(core) Copy column type and options when pasting into an empty column

Adds a `data-grist-col-ref` attribute to the copied HTML, then uses that when pasting to look up the source column and retrieve info about it. Copies the info into the target column if:

- The document is the same (the docId hash matches)
- The source column still exists and has the same type as when copied
- The source type isn't Text, because in that case it's nice if type guessing still happens
- The target column is empty, meaning it has type Any (we check earlier that it's not a formula column)

The info copied is the type, widgetOptions, and reference column settings (visible and display columns) but not conditional formatting.

The changes are mostly in a function `parsePasteForView` which is based on `BaseView._parsePasteForView` but ported to TypeScript in a new file `BaseView2.ts`.

Added a useraction `MaybeCopyDisplayFormula` exposing an existing Python function `maybe_copy_display_formula` because the target column needs a slightly different display formula.

Test Plan: Added a new nbrowser test file and fixture doc.

Reviewers: cyprien

Reviewed By: cyprien

Subscribers: jarek, dsagal

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3344
Alex Hall 2 years ago
parent 6305811ca6
commit bf271c822b

@ -327,59 +327,6 @@ BaseView.prototype.insertRow = function(index) {
* Given a 2-d paste column-oriented paste data and target cols, transform the data to omit
* fields that shouldn't be pasted over and extract rich paste data if available.
* @param {Array<Array<(RichPasteObject|string)>>} data - Column-oriented 2-d array of either
* plain strings or rich paste data returned by `tableUtil.parsePasteHtml` with `displayValue`
* and, optionally, `colType` and `rawValue` attributes.
* @param {Array<MetaRowModel>} cols - Array of target column objects
* @returns {Object} - Object mapping colId to array of column values, suitable for use in Bulk
* actions.
BaseView.prototype._parsePasteForView = function(data, fields) {
const updateCols = fields.map(field => {
const col = field && field.column();
if (col && !col.isRealFormula() && !col.disableEditData()) {
return col;
} else {
return null; // Don't include formulas and missing columns
const updateColIds = updateCols.map(c => c && c.colId());
const updateColTypes = updateCols.map(c => c && c.type());
const parsers = fields.map(field => field && field.createValueParser() || (x => x));
const docIdHash = tableUtil.getDocIdHash();
const richData = data.map((col, idx) => {
if (!col.length) {
return col;
const typeMatches = col[0] && col[0].colType === updateColTypes[idx] && (
// When copying references, only use the row ID (raw value) when copying within the same document
// to avoid referencing the wrong rows.
col[0].docIdHash === docIdHash || !gristTypes.isFullReferencingType(updateColTypes[idx])
const parser = parsers[idx];
return col.map(v => {
if (v) {
if (typeMatches && v.hasOwnProperty('rawValue')) {
return v.rawValue;
if (v.hasOwnProperty('displayValue')) {
return parser(v.displayValue);
if (typeof v === "string") {
return parser(v);
return v;
return _.omit(_.object(updateColIds, richData), null);
BaseView.prototype._getDefaultColValues = function() {
const linkingState = this.viewSection.linkingState.peek();
if (!linkingState) {

