Wikibase: Add getBestStatements / getEntityUrl; ParserFunctions: Improve support for relative month

gnosygnu 7 years ago
parent 66877212bf
commit 3126b46faf

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class Xoa_app_ {
public static final String Name = "xowa";
public static final int Version_id = 540;
public static final String Version = "";
public static final String Version = "";
public static String Build_date = "2012-12-30 00:00:00";
public static String Build_date_fmt = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
public static String Op_sys_str;

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import gplx.xowa.users.history.*;
import gplx.xowa.langs.*; import gplx.xowa.langs.specials.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.allPages.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.nearby.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.statistics.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.translates.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.movePage.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.system_data.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.default_tab.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.popup_history.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.imports.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.diags.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.system_data.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.default_tab.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.popup_history.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.imports.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.diags.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.repo.includes.specials.*;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.specials.*;
import*; import gplx.xowa.users.bmks.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.mgrs.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.searchs.specials.*;
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ public class Xow_special_mgr {
public Nearby_mgr Page_nearby() {return page_nearby;} private final Nearby_mgr page_nearby = new Nearby_mgr();
public Xop_mylanguage_page Page_mylanguage() {return page_mylanguage;} private final Xop_mylanguage_page page_mylanguage = new Xop_mylanguage_page();
public Wdata_itemByTitle_page Page_itemByTitle() {return page_itemByTitle;} private final Wdata_itemByTitle_page page_itemByTitle = new Wdata_itemByTitle_page();
public Xow_special_page Page_entityPage() {return page_entityPage;} private final Xow_special_page page_entityPage = Wbase_entityPage.Prototype;
public Xop_statistics_page Page_statistics() {return page_statistics;} private final Xop_statistics_page page_statistics = new Xop_statistics_page();
public Move_page Page_movePage() {return page_movePage;} private final Move_page page_movePage = new Move_page();
public System_data_page Page_system_data() {return page_system_data;} private final System_data_page page_system_data = new System_data_page();
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ public class Xow_special_mgr {
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__nearby , page_nearby);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__my_language , page_mylanguage);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__item_by_title , page_itemByTitle);
hash.Add_str_obj(Wbase_entityPage.SPECIAL_KEY , page_entityPage);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__statistics , page_statistics);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__move_page , page_movePage);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__system_data , page_system_data);

@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ public class Xowe_page_mgr {
from_html_db = Bry_.Len_gt_0(page.Db().Html().Html_bry());
else {
Gfo_usr_dlg_.Instance.Log_many("", "", "page_load: loaded wikitext; page=~{0} wikitext_len=~{1}", ttl.Full_db(), page.Db().Text().Text_bry().length);

@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ class Pxd_eval_year {
Pxd_itm_int itm_0 = Pxd_itm_int_.CastOrNull(data_ary[0]);
Pxd_itm_int itm_1 = Pxd_itm_int_.CastOrNull(data_ary[1]);
if (itm_0 == null || itm_1 == null) return; // 0 or 1 is not an int;
if (itm_1.Val() > 12) { // if itm_1 is > 12 then can't be month; must be day; PAGE:en.d:tongue-in-chic DATE:2017-04-25
// if itm_1 is > 12 then can't be month; must be day; PAGE:en.d:tongue-in-chic DATE:2017-04-25
// NOTE: must be "> 12", not ">= 12"; default behavior is "dd-MM-yyyy" PAGE:en.w:Portal:Current_events/December_2001 DATE:2017-11-26
if (itm_1.Val() > 12) {
if (!Pxd_eval_seg.Eval_as_m(tctx, itm_0)) return;
if (!Pxd_eval_seg.Eval_as_d(tctx, itm_1)) return;
@ -87,8 +89,9 @@ class Pxd_eval_seg {
switch (itm.Digits()) {
case 1:
case 2:
if ( val > -1 && val < 13 // val is between 0 and 12; possible month;
&& tctx.Seg_idxs()[DateAdp_.SegIdx_month] == Pxd_itm_base.Seg_idx_null) { // month is empty; needed else multiple access-date errors in references; PAGE:en.w:Template:Date; en.w:Antipas,_Cotabato; EX:"2 12 November 2016" DATE:2017-04-01
if ( val > -1 && val < 13 // val is between 0 and 12; possible month;
&& tctx.Seg_idxs()[DateAdp_.SegIdx_month] == Pxd_itm_base.Seg_idx_null // month is empty; needed else multiple access-date errors in references; PAGE:en.w:Template:Date; en.w:Antipas,_Cotabato; EX:"2 12 November 2016" DATE:2017-04-01
) {
tctx.Seg_idxs_(itm, DateAdp_.SegIdx_month);
return true;

