You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
2.4 KiB

if (typeof T === 'undefined') require('../setup');
T('toJSON', function () {
function t(n, expected) {
T.assertEqual(expected, new Decimal(n).toJSON());
toExpNeg: -9e15,
toExpPos: 9e15,
minE: -9e15,
maxE: 9e15
// Base 88
// 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!#$%()*+,-./:;=?@[]^_`{|}~
// 0 0 g 16 w 32 M 48 $ 64 ] 80
// 1 1 h 17 x 33 N 49 % 65 ^ 81
// 2 2 i 18 y 34 O 50 ( 66 _ 82
// 3 3 j 19 z 35 P 51 ) 67 ` 83
// 4 4 k 20 A 36 Q 52 * 68 { 84
// 5 5 l 21 B 37 R 53 + 69 | 85
// 6 6 m 22 C 38 S 54 , 70 } 86
// 7 7 n 23 D 39 T 55 - 71 ~ 87
// 8 8 o 24 E 40 U 56 . 72
// 9 9 p 25 F 41 V 57 / 73
// a 10 q 26 G 42 W 58 : 74
// b 11 r 27 H 43 X 59 ; 75
// c 12 s 28 I 44 Y 60 = 76
// d 13 t 29 J 45 Z 61 ? 77
// e 14 u 30 K 46 ! 62 @ 78
// f 15 v 31 L 47 # 63 [ 79
// 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDE [0, 40]
// FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!#$%()*+,-./:;=?@[]^ [-0, -40]
// _ 82 -Infinity
// ` 83 Infinity
// { 84 NaN
// | 85
// } 86
// ~ 87
t('-40', '^');
t('-1', 'G');
t('-0', 'F');
t('0', '0');
t('1', '1');
t('15', 'f');
t('40', 'E');
t('-Infinity', '_');
t('Infinity', '`');
t('NaN', '{');
t('-41', 'w0');
t('41', '00');
t('-2856', '#~');
t('2856', 'v~');
t('0.1', ',1');
t('0.01', '+1');
t('0.001', '*1');
t('0.0001', ')1');
t('1', '1');
t('10', 'a');
t('100', '0X');
t('1000', 'a[');
t('1.5', '-f');
t('123456789.87654321', '[3C7]NAda1');
t('1234567890000.0000000987654321', '1c7yH67}?[lk2mc:%');
t('-0.1', '_1');
t('-0.01', '^1');
t('-0.001', ']1');
t('-0.0001', 'N41');
t('-1', 'G');
t('-10', 'P');
t('-100', 'wX');
t('-1000', 'G[');
t('-1.5', '`f');
t('-123456789.87654321', 'x83C7]NAda1');
t('-1234567890000.0000000987654321', 'xc7yH67}?[lk2mc:%');
t('0.00000009876543212345678987654321', 'h8J+]nxS}gN-^oN');
t('-0.00000009876543212345678987654321', 'N8J+]nxS}gN-^oN');
t('1.00000009876543212345678987654321', '-7$yQ@UAPUk2SZ#XQh');