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* This file contains logic moved from BaseView.js and ported to TS.
import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc';
import {getDocIdHash, RichPasteObject} from 'app/client/lib/tableUtil';
import {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewFieldRec';
import {UserAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {isFullReferencingType} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import {SchemaTypes} from 'app/common/schema';
import {BulkColValues} from 'app/plugin/GristData';
import omit = require('lodash/omit');
* Given a 2-d paste column-oriented paste data and target cols, transform the data to omit
* fields that shouldn't be pasted over and extract rich paste data if available.
* When pasting into empty columns, also update them with options from the source column.
* `data` is a column-oriented 2-d array of either
* plain strings or rich paste data returned by `tableUtil.parsePasteHtml`.
* `fields` are the target fields being pasted into.
export async function parsePasteForView(
data: Array<string | RichPasteObject>[], fields: ViewFieldRec[], gristDoc: GristDoc
): Promise<BulkColValues> {
const result: BulkColValues = {};
const actions: UserAction[] = [];
const thisDocIdHash = getDocIdHash();
data.forEach((col, idx) => {
const field = fields[idx];
const colRec = field?.column();
if (!colRec || colRec.isRealFormula() || colRec.disableEditData()) {
const parser = field.createValueParser() || (x => x);
let typeMatches = false;
if (col[0] && typeof col[0] === "object") {
const {colType, docIdHash, colRef} = col[0];
const targetType = colRec.type();
const docIdMatches = docIdHash === thisDocIdHash;
typeMatches = docIdMatches || !isFullReferencingType(colType || "");
if (targetType !== "Any") {
typeMatches = typeMatches && colType === targetType;
} else if (docIdMatches && colRef) {
// Try copying source column type and options into empty columns
const sourceColRec = gristDoc.docModel.columns.getRowModel(colRef);
const sourceType = sourceColRec.type();
// Check that the source column still exists, has a type other than Text, and the type hasn't changed.
// For Text columns, we don't copy over column info so that type guessing can still happen.
if (sourceColRec.getRowId() && sourceType !== "Text" && sourceType === colType) {
const colInfo: Partial<SchemaTypes["_grist_Tables_column"]> = {
type: sourceType,
visibleCol: sourceColRec.visibleCol(),
// Conditional formatting rules are not copied right now, that's a bit more complicated
// and copying the formula may or may not be desirable.
widgetOptions: JSON.stringify(omit(sourceColRec.widgetOptionsJson(), "rulesOptions")),
["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", colRec.getRowId(), colInfo],
["MaybeCopyDisplayFormula", colRef, colRec.getRowId()],
result[colRec.colId()] = col.map(v => {
if (v) {
if (typeof v === "string") {
return parser(v);
if (typeMatches && v.hasOwnProperty('rawValue')) {
return v.rawValue;
if (v.hasOwnProperty('displayValue')) {
return parser(v.displayValue);
return v;
if (actions.length) {
await gristDoc.docData.sendActions(actions);
return result;

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import type {UIRowId} from 'app/common/UIRowId';
export class CopySelection {
public readonly colIds = this.fields.map(f => f.colId());
public readonly colRefs = this.fields.map(f => f.colRef());
public readonly displayColIds = this.fields.map(f => f.displayColModel().colId());
public readonly rowStyle: {[r: number]: object}|undefined;
public readonly colStyle: {[c: string]: object}|undefined;

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ var {CopySelection} = require('./CopySelection');
var RecordLayout = require('./RecordLayout');
var commands = require('./commands');
const {RowContextMenu} = require('../ui/RowContextMenu');
const {parsePasteForView} = require("./BaseView2");
* DetailView component implements a list of record layouts.
@ -131,7 +132,9 @@ DetailView.generalCommands = {
copy: function() { return this.copy(this.getSelection()); },
cut: function() { return this.cut(this.getSelection()); },
paste: function(pasteObj, cutCallback) { return this.paste(pasteObj, cutCallback); },
paste: function(pasteObj, cutCallback) {
return this.gristDoc.docData.bundleActions(null, () => this.paste(pasteObj, cutCallback));
editLayout: function() {
if (this.scrolly()) {
@ -166,12 +169,12 @@ DetailView.prototype.deleteRow = function(index) {
* @param {Function} cutCallback - If provided returns the record removal action needed
* for a cut.
DetailView.prototype.paste = function(data, cutCallback) {
DetailView.prototype.paste = async function(data, cutCallback) {
let pasteData = data[0][0];
let field = this.viewSection.viewFields().at(this.cursor.fieldIndex());
let isCompletePaste = (data.length === 1 && data[0].length === 1);
let richData = this._parsePasteForView([[pasteData]], [field]);
const richData = await parsePasteForView([[pasteData]], [field], this.gristDoc);
if (_.isEmpty(richData)) {

