(core) Change 'Clear ... column' menu options to 'Reset', and make resetting columns reset type too

The renaming is to clarify that the operation is more of a schema change, than
a data update. In particular, this is to reduce confusion why it is allowed to
anyone having Structure permission in Access Rules.

The resetting of type is a separate but related cleanup. Changing type to Any
returns the column to initial state, letting it guess type from new data, and
making it easy to enter a formula. It applies also to the "Clear and reset"
option in the Creator Panel.

Test Plan: Updated tests, added a check for type changing to Any.

Reviewers: jarek

Reviewed By: jarek

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3685
Dmitry S 2 years ago
parent d84e7e37e2
commit b263d83122

@ -790,11 +790,18 @@ export class GristDoc extends DisposableWithEvents {
// Turn the given columns into empty columns, losing any data stored in them.
public async clearColumns(colRefs: number[]): Promise<void> {
public async clearColumns(colRefs: number[], {keepType}: {keepType?: boolean} = {}): Promise<void> {
await this.docModel.columns.sendTableAction(
['BulkUpdateRecord', colRefs, {
isFormula: colRefs.map(f => true),
formula: colRefs.map(f => ''),
...(keepType ? {} : {
type: colRefs.map(f => 'Any'),
widgetOptions: colRefs.map(f => ''),
visibleCol: colRefs.map(f => null),
displayCol: colRefs.map(f => null),
rules: colRefs.map(f => null),
// Set recalc settings to defaults when emptying a column.
recalcWhen: colRefs.map(f => RecalcWhen.DEFAULT),
recalcDeps: colRefs.map(f => null),

@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ export class Importer extends DisposableWithEvents {
return [
async () => {
await this._gristDoc.clearColumns([sourceColId]);
await this._gristDoc.clearColumns([sourceColId], {keepType: true});
await this._updateImportDiff(info);

@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ export function CellContextMenu(rowOptions: IRowContextMenu, colOptions: IMultiC
const disableForReadonlyView = dom.cls('disabled', isReadonly);
const numCols: number = colOptions.numColumns;
const nameClearColumns = colOptions.isFiltered ? t("ClearEntireColumns", {count: numCols}) : t("ClearColumns", {count: numCols})
const nameDeleteColumns = t("DeleteColumns", {count: numCols})
const nameClearColumns = colOptions.isFiltered ?
t("ResetEntireColumns", {count: numCols}) :
t("ResetColumns", {count: numCols});
const nameDeleteColumns = t("DeleteColumns", {count: numCols});
const numRows: number = rowOptions.numRows;
const nameDeleteRows = t("DeleteRows", {count: numRows})
const nameDeleteRows = t("DeleteRows", {count: numRows});
const nameClearCells = (numRows > 1 || numCols > 1) ? t('ClearValues') : t('ClearCell');

@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ export function MultiColumnMenu(options: IMultiColumnContextMenu) {
const disableForReadonlyView = dom.cls('disabled', options.isReadonly);
const num: number = options.numColumns;
const nameClearColumns = options.isFiltered ?
t('ClearEntireColumns', {count: num}) :
t('ClearColumns', {count: num});
t('ResetEntireColumns', {count: num}) :
t('ResetColumns', {count: num});
const nameDeleteColumns = t('DeleteColumns', {count: num});
const nameHideColumns = t('HideColumns', {count: num});
const frozenMenu = options.disableFrozenMenu ? null : freezeMenuItemCmd(options);

@ -55,10 +55,10 @@
"MemoryError": "Memory Error"
"CellContextMenu": {
"ClearEntireColumns_one": "Clear entire column",
"ClearEntireColumns_other": "Clear {{count}} entire columns",
"ClearColumns_one": "Clear column",
"ClearColumns_other": "Clear {{count}} columns",
"ResetEntireColumns_one": "Reset entire column",
"ResetEntireColumns_other": "Reset {{count}} entire columns",
"ResetColumns_one": "Reset column",
"ResetColumns_other": "Reset {{count}} columns",
"DeleteColumns_one": "Delete column",
"DeleteColumns_other": "Delete {{count}} columns",
"DeleteRows_one": "Delete row",
@ -256,10 +256,10 @@
"Sort": "Sort",
"MoreSortOptions": "More sort options ...",
"RenameColumn": "Rename column",
"ClearEntireColumns_one": "Clear entire column",
"ClearEntireColumns_other": "Clear {{count}} entire columns",
"ClearColumns_one": "Clear column",
"ClearColumns_other": "Clear {{count}} columns",
"ResetEntireColumns_one": "Reset entire column",
"ResetEntireColumns_other": "Reset {{count}} entire columns",
"ResetColumns_one": "Reset column",
"ResetColumns_other": "Reset {{count}} columns",
"DeleteColumns_one": "Delete column",
"DeleteColumns_other": "Delete {{count}} columns",
"HideColumns_one": "Hide column",

@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
"MemoryError": "Erreur mémoire"
"CellContextMenu": {
"ClearEntireColumns_one": "Effacer la colonne entière",
"ClearEntireColumns_other": "Effacer ces {{count}} colonnes entières",
"ClearColumns_one": "Effacer la colonne",
"ClearColumns_other": "Effacer {{count}} colonnes",
"ResetEntireColumns_one": "Réinitialiser la colonne entière",
"ResetEntireColumns_other": "Réinitialiser ces {{count}} colonnes entières",
"ResetColumns_one": "Réinitialiser la colonne",
"ResetColumns_other": "Réinitialiser {{count}} colonnes",
"DeleteColumns_one": "Supprimer la colonne",
"DeleteColumns_other": "Supprimer {{count}} colonnes",
"DeleteRows_one": "Supprimer la ligne",
@ -255,10 +255,10 @@
"Sort": "Trier",
"MoreSortOptions": "Plus doptions de tri…",
"RenameColumn": "Renommer la colonne",
"ClearEntireColumns_one": "Effacer la colonne entière",
"ClearEntireColumns_other": "Effacer {{count}} colonnes entières",
"ClearColumns_one": "Effacer la colonne",
"ClearColumns_other": "Effacer {{count}} colonnes",
"ResetEntireColumns_one": "Réinitialiser la colonne entière",
"ResetEntireColumns_other": "Réinitialiser {{count}} colonnes entières",
"ResetColumns_one": "Réinitialiser la colonne",
"ResetColumns_other": "Réinitialiser {{count}} colonnes",
"DeleteColumns_one": "Supprimer la colonne",
"DeleteColumns_other": "Supprimer {{count}} colonnes",
"HideColumns_one": "Masquer la colonne",

@ -156,11 +156,14 @@ describe('MultiColumn', function() {
await selectColumns('Test1', 'Test3');
assert.equal(await columnBehavior(), 'Formula Columns');
await alignment('center');
assert.equal(await alignment(), 'center');
// Reset all of them
assert.deepEqual(await gu.availableBehaviorOptions(), ['Convert columns to data', 'Clear and reset']);
await gu.changeBehavior('Clear and reset');
assert.equal(await columnBehavior(), 'Empty Columns');
assert.equal(await alignment(), 'left');
// Make them all data columns
await gu.getCell('Test1', 1).click(); await gu.enterCell('a');
