You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

155 lines
4.9 KiB

4 years ago
const col = require('colors/safe')
const axios = require('axios')
const config = require('./config')
class ModVersion {
#id = ''
#data = {}
#mod = {}
constructor(id, data, mod) {
this.#id = id
this.#data = data
this.#mod = mod
display() {
console.log(` ${col.cyan(} ${'('+this.#data.type+')')}\t${col.yellow(new Date(this.#data.uploaded_at).toLocaleString())}\t\t${}`)
wait(ms) {
return new Promise(res => {
setTimeout(res, ms)
id_vers() {
return `mc.${this.#data.version}.id.${this.#id}`
async stage_download() {
const url = `${}/download/${this.#id}`
const responses = []
const br = await (require('puppeteer')).launch({headless: false})
const page = await br.newPage()
await page.goto(url);
const cookieLink = await page.$(`div[data-tracking-opt-in-accept="true"]`);
await this.wait(2000)
if ( cookieLink ) await{clickCount: 1, delay: 500})
const reportLink = await page.$(`a[href="/minecraft/mc-mods/${}/download/${this.#id}/file"]`);
await page._client.send('Page.setDownloadBehavior', {behavior: 'allow', downloadPath: config.download_staging});
await{ clickCount: 1, delay: 100 });
await this.wait(5000)
await br.close()
verify_stage() {
return (require('fs')).existsSync(`${config.download_staging}/${ /g, '+')}`)
async archive_stage() {
const fs = require('fs').promises
const proc = require('child_process')
await fs.mkdir(`${config.download_staging}/mods`)
await fs.rename(`${config.download_staging}/${ /g, '+')}`, `${config.download_staging}/mods/${ /g, '+')}`)
await new Promise((res, rej) => {
proc.exec(`cd ${config.download_staging} && zip -r ${}-${this.id_vers()}.zip ./mods && rm -rf mods`, (err, stout, sterr) => {
if ( err ) rej(err)
else res()
async install_stage() {
const fs = require('fs')
if ( !(await fs.existsSync(`${config.repo}`)) ) await fs.promises.mkdir(config.repo)
if ( !(await fs.existsSync(`${config.repo}/mods`))) await fs.promises.mkdir(`${config.repo}/mods`)
if ( !(await fs.existsSync(`${config.repo}/mods/${}`))) await fs.promises.mkdir(`${config.repo}/mods/${}`)
await fs.promises.rename(`${config.download_staging}/${}-${this.id_vers()}.zip`, `${config.repo}/mods/${}/${}-${this.id_vers()}.zip`)
print_solder() {
console.log(`Update Solder to have the mod: "${}" with version: "${}".`)
class Mod {
#data = {}
#cli_name = ''
constructor(name, data) {
this.#data = data
this.#cli_name = name
// console.log(data)
data() {
return this.#data
name() {
return this.#cli_name
version_info(minecraft) {
if ( !this.#data.versions ) return
return this.#data.versions[minecraft]
get_version_by_minecraft(minecraft, type = false) {
let vers = this.version_info(minecraft)
if ( !vers || vers.length < 1 ) return;
if ( type ) vers = vers.filter(x => x.type === type)
if ( vers.length < 1 ) return;
const sorted_vers = vers.sort((a, b) => -
return new ModVersion(sorted_vers[0].id, sorted_vers[0], this)
get_version_by_id(id, type = false) {
let vers = Object.values(this.#data.versions).flat(1)
if ( !vers || vers.length < 1 ) return;
if ( type ) vers = vers.filter(x => x.type === type)
if ( vers.length < 1 ) return
const id_vers = vers.filter(x => === id)
if ( id_vers.length < 1 ) return;
return new ModVersion(id_vers[0].id, id_vers[0], this)
print_header() {
console.log(` ${'Mod:')} ${this.#data.title}`)
console.log(` ${'CLI Package Name:')} ${}`)
console.log(` ${'URL:')} ${this.#data.urls.curseforge}`)
console.log(` ${'Last Fetch:')} ${new Date(this.#data.last_fetch).toLocaleString()}`)
print_info() {
console.log(` ${'Mod:')} ${this.#data.title}`)
console.log(` ${'CLI Package Name:')} ${}`)
console.log(` ${'URL:')} ${this.#data.urls.curseforge}`)
console.log(` ${'Last Fetch:')} ${new Date(this.#data.last_fetch).toLocaleString()}`)
console.log(` ${'Supported Versions:')}`)
const display_vers = {}
const vers_order = []
for ( const version in this.#data.versions ) {
display_vers[version] = ` - ${version}:\t ${col.yellow(this.#data.versions[version].reverse()[0].name)}`
} a => a.split('.').map( n => +n+100000 ).join('.') ).sort()
.map( a => a.split('.').map( n => +n-100000 ).join('.') ).reverse()
.forEach(x => console.log(display_vers[x]))
module.exports = exports = {