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ const {testId} = require('app/client/ui2018/cssVars');
const {contextMenu} = require('app/client/ui/contextMenu');
const {menuToggle} = require('app/client/ui/MenuToggle');
const {showTooltip} = require('app/client/ui/tooltips');
const {parsePasteForView} = require("./BaseView2");
// A threshold for interpreting a motionless click as a click rather than a drag.
@ -309,7 +310,7 @@ GridView.gridCommands = {
copy: function() { return this.copy(this.getSelection()); },
cut: function() { return this.cut(this.getSelection()); },
paste: async function(pasteObj, cutCallback) {
await this.paste(pasteObj, cutCallback);
await this.gristDoc.docData.bundleActions(null, () => this.paste(pasteObj, cutCallback));
await this.scrollToCursor(false);
sortAsc: function() {
@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ GridView.prototype._shiftSelect = function(step, selectObs, exemptType, maxVal)
* @param {Function} cutCallback - If provided returns the record removal action needed for
* a cut.
GridView.prototype.paste = function(data, cutCallback) {
GridView.prototype.paste = async function(data, cutCallback) {
// TODO: If pasting into columns by which this view is sorted, rows may jump. It is still better
// to allow it, but we should "freeze" the affected rows to prevent them from jumping, until the
// user re-applies the sort manually. (This is a particularly bad experience when rows get
@ -410,7 +411,7 @@ GridView.prototype.paste = function(data, cutCallback) {
let fields = this.viewSection.viewFields().peek();
let pasteFields = updateColIndices.map(i => fields[i] || null);
let richData = this._parsePasteForView(pasteData, pasteFields);
const richData = await parsePasteForView(pasteData, pasteFields, this.gristDoc);
let actions = this._createBulkActionsFromPaste(updateRowIds, richData);
if (actions.length > 0) {

@ -102,9 +102,10 @@ export function makePasteHtml(tableData: TableData, selection: CopySelection, in
const elem = dom('table',
{border: '1', cellspacing: '0', style: 'white-space: pre', 'data-grist-doc-id-hash': getDocIdHash()},
dom('colgroup', selection.colIds.map(colId =>
dom('colgroup', selection.colIds.map((colId, idx) =>
dom('col', {
style: _styleAttr(colStyle[colId]),
'data-grist-col-ref': String(selection.colRefs[idx]),
'data-grist-col-type': tableData.getColType(colId)
@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ export interface RichPasteObject {
displayValue: string;
docIdHash?: string|null;
colType?: string|null; // Column type of the source column.
colRef?: number|null;
rawValue?: unknown; // Optional rawValue that should be used if colType matches destination.
@ -145,20 +147,17 @@ export interface RichPasteObject {
export function parsePasteHtml(data: string): RichPasteObject[][] {
const parser = new G.DOMParser() as DOMParser;
const doc = parser.parseFromString(data, 'text/html');
const table = doc.querySelector('table');
const docIdHash = table?.getAttribute('data-grist-doc-id-hash');
const table = doc.querySelector('table')!;
const docIdHash = table.getAttribute('data-grist-doc-id-hash');
const colTypes = Array.from(table!.querySelectorAll('col'), col =>
const result = Array.from(table!.querySelectorAll('tr'), (row, rowIdx) =>
const cols = [...table.querySelectorAll('col')];
const rows = [...table.querySelectorAll('tr')];
const result = rows.map(row =>
Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('td, th'), (cell, colIdx) => {
const o: RichPasteObject = {displayValue: cell.textContent!, docIdHash};
// If there's a column type, add it to the object
if (colTypes[colIdx]) {
o.colType = colTypes[colIdx];
const col = cols[colIdx];
const colType = col?.getAttribute('data-grist-col-type');
const colRef = col && Number(col.getAttribute('data-grist-col-ref'));
const o: RichPasteObject = {displayValue: cell.textContent!, docIdHash, colType, colRef};
if (cell.hasAttribute('data-grist-raw-value')) {
o.rawValue = safeJsonParse(cell.getAttribute('data-grist-raw-value')!,

@ -1461,6 +1461,11 @@ class UserActions(object):
self._do_doc_action(actions.BulkUpdateRecord(table_id, changed_rows,
{dst_col_id: changed_values}))
def MaybeCopyDisplayFormula(self, src_col_ref, dst_col_ref):
src_col = self._docmodel.columns.table.get_record(src_col_ref)
dst_col = self._docmodel.columns.table.get_record(dst_col_ref)
self.maybe_copy_display_formula(src_col, dst_col)
def maybe_copy_display_formula(self, src_col, dst_col):
