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<h1 class="page-title">Source: app/controllers/Teams.controller.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>const { Controller } = require('libflitter')
* Teams Controller
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* This controller contains logic related to viewing and managing
* the user's team, team lineups, and team players.
* @extends Controller
class Teams extends Controller {
static get services() {
return [, 'models']
* Save changes to the current user's team and return it as API data.
* @param req
* @param res
* @param next
* @return {Promise&lt;*>}
async save_my_team(req, res, next) {
req.user_team.team_name = String(req.body.team_name).trim()
return res.api(await req.user_team.to_api())
* Return the API data for the current user's team.
* Requires an authenticated user.
* @param req
* @param res
* @param next
* @return {Promise&lt;void>}
async get_my_team(req, res, next) {
return res.api(await req.user_team.to_api())
* Return the API data for the players on the current user's team.
* @param req
* @param res
* @param next
* @return {Promise&lt;*>}
async get_my_team_players(req, res, next) {
const players = await req.user_team.players()
return res.api(await Promise.all( => x.to_api(true))))
* Return the API data for the current lineup for the current user's team.
* @param req
* @param res
* @param next
* @return {Promise&lt;*>}
async get_my_team_current_lineup(req, res, next) {
const lineup = await req.user_team.lineup()
return res.api(await lineup.to_api())
* Saves the lineup for the current user's team and returns it as API data.
* @param req
* @param res
* @param next
* @return {Promise&lt;void>}
async save_my_team_lineup(req, res, next) {
if ( !Array.isArray(req.body.starting_players) ) {
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing required field: starting_players')
if ( !Array.isArray(req.body.benched_players) ) {
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing required field: benched_players')
// fetch the team players &amp; the current lineup
const player_ids = (await req.user_team.players()).map(x =>
const lineup = await req.user_team.lineup()
// Add all the starting players to the lineup
for ( const player of req.body.starting_players ) {
if ( ! || !player.position ) continue;
const lineup_record = {
position: player.position,
// Don't allow adding other teams' players to the lineup
if ( !player_ids.includes(lineup_record.player_id) ) {
return res.status(400)
.message(`Sorry, the player ${lineup_record.player_id} is not on your team.`)
// Bench all the other players
for ( const player of req.body.benched_players ) {
if ( ! ) continue;
if ( !player_ids.includes( ) {
return res.status(400)
.message(`Sorry, the player ${} is not on your team.`)
// Save the partial lineup
// Fetch a fresh version to fill in any missing players
const corrected_lineup = await req.user_team.lineup()
return res.api(await corrected_lineup.to_api())
* Return the API data for a list of all teams.
* @param req
* @param res
* @return {Promise&lt;*>}
async list_all_teams(req, res) {
const TeamModel = this.models.get('Team')
const teams = await TeamModel.find()
return res.api(teams)
* API endpoint for creating a new team.
* @todo remove this - happens automatically per-user
* @param req
* @param res
* @return {Promise&lt;*>}
async create_team(req, res) {
const TeamModel = this.models.get('Team')
if ( !req.body.team_name || !req.body.team_num ) {
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing team_name or team_num')
const duplicate_team = await TeamModel.findOne({
team_num: req.body.team_num,
if ( duplicate_team ) {
return res.status(400)
.message('That team number is already in use!')
const team = new TeamModel({
team_name: req.body.team_name,
team_num: req.body.team_num,
return res.api(team)
module.exports = Teams
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Documentation generated by <a href="">JSDoc 3.6.5</a> on Sun Nov 08 2020 14:34:32 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
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