2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
/ * *
* Replicates functionality of test / browser / gristUtils . ts for new - style tests .
* The helpers are themselves tested in TestGristUtils . ts .
* /
import * as fse from 'fs-extra' ;
import escapeRegExp = require ( 'lodash/escapeRegExp' ) ;
import noop = require ( 'lodash/noop' ) ;
import startCase = require ( 'lodash/startCase' ) ;
2021-06-11 14:14:36 +00:00
import { assert , driver , error , IRectangle , Key , WebElement , WebElementPromise } from 'mocha-webdriver' ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
import { stackWrapFunc , stackWrapOwnMethods } from 'mocha-webdriver' ;
import * as path from 'path' ;
import { decodeUrl } from 'app/common/gristUrls' ;
import { FullUser , UserProfile } from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI' ;
import { resetOrg } from 'app/common/resetOrg' ;
import { TestState } from 'app/common/TestState' ;
2021-04-26 21:54:09 +00:00
import { Organization as APIOrganization , DocStateComparison , UserAPIImpl , Workspace } from 'app/common/UserAPI' ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
import { Organization } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Organization' ;
import { Product } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Product' ;
import { create } from 'app/server/lib/create' ;
import { HomeUtil } from 'test/nbrowser/homeUtil' ;
import { server } from 'test/nbrowser/testServer' ;
import { Cleanup } from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils' ;
import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils' ;
// tslint:disable:no-namespace
// Wrap in a namespace so that we can apply stackWrapOwnMethods to all the exports together.
namespace gristUtils {
const homeUtil = new HomeUtil ( testUtils . fixturesRoot , server ) ;
export const createNewDoc = homeUtil . createNewDoc . bind ( homeUtil ) ;
// importFixturesDoc has a custom implementation that supports 'load' flag.
export const uploadFixtureDoc = homeUtil . uploadFixtureDoc . bind ( homeUtil ) ;
export const getWorkspaceId = homeUtil . getWorkspaceId . bind ( homeUtil ) ;
export const listDocs = homeUtil . listDocs . bind ( homeUtil ) ;
export const createHomeApi = homeUtil . createHomeApi . bind ( homeUtil ) ;
export const simulateLogin = homeUtil . simulateLogin . bind ( homeUtil ) ;
export const removeLogin = homeUtil . removeLogin . bind ( homeUtil ) ;
export const setValue = homeUtil . setValue . bind ( homeUtil ) ;
export const isOnLoginPage = homeUtil . isOnLoginPage . bind ( homeUtil ) ;
export const checkLoginPage = homeUtil . checkLoginPage . bind ( homeUtil ) ;
export const fixturesRoot : string = testUtils . fixturesRoot ;
// it is sometimes useful in debugging to turn off automatic cleanup of docs and workspaces.
const noCleanup = Boolean ( process . env . NO_CLEANUP ) ;
// Most test code uses simulateLogin through the server reference. Keep them to reduce unnecessary
// code changes.
server . simulateLogin = simulateLogin ;
server . removeLogin = removeLogin ;
export interface IColSelect < T = WebElement > {
col : number | string ;
rowNums : number [ ] ;
section? : string | WebElement ;
mapper ? : ( e : WebElement ) = > Promise < T > ;
export interface ICellSelect {
col : number | string ;
rowNum : number ;
section? : string | WebElement ;
export interface IColHeader {
col : number | string ;
section? : string | WebElement ;
export interface IColsSelect < T = WebElement > {
cols : Array < number | string > ;
rowNums : number [ ] ;
section? : string | WebElement ;
mapper ? : ( e : WebElement ) = > Promise < T > ;
/ * *
* Helper for exact string matches using interfaces that expect a RegExp . E . g .
* driver . findContent ( '.selector' , exactMatch ( "Foo" ) )
* TODO It would be nice if mocha - webdriver allowed exact string match in findContent ( ) ( it now
* supports a substring match , but we still need a helper for an exact match ) .
* /
export function exactMatch ( value : string ) : RegExp {
return new RegExp ( ` ^ ${ escapeRegExp ( value ) } $ ` ) ;
/ * *
* Helper to scroll an element into view .
* /
export function scrollIntoView ( elem : WebElement ) : Promise < void > {
return driver . executeScript ( ( el : any ) = > el . scrollIntoView ( ) , elem ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the current user of gristApp in the currently - loaded page .
* /
export async function getUser ( waitMs : number = 1000 ) : Promise < FullUser > {
const user = await driver . wait ( ( ) = > driver . executeScript ( `
const appObs = window . gristApp && window . gristApp . topAppModel . appObs . get ( ) ;
return appObs && appObs . currentUser ;
` ), waitMs) as FullUser;
if ( ! user ) { throw new Error ( 'could not find user' ) ; }
return user ;
/ * *
* Returns the current org of gristApp in the currently - loaded page .
* /
export async function getOrg ( waitMs : number = 1000 ) : Promise < APIOrganization > {
const org = await driver . wait ( ( ) = > driver . executeScript ( `
const appObs = window . gristApp && window . gristApp . topAppModel . appObs . get ( ) ;
return appObs && appObs . currentOrg ;
` ), waitMs) as APIOrganization;
if ( ! org ) { throw new Error ( 'could not find org' ) ; }
return org ;
/ * *
* Returns the email of the current user of gristApp in the currently - loaded page .
* /
export async function getEmail ( waitMs : number = 1000 ) : Promise < string > {
return ( await getUser ( waitMs ) ) . email ;
/ * *
* Returns the name of the current user of gristApp in the currently - loaded page .
* /
export async function getName ( waitMs : number = 1000 ) : Promise < string > {
return ( await getUser ( waitMs ) ) . name ;
/ * *
* Returns any comparison information in the currently - loaded page .
* /
export async function getComparison ( waitMs : number = 1000 ) : Promise < DocStateComparison | null > {
const result = await driver . wait ( ( ) = > driver . executeScript ( `
return window . gristDocPageModel ? . gristDoc ? . get ( ) ? . comparison ;
` ), waitMs) as DocStateComparison;
return result || null ;
export async function testCurrentUrl ( pattern : RegExp | string ) {
const url = await driver . getCurrentUrl ( ) ;
return ( typeof pattern === 'string' ) ? url . includes ( pattern ) : pattern . test ( url ) ;
export async function waitForUrl ( pattern : RegExp | string , waitMs : number = 2000 ) {
await driver . wait ( ( ) = > testCurrentUrl ( pattern ) , waitMs ) ;
2021-07-30 15:16:33 +00:00
export async function dismissWelcomeTourIfNeeded() {
const elem = driver . find ( '.test-onboarding-close' ) ;
if ( await elem . isPresent ( ) ) {
await elem . click ( ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Selects all text when a text element is currently active.
export async function selectAll() {
await driver . executeScript ( 'document.activeElement.select()' ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a WebElementPromise for the . viewsection_content element for the section which contains
* the given RegExp content .
* /
2021-04-26 21:54:09 +00:00
export function getSection ( sectionOrTitle : string | WebElement ) : WebElement | WebElementPromise {
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
if ( typeof sectionOrTitle !== 'string' ) { return sectionOrTitle ; }
return driver . find ( ` .test-viewsection-title[value=" ${ sectionOrTitle } " i] ` )
. findClosest ( '.viewsection_content' ) ;
/ * *
* Returns visible cells of the GridView from a single column and one or more rows . Options may be
* given as arguments directly , or as an object .
* - col : column name , or 0 - based column index
* - rowNums : array of 1 - based row numbers , as visible in the row headers on the left of the grid .
* - section : optional name of the section to use ; will use active section if omitted .
* If given by an object , then an array of columns is also supported . In this case , the return
* value is still a single array , listing all values from the first row , then the second , etc .
* Returns cell text by default . Mapper may be ` identity ` to return the cell objects .
