You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
3.7 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import * as math from 'mathjs'
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
import { LineChart } from 'vue-chart-3'
import { computed, ref } from 'vue'
import { Chart, ChartData, registerables } from 'chart.js'
import { MathStatement } from '../support/parse'
import { ChartBox } from '../support/types'
import { stepX, stepY } from '../support/const'
import {MathPage} from '../support/page'
const emit = defineEmits<{
(eventName: 'move', x: number, y: number): void,
(eventName: 'edit'): void,
(eventName: 'remove'): void,
const props = defineProps<{
page: MathPage,
fn: MathStatement,
value: ChartBox,
const options = ref({
plugins: {
legend: {
labels: {
color: "white",
font: {
size: 18
scales: {
y: {
ticks: {
color: "white",
font: {
size: 15,
grid: {
color: '#ccc'
x: {
ticks: {
color: "white",
font: {
size: 14
grid: {
color: '#ccc'
const getChartData = (): ChartData<'line'> => {
const range = []
const min = Math.min(props.value.minX, props.value.maxX)
const max = Math.max(props.value.minX, props.value.maxX)
for (let i = min; i <= max; i += parseFloat(String(props.value.stepX)) || 1) {
if (!props.fn.isFunctionDeclaration()) {
throw new TypeError('Cannot chart node that is not a function.')
try {
const evaluationResult =
const node = props.fn.parse() as math.FunctionAssignmentNode
const fn = node.compile().evaluate(evaluationResult.scope)
return {
labels: => `${x}`),
datasets: [{
backgroundColor: '#553564',
borderColor: '#ccc',
data: => fn(x)),
pointRadius: 5
} catch (_) {
return {
labels: [],
datasets: [{
label: '',
backgroundColor: '#553564',
borderColor: '#ccc',
data: [],
pointRadius: 5
const chartData = ref(getChartData())
const chartKey = ref(uuidv4())
computed(() => {
chartData.value = getChartData()
chartKey.value = uuidv4()
function onControlledDrag(e: { event: MouseEvent, data: { x: number, y: number } }) {
// const x = e.x;
// const y = e.y;
const { x, y } =;
props.value.x = x;
props.value.y = y;
function onControlledDragStop(e: { event: MouseEvent, data: { x: number, y: number } }) {
// console.log(typeof(e))
const { x, y } =;
// const x = e.x;
// const y = e.y;
emit('move', x, y);
:grid="[stepX, stepY]"
:default-position="{ x: props.value.x, y: props.value.y }"
:position="{ x: props.value.x, y: props.value.y }"
style="background: var(--q-dark); display: flex; flex-direction: row; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 3px;"
<LineChart :options="options" :chartData="chartData" :key="chartKey" class="inner-chart" />
<div class="sidebar">
<q-btn color="grey-7" round flat icon="more_vert">
<q-menu cover auto-close>
<q-item clickable>
<q-item-section @click="() => $emit('edit')">Edit</q-item-section>
<q-item clickable>
<q-item-section @click="() => $emit('remove')">Remove</q-item-section>