
158 lines
4.6 KiB

use std::time::Duration;
use proxmox_api::nodes::node::lxc::vmid::migrate;
use proxmox_api::nodes::node::tasks::upid;
use sea_orm::*;
use tokio::time::sleep;
use log::{info};
use crate::api::entity::{locks, nodes};
use crate::api::entity::nodes::{NodeParams, P5xError};
use crate::api::services::Services;
/** Register an existing LXC container with P5x. */
pub async fn register_node(
svc: &Services<'_>,
params: &NodeParams,
) -> Result<nodes::Model, P5xError> {
info!(target: "p5x", "Registering node {} ({})", params.hostname, params.pve_id);
// Check if the node is already registered
let existing = nodes::Entity::find()
if let Some(model) = existing {
return Ok(model);
// Insert the new node record
let model = nodes::ActiveModel {
hostname: Set(params.hostname.to_string()),
pve_id: Set(params.pve_id),
pve_host: Set(params.pve_host.to_string()),
assigned_ip: Set(params.assigned_ip.to_string()),
assigned_subnet: Set(params.assigned_subnet),
is_permanent: Set(params.is_permanent),
// Create the corresponding lock record
locks::ActiveModel {
lock_type: Set("nodes".to_string()),
lock_resource: Set(model.id.clone().unwrap().to_string()),
let node = model.try_into_model()
/** Unregister an existing LXC container from P5x. */
pub async fn unregister_node(
svc: &Services<'_>,
hostname: &str,
) -> Result<(), P5xError> {
// Look up the existing node
let node = nodes::Entity::find()
.ok_or(P5xError::BadPrecondition("Could not unregister node: unable to find node with that hostname"))?;
// Acquire the node lock
let lock = node.lock(svc, Some("Unregistering node from p5x"))
// Delete the node record first to avoid timing issues w/ locking
// Release the lock and delete it
/** Migrate an LXC container from its current PVE node to the given PVE node. */
pub async fn migrate_node(
svc: &Services<'_>,
node: nodes::Model,
to_host: &str,
) -> Result<nodes::Model, P5xError> {
// Ask the PVE API to start migrating the node
let params = migrate::PostParams::new(to_host.to_string());
let upid = svc.pve_node(&node.pve_host)
// Wait for the UPID to finish
wait_upid(svc, &node.pve_host, &upid).await?;
// Persist the node
let mut node = node.into_active_model();
node.pve_host = Set(to_host.to_string());
let node = node.save(svc.db).await.map_err(P5xError::DbErr)?;
.ok_or(P5xError::BadPostcondition("Could not look up node after persisting"))
/** Wait for a PVE task to complete using its UPID */
pub async fn wait_upid(svc: &Services<'_>, node: &str, upid: &str) -> Result<(), P5xError> {
info!("Waiting for UPID {upid} on node {node}");
let pve = svc.pve_node(node)
loop {
let status = pve.tasks()
if status.status == upid::status::Status::Running {
if let Some(s) = status.exitstatus {
if s == "OK" {
info!("UPID {upid} on node {node} finished");
return Ok(());
error!("UPID {upid} on node {node} failed");
return Err(P5xError::UpidFailed(node.to_string(), upid.to_string()));