You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

132 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import pytest
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bin')) # noqa
from autojump_data import Entry
from autojump_match import match_anywhere
from autojump_match import match_consecutive
class TestMatchAnywhere(object):
entry1 = Entry('/foo/bar/baz', 10)
entry2 = Entry('/baz/foo/bar', 10)
entry3 = Entry('/foo/baz', 10)
entry4 = Entry('/中/zhong/国/guo', 10)
entry5 = Entry('/is\'t/this/a/b*tchin/edge/case?', 10)
win_entry1 = Entry('C:\\foo\\bar\\baz', 10)
win_entry2 = Entry('D:\\Program Files (x86)\\GIMP', 10)
win_entry3 = Entry('C:\\Windows\\System32', 10)
def haystack(self):
return [
def windows_haystack(self):
return [self.win_entry1, self.win_entry2, self.win_entry3]
def test_single_needle(self, haystack):
assert list(match_anywhere(['bar'], haystack)) == [self.entry1, self.entry2]
def test_consecutive(self, haystack):
assert list(match_anywhere(['foo', 'bar'], haystack)) \
== [self.entry1, self.entry2]
assert list(match_anywhere(['bar', 'foo'], haystack)) == []
def test_skip(self, haystack):
assert list(match_anywhere(['baz', 'bar'], haystack)) == [self.entry2]
assert list(match_anywhere(['', ''], haystack)) == [self.entry4]
def test_ignore_case(self, haystack):
assert list(match_anywhere(['bAz', 'bAR'], haystack, ignore_case=True)) \
== [self.entry2]
def test_backslashes_for_windows_paths(self, windows_haystack):
assert list(match_anywhere(['foo', 'baz'], windows_haystack)) \
== [self.win_entry1]
assert list(match_anywhere(['program', 'gimp'], windows_haystack, True)) \
== [self.win_entry2]
assert list(match_anywhere(['win', '32'], windows_haystack, True)) \
== [self.win_entry3]
def test_wildcard_in_needle(self, haystack):
assert list(match_anywhere(['*', 'this'], haystack)) == []
assert list(match_anywhere(['this', '*'], haystack)) == [self.entry5]
class TestMatchConsecutive(object):
entry1 = Entry('/foo/bar/baz', 10)
entry2 = Entry('/baz/foo/bar', 10)
entry3 = Entry('/foo/baz', 10)
entry4 = Entry('/中/zhong/国/guo', 10)
entry5 = Entry('/日/本', 10)
entry6 = Entry('/is\'t/this/a/b*tchin/edge/case?', 10)
win_entry1 = Entry('C:\\Foo\\Bar\\Baz', 10)
win_entry2 = Entry('D:\\Program Files (x86)\\GIMP', 10)
win_entry3 = Entry('C:\\Windows\\System32', 10)
def haystack(self):
return [
def windows_haystack(self):
return [self.win_entry1, self.win_entry2, self.win_entry3]
def test_single_needle(self, haystack):
assert list(match_consecutive(['baz'], haystack)) == [self.entry1, self.entry3]
assert list(match_consecutive([''], haystack)) == [self.entry5]
def test_consecutive(self, haystack):
assert list(match_consecutive(['bar', 'baz'], haystack)) == [self.entry1]
assert list(match_consecutive(['foo', 'bar'], haystack)) == [self.entry2]
assert list(match_consecutive(['', 'guo'], haystack)) == [self.entry4]
assert list(match_consecutive(['bar', 'foo'], haystack)) == []
def test_ignore_case(self, haystack):
assert list(match_consecutive(['FoO', 'bAR'], haystack, ignore_case=True)) \
== [self.entry2]
def test_windows_ignore_case(self, windows_haystack):
assert list(match_consecutive(['gimp'], windows_haystack, True)) == [self.win_entry2]
def test_backslashes_for_windows_paths(self, windows_haystack):
assert list(match_consecutive(['program', 'gimp'], windows_haystack, True)) \
== [self.win_entry2]
def test_foo_bar_baz(self, windows_haystack):
assert list(match_consecutive(['bar', 'baz'], windows_haystack, ignore_case=True)) \
== [self.win_entry1]
def test_thing(self, windows_haystack):
assert list(match_consecutive(['win', '32'], windows_haystack, True)) \
== [self.win_entry3]
def test_wildcard_in_needle(self, haystack):
assert list(match_consecutive(['*', 'this'], haystack)) == []
assert list(match_consecutive(['*', 'edge', 'case'], haystack)) == [self.entry6]