"AllowGoogleSigning":"Allow signing in to this account with Google",
"TwoFactorAuth":"Two-factor authentication",
"TwoFactorAuthDescription":"Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for your Grist account designed to ensure that you're the only person who can access your account, even if someone knows your password.",
"APIKey":"API Key",
"WarningUsername":"Names only allow letters, numbers and certain special characters"
"AboutToDeleteAPIKey":"You're about to delete an API key. This will cause all future requests using this API key to be rejected. Do you still want to delete?",
"AnonymousAPIKey":"This API key can be used to access this account anonymously via the API.",
"InvalidDocTourBody":"Cannot construct a document tour from the data in this document. Ensure there is a table named GristDocTour with columns Title, Body, Placement, and Location."
"DocumentSettings":"Document Settings",
"ThisDocumentID":"This document's ID (for API use):",
"TimeZone":"Time Zone:",
"LocalCurrency":"Local currency ({{currency}})",
"EngineRisk":"Engine (experimental {{span}} change at own risk):",
"SaveAndReload":"Save and Reload"
"NewName":"Name for new table",
"AdviceWithLink":"Instead of duplicating tables, it's usually better to segment data using linked views. {{link}}",
"CopyAllData":"Copy all data in addition to the table structure.",
"WarningACL":"Only the document default access rules will apply to the copy."
"AccessDenied":"Access denied{{suffix}}",
"DeniedOrganizationDocuments":"You do not have access to this organization's documents.",
"SignInWithDifferentAccount":"You are signed in as {{email}}. You can sign in with a different account, or ask an administrator for access.",
"SignInToAccess":"Sign in to access this organization's documents.",
"GoToMainPage":"Go to main page",
"SignIn":"Sign in",
"AddAcount":"Add account",
"SignedOut":"Signed out{{suffix}}",
"SignedOutNow":"You are now signed out.",
"SignedInAgain":"Sign in again",
"PageNotFound":"Page not found{{suffix}}",
"NotFoundMainText":"The requested page could not be found.{{separator}}Please check the URL and try again.",
"ContactSupport":"Contact support",
"SomethingWentWrong":"Something went wrong",
"ErrorHappened_message":"There was an error: {{message}}",
"ErrorHappened_unknown":"There was an unknown error."
"ColumnLabel":"COLUMN LABEL AND ID",
"ColumnOptionsLimited":"Column options are limited in summary tables.",
"ColumnType_formula_one":"Formula Column",
"ColumnType_data_one":"Data Column",
"ColumnType_empty_one":"Empty Column",
"ColumnType_formula_other":"Formula Columns",
"ColumnType_data_other":"Data Columns",
"ColumnType_empty_other":"Empty Columns",
"ColumnType_mixed_other":"Mixed Behavior",
"ConvertColumn_formula":"Clear and make into formula",
"ConvertColumn_data":"Convert column to data",
"ConvertColumn_triggerformula":"Convert to trigger formula",
"ClearAndReset":"Clear and reset",
"EnterFormula":"Enter formula",
"ColumnBehavior":"COLUMN BEHAVIOR",
"SetFormula":"Set formula",
"SetTriggerFormula":"Set trigger formula",
"MakeIntoDataColumn":"Make into data column",
"TriggerFormula":"TRIGGER FORMULA"
"Title_CRM":"Lightweight CRM",
"WelcomeTitle_CRM":"Welcome to the Lightweight CRM template",
"WelcomeText_CRM":"Check out our related tutorial for how to link data, and create high-productivity layouts.",
"WelcomeTutorialName_CRM":"Tutorial: Create a CRM",
"Title_investmentResearch":"Investment Research",
"WelcomeTitle_investmentResearch":"Welcome to the Investment Research template",
"WelcomeText_investmentResearch":"Check out our related tutorial to learn how to create summary tables and charts, and to link charts dynamically.",
"AccessRulesDescription":"Allow everyone to view Access Rules.",
"FullCopiesDescription":"Allow everyone to copy the entire document, or view it in full in fiddle mode.\nUseful for examples and templates, but not for sensitive data.",
"AccessRulesName":"Permission to view Access Rules",
"FullCopies":"Permission to access the document in full when needed",
"AttributeNamePlaceholder":"Attribute name",
"EveryoneElse":"Everyone Else",
"EnterCondition":"Enter Condition"
"AllowAll":"Allow All",
"DenyAll":"Deny All",
"ReadOnly":"Read Only"
"InviteNewMember":"Invite new member",
"EmailInputPlaceholder":"Enter email address",
"InviteEmail":"We'll email an invite to {{email}}"
"TeamSiteSuspended":"This team site is suspended. Documents can be read, but not modified."
