c2, l2);
static _setModelOptionsForModel(e3, t2, n2) {
n2 && n2.defaultEOL !== t2.defaultEOL && 1 === e3.getLineCount() && e3.setEOL(1 === t2.defaultEOL ? 0 : 1), n2 && n2.detectIndentation === t2.detectIndentation && n2.insertSpaces === t2.insertSpaces && n2.tabSize === t2.tabSize && n2.indentSize === t2.indentSize && n2.trimAutoWhitespace === t2.trimAutoWhitespace || (t2.detectIndentation ? (e3.detectIndentation(t2.insertSpaces, t2.tabSize), e3.updateOptions({trimAutoWhitespace: t2.trimAutoWhitespace})) : e3.updateOptions({insertSpaces: t2.insertSpaces, tabSize: t2.tabSize, indentSize: t2.indentSize, trimAutoWhitespace: t2.trimAutoWhitespace}));
_removeDisposedModel(e3) {
const t2 = this._disposedModels.get(x(e3));
return t2 && (this._disposedModelsHeapSize -= t2.heapSize), this._disposedModels.delete(x(e3)), t2;
_createModelData(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this.getCreationOptions(t2.language, n2, i2), r2 = new l.b(e3, o2, t2, n2, this._undoRedoService);
if (n2 && this._disposedModels.has(x(n2))) {
const e4 = this._removeDisposedModel(n2), t3 = this._undoRedoService.getElements(n2), i3 = function(e5) {
const t4 = new _.a(), n3 = e5.createSnapshot();
let i4;
for (; i4 =; )
return t4.digest();
}(r2) === e4.sha1;
if (i3 || e4.sharesUndoRedoStack) {
for (const e5 of t3.past)
Object(v.b)(e5) && e5.matchesResource(n2) && e5.setModel(r2);
for (const e5 of t3.future)
Object(v.b)(e5) && e5.matchesResource(n2) && e5.setModel(r2);
this._undoRedoService.setElementsValidFlag(n2, true, (e5) => Object(v.b)(e5) && e5.matchesResource(n2)), i3 && (r2._overwriteVersionId(e4.versionId), r2._overwriteAlternativeVersionId(e4.alternativeVersionId), r2._overwriteInitialUndoRedoSnapshot(e4.initialUndoRedoSnapshot));
} else
null !== e4.initialUndoRedoSnapshot && this._undoRedoService.restoreSnapshot(e4.initialUndoRedoSnapshot);
const s2 = x(r2.uri);
if (this._models[s2])
throw new Error("ModelService: Cannot add model because it already exists!");
const a2 = new S(r2, (e4) => this._onWillDispose(e4), (e4, t3) => this._onDidChangeLanguage(e4, t3));
return this._models[s2] = a2, a2;
createModel(e3, t2, n2, i2 = false) {
let o2;
return t2 ? (o2 = this._createModelData(e3, t2.languageIdentifier, n2, i2), this.setMode(o2.model, t2)) : o2 = this._createModelData(e3, d.b, n2, i2),, o2.model;
setMode(e3, t2) {
if (!t2)
const n2 = this._models[x(e3.uri)];
n2 && n2.setLanguage(t2);
getModels() {
const e3 = [], t2 = Object.keys(this._models);
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
const i3 = t2[n2];
return e3;
getModel(e3) {
const t2 = x(e3), n2 = this._models[t2];
return n2 ? n2.model : null;
getSemanticTokensProviderStyling(e3) {
return this._semanticStyling.get(e3);
_onWillDispose(e3) {
const t2 = x(e3.uri), n2 = this._models[t2];
delete this._models[t2], n2.dispose(), delete this._modelCreationOptionsByLanguageAndResource[e3.getLanguageIdentifier().language + e3.uri],;
_onDidChangeLanguage(t2, n2) {
const i2 = n2.oldLanguage, o2 = t2.getLanguageIdentifier().language, r2 = this.getCreationOptions(i2, t2.uri, t2.isForSimpleWidget), s2 = this.getCreationOptions(o2, t2.uri, t2.isForSimpleWidget);
e2._setModelOptionsForModel(t2, s2, r2),{model: t2, oldModeId: i2});
E = y([C(0, u.a), C(1, h.b), C(2, g.c), C(3, f.b), C(4, b.a)], E);
const T = "editor.semanticHighlighting";
function L(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2;
const o2 = null === (i2 = n2.getValue(T, {overrideIdentifier: e2.getLanguageIdentifier().language, resource: e2.uri})) || void 0 === i2 ? void 0 : i2.enabled;
return "boolean" == typeof o2 ? o2 : t2.getColorTheme().semanticHighlighting;
class N extends o.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._watchers = Object.create(null), this._semanticStyling = i2;
const o2 = (e3) => {
this._watchers[e3.uri.toString()] = new D(e3, t2, this._semanticStyling);
}, r2 = (e3, t3) => {
t3.dispose(), delete this._watchers[e3.uri.toString()];
}, s2 = () => {
for (let i3 of e2.getModels()) {
const e3 = this._watchers[i3.uri.toString()];
L(i3, t2, n2) ? e3 || o2(i3) : e3 && r2(i3, e3);
this._register(e2.onModelAdded((e3) => {
L(e3, t2, n2) && o2(e3);
})), this._register(e2.onModelRemoved((e3) => {
const t3 = this._watchers[e3.uri.toString()];
t3 && r2(e3, t3);
})), this._register(n2.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.affectsConfiguration(T) && s2();
})), this._register(t2.onDidColorThemeChange(s2));
class I extends o.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._themeService = e2, this._logService = t2, this._caches = new WeakMap(), this._register(this._themeService.onDidColorThemeChange(() => {
this._caches = new WeakMap();
get(e2) {
return this._caches.has(e2) || this._caches.set(e2, new w.a(e2.getLegend(), this._themeService, this._logService)), this._caches.get(e2);
class O {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._provider = e2, this.resultId = t2, = n2;
dispose() {
class D extends o.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this._isDisposed = false, this._model = e2, this._semanticStyling = n2, this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens = this._register(new p.d(() => this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokensNow(), 300)), this._currentDocumentResponse = null, this._currentDocumentRequestCancellationTokenSource = null, this._documentProvidersChangeListeners = [], this._register(this._model.onDidChangeContent(() => {
this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens.isScheduled() || this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens.schedule();
const i2 = () => {
Object(o.f)(this._documentProvidersChangeListeners), this._documentProvidersChangeListeners = [];
for (const t3 of c.l.all(e2))
"function" == typeof t3.onDidChange && this._documentProvidersChangeListeners.push(t3.onDidChange(() => this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens.schedule(0)));
i2(), this._register(c.l.onDidChange(() => {
i2(), this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens.schedule();
})), this._register(t2.onDidColorThemeChange((e3) => {
this._setDocumentSemanticTokens(null, null, null, []), this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens.schedule();
})), this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens.schedule(0);
dispose() {
this._currentDocumentResponse && (this._currentDocumentResponse.dispose(), this._currentDocumentResponse = null), this._currentDocumentRequestCancellationTokenSource && (this._currentDocumentRequestCancellationTokenSource.cancel(), this._currentDocumentRequestCancellationTokenSource = null), this._setDocumentSemanticTokens(null, null, null, []), this._isDisposed = true, super.dispose();
_fetchDocumentSemanticTokensNow() {
if (this._currentDocumentRequestCancellationTokenSource)
const e2 = this._getSemanticColoringProvider();
if (!e2)
this._currentDocumentRequestCancellationTokenSource = new m.b();
const t2 = [], n2 = this._model.onDidChangeContent((e3) => {
}), i2 = this._semanticStyling.get(e2), o2 = this._currentDocumentResponse && this._currentDocumentResponse.resultId || null;
Promise.resolve(e2.provideDocumentSemanticTokens(this._model, o2, this._currentDocumentRequestCancellationTokenSource.token)).then((o3) => {
this._currentDocumentRequestCancellationTokenSource = null, n2.dispose(), this._setDocumentSemanticTokens(e2, o3 || null, i2, t2);
}, (e3) => {
e3 && "string" == typeof e3.message && -1 !== e3.message.indexOf("busy") || s.e(e3), this._currentDocumentRequestCancellationTokenSource = null, n2.dispose(), t2.length > 0 && (this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens.isScheduled() || this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens.schedule());
static _isSemanticTokens(e2) {
return e2 && !!;
static _isSemanticTokensEdits(e2) {
return e2 && Array.isArray(e2.edits);
static _copy(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
for (let r2 = 0; r2 < o2; r2++)
n2[i2 + r2] = e2[t2 + r2];
_setDocumentSemanticTokens(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this._currentDocumentResponse;
if (this._currentDocumentResponse && (this._currentDocumentResponse.dispose(), this._currentDocumentResponse = null), this._isDisposed)
e2 && t2 && e2.releaseDocumentSemanticTokens(t2.resultId);
else if (e2 && n2)
if (t2) {
if (D._isSemanticTokensEdits(t2)) {
if (!o2)
return void this._model.setSemanticTokens(null, true);
if (0 === t2.edits.length)
t2 = {resultId: t2.resultId, data:};
else {
let e3 = 0;
for (const n4 of t2.edits)
e3 += ( ? : 0) - n4.deleteCount;
const n3 =, i3 = new Uint32Array(n3.length + e3);
let r2 = n3.length, s2 = i3.length;
for (let e4 = t2.edits.length - 1; e4 >= 0; e4--) {
const o3 = t2.edits[e4], a2 = r2 - (o3.start + o3.deleteCount);
a2 > 0 && (D._copy(n3, r2 - a2, i3, s2 - a2, a2), s2 -= a2), && (D._copy(, 0, i3, s2 -,, s2 -=, r2 = o3.start;
r2 > 0 && D._copy(n3, 0, i3, 0, r2), t2 = {resultId: t2.resultId, data: i3};
if (D._isSemanticTokens(t2)) {
this._currentDocumentResponse = new O(e2, t2.resultId,;
const o3 = Object(w.b)(t2, n2, this._model.getLanguageIdentifier());
if (i2.length > 0) {
for (const e3 of i2)
for (const t3 of o3)
for (const n3 of e3.changes)
t3.applyEdit(n3.range, n3.text);
this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens.isScheduled() || this._fetchDocumentSemanticTokens.schedule();
this._model.setSemanticTokens(o3, true);
} else
this._model.setSemanticTokens(null, true);
} else
this._model.setSemanticTokens(null, true);
this._model.setSemanticTokens(null, false);
_getSemanticColoringProvider() {
const e2 = c.l.ordered(this._model);
return e2.length > 0 ? e2[0] : null;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return s;
}), n.d(t, "b", function() {
return a;
var i = n(12), o = n(102), r = n(124);
class s {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._legend = e2, this._themeService = t2, this._logService = n2, this._hashTable = new c();
getMetadata(e2, t2, n2) {
const r2 = this._hashTable.get(e2, t2,;
let s2;
if (r2)
s2 = r2.metadata, this._logService.getLevel() === o.c.Trace && this._logService.trace(`SemanticTokensProviderStyling [CACHED] ${e2} / ${t2}: foreground ${i.B.getForeground(s2)}, fontStyle ${i.B.getFontStyle(s2).toString(2)}`);
else {
let r3 = this._legend.tokenTypes[e2];
const a2 = [];
if (r3) {
let e3 = t2;
for (let t3 = 0; e3 > 0 && t3 < this._legend.tokenModifiers.length; t3++)
1 & e3 && a2.push(this._legend.tokenModifiers[t3]), e3 >>= 1;
e3 > 0 && this._logService.getLevel() === o.c.Trace && (this._logService.trace(`SemanticTokensProviderStyling: unknown token modifier index: ${t2.toString(2)} for legend: ${JSON.stringify(this._legend.tokenModifiers)}`), a2.push("not-in-legend"));
const i2 = this._themeService.getColorTheme().getTokenStyleMetadata(r3, a2, n2.language);
if (void 0 === i2)
s2 = 2147483647;
else {
if (s2 = 0, void 0 !== i2.italic) {
s2 |= 1 | (i2.italic ? 1 : 0) << 11;
if (void 0 !== i2.bold) {
s2 |= 2 | (i2.bold ? 2 : 0) << 11;
if (void 0 !== i2.underline) {
s2 |= 4 | (i2.underline ? 4 : 0) << 11;
if (i2.foreground) {
s2 |= 8 | i2.foreground << 14;
0 === s2 && (s2 = 2147483647);
} else
this._logService.getLevel() === o.c.Trace && this._logService.trace(`SemanticTokensProviderStyling: unknown token type index: ${e2} for legend: ${JSON.stringify(this._legend.tokenTypes)}`), s2 = 2147483647, r3 = "not-in-legend";
this._hashTable.add(e2, t2,, s2), this._logService.getLevel() === o.c.Trace && this._logService.trace(`SemanticTokensProviderStyling ${e2} (${r3}) / ${t2} (${a2.join(" ")}): foreground ${i.B.getForeground(s2)}, fontStyle ${i.B.getFontStyle(s2).toString(2)}`);
return s2;
function a(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 =, o2 = / 5 | 0, s2 = Math.max(Math.ceil(o2 / 1024), 400), a2 = [];
let l2 = 0, c2 = 1, d = 0;
for (; l2 < o2; ) {
const e3 = l2;
let h = Math.min(e3 + s2, o2);
if (h < o2) {
let t3 = h;
for (; t3 - 1 > e3 && 0 === i2[5 * t3]; )
if (t3 - 1 === e3) {
let e4 = h;
for (; e4 + 1 < o2 && 0 === i2[5 * e4]; )
h = e4;
} else
h = t3;
let u = new Uint32Array(4 * (h - e3)), p = 0, m = 0;
for (; l2 < h; ) {
const e4 = 5 * l2, o3 = i2[e4], r2 = i2[e4 + 1], s3 = c2 + o3, a3 = 0 === o3 ? d + r2 : r2, h2 = i2[e4 + 2], g2 = i2[e4 + 3], f = i2[e4 + 4], b = t2.getMetadata(g2, f, n2);
2147483647 !== b && (0 === m && (m = s3), u[p] = s3 - m, u[p + 1] = a3, u[p + 2] = a3 + h2, u[p + 3] = b, p += 4), c2 = s3, d = a3, l2++;
p !== u.length && (u = u.subarray(0, p));
const g = new r.a(m, new r.c(u));
return a2;
class l {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.tokenTypeIndex = e2, this.tokenModifierSet = t2, this.languageId = n2, this.metadata = i2, = null;
class c {
constructor() {
this._elementsCount = 0, this._currentLengthIndex = 0, this._currentLength = c._SIZES[this._currentLengthIndex], this._growCount = Math.round(this._currentLengthIndex + 1 < c._SIZES.length ? 2 / 3 * this._currentLength : 0), this._elements = [], c._nullOutEntries(this._elements, this._currentLength);
static _nullOutEntries(e2, t2) {
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < t2; n2++)
e2[n2] = null;
_hash2(e2, t2) {
return (e2 << 5) - e2 + t2 | 0;
_hashFunc(e2, t2, n2) {
return this._hash2(this._hash2(e2, t2), n2) % this._currentLength;
get(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this._hashFunc(e2, t2, n2);
let o2 = this._elements[i2];
for (; o2; ) {
if (o2.tokenTypeIndex === e2 && o2.tokenModifierSet === t2 && o2.languageId === n2)
return o2;
o2 =;
return null;
add(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (this._elementsCount++, 0 !== this._growCount && this._elementsCount >= this._growCount) {
const e3 = this._elements;
this._currentLengthIndex++, this._currentLength = c._SIZES[this._currentLengthIndex], this._growCount = Math.round(this._currentLengthIndex + 1 < c._SIZES.length ? 2 / 3 * this._currentLength : 0), this._elements = [], c._nullOutEntries(this._elements, this._currentLength);
for (const t3 of e3) {
let e4 = t3;
for (; e4; ) {
const t4 =; = null, this._add(e4), e4 = t4;
this._add(new l(e2, t2, n2, i2));
_add(e2) {
const t2 = this._hashFunc(e2.tokenTypeIndex, e2.tokenModifierSet, e2.languageId); = this._elements[t2], this._elements[t2] = e2;
c._SIZES = [3, 7, 13, 31, 61, 127, 251, 509, 1021, 2039, 4093, 8191, 16381, 32749, 65521, 131071, 262139, 524287, 1048573, 2097143];
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return l;
var i = n(1), o = n(8), r = n(16), s = n(46);
const a = {badgeBackground: r.a.fromHex("#4D4D4D"), badgeForeground: r.a.fromHex("#FFFFFF")};
class l {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.count = 0, this.options = t2 || Object.create(null), Object(s.g)(this.options, a, false), this.badgeBackground = this.options.badgeBackground, this.badgeForeground = this.options.badgeForeground, this.badgeBorder = this.options.badgeBorder, this.element = Object(i.p)(e2, Object(i.a)(".monaco-count-badge")), this.countFormat = this.options.countFormat || "{0}", this.titleFormat = this.options.titleFormat || "", this.setCount(this.options.count || 0);
setCount(e2) {
this.count = e2, this.render();
setTitleFormat(e2) {
this.titleFormat = e2, this.render();
render() {
this.element.textContent = Object(o.x)(this.countFormat, this.count), this.element.title = Object(o.x)(this.titleFormat, this.count), this.applyStyles();
style(e2) {
this.badgeBackground = e2.badgeBackground, this.badgeForeground = e2.badgeForeground, this.badgeBorder = e2.badgeBorder, this.applyStyles();
applyStyles() {
if (this.element) {
const e2 = this.badgeBackground ? this.badgeBackground.toString() : "", t2 = this.badgeForeground ? this.badgeForeground.toString() : "", n2 = this.badgeBorder ? this.badgeBorder.toString() : ""; = e2, = t2, = n2 ? "1px" : "", = n2 ? "solid" : "", = n2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(268);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return k;
var i = n(15), o = n(8), r = n(179), s = n(42), a = n(78), l = n(20);
const c = /\//g;
function d(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case 0:
return "";
case 1:
return "[^/\\\\]*?";
return "(?:[/\\\\]|[^/\\\\]+[/\\\\]|[/\\\\][^/\\\\]+)*?";
function h(e2, t2) {
if (!e2)
return [];
const n2 = [];
let i2 = false, o2 = false, r2 = "";
for (const s2 of e2) {
switch (s2) {
case t2:
if (!i2 && !o2) {
n2.push(r2), r2 = "";
case "{":
i2 = true;
case "}":
i2 = false;
case "[":
o2 = true;
case "]":
o2 = false;
r2 += s2;
return r2 && n2.push(r2), n2;
const u = /^\*\*\/\*\.[\w\.-]+$/, p = /^\*\*\/([\w\.-]+)\/?$/, m = /^{\*\*\/[\*\.]?[\w\.-]+\/?(,\*\*\/[\*\.]?[\w\.-]+\/?)*}$/, g = /^{\*\*\/[\*\.]?[\w\.-]+(\/(\*\*)?)?(,\*\*\/[\*\.]?[\w\.-]+(\/(\*\*)?)?)*}$/, f = /^\*\*((\/[\w\.-]+)+)\/?$/, b = /^([\w\.-]+(\/[\w\.-]+)*)\/?$/, _ = new a.a(1e4), v = function() {
return false;
}, w = function() {
return null;
function y(e2, t2) {
if (!e2)
return w;
let n2;
n2 = "string" != typeof e2 ? e2.pattern : e2, n2 = n2.trim();
const r2 = `${n2}_${!!t2.trimForExclusions}`;
let s2, a2 = _.get(r2);
if (a2)
return C(a2, e2);
if (u.test(n2)) {
const e3 = n2.substr(4);
a2 = function(t3, i2) {
return "string" == typeof t3 && t3.endsWith(e3) ? n2 : null;
} else
a2 = (s2 = p.exec(x(n2, t2))) ? function(e3, t3) {
const n3 = "/" + e3, i2 = "\\" + e3, o2 = function(o3, r4) {
return "string" != typeof o3 ? null : r4 ? r4 === e3 ? t3 : null : o3 === e3 || o3.endsWith(n3) || o3.endsWith(i2) ? t3 : null;
}, r3 = [e3];
return o2.basenames = r3, o2.patterns = [t3], o2.allBasenames = r3, o2;
}(s2[1], n2) : (t2.trimForExclusions ? g : m).test(n2) ? function(e3, t3) {
const n3 = E(e3.slice(1, -1).split(",").map((e4) => y(e4, t3)).filter((e4) => e4 !== w), e3), o2 = n3.length;
if (!o2)
return w;
if (1 === o2)
return n3[0];
const r3 = function(t4, i2) {
for (let o3 = 0, r4 = n3.length; o3 < r4; o3++)
if (n3[o3](t4, i2))
return e3;
return null;
}, s3 = i.i(n3, (e4) => !!e4.allBasenames);
s3 && (r3.allBasenames = s3.allBasenames);
const a3 = n3.reduce((e4, t4) => t4.allPaths ? e4.concat(t4.allPaths) : e4, []);
a3.length && (r3.allPaths = a3);
return r3;
}(n2, t2) : (s2 = f.exec(x(n2, t2))) ? S(s2[1].substr(1), n2, true) : (s2 = b.exec(x(n2, t2))) ? S(s2[1], n2, false) : function(e3) {
try {
const t3 = new RegExp(`^${function e4(t4) {
if (!t4)
return "";
let n3 = "";
const i2 = h(t4, "/");
if (i2.every((e5) => "**" === e5))
n3 = ".*";
else {
let t5 = false;
i2.forEach((r3, s3) => {
if ("**" === r3)
return void (t5 || (n3 += d(2), t5 = true));
let a3 = false, l2 = "", c2 = false, u2 = "";
for (const t6 of r3)
if ("}" !== t6 && a3)
l2 += t6;
else if (!c2 || "]" === t6 && u2)
switch (t6) {
case "{":
a3 = true;
case "[":
c2 = true;
case "}":
const i3 = `(?:${h(l2, ",").map((t7) => e4(t7)).join("|")})`;
n3 += i3, a3 = false, l2 = "";
case "]":
n3 += "[" + u2 + "]", c2 = false, u2 = "";
case "?":
n3 += "[^/\\\\]";
case "*":
n3 += d(1);
n3 += o.v(t6);
else {
let e5;
e5 = "-" === t6 ? t6 : "^" !== t6 && "!" !== t6 || u2 ? "/" === t6 ? "" : o.v(t6) : "^", u2 += e5;
s3 < i2.length - 1 && ("**" !== i2[s3 + 1] || s3 + 2 < i2.length) && (n3 += "[/\\\\]"), t5 = false;
return n3;
return function(n3) {
return t3.lastIndex = 0, "string" == typeof n3 && t3.test(n3) ? e3 : null;
} catch (e4) {
return w;
return _.set(r2, a2), C(a2, e2);
function C(e2, t2) {
return "string" == typeof t2 ? e2 : function(n2, i2) {
return r.a(n2, t2.base) ? e2(s.f(t2.base, n2), i2) : null;
function x(e2, t2) {
return t2.trimForExclusions && e2.endsWith("/**") ? e2.substr(0, e2.length - 2) : e2;
function S(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = s.h !== s.e.sep ? e2.replace(c, s.h) : e2, o2 = s.h + i2, r2 = n2 ? function(e3, n3) {
return "string" != typeof e3 || e3 !== i2 && !e3.endsWith(o2) ? null : t2;
} : function(e3, n3) {
return "string" == typeof e3 && e3 === i2 ? t2 : null;
return r2.allPaths = [(n2 ? "*/" : "./") + e2], r2;
function k(e2, t2, n2) {
return !(!e2 || "string" != typeof t2) && function(e3, t3 = {}) {
if (!e3)
return v;
if ("string" == typeof e3 || function(e4) {
const t4 = e4;
return t4 && "string" == typeof t4.base && "string" == typeof t4.pattern;
}(e3)) {
const n3 = y(e3, t3);
if (n3 === w)
return v;
const i2 = function(e4, t4) {
return !!n3(e4, t4);
return n3.allBasenames && (i2.allBasenames = n3.allBasenames), n3.allPaths && (i2.allPaths = n3.allPaths), i2;
return function(e4, t4) {
const n3 = E(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e4).map((n4) => function(e5, t5, n5) {
if (false === t5)
return w;
const i2 = y(e5, n5);
if (i2 === w)
return w;
if ("boolean" == typeof t5)
return i2;
if (t5) {
const n6 = t5.when;
if ("string" == typeof n6) {
const t6 = (t7, o3, r3, s2) => {
if (!s2 || !i2(t7, o3))
return null;
const a3 = s2(n6.replace("$(basename)", r3));
return Object(l.i)(a3) ? a3.then((t8) => t8 ? e5 : null) : a3 ? e5 : null;
return t6.requiresSiblings = true, t6;
return i2;
}(n4, e4[n4], t4)).filter((e5) => e5 !== w)), o2 = n3.length;
if (!o2)
return w;
if (!n3.some((e5) => !!e5.requiresSiblings)) {
if (1 === o2)
return n3[0];
const e5 = function(e6, t6) {
for (let i2 = 0, o3 = n3.length; i2 < o3; i2++) {
const o4 = n3[i2](e6, t6);
if (o4)
return o4;
return null;
}, t5 = i.i(n3, (e6) => !!e6.allBasenames);
t5 && (e5.allBasenames = t5.allBasenames);
const r3 = n3.reduce((e6, t6) => t6.allPaths ? e6.concat(t6.allPaths) : e6, []);
return r3.length && (e5.allPaths = r3), e5;
const r2 = function(e5, t5, i2) {
let o3 = void 0;
for (let r3 = 0, a3 = n3.length; r3 < a3; r3++) {
const a4 = n3[r3];
a4.requiresSiblings && i2 && (t5 || (t5 = s.a(e5)), o3 || (o3 = t5.substr(0, t5.length - s.c(e5).length)));
const l2 = a4(e5, t5, o3, i2);
if (l2)
return l2;
return null;
}, a2 = i.i(n3, (e5) => !!e5.allBasenames);
a2 && (r2.allBasenames = a2.allBasenames);
const c2 = n3.reduce((e5, t5) => t5.allPaths ? e5.concat(t5.allPaths) : e5, []);
c2.length && (r2.allPaths = c2);
return r2;
}(e3, t3);
}(e2)(t2, void 0, n2);
function E(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.filter((e3) => !!e3.basenames);
if (n2.length < 2)
return e2;
const i2 = n2.reduce((e3, t3) => {
const n3 = t3.basenames;
return n3 ? e3.concat(n3) : e3;
}, []);
let o2;
if (t2) {
o2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = i2.length; e3 < n3; e3++)
} else
o2 = n2.reduce((e3, t3) => {
const n3 = t3.patterns;
return n3 ? e3.concat(n3) : e3;
}, []);
const r2 = function(e3, t3) {
if ("string" != typeof e3)
return null;
if (!t3) {
let n4;
for (n4 = e3.length; n4 > 0; n4--) {
const t4 = e3.charCodeAt(n4 - 1);
if (47 === t4 || 92 === t4)
t3 = e3.substr(n4);
const n3 = i2.indexOf(t3);
return -1 !== n3 ? o2[n3] : null;
r2.basenames = i2, r2.patterns = o2, r2.allBasenames = i2;
const s2 = e2.filter((e3) => !e3.basenames);
return s2.push(r2), s2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
var i = n(56), o = n(6);
const r = {JSONContribution: "base.contributions.json"};
const s = new class {
constructor() {
this._onDidChangeSchema = new o.a(), this.schemasById = {};
registerSchema(e2, t2) {
var n2;
this.schemasById[n2 = e2, n2.length > 0 && "#" === n2.charAt(n2.length - 1) ? n2.substring(0, n2.length - 1) : n2] = t2,;
notifySchemaChanged(e2) {;
i.a.add(r.JSONContribution, s);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return o;
}), n.d(t, "a", function() {
return r;
const i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function o(e2, t2) {
for (let n2 in e2)
if (, n2)) {
if (false === t2({key: n2, value: e2[n2]}, function() {
delete e2[n2];
class r {
constructor() { = new Map();
add(e2, t2) {
let n2 =;
n2 || (n2 = new Set(),, n2)), n2.add(t2);
delete(e2, t2) {
const n2 =;
n2 && (n2.delete(t2), 0 === n2.size &&;
forEach(e2, t2) {
const n2 =;
n2 && n2.forEach(t2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(2);
class o extends i.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this.referenceDomElement = e2, this.changeCallback = n2, this.width = -1, this.height = -1, this.resizeObserver = null, this.measureReferenceDomElementToken = -1, this.measureReferenceDomElement(false, t2);
dispose() {
this.stopObserving(), super.dispose();
getWidth() {
return this.width;
getHeight() {
return this.height;
startObserving() {
"undefined" != typeof ResizeObserver ? !this.resizeObserver && this.referenceDomElement && (this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((e2) => {
e2 && e2[0] && e2[0].contentRect ? this.observe({width: e2[0].contentRect.width, height: e2[0].contentRect.height}) : this.observe();
}), this.resizeObserver.observe(this.referenceDomElement)) : -1 === this.measureReferenceDomElementToken && (this.measureReferenceDomElementToken = setInterval(() => this.observe(), 100));
stopObserving() {
this.resizeObserver && (this.resizeObserver.disconnect(), this.resizeObserver = null), -1 !== this.measureReferenceDomElementToken && (clearInterval(this.measureReferenceDomElementToken), this.measureReferenceDomElementToken = -1);
observe(e2) {
this.measureReferenceDomElement(true, e2);
measureReferenceDomElement(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0, i2 = 0;
t2 ? (n2 = t2.width, i2 = t2.height) : this.referenceDomElement && (n2 = this.referenceDomElement.clientWidth, i2 = this.referenceDomElement.clientHeight), n2 = Math.max(5, n2), i2 = Math.max(5, i2), this.width === n2 && this.height === i2 || (this.width = n2, this.height = i2, e2 && this.changeCallback());
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return i;
class i {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o, r) { = e2, this.label = t2, this.alias = n2, this._precondition = i2, this._run = o, this._contextKeyService = r;
isSupported() {
return this._contextKeyService.contextMatchesRules(this._precondition);
run() {
return this.isSupported() ? this._run() : Promise.resolve(void 0);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return o;
var i = n(18);
const o = Object(i.c)("markerDecorationsService");
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return c;
var i = n(174), o = n(6), r = n(2), s = n(46), a = n(3);
const l = {followsCaret: true, ignoreCharChanges: true, alwaysRevealFirst: true};
class c extends r.a {
constructor(e2, t2 = {}) {
super(), this._onDidUpdate = this._register(new o.a()), this._editor = e2, this._options = s.g(t2, l, false), this.disposed = false, this.nextIdx = -1, this.ranges = [], this.ignoreSelectionChange = false, this.revealFirst = Boolean(this._options.alwaysRevealFirst), this._register(this._editor.onDidDispose(() => this.dispose())), this._register(this._editor.onDidUpdateDiff(() => this._onDiffUpdated())), this._options.followsCaret && this._register(this._editor.getModifiedEditor().onDidChangeCursorPosition((e3) => {
this.ignoreSelectionChange || (this.nextIdx = -1);
})), this._options.alwaysRevealFirst && this._register(this._editor.getModifiedEditor().onDidChangeModel((e3) => {
this.revealFirst = true;
})), this._init();
_init() {
_onDiffUpdated() {
this._init(), this._compute(this._editor.getLineChanges()), this.revealFirst && null !== this._editor.getLineChanges() && (this.revealFirst = false, this.nextIdx = -1,;
_compute(e2) {
this.ranges = [], e2 && e2.forEach((e3) => {
!this._options.ignoreCharChanges && e3.charChanges ? e3.charChanges.forEach((e4) => {
this.ranges.push({rhs: true, range: new a.a(e4.modifiedStartLineNumber, e4.modifiedStartColumn, e4.modifiedEndLineNumber, e4.modifiedEndColumn)});
}) : this.ranges.push({rhs: true, range: new a.a(e3.modifiedStartLineNumber, 1, e3.modifiedStartLineNumber, 1)});
}), this.ranges.sort((e3, t2) => e3.range.getStartPosition().isBeforeOrEqual(t2.range.getStartPosition()) ? -1 : t2.range.getStartPosition().isBeforeOrEqual(e3.range.getStartPosition()) ? 1 : 0),;
_initIdx(e2) {
let t2 = false, n2 = this._editor.getPosition();
if (n2) {
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = this.ranges.length; i2 < o2 && !t2; i2++) {
let o3 = this.ranges[i2].range;
n2.isBeforeOrEqual(o3.getStartPosition()) && (this.nextIdx = i2 + (e2 ? 0 : -1), t2 = true);
t2 || (this.nextIdx = e2 ? 0 : this.ranges.length - 1), this.nextIdx < 0 && (this.nextIdx = this.ranges.length - 1);
} else
this.nextIdx = 0;
_move(e2, t2) {
if (i.a(!this.disposed, "Illegal State - diff navigator has been disposed"), !this.canNavigate())
-1 === this.nextIdx ? this._initIdx(e2) : e2 ? (this.nextIdx += 1, this.nextIdx >= this.ranges.length && (this.nextIdx = 0)) : (this.nextIdx -= 1, this.nextIdx < 0 && (this.nextIdx = this.ranges.length - 1));
let n2 = this.ranges[this.nextIdx];
this.ignoreSelectionChange = true;
try {
let e3 = n2.range.getStartPosition();
this._editor.setPosition(e3), this._editor.revealPositionInCenter(e3, t2);
} finally {
this.ignoreSelectionChange = false;
canNavigate() {
return this.ranges && this.ranges.length > 0;
next(e2 = 0) {
this._move(true, e2);
previous(e2 = 0) {
this._move(false, e2);
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this.ranges = [], this.disposed = true;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
return le;
var i = n(0), o = n(1), r = n(35), s = n(153), a = n(20), l = n(6), c = n(2), d = n(46), h = n(87), u = n(88), p = n(41), m = n(164), g = (n(248), n(116)), f = n(105), b = n(60), _ = n(4), v = n(26), w = n(111), y = n(9), C = n(57), x = n(91), S = n(74), k = n(10), E = n(5), T = n(19), L = n(17);
class N {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.originalLineStart = e2, this.originalLineEnd = t2, this.modifiedLineStart = n2, this.modifiedLineEnd = i2;
getType() {
return 0 === this.originalLineStart ? 1 : 0 === this.modifiedLineStart ? 2 : 0;
class I {
constructor(e2) {
this.entries = e2;
const O = Object(L.e)("diff-review-insert", L.a.add), D = Object(L.e)("diff-review-remove", L.a.remove), A = Object(L.e)("diff-review-close", L.a.close);
class R extends c.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._width = 0, this._diffEditor = e2, this._isVisible = false, this.shadow = Object(r.b)(document.createElement("div")), this.shadow.setClassName("diff-review-shadow"), this.actionBarContainer = Object(r.b)(document.createElement("div")), this.actionBarContainer.setClassName("diff-review-actions"), this._actionBar = this._register(new g.a(this.actionBarContainer.domNode)), this._actionBar.push(new b.a("diffreview.close", i.a("label.close", "Close"), "close-diff-review " + A.classNames, true, () => (this.hide(), Promise.resolve(null))), {label: false, icon: true}), this.domNode = Object(r.b)(document.createElement("div")), this.domNode.setClassName("diff-review monaco-editor-background"), this._content = Object(r.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._content.setClassName("diff-review-content"), this._content.setAttribute("role", "code"), this.scrollbar = this._register(new f.a(this._content.domNode, {})), this.domNode.domNode.appendChild(this.scrollbar.getDomNode()), this._register(e2.onDidUpdateDiff(() => {
this._isVisible && (this._diffs = this._compute(), this._render());
})), this._register(e2.getModifiedEditor().onDidChangeCursorPosition(() => {
this._isVisible && this._render();
})), this._register(o.n(this.domNode.domNode, "click", (e3) => {
let t2 = o.w(, "diff-review-row");
t2 && this._goToRow(t2);
})), this._register(o.n(this.domNode.domNode, "keydown", (e3) => {
(e3.equals(18) || e3.equals(2066) || e3.equals(530)) && (e3.preventDefault(), this._goToRow(this._getNextRow())), (e3.equals(16) || e3.equals(2064) || e3.equals(528)) && (e3.preventDefault(), this._goToRow(this._getPrevRow())), (e3.equals(9) || e3.equals(2057) || e3.equals(521) || e3.equals(1033)) && (e3.preventDefault(), this.hide()), (e3.equals(10) || e3.equals(3)) && (e3.preventDefault(), this.accept());
})), this._diffs = [], this._currentDiff = null;
prev() {
let e2 = 0;
if (this._isVisible || (this._diffs = this._compute()), this._isVisible) {
let t3 = -1;
for (let e3 = 0, n2 = this._diffs.length; e3 < n2; e3++)
if (this._diffs[e3] === this._currentDiff) {
t3 = e3;
e2 = this._diffs.length + t3 - 1;
} else
e2 = this._findDiffIndex(this._diffEditor.getPosition());
if (0 === this._diffs.length)
e2 %= this._diffs.length;
const t2 = this._diffs[e2].entries;
this._diffEditor.setPosition(new y.a(t2[0].modifiedLineStart, 1)), this._diffEditor.setSelection({startColumn: 1, startLineNumber: t2[0].modifiedLineStart, endColumn: 1073741824, endLineNumber: t2[t2.length - 1].modifiedLineEnd}), this._isVisible = true, this._diffEditor.doLayout(), this._render(), this._goToRow(this._getNextRow());
next() {
let e2 = 0;
if (this._isVisible || (this._diffs = this._compute()), this._isVisible) {
let t3 = -1;
for (let e3 = 0, n2 = this._diffs.length; e3 < n2; e3++)
if (this._diffs[e3] === this._currentDiff) {
t3 = e3;
e2 = t3 + 1;
} else
e2 = this._findDiffIndex(this._diffEditor.getPosition());
if (0 === this._diffs.length)
e2 %= this._diffs.length;
const t2 = this._diffs[e2].entries;
this._diffEditor.setPosition(new y.a(t2[0].modifiedLineStart, 1)), this._diffEditor.setSelection({startColumn: 1, startLineNumber: t2[0].modifiedLineStart, endColumn: 1073741824, endLineNumber: t2[t2.length - 1].modifiedLineEnd}), this._isVisible = true, this._diffEditor.doLayout(), this._render(), this._goToRow(this._getNextRow());
accept() {
let e2 = -1, t2 = this._getCurrentFocusedRow();
if (t2) {
let n2 = parseInt(t2.getAttribute("data-line"), 10);
isNaN(n2) || (e2 = n2);
this.hide(), -1 !== e2 && (this._diffEditor.setPosition(new y.a(e2, 1)), this._diffEditor.revealPosition(new y.a(e2, 1), 1));
hide() {
this._isVisible = false, this._diffEditor.updateOptions({readOnly: false}), this._diffEditor.focus(), this._diffEditor.doLayout(), this._render();
_getPrevRow() {
let e2 = this._getCurrentFocusedRow();
return e2 ? e2.previousElementSibling ? e2.previousElementSibling : e2 : this._getFirstRow();
_getNextRow() {
let e2 = this._getCurrentFocusedRow();
return e2 ? e2.nextElementSibling ? e2.nextElementSibling : e2 : this._getFirstRow();
_getFirstRow() {
return this.domNode.domNode.querySelector(".diff-review-row");
_getCurrentFocusedRow() {
let e2 = document.activeElement;
return e2 && /diff-review-row/.test(e2.className) ? e2 : null;
_goToRow(e2) {
let t2 = this._getCurrentFocusedRow();
e2.tabIndex = 0, e2.focus(), t2 && t2 !== e2 && (t2.tabIndex = -1), this.scrollbar.scanDomNode();
isVisible() {
return this._isVisible;
layout(e2, t2, n2) {
this._width = t2, this.shadow.setTop(e2 - 6), this.shadow.setWidth(t2), this.shadow.setHeight(this._isVisible ? 6 : 0), this.domNode.setTop(e2), this.domNode.setWidth(t2), this.domNode.setHeight(n2), this._content.setHeight(n2), this._content.setWidth(t2), this._isVisible ? (this.actionBarContainer.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"), this.actionBarContainer.setDisplay("block")) : (this.actionBarContainer.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this.actionBarContainer.setDisplay("none"));
_compute() {
const e2 = this._diffEditor.getLineChanges();
if (!e2 || 0 === e2.length)
return [];
const t2 = this._diffEditor.getOriginalEditor().getModel(), n2 = this._diffEditor.getModifiedEditor().getModel();
return t2 && n2 ? R._mergeAdjacent(e2, t2.getLineCount(), n2.getLineCount()) : [];
static _mergeAdjacent(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!e2 || 0 === e2.length)
return [];
let i2 = [], o2 = 0;
for (let r3 = 0, s3 = e2.length; r3 < s3; r3++) {
const a3 = e2[r3], l2 = a3.originalStartLineNumber, c2 = a3.originalEndLineNumber, d2 = a3.modifiedStartLineNumber, h2 = a3.modifiedEndLineNumber;
let u2 = [], p2 = 0;
const t3 = 0 === c2 ? l2 : l2 - 1, n3 = 0 === h2 ? d2 : d2 - 1;
let i3 = 1, o3 = 1;
if (r3 > 0) {
const t4 = e2[r3 - 1];
i3 = 0 === t4.originalEndLineNumber ? t4.originalStartLineNumber + 1 : t4.originalEndLineNumber + 1, o3 = 0 === t4.modifiedEndLineNumber ? t4.modifiedStartLineNumber + 1 : t4.modifiedEndLineNumber + 1;
let s4 = t3 - 3 + 1, a4 = n3 - 3 + 1;
if (s4 < i3) {
const e3 = i3 - s4;
s4 += e3, a4 += e3;
if (a4 < o3) {
const e3 = o3 - a4;
s4 += e3, a4 += e3;
u2[p2++] = new N(s4, t3, a4, n3);
0 !== c2 && (u2[p2++] = new N(l2, c2, 0, 0)), 0 !== h2 && (u2[p2++] = new N(0, 0, d2, h2));
const i3 = 0 === c2 ? l2 + 1 : c2 + 1, o3 = 0 === h2 ? d2 + 1 : h2 + 1;
let a4 = t2, m2 = n2;
if (r3 + 1 < s3) {
const t3 = e2[r3 + 1];
a4 = 0 === t3.originalEndLineNumber ? t3.originalStartLineNumber : t3.originalStartLineNumber - 1, m2 = 0 === t3.modifiedEndLineNumber ? t3.modifiedStartLineNumber : t3.modifiedStartLineNumber - 1;
let g2 = i3 + 3 - 1, f2 = o3 + 3 - 1;
if (g2 > a4) {
const e3 = a4 - g2;
g2 += e3, f2 += e3;
if (f2 > m2) {
const e3 = m2 - f2;
g2 += e3, f2 += e3;
u2[p2++] = new N(i3, g2, o3, f2);
i2[o2++] = new I(u2);
let r2 = i2[0].entries, s2 = [], a2 = 0;
for (let e3 = 1, t3 = i2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = i2[e3].entries, n3 = r2[r2.length - 1], o3 = t4[0];
0 === n3.getType() && 0 === o3.getType() && o3.originalLineStart <= n3.originalLineEnd ? (r2[r2.length - 1] = new N(n3.originalLineStart, o3.originalLineEnd, n3.modifiedLineStart, o3.modifiedLineEnd), r2 = r2.concat(t4.slice(1))) : (s2[a2++] = new I(r2), r2 = t4);
return s2[a2++] = new I(r2), s2;
_findDiffIndex(e2) {
const t2 = e2.lineNumber;
for (let e3 = 0, n2 = this._diffs.length; e3 < n2; e3++) {
const n3 = this._diffs[e3].entries;
if (t2 <= n3[n3.length - 1].modifiedLineEnd)
return e3;
return 0;
_render() {
const e2 = this._diffEditor.getOriginalEditor().getOptions(), t2 = this._diffEditor.getModifiedEditor().getOptions(), n2 = this._diffEditor.getOriginalEditor().getModel(), r2 = this._diffEditor.getModifiedEditor().getModel(), s2 = n2.getOptions(), a2 = r2.getOptions();
if (!this._isVisible || !n2 || !r2)
return o.s(this._content.domNode), this._currentDiff = null, void this.scrollbar.scanDomNode();
this._diffEditor.updateOptions({readOnly: true});
const l2 = this._findDiffIndex(this._diffEditor.getPosition());
if (this._diffs[l2] === this._currentDiff)
this._currentDiff = this._diffs[l2];
const c2 = this._diffs[l2].entries;
let d2 = document.createElement("div");
d2.className = "diff-review-table", d2.setAttribute("role", "list"), d2.setAttribute("aria-label", 'Difference review. Use "Stage | Unstage | Revert Selected Ranges" commands'), h.a.applyFontInfoSlow(d2, t2.get(36));
let u2 = 0, p2 = 0, m2 = 0, g2 = 0;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = c2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = c2[e3], n3 = t4.originalLineStart, i2 = t4.originalLineEnd, o2 = t4.modifiedLineStart, r3 = t4.modifiedLineEnd;
0 !== n3 && (0 === u2 || n3 < u2) && (u2 = n3), 0 !== i2 && (0 === p2 || i2 > p2) && (p2 = i2), 0 !== o2 && (0 === m2 || o2 < m2) && (m2 = o2), 0 !== r3 && (0 === g2 || r3 > g2) && (g2 = r3);
let f2 = document.createElement("div");
f2.className = "diff-review-row";
let b2 = document.createElement("div");
b2.className = "diff-review-cell diff-review-summary";
const _2 = p2 - u2 + 1, v2 = g2 - m2 + 1;
b2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`${l2 + 1}/${this._diffs.length}: @@ -${u2},${_2} +${m2},${v2} @@`)), f2.setAttribute("data-line", String(m2));
const w2 = (e3) => 0 === e3 ? i.a("no_lines_changed", "no lines changed") : 1 === e3 ? i.a("one_line_changed", "1 line changed") : i.a("more_lines_changed", "{0} lines changed", e3), y2 = w2(_2), C2 = w2(v2);
f2.setAttribute("aria-label", i.a({key: "header", comment: ["This is the ARIA label for a git diff header.", "A git diff header looks like this: @@ -154,12 +159,39 @@.", "That encodes that at original line 154 (which is now line 159), 12 lines were removed/changed with 39 lines.", "Variables 0 and 1 refer to the diff index out of total number of diffs.", "Variables 2 and 4 will be numbers (a line number).", 'Variables 3 and 5 will be "no lines changed", "1 line changed" or "X lines changed", localized separately.']}, "Difference {0} of {1}: original line {2}, {3}, modified line {4}, {5}", l2 + 1, this._diffs.length, u2, y2, m2, C2)), f2.appendChild(b2), f2.setAttribute("role", "listitem"), d2.appendChild(f2);
const x2 = t2.get(51);
let S2 = m2;
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = c2.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
const o3 = c2[i2];
R._renderSection(d2, o3, S2, x2, this._width, e2, n2, s2, t2, r2, a2), 0 !== o3.modifiedLineStart && (S2 = o3.modifiedLineEnd);
o.s(this._content.domNode), this._content.domNode.appendChild(d2), this.scrollbar.scanDomNode();
static _renderSection(e2, t2, n2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2) {
const u2 = t2.getType();
let p2 = "diff-review-row", m2 = "";
let g2 = null;
switch (u2) {
case 1:
p2 = "diff-review-row line-insert", m2 = " char-insert", g2 = O;
case 2:
p2 = "diff-review-row line-delete", m2 = " char-delete", g2 = D;
const f2 = t2.originalLineStart, b2 = t2.originalLineEnd, _2 = t2.modifiedLineStart, v2 = t2.modifiedLineEnd, w2 = Math.max(v2 - _2, b2 - f2), y2 = s2.get(117), C2 = y2.glyphMarginWidth + y2.lineNumbersWidth, x2 = c2.get(117), S2 = 10 + x2.glyphMarginWidth + x2.lineNumbersWidth;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 <= w2; t3++) {
const b3 = 0 === f2 ? 0 : f2 + t3, v3 = 0 === _2 ? 0 : _2 + t3, w3 = document.createElement("div"); = r2 + "px", w3.className = p2, w3.setAttribute("role", "listitem"), 0 !== v3 && (n2 = v3), w3.setAttribute("data-line", String(n2));
let y3 = document.createElement("div");
y3.className = "diff-review-cell", = o2 + "px", w3.appendChild(y3);
const x3 = document.createElement("span"); = C2 + "px", = C2 + "px", x3.className = "diff-review-line-number" + m2, 0 !== b3 ? x3.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String(b3))) : x3.innerText = " ", y3.appendChild(x3);
const k2 = document.createElement("span"); = S2 + "px", = S2 + "px", = "10px", k2.className = "diff-review-line-number" + m2, 0 !== v3 ? k2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String(v3))) : k2.innerText = " ", y3.appendChild(k2);
const E2 = document.createElement("span");
if (E2.className = "diff-review-spacer", g2) {
const e3 = document.createElement("span");
e3.className = g2.classNames, e3.innerText = "  ", E2.appendChild(e3);
} else
E2.innerText = "  ";
let T2;
y3.appendChild(E2), 0 !== v3 ? (y3.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", this._renderLine(d2, c2, h2.tabSize, v3)), T2 = d2.getLineContent(v3)) : (y3.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", this._renderLine(a2, s2, l2.tabSize, b3)), T2 = a2.getLineContent(b3)), 0 === T2.length && (T2 = i.a("blankLine", "blank"));
let L2 = "";
switch (u2) {
case 0:
L2 = b3 === v3 ? i.a({key: "unchangedLine", comment: ["The placholders are contents of the line and should not be translated."]}, "{0} unchanged line {1}", T2, b3) : i.a("equalLine", "{0} original line {1} modified line {2}", T2, b3, v3);
case 1:
L2 = i.a("insertLine", "+ {0} modified line {1}", T2, v3);
case 2:
L2 = i.a("deleteLine", "- {0} original line {1}", T2, b3);
w3.setAttribute("aria-label", L2), e2.appendChild(w3);
static _renderLine(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = e2.getLineContent(i2), r2 = t2.get(36), s2 = new Uint32Array(2);
s2[0] = o2.length, s2[1] = 16793600;
const a2 = new w.a(s2, o2), l2 = S.d.isBasicASCII(o2, e2.mightContainNonBasicASCII()), c2 = S.d.containsRTL(o2, l2, e2.mightContainRTL());
return Object(x.e)(new x.c(r2.isMonospace && !t2.get(24), r2.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow, o2, false, l2, c2, 0, a2, [], n2, 0, r2.spaceWidth, r2.middotWidth, r2.wsmiddotWidth, t2.get(95), t2.get(80), t2.get(74), t2.get(37) !== v.e.OFF, null)).html;
Object(T.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(C.k);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-line-number { color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(E.ic);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-shadow { box-shadow: ${i2} 0 -6px 6px -6px inset; }`);
class M extends _.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "", label: i.a("", "Go to Next Difference"), alias: "Go to Next Difference", precondition: k.a.has("isInDiffEditor"), kbOpts: {kbExpr: null, primary: 65, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = F(e2);
n2 && n2.diffReviewNext();
class P extends _.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.diffReview.prev", label: i.a("editor.action.diffReview.prev", "Go to Previous Difference"), alias: "Go to Previous Difference", precondition: k.a.has("isInDiffEditor"), kbOpts: {kbExpr: null, primary: 1089, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = F(e2);
n2 && n2.diffReviewPrev();
function F(e2) {
const t2 = e2.get(p.a), n2 = t2.listDiffEditors(), i2 = t2.getActiveCodeEditor();
if (!i2)
return null;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = n2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = n2[e3];
if (t4.getModifiedEditor().getId() === i2.getId() || t4.getOriginalEditor().getId() === i2.getId())
return t4;
return null;
Object(_.k)(M), Object(_.k)(P);
var W = n(3), z = n(132), B = n(143), j = n(30), V = n(96), U = n(168), H = n(155), q = n(18), $ = n(149), K = n(49), G = n(84), Y = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class Z extends c.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, r2, s2, a2) {
super(), this._viewZoneId = e2, this._marginDomNode = t2, this.editor = n2, this.diff = r2, this._contextMenuService = s2, this._clipboardService = a2, this._visibility = false, = "10", this._diffActions = document.createElement("div"), this._diffActions.className = L.a.lightBulb.classNames + " lightbulb-glyph", = "absolute";
const l2 = n2.getOption(51), c2 = n2.getModel().getEOL(); = "0px", = "hidden", = l2 + "px", = l2 + "px", this._marginDomNode.appendChild(this._diffActions);
const d2 = [];
d2.push(new b.a("diff.clipboard.copyDeletedContent", r2.originalEndLineNumber > r2.modifiedStartLineNumber ? i.a("diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label", "Copy deleted lines") : i.a("diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label", "Copy deleted line"), void 0, true, () => Y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield this._clipboardService.writeText(r2.originalContent.join(c2) + c2);
let h2 = 0, u2 = void 0;
r2.originalEndLineNumber > r2.modifiedStartLineNumber && (u2 = new b.a("diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent", i.a("diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label", "Copy deleted line ({0})", r2.originalStartLineNumber), void 0, true, () => Y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield this._clipboardService.writeText(r2.originalContent[h2]);
})), d2.push(u2));
n2.getOption(72) || d2.push(new b.a("diff.inline.revertChange", i.a("diff.inline.revertChange.label", "Revert this change"), void 0, true, () => Y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (0 === r2.modifiedEndLineNumber) {
const e3 = n2.getModel().getLineMaxColumn(r2.modifiedStartLineNumber);
n2.executeEdits("diffEditor", [{range: new W.a(r2.modifiedStartLineNumber, e3, r2.modifiedStartLineNumber, e3), text: c2 + r2.originalContent.join(c2)}]);
} else {
const e3 = n2.getModel().getLineMaxColumn(r2.modifiedEndLineNumber);
n2.executeEdits("diffEditor", [{range: new W.a(r2.modifiedStartLineNumber, 1, r2.modifiedEndLineNumber, e3), text: r2.originalContent.join(c2)}]);
const p2 = (e3, t3) => {
this._contextMenuService.showContextMenu({getAnchor: () => ({x: e3, y: t3}), getActions: () => (u2 && (u2.label = i.a("diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label", "Copy deleted line ({0})", r2.originalStartLineNumber + h2)), d2), autoSelectFirstItem: true});
this._register(o.n(this._diffActions, "mousedown", (e3) => {
const {top: t3, height: n3} = o.C(this._diffActions);
let i2 = Math.floor(l2 / 3);
e3.preventDefault(), p2(e3.posx, t3 + n3 + i2);
})), this._register(n2.onMouseMove((e3) => {
if (8 === || 5 === { === this._viewZoneId ? (this.visibility = true, h2 = this._updateLightBulbPosition(this._marginDomNode, e3.event.browserEvent.y, l2)) : this.visibility = false;
} else
this.visibility = false;
})), this._register(n2.onMouseDown((e3) => {
if (e3.event.rightButton && (8 === || 5 === { === this._viewZoneId && (e3.event.preventDefault(), h2 = this._updateLightBulbPosition(this._marginDomNode, e3.event.browserEvent.y, l2), p2(e3.event.posx, e3.event.posy + l2));
get visibility() {
return this._visibility;
set visibility(e2) {
this._visibility !== e2 && (this._visibility = e2, = e2 ? "visible" : "hidden");
_updateLightBulbPosition(e2, t2, n2) {
const {top: i2} = o.C(e2), r2 = t2 - i2, s2 = Math.floor(r2 / n2), a2 = s2 * n2;
return = a2 + "px", s2;
var X = n(121), Q = n(13), J = n(83), ee = n(190), te = n(145), ne = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, ie = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
class oe {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._contextMenuService = e2, this._clipboardService = t2, this._zones = [], this.inlineDiffMargins = [], this._zonesMap = {}, this._decorations = [];
getForeignViewZones(e2) {
return e2.filter((e3) => !this._zonesMap[String(]);
clean(e2) {
this._zones.length > 0 && e2.changeViewZones((e3) => {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this._zones.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
}), this._zones = [], this._zonesMap = {}, this._decorations = e2.deltaDecorations(this._decorations, []);
apply(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = i2 ? u.c.capture(e2) : null;
e2.changeViewZones((t3) => {
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = this._zones.length; e3 < n3; e3++)
for (let e3 = 0, t4 = this.inlineDiffMargins.length; e3 < t4; e3++)
this._zones = [], this._zonesMap = {}, this.inlineDiffMargins = [];
for (let i3 = 0, o3 = n2.zones.length; i3 < o3; i3++) {
const o4 = n2.zones[i3];
o4.suppressMouseDown = true;
let r2 = t3.addZone(o4);
this._zones.push(r2), this._zonesMap[String(r2)] = true, n2.zones[i3].diff && o4.marginDomNode && (o4.suppressMouseDown = false, this.inlineDiffMargins.push(new Z(r2, o4.marginDomNode, e2, n2.zones[i3].diff, this._contextMenuService, this._clipboardService)));
}), o2 && o2.restore(e2), this._decorations = e2.deltaDecorations(this._decorations, n2.decorations), t2 && t2.setZones(n2.overviewZones);
let re = 0;
const se = Object(L.e)("diff-insert", L.a.add), ae = Object(L.e)("diff-remove", L.a.remove);
let le = class e2 extends c.a {
constructor(t2, n2, i2, s2, c2, d2, h2, u2, p2, m2, g2) {
super(), this._editorProgressService = g2, this._onDidDispose = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidDispose = this._onDidDispose.event, this._onDidUpdateDiff = this._register(new l.a()), this.onDidUpdateDiff = this._onDidUpdateDiff.event, this._onDidContentSizeChange = this._register(new l.a()), this._lastOriginalWarning = null, this._lastModifiedWarning = null, this._editorWorkerService = s2, this._codeEditorService = h2, this._contextKeyService = this._register(c2.createScoped(t2)), this._contextKeyService.createKey("isInDiffEditor", true), this._themeService = u2, this._notificationService = p2, = ++re, this._state = 0, this._updatingDiffProgress = null, this._domElement = t2, n2 = n2 || {}, this._renderSideBySide = true, void 0 !== n2.renderSideBySide && (this._renderSideBySide = n2.renderSideBySide), this._maxComputationTime = 5e3, void 0 !== n2.maxComputationTime && (this._maxComputationTime = n2.maxComputationTime), this._ignoreTrimWhitespace = true, void 0 !== n2.ignoreTrimWhitespace && (this._ignoreTrimWhitespace = n2.ignoreTrimWhitespace), this._renderIndicators = true, void 0 !== n2.renderIndicators && (this._renderIndicators = n2.renderIndicators), this._originalIsEditable = false, void 0 !== n2.originalEditable && (this._originalIsEditable = Boolean(n2.originalEditable)), this._originalCodeLens = false, void 0 !== n2.originalCodeLens && (this._originalCodeLens = Boolean(n2.originalCodeLens)), this._modifiedCodeLens = false, void 0 !== n2.modifiedCodeLens && (this._modifiedCodeLens = Boolean(n2.modifiedCodeLens)), this._updateDecorationsRunner = this._register(new a.d(() => this._updateDecorations(), 0)), this._containerDomElement = document.createElement("div"), this._containerDomElement.className = e2._getClassName(this._themeService.getColorTheme(), this._renderSideBySide), = "relative", = "100%", this._domElement.appendChild(this._containerDomElement), this._overviewViewportDomElement = Object(r.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._overviewViewportDomElement.setClassName("diffViewport"), this._overviewViewportDomElement.setPosition("absolute"), this._overviewDomElement = document.createElement("div"), this._overviewDomElement.className = "diffOverview", = "absolute", this._overviewDomElement.appendChild(this._overviewViewportDomElement.domNode), this._register(o.n(this._overviewDomElement, "mousedown", (e3) => {
})), this._containerDomElement.appendChild(this._overviewDomElement), this._originalDomNode = document.createElement("div"), this._originalDomNode.className = "editor original", = "absolute", = "100%", this._containerDomElement.appendChild(this._originalDomNode), this._modifiedDomNode = document.createElement("div"), this._modifiedDomNode.className = "editor modified", = "absolute", = "100%", this._containerDomElement.appendChild(this._modifiedDomNode), this._beginUpdateDecorationsTimeout = -1, this._currentlyChangingViewZones = false, this._diffComputationToken = 0, this._originalEditorState = new oe(m2, i2), this._modifiedEditorState = new oe(m2, i2), this._isVisible = true, this._isHandlingScrollEvent = false, this._elementSizeObserver = this._register(new ee.a(this._containerDomElement, void 0, () => this._onDidContainerSizeChanged())), n2.automaticLayout && this._elementSizeObserver.startObserving(), this._diffComputationResult = null;
const f2 = this._contextKeyService.createScoped(), b2 = new $.a();
b2.set(k.b, f2);
const v2 = d2.createChild(b2), w2 = this._contextKeyService.createScoped(), y2 = new $.a();
y2.set(k.b, w2);
const C2 = d2.createChild(y2);
this.originalEditor = this._createLeftHandSideEditor(n2, v2, f2), this.modifiedEditor = this._createRightHandSideEditor(n2, C2, w2), this._originalOverviewRuler = null, this._modifiedOverviewRuler = null, this._reviewPane = new R(this), this._containerDomElement.appendChild(this._reviewPane.domNode.domNode), this._containerDomElement.appendChild(this._reviewPane.shadow.domNode), this._containerDomElement.appendChild(this._reviewPane.actionBarContainer.domNode), this._enableSplitViewResizing = true, void 0 !== n2.enableSplitViewResizing && (this._enableSplitViewResizing = n2.enableSplitViewResizing), this._renderSideBySide ? this._setStrategy(new me(this._createDataSource(), this._enableSplitViewResizing)) : this._setStrategy(new fe(this._createDataSource(), this._enableSplitViewResizing)), this._register(u2.onDidColorThemeChange((t3) => {
this._strategy && this._strategy.applyColors(t3) && this._updateDecorationsRunner.schedule(), this._containerDomElement.className = e2._getClassName(this._themeService.getColorTheme(), this._renderSideBySide);
const x2 = _.d.getDiffEditorContributions();
for (const e3 of x2)
try {
this._register(d2.createInstance(e3.ctor, this));
} catch (e4) {
_setState(e3) {
this._state !== e3 && (this._state = e3, this._updatingDiffProgress && (this._updatingDiffProgress.done(), this._updatingDiffProgress = null), 1 === this._state && (this._updatingDiffProgress =, 1e3)));
diffReviewNext() {;
diffReviewPrev() {
static _getClassName(e3, t2) {
let n2 = "monaco-diff-editor monaco-editor-background ";
return t2 && (n2 += "side-by-side "), n2 += Object(T.f)(e3.type), n2;
_recreateOverviewRulers() {
this._originalOverviewRuler && (this._overviewDomElement.removeChild(this._originalOverviewRuler.getDomNode()), this._originalOverviewRuler.dispose()), this.originalEditor.hasModel() && (this._originalOverviewRuler = this.originalEditor.createOverviewRuler("original diffOverviewRuler"), this._overviewDomElement.appendChild(this._originalOverviewRuler.getDomNode())), this._modifiedOverviewRuler && (this._overviewDomElement.removeChild(this._modifiedOverviewRuler.getDomNode()), this._modifiedOverviewRuler.dispose()), this.modifiedEditor.hasModel() && (this._modifiedOverviewRuler = this.modifiedEditor.createOverviewRuler("modified diffOverviewRuler"), this._overviewDomElement.appendChild(this._modifiedOverviewRuler.getDomNode())), this._layoutOverviewRulers();
_createLeftHandSideEditor(t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this._createInnerEditor(n2, this._originalDomNode, this._adjustOptionsForLeftHandSide(t2, this._originalIsEditable, this._originalCodeLens));
this._register(o2.onDidScrollChange((e3) => {
this._isHandlingScrollEvent || (e3.scrollTopChanged || e3.scrollLeftChanged || e3.scrollHeightChanged) && (this._isHandlingScrollEvent = true, this.modifiedEditor.setScrollPosition({scrollLeft: e3.scrollLeft, scrollTop: e3.scrollTop}), this._isHandlingScrollEvent = false, this._layoutOverviewViewport());
})), this._register(o2.onDidChangeViewZones(() => {
})), this._register(o2.onDidChangeModelContent(() => {
this._isVisible && this._beginUpdateDecorationsSoon();
const r2 = i2.createKey("isInDiffLeftEditor", void 0);
return this._register(o2.onDidFocusEditorWidget(() => r2.set(true))), this._register(o2.onDidBlurEditorWidget(() => r2.set(false))), this._register(o2.onDidContentSizeChange((t3) => {
const n3 = this.originalEditor.getContentWidth() + this.modifiedEditor.getContentWidth() + e2.ONE_OVERVIEW_WIDTH, i3 = Math.max(this.modifiedEditor.getContentHeight(), this.originalEditor.getContentHeight());{contentHeight: i3, contentWidth: n3, contentHeightChanged: t3.contentHeightChanged, contentWidthChanged: t3.contentWidthChanged});
})), o2;
_createRightHandSideEditor(t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = this._createInnerEditor(n2, this._modifiedDomNode, this._adjustOptionsForRightHandSide(t2, this._modifiedCodeLens));
this._register(o2.onDidScrollChange((e3) => {
this._isHandlingScrollEvent || (e3.scrollTopChanged || e3.scrollLeftChanged || e3.scrollHeightChanged) && (this._isHandlingScrollEvent = true, this.originalEditor.setScrollPosition({scrollLeft: e3.scrollLeft, scrollTop: e3.scrollTop}), this._isHandlingScrollEvent = false, this._layoutOverviewViewport());
})), this._register(o2.onDidChangeViewZones(() => {
})), this._register(o2.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.hasChanged(36) && o2.getModel() && this._onViewZonesChanged();
})), this._register(o2.onDidChangeModelContent(() => {
this._isVisible && this._beginUpdateDecorationsSoon();
})), this._register(o2.onDidChangeModelOptions((e3) => {
e3.tabSize && this._updateDecorationsRunner.schedule();
const r2 = i2.createKey("isInDiffRightEditor", void 0);
return this._register(o2.onDidFocusEditorWidget(() => r2.set(true))), this._register(o2.onDidBlurEditorWidget(() => r2.set(false))), this._register(o2.onDidContentSizeChange((t3) => {
const n3 = this.originalEditor.getContentWidth() + this.modifiedEditor.getContentWidth() + e2.ONE_OVERVIEW_WIDTH, i3 = Math.max(this.modifiedEditor.getContentHeight(), this.originalEditor.getContentHeight());{contentHeight: i3, contentWidth: n3, contentHeightChanged: t3.contentHeightChanged, contentWidthChanged: t3.contentWidthChanged});
})), o2;
_createInnerEditor(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3.createInstance(m.a, t2, n2, {});
dispose() {
this._codeEditorService.removeDiffEditor(this), -1 !== this._beginUpdateDecorationsTimeout && (window.clearTimeout(this._beginUpdateDecorationsTimeout), this._beginUpdateDecorationsTimeout = -1), this._cleanViewZonesAndDecorations(), this._originalOverviewRuler && (this._overviewDomElement.removeChild(this._originalOverviewRuler.getDomNode()), this._originalOverviewRuler.dispose()), this._modifiedOverviewRuler && (this._overviewDomElement.removeChild(this._modifiedOverviewRuler.getDomNode()), this._modifiedOverviewRuler.dispose()), this._overviewDomElement.removeChild(this._overviewViewportDomElement.domNode), this._containerDomElement.removeChild(this._overviewDomElement), this._containerDomElement.removeChild(this._originalDomNode), this.originalEditor.dispose(), this._containerDomElement.removeChild(this._modifiedDomNode), this.modifiedEditor.dispose(), this._strategy.dispose(), this._containerDomElement.removeChild(this._reviewPane.domNode.domNode), this._containerDomElement.removeChild(this._reviewPane.shadow.domNode), this._containerDomElement.removeChild(this._reviewPane.actionBarContainer.domNode), this._reviewPane.dispose(), this._domElement.removeChild(this._containerDomElement),, super.dispose();
getId() {
return this.getEditorType() + ":" +;
getEditorType() {
return B.a.IDiffEditor;
getLineChanges() {
return this._diffComputationResult ? this._diffComputationResult.changes : null;
getOriginalEditor() {
return this.originalEditor;
getModifiedEditor() {
return this.modifiedEditor;
updateOptions(t2) {
let n2 = false;
void 0 !== t2.renderSideBySide && this._renderSideBySide !== t2.renderSideBySide && (this._renderSideBySide = t2.renderSideBySide, n2 = true), void 0 !== t2.maxComputationTime && (this._maxComputationTime = t2.maxComputationTime, this._isVisible && this._beginUpdateDecorationsSoon());
let i2 = false;
void 0 !== t2.ignoreTrimWhitespace && this._ignoreTrimWhitespace !== t2.ignoreTrimWhitespace && (this._ignoreTrimWhitespace = t2.ignoreTrimWhitespace, i2 = true), void 0 !== t2.renderIndicators && this._renderIndicators !== t2.renderIndicators && (this._renderIndicators = t2.renderIndicators, i2 = true), i2 && this._beginUpdateDecorations(), void 0 !== t2.originalEditable && (this._originalIsEditable = Boolean(t2.originalEditable)), void 0 !== t2.originalCodeLens && (this._originalCodeLens = Boolean(t2.originalCodeLens)), void 0 !== t2.modifiedCodeLens && (this._modifiedCodeLens = Boolean(t2.modifiedCodeLens)), this.modifiedEditor.updateOptions(this._adjustOptionsForRightHandSide(t2, this._modifiedCodeLens)), this.originalEditor.updateOptions(this._adjustOptionsForLeftHandSide(t2, this._originalIsEditable, this._originalCodeLens)), void 0 !== t2.enableSplitViewResizing && (this._enableSplitViewResizing = t2.enableSplitViewResizing), this._strategy.setEnableSplitViewResizing(this._enableSplitViewResizing), n2 && (this._renderSideBySide ? this._setStrategy(new me(this._createDataSource(), this._enableSplitViewResizing)) : this._setStrategy(new fe(this._createDataSource(), this._enableSplitViewResizing)), this._containerDomElement.className = e2._getClassName(this._themeService.getColorTheme(), this._renderSideBySide));
getModel() {
return {original: this.originalEditor.getModel(), modified: this.modifiedEditor.getModel()};
setModel(e3) {
if (e3 && (!e3.original || !e3.modified))
throw new Error(e3.original ? "DiffEditorWidget.setModel: Modified model is null" : "DiffEditorWidget.setModel: Original model is null");
this._cleanViewZonesAndDecorations(), this.originalEditor.setModel(e3 ? e3.original : null), this.modifiedEditor.setModel(e3 ? e3.modified : null), this._updateDecorationsRunner.cancel(), e3 && (this.originalEditor.setScrollTop(0), this.modifiedEditor.setScrollTop(0)), this._diffComputationResult = null, this._diffComputationToken++, this._setState(0), e3 && (this._recreateOverviewRulers(), this._beginUpdateDecorations()), this._layoutOverviewViewport();
getDomNode() {
return this._domElement;
getVisibleColumnFromPosition(e3) {
return this.modifiedEditor.getVisibleColumnFromPosition(e3);
getPosition() {
return this.modifiedEditor.getPosition();
setPosition(e3) {
revealLine(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealLine(e3, t2);
revealLineInCenter(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealLineInCenter(e3, t2);
revealLineInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealLineInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2);
revealLineNearTop(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealLineNearTop(e3, t2);
revealPosition(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealPosition(e3, t2);
revealPositionInCenter(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealPositionInCenter(e3, t2);
revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2);
revealPositionNearTop(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealPositionNearTop(e3, t2);
getSelection() {
return this.modifiedEditor.getSelection();
getSelections() {
return this.modifiedEditor.getSelections();
setSelection(e3) {
setSelections(e3) {
revealLines(e3, t2, n2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealLines(e3, t2, n2);
revealLinesInCenter(e3, t2, n2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealLinesInCenter(e3, t2, n2);
revealLinesInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2, n2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealLinesInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2, n2);
revealLinesNearTop(e3, t2, n2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealLinesNearTop(e3, t2, n2);
revealRange(e3, t2 = 0, n2 = false, i2 = true) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealRange(e3, t2, n2, i2);
revealRangeInCenter(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealRangeInCenter(e3, t2);
revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2);
revealRangeNearTop(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealRangeNearTop(e3, t2);
revealRangeNearTopIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealRangeNearTopIfOutsideViewport(e3, t2);
revealRangeAtTop(e3, t2 = 0) {
this.modifiedEditor.revealRangeAtTop(e3, t2);
getSupportedActions() {
return this.modifiedEditor.getSupportedActions();
saveViewState() {
return {original: this.originalEditor.saveViewState(), modified: this.modifiedEditor.saveViewState()};
restoreViewState(e3) {
if (e3.original && e3.modified) {
let t2 = e3;
this.originalEditor.restoreViewState(t2.original), this.modifiedEditor.restoreViewState(t2.modified);
layout(e3) {
focus() {
hasTextFocus() {
return this.originalEditor.hasTextFocus() || this.modifiedEditor.hasTextFocus();
trigger(e3, t2, n2) {
this.modifiedEditor.trigger(e3, t2, n2);
changeDecorations(e3) {
return this.modifiedEditor.changeDecorations(e3);
_onDidContainerSizeChanged() {
_getReviewHeight() {
return this._reviewPane.isVisible() ? this._elementSizeObserver.getHeight() : 0;
_layoutOverviewRulers() {
if (!this._originalOverviewRuler || !this._modifiedOverviewRuler)
const t2 = this._elementSizeObserver.getHeight(), n2 = this._getReviewHeight();
this.modifiedEditor.getLayoutInfo() && (this._originalOverviewRuler.setLayout({top: 0, width: e2.ONE_OVERVIEW_WIDTH, right: i2 + e2.ONE_OVERVIEW_WIDTH, height: t2 - n2}), this._modifiedOverviewRuler.setLayout({top: 0, right: 0, width: e2.ONE_OVERVIEW_WIDTH, height: t2 - n2}));
_onViewZonesChanged() {
this._currentlyChangingViewZones || this._updateDecorationsRunner.schedule();
_beginUpdateDecorationsSoon() {
-1 !== this._beginUpdateDecorationsTimeout && (window.clearTimeout(this._beginUpdateDecorationsTimeout), this._beginUpdateDecorationsTimeout = -1), this._beginUpdateDecorationsTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => this._beginUpdateDecorations(), e2.UPDATE_DIFF_DECORATIONS_DELAY);
static _equals(e3, t2) {
return !e3 && !t2 || !(!e3 || !t2) && e3.toString() === t2.toString();
_beginUpdateDecorations() {
this._beginUpdateDecorationsTimeout = -1;
const t2 = this.originalEditor.getModel(), n2 = this.modifiedEditor.getModel();
if (!t2 || !n2)
let o2 = this._diffComputationToken;
this._setState(1), this._editorWorkerService.canComputeDiff(t2.uri, n2.uri) ? this._editorWorkerService.computeDiff(t2.uri, n2.uri, this._ignoreTrimWhitespace, this._maxComputationTime).then((e3) => {
o2 === this._diffComputationToken && t2 === this.originalEditor.getModel() && n2 === this.modifiedEditor.getModel() && (this._setState(2), this._diffComputationResult = e3, this._updateDecorationsRunner.schedule(),;
}, (e3) => {
o2 === this._diffComputationToken && t2 === this.originalEditor.getModel() && n2 === this.modifiedEditor.getModel() && (this._setState(2), this._diffComputationResult = null, this._updateDecorationsRunner.schedule());
}) : e2._equals(t2.uri, this._lastOriginalWarning) && e2._equals(n2.uri, this._lastModifiedWarning) || (this._lastOriginalWarning = t2.uri, this._lastModifiedWarning = n2.uri, this._notificationService.warn(i.a("diff.tooLarge", "Cannot compare files because one file is too large.")));
_cleanViewZonesAndDecorations() {
this._originalEditorState.clean(this.originalEditor), this._modifiedEditorState.clean(this.modifiedEditor);
_updateDecorations() {
if (!(this.originalEditor.getModel() && this.modifiedEditor.getModel() && this._originalOverviewRuler && this._modifiedOverviewRuler))
const e3 = this._diffComputationResult ? this._diffComputationResult.changes : [];
let t2 = this._originalEditorState.getForeignViewZones(this.originalEditor.getWhitespaces()), n2 = this._modifiedEditorState.getForeignViewZones(this.modifiedEditor.getWhitespaces()), i2 = this._strategy.getEditorsDiffDecorations(e3, this._ignoreTrimWhitespace, this._renderIndicators, t2, n2, this.originalEditor, this.modifiedEditor);
try {
this._currentlyChangingViewZones = true, this._originalEditorState.apply(this.originalEditor, this._originalOverviewRuler, i2.original, false), this._modifiedEditorState.apply(this.modifiedEditor, this._modifiedOverviewRuler, i2.modified, true);
} finally {
this._currentlyChangingViewZones = false;
_adjustOptionsForSubEditor(e3) {
let t2 = d.c(e3 || {});
return t2.inDiffEditor = true, t2.wordWrap = "off", t2.wordWrapMinified = false, t2.automaticLayout = false, t2.scrollbar = t2.scrollbar || {}, t2.scrollbar.vertical = "visible", t2.folding = false, t2.codeLens = false, t2.fixedOverflowWidgets = true, t2.overflowWidgetsDomNode = e3.overflowWidgetsDomNode, t2.minimap || (t2.minimap = {}), t2.minimap.enabled = false, t2;
_adjustOptionsForLeftHandSide(e3, t2, n2) {
let i2 = this._adjustOptionsForSubEditor(e3);
return n2 && (i2.codeLens = true), i2.readOnly = !t2, i2.extraEditorClassName = "original-in-monaco-diff-editor", i2;
_adjustOptionsForRightHandSide(t2, n2) {
let i2 = this._adjustOptionsForSubEditor(t2);
return n2 && (i2.codeLens = true), i2.revealHorizontalRightPadding = v.g.revealHorizontalRightPadding.defaultValue + e2.ENTIRE_DIFF_OVERVIEW_WIDTH, i2.scrollbar.verticalHasArrows = false, i2.extraEditorClassName = "modified-in-monaco-diff-editor", i2;
doLayout() {
this._elementSizeObserver.observe(), this._doLayout();
_doLayout() {
const t2 = this._elementSizeObserver.getWidth(), n2 = this._elementSizeObserver.getHeight(), i2 = this._getReviewHeight();
let o2 = this._strategy.layout(); = o2 + "px", = "0px", = t2 - o2 + "px", = o2 + "px", = "0px", = n2 - i2 + "px", = e2.ENTIRE_DIFF_OVERVIEW_WIDTH + "px", = t2 - e2.ENTIRE_DIFF_OVERVIEW_WIDTH + "px", this._overviewViewportDomElement.setWidth(e2.ENTIRE_DIFF_OVERVIEW_WIDTH), this._overviewViewportDomElement.setHeight(30), this.originalEditor.layout({width: o2, height: n2 - i2}), this.modifiedEditor.layout({width: t2 - o2 - e2.ENTIRE_DIFF_OVERVIEW_WIDTH, height: n2 - i2}), (this._originalOverviewRuler || this._modifiedOverviewRuler) && this._layoutOverviewRulers(), this._reviewPane.layout(n2 - i2, t2, i2), this._layoutOverviewViewport();
_layoutOverviewViewport() {
let e3 = this._computeOverviewViewport();
e3 ? (this._overviewViewportDomElement.setTop(, this._overviewViewportDomElement.setHeight(e3.height)) : (this._overviewViewportDomElement.setTop(0), this._overviewViewportDomElement.setHeight(0));
_computeOverviewViewport() {
let e3 = this.modifiedEditor.getLayoutInfo();
if (!e3)
return null;
let t2 = this.modifiedEditor.getScrollTop(), n2 = this.modifiedEditor.getScrollHeight(), i2 = Math.max(0, e3.height), o2 = Math.max(0, i2 - 0), r2 = n2 > 0 ? o2 / n2 : 0;
return {height: Math.max(0, Math.floor(e3.height * r2)), top: Math.floor(t2 * r2)};
_createDataSource() {
return {getWidth: () => this._elementSizeObserver.getWidth(), getHeight: () => this._elementSizeObserver.getHeight() - this._getReviewHeight(), getContainerDomNode: () => this._containerDomElement, relayoutEditors: () => {
}, getOriginalEditor: () => this.originalEditor, getModifiedEditor: () => this.modifiedEditor};
_setStrategy(e3) {
this._strategy && this._strategy.dispose(), this._strategy = e3, e3.applyColors(this._themeService.getColorTheme()), this._diffComputationResult && this._updateDecorations(), this._doLayout();
_getLineChangeAtOrBeforeLineNumber(e3, t2) {
const n2 = this._diffComputationResult ? this._diffComputationResult.changes : [];
if (0 === n2.length || e3 < t2(n2[0]))
return null;
let i2 = 0, o2 = n2.length - 1;
for (; i2 < o2; ) {
let r2 = Math.floor((i2 + o2) / 2), s2 = t2(n2[r2]), a2 = r2 + 1 <= o2 ? t2(n2[r2 + 1]) : 1073741824;
e3 < s2 ? o2 = r2 - 1 : e3 >= a2 ? i2 = r2 + 1 : (i2 = r2, o2 = r2);
return n2[i2];
_getEquivalentLineForOriginalLineNumber(e3) {
let t2 = this._getLineChangeAtOrBeforeLineNumber(e3, (e4) => e4.originalStartLineNumber);
if (!t2)
return e3;
let n2 = t2.originalStartLineNumber + (t2.originalEndLineNumber > 0 ? -1 : 0), i2 = t2.modifiedStartLineNumber + (t2.modifiedEndLineNumber > 0 ? -1 : 0), o2 = t2.originalEndLineNumber > 0 ? t2.originalEndLineNumber - t2.originalStartLineNumber + 1 : 0, r2 = t2.modifiedEndLineNumber > 0 ? t2.modifiedEndLineNumber - t2.modifiedStartLineNumber + 1 : 0, s2 = e3 - n2;
return s2 <= o2 ? i2 + Math.min(s2, r2) : i2 + r2 - o2 + s2;
_getEquivalentLineForModifiedLineNumber(e3) {
let t2 = this._getLineChangeAtOrBeforeLineNumber(e3, (e4) => e4.modifiedStartLineNumber);
if (!t2)
return e3;
let n2 = t2.originalStartLineNumber + (t2.originalEndLineNumber > 0 ? -1 : 0), i2 = t2.modifiedStartLineNumber + (t2.modifiedEndLineNumber > 0 ? -1 : 0), o2 = t2.originalEndLineNumber > 0 ? t2.originalEndLineNumber - t2.originalStartLineNumber + 1 : 0, r2 = t2.modifiedEndLineNumber > 0 ? t2.modifiedEndLineNumber - t2.modifiedStartLineNumber + 1 : 0, s2 = e3 - i2;
return s2 <= r2 ? n2 + Math.min(s2, o2) : n2 + o2 - r2 + s2;
getDiffLineInformationForOriginal(e3) {
return this._diffComputationResult ? {equivalentLineNumber: this._getEquivalentLineForOriginalLineNumber(e3)} : null;
getDiffLineInformationForModified(e3) {
return this._diffComputationResult ? {equivalentLineNumber: this._getEquivalentLineForModifiedLineNumber(e3)} : null;
le.ONE_OVERVIEW_WIDTH = 15, le.ENTIRE_DIFF_OVERVIEW_WIDTH = 30, le.UPDATE_DIFF_DECORATIONS_DELAY = 200, le = ne([ie(2, X.a), ie(3, V.a), ie(4, k.b), ie(5, q.a), ie(6, p.a), ie(7, T.c), ie(8, K.a), ie(9, G.a), ie(10, J.a)], le);
class ce extends c.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._dataSource = e2, this._insertColor = null, this._removeColor = null;
applyColors(e2) {
let t2 = (e2.getColor(E.n) || E.j).transparent(2), n2 = (e2.getColor(E.p) || E.k).transparent(2), i2 = !t2.equals(this._insertColor) || !n2.equals(this._removeColor);
return this._insertColor = t2, this._removeColor = n2, i2;
getEditorsDiffDecorations(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
o2 = o2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.afterLineNumber - t3.afterLineNumber), i2 = i2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.afterLineNumber - t3.afterLineNumber);
let a2 = this._getViewZones(e2, i2, o2, r2, s2, n2), l2 = this._getOriginalEditorDecorations(e2, t2, n2, r2, s2), c2 = this._getModifiedEditorDecorations(e2, t2, n2, r2, s2);
return {original: {decorations: l2.decorations, overviewZones: l2.overviewZones, zones: a2.original}, modified: {decorations: c2.decorations, overviewZones: c2.overviewZones, zones: a2.modified}};
class de {
constructor(e2) {
this._source = e2, this._index = -1, this.current = null, this.advance();
advance() {
this._index++, this._index < this._source.length ? this.current = this._source[this._index] : this.current = null;
class he {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.lineChanges = e2, this.originalForeignVZ = t2, this.originalLineHeight = n2, this.modifiedForeignVZ = i2, this.modifiedLineHeight = o2;
getViewZones() {
let e2 = [], t2 = [], n2 = 0, i2 = 0, o2 = 0, r2 = 0, s2 = 0, a2 = 0, l2 = (e3, t3) => e3.afterLineNumber - t3.afterLineNumber, c2 = (e3, t3) => {
if (null === t3.domNode && e3.length > 0) {
let n3 = e3[e3.length - 1];
if (n3.afterLineNumber === t3.afterLineNumber && null === n3.domNode)
return void (n3.heightInLines += t3.heightInLines);
}, d2 = new de(this.modifiedForeignVZ), h2 = new de(this.originalForeignVZ);
for (let u2 = 0, p2 = this.lineChanges.length; u2 <= p2; u2++) {
let m2 = u2 < p2 ? this.lineChanges[u2] : null;
null !== m2 ? (o2 = m2.originalStartLineNumber + (m2.originalEndLineNumber > 0 ? -1 : 0), r2 = m2.modifiedStartLineNumber + (m2.modifiedEndLineNumber > 0 ? -1 : 0), i2 = m2.originalEndLineNumber > 0 ? m2.originalEndLineNumber - m2.originalStartLineNumber + 1 : 0, n2 = m2.modifiedEndLineNumber > 0 ? m2.modifiedEndLineNumber - m2.modifiedStartLineNumber + 1 : 0, s2 = Math.max(m2.originalStartLineNumber, m2.originalEndLineNumber), a2 = Math.max(m2.modifiedStartLineNumber, m2.modifiedEndLineNumber)) : (o2 += 1e7 + i2, r2 += 1e7 + n2, s2 = o2, a2 = r2);
let g2 = [], f2 = [];
for (; d2.current && d2.current.afterLineNumber <= a2; ) {
let e3;
e3 = d2.current.afterLineNumber <= r2 ? o2 - r2 + d2.current.afterLineNumber : s2;
let t3 = null;
m2 && m2.modifiedStartLineNumber <= d2.current.afterLineNumber && d2.current.afterLineNumber <= m2.modifiedEndLineNumber && (t3 = this._createOriginalMarginDomNodeForModifiedForeignViewZoneInAddedRegion()), g2.push({afterLineNumber: e3, heightInLines: d2.current.height / this.modifiedLineHeight, domNode: null, marginDomNode: t3}), d2.advance();
for (; h2.current && h2.current.afterLineNumber <= s2; ) {
let e3;
e3 = h2.current.afterLineNumber <= o2 ? r2 - o2 + h2.current.afterLineNumber : a2, f2.push({afterLineNumber: e3, heightInLines: h2.current.height / this.originalLineHeight, domNode: null}), h2.advance();
if (null !== m2 && _e(m2)) {
let e3 = this._produceOriginalFromDiff(m2, i2, n2);
e3 && g2.push(e3);
if (null !== m2 && ve(m2)) {
let e3 = this._produceModifiedFromDiff(m2, i2, n2);
e3 && f2.push(e3);
let b2 = 0, _2 = 0;
for (g2 = g2.sort(l2), f2 = f2.sort(l2); b2 < g2.length && _2 < f2.length; ) {
let n3 = g2[b2], i3 = f2[_2], s3 = n3.afterLineNumber - o2, a3 = i3.afterLineNumber - r2;
s3 < a3 ? (c2(e2, n3), b2++) : a3 < s3 ? (c2(t2, i3), _2++) : n3.shouldNotShrink ? (c2(e2, n3), b2++) : i3.shouldNotShrink ? (c2(t2, i3), _2++) : n3.heightInLines >= i3.heightInLines ? (n3.heightInLines -= i3.heightInLines, _2++) : (i3.heightInLines -= n3.heightInLines, b2++);
for (; b2 < g2.length; )
c2(e2, g2[b2]), b2++;
for (; _2 < f2.length; )
c2(t2, f2[_2]), _2++;
return {original: he._ensureDomNodes(e2), modified: he._ensureDomNodes(t2)};
static _ensureDomNodes(e2) {
return => (e3.domNode || (e3.domNode = function() {
let e4 = document.createElement("div");
return e4.className = "diagonal-fill", e4;
}()), e3));
function ue(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return {range: new W.a(e2, t2, n2, i2), options: o2};
const pe = {charDelete: j.a.register({className: "char-delete"}), charDeleteWholeLine: j.a.register({className: "char-delete", isWholeLine: true}), charInsert: j.a.register({className: "char-insert"}), charInsertWholeLine: j.a.register({className: "char-insert", isWholeLine: true}), lineInsert: j.a.register({className: "line-insert", marginClassName: "line-insert", isWholeLine: true}), lineInsertWithSign: j.a.register({className: "line-insert", linesDecorationsClassName: "insert-sign " + se.classNames, marginClassName: "line-insert", isWholeLine: true}), lineDelete: j.a.register({className: "line-delete", marginClassName: "line-delete", isWholeLine: true}), lineDeleteWithSign: j.a.register({className: "line-delete", linesDecorationsClassName: "delete-sign " + ae.classNames, marginClassName: "line-delete", isWholeLine: true}), lineDeleteMargin: j.a.register({marginClassName: "line-delete"})};
class me extends ce {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2), this._disableSash = false === t2, this._sashRatio = null, this._sashPosition = null, this._startSashPosition = null, this._sash = this._register(new s.a(this._dataSource.getContainerDomNode(), this, {orientation: 0})), this._disableSash && (this._sash.state = 0), this._sash.onDidStart(() => this.onSashDragStart()), this._sash.onDidChange((e3) => this.onSashDrag(e3)), this._sash.onDidEnd(() => this.onSashDragEnd()), this._sash.onDidReset(() => this.onSashReset());
setEnableSplitViewResizing(e2) {
let t2 = false === e2;
this._disableSash !== t2 && (this._disableSash = t2, this._sash.state = this._disableSash ? 0 : 3);
layout(e2 = this._sashRatio) {
let t2 = this._dataSource.getWidth() - le.ENTIRE_DIFF_OVERVIEW_WIDTH, n2 = Math.floor((e2 || 0.5) * t2), i2 = Math.floor(0.5 * t2);
return n2 = this._disableSash ? i2 : n2 || i2, t2 > 2 * me.MINIMUM_EDITOR_WIDTH ? (n2 < me.MINIMUM_EDITOR_WIDTH && (n2 = me.MINIMUM_EDITOR_WIDTH), n2 > t2 - me.MINIMUM_EDITOR_WIDTH && (n2 = t2 - me.MINIMUM_EDITOR_WIDTH)) : n2 = i2, this._sashPosition !== n2 && (this._sashPosition = n2, this._sash.layout()), this._sashPosition;
onSashDragStart() {
this._startSashPosition = this._sashPosition;
onSashDrag(e2) {
let t2 = this._dataSource.getWidth() - le.ENTIRE_DIFF_OVERVIEW_WIDTH, n2 = this.layout((this._startSashPosition + (e2.currentX - e2.startX)) / t2);
this._sashRatio = n2 / t2, this._dataSource.relayoutEditors();
onSashDragEnd() {
onSashReset() {
this._sashRatio = 0.5, this._dataSource.relayoutEditors(), this._sash.layout();
getVerticalSashTop(e2) {
return 0;
getVerticalSashLeft(e2) {
return this._sashPosition;
getVerticalSashHeight(e2) {
return this._dataSource.getHeight();
_getViewZones(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return new ge(e2, t2, i2.getOption(51), n2, o2.getOption(51)).getViewZones();
_getOriginalEditorDecorations(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = String(this._removeColor);
let s2 = {decorations: [], overviewZones: []}, a2 = i2.getModel();
for (let i3 = 0, o3 = e2.length; i3 < o3; i3++) {
let o4 = e2[i3];
if (ve(o4) && (s2.decorations.push({range: new W.a(o4.originalStartLineNumber, 1, o4.originalEndLineNumber, 1073741824), options: n2 ? pe.lineDeleteWithSign : pe.lineDelete}), _e(o4) && o4.charChanges || s2.decorations.push(ue(o4.originalStartLineNumber, 1, o4.originalEndLineNumber, 1073741824, pe.charDeleteWholeLine)), s2.overviewZones.push(new U.a(o4.originalStartLineNumber, o4.originalEndLineNumber, r2)), o4.charChanges))
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = o4.charChanges.length; e3 < n3; e3++) {
let n4 = o4.charChanges[e3];
if (ve(n4))
if (t2)
for (let e4 = n4.originalStartLineNumber; e4 <= n4.originalEndLineNumber; e4++) {
let t3, i4;
t3 = e4 === n4.originalStartLineNumber ? n4.originalStartColumn : a2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e4), i4 = e4 === n4.originalEndLineNumber ? n4.originalEndColumn : a2.getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(e4), s2.decorations.push(ue(e4, t3, e4, i4, pe.charDelete));
s2.decorations.push(ue(n4.originalStartLineNumber, n4.originalStartColumn, n4.originalEndLineNumber, n4.originalEndColumn, pe.charDelete));
return s2;
_getModifiedEditorDecorations(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = String(this._insertColor);
let s2 = {decorations: [], overviewZones: []}, a2 = o2.getModel();
for (let i3 = 0, o3 = e2.length; i3 < o3; i3++) {
let o4 = e2[i3];
if (_e(o4) && (s2.decorations.push({range: new W.a(o4.modifiedStartLineNumber, 1, o4.modifiedEndLineNumber, 1073741824), options: n2 ? pe.lineInsertWithSign : pe.lineInsert}), ve(o4) && o4.charChanges || s2.decorations.push(ue(o4.modifiedStartLineNumber, 1, o4.modifiedEndLineNumber, 1073741824, pe.charInsertWholeLine)), s2.overviewZones.push(new U.a(o4.modifiedStartLineNumber, o4.modifiedEndLineNumber, r2)), o4.charChanges))
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = o4.charChanges.length; e3 < n3; e3++) {
let n4 = o4.charChanges[e3];
if (_e(n4))
if (t2)
for (let e4 = n4.modifiedStartLineNumber; e4 <= n4.modifiedEndLineNumber; e4++) {
let t3, i4;
t3 = e4 === n4.modifiedStartLineNumber ? n4.modifiedStartColumn : a2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e4), i4 = e4 === n4.modifiedEndLineNumber ? n4.modifiedEndColumn : a2.getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(e4), s2.decorations.push(ue(e4, t3, e4, i4, pe.charInsert));
s2.decorations.push(ue(n4.modifiedStartLineNumber, n4.modifiedStartColumn, n4.modifiedEndLineNumber, n4.modifiedEndColumn, pe.charInsert));
return s2;
class ge extends he {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
_createOriginalMarginDomNodeForModifiedForeignViewZoneInAddedRegion() {
return null;
_produceOriginalFromDiff(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 > t2 ? {afterLineNumber: Math.max(e2.originalStartLineNumber, e2.originalEndLineNumber), heightInLines: n2 - t2, domNode: null} : null;
_produceModifiedFromDiff(e2, t2, n2) {
return t2 > n2 ? {afterLineNumber: Math.max(e2.modifiedStartLineNumber, e2.modifiedEndLineNumber), heightInLines: t2 - n2, domNode: null} : null;
class fe extends ce {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2), this.decorationsLeft = e2.getOriginalEditor().getLayoutInfo().decorationsLeft, this._register(e2.getOriginalEditor().onDidLayoutChange((t3) => {
this.decorationsLeft !== t3.decorationsLeft && (this.decorationsLeft = t3.decorationsLeft, e2.relayoutEditors());
setEnableSplitViewResizing(e2) {
_getViewZones(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
return new be(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2).getViewZones();
_getOriginalEditorDecorations(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = String(this._removeColor);
let s2 = {decorations: [], overviewZones: []};
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = e2.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
let n4 = e2[t3];
ve(n4) && (s2.decorations.push({range: new W.a(n4.originalStartLineNumber, 1, n4.originalEndLineNumber, 1073741824), options: pe.lineDeleteMargin}), s2.overviewZones.push(new U.a(n4.originalStartLineNumber, n4.originalEndLineNumber, r2)));
return s2;
_getModifiedEditorDecorations(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = String(this._insertColor);
let s2 = {decorations: [], overviewZones: []}, a2 = o2.getModel();
for (let i3 = 0, o3 = e2.length; i3 < o3; i3++) {
let o4 = e2[i3];
if (_e(o4))
if (s2.decorations.push({range: new W.a(o4.modifiedStartLineNumber, 1, o4.modifiedEndLineNumber, 1073741824), options: n2 ? pe.lineInsertWithSign : pe.lineInsert}), s2.overviewZones.push(new U.a(o4.modifiedStartLineNumber, o4.modifiedEndLineNumber, r2)), o4.charChanges)
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = o4.charChanges.length; e3 < n3; e3++) {
let n4 = o4.charChanges[e3];
if (_e(n4))
if (t2)
for (let e4 = n4.modifiedStartLineNumber; e4 <= n4.modifiedEndLineNumber; e4++) {
let t3, i4;
t3 = e4 === n4.modifiedStartLineNumber ? n4.modifiedStartColumn : a2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e4), i4 = e4 === n4.modifiedEndLineNumber ? n4.modifiedEndColumn : a2.getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(e4), s2.decorations.push(ue(e4, t3, e4, i4, pe.charInsert));
s2.decorations.push(ue(n4.modifiedStartLineNumber, n4.modifiedStartColumn, n4.modifiedEndLineNumber, n4.modifiedEndColumn, pe.charInsert));
s2.decorations.push(ue(o4.modifiedStartLineNumber, 1, o4.modifiedEndLineNumber, 1073741824, pe.charInsertWholeLine));
return s2;
layout() {
return Math.max(5, this.decorationsLeft);
class be extends he {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
super(e2, t2, i2.getOption(51), n2, o2.getOption(51)), this.originalModel = i2.getModel(), this.modifiedEditorOptions = o2.getOptions(), this.modifiedEditorTabSize = o2.getModel().getOptions().tabSize, this.renderIndicators = r2;
_createOriginalMarginDomNodeForModifiedForeignViewZoneInAddedRegion() {
let e2 = document.createElement("div");
return e2.className = "inline-added-margin-view-zone", e2;
_produceOriginalFromDiff(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = document.createElement("div");
return i2.className = "inline-added-margin-view-zone", {afterLineNumber: Math.max(e2.originalStartLineNumber, e2.originalEndLineNumber), heightInLines: n2, domNode: document.createElement("div"), marginDomNode: i2};
_produceModifiedFromDiff(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
if (e2.charChanges)
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = e2.charChanges.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
let n4 = e2.charChanges[t3];
ve(n4) && i2.push(new S.a(new W.a(n4.originalStartLineNumber, n4.originalStartColumn, n4.originalEndLineNumber, n4.originalEndColumn), "char-delete", 0));
let o2 = Object(z.a)(1e4), r2 = [];
const s2 = this.modifiedEditorOptions.get(117), a2 = this.modifiedEditorOptions.get(36), l2 = s2.decorationsWidth;
let c2 = this.modifiedEditorOptions.get(51);
const d2 = a2.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth;
let u2 = 0;
const p2 = [];
for (let t3 = e2.originalStartLineNumber; t3 <= e2.originalEndLineNumber; t3++)
if (u2 = Math.max(u2, this._renderOriginalLine(t3 - e2.originalStartLineNumber, this.originalModel, this.modifiedEditorOptions, this.modifiedEditorTabSize, t3, i2, o2)), p2.push(this.originalModel.getLineContent(t3)), this.renderIndicators) {
let n3 = t3 - e2.originalStartLineNumber;
r2 = r2.concat([`<div class="delete-sign ${ae.classNames}" style="position:absolute;top:${n3 * c2}px;width:${l2}px;height:${c2}px;right:0;"></div>`]);
u2 += this.modifiedEditorOptions.get(85);
let m2 = document.createElement("div");
m2.className = "view-lines line-delete " + te.a, m2.innerHTML =, h.a.applyFontInfoSlow(m2, a2);
let g2 = document.createElement("div");
return g2.className = "inline-deleted-margin-view-zone", g2.innerHTML = r2.join(""), h.a.applyFontInfoSlow(g2, a2), {shouldNotShrink: true, afterLineNumber: 0 === e2.modifiedEndLineNumber ? e2.modifiedStartLineNumber : e2.modifiedStartLineNumber - 1, heightInLines: t2, minWidthInPx: u2 * d2, domNode: m2, marginDomNode: g2, diff: {originalStartLineNumber: e2.originalStartLineNumber, originalEndLineNumber: e2.originalEndLineNumber, modifiedStartLineNumber: e2.modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedEndLineNumber: e2.modifiedEndLineNumber, originalContent: p2}};
_renderOriginalLine(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
const a2 = t2.getLineTokens(o2), l2 = a2.getLineContent(), c2 = n2.get(36), d2 = H.a.filter(r2, o2, 1, l2.length + 1);
s2.appendASCIIString('<div class="view-line'), 0 === r2.length && s2.appendASCIIString(" char-delete"), s2.appendASCIIString('" style="top:'), s2.appendASCIIString(String(e2 * n2.get(51))), s2.appendASCIIString('px;width:1000000px;">');
const h2 = S.d.isBasicASCII(l2, t2.mightContainNonBasicASCII()), u2 = S.d.containsRTL(l2, h2, t2.mightContainRTL()), p2 = Object(x.d)(new x.c(c2.isMonospace && !n2.get(24), c2.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow, l2, false, h2, u2, 0, a2, d2, i2, 0, c2.spaceWidth, c2.middotWidth, c2.wsmiddotWidth, n2.get(95), n2.get(80), n2.get(74), n2.get(37) !== v.e.OFF, null), s2);
const m2 = p2.characterMapping.getAbsoluteOffsets();
return m2.length > 0 ? m2[m2.length - 1] : 0;
function _e(e2) {
return e2.modifiedEndLineNumber > 0;
function ve(e2) {
return e2.originalEndLineNumber > 0;
Object(T.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(E.n);
n2 && (t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .line-insert, .monaco-editor .char-insert { background-color: ${n2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-diff-editor .line-insert, .monaco-diff-editor .char-insert { background-color: ${n2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .inline-added-margin-view-zone { background-color: ${n2}; }`));
const i2 = e2.getColor(E.p);
i2 && (t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .line-delete, .monaco-editor .char-delete { background-color: ${i2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-diff-editor .line-delete, .monaco-diff-editor .char-delete { background-color: ${i2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .inline-deleted-margin-view-zone { background-color: ${i2}; }`));
const o2 = e2.getColor(E.o);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .line-insert, .monaco-editor .char-insert { border: 1px ${"hc" === e2.type ? "dashed" : "solid"} ${o2}; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(E.q);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .line-delete, .monaco-editor .char-delete { border: 1px ${"hc" === e2.type ? "dashed" : "solid"} ${r2}; }`);
const s2 = e2.getColor(E.ic);
s2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-diff-editor.side-by-side .editor.modified { box-shadow: -6px 0 5px -5px ${s2}; }`);
const a2 = e2.getColor(E.l);
a2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-diff-editor.side-by-side .editor.modified { border-left: 1px solid ${a2}; }`);
const l2 = e2.getColor(E.kc);
l2 && t2.addRule(`
.monaco-diff-editor .diffViewport {
background: ${l2};
const c2 = e2.getColor(;
c2 && t2.addRule(`
.monaco-diff-editor .diffViewport:hover {
background: ${c2};
const d2 = e2.getColor(E.jc);
d2 && t2.addRule(`
.monaco-diff-editor .diffViewport:active {
background: ${d2};
const h2 = e2.getColor(E.m);
.monaco-editor .diagonal-fill {
background-image: linear-gradient(
${h2} 12.5%,
#0000 12.5%, #0000 50%,
${h2} 50%, ${h2} 62.5%,
#0000 62.5%, #0000 100%
background-size: 8px 8px;
}, function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = function() {
"use strict";
function e2(e3, t3) {
for (var n3 = 0; n3 < t3.length; n3++) {
var i2 = t3[n3];
i2.enumerable = i2.enumerable || false, i2.configurable = true, "value" in i2 && (i2.writable = true), Object.defineProperty(e3, i2.key, i2);
function t2(e3, t3) {
(null == t3 || t3 > e3.length) && (t3 = e3.length);
for (var n3 = 0, i2 = new Array(t3); n3 < t3; n3++)
i2[n3] = e3[n3];
return i2;
function n2(e3, n3) {
var i2;
if ("undefined" == typeof Symbol || null == e3[Symbol.iterator]) {
if (Array.isArray(e3) || (i2 = function(e4, n4) {
if (e4) {
if ("string" == typeof e4)
return t2(e4, n4);
var i3 =, -1);
return "Object" === i3 && e4.constructor && (i3 =, "Map" === i3 || "Set" === i3 ? Array.from(e4) : "Arguments" === i3 || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(i3) ? t2(e4, n4) : void 0;
}(e3)) || n3 && e3 && "number" == typeof e3.length) {
i2 && (e3 = i2);
var o2 = 0;
return function() {
return o2 >= e3.length ? {done: true} : {done: false, value: e3[o2++]};
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
return (i2 = e3[Symbol.iterator]()).next.bind(i2);
var i = function(e3, t3) {
return e3(t3 = {exports: {}}, t3.exports), t3.exports;
}(function(e3) {
function t3() {
return {baseUrl: null, breaks: false, gfm: true, headerIds: true, headerPrefix: "", highlight: null, langPrefix: "language-", mangle: true, pedantic: false, renderer: null, sanitize: false, sanitizer: null, silent: false, smartLists: false, smartypants: false, tokenizer: null, walkTokens: null, xhtml: false};
e3.exports = {defaults: {baseUrl: null, breaks: false, gfm: true, headerIds: true, headerPrefix: "", highlight: null, langPrefix: "language-", mangle: true, pedantic: false, renderer: null, sanitize: false, sanitizer: null, silent: false, smartLists: false, smartypants: false, tokenizer: null, walkTokens: null, xhtml: false}, getDefaults: t3, changeDefaults: function(t4) {
e3.exports.defaults = t4;
}), o = (i.defaults, i.getDefaults, i.changeDefaults, /[&<>"']/), r = /[&<>"']/g, s = /[<>"']|&(?!#?\w+;)/, a = /[<>"']|&(?!#?\w+;)/g, l = {"&": "&amp;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", '"': "&quot;", "'": "&#39;"}, c = function(e3) {
return l[e3];
}, d = /&(#(?:\d+)|(?:#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(?:\w+));?/gi;
function h(e3) {
return e3.replace(d, function(e4, t3) {
return "colon" === (t3 = t3.toLowerCase()) ? ":" : "#" === t3.charAt(0) ? "x" === t3.charAt(1) ? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t3.substring(2), 16)) : String.fromCharCode(+t3.substring(1)) : "";
var u = /(^|[^\[])\^/g, p = /[^\w:]/g, m = /^$|^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|^[?#]/i, g = {}, f = /^[^:]+:\/*[^/]*$/, b = /^([^:]+:)[\s\S]*$/, _ = /^([^:]+:\/*[^/]*)[\s\S]*$/;
function v(e3, t3) {
g[" " + e3] || (f.test(e3) ? g[" " + e3] = e3 + "/" : g[" " + e3] = w(e3, "/", true));
var n3 = -1 === (e3 = g[" " + e3]).indexOf(":");
return "//" === t3.substring(0, 2) ? n3 ? t3 : e3.replace(b, "$1") + t3 : "/" === t3.charAt(0) ? n3 ? t3 : e3.replace(_, "$1") + t3 : e3 + t3;
function w(e3, t3, n3) {
var i2 = e3.length;
if (0 === i2)
return "";
for (var o2 = 0; o2 < i2; ) {
var r2 = e3.charAt(i2 - o2 - 1);
if (r2 !== t3 || n3) {
if (r2 === t3 || !n3)
} else
return e3.substr(0, i2 - o2);
var y = function(e3, t3) {
if (t3) {
if (o.test(e3))
return e3.replace(r, c);
} else if (s.test(e3))
return e3.replace(a, c);
return e3;
}, C = h, x = function(e3, t3) {
e3 = e3.source || e3, t3 = t3 || "";
var n3 = {replace: function(t4, i2) {
return i2 = (i2 = i2.source || i2).replace(u, "$1"), e3 = e3.replace(t4, i2), n3;
}, getRegex: function() {
return new RegExp(e3, t3);
return n3;
}, S = function(e3, t3, n3) {
if (e3) {
var i2;
try {
i2 = decodeURIComponent(h(n3)).replace(p, "").toLowerCase();
} catch (e4) {
return null;
if (0 === i2.indexOf("javascript:") || 0 === i2.indexOf("vbscript:") || 0 === i2.indexOf("data:"))
return null;
t3 && !m.test(n3) && (n3 = v(t3, n3));
try {
n3 = encodeURI(n3).replace(/%25/g, "%");
} catch (e4) {
return null;
return n3;
}, k = {exec: function() {
}}, E = function(e3) {
for (var t3, n3, i2 = 1; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
for (n3 in t3 = arguments[i2]), n3) && (e3[n3] = t3[n3]);
return e3;
}, T = function(e3, t3) {
var n3 = e3.replace(/\|/g, function(e4, t4, n4) {
for (var i3 = false, o2 = t4; --o2 >= 0 && "\\" === n4[o2]; )
i3 = !i3;
return i3 ? "|" : " |";
}).split(/ \|/), i2 = 0;
if (n3.length > t3)
for (; n3.length < t3; )
for (; i2 < n3.length; i2++)
n3[i2] = n3[i2].trim().replace(/\\\|/g, "|");
return n3;
}, L = w, N = function(e3, t3) {
if (-1 === e3.indexOf(t3[1]))
return -1;
for (var n3 = e3.length, i2 = 0, o2 = 0; o2 < n3; o2++)
if ("\\" === e3[o2])
else if (e3[o2] === t3[0])
else if (e3[o2] === t3[1] && --i2 < 0)
return o2;
return -1;
}, I = function(e3) {
e3 && e3.sanitize && e3.silent;
}, O = i.defaults, D = L, A = T, R = y, M = N;
function P(e3, t3, n3) {
var i2 = t3.href, o2 = t3.title ? R(t3.title) : null, r2 = e3[1].replace(/\\([\[\]])/g, "$1");
return "!" !== e3[0].charAt(0) ? {type: "link", raw: n3, href: i2, title: o2, text: r2} : {type: "image", raw: n3, href: i2, title: o2, text: R(r2)};
var F = function() {
function e3(e4) {
this.options = e4 || O;
var t3 = e3.prototype;
return = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.newline.exec(e4);
if (t4)
return t4[0].length > 1 ? {type: "space", raw: t4[0]} : {raw: "\n"};
}, t3.code = function(e4, t4) {
var n3 = this.rules.block.code.exec(e4);
if (n3) {
var i2 = t4[t4.length - 1];
if (i2 && "paragraph" === i2.type)
return {raw: n3[0], text: n3[0].trimRight()};
var o2 = n3[0].replace(/^ {4}/gm, "");
return {type: "code", raw: n3[0], codeBlockStyle: "indented", text: this.options.pedantic ? o2 : D(o2, "\n")};
}, t3.fences = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.fences.exec(e4);
if (t4) {
var n3 = t4[0], i2 = function(e5, t5) {
var n4 = e5.match(/^(\s+)(?:```)/);
if (null === n4)
return t5;
var i3 = n4[1];
return t5.split("\n").map(function(e6) {
var t6 = e6.match(/^\s+/);
return null === t6 ? e6 : t6[0].length >= i3.length ? e6.slice(i3.length) : e6;
}(n3, t4[3] || "");
return {type: "code", raw: n3, lang: t4[2] ? t4[2].trim() : t4[2], text: i2};
}, t3.heading = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.heading.exec(e4);
if (t4)
return {type: "heading", raw: t4[0], depth: t4[1].length, text: t4[2]};
}, t3.nptable = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.nptable.exec(e4);
if (t4) {
var n3 = {type: "table", header: A(t4[1].replace(/^ *| *\| *$/g, "")), align: t4[2].replace(/^ *|\| *$/g, "").split(/ *\| */), cells: t4[3] ? t4[3].replace(/\n$/, "").split("\n") : [], raw: t4[0]};
if (n3.header.length === n3.align.length) {
var i2, o2 = n3.align.length;
for (i2 = 0; i2 < o2; i2++)
/^ *-+: *$/.test(n3.align[i2]) ? n3.align[i2] = "right" : /^ *:-+: *$/.test(n3.align[i2]) ? n3.align[i2] = "center" : /^ *:-+ *$/.test(n3.align[i2]) ? n3.align[i2] = "left" : n3.align[i2] = null;
for (o2 = n3.cells.length, i2 = 0; i2 < o2; i2++)
n3.cells[i2] = A(n3.cells[i2], n3.header.length);
return n3;
}, = function(e4) {
var t4 =;
if (t4)
return {type: "hr", raw: t4[0]};
}, t3.blockquote = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.blockquote.exec(e4);
if (t4) {
var n3 = t4[0].replace(/^ *> ?/gm, "");
return {type: "blockquote", raw: t4[0], text: n3};
}, t3.list = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.list.exec(e4);
if (t4) {
for (var n3, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2 = t4[0], d2 = t4[2], h2 = d2.length > 1, u2 = ")" === d2[d2.length - 1], p2 = {type: "list", raw: c2, ordered: h2, start: h2 ? +d2.slice(0, -1) : "", loose: false, items: []}, m2 = t4[0].match(this.rules.block.item), g2 = false, f2 = m2.length, b2 = 0; b2 < f2; b2++)
c2 = n3 = m2[b2], i2 = n3.length, ~(n3 = n3.replace(/^ *([*+-]|\d+[.)]) */, "")).indexOf("\n ") && (i2 -= n3.length, n3 = this.options.pedantic ? n3.replace(/^ {1,4}/gm, "") : n3.replace(new RegExp("^ {1," + i2 + "}", "gm"), "")), b2 !== f2 - 1 && (o2 = this.rules.block.bullet.exec(m2[b2 + 1])[0], (h2 ? 1 === o2.length || !u2 && ")" === o2[o2.length - 1] : o2.length > 1 || this.options.smartLists && o2 !== d2) && (r2 = m2.slice(b2 + 1).join("\n"), p2.raw = p2.raw.substring(0, p2.raw.length - r2.length), b2 = f2 - 1)), s2 = g2 || /\n\n(?!\s*$)/.test(n3), b2 !== f2 - 1 && (g2 = "\n" === n3.charAt(n3.length - 1), s2 || (s2 = g2)), s2 && (p2.loose = true), l2 = void 0, (a2 = /^\[[ xX]\] /.test(n3)) && (l2 = " " !== n3[1], n3 = n3.replace(/^\[[ xX]\] +/, "")), p2.items.push({type: "list_item", raw: c2, task: a2, checked: l2, loose: s2, text: n3});
return p2;
}, t3.html = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.html.exec(e4);
if (t4)
return {type: this.options.sanitize ? "paragraph" : "html", raw: t4[0], pre: !this.options.sanitizer && ("pre" === t4[1] || "script" === t4[1] || "style" === t4[1]), text: this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(t4[0]) : R(t4[0]) : t4[0]};
}, t3.def = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.def.exec(e4);
if (t4)
return t4[3] && (t4[3] = t4[3].substring(1, t4[3].length - 1)), {tag: t4[1].toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, " "), raw: t4[0], href: t4[2], title: t4[3]};
}, t3.table = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.table.exec(e4);
if (t4) {
var n3 = {type: "table", header: A(t4[1].replace(/^ *| *\| *$/g, "")), align: t4[2].replace(/^ *|\| *$/g, "").split(/ *\| */), cells: t4[3] ? t4[3].replace(/\n$/, "").split("\n") : []};
if (n3.header.length === n3.align.length) {
n3.raw = t4[0];
var i2, o2 = n3.align.length;
for (i2 = 0; i2 < o2; i2++)
/^ *-+: *$/.test(n3.align[i2]) ? n3.align[i2] = "right" : /^ *:-+: *$/.test(n3.align[i2]) ? n3.align[i2] = "center" : /^ *:-+ *$/.test(n3.align[i2]) ? n3.align[i2] = "left" : n3.align[i2] = null;
for (o2 = n3.cells.length, i2 = 0; i2 < o2; i2++)
n3.cells[i2] = A(n3.cells[i2].replace(/^ *\| *| *\| *$/g, ""), n3.header.length);
return n3;
}, t3.lheading = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.lheading.exec(e4);
if (t4)
return {type: "heading", raw: t4[0], depth: "=" === t4[2].charAt(0) ? 1 : 2, text: t4[1]};
}, t3.paragraph = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.block.paragraph.exec(e4);
if (t4)
return {type: "paragraph", raw: t4[0], text: "\n" === t4[1].charAt(t4[1].length - 1) ? t4[1].slice(0, -1) : t4[1]};
}, t3.text = function(e4, t4) {
var n3 = this.rules.block.text.exec(e4);
if (n3) {
var i2 = t4[t4.length - 1];
return i2 && "text" === i2.type ? {raw: n3[0], text: n3[0]} : {type: "text", raw: n3[0], text: n3[0]};
}, t3.escape = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.inline.escape.exec(e4);
if (t4)
return {type: "escape", raw: t4[0], text: R(t4[1])};
}, t3.tag = function(e4, t4, n3) {
var i2 = this.rules.inline.tag.exec(e4);
if (i2)
return !t4 && /^<a /i.test(i2[0]) ? t4 = true : t4 && /^<\/a>/i.test(i2[0]) && (t4 = false), !n3 && /^<(pre|code|kbd|script)(\s|>)/i.test(i2[0]) ? n3 = true : n3 && /^<\/(pre|code|kbd|script)(\s|>)/i.test(i2[0]) && (n3 = false), {type: this.options.sanitize ? "text" : "html", raw: i2[0], inLink: t4, inRawBlock: n3, text: this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(i2[0]) : R(i2[0]) : i2[0]};
}, = function(e4) {
var t4 =;
if (t4) {
var n3 = M(t4[2], "()");
if (n3 > -1) {
var i2 = (0 === t4[0].indexOf("!") ? 5 : 4) + t4[1].length + n3;
t4[2] = t4[2].substring(0, n3), t4[0] = t4[0].substring(0, i2).trim(), t4[3] = "";
var o2 = t4[2], r2 = "";
if (this.options.pedantic) {
var s2 = /^([^'"]*[^\s])\s+(['"])(.*)\2/.exec(o2);
s2 ? (o2 = s2[1], r2 = s2[3]) : r2 = "";
} else
r2 = t4[3] ? t4[3].slice(1, -1) : "";
return P(t4, {href: (o2 = o2.trim().replace(/^<([\s\S]*)>$/, "$1")) ? o2.replace(this.rules.inline._escapes, "$1") : o2, title: r2 ? r2.replace(this.rules.inline._escapes, "$1") : r2}, t4[0]);
}, t3.reflink = function(e4, t4) {
var n3;
if ((n3 = this.rules.inline.reflink.exec(e4)) || (n3 = this.rules.inline.nolink.exec(e4))) {
var i2 = (n3[2] || n3[1]).replace(/\s+/g, " ");
if (!(i2 = t4[i2.toLowerCase()]) || !i2.href) {
var o2 = n3[0].charAt(0);
return {type: "text", raw: o2, text: o2};
return P(n3, i2, n3[0]);
}, t3.strong = function(e4, t4, n3) {
void 0 === n3 && (n3 = "");
var i2 = this.rules.inline.strong.start.exec(e4);
if (i2 && (!i2[1] || i2[1] && ("" === n3 || this.rules.inline.punctuation.exec(n3)))) {
t4 = t4.slice(-1 * e4.length);
var o2, r2 = "**" === i2[0] ? this.rules.inline.strong.endAst : this.rules.inline.strong.endUnd;
for (r2.lastIndex = 0; null != (i2 = r2.exec(t4)); )
if (o2 = this.rules.inline.strong.middle.exec(t4.slice(0, i2.index + 3)))
return {type: "strong", raw: e4.slice(0, o2[0].length), text: e4.slice(2, o2[0].length - 2)};
}, t3.em = function(e4, t4, n3) {
void 0 === n3 && (n3 = "");
var i2 = this.rules.inline.em.start.exec(e4);
if (i2 && (!i2[1] || i2[1] && ("" === n3 || this.rules.inline.punctuation.exec(n3)))) {
t4 = t4.slice(-1 * e4.length);
var o2, r2 = "*" === i2[0] ? this.rules.inline.em.endAst : this.rules.inline.em.endUnd;
for (r2.lastIndex = 0; null != (i2 = r2.exec(t4)); )
if (o2 = this.rules.inline.em.middle.exec(t4.slice(0, i2.index + 2)))
return {type: "em", raw: e4.slice(0, o2[0].length), text: e4.slice(1, o2[0].length - 1)};
}, t3.codespan = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.inline.code.exec(e4);
if (t4) {
var n3 = t4[2].replace(/\n/g, " "), i2 = /[^ ]/.test(n3), o2 = n3.startsWith(" ") && n3.endsWith(" ");
return i2 && o2 && (n3 = n3.substring(1, n3.length - 1)), n3 = R(n3, true), {type: "codespan", raw: t4[0], text: n3};
}, = function(e4) {
var t4 =;
if (t4)
return {type: "br", raw: t4[0]};
}, t3.del = function(e4) {
var t4 = this.rules.inline.del.exec(e4);
if (t4)
return {type: "del", raw: t4[0], text: t4[1]};
}, t3.autolink = function(e4, t4) {
var n3, i2, o2 = this.rules.inline.autolink.exec(e4);
if (o2)
return i2 = "@" === o2[2] ? "mailto:" + (n3 = R(this.options.mangle ? t4(o2[1]) : o2[1])) : n3 = R(o2[1]), {type: "link", raw: o2[0], text: n3, href: i2, tokens: [{type: "text", raw: n3, text: n3}]};
}, t3.url = function(e4, t4) {
var n3;
if (n3 = this.rules.inline.url.exec(e4)) {
var i2, o2;
if ("@" === n3[2])
o2 = "mailto:" + (i2 = R(this.options.mangle ? t4(n3[0]) : n3[0]));
else {
var r2;
do {
r2 = n3[0], n3[0] = this.rules.inline._backpedal.exec(n3[0])[0];
} while (r2 !== n3[0]);
i2 = R(n3[0]), o2 = "www." === n3[1] ? "http://" + i2 : i2;
return {type: "link", raw: n3[0], text: i2, href: o2, tokens: [{type: "text", raw: i2, text: i2}]};
}, t3.inlineText = function(e4, t4, n3) {
var i2, o2 = this.rules.inline.text.exec(e4);
if (o2)
return i2 = t4 ? this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(o2[0]) : R(o2[0]) : o2[0] : R(this.options.smartypants ? n3(o2[0]) : o2[0]), {type: "text", raw: o2[0], text: i2};
}, e3;
}(), W = k, z = x, B = E, j = {newline: /^\n+/, code: /^( {4}[^\n]+\n*)+/, fences: /^ {0,3}(`{3,}(?=[^`\n]*\n)|~{3,})([^\n]*)\n(?:|([\s\S]*?)\n)(?: {0,3}\1[~`]* *(?:\n+|$)|$)/, hr: /^ {0,3}((?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\* *){3,})(?:\n+|$)/, heading: /^ {0,3}(#{1,6}) +([^\n]*?)(?: +#+)? *(?:\n+|$)/, blockquote: /^( {0,3}> ?(paragraph|[^\n]*)(?:\n|$))+/, list: /^( {0,3})(bull) [\s\S]+?(?:hr|def|\n{2,}(?! )(?!\1bull )\n*|\s*$)/, html: "^ {0,3}(?:<(script|pre|style)[\\s>][\\s\\S]*?(?:</\\1>[^\\n]*\\n+|$)|comment[^\\n]*(\\n+|$)|<\\?[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\?>\\n*|$)|<![A-Z][\\s\\S]*?(?:>\\n*|$)|<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\]\\]>\\n*|$)|</?(tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\n{2,}|$)|<(?!script|pre|style)([a-z][\\w-]*)(?:attribute)*? */?>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\n{2,}|$)|</(?!script|pre|style)[a-z][\\w-]*\\s*>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\n{2,}|$))", def: /^ {0,3}\[(label)\]: *\n? *<?([^\s>]+)>?(?:(?: +\n? *| *\n *)(title))? *(?:\n+|$)/, nptable: W, table: W, lheading: /^([^\n]+)\n {0,3}(=+|-+) *(?:\n+|$)/, _paragraph: /^([^\n]+(?:\n(?!hr|heading|lheading|blockquote|fences|list|html)[^\n]+)*)/, text: /^[^\n]+/, _label: /(?!\s*\])(?:\\[\[\]]|[^\[\]])+/, _title: /(?:"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'[^'\n]*(?:\n[^'\n]+)*\n?'|\([^()]*\))/};
j.def = z(j.def).replace("label", j._label).replace("title", j._title).getRegex(), j.bullet = /(?:[*+-]|\d{1,9}[.)])/, j.item = /^( *)(bull) ?[^\n]*(?:\n(?!\1bull ?)[^\n]*)*/, j.item = z(j.item, "gm").replace(/bull/g, j.bullet).getRegex(), j.list = z(j.list).replace(/bull/g, j.bullet).replace("hr", "\\n+(?=\\1?(?:(?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\\* *){3,})(?:\\n+|$))").replace("def", "\\n+(?=" + j.def.source + ")").getRegex(), j._tag = "address|article|aside|base|basefont|blockquote|body|caption|center|col|colgroup|dd|details|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|frame|frameset|h[1-6]|head|header|hr|html|iframe|legend|li|link|main|menu|menuitem|meta|nav|noframes|ol|optgroup|option|p|param|section|source|summary|table|tbody|td|tfoot|th|thead|title|tr|track|ul", j._comment = /<!--(?!-?>)[\s\S]*?(?:-->|$)/, j.html = z(j.html, "i").replace("comment", j._comment).replace("tag", j._tag).replace("attribute", / +[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?: *= *"[^"\n]*"| *= *'[^'\n]*'| *= *[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/).getRegex(), j.paragraph = z(j._paragraph).replace("hr","heading", " {0,3}#{1,6} ").replace("|lheading", "").replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("fences", " {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n").replace("list", " {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ").replace("html", "</?(?:tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|!--)").replace("tag", j._tag).getRegex(), j.blockquote = z(j.blockquote).replace("paragraph", j.paragraph).getRegex(), j.normal = B({}, j), j.gfm = B({}, j.normal, {nptable: "^ *([^|\\n ].*\\|.*)\\n *([-:]+ *\\|[-| :]*)(?:\\n((?:(?!\\n|hr|heading|blockquote|code|fences|list|html).*(?:\\n|$))*)\\n*|$)", table: "^ *\\|(.+)\\n *\\|?( *[-:]+[-| :]*)(?:\\n *((?:(?!\\n|hr|heading|blockquote|code|fences|list|html).*(?:\\n|$))*)\\n*|$)"}), j.gfm.nptable = z(j.gfm.nptable).replace("hr","heading", " {0,3}#{1,6} ").replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("code", " {4}[^\\n]").replace("fences", " {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n").replace("list", " {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ").replace("html", "</?(?:tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|!--)").replace("tag", j._tag).getRegex(), j.gfm.table = z(j.gfm.table).replace("hr","heading", " {0,3}#{1,6} ").replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("code", " {4}[^\\n]").replace("fences", " {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n").replace("list", " {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ").replace("html", "</?(?:tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|!--)").replace("tag", j._tag).getRegex(), j.pedantic = B({}, j.normal, {html: z(`^ *(?:comment *(?:\\n|\\s*$)|<(tag)[\\s\\S]+?</\\1> *(?:\\n{2,}|\\s*$)|<tag(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\\s[^'"/>\\s]*)*?/?> *(?:\\n{2,}|\\s*$))`).replace("comment", j._comment).replace(/tag/g, "(?!(?:a|em|strong|small|s|cite|q|dfn|abbr|data|time|code|var|samp|kbd|sub|sup|i|b|u|mark|ruby|rt|rp|bdi|bdo|span|br|wbr|ins|del|img)\\b)\\w+(?!:|[^\\w\\s@]*@)\\b").getRegex(), def: /^ *\[([^\]]+)\]: *<?([^\s>]+)>?(?: +(["(][^\n]+[")]))? *(?:\n+|$)/, heading: /^ *(#{1,6}) *([^\n]+?) *(?:#+ *)?(?:\n+|$)/, fences: W, paragraph: z(j.normal._paragraph).replace("hr","heading", " *#{1,6} *[^\n]").replace("lheading", j.lheading).replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("|fences", "").replace("|list", "").replace("|html", "").getRegex()});
var V = {escape: /^\\([!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\]\\^_`{|}~])/, autolink: /^<(scheme:[^\s\x00-\x1f<>]*|email)>/, url: W, tag: "^comment|^</[a-zA-Z][\\w:-]*\\s*>|^<[a-zA-Z][\\w-]*(?:attribute)*?\\s*/?>|^<\\?[\\s\\S]*?\\?>|^<![a-zA-Z]+\\s[\\s\\S]*?>|^<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]\\]>", link: /^!?\[(label)\]\(\s*(href)(?:\s+(title))?\s*\)/, reflink: /^!?\[(label)\]\[(?!\s*\])((?:\\[\[\]]?|[^\[\]\\])+)\]/, nolink: /^!?\[(?!\s*\])((?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|\\[\[\]]|[^\[\]])*)\](?:\[\])?/, reflinkSearch: "reflink|nolink(?!\\()", strong: {start: /^(?:(\*\*(?=[*punctuation]))|\*\*)(?![\s])|__/, middle: /^\*\*(?:(?:(?!overlapSkip)(?:[^*]|\\\*)|overlapSkip)|\*(?:(?!overlapSkip)(?:[^*]|\\\*)|overlapSkip)*?\*)+?\*\*$|^__(?![\s])((?:(?:(?!overlapSkip)(?:[^_]|\\_)|overlapSkip)|_(?:(?!overlapSkip)(?:[^_]|\\_)|overlapSkip)*?_)+?)__$/, endAst: /[^punctuation\s]\*\*(?!\*)|[punctuation]\*\*(?!\*)(?:(?=[punctuation\s]|$))/, endUnd: /[^\s]__(?!_)(?:(?=[punctuation\s])|$)/}, em: {start: /^(?:(\*(?=[punctuation]))|\*)(?![*\s])|_/, middle: /^\*(?:(?:(?!overlapSkip)(?:[^*]|\\\*)|overlapSkip)|\*(?:(?!overlapSkip)(?:[^*]|\\\*)|overlapSkip)*?\*)+?\*$|^_(?![_\s])(?:(?:(?!overlapSkip)(?:[^_]|\\_)|overlapSkip)|_(?:(?!overlapSkip)(?:[^_]|\\_)|overlapSkip)*?_)+?_$/, endAst: /[^punctuation\s]\*(?!\*)|[punctuation]\*(?!\*)(?:(?=[punctuation\s]|$))/, endUnd: /[^\s]_(?!_)(?:(?=[punctuation\s])|$)/}, code: /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\s\S]*?[^`])\1(?!`)/, br: /^( {2,}|\\)\n(?!\s*$)/, del: W, text: /^(`+|[^`])(?:[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*]|\b_|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n))|(?= {2,}\n))/, punctuation: /^([\s*punctuation])/, _punctuation: "!\"#$%&'()+\\-.,/:;<=>?@\\[\\]`^{|}~"};
V.punctuation = z(V.punctuation).replace(/punctuation/g, V._punctuation).getRegex(), V._blockSkip = "\\[[^\\]]*?\\]\\([^\\)]*?\\)|`[^`]*?`|<[^>]*?>", V._overlapSkip = "__[^_]*?__|\\*\\*\\[^\\*\\]*?\\*\\*", V._comment = z(j._comment).replace("(?:-->|$)", "-->").getRegex(), V.em.start = z(V.em.start).replace(/punctuation/g, V._punctuation).getRegex(), V.em.middle = z(V.em.middle).replace(/punctuation/g, V._punctuation).replace(/overlapSkip/g, V._overlapSkip).getRegex(), V.em.endAst = z(V.em.endAst, "g").replace(/punctuation/g, V._punctuation).getRegex(), V.em.endUnd = z(V.em.endUnd, "g").replace(/punctuation/g, V._punctuation).getRegex(), V.strong.start = z(V.strong.start).replace(/punctuation/g, V._punctuation).getRegex(), V.strong.middle = z(V.strong.middle).replace(/punctuation/g, V._punctuation).replace(/blockSkip/g, V._blockSkip).getRegex(), V.strong.endAst = z(V.strong.endAst, "g").replace(/punctuation/g, V._punctuation).getRegex(), V.strong.endUnd = z(V.strong.endUnd, "g").replace(/punctuation/g, V._punctuation).getRegex(), V.blockSkip = z(V._blockSkip, "g").getRegex(), V.overlapSkip = z(V._overlapSkip, "g").getRegex(), V._escapes = /\\([!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\]\\^_`{|}~])/g, V._scheme = /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/, V._email = /[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+(?![-_])/, V.autolink = z(V.autolink).replace("scheme", V._scheme).replace("email", V._email).getRegex(), V._attribute = /\s+[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?:\s*=\s*"[^"]*"|\s*=\s*'[^']*'|\s*=\s*[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/, V.tag = z(V.tag).replace("comment", V._comment).replace("attribute", V._attribute).getRegex(), V._label = /(?:\[(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])*\]|\\.|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]\\`])*?/, V._href = /<(?:\\[<>]?|[^\s<>\\])*>|[^\s\x00-\x1f]*/, V._title = /"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\'?|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\\)?|[^)\\])*\)/, = z("label", V._label).replace("href", V._href).replace("title", V._title).getRegex(), V.reflink = z(V.reflink).replace("label", V._label).getRegex(), V.reflinkSearch = z(V.reflinkSearch, "g").replace("reflink", V.reflink).replace("nolink", V.nolink).getRegex(), V.normal = B({}, V), V.pedantic = B({}, V.normal, {strong: {start: /^__|\*\*/, middle: /^__(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)__(?!_)|^\*\*(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)\*\*(?!\*)/, endAst: /\*\*(?!\*)/g, endUnd: /__(?!_)/g}, em: {start: /^_|\*/, middle: /^()\*(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)\*(?!\*)|^_(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)_(?!_)/, endAst: /\*(?!\*)/g, endUnd: /_(?!_)/g}, link: z(/^!?\[(label)\]\((.*?)\)/).replace("label", V._label).getRegex(), reflink: z(/^!?\[(label)\]\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/).replace("label", V._label).getRegex()}), V.gfm = B({}, V.normal, {escape: z(V.escape).replace("])", "~|])").getRegex(), _extended_email: /[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/, url: /^((?:ftp|https?):\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.?)+[^\s<]*|^email/, _backpedal: /(?:[^?!.,:;*_~()&]+|\([^)]*\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_~)]+(?!$))+/, del: /^~+(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)~+/, text: /^(`+|[^`])(?:[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*~]|\b_|https?:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|www\.|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)|[^a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-](?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@))|(?= {2,}\n|[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@))/}), V.gfm.url = z(V.gfm.url, "i").replace("email", V.gfm._extended_email).getRegex(), V.breaks = B({}, V.gfm, {br: z("{2,}", "*").getRegex(), text: z(V.gfm.text).replace("\\b_", "\\b_| {2,}\\n").replace(/\{2,\}/g, "*").getRegex()});
var U = {block: j, inline: V}, H = i.defaults, q = U.block, $ = U.inline;
function K(e3) {
return e3.replace(/---/g, "—").replace(/--/g, "").replace(/(^|[-\u2014/(\[{"\s])'/g, "$1").replace(/'/g, "").replace(/(^|[-\u2014/(\[{\u2018\s])"/g, "$1“").replace(/"/g, "”").replace(/\.{3}/g, "…");
function G(e3) {
var t3, n3, i2 = "", o2 = e3.length;
for (t3 = 0; t3 < o2; t3++)
n3 = e3.charCodeAt(t3), Math.random() > 0.5 && (n3 = "x" + n3.toString(16)), i2 += "&#" + n3 + ";";
return i2;
var Y = function() {
function t3(e3) {
this.tokens = [], this.tokens.links = Object.create(null), this.options = e3 || H, this.options.tokenizer = this.options.tokenizer || new F(), this.tokenizer = this.options.tokenizer, this.tokenizer.options = this.options;
var t4 = {block: q.normal, inline: $.normal};
this.options.pedantic ? (t4.block = q.pedantic, t4.inline = $.pedantic) : this.options.gfm && (t4.block = q.gfm, this.options.breaks ? t4.inline = $.breaks : t4.inline = $.gfm), this.tokenizer.rules = t4;
t3.lex = function(e3, n4) {
return new t3(n4).lex(e3);
var n3, i2, o2, r2 = t3.prototype;
return r2.lex = function(e3) {
return e3 = e3.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, "\n").replace(/\t/g, " "), this.blockTokens(e3, this.tokens, true), this.inline(this.tokens), this.tokens;
}, r2.blockTokens = function(e3, t4, n4) {
var i3, o3, r3, s2;
for (void 0 === t4 && (t4 = []), void 0 === n4 && (n4 = true), e3 = e3.replace(/^ +$/gm, ""); e3; )
if (i3 =
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), i3.type && t4.push(i3);
else if (i3 = this.tokenizer.code(e3, t4))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), i3.type ? t4.push(i3) : ((s2 = t4[t4.length - 1]).raw += "\n" + i3.raw, s2.text += "\n" + i3.text);
else if (i3 = this.tokenizer.fences(e3))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), t4.push(i3);
else if (i3 = this.tokenizer.heading(e3))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), t4.push(i3);
else if (i3 = this.tokenizer.nptable(e3))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), t4.push(i3);
else if (i3 =
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), t4.push(i3);
else if (i3 = this.tokenizer.blockquote(e3))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), i3.tokens = this.blockTokens(i3.text, [], n4), t4.push(i3);
else if (i3 = this.tokenizer.list(e3)) {
for (e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), r3 = i3.items.length, o3 = 0; o3 < r3; o3++)
i3.items[o3].tokens = this.blockTokens(i3.items[o3].text, [], false);
} else if (i3 = this.tokenizer.html(e3))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), t4.push(i3);
else if (n4 && (i3 = this.tokenizer.def(e3)))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), this.tokens.links[i3.tag] || (this.tokens.links[i3.tag] = {href: i3.href, title: i3.title});
else if (i3 = this.tokenizer.table(e3))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), t4.push(i3);
else if (i3 = this.tokenizer.lheading(e3))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), t4.push(i3);
else if (n4 && (i3 = this.tokenizer.paragraph(e3)))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), t4.push(i3);
else if (i3 = this.tokenizer.text(e3, t4))
e3 = e3.substring(i3.raw.length), i3.type ? t4.push(i3) : ((s2 = t4[t4.length - 1]).raw += "\n" + i3.raw, s2.text += "\n" + i3.text);
else if (e3) {
var a2 = "Infinite loop on byte: " + e3.charCodeAt(0);
if (this.options.silent) {
throw new Error(a2);
return t4;
}, r2.inline = function(e3) {
var t4, n4, i3, o3, r3, s2, a2 = e3.length;
for (t4 = 0; t4 < a2; t4++)
switch ((s2 = e3[t4]).type) {
case "paragraph":
case "text":
case "heading":
s2.tokens = [], this.inlineTokens(s2.text, s2.tokens);
case "table":
for (s2.tokens = {header: [], cells: []}, o3 = s2.header.length, n4 = 0; n4 < o3; n4++)
s2.tokens.header[n4] = [], this.inlineTokens(s2.header[n4], s2.tokens.header[n4]);
for (o3 = s2.cells.length, n4 = 0; n4 < o3; n4++)
for (r3 = s2.cells[n4], s2.tokens.cells[n4] = [], i3 = 0; i3 < r3.length; i3++)
s2.tokens.cells[n4][i3] = [], this.inlineTokens(r3[i3], s2.tokens.cells[n4][i3]);
case "blockquote":
case "list":
for (o3 = s2.items.length, n4 = 0; n4 < o3; n4++)
return e3;
}, r2.inlineTokens = function(e3, t4, n4, i3, o3) {
var r3;
void 0 === t4 && (t4 = []), void 0 === n4 && (n4 = false), void 0 === i3 && (i3 = false), void 0 === o3 && (o3 = "");
var s2, a2 = e3;
if (this.tokens.links) {
var l2 = Object.keys(this.tokens.links);
if (l2.length > 0)
for (; null != (s2 = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(a2)); )
l2.includes(s2[0].slice(s2[0].lastIndexOf("[") + 1, -1)) && (a2 = a2.slice(0, s2.index) + "[" + "a".repeat(s2[0].length - 2) + "]" + a2.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex));
for (; null != (s2 = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(a2)); )
a2 = a2.slice(0, s2.index) + "[" + "a".repeat(s2[0].length - 2) + "]" + a2.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex);
for (; e3; )
if (r3 = this.tokenizer.escape(e3))
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), t4.push(r3);
else if (r3 = this.tokenizer.tag(e3, n4, i3))
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), n4 = r3.inLink, i3 = r3.inRawBlock, t4.push(r3);
else if (r3 =
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), "link" === r3.type && (r3.tokens = this.inlineTokens(r3.text, [], true, i3)), t4.push(r3);
else if (r3 = this.tokenizer.reflink(e3, this.tokens.links))
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), "link" === r3.type && (r3.tokens = this.inlineTokens(r3.text, [], true, i3)), t4.push(r3);
else if (r3 = this.tokenizer.strong(e3, a2, o3))
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), r3.tokens = this.inlineTokens(r3.text, [], n4, i3), t4.push(r3);
else if (r3 = this.tokenizer.em(e3, a2, o3))
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), r3.tokens = this.inlineTokens(r3.text, [], n4, i3), t4.push(r3);
else if (r3 = this.tokenizer.codespan(e3))
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), t4.push(r3);
else if (r3 =
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), t4.push(r3);
else if (r3 = this.tokenizer.del(e3))
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), r3.tokens = this.inlineTokens(r3.text, [], n4, i3), t4.push(r3);
else if (r3 = this.tokenizer.autolink(e3, G))
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), t4.push(r3);
else if (n4 || !(r3 = this.tokenizer.url(e3, G))) {
if (r3 = this.tokenizer.inlineText(e3, i3, K))
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), o3 = r3.raw.slice(-1), t4.push(r3);
else if (e3) {
var c2 = "Infinite loop on byte: " + e3.charCodeAt(0);
if (this.options.silent) {
throw new Error(c2);
} else
e3 = e3.substring(r3.raw.length), t4.push(r3);
return t4;
}, n3 = t3, o2 = [{key: "rules", get: function() {
return {block: q, inline: $};
}}], (i2 = null) && e2(n3.prototype, i2), o2 && e2(n3, o2), t3;
}(), Z = i.defaults, X = S, Q = y, J = function() {
function e3(e4) {
this.options = e4 || Z;
var t3 = e3.prototype;
return t3.code = function(e4, t4, n3) {
var i2 = (t4 || "").match(/\S*/)[0];
if (this.options.highlight) {
var o2 = this.options.highlight(e4, i2);
null != o2 && o2 !== e4 && (n3 = true, e4 = o2);
return i2 ? '<pre><code class="' + this.options.langPrefix + Q(i2, true) + '">' + (n3 ? e4 : Q(e4, true)) + "</code></pre>\n" : "<pre><code>" + (n3 ? e4 : Q(e4, true)) + "</code></pre>\n";
}, t3.blockquote = function(e4) {
return "<blockquote>\n" + e4 + "</blockquote>\n";
}, t3.html = function(e4) {
return e4;
}, t3.heading = function(e4, t4, n3, i2) {
return this.options.headerIds ? "<h" + t4 + ' id="' + this.options.headerPrefix + i2.slug(n3) + '">' + e4 + "</h" + t4 + ">\n" : "<h" + t4 + ">" + e4 + "</h" + t4 + ">\n";
}, = function() {
return this.options.xhtml ? "<hr/>\n" : "<hr>\n";
}, t3.list = function(e4, t4, n3) {
var i2 = t4 ? "ol" : "ul";
return "<" + i2 + (t4 && 1 !== n3 ? ' start="' + n3 + '"' : "") + ">\n" + e4 + "</" + i2 + ">\n";
}, t3.listitem = function(e4) {
return "<li>" + e4 + "</li>\n";
}, t3.checkbox = function(e4) {
return "<input " + (e4 ? 'checked="" ' : "") + 'disabled="" type="checkbox"' + (this.options.xhtml ? " /" : "") + "> ";
}, t3.paragraph = function(e4) {
return "<p>" + e4 + "</p>\n";
}, t3.table = function(e4, t4) {
return t4 && (t4 = "<tbody>" + t4 + "</tbody>"), "<table>\n<thead>\n" + e4 + "</thead>\n" + t4 + "</table>\n";
}, t3.tablerow = function(e4) {
return "<tr>\n" + e4 + "</tr>\n";
}, t3.tablecell = function(e4, t4) {
var n3 = t4.header ? "th" : "td";
return (t4.align ? "<" + n3 + ' align="' + t4.align + '">' : "<" + n3 + ">") + e4 + "</" + n3 + ">\n";
}, t3.strong = function(e4) {
return "<strong>" + e4 + "</strong>";
}, t3.em = function(e4) {
return "<em>" + e4 + "</em>";
}, t3.codespan = function(e4) {
return "<code>" + e4 + "</code>";
}, = function() {
return this.options.xhtml ? "<br/>" : "<br>";
}, t3.del = function(e4) {
return "<del>" + e4 + "</del>";
}, = function(e4, t4, n3) {
if (null === (e4 = X(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, e4)))
return n3;
var i2 = '<a href="' + Q(e4) + '"';
return t4 && (i2 += ' title="' + t4 + '"'), i2 += ">" + n3 + "</a>";
}, t3.image = function(e4, t4, n3) {
if (null === (e4 = X(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, e4)))
return n3;
var i2 = '<img src="' + e4 + '" alt="' + n3 + '"';
return t4 && (i2 += ' title="' + t4 + '"'), i2 += this.options.xhtml ? "/>" : ">";
}, t3.text = function(e4) {
return e4;
}, e3;
}(), ee = function() {
function e3() {
var t3 = e3.prototype;
return t3.strong = function(e4) {
return e4;
}, t3.em = function(e4) {
return e4;
}, t3.codespan = function(e4) {
return e4;
}, t3.del = function(e4) {
return e4;
}, t3.html = function(e4) {
return e4;
}, t3.text = function(e4) {
return e4;
}, = function(e4, t4, n3) {
return "" + n3;
}, t3.image = function(e4, t4, n3) {
return "" + n3;
}, = function() {
return "";
}, e3;
}(), te = function() {
function e3() {
this.seen = {};
var t3 = e3.prototype;
return t3.serialize = function(e4) {
return e4.toLowerCase().trim().replace(/<[!\/a-z].*?>/gi, "").replace(/[\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F\\'!"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~]/g, "").replace(/\s/g, "-");
}, t3.getNextSafeSlug = function(e4, t4) {
var n3 = e4, i2 = 0;
if (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(n3)) {
i2 = this.seen[e4];
do {
n3 = e4 + "-" + ++i2;
} while (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(n3));
return t4 || (this.seen[e4] = i2, this.seen[n3] = 0), n3;
}, t3.slug = function(e4, t4) {
void 0 === t4 && (t4 = {});
var n3 = this.serialize(e4);
return this.getNextSafeSlug(n3, t4.dryrun);
}, e3;
}(), ne = i.defaults, ie = C, oe = function() {
function e3(e4) {
this.options = e4 || ne, this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new J(), this.renderer = this.options.renderer, this.renderer.options = this.options, this.textRenderer = new ee(), this.slugger = new te();
e3.parse = function(t4, n3) {
return new e3(n3).parse(t4);
var t3 = e3.prototype;
return t3.parse = function(e4, t4) {
void 0 === t4 && (t4 = true);
var n3, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, u2, p2, m2, g2, f2, b2, _2, v2, w2 = "", y2 = e4.length;
for (n3 = 0; n3 < y2; n3++)
switch ((h2 = e4[n3]).type) {
case "space":
case "hr":
w2 +=;
case "heading":
w2 += this.renderer.heading(this.parseInline(h2.tokens), h2.depth, ie(this.parseInline(h2.tokens, this.textRenderer)), this.slugger);
case "code":
w2 += this.renderer.code(h2.text, h2.lang, h2.escaped);
case "table":
for (c2 = "", l2 = "", r2 = h2.header.length, i2 = 0; i2 < r2; i2++)
l2 += this.renderer.tablecell(this.parseInline(h2.tokens.header[i2]), {header: true, align: h2.align[i2]});
for (c2 += this.renderer.tablerow(l2), d2 = "", r2 = h2.cells.length, i2 = 0; i2 < r2; i2++) {
for (l2 = "", s2 = (a2 = h2.tokens.cells[i2]).length, o2 = 0; o2 < s2; o2++)
l2 += this.renderer.tablecell(this.parseInline(a2[o2]), {header: false, align: h2.align[o2]});
d2 += this.renderer.tablerow(l2);
w2 += this.renderer.table(c2, d2);
case "blockquote":
d2 = this.parse(h2.tokens), w2 += this.renderer.blockquote(d2);
case "list":
for (u2 = h2.ordered, p2 = h2.start, m2 = h2.loose, r2 = h2.items.length, d2 = "", i2 = 0; i2 < r2; i2++)
b2 = (f2 = h2.items[i2]).checked, _2 = f2.task, g2 = "", f2.task && (v2 = this.renderer.checkbox(b2), m2 ? f2.tokens.length > 0 && "text" === f2.tokens[0].type ? (f2.tokens[0].text = v2 + " " + f2.tokens[0].text, f2.tokens[0].tokens && f2.tokens[0].tokens.length > 0 && "text" === f2.tokens[0].tokens[0].type && (f2.tokens[0].tokens[0].text = v2 + " " + f2.tokens[0].tokens[0].text)) : f2.tokens.unshift({type: "text", text: v2}) : g2 += v2), g2 += this.parse(f2.tokens, m2), d2 += this.renderer.listitem(g2, _2, b2);
w2 += this.renderer.list(d2, u2, p2);
case "html":
w2 += this.renderer.html(h2.text);
case "paragraph":
w2 += this.renderer.paragraph(this.parseInline(h2.tokens));
case "text":
for (d2 = h2.tokens ? this.parseInline(h2.tokens) : h2.text; n3 + 1 < y2 && "text" === e4[n3 + 1].type; )
d2 += "\n" + ((h2 = e4[++n3]).tokens ? this.parseInline(h2.tokens) : h2.text);
w2 += t4 ? this.renderer.paragraph(d2) : d2;
var C2 = 'Token with "' + h2.type + '" type was not found.';
if (this.options.silent)
return void console.error(C2);
throw new Error(C2);
return w2;
}, t3.parseInline = function(e4, t4) {
t4 = t4 || this.renderer;
var n3, i2, o2 = "", r2 = e4.length;
for (n3 = 0; n3 < r2; n3++)
switch ((i2 = e4[n3]).type) {
case "escape":
o2 += t4.text(i2.text);
case "html":
o2 += t4.html(i2.text);
case "link":
o2 +=, i2.title, this.parseInline(i2.tokens, t4));
case "image":
o2 += t4.image(i2.href, i2.title, i2.text);
case "strong":
o2 += t4.strong(this.parseInline(i2.tokens, t4));
case "em":
o2 += t4.em(this.parseInline(i2.tokens, t4));
case "codespan":
o2 += t4.codespan(i2.text);
case "br":
o2 +=;
case "del":
o2 += t4.del(this.parseInline(i2.tokens, t4));
case "text":
o2 += t4.text(i2.text);
var s2 = 'Token with "' + i2.type + '" type was not found.';
if (this.options.silent)
return void console.error(s2);
throw new Error(s2);
return o2;
}, e3;
}(), re = E, se = I, ae = y, le = i.getDefaults, ce = i.changeDefaults, de = i.defaults;
function he(e3, t3, n3) {
if (null == e3)
throw new Error("marked(): input parameter is undefined or null");
if ("string" != typeof e3)
throw new Error("marked(): input parameter is of type " + + ", string expected");
if ("function" == typeof t3 && (n3 = t3, t3 = null), t3 = re({}, he.defaults, t3 || {}), se(t3), n3) {
var i2, o2 = t3.highlight;
try {
i2 = Y.lex(e3, t3);
} catch (e4) {
return n3(e4);
var r2 = function(e4) {
var r3;
if (!e4)
try {
r3 = oe.parse(i2, t3);
} catch (t4) {
e4 = t4;
return t3.highlight = o2, e4 ? n3(e4) : n3(null, r3);
if (!o2 || o2.length < 3)
return r2();
if (delete t3.highlight, !i2.length)
return r2();
var s2 = 0;
return he.walkTokens(i2, function(e4) {
"code" === e4.type && (s2++, setTimeout(function() {
o2(e4.text, e4.lang, function(t4, n4) {
if (t4)
return r2(t4);
null != n4 && n4 !== e4.text && (e4.text = n4, e4.escaped = true), 0 == --s2 && r2();
}, 0));
}), void (0 === s2 && r2());
try {
var a2 = Y.lex(e3, t3);
return t3.walkTokens && he.walkTokens(a2, t3.walkTokens), oe.parse(a2, t3);
} catch (e4) {
if (e4.message += "\nPlease report this to", t3.silent)
return "<p>An error occurred:</p><pre>" + ae(e4.message + "", true) + "</pre>";
throw e4;
return he.options = he.setOptions = function(e3) {
return re(he.defaults, e3), ce(he.defaults), he;
}, he.getDefaults = le, he.defaults = de, he.use = function(e3) {
var t3 = re({}, e3);
if (e3.renderer && function() {
var n4 = he.defaults.renderer || new J(), i2 = function(t4) {
var i3 = n4[t4];
n4[t4] = function() {
for (var o3 = arguments.length, r2 = new Array(o3), s2 = 0; s2 < o3; s2++)
r2[s2] = arguments[s2];
var a2 = e3.renderer[t4].apply(n4, r2);
return false === a2 && (a2 = i3.apply(n4, r2)), a2;
for (var o2 in e3.renderer)
t3.renderer = n4;
}(), e3.tokenizer && function() {
var n4 = he.defaults.tokenizer || new F(), i2 = function(t4) {
var i3 = n4[t4];
n4[t4] = function() {
for (var o3 = arguments.length, r2 = new Array(o3), s2 = 0; s2 < o3; s2++)
r2[s2] = arguments[s2];
var a2 = e3.tokenizer[t4].apply(n4, r2);
return false === a2 && (a2 = i3.apply(n4, r2)), a2;
for (var o2 in e3.tokenizer)
t3.tokenizer = n4;
}(), e3.walkTokens) {
var n3 = he.defaults.walkTokens;
t3.walkTokens = function(t4) {
e3.walkTokens(t4), n3 && n3(t4);
}, he.walkTokens = function(e3, t3) {
for (var i2, o2 = n2(e3); !(i2 = o2()).done; ) {
var r2 = i2.value;
switch (t3(r2), r2.type) {
case "table":
for (var s2, a2 = n2(r2.tokens.header); !(s2 = a2()).done; ) {
var l2 = s2.value;
he.walkTokens(l2, t3);
for (var c2, d2 = n2(r2.tokens.cells); !(c2 = d2()).done; )
for (var h2, u2 = n2(c2.value); !(h2 = u2()).done; ) {
var p2 = h2.value;
he.walkTokens(p2, t3);
case "list":
he.walkTokens(r2.items, t3);
r2.tokens && he.walkTokens(r2.tokens, t3);