* /
export async function getVisibleGridCells ( col : number | string , rows : number [ ] , section? : string ) : Promise < string [ ] > ;
export async function getVisibleGridCells < T = string > ( options : IColSelect < T > | IColsSelect < T > ) : Promise < T [ ] > ;
export async function getVisibleGridCells < T > (
colOrOptions : number | string | IColSelect < T > | IColsSelect < T > , _rowNums? : number [ ] , _section? : string
) : Promise < T [ ] > {
if ( typeof colOrOptions === 'object' && 'cols' in colOrOptions ) {
const { rowNums , section , mapper } = colOrOptions ; // tslint:disable-line:no-shadowed-variable
const columns = await Promise . all ( colOrOptions . cols . map ( ( oneCol ) = >
getVisibleGridCells ( { col : oneCol , rowNums , section , mapper } ) ) ) ;
// This zips column-wise data into a flat row-wise array of values.
return ( [ ] as T [ ] ) . concat ( . . . rowNums . map ( ( r , i ) = > columns . map ( ( c ) = > c [ i ] ) ) ) ;
const { col , rowNums , section , mapper = el = > el . getText ( ) } : IColSelect < any > = (
typeof colOrOptions === 'object' ? colOrOptions :
{ col : colOrOptions , rowNums : _rowNums ! , section : _section }
) ;
if ( rowNums . includes ( 0 ) ) {
// Row-numbers should be what the users sees: 0 is a mistake, so fail with a helpful message.
throw new Error ( 'rowNum must not be 0' ) ;
const sectionElem = section ? await getSection ( section ) : await driver . findWait ( '.active_section' , 4000 ) ;
const colIndex = ( typeof col === 'number' ? col :
await sectionElem . findContent ( '.column_name' , exactMatch ( col ) ) . index ( ) ) ;
const visibleRowNums : number [ ] = await sectionElem . findAll ( '.gridview_data_row_num' ,
async ( el ) = > parseInt ( await el . getText ( ) , 10 ) ) ;
const selector = ` .gridview_data_scroll .record:not(.column_names) .field:nth-child( ${ colIndex + 1 } ) ` ;
const fields = mapper ? await sectionElem . findAll ( selector , mapper ) : await sectionElem . findAll ( selector ) ;
return rowNums . map ( ( n ) = > fields [ visibleRowNums . indexOf ( n ) ] ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the visible cells of the DetailView in the given field ( using column name ) at the
* given row numbers ( 1 - indexed ) . For example :
* gu . getVisibleDetailCells ( { col : "Name" , rowNums : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] } ) ;
* Returns cell text by default . Mapper may be ` identity ` to return the cell objects .
* If rowNums are not shown ( for single - card view ) , use rowNum of 1 .
* /
export async function getVisibleDetailCells ( col : number | string , rows : number [ ] , section? : string ) : Promise < string [ ] > ;
export async function getVisibleDetailCells < T = string > ( options : IColSelect < T > ) : Promise < T [ ] > ;
export async function getVisibleDetailCells < T > (
colOrOptions : number | string | IColSelect < T > , _rowNums? : number [ ] , _section? : string
) : Promise < T [ ] > {
const { col , rowNums , section , mapper = el = > el . getText ( ) } : IColSelect < any > = (
typeof colOrOptions === 'object' ? colOrOptions :
{ col : colOrOptions , rowNums : _rowNums ! , section : _section }
) ;
const sectionElem = section ? await getSection ( section ) : await driver . findWait ( '.active_section' , 4000 ) ;
const visibleRowNums : number [ ] = await sectionElem . findAll ( '.detail_row_num' ,
async ( el ) = > parseInt ( ( await el . getText ( ) ) . replace ( /^#/ , '' ) , 10 ) || 1 ) ;
const colName = ( typeof col === 'string' ) ? col :
await ( await sectionElem . find ( ".g_record_detail_inner" ) . findAll ( '.g_record_detail_label' ) ) [ col ] . getText ( ) ;
const records = await sectionElem . findAll ( ".g_record_detail_inner" ) ;
const selected = rowNums . map ( ( n ) = > records [ visibleRowNums . indexOf ( n ) ] ) ;
return Promise . all ( selected . map ( ( el ) = > mapper (
el . findContent ( '.g_record_detail_label' , exactMatch ( colName ) )
. findClosest ( '.g_record_detail_el' ) . find ( '.g_record_detail_value' )
) ) ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a visible GridView cell . Options may be given as arguments directly , or as an object .
* - col : column name , or 0 - based column index
* - rowNum : 1 - based row numbers , as visible in the row headers on the left of the grid .
* - section : optional name of the section to use ; will use active section if omitted .
* /
export function getCell ( col : number | string , rowNum : number , section? : string ) : WebElementPromise ;
export function getCell ( options : ICellSelect ) : WebElementPromise ;
export function getCell ( colOrOptions : number | string | ICellSelect , rowNum? : number , section? : string ) : WebElementPromise {
const mapper = async ( el : WebElement ) = > el ;
const options : IColSelect < WebElement > = ( typeof colOrOptions === 'object' ?
{ col : colOrOptions.col , rowNums : [ colOrOptions . rowNum ] , section : colOrOptions.section , mapper } :
{ col : colOrOptions , rowNums : [ rowNum ! ] , section , mapper } ) ;
return new WebElementPromise ( driver , getVisibleGridCells ( options ) . then ( ( elems ) = > elems [ 0 ] ) ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a visible DetailView cell , for the given record and field .
* /
export function getDetailCell ( col : string , rowNum : number , section? : string ) : WebElementPromise ;
export function getDetailCell ( options : ICellSelect ) : WebElementPromise ;
export function getDetailCell ( colOrOptions : string | ICellSelect , rowNum? : number , section? : string ) : WebElementPromise {
const mapper = async ( el : WebElement ) = > el ;
const options : IColSelect < WebElement > = ( typeof colOrOptions === 'object' ?
{ col : colOrOptions.col , rowNums : [ colOrOptions . rowNum ] , section : colOrOptions.section , mapper } :
{ col : colOrOptions , rowNums : [ rowNum ! ] , section , mapper } ) ;
return new WebElementPromise ( driver , getVisibleDetailCells ( options ) . then ( ( elems ) = > elems [ 0 ] ) ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the cell containing the cursor in the active section , works for both Grid and Detail .
* /
export function getActiveCell ( ) : WebElementPromise {
return driver . find ( '.active_section .selected_cursor' ) . findClosest ( '.g_record_detail_value,.field' ) ;
/ * *
* Get the numeric value from the row header of the first selected row . This would correspond to
* the row with the cursor when a single rows is selected .
* /
export async function getSelectedRowNum ( ) : Promise < number > {
const rowNum = await driver . find ( '.active_section .gridview_data_row_num.selected' ) . getText ( ) ;
return parseInt ( rowNum , 10 ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the total row count in the grid that is the active section by scrolling to the bottom
* and examining the last row number . The count includes the special "Add Row" .
* /
export async function getGridRowCount ( ) : Promise < number > {
await sendKeys ( Key . chord ( await modKey ( ) , Key . DOWN ) ) ;
const rowNum = await driver . find ( '.active_cursor' )
. findClosest ( '.gridview_row' ) . find ( '.gridview_data_row_num' ) . getText ( ) ;
return parseInt ( rowNum , 10 ) ;
/ * *
* Return the . column - name element for the specified column , which may be specified by full name
* or index , and may include a section ( or will use the active section by default ) .
* /
export function getColumnHeader ( colOptions : IColHeader ) : WebElementPromise {
const { col , section } = colOptions ;
const sectionElem = section ? getSection ( section ) : driver . findWait ( '.active_section' , 4000 ) ;
return new WebElementPromise ( driver , typeof col === 'number' ?
sectionElem . find ( ` .column_name:nth-child( ${ col + 1 } ) ` ) :
sectionElem . findContent ( '.column_name' , exactMatch ( col ) ) ) ;
export async function getColumnNames() {
return ( await driver . findAll ( '.column_name' , el = > el . getText ( ) ) )
. filter ( name = > name !== '+' ) ;
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export async function getCardFieldLabels() {
const section = await driver . findWait ( '.active_section' , 4000 ) ;
const labels = await section . findAll ( ".g_record_detail_label" , el = > el . getText ( ) ) ;
return labels ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
/ * *
* Resize the given grid column by a given number of pixels .
* /
export async function resizeColumn ( colOptions : IColHeader , deltaPx : number ) {
await getColumnHeader ( colOptions ) . find ( '.ui-resizable-handle' ) . mouseMove ( ) ;
await driver . mouseDown ( ) ;
await driver . mouseMoveBy ( { x : deltaPx } ) ;
await driver . mouseUp ( ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
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/ * *
* Performs dbClick
* @param cell Element to click
* /
export async function dbClick ( cell : WebElement ) {
await driver . withActions ( a = > a . doubleClick ( cell ) ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
/ * *
* Returns { rowNum , col } object representing the position of the cursor in the active view
* section . RowNum is a 1 - based number as in the row headers , and col is a 0 - based index for
* grid view or field name for detail view .