@ -148,36 +148,54 @@ class Pxd_itm_month_name extends Pxd_itm_base implements Pxd_itm_prototype {
class Pxd_itm_unit extends Pxd_itm_base implements Pxd_itm_prototype {
public Pxd_itm_unit(int ary_idx, byte[] name, int seg_idx, int seg_multiple) {Ctor(ary_idx); = name; Seg_idx_(seg_idx); this.seg_multiple = seg_multiple;}
public byte[] Name() {return name;} private byte[] name;
private int seg_val = 1;
private int seg_multiple;
private boolean eval_done_by_relative_word;
public Pxd_itm_unit(int ary_idx, byte[] name, int seg_idx, int seg_multiple) {
Ctor(ary_idx); = name;
this.seg_multiple = seg_multiple;
@Override public byte Tkn_tid() {return Pxd_itm_.Tid_unit;}
@Override public int Eval_idx() {return 10;}
int seg_val = 1; int seg_multiple;
public byte[] Name() {return name;} private final byte[] name;
public Pxd_itm MakeNew(int ary_idx) {
return new Pxd_itm_unit(ary_idx, name, this.Seg_idx(), seg_val);
public void Unit_seg_val_(int v) { // handled by relative; EX: next year
seg_val = v; seg_multiple = 1;
eval_done_by_relative = true;
} private boolean eval_done_by_relative;
@Override public boolean Eval(Pxd_parser state) {
if (eval_done_by_relative) return true;
state.Seg_idxs_(this, this.Seg_idx(), seg_val);
Pxd_itm[] tkns = state.Tkns();
public void Unit_seg_val_(int v) { // handled by relative_word; EX: next year
this.seg_val = v;
this.seg_multiple = 1;
this.eval_done_by_relative_word = true;
@Override public boolean Eval(Pxd_parser dctx) {
if (eval_done_by_relative_word) return true;
// TOMBSTONE: "dctx.Seg_idxs_(this, this.Seg_idx(), seg_val);"; DATE:2017-11-28
// search for previous int; EX: "2 month", "-3 year"
Pxd_itm[] tkns = dctx.Tkns();
Pxd_itm_int itm_int = Pxd_itm_int_.GetNearest(tkns, this.Ary_idx(), false);
if (itm_int == null) return false; // PAGE:s.w:Crich_Tramway_Village EX:Yearly DATE:2016-07-06
state.Seg_idxs_(itm_int, Pxd_itm_base.Seg_idx_skip);
if (itm_int == null) return false; // number may be omitted; EX:"Yearly" PAGE:s.w:Crich_Tramway_Village DATE:2016-07-06
// deactivate number_tkn; will be handled by relative_word_tkn; TOMBSTONE:"dctx.Seg_idxs_(itm_int, Pxd_itm_base.Seg_idx_skip);" DATE:2017-11-28
seg_val = itm_int.Val();
// search for neg sign; update seg_val if found
for (int i = itm_int.Ary_idx(); i > -1; i--) {
Pxd_itm itm = tkns[i];
switch (itm.Tkn_tid()) {
case Pxd_itm_.Tid_dash: // negative sign; stop;
// found negative sign -> update seg_val and stop;
case Pxd_itm_.Tid_dash:
seg_val *= -1;
i = -1;
case Pxd_itm_.Tid_dot: case Pxd_itm_.Tid_int: case Pxd_itm_.Tid_ws: // ignore
// found ws -> ignore
case Pxd_itm_.Tid_dot: case Pxd_itm_.Tid_int: case Pxd_itm_.Tid_ws:
default: // word; stop;
// found some other word -> stop
i = -1;
@ -291,26 +309,33 @@ class Pxd_itm_time_relative extends Pxd_itm_base implements Pxd_itm_prototype {
Pxd_itm_time_relative() {}
class Pxd_itm_unit_relative extends Pxd_itm_base implements Pxd_itm_prototype {
public Pxd_itm_unit_relative(int adj, int ary_idx) {Ctor(ary_idx); this.adj = adj;}
class Pxd_itm_unit_relative extends Pxd_itm_base implements Pxd_itm_prototype { // EX: "next year"
private final int adj;
public Pxd_itm_unit_relative(int adj, int ary_idx) {
this.adj = adj;
@Override public byte Tkn_tid() {return Pxd_itm_.Tid_unit_relative;}
@Override public int Eval_idx() {return 5;}
public Pxd_itm MakeNew(int ary_idx) {return new Pxd_itm_unit_relative(adj, ary_idx);}
@Override public boolean Eval(Pxd_parser state) {
// find next token: EX: sec, hour, day, fortnight, month, etc.
Pxd_itm itm = Pxd_itm_.Find_fwd_by_tid(state.Tkns(), this.Ary_idx() + 1, Pxd_itm_.Tid_unit);
if (itm == null) state.Err_set(Pft_func_time_log.Invalid_date, Bfr_arg_.New_int(adj));
// cast to unit; may fail; EX:update in "last update" as per "March 2006 [last update]";PAGE:s.w:Synesthesia;DATE:2016-07-06
Pxd_itm_unit unit_tkn = (Pxd_itm_unit)itm;
if (unit_tkn == null) {state.Err_set(Pft_func_time_log.Invalid_date, Bfr_arg_.New_int(adj)); return false;} // PAGE:s.w:Synesthesia EX:"March 2006 [last update]"; DATE:2016-07-06
if (unit_tkn == null) {state.Err_set(Pft_func_time_log.Invalid_date, Bfr_arg_.New_int(adj)); return false;}
return true;
@Override public boolean Time_ini(DateAdpBldr bldr) {return true;}
public static final Pxd_itm_unit_relative
Next = new Pxd_itm_unit_relative(1)
, Prev = new Pxd_itm_unit_relative(-1)
, This = new Pxd_itm_unit_relative(0)
Next = new Pxd_itm_unit_relative( 1, 0)
, Prev = new Pxd_itm_unit_relative(-1, 0)
, This = new Pxd_itm_unit_relative( 0, 0)
Pxd_itm_unit_relative(int adj) {this.adj = adj;} private int adj;
class Pxd_itm_unixtime extends Pxd_itm_base implements Pxd_itm_prototype {
private long unixtime;

