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import {allResourceActions, FieldType, Renderer, ResourceAction, ResourceConfiguration} from '../cobalt'
import {constructable, QueryRow} from '@extollo/lib'
import {HostGroups} from '../http/controllers/resource/HostGroups.controller'
const tapRef = <T>(op: ((t: T) => unknown)): ((opd: T) => T) => {
return (opd: T): T => {
return opd
export default {
resources: [
key: 'hostgroup',
primaryKey: 'id',
source: { controller: constructable(HostGroups) },
display: {
field: 'name',
singular: 'Host Group',
plural: 'Host Groups',
orderField: 'name',
orderDirection: 'asc',
supportedActions: allResourceActions,
fields: [
key: 'id',
display: 'Host Group ID',
type: FieldType.number,
readonly: true,
required: false,
key: 'name',
display: 'Name',
type: FieldType.text,
required: true,
key: 'hosts',
display: 'Physical Hosts',
required: true,
displayFrom: 'pveDisplay',
valueFrom: 'pveHost',
hideOn: {
listing: true,
source: {
method: constructable<HostGroups>(HostGroups)
.tap(c => c.getBoundMethod('getPVEHosts')),
key: 'node',
primaryKey: 'id',
source: {
collection: 'p5x_nodes',
display: {
field: 'hostname',
singular: 'Instance',
plural: 'Instances',
orderField: 'pve_id',
orderDirection: 'asc',
supportedActions: [, ResourceAction.readOne],
otherActions: [
slug: 'provision',
title: 'Provision',
color: 'success',
icon: 'fa-plus',
type: 'route',
route: '/dash/provision',
overall: true,
processAfterRead: tapRef((qr: QueryRow) => qr.ip_display = `<pre><code>${qr.assigned_ip}/${qr.assigned_subnet}</code></pre>`),
fields: [
key: 'id',
display: 'Instance ID',
type: FieldType.text,
key: 'pve_id',
display: 'Proxmox ID',
type: FieldType.text,
hideOn: {
listing: true,
key: 'hostname',
display: 'Hostname',
type: FieldType.text,
key: 'assigned_ip',
display: 'IP Address',
type: FieldType.text,
hideOn: {
listing: true,
key: 'ip_display',
display: 'IP Address',
type: FieldType.html,
renderer: Renderer.html,
queryable: false,
hideOn: {
form: true,
key: 'assigned_subnet',
display: 'Subnet',
type: FieldType.integer,
hideOn: {
listing: true,
key: 'is_permanent',
display: 'Permanent?',
type: FieldType.bool,
renderer: Renderer.bool,
hideOn: {
listing: true,
key: 'is_master',
display: 'Master node?',
type: FieldType.bool,
renderer: Renderer.bool,
hideOn: {
listing: true,
] as ResourceConfiguration[],