}, he.Parser = oe, he.parser = oe.parse, he.Renderer = J, he.TextRenderer = ee, he.Lexer = Y, he.lexer = Y.lex, he.Tokenizer = F, he.Slugger = te, he.parse = he, he;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(250);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(263);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(297);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(304);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(201);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, '/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n/* Default standalone editor fonts */\n.monaco-editor {\n font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe WPC", "Segoe UI", "HelveticaNeue-Light", system-ui, "Ubuntu", "Droid Sans", sans-serif;\n --monaco-monospace-font: "SF Mono", Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Ubuntu Mono", "Liberation Mono", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Courier New", monospace;\n}\n\n.monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-item .action-menu-item:focus .action-label {\n stroke-width: 1.2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor.vs-dark .monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-menu-item:focus .action-label,\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-menu-item:focus .action-label {\n stroke-width: 1.2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover p {\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n/* The hc-black theme is already high contrast optimized */\n.monaco-editor.hc-black {\n -ms-high-contrast-adjust: none;\n}\n/* In case the browser goes into high contrast mode and the editor is not configured with the hc-black theme */\n@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active) {\n\n /* current line highlight */\n .monaco-editor.vs .view-overlays .current-line,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .view-overlays .current-line {\n border-color: windowtext !important;\n border-left: 0;\n border-right: 0;\n }\n\n /* view cursors */\n .monaco-editor.vs .cursor,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .cursor {\n background-color: windowtext !important;\n }\n /* dnd target */\n .monaco-editor.vs .dnd-target,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .dnd-target {\n border-color: windowtext !important;\n }\n\n /* selected text background */\n .monaco-editor.vs .selected-text,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .selected-text {\n background-color: highlight !important;\n }\n\n /* allow the text to have a transparent background. */\n .monaco-editor.vs .view-line,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .view-line {\n -ms-high-contrast-adjust: none;\n }\n\n /* text color */\n .monaco-editor.vs .view-line span,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .view-line span {\n color: windowtext !important;\n }\n /* selected text color */\n .monaco-editor.vs .view-line span.inline-selected-text,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .view-line span.inline-selected-text {\n color: highlighttext !important;\n }\n\n /* allow decorations */\n .monaco-editor.vs .view-overlays,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .view-overlays {\n -ms-high-contrast-adjust: none;\n }\n\n /* various decorations */\n .monaco-editor.vs .selectionHighlight,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .selectionHighlight,\n .monaco-editor.vs .wordHighlight,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .wordHighlight,\n .monaco-editor.vs .wordHighlightStrong,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .wordHighlightStrong,\n .monaco-editor.vs .reference-decoration,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .reference-decoration {\n border: 2px dotted highlight !important;\n background: transparent !important;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .rangeHighlight,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .rangeHighlight {\n background: transparent !important;\n border: 1px dotted activeborder !important;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .bracket-match,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .bracket-match {\n border-color: windowtext !important;\n background: transparent !important;\n }\n\n /* find widget */\n .monaco-editor.vs .findMatch,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .findMatch,\n .monaco-editor.vs .currentFindMatch,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .currentFindMatch {\n border: 2px dotted activeborder !important;\n background: transparent !important;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .find-widget,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .find-widget {\n border: 1px solid windowtext;\n }\n\n /* list - used by suggest widget */\n .monaco-editor.vs .monaco-list .monaco-list-row,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .monaco-list .monaco-list-row {\n -ms-high-contrast-adjust: none;\n color: windowtext !important;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused {\n color: highlighttext !important;\n background-color: highlight !important;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .monaco-list .monaco-list-row:hover,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .monaco-list .monaco-list-row:hover {\n background: transparent !important;\n border: 1px solid highlight;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n }\n\n /* scrollbars */\n .monaco-editor.vs .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar {\n -ms-high-contrast-adjust: none;\n background: background !important;\n border: 1px solid windowtext;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider {\n background: windowtext !important;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider:hover,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider:hover {\n background: highlight !important;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar >,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > {\n background: highlight !important;\n }\n\n /* overview ruler */\n .monaco-editor.vs .decorationsOverviewRuler,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .decorationsOverviewRuler {\n opacity: 0;\n }\n\n /* minimap */\n .monaco-editor.vs .minimap,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .minimap {\n display: none;\n }\n\n /* squiggles */\n .monaco-editor.vs .squiggly-d-error,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .squiggly-d-error {\n background: transparent !important;\n border-bottom: 4px double #E47777;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .squiggly-c-warning,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .squiggly-c-warning {\n border-bottom: 4px double #71B771;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .squiggly-b-info,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .squiggly-b-info {\n border-bottom: 4px double #71B771;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .squiggly-a-hint,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .squiggly-a-hint {\n border-bottom: 4px double #6c6c6c;\n }\n\n /* contextmenu */\n .monaco-editor.vs .monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-menu-item:focus .action-label,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-menu-item:focus .action-label {\n -ms-high-contrast-adjust: none;\n color: highlighttext !important;\n background-color: highlight !important;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-menu-item:hover .action-label,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .monaco-menu .monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-menu-item:hover .action-label {\n -ms-high-contrast-adjust: none;\n background: transparent !important;\n border: 1px solid highlight;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n }\n\n /* diff editor */\n .monaco-diff-editor.vs .diffOverviewRuler,\n .monaco-diff-editor.vs-dark .diffOverviewRuler {\n display: none;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .line-insert,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .line-insert,\n .monaco-editor.vs .line-delete,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .line-delete {\n background: transparent !important;\n border: 1px solid highlight !important;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n }\n .monaco-editor.vs .char-insert,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .char-insert,\n .monaco-editor.vs .char-delete,\n .monaco-editor.vs-dark .char-delete {\n background: transparent !important;\n }\n}\n\n/*.monaco-editor.vs [tabindex="0"]:focus {\n outline: 1px solid rgba(0, 122, 204, 0.4);\n outline-offset: -1px;\n opacity: 1 !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor.vs-dark [tabindex="0"]:focus {\n outline: 1px solid rgba(14, 99, 156, 0.6);\n outline-offset: -1px;\n opacity: 1 !important;\n}*/\n', ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
(function(e2) {
var i = n(203), o = n(204), r = n(205);
function s() {
return l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? 2147483647 : 1073741823;
function a(e3, t2) {
if (s() < t2)
throw new RangeError("Invalid typed array length");
return l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (e3 = new Uint8Array(t2)).__proto__ = l.prototype : (null === e3 && (e3 = new l(t2)), e3.length = t2), e3;
function l(e3, t2, n2) {
if (!(l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || this instanceof l))
return new l(e3, t2, n2);
if ("number" == typeof e3) {
if ("string" == typeof t2)
throw new Error("If encoding is specified then the first argument must be a string");
return h(this, e3);
return c(this, e3, t2, n2);
function c(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if ("number" == typeof t2)
throw new TypeError('"value" argument must not be a number');
return "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && t2 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? function(e4, t3, n3, i3) {
if (t3.byteLength, n3 < 0 || t3.byteLength < n3)
throw new RangeError("'offset' is out of bounds");
if (t3.byteLength < n3 + (i3 || 0))
throw new RangeError("'length' is out of bounds");
t3 = void 0 === n3 && void 0 === i3 ? new Uint8Array(t3) : void 0 === i3 ? new Uint8Array(t3, n3) : new Uint8Array(t3, n3, i3);
l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (e4 = t3).__proto__ = l.prototype : e4 = u(e4, t3);
return e4;
}(e3, t2, n2, i2) : "string" == typeof t2 ? function(e4, t3, n3) {
"string" == typeof n3 && "" !== n3 || (n3 = "utf8");
if (!l.isEncoding(n3))
throw new TypeError('"encoding" must be a valid string encoding');
var i3 = 0 | m(t3, n3), o2 = (e4 = a(e4, i3)).write(t3, n3);
o2 !== i3 && (e4 = e4.slice(0, o2));
return e4;
}(e3, t2, n2) : function(e4, t3) {
if (l.isBuffer(t3)) {
var n3 = 0 | p(t3.length);
return 0 === (e4 = a(e4, n3)).length || t3.copy(e4, 0, 0, n3), e4;
if (t3) {
if ("undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && t3.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer || "length" in t3)
return "number" != typeof t3.length || (i3 = t3.length) != i3 ? a(e4, 0) : u(e4, t3);
if ("Buffer" === t3.type && r(
return u(e4,;
var i3;
throw new TypeError("First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.");
}(e3, t2);
function d(e3) {
if ("number" != typeof e3)
throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be a number');
if (e3 < 0)
throw new RangeError('"size" argument must not be negative');
function h(e3, t2) {
if (d(t2), e3 = a(e3, t2 < 0 ? 0 : 0 | p(t2)), !l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)
for (var n2 = 0; n2 < t2; ++n2)
e3[n2] = 0;
return e3;
function u(e3, t2) {
var n2 = t2.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | p(t2.length);
e3 = a(e3, n2);
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2 += 1)
e3[i2] = 255 & t2[i2];
return e3;
function p(e3) {
if (e3 >= s())
throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + s().toString(16) + " bytes");
return 0 | e3;
function m(e3, t2) {
if (l.isBuffer(e3))
return e3.length;
if ("undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && "function" == typeof ArrayBuffer.isView && (ArrayBuffer.isView(e3) || e3 instanceof ArrayBuffer))
return e3.byteLength;
"string" != typeof e3 && (e3 = "" + e3);
var n2 = e3.length;
if (0 === n2)
return 0;
for (var i2 = false; ; )
switch (t2) {
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return n2;
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case void 0:
return B(e3).length;
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return 2 * n2;
case "hex":
return n2 >>> 1;
case "base64":
return j(e3).length;
if (i2)
return B(e3).length;
t2 = ("" + t2).toLowerCase(), i2 = true;
function g(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = false;
if ((void 0 === t2 || t2 < 0) && (t2 = 0), t2 > this.length)
return "";
if ((void 0 === n2 || n2 > this.length) && (n2 = this.length), n2 <= 0)
return "";
if ((n2 >>>= 0) <= (t2 >>>= 0))
return "";
for (e3 || (e3 = "utf8"); ; )
switch (e3) {
case "hex":
return N(this, t2, n2);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return E(this, t2, n2);
case "ascii":
return T(this, t2, n2);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return L(this, t2, n2);
case "base64":
return k(this, t2, n2);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return I(this, t2, n2);
if (i2)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + e3);
e3 = (e3 + "").toLowerCase(), i2 = true;
function f(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3[t2];
e3[t2] = e3[n2], e3[n2] = i2;
function b(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (0 === e3.length)
return -1;
if ("string" == typeof n2 ? (i2 = n2, n2 = 0) : n2 > 2147483647 ? n2 = 2147483647 : n2 < -2147483648 && (n2 = -2147483648), n2 = +n2, isNaN(n2) && (n2 = o2 ? 0 : e3.length - 1), n2 < 0 && (n2 = e3.length + n2), n2 >= e3.length) {
if (o2)
return -1;
n2 = e3.length - 1;
} else if (n2 < 0) {
if (!o2)
return -1;
n2 = 0;
if ("string" == typeof t2 && (t2 = l.from(t2, i2)), l.isBuffer(t2))
return 0 === t2.length ? -1 : _(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2);
if ("number" == typeof t2)
return t2 &= 255, l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && "function" == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf ? o2 ?, t2, n2) :, t2, n2) : _(e3, [t2], n2, i2, o2);
throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer");
function _(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
var r2, s2 = 1, a2 = e3.length, l2 = t2.length;
if (void 0 !== i2 && ("ucs2" === (i2 = String(i2).toLowerCase()) || "ucs-2" === i2 || "utf16le" === i2 || "utf-16le" === i2)) {
if (e3.length < 2 || t2.length < 2)
return -1;
s2 = 2, a2 /= 2, l2 /= 2, n2 /= 2;
function c2(e4, t3) {
return 1 === s2 ? e4[t3] : e4.readUInt16BE(t3 * s2);
if (o2) {
var d2 = -1;
for (r2 = n2; r2 < a2; r2++)
if (c2(e3, r2) === c2(t2, -1 === d2 ? 0 : r2 - d2)) {
if (-1 === d2 && (d2 = r2), r2 - d2 + 1 === l2)
return d2 * s2;
} else
-1 !== d2 && (r2 -= r2 - d2), d2 = -1;
} else
for (n2 + l2 > a2 && (n2 = a2 - l2), r2 = n2; r2 >= 0; r2--) {
for (var h2 = true, u2 = 0; u2 < l2; u2++)
if (c2(e3, r2 + u2) !== c2(t2, u2)) {
h2 = false;
if (h2)
return r2;
return -1;
function v(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
n2 = Number(n2) || 0;
var o2 = e3.length - n2;
i2 ? (i2 = Number(i2)) > o2 && (i2 = o2) : i2 = o2;
var r2 = t2.length;
if (r2 % 2 != 0)
throw new TypeError("Invalid hex string");
i2 > r2 / 2 && (i2 = r2 / 2);
for (var s2 = 0; s2 < i2; ++s2) {
var a2 = parseInt(t2.substr(2 * s2, 2), 16);
if (isNaN(a2))
return s2;
e3[n2 + s2] = a2;
return s2;
function w(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return V(B(t2, e3.length - n2), e3, n2, i2);
function y(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return V(function(e4) {
for (var t3 = [], n3 = 0; n3 < e4.length; ++n3)
t3.push(255 & e4.charCodeAt(n3));
return t3;
}(t2), e3, n2, i2);
function C(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return y(e3, t2, n2, i2);
function x(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return V(j(t2), e3, n2, i2);
function S(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
return V(function(e4, t3) {
for (var n3, i3, o2, r2 = [], s2 = 0; s2 < e4.length && !((t3 -= 2) < 0); ++s2)
n3 = e4.charCodeAt(s2), i3 = n3 >> 8, o2 = n3 % 256, r2.push(o2), r2.push(i3);
return r2;
}(t2, e3.length - n2), e3, n2, i2);
function k(e3, t2, n2) {
return 0 === t2 && n2 === e3.length ? i.fromByteArray(e3) : i.fromByteArray(e3.slice(t2, n2));
function E(e3, t2, n2) {
n2 = Math.min(e3.length, n2);
for (var i2 = [], o2 = t2; o2 < n2; ) {
var r2, s2, a2, l2, c2 = e3[o2], d2 = null, h2 = c2 > 239 ? 4 : c2 > 223 ? 3 : c2 > 191 ? 2 : 1;
if (o2 + h2 <= n2)
switch (h2) {
case 1:
c2 < 128 && (d2 = c2);
case 2:
128 == (192 & (r2 = e3[o2 + 1])) && (l2 = (31 & c2) << 6 | 63 & r2) > 127 && (d2 = l2);
case 3:
r2 = e3[o2 + 1], s2 = e3[o2 + 2], 128 == (192 & r2) && 128 == (192 & s2) && (l2 = (15 & c2) << 12 | (63 & r2) << 6 | 63 & s2) > 2047 && (l2 < 55296 || l2 > 57343) && (d2 = l2);
case 4:
r2 = e3[o2 + 1], s2 = e3[o2 + 2], a2 = e3[o2 + 3], 128 == (192 & r2) && 128 == (192 & s2) && 128 == (192 & a2) && (l2 = (15 & c2) << 18 | (63 & r2) << 12 | (63 & s2) << 6 | 63 & a2) > 65535 && l2 < 1114112 && (d2 = l2);
null === d2 ? (d2 = 65533, h2 = 1) : d2 > 65535 && (d2 -= 65536, i2.push(d2 >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), d2 = 56320 | 1023 & d2), i2.push(d2), o2 += h2;
return function(e4) {
var t3 = e4.length;
if (t3 <= 4096)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e4);
var n3 = "", i3 = 0;
for (; i3 < t3; )
n3 += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e4.slice(i3, i3 += 4096));
return n3;
t.Buffer = l, t.SlowBuffer = function(e3) {
+e3 != e3 && (e3 = 0);
return l.alloc(+e3);
try {
var e3 = new Uint8Array(1);
return e3.__proto__ = {__proto__: Uint8Array.prototype, foo: function() {
return 42;
}}, 42 === && "function" == typeof e3.subarray && 0 === e3.subarray(1, 1).byteLength;
} catch (e4) {
return false;
}(), t.kMaxLength = s(), l.poolSize = 8192, l._augment = function(e3) {
return e3.__proto__ = l.prototype, e3;
}, l.from = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return c(null, e3, t2, n2);
}, l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && (l.prototype.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype, l.__proto__ = Uint8Array, "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.species && l[Symbol.species] === l && Object.defineProperty(l, Symbol.species, {value: null, configurable: true})), l.alloc = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return function(e4, t3, n3, i2) {
return d(t3), t3 <= 0 ? a(e4, t3) : void 0 !== n3 ? "string" == typeof i2 ? a(e4, t3).fill(n3, i2) : a(e4, t3).fill(n3) : a(e4, t3);
}(null, e3, t2, n2);
}, l.allocUnsafe = function(e3) {
return h(null, e3);
}, l.allocUnsafeSlow = function(e3) {
return h(null, e3);
}, l.isBuffer = function(e3) {
return !(null == e3 || !e3._isBuffer);
}, = function(e3, t2) {
if (!l.isBuffer(e3) || !l.isBuffer(t2))
throw new TypeError("Arguments must be Buffers");
if (e3 === t2)
return 0;
for (var n2 = e3.length, i2 = t2.length, o2 = 0, r2 = Math.min(n2, i2); o2 < r2; ++o2)
if (e3[o2] !== t2[o2]) {
n2 = e3[o2], i2 = t2[o2];
return n2 < i2 ? -1 : i2 < n2 ? 1 : 0;
}, l.isEncoding = function(e3) {
switch (String(e3).toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
case "base64":
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return true;
return false;
}, l.concat = function(e3, t2) {
if (!r(e3))
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
if (0 === e3.length)
return l.alloc(0);
var n2;
if (void 0 === t2)
for (t2 = 0, n2 = 0; n2 < e3.length; ++n2)
t2 += e3[n2].length;
var i2 = l.allocUnsafe(t2), o2 = 0;
for (n2 = 0; n2 < e3.length; ++n2) {
var s2 = e3[n2];
if (!l.isBuffer(s2))
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
s2.copy(i2, o2), o2 += s2.length;
return i2;
}, l.byteLength = m, l.prototype._isBuffer = true, l.prototype.swap16 = function() {
var e3 = this.length;
if (e3 % 2 != 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
for (var t2 = 0; t2 < e3; t2 += 2)
f(this, t2, t2 + 1);
return this;
}, l.prototype.swap32 = function() {
var e3 = this.length;
if (e3 % 4 != 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
for (var t2 = 0; t2 < e3; t2 += 4)
f(this, t2, t2 + 3), f(this, t2 + 1, t2 + 2);
return this;
}, l.prototype.swap64 = function() {
var e3 = this.length;
if (e3 % 8 != 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
for (var t2 = 0; t2 < e3; t2 += 8)
f(this, t2, t2 + 7), f(this, t2 + 1, t2 + 6), f(this, t2 + 2, t2 + 5), f(this, t2 + 3, t2 + 4);
return this;
}, l.prototype.toString = function() {
var e3 = 0 | this.length;
return 0 === e3 ? "" : 0 === arguments.length ? E(this, 0, e3) : g.apply(this, arguments);
}, l.prototype.equals = function(e3) {
if (!l.isBuffer(e3))
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
return this === e3 || 0 ===, e3);
}, l.prototype.inspect = function() {
var e3 = "", n2 = t.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;
return this.length > 0 && (e3 = this.toString("hex", 0, n2).match(/.{2}/g).join(" "), this.length > n2 && (e3 += " ... ")), "<Buffer " + e3 + ">";
}, = function(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
if (!l.isBuffer(e3))
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
if (void 0 === t2 && (t2 = 0), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = e3 ? e3.length : 0), void 0 === i2 && (i2 = 0), void 0 === o2 && (o2 = this.length), t2 < 0 || n2 > e3.length || i2 < 0 || o2 > this.length)
throw new RangeError("out of range index");
if (i2 >= o2 && t2 >= n2)
return 0;
if (i2 >= o2)
return -1;
if (t2 >= n2)
return 1;
if (this === e3)
return 0;
for (var r2 = (o2 >>>= 0) - (i2 >>>= 0), s2 = (n2 >>>= 0) - (t2 >>>= 0), a2 = Math.min(r2, s2), c2 = this.slice(i2, o2), d2 = e3.slice(t2, n2), h2 = 0; h2 < a2; ++h2)
if (c2[h2] !== d2[h2]) {
r2 = c2[h2], s2 = d2[h2];
return r2 < s2 ? -1 : s2 < r2 ? 1 : 0;
}, l.prototype.includes = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return -1 !== this.indexOf(e3, t2, n2);
}, l.prototype.indexOf = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return b(this, e3, t2, n2, true);
}, l.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return b(this, e3, t2, n2, false);
}, l.prototype.write = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (void 0 === t2)
i2 = "utf8", n2 = this.length, t2 = 0;
else if (void 0 === n2 && "string" == typeof t2)
i2 = t2, n2 = this.length, t2 = 0;
else {
if (!isFinite(t2))
throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");
t2 |= 0, isFinite(n2) ? (n2 |= 0, void 0 === i2 && (i2 = "utf8")) : (i2 = n2, n2 = void 0);
var o2 = this.length - t2;
if ((void 0 === n2 || n2 > o2) && (n2 = o2), e3.length > 0 && (n2 < 0 || t2 < 0) || t2 > this.length)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
i2 || (i2 = "utf8");
for (var r2 = false; ; )
switch (i2) {
case "hex":
return v(this, e3, t2, n2);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return w(this, e3, t2, n2);
case "ascii":
return y(this, e3, t2, n2);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return C(this, e3, t2, n2);
case "base64":
return x(this, e3, t2, n2);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return S(this, e3, t2, n2);
if (r2)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + i2);
i2 = ("" + i2).toLowerCase(), r2 = true;
}, l.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {type: "Buffer", data: || this, 0)};
function T(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = "";
n2 = Math.min(e3.length, n2);
for (var o2 = t2; o2 < n2; ++o2)
i2 += String.fromCharCode(127 & e3[o2]);
return i2;
function L(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = "";
n2 = Math.min(e3.length, n2);
for (var o2 = t2; o2 < n2; ++o2)
i2 += String.fromCharCode(e3[o2]);
return i2;
function N(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.length;
(!t2 || t2 < 0) && (t2 = 0), (!n2 || n2 < 0 || n2 > i2) && (n2 = i2);
for (var o2 = "", r2 = t2; r2 < n2; ++r2)
o2 += z(e3[r2]);
return o2;
function I(e3, t2, n2) {
for (var i2 = e3.slice(t2, n2), o2 = "", r2 = 0; r2 < i2.length; r2 += 2)
o2 += String.fromCharCode(i2[r2] + 256 * i2[r2 + 1]);
return o2;
function O(e3, t2, n2) {
if (e3 % 1 != 0 || e3 < 0)
throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
if (e3 + t2 > n2)
throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length");
function D(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
if (!l.isBuffer(e3))
throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
if (t2 > o2 || t2 < r2)
throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
if (n2 + i2 > e3.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
function A(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
t2 < 0 && (t2 = 65535 + t2 + 1);
for (var o2 = 0, r2 = Math.min(e3.length - n2, 2); o2 < r2; ++o2)
e3[n2 + o2] = (t2 & 255 << 8 * (i2 ? o2 : 1 - o2)) >>> 8 * (i2 ? o2 : 1 - o2);
function R(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
t2 < 0 && (t2 = 4294967295 + t2 + 1);
for (var o2 = 0, r2 = Math.min(e3.length - n2, 4); o2 < r2; ++o2)
e3[n2 + o2] = t2 >>> 8 * (i2 ? o2 : 3 - o2) & 255;
function M(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
if (n2 + i2 > e3.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (n2 < 0)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
function P(e3, t2, n2, i2, r2) {
return r2 || M(e3, 0, n2, 4), o.write(e3, t2, n2, i2, 23, 4), n2 + 4;
function F(e3, t2, n2, i2, r2) {
return r2 || M(e3, 0, n2, 8), o.write(e3, t2, n2, i2, 52, 8), n2 + 8;
l.prototype.slice = function(e3, t2) {
var n2, i2 = this.length;
if ((e3 = ~~e3) < 0 ? (e3 += i2) < 0 && (e3 = 0) : e3 > i2 && (e3 = i2), (t2 = void 0 === t2 ? i2 : ~~t2) < 0 ? (t2 += i2) < 0 && (t2 = 0) : t2 > i2 && (t2 = i2), t2 < e3 && (t2 = e3), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)
(n2 = this.subarray(e3, t2)).__proto__ = l.prototype;
else {
var o2 = t2 - e3;
n2 = new l(o2, void 0);
for (var r2 = 0; r2 < o2; ++r2)
n2[r2] = this[r2 + e3];
return n2;
}, l.prototype.readUIntLE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
e3 |= 0, t2 |= 0, n2 || O(e3, t2, this.length);
for (var i2 = this[e3], o2 = 1, r2 = 0; ++r2 < t2 && (o2 *= 256); )
i2 += this[e3 + r2] * o2;
return i2;
}, l.prototype.readUIntBE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
e3 |= 0, t2 |= 0, n2 || O(e3, t2, this.length);
for (var i2 = this[e3 + --t2], o2 = 1; t2 > 0 && (o2 *= 256); )
i2 += this[e3 + --t2] * o2;
return i2;
}, l.prototype.readUInt8 = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 1, this.length), this[e3];
}, l.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 2, this.length), this[e3] | this[e3 + 1] << 8;
}, l.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 2, this.length), this[e3] << 8 | this[e3 + 1];
}, l.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 4, this.length), (this[e3] | this[e3 + 1] << 8 | this[e3 + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * this[e3 + 3];
}, l.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[e3] + (this[e3 + 1] << 16 | this[e3 + 2] << 8 | this[e3 + 3]);
}, l.prototype.readIntLE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
e3 |= 0, t2 |= 0, n2 || O(e3, t2, this.length);
for (var i2 = this[e3], o2 = 1, r2 = 0; ++r2 < t2 && (o2 *= 256); )
i2 += this[e3 + r2] * o2;
return i2 >= (o2 *= 128) && (i2 -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t2)), i2;
}, l.prototype.readIntBE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
e3 |= 0, t2 |= 0, n2 || O(e3, t2, this.length);
for (var i2 = t2, o2 = 1, r2 = this[e3 + --i2]; i2 > 0 && (o2 *= 256); )
r2 += this[e3 + --i2] * o2;
return r2 >= (o2 *= 128) && (r2 -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t2)), r2;
}, l.prototype.readInt8 = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 1, this.length), 128 & this[e3] ? -1 * (255 - this[e3] + 1) : this[e3];
}, l.prototype.readInt16LE = function(e3, t2) {
t2 || O(e3, 2, this.length);
var n2 = this[e3] | this[e3 + 1] << 8;
return 32768 & n2 ? 4294901760 | n2 : n2;
}, l.prototype.readInt16BE = function(e3, t2) {
t2 || O(e3, 2, this.length);
var n2 = this[e3 + 1] | this[e3] << 8;
return 32768 & n2 ? 4294901760 | n2 : n2;
}, l.prototype.readInt32LE = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 4, this.length), this[e3] | this[e3 + 1] << 8 | this[e3 + 2] << 16 | this[e3 + 3] << 24;
}, l.prototype.readInt32BE = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 4, this.length), this[e3] << 24 | this[e3 + 1] << 16 | this[e3 + 2] << 8 | this[e3 + 3];
}, l.prototype.readFloatLE = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 4, this.length),, e3, true, 23, 4);
}, l.prototype.readFloatBE = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 4, this.length),, e3, false, 23, 4);
}, l.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 8, this.length),, e3, true, 52, 8);
}, l.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(e3, t2) {
return t2 || O(e3, 8, this.length),, e3, false, 52, 8);
}, l.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
(e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 |= 0, i2) || D(this, e3, t2, n2, Math.pow(2, 8 * n2) - 1, 0);
var o2 = 1, r2 = 0;
for (this[t2] = 255 & e3; ++r2 < n2 && (o2 *= 256); )
this[t2 + r2] = e3 / o2 & 255;
return t2 + n2;
}, l.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
(e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 |= 0, i2) || D(this, e3, t2, n2, Math.pow(2, 8 * n2) - 1, 0);
var o2 = n2 - 1, r2 = 1;
for (this[t2 + o2] = 255 & e3; --o2 >= 0 && (r2 *= 256); )
this[t2 + o2] = e3 / r2 & 255;
return t2 + n2;
}, l.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 || D(this, e3, t2, 1, 255, 0), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || (e3 = Math.floor(e3)), this[t2] = 255 & e3, t2 + 1;
}, l.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 || D(this, e3, t2, 2, 65535, 0), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t2] = 255 & e3, this[t2 + 1] = e3 >>> 8) : A(this, e3, t2, true), t2 + 2;
}, l.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 || D(this, e3, t2, 2, 65535, 0), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t2] = e3 >>> 8, this[t2 + 1] = 255 & e3) : A(this, e3, t2, false), t2 + 2;
}, l.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 || D(this, e3, t2, 4, 4294967295, 0), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t2 + 3] = e3 >>> 24, this[t2 + 2] = e3 >>> 16, this[t2 + 1] = e3 >>> 8, this[t2] = 255 & e3) : R(this, e3, t2, true), t2 + 4;
}, l.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 || D(this, e3, t2, 4, 4294967295, 0), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t2] = e3 >>> 24, this[t2 + 1] = e3 >>> 16, this[t2 + 2] = e3 >>> 8, this[t2 + 3] = 255 & e3) : R(this, e3, t2, false), t2 + 4;
}, l.prototype.writeIntLE = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, !i2) {
var o2 = Math.pow(2, 8 * n2 - 1);
D(this, e3, t2, n2, o2 - 1, -o2);
var r2 = 0, s2 = 1, a2 = 0;
for (this[t2] = 255 & e3; ++r2 < n2 && (s2 *= 256); )
e3 < 0 && 0 === a2 && 0 !== this[t2 + r2 - 1] && (a2 = 1), this[t2 + r2] = (e3 / s2 >> 0) - a2 & 255;
return t2 + n2;
}, l.prototype.writeIntBE = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, !i2) {
var o2 = Math.pow(2, 8 * n2 - 1);
D(this, e3, t2, n2, o2 - 1, -o2);
var r2 = n2 - 1, s2 = 1, a2 = 0;
for (this[t2 + r2] = 255 & e3; --r2 >= 0 && (s2 *= 256); )
e3 < 0 && 0 === a2 && 0 !== this[t2 + r2 + 1] && (a2 = 1), this[t2 + r2] = (e3 / s2 >> 0) - a2 & 255;
return t2 + n2;
}, l.prototype.writeInt8 = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 || D(this, e3, t2, 1, 127, -128), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || (e3 = Math.floor(e3)), e3 < 0 && (e3 = 255 + e3 + 1), this[t2] = 255 & e3, t2 + 1;
}, l.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 || D(this, e3, t2, 2, 32767, -32768), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t2] = 255 & e3, this[t2 + 1] = e3 >>> 8) : A(this, e3, t2, true), t2 + 2;
}, l.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 || D(this, e3, t2, 2, 32767, -32768), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t2] = e3 >>> 8, this[t2 + 1] = 255 & e3) : A(this, e3, t2, false), t2 + 2;
}, l.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 || D(this, e3, t2, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t2] = 255 & e3, this[t2 + 1] = e3 >>> 8, this[t2 + 2] = e3 >>> 16, this[t2 + 3] = e3 >>> 24) : R(this, e3, t2, true), t2 + 4;
}, l.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return e3 = +e3, t2 |= 0, n2 || D(this, e3, t2, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), e3 < 0 && (e3 = 4294967295 + e3 + 1), l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t2] = e3 >>> 24, this[t2 + 1] = e3 >>> 16, this[t2 + 2] = e3 >>> 8, this[t2 + 3] = 255 & e3) : R(this, e3, t2, false), t2 + 4;
}, l.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return P(this, e3, t2, true, n2);
}, l.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return P(this, e3, t2, false, n2);
}, l.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return F(this, e3, t2, true, n2);
}, l.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(e3, t2, n2) {
return F(this, e3, t2, false, n2);
}, l.prototype.copy = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (n2 || (n2 = 0), i2 || 0 === i2 || (i2 = this.length), t2 >= e3.length && (t2 = e3.length), t2 || (t2 = 0), i2 > 0 && i2 < n2 && (i2 = n2), i2 === n2)
return 0;
if (0 === e3.length || 0 === this.length)
return 0;
if (t2 < 0)
throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
if (n2 < 0 || n2 >= this.length)
throw new RangeError("sourceStart out of bounds");
if (i2 < 0)
throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
i2 > this.length && (i2 = this.length), e3.length - t2 < i2 - n2 && (i2 = e3.length - t2 + n2);
var o2, r2 = i2 - n2;
if (this === e3 && n2 < t2 && t2 < i2)
for (o2 = r2 - 1; o2 >= 0; --o2)
e3[o2 + t2] = this[o2 + n2];
else if (r2 < 1e3 || !l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)
for (o2 = 0; o2 < r2; ++o2)
e3[o2 + t2] = this[o2 + n2];
else, this.subarray(n2, n2 + r2), t2);
return r2;
}, l.prototype.fill = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if ("string" == typeof e3) {
if ("string" == typeof t2 ? (i2 = t2, t2 = 0, n2 = this.length) : "string" == typeof n2 && (i2 = n2, n2 = this.length), 1 === e3.length) {
var o2 = e3.charCodeAt(0);
o2 < 256 && (e3 = o2);
if (void 0 !== i2 && "string" != typeof i2)
throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
if ("string" == typeof i2 && !l.isEncoding(i2))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + i2);
} else
"number" == typeof e3 && (e3 &= 255);
if (t2 < 0 || this.length < t2 || this.length < n2)
throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
if (n2 <= t2)
return this;
var r2;
if (t2 >>>= 0, n2 = void 0 === n2 ? this.length : n2 >>> 0, e3 || (e3 = 0), "number" == typeof e3)
for (r2 = t2; r2 < n2; ++r2)
this[r2] = e3;
else {
var s2 = l.isBuffer(e3) ? e3 : B(new l(e3, i2).toString()), a2 = s2.length;
for (r2 = 0; r2 < n2 - t2; ++r2)
this[r2 + t2] = s2[r2 % a2];
return this;
var W = /[^+\/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;
function z(e3) {
return e3 < 16 ? "0" + e3.toString(16) : e3.toString(16);
function B(e3, t2) {
var n2;
t2 = t2 || 1 / 0;
for (var i2 = e3.length, o2 = null, r2 = [], s2 = 0; s2 < i2; ++s2) {
if ((n2 = e3.charCodeAt(s2)) > 55295 && n2 < 57344) {
if (!o2) {
if (n2 > 56319) {
(t2 -= 3) > -1 && r2.push(239, 191, 189);
if (s2 + 1 === i2) {
(t2 -= 3) > -1 && r2.push(239, 191, 189);
o2 = n2;
if (n2 < 56320) {
(t2 -= 3) > -1 && r2.push(239, 191, 189), o2 = n2;
n2 = 65536 + (o2 - 55296 << 10 | n2 - 56320);
} else
o2 && (t2 -= 3) > -1 && r2.push(239, 191, 189);
if (o2 = null, n2 < 128) {
if ((t2 -= 1) < 0)
} else if (n2 < 2048) {
if ((t2 -= 2) < 0)
r2.push(n2 >> 6 | 192, 63 & n2 | 128);
} else if (n2 < 65536) {
if ((t2 -= 3) < 0)
r2.push(n2 >> 12 | 224, n2 >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & n2 | 128);
} else {
if (!(n2 < 1114112))
throw new Error("Invalid code point");
if ((t2 -= 4) < 0)
r2.push(n2 >> 18 | 240, n2 >> 12 & 63 | 128, n2 >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & n2 | 128);
return r2;
function j(e3) {
return i.toByteArray(function(e4) {
if ((e4 = function(e5) {
return e5.trim ? e5.trim() : e5.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
}(e4).replace(W, "")).length < 2)
return "";
for (; e4.length % 4 != 0; )
e4 += "=";
return e4;
function V(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
for (var o2 = 0; o2 < i2 && !(o2 + n2 >= t2.length || o2 >= e3.length); ++o2)
t2[o2 + n2] = e3[o2];
return o2;
}).call(this, n(137));
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.byteLength = function(e2) {
var t2 = c(e2), n2 = t2[0], i2 = t2[1];
return 3 * (n2 + i2) / 4 - i2;
}, t.toByteArray = function(e2) {
var t2, n2, i2 = c(e2), s2 = i2[0], a2 = i2[1], l2 = new r(function(e3, t3, n3) {
return 3 * (t3 + n3) / 4 - n3;
}(0, s2, a2)), d2 = 0, h = a2 > 0 ? s2 - 4 : s2;
for (n2 = 0; n2 < h; n2 += 4)
t2 = o[e2.charCodeAt(n2)] << 18 | o[e2.charCodeAt(n2 + 1)] << 12 | o[e2.charCodeAt(n2 + 2)] << 6 | o[e2.charCodeAt(n2 + 3)], l2[d2++] = t2 >> 16 & 255, l2[d2++] = t2 >> 8 & 255, l2[d2++] = 255 & t2;
2 === a2 && (t2 = o[e2.charCodeAt(n2)] << 2 | o[e2.charCodeAt(n2 + 1)] >> 4, l2[d2++] = 255 & t2);
1 === a2 && (t2 = o[e2.charCodeAt(n2)] << 10 | o[e2.charCodeAt(n2 + 1)] << 4 | o[e2.charCodeAt(n2 + 2)] >> 2, l2[d2++] = t2 >> 8 & 255, l2[d2++] = 255 & t2);
return l2;
}, t.fromByteArray = function(e2) {
for (var t2, n2 = e2.length, o2 = n2 % 3, r2 = [], s2 = 0, a2 = n2 - o2; s2 < a2; s2 += 16383)
r2.push(d(e2, s2, s2 + 16383 > a2 ? a2 : s2 + 16383));
1 === o2 ? (t2 = e2[n2 - 1], r2.push(i[t2 >> 2] + i[t2 << 4 & 63] + "==")) : 2 === o2 && (t2 = (e2[n2 - 2] << 8) + e2[n2 - 1], r2.push(i[t2 >> 10] + i[t2 >> 4 & 63] + i[t2 << 2 & 63] + "="));
return r2.join("");
for (var i = [], o = [], r = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", a = 0, l = s.length; a < l; ++a)
i[a] = s[a], o[s.charCodeAt(a)] = a;
function c(e2) {
var t2 = e2.length;
if (t2 % 4 > 0)
throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
var n2 = e2.indexOf("=");
return -1 === n2 && (n2 = t2), [n2, n2 === t2 ? 0 : 4 - n2 % 4];
function d(e2, t2, n2) {
for (var o2, r2, s2 = [], a2 = t2; a2 < n2; a2 += 3)
o2 = (e2[a2] << 16 & 16711680) + (e2[a2 + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (255 & e2[a2 + 2]), s2.push(i[(r2 = o2) >> 18 & 63] + i[r2 >> 12 & 63] + i[r2 >> 6 & 63] + i[63 & r2]);
return s2.join("");
o["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, o["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63;
}, function(e, t) { = function(e2, t2, n, i, o) {
var r, s, a = 8 * o - i - 1, l = (1 << a) - 1, c = l >> 1, d = -7, h = n ? o - 1 : 0, u = n ? -1 : 1, p = e2[t2 + h];
for (h += u, r = p & (1 << -d) - 1, p >>= -d, d += a; d > 0; r = 256 * r + e2[t2 + h], h += u, d -= 8)
for (s = r & (1 << -d) - 1, r >>= -d, d += i; d > 0; s = 256 * s + e2[t2 + h], h += u, d -= 8)
if (0 === r)
r = 1 - c;
else {
if (r === l)
return s ? NaN : 1 / 0 * (p ? -1 : 1);
s += Math.pow(2, i), r -= c;
return (p ? -1 : 1) * s * Math.pow(2, r - i);
}, t.write = function(e2, t2, n, i, o, r) {
var s, a, l, c = 8 * r - o - 1, d = (1 << c) - 1, h = d >> 1, u = 23 === o ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, p = i ? 0 : r - 1, m = i ? 1 : -1, g = t2 < 0 || 0 === t2 && 1 / t2 < 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (t2 = Math.abs(t2), isNaN(t2) || t2 === 1 / 0 ? (a = isNaN(t2) ? 1 : 0, s = d) : (s = Math.floor(Math.log(t2) / Math.LN2), t2 * (l = Math.pow(2, -s)) < 1 && (s--, l *= 2), (t2 += s + h >= 1 ? u / l : u * Math.pow(2, 1 - h)) * l >= 2 && (s++, l /= 2), s + h >= d ? (a = 0, s = d) : s + h >= 1 ? (a = (t2 * l - 1) * Math.pow(2, o), s += h) : (a = t2 * Math.pow(2, h - 1) * Math.pow(2, o), s = 0)); o >= 8; e2[n + p] = 255 & a, p += m, a /= 256, o -= 8)
for (s = s << o | a, c += o; c > 0; e2[n + p] = 255 & s, p += m, s /= 256, c -= 8)
e2[n + p - m] |= 128 * g;
}, function(e, t) {
var n = {}.toString;
e.exports = Array.isArray || function(e2) {
return "[object Array]" ==;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(207);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-aria-container {\n position: absolute; /* try to hide from window but not from screen readers */\n left:-999em;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(209);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/* -------------------- IE10 remove auto clear button -------------------- */\n\n::-ms-clear {\n display: none;\n}\n\n/* All widgets */\n/* I am not a big fan of this rule */\n.monaco-editor .editor-widget input {\n color: inherit;\n}\n\n/* -------------------- Editor -------------------- */\n\n.monaco-editor {\n position: relative;\n overflow: visible;\n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;\n}\n\n/* -------------------- Misc -------------------- */\n\n.monaco-editor .overflow-guard {\n position: relative;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .view-overlays {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n}\n\n/*\n.monaco-editor .auto-closed-character {\n opacity: 0.3;\n}\n*/\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(211);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .inputarea {\n min-width: 0;\n min-height: 0;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n position: absolute;\n outline: none !important;\n resize: none;\n border: none;\n overflow: hidden;\n color: transparent;\n background-color: transparent;\n}\n/*.monaco-editor .inputarea {\n position: fixed !important;\n width: 800px !important;\n height: 500px !important;\n top: initial !important;\n left: initial !important;\n bottom: 0 !important;\n right: 0 !important;\n color: black !important;\n background: white !important;\n line-height: 15px !important;\n font-size: 14px !important;\n}*/\n.monaco-editor .inputarea.ime-input {\n z-index: 10;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(213);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .line-numbers {\n font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;\n position: absolute;\n text-align: right;\n display: inline-block;\n vertical-align: middle;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n cursor: default;\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .relative-current-line-number {\n text-align: left;\n display: inline-block;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .line-numbers.lh-odd {\n margin-top: 1px;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(215);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-mouse-cursor-text {\n cursor: text;\n}\n\n/* The following selector looks a bit funny, but that is needed to cover all the workbench and the editor!! */\n.vs-dark .mac .monaco-mouse-cursor-text, .hc-black .mac .monaco-mouse-cursor-text,\n.vs-dark.mac .monaco-mouse-cursor-text, .hc-black.mac .monaco-mouse-cursor-text {\n cursor: -webkit-image-set(url() 1x, url() 2x) 5 8, text;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(217);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .view-overlays .current-line {\n display: block;\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n top: 0;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .current-line {\n display: block;\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n top: 0;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .current-line.current-line-margin.current-line-margin-both {\n border-right: 0;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(219);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/*\n Keeping name short for faster parsing.\n cdr = core decorations rendering (div)\n*/\n.monaco-editor .lines-content .cdr {\n position: absolute;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(221);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/* Arrows */\n.monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .scra {\n cursor: pointer;\n font-size: 11px !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-scrollable-element > .visible {\n opacity: 1;\n\n /* Background rule added for IE9 - to allow clicks on dom node */\n background:rgba(0,0,0,0);\n\n transition: opacity 100ms linear;\n}\n.monaco-scrollable-element > .invisible {\n opacity: 0;\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n.monaco-scrollable-element > .invisible.fade {\n transition: opacity 800ms linear;\n}\n\n/* Scrollable Content Inset Shadow */\n.monaco-scrollable-element > .shadow {\n position: absolute;\n display: none;\n}\n.monaco-scrollable-element > {\n display: block;\n top: 0;\n left: 3px;\n height: 3px;\n width: 100%;\n box-shadow: #DDD 0 6px 6px -6px inset;\n}\n.monaco-scrollable-element > .shadow.left {\n display: block;\n top: 3px;\n left: 0;\n height: 100%;\n width: 3px;\n box-shadow: #DDD 6px 0 6px -6px inset;\n}\n.monaco-scrollable-element > {\n display: block;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n height: 3px;\n width: 3px;\n}\n.monaco-scrollable-element > {\n box-shadow: #DDD 6px 6px 6px -6px inset;\n}\n\n/* ---------- Default Style ---------- */\n\n.vs .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider {\n background: rgba(100, 100, 100, .4);\n}\n.vs-dark .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider {\n background: rgba(121, 121, 121, .4);\n}\n.hc-black .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider {\n background: rgba(111, 195, 223, .6);\n}\n\n.monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider:hover {\n background: rgba(100, 100, 100, .7);\n}\n.hc-black .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > .slider:hover {\n background: rgba(111, 195, 223, .8);\n}\n\n.monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > {\n background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .6);\n}\n.vs-dark .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > {\n background: rgba(191, 191, 191, .4);\n}\n.hc-black .monaco-scrollable-element > .scrollbar > {\n background: rgba(111, 195, 223, 1);\n}\n\n.vs-dark .monaco-scrollable-element {\n box-shadow: none;\n}\n\n.vs-dark .monaco-scrollable-element .shadow.left {\n box-shadow: #000 6px 0 6px -6px inset;\n}\n\n.vs-dark .monaco-scrollable-element {\n box-shadow: #000 6px 6px 6px -6px inset;\n}\n\n.hc-black .monaco-scrollable-element {\n box-shadow: none;\n}\n\n.hc-black .monaco-scrollable-element .shadow.left {\n box-shadow: none;\n}\n\n.hc-black .monaco-scrollable-element {\n box-shadow: none;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(223);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .glyph-margin {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n}\n\n/*\n Keeping name short for faster parsing.\n cgmr = core glyph margin rendering (div)\n*/\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .cgmr {\n position: absolute;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(225);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/*\n Keeping name short for faster parsing.\n cigr = core ident guides rendering (div)\n*/\n.monaco-editor .lines-content .cigr {\n position: absolute;\n}\n.monaco-editor .lines-content .cigra {\n position: absolute;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(227);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/* Uncomment to see lines flashing when they're painted */\n/*.monaco-editor .view-lines > .view-line {\n background-color: none;\n animation-name: flash-background;\n animation-duration: 800ms;\n}\n@keyframes flash-background {\n 0% { background-color: lightgreen; }\n 100% { background-color: none }\n}*/\n\ .lines-content,\ .view-line,\ .view-lines {\n user-select: none;\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n -ms-user-select: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .view-lines {\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .view-line {\n position: absolute;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .mtkz {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n/* TODO@tokenization bootstrap fix */\n/*.monaco-editor .view-line > span > span {\n float: none;\n min-height: inherit;\n margin-left: inherit;\n}*/\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(229);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n.monaco-editor .lines-decorations {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n background: white;\n}\n\n/*\n Keeping name short for faster parsing.\n cldr = core lines decorations rendering (div)\n*/\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .cldr {\n position: absolute;\n height: 100%;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(231);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/*\n Keeping name short for faster parsing.\n cmdr = core margin decorations rendering (div)\n*/\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .cmdr {\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(233);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/* START cover the case that slider is visible on mouseover */\n.monaco-editor .minimap.slider-mouseover .minimap-slider {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 100ms linear;\n}\n.monaco-editor .minimap.slider-mouseover:hover .minimap-slider {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n.monaco-editor .minimap.slider-mouseover {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n/* END cover the case that slider is visible on mouseover */\n\n.monaco-editor .minimap-shadow-hidden {\n position: absolute;\n width: 0;\n}\n.monaco-editor .minimap-shadow-visible {\n position: absolute;\n left: -6px;\n width: 6px;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(235);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n.monaco-editor .overlayWidgets {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left:0;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(237);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .view-ruler {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(239);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .scroll-decoration {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n height: 6px;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(241);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/*\n Keeping name short for faster parsing.\n cslr = core selections layer rendering (div)\n*/\n.monaco-editor .lines-content .cslr {\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .top-left-radius { border-top-left-radius: 3px; }\n.monaco-editor .bottom-left-radius { border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; }\n.monaco-editor .top-right-radius { border-top-right-radius: 3px; }\n.monaco-editor .bottom-right-radius { border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; }\n\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .top-left-radius { border-top-left-radius: 0; }\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .bottom-left-radius { border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .top-right-radius { border-top-right-radius: 0; }\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .bottom-right-radius { border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(243);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n.monaco-editor .cursors-layer {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .cursors-layer > .cursor {\n position: absolute;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n/* -- smooth-caret-animation -- */\n.monaco-editor .cursors-layer.cursor-smooth-caret-animation > .cursor {\n transition: all 80ms;\n}\n\n/* -- block-outline-style -- */\n.monaco-editor .cursors-layer.cursor-block-outline-style > .cursor {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n background: transparent !important;\n border-style: solid;\n border-width: 1px;\n}\n\n/* -- underline-style -- */\n.monaco-editor .cursors-layer.cursor-underline-style > .cursor {\n border-bottom-width: 2px;\n border-bottom-style: solid;\n background: transparent !important;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n/* -- underline-thin-style -- */\n.monaco-editor .cursors-layer.cursor-underline-thin-style > .cursor {\n border-bottom-width: 1px;\n border-bottom-style: solid;\n background: transparent !important;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n@keyframes monaco-cursor-smooth {\n 0%,\n 20% {\n opacity: 1;\n }\n 60%,\n 100% {\n opacity: 0;\n }\n}\n\n@keyframes monaco-cursor-phase {\n 0%,\n 20% {\n opacity: 1;\n }\n 90%,\n 100% {\n opacity: 0;\n }\n}\n\n@keyframes monaco-cursor-expand {\n 0%,\n 20% {\n transform: scaleY(1);\n }\n 80%,\n 100% {\n transform: scaleY(0);\n }\n}\n\n.cursor-smooth {\n animation: monaco-cursor-smooth 0.5s ease-in-out 0s 20 alternate;\n}\n\n.cursor-phase {\n animation: monaco-cursor-phase 0.5s ease-in-out 0s 20 alternate;\n}\n\n.cursor-expand > .cursor {\n animation: monaco-cursor-expand 0.5s ease-in-out 0s 20 alternate;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(245);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n/* ---------- DiffEditor ---------- */\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diffOverview {\n z-index: 9;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diffOverview .diffViewport {\n z-index: 10;\n}\n\n/* colors not externalized: using transparancy on background */\n.monaco-diff-editor.vs .diffOverview { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03); }\n.monaco-diff-editor.vs-dark .diffOverview { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.01); }\n\n.monaco-scrollable-element.modified-in-monaco-diff-editor.vs .scrollbar { background: rgba(0,0,0,0); }\n.monaco-scrollable-element.modified-in-monaco-diff-editor.vs-dark .scrollbar { background: rgba(0,0,0,0); }\n.monaco-scrollable-element.modified-in-monaco-diff-editor.hc-black .scrollbar { background: none; }\n\n.monaco-scrollable-element.modified-in-monaco-diff-editor .slider {\n z-index: 10;\n}\n.modified-in-monaco-diff-editor { background: rgba(171, 171, 171, .4); }\n.modified-in-monaco-diff-editor.hc-black { background: none; }\n\n/* ---------- Diff ---------- */\n\n.monaco-editor .insert-sign,\n.monaco-diff-editor .insert-sign,\n.monaco-editor .delete-sign,\n.monaco-diff-editor .delete-sign {\n font-size: 11px !important;\n opacity: 0.7 !important;\n display: flex !important;\n align-items: center;\n}\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .insert-sign,\n.monaco-diff-editor.hc-black .insert-sign,\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .delete-sign,\n.monaco-diff-editor.hc-black .delete-sign {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .inline-deleted-margin-view-zone {\n text-align: right;\n}\n.monaco-editor .inline-added-margin-view-zone {\n text-align: right;\n}\n\n/* ---------- Inline Diff ---------- */\n\n.monaco-editor .view-zones .view-lines .view-line span {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-zones .lightbulb-glyph:hover {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(247);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-sash {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 35;\n touch-action: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-sash.disabled {\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-sash.mac.vertical {\n cursor: col-resize;\n}\n\n.monaco-sash.vertical.minimum {\n cursor: e-resize;\n}\n\n.monaco-sash.vertical.maximum {\n cursor: w-resize;\n}\n\n.monaco-sash.mac.horizontal {\n cursor: row-resize;\n}\n\n.monaco-sash.horizontal.minimum {\n cursor: s-resize;\n}\n\n.monaco-sash.horizontal.maximum {\n cursor: n-resize;\n}\n\n.monaco-sash.disabled {\n cursor: default !important;\n pointer-events: none !important;\n}\n\n/** Debug **/\n\n.monaco-sash.debug {\n background: cyan;\n}\n\n.monaco-sash.debug.disabled {\n background: rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.2);\n}\n\n.monaco-sash.debug:not(.disabled).orthogonal-start::before,\n.monaco-sash.debug:not(.disabled).orthogonal-end::after {\n background: red;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(249);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-line-number {\n text-align: right;\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review {\n position: absolute;\n user-select: none;\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n -ms-user-select: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-summary {\n padding-left: 10px;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-shadow {\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-row {\n white-space: pre;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-table {\n display: table;\n min-width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-row {\n display: table-row;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-spacer {\n display: inline-block;\n width: 10px;\n vertical-align: middle;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-spacer > .codicon {\n font-size: 9px !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-actions {\n display: inline-block;\n position: absolute;\n right: 10px;\n top: 2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-diff-editor .diff-review-actions .action-label {\n width: 16px;\n height: 16px;\n margin: 2px 0;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-action-bar {\n text-align: right;\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar .actions-container {\n display: flex;\n margin: 0 auto;\n padding: 0;\n width: 100%;\n justify-content: flex-end;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar.vertical .actions-container {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar.reverse .actions-container {\n flex-direction: row-reverse;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar .action-item {\n cursor: pointer;\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform 50ms ease;\n position: relative; /* DO NOT REMOVE - this is the key to preventing the ghosting icon bug in Chrome 42 */\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar .action-item.disabled {\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar.animated {\n transform: scale(1.272019649, 1.272019649); /* 1.272019649 = √φ */\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar .action-item .icon,\n.monaco-action-bar .action-item .codicon {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar .action-item .codicon {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar .action-label {\n font-size: 11px;\n margin-right: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar .action-item.disabled .action-label,\n.monaco-action-bar .action-item.disabled .action-label:hover {\n opacity: 0.4;\n}\n\n/* Vertical actions */\n\n.monaco-action-bar.vertical {\n text-align: left;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-item {\n display: block;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar.vertical .action-label.separator {\n display: block;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb;\n padding-top: 1px;\n margin-left: .8em;\n margin-right: .8em;\n}\n\n.monaco-action-bar.animated.vertical {\n transform: translate(5px, 0);\n}\n\n.secondary-actions .monaco-action-bar .action-label {\n margin-left: 6px;\n}\n\n/* Action Items */\n.monaco-action-bar {\n overflow: hidden; /* somehow the dropdown overflows its container, we prevent it here to not push */\n flex: 1;\n max-width: 170px;\n min-width: 60px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n margin-right: 10px;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(252);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(33), o = n(253), r = n(254);
t = i(false);
var s = o(r);
t.push([e.i, '/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n@font-face {\n font-family: "codicon";\n src: url(' + s + `) format("truetype");
.codicon[class*='codicon-'] {
font: normal normal normal 16px/1 codicon;
display: inline-block;
text-decoration: none;
text-rendering: auto;
text-align: center;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
/* icon rules are dynamically created in codiconStyles */
`, ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
e.exports = function(e2, t2) {
return t2 || (t2 = {}), "string" != typeof (e2 = e2 && e2.__esModule ? e2.default : e2) ? e2 : (/^['"].*['"]$/.test(e2) && (e2 = e2.slice(1, -1)), t2.hash && (e2 += t2.hash), /["'() \t\n]/.test(e2) || t2.needQuotes ? '"'.concat(e2.replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/\n/g, "\\n"), '"') : e2);
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.r(t), t.default = n.p + "b3726f0165bf67ac68494ee7a1b9f6ce.ttf";
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(256);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.codicon-wrench-subaction {\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(258);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n@keyframes codicon-spin {\n 100% {\n transform:rotate(360deg);\n }\n}\n\n.codicon-animation-spin {\n /* Use steps to throttle FPS to reduce CPU usage */\n animation: codicon-spin 1.5s steps(30) infinite;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(260);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.context-view .monaco-menu {\n min-width: 130px;\n}\n\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(262);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.context-view {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 2500;\n}\n\n.context-view.fixed {\n all: initial;\n font-family: inherit;\n font-size: 13px;\n position: fixed;\n z-index: 2500;\n color: inherit;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-list {\n position: relative;\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-list.mouse-support {\n user-select: none;\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n -ms-user-select: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-list > .monaco-scrollable-element {\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-rows {\n position: relative;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-list.horizontal-scrolling .monaco-list-rows {\n width: auto;\n min-width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-row {\n position: absolute;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n overflow: hidden;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-list.mouse-support .monaco-list-row {\n cursor: pointer;\n touch-action: none;\n}\n\n/* for OS X ballistic scrolling */\n.monaco-list-row.scrolling {\n display: none !important;\n}\n\n/* Focus */\n.monaco-list.element-focused, .monaco-list.selection-single, .monaco-list.selection-multiple {\n outline: 0 !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-list:focus .monaco-list-row.selected .codicon {\n color: inherit;\n}\n\n/* Dnd */\n.monaco-drag-image {\n display: inline-block;\n padding: 1px 7px;\n border-radius: 10px;\n font-size: 12px;\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n/* Type filter */\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n position: absolute;\n border-radius: 2px;\n padding: 0px 3px;\n max-width: calc(100% - 10px);\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-align: right;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n cursor: all-scroll;\n font-size: 13px;\n line-height: 18px;\n height: 20px;\n z-index: 1;\n top: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter.dragging {\n transition: top 0.2s, left 0.2s;\n}\n\ {\n right: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter.nw {\n left: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter > .controls {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n transition: width 0.2s;\n width: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter.dragging > .controls,\n.monaco-list-type-filter:hover > .controls {\n width: 36px;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter > .controls > * {\n border: none;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n -moz-appearance: none;\n background: none;\n width: 16px;\n height: 16px;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter > .controls > .filter {\n margin-left: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter-message {\n position: absolute;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n padding: 40px 1em 1em 1em;\n text-align: center;\n white-space: normal;\n opacity: 0.7;\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter-message:empty {\n display: none;\n}\n\n/* Electron */\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter {\n cursor: grab;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-type-filter.dragging {\n cursor: grabbing;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(265);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-tl-row {\n display: flex;\n height: 100%;\n align-items: center;\n position: relative;\n}\n\n.monaco-tl-indent {\n height: 100%;\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 16px;\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n\n.hide-arrows .monaco-tl-indent {\n left: 12px;\n}\n\n.monaco-tl-indent > .indent-guide {\n display: inline-block;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n height: 100%;\n border-left: 1px solid transparent;\n}\n\n.monaco-tl-indent > .indent-guide {\n transition: border-color 0.1s linear;\n}\n\n.monaco-tl-twistie,\n.monaco-tl-contents {\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-tl-twistie {\n font-size: 10px;\n text-align: right;\n padding-right: 6px;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n width: 16px;\n display: flex !important;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n color: inherit !important;\n transform: translateX(3px);\n}\n\n.monaco-tl-contents {\n flex: 1;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.monaco-tl-twistie.collapsed::before {\n transform: rotate(-90deg);\n}\n\n.monaco-tl-twistie.codicon-tree-item-loading::before {\n /* Use steps to throttle FPS to reduce CPU usage */\n animation: codicon-spin 1.25s steps(30) infinite;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(267);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.quick-input-widget {\n font-size: 13px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-widget .monaco-highlighted-label .highlight,\n.quick-input-widget .monaco-highlighted-label .highlight {\n color: #0066BF;\n}\n\n.vs-dark .quick-input-widget .monaco-highlighted-label .highlight,\n.vs-dark .quick-input-widget .monaco-highlighted-label .highlight {\n color: #0097fb;\n}\n\n.hc-black .quick-input-widget .monaco-highlighted-label .highlight,\n.hc-black .quick-input-widget .monaco-highlighted-label .highlight {\n color: #F38518;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.quick-input-widget {\n position: absolute;\n width: 600px;\n z-index: 2000;\n padding-bottom: 6px;\n left: 50%;\n margin-left: -300px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-titlebar {\n display: flex;\n}\n\n.quick-input-left-action-bar {\n display: flex;\n margin-left: 4px;\n flex: 1;\n}\n\n.quick-input-left-action-bar.monaco-action-bar .actions-container {\n justify-content: flex-start;\n}\n\n.quick-input-title {\n padding: 3px 0px;\n text-align: center;\n}\n\n.quick-input-right-action-bar {\n display: flex;\n margin-right: 4px;\n flex: 1;\n}\n\n.quick-input-titlebar .monaco-action-bar .action-label.codicon {\n margin: 0;\n width: 19px;\n height: 100%;\n background-position: center;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n}\n\n.quick-input-description {\n margin: 6px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-header {\n display: flex;\n padding: 6px 6px 0px 6px;\n margin-bottom: -2px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-widget.hidden-input .quick-input-header {\n /* reduce margins and paddings when input box hidden */\n padding: 0;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n\n.quick-input-and-message {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n flex-grow: 1;\n position: relative;\n}\n\n.quick-input-check-all {\n align-self: center;\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n.quick-input-filter {\n flex-grow: 1;\n display: flex;\n position: relative;\n}\n\n.quick-input-box {\n flex-grow: 1;\n}\n\ .quick-input-box,\ .quick-input-message {\n margin-left: 5px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-visible-count {\n position: absolute;\n left: -10000px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-count {\n align-self: center;\n position: absolute;\n right: 4px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.quick-input-count .monaco-count-badge {\n vertical-align: middle;\n padding: 2px 4px;\n border-radius: 2px;\n min-height: auto;\n line-height: normal;\n}\n\n.quick-input-action {\n margin-left: 6px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-action .monaco-text-button {\n font-size: 11px;\n padding: 0 6px;\n display: flex;\n height: 100%;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.quick-input-message {\n margin-top: -1px;\n padding: 5px 5px 2px 5px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-progress.monaco-progress-container {\n position: relative;\n}\n\n.quick-input-progress.monaco-progress-container,\n.quick-input-progress.monaco-progress-container .progress-bit {\n height: 2px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list {\n line-height: 22px;\n margin-top: 6px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-widget.hidden-input .quick-input-list {\n margin-top: 0; /* reduce margins when input box hidden */\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .monaco-list {\n overflow: hidden;\n max-height: calc(20 * 22px);\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n overflow: hidden;\n display: flex;\n height: 100%;\n padding: 0 6px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry.quick-input-list-separator-border {\n border-top-width: 1px;\n border-top-style: solid;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .monaco-list-row:first-child .quick-input-list-entry.quick-input-list-separator-border {\n border-top-style: none;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-label {\n overflow: hidden;\n display: flex;\n height: 100%;\n flex: 1;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-checkbox {\n align-self: center;\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-rows {\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n height: 100%;\n flex: 1;\n margin-left: 5px;\n}\n\ .quick-input-list .quick-input-list-rows {\n margin-left: 10px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-widget .quick-input-list .quick-input-list-checkbox {\n display: none;\n}\ .quick-input-list .quick-input-list-checkbox {\n display: inline;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-rows > .quick-input-list-row {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-rows > .quick-input-list-row .monaco-icon-label,\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-rows > .quick-input-list-row .monaco-icon-label .monaco-icon-label-container > .monaco-icon-name-container {\n flex: 1; /* make sure the icon label grows within the row */\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-rows > .quick-input-list-row .codicon[class*='codicon-'] {\n vertical-align: sub;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-rows .monaco-highlighted-label span {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry .quick-input-list-entry-keybinding {\n margin-right: 8px; /* separate from the separator label or scrollbar if any */\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-label-meta {\n opacity: 0.7;\n line-height: normal;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .monaco-highlighted-label .highlight {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry .quick-input-list-separator {\n margin-right: 8px; /* separate from keybindings or actions */\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry-action-bar {\n display: flex;\n flex: 0;\n overflow: visible;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry-action-bar .action-label {\n /*\n * By default, actions in the quick input action bar are hidden\n * until hovered over them or selected.\n */\n display: none;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry-action-bar .action-label.codicon {\n margin: 0;\n height: 100%;\n padding: 0 2px;\n vertical-align: middle;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry-action-bar {\n margin-top: 1px;\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry-action-bar {\n margin-right: 4px; /* separate from scrollbar */\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry-action-bar .action-label.codicon {\n margin-right: 4px; /* separate actions */\n}\n\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry .quick-input-list-entry-action-bar .action-label.always-visible,\n.quick-input-list .quick-input-list-entry:hover .quick-input-list-entry-action-bar .action-label,\n.quick-input-list .monaco-list-row.focused .quick-input-list-entry-action-bar .action-label {\n display: flex;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(270);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/* ---------- Icon label ---------- */\n\n.monaco-icon-label {\n display: flex; /* required for icons support :before rule */\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n}\n\n.monaco-icon-label::before {\n\n /* svg icons rendered as background image */\n background-size: 16px;\n background-position: left center;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n padding-right: 6px;\n width: 16px;\n height: 22px;\n line-height: inherit !important;\n display: inline-block;\n\n /* fonts icons */\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n vertical-align: top;\n\n flex-shrink: 0; /* fix for */\n}\n\n.monaco-icon-label > .monaco-icon-label-container {\n min-width: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n flex: 1;\n}\n\n.monaco-icon-label > .monaco-icon-label-container > .monaco-icon-name-container > .label-name {\n color: inherit;\n white-space: pre; /* enable to show labels that include multiple whitespaces */\n}\n\n.monaco-icon-label > .monaco-icon-label-container > .monaco-icon-name-container > .label-name > .label-separator {\n margin: 0 2px;\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n\n.monaco-icon-label > .monaco-icon-label-container > .monaco-icon-description-container > .label-description {\n opacity: .7;\n margin-left: 0.5em;\n font-size: 0.9em;\n white-space: pre; /* enable to show labels that include multiple whitespaces */\n}\n\n.vs .monaco-icon-label > .monaco-icon-label-container > .monaco-icon-description-container > .label-description {\n opacity: .95;\n}\n\n.monaco-icon-label.italic > .monaco-icon-label-container > .monaco-icon-name-container > .label-name,\n.monaco-icon-label.italic > .monaco-icon-description-container > .label-description {\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n.monaco-icon-label.strikethrough > .monaco-icon-label-container > .monaco-icon-name-container > .label-name,\n.monaco-icon-label.strikethrough > .monaco-icon-description-container > .label-description {\n text-decoration: line-through;\n}\n\n.monaco-icon-label::after {\n opacity: 0.75;\n font-size: 90%;\n font-weight: 600;\n padding: 0 16px 0 5px;\n text-align: center;\n}\n\n/* make sure selection color wins when a label is being selected */\n.monaco-list:focus .selected .monaco-icon-label, /* list */\n.monaco-list:focus .selected .monaco-icon-label::after\n{\n color: inherit !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-list-row.focused.selected .label-description,\n.monaco-list-row.selected .label-description {\n opacity: .8;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(272);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-keybinding {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n line-height: 10px;\n}\n\n.monaco-keybinding > .monaco-keybinding-key {\n display: inline-block;\n border: solid 1px rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.4);\n border-bottom-color: rgba(187, 187, 187, 0.4);\n border-radius: 3px;\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(187, 187, 187, 0.4);\n background-color: rgba(221, 221, 221, 0.4);\n vertical-align: middle;\n color: #555;\n font-size: 11px;\n padding: 3px 5px;\n margin: 0 2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-keybinding > .monaco-keybinding-key:first-child {\n margin-left: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-keybinding > .monaco-keybinding-key:last-child {\n margin-right: 0;\n}\n\n.hc-black .monaco-keybinding > .monaco-keybinding-key,\n.vs-dark .monaco-keybinding > .monaco-keybinding-key {\n background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.17);\n color: #ccc;\n border: solid 1px rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.6);\n border-bottom-color: rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.6);\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.6);\n}\n\n.monaco-keybinding > .monaco-keybinding-key-separator {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n.monaco-keybinding > .monaco-keybinding-key-chord-separator {\n width: 6px;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(274);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-inputbox {\n position: relative;\n display: block;\n padding: 0;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n\n /* Customizable */\n font-size: inherit;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox.idle {\n border: 1px solid transparent;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > .input,\n.monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > .mirror {\n\n /* Customizable */\n padding: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox > .wrapper {\n position: relative;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > .input {\n display: inline-block;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n line-height: inherit;\n border: none;\n font-family: inherit;\n font-size: inherit;\n resize: none;\n color: inherit;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > input {\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > textarea.input {\n display: block;\n -ms-overflow-style: none; /* IE 10+: hide scrollbars */\n scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox: hide scrollbars */\n outline: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > textarea.input::-webkit-scrollbar {\n display: none; /* Chrome + Safari: hide scrollbar */\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > textarea.input.empty {\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > .mirror {\n position: absolute;\n display: inline-block;\n width: 100%;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n white-space: pre-wrap;\n visibility: hidden;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n\n/* Context view */\n\n.monaco-inputbox-container {\n text-align: right;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox-container .monaco-inputbox-message {\n display: inline-block;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-align: left;\n width: 100%;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n padding: 0.4em;\n font-size: 12px;\n line-height: 17px;\n min-height: 34px;\n margin-top: -1px;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n\n/* Action bar support */\n.monaco-inputbox .monaco-action-bar {\n position: absolute;\n right: 2px;\n top: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox .monaco-action-bar .action-item {\n margin-left: 2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-inputbox .monaco-action-bar .action-item .codicon {\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n width: 16px;\n height: 16px;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(276);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-count-badge {\n padding: 3px 6px;\n border-radius: 11px;\n font-size: 11px;\n min-width: 18px;\n min-height: 18px;\n line-height: 11px;\n font-weight: normal;\n text-align: center;\n display: inline-block;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n.monaco-count-badge.long {\n padding: 2px 3px;\n border-radius: 2px;\n min-height: auto;\n line-height: normal;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(278);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-progress-container {\n width: 100%;\n height: 5px;\n overflow: hidden; /* keep progress bit in bounds */\n}\n\n.monaco-progress-container .progress-bit {\n width: 2%;\n height: 5px;\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n display: none;\n}\n\ .progress-bit {\n display: inherit;\n}\n\n.monaco-progress-container.discrete .progress-bit {\n left: 0;\n transition: width 100ms linear;\n}\n\n.monaco-progress-container.discrete.done .progress-bit {\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-progress-container.infinite .progress-bit {\n animation-name: progress;\n animation-duration: 4s;\n animation-iteration-count: infinite;\n animation-timing-function: linear;\n transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);\n}\n\n/**\n * The progress bit has a width: 2% (1/50) of the parent container. The animation moves it from 0% to 100% of\n * that container. Since translateX is relative to the progress bit size, we have to multiple it with\n * its relative size to the parent container:\n * 50%: 50 * 50 = 2500%\n * 100%: 50 * 100 - 50 (do not overflow): 4950%\n */\n@keyframes progress { from { transform: translateX(0%) scaleX(1) } 50% { transform: translateX(2500%) scaleX(3) } to { transform: translateX(4950%) scaleX(1) } }\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(280);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-text-button {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n display: flex;\n width: 100%;\n padding: 4px;\n text-align: center;\n cursor: pointer;\n outline-offset: 2px !important;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.monaco-text-button:hover {\n text-decoration: none !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-button.disabled {\n opacity: 0.4;\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n.monaco-button > .codicon {\n margin: 0 0.2em;\n color: inherit !important;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(282);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .selection-anchor {\n background-color: #007ACC;\n width: 2px !important;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(284);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .bracket-match {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(286);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .monaco-editor-overlaymessage {\n padding-bottom: 8px;\n z-index: 10000;\n}\n\n@keyframes fadeIn {\n from { opacity: 0; }\n to { opacity: 1; }\n}\n.monaco-editor .monaco-editor-overlaymessage.fadeIn {\n animation: fadeIn 150ms ease-out;\n}\n\n@keyframes fadeOut {\n from { opacity: 1; }\n to { opacity: 0; }\n}\n.monaco-editor .monaco-editor-overlaymessage.fadeOut {\n animation: fadeOut 100ms ease-out;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .monaco-editor-overlaymessage .message {\n padding: 1px 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .monaco-editor-overlaymessage .anchor {\n width: 0 !important;\n height: 0 !important;\n border-color: transparent;\n border-style: solid;\n z-index: 1000;\n border-width: 8px;\n position: absolute;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(288);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .lightbulb-glyph,\n.monaco-editor .codicon-lightbulb {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n height: 16px;\n width: 20px;\n padding-left: 2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .lightbulb-glyph:hover,\n.monaco-editor .codicon-lightbulb:hover {\n cursor: pointer;\n /* transform: scale(1.3, 1.3); */\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(290);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration {\n overflow: hidden;\n display: inline-block;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration > span,\n.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration > a {\n user-select: none;\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n -ms-user-select: none;\n white-space: nowrap;\n vertical-align: sub;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration > a {\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration > a:hover {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration .codicon {\n vertical-align: middle;\n color: currentColor !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration > a:hover .codicon::before {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n@keyframes fadein {\n 0% { opacity: 0; visibility: visible;}\n 100% { opacity: 1; }\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration.fadein {\n animation: fadein 0.1s linear;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(292);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor.vs .dnd-target {\n border-right: 2px dotted black;\n color: white; /* opposite of black */\n}\n.monaco-editor.vs-dark .dnd-target {\n border-right: 2px dotted #AEAFAD;\n color: #51504f; /* opposite of #AEAFAD */\n}\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .dnd-target {\n border-right: 2px dotted #fff;\n color: #000; /* opposite of #fff */\n}\n\n.monaco-editor.mouse-default .view-lines,\n.monaco-editor.vs-dark.mac.mouse-default .view-lines,\n.monaco-editor.hc-black.mac.mouse-default .view-lines {\n cursor: default;\n}\n.monaco-editor.mouse-copy .view-lines,\n.monaco-editor.vs-dark.mac.mouse-copy .view-lines,\n.monaco-editor.hc-black.mac.mouse-copy .view-lines {\n cursor: copy;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(294);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-custom-checkbox {\n margin-left: 2px;\n float: left;\n cursor: pointer;\n overflow: hidden;\n opacity: 0.7;\n width: 20px;\n height: 20px;\n border: 1px solid transparent;\n padding: 1px;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n user-select: none;\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n -ms-user-select: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-custom-checkbox:hover,\n.monaco-custom-checkbox.checked {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n\n.hc-black .monaco-custom-checkbox {\n background: none;\n}\n\n.hc-black .monaco-custom-checkbox:hover {\n background: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-custom-checkbox.monaco-simple-checkbox {\n height: 18px;\n width: 18px;\n border: 1px solid transparent;\n border-radius: 3px;\n margin-right: 9px;\n margin-left: 0px;\n padding: 0px;\n opacity: 1;\n background-size: 16px !important;\n}\n\n/* hide check when unchecked */\n.monaco-custom-checkbox.monaco-simple-checkbox.unchecked:not(.checked)::before {\n visibility: hidden;;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(296);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/* Find widget */\n.monaco-editor .find-widget {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 50;\n height: 33px;\n overflow: hidden;\n line-height: 19px;\n transition: transform 200ms linear;\n padding: 0 4px;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n transform: translateY(calc(-100% - 10px)); /* shadow (10px) */\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget textarea {\n margin: 0px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.hiddenEditor {\n display: none;\n}\n\n/* Find widget when replace is toggled on */\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.replaceToggled > .replace-part {\n display: flex;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.visible {\n transform: translateY(0);\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .monaco-inputbox.synthetic-focus {\n outline: 1px solid -webkit-focus-ring-color;\n outline-offset: -1px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .monaco-inputbox .input {\n background-color: transparent;\n min-height: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .monaco-findInput .input {\n font-size: 13px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .find-part,\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .replace-part {\n margin: 4px 0 0 17px;\n font-size: 12px;\n display: flex;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .find-part .monaco-inputbox,\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .replace-part .monaco-inputbox {\n min-height: 25px;\n}\n\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .replace-part .monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > .mirror {\n padding-right: 22px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .find-part .monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > .input,\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .find-part .monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > .mirror,\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .replace-part .monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > .input,\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .replace-part .monaco-inputbox > .wrapper > .mirror {\n padding-top: 2px;\n padding-bottom: 2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .find-part .find-actions {\n height: 25px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .replace-part .replace-actions {\n height: 25px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .monaco-findInput {\n vertical-align: middle;\n display: flex;\n flex:1;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .monaco-findInput .monaco-scrollable-element {\n /* Make sure textarea inherits the width correctly */\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .monaco-findInput .monaco-scrollable-element .scrollbar.vertical {\n /* Hide vertical scrollbar */\n opacity: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .matchesCount {\n display: flex;\n flex: initial;\n margin: 0 0 0 3px;\n padding: 2px 0 0 2px;\n height: 25px;\n vertical-align: middle;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n text-align: center;\n line-height: 23px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .button {\n width: 20px;\n height: 20px;\n display: flex;\n flex: initial;\n margin-left: 3px;\n background-position: center center;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n cursor: pointer;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .button.left {\n margin-left: 0;\n margin-right: 3px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .button.wide {\n width: auto;\n padding: 1px 6px;\n top: -1px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .button.toggle {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 3px;\n width: 18px;\n height: 100%;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .button.toggle.disabled {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .disabled {\n opacity: 0.3;\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .replace-part {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .replace-part > .monaco-findInput {\n position: relative;\n display: flex;\n vertical-align: middle;\n flex: auto;\n flex-grow: 0;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget > .replace-part > .monaco-findInput > .controls {\n position: absolute;\n top: 3px;\n right: 2px;\n}\n\n/* REDUCED */\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.reduced-find-widget .matchesCount {\n display:none;\n}\n\n/* NARROW (SMALLER THAN REDUCED) */\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.narrow-find-widget {\n max-width: 257px !important;\n}\n\n/* COLLAPSED (SMALLER THAN NARROW) */\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.collapsed-find-widget {\n max-width: 170px !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.collapsed-find-widget .button.previous,\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.collapsed-find-widget,\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.collapsed-find-widget .button.replace,\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.collapsed-find-widget .button.replace-all,\n.monaco-editor .find-widget.collapsed-find-widget > .find-part .monaco-findInput .controls {\n display:none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .findMatch {\n animation-duration: 0;\n animation-name: inherit !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .find-widget .monaco-sash {\n left: 0 !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .find-widget .button:before {\n position: relative;\n top: 1px;\n left: 2px;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n/* ---------- Find input ---------- */\n\n.monaco-findInput {\n position: relative;\n}\n\n.monaco-findInput .monaco-inputbox {\n font-size: 13px;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-findInput > .controls {\n position: absolute;\n top: 3px;\n right: 2px;\n}\n\n.vs .monaco-findInput.disabled {\n background-color: #E1E1E1;\n}\n\n/* Theming */\n.vs-dark .monaco-findInput.disabled {\n background-color: #333;\n}\n\n/* Highlighting */\n.monaco-findInput.highlight-0 .controls {\n animation: monaco-findInput-highlight-0 100ms linear 0s;\n}\n.monaco-findInput.highlight-1 .controls {\n animation: monaco-findInput-highlight-1 100ms linear 0s;\n}\n.hc-black .monaco-findInput.highlight-0 .controls,\n.vs-dark .monaco-findInput.highlight-0 .controls {\n animation: monaco-findInput-highlight-dark-0 100ms linear 0s;\n}\n.hc-black .monaco-findInput.highlight-1 .controls,\n.vs-dark .monaco-findInput.highlight-1 .controls {\n animation: monaco-findInput-highlight-dark-1 100ms linear 0s;\n}\n\n@keyframes monaco-findInput-highlight-0 {\n 0% { background: rgba(253, 255, 0, 0.8); }\n 100% { background: transparent; }\n}\n@keyframes monaco-findInput-highlight-1 {\n 0% { background: rgba(253, 255, 0, 0.8); }\n /* Made intentionally different such that the CSS minifier does not collapse the two animations into a single one*/\n 99% { background: transparent; }\n}\n\n@keyframes monaco-findInput-highlight-dark-0 {\n 0% { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.44); }\n 100% { background: transparent; }\n}\n@keyframes monaco-findInput-highlight-dark-1 {\n 0% { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.44); }\n /* Made intentionally different such that the CSS minifier does not collapse the two animations into a single one*/\n 99% { background: transparent; }\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(299);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, '/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .codicon-folding-expanded,\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .codicon-folding-collapsed {\n cursor: pointer;\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 0.5s;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n font-size: 140%;\n margin-left: 2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays:hover .codicon,\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .codicon.codicon-folding-collapsed,\n.monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .codicon.alwaysShowFoldIcons {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .inline-folded:after {\n color: grey;\n margin: 0.1em 0.2em 0 0.2em;\n content: "⋯";\n display: inline;\n line-height: 1em;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n', ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(301);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n display: flex;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-title {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n font-size: 13px;\n margin-left: 20px;\n cursor: pointer;\n min-width: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-title .dirname:not(:empty) {\n font-size: 0.9em;\n margin-left: 0.5em;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-title .meta {\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-title .dirname {\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-title .filename {\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-title .meta:not(:empty)::before {\n content: '-';\n padding: 0 0.3em;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-actions {\n flex: 1;\n text-align: right;\n padding-right: 2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-actions > .monaco-action-bar {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-actions > .monaco-action-bar,\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-actions > .monaco-action-bar > .actions-container {\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-actions > .monaco-action-bar .action-item {\n margin-left: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-actions > .monaco-action-bar .action-label {\n width: 16px;\n height: 100%;\n margin: 0;\n line-height: inherit;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-position: center center;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-actions > .monaco-action-bar .action-label.codicon {\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget > .body {\n border-top: 1px solid;\n position: relative;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-title .codicon {\n margin-right: 4px;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(303);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n.monaco-editor .zone-widget {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 10;\n}\n\n\n.monaco-editor .zone-widget .zone-widget-container {\n border-top-style: solid;\n border-bottom-style: solid;\n border-top-width: 0;\n border-bottom-width: 0;\n position: relative;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-dropdown {\n height: 100%;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-dropdown > .dropdown-label {\n cursor: pointer;\n height: 100%;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(306);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/* -- zone widget */\n.monaco-editor .zone-widget .zone-widget-container.reference-zone-widget {\n border-top-width: 1px;\n border-bottom-width: 1px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .inline {\n display: inline-block;\n vertical-align: top;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .messages {\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n text-align: center;\n padding: 3em 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree {\n line-height: 23px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree .reference {\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree .reference-file {\n display: inline-flex;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree .monaco-list:focus .selected .reference-file {\n color: inherit !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree .reference-file .count {\n margin-right: 12px;\n margin-left: auto;\n}\n\n/* High Contrast Theming */\n\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree .reference-file {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(308);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-split-view2 {\n position: relative;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-split-view2 > .sash-container {\n position: absolute;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-split-view2 > .sash-container > .monaco-sash {\n pointer-events: initial;\n}\n\n.monaco-split-view2 > .split-view-container {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n white-space: nowrap;\n position: relative;\n}\n\n.monaco-split-view2 > .split-view-container > .split-view-view {\n white-space: initial;\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n.monaco-split-view2 > .split-view-container > .split-view-view:not(.visible) {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-split-view2.vertical > .split-view-container > .split-view-view {\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-split-view2.horizontal > .split-view-container > .split-view-view {\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-split-view2.separator-border > .split-view-container > .split-view-view:not(:first-child)::before {\n content: ' ';\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n z-index: 5;\n pointer-events: none;\n background-color: var(--separator-border);\n}\n\n.monaco-split-view2.separator-border.horizontal > .split-view-container > .split-view-view:not(:first-child)::before {\n height: 100%;\n width: 1px;\n}\n\n.monaco-split-view2.separator-border.vertical > .split-view-container > .split-view-view:not(:first-child)::before {\n height: 1px;\n width: 100%;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(310);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .goto-definition-link {\n text-decoration: underline;\n cursor: pointer;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(312);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/* marker zone */\n\n.monaco-editor .peekview-widget .head .peekview-title .severity-icon {\n display: inline-block;\n vertical-align: text-top;\n margin-right: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget {\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget > .stale {\n opacity: 0.6;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .title {\n display: inline-block;\n padding-right: 5px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .descriptioncontainer {\n position: absolute;\n white-space: pre;\n user-select: text;\n -webkit-user-select: text;\n -ms-user-select: text;\n padding: 8px 12px 0 20px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .descriptioncontainer .message {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .descriptioncontainer .message .details {\n padding-left: 6px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .descriptioncontainer .message .source,\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .descriptioncontainer .message span.code {\n opacity: 0.6;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .descriptioncontainer .message a.code-link {\n opacity: 0.6;\n color: inherit;\n}\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .descriptioncontainer .message a.code-link:before {\n content: '(';\n}\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .descriptioncontainer .message a.code-link:after {\n content: ')';\n}\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .descriptioncontainer .message a.code-link > span {\n text-decoration: underline;\n /** Hack to force underline to show **/\n border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;\n text-underline-position: under;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .marker-widget .descriptioncontainer .filename {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(314);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, '/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.colorpicker-widget {\n height: 190px;\n user-select: none;\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n -ms-user-select: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .colorpicker-hover:focus {\n outline: none;\n}\n\n\n/* Header */\n\n.colorpicker-header {\n display: flex;\n height: 24px;\n position: relative;\n background: url("");\n background-size: 9px 9px;\n image-rendering: pixelated;\n}\n\n.colorpicker-header .picked-color {\n width: 216px;\n text-align: center;\n line-height: 24px;\n cursor: pointer;\n color: white;\n flex: 1;\n text-align: center;\n}\n\n.colorpicker-header .picked-color.light {\n color: black;\n}\n\n.colorpicker-header .original-color {\n width: 74px;\n z-index: inherit;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n\n/* Body */\n\n.colorpicker-body {\n display: flex;\n padding: 8px;\n position: relative;\n}\n\n.colorpicker-body .saturation-wrap {\n overflow: hidden;\n height: 150px;\n position: relative;\n min-width: 220px;\n flex: 1;\n}\n\n.colorpicker-body .saturation-box {\n height: 150px;\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n.colorpicker-body .saturation-selection {\n width: 9px;\n height: 9px;\n margin: -5px 0 0 -5px;\n border: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255);\n border-radius: 100%;\n box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n.colorpicker-body .strip {\n width: 25px;\n height: 150px;\n}\n\n.colorpicker-body .hue-strip {\n position: relative;\n margin-left: 8px;\n cursor: grab;\n background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff0000 0%, #ffff00 17%, #00ff00 33%, #00ffff 50%, #0000ff 67%, #ff00ff 83%, #ff0000 100%);\n}\n\n.colorpicker-body .opacity-strip {\n position: relative;\n margin-left: 8px;\n cursor: grab;\n background: url("");\n background-size: 9px 9px;\n image-rendering: pixelated;\n}\n\n.colorpicker-body .strip.grabbing {\n cursor: grabbing;\n}\n\n.colorpicker-body .slider {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: -2px;\n width: calc(100% + 4px);\n height: 4px;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.71);\n box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85);\n}\n\n.colorpicker-body .strip .overlay {\n height: 150px;\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n', ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(316);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-hover {\n cursor: default;\n position: absolute;\n overflow: hidden;\n z-index: 50;\n user-select: text;\n -webkit-user-select: text;\n -ms-user-select: text;\n box-sizing: initial;\n animation: fadein 100ms linear;\n line-height: 1.5em;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover.hidden {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .hover-contents {\n padding: 4px 8px;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .markdown-hover > .hover-contents:not(.code-hover-contents) {\n max-width: 500px;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .markdown-hover > .hover-contents:not(.code-hover-contents) hr {\n /* This is a strange rule but it avoids, just 100vw on its own caused the actual hover width to increase */\n min-width: calc(100% + 100vw);\n}\n\n.monaco-hover p,\n.monaco-hover .code,\n.monaco-hover ul {\n margin: 8px 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover code {\n font-family: var(--monaco-monospace-font);\n}\n\n.monaco-hover hr {\n margin-top: 4px;\n margin-bottom: -4px;\n margin-left: -10px;\n margin-right: -10px;\n height: 1px;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover p:first-child,\n.monaco-hover .code:first-child,\n.monaco-hover ul:first-child {\n margin-top: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover p:last-child,\n.monaco-hover .code:last-child,\n.monaco-hover ul:last-child {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n\n/* MarkupContent Layout */\n.monaco-hover ul {\n padding-left: 20px;\n}\n.monaco-hover ol {\n padding-left: 20px;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover li > p {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover li > ul {\n margin-top: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover code {\n border-radius: 3px;\n padding: 0 0.4em;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .monaco-tokenized-source {\n white-space: pre-wrap;\n word-break: break-all;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .hover-row.status-bar {\n font-size: 12px;\n line-height: 22px;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .hover-row.status-bar .actions {\n display: flex;\n padding: 0px 8px;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .hover-row.status-bar .actions .action-container {\n margin-right: 16px;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .hover-row.status-bar .actions .action-container .action .icon {\n padding-right: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .markdown-hover .hover-contents .codicon {\n color: inherit;\n font-size: inherit;\n vertical-align: middle;\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .hover-contents a.code-link:before {\n content: '(';\n}\n.monaco-hover .hover-contents a.code-link:after {\n content: ')';\n}\n\n.monaco-hover .hover-contents a.code-link {\n color: inherit;\n}\n.monaco-hover .hover-contents a.code-link > span {\n text-decoration: underline;\n /** Hack to force underline to show **/\n border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;\n text-underline-position: under;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(318);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n.monaco-editor .detected-link,\n.monaco-editor .detected-link-active {\n text-decoration: underline;\n text-underline-position: under;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .detected-link-active {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(320);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget {\n z-index: 10;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n line-height: 1.5em;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget > .wrapper {\n max-width: 440px;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget.multiple {\n min-height: 3.3em;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget.visible {\n transition: left .05s ease-in-out;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget p,\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget ul {\n margin: 8px 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .monaco-scrollable-element,\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .body {\n display: flex;\n flex: 1;\n flex-direction: column;\n min-height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .signature {\n padding: 4px 5px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .docs {\n padding: 0 10px 0 5px;\n white-space: pre-wrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .docs.empty {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .docs .markdown-docs {\n white-space: initial;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .docs .markdown-docs code {\n font-family: var(--monaco-monospace-font);\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .docs .code {\n white-space: pre-wrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .docs code {\n border-radius: 3px;\n padding: 0 0.4em;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .controls {\n display: none;\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: center;\n min-width: 22px;\n justify-content: flex-end;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget.multiple .controls {\n display: flex;\n padding: 0 2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget.multiple .button {\n width: 16px;\n height: 16px;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .button.previous {\n bottom: 24px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .overloads {\n text-align: center;\n height: 12px;\n line-height: 12px;\n opacity: 0.5;\n font-family: var(--monaco-monospace-font);\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .signature {\n font-weight: bold;\n text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .documentation-parameter > .parameter {\n font-weight: bold;\n margin-right: 0.5em;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(322);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .on-type-rename-decoration {\n border-left: 1px solid transparent;\n /* So border can be transparent */\n background-clip: padding-box;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(324);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .rename-box {\n z-index: 100;\n color: inherit;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .rename-box.preview {\n padding: 3px 3px 0 3px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .rename-box .rename-input {\n padding: 3px;\n width: calc(100% - 6px);\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .rename-box .rename-label {\n display: none;\n opacity: .8;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .rename-box.preview .rename-label {\n display: inherit;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(326);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .snippet-placeholder {\n min-width: 2px;\n outline-style: solid;\n outline-width: 1px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .finish-snippet-placeholder {\n outline-style: solid;\n outline-width: 1px;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(328);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/* Suggest widget*/\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget {\n z-index: 40;\n}\n\n/** Initial widths **/\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget {\n width: 430px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget > .message,\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget > .tree,\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget > .details {\n width: 100%;\n border-style: solid;\n border-width: 1px;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .suggest-widget > .message,\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .suggest-widget > .tree,\n.monaco-editor.hc-black .suggest-widget > .details {\n border-width: 2px;\n}\n\n/** Adjust width when docs are expanded to the side **/\n.monaco-editor {\n width: 660px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor > .tree,\n.monaco-editor > .details {\n width: 50%;\n float: left;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor > .tree,\n.monaco-editor > .details {\n float: right;\n}\n\n/* MarkupContent Layout */\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget > .details ul {\n padding-left: 20px;\n}\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget > .details ol {\n padding-left: 20px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget > .details p code {\n font-family: var(--monaco-monospace-font);\n}\n\n/* Styles for Message element for when widget is loading or is empty */\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget > .message {\n padding-left: 22px;\n}\n\n/** Styles for the list element **/\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget > .tree {\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list {\n user-select: none;\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n -ms-user-select: none;\n}\n\n/** Styles for each row in the list element **/\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row {\n display: flex;\n -mox-box-sizing: border-box;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n padding-right: 10px;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-position: 2px 2px;\n white-space: nowrap;\n cursor: pointer;\n touch-action: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents {\n flex: 1;\n height: 100%;\n overflow: hidden;\n padding-left: 2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main {\n display: flex;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n white-space: pre;\n justify-content: space-between;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .left,\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right {\n display: flex;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget:not(.frozen) .monaco-highlighted-label .highlight {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n/** Status Bar **/\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget > .suggest-status-bar {\n visibility: hidden;\n\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n\n box-sizing: border-box;\n\n display: flex;\n flex-flow: row nowrap;\n justify-content: space-between;\n\n width: 100%;\n\n font-size: 80%;\n\n border-left-width: 1px;\n border-left-style: solid;\n border-right-width: 1px;\n border-right-style: solid;\n border-bottom-width: 1px;\n border-bottom-style: solid;\n\n padding: 0 8px 0 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor > .suggest-status-bar {\n left: auto;\n right: 0;\n}\n.monaco-editor > .suggest-status-bar {\n width: 50%;\n}\n\n/** ReadMore Icon styles **/\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .header > .codicon-close,\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore::before {\n color: inherit;\n opacity: 1;\n font-size: 14px;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .header > .codicon-close {\n position: absolute;\n top: 2px;\n right: 2px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .header > .codicon-close:hover,\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore:hover {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n\n/** signature, qualifier, type/details opacity **/\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .left > .signature-label,\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .left > .qualifier-label,\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .details-label {\n opacity: 0.7;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .left > .signature-label {\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .left > .qualifier-label {\n margin-left: 4px;\n opacity: 0.4;\n font-size: 90%;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n overflow: hidden;\n line-height: 17px;\n align-self: center;\n}\n\n/** Type Info and icon next to the label in the focused completion item **/\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .details-label {\n margin-left: 0.8em;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .details-label > .monaco-tokenized-source {\n display: inline;\n}\n\n/** Details: if using CompletionItem#details, show on focus **/\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .details-label,\n.monaco-editor .monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused > .contents > .main > .right > .details-label {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused > .contents > .main > .right > .details-label {\n display: inline;\n}\n\n/** Details: if using CompletionItemLabel#details, always show **/\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row:not(.string-label) > .contents > .main > .right > .details-label,\n.monaco-editor .monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused:not(.string-label) > .contents > .main > .right > .details-label {\n display: inline;\n}\n\n/** Ellipsis on hover **/\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget:not(.docs-side) .monaco-list .monaco-list-row:hover > .contents > .main > .right.can-expand-details > .details-label {\n width: calc(100% - 26px);\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .left {\n flex-shrink: 1;\n flex-grow: 1;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .left > .monaco-icon-label {\n flex-shrink: 0;\n}\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row:not(.string-label) > .contents > .main > .left > .monaco-icon-label {\n max-width: 100%;\n}\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row.string-label > .contents > .main > .left > .monaco-icon-label {\n flex-shrink: 1;\n}\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right {\n overflow: hidden;\n margin-left: 16px;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n max-width: 45%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore {\n display: inline-block;\n position: absolute;\n right: 10px;\n width: 18px;\n height: 18px;\n visibility: hidden;\n}\n\n/** Do NOT display ReadMore when docs is side/below **/\n.monaco-editor .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore,\n.monaco-editor .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore {\n display: none !important;\n}\n\n/** Do NOT display ReadMore when using plain CompletionItemLabel (details/documentation might not be resolved) **/\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row.string-label > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore {\n display: none;\n}\n/** Focused item can show ReadMore, but can't when docs is side/below **/\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused.string-label > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore,\n.monaco-editor .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row:hover > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore {\n visibility: visible;\n}\n\n/** Styles for each row in the list **/\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row .monaco-icon-label.deprecated {\n opacity: 0.66;\n text-decoration: unset;\n}\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row .monaco-icon-label.deprecated > .monaco-icon-label-container > .monaco-icon-name-container {\n text-decoration: line-through;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row .monaco-icon-label::before {\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row .icon {\n display: block;\n height: 16px;\n width: 16px;\n margin-left: 2px;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-size: 80%;\n background-position: center;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row .icon.hide {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row .suggest-icon {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n margin-right: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .monaco-list .monaco-list-row .icon,\n.monaco-editor .monaco-list .monaco-list-row .suggest-icon::before {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row .icon.customcolor .colorspan {\n margin: 0 0 0 0.3em;\n border: 0.1em solid #000;\n width: 0.7em;\n height: 0.7em;\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n/** Styles for the docs of the completion item in focus **/\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .details {\n border-top-width: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element {\n flex: 1;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body {\n position: absolute;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .header > .type {\n flex: 2;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n opacity: 0.7;\n word-break: break-all;\n margin: 0 24px 0 0;\n padding: 4px 0 12px 5px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .docs {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 4px 5px;\n white-space: pre-wrap;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .docs.markdown-docs {\n padding: 0;\n white-space: initial;\n min-height: calc(1rem + 8px);\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .docs.markdown-docs > div,\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .docs.markdown-docs > span:not(:empty) {\n padding: 4px 5px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .docs.markdown-docs > div > p:first-child {\n margin-top: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .docs.markdown-docs > div > p:last-child {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .docs .code {\n white-space: pre-wrap;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > .docs.markdown-docs .codicon {\n vertical-align: sub;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details > .monaco-scrollable-element > .body > p:empty {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .details code {\n border-radius: 3px;\n padding: 0 0.4em;\n}\n\n\n/* replace/insert decorations */\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-insert-unexpected {\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(330);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget.with-status-bar .suggest-status-bar {\n visibility: visible;\n}\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget.with-status-bar > .tree {\n margin-bottom: 18px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget.with-status-bar .suggest-status-bar .action-label {\n min-height: 18px;\n opacity: 0.5;\n color: inherit;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget.with-status-bar .suggest-status-bar .action-item:not(:last-of-type) .action-label {\n margin-right: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget.with-status-bar .suggest-status-bar .action-item:not(:last-of-type) .action-label::after {\n content: ', ';\n margin-right: 0.3em;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget.with-status-bar .monaco-list .monaco-list-row > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore,\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget.with-status-bar .monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused.string-label > .contents > .main > .right > .readMore {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .suggest-widget.with-status-bar:not(.docs-side) .monaco-list .monaco-list-row:hover > .contents > .main > .right.can-expand-details > .details-label {\n width: 100%;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(332);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused.selected .outline-element .monaco-highlighted-label,\n.monaco-list .monaco-list-row.focused.selected .outline-element-decoration {\n /* make sure selection color wins when a label is being selected */\n color: inherit !important;\n}\n\n.monaco-list .outline-element {\n display: flex;\n flex: 1;\n flex-flow: row nowrap;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.monaco-list .outline-element .monaco-highlighted-label {\n color: var(--outline-element-color);\n}\n\n.monaco-list .outline-element .outline-element-decoration {\n opacity: 0.75;\n font-size: 90%;\n font-weight: 600;\n padding: 0 12px 0 5px;\n margin-left: auto;\n text-align: center;\n color: var(--outline-element-color);\n}\n\n.monaco-list .outline-element .outline-element-decoration.bubble {\n font-family: codicon;\n font-size: 14px;\n opacity: 0.4;\n}\n\n.monaco-list .outline-element .outline-element-icon {\n margin-right: 4px;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(334);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-icon-label.deprecated {\n text-decoration: line-through;\n opacity: 0.66;\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(336);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .accessibilityHelpWidget {\n padding: 10px;\n vertical-align: middle;\n overflow: scroll;\n}", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(338);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, '/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .iPadShowKeyboard {\n width: 58px;\n min-width: 0;\n height: 36px;\n min-height: 0;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n position: absolute;\n resize: none;\n overflow: hidden;\n background: url("") center center no-repeat;\n border: 4px solid #F6F6F6;\n border-radius: 4px;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor.vs-dark .iPadShowKeyboard {\n background: url("") center center no-repeat;\n border: 4px solid #252526;\n}', ""]), e.exports = t;
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(32), o = n(340);
"string" == typeof (o = o.__esModule ? o.default : o) && (o = [[e.i, o, ""]]);
var r = {insert: "head", singleton: false};
i(o, r);
e.exports = o.locals || {};
}, function(e, t, n) {
(t = n(33)(false)).push([e.i, "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n.monaco-editor .tokens-inspect-widget {\n z-index: 50;\n user-select: text;\n -webkit-user-select: text;\n -ms-user-select: text;\n padding: 10px;\n}\n\n.tokens-inspect-separator {\n height: 1px;\n border: 0;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .tokens-inspect-widget .tm-token {\n font-family: var(--monaco-monospace-font);\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .tokens-inspect-widget .tm-token-length {\n font-weight: normal;\n font-size: 60%;\n float: right;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .tokens-inspect-widget .tm-metadata-table {\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .tokens-inspect-widget .tm-metadata-value {\n font-family: var(--monaco-monospace-font);\n text-align: right;\n}\n\n.monaco-editor .tokens-inspect-widget .tm-token-type {\n font-family: var(--monaco-monospace-font);\n}\n", ""]), e.exports = t;
}, , function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.r(t), n.d(t, "CancellationTokenSource", function() {
return l.a;
}), n.d(t, "Emitter", function() {
return l.b;
}), n.d(t, "KeyCode", function() {
return l.c;
}), n.d(t, "KeyMod", function() {
return l.d;
}), n.d(t, "Position", function() {
return l.g;
}), n.d(t, "Range", function() {
return l.h;
}), n.d(t, "Selection", function() {
return l.i;
}), n.d(t, "SelectionDirection", function() {
return l.j;
}), n.d(t, "MarkerSeverity", function() {
return l.e;
}), n.d(t, "MarkerTag", function() {
return l.f;
}), n.d(t, "Uri", function() {
return l.l;
}), n.d(t, "Token", function() {
return l.k;
}), n.d(t, "editor", function() {
return l.m;
}), n.d(t, "languages", function() {
return l.n;
var i, o, r, s, a, l = n(108), c = n(29);
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.None = 0] = "None", e2[e2.CommonJS = 1] = "CommonJS", e2[e2.AMD = 2] = "AMD", e2[e2.UMD = 3] = "UMD", e2[e2.System = 4] = "System", e2[e2.ES2015 = 5] = "ES2015", e2[e2.ESNext = 99] = "ESNext";
}(i || (i = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.None = 0] = "None", e2[e2.Preserve = 1] = "Preserve", e2[e2.React = 2] = "React", e2[e2.ReactNative = 3] = "ReactNative";
}(o || (o = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.CarriageReturnLineFeed = 0] = "CarriageReturnLineFeed", e2[e2.LineFeed = 1] = "LineFeed";
}(r || (r = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.ES3 = 0] = "ES3", e2[e2.ES5 = 1] = "ES5", e2[e2.ES2015 = 2] = "ES2015", e2[e2.ES2016 = 3] = "ES2016", e2[e2.ES2017 = 4] = "ES2017", e2[e2.ES2018 = 5] = "ES2018", e2[e2.ES2019 = 6] = "ES2019", e2[e2.ES2020 = 7] = "ES2020", e2[e2.ESNext = 99] = "ESNext", e2[e2.JSON = 100] = "JSON", e2[e2.Latest = 99] = "Latest";
}(s || (s = {})), function(e2) {
e2[e2.Classic = 1] = "Classic", e2[e2.NodeJs = 2] = "NodeJs";
}(a || (a = {}));
var d = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
this._onDidChange = new c.a(), this._onDidExtraLibsChange = new c.a(), this._extraLibs = Object.create(null), this._removedExtraLibs = Object.create(null), this._eagerModelSync = false, this.setCompilerOptions(e3), this.setDiagnosticsOptions(t2), this.setWorkerOptions(n2), this._onDidExtraLibsChangeTimeout = -1;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "onDidChange", {get: function() {
return this._onDidChange.event;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "onDidExtraLibsChange", {get: function() {
return this._onDidExtraLibsChange.event;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "workerOptions", {get: function() {
return this._workerOptions;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.getExtraLibs = function() {
return this._extraLibs;
}, e2.prototype.addExtraLib = function(e3, t2) {
var n2, i2 = this;
if (n2 = void 0 === t2 ? "ts:extralib-" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) : t2, this._extraLibs[n2] && this._extraLibs[n2].content === e3)
return {dispose: function() {
var o2 = 1;
return this._removedExtraLibs[n2] && (o2 = this._removedExtraLibs[n2] + 1), this._extraLibs[n2] && (o2 = this._extraLibs[n2].version + 1), this._extraLibs[n2] = {content: e3, version: o2}, this._fireOnDidExtraLibsChangeSoon(), {dispose: function() {
var e4 = i2._extraLibs[n2];
e4 && e4.version === o2 && (delete i2._extraLibs[n2], i2._removedExtraLibs[n2] = o2, i2._fireOnDidExtraLibsChangeSoon());
}, e2.prototype.setExtraLibs = function(e3) {
for (var t2 in this._extraLibs)
this._removedExtraLibs[t2] = this._extraLibs[t2].version;
if (this._extraLibs = Object.create(null), e3 && e3.length > 0)
for (var n2 = 0, i2 = e3; n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
var o2 = i2[n2], r2 = (t2 = o2.filePath || "ts:extralib-" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15), o2.content), s2 = 1;
this._removedExtraLibs[t2] && (s2 = this._removedExtraLibs[t2] + 1), this._extraLibs[t2] = {content: r2, version: s2};
}, e2.prototype._fireOnDidExtraLibsChangeSoon = function() {
var e3 = this;
-1 === this._onDidExtraLibsChangeTimeout && (this._onDidExtraLibsChangeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
e3._onDidExtraLibsChangeTimeout = -1, 0);
}, 0));
}, e2.prototype.getCompilerOptions = function() {
return this._compilerOptions;
}, e2.prototype.setCompilerOptions = function(e3) {
this._compilerOptions = e3 || Object.create(null), 0);
}, e2.prototype.getDiagnosticsOptions = function() {
return this._diagnosticsOptions;
}, e2.prototype.setDiagnosticsOptions = function(e3) {
this._diagnosticsOptions = e3 || Object.create(null), 0);
}, e2.prototype.setWorkerOptions = function(e3) {
this._workerOptions = e3 || Object.create(null), 0);
}, e2.prototype.setMaximumWorkerIdleTime = function(e3) {
}, e2.prototype.setEagerModelSync = function(e3) {
this._eagerModelSync = e3;
}, e2.prototype.getEagerModelSync = function() {
return this._eagerModelSync;
}, e2;
}(), h = new d({allowNonTsExtensions: true, target: s.Latest}, {noSemanticValidation: false, noSyntaxValidation: false}, {}), u = new d({allowNonTsExtensions: true, allowJs: true, target: s.Latest}, {noSemanticValidation: true, noSyntaxValidation: false}, {});
function p() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 412));
c.g.typescript = {ModuleKind: i, JsxEmit: o, NewLineKind: r, ScriptTarget: s, ModuleResolutionKind: a, typescriptVersion: "4.0.3", typescriptDefaults: h, javascriptDefaults: u, getTypeScriptWorker: function() {
return p().then(function(e2) {
return e2.getTypeScriptWorker();
}, getJavaScriptWorker: function() {
return p().then(function(e2) {
return e2.getJavaScriptWorker();
}}, c.g.onLanguage("typescript", function() {
return p().then(function(e2) {
return e2.setupTypeScript(h);
}), c.g.onLanguage("javascript", function() {
return p().then(function(e2) {
return e2.setupJavaScript(u);
var m = n(52), g = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
this._onDidChange = new m.a(), this._languageId = e3, this.setDiagnosticsOptions(t2), this.setModeConfiguration(n2);
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "onDidChange", {get: function() {
return this._onDidChange.event;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "languageId", {get: function() {
return this._languageId;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "modeConfiguration", {get: function() {
return this._modeConfiguration;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "diagnosticsOptions", {get: function() {
return this._diagnosticsOptions;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.setDiagnosticsOptions = function(e3) {
this._diagnosticsOptions = e3 || Object.create(null),;
}, e2.prototype.setModeConfiguration = function(e3) {
this._modeConfiguration = e3 || Object.create(null),;
}, e2;
}(), f = {validate: true, lint: {compatibleVendorPrefixes: "ignore", vendorPrefix: "warning", duplicateProperties: "warning", emptyRules: "warning", importStatement: "ignore", boxModel: "ignore", universalSelector: "ignore", zeroUnits: "ignore", fontFaceProperties: "warning", hexColorLength: "error", argumentsInColorFunction: "error", unknownProperties: "warning", ieHack: "ignore", unknownVendorSpecificProperties: "ignore", propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay: "warning", important: "ignore", float: "ignore", idSelector: "ignore"}}, b = {completionItems: true, hovers: true, documentSymbols: true, definitions: true, references: true, documentHighlights: true, rename: true, colors: true, foldingRanges: true, diagnostics: true, selectionRanges: true}, _ = new g("css", f, b), v = new g("scss", f, b), w = new g("less", f, b);
function y() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 414));
m.f.css = {cssDefaults: _, lessDefaults: w, scssDefaults: v}, m.f.onLanguage("less", function() {
y().then(function(e2) {
return e2.setupMode(w);
}), m.f.onLanguage("scss", function() {
y().then(function(e2) {
return e2.setupMode(v);
}), m.f.onLanguage("css", function() {
y().then(function(e2) {
return e2.setupMode(_);
var C = n(59), x = new (function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
this._onDidChange = new C.a(), this._languageId = e3, this.setDiagnosticsOptions(t2), this.setModeConfiguration(n2);
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "onDidChange", {get: function() {
return this._onDidChange.event;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "languageId", {get: function() {
return this._languageId;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "modeConfiguration", {get: function() {
return this._modeConfiguration;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "diagnosticsOptions", {get: function() {
return this._diagnosticsOptions;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.setDiagnosticsOptions = function(e3) {
this._diagnosticsOptions = e3 || Object.create(null),;
}, e2.prototype.setModeConfiguration = function(e3) {
this._modeConfiguration = e3 || Object.create(null),;
}, e2;
}())("json", {validate: true, allowComments: true, schemas: [], enableSchemaRequest: false}, {documentFormattingEdits: true, documentRangeFormattingEdits: true, completionItems: true, hovers: true, documentSymbols: true, tokens: true, colors: true, foldingRanges: true, diagnostics: true, selectionRanges: true});
C.f.json = {jsonDefaults: x}, C.f.register({id: "json", extensions: [".json", ".bowerrc", ".jshintrc", ".jscsrc", ".eslintrc", ".babelrc", ".har"], aliases: ["JSON", "json"], mimetypes: ["application/json"]}), C.f.onLanguage("json", function() {
Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 413)).then(function(e2) {
return e2.setupMode(x);
var S = n(47), k = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
this._onDidChange = new S.a(), this._languageId = e3, this.setOptions(t2), this.setModeConfiguration(n2);
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "onDidChange", {get: function() {
return this._onDidChange.event;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "languageId", {get: function() {
return this._languageId;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "options", {get: function() {
return this._options;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "modeConfiguration", {get: function() {
return this._modeConfiguration;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.setOptions = function(e3) {
this._options = e3 || Object.create(null),;
}, e2.prototype.setModeConfiguration = function(e3) {
this._modeConfiguration = e3 || Object.create(null),;
}, e2;
}(), E = {tabSize: 4, insertSpaces: false, wrapLineLength: 120, unformatted: 'default": "a, abbr, acronym, b, bdo, big, br, button, cite, code, dfn, em, i, img, input, kbd, label, map, object, q, samp, select, small, span, strong, sub, sup, textarea, tt, var', contentUnformatted: "pre", indentInnerHtml: false, preserveNewLines: true, maxPreserveNewLines: null, indentHandlebars: false, endWithNewline: false, extraLiners: "head, body, /html", wrapAttributes: "auto"}, T = {format: E, suggest: {html5: true}}, L = {format: E, suggest: {html5: true, razor: true}};
