You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

69 lines
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const devbug = {
outs: {},
url: 'http://localhost:8000/',
api_key: false,
out(key, what, group=false){
if ( group ){
if ( !Object.keys(this.outs).includes(group) ) this.outs[group] = {}
this.outs[group][key] = what
return this;
this.outs[key] = what
return this;
script(addr, then){
var sc = document.createElement('script');
sc.src = addr; sc.type = 'text/javascript';
sc.onload = then;
return this;
load_dc: function(then){ this.script(this.url+'assets/cycle.js', then); return this; },
load_jq: function(then){
this.script('', () => {
$ = window.jQuery;
return this;
libs: function(then){
// need both
if ( typeof JSON.rmref !== 'function' && typeof window.jQuery !== 'function' ) this.load_dc(() => this.load_jq(then))
// need decycle
else if ( typeof JSON.rmref !== 'function' ) this.load_dc(then)
// need jquery
else if ( typeof window.jQuery !== 'function' ) this.load_jq(then)
else then()
return this;
return JSON.stringify(JSON.rmref(JSON.decycle(data)));
breakpoint(name, exception = false){
var e = new Error();
this.libs(() => {
var s = e.stack.split('at'); var caller = '';
if ( s.length < 3 ) s = e.stack.split('@')
if ( s.length > 2 ) caller = s[2].trim()
else if ( s.length > 1 ) caller = s[1]
else caller = 'Unable to determine stacktrace'
var data = new FormData();
data.append('data', this.json({
brief: (name ? name : 'Breakpoint')+`: ${caller}`,
data: this.outs,
url: this.url+'api/v1/out/'+this.api_key,
data, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, method: 'POST', type: 'POST',
success: (res) => { console.log('DevBug POST Completed'); console.debug(res); }
if ( exception ) throw e
return this
window.devbug = devbug;
window.out = window.devbug.out.bind(window.devbug);
window.breakpoint = window.devbug.breakpoint.bind(window.devbug);