You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { expect } from 'chai'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import {api} from '../../frontend/src/module/api'
// Since we're testing code meant for the browser, not node, mock this
global.window = global
api.base_url = 'http://fake.url/api/v1/'
describe('the api helper class', function() {
it('should be a functional class', function() {
it('should build URLs using the APP BASE URL', function() {
expect(api.build_url('my-team', 'lineup'))'http://fake.url/api/v1/my-team/lineup')
it('should call the correct GET endpoints', async function() {
const old = api.get_request
const test_endpoint = async (method, endp) => {
api.get_request = sinon.spy()
await api[method]()
await test_endpoint('get_status', 'status')
await test_endpoint('get_standings', 'league-standings')
await test_endpoint('get_matchups', 'matchups')
await test_endpoint('get_available_draft_players', 'draft-board/available')
await test_endpoint('get_my_team', 'my-team')
await test_endpoint('get_my_team_players', 'my-team/players')
await test_endpoint('get_my_team_current_lineup', 'my-team/lineup')
api.get_request = old
it('should call the correct POST endpoints', async function() {
const old = api.post_request
const test_endpoint = async (method, endp, args = [], data = {}) => {
api.post_request = sinon.spy()
await api[method](...args)
await test_endpoint('draft_player', 'draft-board/draft-player', [394588], { player_id: 394588 })
await test_endpoint('save_my_team', 'my-team', [{ fubar: 394588 }], { fubar: 394588 })
await test_endpoint('save_my_team_lineup', 'my-team/lineup', [{ fubar: 123583 }], { fubar: 123583 })