function N(e2) {
return {completionItems: true, hovers: true, documentSymbols: true, links: true, documentHighlights: true, rename: true, colors: true, foldingRanges: true, selectionRanges: true, diagnostics: e2 === I, documentFormattingEdits: e2 === I, documentRangeFormattingEdits: e2 === I};
var I = "html", O = new k(I, {format: E, suggest: {html5: true, angular1: true, ionic: true}}, N(I)), D = new k("handlebars", T, N("handlebars")), A = new k("razor", L, N("razor"));
function R() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 415));
S.f.html = {htmlDefaults: O, razorDefaults: A, handlebarDefaults: D}, S.f.onLanguage(I, function() {
R().then(function(e2) {
return e2.setupMode(O);
}), S.f.onLanguage("handlebars", function() {
R().then(function(e2) {
return e2.setupMode(D);
}), S.f.onLanguage("razor", function() {
R().then(function(e2) {
return e2.setupMode(A);
var M = n(95), P = {}, F = {}, W = function() {
function e2(e3) {
var t2 = this;
this._languageId = e3, this._loadingTriggered = false, this._lazyLoadPromise = new Promise(function(e4, n2) {
t2._lazyLoadPromiseResolve = e4, t2._lazyLoadPromiseReject = n2;
return e2.getOrCreate = function(t2) {
return F[t2] || (F[t2] = new e2(t2)), F[t2];
}, e2.prototype.whenLoaded = function() {
return this._lazyLoadPromise;
}, e2.prototype.load = function() {
var e3 = this;
return this._loadingTriggered || (this._loadingTriggered = true, P[this._languageId].loader().then(function(t2) {
return e3._lazyLoadPromiseResolve(t2);
}, function(t2) {
return e3._lazyLoadPromiseReject(t2);
})), this._lazyLoadPromise;
}, e2;
function z(e2) {
var t2 =;
P[t2] = e2, M.a.register(e2);
var n2 = W.getOrCreate(t2);
M.a.setMonarchTokensProvider(t2, n2.whenLoaded().then(function(e3) {
return e3.language;
})), M.a.onLanguage(t2, function() {
n2.load().then(function(e3) {
M.a.setLanguageConfiguration(t2, e3.conf);
z({id: "abap", extensions: [".abap"], aliases: ["abap", "ABAP"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 347));
}}), z({id: "apex", extensions: [".cls"], aliases: ["Apex", "apex"], mimetypes: ["text/x-apex-source", "text/x-apex"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 348));
}}), z({id: "azcli", extensions: [".azcli"], aliases: ["Azure CLI", "azcli"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 349));
}}), z({id: "bat", extensions: [".bat", ".cmd"], aliases: ["Batch", "bat"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 350));
}}), z({id: "cameligo", extensions: [".mligo"], aliases: ["Cameligo"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 351));
}}), z({id: "clojure", extensions: [".clj", ".cljs", ".cljc", ".edn"], aliases: ["clojure", "Clojure"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 352));
}}), z({id: "coffeescript", extensions: [".coffee"], aliases: ["CoffeeScript", "coffeescript", "coffee"], mimetypes: ["text/x-coffeescript", "text/coffeescript"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 353));
}}), z({id: "c", extensions: [".c", ".h"], aliases: ["C", "c"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 354));
}}), z({id: "cpp", extensions: [".cpp", ".cc", ".cxx", ".hpp", ".hh", ".hxx"], aliases: ["C++", "Cpp", "cpp"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 354));
}}), z({id: "csharp", extensions: [".cs", ".csx", ".cake"], aliases: ["C#", "csharp"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 355));
}}), z({id: "csp", extensions: [], aliases: ["CSP", "csp"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 356));
}}), z({id: "css", extensions: [".css"], aliases: ["CSS", "css"], mimetypes: ["text/css"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 357));
}}), z({id: "dart", extensions: [".dart"], aliases: ["Dart", "dart"], mimetypes: ["text/x-dart-source", "text/x-dart"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 358));
}}), z({id: "dockerfile", extensions: [".dockerfile"], filenames: ["Dockerfile"], aliases: ["Dockerfile"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 359));
}}), z({id: "fsharp", extensions: [".fs", ".fsi", ".ml", ".mli", ".fsx", ".fsscript"], aliases: ["F#", "FSharp", "fsharp"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 360));
}}), z({id: "go", extensions: [".go"], aliases: ["Go"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 361));
}}), z({id: "graphql", extensions: [".graphql", ".gql"], aliases: ["GraphQL", "graphql", "gql"], mimetypes: ["application/graphql"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 362));
}}), z({id: "handlebars", extensions: [".handlebars", ".hbs"], aliases: ["Handlebars", "handlebars"], mimetypes: ["text/x-handlebars-template"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 363));
}}), z({id: "hcl", extensions: [".tf", ".tfvars", ".hcl"], aliases: ["Terraform", "tf", "HCL", "hcl"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 364));
}}), z({id: "html", extensions: [".html", ".htm", ".shtml", ".xhtml", ".mdoc", ".jsp", ".asp", ".aspx", ".jshtm"], aliases: ["HTML", "htm", "html", "xhtml"], mimetypes: ["text/html", "text/x-jshtm", "text/template", "text/ng-template"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 365));
}}), z({id: "ini", extensions: [".ini", ".properties", ".gitconfig"], filenames: ["config", ".gitattributes", ".gitconfig", ".editorconfig"], aliases: ["Ini", "ini"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 366));
}}), z({id: "java", extensions: [".java", ".jav"], aliases: ["Java", "java"], mimetypes: ["text/x-java-source", "text/x-java"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 367));
}}), z({id: "javascript", extensions: [".js", ".es6", ".jsx", ".mjs"], firstLine: "^#!.*\\bnode", filenames: ["jakefile"], aliases: ["JavaScript", "javascript", "js"], mimetypes: ["text/javascript"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 368));
}}), z({id: "julia", extensions: [".jl"], aliases: ["julia", "Julia"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 369));
}}), z({id: "kotlin", extensions: [".kt"], aliases: ["Kotlin", "kotlin"], mimetypes: ["text/x-kotlin-source", "text/x-kotlin"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 370));
}}), z({id: "less", extensions: [".less"], aliases: ["Less", "less"], mimetypes: ["text/x-less", "text/less"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 371));
}}), z({id: "lexon", extensions: [".lex"], aliases: ["Lexon"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 372));
}}), z({id: "lua", extensions: [".lua"], aliases: ["Lua", "lua"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 373));
}}), z({id: "markdown", extensions: [".md", ".markdown", ".mdown", ".mkdn", ".mkd", ".mdwn", ".mdtxt", ".mdtext"], aliases: ["Markdown", "markdown"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 374));
}}), z({id: "mips", extensions: [".s"], aliases: ["MIPS", "MIPS-V"], mimetypes: ["text/x-mips", "text/mips", "text/plaintext"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 375));
}}), z({id: "msdax", extensions: [".dax", ".msdax"], aliases: ["DAX", "MSDAX"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 376));
}}), z({id: "mysql", extensions: [], aliases: ["MySQL", "mysql"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 377));
}}), z({id: "objective-c", extensions: [".m"], aliases: ["Objective-C"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 378));
}}), z({id: "pascal", extensions: [".pas", ".p", ".pp"], aliases: ["Pascal", "pas"], mimetypes: ["text/x-pascal-source", "text/x-pascal"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 379));
}}), z({id: "pascaligo", extensions: [".ligo"], aliases: ["Pascaligo", "ligo"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 380));
}}), z({id: "perl", extensions: [".pl"], aliases: ["Perl", "pl"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 381));
}}), z({id: "pgsql", extensions: [], aliases: ["PostgreSQL", "postgres", "pg", "postgre"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 382));
}}), z({id: "php", extensions: [".php", ".php4", ".php5", ".phtml", ".ctp"], aliases: ["PHP", "php"], mimetypes: ["application/x-php"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 383));
}}), z({id: "postiats", extensions: [".dats", ".sats", ".hats"], aliases: ["ATS", "ATS/Postiats"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 384));
}}), z({id: "powerquery", extensions: [".pq", ".pqm"], aliases: ["PQ", "M", "Power Query", "Power Query M"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 385));
}}), z({id: "powershell", extensions: [".ps1", ".psm1", ".psd1"], aliases: ["PowerShell", "powershell", "ps", "ps1"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 386));
}}), z({id: "pug", extensions: [".jade", ".pug"], aliases: ["Pug", "Jade", "jade"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 387));
}}), z({id: "python", extensions: [".py", ".rpy", ".pyw", ".cpy", ".gyp", ".gypi"], aliases: ["Python", "py"], firstLine: "^#!/.*\\bpython[0-9.-]*\\b", loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 388));
}}), z({id: "r", extensions: [".r", ".rhistory", ".rmd", ".rprofile", ".rt"], aliases: ["R", "r"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 389));
}}), z({id: "razor", extensions: [".cshtml"], aliases: ["Razor", "razor"], mimetypes: ["text/x-cshtml"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 390));
}}), z({id: "redis", extensions: [".redis"], aliases: ["redis"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 391));
}}), z({id: "redshift", extensions: [], aliases: ["Redshift", "redshift"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 392));
}}), z({id: "restructuredtext", extensions: [".rst"], aliases: ["reStructuredText", "restructuredtext"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 393));
}}), z({id: "ruby", extensions: [".rb", ".rbx", ".rjs", ".gemspec", ".pp"], filenames: ["rakefile", "Gemfile"], aliases: ["Ruby", "rb"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 394));
}}), z({id: "rust", extensions: [".rs", ".rlib"], aliases: ["Rust", "rust"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 395));
}}), z({id: "sb", extensions: [".sb"], aliases: ["Small Basic", "sb"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 396));
}}), z({id: "scala", extensions: [".scala", ".sc", ".sbt"], aliases: ["Scala", "scala", "SBT", "Sbt", "sbt", "Dotty", "dotty"], mimetypes: ["text/x-scala-source", "text/x-scala", "text/x-sbt", "text/x-dotty"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 397));
}}), z({id: "scheme", extensions: [".scm", ".ss", ".sch", ".rkt"], aliases: ["scheme", "Scheme"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 398));
}}), z({id: "scss", extensions: [".scss"], aliases: ["Sass", "sass", "scss"], mimetypes: ["text/x-scss", "text/scss"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 399));
}}), z({id: "shell", extensions: [".sh", ".bash"], aliases: ["Shell", "sh"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 400));
}}), z({id: "sol", extensions: [".sol"], aliases: ["sol", "solidity", "Solidity"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 401));
}}), z({id: "aes", extensions: [".aes"], aliases: ["aes", "sophia", "Sophia"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 402));
}}), z({id: "sql", extensions: [".sql"], aliases: ["SQL"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 403));
}}), z({id: "st", extensions: [".st", ".iecst", ".iecplc", ".lc3lib"], aliases: ["StructuredText", "scl", "stl"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 404));
}}), z({id: "swift", aliases: ["Swift", "swift"], extensions: [".swift"], mimetypes: ["text/swift"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 405));
}}), z({id: "systemverilog", extensions: [".sv", ".svh"], aliases: ["SV", "sv", "SystemVerilog", "systemverilog"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 406));
}}), z({id: "verilog", extensions: [".v", ".vh"], aliases: ["V", "v", "Verilog", "verilog"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 406));
}}), z({id: "tcl", extensions: [".tcl"], aliases: ["tcl", "Tcl", "tcltk", "TclTk", "tcl/tk", "Tcl/Tk"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 407));
}}), z({id: "twig", extensions: [".twig"], aliases: ["Twig", "twig"], mimetypes: ["text/x-twig"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 408));
}}), z({id: "typescript", extensions: [".ts", ".tsx"], aliases: ["TypeScript", "ts", "typescript"], mimetypes: ["text/typescript"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 142));
}}), z({id: "vb", extensions: [".vb"], aliases: ["Visual Basic", "vb"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 409));
}}), z({id: "xml", extensions: [".xml", ".dtd", ".ascx", ".csproj", ".config", ".wxi", ".wxl", ".wxs", ".xaml", ".svg", ".svgz", ".opf", ".xsl"], firstLine: "(\\<\\?xml.*)|(\\<svg)|(\\<\\!doctype\\s+svg)", aliases: ["XML", "xml"], mimetypes: ["text/xml", "application/xml", "application/xaml+xml", "application/xml-dtd"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 410));
}}), z({id: "yaml", extensions: [".yaml", ".yml"], aliases: ["YAML", "yaml", "YML", "yml"], mimetypes: ["application/x-yaml"], loader: function() {
return Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, 411));
var B = n(107), j = n(164), V = (n(194), n(193), n(281), n(4)), U = n(0), H = n(7), q = n(21), $ = n(43), K = n(10), G = n(15), Y = n(17), Z = n(13);
class X {
constructor(e2 = "", t2 = false) {
var n2, i2;
if (this._value = e2, "string" != typeof this._value)
throw Object(Z.b)("value");
"boolean" == typeof t2 ? (this._isTrusted = t2, this._supportThemeIcons = false) : (this._isTrusted = null !== (n2 = t2.isTrusted) && void 0 !== n2 && n2, this._supportThemeIcons = null !== (i2 = t2.supportThemeIcons) && void 0 !== i2 && i2);
get value() {
return this._value;
get isTrusted() {
return this._isTrusted;
get supportThemeIcons() {
return this._supportThemeIcons;
appendText(e2) {
return this._value += (this._supportThemeIcons ? Object(Y.b)(e2) : e2).replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\n/g, "\n\n"), this;
appendMarkdown(e2) {
return this._value += e2, this;
appendCodeblock(e2, t2) {
return this._value += "\n```", this._value += e2, this._value += "\n", this._value += t2, this._value += "\n```\n", this;
function Q(e2) {
return J(e2) ? !e2.value : !Array.isArray(e2) || e2.every(Q);
function J(e2) {
return e2 instanceof X || !(!e2 || "object" != typeof e2) && !("string" != typeof e2.value || "boolean" != typeof e2.isTrusted && void 0 !== e2.isTrusted || "boolean" != typeof e2.supportThemeIcons && void 0 !== e2.supportThemeIcons);
function ee(e2, t2) {
return e2 === t2 || !(!e2 || !t2) && (e2.value === t2.value && e2.isTrusted === t2.isTrusted && e2.supportThemeIcons === t2.supportThemeIcons);
function te(e2) {
return e2 ? e2.replace(/\\([\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!])/g, "$1") : e2;
var ne = n(66), ie = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, oe = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, re = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const se = new K.c("selectionAnchorSet", false);
let ae = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2) {
this.editor = e3, this.selectionAnchorSetContextKey = se.bindTo(t2), this.modelChangeListener = e3.onDidChangeModel(() => this.selectionAnchorSetContextKey.reset());
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
setSelectionAnchor() {
if (this.editor.hasModel()) {
const e3 = this.editor.getPosition(), t2 = this.decorationId ? [this.decorationId] : [], n2 = this.editor.deltaDecorations(t2, [{range: q.a.fromPositions(e3, e3), options: {stickiness: 1, hoverMessage: new X().appendText(Object(U.a)("selectionAnchor", "Selection Anchor")), className: "selection-anchor"}}]);
this.decorationId = n2[0], this.selectionAnchorSetContextKey.set(!!this.decorationId), Object(ne.a)(Object(U.a)("anchorSet", "Anchor set at {0}:{1}", e3.lineNumber, e3.column));
goToSelectionAnchor() {
if (this.editor.hasModel() && this.decorationId) {
const e3 = this.editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(this.decorationId);
e3 && this.editor.setPosition(e3.getStartPosition());
selectFromAnchorToCursor() {
if (this.editor.hasModel() && this.decorationId) {
const e3 = this.editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(this.decorationId);
if (e3) {
const t2 = this.editor.getPosition();
this.editor.setSelection(q.a.fromPositions(e3.getStartPosition(), t2)), this.cancelSelectionAnchor();
cancelSelectionAnchor() {
this.decorationId && (this.editor.deltaDecorations([this.decorationId], []), this.decorationId = void 0, this.selectionAnchorSetContextKey.set(false));
dispose() {
this.cancelSelectionAnchor(), this.modelChangeListener.dispose();
ae.ID = "editor.contrib.selectionAnchorController", ae = ie([oe(1, K.b)], ae);
class le extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.setSelectionAnchor", label: Object(U.a)("setSelectionAnchor", "Set Selection Anchor"), alias: "Set Selection Anchor", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2080), weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
return re(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
class ce extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.goToSelectionAnchor", label: Object(U.a)("goToSelectionAnchor", "Go to Selection Anchor"), alias: "Go to Selection Anchor", precondition: se});
run(e2, t2) {
return re(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
class de extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.selectFromAnchorToCursor", label: Object(U.a)("selectFromAnchorToCursor", "Select from Anchor to Cursor"), alias: "Select from Anchor to Cursor", precondition: se, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2089), weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
return re(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
class he extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.cancelSelectionAnchor", label: Object(U.a)("cancelSelectionAnchor", "Cancel Selection Anchor"), alias: "Cancel Selection Anchor", precondition: se, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 9, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
return re(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
Object(V.m)(ae.ID, ae), Object(V.k)(le), Object(V.k)(ce), Object(V.k)(de), Object(V.k)(he);
var ue = n(20), pe = n(2), me = n(9), ge = n(3), fe = n(58), be = n(30), _e = n(57), ve = n(5), we = n(19), ye = n(24);
const Ce = Object(ve.gc)("editorOverviewRuler.bracketMatchForeground", {dark: "#A0A0A0", light: "#A0A0A0", hc: "#A0A0A0"}, U.a("overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground", "Overview ruler marker color for matching brackets."));
class xe extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.jumpToBracket", label: U.a("smartSelect.jumpBracket", "Go to Bracket"), alias: "Go to Bracket", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 3160, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Ee.get(t2);
n2 && n2.jumpToBracket();
class Se extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.selectToBracket", label: U.a("smartSelect.selectToBracket", "Select to Bracket"), alias: "Select to Bracket", precondition: void 0, description: {description: "Select to Bracket", args: [{name: "args", schema: {type: "object", properties: {selectBrackets: {type: "boolean", default: true}}}}]}});
run(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = Ee.get(t2);
if (!i2)
let o2 = true;
n2 && false === n2.selectBrackets && (o2 = false), i2.selectToBracket(o2);
class ke {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.position = e2, this.brackets = t2, this.options = n2;
class Ee extends pe.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._editor = e2, this._lastBracketsData = [], this._lastVersionId = 0, this._decorations = [], this._updateBracketsSoon = this._register(new ue.d(() => this._updateBrackets(), 50)), this._matchBrackets = this._editor.getOption(55), this._updateBracketsSoon.schedule(), this._register(e2.onDidChangeCursorPosition((e3) => {
"never" !== this._matchBrackets && this._updateBracketsSoon.schedule();
})), this._register(e2.onDidChangeModelContent((e3) => {
})), this._register(e2.onDidChangeModel((e3) => {
this._lastBracketsData = [], this._decorations = [], this._updateBracketsSoon.schedule();
})), this._register(e2.onDidChangeModelLanguageConfiguration((e3) => {
this._lastBracketsData = [], this._updateBracketsSoon.schedule();
})), this._register(e2.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.hasChanged(55) && (this._matchBrackets = this._editor.getOption(55), this._decorations = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._decorations, []), this._lastBracketsData = [], this._lastVersionId = 0, this._updateBracketsSoon.schedule());
static get(e2) {
return e2.getContribution(Ee.ID);
jumpToBracket() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const e2 = this._editor.getModel(), t2 = this._editor.getSelections().map((t3) => {
const n2 = t3.getStartPosition(), i2 = e2.matchBracket(n2);
let o2 = null;
if (i2)
i2[0].containsPosition(n2) ? o2 = i2[1].getStartPosition() : i2[1].containsPosition(n2) && (o2 = i2[0].getStartPosition());
else {
const t4 = e2.findEnclosingBrackets(n2);
if (t4)
o2 = t4[0].getStartPosition();
else {
const t5 = e2.findNextBracket(n2);
t5 && t5.range && (o2 = t5.range.getStartPosition());
return o2 ? new q.a(o2.lineNumber, o2.column, o2.lineNumber, o2.column) : new q.a(n2.lineNumber, n2.column, n2.lineNumber, n2.column);
this._editor.setSelections(t2), this._editor.revealRange(t2[0]);
selectToBracket(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const t2 = this._editor.getModel(), n2 = [];
this._editor.getSelections().forEach((i2) => {
const o2 = i2.getStartPosition();
let r2 = t2.matchBracket(o2);
if (!r2 && (r2 = t2.findEnclosingBrackets(o2), !r2)) {
const e3 = t2.findNextBracket(o2);
e3 && e3.range && (r2 = t2.matchBracket(e3.range.getStartPosition()));
let s2 = null, a2 = null;
if (r2) {
const [t3, n3] = r2;
s2 = e2 ? t3.getStartPosition() : t3.getEndPosition(), a2 = e2 ? n3.getEndPosition() : n3.getStartPosition();
s2 && a2 && n2.push(new q.a(s2.lineNumber, s2.column, a2.lineNumber, a2.column));
}), n2.length > 0 && (this._editor.setSelections(n2), this._editor.revealRange(n2[0]));
_updateBrackets() {
if ("never" === this._matchBrackets)
let e2 = [], t2 = 0;
for (const n2 of this._lastBracketsData) {
let i2 = n2.brackets;
i2 && (e2[t2++] = {range: i2[0], options: n2.options}, e2[t2++] = {range: i2[1], options: n2.options});
this._decorations = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._decorations, e2);
_recomputeBrackets() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return this._lastBracketsData = [], void (this._lastVersionId = 0);
const e2 = this._editor.getSelections();
if (e2.length > 100)
return this._lastBracketsData = [], void (this._lastVersionId = 0);
const t2 = this._editor.getModel(), n2 = t2.getVersionId();
let i2 = [];
this._lastVersionId === n2 && (i2 = this._lastBracketsData);
let o2 = [], r2 = 0;
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = e2.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
let n4 = e2[t3];
n4.isEmpty() && (o2[r2++] = n4.getStartPosition());
o2.length > 1 && o2.sort(;
let s2 = [], a2 = 0, l2 = 0, c2 = i2.length;
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = o2.length; e3 < n3; e3++) {
let n4 = o2[e3];
for (; l2 < c2 && i2[l2].position.isBefore(n4); )
if (l2 < c2 && i2[l2].position.equals(n4))
s2[a2++] = i2[l2];
else {
let e4 = t2.matchBracket(n4), i3 = Ee._DECORATION_OPTIONS_WITH_OVERVIEW_RULER;
e4 || "always" !== this._matchBrackets || (e4 = t2.findEnclosingBrackets(n4, 20), i3 = Ee._DECORATION_OPTIONS_WITHOUT_OVERVIEW_RULER), s2[a2++] = new ke(n4, e4, i3);
this._lastBracketsData = s2, this._lastVersionId = n2;
Ee.ID = "editor.contrib.bracketMatchingController", Ee._DECORATION_OPTIONS_WITH_OVERVIEW_RULER = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "bracket-match", overviewRuler: {color: Object(we.h)(Ce), position: fe.d.Center}}), Ee._DECORATION_OPTIONS_WITHOUT_OVERVIEW_RULER = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "bracket-match"}), Object(V.m)(Ee.ID, Ee), Object(V.k)(Se), Object(V.k)(xe), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(_e.c);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .bracket-match { background-color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(_e.d);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .bracket-match { border: 1px solid ${i2}; }`);
}), ye.d.appendMenuItem(ye.b.MenubarGoMenu, {group: "5_infile_nav", command: {id: "editor.action.jumpToBracket", title: U.a({key: "miGoToBracket", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Go to &&Bracket")}, order: 2});
class Te {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._selection = e2, this._isMovingLeft = t2;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
if (this._selection.startLineNumber !== this._selection.endLineNumber || this._selection.isEmpty())
const n2 = this._selection.startLineNumber, i2 = this._selection.startColumn, o2 = this._selection.endColumn;
if ((!this._isMovingLeft || 1 !== i2) && (this._isMovingLeft || o2 !== e2.getLineMaxColumn(n2)))
if (this._isMovingLeft) {
const r2 = new ge.a(n2, i2 - 1, n2, i2), s2 = e2.getValueInRange(r2);
t2.addEditOperation(r2, null), t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(n2, o2, n2, o2), s2);
} else {
const r2 = new ge.a(n2, o2, n2, o2 + 1), s2 = e2.getValueInRange(r2);
t2.addEditOperation(r2, null), t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(n2, i2, n2, i2), s2);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
return this._isMovingLeft ? new q.a(this._selection.startLineNumber, this._selection.startColumn - 1, this._selection.endLineNumber, this._selection.endColumn - 1) : new q.a(this._selection.startLineNumber, this._selection.startColumn + 1, this._selection.endLineNumber, this._selection.endColumn + 1);
class Le extends V.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this.left = e2;
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
let n2 = [], i2 = t2.getSelections();
for (const e3 of i2)
n2.push(new Te(e3, this.left));
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, n2), t2.pushUndoStop();
Object(V.k)(class extends Le {
constructor() {
super(true, {id: "editor.action.moveCarretLeftAction", label: U.a("caret.moveLeft", "Move Selected Text Left"), alias: "Move Selected Text Left", precondition: H.a.writable});
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Le {
constructor() {
super(false, {id: "editor.action.moveCarretRightAction", label: U.a("caret.moveRight", "Move Selected Text Right"), alias: "Move Selected Text Right", precondition: H.a.writable});
var Ne = n(62), Ie = n(81);
class Oe extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.transposeLetters", label: U.a("transposeLetters.label", "Transpose Letters"), alias: "Transpose Letters", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 306}, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
let n2 = t2.getModel(), i2 = [], o2 = t2.getSelections();
for (let e3 of o2) {
if (!e3.isEmpty())
let t3 = e3.startLineNumber, o3 = e3.startColumn, r2 = n2.getLineMaxColumn(t3);
if (1 === t3 && (1 === o3 || 2 === o3 && 2 === r2))
let s2 = o3 === r2 ? e3.getPosition() : Ie.a.rightPosition(n2, e3.getPosition().lineNumber, e3.getPosition().column), a2 = Ie.a.leftPosition(n2, s2.lineNumber, s2.column), l2 = Ie.a.leftPosition(n2, a2.lineNumber, a2.column), c2 = n2.getValueInRange(ge.a.fromPositions(l2, a2)), d2 = n2.getValueInRange(ge.a.fromPositions(a2, s2)), h2 = ge.a.fromPositions(l2, s2);
i2.push(new Ne.a(h2, d2 + c2));
i2.length > 0 && (t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, i2), t2.pushUndoStop());
var De = n(34), Ae = n(11), Re = n(167), Me = n(41), Pe = n(121), Fe = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const We = Ae.g || document.queryCommandSupported("cut"), ze = Ae.g || document.queryCommandSupported("copy"), Be = ze && !De.f, je = !De.h || document.queryCommandSupported("paste");
function Ve(e2) {
return e2.register(), e2;
const Ue = We ? Ve(new V.e({id: "editor.action.clipboardCutAction", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: Ae.g ? {primary: 2102, win: {primary: 2102, secondary: [1044]}, weight: 100} : void 0, menuOpts: [{menuId: ye.b.MenubarEditMenu, group: "2_ccp", title: U.a({key: "miCut", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Cu&&t"), order: 1}, {menuId: ye.b.EditorContext, group: "9_cutcopypaste", title: U.a("actions.clipboard.cutLabel", "Cut"), when: H.a.writable, order: 1}, {menuId: ye.b.CommandPalette, group: "", title: U.a("actions.clipboard.cutLabel", "Cut"), order: 1}]})) : void 0, He = ze ? Ve(new V.e({id: "editor.action.clipboardCopyAction", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: Ae.g ? {primary: 2081, win: {primary: 2081, secondary: [2067]}, weight: 100} : void 0, menuOpts: [{menuId: ye.b.MenubarEditMenu, group: "2_ccp", title: U.a({key: "miCopy", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Copy"), order: 2}, {menuId: ye.b.EditorContext, group: "9_cutcopypaste", title: U.a("actions.clipboard.copyLabel", "Copy"), order: 2}, {menuId: ye.b.CommandPalette, group: "", title: U.a("actions.clipboard.copyLabel", "Copy"), order: 1}]})) : void 0, qe = je ? Ve(new V.e({id: "editor.action.clipboardPasteAction", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: Ae.g ? {primary: 2100, win: {primary: 2100, secondary: [1043]}, linux: {primary: 2100, secondary: [1043]}, weight: 100} : void 0, menuOpts: [{menuId: ye.b.MenubarEditMenu, group: "2_ccp", title: U.a({key: "miPaste", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Paste"), order: 3}, {menuId: ye.b.EditorContext, group: "9_cutcopypaste", title: U.a("actions.clipboard.pasteLabel", "Paste"), when: H.a.writable, order: 3}, {menuId: ye.b.CommandPalette, group: "", title: U.a("actions.clipboard.pasteLabel", "Paste"), order: 1}]})) : void 0;
class $e extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.clipboardCopyWithSyntaxHighlightingAction", label: U.a("actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel", "Copy With Syntax Highlighting"), alias: "Copy With Syntax Highlighting", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
!t2.getOption(26) && t2.getSelection().isEmpty() || (Re.a.forceCopyWithSyntaxHighlighting = true, t2.focus(), document.execCommand("copy"), Re.a.forceCopyWithSyntaxHighlighting = false);
function Ke(e2, t2) {
e2 && (e2.addImplementation(1e4, (e3, n2) => {
const i2 = e3.get(Me.a).getFocusedCodeEditor();
if (i2 && i2.hasTextFocus()) {
const e4 = i2.getOption(26), n3 = i2.getSelection();
return n3 && n3.isEmpty() && !e4 || document.execCommand(t2), true;
return false;
}), e2.addImplementation(0, (e3, n2) => (document.execCommand(t2), true)));
Ke(Ue, "cut"), Ke(He, "copy"), qe && (qe.addImplementation(1e4, (e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.get(Me.a), i2 = e2.get(Pe.a), o2 = n2.getFocusedCodeEditor();
if (o2 && o2.hasTextFocus()) {
return !(!document.execCommand("paste") && Ae.h) || (Fe(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const e3 = yield i2.readText();
if ("" !== e3) {
const t3 = Re.b.INSTANCE.get(e3);
let n3 = false, i3 = null, r2 = null;
t3 && (n3 = o2.getOption(26) && !!t3.isFromEmptySelection, i3 = void 0 !== t3.multicursorText ? t3.multicursorText : null, r2 = t3.mode), o2.trigger("keyboard", "paste", {text: e3, pasteOnNewLine: n3, multicursorText: i3, mode: r2});
}), true);
return false;
}), qe.addImplementation(0, (e2, t2) => (document.execCommand("paste"), true))), Be && Object(V.k)($e);
class Ge {
constructor(e2) {
this.executor = e2, this._didRun = false;
getValue() {
if (!this._didRun)
try {
this._value = this.executor();
} catch (e2) {
this._error = e2;
} finally {
this._didRun = true;
if (this._error)
throw this._error;
return this._value;
get rawValue() {
return this._value;
var Ye = n(8), Ze = n(148), Xe = n(25), Qe = n(23), Je = n(88), et = n(12), tt = n(64);
class nt {
constructor(e2) {
this.value = e2;
equals(e2) {
return this.value === e2.value;
contains(e2) {
return this.equals(e2) || "" === this.value || Object(Ye.S)(e2.value, this.value + nt.sep);
intersects(e2) {
return this.contains(e2) || e2.contains(this);
append(e2) {
return new nt(this.value + nt.sep + e2);
function it(e2, t2, n2) {
return !!t2.contains(e2) && (!n2 || !t2.contains(n2));
nt.sep = ".", nt.None = new nt("@@none@@"), nt.Empty = new nt(""), nt.QuickFix = new nt("quickfix"), nt.Refactor = new nt("refactor"), nt.Source = new nt("source"), nt.SourceOrganizeImports = nt.Source.append("organizeImports"), nt.SourceFixAll = nt.Source.append("fixAll");
class ot {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.kind = e2, this.apply = t2, this.preferred = n2;
static fromUser(e2, t2) {
return e2 && "object" == typeof e2 ? new ot(ot.getKindFromUser(e2, t2.kind), ot.getApplyFromUser(e2, t2.apply), ot.getPreferredUser(e2)) : new ot(t2.kind, t2.apply, false);
static getApplyFromUser(e2, t2) {
switch ("string" == typeof e2.apply ? e2.apply.toLowerCase() : "") {
case "first":
return "first";
case "never":
return "never";
case "ifsingle":
return "ifSingle";
return t2;
static getKindFromUser(e2, t2) {
return "string" == typeof e2.kind ? new nt(e2.kind) : t2;
static getPreferredUser(e2) {
return "boolean" == typeof e2.preferred && e2.preferred;
var rt = n(83), st = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class at extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this.documentation = t2, this._register(n2), this.allActions = Object(G.p)([...e2], at.codeActionsComparator), this.validActions = this.allActions.filter((e3) => !e3.disabled);
static codeActionsComparator(e2, t2) {
return e2.isPreferred && !t2.isPreferred ? -1 : !e2.isPreferred && t2.isPreferred ? 1 : Object(G.o)(e2.diagnostics) ? Object(G.o)(t2.diagnostics) ? e2.diagnostics[0].message.localeCompare(t2.diagnostics[0].message) : -1 : Object(G.o)(t2.diagnostics) ? 1 : 0;
get hasAutoFix() {
return this.validActions.some((e2) => !!e2.kind && nt.QuickFix.contains(new nt(e2.kind)) && !!e2.isPreferred);
const lt = {actions: [], documentation: void 0};
function ct(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
var r2;
const s2 = n2.filter || {}, a2 = {only: null === (r2 = s2.include) || void 0 === r2 ? void 0 : r2.value, trigger: n2.type}, l2 = new Je.d(e2, o2), c2 = function(e3, t3) {
return et.a.all(e3).filter((e4) => !e4.providedCodeActionKinds || e4.providedCodeActionKinds.some((e5) => function(e6, t4) {
return !(e6.include && !e6.include.intersects(t4)) && ((!e6.excludes || !e6.excludes.some((n3) => it(t4, n3, e6.include))) && !(!e6.includeSourceActions && nt.Source.contains(t4)));
}(t3, new nt(e5))));
}(e2, s2), d2 = new pe.b(), h2 = => st(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
try {;
const o3 = yield n3.provideCodeActions(e2, t2, a2, l2.token);
if (o3 && d2.add(o3), l2.token.isCancellationRequested)
return lt;
const r3 = ((null == o3 ? void 0 : o3.actions) || []).filter((e3) => e3 && function(e4, t3) {
const n4 = t3.kind ? new nt(t3.kind) : void 0;
return !!(!e4.include || n4 && e4.include.contains(n4)) && (!(e4.excludes && n4 && e4.excludes.some((t4) => it(n4, t4, e4.include))) && (!(!e4.includeSourceActions && n4 && nt.Source.contains(n4)) && !(e4.onlyIncludePreferredActions && !t3.isPreferred)));
}(s2, e3));
return {actions: r3, documentation: function(e3, t3, n4) {
if (!e3.documentation)
const i3 = => ({kind: new nt(e4.kind), command: e4.command}));
if (n4) {
let e4;
for (const t4 of i3)
t4.kind.contains(n4) && (e4 ? e4.kind.contains(t4.kind) && (e4 = t4) : e4 = t4);
if (e4)
return null == e4 ? void 0 : e4.command;
for (const e4 of t3)
if (e4.kind) {
for (const t4 of i3)
if (t4.kind.contains(new nt(e4.kind)))
return t4.command;
}(n3, r3, s2.include)};
} catch (e3) {
if (Object(Z.d)(e3))
throw e3;
return Object(Z.f)(e3), lt;
})), u2 = et.a.onDidChange(() => {
const t3 = et.a.all(e2);
Object(G.g)(t3, c2) || l2.cancel();
return Promise.all(h2).then((e3) => {
const t3 = Object(G.l)( => e4.actions)), n3 = Object(G.d)( => e4.documentation));
return new at(t3, n3, d2);
}).finally(() => {
u2.dispose(), l2.dispose();
Object(V.o)("_executeCodeActionProvider", function(e2, t2) {
return st(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const {resource: n2, rangeOrSelection: i2, kind: o2} = t2;
if (!(n2 instanceof Qe.a))
throw Object(Z.b)();
const r2 = e2.get(tt.a).getModel(n2);
if (!r2)
throw Object(Z.b)();
const s2 = q.a.isISelection(i2) ? q.a.liftSelection(i2) : ge.a.isIRange(i2) ? r2.validateRange(i2) : void 0;
if (!s2)
throw Object(Z.b)();
const a2 = yield ct(r2, s2, {type: 2, filter: {includeSourceActions: true, include: o2 && o2.value ? new nt(o2.value) : void 0}}, rt.b.None, Xe.a.None);
return setTimeout(() => a2.dispose(), 100), a2.validActions;
var dt = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, ht = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let ut = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(t2, n2) {
super(), this._messageWidget = this._register(new pe.d()), this._messageListeners = this._register(new pe.b()), this._editor = t2, this._visible = e2.MESSAGE_VISIBLE.bindTo(n2), this._register(this._editor.onDidAttemptReadOnlyEdit(() => this._onDidAttemptReadOnlyEdit()));
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._visible.reset();
showMessage(e3, t2) {
let n2;
Object(ne.a)(e3), this._visible.set(true), this._messageWidget.clear(), this._messageListeners.clear(), this._messageWidget.value = new mt(this._editor, t2, e3), this._messageListeners.add(this._editor.onDidBlurEditorText(() => this.closeMessage())), this._messageListeners.add(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(() => this.closeMessage())), this._messageListeners.add(this._editor.onDidDispose(() => this.closeMessage())), this._messageListeners.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => this.closeMessage())), this._messageListeners.add(new ue.e(() => this.closeMessage(), 3e3)), this._messageListeners.add(this._editor.onMouseMove((e4) => { && (n2 ? n2.containsPosition( || this.closeMessage() : n2 = new ge.a(t2.lineNumber - 3, 1, + 3, 1));
closeMessage() {
this._visible.reset(), this._messageListeners.clear(), this._messageWidget.value && this._messageListeners.add(mt.fadeOut(this._messageWidget.value));
_onDidAttemptReadOnlyEdit() {
this._editor.hasModel() && this.showMessage(U.a("editor.readonly", "Cannot edit in read-only editor"), this._editor.getPosition());
ut.ID = "editor.contrib.messageController", ut.MESSAGE_VISIBLE = new K.c("messageVisible", false), ut = dt([ht(1, K.b)], ut);
const pt = V.c.bindToContribution(ut.get);
Object(V.l)(new pt({id: "leaveEditorMessage", precondition: ut.MESSAGE_VISIBLE, handler: (e2) => e2.closeMessage(), kbOpts: {weight: 130, primary: 9}}));
class mt {
constructor(e2, {lineNumber: t2, column: n2}, i2) {
this.allowEditorOverflow = true, this.suppressMouseDown = false, this._editor = e2, this._editor.revealLinesInCenterIfOutsideViewport(t2, t2, 0), this._position = {lineNumber: t2, column: n2 - 1}, this._domNode = document.createElement("div"), this._domNode.classList.add("monaco-editor-overlaymessage");
const o2 = document.createElement("div");
o2.classList.add("message"), o2.textContent = i2, this._domNode.appendChild(o2);
const r2 = document.createElement("div");
r2.classList.add("anchor"), this._domNode.appendChild(r2), this._editor.addContentWidget(this), this._domNode.classList.add("fadeIn");
static fadeOut(e2) {
let t2;
const n2 = () => {
e2.dispose(), clearTimeout(t2), e2.getDomNode().removeEventListener("animationend", n2);
return t2 = setTimeout(n2, 110), e2.getDomNode().addEventListener("animationend", n2), e2.getDomNode().classList.add("fadeOut"), {dispose: n2};
dispose() {
getId() {
return "messageoverlay";
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
getPosition() {
return {position: this._position, preference: [1, 2]};
Object(V.m)(ut.ID, ut), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.mb);
if (n2) {
let i3 = e2.type === we.b ? 2 : 1;
t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-editor-overlaymessage .anchor { border-top-color: ${n2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-editor-overlaymessage .message { border: ${i3}px solid ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(;
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-editor-overlaymessage .message { background-color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(ve.nb);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-editor-overlaymessage .message { color: ${o2}; }`);
var gt = n(18), ft = n(1), bt = n(60), _t = n(84), vt = n(50), wt = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, yt = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Ct = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class xt extends bt.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2.command ? : e2.title, e2.title, void 0, !e2.disabled, t2), this.action = e2;
let St = class extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._editor = e2, this._delegate = t2, this._contextMenuService = n2, this._visible = false, this._showingActions = this._register(new pe.d()), this._keybindingResolver = new kt({getKeybindings: () => i2.getKeybindings()});
get isVisible() {
return this._visible;
show(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return Ct(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const o2 = i2.includeDisabledActions ? t2.allActions : t2.validActions;
if (!o2.length)
return void (this._visible = false);
if (!this._editor.getDomNode())
throw this._visible = false, Object(Z.a)();
this._visible = true, this._showingActions.value = t2;
const r2 = this.getMenuActions(e2, o2, t2.documentation), s2 = me.a.isIPosition(n2) ? this._toCoords(n2) : n2 || {x: 0, y: 0}, a2 = this._keybindingResolver.getResolver();
this._contextMenuService.showContextMenu({domForShadowRoot: this._editor.getDomNode(), getAnchor: () => s2, getActions: () => r2, onHide: () => {
this._visible = false, this._editor.focus();
}, autoSelectFirstItem: true, getKeyBinding: (e3) => e3 instanceof xt ? a2(e3.action) : void 0});
getMenuActions(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2, o2;
const r2 = (e3) => new xt(e3, () => this._delegate.onSelectCodeAction(e3)), s2 =, a2 = [...n2], l2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (l2 && s2.length)
for (const n3 of et.a.all(l2))
n3._getAdditionalMenuItems && a2.push(...n3._getAdditionalMenuItems({trigger: e2.type, only: null === (o2 = null === (i2 = e2.filter) || void 0 === i2 ? void 0 : i2.include) || void 0 === o2 ? void 0 : o2.value}, t2));
return a2.length && s2.push(new bt.c(), => r2({title: e3.title, command: e3}))), s2;
_toCoords(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return {x: 0, y: 0};
this._editor.revealPosition(e2, 1), this._editor.render();
const t2 = this._editor.getScrolledVisiblePosition(e2), n2 = Object(ft.C)(this._editor.getDomNode());
return {x: n2.left + t2.left, y: + + t2.height};
St = wt([yt(2, _t.a), yt(3, vt.a)], St);
class kt {
constructor(e2) {
this._keybindingProvider = e2;
getResolver() {
const e2 = new Ge(() => this._keybindingProvider.getKeybindings().filter((e3) => kt.codeActionCommands.indexOf(e3.command) >= 0).filter((e3) => e3.resolvedKeybinding).map((e3) => {
let t2 = e3.commandArgs;
return "editor.action.organizeImports" === e3.command ? t2 = {kind: nt.SourceOrganizeImports.value} : "editor.action.fixAll" === e3.command && (t2 = {kind: nt.SourceFixAll.value}), Object.assign({resolvedKeybinding: e3.resolvedKeybinding}, ot.fromUser(t2, {kind: nt.None, apply: "never"}));
return (t2) => {
if (t2.kind) {
const n2 = this.bestKeybindingForCodeAction(t2, e2.getValue());
return null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.resolvedKeybinding;
bestKeybindingForCodeAction(e2, t2) {
if (!e2.kind)
const n2 = new nt(e2.kind);
return t2.filter((e3) => e3.kind.contains(n2)).filter((t3) => !t3.preferred || e2.isPreferred).reduceRight((e3, t3) => e3 ? e3.kind.contains(t3.kind) ? t3 : e3 : t3, void 0);
kt.codeActionCommands = ["editor.action.refactor", "editor.action.codeAction", "editor.action.sourceAction", "editor.action.organizeImports", "editor.action.fixAll"];
var Et, Tt = n(103), Lt = n(6), Nt = (n(287), n(61)), It = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Ot = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
!function(e2) {
e2.Hidden = {type: 0};
e2.Showing = class {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this.actions = e3, this.trigger = t2, this.editorPosition = n2, this.widgetPosition = i2, this.type = 1;
}(Et || (Et = {}));
let Dt = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._editor = e3, this._quickFixActionId = t2, this._preferredFixActionId = n2, this._keybindingService = i2, this._onClick = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onClick = this._onClick.event, this._state = Et.Hidden, this._domNode = document.createElement("div"), this._domNode.className = Y.a.lightBulb.classNames, this._editor.addContentWidget(this), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent((e4) => {
const t3 = this._editor.getModel();
(1 !== this.state.type || !t3 || this.state.editorPosition.lineNumber >= t3.getLineCount()) && this.hide();
})), Nt.b.ignoreTarget(this._domNode), this._register(ft.m(this._domNode, (e4) => {
if (1 !== this.state.type)
this._editor.focus(), e4.preventDefault();
const {top: t3, height: n3} = ft.C(this._domNode), i3 = this._editor.getOption(51);
let o2 = Math.floor(i3 / 3);
null !== this.state.widgetPosition.position && this.state.widgetPosition.position.lineNumber < this.state.editorPosition.lineNumber && (o2 += i3),{x: e4.posx, y: t3 + n3 + o2, actions: this.state.actions, trigger: this.state.trigger});
})), this._register(ft.i(this._domNode, "mouseenter", (e4) => {
if (1 != (1 & e4.buttons))
const t3 = new Tt.a();
t3.startMonitoring(, e4.buttons, Tt.b, () => {
}, () => {
})), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e4) => {
e4.hasChanged(49) && !this._editor.getOption(49).enabled && this.hide();
})), this._updateLightBulbTitleAndIcon(), this._register(this._keybindingService.onDidUpdateKeybindings(this._updateLightBulbTitleAndIcon, this));
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._editor.removeContentWidget(this);
getId() {
return "LightBulbWidget";
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
getPosition() {
return 1 === this._state.type ? this._state.widgetPosition : null;
update(t2, n2, i2) {
if (t2.validActions.length <= 0)
return this.hide();
const o2 = this._editor.getOptions();
if (!o2.get(49).enabled)
return this.hide();
const r2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (!r2)
return this.hide();
const {lineNumber: s2, column: a2} = r2.validatePosition(i2), l2 = r2.getOptions().tabSize, c2 = o2.get(36), d2 = r2.getLineContent(s2), h2 = be.b.computeIndentLevel(d2, l2), u2 = (e3) => e3 > 2 && this._editor.getTopForLineNumber(e3) === this._editor.getTopForLineNumber(e3 - 1);
let p2 = s2;
if (!(c2.spaceWidth * h2 > 22))
if (s2 > 1 && !u2(s2 - 1))
p2 -= 1;
else if (u2(s2 + 1)) {
if (a2 * c2.spaceWidth < 22)
return this.hide();
} else
p2 += 1;
this.state = new Et.Showing(t2, n2, i2, {position: {lineNumber: p2, column: 1}, preference: e2._posPref}), this._editor.layoutContentWidget(this);
hide() {
this.state = Et.Hidden, this._editor.layoutContentWidget(this);
get state() {
return this._state;
set state(e3) {
this._state = e3, this._updateLightBulbTitleAndIcon();
_updateLightBulbTitleAndIcon() {
if (1 === this.state.type && this.state.actions.hasAutoFix) {
ft.R(this._domNode, Y.a.lightBulb.classNames), ft.f(this._domNode, Y.a.lightbulbAutofix.classNames);
const e4 = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(this._preferredFixActionId);
if (e4)
return void (this.title = U.a("prefferedQuickFixWithKb", "Show Fixes. Preferred Fix Available ({0})", e4.getLabel()));
ft.R(this._domNode, Y.a.lightbulbAutofix.classNames), ft.f(this._domNode, Y.a.lightBulb.classNames);
const e3 = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(this._quickFixActionId);
this.title = e3 ? U.a("quickFixWithKb", "Show Fixes ({0})", e3.getLabel()) : U.a("quickFix", "Show Fixes");
set title(e3) {
this._domNode.title = e3;
Dt._posPref = [0], Dt = It([Ot(3, vt.a)], Dt), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.N);
n2 && t2.addRule(`
.monaco-editor .contentWidgets ${Y.a.lightBulb.cssSelector} {
color: ${n2};
const i2 = e2.getColor(ve.M);
i2 && t2.addRule(`
.monaco-editor .contentWidgets ${Y.a.lightbulbAutofix.cssSelector} {
color: ${i2};
var At = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Rt = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Mt = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
let Pt = class extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
super(), this._editor = e2, this.delegate = i2, this._activeCodeActions = this._register(new pe.d()), this._codeActionWidget = new Ge(() => this._register(o2.createInstance(St, this._editor, {onSelectCodeAction: (e3) => Mt(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
this.delegate.applyCodeAction(e3, true);
})}))), this._lightBulbWidget = new Ge(() => {
const e3 = this._register(o2.createInstance(Dt, this._editor, t2, n2));
return this._register(e3.onClick((e4) => this.showCodeActionList(e4.trigger, e4.actions, e4, {includeDisabledActions: false}))), e3;
update(e2) {
var t2, n2, i2;
return Mt(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (1 !== e2.type)
return void (null === (t2 = this._lightBulbWidget.rawValue) || void 0 === t2 || t2.hide());
let o2;
try {
o2 = yield e2.actions;
} catch (e3) {
return void Object(Z.e)(e3);
if (this._lightBulbWidget.getValue().update(o2, e2.trigger, e2.position), 2 === e2.trigger.type) {
if (null === (n2 = e2.trigger.filter) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.include) {
const t4 = this.tryGetValidActionToApply(e2.trigger, o2);
if (t4) {
try {
yield this.delegate.applyCodeAction(t4, false);
} finally {
if (e2.trigger.context) {
const t5 = this.getInvalidActionThatWouldHaveBeenApplied(e2.trigger, o2);
if (t5 && t5.disabled)
return ut.get(this._editor).showMessage(t5.disabled, e2.trigger.context.position), void o2.dispose();
const t3 = !!(null === (i2 = e2.trigger.filter) || void 0 === i2 ? void 0 : i2.include);
if (e2.trigger.context && (!o2.allActions.length || !t3 && !o2.validActions.length))
return ut.get(this._editor).showMessage(e2.trigger.context.notAvailableMessage, e2.trigger.context.position), this._activeCodeActions.value = o2, void o2.dispose();
this._activeCodeActions.value = o2, this._codeActionWidget.getValue().show(e2.trigger, o2, e2.position, {includeDisabledActions: t3});
} else
this._codeActionWidget.getValue().isVisible ? o2.dispose() : this._activeCodeActions.value = o2;
getInvalidActionThatWouldHaveBeenApplied(e2, t2) {
if (t2.allActions.length)
return "first" === e2.autoApply && 0 === t2.validActions.length || "ifSingle" === e2.autoApply && 1 === t2.allActions.length ? t2.allActions.find((e3) => e3.disabled) : void 0;
tryGetValidActionToApply(e2, t2) {
if (t2.validActions.length)
return "first" === e2.autoApply && t2.validActions.length > 0 || "ifSingle" === e2.autoApply && 1 === t2.validActions.length ? t2.validActions[0] : void 0;
showCodeActionList(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return Mt(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
this._codeActionWidget.getValue().show(e2, t2, n2, i2);
Pt = At([Rt(4, gt.a)], Pt);
var Ft = n(27), Wt = n(63), zt = n(49), Bt = n(120), jt = n(51);
const Vt = new K.c("supportedCodeAction", "");
class Ut extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2 = 250) {
super(), this._editor = e2, this._markerService = t2, this._signalChange = n2, this._delay = i2, this._autoTriggerTimer = this._register(new ue.e()), this._register(this._markerService.onMarkerChanged((e3) => this._onMarkerChanges(e3))), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(() => this._onCursorChange()));
trigger(e2) {
const t2 = this._getRangeOfSelectionUnlessWhitespaceEnclosed(e2);
return this._createEventAndSignalChange(e2, t2);
_onMarkerChanges(e2) {
const t2 = this._editor.getModel();
t2 && e2.some((e3) => Object(jt.f)(e3, t2.uri)) && this._autoTriggerTimer.cancelAndSet(() => {
this.trigger({type: 1});
}, this._delay);
_onCursorChange() {
this._autoTriggerTimer.cancelAndSet(() => {
this.trigger({type: 1});
}, this._delay);
_getRangeOfMarker(e2) {
const t2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (t2)
for (const n2 of{resource: t2.uri})) {
const i2 = t2.validateRange(n2);
if (ge.a.intersectRanges(i2, e2))
return ge.a.lift(i2);
_getRangeOfSelectionUnlessWhitespaceEnclosed(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const t2 = this._editor.getModel(), n2 = this._editor.getSelection();
if (n2.isEmpty() && 1 === e2.type) {
const {lineNumber: e3, column: i2} = n2.getPosition(), o2 = t2.getLineContent(e3);
if (0 === o2.length)
if (1 === i2) {
if (/\s/.test(o2[0]))
} else if (i2 === t2.getLineMaxColumn(e3)) {
if (/\s/.test(o2[o2.length - 1]))
} else if (/\s/.test(o2[i2 - 2]) && /\s/.test(o2[i2 - 1]))
return n2;
_createEventAndSignalChange(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (!t2 || !n2)
return void this._signalChange(void 0);
const i2 = this._getRangeOfMarker(t2), o2 = i2 ? i2.getStartPosition() : t2.getStartPosition(), r2 = {trigger: e2, selection: t2, position: o2};
return this._signalChange(r2), r2;
var Ht;
!function(e2) {
e2.Empty = {type: 0};
e2.Triggered = class {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this.trigger = e3, this.rangeOrSelection = t2, this.position = n2, this.actions = i2, this.type = 1;
}(Ht || (Ht = {}));
class qt extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._editor = e2, this._markerService = t2, this._progressService = i2, this._codeActionOracle = this._register(new pe.d()), this._state = Ht.Empty, this._onDidChangeState = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onDidChangeState = this._onDidChangeState.event, this._supportedCodeActions = Vt.bindTo(n2), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => this._update())), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModelLanguage(() => this._update())), this._register(et.a.onDidChange(() => this._update())), this._update();
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this.setState(Ht.Empty, true);
_update() {
this._codeActionOracle.value = void 0, this.setState(Ht.Empty);
const e2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (e2 && et.a.has(e2) && !this._editor.getOption(72)) {
const t2 = [];
for (const n2 of et.a.all(e2))
Array.isArray(n2.providedCodeActionKinds) && t2.push(...n2.providedCodeActionKinds);
this._supportedCodeActions.set(t2.join(" ")), this._codeActionOracle.value = new Ut(this._editor, this._markerService, (t3) => {
var n2;
if (!t3)
return void this.setState(Ht.Empty);
const i2 = Object(ue.f)((n3) => ct(e2, t3.selection, t3.trigger, rt.b.None, n3));
2 === t3.trigger.type && (null === (n2 = this._progressService) || void 0 === n2 || n2.showWhile(i2, 250)), this.setState(new Ht.Triggered(t3.trigger, t3.selection, t3.position, i2));
}, void 0), this._codeActionOracle.value.trigger({type: 1});
} else
trigger(e2) {
this._codeActionOracle.value && this._codeActionOracle.value.trigger(e2);
setState(e2, t2) {
e2 !== this._state && (1 === this._state.type && this._state.actions.cancel(), this._state = e2, t2 ||;
var $t = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Kt = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Gt = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
function Yt(e2) {
return K.a.regex(Vt.keys()[0], new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + Object(Ye.v)(e2.value) + "\\b"));
const Zt = {type: "object", defaultSnippets: [{body: {kind: ""}}], properties: {kind: {type: "string", description: U.a("args.schema.kind", "Kind of the code action to run.")}, apply: {type: "string", description: U.a("args.schema.apply", "Controls when the returned actions are applied."), default: "ifSingle", enum: ["first", "ifSingle", "never"], enumDescriptions: [U.a("args.schema.apply.first", "Always apply the first returned code action."), U.a("args.schema.apply.ifSingle", "Apply the first returned code action if it is the only one."), U.a("args.schema.apply.never", "Do not apply the returned code actions.")]}, preferred: {type: "boolean", default: false, description: U.a("args.schema.preferred", "Controls if only preferred code actions should be returned.")}}};
let Xt = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
super(), this._instantiationService = o2, this._editor = e3, this._model = this._register(new qt(this._editor, t2, n2, i2)), this._register(this._model.onDidChangeState((e4) => this.update(e4))), this._ui = new Ge(() => this._register(new Pt(e3, en.Id, an.Id, {applyCodeAction: (e4, t3) => Gt(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
try {
yield this._applyCodeAction(e4);
} finally {
t3 && this._trigger({type: 1, filter: {}});
})}, this._instantiationService)));
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
update(e3) {
showCodeActions(e3, t2, n2) {
return this._ui.getValue().showCodeActionList(e3, t2, n2, {includeDisabledActions: false});
manualTriggerAtCurrentPosition(e3, t2, n2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const i2 = this._editor.getPosition();
this._trigger({type: 2, filter: t2, autoApply: n2, context: {notAvailableMessage: e3, position: i2}});
_trigger(e3) {
return this._model.trigger(e3);
_applyCodeAction(e3) {
return this._instantiationService.invokeFunction(Qt, e3, this._editor);
function Qt(e2, t2, n2) {
return Gt(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const i2 = e2.get(Ze.a), o2 = e2.get(Ft.b), r2 = e2.get(Bt.a), s2 = e2.get(zt.a);
if (r2.publicLog2("codeAction.applyCodeAction", {codeActionTitle: t2.title, codeActionKind: t2.kind, codeActionIsPreferred: !!t2.isPreferred}), t2.edit && (yield i2.apply(Ze.b.convert(t2.edit), {editor: n2, label: t2.title})), t2.command)
try {
yield o2.executeCommand(, ...t2.command.arguments || []);
} catch (e3) {
const t3 = function(e4) {
return "string" == typeof e4 ? e4 : e4 instanceof Error && "string" == typeof e4.message ? e4.message : void 0;
s2.error("string" == typeof t3 ? t3 : U.a("applyCodeActionFailed", "An unknown error occurred while applying the code action"));
function Jt(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (e2.hasModel()) {
const o2 = Xt.get(e2);
o2 && o2.manualTriggerAtCurrentPosition(t2, n2, i2);
Xt.ID = "editor.contrib.quickFixController", Xt = $t([Kt(1, Wt.b), Kt(2, K.b), Kt(3, rt.a), Kt(4, gt.a)], Xt);
class en extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: en.Id, label: U.a("quickfix.trigger.label", "Quick Fix..."), alias: "Quick Fix...", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, H.a.hasCodeActionsProvider), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 2132, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
return Jt(t2, U.a("editor.action.quickFix.noneMessage", "No code actions available"), void 0, void 0);
en.Id = "editor.action.quickFix";
class tn extends V.c {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.codeAction", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, H.a.hasCodeActionsProvider), description: {description: "Trigger a code action", args: [{name: "args", schema: Zt}]}});
runEditorCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = ot.fromUser(n2, {kind: nt.Empty, apply: "ifSingle"});
return Jt(t2, "string" == typeof (null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.kind) ? i2.preferred ? U.a("editor.action.codeAction.noneMessage.preferred.kind", "No preferred code actions for '{0}' available", n2.kind) : U.a("editor.action.codeAction.noneMessage.kind", "No code actions for '{0}' available", n2.kind) : i2.preferred ? U.a("editor.action.codeAction.noneMessage.preferred", "No preferred code actions available") : U.a("editor.action.codeAction.noneMessage", "No code actions available"), {include: i2.kind, includeSourceActions: true, onlyIncludePreferredActions: i2.preferred}, i2.apply);
class nn extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.refactor", label: U.a("refactor.label", "Refactor..."), alias: "Refactor...", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, H.a.hasCodeActionsProvider), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 3120, mac: {primary: 1328}, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {group: "1_modification", order: 2, when: K.a.and(H.a.writable, Yt(nt.Refactor))}, description: {description: "Refactor...", args: [{name: "args", schema: Zt}]}});
run(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = ot.fromUser(n2, {kind: nt.Refactor, apply: "never"});
return Jt(t2, "string" == typeof (null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.kind) ? i2.preferred ? U.a("editor.action.refactor.noneMessage.preferred.kind", "No preferred refactorings for '{0}' available", n2.kind) : U.a("editor.action.refactor.noneMessage.kind", "No refactorings for '{0}' available", n2.kind) : i2.preferred ? U.a("editor.action.refactor.noneMessage.preferred", "No preferred refactorings available") : U.a("editor.action.refactor.noneMessage", "No refactorings available"), {include: nt.Refactor.contains(i2.kind) ? i2.kind : nt.None, onlyIncludePreferredActions: i2.preferred}, i2.apply);
class on extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.sourceAction", label: U.a("source.label", "Source Action..."), alias: "Source Action...", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, H.a.hasCodeActionsProvider), contextMenuOpts: {group: "1_modification", order: 2.1, when: K.a.and(H.a.writable, Yt(nt.Source))}, description: {description: "Source Action...", args: [{name: "args", schema: Zt}]}});
run(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = ot.fromUser(n2, {kind: nt.Source, apply: "never"});
return Jt(t2, "string" == typeof (null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.kind) ? i2.preferred ? U.a("editor.action.source.noneMessage.preferred.kind", "No preferred source actions for '{0}' available", n2.kind) : U.a("editor.action.source.noneMessage.kind", "No source actions for '{0}' available", n2.kind) : i2.preferred ? U.a("editor.action.source.noneMessage.preferred", "No preferred source actions available") : U.a("editor.action.source.noneMessage", "No source actions available"), {include: nt.Source.contains(i2.kind) ? i2.kind : nt.None, includeSourceActions: true, onlyIncludePreferredActions: i2.preferred}, i2.apply);
class rn extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.organizeImports", label: U.a("organizeImports.label", "Organize Imports"), alias: "Organize Imports", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, Yt(nt.SourceOrganizeImports)), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1581, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
return Jt(t2, U.a("editor.action.organize.noneMessage", "No organize imports action available"), {include: nt.SourceOrganizeImports, includeSourceActions: true}, "ifSingle");
class sn extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.fixAll", label: U.a("fixAll.label", "Fix All"), alias: "Fix All", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, Yt(nt.SourceFixAll))});
run(e2, t2) {
return Jt(t2, U.a("fixAll.noneMessage", "No fix all action available"), {include: nt.SourceFixAll, includeSourceActions: true}, "ifSingle");
class an extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: an.Id, label: U.a("autoFix.label", "Auto Fix..."), alias: "Auto Fix...", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, Yt(nt.QuickFix)), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1620, mac: {primary: 2644}, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
return Jt(t2, U.a("editor.action.autoFix.noneMessage", "No auto fixes available"), {include: nt.QuickFix, onlyIncludePreferredActions: true}, "ifSingle");
an.Id = "editor.action.autoFix", Object(V.m)(Xt.ID, Xt), Object(V.k)(en), Object(V.k)(nn), Object(V.k)(on), Object(V.k)(rn), Object(V.k)(an), Object(V.k)(sn), Object(V.l)(new tn());
class ln {
constructor() {
this.lenses = [], this._disposables = new pe.b();
dispose() {
add(e2, t2) {
for (const n2 of e2.lenses)
this.lenses.push({symbol: n2, provider: t2});
function cn(e2, t2) {
const n2 = et.b.ordered(e2), i2 = new Map(), o2 = new ln(), r2 =, r3) => (i2.set(n3, r3), Promise.resolve(n3.provideCodeLenses(e2, t2)).then((e3) => e3 && o2.add(e3, n3)).catch(Z.f)));
return Promise.all(r2).then(() => (o2.lenses = Object(G.p)(o2.lenses, (e3, t3) => e3.symbol.range.startLineNumber < t3.symbol.range.startLineNumber ? -1 : e3.symbol.range.startLineNumber > t3.symbol.range.startLineNumber ? 1 : i2.get(e3.provider) < i2.get(t3.provider) ? -1 : i2.get(e3.provider) > i2.get(t3.provider) ? 1 : e3.symbol.range.startColumn < t3.symbol.range.startColumn ? -1 : e3.symbol.range.startColumn > t3.symbol.range.startColumn ? 1 : 0), o2));
Object(V.o)("_executeCodeLensProvider", function(e2, t2) {
let {resource: n2, itemResolveCount: i2} = t2;
if (!(n2 instanceof Qe.a))
throw Object(Z.b)();
const o2 = e2.get(tt.a).getModel(n2);
if (!o2)
throw Object(Z.b)();
const r2 = [], s2 = new pe.b();
return cn(o2, Xe.a.None).then((e3) => {
let t3 = [];
for (const n3 of e3.lenses)
void 0 === i2 || Boolean(n3.symbol.command) ? r2.push(n3.symbol) : i2-- > 0 && n3.provider.resolveCodeLens && t3.push(Promise.resolve(n3.provider.resolveCodeLens(o2, n3.symbol, Xe.a.None)).then((e4) => r2.push(e4 || n3.symbol)));
return Promise.all(t3);
}).then(() => r2).finally(() => {
setTimeout(() => s2.dispose(), 100);
class dn {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.afterLineNumber = e2, this._onHeight = t2, this.heightInLines = 1, this.suppressMouseDown = true, this.domNode = document.createElement("div");
onComputedHeight(e2) {
void 0 === this._lastHeight ? this._lastHeight = e2 : this._lastHeight !== e2 && (this._lastHeight = e2, this._onHeight());
class hn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.allowEditorOverflow = false, this.suppressMouseDown = true, this._commands = new Map(), this._isEmpty = true, this._editor = e2, this._id = "codelens.widget-" + hn._idPool++, this.updatePosition(n2), this._domNode = document.createElement("span"), this._domNode.className = "codelens-decoration " + t2;
withCommands(e2, t2) {
let n2 = "", i2 = false;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e2.length; t3++) {
const o2 = e2[t3];
if (o2 && (i2 = true, o2.command)) {
const i3 = Object(Y.f)(Object(Ye.u)(o2.command.title)); ? (n2 += `<a id=${t3}>${i3}</a>`, this._commands.set(String(t3), o2.command)) : n2 += `<span>${i3}</span>`, t3 + 1 < e2.length && (n2 += "<span>&#160;|&#160;</span>");
i2 ? (n2 || (n2 = " "), this._domNode.innerHTML = n2, this._isEmpty && t2 && this._domNode.classList.add("fadein"), this._isEmpty = false) : this._domNode.innerHTML = "<span>no commands</span>";
getCommand(e2) {
return e2.parentElement === this._domNode ? this._commands.get( : void 0;
getId() {
return this._id;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
updatePosition(e2) {
const t2 = this._editor.getModel().getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e2);
this._widgetPosition = {position: {lineNumber: e2, column: t2}, preference: [1]};
getPosition() {
return this._widgetPosition || null;
hn._idPool = 0;
class un {
constructor() {
this._removeDecorations = [], this._addDecorations = [], this._addDecorationsCallbacks = [];
addDecoration(e2, t2) {
this._addDecorations.push(e2), this._addDecorationsCallbacks.push(t2);
removeDecoration(e2) {
commit(e2) {
let t2 = e2.deltaDecorations(this._removeDecorations, this._addDecorations);
for (let e3 = 0, n2 = t2.length; e3 < n2; e3++)
class pn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
let s2;
this._isDisposed = false, this._editor = t2, this._className = n2, this._data = e2, this._decorationIds = [];
let a2 = [];
this._data.forEach((e3, t3) => {
e3.symbol.command && a2.push(e3.symbol), i2.addDecoration({range: e3.symbol.range, options: be.a.EMPTY}, (e4) => this._decorationIds[t3] = e4), s2 = s2 ? ge.a.plusRange(s2, e3.symbol.range) : ge.a.lift(e3.symbol.range);
}), this._viewZone = new dn(s2.startLineNumber - 1, r2), this._viewZoneId = o2.addZone(this._viewZone), a2.length > 0 && (this._createContentWidgetIfNecessary(), this._contentWidget.withCommands(a2, false));
_createContentWidgetIfNecessary() {
this._contentWidget || (this._contentWidget = new hn(this._editor, this._className, this._viewZone.afterLineNumber + 1), this._editor.addContentWidget(this._contentWidget));
dispose(e2, t2) {
this._decorationIds.forEach(e2.removeDecoration, e2), this._decorationIds = [], t2 && t2.removeZone(this._viewZoneId), this._contentWidget && (this._editor.removeContentWidget(this._contentWidget), this._contentWidget = void 0), this._isDisposed = true;
isDisposed() {
return this._isDisposed;
isValid() {
return this._decorationIds.some((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(e2), i2 = this._data[t2].symbol;
return !(!n2 || ge.a.isEmpty(i2.range) !== n2.isEmpty());
updateCodeLensSymbols(e2, t2) {
this._decorationIds.forEach(t2.removeDecoration, t2), this._decorationIds = [], this._data = e2, this._data.forEach((e3, n2) => {
t2.addDecoration({range: e3.symbol.range, options: be.a.EMPTY}, (e4) => this._decorationIds[n2] = e4);
computeIfNecessary(e2) {
if (!this._viewZone.domNode.hasAttribute("monaco-visible-view-zone"))
return null;
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this._decorationIds.length; t2++) {
const n2 = e2.getDecorationRange(this._decorationIds[t2]);
n2 && (this._data[t2].symbol.range = n2);
return this._data;
updateCommands(e2) {
this._createContentWidgetIfNecessary(), this._contentWidget.withCommands(e2, true);
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this._data.length; t2++) {
const n2 = e2[t2];
if (n2) {
const {symbol: e3} = this._data[t2];
e3.command = n2.command || e3.command;
getCommand(e2) {
var t2;
return null === (t2 = this._contentWidget) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.getCommand(e2);
getLineNumber() {
const e2 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(this._decorationIds[0]);
return e2 ? e2.startLineNumber : -1;
update(e2) {
if (this.isValid()) {
const t2 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(this._decorationIds[0]);
t2 && (this._viewZone.afterLineNumber = t2.startLineNumber - 1, e2.layoutZone(this._viewZoneId), this._contentWidget && (this._contentWidget.updatePosition(t2.startLineNumber), this._editor.layoutContentWidget(this._contentWidget)));
getItems() {
return this._data;
Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(_e.e);
n2 && (t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration { color: ${n2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration .codicon { color: ${n2}; }`));
const i2 = e2.getColor(ve.r);
i2 && (t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration > a:hover { color: ${i2} !important; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration > a:hover .codicon { color: ${i2} !important; }`));
var mn = n(115), gn = n(78), fn = n(97), bn = n(133), _n = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, vn = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
const wn = Object(gt.c)("ICodeLensCache");
class yn {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.lineCount = e2, = t2;
let Cn = class {
constructor(e2) {
this._fakeProvider = new class {
provideCodeLenses() {
throw new Error("not supported");
}(), this._cache = new gn.a(20, 0.75);
Object(ue.k)(() => e2.remove("codelens/cache", 1));
const t2 = "codelens/cache2", n2 = e2.get(t2, 1, "{}");
this._deserialize(n2), Object(bn.a)(e2.onWillSaveState)((n3) => {
n3.reason === fn.c.SHUTDOWN &&, this._serialize(), 1);
put(e2, t2) {
const n2 = => {
var t3;
return {range: e3.symbol.range, command: e3.symbol.command && {id: "", title: null === (t3 = e3.symbol.command) || void 0 === t3 ? void 0 : t3.title}};
}), i2 = new ln();
i2.add({lenses: n2, dispose: () => {
}}, this._fakeProvider);
const o2 = new yn(e2.getLineCount(), i2);
this._cache.set(e2.uri.toString(), o2);
get(e2) {
const t2 = this._cache.get(e2.uri.toString());
return t2 && t2.lineCount === e2.getLineCount() ? : void 0;
delete(e2) {
_serialize() {
const e2 = Object.create(null);
for (const [t2, n2] of this._cache) {
const i2 = new Set();
for (const e3 of
e2[t2] = {lineCount: n2.lineCount, lines: [...i2.values()]};
return JSON.stringify(e2);
_deserialize(e2) {
try {
const t2 = JSON.parse(e2);
for (const e3 in t2) {
const n2 = t2[e3], i2 = [];
for (const e4 of n2.lines)
i2.push({range: new ge.a(e4, 1, e4, 11)});
const o2 = new ln();
o2.add({lenses: i2, dispose() {
}}, this._fakeProvider), this._cache.set(e3, new yn(n2.lineCount, o2));
} catch (e3) {
Cn = _n([vn(0, fn.a)], Cn), Object(mn.b)(wn, Cn);
var xn = n(89), Sn = n(110), kn = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, En = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Tn = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
let Ln = class {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._editor = e2, this._commandService = t2, this._notificationService = n2, this._codeLensCache = i2, this._globalToDispose = new pe.b(), this._localToDispose = new pe.b(), this._lenses = [], this._oldCodeLensModels = new pe.b(), this._modelChangeCounter = 0, this._isEnabled = this._editor.getOption(11), this._globalToDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => this._onModelChange())), this._globalToDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModelLanguage(() => this._onModelChange())), this._globalToDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => {
const e3 = this._isEnabled;
this._isEnabled = this._editor.getOption(11), e3 !== this._isEnabled && this._onModelChange();
})), this._globalToDispose.add(et.b.onDidChange(this._onModelChange, this)), this._globalToDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.hasChanged(36) && this._updateLensStyle();
})), this._onModelChange(), this._styleClassName = "_" + Object(xn.b)(this._editor.getId()).toString(16), this._styleElement = ft.v(ft.O(this._editor.getContainerDomNode()) ? this._editor.getContainerDomNode() : void 0), this._updateLensStyle();
dispose() {
this._localDispose(), this._globalToDispose.dispose(), this._oldCodeLensModels.dispose(), Object(pe.f)(this._currentCodeLensModel);
_updateLensStyle() {
const e2 = this._editor.getOptions(), t2 = e2.get(36), n2 = e2.get(51), i2 = Math.round(1.1 * n2), o2 = Math.round(0.9 * t2.fontSize), r2 = `
.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration.${this._styleClassName} { height: ${i2}px; line-height: ${n2}px; font-size: ${o2}px; padding-right: ${Math.round(0.45 * t2.fontSize)}px;}
.monaco-editor .codelens-decoration.${this._styleClassName} > a > .codicon { line-height: ${n2}px; font-size: ${o2}px; }
this._styleElement.textContent = r2;
_localDispose() {
this._currentFindCodeLensSymbolsPromise && (this._currentFindCodeLensSymbolsPromise.cancel(), this._currentFindCodeLensSymbolsPromise = void 0, this._modelChangeCounter++), this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise && (this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise.cancel(), this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise = void 0), this._localToDispose.clear(), this._oldCodeLensModels.clear(), Object(pe.f)(this._currentCodeLensModel);
_onModelChange() {
const e2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (!e2)
if (!this._isEnabled)
const t2 = this._codeLensCache.get(e2);
if (t2 && this._renderCodeLensSymbols(t2), !et.b.has(e2))
return void (t2 && this._localToDispose.add(Object(ue.g)(() => {
const n3 = this._codeLensCache.get(e2);
t2 === n3 && (this._codeLensCache.delete(e2), this._onModelChange());
}, 3e4)));
for (const t3 of et.b.all(e2))
if ("function" == typeof t3.onDidChange) {
let e3 = t3.onDidChange(() => i2.schedule());
const n2 = this._detectVisibleLenses = new ue.d(() => this._onViewportChanged(), 250), i2 = new ue.d(() => {
const t3 = ++this._modelChangeCounter;
this._currentFindCodeLensSymbolsPromise && this._currentFindCodeLensSymbolsPromise.cancel(), this._currentFindCodeLensSymbolsPromise = Object(ue.f)((t4) => cn(e2, t4)), this._currentFindCodeLensSymbolsPromise.then((i3) => {
t3 === this._modelChangeCounter && (this._currentCodeLensModel && this._oldCodeLensModels.add(this._currentCodeLensModel), this._currentCodeLensModel = i3, this._codeLensCache.put(e2, i3), this._renderCodeLensSymbols(i3), n2.schedule());
}, Z.e);
}, 250);
this._localToDispose.add(i2), this._localToDispose.add(n2), this._localToDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent(() => {
this._editor.changeDecorations((e3) => {
this._editor.changeViewZones((t3) => {
let n3 = [], i3 = -1;
this._lenses.forEach((e4) => {
e4.isValid() && i3 !== e4.getLineNumber() ? (e4.update(t3), i3 = e4.getLineNumber()) : n3.push(e4);
let o2 = new un();
n3.forEach((e4) => {
e4.dispose(o2, t3), this._lenses.splice(this._lenses.indexOf(e4), 1);
}), o2.commit(e3);
}), n2.schedule(), i2.schedule();
})), this._localToDispose.add(this._editor.onDidScrollChange((e3) => {
e3.scrollTopChanged && this._lenses.length > 0 && n2.schedule();
})), this._localToDispose.add(this._editor.onDidLayoutChange(() => {
})), this._localToDispose.add(Object(pe.h)(() => {
if (this._editor.getModel()) {
const e3 = Je.c.capture(this._editor);
this._editor.changeDecorations((e4) => {
this._editor.changeViewZones((t3) => {
this._disposeAllLenses(e4, t3);
}), e3.restore(this._editor);
} else
this._disposeAllLenses(void 0, void 0);
})), this._localToDispose.add(this._editor.onMouseUp((e3) => {
if (9 !==
let t3 =;
if ("SPAN" === (null == t3 ? void 0 : t3.tagName) && (t3 = t3.parentElement), "A" === (null == t3 ? void 0 : t3.tagName))
for (const e4 of this._lenses) {
let n3 = e4.getCommand(t3);
if (n3) {
this._commandService.executeCommand(, ...n3.arguments || []).catch((e5) => this._notificationService.error(e5));
})), i2.schedule();
_disposeAllLenses(e2, t2) {
const n2 = new un();
for (const e3 of this._lenses)
e3.dispose(n2, t2);
e2 && n2.commit(e2), this._lenses = [];
_renderCodeLensSymbols(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
let t2, n2 = this._editor.getModel().getLineCount(), i2 = [];
for (let o3 of e2.lenses) {
let e3 = o3.symbol.range.startLineNumber;
e3 < 1 || e3 > n2 || (t2 && t2[t2.length - 1].symbol.range.startLineNumber === e3 ? t2.push(o3) : (t2 = [o3], i2.push(t2)));
const o2 = Je.c.capture(this._editor);
this._editor.changeDecorations((e3) => {
this._editor.changeViewZones((t3) => {
const n3 = new un();
let o3 = 0, r2 = 0;
for (; r2 < i2.length && o3 < this._lenses.length; ) {
let e4 = i2[r2][0].symbol.range.startLineNumber, s2 = this._lenses[o3].getLineNumber();
s2 < e4 ? (this._lenses[o3].dispose(n3, t3), this._lenses.splice(o3, 1)) : s2 === e4 ? (this._lenses[o3].updateCodeLensSymbols(i2[r2], n3), r2++, o3++) : (this._lenses.splice(o3, 0, new pn(i2[r2], this._editor, this._styleClassName, n3, t3, () => this._detectVisibleLenses && this._detectVisibleLenses.schedule())), o3++, r2++);
for (; o3 < this._lenses.length; )
this._lenses[o3].dispose(n3, t3), this._lenses.splice(o3, 1);
for (; r2 < i2.length; )
this._lenses.push(new pn(i2[r2], this._editor, this._styleClassName, n3, t3, () => this._detectVisibleLenses && this._detectVisibleLenses.schedule())), r2++;
}), o2.restore(this._editor);
_onViewportChanged() {
this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise && (this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise.cancel(), this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise = void 0);
const e2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (!e2)
const t2 = [], n2 = [];
if (this._lenses.forEach((i3) => {
const o2 = i3.computeIfNecessary(e2);
o2 && (t2.push(o2), n2.push(i3));
}), 0 === t2.length)
const i2 = Object(ue.f)((i3) => {
const o2 =, o3) => {
const r2 = new Array(t3.length), s2 =, n3) => t4.symbol.command || "function" != typeof t4.provider.resolveCodeLens ? (r2[n3] = t4.symbol, Promise.resolve(void 0)) : Promise.resolve(t4.provider.resolveCodeLens(e2, t4.symbol, i3)).then((e3) => {
r2[n3] = e3;
}, Z.f));
return Promise.all(s2).then(() => {
i3.isCancellationRequested || n2[o3].isDisposed() || n2[o3].updateCommands(r2);
return Promise.all(o2);
this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise = i2, this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise.then(() => {
this._currentCodeLensModel && this._codeLensCache.put(e2, this._currentCodeLensModel), this._oldCodeLensModels.clear(), i2 === this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise && (this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise = void 0);
}, (e3) => {
Object(Z.e)(e3), i2 === this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise && (this._currentResolveCodeLensSymbolsPromise = void 0);
getLenses() {
return this._lenses;
Ln.ID = "css.editor.codeLens", Ln = kn([En(1, Ft.b), En(2, zt.a), En(3, wn)], Ln), Object(V.m)(Ln.ID, Ln), Object(V.k)(class extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "codelens.showLensesInCurrentLine", precondition: H.a.hasCodeLensProvider, label: Object(U.a)("showLensOnLine", "Show CodeLens Commands For Current Line"), alias: "Show CodeLens Commands For Current Line"});
run(e2, t2) {
return Tn(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const n2 = e2.get(Sn.a), i2 = e2.get(Ft.b), o2 = e2.get(zt.a), r2 = t2.getSelection().positionLineNumber, s2 = t2.getContribution(Ln.ID), a2 = [];
for (let e3 of s2.getLenses())
if (e3.getLineNumber() === r2)
for (let t3 of e3.getItems()) {
const {command: e4} = t3.symbol;
e4 && a2.push({label: e4.title, command: e4});
if (0 === a2.length)
const l2 = yield n2.pick(a2, {canPickMany: false});
if (l2)
try {
yield i2.executeCommand(, ...l2.command.arguments || []);
} catch (e3) {
var Nn = n(16);
function In(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return Promise.resolve(n2.provideColorPresentations(e2, t2, i2));
Object(V.o)("_executeDocumentColorProvider", function(e2, t2) {
const {resource: n2} = t2;
if (!(n2 instanceof Qe.a))
throw Object(Z.b)();
const i2 = e2.get(tt.a).getModel(n2);
if (!i2)
throw Object(Z.b)();
const o2 = [], r2 = et.c.ordered(i2).reverse().map((e3) => Promise.resolve(e3.provideDocumentColors(i2, Xe.a.None)).then((e4) => {
if (Array.isArray(e4))
for (let t3 of e4)
o2.push({range: t3.range, color: [,,, t3.color.alpha]});
return Promise.all(r2).then(() => o2);
}), Object(V.o)("_executeColorPresentationProvider", function(e2, t2) {
const {resource: n2, color: i2, range: o2} = t2;
if (!(n2 instanceof Qe.a && Array.isArray(i2) && 4 === i2.length && ge.a.isIRange(o2)))
throw Object(Z.b)();
const [r2, s2, a2, l2] = i2, c2 = e2.get(tt.a).getModel(n2);
if (!c2)
throw Object(Z.b)();
const d2 = {range: o2, color: {red: r2, green: s2, blue: a2, alpha: l2}}, h2 = [], u2 = et.c.ordered(c2).reverse().map((e3) => Promise.resolve(e3.provideColorPresentations(c2, d2, Xe.a.None)).then((e4) => {
Array.isArray(e4) && h2.push(...e4);
return Promise.all(u2).then(() => h2);
var On = n(54), Dn = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, An = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Rn = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2, n2) {
super(), this._editor = e3, this._codeEditorService = t2, this._configurationService = n2, this._localToDispose = this._register(new pe.b()), this._decorationsIds = [], this._colorDatas = new Map(), this._colorDecoratorIds = [], this._decorationsTypes = new Set(), this._register(e3.onDidChangeModel((e4) => {
this._isEnabled = this.isEnabled(), this.onModelChanged();
})), this._register(e3.onDidChangeModelLanguage((e4) => this.onModelChanged())), this._register(et.c.onDidChange((e4) => this.onModelChanged())), this._register(e3.onDidChangeConfiguration((e4) => {
let t3 = this._isEnabled;
this._isEnabled = this.isEnabled(), t3 !== this._isEnabled && (this._isEnabled ? this.onModelChanged() : this.removeAllDecorations());
})), this._timeoutTimer = null, this._computePromise = null, this._isEnabled = this.isEnabled(), this.onModelChanged();
isEnabled() {
const e3 = this._editor.getModel();
if (!e3)
return false;
const t2 = e3.getLanguageIdentifier(), n2 = this._configurationService.getValue(t2.language);
if (n2) {
const e4 = n2.colorDecorators;
if (e4 && void 0 !== e4.enable && !e4.enable)
return e4.enable;
return this._editor.getOption(12);
static get(e3) {
return e3.getContribution(this.ID);
dispose() {
this.stop(), this.removeAllDecorations(), super.dispose();
onModelChanged() {
if (this.stop(), !this._isEnabled)
const t2 = this._editor.getModel();
t2 && et.c.has(t2) && (this._localToDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent((t3) => {
this._timeoutTimer || (this._timeoutTimer = new ue.e(), this._timeoutTimer.cancelAndSet(() => {
this._timeoutTimer = null, this.beginCompute();
})), this.beginCompute());
beginCompute() {
this._computePromise = Object(ue.f)((e3) => {
const t2 = this._editor.getModel();
return t2 ? function(e4, t3) {
const n2 = [], i2 = et.c.ordered(e4).reverse().map((i3) => Promise.resolve(i3.provideDocumentColors(e4, t3)).then((e5) => {
if (Array.isArray(e5))
for (let t4 of e5)
n2.push({colorInfo: t4, provider: i3});
return Promise.all(i2).then(() => n2);
}(t2, e3) : Promise.resolve([]);
}), this._computePromise.then((e3) => {
this.updateDecorations(e3), this.updateColorDecorators(e3), this._computePromise = null;
}, Z.e);
stop() {
this._timeoutTimer && (this._timeoutTimer.cancel(), this._timeoutTimer = null), this._computePromise && (this._computePromise.cancel(), this._computePromise = null), this._localToDispose.clear();
updateDecorations(e3) {
const t2 = => ({range: {startLineNumber: e4.colorInfo.range.startLineNumber, startColumn: e4.colorInfo.range.startColumn, endLineNumber: e4.colorInfo.range.endLineNumber, endColumn: e4.colorInfo.range.endColumn}, options: be.a.EMPTY}));
this._decorationsIds = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._decorationsIds, t2), this._colorDatas = new Map(), this._decorationsIds.forEach((t3, n2) => this._colorDatas.set(t3, e3[n2]));
updateColorDecorators(e3) {
let t2 = [], n2 = {};
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < e3.length && t2.length < 500; i2++) {
const {red: o2, green: r2, blue: s2, alpha: a2} = e3[i2].colorInfo.color, l2 = new Nn.c(Math.round(255 * o2), Math.round(255 * r2), Math.round(255 * s2), a2);
let c2 = Object(xn.b)(`rgba(${l2.r},${l2.g},${l2.b},${l2.a})`).toString(16), d2 = `rgba(${l2.r}, ${l2.g}, ${l2.b}, ${l2.a})`, h2 = "colorBox-" + c2;
this._decorationsTypes.has(h2) || n2[h2] || this._codeEditorService.registerDecorationType(h2, {before: {contentText: " ", border: "solid 0.1em #000", margin: "0.1em 0.2em 0 0.2em", width: "0.8em", height: "0.8em", backgroundColor: d2}, dark: {before: {border: "solid 0.1em #eee"}}}, void 0, this._editor), n2[h2] = true, t2.push({range: {startLineNumber: e3[i2].colorInfo.range.startLineNumber, startColumn: e3[i2].colorInfo.range.startColumn, endLineNumber: e3[i2].colorInfo.range.endLineNumber, endColumn: e3[i2].colorInfo.range.endColumn}, options: this._codeEditorService.resolveDecorationOptions(h2, true)});
this._decorationsTypes.forEach((e4) => {
n2[e4] || this._codeEditorService.removeDecorationType(e4);
}), this._colorDecoratorIds = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._colorDecoratorIds, t2);
removeAllDecorations() {
this._decorationsIds = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._decorationsIds, []), this._colorDecoratorIds = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._colorDecoratorIds, []), this._decorationsTypes.forEach((e3) => {
getColorData(e3) {
const t2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (!t2)
return null;
const n2 = t2.getDecorationsInRange(ge.a.fromPositions(e3, e3)).filter((e4) => this._colorDatas.has(;
return 0 === n2.length ? null : this._colorDatas.get(n2[0].id);
Rn.ID = "editor.contrib.colorDetector", Rn.RECOMPUTE_TIME = 1e3, Rn = Dn([An(1, Me.a), An(2, On.a)], Rn), Object(V.m)(Rn.ID, Rn);
var Mn = n(70), Pn = n(39);
class Fn {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._selection = e2, this._insertSpace = t2, this._usedEndToken = null;
static _haystackHasNeedleAtOffset(e2, t2, n2) {
if (n2 < 0)
return false;
const i2 = t2.length;
if (n2 + i2 > e2.length)
return false;
for (let o2 = 0; o2 < i2; o2++) {
const i3 = e2.charCodeAt(n2 + o2), r2 = t2.charCodeAt(o2);
if (i3 !== r2 && !(i3 >= 65 && i3 <= 90 && i3 + 32 === r2 || r2 >= 65 && r2 <= 90 && r2 + 32 === i3))
return false;
return true;
_createOperationsForBlockComment(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
const s2 = e2.startLineNumber, a2 = e2.startColumn, l2 = e2.endLineNumber, c2 = e2.endColumn, d2 = o2.getLineContent(s2), h2 = o2.getLineContent(l2);
let u2, p2 = d2.lastIndexOf(t2, a2 - 1 + t2.length), m2 = h2.indexOf(n2, c2 - 1 - n2.length);
if (-1 !== p2 && -1 !== m2)
if (s2 === l2) {
d2.substring(p2 + t2.length, m2).indexOf(n2) >= 0 && (p2 = -1, m2 = -1);
} else {
const e3 = d2.substring(p2 + t2.length), i3 = h2.substring(0, m2);
(e3.indexOf(n2) >= 0 || i3.indexOf(n2) >= 0) && (p2 = -1, m2 = -1);
-1 !== p2 && -1 !== m2 ? (i2 && p2 + t2.length < d2.length && 32 === d2.charCodeAt(p2 + t2.length) && (t2 += " "), i2 && m2 > 0 && 32 === h2.charCodeAt(m2 - 1) && (n2 = " " + n2, m2 -= 1), u2 = Fn._createRemoveBlockCommentOperations(new ge.a(s2, p2 + t2.length + 1, l2, m2 + 1), t2, n2)) : (u2 = Fn._createAddBlockCommentOperations(e2, t2, n2, this._insertSpace), this._usedEndToken = 1 === u2.length ? n2 : null);
for (const e3 of u2)
r2.addTrackedEditOperation(e3.range, e3.text);
static _createRemoveBlockCommentOperations(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
return ge.a.isEmpty(e2) ? i2.push(Mn.a.delete(new ge.a(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn - t2.length, e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn + n2.length))) : (i2.push(Mn.a.delete(new ge.a(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn - t2.length, e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn))), i2.push(Mn.a.delete(new ge.a(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn, e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn + n2.length)))), i2;
static _createAddBlockCommentOperations(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = [];
return ge.a.isEmpty(e2) ? o2.push(Mn.a.replace(new ge.a(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn, e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn), t2 + " " + n2)) : (o2.push(Mn.a.insert(new me.a(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn), t2 + (i2 ? " " : ""))), o2.push(Mn.a.insert(new me.a(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn), (i2 ? " " : "") + n2))), o2;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._selection.startLineNumber, i2 = this._selection.startColumn;
const o2 = e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(n2, i2), r2 = Pn.a.getComments(o2);
r2 && r2.blockCommentStartToken && r2.blockCommentEndToken && this._createOperationsForBlockComment(this._selection, r2.blockCommentStartToken, r2.blockCommentEndToken, this._insertSpace, e2, t2);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.getInverseEditOperations();
if (2 === n2.length) {
const e3 = n2[0], t3 = n2[1];
return new q.a(e3.range.endLineNumber, e3.range.endColumn, t3.range.startLineNumber, t3.range.startColumn);
const e3 = n2[0].range, t3 = this._usedEndToken ? -this._usedEndToken.length - 1 : 0;
return new q.a(e3.endLineNumber, e3.endColumn + t3, e3.endLineNumber, e3.endColumn + t3);
class Wn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this._selection = e2, this._tabSize = t2, this._type = n2, this._insertSpace = i2, this._selectionId = null, this._deltaColumn = 0, this._moveEndPositionDown = false, this._ignoreEmptyLines = o2;
static _gatherPreflightCommentStrings(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(t2, 1), o2 = Pn.a.getComments(i2), r2 = o2 ? o2.lineCommentToken : null;
if (!r2)
return null;
let s2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, i3 = n2 - t2 + 1; e3 < i3; e3++)
s2[e3] = {ignore: false, commentStr: r2, commentStrOffset: 0, commentStrLength: r2.length};
return s2;
static _analyzeLines(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
let s2, a2 = true;
s2 = 0 === e2 || 1 !== e2;
for (let l2 = 0, c2 = i2.length; l2 < c2; l2++) {
const c3 = i2[l2], d2 = o2 + l2, h2 = n2.getLineContent(d2), u2 = Ye.w(h2);
if (-1 !== u2) {
if (a2 = false, c3.ignore = false, c3.commentStrOffset = u2, s2 && !Fn._haystackHasNeedleAtOffset(h2, c3.commentStr, u2) && (0 === e2 ? s2 = false : 1 === e2 || (c3.ignore = true)), s2 && t2) {
const e3 = u2 + c3.commentStrLength;
e3 < h2.length && 32 === h2.charCodeAt(e3) && (c3.commentStrLength += 1);
} else
c3.ignore = r2, c3.commentStrOffset = h2.length;
if (0 === e2 && a2) {
s2 = false;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = i2.length; e3 < t3; e3++)
i2[e3].ignore = false;
return {supported: true, shouldRemoveComments: s2, lines: i2};
static _gatherPreflightData(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
const s2 = Wn._gatherPreflightCommentStrings(n2, i2, o2);
return null === s2 ? {supported: false} : Wn._analyzeLines(e2, t2, n2, s2, i2, r2);
_executeLineComments(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2;
n2.shouldRemoveComments ? o2 = Wn._createRemoveLineCommentsOperations(n2.lines, i2.startLineNumber) : (Wn._normalizeInsertionPoint(e2, n2.lines, i2.startLineNumber, this._tabSize), o2 = this._createAddLineCommentsOperations(n2.lines, i2.startLineNumber));
const r2 = new me.a(i2.positionLineNumber, i2.positionColumn);
for (let n3 = 0, i3 = o2.length; n3 < i3; n3++)
if (t2.addEditOperation(o2[n3].range, o2[n3].text), ge.a.isEmpty(o2[n3].range) && ge.a.getStartPosition(o2[n3].range).equals(r2)) {
e2.getLineContent(r2.lineNumber).length + 1 === r2.column && (this._deltaColumn = (o2[n3].text || "").length);
this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(i2);
_attemptRemoveBlockComment(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = t2.startLineNumber, r2 = t2.endLineNumber, s2 = i2.length + Math.max(e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(t2.startLineNumber), t2.startColumn), a2 = e2.getLineContent(o2).lastIndexOf(n2, s2 - 1), l2 = e2.getLineContent(r2).indexOf(i2, t2.endColumn - 1 - n2.length);
return -1 !== a2 && -1 === l2 && (l2 = e2.getLineContent(o2).indexOf(i2, a2 + n2.length), r2 = o2), -1 === a2 && -1 !== l2 && (a2 = e2.getLineContent(r2).lastIndexOf(n2, l2), o2 = r2), !t2.isEmpty() || -1 !== a2 && -1 !== l2 || (a2 = e2.getLineContent(o2).indexOf(n2), -1 !== a2 && (l2 = e2.getLineContent(o2).indexOf(i2, a2 + n2.length))), -1 !== a2 && 32 === e2.getLineContent(o2).charCodeAt(a2 + n2.length) && (n2 += " "), -1 !== l2 && 32 === e2.getLineContent(r2).charCodeAt(l2 - 1) && (i2 = " " + i2, l2 -= 1), -1 !== a2 && -1 !== l2 ? Fn._createRemoveBlockCommentOperations(new ge.a(o2, a2 + n2.length + 1, r2, l2 + 1), n2, i2) : null;
_executeBlockComment(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(n2.startLineNumber, 1), o2 = Pn.a.getComments(i2);
if (!o2 || !o2.blockCommentStartToken || !o2.blockCommentEndToken)
const r2 = o2.blockCommentStartToken, s2 = o2.blockCommentEndToken;
let a2 = this._attemptRemoveBlockComment(e2, n2, r2, s2);
if (!a2) {
if (n2.isEmpty()) {
const t3 = e2.getLineContent(n2.startLineNumber);
let i3 = Ye.w(t3);
-1 === i3 && (i3 = t3.length), a2 = Fn._createAddBlockCommentOperations(new ge.a(n2.startLineNumber, i3 + 1, n2.startLineNumber, t3.length + 1), r2, s2, this._insertSpace);
} else
a2 = Fn._createAddBlockCommentOperations(new ge.a(n2.startLineNumber, e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(n2.startLineNumber), n2.endLineNumber, e2.getLineMaxColumn(n2.endLineNumber)), r2, s2, this._insertSpace);
1 === a2.length && (this._deltaColumn = r2.length + 1);
this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(n2);
for (const e3 of a2)
t2.addEditOperation(e3.range, e3.text);
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._selection;
this._moveEndPositionDown = false, n2.startLineNumber < n2.endLineNumber && 1 === n2.endColumn && (this._moveEndPositionDown = true, n2 = n2.setEndPosition(n2.endLineNumber - 1, e2.getLineMaxColumn(n2.endLineNumber - 1)));
const i2 = Wn._gatherPreflightData(this._type, this._insertSpace, e2, n2.startLineNumber, n2.endLineNumber, this._ignoreEmptyLines);
return i2.supported ? this._executeLineComments(e2, t2, i2, n2) : this._executeBlockComment(e2, t2, n2);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getTrackedSelection(this._selectionId);
return this._moveEndPositionDown && (n2 = n2.setEndPosition(n2.endLineNumber + 1, 1)), new q.a(n2.selectionStartLineNumber, n2.selectionStartColumn + this._deltaColumn, n2.positionLineNumber, n2.positionColumn + this._deltaColumn);
static _createRemoveLineCommentsOperations(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [];
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
const o3 = e2[i2];
o3.ignore || n2.push(Mn.a.delete(new ge.a(t2 + i2, o3.commentStrOffset + 1, t2 + i2, o3.commentStrOffset + o3.commentStrLength + 1)));
return n2;
_createAddLineCommentsOperations(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [];
const i2 = this._insertSpace ? " " : "";
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = e2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = e2[o2];
r3.ignore || n2.push(Mn.a.insert(new me.a(t2 + o2, r3.commentStrOffset + 1), r3.commentStr + i2));
return n2;
static nextVisibleColumn(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return n2 ? e2 + (t2 - e2 % t2) : e2 + i2;
static _normalizeInsertionPoint(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2, r2, s2 = 1073741824;
for (let o3 = 0, r3 = t2.length; o3 < r3; o3++) {
if (t2[o3].ignore)
const r4 = e2.getLineContent(n2 + o3);
let a2 = 0;
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = t2[o3].commentStrOffset; a2 < s2 && e3 < n3; e3++)
a2 = Wn.nextVisibleColumn(a2, i2, 9 === r4.charCodeAt(e3), 1);
a2 < s2 && (s2 = a2);
s2 = Math.floor(s2 / i2) * i2;
for (let a2 = 0, l2 = t2.length; a2 < l2; a2++) {
if (t2[a2].ignore)
const l3 = e2.getLineContent(n2 + a2);
let c2 = 0;
for (o2 = 0, r2 = t2[a2].commentStrOffset; c2 < s2 && o2 < r2; o2++)
c2 = Wn.nextVisibleColumn(c2, i2, 9 === l3.charCodeAt(o2), 1);
t2[a2].commentStrOffset = c2 > s2 ? o2 - 1 : o2;
class zn extends V.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this._type = e2;
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const n2 = t2.getModel(), i2 = [], o2 = t2.getSelections(), r2 = n2.getOptions(), s2 = t2.getOption(14);
for (const e3 of o2)
i2.push(new Wn(e3, r2.tabSize, this._type, s2.insertSpace, s2.ignoreEmptyLines));
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, i2), t2.pushUndoStop();
class Bn extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.blockComment", label: U.a("comment.block", "Toggle Block Comment"), alias: "Toggle Block Comment", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1567, linux: {primary: 3103}, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarEditMenu, group: "5_insert", title: U.a({key: "miToggleBlockComment", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Toggle &&Block Comment"), order: 2}});
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const n2 = t2.getOption(14), i2 = [], o2 = t2.getSelections();
for (const e3 of o2)
i2.push(new Fn(e3, n2.insertSpace));
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, i2), t2.pushUndoStop();
Object(V.k)(class extends zn {
constructor() {
super(0, {id: "editor.action.commentLine", label: U.a("comment.line", "Toggle Line Comment"), alias: "Toggle Line Comment", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 2133, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarEditMenu, group: "5_insert", title: U.a({key: "miToggleLineComment", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Toggle Line Comment"), order: 1}});
}), Object(V.k)(class extends zn {
constructor() {
super(1, {id: "editor.action.addCommentLine", label: U.a("comment.line.add", "Add Line Comment"), alias: "Add Line Comment", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2081), weight: 100}});
}), Object(V.k)(class extends zn {
constructor() {
super(2, {id: "editor.action.removeCommentLine", label: U.a("comment.line.remove", "Remove Line Comment"), alias: "Remove Line Comment", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2099), weight: 100}});
}), Object(V.k)(Bn);
var jn = n(123), Vn = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Un = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Hn = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this._contextMenuService = t2, this._contextViewService = n2, this._contextKeyService = i2, this._keybindingService = o2, this._menuService = r2, this._toDispose = new pe.b(), this._contextMenuIsBeingShownCount = 0, this._editor = e3, this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onContextMenu((e4) => this._onContextMenu(e4))), this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onMouseWheel((e4) => {
if (this._contextMenuIsBeingShownCount > 0) {
const t3 = this._contextViewService.getContextViewElement(), n3 = e4.srcElement;
n3.shadowRoot && ft.E(t3) === n3.shadowRoot || this._contextViewService.hideContextView();
})), this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onKeyDown((e4) => {
58 === e4.keyCode && (e4.preventDefault(), e4.stopPropagation(), this.showContextMenu());
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
_onContextMenu(e3) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
if (!this._editor.getOption(15))
return this._editor.focus(), void ( && !this._editor.getSelection().containsPosition( && this._editor.setPosition(;
if (12 ===
if (e3.event.preventDefault(), 6 !== && 7 !== && 1 !==
if (this._editor.focus(), {
let t3 = false;
for (const n2 of this._editor.getSelections())
if (n2.containsPosition( {
t3 = true;
t3 || this._editor.setPosition(;
let t2 = null;
1 !== && (t2 = {x: e3.event.posx - 1, width: 2, y: e3.event.posy - 1, height: 2}), this.showContextMenu(t2);
showContextMenu(e3) {
if (!this._editor.getOption(15))
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
if (!this._contextMenuService)
return void this._editor.focus();
const t2 = this._getMenuActions(this._editor.getModel(), ye.b.EditorContext);
t2.length > 0 && this._doShowContextMenu(t2, e3);
_getMenuActions(e3, t2) {
const n2 = [], i2 = this._menuService.createMenu(t2, this._contextKeyService), o2 = i2.getActions({arg: e3.uri});
for (let t3 of o2) {
const [, i3] = t3;
let o3 = 0;
for (const t4 of i3)
if (t4 instanceof ye.e) {
const i4 = this._getMenuActions(e3, t4.item.submenu);
i4.length > 0 && (n2.push(new bt.d(, t4.label, i4)), o3++);
} else
n2.push(t4), o3++;
o3 && n2.push(new bt.c());
return n2.length && n2.pop(), n2;
_doShowContextMenu(e3, t2 = null) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const n2 = this._editor.getOption(46);
if (this._editor.updateOptions({hover: {enabled: false}}), !t2) {
this._editor.revealPosition(this._editor.getPosition(), 1), this._editor.render();
const e4 = this._editor.getScrolledVisiblePosition(this._editor.getPosition()), n3 = ft.C(this._editor.getDomNode()), i2 = n3.left + e4.left, o2 = + + e4.height;
t2 = {x: i2, y: o2};
this._contextMenuIsBeingShownCount++, this._contextMenuService.showContextMenu({domForShadowRoot: this._editor.getDomNode(), getAnchor: () => t2, getActions: () => e3, getActionViewItem: (e4) => {
const t3 = this._keybindingFor(e4);
if (t3)
return new jn.a(e4, e4, {label: true, keybinding: t3.getLabel(), isMenu: true});
const n3 = e4;
return "function" == typeof n3.getActionViewItem ? n3.getActionViewItem() : new jn.a(e4, e4, {icon: true, label: true, isMenu: true});
}, getKeyBinding: (e4) => this._keybindingFor(e4), onHide: (e4) => {
this._contextMenuIsBeingShownCount--, this._editor.focus(), this._editor.updateOptions({hover: n2});
_keybindingFor(e3) {
return this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(;
dispose() {
this._contextMenuIsBeingShownCount > 0 && this._contextViewService.hideContextView(), this._toDispose.dispose();
Hn.ID = "editor.contrib.contextmenu", Hn = Vn([Un(1, _t.a), Un(2, _t.b), Un(3, K.b), Un(4, vt.a), Un(5, ye.a)], Hn);
class qn extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.showContextMenu", label: U.a("action.showContextMenu.label", "Show Editor Context Menu"), alias: "Show Editor Context Menu", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1092, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
Object(V.m)(Hn.ID, Hn), Object(V.k)(qn);
class $n {
constructor(e2) {
this.selections = e2;
equals(e2) {
const t2 = this.selections.length;
if (t2 !== e2.selections.length)
return false;
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < t2; n2++)
if (!this.selections[n2].equalsSelection(e2.selections[n2]))
return false;
return true;
class Kn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.cursorState = e2, this.scrollTop = t2, this.scrollLeft = n2;
class Gn extends pe.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._editor = e2, this._isCursorUndoRedo = false, this._undoStack = [], this._redoStack = [], this._register(e2.onDidChangeModel((e3) => {
this._undoStack = [], this._redoStack = [];
})), this._register(e2.onDidChangeModelContent((e3) => {
this._undoStack = [], this._redoStack = [];
})), this._register(e2.onDidChangeCursorSelection((t2) => {
if (this._isCursorUndoRedo)
if (!t2.oldSelections)
if (t2.oldModelVersionId !== t2.modelVersionId)
const n2 = new $n(t2.oldSelections);
this._undoStack.length > 0 && this._undoStack[this._undoStack.length - 1].cursorState.equals(n2) || (this._undoStack.push(new Kn(n2, e2.getScrollTop(), e2.getScrollLeft())), this._redoStack = [], this._undoStack.length > 50 && this._undoStack.shift());
static get(e2) {
return e2.getContribution(Gn.ID);
cursorUndo() {
this._editor.hasModel() && 0 !== this._undoStack.length && (this._redoStack.push(new Kn(new $n(this._editor.getSelections()), this._editor.getScrollTop(), this._editor.getScrollLeft())), this._applyState(this._undoStack.pop()));
cursorRedo() {
this._editor.hasModel() && 0 !== this._redoStack.length && (this._undoStack.push(new Kn(new $n(this._editor.getSelections()), this._editor.getScrollTop(), this._editor.getScrollLeft())), this._applyState(this._redoStack.pop()));
_applyState(e2) {
this._isCursorUndoRedo = true, this._editor.setSelections(e2.cursorState.selections), this._editor.setScrollPosition({scrollTop: e2.scrollTop, scrollLeft: e2.scrollLeft}), this._isCursorUndoRedo = false;
Gn.ID = "editor.contrib.cursorUndoRedoController";
class Yn extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "cursorUndo", label: U.a("cursor.undo", "Cursor Undo"), alias: "Cursor Undo", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2099, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2, n2) {
class Zn extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "cursorRedo", label: U.a("cursor.redo", "Cursor Redo"), alias: "Cursor Redo", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2, n2) {
Object(V.m)(Gn.ID, Gn), Object(V.k)(Yn), Object(V.k)(Zn);
class Xn {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.selection = e2, this.targetPosition = t2, this.copy = n2, this.targetSelection = null;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.getValueInRange(this.selection);
this.copy || t2.addEditOperation(this.selection, null), t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(this.targetPosition.lineNumber, this.targetPosition.column, this.targetPosition.lineNumber, this.targetPosition.column), n2), !this.selection.containsPosition(this.targetPosition) || this.copy && (this.selection.getEndPosition().equals(this.targetPosition) || this.selection.getStartPosition().equals(this.targetPosition)) ? this.copy ? this.targetSelection = new q.a(this.targetPosition.lineNumber, this.targetPosition.column, this.selection.endLineNumber - this.selection.startLineNumber + this.targetPosition.lineNumber, this.selection.startLineNumber === this.selection.endLineNumber ? this.targetPosition.column + this.selection.endColumn - this.selection.startColumn : this.selection.endColumn) : this.targetPosition.lineNumber > this.selection.endLineNumber ? this.targetSelection = new q.a(this.targetPosition.lineNumber - this.selection.endLineNumber + this.selection.startLineNumber, this.targetPosition.column, this.targetPosition.lineNumber, this.selection.startLineNumber === this.selection.endLineNumber ? this.targetPosition.column + this.selection.endColumn - this.selection.startColumn : this.selection.endColumn) : this.targetPosition.lineNumber < this.selection.endLineNumber ? this.targetSelection = new q.a(this.targetPosition.lineNumber, this.targetPosition.column, this.targetPosition.lineNumber + this.selection.endLineNumber - this.selection.startLineNumber, this.selection.startLineNumber === this.selection.endLineNumber ? this.targetPosition.column + this.selection.endColumn - this.selection.startColumn : this.selection.endColumn) : this.selection.endColumn <= this.targetPosition.column ? this.targetSelection = new q.a(this.targetPosition.lineNumber - this.selection.endLineNumber + this.selection.startLineNumber, (this.selection.startLineNumber, this.selection.endLineNumber, this.targetPosition.column - this.selection.endColumn + this.selection.startColumn), this.targetPosition.lineNumber, this.selection.startLineNumber === this.selection.endLineNumber ? this.targetPosition.column : this.selection.endColumn) : this.targetSelection = new q.a(this.targetPosition.lineNumber - this.selection.endLineNumber + this.selection.startLineNumber, this.targetPosition.column, this.targetPosition.lineNumber, this.targetPosition.column + this.selection.endColumn - this.selection.startColumn) : this.targetSelection = this.selection;
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
return this.targetSelection;
function Qn(e2) {
return Ae.f ? e2.altKey : e2.ctrlKey;
class Jn extends pe.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._editor = e2, this._register(this._editor.onMouseDown((e3) => this._onEditorMouseDown(e3))), this._register(this._editor.onMouseUp((e3) => this._onEditorMouseUp(e3))), this._register(this._editor.onMouseDrag((e3) => this._onEditorMouseDrag(e3))), this._register(this._editor.onMouseDrop((e3) => this._onEditorMouseDrop(e3))), this._register(this._editor.onKeyDown((e3) => this.onEditorKeyDown(e3))), this._register(this._editor.onKeyUp((e3) => this.onEditorKeyUp(e3))), this._register(this._editor.onDidBlurEditorWidget(() => this.onEditorBlur())), this._register(this._editor.onDidBlurEditorText(() => this.onEditorBlur())), this._dndDecorationIds = [], this._mouseDown = false, this._modifierPressed = false, this._dragSelection = null;
onEditorBlur() {
this._removeDecoration(), this._dragSelection = null, this._mouseDown = false, this._modifierPressed = false;
onEditorKeyDown(e2) {
this._editor.getOption(25) && !this._editor.getOption(13) && (Qn(e2) && (this._modifierPressed = true), this._mouseDown && Qn(e2) && this._editor.updateOptions({mouseStyle: "copy"}));
onEditorKeyUp(e2) {
this._editor.getOption(25) && !this._editor.getOption(13) && (Qn(e2) && (this._modifierPressed = false), this._mouseDown && e2.keyCode === Jn.TRIGGER_KEY_VALUE && this._editor.updateOptions({mouseStyle: "default"}));
_onEditorMouseDown(e2) {
this._mouseDown = true;
_onEditorMouseUp(e2) {
this._mouseDown = false, this._editor.updateOptions({mouseStyle: "text"});
_onEditorMouseDrag(e2) {
let t2 =;
if (null === this._dragSelection) {
let e3 = (this._editor.getSelections() || []).filter((e4) => t2.position && e4.containsPosition(t2.position));
if (1 !== e3.length)
this._dragSelection = e3[0];
Qn(e2.event) ? this._editor.updateOptions({mouseStyle: "copy"}) : this._editor.updateOptions({mouseStyle: "default"}), t2.position && (this._dragSelection.containsPosition(t2.position) ? this._removeDecoration() : this.showAt(t2.position));
_onEditorMouseDrop(e2) {
if ( && (this._hitContent( || this._hitMargin( && {
let t2 = new me.a(,;
if (null === this._dragSelection) {
let n2 = null;
if (e2.event.shiftKey) {
let e3 = this._editor.getSelection();
if (e3) {
const {selectionStartLineNumber: i2, selectionStartColumn: o2} = e3;
n2 = [new q.a(i2, o2, t2.lineNumber, t2.column)];
} else
n2 = (this._editor.getSelections() || []).map((e3) => e3.containsPosition(t2) ? new q.a(t2.lineNumber, t2.column, t2.lineNumber, t2.column) : e3);
this._editor.setSelections(n2 || [], "mouse");
} else
(!this._dragSelection.containsPosition(t2) || (Qn(e2.event) || this._modifierPressed) && (this._dragSelection.getEndPosition().equals(t2) || this._dragSelection.getStartPosition().equals(t2))) && (this._editor.pushUndoStop(), this._editor.executeCommand(Jn.ID, new Xn(this._dragSelection, t2, Qn(e2.event) || this._modifierPressed)), this._editor.pushUndoStop());
this._editor.updateOptions({mouseStyle: "text"}), this._removeDecoration(), this._dragSelection = null, this._mouseDown = false;
showAt(e2) {
let t2 = [{range: new ge.a(e2.lineNumber, e2.column, e2.lineNumber, e2.column), options: Jn._DECORATION_OPTIONS}];
this._dndDecorationIds = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._dndDecorationIds, t2), this._editor.revealPosition(e2, 1);
_removeDecoration() {
this._dndDecorationIds = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._dndDecorationIds, []);
_hitContent(e2) {
return 6 === e2.type || 7 === e2.type;
_hitMargin(e2) {
return 2 === e2.type || 3 === e2.type || 4 === e2.type;
dispose() {
this._removeDecoration(), this._dragSelection = null, this._mouseDown = false, this._modifierPressed = false, super.dispose();
Jn.ID = "editor.contrib.dragAndDrop", Jn.TRIGGER_KEY_VALUE = Ae.f ? 6 : 5, Jn._DECORATION_OPTIONS = be.a.register({className: "dnd-target"}), Object(V.m)(Jn.ID, Jn);
var ei = n(106);
class ti {
constructor(e2) {
this._editor = e2, this._decorations = [], this._overviewRulerApproximateDecorations = [], this._findScopeDecorationIds = [], this._rangeHighlightDecorationId = null, this._highlightedDecorationId = null, this._startPosition = this._editor.getPosition();
dispose() {
this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._allDecorations(), []), this._decorations = [], this._overviewRulerApproximateDecorations = [], this._findScopeDecorationIds = [], this._rangeHighlightDecorationId = null, this._highlightedDecorationId = null;
reset() {
this._decorations = [], this._overviewRulerApproximateDecorations = [], this._findScopeDecorationIds = [], this._rangeHighlightDecorationId = null, this._highlightedDecorationId = null;
getCount() {
return this._decorations.length;
getFindScope() {
return this._findScopeDecorationIds[0] ? this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(this._findScopeDecorationIds[0]) : null;
getFindScopes() {
if (this._findScopeDecorationIds.length) {
const e2 = => this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(e3)).filter((e3) => !!e3);
if (e2.length)
return e2;
return null;
getStartPosition() {
return this._startPosition;
setStartPosition(e2) {
this._startPosition = e2, this.setCurrentFindMatch(null);
_getDecorationIndex(e2) {
const t2 = this._decorations.indexOf(e2);
return t2 >= 0 ? t2 + 1 : 1;
getCurrentMatchesPosition(e2) {
let t2 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationsInRange(e2);
for (const e3 of t2) {
const t3 = e3.options;
return this._getDecorationIndex(;
return 0;
setCurrentFindMatch(e2) {
let t2 = null, n2 = 0;
if (e2)
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = this._decorations.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
let o3 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(this._decorations[i2]);
if (e2.equalsRange(o3)) {
t2 = this._decorations[i2], n2 = i2 + 1;
return null === this._highlightedDecorationId && null === t2 || this._editor.changeDecorations((e3) => {
if (null !== this._highlightedDecorationId && (e3.changeDecorationOptions(this._highlightedDecorationId, ti._FIND_MATCH_DECORATION), this._highlightedDecorationId = null), null !== t2 && (this._highlightedDecorationId = t2, e3.changeDecorationOptions(this._highlightedDecorationId, ti._CURRENT_FIND_MATCH_DECORATION)), null !== this._rangeHighlightDecorationId && (e3.removeDecoration(this._rangeHighlightDecorationId), this._rangeHighlightDecorationId = null), null !== t2) {
let n3 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(t2);
if (n3.startLineNumber !== n3.endLineNumber && 1 === n3.endColumn) {
let e4 = n3.endLineNumber - 1, t3 = this._editor.getModel().getLineMaxColumn(e4);
n3 = new ge.a(n3.startLineNumber, n3.startColumn, e4, t3);
this._rangeHighlightDecorationId = e3.addDecoration(n3, ti._RANGE_HIGHLIGHT_DECORATION);
}), n2;
set(e2, t2) {
this._editor.changeDecorations((n2) => {
let i2 = ti._FIND_MATCH_DECORATION, o2 = [];
if (e2.length > 1e3) {
const t3 = this._editor.getModel().getLineCount(), n3 = this._editor.getLayoutInfo().height / t3, r3 = Math.max(2, Math.ceil(3 / n3));
let s2 = e2[0].range.startLineNumber, a2 = e2[0].range.endLineNumber;
for (let t4 = 1, n4 = e2.length; t4 < n4; t4++) {
const n5 = e2[t4].range;
a2 + r3 >= n5.startLineNumber ? n5.endLineNumber > a2 && (a2 = n5.endLineNumber) : (o2.push({range: new ge.a(s2, 1, a2, 1), options: ti._FIND_MATCH_ONLY_OVERVIEW_DECORATION}), s2 = n5.startLineNumber, a2 = n5.endLineNumber);
o2.push({range: new ge.a(s2, 1, a2, 1), options: ti._FIND_MATCH_ONLY_OVERVIEW_DECORATION});
let r2 = new Array(e2.length);
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = e2.length; t3 < n3; t3++)
r2[t3] = {range: e2[t3].range, options: i2};
this._decorations = n2.deltaDecorations(this._decorations, r2), this._overviewRulerApproximateDecorations = n2.deltaDecorations(this._overviewRulerApproximateDecorations, o2), this._rangeHighlightDecorationId && (n2.removeDecoration(this._rangeHighlightDecorationId), this._rangeHighlightDecorationId = null), this._findScopeDecorationIds.length && (this._findScopeDecorationIds.forEach((e3) => n2.removeDecoration(e3)), this._findScopeDecorationIds = []), (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.length) && (this._findScopeDecorationIds = => n2.addDecoration(e3, ti._FIND_SCOPE_DECORATION)));
matchBeforePosition(e2) {
if (0 === this._decorations.length)
return null;
for (let t2 = this._decorations.length - 1; t2 >= 0; t2--) {
let n2 = this._decorations[t2], i2 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(n2);
if (i2 && !(i2.endLineNumber > e2.lineNumber)) {
if (i2.endLineNumber < e2.lineNumber)
return i2;
if (!(i2.endColumn > e2.column))
return i2;
return this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(this._decorations[this._decorations.length - 1]);
matchAfterPosition(e2) {
if (0 === this._decorations.length)
return null;
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this._decorations.length; t2 < n2; t2++) {
let n3 = this._decorations[t2], i2 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(n3);
if (i2 && !(i2.startLineNumber < e2.lineNumber)) {
if (i2.startLineNumber > e2.lineNumber)
return i2;
if (!(i2.startColumn < e2.column))
return i2;
return this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(this._decorations[0]);
_allDecorations() {
let e2 = [];
return e2 = e2.concat(this._decorations), e2 = e2.concat(this._overviewRulerApproximateDecorations), this._findScopeDecorationIds.length && e2.push(...this._findScopeDecorationIds), this._rangeHighlightDecorationId && e2.push(this._rangeHighlightDecorationId), e2;
ti._CURRENT_FIND_MATCH_DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, zIndex: 13, className: "currentFindMatch", showIfCollapsed: true, overviewRuler: {color: Object(we.h)(ve.Vb), position: fe.d.Center}, minimap: {color: Object(we.h)(ve.Ob), position: fe.c.Inline}}), ti._FIND_MATCH_DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "findMatch", showIfCollapsed: true, overviewRuler: {color: Object(we.h)(ve.Vb), position: fe.d.Center}, minimap: {color: Object(we.h)(ve.Ob), position: fe.c.Inline}}), ti._FIND_MATCH_NO_OVERVIEW_DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "findMatch", showIfCollapsed: true}), ti._FIND_MATCH_ONLY_OVERVIEW_DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, overviewRuler: {color: Object(we.h)(ve.Vb), position: fe.d.Center}}), ti._RANGE_HIGHLIGHT_DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "rangeHighlight", isWholeLine: true}), ti._FIND_SCOPE_DECORATION = be.a.register({className: "findScope", isWholeLine: true});
class ni {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._editorSelection = e2, this._ranges = t2, this._replaceStrings = n2, this._trackedEditorSelectionId = null;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
if (this._ranges.length > 0) {
let e3 = [];
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < this._ranges.length; t3++)
e3.push({range: this._ranges[t3], text: this._replaceStrings[t3]});
e3.sort((e4, t3) => ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e4.range, t3.range));
let n2 = [], i2 = e3[0];
for (let t3 = 1; t3 < e3.length; t3++)
i2.range.endLineNumber === e3[t3].range.startLineNumber && i2.range.endColumn === e3[t3].range.startColumn ? (i2.range = i2.range.plusRange(e3[t3].range), i2.text = i2.text + e3[t3].text) : (n2.push(i2), i2 = e3[t3]);
for (const e4 of n2)
t2.addEditOperation(e4.range, e4.text);
this._trackedEditorSelectionId = t2.trackSelection(this._editorSelection);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
return t2.getTrackedSelection(this._trackedEditorSelectionId);
function ii(e2, t2) {
if (e2 && "" !== e2[0]) {
const n2 = oi(e2, t2, "-"), i2 = oi(e2, t2, "_");
return n2 && !i2 ? ri(e2, t2, "-") : !n2 && i2 ? ri(e2, t2, "_") : e2[0].toUpperCase() === e2[0] ? t2.toUpperCase() : e2[0].toLowerCase() === e2[0] ? t2.toLowerCase() : Ye.o(e2[0][0]) && t2.length > 0 ? t2[0].toUpperCase() + t2.substr(1) : t2;
return t2;
function oi(e2, t2, n2) {
return -1 !== e2[0].indexOf(n2) && -1 !== t2.indexOf(n2) && e2[0].split(n2).length === t2.split(n2).length;
function ri(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.split(n2), o2 = e2[0].split(n2);
let r2 = "";
return i2.forEach((e3, t3) => {
r2 += ii([o2[t3]], e3) + n2;
}), r2.slice(0, -1);
class si {
constructor(e2) {
this.staticValue = e2, this.kind = 0;
class ai {
constructor(e2) {
this.pieces = e2, this.kind = 1;
class li {
constructor(e2) {
e2 && 0 !== e2.length ? 1 === e2.length && null !== e2[0].staticValue ? this._state = new si(e2[0].staticValue) : this._state = new ai(e2) : this._state = new si("");
static fromStaticValue(e2) {
return new li([ci.staticValue(e2)]);
get hasReplacementPatterns() {
return 1 === this._state.kind;
buildReplaceString(e2, t2) {
if (0 === this._state.kind)
return t2 ? ii(e2, this._state.staticValue) : this._state.staticValue;
let n2 = "";
for (let t3 = 0, i2 = this._state.pieces.length; t3 < i2; t3++) {
let i3 = this._state.pieces[t3];
if (null !== i3.staticValue) {
n2 += i3.staticValue;
let o2 = li._substitute(i3.matchIndex, e2);
if (null !== i3.caseOps && i3.caseOps.length > 0) {
let e3 = [], t4 = i3.caseOps.length, n3 = 0;
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = o2.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
if (n3 >= t4) {
switch (i3.caseOps[n3]) {
case "U":
case "u":
e3.push(o2[r2].toUpperCase()), n3++;
case "L":
case "l":
e3.push(o2[r2].toLowerCase()), n3++;
o2 = e3.join("");
n2 += o2;
return n2;
static _substitute(e2, t2) {
if (null === t2)
return "";
if (0 === e2)
return t2[0];
let n2 = "";
for (; e2 > 0; ) {
if (e2 < t2.length) {
return (t2[e2] || "") + n2;
n2 = String(e2 % 10) + n2, e2 = Math.floor(e2 / 10);
return "$" + n2;
class ci {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.staticValue = e2, this.matchIndex = t2, n2 && 0 !== n2.length ? this.caseOps = n2.slice(0) : this.caseOps = null;
static staticValue(e2) {
return new ci(e2, -1, null);
static caseOps(e2, t2) {
return new ci(null, e2, t2);
class di {
constructor(e2) {
this._source = e2, this._lastCharIndex = 0, this._result = [], this._resultLen = 0, this._currentStaticPiece = "";
emitUnchanged(e2) {
this._emitStatic(this._source.substring(this._lastCharIndex, e2)), this._lastCharIndex = e2;
emitStatic(e2, t2) {
this._emitStatic(e2), this._lastCharIndex = t2;
_emitStatic(e2) {
0 !== e2.length && (this._currentStaticPiece += e2);
emitMatchIndex(e2, t2, n2) {
0 !== this._currentStaticPiece.length && (this._result[this._resultLen++] = ci.staticValue(this._currentStaticPiece), this._currentStaticPiece = ""), this._result[this._resultLen++] = ci.caseOps(e2, n2), this._lastCharIndex = t2;
finalize() {
return this.emitUnchanged(this._source.length), 0 !== this._currentStaticPiece.length && (this._result[this._resultLen++] = ci.staticValue(this._currentStaticPiece), this._currentStaticPiece = ""), new li(this._result);
const hi = new K.c("findWidgetVisible", false), ui = new K.c("findInputFocussed", false), pi = new K.c("replaceInputFocussed", false), mi = {primary: 545, mac: {primary: 2593}}, gi = {primary: 565, mac: {primary: 2613}}, fi = {primary: 560, mac: {primary: 2608}}, bi = {primary: 554, mac: {primary: 2602}}, _i = "actions.find", vi = "actions.findWithSelection", wi = "editor.action.nextMatchFindAction", yi = "editor.action.previousMatchFindAction", Ci = "editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction", xi = "editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction", Si = "editor.action.startFindReplaceAction", ki = "closeFindWidget", Ei = "toggleFindCaseSensitive", Ti = "toggleFindWholeWord", Li = "toggleFindRegex", Ni = "toggleFindInSelection", Ii = "editor.action.replaceOne", Oi = "editor.action.replaceAll", Di = "editor.action.selectAllMatches";
class Ai {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._toDispose = new pe.b(), this._editor = e2, this._state = t2, this._isDisposed = false, this._startSearchingTimer = new ue.e(), this._decorations = new ti(e2), this._toDispose.add(this._decorations), this._updateDecorationsScheduler = new ue.d(() => this.research(false), 100), this._toDispose.add(this._updateDecorationsScheduler), this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition((e3) => {
3 !== e3.reason && 5 !== e3.reason && 6 !== e3.reason || this._decorations.setStartPosition(this._editor.getPosition());
})), this._ignoreModelContentChanged = false, this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent((e3) => {
this._ignoreModelContentChanged || (e3.isFlush && this._decorations.reset(), this._decorations.setStartPosition(this._editor.getPosition()), this._updateDecorationsScheduler.schedule());
})), this._toDispose.add(this._state.onFindReplaceStateChange((e3) => this._onStateChanged(e3))), this.research(false, this._state.searchScope);
dispose() {
this._isDisposed = true, Object(pe.f)(this._startSearchingTimer), this._toDispose.dispose();
_onStateChanged(e2) {
if (!this._isDisposed && this._editor.hasModel() && (e2.searchString || e2.isReplaceRevealed || e2.isRegex || e2.wholeWord || e2.matchCase || e2.searchScope)) {
this._editor.getModel().isTooLargeForSyncing() ? (this._startSearchingTimer.cancel(), this._startSearchingTimer.setIfNotSet(() => {
e2.searchScope ? this.research(e2.moveCursor, this._state.searchScope) : this.research(e2.moveCursor);
}, 240)) : e2.searchScope ? this.research(e2.moveCursor, this._state.searchScope) : this.research(e2.moveCursor);
static _getSearchRange(e2, t2) {
return t2 || e2.getFullModelRange();
research(e2, t2) {
let n2 = null;
void 0 !== t2 ? null !== t2 && (n2 = Array.isArray(t2) ? t2 : [t2]) : n2 = this._decorations.getFindScopes(), null !== n2 && (n2 = => {
if (e3.startLineNumber !== e3.endLineNumber) {
let t3 = e3.endLineNumber;
return 1 === e3.endColumn && (t3 -= 1), new ge.a(e3.startLineNumber, 1, t3, this._editor.getModel().getLineMaxColumn(t3));
return e3;
let i2 = this._findMatches(n2, false, 19999);
this._decorations.set(i2, n2);
const o2 = this._editor.getSelection();
let r2 = this._decorations.getCurrentMatchesPosition(o2);
if (0 === r2 && i2.length > 0) {
const e3 = Object(G.h)( => e4.range), (e4) => ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e4, o2) >= 0);
r2 = e3 > 0 ? e3 - 1 + 1 : r2;
this._state.changeMatchInfo(r2, this._decorations.getCount(), void 0), e2 && this._editor.getOption(29).cursorMoveOnType && this._moveToNextMatch(this._decorations.getStartPosition());
_hasMatches() {
return this._state.matchesCount > 0;
_cannotFind() {
if (!this._hasMatches()) {
let e2 = this._decorations.getFindScope();
return e2 && this._editor.revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e2, 0), true;
return false;
_setCurrentFindMatch(e2) {
let t2 = this._decorations.setCurrentFindMatch(e2);
this._state.changeMatchInfo(t2, this._decorations.getCount(), e2), this._editor.setSelection(e2), this._editor.revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e2, 0);
_prevSearchPosition(e2) {
let t2 = this._state.isRegex && (this._state.searchString.indexOf("^") >= 0 || this._state.searchString.indexOf("$") >= 0), {lineNumber: n2, column: i2} = e2, o2 = this._editor.getModel();
return t2 || 1 === i2 ? (1 === n2 ? n2 = o2.getLineCount() : n2--, i2 = o2.getLineMaxColumn(n2)) : i2--, new me.a(n2, i2);
_moveToPrevMatch(e2, t2 = false) {
if (!this._state.canNavigateBack()) {
const t3 = this._decorations.matchAfterPosition(e2);
return void (t3 && this._setCurrentFindMatch(t3));
if (this._decorations.getCount() < 19999) {
let t3 = this._decorations.matchBeforePosition(e2);
return t3 && t3.isEmpty() && t3.getStartPosition().equals(e2) && (e2 = this._prevSearchPosition(e2), t3 = this._decorations.matchBeforePosition(e2)), void (t3 && this._setCurrentFindMatch(t3));
if (this._cannotFind())
let n2 = this._decorations.getFindScope(), i2 = Ai._getSearchRange(this._editor.getModel(), n2);
i2.getEndPosition().isBefore(e2) && (e2 = i2.getEndPosition()), e2.isBefore(i2.getStartPosition()) && (e2 = i2.getEndPosition());
let {lineNumber: o2, column: r2} = e2, s2 = this._editor.getModel(), a2 = new me.a(o2, r2), l2 = s2.findPreviousMatch(this._state.searchString, a2, this._state.isRegex, this._state.matchCase, this._state.wholeWord ? this._editor.getOption(105) : null, false);
return l2 && l2.range.isEmpty() && l2.range.getStartPosition().equals(a2) && (a2 = this._prevSearchPosition(a2), l2 = s2.findPreviousMatch(this._state.searchString, a2, this._state.isRegex, this._state.matchCase, this._state.wholeWord ? this._editor.getOption(105) : null, false)), l2 ? t2 || i2.containsRange(l2.range) ? void this._setCurrentFindMatch(l2.range) : this._moveToPrevMatch(l2.range.getStartPosition(), true) : void 0;
moveToPrevMatch() {
_nextSearchPosition(e2) {
let t2 = this._state.isRegex && (this._state.searchString.indexOf("^") >= 0 || this._state.searchString.indexOf("$") >= 0), {lineNumber: n2, column: i2} = e2, o2 = this._editor.getModel();
return t2 || i2 === o2.getLineMaxColumn(n2) ? (n2 === o2.getLineCount() ? n2 = 1 : n2++, i2 = 1) : i2++, new me.a(n2, i2);
_moveToNextMatch(e2) {
if (!this._state.canNavigateForward()) {
const t3 = this._decorations.matchBeforePosition(e2);
return void (t3 && this._setCurrentFindMatch(t3));
if (this._decorations.getCount() < 19999) {
let t3 = this._decorations.matchAfterPosition(e2);
return t3 && t3.isEmpty() && t3.getStartPosition().equals(e2) && (e2 = this._nextSearchPosition(e2), t3 = this._decorations.matchAfterPosition(e2)), void (t3 && this._setCurrentFindMatch(t3));
let t2 = this._getNextMatch(e2, false, true);
t2 && this._setCurrentFindMatch(t2.range);
_getNextMatch(e2, t2, n2, i2 = false) {
if (this._cannotFind())
return null;
let o2 = this._decorations.getFindScope(), r2 = Ai._getSearchRange(this._editor.getModel(), o2);
r2.getEndPosition().isBefore(e2) && (e2 = r2.getStartPosition()), e2.isBefore(r2.getStartPosition()) && (e2 = r2.getStartPosition());
let {lineNumber: s2, column: a2} = e2, l2 = this._editor.getModel(), c2 = new me.a(s2, a2), d2 = l2.findNextMatch(this._state.searchString, c2, this._state.isRegex, this._state.matchCase, this._state.wholeWord ? this._editor.getOption(105) : null, t2);
return n2 && d2 && d2.range.isEmpty() && d2.range.getStartPosition().equals(c2) && (c2 = this._nextSearchPosition(c2), d2 = l2.findNextMatch(this._state.searchString, c2, this._state.isRegex, this._state.matchCase, this._state.wholeWord ? this._editor.getOption(105) : null, t2)), d2 ? i2 || r2.containsRange(d2.range) ? d2 : this._getNextMatch(d2.range.getEndPosition(), t2, n2, true) : null;
moveToNextMatch() {
_getReplacePattern() {
return this._state.isRegex ? function(e2) {
if (!e2 || 0 === e2.length)
return new li(null);
let t2 = [], n2 = new di(e2);
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = e2.length; i2 < o2; i2++) {
let r2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
if (92 !== r2) {
if (36 === r2) {
if (i2++, i2 >= o2)
let r3 = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
if (36 === r3) {
n2.emitUnchanged(i2 - 1), n2.emitStatic("$", i2 + 1);
if (48 === r3 || 38 === r3) {
n2.emitUnchanged(i2 - 1), n2.emitMatchIndex(0, i2 + 1, t2), t2.length = 0;
if (49 <= r3 && r3 <= 57) {
let s2 = r3 - 48;
if (i2 + 1 < o2) {
let o3 = e2.charCodeAt(i2 + 1);
if (48 <= o3 && o3 <= 57) {
i2++, s2 = 10 * s2 + (o3 - 48), n2.emitUnchanged(i2 - 2), n2.emitMatchIndex(s2, i2 + 1, t2), t2.length = 0;
n2.emitUnchanged(i2 - 1), n2.emitMatchIndex(s2, i2 + 1, t2), t2.length = 0;
} else {
if (i2++, i2 >= o2)
let r3 = e2.charCodeAt(i2);
switch (r3) {
case 92:
n2.emitUnchanged(i2 - 1), n2.emitStatic("\\", i2 + 1);
case 110:
n2.emitUnchanged(i2 - 1), n2.emitStatic("\n", i2 + 1);
case 116:
n2.emitUnchanged(i2 - 1), n2.emitStatic(" ", i2 + 1);
case 117:
case 85:
case 108:
case 76:
n2.emitUnchanged(i2 - 1), n2.emitStatic("", i2 + 1), t2.push(String.fromCharCode(r3));
return n2.finalize();
}(this._state.replaceString) : li.fromStaticValue(this._state.replaceString);
replace() {
if (!this._hasMatches())
let e2 = this._getReplacePattern(), t2 = this._editor.getSelection(), n2 = this._getNextMatch(t2.getStartPosition(), true, false);
if (n2)
if (t2.equalsRange(n2.range)) {
let i2 = e2.buildReplaceString(n2.matches, this._state.preserveCase), o2 = new Ne.a(t2, i2);
this._executeEditorCommand("replace", o2), this._decorations.setStartPosition(new me.a(t2.startLineNumber, t2.startColumn + i2.length)), this.research(true);
} else
this._decorations.setStartPosition(this._editor.getPosition()), this._setCurrentFindMatch(n2.range);
_findMatches(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = (e2 || [null]).map((e3) => Ai._getSearchRange(this._editor.getModel(), e3));
return this._editor.getModel().findMatches(this._state.searchString, i2, this._state.isRegex, this._state.matchCase, this._state.wholeWord ? this._editor.getOption(105) : null, t2, n2);
replaceAll() {
if (!this._hasMatches())
const e2 = this._decorations.getFindScopes();
null === e2 && this._state.matchesCount >= 19999 ? this._largeReplaceAll() : this._regularReplaceAll(e2), this.research(false);
_largeReplaceAll() {
const e2 = new ei.a(this._state.searchString, this._state.isRegex, this._state.matchCase, this._state.wholeWord ? this._editor.getOption(105) : null).parseSearchRequest();
if (!e2)
let t2 = e2.regex;
if (!t2.multiline) {
let e3 = "mu";
t2.ignoreCase && (e3 += "i"), && (e3 += "g"), t2 = new RegExp(t2.source, e3);
const n2 = this._editor.getModel(), i2 = n2.getValue(1), o2 = n2.getFullModelRange(), r2 = this._getReplacePattern();
let s2;
const a2 = this._state.preserveCase;
s2 = r2.hasReplacementPatterns || a2 ? i2.replace(t2, function() {
return r2.buildReplaceString(arguments, a2);
}) : i2.replace(t2, r2.buildReplaceString(null, a2));
let l2 = new Ne.b(o2, s2, this._editor.getSelection());
this._executeEditorCommand("replaceAll", l2);
_regularReplaceAll(e2) {
const t2 = this._getReplacePattern();
let n2 = this._findMatches(e2, t2.hasReplacementPatterns || this._state.preserveCase, 1073741824), i2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, o3 = n2.length; e3 < o3; e3++)
i2[e3] = t2.buildReplaceString(n2[e3].matches, this._state.preserveCase);
let o2 = new ni(this._editor.getSelection(), => e3.range), i2);
this._executeEditorCommand("replaceAll", o2);
selectAllMatches() {
if (!this._hasMatches())
let e2 = this._decorations.getFindScopes(), t2 = this._findMatches(e2, false, 1073741824).map((e3) => new q.a(e3.range.startLineNumber, e3.range.startColumn, e3.range.endLineNumber, e3.range.endColumn)), n2 = this._editor.getSelection();
for (let e3 = 0, i2 = t2.length; e3 < i2; e3++) {
if (t2[e3].equalsRange(n2)) {
t2 = [n2].concat(t2.slice(0, e3)).concat(t2.slice(e3 + 1));
_executeEditorCommand(e2, t2) {
try {
this._ignoreModelContentChanged = true, this._editor.pushUndoStop(), this._editor.executeCommand(e2, t2), this._editor.pushUndoStop();