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ package gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.times; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import g
import gplx.core.brys.*; import gplx.core.brys.fmtrs.*; import gplx.core.btries.*; import gplx.core.log_msgs.*;
class Pxd_parser {
private final Btrie_rv trv = new Btrie_rv();
byte[] src; int cur_pos, tkn_bgn_pos, src_len, tkn_type;
private byte[] src; int cur_pos, tkn_bgn_pos, src_len, tkn_type;
public Pxd_itm[] Tkns() {return tkns;} Pxd_itm[] tkns;
public int Tkns_len() {return tkns_len;} private int tkns_len;
public Pxd_itm[] Data_ary() {return data_ary;} Pxd_itm[] data_ary;

@ -16,9 +16,16 @@ Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.times; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.*;
import org.junit.*;
public class Pxd_parser_tst {
Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr_.New_w_size(16); Pxd_parser parser = new Pxd_parser();
@Before public void init() {Datetime_now.Manual_y_(); Datetime_now.Manual_(test_date);} DateAdp test_date = DateAdp_.parse_fmt("2012-02-27", "yyyy-MM-dd");
@After public void teardown() {Datetime_now.Manual_n_();}
private final Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr_.New_w_size(16);
private final Pxd_parser parser = new Pxd_parser();
private final DateAdp test_date = DateAdp_.parse_fmt("2012-02-27", "yyyy-MM-dd");
@Before public void init() {
@After public void teardown() {
@Test public void Month_name_0__day__year() {tst_date_("Mar 2 2001" , "2001-03-02");} // y:Mar-02-2001;Mar.02.2001;Mar 02, 2001 n:Mar/02/2001;Feb,05,2011
@Test public void Month_name_0__day__year__bad_day() {tst_date_("Mar 32 2001" , "Invalid day: 32");}
@Test public void Month_name_0__day__year__bad_year() {tst_date_("Mar 3 999" , "0999-03-03");}
@ -52,7 +59,9 @@ public class Pxd_parser_tst {
@Test public void Unit_day_pos() {tst_date_("+ 3 days" , "2012-03-01");}
@Test public void Unit_day_neg() {tst_date_("- 3 days" , "2012-02-24");}
@Test public void Unit_day_neg_w_day() {tst_date_("30 May 2012 -1 days" , "2012-05-29");} // PAGE:en.w:Main Page
@Test public void Unit_week() {tst_date_("- 1 week" , "2012-02-26");} // PURPOSE.FIX: "week" was not being handled; error on main Page;
@Test public void Unit_day_neg_w_month() {tst_date_("02-12-2001 -1 month" , "2001-11-02");} // PAGE:en.w:Portal:Current_events/December_2001; DATE:2017-11-26
@Test public void Unit_day_neg_w_month_wrap() {tst_date_("02-01-2000 -1 month" , "1999-12-02");} // PAGE:en.w:Portal:Current_events/December_2001; DATE:2017-11-26
@Test public void Unit_week() {tst_date_("- 1 week" , "2012-02-26");} // PURPOSE.FIX: "week" was not being handled; error on main Page;
@Test public void Time_len_6() {tst_time_("041526" , "04:15:26.000");}
@Test public void Time_len_12() {tst_both_("201601020304" , "2016-01-02 03:04:00.000");} // PURPOSE: handle 12 digit datetime; PAGE:en.w:Boron; DATE:2015-07-29
@Test public void Err_one_num() {tst_time_("2" , "Invalid year: 2");} // occurs on some templates; PAGE:en.w:Voyager 1 and {{date}}

