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13 lines
715 B

5 years ago
extends ./auth_page
block content
h3.login-heading.mb-4 Authorize #{}?
h5.login-heading.mb-4 #{} wants to access basic user information about your #{} account.
h5.login-heading.mb-4 After authorization, you may not be prompted again.
form(method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data')
input(type='hidden' name='redirect_uri' value=uri.toString())
input(type='hidden' name='client_id' value=client.clientID)
button.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary.btn-block.btn-login.text-uppercase.font-weight-bold.mb-2.form-submit-button(type='submit') Authorize #{}
span.small(style="color: #999999;") Will redirect to: #{}