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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
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package gplx;
import gplx.core.primitives.*;
import gplx.core.intls.*;
public class Hash_adp_bry extends gplx.core.lists.Hash_adp_base implements Hash_adp {
private final Hash_adp_bry_itm_base proto, key_ref;
Hash_adp_bry(Hash_adp_bry_itm_base proto) {
this.proto = proto;
this.key_ref = proto.New();
@Override protected Object Fetch_base(Object key) {synchronized (key_ref) {return super.Fetch_base(key_ref.Init((byte[])key));}} // TS: DATE:2016-07-06
@Override protected void Del_base(Object key) {synchronized (key_ref) {super.Del_base(key_ref.Init((byte[])key));}}// TS: DATE:2016-07-06
@Override protected boolean Has_base(Object key) {synchronized (key_ref) {return super.Has_base(key_ref.Init((byte[])key));}}// TS: DATE:2016-07-06
public int Get_as_int(byte[] key) {return Get_as_int(key, 0, key.length);}
public int Get_as_int(byte[] key, int bgn, int end) {
int rv = Get_as_int_or(key, bgn, end, Int_.Min_value); if (rv == Int_.Min_value) throw Err_.new_("core", "unknown key", "key", key);
return rv;
public int Get_as_int_or(byte[] key, int or) {return Get_as_int_or(key, 0, key.length, or);}
public int Get_as_int_or(byte[] key, int bgn, int end, int or) {
Object o = Get_by_mid(key, bgn, end);
return (o == null) ? or : ((Int_obj_val)o).Val();
public byte Get_as_byte_or(byte[] key, byte or) {return Get_as_byte_or(key, 0, key.length, or);}
public byte Get_as_byte_or(byte[] key, int bgn, int end, byte or) {
Object o = Get_by_mid(key, bgn, end);
return o == null ? or : ((Byte_obj_val)o).Val();
public Object Get_by_bry(byte[] src) {synchronized (key_ref) {return super.Fetch_base(key_ref.Init(src));}} // TS: DATE:2016-07-06
public Object Get_by_mid(byte[] src, int bgn, int end) {synchronized (key_ref) {return super.Fetch_base(key_ref.Init(src, bgn, end));}}// TS: DATE:2016-07-06
public Hash_adp_bry Add_byte_int(byte key, int val) {this.Add_base(new byte[]{key}, new Int_obj_val(val)); return this;}
public Hash_adp_bry Add_bry_byte(byte[] key, byte val) {this.Add_base(key, Byte_obj_val.new_(val)); return this;}
public Hash_adp_bry Add_bry_int(byte[] key, int val) {this.Add_base(key, new Int_obj_val(val)); return this;}
public Hash_adp_bry Add_bry_bry(byte[] key) {this.Add_base(key, key); return this;}
public Hash_adp_bry Add_str_byte(String key, byte val) {this.Add_base(Bry_.new_u8(key), Byte_obj_val.new_(val)); return this;}
public Hash_adp_bry Add_str_int(String key, int val) {this.Add_base(Bry_.new_u8(key), new Int_obj_val(val)); return this;}
public Hash_adp_bry Add_str_obj(String key, Object val) {this.Add_base(Bry_.new_u8(key), val); return this;}
public Hash_adp_bry Add_bry_obj(byte[] key, Object val) {this.Add_base(key, val); return this;}
public Hash_adp_bry Add_many_str(String... ary) {
int ary_len = ary.length;
for (int i = 0; i < ary_len; i++) {
String itm = ary[i];
byte[] bry = Bry_.new_u8(itm);
return this;
public Hash_adp_bry Add_many_bry(byte[]... ary) {
int ary_len = ary.length;
for (int i = 0; i < ary_len; i++)
return this;
@Override protected void Add_base(Object key, Object val) {
byte[] key_bry = (byte[])key;
Hash_adp_bry_itm_base key_itm = proto.New();
key_itm.Init(key_bry, 0, key_bry.length);
super.Add_base(key_itm, val);
public static Hash_adp_bry cs() {return new Hash_adp_bry(Hash_adp_bry_itm_cs.Instance);}