@ -14,13 +14,19 @@ GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*;
import gplx.langs.jsons.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.parsers.*;
import gplx.langs.jsons.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.parsers.*; import*;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.procs.*;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.includes.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.dataAccess.scribunto.*;
public class Scrib_lib_wikibase implements Scrib_lib {
private Wbase_entity_accessor entity_accessor;
public Scrib_lib_wikibase(Scrib_core core) {this.core = core;} private Scrib_core core;
public Scrib_lua_mod Mod() {return mod;} private Scrib_lua_mod mod;
public Scrib_lib Init() {procs.Init_by_lib(this, Proc_names); return this;}
public Scrib_lib Init() {
procs.Init_by_lib(this, Proc_names);
this.entity_accessor = new Wbase_entity_accessor(core.App().Wiki_mgr().Wdata_mgr().Doc_mgr);
return this;
public Scrib_lib Clone_lib(Scrib_core core) {return new Scrib_lib_wikibase(core);}
public Scrib_lua_mod Register(Scrib_core core, Io_url script_dir) {
@ -32,10 +38,13 @@ public class Scrib_lib_wikibase implements Scrib_lib {
public boolean Procs_exec(int key, Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {
switch (key) {
case Proc_getLabel: return GetLabel(args, rslt);
// getLabelByLanguage
case Proc_getEntity: return GetEntity(args, rslt);
case Proc_getEntityStatements: return GetEntityStatements(args, rslt);
case Proc_getSetting: return GetSetting(args, rslt);
case Proc_getEntityUrl: return GetEntityUrl(args, rslt);
case Proc_renderSnak: return RenderSnak(args, rslt);
// formatValue
case Proc_renderSnaks: return RenderSnaks(args, rslt);
case Proc_getEntityId: return GetEntityId(args, rslt);
case Proc_getUserLang: return GetUserLang(args, rslt);
@ -49,16 +58,20 @@ public class Scrib_lib_wikibase implements Scrib_lib {
private static final int
Proc_getLabel = 0, Proc_getEntity = 1, Proc_getSetting = 2, Proc_getEntityUrl = 3, Proc_renderSnak = 4, Proc_renderSnaks = 5, Proc_getEntityId = 6, Proc_getUserLang = 7
, Proc_getDescription = 8, Proc_resolvePropertyId = 9, Proc_getSiteLinkPageName = 10, Proc_incrementExpensiveFunctionCount = 11, Proc_getPropertyOrder = 12, Proc_orderProperties = 13;
public static final String Invk_getLabel = "getLabel", Invk_getEntity = "getEntity", Invk_getSetting = "getSetting", Invk_getEntityUrl = "getEntityUrl"
, Invk_renderSnak = "renderSnak", Invk_renderSnaks = "renderSnaks", Invk_getEntityId = "getEntityId", Invk_getUserLang = "getUserLang"
, Invk_getDescription = "getDescription", Invk_resolvePropertyId = "resolvePropertyId", Invk_getSiteLinkPageName = "getSiteLinkPageName", Invk_incrementExpensiveFunctionCount = "incrementExpensiveFunctionCount"
, Invk_getPropertyOrder = "getPropertyOrder", Invk_orderProperties = "orderProperties"
Proc_getLabel = 0 //, Proc_getLabelByLanguage = 1
, Proc_getEntity = 2, Proc_getEntityStatements = 3, Proc_getSetting = 4, Proc_getEntityUrl = 5, Proc_renderSnak = 6//, Proc_formatValue = 7
, Proc_renderSnaks = 8, Proc_getEntityId = 9, Proc_getUserLang = 10, Proc_getDescription = 11, Proc_resolvePropertyId = 12
, Proc_getSiteLinkPageName = 13, Proc_incrementExpensiveFunctionCount = 14, Proc_getPropertyOrder = 15, Proc_orderProperties = 16;
public static final String
Invk_getLabel = "getLabel", Invk_getLabelByLanguage = "getLabelByLanguage", Invk_getEntity = "getEntity", Invk_getEntityStatements = "getEntityStatements"
, Invk_getSetting = "getSetting", Invk_getEntityUrl = "getEntityUrl", Invk_renderSnak = "renderSnak", Invk_formatValue = "formatValue", Invk_renderSnaks = "renderSnaks"
, Invk_getEntityId = "getEntityId", Invk_getUserLang = "getUserLang", Invk_getDescription = "getDescription", Invk_resolvePropertyId = "resolvePropertyId"
, Invk_getSiteLinkPageName = "getSiteLinkPageName", Invk_incrementExpensiveFunctionCount = "incrementExpensiveFunctionCount", Invk_getPropertyOrder = "getPropertyOrder", Invk_orderProperties = "orderProperties"
private static final String[] Proc_names = String_.Ary
( Invk_getLabel, Invk_getEntity, Invk_getSetting, Invk_getEntityUrl, Invk_renderSnak, Invk_renderSnaks, Invk_getEntityId, Invk_getUserLang
, Invk_getDescription, Invk_resolvePropertyId, Invk_getSiteLinkPageName, Invk_incrementExpensiveFunctionCount, Invk_getPropertyOrder, Invk_orderProperties
