
1635 lines
37 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

* Generic Styles
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* Headers
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* Columns
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* Rows
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* Cells
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* Filters
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* Floating Filter
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* Drag & Drop
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* Overlay
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* Popup
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* Virtual Lists
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width: 100%; }
* Floating Top and Bottom
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* Dialog
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top: 5px;
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* Tooltip
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* Animations
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opacity: 0; }
.ag-opacity-zero {
opacity: 0 !important; }
* Menu
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* Rich Select
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flex: 1 1 auto;
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* Pagination
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* Tool Panel
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-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
width: 200px; }
.ag-column-select-column-group {
position: relative;
align-items: center;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
height: 100%; }
.ag-column-select-column > *,
.ag-column-select-column-group > * {
flex: none; }
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display: flex; }
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position: absolute;
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width: 5px;
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right: -3px; }
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left: -3px; }
.ag-ltr .ag-side-bar-right .ag-tool-panel-horizontal-resize {
left: -3px; }
.ag-rtl .ag-side-bar-right .ag-tool-panel-horizontal-resize {
right: -3px; }
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height: 100%; }
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height: 100%; }
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flex-direction: row; }
* Side Bar
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.ag-side-bar-left {
order: -1;
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cursor: pointer; }
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writing-mode: vertical-lr; }
* Status Bar
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display: inline-flex; }
* Widgets
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right: 0;
bottom: 0; }
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position: absolute;
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cursor: pointer; }
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background: linear-gradient(to left, #ff0000 3%, #ffff00 17%, #00ff00 33%, #00ffff 50%, #0000ff 67%, #ff00ff 83%, #ff0000 100%); }
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cursor: default; }
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width: 100%;
height: 100%; }
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height: 100%; }
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padding-left: 100px; }
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padding-left: 120px; }
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padding-left: 140px; }
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padding-right: 160px; }
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padding-right: 180px; }
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