You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

299 lines
11 KiB

/// Copyright 2019 Oliver Giles
/// This file is part of Laminar
/// Laminar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
/// (at your option) any later version.
/// Laminar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with Laminar. If not, see <>
#include "log.h"
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <queue>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <kj/async-io.h>
#include <kj/async-unix.h>
#include <kj/filesystem.h>
#include "run.h"
// short syntax helper for kj::Path
template<typename T>
inline kj::Path operator/(const kj::Path& p, const T& ext) {
return p.append(ext);
template<typename T>
inline kj::Path operator/(const kj::PathPtr& p, const T& ext) {
return p.append(ext);
struct Script {
kj::Path path;
kj::Path cwd;
bool runOnAbort;
class Leader final : public kj::TaskSet::ErrorHandler {
Leader(kj::AsyncIoContext& ioContext, kj::Filesystem& fs, const char* jobName, uint runNumber);
RunState run();
void taskFailed(kj::Exception&& exception) override;
kj::Promise<void> step(std::queue<Script>& scripts);
kj::Promise<void> reapChildProcesses();
kj::Promise<void> readEnvPipe(kj::AsyncInputStream* stream, char* buffer);
kj::TaskSet tasks;
RunState result;
kj::AsyncIoContext& ioContext;
const kj::Directory& home;
kj::PathPtr rootPath;
std::string jobName;
uint runNumber;
pid_t currentGroupId;
pid_t currentScriptPid;
std::queue<Script> scripts;
int setEnvPipe[2];
Leader::Leader(kj::AsyncIoContext &ioContext, kj::Filesystem &fs, const char *jobName, uint runNumber) :
tasks.add(ioContext.unixEventPort.onSignal(SIGTERM).then([this](siginfo_t) {
while(scripts.size() && (!scripts.front().runOnAbort))
// TODO: probably shouldn't do this if we are already in a runOnAbort script
kill(-currentGroupId, SIGTERM);
return this->ioContext.provider->getTimer().afterDelay(2*kj::SECONDS).then([this]{
fprintf(stderr, "[laminar] sending SIGKILL to process group %d\n", currentGroupId);
kill(-currentGroupId, SIGKILL);
auto event = ioContext.lowLevelProvider->wrapInputFd(setEnvPipe[0], kj::LowLevelAsyncIoProvider::TAKE_OWNERSHIP);
auto buffer = kj::heapArrayBuilder<char>(1024);
tasks.add(readEnvPipe(event, buffer.asPtr().begin()).attach(kj::mv(event), kj::mv(buffer)));
RunState Leader::run()
kj::Path cfgDir{"cfg"};
// create the run directory
kj::Path rd{"run",jobName,std::to_string(runNumber)};
bool createWorkdir = true;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(ls, home.tryLstat(rd)) {
LASSERT(ls->type == kj::FsNode::Type::DIRECTORY);
LLOG(WARNING, "Working directory already exists, removing", rd.toString());
if(home.tryRemove(rd) == false) {
LLOG(WARNING, "Failed to remove working directory");
createWorkdir = false;
if(createWorkdir && home.tryOpenSubdir(rd, kj::WriteMode::CREATE|kj::WriteMode::CREATE_PARENT) == nullptr) {
LLOG(ERROR, "Could not create working directory", rd.toString());
return RunState::FAILED;
// create an archive directory
kj::Path archive = kj::Path{"archive",jobName,std::to_string(runNumber)};
if(home.exists(archive)) {
LLOG(WARNING, "Archive directory already exists", archive.toString());
} else if(home.tryOpenSubdir(archive, kj::WriteMode::CREATE|kj::WriteMode::CREATE_PARENT) == nullptr) {
LLOG(ERROR, "Could not create archive directory", archive.toString());
return RunState::FAILED;
// create a workspace for this job if it doesn't exist
kj::Path ws{"run",jobName,"workspace"};
if(!home.exists(ws)) {
home.openSubdir(ws, kj::WriteMode::CREATE|kj::WriteMode::CREATE_PARENT);
// prepend the workspace init script
scripts.push({cfgDir/"jobs"/(jobName+".init"), kj::mv(ws), false});
// add scripts
// global before-run script
scripts.push({cfgDir/"before", rd.clone(), false});
// job before-run script
scripts.push({cfgDir/"jobs"/(jobName+".before"), rd.clone(), false});
// main run script. must exist.
