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9 years ago
/// Copyright 2015-2020 Oliver Giles
9 years ago
/// This file is part of Laminar
/// Laminar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
/// (at your option) any later version.
/// Laminar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with Laminar. If not, see <>
9 years ago
#include "run.h"
#include "monitorscope.h"
#include "context.h"
9 years ago
#include "database.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <kj/filesystem.h>
#include <kj/async-io.h>
9 years ago
// Context name to context object map
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Context>> ContextMap;
9 years ago
class Server;
class Json;
9 years ago
class Http;
class Rpc;
struct Settings {
const char* home;
const char* bind_rpc;
const char* bind_http;
const char* archive_url;
9 years ago
// The main class implementing the application's business logic.
class Laminar final {
9 years ago
Laminar(Server& server, Settings settings);
~Laminar() noexcept;
// Queues a job, returns immediately. Return value will be nullptr if
// the supplied name is not a known job.
std::shared_ptr<Run> queueJob(std::string name, ParamMap params = ParamMap());
// Return the latest known number of the named job
uint latestRun(std::string job);
// Given a job name and number, return existence and (via reference params)
// its current log output and whether the job is ongoing
bool handleLogRequest(std::string name, uint num, std::string& output, bool& complete);
// Given a relevant scope, returns a JSON string describing the current
// server status. Content differs depending on the page viewed by the user,
// which should be provided as part of the scope.
std::string getStatus(MonitorScope scope);
// Implements the laminarc function of setting arbitrary parameters on a run,
// (typically the current run) which will be made available in the environment
// of subsequent scripts.
bool setParam(std::string job, uint buildNum, std::string param, std::string value);
// Gets the list of jobs currently waiting in the execution queue
const std::list<std::shared_ptr<Run>>& listQueuedJobs();
// Gets the list of currently executing jobs
const RunSet& listRunningJobs();
// Gets the list of known jobs - scans cfg/jobs for *.run files
std::list<std::string> listKnownJobs();
// Fetches the content of an artifact given its filename relative to
// $LAMINAR_HOME/archive. Ideally, this would instead be served by a
// proper web server which handles this url.
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<const kj::ReadableFile>> getArtefact(std::string path);
// Given the name of a job, populate the provided string reference with
// SVG content describing the last known state of the job. Returns false
// if the job is unknown.
bool handleBadgeRequest(std::string job, std::string& badge);
// Aborts a single job
bool abort(std::string job, uint buildNum);
// Abort all running jobs
void abortAll();
9 years ago
bool loadConfiguration();
void loadCustomizations();
9 years ago
void assignNewJobs();
bool canQueue(const Context& ctx, const Run& run) const;
bool tryStartRun(std::shared_ptr<Run> run, int queueIndex);
void handleRunFinished(Run*);
// expects that Json has started an array
void populateArtifacts(Json& out, std::string job, uint num, kj::Path subdir = kj::Path::parse(".")) const;
Run* activeRun(const std::string name, uint num) {
auto it = activeJobs.byNameNumber().find(boost::make_tuple(name, num));
return it == activeJobs.byNameNumber().end() ? nullptr : it->get();
9 years ago
std::list<std::shared_ptr<Run>> queuedJobs;
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint> buildNums;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> jobContexts;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> jobDescriptions;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> jobGroups;
9 years ago
RunSet activeJobs;
Database* db;
Server& srv;
ContextMap contexts;
kj::Path homePath;
kj::Own<const kj::Directory> fsHome;
uint numKeepRunDirs;
std::string archiveUrl;
kj::Own<Http> http;
kj::Own<Rpc> rpc;
9 years ago