( Invk_getLabel, Invk_getLabelByLanguage, Invk_getEntity, Invk_getEntityStatements, Invk_getSetting, Invk_getEntityUrl, Invk_renderSnak, Invk_formatValue, Invk_renderSnaks
, Invk_getEntityId, Invk_getUserLang, Invk_getDescription, Invk_resolvePropertyId, Invk_getSiteLinkPageName, Invk_incrementExpensiveFunctionCount
, Invk_getPropertyOrder, Invk_orderProperties
public void Notify_page_changed() {if (notify_page_changed_fnc != null) core.Interpreter().CallFunction(notify_page_changed_fnc.Id(), Keyval_.Ary_empty);}
public boolean GetLabel(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {
@ -70,7 +83,11 @@ public class Scrib_lib_wikibase implements Scrib_lib {
Wbase_prop_mgr prop_mgr = core.Wiki().Appe().Wiki_mgr().Wdata_mgr().Prop_mgr();
return rslt.Init_obj(Scrib_lib_wikibase_srl.Srl(prop_mgr, wdoc, true, false)); // "false": wbase now always uses v2; PAGE:ja.w:東京競馬場; DATE:2015-07-28
public boolean GetEntityUrl(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {throw Err_.new_("wbase", "getEntityUrl not implemented", "url", core.Page().Url().To_str());}
public boolean GetEntityUrl(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {
byte[] entityId = args.Pull_bry(0);
byte[] entity_url = Wbase_client.getDefaultInstance().RepoLinker().getEntityUrl(entityId);
return rslt.Init_obj(entity_url);
public boolean GetSetting(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {throw Err_.new_("wbase", "getSetting not implemented", "url", core.Page().Url().To_str());}
public boolean RenderSnak(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {
Xowe_wiki wiki = core.Wiki();
@ -109,7 +126,51 @@ public class Scrib_lib_wikibase implements Scrib_lib {
public boolean GetGlobalSiteId(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {
return rslt.Init_obj(core.Wiki().Domain_abrv()); // ;siteGlobalID: This site's global ID (e.g. <code>'itwiki'</code>), as used in the sites table. Default: <code>$wgDBname</code>.; REF:/xtns/Wikibase/docs/
private static Wdata_doc Get_wdoc_or_null(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_core core) {
public boolean GetEntityStatements(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {
byte[] prefixedEntityId = args.Pull_bry(0);
byte[] propertyId = args.Pull_bry(1);
byte[] rank = args.Pull_bry(2);
Wbase_prop_mgr prop_mgr = core.Wiki().Appe().Wiki_mgr().Wdata_mgr().Prop_mgr();
Wbase_claim_base[] statements = this.entity_accessor.getEntityStatements(prefixedEntityId, propertyId, rank);
if (statements == null)
return rslt.Init_null();
return rslt.Init_obj(Scrib_lib_wikibase_srl.Srl_claims_prop_ary(prop_mgr, String_.new_u8(propertyId), statements, 1));
public function formatValues( $snaksSerialization ) {
$this->checkType( 'formatValues', 1, $snaksSerialization, 'table' );
try {
$ret = [ $this->getSnakSerializationRenderer( 'rich-wikitext' )->renderSnaks( $snaksSerialization ) ];
return $ret;
} catch ( DeserializationException $e ) {
throw new ScribuntoException( 'wikibase-error-deserialize-error' );
public function getLabelByLanguage( $prefixedEntityId, $languageCode ) {
$this->checkType( 'getLabelByLanguage', 1, $prefixedEntityId, 'String' );
$this->checkType( 'getLabelByLanguage', 2, $languageCode, 'String' );
return [ $this->getLanguageIndependentLuaBindings()->getLabelByLanguage( $prefixedEntityId, $languageCode ) ];
private function getLanguageIndependentLuaBindings() {
if ( $this->languageIndependentLuaBindings === null ) {
$this->languageIndependentLuaBindings = $this->newLanguageIndependentLuaBindings();
return $this->languageIndependentLuaBindings;
private function newLanguageIndependentLuaBindings() {
$wikibaseClient = WikibaseClient::getDefaultInstance();
return new WikibaseLanguageIndependentLuaBindings(
$wikibaseClient->getSettings()->getSetting( 'siteGlobalID' )
} */
private static Wdata_doc Get_wdoc_or_null(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_core core) {
// get qid / pid from scrib_arg[0]; if none, return null;
byte[] xid_bry = args.Pull_bry(0); if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(xid_bry)) return null; // NOTE: some Modules do not pass in an argument; return early, else spurious warning "invalid qid for ttl" (since ttl is blank); EX:w:Module:Authority_control; DATE:2013-10-27