scripts.push({cfgDir/"jobs"/(jobName+".run"), rd.clone(), false});
// job after-run script
scripts.push({cfgDir/"jobs"/(jobName+".after"), rd.clone(), true});
// global after-run script
scripts.push({cfgDir/"after", rd.clone(), true});
// Start executing scripts
return step(scripts).then([this](){
return result;
void Leader::taskFailed(kj::Exception &&exception)
LLOG(ERROR, exception);
kj::Promise<void> Leader::step(std::queue<Script> &scripts)
return kj::READY_NOW;
Script currentScript = kj::mv(scripts.front());
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) { // child
// unblock all signals
sigset_t mask;
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, nullptr);
// create a new process group to help us deal with any wayward forks
setpgid(0, 0);
std::string buildNum = std::to_string(runNumber);
setenv("RESULT", to_string(result).c_str(), true);
// pass the pipe through a variable to allow laminarc to send new env back
char pipeNum[4];
sprintf(pipeNum, "%d", setEnvPipe[1]);
setenv("__LAMINAR_SETENV_PIPE", pipeNum, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "[laminar] Executing %s\n", currentScript.path.toString().cStr());
kj::String execPath = (rootPath/currentScript.path).toString(true);
execl(execPath.cStr(), execPath.cStr(), NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "[laminar] Failed to execute %s\n", currentScript.path.toString().cStr());
currentScriptPid = pid;
currentGroupId = pid;
return reapChildProcesses().then([&](){
return step(scripts);
kj::Promise<void> Leader::reapChildProcesses()
return ioContext.unixEventPort.onSignal(SIGCHLD).then([this](siginfo_t) -> kj::Promise<void> {
while(true) {
int status;
errno = 0;
pid_t pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG);
if(pid == -1 && errno == ECHILD) {
// all children exited
return kj::READY_NOW;
} else if(pid == 0) {
// child processes are still running
if(currentScriptPid) {
// We could get here if a more deeply nested process was reparented to us
// before the primary script executed. Quietly wait until the process we're
// waiting for is done
return reapChildProcesses();
// Otherwise, reparented orphans are on borrowed time
// TODO list wayward processes?
fprintf(stderr, "[laminar] sending SIGHUP to adopted child processes\n");
kill(-currentGroupId, SIGHUP);
return ioContext.provider->getTimer().afterDelay(5*kj::SECONDS).then([this]{
fprintf(stderr, "[laminar] sending SIGKILL to process group %d\n", currentGroupId);
// TODO: should we mark the job as failed if we had to kill reparented processes?
kill(-currentGroupId, SIGKILL);
return reapChildProcesses();
} else if(pid == currentScriptPid) {
// the script we were waiting for is done
// if we already marked as failed, preserve that
if(result == RunState::SUCCESS) {
if(WIFSIGNALED(status) && (WTERMSIG(status) == SIGTERM || WTERMSIG(status) == SIGKILL))
result = RunState::ABORTED;
else if(WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0)
result = RunState::FAILED;
currentScriptPid = 0;
} else {
// some reparented process was reaped
kj::Promise<void> Leader::readEnvPipe(kj::AsyncInputStream *stream, char *buffer) {
return stream->tryRead(buffer, 1, 1024).then([this,stream,buffer](size_t sz) {
if(sz > 0) {
buffer[sz] = '\0';
if(char* eq = strchr(buffer, '=')) {
*eq++ = '\0';
setenv(buffer, eq, 1);
return readEnvPipe(stream, kj::mv(buffer));
return kj::Promise<void>(kj::READY_NOW);
int leader_main(void) {
auto ioContext = kj::setupAsyncIo();
auto fs = kj::newDiskFilesystem();
// Don't use captureChildExit or onChildExit because they don't provide a way to
// reap orphaned child processes. Stick with the more fundamental onSignal.
// Becoming a subreaper means any descendent process whose parent process disappears
// will be reparented to this one instead of init (or higher layer subreaper).
// We do this so that the run will wait until all descedents exit before executing
// the next step.
// Become the leader of a new process group. This is so that all child processes
// will also get a kill signal when the run is aborted
setpgid(0, 0);
// Environment inherited from main laminard process
const char* jobName = getenv("JOB");
std::string name(jobName);
uint runNumber = atoi(getenv("RUN"));
if(!jobName || !runNumber)
Leader leader(ioContext, *fs, jobName, runNumber);
// Parent process will cast back to RunState
return int(;