You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

32 lines
824 B

### Changelog
{{#unless options.hideCredit}}
Generated by [`auto-changelog`](
{{#each releases}}
{{#if href}}
###{{#unless major}}#{{/unless}} [{{title}}]({{href}})
#### {{title}}
{{#if tag}}
> {{niceDate}}
{{#if summary}}
{{#each merges}}
- {{#if commit.breaking}}**Breaking change:** {{/if}}{{message}}{{#if href}} [`#{{id}}`]({{href}}){{/if}}
{{#each fixes}}
- {{#if commit.breaking}}**Breaking change:** {{/if}}{{commit.subject}}{{#each fixes}}{{#if href}} [`#{{id}}`]({{href}}){{/if}}{{/each}}
{{#each commits}}
- {{#if breaking}}**Breaking change:** {{/if}}{{subject}}{{#if href}} [`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}){{/if}}