} finally {
this._ignoreModelContentChanged = false;
var Ri = n(82);
const Mi = {inputActiveOptionBorder: Nn.a.fromHex("#007ACC00"), inputActiveOptionForeground: Nn.a.fromHex("#FFFFFF"), inputActiveOptionBackground: Nn.a.fromHex("#0E639C50")};
class Pi extends Ri.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._onChange = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onChange = this._onChange.event, this._onKeyDown = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.event, this._opts = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Mi), e2), this._checked = this._opts.isChecked;
const t2 = ["monaco-custom-checkbox"];
this._opts.icon ? t2.push(this._opts.icon.classNames) : t2.push("codicon"), this._opts.actionClassName && t2.push(this._opts.actionClassName), t2.push(this._checked ? "checked" : "unchecked"), this.domNode = document.createElement("div"), this.domNode.title = this._opts.title, this.domNode.className = t2.join(" "), this.domNode.tabIndex = 0, this.domNode.setAttribute("role", "checkbox"), this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-checked", String(this._checked)), this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-label", this._opts.title), this.applyStyles(), this.onclick(this.domNode, (e3) => {
this.checked = !this._checked,, e3.preventDefault();
}), this.ignoreGesture(this.domNode), this.onkeydown(this.domNode, (e3) => {
if (10 === e3.keyCode || 3 === e3.keyCode)
return this.checked = !this._checked,, void e3.preventDefault();;
get enabled() {
return "true" !== this.domNode.getAttribute("aria-disabled");
focus() {
get checked() {
return this._checked;
set checked(e2) {
this._checked = e2, this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-checked", String(this._checked)), this._checked ? this.domNode.classList.add("checked") : this.domNode.classList.remove("checked"), this.applyStyles();
width() {
return 22;
style(e2) {
e2.inputActiveOptionBorder && (this._opts.inputActiveOptionBorder = e2.inputActiveOptionBorder), e2.inputActiveOptionForeground && (this._opts.inputActiveOptionForeground = e2.inputActiveOptionForeground), e2.inputActiveOptionBackground && (this._opts.inputActiveOptionBackground = e2.inputActiveOptionBackground), this.applyStyles();
applyStyles() {
this.domNode && ( = this._checked && this._opts.inputActiveOptionBorder ? this._opts.inputActiveOptionBorder.toString() : "transparent", = this._checked && this._opts.inputActiveOptionForeground ? this._opts.inputActiveOptionForeground.toString() : "inherit", = this._checked && this._opts.inputActiveOptionBackground ? this._opts.inputActiveOptionBackground.toString() : "transparent");
enable() {
this.domNode.tabIndex = 0, this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-disabled", String(false));
disable() {
ft.T(this.domNode), this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-disabled", String(true));
const Fi = U.a("caseDescription", "Match Case"), Wi = U.a("wordsDescription", "Match Whole Word"), zi = U.a("regexDescription", "Use Regular Expression");
class Bi extends Pi {
constructor(e2) {
super({icon: Y.a.caseSensitive, title: Fi + e2.appendTitle, isChecked: e2.isChecked, inputActiveOptionBorder: e2.inputActiveOptionBorder, inputActiveOptionForeground: e2.inputActiveOptionForeground, inputActiveOptionBackground: e2.inputActiveOptionBackground});
class ji extends Pi {
constructor(e2) {
super({icon: Y.a.wholeWord, title: Wi + e2.appendTitle, isChecked: e2.isChecked, inputActiveOptionBorder: e2.inputActiveOptionBorder, inputActiveOptionForeground: e2.inputActiveOptionForeground, inputActiveOptionBackground: e2.inputActiveOptionBackground});
class Vi extends Pi {
constructor(e2) {
super({icon: Y.a.regex, title: zi + e2.appendTitle, isChecked: e2.isChecked, inputActiveOptionBorder: e2.inputActiveOptionBorder, inputActiveOptionForeground: e2.inputActiveOptionForeground, inputActiveOptionBackground: e2.inputActiveOptionBackground});
class Ui extends Ri.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._hideSoon = this._register(new ue.d(() => this._hide(), 2e3)), this._isVisible = false, this._editor = e2, this._state = t2, this._keybindingService = n2, this._domNode = document.createElement("div"), this._domNode.className = "findOptionsWidget", = "none", = "10px", this._domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
const o2 = i2.getColorTheme().getColor(ve.db), r2 = i2.getColorTheme().getColor(ve.eb), s2 = i2.getColorTheme().getColor(ve.cb);
this.caseSensitive = this._register(new Bi({appendTitle: this._keybindingLabelFor(Ei), isChecked: this._state.matchCase, inputActiveOptionBorder: o2, inputActiveOptionForeground: r2, inputActiveOptionBackground: s2})), this._domNode.appendChild(this.caseSensitive.domNode), this._register(this.caseSensitive.onChange(() => {
this._state.change({matchCase: this.caseSensitive.checked}, false);
})), this.wholeWords = this._register(new ji({appendTitle: this._keybindingLabelFor(Ti), isChecked: this._state.wholeWord, inputActiveOptionBorder: o2, inputActiveOptionForeground: r2, inputActiveOptionBackground: s2})), this._domNode.appendChild(this.wholeWords.domNode), this._register(this.wholeWords.onChange(() => {
this._state.change({wholeWord: this.wholeWords.checked}, false);
})), this.regex = this._register(new Vi({appendTitle: this._keybindingLabelFor(Li), isChecked: this._state.isRegex, inputActiveOptionBorder: o2, inputActiveOptionForeground: r2, inputActiveOptionBackground: s2})), this._domNode.appendChild(this.regex.domNode), this._register(this.regex.onChange(() => {
this._state.change({isRegex: this.regex.checked}, false);
})), this._editor.addOverlayWidget(this), this._register(this._state.onFindReplaceStateChange((e3) => {
let t3 = false;
e3.isRegex && (this.regex.checked = this._state.isRegex, t3 = true), e3.wholeWord && (this.wholeWords.checked = this._state.wholeWord, t3 = true), e3.matchCase && (this.caseSensitive.checked = this._state.matchCase, t3 = true), !this._state.isRevealed && t3 && this._revealTemporarily();
})), this._register(ft.j(this._domNode, (e3) => this._onMouseOut())), this._register(ft.i(this._domNode, "mouseover", (e3) => this._onMouseOver())), this._applyTheme(i2.getColorTheme()), this._register(i2.onDidColorThemeChange(this._applyTheme.bind(this)));
_keybindingLabelFor(e2) {
let t2 = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(e2);
return t2 ? ` (${t2.getLabel()})` : "";
dispose() {
this._editor.removeOverlayWidget(this), super.dispose();
getId() {
return Ui.ID;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
getPosition() {
return {preference: 0};
highlightFindOptions() {
_revealTemporarily() {
this._show(), this._hideSoon.schedule();
_onMouseOut() {
_onMouseOver() {
_show() {
this._isVisible || (this._isVisible = true, = "block");
_hide() {
this._isVisible && (this._isVisible = false, = "none");
_applyTheme(e2) {
let t2 = {inputActiveOptionBorder: e2.getColor(ve.db), inputActiveOptionForeground: e2.getColor(ve.eb), inputActiveOptionBackground: e2.getColor(ve.cb)};,,;
function Hi(e2, t2) {
return 1 === e2 || 2 !== e2 && t2;
Ui.ID = "editor.contrib.findOptionsWidget", Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.U);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .findOptionsWidget { background-color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(ve.W);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .findOptionsWidget { color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(ve.uc);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .findOptionsWidget { box-shadow: 0 2px 8px ${o2}; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(ve.h);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .findOptionsWidget { border: 2px solid ${r2}; }`);
class qi extends pe.a {
constructor() {
super(), this._onFindReplaceStateChange = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onFindReplaceStateChange = this._onFindReplaceStateChange.event, this._searchString = "", this._replaceString = "", this._isRevealed = false, this._isReplaceRevealed = false, this._isRegex = false, this._isRegexOverride = 0, this._wholeWord = false, this._wholeWordOverride = 0, this._matchCase = false, this._matchCaseOverride = 0, this._preserveCase = false, this._preserveCaseOverride = 0, this._searchScope = null, this._matchesPosition = 0, this._matchesCount = 0, this._currentMatch = null, this._loop = true;
get searchString() {
return this._searchString;
get replaceString() {
return this._replaceString;
get isRevealed() {
return this._isRevealed;
get isReplaceRevealed() {
return this._isReplaceRevealed;
get isRegex() {
return Hi(this._isRegexOverride, this._isRegex);
get wholeWord() {
return Hi(this._wholeWordOverride, this._wholeWord);
get matchCase() {
return Hi(this._matchCaseOverride, this._matchCase);
get preserveCase() {
return Hi(this._preserveCaseOverride, this._preserveCase);
get actualIsRegex() {
return this._isRegex;
get actualWholeWord() {
return this._wholeWord;
get actualMatchCase() {
return this._matchCase;
get actualPreserveCase() {
return this._preserveCase;
get searchScope() {
return this._searchScope;
get matchesPosition() {
return this._matchesPosition;
get matchesCount() {
return this._matchesCount;
get currentMatch() {
return this._currentMatch;
changeMatchInfo(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = {moveCursor: false, updateHistory: false, searchString: false, replaceString: false, isRevealed: false, isReplaceRevealed: false, isRegex: false, wholeWord: false, matchCase: false, preserveCase: false, searchScope: false, matchesPosition: false, matchesCount: false, currentMatch: false, loop: false}, o2 = false;
0 === t2 && (e2 = 0), e2 > t2 && (e2 = t2), this._matchesPosition !== e2 && (this._matchesPosition = e2, i2.matchesPosition = true, o2 = true), this._matchesCount !== t2 && (this._matchesCount = t2, i2.matchesCount = true, o2 = true), void 0 !== n2 && (ge.a.equalsRange(this._currentMatch, n2) || (this._currentMatch = n2, i2.currentMatch = true, o2 = true)), o2 &&;
change(e2, t2, n2 = true) {
var i2;
let o2 = {moveCursor: t2, updateHistory: n2, searchString: false, replaceString: false, isRevealed: false, isReplaceRevealed: false, isRegex: false, wholeWord: false, matchCase: false, preserveCase: false, searchScope: false, matchesPosition: false, matchesCount: false, currentMatch: false, loop: false}, r2 = false;
const s2 = this.isRegex, a2 = this.wholeWord, l2 = this.matchCase, c2 = this.preserveCase;
void 0 !== e2.searchString && this._searchString !== e2.searchString && (this._searchString = e2.searchString, o2.searchString = true, r2 = true), void 0 !== e2.replaceString && this._replaceString !== e2.replaceString && (this._replaceString = e2.replaceString, o2.replaceString = true, r2 = true), void 0 !== e2.isRevealed && this._isRevealed !== e2.isRevealed && (this._isRevealed = e2.isRevealed, o2.isRevealed = true, r2 = true), void 0 !== e2.isReplaceRevealed && this._isReplaceRevealed !== e2.isReplaceRevealed && (this._isReplaceRevealed = e2.isReplaceRevealed, o2.isReplaceRevealed = true, r2 = true), void 0 !== e2.isRegex && (this._isRegex = e2.isRegex), void 0 !== e2.wholeWord && (this._wholeWord = e2.wholeWord), void 0 !== e2.matchCase && (this._matchCase = e2.matchCase), void 0 !== e2.preserveCase && (this._preserveCase = e2.preserveCase), void 0 !== e2.searchScope && ((null === (i2 = e2.searchScope) || void 0 === i2 ? void 0 : i2.every((e3) => {
var t3;
return null === (t3 = this._searchScope) || void 0 === t3 ? void 0 : t3.some((t4) => !ge.a.equalsRange(t4, e3));
})) || (this._searchScope = e2.searchScope, o2.searchScope = true, r2 = true)), void 0 !== e2.loop && this._loop !== e2.loop && (this._loop = e2.loop, o2.loop = true, r2 = true), this._isRegexOverride = void 0 !== e2.isRegexOverride ? e2.isRegexOverride : 0, this._wholeWordOverride = void 0 !== e2.wholeWordOverride ? e2.wholeWordOverride : 0, this._matchCaseOverride = void 0 !== e2.matchCaseOverride ? e2.matchCaseOverride : 0, this._preserveCaseOverride = void 0 !== e2.preserveCaseOverride ? e2.preserveCaseOverride : 0, s2 !== this.isRegex && (r2 = true, o2.isRegex = true), a2 !== this.wholeWord && (r2 = true, o2.wholeWord = true), l2 !== this.matchCase && (r2 = true, o2.matchCase = true), c2 !== this.preserveCase && (r2 = true, o2.preserveCase = true), r2 &&;
canNavigateBack() {
return this.canNavigateInLoop() || 1 !== this.matchesPosition;
canNavigateForward() {
return this.canNavigateInLoop() || this.matchesPosition < this.matchesCount;
canNavigateInLoop() {
return this._loop || this.matchesCount >= 19999;
var $i = n(153), Ki = (n(198), n(173));
const Gi = U.a("defaultLabel", "input");
class Yi extends Ri.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._showOptionButtons = n2, this.fixFocusOnOptionClickEnabled = true, this._onDidOptionChange = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onDidOptionChange = this._onDidOptionChange.event, this._onKeyDown = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.event, this._onMouseDown = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onMouseDown = this._onMouseDown.event, this._onInput = this._register(new Lt.a()), this._onKeyUp = this._register(new Lt.a()), this._onCaseSensitiveKeyDown = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onCaseSensitiveKeyDown = this._onCaseSensitiveKeyDown.event, this._onRegexKeyDown = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onRegexKeyDown = this._onRegexKeyDown.event, this._lastHighlightFindOptions = 0, this.contextViewProvider = t2, this.placeholder = i2.placeholder || "", this.validation = i2.validation, this.label = i2.label || Gi, this.inputActiveOptionBorder = i2.inputActiveOptionBorder, this.inputActiveOptionForeground = i2.inputActiveOptionForeground, this.inputActiveOptionBackground = i2.inputActiveOptionBackground, this.inputBackground = i2.inputBackground, this.inputForeground = i2.inputForeground, this.inputBorder = i2.inputBorder, this.inputValidationInfoBorder = i2.inputValidationInfoBorder, this.inputValidationInfoBackground = i2.inputValidationInfoBackground, this.inputValidationInfoForeground = i2.inputValidationInfoForeground, this.inputValidationWarningBorder = i2.inputValidationWarningBorder, this.inputValidationWarningBackground = i2.inputValidationWarningBackground, this.inputValidationWarningForeground = i2.inputValidationWarningForeground, this.inputValidationErrorBorder = i2.inputValidationErrorBorder, this.inputValidationErrorBackground = i2.inputValidationErrorBackground, this.inputValidationErrorForeground = i2.inputValidationErrorForeground;
const o2 = i2.appendCaseSensitiveLabel || "", r2 = i2.appendWholeWordsLabel || "", s2 = i2.appendRegexLabel || "", a2 = i2.history || [], l2 = !!i2.flexibleHeight, c2 = !!i2.flexibleWidth, d2 = i2.flexibleMaxHeight;
this.domNode = document.createElement("div"), ft.e(this.domNode, "monaco-findInput"), this.inputBox = this._register(new Ki.a(this.domNode, this.contextViewProvider, {placeholder: this.placeholder || "", ariaLabel: this.label || "", validationOptions: {validation: this.validation}, inputBackground: this.inputBackground, inputForeground: this.inputForeground, inputBorder: this.inputBorder, inputValidationInfoBackground: this.inputValidationInfoBackground, inputValidationInfoForeground: this.inputValidationInfoForeground, inputValidationInfoBorder: this.inputValidationInfoBorder, inputValidationWarningBackground: this.inputValidationWarningBackground, inputValidationWarningForeground: this.inputValidationWarningForeground, inputValidationWarningBorder: this.inputValidationWarningBorder, inputValidationErrorBackground: this.inputValidationErrorBackground, inputValidationErrorForeground: this.inputValidationErrorForeground, inputValidationErrorBorder: this.inputValidationErrorBorder, history: a2, flexibleHeight: l2, flexibleWidth: c2, flexibleMaxHeight: d2})), this.regex = this._register(new Vi({appendTitle: s2, isChecked: false, inputActiveOptionBorder: this.inputActiveOptionBorder, inputActiveOptionForeground: this.inputActiveOptionForeground, inputActiveOptionBackground: this.inputActiveOptionBackground})), this._register(this.regex.onChange((e3) => {, !e3 && this.fixFocusOnOptionClickEnabled && this.inputBox.focus(), this.validate();
})), this._register(this.regex.onKeyDown((e3) => {;
})), this.wholeWords = this._register(new ji({appendTitle: r2, isChecked: false, inputActiveOptionBorder: this.inputActiveOptionBorder, inputActiveOptionForeground: this.inputActiveOptionForeground, inputActiveOptionBackground: this.inputActiveOptionBackground})), this._register(this.wholeWords.onChange((e3) => {, !e3 && this.fixFocusOnOptionClickEnabled && this.inputBox.focus(), this.validate();
})), this.caseSensitive = this._register(new Bi({appendTitle: o2, isChecked: false, inputActiveOptionBorder: this.inputActiveOptionBorder, inputActiveOptionForeground: this.inputActiveOptionForeground, inputActiveOptionBackground: this.inputActiveOptionBackground})), this._register(this.caseSensitive.onChange((e3) => {, !e3 && this.fixFocusOnOptionClickEnabled && this.inputBox.focus(), this.validate();
})), this._register(this.caseSensitive.onKeyDown((e3) => {;
})), this._showOptionButtons && (this.inputBox.paddingRight = this.caseSensitive.width() + this.wholeWords.width() + this.regex.width());
let h2 = [this.caseSensitive.domNode, this.wholeWords.domNode, this.regex.domNode];
this.onkeydown(this.domNode, (e3) => {
if (e3.equals(15) || e3.equals(17) || e3.equals(9)) {
let t3 = h2.indexOf(document.activeElement);
if (t3 >= 0) {
let n3 = -1;
e3.equals(17) ? n3 = (t3 + 1) % h2.length : e3.equals(15) && (n3 = 0 === t3 ? h2.length - 1 : t3 - 1), e3.equals(9) ? h2[t3].blur() : n3 >= 0 && h2[n3].focus(), ft.b.stop(e3, true);
let u2 = document.createElement("div");
u2.className = "controls", = this._showOptionButtons ? "block" : "none", u2.appendChild(this.caseSensitive.domNode), u2.appendChild(this.wholeWords.domNode), u2.appendChild(this.regex.domNode), this.domNode.appendChild(u2), e2 && e2.appendChild(this.domNode), this.onkeydown(this.inputBox.inputElement, (e3) =>, this.onkeyup(this.inputBox.inputElement, (e3) =>, this.oninput(this.inputBox.inputElement, (e3) =>, this.onmousedown(this.inputBox.inputElement, (e3) =>;
enable() {
ft.Q(this.domNode, "disabled"), this.inputBox.enable(), this.regex.enable(), this.wholeWords.enable(), this.caseSensitive.enable();
disable() {
ft.e(this.domNode, "disabled"), this.inputBox.disable(), this.regex.disable(), this.wholeWords.disable(), this.caseSensitive.disable();
setFocusInputOnOptionClick(e2) {
this.fixFocusOnOptionClickEnabled = e2;
setEnabled(e2) {
e2 ? this.enable() : this.disable();
getValue() {
return this.inputBox.value;
setValue(e2) {
this.inputBox.value !== e2 && (this.inputBox.value = e2);
style(e2) {
this.inputActiveOptionBorder = e2.inputActiveOptionBorder, this.inputActiveOptionForeground = e2.inputActiveOptionForeground, this.inputActiveOptionBackground = e2.inputActiveOptionBackground, this.inputBackground = e2.inputBackground, this.inputForeground = e2.inputForeground, this.inputBorder = e2.inputBorder, this.inputValidationInfoBackground = e2.inputValidationInfoBackground, this.inputValidationInfoForeground = e2.inputValidationInfoForeground, this.inputValidationInfoBorder = e2.inputValidationInfoBorder, this.inputValidationWarningBackground = e2.inputValidationWarningBackground, this.inputValidationWarningForeground = e2.inputValidationWarningForeground, this.inputValidationWarningBorder = e2.inputValidationWarningBorder, this.inputValidationErrorBackground = e2.inputValidationErrorBackground, this.inputValidationErrorForeground = e2.inputValidationErrorForeground, this.inputValidationErrorBorder = e2.inputValidationErrorBorder, this.applyStyles();
applyStyles() {
if (this.domNode) {
const e2 = {inputActiveOptionBorder: this.inputActiveOptionBorder, inputActiveOptionForeground: this.inputActiveOptionForeground, inputActiveOptionBackground: this.inputActiveOptionBackground};,,;
const t2 = {inputBackground: this.inputBackground, inputForeground: this.inputForeground, inputBorder: this.inputBorder, inputValidationInfoBackground: this.inputValidationInfoBackground, inputValidationInfoForeground: this.inputValidationInfoForeground, inputValidationInfoBorder: this.inputValidationInfoBorder, inputValidationWarningBackground: this.inputValidationWarningBackground, inputValidationWarningForeground: this.inputValidationWarningForeground, inputValidationWarningBorder: this.inputValidationWarningBorder, inputValidationErrorBackground: this.inputValidationErrorBackground, inputValidationErrorForeground: this.inputValidationErrorForeground, inputValidationErrorBorder: this.inputValidationErrorBorder};;
select() {;
focus() {
getCaseSensitive() {
return this.caseSensitive.checked;
setCaseSensitive(e2) {
this.caseSensitive.checked = e2;
getWholeWords() {
return this.wholeWords.checked;
setWholeWords(e2) {
this.wholeWords.checked = e2;
getRegex() {
return this.regex.checked;
setRegex(e2) {
this.regex.checked = e2, this.validate();
focusOnCaseSensitive() {
highlightFindOptions() {
ft.Q(this.domNode, "highlight-" + this._lastHighlightFindOptions), this._lastHighlightFindOptions = 1 - this._lastHighlightFindOptions, ft.e(this.domNode, "highlight-" + this._lastHighlightFindOptions);
validate() {
clearMessage() {
var Zi = n(92);
const Xi = U.a("defaultLabel", "input"), Qi = U.a("label.preserveCaseCheckbox", "Preserve Case");
class Ji extends Pi {
constructor(e2) {
super({icon: Y.a.preserveCase, title: Qi + e2.appendTitle, isChecked: e2.isChecked, inputActiveOptionBorder: e2.inputActiveOptionBorder, inputActiveOptionForeground: e2.inputActiveOptionForeground, inputActiveOptionBackground: e2.inputActiveOptionBackground});
class eo extends Ri.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._showOptionButtons = n2, this.fixFocusOnOptionClickEnabled = true, this.cachedOptionsWidth = 0, this._onDidOptionChange = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onDidOptionChange = this._onDidOptionChange.event, this._onKeyDown = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.event, this._onMouseDown = this._register(new Lt.a()), this._onInput = this._register(new Lt.a()), this._onKeyUp = this._register(new Lt.a()), this._onPreserveCaseKeyDown = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onPreserveCaseKeyDown = this._onPreserveCaseKeyDown.event, this.contextViewProvider = t2, this.placeholder = i2.placeholder || "", this.validation = i2.validation, this.label = i2.label || Xi, this.inputActiveOptionBorder = i2.inputActiveOptionBorder, this.inputActiveOptionForeground = i2.inputActiveOptionForeground, this.inputActiveOptionBackground = i2.inputActiveOptionBackground, this.inputBackground = i2.inputBackground, this.inputForeground = i2.inputForeground, this.inputBorder = i2.inputBorder, this.inputValidationInfoBorder = i2.inputValidationInfoBorder, this.inputValidationInfoBackground = i2.inputValidationInfoBackground, this.inputValidationInfoForeground = i2.inputValidationInfoForeground, this.inputValidationWarningBorder = i2.inputValidationWarningBorder, this.inputValidationWarningBackground = i2.inputValidationWarningBackground, this.inputValidationWarningForeground = i2.inputValidationWarningForeground, this.inputValidationErrorBorder = i2.inputValidationErrorBorder, this.inputValidationErrorBackground = i2.inputValidationErrorBackground, this.inputValidationErrorForeground = i2.inputValidationErrorForeground;
const o2 = i2.history || [], r2 = !!i2.flexibleHeight, s2 = !!i2.flexibleWidth, a2 = i2.flexibleMaxHeight;
this.domNode = document.createElement("div"), ft.e(this.domNode, "monaco-findInput"), this.inputBox = this._register(new Ki.a(this.domNode, this.contextViewProvider, {ariaLabel: this.label || "", placeholder: this.placeholder || "", validationOptions: {validation: this.validation}, inputBackground: this.inputBackground, inputForeground: this.inputForeground, inputBorder: this.inputBorder, inputValidationInfoBackground: this.inputValidationInfoBackground, inputValidationInfoForeground: this.inputValidationInfoForeground, inputValidationInfoBorder: this.inputValidationInfoBorder, inputValidationWarningBackground: this.inputValidationWarningBackground, inputValidationWarningForeground: this.inputValidationWarningForeground, inputValidationWarningBorder: this.inputValidationWarningBorder, inputValidationErrorBackground: this.inputValidationErrorBackground, inputValidationErrorForeground: this.inputValidationErrorForeground, inputValidationErrorBorder: this.inputValidationErrorBorder, history: o2, flexibleHeight: r2, flexibleWidth: s2, flexibleMaxHeight: a2})), this.preserveCase = this._register(new Ji({appendTitle: "", isChecked: false, inputActiveOptionBorder: this.inputActiveOptionBorder, inputActiveOptionForeground: this.inputActiveOptionForeground, inputActiveOptionBackground: this.inputActiveOptionBackground})), this._register(this.preserveCase.onChange((e3) => {, !e3 && this.fixFocusOnOptionClickEnabled && this.inputBox.focus(), this.validate();
})), this._register(this.preserveCase.onKeyDown((e3) => {;
})), this._showOptionButtons ? this.cachedOptionsWidth = this.preserveCase.width() : this.cachedOptionsWidth = 0;
let l2 = [this.preserveCase.domNode];
this.onkeydown(this.domNode, (e3) => {
if (e3.equals(15) || e3.equals(17) || e3.equals(9)) {
let t3 = l2.indexOf(document.activeElement);
if (t3 >= 0) {
let n3 = -1;
e3.equals(17) ? n3 = (t3 + 1) % l2.length : e3.equals(15) && (n3 = 0 === t3 ? l2.length - 1 : t3 - 1), e3.equals(9) ? l2[t3].blur() : n3 >= 0 && l2[n3].focus(), ft.b.stop(e3, true);
let c2 = document.createElement("div");
c2.className = "controls", = this._showOptionButtons ? "block" : "none", c2.appendChild(this.preserveCase.domNode), this.domNode.appendChild(c2), e2 && e2.appendChild(this.domNode), this.onkeydown(this.inputBox.inputElement, (e3) =>, this.onkeyup(this.inputBox.inputElement, (e3) =>, this.oninput(this.inputBox.inputElement, (e3) =>, this.onmousedown(this.inputBox.inputElement, (e3) =>;
enable() {
ft.Q(this.domNode, "disabled"), this.inputBox.enable(), this.preserveCase.enable();
disable() {
ft.e(this.domNode, "disabled"), this.inputBox.disable(), this.preserveCase.disable();
setEnabled(e2) {
e2 ? this.enable() : this.disable();
style(e2) {
this.inputActiveOptionBorder = e2.inputActiveOptionBorder, this.inputActiveOptionForeground = e2.inputActiveOptionForeground, this.inputActiveOptionBackground = e2.inputActiveOptionBackground, this.inputBackground = e2.inputBackground, this.inputForeground = e2.inputForeground, this.inputBorder = e2.inputBorder, this.inputValidationInfoBackground = e2.inputValidationInfoBackground, this.inputValidationInfoForeground = e2.inputValidationInfoForeground, this.inputValidationInfoBorder = e2.inputValidationInfoBorder, this.inputValidationWarningBackground = e2.inputValidationWarningBackground, this.inputValidationWarningForeground = e2.inputValidationWarningForeground, this.inputValidationWarningBorder = e2.inputValidationWarningBorder, this.inputValidationErrorBackground = e2.inputValidationErrorBackground, this.inputValidationErrorForeground = e2.inputValidationErrorForeground, this.inputValidationErrorBorder = e2.inputValidationErrorBorder, this.applyStyles();
applyStyles() {
if (this.domNode) {
const e2 = {inputActiveOptionBorder: this.inputActiveOptionBorder, inputActiveOptionForeground: this.inputActiveOptionForeground, inputActiveOptionBackground: this.inputActiveOptionBackground};;
const t2 = {inputBackground: this.inputBackground, inputForeground: this.inputForeground, inputBorder: this.inputBorder, inputValidationInfoBackground: this.inputValidationInfoBackground, inputValidationInfoForeground: this.inputValidationInfoForeground, inputValidationInfoBorder: this.inputValidationInfoBorder, inputValidationWarningBackground: this.inputValidationWarningBackground, inputValidationWarningForeground: this.inputValidationWarningForeground, inputValidationWarningBorder: this.inputValidationWarningBorder, inputValidationErrorBackground: this.inputValidationErrorBackground, inputValidationErrorForeground: this.inputValidationErrorForeground, inputValidationErrorBorder: this.inputValidationErrorBorder};;
select() {;
focus() {
getPreserveCase() {
return this.preserveCase.checked;
setPreserveCase(e2) {
this.preserveCase.checked = e2;
focusOnPreserve() {
validate() {
this.inputBox && this.inputBox.validate();
set width(e2) {
this.inputBox.paddingRight = this.cachedOptionsWidth, this.inputBox.width = e2, = e2 + "px";
dispose() {
var to = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, no = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
function io(e2, t2) {
return e2.getContext(document.activeElement).getValue(t2);
function oo(e2, t2) {
const n2 = function(e3, t3) {
return e3.createScoped(;
}(e2, t2);
!function(e3, t3, n3) {
new K.c(n3, t3).bindTo(e3);
}(n2, t2, "historyNavigationWidget");
return {scopedContextKeyService: n2, historyNavigationEnablement: new K.c("historyNavigationEnabled", true).bindTo(n2)};
let ro = class extends Yi {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2 = false) {
super(e2, t2, o2, n2), this._register(oo(i2, {target: this.inputBox.element, historyNavigator: this.inputBox}).scopedContextKeyService);
ro = to([no(3, K.b)], ro);
let so = class extends eo {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2 = false) {
super(e2, t2, o2, n2), this._register(oo(i2, {target: this.inputBox.element, historyNavigator: this.inputBox}).scopedContextKeyService);
so = to([no(3, K.b)], so), Zi.a.registerCommandAndKeybindingRule({id: "history.showPrevious", weight: 200, when: K.a.and(K.a.has("historyNavigationWidget"), K.a.equals("historyNavigationEnabled", true)), primary: 16, secondary: [528], handler: (e2, t2) => {
const n2 = io(e2.get(K.b), "historyNavigationWidget");
if (n2) {
}}), Zi.a.registerCommandAndKeybindingRule({id: "history.showNext", weight: 200, when: K.a.and(K.a.has("historyNavigationWidget"), K.a.equals("historyNavigationEnabled", true)), primary: 18, secondary: [530], handler: (e2, t2) => {
const n2 = io(e2.get(K.b), "historyNavigationWidget");
if (n2) {
var ao = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const lo = Object(Y.e)("find-selection", Y.a.selection), co = Object(Y.e)("find-collapsed", Y.a.chevronRight), ho = Object(Y.e)("find-expanded", Y.a.chevronDown), uo = Object(Y.e)("find-close", Y.a.close), po = Object(Y.e)("find-replace", Y.a.replace), mo = Object(Y.e)("find-replace-all", Y.a.replaceAll), go = Object(Y.e)("find-previous-match", Y.a.arrowUp), fo = Object(Y.e)("find-next-match", Y.a.arrowDown), bo = U.a("label.find", "Find"), _o = U.a("placeholder.find", "Find"), vo = U.a("label.previousMatchButton", "Previous match"), wo = U.a("label.nextMatchButton", "Next match"), yo = U.a("label.toggleSelectionFind", "Find in selection"), Co = U.a("label.closeButton", "Close"), xo = U.a("label.replace", "Replace"), So = U.a("placeholder.replace", "Replace"), ko = U.a("label.replaceButton", "Replace"), Eo = U.a("label.replaceAllButton", "Replace All"), To = U.a("label.toggleReplaceButton", "Toggle Replace mode"), Lo = U.a("title.matchesCountLimit", "Only the first {0} results are highlighted, but all find operations work on the entire text.", 19999), No = U.a("label.matchesLocation", "{0} of {1}"), Io = U.a("label.noResults", "No results");
let Oo = 69;
const Do = Ae.f ? 256 : 2048;
class Ao {
constructor(e2) {
this.afterLineNumber = e2, this.heightInPx = 33, this.suppressMouseDown = false, this.domNode = document.createElement("div"), this.domNode.className = "dock-find-viewzone";
function Ro(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = !!t2.match(/\n/);
n2 && i2 && n2.selectionStart > 0 && e2.stopPropagation();
function Mo(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = !!t2.match(/\n/);
n2 && i2 && n2.selectionEnd < n2.value.length && e2.stopPropagation();
class Po extends Ri.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2) {
super(), this._cachedHeight = null, this._codeEditor = e2, this._controller = t2, this._state = n2, this._contextViewProvider = i2, this._keybindingService = o2, this._contextKeyService = r2, this._storageService = a2, this._notificationService = l2, c2.registerStorageKey({key: "", version: 1}), this._ctrlEnterReplaceAllWarningPrompted = !!a2.getBoolean("", 0), this._isVisible = false, this._isReplaceVisible = false, this._ignoreChangeEvent = false, this._updateHistoryDelayer = new ue.a(500), this._register(Object(pe.h)(() => this._updateHistoryDelayer.cancel())), this._register(this._state.onFindReplaceStateChange((e3) => this._onStateChanged(e3))), this._buildDomNode(), this._updateButtons(), this._tryUpdateWidgetWidth(), this._findInput.inputBox.layout(), this._register(this._codeEditor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
if (e3.hasChanged(72) && (this._codeEditor.getOption(72) && this._state.change({isReplaceRevealed: false}, false), this._updateButtons()), e3.hasChanged(117) && this._tryUpdateWidgetWidth(), e3.hasChanged(2) && this.updateAccessibilitySupport(), e3.hasChanged(29)) {
const e4 = this._codeEditor.getOption(29).addExtraSpaceOnTop;
e4 && !this._viewZone && (this._viewZone = new Ao(0), this._showViewZone()), !e4 && this._viewZone && this._removeViewZone();
})), this.updateAccessibilitySupport(), this._register(this._codeEditor.onDidChangeCursorSelection(() => {
this._isVisible && this._updateToggleSelectionFindButton();
})), this._register(this._codeEditor.onDidFocusEditorWidget(() => ao(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (this._isVisible) {
let e3 = yield this._controller.getGlobalBufferTerm();
e3 && e3 !== this._state.searchString && (this._state.change({searchString: e3}, true),;
}))), this._findInputFocused = ui.bindTo(r2), this._findFocusTracker = this._register(, this._register(this._findFocusTracker.onDidFocus(() => {
this._findInputFocused.set(true), this._updateSearchScope();
})), this._register(this._findFocusTracker.onDidBlur(() => {
})), this._replaceInputFocused = pi.bindTo(r2), this._replaceFocusTracker = this._register(, this._register(this._replaceFocusTracker.onDidFocus(() => {
this._replaceInputFocused.set(true), this._updateSearchScope();
})), this._register(this._replaceFocusTracker.onDidBlur(() => {
})), this._codeEditor.addOverlayWidget(this), this._codeEditor.getOption(29).addExtraSpaceOnTop && (this._viewZone = new Ao(0)), this._applyTheme(s2.getColorTheme()), this._register(s2.onDidColorThemeChange(this._applyTheme.bind(this))), this._register(this._codeEditor.onDidChangeModel(() => {
this._isVisible && (this._viewZoneId = void 0);
})), this._register(this._codeEditor.onDidScrollChange((e3) => {
e3.scrollTopChanged ? this._layoutViewZone() : setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
getId() {
return Po.ID;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
getPosition() {
return this._isVisible ? {preference: 0} : null;
_onStateChanged(e2) {
if (e2.searchString) {
try {
this._ignoreChangeEvent = true, this._findInput.setValue(this._state.searchString);
} finally {
this._ignoreChangeEvent = false;
if (e2.replaceString && (this._replaceInput.inputBox.value = this._state.replaceString), e2.isRevealed && (this._state.isRevealed ? this._reveal() : this._hide(true)), e2.isReplaceRevealed && (this._state.isReplaceRevealed ? this._codeEditor.getOption(72) || this._isReplaceVisible || (this._isReplaceVisible = true, this._replaceInput.width = ft.H(this._findInput.domNode), this._updateButtons(), this._replaceInput.inputBox.layout()) : this._isReplaceVisible && (this._isReplaceVisible = false, this._updateButtons())), (e2.isRevealed || e2.isReplaceRevealed) && (this._state.isRevealed || this._state.isReplaceRevealed) && this._tryUpdateHeight() && this._showViewZone(), e2.isRegex && this._findInput.setRegex(this._state.isRegex), e2.wholeWord && this._findInput.setWholeWords(this._state.wholeWord), e2.matchCase && this._findInput.setCaseSensitive(this._state.matchCase), e2.searchScope && (this._state.searchScope ? this._toggleSelectionFind.checked = true : this._toggleSelectionFind.checked = false, this._updateToggleSelectionFindButton()), e2.searchString || e2.matchesCount || e2.matchesPosition) {
let e3 = this._state.searchString.length > 0 && 0 === this._state.matchesCount;
ft.ab(this._domNode, "no-results", e3), this._updateMatchesCount(), this._updateButtons();
(e2.searchString || e2.currentMatch) && this._layoutViewZone(), e2.updateHistory && this._delayedUpdateHistory(), e2.loop && this._updateButtons();
_delayedUpdateHistory() {
_updateHistory() {
this._state.searchString && this._findInput.inputBox.addToHistory(), this._state.replaceString && this._replaceInput.inputBox.addToHistory();
_updateMatchesCount() {
let e2;
if ( = Oo + "px", this._state.matchesCount >= 19999 ? this._matchesCount.title = Lo : this._matchesCount.title = "", this._matchesCount.firstChild && this._matchesCount.removeChild(this._matchesCount.firstChild), this._state.matchesCount > 0) {
let t2 = String(this._state.matchesCount);
this._state.matchesCount >= 19999 && (t2 += "+");
let n2 = String(this._state.matchesPosition);
"0" === n2 && (n2 = "?"), e2 = Ye.x(No, n2, t2);
} else
e2 = Io;
this._matchesCount.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e2)), Object(ne.a)(this._getAriaLabel(e2, this._state.currentMatch, this._state.searchString)), Oo = Math.max(Oo, this._matchesCount.clientWidth);
_getAriaLabel(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2 === Io)
return "" === n2 ? U.a("ariaSearchNoResultEmpty", "{0} found", e2) : U.a("ariaSearchNoResult", "{0} found for '{1}'", e2, n2);
if (t2) {
const i2 = U.a("ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum", "{0} found for '{1}', at {2}", e2, n2, t2.startLineNumber + ":" + t2.startColumn), o2 = this._codeEditor.getModel();
if (o2 && t2.startLineNumber <= o2.getLineCount() && t2.startLineNumber >= 1) {
return `${o2.getLineContent(t2.startLineNumber)}, ${i2}`;
return i2;
return U.a("ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNumNoCurrentMatch", "{0} found for '{1}'", e2, n2);
_updateToggleSelectionFindButton() {
let e2 = this._codeEditor.getSelection(), t2 = !!e2 && (e2.startLineNumber !== e2.endLineNumber || e2.startColumn !== e2.endColumn), n2 = this._toggleSelectionFind.checked;
this._isVisible && (n2 || t2) ? this._toggleSelectionFind.enable() : this._toggleSelectionFind.disable();
_updateButtons() {
this._findInput.setEnabled(this._isVisible), this._replaceInput.setEnabled(this._isVisible && this._isReplaceVisible), this._updateToggleSelectionFindButton(), this._closeBtn.setEnabled(this._isVisible);
let e2 = this._state.searchString.length > 0, t2 = !!this._state.matchesCount;
this._prevBtn.setEnabled(this._isVisible && e2 && t2 && this._state.canNavigateBack()), this._nextBtn.setEnabled(this._isVisible && e2 && t2 && this._state.canNavigateForward()), this._replaceBtn.setEnabled(this._isVisible && this._isReplaceVisible && e2), this._replaceAllBtn.setEnabled(this._isVisible && this._isReplaceVisible && e2), ft.ab(this._domNode, "replaceToggled", this._isReplaceVisible), this._toggleReplaceBtn.setExpanded(this._isReplaceVisible);
let n2 = !this._codeEditor.getOption(72);
this._toggleReplaceBtn.setEnabled(this._isVisible && n2);
_reveal() {
if (!this._isVisible) {
this._isVisible = true;
const e2 = this._codeEditor.getSelection();
switch (this._codeEditor.getOption(29).autoFindInSelection) {
case "always":
this._toggleSelectionFind.checked = true;
case "never":
this._toggleSelectionFind.checked = false;
case "multiline":
const t3 = !!e2 && e2.startLineNumber !== e2.endLineNumber;
this._toggleSelectionFind.checked = t3;
this._tryUpdateWidgetWidth(), this._updateButtons(), setTimeout(() => {
ft.e(this._domNode, "visible"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false");
}, 0), setTimeout(() => {
}, 200), this._codeEditor.layoutOverlayWidget(this);
let t2 = true;
if (this._codeEditor.getOption(29).seedSearchStringFromSelection && e2) {
const n2 = this._codeEditor.getDomNode();
if (n2) {
const i2 = ft.C(n2), o2 = this._codeEditor.getScrolledVisiblePosition(e2.getStartPosition()), r2 = i2.left + (o2 ? o2.left : 0), s2 = o2 ? : 0;
if (this._viewZone && s2 < this._viewZone.heightInPx) {
e2.endLineNumber > e2.startLineNumber && (t2 = false);
const n3 = ft.F(this._domNode).left;
r2 > n3 && (t2 = false);
const o3 = this._codeEditor.getScrolledVisiblePosition(e2.getEndPosition());
i2.left + (o3 ? o3.left : 0) > n3 && (t2 = false);
_hide(e2) {
this._isVisible && (this._isVisible = false, this._updateButtons(), ft.Q(this._domNode, "visible"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this._findInput.clearMessage(), e2 && this._codeEditor.focus(), this._codeEditor.layoutOverlayWidget(this), this._removeViewZone());
_layoutViewZone() {
if (!this._codeEditor.getOption(29).addExtraSpaceOnTop)
return void this._removeViewZone();
if (!this._isVisible)
const e2 = this._viewZone;
void 0 === this._viewZoneId && e2 && this._codeEditor.changeViewZones((t2) => {
e2.heightInPx = this._getHeight(), this._viewZoneId = t2.addZone(e2), this._codeEditor.setScrollTop(this._codeEditor.getScrollTop() + e2.heightInPx);
_showViewZone(e2 = true) {
if (!this._isVisible)
if (!this._codeEditor.getOption(29).addExtraSpaceOnTop)
void 0 === this._viewZone && (this._viewZone = new Ao(0));
const t2 = this._viewZone;
this._codeEditor.changeViewZones((n2) => {
if (void 0 !== this._viewZoneId) {
const i2 = this._getHeight();
if (i2 === t2.heightInPx)
let o2 = i2 - t2.heightInPx;
return t2.heightInPx = i2, n2.layoutZone(this._viewZoneId), void (e2 && this._codeEditor.setScrollTop(this._codeEditor.getScrollTop() + o2));
let i2 = this._getHeight();
if (i2 -= this._codeEditor.getOption(66).top, i2 <= 0)
t2.heightInPx = i2, this._viewZoneId = n2.addZone(t2), e2 && this._codeEditor.setScrollTop(this._codeEditor.getScrollTop() + i2);
_removeViewZone() {
this._codeEditor.changeViewZones((e2) => {
void 0 !== this._viewZoneId && (e2.removeZone(this._viewZoneId), this._viewZoneId = void 0, this._viewZone && (this._codeEditor.setScrollTop(this._codeEditor.getScrollTop() - this._viewZone.heightInPx), this._viewZone = void 0));
_applyTheme(e2) {
let t2 = {inputActiveOptionBorder: e2.getColor(ve.db), inputActiveOptionBackground: e2.getColor(ve.cb), inputActiveOptionForeground: e2.getColor(ve.eb), inputBackground: e2.getColor(ve.fb), inputForeground: e2.getColor(ve.hb), inputBorder: e2.getColor(, inputValidationInfoBackground: e2.getColor(, inputValidationInfoForeground: e2.getColor(ve.nb), inputValidationInfoBorder: e2.getColor(ve.mb), inputValidationWarningBackground: e2.getColor(ve.ob), inputValidationWarningForeground: e2.getColor(ve.qb), inputValidationWarningBorder: e2.getColor(ve.pb), inputValidationErrorBackground: e2.getColor(ve.ib), inputValidationErrorForeground: e2.getColor(ve.kb), inputValidationErrorBorder: e2.getColor(ve.jb)};,,;
_tryUpdateWidgetWidth() {
if (!this._isVisible)
if (!ft.N(this._domNode))
const e2 = this._codeEditor.getLayoutInfo();
if (e2.contentWidth <= 0)
return void ft.e(this._domNode, "hiddenEditor");
ft.I(this._domNode, "hiddenEditor") && ft.Q(this._domNode, "hiddenEditor");
const t2 = e2.width, n2 = e2.minimap.minimapWidth;
let i2 = false, o2 = false, r2 = false;
if (this._resized) {
if (ft.H(this._domNode) > 419)
return = t2 - 28 - n2 - 15 + "px", void (this._replaceInput.width = ft.H(this._findInput.domNode));
if (447 + n2 >= t2 && (o2 = true), 447 + n2 - Oo >= t2 && (r2 = true), 447 + n2 - Oo >= t2 + 50 && (i2 = true), ft.ab(this._domNode, "collapsed-find-widget", i2), ft.ab(this._domNode, "narrow-find-widget", r2), ft.ab(this._domNode, "reduced-find-widget", o2), r2 || i2 || ( = t2 - 28 - n2 - 15 + "px"), this._resized) {
let e3 = this._findInput.inputBox.element.clientWidth;
e3 > 0 && (this._replaceInput.width = e3);
} else
this._isReplaceVisible && (this._replaceInput.width = ft.H(this._findInput.domNode));
_getHeight() {
let e2 = 0;
return e2 += 4, e2 += this._findInput.inputBox.height + 2, this._isReplaceVisible && (e2 += 4, e2 += this._replaceInput.inputBox.height + 2), e2 += 4, e2;
_tryUpdateHeight() {
const e2 = this._getHeight();
return (null === this._cachedHeight || this._cachedHeight !== e2) && (this._cachedHeight = e2, = e2 + "px", true);
focusFindInput() {, this._findInput.focus();
focusReplaceInput() {, this._replaceInput.focus();
highlightFindOptions() {
_updateSearchScope() {
if (this._codeEditor.hasModel() && this._toggleSelectionFind.checked) {
let e2 = this._codeEditor.getSelections(); => {
1 === e3.endColumn && e3.endLineNumber > e3.startLineNumber && (e3 = e3.setEndPosition(e3.endLineNumber - 1, this._codeEditor.getModel().getLineMaxColumn(e3.endLineNumber - 1)));
const t2 = this._state.currentMatch;
return e3.startLineNumber === e3.endLineNumber || ge.a.equalsRange(e3, t2) ? null : e3;
}).filter((e3) => !!e3), e2.length && this._state.change({searchScope: e2}, true);
_onFindInputMouseDown(e2) {
e2.middleButton && e2.stopPropagation();
_onFindInputKeyDown(e2) {
return e2.equals(3 | Do) ? (this._findInput.inputBox.insertAtCursor("\n"), void e2.preventDefault()) : e2.equals(2) ? (this._isReplaceVisible ? this._replaceInput.focus() : this._findInput.focusOnCaseSensitive(), void e2.preventDefault()) : e2.equals(2066) ? (this._codeEditor.focus(), void e2.preventDefault()) : e2.equals(16) ? Ro(e2, this._findInput.getValue(), this._findInput.domNode.querySelector("textarea")) : e2.equals(18) ? Mo(e2, this._findInput.getValue(), this._findInput.domNode.querySelector("textarea")) : void 0;
_onReplaceInputKeyDown(e2) {
return e2.equals(3 | Do) ? (Ae.i && Ae.g && !this._ctrlEnterReplaceAllWarningPrompted && ("ctrlEnter.keybindingChanged", "Ctrl+Enter now inserts line break instead of replacing all. You can modify the keybinding for editor.action.replaceAll to override this behavior.")), this._ctrlEnterReplaceAllWarningPrompted = true,"", true, 0)), this._replaceInput.inputBox.insertAtCursor("\n"), void e2.preventDefault()) : e2.equals(2) ? (this._findInput.focusOnCaseSensitive(), void e2.preventDefault()) : e2.equals(1026) ? (this._findInput.focus(), void e2.preventDefault()) : e2.equals(2066) ? (this._codeEditor.focus(), void e2.preventDefault()) : e2.equals(16) ? Ro(e2, this._replaceInput.inputBox.value, this._replaceInput.inputBox.element.querySelector("textarea")) : e2.equals(18) ? Mo(e2, this._replaceInput.inputBox.value, this._replaceInput.inputBox.element.querySelector("textarea")) : void 0;
getVerticalSashLeft(e2) {
return 0;
_keybindingLabelFor(e2) {
let t2 = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(e2);
return t2 ? ` (${t2.getLabel()})` : "";
_buildDomNode() {
this._findInput = this._register(new ro(null, this._contextViewProvider, {width: 221, label: bo, placeholder: _o, appendCaseSensitiveLabel: this._keybindingLabelFor(Ei), appendWholeWordsLabel: this._keybindingLabelFor(Ti), appendRegexLabel: this._keybindingLabelFor(Li), validation: (e3) => {
if (0 === e3.length || !this._findInput.getRegex())
return null;
try {
return new RegExp(e3, "gu"), null;
} catch (e4) {
return {content: e4.message};
}, flexibleHeight: true, flexibleWidth: true, flexibleMaxHeight: 118}, this._contextKeyService, true)), this._findInput.setRegex(!!this._state.isRegex), this._findInput.setCaseSensitive(!!this._state.matchCase), this._findInput.setWholeWords(!!this._state.wholeWord), this._register(this._findInput.onKeyDown((e3) => this._onFindInputKeyDown(e3))), this._register(this._findInput.inputBox.onDidChange(() => {
this._ignoreChangeEvent || this._state.change({searchString: this._findInput.getValue()}, true);
})), this._register(this._findInput.onDidOptionChange(() => {
this._state.change({isRegex: this._findInput.getRegex(), wholeWord: this._findInput.getWholeWords(), matchCase: this._findInput.getCaseSensitive()}, true);
})), this._register(this._findInput.onCaseSensitiveKeyDown((e3) => {
e3.equals(1026) && this._isReplaceVisible && (this._replaceInput.focus(), e3.preventDefault());
})), this._register(this._findInput.onRegexKeyDown((e3) => {
e3.equals(2) && this._isReplaceVisible && (this._replaceInput.focusOnPreserve(), e3.preventDefault());
})), this._register(this._findInput.inputBox.onDidHeightChange((e3) => {
this._tryUpdateHeight() && this._showViewZone();
})), Ae.d && this._register(this._findInput.onMouseDown((e3) => this._onFindInputMouseDown(e3))), this._matchesCount = document.createElement("div"), this._matchesCount.className = "matchesCount", this._updateMatchesCount(), this._prevBtn = this._register(new Fo({label: vo + this._keybindingLabelFor(yi), className: go.classNames, onTrigger: () => {
this._codeEditor.getAction(yi).run().then(void 0, Z.e);
}})), this._nextBtn = this._register(new Fo({label: wo + this._keybindingLabelFor(wi), className: fo.classNames, onTrigger: () => {
this._codeEditor.getAction(wi).run().then(void 0, Z.e);
let e2 = document.createElement("div");
e2.className = "find-part", e2.appendChild(this._findInput.domNode);
const t2 = document.createElement("div");
t2.className = "find-actions", e2.appendChild(t2), t2.appendChild(this._matchesCount), t2.appendChild(this._prevBtn.domNode), t2.appendChild(this._nextBtn.domNode), this._toggleSelectionFind = this._register(new Pi({icon: lo, title: yo + this._keybindingLabelFor(Ni), isChecked: false})), this._register(this._toggleSelectionFind.onChange(() => {
if (this._toggleSelectionFind.checked) {
if (this._codeEditor.hasModel()) {
let e3 = this._codeEditor.getSelections(); => (1 === e4.endColumn && e4.endLineNumber > e4.startLineNumber && (e4 = e4.setEndPosition(e4.endLineNumber - 1, this._codeEditor.getModel().getLineMaxColumn(e4.endLineNumber - 1))), e4.isEmpty() ? null : e4)).filter((e4) => !!e4), e3.length && this._state.change({searchScope: e3}, true);
} else
this._state.change({searchScope: null}, true);
})), t2.appendChild(this._toggleSelectionFind.domNode), this._closeBtn = this._register(new Fo({label: Co + this._keybindingLabelFor(ki), className: uo.classNames, onTrigger: () => {
this._state.change({isRevealed: false, searchScope: null}, false);
}, onKeyDown: (e3) => {
e3.equals(2) && this._isReplaceVisible && (this._replaceBtn.isEnabled() ? this._replaceBtn.focus() : this._codeEditor.focus(), e3.preventDefault());
}})), t2.appendChild(this._closeBtn.domNode), this._replaceInput = this._register(new so(null, void 0, {label: xo, placeholder: So, history: [], flexibleHeight: true, flexibleWidth: true, flexibleMaxHeight: 118}, this._contextKeyService, true)), this._replaceInput.setPreserveCase(!!this._state.preserveCase), this._register(this._replaceInput.onKeyDown((e3) => this._onReplaceInputKeyDown(e3))), this._register(this._replaceInput.inputBox.onDidChange(() => {
this._state.change({replaceString: this._replaceInput.inputBox.value}, false);
})), this._register(this._replaceInput.inputBox.onDidHeightChange((e3) => {
this._isReplaceVisible && this._tryUpdateHeight() && this._showViewZone();
})), this._register(this._replaceInput.onDidOptionChange(() => {
this._state.change({preserveCase: this._replaceInput.getPreserveCase()}, true);
})), this._register(this._replaceInput.onPreserveCaseKeyDown((e3) => {
e3.equals(2) && (this._prevBtn.isEnabled() ? this._prevBtn.focus() : this._nextBtn.isEnabled() ? this._nextBtn.focus() : this._toggleSelectionFind.enabled ? this._toggleSelectionFind.focus() : this._closeBtn.isEnabled() && this._closeBtn.focus(), e3.preventDefault());
})), this._replaceBtn = this._register(new Fo({label: ko + this._keybindingLabelFor(Ii), className: po.classNames, onTrigger: () => {
}, onKeyDown: (e3) => {
e3.equals(1026) && (this._closeBtn.focus(), e3.preventDefault());
}})), this._replaceAllBtn = this._register(new Fo({label: Eo + this._keybindingLabelFor(Oi), className: mo.classNames, onTrigger: () => {
let n2 = document.createElement("div");
n2.className = "replace-part", n2.appendChild(this._replaceInput.domNode);
const i2 = document.createElement("div");
i2.className = "replace-actions", n2.appendChild(i2), i2.appendChild(this._replaceBtn.domNode), i2.appendChild(this._replaceAllBtn.domNode), this._toggleReplaceBtn = this._register(new Fo({label: To, className: "codicon toggle left", onTrigger: () => {
this._state.change({isReplaceRevealed: !this._isReplaceVisible}, false), this._isReplaceVisible && (this._replaceInput.width = ft.H(this._findInput.domNode), this._replaceInput.inputBox.layout()), this._showViewZone();
}})), this._toggleReplaceBtn.setExpanded(this._isReplaceVisible), this._domNode = document.createElement("div"), this._domNode.className = "editor-widget find-widget", this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), = "419px", this._domNode.appendChild(this._toggleReplaceBtn.domNode), this._domNode.appendChild(e2), this._domNode.appendChild(n2), this._resizeSash = new $i.a(this._domNode, this, {orientation: 0, size: 2}), this._resized = false;
let o2 = 419;
this._register(this._resizeSash.onDidStart(() => {
o2 = ft.H(this._domNode);
})), this._register(this._resizeSash.onDidChange((e3) => {
this._resized = true;
let t3 = o2 + e3.startX - e3.currentX;
if (t3 < 419)
t3 > (parseFloat(ft.z(this._domNode).maxWidth) || 0) || ( = t3 + "px", this._isReplaceVisible && (this._replaceInput.width = ft.H(this._findInput.domNode)), this._findInput.inputBox.layout(), this._tryUpdateHeight());
})), this._register(this._resizeSash.onDidReset(() => {
const e3 = ft.H(this._domNode);
if (e3 < 419)
let t3 = 419;
if (!this._resized || 419 === e3) {
const e4 = this._codeEditor.getLayoutInfo();
t3 = e4.width - 28 - e4.minimap.minimapWidth - 15, this._resized = true;
} = t3 + "px", this._isReplaceVisible && (this._replaceInput.width = ft.H(this._findInput.domNode)), this._findInput.inputBox.layout();
updateAccessibilitySupport() {
const e2 = this._codeEditor.getOption(2);
this._findInput.setFocusInputOnOptionClick(2 !== e2);
Po.ID = "editor.contrib.findWidget";
class Fo extends Ri.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._opts = e2, this._domNode = document.createElement("div"), this._domNode.title = this._opts.label, this._domNode.tabIndex = 0, this._domNode.className = "button " + this._opts.className, this._domNode.setAttribute("role", "button"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-label", this._opts.label), this.onclick(this._domNode, (e3) => {
this._opts.onTrigger(), e3.preventDefault();
}), this.onkeydown(this._domNode, (e3) => {
if (e3.equals(10) || e3.equals(3))
return this._opts.onTrigger(), void e3.preventDefault();
this._opts.onKeyDown && this._opts.onKeyDown(e3);
get domNode() {
return this._domNode;
isEnabled() {
return this._domNode.tabIndex >= 0;
focus() {
setEnabled(e2) {
ft.ab(this._domNode, "disabled", !e2), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-disabled", String(!e2)), this._domNode.tabIndex = e2 ? 0 : -1;
setExpanded(e2) {
this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", String(!!e2)), e2 ? (ft.R(this._domNode, co.classNames), ft.f(this._domNode, ho.classNames)) : (ft.R(this._domNode, ho.classNames), ft.f(this._domNode, co.classNames));
Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = (e3, n3) => {
n3 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor ${e3} { background-color: ${n3}; }`);
n2(".findMatch", e2.getColor(ve.x)), n2(".currentFindMatch", e2.getColor(ve.v)), n2(".findScope", e2.getColor(ve.z));
n2(".find-widget", e2.getColor(ve.U));
const i2 = e2.getColor(ve.uc);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .find-widget { box-shadow: 0 2px 8px ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(ve.y);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .findMatch { border: 1px ${"hc" === e2.type ? "dotted" : "solid"} ${o2}; box-sizing: border-box; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(ve.w);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .currentFindMatch { border: 2px solid ${r2}; padding: 1px; box-sizing: border-box; }`);
const s2 = e2.getColor(ve.A);
s2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .findScope { border: 1px ${"hc" === e2.type ? "dashed" : "solid"} ${s2}; }`);
const a2 = e2.getColor(ve.h);
a2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .find-widget { border: 1px solid ${a2}; }`);
const l2 = e2.getColor(ve.W);
l2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .find-widget { color: ${l2}; }`);
const c2 = e2.getColor(ve.Y);
c2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .matchesCount { color: ${c2}; }`);
const d2 = e2.getColor(ve.X);
if (d2)
t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .find-widget .monaco-sash { background-color: ${d2}; }`);
else {
const n3 = e2.getColor(ve.V);
n3 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .find-widget .monaco-sash { background-color: ${n3}; }`);
const h2 = e2.getColor(ve.Z);
h2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .find-widget .monaco-inputbox.synthetic-focus { outline-color: ${h2}; }`);
var Wo = n(166), zo = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Bo = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, jo = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
function Vo(e2) {
if (!e2.hasModel())
return null;
const t2 = e2.getSelection();
if (t2.startLineNumber === t2.endLineNumber) {
if (t2.isEmpty()) {
const n2 = e2.getConfiguredWordAtPosition(t2.getStartPosition());
if (n2)
return n2.word;
} else if (e2.getModel().getValueLengthInRange(t2) < 524288)
return e2.getModel().getValueInRange(t2);
return null;
let Uo = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._editor = e3, this._findWidgetVisible = hi.bindTo(t2), this._contextKeyService = t2, this._storageService = n2, this._clipboardService = i2, this._updateHistoryDelayer = new ue.a(500), this._state = this._register(new qi()), this.loadQueryState(), this._register(this._state.onFindReplaceStateChange((e4) => this._onStateChanged(e4))), this._model = null, this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => {
let e4 = this._editor.getModel() && this._state.isRevealed;
this.disposeModel(), this._state.change({searchScope: null, matchCase: this._storageService.getBoolean("editor.matchCase", 1, false), wholeWord: this._storageService.getBoolean("editor.wholeWord", 1, false), isRegex: this._storageService.getBoolean("editor.isRegex", 1, false), preserveCase: this._storageService.getBoolean("editor.preserveCase", 1, false)}, false), e4 && this._start({forceRevealReplace: false, seedSearchStringFromSelection: false, seedSearchStringFromGlobalClipboard: false, shouldFocus: 0, shouldAnimate: false, updateSearchScope: false, loop: this._editor.getOption(29).loop});
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
dispose() {
this.disposeModel(), super.dispose();
disposeModel() {
this._model && (this._model.dispose(), this._model = null);
_onStateChanged(e3) {
this.saveQueryState(e3), e3.isRevealed && (this._state.isRevealed ? this._findWidgetVisible.set(true) : (this._findWidgetVisible.reset(), this.disposeModel())), e3.searchString && this.setGlobalBufferTerm(this._state.searchString);
saveQueryState(e3) {
e3.isRegex &&"editor.isRegex", this._state.actualIsRegex, 1), e3.wholeWord &&"editor.wholeWord", this._state.actualWholeWord, 1), e3.matchCase &&"editor.matchCase", this._state.actualMatchCase, 1), e3.preserveCase &&"editor.preserveCase", this._state.actualPreserveCase, 1);
loadQueryState() {
this._state.change({matchCase: this._storageService.getBoolean("editor.matchCase", 1, this._state.matchCase), wholeWord: this._storageService.getBoolean("editor.wholeWord", 1, this._state.wholeWord), isRegex: this._storageService.getBoolean("editor.isRegex", 1, this._state.isRegex), preserveCase: this._storageService.getBoolean("editor.preserveCase", 1, this._state.preserveCase)}, false);
isFindInputFocused() {
return !!ui.getValue(this._contextKeyService);
getState() {
return this._state;
closeFindWidget() {
this._state.change({isRevealed: false, searchScope: null}, false), this._editor.focus();
toggleCaseSensitive() {
this._state.change({matchCase: !this._state.matchCase}, false), this._state.isRevealed || this.highlightFindOptions();
toggleWholeWords() {
this._state.change({wholeWord: !this._state.wholeWord}, false), this._state.isRevealed || this.highlightFindOptions();
toggleRegex() {
this._state.change({isRegex: !this._state.isRegex}, false), this._state.isRevealed || this.highlightFindOptions();
toggleSearchScope() {
if (this._state.searchScope)
this._state.change({searchScope: null}, true);
else if (this._editor.hasModel()) {
let e3 = this._editor.getSelections(); => (1 === e4.endColumn && e4.endLineNumber > e4.startLineNumber && (e4 = e4.setEndPosition(e4.endLineNumber - 1, this._editor.getModel().getLineMaxColumn(e4.endLineNumber - 1))), e4.isEmpty() ? null : e4)).filter((e4) => !!e4), e3.length && this._state.change({searchScope: e3}, true);
setSearchString(e3) {
this._state.isRegex && (e3 = Ye.v(e3)), this._state.change({searchString: e3}, false);
highlightFindOptions() {
_start(e3) {
return jo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (this.disposeModel(), !this._editor.hasModel())
let t2 = {isRevealed: true};
if (e3.seedSearchStringFromSelection) {
let e4 = Vo(this._editor);
e4 && (this._state.isRegex ? t2.searchString = Ye.v(e4) : t2.searchString = e4);
if (!t2.searchString && e3.seedSearchStringFromGlobalClipboard) {
let e4 = yield this.getGlobalBufferTerm();
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
e4 && (t2.searchString = e4);
if (e3.forceRevealReplace ? t2.isReplaceRevealed = true : this._findWidgetVisible.get() || (t2.isReplaceRevealed = false), e3.updateSearchScope) {
let e4 = this._editor.getSelections();
e4.some((e5) => !e5.isEmpty()) && (t2.searchScope = e4);
t2.loop = e3.loop, this._state.change(t2, false), this._model || (this._model = new Ai(this._editor, this._state));
start(e3) {
return this._start(e3);
moveToNextMatch() {
return !!this._model && (this._model.moveToNextMatch(), true);
moveToPrevMatch() {
return !!this._model && (this._model.moveToPrevMatch(), true);
replace() {
return !!this._model && (this._model.replace(), true);
replaceAll() {
return !!this._model && (this._model.replaceAll(), true);
selectAllMatches() {
return !!this._model && (this._model.selectAllMatches(), this._editor.focus(), true);
getGlobalBufferTerm() {
return jo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return this._editor.getOption(29).globalFindClipboard && this._editor.hasModel() && !this._editor.getModel().isTooLargeForSyncing() ? this._clipboardService.readFindText() : "";
setGlobalBufferTerm(e3) {
this._editor.getOption(29).globalFindClipboard && this._editor.hasModel() && !this._editor.getModel().isTooLargeForSyncing() && this._clipboardService.writeFindText(e3);
Uo.ID = "editor.contrib.findController", Uo = zo([Bo(1, K.b), Bo(2, fn.a), Bo(3, Pe.a)], Uo);
let Ho = class extends Uo {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2) {
super(e2, n2, s2, l2), this._contextViewService = t2, this._keybindingService = i2, this._themeService = o2, this._notificationService = r2, this._storageKeysSyncRegistryService = a2, this._widget = null, this._findOptionsWidget = null;
_start(e2) {
const t2 = Object.create(null, {_start: {get: () => super._start}});
return jo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
this._widget || this._createFindWidget();
const n2 = this._editor.getSelection();
let i2 = false;
switch (this._editor.getOption(29).autoFindInSelection) {
case "always":
i2 = true;
case "never":
i2 = false;
case "multiline":
i2 = !!n2 && n2.startLineNumber !== n2.endLineNumber;
e2.updateSearchScope = i2, yield, e2), this._widget && (2 === e2.shouldFocus ? this._widget.focusReplaceInput() : 1 === e2.shouldFocus && this._widget.focusFindInput());
highlightFindOptions() {
this._widget || this._createFindWidget(), this._state.isRevealed ? this._widget.highlightFindOptions() : this._findOptionsWidget.highlightFindOptions();
_createFindWidget() {
this._widget = this._register(new Po(this._editor, this, this._state, this._contextViewService, this._keybindingService, this._contextKeyService, this._themeService, this._storageService, this._notificationService, this._storageKeysSyncRegistryService)), this._findOptionsWidget = this._register(new Ui(this._editor, this._state, this._keybindingService, this._themeService));
Ho = zo([Bo(1, _t.b), Bo(2, K.b), Bo(3, vt.a), Bo(4, we.c), Bo(5, zt.a), Bo(6, fn.a), Bo(7, Wo.a), Bo(8, Pe.a)], Ho);
class qo extends V.f {
constructor() {
super({id: _i, label: U.a("startFindAction", "Find"), alias: "Find", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: null, primary: 2084, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarEditMenu, group: "3_find", title: U.a({key: "miFind", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Find"), order: 1}});
run(e2, t2) {
return jo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let e3 = Uo.get(t2);
e3 && (yield e3.start({forceRevealReplace: false, seedSearchStringFromSelection: t2.getOption(29).seedSearchStringFromSelection, seedSearchStringFromGlobalClipboard: t2.getOption(29).globalFindClipboard, shouldFocus: 1, shouldAnimate: true, updateSearchScope: false, loop: t2.getOption(29).loop}));
class $o extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: vi, label: U.a("startFindWithSelectionAction", "Find With Selection"), alias: "Find With Selection", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: null, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 2083}, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
return jo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let e3 = Uo.get(t2);
e3 && (yield e3.start({forceRevealReplace: false, seedSearchStringFromSelection: true, seedSearchStringFromGlobalClipboard: false, shouldFocus: 0, shouldAnimate: true, updateSearchScope: false, loop: t2.getOption(29).loop}), e3.setGlobalBufferTerm(e3.getState().searchString));
class Ko extends V.b {
run(e2, t2) {
return jo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let e3 = Uo.get(t2);
e3 && !this._run(e3) && (yield e3.start({forceRevealReplace: false, seedSearchStringFromSelection: 0 === e3.getState().searchString.length && t2.getOption(29).seedSearchStringFromSelection, seedSearchStringFromGlobalClipboard: true, shouldFocus: 0, shouldAnimate: true, updateSearchScope: false, loop: t2.getOption(29).loop}), this._run(e3));
class Go extends V.b {
run(e2, t2) {
return jo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let e3 = Uo.get(t2);
if (!e3)
let n2 = Vo(t2);
n2 && e3.setSearchString(n2), this._run(e3) || (yield e3.start({forceRevealReplace: false, seedSearchStringFromSelection: t2.getOption(29).seedSearchStringFromSelection, seedSearchStringFromGlobalClipboard: false, shouldFocus: 0, shouldAnimate: true, updateSearchScope: false, loop: t2.getOption(29).loop}), this._run(e3));
class Yo extends V.f {
constructor() {
super({id: Si, label: U.a("startReplace", "Replace"), alias: "Replace", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: null, primary: 2086, mac: {primary: 2596}, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarEditMenu, group: "3_find", title: U.a({key: "miReplace", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Replace"), order: 2}});
run(e2, t2) {
return jo(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!t2.hasModel() || t2.getOption(72))
let e3 = Uo.get(t2), n2 = t2.getSelection(), i2 = e3.isFindInputFocused(), o2 = !n2.isEmpty() && n2.startLineNumber === n2.endLineNumber && t2.getOption(29).seedSearchStringFromSelection && !i2, r2 = i2 || o2 ? 2 : 1;
e3 && (yield e3.start({forceRevealReplace: true, seedSearchStringFromSelection: o2, seedSearchStringFromGlobalClipboard: t2.getOption(29).seedSearchStringFromSelection, shouldFocus: r2, shouldAnimate: true, updateSearchScope: false, loop: t2.getOption(29).loop}));
Object(V.m)(Uo.ID, Ho);
const Zo = new qo();
Object(V.r)(Zo), Object(V.k)($o), Object(V.k)(class extends Ko {
constructor() {
super({id: wi, label: U.a("findNextMatchAction", "Find Next"), alias: "Find Next", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 61, mac: {primary: 2085, secondary: [61]}, weight: 100}});
_run(e2) {
return e2.moveToNextMatch();
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Ko {
constructor() {
super({id: wi, label: U.a("findNextMatchAction", "Find Next"), alias: "Find Next", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: K.a.and(H.a.focus, ui), primary: 3, weight: 100}});
_run(e2) {
return e2.moveToNextMatch();
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Ko {
constructor() {
super({id: yi, label: U.a("findPreviousMatchAction", "Find Previous"), alias: "Find Previous", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 1085, mac: {primary: 3109, secondary: [1085]}, weight: 100}});
_run(e2) {
return e2.moveToPrevMatch();
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Ko {
constructor() {
super({id: yi, label: U.a("findPreviousMatchAction", "Find Previous"), alias: "Find Previous", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: K.a.and(H.a.focus, ui), primary: 1027, weight: 100}});
_run(e2) {
return e2.moveToPrevMatch();
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Go {
constructor() {
super({id: Ci, label: U.a("nextSelectionMatchFindAction", "Find Next Selection"), alias: "Find Next Selection", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 2109, weight: 100}});
_run(e2) {
return e2.moveToNextMatch();
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Go {
constructor() {
super({id: xi, label: U.a("previousSelectionMatchFindAction", "Find Previous Selection"), alias: "Find Previous Selection", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 3133, weight: 100}});
_run(e2) {
return e2.moveToPrevMatch();
const Xo = new Yo();
const Qo = V.c.bindToContribution(Uo.get);
Object(V.l)(new Qo({id: ki, precondition: hi, handler: (e2) => e2.closeFindWidget(), kbOpts: {weight: 105, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 9, secondary: [1033]}})), Object(V.l)(new Qo({id: Ei, precondition: void 0, handler: (e2) => e2.toggleCaseSensitive(), kbOpts: {weight: 105, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: mi.primary, mac: mi.mac, win:, linux: mi.linux}})), Object(V.l)(new Qo({id: Ti, precondition: void 0, handler: (e2) => e2.toggleWholeWords(), kbOpts: {weight: 105, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: gi.primary, mac: gi.mac, win:, linux: gi.linux}})), Object(V.l)(new Qo({id: Li, precondition: void 0, handler: (e2) => e2.toggleRegex(), kbOpts: {weight: 105, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: fi.primary, mac: fi.mac, win:, linux: fi.linux}})), Object(V.l)(new Qo({id: Ni, precondition: void 0, handler: (e2) => e2.toggleSearchScope(), kbOpts: {weight: 105, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: bi.primary, mac: bi.mac, win:, linux: bi.linux}})), Object(V.l)(new Qo({id: Ii, precondition: hi, handler: (e2) => e2.replace(), kbOpts: {weight: 105, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 3094}})), Object(V.l)(new Qo({id: Ii, precondition: hi, handler: (e2) => e2.replace(), kbOpts: {weight: 105, kbExpr: K.a.and(H.a.focus, pi), primary: 3}})), Object(V.l)(new Qo({id: Oi, precondition: hi, handler: (e2) => e2.replaceAll(), kbOpts: {weight: 105, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 2563}})), Object(V.l)(new Qo({id: Oi, precondition: hi, handler: (e2) => e2.replaceAll(), kbOpts: {weight: 105, kbExpr: K.a.and(H.a.focus, pi), primary: void 0, mac: {primary: 2051}}})), Object(V.l)(new Qo({id: Di, precondition: hi, handler: (e2) => e2.selectAllMatches(), kbOpts: {weight: 105, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 515}}));
var Jo = n(14);
class er {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2.length !== t2.length || e2.length > 65535)
throw new Error("invalid startIndexes or endIndexes size");
this._startIndexes = e2, this._endIndexes = t2, this._collapseStates = new Uint32Array(Math.ceil(e2.length / 32)), this._types = n2, this._parentsComputed = false;
ensureParentIndices() {
if (!this._parentsComputed) {
this._parentsComputed = true;
let e2 = [], t2 = (t3, n2) => {
let i2 = e2[e2.length - 1];
return this.getStartLineNumber(i2) <= t3 && this.getEndLineNumber(i2) >= n2;
for (let n2 = 0, i2 = this._startIndexes.length; n2 < i2; n2++) {
let i3 = this._startIndexes[n2], o2 = this._endIndexes[n2];
if (i3 > 16777215 || o2 > 16777215)
throw new Error("startLineNumber or endLineNumber must not exceed 16777215");
for (; e2.length > 0 && !t2(i3, o2); )
let r2 = e2.length > 0 ? e2[e2.length - 1] : -1;
e2.push(n2), this._startIndexes[n2] = i3 + ((255 & r2) << 24), this._endIndexes[n2] = o2 + ((65280 & r2) << 16);
get length() {
return this._startIndexes.length;
getStartLineNumber(e2) {
return 16777215 & this._startIndexes[e2];
getEndLineNumber(e2) {
return 16777215 & this._endIndexes[e2];
getType(e2) {
return this._types ? this._types[e2] : void 0;
hasTypes() {
return !!this._types;
isCollapsed(e2) {
let t2 = e2 / 32 | 0, n2 = e2 % 32;
return 0 != (this._collapseStates[t2] & 1 << n2);
setCollapsed(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2 / 32 | 0, i2 = e2 % 32, o2 = this._collapseStates[n2];
this._collapseStates[n2] = t2 ? o2 | 1 << i2 : o2 & ~(1 << i2);
toRegion(e2) {
return new tr(this, e2);
getParentIndex(e2) {
let t2 = ((4278190080 & this._startIndexes[e2]) >>> 24) + ((4278190080 & this._endIndexes[e2]) >>> 16);
return 65535 === t2 ? -1 : t2;
contains(e2, t2) {
return this.getStartLineNumber(e2) <= t2 && this.getEndLineNumber(e2) >= t2;
findIndex(e2) {
let t2 = 0, n2 = this._startIndexes.length;
if (0 === n2)
return -1;
for (; t2 < n2; ) {
let i2 = Math.floor((t2 + n2) / 2);
e2 < this.getStartLineNumber(i2) ? n2 = i2 : t2 = i2 + 1;
return t2 - 1;
findRange(e2) {
let t2 = this.findIndex(e2);
if (t2 >= 0) {
if (this.getEndLineNumber(t2) >= e2)
return t2;
for (t2 = this.getParentIndex(t2); -1 !== t2; ) {
if (this.contains(t2, e2))
return t2;
t2 = this.getParentIndex(t2);
return -1;
toString() {
let e2 = [];
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this.length; t2++)
e2[t2] = `[${this.isCollapsed(t2) ? "+" : "-"}] ${this.getStartLineNumber(t2)}/${this.getEndLineNumber(t2)}`;
return e2.join(", ");
class tr {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.ranges = e2, this.index = t2;
get startLineNumber() {
return this.ranges.getStartLineNumber(this.index);
get endLineNumber() {
return this.ranges.getEndLineNumber(this.index);
get regionIndex() {
return this.index;
get parentIndex() {
return this.ranges.getParentIndex(this.index);
get isCollapsed() {
return this.ranges.isCollapsed(this.index);
containedBy(e2) {
return e2.startLineNumber <= this.startLineNumber && e2.endLineNumber >= this.endLineNumber;
containsLine(e2) {
return this.startLineNumber <= e2 && e2 <= this.endLineNumber;
class nr {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._updateEventEmitter = new Lt.a(), this.onDidChange = this._updateEventEmitter.event, this._textModel = e2, this._decorationProvider = t2, this._regions = new er(new Uint32Array(0), new Uint32Array(0)), this._editorDecorationIds = [], this._isInitialized = false;
get regions() {
return this._regions;
get textModel() {
return this._textModel;
get isInitialized() {
return this._isInitialized;
toggleCollapseState(e2) {
if (!e2.length)
e2 = e2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.regionIndex - t3.regionIndex);
const t2 = {};
this._decorationProvider.changeDecorations((n2) => {
let i2 = 0, o2 = -1, r2 = -1;
const s2 = (e3) => {
for (; i2 < e3; ) {
const e4 = this._regions.getEndLineNumber(i2), t3 = this._regions.isCollapsed(i2);
e4 <= o2 && n2.changeDecorationOptions(this._editorDecorationIds[i2], this._decorationProvider.getDecorationOption(t3, e4 <= r2)), t3 && e4 > r2 && (r2 = e4), i2++;
for (let n3 of e2) {
let e3 = n3.regionIndex, i3 = this._editorDecorationIds[e3];
if (i3 && !t2[i3]) {
t2[i3] = true, s2(e3);
let n4 = !this._regions.isCollapsed(e3);
this._regions.setCollapsed(e3, n4), o2 = Math.max(o2, this._regions.getEndLineNumber(e3));
}),{model: this, collapseStateChanged: e2});
update(e2, t2 = []) {
let n2 = [], i2 = -1, o2 = (o3, r3) => {
const s3 = e2.getStartLineNumber(o3), a3 = e2.getEndLineNumber(o3);
r3 && ((e3, n3) => {
for (let i3 of t2)
if (e3 < i3 && i3 <= n3)
return true;
return false;
})(s3, a3) && (r3 = false), e2.setCollapsed(o3, r3);
const l3 = this._textModel.getLineMaxColumn(s3), c2 = {startLineNumber: s3, startColumn: l3, endLineNumber: s3, endColumn: l3};
n2.push({range: c2, options: this._decorationProvider.getDecorationOption(r3, a3 <= i2)}), r3 && a3 > i2 && (i2 = a3);
}, r2 = 0, s2 = () => {
for (; r2 < this._regions.length; ) {
let e3 = this._regions.isCollapsed(r2);
if (r2++, e3)
return r2 - 1;
return -1;
}, a2 = 0, l2 = s2();
for (; -1 !== l2 && a2 < e2.length; ) {
let t3 = this._textModel.getDecorationRange(this._editorDecorationIds[l2]);
if (t3) {
let n3 = t3.startLineNumber;
if (this._textModel.getLineMaxColumn(n3) === t3.startColumn)
for (; a2 < e2.length; ) {
let t4 = e2.getStartLineNumber(a2);
if (!(n3 >= t4))
o2(a2, n3 === t4), a2++;
l2 = s2();
for (; a2 < e2.length; )
o2(a2, false), a2++;
this._editorDecorationIds = this._decorationProvider.deltaDecorations(this._editorDecorationIds, n2), this._regions = e2, this._isInitialized = true,{model: this});
getMemento() {
let e2 = [];
for (let t2 = 0; t2 < this._regions.length; t2++)
if (this._regions.isCollapsed(t2)) {
let n2 = this._textModel.getDecorationRange(this._editorDecorationIds[t2]);
if (n2) {
let i2 = n2.startLineNumber, o2 = n2.endLineNumber + this._regions.getEndLineNumber(t2) - this._regions.getStartLineNumber(t2);
e2.push({startLineNumber: i2, endLineNumber: o2});
if (e2.length > 0)
return e2;
applyMemento(e2) {
if (!Array.isArray(e2))
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 of e2) {
let e3 = this.getRegionAtLine(n2.startLineNumber);
e3 && !e3.isCollapsed && t2.push(e3);
dispose() {
this._decorationProvider.deltaDecorations(this._editorDecorationIds, []);
getAllRegionsAtLine(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [];
if (this._regions) {
let i2 = this._regions.findRange(e2), o2 = 1;
for (; i2 >= 0; ) {
let e3 = this._regions.toRegion(i2);
t2 && !t2(e3, o2) || n2.push(e3), o2++, i2 = e3.parentIndex;
return n2;
getRegionAtLine(e2) {
if (this._regions) {
let t2 = this._regions.findRange(e2);
if (t2 >= 0)
return this._regions.toRegion(t2);
return null;
getRegionsInside(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [], i2 = e2 ? e2.regionIndex + 1 : 0, o2 = e2 ? e2.endLineNumber : Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (t2 && 2 === t2.length) {
const e3 = [];
for (let r2 = i2, s2 = this._regions.length; r2 < s2; r2++) {
let i3 = this._regions.toRegion(r2);
if (!(this._regions.getStartLineNumber(r2) < o2))
for (; e3.length > 0 && !i3.containedBy(e3[e3.length - 1]); )
e3.push(i3), t2(i3, e3.length) && n2.push(i3);
} else
for (let e3 = i2, r2 = this._regions.length; e3 < r2; e3++) {
let i3 = this._regions.toRegion(e3);
if (!(this._regions.getStartLineNumber(e3) < o2))
t2 && !t2(i3) || n2.push(i3);
return n2;
function ir(e2, t2, n2 = Number.MAX_VALUE, i2) {
let o2 = [];
if (i2 && i2.length > 0)
for (let r2 of i2) {
let i3 = e2.getRegionAtLine(r2);
if (i3 && (i3.isCollapsed !== t2 && o2.push(i3), n2 > 1)) {
let r3 = e2.getRegionsInside(i3, (e3, i4) => e3.isCollapsed !== t2 && i4 < n2);
else {
let i3 = e2.getRegionsInside(null, (e3, i4) => e3.isCollapsed !== t2 && i4 < n2);
function or(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = [];
for (let r2 of i2) {
let i3 = e2.getAllRegionsAtLine(r2, (e3, i4) => e3.isCollapsed !== t2 && i4 <= n2);
function rr(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = e2.textModel, o2 = e2.regions, r2 = [];
for (let e3 = o2.length - 1; e3 >= 0; e3--)
if (n2 !== o2.isCollapsed(e3)) {
let n3 = o2.getStartLineNumber(e3);
t2.test(i2.getLineContent(n3)) && r2.push(o2.toRegion(e3));
function sr(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = e2.regions, o2 = [];
for (let e3 = i2.length - 1; e3 >= 0; e3--)
n2 !== i2.isCollapsed(e3) && t2 === i2.getType(e3) && o2.push(i2.toRegion(e3));
const ar = Object(Y.e)("folding-expanded", Y.a.chevronDown), lr = Object(Y.e)("folding-collapsed", Y.a.chevronRight);
class cr {
constructor(e2) {
this.editor = e2, this.autoHideFoldingControls = true, this.showFoldingHighlights = true;
getDecorationOption(e2, t2) {
deltaDecorations(e2, t2) {
return this.editor.deltaDecorations(e2, t2);
changeDecorations(e2) {
return this.editor.changeDecorations(e2);
cr.COLLAPSED_VISUAL_DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, afterContentClassName: "inline-folded", isWholeLine: true, firstLineDecorationClassName: lr.classNames}), cr.COLLAPSED_HIGHLIGHTED_VISUAL_DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, afterContentClassName: "inline-folded", className: "folded-background", isWholeLine: true, firstLineDecorationClassName: lr.classNames}), cr.EXPANDED_AUTO_HIDE_VISUAL_DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, isWholeLine: true, firstLineDecorationClassName: ar.classNames}), cr.EXPANDED_VISUAL_DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, isWholeLine: true, firstLineDecorationClassName: "alwaysShowFoldIcons " + ar.classNames}), cr.HIDDEN_RANGE_DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 1});
class dr {
constructor(e2) {
this._updateEventEmitter = new Lt.a(), this._foldingModel = e2, this._foldingModelListener = e2.onDidChange((e3) => this.updateHiddenRanges()), this._hiddenRanges = [], e2.regions.length && this.updateHiddenRanges();
get onDidChange() {
return this._updateEventEmitter.event;
get hiddenRanges() {
return this._hiddenRanges;
updateHiddenRanges() {
let e2 = false, t2 = [], n2 = 0, i2 = 0, o2 = Number.MAX_VALUE, r2 = -1, s2 = this._foldingModel.regions;
for (; n2 < s2.length; n2++) {
if (!s2.isCollapsed(n2))
let a2 = s2.getStartLineNumber(n2) + 1, l2 = s2.getEndLineNumber(n2);
o2 <= a2 && l2 <= r2 || (!e2 && i2 < this._hiddenRanges.length && this._hiddenRanges[i2].startLineNumber === a2 && this._hiddenRanges[i2].endLineNumber === l2 ? (t2.push(this._hiddenRanges[i2]), i2++) : (e2 = true, t2.push(new ge.a(a2, 1, l2, 1))), o2 = a2, r2 = l2);
(e2 || i2 < this._hiddenRanges.length) && this.applyHiddenRanges(t2);
applyMemento(e2) {
if (!Array.isArray(e2) || 0 === e2.length)
return false;
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 of e2) {
if (!n2.startLineNumber || !n2.endLineNumber)
return false;
t2.push(new ge.a(n2.startLineNumber + 1, 1, n2.endLineNumber, 1));
return this.applyHiddenRanges(t2), true;
getMemento() {
return => ({startLineNumber: e2.startLineNumber - 1, endLineNumber: e2.endLineNumber}));
applyHiddenRanges(e2) {
this._hiddenRanges = e2,;
hasRanges() {
return this._hiddenRanges.length > 0;
isHidden(e2) {
return null !== hr(this._hiddenRanges, e2);
adjustSelections(e2) {
let t2 = false, n2 = this._foldingModel.textModel, i2 = null, o2 = (e3) => (i2 && function(e4, t3) {
return e4 >= t3.startLineNumber && e4 <= t3.endLineNumber;
}(e3, i2) || (i2 = hr(this._hiddenRanges, e3)), i2 ? i2.startLineNumber - 1 : null);
for (let i3 = 0, r2 = e2.length; i3 < r2; i3++) {
let r3 = e2[i3], s2 = o2(r3.startLineNumber);
s2 && (r3 = r3.setStartPosition(s2, n2.getLineMaxColumn(s2)), t2 = true);
let a2 = o2(r3.endLineNumber);
a2 && (r3 = r3.setEndPosition(a2, n2.getLineMaxColumn(a2)), t2 = true), e2[i3] = r3;
return t2;
dispose() {
this.hiddenRanges.length > 0 && (this._hiddenRanges = [],, this._foldingModelListener && (this._foldingModelListener.dispose(), this._foldingModelListener = null);
function hr(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Object(G.h)(e2, (e3) => t2 < e3.startLineNumber) - 1;
return n2 >= 0 && e2[n2].endLineNumber >= t2 ? e2[n2] : null;
class ur {
constructor(e2) {
this.editorModel = e2, = "indent";
dispose() {
compute(e2) {
let t2 = Pn.a.getFoldingRules(this.editorModel.getLanguageIdentifier().id), n2 = t2 && !!t2.offSide, i2 = t2 && t2.markers;
return Promise.resolve(function(e3, t3, n3, i3 = 5e3) {
const o2 = e3.getOptions().tabSize;
let r2 = new pr(i3), s2 = void 0;
n3 && (s2 = new RegExp(`(${n3.start.source})|(?:${n3.end.source})`));
let a2 = [], l2 = e3.getLineCount() + 1;
a2.push({indent: -1, endAbove: l2, line: l2});
for (let n4 = e3.getLineCount(); n4 > 0; n4--) {
let i4, l3 = e3.getLineContent(n4), c2 = be.b.computeIndentLevel(l3, o2), d2 = a2[a2.length - 1];
if (-1 !== c2) {
if (s2 && (i4 = l3.match(s2))) {
if (!i4[1]) {
a2.push({indent: -2, endAbove: n4, line: n4});
let e4 = a2.length - 1;
for (; e4 > 0 && -2 !== a2[e4].indent; )
if (e4 > 0) {
a2.length = e4 + 1, d2 = a2[e4], r2.insertFirst(n4, d2.line, c2), d2.line = n4, d2.indent = c2, d2.endAbove = n4;
if (d2.indent > c2) {
do {
a2.pop(), d2 = a2[a2.length - 1];
} while (d2.indent > c2);
let e4 = d2.endAbove - 1;
e4 - n4 >= 1 && r2.insertFirst(n4, e4, c2);
d2.indent === c2 ? d2.endAbove = n4 : a2.push({indent: c2, endAbove: n4, line: n4});
} else
t3 && (d2.endAbove = n4);
return r2.toIndentRanges(e3);
}(this.editorModel, n2, i2));
class pr {
constructor(e2) {
this._startIndexes = [], this._endIndexes = [], this._indentOccurrences = [], this._length = 0, this._foldingRangesLimit = e2;
insertFirst(e2, t2, n2) {
if (e2 > 16777215 || t2 > 16777215)
let i2 = this._length;
this._startIndexes[i2] = e2, this._endIndexes[i2] = t2, this._length++, n2 < 1e3 && (this._indentOccurrences[n2] = (this._indentOccurrences[n2] || 0) + 1);
toIndentRanges(e2) {
if (this._length <= this._foldingRangesLimit) {
let e3 = new Uint32Array(this._length), t2 = new Uint32Array(this._length);
for (let n2 = this._length - 1, i2 = 0; n2 >= 0; n2--, i2++)
e3[i2] = this._startIndexes[n2], t2[i2] = this._endIndexes[n2];
return new er(e3, t2);
let t2 = 0, n2 = this._indentOccurrences.length;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < this._indentOccurrences.length; e3++) {
let i3 = this._indentOccurrences[e3];
if (i3) {
if (i3 + t2 > this._foldingRangesLimit) {
n2 = e3;
t2 += i3;
const i2 = e2.getOptions().tabSize;
let o2 = new Uint32Array(this._foldingRangesLimit), r2 = new Uint32Array(this._foldingRangesLimit);
for (let s2 = this._length - 1, a2 = 0; s2 >= 0; s2--) {
let l2 = this._startIndexes[s2], c2 = e2.getLineContent(l2), d2 = be.b.computeIndentLevel(c2, i2);
(d2 < n2 || d2 === n2 && t2++ < this._foldingRangesLimit) && (o2[a2] = l2, r2[a2] = this._endIndexes[s2], a2++);
return new er(o2, r2);
const mr = {};
class gr {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = 5e3) {
this.editorModel = e2, this.providers = t2, this.limit = n2, = "syntax";
compute(e2) {
return function(e3, t2, n2) {
let i2 = null, o2 =, o3) => Promise.resolve(e4.provideFoldingRanges(t2, mr, n2)).then((e5) => {
if (!n2.isCancellationRequested && Array.isArray(e5)) {
Array.isArray(i2) || (i2 = []);
let n3 = t2.getLineCount();
for (let t3 of e5)
t3.start > 0 && t3.end > t3.start && t3.end <= n3 && i2.push({start: t3.start, end: t3.end, rank: o3, kind: t3.kind});
}, Z.f));
return Promise.all(o2).then((e4) => i2);
}(this.providers, this.editorModel, e2).then((e3) => {
if (e3) {
return br(e3, this.limit);
return null;
dispose() {
class fr {
constructor(e2) {
this._startIndexes = [], this._endIndexes = [], this._nestingLevels = [], this._nestingLevelCounts = [], this._types = [], this._length = 0, this._foldingRangesLimit = e2;
add(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (e2 > 16777215 || t2 > 16777215)
let o2 = this._length;
this._startIndexes[o2] = e2, this._endIndexes[o2] = t2, this._nestingLevels[o2] = i2, this._types[o2] = n2, this._length++, i2 < 30 && (this._nestingLevelCounts[i2] = (this._nestingLevelCounts[i2] || 0) + 1);
toIndentRanges() {
if (this._length <= this._foldingRangesLimit) {
let e2 = new Uint32Array(this._length), t2 = new Uint32Array(this._length);
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < this._length; n2++)
e2[n2] = this._startIndexes[n2], t2[n2] = this._endIndexes[n2];
return new er(e2, t2, this._types);
let e2 = 0, t2 = this._nestingLevelCounts.length;
for (let n3 = 0; n3 < this._nestingLevelCounts.length; n3++) {
let i3 = this._nestingLevelCounts[n3];
if (i3) {
if (i3 + e2 > this._foldingRangesLimit) {
t2 = n3;
e2 += i3;
let n2 = new Uint32Array(this._foldingRangesLimit), i2 = new Uint32Array(this._foldingRangesLimit), o2 = [];
for (let r2 = 0, s2 = 0; r2 < this._length; r2++) {
let a2 = this._nestingLevels[r2];
(a2 < t2 || a2 === t2 && e2++ < this._foldingRangesLimit) && (n2[s2] = this._startIndexes[r2], i2[s2] = this._endIndexes[r2], o2[s2] = this._types[r2], s2++);
return new er(n2, i2, o2);
function br(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.sort((e3, t3) => {
let n3 = e3.start - t3.start;
return 0 === n3 && (n3 = e3.rank - t3.rank), n3;
}), i2 = new fr(t2), o2 = void 0, r2 = [];
for (let e3 of n2)
if (o2) {
if (e3.start > o2.start)
if (e3.end <= o2.end)
r2.push(o2), o2 = e3, i2.add(e3.start, e3.end, e3.kind && e3.kind.value, r2.length);
else {
if (e3.start > o2.end) {
do {
o2 = r2.pop();
} while (o2 && e3.start > o2.end);
o2 && r2.push(o2), o2 = e3;
i2.add(e3.start, e3.end, e3.kind && e3.kind.value, r2.length);
} else
o2 = e3, i2.add(e3.start, e3.end, e3.kind && e3.kind.value, r2.length);
return i2.toIndentRanges();
class _r {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (this.editorModel = e2, = "init", t2.length) {
let o2 = (t3) => ({range: {startLineNumber: t3.startLineNumber, startColumn: 0, endLineNumber: t3.endLineNumber, endColumn: e2.getLineLength(t3.endLineNumber)}, options: {stickiness: 1}});
this.decorationIds = e2.deltaDecorations([],, this.timeout = setTimeout(n2, i2);
dispose() {
this.decorationIds && (this.editorModel.deltaDecorations(this.decorationIds, []), this.decorationIds = void 0), "number" == typeof this.timeout && (clearTimeout(this.timeout), this.timeout = void 0);
compute(e2) {
let t2 = [];
if (this.decorationIds)
for (let e3 of this.decorationIds) {
let n2 = this.editorModel.getDecorationRange(e3);
n2 && t2.push({start: n2.startLineNumber, end: n2.endLineNumber, rank: 1});
return Promise.resolve(br(t2, Number.MAX_VALUE));
var vr = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, wr = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
const yr = new K.c("foldingEnabled", false);
let Cr = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2) {
super(), this.contextKeyService = t2, this.localToDispose = this._register(new pe.b()), this.editor = e3;
const n2 = this.editor.getOptions();
this._isEnabled = n2.get(31), this._useFoldingProviders = "indentation" !== n2.get(32), this._unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine = n2.get(34), this.foldingModel = null, this.hiddenRangeModel = null, this.rangeProvider = null, this.foldingRegionPromise = null, this.foldingStateMemento = null, this.foldingModelPromise = null, this.updateScheduler = null, this.cursorChangedScheduler = null, this.mouseDownInfo = null, this.foldingDecorationProvider = new cr(e3), this.foldingDecorationProvider.autoHideFoldingControls = "mouseover" === n2.get(91), this.foldingDecorationProvider.showFoldingHighlights = n2.get(33), this.foldingEnabled = yr.bindTo(this.contextKeyService), this.foldingEnabled.set(this._isEnabled), this._register(this.editor.onDidChangeModel(() => this.onModelChanged())), this._register(this.editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e4) => {
if (e4.hasChanged(31) && (this._isEnabled = this.editor.getOptions().get(31), this.foldingEnabled.set(this._isEnabled), this.onModelChanged()), e4.hasChanged(91) || e4.hasChanged(33)) {
const e5 = this.editor.getOptions();
this.foldingDecorationProvider.autoHideFoldingControls = "mouseover" === e5.get(91), this.foldingDecorationProvider.showFoldingHighlights = e5.get(33), this.onModelContentChanged();
e4.hasChanged(32) && (this._useFoldingProviders = "indentation" !== this.editor.getOptions().get(32), this.onFoldingStrategyChanged()), e4.hasChanged(34) && (this._unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine = this.editor.getOptions().get(34));
})), this.onModelChanged();
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
saveViewState() {
let e3 = this.editor.getModel();
if (!e3 || !this._isEnabled || e3.isTooLargeForTokenization())
return {};
if (this.foldingModel) {
let t2 = this.foldingModel.isInitialized ? this.foldingModel.getMemento() : this.hiddenRangeModel.getMemento(), n2 = this.rangeProvider ? : void 0;
return {collapsedRegions: t2, lineCount: e3.getLineCount(), provider: n2};
restoreViewState(e3) {
let t2 = this.editor.getModel();
if (!t2 || !this._isEnabled || t2.isTooLargeForTokenization() || !this.hiddenRangeModel)
if (!e3 || !e3.collapsedRegions || e3.lineCount !== t2.getLineCount())
"syntax" !== e3.provider && "init" !== e3.provider || (this.foldingStateMemento = e3);
const n2 = e3.collapsedRegions;
if (this.hiddenRangeModel.applyMemento(n2)) {
const e4 = this.getFoldingModel();
e4 && e4.then((e5) => {
e5 && e5.applyMemento(n2);
}).then(void 0, Z.e);
onModelChanged() {
let e3 = this.editor.getModel();
this._isEnabled && e3 && !e3.isTooLargeForTokenization() && (this.foldingModel = new nr(e3, this.foldingDecorationProvider), this.localToDispose.add(this.foldingModel), this.hiddenRangeModel = new dr(this.foldingModel), this.localToDispose.add(this.hiddenRangeModel), this.localToDispose.add(this.hiddenRangeModel.onDidChange((e4) => this.onHiddenRangesChanges(e4))), this.updateScheduler = new ue.a(200), this.cursorChangedScheduler = new ue.d(() => this.revealCursor(), 200), this.localToDispose.add(this.cursorChangedScheduler), this.localToDispose.add(et.o.onDidChange(() => this.onFoldingStrategyChanged())), this.localToDispose.add(this.editor.onDidChangeModelLanguageConfiguration(() => this.onFoldingStrategyChanged())), this.localToDispose.add(this.editor.onDidChangeModelContent(() => this.onModelContentChanged())), this.localToDispose.add(this.editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(() => this.onCursorPositionChanged())), this.localToDispose.add(this.editor.onMouseDown((e4) => this.onEditorMouseDown(e4))), this.localToDispose.add(this.editor.onMouseUp((e4) => this.onEditorMouseUp(e4))), this.localToDispose.add({dispose: () => {
this.foldingRegionPromise && (this.foldingRegionPromise.cancel(), this.foldingRegionPromise = null), this.updateScheduler && this.updateScheduler.cancel(), this.updateScheduler = null, this.foldingModel = null, this.foldingModelPromise = null, this.hiddenRangeModel = null, this.cursorChangedScheduler = null, this.foldingStateMemento = null, this.rangeProvider && this.rangeProvider.dispose(), this.rangeProvider = null;
}}), this.onModelContentChanged());
onFoldingStrategyChanged() {
this.rangeProvider && this.rangeProvider.dispose(), this.rangeProvider = null, this.onModelContentChanged();
getRangeProvider(e3) {
if (this.rangeProvider)
return this.rangeProvider;
if (this.rangeProvider = new ur(e3), this._useFoldingProviders && this.foldingModel) {
let t2 = et.o.ordered(this.foldingModel.textModel);
if (0 === t2.length && this.foldingStateMemento && this.foldingStateMemento.collapsedRegions) {
return this.rangeProvider = new _r(e3, this.foldingStateMemento.collapsedRegions, () => {
this.foldingStateMemento = null, this.onFoldingStrategyChanged();
}, 3e4);
t2.length > 0 && (this.rangeProvider = new gr(e3, t2));
return this.foldingStateMemento = null, this.rangeProvider;
getFoldingModel() {
return this.foldingModelPromise;
onModelContentChanged() {
this.updateScheduler && (this.foldingRegionPromise && (this.foldingRegionPromise.cancel(), this.foldingRegionPromise = null), this.foldingModelPromise = this.updateScheduler.trigger(() => {
const e3 = this.foldingModel;
if (!e3)
return null;
let t2 = this.foldingRegionPromise = Object(ue.f)((t3) => this.getRangeProvider(e3.textModel).compute(t3));
return t2.then((n2) => {
if (n2 && t2 === this.foldingRegionPromise) {
let t3 = this.editor.getSelections(), i2 = t3 ? => e4.startLineNumber) : [];
e3.update(n2, i2);
return e3;
}).then(void 0, (e3) => (Object(Z.e)(e3), null)));
onHiddenRangesChanges(e3) {
if (this.hiddenRangeModel && e3.length) {
let e4 = this.editor.getSelections();
e4 && this.hiddenRangeModel.adjustSelections(e4) && this.editor.setSelections(e4);
onCursorPositionChanged() {
this.hiddenRangeModel && this.hiddenRangeModel.hasRanges() && this.cursorChangedScheduler.schedule();
revealCursor() {
const e3 = this.getFoldingModel();
e3 && e3.then((e4) => {
if (e4) {
let t2 = this.editor.getSelections();
if (t2 && t2.length > 0) {
let n2 = [];
for (let i2 of t2) {
let t3 = i2.selectionStartLineNumber;
this.hiddenRangeModel && this.hiddenRangeModel.isHidden(t3) && n2.push(...e4.getAllRegionsAtLine(t3, (e5) => e5.isCollapsed && t3 > e5.startLineNumber));
n2.length && (e4.toggleCollapseState(n2), this.reveal(t2[0].getPosition()));
}).then(void 0, Z.e);
onEditorMouseDown(e3) {
if (this.mouseDownInfo = null, !this.hiddenRangeModel || ! || !
if (!e3.event.leftButton && !e3.event.middleButton)
const t2 =;
let n2 = false;
switch ( {
case 4:
const i2 =, o2 =;
if (i2.offsetX - o2 < 5)
n2 = true;
case 7:
if (this._unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine && this.hiddenRangeModel.hasRanges()) {
if (!
case 6:
if (this.hiddenRangeModel.hasRanges()) {
let e4 = this.editor.getModel();
if (e4 && t2.startColumn === e4.getLineMaxColumn(t2.startLineNumber))
this.mouseDownInfo = {lineNumber: t2.startLineNumber, iconClicked: n2};
onEditorMouseUp(e3) {
const t2 = this.getFoldingModel();
if (!t2 || !this.mouseDownInfo || !
let n2 = this.mouseDownInfo.lineNumber, i2 = this.mouseDownInfo.iconClicked, o2 =;
if (o2 && o2.startLineNumber === n2) {
if (i2) {
if (4 !==
} else {
let e4 = this.editor.getModel();
if (!e4 || o2.startColumn !== e4.getLineMaxColumn(n2))
t2.then((t3) => {
if (t3) {
let o3 = t3.getRegionAtLine(n2);
if (o3 && o3.startLineNumber === n2) {
let r2 = o3.isCollapsed;
if (i2 || r2) {
let i3 = [], s2 = e3.event.middleButton || e3.event.shiftKey;
if (s2)
for (const e4 of t3.getRegionsInside(o3))
e4.isCollapsed === r2 && i3.push(e4);
!r2 && s2 && 0 !== i3.length || i3.push(o3), t3.toggleCollapseState(i3), this.reveal({lineNumber: n2, column: 1});
}).then(void 0, Z.e);
reveal(e3) {
this.editor.revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e3, 0);
Cr.ID = "editor.contrib.folding", Cr = vr([wr(1, K.b)], Cr);
class xr extends V.b {
runEditorCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = Cr.get(t2);
if (!i2)
let o2 = i2.getFoldingModel();
return o2 ? (this.reportTelemetry(e2, t2), o2.then((e3) => {
if (e3) {
this.invoke(i2, e3, t2, n2);
const o3 = t2.getSelection();
o3 && i2.reveal(o3.getStartPosition());
})) : void 0;
getSelectedLines(e2) {
let t2 = e2.getSelections();
return t2 ? => e3.startLineNumber) : [];
getLineNumbers(e2, t2) {
return e2 && e2.selectionLines ? => e3 + 1) : this.getSelectedLines(t2);
run(e2, t2) {
function Sr(e2) {
if (!Jo.k(e2)) {
if (!Jo.i(e2))
return false;
const t2 = e2;
if (!Jo.k(t2.levels) && !Jo.h(t2.levels))
return false;
if (!Jo.k(t2.direction) && !Jo.j(t2.direction))
return false;
if (!(Jo.k(t2.selectionLines) || Jo.e(t2.selectionLines) && t2.selectionLines.every(Jo.h)))
return false;
return true;
class kr extends xr {
getFoldingLevel() {
return parseInt(;
invoke(e2, t2, n2) {
!function(e3, t3, n3, i2) {
let o2 = e3.getRegionsInside(null, (e4, o3) => o3 === t3 && e4.isCollapsed !== n3 && !i2.some((t4) => e4.containsLine(t4)));
}(t2, this.getFoldingLevel(), true, this.getSelectedLines(n2));
kr.ID_PREFIX = "editor.foldLevel", kr.ID = (e2) => kr.ID_PREFIX + e2, Object(V.m)(Cr.ID, Cr), Object(V.k)(class extends xr {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.unfold", label: U.a("unfoldAction.label", "Unfold"), alias: "Unfold", precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 3161, mac: {primary: 2649}, weight: 100}, description: {description: "Unfold the content in the editor", args: [{name: "Unfold editor argument", description: "Property-value pairs that can be passed through this argument:\n * 'levels': Number of levels to unfold. If not set, defaults to 1.\n * 'direction': If 'up', unfold given number of levels up otherwise unfolds down.\n * 'selectionLines': The start lines (0-based) of the editor selections to apply the unfold action to. If not set, the active selection(s) will be used.\n ", constraint: Sr, schema: {type: "object", properties: {levels: {type: "number", default: 1}, direction: {type: "string", enum: ["up", "down"], default: "down"}, selectionLines: {type: "array", items: {type: "number"}}}}}]}});
invoke(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = i2 && i2.levels || 1, r2 = this.getLineNumbers(i2, n2);
i2 && "up" === i2.direction ? or(t2, false, o2, r2) : ir(t2, false, o2, r2);
}), Object(V.k)(class extends xr {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.unfoldRecursively", label: U.a("unFoldRecursivelyAction.label", "Unfold Recursively"), alias: "Unfold Recursively", precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2137), weight: 100}});
invoke(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
ir(t2, false, Number.MAX_VALUE, this.getSelectedLines(n2));
}), Object(V.k)(class extends xr {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.fold", label: U.a("foldAction.label", "Fold"), alias: "Fold", precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 3159, mac: {primary: 2647}, weight: 100}, description: {description: "Fold the content in the editor", args: [{name: "Fold editor argument", description: "Property-value pairs that can be passed through this argument:\n * 'levels': Number of levels to fold.\n * 'direction': If 'up', folds given number of levels up otherwise folds down.\n * 'selectionLines': The start lines (0-based) of the editor selections to apply the fold action to. If not set, the active selection(s) will be used.\n If no levels or direction is set, folds the region at the locations or if already collapsed, the first uncollapsed parent instead.\n ", constraint: Sr, schema: {type: "object", properties: {levels: {type: "number"}, direction: {type: "string", enum: ["up", "down"]}, selectionLines: {type: "array", items: {type: "number"}}}}}]}});
invoke(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = this.getLineNumbers(i2, n2);
const r2 = i2 && i2.levels, s2 = i2 && i2.direction;
"number" != typeof r2 && "string" != typeof s2 ? function(e3, t3, n3) {
let i3 = [];
for (let o3 of n3) {
let n4 = e3.getAllRegionsAtLine(o3, (e4) => e4.isCollapsed !== t3);
n4.length > 0 && i3.push(n4[0]);
}(t2, true, o2) : "up" === s2 ? or(t2, true, r2 || 1, o2) : ir(t2, true, r2 || 1, o2);
}), Object(V.k)(class extends xr {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.foldRecursively", label: U.a("foldRecursivelyAction.label", "Fold Recursively"), alias: "Fold Recursively", precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2135), weight: 100}});
invoke(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = this.getSelectedLines(n2);
ir(t2, true, Number.MAX_VALUE, i2);
}), Object(V.k)(class extends xr {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.foldAll", label: U.a("foldAllAction.label", "Fold All"), alias: "Fold All", precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2069), weight: 100}});
invoke(e2, t2, n2) {
ir(t2, true);
}), Object(V.k)(class extends xr {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.unfoldAll", label: U.a("unfoldAllAction.label", "Unfold All"), alias: "Unfold All", precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2088), weight: 100}});
invoke(e2, t2, n2) {
ir(t2, false);
}), Object(V.k)(class extends xr {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.foldAllBlockComments", label: U.a("foldAllBlockComments.label", "Fold All Block Comments"), alias: "Fold All Block Comments", precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2133), weight: 100}});
invoke(e2, t2, n2) {
if (t2.regions.hasTypes())
sr(t2, et.n.Comment.value, true);
else {
const e3 = n2.getModel();
if (!e3)
let i2 = Pn.a.getComments(e3.getLanguageIdentifier().id);
if (i2 && i2.blockCommentStartToken) {
rr(t2, new RegExp("^\\s*" + Object(Ye.v)(i2.blockCommentStartToken)), true);
}), Object(V.k)(class extends xr {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.foldAllMarkerRegions", label: U.a("foldAllMarkerRegions.label", "Fold All Regions"), alias: "Fold All Regions", precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2077), weight: 100}});
invoke(e2, t2, n2) {
if (t2.regions.hasTypes())
sr(t2, et.n.Region.value, true);
else {
const e3 = n2.getModel();
if (!e3)
let i2 = Pn.a.getFoldingRules(e3.getLanguageIdentifier().id);
if (i2 && i2.markers && i2.markers.start) {
rr(t2, new RegExp(i2.markers.start), true);
}), Object(V.k)(class extends xr {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.unfoldAllMarkerRegions", label: U.a("unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label", "Unfold All Regions"), alias: "Unfold All Regions", precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2078), weight: 100}});
invoke(e2, t2, n2) {
if (t2.regions.hasTypes())
sr(t2, et.n.Region.value, false);
else {
const e3 = n2.getModel();
if (!e3)
let i2 = Pn.a.getFoldingRules(e3.getLanguageIdentifier().id);
if (i2 && i2.markers && i2.markers.start) {
rr(t2, new RegExp(i2.markers.start), false);
}), Object(V.k)(class extends xr {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.toggleFold", label: U.a("toggleFoldAction.label", "Toggle Fold"), alias: "Toggle Fold", precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2090), weight: 100}});
invoke(e2, t2, n2) {
!function(e3, t3, n3) {
let i2 = [];
for (let o2 of n3) {
let n4 = e3.getRegionAtLine(o2);
if (n4) {
const o3 = !n4.isCollapsed;
if (i2.push(n4), t3 > 1) {
let r2 = e3.getRegionsInside(n4, (e4, n5) => e4.isCollapsed !== o3 && n5 < t3);
}(t2, 1, this.getSelectedLines(n2));
for (let e2 = 1; e2 <= 7; e2++)
Object(V.n)(new kr({id: kr.ID(e2), label: U.a("foldLevelAction.label", "Fold Level {0}", e2), alias: "Fold Level " + e2, precondition: yr, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2048 | 21 + e2), weight: 100}}));
const Er = Object(ve.gc)("editor.foldBackground", {light: Object(, 0.3), dark: Object(, 0.3), hc: null}, U.a("foldBackgroundBackground", "Background color behind folded ranges. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), Tr = Object(ve.gc)("editorGutter.foldingControlForeground", {dark:, light:, hc:}, U.a("editorGutter.foldingControlForeground", "Color of the folding control in the editor gutter."));
Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(Er);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .folded-background { background-color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(Tr);
i2 && t2.addRule(`
.monaco-editor .cldr${ar.cssSelector},
.monaco-editor .cldr${lr.cssSelector} {
color: ${i2} !important;
var Lr = n(135);
class Nr extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.fontZoomIn", label: U.a("EditorFontZoomIn.label", "Editor Font Zoom In"), alias: "Editor Font Zoom In", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2) {
Lr.a.setZoomLevel(Lr.a.getZoomLevel() + 1);
class Ir extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.fontZoomOut", label: U.a("EditorFontZoomOut.label", "Editor Font Zoom Out"), alias: "Editor Font Zoom Out", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2) {
Lr.a.setZoomLevel(Lr.a.getZoomLevel() - 1);
class Or extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.fontZoomReset", label: U.a("EditorFontZoomReset.label", "Editor Font Zoom Reset"), alias: "Editor Font Zoom Reset", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2) {
Object(V.k)(Nr), Object(V.k)(Ir), Object(V.k)(Or);
var Dr = n(76), Ar = n(96), Rr = n(112);
class Mr {
static _handleEolEdits(e2, t2) {
let n2 = void 0, i2 = [];
for (let e3 of t2)
"number" == typeof e3.eol && (n2 = e3.eol), e3.range && "string" == typeof e3.text && i2.push(e3);
return "number" == typeof n2 && e2.hasModel() && e2.getModel().pushEOL(n2), i2;
static _isFullModelReplaceEdit(e2, t2) {
if (!e2.hasModel())
return false;
const n2 = e2.getModel(), i2 = n2.validateRange(t2.range);
return n2.getFullModelRange().equalsRange(i2);
static execute(e2, t2, n2) {
n2 && e2.pushUndoStop();
const i2 = Mr._handleEolEdits(e2, t2);
1 === i2.length && Mr._isFullModelReplaceEdit(e2, i2[0]) ? e2.executeEdits("formatEditsCommand", => Mn.a.replace(ge.a.lift(e3.range), e3.text))) : e2.executeEdits("formatEditsCommand", => Mn.a.replaceMove(ge.a.lift(e3.range), e3.text))), n2 && e2.pushUndoStop();
class Pr {
constructor(e2) {
this.value = e2, this._lower = e2.toLowerCase();
static toKey(e2) {
return "string" == typeof e2 ? e2.toLowerCase() : e2._lower;
var Fr = n(53), Wr = n(37), zr = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
function Br(e2) {
if (!(e2 = e2.filter((e3) => e3.range)).length)
let {range: t2} = e2[0];
for (let n3 = 1; n3 < e2.length; n3++)
t2 = ge.a.plusRange(t2, e2[n3].range);
const {startLineNumber: n2, endLineNumber: i2} = t2;
n2 === i2 ? 1 === e2.length ? Object(ne.a)(U.a("hint11", "Made 1 formatting edit on line {0}", n2)) : Object(ne.a)(U.a("hintn1", "Made {0} formatting edits on line {1}", e2.length, n2)) : 1 === e2.length ? Object(ne.a)(U.a("hint1n", "Made 1 formatting edit between lines {0} and {1}", n2, i2)) : Object(ne.a)(U.a("hintnn", "Made {0} formatting edits between lines {1} and {2}", e2.length, n2, i2));
function jr(e2) {
const t2 = [], n2 = new Set(), i2 = et.g.ordered(e2);
for (const e3 of i2)
t2.push(e3), e3.extensionId && n2.add(Pr.toKey(e3.extensionId));
const o2 = et.j.ordered(e2);
for (const e3 of o2) {
if (e3.extensionId) {
if (n2.has(Pr.toKey(e3.extensionId)))
t2.push({displayName: e3.displayName, extensionId: e3.extensionId, provideDocumentFormattingEdits: (t3, n3, i3) => e3.provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits(t3, t3.getFullModelRange(), n3, i3)});
return t2;
class Vr {
static select(e2, t2, n2) {
return zr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (0 === e2.length)
const i2 = Wr.a.first(Vr._selectors);
return i2 ? yield i2(e2, t2, n2) : e2[0];
function Ur(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
return zr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const s2 = e2.get(gt.a), a2 = Object(Rr.b)(t2) ? t2.getModel() : t2, l2 = et.j.ordered(a2), c2 = yield, a2, i2);
c2 && (, yield s2.invokeFunction(Hr, c2, t2, n2, r2));
function Hr(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return zr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const r2 = e2.get(Ar.a);
let s2, a2;
Object(Rr.b)(n2) ? (s2 = n2.getModel(), a2 = new Je.b(n2, 5, void 0, o2)) : (s2 = n2, a2 = new Je.d(n2, o2));
let l2 = [], c2 = 0;
for (let e3 of Object(G.b)(i2).sort(ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts))
c2 > 0 && ge.a.areIntersectingOrTouching(l2[c2 - 1], e3) ? l2[c2 - 1] = ge.a.fromPositions(l2[c2 - 1].getStartPosition(), e3.getEndPosition()) : c2 = l2.push(e3);
const d2 = [];
for (let e3 of l2)
try {
const n3 = yield t2.provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits(s2, e3, s2.getFormattingOptions(), a2.token), i3 = yield r2.computeMoreMinimalEdits(s2.uri, n3);
if (i3 && d2.push(...i3), a2.token.isCancellationRequested)
return true;
} finally {
if (0 === d2.length)
return false;
if (Object(Rr.b)(n2))
Mr.execute(n2, d2, true), Br(d2), n2.revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(n2.getPosition(), 1);
else {
const [{range: e3}] = d2, t3 = new q.a(e3.startLineNumber, e3.startColumn, e3.endLineNumber, e3.endColumn);
s2.pushEditOperations([t3], => ({text: e4.text, range: ge.a.lift(e4.range), forceMoveMarkers: true})), (e4) => {
for (const {range: n3} of e4)
if (ge.a.areIntersectingOrTouching(n3, t3))
return [new q.a(n3.startLineNumber, n3.startColumn, n3.endLineNumber, n3.endColumn)];
return null;
return true;
function qr(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return zr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const r2 = e2.get(gt.a), s2 = Object(Rr.b)(t2) ? t2.getModel() : t2, a2 = jr(s2), l2 = yield, s2, n2);
l2 && (, yield r2.invokeFunction($r, l2, t2, n2, o2));
function $r(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return zr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const r2 = e2.get(Ar.a);
let s2, a2, l2;
Object(Rr.b)(n2) ? (s2 = n2.getModel(), a2 = new Je.b(n2, 5, void 0, o2)) : (s2 = n2, a2 = new Je.d(n2, o2));
try {
const e3 = yield t2.provideDocumentFormattingEdits(s2, s2.getFormattingOptions(), a2.token);
if (l2 = yield r2.computeMoreMinimalEdits(s2.uri, e3), a2.token.isCancellationRequested)
return true;
} finally {
if (!l2 || 0 === l2.length)
return false;
if (Object(Rr.b)(n2))
Mr.execute(n2, l2, 2 !== i2), 2 !== i2 && (Br(l2), n2.revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(n2.getPosition(), 1));
else {
const [{range: e3}] = l2, t3 = new q.a(e3.startLineNumber, e3.startColumn, e3.endLineNumber, e3.endColumn);
s2.pushEditOperations([t3], => ({text: e4.text, range: ge.a.lift(e4.range), forceMoveMarkers: true})), (e4) => {
for (const {range: n3} of e4)
if (ge.a.areIntersectingOrTouching(n3, t3))
return [new q.a(n3.startLineNumber, n3.startColumn, n3.endLineNumber, n3.endColumn)];
return null;
return true;
function Kr(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = et.t.ordered(t2);
return 0 === r2.length || r2[0].autoFormatTriggerCharacters.indexOf(i2) < 0 ? Promise.resolve(void 0) : Promise.resolve(r2[0].provideOnTypeFormattingEdits(t2, n2, i2, o2, Xe.a.None)).catch(Z.f).then((n3) => e2.computeMoreMinimalEdits(t2.uri, n3));
Vr._selectors = new Fr.a(), Ft.a.registerCommand("_executeFormatRangeProvider", function(e2, ...t2) {
const [n2, i2, o2] = t2;
Object(Jo.b)(Qe.a.isUri(n2)), Object(Jo.b)(ge.a.isIRange(i2));
const r2 = e2.get(tt.a).getModel(n2);
if (!r2)
throw Object(Z.b)("resource");
return function(e3, t3, n3, i3, o3) {
return zr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const r3 = et.j.ordered(t3);
for (const s2 of r3) {
let r4 = yield Promise.resolve(s2.provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits(t3, n3, i3, o3)).catch(Z.f);
if (Object(G.o)(r4))
return yield e3.computeMoreMinimalEdits(t3.uri, r4);
}(e2.get(Ar.a), r2, ge.a.lift(i2), o2, Xe.a.None);
}), Ft.a.registerCommand("_executeFormatDocumentProvider", function(e2, ...t2) {
const [n2, i2] = t2;
const o2 = e2.get(tt.a).getModel(n2);
if (!o2)
throw Object(Z.b)("resource");
return function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
return zr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const o3 = jr(t3);
for (const r2 of o3) {
let o4 = yield Promise.resolve(r2.provideDocumentFormattingEdits(t3, n3, i3)).catch(Z.f);
if (Object(G.o)(o4))
return yield e3.computeMoreMinimalEdits(t3.uri, o4);
}(e2.get(Ar.a), o2, i2, Xe.a.None);
}), Ft.a.registerCommand("_executeFormatOnTypeProvider", function(e2, ...t2) {
const [n2, i2, o2, r2] = t2;
Object(Jo.b)(Qe.a.isUri(n2)), Object(Jo.b)(me.a.isIPosition(i2)), Object(Jo.b)("string" == typeof o2);
const s2 = e2.get(tt.a).getModel(n2);
if (!s2)
throw Object(Z.b)("resource");
return Kr(e2.get(Ar.a), s2, me.a.lift(i2), o2, r2);
var Gr = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Yr = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Zr = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
let Xr = class {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._workerService = t2, this._callOnDispose = new pe.b(), this._callOnModel = new pe.b(), this._editor = e2, this._callOnDispose.add(e2.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => this._update())), this._callOnDispose.add(e2.onDidChangeModel(() => this._update())), this._callOnDispose.add(e2.onDidChangeModelLanguage(() => this._update())), this._callOnDispose.add(et.t.onDidChange(this._update, this));
dispose() {
this._callOnDispose.dispose(), this._callOnModel.dispose();
_update() {
if (this._callOnModel.clear(), !this._editor.getOption(41))
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const e2 = this._editor.getModel(), [t2] = et.t.ordered(e2);
if (!t2 || !t2.autoFormatTriggerCharacters)
let n2 = new Dr.b();
for (let e3 of t2.autoFormatTriggerCharacters)
this._callOnModel.add(this._editor.onDidType((e3) => {
let t3 = e3.charCodeAt(e3.length - 1);
n2.has(t3) && this._trigger(String.fromCharCode(t3));
_trigger(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
if (this._editor.getSelections().length > 1)
const t2 = this._editor.getModel(), n2 = this._editor.getPosition();
let i2 = false;
const o2 = this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent((e3) => {
if (e3.isFlush)
return i2 = true, void o2.dispose();
for (let t3 = 0, r2 = e3.changes.length; t3 < r2; t3++) {
if (e3.changes[t3].range.endLineNumber <= n2.lineNumber)
return i2 = true, void o2.dispose();
Kr(this._workerService, t2, n2, e2, t2.getFormattingOptions()).then((e3) => {
o2.dispose(), i2 || Object(G.o)(e3) && (Mr.execute(this._editor, e3, true), Br(e3));
}, (e3) => {
throw o2.dispose(), e3;
Xr.ID = "editor.contrib.autoFormat", Xr = Gr([Yr(1, Ar.a)], Xr);
let Qr = class {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.editor = e2, this._instantiationService = t2, this._callOnDispose = new pe.b(), this._callOnModel = new pe.b(), this._callOnDispose.add(e2.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => this._update())), this._callOnDispose.add(e2.onDidChangeModel(() => this._update())), this._callOnDispose.add(e2.onDidChangeModelLanguage(() => this._update())), this._callOnDispose.add(et.j.onDidChange(this._update, this));
dispose() {
this._callOnDispose.dispose(), this._callOnModel.dispose();
_update() {
this._callOnModel.clear(), this.editor.getOption(40) && this.editor.hasModel() && et.j.has(this.editor.getModel()) && this._callOnModel.add(this.editor.onDidPaste(({range: e2}) => this._trigger(e2)));
_trigger(e2) {
this.editor.hasModel() && (this.editor.getSelections().length > 1 || this._instantiationService.invokeFunction(Ur, this.editor, e2, 2, rt.b.None, Xe.a.None).catch(Z.e));
Qr.ID = "editor.contrib.formatOnPaste", Qr = Gr([Yr(1, gt.a)], Qr);
class Jr extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.formatDocument", label: U.a("formatDocument.label", "Format Document"), alias: "Format Document", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.notInCompositeEditor, H.a.writable, H.a.hasDocumentFormattingProvider), kbOpts: {kbExpr: K.a.and(H.a.editorTextFocus, H.a.hasDocumentFormattingProvider), primary: 1572, linux: {primary: 3111}, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {when: H.a.hasDocumentFormattingProvider, group: "1_modification", order: 1.3}});
run(e2, t2) {
return Zr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (t2.hasModel()) {
const n2 = e2.get(gt.a), i2 = e2.get(rt.a);
yield i2.showWhile(n2.invokeFunction(qr, t2, 1, rt.b.None, Xe.a.None), 250);
class es extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.formatSelection", label: U.a("formatSelection.label", "Format Selection"), alias: "Format Selection", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, H.a.hasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider), kbOpts: {kbExpr: K.a.and(H.a.editorTextFocus, H.a.hasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider), primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2084), weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {when: K.a.and(H.a.hasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider, H.a.hasNonEmptySelection), group: "1_modification", order: 1.31}});
run(e2, t2) {
return Zr(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const n2 = e2.get(gt.a), i2 = t2.getModel(), o2 = t2.getSelections().map((e3) => e3.isEmpty() ? new ge.a(e3.startLineNumber, 1, e3.startLineNumber, i2.getLineMaxColumn(e3.startLineNumber)) : e3), r2 = e2.get(rt.a);
yield r2.showWhile(n2.invokeFunction(Ur, t2, o2, 1, rt.b.None, Xe.a.None), 250);
Object(V.m)(Xr.ID, Xr), Object(V.m)(Qr.ID, Qr), Object(V.k)(Jr), Object(V.k)(es), Ft.a.registerCommand("editor.action.format", (e2) => Zr(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const t2 = e2.get(Me.a).getFocusedCodeEditor();
if (!t2 || !t2.hasModel())
const n2 = e2.get(Ft.b);
t2.getSelection().isEmpty() ? yield n2.executeCommand("editor.action.formatDocument") : yield n2.executeCommand("editor.action.formatSelection");
var ts = n(122), ns = n(118);
class is {
remove() {
this.parent && this.parent.children.delete(;
static findId(e2, t2) {
let n2;
"string" == typeof e2 ? n2 = `${}/${e2}` : (n2 = `${}/${}`, void 0 !== t2.children.get(n2) && (n2 = `${}/${}_${e2.range.startLineNumber}_${e2.range.startColumn}`));
let i2 = n2;
for (let e3 = 0; void 0 !== t2.children.get(i2); e3++)
i2 = `${n2}_${e3}`;
return i2;
static empty(e2) {
return 0 === e2.children.size;
class os extends is {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), = e2, this.parent = t2, this.symbol = n2, this.children = new Map();
class rs extends is {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), = e2, this.parent = t2, this.label = n2, this.order = i2, this.children = new Map();
class ss extends is {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.uri = e2, = "root", this.parent = void 0, this._groups = new Map(), this.children = new Map(), = "root", this.parent = void 0;
static create(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._keys.for(e2, true), i2 = ss._requests.get(n2);
if (!i2) {
let t3 = new Xe.b();
i2 = {promiseCnt: 0, source: t3, promise: ss._create(e2, t3.token), model: void 0}, ss._requests.set(n2, i2);
const o2 =;
i2.promise.then(() => {
let t4 = this._keys.for(e2, false), n3 = this._requestDurations.get(t4);
n3 || (n3 = new ns.a(), this._requestDurations.set(t4, n3)), n3.update( - o2);
return i2.model ? Promise.resolve(i2.model) : (i2.promiseCnt += 1, t2.onCancellationRequested(() => {
0 == --i2.promiseCnt && (i2.source.cancel(), ss._requests.delete(n2));
}), new Promise((e3, t3) => {
i2.promise.then((t4) => {
i2.model = t4, e3(t4);
}, (e4) => {
ss._requests.delete(n2), t3(e4);
static _create(e2, t2) {
const n2 = new Xe.b(t2), i2 = new ss(e2.uri), o2 = et.m.ordered(e2), r2 =, o3) => {
var r3;
let s3 = is.findId("provider_" + o3, i2), a2 = new rs(s3, i2, null !== (r3 = t3.displayName) && void 0 !== r3 ? r3 : "Unknown Outline Provider", o3);
return Promise.resolve(t3.provideDocumentSymbols(e2, n2.token)).then((e3) => {
for (const t4 of e3 || [])
ss._makeOutlineElement(t4, a2);
return a2;
}, (e3) => (Object(Z.f)(e3), a2)).then((e3) => {
is.empty(e3) ? e3.remove() : i2._groups.set(s3, e3);
}), s2 = et.m.onDidChange(() => {
const t3 = et.m.ordered(e2);
Object(G.g)(t3, o2) || n2.cancel();
return Promise.all(r2).then(() => n2.token.isCancellationRequested && !t2.isCancellationRequested ? ss._create(e2, t2) : i2._compact()).finally(() => {
static _makeOutlineElement(e2, t2) {
let n2 = is.findId(e2, t2), i2 = new os(n2, t2, e2);
if (e2.children)
for (const t3 of e2.children)
ss._makeOutlineElement(t3, i2);
t2.children.set(, i2);
_compact() {
let e2 = 0;
for (const [t2, n2] of this._groups)
0 === n2.children.size ? this._groups.delete(t2) : e2 += 1;
if (1 !== e2)
this.children = this._groups;
else {
let e3 = Wr.a.first(this._groups.values());
for (let [, t2] of e3.children)
t2.parent = this, this.children.set(, t2);
return this;
ss._requestDurations = new gn.a(50, 0.7), ss._requests = new gn.a(9, 0.75), ss._keys = new class {
constructor() {
this._counter = 1, this._data = new WeakMap();
for(e2, t2) {
return `${}/${t2 ? e2.getVersionId() : ""}/${this._hash(et.m.all(e2))}`;
_hash(e2) {
let t2 = "";
for (const n2 of e2) {
let e3 = this._data.get(n2);
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = this._counter++, this._data.set(n2, e3)), t2 += e3;
return t2;
var as = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
function ls(e2, t2, n2) {
return as(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const i2 = yield ss.create(e2, n2), o2 = [];
for (const e3 of i2.children.values())
e3 instanceof os ? o2.push(e3.symbol) : o2.push(, (e4) => e4.symbol));
let r2 = [];
return n2.isCancellationRequested ? r2 : (t2 ? function e3(t3, n3, i3) {
for (let o3 of n3)
t3.push({kind: o3.kind, tags: o3.tags, name:, detail: o3.detail, containerName: o3.containerName || i3, range: o3.range, selectionRange: o3.selectionRange, children: void 0}), o3.children && e3(t3, o3.children,;
}(r2, o2, "") : r2 = o2, r2.sort(cs));
function cs(e2, t2) {
return ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e2.range, t2.range);
Ft.a.registerCommand("_executeDocumentSymbolProvider", function(e2, ...t2) {
return as(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const [n2] = t2;
const i2 = e2.get(tt.a).getModel(n2);
if (i2)
return ls(i2, false, Xe.a.None);
const o2 = yield e2.get(ts.a).createModelReference(n2);
try {
return yield ls(o2.object.textEditorModel, false, Xe.a.None);
} finally {
var ds = n(116), hs = n(46), us = n(80), ps = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, ms = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let gs = class extends j.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2) {
super(e2, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, n2.getRawOptions()), {overflowWidgetsDomNode: n2.getOverflowWidgetsDomNode()}), {}, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2), this._parentEditor = n2, this._overwriteOptions = t2, super.updateOptions(this._overwriteOptions), this._register(n2.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => this._onParentConfigurationChanged(e3)));
getParentEditor() {
return this._parentEditor;
_onParentConfigurationChanged(e2) {
super.updateOptions(this._parentEditor.getRawOptions()), super.updateOptions(this._overwriteOptions);
updateOptions(e2) {
hs.g(this._overwriteOptions, e2, true), super.updateOptions(this._overwriteOptions);
gs = ps([ms(3, gt.a), ms(4, Me.a), ms(5, Ft.b), ms(6, K.b), ms(7, we.c), ms(8, zt.a), ms(9, us.b)], gs);
var fs = n(147);
const bs = new Nn.a(new Nn.c(0, 122, 204)), _s = {showArrow: true, showFrame: true, className: "", frameColor: bs, arrowColor: bs, keepEditorSelection: false};
class vs {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) { = "", this.domNode = e2, this.afterLineNumber = t2, this.afterColumn = n2, this.heightInLines = i2, this._onDomNodeTop = o2, this._onComputedHeight = r2;
onDomNodeTop(e2) {
onComputedHeight(e2) {
class ws {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._id = e2, this._domNode = t2;
getId() {
return this._id;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
getPosition() {
return null;
class ys {
constructor(e2) {
this._editor = e2, this._ruleName = ys._IdGenerator.nextId(), this._decorations = [], this._color = null, this._height = -1;
dispose() {
this.hide(), ft.P(this._ruleName);
set color(e2) {
this._color !== e2 && (this._color = e2, this._updateStyle());
set height(e2) {
this._height !== e2 && (this._height = e2, this._updateStyle());
_updateStyle() {
ft.P(this._ruleName), ft.u(".monaco-editor " + this._ruleName, `border-style: solid; border-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: ${this._color}; border-width: ${this._height}px; bottom: -${this._height}px; margin-left: -${this._height}px; `);
show(e2) {
this._decorations = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._decorations, [{range: ge.a.fromPositions(e2), options: {className: this._ruleName, stickiness: 1}}]);
hide() {
this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._decorations, []);
ys._IdGenerator = new fs.a(".arrow-decoration-");
var Cs = n(44), xs = (n(199), n(67));
class Ss extends bt.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._onDidChangeVisibility = new Lt.a(), this.onDidChangeVisibility = this._onDidChangeVisibility.event, this._element = Object(ft.p)(e2, Object(ft.a)(".monaco-dropdown")), this._label = Object(ft.p)(this._element, Object(ft.a)(".dropdown-label"));
let n2 = t2.labelRenderer;
n2 || (n2 = (e3) => (e3.textContent = t2.label || "", null));
for (const e3 of [ft.c.CLICK, ft.c.MOUSE_DOWN, Nt.a.Tap])
this._register(Object(ft.i)(this.element, e3, (e4) => ft.b.stop(e4, true)));
for (const e3 of [ft.c.MOUSE_DOWN, Nt.a.Tap])
this._register(Object(ft.i)(this._label, e3, (e4) => {
e4 instanceof MouseEvent && e4.detail > 1 || (this.visible ? this.hide() :;
this._register(Object(ft.i)(this._label, ft.c.KEY_UP, (e3) => {
const t3 = new xs.a(e3);
(t3.equals(3) || t3.equals(10)) && (ft.b.stop(e3, true), this.visible ? this.hide() :;
const i2 = n2(this._label);
i2 && this._register(i2), this._register(Nt.b.addTarget(this._label));
get element() {
return this._element;
show() {
this.visible || (this.visible = true,;
hide() {
this.visible && (this.visible = false,;
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this.hide(), this.boxContainer && (this.boxContainer.remove(), this.boxContainer = void 0), this.contents && (this.contents.remove(), this.contents = void 0), this._label && (this._label.remove(), this._label = void 0);
class ks extends Ss {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2, t2), this._actions = [], this._contextMenuProvider = t2.contextMenuProvider, this.actions = t2.actions || [], this.actionProvider = t2.actionProvider, this.menuClassName = t2.menuClassName || "", this.menuAsChild = !!t2.menuAsChild;
set menuOptions(e2) {
this._menuOptions = e2;
get menuOptions() {
return this._menuOptions;
get actions() {
return this.actionProvider ? this.actionProvider.getActions() : this._actions;
set actions(e2) {
this._actions = e2;
show() {, Object(ft.e)(this.element, "active"), this._contextMenuProvider.showContextMenu({getAnchor: () => this.element, getActions: () => this.actions, getActionsContext: () => this.menuOptions ? this.menuOptions.context : null, getActionViewItem: (e2) => this.menuOptions && this.menuOptions.actionViewItemProvider ? this.menuOptions.actionViewItemProvider(e2) : void 0, getKeyBinding: (e2) => this.menuOptions && this.menuOptions.getKeyBinding ? this.menuOptions.getKeyBinding(e2) : void 0, getMenuClassName: () => this.menuClassName, onHide: () => this.onHide(), actionRunner: this.menuOptions ? this.menuOptions.actionRunner : void 0, anchorAlignment: this.menuOptions ? this.menuOptions.anchorAlignment : 0, domForShadowRoot: this.menuAsChild ? this.element : void 0});
hide() {
onHide() {
this.hide(), Object(ft.Q)(this.element, "active");
class Es extends jn.b {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2 = {}) {
super(null, e2, i2), this.options = i2, this._onDidChangeVisibility = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.menuActionsOrProvider = t2, this.contextMenuProvider = n2, this.options.actionRunner && (this.actionRunner = this.options.actionRunner);
render(e2) {
const t2 = {contextMenuProvider: this.contextMenuProvider, labelRenderer: (e3) => {
this.element = Object(ft.p)(e3, Object(ft.a)("a.action-label"));
const t3 = this.options.classNames ? Object(G.b)(this.options.classNames) : [];
return t3.find((e4) => "icon" === e4) || t3.push("codicon"), Object(ft.f)(this.element, ...t3), this.element.tabIndex = 0, this.element.setAttribute("role", "button"), this.element.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "true"), this.element.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"), this.element.title = this._action.label || "", null;
}, menuAsChild: this.options.menuAsChild};
if (Array.isArray(this.menuActionsOrProvider) ? t2.actions = this.menuActionsOrProvider : t2.actionProvider = this.menuActionsOrProvider, this.dropdownMenu = this._register(new ks(e2, t2)), this._register(this.dropdownMenu.onDidChangeVisibility((e3) => {
var t3;
null === (t3 = this.element) || void 0 === t3 || t3.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "" + e3),;
})), this.dropdownMenu.menuOptions = {actionViewItemProvider: this.options.actionViewItemProvider, actionRunner: this.actionRunner, getKeyBinding: this.options.keybindingProvider, context: this._context}, this.options.anchorAlignmentProvider) {
const e3 = this;
this.dropdownMenu.menuOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.dropdownMenu.menuOptions), {get anchorAlignment() {
return e3.options.anchorAlignmentProvider();
setActionContext(e2) {
super.setActionContext(e2), this.dropdownMenu && (this.dropdownMenu.menuOptions ? this.dropdownMenu.menuOptions.context = e2 : this.dropdownMenu.menuOptions = {context: e2});
var Ts = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Ls = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
class Ns extends Lt.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._subscriptions = new pe.b(), this._isPressed = false, this._suppressAltKeyUp = false, this._subscriptions.add(Object(Cs.a)(document.body, "keydown")((e3) => {
this.isPressed = e3.altKey || (Ae.i || Ae.d) && e3.shiftKey;
})), this._subscriptions.add(Object(Cs.a)(document.body, "keyup")((e3) => {
this.isPressed && this._suppressAltKeyUp && e3.preventDefault(), this._suppressAltKeyUp = false, this.isPressed = false;
})), this._subscriptions.add(Object(Cs.a)(document.body, "mouseleave")((e3) => this.isPressed = false)), this._subscriptions.add(Object(Cs.a)(document.body, "blur")((e3) => this.isPressed = false)), this._subscriptions.add(e2.onDidContextMenu(() => this.isPressed = false));
get isPressed() {
return this._isPressed;
set isPressed(e2) {
this._isPressed = e2,;
suppressAltKeyUp() {
this._suppressAltKeyUp = true;
static getInstance(e2) {
return Ns.instance || (Ns.instance = new Ns(e2)), Ns.instance;
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this._subscriptions.dispose();
function Is(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = e2.getActions(t2);
return function(e3, t3, n3, i3 = (e4) => "navigation" === e4) {
for (let o3 of e3) {
let [e4, r2] = o3;
if (n3 && (r2 = => e5 instanceof ye.c && e5.alt ? e5.alt : e5)), i3(e4)) {
(Array.isArray(t3) ? t3 : t3.primary).unshift(...r2);
} else {
const e5 = Array.isArray(t3) ? t3 : t3.secondary;
e5.length > 0 && e5.push(new bt.c()), e5.push(...r2);
}(o2, n2, false, i2), function(e3) {
const t3 = new pe.b();
for (const [, n3] of e3)
for (const e4 of n3)
return t3;
const Os = new fs.a("menu-item-action-item-icon-"), Ds = new Map();
let As = class extends jn.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(void 0, e2, {icon: !(!e2.class && !e2.item.icon), label: !e2.class && !e2.item.icon}), this._action = e2, this._keybindingService = t2, this._notificationService = n2, this._wantsAltCommand = false, this._itemClassDispose = this._register(new pe.d()), this._altKey = Ns.getInstance(i2);
get _commandAction() {
return this._wantsAltCommand && this._action.alt || this._action;
onClick(e2) {
e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), this._altKey.isPressed && this._altKey.suppressAltKeyUp(),, this._context).then(void 0, (e3) => this._notificationService.error(e3));
render(e2) {
super.render(e2), this._updateItemClass(this._action.item);
let t2 = false, n2 = this._altKey.isPressed;
const i2 = () => {
const e3 = t2 && n2;
e3 !== this._wantsAltCommand && (this._wantsAltCommand = e3, this.updateLabel(), this.updateTooltip(), this.updateClass());
this._action.alt && this._register(this._altKey.event((e3) => {
n2 = e3, i2();
})), this._register(Object(Cs.a)(e2, "mouseleave")((e3) => {
t2 = false, i2();
})), this._register(Object(Cs.a)(e2, "mouseenter")((e3) => {
t2 = true, i2();
updateLabel() {
this.options.label && this.label && (this.label.textContent = this._commandAction.label);
updateTooltip() {
if (this.label) {
const e2 = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(, t2 = e2 && e2.getLabel(), n2 = this._commandAction.tooltip || this._commandAction.label;
this.label.title = t2 ? Object(U.a)("titleAndKb", "{0} ({1})", n2, t2) : n2;
updateClass() {
this.options.icon && (this._commandAction !== this._action ? this._action.alt && this._updateItemClass(this._action.alt.item) : this._action.alt && this._updateItemClass(this._action.item));
_updateItemClass(e2) {
var t2, n2;
this._itemClassDispose.value = void 0;
const i2 = this._commandAction.checked && (null === (t2 = e2.toggled) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.icon) ? e2.toggled.icon : e2.icon;
if (we.e.isThemeIcon(i2)) {
const e3 = we.e.asClassName(i2);
this.label && e3 && (Object(ft.f)(this.label, e3), this._itemClassDispose.value = Object(pe.h)(() => {
this.label && Object(ft.R)(this.label, e3);
} else if (i2) {
let e3;
if (null === (n2 = i2.dark) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.scheme) {
const t3 = i2.dark.toString();
Ds.has(t3) ? e3 = Ds.get(t3) : (e3 = Os.nextId(), Object(ft.u)(".icon." + e3, "background-image: " + Object(ft.q)(i2.light || i2.dark)), Object(ft.u)(`.vs-dark .icon.${e3}, .hc-black .icon.${e3}`, "background-image: " + Object(ft.q)(i2.dark)), Ds.set(t3, e3)), this.label && (Object(ft.f)(this.label, "icon", e3), this._itemClassDispose.value = Object(pe.h)(() => {
this.label && Object(ft.R)(this.label, "icon", e3);
As = Ts([Ls(1, vt.a), Ls(2, zt.a), Ls(3, _t.a)], As);
let Rs = class extends Es {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2;
const o2 = [];
if (e2.item.icon) {
if (we.e.isThemeIcon(e2.item.icon))
else if (null === (i2 = e2.item.icon.dark) || void 0 === i2 ? void 0 : i2.scheme) {
const t3 = e2.item.icon.dark.toString();
if (Ds.has(t3))