* /
export async function getCursorPosition() {
const section = await driver . findWait ( '.active_section' , 4000 ) ;
const cursor = await section . findWait ( '.active_cursor' , 1000 ) ;
// Query assuming the cursor is in a GridView and a DetailView, then use whichever query data
// works out.
const [ colIndex , rowIndex , rowNum , colName ] = await Promise . all ( [
catchNoSuchElem ( ( ) = > cursor . findClosest ( '.field' ) . index ( ) ) ,
catchNoSuchElem ( ( ) = > cursor . findClosest ( '.gridview_row' ) . index ( ) ) ,
catchNoSuchElem ( ( ) = > cursor . findClosest ( '.g_record_detail' ) . find ( '.detail_row_num' ) . getText ( ) ) ,
catchNoSuchElem ( ( ) = > cursor . findClosest ( '.g_record_detail_el' )
. find ( '.g_record_detail_label' ) . getText ( ) )
] ) ;
if ( rowNum && colName ) {
// This must be a detail view, and we just got the info we need.
return { rowNum : parseInt ( rowNum , 10 ) , col : colName } ;
} else {
2021-06-17 16:41:07 +00:00
// We might be on a single card record
const counter = await section . findAll ( ".grist-single-record__menu__count" ) ;
if ( counter . length ) {
const cardRow = ( await counter [ 0 ] . getText ( ) ) . split ( ' OF ' ) [ 0 ] ;
return { rowNum : parseInt ( cardRow ) , col : colName } ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Otherwise, it's a grid view, and we need to use indices to look up the info.
const gridRows = await section . findAll ( '.gridview_data_row_num' ) ;
const gridRowNum = await gridRows [ rowIndex ] . getText ( ) ;
return { rowNum : parseInt ( gridRowNum , 10 ) , col : colIndex } ;
/ * *
* Catches any NoSuchElementError in a query callback and returns null as the result instead .
* /
async function catchNoSuchElem ( query : ( ) = > any ) {
try {
return await query ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err instanceof error . NoSuchElementError ) { return null ; }
throw err ;
/ * *
* Type keys in the currently active cell , then hit Enter to save , and wait for the server .
* If the last key is TAB , DELETE , or ENTER , we assume the cell is already taken out of editing
* mode , and don ' t send another ENTER .
* /
export async function enterCell ( . . . keys : string [ ] ) {
const lastKey = keys [ keys . length - 1 ] ;
if ( ! [ Key . ENTER , Key . TAB , Key . DELETE ] . includes ( lastKey ) ) {
keys . push ( Key . ENTER ) ;
await driver . sendKeys ( . . . keys ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ; // Wait for the value to be saved
await waitAppFocus ( ) ; // Wait for the cell editor to be closed (maybe unnecessary)
/ * *
* Enter a formula into the currently selected cell .
* /
export async function enterFormula ( formula : string ) {
await driver . sendKeys ( '=' ) ;
await waitAppFocus ( false ) ;
if ( await driver . find ( '.test-editor-tooltip-convert' ) . isPresent ( ) ) {
await driver . find ( '.test-editor-tooltip-convert' ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . sendKeys ( formula , Key . ENTER ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
2021-05-17 14:05:49 +00:00
/ * *
* Check that formula editor is shown and its value matches the given regexp .
* /
export async function getFormulaText() {
assert . equal ( await driver . findWait ( '.test-formula-editor' , 500 ) . isDisplayed ( ) , true ) ;
return await driver . find ( '.code_editor_container' ) . getText ( ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
/ * *
* Check that formula editor is shown and its value matches the given regexp .
* /
export async function checkFormulaEditor ( valueRe : RegExp ) {
assert . equal ( await driver . findWait ( '.test-formula-editor' , 500 ) . isDisplayed ( ) , true ) ;
assert . match ( await driver . find ( '.code_editor_container' ) . getText ( ) , valueRe ) ;
/ * *
* Check that plain text editor is shown and its value matches the given regexp .
* /
export async function checkTextEditor ( valueRe : RegExp ) {
assert . equal ( await driver . findWait ( '.test-widget-text-editor' , 500 ) . isDisplayed ( ) , true ) ;
assert . match ( await driver . find ( '.celleditor_text_editor' ) . value ( ) , valueRe ) ;
/ * *
* Enter rows of values into a GridView , starting at the given cell . Values are specified as a
* list of rows , for examples ` [['foo'], ['bar']] ` will enter two rows , with one value in each .
* /
export async function enterGridRows ( cell : ICellSelect , rowsOfValues : string [ ] [ ] ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < rowsOfValues . length ; i ++ ) {
// Click the first cell in the row
await getCell ( { . . . cell , rowNum : cell.rowNum + i } ) . click ( ) ;
// Enter all values, advancing with a TAB
for ( const value of rowsOfValues [ i ] ) {
await enterCell ( value || Key . DELETE , Key . TAB ) ;
/ * *
* Set api key for user . User should exist before this is called .
* /
export async function setApiKey ( username : string , apiKey? : string ) {
apiKey = apiKey || ` api_key_for_ ${ username . toLowerCase ( ) } ` ;
const dbManager = await server . getDatabase ( ) ;
await dbManager . connection . query ( ` update users set api_key = $ 1 where name = $ 2 ` ,
[ apiKey , username ] ) ;
if ( ! await dbManager . getUserByKey ( apiKey ) ) {
throw new Error ( ` setApiKey failed: user ${ username } may not yet be in the database ` ) ;
/ * *
* Reach into the DB to set the given org to use the given billing plan product .
* /
export async function updateOrgPlan ( orgName : string , productName : string = 'professional' ) {
const dbManager = await server . getDatabase ( ) ;
const db = dbManager . connection . manager ;
const dbOrg = await db . findOne ( Organization , { where : { name : orgName } ,
relations : [ 'billingAccount' , 'billingAccount.product' ] } ) ;
if ( ! dbOrg ) { throw new Error ( ` cannot find org ${ orgName } ` ) ; }
const product = await db . findOne ( Product , { name : productName } ) ;
if ( ! product ) { throw new Error ( 'cannot find product' ) ; }
dbOrg . billingAccount . product = product ;
await dbOrg . billingAccount . save ( ) ;
export interface ImportOpts {
load? : boolean ; // Defaults to true.
newName? : string ; // Import under an alternative name.
email? : string ; // Use api key associated with this email.
/ * *
* Import a fixture doc into a workspace . Loads the document afterward unless ` load ` is false .
* Usage :
* > await importFixturesDoc ( 'chimpy' , 'nasa' , 'Horizon' , 'Hello.grist' ) ;
* /
// TODO New code should use {load: false} to prevent loading. The 'newui' value is now equivalent
// to the default ({load: true}), and should no longer be used in new code.
export async function importFixturesDoc ( username : string , org : string , workspace : string ,
filename : string , options : ImportOpts | false | 'newui' = { load : true } ) {
if ( typeof options !== 'object' ) {
options = { load : Boolean ( options ) } ; // false becomes {load: false}, 'newui' becomes {load: true}
const doc = await homeUtil . i mportFixturesDoc ( username , org , workspace , filename , options ) ;
if ( options . load !== false ) {
await driver . get ( server . getUrl ( org , ` /doc/ ${ doc . id } ` ) ) ;
await waitForDocToLoad ( ) ;
return doc ;
/ * *
* Load a doc at the given URL relative to server . getHost ( ) , e . g . "/o/ORG/doc/DOC_ID" , and wait
* for the doc to load ( unless wait set to false ) .
* /
export async function loadDoc ( relPath : string , wait : boolean = true ) : Promise < void > {
await driver . get ( ` ${ server . getHost ( ) } ${ relPath } ` ) ;
if ( wait ) { await waitForDocToLoad ( ) ; }
export async function loadDocMenu ( relPath : string , wait : boolean = true ) : Promise < void > {
await driver . get ( ` ${ server . getHost ( ) } ${ relPath } ` ) ;
if ( wait ) { await waitForDocMenuToLoad ( ) ; }
/ * *
* Wait for the doc to be loaded , to the point of finishing fetch for the data on the current
* page . If you navigate from a doc page , use e . g . waitForUrl ( ) before waitForDocToLoad ( ) to
* ensure you are checking the new page and not the old .
* /
export async function waitForDocToLoad ( timeoutMs : number = 10000 ) : Promise < void > {
await driver . findWait ( '.viewsection_title' , timeoutMs ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
/ * *
* Wait for the doc list to show , to know that workspaces are fetched , and imports enabled .
* /
export async function waitForDocMenuToLoad ( ) : Promise < void > {
await driver . findWait ( '.test-dm-doclist' , 1000 ) ;
await driver . wait ( ( ) = > driver . find ( '.test-dm-doclist' ) . isDisplayed ( ) , 2000 ) ;
export async function waitToPass ( check : ( ) = > Promise < void > , timeMs : number = 4000 ) {
try {
await driver . wait ( async ( ) = > {
try {
await check ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
return false ;
return true ;
} , timeMs ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
await check ( ) ;
// Checks if we are configured to store docs in s3, and returns access to s3 if so.
