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/// Copyright 2015-2019 Oliver Giles
/// This file is part of Laminar
/// Laminar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
/// (at your option) any later version.
/// Laminar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with Laminar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#include "run.h"
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
// Simple struct to define which information a frontend client is interested
// in, both in initial request phase and real-time updates. It corresponds
// loosely to frontend URLs
struct MonitorScope {
enum Type {
HOME, // home page: recent builds and statistics
ALL, // browse jobs
JOB, // a specific job page
RUN, // a specific run page
LOG // a run's log page
MonitorScope(Type type = HOME, std::string job = std::string(), uint num = 0) :
// whether this scope wants status information about the given job or run
bool wantsStatus(std::string ajob, uint anum = 0) const {
if(type == HOME || type == ALL) return true;
if(type == JOB) return ajob == job;
if(type == RUN) return ajob == job && anum == num;
return false;
bool wantsLog(std::string ajob, uint anum) const {
return type == LOG && ajob == job && anum == num;
Type type;
std::string job;
uint num = 0;
// sorting
uint page = 0;
std::string field;
bool order_desc;
// Represents a (websocket) client that wants to be notified about events
// matching the supplied scope. Pass instances of this to LaminarInterface
// registerClient and deregisterClient
struct LaminarClient {
virtual ~LaminarClient() noexcept(false) {}
virtual void sendMessage(std::string payload) = 0;
// TODO: redesign
virtual void notifyJobFinished() {}
MonitorScope scope;
// Represents a (rpc) client that wants to be notified about run completion.
// Pass instances of this to LaminarInterface registerWaiter and
// deregisterWaiter
struct LaminarWaiter {
virtual ~LaminarWaiter() =default;
virtual void complete(const Run*) = 0;
// Represents a file mapped in memory. Used to serve artefacts
struct MappedFile {
virtual ~MappedFile() =default;
virtual const void* address() = 0;
virtual size_t size() = 0;
// The interface connecting the network layer to the application business
// logic. These methods fulfil the requirements of both the HTTP/Websocket
// and RPC interfaces.
struct LaminarInterface {
virtual ~LaminarInterface() {}
// Queues a job, returns immediately. Return value will be nullptr if
// the supplied name is not a known job.
virtual std::shared_ptr<Run> queueJob(std::string name, ParamMap params = ParamMap()) = 0;
// Register a client (but don't give up ownership). The client will be
// notified with a JSON message of any events matching its scope
// (see LaminarClient and MonitorScope above)
virtual void registerClient(LaminarClient* client) = 0;
// Call this before destroying a client so that Laminar doesn't try
// to call LaminarClient::sendMessage on invalid data
virtual void deregisterClient(LaminarClient* client) = 0;
// Register a waiter (but don't give up ownership). The waiter will be
// notified with a callback of any run completion (see LaminarWaiter above)
virtual void registerWaiter(LaminarWaiter* waiter) = 0;
// Call this before destroying a waiter so that Laminar doesn't try
// to call LaminarWaiter::complete on invalid data
virtual void deregisterWaiter(LaminarWaiter* waiter) = 0;
// Return the latest known number of the named job
virtual uint latestRun(std::string job) = 0;
// Given a job name and number, return existence and (via reference params)
// its current log output and whether the job is ongoing
virtual bool handleLogRequest(std::string name, uint num, std::string& output, bool& complete) = 0;
// Synchronously send a snapshot of the current status to the given
// client (as governed by the client's MonitorScope). This is called on
// initial websocket connect.
virtual void sendStatus(LaminarClient* client) = 0;
// Implements the laminar client interface allowing the setting of
// arbitrary parameters on a run (usually itself) to be available in
// the environment of subsequent scripts.
virtual bool setParam(std::string job, uint buildNum, std::string param, std::string value) = 0;
// Gets the list of jobs currently waiting in the execution queue
virtual const std::list<std::shared_ptr<Run>>& listQueuedJobs() = 0;
// Gets the list of currently executing jobs
virtual const RunSet& listRunningJobs() = 0;
// Gets the list of known jobs - scans cfg/jobs for *.run files
virtual std::list<std::string> listKnownJobs() = 0;
// Fetches the content of an artifact given its filename relative to
// $LAMINAR_HOME/archive. Ideally, this would instead be served by a
// proper web server which handles this url.
virtual kj::Maybe<kj::Own<const kj::ReadableFile>> getArtefact(std::string path) = 0;
// Given the name of a job, populate the provided string reference with
// SVG content describing the last known state of the job. Returns false
// if the job is unknown.
virtual bool handleBadgeRequest(std::string job, std::string& badge) = 0;
// Fetches the content of $LAMINAR_HOME/custom/style.css or an empty
// string. Ideally, this would instead be served by a proper web server
// which handles this url.
virtual std::string getCustomCss() = 0;
// Aborts a single job
virtual bool abort(std::string job, uint buildNum) = 0;
// Abort all running jobs
virtual void abortAll() = 0;
// Callback to handle a configuration modification notification
virtual void notifyConfigChanged() = 0;