o2.push("icon", Ds.get(t3));
else {
const n3 = Os.nextId();
o2.push("icon", n3), Object(ft.u)(".icon." + n3, "background-image: " + Object(ft.q)(e2.item.icon.light || e2.item.icon.dark)), Object(ft.u)(`.vs-dark .icon.${n3}, .hc-black .icon.${n3}`, "background-image: " + Object(ft.q)(e2.item.icon.dark)), Ds.set(t3, n3);
super(e2, e2.actions, n2, {classNames: o2});
Rs = Ts([Ls(1, zt.a), Ls(2, _t.a)], Rs);
var Ms = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Ps = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
const Fs = Object(gt.c)("IPeekViewService");
var Ws, zs;
Object(mn.b)(Fs, class {
constructor() {
this._widgets = new Map();
addExclusiveWidget(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._widgets.get(e2);
n2 && (n2.listener.dispose(), n2.widget.dispose());
this._widgets.set(e2, {widget: t2, listener: t2.onDidClose(() => {
const n3 = this._widgets.get(e2);
n3 && n3.widget === t2 && (n3.listener.dispose(), this._widgets.delete(e2));
}), (zs = Ws || (Ws = {})).inPeekEditor = new K.c("inReferenceSearchEditor", true), zs.notInPeekEditor = zs.inPeekEditor.toNegated();
let Bs = class {
constructor(e2, t2) {
e2 instanceof gs && Ws.inPeekEditor.bindTo(t2);
dispose() {
Bs.ID = "editor.contrib.referenceController", Bs = Ms([Ps(1, K.b)], Bs), Object(V.m)(Bs.ID, Bs);
const js = {headerBackgroundColor: Nn.a.white, primaryHeadingColor: Nn.a.fromHex("#333333"), secondaryHeadingColor: Nn.a.fromHex("#6c6c6cb3")};
let Vs = class extends class {
constructor(e2, t2 = {}) {
this._arrow = null, this._overlayWidget = null, this._resizeSash = null, this._positionMarkerId = [], this._viewZone = null, this._disposables = new pe.b(), this.container = null, this._isShowing = false, this.editor = e2, this.options = hs.c(t2), hs.g(this.options, _s, false), this.domNode = document.createElement("div"), this.options.isAccessible || (this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this.domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation")), this._disposables.add(this.editor.onDidLayoutChange((e3) => {
const t3 = this._getWidth(e3); = t3 + "px", = this._getLeft(e3) + "px", this._onWidth(t3);
dispose() {
this._overlayWidget && (this.editor.removeOverlayWidget(this._overlayWidget), this._overlayWidget = null), this._viewZone && this.editor.changeViewZones((e2) => {
this._viewZone && e2.removeZone(, this._viewZone = null;
}), this.editor.deltaDecorations(this._positionMarkerId, []), this._positionMarkerId = [], this._disposables.dispose();
create() {
this.domNode.classList.add("zone-widget"), this.options.className && this.domNode.classList.add(this.options.className), this.container = document.createElement("div"), this.container.classList.add("zone-widget-container"), this.domNode.appendChild(this.container), this.options.showArrow && (this._arrow = new ys(this.editor), this._disposables.add(this._arrow)), this._fillContainer(this.container), this._initSash(), this._applyStyles();
style(e2) {
e2.frameColor && (this.options.frameColor = e2.frameColor), e2.arrowColor && (this.options.arrowColor = e2.arrowColor), this._applyStyles();
_applyStyles() {
if (this.container && this.options.frameColor) {
let e2 = this.options.frameColor.toString(); = e2, = e2;
if (this._arrow && this.options.arrowColor) {
let e2 = this.options.arrowColor.toString();
this._arrow.color = e2;
_getWidth(e2) {
return e2.width - e2.minimap.minimapWidth - e2.verticalScrollbarWidth;
_getLeft(e2) {
return e2.minimap.minimapWidth > 0 && 0 === e2.minimap.minimapLeft ? e2.minimap.minimapWidth : 0;
_onViewZoneTop(e2) { = e2 + "px";
_onViewZoneHeight(e2) {
if ( = e2 + "px", this.container) {
let t2 = e2 - this._decoratingElementsHeight(); = t2 + "px";
const n2 = this.editor.getLayoutInfo();
this._doLayout(t2, this._getWidth(n2));
this._resizeSash && this._resizeSash.layout();
get position() {
const [e2] = this._positionMarkerId;
if (!e2)
const t2 = this.editor.getModel();
if (!t2)
const n2 = t2.getDecorationRange(e2);
return n2 ? n2.getStartPosition() : void 0;
show(e2, t2) {
const n2 = ge.a.isIRange(e2) ? ge.a.lift(e2) : ge.a.fromPositions(e2);
this._isShowing = true, this._showImpl(n2, t2), this._isShowing = false, this._positionMarkerId = this.editor.deltaDecorations(this._positionMarkerId, [{range: n2, options: be.a.EMPTY}]);
hide() {
this._viewZone && (this.editor.changeViewZones((e2) => {
this._viewZone && e2.removeZone(;
}), this._viewZone = null), this._overlayWidget && (this.editor.removeOverlayWidget(this._overlayWidget), this._overlayWidget = null), this._arrow && this._arrow.hide();
_decoratingElementsHeight() {
let e2 = this.editor.getOption(51), t2 = 0;
if (this.options.showArrow) {
t2 += 2 * Math.round(e2 / 3);
if (this.options.showFrame) {
t2 += 2 * Math.round(e2 / 9);
return t2;
_showImpl(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getStartPosition(), i2 = this.editor.getLayoutInfo(), o2 = this._getWidth(i2); = o2 + "px", = this._getLeft(i2) + "px";
const r2 = document.createElement("div"); = "hidden";
const s2 = this.editor.getOption(51), a2 = Math.max(12, this.editor.getLayoutInfo().height / s2 * 0.8);
t2 = Math.min(t2, a2);
let l2 = 0, c2 = 0;
if (this._arrow && this.options.showArrow && (l2 = Math.round(s2 / 3), this._arrow.height = l2,, this.options.showFrame && (c2 = Math.round(s2 / 9)), this.editor.changeViewZones((e3) => {
this._viewZone && e3.removeZone(, this._overlayWidget && (this.editor.removeOverlayWidget(this._overlayWidget), this._overlayWidget = null), = "-1000px", this._viewZone = new vs(r2, n2.lineNumber, n2.column, t2, (e4) => this._onViewZoneTop(e4), (e4) => this._onViewZoneHeight(e4)), = e3.addZone(this._viewZone), this._overlayWidget = new ws("vs.editor.contrib.zoneWidget" +, this.domNode), this.editor.addOverlayWidget(this._overlayWidget);
}), this.container && this.options.showFrame) {
const e3 = this.options.frameWidth ? this.options.frameWidth : c2; = e3 + "px", = e3 + "px";
let d2 = t2 * s2 - this._decoratingElementsHeight();
this.container && ( = l2 + "px", = d2 + "px", = "hidden"), this._doLayout(d2, o2), this.options.keepEditorSelection || this.editor.setSelection(e2);
const h2 = this.editor.getModel();
if (h2) {
const t3 = e2.endLineNumber + 1;
t3 <= h2.getLineCount() ? this.revealLine(t3, false) : this.revealLine(h2.getLineCount(), true);
revealLine(e2, t2) {
t2 ? this.editor.revealLineInCenter(e2, 0) : this.editor.revealLine(e2, 0);
setCssClass(e2, t2) {
this.container && (t2 && this.container.classList.remove(t2), ft.e(this.container, e2));
_onWidth(e2) {
_doLayout(e2, t2) {
_relayout(e2) {
this._viewZone && this._viewZone.heightInLines !== e2 && this.editor.changeViewZones((t2) => {
this._viewZone && (this._viewZone.heightInLines = e2, t2.layoutZone(;
_initSash() {
if (this._resizeSash)
let e2;
this._resizeSash = this._disposables.add(new $i.a(this.domNode, this, {orientation: 1})), this.options.isResizeable || (this._resizeSash.hide(), this._resizeSash.state = 0), this._disposables.add(this._resizeSash.onDidStart((t2) => {
this._viewZone && (e2 = {startY: t2.startY, heightInLines: this._viewZone.heightInLines});
})), this._disposables.add(this._resizeSash.onDidEnd(() => {
e2 = void 0;
})), this._disposables.add(this._resizeSash.onDidChange((t2) => {
if (e2) {
let n2 = (t2.currentY - e2.startY) / this.editor.getOption(51), i2 = n2 < 0 ? Math.ceil(n2) : Math.floor(n2), o2 = e2.heightInLines + i2;
o2 > 5 && o2 < 35 && this._relayout(o2);
getHorizontalSashLeft() {
return 0;
getHorizontalSashTop() {
return (null === ? 0 : parseInt( - this._decoratingElementsHeight() / 2;
getHorizontalSashWidth() {
const e2 = this.editor.getLayoutInfo();
return e2.width - e2.minimap.minimapWidth;
} {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, t2), this.instantiationService = n2, this._onDidClose = new Lt.a(), this.onDidClose = this._onDidClose.event, hs.g(this.options, js, false);
dispose() {
style(e2) {
let t2 = this.options;
e2.headerBackgroundColor && (t2.headerBackgroundColor = e2.headerBackgroundColor), e2.primaryHeadingColor && (t2.primaryHeadingColor = e2.primaryHeadingColor), e2.secondaryHeadingColor && (t2.secondaryHeadingColor = e2.secondaryHeadingColor),;
_applyStyles() {
let e2 = this.options;
this._headElement && e2.headerBackgroundColor && ( = e2.headerBackgroundColor.toString()), this._primaryHeading && e2.primaryHeadingColor && ( = e2.primaryHeadingColor.toString()), this._secondaryHeading && e2.secondaryHeadingColor && ( = e2.secondaryHeadingColor.toString()), this._bodyElement && e2.frameColor && ( = e2.frameColor.toString());
_fillContainer(e2) {
this.setCssClass("peekview-widget"), this._headElement = ft.a(".head"), this._bodyElement = ft.a(".body"), this._fillHead(this._headElement), this._fillBody(this._bodyElement), e2.appendChild(this._headElement), e2.appendChild(this._bodyElement);
_fillHead(e2, t2) {
const n2 = ft.a(".peekview-title");
ft.p(this._headElement, n2), ft.n(n2, "click", (e3) => this._onTitleClick(e3)), this._fillTitleIcon(n2), this._primaryHeading = ft.a("span.filename"), this._secondaryHeading = ft.a("span.dirname"), this._metaHeading = ft.a("span.meta"), ft.p(n2, this._primaryHeading, this._secondaryHeading, this._metaHeading);
const i2 = ft.a(".peekview-actions");
ft.p(this._headElement, i2);
const o2 = this._getActionBarOptions();
this._actionbarWidget = new ds.a(i2, o2), this._disposables.add(this._actionbarWidget), t2 || this._actionbarWidget.push(new bt.a("peekview.close", U.a("label.close", "Close"), Y.a.close.classNames, true, () => (this.dispose(), Promise.resolve())), {label: false, icon: true});
_fillTitleIcon(e2) {
_getActionBarOptions() {
return {actionViewItemProvider: (e2) => e2 instanceof ye.c ? this.instantiationService.createInstance(As, e2) : e2 instanceof ye.e ? this.instantiationService.createInstance(Rs, e2) : void 0};
_onTitleClick(e2) {
setTitle(e2, t2) {
this._primaryHeading && this._secondaryHeading && (this._primaryHeading.innerText = e2, this._primaryHeading.setAttribute("aria-label", e2), t2 ? this._secondaryHeading.innerText = t2 : ft.s(this._secondaryHeading));
setMetaTitle(e2) {
this._metaHeading && (e2 ? (this._metaHeading.innerText = e2, ft.Z(this._metaHeading)) : ft.K(this._metaHeading));
_doLayout(e2, t2) {
if (!this._isShowing && e2 < 0)
return void this.dispose();
const n2 = Math.ceil(1.2 * this.editor.getOption(51)), i2 = Math.round(e2 - (n2 + 2));
this._doLayoutHead(n2, t2), this._doLayoutBody(i2, t2);
_doLayoutHead(e2, t2) {
this._headElement && ( = e2 + "px", =;
_doLayoutBody(e2, t2) {
this._bodyElement && ( = e2 + "px");
Vs = Ms([Ps(2, gt.a)], Vs);
const Us = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewTitle.background", {dark: "#1E1E1E", light: "#FFFFFF", hc: "#0C141F"}, U.a("peekViewTitleBackground", "Background color of the peek view title area.")), Hs = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewTitleLabel.foreground", {dark: "#FFFFFF", light: "#333333", hc: "#FFFFFF"}, U.a("peekViewTitleForeground", "Color of the peek view title.")), qs = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewTitleDescription.foreground", {dark: "#ccccccb3", light: "#616161e6", hc: "#FFFFFF99"}, U.a("peekViewTitleInfoForeground", "Color of the peek view title info.")), $s = Object(ve.gc)("peekView.border", {dark: "#007acc", light: "#007acc", hc: ve.h}, U.a("peekViewBorder", "Color of the peek view borders and arrow.")), Ks = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewResult.background", {dark: "#252526", light: "#F3F3F3", hc:}, U.a("peekViewResultsBackground", "Background color of the peek view result list.")), Gs = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewResult.lineForeground", {dark: "#bbbbbb", light: "#646465", hc: Nn.a.white}, U.a("peekViewResultsMatchForeground", "Foreground color for line nodes in the peek view result list.")), Ys = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewResult.fileForeground", {dark: Nn.a.white, light: "#1E1E1E", hc: Nn.a.white}, U.a("peekViewResultsFileForeground", "Foreground color for file nodes in the peek view result list.")), Zs = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewResult.selectionBackground", {dark: "#3399ff33", light: "#3399ff33", hc: null}, U.a("peekViewResultsSelectionBackground", "Background color of the selected entry in the peek view result list.")), Xs = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewResult.selectionForeground", {dark: Nn.a.white, light: "#6C6C6C", hc: Nn.a.white}, U.a("peekViewResultsSelectionForeground", "Foreground color of the selected entry in the peek view result list.")), Qs = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewEditor.background", {dark: "#001F33", light: "#F2F8FC", hc:}, U.a("peekViewEditorBackground", "Background color of the peek view editor.")), Js = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewEditorGutter.background", {dark: Qs, light: Qs, hc: Qs}, U.a("peekViewEditorGutterBackground", "Background color of the gutter in the peek view editor.")), ea = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewResult.matchHighlightBackground", {dark: "#ea5c004d", light: "#ea5c004d", hc: null}, U.a("peekViewResultsMatchHighlight", "Match highlight color in the peek view result list.")), ta = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewEditor.matchHighlightBackground", {dark: "#ff8f0099", light: "#f5d802de", hc: null}, U.a("peekViewEditorMatchHighlight", "Match highlight color in the peek view editor.")), na = Object(ve.gc)("peekViewEditor.matchHighlightBorder", {dark: null, light: null, hc: ve.b}, U.a("peekViewEditorMatchHighlightBorder", "Match highlight border in the peek view editor."));
var ia = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class oa {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.isProviderFirst = e2, this.parent = t2, this.uri = n2, this._range = i2, this._rangeCallback = o2, = fs.b.nextId();
get range() {
return this._range;
set range(e2) {
this._range = e2, this._rangeCallback(this);
get ariaMessage() {
return Object(U.a)("aria.oneReference", "symbol in {0} on line {1} at column {2}", Object(jt.b)(this.uri), this.range.startLineNumber, this.range.startColumn);
class ra {
constructor(e2) {
this._modelReference = e2;
dispose() {
preview(e2, t2 = 8) {
const n2 = this._modelReference.object.textEditorModel;
if (!n2)
const {startLineNumber: i2, startColumn: o2, endLineNumber: r2, endColumn: s2} = e2, a2 = n2.getWordUntilPosition({lineNumber: i2, column: o2 - t2}), l2 = new ge.a(i2, a2.startColumn, i2, o2), c2 = new ge.a(r2, s2, r2, 1073741824), d2 = n2.getValueInRange(l2).replace(/^\s+/, ""), h2 = n2.getValueInRange(e2);
return {value: d2 + h2 + n2.getValueInRange(c2).replace(/\s+$/, ""), highlight: {start: d2.length, end: d2.length + h2.length}};
class sa {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.parent = e2, this.uri = t2, this.children = [], this._previews = new gn.b();
dispose() {
Object(pe.f)(this._previews.values()), this._previews.clear();
getPreview(e2) {
return this._previews.get(e2.uri);
get ariaMessage() {
const e2 = this.children.length;
return 1 === e2 ? Object(U.a)("aria.fileReferences.1", "1 symbol in {0}, full path {1}", Object(jt.b)(this.uri), this.uri.fsPath) : Object(U.a)("aria.fileReferences.N", "{0} symbols in {1}, full path {2}", e2, Object(jt.b)(this.uri), this.uri.fsPath);
resolve(e2) {
return ia(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (0 !== this._previews.size)
return this;
for (let t2 of this.children)
if (!this._previews.has(t2.uri))
try {
const n2 = yield e2.createModelReference(t2.uri);
this._previews.set(t2.uri, new ra(n2));
} catch (e3) {
return this;
class aa {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._disposables = new pe.b(), this.groups = [], this.references = [], this._onDidChangeReferenceRange = new Lt.a(), this.onDidChangeReferenceRange = this._onDidChangeReferenceRange.event, this._links = e2, this._title = t2;
const [n2] = e2;
let i2;
for (let t3 of e2)
if (i2 && jt.e.isEqual(i2.uri, t3.uri, true) || (i2 = new sa(this, t3.uri), this.groups.push(i2)), 0 === i2.children.length || 0 !== aa._compareReferences(t3, i2.children[i2.children.length - 1])) {
const e3 = new oa(n2 === t3, i2, t3.uri, t3.targetSelectionRange || t3.range, (e4) =>;
this.references.push(e3), i2.children.push(e3);
dispose() {
Object(pe.f)(this.groups), this._disposables.dispose(), this._onDidChangeReferenceRange.dispose(), this.groups.length = 0;
clone() {
return new aa(this._links, this._title);
get title() {
return this._title;
get isEmpty() {
return 0 === this.groups.length;
get ariaMessage() {
return this.isEmpty ? Object(U.a)("aria.result.0", "No results found") : 1 === this.references.length ? Object(U.a)("aria.result.1", "Found 1 symbol in {0}", this.references[0].uri.fsPath) : 1 === this.groups.length ? Object(U.a)("aria.result.n1", "Found {0} symbols in {1}", this.references.length, this.groups[0].uri.fsPath) : Object(U.a)("aria.result.nm", "Found {0} symbols in {1} files", this.references.length, this.groups.length);
nextOrPreviousReference(e2, t2) {
let {parent: n2} = e2, i2 = n2.children.indexOf(e2), o2 = n2.children.length, r2 = n2.parent.groups.length;
return 1 === r2 || t2 && i2 + 1 < o2 || !t2 && i2 > 0 ? (i2 = t2 ? (i2 + 1) % o2 : (i2 + o2 - 1) % o2, n2.children[i2]) : (i2 = n2.parent.groups.indexOf(n2), t2 ? (i2 = (i2 + 1) % r2, n2.parent.groups[i2].children[0]) : (i2 = (i2 + r2 - 1) % r2, n2.parent.groups[i2].children[n2.parent.groups[i2].children.length - 1]));
nearestReference(e2, t2) {
const n2 =, i2) => ({idx: i2, prefixLen: Ye.d(n3.uri.toString(), e2.toString()), offsetDist: 100 * Math.abs(n3.range.startLineNumber - t2.lineNumber) + Math.abs(n3.range.startColumn - t2.column)})).sort((e3, t3) => e3.prefixLen > t3.prefixLen ? -1 : e3.prefixLen < t3.prefixLen ? 1 : e3.offsetDist < t3.offsetDist ? -1 : e3.offsetDist > t3.offsetDist ? 1 : 0)[0];
if (n2)
return this.references[n2.idx];
referenceAt(e2, t2) {
for (const n2 of this.references)
if (n2.uri.toString() === e2.toString() && ge.a.containsPosition(n2.range, t2))
return n2;
firstReference() {
for (const e2 of this.references)
if (e2.isProviderFirst)
return e2;
return this.references[0];
static _compareReferences(e2, t2) {
return, t2.uri) || ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e2.range, t2.range);
var la = n(45), ca = n(172), da = n(185), ha = n(159), ua = n(93), pa = n(42);
function ma(e2, t2, n2) {
if ("string" == typeof e2 && (e2 = Qe.a.file(e2)), n2) {
const t3 = n2.getWorkspaceFolder(e2);
if (t3) {
const i3 = n2.getWorkspace().folders.length > 1;
let o2;
if (o2 = Object(jt.f)(t3.uri, e2) ? "" : Object(jt.j)(t3.uri, e2), i3) {
const e3 = ? : Object(jt.b)(t3.uri);
o2 = o2 ? e3 + " • " + o2 : e3;
return o2;
if (e2.scheme !== la.b.file && e2.scheme !== la.b.untitled)
return e2.with({query: null, fragment: null}).toString(true);
if (fa(e2.fsPath))
return Object(pa.d)(ba(e2.fsPath));
let i2 = Object(pa.d)(e2.fsPath);
return !Ae.i && (null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.userHome) && (i2 = function(e3, t3) {
if (Ae.i || !e3 || !t3)
return e3;
let n3 = _a.original === t3 ? _a.normalized : void 0;
n3 || (n3 = `${Object(Ye.Q)(t3, pa.e.sep)}${pa.e.sep}`, _a = {original: t3, normalized: n3});
(Ae.d ? e3.startsWith(n3) : Object(Ye.T)(e3, n3)) && (e3 = "~/" + e3.substr(n3.length));
return e3;
}(i2, t2.userHome.fsPath)), i2;
function ga(e2) {
if (!e2)
"string" == typeof e2 && (e2 = Qe.a.file(e2));
const t2 = Object(jt.b)(e2) || (e2.scheme === la.b.file ? e2.fsPath : e2.path);
return fa(t2) ? ba(t2) : t2;
function fa(e2) {
return !(!Ae.i || !e2 || ":" !== e2[1]);
function ba(e2) {
return fa(e2) ? e2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e2.slice(1) : e2;
let _a = Object.create(null);
var va = n(71), wa = n(156), ya = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Ca = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let xa = class {
constructor(e2) {
this._resolverService = e2;
hasChildren(e2) {
return e2 instanceof aa || e2 instanceof sa;
getChildren(e2) {
if (e2 instanceof aa)
return e2.groups;
if (e2 instanceof sa)
return e2.resolve(this._resolverService).then((e3) => e3.children);
throw new Error("bad tree");
xa = ya([Ca(0, ts.a)], xa);
class Sa {
getHeight() {
return 23;
getTemplateId(e2) {
return e2 instanceof sa ? :;
let ka = class {
constructor(e2) {
this._keybindingService = e2;
getKeyboardNavigationLabel(e2) {
var t2;
if (e2 instanceof oa) {
const n2 = null === (t2 = e2.parent.getPreview(e2)) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.preview(e2.range);
if (n2)
return n2.value;
return Object(jt.b)(e2.uri);
ka = ya([Ca(0, vt.a)], ka);
class Ea {
getId(e2) {
return e2 instanceof oa ? : e2.uri;
let Ta = class extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this._uriLabel = t2;
const i2 = document.createElement("div");
i2.classList.add("reference-file"), this.file = this._register(new ca.a(i2, {supportHighlights: true})), this.badge = new da.a(ft.p(i2, ft.a(".count"))), this._register(Object(ua.a)(this.badge, n2)), e2.appendChild(i2);
set(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Object(jt.d)(e2.uri);
this.file.setLabel(ga(e2.uri), this._uriLabel.getUriLabel(n2, {relative: true}), {title: this._uriLabel.getUriLabel(e2.uri), matches: t2});
const i2 = e2.children.length;
this.badge.setCount(i2), i2 > 1 ? this.badge.setTitleFormat(Object(U.a)("referencesCount", "{0} references", i2)) : this.badge.setTitleFormat(Object(U.a)("referenceCount", "{0} reference", i2));
Ta = ya([Ca(1, ha.a), Ca(2, we.c)], Ta);
let La = class e2 {
constructor(t2) {
this._instantiationService = t2, this.templateId =;
renderTemplate(e3) {
return this._instantiationService.createInstance(Ta, e3);
renderElement(e3, t2, n2) {
n2.set(e3.element, Object(va.c)(e3.filterData));
disposeTemplate(e3) {
}; = "FileReferencesRenderer", La = ya([Ca(0, gt.a)], La);
class Na {
constructor(e2) {
this.label = new wa.a(e2, false);
set(e2, t2) {
var n2;
const i2 = null === (n2 = e2.parent.getPreview(e2)) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.preview(e2.range);
if (i2 && i2.value) {
const {value: e3, highlight: n3} = i2;
t2 && !va.a.isDefault(t2) ? (this.label.element.classList.toggle("referenceMatch", false), this.label.set(e3, Object(va.c)(t2))) : (this.label.element.classList.toggle("referenceMatch", true), this.label.set(e3, [n3]));
} else
this.label.set(`${Object(jt.b)(e2.uri)}:${e2.range.startLineNumber + 1}:${e2.range.startColumn + 1}`);
class Ia {
constructor() {
this.templateId =;
renderTemplate(e2) {
return new Na(e2);
renderElement(e2, t2, n2) {
n2.set(e2.element, e2.filterData);
disposeTemplate() {
} = "OneReferenceRenderer";
class Oa {
getWidgetAriaLabel() {
return Object(U.a)("treeAriaLabel", "References");
getAriaLabel(e2) {
return e2.ariaMessage;
var Da = n(136);
const Aa = {separatorBorder: Nn.a.transparent};
class Ra {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.container = e2, this.view = t2, this.disposable = i2, this._cachedVisibleSize = void 0, "number" == typeof n2 ? (this._size = n2, this._cachedVisibleSize = void 0, ft.e(e2, "visible")) : (this._size = 0, this._cachedVisibleSize = n2.cachedVisibleSize);
set size(e2) {
this._size = e2;
get size() {
return this._size;
get visible() {
return void 0 === this._cachedVisibleSize;
setVisible(e2, t2) {
e2 !== this.visible && (e2 ? (this.size = Object(ns.b)(this._cachedVisibleSize, this.viewMinimumSize, this.viewMaximumSize), this._cachedVisibleSize = void 0) : (this._cachedVisibleSize = "number" == typeof t2 ? t2 : this.size, this.size = 0), ft.ab(this.container, "visible", e2), this.view.setVisible && this.view.setVisible(e2));
get minimumSize() {
return this.visible ? this.view.minimumSize : 0;
get viewMinimumSize() {
return this.view.minimumSize;
get maximumSize() {
return this.visible ? this.view.maximumSize : 0;
get viewMaximumSize() {
return this.view.maximumSize;
get priority() {
return this.view.priority;
get snap() {
return !!this.view.snap;
set enabled(e2) { = e2 ? "" : "none";
layout(e2, t2) {
this.layoutContainer(e2), this.view.layout(this.size, e2, t2);
dispose() {
return this.disposable.dispose(), this.view;
class Ma extends Ra {
layoutContainer(e2) { = e2 + "px", = this.size + "px";
class Pa extends Ra {
layoutContainer(e2) { = e2 + "px", = this.size + "px";
var Fa, Wa;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Idle = 0] = "Idle", e2[e2.Busy = 1] = "Busy";
}(Fa || (Fa = {})), function(e2) {
e2.Distribute = {type: "distribute"}, e2.Split = function(e3) {
return {type: "split", index: e3};
}, e2.Invisible = function(e3) {
return {type: "invisible", cachedVisibleSize: e3};
}(Wa || (Wa = {}));
class za extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2 = {}) {
super(), this.size = 0, this.contentSize = 0, this.proportions = void 0, this.viewItems = [], this.sashItems = [], this.state = Fa.Idle, this._onDidSashChange = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onDidSashChange = this._onDidSashChange.event, this._onDidSashReset = this._register(new Lt.a()), this._startSnappingEnabled = true, this._endSnappingEnabled = true, this.orientation = Jo.k(t2.orientation) ? 0 : t2.orientation, this.inverseAltBehavior = !!t2.inverseAltBehavior, this.proportionalLayout = !!Jo.k(t2.proportionalLayout) || !!t2.proportionalLayout, this.el = document.createElement("div"), ft.e(this.el, "monaco-split-view2"), ft.e(this.el, 0 === this.orientation ? "vertical" : "horizontal"), e2.appendChild(this.el), this.sashContainer = ft.p(this.el, ft.a(".sash-container")), this.viewContainer = ft.p(this.el, ft.a(".split-view-container")), || Aa), t2.descriptor && (this.size = t2.descriptor.size, t2.descriptor.views.forEach((e3, t3) => {
const n2 = Jo.k(e3.visible) || e3.visible ? e3.size : {type: "invisible", cachedVisibleSize: e3.size}, i2 = e3.view;
this.doAddView(i2, n2, t3, true);
}), this.contentSize = this.viewItems.reduce((e3, t3) => e3 + t3.size, 0), this.saveProportions());
get orthogonalStartSash() {
return this._orthogonalStartSash;
set orthogonalStartSash(e2) {
for (const t2 of this.sashItems)
t2.sash.orthogonalStartSash = e2;
this._orthogonalStartSash = e2;
get orthogonalEndSash() {
return this._orthogonalEndSash;
set orthogonalEndSash(e2) {
for (const t2 of this.sashItems)
t2.sash.orthogonalEndSash = e2;
this._orthogonalEndSash = e2;
get startSnappingEnabled() {
return this._startSnappingEnabled;
set startSnappingEnabled(e2) {
this._startSnappingEnabled !== e2 && (this._startSnappingEnabled = e2, this.updateSashEnablement());
get endSnappingEnabled() {
return this._endSnappingEnabled;
set endSnappingEnabled(e2) {
this._endSnappingEnabled !== e2 && (this._endSnappingEnabled = e2, this.updateSashEnablement());
style(e2) {
e2.separatorBorder.isTransparent() ? (ft.Q(this.el, "separator-border"),"--separator-border")) : (ft.e(this.el, "separator-border"),"--separator-border", e2.separatorBorder.toString()));
addView(e2, t2, n2 = this.viewItems.length, i2) {
this.doAddView(e2, t2, n2, i2);
layout(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Math.max(this.size, this.contentSize);
if (this.size = e2, this.layoutContext = t2, this.proportions)
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < this.viewItems.length; t3++) {
const n3 = this.viewItems[t3];
n3.size = Object(ns.b)(Math.round(this.proportions[t3] * e2), n3.minimumSize, n3.maximumSize);
else {
const t3 = Object(G.s)(this.viewItems.length), i2 = t3.filter((e3) => 1 === this.viewItems[e3].priority), o2 = t3.filter((e3) => 2 === this.viewItems[e3].priority);
this.resize(this.viewItems.length - 1, e2 - n2, void 0, i2, o2);
this.distributeEmptySpace(), this.layoutViews();
saveProportions() {
this.proportionalLayout && this.contentSize > 0 && (this.proportions = => e2.size / this.contentSize));
onSashStart({sash: e2, start: t2, alt: n2}) {
for (const e3 of this.viewItems)
e3.enabled = false;
const i2 = Object(G.j)(this.sashItems, (t3) => t3.sash === e2), o2 = Object(pe.e)(Object(Cs.a)(document.body, "keydown")((e3) => r2(this.sashDragState.current, e3.altKey)), Object(Cs.a)(document.body, "keyup")(() => r2(this.sashDragState.current, false))), r2 = (e3, t3) => {
const n3 = => e4.size);
let r3, s2, a2 = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, l2 = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (this.inverseAltBehavior && (t3 = !t3), t3) {
if (i2 === this.sashItems.length - 1) {
const e4 = this.viewItems[i2];
a2 = (e4.minimumSize - e4.size) / 2, l2 = (e4.maximumSize - e4.size) / 2;
} else {
const e4 = this.viewItems[i2 + 1];
a2 = (e4.size - e4.maximumSize) / 2, l2 = (e4.size - e4.minimumSize) / 2;
if (!t3) {
const e4 = Object(G.s)(i2, -1), t4 = Object(G.s)(i2 + 1, this.viewItems.length), o3 = e4.reduce((e5, t5) => e5 + (this.viewItems[t5].minimumSize - n3[t5]), 0), a3 = e4.reduce((e5, t5) => e5 + (this.viewItems[t5].viewMaximumSize - n3[t5]), 0), l3 = 0 === t4.length ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : t4.reduce((e5, t5) => e5 + (n3[t5] - this.viewItems[t5].minimumSize), 0), c2 = 0 === t4.length ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : t4.reduce((e5, t5) => e5 + (n3[t5] - this.viewItems[t5].viewMaximumSize), 0), d2 = Math.max(o3, c2), h2 = Math.min(l3, a3), u2 = this.findFirstSnapIndex(e4), p2 = this.findFirstSnapIndex(t4);
if ("number" == typeof u2) {
const e5 = this.viewItems[u2], t5 = Math.floor(e5.viewMinimumSize / 2);
r3 = {index: u2, limitDelta: e5.visible ? d2 - t5 : d2 + t5, size: e5.size};
if ("number" == typeof p2) {
const e5 = this.viewItems[p2], t5 = Math.floor(e5.viewMinimumSize / 2);
s2 = {index: p2, limitDelta: e5.visible ? h2 + t5 : h2 - t5, size: e5.size};
this.sashDragState = {start: e3, current: e3, index: i2, sizes: n3, minDelta: a2, maxDelta: l2, alt: t3, snapBefore: r3, snapAfter: s2, disposable: o2};
r2(t2, n2);
onSashChange({current: e2}) {
const {index: t2, start: n2, sizes: i2, alt: o2, minDelta: r2, maxDelta: s2, snapBefore: a2, snapAfter: l2} = this.sashDragState;
this.sashDragState.current = e2;
const c2 = e2 - n2, d2 = this.resize(t2, c2, i2, void 0, void 0, r2, s2, a2, l2);
if (o2) {
const e3 = t2 === this.sashItems.length - 1, n3 = => e4.size), i3 = e3 ? t2 : t2 + 1, o3 = this.viewItems[i3], r3 = o3.size - o3.maximumSize, s3 = o3.size - o3.minimumSize, a3 = e3 ? t2 - 1 : t2 + 1;
this.resize(a3, -d2, n3, void 0, void 0, r3, s3);
this.distributeEmptySpace(), this.layoutViews();
onSashEnd(e2) {, this.sashDragState.disposable.dispose(), this.saveProportions();
for (const e3 of this.viewItems)
e3.enabled = true;
onViewChange(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.viewItems.indexOf(e2);
n2 < 0 || n2 >= this.viewItems.length || (t2 = "number" == typeof t2 ? t2 : e2.size, t2 = Object(ns.b)(t2, e2.minimumSize, e2.maximumSize), this.inverseAltBehavior && n2 > 0 ? (this.resize(n2 - 1, Math.floor((e2.size - t2) / 2)), this.distributeEmptySpace(), this.layoutViews()) : (e2.size = t2, this.relayout([n2], void 0)));
resizeView(e2, t2) {
if (this.state !== Fa.Idle)
throw new Error("Cant modify splitview");
if (this.state = Fa.Busy, e2 < 0 || e2 >= this.viewItems.length)
const n2 = Object(G.s)(this.viewItems.length).filter((t3) => t3 !== e2), i2 = [...n2.filter((e3) => 1 === this.viewItems[e3].priority), e2], o2 = n2.filter((e3) => 2 === this.viewItems[e3].priority), r2 = this.viewItems[e2];
t2 = Math.round(t2), t2 = Object(ns.b)(t2, r2.minimumSize, Math.min(r2.maximumSize, this.size)), r2.size = t2, this.relayout(i2, o2), this.state = Fa.Idle;
distributeViewSizes() {
const e2 = [];
let t2 = 0;
for (const n3 of this.viewItems)
n3.maximumSize - n3.minimumSize > 0 && (e2.push(n3), t2 += n3.size);
const n2 = Math.floor(t2 / e2.length);
for (const t3 of e2)
t3.size = Object(ns.b)(n2, t3.minimumSize, t3.maximumSize);
const i2 = Object(G.s)(this.viewItems.length), o2 = i2.filter((e3) => 1 === this.viewItems[e3].priority), r2 = i2.filter((e3) => 2 === this.viewItems[e3].priority);
this.relayout(o2, r2);
getViewSize(e2) {
return e2 < 0 || e2 >= this.viewItems.length ? -1 : this.viewItems[e2].size;
doAddView(e2, t2, n2 = this.viewItems.length, i2) {
if (this.state !== Fa.Idle)
throw new Error("Cant modify splitview");
this.state = Fa.Busy;
const o2 = ft.a(".split-view-view");
n2 === this.viewItems.length ? this.viewContainer.appendChild(o2) : this.viewContainer.insertBefore(o2, this.viewContainer.children.item(n2));
const r2 = e2.onDidChange((e3) => this.onViewChange(c2, e3)), s2 = Object(pe.h)(() => this.viewContainer.removeChild(o2)), a2 = Object(pe.e)(r2, s2);
let l2;
l2 = "number" == typeof t2 ? t2 : "split" === t2.type ? this.getViewSize(t2.index) / 2 : "invisible" === t2.type ? {cachedVisibleSize: t2.cachedVisibleSize} : e2.minimumSize;
const c2 = 0 === this.orientation ? new Ma(o2, e2, l2, a2) : new Pa(o2, e2, l2, a2);
if (this.viewItems.splice(n2, 0, c2), this.viewItems.length > 1) {
const e3 = 0 === this.orientation ? new $i.a(this.sashContainer, {getHorizontalSashTop: (e4) => this.getSashPosition(e4)}, {orientation: 1, orthogonalStartSash: this.orthogonalStartSash, orthogonalEndSash: this.orthogonalEndSash}) : new $i.a(this.sashContainer, {getVerticalSashLeft: (e4) => this.getSashPosition(e4)}, {orientation: 0, orthogonalStartSash: this.orthogonalStartSash, orthogonalEndSash: this.orthogonalEndSash}), t3 = 0 === this.orientation ? (t4) => ({sash: e3, start: t4.startY, current: t4.currentY, alt: t4.altKey}) : (t4) => ({sash: e3, start: t4.startX, current: t4.currentX, alt: t4.altKey}), i3 =, t3)(this.onSashStart, this), o3 =, t3)(this.onSashChange, this), r3 =, () => Object(G.j)(this.sashItems, (t4) => t4.sash === e3))(this.onSashEnd, this), s3 = e3.onDidReset(() => {
const t4 = Object(G.j)(this.sashItems, (t5) => t5.sash === e3), n3 = Object(G.s)(t4, -1), i4 = Object(G.s)(t4 + 1, this.viewItems.length), o4 = this.findFirstSnapIndex(n3), r4 = this.findFirstSnapIndex(i4);
("number" != typeof o4 || this.viewItems[o4].visible) && ("number" != typeof r4 || this.viewItems[r4].visible) &&;
}), a3 = Object(pe.e)(i3, o3, r3, s3, e3), l3 = {sash: e3, disposable: a3};
this.sashItems.splice(n2 - 1, 0, l3);
let d2;
o2.appendChild(e2.element), "number" != typeof t2 && "split" === t2.type && (d2 = [t2.index]), i2 || this.relayout([n2], d2), this.state = Fa.Idle, i2 || "number" == typeof t2 || "distribute" !== t2.type || this.distributeViewSizes();
relayout(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.viewItems.reduce((e3, t3) => e3 + t3.size, 0);
this.resize(this.viewItems.length - 1, this.size - n2, void 0, e2, t2), this.distributeEmptySpace(), this.layoutViews(), this.saveProportions();
resize(e2, t2, n2 = => e3.size), i2, o2, r2 = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, s2 = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, a2, l2) {
if (e2 < 0 || e2 >= this.viewItems.length)
return 0;
const c2 = Object(G.s)(e2, -1), d2 = Object(G.s)(e2 + 1, this.viewItems.length);
if (o2)
for (const e3 of o2)
Object(G.r)(c2, e3), Object(G.r)(d2, e3);
if (i2)
for (const e3 of i2)
Object(G.q)(c2, e3), Object(G.q)(d2, e3);
const h2 = => this.viewItems[e3]), u2 = => n2[e3]), p2 = => this.viewItems[e3]), m2 = => n2[e3]), g2 = c2.reduce((e3, t3) => e3 + (this.viewItems[t3].minimumSize - n2[t3]), 0), f2 = c2.reduce((e3, t3) => e3 + (this.viewItems[t3].maximumSize - n2[t3]), 0), b2 = 0 === d2.length ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : d2.reduce((e3, t3) => e3 + (n2[t3] - this.viewItems[t3].minimumSize), 0), _2 = 0 === d2.length ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : d2.reduce((e3, t3) => e3 + (n2[t3] - this.viewItems[t3].maximumSize), 0), v2 = Math.max(g2, _2, r2), w2 = Math.min(b2, f2, s2);
let y2 = false;
if (a2) {
const e3 = this.viewItems[a2.index], n3 = t2 >= a2.limitDelta;
y2 = n3 !== e3.visible, e3.setVisible(n3, a2.size);
if (!y2 && l2) {
const e3 = this.viewItems[l2.index], n3 = t2 < l2.limitDelta;
y2 = n3 !== e3.visible, e3.setVisible(n3, l2.size);
if (y2)
return this.resize(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2);
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = t2 = Object(ns.b)(t2, v2, w2); e3 < h2.length; e3++) {
const t3 = h2[e3], i3 = Object(ns.b)(u2[e3] + n3, t3.minimumSize, t3.maximumSize);
n3 -= i3 - u2[e3], t3.size = i3;
for (let e3 = 0, n3 = t2; e3 < p2.length; e3++) {
const t3 = p2[e3], i3 = Object(ns.b)(m2[e3] - n3, t3.minimumSize, t3.maximumSize);
n3 += i3 - m2[e3], t3.size = i3;
return t2;
distributeEmptySpace(e2) {
const t2 = this.viewItems.reduce((e3, t3) => e3 + t3.size, 0);
let n2 = this.size - t2;
const i2 = Object(G.s)(this.viewItems.length - 1, -1), o2 = i2.filter((e3) => 1 === this.viewItems[e3].priority), r2 = i2.filter((e3) => 2 === this.viewItems[e3].priority);
for (const e3 of r2)
Object(G.r)(i2, e3);
for (const e3 of o2)
Object(G.q)(i2, e3);
"number" == typeof e2 && Object(G.q)(i2, e2);
for (let e3 = 0; 0 !== n2 && e3 < i2.length; e3++) {
const t3 = this.viewItems[i2[e3]], o3 = Object(ns.b)(t3.size + n2, t3.minimumSize, t3.maximumSize);
n2 -= o3 - t3.size, t3.size = o3;
layoutViews() {
this.contentSize = this.viewItems.reduce((e3, t2) => e3 + t2.size, 0);
let e2 = 0;
for (const t2 of this.viewItems)
t2.layout(e2, this.layoutContext), e2 += t2.size;
this.sashItems.forEach((e3) => e3.sash.layout()), this.updateSashEnablement();
updateSashEnablement() {
let e2 = false;
const t2 = => e2 = t3.size - t3.minimumSize > 0 || e2);
e2 = false;
const n2 = => e2 = t3.maximumSize - t3.size > 0 || e2), i2 = [...this.viewItems].reverse();
e2 = false;
const o2 = => e2 = t3.size - t3.minimumSize > 0 || e2).reverse();
e2 = false;
const r2 = => e2 = t3.maximumSize - t3.size > 0 || e2).reverse();
let s2 = 0;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < this.sashItems.length; e3++) {
const {sash: i3} = this.sashItems[e3];
s2 += this.viewItems[e3].size;
const a2 = !(t2[e3] && r2[e3 + 1]), l2 = !(n2[e3] && o2[e3 + 1]);
if (a2 && l2) {
const n3 = Object(G.s)(e3, -1), r3 = Object(G.s)(e3 + 1, this.viewItems.length), a3 = this.findFirstSnapIndex(n3), l3 = this.findFirstSnapIndex(r3), c2 = "number" == typeof a3 && !this.viewItems[a3].visible, d2 = "number" == typeof l3 && !this.viewItems[l3].visible;
c2 && o2[e3] && (s2 > 0 || this.startSnappingEnabled) ? i3.state = 1 : d2 && t2[e3] && (s2 < this.contentSize || this.endSnappingEnabled) ? i3.state = 2 : i3.state = 0;
} else
i3.state = a2 && !l2 ? 1 : !a2 && l2 ? 2 : 3;
getSashPosition(e2) {
let t2 = 0;
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < this.sashItems.length; n2++)
if (t2 += this.viewItems[n2].size, this.sashItems[n2].sash === e2)
return t2;
return 0;
findFirstSnapIndex(e2) {
for (const t2 of e2) {
const e3 = this.viewItems[t2];
if (e3.visible && e3.snap)
return t2;
for (const t2 of e2) {
const e3 = this.viewItems[t2];
if (e3.visible && e3.maximumSize - e3.minimumSize > 0)
if (!e3.visible && e3.snap)
return t2;
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this.viewItems.forEach((e2) => e2.dispose()), this.viewItems = [], this.sashItems.forEach((e2) => e2.disposable.dispose()), this.sashItems = [];
var Ba = n(150), ja = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Va = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Ua = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class Ha {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._editor = e2, this._model = t2, this._decorations = new Map(), this._decorationIgnoreSet = new Set(), this._callOnDispose = new pe.b(), this._callOnModelChange = new pe.b(), this._callOnDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => this._onModelChanged())), this._onModelChanged();
dispose() {
this._callOnModelChange.dispose(), this._callOnDispose.dispose(), this.removeDecorations();
_onModelChanged() {
const e2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (e2) {
for (let t2 of this._model.references)
if (t2.uri.toString() === e2.uri.toString())
return void this._addDecorations(t2.parent);
_addDecorations(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
this._callOnModelChange.add(this._editor.getModel().onDidChangeDecorations(() => this._onDecorationChanged()));
const t2 = [], n2 = [];
for (let i3 = 0, o2 = e2.children.length; i3 < o2; i3++) {
let o3 = e2.children[i3];
this._decorationIgnoreSet.has( || o3.uri.toString() === this._editor.getModel().uri.toString() && (t2.push({range: o3.range, options: Ha.DecorationOptions}), n2.push(i3));
const i2 = this._editor.deltaDecorations([], t2);
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < i2.length; t3++)
this._decorations.set(i2[t3], e2.children[n2[t3]]);
_onDecorationChanged() {
const e2 = [], t2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (t2) {
for (let [n2, i2] of this._decorations) {
const o2 = t2.getDecorationRange(n2);
if (!o2)
let r2 = false;
if (!ge.a.equalsRange(o2, i2.range)) {
if (ge.a.spansMultipleLines(o2))
r2 = true;
else {
i2.range.endColumn - i2.range.startColumn !== o2.endColumn - o2.startColumn && (r2 = true);
r2 ? (this._decorationIgnoreSet.add(, e2.push(n2)) : i2.range = o2;
for (let t3 = 0, n2 = e2.length; t3 < n2; t3++)
this._editor.deltaDecorations(e2, []);
removeDecorations() {
this._editor.deltaDecorations([...this._decorations.keys()], []), this._decorations.clear();
Ha.DecorationOptions = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "reference-decoration"});
class qa extends Da.c {
let $a = class extends Vs {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2) {
super(e2, {showFrame: false, showArrow: true, isResizeable: true, isAccessible: true}, r2), this._defaultTreeKeyboardSupport = t2, this.layoutData = n2, this._textModelResolverService = o2, this._instantiationService = r2, this._peekViewService = s2, this._uriLabel = a2, this._undoRedoService = l2, this._keybindingService = c2, this._disposeOnNewModel = new pe.b(), this._callOnDispose = new pe.b(), this._onDidSelectReference = new Lt.a(), this.onDidSelectReference = this._onDidSelectReference.event, this._dim = {height: 0, width: 0}, this._applyTheme(i2.getColorTheme()), this._callOnDispose.add(i2.onDidColorThemeChange(this._applyTheme.bind(this))), this._peekViewService.addExclusiveWidget(e2, this), this.create();
dispose() {
this.setModel(void 0), this._callOnDispose.dispose(), this._disposeOnNewModel.dispose(), Object(pe.f)(this._preview), Object(pe.f)(this._previewNotAvailableMessage), Object(pe.f)(this._tree), Object(pe.f)(this._previewModelReference), this._splitView.dispose(), super.dispose();
_applyTheme(e2) {
const t2 = e2.getColor($s) || Nn.a.transparent;{arrowColor: t2, frameColor: t2, headerBackgroundColor: e2.getColor(Us) || Nn.a.transparent, primaryHeadingColor: e2.getColor(Hs), secondaryHeadingColor: e2.getColor(qs)});
show(e2) {
this.editor.revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e2, 0),, this.layoutData.heightInLines || 18);
focusOnReferenceTree() {
focusOnPreviewEditor() {
isPreviewEditorFocused() {
return this._preview.hasTextFocus();
_onTitleClick(e2) {
this._preview && this._preview.getModel() &&{element: this._getFocusedReference(), kind: e2.ctrlKey || e2.metaKey || e2.altKey ? "side" : "open", source: "title"});
_fillBody(e2) {
this.setCssClass("reference-zone-widget"), this._messageContainer = ft.p(e2, ft.a("div.messages")), ft.K(this._messageContainer), this._splitView = new za(e2, {orientation: 1}), this._previewContainer = ft.p(e2, ft.a("div.preview.inline"));
this._preview = this._instantiationService.createInstance(gs, this._previewContainer, {scrollBeyondLastLine: false, scrollbar: {verticalScrollbarSize: 14, horizontal: "auto", useShadows: true, verticalHasArrows: false, horizontalHasArrows: false, alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: false}, overviewRulerLanes: 2, fixedOverflowWidgets: true, minimap: {enabled: false}}, this.editor), ft.K(this._previewContainer), this._previewNotAvailableMessage = new be.b(U.a("missingPreviewMessage", "no preview available"), be.b.DEFAULT_CREATION_OPTIONS, null, null, this._undoRedoService), this._treeContainer = ft.p(e2, ft.a("div.ref-tree.inline"));
const t2 = {keyboardSupport: this._defaultTreeKeyboardSupport, accessibilityProvider: new Oa(), keyboardNavigationLabelProvider: this._instantiationService.createInstance(ka), identityProvider: new Ea(), openOnSingleClick: true, openOnFocus: true, overrideStyles: {listBackground: Ks}};
this._defaultTreeKeyboardSupport && this._callOnDispose.add(ft.n(this._treeContainer, "keydown", (e3) => {
e3.equals(9) && (this._keybindingService.dispatchEvent(e3,, e3.stopPropagation());
}, true)), this._tree = this._instantiationService.createInstance(qa, "ReferencesWidget", this._treeContainer, new Sa(), [this._instantiationService.createInstance(La), this._instantiationService.createInstance(Ia)], this._instantiationService.createInstance(xa), t2), this._splitView.addView({onDidChange: Lt.b.None, element: this._previewContainer, minimumSize: 200, maximumSize: Number.MAX_VALUE, layout: (e3) => {
this._preview.layout({height: this._dim.height, width: e3});
}}, Wa.Distribute), this._splitView.addView({onDidChange: Lt.b.None, element: this._treeContainer, minimumSize: 100, maximumSize: Number.MAX_VALUE, layout: (e3) => { = this._dim.height + "px", = e3 + "px", this._tree.layout(this._dim.height, e3);
}}, Wa.Distribute), this._disposables.add(this._splitView.onDidSashChange(() => {
this._dim.width && (this.layoutData.ratio = this._splitView.getViewSize(0) / this._dim.width);
}, void 0));
let n2 = (e3, t3) => {
e3 instanceof oa && ("show" === t3 && this._revealReference(e3, false),{element: e3, kind: t3, source: "tree"}));
this._tree.onDidOpen((e3) => {
e3.sideBySide ? n2(e3.element, "side") : e3.editorOptions.pinned ? n2(e3.element, "goto") : n2(e3.element, "show");
}), ft.K(this._treeContainer);
_onWidth(e2) {
this._dim && this._doLayoutBody(this._dim.height, e2);
_doLayoutBody(e2, t2) {
super._doLayoutBody(e2, t2), this._dim = {height: e2, width: t2}, this.layoutData.heightInLines = this._viewZone ? this._viewZone.heightInLines : this.layoutData.heightInLines, this._splitView.layout(t2), this._splitView.resizeView(0, t2 * this.layoutData.ratio);
setSelection(e2) {
return this._revealReference(e2, true).then(() => {
this._model && (this._tree.setSelection([e2]), this._tree.setFocus([e2]));
setModel(e2) {
return this._disposeOnNewModel.clear(), this._model = e2, this._model ? this._onNewModel() : Promise.resolve();
_onNewModel() {
return this._model ? this._model.isEmpty ? (this.setTitle(""), this._messageContainer.innerText = U.a("noResults", "No results"), ft.Z(this._messageContainer), Promise.resolve(void 0)) : (ft.K(this._messageContainer), this._decorationsManager = new Ha(this._preview, this._model), this._disposeOnNewModel.add(this._decorationsManager), this._disposeOnNewModel.add(this._model.onDidChangeReferenceRange((e2) => this._tree.rerender(e2))), this._disposeOnNewModel.add(this._preview.onMouseDown((e2) => {
const {event: t2, target: n2} = e2;
if (2 !== t2.detail)
const i2 = this._getFocusedReference();
i2 &&{element: {uri: i2.uri, range: n2.range}, kind: t2.ctrlKey || t2.metaKey || t2.altKey ? "side" : "open", source: "editor"});
})), this.container.classList.add("results-loaded"), ft.Z(this._treeContainer), ft.Z(this._previewContainer), this._splitView.layout(this._dim.width), this.focusOnReferenceTree(), this._tree.setInput(1 === this._model.groups.length ? this._model.groups[0] : this._model)) : Promise.resolve(void 0);
_getFocusedReference() {
const [e2] = this._tree.getFocus();
return e2 instanceof oa ? e2 : e2 instanceof sa && e2.children.length > 0 ? e2.children[0] : void 0;
revealReference(e2) {
return Ua(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield this._revealReference(e2, false),{element: e2, kind: "goto", source: "tree"});
_revealReference(e2, t2) {
return Ua(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (this._revealedReference === e2)
this._revealedReference = e2, e2.uri.scheme !== la.b.inMemory ? this.setTitle(Object(jt.c)(e2.uri), this._uriLabel.getUriLabel(Object(jt.d)(e2.uri))) : this.setTitle(U.a("peekView.alternateTitle", "References"));
const n2 = this._textModelResolverService.createModelReference(e2.uri);
this._tree.getInput() === e2.parent || (t2 && this._tree.reveal(e2.parent), yield this._tree.expand(e2.parent)), this._tree.reveal(e2);
const i2 = yield n2;
if (!this._model)
return void i2.dispose();
const o2 = i2.object;
if (o2) {
const t3 = this._preview.getModel() === o2.textEditorModel ? 0 : 1, n3 = ge.a.lift(e2.range).collapseToStart();
this._previewModelReference = i2, this._preview.setModel(o2.textEditorModel), this._preview.setSelection(n3), this._preview.revealRangeInCenter(n3, t3);
} else
this._preview.setModel(this._previewNotAvailableMessage), i2.dispose();
$a = ja([Va(3, we.c), Va(4, ts.a), Va(5, gt.a), Va(6, Fs), Va(7, ha.a), Va(8, Ba.a), Va(9, vt.a)], $a), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ea);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree .referenceMatch .highlight { background-color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(ta);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .preview .reference-decoration { background-color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(na);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .preview .reference-decoration { border: 2px solid ${o2}; box-sizing: border-box; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(ve.b);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree .referenceMatch .highlight { border: 1px dotted ${r2}; box-sizing: border-box; }`);
const s2 = e2.getColor(Ks);
s2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree { background-color: ${s2}; }`);
const a2 = e2.getColor(Gs);
a2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree { color: ${a2}; }`);
const l2 = e2.getColor(Ys);
l2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree .reference-file { color: ${l2}; }`);
const c2 = e2.getColor(Zs);
c2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree .monaco-list:focus .monaco-list-rows > .monaco-list-row.selected:not(.highlighted) { background-color: ${c2}; }`);
const d2 = e2.getColor(Xs);
d2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .ref-tree .monaco-list:focus .monaco-list-rows > .monaco-list-row.selected:not(.highlighted) { color: ${d2} !important; }`);
const h2 = e2.getColor(Qs);
h2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .preview .monaco-editor .monaco-editor-background,.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .preview .monaco-editor .inputarea.ime-input { background-color: ${h2};}`);
const u2 = e2.getColor(Js);
u2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .reference-zone-widget .preview .monaco-editor .margin { background-color: ${u2};}`);
var Ka = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Ga = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Ya = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const Za = new K.c("referenceSearchVisible", false);
let Xa = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2) {
this._defaultTreeKeyboardSupport = e3, this._editor = t2, this._editorService = i2, this._notificationService = o2, this._instantiationService = r2, this._storageService = s2, this._configurationService = a2, this._disposables = new pe.b(), this._requestIdPool = 0, this._ignoreModelChangeEvent = false, this._referenceSearchVisible = Za.bindTo(n2);
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
dispose() {
this._referenceSearchVisible.reset(), this._disposables.dispose(), Object(pe.f)(this._widget), Object(pe.f)(this._model), this._widget = void 0, this._model = void 0;
toggleWidget(e3, t2, n2) {
let i2;
if (this._widget && (i2 = this._widget.position), this.closeWidget(), i2 && e3.containsPosition(i2))
this._peekMode = n2, this._referenceSearchVisible.set(true), this._disposables.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModelLanguage(() => {
})), this._disposables.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => {
this._ignoreModelChangeEvent || this.closeWidget();
const o2 = class {
constructor() {
this.ratio = 0.7, this.heightInLines = 18;
static fromJSON(e4) {
let t3, n3;
try {
const i3 = JSON.parse(e4);
t3 = i3.ratio, n3 = i3.heightInLines;
} catch (e5) {
return {ratio: t3 || 0.7, heightInLines: n3 || 18};
}.fromJSON(this._storageService.get("peekViewLayout", 0, "{}"));
this._widget = this._instantiationService.createInstance($a, this._editor, this._defaultTreeKeyboardSupport, o2), this._widget.setTitle(U.a("labelLoading", "Loading...")),, this._disposables.add(this._widget.onDidClose(() => {
t2.cancel(), this._widget && ("peekViewLayout", JSON.stringify(this._widget.layoutData), 0), this._widget = void 0), this.closeWidget();
})), this._disposables.add(this._widget.onDidSelectReference((e4) => {
let {element: t3, kind: i3} = e4;
if (t3)
switch (i3) {
case "open":
"editor" === e4.source && this._configurationService.getValue("editor.stablePeek") || this.openReference(t3, false);
case "side":
this.openReference(t3, true);
case "goto":
n2 ? this._gotoReference(t3) : this.openReference(t3, false);
const r2 = ++this._requestIdPool;
t2.then((t3) => {
if (r2 === this._requestIdPool && this._widget)
return this._model && this._model.dispose(), this._model = t3, this._widget.setModel(this._model).then(() => {
if (this._widget && this._model && this._editor.hasModel()) {
this._model.isEmpty ? this._widget.setMetaTitle("") : this._widget.setMetaTitle(U.a("metaTitle.N", "{0} ({1})", this._model.title, this._model.references.length));
let t4 = this._editor.getModel().uri, n3 = new me.a(e3.startLineNumber, e3.startColumn), i3 = this._model.nearestReference(t4, n3);
if (i3)
return this._widget.setSelection(i3).then(() => {
this._widget && "editor" === this._editor.getOption(68) && this._widget.focusOnPreviewEditor();
}, (e4) => {
changeFocusBetweenPreviewAndReferences() {
this._widget && (this._widget.isPreviewEditorFocused() ? this._widget.focusOnReferenceTree() : this._widget.focusOnPreviewEditor());
goToNextOrPreviousReference(e3) {
return Ya(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this._editor.hasModel() || !this._model || !this._widget)
const t2 = this._widget.position;
if (!t2)
const n2 = this._model.nearestReference(this._editor.getModel().uri, t2);
if (!n2)
const i2 = this._model.nextOrPreviousReference(n2, e3), o2 = this._editor.hasTextFocus(), r2 = this._widget.isPreviewEditorFocused();
yield this._widget.setSelection(i2), yield this._gotoReference(i2), o2 ? this._editor.focus() : this._widget && r2 && this._widget.focusOnPreviewEditor();
revealReference(e3) {
return Ya(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
this._editor.hasModel() && this._model && this._widget && (yield this._widget.revealReference(e3));
closeWidget(e3 = true) {
Object(pe.f)(this._widget), Object(pe.f)(this._model), this._referenceSearchVisible.reset(), this._disposables.clear(), this._widget = void 0, this._model = void 0, e3 && this._editor.focus(), this._requestIdPool += 1;
_gotoReference(t2) {
this._widget && this._widget.hide(), this._ignoreModelChangeEvent = true;
const n2 = ge.a.lift(t2.range).collapseToStart();
return this._editorService.openCodeEditor({resource: t2.uri, options: {selection: n2}}, this._editor).then((t3) => {
var i2;
if (this._ignoreModelChangeEvent = false, t3 && this._widget)
if (this._editor === t3), this._widget.focusOnReferenceTree();
else {
const o2 = e2.get(t3), r2 = this._model.clone();
this.closeWidget(), t3.focus(), o2.toggleWidget(n2, Object(ue.f)((e3) => Promise.resolve(r2)), null !== (i2 = this._peekMode) && void 0 !== i2 && i2);
}, (e3) => {
this._ignoreModelChangeEvent = false, Object(Z.e)(e3);
openReference(e3, t2) {
t2 || this.closeWidget();
const {uri: n2, range: i2} = e3;
this._editorService.openCodeEditor({resource: n2, options: {selection: i2}}, this._editor, t2);
function Qa(e2, t2) {
const n2 = function(e3) {
let t3 = e3.get(Me.a).getFocusedCodeEditor();
return t3 instanceof gs ? t3.getParentEditor() : t3;
if (!n2)
let i2 = Xa.get(n2);
i2 && t2(i2);
Xa.ID = "editor.contrib.referencesController", Xa = Ka([Ga(2, K.b), Ga(3, Me.a), Ga(4, zt.a), Ga(5, gt.a), Ga(6, fn.a), Ga(7, On.a)], Xa), Zi.a.registerCommandAndKeybindingRule({id: "togglePeekWidgetFocus", weight: 100, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 60), when: K.a.or(Za, Ws.inPeekEditor), handler(e2) {
Qa(e2, (e3) => {
}}), Zi.a.registerCommandAndKeybindingRule({id: "goToNextReference", weight: 90, primary: 62, secondary: [70], when: K.a.or(Za, Ws.inPeekEditor), handler(e2) {
Qa(e2, (e3) => {
}}), Zi.a.registerCommandAndKeybindingRule({id: "goToPreviousReference", weight: 90, primary: 1086, secondary: [1094], when: K.a.or(Za, Ws.inPeekEditor), handler(e2) {
Qa(e2, (e3) => {
}}), Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("goToNextReferenceFromEmbeddedEditor", "goToNextReference"), Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("goToPreviousReferenceFromEmbeddedEditor", "goToPreviousReference"), Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("closeReferenceSearchEditor", "closeReferenceSearch"), Ft.a.registerCommand("closeReferenceSearch", (e2) => Qa(e2, (e3) => e3.closeWidget())), Zi.a.registerKeybindingRule({id: "closeReferenceSearch", weight: -1, primary: 9, secondary: [1033], when: K.a.and(Ws.inPeekEditor, K.a.not("config.editor.stablePeek"))}), Zi.a.registerKeybindingRule({id: "closeReferenceSearch", weight: 250, primary: 9, secondary: [1033], when: K.a.and(Za, K.a.not("config.editor.stablePeek"))}), Zi.a.registerCommandAndKeybindingRule({id: "revealReference", weight: 200, primary: 3, mac: {primary: 3, secondary: [2066]}, when: K.a.and(Za, Da.e), handler(e2) {
var t2;
const n2 = null === (t2 = e2.get(Da.a).lastFocusedList) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.getFocus();
Array.isArray(n2) && n2[0] instanceof oa && Qa(e2, (e3) => e3.revealReference(n2[0]));
}}), Zi.a.registerCommandAndKeybindingRule({id: "openReferenceToSide", weight: 100, primary: 2051, mac: {primary: 259}, when: K.a.and(Za, Da.e), handler(e2) {
var t2;
const n2 = null === (t2 = e2.get(Da.a).lastFocusedList) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.getFocus();
Array.isArray(n2) && n2[0] instanceof oa && Qa(e2, (e3) => e3.openReference(n2[0], true));
}}), Ft.a.registerCommand("openReference", (e2) => {
var t2;
const n2 = null === (t2 = e2.get(Da.a).lastFocusedList) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.getFocus();
Array.isArray(n2) && n2[0] instanceof oa && Qa(e2, (e3) => e3.openReference(n2[0], false));
var Ja = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
function el(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = n2.ordered(e2).map((n3) => Promise.resolve(i2(n3, e2, t2)).then(void 0, (e3) => {
return Promise.all(o2).then((e3) => {
const t3 = [];
for (let n3 of e3)
Array.isArray(n3) ? t3.push(...n3) : n3 && t3.push(n3);
return t3;
function tl(e2, t2, n2) {
return el(e2, t2, et.f, (e3, t3, i2) => e3.provideDefinition(t3, i2, n2));
function nl(e2, t2, n2) {
return el(e2, t2, et.e, (e3, t3, i2) => e3.provideDeclaration(t3, i2, n2));
function il(e2, t2, n2) {
return el(e2, t2, et.q, (e3, t3, i2) => e3.provideImplementation(t3, i2, n2));
function ol(e2, t2, n2) {
return el(e2, t2, et.D, (e3, t3, i2) => e3.provideTypeDefinition(t3, i2, n2));
function rl(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return el(e2, t2, et.v, (e3, t3, o2) => Ja(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const r2 = yield e3.provideReferences(t3, o2, {includeDeclaration: true}, i2);
if (!n2 || !r2 || 2 !== r2.length)
return r2;
const s2 = yield e3.provideReferences(t3, o2, {includeDeclaration: false}, i2);
return s2 && 1 === s2.length ? s2 : r2;
Object(V.p)("_executeDefinitionProvider", (e2, t2) => tl(e2, t2, Xe.a.None)), Object(V.p)("_executeDeclarationProvider", (e2, t2) => nl(e2, t2, Xe.a.None)), Object(V.p)("_executeImplementationProvider", (e2, t2) => il(e2, t2, Xe.a.None)), Object(V.p)("_executeTypeDefinitionProvider", (e2, t2) => ol(e2, t2, Xe.a.None)), Object(V.p)("_executeReferenceProvider", (e2, t2) => rl(e2, t2, false, Xe.a.None));
var sl = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, al = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
const ll = new K.c("hasSymbols", false), cl = Object(gt.c)("ISymbolNavigationService");
let dl = class {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._editorService = t2, this._notificationService = n2, this._keybindingService = i2, this._currentModel = void 0, this._currentIdx = -1, this._ignoreEditorChange = false, this._ctxHasSymbols = ll.bindTo(e2);
reset() {
this._ctxHasSymbols.reset(), Object(pe.f)(this._currentState), Object(pe.f)(this._currentMessage), this._currentModel = void 0, this._currentIdx = -1;
put(e2) {
const t2 = e2.parent.parent;
if (t2.references.length <= 1)
return void this.reset();
this._currentModel = t2, this._currentIdx = t2.references.indexOf(e2), this._ctxHasSymbols.set(true), this._showMessage();
const n2 = new hl(this._editorService), i2 = n2.onDidChange((e3) => {
if (this._ignoreEditorChange)
const n3 = this._editorService.getActiveCodeEditor();
if (!n3)
const i3 = n3.getModel(), o2 = n3.getPosition();
if (!i3 || !o2)
let r2 = false, s2 = false;
for (const e4 of t2.references)
if (Object(jt.f)(e4.uri, i3.uri))
r2 = true, s2 = s2 || ge.a.containsPosition(e4.range, o2);
else if (r2)
r2 && s2 || this.reset();
this._currentState = Object(pe.e)(n2, i2);
revealNext(e2) {
if (!this._currentModel)
return Promise.resolve();
this._currentIdx += 1, this._currentIdx %= this._currentModel.references.length;
const t2 = this._currentModel.references[this._currentIdx];
return this._showMessage(), this._ignoreEditorChange = true, this._editorService.openCodeEditor({resource: t2.uri, options: {selection: ge.a.collapseToStart(t2.range), selectionRevealType: 3}}, e2).finally(() => {
this._ignoreEditorChange = false;
_showMessage() {
const e2 = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding("editor.gotoNextSymbolFromResult"), t2 = e2 ? Object(U.a)("location.kb", "Symbol {0} of {1}, {2} for next", this._currentIdx + 1, this._currentModel.references.length, e2.getLabel()) : Object(U.a)("location", "Symbol {0} of {1}", this._currentIdx + 1, this._currentModel.references.length);
this._currentMessage = this._notificationService.status(t2);
dl = sl([al(0, K.b), al(1, Me.a), al(2, zt.a), al(3, vt.a)], dl), Object(mn.b)(cl, dl, true), Object(V.l)(new class extends V.c {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.gotoNextSymbolFromResult", precondition: ll, kbOpts: {weight: 100, primary: 70}});
runEditorCommand(e2, t2) {
return e2.get(cl).revealNext(t2);
}()), Zi.a.registerCommandAndKeybindingRule({id: "editor.gotoNextSymbolFromResult.cancel", weight: 100, when: ll, primary: 9, handler(e2) {
let hl = class {
constructor(e2) {
this._listener = new Map(), this._disposables = new pe.b(), this._onDidChange = new Lt.a(), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._disposables.add(e2.onCodeEditorRemove(this._onDidRemoveEditor, this)), this._disposables.add(e2.onCodeEditorAdd(this._onDidAddEditor, this)), e2.listCodeEditors().forEach(this._onDidAddEditor, this);
dispose() {
this._disposables.dispose(), this._onDidChange.dispose(), Object(pe.f)(this._listener.values());
_onDidAddEditor(e2) {
this._listener.set(e2, Object(pe.e)(e2.onDidChangeCursorPosition((t2) =>{editor: e2})), e2.onDidChangeModelContent((t2) =>{editor: e2}))));
_onDidRemoveEditor(e2) {
Object(pe.f)(this._listener.get(e2)), this._listener.delete(e2);
hl = sl([al(0, Me.a)], hl);
var ul, pl, ml, gl, fl, bl, _l, vl, wl = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
ye.d.appendMenuItem(ye.b.EditorContext, {submenu: ye.b.EditorContextPeek, title: U.a("peek.submenu", "Peek"), group: "navigation", order: 100});
class yl extends V.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this._configuration = e2;
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
return Promise.resolve(void 0);
const n2 = e2.get(zt.a), i2 = e2.get(Me.a), o2 = e2.get(rt.a), r2 = e2.get(cl), s2 = t2.getModel(), a2 = t2.getPosition(), l2 = new Je.b(t2, 5), c2 = Object(ue.j)(this._getLocationModel(s2, a2, l2.token), l2.token).then((e3) => wl(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!e3 || l2.token.isCancellationRequested)
let n3;
if (Object(ne.a)(e3.ariaMessage), e3.referenceAt(s2.uri, a2)) {
const e4 = this._getAlternativeCommand(t2);
e4 !== && (n3 = t2.getAction(e4));
const o3 = e3.references.length;
if (0 === o3) {
if (!this._configuration.muteMessage) {
const e4 = s2.getWordAtPosition(a2);
ut.get(t2).showMessage(this._getNoResultFoundMessage(e4), a2);
} else {
if (1 !== o3 || !n3)
return this._onResult(i2, r2, t2, e3);;
}), (e3) => {
}).finally(() => {
return o2.showWhile(c2, 250), c2;
_onResult(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return wl(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const o2 = this._getGoToPreference(n2);
if (n2 instanceof gs || !(this._configuration.openInPeek || "peek" === o2 && i2.references.length > 1)) {
const r2 = i2.firstReference(), s2 = i2.references.length > 1 && "gotoAndPeek" === o2, a2 = yield this._openReference(n2, e2, r2, this._configuration.openToSide, !s2);
s2 && a2 ? this._openInPeek(a2, i2) : i2.dispose(), "goto" === o2 && t2.put(r2);
} else
this._openInPeek(n2, i2);
_openReference(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return wl(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let r2 = void 0;
Object(et.G)(n2) && (r2 = n2.targetSelectionRange), r2 || (r2 = n2.range);
const s2 = yield t2.openCodeEditor({resource: n2.uri, options: {selection: ge.a.collapseToStart(r2), selectionRevealType: 3}}, e2, i2);
if (s2) {
if (o2) {
const e3 = s2.getModel(), t3 = s2.deltaDecorations([], [{range: r2, options: {className: "symbolHighlight"}}]);
setTimeout(() => {
s2.getModel() === e3 && s2.deltaDecorations(t3, []);
}, 350);
return s2;
_openInPeek(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Xa.get(e2);
n2 && e2.hasModel() ? n2.toggleWidget(e2.getSelection(), Object(ue.f)((e3) => Promise.resolve(t2)), this._configuration.openInPeek) : t2.dispose();
class Cl extends yl {
_getLocationModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return wl(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new aa(yield tl(e2, t2, n2), U.a("def.title", "Definitions"));
_getNoResultFoundMessage(e2) {
return e2 && e2.word ? U.a("noResultWord", "No definition found for '{0}'", e2.word) : U.a("generic.noResults", "No definition found");
_getAlternativeCommand(e2) {
return e2.getOption(43).alternativeDefinitionCommand;
_getGoToPreference(e2) {
return e2.getOption(43).multipleDefinitions;
const xl = Ae.h && !De.k ? 2118 : 70;
Object(V.k)(((ul = class e2 extends Cl {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: false, openInPeek: false, muteMessage: false}, {id:, label: U.a("actions.goToDecl.label", "Go to Definition"), alias: "Go to Definition", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasDefinitionProvider, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: xl, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {group: "navigation", order: 1.1}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarGoMenu, group: "4_symbol_nav", order: 2, title: U.a({key: "miGotoDefinition", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Go to &&Definition")}}), Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("editor.action.goToDeclaration",;
}).id = "editor.action.revealDefinition", ul)), Object(V.k)(((pl = class e2 extends Cl {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: true, openInPeek: false, muteMessage: false}, {id:, label: U.a("actions.goToDeclToSide.label", "Open Definition to the Side"), alias: "Open Definition to the Side", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasDefinitionProvider, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, xl), weight: 100}}), Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("editor.action.openDeclarationToTheSide",;
}).id = "editor.action.revealDefinitionAside", pl)), Object(V.k)(((ml = class e2 extends Cl {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: false, openInPeek: true, muteMessage: false}, {id:, label: U.a("actions.previewDecl.label", "Peek Definition"), alias: "Peek Definition", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasDefinitionProvider, Ws.notInPeekEditor, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 582, linux: {primary: 3140}, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.EditorContextPeek, group: "peek", order: 2}}), Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("editor.action.previewDeclaration",;
}).id = "editor.action.peekDefinition", ml));
class Sl extends yl {
_getLocationModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return wl(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new aa(yield nl(e2, t2, n2), U.a("decl.title", "Declarations"));
_getNoResultFoundMessage(e2) {
return e2 && e2.word ? U.a("decl.noResultWord", "No declaration found for '{0}'", e2.word) : U.a("decl.generic.noResults", "No declaration found");
_getAlternativeCommand(e2) {
return e2.getOption(43).alternativeDeclarationCommand;
_getGoToPreference(e2) {
return e2.getOption(43).multipleDeclarations;
Object(V.k)(((gl = class e2 extends Sl {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: false, openInPeek: false, muteMessage: false}, {id:, label: U.a("actions.goToDeclaration.label", "Go to Declaration"), alias: "Go to Declaration", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasDeclarationProvider, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), contextMenuOpts: {group: "navigation", order: 1.3}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarGoMenu, group: "4_symbol_nav", order: 3, title: U.a({key: "miGotoDeclaration", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Go to &&Declaration")}});
_getNoResultFoundMessage(e3) {
return e3 && e3.word ? U.a("decl.noResultWord", "No declaration found for '{0}'", e3.word) : U.a("decl.generic.noResults", "No declaration found");
}).id = "editor.action.revealDeclaration", gl)), Object(V.k)(class extends Sl {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: false, openInPeek: true, muteMessage: false}, {id: "editor.action.peekDeclaration", label: U.a("actions.peekDecl.label", "Peek Declaration"), alias: "Peek Declaration", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasDeclarationProvider, Ws.notInPeekEditor, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), contextMenuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.EditorContextPeek, group: "peek", order: 3}});
class kl extends yl {
_getLocationModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return wl(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new aa(yield ol(e2, t2, n2), U.a("typedef.title", "Type Definitions"));
_getNoResultFoundMessage(e2) {
return e2 && e2.word ? U.a("goToTypeDefinition.noResultWord", "No type definition found for '{0}'", e2.word) : U.a("goToTypeDefinition.generic.noResults", "No type definition found");
_getAlternativeCommand(e2) {
return e2.getOption(43).alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand;
_getGoToPreference(e2) {
return e2.getOption(43).multipleTypeDefinitions;
Object(V.k)(((fl = class e2 extends kl {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: false, openInPeek: false, muteMessage: false}, {id: e2.ID, label: U.a("actions.goToTypeDefinition.label", "Go to Type Definition"), alias: "Go to Type Definition", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasTypeDefinitionProvider, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 0, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {group: "navigation", order: 1.4}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarGoMenu, group: "4_symbol_nav", order: 3, title: U.a({key: "miGotoTypeDefinition", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Go to &&Type Definition")}});
}).ID = "editor.action.goToTypeDefinition", fl)), Object(V.k)(((bl = class e2 extends kl {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: false, openInPeek: true, muteMessage: false}, {id: e2.ID, label: U.a("actions.peekTypeDefinition.label", "Peek Type Definition"), alias: "Peek Type Definition", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasTypeDefinitionProvider, Ws.notInPeekEditor, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), contextMenuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.EditorContextPeek, group: "peek", order: 4}});
}).ID = "editor.action.peekTypeDefinition", bl));
class El extends yl {
_getLocationModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return wl(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new aa(yield il(e2, t2, n2), U.a("impl.title", "Implementations"));
_getNoResultFoundMessage(e2) {
return e2 && e2.word ? U.a("goToImplementation.noResultWord", "No implementation found for '{0}'", e2.word) : U.a("goToImplementation.generic.noResults", "No implementation found");
_getAlternativeCommand(e2) {
return e2.getOption(43).alternativeImplementationCommand;
_getGoToPreference(e2) {
return e2.getOption(43).multipleImplementations;
Object(V.k)(((_l = class e2 extends El {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: false, openInPeek: false, muteMessage: false}, {id: e2.ID, label: U.a("actions.goToImplementation.label", "Go to Implementations"), alias: "Go to Implementations", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasImplementationProvider, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 2118, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarGoMenu, group: "4_symbol_nav", order: 4, title: U.a({key: "miGotoImplementation", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Go to &&Implementations")}, contextMenuOpts: {group: "navigation", order: 1.45}});
}).ID = "editor.action.goToImplementation", _l)), Object(V.k)(((vl = class e2 extends El {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: false, openInPeek: true, muteMessage: false}, {id: e2.ID, label: U.a("actions.peekImplementation.label", "Peek Implementations"), alias: "Peek Implementations", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasImplementationProvider, Ws.notInPeekEditor, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 3142, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.EditorContextPeek, group: "peek", order: 5}});
}).ID = "editor.action.peekImplementation", vl));
class Tl extends yl {
_getNoResultFoundMessage(e2) {
return e2 ? U.a("", "No references found for '{0}'", e2.word) : U.a("references.noGeneric", "No references found");
_getAlternativeCommand(e2) {
return e2.getOption(43).alternativeReferenceCommand;
_getGoToPreference(e2) {
return e2.getOption(43).multipleReferences;
Object(V.k)(class extends Tl {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: false, openInPeek: false, muteMessage: false}, {id: "editor.action.goToReferences", label: U.a("goToReferences.label", "Go to References"), alias: "Go to References", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasReferenceProvider, Ws.notInPeekEditor, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1094, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {group: "navigation", order: 1.45}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarGoMenu, group: "4_symbol_nav", order: 5, title: U.a({key: "miGotoReference", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Go to &&References")}});
_getLocationModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return wl(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new aa(yield rl(e2, t2, true, n2), U.a("ref.title", "References"));
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Tl {
constructor() {
super({openToSide: false, openInPeek: true, muteMessage: false}, {id: "editor.action.referenceSearch.trigger", label: U.a("references.action.label", "Peek References"), alias: "Peek References", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.hasReferenceProvider, Ws.notInPeekEditor, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated()), contextMenuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.EditorContextPeek, group: "peek", order: 6}});
_getLocationModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return wl(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new aa(yield rl(e2, t2, false, n2), U.a("ref.title", "References"));
class Ll extends yl {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, {id: "editor.action.goToLocation", label: U.a("label.generic", "Go To Any Symbol"), alias: "Go To Any Symbol", precondition: K.a.and(Ws.notInPeekEditor, H.a.isInWalkThroughSnippet.toNegated())}), this._references = t2, this._gotoMultipleBehaviour = n2;
_getLocationModel(e2, t2, n2) {
return wl(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new aa(this._references, U.a("generic.title", "Locations"));
_getNoResultFoundMessage(e2) {
return e2 && U.a("generic.noResult", "No results for '{0}'", e2.word) || "";
_getGoToPreference(e2) {
var t2;
return null !== (t2 = this._gotoMultipleBehaviour) && void 0 !== t2 ? t2 : e2.getOption(43).multipleReferences;
_getAlternativeCommand() {
return "";
Ft.a.registerCommand({id: "editor.action.goToLocations", description: {description: "Go to locations from a position in a file", args: [{name: "uri", description: "The text document in which to start", constraint: Qe.a}, {name: "position", description: "The position at which to start", constraint: me.a.isIPosition}, {name: "locations", description: "An array of locations.", constraint: Array}, {name: "multiple", description: "Define what to do when having multiple results, either `peek`, `gotoAndPeek`, or `goto"}, {name: "noResultsMessage", description: "Human readable message that shows when locations is empty."}]}, handler: (e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) => wl(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
Object(Jo.b)(Qe.a.isUri(t2)), Object(Jo.b)(me.a.isIPosition(n2)), Object(Jo.b)(Array.isArray(i2)), Object(Jo.b)(void 0 === o2 || "string" == typeof o2), Object(Jo.b)(void 0 === s2 || "boolean" == typeof s2);
const a2 = e2.get(Me.a), l2 = yield a2.openCodeEditor({resource: t2}, a2.getFocusedCodeEditor());
if (Object(Rr.b)(l2))
return l2.setPosition(n2), l2.revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(n2, 0), l2.invokeWithinContext((e3) => {
const t3 = new class extends Ll {
_getNoResultFoundMessage(e4) {
return r2 || super._getNoResultFoundMessage(e4);
}({muteMessage: !Boolean(r2), openInPeek: Boolean(s2), openToSide: false}, i2, o2);
e3.get(gt.a).invokeFunction(, l2);
})}), Ft.a.registerCommand({id: "editor.action.peekLocations", description: {description: "Peek locations from a position in a file", args: [{name: "uri", description: "The text document in which to start", constraint: Qe.a}, {name: "position", description: "The position at which to start", constraint: me.a.isIPosition}, {name: "locations", description: "An array of locations.", constraint: Array}, {name: "multiple", description: "Define what to do when having multiple results, either `peek`, `gotoAndPeek`, or `goto"}]}, handler: (e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) => wl(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
e2.get(Ft.b).executeCommand("editor.action.goToLocations", t2, n2, i2, o2, void 0, true);
})}), Ft.a.registerCommand({id: "editor.action.findReferences", handler: (e2, t2, n2) => {
Object(Jo.b)(Qe.a.isUri(t2)), Object(Jo.b)(me.a.isIPosition(n2));
const i2 = e2.get(Me.a);
return i2.openCodeEditor({resource: t2}, i2.getFocusedCodeEditor()).then((e3) => {
if (!Object(Rr.b)(e3) || !e3.hasModel())
const t3 = Xa.get(e3);
if (!t3)
const i3 = Object(ue.f)((t4) => rl(e3.getModel(), me.a.lift(n2), false, t4).then((e4) => new aa(e4, U.a("ref.title", "References")))), o2 = new ge.a(n2.lineNumber, n2.column, n2.lineNumber, n2.column);
return Promise.resolve(t3.toggleWidget(o2, i3, false));
}}), Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("editor.action.showReferences", "editor.action.peekLocations");
var Nl = n(109);
function Il(e2, t2) {
return !!e2[t2];
class Ol {
constructor(e2, t2) { =, this.hasTriggerModifier = Il(e2.event, t2.triggerModifier), this.hasSideBySideModifier = Il(e2.event, t2.triggerSideBySideModifier), this.isNoneOrSingleMouseDown = e2.event.detail <= 1;
class Dl {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.keyCodeIsTriggerKey = e2.keyCode === t2.triggerKey, this.keyCodeIsSideBySideKey = e2.keyCode === t2.triggerSideBySideKey, this.hasTriggerModifier = Il(e2, t2.triggerModifier);
class Al {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.triggerKey = e2, this.triggerModifier = t2, this.triggerSideBySideKey = n2, this.triggerSideBySideModifier = i2;
equals(e2) {
return this.triggerKey === e2.triggerKey && this.triggerModifier === e2.triggerModifier && this.triggerSideBySideKey === e2.triggerSideBySideKey && this.triggerSideBySideModifier === e2.triggerSideBySideModifier;
function Rl(e2) {
return "altKey" === e2 ? Ae.f ? new Al(57, "metaKey", 6, "altKey") : new Al(5, "ctrlKey", 6, "altKey") : Ae.f ? new Al(6, "altKey", 57, "metaKey") : new Al(6, "altKey", 5, "ctrlKey");
class Ml extends pe.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._onMouseMoveOrRelevantKeyDown = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onMouseMoveOrRelevantKeyDown = this._onMouseMoveOrRelevantKeyDown.event, this._onExecute = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onExecute = this._onExecute.event, this._onCancel = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onCancel = this._onCancel.event, this._editor = e2, this._opts = Rl(this._editor.getOption(61)), this._lastMouseMoveEvent = null, this._hasTriggerKeyOnMouseDown = false, this._lineNumberOnMouseDown = 0, this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
if (e3.hasChanged(61)) {
const e4 = Rl(this._editor.getOption(61));
if (this._opts.equals(e4))
this._opts = e4, this._lastMouseMoveEvent = null, this._hasTriggerKeyOnMouseDown = false, this._lineNumberOnMouseDown = 0,;
})), this._register(this._editor.onMouseMove((e3) => this._onEditorMouseMove(new Ol(e3, this._opts)))), this._register(this._editor.onMouseDown((e3) => this._onEditorMouseDown(new Ol(e3, this._opts)))), this._register(this._editor.onMouseUp((e3) => this._onEditorMouseUp(new Ol(e3, this._opts)))), this._register(this._editor.onKeyDown((e3) => this._onEditorKeyDown(new Dl(e3, this._opts)))), this._register(this._editor.onKeyUp((e3) => this._onEditorKeyUp(new Dl(e3, this._opts)))), this._register(this._editor.onMouseDrag(() => this._resetHandler())), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection((e3) => this._onDidChangeCursorSelection(e3))), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModel((e3) => this._resetHandler())), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent(() => this._resetHandler())), this._register(this._editor.onDidScrollChange((e3) => {
(e3.scrollTopChanged || e3.scrollLeftChanged) && this._resetHandler();
_onDidChangeCursorSelection(e2) {
e2.selection && e2.selection.startColumn !== e2.selection.endColumn && this._resetHandler();
_onEditorMouseMove(e2) {
this._lastMouseMoveEvent = e2,[e2, null]);
_onEditorMouseDown(e2) {
this._hasTriggerKeyOnMouseDown = e2.hasTriggerModifier, this._lineNumberOnMouseDown = ? : 0;
_onEditorMouseUp(e2) {
const t2 = ? : 0;
this._hasTriggerKeyOnMouseDown && this._lineNumberOnMouseDown && this._lineNumberOnMouseDown === t2 &&;
_onEditorKeyDown(e2) {
this._lastMouseMoveEvent && (e2.keyCodeIsTriggerKey || e2.keyCodeIsSideBySideKey && e2.hasTriggerModifier) ?[this._lastMouseMoveEvent, e2]) : e2.hasTriggerModifier &&;
_onEditorKeyUp(e2) {
e2.keyCodeIsTriggerKey &&;
_resetHandler() {
this._lastMouseMoveEvent = null, this._hasTriggerKeyOnMouseDown = false,;
var Pl = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Fl = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Wl = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2) {
this.textModelResolverService = t2, this.modeService = n2, this.toUnhook = new pe.b(), this.toUnhookForKeyboard = new pe.b(), this.linkDecorations = [], this.currentWordAtPosition = null, this.previousPromise = null, this.editor = e3;
let i2 = new Ml(e3);
this.toUnhook.add(i2), this.toUnhook.add(i2.onMouseMoveOrRelevantKeyDown(([e4, t3]) => {
this.startFindDefinitionFromMouse(e4, Object(Jo.n)(t3));
})), this.toUnhook.add(i2.onExecute((e4) => {
this.isEnabled(e4) && this.gotoDefinition(, e4.hasSideBySideModifier).then(() => {
}, (e5) => {
this.removeLinkDecorations(), Object(Z.e)(e5);
})), this.toUnhook.add(i2.onCancel(() => {
this.removeLinkDecorations(), this.currentWordAtPosition = null;
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
startFindDefinitionFromCursor(e3) {
return this.startFindDefinition(e3).then(() => {
this.toUnhookForKeyboard.add(this.editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(() => {
this.currentWordAtPosition = null, this.removeLinkDecorations(), this.toUnhookForKeyboard.clear();
})), this.toUnhookForKeyboard.add(this.editor.onKeyDown((e4) => {
e4 && (this.currentWordAtPosition = null, this.removeLinkDecorations(), this.toUnhookForKeyboard.clear());
startFindDefinitionFromMouse(e3, t2) {
if (9 === && this.linkDecorations.length > 0)
if (!this.editor.hasModel() || !this.isEnabled(e3, t2))
return this.currentWordAtPosition = null, void this.removeLinkDecorations();
const n2 =;
startFindDefinition(e3) {
var t2;
const n2 = e3 ? null === (t2 = this.editor.getModel()) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.getWordAtPosition(e3) : null;
if (!n2)
return this.currentWordAtPosition = null, this.removeLinkDecorations(), Promise.resolve(0);
if (this.currentWordAtPosition && this.currentWordAtPosition.startColumn === n2.startColumn && this.currentWordAtPosition.endColumn === n2.endColumn && this.currentWordAtPosition.word === n2.word)
return Promise.resolve(0);
this.currentWordAtPosition = n2;
let i2 = new Je.a(this.editor, 15);
return this.previousPromise && (this.previousPromise.cancel(), this.previousPromise = null), this.previousPromise = Object(ue.f)((t3) => this.findDefinition(e3, t3)), this.previousPromise.then((t3) => {
if (t3 && t3.length && i2.validate(this.editor))
if (t3.length > 1)
this.addDecoration(new ge.a(e3.lineNumber, n2.startColumn, e3.lineNumber, n2.endColumn), new X().appendText(U.a("multipleResults", "Click to show {0} definitions.", t3.length)));
else {
let i3 = t3[0];
if (!i3.uri)
this.textModelResolverService.createModelReference(i3.uri).then((t4) => {
if (!t4.object || !t4.object.textEditorModel)
return void t4.dispose();
const {object: {textEditorModel: o2}} = t4, {startLineNumber: r2} = i3.range;
if (r2 < 1 || r2 > o2.getLineCount())
return void t4.dispose();
const s2 = this.getPreviewValue(o2, r2, i3);
let a2;
a2 = i3.originSelectionRange ? ge.a.lift(i3.originSelectionRange) : new ge.a(e3.lineNumber, n2.startColumn, e3.lineNumber, n2.endColumn);
const l2 = this.modeService.getModeIdByFilepathOrFirstLine(o2.uri);
this.addDecoration(a2, new X().appendCodeblock(l2 || "", s2)), t4.dispose();
}).then(void 0, Z.e);
getPreviewValue(t2, n2, i2) {
let o2 = i2.targetSelectionRange ? i2.range : this.getPreviewRangeBasedOnBrackets(t2, n2);
o2.endLineNumber - o2.startLineNumber >= e2.MAX_SOURCE_PREVIEW_LINES && (o2 = this.getPreviewRangeBasedOnIndentation(t2, n2));
return this.stripIndentationFromPreviewRange(t2, n2, o2);
stripIndentationFromPreviewRange(e3, t2, n2) {
let i2 = e3.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(t2);
for (let o2 = t2 + 1; o2 < n2.endLineNumber; o2++) {
const t3 = e3.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(o2);
i2 = Math.min(i2, t3);
return e3.getValueInRange(n2).replace(new RegExp(`^\\s{${i2 - 1}}`, "gm"), "").trim();
getPreviewRangeBasedOnIndentation(t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(n2), o2 = Math.min(t2.getLineCount(), n2 + e2.MAX_SOURCE_PREVIEW_LINES);
let r2 = n2 + 1;
for (; r2 < o2; r2++) {
if (i2 === t2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(r2))
return new ge.a(n2, 1, r2 + 1, 1);
getPreviewRangeBasedOnBrackets(t2, n2) {
const i2 = Math.min(t2.getLineCount(), n2 + e2.MAX_SOURCE_PREVIEW_LINES), o2 = [];
let r2 = true, s2 = t2.findNextBracket(new me.a(n2, 1));
for (; null !== s2; ) {
if (0 === o2.length)
else {
const e4 = o2[o2.length - 1];
if ([0] ===[0] && e4.isOpen && !s2.isOpen ? o2.pop() : o2.push(s2), 0 === o2.length) {
if (!r2)
return new ge.a(n2, 1, s2.range.endLineNumber + 1, 1);
r2 = false;
const e3 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(n2);
let a2 = s2.range.endLineNumber, l2 = s2.range.endColumn;
if (e3 === s2.range.endColumn && (a2++, l2 = 1), a2 > i2)
return new ge.a(n2, 1, i2 + 1, 1);
s2 = t2.findNextBracket(new me.a(a2, l2));
return new ge.a(n2, 1, i2 + 1, 1);
addDecoration(e3, t2) {
const n2 = {range: e3, options: {inlineClassName: "goto-definition-link", hoverMessage: t2}};
this.linkDecorations = this.editor.deltaDecorations(this.linkDecorations, [n2]);
removeLinkDecorations() {
this.linkDecorations.length > 0 && (this.linkDecorations = this.editor.deltaDecorations(this.linkDecorations, []));
isEnabled(e3, t2) {
return this.editor.hasModel() && e3.isNoneOrSingleMouseDown && 6 === && (e3.hasTriggerModifier || !!t2 && t2.keyCodeIsTriggerKey) && et.f.has(this.editor.getModel());
findDefinition(e3, t2) {
const n2 = this.editor.getModel();
return n2 ? tl(n2, e3, t2) : Promise.resolve(null);
gotoDefinition(e3, t2) {
return this.editor.setPosition(e3), this.editor.invokeWithinContext((e4) => {
const n2 = !t2 && this.editor.getOption(69) && !this.isInPeekEditor(e4);
return new Cl({openToSide: t2, openInPeek: n2, muteMessage: true}, {alias: "", label: "", id: "", precondition: void 0}).run(e4, this.editor);
isInPeekEditor(e3) {
const t2 = e3.get(K.b);
return Ws.inPeekEditor.getValue(t2);
dispose() {
Wl.ID = "editor.contrib.gotodefinitionatposition", Wl.MAX_SOURCE_PREVIEW_LINES = 8, Wl = Pl([Fl(1, ts.a), Fl(2, Nl.a)], Wl), Object(V.m)(Wl.ID, Wl), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.r);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .goto-definition-link { color: ${n2} !important; }`);
var zl, Bl = n(105), jl = n(68);
(zl || (zl = {})).className = function(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case jl.a.Ignore:
return "severity-ignore " +;
case jl.a.Info:
case jl.a.Warning:
return Y.a.warning.classNames;
case jl.a.Error:
return Y.a.error.classNames;
return "";
}, Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.Zb);
if (n2) {
const e3 = Y.a.error.cssSelector;
.monaco-editor .zone-widget ${e3},
.markers-panel .marker-icon${e3},
.extensions-viewlet > .extensions ${e3} {
color: ${n2};
const i2 = e2.getColor(ve.bc);
if (i2) {
const e3 = Y.a.warning.cssSelector;
.monaco-editor .zone-widget ${e3},
.markers-panel .marker-icon${e3},
.extensions-viewlet > .extensions ${e3},
.extension-editor ${e3} {
color: ${i2};
const o2 = e2.getColor(;
if (o2) {
const e3 =;
.monaco-editor .zone-widget ${e3},
.markers-panel .marker-icon${e3},
.extensions-viewlet > .extensions ${e3},
.extension-editor ${e3} {
color: ${o2};
var Vl = n(79), Ul = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Hl = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
class ql {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._openerService = i2, this._lines = 0, this._longestLineLength = 0, this._relatedDiagnostics = new WeakMap(), this._disposables = new pe.b(), this._editor = t2;
const o2 = document.createElement("div");
o2.className = "descriptioncontainer", this._messageBlock = document.createElement("div"), ft.e(this._messageBlock, "message"), this._messageBlock.setAttribute("aria-live", "assertive"), this._messageBlock.setAttribute("role", "alert"), o2.appendChild(this._messageBlock), this._relatedBlock = document.createElement("div"), o2.appendChild(this._relatedBlock), this._disposables.add(ft.n(this._relatedBlock, "click", (e3) => {
const t3 = this._relatedDiagnostics.get(;
t3 && n2(t3);
})), this._scrollable = new Bl.b(o2, {horizontal: 1, vertical: 1, useShadows: false, horizontalScrollbarSize: 3, verticalScrollbarSize: 3}), e2.appendChild(this._scrollable.getDomNode()), this._disposables.add(this._scrollable.onScroll((e3) => { = `-${e3.scrollLeft}px`, = `-${e3.scrollTop}px`;
})), this._disposables.add(this._scrollable);
dispose() {
update(e2) {
const {source: t2, message: n2, relatedInformation: i2, code: o2} = e2;
let r2 = ((null == t2 ? void 0 : t2.length) || 0) + "()".length;
o2 && (r2 += "string" == typeof o2 ? o2.length : o2.value.length);
const s2 = n2.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g);
this._lines = s2.length, this._longestLineLength = 0;
for (const e3 of s2)
this._longestLineLength = Math.max(e3.length + r2, this._longestLineLength);
ft.s(this._messageBlock), this._messageBlock.setAttribute("aria-label", this.getAriaLabel(e2)), this._editor.applyFontInfo(this._messageBlock);
let a2 = this._messageBlock;
for (const e3 of s2)
a2 = document.createElement("div"), a2.innerText = e3, "" === e3 && ( =, this._messageBlock.appendChild(a2);
if (t2 || o2) {
const e3 = document.createElement("span");
if (ft.e(e3, "details"), a2.appendChild(e3), t2) {
const n3 = document.createElement("span");
n3.innerText = t2, ft.e(n3, "source"), e3.appendChild(n3);
if (o2)
if ("string" == typeof o2) {
const t3 = document.createElement("span");
t3.innerText = `(${o2})`, ft.e(t3, "code"), e3.appendChild(t3);
} else {
this._codeLink = ft.a("a.code-link"), this._codeLink.setAttribute("href", "" +, this._codeLink.onclick = (e4) => {, e4.preventDefault(), e4.stopPropagation();
ft.p(this._codeLink, ft.a("span")).innerText = o2.value, e3.appendChild(this._codeLink);
if (ft.s(this._relatedBlock), this._editor.applyFontInfo(this._relatedBlock), Object(G.o)(i2)) {
const e3 = this._relatedBlock.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); = Math.floor(0.66 * this._editor.getOption(51)) + "px", this._lines += 1;
for (const t3 of i2) {
let n3 = document.createElement("div"), i3 = document.createElement("a");
ft.e(i3, "filename"), i3.innerText = `${ga(t3.resource)}(${t3.startLineNumber}, ${t3.startColumn}): `, i3.title = ma(t3.resource, void 0), this._relatedDiagnostics.set(i3, t3);
let o3 = document.createElement("span");
o3.innerText = t3.message, n3.appendChild(i3), n3.appendChild(o3), this._lines += 1, e3.appendChild(n3);
const l2 = this._editor.getOption(36), c2 = Math.ceil(l2.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth * this._longestLineLength * 0.75), d2 = l2.lineHeight * this._lines;
this._scrollable.setScrollDimensions({scrollWidth: c2, scrollHeight: d2});
layout(e2, t2) {
this._scrollable.getDomNode().style.height = e2 + "px", this._scrollable.getDomNode().style.width = t2 + "px", this._scrollable.setScrollDimensions({width: t2, height: e2});
getHeightInLines() {
return Math.min(17, this._lines);
getAriaLabel(e2) {
let t2 = "";
switch (e2.severity) {
case Wt.c.Error:
t2 = U.a("Error", "Error");
case Wt.c.Warning:
t2 = U.a("Warning", "Warning");
case Wt.c.Info:
t2 = U.a("Info", "Info");
case Wt.c.Hint:
t2 = U.a("Hint", "Hint");
let n2 = U.a("marker aria", "{0} at {1}. ", t2, e2.startLineNumber + ":" + e2.startColumn);
const i2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (i2 && e2.startLineNumber <= i2.getLineCount() && e2.startLineNumber >= 1) {
n2 = `${i2.getLineContent(e2.startLineNumber)}, ${n2}`;
return n2;
let $l = class e2 extends Vs {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
super(e3, {showArrow: true, showFrame: true, isAccessible: true}, o2), this._themeService = t2, this._openerService = n2, this._menuService = i2, this._contextKeyService = r2, this._callOnDispose = new pe.b(), this._onDidSelectRelatedInformation = new Lt.a(), this.onDidSelectRelatedInformation = this._onDidSelectRelatedInformation.event, this._severity = Wt.c.Warning, this._backgroundColor = Nn.a.white, this._applyTheme(t2.getColorTheme()), this._callOnDispose.add(t2.onDidColorThemeChange(this._applyTheme.bind(this))), this.create();
_applyTheme(e3) {
this._backgroundColor = e3.getColor(Jl);
let t2 = Zl;
this._severity === Wt.c.Warning ? t2 = Xl : this._severity === Wt.c.Info && (t2 = Ql);
const n2 = e3.getColor(t2);{arrowColor: n2, frameColor: n2, headerBackgroundColor: this._backgroundColor, primaryHeadingColor: e3.getColor(Hs), secondaryHeadingColor: e3.getColor(qs)});
_applyStyles() {
this._parentContainer && ( = this._backgroundColor ? this._backgroundColor.toString() : ""), super._applyStyles();
dispose() {
this._callOnDispose.dispose(), super.dispose();
_fillHead(t2) {
super._fillHead(t2), this._disposables.add(this._actionbarWidget.actionRunner.onDidBeforeRun((e3) => this.editor.focus()));
const n2 = [], i2 = this._menuService.createMenu(e2.TitleMenu, this._contextKeyService);
Is(i2, void 0, n2), this._actionbarWidget.push(n2, {label: false, icon: true, index: 0}), i2.dispose();
_fillTitleIcon(e3) {
this._icon = ft.p(e3, ft.a(""));
_getActionBarOptions() {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, super._getActionBarOptions()), {orientation: 0});
_fillBody(e3) {
this._parentContainer = e3, ft.e(e3, "marker-widget"), this._parentContainer.tabIndex = 0, this._parentContainer.setAttribute("role", "tooltip"), this._container = document.createElement("div"), e3.appendChild(this._container), this._message = new ql(this._container, this.editor, (e4) =>, this._openerService), this._disposables.add(this._message);
show() {
throw new Error("call showAtMarker");
showAtMarker(e3, t2, n2) {
this._container.classList.remove("stale"), this._message.update(e3), this._severity = e3.severity, this._applyTheme(this._themeService.getColorTheme());
let i2 = ge.a.lift(e3);
const o2 = this.editor.getPosition();
let r2 = o2 && i2.containsPosition(o2) ? o2 : i2.getStartPosition();, this.computeRequiredHeight());
const s2 = this.editor.getModel();
if (s2) {
const e4 = n2 > 1 ? U.a("problems", "{0} of {1} problems", t2, n2) : U.a("change", "{0} of {1} problem", t2, n2);
this.setTitle(Object(jt.b)(s2.uri), e4);
this._icon.className = "codicon " + zl.className(Wt.c.toSeverity(this._severity)), this.editor.revealPositionNearTop(r2, 0), this.editor.focus();
updateMarker(e3) {
this._container.classList.remove("stale"), this._message.update(e3);
showStale() {
this._container.classList.add("stale"), this._relayout();
_doLayoutBody(e3, t2) {
super._doLayoutBody(e3, t2), this._heightInPixel = e3, this._message.layout(e3, t2), = e3 + "px";
_onWidth(e3) {
this._message.layout(this._heightInPixel, e3);
_relayout() {
computeRequiredHeight() {
return 3 + this._message.getHeightInLines();
$l.TitleMenu = new ye.b("gotoErrorTitleMenu"), $l = Ul([Hl(1, we.c), Hl(2, Vl.a), Hl(3, ye.a), Hl(4, gt.a), Hl(5, K.b)], $l);
let Kl = Object(ve.Ub)(ve.u, ve.t), Gl = Object(ve.Ub)(ve.T, ve.S), Yl = Object(ve.Ub)(ve.L, ve.K);
const Zl = Object(ve.gc)("editorMarkerNavigationError.background", {dark: Kl, light: Kl, hc: Kl}, U.a("editorMarkerNavigationError", "Editor marker navigation widget error color.")), Xl = Object(ve.gc)("editorMarkerNavigationWarning.background", {dark: Gl, light: Gl, hc: Gl}, U.a("editorMarkerNavigationWarning", "Editor marker navigation widget warning color.")), Ql = Object(ve.gc)("editorMarkerNavigationInfo.background", {dark: Yl, light: Yl, hc: Yl}, U.a("editorMarkerNavigationInfo", "Editor marker navigation widget info color.")), Jl = Object(ve.gc)("editorMarkerNavigation.background", {dark: "#2D2D30", light: Nn.a.white, hc: "#0C141F"}, U.a("editorMarkerNavigationBackground", "Editor marker navigation widget background."));
Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.rc);
n2 && (t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .marker-widget a { color: ${n2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .marker-widget a.code-link span:hover { color: ${n2}; }`));
var ec = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, tc = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
class nc {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.marker = e2, this.index = t2, = n2;
let ic = class e2 {
constructor(t2, n2) {
this._markerService = n2, this._onDidChange = new Lt.a(), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._dispoables = new pe.b(), this._markers = [], this._nextIdx = -1, Qe.a.isUri(t2) ? this._resourceFilter = (e3) => e3.toString() === t2.toString() : t2 && (this._resourceFilter = t2);
const i2 = () => {
this._markers ={resource: Qe.a.isUri(t2) ? t2 : void 0, severities: Wt.c.Error | Wt.c.Warning | Wt.c.Info}), "function" == typeof t2 && (this._markers = this._markers.filter((e3) => this._resourceFilter(e3.resource))), this._markers.sort(e2._compareMarker);
i2(), this._dispoables.add(n2.onMarkerChanged((e3) => {
this._resourceFilter && !e3.some((e4) => this._resourceFilter(e4)) || (i2(), this._nextIdx = -1,;
dispose() {
this._dispoables.dispose(), this._onDidChange.dispose();
matches(e3) {
return !this._resourceFilter && !e3 || !(!this._resourceFilter || !e3) && this._resourceFilter(e3);
get selected() {
const e3 = this._markers[this._nextIdx];
return e3 && new nc(e3, this._nextIdx + 1, this._markers.length);
_initIdx(e3, t2, n2) {
let i2 = false, o2 = this._markers.findIndex((t3) => t3.resource.toString() === e3.uri.toString());
o2 < 0 && (o2 = Object(G.c)(this._markers, {resource: e3.uri}, (e4, t3) => Object(Ye.f)(e4.resource.toString(), t3.resource.toString())), o2 < 0 && (o2 = ~o2));
for (let n3 = o2; n3 < this._markers.length; n3++) {
let o3 = ge.a.lift(this._markers[n3]);
if (o3.isEmpty()) {
const t3 = e3.getWordAtPosition(o3.getStartPosition());
t3 && (o3 = new ge.a(o3.startLineNumber, t3.startColumn, o3.startLineNumber, t3.endColumn));
if (t2 && (o3.containsPosition(t2) || t2.isBeforeOrEqual(o3.getStartPosition()))) {
this._nextIdx = n3, i2 = true;
if (this._markers[n3].resource.toString() !== e3.uri.toString())
i2 || (this._nextIdx = n2 ? 0 : this._markers.length - 1), this._nextIdx < 0 && (this._nextIdx = this._markers.length - 1);
resetIndex() {
this._nextIdx = -1;
move(e3, t2, n2) {
if (0 === this._markers.length)
return false;
let i2 = this._nextIdx;
return -1 === this._nextIdx ? this._initIdx(t2, n2, e3) : e3 ? this._nextIdx = (this._nextIdx + 1) % this._markers.length : e3 || (this._nextIdx = (this._nextIdx - 1 + this._markers.length) % this._markers.length), i2 !== this._nextIdx;
find(e3, t2) {
let n2 = this._markers.findIndex((t3) => t3.resource.toString() === e3.toString());
if (!(n2 < 0)) {
for (; n2 < this._markers.length; n2++)
if (ge.a.containsPosition(this._markers[n2], t2))
return new nc(this._markers[n2], n2 + 1, this._markers.length);
static _compareMarker(e3, t2) {
let n2 = Object(Ye.f)(e3.resource.toString(), t2.resource.toString());
return 0 === n2 && (n2 =, t2.severity)), 0 === n2 && (n2 = ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e3, t2)), n2;
ic = ec([tc(1, Wt.b)], ic);
const oc = Object(gt.c)("IMarkerNavigationService");
let rc = class {
constructor(e2) {
this._markerService = e2, this._provider = new Fr.a();
getMarkerList(e2) {
for (let t2 of this._provider) {
const n2 = t2.getMarkerList(e2);
if (n2)
return n2;
return new ic(e2, this._markerService);
rc = ec([tc(0, Wt.b)], rc), Object(mn.b)(oc, rc, true);
var sc = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, ac = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, lc = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
let cc = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this._markerNavigationService = t2, this._contextKeyService = n2, this._editorService = i2, this._instantiationService = o2, this._sessionDispoables = new pe.b(), this._editor = e3, this._widgetVisible = pc.bindTo(this._contextKeyService);
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
dispose() {
this._cleanUp(), this._sessionDispoables.dispose();
_cleanUp() {
this._widgetVisible.reset(), this._sessionDispoables.clear(), this._widget = void 0, this._model = void 0;
_getOrCreateModel(e3) {
if (this._model && this._model.matches(e3))
return this._model;
let t2 = false;
return this._model && (t2 = true, this._cleanUp()), this._model = this._markerNavigationService.getMarkerList(e3), t2 && this._model.move(true, this._editor.getModel(), this._editor.getPosition()), this._widget = this._instantiationService.createInstance($l, this._editor), this._widget.onDidClose(() => this.close(), this, this._sessionDispoables), this._widgetVisible.set(true), this._sessionDispoables.add(this._model), this._sessionDispoables.add(this._widget), this._sessionDispoables.add(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition((e4) => {
var t3, n2, i2;
(null === (t3 = this._model) || void 0 === t3 ? void 0 : t3.selected) && ge.a.containsPosition(null === (n2 = this._model) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.selected.marker, e4.position) || null === (i2 = this._model) || void 0 === i2 || i2.resetIndex();
})), this._sessionDispoables.add(this._model.onDidChange(() => {
if (!this._widget || !this._widget.position || !this._model)
const e4 = this._model.find(this._editor.getModel().uri, this._widget.position);
e4 ? this._widget.updateMarker(e4.marker) : this._widget.showStale();
})), this._sessionDispoables.add(this._widget.onDidSelectRelatedInformation((e4) => {
this._editorService.openCodeEditor({resource: e4.resource, options: {pinned: true, revealIfOpened: true, selection: ge.a.lift(e4).collapseToStart()}}, this._editor), this.close(false);
})), this._sessionDispoables.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => this._cleanUp())), this._model;
close(e3 = true) {
this._cleanUp(), e3 && this._editor.focus();
showAtMarker(e3) {
if (this._editor.hasModel()) {
const t2 = this._getOrCreateModel(this._editor.getModel().uri);
t2.resetIndex(), t2.move(true, this._editor.getModel(), new me.a(e3.startLineNumber, e3.startColumn)), t2.selected && this._widget.showAtMarker(t2.selected.marker, t2.selected.index,;
nagivate(t2, n2) {
return lc(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (this._editor.hasModel()) {
const i2 = this._getOrCreateModel(n2 ? void 0 : this._editor.getModel().uri);
if (i2.move(t2, this._editor.getModel(), this._editor.getPosition()), !i2.selected)
if (i2.selected.marker.resource.toString() !== this._editor.getModel().uri.toString()) {
const o2 = yield this._editorService.openCodeEditor({resource: i2.selected.marker.resource, options: {pinned: false, revealIfOpened: true, selectionRevealType: 2, selection: i2.selected.marker}}, this._editor);
o2 && (e2.get(o2).close(), e2.get(o2).nagivate(t2, n2));
} else
this._widget.showAtMarker(i2.selected.marker, i2.selected.index,;
cc.ID = "editor.contrib.markerController", cc = sc([ac(1, oc), ac(2, K.b), ac(3, Me.a), ac(4, gt.a)], cc);
class dc extends V.b {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(n2), this._next = e2, this._multiFile = t2;
run(e2, t2) {
return lc(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
t2.hasModel() && cc.get(t2).nagivate(this._next, this._multiFile);
class hc extends dc {
constructor() {
super(true, false, {id: hc.ID, label: hc.LABEL, alias: "Go to Next Problem (Error, Warning, Info)", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 578, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: $l.TitleMenu, title: hc.LABEL, icon: Object(Y.e)("marker-navigation-next", Y.a.chevronDown), group: "navigation", order: 1}});
hc.ID = "", hc.LABEL = U.a("", "Go to Next Problem (Error, Warning, Info)");
class uc extends dc {
constructor() {
super(false, false, {id: uc.ID, label: uc.LABEL, alias: "Go to Previous Problem (Error, Warning, Info)", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 1602, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: $l.TitleMenu, title: hc.LABEL, icon: Object(Y.e)("marker-navigation-previous", Y.a.chevronUp), group: "navigation", order: 2}});
uc.ID = "editor.action.marker.prev", uc.LABEL = U.a("markerAction.previous.label", "Go to Previous Problem (Error, Warning, Info)");
Object(V.m)(cc.ID, cc), Object(V.k)(hc), Object(V.k)(uc), Object(V.k)(class extends dc {
constructor() {
super(true, true, {id: "editor.action.marker.nextInFiles", label: U.a("markerAction.nextInFiles.label", "Go to Next Problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)"), alias: "Go to Next Problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 66, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarGoMenu, title: U.a({key: "miGotoNextProblem", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Next &&Problem"), group: "6_problem_nav", order: 1}});
}), Object(V.k)(class extends dc {
constructor() {
super(false, true, {id: "editor.action.marker.prevInFiles", label: U.a("markerAction.previousInFiles.label", "Go to Previous Problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)"), alias: "Go to Previous Problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 1090, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarGoMenu, title: U.a({key: "miGotoPreviousProblem", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Previous &&Problem"), group: "6_problem_nav", order: 2}});
const pc = new K.c("markersNavigationVisible", false), mc = V.c.bindToContribution(cc.get);
Object(V.l)(new mc({id: "closeMarkersNavigation", precondition: pc, handler: (e2) => e2.close(), kbOpts: {weight: 150, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 9, secondary: [1033]}}));
class gc {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.presentationIndex = n2, this._onColorFlushed = new Lt.a(), this.onColorFlushed = this._onColorFlushed.event, this._onDidChangeColor = new Lt.a(), this.onDidChangeColor = this._onDidChangeColor.event, this._onDidChangePresentation = new Lt.a(), this.onDidChangePresentation = this._onDidChangePresentation.event, this.originalColor = e2, this._color = e2, this._colorPresentations = t2;
get color() {
return this._color;
set color(e2) {
this._color.equals(e2) || (this._color = e2,;
get presentation() {
return this.colorPresentations[this.presentationIndex];
get colorPresentations() {
return this._colorPresentations;
set colorPresentations(e2) {
this._colorPresentations = e2, this.presentationIndex > e2.length - 1 && (this.presentationIndex = 0),;
selectNextColorPresentation() {
this.presentationIndex = (this.presentationIndex + 1) % this.colorPresentations.length, this.flushColor(),;
guessColorPresentation(e2, t2) {
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < this.colorPresentations.length; e3++)
if (t2.toLowerCase() === this.colorPresentations[e3].label) {
this.presentationIndex = e3,;
flushColor() {;
const fc = ft.a;
class bc extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this.model = t2, this.domNode = fc(".colorpicker-header"), ft.p(e2, this.domNode), this.pickedColorNode = ft.p(this.domNode, fc(".picked-color"));
const i2 = ft.p(this.domNode, fc(".original-color")); = Nn.a.Format.CSS.format(this.model.originalColor) || "", this.backgroundColor = n2.getColorTheme().getColor(ve.E) || Nn.a.white, this._register(Object(we.g)((e3, t3) => {
this.backgroundColor = e3.getColor(ve.E) || Nn.a.white;
})), this._register(ft.i(this.pickedColorNode, ft.c.CLICK, () => this.model.selectNextColorPresentation())), this._register(ft.i(i2, ft.c.CLICK, () => {
this.model.color = this.model.originalColor, this.model.flushColor();
})), this._register(t2.onDidChangeColor(this.onDidChangeColor, this)), this._register(t2.onDidChangePresentation(this.onDidChangePresentation, this)), = Nn.a.Format.CSS.format(t2.color) || "", ft.ab(this.pickedColorNode, "light", t2.color.rgba.a < 0.5 ? this.backgroundColor.isLighter() : t2.color.isLighter());
onDidChangeColor(e2) { = Nn.a.Format.CSS.format(e2) || "", ft.ab(this.pickedColorNode, "light", e2.rgba.a < 0.5 ? this.backgroundColor.isLighter() : e2.isLighter()), this.onDidChangePresentation();
onDidChangePresentation() {
this.pickedColorNode.textContent = this.model.presentation ? this.model.presentation.label : "";
class _c extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this.model = t2, this.pixelRatio = n2, this.domNode = fc(".colorpicker-body"), ft.p(e2, this.domNode), this.saturationBox = new vc(this.domNode, this.model, this.pixelRatio), this._register(this.saturationBox), this._register(this.saturationBox.onDidChange(this.onDidSaturationValueChange, this)), this._register(this.saturationBox.onColorFlushed(this.flushColor, this)), this.opacityStrip = new yc(this.domNode, this.model), this._register(this.opacityStrip), this._register(this.opacityStrip.onDidChange(this.onDidOpacityChange, this)), this._register(this.opacityStrip.onColorFlushed(this.flushColor, this)), this.hueStrip = new Cc(this.domNode, this.model), this._register(this.hueStrip), this._register(this.hueStrip.onDidChange(this.onDidHueChange, this)), this._register(this.hueStrip.onColorFlushed(this.flushColor, this));
flushColor() {
onDidSaturationValueChange({s: e2, v: t2}) {
const n2 = this.model.color.hsva;
this.model.color = new Nn.a(new Nn.b(n2.h, e2, t2, n2.a));
onDidOpacityChange(e2) {
const t2 = this.model.color.hsva;
this.model.color = new Nn.a(new Nn.b(t2.h, t2.s, t2.v, e2));
onDidHueChange(e2) {
const t2 = this.model.color.hsva, n2 = 360 * (1 - e2);
this.model.color = new Nn.a(new Nn.b(360 === n2 ? 0 : n2, t2.s, t2.v, t2.a));
layout() {
this.saturationBox.layout(), this.opacityStrip.layout(), this.hueStrip.layout();
class vc extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this.model = t2, this.pixelRatio = n2, this._onDidChange = new Lt.a(), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._onColorFlushed = new Lt.a(), this.onColorFlushed = this._onColorFlushed.event, this.domNode = fc(".saturation-wrap"), ft.p(e2, this.domNode), this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), this.canvas.className = "saturation-box", ft.p(this.domNode, this.canvas), this.selection = fc(".saturation-selection"), ft.p(this.domNode, this.selection), this.layout(), this._register(ft.g(this.domNode, (e3) => this.onMouseDown(e3))), this._register(this.model.onDidChangeColor(this.onDidChangeColor, this)), this.monitor = null;
onMouseDown(e2) {
this.monitor = this._register(new Tt.a());
const t2 = ft.C(this.domNode); !== this.selection && this.onDidChangePosition(e2.offsetX, e2.offsetY), this.monitor.startMonitoring(, e2.buttons, Tt.b, (e3) => this.onDidChangePosition(e3.posx - t2.left, e3.posy -, () => null);
const n2 = ft.h(document, () => {, n2.dispose(), this.monitor && (this.monitor.stopMonitoring(true), this.monitor = null);
}, true);
onDidChangePosition(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, e2 / this.width)), i2 = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, 1 - t2 / this.height));
this.paintSelection(n2, i2),{s: n2, v: i2});
layout() {
this.width = this.domNode.offsetWidth, this.height = this.domNode.offsetHeight, this.canvas.width = this.width * this.pixelRatio, this.canvas.height = this.height * this.pixelRatio, this.paint();
const e2 = this.model.color.hsva;
this.paintSelection(e2.s, e2.v);
paint() {
const e2 = this.model.color.hsva, t2 = new Nn.a(new Nn.b(e2.h, 1, 1, 1)), n2 = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), i2 = n2.createLinearGradient(0, 0, this.canvas.width, 0);
i2.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"), i2.addColorStop(0.5, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)"), i2.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)");
const o2 = n2.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, this.canvas.height);
o2.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"), o2.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"), n2.rect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height), n2.fillStyle = Nn.a.Format.CSS.format(t2), n2.fill(), n2.fillStyle = i2, n2.fill(), n2.fillStyle = o2, n2.fill();
paintSelection(e2, t2) { = e2 * this.width + "px", = this.height - t2 * this.height + "px";
onDidChangeColor() {
this.monitor && this.monitor.isMonitoring() || this.paint();
class wc extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this.model = t2, this._onDidChange = new Lt.a(), this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event, this._onColorFlushed = new Lt.a(), this.onColorFlushed = this._onColorFlushed.event, this.domNode = ft.p(e2, fc(".strip")), this.overlay = ft.p(this.domNode, fc(".overlay")), this.slider = ft.p(this.domNode, fc(".slider")), = "0px", this._register(ft.g(this.domNode, (e3) => this.onMouseDown(e3))), this.layout();
layout() {
this.height = this.domNode.offsetHeight - this.slider.offsetHeight;
const e2 = this.getValue(this.model.color);
onMouseDown(e2) {
const t2 = this._register(new Tt.a()), n2 = ft.C(this.domNode);
ft.e(this.domNode, "grabbing"), !== this.slider && this.onDidChangeTop(e2.offsetY), t2.startMonitoring(, e2.buttons, Tt.b, (e3) => this.onDidChangeTop(e3.posy -, () => null);
const i2 = ft.h(document, () => {, i2.dispose(), t2.stopMonitoring(true), ft.Q(this.domNode, "grabbing");
}, true);
onDidChangeTop(e2) {
const t2 = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, 1 - e2 / this.height));
updateSliderPosition(e2) { = (1 - e2) * this.height + "px";
class yc extends wc {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2, t2), ft.e(this.domNode, "opacity-strip"), this._register(t2.onDidChangeColor(this.onDidChangeColor, this)), this.onDidChangeColor(this.model.color);
onDidChangeColor(e2) {
const {r: t2, g: n2, b: i2} = e2.rgba, o2 = new Nn.a(new Nn.c(t2, n2, i2, 1)), r2 = new Nn.a(new Nn.c(t2, n2, i2, 0)); = `linear-gradient(to bottom, ${o2} 0%, ${r2} 100%)`;
getValue(e2) {
return e2.hsva.a;
class Cc extends wc {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(e2, t2), ft.e(this.domNode, "hue-strip");
getValue(e2) {
return 1 - e2.hsva.h / 360;
class xc extends Ri.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this.model = t2, this.pixelRatio = n2, this._register(Object(De.n)(() => this.layout()));
const o2 = fc(".colorpicker-widget");
const r2 = new bc(o2, this.model, i2);
this.body = new _c(o2, this.model, this.pixelRatio), this._register(r2), this._register(this.body);
layout() {
function Sc(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = et.p.ordered(e2).map((i3) => Promise.resolve(i3.provideHover(e2, t2, n2)).then((e3) => e3 && function(e4) {
const t3 = void 0 !== e4.range, n3 = void 0 !== e4.contents && e4.contents && e4.contents.length > 0;
return t3 && n3;
}(e3) ? e3 : void 0, (e3) => {
return Promise.all(i2).then(G.d);
Object(V.p)("_executeHoverProvider", (e2, t2) => Sc(e2, t2, Xe.a.None));
class kc {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this._computer = e2, this._state = 0, this._hoverTime = o2, this._firstWaitScheduler = new ue.d(() => this._triggerAsyncComputation(), 0), this._secondWaitScheduler = new ue.d(() => this._triggerSyncComputation(), 0), this._loadingMessageScheduler = new ue.d(() => this._showLoadingMessage(), 0), this._asyncComputationPromise = null, this._asyncComputationPromiseDone = false, this._completeCallback = t2, this._errorCallback = n2, this._progressCallback = i2;
setHoverTime(e2) {
this._hoverTime = e2;
_firstWaitTime() {
return this._hoverTime / 2;
_secondWaitTime() {
return this._hoverTime / 2;
_loadingMessageTime() {
return 3 * this._hoverTime;
_triggerAsyncComputation() {
this._state = 2, this._secondWaitScheduler.schedule(this._secondWaitTime()), this._computer.computeAsync ? (this._asyncComputationPromiseDone = false, this._asyncComputationPromise = Object(ue.f)((e2) => this._computer.computeAsync(e2)), this._asyncComputationPromise.then((e2) => {
this._asyncComputationPromiseDone = true, this._withAsyncResult(e2);
}, (e2) => this._onError(e2))) : this._asyncComputationPromiseDone = true;
_triggerSyncComputation() {
this._computer.computeSync && this._computer.onResult(this._computer.computeSync(), true), this._asyncComputationPromiseDone ? (this._state = 0, this._onComplete(this._computer.getResult())) : (this._state = 3, this._onProgress(this._computer.getResult()));
_showLoadingMessage() {
3 === this._state && this._onProgress(this._computer.getResultWithLoadingMessage());
_withAsyncResult(e2) {
e2 && this._computer.onResult(e2, false), 3 === this._state && (this._state = 0, this._onComplete(this._computer.getResult()));
_onComplete(e2) {
_onError(e2) {
this._errorCallback ? this._errorCallback(e2) : Object(Z.e)(e2);
_onProgress(e2) {
start(e2) {
if (0 === e2)
0 === this._state && (this._state = 1, this._firstWaitScheduler.schedule(this._firstWaitTime()), this._loadingMessageScheduler.schedule(this._loadingMessageTime()));
switch (this._state) {
case 0:
this._triggerAsyncComputation(), this._secondWaitScheduler.cancel(), this._triggerSyncComputation();
case 2:
this._secondWaitScheduler.cancel(), this._triggerSyncComputation();
cancel() {
this._loadingMessageScheduler.cancel(), 1 === this._state && this._firstWaitScheduler.cancel(), 2 === this._state && (this._secondWaitScheduler.cancel(), this._asyncComputationPromise && (this._asyncComputationPromise.cancel(), this._asyncComputationPromise = null)), 3 === this._state && this._asyncComputationPromise && (this._asyncComputationPromise.cancel(), this._asyncComputationPromise = null), this._state = 0;
const Ec = ft.a;
class Tc extends pe.a {
constructor() {
super(), this.containerDomNode = document.createElement("div"), this.containerDomNode.className = "monaco-hover", this.containerDomNode.tabIndex = 0, this.containerDomNode.setAttribute("role", "tooltip"), this.contentsDomNode = document.createElement("div"), this.contentsDomNode.className = "monaco-hover-content", this._scrollbar = this._register(new Bl.a(this.contentsDomNode, {})), this.containerDomNode.appendChild(this._scrollbar.getDomNode());
onContentsChanged() {
class Lc extends Ri.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._hoverVisibleKey = n2, this._keybindingService = i2, this.allowEditorOverflow = true, this._hover = this._register(new Tc()), this._id = e2, this._editor = t2, this._isVisible = false, this._stoleFocus = false, this.onkeydown(this._hover.containerDomNode, (e3) => {
e3.equals(9) && this.hide();
}), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.hasChanged(36) && this.updateFont();
})), this._editor.onDidLayoutChange((e3) => this.layout()), this.layout(), this._editor.addContentWidget(this), this._showAtPosition = null, this._showAtRange = null, this._stoleFocus = false;
get isVisible() {
return this._isVisible;
set isVisible(e2) {
this._isVisible = e2, ft.ab(this._hover.containerDomNode, "hidden", !this._isVisible);
getId() {
return this._id;
getDomNode() {
return this._hover.containerDomNode;
showAt(e2, t2, n2) {
this._showAtPosition = e2, this._showAtRange = t2, this._hoverVisibleKey.set(true), this.isVisible = true, this._editor.layoutContentWidget(this), this._editor.render(), this._stoleFocus = n2, n2 && this._hover.containerDomNode.focus();
hide() {
this.isVisible && (setTimeout(() => {
this.isVisible || this._hoverVisibleKey.set(false);
}, 0), this.isVisible = false, this._editor.layoutContentWidget(this), this._stoleFocus && this._editor.focus());
getPosition() {
return this.isVisible ? {position: this._showAtPosition, range: this._showAtRange, preference: [1, 2]} : null;
dispose() {
this._editor.removeContentWidget(this), super.dispose();
updateFont() {"code")).forEach((e2) => this._editor.applyFontInfo(e2));
updateContents(e2) {
this._hover.contentsDomNode.textContent = "", this._hover.contentsDomNode.appendChild(e2), this.updateFont(), this._editor.layoutContentWidget(this), this._hover.onContentsChanged();
_renderAction(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(t2.commandId);
return function(e3, t3, n3) {
const i2 = ft.p(e3, Ec("div.action-container")), o2 = ft.p(i2, Ec("a.action"));
return o2.setAttribute("href", "#"), o2.setAttribute("role", "button"), t3.iconClass && ft.p(o2, Ec("span.icon." + t3.iconClass)), ft.p(o2, Ec("span")).textContent = n3 ? `${t3.label} (${n3})` : t3.label, ft.i(i2, ft.c.CLICK, (e4) => {
e4.stopPropagation(), e4.preventDefault(),;
}(e2, t2, n2 ? n2.getLabel() : null);
layout() {
const e2 = Math.max(this._editor.getLayoutInfo().height / 4, 250), {fontSize: t2, lineHeight: n2} = this._editor.getOption(36); = t2 + "px", = n2 + "px", = e2 + "px", = Math.max(0.66 * this._editor.getLayoutInfo().width, 500) + "px";
class Nc extends Ri.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this._id = e2, this._editor = t2, this._isVisible = false, this._domNode = document.createElement("div"), this._domNode.className = "monaco-hover hidden", this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this._domNode.setAttribute("role", "tooltip"), this._showAtLineNumber = -1, this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.hasChanged(36) && this.updateFont();
})), this._editor.addOverlayWidget(this);
get isVisible() {
return this._isVisible;
set isVisible(e2) {
this._isVisible = e2, ft.ab(this._domNode, "hidden", !this._isVisible);
getId() {
return this._id;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
showAt(e2) {
this._showAtLineNumber = e2, this.isVisible || (this.isVisible = true);
const t2 = this._editor.getLayoutInfo(), n2 = this._editor.getTopForLineNumber(this._showAtLineNumber), i2 = this._editor.getScrollTop(), o2 = this._editor.getOption(51), r2 = n2 - i2 - (this._domNode.clientHeight - o2) / 2; = t2.glyphMarginLeft + t2.glyphMarginWidth + "px", = Math.max(Math.round(r2), 0) + "px";
hide() {
this.isVisible && (this.isVisible = false);
getPosition() {
return null;
dispose() {
this._editor.removeOverlayWidget(this), super.dispose();
updateFont() {
["code")),"code"))].forEach((e2) => this._editor.applyFontInfo(e2));
updateContents(e2) {
this._domNode.textContent = "", this._domNode.appendChild(e2), this.updateFont();
var Ic = n(165), Oc = n(195);
let Dc;
!function e2(t2, n2, i2) {
function o2(s3, a2) {
if (!n2[s3]) {
if (!t2[s3]) {
if (r2)
return r2(s3, true);
var l2 = new Error("Cannot find module '" + s3 + "'");
throw l2.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", l2;
var c2 = n2[s3] = {exports: {}};
t2[s3][0].call(c2.exports, function(e3) {
return o2(t2[s3][1][e3] || e3);
}, c2, c2.exports, e2, t2, n2, i2);
return n2[s3].exports;
for (var r2 = false, s2 = 0; s2 < i2.length; s2++)
return o2;
}({1: [function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e2("./toMap");
t2.exports = {uris: i2(["background", "base", "cite", "href", "longdesc", "src", "usemap"])};
}, {"./toMap": 10}], 2: [function(e2, t2, n2) {
t2.exports = {allowedAttributes: {"*": ["title", "accesskey"], a: ["href", "name", "target", "aria-label"], iframe: ["allowfullscreen", "frameborder", "src"], img: ["src", "alt", "title", "aria-label"]}, allowedClasses: {}, allowedSchemes: ["http", "https", "mailto"], allowedTags: ["a", "abbr", "article", "b", "blockquote", "br", "caption", "code", "del", "details", "div", "em", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "hr", "i", "img", "ins", "kbd", "li", "main", "mark", "ol", "p", "pre", "section", "span", "strike", "strong", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "th", "thead", "tr", "u", "ul"], filter: null};
}, {}], 3: [function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e2("./toMap");
t2.exports = {voids: i2(["area", "br", "col", "hr", "img", "wbr", "input", "base", "basefont", "link", "meta"])};
}, {"./toMap": 10}], 4: [function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e2("assignment"), o2 = e2("./parser"), r2 = e2("./sanitizer"), s2 = e2("./defaults");
function a2(e3, t3, n3) {
var a3 = [], l2 = true === n3 ? t3 : i2({}, s2, t3), c2 = r2(a3, l2);
return o2(e3, c2), a3.join("");
a2.defaults = s2, t2.exports = a2, Dc = a2;
}, {"./defaults": 2, "./parser": 7, "./sanitizer": 8, assignment: 6, he: 9}], 5: [function(e2, t2, n2) {
t2.exports = function(e3) {
return "string" == typeof e3 ? e3.toLowerCase() : e3;
}, {}], 6: [function(e2, t2, n2) {
t2.exports = function e3(t3) {
for (var n3, i2, o2 =, 1); o2.length; )
for (i2 in n3 = o2.shift())
n3.hasOwnProperty(i2) && ("[object Object]" ===[i2]) ? t3[i2] = e3(t3[i2], n3[i2]) : t3[i2] = n3[i2]);
return t3;
}, {}], 7: [function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e2("he"), o2 = e2("./lowercase"), r2 = (e2("./attributes"), e2("./elements")), s2 = /^<\s*([\w:-]+)((?:\s+[\w:-]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)\s*>/, a2 = /^<\s*\/\s*([\w:-]+)[^>]*>/, l2 = /([\w:-]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"((?:[^"])*)")|(?:'((?:[^'])*)')|([^>\s]+)))?/g, c2 = /^</, d2 = /^<\s*\//;
t2.exports = function(e3, t3) {
for (var n3, h2 = function() {
var e4 = [];
return e4.lastItem = function() {
return e4[e4.length - 1];
}, e4;
}(), u2 = e3; e3; )
function p2() {
n3 = true, function() {
"<!--" === e3.substr(0, 4) ? (i4 = e3.indexOf("-->")) >= 0 && (t3.comment && t3.comment(e3.substring(4, i4)), e3 = e3.substring(i4 + 3), n3 = false) : d2.test(e3) ? m2(a2, f2) : c2.test(e3) && m2(s2, g2);
var i4;
!function() {
if (!n3)
var i5, o3 = e3.indexOf("<");
o3 >= 0 ? (i5 = e3.substring(0, o3), e3 = e3.substring(o3)) : (i5 = e3, e3 = "");
t3.chars && t3.chars(i5);
var i3 = e3 === u2;
u2 = e3, i3 && (e3 = "");
function m2(t4, i3) {
var o3 = e3.match(t4);
o3 && (e3 = e3.substring(o3[0].length), o3[0].replace(t4, i3), n3 = false);
function g2(e4, n4, s3, a3) {
var c3 = {}, d3 = o2(n4), u3 = r2.voids[d3] || !!a3;
s3.replace(l2, function(e5, t4, n5, o3, r3) {
c3[t4] = void 0 === n5 && void 0 === o3 && void 0 === r3 ? void 0 : i2.decode(n5 || o3 || r3 || "");
}), u3 || h2.push(d3), t3.start && t3.start(d3, c3, u3);
function f2(e4, n4) {
var i3, r3 = 0, s3 = o2(n4);
if (s3)
for (r3 = h2.length - 1; r3 >= 0 && h2[r3] !== s3; r3--)
if (r3 >= 0) {
for (i3 = h2.length - 1; i3 >= r3; i3--)
t3.end && t3.end(h2[i3]);
h2.length = r3;
}, {"./attributes": 1, "./elements": 3, "./lowercase": 5, he: 9}], 8: [function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e2("he"), o2 = e2("./lowercase"), r2 = e2("./attributes"), s2 = e2("./elements");
t2.exports = function(e3, t3) {
var n3, a2 = t3 || {};
return h2(), {start: function(e4, t4, s3) {
var d3 = o2(e4);
if (n3.ignoring)
return void c2(d3);
if (-1 === (a2.allowedTags || []).indexOf(d3))
return void c2(d3);
if (a2.filter && !a2.filter({tag: d3, attrs: t4}))
return void c2(d3);
l2("<"), l2(d3), Object.keys(t4).forEach(function(e5) {
var n4 = t4[e5], s4 = (a2.allowedClasses || {})[d3] || [], c3 = (a2.allowedAttributes || {})[d3] || [];
c3 = c3.concat((a2.allowedAttributes || {})["*"] || []);
var h3 = o2(e5);
("class" === h3 && -1 === c3.indexOf(h3) ? (n4 = n4.split(" ").filter(function(e6) {
return s4 && -1 !== s4.indexOf(e6);
}).join(" ").trim()).length : -1 !== c3.indexOf(h3) && (true !== r2.uris[h3] || function(e6) {
var t5 = e6[0];
if ("#" === t5 || "/" === t5)
return true;
var n5 = e6.indexOf(":");
if (-1 === n5)
return true;
var i3 = e6.indexOf("?");
if (-1 !== i3 && n5 > i3)
return true;
var o3 = e6.indexOf("#");
if (-1 !== o3 && n5 > o3)
return true;
return a2.allowedSchemes.some(function(t6) {
return 0 === e6.indexOf(t6 + ":");
}(n4))) && (l2(" "), l2(e5), "string" == typeof n4 && (l2('="'), l2(i2.encode(n4)), l2('"')));
}), l2(s3 ? "/>" : ">");
}, end: function(e4) {
var t4 = o2(e4);
-1 !== (a2.allowedTags || []).indexOf(t4) && false === n3.ignoring ? (l2("</"), l2(t4), l2(">")) : d2(t4);
}, chars: function(e4) {
false === n3.ignoring && l2(a2.transformText ? a2.transformText(e4) : e4);
function l2(t4) {
function c2(e4) {
s2.voids[e4] || (false === n3.ignoring ? n3 = {ignoring: e4, depth: 1} : n3.ignoring === e4 && n3.depth++);
function d2(e4) {
n3.ignoring === e4 && --n3.depth <= 0 && h2();
function h2() {
n3 = {ignoring: false, depth: 0};
}, {"./attributes": 1, "./elements": 3, "./lowercase": 5, he: 9}], 9: [function(e2, t2, n2) {
var i2 = {"&": "&amp;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", '"': "&quot;", "'": "&#39;"}, o2 = {"&amp;": "&", "&lt;": "<", "&gt;": ">", "&quot;": '"', "&#39;": "'"}, r2 = /(&amp;|&lt;|&gt;|&quot;|&#39;)/g, s2 = /[&<>"']/g;
function a2(e3) {
return i2[e3];
function l2(e3) {
return o2[e3];
function c2(e3) {
return null == e3 ? "" : String(e3).replace(s2, a2);
function d2(e3) {
return null == e3 ? "" : String(e3).replace(r2, l2);
c2.options = d2.options = {}, t2.exports = {encode: c2, escape: c2, decode: d2, unescape: d2, version: "1.0.0-browser"};
}, {}], 10: [function(e2, t2, n2) {
function i2(e3, t3) {
return e3[t3] = true, e3;
t2.exports = function(e3) {
return e3.reduce(i2, {});
}, {}]}, {}, [4]);
var Ac = Dc, Rc = n(178), Mc = n(69);
function Pc(e2, t2 = {}, n2 = {}) {
var i2;
const o2 = Object(Ic.a)(t2), r2 = function(t3) {
let n3;
try {
n3 = Object(Rc.a)(decodeURIComponent(t3));
} catch (e3) {
return n3 ? (n3 = Object(hs.b)(n3, (t4) => e2.uris && e2.uris[t4] ? Qe.a.revive(e2.uris[t4]) : void 0), encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(n3))) : t3;
}, s2 = function(t3, n3) {
const i3 = e2.uris && e2.uris[t3];
if (!i3)
return t3;
let o3 = Qe.a.revive(i3);
return Qe.a.parse(t3).toString() === o3.toString() ? t3 : n3 ? ft.r(o3).toString(true) : (o3.query && (o3 = o3.with({query: r2(o3.query)})), o3.toString());
let a2;
const l2 = new Promise((e3) => a2 = e3), c2 = new Oc.Renderer();
c2.image = (e3, n3, i3) => {
let o3 = [], r3 = [];
if (e3) {
({href: e3, dimensions: o3} = function(e4) {
const t3 = [], n4 = e4.split("|").map((e5) => e5.trim());
e4 = n4[0];
const i4 = n4[1];
if (i4) {
const e5 = /height=(\d+)/.exec(i4), n5 = /width=(\d+)/.exec(i4), o4 = e5 ? e5[1] : "", r4 = n5 ? n5[1] : "", s3 = isFinite(parseInt(r4)), a3 = isFinite(parseInt(o4));
s3 && t3.push(`width="${r4}"`), a3 && t3.push(`height="${o4}"`);
return {href: e4, dimensions: t3};
}(e3)), e3 = s2(e3, true);
try {
const n4 = Qe.a.parse(e3);
t2.baseUrl && n4.scheme === la.b.file && (e3 = Object(jt.k)(t2.baseUrl, e3).toString());
} catch (e4) {
return i3 && r3.push(`alt="${i3}"`), n3 && r3.push(`title="${n3}"`), o3.length && (r3 = r3.concat(o3)), "<img " + r3.join(" ") + ">";
}, = (n3, i3, o3) => {
if (n3 === o3 && (o3 = te(o3)), n3 = s2(n3, false), t2.baseUrl) {
/^\w[\w\d+.-]*:/.test(n3) || (n3 = Object(jt.k)(t2.baseUrl, n3).toString());
return i3 = te(i3), !(n3 = te(n3)) || n3.match(/^data:|javascript:/i) || n3.match(/^command:/i) && !e2.isTrusted || n3.match(/^command:(\/\/\/)?_workbench\.downloadResource/i) ? o3 : `<a href="#" data-href="${n3 = n3.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;")}" title="${i3 || n3}">${o3}</a>`;
}, c2.paragraph = (t3) => `<p>${e2.supportThemeIcons ? Object(Y.f)(t3) : t3}</p>`, t2.codeBlockRenderer && (c2.code = (e3, n3) => {
const i3 = t2.codeBlockRenderer(n3, e3), r3 = fs.b.nextId(), s3 = Promise.all([i3, l2]).then((e4) => {
const t3 = e4[0], n4 = o2.querySelector(`div[data-code="${r3}"]`);
n4 && (n4.innerHTML = t3);
}).catch((e4) => {
return t2.codeBlockRenderCallback && s3.then(t2.codeBlockRenderCallback), `<div class="code" data-code="${r3}">${Object(Ye.u)(e3)}</div>`;
const d2 = t2.actionHandler;
d2 && [ft.c.CLICK, ft.c.AUXCLICK].forEach((e3) => {
d2.disposeables.add(ft.i(o2, e3, (e4) => {
const t3 = new Mc.a(e4);
if (!t3.leftButton && !t3.middleButton)
let n3 =;
if ("A" === n3.tagName || (n3 = n3.parentElement, n3 && "A" === n3.tagName))
try {
const e5 = n3.dataset.href;
e5 && d2.callback(e5, t3);
} catch (e5) {
} finally {
}), n2.sanitizer = (t3) => (e2.isTrusted ? t3.match(/^(<span[^<]+>)|(<\/\s*span>)$/) : void 0) ? t3 : "", n2.sanitize = true, n2.renderer = c2;
const h2 = [la.b.http, la.b.https, la.b.mailto,, la.b.file, la.b.vscodeRemote, la.b.vscodeRemoteResource];
e2.isTrusted && h2.push(la.b.command);
let u2 = null !== (i2 = e2.value) && void 0 !== i2 ? i2 : "";
u2.length > 1e5 && (u2 = u2.substr(0, 1e5) + "…");
const p2 = Oc.parse(e2.supportThemeIcons ? Object(Y.d)(u2) : u2, n2);
return o2.innerHTML = Ac(p2, {allowedSchemes: h2, allowedTags: ["ul", "li", "p", "code", "blockquote", "ol", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "hr", "em", "pre", "table", "thead", "tbody", "tr", "th", "td", "div", "del", "a", "strong", "br", "img", "span"], allowedAttributes: {a: ["href", "name", "target", "data-href"], img: ["src", "title", "alt", "width", "height"], div: ["class", "data-code"], span: ["class", "style"], th: ["align"], td: ["align"]}, filter: function(t3) {
return "span" !== t3.tag || !e2.isTrusted || 1 !== Object.keys(t3.attrs).length || ( ? !!^(color\:#[0-9a-fA-F]+;)?(background-color\:#[0-9a-fA-F]+;)?$/) : !!t3.attrs.class && !!t3.attrs.class.match(/^codicon codicon-[a-z\-]+( codicon-animation-[a-z\-]+)?$/));
}}), a2(), o2;
var Fc = n(182), Wc = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, zc = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Bc = class extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = Vl.b) {
super(), this._editor = e2, this._modeService = t2, this._openerService = n2, this._onDidRenderCodeBlock = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onDidRenderCodeBlock = this._onDidRenderCodeBlock.event;
getOptions(e2) {
return {codeBlockRenderer: (e3, t2) => {
let n2 = null;
if (e3)
n2 = this._modeService.getModeIdForLanguageName(e3);
else {
const e4 = this._editor.getModel();
e4 && (n2 = e4.getLanguageIdentifier().language);
return this._modeService.triggerMode(n2 || ""), Promise.resolve(true).then((e4) => {
const i2 = et.C.getPromise(n2 || "");
return i2 ? i2.then((e5) => Object(Fc.b)(t2, e5)) : Object(Fc.b)(t2, void 0);
}).then((e4) => `<span style="font-family: ${this._editor.getOption(36).fontFamily}">${e4}</span>`);