// For this to be useful in tests against deployments, s3-related env variables should
// be set to match the deployment.
export function getStorage ( ) {
return create . ExternalStorage ( 'doc' , '' ) || null ;
/ * *
* Add a handler on the browser to prevent default action on the next click of an element
* matching the given selector ( it doesn ' t have to exist at the time of the call ) .
* This handler is removed after one call . Used by fileDialogUpload ( ) .
* /
async function preventDefaultClickAction ( selector : string ) {
function script ( _selector : string ) {
function handler ( ev : any ) {
if ( ev . target . matches ( _selector ) ) {
document . body . removeEventListener ( "click" , handler ) ;
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
document . body . addEventListener ( "click" , handler ) ;
await driver . executeScript ( script , selector ) ;
/ * *
* Upload the given file after running the triggerDialogFunc ( ) which should open the file dialog .
* Relies on # file_dialog_input < input type = file > element being used to open the dialog .
* /
export async function fileDialogUpload ( filePath : string , triggerDialogFunc : ( ) = > Promise < void > ) {
// This is a bit of a hack to prevent the file dialog from opening (since the webdriver
// seems unable to ever close it).
await preventDefaultClickAction ( '#file_dialog_input' ) ;
await triggerDialogFunc ( ) ;
// Hack to upload multiple files, paths should be separated with '\n'.
// It only seems to work with Chrome
const paths = filePath . split ( ',' ) . map ( f = > path . resolve ( fixturesRoot , f ) ) . join ( "\n" ) ;
await driver . find ( '#file_dialog_input' ) . sendKeys ( paths ) ;
/ * *
* From a document page , start import from a file , and wait for the import dialog to open .
* /
export async function importFileDialog ( filePath : string ) : Promise < void > {
await fileDialogUpload ( filePath , async ( ) = > {
await driver . wait ( ( ) = > driver . find ( '.test-dp-add-new' ) . isDisplayed ( ) , 3000 ) ;
await driver . findWait ( '.test-dp-add-new' , 1000 ) . doClick ( ) ;
await driver . findContent ( '.test-dp-import-option' , /Import from file/i ) . doClick ( ) ;
} ) ;
await driver . findWait ( '.test-importer-dialog' , 1000 ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
/ * *
* From a document page , start an import from a URL .
* /
export async function importUrlDialog ( url : string ) : Promise < void > {
await driver . wait ( ( ) = > driver . find ( '.test-dp-add-new' ) . isDisplayed ( ) , 3000 ) ;
await driver . findWait ( '.test-dp-add-new' , 1000 ) . doClick ( ) ;
await driver . findContent ( '.test-dp-import-option' , /Import from URL/i ) . doClick ( ) ;
await driver . findWait ( '.test-importer-dialog' , 5000 ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
const iframe = driver . find ( '.test-importer-dialog' ) . find ( 'iframe' ) ;
await driver . switchTo ( ) . frame ( iframe ) ;
await setValue ( await driver . findWait ( '#url' , 5000 ) , url ) ;
await driver . find ( '#ok' ) . doClick ( ) ;
await driver . switchTo ( ) . defaultContent ( ) ;
/ * *
* Starts or resets the collections of UserActions . This should be followed some time later by
* a call to userActionsVerify ( ) to check which UserActions were sent to the server . If the
* argumet is false , then stops the collection .
* /
export function userActionsCollect ( yesNo : boolean = true ) {
return driver . executeScript ( "window.gristApp.comm.userActionsCollect(arguments[0])" , yesNo ) ;
/ * *
* Verifies the list of UserActions collected since the last call to userActionsCollect ( ) or
* userActionsVerify ( ) . ExpectedUserActions should be a list of actions , with each action in the
* format of [ "AddRecord" , args . . . ] .
* /
export async function userActionsVerify ( expectedUserActions : unknown [ ] ) : Promise < void > {
try {
assert . deepEqual (
await driver . executeScript ( "return window.gristApp.comm.userActionsFetchAndReset()" ) ,
expectedUserActions ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( err . actual ) ) {
throw new Error ( 'userActionsVerify: no user actions, run userActionsCollect() first' ) ;
err . actual = err . actual . map ( ( a : any ) = > JSON . stringify ( a ) + "," ) . join ( "\n" ) ;
err . expected = err . expected . map ( ( a : any ) = > JSON . stringify ( a ) + "," ) . join ( "\n" ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( err . actual , err . expected ) ;
throw err ;
/ * *
* Helper to get the cells of the importer Preview section . The cell text is returned from the
* requested rows and columns in row - wise order .
* /
export async function getPreviewContents ( cols : number [ ] , rowNums : number [ ] ) : Promise < string [ ] > {
await driver . findWait ( '.test-importer-preview .gridview_row' , 1000 ) ;
const section = await driver . find ( '.test-importer-preview' ) ;
return getVisibleGridCells ( { cols , rowNums , section } ) ;
/ * *
* Upload a file with the given path via the 'Add-New > Import' menu .
* /
export async function docMenuImport ( filePath : string ) {
await fileDialogUpload ( filePath , async ( ) = > {
await driver . findWait ( '.test-dm-add-new' , 1000 ) . doClick ( ) ;
await driver . find ( '.test-dm-import' ) . doClick ( ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Wait for the focus to return to the main application , i . e . the special . copypaste element that
* normally has it ( as opposed to an open cell editor , or a focus in some input or menu ) . Specify
* ` false ` to wait for the focus to leave the main application .
* /
export async function waitAppFocus ( yesNo : boolean = true ) : Promise < void > {
await driver . wait ( async ( ) = > ( await driver . find ( '.copypaste' ) . hasFocus ( ) ) === yesNo , 5000 ) ;
/ * *
* Waits for all pending comm requests from the client to the doc worker to complete . This taps into
* Grist ' s communication object in the browser to get the count of pending requests .
* Simply call this after some request has been made , and when it resolves , you know that request
* has been processed .
* @param optTimeout : Timeout in ms , defaults to 2000 .
* /
// TODO: waits also for api requests (both to home server or doc worker) to be resolved (maybe
// requires to track requests in app/common/UserAPI)
export async function waitForServer ( optTimeout : number = 2000 ) {
await driver . wait ( ( ) = > driver . executeScript (
"return !window.gristApp.comm.hasActiveRequests() && window.gristApp.testNumPendingApiRequests() === 0" ,
optTimeout ,
"Timed out waiting for server requests to complete"
) ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the left - panel item for the given page , given by a full string name , or a RegExp .
* You may simply click it to switch to that page .
* /
export function getPageItem ( pageName : string | RegExp ) : WebElementPromise {
// If pageName is a string, search for an exact match.
const matchName : RegExp = typeof pageName === 'string' ? exactMatch ( pageName ) : pageName ;
return driver . findContent ( '.test-docpage-label' , matchName )
. findClosest ( '.test-treeview-itemHeaderWrapper' ) ;
/ * *
* Open the page menu for the specified page ( by clicking the dots icon visible on hover ) .
* /
export async function openPageMenu ( pageName : RegExp | string ) {
await getPageItem ( pageName ) . mouseMove ( )
. find ( '.test-docpage-dots' ) . click ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a promise that resolves with the list of all page names .
* /
export function getPageNames ( ) : Promise < string [ ] > {
return driver . findAll ( '.test-docpage-label' , ( e ) = > e . getText ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* Adds a new empty table using the 'Add New' menu .
* /
export async function addNewTable() {
await driver . findWait ( '.test-dp-add-new' , 2000 ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . find ( '.test-dp-empty-table' ) . click ( ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
// Add a new page using the 'Add New' menu and wait for the new page to be shown.
export async function addNewPage ( typeRe : RegExp , tableRe : RegExp , summarize? : RegExp [ ] ) {
const url = await driver . getCurrentUrl ( ) ;
// Click the 'Page' entry in the 'Add New' menu
await driver . findWait ( '.test-dp-add-new' , 2000 ) . doClick ( ) ;
await driver . find ( '.test-dp-add-new-page' ) . doClick ( ) ;
// add widget
await selectWidget ( typeRe , tableRe , summarize ) ;
// wait new page to be selected
await driver . wait ( async ( ) = > ( await driver . getCurrentUrl ( ) ) !== url , 2000 ) ;
// Add a new widget to the current page using the 'Add New' menu.
export async function addNewSection ( typeRe : RegExp , tableRe : RegExp , summarize? : RegExp [ ] ) {
// Click the 'Add widget to page' entry in the 'Add New' menu
await driver . findWait ( '.test-dp-add-new' , 2000 ) . doClick ( ) ;
await driver . findWait ( '.test-dp-add-widget-to-page' , 500 ) . doClick ( ) ;
// add widget
await selectWidget ( typeRe , tableRe , summarize ) ;
// Select type and table that matches respectivelly typeRe and tableRe and save. The widget picker
// must be already opened when calling this function.
export async function selectWidget ( typeRe : RegExp , tableRe : RegExp , summarize? : RegExp [ ] ) {
const tableEl = driver . findContent ( '.test-wselect-table' , tableRe ) ;
// unselect all selected columns
for ( const col of ( await driver . findAll ( '.test-wselect-column[class*=-selected]' ) ) ) {
await col . click ( ) ;
// let's select table
await tableEl . click ( ) ;
if ( summarize ) {
// if summarize is requested, let's select the corresponding pivot icon
await tableEl . find ( '.test-wselect-pivot' ) . click ( ) ;
// and all the columns
for ( const colRef of summarize ) {
await driver . findContent ( '.test-wselect-column' , colRef ) . click ( ) ;
// let's select right type and save
await driver . findContent ( '.test-wselect-type' , typeRe ) . doClick ( ) ;
await driver . find ( '.test-wselect-addBtn' ) . doClick ( ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
/ * *
* Rename the given page to a new name . The oldName can be a full string name or a RegExp .
