rich text is not moved when delted

Thomas 2 years ago
parent 73010a2a4a
commit cc19c90e19

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
length = 10;
n = 5;
// Draw all geometry
//translate([0,0]) polygon(ngon(n, length));
translate([0,0]) hollow_ngon(n, length);
// Simple list comprehension for creating N-gon vertices
function ngon(num, r) =
[for (i=[0:num-1], a=i*360/num) [ r*cos(a), r*sin(a) ]];
module hollow_ngon(num, r, width = 1) {
difference() {
translate([0,0]) polygon(ngon(num, r));
translate([0,0]) polygon(ngon(num, r-width));
l = 10;
CubePoints = [
[ 0, 0, 0 ], //0
[ 10, 0, 0 ], //1
[ 10, 7, 0 ], //2
[ 0, 7, 0 ], //3
[ 0, 0, 5 ], //4
[ 10, 0, 5 ], //5
[ 10, 7, 5 ], //6
[ 0, 7, 5 ]]; //7
CubeFaces = [
[0,1,2,3], // bottom
[4,5,1,0], // front
[7,6,5,4], // top
[5,6,2,1], // right
[6,7,3,2], // back
[7,4,0,3]]; // left
polyhedron( CubePoints, CubeFaces );
//The coordinates of the 12 additional vertices are (0, ±(1 + h), ±(1 h2)), (±(1 + h), ±(1 h2), 0) and (±(1 h2), 0, ±(1 + h)).
// (0, ±(1 + h), ±(1 h2)),
// (0, (1 + h), (1 h2) ),
// (±(1 + h), ±(1 h2), 0)
// (±(1 h2), 0, ±(1 + h))
steps = 50;
sides = 5;
vert = [
points = [
// first expression generating the points in the positive Y quadrant
//(0, ±(1 + h), ±(1 h2)),
for (a = [0 : sides]) [ a, 10 * sin(a * 360 / steps) + 10 ],
// second expression generating the points in the negative Y quadrant
for (a = [steps : -1 : 0]) [ a, 10 * cos(a * 360 / steps) - 20 ],
// additional list of fixed points
[ 10, -3 ], [ 3, 0 ], [ 10, 3 ]

@ -4,12 +4,32 @@ import { RichTextBox } from "../support/types";
import { stepX, stepY } from "../support/const";
const props = defineProps<{value: RichTextBox}>();
const emit = defineEmits<{
(eventName: 'move', x: number,y:number): void,
function onControlledDrag(e) {
const { x, y } =;
props.value.x = x;
props.value.y = y;
function onControlledDragStop(e) {
const { x, y } =;
emit('move', [x, y]);
:grid="[stepX, stepY]"
:default-position="{ x: props.value.x, y: props.value.y }"
:position="{ x: props.value.x, y: props.value.y }"
<q-card flat bordered>

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import ExpressionEditor from './ExpressionEditor.vue'
import TextBox from '../components/TextBox.vue'
import {RichTextBox} from '../support/types'
import { stepX, stepY } from '../support/const'
import { cos } from 'mathjs'
const math = new MathPage(uuidv4());
const statements = ref<MathStatement[]>([]);
@ -31,6 +32,13 @@ const variableListingColumns = [
const stmOnControlledDragStop = (stmt: MathStatement) => (e: MouseEvent) => {
const { x, y } = e;
stmt.x = x;
stmt.y = y;
const variableListingRows = ref<({name: string, value: string})[]>([])
function toggleLeftDrawer() {
@ -141,16 +149,26 @@ const richEditExpression = ref("");
const richEditID = ref(0);
const richEditStatement = (id: number) => {
console.log("editing statement", id, richEditModal);
console.log("editing Text", id, richEditModal);
richEditModal.value = true;
richEditID.value = id;
richEditExpression.value = richTextStatements.value[richEditID.value].text;
const moveRichTextBox = (id: number,x:number,y:number) => {
console.log("Moving Text", id, x,y);
richEditID.value = id;
richTextStatements.value[richEditID.value].x = x;
richTextStatements.value[richEditID.value].y = y;
function richUpdateValue() {
richTextStatements.value[richEditID.value].text = richEditExpression.value;
const removeRichTextBox = (id: number) => {
richTextStatements.value.splice(id, 1);
@ -234,6 +252,8 @@ const removeRichTextBox = (id: number) => {
<span v-for="statement in statements" style="display: flex">
:grid="[stepX, stepY]"
:position="{ x: statement.x, y: statement.y }"
@ -313,6 +333,7 @@ const removeRichTextBox = (id: number) => {
v-on:edit="() => (item.text ? richEditStatement(index) : {})"
v-on:remove="() => removeRichTextBox(index)"
v-on:move="(x, y) => moveRichTextBox(index, x, y)"