}, codeBlockRenderCallback: () =>, actionHandler: {callback: (e3) => {, {fromUserGesture: true}).catch(Z.e);
}, disposeables: e2}};
render(e2) {
const t2 = new pe.b();
let n2;
return n2 = e2 ? Pc(e2, this.getOptions(t2)) : document.createElement("span"), {element: n2, dispose: () => t2.dispose()};
Bc = Wc([zc(1, Nl.a), zc(2, Object(gt.d)(Vl.a))], Bc);
const jc = ft.a;
class Vc {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.range = e2, this.color = t2, this.provider = n2;
class Uc {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.range = e2, this.marker = t2;
class Hc {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._markerDecorationsService = t2, this._editor = e2, this._result = [];
setRange(e2) {
this._range = e2, this._result = [];
clearResult() {
this._result = [];
computeAsync(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel() || !this._range)
return Promise.resolve([]);
const t2 = this._editor.getModel();
return et.p.has(t2) ? Sc(t2, new me.a(this._range.startLineNumber, this._range.startColumn), e2) : Promise.resolve([]);
computeSync() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel() || !this._range)
return [];
const e2 = this._editor.getModel(), t2 = this._range.startLineNumber;
if (t2 > this._editor.getModel().getLineCount())
return [];
const n2 = Rn.get(this._editor), i2 = e2.getLineMaxColumn(t2), o2 = this._editor.getLineDecorations(t2);
let r2 = false;
const s2 = this._range, a2 = => {
const a3 = o3.range.startLineNumber === t2 ? o3.range.startColumn : 1, l2 = o3.range.endLineNumber === t2 ? o3.range.endColumn : i2;
if (a3 > s2.startColumn || s2.endColumn > l2)
return null;
const c2 = new ge.a(s2.startLineNumber, a3, s2.startLineNumber, l2), d2 = this._markerDecorationsService.getMarker(e2, o3);
if (d2)
return new Uc(c2, d2);
const h2 = n2.getColorData(o3.range.getStartPosition());
if (!r2 && h2) {
r2 = true;
const {color: e3, range: t3} = h2.colorInfo;
return new Vc(t3, e3, h2.provider);
if (Q(o3.options.hoverMessage))
return null;
return {contents: o3.options.hoverMessage ? Object(G.b)(o3.options.hoverMessage) : [], range: c2};
return Object(G.d)(a2);
onResult(e2, t2) {
this._result = t2 ? e2.concat(this._result.sort((e3, t3) => e3 instanceof Vc ? -1 : t3 instanceof Vc ? 1 : 0)) : this._result.concat(e2);
getResult() {
return this._result.slice(0);
getResultWithLoadingMessage() {
return this._result.slice(0).concat([this._getLoadingMessage()]);
_getLoadingMessage() {
return {range: this._range, contents: [new X().appendText(U.a("modesContentHover.loading", "Loading..."))]};
const qc = {type: 2, filter: {include: nt.QuickFix}};
class $c extends Lc {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = Vl.b) {
super($c.ID, e2, t2, i2), this._themeService = o2, this._modeService = r2, this._openerService = s2, this.renderDisposable = this._register(new pe.d()), this._messages = [], this._lastRange = null, this._computer = new Hc(this._editor, n2), this._highlightDecorations = [], this._isChangingDecorations = false, this._shouldFocus = false, this._colorPicker = null, this._hoverOperation = new kc(this._computer, (e3) => this._withResult(e3, true), null, (e3) => this._withResult(e3, false), this._editor.getOption(46).delay), this._register(ft.n(this.getDomNode(), ft.c.FOCUS, () => {
this._colorPicker && ft.e(this.getDomNode(), "colorpicker-hover");
})), this._register(ft.n(this.getDomNode(), ft.c.BLUR, () => {
ft.Q(this.getDomNode(), "colorpicker-hover");
})), this._register(e2.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
})), this._register(et.C.onDidChange((e3) => {
this.isVisible && this._lastRange && this._messages.length > 0 && (this._hover.contentsDomNode.textContent = "", this._renderMessages(this._lastRange, this._messages));
dispose() {
this._hoverOperation.cancel(), super.dispose();
onModelDecorationsChanged() {
this._isChangingDecorations || this.isVisible && (this._hoverOperation.cancel(), this._computer.clearResult(), this._colorPicker || this._hoverOperation.start(0));
startShowingAt(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!this._lastRange || !this._lastRange.equalsRange(e2)) {
if (this._hoverOperation.cancel(), this.isVisible)
if (this._showAtPosition && this._showAtPosition.lineNumber === e2.startLineNumber) {
let t3 = [];
for (let n3 = 0, i2 = this._messages.length; n3 < i2; n3++) {
const i3 = this._messages[n3], o2 = i3.range;
o2 && o2.startColumn <= e2.startColumn && o2.endColumn >= e2.endColumn && t3.push(i3);
if (t3.length > 0) {
if (function(e3, t4) {
if (!e3 && t4 || e3 && !t4 || e3.length !== t4.length)
return false;
for (let o2 = 0; o2 < e3.length; o2++) {
const r2 = e3[o2], s2 = t4[o2];
if (r2 instanceof Uc && s2 instanceof Uc)
return Wt.a.makeKey(r2.marker) === Wt.a.makeKey(s2.marker);
if (r2 instanceof Vc || s2 instanceof Vc)
return false;
if (r2 instanceof Uc || s2 instanceof Uc)
return false;
if (n3 = r2.contents, i2 = s2.contents, !(!n3 && !i2 || n3 && i2 && (Array.isArray(n3) && Array.isArray(i2) ? Object(G.g)(n3, i2, ee) : J(n3) && J(i2) && ee(n3, i2))))
return false;
var n3, i2;
return true;
}(t3, this._messages))
this._renderMessages(e2, t3);
} else
} else
this._lastRange = e2, this._computer.setRange(e2), this._shouldFocus = n2, this._hoverOperation.start(t2);
hide() {
this._lastRange = null, this._hoverOperation.cancel(), super.hide(), this._isChangingDecorations = true, this._highlightDecorations = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._highlightDecorations, []), this._isChangingDecorations = false, this.renderDisposable.clear(), this._colorPicker = null;
isColorPickerVisible() {
return !!this._colorPicker;
_withResult(e2, t2) {
this._messages = e2, this._lastRange && this._messages.length > 0 ? this._renderMessages(this._lastRange, this._messages) : t2 && this.hide();
_renderMessages(e2, t2) {
this.renderDisposable.dispose(), this._colorPicker = null;
let n2 = 1073741824, i2 = t2[0].range ? ge.a.lift(t2[0].range) : null, o2 = document.createDocumentFragment(), r2 = true, s2 = false;
const a2 = new pe.b(), l2 = [];
if (t2.forEach((e3) => {
if (e3.range)
if (n2 = Math.min(n2, e3.range.startColumn), i2 = i2 ? ge.a.plusRange(i2, e3.range) : ge.a.lift(e3.range), e3 instanceof Vc) {
s2 = true;
const {red: t3, green: n3, blue: i3, alpha: r3} = e3.color, l3 = new Nn.c(Math.round(255 * t3), Math.round(255 * n3), Math.round(255 * i3), r3), c2 = new Nn.a(l3);
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const d2 = this._editor.getModel();
let h2 = new ge.a(e3.range.startLineNumber, e3.range.startColumn, e3.range.endLineNumber, e3.range.endColumn), u2 = {range: e3.range, color: e3.color};
const p2 = new gc(c2, [], 0), m2 = new xc(o2, p2, this._editor.getOption(115), this._themeService);
In(d2, u2, e3.provider, Xe.a.None).then((t4) => {
if (p2.colorPresentations = t4 || [], !this._editor.hasModel())
const n4 = this._editor.getModel().getValueInRange(e3.range);
p2.guessColorPresentation(c2, n4);
const i4 = () => {
let e4, t5;
p2.presentation.textEdit ? (e4 = [p2.presentation.textEdit], t5 = new ge.a(p2.presentation.textEdit.range.startLineNumber, p2.presentation.textEdit.range.startColumn, p2.presentation.textEdit.range.endLineNumber, p2.presentation.textEdit.range.endColumn), t5 = t5.setEndPosition(t5.endLineNumber, t5.startColumn + p2.presentation.textEdit.text.length)) : (e4 = [{identifier: null, range: h2, text: p2.presentation.label, forceMoveMarkers: false}], t5 = h2.setEndPosition(h2.endLineNumber, h2.startColumn + p2.presentation.label.length)), this._editor.pushUndoStop(), this._editor.executeEdits("colorpicker", e4), p2.presentation.additionalTextEdits && (e4 = [...p2.presentation.additionalTextEdits], this._editor.executeEdits("colorpicker", e4), this.hide()), this._editor.pushUndoStop(), h2 = t5;
}, r4 = (t5) => In(d2, {range: h2, color: {red: t5.rgba.r / 255, green: t5.rgba.g / 255, blue: t5.rgba.b / 255, alpha: t5.rgba.a}}, e3.provider, Xe.a.None).then((e4) => {
p2.colorPresentations = e4 || [];
}), s3 = p2.onColorFlushed((e4) => {
}), l4 = p2.onDidChangeColor(r4);
this._colorPicker = m2, this.showAt(h2.getStartPosition(), h2, this._shouldFocus), this.updateContents(o2), this._colorPicker.layout(), this.renderDisposable.value = Object(pe.e)(s3, l4, m2, a2);
} else
e3 instanceof Uc ? (l2.push(e3), r2 = false) : e3.contents.filter((e4) => !Q(e4)).forEach((e4) => {
const t3 = jc("div.hover-row.markdown-hover"), n3 = ft.p(t3, jc("div.hover-contents")), i3 = a2.add(new Bc(this._editor, this._modeService, this._openerService));
a2.add(i3.onDidRenderCodeBlock(() => {
n3.className = "hover-contents code-hover-contents", this._hover.onContentsChanged();
const s3 = a2.add(i3.render(e4));
n3.appendChild(s3.element), o2.appendChild(t3), r2 = false;
}), l2.length) {
l2.forEach((e4) => o2.appendChild(this.renderMarkerHover(e4)));
const e3 = 1 === l2.length ? l2[0] : l2.sort((e4, t3) =>, t3.marker.severity))[0];
s2 || r2 || (this.showAt(new me.a(e2.startLineNumber, n2), i2, this._shouldFocus), this.updateContents(o2)), this._isChangingDecorations = true, this._highlightDecorations = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._highlightDecorations, i2 ? [{range: i2, options: $c._DECORATION_OPTIONS}] : []), this._isChangingDecorations = false;
renderMarkerHover(e2) {
const t2 = jc("div.hover-row"), n2 = ft.p(t2, jc("div.marker.hover-contents")), {source: i2, message: o2, code: r2, relatedInformation: s2} = e2.marker;
const a2 = ft.p(n2, jc("span"));
if ( = "pre-wrap", a2.innerText = o2, i2 || r2)
if (r2 && "string" != typeof r2) {
const e3 = jc("span");
if (i2) {
ft.p(e3, jc("span")).innerText = i2;
this._codeLink = ft.p(e3, jc("a.code-link")), this._codeLink.setAttribute("href",, this._codeLink.onclick = (e4) => {, e4.preventDefault(), e4.stopPropagation();
ft.p(this._codeLink, jc("span")).innerText = r2.value;
const t3 = ft.p(n2, e3); = "0.6", = "6px";
} else {
const e3 = ft.p(n2, jc("span")); = "0.6", = "6px", e3.innerText = i2 && r2 ? `${i2}(${r2})` : i2 || `(${r2})`;
if (Object(G.o)(s2))
for (const {message: e3, resource: t3, startLineNumber: i3, startColumn: o3} of s2) {
const r3 = ft.p(n2, jc("div")); = "8px";
const s3 = ft.p(r3, jc("a"));
s3.innerText = `${Object(jt.b)(t3)}(${i3}, ${o3}): `, = "pointer", s3.onclick = (e4) => {
e4.stopPropagation(), e4.preventDefault(), this._openerService &&{fragment: `${i3},${o3}`}), {fromUserGesture: true}).catch(Z.e);
const a3 = ft.p(r3, jc("span"));
a3.innerText = e3, this._editor.applyFontInfo(a3);
return t2;
renderMarkerStatusbar(e2) {
const t2 = jc("div.hover-row.status-bar"), n2 = new pe.b(), i2 = ft.p(t2, jc("div.actions"));
if (e2.marker.severity !== Wt.c.Error && e2.marker.severity !== Wt.c.Warning && e2.marker.severity !== Wt.c.Info || n2.add(this._renderAction(i2, {label: U.a("peek problem", "Peek Problem"), commandId: hc.ID, run: () => {
this.hide(), cc.get(this._editor).showAtMarker(e2.marker), this._editor.focus();
}})), !this._editor.getOption(72)) {
const t3 = ft.p(i2, jc("div")); = "0", = "opacity 0.2s", setTimeout(() => = "1", 200), t3.textContent = U.a("checkingForQuickFixes", "Checking for quick fixes..."), n2.add(Object(pe.h)(() => t3.remove()));
const o2 = this.getCodeActions(e2.marker);
n2.add(Object(pe.h)(() => o2.cancel())), o2.then((e3) => {
if ( = "", = "1", !e3.validActions.length)
return e3.dispose(), void (t3.textContent = U.a("noQuickFixes", "No quick fixes available"));
let o3 = false;
n2.add(Object(pe.h)(() => {
o3 || e3.dispose();
})), n2.add(this._renderAction(i2, {label: U.a("quick fixes", "Quick Fix..."), commandId: en.Id, run: (t4) => {
o3 = true;
const n3 = Xt.get(this._editor), i3 = ft.C(t4);
this.hide(), n3.showCodeActions(qc, e3, {x: i3.left + 6, y: + i3.height + 6});
return this.renderDisposable.value = n2, t2;
getCodeActions(e2) {
return Object(ue.f)((t2) => ct(this._editor.getModel(), new ge.a(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn, e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn), qc, rt.b.None, t2));
$c.ID = "editor.contrib.modesContentHoverWidget", $c._DECORATION_OPTIONS = be.a.register({className: "hoverHighlight"}), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.rc);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-hover .hover-contents a.code-link span:hover { color: ${n2}; }`);
class Kc {
constructor(e2) {
this._editor = e2, this._lineNumber = -1, this._result = [];
setLineNumber(e2) {
this._lineNumber = e2, this._result = [];
clearResult() {
this._result = [];
computeSync() {
const e2 = (e3) => ({value: e3}), t2 = this._editor.getLineDecorations(this._lineNumber), n2 = [];
if (!t2)
return n2;
for (const i2 of t2) {
if (!i2.options.glyphMarginClassName)
const t3 = i2.options.glyphMarginHoverMessage;
t3 && !Q(t3) && n2.push(...Object(G.b)(t3).map(e2));
return n2;
onResult(e2, t2) {
this._result = this._result.concat(e2);
getResult() {
return this._result;
getResultWithLoadingMessage() {
return this.getResult();
class Gc extends Nc {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = Vl.b) {
super(Gc.ID, e2), this._renderDisposeables = this._register(new pe.b()), this._messages = [], this._lastLineNumber = -1, this._markdownRenderer = this._register(new Bc(this._editor, t2, n2)), this._computer = new Kc(this._editor), this._hoverOperation = new kc(this._computer, (e3) => this._withResult(e3), void 0, (e3) => this._withResult(e3), 300);
dispose() {
this._hoverOperation.cancel(), super.dispose();
onModelDecorationsChanged() {
this.isVisible && (this._hoverOperation.cancel(), this._computer.clearResult(), this._hoverOperation.start(0));
startShowingAt(e2) {
this._lastLineNumber !== e2 && (this._hoverOperation.cancel(), this.hide(), this._lastLineNumber = e2, this._computer.setLineNumber(e2), this._hoverOperation.start(0));
hide() {
this._lastLineNumber = -1, this._hoverOperation.cancel(), super.hide();
_withResult(e2) {
this._messages = e2, this._messages.length > 0 ? this._renderMessages(this._lastLineNumber, this._messages) : this.hide();
_renderMessages(e2, t2) {
const n2 = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (const e3 of t2) {
const t3 = this._markdownRenderer.render(e3.value);
this._renderDisposeables.add(t3), n2.appendChild(Object(ft.a)("div.hover-row", void 0, t3.element));
this.updateContents(n2), this.showAt(e2);
Gc.ID = "editor.contrib.modesGlyphHoverWidget";
var Yc = n(192), Zc = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Xc = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Qc = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
this._editor = e3, this._openerService = t2, this._modeService = n2, this._markerDecorationsService = i2, this._keybindingService = o2, this._themeService = r2, this._toUnhook = new pe.b(), this._contentWidget = new pe.d(), this._glyphWidget = new pe.d(), this._isMouseDown = false, this._hoverClicked = false, this._hookEvents(), this._didChangeConfigurationHandler = this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e4) => {
e4.hasChanged(46) && (this._hideWidgets(), this._unhookEvents(), this._hookEvents());
}), this._hoverVisibleKey = H.a.hoverVisible.bindTo(s2);
get contentWidget() {
return this._contentWidget.value || this._createHoverWidgets(), this._contentWidget.value;
get glyphWidget() {
return this._glyphWidget.value || this._createHoverWidgets(), this._glyphWidget.value;
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
_hookEvents() {
const e3 = () => this._hideWidgets(), t2 = this._editor.getOption(46);
this._isHoverEnabled = t2.enabled, this._isHoverSticky = t2.sticky, this._isHoverEnabled ? (this._toUnhook.add(this._editor.onMouseDown((e4) => this._onEditorMouseDown(e4))), this._toUnhook.add(this._editor.onMouseUp((e4) => this._onEditorMouseUp(e4))), this._toUnhook.add(this._editor.onMouseMove((e4) => this._onEditorMouseMove(e4))), this._toUnhook.add(this._editor.onKeyDown((e4) => this._onKeyDown(e4))), this._toUnhook.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModelDecorations(() => this._onModelDecorationsChanged()))) : (this._toUnhook.add(this._editor.onMouseMove(e3)), this._toUnhook.add(this._editor.onKeyDown((e4) => this._onKeyDown(e4)))), this._toUnhook.add(this._editor.onMouseLeave(e3)), this._toUnhook.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(e3)), this._toUnhook.add(this._editor.onDidScrollChange((e4) => this._onEditorScrollChanged(e4)));
_unhookEvents() {
_onModelDecorationsChanged() {
this.contentWidget.onModelDecorationsChanged(), this.glyphWidget.onModelDecorationsChanged();
_onEditorScrollChanged(e3) {
(e3.scrollTopChanged || e3.scrollLeftChanged) && this._hideWidgets();
_onEditorMouseDown(e3) {
this._isMouseDown = true;
const t2 =;
9 !== t2 || !== $c.ID ? 12 === t2 && === Gc.ID || (12 !== t2 && !== Gc.ID && (this._hoverClicked = false), this._hideWidgets()) : this._hoverClicked = true;
_onEditorMouseUp(e3) {
this._isMouseDown = false;
_onEditorMouseMove(e3) {
let t2 =;
if (!(this._isMouseDown && this._hoverClicked && this.contentWidget.isColorPickerVisible() || this._isHoverSticky && 9 === t2 && === $c.ID || this._isHoverSticky && 12 === t2 && === Gc.ID)) {
if (7 === t2) {
const n2 = this._editor.getOption(36).typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth / 2, i2 =;
i2 && !i2.isAfterLines && "number" == typeof i2.horizontalDistanceToText && i2.horizontalDistanceToText < n2 && (t2 = 6);
6 === t2 ? (this.glyphWidget.hide(), this._isHoverEnabled && && this.contentWidget.startShowingAt(, 0, false)) : 2 === t2 ? (this.contentWidget.hide(), this._isHoverEnabled && && this.glyphWidget.startShowingAt( : this._hideWidgets();
_onKeyDown(e3) {
5 !== e3.keyCode && 6 !== e3.keyCode && 57 !== e3.keyCode && 4 !== e3.keyCode && this._hideWidgets();
_hideWidgets() {
!this._glyphWidget.value || !this._contentWidget.value || this._isMouseDown && this._hoverClicked && this._contentWidget.value.isColorPickerVisible() || (this._glyphWidget.value.hide(), this._contentWidget.value.hide());
_createHoverWidgets() {
this._contentWidget.value = new $c(this._editor, this._hoverVisibleKey, this._markerDecorationsService, this._keybindingService, this._themeService, this._modeService, this._openerService), this._glyphWidget.value = new Gc(this._editor, this._modeService, this._openerService);
showContentHover(e3, t2, n2) {
this.contentWidget.startShowingAt(e3, t2, n2);
dispose() {
this._unhookEvents(), this._toUnhook.dispose(), this._didChangeConfigurationHandler.dispose(), this._glyphWidget.dispose(), this._contentWidget.dispose();
Qc.ID = "editor.contrib.hover", Qc = Zc([Xc(1, Vl.a), Xc(2, Nl.a), Xc(3, Yc.a), Xc(4, vt.a), Xc(5, we.c), Xc(6, K.b)], Qc);
class Jc extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.showHover", label: U.a({key: "showHover", comment: ["Label for action that will trigger the showing of a hover in the editor.", "This allows for users to show the hover without using the mouse."]}, "Show Hover"), alias: "Show Hover", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2087), weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
let n2 = Qc.get(t2);
if (!n2)
const i2 = t2.getPosition(), o2 = new ge.a(i2.lineNumber, i2.column, i2.lineNumber, i2.column), r2 = 2 === t2.getOption(2);
n2.showContentHover(o2, 1, r2);
class ed extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.showDefinitionPreviewHover", label: U.a({key: "showDefinitionPreviewHover", comment: ["Label for action that will trigger the showing of definition preview hover in the editor.", "This allows for users to show the definition preview hover without using the mouse."]}, "Show Definition Preview Hover"), alias: "Show Definition Preview Hover", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Qc.get(t2);
if (!n2)
const i2 = t2.getPosition();
if (!i2)
const o2 = new ge.a(i2.lineNumber, i2.column, i2.lineNumber, i2.column), r2 = Wl.get(t2).startFindDefinitionFromCursor(i2);
r2 ? r2.then(() => {
n2.showContentHover(o2, 1, true);
}) : n2.showContentHover(o2, 1, true);
Object(V.m)(Qc.ID, Qc), Object(V.k)(Jc), Object(V.k)(ed), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.H);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .hoverHighlight { background-color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(ve.E);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-hover { background-color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(ve.F);
o2 && (t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-hover { border: 1px solid ${o2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-hover .hover-row:not(:first-child):not(:empty) { border-top: 1px solid ${o2.transparent(0.5)}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-hover hr { border-top: 1px solid ${o2.transparent(0.5)}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-hover hr { border-bottom: 0px solid ${o2.transparent(0.5)}; }`));
const r2 = e2.getColor(ve.rc);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-hover a { color: ${r2}; }`);
const s2 = e2.getColor(ve.G);
s2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-hover { color: ${s2}; }`);
const a2 = e2.getColor(ve.I);
a2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-hover .hover-row .actions { background-color: ${a2}; }`);
const l2 = e2.getColor(ve.qc);
l2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .monaco-hover code { background-color: ${l2}; }`);
var td = n(130);
function nd(e2, t2) {
let n2 = 0;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < e2.length; i2++)
" " === e2.charAt(i2) ? n2 += t2 : n2++;
return n2;
function id(e2, t2, n2) {
e2 = e2 < 0 ? 0 : e2;
let i2 = "";
if (!n2) {
let n3 = Math.floor(e2 / t2);
e2 %= t2;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n3; e3++)
i2 += " ";
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e2; t3++)
i2 += " ";
return i2;
function od(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (1 === e2.getLineCount() && 1 === e2.getLineMaxColumn(1))
return [];
let o2 = Pn.a.getIndentationRules(e2.getLanguageIdentifier().id);
if (!o2)
return [];
for (n2 = Math.min(n2, e2.getLineCount()); t2 <= n2 && o2.unIndentedLinePattern; ) {
let n3 = e2.getLineContent(t2);
if (!o2.unIndentedLinePattern.test(n3))
if (t2 > n2 - 1)
return [];
const {tabSize: r2, indentSize: s2, insertSpaces: a2} = e2.getOptions(), l2 = (e3, t3) => (t3 = t3 || 1, td.a.shiftIndent(e3, e3.length + t3, r2, s2, a2)), c2 = (e3, t3) => (t3 = t3 || 1, td.a.unshiftIndent(e3, e3.length + t3, r2, s2, a2));
let d2, h2 = [], u2 = e2.getLineContent(t2), p2 = u2;
if (null != i2) {
d2 = i2;
let e3 = Ye.z(u2);
p2 = d2 + u2.substring(e3.length), o2.decreaseIndentPattern && o2.decreaseIndentPattern.test(p2) && (d2 = c2(d2), p2 = d2 + u2.substring(e3.length)), u2 !== p2 && h2.push(Mn.a.replace(new q.a(t2, 1, t2, e3.length + 1), be.b.normalizeIndentation(d2, s2, a2)));
} else
d2 = Ye.z(u2);
let m2 = d2;
o2.increaseIndentPattern && o2.increaseIndentPattern.test(p2) ? (m2 = l2(m2), d2 = l2(d2)) : o2.indentNextLinePattern && o2.indentNextLinePattern.test(p2) && (m2 = l2(m2));
for (let i3 = ++t2; i3 <= n2; i3++) {
let t3 = e2.getLineContent(i3), n3 = Ye.z(t3), r3 = m2 + t3.substring(n3.length);
o2.decreaseIndentPattern && o2.decreaseIndentPattern.test(r3) && (m2 = c2(m2), d2 = c2(d2)), n3 !== m2 && h2.push(Mn.a.replace(new q.a(i3, 1, i3, n3.length + 1), be.b.normalizeIndentation(m2, s2, a2))), o2.unIndentedLinePattern && o2.unIndentedLinePattern.test(t3) || (o2.increaseIndentPattern && o2.increaseIndentPattern.test(r3) ? (d2 = l2(d2), m2 = d2) : m2 = o2.indentNextLinePattern && o2.indentNextLinePattern.test(r3) ? l2(m2) : d2);
return h2;
class rd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: rd.ID, label: U.a("indentationToSpaces", "Convert Indentation to Spaces"), alias: "Convert Indentation to Spaces", precondition: H.a.writable});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getModel();
if (!n2)
let i2 = n2.getOptions(), o2 = t2.getSelection();
if (!o2)
const r2 = new fd(o2, i2.tabSize);
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, [r2]), t2.pushUndoStop(), n2.updateOptions({insertSpaces: true});
rd.ID = "editor.action.indentationToSpaces";
class sd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: sd.ID, label: U.a("indentationToTabs", "Convert Indentation to Tabs"), alias: "Convert Indentation to Tabs", precondition: H.a.writable});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getModel();
if (!n2)
let i2 = n2.getOptions(), o2 = t2.getSelection();
if (!o2)
const r2 = new bd(o2, i2.tabSize);
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, [r2]), t2.pushUndoStop(), n2.updateOptions({insertSpaces: false});
sd.ID = "editor.action.indentationToTabs";
class ad extends V.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this.insertSpaces = e2;
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.get(Sn.a), i2 = e2.get(tt.a);
let o2 = t2.getModel();
if (!o2)
let r2 = i2.getCreationOptions(o2.getLanguageIdentifier().language, o2.uri, o2.isForSimpleWidget);
const s2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].map((e3) => ({id: e3.toString(), label: e3.toString(), description: e3 === r2.tabSize ? U.a("configuredTabSize", "Configured Tab Size") : void 0})), a2 = Math.min(o2.getOptions().tabSize - 1, 7);
setTimeout(() => {
n2.pick(s2, {placeHolder: U.a({key: "selectTabWidth", comment: ["Tab corresponds to the tab key"]}, "Select Tab Size for Current File"), activeItem: s2[a2]}).then((e3) => {
e3 && o2 && !o2.isDisposed() && o2.updateOptions({tabSize: parseInt(e3.label, 10), insertSpaces: this.insertSpaces});
}, 50);
class ld extends ad {
constructor() {
super(false, {id: ld.ID, label: U.a("indentUsingTabs", "Indent Using Tabs"), alias: "Indent Using Tabs", precondition: void 0});
ld.ID = "editor.action.indentUsingTabs";
class cd extends ad {
constructor() {
super(true, {id: cd.ID, label: U.a("indentUsingSpaces", "Indent Using Spaces"), alias: "Indent Using Spaces", precondition: void 0});
cd.ID = "editor.action.indentUsingSpaces";
class dd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: dd.ID, label: U.a("detectIndentation", "Detect Indentation from Content"), alias: "Detect Indentation from Content", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.get(tt.a);
let i2 = t2.getModel();
if (!i2)
let o2 = n2.getCreationOptions(i2.getLanguageIdentifier().language, i2.uri, i2.isForSimpleWidget);
i2.detectIndentation(o2.insertSpaces, o2.tabSize);
dd.ID = "editor.action.detectIndentation";
class hd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.reindentlines", label: U.a("editor.reindentlines", "Reindent Lines"), alias: "Reindent Lines", precondition: H.a.writable});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getModel();
if (!n2)
let i2 = od(n2, 1, n2.getLineCount());
i2.length > 0 && (t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeEdits(, i2), t2.pushUndoStop());
class ud extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.reindentselectedlines", label: U.a("editor.reindentselectedlines", "Reindent Selected Lines"), alias: "Reindent Selected Lines", precondition: H.a.writable});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getModel();
if (!n2)
let i2 = t2.getSelections();
if (null === i2)
let o2 = [];
for (let e3 of i2) {
let t3 = e3.startLineNumber, i3 = e3.endLineNumber;
if (t3 !== i3 && 1 === e3.endColumn && i3--, 1 === t3) {
if (t3 === i3)
} else
let r2 = od(n2, t3, i3);
o2.length > 0 && (t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeEdits(, o2), t2.pushUndoStop());
class pd {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._initialSelection = t2, this._edits = [], this._selectionId = null;
for (let t3 of e2)
t3.range && "string" == typeof t3.text && this._edits.push(t3);
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
for (let e3 of this._edits)
t2.addEditOperation(ge.a.lift(e3.range), e3.text);
let n2 = false;
Array.isArray(this._edits) && 1 === this._edits.length && this._initialSelection.isEmpty() && (this._edits[0].range.startColumn === this._initialSelection.endColumn && this._edits[0].range.startLineNumber === this._initialSelection.endLineNumber ? (n2 = true, this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this._initialSelection, true)) : this._edits[0].range.endColumn === this._initialSelection.startColumn && this._edits[0].range.endLineNumber === this._initialSelection.startLineNumber && (n2 = true, this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this._initialSelection, false))), n2 || (this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this._initialSelection));
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
return t2.getTrackedSelection(this._selectionId);
class md {
constructor(e2) {
this.callOnDispose = new pe.b(), this.callOnModel = new pe.b(), this.editor = e2, this.callOnDispose.add(e2.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => this.update())), this.callOnDispose.add(e2.onDidChangeModel(() => this.update())), this.callOnDispose.add(e2.onDidChangeModelLanguage(() => this.update()));
update() {
this.callOnModel.clear(), this.editor.getOption(8) < 4 || this.editor.getOption(40) || this.editor.hasModel() && this.callOnModel.add(this.editor.onDidPaste(({range: e2}) => {
trigger(e2) {
let t2 = this.editor.getSelections();
if (null === t2 || t2.length > 1)
const n2 = this.editor.getModel();
if (!n2)
if (!n2.isCheapToTokenize(e2.getStartPosition().lineNumber))
const i2 = this.editor.getOption(8), {tabSize: o2, indentSize: r2, insertSpaces: s2} = n2.getOptions();
let a2 = [], l2 = {shiftIndent: (e3) => td.a.shiftIndent(e3, e3.length + 1, o2, r2, s2), unshiftIndent: (e3) => td.a.unshiftIndent(e3, e3.length + 1, o2, r2, s2)}, c2 = e2.startLineNumber;
for (; c2 <= e2.endLineNumber && this.shouldIgnoreLine(n2, c2); )
if (c2 > e2.endLineNumber)
let d2 = n2.getLineContent(c2);
if (!/\S/.test(d2.substring(0, e2.startColumn - 1))) {
let e3 = Pn.a.getGoodIndentForLine(i2, n2, n2.getLanguageIdentifier().id, c2, l2);
if (null !== e3) {
let t3 = Ye.z(d2), i3 = nd(e3, o2);
if (i3 !== nd(t3, o2)) {
let e4 = id(i3, o2, s2);
a2.push({range: new ge.a(c2, 1, c2, t3.length + 1), text: e4}), d2 = e4 + d2.substr(t3.length);
} else {
let e4 = Pn.a.getIndentMetadata(n2, c2);
if (0 === e4 || 8 === e4)
const h2 = c2;
for (; c2 < e2.endLineNumber && !/\S/.test(n2.getLineContent(c2 + 1)); )
if (c2 !== e2.endLineNumber) {
let t3 = {getLineTokens: (e3) => n2.getLineTokens(e3), getLanguageIdentifier: () => n2.getLanguageIdentifier(), getLanguageIdAtPosition: (e3, t4) => n2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(e3, t4), getLineContent: (e3) => e3 === h2 ? d2 : n2.getLineContent(e3)}, r3 = Pn.a.getGoodIndentForLine(i2, t3, n2.getLanguageIdentifier().id, c2 + 1, l2);
if (null !== r3) {
let t4 = nd(r3, o2), i3 = nd(Ye.z(n2.getLineContent(c2 + 1)), o2);
if (t4 !== i3) {
let r4 = t4 - i3;
for (let t5 = c2 + 1; t5 <= e2.endLineNumber; t5++) {
let e3 = n2.getLineContent(t5), i4 = Ye.z(e3), l3 = id(nd(i4, o2) + r4, o2, s2);
l3 !== i4 && a2.push({range: new ge.a(t5, 1, t5, i4.length + 1), text: l3});
let u2 = new pd(a2, this.editor.getSelection());
this.editor.executeCommand("autoIndentOnPaste", u2), this.editor.pushUndoStop();
shouldIgnoreLine(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(t2);
if (0 === n2)
return true;
let i2 = e2.getLineTokens(t2);
if (i2.getCount() > 0) {
let e3 = i2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(n2);
if (e3 >= 0 && 1 === i2.getStandardTokenType(e3))
return true;
return false;
dispose() {
this.callOnDispose.dispose(), this.callOnModel.dispose();
function gd(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (1 === e2.getLineCount() && 1 === e2.getLineMaxColumn(1))
let o2 = "";
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2; e3++)
o2 += " ";
let r2 = new RegExp(o2, "gi");
for (let n3 = 1, s2 = e2.getLineCount(); n3 <= s2; n3++) {
let s3 = e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(n3);
if (0 === s3 && (s3 = e2.getLineMaxColumn(n3)), 1 === s3)
const a2 = new ge.a(n3, 1, n3, s3), l2 = e2.getValueInRange(a2), c2 = i2 ? l2.replace(/\t/gi, o2) : l2.replace(r2, " ");
t2.addEditOperation(a2, c2);
md.ID = "editor.contrib.autoIndentOnPaste";
class fd {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.selection = e2, this.tabSize = t2, this.selectionId = null;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
this.selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this.selection), gd(e2, t2, this.tabSize, true);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
return t2.getTrackedSelection(this.selectionId);
class bd {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.selection = e2, this.tabSize = t2, this.selectionId = null;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
this.selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this.selection), gd(e2, t2, this.tabSize, false);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
return t2.getTrackedSelection(this.selectionId);
Object(V.m)(md.ID, md), Object(V.k)(rd), Object(V.k)(sd), Object(V.k)(ld), Object(V.k)(cd), Object(V.k)(dd), Object(V.k)(hd), Object(V.k)(ud);
class _d {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._editRange = e2, this._originalSelection = t2, this._text = n2;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
t2.addTrackedEditOperation(this._editRange, this._text);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.getInverseEditOperations()[0].range;
return this._originalSelection.isEmpty() ? new q.a(n2.endLineNumber, Math.min(this._originalSelection.positionColumn, n2.endColumn), n2.endLineNumber, Math.min(this._originalSelection.positionColumn, n2.endColumn)) : new q.a(n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn - this._text.length, n2.endLineNumber, n2.endColumn);
var vd = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, wd = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let yd = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2) {
this.decorationIds = [], this.editor = e3, this.editorWorkerService = t2;
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
dispose() {
run(t2, n2) {
this.currentRequest && this.currentRequest.cancel();
const i2 = this.editor.getSelection(), o2 = this.editor.getModel();
if (!o2 || !i2)
let r2 = i2;
if (r2.startLineNumber !== r2.endLineNumber)
const s2 = new Je.a(this.editor, 5), a2 = o2.uri;
return this.editorWorkerService.canNavigateValueSet(a2) ? (this.currentRequest = Object(ue.f)((e3) => this.editorWorkerService.navigateValueSet(a2, r2, n2)), this.currentRequest.then((n3) => {
if (!n3 || !n3.range || !n3.value)
if (!s2.validate(this.editor))
let i3 = ge.a.lift(n3.range), o3 = n3.range, a3 = n3.value.length - (r2.endColumn - r2.startColumn);
o3 = {startLineNumber: o3.startLineNumber, startColumn: o3.startColumn, endLineNumber: o3.endLineNumber, endColumn: o3.startColumn + n3.value.length}, a3 > 1 && (r2 = new q.a(r2.startLineNumber, r2.startColumn, r2.endLineNumber, r2.endColumn + a3 - 1));
const l2 = new _d(i3, r2, n3.value);
this.editor.pushUndoStop(), this.editor.executeCommand(t2, l2), this.editor.pushUndoStop(), this.decorationIds = this.editor.deltaDecorations(this.decorationIds, [{range: o3, options: e2.DECORATION}]), this.decorationRemover && this.decorationRemover.cancel(), this.decorationRemover = Object(ue.l)(350), this.decorationRemover.then(() => this.decorationIds = this.editor.deltaDecorations(this.decorationIds, [])).catch(Z.e);
}).catch(Z.e)) : Promise.resolve(void 0);
yd.ID = "editor.contrib.inPlaceReplaceController", yd.DECORATION = be.a.register({className: "valueSetReplacement"}), yd = vd([wd(1, Ar.a)], yd);
class Cd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.inPlaceReplace.up", label: U.a("InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label", "Replace with Previous Value"), alias: "Replace with Previous Value", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 3154, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = yd.get(t2);
return n2 ?, true) : Promise.resolve(void 0);
class xd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.inPlaceReplace.down", label: U.a("", "Replace with Next Value"), alias: "Replace with Next Value", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 3156, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = yd.get(t2);
return n2 ?, false) : Promise.resolve(void 0);
Object(V.m)(yd.ID, yd), Object(V.k)(Cd), Object(V.k)(xd), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(_e.d);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor.vs .valueSetReplacement { outline: solid 2px ${n2}; }`);
class Sd {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._selection = e2, this._cursors = t2, this._selectionId = null;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
let n2 = function(e3, t3) {
t3.sort((e4, t4) => e4.lineNumber === t4.lineNumber ? e4.column - t4.column : e4.lineNumber - t4.lineNumber);
for (let e4 = t3.length - 2; e4 >= 0; e4--)
t3[e4].lineNumber === t3[e4 + 1].lineNumber && t3.splice(e4, 1);
let n3 = [], i2 = 0, o2 = 0, r2 = t3.length;
for (let s2 = 1, a2 = e3.getLineCount(); s2 <= a2; s2++) {
let a3 = e3.getLineContent(s2), l2 = a3.length + 1, c2 = 0;
if (o2 < r2 && t3[o2].lineNumber === s2 && (c2 = t3[o2].column, o2++, c2 === l2))
if (0 === a3.length)
let d2 = Ye.J(a3), h2 = 0;
if (-1 === d2)
h2 = 1;
else {
if (d2 === a3.length - 1)
h2 = d2 + 2;
h2 = Math.max(c2, h2), n3[i2++] = Mn.a.delete(new ge.a(s2, h2, s2, l2));
return n3;
}(e2, this._cursors);
for (let e3 = 0, i2 = n2.length; e3 < i2; e3++) {
let i3 = n2[e3];
t2.addEditOperation(i3.range, i3.text);
this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this._selection);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
return t2.getTrackedSelection(this._selectionId);
var kd = n(126);
class Ed {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._selection = e2, this._isCopyingDown = t2, this._selectionDirection = 0, this._selectionId = null, this._startLineNumberDelta = 0, this._endLineNumberDelta = 0;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
let n2 = this._selection;
this._startLineNumberDelta = 0, this._endLineNumberDelta = 0, n2.startLineNumber < n2.endLineNumber && 1 === n2.endColumn && (this._endLineNumberDelta = 1, n2 = n2.setEndPosition(n2.endLineNumber - 1, e2.getLineMaxColumn(n2.endLineNumber - 1)));
let i2 = [];
for (let t3 = n2.startLineNumber; t3 <= n2.endLineNumber; t3++)
const o2 = i2.join("\n");
"" === o2 && this._isCopyingDown && (this._startLineNumberDelta++, this._endLineNumberDelta++), this._isCopyingDown ? t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(n2.startLineNumber, 1, n2.startLineNumber, 1), o2 + "\n") : t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(n2.endLineNumber, e2.getLineMaxColumn(n2.endLineNumber), n2.endLineNumber, e2.getLineMaxColumn(n2.endLineNumber)), "\n" + o2), this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(n2), this._selectionDirection = this._selection.getDirection();
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getTrackedSelection(this._selectionId);
if (0 !== this._startLineNumberDelta || 0 !== this._endLineNumberDelta) {
let e3 = n2.startLineNumber, t3 = n2.startColumn, i2 = n2.endLineNumber, o2 = n2.endColumn;
0 !== this._startLineNumberDelta && (e3 += this._startLineNumberDelta, t3 = 1), 0 !== this._endLineNumberDelta && (i2 += this._endLineNumberDelta, o2 = 1), n2 = q.a.createWithDirection(e3, t3, i2, o2, this._selectionDirection);
return n2;
var Td = n(75);
class Ld {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._selection = e2, this._isMovingDown = t2, this._autoIndent = n2, this._selectionId = null, this._moveEndLineSelectionShrink = false;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
let n2 = e2.getLineCount();
if (this._isMovingDown && this._selection.endLineNumber === n2)
return void (this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this._selection));
if (!this._isMovingDown && 1 === this._selection.startLineNumber)
return void (this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this._selection));
this._moveEndPositionDown = false;
let i2 = this._selection;
i2.startLineNumber < i2.endLineNumber && 1 === i2.endColumn && (this._moveEndPositionDown = true, i2 = i2.setEndPosition(i2.endLineNumber - 1, e2.getLineMaxColumn(i2.endLineNumber - 1)));
const {tabSize: o2, indentSize: r2, insertSpaces: s2} = e2.getOptions();
let a2 = this.buildIndentConverter(o2, r2, s2), l2 = {getLineTokens: (t3) => e2.getLineTokens(t3), getLanguageIdentifier: () => e2.getLanguageIdentifier(), getLanguageIdAtPosition: (t3, n3) => e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(t3, n3), getLineContent: null};
if (i2.startLineNumber === i2.endLineNumber && 1 === e2.getLineMaxColumn(i2.startLineNumber)) {
let n3 = i2.startLineNumber, o3 = this._isMovingDown ? n3 + 1 : n3 - 1;
1 === e2.getLineMaxColumn(o3) ? t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(1, 1, 1, 1), null) : (t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(n3, 1, n3, 1), e2.getLineContent(o3)), t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(o3, 1, o3, e2.getLineMaxColumn(o3)), null)), i2 = new q.a(o3, 1, o3, 1);
} else {
let n3, r3;
if (this._isMovingDown) {
n3 = i2.endLineNumber + 1, r3 = e2.getLineContent(n3), t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(n3 - 1, e2.getLineMaxColumn(n3 - 1), n3, e2.getLineMaxColumn(n3)), null);
let c2 = r3;
if (this.shouldAutoIndent(e2, i2)) {
let d2 = this.matchEnterRule(e2, a2, o2, n3, i2.startLineNumber - 1);
if (null !== d2) {
let t3 = id(d2 + nd(Ye.z(e2.getLineContent(n3)), o2), o2, s2);
c2 = t3 + this.trimLeft(r3);
} else {
l2.getLineContent = (t4) => t4 === i2.startLineNumber ? e2.getLineContent(n3) : e2.getLineContent(t4);
let t3 = Pn.a.getGoodIndentForLine(this._autoIndent, l2, e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(n3, 1), i2.startLineNumber, a2);
if (null !== t3) {
let i3 = Ye.z(e2.getLineContent(n3)), a3 = nd(t3, o2);
if (a3 !== nd(i3, o2)) {
let e3 = id(a3, o2, s2);
c2 = e3 + this.trimLeft(r3);
t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(i2.startLineNumber, 1, i2.startLineNumber, 1), c2 + "\n");
let h2 = this.matchEnterRule(e2, a2, o2, i2.startLineNumber, i2.startLineNumber, c2);
if (null !== h2)
0 !== h2 && this.getIndentEditsOfMovingBlock(e2, t2, i2, o2, s2, h2);
else {
l2.getLineContent = (t3) => t3 === i2.startLineNumber ? c2 : t3 >= i2.startLineNumber + 1 && t3 <= i2.endLineNumber + 1 ? e2.getLineContent(t3 - 1) : e2.getLineContent(t3);
let r4 = Pn.a.getGoodIndentForLine(this._autoIndent, l2, e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(n3, 1), i2.startLineNumber + 1, a2);
if (null !== r4) {
const n4 = Ye.z(e2.getLineContent(i2.startLineNumber)), a3 = nd(r4, o2), l3 = nd(n4, o2);
if (a3 !== l3) {
const n5 = a3 - l3;
this.getIndentEditsOfMovingBlock(e2, t2, i2, o2, s2, n5);
} else
t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(i2.startLineNumber, 1, i2.startLineNumber, 1), c2 + "\n");
} else if (n3 = i2.startLineNumber - 1, r3 = e2.getLineContent(n3), t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(n3, 1, n3 + 1, 1), null), t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(i2.endLineNumber, e2.getLineMaxColumn(i2.endLineNumber), i2.endLineNumber, e2.getLineMaxColumn(i2.endLineNumber)), "\n" + r3), this.shouldAutoIndent(e2, i2)) {
l2.getLineContent = (t3) => t3 === n3 ? e2.getLineContent(i2.startLineNumber) : e2.getLineContent(t3);
let r4 = this.matchEnterRule(e2, a2, o2, i2.startLineNumber, i2.startLineNumber - 2);
if (null !== r4)
0 !== r4 && this.getIndentEditsOfMovingBlock(e2, t2, i2, o2, s2, r4);
else {
let r5 = Pn.a.getGoodIndentForLine(this._autoIndent, l2, e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(i2.startLineNumber, 1), n3, a2);
if (null !== r5) {
let n4 = Ye.z(e2.getLineContent(i2.startLineNumber)), a3 = nd(r5, o2), l3 = nd(n4, o2);
if (a3 !== l3) {
let n5 = a3 - l3;
this.getIndentEditsOfMovingBlock(e2, t2, i2, o2, s2, n5);
this._selectionId = t2.trackSelection(i2);
buildIndentConverter(e2, t2, n2) {
return {shiftIndent: (i2) => td.a.shiftIndent(i2, i2.length + 1, e2, t2, n2), unshiftIndent: (i2) => td.a.unshiftIndent(i2, i2.length + 1, e2, t2, n2)};
matchEnterRule(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
let s2 = o2;
for (; s2 >= 1; ) {
let t3;
if (t3 = s2 === o2 && void 0 !== r2 ? r2 : e2.getLineContent(s2), Ye.J(t3) >= 0)
if (s2 < 1 || i2 > e2.getLineCount())
return null;
let a2 = e2.getLineMaxColumn(s2), l2 = Pn.a.getEnterAction(this._autoIndent, e2, new ge.a(s2, a2, s2, a2));
if (l2) {
let o3 = l2.indentation;
l2.indentAction === Td.a.None || l2.indentAction === Td.a.Indent ? o3 = l2.indentation + l2.appendText : l2.indentAction === Td.a.IndentOutdent ? o3 = l2.indentation : l2.indentAction === Td.a.Outdent && (o3 = t2.unshiftIndent(l2.indentation) + l2.appendText);
let r3 = e2.getLineContent(i2);
if (this.trimLeft(r3).indexOf(this.trimLeft(o3)) >= 0) {
let r4 = Ye.z(e2.getLineContent(i2)), s3 = Ye.z(o3), a3 = Pn.a.getIndentMetadata(e2, i2);
return null !== a3 && 2 & a3 && (s3 = t2.unshiftIndent(s3)), nd(s3, n2) - nd(r4, n2);
return null;
trimLeft(e2) {
return e2.replace(/^\s+/, "");
shouldAutoIndent(e2, t2) {
if (this._autoIndent < 4)
return false;
if (!e2.isCheapToTokenize(t2.startLineNumber))
return false;
let n2 = e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(t2.startLineNumber, 1);
return n2 === e2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(t2.endLineNumber, 1) && null !== Pn.a.getIndentRulesSupport(n2);
getIndentEditsOfMovingBlock(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
for (let s2 = n2.startLineNumber; s2 <= n2.endLineNumber; s2++) {
let a2 = e2.getLineContent(s2), l2 = Ye.z(a2), c2 = id(nd(l2, i2) + r2, i2, o2);
c2 !== l2 && (t2.addEditOperation(new ge.a(s2, 1, s2, l2.length + 1), c2), s2 === n2.endLineNumber && n2.endColumn <= l2.length + 1 && "" === c2 && (this._moveEndLineSelectionShrink = true));
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getTrackedSelection(this._selectionId);
return this._moveEndPositionDown && (n2 = n2.setEndPosition(n2.endLineNumber + 1, 1)), this._moveEndLineSelectionShrink && n2.startLineNumber < n2.endLineNumber && (n2 = n2.setEndPosition(n2.endLineNumber, 2)), n2;
class Nd {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.selection = e2, this.descending = t2, this.selectionId = null;
static getCollator() {
return Nd._COLLATOR || (Nd._COLLATOR = new Intl.Collator()), Nd._COLLATOR;
getEditOperations(e2, t2) {
let n2 = function(e3, t3, n3) {
let i2 = Id(e3, t3, n3);
if (!i2)
return null;
return Mn.a.replace(new ge.a(i2.startLineNumber, 1, i2.endLineNumber, e3.getLineMaxColumn(i2.endLineNumber)), i2.after.join("\n"));
}(e2, this.selection, this.descending);
n2 && t2.addEditOperation(n2.range, n2.text), this.selectionId = t2.trackSelection(this.selection);
computeCursorState(e2, t2) {
return t2.getTrackedSelection(this.selectionId);
static canRun(e2, t2, n2) {
if (null === e2)
return false;
let i2 = Id(e2, t2, n2);
if (!i2)
return false;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = i2.before.length; e3 < t3; e3++)
if (i2.before[e3] !== i2.after[e3])
return true;
return false;
function Id(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = t2.startLineNumber, o2 = t2.endLineNumber;
if (1 === t2.endColumn && o2--, i2 >= o2)
return null;
let r2 = [];
for (let t3 = i2; t3 <= o2; t3++)
let s2 = r2.slice(0);
return s2.sort(Nd.getCollator().compare), true === n2 && (s2 = s2.reverse()), {startLineNumber: i2, endLineNumber: o2, before: r2, after: s2};
Nd._COLLATOR = null;
class Od extends V.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this.down = e2;
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const n2 = t2.getSelections().map((e3, t3) => ({selection: e3, index: t3, ignore: false}));
n2.sort((e3, t3) => ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e3.selection, t3.selection));
let i2 = n2[0];
for (let e3 = 1; e3 < n2.length; e3++) {
const t3 = n2[e3];
i2.selection.endLineNumber === t3.selection.startLineNumber && (i2.index < t3.index ? t3.ignore = true : (i2.ignore = true, i2 = t3));
const o2 = [];
for (const e3 of n2)
e3.ignore || o2.push(new Ed(e3.selection, this.down));
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, o2), t2.pushUndoStop();
class Dd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.duplicateSelection", label: U.a("duplicateSelection", "Duplicate Selection"), alias: "Duplicate Selection", precondition: H.a.writable, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "2_line", title: U.a({key: "miDuplicateSelection", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Duplicate Selection"), order: 5}});
run(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const i2 = [], o2 = t2.getSelections(), r2 = t2.getModel();
for (const e3 of o2)
if (e3.isEmpty())
i2.push(new Ed(e3, true));
else {
const t3 = new q.a(e3.endLineNumber, e3.endColumn, e3.endLineNumber, e3.endColumn);
i2.push(new Ne.c(t3, r2.getValueInRange(e3)));
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, i2), t2.pushUndoStop();
class Ad extends V.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this.down = e2;
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = [], i2 = t2.getSelections() || [];
const o2 = t2.getOption(8);
for (const e3 of i2)
n2.push(new Ld(e3, this.down, o2));
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, n2), t2.pushUndoStop();
class Rd extends V.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this.descending = e2;
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.getSelections() || [];
for (const e3 of n2)
if (!Nd.canRun(t2.getModel(), e3, this.descending))
let i2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = n2.length; e3 < t3; e3++)
i2[e3] = new Nd(n2[e3], this.descending);
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, i2), t2.pushUndoStop();
class Md extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: Md.ID, label: U.a("lines.trimTrailingWhitespace", "Trim Trailing Whitespace"), alias: "Trim Trailing Whitespace", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2102), weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2, n2) {
let i2 = [];
"auto-save" === n2.reason && (i2 = (t2.getSelections() || []).map((e3) => new me.a(e3.positionLineNumber, e3.positionColumn)));
let o2 = t2.getSelection();
if (null === o2)
let r2 = new Sd(o2, i2);
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, [r2]), t2.pushUndoStop();
Md.ID = "editor.action.trimTrailingWhitespace";
class Pd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.deleteLines", label: U.a("lines.delete", "Delete Line"), alias: "Delete Line", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3113, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
let n2 = this._getLinesToRemove(t2), i2 = t2.getModel();
if (1 === i2.getLineCount() && 1 === i2.getLineMaxColumn(1))
let o2 = 0, r2 = [], s2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = n2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
const t4 = n2[e3];
let a2 = t4.startLineNumber, l2 = t4.endLineNumber, c2 = 1, d2 = i2.getLineMaxColumn(l2);
l2 < i2.getLineCount() ? (l2 += 1, d2 = 1) : a2 > 1 && (a2 -= 1, c2 = i2.getLineMaxColumn(a2)), r2.push(Mn.a.replace(new q.a(a2, c2, l2, d2), "")), s2.push(new q.a(a2 - o2, t4.positionColumn, a2 - o2, t4.positionColumn)), o2 += t4.endLineNumber - t4.startLineNumber + 1;
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeEdits(, r2, s2), t2.pushUndoStop();
_getLinesToRemove(e2) {
let t2 = e2.getSelections().map((e3) => {
let t3 = e3.endLineNumber;
return e3.startLineNumber < e3.endLineNumber && 1 === e3.endColumn && (t3 -= 1), {startLineNumber: e3.startLineNumber, selectionStartColumn: e3.selectionStartColumn, endLineNumber: t3, positionColumn: e3.positionColumn};
t2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.startLineNumber === t3.startLineNumber ? e3.endLineNumber - t3.endLineNumber : e3.startLineNumber - t3.startLineNumber);
let n2 = [], i2 = t2[0];
for (let e3 = 1; e3 < t2.length; e3++)
i2.endLineNumber + 1 >= t2[e3].startLineNumber ? i2.endLineNumber = t2[e3].endLineNumber : (n2.push(i2), i2 = t2[e3]);
return n2.push(i2), n2;
class Fd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.indentLines", label: U.a("lines.indent", "Indent Line"), alias: "Indent Line", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 2137, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2._getViewModel();
n2 && (t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, kd.a.indent(n2.cursorConfig, t2.getModel(), t2.getSelections())), t2.pushUndoStop());
class Wd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.outdentLines", label: U.a("lines.outdent", "Outdent Line"), alias: "Outdent Line", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 2135, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
B.a.Outdent.runEditorCommand(e2, t2, null);
class zd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.insertLineBefore", label: U.a("lines.insertBefore", "Insert Line Above"), alias: "Insert Line Above", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 3075, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2._getViewModel();
n2 && (t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, kd.a.lineInsertBefore(n2.cursorConfig, t2.getModel(), t2.getSelections())));
class Bd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.insertLineAfter", label: U.a("lines.insertAfter", "Insert Line Below"), alias: "Insert Line Below", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 2051, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2._getViewModel();
n2 && (t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, kd.a.lineInsertAfter(n2.cursorConfig, t2.getModel(), t2.getSelections())));
class jd extends V.b {
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const n2 = t2.getSelection();
let i2 = this._getRangesToDelete(t2), o2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = i2.length - 1; e3 < t3; e3++) {
let t4 = i2[e3], n3 = i2[e3 + 1];
null === ge.a.intersectRanges(t4, n3) ? o2.push(t4) : i2[e3 + 1] = ge.a.plusRange(t4, n3);
o2.push(i2[i2.length - 1]);
let r2 = this._getEndCursorState(n2, o2), s2 = => Mn.a.replace(e3, ""));
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeEdits(, s2, r2), t2.pushUndoStop();
class Vd extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.joinLines", label: U.a("lines.joinLines", "Join Lines"), alias: "Join Lines", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 296}, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getSelections();
if (null === n2)
let i2 = t2.getSelection();
if (null === i2)
let o2 = [], r2 = n2.reduce((e3, t3) => e3.isEmpty() ? e3.endLineNumber === t3.startLineNumber ? (i2.equalsSelection(e3) && (i2 = t3), t3) : t3.startLineNumber > e3.endLineNumber + 1 ? (o2.push(e3), t3) : new q.a(e3.startLineNumber, e3.startColumn, t3.endLineNumber, t3.endColumn) : t3.startLineNumber > e3.endLineNumber ? (o2.push(e3), t3) : new q.a(e3.startLineNumber, e3.startColumn, t3.endLineNumber, t3.endColumn));
let s2 = t2.getModel();
if (null === s2)
let a2 = [], l2 = [], c2 = i2, d2 = 0;
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = o2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
let t4, n3, r3 = o2[e3], h2 = r3.startLineNumber, u2 = 1, p2 = 0, m2 = s2.getLineContent(r3.endLineNumber).length - r3.endColumn;
if (r3.isEmpty() || r3.startLineNumber === r3.endLineNumber) {
let e4 = r3.getStartPosition();
e4.lineNumber < s2.getLineCount() ? (t4 = h2 + 1, n3 = s2.getLineMaxColumn(t4)) : (t4 = e4.lineNumber, n3 = s2.getLineMaxColumn(e4.lineNumber));
} else
t4 = r3.endLineNumber, n3 = s2.getLineMaxColumn(t4);
let g2 = s2.getLineContent(h2);
for (let e4 = h2 + 1; e4 <= t4; e4++) {
let t5 = s2.getLineContent(e4), n4 = s2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e4);
if (n4 >= 1) {
let e5 = true;
"" === g2 && (e5 = false), !e5 || " " !== g2.charAt(g2.length - 1) && " " !== g2.charAt(g2.length - 1) || (e5 = false, g2 = g2.replace(/[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, " "));
let i3 = t5.substr(n4 - 1);
g2 += (e5 ? " " : "") + i3, p2 = e5 ? i3.length + 1 : i3.length;
} else
p2 = 0;
let f2 = new ge.a(h2, u2, t4, n3);
if (!f2.isEmpty()) {
let e4;
r3.isEmpty() ? (a2.push(Mn.a.replace(f2, g2)), e4 = new q.a(f2.startLineNumber - d2, g2.length - p2 + 1, h2 - d2, g2.length - p2 + 1)) : r3.startLineNumber === r3.endLineNumber ? (a2.push(Mn.a.replace(f2, g2)), e4 = new q.a(r3.startLineNumber - d2, r3.startColumn, r3.endLineNumber - d2, r3.endColumn)) : (a2.push(Mn.a.replace(f2, g2)), e4 = new q.a(r3.startLineNumber - d2, r3.startColumn, r3.startLineNumber - d2, g2.length - m2)), null !== ge.a.intersectRanges(f2, i2) ? c2 = e4 : l2.push(e4);
d2 += f2.endLineNumber - f2.startLineNumber;
l2.unshift(c2), t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeEdits(, a2, l2), t2.pushUndoStop();
class Ud extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.transpose", label: U.a("editor.transpose", "Transpose characters around the cursor"), alias: "Transpose characters around the cursor", precondition: H.a.writable});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getSelections();
if (null === n2)
let i2 = t2.getModel();
if (null === i2)
let o2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = n2.length; e3 < t3; e3++) {
let t4 = n2[e3];
if (!t4.isEmpty())
let r2 = t4.getStartPosition(), s2 = i2.getLineMaxColumn(r2.lineNumber);
if (r2.column >= s2) {
if (r2.lineNumber === i2.getLineCount())
let e4 = new ge.a(r2.lineNumber, Math.max(1, r2.column - 1), r2.lineNumber + 1, 1), t5 = i2.getValueInRange(e4).split("").reverse().join("");
o2.push(new Ne.a(new q.a(r2.lineNumber, Math.max(1, r2.column - 1), r2.lineNumber + 1, 1), t5));
} else {
let e4 = new ge.a(r2.lineNumber, Math.max(1, r2.column - 1), r2.lineNumber, r2.column + 1), t5 = i2.getValueInRange(e4).split("").reverse().join("");
o2.push(new Ne.b(e4, t5, new q.a(r2.lineNumber, r2.column + 1, r2.lineNumber, r2.column + 1)));
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, o2), t2.pushUndoStop();
class Hd extends V.b {
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = t2.getSelections();
if (null === n2)
let i2 = t2.getModel();
if (null === i2)
let o2 = t2.getOption(105), r2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, s2 = n2.length; e3 < s2; e3++) {
let s3 = n2[e3];
if (s3.isEmpty()) {
let e4 = s3.getStartPosition();
const n3 = t2.getConfiguredWordAtPosition(e4);
if (!n3)
let a2 = new ge.a(e4.lineNumber, n3.startColumn, e4.lineNumber, n3.endColumn), l2 = i2.getValueInRange(a2);
r2.push(new Ne.b(a2, this._modifyText(l2, o2), new q.a(e4.lineNumber, e4.column, e4.lineNumber, e4.column)));
} else {
let e4 = i2.getValueInRange(s3);
r2.push(new Ne.b(s3, this._modifyText(e4, o2), s3));
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, r2), t2.pushUndoStop();
Object(V.k)(class extends Od {
constructor() {
super(false, {id: "editor.action.copyLinesUpAction", label: U.a("lines.copyUp", "Copy Line Up"), alias: "Copy Line Up", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1552, linux: {primary: 3600}, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "2_line", title: U.a({key: "miCopyLinesUp", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Copy Line Up"), order: 1}});
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Od {
constructor() {
super(true, {id: "editor.action.copyLinesDownAction", label: U.a("lines.copyDown", "Copy Line Down"), alias: "Copy Line Down", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1554, linux: {primary: 3602}, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "2_line", title: U.a({key: "miCopyLinesDown", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Co&&py Line Down"), order: 2}});
}), Object(V.k)(Dd), Object(V.k)(class extends Ad {
constructor() {
super(false, {id: "editor.action.moveLinesUpAction", label: U.a("lines.moveUp", "Move Line Up"), alias: "Move Line Up", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 528, linux: {primary: 528}, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "2_line", title: U.a({key: "miMoveLinesUp", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Mo&&ve Line Up"), order: 3}});
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Ad {
constructor() {
super(true, {id: "editor.action.moveLinesDownAction", label: U.a("lines.moveDown", "Move Line Down"), alias: "Move Line Down", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 530, linux: {primary: 530}, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "2_line", title: U.a({key: "miMoveLinesDown", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Move &&Line Down"), order: 4}});
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Rd {
constructor() {
super(false, {id: "editor.action.sortLinesAscending", label: U.a("lines.sortAscending", "Sort Lines Ascending"), alias: "Sort Lines Ascending", precondition: H.a.writable});
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Rd {
constructor() {
super(true, {id: "editor.action.sortLinesDescending", label: U.a("lines.sortDescending", "Sort Lines Descending"), alias: "Sort Lines Descending", precondition: H.a.writable});
}), Object(V.k)(Md), Object(V.k)(Pd), Object(V.k)(Fd), Object(V.k)(Wd), Object(V.k)(zd), Object(V.k)(Bd), Object(V.k)(class extends jd {
constructor() {
super({id: "deleteAllLeft", label: U.a("lines.deleteAllLeft", "Delete All Left"), alias: "Delete All Left", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 2049}, weight: 100}});
_getEndCursorState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = null, i2 = [], o2 = 0;
return t2.forEach((t3) => {
let r2;
if (1 === t3.endColumn && o2 > 0) {
let e3 = t3.startLineNumber - o2;
r2 = new q.a(e3, t3.startColumn, e3, t3.startColumn);
} else
r2 = new q.a(t3.startLineNumber, t3.startColumn, t3.startLineNumber, t3.startColumn);
o2 += t3.endLineNumber - t3.startLineNumber, t3.intersectRanges(e2) ? n2 = r2 : i2.push(r2);
}), n2 && i2.unshift(n2), i2;
_getRangesToDelete(e2) {
let t2 = e2.getSelections();
if (null === t2)
return [];
let n2 = t2, i2 = e2.getModel();
return null === i2 ? [] : (n2.sort(ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts), n2 = => {
if (e3.isEmpty()) {
if (1 === e3.startColumn) {
let t3 = Math.max(1, e3.startLineNumber - 1), n3 = 1 === e3.startLineNumber ? 1 : i2.getLineContent(t3).length + 1;
return new ge.a(t3, n3, e3.startLineNumber, 1);
return new ge.a(e3.startLineNumber, 1, e3.startLineNumber, e3.startColumn);
return new ge.a(e3.startLineNumber, 1, e3.endLineNumber, e3.endColumn);
}), n2);
}), Object(V.k)(class extends jd {
constructor() {
super({id: "deleteAllRight", label: U.a("lines.deleteAllRight", "Delete All Right"), alias: "Delete All Right", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 297, secondary: [2068]}, weight: 100}});
_getEndCursorState(e2, t2) {
let n2 = null, i2 = [];
for (let o2 = 0, r2 = t2.length, s2 = 0; o2 < r2; o2++) {
let r3 = t2[o2], a2 = new q.a(r3.startLineNumber - s2, r3.startColumn, r3.startLineNumber - s2, r3.startColumn);
r3.intersectRanges(e2) ? n2 = a2 : i2.push(a2);
return n2 && i2.unshift(n2), i2;
_getRangesToDelete(e2) {
let t2 = e2.getModel();
if (null === t2)
return [];
let n2 = e2.getSelections();
if (null === n2)
return [];
let i2 = => {
if (e3.isEmpty()) {
const n3 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(e3.startLineNumber);
return e3.startColumn === n3 ? new ge.a(e3.startLineNumber, e3.startColumn, e3.startLineNumber + 1, 1) : new ge.a(e3.startLineNumber, e3.startColumn, e3.startLineNumber, n3);
return e3;
return i2.sort(ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts), i2;
}), Object(V.k)(Vd), Object(V.k)(Ud), Object(V.k)(class extends Hd {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.transformToUppercase", label: U.a("editor.transformToUppercase", "Transform to Uppercase"), alias: "Transform to Uppercase", precondition: H.a.writable});
_modifyText(e2, t2) {
return e2.toLocaleUpperCase();
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Hd {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.transformToLowercase", label: U.a("editor.transformToLowercase", "Transform to Lowercase"), alias: "Transform to Lowercase", precondition: H.a.writable});
_modifyText(e2, t2) {
return e2.toLocaleLowerCase();
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Hd {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.transformToTitlecase", label: U.a("editor.transformToTitlecase", "Transform to Title Case"), alias: "Transform to Title Case", precondition: H.a.writable});
_modifyText(e2, t2) {
const n2 = ("\r\n " + t2).split("");
let i2 = "", o2 = true;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < e2.length; t3++) {
let r2 = e2[t3];
n2.indexOf(r2) >= 0 ? (o2 = true, i2 += r2) : o2 ? (o2 = false, i2 += r2.toLocaleUpperCase()) : i2 += r2.toLocaleLowerCase();
return i2;
var qd = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class $d {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._link = e2, this._provider = t2;
toJSON() {
return {range: this.range, url: this.url, tooltip: this.tooltip};
get range() {
return this._link.range;
get url() {
return this._link.url;
get tooltip() {
return this._link.tooltip;
resolve(e2) {
return qd(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return this._link.url ? this._link.url : "function" == typeof this._provider.resolveLink ? Promise.resolve(this._provider.resolveLink(this._link, e2)).then((t2) => (this._link = t2 || this._link, this._link.url ? this.resolve(e2) : Promise.reject(new Error("missing")))) : Promise.reject(new Error("missing"));
class Kd extends pe.a {
constructor(e2) {
let t2 = [];
for (const [n2, i2] of e2) {
const e3 = => new $d(e4, i2));
t2 = Kd._union(t2, e3), Object(pe.g)(n2) && this._register(n2);
this.links = t2;
static _union(e2, t2) {
let n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = [];
for (n2 = 0, o2 = 0, i2 = e2.length, r2 = t2.length; n2 < i2 && o2 < r2; ) {
const i3 = e2[n2], r3 = t2[o2];
if (ge.a.areIntersectingOrTouching(i3.range, r3.range)) {
ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(i3.range, r3.range) < 0 ? (s2.push(i3), n2++) : (s2.push(r3), o2++);
for (; n2 < i2; n2++)
for (; o2 < r2; o2++)
return s2;
function Gd(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [], i2 = et.s.ordered(e2).reverse().map((i3, o2) => Promise.resolve(i3.provideLinks(e2, t2)).then((e3) => {
e3 && (n2[o2] = [e3, i3]);
}, Z.f));
return Promise.all(i2).then(() => {
const e3 = new Kd(Object(G.d)(n2));
return t2.isCancellationRequested ? (e3.dispose(), new Kd([])) : e3;
Ft.a.registerCommand("_executeLinkProvider", (e2, ...t2) => qd(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const [n2] = t2;
if (!(n2 instanceof Qe.a))
return [];
const i2 = e2.get(tt.a).getModel(n2);
if (!i2)
return [];
const o2 = yield Gd(i2, Xe.a.None);
if (!o2)
return [];
const r2 = o2.links.slice(0);
return o2.dispose(), r2;
var Yd = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Zd = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Xd = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const Qd = {general: be.a.register({stickiness: 1, collapseOnReplaceEdit: true, inlineClassName: "detected-link"}), active: be.a.register({stickiness: 1, collapseOnReplaceEdit: true, inlineClassName: "detected-link-active"})};
class Jd {
constructor(e2, t2) { = e2, this.decorationId = t2;
static decoration(e2, t2) {
return {range: e2.range, options: Jd._getOptions(e2, t2, false)};
static _getOptions(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = Object.assign({}, n2 ? : Qd.general);
return i2.hoverMessage = function(e3, t3) {
const n3 = e3.url && /^command:/i.test(e3.url.toString()), i3 = e3.tooltip ? e3.tooltip : n3 ? U.a("links.navigate.executeCmd", "Execute command") : U.a("links.navigate.follow", "Follow link"), o2 = t3 ? Ae.f ? U.a("links.navigate.kb.meta.mac", "cmd + click") : U.a("links.navigate.kb.meta", "ctrl + click") : Ae.f ? U.a("links.navigate.kb.alt.mac", "option + click") : U.a("links.navigate.kb.alt", "alt + click");
if (e3.url) {
return new X("", true).appendMarkdown(`[${i3}](${e3.url.toString()}) (${o2})`);
return new X().appendText(`${i3} (${o2})`);
}(e2, t2), i2;
activate(e2, t2) {
e2.changeDecorationOptions(this.decorationId, Jd._getOptions(, t2, true));
deactivate(e2, t2) {
e2.changeDecorationOptions(this.decorationId, Jd._getOptions(, t2, false));
let eh = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2) {
this.listenersToRemove = new pe.b(), this.editor = e3, this.openerService = t2, this.notificationService = n2;
let i2 = new Ml(e3);
this.listenersToRemove.add(i2), this.listenersToRemove.add(i2.onMouseMoveOrRelevantKeyDown(([e4, t3]) => {
this._onEditorMouseMove(e4, t3);
})), this.listenersToRemove.add(i2.onExecute((e4) => {
})), this.listenersToRemove.add(i2.onCancel((e4) => {
})), this.enabled = e3.getOption(54), this.listenersToRemove.add(e3.onDidChangeConfiguration((t3) => {
const n3 = e3.getOption(54);
this.enabled !== n3 && (this.enabled = n3, this.updateDecorations([]), this.stop(), this.beginCompute());
})), this.listenersToRemove.add(e3.onDidChangeModelContent((e4) => this.onChange())), this.listenersToRemove.add(e3.onDidChangeModel((e4) => this.onModelChanged())), this.listenersToRemove.add(e3.onDidChangeModelLanguage((e4) => this.onModelModeChanged())), this.listenersToRemove.add(et.s.onDidChange((e4) => this.onModelModeChanged())), this.timeout = new ue.e(), this.computePromise = null, this.activeLinksList = null, this.currentOccurrences = {}, this.activeLinkDecorationId = null, this.beginCompute();
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
onModelChanged() {
this.currentOccurrences = {}, this.activeLinkDecorationId = null, this.stop(), this.beginCompute();
onModelModeChanged() {
this.stop(), this.beginCompute();
onChange() {
this.timeout.setIfNotSet(() => this.beginCompute(), e2.RECOMPUTE_TIME);
beginCompute() {
return Xd(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this.editor.hasModel() || !this.enabled)
const e3 = this.editor.getModel();
if (et.s.has(e3)) {
this.activeLinksList && (this.activeLinksList.dispose(), this.activeLinksList = null), this.computePromise = ue.f((t2) => Gd(e3, t2));
try {
this.activeLinksList = yield this.computePromise, this.updateDecorations(this.activeLinksList.links);
} catch (e4) {
} finally {
this.computePromise = null;
updateDecorations(e3) {
const t2 = "altKey" === this.editor.getOption(61);
let n2 = [], i2 = Object.keys(this.currentOccurrences);
for (let e4 = 0, t3 = i2.length; e4 < t3; e4++) {
let t4 = i2[e4], o3 = this.currentOccurrences[t4];
let o2 = [];
if (e3)
for (const n3 of e3)
o2.push(Jd.decoration(n3, t2));
let r2 = this.editor.deltaDecorations(n2, o2);
this.currentOccurrences = {}, this.activeLinkDecorationId = null;
for (let t3 = 0, n3 = r2.length; t3 < n3; t3++) {
let n4 = new Jd(e3[t3], r2[t3]);
this.currentOccurrences[n4.decorationId] = n4;
_onEditorMouseMove(e3, t2) {
const n2 = "altKey" === this.editor.getOption(61);
if (this.isEnabled(e3, t2)) {
const t3 = this.getLinkOccurrence(;
t3 && this.editor.changeDecorations((e4) => {
t3.activate(e4, n2), this.activeLinkDecorationId = t3.decorationId;
} else
cleanUpActiveLinkDecoration() {
const e3 = "altKey" === this.editor.getOption(61);
if (this.activeLinkDecorationId) {
const t2 = this.currentOccurrences[this.activeLinkDecorationId];
t2 && this.editor.changeDecorations((n2) => {
t2.deactivate(n2, e3);
}), this.activeLinkDecorationId = null;
onEditorMouseUp(e3) {
if (!this.isEnabled(e3))
const t2 = this.getLinkOccurrence(;
t2 && this.openLinkOccurrence(t2, e3.hasSideBySideModifier, true);
openLinkOccurrence(e3, t2, n2 = false) {
if (!this.openerService)
const {link: i2} = e3;
i2.resolve(Xe.a.None).then((e4) => {
if ("string" == typeof e4 && this.editor.hasModel()) {
const t3 = this.editor.getModel().uri;
if (t3.scheme === la.b.file && Ye.S(e4, "file:")) {
const n3 = Qe.a.parse(e4);
if (n3.scheme === la.b.file) {
const i3 = jt.i(n3);
let o2 = null;
Ye.S(i3, "/./") ? o2 = "." + i3.substr(1) : Ye.S(i3, "//./") && (o2 = "." + i3.substr(2)), o2 && (e4 = jt.g(t3, o2));
return, {openToSide: t2, fromUserGesture: n2});
}, (e4) => {
const t3 = e4 instanceof Error ? e4.message : e4;
"invalid" === t3 ? this.notificationService.warn(U.a("invalid.url", "Failed to open this link because it is not well-formed: {0}", i2.url.toString())) : "missing" === t3 ? this.notificationService.warn(U.a("missing.url", "Failed to open this link because its target is missing.")) : Object(Z.e)(e4);
getLinkOccurrence(e3) {
if (!this.editor.hasModel() || !e3)
return null;
const t2 = this.editor.getModel().getDecorationsInRange({startLineNumber: e3.lineNumber, startColumn: e3.column, endLineNumber: e3.lineNumber, endColumn: e3.column}, 0, true);
for (const e4 of t2) {
const t3 = this.currentOccurrences[];
if (t3)
return t3;
return null;
isEnabled(e3, t2) {
return Boolean(6 === && (e3.hasTriggerModifier || t2 && t2.keyCodeIsTriggerKey));
stop() {
this.timeout.cancel(), this.activeLinksList && this.activeLinksList.dispose(), this.computePromise && (this.computePromise.cancel(), this.computePromise = null);
dispose() {
this.listenersToRemove.dispose(), this.stop(), this.timeout.dispose();
eh.ID = "editor.linkDetector", eh.RECOMPUTE_TIME = 1e3, eh = Yd([Zd(1, Vl.a), Zd(2, zt.a)], eh);
class th extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.openLink", label: U.a("label", "Open Link"), alias: "Open Link", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = eh.get(t2);
if (!n2)
if (!t2.hasModel())
let i2 = t2.getSelections();
for (let e3 of i2) {
let t3 = n2.getLinkOccurrence(e3.getEndPosition());
t3 && n2.openLinkOccurrence(t3, false);
Object(V.m)(eh.ID, eh), Object(V.k)(th), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.r);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .detected-link-active { color: ${n2} !important; }`);
var nh = n(85);
class ih extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.insertCursorAbove", label: U.a("mutlicursor.insertAbove", "Add Cursor Above"), alias: "Add Cursor Above", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 2576, linux: {primary: 1552, secondary: [3088]}, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "3_multi", title: U.a({key: "miInsertCursorAbove", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Add Cursor Above"), order: 2}});
run(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const i2 = n2 && true === n2.logicalLine, o2 = t2._getViewModel();
o2.cursorConfig.readOnly || (o2.pushStackElement(), o2.setCursorStates(n2.source, 3, nh.b.addCursorUp(o2, o2.getCursorStates(), i2)), o2.revealTopMostCursor(n2.source));
class oh extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.insertCursorBelow", label: U.a("mutlicursor.insertBelow", "Add Cursor Below"), alias: "Add Cursor Below", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 2578, linux: {primary: 1554, secondary: [3090]}, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "3_multi", title: U.a({key: "miInsertCursorBelow", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "A&&dd Cursor Below"), order: 3}});
run(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const i2 = n2 && true === n2.logicalLine, o2 = t2._getViewModel();
o2.cursorConfig.readOnly || (o2.pushStackElement(), o2.setCursorStates(n2.source, 3, nh.b.addCursorDown(o2, o2.getCursorStates(), i2)), o2.revealBottomMostCursor(n2.source));
class rh extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.insertCursorAtEndOfEachLineSelected", label: U.a("mutlicursor.insertAtEndOfEachLineSelected", "Add Cursors to Line Ends"), alias: "Add Cursors to Line Ends", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1575, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "3_multi", title: U.a({key: "miInsertCursorAtEndOfEachLineSelected", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Add C&&ursors to Line Ends"), order: 4}});
getCursorsForSelection(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!e2.isEmpty()) {
for (let i2 = e2.startLineNumber; i2 < e2.endLineNumber; i2++) {
let e3 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(i2);
n2.push(new q.a(i2, e3, i2, e3));
e2.endColumn > 1 && n2.push(new q.a(e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn, e2.endLineNumber, e2.endColumn));
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const n2 = t2.getModel(), i2 = t2.getSelections();
let o2 = [];
i2.forEach((e3) => this.getCursorsForSelection(e3, n2, o2)), o2.length > 0 && t2.setSelections(o2);
class sh extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.addCursorsToBottom", label: U.a("mutlicursor.addCursorsToBottom", "Add Cursors To Bottom"), alias: "Add Cursors To Bottom", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const n2 = t2.getSelections(), i2 = t2.getModel().getLineCount();
let o2 = [];
for (let e3 = n2[0].startLineNumber; e3 <= i2; e3++)
o2.push(new q.a(e3, n2[0].startColumn, e3, n2[0].endColumn));
o2.length > 0 && t2.setSelections(o2);
class ah extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.addCursorsToTop", label: U.a("mutlicursor.addCursorsToTop", "Add Cursors To Top"), alias: "Add Cursors To Top", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const n2 = t2.getSelections();
let i2 = [];
for (let e3 = n2[0].startLineNumber; e3 >= 1; e3--)
i2.push(new q.a(e3, n2[0].startColumn, e3, n2[0].endColumn));
i2.length > 0 && t2.setSelections(i2);
class lh {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.selections = e2, this.revealRange = t2, this.revealScrollType = n2;
class ch {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
this._editor = e2, this.findController = t2, this.isDisconnectedFromFindController = n2, this.searchText = i2, this.wholeWord = o2, this.matchCase = r2, this.currentMatch = s2;
static create(e2, t2) {
if (!e2.hasModel())
return null;
const n2 = t2.getState();
if (!e2.hasTextFocus() && n2.isRevealed && n2.searchString.length > 0)
return new ch(e2, t2, false, n2.searchString, n2.wholeWord, n2.matchCase, null);
let i2, o2, r2 = false;
const s2 = e2.getSelections();
1 === s2.length && s2[0].isEmpty() ? (r2 = true, i2 = true, o2 = true) : (i2 = n2.wholeWord, o2 = n2.matchCase);
const a2 = e2.getSelection();
let l2, c2 = null;
if (a2.isEmpty()) {
const t3 = e2.getConfiguredWordAtPosition(a2.getStartPosition());
if (!t3)
return null;
l2 = t3.word, c2 = new q.a(a2.startLineNumber, t3.startColumn, a2.startLineNumber, t3.endColumn);
} else
l2 = e2.getModel().getValueInRange(a2).replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
return new ch(e2, t2, r2, l2, i2, o2, c2);
addSelectionToNextFindMatch() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return null;
const e2 = this._getNextMatch();
if (!e2)
return null;
const t2 = this._editor.getSelections();
return new lh(t2.concat(e2), e2, 0);
moveSelectionToNextFindMatch() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return null;
const e2 = this._getNextMatch();
if (!e2)
return null;
const t2 = this._editor.getSelections();
return new lh(t2.slice(0, t2.length - 1).concat(e2), e2, 0);
_getNextMatch() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return null;
if (this.currentMatch) {
const e3 = this.currentMatch;
return this.currentMatch = null, e3;
const e2 = this._editor.getSelections(), t2 = e2[e2.length - 1], n2 = this._editor.getModel().findNextMatch(this.searchText, t2.getEndPosition(), false, this.matchCase, this.wholeWord ? this._editor.getOption(105) : null, false);
return n2 ? new q.a(n2.range.startLineNumber, n2.range.startColumn, n2.range.endLineNumber, n2.range.endColumn) : null;
addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return null;
const e2 = this._getPreviousMatch();
if (!e2)
return null;
const t2 = this._editor.getSelections();
return new lh(t2.concat(e2), e2, 0);
moveSelectionToPreviousFindMatch() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return null;
const e2 = this._getPreviousMatch();
if (!e2)
return null;
const t2 = this._editor.getSelections();
return new lh(t2.slice(0, t2.length - 1).concat(e2), e2, 0);
_getPreviousMatch() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return null;
if (this.currentMatch) {
const e3 = this.currentMatch;
return this.currentMatch = null, e3;
const e2 = this._editor.getSelections(), t2 = e2[e2.length - 1], n2 = this._editor.getModel().findPreviousMatch(this.searchText, t2.getStartPosition(), false, this.matchCase, this.wholeWord ? this._editor.getOption(105) : null, false);
return n2 ? new q.a(n2.range.startLineNumber, n2.range.startColumn, n2.range.endLineNumber, n2.range.endColumn) : null;
selectAll() {
return this._editor.hasModel() ? (this.findController.highlightFindOptions(), this._editor.getModel().findMatches(this.searchText, true, false, this.matchCase, this.wholeWord ? this._editor.getOption(105) : null, false, 1073741824)) : [];
class dh extends pe.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this._sessionDispose = this._register(new pe.b()), this._editor = e2, this._ignoreSelectionChange = false, this._session = null;
static get(e2) {
return e2.getContribution(dh.ID);
dispose() {
this._endSession(), super.dispose();
_beginSessionIfNeeded(e2) {
if (!this._session) {
const t2 = ch.create(this._editor, e2);
if (!t2)
this._session = t2;
const n2 = {searchString: this._session.searchText};
this._session.isDisconnectedFromFindController && (n2.wholeWordOverride = 1, n2.matchCaseOverride = 1, n2.isRegexOverride = 2), e2.getState().change(n2, false), this._sessionDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection((e3) => {
this._ignoreSelectionChange || this._endSession();
})), this._sessionDispose.add(this._editor.onDidBlurEditorText(() => {
})), this._sessionDispose.add(e2.getState().onFindReplaceStateChange((e3) => {
(e3.matchCase || e3.wholeWord) && this._endSession();
_endSession() {
if (this._sessionDispose.clear(), this._session && this._session.isDisconnectedFromFindController) {
const e2 = {wholeWordOverride: 0, matchCaseOverride: 0, isRegexOverride: 0};
this._session.findController.getState().change(e2, false);
this._session = null;
_setSelections(e2) {
this._ignoreSelectionChange = true, this._editor.setSelections(e2), this._ignoreSelectionChange = false;
_expandEmptyToWord(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.isEmpty())
return t2;
const n2 = this._editor.getConfiguredWordAtPosition(t2.getStartPosition());
return n2 ? new q.a(t2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn, t2.startLineNumber, n2.endColumn) : t2;
_applySessionResult(e2) {
e2 && (this._setSelections(e2.selections), e2.revealRange && this._editor.revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e2.revealRange, e2.revealScrollType));
getSession(e2) {
return this._session;
addSelectionToNextFindMatch(e2) {
if (this._editor.hasModel()) {
if (!this._session) {
const t2 = this._editor.getSelections();
if (t2.length > 1) {
const n2 = e2.getState().matchCase;
if (!mh(this._editor.getModel(), t2, n2)) {
const e3 = this._editor.getModel();
let n3 = [];
for (let i2 = 0, o2 = t2.length; i2 < o2; i2++)
n3[i2] = this._expandEmptyToWord(e3, t2[i2]);
return void this._editor.setSelections(n3);
this._beginSessionIfNeeded(e2), this._session && this._applySessionResult(this._session.addSelectionToNextFindMatch());
addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch(e2) {
this._beginSessionIfNeeded(e2), this._session && this._applySessionResult(this._session.addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch());
moveSelectionToNextFindMatch(e2) {
this._beginSessionIfNeeded(e2), this._session && this._applySessionResult(this._session.moveSelectionToNextFindMatch());
moveSelectionToPreviousFindMatch(e2) {
this._beginSessionIfNeeded(e2), this._session && this._applySessionResult(this._session.moveSelectionToPreviousFindMatch());
selectAll(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
let t2 = null;
const n2 = e2.getState();
if (n2.isRevealed && n2.searchString.length > 0 && n2.isRegex)
t2 = this._editor.getModel().findMatches(n2.searchString, true, n2.isRegex, n2.matchCase, n2.wholeWord ? this._editor.getOption(105) : null, false, 1073741824);
else {
if (this._beginSessionIfNeeded(e2), !this._session)
t2 = this._session.selectAll();
if (n2.searchScope) {
const e3 = n2.searchScope;
let i2 = [];
t2.forEach((t3) => {
e3.forEach((e4) => {
t3.range.endLineNumber <= e4.endLineNumber && t3.range.startLineNumber >= e4.startLineNumber && i2.push(t3);
}), t2 = i2;
if (t2.length > 0) {
const e3 = this._editor.getSelection();
for (let n3 = 0, i2 = t2.length; n3 < i2; n3++) {
const i3 = t2[n3];
if (i3.range.intersectRanges(e3)) {
t2[n3] = t2[0], t2[0] = i3;
this._setSelections( => new q.a(e4.range.startLineNumber, e4.range.startColumn, e4.range.endLineNumber, e4.range.endColumn)));
dh.ID = "editor.contrib.multiCursorController";
class hh extends V.b {
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = dh.get(t2);
if (!n2)
const i2 = Uo.get(t2);
i2 && this._run(n2, i2);
class uh {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.searchText = e2, this.matchCase = t2, this.wordSeparators = n2, this.modelVersionId = i2;
static softEquals(e2, t2) {
return !e2 && !t2 || !(!e2 || !t2) && (e2.searchText === t2.searchText && e2.matchCase === t2.matchCase && e2.wordSeparators === t2.wordSeparators && e2.modelVersionId === t2.modelVersionId);
class ph extends pe.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.editor = e2, this._isEnabled = e2.getOption(89), this.decorations = [], this.updateSoon = this._register(new ue.d(() => this._update(), 300)), this.state = null, this._register(e2.onDidChangeConfiguration((t2) => {
this._isEnabled = e2.getOption(89);
})), this._register(e2.onDidChangeCursorSelection((e3) => {
this._isEnabled && (e3.selection.isEmpty() ? 3 === e3.reason ? (this.state && this._setState(null), this.updateSoon.schedule()) : this._setState(null) : this._update());
})), this._register(e2.onDidChangeModel((e3) => {
})), this._register(e2.onDidChangeModelContent((e3) => {
this._isEnabled && this.updateSoon.schedule();
})), this._register(Uo.get(e2).getState().onFindReplaceStateChange((e3) => {
_update() {
this._setState(ph._createState(this._isEnabled, this.editor));
static _createState(e2, t2) {
if (!e2)
return null;
if (!t2.hasModel())
return null;
const n2 = t2.getSelection();
if (n2.startLineNumber !== n2.endLineNumber)
return null;
const i2 = dh.get(t2);
if (!i2)
return null;
const o2 = Uo.get(t2);
if (!o2)
return null;
let r2 = i2.getSession(o2);
if (!r2) {
const e3 = t2.getSelections();
if (e3.length > 1) {
const n3 = o2.getState().matchCase;
if (!mh(t2.getModel(), e3, n3))
return null;
r2 = ch.create(t2, o2);
if (!r2)
return null;
if (r2.currentMatch)
return null;
if (/^[ \t]+$/.test(r2.searchText))
return null;
if (r2.searchText.length > 200)
return null;
const s2 = o2.getState(), a2 = s2.matchCase;
if (s2.isRevealed) {
let e3 = s2.searchString;
a2 || (e3 = e3.toLowerCase());
let t3 = r2.searchText;
if (a2 || (t3 = t3.toLowerCase()), e3 === t3 && r2.matchCase === s2.matchCase && r2.wholeWord === s2.wholeWord && !s2.isRegex)
return null;
return new uh(r2.searchText, r2.matchCase, r2.wholeWord ? t2.getOption(105) : null, t2.getModel().getVersionId());
_setState(e2) {
if (uh.softEquals(this.state, e2))
return void (this.state = e2);
if (this.state = e2, !this.state)
return void (this.decorations = this.editor.deltaDecorations(this.decorations, []));
if (!this.editor.hasModel())
const t2 = this.editor.getModel();
if (t2.isTooLargeForTokenization())
const n2 = et.i.has(t2) && this.editor.getOption(63);
let i2 = t2.findMatches(this.state.searchText, true, false, this.state.matchCase, this.state.wordSeparators, false).map((e3) => e3.range);
let o2 = this.editor.getSelections();
let r2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0, t3 = 0, n3 = i2.length, s3 = o2.length; e3 < n3; ) {
const n4 = i2[e3];
if (t3 >= s3)
r2.push(n4), e3++;
else {
const i3 = ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(n4, o2[t3]);
i3 < 0 ? (!o2[t3].isEmpty() && ge.a.areIntersecting(n4, o2[t3]) || r2.push(n4), e3++) : (i3 > 0 || e3++, t3++);
const s2 = => ({range: e3, options: n2 ? ph._SELECTION_HIGHLIGHT : ph._SELECTION_HIGHLIGHT_OVERVIEW}));
this.decorations = this.editor.deltaDecorations(this.decorations, s2);
dispose() {
this._setState(null), super.dispose();
function mh(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = gh(e2, t2[0], !n2);
for (let o2 = 1, r2 = t2.length; o2 < r2; o2++) {
const r3 = t2[o2];
if (r3.isEmpty())
return false;
if (i2 !== gh(e2, r3, !n2))
return false;
return true;
function gh(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = e2.getValueInRange(t2);
return n2 ? i2.toLowerCase() : i2;
ph.ID = "editor.contrib.selectionHighlighter", ph._SELECTION_HIGHLIGHT_OVERVIEW = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "selectionHighlight", overviewRuler: {color: Object(we.h)(ve.Wb), position: fe.d.Center}}), ph._SELECTION_HIGHLIGHT = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "selectionHighlight"}), Object(V.m)(dh.ID, dh), Object(V.m)(ph.ID, ph), Object(V.k)(ih), Object(V.k)(oh), Object(V.k)(rh), Object(V.k)(class extends hh {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch", label: U.a("addSelectionToNextFindMatch", "Add Selection To Next Find Match"), alias: "Add Selection To Next Find Match", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 2082, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "3_multi", title: U.a({key: "miAddSelectionToNextFindMatch", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Add &&Next Occurrence"), order: 5}});
_run(e2, t2) {
}), Object(V.k)(class extends hh {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch", label: U.a("addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch", "Add Selection To Previous Find Match"), alias: "Add Selection To Previous Find Match", precondition: void 0, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "3_multi", title: U.a({key: "miAddSelectionToPreviousFindMatch", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Add P&&revious Occurrence"), order: 6}});
_run(e2, t2) {
}), Object(V.k)(class extends hh {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.moveSelectionToNextFindMatch", label: U.a("moveSelectionToNextFindMatch", "Move Last Selection To Next Find Match"), alias: "Move Last Selection To Next Find Match", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: Object($.a)(2089, 2082), weight: 100}});
_run(e2, t2) {
}), Object(V.k)(class extends hh {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.moveSelectionToPreviousFindMatch", label: U.a("moveSelectionToPreviousFindMatch", "Move Last Selection To Previous Find Match"), alias: "Move Last Selection To Previous Find Match", precondition: void 0});
_run(e2, t2) {
}), Object(V.k)(class extends hh {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.selectHighlights", label: U.a("selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch", "Select All Occurrences of Find Match"), alias: "Select All Occurrences of Find Match", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 3114, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "3_multi", title: U.a({key: "miSelectHighlights", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "Select All &&Occurrences"), order: 7}});
_run(e2, t2) {
}), Object(V.k)(class extends hh {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.changeAll", label: U.a("changeAll.label", "Change All Occurrences"), alias: "Change All Occurrences", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, H.a.editorTextFocus), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 2108, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {group: "1_modification", order: 1.2}});
_run(e2, t2) {
}), Object(V.k)(sh), Object(V.k)(ah);
var fh = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const bh = {Visible: new K.c("parameterHintsVisible", false), MultipleSignatures: new K.c("parameterHintsMultipleSignatures", false)};
function _h(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = et.y.ordered(e2);
return Object(ue.h)( => () => Promise.resolve(o3.provideSignatureHelp(e2, t2, i2, n2)).catch((e3) => Object(Z.f)(e3))));
Object(V.j)("_executeSignatureHelpProvider", (e2, t2, n2) => fh(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const i2 = yield _h(e2, t2, {triggerKind: et.z.Invoke, isRetrigger: false, triggerCharacter: n2.triggerCharacter}, Xe.a.None);
if (i2)
return setTimeout(() => i2.dispose(), 0), i2.value;
var vh, wh = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
!function(e2) {
e2.Default = {type: 0};
e2.Pending = class {
constructor(e3) {
this.request = e3, this.type = 2;
e2.Active = class {
constructor(e3) {
this.hints = e3, this.type = 1;
}(vh || (vh = {}));
class yh extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2 = yh.DEFAULT_DELAY) {
super(), this._onChangedHints = this._register(new Lt.a()), this.onChangedHints = this._onChangedHints.event, this.triggerOnType = false, this._state = vh.Default, this._pendingTriggers = [], this._lastSignatureHelpResult = this._register(new pe.d()), this.triggerChars = new Dr.b(), this.retriggerChars = new Dr.b(), this.triggerId = 0, this.editor = e2, this.throttledDelayer = new ue.a(t2), this._register(this.editor.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => this.onEditorConfigurationChange())), this._register(this.editor.onDidChangeModel((e3) => this.onModelChanged())), this._register(this.editor.onDidChangeModelLanguage((e3) => this.onModelChanged())), this._register(this.editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection((e3) => this.onCursorChange(e3))), this._register(this.editor.onDidChangeModelContent((e3) => this.onModelContentChange())), this._register(et.y.onDidChange(this.onModelChanged, this)), this._register(this.editor.onDidType((e3) => this.onDidType(e3))), this.onEditorConfigurationChange(), this.onModelChanged();
get state() {
return this._state;
set state(e2) {
2 === this._state.type && this._state.request.cancel(), this._state = e2;
cancel(e2 = false) {
this.state = vh.Default, this.throttledDelayer.cancel(), e2 || 0);
trigger(e2, t2) {
const n2 = this.editor.getModel();
if (!n2 || !et.y.has(n2))
const i2 = ++this.triggerId;
this._pendingTriggers.push(e2), this.throttledDelayer.trigger(() => this.doTrigger(i2), t2).catch(Z.e);
next() {
if (1 !== this.state.type)
const e2 = this.state.hints.signatures.length, t2 = this.state.hints.activeSignature, n2 = t2 % e2 == e2 - 1, i2 = this.editor.getOption(67).cycle;
!(e2 < 2 || n2) || i2 ? this.updateActiveSignature(n2 && i2 ? 0 : t2 + 1) : this.cancel();
previous() {
if (1 !== this.state.type)
const e2 = this.state.hints.signatures.length, t2 = this.state.hints.activeSignature, n2 = 0 === t2, i2 = this.editor.getOption(67).cycle;
!(e2 < 2 || n2) || i2 ? this.updateActiveSignature(n2 && i2 ? e2 - 1 : t2 - 1) : this.cancel();
updateActiveSignature(e2) {
1 === this.state.type && (this.state = new vh.Active(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.state.hints), {activeSignature: e2})),;
doTrigger(e2) {
return wh(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const t2 = 1 === this.state.type || 2 === this.state.type, n2 = 1 === this.state.type ? this.state.hints : void 0;
if (this.cancel(true), 0 === this._pendingTriggers.length)
return false;
const i2 = this._pendingTriggers.reduce(Ch);
this._pendingTriggers = [];
const o2 = {triggerKind: i2.triggerKind, triggerCharacter: i2.triggerCharacter, isRetrigger: t2, activeSignatureHelp: n2};
if (!this.editor.hasModel())
return false;
const r2 = this.editor.getModel(), s2 = this.editor.getPosition();
this.state = new vh.Pending(Object(ue.f)((e3) => _h(r2, s2, o2, e3)));
try {
const t3 = yield this.state.request;
return e2 !== this.triggerId ? (null == t3 || t3.dispose(), false) : t3 && t3.value.signatures && 0 !== t3.value.signatures.length ? (this.state = new vh.Active(t3.value), this._lastSignatureHelpResult.value = t3,, true) : (null == t3 || t3.dispose(), this._lastSignatureHelpResult.clear(), this.cancel(), false);
} catch (t3) {
return e2 === this.triggerId && (this.state = vh.Default), Object(Z.e)(t3), false;
get isTriggered() {
return 1 === this.state.type || 2 === this.state.type || this.throttledDelayer.isTriggered();
onModelChanged() {
this.cancel(), this.triggerChars = new Dr.b(), this.retriggerChars = new Dr.b();
const e2 = this.editor.getModel();
if (e2)
for (const t2 of et.y.ordered(e2)) {
for (const e3 of t2.signatureHelpTriggerCharacters || [])
this.triggerChars.add(e3.charCodeAt(0)), this.retriggerChars.add(e3.charCodeAt(0));
for (const e3 of t2.signatureHelpRetriggerCharacters || [])
onDidType(e2) {
if (!this.triggerOnType)
const t2 = e2.length - 1, n2 = e2.charCodeAt(t2);
(this.triggerChars.has(n2) || this.isTriggered && this.retriggerChars.has(n2)) && this.trigger({triggerKind: et.z.TriggerCharacter, triggerCharacter: e2.charAt(t2)});
onCursorChange(e2) {
"mouse" === e2.source ? this.cancel() : this.isTriggered && this.trigger({triggerKind: et.z.ContentChange});
onModelContentChange() {
this.isTriggered && this.trigger({triggerKind: et.z.ContentChange});
onEditorConfigurationChange() {
this.triggerOnType = this.editor.getOption(67).enabled, this.triggerOnType || this.cancel();
dispose() {
this.cancel(true), super.dispose();
function Ch(e2, t2) {
switch (t2.triggerKind) {
case et.z.Invoke:
return t2;
case et.z.ContentChange:
return e2;
case et.z.TriggerCharacter:
return t2;
var xh = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Sh = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
const kh = ft.a, Eh = Object(Y.e)("parameter-hints-next", Y.a.chevronDown), Th = Object(Y.e)("parameter-hints-previous", Y.a.chevronUp);
let Lh = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this.editor = e3, this.renderDisposeables = this._register(new pe.b()), this.visible = false, this.announcedLabel = null, this.allowEditorOverflow = true, this.markdownRenderer = this._register(new Bc(e3, i2, n2)), this.model = this._register(new yh(e3)), this.keyVisible = bh.Visible.bindTo(t2), this.keyMultipleSignatures = bh.MultipleSignatures.bindTo(t2), this._register(this.model.onChangedHints((e4) => {
e4 ? (, this.render(e4)) : this.hide();
createParamaterHintDOMNodes() {
const e3 = kh(".editor-widget.parameter-hints-widget"), t2 = ft.p(e3, kh(".wrapper"));
t2.tabIndex = -1;
const n2 = ft.p(t2, kh(".controls")), i2 = ft.p(n2, kh(".button" + Th.cssSelector)), o2 = ft.p(n2, kh(".overloads")), r2 = ft.p(n2, kh(".button" + Eh.cssSelector)), s2 = Object(Cs.b)(Object(Cs.a)(i2, "click"));
this._register(s2(this.previous, this));
const a2 = Object(Cs.b)(Object(Cs.a)(r2, "click"));
this._register(a2(, this));
const l2 = kh(".body"), c2 = new Bl.a(l2, {});
this._register(c2), t2.appendChild(c2.getDomNode());
const d2 = ft.p(l2, kh(".signature")), h2 = ft.p(l2, kh(".docs")); = "text", this.domNodes = {element: e3, signature: d2, overloads: o2, docs: h2, scrollbar: c2}, this.editor.addContentWidget(this), this.hide(), this._register(this.editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection((e4) => {
this.visible && this.editor.layoutContentWidget(this);
const u2 = () => {
if (!this.domNodes)
const e4 = this.editor.getOption(36); = e4.fontSize + "px";
u2(), this._register(Lt.b.chain(this.editor.onDidChangeConfiguration.bind(this.editor)).filter((e4) => e4.hasChanged(36)).on(u2, null)), this._register(this.editor.onDidLayoutChange((e4) => this.updateMaxHeight())), this.updateMaxHeight();
show() {
this.visible || (this.domNodes || this.createParamaterHintDOMNodes(), this.keyVisible.set(true), this.visible = true, setTimeout(() => {
this.domNodes && ft.e(this.domNodes.element, "visible");
}, 100), this.editor.layoutContentWidget(this));
hide() {
this.renderDisposeables.clear(), this.visible && (this.keyVisible.reset(), this.visible = false, this.announcedLabel = null, this.domNodes && ft.Q(this.domNodes.element, "visible"), this.editor.layoutContentWidget(this));
getPosition() {
return this.visible ? {position: this.editor.getPosition(), preference: [1, 2]} : null;
render(e3) {
var t2;
if (this.renderDisposeables.clear(), !this.domNodes)
const n2 = e3.signatures.length > 1;
ft.ab(this.domNodes.element, "multiple", n2), this.keyMultipleSignatures.set(n2), this.domNodes.signature.innerText = "", = "";
const i2 = e3.signatures[e3.activeSignature];
if (!i2)
const o2 = ft.p(this.domNodes.signature, kh(".code")), r2 = this.editor.getOption(36); = r2.fontSize + "px", = r2.fontFamily;
const s2 = i2.parameters.length > 0, a2 = null !== (t2 = i2.activeParameter) && void 0 !== t2 ? t2 : e3.activeParameter;
if (s2)
this.renderParameters(o2, i2, a2);
else {
ft.p(o2, kh("span")).textContent = i2.label;
const l2 = i2.parameters[a2];
if (null == l2 ? void 0 : l2.documentation) {
const e4 = kh("span.documentation");
if ("string" == typeof l2.documentation)
e4.textContent = l2.documentation;
else {
const t3 = this.renderDisposeables.add(this.markdownRenderer.render(l2.documentation));
ft.e(t3.element, "markdown-docs"), e4.appendChild(t3.element);
ft.p(, kh("p", {}, e4));
if (void 0 === i2.documentation)
else if ("string" == typeof i2.documentation)
ft.p(, kh("p", {}, i2.documentation));
else {
const e4 = this.renderDisposeables.add(this.markdownRenderer.render(i2.documentation));
ft.e(e4.element, "markdown-docs"), ft.p(, e4.element);
const c2 = this.hasDocs(i2, l2);
if (ft.ab(this.domNodes.signature, "has-docs", c2), ft.ab(, "empty", !c2), this.domNodes.overloads.textContent = Object(Ye.M)(e3.activeSignature + 1, e3.signatures.length.toString().length) + "/" + e3.signatures.length, l2) {
const e4 = this.getParameterLabel(i2, a2);
this.announcedLabel !== e4 && (ne.a(U.a("hint", "{0}, hint", e4)), this.announcedLabel = e4);
this.editor.layoutContentWidget(this), this.domNodes.scrollbar.scanDomNode();
hasDocs(e3, t2) {
return !!(t2 && "string" == typeof t2.documentation && Object(Jo.a)(t2.documentation).length > 0) || (!!(t2 && "object" == typeof t2.documentation && Object(Jo.a)(t2.documentation).value.length > 0) || (!!(e3.documentation && "string" == typeof e3.documentation && Object(Jo.a)(e3.documentation).length > 0) || !!(e3.documentation && "object" == typeof e3.documentation && Object(Jo.a)(e3.documentation.value).length > 0)));
renderParameters(e3, t2, n2) {
const [i2, o2] = this.getParameterLabelOffsets(t2, n2), r2 = document.createElement("span");
r2.textContent = t2.label.substring(0, i2);
const s2 = document.createElement("span");
s2.textContent = t2.label.substring(i2, o2), s2.className = "parameter active";
const a2 = document.createElement("span");
a2.textContent = t2.label.substring(o2), ft.p(e3, r2, s2, a2);
getParameterLabel(e3, t2) {
const n2 = e3.parameters[t2];
return Array.isArray(n2.label) ? e3.label.substring(n2.label[0], n2.label[1]) : n2.label;
getParameterLabelOffsets(e3, t2) {
const n2 = e3.parameters[t2];
if (n2) {
if (Array.isArray(n2.label))
return n2.label;
const t3 = e3.label.lastIndexOf(n2.label);
return t3 >= 0 ? [t3, t3 + n2.label.length] : [0, 0];
return [0, 0];
next() {
previous() {
this.editor.focus(), this.model.previous();
cancel() {
getDomNode() {
return this.domNodes || this.createParamaterHintDOMNodes(), this.domNodes.element;
getId() {
return e2.ID;
trigger(e3) {
this.model.trigger(e3, 0);
updateMaxHeight() {
if (!this.domNodes)
const e3 = Math.max(this.editor.getLayoutInfo().height / 4, 250) + "px"; = e3;
const t2 = this.domNodes.element.getElementsByClassName("wrapper");
t2.length && (t2[0].style.maxHeight = e3);
Lh.ID = "editor.widget.parameterHintsWidget", Lh = xh([Sh(1, K.b), Sh(2, Vl.a), Sh(3, Nl.a)], Lh), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.F);
if (n2) {
const i3 = e2.type === we.b ? 2 : 1;
t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget { border: ${i3}px solid ${n2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget.multiple .body { border-left: 1px solid ${n2.transparent(0.5)}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget .signature.has-docs { border-bottom: 1px solid ${n2.transparent(0.5)}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(ve.E);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget { background-color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(ve.rc);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget a { color: ${o2}; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(ve.G);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget { color: ${r2}; }`);
const s2 = e2.getColor(ve.qc);
s2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .parameter-hints-widget code { background-color: ${s2}; }`);
var Nh = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Ih = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Oh = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2) {
super(), this.editor = e3, this.widget = this._register(t2.createInstance(Lh, this.editor));
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
cancel() {
previous() {
next() {;
trigger(e3) {
Oh.ID = "editor.controller.parameterHints", Oh = Nh([Ih(1, gt.a)], Oh);
class Dh extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.triggerParameterHints", label: U.a("parameterHints.trigger.label", "Trigger Parameter Hints"), alias: "Trigger Parameter Hints", precondition: H.a.hasSignatureHelpProvider, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 3082, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Oh.get(t2);
n2 && n2.trigger({triggerKind: et.z.Invoke});
Object(V.m)(Oh.ID, Oh), Object(V.k)(Dh);
const Ah = V.c.bindToContribution(Oh.get);
Object(V.l)(new Ah({id: "closeParameterHints", precondition: bh.Visible, handler: (e2) => e2.cancel(), kbOpts: {weight: 175, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 9, secondary: [1033]}})), Object(V.l)(new Ah({id: "showPrevParameterHint", precondition: K.a.and(bh.Visible, bh.MultipleSignatures), handler: (e2) => e2.previous(), kbOpts: {weight: 175, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 16, secondary: [528], mac: {primary: 16, secondary: [528, 302]}}})), Object(V.l)(new Ah({id: "showNextParameterHint", precondition: K.a.and(bh.Visible, bh.MultipleSignatures), handler: (e2) =>, kbOpts: {weight: 175, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 18, secondary: [530], mac: {primary: 18, secondary: [530, 300]}}}));
var Rh = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Mh = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Ph = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const Fh = new K.c("onTypeRenameInputVisible", false);
let Wh = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2) {
super(), this._debounceDuration = 200, this._localToDispose = this._register(new pe.b()), this._editor = e3, this._enabled = false, this._visibleContextKey = Fh.bindTo(t2), this._currentDecorations = [], this._languageWordPattern = null, this._currentWordPattern = null, this._ignoreChangeEvent = false, this._localToDispose = this._register(new pe.b()), this._rangeUpdateTriggerPromise = null, this._rangeSyncTriggerPromise = null, this._currentRequest = null, this._currentRequestPosition = null, this._currentRequestModelVersion = null, this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => this.reinitialize())), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e4) => {
e4.hasChanged(73) && this.reinitialize();
})), this._register(et.u.onDidChange(() => this.reinitialize())), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModelLanguage(() => this.reinitialize())), this.reinitialize();
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
reinitialize() {
const e3 = this._editor.getModel(), t2 = null !== e3 && this._editor.getOption(73) && et.u.has(e3);
if (t2 === this._enabled)
if (this._enabled = t2, this.clearRanges(), this._localToDispose.clear(), !t2 || null === e3)
this._languageWordPattern = Pn.a.getWordDefinition(e3.getLanguageIdentifier().id), this._localToDispose.add(e3.onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration(() => {
this._languageWordPattern = Pn.a.getWordDefinition(e3.getLanguageIdentifier().id);
const n2 = new ue.a(this._debounceDuration), i2 = () => {
this._rangeUpdateTriggerPromise = n2.trigger(() => this.updateRanges(), this._debounceDuration);
}, o2 = new ue.a(0), r2 = (e4) => {
this._rangeSyncTriggerPromise = o2.trigger(() => this._syncRanges(e4));
this._localToDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(() => {
})), this._localToDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent((t3) => {
if (!this._ignoreChangeEvent && this._currentDecorations.length > 0) {
const n3 = e3.getDecorationRange(this._currentDecorations[0]);
if (n3 && t3.changes.every((e4) => n3.intersectRanges(e4.range)))
return void r2(this._currentDecorations);
})), this._localToDispose.add({dispose: () => {
n2.cancel(), o2.cancel();
}}), this.updateRanges();
_syncRanges(e3) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel() || e3 !== this._currentDecorations || 0 === e3.length)
const t2 = this._editor.getModel(), n2 = t2.getDecorationRange(e3[0]);
if (!n2 || n2.startLineNumber !== n2.endLineNumber)
return this.clearRanges();
const i2 = t2.getValueInRange(n2);
if (this._currentWordPattern) {
const e4 = i2.match(this._currentWordPattern);
if ((e4 ? e4[0].length : 0) !== i2.length)
return this.clearRanges();
let o2 = [];
for (let n3 = 1, r2 = e3.length; n3 < r2; n3++) {
const r3 = t2.getDecorationRange(e3[n3]);
if (r3)
if (r3.startLineNumber !== r3.endLineNumber)
o2.push({range: r3, text: i2});
else {
let e4 = t2.getValueInRange(r3), n4 = i2, s2 = r3.startColumn, a2 = r3.endColumn;
const l2 = Ye.d(e4, n4);
s2 += l2, e4 = e4.substr(l2), n4 = n4.substr(l2);
const c2 = Ye.e(e4, n4);
a2 -= c2, e4 = e4.substr(0, e4.length - c2), n4 = n4.substr(0, n4.length - c2), s2 === a2 && 0 === n4.length || o2.push({range: new ge.a(r3.startLineNumber, s2, r3.endLineNumber, a2), text: n4});
if (0 !== o2.length)
try {
this._ignoreChangeEvent = true;
const e4 = this._editor._getViewModel().getPrevEditOperationType();
this._editor.executeEdits("onTypeRename", o2), this._editor._getViewModel().setPrevEditOperationType(e4);
} finally {
this._ignoreChangeEvent = false;
dispose() {
this.clearRanges(), super.dispose();
clearRanges() {
this._visibleContextKey.set(false), this._currentDecorations = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._currentDecorations, []), this._currentRequest && (this._currentRequest.cancel(), this._currentRequest = null, this._currentRequestPosition = null);
updateRanges(t2 = false) {
return Ph(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return void this.clearRanges();
const n2 = this._editor.getPosition();
if (!this._enabled && !t2 || this._editor.getSelections().length > 1)
return void this.clearRanges();
const i2 = this._editor.getModel(), o2 = i2.getVersionId();
if (this._currentRequestPosition && this._currentRequestModelVersion === o2) {
if (n2.equals(this._currentRequestPosition))
if (this._currentDecorations && this._currentDecorations.length > 0) {
const e3 = i2.getDecorationRange(this._currentDecorations[0]);
if (e3 && e3.containsPosition(n2))
this._currentRequestPosition = n2, this._currentRequestModelVersion = o2;
const r2 = Object(ue.f)((t3) => Ph(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
try {
const s2 = yield jh(i2, n2, t3);
if (r2 !== this._currentRequest)
if (this._currentRequest = null, o2 !== i2.getVersionId())
let a2 = [];
(null == s2 ? void 0 : s2.ranges) && (a2 = s2.ranges), this._currentWordPattern = (null == s2 ? void 0 : s2.wordPattern) || this._languageWordPattern;
let l2 = false;
for (let e3 = 0, t4 = a2.length; e3 < t4; e3++)
if (ge.a.containsPosition(a2[e3], n2)) {
if (l2 = true, 0 !== e3) {
const t5 = a2[e3];
a2.splice(e3, 1), a2.unshift(t5);
if (!l2)
return void this.clearRanges();
const c2 = => ({range: t4, options: e2.DECORATION}));
this._visibleContextKey.set(true), this._currentDecorations = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._currentDecorations, c2);
} catch (e3) {
Object(Z.d)(e3) || Object(Z.e)(e3), this._currentRequest !== r2 && this._currentRequest || this.clearRanges();
return this._currentRequest = r2, r2;
Wh.ID = "editor.contrib.onTypeRename", Wh.DECORATION = be.a.register({stickiness: 0, className: "on-type-rename-decoration"}), Wh = Rh([Mh(1, K.b)], Wh);
class zh extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.onTypeRename", label: U.a("onTypeRename.label", "On Type Rename Symbol"), alias: "On Type Rename Symbol", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, H.a.hasRenameProvider), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 3132, weight: 100}});
runCommand(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.get(Me.a), [i2, o2] = Array.isArray(t2) && t2 || [void 0, void 0];
return Qe.a.isUri(i2) && me.a.isIPosition(o2) ? n2.openCodeEditor({resource: i2}, n2.getActiveCodeEditor()).then((e3) => {
e3 && (e3.setPosition(o2), e3.invokeWithinContext((t3) => (this.reportTelemetry(t3, e3),, e3))));
}, Z.e) : super.runCommand(e2, t2);
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Wh.get(t2);
return n2 ? Promise.resolve(n2.updateRanges(true)) : Promise.resolve();
const Bh = V.c.bindToContribution(Wh.get);
function jh(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = et.u.ordered(e2);
return Object(ue.h)( => () => Promise.resolve(i3.provideOnTypeRenameRanges(e2, t2, n2)).then((e3) => {
if (e3)
return {ranges: e3.ranges, wordPattern: e3.wordPattern || i3.wordPattern};
}, (e3) => {
})), (e3) => !!e3 && G.o(null == e3 ? void 0 : e3.ranges));
Object(V.l)(new Bh({id: "cancelOnTypeRenameInput", precondition: Fh, handler: (e2) => e2.clearRanges(), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, weight: 199, primary: 9, secondary: [1033]}}));
const Vh = Object(ve.gc)("editor.onTypeRenameBackground", {dark: Nn.a.fromHex("#f00").transparent(0.3), light: Nn.a.fromHex("#f00").transparent(0.3), hc: Nn.a.fromHex("#f00").transparent(0.3)}, U.a("editorOnTypeRenameBackground", "Background color when the editor auto renames on type."));
Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(Vh);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .on-type-rename-decoration { background: ${n2}; border-left-color: ${n2}; }`);
}), Object(V.p)("_executeRenameOnTypeProvider", (e2, t2) => jh(e2, t2, Xe.a.None)), Object(V.m)(Wh.ID, Wh), Object(V.k)(zh);
var Uh = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Hh = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
const qh = new K.c("renameInputVisible", false);
let $h = class {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this._editor = e2, this._acceptKeybindings = t2, this._themeService = n2, this._keybindingService = i2, this._disposables = new pe.b(), this.allowEditorOverflow = true, this._visibleContextKey = qh.bindTo(o2), this._editor.addContentWidget(this), this._disposables.add(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.hasChanged(36) && this._updateFont();
})), this._disposables.add(n2.onDidColorThemeChange(this._updateStyles, this));
dispose() {
this._disposables.dispose(), this._editor.removeContentWidget(this);
getId() {
return "__renameInputWidget";
getDomNode() {
if (!this._domNode) {
this._domNode = document.createElement("div"), this._domNode.className = "monaco-editor rename-box", this._input = document.createElement("input"), this._input.className = "rename-input", this._input.type = "text", this._input.setAttribute("aria-label", Object(U.a)("renameAriaLabel", "Rename input. Type new name and press Enter to commit.")), this._domNode.appendChild(this._input), this._label = document.createElement("div"), this._label.className = "rename-label", this._domNode.appendChild(this._label);
const e2 = () => {
var e3, t2;
const [n2, i2] = this._acceptKeybindings;
this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(n2), this._label.innerText = Object(U.a)({key: "label", comment: ['placeholders are keybindings, e.g "F2 to Rename, Shift+F2 to Preview"']}, "{0} to Rename, {1} to Preview", null === (e3 = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(n2)) || void 0 === e3 ? void 0 : e3.getLabel(), null === (t2 = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(i2)) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.getLabel());
e2(), this._disposables.add(this._keybindingService.onDidUpdateKeybindings(e2)), this._updateFont(), this._updateStyles(this._themeService.getColorTheme());
return this._domNode;
_updateStyles(e2) {
var t2, n2, i2, o2;
if (!this._input || !this._domNode)
const r2 = e2.getColor(ve.uc); = String(null !== (t2 = e2.getColor(ve.U)) && void 0 !== t2 ? t2 : ""), = r2 ? " 0 2px 8px " + r2 : "", = String(null !== (n2 = e2.getColor(ve.hb)) && void 0 !== n2 ? n2 : ""), = String(null !== (i2 = e2.getColor(ve.fb)) && void 0 !== i2 ? i2 : "");
const s2 = e2.getColor(; = s2 ? "1px" : "0px", = s2 ? "solid" : "none", = null !== (o2 = null == s2 ? void 0 : s2.toString()) && void 0 !== o2 ? o2 : "none";
_updateFont() {
if (!this._input || !this._label)
const e2 = this._editor.getOption(36); = e2.fontFamily, = e2.fontWeight, = e2.fontSize + "px", = 0.8 * e2.fontSize + "px";
getPosition() {
return this._visible ? {position: this._position, preference: [2, 1]} : null;
acceptInput(e2) {
this._currentAcceptInput && this._currentAcceptInput(e2);
cancelInput(e2) {
this._currentCancelInput && this._currentCancelInput(e2);
getInput(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this._domNode.classList.toggle("preview", o2), this._position = new me.a(e2.startLineNumber, e2.startColumn), this._input.value = t2, this._input.setAttribute("selectionStart", n2.toString()), this._input.setAttribute("selectionEnd", i2.toString()), this._input.size = Math.max(1.1 * (e2.endColumn - e2.startColumn), 20);
const s2 = new pe.b();
return new Promise((e3) => {
this._currentCancelInput = (t3) => (this._currentAcceptInput = void 0, this._currentCancelInput = void 0, e3(t3), true), this._currentAcceptInput = (n3) => {
0 !== this._input.value.trim().length && this._input.value !== t2 ? (this._currentAcceptInput = void 0, this._currentCancelInput = void 0, e3({newName: this._input.value, wantsPreview: o2 && n3})) : this.cancelInput(true);
}, r2.onCancellationRequested(() => this.cancelInput(true)), s2.add(this._editor.onDidBlurEditorWidget(() => this.cancelInput(false))), this._show();
}).finally(() => {
s2.dispose(), this._hide();
_show() {
this._editor.revealLineInCenterIfOutsideViewport(this._position.lineNumber, 0), this._visible = true, this._visibleContextKey.set(true), this._editor.layoutContentWidget(this), setTimeout(() => {
this._input.focus(), this._input.setSelectionRange(parseInt(this._input.getAttribute("selectionStart")), parseInt(this._input.getAttribute("selectionEnd")));
}, 100);
_hide() {
this._visible = false, this._visibleContextKey.reset(), this._editor.layoutContentWidget(this);
$h = Uh([Hh(2, we.c), Hh(3, vt.a), Hh(4, K.b)], $h);
var Kh = n(102), Gh = n(56), Yh = n(128), Zh = n(152), Xh = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Qh = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Jh = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class eu {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.model = e2, this.position = t2, this._providerRenameIdx = 0, this._providers = et.w.ordered(e2);
hasProvider() {
return this._providers.length > 0;
resolveRenameLocation(e2) {
return Jh(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const t2 = [];
for (this._providerRenameIdx = 0; this._providerRenameIdx < this._providers.length; this._providerRenameIdx++) {
const n3 = this._providers[this._providerRenameIdx];
if (!n3.resolveRenameLocation)
let i2 = yield n3.resolveRenameLocation(this.model, this.position, e2);
if (i2) {
if (!i2.rejectReason)
return i2;
const n2 = this.model.getWordAtPosition(this.position);
return n2 ? {range: new ge.a(this.position.lineNumber, n2.startColumn, this.position.lineNumber, n2.endColumn), text: n2.word, rejectReason: t2.length > 0 ? t2.join("\n") : void 0} : {range: ge.a.fromPositions(this.position), text: "", rejectReason: t2.length > 0 ? t2.join("\n") : void 0};
provideRenameEdits(e2, t2) {
return Jh(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return this._provideRenameEdits(e2, this._providerRenameIdx, [], t2);
_provideRenameEdits(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return Jh(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const o2 = this._providers[t2];
if (!o2)
return {edits: [], rejectReason: n2.join("\n")};
const r2 = yield o2.provideRenameEdits(this.model, this.position, e2, i2);
return r2 ? r2.rejectReason ? this._provideRenameEdits(e2, t2 + 1, n2.concat(r2.rejectReason), i2) : r2 : this._provideRenameEdits(e2, t2 + 1, n2.concat(U.a("no result", "No result.")), i2);
let tu = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
this.editor = e3, this._instaService = t2, this._notificationService = n2, this._bulkEditService = i2, this._progressService = o2, this._logService = r2, this._configService = s2, this._dispoableStore = new pe.b(), this._cts = new Xe.b(), this._renameInputField = this._dispoableStore.add(new ue.b(() => this._dispoableStore.add(this._instaService.createInstance($h, this.editor, ["acceptRenameInput", "acceptRenameInputWithPreview"]))));
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
dispose() {
this._dispoableStore.dispose(), this._cts.dispose(true);
run() {
return Jh(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (this._cts.dispose(true), !this.editor.hasModel())
const e3 = this.editor.getPosition(), t2 = new eu(this.editor.getModel(), e3);
if (!t2.hasProvider())
let n2;
this._cts = new Je.b(this.editor, 5);
try {
const e4 = t2.resolveRenameLocation(this._cts.token);
this._progressService.showWhile(e4, 250), n2 = yield e4;
} catch (t3) {
return void ut.get(this.editor).showMessage(t3 || U.a("resolveRenameLocationFailed", "An unknown error occurred while resolving rename location"), e3);
if (!n2)
if (n2.rejectReason)
return void ut.get(this.editor).showMessage(n2.rejectReason, e3);
if (this._cts.token.isCancellationRequested)
this._cts.dispose(), this._cts = new Je.b(this.editor, 5, n2.range);
let i2 = this.editor.getSelection(), o2 = 0, r2 = n2.text.length;
ge.a.isEmpty(i2) || ge.a.spansMultipleLines(i2) || !ge.a.containsRange(n2.range, i2) || (o2 = Math.max(0, i2.startColumn - n2.range.startColumn), r2 = Math.min(n2.range.endColumn, i2.endColumn) - n2.range.startColumn);
const s2 = this._bulkEditService.hasPreviewHandler() && this._configService.getValue(this.editor.getModel().uri, "editor.rename.enablePreview"), a2 = yield this._renameInputField.value.getInput(n2.range, n2.text, o2, r2, s2, this._cts.token);
if ("boolean" == typeof a2)
return void (a2 && this.editor.focus());
const l2 = Object(ue.j)(t2.provideRenameEdits(a2.newName, this._cts.token), this._cts.token).then((e4) => Jh(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
e4 && this.editor.hasModel() && (e4.rejectReason ? : this._bulkEditService.apply(Ze.b.convert(e4), {editor: this.editor, showPreview: a2.wantsPreview, label: U.a("label", "Renaming '{0}'", null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.text), quotableLabel: U.a("quotableLabel", "Renaming {0}", null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.text)}).then((e5) => {
e5.ariaSummary && Object(ne.a)(U.a("aria", "Successfully renamed '{0}' to '{1}'. Summary: {2}", n2.text, a2.newName, e5.ariaSummary));
}).catch((e5) => {
this._notificationService.error(U.a("rename.failedApply", "Rename failed to apply edits")), this._logService.error(e5);
}), (e4) => {
this._notificationService.error(U.a("rename.failed", "Rename failed to compute edits")), this._logService.error(e4);
return this._progressService.showWhile(l2, 250), l2;
acceptRenameInput(e3) {
cancelRenameInput() {
tu.ID = "editor.contrib.renameController", tu = Xh([Qh(1, gt.a), Qh(2, zt.a), Qh(3, Ze.a), Qh(4, rt.a), Qh(5, Kh.b), Qh(6, Zh.a)], tu);
class nu extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.rename", label: U.a("rename.label", "Rename Symbol"), alias: "Rename Symbol", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, H.a.hasRenameProvider), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 60, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {group: "1_modification", order: 1.1}});
runCommand(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.get(Me.a), [i2, o2] = Array.isArray(t2) && t2 || [void 0, void 0];
return Qe.a.isUri(i2) && me.a.isIPosition(o2) ? n2.openCodeEditor({resource: i2}, n2.getActiveCodeEditor()).then((e3) => {
e3 && (e3.setPosition(o2), e3.invokeWithinContext((t3) => (this.reportTelemetry(t3, e3),, e3))));
}, Z.e) : super.runCommand(e2, t2);
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = tu.get(t2);
return n2 ? : Promise.resolve();
Object(V.m)(tu.ID, tu), Object(V.k)(nu);
const iu = V.c.bindToContribution(tu.get);
Object(V.l)(new iu({id: "acceptRenameInput", precondition: qh, handler: (e2) => e2.acceptRenameInput(false), kbOpts: {weight: 199, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 3}})), Object(V.l)(new iu({id: "acceptRenameInputWithPreview", precondition: K.a.and(qh, K.a.has("config.editor.rename.enablePreview")), handler: (e2) => e2.acceptRenameInput(true), kbOpts: {weight: 199, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 1027}})), Object(V.l)(new iu({id: "cancelRenameInput", precondition: qh, handler: (e2) => e2.cancelRenameInput(), kbOpts: {weight: 199, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 9, secondary: [1033]}})), Object(V.p)("_executeDocumentRenameProvider", function(e2, t2, ...n2) {
const [i2] = n2;
return Object(Jo.b)("string" == typeof i2), function(e3, t3, n3) {
return Jh(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const i3 = new eu(e3, t3), o2 = yield i3.resolveRenameLocation(Xe.a.None);
return (null == o2 ? void 0 : o2.rejectReason) ? {edits: [], rejectReason: o2.rejectReason} : i3.provideRenameEdits(n3, Xe.a.None);
}(e2, t2, i2);
}),{id: "editor", properties: {"editor.rename.enablePreview": {scope: 5, description: U.a("enablePreview", "Enable/disable the ability to preview changes before renaming"), default: true, type: "boolean"}}});
var ou = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class ru {
provideSelectionRanges(e2, t2) {
return ou(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const n2 = [];
for (const i2 of t2) {
const t3 = [];
const o2 = new Map();
yield new Promise((t4) => ru._bracketsRightYield(t4, 0, e2, i2, o2)), yield new Promise((n3) => ru._bracketsLeftYield(n3, 0, e2, i2, o2, t3));
return n2;
static _bracketsRightYield(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = new Map(), s2 =;
for (; ; ) {
if (t2 >= ru._maxRounds) {
if (!i2) {
let a2 = n2.findNextBracket(i2);
if (!a2) {
if ( - s2 > ru._maxDuration) {
setTimeout(() => ru._bracketsRightYield(e2, t2 + 1, n2, i2, o2));
const l2 = a2.close[0];
if (a2.isOpen) {
let e3 = r2.has(l2) ? r2.get(l2) : 0;
r2.set(l2, e3 + 1);
} else {
let e3 = r2.has(l2) ? r2.get(l2) : 0;
if (e3 -= 1, r2.set(l2, Math.max(0, e3)), e3 < 0) {
let e4 = o2.get(l2);
e4 || (e4 = new Fr.a(), o2.set(l2, e4)), e4.push(a2.range);
i2 = a2.range.getEndPosition();
static _bracketsLeftYield(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
const s2 = new Map(), a2 =;
for (; ; ) {
if (t2 >= ru._maxRounds && 0 === o2.size) {
if (!i2) {
let l2 = n2.findPrevBracket(i2);
if (!l2) {
if ( - a2 > ru._maxDuration) {
setTimeout(() => ru._bracketsLeftYield(e2, t2 + 1, n2, i2, o2, r2));
const c2 = l2.close[0];
if (l2.isOpen) {
let e3 = s2.has(c2) ? s2.get(c2) : 0;
if (e3 -= 1, s2.set(c2, Math.max(0, e3)), e3 < 0) {
let e4 = o2.get(c2);
if (e4) {
let t3 = e4.shift();
0 === e4.size && o2.delete(c2);
const i3 = ge.a.fromPositions(l2.range.getEndPosition(), t3.getStartPosition()), s3 = ge.a.fromPositions(l2.range.getStartPosition(), t3.getEndPosition());
r2.push({range: i3}), r2.push({range: s3}), ru._addBracketLeading(n2, s3, r2);
} else {
let e3 = s2.has(c2) ? s2.get(c2) : 0;
s2.set(c2, e3 + 1);
i2 = l2.range.getStartPosition();
static _addBracketLeading(e2, t2, n2) {
if (t2.startLineNumber === t2.endLineNumber)
const i2 = t2.startLineNumber, o2 = e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(i2);
0 !== o2 && o2 !== t2.startColumn && (n2.push({range: ge.a.fromPositions(new me.a(i2, o2), t2.getEndPosition())}), n2.push({range: ge.a.fromPositions(new me.a(i2, 1), t2.getEndPosition())}));
const r2 = i2 - 1;
if (r2 > 0) {
const i3 = e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(r2);
i3 === t2.startColumn && i3 !== e2.getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(r2) && (n2.push({range: ge.a.fromPositions(new me.a(r2, i3), t2.getEndPosition())}), n2.push({range: ge.a.fromPositions(new me.a(r2, 1), t2.getEndPosition())}));
ru._maxDuration = 30, ru._maxRounds = 2;
var su = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class au {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.index = e2, this.ranges = t2;
mov(e2) {
let t2 = this.index + (e2 ? 1 : -1);
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= this.ranges.length)
return this;
const n2 = new au(t2, this.ranges);
return n2.ranges[t2].equalsRange(this.ranges[this.index]) ? : n2;
class lu {
constructor(e2) {
this._ignoreSelection = false, this._editor = e2;
static get(e2) {
return e2.getContribution(lu.ID);
dispose() {
run(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const t2 = this._editor.getSelections(), n2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (!et.x.has(n2))
let i2 = Promise.resolve(void 0);
return this._state || (i2 = du(n2, => e3.getPosition()), Xe.a.None).then((e3) => {
if (G.o(e3) && e3.length === t2.length && this._editor.hasModel() && G.g(this._editor.getSelections(), t2, (e4, t3) => e4.equalsSelection(t3))) {
for (let n3 = 0; n3 < e3.length; n3++)
e3[n3] = e3[n3].filter((e4) => e4.containsPosition(t2[n3].getStartPosition()) && e4.containsPosition(t2[n3].getEndPosition())), e3[n3].unshift(t2[n3]);
this._state = => new au(0, e4)), Object(pe.f)(this._selectionListener), this._selectionListener = this._editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(() => {
this._ignoreSelection || (Object(pe.f)(this._selectionListener), this._state = void 0);
})), i2.then(() => {
if (!this._state)
this._state = =>;
const t3 = => q.a.fromPositions(e3.ranges[e3.index].getStartPosition(), e3.ranges[e3.index].getEndPosition()));
this._ignoreSelection = true;
try {
} finally {
this._ignoreSelection = false;
lu.ID = "editor.contrib.smartSelectController";
class cu extends V.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this._forward = e2;
run(e2, t2) {
return su(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let e3 = lu.get(t2);
e3 && (yield;
Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("editor.action.smartSelect.grow", "editor.action.smartSelect.expand");
function du(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = et.x.all(e2);
1 === i2.length && i2.unshift(new ru());
let o2 = [], r2 = [];
for (const s2 of i2)
o2.push(Promise.resolve(s2.provideSelectionRanges(e2, t2, n2)).then((e3) => {
if (G.o(e3) && e3.length === t2.length)
for (let n3 = 0; n3 < t2.length; n3++) {
r2[n3] || (r2[n3] = []);
for (const i3 of e3[n3])
ge.a.isIRange(i3.range) && ge.a.containsPosition(i3.range, t2[n3]) && r2[n3].push(ge.a.lift(i3.range));
}, Z.f));
return Promise.all(o2).then(() => => {
if (0 === t3.length)
return [];
t3.sort((e3, t4) => me.a.isBefore(e3.getStartPosition(), t4.getStartPosition()) ? 1 : me.a.isBefore(t4.getStartPosition(), e3.getStartPosition()) || me.a.isBefore(e3.getEndPosition(), t4.getEndPosition()) ? -1 : me.a.isBefore(t4.getEndPosition(), e3.getEndPosition()) ? 1 : 0);
let n3, i3 = [];
for (const e3 of t3)
(!n3 || ge.a.containsRange(e3, n3) && !ge.a.equalsRange(e3, n3)) && (i3.push(e3), n3 = e3);
let o3 = [i3[0]];
for (let t4 = 1; t4 < i3.length; t4++) {
const n4 = i3[t4 - 1], r3 = i3[t4];
if (r3.startLineNumber !== n4.startLineNumber || r3.endLineNumber !== n4.endLineNumber) {
const t5 = new ge.a(n4.startLineNumber, e2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(n4.startLineNumber), n4.endLineNumber, e2.getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(n4.endLineNumber));
t5.containsRange(n4) && !t5.equalsRange(n4) && r3.containsRange(t5) && !r3.equalsRange(t5) && o3.push(t5);
const i4 = new ge.a(n4.startLineNumber, 1, n4.endLineNumber, e2.getLineMaxColumn(n4.endLineNumber));
i4.containsRange(n4) && !i4.equalsRange(t5) && r3.containsRange(i4) && !r3.equalsRange(i4) && o3.push(i4);
return o3;
Object(V.m)(lu.ID, lu), Object(V.k)(class extends cu {
constructor() {
super(true, {id: "editor.action.smartSelect.expand", label: U.a("smartSelect.expand", "Expand Selection"), alias: "Expand Selection", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1553, mac: {primary: 3345, secondary: [1297]}, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "1_basic", title: U.a({key: "miSmartSelectGrow", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Expand Selection"), order: 2}});
}), Object(V.k)(class extends cu {
constructor() {
super(false, {id: "editor.action.smartSelect.shrink", label: U.a("smartSelect.shrink", "Shrink Selection"), alias: "Shrink Selection", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1551, mac: {primary: 3343, secondary: [1295]}, weight: 100}, menuOpts: {menuId: ye.b.MenubarSelectionMenu, group: "1_basic", title: U.a({key: "miSmartSelectShrink", comment: ["&& denotes a mnemonic"]}, "&&Shrink Selection"), order: 3}});
}), et.x.register("*", new class {
provideSelectionRanges(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [];
for (const i2 of t2) {
const t3 = [];
n2.push(t3), this._addInWordRanges(t3, e2, i2), this._addWordRanges(t3, e2, i2), this._addWhitespaceLine(t3, e2, i2), t3.push({range: e2.getFullModelRange()});
return n2;
_addInWordRanges(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.getWordAtPosition(n2);
if (!i2)
let {word: o2, startColumn: r2} = i2, s2 = n2.column - r2, a2 = s2, l2 = s2, c2 = 0;
for (; a2 >= 0; a2--) {
let e3 = o2.charCodeAt(a2);
if (a2 !== s2 && (95 === e3 || 45 === e3))
if (Object(Ye.H)(e3) && Object(Ye.I)(c2))
c2 = e3;
for (a2 += 1; l2 < o2.length; l2++) {
let e3 = o2.charCodeAt(l2);
if (Object(Ye.I)(e3) && Object(Ye.H)(c2))
if (95 === e3 || 45 === e3)
c2 = e3;
a2 < l2 && e2.push({range: new ge.a(n2.lineNumber, r2 + a2, n2.lineNumber, r2 + l2)});
_addWordRanges(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.getWordAtPosition(n2);
i2 && e2.push({range: new ge.a(n2.lineNumber, i2.startColumn, n2.lineNumber, i2.endColumn)});
_addWhitespaceLine(e2, t2, n2) {
t2.getLineLength(n2.lineNumber) > 0 && 0 === t2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(n2.lineNumber) && 0 === t2.getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(n2.lineNumber) && e2.push({range: new ge.a(n2.lineNumber, 1, n2.lineNumber, t2.getLineMaxColumn(n2.lineNumber))});
}()), Object(V.q)("_executeSelectionRangeProvider", function(e2, ...t2) {
const [n2] = t2;
return du(e2, n2, Xe.a.None);
class hu {
constructor() {
this.value = "", this.pos = 0;
static isDigitCharacter(e2) {
return e2 >= 48 && e2 <= 57;
static isVariableCharacter(e2) {
return 95 === e2 || e2 >= 97 && e2 <= 122 || e2 >= 65 && e2 <= 90;
text(e2) {
this.value = e2, this.pos = 0;
tokenText(e2) {
return this.value.substr(e2.pos, e2.len);
next() {
if (this.pos >= this.value.length)
return {type: 14, pos: this.pos, len: 0};
let e2, t2 = this.pos, n2 = 0, i2 = this.value.charCodeAt(t2);
if (e2 = hu._table[i2], "number" == typeof e2)
return this.pos += 1, {type: e2, pos: t2, len: 1};
if (hu.isDigitCharacter(i2)) {
e2 = 8;
do {
n2 += 1, i2 = this.value.charCodeAt(t2 + n2);
} while (hu.isDigitCharacter(i2));
return this.pos += n2, {type: e2, pos: t2, len: n2};
if (hu.isVariableCharacter(i2)) {
e2 = 9;
do {
i2 = this.value.charCodeAt(t2 + ++n2);
} while (hu.isVariableCharacter(i2) || hu.isDigitCharacter(i2));
return this.pos += n2, {type: e2, pos: t2, len: n2};
e2 = 10;
do {
n2 += 1, i2 = this.value.charCodeAt(t2 + n2);
} while (!isNaN(i2) && void 0 === hu._table[i2] && !hu.isDigitCharacter(i2) && !hu.isVariableCharacter(i2));
return this.pos += n2, {type: e2, pos: t2, len: n2};
hu._table = {36: 0, 58: 1, 44: 2, 123: 3, 125: 4, 92: 5, 47: 6, 124: 7, 43: 11, 45: 12, 63: 13};
class uu {
constructor() {
this._children = [];
appendChild(e2) {
return e2 instanceof pu && this._children[this._children.length - 1] instanceof pu ? this._children[this._children.length - 1].value += e2.value : (e2.parent = this, this._children.push(e2)), this;
replace(e2, t2) {
const {parent: n2} = e2, i2 = n2.children.indexOf(e2), o2 = n2.children.slice(0);
o2.splice(i2, 1, ...t2), n2._children = o2, function e3(t3, n3) {
for (const i3 of t3)
i3.parent = n3, e3(i3.children, i3);
}(t2, n2);
get children() {
return this._children;
get snippet() {
let e2 = this;
for (; ; ) {
if (!e2)
if (e2 instanceof yu)
return e2;
e2 = e2.parent;
toString() {
return this.children.reduce((e2, t2) => e2 + t2.toString(), "");
len() {
return 0;
class pu extends uu {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.value = e2;
toString() {
return this.value;
len() {
return this.value.length;
clone() {
return new pu(this.value);
class mu extends uu {
class gu extends mu {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.index = e2;
static compareByIndex(e2, t2) {