* /
export async function renamePage ( oldName : string | RegExp , newName : string ) {
await openPageMenu ( oldName ) ;
await driver . find ( '.test-docpage-rename' ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . find ( '.test-docpage-editor' ) . sendKeys ( newName , Key . ENTER ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
/ * *
* Rename a table . TODO at the moment it ' s done by renaming the "primary" page for this table .
* Once "raw data views" are supported , they will be used to rename tables .
* /
export async function renameTable ( oldName : RegExp | string , newName : string ) {
return renamePage ( oldName , newName ) ;
/ * *
* Rename the given column .
* /
export async function renameColumn ( col : IColHeader , newName : string ) {
const header = await getColumnHeader ( col ) ;
await header . click ( ) ;
await header . click ( ) ; // Second click opens the label for editing.
await header . find ( '.kf_elabel_input' ) . sendKeys ( newName , Key . ENTER ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
/ * *
* Click the Undo button and wait for server . If optCount is given , click Undo that many times .
* /
export async function undo ( optCount : number = 1 , optTimeout? : number ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < optCount ; ++ i ) {
await driver . find ( '.test-undo' ) . doClick ( ) ;
await waitForServer ( optTimeout ) ;
/ * *
* Click the Redo button and wait for server . If optCount is given , click Redo that many times .
* /
export async function redo ( optCount : number = 1 , optTimeout? : number ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < optCount ; ++ i ) {
await driver . find ( '.test-redo' ) . doClick ( ) ;
await waitForServer ( optTimeout ) ;
/ * *
* Asserts the absence of javascript errors .
* /
export async function checkForErrors() {
const errors = await driver . executeScript < string [ ] > ( ( ) = > ( window as any ) . getAppErrors ( ) ) ;
assert . deepEqual ( errors , [ ] ) ;
export function isSidePanelOpen ( which : 'right' | 'left' ) : Promise < boolean > {
return driver . find ( ` .test- ${ which } -panel ` ) . matches ( '[class*=-open]' ) ;
/ *
* Toggles ( opens or closes ) the right panel and wait for the transition to complete . An optional
* argument can specify the desired state .
* /
export async function toggleSidePanel ( which : 'right' | 'left' , goal : 'open' | 'close' | 'toggle' = 'toggle' ) {
if ( ( goal === 'open' && await isSidePanelOpen ( which ) ) ||
( goal === 'close' && ! await isSidePanelOpen ( which ) ) ) {
return ;
// 0.4 is the duration of the transition setup in app/client/ui/PagePanels.ts for opening the
// side panes
const transitionDuration = 0.4 ;
// let's add an extra delay of 0.1 for even more robustness
const delta = 0.1 ;
// Adds '-ns' when narrow screen
const suffix = ( await driver . manage ( ) . window ( ) . getRect ( ) ) . width < 768 ? '-ns' : '' ;
// click the opener and wait for the duration of the transition
await driver . find ( ` .test- ${ which } -opener ${ suffix } ` ) . doClick ( ) ;
await driver . sleep ( ( transitionDuration + delta ) * 1000 ) ;
2021-04-27 19:05:23 +00:00
/ * *
* Toggles ( opens or closes ) the filter bar for a section .
* /
export async function toggleFilterBar ( goal : 'open' | 'close' | 'toggle' = 'toggle' ,
options : { section? : string | WebElement , save? : boolean } = { } ) {
const isOpen = await driver . find ( '.test-filter-bar' ) . isPresent ( ) ;
if ( ( goal === 'close' ) && ! isOpen ||
( goal === 'open' ) && isOpen ) {
return ;
2021-04-30 17:28:52 +00:00
const menu = await openSectionMenu ( 'sortAndFilter' , options . section ) ;
2021-04-27 19:05:23 +00:00
await menu . findContent ( '.grist-floating-menu > div' , /Toggle Filter Bar/ ) . find ( '.test-section-menu-btn' ) . click ( ) ;
if ( options . save ) {
await menu . findContent ( '.grist-floating-menu button' , /Save/ ) . click ( ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
await menu . sendKeys ( Key . ESCAPE ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
/ * *
* Opens the section menu for a section , or the active section if no section is given .
* /
2021-04-30 17:28:52 +00:00
export async function openSectionMenu ( which : 'sortAndFilter' | 'viewLayout' , section? : string | WebElement ) {
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
const sectionElem = section ? await getSection ( section ) : await driver . findWait ( '.active_section' , 4000 ) ;
2021-04-30 17:28:52 +00:00
await sectionElem . find ( ` .test-section-menu- ${ which } ` ) . click ( ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
return await driver . findWait ( '.grist-floating-menu' , 100 ) ;
// Mapping from column menu option name to dom element selector to wait for, or null if no need to wait.
const ColumnMenuOption : { [ id : string ] : string ; } = {
Filter : '.test-filter-menu-wrapper'
} ;
async function openColumnMenuHelper ( col : IColHeader | string , option? : string ) : Promise < WebElement > {
await getColumnHeader ( typeof col === 'string' ? { col } : col ) . mouseMove ( ) . find ( '.g-column-main-menu' ) . click ( ) ;
const menu = await driver . findWait ( '.grist-floating-menu' , 100 ) ;
if ( option ) {
await menu . findContent ( 'li' , option ) . click ( ) ;
const waitForElem = ColumnMenuOption [ option ] ;
if ( waitForElem ) {
return await driver . findWait ( ColumnMenuOption [ option ] , 100 ) ;
return menu ;
type SortOptions = 'sort-asc' | 'sort-dsc' | 'add-to-sort-asc' | 'add-to-sort-dsc' ;
/ * *
* Open the given column ' s dropdown menu . If ` option ` is provided , finds and clicks it .
* If ` option ` is present in ColumnMenuOption , also waits for the specified element .
* /
export function openColumnMenu ( col : IColHeader | string , option ? : 'Filter' ) : WebElementPromise ;
export function openColumnMenu ( col : IColHeader | string , option : SortOptions | string ) : Promise < void > ;
export function openColumnMenu ( col : IColHeader | string , option? : string ) : WebElementPromise | Promise < void > {
if ( [ 'sort-asc' , 'sort-dsc' , 'add-to-sort-asc' , 'add-to-sort-dsc' ] . includes ( option || '' ) ) {
return openColumnMenuHelper ( col ) . then < void > ( async ( menu ) = > {
await menu . find ( ` .test- ${ option } ` ) . click ( ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
} ) ;
return new WebElementPromise ( driver , openColumnMenuHelper ( col , option ) ) ;
/ * *
* Sets the type of the currently selected field to value .
* /
export async function setType ( type : RegExp , options : { skipWait? : boolean } = { } ) {
await toggleSidePanel ( 'right' , 'open' ) ;
await driver . find ( '.test-right-tab-field' ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . find ( '.test-fbuilder-type-select' ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . findContent ( '.test-select-menu .test-select-row' , type ) . click ( ) ;
if ( ! options . skipWait ) { await waitForServer ( ) ; }
export async function isMac ( ) : Promise < boolean > {
return /Darwin|Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/i . test ( ( await driver . getCapabilities ( ) ) . get ( 'platform' ) ) ;
export async function modKey() {
return await isMac ( ) ? Key.COMMAND : Key.CONTROL ;
// For copy-pasting, use different key combinations for Chrome on Mac.