public static Hash_adp_bry ci_a7() {return new Hash_adp_bry(Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_a7.Instance);}
public static Hash_adp_bry ci_u8(Gfo_case_mgr case_mgr) {return new Hash_adp_bry(Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8.get_or_new(case_mgr));}
public static Hash_adp_bry c__u8(boolean case_match, Gfo_case_mgr case_mgr) {return case_match ? cs() : ci_u8(case_mgr);}
abstract class Hash_adp_bry_itm_base {
public abstract Hash_adp_bry_itm_base New();
public Hash_adp_bry_itm_base Init(byte[] src) {return this.Init(src, 0, src.length);}
public abstract Hash_adp_bry_itm_base Init(byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end);
class Hash_adp_bry_itm_cs extends Hash_adp_bry_itm_base {
private byte[] src; int src_bgn, src_end;
@Override public Hash_adp_bry_itm_base New() {return new Hash_adp_bry_itm_cs();}
@Override public Hash_adp_bry_itm_base Init(byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end) {this.src = src; this.src_bgn = src_bgn; this.src_end = src_end; return this;}
@Override public int hashCode() {
int rv = 0;
for (int i = src_bgn; i < src_end; i++) {
int b_int = src[i] & 0xFF; // JAVA: patch
rv = (31 * rv) + b_int;
return rv;
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return false;
Hash_adp_bry_itm_cs comp = (Hash_adp_bry_itm_cs)obj;
byte[] comp_src = comp.src; int comp_bgn = comp.src_bgn, comp_end = comp.src_end;
int comp_len = comp_end - comp_bgn, src_len = src_end - src_bgn;
if (comp_len != src_len) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < comp_len; i++) {
int src_pos = src_bgn + i;
if (src_pos >= src_end) return false; // ran out of src; exit; EX: src=ab; find=abc
if (src[src_pos] != comp_src[i + comp_bgn]) return false;
return true;
public static final Hash_adp_bry_itm_cs Instance = new Hash_adp_bry_itm_cs(); Hash_adp_bry_itm_cs() {}
class Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_a7 extends Hash_adp_bry_itm_base {
private byte[] src; int src_bgn, src_end;
@Override public Hash_adp_bry_itm_base New() {return new Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_a7();}
@Override public Hash_adp_bry_itm_base Init(byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end) {this.src = src; this.src_bgn = src_bgn; this.src_end = src_end; return this;}
@Override public int hashCode() {
int rv = 0;
for (int i = src_bgn; i < src_end; i++) {
int b_int = src[i] & 0xFF; // JAVA: patch
if (b_int > 64 && b_int < 91) // 64=before A; 91=after Z; NOTE: lowering upper-case on PERF assumption that there will be more lower-case letters than upper-case
b_int += 32;
rv = (31 * rv) + b_int;
return rv;
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return false;
Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_a7 comp = (Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_a7)obj;
byte[] comp_src = comp.src; int comp_bgn = comp.src_bgn, comp_end = comp.src_end;
int comp_len = comp_end - comp_bgn, src_len = src_end - src_bgn;
if (comp_len != src_len) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < comp_len; i++) {
int src_pos = src_bgn + i;
if (src_pos >= src_end) return false; // ran out of src; exit; EX: src=ab; find=abc
byte src_byte = src[src_pos];
if (src_byte > 64 && src_byte < 91) src_byte += 32;
byte comp_byte = comp_src[i + comp_bgn];
if (comp_byte > 64 && comp_byte < 91) comp_byte += 32;
if (src_byte != comp_byte) return false;
return true;
public static final Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_a7 Instance = new Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_a7(); Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_a7() {}
class Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8 extends Hash_adp_bry_itm_base {
private final Gfo_case_mgr case_mgr;
Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8(Gfo_case_mgr case_mgr) {this.case_mgr = case_mgr;}
private byte[] src; int src_bgn, src_end;
@Override public Hash_adp_bry_itm_base New() {return new Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8(case_mgr);}
@Override public Hash_adp_bry_itm_base Init(byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end) {this.src = src; this.src_bgn = src_bgn; this.src_end = src_end; return this;}
@Override public int hashCode() {
int rv = 0;
for (int i = src_bgn; i < src_end; i++) {
byte b = src[i];
int b_int = b & 0xFF; // JAVA: patch
Gfo_case_itm itm = case_mgr.Get_or_null(b, src, i, src_end);
if (itm == null) { // unknown itm; byte is a number, symbol, or unknown; just use the existing byte
else { // known itm; use its hash_code
b_int = itm.Hashcode_lo();
int b_len = Utf8_.Len_of_char_by_1st_byte(b); // NOTE: must calc b_len for langs with asymmetric upper / lower; PAGE:tr.w:Zvishavane DATE:2015-09-07
i += b_len - 1;
rv = (31 * rv) + b_int;
return rv;
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return false;
Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8 trg_itm = (Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8)obj;
byte[] trg = trg_itm.src; int trg_bgn = trg_itm.src_bgn, trg_end = trg_itm.src_end;
int src_c_bgn = src_bgn;
int trg_c_bgn = trg_bgn;
while ( src_c_bgn < src_end
&& trg_c_bgn < trg_end) { // exit once one goes out of bounds
byte src_c = src[src_c_bgn];
byte trg_c = trg[trg_c_bgn];
int src_c_len = Utf8_.Len_of_char_by_1st_byte(src_c);
int trg_c_len = Utf8_.Len_of_char_by_1st_byte(trg_c);
int src_c_end = src_c_bgn + src_c_len;
int trg_c_end = trg_c_bgn + trg_c_len;
Gfo_case_itm src_c_itm = case_mgr.Get_or_null(src_c, src, src_c_bgn, src_c_end);
Gfo_case_itm trg_c_itm = case_mgr.Get_or_null(trg_c, trg, trg_c_bgn, trg_c_end);
if (src_c_itm != null && trg_c_itm == null) return false; // src == ltr; trg != ltr; EX: a, 1
else if (src_c_itm == null && trg_c_itm != null) return false; // src != ltr; trg == ltr; EX: 1, a
else if (src_c_itm == null && trg_c_itm == null) { // src != ltr; trg != ltr; EX: 1, 2; _, Ⓐ
if (!Bry_.Match(src, src_c_bgn, src_c_end, trg, trg_c_bgn, trg_c_end)) return false;// syms do not match; return false;
else {
if (src_c_itm.Utf8_id_lo() != trg_c_itm.Utf8_id_lo()) return false; // lower-case utf8-ids don't match; return false; NOTE: using utf8-ids instead of hash-code to handle asymmetric brys; DATE:2015-09-07
src_c_bgn = src_c_end;
trg_c_bgn = trg_c_end;
return src_c_bgn == src_end && trg_c_bgn == trg_end; // only return true if both src and trg read to end of their brys, otherwise "a","ab" will match
public static Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8 get_or_new(Gfo_case_mgr case_mgr) {
switch (case_mgr.Tid()) {
case Gfo_case_mgr_.Tid_a7: if (Itm_a7 == null) Itm_a7 = new Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8(case_mgr); return Itm_a7;
case Gfo_case_mgr_.Tid_u8: if (Itm_u8 == null) Itm_u8 = new Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8(case_mgr); return Itm_u8;
case Gfo_case_mgr_.Tid_custom: return new Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8(case_mgr);
default: throw Err_.new_unhandled(case_mgr.Tid());
private static Hash_adp_bry_itm_ci_u8 Itm_a7, Itm_u8;