return e2.index === t2.index ? 0 : e2.isFinalTabstop ? 1 : t2.isFinalTabstop || e2.index < t2.index ? -1 : e2.index > t2.index ? 1 : 0;
get isFinalTabstop() {
return 0 === this.index;
get choice() {
return 1 === this._children.length && this._children[0] instanceof fu ? this._children[0] : void 0;
clone() {
let e2 = new gu(this.index);
return this.transform && (e2.transform = this.transform.clone()), e2._children = => e3.clone()), e2;
class fu extends uu {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.options = [];
appendChild(e2) {
return e2 instanceof pu && (e2.parent = this, this.options.push(e2)), this;
toString() {
return this.options[0].value;
len() {
return this.options[0].len();
clone() {
let e2 = new fu();
return this.options.forEach(e2.appendChild, e2), e2;
class bu extends uu {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.regexp = new RegExp("");
resolve(e2) {
const t2 = this;
let n2 = false, i2 = e2.replace(this.regexp, function() {
return n2 = true, t2._replace(, 0, -2));
return !n2 && this._children.some((e3) => e3 instanceof _u && Boolean(e3.elseValue)) && (i2 = this._replace([])), i2;
_replace(e2) {
let t2 = "";
for (const n2 of this._children)
if (n2 instanceof _u) {
let i2 = e2[n2.index] || "";
i2 = n2.resolve(i2), t2 += i2;
} else
t2 += n2.toString();
return t2;
toString() {
return "";
clone() {
let e2 = new bu();
return e2.regexp = new RegExp(this.regexp.source, (this.regexp.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + ( ? "g" : "")), e2._children = => e3.clone()), e2;
class _u extends uu {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this.index = e2, this.shorthandName = t2, this.ifValue = n2, this.elseValue = i2;
resolve(e2) {
return "upcase" === this.shorthandName ? e2 ? e2.toLocaleUpperCase() : "" : "downcase" === this.shorthandName ? e2 ? e2.toLocaleLowerCase() : "" : "capitalize" === this.shorthandName ? e2 ? e2[0].toLocaleUpperCase() + e2.substr(1) : "" : "pascalcase" === this.shorthandName ? e2 ? this._toPascalCase(e2) : "" : Boolean(e2) && "string" == typeof this.ifValue ? this.ifValue : Boolean(e2) || "string" != typeof this.elseValue ? e2 || "" : this.elseValue;
_toPascalCase(e2) {
const t2 = e2.match(/[a-z]+/gi);
return t2 ? {
return e3.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e3.substr(1).toLowerCase();
}).join("") : e2;
clone() {
return new _u(this.index, this.shorthandName, this.ifValue, this.elseValue);
class vu extends mu {
constructor(e2) {
super(), = e2;
resolve(e2) {
let t2 = e2.resolve(this);
return this.transform && (t2 = this.transform.resolve(t2 || "")), void 0 !== t2 && (this._children = [new pu(t2)], true);
clone() {
const e2 = new vu(;
return this.transform && (e2.transform = this.transform.clone()), e2._children = => e3.clone()), e2;
function wu(e2, t2) {
const n2 = [...e2];
for (; n2.length > 0; ) {
const e3 = n2.shift();
if (!t2(e3))
class yu extends uu {
get placeholderInfo() {
if (!this._placeholders) {
let e2, t2 = [];
this.walk(function(n2) {
return n2 instanceof gu && (t2.push(n2), e2 = !e2 || e2.index < n2.index ? n2 : e2), true;
}), this._placeholders = {all: t2, last: e2};
return this._placeholders;
get placeholders() {
const {all: e2} = this.placeholderInfo;
return e2;
offset(e2) {
let t2 = 0, n2 = false;
return this.walk((i2) => i2 === e2 ? (n2 = true, false) : (t2 += i2.len(), true)), n2 ? t2 : -1;
fullLen(e2) {
let t2 = 0;
return wu([e2], (e3) => (t2 += e3.len(), true)), t2;
enclosingPlaceholders(e2) {
let t2 = [], {parent: n2} = e2;
for (; n2; )
n2 instanceof gu && t2.push(n2), n2 = n2.parent;
return t2;
resolveVariables(e2) {
return this.walk((t2) => (t2 instanceof vu && t2.resolve(e2) && (this._placeholders = void 0), true)), this;
appendChild(e2) {
return this._placeholders = void 0, super.appendChild(e2);
replace(e2, t2) {
return this._placeholders = void 0, super.replace(e2, t2);
clone() {
let e2 = new yu();
return this._children = => e3.clone()), e2;
walk(e2) {
wu(this.children, e2);
class Cu {
constructor() {
this._scanner = new hu(), this._token = {type: 14, pos: 0, len: 0};
static escape(e2) {
return e2.replace(/\$|}|\\/g, "\\$&");
static guessNeedsClipboard(e2) {
return /\${?CLIPBOARD/.test(e2);
parse(e2, t2, n2) {
this._scanner.text(e2), this._token =;
const i2 = new yu();
for (; this._parse(i2); )
const o2 = new Map(), r2 = [];
let s2 = 0;
i2.walk((e3) => (e3 instanceof gu && (s2 += 1, e3.isFinalTabstop ? o2.set(0, void 0) : !o2.has(e3.index) && e3.children.length > 0 ? o2.set(e3.index, e3.children) : r2.push(e3)), true));
for (const e3 of r2) {
const t3 = o2.get(e3.index);
if (t3) {
const n3 = new gu(e3.index);
n3.transform = e3.transform;
for (const e4 of t3)
i2.replace(e3, [n3]);
return n2 || (n2 = s2 > 0 && t2), !o2.has(0) && n2 && i2.appendChild(new gu(0)), i2;
_accept(e2, t2) {
if (void 0 === e2 || this._token.type === e2) {
let e3 = !t2 || this._scanner.tokenText(this._token);
return this._token =, e3;
return false;
_backTo(e2) {
return this._scanner.pos = e2.pos + e2.len, this._token = e2, false;
_until(e2) {
const t2 = this._token;
for (; this._token.type !== e2; ) {
if (14 === this._token.type)
return false;
if (5 === this._token.type) {
const e3 =;
if (0 !== e3.type && 4 !== e3.type && 5 !== e3.type)
return false;
this._token =;
const n2 = this._scanner.value.substring(t2.pos, this._token.pos).replace(/\\(\$|}|\\)/g, "$1");
return this._token =, n2;
_parse(e2) {
return this._parseEscaped(e2) || this._parseTabstopOrVariableName(e2) || this._parseComplexPlaceholder(e2) || this._parseComplexVariable(e2) || this._parseAnything(e2);
_parseEscaped(e2) {
let t2;
return !!(t2 = this._accept(5, true)) && (t2 = this._accept(0, true) || this._accept(4, true) || this._accept(5, true) || t2, e2.appendChild(new pu(t2)), true);
_parseTabstopOrVariableName(e2) {
let t2;
const n2 = this._token;
return this._accept(0) && (t2 = this._accept(9, true) || this._accept(8, true)) ? (e2.appendChild(/^\d+$/.test(t2) ? new gu(Number(t2)) : new vu(t2)), true) : this._backTo(n2);
_parseComplexPlaceholder(e2) {
let t2;
const n2 = this._token;
if (!(this._accept(0) && this._accept(3) && (t2 = this._accept(8, true))))
return this._backTo(n2);
const i2 = new gu(Number(t2));
if (this._accept(1))
for (; ; ) {
if (this._accept(4))
return e2.appendChild(i2), true;
if (!this._parse(i2))
return e2.appendChild(new pu("${" + t2 + ":")), i2.children.forEach(e2.appendChild, e2), true;
else {
if (!(i2.index > 0 && this._accept(7)))
return this._accept(6) ? this._parseTransform(i2) ? (e2.appendChild(i2), true) : (this._backTo(n2), false) : this._accept(4) ? (e2.appendChild(i2), true) : this._backTo(n2);
const t3 = new fu();
for (; ; ) {
if (this._parseChoiceElement(t3)) {
if (this._accept(2))
if (this._accept(7) && (i2.appendChild(t3), this._accept(4)))
return e2.appendChild(i2), true;
return this._backTo(n2), false;
_parseChoiceElement(e2) {
const t2 = this._token, n2 = [];
for (; 2 !== this._token.type && 7 !== this._token.type; ) {
let e3;
if (e3 = (e3 = this._accept(5, true)) ? this._accept(2, true) || this._accept(7, true) || this._accept(5, true) || e3 : this._accept(void 0, true), !e3)
return this._backTo(t2), false;
return 0 === n2.length ? (this._backTo(t2), false) : (e2.appendChild(new pu(n2.join(""))), true);
_parseComplexVariable(e2) {
let t2;
const n2 = this._token;
if (!(this._accept(0) && this._accept(3) && (t2 = this._accept(9, true))))
return this._backTo(n2);
const i2 = new vu(t2);
if (!this._accept(1))
return this._accept(6) ? this._parseTransform(i2) ? (e2.appendChild(i2), true) : (this._backTo(n2), false) : this._accept(4) ? (e2.appendChild(i2), true) : this._backTo(n2);
for (; ; ) {
if (this._accept(4))
return e2.appendChild(i2), true;
if (!this._parse(i2))
return e2.appendChild(new pu("${" + t2 + ":")), i2.children.forEach(e2.appendChild, e2), true;
_parseTransform(e2) {
let t2 = new bu(), n2 = "", i2 = "";
for (; !this._accept(6); ) {
let e3;
if (e3 = this._accept(5, true))
e3 = this._accept(6, true) || e3, n2 += e3;
else {
if (14 === this._token.type)
return false;
n2 += this._accept(void 0, true);
for (; !this._accept(6); ) {
let e3;
if (e3 = this._accept(5, true))
e3 = this._accept(5, true) || this._accept(6, true) || e3, t2.appendChild(new pu(e3));
else if (!this._parseFormatString(t2) && !this._parseAnything(t2))
return false;
for (; !this._accept(4); ) {
if (14 === this._token.type)
return false;
i2 += this._accept(void 0, true);
try {
t2.regexp = new RegExp(n2, i2);
} catch (e3) {
return false;
return e2.transform = t2, true;
_parseFormatString(e2) {
const t2 = this._token;
if (!this._accept(0))
return false;
let n2 = false;
this._accept(3) && (n2 = true);
let i2 = this._accept(8, true);
if (!i2)
return this._backTo(t2), false;
if (!n2)
return e2.appendChild(new _u(Number(i2))), true;
if (this._accept(4))
return e2.appendChild(new _u(Number(i2))), true;
if (!this._accept(1))
return this._backTo(t2), false;
if (this._accept(6)) {
let n3 = this._accept(9, true);
return n3 && this._accept(4) ? (e2.appendChild(new _u(Number(i2), n3)), true) : (this._backTo(t2), false);
if (this._accept(11)) {
let t3 = this._until(4);
if (t3)
return e2.appendChild(new _u(Number(i2), void 0, t3, void 0)), true;
} else if (this._accept(12)) {
let t3 = this._until(4);
if (t3)
return e2.appendChild(new _u(Number(i2), void 0, void 0, t3)), true;
} else if (this._accept(13)) {
let t3 = this._until(1);
if (t3) {
let n3 = this._until(4);
if (n3)
return e2.appendChild(new _u(Number(i2), void 0, t3, n3)), true;
} else {
let t3 = this._until(4);
if (t3)
return e2.appendChild(new _u(Number(i2), void 0, void 0, t3)), true;
return this._backTo(t2), false;
_parseAnything(e2) {
return 14 !== this._token.type && (e2.appendChild(new pu(this._scanner.tokenText(this._token))), this._accept(void 0), true);
var xu = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const Su = {Visible: new K.c("suggestWidgetVisible", false), DetailsVisible: new K.c("suggestWidgetDetailsVisible", false), MultipleSuggestions: new K.c("suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions", false), MakesTextEdit: new K.c("suggestionMakesTextEdit", true), AcceptSuggestionsOnEnter: new K.c("acceptSuggestionOnEnter", true), HasInsertAndReplaceRange: new K.c("suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange", false), CanResolve: new K.c("suggestionCanResolve", false)}, ku = new ye.b("suggestWidgetStatusBar");
class Eu {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.position = e2, this.completion = t2, this.container = n2, this.provider = i2, this.isInvalid = false, this.score = va.a.Default, this.distance = 0, this.textLabel = "string" == typeof t2.label ? t2.label :, this.labelLow = this.textLabel.toLowerCase(), this.isInvalid = !this.textLabel, this.sortTextLow = t2.sortText && t2.sortText.toLowerCase(), this.filterTextLow = t2.filterText && t2.filterText.toLowerCase(), ge.a.isIRange(t2.range) ? (this.editStart = new me.a(t2.range.startLineNumber, t2.range.startColumn), this.editInsertEnd = new me.a(t2.range.endLineNumber, t2.range.endColumn), this.editReplaceEnd = new me.a(t2.range.endLineNumber, t2.range.endColumn), this.isInvalid = this.isInvalid || ge.a.spansMultipleLines(t2.range) || t2.range.startLineNumber !== e2.lineNumber) : (this.editStart = new me.a(t2.range.insert.startLineNumber, t2.range.insert.startColumn), this.editInsertEnd = new me.a(t2.range.insert.endLineNumber, t2.range.insert.endColumn), this.editReplaceEnd = new me.a(t2.range.replace.endLineNumber, t2.range.replace.endColumn), this.isInvalid = this.isInvalid || ge.a.spansMultipleLines(t2.range.insert) || ge.a.spansMultipleLines(t2.range.replace) || t2.range.insert.startLineNumber !== e2.lineNumber || t2.range.replace.startLineNumber !== e2.lineNumber || t2.range.insert.startColumn !== t2.range.replace.startColumn), "function" != typeof i2.resolveCompletionItem && (this._resolveCache = Promise.resolve(), this._isResolved = true);
get isResolved() {
return !!this._isResolved;
resolve(e2) {
return xu(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this._resolveCache) {
const t2 = e2.onCancellationRequested(() => {
this._resolveCache = void 0, this._isResolved = false;
this._resolveCache = Promise.resolve(this.provider.resolveCompletionItem(this.completion, e2)).then((e3) => {
Object.assign(this.completion, e3), this._isResolved = true, t2.dispose();
}, (e3) => {
Object(Z.d)(e3) && (this._resolveCache = void 0, this._isResolved = false);
return this._resolveCache;
class Tu {
constructor(e2 = 2, t2 = new Set(), n2 = new Set()) {
this.snippetSortOrder = e2, this.kindFilter = t2, this.providerFilter = n2;
Tu.default = new Tu();
class Lu {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this.items = e2, this.needsClipboard = t2, this.dispoables = n2;
function Nu(e2, t2, n2 = Tu.default, i2 = {triggerKind: 0}, o2 = Xe.a.None) {
return xu(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
t2 = t2.clone();
const r2 = e2.getWordAtPosition(t2), s2 = r2 ? new ge.a(t2.lineNumber, r2.startColumn, t2.lineNumber, r2.endColumn) : ge.a.fromPositions(t2), a2 = {replace: s2, insert: s2.setEndPosition(t2.lineNumber, t2.column)}, l2 = [], c2 = new pe.b();
let d2 = false;
const h2 = (e3, i3) => {
if (i3) {
for (let o3 of i3.suggestions)
n2.kindFilter.has(o3.kind) || (o3.range || (o3.range = a2), o3.sortText || (o3.sortText = "string" == typeof o3.label ? o3.label :, !d2 && o3.insertTextRules && 4 & o3.insertTextRules && (d2 = Cu.guessNeedsClipboard(o3.insertText)), l2.push(new Eu(t2, o3, i3, e3)));
Object(pe.g)(i3) && c2.add(i3);
}, u2 = (() => xu(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
for (let r3 of et.d.orderedGroups(e2)) {
let s3 = l2.length;
if (yield Promise.all( => xu(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(n2.providerFilter.size > 0) || n2.providerFilter.has(r4))
try {
const n3 = yield r4.provideCompletionItems(e2, t2, i2, o2);
h2(r4, n3);
} catch (e3) {
}))), s3 !== l2.length || o2.isCancellationRequested)
return yield u2, o2.isCancellationRequested ? (c2.dispose(), Promise.reject(Object(Z.a)())) : new Lu(l2.sort(Du(n2.snippetSortOrder)), d2, c2);
function Iu(e2, t2) {
if (e2.sortTextLow && t2.sortTextLow) {
if (e2.sortTextLow < t2.sortTextLow)
return -1;
if (e2.sortTextLow > t2.sortTextLow)
return 1;
return e2.completion.label < t2.completion.label ? -1 : e2.completion.label > t2.completion.label ? 1 : e2.completion.kind - t2.completion.kind;
const Ou = new Map();
function Du(e2) {
return Ou.get(e2);
Ou.set(0, function(e2, t2) {
if (e2.completion.kind !== t2.completion.kind) {
if (27 === e2.completion.kind)
return -1;
if (27 === t2.completion.kind)
return 1;
return Iu(e2, t2);
}), Ou.set(2, function(e2, t2) {
if (e2.completion.kind !== t2.completion.kind) {
if (27 === e2.completion.kind)
return 1;
if (27 === t2.completion.kind)
return -1;
return Iu(e2, t2);
}), Ou.set(1, Iu), Object(V.j)("_executeCompletionItemProvider", (e2, t2, n2) => xu(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const i2 = {incomplete: false, suggestions: []}, o2 = [], r2 = n2.maxItemsToResolve || 0, s2 = yield Nu(e2, t2);
for (const e3 of s2.items)
o2.length < r2 && o2.push(e3.resolve(Xe.a.None)), i2.incomplete = i2.incomplete || e3.container.incomplete, i2.suggestions.push(e3.completion);
try {
return yield Promise.all(o2), i2;
} finally {
setTimeout(() => s2.dispoables.dispose(), 100);
const Au = new class {
constructor() {
this.onlyOnceSuggestions = [];
provideCompletionItems() {
let e2 = {suggestions: this.onlyOnceSuggestions.slice(0)};
return this.onlyOnceSuggestions.length = 0, e2;
et.d.register("*", Au);
var Ru = n(169);
function Mu(e2) {
return e2 instanceof Qe.a;
class Pu {
constructor(e2) {
this._delegates = e2;
resolve(e2) {
for (const t2 of this._delegates) {
let n2 = t2.resolve(e2);
if (void 0 !== n2)
return n2;
class Fu {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._model = e2, this._selection = t2, this._selectionIdx = n2, this._overtypingCapturer = i2;
resolve(e2) {
const {name: t2} = e2;
if ("SELECTION" === t2 || "TM_SELECTED_TEXT" === t2) {
let t3 = this._model.getValueInRange(this._selection) || void 0, n2 = this._selection.startLineNumber !== this._selection.endLineNumber;
if (!t3 && this._overtypingCapturer) {
const e3 = this._overtypingCapturer.getLastOvertypedInfo(this._selectionIdx);
e3 && (t3 = e3.value, n2 = e3.multiline);
if (t3 && n2 && e2.snippet) {
const n3 = this._model.getLineContent(this._selection.startLineNumber), i2 = Object(Ye.z)(n3, 0, this._selection.startColumn - 1);
let o2 = i2;
e2.snippet.walk((t4) => t4 !== e2 && (t4 instanceof pu && (o2 = Object(Ye.z)(t4.value.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).pop())), true));
const r2 = Object(Ye.d)(o2, i2);
t3 = t3.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)(.*)/g, (e3, t4, n4) => `${t4}${o2.substr(r2)}${n4}`);
return t3;
if ("TM_CURRENT_LINE" === t2)
return this._model.getLineContent(this._selection.positionLineNumber);
if ("TM_CURRENT_WORD" === t2) {
const e3 = this._model.getWordAtPosition({lineNumber: this._selection.positionLineNumber, column: this._selection.positionColumn});
return e3 && e3.word || void 0;
return "TM_LINE_INDEX" === t2 ? String(this._selection.positionLineNumber - 1) : "TM_LINE_NUMBER" === t2 ? String(this._selection.positionLineNumber) : void 0;
class Wu {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._labelService = e2, this._model = t2;
resolve(e2) {
const {name: t2} = e2;
if ("TM_FILENAME" === t2)
return pa.a(this._model.uri.fsPath);
if ("TM_FILENAME_BASE" === t2) {
const e3 = pa.a(this._model.uri.fsPath), t3 = e3.lastIndexOf(".");
return t3 <= 0 ? e3 : e3.slice(0, t3);
return "TM_DIRECTORY" === t2 && this._labelService ? "." === pa.b(this._model.uri.fsPath) ? "" : this._labelService.getUriLabel(Object(jt.d)(this._model.uri)) : "TM_FILEPATH" === t2 && this._labelService ? this._labelService.getUriLabel(this._model.uri) : void 0;
class zu {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this._readClipboardText = e2, this._selectionIdx = t2, this._selectionCount = n2, this._spread = i2;
resolve(e2) {
if ("CLIPBOARD" !==
const t2 = this._readClipboardText();
if (t2) {
if (this._spread) {
const e3 = t2.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/).filter((e4) => !Object(Ye.D)(e4));
if (e3.length === this._selectionCount)
return e3[this._selectionIdx];
return t2;
class Bu {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._model = e2, this._selection = t2;
resolve(e2) {
const {name: t2} = e2, n2 = this._model.getLanguageIdAtPosition(this._selection.selectionStartLineNumber, this._selection.selectionStartColumn), i2 = Pn.a.getComments(n2);
if (i2)
return "LINE_COMMENT" === t2 ? i2.lineCommentToken || void 0 : "BLOCK_COMMENT_START" === t2 ? i2.blockCommentStartToken || void 0 : "BLOCK_COMMENT_END" === t2 && i2.blockCommentEndToken || void 0;
class ju {
resolve(e2) {
const {name: t2} = e2;
return "CURRENT_YEAR" === t2 ? String(new Date().getFullYear()) : "CURRENT_YEAR_SHORT" === t2 ? String(new Date().getFullYear()).slice(-2) : "CURRENT_MONTH" === t2 ? String(new Date().getMonth().valueOf() + 1).padStart(2, "0") : "CURRENT_DATE" === t2 ? String(new Date().getDate().valueOf()).padStart(2, "0") : "CURRENT_HOUR" === t2 ? String(new Date().getHours().valueOf()).padStart(2, "0") : "CURRENT_MINUTE" === t2 ? String(new Date().getMinutes().valueOf()).padStart(2, "0") : "CURRENT_SECOND" === t2 ? String(new Date().getSeconds().valueOf()).padStart(2, "0") : "CURRENT_DAY_NAME" === t2 ? ju.dayNames[new Date().getDay()] : "CURRENT_DAY_NAME_SHORT" === t2 ? ju.dayNamesShort[new Date().getDay()] : "CURRENT_MONTH_NAME" === t2 ? ju.monthNames[new Date().getMonth()] : "CURRENT_MONTH_NAME_SHORT" === t2 ? ju.monthNamesShort[new Date().getMonth()] : "CURRENT_SECONDS_UNIX" === t2 ? String(Math.floor( / 1e3)) : void 0;
ju.dayNames = [U.a("Sunday", "Sunday"), U.a("Monday", "Monday"), U.a("Tuesday", "Tuesday"), U.a("Wednesday", "Wednesday"), U.a("Thursday", "Thursday"), U.a("Friday", "Friday"), U.a("Saturday", "Saturday")], ju.dayNamesShort = [U.a("SundayShort", "Sun"), U.a("MondayShort", "Mon"), U.a("TuesdayShort", "Tue"), U.a("WednesdayShort", "Wed"), U.a("ThursdayShort", "Thu"), U.a("FridayShort", "Fri"), U.a("SaturdayShort", "Sat")], ju.monthNames = [U.a("January", "January"), U.a("February", "February"), U.a("March", "March"), U.a("April", "April"), U.a("May", "May"), U.a("June", "June"), U.a("July", "July"), U.a("August", "August"), U.a("September", "September"), U.a("October", "October"), U.a("November", "November"), U.a("December", "December")], ju.monthNamesShort = [U.a("JanuaryShort", "Jan"), U.a("FebruaryShort", "Feb"), U.a("MarchShort", "Mar"), U.a("AprilShort", "Apr"), U.a("MayShort", "May"), U.a("JuneShort", "Jun"), U.a("JulyShort", "Jul"), U.a("AugustShort", "Aug"), U.a("SeptemberShort", "Sep"), U.a("OctoberShort", "Oct"), U.a("NovemberShort", "Nov"), U.a("DecemberShort", "Dec")];
class Vu {
constructor(e2) {
this._workspaceService = e2;
resolve(e2) {
if (!this._workspaceService)
const t2 = function(e3) {
return e3.configuration ? {configPath: e3.configuration, id:} : 1 === e3.folders.length ? e3.folders[0].uri : void 0;
return t2 ? "WORKSPACE_NAME" === ? this._resolveWorkspaceName(t2) : "WORKSPACE_FOLDER" === ? this._resoveWorkspacePath(t2) : void 0 : void 0;
_resolveWorkspaceName(e2) {
if (Mu(e2))
return pa.a(e2.path);
let t2 = pa.a(e2.configPath.path);
return t2.endsWith("code-workspace") && (t2 = t2.substr(0, t2.length - "code-workspace".length - 1)), t2;
_resoveWorkspacePath(e2) {
if (Mu(e2))
return ba(e2.fsPath);
let t2 = pa.a(e2.configPath.path), n2 = e2.configPath.fsPath;
return n2.endsWith(t2) && (n2 = n2.substr(0, n2.length - t2.length - 1)), n2 ? ba(n2) : "/";
class Uu {
resolve(e2) {
const {name: t2} = e2;
return "RANDOM" === t2 ? Math.random().toString().slice(-6) : "RANDOM_HEX" === t2 ? Math.random().toString(16).slice(-6) : void 0;
Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
function n2(t3) {
const n3 = e2.getColor(t3);
return n3 ? n3.toString() : "transparent";
t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .snippet-placeholder { background-color: ${n2(ve.oc)}; outline-color: ${n2(ve.pc)}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .finish-snippet-placeholder { background-color: ${n2(}; outline-color: ${n2(}; }`);
class Hu {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._nestingLevel = 1, this._editor = e2, this._snippet = t2, this._offset = n2, this._placeholderGroups = Object(G.m)(t2.placeholders, gu.compareByIndex), this._placeholderGroupsIdx = -1;
dispose() {
this._placeholderDecorations && this._editor.deltaDecorations([...this._placeholderDecorations.values()], []), this._placeholderGroups.length = 0;
_initDecorations() {
if (this._placeholderDecorations)
this._placeholderDecorations = new Map();
const e2 = this._editor.getModel();
this._editor.changeDecorations((t2) => {
for (const n2 of this._snippet.placeholders) {
const i2 = this._snippet.offset(n2), o2 = this._snippet.fullLen(n2), r2 = ge.a.fromPositions(e2.getPositionAt(this._offset + i2), e2.getPositionAt(this._offset + i2 + o2)), s2 = n2.isFinalTabstop ? Hu._decor.inactiveFinal : Hu._decor.inactive, a2 = t2.addDecoration(r2, s2);
this._placeholderDecorations.set(n2, a2);
move(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return [];
if (this._initDecorations(), this._placeholderGroupsIdx >= 0) {
let e3 = [];
for (const t3 of this._placeholderGroups[this._placeholderGroupsIdx])
if (t3.transform) {
const n3 = this._placeholderDecorations.get(t3), i2 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(n3), o2 = this._editor.getModel().getValueInRange(i2);
e3.push(Mn.a.replaceMove(i2, t3.transform.resolve(o2)));
e3.length > 0 && this._editor.executeEdits("snippet.placeholderTransform", e3);
let t2 = false;
true === e2 && this._placeholderGroupsIdx < this._placeholderGroups.length - 1 ? (this._placeholderGroupsIdx += 1, t2 = true) : false === e2 && this._placeholderGroupsIdx > 0 && (this._placeholderGroupsIdx -= 1, t2 = true);
const n2 = this._editor.getModel().changeDecorations((e3) => {
const n3 = new Set(), i2 = [];
for (const o2 of this._placeholderGroups[this._placeholderGroupsIdx]) {
const r2 = this._placeholderDecorations.get(o2), s2 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(r2);
i2.push(new q.a(s2.startLineNumber, s2.startColumn, s2.endLineNumber, s2.endColumn)), t2 = t2 && this._hasPlaceholderBeenCollapsed(o2), e3.changeDecorationOptions(r2, o2.isFinalTabstop ? Hu._decor.activeFinal :, n3.add(o2);
for (const t3 of this._snippet.enclosingPlaceholders(o2)) {
const i3 = this._placeholderDecorations.get(t3);
e3.changeDecorationOptions(i3, t3.isFinalTabstop ? Hu._decor.activeFinal :, n3.add(t3);
for (const [t3, i3] of this._placeholderDecorations)
n3.has(t3) || e3.changeDecorationOptions(i3, t3.isFinalTabstop ? Hu._decor.inactiveFinal : Hu._decor.inactive);
return i2;
return t2 ? this.move(e2) : null != n2 ? n2 : [];
_hasPlaceholderBeenCollapsed(e2) {
let t2 = e2;
for (; t2; ) {
if (t2 instanceof gu) {
const e3 = this._placeholderDecorations.get(t2);
if (this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(e3).isEmpty() && t2.toString().length > 0)
return true;
t2 = t2.parent;
return false;
get isAtFirstPlaceholder() {
return this._placeholderGroupsIdx <= 0 || 0 === this._placeholderGroups.length;
get isAtLastPlaceholder() {
return this._placeholderGroupsIdx === this._placeholderGroups.length - 1;
get hasPlaceholder() {
return this._snippet.placeholders.length > 0;
computePossibleSelections() {
const e2 = new Map();
for (const t2 of this._placeholderGroups) {
let n2;
for (const i2 of t2) {
if (i2.isFinalTabstop)
n2 || (n2 = [], e2.set(i2.index, n2));
const t3 = this._placeholderDecorations.get(i2), o2 = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(t3);
if (!o2) {
return e2;
get choice() {
return this._placeholderGroups[this._placeholderGroupsIdx][0].choice;
merge(e2) {
const t2 = this._editor.getModel();
this._nestingLevel *= 10, this._editor.changeDecorations((n2) => {
for (const i2 of this._placeholderGroups[this._placeholderGroupsIdx]) {
const o2 = e2.shift();
const r2 = o2._snippet.placeholderInfo.last.index;
for (const e3 of o2._snippet.placeholderInfo.all)
e3.isFinalTabstop ? e3.index = i2.index + (r2 + 1) / this._nestingLevel : e3.index = i2.index + e3.index / this._nestingLevel;
this._snippet.replace(i2, o2._snippet.children);
const s2 = this._placeholderDecorations.get(i2);
n2.removeDecoration(s2), this._placeholderDecorations.delete(i2);
for (const e3 of o2._snippet.placeholders) {
const i3 = o2._snippet.offset(e3), r3 = o2._snippet.fullLen(e3), s3 = ge.a.fromPositions(t2.getPositionAt(o2._offset + i3), t2.getPositionAt(o2._offset + i3 + r3)), a2 = n2.addDecoration(s3, Hu._decor.inactive);
this._placeholderDecorations.set(e3, a2);
this._placeholderGroups = Object(G.m)(this._snippet.placeholders, gu.compareByIndex);
Hu._decor = {active: be.a.register({stickiness: 0, className: "snippet-placeholder"}), inactive: be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "snippet-placeholder"}), activeFinal: be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "finish-snippet-placeholder"}), inactiveFinal: be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "finish-snippet-placeholder"})};
const qu = {overwriteBefore: 0, overwriteAfter: 0, adjustWhitespace: true, clipboardText: void 0, overtypingCapturer: void 0};
class $u {
constructor(e2, t2, n2 = qu) {
this._templateMerges = [], this._snippets = [], this._editor = e2, this._template = t2, this._options = n2;
static adjustWhitespace(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
const r2 = e2.getLineContent(t2.lineNumber), s2 = Object(Ye.z)(r2, 0, t2.column - 1);
n2.walk((t3) => {
if (t3 instanceof pu && !(t3.parent instanceof fu)) {
const n3 = t3.value.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/);
if (i2)
for (let t4 = 1; t4 < n3.length; t4++) {
let i3 = Object(Ye.z)(n3[t4]);
n3[t4] = e2.normalizeIndentation(s2 + i3) + n3[t4].substr(i3.length);
if (o2) {
const i3 = n3.join(e2.getEOL());
i3 !== t3.value && t3.parent.replace(t3, [new pu(i3)]);
return true;
static adjustSelection(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
if (0 !== n2 || 0 !== i2) {
const {positionLineNumber: o2, positionColumn: r2} = t2, s2 = r2 - n2, a2 = r2 + i2, l2 = e2.validateRange({startLineNumber: o2, startColumn: s2, endLineNumber: o2, endColumn: a2});
t2 = q.a.createWithDirection(l2.startLineNumber, l2.startColumn, l2.endLineNumber, l2.endColumn, t2.getDirection());
return t2;
static createEditsAndSnippets(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2) {
const l2 = [], c2 = [];
if (!e2.hasModel())
return {edits: l2, snippets: c2};
const d2 = e2.getModel(), h2 = e2.invokeWithinContext((e3) => e3.get(Ru.a, gt.d)), u2 = e2.invokeWithinContext((e3) => new Wu(e3.get(ha.a, gt.d), d2)), p2 = () => s2;
let m2 = 0, g2 = d2.getValueInRange($u.adjustSelection(d2, e2.getSelection(), n2, 0)), f2 = d2.getValueInRange($u.adjustSelection(d2, e2.getSelection(), 0, i2)), b2 = d2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(e2.getSelection().positionLineNumber);
const _2 = e2.getSelections().map((e3, t3) => ({selection: e3, idx: t3})).sort((e3, t3) => ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e3.selection, t3.selection));
for (const {selection: s3, idx: v2} of _2) {
let w2 = $u.adjustSelection(d2, s3, n2, 0), y2 = $u.adjustSelection(d2, s3, 0, i2);
g2 !== d2.getValueInRange(w2) && (w2 = s3), f2 !== d2.getValueInRange(y2) && (y2 = s3);
const C2 = s3.setStartPosition(w2.startLineNumber, w2.startColumn).setEndPosition(y2.endLineNumber, y2.endColumn), x2 = new Cu().parse(t2, true, o2), S2 = C2.getStartPosition();
$u.adjustWhitespace(d2, S2, x2, r2 || v2 > 0 && b2 !== d2.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(s3.positionLineNumber), true), x2.resolveVariables(new Pu([u2, new zu(p2, v2, _2.length, "spread" === e2.getOption(62)), new Fu(d2, s3, v2, a2), new Bu(d2, s3), new ju(), new Vu(h2), new Uu()]));
const k2 = d2.getOffsetAt(S2) + m2;
m2 += x2.toString().length - d2.getValueLengthInRange(C2), l2[v2] = Mn.a.replace(C2, x2.toString()), l2[v2].identifier = {major: v2, minor: 0}, c2[v2] = new Hu(e2, x2, k2);
return {edits: l2, snippets: c2};
dispose() {
_logInfo() {
return `template="${this._template}", merged_templates="${this._templateMerges.join(" -> ")}"`;
insert() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const {edits: e2, snippets: t2} = $u.createEditsAndSnippets(this._editor, this._template, this._options.overwriteBefore, this._options.overwriteAfter, false, this._options.adjustWhitespace, this._options.clipboardText, this._options.overtypingCapturer);
this._snippets = t2, this._editor.executeEdits("snippet", e2, (e3) => this._snippets[0].hasPlaceholder ? this._move(true) : e3.filter((e4) => !!e4.identifier).map((e4) => q.a.fromPositions(e4.range.getEndPosition()))), this._editor.revealRange(this._editor.getSelections()[0]);
merge(e2, t2 = qu) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
this._templateMerges.push([this._snippets[0]._nestingLevel, this._snippets[0]._placeholderGroupsIdx, e2]);
const {edits: n2, snippets: i2} = $u.createEditsAndSnippets(this._editor, e2, t2.overwriteBefore, t2.overwriteAfter, true, t2.adjustWhitespace, t2.clipboardText, t2.overtypingCapturer);
this._editor.executeEdits("snippet", n2, (e3) => {
for (const e4 of this._snippets)
return console.assert(0 === i2.length), this._snippets[0].hasPlaceholder ? this._move(void 0) : e3.filter((e4) => !!e4.identifier).map((e4) => q.a.fromPositions(e4.range.getEndPosition()));
next() {
const e2 = this._move(true);
this._editor.setSelections(e2), this._editor.revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e2[0].getPosition());
prev() {
const e2 = this._move(false);
this._editor.setSelections(e2), this._editor.revealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport(e2[0].getPosition());
_move(e2) {
const t2 = [];
for (const n2 of this._snippets) {
const i2 = n2.move(e2);
return t2;
get isAtFirstPlaceholder() {
return this._snippets[0].isAtFirstPlaceholder;
get isAtLastPlaceholder() {
return this._snippets[0].isAtLastPlaceholder;
get hasPlaceholder() {
return this._snippets[0].hasPlaceholder;
get choice() {
return this._snippets[0].choice;
isSelectionWithinPlaceholders() {
if (!this.hasPlaceholder)
return false;
const e2 = this._editor.getSelections();
if (e2.length < this._snippets.length)
return false;
let t2 = new Map();
for (const n2 of this._snippets) {
const i2 = n2.computePossibleSelections();
if (0 === t2.size)
for (const [n3, o2] of i2) {
for (const i3 of e2)
if (o2[0].containsRange(i3)) {
t2.set(n3, []);
if (0 === t2.size)
return false;
t2.forEach((e3, t3) => {
for (let [n2, i2] of t2)
if (i2.length === e2.length) {
for (let o2 = 0; o2 < i2.length; o2++)
i2[o2].containsRange(e2[o2]) || t2.delete(n2);
} else
return t2.size > 0;
var Ku = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Gu = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
const Yu = {overwriteBefore: 0, overwriteAfter: 0, undoStopBefore: true, undoStopAfter: true, adjustWhitespace: true, clipboardText: void 0, overtypingCapturer: void 0};
let Zu = class e2 {
constructor(t2, n2, i2) {
this._editor = t2, this._logService = n2, this._snippetListener = new pe.b(), this._modelVersionId = -1, this._inSnippet = e2.InSnippetMode.bindTo(i2), this._hasNextTabstop = e2.HasNextTabstop.bindTo(i2), this._hasPrevTabstop = e2.HasPrevTabstop.bindTo(i2);
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
dispose() {
this._inSnippet.reset(), this._hasPrevTabstop.reset(), this._hasNextTabstop.reset(), Object(pe.f)(this._session), this._snippetListener.dispose();
insert(e3, t2) {
try {
this._doInsert(e3, void 0 === t2 ? Yu : Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Yu), t2));
} catch (t3) {
this.cancel(), this._logService.error(t3), this._logService.error("snippet_error"), this._logService.error("insert_template=", e3), this._logService.error("existing_template=", this._session ? this._session._logInfo() : "<no_session>");
_doInsert(e3, t2) {
this._editor.hasModel() && (this._snippetListener.clear(), t2.undoStopBefore && this._editor.getModel().pushStackElement(), this._session ? this._session.merge(e3, t2) : (this._modelVersionId = this._editor.getModel().getAlternativeVersionId(), this._session = new $u(this._editor, e3, t2), this._session.insert()), t2.undoStopAfter && this._editor.getModel().pushStackElement(), this._updateState(), this._snippetListener.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent((e4) => e4.isFlush && this.cancel())), this._snippetListener.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => this.cancel())), this._snippetListener.add(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection(() => this._updateState())));
_updateState() {
if (this._session && this._editor.hasModel()) {
if (this._modelVersionId === this._editor.getModel().getAlternativeVersionId())
return this.cancel();
if (!this._session.hasPlaceholder)
return this.cancel();
if (this._session.isAtLastPlaceholder || !this._session.isSelectionWithinPlaceholders())
return this.cancel();
this._inSnippet.set(true), this._hasPrevTabstop.set(!this._session.isAtFirstPlaceholder), this._hasNextTabstop.set(!this._session.isAtLastPlaceholder), this._handleChoice();
_handleChoice() {
if (!this._session || !this._editor.hasModel())
return void (this._currentChoice = void 0);
const {choice: e3} = this._session;
var t2, n2;
if (e3) {
if (this._currentChoice !== e3) {
this._currentChoice = e3, this._editor.setSelections(this._editor.getSelections().map((e4) => q.a.fromPositions(e4.getStartPosition())));
const [i2] = e3.options;
t2 = this._editor, n2 =, t3) => ({kind: 13, label: e4.value, insertText: e4.value, sortText: "a".repeat(t3 + 1), range: ge.a.fromPositions(this._editor.getPosition(), this._editor.getPosition().delta(0, i2.value.length))})), setTimeout(() => {
Au.onlyOnceSuggestions.push(...n2), t2.getContribution("editor.contrib.suggestController").triggerSuggest(new Set().add(Au));
}, 0);
} else
this._currentChoice = void 0;
finish() {
for (; this._inSnippet.get(); );
cancel(e3 = false) {
this._inSnippet.reset(), this._hasPrevTabstop.reset(), this._hasNextTabstop.reset(), this._snippetListener.clear(), Object(pe.f)(this._session), this._session = void 0, this._modelVersionId = -1, e3 && this._editor.setSelections([this._editor.getSelection()]);
prev() {
this._session && this._session.prev(), this._updateState();
next() {
this._session &&, this._updateState();
isInSnippet() {
return Boolean(this._inSnippet.get());
Zu.ID = "snippetController2", Zu.InSnippetMode = new K.c("inSnippetMode", false), Zu.HasNextTabstop = new K.c("hasNextTabstop", false), Zu.HasPrevTabstop = new K.c("hasPrevTabstop", false), Zu = Ku([Gu(1, Kh.b), Gu(2, K.b)], Zu), Object(V.m)(Zu.ID, Zu);
const Xu = V.c.bindToContribution(Zu.get);
Object(V.l)(new Xu({id: "jumpToNextSnippetPlaceholder", precondition: K.a.and(Zu.InSnippetMode, Zu.HasNextTabstop), handler: (e2) =>, kbOpts: {weight: 130, kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 2}})), Object(V.l)(new Xu({id: "jumpToPrevSnippetPlaceholder", precondition: K.a.and(Zu.InSnippetMode, Zu.HasPrevTabstop), handler: (e2) => e2.prev(), kbOpts: {weight: 130, kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1026}})), Object(V.l)(new Xu({id: "leaveSnippet", precondition: Zu.InSnippetMode, handler: (e2) => e2.cancel(true), kbOpts: {weight: 130, kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 9, secondary: [1033]}})), Object(V.l)(new Xu({id: "acceptSnippet", precondition: Zu.InSnippetMode, handler: (e2) => e2.finish()}));
var Qu = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Ju = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
class ep {
constructor(e2) { = e2;
select(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === n2.length)
return 0;
let i2 = n2[0].score[0];
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2.length; e3++) {
const {score: t3, completion: o2} = n2[e3];
if (t3[0] !== i2)
if (o2.preselect)
return e3;
return 0;
class tp extends ep {
constructor() {
memorize(e2, t2, n2) {
toJSON() {
fromJSON() {
let np = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2) {
this._storageService = e3, this._modeService = t2, this._configService = n2, this._disposables = new pe.b(), this._persistSoon = new ue.d(() => this._saveState(), 500), this._disposables.add(e3.onWillSaveState((e4) => {
e4.reason === fn.c.SHUTDOWN && this._saveState();
dispose() {
this._disposables.dispose(), this._persistSoon.dispose();
memorize(e3, t2, n2) {
this._withStrategy(e3, t2).memorize(e3, t2, n2), this._persistSoon.schedule();
select(e3, t2, n2) {
return this._withStrategy(e3, t2).select(e3, t2, n2);
_withStrategy(t2, n2) {
var i2, o2;
const r2 = this._configService.getValue("editor.suggestSelection", {overrideIdentifier: null === (i2 = this._modeService.getLanguageIdentifier(t2.getLanguageIdAtPosition(n2.lineNumber, n2.column))) || void 0 === i2 ? void 0 : i2.language, resource: t2.uri});
if ((null === (o2 = this._strategy) || void 0 === o2 ? void 0 : !== r2) {
const t3 = e2._strategyCtors.get(r2) || tp;
this._strategy = new t3();
try {
const t4 = this._configService.getValue("editor.suggest.shareSuggestSelections") ? 0 : 1, n3 = this._storageService.get(`${e2._storagePrefix}/${r2}`, t4);
n3 && this._strategy.fromJSON(JSON.parse(n3));
} catch (e3) {
return this._strategy;
_saveState() {
if (this._strategy) {
const t2 = this._configService.getValue("editor.suggest.shareSuggestSelections") ? 0 : 1, n2 = JSON.stringify(this._strategy);`${e2._storagePrefix}/${}`, n2, t2);
np._strategyCtors = new Map([["recentlyUsedByPrefix", class extends ep {
constructor() {
super("recentlyUsedByPrefix"), this._trie = gn.c.forStrings(), this._seq = 0;
memorize(e2, t2, n2) {
const {word: i2} = e2.getWordUntilPosition(t2), o2 = `${e2.getLanguageIdentifier().language}/${i2}`;
this._trie.set(o2, {type: n2.completion.kind, insertText: n2.completion.insertText, touch: this._seq++});
select(e2, t2, n2) {
let {word: i2} = e2.getWordUntilPosition(t2);
if (!i2)
return, t2, n2);
let o2 = `${e2.getLanguageIdentifier().language}/${i2}`, r2 = this._trie.get(o2);
if (r2 || (r2 = this._trie.findSubstr(o2)), r2)
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2.length; e3++) {
let {kind: t3, insertText: i3} = n2[e3].completion;
if (t3 === r2.type && i3 === r2.insertText)
return e3;
return, t2, n2);
toJSON() {
let e2 = [];
return this._trie.forEach((t2, n2) => e2.push([n2, t2])), e2.sort((e3, t2) => -(e3[1].touch - t2[1].touch)).forEach((e3, t2) => e3[1].touch = t2), e2.slice(0, 200);
fromJSON(e2) {
if (this._trie.clear(), e2.length > 0) {
this._seq = e2[0][1].touch + 1;
for (const [t2, n2] of e2)
n2.type = "number" == typeof n2.type ? n2.type : Object(et.E)(n2.type), this._trie.set(t2, n2);
}], ["recentlyUsed", class extends ep {
constructor() {
super("recentlyUsed"), this._cache = new gn.a(300, 0.66), this._seq = 0;
memorize(e2, t2, n2) {
const {label: i2} = n2.completion, o2 = `${e2.getLanguageIdentifier().language}/${i2}`;
this._cache.set(o2, {touch: this._seq++, type: n2.completion.kind, insertText: n2.completion.insertText});
select(e2, t2, n2) {
if (0 === n2.length)
return 0;
const i2 = e2.getLineContent(t2.lineNumber).substr(t2.column - 10, t2.column - 1);
if (/\s$/.test(i2))
return, t2, n2);
let o2 = n2[0].score[0], r2 = -1, s2 = -1, a2 = -1;
for (let t3 = 0; t3 < n2.length && n2[t3].score[0] === o2; t3++) {
const i3 = `${e2.getLanguageIdentifier().language}/${n2[t3].completion.label}`, o3 = this._cache.peek(i3);
if (o3 && o3.touch > a2 && o3.type === n2[t3].completion.kind && o3.insertText === n2[t3].completion.insertText && (a2 = o3.touch, s2 = t3), n2[t3].completion.preselect && -1 === r2)
return t3;
return -1 !== s2 ? s2 : -1 !== r2 ? r2 : 0;
toJSON() {
return this._cache.toJSON();
fromJSON(e2) {
for (const [t2, n2] of e2)
n2.touch = 0, n2.type = "number" == typeof n2.type ? n2.type : Object(et.E)(n2.type), this._cache.set(t2, n2);
this._seq = this._cache.size;
}], ["first", tp]]), np._storagePrefix = "suggest/memories", np = Qu([Ju(0, fn.a), Ju(1, Nl.a), Ju(2, On.a)], np);
const ip = Object(gt.c)("ISuggestMemories");
Object(mn.b)(ip, np, true);
var op = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, rp = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let sp = class e2 {
constructor(t2, n2) {
this._editor = t2, this._index = 0, this._ckOtherSuggestions = e2.OtherSuggestions.bindTo(n2);
dispose() {
reset() {
this._ckOtherSuggestions.reset(), Object(pe.f)(this._listener), this._model = void 0, this._acceptNext = void 0, this._ignore = false;
set({model: t2, index: n2}, i2) {
if (0 === t2.items.length)
return void this.reset();
e2._moveIndex(true, t2, n2) !== n2 ? (this._acceptNext = i2, this._model = t2, this._index = n2, this._listener = this._editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(() => {
this._ignore || this.reset();
}), this._ckOtherSuggestions.set(true)) : this.reset();
static _moveIndex(e3, t2, n2) {
let i2 = n2;
for (; i2 = (i2 + t2.items.length + (e3 ? 1 : -1)) % t2.items.length, i2 !== n2 && t2.items[i2].completion.additionalTextEdits; )
return i2;
next() {
prev() {
_move(t2) {
if (this._model)
try {
this._ignore = true, this._index = e2._moveIndex(t2, this._model, this._index), this._acceptNext({index: this._index, item: this._model.items[this._index], model: this._model});
} finally {
this._ignore = false;
sp.OtherSuggestions = new K.c("hasOtherSuggestions", false), sp = op([rp(1, K.b)], sp);
class ap {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
this.clipboardText = s2, this._snippetCompareFn = ap._compareCompletionItems, this._items = e2, this._column = t2, this._wordDistance = i2, this._options = o2, this._refilterKind = 1, this._lineContext = n2, "top" === r2 ? this._snippetCompareFn = ap._compareCompletionItemsSnippetsUp : "bottom" === r2 && (this._snippetCompareFn = ap._compareCompletionItemsSnippetsDown);
get lineContext() {
return this._lineContext;
set lineContext(e2) {
this._lineContext.leadingLineContent === e2.leadingLineContent && this._lineContext.characterCountDelta === e2.characterCountDelta || (this._refilterKind = this._lineContext.characterCountDelta < e2.characterCountDelta && this._filteredItems ? 2 : 1, this._lineContext = e2);
get items() {
return this._ensureCachedState(), this._filteredItems;
get allProvider() {
return this._ensureCachedState(), this._allProvider;
get incomplete() {
return this._ensureCachedState(), this._isIncomplete;
adopt(e2) {
let t2 = [];
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < this._items.length; )
e2.has(this._items[n2].provider) ? n2++ : (t2.push(this._items[n2]), this._items[n2] = this._items[this._items.length - 1], this._items.pop());
return this._refilterKind = 1, t2;
get stats() {
return this._ensureCachedState(), this._stats;
_ensureCachedState() {
0 !== this._refilterKind && this._createCachedState();
_createCachedState() {
this._isIncomplete = new Set(), this._allProvider = new Set(), this._stats = {suggestionCount: 0, snippetCount: 0, textCount: 0};
const {leadingLineContent: e2, characterCountDelta: t2} = this._lineContext;
let n2 = "", i2 = "";
const o2 = 1 === this._refilterKind ? this._items : this._filteredItems, r2 = [], s2 = !this._options.filterGraceful || o2.length > 2e3 ? va.d : va.e;
for (let a2 = 0; a2 < o2.length; a2++) {
const l2 = o2[a2];
if (l2.isInvalid)
l2.container.incomplete && this._isIncomplete.add(l2.provider), this._allProvider.add(l2.provider);
const c2 = l2.position.column - l2.editStart.column, d2 = c2 + t2 - (l2.position.column - this._column);
if (n2.length !== d2 && (n2 = 0 === d2 ? "" : e2.slice(-d2), i2 = n2.toLowerCase()), l2.word = n2, 0 === d2)
l2.score = va.a.Default;
else {
let e3 = 0;
for (; e3 < c2; ) {
const t4 = n2.charCodeAt(e3);
if (32 !== t4 && 9 !== t4)
e3 += 1;
const t3 = "string" == typeof l2.completion.label ? l2.completion.label :;
if (e3 >= d2)
l2.score = va.a.Default;
else if ("string" == typeof l2.completion.filterText) {
let o3 = s2(n2, i2, e3, l2.completion.filterText, l2.filterTextLow, 0, false);
if (!o3)
0 === Object(Ye.g)(l2.completion.filterText, t3) ? l2.score = o3 : (l2.score = Object(va.b)(n2, i2, e3, t3, l2.labelLow, 0), l2.score[0] = o3[0]);
} else {
let o3 = s2(n2, i2, e3, t3, l2.labelLow, 0, false);
if (!o3)
l2.score = o3;
switch (l2.idx = a2, l2.distance = this._wordDistance.distance(l2.position, l2.completion), r2.push(l2), this._stats.suggestionCount++, l2.completion.kind) {
case 27:
case 18:
this._filteredItems = r2.sort(this._snippetCompareFn), this._refilterKind = 0;
static _compareCompletionItems(e2, t2) {
return e2.score[0] > t2.score[0] ? -1 : e2.score[0] < t2.score[0] ? 1 : e2.distance < t2.distance ? -1 : e2.distance > t2.distance ? 1 : e2.idx < t2.idx ? -1 : e2.idx > t2.idx ? 1 : 0;
static _compareCompletionItemsSnippetsDown(e2, t2) {
if (e2.completion.kind !== t2.completion.kind) {
if (27 === e2.completion.kind)
return 1;
if (27 === t2.completion.kind)
return -1;
return ap._compareCompletionItems(e2, t2);
static _compareCompletionItemsSnippetsUp(e2, t2) {
if (e2.completion.kind !== t2.completion.kind) {
if (27 === e2.completion.kind)
return -1;
if (27 === t2.completion.kind)
return 1;
return ap._compareCompletionItems(e2, t2);
var lp = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class cp {
static create(e2, t2) {
return lp(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!t2.getOption(96).localityBonus)
return cp.None;
if (!t2.hasModel())
return cp.None;
const n2 = t2.getModel(), i2 = t2.getPosition();
if (!e2.canComputeWordRanges(n2.uri))
return cp.None;
const [o2] = yield new ru().provideSelectionRanges(n2, [i2]);
if (0 === o2.length)
return cp.None;
const r2 = yield e2.computeWordRanges(n2.uri, o2[0].range);
if (!r2)
return cp.None;
const s2 = n2.getWordUntilPosition(i2);
return delete r2[s2.word], new class extends cp {
distance(e3, n3) {
if (!i2.equals(t2.getPosition()))
return 0;
if (17 === n3.kind)
return 2 << 20;
let s3 = "string" == typeof n3.label ? n3.label :, a2 = r2[s3];
if (Object(G.n)(a2))
return 2 << 20;
let l2 = Object(G.c)(a2, ge.a.fromPositions(e3), ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts), c2 = l2 >= 0 ? a2[l2] : a2[Math.max(0, ~l2 - 1)], d2 = o2.length;
for (const e4 of o2) {
if (!ge.a.containsRange(e4.range, c2))
d2 -= 1;
return d2;
cp.None = new class extends cp {
distance() {
return 0;
var dp = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class hp {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
this.leadingLineContent = e2.getLineContent(t2.lineNumber).substr(0, t2.column - 1), this.leadingWord = e2.getWordUntilPosition(t2), this.lineNumber = t2.lineNumber, this.column = t2.column, = n2, this.shy = i2;
static shouldAutoTrigger(e2) {
if (!e2.hasModel())
return false;
const t2 = e2.getModel(), n2 = e2.getPosition();
const i2 = t2.getWordAtPosition(n2);
return !!i2 && (i2.endColumn === n2.column && !!isNaN(Number(i2.word)));
class up {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._editor = e2, this._editorWorkerService = t2, this._clipboardService = n2, this._toDispose = new pe.b(), this._quickSuggestDelay = 10, this._triggerCharacterListener = new pe.b(), this._triggerQuickSuggest = new ue.e(), this._state = 0, this._completionDisposables = new pe.b(), this._onDidCancel = new Lt.a(), this._onDidTrigger = new Lt.a(), this._onDidSuggest = new Lt.a(), this.onDidCancel = this._onDidCancel.event, this.onDidTrigger = this._onDidTrigger.event, this.onDidSuggest = this._onDidSuggest.event, this._currentSelection = this._editor.getSelection() || new q.a(1, 1, 1, 1), this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => {
this._updateTriggerCharacters(), this.cancel();
})), this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModelLanguage(() => {
this._updateTriggerCharacters(), this.cancel();
})), this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => {
this._updateTriggerCharacters(), this._updateQuickSuggest();
})), this._toDispose.add(et.d.onDidChange(() => {
this._updateTriggerCharacters(), this._updateActiveSuggestSession();
})), this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection((e3) => {
let i2 = false;
this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onDidCompositionStart(() => {
i2 = true;
})), this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onDidCompositionEnd(() => {
i2 = false, this._refilterCompletionItems();
})), this._toDispose.add(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent(() => {
i2 || this._refilterCompletionItems();
})), this._updateTriggerCharacters(), this._updateQuickSuggest();
dispose() {
Object(pe.f)(this._triggerCharacterListener), Object(pe.f)([this._onDidCancel, this._onDidSuggest, this._onDidTrigger, this._triggerQuickSuggest]), this._toDispose.dispose(), this._completionDisposables.dispose(), this.cancel();
_updateQuickSuggest() {
this._quickSuggestDelay = this._editor.getOption(71), (isNaN(this._quickSuggestDelay) || !this._quickSuggestDelay && 0 !== this._quickSuggestDelay || this._quickSuggestDelay < 0) && (this._quickSuggestDelay = 10);
_updateTriggerCharacters() {
if (this._triggerCharacterListener.clear(), this._editor.getOption(72) || !this._editor.hasModel() || !this._editor.getOption(99))
const e2 = new Map();
for (const t3 of et.d.all(this._editor.getModel()))
for (const n2 of t3.triggerCharacters || []) {
let i2 = e2.get(n2);
i2 || (i2 = new Set(), i2.add(void 0), e2.set(n2, i2)), i2.add(t3);
const t2 = (t3) => {
var n2;
if (!t3) {
const e3 = this._editor.getPosition();
t3 = this._editor.getModel().getLineContent(e3.lineNumber).substr(0, e3.column - 1);
let i2 = "";
Object(Ye.G)(t3.charCodeAt(t3.length - 1)) ? Object(Ye.F)(t3.charCodeAt(t3.length - 2)) && (i2 = t3.substr(t3.length - 2)) : i2 = t3.charAt(t3.length - 1);
const o2 = e2.get(i2);
if (o2) {
const e3 = null === (n2 = this._completionModel) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.adopt(o2);
this.trigger({auto: true, shy: false, triggerCharacter: i2}, Boolean(this._completionModel), o2, e3);
this._triggerCharacterListener.add(this._editor.onDidType(t2)), this._triggerCharacterListener.add(this._editor.onDidCompositionEnd(t2));
get state() {
return this._state;
cancel(e2 = false) {
0 !== this._state && (this._triggerQuickSuggest.cancel(), this._requestToken && (this._requestToken.cancel(), this._requestToken = void 0), this._state = 0, this._completionModel = void 0, this._context = void 0,{retrigger: e2}));
clear() {
_updateActiveSuggestSession() {
0 !== this._state && (this._editor.hasModel() && et.d.has(this._editor.getModel()) ? this.trigger({auto: 2 === this._state, shy: false}, true) : this.cancel());
_onCursorChange(e2) {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const t2 = this._editor.getModel(), n2 = this._currentSelection;
if (this._currentSelection = this._editor.getSelection(), !e2.selection.isEmpty() || 0 !== e2.reason || "keyboard" !== e2.source && "deleteLeft" !== e2.source)
else if (et.d.has(t2) && 0 === this._state) {
if (false === this._editor.getOption(70))
if (!n2.containsRange(this._currentSelection) && !n2.getEndPosition().isBeforeOrEqual(this._currentSelection.getPosition()))
if (this._editor.getOption(96).snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions && Zu.get(this._editor).isInSnippet())
this.cancel(), this._triggerQuickSuggest.cancelAndSet(() => {
if (0 !== this._state)
if (!hp.shouldAutoTrigger(this._editor))
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const e3 = this._editor.getModel(), t3 = this._editor.getPosition(), n3 = this._editor.getOption(70);
if (false !== n3) {
if (true === n3)
else {
const i2 = e3.getLineTokens(t3.lineNumber), o2 = i2.getStandardTokenType(i2.findTokenIndexAtOffset(Math.max(t3.column - 1 - 1, 0)));
if (!(n3.other && 0 === o2 || n3.comments && 1 === o2 || n3.strings && 2 === o2))
this.trigger({auto: true, shy: false});
}, this._quickSuggestDelay);
_refilterCompletionItems() {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (0 === this._state)
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const e2 = this._editor.getModel(), t2 = this._editor.getPosition(), n2 = new hp(e2, t2, 2 === this._state, false);
trigger(e2, t2 = false, n2, i2) {
var o2;
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const r2 = this._editor.getModel(), s2 =, a2 = new hp(r2, this._editor.getPosition(), s2, e2.shy);
this.cancel(t2), this._state = s2 ? 2 : 1,{auto: s2, shy: e2.shy, position: this._editor.getPosition()}), this._context = a2;
let l2 = {triggerKind: null !== (o2 = e2.triggerKind) && void 0 !== o2 ? o2 : 0};
e2.triggerCharacter && (l2 = {triggerKind: 1, triggerCharacter: e2.triggerCharacter}), this._requestToken = new Xe.b();
const c2 = this._editor.getOption(93);
let d2 = 1;
switch (c2) {
case "top":
d2 = 0;
case "bottom":
d2 = 2;
let h2 = up._createItemKindFilter(this._editor), u2 = cp.create(this._editorWorkerService, this._editor), p2 = Nu(r2, this._editor.getPosition(), new Tu(d2, h2, n2), l2, this._requestToken.token);
Promise.all([p2, u2]).then(([t3, n3]) => dp(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (Object(pe.f)(this._requestToken), 0 === this._state)
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
let o3;
(t3.needsClipboard || Object(G.o)(i2)) && (o3 = yield this._clipboardService.readText());
const r3 = this._editor.getModel();
let a3 = t3.items;
if (Object(G.o)(i2)) {
const e3 = Du(d2);
a3 = a3.concat(i2).sort(e3);
const l3 = new hp(r3, this._editor.getPosition(), s2, e2.shy);
this._completionModel = new ap(a3, this._context.column, {leadingLineContent: l3.leadingLineContent, characterCountDelta: l3.column - this._context.column}, n3, this._editor.getOption(96), this._editor.getOption(93), o3), this._completionDisposables.add(t3.dispoables), this._onNewContext(l3);
static _createItemKindFilter(e2) {
const t2 = new Set();
"none" === e2.getOption(93) && t2.add(27);
const n2 = e2.getOption(96);
return n2.showMethods || t2.add(0), n2.showFunctions || t2.add(1), n2.showConstructors || t2.add(2), n2.showFields || t2.add(3), n2.showVariables || t2.add(4), n2.showClasses || t2.add(5), n2.showStructs || t2.add(6), n2.showInterfaces || t2.add(7), n2.showModules || t2.add(8), n2.showProperties || t2.add(9), n2.showEvents || t2.add(10), n2.showOperators || t2.add(11), n2.showUnits || t2.add(12), n2.showValues || t2.add(13), n2.showConstants || t2.add(14), n2.showEnums || t2.add(15), n2.showEnumMembers || t2.add(16), n2.showKeywords || t2.add(17), n2.showWords || t2.add(18), n2.showColors || t2.add(19), n2.showFiles || t2.add(20), n2.showReferences || t2.add(21), n2.showColors || t2.add(22), n2.showFolders || t2.add(23), n2.showTypeParameters || t2.add(24), n2.showSnippets || t2.add(27), n2.showUsers || t2.add(25), n2.showIssues || t2.add(26), t2;
_onNewContext(e2) {
if (this._context)
if (e2.lineNumber === this._context.lineNumber) {
if (e2.leadingWord.startColumn < this._context.leadingWord.startColumn)
else if (e2.column < this._context.column)
e2.leadingWord.word ? this.trigger({auto:, shy: false}, true) : this.cancel();
else if (this._completionModel)
if (0 !== e2.leadingWord.word.length && e2.leadingWord.startColumn > this._context.leadingWord.startColumn) {
const e3 = new Set(et.d.all(this._editor.getModel()));
this._completionModel.allProvider.forEach((t3) => e3.delete(t3));
const t2 = this._completionModel.adopt(new Set());
this.trigger({auto:, shy: false}, true, e3, t2);
} else if (e2.column > this._context.column && this._completionModel.incomplete.size > 0 && 0 !== e2.leadingWord.word.length) {
const {incomplete: e3} = this._completionModel, t2 = this._completionModel.adopt(e3);
this.trigger({auto: 2 === this._state, shy: false, triggerKind: 2}, true, e3, t2);
} else {
let t2 = this._completionModel.lineContext, n2 = false;
if (this._completionModel.lineContext = {leadingLineContent: e2.leadingLineContent, characterCountDelta: e2.column - this._context.column}, 0 === this._completionModel.items.length) {
if (hp.shouldAutoTrigger(this._editor) && this._context.leadingWord.endColumn < e2.leadingWord.startColumn)
return void this.trigger({auto:, shy: false}, true);
if (
return void this.cancel();
if (this._completionModel.lineContext = t2, n2 = this._completionModel.items.length > 0, n2 && 0 === e2.leadingWord.word.length)
return void this.cancel();
}{completionModel: this._completionModel, auto:, shy: this._context.shy, isFrozen: n2});
} else
n(327), n(329), n(154), n(331), n(333);
const pp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.arrayForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.arrayForeground", "The foreground color for array symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), mp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.booleanForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.booleanForeground", "The foreground color for boolean symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), gp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.classForeground", {dark: "#EE9D28", light: "#D67E00", hc: "#EE9D28"}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.classForeground", "The foreground color for class symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), fp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.colorForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.colorForeground", "The foreground color for color symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), bp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.constantForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.constantForeground", "The foreground color for constant symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), _p = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.constructorForeground", {dark: "#B180D7", light: "#652D90", hc: "#B180D7"}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.constructorForeground", "The foreground color for constructor symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), vp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.enumeratorForeground", {dark: "#EE9D28", light: "#D67E00", hc: "#EE9D28"}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.enumeratorForeground", "The foreground color for enumerator symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), wp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.enumeratorMemberForeground", {dark: "#75BEFF", light: "#007ACC", hc: "#75BEFF"}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.enumeratorMemberForeground", "The foreground color for enumerator member symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), yp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.eventForeground", {dark: "#EE9D28", light: "#D67E00", hc: "#EE9D28"}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.eventForeground", "The foreground color for event symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Cp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.fieldForeground", {dark: "#75BEFF", light: "#007ACC", hc: "#75BEFF"}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.fieldForeground", "The foreground color for field symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), xp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.fileForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.fileForeground", "The foreground color for file symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Sp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.folderForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.folderForeground", "The foreground color for folder symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), kp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.functionForeground", {dark: "#B180D7", light: "#652D90", hc: "#B180D7"}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.functionForeground", "The foreground color for function symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Ep = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.interfaceForeground", {dark: "#75BEFF", light: "#007ACC", hc: "#75BEFF"}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.interfaceForeground", "The foreground color for interface symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Tp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.keyForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.keyForeground", "The foreground color for key symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Lp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.keywordForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.keywordForeground", "The foreground color for keyword symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Np = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.methodForeground", {dark: "#B180D7", light: "#652D90", hc: "#B180D7"}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.methodForeground", "The foreground color for method symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Ip = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.moduleForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.moduleForeground", "The foreground color for module symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Op = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.namespaceForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.namespaceForeground", "The foreground color for namespace symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Dp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.nullForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.nullForeground", "The foreground color for null symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Ap = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.numberForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.numberForeground", "The foreground color for number symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Rp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.objectForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.objectForeground", "The foreground color for object symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Mp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.operatorForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.operatorForeground", "The foreground color for operator symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Pp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.packageForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.packageForeground", "The foreground color for package symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Fp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.propertyForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.propertyForeground", "The foreground color for property symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Wp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.referenceForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.referenceForeground", "The foreground color for reference symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), zp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.snippetForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.snippetForeground", "The foreground color for snippet symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Bp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.stringForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.stringForeground", "The foreground color for string symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), jp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.structForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.structForeground", "The foreground color for struct symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Vp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.textForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.textForeground", "The foreground color for text symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Up = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.typeParameterForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.typeParameterForeground", "The foreground color for type parameter symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), Hp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.unitForeground", {dark: ve.ab, light: ve.ab, hc: ve.ab}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.unitForeground", "The foreground color for unit symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget.")), qp = Object(ve.gc)("symbolIcon.variableForeground", {dark: "#75BEFF", light: "#007ACC", hc: "#75BEFF"}, Object(U.a)("symbolIcon.variableForeground", "The foreground color for variable symbols. These symbols appear in the outline, breadcrumb, and suggest widget."));
Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(pp);
n2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolArray.cssSelector} { color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(mp);
i2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolBoolean.cssSelector} { color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(gp);
o2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolClass.cssSelector} { color: ${o2}; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(Np);
r2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolMethod.cssSelector} { color: ${r2}; }`);
const s2 = e2.getColor(fp);
s2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolColor.cssSelector} { color: ${s2}; }`);
const a2 = e2.getColor(bp);
a2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolConstant.cssSelector} { color: ${a2}; }`);
const l2 = e2.getColor(_p);
l2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolConstructor.cssSelector} { color: ${l2}; }`);
const c2 = e2.getColor(vp);
c2 && t2.addRule(`
${Y.a.symbolValue.cssSelector},${Y.a.symbolEnum.cssSelector} { color: ${c2}; }`);
const d2 = e2.getColor(wp);
d2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolEnumMember.cssSelector} { color: ${d2}; }`);
const h2 = e2.getColor(yp);
h2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolEvent.cssSelector} { color: ${h2}; }`);
const u2 = e2.getColor(Cp);
u2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolField.cssSelector} { color: ${u2}; }`);
const p2 = e2.getColor(xp);
p2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolFile.cssSelector} { color: ${p2}; }`);
const m2 = e2.getColor(Sp);
m2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolFolder.cssSelector} { color: ${m2}; }`);
const g2 = e2.getColor(kp);
g2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolFunction.cssSelector} { color: ${g2}; }`);
const f2 = e2.getColor(Ep);
f2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolInterface.cssSelector} { color: ${f2}; }`);
const b2 = e2.getColor(Tp);
b2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolKey.cssSelector} { color: ${b2}; }`);
const _2 = e2.getColor(Lp);
_2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolKeyword.cssSelector} { color: ${_2}; }`);
const v2 = e2.getColor(Ip);
v2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolModule.cssSelector} { color: ${v2}; }`);
const w2 = e2.getColor(Op);
w2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolNamespace.cssSelector} { color: ${w2}; }`);
const y2 = e2.getColor(Dp);
y2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolNull.cssSelector} { color: ${y2}; }`);
const C2 = e2.getColor(Ap);
C2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolNumber.cssSelector} { color: ${C2}; }`);
const x2 = e2.getColor(Rp);
x2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolObject.cssSelector} { color: ${x2}; }`);
const S2 = e2.getColor(Mp);
S2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolOperator.cssSelector} { color: ${S2}; }`);
const k2 = e2.getColor(Pp);
k2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolPackage.cssSelector} { color: ${k2}; }`);
const E2 = e2.getColor(Fp);
E2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolProperty.cssSelector} { color: ${E2}; }`);
const T2 = e2.getColor(Wp);
T2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolReference.cssSelector} { color: ${T2}; }`);
const L2 = e2.getColor(zp);
L2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolSnippet.cssSelector} { color: ${L2}; }`);
const N2 = e2.getColor(Bp);
N2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolString.cssSelector} { color: ${N2}; }`);
const I2 = e2.getColor(jp);
I2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolStruct.cssSelector} { color: ${I2}; }`);
const O2 = e2.getColor(Vp);
O2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolText.cssSelector} { color: ${O2}; }`);
const D2 = e2.getColor(Up);
D2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolTypeParameter.cssSelector} { color: ${D2}; }`);
const A2 = e2.getColor(Hp);
A2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolUnit.cssSelector} { color: ${A2}; }`);
const R2 = e2.getColor(qp);
R2 && t2.addRule(`${Y.a.symbolVariable.cssSelector} { color: ${R2}; }`);
var $p, Kp = n(113), Gp = n(146);
function Yp(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = i2 === $p.ROOT_FOLDER ? ["rootfolder-icon"] : i2 === $p.FOLDER ? ["folder-icon"] : ["file-icon"];
if (n2) {
let r2;
if (n2.scheme === {
r2 = jt.a.parseMetaData(n2).get(jt.a.META_DATA_LABEL);
} else
r2 = Zp(Object(jt.c)(n2).toLowerCase());
if (i2 === $p.FOLDER)
o2.push(r2 + "-name-folder-icon");
else {
if (r2) {
o2.push(r2 + "-name-file-icon");
const e3 = r2.split(".");
for (let t3 = 1; t3 < e3.length; t3++)
o2.push(e3.slice(t3).join(".") + "-ext-file-icon");
const i3 = function(e3, t3, n3) {
if (!n3)
return null;
let i4 = null;
if (n3.scheme === {
const e4 = jt.a.parseMetaData(n3).get(jt.a.META_DATA_MIME);
e4 && (i4 = t3.getModeId(e4));
} else {
const t4 = e3.getModel(n3);
t4 && (i4 = t4.getModeId());
if (i4 && i4 !== Gp.c)
return i4;
return t3.getModeIdByFilepathOrFirstLine(n3);
}(e2, t2, n2);
i3 && o2.push(Zp(i3) + "-lang-file-icon");
return o2;
function Zp(e2) {
return e2.replace(/\s/g, "\\$&");
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.FILE = 0] = "FILE", e2[e2.FOLDER = 1] = "FOLDER", e2[e2.ROOT_FOLDER = 2] = "ROOT_FOLDER";
}($p || ($p = {}));
var Xp = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Qp = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Jp = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
const em = Object(Y.e)("suggest-more-info", Y.a.chevronRight), tm = Object(ve.gc)("editorSuggestWidget.background", {dark: ve.U, light: ve.U, hc: ve.U}, U.a("editorSuggestWidgetBackground", "Background color of the suggest widget.")), nm = Object(ve.gc)("editorSuggestWidget.border", {dark: ve.V, light: ve.V, hc: ve.V}, U.a("editorSuggestWidgetBorder", "Border color of the suggest widget.")), im = Object(ve.gc)("editorSuggestWidget.foreground", {dark: ve.B, light: ve.B, hc: ve.B}, U.a("editorSuggestWidgetForeground", "Foreground color of the suggest widget.")), om = Object(ve.gc)("editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground", {dark: ve.xb, light: ve.xb, hc: ve.xb}, U.a("editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground", "Background color of the selected entry in the suggest widget.")), rm = Object(ve.gc)("editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground", {dark: ve.zb, light: ve.zb, hc: ve.zb}, U.a("editorSuggestWidgetHighlightForeground", "Color of the match highlights in the suggest widget.")), sm = /^(#([\da-f]{3}){1,2}|(rgb|hsl)a\(\s*(\d{1,3}%?\s*,\s*){3}(1|0?\.\d+)\)|(rgb|hsl)\(\s*\d{1,3}%?(\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?){2}\s*\))$/i;
function am(e2) {
if (!e2)
return false;
const t2 = e2.completion;
return !!t2.documentation || t2.detail && t2.detail !== t2.label;
function lm(e2) {
return "suggest-aria-id:" + e2;
let cm = class {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
this.widget = e2, this.editor = t2, this.triggerKeybindingLabel = n2, this._modelService = i2, this._modeService = o2, this._themeService = r2;
get templateId() {
return "suggestion";
renderTemplate(e2) {
const t2 = Object.create(null);
t2.disposables = new pe.b(), t2.root = e2, t2.root.classList.add("show-file-icons"), t2.icon = Object(ft.p)(e2, Object(ft.a)(".icon")), t2.colorspan = Object(ft.p)(t2.icon, Object(ft.a)("span.colorspan"));
const n2 = Object(ft.p)(e2, Object(ft.a)(".contents")), i2 = Object(ft.p)(n2, Object(ft.a)(".main"));
t2.iconContainer = Object(ft.p)(i2, Object(ft.a)(".icon-label.codicon")), t2.left = Object(ft.p)(i2, Object(ft.a)("span.left")), t2.right = Object(ft.p)(i2, Object(ft.a)("span.right")), t2.iconLabel = new ca.a(t2.left, {supportHighlights: true, supportCodicons: true}), t2.disposables.add(t2.iconLabel), t2.parametersLabel = Object(ft.p)(t2.left, Object(ft.a)("span.signature-label")), t2.qualifierLabel = Object(ft.p)(t2.left, Object(ft.a)("span.qualifier-label")), t2.detailsLabel = Object(ft.p)(t2.right, Object(ft.a)("span.details-label")), t2.readMore = Object(ft.p)(t2.right, Object(ft.a)("span.readMore" + em.cssSelector)), t2.readMore.title = U.a("readMore", "Read More ({0})", this.triggerKeybindingLabel);
const o2 = () => {
const e3 = this.editor.getOptions(), n3 = e3.get(36), o3 = n3.fontFamily, r2 = n3.fontFeatureSettings, s2 = e3.get(97) || n3.fontSize, a2 = e3.get(98) || n3.lineHeight, l2 = n3.fontWeight, c2 = s2 + "px", d2 = a2 + "px"; = c2, = l2, = o3, = r2, = d2, = d2, = d2, = d2, = d2;
return o2(), t2.disposables.add(Lt.b.chain(this.editor.onDidChangeConfiguration.bind(this.editor)).filter((e3) => e3.hasChanged(36) || e3.hasChanged(97) || e3.hasChanged(98)).on(o2, null)), t2;
renderElement(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = n2, o2 = e2.completion, r2 = "string" == typeof o2.label ? o2.label :; = lm(t2), = "";
const s2 = {labelEscapeNewLines: true, matches: Object(va.c)(e2.score)};
let a2 = [];
if (19 === o2.kind && function(e3, t3) {
const n3 = "string" == typeof e3.completion.label ? e3.completion.label :;
return n3.match(sm) ? (t3[0] = n3, true) : !("string" != typeof e3.completion.documentation || !e3.completion.documentation.match(sm)) && (t3[0] = e3.completion.documentation, true);
}(e2, a2))
i2.icon.className = "icon customcolor", i2.iconContainer.className = "icon hide", = a2[0];
else if (20 === o2.kind && this._themeService.getFileIconTheme().hasFileIcons) {
i2.icon.className = "icon hide", i2.iconContainer.className = "icon hide";
const e3 = Yp(this._modelService, this._modeService, Qe.a.from({scheme: "fake", path: r2}), $p.FILE), t3 = Yp(this._modelService, this._modeService, Qe.a.from({scheme: "fake", path: o2.detail}), $p.FILE);
s2.extraClasses = e3.length > t3.length ? e3 : t3;
} else
23 === o2.kind && this._themeService.getFileIconTheme().hasFolderIcons ? (i2.icon.className = "icon hide", i2.iconContainer.className = "icon hide", s2.extraClasses = Object(G.l)([Yp(this._modelService, this._modeService, Qe.a.from({scheme: "fake", path: r2}), $p.FOLDER), Yp(this._modelService, this._modeService, Qe.a.from({scheme: "fake", path: o2.detail}), $p.FOLDER)])) : (i2.icon.className = "icon hide", i2.iconContainer.className = "", Object(ft.f)(i2.iconContainer, "suggest-icon " + Object(et.F)(o2.kind)));
o2.tags && o2.tags.indexOf(1) >= 0 && (s2.extraClasses = (s2.extraClasses || []).concat(["deprecated"]), s2.matches = []), i2.iconLabel.setLabel(r2, void 0, s2), "string" == typeof o2.label ? (i2.parametersLabel.textContent = "", i2.qualifierLabel.textContent = "", i2.detailsLabel.textContent = (o2.detail || "").replace(/\n.*$/m, ""), i2.root.classList.add("string-label")) : (i2.parametersLabel.textContent = (o2.label.parameters || "").replace(/\n.*$/m, ""), i2.qualifierLabel.textContent = (o2.label.qualifier || "").replace(/\n.*$/m, ""), i2.detailsLabel.textContent = (o2.label.type || "").replace(/\n.*$/m, ""), i2.root.classList.remove("string-label")), am(e2) ? (i2.right.classList.add("can-expand-details"), Object(ft.Z)(i2.readMore), i2.readMore.onmousedown = (e3) => {
e3.stopPropagation(), e3.preventDefault();
}, i2.readMore.onclick = (e3) => {
e3.stopPropagation(), e3.preventDefault(), this.widget.toggleDetails();
}) : (i2.right.classList.remove("can-expand-details"), Object(ft.K)(i2.readMore), i2.readMore.onmousedown = null, i2.readMore.onclick = null);
disposeTemplate(e2) {
cm = Xp([Qp(3, tt.a), Qp(4, Nl.a), Qp(5, we.c)], cm);
class dm {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
this.widget = t2, this.editor = n2, this.markdownRenderer = i2, this.kbToggleDetails = o2, this.borderWidth = 1, this.disposables = new pe.b(), this.el = Object(ft.p)(e2, Object(ft.a)(".details")), this.disposables.add(Object(pe.h)(() => e2.removeChild(this.el))), this.body = Object(ft.a)(".body"), this.scrollbar = new Bl.a(this.body, {}), Object(ft.p)(this.el, this.scrollbar.getDomNode()), this.disposables.add(this.scrollbar), this.header = Object(ft.p)(this.body, Object(ft.a)(".header")), this.close = Object(ft.p)(this.header, Object(ft.a)("span" + Y.a.close.cssSelector)), this.close.title = U.a("readLess", "Read Less ({0})", this.kbToggleDetails), this.type = Object(ft.p)(this.header, Object(ft.a)("p.type")), = Object(ft.p)(this.body, Object(ft.a)("")), this.configureFont(), Lt.b.chain(this.editor.onDidChangeConfiguration.bind(this.editor)).filter((e3) => e3.hasChanged(36)).on(this.configureFont, this, this.disposables), i2.onDidRenderCodeBlock(() => this.scrollbar.scanDomNode(), this, this.disposables);
get element() {
return this.el;
renderLoading() {
this.type.textContent = U.a("loading", "Loading..."), = "";
renderItem(e2, t2) {
Object(pe.f)(this.renderDisposeable), this.renderDisposeable = void 0;
let {documentation: n2, detail: i2} = e2.completion;
if (t2) {
let t3 = "";
t3 += `score: ${e2.score[0]}${e2.word ? `, compared '${e2.completion.filterText && e2.completion.filterText + " (filterText)" || e2.completion.label}' with '${e2.word}'` : " (no prefix)"}
`, t3 += `distance: ${e2.distance}, see localityBonus-setting
`, t3 += `index: ${e2.idx}, based on ${e2.completion.sortText && `sortText: "${e2.completion.sortText}"` || "label"}
`, n2 = new X().appendCodeblock("empty", t3), i2 = "Provider: " + e2.provider._debugDisplayName;
if (!t2 && !am(e2))
return this.type.textContent = "", = "", void this.el.classList.add("no-docs");
if (this.el.classList.remove("no-docs"), "string" == typeof n2)"markdown-docs"), = n2;
else {"markdown-docs"), = "";
const e3 = this.markdownRenderer.render(n2);
this.renderDisposeable = e3,;
i2 ? (this.type.innerText = i2.length > 1e5 ? i2.substr(0, 1e5) + "…" : i2, Object(ft.Z)(this.type)) : (this.type.innerText = "", Object(ft.K)(this.type)), = this.header.offsetHeight + + 2 * this.borderWidth + "px", = "text", this.el.tabIndex = -1, this.close.onmousedown = (e3) => {
e3.preventDefault(), e3.stopPropagation();
}, this.close.onclick = (e3) => {
e3.preventDefault(), e3.stopPropagation(), this.widget.toggleDetails();
}, this.body.scrollTop = 0, this.scrollbar.scanDomNode();
scrollDown(e2 = 8) {
this.body.scrollTop += e2;
scrollUp(e2 = 8) {
this.body.scrollTop -= e2;
scrollTop() {
this.body.scrollTop = 0;
scrollBottom() {
this.body.scrollTop = this.body.scrollHeight;
pageDown() {
pageUp() {
setBorderWidth(e2) {
this.borderWidth = e2;
configureFont() {
const e2 = this.editor.getOptions(), t2 = e2.get(36), n2 = t2.fontFamily, i2 = e2.get(97) || t2.fontSize, o2 = e2.get(98) || t2.lineHeight, r2 = t2.fontWeight, s2 = i2 + "px", a2 = o2 + "px"; = s2, = r2, = t2.fontFeatureSettings, = n2, = a2, = a2;
dispose() {
this.disposables.dispose(), Object(pe.f)(this.renderDisposeable), this.renderDisposeable = void 0;
let hm = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2) {
var d2, h2;
this.editor = e3, this.telemetryService = t2, this.allowEditorOverflow = true, this.suppressMouseDown = false, this.state = 0, this.isAddedAsContentWidget = false, this.isAuto = false, this.loadingTimeout = pe.a.None, this.currentSuggestionDetails = null, this.ignoreFocusEvents = false, this.completionModel = null, this.showTimeout = new ue.e(), this.toDispose = new pe.b(), this.onDidSelectEmitter = new Lt.a(), this.onDidFocusEmitter = new Lt.a(), this.onDidHideEmitter = new Lt.a(), this.onDidShowEmitter = new Lt.a(), this.onDidSelect = this.onDidSelectEmitter.event, this.onDidFocus = this.onDidFocusEmitter.event, this.onDidHide = this.onDidHideEmitter.event, this.onDidShow = this.onDidShowEmitter.event, this.maxWidgetWidth = 660, this.listWidth = 330, this.firstFocusInCurrentList = false, this.preferDocPositionTop = false, this.docsPositionPreviousWidgetY = null, this.explainMode = false, this._onDetailsKeydown = new Lt.a(), this.onDetailsKeyDown = this._onDetailsKeydown.event;
const u2 = this.toDispose.add(new Bc(e3, s2, a2)), p2 = null !== (h2 = null === (d2 = n2.lookupKeybinding("toggleSuggestionDetails")) || void 0 === d2 ? void 0 : d2.getLabel()) && void 0 !== h2 ? h2 : "";
this.isAuto = false, this.focusedItem = null, this.storageService = r2, this.element = Object(ft.a)(".editor-widget.suggest-widget"), this.toDispose.add(Object(ft.i)(this.element, "click", (e4) => { === this.element && this.hideWidget();
})), this.messageElement = Object(ft.p)(this.element, Object(ft.a)(".message")), this.listElement = Object(ft.p)(this.element, Object(ft.a)(".tree"));
const m2 = () => this.element.classList.toggle("with-status-bar", this.editor.getOption(96).statusBar.visible);
m2(), this.statusBarElement = Object(ft.p)(this.element, Object(ft.a)(".suggest-status-bar"));
const g2 = (e4) => {
const t3 = n2.lookupKeybindings(;
return new class extends jn.a {
constructor() {
super(void 0, e4, {label: true, icon: false});
updateLabel() {
if (Object(G.n)(t3) || !this.label)
return super.updateLabel();
const {label: e5} = this.getAction();
this.label.textContent = /{\d}/.test(e5) ? Ye.x(this.getAction().label, t3[0].getLabel()) : `${this.getAction().label} (${t3[0].getLabel()})`;
}, f2 = new ds.a(this.statusBarElement, {actionViewItemProvider: g2}), b2 = new ds.a(this.statusBarElement, {actionViewItemProvider: g2}), _2 = l2.createMenu(ku, i2);
this.toDispose.add(_2.onDidChange(() => (() => {
const e4 = [], t3 = [];
for (let [n3, i3] of _2.getActions())
"left" === n3 ? e4.push(...i3) : t3.push(...i3);
f2.clear(), f2.push(e4), b2.clear(), b2.push(t3);
})())), this.toDispose.add(_2), this.details = c2.createInstance(dm, this.element, this, this.editor, u2, p2);
const v2 = () => this.element.classList.toggle("no-icons", !this.editor.getOption(96).showIcons);
let w2 = c2.createInstance(cm, this, this.editor, p2);
this.list = new Kp.c("SuggestWidget", this.listElement, this, [w2], {useShadows: false, mouseSupport: false, accessibilityProvider: {getRole: () => "option", getAriaLabel: (e4) => {
const t3 = "string" == typeof e4.completion.label ? e4.completion.label :;
if (e4.isResolved && this.expandDocsSettingFromStorage()) {
const {documentation: n3, detail: i3} = e4.completion, o3 = Ye.x("{0}{1}", i3 || "", n3 ? "string" == typeof n3 ? n3 : n3.value : "");
return U.a("ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails", "{0}, docs: {1}", t3, o3);
return t3;
}, getWidgetAriaLabel: () => U.a("suggest", "Suggest"), getWidgetRole: () => "listbox"}}), this.toDispose.add(Object(ua.b)(this.list, o2, {listInactiveFocusBackground: om, listInactiveFocusOutline: ve.b})), this.toDispose.add(o2.onDidColorThemeChange((e4) => this.onThemeChange(e4))), this.toDispose.add(e3.onDidLayoutChange(() => this.onEditorLayoutChange())), this.toDispose.add(this.list.onMouseDown((e4) => this.onListMouseDownOrTap(e4))), this.toDispose.add(this.list.onTap((e4) => this.onListMouseDownOrTap(e4))), this.toDispose.add(this.list.onDidChangeSelection((e4) => this.onListSelection(e4))), this.toDispose.add(this.list.onDidChangeFocus((e4) => this.onListFocus(e4))), this.toDispose.add(this.editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection(() => this.onCursorSelectionChanged())), this.toDispose.add(this.editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e4) => {
e4.hasChanged(96) && (m2(), v2());
})), this.ctxSuggestWidgetVisible = Su.Visible.bindTo(i2), this.ctxSuggestWidgetDetailsVisible = Su.DetailsVisible.bindTo(i2), this.ctxSuggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions = Su.MultipleSuggestions.bindTo(i2), this.onThemeChange(o2.getColorTheme()), this.toDispose.add(Object(ft.n)(this.details.element, "keydown", (e4) => {;
})), this.toDispose.add(this.editor.onMouseDown((e4) => this.onEditorMouseDown(e4)));
onEditorMouseDown(e3) {
this.details.element.contains( ? this.details.element.focus() : this.element.contains( && this.editor.focus();
onCursorSelectionChanged() {
0 !== this.state && this.editor.layoutContentWidget(this);
onEditorLayoutChange() {
3 !== this.state && 5 !== this.state || !this.expandDocsSettingFromStorage() || this.expandSideOrBelow();
onListMouseDownOrTap(e3) {
void 0 !== e3.element && void 0 !== e3.index && (e3.browserEvent.preventDefault(), e3.browserEvent.stopPropagation(),, e3.index));
onListSelection(e3) {
e3.elements.length &&[0], e3.indexes[0]);
select(e3, t2) {
const n2 = this.completionModel;
n2 && ({item: e3, index: t2, model: n2}), this.editor.focus());
onThemeChange(e3) {
const t2 = e3.getColor(tm);
t2 && ( = t2.toString(), = t2.toString(), = t2.toString(), = t2.toString());
const n2 = e3.getColor(nm);
n2 && ( = n2.toString(), = n2.toString(), = n2.toString(), = n2.toString(), this.detailsBorderColor = n2.toString());
const i2 = e3.getColor(ve.Z);
i2 && (this.detailsFocusBorderColor = i2.toString()), this.details.setBorderWidth("hc" === e3.type ? 2 : 1);
onListFocus(e3) {
if (this.ignoreFocusEvents)
if (!e3.elements.length)
return this.currentSuggestionDetails && (this.currentSuggestionDetails.cancel(), this.currentSuggestionDetails = null, this.focusedItem = null), void this.editor.setAriaOptions({activeDescendant: void 0});
if (!this.completionModel)
const t2 = e3.elements[0], n2 = e3.indexes[0];
this.firstFocusInCurrentList = !this.focusedItem, t2 !== this.focusedItem && (this.currentSuggestionDetails && (this.currentSuggestionDetails.cancel(), this.currentSuggestionDetails = null), this.focusedItem = t2, this.list.reveal(n2), this.currentSuggestionDetails = Object(ue.f)((e4) => Jp(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const n3 = Object(ue.g)(() => this.showDetails(true), 250);
e4.onCancellationRequested(() => n3.dispose());
const i2 = yield t2.resolve(e4);
return n3.dispose(), i2;
})), this.currentSuggestionDetails.then(() => {
n2 >= this.list.length || t2 !== this.list.element(n2) || (this.ignoreFocusEvents = true, this.list.splice(n2, 1, [t2]), this.list.setFocus([n2]), this.ignoreFocusEvents = false, this.expandDocsSettingFromStorage() ? this.showDetails(false) : this.element.classList.remove("docs-side"), this.editor.setAriaOptions({activeDescendant: lm(n2)}));
}).catch(Z.e)),{item: t2, index: n2, model: this.completionModel});
setState(t2) {
if (!this.element)
this.isAddedAsContentWidget || 0 === t2 || (this.isAddedAsContentWidget = true, this.editor.addContentWidget(this));
const n2 = this.state !== t2;
switch (this.state = t2, this.element.classList.toggle("frozen", 4 === t2), t2) {
case 0:
Object(ft.K)(this.messageElement, this.details.element, this.listElement, this.statusBarElement), this.hide(), this.listHeight = 0, n2 && this.list.splice(0, this.list.length), this.focusedItem = null;
case 1:
this.messageElement.textContent = e2.LOADING_MESSAGE, Object(ft.K)(this.listElement, this.details.element, this.statusBarElement), Object(ft.Z)(this.messageElement), this.element.classList.remove("docs-side"),, this.focusedItem = null;
case 2:
this.messageElement.textContent = e2.NO_SUGGESTIONS_MESSAGE, Object(ft.K)(this.listElement, this.details.element, this.statusBarElement), Object(ft.Z)(this.messageElement), this.element.classList.remove("docs-side"),, this.focusedItem = null;
case 3:
Object(ft.K)(this.messageElement), Object(ft.Z)(this.listElement, this.statusBarElement),;
case 4:
Object(ft.K)(this.messageElement), Object(ft.Z)(this.listElement),;
case 5:
Object(ft.K)(this.messageElement), Object(ft.Z)(this.details.element, this.listElement, this.statusBarElement),;
showTriggered(e3, t2) {
0 === this.state && (this.isAuto = !!e3, this.isAuto || (this.loadingTimeout = Object(ue.g)(() => this.setState(1), t2)));
showSuggestions(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
if (this.preferDocPositionTop = false, this.docsPositionPreviousWidgetY = null, this.loadingTimeout.dispose(), this.currentSuggestionDetails && (this.currentSuggestionDetails.cancel(), this.currentSuggestionDetails = null), this.completionModel !== e3 && (this.completionModel = e3), n2 && 2 !== this.state && 0 !== this.state)
return void this.setState(4);
let o2 = this.completionModel.items.length;
const r2 = 0 === o2;
if (this.ctxSuggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions.set(o2 > 1), r2)
i2 ? this.setState(0) : this.setState(2), this.completionModel = null;
else {
if (3 !== this.state) {
const {stats: e4} = this.completionModel;
e4.wasAutomaticallyTriggered = !!i2, this.telemetryService.publicLog("suggestWidget", Object.assign({}, e4));
this.focusedItem = null, this.list.splice(0, this.list.length, this.completionModel.items), n2 ? this.setState(4) : this.setState(3), this.list.reveal(t2, 0), this.list.setFocus([t2]), this.detailsBorderColor && ( = this.detailsBorderColor);
selectNextPage() {
switch (this.state) {
case 0:
return false;
case 5:
return this.details.pageDown(), true;
case 1:
return !this.isAuto;
return this.list.focusNextPage(), true;
selectNext() {
switch (this.state) {
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
return !this.isAuto;
return this.list.focusNext(1, true), true;
selectLast() {
switch (this.state) {
case 0:
return false;
case 5:
return this.details.scrollBottom(), true;
case 1:
return !this.isAuto;
return this.list.focusLast(), true;
selectPreviousPage() {
switch (this.state) {
case 0:
return false;
case 5:
return this.details.pageUp(), true;
case 1:
return !this.isAuto;
return this.list.focusPreviousPage(), true;
selectPrevious() {
switch (this.state) {
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
return !this.isAuto;
return this.list.focusPrevious(1, true), false;
selectFirst() {
switch (this.state) {
case 0:
return false;
case 5:
return this.details.scrollTop(), true;
case 1:
return !this.isAuto;
return this.list.focusFirst(), true;
getFocusedItem() {
if (0 !== this.state && 2 !== this.state && 1 !== this.state && this.completionModel)
return {item: this.list.getFocusedElements()[0], index: this.list.getFocus()[0], model: this.completionModel};
toggleDetailsFocus() {
5 === this.state ? (this.setState(3), this.detailsBorderColor && ( = this.detailsBorderColor)) : 3 === this.state && this.expandDocsSettingFromStorage() && (this.setState(5), this.detailsFocusBorderColor && ( = this.detailsFocusBorderColor)), this.telemetryService.publicLog2("suggestWidget:toggleDetailsFocus");
toggleDetails() {
if (am(this.list.getFocusedElements()[0]))
if (this.expandDocsSettingFromStorage())
this.ctxSuggestWidgetDetailsVisible.set(false), this.updateExpandDocsSetting(false), Object(ft.K)(this.details.element), this.element.classList.remove("docs-side", "doc-below"), this.editor.layoutContentWidget(this), this.telemetryService.publicLog2("suggestWidget:collapseDetails");
else {
if (3 !== this.state && 5 !== this.state && 4 !== this.state)
this.ctxSuggestWidgetDetailsVisible.set(true), this.updateExpandDocsSetting(true), this.showDetails(false), this.telemetryService.publicLog2("suggestWidget:expandDetails");
showDetails(e3) {
e3 || this.expandSideOrBelow(), Object(ft.Z)(this.details.element), = this.maxWidgetHeight + "px", e3 ? this.details.renderLoading() : this.details.renderItem(this.list.getFocusedElements()[0], this.explainMode), = "0px", this.editor.layoutContentWidget(this), this.adjustDocsPosition(), this.editor.focus();
toggleExplainMode() {
this.list.getFocusedElements()[0] && this.expandDocsSettingFromStorage() && (this.explainMode = !this.explainMode, this.showDetails(false));
show() {
const e3 = this.updateListHeight();
e3 !== this.listHeight && (this.editor.layoutContentWidget(this), this.listHeight = e3), this.ctxSuggestWidgetVisible.set(true), this.showTimeout.cancelAndSet(() => {
}, 100);
hide() {
this.editor.layoutContentWidget(this), this.ctxSuggestWidgetVisible.reset(), this.ctxSuggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions.reset(), this.element.classList.remove("visible");
hideWidget() {
this.loadingTimeout.dispose(), this.setState(0),;
getPosition() {
if (0 === this.state)
return null;
let e3 = [2, 1];
return this.preferDocPositionTop && (e3 = [1]), {position: this.editor.getPosition(), preference: e3};
getDomNode() {
return this.element;
getId() {
return e2.ID;
isFrozen() {
return 4 === this.state;
updateListHeight() {
let e3 = 0;
if (2 === this.state || 1 === this.state)
e3 = this.unfocusedHeight;
else {
const t2 = this.list.contentHeight / this.unfocusedHeight, {maxVisibleSuggestions: n2} = this.editor.getOption(96);
e3 = Math.min(t2, n2) * this.unfocusedHeight;
return = this.unfocusedHeight + "px", = e3 + "px", = e3 + "px", this.list.layout(e3), e3;
adjustDocsPosition() {
if (!this.editor.hasModel())
const e3 = this.editor.getOption(51), t2 = this.editor.getScrolledVisiblePosition(this.editor.getPosition()), n2 = Object(ft.C)(this.editor.getDomNode()), i2 = n2.left + t2.left, o2 = + + t2.height, r2 = Object(ft.C)(this.element), s2 = r2.left, a2 =;
if (this.docsPositionPreviousWidgetY && this.docsPositionPreviousWidgetY < a2 && !this.preferDocPositionTop)
return this.preferDocPositionTop = true, void this.adjustDocsPosition();
this.docsPositionPreviousWidgetY = a2, s2 < i2 - this.listWidth ? this.element.classList.add("list-right") : this.element.classList.remove("list-right"), this.element.classList.contains("docs-side") && o2 - e3 > a2 && this.details.element.offsetHeight > this.listElement.offsetHeight && ( = this.details.element.offsetHeight - this.listElement.offsetHeight + "px");
expandSideOrBelow() {
if (!am(this.focusedItem) && this.firstFocusInCurrentList)
return void this.element.classList.remove("docs-side", "docs-below");
let e3 =\d+)px/);
!e3 || Number(e3[1]) < this.maxWidgetWidth ? (this.element.classList.add("docs-below"), this.element.classList.remove("docs-side")) : am(this.focusedItem) && (this.element.classList.add("docs-side"), this.element.classList.remove("docs-below"));
get maxWidgetHeight() {
return this.unfocusedHeight * this.editor.getOption(96).maxVisibleSuggestions;
get unfocusedHeight() {
const e3 = this.editor.getOptions();
return e3.get(98) || e3.get(36).lineHeight;
getHeight(e3) {
return this.unfocusedHeight;
getTemplateId(e3) {
return "suggestion";
expandDocsSettingFromStorage() {
return this.storageService.getBoolean("expandSuggestionDocs", 0, false);
updateExpandDocsSetting(e3) {"expandSuggestionDocs", e3, 0);
dispose() {
this.details.dispose(), this.list.dispose(), this.toDispose.dispose(), this.loadingTimeout.dispose(), this.showTimeout.dispose(), this.editor.removeContentWidget(this);
hm.ID = "editor.widget.suggestWidget", hm.LOADING_MESSAGE = U.a("suggestWidget.loading", "Loading..."), hm.NO_SUGGESTIONS_MESSAGE = U.a("suggestWidget.noSuggestions", "No suggestions."), hm = Xp([Qp(1, Bt.a), Qp(2, vt.a), Qp(3, K.b), Qp(4, we.c), Qp(5, fn.a), Qp(6, Nl.a), Qp(7, Vl.a), Qp(8, ye.a), Qp(9, gt.a)], hm), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(rm);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .suggest-widget .monaco-list .monaco-list-row .monaco-highlighted-label .highlight { color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(im);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .suggest-widget { color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(ve.rc);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .suggest-widget a { color: ${o2}; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(ve.qc);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .suggest-widget code { background-color: ${r2}; }`);
var um = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, pm = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let mm = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(t2, n2) {
super(), this._editor = t2, this._enabled = false, this._ckAtEnd = e2.AtEnd.bindTo(n2), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => e3.hasChanged(101) && this._update())), this._update();
dispose() {
super.dispose(), Object(pe.f)(this._selectionListener), this._ckAtEnd.reset();
_update() {
const e3 = "on" === this._editor.getOption(101);
if (this._enabled !== e3)
if (this._enabled = e3, this._enabled) {
const e4 = () => {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
return void this._ckAtEnd.set(false);
const e5 = this._editor.getModel(), t2 = this._editor.getSelection(), n2 = e5.getWordAtPosition(t2.getStartPosition());
n2 ? this._ckAtEnd.set(n2.endColumn === t2.getStartPosition().column) : this._ckAtEnd.set(false);
this._selectionListener = this._editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection(e4), e4();
} else
this._selectionListener && (this._ckAtEnd.reset(), this._selectionListener.dispose(), this._selectionListener = void 0);
mm.AtEnd = new K.c("atEndOfWord", false), mm = um([pm(1, K.b)], mm);
class gm {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._disposables = new pe.b(), this._disposables.add(t2.onDidShow(() => this._onItem(t2.getFocusedItem()))), this._disposables.add(t2.onDidFocus(this._onItem, this)), this._disposables.add(t2.onDidHide(this.reset, this)), this._disposables.add(e2.onWillType((i2) => {
if (this._active && !t2.isFrozen()) {
const t3 = i2.charCodeAt(i2.length - 1);
this._active.acceptCharacters.has(t3) && e2.getOption(0) && n2(this._active.item);
_onItem(e2) {
if (!e2 || !Object(G.o)(e2.item.completion.commitCharacters))
return void this.reset();
if (this._active && this._active.item.item === e2.item)
const t2 = new Dr.b();
for (const n2 of e2.item.completion.commitCharacters)
n2.length > 0 && t2.add(n2.charCodeAt(0));
this._active = {acceptCharacters: t2, item: e2};
reset() {
this._active = void 0;
dispose() {
class fm {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._disposables = new pe.b(), this._lastOvertyped = [], this._empty = true, this._disposables.add(e2.onWillType(() => {
if (!this._empty)
if (!e2.hasModel())
const t3 = e2.getSelections(), n2 = t3.length;
let i2 = false;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2; e3++)
if (!t3[e3].isEmpty()) {
i2 = true;
if (!i2)
this._lastOvertyped = [];
const o2 = e2.getModel();
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2; e3++) {
const n3 = t3[e3];
if (o2.getValueLengthInRange(n3) > fm._maxSelectionLength)
this._lastOvertyped[e3] = {value: o2.getValueInRange(n3), multiline: n3.startLineNumber !== n3.endLineNumber};
this._empty = false;
})), this._disposables.add(t2.onDidCancel((e3) => {
this._empty || (this._empty = true);
getLastOvertypedInfo(e2) {
if (!this._empty && e2 >= 0 && e2 < this._lastOvertyped.length)
return this._lastOvertyped[e2];
dispose() {
fm._maxSelectionLength = 51200;
var bm = n(158), _m = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, vm = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
class wm {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this._model = e2, this._position = t2;
if (e2.getLineMaxColumn(t2.lineNumber) !== t2.column) {
const n2 = e2.getOffsetAt(t2), i2 = e2.getPositionAt(n2 + 1);
this._marker = e2.deltaDecorations([], [{range: ge.a.fromPositions(t2, i2), options: {stickiness: 1}}]);
dispose() {
this._marker && !this._model.isDisposed() && this._model.deltaDecorations(this._marker, []);
delta(e2) {
if (this._model.isDisposed() || this._position.lineNumber !== e2.lineNumber)
return 0;
if (this._marker) {
const t2 = this._model.getDecorationRange(this._marker[0]);
return this._model.getOffsetAt(t2.getStartPosition()) - this._model.getOffsetAt(e2);
return this._model.getLineMaxColumn(e2.lineNumber) - e2.column;
let ym = class e2 {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2) {
this._memoryService = n2, this._commandService = i2, this._contextKeyService = o2, this._instantiationService = r2, this._logService = s2, this._lineSuffix = new pe.d(), this._toDispose = new pe.b(), this.editor = e3, this.model = new up(this.editor, t2, a2), this.widget = this._toDispose.add(new ue.b(() => {
const e4 = this._instantiationService.createInstance(hm, this.editor);
this._toDispose.add(e4), this._toDispose.add(e4.onDidSelect((e5) => this._insertSuggestion(e5, 0), this));
const t3 = new gm(this.editor, e4, (e5) => this._insertSuggestion(e5, 2));
this._toDispose.add(t3), this._toDispose.add(this.model.onDidSuggest((e5) => {
0 === e5.completionModel.items.length && t3.reset();
const n3 = Su.MakesTextEdit.bindTo(this._contextKeyService), i3 = Su.HasInsertAndReplaceRange.bindTo(this._contextKeyService), o3 = Su.CanResolve.bindTo(this._contextKeyService);
return this._toDispose.add(Object(pe.h)(() => {
n3.reset(), i3.reset(), o3.reset();
})), this._toDispose.add(e4.onDidFocus(({item: e5}) => {
const t4 = this.editor.getPosition(), r3 = e5.editStart.column, s3 = t4.column;
let a3 = true;
if (!("smart" !== this.editor.getOption(1) || 2 !== this.model.state || e5.completion.command || e5.completion.additionalTextEdits || 4 & e5.completion.insertTextRules || s3 - r3 !== e5.completion.insertText.length)) {
a3 = this.editor.getModel().getValueInRange({startLineNumber: t4.lineNumber, startColumn: r3, endLineNumber: t4.lineNumber, endColumn: s3}) !== e5.completion.insertText;
n3.set(a3), i3.set(!me.a.equals(e5.editInsertEnd, e5.editReplaceEnd)), o3.set(Boolean(e5.provider.resolveCompletionItem) || Boolean(e5.completion.documentation) || e5.completion.detail !== e5.completion.label);
})), this._toDispose.add(e4.onDetailsKeyDown((e5) => {
e5.toKeybinding().equals(new $.e(true, false, false, false, 33)) || Ae.f && e5.toKeybinding().equals(new $.e(false, false, false, true, 33)) ? e5.stopPropagation() : e5.toKeybinding().isModifierKey() || this.editor.focus();
})), e4;
})), this._overtypingCapturer = this._toDispose.add(new ue.b(() => this._toDispose.add(new fm(this.editor, this.model)))), this._alternatives = this._toDispose.add(new ue.b(() => this._toDispose.add(new sp(this.editor, this._contextKeyService)))), this._toDispose.add(r2.createInstance(mm, e3)), this._toDispose.add(this.model.onDidTrigger((e4) => {
this.widget.value.showTriggered(, e4.shy ? 250 : 50), this._lineSuffix.value = new wm(this.editor.getModel(), e4.position);
})), this._toDispose.add(this.model.onDidSuggest((e4) => {
if (!e4.shy) {
let t3 =, this.editor.getPosition(), e4.completionModel.items);
this.widget.value.showSuggestions(e4.completionModel, t3, e4.isFrozen,;
})), this._toDispose.add(this.model.onDidCancel((e4) => {
e4.retrigger || this.widget.value.hideWidget();
})), this._toDispose.add(this.editor.onDidBlurEditorWidget(() => {
this.model.cancel(), this.model.clear();
let l2 = Su.AcceptSuggestionsOnEnter.bindTo(o2), c2 = () => {
const e4 = this.editor.getOption(1);
l2.set("on" === e4 || "smart" === e4);
this._toDispose.add(this.editor.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => c2())), c2();
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
dispose() {
this._alternatives.dispose(), this._toDispose.dispose(), this.widget.dispose(), this.model.dispose(), this._lineSuffix.dispose();
_insertSuggestion(e3, t2) {
if (!e3 || !e3.item)
return this._alternatives.value.reset(), this.model.cancel(), void this.model.clear();
if (!this.editor.hasModel())
const n2 = this.editor.getModel(), i2 = n2.getAlternativeVersionId(), {item: o2} = e3, r2 = [], s2 = new Xe.b();
1 & t2 || this.editor.pushUndoStop();
const a2 = this.getOverwriteInfo(o2, Boolean(8 & t2));
if (this._memoryService.memorize(n2, this.editor.getPosition(), o2), Array.isArray(o2.completion.additionalTextEdits)) {
const e4 = Je.c.capture(this.editor);
this.editor.executeEdits("suggestController.additionalTextEdits.sync", => Mn.a.replace(ge.a.lift(e5.range), e5.text))), e4.restoreRelativeVerticalPositionOfCursor(this.editor);
} else if (!o2.isResolved) {
const e4 = new bm.a(true);
let i3;
const a3 = n2.onDidChangeContent((e5) => {
if (e5.isFlush)
return s2.cancel(), void a3.dispose();
for (let t3 of e5.changes) {
const e6 = ge.a.getEndPosition(t3.range);
i3 && !me.a.isBefore(e6, i3) || (i3 = e6);
let l3 = t2;
t2 |= 2;
let c2 = false, d2 = this.editor.onWillType(() => {
d2.dispose(), c2 = true, 2 & l3 || this.editor.pushUndoStop();
r2.push(o2.resolve(s2.token).then(() => {
if (!o2.completion.additionalTextEdits || s2.token.isCancellationRequested)
return false;
if (i3 && o2.completion.additionalTextEdits.some((e6) => me.a.isBefore(i3, ge.a.getStartPosition(e6.range))))
return false;
c2 && this.editor.pushUndoStop();
const e5 = Je.c.capture(this.editor);
return this.editor.executeEdits("suggestController.additionalTextEdits.async", => Mn.a.replace(ge.a.lift(e6.range), e6.text))), e5.restoreRelativeVerticalPositionOfCursor(this.editor), !c2 && 2 & l3 || this.editor.pushUndoStop(), true;
}).then((t3) => {
this._logService.trace("[suggest] async resolving of edits DONE (ms, applied?)", e4.elapsed(), t3), a3.dispose(), d2.dispose();
let {insertText: l2} = o2.completion;
4 & o2.completion.insertTextRules || (l2 = Cu.escape(l2)), Zu.get(this.editor).insert(l2, {overwriteBefore: a2.overwriteBefore, overwriteAfter: a2.overwriteAfter, undoStopBefore: false, undoStopAfter: false, adjustWhitespace: !(1 & o2.completion.insertTextRules), clipboardText: e3.model.clipboardText, overtypingCapturer: this._overtypingCapturer.value}), 2 & t2 || this.editor.pushUndoStop(), o2.completion.command ? === ? this.model.trigger({auto: true, shy: false}, true) : (r2.push(this._commandService.executeCommand(, ...o2.completion.command.arguments ? [...o2.completion.command.arguments] : []).catch(Z.e)), this.model.cancel()) : this.model.cancel(), 4 & t2 && this._alternatives.value.set(e3, (e4) => {
for (s2.cancel(); n2.canUndo(); ) {
i2 !== n2.getAlternativeVersionId() && n2.undo(), this._insertSuggestion(e4, 3 | (8 & t2 ? 8 : 0));
}), this._alertCompletionItem(o2), Promise.all(r2).finally(() => {
this.model.clear(), s2.dispose();
getOverwriteInfo(e3, t2) {
let n2 = "replace" === this.editor.getOption(96).insertMode;
t2 && (n2 = !n2);
const i2 = e3.position.column - e3.editStart.column, o2 = (n2 ? e3.editReplaceEnd.column : e3.editInsertEnd.column) - e3.position.column;
return {overwriteBefore: i2 + (this.editor.getPosition().column - e3.position.column), overwriteAfter: o2 + (this._lineSuffix.value ? : 0)};
_alertCompletionItem({completion: e3}) {
const t2 = "string" == typeof e3.label ? e3.label :;
if (Object(G.o)(e3.additionalTextEdits)) {
let n2 = U.a("arai.alert.snippet", "Accepting '{0}' made {1} additional edits", t2, e3.additionalTextEdits.length);
triggerSuggest(e3) {
this.editor.hasModel() && (this.model.trigger({auto: false, shy: false}, false, e3), this.editor.revealLine(this.editor.getPosition().lineNumber, 0), this.editor.focus());
triggerSuggestAndAcceptBest(e3) {
if (!this.editor.hasModel())
const t2 = this.editor.getPosition(), n2 = () => {
t2.equals(this.editor.getPosition()) && this._commandService.executeCommand(e3.fallback);
}, i2 = (e4) => {
if (4 & e4.completion.insertTextRules || e4.completion.additionalTextEdits)
return true;
const t3 = this.editor.getPosition(), n3 = e4.editStart.column, i3 = t3.column;
if (i3 - n3 !== e4.completion.insertText.length)
return true;
return this.editor.getModel().getValueInRange({startLineNumber: t3.lineNumber, startColumn: n3, endLineNumber: t3.lineNumber, endColumn: i3}) !== e4.completion.insertText;
Lt.b.once(this.model.onDidTrigger)((e4) => {
let t3 = [];
Lt.b.any(this.model.onDidTrigger, this.model.onDidCancel)(() => {
Object(pe.f)(t3), n2();
}, void 0, t3), this.model.onDidSuggest(({completionModel: e5}) => {
if (Object(pe.f)(t3), 0 === e5.items.length)
return void n2();
const o2 =, this.editor.getPosition(), e5.items), r2 = e5.items[o2];
i2(r2) ? (this.editor.pushUndoStop(), this._insertSuggestion({index: o2, item: r2, model: e5}, 7)) : n2();
}, void 0, t3);
}), this.model.trigger({auto: false, shy: true}), this.editor.revealLine(t2.lineNumber, 0), this.editor.focus();
acceptSelectedSuggestion(e3, t2) {
const n2 = this.widget.value.getFocusedItem();
let i2 = 0;
e3 && (i2 |= 4), t2 && (i2 |= 8), this._insertSuggestion(n2, i2);
acceptNextSuggestion() {;
acceptPrevSuggestion() {
cancelSuggestWidget() {
this.model.cancel(), this.model.clear(), this.widget.value.hideWidget();
selectNextSuggestion() {
selectNextPageSuggestion() {
selectLastSuggestion() {
selectPrevSuggestion() {
selectPrevPageSuggestion() {
selectFirstSuggestion() {
toggleSuggestionDetails() {
toggleExplainMode() {
toggleSuggestionFocus() {
ym.ID = "editor.contrib.suggestController", ym = _m([vm(1, Ar.a), vm(2, ip), vm(3, Ft.b), vm(4, K.b), vm(5, gt.a), vm(6, Kh.b), vm(7, Pe.a)], ym);
class Cm extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id:, label: U.a("suggest.trigger.label", "Trigger Suggest"), alias: "Trigger Suggest", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.writable, H.a.hasCompletionItemProvider), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2058, mac: {primary: 266, secondary: [521]}, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = ym.get(t2);
n2 && n2.triggerSuggest();
} = "editor.action.triggerSuggest", Object(V.m)(ym.ID, ym), Object(V.k)(Cm);
const xm = V.c.bindToContribution(ym.get);
Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "acceptSelectedSuggestion", precondition: Su.Visible, handler(e2) {
e2.acceptSelectedSuggestion(true, false);
}})), Zi.a.registerKeybindingRule({id: "acceptSelectedSuggestion", when: K.a.and(Su.Visible, H.a.textInputFocus), primary: 2, weight: 190}), Zi.a.registerKeybindingRule({id: "acceptSelectedSuggestion", when: K.a.and(Su.Visible, H.a.textInputFocus, Su.AcceptSuggestionsOnEnter, Su.MakesTextEdit), primary: 3, weight: 190}), ye.d.appendMenuItem(ku, {command: {id: "acceptSelectedSuggestion", title: U.a({key: "accept.accept", comment: ['{0} will be a keybinding, e.g "Enter to insert"']}, "{0} to insert")}, group: "left", order: 1, when: Su.HasInsertAndReplaceRange.toNegated()}), ye.d.appendMenuItem(ku, {command: {id: "acceptSelectedSuggestion", title: U.a({key: "accept.insert", comment: ['{0} will be a keybinding, e.g "Enter to insert"']}, "{0} to insert")}, group: "left", order: 1, when: K.a.and(Su.HasInsertAndReplaceRange, K.a.equals("config.editor.suggest.insertMode", "insert"))}), ye.d.appendMenuItem(ku, {command: {id: "acceptSelectedSuggestion", title: U.a({key: "accept.replace", comment: ['{0} will be a keybinding, e.g "Enter to replace"']}, "{0} to replace")}, group: "left", order: 1, when: K.a.and(Su.HasInsertAndReplaceRange, K.a.equals("config.editor.suggest.insertMode", "replace"))}), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "acceptAlternativeSelectedSuggestion", precondition: K.a.and(Su.Visible, H.a.textInputFocus), kbOpts: {weight: 190, kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1027, secondary: [1026]}, handler(e2) {
e2.acceptSelectedSuggestion(false, true);
}, menuOpts: [{menuId: ku, group: "left", order: 2, when: K.a.and(Su.HasInsertAndReplaceRange, K.a.equals("config.editor.suggest.insertMode", "insert")), title: U.a({key: "accept.replace", comment: ['{0} will be a keybinding, e.g "Enter to replace"']}, "{0} to replace")}, {menuId: ku, group: "left", order: 2, when: K.a.and(Su.HasInsertAndReplaceRange, K.a.equals("config.editor.suggest.insertMode", "replace")), title: U.a({key: "accept.insert", comment: ['{0} will be a keybinding, e.g "Enter to insert"']}, "{0} to insert")}]})), Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("acceptSelectedSuggestionOnEnter", "acceptSelectedSuggestion"), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "hideSuggestWidget", precondition: Su.Visible, handler: (e2) => e2.cancelSuggestWidget(), kbOpts: {weight: 190, kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 9, secondary: [1033]}})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "selectNextSuggestion", precondition: K.a.and(Su.Visible, Su.MultipleSuggestions), handler: (e2) => e2.selectNextSuggestion(), kbOpts: {weight: 190, kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 18, secondary: [2066], mac: {primary: 18, secondary: [2066, 300]}}})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "selectNextPageSuggestion", precondition: K.a.and(Su.Visible, Su.MultipleSuggestions), handler: (e2) => e2.selectNextPageSuggestion(), kbOpts: {weight: 190, kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 12, secondary: [2060]}})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "selectLastSuggestion", precondition: K.a.and(Su.Visible, Su.MultipleSuggestions), handler: (e2) => e2.selectLastSuggestion()})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "selectPrevSuggestion", precondition: K.a.and(Su.Visible, Su.MultipleSuggestions), handler: (e2) => e2.selectPrevSuggestion(), kbOpts: {weight: 190, kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 16, secondary: [2064], mac: {primary: 16, secondary: [2064, 302]}}})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "selectPrevPageSuggestion", precondition: K.a.and(Su.Visible, Su.MultipleSuggestions), handler: (e2) => e2.selectPrevPageSuggestion(), kbOpts: {weight: 190, kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 11, secondary: [2059]}})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "selectFirstSuggestion", precondition: K.a.and(Su.Visible, Su.MultipleSuggestions), handler: (e2) => e2.selectFirstSuggestion()})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "toggleSuggestionDetails", precondition: Su.Visible, handler: (e2) => e2.toggleSuggestionDetails(), kbOpts: {weight: 190, kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2058, mac: {primary: 266}}, menuOpts: [{menuId: ku, group: "right", order: 1, when: K.a.and(Su.DetailsVisible, Su.CanResolve), title: U.a("detail.more", "show less")}, {menuId: ku, group: "right", order: 1, when: K.a.and(Su.DetailsVisible.toNegated(), Su.CanResolve), title: U.a("detail.less", "show more")}]})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "toggleExplainMode", precondition: Su.Visible, handler: (e2) => e2.toggleExplainMode(), kbOpts: {weight: 100, primary: 2133}})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "toggleSuggestionFocus", precondition: Su.Visible, handler: (e2) => e2.toggleSuggestionFocus(), kbOpts: {weight: 190, kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2570, mac: {primary: 778}}})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "insertBestCompletion", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.textInputFocus, K.a.equals("config.editor.tabCompletion", "on"), mm.AtEnd, Su.Visible.toNegated(), sp.OtherSuggestions.toNegated(), Zu.InSnippetMode.toNegated()), handler: (e2, t2) => {
e2.triggerSuggestAndAcceptBest(Object(Jo.i)(t2) ? Object.assign({fallback: "tab"}, t2) : {fallback: "tab"});
}, kbOpts: {weight: 190, primary: 2}})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "insertNextSuggestion", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.textInputFocus, K.a.equals("config.editor.tabCompletion", "on"), sp.OtherSuggestions, Su.Visible.toNegated(), Zu.InSnippetMode.toNegated()), handler: (e2) => e2.acceptNextSuggestion(), kbOpts: {weight: 190, kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2}})), Object(V.l)(new xm({id: "insertPrevSuggestion", precondition: K.a.and(H.a.textInputFocus, K.a.equals("config.editor.tabCompletion", "on"), sp.OtherSuggestions, Su.Visible.toNegated(), Zu.InSnippetMode.toNegated()), handler: (e2) => e2.acceptPrevSuggestion(), kbOpts: {weight: 190, kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 1026}}));
class Sm extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.forceRetokenize", label: U.a("forceRetokenize", "Developer: Force Retokenize"), alias: "Developer: Force Retokenize", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const n2 = t2.getModel();
const i2 = new bm.a(true);
n2.forceTokenization(n2.getLineCount()), i2.stop(), console.log("tokenization took " + i2.elapsed());
var km = n(161);
class Em extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: Em.ID, label: U.a({key: "toggle.tabMovesFocus", comment: ["Turn on/off use of tab key for moving focus around VS Code"]}, "Toggle Tab Key Moves Focus"), alias: "Toggle Tab Key Moves Focus", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: null, primary: 2091, mac: {primary: 1323}, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = !km.b.getTabFocusMode();
km.b.setTabFocusMode(n2), n2 ? Object(ne.a)(U.a("toggle.tabMovesFocus.on", "Pressing Tab will now move focus to the next focusable element")) : Object(ne.a)(U.a("", "Pressing Tab will now insert the tab character"));
Em.ID = "editor.action.toggleTabFocusMode", Object(V.k)(Em);
var Tm = n(171), Lm = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Nm = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, Im = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
let Om = class extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(), this._editor = e2, this._dialogService = t2, this._codeEditorService = n2, this._config = this._editor.getOption(103), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
e3.hasChanged(103) && (this._config = this._editor.getOption(103), this._checkForUnusualLineTerminators());
})), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => {
})), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent((e3) => {
e3.isUndoing || this._checkForUnusualLineTerminators();
_checkForUnusualLineTerminators() {
return Im(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if ("off" === this._config)
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const e2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (!e2.mightContainUnusualLineTerminators())
if (true === function(e3, t2) {
return e3.getModelProperty(t2.uri, "ignoreUnusualLineTerminators");
}(this._codeEditorService, e2))
if (this._editor.getOption(72))
if ("auto" === this._config)
return void e2.removeUnusualLineTerminators(this._editor.getSelections());
(yield this._dialogService.confirm({title: U.a("unusualLineTerminators.title", "Unusual Line Terminators"), message: U.a("unusualLineTerminators.message", "Detected unusual line terminators"), detail: U.a("unusualLineTerminators.detail", "This file contains one or more unusual line terminator characters, like Line Separator (LS) or Paragraph Separator (PS).\n\nIt is recommended to remove them from the file. This can be configured via `editor.unusualLineTerminators`."), primaryButton: U.a("unusualLineTerminators.fix", "Fix this file"), secondaryButton: U.a("unusualLineTerminators.ignore", "Ignore problem for this file")})).confirmed ? e2.removeUnusualLineTerminators(this._editor.getSelections()) : function(e3, t2, n2) {
e3.setModelProperty(t2.uri, "ignoreUnusualLineTerminators", n2);
}(this._codeEditorService, e2, true);
Om.ID = "editor.contrib.unusualLineTerminatorsDetector", Om = Lm([Nm(1, Tm.a), Nm(2, Me.a)], Om), Object(V.m)(Om.ID, Om);
var Dm = n(184), Am = n(183), Rm = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Mm = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Pm = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._modelService = t2, this._themeService = n2, this._configurationService = i2, this._editor = e3, this._tokenizeViewport = new ue.d(() => this._tokenizeViewportNow(), 100), this._outstandingRequests = [], this._register(this._editor.onDidScrollChange(() => {
})), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModel(() => {
this._cancelAll(), this._tokenizeViewport.schedule();
})), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent((e4) => {
this._cancelAll(), this._tokenizeViewport.schedule();
})), this._register(et.k.onDidChange(() => {
this._cancelAll(), this._tokenizeViewport.schedule();
})), this._register(this._configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration((e4) => {
e4.affectsConfiguration(Am.b) && (this._cancelAll(), this._tokenizeViewport.schedule());
})), this._register(this._themeService.onDidColorThemeChange(() => {
this._cancelAll(), this._tokenizeViewport.schedule();
static _getSemanticColoringProvider(e3) {
const t2 = et.k.ordered(e3);
return t2.length > 0 ? t2[0] : null;
_cancelAll() {
for (const e3 of this._outstandingRequests)
this._outstandingRequests = [];
_removeOutstandingRequest(e3) {
for (let t2 = 0, n2 = this._outstandingRequests.length; t2 < n2; t2++)
if (this._outstandingRequests[t2] === e3)
return void this._outstandingRequests.splice(t2, 1);
_tokenizeViewportNow() {
if (!this._editor.hasModel())
const t2 = this._editor.getModel();
if (t2.hasSemanticTokens())
if (!Object(Am.c)(t2, this._themeService, this._configurationService))
const n2 = e2._getSemanticColoringProvider(t2);
if (!n2)
const i2 = this._modelService.getSemanticTokensProviderStyling(n2), o2 = this._editor.getVisibleRangesPlusViewportAboveBelow();
this._outstandingRequests = this._outstandingRequests.concat( => this._requestRange(t2, e3, n2, i2)));
_requestRange(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = e3.getVersionId(), r2 = Object(ue.f)((i3) => Promise.resolve(n2.provideDocumentRangeSemanticTokens(e3, t2, i3)));
return r2.then((n3) => {
n3 && !e3.isDisposed() && e3.getVersionId() === o2 && e3.setPartialSemanticTokens(t2, Object(Dm.b)(n3, i2, e3.getLanguageIdentifier()));
}).then(() => this._removeOutstandingRequest(r2), () => this._removeOutstandingRequest(r2)), r2;
Pm.ID = "editor.contrib.viewportSemanticTokens", Pm = Rm([Mm(1, tt.a), Mm(2, we.c), Mm(3, On.a)], Pm), Object(V.m)(Pm.ID, Pm);
var Fm = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Wm = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
const zm = Object(ve.gc)("editor.wordHighlightBackground", {dark: "#575757B8", light: "#57575740", hc: null}, U.a("wordHighlight", "Background color of a symbol during read-access, like reading a variable. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), Bm = Object(ve.gc)("editor.wordHighlightStrongBackground", {dark: "#004972B8", light: "#0e639c40", hc: null}, U.a("wordHighlightStrong", "Background color of a symbol during write-access, like writing to a variable. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), jm = Object(ve.gc)("editor.wordHighlightBorder", {light: null, dark: null, hc: ve.b}, U.a("wordHighlightBorder", "Border color of a symbol during read-access, like reading a variable.")), Vm = Object(ve.gc)("editor.wordHighlightStrongBorder", {light: null, dark: null, hc: ve.b}, U.a("wordHighlightStrongBorder", "Border color of a symbol during write-access, like writing to a variable.")), Um = Object(ve.gc)("editorOverviewRuler.wordHighlightForeground", {dark: "#A0A0A0CC", light: "#A0A0A0CC", hc: "#A0A0A0CC"}, U.a("overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground", "Overview ruler marker color for symbol highlights. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), Hm = Object(ve.gc)("editorOverviewRuler.wordHighlightStrongForeground", {dark: "#C0A0C0CC", light: "#C0A0C0CC", hc: "#C0A0C0CC"}, U.a("overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground", "Overview ruler marker color for write-access symbol highlights. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true), qm = new K.c("hasWordHighlights", false);
function $m(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = et.i.ordered(e2);
return Object(ue.h)( => () => Promise.resolve(i3.provideDocumentHighlights(e2, t2, n2)).then(void 0, Z.f)), G.o);
class Km {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
this._wordRange = this._getCurrentWordRange(e2, t2), this.result = Object(ue.f)((i2) => this._compute(e2, t2, n2, i2));
_getCurrentWordRange(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.getWordAtPosition(t2.getPosition());
return n2 ? new ge.a(t2.startLineNumber, n2.startColumn, t2.startLineNumber, n2.endColumn) : null;
isValid(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.startLineNumber, o2 = t2.startColumn, r2 = t2.endColumn, s2 = this._getCurrentWordRange(e2, t2);
let a2 = Boolean(this._wordRange && this._wordRange.equalsRange(s2));
for (let t3 = 0, s3 = n2.length; !a2 && t3 < s3; t3++) {
let s4 = e2.getDecorationRange(n2[t3]);
s4 && s4.startLineNumber === i2 && s4.startColumn <= o2 && s4.endColumn >= r2 && (a2 = true);
return a2;
cancel() {
class Gm extends Km {
_compute(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return $m(e2, t2.getPosition(), i2).then((e3) => e3 || []);
class Ym extends Km {
constructor(e2, t2, n2) {
super(e2, t2, n2), this._selectionIsEmpty = t2.isEmpty();
_compute(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return Object(ue.l)(250, i2).then(() => {
if (!t2.isEmpty())
return [];
const i3 = e2.getWordAtPosition(t2.getPosition());
if (!i3 || i3.word.length > 1e3)
return [];
return e2.findMatches(i3.word, true, false, true, n2, false).map((e3) => ({range: e3.range, kind: et.h.Text}));
isValid(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = t2.isEmpty();
return this._selectionIsEmpty === i2 && super.isValid(e2, t2, n2);
Object(V.p)("_executeDocumentHighlights", (e2, t2) => $m(e2, t2, Xe.a.None));
class Zm {
constructor(e2, t2) {
this.toUnhook = new pe.b(), this.workerRequestTokenId = 0, this.workerRequestCompleted = false, this.workerRequestValue = [], this.lastCursorPositionChangeTime = 0, this.renderDecorationsTimer = -1, this.editor = e2, this._hasWordHighlights = qm.bindTo(t2), this._ignorePositionChangeEvent = false, this.occurrencesHighlight = this.editor.getOption(63), this.model = this.editor.getModel(), this.toUnhook.add(e2.onDidChangeCursorPosition((e3) => {
this._ignorePositionChangeEvent || this.occurrencesHighlight && this._onPositionChanged(e3);
})), this.toUnhook.add(e2.onDidChangeModelContent((e3) => {
})), this.toUnhook.add(e2.onDidChangeConfiguration((e3) => {
let t3 = this.editor.getOption(63);
this.occurrencesHighlight !== t3 && (this.occurrencesHighlight = t3, this._stopAll());
})), this._decorationIds = [], this.workerRequestTokenId = 0, this.workerRequest = null, this.workerRequestCompleted = false, this.lastCursorPositionChangeTime = 0, this.renderDecorationsTimer = -1;
hasDecorations() {
return this._decorationIds.length > 0;
restore() {
this.occurrencesHighlight && this._run();
_getSortedHighlights() {
return G.d( => this.model.getDecorationRange(e2)).sort(ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts));
moveNext() {
let e2 = this._getSortedHighlights(), t2 = (G.j(e2, (e3) => e3.containsPosition(this.editor.getPosition())) + 1) % e2.length, n2 = e2[t2];
try {
this._ignorePositionChangeEvent = true, this.editor.setPosition(n2.getStartPosition()), this.editor.revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(n2);
const i2 = this._getWord();
if (i2) {
const o2 = this.editor.getModel().getLineContent(n2.startLineNumber);
Object(ne.a)(`${o2}, ${t2 + 1} of ${e2.length} for '${i2.word}'`);
} finally {
this._ignorePositionChangeEvent = false;
moveBack() {
let e2 = this._getSortedHighlights(), t2 = (G.j(e2, (e3) => e3.containsPosition(this.editor.getPosition())) - 1 + e2.length) % e2.length, n2 = e2[t2];
try {
this._ignorePositionChangeEvent = true, this.editor.setPosition(n2.getStartPosition()), this.editor.revealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport(n2);
const i2 = this._getWord();
if (i2) {
const o2 = this.editor.getModel().getLineContent(n2.startLineNumber);
Object(ne.a)(`${o2}, ${t2 + 1} of ${e2.length} for '${i2.word}'`);
} finally {
this._ignorePositionChangeEvent = false;
_removeDecorations() {
this._decorationIds.length > 0 && (this._decorationIds = this.editor.deltaDecorations(this._decorationIds, []), this._hasWordHighlights.set(false));
_stopAll() {
this._removeDecorations(), -1 !== this.renderDecorationsTimer && (clearTimeout(this.renderDecorationsTimer), this.renderDecorationsTimer = -1), null !== this.workerRequest && (this.workerRequest.cancel(), this.workerRequest = null), this.workerRequestCompleted || (this.workerRequestTokenId++, this.workerRequestCompleted = true);
_onPositionChanged(e2) {
this.occurrencesHighlight && 3 === e2.reason ? this._run() : this._stopAll();
_getWord() {
let e2 = this.editor.getSelection(), t2 = e2.startLineNumber, n2 = e2.startColumn;
return this.model.getWordAtPosition({lineNumber: t2, column: n2});
_run() {
let e2 = this.editor.getSelection();
if (e2.startLineNumber !== e2.endLineNumber)
return void this._stopAll();
let t2 = e2.startColumn, n2 = e2.endColumn;
const i2 = this._getWord();
if (!i2 || i2.startColumn > t2 || i2.endColumn < n2)
return void this._stopAll();
const o2 = this.workerRequest && this.workerRequest.isValid(this.model, e2, this._decorationIds);
if (this.lastCursorPositionChangeTime = new Date().getTime(), o2)
this.workerRequestCompleted && -1 !== this.renderDecorationsTimer && (clearTimeout(this.renderDecorationsTimer), this.renderDecorationsTimer = -1, this._beginRenderDecorations());
else {
let e3 = ++this.workerRequestTokenId;
this.workerRequestCompleted = false, this.workerRequest = (r2 = this.model, s2 = this.editor.getSelection(), a2 = this.editor.getOption(105), et.i.has(r2) ? new Gm(r2, s2, a2) : new Ym(r2, s2, a2)), this.workerRequest.result.then((t3) => {
e3 === this.workerRequestTokenId && (this.workerRequestCompleted = true, this.workerRequestValue = t3 || [], this._beginRenderDecorations());
}, Z.e);
var r2, s2, a2;
_beginRenderDecorations() {
let e2 = new Date().getTime(), t2 = this.lastCursorPositionChangeTime + 250;
e2 >= t2 ? (this.renderDecorationsTimer = -1, this.renderDecorations()) : this.renderDecorationsTimer = setTimeout(() => {
}, t2 - e2);
renderDecorations() {
this.renderDecorationsTimer = -1;
let e2 = [];
for (const t2 of this.workerRequestValue)
t2.range && e2.push({range: t2.range, options: Zm._getDecorationOptions(t2.kind)});
this._decorationIds = this.editor.deltaDecorations(this._decorationIds, e2), this._hasWordHighlights.set(this.hasDecorations());
static _getDecorationOptions(e2) {
return e2 === et.h.Write ? this._WRITE_OPTIONS : e2 === et.h.Text ? this._TEXT_OPTIONS : this._REGULAR_OPTIONS;
dispose() {
this._stopAll(), this.toUnhook.dispose();
Zm._WRITE_OPTIONS = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "wordHighlightStrong", overviewRuler: {color: Object(we.h)(Hm), position: fe.d.Center}}), Zm._TEXT_OPTIONS = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "selectionHighlight", overviewRuler: {color: Object(we.h)(ve.Wb), position: fe.d.Center}}), Zm._REGULAR_OPTIONS = be.a.register({stickiness: 1, className: "wordHighlight", overviewRuler: {color: Object(we.h)(Um), position: fe.d.Center}});
let Xm = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2) {
super(), this.wordHighlighter = null;
const n2 = () => {
e3.hasModel() && (this.wordHighlighter = new Zm(e3, t2));
this._register(e3.onDidChangeModel((e4) => {
this.wordHighlighter && (this.wordHighlighter.dispose(), this.wordHighlighter = null), n2();
})), n2();
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
saveViewState() {
return !(!this.wordHighlighter || !this.wordHighlighter.hasDecorations());
moveNext() {
this.wordHighlighter && this.wordHighlighter.moveNext();
moveBack() {
this.wordHighlighter && this.wordHighlighter.moveBack();
restoreViewState(e3) {
this.wordHighlighter && e3 && this.wordHighlighter.restore();
dispose() {
this.wordHighlighter && (this.wordHighlighter.dispose(), this.wordHighlighter = null), super.dispose();
Xm.ID = "editor.contrib.wordHighlighter", Xm = Fm([Wm(1, K.b)], Xm);
class Qm extends V.b {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(t2), this._isNext = e2;
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Xm.get(t2);
n2 && (this._isNext ? n2.moveNext() : n2.moveBack());
class Jm extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.wordHighlight.trigger", label: U.a("wordHighlight.trigger.label", "Trigger Symbol Highlight"), alias: "Trigger Symbol Highlight", precondition: qm.toNegated(), kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 0, weight: 100}});
run(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = Xm.get(t2);
i2 && i2.restoreViewState(true);
Object(V.m)(Xm.ID, Xm), Object(V.k)(class extends Qm {
constructor() {
super(true, {id: "", label: U.a("", "Go to Next Symbol Highlight"), alias: "Go to Next Symbol Highlight", precondition: qm, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 65, weight: 100}});
}), Object(V.k)(class extends Qm {
constructor() {
super(false, {id: "editor.action.wordHighlight.prev", label: U.a("wordHighlight.previous.label", "Go to Previous Symbol Highlight"), alias: "Go to Previous Symbol Highlight", precondition: qm, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.editorTextFocus, primary: 1089, weight: 100}});
}), Object(V.k)(Jm), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.Q);
n2 && (t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .focused .selectionHighlight { background-color: ${n2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .selectionHighlight { background-color: ${n2.transparent(0.5)}; }`));
const i2 = e2.getColor(zm);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .wordHighlight { background-color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(Bm);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .wordHighlightStrong { background-color: ${o2}; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(ve.R);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .selectionHighlight { border: 1px ${"hc" === e2.type ? "dotted" : "solid"} ${r2}; box-sizing: border-box; }`);
const s2 = e2.getColor(jm);
s2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .wordHighlight { border: 1px ${"hc" === e2.type ? "dashed" : "solid"} ${s2}; box-sizing: border-box; }`);
const a2 = e2.getColor(Vm);
a2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .wordHighlightStrong { border: 1px ${"hc" === e2.type ? "dashed" : "solid"} ${a2}; box-sizing: border-box; }`);
var eg = n(22), tg = n(129), ng = n(117), ig = n(26);
class og extends V.c {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this._inSelectionMode = e2.inSelectionMode, this._wordNavigationType = e2.wordNavigationType;
runEditorCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const i2 = Object(ng.a)(t2.getOption(105)), o2 = t2.getModel(), r2 = t2.getSelections().map((e3) => {
const t3 = new me.a(e3.positionLineNumber, e3.positionColumn), n3 = this._move(i2, o2, t3, this._wordNavigationType);
return this._moveTo(e3, n3, this._inSelectionMode);
if (o2.pushStackElement(), t2._getViewModel().setCursorStates("moveWordCommand", 0, => eg.d.fromModelSelection(e3))), 1 === r2.length) {
const e3 = new me.a(r2[0].positionLineNumber, r2[0].positionColumn);
t2.revealPosition(e3, 0);
_moveTo(e2, t2, n2) {
return n2 ? new q.a(e2.selectionStartLineNumber, e2.selectionStartColumn, t2.lineNumber, t2.column) : new q.a(t2.lineNumber, t2.column, t2.lineNumber, t2.column);
class rg extends og {
_move(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return tg.a.moveWordLeft(e2, t2, n2, i2);
class sg extends og {
_move(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return tg.a.moveWordRight(e2, t2, n2, i2);
class ag extends V.c {
constructor(e2) {