// See http://stackoverflow.com/a/41046276/328565
export async function copyKey() {
return await isMac ( ) ? Key . chord ( Key . CONTROL , Key . INSERT ) : Key . chord ( Key . CONTROL , 'c' ) ;
2021-04-30 22:34:09 +00:00
export async function cutKey() {
return await isMac ( ) ? Key . chord ( Key . CONTROL , Key . DELETE ) : Key . chord ( Key . CONTROL , 'x' ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
export async function pasteKey() {
return await isMac ( ) ? Key . chord ( Key . SHIFT , Key . INSERT ) : Key . chord ( Key . CONTROL , 'v' ) ;
export async function selectAllKey() {
return await isMac ( ) ? Key . chord ( Key . HOME , Key . SHIFT , Key . END ) : Key . chord ( Key . CONTROL , 'a' ) ;
/ * *
* Send keys , with support for Key . chord ( ) , similar to driver . sendKeys ( ) . Note that while
* elem . sendKeys ( ) supports Key . chord ( . . . ) , driver . sendKeys ( ) does not . This is a replacement .
* /
export async function sendKeys ( . . . keys : string [ ] ) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
// Implementation follows the description of WebElement.sendKeys functionality at https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/2f7727c314f943582f9f1b2a7e4d77ebdd64bdd3/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js#L2146
await driver . withActions ( ( a ) = > {
const toRelease : string [ ] = [ ] ;
for ( const part of keys ) {
for ( const key of part ) {
if ( [ Key . SHIFT , Key . CONTROL , Key . ALT , Key . META ] . includes ( key ) ) {
a . keyDown ( key ) ;
toRelease . push ( key ) ;
} else if ( key === Key . NULL ) {
toRelease . splice ( 0 ) . reverse ( ) . forEach ( k = > a . keyUp ( k ) ) ;
} else {
a . keyDown ( key ) ;
a . keyUp ( key ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Open ⋮ dropdown menu for named workspace .
* /
export async function openWsDropdown ( wsName : string ) : Promise < void > {
const wsTab = await driver . findContentWait ( '.test-dm-workspace' , wsName , 3000 ) ;
await wsTab . mouseMove ( ) ;
await wsTab . find ( '.test-dm-workspace-options' ) . mouseMove ( ) . click ( ) ;
/ * *
* Open ⋮ dropdown menu for named document .
* /
export async function openDocDropdown ( docNameOrRow : string | WebElement ) : Promise < void > {
// "Pinned" docs also get .test-dm-doc testId.
const docRow = ( typeof docNameOrRow === 'string' ) ?
await driver . findContentWait ( '.test-dm-doc' , docNameOrRow , 3000 ) :
docNameOrRow ;
await docRow . mouseMove ( ) ;
await docRow . find ( '.test-dm-doc-options,.test-dm-pinned-doc-options' ) . mouseMove ( ) . click ( ) ;
export async function editOrgAcls ( ) : Promise < void > {
// To prevent a common flakiness problem, wait for a potentially open modal dialog
// to close before attempting to open the account menu.
await driver . wait ( async ( ) = > ! ( await driver . find ( '.test-modal-dialog' ) . isPresent ( ) ) , 3000 ) ;
await driver . findWait ( '.test-user-icon' , 3000 ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . findWait ( '.test-dm-org-access' , 3000 ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . findWait ( '.test-um-members' , 3000 ) ;
export async function saveAcls ( ) : Promise < void > {
await driver . findWait ( '.test-um-confirm' , 3000 ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . wait ( async ( ) = > ! ( await driver . find ( '.test-um-members' ) . isPresent ( ) ) , 3000 ) ;
/ * *
* Opens the row menu for the row with the given row number ( 1 - based , as in row headers ) .
* /
export function openRowMenu ( rowNum : number ) {
const row = driver . findContent ( '.active_section .gridview_data_row_num' , String ( rowNum ) ) ;
return driver . withActions ( ( actions ) = > actions . contextClick ( row ) )
. then ( ( ) = > driver . findWait ( '.grist-floating-menu' , 1000 ) ) ;
/ * *
* A helper to complete saving a copy of the document . Namely it is useful to call after clicking
* either the ` Copy As Template ` or ` Save Copy ` ( when on a forked document ) button . Accept optional
* ` destName ` and ` destWorkspace ` to change the default destination .
* /
2021-07-28 19:02:06 +00:00
export async function completeCopy ( options : { destName? : string , destWorkspace? : string , destOrg? : string } = { } ) {
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
await driver . findWait ( '.test-modal-dialog' , 1000 ) ;
2021-07-28 19:02:06 +00:00
if ( options . destName !== undefined ) {
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
const nameElem = await driver . find ( '.test-copy-dest-name' ) . doClick ( ) ;
await setValue ( nameElem , '' ) ;
2021-07-28 19:02:06 +00:00
await nameElem . sendKeys ( options . destName ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
2021-07-28 19:02:06 +00:00
if ( options . destOrg !== undefined ) {
await driver . find ( '.test-copy-dest-org .test-select-open' ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . findContent ( '.test-select-menu li' , options . destOrg ) . click ( ) ;
if ( options . destWorkspace !== undefined ) {
await driver . findWait ( '.test-copy-dest-workspace .test-select-open' , 1000 ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . findContent ( '.test-select-menu li' , options . destWorkspace ) . click ( ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
2021-08-02 03:17:25 +00:00
await waitForServer ( ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// save the urlId
const urlId = await getCurrentUrlId ( ) ;
await driver . wait ( async ( ) = > (
await driver . find ( '.test-modal-confirm' ) . getAttribute ( 'disabled' ) == null ) ) ;
// click the `Copy` button
await driver . find ( '.test-modal-confirm' ) . click ( ) ;
// wait for the doc id to change
await driver . wait ( async ( ) = > ( await getCurrentUrlId ( ) ) !== urlId ) ;
await waitForDocToLoad ( ) ;
/ * *
* Helper to get the urlId of the current document . Resolves to undefined if called while not
* on a document page .
* /
export async function getCurrentUrlId() {
return decodeUrl ( { } , new URL ( await driver . getCurrentUrl ( ) ) ) . doc ;
export async function getActiveSectionTitle() {
return driver . find ( '.active_section .test-viewsection-title' ) . value ( ) ;
export function getToasts ( ) : Promise < string [ ] > {
return driver . findAll ( '.test-notifier-toast-wrapper' , ( el ) = > el . getText ( ) ) ;
export async function wipeToasts ( ) : Promise < void > {
await driver . executeScript ( 'window.gristApp.topAppModel.notifier.clearAppErrors()' ) ;
return driver . executeScript (
"for (const e of document.getElementsByClassName('test-notifier-toast-wrapper')) { e.remove(); }" ) ;
/ * *
* Call this at suite level , to share the "Examples & Templates" workspace in before ( ) and restore
* it in after ( ) .
2021-07-28 19:02:06 +00:00
* TODO : Should remove once support workspaces are removed from backend .
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
* /
export function shareSupportWorkspaceForSuite() {
let api : UserAPIImpl | undefined ;
let wss : Workspace [ ] | undefined ;
before ( async function ( ) {
// test/gen-server/seed.ts creates a support user with a personal org and an "Examples &
// Templates" workspace, but doesn't share it (to avoid impacting the many existing tests).
// Share that workspace with @everyone and @anon, and clean up after this suite.
await server . simulateLogin ( "Support" , "support@getgrist.com" , "docs" ) ;
api = createHomeApi ( 'Support' , 'docs' ) ;
wss = await api . getOrgWorkspaces ( 'current' ) ;
await api . updateWorkspacePermissions ( wss [ 0 ] . id , { users : {
'everyone@getgrist.com' : 'viewers' ,
'anon@getgrist.com' : 'viewers' ,
} } ) ;
2021-07-28 19:02:06 +00:00
await server . removeLogin ( ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
} ) ;
after ( async function ( ) {
if ( api && wss ) {
await api . updateWorkspacePermissions ( wss [ 0 ] . id , { users : {
'everyone@getgrist.com' : null ,
'anon@getgrist.com' : null ,
} } ) ;
} ) ;
export async function clearTestState() {
await driver . executeScript ( "window.testGrist = {}" ) ;
export async function getTestState ( ) : Promise < TestState > {
const state : TestState | undefined = await driver . executeScript ( "return window.testGrist" ) ;
return state || { } ;
2021-05-11 19:58:35 +00:00
// Get the full text from an element containing an Ace editor.
export async function getAceText ( el : WebElement ) : Promise < string > {
return driver . executeScript ( 'return ace.edit(arguments[0]).getValue()' ,
el . find ( '.ace_editor' ) ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// All users ('user1', etc.) that can be logged in using Session.user().
export enum TestUserEnum {
user1 = 'chimpy' ,
user2 = 'charon' ,
user3 = 'kiwi' ,
owner = 'chimpy' ,
anon = 'anon' ,
support = 'support' ,
export type TestUser = keyof typeof TestUserEnum ; // 'user1' | 'user2' | ...