@ -118,6 +118,16 @@ class Scrib_lib_wikibase_srl {
return rv;
public static Keyval[] Srl_claims_prop_ary(Wbase_prop_mgr prop_mgr, String pid, Wbase_claim_base[] itms, int base_adj) {
Scrib_lib_wikibase_srl_visitor visitor = new Scrib_lib_wikibase_srl_visitor();
int len = itms.length;
Keyval[] rv = new Keyval[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Wbase_claim_base itm = itms[i];
rv[i] = Keyval_.int_(i + base_adj, Srl_claims_prop_itm(prop_mgr, visitor, pid, itm, base_adj)); // NOTE: must be super 0 or super 1; DATE:2014-05-09
return rv;
private static Keyval[] Srl_claims_prop_itm(Wbase_prop_mgr prop_mgr, Scrib_lib_wikibase_srl_visitor visitor, String pid, Wbase_claim_base itm, int base_adj) {
List_adp list = List_adp_.New();
list.Add(Keyval_.new_("id", pid));

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.core.*; import*; import*;
public class Scrib_lib_wikibase_tst {
private final Scrib_invoke_func_fxt fxt = new Scrib_invoke_func_fxt(); private Scrib_lib lib;
private final Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt = new Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt();
@ -120,6 +121,30 @@ public class Scrib_lib_wikibase_tst {
Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "en", "abc_en"));
fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "abc_en");
@Test public void GetEntityStatements__best() {
// wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Q2").Add_claims(wdata_fxt.Make_claim_string(3, "P3_val")).Xto_wdoc());
( wdata_fxt.Make_claim_string(3, "P3_val").Rank_tid_(Wbase_claim_rank_.Tid__preferred)
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityStatements, Object_.Ary("q2", "P3", "best"), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
( "1="
, " 1="
, " id=P3"
, " mainsnak="
, " datavalue="
, " type=string"
, " value=P3_val"
, " property=P3"
, " snaktype=value"
, " datatype=string"
, " rank=preferred"
, " type=statement"
@Test public void GetEntityUrl() {
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityUrl, Object_.Ary("Q2" ), "");
class Wbase_snak_utl_ {
public static Keyval[] Get_snaks_ary(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, Wbase_claim_base... ary) {

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class Wbase_doc_mgr {
private static final byte[] Bry__redirect = Bry_.new_a7("redirect");
private static byte[] Prepend_property_if_needed(byte[] bry) {
public static byte[] Prepend_property_if_needed(byte[] bry) {
int len = bry == null ? 0 : bry.length;
return len > 1
&& Byte_ascii.Case_lower(bry[0]) == Byte_ascii.Ltr_p

@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public class Wdata_prop_val_visitor_ {
Wdata_prop_val_visitor.Write_langtext(bfr, text);
private static int To_pid_int(byte[] pid) {return Bry_.To_int_or(pid, 1, pid.length, -1);} // skip "P" at bgn; EX: "p123" -> 123
public static int To_pid_int(byte[] pid) {return Bry_.To_int_or(pid, 1, pid.length, -1);} // skip "P" at bgn; EX: "p123" -> 123
private static byte[] To_bry_by_str(Object o) {
String rv = String_.cast(o);
return rv == null ? null : Bry_.new_u8(rv);

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public abstract class Wbase_claim_base implements CompareAble {
public abstract byte Val_tid();
public abstract void Welcome(Wbase_claim_visitor visitor);
public void Rank_tid_(byte v) {this.rank_tid = v;}
public Wbase_claim_base Rank_tid_(byte v) {this.rank_tid = v; return this;}
public void Wguid_(byte[] v) {this.wguid = v;}
public Wbase_claim_base Qualifiers_(Wbase_claim_grp_list v) {qualifiers = v; return this;}
public void Qualifiers_order_(int[] v) {qualifiers_order = v;}