super(e2), this._whitespaceHeuristics = e2.whitespaceHeuristics, this._wordNavigationType = e2.wordNavigationType;
runEditorCommand(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!t2.hasModel())
const i2 = Object(ng.a)(t2.getOption(105)), o2 = t2.getModel(), r2 = t2.getSelections().map((e3) => {
const t3 = this._delete(i2, o2, e3, this._whitespaceHeuristics, this._wordNavigationType);
return new Ne.a(t3, "");
t2.pushUndoStop(), t2.executeCommands(, r2), t2.pushUndoStop();
class lg extends ag {
_delete(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2 = tg.a.deleteWordLeft(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
return r2 || new ge.a(1, 1, 1, 1);
class cg extends ag {
_delete(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2 = tg.a.deleteWordRight(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2);
if (r2)
return r2;
const s2 = t2.getLineCount(), a2 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(s2);
return new ge.a(s2, a2, s2, a2);
Object(V.l)(new class extends rg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: false, wordNavigationType: 0, id: "cursorWordStartLeft", precondition: void 0});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends rg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: false, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "cursorWordEndLeft", precondition: void 0});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends rg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: false, wordNavigationType: 1, id: "cursorWordLeft", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2063, mac: {primary: 527}, weight: 100}});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends rg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: true, wordNavigationType: 0, id: "cursorWordStartLeftSelect", precondition: void 0});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends rg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: true, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "cursorWordEndLeftSelect", precondition: void 0});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends rg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: true, wordNavigationType: 1, id: "cursorWordLeftSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3087, mac: {primary: 1551}, weight: 100}});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends sg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: false, wordNavigationType: 0, id: "cursorWordStartRight", precondition: void 0});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends sg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: false, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "cursorWordEndRight", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2065, mac: {primary: 529}, weight: 100}});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends sg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: false, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "cursorWordRight", precondition: void 0});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends sg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: true, wordNavigationType: 0, id: "cursorWordStartRightSelect", precondition: void 0});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends sg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: true, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "cursorWordEndRightSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 3089, mac: {primary: 1553}, weight: 100}});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends sg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: true, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "cursorWordRightSelect", precondition: void 0});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends rg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: false, wordNavigationType: 3, id: "cursorWordAccessibilityLeft", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: K.a.and(H.a.textInputFocus, us.a), win: {primary: 2063}, weight: 101}});
_move(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return super._move(Object(ng.a)(ig.g.wordSeparators.defaultValue), t2, n2, i2);
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends rg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: true, wordNavigationType: 3, id: "cursorWordAccessibilityLeftSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: K.a.and(H.a.textInputFocus, us.a), win: {primary: 3087}, weight: 101}});
_move(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return super._move(Object(ng.a)(ig.g.wordSeparators.defaultValue), t2, n2, i2);
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends sg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: false, wordNavigationType: 3, id: "cursorWordAccessibilityRight", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: K.a.and(H.a.textInputFocus, us.a), win: {primary: 2065}, weight: 101}});
_move(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return super._move(Object(ng.a)(ig.g.wordSeparators.defaultValue), t2, n2, i2);
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends sg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: true, wordNavigationType: 3, id: "cursorWordAccessibilityRightSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: K.a.and(H.a.textInputFocus, us.a), win: {primary: 3089}, weight: 101}});
_move(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return super._move(Object(ng.a)(ig.g.wordSeparators.defaultValue), t2, n2, i2);
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends lg {
constructor() {
super({whitespaceHeuristics: false, wordNavigationType: 0, id: "deleteWordStartLeft", precondition: H.a.writable});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends lg {
constructor() {
super({whitespaceHeuristics: false, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "deleteWordEndLeft", precondition: H.a.writable});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends lg {
constructor() {
super({whitespaceHeuristics: true, wordNavigationType: 0, id: "deleteWordLeft", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2049, mac: {primary: 513}, weight: 100}});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends cg {
constructor() {
super({whitespaceHeuristics: false, wordNavigationType: 0, id: "deleteWordStartRight", precondition: H.a.writable});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends cg {
constructor() {
super({whitespaceHeuristics: false, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "deleteWordEndRight", precondition: H.a.writable});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends cg {
constructor() {
super({whitespaceHeuristics: true, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "deleteWordRight", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 2068, mac: {primary: 532}, weight: 100}});
class dg extends og {
_move(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return tg.b.moveWordPartLeft(e2, t2, n2);
Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("cursorWordPartStartLeft", "cursorWordPartLeft");
Ft.a.registerCommandAlias("cursorWordPartStartLeftSelect", "cursorWordPartLeftSelect");
class hg extends og {
_move(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return tg.b.moveWordPartRight(e2, t2, n2);
Object(V.l)(new class extends ag {
constructor() {
super({whitespaceHeuristics: true, wordNavigationType: 0, id: "deleteWordPartLeft", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 769}, weight: 100}});
_delete(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2 = tg.b.deleteWordPartLeft(e2, t2, n2, i2);
return r2 || new ge.a(1, 1, 1, 1);
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends ag {
constructor() {
super({whitespaceHeuristics: true, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "deleteWordPartRight", precondition: H.a.writable, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 788}, weight: 100}});
_delete(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2) {
let r2 = tg.b.deleteWordPartRight(e2, t2, n2, i2);
if (r2)
return r2;
const s2 = t2.getLineCount(), a2 = t2.getLineMaxColumn(s2);
return new ge.a(s2, a2, s2, a2);
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends dg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: false, wordNavigationType: 0, id: "cursorWordPartLeft", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 783}, weight: 100}});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends dg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: true, wordNavigationType: 0, id: "cursorWordPartLeftSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 1807}, weight: 100}});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends hg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: false, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "cursorWordPartRight", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 785}, weight: 100}});
}()), Object(V.l)(new class extends hg {
constructor() {
super({inSelectionMode: true, wordNavigationType: 2, id: "cursorWordPartRightSelect", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.textInputFocus, primary: 0, mac: {primary: 1809}, weight: 100}});
var ug = n(55), pg = (n(335), n(35)), mg = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, gg = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
const fg = new K.c("accessibilityHelpWidgetVisible", false);
let bg = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2) {
super(), this._editor = e3, this._widget = this._register(t2.createInstance(_g, this._editor));
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
show() {;
hide() {
bg.ID = "editor.contrib.accessibilityHelpController", bg = mg([gg(1, gt.a)], bg);
let _g = class e2 extends Ri.a {
constructor(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this._contextKeyService = t2, this._keybindingService = n2, this._openerService = i2, this._editor = e3, this._isVisibleKey = fg.bindTo(this._contextKeyService), this._domNode = Object(pg.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._domNode.setClassName("accessibilityHelpWidget"), this._domNode.setDisplay("none"), this._domNode.setAttribute("role", "dialog"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this._contentDomNode = Object(pg.b)(document.createElement("div")), this._contentDomNode.setAttribute("role", "document"), this._domNode.appendChild(this._contentDomNode), this._isVisible = false, this._register(this._editor.onDidLayoutChange(() => {
this._isVisible && this._layout();
})), this._register(ft.n(this._contentDomNode.domNode, "keydown", (e4) => {
if (this._isVisible && (e4.equals(2083) && (Object(ne.a)(ug.a.emergencyConfOn), this._editor.updateOptions({accessibilitySupport: "on"}), ft.s(this._contentDomNode.domNode), this._buildContent(), this._contentDomNode.domNode.focus(), e4.preventDefault(), e4.stopPropagation()), e4.equals(2086))) {
let t3 = this._editor.getRawOptions().accessibilityHelpUrl;
void 0 === t3 && (t3 = ""),, e4.preventDefault(), e4.stopPropagation();
})), this.onblur(this._contentDomNode.domNode, () => {
}), this._editor.addOverlayWidget(this);
dispose() {
this._editor.removeOverlayWidget(this), super.dispose();
getId() {
return e2.ID;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode.domNode;
getPosition() {
return {preference: null};
show() {
this._isVisible || (this._isVisible = true, this._isVisibleKey.set(true), this._layout(), this._domNode.setDisplay("block"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"), this._contentDomNode.domNode.tabIndex = 0, this._buildContent(), this._contentDomNode.domNode.focus());
_descriptionForCommand(e3, t2, n2) {
let i2 = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(e3);
return i2 ? Ye.x(t2, i2.getAriaLabel()) : Ye.x(n2, e3);
_buildContent() {
const e3 = this._editor.getOptions(), t2 = this._editor.getSelections();
let n2 = 0;
if (t2) {
const e4 = this._editor.getModel();
e4 && t2.forEach((t3) => {
n2 += e4.getValueLengthInRange(t3);
let i2 = function(e4, t3) {
return e4 && 0 !== e4.length ? 1 === e4.length ? t3 ? Ye.x(ug.a.singleSelectionRange, e4[0].positionLineNumber, e4[0].positionColumn, t3) : Ye.x(ug.a.singleSelection, e4[0].positionLineNumber, e4[0].positionColumn) : t3 ? Ye.x(ug.a.multiSelectionRange, e4.length, t3) : e4.length > 0 ? Ye.x(ug.a.multiSelection, e4.length) : "" : ug.a.noSelection;
}(t2, n2);
e3.get(47) ? e3.get(72) ? i2 += ug.a.readonlyDiffEditor : i2 += ug.a.editableDiffEditor : e3.get(72) ? i2 += ug.a.readonlyEditor : i2 += ug.a.editableEditor;
const o2 = Ae.f ? ug.a.changeConfigToOnMac : ug.a.changeConfigToOnWinLinux;
switch (e3.get(2)) {
case 0:
i2 += "\n\n - " + o2;
case 2:
i2 += "\n\n - " + ug.a.auto_on;
case 1:
i2 += "\n\n - " + ug.a.auto_off, i2 += " " + o2;
e3.get(116) ? i2 += "\n\n - " + this._descriptionForCommand(Em.ID, ug.a.tabFocusModeOnMsg, ug.a.tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb) : i2 += "\n\n - " + this._descriptionForCommand(Em.ID, ug.a.tabFocusModeOffMsg, ug.a.tabFocusModeOffMsgNoKb);
i2 += "\n\n - " + (Ae.f ? ug.a.openDocMac : ug.a.openDocWinLinux), i2 += "\n\n" + ug.a.outroMsg, this._contentDomNode.domNode.appendChild(Object(Ic.b)(i2)), this._contentDomNode.domNode.setAttribute("aria-label", i2);
hide() {
this._isVisible && (this._isVisible = false, this._isVisibleKey.reset(), this._domNode.setDisplay("none"), this._domNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this._contentDomNode.domNode.tabIndex = -1, ft.s(this._contentDomNode.domNode), this._editor.focus());
_layout() {
let t2 = this._editor.getLayoutInfo(), n2 = Math.max(5, Math.min(e2.WIDTH, t2.width - 40)), i2 = Math.max(5, Math.min(e2.HEIGHT, t2.height - 40));
this._domNode.setWidth(n2), this._domNode.setHeight(i2);
let o2 = Math.round((t2.height - i2) / 2);
let r2 = Math.round((t2.width - n2) / 2);
_g.ID = "editor.contrib.accessibilityHelpWidget", _g.WIDTH = 500, _g.HEIGHT = 300, _g = mg([gg(1, K.b), gg(2, vt.a), gg(3, Vl.a)], _g);
class vg extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.showAccessibilityHelp", label: ug.a.showAccessibilityHelpAction, alias: "Show Accessibility Help", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 571, weight: 100, linux: {primary: 1595, secondary: [571]}}});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = bg.get(t2);
n2 &&;
Object(V.m)(bg.ID, bg), Object(V.k)(vg);
const wg = V.c.bindToContribution(bg.get);
Object(V.l)(new wg({id: "closeAccessibilityHelp", precondition: fg, handler: (e2) => e2.hide(), kbOpts: {weight: 200, kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 9, secondary: [1033]}})), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.U);
n2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .accessibilityHelpWidget { background-color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(ve.W);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .accessibilityHelpWidget { color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(ve.uc);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .accessibilityHelpWidget { box-shadow: 0 2px 8px ${o2}; }`);
const r2 = e2.getColor(ve.h);
r2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .accessibilityHelpWidget { border: 2px solid ${r2}; }`);
class yg extends pe.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.editor = e2, this.widget = null, De.i && (this._register(e2.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => this.update())), this.update());
update() {
const e2 = !this.editor.getOption(72);
!this.widget && e2 ? this.widget = new Cg(this.editor) : this.widget && !e2 && (this.widget.dispose(), this.widget = null);
dispose() {
super.dispose(), this.widget && (this.widget.dispose(), this.widget = null);
yg.ID = "editor.contrib.iPadShowKeyboard";
class Cg extends pe.a {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.editor = e2, this._domNode = document.createElement("textarea"), this._domNode.className = "iPadShowKeyboard", this._register(ft.i(this._domNode, "touchstart", (e3) => {
})), this._register(ft.i(this._domNode, "focus", (e3) => {
})), this.editor.addOverlayWidget(this);
dispose() {
this.editor.removeOverlayWidget(this), super.dispose();
getId() {
return Cg.ID;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
getPosition() {
return {preference: 1};
Cg.ID = "editor.contrib.ShowKeyboardWidget", Object(V.m)(yg.ID, yg);
var xg = n(90), Sg = n(139), kg = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Eg = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Tg = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(e3, t2, n2) {
super(), this._editor = e3, this._modeService = n2, this._widget = null, this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModel((e4) => this.stop())), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeModelLanguage((e4) => this.stop())), this._register(et.C.onDidChange((e4) => this.stop())), this._register(this._editor.onKeyUp((e4) => 9 === e4.keyCode && this.stop()));
static get(t2) {
return t2.getContribution(e2.ID);
dispose() {
this.stop(), super.dispose();
launch() {
this._widget || this._editor.hasModel() && (this._widget = new Ng(this._editor, this._modeService));
stop() {
this._widget && (this._widget.dispose(), this._widget = null);
Tg.ID = "editor.contrib.inspectTokens", Tg = kg([Eg(1, Sg.a), Eg(2, Nl.a)], Tg);
class Lg extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.inspectTokens", label: ug.c.inspectTokensAction, alias: "Developer: Inspect Tokens", precondition: void 0});
run(e2, t2) {
let n2 = Tg.get(t2);
n2 && n2.launch();
class Ng extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this.allowEditorOverflow = true, this._editor = e2, this._modeService = t2, this._model = this._editor.getModel(), this._domNode = document.createElement("div"), this._domNode.className = "tokens-inspect-widget", this._tokenizationSupport = function(e3) {
let t3 = et.C.get(e3.language);
return t3 || {getInitialState: () => xg.c, tokenize: (t4, n2, i2) => Object(xg.d)(e3.language, t4, n2, i2), tokenize2: (t4, n2, i2) => Object(xg.e)(, t4, n2, i2)};
}(this._model.getLanguageIdentifier()), this._compute(this._editor.getPosition()), this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition((e3) => this._compute(this._editor.getPosition()))), this._editor.addContentWidget(this);
dispose() {
this._editor.removeContentWidget(this), super.dispose();
getId() {
return Ng._ID;
_compute(e2) {
let t2 = this._getTokensAtLine(e2.lineNumber), n2 = 0;
for (let i3 = t2.tokens1.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) {
let o3 = t2.tokens1[i3];
if (e2.column - 1 >= o3.offset) {
n2 = i3;
let i2 = 0;
for (let n3 = t2.tokens2.length >>> 1; n3 >= 0; n3--)
if (e2.column - 1 >= t2.tokens2[n3 << 1]) {
i2 = n3;
let o2 = this._model.getLineContent(e2.lineNumber), r2 = "";
if (n2 < t2.tokens1.length) {
let e3 = t2.tokens1[n2].offset, i3 = n2 + 1 < t2.tokens1.length ? t2.tokens1[n2 + 1].offset : o2.length;
r2 = o2.substring(e3, i3);
Object(ft.U)(this._domNode, Object(ft.a)("", void 0, function(e3) {
let t3 = "";
for (let n3 = 0, i3 = e3.length; n3 < i3; n3++) {
let i4 = e3.charCodeAt(n3);
switch (i4) {
case 9:
t3 += "→";
case 32:
t3 += "·";
t3 += String.fromCharCode(i4);
return t3;
}(r2), Object(ft.a)("", void 0, `${r2.length} ${1 === r2.length ? "char" : "chars"}`))), Object(ft.p)(this._domNode, Object(ft.a)("hr.tokens-inspect-separator", {style: "clear:both"}));
const s2 = 1 + (i2 << 1) < t2.tokens2.length ? this._decodeMetadata(t2.tokens2[1 + (i2 << 1)]) : null;
Object(ft.p)(this._domNode, Object(ft.a)("", void 0, Object(ft.a)("tbody", void 0, Object(ft.a)("tr", void 0, Object(ft.a)("", void 0, "language"), Object(ft.a)("", void 0, "" + (s2 ? s2.languageIdentifier.language : "-?-"))), Object(ft.a)("tr", void 0, Object(ft.a)("", void 0, "token type"), Object(ft.a)("", void 0, "" + (s2 ? this._tokenTypeToString(s2.tokenType) : "-?-"))), Object(ft.a)("tr", void 0, Object(ft.a)("", void 0, "font style"), Object(ft.a)("", void 0, "" + (s2 ? this._fontStyleToString(s2.fontStyle) : "-?-"))), Object(ft.a)("tr", void 0, Object(ft.a)("", void 0, "foreground"), Object(ft.a)("", void 0, "" + (s2 ? Nn.a.Format.CSS.formatHex(s2.foreground) : "-?-"))), Object(ft.a)("tr", void 0, Object(ft.a)("", void 0, "background"), Object(ft.a)("", void 0, "" + (s2 ? Nn.a.Format.CSS.formatHex(s2.background) : "-?-")))))), Object(ft.p)(this._domNode, Object(ft.a)("hr.tokens-inspect-separator")), n2 < t2.tokens1.length && Object(ft.p)(this._domNode, Object(ft.a)("", void 0, t2.tokens1[n2].type)), this._editor.layoutContentWidget(this);
_decodeMetadata(e2) {
let t2 = et.C.getColorMap(), n2 = et.B.getLanguageId(e2), i2 = et.B.getTokenType(e2), o2 = et.B.getFontStyle(e2), r2 = et.B.getForeground(e2), s2 = et.B.getBackground(e2);
return {languageIdentifier: this._modeService.getLanguageIdentifier(n2), tokenType: i2, fontStyle: o2, foreground: t2[r2], background: t2[s2]};
_tokenTypeToString(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case 0:
return "Other";
case 1:
return "Comment";
case 2:
return "String";
case 4:
return "RegEx";
return "??";
_fontStyleToString(e2) {
let t2 = "";
return 1 & e2 && (t2 += "italic "), 2 & e2 && (t2 += "bold "), 4 & e2 && (t2 += "underline "), 0 === t2.length && (t2 = "---"), t2;
_getTokensAtLine(e2) {
let t2 = this._getStateBeforeLine(e2), n2 = this._tokenizationSupport.tokenize(this._model.getLineContent(e2), t2, 0), i2 = this._tokenizationSupport.tokenize2(this._model.getLineContent(e2), t2, 0);
return {startState: t2, tokens1: n2.tokens, tokens2: i2.tokens, endState: n2.endState};
_getStateBeforeLine(e2) {
let t2 = this._tokenizationSupport.getInitialState();
for (let n2 = 1; n2 < e2; n2++) {
t2 = this._tokenizationSupport.tokenize(this._model.getLineContent(n2), t2, 0).endState;
return t2;
getDomNode() {
return this._domNode;
getPosition() {
return {position: this._editor.getPosition(), preference: [2, 1]};
Ng._ID = "editor.contrib.inspectTokensWidget", Object(V.m)(Tg.ID, Tg), Object(V.k)(Lg), Object(we.g)((e2, t2) => {
const n2 = e2.getColor(ve.F);
if (n2) {
let i3 = e2.type === we.b ? 2 : 1;
t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .tokens-inspect-widget { border: ${i3}px solid ${n2}; }`), t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .tokens-inspect-widget .tokens-inspect-separator { background-color: ${n2}; }`);
const i2 = e2.getColor(ve.E);
i2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .tokens-inspect-widget { background-color: ${i2}; }`);
const o2 = e2.getColor(ve.G);
o2 && t2.addRule(`.monaco-editor .tokens-inspect-widget { color: ${o2}; }`);
var Ig = n(134), Og = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Dg = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Ag = class e2 {
constructor(e3) {
this.quickInputService = e3, this.registry =;
provide(t2) {
const n2 = new pe.b();
n2.add(t2.onDidAccept(() => {
const [e3] = t2.selectedItems;
e3 &&, {preserveValue: true});
})), n2.add(t2.onDidChangeValue((t3) => {
const n3 = this.registry.getQuickAccessProvider(t3.substr(e2.PREFIX.length));
n3 && n3.prefix && n3.prefix !== e2.PREFIX &&, {preserveValue: true});
const {editorProviders: i2, globalProviders: o2} = this.getQuickAccessProviders();
return t2.items = 0 === i2.length || 0 === o2.length ? [...0 === i2.length ? o2 : i2] : [{label: Object(U.a)("globalCommands", "global commands"), type: "separator"}, ...o2, {label: Object(U.a)("editorCommands", "editor commands"), type: "separator"}, ...i2], n2;
getQuickAccessProviders() {
const t2 = [], n2 = [];
for (const i2 of this.registry.getQuickAccessProviders().sort((e3, t3) => e3.prefix.localeCompare(t3.prefix)))
if (i2.prefix !== e2.PREFIX)
for (const e3 of i2.helpEntries) {
const o2 = e3.prefix || i2.prefix, r2 = o2 || "…";
(e3.needsEditor ? n2 : t2).push({prefix: o2, label: r2, ariaLabel: Object(U.a)("helpPickAriaLabel", "{0}, {1}", r2, e3.description), description: e3.description});
return {editorProviders: n2, globalProviders: t2};
Ag.PREFIX = "?", Ag = Og([Dg(0, Sn.a)], Ag),{ctor: Ag, prefix: "", helpEntries: [{description: ug.e.helpQuickAccessActionLabel, needsEditor: true}]});
class Rg {
constructor(e2) {
this.options = e2, this.rangeHighlightDecorationId = void 0;
provide(e2, t2) {
var n2;
const i2 = new pe.b();
e2.canAcceptInBackground = !!(null === (n2 = this.options) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.canAcceptInBackground), e2.matchOnLabel = e2.matchOnDescription = e2.matchOnDetail = e2.sortByLabel = false;
const o2 = i2.add(new pe.d());
return o2.value = this.doProvide(e2, t2), i2.add(this.onDidActiveTextEditorControlChange(() => {
o2.value = void 0, o2.value = this.doProvide(e2, t2);
})), i2;
doProvide(e2, t2) {
const n2 = new pe.b(), i2 = this.activeTextEditorControl;
if (i2 && this.canProvideWithTextEditor(i2)) {
const o2 = Object(Rr.a)(i2);
if (o2) {
let e3 = Object(Jo.n)(i2.saveViewState());
n2.add(o2.onDidChangeCursorPosition(() => {
e3 = Object(Jo.n)(i2.saveViewState());
})), n2.add(Object(bn.a)(t2.onCancellationRequested)(() => {
e3 && i2 === this.activeTextEditorControl && i2.restoreViewState(e3);
n2.add(Object(pe.h)(() => this.clearDecorations(i2))), n2.add(this.provideWithTextEditor(i2, e2, t2));
} else
n2.add(this.provideWithoutTextEditor(e2, t2));
return n2;
canProvideWithTextEditor(e2) {
return true;
gotoLocation(e2, t2) {
e2.setSelection(t2.range), e2.revealRangeInCenter(t2.range, 0), t2.preserveFocus || e2.focus();
getModel(e2) {
var t2;
return Object(Rr.c)(e2) ? null === (t2 = e2.getModel()) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.modified : e2.getModel();
addDecorations(e2, t2) {
e2.changeDecorations((e3) => {
const n2 = [];
this.rangeHighlightDecorationId && (n2.push(this.rangeHighlightDecorationId.overviewRulerDecorationId), n2.push(this.rangeHighlightDecorationId.rangeHighlightId), this.rangeHighlightDecorationId = void 0);
const i2 = [{range: t2, options: {className: "rangeHighlight", isWholeLine: true}}, {range: t2, options: {overviewRuler: {color: Object(we.h)(_e.s), position: fe.d.Full}}}], [o2, r2] = e3.deltaDecorations(n2, i2);
this.rangeHighlightDecorationId = {rangeHighlightId: o2, overviewRulerDecorationId: r2};
clearDecorations(e2) {
const t2 = this.rangeHighlightDecorationId;
t2 && (e2.changeDecorations((e3) => {
e3.deltaDecorations([t2.overviewRulerDecorationId, t2.rangeHighlightId], []);
}), this.rangeHighlightDecorationId = void 0);
class Mg extends Rg {
constructor() {
super({canAcceptInBackground: true});
provideWithoutTextEditor(e2) {
const t2 = Object(U.a)("cannotRunGotoLine", "Open a text editor first to go to a line.");
return e2.items = [{label: t2}], e2.ariaLabel = t2, pe.a.None;
provideWithTextEditor(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = new pe.b();
i2.add(t2.onDidAccept((n3) => {
const [i3] = t2.selectedItems;
if (i3) {
if (!this.isValidLineNumber(e2, i3.lineNumber))
this.gotoLocation(e2, {range: this.toRange(i3.lineNumber, i3.column), keyMods: t2.keyMods, preserveFocus: n3.inBackground}), n3.inBackground || t2.hide();
const o2 = () => {
const n3 = this.parsePosition(e2, t2.value.trim().substr(Mg.PREFIX.length)), i3 = this.getPickLabel(e2, n3.lineNumber, n3.column);
if (t2.items = [{lineNumber: n3.lineNumber, column: n3.column, label: i3}], t2.ariaLabel = i3, !this.isValidLineNumber(e2, n3.lineNumber))
return void this.clearDecorations(e2);
const o3 = this.toRange(n3.lineNumber, n3.column);
e2.revealRangeInCenter(o3, 0), this.addDecorations(e2, o3);
o2(), i2.add(t2.onDidChangeValue(() => o2()));
const r2 = Object(Rr.a)(e2);
if (r2) {
2 === r2.getOptions().get(52).renderType && (r2.updateOptions({lineNumbers: "on"}), i2.add(Object(pe.h)(() => r2.updateOptions({lineNumbers: "relative"}))));
return i2;
toRange(e2 = 1, t2 = 1) {
return {startLineNumber: e2, startColumn: t2, endLineNumber: e2, endColumn: t2};
parsePosition(e2, t2) {
const n2 = t2.split(/,|:|#/).map((e3) => parseInt(e3, 10)).filter((e3) => !isNaN(e3)), i2 = this.lineCount(e2) + 1;
return {lineNumber: n2[0] > 0 ? n2[0] : i2 + n2[0], column: n2[1]};
getPickLabel(e2, t2, n2) {
if (this.isValidLineNumber(e2, t2))
return this.isValidColumn(e2, t2, n2) ? Object(U.a)("gotoLineColumnLabel", "Go to line {0} and column {1}.", t2, n2) : Object(U.a)("gotoLineLabel", "Go to line {0}.", t2);
const i2 = e2.getPosition() || {lineNumber: 1, column: 1}, o2 = this.lineCount(e2);
return o2 > 1 ? Object(U.a)("gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit", "Current Line: {0}, Character: {1}. Type a line number between 1 and {2} to navigate to.", i2.lineNumber, i2.column, o2) : Object(U.a)("gotoLineLabelEmpty", "Current Line: {0}, Character: {1}. Type a line number to navigate to.", i2.lineNumber, i2.column);
isValidLineNumber(e2, t2) {
return !(!t2 || "number" != typeof t2) && (t2 > 0 && t2 <= this.lineCount(e2));
isValidColumn(e2, t2, n2) {
if (!n2 || "number" != typeof n2)
return false;
const i2 = this.getModel(e2);
if (!i2)
return false;
const o2 = {lineNumber: t2, column: n2};
return i2.validatePosition(o2).equals(o2);
lineCount(e2) {
var t2, n2;
return null !== (n2 = null === (t2 = this.getModel(e2)) || void 0 === t2 ? void 0 : t2.getLineCount()) && void 0 !== n2 ? n2 : 0;
Mg.PREFIX = ":";
var Pg = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Fg = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Wg = class extends Mg {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.editorService = e2, this.onDidActiveTextEditorControlChange = Lt.b.None;
get activeTextEditorControl() {
return Object(Jo.n)(this.editorService.getFocusedCodeEditor());
Wg = Pg([Fg(0, Me.a)], Wg),{ctor: Wg, prefix: Wg.PREFIX, helpEntries: [{description: ug.b.gotoLineActionLabel, needsEditor: true}]});
class zg extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.gotoLine", label: ug.b.gotoLineActionLabel, alias: "Go to Line/Column...", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 2085, mac: {primary: 293}, weight: 100}});
run(e2) {
const Bg = [void 0, []];
function jg(e2, t2, n2 = 0, i2 = 0) {
const o2 = t2;
return o2.values && o2.values.length > 1 ? function(e3, t3, n3, i3) {
let o3 = 0;
const r2 = [];
for (const s2 of t3) {
const [t4, a2] = Vg(e3, s2, n3, i3);
if ("number" != typeof t4)
return Bg;
o3 += t4, r2.push(...a2);
return [o3, Ug(r2)];
}(e2, o2.values, n2, i2) : Vg(e2, t2, n2, i2);
function Vg(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = Object(va.d)(t2.original, t2.originalLowercase, n2, e2, e2.toLowerCase(), i2, true);
return o2 ? [o2[0], Object(va.c)(o2)] : Bg;
function Ug(e2) {
const t2 = e2.sort((e3, t3) => e3.start - t3.start), n2 = [];
let i2 = void 0;
for (const e3 of t2)
i2 && Hg(i2, e3) ? (i2.start = Math.min(i2.start, e3.start), i2.end = Math.max(i2.end, e3.end)) : (i2 = e3, n2.push(e3));
return n2;
function Hg(e2, t2) {
return !(e2.end < t2.start) && !(t2.end < e2.start);
function qg(e2) {
"string" != typeof e2 && (e2 = "");
const t2 = e2.toLowerCase(), {pathNormalized: n2, normalized: i2, normalizedLowercase: o2} = $g(e2), r2 = n2.indexOf(pa.h) >= 0;
let s2 = void 0;
const a2 = e2.split(" ");
if (a2.length > 1)
for (const e3 of a2) {
const {pathNormalized: t3, normalized: n3, normalizedLowercase: i3} = $g(e3);
n3 && (s2 || (s2 = []), s2.push({original: e3, originalLowercase: e3.toLowerCase(), pathNormalized: t3, normalized: n3, normalizedLowercase: i3}));
return {original: e2, originalLowercase: t2, pathNormalized: n2, normalized: i2, normalizedLowercase: o2, values: s2, containsPathSeparator: r2};
function $g(e2) {
let t2;
t2 = Ae.i ? e2.replace(/\//g, pa.h) : e2.replace(/\\/g, pa.h);
const n2 = Object(Ye.V)(t2).replace(/\s/g, "");
return {pathNormalized: t2, normalized: n2, normalizedLowercase: n2.toLowerCase()};
function Kg(e2) {
return Array.isArray(e2) ? qg( => e3.original).join(" ")) : qg(e2.original);
var Gg = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
class Yg extends Rg {
constructor(e2 = Object.create(null)) {
super(e2), this.options = e2, e2.canAcceptInBackground = true;
provideWithoutTextEditor(e2) {
return this.provideLabelPick(e2, Object(U.a)("cannotRunGotoSymbolWithoutEditor", "To go to a symbol, first open a text editor with symbol information.")), pe.a.None;
provideWithTextEditor(e2, t2, n2) {
const i2 = this.getModel(e2);
return i2 ? et.m.has(i2) ? this.doProvideWithEditorSymbols(e2, i2, t2, n2) : this.doProvideWithoutEditorSymbols(e2, i2, t2, n2) : pe.a.None;
doProvideWithoutEditorSymbols(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = new pe.b();
return this.provideLabelPick(n2, Object(U.a)("cannotRunGotoSymbolWithoutSymbolProvider", "The active text editor does not provide symbol information.")), (() => {
Gg(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
(yield this.waitForLanguageSymbolRegistry(t2, o2)) && !i2.isCancellationRequested && o2.add(this.doProvideWithEditorSymbols(e2, t2, n2, i2));
})(), o2;
provideLabelPick(e2, t2) {
e2.items = [{label: t2, index: 0, kind: 14}], e2.ariaLabel = t2;
waitForLanguageSymbolRegistry(e2, t2) {
return Gg(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (et.m.has(e2))
return true;
let n2;
const i2 = new Promise((e3) => n2 = e3), o2 = t2.add(et.m.onDidChange(() => {
et.m.has(e2) && (o2.dispose(), n2(true));
return t2.add(Object(pe.h)(() => n2(false))), i2;
doProvideWithEditorSymbols(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
const o2 = new pe.b();
o2.add(n2.onDidAccept((t3) => {
const [i3] = n2.selectedItems;
i3 && i3.range && (this.gotoLocation(e2, {range: i3.range.selection, keyMods: n2.keyMods, preserveFocus: t3.inBackground}), t3.inBackground || n2.hide());
})), o2.add(n2.onDidTriggerItemButton(({item: t3}) => {
t3 && t3.range && (this.gotoLocation(e2, {range: t3.range.selection, keyMods: n2.keyMods, forceSideBySide: true}), n2.hide());
const r2 = this.getDocumentSymbols(t2, true, i2);
let s2 = void 0;
const a2 = () => Gg(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
null == s2 || s2.dispose(true), n2.busy = false, s2 = new Xe.b(i2), n2.busy = true;
try {
const e3 = qg(n2.value.substr(Yg.PREFIX.length).trim()), t3 = yield this.doGetSymbolPicks(r2, e3, void 0, s2.token);
if (i2.isCancellationRequested)
t3.length > 0 ? n2.items = t3 : e3.original.length > 0 ? this.provideLabelPick(n2, Object(U.a)("noMatchingSymbolResults", "No matching editor symbols")) : this.provideLabelPick(n2, Object(U.a)("noSymbolResults", "No editor symbols"));
} finally {
i2.isCancellationRequested || (n2.busy = false);
o2.add(n2.onDidChangeValue(() => a2())), a2();
let l2 = true;
return o2.add(n2.onDidChangeActive(() => {
const [t3] = n2.activeItems;
if (t3 && t3.range) {
if (l2)
return void (l2 = false);
e2.revealRangeInCenter(t3.range.selection, 0), this.addDecorations(e2, t3.range.decoration);
})), o2;
doGetSymbolPicks(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return Gg(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const o2 = yield e2;
if (i2.isCancellationRequested)
return [];
const r2 = 0 === t2.original.indexOf(Yg.SCOPE_PREFIX), s2 = r2 ? 1 : 0;
let a2, l2;
t2.values && t2.values.length > 1 ? (a2 = Kg(t2.values[0]), l2 = Kg(t2.values.slice(1))) : a2 = t2;
const c2 = [];
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < o2.length; e3++) {
const i3 = o2[e3], r3 = Object(Ye.W)(, d3 = `$(symbol-${et.A.toString(i3.kind) || "property"}) ${r3}`, h3 = d3.length - r3.length;
let u3 = i3.containerName;
(null == n2 ? void 0 : n2.extraContainerLabel) && (u3 = u3 ? `${n2.extraContainerLabel} • ${u3}` : n2.extraContainerLabel);
let p2 = void 0, m2 = void 0, g2 = void 0, f2 = void 0;
if (t2.original.length > s2) {
let e4 = false;
if (a2 !== t2 && ([p2, m2] = jg(d3, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t2), {values: void 0}), s2, h3), "number" == typeof p2 && (e4 = true)), "number" != typeof p2 && ([p2, m2] = jg(d3, a2, s2, h3), "number" != typeof p2))
if (!e4 && l2) {
if (u3 && l2.original.length > 0 && ([g2, f2] = jg(u3, l2)), "number" != typeof g2)
"number" == typeof p2 && (p2 += g2);
const b2 = i3.tags && i3.tags.indexOf(1) >= 0;
c2.push({index: e3, kind: i3.kind, score: p2, label: d3, ariaLabel: r3, description: u3, highlights: b2 ? void 0 : {label: m2, description: f2}, range: {selection: ge.a.collapseToStart(i3.selectionRange), decoration: i3.range}, strikethrough: b2, buttons: (() => {
var e4, t3;
const n3 = (null === (e4 = this.options) || void 0 === e4 ? void 0 : e4.openSideBySideDirection) ? null === (t3 = this.options) || void 0 === t3 ? void 0 : t3.openSideBySideDirection() : void 0;
if (n3)
return [{iconClass: "right" === n3 ? Y.a.splitHorizontal.classNames : Y.a.splitVertical.classNames, tooltip: "right" === n3 ? Object(U.a)("openToSide", "Open to the Side") : Object(U.a)("openToBottom", "Open to the Bottom")}];
const d2 = c2.sort((e3, t3) => r2 ? this.compareByKindAndScore(e3, t3) : this.compareByScore(e3, t3));
let h2 = [];
if (r2) {
let e3 = void 0, t3 = void 0, n3 = 0;
function u2() {
t3 && "number" == typeof e3 && n3 > 0 && (t3.label = Object(Ye.x)(Xg[e3] || Zg, n3));
for (const i3 of d2)
e3 !== i3.kind ? (u2(), e3 = i3.kind, n3 = 1, t3 = {type: "separator"}, h2.push(t3)) : n3++, h2.push(i3);
} else
d2.length > 0 && (h2 = [{label: Object(U.a)("symbols", "symbols ({0})", c2.length), type: "separator"}, ...d2]);
return h2;
compareByScore(e2, t2) {
if ("number" != typeof e2.score && "number" == typeof t2.score)
return 1;
if ("number" == typeof e2.score && "number" != typeof t2.score)
return -1;
if ("number" == typeof e2.score && "number" == typeof t2.score) {
if (e2.score > t2.score)
return -1;
if (e2.score < t2.score)
return 1;
return e2.index < t2.index ? -1 : e2.index > t2.index ? 1 : 0;
compareByKindAndScore(e2, t2) {
const n2 = Xg[e2.kind] || Zg, i2 = Xg[t2.kind] || Zg, o2 = n2.localeCompare(i2);
return 0 === o2 ? this.compareByScore(e2, t2) : o2;
getDocumentSymbols(e2, t2, n2) {
return Gg(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const i2 = yield ss.create(e2, n2);
if (n2.isCancellationRequested)
return [];
const o2 = [];
for (const e3 of i2.children.values())
e3 instanceof os ? o2.push(e3.symbol) : o2.push(, (e4) => e4.symbol));
let r2 = [];
return t2 ? this.flattenDocumentSymbols(r2, o2, "") : r2 = o2, r2.sort((e3, t3) => ge.a.compareRangesUsingStarts(e3.range, t3.range));
flattenDocumentSymbols(e2, t2, n2) {
for (const i2 of t2)
e2.push({kind: i2.kind, tags: i2.tags, name:, detail: i2.detail, containerName: i2.containerName || n2, range: i2.range, selectionRange: i2.selectionRange, children: void 0}), i2.children && this.flattenDocumentSymbols(e2, i2.children,;
const Zg = Object(U.a)("property", "properties ({0})"), Xg = {5: Object(U.a)("method", "methods ({0})"), 11: Object(U.a)("function", "functions ({0})"), 8: Object(U.a)("_constructor", "constructors ({0})"), 12: Object(U.a)("variable", "variables ({0})"), 4: Object(U.a)("class", "classes ({0})"), 22: Object(U.a)("struct", "structs ({0})"), 23: Object(U.a)("event", "events ({0})"), 24: Object(U.a)("operator", "operators ({0})"), 10: Object(U.a)("interface", "interfaces ({0})"), 2: Object(U.a)("namespace", "namespaces ({0})"), 3: Object(U.a)("package", "packages ({0})"), 25: Object(U.a)("typeParameter", "type parameters ({0})"), 1: Object(U.a)("modules", "modules ({0})"), 6: Object(U.a)("property", "properties ({0})"), 9: Object(U.a)("enum", "enumerations ({0})"), 21: Object(U.a)("enumMember", "enumeration members ({0})"), 14: Object(U.a)("string", "strings ({0})"), 0: Object(U.a)("file", "files ({0})"), 17: Object(U.a)("array", "arrays ({0})"), 15: Object(U.a)("number", "numbers ({0})"), 16: Object(U.a)("boolean", "booleans ({0})"), 18: Object(U.a)("object", "objects ({0})"), 19: Object(U.a)("key", "keys ({0})"), 7: Object(U.a)("field", "fields ({0})"), 13: Object(U.a)("constant", "constants ({0})")};
var Qg = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, Jg = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let ef = class extends Yg {
constructor(e2) {
super(), this.editorService = e2, this.onDidActiveTextEditorControlChange = Lt.b.None;
get activeTextEditorControl() {
return Object(Jo.n)(this.editorService.getFocusedCodeEditor());
ef = Qg([Jg(0, Me.a)], ef),{ctor: ef, prefix: Yg.PREFIX, helpEntries: [{description: ug.f.quickOutlineActionLabel, prefix: Yg.PREFIX, needsEditor: true}, {description: ug.f.quickOutlineByCategoryActionLabel, prefix: Yg.PREFIX_BY_CATEGORY, needsEditor: true}]});
class tf extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.quickOutline", label: ug.f.quickOutlineActionLabel, alias: "Go to Symbol...", precondition: H.a.hasDocumentSymbolProvider, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 3117, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {group: "navigation", order: 3}});
run(e2) {
var nf, of = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
function rf(e2) {
const t2 = e2;
return Array.isArray(t2.items);
!function(e2) {
}(nf || (nf = {}));
class sf extends pe.a {
constructor(e2, t2) {
super(), this.prefix = e2, this.options = t2;
provide(e2, t2) {
var n2;
const i2 = new pe.b();
e2.canAcceptInBackground = !!(null === (n2 = this.options) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.canAcceptInBackground), e2.matchOnLabel = e2.matchOnDescription = e2.matchOnDetail = e2.sortByLabel = false;
let o2 = void 0;
const r2 = i2.add(new pe.d()), s2 = () => of(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const n3 = r2.value = new pe.b();
null == o2 || o2.dispose(true), e2.busy = false, o2 = new Xe.b(t2);
const i3 = o2.token, s3 = e2.value.substr(this.prefix.length).trim(), a2 = this.getPicks(s3, n3, i3), l2 = (t3, n4) => {
var i4;
let o3, r3 = void 0;
if (rf(t3) ? (o3 = t3.items, r3 = : o3 = t3, 0 === o3.length) {
if (n4)
return false;
s3.length > 0 && (null === (i4 = this.options) || void 0 === i4 ? void 0 : i4.noResultsPick) && (o3 = [this.options.noResultsPick]);
return e2.items = o3, r3 && (e2.activeItems = [r3]), true;
if (null === a2)
else if (function(e3) {
const t3 = e3;
return !!t3.picks && t3.additionalPicks instanceof Promise;
}(a2)) {
let t3 = false, n4 = false;
yield Promise.all([(() => of(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield Object(ue.l)(sf.FAST_PICKS_RACE_DELAY), i3.isCancellationRequested || n4 || (t3 = l2(a2.picks, true));
}))(), (() => of(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
e2.busy = true;
try {
const o3 = yield a2.additionalPicks;
if (i3.isCancellationRequested)
let r3, s4, c2 = void 0;
rf(a2.picks) ? (r3 = a2.picks.items, c2 = : r3 = a2.picks;
let d2 = void 0;
if (rf(o3) ? (s4 = o3.items, d2 = : s4 = o3, s4.length > 0 || !t3) {
let t4 = void 0;
if (!c2 && !d2) {
const n5 = e2.activeItems[0];
n5 && -1 !== r3.indexOf(n5) && (t4 = n5);
l2({items: [...r3, ...s4], active: c2 || d2 || t4});
} finally {
i3.isCancellationRequested || (e2.busy = false), n4 = true;
} else if (a2 instanceof Promise) {
e2.busy = true;
try {
const t3 = yield a2;
if (i3.isCancellationRequested)
} finally {
i3.isCancellationRequested || (e2.busy = false);
} else
return i2.add(e2.onDidChangeValue(() => s2())), s2(), i2.add(e2.onDidAccept((t3) => {
const [n3] = e2.selectedItems;
"function" == typeof (null == n3 ? void 0 : n3.accept) && (t3.inBackground || e2.hide(), n3.accept(e2.keyMods, t3));
})), i2.add(e2.onDidTriggerItemButton(({button: n3, item: i3}) => of(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
var o3, r3;
if ("function" == typeof i3.trigger) {
const a2 = null !== (r3 = null === (o3 = i3.buttons) || void 0 === o3 ? void 0 : o3.indexOf(n3)) && void 0 !== r3 ? r3 : -1;
if (a2 >= 0) {
const n4 = i3.trigger(a2, e2.keyMods), o4 = "number" == typeof n4 ? n4 : yield n4;
if (t2.isCancellationRequested)
switch (o4) {
case nf.NO_ACTION:
case nf.REMOVE_ITEM:
const t3 = e2.items.indexOf(i3);
if (-1 !== t3) {
const n5 = e2.items.slice();
n5.splice(t3, 1), e2.items = n5;
}))), i2;
function af(e2, t2) {
return t2 && (e2.stack || e2.stacktrace) ? U.a("stackTrace.format", "{0}: {1}", cf(e2), lf(e2.stack) || lf(e2.stacktrace)) : cf(e2);
function lf(e2) {
return Array.isArray(e2) ? e2.join("\n") : e2;
function cf(e2) {
return "string" == typeof e2.code && "number" == typeof e2.errno && "string" == typeof e2.syscall ? U.a("nodeExceptionMessage", "A system error occurred ({0})", e2.message) : e2.message || U.a("error.defaultMessage", "An unknown error occurred. Please consult the log for more details.");
function df(e2 = null, t2 = false) {
if (!e2)
return U.a("error.defaultMessage", "An unknown error occurred. Please consult the log for more details.");
if (Array.isArray(e2)) {
const n2 = G.d(e2), i2 = df(n2[0], t2);
return n2.length > 1 ? U.a("error.moreErrors", "{0} ({1} errors in total)", i2, n2.length) : i2;
if (Jo.j(e2))
return e2;
if (e2.detail) {
const n2 = e2.detail;
if (n2.error)
return af(n2.error, t2);
if (n2.exception)
return af(n2.exception, t2);
return e2.stack ? af(e2, t2) : e2.message ? e2.message : U.a("error.defaultMessage", "An unknown error occurred. Please consult the log for more details.");
var hf = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, uf = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, pf = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
let mf = class e2 extends sf {
constructor(t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
super(e2.PREFIX, t2), this.options = t2, this.instantiationService = n2, this.keybindingService = i2, this.commandService = o2, this.telemetryService = r2, this.notificationService = s2, this.commandsHistory = this._register(this.instantiationService.createInstance(gf));
getPicks(t2, n2, i2) {
return pf(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const o2 = yield this.getCommandPicks(n2, i2);
if (i2.isCancellationRequested)
return [];
const r2 = [];
for (const n3 of o2) {
const i3 = Object(Jo.n)(e2.WORD_FILTER(t2, n3.label)), o3 = n3.commandAlias ? Object(Jo.n)(e2.WORD_FILTER(t2, n3.commandAlias)) : void 0;
i3 || o3 ? (n3.highlights = {label: i3, detail: this.options.showAlias ? o3 : void 0}, r2.push(n3)) : t2 === n3.commandId && r2.push(n3);
const s2 = new Map();
for (const e3 of r2) {
const t3 = s2.get(e3.label);
t3 ? (e3.description = e3.commandId, t3.description = t3.commandId) : s2.set(e3.label, e3);
r2.sort((e3, t3) => {
const n3 = this.commandsHistory.peek(e3.commandId), i3 = this.commandsHistory.peek(t3.commandId);
return n3 && i3 ? n3 > i3 ? -1 : 1 : n3 ? -1 : i3 ? 1 : e3.label.localeCompare(t3.label);
const a2 = [];
let l2 = false;
for (let e3 = 0; e3 < r2.length; e3++) {
const t3 = r2[e3], n3 = this.keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(t3.commandId), i3 = n3 ? Object(U.a)("commandPickAriaLabelWithKeybinding", "{0}, {1}", t3.label, n3.getAriaLabel()) : t3.label;
0 === e3 && this.commandsHistory.peek(t3.commandId) && (a2.push({type: "separator", label: Object(U.a)("recentlyUsed", "recently used")}), l2 = true), 0 !== e3 && l2 && !this.commandsHistory.peek(t3.commandId) && (a2.push({type: "separator", label: Object(U.a)("morecCommands", "other commands")}), l2 = false), a2.push(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t3), {ariaLabel: i3, detail: this.options.showAlias && t3.commandAlias !== t3.label ? t3.commandAlias : void 0, keybinding: n3, accept: () => pf(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
this.commandsHistory.push(t3.commandId), this.telemetryService.publicLog2("workbenchActionExecuted", {id: t3.commandId, from: "quick open"});
try {
yield this.commandService.executeCommand(t3.commandId);
} catch (e4) {
Object(Z.d)(e4) || this.notificationService.error(Object(U.a)("canNotRun", "Command '{0}' resulted in an error ({1})", t3.label, df(e4)));
return a2;
mf.PREFIX = ">", mf.WORD_FILTER = Object(va.j)(va.h, va.i, va.f), mf = hf([uf(1, gt.a), uf(2, vt.a), uf(3, Ft.b), uf(4, Bt.a), uf(5, zt.a)], mf);
let gf = class e2 extends pe.a {
constructor(t2, n2, i2) {
super(), this.storageService = t2, this.configurationService = n2, this.configuredCommandsHistoryLength = 0, i2.registerStorageKey({key: e2.PREF_KEY_CACHE, version: 1}), i2.registerStorageKey({key: e2.PREF_KEY_COUNTER, version: 1}), this.updateConfiguration(), this.load(), this.registerListeners();
registerListeners() {
this._register(this.configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => this.updateConfiguration()));
updateConfiguration() {
this.configuredCommandsHistoryLength = e2.getConfiguredCommandHistoryLength(this.configurationService), e2.cache && e2.cache.limit !== this.configuredCommandsHistoryLength && (e2.cache.limit = this.configuredCommandsHistoryLength, e2.saveState(this.storageService));
load() {
const t2 = this.storageService.get(e2.PREF_KEY_CACHE, 0);
let n2;
if (t2)
try {
n2 = JSON.parse(t2);
} catch (e3) {
const i2 = e2.cache = new gn.a(this.configuredCommandsHistoryLength, 1);
if (n2) {
let e3;
e3 = n2.usesLRU ? n2.entries : n2.entries.sort((e4, t3) => e4.value - t3.value), e3.forEach((e4) => i2.set(e4.key, e4.value));
e2.counter = this.storageService.getNumber(e2.PREF_KEY_COUNTER, 0, e2.counter);
push(t2) {
e2.cache && (e2.cache.set(t2, e2.counter++), e2.saveState(this.storageService));
peek(t2) {
var n2;
return null === (n2 = e2.cache) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.peek(t2);
static saveState(t2) {
if (!e2.cache)
const n2 = {usesLRU: true, entries: []};
e2.cache.forEach((e3, t3) => n2.entries.push({key: t3, value: e3})),, JSON.stringify(n2), 0),, e2.counter, 0);
static getConfiguredCommandHistoryLength(t2) {
var n2, i2;
const o2 = null === (i2 = null === (n2 = t2.getValue().workbench) || void 0 === n2 ? void 0 : n2.commandPalette) || void 0 === i2 ? void 0 : i2.history;
return "number" == typeof o2 ? o2 : e2.DEFAULT_COMMANDS_HISTORY_LENGTH;
gf.DEFAULT_COMMANDS_HISTORY_LENGTH = 50, gf.PREF_KEY_CACHE = "commandPalette.mru.cache", gf.PREF_KEY_COUNTER = "commandPalette.mru.counter", gf.counter = 1, gf = hf([uf(0, fn.a), uf(1, On.a), uf(2, Wo.a)], gf);
class ff extends mf {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
super(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2);
getCodeEditorCommandPicks() {
const e2 = this.activeTextEditorControl;
if (!e2)
return [];
const t2 = [];
for (const n2 of e2.getSupportedActions())
t2.push({commandId:, commandAlias: n2.alias, label: Object(Y.h)(n2.label) ||});
return t2;
var bf = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, _f = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
}, vf = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
let wf = class extends ff {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2) {
super({showAlias: false}, e2, n2, i2, o2, r2), this.codeEditorService = t2;
get activeTextEditorControl() {
return Object(Jo.n)(this.codeEditorService.getFocusedCodeEditor());
getCommandPicks() {
return vf(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return this.getCodeEditorCommandPicks();
wf = bf([_f(0, gt.a), _f(1, Me.a), _f(2, vt.a), _f(3, Ft.b), _f(4, Bt.a), _f(5, zt.a)], wf),{ctor: wf, prefix: wf.PREFIX, helpEntries: [{description: ug.d.quickCommandHelp, needsEditor: true}]});
class yf extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.quickCommand", label: ug.d.quickCommandActionLabel, alias: "Command Palette", precondition: void 0, kbOpts: {kbExpr: H.a.focus, primary: 59, weight: 100}, contextMenuOpts: {group: "z_commands", order: 1}});
run(e2) {
var Cf = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2, r2 = arguments.length, s2 = r2 < 3 ? t2 : null === i2 ? i2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t2, n2) : i2;
if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate)
s2 = Reflect.decorate(e2, t2, n2, i2);
for (var a2 = e2.length - 1; a2 >= 0; a2--)
(o2 = e2[a2]) && (s2 = (r2 < 3 ? o2(s2) : r2 > 3 ? o2(t2, n2, s2) : o2(t2, n2)) || s2);
return r2 > 3 && s2 && Object.defineProperty(t2, n2, s2), s2;
}, xf = function(e2, t2) {
return function(n2, i2) {
t2(n2, i2, e2);
let Sf = class extends Xa {
constructor(e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2) {
super(true, e2, t2, n2, i2, o2, r2, s2);
Sf = Cf([xf(1, K.b), xf(2, Me.a), xf(3, zt.a), xf(4, gt.a), xf(5, fn.a), xf(6, On.a)], Sf), Object(V.m)(Xa.ID, Sf);
class kf extends V.b {
constructor() {
super({id: "editor.action.toggleHighContrast", label: ug.i.toggleHighContrast, alias: "Toggle High Contrast Theme", precondition: void 0}), this._originalThemeName = null;
run(e2, t2) {
const n2 = e2.get(Sg.a);
this._originalThemeName ? (n2.setTheme(this._originalThemeName), this._originalThemeName = null) : (this._originalThemeName = n2.getColorTheme().themeName, n2.setTheme("hc-black"));
}, , , , , function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.r(t), n.d(t, "conf", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "language", function() {
return o;
var i = {comments: {lineComment: "*"}, brackets: [["[", "]"], ["(", ")"]]}, o = {defaultToken: "invalid", ignoreCase: true, tokenPostfix: ".abap", keywords: ["abap-source", "abbreviated", "abstract", "accept", "accepting", "according", "activation", "actual", "add", "add-corresponding", "adjacent", "after", "alias", "aliases", "align", "all", "allocate", "alpha", "analysis", "analyzer", "append", "appendage", "appending", "application", "archive", "area", "arithmetic", "as", "ascending", "aspect", "assert", "assign", "assigned", "assigning", "association", "asynchronous", "at", "attributes", "authority", "authority-check", "avg", "back", "background", "backup", "backward", "badi", "base", "before", "begin", "big", "binary", "bintohex", "bit", "black", "blank", "blanks", "blob", "block", "blocks", "blue", "bound", "boundaries", "bounds", "boxed", "break-point", "buffer", "by", "bypassing", "byte", "byte-order", "call", "calling", "case", "cast", "casting", "catch", "center", "centered", "chain", "chain-input", "chain-request", "change", "changing", "channels", "character", "char-to-hex", "check", "checkbox", "ci_", "circular", "class", "class-coding", "class-data", "class-events", "class-methods", "class-pool", "cleanup", "clear", "client", "clob", "clock", "close", "coalesce", "code", "coding", "col_background", "col_group", "col_heading", "col_key", "col_negative", "col_normal", "col_positive", "col_total", "collect", "color", "column", "columns", "comment", "comments", "commit", "common", "communication", "comparing", "component", "components", "compression", "compute", "concat", "concat_with_space", "concatenate", "cond", "condition", "connect", "connection", "constants", "context", "contexts", "continue", "control", "controls", "conv", "conversion", "convert", "copies", "copy", "corresponding", "country", "cover", "cpi", "create", "creating", "critical", "currency", "currency_conversion", "current", "cursor", "cursor-selection", "customer", "customer-function", "dangerous", "data", "database", "datainfo", "dataset", "date", "dats_add_days", "dats_add_months", "dats_days_between", "dats_is_valid", "daylight", "dd/mm/yy", "dd/mm/yyyy", "ddmmyy", "deallocate", "decimal_shift", "decimals", "declarations", "deep", "default", "deferred", "define", "defining", "definition", "delete", "deleting", "demand", "department", "descending", "describe", "destination", "detail", "dialog", "directory", "disconnect", "display", "display-mode", "distinct", "divide", "divide-corresponding", "division", "do", "dummy", "duplicate", "duplicates", "duration", "during", "dynamic", "dynpro", "edit", "editor-call", "else", "elseif", "empty", "enabled", "enabling", "encoding", "end", "endat", "endcase", "endcatch", "endchain", "endclass", "enddo", "endenhancement", "end-enhancement-section", "endexec", "endform", "endfunction", "endian", "endif", "ending", "endinterface", "end-lines", "endloop", "endmethod", "endmodule", "end-of-definition", "end-of-editing", "end-of-file", "end-of-page", "end-of-selection", "endon", "endprovide", "endselect", "end-test-injection", "end-test-seam", "endtry", "endwhile", "endwith", "engineering", "enhancement", "enhancement-point", "enhancements", "enhancement-section", "entries", "entry", "enum", "environment", "errormessage", "errors", "escaping", "event", "events", "exact", "except", "exception", "exceptions", "exception-table", "exclude", "excluding", "exec", "execute", "exists", "exit", "exit-command", "expand", "expanding", "expiration", "explicit", "exponent", "export", "exporting", "extend", "extended", "extension", "extract", "fail", "fetch", "field", "field-groups", "fields", "field-symbol", "field-symbols", "file", "filter", "filters", "filter-table", "final", "first", "first-line", "fixed-point", "fkeq", "fkge", "flush", "font", "for", "form", "format", "forward", "found", "frame", "frames", "free", "friends", "from", "function", "functionality", "function-pool", "further", "gaps", "generate", "get", "giving", "gkeq", "gkge", "global", "grant", "green", "group", "groups", "handle", "handler", "harmless", "hashed", "having", "hdb", "header", "headers", "heading", "head-lines", "help-id", "help-request", "hextobin", "hide", "high", "hint", "hold", "hotspot", "icon", "id", "identification", "identifier", "ids", "if", "ignore", "ignoring", "immediately", "implementation", "implementations", "implemented", "implicit", "import", "importing", "inactive", "incl", "include", "includes", "including", "increment", "index", "index-line", "infotypes", "inheriting", "init", "initial", "initialization", "inner", "inout", "input", "instance", "instances", "instr", "intensified", "interface", "interface-pool", "interfaces", "internal", "intervals", "into", "inverse", "inverted-date", "is", "iso", "job", "join", "keep", "keeping", "kernel", "key", "keys", "keywords", "kind", "language", "last", "late", "layout", "leading", "leave", "left", "left-justified", "leftplus", "leftspace", "legacy", "length", "let", "level", "levels", "like", "line", "line-count", "linefeed", "line-selection", "line-size", "list", "listbox", "list-processing", "little", "llang", "load", "load-of-program", "lob", "local", "locale", "locator", "logfile", "logical", "log-point", "long", "loop", "low", "lower", "lpad", "lpi", "ltrim", "mail", "main", "major-id", "mapping", "margin", "mark", "mask", "matchcode", "max", "maximum", "medium", "members", "memory", "mesh", "message", "message-id", "messages", "messaging", "method", "methods", "min", "minimum", "minor-id", "mm/dd/yy", "mm/dd/yyyy", "mmddyy", "mode", "modif", "modifier", "modify", "module", "move", "move-corresponding", "multiply", "multiply-corresponding", "name", "nametab", "native", "nested", "nesting", "new", "new-line", "new-page", "new-section", "next", "no", "node", "nodes", "no-display", "no-extension", "no-gap", "no-gaps", "no-grouping", "no-heading", "non-unicode", "non-unique", "no-scrolling", "no-sign", "no-title", "no-topofpage", "no-zero", "null", "number", "object", "objects", "obligatory", "occurrence", "occurrences", "occurs", "of", "off", "offset", "ole", "on", "only", "open", "option", "optional", "options", "order", "other", "others", "out", "outer", "output", "output-length", "overflow", "overlay", "pack", "package", "pad", "padding", "page", "pages", "parameter", "parameters", "parameter-table", "part", "partially", "pattern", "percentage", "perform", "performing", "person", "pf1", "pf10", "pf11", "pf12", "pf13", "pf14", "pf15", "pf2", "pf3", "pf4", "pf5", "pf6", "pf7", "pf8", "pf9", "pf-status", "pink", "places", "pool", "pos_high", "pos_low", "position", "pragmas", "precompiled", "preferred", "preserving", "primary", "print", "print-control", "priority", "private", "procedure", "process", "program", "property", "protected", "provide", "public", "push", "pushbutton", "put", "queue-only", "quickinfo", "radiobutton", "raise", "raising", "range", "ranges", "read", "reader", "read-only", "receive", "received", "receiver", "receiving", "red", "redefinition", "reduce", "reduced", "ref", "reference", "refresh", "regex", "reject", "remote", "renaming", "replacement", "replacing", "report", "request", "requested", "reserve", "reset", "resolution", "respecting", "responsible", "result", "results", "resumable", "resume", "retry", "return", "returncode", "returning", "returns", "right", "right-justified", "rightplus", "rightspace", "risk", "rmc_communication_failure", "rmc_invalid_status", "rmc_system_failure", "role", "rollback", "rows", "rpad", "rtrim", "run", "sap", "sap-spool", "saving", "scale_preserving", "scale_preserving_scientific", "scan", "scientific", "scientific_with_leading_zero", "scroll", "scroll-boundary", "scrolling", "search", "secondary", "seconds", "section", "select", "selection", "selections", "selection-screen", "selection-set", "selection-sets", "selection-table", "select-options", "send", "separate", "separated", "set", "shared", "shift", "short", "shortdump-id", "sign_as_postfix", "single", "size", "skip", "skipping", "smart", "some", "sort", "sortable", "sorted", "source", "specified", "split", "spool", "spots", "sql", "sqlscript", "stable", "stamp", "standard", "starting", "start-of-editing", "start-of-selection", "state", "statement", "statements", "static", "statics", "statusinfo", "step-loop", "stop", "structure", "structures", "style", "subkey", "submatches", "submit", "subroutine", "subscreen", "subtract", "subtract-corresponding", "suffix", "sum", "summary", "summing", "supplied", "supply", "suppress", "switch", "switchstates", "symbol", "syncpoints", "syntax", "syntax-check", "syntax-trace", "system-call", "system-exceptions", "system-exit", "tab", "tabbed", "tables", "tableview", "tabstrip", "target", "task", "tasks", "test", "testing", "test-injection", "test-seam", "text", "textpool", "then", "throw", "time", "times", "timestamp", "timezone", "tims_is_valid", "title", "titlebar", "title-lines", "to", "tokenization", "tokens", "top-lines", "top-of-page", "trace-file", "trace-table", "trailing", "transaction", "transfer", "transformation", "transporting", "trmac", "truncate", "truncation", "try", "tstmp_add_seconds", "tstmp_current_utctimestamp", "tstmp_is_valid", "tstmp_seconds_between", "type", "type-pool", "type-pools", "types", "uline", "unassign", "under", "unicode", "union", "unique", "unit_conversion", "unix", "unpack", "until", "unwind", "up", "update", "upper", "user", "user-command", "using", "utf-8", "valid", "value", "value-request", "values", "vary", "varying", "verification-message", "version", "via", "view", "visible", "wait", "warning", "when", "whenever", "where", "while", "width", "window", "windows", "with", "with-heading", "without", "with-title", "word", "work", "write", "writer", "xml", "xsd", "yellow", "yes", "yymmdd", "zero", "zone", "abs", "acos", "asin", "atan", "bit-set", "boolc", "boolx", "ceil", "char_off", "charlen", "cmax", "cmin", "concat_lines_of", "condense", "contains", "contains_any_not_of", "contains_any_of", "cos", "cosh", "count", "count_any_not_of", "count_any_of", "dbmaxlen", "distance", "escape", "exp", "find", "find_any_not_of", "find_any_of", "find_end", "floor", "frac", "from_mixed", "insert", "ipow", "line_exists", "line_index", "lines", "log", "log10", "match", "matches", "nmax", "nmin", "numofchar", "repeat", "replace", "rescale", "reverse", "round", "segment", "shift_left", "shift_right", "sign", "sin", "sinh", "sqrt", "strlen", "substring", "substring_after", "substring_before", "substring_from", "substring_to", "tan", "tanh", "to_lower", "to_mixed", "to_upper", "translate", "trunc", "utclong_add", "utclong_current", "utclong_diff", "xsdbool", "xstrlen"], typeKeywords: ["b", "c", "d", "decfloat16", "decfloat34", "f", "i", "int8", "n", "p", "s", "string", "t", "utclong", "x", "xstring", "any", "clike", "csequence", "decfloat", "numeric", "simple", "xsequence", "table", "hashed", "index", "sorted", "standard", "accp", "char", "clnt", "cuky", "curr", "dats", "dec", "df16_dec", "df16_raw", "df34_dec", "df34_raw", "fltp", "int1", "int2", "int4", "lang", "lchr", "lraw", "numc", "quan", "raw", "rawstring", "sstring", "tims", "unit", "df16_scl", "df34_scl", "prec", "varc", "abap_bool", "space", "me", "syst", "sy", "screen"], operators: [" +", " -", "/", "*", "**", "div", "mod", "=", "#", "@", "&", "&&", "bit-and", "bit-not", "bit-or", "bit-xor", "m", "o", "z", "and", "equiv", "not", "or", " < ", " > ", "<=", ">=", "<>", "><", "=<", "=>", "between", "bt", "byte-ca", "byte-cn", "byte-co", "byte-cs", "byte-na", "byte-ns", "ca", "cn", "co", "cp", "cs", "eq", "ge", "gt", "in", "le", "lt", "na", "nb", "ne", "np", "ns"], symbols: /[=><!~?&+\-*\/\^%#@]+/, tokenizer: {root: [[/[a-z_$][\w-$]*/, {cases: {"@typeKeywords": "keyword", "@keywords": "keyword", "@operators": "operator", "@default": "identifier"}}], [/<[\w]+>/, "identifier"], {include: "@whitespace"}, [/[:,.]/, "delimiter"], [/[{}()\[\]]/, "@brackets"], [/@symbols/, {cases: {"@operators": "operator", "@default": ""}}], [/'/, {token: "string", bracket: "@open", next: "@stringquote"}], [/`/, {token: "string", bracket: "@open", next: "@stringping"}], [/\|/, {token: "string", bracket: "@open", next: "@stringtemplate"}], [/\d+/, "number"]], stringtemplate: [[/[^\\\|]+/, "string"], [/\\\|/, "string"], [/\|/, {token: "string", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop"}]], stringping: [[/[^\\`]+/, "string"], [/`/, {token: "string", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop"}]], stringquote: [[/[^\\']+/, "string"], [/'/, {token: "string", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop"}]], whitespace: [[/[ \t\r\n]+/, ""], [/^\*.*$/, "comment"], [/\".*$/, "comment"]]}};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.r(t), n.d(t, "conf", function() {
return i;
}), n.d(t, "language", function() {
return r;
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var i, o, r = n(29), s = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
}, a = function(e2, t2) {
var n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = {label: 0, sent: function() {
if (1 & o2[0])
throw o2[1];
return o2[1];
}, trys: [], ops: []};
return r2 = {next: a2(0), throw: a2(1), return: a2(2)}, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r2[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), r2;
function a2(r3) {
return function(a3) {
return function(r4) {
if (n2)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s2; )
try {
if (n2 = 1, i2 && (o2 = 2 & r4[0] ? i2.return : r4[0] ? i2.throw || ((o2 = i2.return) &&, 0) : && !(o2 =, r4[1])).done)
return o2;
switch (i2 = 0, o2 && (r4 = [2 & r4[0], o2.value]), r4[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
o2 = r4;
case 4:
return s2.label++, {value: r4[1], done: false};
case 5:
s2.label++, i2 = r4[1], r4 = [0];
case 7:
r4 = s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
if (!(o2 = s2.trys, (o2 = o2.length > 0 && o2[o2.length - 1]) || 6 !== r4[0] && 2 !== r4[0])) {
s2 = 0;
if (3 === r4[0] && (!o2 || r4[1] > o2[0] && r4[1] < o2[3])) {
s2.label = r4[1];
if (6 === r4[0] && s2.label < o2[1]) {
s2.label = o2[1], o2 = r4;
if (o2 && s2.label < o2[2]) {
s2.label = o2[2], s2.ops.push(r4);
o2[2] && s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
r4 =, s2);
} catch (e3) {
r4 = [6, e3], i2 = 0;
} finally {
n2 = o2 = 0;
if (5 & r4[0])
throw r4[1];
return {value: r4[0] ? r4[1] : void 0, done: true};
}([r3, a3]);
}, l = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
var n2 = this;
this._modeId = e3, this._defaults = t2, this._worker = null, this._client = null, this._configChangeListener = this._defaults.onDidChange(function() {
return n2._stopWorker();
}), this._updateExtraLibsToken = 0, this._extraLibsChangeListener = this._defaults.onDidExtraLibsChange(function() {
return n2._updateExtraLibs();
return e2.prototype._stopWorker = function() {
this._worker && (this._worker.dispose(), this._worker = null), this._client = null;
}, e2.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._configChangeListener.dispose(), this._extraLibsChangeListener.dispose(), this._stopWorker();
}, e2.prototype._updateExtraLibs = function() {
return s(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var e3, t2;
return a(this, function(n2) {
switch (n2.label) {
case 0:
return this._worker ? (e3 = ++this._updateExtraLibsToken, [4, this._worker.getProxy()]) : [2];
case 1:
return t2 = n2.sent(), this._updateExtraLibsToken !== e3 ? [2] : (t2.updateExtraLibs(this._defaults.getExtraLibs()), [2]);
}, e2.prototype._getClient = function() {
var e3 = this;
if (!this._client) {
this._worker = r.f.createWebWorker({moduleId: "vs/language/typescript/tsWorker", label: this._modeId, keepIdleModels: true, createData: {compilerOptions: this._defaults.getCompilerOptions(), extraLibs: this._defaults.getExtraLibs(), customWorkerPath: this._defaults.workerOptions.customWorkerPath}});
var t2 = this._worker.getProxy();
this._defaults.getEagerModelSync() && (t2 = t2.then(function(t3) {
return e3._worker ? e3._worker.withSyncedResources(r.f.getModels().filter(function(t4) {
return t4.getModeId() === e3._modeId;
}).map(function(e4) {
return e4.uri;
})) : t3;
})), this._client = t2;
return this._client;
}, e2.prototype.getLanguageServiceWorker = function() {
for (var e3, t2 = this, n2 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2] = arguments[i2];
return this._getClient().then(function(t3) {
e3 = t3;
}).then(function(e4) {
if (t2._worker)
return t2._worker.withSyncedResources(n2);
}).then(function(t3) {
return e3;
}, e2;
}(), c = {"lib.d.ts": true, "lib.dom.d.ts": true, "lib.dom.iterable.d.ts": true, "lib.es2015.collection.d.ts": true, "lib.es2015.core.d.ts": true, "lib.es2015.d.ts": true, "lib.es2015.generator.d.ts": true, "lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts": true, "lib.es2015.promise.d.ts": true, "lib.es2015.proxy.d.ts": true, "lib.es2015.reflect.d.ts": true, "lib.es2015.symbol.d.ts": true, "lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts": true, "lib.es2016.array.include.d.ts": true, "lib.es2016.d.ts": true, "lib.es2016.full.d.ts": true, "lib.es2017.d.ts": true, "lib.es2017.full.d.ts": true, "lib.es2017.intl.d.ts": true, "lib.es2017.object.d.ts": true, "lib.es2017.sharedmemory.d.ts": true, "lib.es2017.string.d.ts": true, "lib.es2017.typedarrays.d.ts": true, "lib.es2018.asyncgenerator.d.ts": true, "lib.es2018.asynciterable.d.ts": true, "lib.es2018.d.ts": true, "lib.es2018.full.d.ts": true, "lib.es2018.intl.d.ts": true, "lib.es2018.promise.d.ts": true, "lib.es2018.regexp.d.ts": true, "lib.es2019.array.d.ts": true, "lib.es2019.d.ts": true, "lib.es2019.full.d.ts": true, "lib.es2019.object.d.ts": true, "lib.es2019.string.d.ts": true, "lib.es2019.symbol.d.ts": true, "lib.es2020.bigint.d.ts": true, "lib.es2020.d.ts": true, "lib.es2020.full.d.ts": true, "lib.es2020.intl.d.ts": true, "lib.es2020.promise.d.ts": true, "lib.es2020.string.d.ts": true, "lib.es2020.symbol.wellknown.d.ts": true, "lib.es5.d.ts": true, "lib.es6.d.ts": true, "lib.esnext.d.ts": true, "lib.esnext.full.d.ts": true, "lib.esnext.intl.d.ts": true, "lib.esnext.promise.d.ts": true, "lib.esnext.string.d.ts": true, "lib.scripthost.d.ts": true, "lib.webworker.d.ts": true, "lib.webworker.importscripts.d.ts": true}, d = (i = function(e2, t2) {
return (i = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function(e3, t3) {
e3.__proto__ = t3;
} || function(e3, t3) {
for (var n2 in t3), n2) && (e3[n2] = t3[n2]);
})(e2, t2);
}, function(e2, t2) {
function n2() {
this.constructor = e2;
i(e2, t2), e2.prototype = null === t2 ? Object.create(t2) : (n2.prototype = t2.prototype, new n2());
}), h = function(e2, t2, n2, i2) {
return new (n2 || (n2 = Promise))(function(o2, r2) {
function s2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function a2(e3) {
try {
} catch (e4) {
function l2(e3) {
var t3;
e3.done ? o2(e3.value) : (t3 = e3.value, t3 instanceof n2 ? t3 : new n2(function(e4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
l2((i2 = i2.apply(e2, t2 || [])).next());
}, u = function(e2, t2) {
var n2, i2, o2, r2, s2 = {label: 0, sent: function() {
if (1 & o2[0])
throw o2[1];
return o2[1];
}, trys: [], ops: []};
return r2 = {next: a2(0), throw: a2(1), return: a2(2)}, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r2[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), r2;
function a2(r3) {
return function(a3) {
return function(r4) {
if (n2)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s2; )
try {
if (n2 = 1, i2 && (o2 = 2 & r4[0] ? i2.return : r4[0] ? i2.throw || ((o2 = i2.return) &&, 0) : && !(o2 =, r4[1])).done)
return o2;
switch (i2 = 0, o2 && (r4 = [2 & r4[0], o2.value]), r4[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
o2 = r4;
case 4:
return s2.label++, {value: r4[1], done: false};
case 5:
s2.label++, i2 = r4[1], r4 = [0];
case 7:
r4 = s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
if (!(o2 = s2.trys, (o2 = o2.length > 0 && o2[o2.length - 1]) || 6 !== r4[0] && 2 !== r4[0])) {
s2 = 0;
if (3 === r4[0] && (!o2 || r4[1] > o2[0] && r4[1] < o2[3])) {
s2.label = r4[1];
if (6 === r4[0] && s2.label < o2[1]) {
s2.label = o2[1], o2 = r4;
if (o2 && s2.label < o2[2]) {
s2.label = o2[2], s2.ops.push(r4);
o2[2] && s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
r4 =, s2);
} catch (e3) {
r4 = [6, e3], i2 = 0;
} finally {
n2 = o2 = 0;
if (5 & r4[0])
throw r4[1];
return {value: r4[0] ? r4[1] : void 0, done: true};
}([r3, a3]);
function p(e2, t2, n2) {
if (void 0 === n2 && (n2 = 0), "string" == typeof e2)
return e2;
if (void 0 === e2)
return "";
var i2 = "";
if (n2) {
i2 += t2;
for (var o2 = 0; o2 < n2; o2++)
i2 += " ";
if (i2 += e2.messageText, n2++,
for (var r2 = 0, s2 =; r2 < s2.length; r2++) {
i2 += p(s2[r2], t2, n2);
return i2;
function m(e2) {
return e2 ? {
return e3.text;
}).join("") : "";
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.None = 0] = "None", e2[e2.Block = 1] = "Block", e2[e2.Smart = 2] = "Smart";
}(o || (o = {}));
var g, f = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype._textSpanToRange = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.getPositionAt(t2.start), i2 = e3.getPositionAt(t2.start + t2.length);
return {startLineNumber: n2.lineNumber, startColumn: n2.column, endLineNumber: i2.lineNumber, endColumn: i2.column};
}, e2;
}(), b = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3, this._libFiles = {}, this._hasFetchedLibFiles = false, this._fetchLibFilesPromise = null;
return e2.prototype.isLibFile = function(e3) {
return !!e3 && (0 === e3.path.indexOf("/lib.") && !!c[e3.path.slice(1)]);
}, e2.prototype.getOrCreateModel = function(e3) {
var t2 = r.f.getModel(e3);
return t2 || (this.isLibFile(e3) && this._hasFetchedLibFiles ? r.f.createModel(this._libFiles[e3.path.slice(1)], "javascript", e3) : null);
}, e2.prototype._containsLibFile = function(e3) {
for (var t2 = 0, n2 = e3; t2 < n2.length; t2++) {
var i2 = n2[t2];
if (this.isLibFile(i2))
return true;
return false;
}, e2.prototype.fetchLibFilesIfNecessary = function(e3) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
return u(this, function(t2) {
switch (t2.label) {
case 0:
return this._containsLibFile(e3) ? [4, this._fetchLibFiles()] : [2];
case 1:
return t2.sent(), [2];
}, e2.prototype._fetchLibFiles = function() {
var e3 = this;
return this._fetchLibFilesPromise || (this._fetchLibFilesPromise = this._worker().then(function(e4) {
return e4.getLibFiles();
}).then(function(t2) {
e3._hasFetchedLibFiles = true, e3._libFiles = t2;
})), this._fetchLibFilesPromise;
}, e2;
!function(e2) {
e2[e2.Warning = 0] = "Warning", e2[e2.Error = 1] = "Error", e2[e2.Suggestion = 2] = "Suggestion", e2[e2.Message = 3] = "Message";
}(g || (g = {}));
var _ = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2, i2, o2) {
var s2 =, o2) || this;
s2._libFiles = t3, s2._defaults = n2, s2._selector = i2, s2._disposables = [], s2._listener = Object.create(null);
var a2 = function(e3) {
if (e3.getModeId() === i2) {
var t4, n3 = e3.onDidChangeContent(function() {
clearTimeout(t4), t4 = setTimeout(function() {
return s2._doValidate(e3);
}, 500);
s2._listener[e3.uri.toString()] = {dispose: function() {
n3.dispose(), clearTimeout(t4);
}}, s2._doValidate(e3);
}, l2 = function(e3) {
r.f.setModelMarkers(e3, s2._selector, []);
var t4 = e3.uri.toString();
s2._listener[t4] && (s2._listener[t4].dispose(), delete s2._listener[t4]);
s2._disposables.push(r.f.onDidCreateModel(a2)), s2._disposables.push(r.f.onWillDisposeModel(l2)), s2._disposables.push(r.f.onDidChangeModelLanguage(function(e3) {
l2(e3.model), a2(e3.model);
})), s2._disposables.push({dispose: function() {
for (var e3 = 0, t4 = r.f.getModels(); e3 < t4.length; e3++) {
var n3 = t4[e3];
var c2 = function() {
for (var e3 = 0, t4 = r.f.getModels(); e3 < t4.length; e3++) {
var n3 = t4[e3];
l2(n3), a2(n3);
return s2._disposables.push(s2._defaults.onDidChange(c2)), s2._disposables.push(s2._defaults.onDidExtraLibsChange(c2)), r.f.getModels().forEach(a2), s2;
return d(t2, e2), t2.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._disposables.forEach(function(e3) {
return e3 && e3.dispose();
}), this._disposables = [];
}, t2.prototype._doValidate = function(e3) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var t3, n2, i2, o2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2 = this;
return u(this, function(u2) {
switch (u2.label) {
case 0:
return [4, this._worker(e3.uri)];
case 1:
return t3 = u2.sent(), e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : (n2 = [], i2 = this._defaults.getDiagnosticsOptions(), o2 = i2.noSyntaxValidation, s2 = i2.noSemanticValidation, a2 = i2.noSuggestionDiagnostics, o2 || n2.push(t3.getSyntacticDiagnostics(e3.uri.toString())), s2 || n2.push(t3.getSemanticDiagnostics(e3.uri.toString())), a2 || n2.push(t3.getSuggestionDiagnostics(e3.uri.toString())), [4, Promise.all(n2)]);
case 2:
return !(l2 = u2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : (c2 = l2.reduce(function(e4, t4) {
return t4.concat(e4);
}, []).filter(function(e4) {
return -1 === (h2._defaults.getDiagnosticsOptions().diagnosticCodesToIgnore || []).indexOf(e4.code);
}), d2 = {
return e4.relatedInformation || [];
}).reduce(function(e4, t4) {
return t4.concat(e4);
}, []).map(function(e4) {
return e4.file ? r.e.parse(e4.file.fileName) : null;
}), [4, this._libFiles.fetchLibFilesIfNecessary(d2)]);
case 3:
return u2.sent(), e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : (r.f.setModelMarkers(e3, this._selector, {
return h2._convertDiagnostics(e3, t4);
})), [2]);
}, t2.prototype._convertDiagnostics = function(e3, t3) {
var n2 = t3.start || 0, i2 = t3.length || 1, o2 = e3.getPositionAt(n2), s2 = o2.lineNumber, a2 = o2.column, l2 = e3.getPositionAt(n2 + i2), c2 = l2.lineNumber, d2 = l2.column, h2 = [];
return t3.reportsUnnecessary && h2.push(r.c.Unnecessary), t3.reportsDeprecated && h2.push(r.c.Deprecated), {severity: this._tsDiagnosticCategoryToMarkerSeverity(t3.category), startLineNumber: s2, startColumn: a2, endLineNumber: c2, endColumn: d2, message: p(t3.messageText, "\n"), code: t3.code.toString(), tags: h2, relatedInformation: this._convertRelatedInformation(e3, t3.relatedInformation)};
}, t2.prototype._convertRelatedInformation = function(e3, t3) {
var n2 = this;
if (t3) {
var i2 = [];
return t3.forEach(function(t4) {
var o2 = e3;
if (t4.file) {
var s2 = r.e.parse(t4.file.fileName);
o2 = n2._libFiles.getOrCreateModel(s2);
if (o2) {
var a2 = t4.start || 0, l2 = t4.length || 1, c2 = o2.getPositionAt(a2), d2 = c2.lineNumber, h2 = c2.column, u2 = o2.getPositionAt(a2 + l2), m2 = u2.lineNumber, g2 = u2.column;
i2.push({resource: o2.uri, startLineNumber: d2, startColumn: h2, endLineNumber: m2, endColumn: g2, message: p(t4.messageText, "\n")});
}), i2;
}, t2.prototype._tsDiagnosticCategoryToMarkerSeverity = function(e3) {
switch (e3) {
case g.Error:
return r.b.Error;
case g.Message:
return r.b.Info;
case g.Warning:
return r.b.Warning;
case g.Suggestion:
return r.b.Hint;
return r.b.Info;
}, t2;
}(f), v = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return d(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "triggerCharacters", {get: function() {
return ["."];
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.provideCompletionItems = function(e3, n2, i2, o2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var i3, o3, s2, a2, l2;
return u(this, function(c2) {
switch (c2.label) {
case 0:
return i3 = e3.getWordUntilPosition(n2), o3 = new r.d(n2.lineNumber, i3.startColumn, n2.lineNumber, i3.endColumn), s2 = e3.uri, a2 = e3.getOffsetAt(n2), [4, this._worker(s2)];
case 1:
return [4, c2.sent().getCompletionsAtPosition(s2.toString(), a2)];
case 2:
return !(l2 = c2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : [2, {suggestions: {
var l3, c3 = o3;
if (i4.replacementSpan) {
var d2 = e3.getPositionAt(i4.replacementSpan.start), h2 = e3.getPositionAt(i4.replacementSpan.start + i4.replacementSpan.length);
c3 = new r.d(d2.lineNumber, d2.column, h2.lineNumber, h2.column);
var u2 = [];
return -1 !== (null === (l3 = i4.kindModifiers) || void 0 === l3 ? void 0 : l3.indexOf("deprecated")) && u2.push(r.g.CompletionItemTag.Deprecated), {uri: s2, position: n2, offset: a2, range: c3, label:, insertText:, sortText: i4.sortText, kind: t2.convertKind(i4.kind), tags: u2};
}, t2.prototype.resolveCompletionItem = function(e3, n2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var n3, i2, o2, r2, s2;
return u(this, function(a2) {
switch (a2.label) {
case 0:
return i2 = (n3 = e3).uri, o2 = n3.position, r2 = n3.offset, [4, this._worker(i2)];
case 1:
return [4, a2.sent().getCompletionEntryDetails(i2.toString(), r2, n3.label)];
case 2:
return (s2 = a2.sent()) ? [2, {uri: i2, position: o2, label:, kind: t2.convertKind(s2.kind), detail: m(s2.displayParts), documentation: {value: t2.createDocumentationString(s2)}}] : [2, n3];
}, t2.convertKind = function(e3) {
switch (e3) {
case T.primitiveType:
case T.keyword:
return r.g.CompletionItemKind.Keyword;
case T.variable:
case T.localVariable:
return r.g.CompletionItemKind.Variable;
case T.memberVariable:
case T.memberGetAccessor:
case T.memberSetAccessor:
return r.g.CompletionItemKind.Field;
case T.function:
case T.memberFunction:
case T.constructSignature:
case T.callSignature:
case T.indexSignature:
return r.g.CompletionItemKind.Function;
case T.enum:
return r.g.CompletionItemKind.Enum;
case T.module:
return r.g.CompletionItemKind.Module;
case T.class:
return r.g.CompletionItemKind.Class;
case T.interface:
return r.g.CompletionItemKind.Interface;
case T.warning:
return r.g.CompletionItemKind.File;
return r.g.CompletionItemKind.Property;
}, t2.createDocumentationString = function(e3) {
var t3 = m(e3.documentation);
if (e3.tags)
for (var n2 = 0, i2 = e3.tags; n2 < i2.length; n2++) {
t3 += "\n\n" + w(i2[n2]);
return t3;
}, t2;
function w(e2) {
var t2 = "*@" + + "*";
if ("param" === && e2.text) {
var n2 = e2.text.split(" "), i2 = n2[0], o2 = n2.slice(1);
t2 += "`" + i2 + "`", o2.length > 0 && (t2 += " — " + o2.join(" "));
} else
e2.text && (t2 += " — " + e2.text);
return t2;
var y = function(e2) {
function t2() {
var t3 = null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return t3.signatureHelpTriggerCharacters = ["(", ","], t3;
return d(t2, e2), t2.prototype.provideSignatureHelp = function(e3, t3, n2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var n3, i2, o2, r2;
return u(this, function(s2) {
switch (s2.label) {
case 0:
return n3 = e3.uri, i2 = e3.getOffsetAt(t3), [4, this._worker(n3)];
case 1:
return [4, s2.sent().getSignatureHelpItems(n3.toString(), i2)];
case 2:
return !(o2 = s2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : (r2 = {activeSignature: o2.selectedItemIndex, activeParameter: o2.argumentIndex, signatures: []}, o2.items.forEach(function(e4) {
var t4 = {label: "", parameters: []};
t4.documentation = {value: m(e4.documentation)}, t4.label += m(e4.prefixDisplayParts), e4.parameters.forEach(function(n4, i3, o3) {
var r3 = m(n4.displayParts), s3 = {label: r3, documentation: {value: m(n4.documentation)}};
t4.label += r3, t4.parameters.push(s3), i3 < o3.length - 1 && (t4.label += m(e4.separatorDisplayParts));
}), t4.label += m(e4.suffixDisplayParts), r2.signatures.push(t4);
}), [2, {value: r2, dispose: function() {
}, t2;
}(f), C = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return d(t2, e2), t2.prototype.provideHover = function(e3, t3, n2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var n3, i2, o2, r2, s2, a2;
return u(this, function(l2) {
switch (l2.label) {
case 0:
return n3 = e3.uri, i2 = e3.getOffsetAt(t3), [4, this._worker(n3)];
case 1:
return [4, l2.sent().getQuickInfoAtPosition(n3.toString(), i2)];
case 2:
return !(o2 = l2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : (r2 = m(o2.documentation), s2 = o2.tags ? {
return w(e4);
}).join(" \n\n") : "", a2 = m(o2.displayParts), [2, {range: this._textSpanToRange(e3, o2.textSpan), contents: [{value: "```typescript\n" + a2 + "\n```\n"}, {value: r2 + (s2 ? "\n\n" + s2 : "")}]}]);
}, t2;
}(f), x = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return d(t2, e2), t2.prototype.provideDocumentHighlights = function(e3, t3, n2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var n3, i2, o2, s2 = this;
return u(this, function(a2) {
switch (a2.label) {
case 0:
return n3 = e3.uri, i2 = e3.getOffsetAt(t3), [4, this._worker(n3)];
case 1:
return [4, a2.sent().getOccurrencesAtPosition(n3.toString(), i2)];
case 2:
return !(o2 = a2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : [2, {
return {range: s2._textSpanToRange(e3, t4.textSpan), kind: t4.isWriteAccess ? r.g.DocumentHighlightKind.Write : r.g.DocumentHighlightKind.Text};
}, t2;
}(f), S = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
var i2 =, n2) || this;
return i2._libFiles = t3, i2;
return d(t2, e2), t2.prototype.provideDefinition = function(e3, t3, n2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var n3, i2, o2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2;
return u(this, function(u2) {
switch (u2.label) {
case 0:
return n3 = e3.uri, i2 = e3.getOffsetAt(t3), [4, this._worker(n3)];
case 1:
return [4, u2.sent().getDefinitionAtPosition(n3.toString(), i2)];
case 2:
return !(o2 = u2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : [4, this._libFiles.fetchLibFilesIfNecessary( {
return r.e.parse(e4.fileName);
case 3:
if (u2.sent(), e3.isDisposed())
return [2];
for (s2 = [], a2 = 0, l2 = o2; a2 < l2.length; a2++)
c2 = l2[a2], d2 = r.e.parse(c2.fileName), (h2 = this._libFiles.getOrCreateModel(d2)) && s2.push({uri: d2, range: this._textSpanToRange(h2, c2.textSpan)});
return [2, s2];
}, t2;
}(f), k = function(e2) {
function t2(t3, n2) {
var i2 =, n2) || this;
return i2._libFiles = t3, i2;
return d(t2, e2), t2.prototype.provideReferences = function(e3, t3, n2, i2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var n3, i3, o2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2;
return u(this, function(u2) {
switch (u2.label) {
case 0:
return n3 = e3.uri, i3 = e3.getOffsetAt(t3), [4, this._worker(n3)];
case 1:
return [4, u2.sent().getReferencesAtPosition(n3.toString(), i3)];
case 2:
return !(o2 = u2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : [4, this._libFiles.fetchLibFilesIfNecessary( {
return r.e.parse(e4.fileName);
case 3:
if (u2.sent(), e3.isDisposed())
return [2];
for (s2 = [], a2 = 0, l2 = o2; a2 < l2.length; a2++)
c2 = l2[a2], d2 = r.e.parse(c2.fileName), (h2 = this._libFiles.getOrCreateModel(d2)) && s2.push({uri: d2, range: this._textSpanToRange(h2, c2.textSpan)});
return [2, s2];
}, t2;
}(f), E = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return d(t2, e2), t2.prototype.provideDocumentSymbols = function(e3, t3) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var t4, n2, i2, o2, s2 = this;
return u(this, function(a2) {
switch (a2.label) {
case 0:
return t4 = e3.uri, [4, this._worker(t4)];
case 1:
return [4, a2.sent().getNavigationBarItems(t4.toString())];
case 2:
return !(n2 = a2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : (i2 = function(t5, n3, o3) {
var a3 = {name: n3.text, detail: "", kind: L[n3.kind] || r.g.SymbolKind.Variable, range: s2._textSpanToRange(e3, n3.spans[0]), selectionRange: s2._textSpanToRange(e3, n3.spans[0]), tags: [], containerName: o3};
if (n3.childItems && n3.childItems.length > 0)
for (var l2 = 0, c2 = n3.childItems; l2 < c2.length; l2++) {
var d2 = c2[l2];
i2(t5, d2,;
}, o2 = [], n2.forEach(function(e4) {
return i2(o2, e4);
}), [2, o2]);
}, t2;
}(f), T = function() {
function e2() {
return e2.unknown = "", e2.keyword = "keyword", e2.script = "script", e2.module = "module", e2.class = "class", e2.interface = "interface", e2.type = "type", e2.enum = "enum", e2.variable = "var", e2.localVariable = "local var", e2.function = "function", e2.localFunction = "local function", e2.memberFunction = "method", e2.memberGetAccessor = "getter", e2.memberSetAccessor = "setter", e2.memberVariable = "property", e2.constructorImplementation = "constructor", e2.callSignature = "call", e2.indexSignature = "index", e2.constructSignature = "construct", e2.parameter = "parameter", e2.typeParameter = "type parameter", e2.primitiveType = "primitive type", e2.label = "label", e2.alias = "alias", e2.const = "const", e2.let = "let", e2.warning = "warning", e2;
}(), L = Object.create(null);
L[T.module] = r.g.SymbolKind.Module, L[T.class] = r.g.SymbolKind.Class, L[T.enum] = r.g.SymbolKind.Enum, L[T.interface] = r.g.SymbolKind.Interface, L[T.memberFunction] = r.g.SymbolKind.Method, L[T.memberVariable] = r.g.SymbolKind.Property, L[T.memberGetAccessor] = r.g.SymbolKind.Property, L[T.memberSetAccessor] = r.g.SymbolKind.Property, L[T.variable] = r.g.SymbolKind.Variable, L[T.const] = r.g.SymbolKind.Variable, L[T.localVariable] = r.g.SymbolKind.Variable, L[T.variable] = r.g.SymbolKind.Variable, L[T.function] = r.g.SymbolKind.Function, L[T.localFunction] = r.g.SymbolKind.Function;
var N, I, O = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return d(t2, e2), t2._convertOptions = function(e3) {
return {ConvertTabsToSpaces: e3.insertSpaces, TabSize: e3.tabSize, IndentSize: e3.tabSize, IndentStyle: o.Smart, NewLineCharacter: "\n", InsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: true, InsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: true, InsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: true, InsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: true, InsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: true, InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: false, InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: false, InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: false, PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: false, PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: false};
}, t2.prototype._convertTextChanges = function(e3, t3) {
return {text: t3.newText, range: this._textSpanToRange(e3, t3.span)};
}, t2;
}(f), D = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return d(t2, e2), t2.prototype.provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits = function(e3, t3, n2, i2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var i3, o2, r2, s2, a2 = this;
return u(this, function(l2) {
switch (l2.label) {
case 0:
return i3 = e3.uri, o2 = e3.getOffsetAt({lineNumber: t3.startLineNumber, column: t3.startColumn}), r2 = e3.getOffsetAt({lineNumber: t3.endLineNumber, column: t3.endColumn}), [4, this._worker(i3)];
case 1:
return [4, l2.sent().getFormattingEditsForRange(i3.toString(), o2, r2, O._convertOptions(n2))];
case 2:
return !(s2 = l2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : [2, {
return a2._convertTextChanges(e3, t4);
}, t2;
}(O), A = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return d(t2, e2), Object.defineProperty(t2.prototype, "autoFormatTriggerCharacters", {get: function() {
return [";", "}", "\n"];
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), t2.prototype.provideOnTypeFormattingEdits = function(e3, t3, n2, i2, o2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var o3, r2, s2, a2 = this;
return u(this, function(l2) {
switch (l2.label) {
case 0:
return o3 = e3.uri, r2 = e3.getOffsetAt(t3), [4, this._worker(o3)];
case 1:
return [4, l2.sent().getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke(o3.toString(), r2, n2, O._convertOptions(i2))];
case 2:
return !(s2 = l2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2] : [2, {
return a2._convertTextChanges(e3, t4);
}, t2;
}(O), R = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return d(t2, e2), t2.prototype.provideCodeActions = function(e3, t3, n2, i2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var i3, o2, r2, s2, a2, l2, c2 = this;
return u(this, function(d2) {
switch (d2.label) {
case 0:
return i3 = e3.uri, o2 = e3.getOffsetAt({lineNumber: t3.startLineNumber, column: t3.startColumn}), r2 = e3.getOffsetAt({lineNumber: t3.endLineNumber, column: t3.endColumn}), s2 = O._convertOptions(e3.getOptions()), a2 = n2.markers.filter(function(e4) {
return e4.code;
}).map(function(e4) {
return e4.code;
}).map(Number), [4, this._worker(i3)];
case 1:
return [4, d2.sent().getCodeFixesAtPosition(i3.toString(), o2, r2, a2, s2)];
case 2:
return !(l2 = d2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed() ? [2, {actions: [], dispose: function() {
}}] : [2, {actions: l2.filter(function(e4) {
return 0 === e4.changes.filter(function(e5) {
return e5.isNewFile;
}).map(function(t4) {
return c2._tsCodeFixActionToMonacoCodeAction(e3, n2, t4);
}), dispose: function() {
}, t2.prototype._tsCodeFixActionToMonacoCodeAction = function(e3, t3, n2) {
for (var i2 = [], o2 = 0, r2 = n2.changes; o2 < r2.length; o2++)
for (var s2 = 0, a2 = r2[o2].textChanges; s2 < a2.length; s2++) {
var l2 = a2[s2];
i2.push({resource: e3.uri, edit: {range: this._textSpanToRange(e3, l2.span), text: l2.newText}});
return {title: n2.description, edit: {edits: i2}, diagnostics: t3.markers, kind: "quickfix"};
}, t2;
}(O), M = function(e2) {
function t2() {
return null !== e2 && e2.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return d(t2, e2), t2.prototype.provideRenameEdits = function(e3, t3, n2, i2) {
return h(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var i3, o2, s2, a2, l2, c2, d2, h2, p2, m2;
return u(this, function(u2) {
switch (u2.label) {
case 0:
return i3 = e3.uri, o2 = i3.toString(), s2 = e3.getOffsetAt(t3), [4, this._worker(i3)];
case 1:
return [4, (a2 = u2.sent()).getRenameInfo(o2, s2, {allowRenameOfImportPath: false})];
case 2:
if (false === (l2 = u2.sent()).canRename)
return [2, {edits: [], rejectReason: l2.localizedErrorMessage}];
if (void 0 !== l2.fileToRename)
throw new Error("Renaming files is not supported.");
return [4, a2.findRenameLocations(o2, s2, false, false, false)];
case 3:
if (!(c2 = u2.sent()) || e3.isDisposed())
return [2];
for (d2 = [], h2 = 0, p2 = c2; h2 < p2.length; h2++)
m2 = p2[h2], d2.push({resource: r.e.parse(m2.fileName), edit: {range: this._textSpanToRange(e3, m2.textSpan), text: n2}});
return [2, {edits: d2}];
}, t2;
function P(e2) {
I = B(e2, "typescript");
function F(e2) {
N = B(e2, "javascript");
function W() {
return new Promise(function(e2, t2) {
if (!N)
return t2("JavaScript not registered!");
function z() {
return new Promise(function(e2, t2) {
if (!I)
return t2("TypeScript not registered!");
function B(e2, t2) {
var n2 = new l(t2, e2), i2 = function() {
for (var e3 = [], t3 = 0; t3 < arguments.length; t3++)
e3[t3] = arguments[t3];
return n2.getLanguageServiceWorker.apply(n2, e3);
}, o2 = new b(i2);
return r.g.registerCompletionItemProvider(t2, new v(i2)), r.g.registerSignatureHelpProvider(t2, new y(i2)), r.g.registerHoverProvider(t2, new C(i2)), r.g.registerDocumentHighlightProvider(t2, new x(i2)), r.g.registerDefinitionProvider(t2, new S(o2, i2)), r.g.registerReferenceProvider(t2, new k(o2, i2)), r.g.registerDocumentSymbolProvider(t2, new E(i2)), r.g.registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider(t2, new D(i2)), r.g.registerOnTypeFormattingEditProvider(t2, new A(i2)), r.g.registerCodeActionProvider(t2, new R(i2)), r.g.registerRenameProvider(t2, new M(i2)), new _(o2, e2, t2, i2), i2;
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.r(t), n.d(t, "setupMode", function() {
return N;
var i = n(59), o = function() {
function e2(e3) {
var t2 = this;
this._defaults = e3, this._worker = null, this._idleCheckInterval = setInterval(function() {
return t2._checkIfIdle();
}, 3e4), this._lastUsedTime = 0, this._configChangeListener = this._defaults.onDidChange(function() {
return t2._stopWorker();
return e2.prototype._stopWorker = function() {
this._worker && (this._worker.dispose(), this._worker = null), this._client = null;
}, e2.prototype.dispose = function() {
clearInterval(this._idleCheckInterval), this._configChangeListener.dispose(), this._stopWorker();
}, e2.prototype._checkIfIdle = function() {
this._worker && ( - this._lastUsedTime > 12e4 && this._stopWorker());
}, e2.prototype._getClient = function() {
return this._lastUsedTime =, this._client || (this._worker = i.e.createWebWorker({moduleId: "vs/language/json/jsonWorker", label: this._defaults.languageId, createData: {languageSettings: this._defaults.diagnosticsOptions, languageId: this._defaults.languageId, enableSchemaRequest: this._defaults.diagnosticsOptions.enableSchemaRequest}}), this._client = this._worker.getProxy()), this._client;
}, e2.prototype.getLanguageServiceWorker = function() {
for (var e3, t2 = this, n2 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2] = arguments[i2];
return this._getClient().then(function(t3) {
e3 = t3;
}).then(function(e4) {
return t2._worker.withSyncedResources(n2);
}).then(function(t3) {
return e3;
}, e2;
}(), r = n(38), s = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
var o2 = this;
this._languageId = e3, this._worker = t2, this._disposables = [], this._listener = Object.create(null);
var r2 = function(e4) {
var t3, n3 = e4.getModeId();
n3 === o2._languageId && (o2._listener[e4.uri.toString()] = e4.onDidChangeContent(function() {
clearTimeout(t3), t3 = setTimeout(function() {
return o2._doValidate(e4.uri, n3);
}, 500);
}), o2._doValidate(e4.uri, n3));
}, s2 = function(e4) {
i.e.setModelMarkers(e4, o2._languageId, []);
var t3 = e4.uri.toString(), n3 = o2._listener[t3];
n3 && (n3.dispose(), delete o2._listener[t3]);
this._disposables.push(i.e.onDidCreateModel(r2)), this._disposables.push(i.e.onWillDisposeModel(function(e4) {
s2(e4), o2._resetSchema(e4.uri);
})), this._disposables.push(i.e.onDidChangeModelLanguage(function(e4) {
s2(e4.model), r2(e4.model), o2._resetSchema(e4.model.uri);
})), this._disposables.push(n2.onDidChange(function(e4) {
i.e.getModels().forEach(function(e5) {
e5.getModeId() === o2._languageId && (s2(e5), r2(e5));
})), this._disposables.push({dispose: function() {
for (var e4 in (i.e.getModels().forEach(s2), o2._listener))
}}), i.e.getModels().forEach(r2);
return e2.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._disposables.forEach(function(e3) {
return e3 && e3.dispose();
}), this._disposables = [];
}, e2.prototype._resetSchema = function(e3) {
this._worker().then(function(t2) {
}, e2.prototype._doValidate = function(e3, t2) {
this._worker(e3).then(function(n2) {
return n2.doValidation(e3.toString()).then(function(n3) {
var o2 = {
return n4 = "number" == typeof (t3 = e4).code ? String(t3.code) : t3.code, {severity: a(t3.severity), startLineNumber: t3.range.start.line + 1, startColumn: t3.range.start.character + 1, endLineNumber: t3.range.end.line + 1, endColumn: t3.range.end.character + 1, message: t3.message, code: n4, source: t3.source};
var t3, n4;
}), r2 = i.e.getModel(e3);
r2 && r2.getModeId() === t2 && i.e.setModelMarkers(r2, t2, o2);
}).then(void 0, function(e4) {
}, e2;
function a(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case r.b.Error:
return i.b.Error;
case r.b.Warning:
return i.b.Warning;
case r.b.Information:
return i.b.Info;
case r.b.Hint:
return i.b.Hint;
return i.b.Info;
function l(e2) {
if (e2)
return {character: e2.column - 1, line: e2.lineNumber - 1};
function c(e2) {
if (e2)
return {start: {line: e2.startLineNumber - 1, character: e2.startColumn - 1}, end: {line: e2.endLineNumber - 1, character: e2.endColumn - 1}};
function d(e2) {
if (e2)
return new i.c(e2.start.line + 1, e2.start.character + 1, e2.end.line + 1, e2.end.character + 1);
function h(e2) {
var t2 = i.f.CompletionItemKind;
switch (e2) {
case r.a.Text:
return t2.Text;
case r.a.Method:
return t2.Method;
case r.a.Function:
return t2.Function;
case r.a.Constructor:
return t2.Constructor;
case r.a.Field:
return t2.Field;
case r.a.Variable:
return t2.Variable;
case r.a.Class:
return t2.Class;
case r.a.Interface:
return t2.Interface;
case r.a.Module:
return t2.Module;
case r.a.Property:
return t2.Property;
case r.a.Unit:
return t2.Unit;
case r.a.Value:
return t2.Value;
case r.a.Enum:
return t2.Enum;
case r.a.Keyword:
return t2.Keyword;
case r.a.Snippet:
return t2.Snippet;
case r.a.Color:
return t2.Color;
case r.a.File:
return t2.File;
case r.a.Reference:
return t2.Reference;
return t2.Property;
function u(e2) {
if (e2)
return {range: d(e2.range), text: e2.newText};
var p = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "triggerCharacters", {get: function() {
return [" ", ":"];
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.provideCompletionItems = function(e3, t2, n2, o2) {
var s2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(s2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.doComplete(s2.toString(), l(t2));
}).then(function(n3) {
if (n3) {
var o3 = e3.getWordUntilPosition(t2), s3 = new i.c(t2.lineNumber, o3.startColumn, t2.lineNumber, o3.endColumn), a2 = {
var t3, n4 = {label: e4.label, insertText: e4.insertText || e4.label, sortText: e4.sortText, filterText: e4.filterText, documentation: e4.documentation, detail: e4.detail, range: s3, kind: h(e4.kind)};
return e4.textEdit && (void 0 !== (t3 = e4.textEdit).insert && void 0 !== t3.replace ? n4.range = {insert: d(e4.textEdit.insert), replace: d(e4.textEdit.replace)} : n4.range = d(e4.textEdit.range), n4.insertText = e4.textEdit.newText), e4.additionalTextEdits && (n4.additionalTextEdits =, e4.insertTextFormat === r.d.Snippet && (n4.insertTextRules = i.f.CompletionItemInsertTextRule.InsertAsSnippet), n4;
return {isIncomplete: n3.isIncomplete, suggestions: a2};
}, e2;
function m(e2) {
return "string" == typeof e2 ? {value: e2} : (t2 = e2) && "object" == typeof t2 && "string" == typeof t2.kind ? "plaintext" === e2.kind ? {value: e2.value.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, "\\$&")} : {value: e2.value} : {value: "```" + e2.language + "\n" + e2.value + "\n```\n"};
var t2;
function g(e2) {
if (e2)
return Array.isArray(e2) ? : [m(e2)];
var f = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideHover = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.doHover(i2.toString(), l(t2));
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {range: d(e4.range), contents: g(e4.contents)};
}, e2;
function b(e2) {
var t2 = i.f.SymbolKind;
switch (e2) {
case r.e.File:
return t2.Array;
case r.e.Module:
return t2.Module;
case r.e.Namespace:
return t2.Namespace;
case r.e.Package:
return t2.Package;
case r.e.Class:
return t2.Class;
case r.e.Method:
return t2.Method;
case r.e.Property:
return t2.Property;
case r.e.Field:
return t2.Field;
case r.e.Constructor:
return t2.Constructor;
case r.e.Enum:
return t2.Enum;
case r.e.Interface:
return t2.Interface;
case r.e.Function:
return t2.Function;
case r.e.Variable:
return t2.Variable;
case r.e.Constant:
return t2.Constant;
case r.e.String:
return t2.String;
case r.e.Number:
return t2.Number;
case r.e.Boolean:
return t2.Boolean;
case r.e.Array:
return t2.Array;
return t2.Function;
var _ = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentSymbols = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(n2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.findDocumentSymbols(n2.toString());
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
return {name:, detail: "", containerName: e5.containerName, kind: b(e5.kind), range: d(e5.location.range), selectionRange: d(e5.location.range), tags: []};
}, e2;
function v(e2) {
return {tabSize: e2.tabSize, insertSpaces: e2.insertSpaces};
var w = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentFormattingEdits = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.format(i2.toString(), null, v(t2)).then(function(e5) {
if (e5 && 0 !== e5.length)
}, e2;
}(), y = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(o2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.format(o2.toString(), c(t2), v(n2)).then(function(e5) {
if (e5 && 0 !== e5.length)
}, e2;
}(), C = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentColors = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(n2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.findDocumentColors(n2.toString());
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
return {color: e5.color, range: d(e5.range)};
}, e2.prototype.provideColorPresentations = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.getColorPresentations(i2.toString(), t2.color, c(t2.range));
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
var t3 = {label: e5.label};
return e5.textEdit && (t3.textEdit = u(e5.textEdit)), e5.additionalTextEdits && (t3.additionalTextEdits =, t3;
}, e2;
}(), x = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideFoldingRanges = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var o2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(o2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.getFoldingRanges(o2.toString(), t2);
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
var t3 = {start: e5.startLine + 1, end: e5.endLine + 1};
return void 0 !== e5.kind && (t3.kind = function(e6) {
switch (e6) {
case r.c.Comment:
return i.f.FoldingRangeKind.Comment;
case r.c.Imports:
return i.f.FoldingRangeKind.Imports;
case r.c.Region:
return i.f.FoldingRangeKind.Region;
}(e5.kind)), t3;
}, e2;
var S = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideSelectionRanges = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.getSelectionRanges(i2.toString(),;
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
for (var t3 = []; e5; )
t3.push({range: d(e5.range)}), e5 = e5.parent;
return t3;
}, e2;
}(), k = n(65);
function E(e2) {
return {getInitialState: function() {
return new L(null, null, false, null);
}, tokenize: function(t2, n2, i2, o2) {
return function(e3, t3, n3, i3, o3) {
void 0 === i3 && (i3 = 0);
var r2 = 0, s2 = false;
switch (n3.scanError) {
case 2:
t3 = '"' + t3, r2 = 1;
case 1:
t3 = "/*" + t3, r2 = 2;
var a2 = k.a(t3), l2 = n3.lastWasColon, c2 = n3.parents, d2 = {tokens: [], endState: n3.clone()};
for (; ; ) {
var h2 = i3 + a2.getPosition(), u2 = "", p2 = a2.scan();
if (17 === p2)
if (h2 === i3 + a2.getPosition())
throw new Error("Scanner did not advance, next 3 characters are: " + t3.substr(a2.getPosition(), 3));
switch (s2 && (h2 -= r2), s2 = r2 > 0, p2) {
case 1:
c2 = T.push(c2, 0), u2 = "delimiter.bracket.json", l2 = false;
case 2:
c2 = T.pop(c2), u2 = "delimiter.bracket.json", l2 = false;
case 3:
c2 = T.push(c2, 1), u2 = "delimiter.array.json", l2 = false;
case 4:
c2 = T.pop(c2), u2 = "delimiter.array.json", l2 = false;
case 6:
u2 = "delimiter.colon.json", l2 = true;
case 5:
u2 = "delimiter.comma.json", l2 = false;
case 8:
case 9:
case 7:
u2 = "keyword.json", l2 = false;
case 10:
var m2 = 1 === (c2 ? c2.type : 0);
u2 = l2 || m2 ? "string.value.json" : "string.key.json", l2 = false;
case 11:
u2 = "number.json", l2 = false;
if (e3)
switch (p2) {
case 12:
u2 = "comment.line.json";
case 13:
u2 = "comment.block.json";
d2.endState = new L(n3.getStateData(), a2.getTokenError(), l2, c2), d2.tokens.push({startIndex: h2, scopes: u2});
return d2;
}(e2, t2, n2, i2);
var T = function() {
function e2(e3, t2) {
this.parent = e3, this.type = t2;
return e2.pop = function(e3) {
return e3 ? e3.parent : null;
}, e2.push = function(t2, n2) {
return new e2(t2, n2);
}, e2.equals = function(e3, t2) {
if (!e3 && !t2)
return true;
if (!e3 || !t2)
return false;
for (; e3 && t2; ) {
if (e3 === t2)
return true;
if (e3.type !== t2.type)
return false;
e3 = e3.parent, t2 = t2.parent;
return true;
}, e2;
}(), L = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
this._state = e3, this.scanError = t2, this.lastWasColon = n2, this.parents = i2;
return e2.prototype.clone = function() {
return new e2(this._state, this.scanError, this.lastWasColon, this.parents);
}, e2.prototype.equals = function(t2) {
return t2 === this || !!(t2 && t2 instanceof e2) && (this.scanError === t2.scanError && this.lastWasColon === t2.lastWasColon && T.equals(this.parents, t2.parents));
}, e2.prototype.getStateData = function() {
return this._state;
}, e2.prototype.setStateData = function(e3) {
this._state = e3;
}, e2;
function N(e2) {
var t2 = [], n2 = [], r2 = new o(e2);
var a2 = function() {
for (var e3 = [], t3 = 0; t3 < arguments.length; t3++)
e3[t3] = arguments[t3];
return r2.getLanguageServiceWorker.apply(r2, e3);
function l2() {
var t3 = e2.languageId, o2 = e2.modeConfiguration;
O(n2), o2.documentFormattingEdits && n2.push(i.f.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider(t3, new w(a2))), o2.documentRangeFormattingEdits && n2.push(i.f.registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider(t3, new y(a2))), o2.completionItems && n2.push(i.f.registerCompletionItemProvider(t3, new p(a2))), o2.hovers && n2.push(i.f.registerHoverProvider(t3, new f(a2))), o2.documentSymbols && n2.push(i.f.registerDocumentSymbolProvider(t3, new _(a2))), o2.tokens && n2.push(i.f.setTokensProvider(t3, E(true))), o2.colors && n2.push(i.f.registerColorProvider(t3, new C(a2))), o2.foldingRanges && n2.push(i.f.registerFoldingRangeProvider(t3, new x(a2))), o2.diagnostics && n2.push(new s(t3, a2, e2)), o2.selectionRanges && n2.push(i.f.registerSelectionRangeProvider(t3, new S(a2)));
l2(), t2.push(i.f.setLanguageConfiguration(e2.languageId, D));
var c2 = e2.modeConfiguration;
return e2.onDidChange(function(e3) {
e3.modeConfiguration !== c2 && (c2 = e3.modeConfiguration, l2());
}), t2.push(I(n2)), I(t2);
function I(e2) {
return {dispose: function() {
return O(e2);
function O(e2) {
for (; e2.length; )
var D = {wordPattern: /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\[\{\]\}\:\"\,\s]+)/g, comments: {lineComment: "//", blockComment: ["/*", "*/"]}, brackets: [["{", "}"], ["[", "]"]], autoClosingPairs: [{open: "{", close: "}", notIn: ["string"]}, {open: "[", close: "]", notIn: ["string"]}, {open: '"', close: '"', notIn: ["string"]}]};
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.r(t), n.d(t, "setupMode", function() {
return T;
var i = n(52), o = function() {
function e2(e3) {
var t2 = this;
this._defaults = e3, this._worker = null, this._idleCheckInterval = window.setInterval(function() {
return t2._checkIfIdle();
}, 3e4), this._lastUsedTime = 0, this._configChangeListener = this._defaults.onDidChange(function() {
return t2._stopWorker();
return e2.prototype._stopWorker = function() {
this._worker && (this._worker.dispose(), this._worker = null), this._client = null;
}, e2.prototype.dispose = function() {
clearInterval(this._idleCheckInterval), this._configChangeListener.dispose(), this._stopWorker();
}, e2.prototype._checkIfIdle = function() {
this._worker && ( - this._lastUsedTime > 12e4 && this._stopWorker());
}, e2.prototype._getClient = function() {
return this._lastUsedTime =, this._client || (this._worker = i.e.createWebWorker({moduleId: "vs/language/css/cssWorker", label: this._defaults.languageId, createData: {languageSettings: this._defaults.diagnosticsOptions, languageId: this._defaults.languageId}}), this._client = this._worker.getProxy()), this._client;
}, e2.prototype.getLanguageServiceWorker = function() {
for (var e3, t2 = this, n2 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2] = arguments[i2];
return this._getClient().then(function(t3) {
e3 = t3;
}).then(function(e4) {
return t2._worker.withSyncedResources(n2);
}).then(function(t3) {
return e3;
}, e2;
}(), r = n(48), s = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
var o2 = this;
this._languageId = e3, this._worker = t2, this._disposables = [], this._listener = Object.create(null);
var r2 = function(e4) {
var t3, n3 = e4.getModeId();
n3 === o2._languageId && (o2._listener[e4.uri.toString()] = e4.onDidChangeContent(function() {
window.clearTimeout(t3), t3 = window.setTimeout(function() {
return o2._doValidate(e4.uri, n3);
}, 500);
}), o2._doValidate(e4.uri, n3));
}, s2 = function(e4) {
i.e.setModelMarkers(e4, o2._languageId, []);
var t3 = e4.uri.toString(), n3 = o2._listener[t3];
n3 && (n3.dispose(), delete o2._listener[t3]);
this._disposables.push(i.e.onDidCreateModel(r2)), this._disposables.push(i.e.onWillDisposeModel(s2)), this._disposables.push(i.e.onDidChangeModelLanguage(function(e4) {
s2(e4.model), r2(e4.model);
})), n2.onDidChange(function(e4) {
i.e.getModels().forEach(function(e5) {
e5.getModeId() === o2._languageId && (s2(e5), r2(e5));
}), this._disposables.push({dispose: function() {
for (var e4 in o2._listener)
}}), i.e.getModels().forEach(r2);
return e2.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._disposables.forEach(function(e3) {
return e3 && e3.dispose();
}), this._disposables = [];
}, e2.prototype._doValidate = function(e3, t2) {
this._worker(e3).then(function(t3) {
return t3.doValidation(e3.toString());
}).then(function(n2) {
var o2 = {
return n3 = "number" == typeof (t3 = e4).code ? String(t3.code) : t3.code, {severity: a(t3.severity), startLineNumber: t3.range.start.line + 1, startColumn: t3.range.start.character + 1, endLineNumber: t3.range.end.line + 1, endColumn: t3.range.end.character + 1, message: t3.message, code: n3, source: t3.source};
var t3, n3;
}), r2 = i.e.getModel(e3);
r2.getModeId() === t2 && i.e.setModelMarkers(r2, t2, o2);
}).then(void 0, function(e4) {
}, e2;
function a(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case r.b.Error:
return i.b.Error;
case r.b.Warning:
return i.b.Warning;
case r.b.Information:
return i.b.Info;
case r.b.Hint:
return i.b.Hint;
return i.b.Info;
function l(e2) {
if (e2)
return {character: e2.column - 1, line: e2.lineNumber - 1};
function c(e2) {
if (e2)
return new i.c(e2.start.line + 1, e2.start.character + 1, e2.end.line + 1, e2.end.character + 1);
function d(e2) {
var t2 = i.f.CompletionItemKind;
switch (e2) {
case r.a.Text:
return t2.Text;
case r.a.Method:
return t2.Method;
case r.a.Function:
return t2.Function;
case r.a.Constructor:
return t2.Constructor;
case r.a.Field:
return t2.Field;
case r.a.Variable:
return t2.Variable;
case r.a.Class:
return t2.Class;
case r.a.Interface:
return t2.Interface;
case r.a.Module:
return t2.Module;
case r.a.Property:
return t2.Property;
case r.a.Unit:
return t2.Unit;
case r.a.Value:
return t2.Value;
case r.a.Enum:
return t2.Enum;
case r.a.Keyword:
return t2.Keyword;
case r.a.Snippet:
return t2.Snippet;
case r.a.Color:
return t2.Color;
case r.a.File:
return t2.File;
case r.a.Reference:
return t2.Reference;
return t2.Property;
function h(e2) {
if (e2)
return {range: c(e2.range), text: e2.newText};
var u = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "triggerCharacters", {get: function() {
return [" ", ":"];
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.provideCompletionItems = function(e3, t2, n2, o2) {
var s2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(s2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.doComplete(s2.toString(), l(t2));
}).then(function(n3) {
if (n3) {
var o3 = e3.getWordUntilPosition(t2), s3 = new i.c(t2.lineNumber, o3.startColumn, t2.lineNumber, o3.endColumn), a2 = {
var t3, n4 = {label: e4.label, insertText: e4.insertText || e4.label, sortText: e4.sortText, filterText: e4.filterText, documentation: e4.documentation, detail: e4.detail, range: s3, kind: d(e4.kind)};
return e4.textEdit && (void 0 !== (t3 = e4.textEdit).insert && void 0 !== t3.replace ? n4.range = {insert: c(e4.textEdit.insert), replace: c(e4.textEdit.replace)} : n4.range = c(e4.textEdit.range), n4.insertText = e4.textEdit.newText), e4.additionalTextEdits && (n4.additionalTextEdits =, e4.insertTextFormat === r.e.Snippet && (n4.insertTextRules = i.f.CompletionItemInsertTextRule.InsertAsSnippet), n4;
return {isIncomplete: n3.isIncomplete, suggestions: a2};
}, e2;
function p(e2) {
return "string" == typeof e2 ? {value: e2} : (t2 = e2) && "object" == typeof t2 && "string" == typeof t2.kind ? "plaintext" === e2.kind ? {value: e2.value.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, "\\$&")} : {value: e2.value} : {value: "```" + e2.language + "\n" + e2.value + "\n```\n"};
var t2;
function m(e2) {
if (e2)
return Array.isArray(e2) ? : [p(e2)];
var g = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideHover = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.doHover(i2.toString(), l(t2));
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {range: c(e4.range), contents: m(e4.contents)};
}, e2;
function f(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case r.c.Read:
return i.f.DocumentHighlightKind.Read;
case r.c.Write:
return i.f.DocumentHighlightKind.Write;
case r.c.Text:
return i.f.DocumentHighlightKind.Text;
return i.f.DocumentHighlightKind.Text;
var b = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentHighlights = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.findDocumentHighlights(i2.toString(), l(t2));
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
return {range: c(e5.range), kind: f(e5.kind)};
}, e2;
function _(e2) {
return {uri: i.d.parse(e2.uri), range: c(e2.range)};
var v = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDefinition = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.findDefinition(i2.toString(), l(t2));
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return [_(e4)];
}, e2;
}(), w = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideReferences = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(o2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.findReferences(o2.toString(), l(t2));
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
}, e2;
var y = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideRenameEdits = function(e3, t2, n2, o2) {
var r2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(r2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.doRename(r2.toString(), l(t2), n2);
}).then(function(e4) {
return function(e5) {
if (e5 && e5.changes) {
var t3 = [];
for (var n3 in e5.changes)
for (var o3 = i.d.parse(n3), r3 = 0, s2 = e5.changes[n3]; r3 < s2.length; r3++) {
var a2 = s2[r3];
t3.push({resource: o3, edit: {range: c(a2.range), text: a2.newText}});
return {edits: t3};
}, e2;
function C(e2) {
var t2 = i.f.SymbolKind;
switch (e2) {
case r.f.File:
return t2.Array;
case r.f.Module:
return t2.Module;
case r.f.Namespace:
return t2.Namespace;
case r.f.Package:
return t2.Package;
case r.f.Class:
return t2.Class;
case r.f.Method:
return t2.Method;
case r.f.Property:
return t2.Property;
case r.f.Field:
return t2.Field;
case r.f.Constructor:
return t2.Constructor;
case r.f.Enum:
return t2.Enum;
case r.f.Interface:
return t2.Interface;
case r.f.Function:
return t2.Function;
case r.f.Variable:
return t2.Variable;
case r.f.Constant:
return t2.Constant;
case r.f.String:
return t2.String;
case r.f.Number:
return t2.Number;
case r.f.Boolean:
return t2.Boolean;
case r.f.Array:
return t2.Array;
return t2.Function;
var x = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentSymbols = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(n2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.findDocumentSymbols(n2.toString());
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
return {name:, detail: "", containerName: e5.containerName, kind: C(e5.kind), tags: [], range: c(e5.location.range), selectionRange: c(e5.location.range)};
}, e2;
}(), S = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentColors = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(n2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.findDocumentColors(n2.toString());
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
return {color: e5.color, range: c(e5.range)};
}, e2.prototype.provideColorPresentations = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.getColorPresentations(i2.toString(), t2.color, function(e5) {
if (e5)
return {start: {line: e5.startLineNumber - 1, character: e5.startColumn - 1}, end: {line: e5.endLineNumber - 1, character: e5.endColumn - 1}};
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
var t3 = {label: e5.label};
return e5.textEdit && (t3.textEdit = h(e5.textEdit)), e5.additionalTextEdits && (t3.additionalTextEdits =, t3;
}, e2;
}(), k = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideFoldingRanges = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var o2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(o2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.getFoldingRanges(o2.toString(), t2);
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
var t3 = {start: e5.startLine + 1, end: e5.endLine + 1};
return void 0 !== e5.kind && (t3.kind = function(e6) {
switch (e6) {
case r.d.Comment:
return i.f.FoldingRangeKind.Comment;
case r.d.Imports:
return i.f.FoldingRangeKind.Imports;
case r.d.Region:
return i.f.FoldingRangeKind.Region;
}(e5.kind)), t3;
}, e2;
var E = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideSelectionRanges = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.getSelectionRanges(i2.toString(),;
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
for (var t3 = []; e5; )
t3.push({range: c(e5.range)}), e5 = e5.parent;
return t3;
}, e2;
function T(e2) {
var t2 = [], n2 = [], r2 = new o(e2);
var a2, l2, c2 = function() {
for (var e3 = [], t3 = 0; t3 < arguments.length; t3++)
e3[t3] = arguments[t3];
return r2.getLanguageServiceWorker.apply(r2, e3);
return a2 = e2.languageId, l2 = e2.modeConfiguration, N(n2), l2.completionItems && n2.push(i.f.registerCompletionItemProvider(a2, new u(c2))), l2.hovers && n2.push(i.f.registerHoverProvider(a2, new g(c2))), l2.documentHighlights && n2.push(i.f.registerDocumentHighlightProvider(a2, new b(c2))), l2.definitions && n2.push(i.f.registerDefinitionProvider(a2, new v(c2))), l2.references && n2.push(i.f.registerReferenceProvider(a2, new w(c2))), l2.documentSymbols && n2.push(i.f.registerDocumentSymbolProvider(a2, new x(c2))), l2.rename && n2.push(i.f.registerRenameProvider(a2, new y(c2))), l2.colors && n2.push(i.f.registerColorProvider(a2, new S(c2))), l2.foldingRanges && n2.push(i.f.registerFoldingRangeProvider(a2, new k(c2))), l2.diagnostics && n2.push(new s(a2, c2, e2)), l2.selectionRanges && n2.push(i.f.registerSelectionRangeProvider(a2, new E(c2))), t2.push(L(n2)), L(t2);
function L(e2) {
return {dispose: function() {
return N(e2);
function N(e2) {
for (; e2.length; )
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.r(t), n.d(t, "setupMode1", function() {
return T;
}), n.d(t, "setupMode", function() {
return L;
var i = n(47), o = function() {
function e2(e3) {
var t2 = this;
this._defaults = e3, this._worker = null, this._idleCheckInterval = setInterval(function() {
return t2._checkIfIdle();
}, 3e4), this._lastUsedTime = 0, this._configChangeListener = this._defaults.onDidChange(function() {
return t2._stopWorker();
return e2.prototype._stopWorker = function() {
this._worker && (this._worker.dispose(), this._worker = null), this._client = null;
}, e2.prototype.dispose = function() {
clearInterval(this._idleCheckInterval), this._configChangeListener.dispose(), this._stopWorker();
}, e2.prototype._checkIfIdle = function() {
this._worker && ( - this._lastUsedTime > 12e4 && this._stopWorker());
}, e2.prototype._getClient = function() {
return this._lastUsedTime =, this._client || (this._worker = i.e.createWebWorker({moduleId: "vs/language/html/htmlWorker", createData: {languageSettings: this._defaults.options, languageId: this._defaults.languageId}, label: this._defaults.languageId}), this._client = this._worker.getProxy()), this._client;
}, e2.prototype.getLanguageServiceWorker = function() {
for (var e3, t2 = this, n2 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)
n2[i2] = arguments[i2];
return this._getClient().then(function(t3) {
e3 = t3;
}).then(function(e4) {
return t2._worker.withSyncedResources(n2);
}).then(function(t3) {
return e3;
}, e2;
}(), r = n(31), s = function() {
function e2(e3, t2, n2) {
var o2 = this;
this._languageId = e3, this._worker = t2, this._disposables = [], this._listener = Object.create(null);
var r2 = function(e4) {
var t3, n3 = e4.getModeId();
n3 === o2._languageId && (o2._listener[e4.uri.toString()] = e4.onDidChangeContent(function() {
clearTimeout(t3), t3 = setTimeout(function() {
return o2._doValidate(e4.uri, n3);
}, 500);
}), o2._doValidate(e4.uri, n3));
}, s2 = function(e4) {
i.e.setModelMarkers(e4, o2._languageId, []);
var t3 = e4.uri.toString(), n3 = o2._listener[t3];
n3 && (n3.dispose(), delete o2._listener[t3]);
this._disposables.push(i.e.onDidCreateModel(r2)), this._disposables.push(i.e.onWillDisposeModel(function(e4) {
})), this._disposables.push(i.e.onDidChangeModelLanguage(function(e4) {
s2(e4.model), r2(e4.model);
})), this._disposables.push(n2.onDidChange(function(e4) {
i.e.getModels().forEach(function(e5) {
e5.getModeId() === o2._languageId && (s2(e5), r2(e5));
})), this._disposables.push({dispose: function() {
for (var e4 in o2._listener)
}}), i.e.getModels().forEach(r2);
return e2.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._disposables.forEach(function(e3) {
return e3 && e3.dispose();
}), this._disposables = [];
}, e2.prototype._doValidate = function(e3, t2) {
this._worker(e3).then(function(n2) {
return n2.doValidation(e3.toString()).then(function(n3) {
var o2 = {
return n4 = "number" == typeof (t3 = e4).code ? String(t3.code) : t3.code, {severity: a(t3.severity), startLineNumber: t3.range.start.line + 1, startColumn: t3.range.start.character + 1, endLineNumber: t3.range.end.line + 1, endColumn: t3.range.end.character + 1, message: t3.message, code: n4, source: t3.source};
var t3, n4;
i.e.setModelMarkers(i.e.getModel(e3), t2, o2);
}).then(void 0, function(e4) {
}, e2;
function a(e2) {
switch (e2) {
case r.b.Error:
return i.b.Error;
case r.b.Warning:
return i.b.Warning;
case r.b.Information:
return i.b.Info;
case r.b.Hint:
return i.b.Hint;
return i.b.Info;
function l(e2) {
if (e2)
return {character: e2.column - 1, line: e2.lineNumber - 1};
function c(e2) {
if (e2)
return new i.c(e2.start.line + 1, e2.start.character + 1, e2.end.line + 1, e2.end.character + 1);
function d(e2) {
var t2 = i.f.CompletionItemKind;
switch (e2) {
case r.a.Text:
return t2.Text;
case r.a.Method:
return t2.Method;
case r.a.Function:
return t2.Function;
case r.a.Constructor:
return t2.Constructor;
case r.a.Field:
return t2.Field;
case r.a.Variable:
return t2.Variable;
case r.a.Class:
return t2.Class;
case r.a.Interface:
return t2.Interface;
case r.a.Module:
return t2.Module;
case r.a.Property:
return t2.Property;
case r.a.Unit:
return t2.Unit;
case r.a.Value:
return t2.Value;
case r.a.Enum:
return t2.Enum;
case r.a.Keyword:
return t2.Keyword;
case r.a.Snippet:
return t2.Snippet;
case r.a.Color:
return t2.Color;
case r.a.File:
return t2.File;
case r.a.Reference:
return t2.Reference;
return t2.Property;
function h(e2) {
if (e2)
return {range: c(e2.range), text: e2.newText};
var u = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return Object.defineProperty(e2.prototype, "triggerCharacters", {get: function() {
return [".", ":", "<", '"', "=", "/"];
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true}), e2.prototype.provideCompletionItems = function(e3, t2, n2, o2) {
var s2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(s2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.doComplete(s2.toString(), l(t2));
}).then(function(n3) {
if (n3) {
var o3 = e3.getWordUntilPosition(t2), s3 = new i.c(t2.lineNumber, o3.startColumn, t2.lineNumber, o3.endColumn), a2 = {
var t3, n4 = {label: e4.label, insertText: e4.insertText || e4.label, sortText: e4.sortText, filterText: e4.filterText, documentation: e4.documentation, detail: e4.detail, range: s3, kind: d(e4.kind)};
return e4.textEdit && (void 0 !== (t3 = e4.textEdit).insert && void 0 !== t3.replace ? n4.range = {insert: c(e4.textEdit.insert), replace: c(e4.textEdit.replace)} : n4.range = c(e4.textEdit.range), n4.insertText = e4.textEdit.newText), e4.additionalTextEdits && (n4.additionalTextEdits =, e4.insertTextFormat === r.e.Snippet && (n4.insertTextRules = i.f.CompletionItemInsertTextRule.InsertAsSnippet), n4;
return {isIncomplete: n3.isIncomplete, suggestions: a2};
}, e2;
function p(e2) {
return "string" == typeof e2 ? {value: e2} : (t2 = e2) && "object" == typeof t2 && "string" == typeof t2.kind ? "plaintext" === e2.kind ? {value: e2.value.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, "\\$&")} : {value: e2.value} : {value: "```" + e2.language + "\n" + e2.value + "\n```\n"};
var t2;
function m(e2) {
if (e2)
return Array.isArray(e2) ? : [p(e2)];
var g = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideHover = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.doHover(i2.toString(), l(t2));
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {range: c(e4.range), contents: m(e4.contents)};
}, e2;
function f(e2) {
var t2 = i.f.DocumentHighlightKind;
switch (e2) {
case r.c.Read:
return t2.Read;
case r.c.Write:
return t2.Write;
case r.c.Text:
return t2.Text;
return t2.Text;
var b = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentHighlights = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.findDocumentHighlights(i2.toString(), l(t2));
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
return {range: c(e5.range), kind: f(e5.kind)};
}, e2;
function _(e2) {
var t2 = i.f.SymbolKind;
switch (e2) {
case r.f.File:
return t2.Array;
case r.f.Module:
return t2.Module;
case r.f.Namespace:
return t2.Namespace;
case r.f.Package:
return t2.Package;
case r.f.Class:
return t2.Class;
case r.f.Method:
return t2.Method;
case r.f.Property:
return t2.Property;
case r.f.Field:
return t2.Field;
case r.f.Constructor:
return t2.Constructor;
case r.f.Enum:
return t2.Enum;
case r.f.Interface:
return t2.Interface;
case r.f.Function:
return t2.Function;
case r.f.Variable:
return t2.Variable;
case r.f.Constant:
return t2.Constant;
case r.f.String:
return t2.String;
case r.f.Number:
return t2.Number;
case r.f.Boolean:
return t2.Boolean;
case r.f.Array:
return t2.Array;
return t2.Function;
var v = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentSymbols = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(n2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.findDocumentSymbols(n2.toString());
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
return {name:, detail: "", containerName: e5.containerName, kind: _(e5.kind), tags: [], range: c(e5.location.range), selectionRange: c(e5.location.range)};
}, e2;
}(), w = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideLinks = function(e3, t2) {
var n2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(n2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.findDocumentLinks(n2.toString());
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {links: {
return {range: c(e5.range), url:};
}, e2;
function y(e2) {
return {tabSize: e2.tabSize, insertSpaces: e2.insertSpaces};
var C = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentFormattingEdits = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.format(i2.toString(), null, y(t2)).then(function(e5) {
if (e5 && 0 !== e5.length)
}, e2;
}(), x = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits = function(e3, t2, n2, i2) {
var o2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(o2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.format(o2.toString(), function(e5) {
if (e5)
return {start: l(e5.getStartPosition()), end: l(e5.getEndPosition())};
}(t2), y(n2)).then(function(e5) {
if (e5 && 0 !== e5.length)
}, e2;
}(), S = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideRenameEdits = function(e3, t2, n2, o2) {
var r2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(r2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.doRename(r2.toString(), l(t2), n2);
}).then(function(e4) {
return function(e5) {
if (!e5 || !e5.changes)
var t3 = [];
for (var n3 in e5.changes)
for (var o3 = i.d.parse(n3), r3 = 0, s2 = e5.changes[n3]; r3 < s2.length; r3++) {
var a2 = s2[r3];
t3.push({resource: o3, edit: {range: c(a2.range), text: a2.newText}});
return {edits: t3};
}, e2;
var k = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideFoldingRanges = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var o2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(o2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.getFoldingRanges(o2.toString(), t2);
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
var t3 = {start: e5.startLine + 1, end: e5.endLine + 1};
return void 0 !== e5.kind && (t3.kind = function(e6) {
switch (e6) {
case r.d.Comment:
return i.f.FoldingRangeKind.Comment;
case r.d.Imports:
return i.f.FoldingRangeKind.Imports;
case r.d.Region:
return i.f.FoldingRangeKind.Region;
}(e5.kind)), t3;
}, e2;
var E = function() {
function e2(e3) {
this._worker = e3;
return e2.prototype.provideSelectionRanges = function(e3, t2, n2) {
var i2 = e3.uri;
return this._worker(i2).then(function(e4) {
return e4.getSelectionRanges(i2.toString(),;
}).then(function(e4) {
if (e4)
return {
for (var t3 = []; e5; )
t3.push({range: c(e5.range)}), e5 = e5.parent;
return t3;
}, e2;
function T(e2) {
var t2 = new o(e2), n2 = function() {
for (var e3 = [], n3 = 0; n3 < arguments.length; n3++)
e3[n3] = arguments[n3];
return t2.getLanguageServiceWorker.apply(t2, e3);
}, r2 = e2.languageId;
i.f.registerCompletionItemProvider(r2, new u(n2)), i.f.registerHoverProvider(r2, new g(n2)), i.f.registerDocumentHighlightProvider(r2, new b(n2)), i.f.registerLinkProvider(r2, new w(n2)), i.f.registerFoldingRangeProvider(r2, new k(n2)), i.f.registerDocumentSymbolProvider(r2, new v(n2)), i.f.registerSelectionRangeProvider(r2, new E(n2)), i.f.registerRenameProvider(r2, new S(n2)), "html" === r2 && (i.f.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider(r2, new C(n2)), i.f.registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider(r2, new x(n2)), new s(r2, n2, e2));
function L(e2) {
var t2 = [], n2 = [], r2 = new o(e2);
var a2, l2, c2 = function() {
for (var e3 = [], t3 = 0; t3 < arguments.length; t3++)
e3[t3] = arguments[t3];
return r2.getLanguageServiceWorker.apply(r2, e3);
return a2 = e2.languageId, l2 = e2.modeConfiguration, I(n2), l2.completionItems && n2.push(i.f.registerCompletionItemProvider(a2, new u(c2))), l2.hovers && n2.push(i.f.registerHoverProvider(a2, new g(c2))), l2.documentHighlights && n2.push(i.f.registerDocumentHighlightProvider(a2, new b(c2))), l2.links && n2.push(i.f.registerLinkProvider(a2, new w(c2))), l2.documentSymbols && n2.push(i.f.registerDocumentSymbolProvider(a2, new v(c2))), l2.rename && n2.push(i.f.registerRenameProvider(a2, new S(c2))), l2.foldingRanges && n2.push(i.f.registerFoldingRangeProvider(a2, new k(c2))), l2.selectionRanges && n2.push(i.f.registerSelectionRangeProvider(a2, new E(c2))), l2.documentFormattingEdits && n2.push(i.f.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider(a2, new C(c2))), l2.documentRangeFormattingEdits && n2.push(i.f.registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider(a2, new x(c2))), l2.diagnostics && n2.push(new s(a2, c2, e2)), t2.push(N(n2)), N(t2);
function N(e2) {
return {dispose: function() {
return I(e2);
function I(e2) {
for (; e2.length; )
// src/wc-monaco-editor.js
const workersDir = new URL("monaco/workers/", import.meta.url);
self.MonacoEnvironment = {
getWorkerUrl: function(moduleId, label) {
switch (label) {
case "json":
return `${workersDir}json.worker.js`;
case "css":
return `${workersDir}css.worker.js`;
case "html":
return `${workersDir}html.worker.js`;
case "typescript":
case "javascript":
return `${workersDir}ts.worker.js`;
return `${workersDir}editor.worker.js`;
class WCMonacoEditor extends HTMLElement {
static get observedAttributes() {
return ["src", "value"];
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if (!this.__initialized) {
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
this[name] = newValue;
get src() {
return this.getAttribute("src");
set src(value) {
this.setAttribute("src", value);
get value() {
return this.editor.getValue();
set value(value) {
get tabSize() {
return this.editor.getModel()._options.tabSize;
set tabSize(value) {
this.editor.getModel().updateOptions({tabSize: value});
constructor() {
this.__initialized = false;
this.editor = null;
async connectedCallback() { = "block";
if (! { = "editor";
if (! { = "100%";
if (! { = "100%";
if (this.hasAttribute("config")) {
const config = await this.fetchConfig(this.getAttribute("config"));
this.editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById(, config);
} else {
this.editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById(, {
language: this.getAttribute("language"),
theme: "vs-dark",
automaticLayout: true,
lineNumbersMinChars: 3,
mouseWheelZoom: true,
fontSize: this.getAttribute("font-size"),
minimap: {enabled: !this.hasAttribute("no-minimap")},
wordWrap: this.hasAttribute("word-wrap"),
wrappingIndent: this.getAttribute("wrap-indent")
if (this.hasAttribute("tab-size")) {
this.tabSize = this.getAttribute("tab-size");
if (this.hasAttribute("src")) {
this.__initialized = true;
async setSrc() {
const src = this.getAttribute("src");
const contents = await this.fetchSrc(src);
async fetchSrc(src) {
const response = await fetch(src);
return response.text();
async fetchConfig(config) {
const response = await fetch(config);
return response.json();
customElements.define("wc-monaco-editor", WCMonacoEditor);
export {