You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
2.4 KiB

const Controller = require('libflitter/controller/Controller')
const { ObjectId } = require("mongodb");
const Page = require("../../../models/api/Page.model")
* Misc Controller
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* Put some description here!
class Misc extends Controller {
4 years ago
#default_token_grants = ['database']
4 years ago
static get services() {
return [, 'models']
4 years ago
async get_token(req, res, next) {
const Token = this.models.get('api:Token')
const token = await Token.for_user(req.user)
return res.api(token.token)
async get_search(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.query.query ) {
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing query.')
const query = String(req.query.query)
const snip_length = 50
const Page = this.models.get('api:Page')
const Node = this.models.get('api:Node')
const all_user_page_ids = (await req.user.get_accessible_pages()).map(x => x.UUID)
const results = []
const matching_pages = await Page.find({
UUID: { $in: all_user_page_ids },
Active: true,
$text: { $search: query },
for ( const page of matching_pages ) {
title: page.Name,
short_title: `${page.Name.slice(0, snip_length)}${page.Name.length > snip_length ? '...' : ''}`,
type: 'page',
id: page.UUID,
const matching_nodes = await Node.find({
PageId: { $in: all_user_page_ids },
'Value.Mode': 'norm',
$text: { $search: query }
for ( const node of matching_nodes ) {
const page = await
title: node.Value.Value,
short_title: `${node.Value.Value.slice(0, snip_length)}${node.Value.Value.length > snip_length ? '...' : ''}`,
type: 'node',
id: node.UUID,
associated: {
title: page.Name,
short_title: `${page.Name.slice(0, snip_length)}${page.Name.length > snip_length ? '...' : ''}`,
type: 'page',
id: page.UUID,
return res.api({results})
module.exports = exports = Misc