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import type {CopySelection} from 'app/client/components/CopySelection';
import {get as getBrowserGlobals} from 'app/client/lib/browserGlobals';
import type {KoArray} from 'app/client/lib/koArray';
import {simpleStringHash} from 'app/client/lib/textUtils';
import type {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import type {BulkUpdateRecord} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {safeJsonParse} from 'app/common/gutil';
import type {TableData} from 'app/common/TableData';
import {tsvEncode} from 'app/common/tsvFormat';
import {dom} from 'grainjs';
import map = require('lodash/map');
import zipObject = require('lodash/zipObject');
const G = getBrowserGlobals('document', 'DOMParser');
* Returns a sorted array of parentPos values for a viewField to be inserted just before index.
* @param {koArray} viewFields - koArray of viewFields
* @{param} {number} index - index in viewFields at which to insert the new fields
* @{param} {number} numInserts - number of new fields to insert
export function fieldInsertPositions(viewFields: KoArray<ViewFieldRec>, index: number, numInserts: number = 1
): Array<number|null> {
const rightPos = (index < viewFields.peekLength) ? viewFields.at(index)!.parentPos() : null;
return Array(numInserts).fill(rightPos);
* Returns tsv formatted values from TableData at the given rowIDs and columnIds.
* @param {TableData} tableData - the table containing the values to convert
* @param {CopySelection} selection - a CopySelection instance
* @return {String}
export function makePasteText(tableData: TableData, selection: CopySelection) {
// tsvEncode expects data as a 2-d array with each a array representing a row
// i.e. [["1-1", "1-2", "1-3"],["2-1", "2-2", "2-3"]]
const values = selection.rowIds.map(rowId =>
selection.columns.map(col => col.fmtGetter(rowId)));
return tsvEncode(values);
* Hash of the current docId to allow checking if copying and pasting is happening in the same document,
* without leaking the actual docId which may allow others to access the document.
export function getDocIdHash(): string {
const docId = (window as any).gristDocPageModel.currentDocId.get();
return simpleStringHash(docId);
* Returns an html table of containing the cells denoted by the cross product of
* the given rows and columns, styled by the given table/row/col style dictionaries.
* @param {TableData} tableData - the table containing the values denoted by the grid selection
* @param {CopySelection} selection - a CopySelection instance
* @param {Boolean} showColHeader - whether to include a column header row
* @return {String} The html for a table containing the given data.
export function makePasteHtml(tableData: TableData, selection: CopySelection, includeColHeaders: boolean) {
const rowStyle = selection.rowStyle || {}; // Maps rowId to style object.
const colStyle = selection.colStyle || {}; // Maps colId to style object.
const elem = dom('table',
{border: '1', cellspacing: '0', style: 'white-space: pre', 'data-grist-doc-id-hash': getDocIdHash()},
dom('colgroup', selection.colIds.map((colId, idx) =>
dom('col', {
style: _styleAttr(colStyle[colId]),
'data-grist-col-ref': String(selection.colRefs[idx]),
'data-grist-col-type': tableData.getColType(colId)
// Include column headers if requested.
(includeColHeaders ?
dom('tr', selection.colIds.map(colId => dom('th', colId))) :
// Fill with table cells.
selection.rowIds.map(rowId =>
{style: _styleAttr(rowStyle[rowId as number])},
selection.columns.map(col => {
const rawValue = col.rawGetter(rowId);
const fmtValue = col.fmtGetter(rowId);
const dataOptions = (rawValue === fmtValue) ? {} :
{'data-grist-raw-value': JSON.stringify(rawValue)};
return dom('td', dataOptions, fmtValue);
return elem.outerHTML;
export interface RichPasteObject {
displayValue: string;
docIdHash?: string|null;
colType?: string|null; // Column type of the source column.
colRef?: number|null;
rawValue?: unknown; // Optional rawValue that should be used if colType matches destination.
* Parses a 2-d array of objects from a text string containing an HTML table.
* @param {string} data - String of an HTML table.
* @return {Array<Array<RichPasteObj>>} - 2-d array of objects containing details of copied cells.
export function parsePasteHtml(data: string): RichPasteObject[][] {
const parser = new G.DOMParser() as DOMParser;
const doc = parser.parseFromString(data, 'text/html');
const table = doc.querySelector('table')!;
const docIdHash = table.getAttribute('data-grist-doc-id-hash');
const cols = [...table.querySelectorAll('col')];
const rows = [...table.querySelectorAll('tr')];
const result = rows.map(row =>
Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('td, th'), (cell, colIdx) => {
const col = cols[colIdx];
const colType = col?.getAttribute('data-grist-col-type');
const colRef = col && Number(col.getAttribute('data-grist-col-ref'));
const o: RichPasteObject = {displayValue: cell.textContent!, docIdHash, colType, colRef};
if (cell.hasAttribute('data-grist-raw-value')) {
o.rawValue = safeJsonParse(cell.getAttribute('data-grist-raw-value')!,
return o;
.filter((row) => (row.length > 0));
if (result.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Unable to parse data from text/html');
return result;
// Helper function to add css style properties to an html tag
function _styleAttr(style: object) {
return map(style, (value, prop) => `${prop}: ${value};`).join(' ');
* Given a selection object, creates a action to set all references in the object to the empty string.
* @param {Object} selection - an object with a list of selected row Ids, selected column Ids, a list of
* column metaRowModels and other information about the currently selected cells.
* See GridView.js getSelection and DetailView.js getSelection.
* @returns {Object} BulkUpdateRecord action
export function makeDeleteAction(selection: CopySelection): BulkUpdateRecord|null {
// If the selection includes the "new" row, ignore that one.
const rowIds = selection.rowIds.filter((r): r is number => (typeof r === 'number'));
if (rowIds.length === 0) {
return null;
const blankRow = rowIds.map(() => '');
const colIds = selection.fields
.filter(field => !field.column().isRealFormula() && !field.disableEditData())
.map(field => field.colId());
// Get the tableId from the first selected column.
const tableId = selection.fields[0].column().table().tableId();
if (colIds.length === 0) {
return null;
return ['BulkUpdateRecord', tableId, rowIds,
zipObject(colIds, colIds.map(() => blankRow))];