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2019-11-22 17:57:53 +00:00
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<p>Whether on purpose, or by accident, you have arrived at my website! Feel free to look around and
explore my projects and resources! Below this text, I will post periodic updates as to my work.
Enjoy! --Garrett</p>
<h2>Updates & Events</h2>
<h4>Google Login (Half-)Implemented</h4>
If you have looked at the copyright menu, you may have noticed that I have added a Google sign in button.
At the moment, the only function is to sign in and get the Name of the logged in user. I am continuing to implement
this further. More info, visit the <a href="/projects/web/gauth">Project Page</a>.
<h4>Collatz Java Program Released</h4>
I posted the first (stable) version of my simple Java application. This CLI application takes a number from arguments
and runs the Collatz Conjecture on it until it resolves to 1, counting the iterations, and reports the iterations and the
number of iterations until a number of double format (<a href="/resources/javavars.html">Java Variable Description Here</a>)
resolves to 1. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collatz_conjecture"><b>What is the Collatz Conjecture?</b></a>
<a href="/lib/collatz/collatz.jar">Download the .JAR Here</a>
<h4>JS URL Library Version 1 Released</h4>
I have released the first version of my JSURL Library.<br/><br/>
This library for JavaScript will, upon being loaded, scan the URL for variables in the following format: <br/><br/>
http://www.example.com/index.html?foo=bar&id=123 <br/>
<a href="/projects/web/jsurl/"><h4>Project Page</h4></a><br/>
<h4>KriOS Project Started! - 10 May 2015</h4>
<p>I have undertaken the massive project of hand compiling my own OS. <a href="/projects/linux/krios/">Project Page</a></p>