// Get name and email for the given test user.
export function translateUser ( userName : TestUser ) : { email : string , name : string } {
if ( userName === 'anon' ) {
return { email : 'anon@getgrist.com' , name : 'Anonymous' } ;
if ( userName === 'support' ) {
return { email : 'support@getgrist.com' , name : 'Support' } ;
const translatedUser = TestUserEnum [ userName ] ;
const email = ` gristoid+ ${ translatedUser } @gmail.com ` ;
const name = startCase ( translatedUser ) ;
return { email , name } ;
/ * *
* A class representing a user on a particular site , with a default
* workspaces . Tests written using this class can be more
* conveniently adapted to run locally , or against deployed versions
* of grist .
* /
export class Session {
// private constructor - access sessions via session() or Session.default
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
private constructor ( public settings : { email : string , orgDomain : string ,
orgName : string , name : string ,
workspace : string } ) {
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Get a session configured for the personal site of a default user.
public static get default ( ) {
// Start with an empty session, then fill in the personal site (typically docs, or docs-s
// in staging), and then fill in a default user (currently gristoid+chimpy@gmail.com).
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
return new Session ( { name : '' , email : '' , orgDomain : '' , orgName : '' , workspace : 'Home' } ) . personalSite . user ( ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Return a session configured for the personal site of the current session's user.
public get personalSite() {
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
const orgName = this . settings . name ? ` @ ${ this . settings . name } ` : '' ;
return this . customTeamSite ( 'docs' , orgName ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Return a session configured for a default team site and the current session's user.
public get teamSite() {
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
return this . customTeamSite ( 'test-grist' , 'Test Grist' ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Return a session configured for a particular team site and the current session's user.
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
public customTeamSite ( orgDomain : string = 'test-grist' , orgName = 'Test Grist' ) {
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
const deployment = process . env . GRIST_ID_PREFIX ;
if ( deployment ) {
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
orgDomain = ` ${ orgDomain } - ${ deployment } ` ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
return new Session ( { . . . this . settings , orgDomain , orgName } ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Return a session configured to create and import docs in the given workspace.
public forWorkspace ( workspace : string ) {
return new Session ( { . . . this . settings , workspace } ) ;
// Wipe the current site. The current user ends up being its only owner and manager.
public async resetSite() {
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
return resetOrg ( this . createHomeApi ( ) , this . settings . orgDomain ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Return a session configured for the current session's site but a different user.
public user ( userName : TestUser = 'user1' ) {
return new Session ( { . . . this . settings , . . . translateUser ( userName ) } ) ;
// Return a session configured for the current session's site and anonymous access.
public get anon() {
return this . user ( 'anon' ) ;
public async addLogin() {
return this . login ( { retainExistingLogin : true } ) ;
// Make sure we are logged in to the current session's site as the current session's user.
public async login ( options ? : { loginMethod? : UserProfile [ 'loginMethod' ] ,
freshAccount? : boolean ,
isFirstLogin? : boolean ,
retainExistingLogin? : boolean } ) {
// Optimize testing a little bit, so if we are already logged in as the expected
// user on the expected org, and there are no options set, we can just continue.
if ( ! options && await this . isLoggedInCorrectly ( ) ) { return this ; }
if ( ! options ? . retainExistingLogin ) {
await removeLogin ( ) ;
if ( this . settings . email === 'anon@getgrist.com' ) { return this ; }
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
await server . simulateLogin ( this . settings . name , this . settings . email , this . settings . orgDomain ,
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
{ isFirstLogin : false , cacheCredentials : true , . . . options } ) ;
return this ;
// Check whether we are logged in to the current session's site as the current session's user.
public async isLoggedInCorrectly() {
let currentUser : FullUser | undefined ;
let currentOrg : APIOrganization | undefined ;
try {
currentOrg = await getOrg ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
// ok, we may not be in a page associated with an org.
try {
currentUser = await getUser ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
// ok, we may not be in a page associated with a user.
return currentUser && currentUser . email === this . settings . email &&
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
currentOrg && ( currentOrg . name === this . settings . orgName ||
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// This is an imprecise check for personal sites, but adequate for tests.
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
( currentOrg . owner && ( this . settings . orgDomain . startsWith ( 'docs' ) ) ) ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Load a document on a site.
public async loadDoc ( relPath : string , wait : boolean = true ) {
await this . loadRelPath ( relPath ) ;
if ( wait ) { await waitForDocToLoad ( ) ; }
// Load a DocMenu on a site.
public async loadDocMenu ( relPath : string , wait : boolean = true ) {
await this . loadRelPath ( relPath ) ;
if ( wait ) { await waitForDocMenuToLoad ( ) ; }
public async loadRelPath ( relPath : string ) {
const part = relPath . match ( /^\/o\/([^/]*)(\/.*)/ ) ;
if ( part ) {
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
if ( part [ 1 ] !== this . settings . orgDomain ) {
throw new Error ( ` org mismatch: ${ this . settings . orgDomain } vs ${ part [ 1 ] } ` ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
relPath = part [ 2 ] ;
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
await driver . get ( server . getUrl ( this . settings . orgDomain , relPath ) ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Import a file into the current site + workspace.
public async importFixturesDoc ( fileName : string , options : ImportOpts = { load : true } ) {
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
return importFixturesDoc ( this . settings . name , this . settings . orgDomain , this . settings . workspace , fileName ,
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
{ email : this.settings.email , . . . options } ) ;
// As for importFixturesDoc, but delete the document at the end of testing.
public async tempDoc ( cleanup : Cleanup , fileName : string , options : ImportOpts = { load : true } ) {
const doc = await this . importFixturesDoc ( fileName , options ) ;
const api = this . createHomeApi ( ) ;
if ( ! noCleanup ) {
cleanup . addAfterAll ( async ( ) = > {
await api . deleteDoc ( doc . id ) . catch ( noop ) ;
doc . id = '' ;
} ) ;
return doc ;
2021-05-17 14:05:49 +00:00
// As for importFixturesDoc, but delete the document at the end of each test.
public async tempShortDoc ( cleanup : Cleanup , fileName : string , options : ImportOpts = { load : true } ) {
const doc = await this . importFixturesDoc ( fileName , options ) ;
const api = this . createHomeApi ( ) ;
if ( ! noCleanup ) {
cleanup . addAfterEach ( async ( ) = > {
2021-05-23 17:43:11 +00:00
if ( doc . id ) {
2021-05-17 14:05:49 +00:00
await api . deleteDoc ( doc . id ) . catch ( noop ) ;
2021-05-23 17:43:11 +00:00
2021-05-17 14:05:49 +00:00
doc . id = '' ;
} ) ;
return doc ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
public async tempNewDoc ( cleanup : Cleanup , docName : string , { load } = { load : true } ) {
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
const docId = await createNewDoc ( this . settings . name , this . settings . orgDomain , this . settings . workspace ,
docName , { email : this.settings.email } ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
if ( load ) {
await this . loadDoc ( ` /doc/ ${ docId } ` ) ;
const api = this . createHomeApi ( ) ;
if ( ! noCleanup ) {
cleanup . addAfterAll ( ( ) = > api . deleteDoc ( docId ) . catch ( noop ) ) ;
return docId ;
// Create a workspace that will be deleted at the end of testing.
public async tempWorkspace ( cleanup : Cleanup , workspaceName : string ) {
const api = this . createHomeApi ( ) ;
const workspaceId = await api . newWorkspace ( { name : workspaceName } , 'current' ) ;
if ( ! noCleanup ) {
cleanup . addAfterAll ( async ( ) = > {
await api . deleteWorkspace ( workspaceId ) . catch ( noop ) ;
} ) ;
return workspaceId ;
// Get an appropriate home api object.
public createHomeApi() {
if ( this . settings . email === 'anon@getgrist.com' ) {
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
return createHomeApi ( null , this . settings . orgDomain ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
return createHomeApi ( this . settings . name , this . settings . orgDomain , this . settings . email ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
// Get the id of this user.
