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.TH autojump 1 "10 April 2012" "release-v22"
autojump - a faster way to navigate your filesystem
autojump is a faster way to navigate your filesystem.
It works by maintaining a database of the directories you use the most
from the command line.
\f[I]Directories must be visited first before they can be jumped to.\f[]
\f[C]j\f[] is a convenience wrapper function around \f[C]autojump\f[].
Any option that can be used with \f[C]autojump\f[] can be used with
\f[C]j\f[] and vice versa.
12 years ago
.IP \[bu] 2
Jump To A Directory That Contains \f[C]foo\f[]:
12 years ago
.RS 2
j\ foo
12 years ago
.IP \[bu] 2
Jump To A Child Directory:
12 years ago
.RS 2
Sometimes it\[aq]s convenient to jump to a child directory
(sub-directory of current directory) rather than typing out the full
12 years ago
jc\ bar
12 years ago
.IP \[bu] 2
Open File Manager To Directories (instead of jumping):
12 years ago
.RS 2
Instead of jumping to a directory, you can open a file explorer window
(Mac Finder, Windows Explorer, GNOME Nautilus, etc.)
to the directory instead.
12 years ago
jo\ music
12 years ago
Opening a file manager to a child directory is also supported:
12 years ago
jco\ images
.IP \[bu] 2
Using Multiple Arguments:
.RS 2
Let\[aq]s assume the following database:
30\ \ \ /home/user/mail/inbox
10\ \ \ /home/user/work/inbox
12 years ago
\f[C]j\ in\f[] would jump into /home/user/mail/inbox as the higher
weighted entry.
However you can pass multiple arguments to autojump to prefer a
different entry.
In the above example, \f[C]j\ w\ in\f[] would then change directory to
For more options refer to help:
autojump\ --help
.IP \[bu] 2
autojump does not support directories that begin with \f[C]-\f[].
.IP \[bu] 2
For bash users, autojump keeps track of directories by modifying
Do not overwrite \f[C]$PROMPT_COMMAND\f[]:
.RS 2
export\ PROMPT_COMMAND="history\ -a"
Instead append to the end of the existing $PROMPT_COMMAND:
For any questions or issues please visit:
autojump was originally written by Joël Schaerer, and currently
maintained by William Ting.
More contributors can be found in \f[C]AUTHORS\f[].
Copyright © 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.