You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

159 lines
5.3 KiB

const { Controller } = require('libflitter')
const ncp = require('ncp').ncp
const fs = require('fs').promises
const path = require('path')
class ExportController extends Controller {
static get services() {
return [, 'models', 'utility']
async get_export_list(req, res, next) {
const Export = this.models.get('api:Export')
const exports = await Export.find({
return res.api(exports)
async export_subtree(req, res, next) {
const format = req.form.format
const page =
if ( format === 'html' ) {
const generated_export = await this.export_subtree_as_html(page, req.user)
async export_subtree_as_html(page, user) {
const flat_tree = []
const add_to_tree = async (page, level = 0) => {
if ( await page.is_accessible_by(user, 'view') ) {
file_name: `${page.Name.replace(/\s/g, '-')}-${page.UUID}.html`,
const children = await page.childPages
for ( const child of children ) {
await add_to_tree(child, level + 1)
await add_to_tree(page)
const manifest = {
sidebar: [],
for ( const item of flat_tree ) {
level: item.level,
link: item.file_name,
// Copy the template over
const work_dir = await this.scratch_dir()
await this.copy_template(this.utility.path('app', 'assets', 'export', 'html'), work_dir)
const html_template = await fs.readFile(path.resolve(work_dir, 'index.html'), 'utf-8')
for ( const item of flat_tree ) {
let item_template = html_template
item_template = item_template.replace(/{{\s?MANIFEST\s?}}/g, JSON.stringify(manifest))
item_template = item_template.replace(/{{\s?GROUP_TITLE\s?}}/g, page.Name)
item_template = item_template.replace(/{{\s?PAGE_TITLE\s?}}/g,
item_template = item_template.replace(/{{\s?PAGE_CONTENT\s?}}/g, await this.page_as_html(, work_dir))
await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(work_dir, item.file_name), item_template)
return work_dir
async copy_template(from, to) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
ncp(from, to, err => {
if ( err ) rej(err)
else res()
async scratch_dir() {
const tmp = require('tmp')
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
tmp.dir((err, path) => {
if ( err ) rej(err)
else res(path)
async page_as_html(page, work_dir) {
const Codium = this.models.get('api:Codium')
const FileGroup = this.models.get('api:FileGroup')
const File = this.models.get('upload::File')
let html = ''
const nodes = await page.nodes
for ( const node of nodes ) {
// ATM, there are 4 node types: norm, database_ref, files_ref, and code_ref
if ( node.Value.Mode === 'norm' ) {
html += node.Value.Value
} else if ( node.Type === 'code_ref' ) {
const code = await Codium.findOne({ UUID: node.Value.Value })
if ( code ) {
const snip_file = `code-snippet-${code.UUID}.txt`
await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(work_dir, snip_file), code.code)
html += `
<div class="code-ref">
<wc-monaco-editor id="${code.UUID}" language="${code.Language}" src="${snip_file}"></wc-monaco-editor>
} else if ( node.Type === 'file_ref' ) {
const file_group = await FileGroup.findOne({ UUID: node.Value.Value })
if ( file_group ) {
const file_htmls = []
for ( const file_id of file_group.FileIds ) {
const file = await File.findById(file_id)
if ( file ) {
const store_path = file.provider().filepath(file.store_id)
await this.copy_template(store_path, path.resolve(work_dir, `file-${file.upload_name}`))
<div class="file">
<div class="file-name">${file.original_name}</div>
<a href="file-${file.upload_name}" class="dl-link" target="_blank">▼</a>
html += `
<div class="file-ref">
return html
module.exports = exports = ExportController