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5 years ago
extends ./form
block form
input#inputUsername.form-control(type='text' name='username' value=(form_data ? form_data.username : '') required placeholder='Username' autofocus)
label(for='inputUsername') Username
input#inputPassword.form-control(type='password' name='password' required placeholder='Password')
label(for='inputPassword') Password
button.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary.btn-block.btn-login.text-uppercase.font-weight-bold.mb-2.form-submit-button(type='submit') Login
div(style="margin: 30px")
span Or, continue with:
a(style="margin-left: 10px;" title="Continue with Starship CoreID" href="/auth/starship_oauth/login")
a(style="margin-left: 10px;" title="Continue with GitHub" href="/auth/github_oauth/login")
5 years ago
if registration_enabled
span.small Need an account? 
a(href='./register') Register here.