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<h1 class="page-title">Source: module/routing.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>/** @module routing */
* A bare-bones history-api based SPA router.
class Router {
* Arguments for the current route.
* @type {undefined|*}
route_args = undefined
* List of callback functions listening for route changes.
* @type {function[]}
subscribers = []
* Array of router history records.
* @type {object[]}
history = []
* Returns the APP_BASE_PATH of the application.
* @return {string}
get base_path() {
* Navigate the app to the given path with the given args.
* @param {string} path
* @param {*} args
navigate(path, args) {
this.route_args = args
this.history.push({path, args})
window.history.pushState({}, path, this.build_url(path))
this.subscribers.forEach(sub => sub(path, args))
* Navigate back one route.
back() {
if ( this.history.length &lt; 2 ) return;
const { path, args } = this.history[this.history.length - 1]
this.subscribers.forEach(sub => sub(path, args))
* Subscribe to listen for route changes. Returns an object with an unsubscribe() property.
* @param {function} handler - callback called when the route changes
* @return {object} - subscription manager
subscribe(handler) {
if ( !this.subscribers.includes(handler) ) {
return {
unsubscribe: () => {
this.subscribers = this.subscribers.filter(handler)
* Given an array of route parts, build a joined URL route.
* @param {...string} parts
* @return {string}
build_url( {
parts = [this.base_path,].map(part => {
if ( part.endsWith('/') ) part = part.slice(0, -1)
if ( part.startsWith('/') ) part = part.slice(1)
return part
return parts.join('/')
* Global router instance.
* @type {Router}
const router = new Router()
export { router }
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