update docs about jo(), jc(), jco()

William Ting 12 years ago
parent d57e7b779c
commit ac2dc9f1d2

Changes require reloading autojump to take into effect. Changes require reloading autojump to take into effect.
- Use a File Manager to Open Jumped-to Directories
You can modify your \~/.bashrc or \~/.zsh to make autojump open a ADVANCED USAGE
directory for you. Add the following lines in your \~/.bashrc or --------------
function jo { xdg-open $(autojump $@); } - Open File Manager To Directories (instead of jumping)
complete -F _autojump jo
If you're using Mac OS X, you can replace `xdg-open` with `open`. Instead of jumping to a directory, you can open a file explorer window (Mac
Finder, Windows Explorer, GNOME Nautilus, etc) to the directory instead.
After executing `source ~/.bashrc` or `source ~/.zshrc`, you can try jo music
`jo foo`, which behaves like `j foo` except that it opens the `foo`
directory with a file manager.
ADVANCED USAGE - Jump to a Child Directory.
Sometimes it's convenient to jump to a child directory (sub-directory of
current directory) rather than typing out the full name.
jc images
Opening a file manager to a child directory is also supported.
jco images
- Using Multiple Arguments - Using Multiple Arguments