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.dataAccess.scribunto; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.dataAccess.*;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.*; import*; import*; import*;
public class Wbase_entity_accessor {
private final Wbase_doc_mgr entity_mgr;
public Wbase_entity_accessor(Wbase_doc_mgr entity_mgr) {
this.entity_mgr = entity_mgr;
public Wbase_claim_base[] getEntityStatements(byte[] prefixedEntityId, byte[] propertyIdSerialization, byte[] rank) {
prefixedEntityId = Bry_.Trim(prefixedEntityId);
// entityId = $this->entityIdParser->parse( $prefixedEntityId );
int propertyId = Wdata_prop_val_visitor_.To_pid_int(propertyIdSerialization);
// $this->usageAccumulator->addStatementUsage( $entityId, $propertyId );
// $this->usageAccumulator->addOtherUsage( $entityId );
// for some reason, prefixedEntityId can be ""; PAGE:en.w:Nature_and_Art DATE:2017-11-28
if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(prefixedEntityId))
return null;
Wdata_doc entity = null;
try {
entity = entity_mgr.Get_by_xid_or_null(prefixedEntityId);
} catch (Exception ex) { // RevisionedUnresolvedRedirectException ex
// We probably hit a double redirect
Gfo_usr_dlg_.Instance.Log_many("", "", "Encountered a UnresolvedRedirectException when trying to load {0}; exc={1}", prefixedEntityId, Err_.Message_lang(ex));
return null;
int selected_rank = ID_NULL;
if (Bry_.Eq(rank, RANK_BEST)) {
selected_rank = ID_BEST;
else if (Bry_.Eq(rank, RANK_ALL)) {
selected_rank = ID_ALL;
else {
throw Err_.new_wo_type("rank must be 'best' or 'all', " + String_.new_u8(rank) + " given");
List_adp rv = List_adp_.New();
Wbase_claim_grp statements = entity.Claim_list_get(propertyId);
if (statements == null)
return null;
int statements_len = statements.Len();
for (int i = 0; i < statements_len; i++) {
Wbase_claim_base statement = statements.Get_at(0);
if ( selected_rank == ID_ALL
|| (selected_rank == ID_BEST && statement.Rank_tid() == Wbase_claim_rank_.Tid__preferred)
) {
// $serialization = $this->newClientStatementListSerializer()->serialize( $statements );
// $this->renumber( $serialization );
// return $serialization;
return (Wbase_claim_base[])rv.To_ary(Wbase_claim_base.class);
private static final int ID_NULL = 0, ID_BEST = 1, ID_ALL = 2;
private static final byte[]
RANK_BEST = Bry_.new_a7("best")
, RANK_ALL = Bry_.new_a7("all");

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.includes; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.*;
import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.*;
public class Wbase_client {
private Wbase_repo_linker repoLinker;
public Wbase_client(Wbase_settings settings) {
this.repoLinker = new Wbase_repo_linker
( settings.getSetting(Wbase_settings.Setting_repoUrl)
, settings.getSetting(Wbase_settings.Setting_repoArticlePath)
, settings.getSetting(Wbase_settings.Setting_repoScriptPath)
public Wbase_repo_linker RepoLinker() {return repoLinker;}
private static Wbase_client defaultInstance;
public static Wbase_client getDefaultInstance() {
if (defaultInstance == null) {
defaultInstance = new Wbase_client(Wbase_settings.New_dflt());
return defaultInstance;

