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#include "webfuse_provider/mocks/mock_request.hpp"
#include "webfuse_provider/impl/json/doc.h"
#include "webfuse_provider/impl/message.h"
#include "webfuse_provider/impl/message_writer.h"
#include "webfuse_provider/status.h"
#include <cstdlib>
extern "C"
static void webfuse_test_MockRequest_respond(
struct wfp_message * response,
void * user_data)
auto * request = reinterpret_cast<webfuse_test::MockRequest*>(user_data);
int error_code = WFP_BAD;
int id = -1;
wfp_json_doc * doc = wfp_impl_json_doc_loadb(response->data, response->length);
if (NULL != doc)
wfp_json const * response = wfp_impl_json_doc_root(doc);
wfp_json const * result = wfp_impl_json_object_get(response, "result");
wfp_json const * id_holder = wfp_impl_json_object_get(response, "id");
if (wfp_impl_json_is_int(id_holder))
id = wfp_impl_json_int_get(id_holder);
if (!wfp_impl_json_is_null(result))
error_code = WFP_GOOD;
request->respond(result, id);
wfp_json const * error = wfp_impl_json_object_get(response, "error");
if (wfp_impl_json_is_object(error))
wfp_json const * error_code_holder = wfp_impl_json_object_get(response, "error");
if (wfp_impl_json_is_int(error_code_holder))
error_code = wfp_impl_json_int_get(error_code_holder);
if (WFP_GOOD != error_code)
request->respond_error(error_code, id);
namespace webfuse_test
struct wfp_request * MockRequest::create_request(int id)
auto * request = reinterpret_cast<wfp_request*>(malloc(sizeof(wfp_request)));
request->respond = &webfuse_test_MockRequest_respond;
request->user_data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(this);
request->id = id;
request->writer = wfp_impl_message_writer_create(id);
return request;