"ReloadingOrRecoveryMode":"You can try reloading the document, or using recovery mode. Recovery mode opens the document to be fully accessible to owners, and inaccessible to others. It also disables formulas. [{{error}}]",
"AccessError_denied":"Sorry, access to this document has been denied. [{{error}}]",
"AccessError_recover":"Document owners can attempt to recover the document. [{{error}}]",
"EnterRecoveryMode":"Enter recovery mode",
"AddPage":"Add Page",
"AddWidgetToPage":"Add Widget to Page",
"AddEmptyTable":"Add Empty Table",
"NoEditAccess":"You do not have edit access to this document"
"NoDefaultAccess":"No Default Access",
"InFull":"In Full",
"ViewAndEdit":"View & Edit",
"ViewOnly":"View Only",
"FiddleExplanation":"You may make edits, but they will create a new copy and will\nnot affect the original document.",
"RecoveryMode":"recovery mode",
"DefaultCellStyle":"Default cell style",
"SelectFields":"Select fields",
"WorkspacesAvailableOnTeamPlans":"* Workspaces are available on team plans. ",
"UpgradeNow":"Upgrade now"
"DuplicatePage":"Duplicate Page",
"NoEditAccess":"You do not have edit access to this document"
"SearchInDocument":"Search in document",
"NoResults":"No results",
"FindNext":"Find Next ",
"FindPrevious":"Find Previous "
"ActionLogFailed":"Action Log failed to load",
"TableRemovedInAction":"Table {{tableId}} was subsequently removed in action #{{actionNum}}",
"RowRemovedInAction":"This row was subsequently removed in action {{action.actionNum}}",
"ColumnRemovedInAction":"Column {{colId}} was subsequently removed in action #{{action.actionNum}}"
"EachYFollowedByOne":"Each Y series is followed by a series for the length of error bars.",
"EachYFollowedByTwo":"Each Y series is followed by two series, for top and bottom error bars.",
"CreateSeparateSeries":"Create separate series for each value of the selected column.",
"PickColumn":"Pick a column",
"SelectedNewGroupDataColumns":"selected new group data columns",
"StatusMessageGracePeriodElse":"Document limits {{- link}}. In {{gracePeriodDays}} days, this document will be read-only.",
"StatusMessageDeleteOnly":"This document {{- link}} free plan limits and is now read-only, but you can delete rows.",
"UpdateData":"Update Data",
"UseChoicePosition":"Use choice position",
"NaturalSort":"Natural sort",
"EmptyValuesLast":"Empty values last",
"AddColumn":"Add Column",
"UnmarkOnDemandTitle":"Unmark table On-Demand?",
"UnmarkOnDemandButton":"Unmark On-Demand",
"UnmarkOnDemandText":"If you unmark table {{- table}}' as On-Demand, its data will be loaded into the calculation engine and will be available for use in formulas. For a big table, this may greatly increase load times.{{- br}}{{-br}}Changing this setting will reload the document for all users.",
"MakeOnDemandTitle":"Make table On-Demand?",
"MakeOnDemandButton":"Make On-Demand",
"MakeOnDemandText":"If you make table {{table}} On-Demand, its data will no longer be loaded into the calculation engine and will not be available for use in formulas. It will remain available for viewing and editing.",
"AdvancedSettings":"Advanced settings",
"BigTablesMayBeMarked":"Big tables may be marked as \"on-demand\" to avoid loading them into the data engine.",
"UpdateFilterSettings":"Update Filter settings",
"AddFilter":"Add Filter",
"EditCardLayout":"Edit Card Layout",
"PluginColon":"Plugin: ",
"SectionColon":"Section: "
"UndoDiscard":"Undo discard",
"RestoreLastEdit":"Restore last edit"
"DoesNotCopyData":"Note that this does not copy data, but creates another view of the same data.",
"DuplicatePageName":"Duplicate page {{pageName}}"
"ImportFromFile":"Import from file",
"AddedNewLinkedSection":"Added new linked section to view {{viewName}}",
"SavedLinkedSectionIn":"Saved linked section {{title}} in view {{name}}"