public async getUserId ( ) : Promise < number > {
await this . login ( ) ;
await this . loadDocMenu ( '/' ) ;
const user = await getUser ( ) ;
return user . id ;
public get email() { return this . settings . email ; }
public get name ( ) { return this . settings . name ; }
2021-07-29 04:24:00 +00:00
public get orgDomain ( ) { return this . settings . orgDomain ; }
public get orgName ( ) { return this . settings . orgName ; }
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
public get workspace ( ) { return this . settings . workspace ; }
public async downloadDoc ( fname : string , urlId? : string ) {
urlId = urlId || await getCurrentUrlId ( ) ;
const api = this . createHomeApi ( ) ;
const doc = await api . getDoc ( urlId ! ) ;
const workerApi = await api . getWorkerAPI ( doc . id ) ;
const response = await workerApi . downloadDoc ( doc . id ) ;
await fse . writeFile ( fname , Buffer . from ( await response . arrayBuffer ( ) ) ) ;
// Wrap the async methods of Session to include the stack of the caller in stack traces.
function stackWrapSession ( sessionProto : any ) {
for ( const name of [
'resetSite' , 'login' , 'isLoggedInCorrectly' , 'loadDoc' , 'loadDocMenu' , 'loadRelPath' ,
'importFixturesDoc' , 'tempDoc' , 'tempNewDoc' , 'tempWorkspace' , 'getUserId' ,
] ) {
sessionProto [ name ] = stackWrapFunc ( sessionProto [ name ] ) ;
stackWrapSession ( Session . prototype ) ;
// Configure a session, for the personal site of a default user.
export function session ( ) : Session {
return Session . default ;
// Set the value of an `<input type="color">` element to `color` and trigger the `change`
// event. Accepts `color` to be of following forms `rgb(120, 10, 3)` or '#780a03'.
export async function setColor ( colorInputEl : WebElement , color : string ) {
if ( color . startsWith ( 'rgb(' ) ) {
// the `value` of an `<input type='color'>` element must be a rgb color in hexadecimal
// notation.
color = rgbToHex ( color ) ;
await driver . executeScript ( ( ) = > {
const el = arguments [ 0 ] ;
el . value = arguments [ 1 ] ;
const evt = document . createEvent ( "HTMLEvents" ) ;
evt . initEvent ( "input" , false , true ) ;
el . dispatchEvent ( evt ) ;
} , colorInputEl , color ) ;
// the rgbToHex function is from this conversation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5624139/8728791
export function rgbToHex ( color : string ) {
// Next line extracts the 3 rgb components from a 'rgb(r, g, b)' string.
const [ r , g , b ] = color . split ( /[,()rgba]/ ) . filter ( c = > c ) . map ( parseFloat ) ;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise
return "#" + ( ( 1 << 24 ) + ( r << 16 ) + ( g << 8 ) + b ) . toString ( 16 ) . slice ( 1 ) ;
// Returns the `rgba( ... )` representation of a color given its hex representation `'#...'` . For
// instance `hexToRgb('#FFFFFF')` returns `'rgba( 255, 255, 255, 1)'`.
export function hexToRgb ( hex : string ) {
if ( hex . length !== 7 ) { throw new Error ( 'not an hex color #...' ) ; }
const aRgbHex = [ hex [ 1 ] + hex [ 2 ] , hex [ 3 ] + hex [ 4 ] , hex [ 5 ] + hex [ 6 ] ] ;
const [ r , g , b ] = [
parseInt ( aRgbHex [ 0 ] , 16 ) ,
parseInt ( aRgbHex [ 1 ] , 16 ) ,
parseInt ( aRgbHex [ 2 ] , 16 )
] ;
return ` rgba( ${ r } , ${ g } , ${ b } , 1) ` ;
2021-05-14 18:53:36 +00:00
/ * *
* Adds new column to the table .
* @param name Name of the column
* /
export async function addColumn ( name : string ) {
await scrollIntoView ( await driver . find ( '.active_section .mod-add-column' ) ) ;
await driver . find ( '.active_section .mod-add-column' ) . click ( ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
await waitAppFocus ( false ) ;
await driver . sendKeys ( name ) ;
await driver . sendKeys ( Key . ENTER ) ;
await waitForServer ( ) ;
2021-06-18 09:22:27 +00:00
// Select a range of columns, clicking on col1 and dragging to col2.
export async function selectColumnRange ( col1 : string , col2 : string ) {
await getColumnHeader ( { col : col1 } ) . mouseMove ( ) ;
await driver . mouseDown ( ) ;
await getColumnHeader ( { col : col2 } ) . mouseMove ( ) ;
await driver . mouseUp ( ) ;
2021-06-11 14:14:36 +00:00
/ * *
* Changes browser window dimension to FullHd for a test suit .
* /
export function bigScreen() {
let oldRect ! : IRectangle ;
before ( async function ( ) {
oldRect = await driver . manage ( ) . window ( ) . getRect ( ) ;
await driver . manage ( ) . window ( ) . setRect ( { width : 1920 , height : 1080 } ) ;
} ) ;
after ( async function ( ) {
await driver . manage ( ) . window ( ) . setRect ( oldRect ) ;
} ) ;
2021-07-28 19:02:06 +00:00
/ * *
* Adds samples to the Examples & Templates page .
* /
async function addSamples() {
const homeApi = createHomeApi ( 'support' , 'docs' ) ;
// Create the Grist Templates org.
await homeApi . newOrg ( { name : 'Grist Templates' , domain : 'templates' } ) ;
// Add 2 template workspaces.
const templatesApi = createHomeApi ( 'support' , 'templates' ) ;
await templatesApi . newWorkspace ( { name : 'CRM' } , 'current' ) ;
await templatesApi . newWorkspace ( { name : 'Other' } , 'current' ) ;
// Add a featured template to the CRM workspace.
const exampleDocId = ( await importFixturesDoc ( 'support' , 'templates' , 'CRM' ,
'video/Lightweight CRM.grist' , { load : false , newName : 'Lightweight CRM.grist' } ) ) . id ;
await templatesApi . updateDoc (
exampleDocId ,
isPinned : true ,
options : {
description : 'CRM template and example for linking data, and creating productive layouts.' ,
icon : 'https://grist-static.com/icons/lightweight-crm.png' ,
openMode : 'fork'
} ,
urlId : 'lightweight-crm'
) ;
// Add additional templates to the Other workspace.
const investmentDocId = ( await importFixturesDoc ( 'support' , 'templates' , 'Other' ,
'Investment Research.grist' , { load : false , newName : 'Investment Research.grist' } ) ) . id ;
await templatesApi . updateDoc (
investmentDocId ,
isPinned : true ,
options : {
description : 'Example for analyzing and visualizing with summary tables and linked charts.' ,
icon : 'https://grist-static.com/icons/data-visualization.png' ,
openMode : 'fork'
} ,
urlId : 'investment-research'
} ,
) ;
const afterschoolDocId = ( await importFixturesDoc ( 'support' , 'templates' , 'Other' ,
'video/Afterschool Program.grist' , { load : false , newName : 'Afterschool Program.grist' } ) ) . id ;
await templatesApi . updateDoc (
afterschoolDocId ,
isPinned : true ,
options : {
description : 'Example for how to model business data, use formulas, and manage complexity.' ,
icon : 'https://grist-static.com/icons/business-management.png' ,
openMode : 'fork'
} ,
urlId : 'afterschool-program'
} ,
) ;
for ( const id of [ exampleDocId , investmentDocId , afterschoolDocId ] ) {
await homeApi . updateDocPermissions ( id , { users : {
'everyone@getgrist.com' : 'viewers' ,
'anon@getgrist.com' : 'viewers' ,
} } ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the Grist Templates org .
* /
function removeTemplatesOrg() {
const homeApi = createHomeApi ( 'support' , 'docs' ) ;
return homeApi . deleteOrg ( 'templates' ) ;
/ * *
* Call this at suite level to add sample documents to the
* "Examples & Templates" page in before ( ) , and remove added samples
* in after ( ) .
* /
export function addSamplesForSuite() {
before ( async function ( ) {
await addSamples ( ) ;
} ) ;
after ( async function ( ) {
await removeTemplatesOrg ( ) ;
} ) ;
2021-08-05 15:45:16 +00:00
export async function openUserProfile() {
await driver . findWait ( '.test-dm-account' , 1000 ) . click ( ) ;
// Since the AccountWidget loads orgs and the user data asynchronously, the menu
// can expand itself causing the click to land on a wrong button.
await waitForServer ( ) ;
2021-08-17 15:22:30 +00:00
await driver . findWait ( '.test-usermenu-org' , 1000 ) ;
await driver . sleep ( 250 ) ; // There's still some jitter (scroll-bar? other user accounts?)
2021-08-05 15:45:16 +00:00
await driver . findContent ( '.grist-floating-menu li' , 'Profile Settings' ) . click ( ) ;
await driver . findWait ( '.test-login-method' , 5000 ) ;
2021-04-02 23:11:27 +00:00
} // end of namespace gristUtils
stackWrapOwnMethods ( gristUtils ) ;
export = gristUtils ;