improve frontend performance with large logs

frontend would furiously try to render as fast as it received data
chunks from the server. This causes a lot of extra load on the browser
renderer if the logs are large. Buffer and batch calls to rerender
to improve performance.

resolves #165
Oliver Giles 3 years ago
parent bb087b72ee
commit efafda16ff

@ -187,8 +187,8 @@
<div class="console-log">
<code v-html="log"></code>
<span v-show="job.result == 'running'" v-html="runIcon('running')" style="display: block;"></span>
<span v-show="!logComplete" v-html="runIcon('running')" style="display: block;"></span>

@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ const Run = templateId => {
const state = {
job: { artifacts: [], upstream: {} },
latestNum: null,
log: '',
logComplete: false,
const logFetcher = (vm, name, num) => {
const abort = new AbortController();
@ -651,27 +651,52 @@ const Run = templateId => {
// ATOW pipeThrough not supported in Firefox
//const reader = res.body.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream).getReader();
const reader = res.body.getReader();
const target = document.getElementsByTagName('code')[0];
let logToRender = '';
let logComplete = false;
let tid = null;
function updateUI() {
// output may contain private ANSI CSI escape sequence to point to
// downstream jobs. ansi_up (correctly) discards unknown sequences,
// so they must be matched before passing through ansi_up. ansi_up
// also (correctly) escapes HTML, so they need to be converted back
// to links after going through ansi_up.
// A better solution one day would be if ansi_up were to provide
// a callback interface for handling unknown sequences.
// Also, update the DOM directly rather than using a binding through
// Vue, the performance is noticeably better with large logs.
target.innerHTML += ansi_up.ansi_to_html(
logToRender.replace(/\033\[\{([^:]+):(\d+)\033\\/g, (m, $1, $2) =>
).replace(/~~~~LAMINAR_RUN~([^:]+):(\d+)~/g, (m, $1, $2) =>
'<a href="jobs/'+$1+'" onclick="return LaminarApp.navigate(this.href);">'+$1+'</a>:'+
'<a href="jobs/'+$1+'/'+$2+'" onclick="return LaminarApp.navigate(this.href);">#'+$2+'</a>'
logToRender = '';
if (logComplete) {
// output finished
state.logComplete = true;
return function pump() {
return{done, value}) => {
value = utf8decoder.decode(value);
if (done)
if (done) {
// do not set state.logComplete directly, because rendering
// may take some time, and we don't want the progress indicator
// to disappear before rendering is complete. Instead, delay
// it until after the log has been added to the DOM
logComplete = true;
// output may contain private ANSI CSI escape sequence to point to
// downstream jobs. ansi_up (correctly) discards unknown sequences,
// so they must be matched before passing through ansi_up. ansi_up
// also (correctly) escapes HTML, so they need to be converted back
// to links after going through ansi_up.
// A better solution one day would be if ansi_up were to provide
// a callback interface for handling unknown sequences.
state.log += ansi_up.ansi_to_html(
value.replace(/\033\[\{([^:]+):(\d+)\033\\/g, (m, $1, $2) =>
).replace(/~~~~LAMINAR_RUN~([^:]+):(\d+)~/g, (m, $1, $2) =>
'<a href="jobs/'+$1+'" onclick="return LaminarApp.navigate(this.href);">'+$1+'</a>:'+
'<a href="jobs/'+$1+'/'+$2+'" onclick="return LaminarApp.navigate(this.href);">#'+$2+'</a>'
logToRender += utf8decoder.decode(value);
// sometimes logs can be very large, and we are calling pump()
// furiously to get all the data to the client. To prevent straining
// the client renderer, buffer the data and delay the UI updates.
tid = setTimeout(updateUI, 125);
return pump();
@ -694,7 +719,9 @@ const Run = templateId => {
state.job = data;
state.latestNum = data.latestNum;
state.jobsRunning = [data];
state.log = '';
state.logComplete = false;
// DOM is used directly for performance
document.getElementsByTagName('code')[0].innerHTML = '';
