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open gcdt2[Int]
fun plusFn []: Int one->one (Int one->one Int) {
{opl, opr, res: Int |
res = opl + opr
fun plusOp []: Commutative {
{c: Commutative |
c.fn = plusFn[]
fun mulFn []: Int one->one (Int one->one Int) {
{opl, opr, res: Int |
res = mul[opl, opr]
fun mulOp []: PseudoCommutative {
{pc: PseudoCommutative |
pc.fn = mulFn[]
fun intType []: GCDT {
{dt: GCDT |
dt.universe = Int &&
dt.operations = {plusOp[] + mulOp[]}
run intType for 5
basicReduction: check {
all dt: GCDT | all r0: Reducer | all f1, f2, f3: Frame |
(dt = intType[] && r0 = baseReducer[0]) =>
(f1.op = plusOp[] && f1.right = 1) =>
(f2.op = mulOp[] && f2.right = 2) =>
(f3.op = plusOp[] && f3.right = 2) =>
reduceOnce[dt, f3, reduceOnce[dt, f2, reduceOnce[dt, f1, r0]]].base = 6
} for 20