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.includes; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.*;
import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.*;
public class Wbase_repo_linker {
private byte[] baseUrl;
private byte[] articlePath;
// private byte[] scriptPath;
public Wbase_repo_linker(byte[] baseUrl, byte[] articlePath, byte[] scriptPath) {
this.baseUrl = Bry_.Trim(baseUrl, 0, baseUrl.length, false, true, Bry_.mask_(256, Byte_ascii.Slash_bry)); // getBaseUrl
this.articlePath = articlePath;
// this.scriptPath = scriptPath;
public byte[] getPageUrl(byte[] page) {
byte[] encodedPage = this.encodePage(page);
return Bry_.Add(this.getBaseUrl(), XophpString.str_replace(Format_Arg1, encodedPage, this.articlePath));
private byte[] encodePage(byte[] page) {
return gplx.langs.htmls.encoders.Gfo_url_encoder_.Mw_wfUrlencode.Encode(Bry_.Replace(page, Byte_ascii.Space, Byte_ascii.Underline));
// /**
// * Format a link, with url encoding
// *
// * @param String $url
// * @param String $text
// * @param array $attribs
// *
// * @return String (html)
// */
// public function formatLink( $url, $text, array $attribs = [] ) {
// $attribs['class'] = isset( $attribs['class'] )
// ? 'extiw ' . $attribs['class']
// : 'extiw';
// $attribs['href'] = $url;
// return Html::element( 'a', $attribs, $text );
// }
// /**
// * Constructs an html link to an entity
// *
// * @param EntityId $entityId
// * @param array $classes
// * @param String $text Defaults to the entity id serialization.
// *
// * @return String (html)
// */
// public function buildEntityLink( EntityId $entityId, array $classes = [], $text = null ) {
// if ( $text === null ) {
// $text = $entityId->getSerialization();
// }
// $class = 'wb-entity-link';
// if ( $classes !== [] ) {
// $class .= ' ' . implode( ' ', $classes );
// }
// return $this->formatLink(
// $this->getEntityUrl( $entityId ),
// $text,
// [ 'class' => $class ]
// );
// }
public byte[] getEntityTitle(byte[] entityId ) {
byte[] title = entityId; // title = entityId.getSerialization();
return Bry_.Add(Special_EntityPage, title);
* Constructs a link to an entity
public byte[] getEntityUrl(byte[] entityId) {
byte[] title = this.getEntityTitle(entityId);
return this.getPageUrl(title);
* @return String
public byte[] getBaseUrl() {
// return rtrim( $this->baseUrl, '/' );
return this.baseUrl;
// /**
// * @return String
// */
// public function getApiUrl() {
// return $this->getBaseUrl() . $this->scriptPath . '/api.php';
// }
// /**
// * @return String
// */
// public function getIndexUrl() {
// return $this->getBaseUrl() . $this->scriptPath . '/index.php';
// }
// /**
// * @param String $url
// * @param array $params
// *
// * @return String
// */
// public function addQueryParams( $url, array $params ) {
// return wfAppendQuery( $url, wfArrayToCgi( $params ) );
// }
private static final byte[]
Format_Arg1 = Bry_.new_a7("$1")
, Special_EntityPage = Bry_.new_a7("Special:EntityPage/");

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.includes; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.client.*;
public class Wbase_settings {
private static final Hash_adp_bry hash = Hash_adp_bry.cs();
public byte[] getSetting(String key) {return getSetting(Bry_.new_u8(key));}
public byte[] getSetting(byte[] key) {
return (byte[])hash.Get_by_bry(key);
public void setSetting(String key, String val) {setSetting(Bry_.new_u8(key), Bry_.new_u8(val));}
public void setSetting(byte[] key, byte[] val) {
hash.Add(key, val);
public static Wbase_settings New_dflt() {
return New
( "" // NOTE: should be "//", but "//" will open page in browser, not XOWA
, "/wiki/$1"
, "/w"
public static Wbase_settings New(String repoUrl, String repoArticlePath, String repoScriptPath) {
Wbase_settings rv = new Wbase_settings();
rv.setSetting(Setting_repoUrl, repoUrl);
rv.setSetting(Setting_repoArticlePath, repoArticlePath);
rv.setSetting(Setting_repoScriptPath, repoScriptPath);
return rv;
public static final String
Setting_repoUrl = "repoUrl"
, Setting_repoArticlePath = "repoArticlePath"
, Setting_repoScriptPath = "repoScriptPath"

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.repo.includes.specials; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.repo.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.mediawiki.repo.includes.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.*; import*;
public class Wbase_entityPage implements Xow_special_page {
public void Special__gen(Xow_wiki wiki, Xoa_page page, Xoa_url url, Xoa_ttl ttl) {
if (url.Segs_ary().length != 4) { // EX:
throw Err_.new_wo_type("entityPage url must have format of 'domain/wiki/Special:EntityPage/entityId'", "url", url.To_bry(true, true));
byte[] entityId = url.Segs_ary()[3];
byte[] pageId = Wbase_doc_mgr.Prepend_property_if_needed(entityId);
Xowe_wiki wikie = (Xowe_wiki)wiki;
wikie.Data_mgr().Redirect((Xoae_page)page, pageId);
Wbase_entityPage(Xow_special_meta special__meta) {this.special__meta = special__meta;}
public Xow_special_meta Special__meta() {return special__meta;} private final Xow_special_meta special__meta;
public Xow_special_page Special__clone() {return this;}
public static final String SPECIAL_KEY = "EntityPage";
public static final Xow_special_page Prototype = new Wbase_entityPage(Xow_special_meta.New_xo(SPECIAL_KEY, "Entity Page"));